new stock established beably 40 years. boys'...

•- <\. -e^-rlsv sa. VOL XIV. DOVER;MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAY IQ, 1884. NO S3 F0BLIBHID HVBBT 9ATCBDAY BT PtI15LI8HEB8 AM> PROPRIETORS. Office onlBlafltwell Btreet next door to i\ National Union Bank, TKBMS OF fll'JJSOBIPTION INVAK1 IILY IN ADVANUE. ..... (S.i 1. ONK TEAM Six MONTHS TlIKEK MONTHS ADVERTISING KATES. ANBIUM HUUSK. iraer of Biacfcwell and KUIHOI Bta. M Oor DOVER, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor, Honm and Claniajoa lo Lit. ATTOKNEY AT LAW, HASTF.a IS CIIASCKLY AH1I NOTAUV FDM.1C II'.ON E1U TltflLMNO, D0VE11, N. J. ri EO. O. CUMMINS, II. D,, GENERAL PRACTITIONER, iND BFECUUBT IN THE TllEATMENT OF MALAKIAL DISEASES. OFFICE AT TEE PAKK HOTEL, BOVEIl, N. J T O.DIEmVIBTlI.E. U. Dovi;n, N. J. ANALYSES OF OHEa AND M1NE1UL8, 8HRTEX8 OF MINES. L. W. THURBER, BOPEBINTENDENT OF PUBUO 80HOOLN OF MOKUIB COUNTS'. OFTIOE AT 8. H. BBEEBE'S 8T0HE, , DOYE&N.J. Speoial ofUce UoutB on Satnrd^a fruiii 8 A T> A. BKSKETr, M. D. DOVER, N. J. Discuses nf wom-m nnd olilWrcu, and of tin eyn anil ear, cpwialtka. OfriOK I 8 to 9 A.M. HOURS.) 1 to3and7 to8P.M. OFFICE-In llairlmuae'a Building, BlBckwoIl street. OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, baft remnved to Thurber's newlinildiiifj, in tin ri'irof tlioCi-iitrul lUil.oaU ilrn-v briil^, NEA.H THE OASAL BASIN. «• Jubbuiff ami repairing liroinpH; itlcntbiddt. A irnKiispfricnur m tin; bum- IIPBH, will, I buliei-o, cnaliifl mn io Kivehatis faulior. to illcpntamcn). CoDtractBliikoniUK miteriila faniiBtmrt. JOHN I)HVAlMICH'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING 8ALOO 1ST, SUSSEX STREET, (betwoen the HANHIOS HODUEand Dcpti DOVER, N. J. Tlio place liaB been entirely refitted in * ncnl mannnor LADlKtt' mid OIULDHEN'8 HAH! UUTTlHa A SPECIALTY. MARTIN & BUCK, ttVUDBi W&U a, 0BA1NER8, UILDEKS »nd I'Al'ER IlANft- BB8. Oontraoli taken and nntoriBl-*l 1 iirnislt(--J. BuomB decorated In freneue siylcn. Having a thorough imowtortRo ol 1 house- and MRH ptiint- InR, we tonl competent U> meet the demand* of alt. I'aint shop over MIHH Wkltu's millinery gtoro, next ta Vought &Killfioni's *lrns siurc. P.O. B i t 18S. J.MABTIN. '19-1* A. BOCK. KANOUSE & MOLLER, (eCCOKSSOHHTO A. KAS0U6E,) dealers in BOTTLED L4GEES ALE, PORTER, MINERAL WATERS, CIDEK, etc., a t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Cm offer tlie best and aioel lihci&l induce- ments to ileak.-a. DOVER. N. ,T. WILLIAM KING riUCTIGAL BOOT AND SHOE MAKEB, Dovor. U. T- Tlic tost work it lorat prim. R™irii.| " romptl. ilono. Next tofilil TrcH WM. T. ALLEN. B.J.TALKER. ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, D o v e r , KT- J"- SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. Mathushek Pianos, WRIGHT. ESTEY Freeman Wood INSURANCE AGENT DOVER. TV. J". LONDON' iin.l LIVEIII'OOL ami (1L0IIE, Cupilu! 8i!>,(HH),l)OI LANUASniltL of MANCHESTER, Cnpiliil 810,()0;i,0( DOYAIi OF LlVEltl'OOL, C u p i b l Sl(l,(Klll,ll(! I'BANKLIN OF PIllLADELPUIA, Cupital !r5,(IO[l,0( IIUDHOK COUNTS", Jcrm-j Oilj, Capital S:«)l),l)0 Ni.rll, Hrill-;li \'w} MiTSanlil( Inniiraiuv ( Kpriuk'HUii Fire Iiisiiriuoo Co., Maa !tt«, cunitni ^l.fiOO.OOO, Naw York, ci.i)ital $iilXJ,(K)(). {EBUIN AMKIIIOAH $1,000,00 HIE ASSOCIATION OP PHILADELPHIA. Freeman Wood, OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Dent In Ilia market. 700K^KI by \ie. AUMK nitle Wheel Ciilliv.ttur, Vsib* tin SiilLy Plow, Grain and Garden Seed Drills, Vt'nltir A. Wood's EEAFEES AND BINDERS, 'hornas &Field Wheel Hay Rakes, AMERICAN HAY TEDDERS, .erer ami Ticail rivers, L,yoii's Fan illillh, 'I'liit^licjM, ('Itniitrs, 4tc, ll ail ulhi'r liral-tiiws I'uriLiiiijr implement; SEEDS AND PEETILIZEES, GEO. E. V00MIEES, (Buctceaov iDToorliouslirotlicrp,) , N. J. JUBBPII VAN OIKE, Trarcling Agent. ])n. E. O.WEST 1 * NERVE ABB BRAIN TIIEAT •aiia'clii!. N'fTvimA'riistniitmi i-imsed l.Mlii I'oCmciilmlor IOIUCJO. Wiike-1i.ln.s-, Mtii 1 Decent-inn, SiiftDtiiiiR of iIn' Hiniri refill t- il d'eiilli.' rrinmturu »U A«<', 'll*. nviinViH , si ciT\vmttr in Mlb.-r n«, Jii»MiinUrj ^woiMl^uunuunlitm c,u .-I l,v ,„-; r- ii-nt. £1a Itiix, m m in.-xi P (or JS, mil by W E GUAIiiWI'Kte SIX I1OXES euro nti v I'H K>. With <!;ieli nr<l- r r.iiviveil n!(fnr«ix t)nx?i>. iiacjupiiii,<l«it!i r>, we rilmiil tin' m-.iLt-y il Ilii. (ii-iLtini'iit .Int'.i not •eta fine. «ii:iraiitfi-w i.hiiu.l only hy R, Killgore, Agent, Dover. O. S. JENSEN, ;ARPET WEAVER AND DYER, I t A r m hu r l iirlaiii 1 : cicuui-d aiir] ilvcd. NOTICE. Istato ol* William Hami, deceased. [>t tliflCuutity of Horrid, nmu> on tlif -lit lnuijrtd 'ttinl'tiBlity'-fnar, notitit IB •itby civin lo nil pet-Minn Imviiif,- ciainiB ' ;t Mi"cit(iH'ulWilliam Hann. lair OFIIII- Iii(.'r<i»tri(>raCiniiHlimi.l(i't!ii.f«nli«cribi'iK,»ii Hit lilBiirliiT Maim,t\ndt'runtil ur ».£Tintia- , witlun Hi.- rime t-o limited, will l.c forever ._-.?<. or Ms or Her aotiDU lliororor n;;ninnt io AdniinibtrftiiirH with tin.- will ann^il. Dated tlia neireiitli rlny ol April A. D. 18HJ, JACOB II. HANN, JAMK? H- FIHTTS, ijstralorB witK UIP will amic-ic.!, Btti'thoiifiburfili, Morrw Co., N. J. ENTS. l h CENTS, IB 3 ? 2 S or it« tiimi for tiujuymeiit m lliia tteeliou IB D, MOLLER'S, KEBtJES hi., (SLrni)TiiEBaiDQE.) UOVKH, N.J. Jum rtueivod MII! plm-. .1 i.i I'OMIHIB TlfllKE Fool Tables ri-i'iii tlits i-f |, tn-iJtill iDaiiiiiai-Ujfy o f J . 11. liltUNfiVr'N'K .\ DAIJiE. ORCHESTKION NEW STOCK -OF- Boys' Suits -AT- PlERSOf^C Nursery and Greenhouses JfORIlia HT., MORUIKTOWK, N.J. OlTOfHTE Tilt: I'AltK. LANTS and NURSERY STOCK Ol' ALL liJM)S. FLOWER GARDENS CUT FLOWERS AT ALL SEAHONH. Thorburn's Flower Seeds FOR SAU:. ST TELEPHONE CALL 18*. 25-1: We now lmve the lines! iissm-diicnl, of BOYS' and CHILDBEN'S SUITS vcr oiforcil lor siiio in Dover, wliilo mir prlr-cn on (Iicm is lowor tlitin yonever saw llieni before, SAMUEL PETERSON, iicuk'riit STOVES, TIN" WAKE, 'owl nml Willow Wmv, Loml Pipe. Sinks, Agrii-ulturnl Jmjilemi'istfl, Aic, lilts MA1USG BUILDISQ, INSTANHOI 1 vliir-- iiifiputroiw will find n full nuimly uf ITH^ Ihlnt; iltn.Troquira. In Ills linn. lUiik- 8AHITBL 1'BTHItKON. itiinbopo, April 1st, 1S84. JOS. YORK, WIORRISTOWN, N. J. hitn removed to lihncw rick Building on South Street .T<> lie will bo ]il('itwd to H raera tu itliow tlimn his « Itoves, Ranges, Tin-ware and Houso Furnishing Goods, ;IIH-!I wirp.-iHM^ nn,Tlliii!!l in llirs nouiity. BOOT and SHOE STOKE. J. 0. KAMINSKI U"ilOVKI) TO HIS NEW HBOP ON 'AltREN UTROTT. WHEBU HE IS PUB- AHED TO DO L'UfiTOM BOOT AND SHOE [AKINO OP ALL KINDS. HATISFAOTION IVEN.IlOTn AH TOWO1JK AND rillCErt, OENEUAL ItEl'AIPING OF ALL KIND.i HVEN PHOMIT ATTENTION. lB-3m Notice of Settlement, L-Hiini^Itlii, au'il r-i>i>rli-(l fen- M-.rli ni'-iitti* t Orptian*'Cmirt ol the dmnlT cf JIiTiin, MtiinlBV Uio pcin>»nl <1»VD1 .Trine ncsl. OATfKEr'H.AVESTl'.llVELT, KOIiMKT A. UliNNETT. Dst.-dJIctoli aOth.lSS-1. KJ-Uw OUNG& SUCCASUNNA, N. J. iltrrf in Biuves, lUuRefi, Xiuwar^, etc. Er- , Ilili)^ new iD tlHise lim-M c-pnutBiitlyin t-tork. ro iiimimutu rfuliH in tlm best <:oi^i)iiiiii'K. ttliat will rut yoi 1nl iml t ll |ihtpiflniWo»t BIIJ1>D<IIICEM, <.np11nl il il. V'n will Htirt you. You can wutt »ll ttip or ill Bi«n> tlmo only. Tlio wutU is u tit ret- iiUiitod to liHth Ktit). S'»»»U mill »M- Vim .in raxily earn fr.«n 6ff ertim to 13 t v p r r fVtnL7iB. •lU.tntl win) want »t>rk mi.)- Lot tlie l..wfn<-fft.wc- fs»lB Uiin tmiwrHlBlfd oUcr; toall wlin sr« imt II utlHlliHl wf- will fiiinil f 1 mi'*? to: tlic trouble . wrltiMi! iw. mil t'anii-ul«T«, illrfcllnim, elf.. Phosphates. 0A8H Ott INSTALMENTS! Fiitr-tlvo centB ' J •-par week irlH buy a row OFRML PiiDos aritl Orgma tuntid nml itpiirsd. ytU. B. WBIGBT, OHco No. 3 Brict Block, Do»tr, N. J. ol LoTor. [ FRANK OXBSji MASON AND BUILDER, DOTOt.N. J.» tiktn tld mtWnili "HA Jobbing treoffifiSimiWr^- otrshil tad snmpt fttUDtiol lor Oanieu anil Fidd QropB. iN'S, K. PHAMK COE'S -AKO- STOCKBUIDUE MANURES in Suruo or saifill qnantltlaiAt J. B. PALMER'S, NEXT TO DOVER IAIMBEtt YARD. Notice of Settiement. Notice is lierefcy KIFBO tbit th? KOUDD'I of llio fabfcriber, Admlniitrmtor cf Hkartae H&nn duuciBCil, will be audited tni «Uted by iha flarrogitt, and reported ftr aatUetncnt totb« Of|>b«V Court ol tlia CoBaly of Moe- ii, on Monday tin Be^enlhiltjor'JDlyiwxt. , EpaBiiK warms, ' BtepbembitrK, N. J. D«t«l April 28tb,18M. »h ifi wsntea forThollTei of all IV tl.e prettdenti or the U.S. iTba Ureeit, btDdtomeBtt IbUtbook'BTersQldforleH ir wnabi"TbaTMtoit leilln? book nenoa. ImmonM profit* tfl agenta. All llgent peoplo want it. Anj one can b«- SILAS DELL, ItEAL ESTATE AGENT, Dover, N. J., cflerH Tor .alo tlia following propirtiM: l.t. Tho Stora Bnilding on BUckvoII itract now occupied by Jolin D&wo, ode of tbe best bmiueu WaUoaM la Doret. , Sd. Home and Lot ontbo HWbrook road otmetly ownaa bv JoromeB. Ybttnff. f Si. TITD Hoosn and LoM aa dnu Hill; :ood propertioi tot those ileiitlns rwl&noefl, 4th. A farm or 80 BDrts. tear UaOalotTllle. »l'ti good tmildhna, and ill noder >bigb lUU of calllv.tlon. tlh. A (am ol «l •«•• on tl» roadftom Donr to Chaatu. with k xood praiput tip ran ore. LarRa dmailng with cbjlrt.rwmaj ,«tb. Fonr Hcmea and lot. al Bnccainana Plaloi. Mta otbtmoDflrtlBa tpootlnienma to men- Ptopeillaa bandlad for tkou doalrinff to leli it'ttajionalile Tatea. ffnenlam abaeotftom ItoofiotHr H. niaccbard »IU aot for mo m Boom So. 9, National Bojoi Bank Bnildlnj, Children's Ncliool Suits, - - $1.7'i, t>M) and $2.Z Children's Dress .Siiitu, - - S3.O0, #1.00 iimliM.O Uoj's' (.'assiniere Knits, Avitli long i'antN, !l to 12 years old, $2.50 lo $5.00 Hoys'Cnssiiiicrc Snils, from 1:1 to 1? yours old, $;!.( lo if 10.00; miule from the most lnsiilontiblu goods. We liavo just received our now slock of Men's, ISnys' nnd C'liildren's Stow Hats, which embraces every, thing in the innrket IVoiu the live cent straw to the finest Manilla. Our styles are right and our prices are ditto. Most of the above have been used by us from ten tothirty-five years, the entire time that we have been inbusiness, and from the very fact that year by year we increased our business and popularity is in itself a suffi- cient guarantee that any of the above makers will give satisfaction to all who use them. kG-Al & O0. 0PP. 1)., 1. & W. DEPOT, B0VEB. PIERSO N &Co., THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, 0PP. THE BANK, DOVER N. J., WE HAVE THE BEST (JOOl)S ! WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES! WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK! WE CAN 1)0 YOU GOOD! \VK WANT YOUH T 1 U D E ! ! ! w E linvo umde every effort to pronuro flio clioica of Ihomost desirable styles in tho market and liavo uelettcil tho lury^! andortmont of putturim in bolb the staple futicy Btylr-a, over fihown. Tin WdiiiK colors in tlie nuw " cortnerew" fnbrics *bow cut in the littst styles of Biicis midFmuk9 anil oats, threo and four buttoD W E are thy only house in the State that has the famous " SAWYER" CASSIMERES in stock, and wo offer nearly FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES of thoso ffootls alone. They are strictly all wool, and we guarantee them in every partic- ular as being 1 the best value ever criven. Other houses may have imitations. Beware of them!! In Liom- and MEIHTIM WEIHUT Ovirtimis wo IIIWG nJarm- vtuicty, at prtcrs from $5 to 8 ^ 0 . CiT We ttiow liy fur ibe UIOHI Turicd hlock oF I'anu nnywtiero, stylish cut nnil elffinntly mailu, ut ortiry pnoo, from Ihottiuniiest toUrn IN OUIl HOYS' ANU ClllLDItES'N BKPAU'MENT f« iiavo oifrcifiKl tho Riiran t'ateliil paiiu, nml prosfnt n tlioroT:;;lily artistic, rnriid ami L-itt'tiMvi) titoiik fiulusivtly OUT own tuftku nnd correct tu every' detail. IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT my lo fomid the bed pomildo mltotion of lioth F0HF.IGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, in dmr^ti of hkilltu! mill nrlMic outl.rr, W WE HAVE BUT ONE PiUCE TO ALL. Auj Kt'lediou nittilo if uoL mitisfflctory -c cLbfrfiilly cxdiuiiso or rofuud }our nioiiry. WE SOLICIT YOU It F'.ARLY 1IVSI"K(1TION. THB IRON FRONT OLOTHIERS, 85O and 852 Broad St., Newark. (5 UOOUS SOUTH OF NJIWAUK fc NKW YOKlv Jt. II. DEI'OT.) AGES AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. , All the latest styles onhand and made to order. Our work is all done under our per- sonal supervision, and ia fully warranted. ' 'E-^rybody in .want of a wagon vn)X profit much by giving us a call before buying else- where. .; , ^=^-RBPAIRING->Vr in airbranohesldoiie;in a manner. ,wh,iph' iB, bound to give satisfaction. Orders by inail will r&ceive prompt attention* . ESTABLISHED BEABLY 40 YEARS. lit the a r t y of mannfautnrerswho contribute to make our reputation what It is as boot and shoe dealers in this community. , IK LADIES WEAR EDWIN C. BURT & Co. the world's best slioe-iuakers ore represented. LOUNSBERRY, MATHEWSQN & <Vs goods used for the last ten years by lord & Taylor of New York. THE H. W. MERRIAM MTft Co. justly celebrated for making flic best medium priced shoes in America. THE P. COX %'FOt Co.'s goods in Ladies', Misses' and Children's wear. SMITH & MARTIN, lite popular Brooklyn manufacturers, and the Bay Stale Shoj and Leather Co.'s, while in men's wear we keep the ( 'BURT" goods which arc acknowledged the best by crery ouo. STACY, ADAMS & Co. who make a line of men's wear second to none for the price in this country. CHAS. H. HOWARD ivhoso miike we have used for twemy-flve years and can testify from experience to their good quality. THE "WALKER" goods and also tlie Bay Stale goods in men's wear are fully represented. MjpjFRONT TEA STORE, NOW BEADY FOR BUSINESS. The New York & China Tea Go, NEXT BOOB TO THE POST-OFFICE, V. J. is now settled and ready for IiiisiniiBg iu their fine new fttorc with the largest stock of evor seen in Norlliorn Now Jerncy, at prices which clofy competition. Hia immonso stock of GLASS, CHINA, EARTHEN and MAJOLICA WARE can't bo surpassed. Every variety and kind fit prices to suit tho times. Ho also keeps a splendid lot of L A M P S ^gsfc at prices which •will surprise all. My motto is quick sales and small profit]?. Call and see me before buying elsewhere. WM. 0'DWYER, - - Proprietor. T T T T T T T T T COFFEES, SUGARS. SPICES. REMOVED TO H|j) Miss Nolan, ivliilt move*, he* WILLLNKKV GOODS to the Ono new store in tbe Brick Block, announce tottye people .bY*p ( ftVejr, $ar* Vicinity that site is now ttpttiYJor.1»niin9)w. : ,.Buying" . - pnlin a . stoolcof, MILIilNERY aufl FJWQY GQQD9 18 NOW PH3PARED TO OOmfEUi Et HEB LIHE OInBD8n(E38 VIITH 4KV.JIIL- LINEItl- ODODB E3T4DU3aiIEHI IK UOUIOB CODNIJ. J8 iDMTIOS TO HER STOCK SHE H*H ADDED AH HjljIEKSE^TOCK Ot Ribbons, Feathers. Hats, Plumes, etc. BDnPiaSES ApTlilS'Or EVER BEFOHE.OITJtlffib, THE PUBIJC, M 8 S NOLAN, ; ;5fo 2 BRICKHLOCK, ©0VEE, N. J. P0BTM0EEI8. Laat Friday it was Tory wnokj up here, indeed It w u (Hwgreeably «nwky. The tun looked very red «j)d the moon too. There mint harehwa terrible foreit flrea wmewljem. It looked from teja w tiiougli it waa *t W»t- orlop, tut tUey «BWthoy had no firoa there— •' ighlhiivflliBiffdilnoettatthemoa-*- 1 - .._ on lire at Ha«kfittlh>wB Mid the fire from Pocono ia Qtiuldsliora' ou the D. L. it. W.R.«. Tlie lioji are rtadyiug ttie tow time UU to nwatfolka'a railroad tltBB table lau very dry study, but I notice tlieu railroad ftlloi tako delight inatudjinB tliom. They Iv of tbe traina, l'. 3. S. i. 8. 0- 7.8. are not the ti-alna they used tpl« t a t that neod not worry your readers any fat their time U atoal tho uqie its it used la be. Tboliilaiit O!M« of tlie Fresbytorias elmreh at Stanhope want an organ and Buperiutan- dwt oftteBundayscuooICaroatruek upon a way to rniw tho (unit ia purchase it. AM many of the Sunday aoliool twholara u chose took on eartlieuware egg, vitli a uoletn it big enough tfl admit a quarter ol a dolUr. No- hqdy iBOompellodto givo a<janrtaror fined to giving only a iiuarter. One may oa 'jams qtivien <wha pleaaos, orfiveoonto, if ho HO ohDMD. It Is understood Out the iuid paper on wlilon to mark all the money U or slie may receive. Bo tlio fiuperlntenfleQi oon tell, without tiraakiug tlie eggs, who haa collected tlie moat money. They can liave Uio ofigH out until two weeks from last Suuday. On ttoWednesday ovening following that day, It Clark'a ^all oan bo.eoourod for n ' '' expejiB*, Mr. Cope propoaoa to devoted to Mother Qoosc pantomlnieii After tlia first part there will be an Intennis- [duduriDJEVtieti tho Bnudayschoolaoliulor /UD l(ts aojlao^d th^ moit jnoney will break tticl egj;a on tbe plntfOrni, nnd turn tho money ln'tuon ovptio tlio.TfeaHuror of the Sunday BCUOO1-M1B« Alinio Cue. The ladles of the oluroli and SniidaysDndol williiare too oieam end cake Whloli'tlioy ylU be glad to fnmlih to tlicBO ordering the laine, inttelr aeata in tlio holl, ' duriug [ the lm*ralj«lon for : egg hrealflng. 1 ' Aftertneoggs lira all broken the iwbtiipartof the critflrtairitaent wlUprooeed. hays no doubt tlisy will hare ii first-class tlwe. : -' 1> '- : •"• ' 1( ' 1( ' !i -• "•' knew SJ. DiiiVtdson.'who used to be an En- gineer from herb ia& : now' rons from Hobo- ken to WaahlDgton lint who vru tUo Joalah nbout whom; Bey. Hf. Bpudmnn; vat to ptmiijli la«t Sunday 1 The pootoif made, a rery'intBresting indlnitructive Bennim atout roslah who if'to theigood Wug ofJudnh irltdte birth Iiod beea foretold 800 years biifore he was bom; and who was orowhed Ung -when •was 8 years old ] who wiw a father wbeo lie WAS 10 years oW and Vai Wiled In battle rlieu he hnd retgaed 8S years. In the eTsnlpK Dr. Boiirdtnan' preached nbout tliD Tartous rellglotis of 'tie world, showingTiy the oid'of a colort-d mnp, the lo- cation of euoh Cithollo, TroWaiftut, etc, gir- R ttia nntnhers of the professed foltowera of oaot. I thought Jen&li'waB jswallbwed by a flab, ipeoinlly prepared for that piiriiafle. but Joe Qurgiu says that Matthew H I . 40 Bays it vine a whale (hat swallowed Jonah. 'Well! authorities 'differ about tint' whale.*' Ha^urat- ista olilra tbat a wbale cannot swallow a her- ring muoh leqs amat. Our' tranaUton have rendered the daiuo word hi another plaoa Into dragoa wh(ch Is altogether a flifferaat kind of fish. It may hare been a crocodile. But hi the place which describe! the (wiltowioi_ It Bays, "The Lord prepared a great Bwallow him up." What kind of flab. ItwaalnnotarfiflUlcd, andit 1B only fail to conduilo that the troniiaturH of St. Matthew wore cot there to neowhether It van a whale gome other kind of fish. Besides, ns tic imvvptsion"proves, tbo T2wero notinfrilH- ilo trnnslntars. Mr. Uulibell anil Win Mulwrrj have gouo )Jorepr City to nmnufiwturB lulnoral wool ut u kltnl of rook tbRtuincml wnol oompany nd in BBboiioptady.Tvliich IH wiiy out in Kc ork fitntc. Tlmy iire (•(ling to tmlld c. impol i Jor«oy City whero (hoy will liavo grctte teilitiCH lor melting tlie rmilt tlirm thi-y hnv cro mid I tnku it Iho will h Hr.HftberryvaBnnc of tlio lihrntlane of ilio PrCBlijtrrbn Simdny Kchonl of Htiinliope, ind Mr. HubbcJl wan tp tu anything in Uio vny ofrocitntion or literary entcrtniimioiit. Doth jjcntloinoti will bn muoli HIIBBCII in Sluu- Impo, though I lifillcYO it in tlioir intention lo 301HB buck nooa us tto fnriinctw nt:irt Owen W. King is ImlMiiiK a nowmoat mrket at South Stanhope. lTie boy* or men wlin steal tbe wnsto out of mrbores wliiln tho cam nro lying nt Stun- station had liottot IIBTP a earn. 1 giv« fair notice thut If they nrecniiBlit lit it lioy will bo apt to find out ivhut tho law U uon tnade and provided. Five gon- lolng oftiue from there tlie o'her day loaded lith pig iron and the waato lmd been tnkeu mt of every hox "oaolonnan a wbislio." Rer. Mr. Pnrtor, Into puwtor of tho Stun- iope PrcBbjt«ri(in Cliuroli, mirprlanil his idi in Iho town, by making them A fl.vbfi tlmothcr day. Tlic Dominlo is ttijoviiiK good health timl likes his new locution in WoodsitUt, n suburb of Newark, first rnto. Tlio tnirti'BS of the fltiiohopo public seiioid ire thinking very seriounly of rentiug tlio moat of tlie l^Bbytoriun Church for im .dditioniil wliool TOOTH until they net their m soUool house built, The pchool hound is ittiug: loo nmall for tbo number of children Iho district. There were 1G0 fwliolurs thero a other day and two teachers. Tlio Presby- rian Cburoh jest norou the road from tlio present school houpe and would m&ko the most available plaoo at present for additional school room, there has been agreet downfall in the prlco cf wheat nt Chicago within the last month. How rnueh cheaper ia floor! I be- llevo 2} Iniahcla of good wboat moke hundred pouiids of flour, allowing the miller bne'tahthfortoil, and tlio akortsand bran l i f t ovfiK> If a "bushel of wheat coat 41.07 how itieb, ought 100 pimudi of floor to be vorthl Don't all answer at ones. tho town of Dover has purehuod the ptontfor tho miking ef good roadi. 1 don't §60-why adjoinitjrtownshlpBcoold not pur- ohaiotliematerial oftheDoVerpeople; have it loaded in ears and broughttoSUhhape, for iDrtaboBi Bridimia for out of tfielrrosd nraney «tat'iu ft got* I LeUeyeit wonldhe cheaper tiltbRii the'pretent'uannorofraad tnaldng. and Infinitely better.' ' ' TomDeKamer who h&a mffBted and u patiently died at the naridenca of hU ither at Haeketbihiwn last Uonday aad vu burled Thursday. He hadbeona brakematt rrotn Port Morris when he : boiongedto tbeM. &E. Mutual Benefit As- sociatjon. A anbar, ateady and induatrloni young msn,bB wia ntpocfoclby alt wbo knew him. ,Hia. brother w u enj[ioeer on thg ftirnaoe tnintheforo.tiiofiiruaeQ was blown out, nnd his fatter, worked for, that plough-maker at naoketUtown: wliosanamel eannot at thii momont. nmmnlier, bat to ii tbo fathar-in, law of mall agent J. Seward Lamaon. Quito a nttmber of fionth 8tuh«pe follu ereannamotfHl to attend tie meetiitg of ths Qraad Jury at Morriatown the other day; one of tiem works' on the traekand his time fa Worth. $1.30: cents aday to him. He went down to Horriatowu Wednesday beoauae he ituamoned then by the Grand Jmy or the Coilnty Clerk. He ha* to go asohi Thaw- day »nd perhapi Friday beonttaahe Donld not got in to aeo their majeBtieH tha first day. Suppose he has-to loae throe days time, pay wVnilrotwl fare bum Stanbopfl, to Morrlttown and n turn each day or pay for hi* broakfast, dinner, mpperand lod^acfor three .daya in Morrlatown during ooartwttek,, And; for all this expense and. waste of, ttao Uia vitneu foe the StatftKtte abwlntely: notlung. Tbe State aaks agood deal of » fellow who works on the truck, or . any other, follow,, lot, that matter to ask him to dance •tteudmm pntie Oread lory, lose threo days' time, pay time itaya fare «n the. railroatl and buy three days Rrub in Mortistown Jaat beeanae ho saw r thing the Grand Inquest wants te know, Our dry spell of weather haa been broken Mid tha oopioua r.*ins of the week have caused »U vegetation to grow. The falling seawn opened with the 1st of Hay, hat the flah are not biting muob as yet. Jacob Allen tak«B eUargo of Ibe boats at the Forest Boose but I don't hear of Jale taking manyflab,at yet HOISTS. HLaffer & Co. are making quite extended preparation*, and «« oroamentiLg tb.6 grounda about the hotel in expectation of»CoodHaion. I understand that Hr. Jaoob Brown aud family will spend the season st tbe Lake. Mr. J. D. Bndd en Monday raised an addi- tion, 39x60 feet, whieli he ii bnilding to LU barn. Kev. John BchoOeld haa moved In the ]>ir- aouBfie »ad will have a reception on Sattir- day afternoon, 10th inat, Hepreackadintli« Chapel iast Sunday evening. I learn that parties have loused tUc fjenrgo nd Aaron Salmon raise and expect to com- mence operations immediately, which will give emjiloyment to quite a number of men. Hr. Henry C. Seward and family have, again moved out fertile season. Hr, Bohmneyor, a Qennnn from Chatham, jaa rented tlie JJaunett store of J. D. Buiiil ind filled It witlt goods. We will be well upflie4 with stores. jwaeB Kellnlifln tujwt, charge of J. I). Butid'a boat* again. Mr. Lake has a email family moved iu with ilD. Mt, Wm. P. Osbern has been sick for a few days, but la Improving now. I>. Albert Gromwell Is the Superintendent of the paper works. Mr, JoHjih tftspatrlek spent Saturday nod Sunday with his family. The temperance people gained a grand vii- toryBtonrooarterdeotianof hut Sutnrday byelBOtlngtlio whole tloket by an averagn majority or 145. Hr. Geo. W. Eaten wan eleoteil tfayorj Join Dunn. Olerk; John J. Oreoti, JioobL. Nott andJohn W. Lee Couu- oiltDfin. Lgtig before the rotea wero counted, flag WM hobt«d on the prohibition pole, tb us signifying the election of the temperan eo tlokot, Tha ladies of tie W. C. T. U. took part. Their reading roam vai open all the aftaraoon and evening, nod those wbi> stepped la were treated to n goud cup of .uif- foaaudaaandwio&^andl noticed tbe room WMuUednoitof the time. Tho boya nov say, "Eumcan't win In this town, it taken noffettodoit" We only hnpa that this will always bo so. The LiMe Falls S u e Ban Club did'nt uao tbe flic and drum after playing a game with picked nine of thit pltoe last Saturday, but quietly left town with a soora of IB to 8 la favor of the Boonton boys. I underaUnd thu boysare about ready to organize In a olub, and as we hare somo guod players wemay expect some fine playing. Cotter, the photographer, will return hero for afow daja next week, after whleh bo ex- pects to locate Jn Bloomfleld. The Y, M. C. A. re-eluoted John A. War- deD, Pteridont of the association, on Monduj evening. _ BIOH. SELAWABX "WATKE OAP. weak the Water Gap HOUSB will bo opened lor the reception of boarders. Dur- ing tliree montlu past the building hi* boon undergoing athorough overhauling, carpen- ters, pnintera, paper hangers and the ial«- troasof the scrub brush all have been busy. Hany applications for board have boon re- ceived, and the proapeot for a good Beaaonis excellent, Tha work at the Klttatlnny ia pushed ri^ht along. The carpenters »ro now flnUhlug tlio rooms oml the painters aro following on nftor i rapid 6Uocession. Mr, B.F. Brodbead lifts tho Btoro midorKn- ig mpaira; ho is also enlarging the building, udthctDatDB arojuat now(larting tlio «tono >r tbo now tide walk; HO taking it oil in our lUngers aro doinn prutiy well. Tliii new brick Sabbath school ruoiu will itou be jftftdy fur tlio occupancj oi tho I'ree- toHi.ii echool. Tho mom will bo tmnplitd itli chnirH, and tini umlii.u^, mom t,f tlm urdi will Hoon hr ftirninlicil with new IUIEIIK. IO Indies of tlm t-lnimb linvo been bunj <lur- K tlm Into l wiiit':r itml curly H]iriii|? lUDiilbi, iroparingfurafairtobuhelii in tlie Summer, UvS cipeot to realise anmr biiiiil«,lH nf «!ul- Tlin etromor i" nowImiurled, nnd will soon "I'lying tlipwntcrnoftlie Dplaworc. House painting, homo cloaninp, enrrinjje iiinting au ,l repairing and Imnnuia oiling ^oin to bo tlio rsgo nil about iw, ami "Tta caeon" all tlio talk In Uio Moron and C\M- 'liore. YOUNG OIEL ELOPEfl "WITH ANEOB0. Amnndti Ajora is tho U-ycnr-old duughtcr f Mrs. c. D. AJ-.TH, ii wdll-toilo renidrnt of •pfiraervillp, a Binnll liuinlfit ncur Dci'liertown, inane* Co. Amnmln in n rrnutkiibty jmitty ;irl, nBil modoat nnd retiring in dinpONition TlmnMlny nvnlng of l"»t w^ck elm told living nnlvn fowrndH ftwny, nml d In? n HIP Stanhope Presbyterian Church, at the BU>I of \Vm.;^i. SJflcihoiuo kit l^ogday evening. I> waii my aighVout and though I know whnt It-ws* about prcttr nearly, 1 can't say ythit wan done beeauno I was not there. John iloorbackerls jttrt about nsprond u he«eU; The baby la a |irL 0.3. ind not rtrluniRd, hnr parenta sent fur audiwprlniiied that she lmd not Won ut ifiurtft of tb© friends, The iiciiitiborlioiHl Bcarchi'tl, Imtuo trncoiif her could IIR ii. It was afterward learned that Henry . us. rmogro, WAH nlno missing, ami Hint two hail been Been going off together. Tho negro is rupulfllvii-lookiiiK, bluck ng coal, nnd very iguomut. Hn is marritid, iind IIUH wifoomltvo cbihlrtn. Threats uro made hat If Adams In caught he willbe lynched. >nte accounts show that Henry Atlnim, cullrd ilaokHtuk. thoucgrowho olopedwitli tlio 'ouiig scliool miss, Amanda Ayure, Bdaughter >f C. D. Ayerfl, n farmer of Bcomervi'le, wan lodged in jail iu Newton lost Suturtlaj. Ho waa brought across country in tlio night, JIB WHS foared the i*ieit*d people ia tLu northorn part of thocounty would lynch him. At Fort Jerris and other points crowds assembled and cried out, " Kill him!" It only required aleader toearry out the threats. Adams is 40 years old and the girl ie 14. He lays ho haa worked for Ayera two years; that Mlsi Ayers WBsill treated by her parents nnd ho iwfHended her. For several weeks »ho urged him, be sayi, to take her away, no her parent* did not want her at homo. At last be consented, and they planned to loare at 9 o'clock on Wednesday evening. They walked tn Mil ford, Fa., ten miles, thatnight After ashort rest they walked to Port Jorvis, where they learned from a negro woman that eooatablei wen after them. Be d«eMed to leavothe girl, hut she dung to him and begged him not to desert her. They d«eidtdto go ta Honosdale, Pa., the girl say- ing her parents would not follow them. They boahled a boat on the Delaware and Hudson Canal, where they passed the night together. At 1'ond Eddy they left the boat at dsylight to evade pursuit At Borryville, a few miles distant, they were arrested. The girl insists that Black Honk la not to blame; tbat her parents ware cruel to nor and that abfl preferred to go with tho negro. She is the youngest ofthre* danghten, and slight In fratns and delicate, but attractive and pretty. Her father la very angry, trad would mnnler the negro if he thanld meet him. Her mother is described as on tha verge of iossalty orer the conduct of ner daughter, woo is now at her home, and who says that iho (the daughter] induced Adams to run away with ler. ' , Adami caused asetuaUon a snort time ago betaking a whJte womantoa da&oe. He de- nies tbtt he took any advantage of the girl's presence with him during their flight. ' Adnnui La wwl-Wwjk tad homely. Hb fere- head aid chin each, alope backward. He 1B short and rouad-ahouldered. "I was good to Amanda," he stldL''be«Bqse her folks didat treat her right. Her older sister. Flora, wore nice clotW while ihe went about In ragt. Amanda aked no. Wien I watat'woTkin the fields Bhe brought me oat water. She toll me her mother whipped her, andhuA told her aha wlahedsbo wojld go away, Sheoooxed mo to tako her to a city where she oonld earn money mtl have nln Oiinn like her aUtnr: 1 told hot I won nlng to Honeslale, Fa., and aikodhec faow in wanld like io BOalong. . !*8be olappeil her handi and uidi 'Oh, H«n1t, taW me with you.' I told ber we would have, to go awaty without lur felfca knowing it She said Bhe vonld out of tlteborne Into the onhard Midi could come Honeadftlelwaaittagteietlier Aplaos to work. She wanted to ran op the way, so her 1 tulh* wonldnt «nd •«."• -

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Page 1: NEW STOCK ESTABLISHED BEABLY 40 YEARS. Boys' PlERSOf^ · 2015-01-06 · •-

•- <\. -e^-rlsv sa.




Office onlBlafltwell Btreet next door to i\

National Union Bank,


. . . . .(S.i






iraer of Biacfcwell and KUIHOI Bta.M


DOVER, N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor,

Honm and Claniajoa lo Lit .




D0VE11, N. J.ri EO. O. CUMMINS, II. D,,












, DOYE&N.J.Speoial ofUce UoutB on Satnrd^a fruiii 8 A

T> A. BKSKETr, M. D.


Discuses nf wom-m nnd olilWrcu, and of tineyn anil ear, cpwialtka.

OfriOK I 8 to 9 A.M.HOURS.) 1 t o 3 a n d 7 t o 8 P . M .

OFFICE-In llairlmuae'a Building, BlBckwoIlstreet.

OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,

baft remnved to Thurber's new linildiiifj, in tinri'irof tlioCi-iitrul lUil.oaU ilrn-v brii l^,

NEA.H THE OASAL BASIN.« • Jubbuiff ami repairing liroinpH;

itlcntbiddt. A irnKiispfricnur m tin; bum-IIPBH, will, I buliei-o, cnaliifl mn io Kivehatisfaulior. to illcpntamcn). CoDtractBliikoniUKmiteriila faniiBtmrt.



SUSSEX STREET,(betwoen the HANHIOS HODUE and Dcpti

DOVER, N. J.Tlio place liaB been entirely refitted in * ncnl



ttVUDBi W&U a,0BA1NER8, UILDEKS »nd I'Al'ER IlANft-BB8. Oontraoli taken and nntoriBl-*l1iirnislt(--J.BuomB decorated In freneue siylcn. Having athorough imowtortRo ol1 house- and MRH ptiint-InR, we tonl competent U> meet the demand*of alt. I'aint shop over MIHH Wkltu's millinerygtoro, next ta Vought & Killfioni's *lrns siurc.P.O. B i t 18S.J.MABTIN. '19-1* A. BOCK.


dealers in



Cm offer tlie best and aioel lihci&l induce-ments to ileak.-a.




Tlic tost work i t l o r a t p r i m . R™irii. |" romptl. ilono. Next tofilil TrcH





Mathushek Pianos,WRIGHT. ESTEY

Freeman Wood




(1L0IIE, Cupilu! 8i!>,(HH),l)OI


Cnpiliil 810,()0;i,0(


Cupibl Sl(l,(Klll,ll(!


Cupital !r5,(IO[l,0(


Capital S:«)l),l)0

Ni.rll, Hrill-;li \'w} MiTSanlil( Inniiraiuv (

Kpriuk'HUii Fire Iiisiiriuoo Co., Maa!tt«, cunitni l.fiOO.OOO,

Naw York, ci.i)ital $iilXJ,(K)().



Freeman Wood,

OLIVER CHILLED PLOWSDent In Ilia market. 700 K^KI by \ie.

AUMKnitle Wheel Ciilliv.ttur,

Vsib* tin SiilLy Plow,

Grain and Garden Seed Drills,

Vt'nltir A. Wood's


'hornas & Field Wheel Hay Rakes,


.erer ami Ticail r ivers ,L,yoii's Fan illillh,

'I'liit licjM, ('Itniitrs, 4tc,

l l ail ulhi'r liral-tiiws I'uriLiiiijr implement;


GEO. E. V00MIEES,(Buctceaov iDToorliouslirotlicrp,)


Trarcling Agent.


•aiia'clii!. N'fTvimA'riistniitmi i-imsed l.MliiI'oCmciilmlor IOIUCJO. Wiike-1i.ln.s-, Mtii1 Decent-inn, SiiftDtiiiiR of iIn' Hiniri refill t-

il d'eiilli.' rrinmturu »U A«<', 'll*. nviinViH ,si ciT \vmttr in Mlb.-r n « , Jii»MiinUrj^ w o i M l ^ u u n u u n l i t m c,u .-I l,v ,„-; r-

ii-nt. £1 a Itiix, m m in.-xi P (or JS, mil by

W E GUAIiiWI'Kte SIX I1OXESeuro nti v I'H K>. With <!;ieli nr<l- r r.iiviveiln!(fnr«ix t)nx?i>. iiacjupiiii,<l«it!i r>, we

rilmiil tin' m-.iLt-y il Ilii. (ii-iLtini'iit .Int'.i not•eta fine. «ii:iraiitfi-w i.hiiu.l only hy

R, Killgore, Agent, Dover.


I t A r m hu r liirlaiii1: cicuui-d aiir] ilvcd.


Istato ol* William Hami,deceased.

[>t tliflCuutity of Horrid, nmu> on tlif

-lit l nu i j r td 'ttinl'tiBlity'-fnar, notitit IB•itby civin lo nil pet-Minn Imviiif,- ciainiB

' ;t Mi"cit(iH'ulWilliam Hann. lair OFIIII-


Hit lilBiirliiT Maim,t\ndt'runtil ur ».£Tintia-, witlun Hi.- rime t-o limited, will l.c forever

._-.?<. or Ms or Her aotiDU lliororor n;;ninntio AdniinibtrftiiirH with tin.- will a n n ^ i l .Dated tlia neireiitli rlny ol April A. D. 18HJ,


ijstralorB witK UIP will amic-ic.!,Btti'thoiifiburfili, Morrw Co., N. J .


IB 3 ?

2 S

or it« tiimi for tiujuymeiit m lliia tteeliou IB

D, MOLLER'S,KEBtJES hi., (SLrni)TiiEBaiDQE.)

U O V K H , N . J .Jum rtueivod MII! plm-. .1 i.i I'OMIHIB TlfllKE

Fool Tablesri-i'iii tlits i-f |, tn-iJtill iDaiiiiiai-Ujfy of J . 11 .

l i l tUNf iVr 'N 'K .\ D A I J i E .



Boys' Suits- A T -


Nursery and GreenhousesJfORIlia HT., MORUIKTOWK, N . J .

OlTOfHTE Tilt: I'AltK.




Thorburn's Flower SeedsFOR SAU:.


We now lmve the lines! iissm-diicnl, of

BOYS' and CHILDBEN'S SUITSvcr oiforcil lor siiio in Dover, wliilo mir prlr-cn on

(Iicm is lowor tlitin yon ever saw llieni before,


STOVES, TIN" WAKE,'owl nml Willow Wmv, Loml Pipe. Sinks,

Agrii-ulturnl Jmjilemi'istfl, Aic, lilts


vliir-- iiifiputroiw will find n full nuimly ufITH^ Ihlnt; iltn.Troquira. In Ills linn. lUi ik-

8AHITBL 1'BTHItKON.itiinbopo, April 1st, 1S84.


hitn removed to l ihncw

rick Building on South Street.T<> lie will bo ]il('itwd to H

raera tu itliow tlimn his «

Itoves, Ranges, Tin-ware andHouso Furnishing Goods,

;IIH-!I wirp.-iHM^ nn,Tlliii!!l in llirs nouiity.





Notice of Settlement,

L-Hiini^Itlii, au'il r-i>i>rli-(l fen- M-.rli ni'-iitti*t Orptian*'Cmirt ol the dmnlT cf JIiTiin,MtiinlBV Uio pcin>»nl <1»VD1 .Trine ncsl.


Dst.-dJIctoli aOth.lSS-1. KJ-Uw


iltrrf in Biuves, lUuRefi, Xiuwar^, etc. Er-, Ilili)^ new iD tlHise lim-M c-pnutBiitlyin iiimimutu rfuliH in tlm best <:oi i)iiiiii'K.

t t l ia t will r u t yoi

1nl imlt ll

|ihtpiflniWo»t BIIJ1>D<IIICEM, <.np11nl i lil. V'n will Htirt you. You can wutt »ll ttipor ill Bi«n> tlmo only. Tlio wutU is u tit ret-iiUiitod to liHth Kti t ) . S'»»»U mill »M- Vim

. i n raxily earn fr.«n 6ff ertim to 13 tvprr fVtnL7iB.•lU.tntl win) want »t>rk mi.)- Lot tlie l..wfn<-fft.wc-fs»lB Uiin tmiwrHlBlfd oUcr; to all wlin sr« imt

II utlHlliHl wf- will fiiinil f 1 mi '*? to: tlic trouble. wrltiMi! iw. mi l t'anii-ul«T«, illrfcllnim, elf..


0 A 8 H Ott INSTALMENTS! Fii tr- t lvo centB' J •-par week irlH buy a row OFRML

PiiDos aritl O r g m a tuntid nml i t p i i r s d .

ytU. B. WBIGBT,OHco No. 3 Br i c t Block, Do»t r , N . J .

ol LoTor. [


MASON AND BUILDER,DOTOt.N. J.» tiktn tld mtWnili

"HA Jobbing treoffifiSimiWr^-

otrshil tad snmpt fttUDtiol

lor Oanieu anil F i d d QropB.




in Suruo or saifill qnantltlaiAt


Notice of Settiement.Notice is lierefcy KIFBO tbi t th? KOUDD'I of

llio fabfcriber, Admlniitrmtor cf HkartaeH&nn duuciBCil, will be audited t n i «Utedby iha flarrogitt, and reported ftr aatUetncnttotb« Of|>b«V Court ol tlia CoBaly of Moe-i i , on Monday tin Be^enlhiltjor'JDlyiwxt.

, EpaBiiK warms,' BtepbembitrK, N. J .

D«t«l April 28tb,18M. »hifi wsntea forThollTei of allIV tl.e prettdenti or the U.S.

iTba Ureeit, btDdtomeBttIbUtbook'BTersQldforleH

ir wnabi"TbaTMtoit leilln? booknenoa. ImmonM profit* tfl agenta. Allllgent peoplo want it. Anj one can b«-


Dover, N. J.,cflerH Tor .alo tlia following propirtiM:

l.t. Tho Stora Bnilding on BUckvoII itractnow occupied by Jolin D&wo, ode of tbe bestbmiueu WaUoaM la Doret. ,

Sd. Home and Lot on tbo HWbrook roadotmetly ownaa bv JoromeB. Ybttnff. f

Si. TITD Hoosn and LoM aa d n u Hill;:ood propertioi tot those ileiitlns rwl&noefl,

4th. A farm or 80 BDrts. tear UaOalotTllle.»l'ti good tmildhna, and ill noder > bigblUU of calllv.tlon.

t lh. A (am ol «l • « • • on tl» roadftomDonr to Chaatu. with k xood praiput tipran ore. LarRa dmailng with cbjlrt.rwmaj

,«tb. Fonr Hcmea and l o t . al BnccainanaPlaloi.

Mta otbtmoDflrtlBa tpootlnienma to men-

Ptopeillaa bandlad for tkou doalrinff to leliit'ttajionalile Tatea. ffnenlam abaeotftomItoofiotHr H. niaccbard »IU aot for mo m

Boom So. 9, National Bojoi Bank Bnildlnj,

Children's Ncliool Suits, - - $1.7'i, t>M) and $2.ZChildren's Dress .Siiitu, - - S3.O0, #1.00 iimliM.OUoj's' (.'assiniere Knits, Avitli long i'antN, !l to 12

years old, $2.50 lo $5.00Hoys'Cnssiiiicrc Snils, from 1:1 to 1? yours old, $;!.(

lo if 10.00; miule from the most lnsiilontiblu goods.

We liavo just received our now slock of Men's, ISnys'nnd C'liildren's Stow Hats, which embraces every,thing in the innrket IVoiu the live cent straw to thefinest Manilla. Our styles are right and our pricesare ditto.

Most of the above have been used byus from ten to thirty-five years, the entiretime that we have been in business, and fromthe very fact that year by year we increasedour business and popularity is in itself a suffi-cient guarantee that any of the above makerswill give satisfaction to all who use them.

kG-Al & O0.0PP. 1)., 1 . & W. DEPOT, B0VEB.





wE linvo umde every effort to pronuro flio clioica of Iho most desirable styles intho market and liavo uelettcil tho lury^! andortmont of putturim in bolb the staple

futicy Btylr-a, over fihown. T in WdiiiK colors in tlie nuw " cortnerew" fnbrics*bow cut in the lit tst styles of Biicis mid Fmuk9 anil oats, threo and four buttoD

WE are thy only house in the State that has the famous" SAWYER" CASSIMERES in stock, and wo offer nearly

FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES of thoso ffootls alone. They arestrictly all wool, and we guarantee them in every partic-ular as being1 the best value ever criven. Other houses mayhave imitations. Beware of them!!

In Liom- and MEIHTIM WEIHUT O v i r t i m i s wo IIIWG n Jarm- vtuicty, at prtcrs from$ 5 to 8 ^ 0 . CiT We ttiow liy fur ibe UIOHI Turicd hlock oF I ' a n u nnywtiero, stylishcut nnil elffinntly mailu, ut ortiry pnoo, from Ihottiuniiest to Urn

IN OUIl HOYS' ANU ClllLDItES'N BKPAU'MENTf« iiavo oifrcifiKl tho Riiran t'ateliil paiiu, nml prosfnt n tlioroT:;;lily artistic, rnriid ami

L-itt'tiMvi) titoiik fiulusivtly OUT own tuftku nnd correct tu every' detail.

IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENTmy lo fomid the bed pomildo mltotion of lioth F0HF.IGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS,

in dmr^ti of hkilltu! mill nrlMic outl.rr,W WE HAVE BUT ONE PiUCE TO ALL. Auj Kt'lediou nittilo if uoL mitisfflctory

-c cLbfrfiilly cxdiuiiso or rofuud }our nioiiry.


THB IRON FRONT OLOTHIERS,85O and 852 Broad St., Newark.



, All the latest styles on hand and made toorder. Our work is all done under our per-sonal supervision, and ia fully warranted.' 'E-^rybody in .want of a wagon vn)X profitmuch by giving us a call before buying else-where. .;


in airbranohesldoiie;in a manner. ,wh,iph' iB,bound to give satisfaction. Orders by inailwill r&ceive prompt attention* .

ESTABLISHED BEABLY 40 YEARS.lit the a r t y of mannfautnrerswho contribute to make

our reputation what It is as boot and shoe dealersin this community. ,


EDWIN C. BURT & Co.the world's best slioe-iuakers ore represented.

LOUNSBERRY, MATHEWSQN & <Vsgoods used for the last ten years by lord & Taylor of

New York.

THE H. W. MERRIAM MTft Co.justly celebrated for making flic best medium priced

shoes in America.

THE P. COX %'FOt Co.'sgoods in Ladies', Misses' and Children's wear.

SMITH & MARTIN,lite popular Brooklyn manufacturers, and the Bay

Stale Shoj and Leather Co.'s, while in men'swear we keep the

('BURT"goods which arc acknowledged the best by crery ouo.

STACY, ADAMS & Co.who make a line of men's wear second to none for the

price in this country.

CHAS. H. HOWARDivhoso miike we have used for twemy-flve years and

can testify from experience to their good quality.

THE "WALKER"goods and also tlie Bay Stale goods in men's wear are fully





V. J .is now settled and ready for IiiisiniiBg iu their fine

new fttorc with the largest stock of

evor seen in Norlliorn Now Jerncy, at prices whichclofy competition. Hia immonso stock of


can't bo surpassed. Every variety and kind fit prices tosuit tho times. Ho also keeps a splendid lot of

LAMPS gsfcat prices which •will surprise all. My motto is

quick sales and small profit]?. Call andsee me before buying elsewhere.

WM. 0'DWYER, - - Proprietor.












Miss Nolan,ivliilt move*, he* WILLLNKKV GOODS to the Ono new storein tbe Brick Block, announce to ttye people .bY*p(ftVejr, $ar*

Vicinity that site is now ttpttiYJor.1»niin9)w.:,.Buying". - pnlin a . stoolcof,



Ribbons, Feathers.Hats, Plumes, etc.



P0BTM0EEI8.Laat Friday it was Tory wnokj up here,

indeed It w u (Hwgreeably «nwky. The tunlooked very red «j)d the moon too. Theremint harehwa terrible foreit flrea wmewljem.It looked from teja w tiiougli it waa *t W»t-orlop, tut tUey «BW thoy had no firoa there—•' ighlhiivflliBiffdilnoettatthemoa-*-1-

.._ on lire at Ha«kfittlh>wB Mid the firefrom Pocono ia Qtiuldsliora' ou the D. L. it.W.R.«.

Tlie lioji are rtadyiug ttie tow time UUto nwatfolka'a railroad tltBB table la u verydry study, but I notice tlieu railroad ftlloitako delight inatudjinB tliom. They Iv

of tbe traina, l'. 3. S. i. 8. 0- 7.8. are not theti-alna they used tpl« t a t that neod not worryyour readers any fat their time U atoal thouqie its it used la be.

Tboliilaiit O!M« of tlie Fresbytorias elmrehat Stanhope want an organ and Buperiutan-dwt oftteBundayscuooICaroatruek upona way to rniw tho (unit ia purchase it. AMmany of the Sunday aoliool twholara u chosetook on eartlieuware egg, vitli a uoletn it bigenough tfl admit a quarter ol a dolUr. No-hqdy iBOompellodto givo a<janrtarorfined to giving only a iiuarter. One mayoa 'jams qtivien <w ha pleaaos, or five oonto,if ho HO ohDMD. It Is understood Out the

iuid paper on wlilon to mark all the money Uor slie may receive. Bo tlio fiuperlntenfleQioon tell, without tiraakiug tlie eggs, who haacollected tlie moat money. They can liave UioofigH out until two weeks from last Suuday.On tto Wednesday ovening following thatday, It Clark'a ^al l oan bo.eoourod for n

' ' ' expejiB*, Mr. Cope propoaoa to

devoted to Mother Qoosc pantomlnieiiAfter tlia first part there will be an Intennis-

[duduriDJEVtieti tho Bnudayschoolaoliulor/UD l(ts aojlao^d th^ moit jnoney will break

tticl egj;a on tbe plntfOrni, nnd turn tho moneyln'tuon ovptio tlio.TfeaHuror of the SundayBCUOO1-M1B« Alinio Cue. The ladles of theoluroli and SniidaysDndol williiare too oieamend cake Whloli'tlioy ylU be glad to fnmlihto tlicBO ordering the laine, in ttelr aeata intlio holl, ' duriug[ the lm*ralj«lon for : egghrealflng.1' Aftertneoggs lira all broken theiwbtiipartof the critflrtairitaent wlUprooeed.

hays no doubt tlisy will hare ii first-classtlwe. : -' •1>'-: •"• '1 ( '1 ( ' ! i -• "•'

knew SJ. DiiiVtdson.'who used to be an En-gineer from herb ia&: now' rons from Hobo-ken to WaahlDgton lint who vru tUo Joalahnbout whom; Bey. Hf. Bpudmnn; v a t toptmiijli la«t Sunday 1 The pootoif made, arery'intBresting indlnitructive Bennim atoutroslah who if'to theigood Wug ofJudnh irltdte

birth Iiod beea foretold 800 years biifore hewas bom; and who was orowhed Ung -when

•was 8 years old ] who wiw a father wbeo lieWAS 10 years oW and Vai Wiled In battle

rlieu he hnd retgaed 8S years.In the eTsnlpK Dr. Boiirdtnan' preached

nbout tliD Tartous rellglotis of ' t ie world,showingTiy the oid'of a colort-d mnp, the lo-cation of euoh Cithollo, TroWaiftut, e t c , gir-

R ttia nntnhers of the professed foltowera ofoaot.

I thought Jen&li'waB jswallbwed by a flab,ipeoinlly prepared for that piiriiafle. but Joe

Qurgiu says that Matthew H I . 40 Bays itvine a whale (hat swallowed Jonah. 'Well!authorities 'differ about tint' whale.*' Ha^urat-ista olilra tbat a wbale cannot swallow a her-ring muoh leqs a mat . Our' tranaUton haverendered the daiuo word hi another plaoa Intodragoa wh(ch Is altogether a flifferaat kind offish. It may hare been a crocodile. But hithe place which describe! the (wiltowioi_

It Bays, "The Lord prepared a greatBwallow him up." What kind of flab.

ItwaalnnotarfiflUlcd, and i t 1B only fail toconduilo that the troniiaturH of St. Matthewwore cot there to neo whether It van a whale

gome other kind of fish. Besides, ns t i cimvvptsion"proves, tbo T2wero notinfrilH-

ilo trnnslntars.Mr. Uulibell anil Win Mulwrrj have gouo

)Jorepr City to nmnufiwturB lulnoral woolut u kltnl of rook tbR tuincml wnol oompanynd in BBboiioptady.Tvliich IH wiiy out in Kcork fitntc. Tlmy iire (•(ling to tmlld c. impoli Jor«oy City whero (hoy will liavo grctteteilitiCH lor melting tlie rmilt tlirm thi-y hnvcro mid I tnku it Iho will h

Hr.HftberryvaBnnc of tlio lihrntlane ofilio PrCBlijtrrbn Simdny Kchonl of Htiinliope,ind Mr. HubbcJl wan t p tu anything in Uiovny ofrocitntion or literary entcrtniimioiit.Doth jjcntloinoti will bn muoli HIIBBCII in Sluu-Impo, though I lifillcYO it in tlioir intention lo301HB buck a» nooa us t to fnriinctw nt:irt

Owen W. King is ImlMiiiK a now moatmrket at South Stanhope.lTie boy* or men wlin steal tbe wnsto out of

mrbores wliiln tho cam nro lying nt Stun-station had liottot IIBTP a earn. 1 giv«fair notice thut If they nrecniiBlit lit it

lioy will bo apt to find out ivhut tho law Uuon tnade and provided. Five gon-

lolng oftiue from there tlie o'her day loadedlith pig iron and the waato lmd been tnkeumt of every hox "oaolonnan a wbislio."

Rer. Mr. Pnrtor, Into puwtor of tho Stun-iope PrcBbjt«ri(in Cliuroli, mirprlanil his

idi in Iho town, by making them A fl.vbfitlmothcr day. Tlic Dominlo is ttijoviiiK

good health timl likes his new locution inWoodsitUt, n suburb of Newark, first rnto.

Tlio tnirti'BS of the fltiiohopo public seiioidire thinking very seriounly of rentiug tlio

moat of tlie l^Bbytoriun Church for im.dditioniil wliool TOOTH until they net theirm soUool house built, The pchool hound isittiug: loo nmall for tbo number of childrenIho district. There were 1G0 fwliolurs theroa other day and two teachers. Tlio Presby-rian Cburoh i« jest norou the road from tlio

present school houpe and would m&ko themost available plaoo at present for additionalschool room,

there has been a greet downfall inthe prlco cf wheat nt Chicago within the lastmonth. How rnueh cheaper ia floor! I be-llevo 2} Iniahcla of good wboat mokehundred pouiids of flour, allowing the millerbne ' tahthfortoi l , and tlio akortsand branlift ovfiK> If a "bushel of wheat coat 41.07 how

itieb, ought 100 pimudi of floor to be v o r t h lDon't all answer at ones.

tho town of Dover has purehuod theptontfor tho miking ef good roadi. 1 don't§60-why adjoinitjrtownshlpBcoold not pur-ohaiotliematerial oftheDoVerpeople; haveit loaded in ears and brought to SUhhape, foriDrtaboBi Bridimia for out of tfielrrosd nraney« t a t ' i u ft got* I LeUeyeit wonldhe cheaper

tiltbRii the 'p re ten t 'uannorof raadtnaldng. and Infinitely better.' ' '

TomDeKamer who h&a mffBtedand u patiently died at the naridenca of hUither at Haeketbihiwn last Uonday aad v u

burled Thursday. He hadbeona brakemattrrotn Port Morris when he:

boiongedto tbeM. &E. Mutual Benefit As-sociatjon. A anbar, ateady and induatrloniyoung msn,bB wia ntpocfoclby alt wbo knewhim. ,Hia. brother w u enj[ioeer on thg ftirnaoetnintheforo.tiiofiiruaeQ was blown out, nndhis fatter, worked for, that plough-maker atnaoketUtown: wliosanamel eannot at thiimomont. nmmnlier, bat to ii tbo fathar-in,law of mall agent J. Seward Lamaon.

Quito a nttmber of fionth 8tuh«pe follu

ereannamotfHl to attend t i e meetiitg of thsQraad Jury at Morriatown the other day; oneof tiem works' on the traekand his time faWorth. $1.30: cents a day to him. He wentdown to Horriatowu Wednesday beoauae he

ituamoned then by the Grand Jmy orthe Coilnty Clerk. He ha* to go asohi Thaw-day »nd perhapi Friday beonttaahe Donld notgot in to aeo their majeBtieH tha first day.Suppose he has-to loae throe days time, paywVnilrotwl fare bum Stanbopfl, to Morrlttownand n turn each day or pay for hi* broakfast,dinner, mpperand lod^acfor three .daya inMorrlatown during ooartwttek,, And; for allthis expense and. waste of, ttao Uia vitneufoe the StatftKtte abwlntely: notlung. TbeState aaks a good deal of » fellow who workson the truck, or . any other, follow,, lot, thatmatter to ask him to dance •tteudmm pn t ie

Oread lory, lose threo days' time, pay timeitaya fare «n the. railroatl and buy three daysRrub in Mortistown Jaat beeanae ho saw rthing the Grand Inquest wants te know,

Our dry spell of weather haa been brokenMid tha oopioua r.*ins of the week have caused»U vegetation to grow.

The falling seawn opened with the 1st ofHay, hat the flah are not biting muob as yet.

Jacob Allen tak«B eUargo of Ibe boats atthe Forest Boose but I don't hear of Ja letaking many flab, at yet

HOISTS. HLaffer & Co. are making quiteextended preparation*, and « « oroamentiLgtb.6 grounda about the hotel in expectationof»CoodHaion.

I understand that Hr. Jaoob Brown audfamily will spend the season st tbe Lake.

Mr. J. D. Bndd en Monday raised an addi-tion, 39x60 feet, whieli he ii bnilding to LUbarn.

Kev. John BchoOeld haa moved In the ]>ir-aouBfie »ad will have a reception on Sattir-day afternoon, 10th inat, Hepreackadintli«Chapel iast Sunday evening.

I learn that parties have loused tUc fjenrgond Aaron Salmon raise and expect to com-

mence operations immediately, which willgive emjiloyment to quite a number of men.

Hr. Henry C. Seward and family have,again moved out fertile season.

Hr, Bohmneyor, a Qennnn from Chatham,jaa rented tlie JJaunett store of J. D. Buiiilind filled It witlt goods. We will be wellupflie4 with stores.jwaeB Kellnlifln tujwt, charge of J. I).

Butid'a boat* again.Mr. Lake has a email family moved iu with

ilD.Mt, Wm. P. Osbern has been sick for a few

days, but la Improving now. I>.

Albert Gromwell Is the Superintendent ofthe paper works.

Mr, JoHjih tftspatrlek spent Saturday nodSunday with his family.

The temperance people gained a grand vii-toryBtonrooarterdeot ianof hut SutnrdaybyelBOtlngtlio whole tloket by an averagnmajority or 145. Hr. Geo. W. Eaten waneleoteil tfayorj Jo in Dunn. Olerk; John J.Oreoti, J ioobL . Nott and John W. Lee Couu-oiltDfin. Lgtig before the rotea wero counted,

flag W M hobt«d on the prohibition pole,tb us signifying the election of the temperan eotlokot, Tha ladies of t i e W. C. T. U. took

part. Their reading roam v a i openall the aftaraoon and evening, nod those wbi>stepped la were treated to n goud cup of .uif-foaaudaaandwio&^andl noticed tbe roomWMuUednoi tof the time. Tho boya novsay, "Eum can't win In this town, i t takennoffe t todoi t " We only hnpa that this willalways bo so.

The LiMe Falls S u e Ban Club did'nt uaotbe flic and drum after playing a game with

picked nine of thit pltoe last Saturday, butquietly left town with a soora of IB to 8 lafavor of the Boonton boys. I underaUnd thuboysare about ready to organize In a olub,and as we hare somo guod players we mayexpect some fine playing.

Cotter, the photographer, will return herofor a fow daja next week, after whleh bo ex-pects to locate Jn Bloomfleld.

The Y, M. C. A. re-eluoted John A. War-deD, Pteridont of the association, on Mondujevening. _ BIOH.

SELAWABX "WATKE OAP.weak the Water Gap HOUSB will bo

opened lor the reception of boarders. Dur-ing tliree montlu past the building hi* boonundergoing a thorough overhauling, carpen-ters, pnintera, paper hangers and the ial«-troasof the scrub brush all have been busy.Hany applications for board have boon re-ceived, and the proapeot for a good Beaaon isexcellent,

Tha work at the Klttatlnny ia pushed ri^htalong. The carpenters »ro now flnUhlug tliorooms oml the painters aro following on nftor

i rapid 6Uocession.Mr, B . F . Brodbead lifts tho Btoro midorKn-

ig mpaira; ho is also enlarging the building,udthctDatDB arojuat now (larting tlio «tono>r tbo now tide walk; HO taking it oil in ourlUngers aro doinn prutiy well.Tliii new brick Sabbath school ruoiu will

itou be jftftdy fur tlio occupancj oi tho I'ree-toHi.ii echool. Tho mom will bo tmnplitd

itli chnirH, and tini umlii.u^, mom t,f tlmurdi will Hoon hr ftirninlicil with new IUIEIIK.IO Indies of tlm t-lnimb linvo been bunj <lur-K tlm Into lwiiit':r itml curly H]iriii|? lUDiilbi,

iroparingfurafairtobuhelii in tlie Summer,UvS cipeot to realise anmr biiiiil«,lH nf «!ul-

Tlin etromor i" now Imiurled, nnd will soon"I'lying tlipwntcrnoftlie Dplaworc.House painting, homo cloaninp, enrrinjje

iiinting a u , l repairing and Imnnuia oiling^oin to bo tlio rsgo nil about iw, ami " T t acaeon" all tlio talk In Uio Moron and C\M-'liore.

YOUNG OIEL ELOPEfl "WITH A NEOB0.Amnndti Ajora is tho U-ycnr-old duughtcr

f Mrs. c. D. AJ-.TH, ii wdll-toilo renidrnt of•pfiraervillp, a Binnll liuinlfit ncur Dci'liertown,inane* Co. Amnmln in n rrnutkiibty jmitty;irl, nBil modoat nnd retiring in dinpONition

TlmnMlny nvnlng of l"»t w^ck elm told

living nnlvn fow rndH ftwny, nmld In? n HIP

Stanhope Presbyterian Church, at the BU>Iof \Vm. ;^i. SJflcihoiuo k i t l^ogday evening.I> waii my aighVout and though I know whntIt-ws* about prcttr nearly, 1 can't say ythitwan done beeauno I was not there.

John iloorbackerls jttrt about nsprond uhe«eU; The baby la a |irL 0.3.

ind not rtrluniRd, hnr parenta sent furaudiwprlniiied that she lmd not Won utifiurtft of tb© friends, The iiciiitiborlioiHlBcarchi'tl, Imtuo trncoiif her could IIRii. It was afterward learned that Henry .us. rmogro, WAH nlno missing, ami Hinttwo hail been Been going off together.

Tho negro is rupulfllvii-lookiiiK, bluck ng coal,nnd very iguomut. Hn is marritid, iind IIUH

wifoomltvo cbihlrtn. Threats uro madehat If Adams In caught he willbe lynched.>nte accounts show that Henry Atlnim, cullrdilaokHtuk. thoucgrowho olopedwitli tlio'ouiig scliool miss, Amanda Ayure, Bdaughter>f C. D. Ayerfl, n farmer of Bcomervi'le, wanlodged in jail iu Newton lost Suturtlaj. Howaa brought across country in tlio night, JIB

WHS foared the i*ieit*d people ia tLunorthorn part of tho county would lynchhim. At Fort Jerris and other points crowdsassembled and cried out, " Kill him!" It onlyrequired a leader to earry out the threats.

Adams is 40 years old and the girl ie 14.He lays ho haa worked for Ayera two years;that Mlsi Ayers WBsill treated by her parentsnnd ho iwfHended her. For several weeks»ho urged him, be sayi, to take her away, noher parent* did not want her at homo. Atlast be consented, and they planned to loareat 9 o'clock on Wednesday evening.

They walked tn Mil ford, Fa., ten miles,thatnight After a short rest they walked toPort Jorvis, where they learned from a negrowoman that eooatablei wen after them. Bed«eMed to leavothe girl, hut she dung tohim and begged him not to desert her. Theyd«eidtdto go ta Honosdale, Pa., the girl say-ing her parents would not follow them. Theyboahled a boat on the Delaware and HudsonCanal, where they passed the night together.At 1'ond Eddy they left the boat at dsylightto evade pursuit At Borryville, a few milesdistant, they were arrested.

The girl insists that Black Honk la not toblame; tbat her parents ware cruel to norand that abfl preferred to go with tho negro.She is the youngest ofthre* danghten, and

slight In fratns and delicate, but attractiveand pretty.

Her father la very angry, trad would mnnlerthe negro if he thanld meet him. Her motheris described as on tha verge of iossalty orerthe conduct of ner daughter, woo is now ather home, and who says that iho (thedaughter] induced Adams to run away withler. ', Adami caused a setuaUon a snort time ago

betaking a whJte woman to a da&oe. He de-nies tbtt he took any advantage of the girl'spresence with him during their flight. '

Adnnui La wwl-Wwjk tad homely. Hb fere-head a id chin each, alope backward. He 1Bshort and rouad-ahouldered.

" I was good to Amanda," he stldL''be«Bqseher folks didat treat her right. Her oldersister. Flora, wore nice c lo tW while ihewent about In ragt. Amanda aked no. WienI watat'woTkin the fields Bhe brought meoat water. She toll me her mother whippedher, andhuA told her aha wlahedsbo wojldgo away, She oooxed mo to tako her to acity where she oonld earn money mtl haven ln Oiinn like her aUtnr: 1 told hot I won

nlng to Honeslale, Fa., and aikodhec faowin wanld like io BO along.

. !*8be olappeil her handi and u i d i 'Oh,H«n1t, t a W me with you.' I told ber wewould have, to go awaty without lur felfcaknowing i t She said Bhe vonld out oftlteborne Into the onhard Midi could come

Honeadftlelwaaittagteietlier Aplaos towork. She wanted to ran op the way, so her1 tu lh* wonldnt «nd •« ." • -

Page 2: NEW STOCK ESTABLISHED BEABLY 40 YEARS. Boys' PlERSOf^ · 2015-01-06 · •-

THE tRO N ERA.The Dover Printing Company,


Saturday, May 10,1884.THE XOSBUOfl BUI, DEFEATED.

ID lh«t UOUH af UefiroauutativeH ou Tueadnv Mr. Morriwm's bil1 lo reduce the tariffwas defeated by a vote of 159 to 124. Onlyfour itepublfcau Congressmen of tlio who]enuniry xnltA for it, wllilfl It hud the BJpportof l.'d Dmnocrotfo members, wlucli ncoueliinivclT wbftt we Isave often clnlLliat Iho Uulk i if free trade Beutiuent iutltU couutry is with the Democratic part;Those wl»o voted against the bill comprisedI IT llepublicaua fcud i'i Democrats. Of thelatter sir were from Nar York, four fromCalifornia, three froin New Jersey, twelvefrom Pennsylvania and ten from Ohio—

'all rcjirownUug jnannfaotnriug or miniufilietrictH, in which public sentiment compolled tbtrato voU against the wishes o:the great majority of their party. Just UtDemocratic uiatnbcn), or more thau three-fourths of tbe IteprasnUUvea of iho partyvoted In the interests off ran trade, a factthat the people of this country will CODaider very seriously before they uQtriwt tha1

party with power. On the other hand IKUOWS tliftt the Republican party is solid foithe protection of Amorioan ind an tries, andIB wllllug to go before the people withthat record iu the approaching President!*!campaign. The free tradi Democrats areloud in their threatening* of veugeanceagainst the minority of Democrats vtiivoted agftiiint them, and the only outcoimof Mr. SIcniBOQ'B move mo at will be n sorious disruption of hh party on this question

Considerable lack of harmony has boeideveloped between tbe Governor and a parof the Democratic State Cotninittee. 'ThiGovernor is accused of designing to run tbparty In the State to suit himself. It icharged that with tLia idea in vbw berwently attempted to eeonre tbo appoint-ment of Privnto Secretary Fiak ft tb»vacancy In Ilia committee caused by tbiresignation of eK-CongresBmanHardenberghTie Governor's Domination of Sir. Flak foithmplnoe oausodan exciting diaoussion ittbe commlttoe, and finally tbe withdrawalof the name. Tha various candidates f<Comptroller also accuss the Governor iimproper niotWea In not colling an extsession of the Legislature for a joint meetIng, and It IB stated that at the meeting 'the State Committee nfl it Tuesday even!there will be a resolution offered demand!that the Governor cwUt such DD extra session.

The Fpirit of tbe lnst Nowftrk M. E. Con-ference appears to have extended to HieGeneral Conference at Philadelphia, wherethe Kev. H. M. Hatfleid expressed hta dis-content on tbe flnt day because the brethren" hardly got Heir feet an Penosylvanit, aoilbefore they were buttonholed In tha loterestof some candidate for Bishop." This calledout a suggestion that he ought to move an%)7estigation as to tbe existence of " rings '*in tha contarenea

Pdr some years it bas been tbe custom foiHon. Aug. W. Cutler to illustrate to hisDemocrat io tndienoea by carefully preparedfigures that a Urge portion of tbe Republi-cans in Congress were opposed lo the tariff.Since the almoBt unanimous vote of tbo Re-publican members for protection on Tues-day Mr. OuUer will doubtless inform biaparty friends that he has been mistaken.Pcrhapa.

Eugene G. Woodward, Treasurer of theBoard of Trustees of the General Assemblyof the Prefibiteriiin Oauwb, and Treafiorerof tbo Church Board of Education, Is a d<fanlter lo the amount of $10,000. And nowthere will arise a chorus of horror from thethroats of hundreds of people who wouldhardly give a passing notice io the defalca-tions of ordinary people.

The Bepnblioan Bt&ta OoDvrjgtona bavoall been held and there Is considerable spec-ulation u to tha preferences of Urn delegateselected. Some figure Blalne ahead andsome figure Arthur as leading, *Wla othersfnollno to the opinion that the rivalry be-tween the leaders wfll result in the selectionaf a dark hone as the Republican Presi-dential nominee.

Another Irish Judu has given Informstion't6taeanthorities"regaTding tbe dyna-mite plots. The Irish, must expeot this. Aman who joins a murderous conspiracynot ba .expected to have enongli honor topreserve its secret* If he can better servebis OWB fntereats by exposing them.

There U a spirit of revenge abroad amongDemocrats which demands the renominatlonof Ur.Tilden. Ill htnith and a desire topass the remainder of hie days Jn peace andcomfort and a letter of poBlUve declinationwill cot prevent hi* nomination, Ha mustactually die to be Bared.

Hie Conrt of last resort fa this SUte de-clares that stock speculating Is legally gamb-ling. And still we suppose people will per-sist hi Bach tpeanl&tions, rather than patron'fee the equally legal and a good deal moresquare green doth and stack of chips.—Trenton Times. ,

Tbe last New Jersey Democratic Con-ventioB pasatd a resolution favoring a reve-nue tariff and tha New Jersey Democratsin Congress, on Tuesday Toted agsintt theMorrison project for a revenue 'tariff. 'Whocan tell which the New Jersey Democrats

wtrThe sinking of the uteamabip Florida by

a collision with n bark In mid-ocean, cam-lug the loss' of 185 lives, makes It stemstrange *b*t two vessels could not find roomenough to pass each other. In such a vastexpanse of water, ,, .

A recent sermon was entiUfid "Will theComing Man Keep tbo Sabbath f" If thogretd of the turning man increases in thaf store an it has done In the past, he willkeep anything be An R*t bis hands on.

It will not require any extraordinary percaption toaeetluU. had U not bean for tbesolid vote of the Bepubllcans against It tboMorrison bill to reduce the tariff would h mpassed tha Honie of BfipresentaUves. •'•

The tariff HU having beendiiposed of th'iFlti John Porter bill "boba up wreoMyagain. Between tariff tinkering and Fiti JohnPorter the Democrats hate wasted nearlytbe whole of the present session,

In a recent, interview Jefferson Dtvfr do*oeribed • Abraham Lincoln as a "vulgarjoker." Yet, when we eame to reflect, Da-vis never did have much reason to likeLincoln: - ;

Thu Morrison horieontal tariff reductionbill has only resulted in a horlxn&tal wdno-tion of the obnicM of Detnocratta Buooeiiin the coming campaign.

The Ben, Butter Wte seems too big fortha small party thnt has hold of it and islikely to get away from tbe aforesaid smallparty at any time.'

The athletio erase Menu to hare Ukei arenewed'hold on the public, and walkingnalabex, bast ball and rowing are now morepopular than ever.

IftbflMorrtooiibul had been eipeolaUydosigned to spill the Demt>craoy In faottonsit ooujd not havB aoounpliahed It* work

The failure of Oeaeral Grant is announoed, I t snows thit iMtmide* nisUksin getting

Sfito tb(j:ta(Ml«from of Wall street.

' H e frea tnfa Oamocraui onlj want toeopportonity of power to parish iUndall andfats boiBsg fotlbfen.

Tbe^ope of Born* haidanDanoed Prt#I t aonry itt k lettgtbr EnoyoUoal letter.

tkt indM the Oenuwrati Lhtnk of the•' gna t orlnie of JIS7tVMbirim£d«r they get

No—Mr. tfnrriaoa will not n odeotUiisye«r. Wfll Mr. Bandall F

EOCIAWAY.The new inm fence recently built along the

west Hide of tlie cemetery adds ranch to iUiipntiaranoe and when the sidewalk Is completud i t wfll be mum uonveaicnt for thuMwho have OflCMilaii to go tbut way. The eeiu-cm-rj look* iua very ««od cawUttoa amitW« credit tallr. .F»hn Q. Molt who Uln-»general care ul" i t The Hover* tliHt bloomhorp and Inn* through the yard, fngntbniwith Uiu trees orhicli aro iM^iuiiins to be cov-ered witli their foli»KC, the imninrous jmtli*uml roadways that leud io most any part of it,uiid uUo the several flue iiiontlincitts amihi'adstonca which nre plarrd at the diffftremgraven InuiriuorTDf t h w wlio in* laid b<'miUh thctmrfuoc, unUV in limiting it nt trac-tive and fafliuiliful.

Just nlinut this time n pooil many nf <miritlnmt aro liiuily eujgngiMl in Improving tlmii]ini]KTty and pluntiug thisir ffardeua.

A few observations lund u* to nay that JohnNorris w going to orect a wut'oa houwibackhiit store. J. liljifcott lion liven huildius au.iw«loou uuduho it ieuee adjoining the went aideof lii* hold. Stteklu Hn»n. have beeu Inyinja wull adjoining the new drug stare. StraitKim have been making HIIUIC nice improvewent*. Geu. UiUer bit* licou baring a newcistern built aud also a sum mot kltohim.Fences have hecn repaired on tlie propM-tyof tbe late Kichard Stephens. The paintingif tbo street lump potts iiinkeBthenilook a

good deal bettor. In fiiuttlie town iu generaludorjjoluu improvement with the exci'p

tiou uf one tluiiBr that is when Daniel Moroniloft tho lump lighting business, for it will It.

1 tu 11ml any ono more dutiful and punt'tunl than ho wm.

Mr, Wm. A. Parliman, tlie taiisorlul artistand popular inueluinii of iliia place, Jius nl)hcen building a new «too]> and floor ut Iiplnee orbusJui'H. That's right, Will; kciNo. 12( looking nice for the hoys, na therenothing like liBving tbingu In Rood order.

Tim Inner part of tho store of Mr. Wilough, our HHBtduoua baker, him beou iHinted. ItwnBdout. by MiutUr Willie Hough

mid is very good, although It could ht> lientt;hy older ami wons exiiorii-noed persons.

Oiie of the pupils urthi> public seliool.whei1'iiteriiiif a paiweiigcr i>or tlio other tiny, KMhis teacher nud fin mod lately romovi'tl his lin

i lii>« head, not thinking ut the Uine wberewas; hut upon reflecting, tUis obedientIh replaced his bat on his head with utrlng cjcpretfllou detected on his face that

lie wns not in tbo school room, us wo support!he thought ho was. Tide la quito nn illustra-tion of tho forcixifli Dibit.

We are glad tu bear that Mr. E. Pox hasabout recovered from Ida rocimt ntcltncu

Minn Jennie Tompklns, of Boonton, wat vis-it in« rclatiuua in tbia plane last week.

Numerous oomplninta hove been inndo olhnrd times, hut from observing tho new store

ODB of aorao of tlio roorelauts, and also thebrisk business which the milliners are doing,

should judge that times are getting better;hero especially.

One of our prominent dorks was presentedith twins by bla wifolait week, nnd hem

to ue in oxccBdingly high Bpirita over thopresent received.

[r. Johnnlo Morgan, who foraomatiinebaa been nsaiatiint night wntekmsn, lately ac-cepted a situation at Sterling K. T., takingcharge of a drilling machine. Wo congratu-late biui upon bis good luck nnd -wo liope hewill prosper iu bis new abode.

Mount Uopo is quint now and everything iiircne. Well done, tbou faithful servant, ioi

tlw victory you have won.In your mind.Two or three mnre of tlio wen who loft herewhile, ngo for Cuba have returned.Mr. Simon Cole's new bouse.will eoou bo

ready for oeoupancy, w it U nearlng comple-tion. It is a very nice residence Indeed.

The man living on the road to Franklin•ho allows his horse to run at large on the

public highway bud better keep him off thoroad or tbo owner will hove damngas to pay,nu ho is Inclined to be ugly to lioraea pnsnlug

hUastor Frank Morgan, »oe of our young

boya, has begun to learn t ie mnaon'a trodunder tlie instruction of D. P. Stickle, AaFrank ia quite handy wo think he will soonaccomplish his object, and wo hope be maysuccsed in this new undertaking.

When a man can't get Borons a bridge with-out getting entirely off his equipoise wethink it advisable far him not to iudulge BOheavily in that luxury for which he bos snoba craving.

Thoplesaant aongof the whip-poor-will iinow beard ID tho evening, wbieb signifiesthnt warmer weather is approHhlug.

Air. Wm. Mattox and wife, of Buffalo, N. Y.,re making a visit to bis parents in this

place.Mr. Joseph Gardener, the telegraph opera-

tor at the D. L. & TV. depot, baa boon affliot-ed with the sore throat, but at this writing is

jnvaleeMnt, .Wnilo Mr. Wm. P. Bryan woe serving as

|juror on a trtnl here several days ago, he wastaken tick nud was unconscious .tor sometime, Dr.Ayen attended bint ami nhorthafterwards he was removed to his homo.

Last Friday afternoon tbe town and vicini-ty was completely oovoreu with clouds of

loko, We believe most ol It caino from ttiowoods being on flro ou Mr. Moblon Hong-landi's proparty, bock of White Meadows.The sun was very red and tbo smoko so thickat times yon could hardly eeo any diatanoe,A number of people booamo quite timid.Several men fought tbe flro nt sight and suc-ceeded In patting it out. QVIBN SABB.

Toe Payment of HortgagM.The Leglalature pnweil a hill whlnh will

cauao a great deal of grumbling on tbe partof nemous who pay off the mortgages. U dthe present law when a person pnya a mort-gage ho takes a receipt on the back of tbo

lortgage to tLe County Clerk, who th<seal off, wliioh renders the mortgage worthslw, the Clerk then enters oa the margin oftbe book where t i c mortgage Is recorded tlatIt has been paid. The Legislature apparentlythought tliat this law was too simple to be inforce in New Jersey, and so passed anotliiInw. Mow when a person wants to pay off anwrtgage he baste get a regular mortgagedlsoharge and other papen wkloa can bodrawn up only by a person well versed In thelaw, so that It la almost impossible to pay offft mortgage without consulting iome lawyer.Iu addition to this the Clerk's fee* are in-creased, as there k more work for him, so thatpaying off a mortgage now will cost about i lfor clerk's fees in addition to the charge madeIT the lawyer, when by the old law it could

bo all done for ten cents.

Congressman Phalps.A Washington correspondent of the Tren-

ton Time* In giving a sketeb of New JerseyCongressmen, nayi of Mr, Phelpat " Pliolpit,olth* Fifth District, you don't want to bearanything about, Ue'i one of thete nationalsort of chaps that's too big to be claimed t>yany dnf le State. Ninety-nine times out of ahundred he's right on public matter*. liestruck his hundredth tlma in that Blaiaeletter, I think, bat he sticks to it that It wasa good thing to do. lie's a great man for

iUnfi to his mistakes, what few he makes.He stuck to his Civil Bights mistake for ailoicn years or ao, and' finally the SupremeCourt tumbled into the very sane blunder.Funny, wasn't it t I euppose his district willsend him back again. Such men ought tolave a sort of lite-lea** on their soata or eUo

be promoted to the Senate."

A I iwyir AtquitUd.Marshall R. Smith was placed

the Federal Court, at Trenton, on Wednes-day, having been indicted for taking £ 0 M aTee for proattrint; the pension of John Rowe,Iftta a private of Company B, Slat Regiment,New Jeney Volunteers. Smith is a lawyer,practicing in Belvldere. His defence WMthat ke oharged only ten duller*, the amountpnacrlbed by law, for Us urrleee in procur-ing tbe pension. Bows, however, lor whatiad been dene for him, presented NO to

Smith's wife. Many prominent cttlscna ofldere tutUed lo tbe bid reputation far

troth and veracity oi t ie principal witnessfor the OorernmeOt, and-Urn jury promptly;aoqnttted the defendant. • •-

- — . - — — a • , •••••

Qau With a Jnrtkff XteUae Agtat,Kitty Arlington, daughter of Richard Ar.

lington, redding in Bnwex eoanty, near tbeDeUware, eloped last week vi ta a sewingtBtontne a«ent Kitty kept houae for herfather. The agen: sold the old gentleman asewing maahine and paid several vlslta to thehouae toBhow Kitty tow to useiV It w utbe old story. They ealltd on tbe old gent,and aakedhbootuent to tbeir marriage. II alaid no, and to prove that lie meant what be•aid lie erdBred tbe young man from tbe house.Kitty Uftshortlj after and she Ui»w thewi He of a Mwing maohme acsnt

HMdquartmteTsrtihjert . <LUter*. Standard!'Ptoepoates, Lister1*

CnuOied'&one iad Orouad Bone, Land Fku-Ur, Potato yerUlisere u d Corn ForUlUeraare Mid at the lowes* OMB pri«» by Wm. W.Hill, Dover.

U noottiUtDtumsJ JadgH.the press basbfien called

toSoctiou VI of Article iix of tbe constitu-tiuiioftbttSute, wtiiehsays:

One Judge for each eminfy shall be oit-polutad avery year, im<l no more, except to1.1! vaoanoies\ which HhuU he for tho unex-plrod term only. The uouiiubtitlon for the firstauiJoiutineBU of til' Huid euurt aballI«ardut«audt8ko efcot on tho Qwt day oiApril next; and all tubtuHiuout eoramwiwupfi>rjtnt«f» of said omirt #ball boar date auillake effect on tbe fintday of April Iu everystiPi«mHive year, exenitt commWons to flitVHCuueies, which BIIIIII bcur dute aud takeeffeut when isuuud.

This section of course was adopted sotbattbe Governor would lie <iom|iclJed to send inhis appointments fur Jadgi-B before April 1st,tiud that the cotumisslons uliftli bear date nollater tbnn that. Mr. Sanderson's oommlsoiouvamiot hfi uutcilutod to April 1st, as he wasnot then nppciuted. Kot being a ooumissiouto till a vtuiatioy, it cannot bo dated April17tb, when the appointments were made.Aiidftuull tluiupdalntments ol Lay Jmlgenuf the BIUIW date. Tlnwc Judges, it is argued,in tukEnK tli«lr acata would estahliib irregnlurir not unlawful courts, ofwliluhii] iniportaiciwta fl-lvuiitngds would bo taken by iutcr-i*teil purlieu, Governor Abbctt loema toliuvc iintdd ouotber wretched blunder. Astbo Constitution appears to be clear, to thoBfftct thnt u Judge, unlew io fill * vacancy,L-uuuot bu appointed subsequent to April lat,it fullows that these oppointces of April 17tli

muot take their souts until April lat ofvoar.—Pateraon Press.

Should thia theory bo established in footMr. Muiwon, of this county, would be one oftbe uuconatitntional Judges.

FBrm Notes,Two Inoliea ia said to be tbo right depth

for covering wheat.Salt around tbe roots of blackberries In

said to bo n oiire for rust.Applus are being imported from Germany,

nud we should be abb to supply ountnlrc*.Drood sows elioulil have nice, warm, dry

lions, nud aliould be kept «[uiet imtl welllicddutl.

The liuglisb eparrow, accorillun to thovotorun setvdsinon, J. J . H. Gregory, in a groutenemy of tlie siwd-firowcr.

I't'iioh trees alionld be pruned as soou asjiosBiblo.onro buiug token to cut off all slumtaelone above a wood bud and not a bio.bud.

Montana flocks increaao In a fivefold ratioevery three years—that is, tliero nro fivetimes as many alicep there now as therethree years ago.

Beet, parsnip, onion nnd dandelion seedure fluid to bu umong those which muat beused when fresh, while oueuuibar and squitahseed aro hotter when olA.

Cows that are about to calve elould heBepuratcd from the herd, and tbo food Bbouldhe of a aloppy nature, not to be concentratedin order to avoid roilb fever.

ProlciMor Steward states that ten poundsof turnips, with one nnd a half pouatla orcorn, will fatten a young elieen or lamb faeteithan throe pounds of corn alone.

.+ . ,»• •+ . .- PrevaUing PMIUOIIJ.

"fianapnriel" poplin is not likely to gainpopularity until next season.

It Is now considered en regie to go throughthe mnrrlufio service without gloves.

lNoui>nriel"velveW-en grows more popu-lar, axd la ihown in nil the leading tints ond

ilors for auminor wear.

Gliangoablo silks nro making their way veryslowly to the front with us, but abroad they

re In tbo full awing rf popularity.The novelty in paranoia and fans is white

or black lace, without lining. Thoie are verydelicate and effective for watering places.

lied voatB are one of the features of tbespring fashions iu Paris, and bare all tbeadvantages of being novel and generally be-Homing,

Milliners In Paris ore osfog small roundbralda with good effect. They employ themflth atraw, an was tbe oase with chenille last

year.Dnakrs are offering nn exoeHent oloea of

plain colored silks, of which there ore atleast fifty different abadoa and grades, ratig-

ig in price from Beventy-flre eeats upward.One ofthorlchast designs inAmorioanbro-

Okdeaigtiie^alta-lily pattern. Another oquallyadmired la the passion flower. These areshown in contrasting tints.

Hr. Phelps ana Blalie'i Ohtatet,Cauftressman Pbelpa, in a recent interview

gnvo this statement in explanation of a ballofthat Hr. Dlaine would he nominubid forPres-Idont: " I think ho will have more strengthin the Chicago Convention than any otter

, More than that, he will hare greaterstrength than he ever uod before in any Oon-'ontioti.1' IthlnfehoTill have less organlied

opposition than lie ever had bofore. In formerronvcntioDK parUoularly that of 1680, the op-position was thoroughly organlied and thefight against him vigorous and hitter. Thistime there does not seem to he any organliedopposition or anyitrong organisation for anyother candidate. How, in 1880, when we wontto Clilongo for nialniv there was'a solid wallof 806 against us. It was like granite, andtbore was no possibility of making any inroadupon it. Talk to any one of those 300 aboutBlaine or any other candidate, and he wouldeay, and did lursriablyVay, that it was use-less to' mention any t u t "Grant to him. Theresult proved that this was true. This timeire have uo such organisation to opjwae,going there, aswe skall, with at least one-third of the convention for Blaino, and theother delegates with their mluda not made upfor any particular candidate, We shall be ableto, I think, nominate nira."

AttaoUng Binop Wigger.A purse of OOOTDS preeentcdlast

day evening at Faterson to the Bev. FatherHugh Murphy on tbe port of bis late pariah'loners, The presentation was aooompaniedby sn ftdJrMB, tlgucri by Hems. P. tee , J,Ijand, J . Coughlen, J. MoCurthy, Menger andGourley, oa fl oominiltao on behalf of tbe eub-

lbers to the twtimonlol. In the proaonta-tion address the conjitilttee said that the re-moval of Father Murphy excited profoundlyatpathy, which was intensified by the" oraol and undignified manner " ia which hehad boon treated; that his arrest by a police,officer was not enough WsatUfy the malice of |bis cnenios, and "liorror" was expressedthat tbe Chancellor of tho diocese should at-tack Father Murphy. _ In response FatherMurphy said t " To*dsy, my friends, over thUbrood, fair, free land there are many goodand holy priests crushed, wrecked and brokenhearted, nnd hopeless victims of this fell andterrible spirit, suffering in silence, afraid topublish their grievances to ths world. I ngaiireiterate tho ohnrgB that Bishop Wigger Ispartial t« tho Dut«h and prejudiced againstthelrisli priests, and a brief surrey of bisdiocese will confirm tuts statement."

Health Kixlmi.Nature 1B very much like a sluftless child,

who, the more he Ii helped th* inure helooks for I t Tbe more medicine a mantakes, the more lie will have totako, wbetierit be anodyne, tonio or alterative.

Tbe thinnest veil or silk! hudkenhlefthrown over the face while riding or walkingagainst a cold wind Is a remarkably comfort-ibl« protection. (. . . . . .

Jfever sit or stand Ttitb tue wind blowingoa you for a single moment, for It speedilyproduced a chill, to l»e followed with a fever

I r i ^ f c «ad then a bad cold. ; r ,.•* -iEieroise to the extent of fatigue does

j more harm than good.A hearty meal, taken while excessively

fatigued, has often destroyed lifeChQllness of boily dampens the spirit*,

BOUTS the temper and renders the whole manunlovely.

Cleanliness in all die surroundings oJ a. family mansion pay richly In many ways, Ingood health, moral elevation, personal com-

1 fort, dollars and cents besides.

ThifUfMtParttfaOar,A part j of merchant tnvalera In m ps*sen-

.enger eoten wentalklnr over their travel,tag experience and the dongur of MeiaeiiU,and finally tbe qneetion arose as to tbe safestpart of toe oar. Falling to settle the ques-tion among themselves, thej called npoathe conductor, and ane of them salt "to Wm i"Cohdnotor, we have been dlteuMint; thomatter of thetafeetpartorthe car, and wantto know you opinion " t(Want to know the•fcferVelr replied the *«m*.cu* "tea,that's i t " Well," lepIUA Of eonilaeiorborrawing a ehew of tobsooo, and lookingdkappoblad became he (lidn't get a olxar"I've been on the road for V «ars aud Ihave been turned OfM emhati)tiBflnte hmt«]up in tanulaf dtiaped pff brultM, lalesoop-edlaeolllaions, hlown flff the traok bj oclone*, run Into open switobes, and lad oth-er pleuant incidental dlvertiseniBnts olkiadreit natore, and. I should My, a™"*-m>(nlthesaibatpSTte|llie e u WM tbat partwhisb; ppened to be to tbe shop for repairsatthetiniaoftbe accident.'* i

Clear aid Bwutlfti.AtUr Minn Htmllton'S Oti«otal Bsbu, tbeBlia

Nil! lisis a irasb., deer and beiutifttl appunnw.Entirdlrfrwirom Tan, finkltt, M& *» Ble a-1,1,,.. It Is «o pwKcUy Urmleu ti»t It C O D -blltoplMM«h«m«tbitldlmu. Wi* werantneiIt to sU tbo ladlM. Price H coul. 1H>r battlBold hf Bobeit Efllgora, Bant. _ _ _

AWNINGSfor Bturc BQd private Uoasf* mB<lc. Al»nOEllDBBS'8 I10CT8 for ..If, 717 ftel 6l n C l " 1 " " " " " ' W.B.COLLA11D,

"ttlLetters r e m a i n i n g uuclul iuei

in thePoitOffice a tDoTer .W.JDover, N.J.. May 8th, IBM.

Miss Phoebe Ayors,Jo». Davia,T I I M . r - • ••>s, Famiing,

SIB Fonytbe,

WmVUoKwaKate Hush,

Albert Smith,SUinhcu M. Bmith,J. / . Smith,Julia 8uitth,Aaron gowliu,E. V. Tmwl.ri.iH0,Jolm T b t l

Frank Hanson,Hutu. HenneseDavid Hynes,Tlios, ftloCiuic,J . H . Mill,(leo. K. I'ii'rwoiSLHU.1I ltyau,

To obtain any oMheabiM-plfiM-r* nay *'unr t lMd" ami gln> date nf idu U-t.

O. 0 . HINCUV1AK. P . M.

•mfy BFstom orSmHil Profits appreciated;JWL Quality and workmanship of the bout.

My thanks for liberal patronage mtlie paot,Order* by telegnpb messenger or telephone

attended to.JOBN JONEB. DrifiertatBr.

RncVfwKV. tt.J.

D I E D .

VAN NOSTRAND-May 3d. at tbe roidonceof lior parfiiitn, OrconviUe, N. J., Mu«,

Oisst dflUEhter of Henry I>. and Maryostrand.

TILD-At Port Morris, Mnr SH, XaneyTitl,rfilioTofthelatnPlillnTilUfMt.KrflcdoniBged 67 years, 10 montlii and 17 duyo.

SMITH—In Dover, May 3d, llnrtlin. yaiiiiBrstdnugliter ot Nathanlol nnd Colin Siultli,nged 3 yuaro, 8 montlia nud 8 il»y«-

JOHNflON-At Mine Hill, Way 3d, Minhnol,romped ohild of Hinhael aun Atm Jutm-tun, ageil one year.

WANTED.A jounirnwn aselerk fn «Trncr silnre ;«rrcrjr

to post-office. Must nuilor*Und telemphy Usome client. Bsrercnces itqnlrod BK Ifsobriety and honesty. AdrfiTmtSDm

6p«ri». BnsBrx Oo,, N.

NOTICE.TheBnnnal meeiinir of the Stockholders ol

Tho New Joricy Imo Mininp Company tnr thrlnolion of a new Bosrd of Dn^dnm, mm hn

lirtf i t the comnanv's DIB'-P. in Dnvrr, U.J..onWednesdar.Uay 38lh, l^ t at 2 o'clock P.M. Jbe tramfor bonka Wll romain pUiwtfrom tU 8lh to th« 33th inM. WlD.lrr.

L. O. BTEtlWIRTH, Hro'v,Poror, N. J,, May 7tb, 18B4. 33-Sir

ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE.The rutaicribor. Administratrix of Robert

Blr, dec'.!, will aell id Poblio Pale at tho tat.rofdtleuco of said deceased, n< i t iiuur lo Par-se ft Ulark's, Dover, N. J., on

TUESDAY, MAY 13th,JU.s l I tlie personal property of said dce'd,coiislstinn; In part or tbout 250 vanls Oiiloi•DdWooren Qooda sititabtR lorF^ntH.Cutt^Or«i costs tn<l EnltlueH, lot Uuiug* *n<l Bind-IIRB, lot HptnoDDte, S pair*, 8 Chiir*,

W^bBuuJ, 1 Tailors Ba»r,l, Prusfing Imqtud Blpve, lORetlier with army other nrtlcW

' Domed. Bale io commence at 2 u'cluct P.o l l « * . d £ & r f u b r

AA. JTJDSON COE, Anctioneer,



Estate of Robert Ely, dooeascd,

PURSUANT to the order ot tbo Surrogateat tbe Oonnty of Moms, made on the

eiilh day or Hiy, A. D. ono thonundelffbt bandred aad elglity-rour, notice ishBreby given to ill persons Uviog claimsagainst the estate of Bobert Ely, lite ofthe County of Horns, deceased, to piesent thesktne, under oath or affirmation, to the snb-ember, on or before the stith day or Febru-ary next, lelng nino tnontlii from the d»tcof said order; and any creditor nt-Rlecilfg tobring in and exhibit bis or Lor claim, nuderoitb or afflrmstioo, within tho time so limited,will be forever barred of liln or her actiontherefor astinst tba idminUtttlrix.

Dated the sixth day ot Hay A. S . 1984.ELIZA ANN ELY,

Administratrix,S3-10* . Sorer, N. J.

Ih t t , J i ln IfHankim. JamesHimlvilie, WilUiinHall, FrankHm.t, filioUelHill, Om-perHill, QeoneHiycook, AmosHilbert, Red.Ifowell, J. StanleyHall, Johnfiagerson, Ole

Jennlnits, LevinaJcnnlngB, Wai. D.Jensen, utirirtiiaJohnson. QmtaveJohns, William.leDBon, HtnsJaoobnt, FrsnkJuhnson, AndrewJenmngB, JUBIIOJones, Ite'ld :JacobsfiD, ObriiluoJuhnson, August

Kiminskt, JolmKeefer, WilliamKins, Ford "Knlscr.OiirislopherKlnp;, Divid ,KiDR, £il«srd

LiroLorlB, JohnLee, LewisLiev, AlfredLrnni, Uiunins;Lyons. JohnLuve, FrankLong, Alfred

Uimker JohnMillion, JointMiBssker, WilliamHcD*vji, Ytnx F.UfiMkpr, Frank <Miller, JohnMainelt, NelsonUsagre, JosephMcLtnithnn, OliarlosMurphy, JamesMcUiun. JBDMIUcaUbon.SeDjtmlnUoore, Isaian .UcDonsld, FatrlokMorriion, JaoiesMirton, JosephMCBIIOT, JameiMcQntru, PatrickMawlln, John OtMills, FrederickMontgomery, Straoel

Neilson, PutrrNIIOD, Obsrlea




The Central House is one of ths finest in

tbii section and is pjeasautly lacnteil ona

hundred yards from the Control depot, and

about tiro minutes walk from tho o j L. &

W. It ii a large roomy house and well tut-

nlshed throqgbcut. Always open to



A well furnished B*,fc and POOL noon con-

nected with the house, For fnrtbor tnformn-

tion address the proprietor. 23-ly

PIANOS! ORGANS IOrgans $65, $70, $80,

$90 and $100!

Pianos, Square, $190,$210! Upright, $210,

and $225!The Organs aro made of thoroughly sea-

soned Black Walnut, aro bountifully fluiehedand is tone cannot bo swim^ed

The Pianoa are tho most decant ns veil nmbstantial to be had. Tim umnl iirieos fothese Tianas are «300 to $350. Being to mexpense for store rent or olerk hire I erll nt ismall ad van on on manufacturer'a jirici'«.

r y Every Instrumeiit warranted,udrtssorcall upon

Wm. W, Searing, Agent,DOVER, N. J.

Organs can be seen at my homo on MiHops Avenue, Dover.

DRAKE & KING,Builders tad dMlers In LUMBER. Aba * cow

•leto Block of Sub, Doors. Bllails, Mouldinki miBracktli. 1,1ms.Datnent, Lttb, BooBng Felt •<»•mythlng parttlntDB to the bnlldtaa trado. *cd iltbe lowest prices. Bjito liao&ait * |p«cliliy. Alioill the laulng brsnls af Ptrtiliiuri. Cuntrapufor bnlidlngi Ukea from tbo eic»v*tlnB of the rel-Ur tnd matsrtals furalahed. If jaw ctmtcmpUtu"mlldinff rlva ui ft call auil aaru luouti.


Delinquent Tax-payers 1




Allen, Bar»u B.Avars, Joseph B.AgenU. H.O.ArtbM: CharlMAndrew, Anderson.Atrionon, Bcury

BrsnniD, William

BluiKllfWIUiiiiiBroadwell, SlipbenBUke. QflO. A.Ilrei,l»tll,O«tJBBreera, WilliamBireli, LoUoilB h Wllll

;Hmt*Bnekner, JohnHeemtr.Alphe&iEst.Btrtlesifn, ItarnirBarrr, Nokh - .Batter, John 'BnttlDg, PhilipBeen, Jofatii '"•"Bowd«DtJohDJr.

...1H " -CMta, JonnC « B , Hebon -Oolfim»n, IkuclnlchCtH, WhltBeldCndstof»lHOD, AlfredClwo. ffm. I.Chariton. WlUkaOoaitlc, John t ,flamming*, ff —-

s&tfiSsa.Obrrstil, LawnaM0»lo, JoaephOOOM, ElesurO y , Bdwarn

itenwn AsdO r i i n , vCln», EbacecerOliriitensen, JasperCillcD, Edward

Bilzell, BodolphDavenport, JMobHDivonporl, Anaud»DlcUrfon, ChsrlealUvcnp'irt, Jofinhnilrj-mpli*, John T.Dnrtrau*. BiobirdSeeker, LewisDickenon, Nathsnlel

ErloksoD. Fred. -Kltvouft, fiiduej jEut, Jiibn ; ' ;E y , John ' , 'Knflrum, AnflrewG,Erneal, L>vea

J, JKIID, Dennis

piTcu, JnbiiPunoiico, Aogn»tnsFonrer, Predfiazer. PeterK e , Ennene

J HKrfcotan. AndwFirn.-ll, PatrickF l , Edward

niftsn Ulch

Oriffen, Gonlner01 lion, Wm.Ulllen, 0t»». A.OIIBI, PlntoDUige, Q<*orgeOiovsr, Oicar

Rater, GrarseHeaier. Ohtrles*Himms. ArthurHluru. FrankHunter, TJoluncoyHiulnnd, Julm

tier. WillliniGHlllH inr


Niadlin, Edwin"Newton. Fred.Nolluon M«l

-COntioa, VilUam • .U l i o n , A. K . * -••Osborn, Sllii

Parker, W U i l a n i ; ;P*riim»n, MlllataProat, HiohselPier«on,Pred,,- „;-Prlakj Herctles ? :'..Perry, JohnPUltip*. William

PieraOD, Ghtrles ' .PujBflr, PeterPhillips, AuBBslnsParker, ThowuPieraon. Oaittv ••Petty, Rilti ' ^Pear, LiwtenoaPlillllpi, Borjimin •Plillllps. Thorn**Plilllpi, WillKra ,Pierwn, Prank -Pieraon, GeorgePost. HiclisrJ :Pnlfl, TrtnkPwllmin, IMwiaL. ,

Bosch, TbotnuRiiey, fUnoklllco, Andrew .-Hlbb:n, Mattliiifl L.Ray. I m oRindolph. ThomuRawlins, JohnBe)Dol(jB. SteplRian,WIHltn)IUTKJIIU JacobTliokley, JacobRiarke, Mlohielllj»n, PatrlokHoff, JobnV.HoblnsoD, NoalU.n, FraDkRandall, OeorgaW.R^tnalne, JohuJ.lingers, WilliamHIk J m e

Stewart, Jamei L.Bmltb. Mai.Stark, NHionHicklep, OgienBnnti, Frank"".ton, Simoel—.ton, J art ionHiaplotoD, FrankSundslrom, JohnBuvenecn, KUtlhtasSicklor, Joha Sit.Stitcher, George'8lB»»rt, George0'ffcrp, TheodoraMmonscTi, JohnSwann, l^iomasBteelman, absdomBUge, GUI, tonB t p , Qnst orfltltep, BnbirtBiirier, WilUam8roith, BIIRRBnilth, Alcxi oilerStickler, FeMlinindStickle*. r?Miam

iltti, Hetrya\zi<, IHI,«Clib, Emaett

aring. Vm. W.Scare, TiaiiclBlierry, V.'urreiiHperrj, .".ohnSuarp, iSticSliarp Antbony-iJna:^ JohnSing AahB ^ e r v i l l c . JsmosSllvrr, FrankBin'tb, I i » dBuirrain, JamesSmith, WillUm D.B l t n Otto


ISSin)iw1 00,100


Wl o o111

111001 DO100171

100100170100,1D0100101100I U

1001 001001009 50


ino1741 0O9501001001I (III10010)100

l « l15 83350100100



• 100

1009 50890100









15 Ml100100100100100100100100190100100250100100

' 100

1001001001742BS100100l o o :1D01D0250100185100


1001001001001001D01001001001001481031001O0100100100100100100100ion100960160loo100100100100100100100100100100l o o2501001001C0100869100100

1A#E are now prepared to show the most complete lines of Ladies',** • Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes we have ever shown, and are

still making a specialty of P. Cox's Fine Shoes, and have an elegantassortment in French Kid, Curacoa Kid, Glove Top Kid, Pebble Goat,

&c. in all the latest styles and all widthsand sizes; no trouble to get a perfect fit.s

We have just opened a splendid line ofLadies' Kid Shoes which we are sellingat $8.00, which have all the style of the'higher priced goods, and all solid leather.

In Men's wear we have an elegant assortment of all the latest stylesin Button, Lace and Congress. We shall at this time mention the cel-ebrated goods of Hanan & Son. These are thoroughly reliable goods,elegant in style, and equal to any custom made work. We will givea guarantee with every pair. We also have a very nice all solid leatherfancy tip shoe which we are selling at $8.00. In fact we keep every-thing in the way of foot wear for Ladies, Gents', Misses and Children,and all at very low prices.

WlDJusMB, Buanelra.H,i





PEBBLE GOAT,FltOM 75c. to $3.00.

J.HAIRHOUSEWaliler ill Jeweler,



and fill goads pertaining to tbe tradeCUT T H I S OUT


e»Te Dover for Kaw York.B:B3»; 7:0»i 7:31; 8 « !

sad 11.10 A. M. 1.43* i 3.11 i».0T*ifi.IO; ». 07* i iodB.30 P.M.

Boontan lirsncu.


TO Ko» York for Dover—7;30 11.30* !s 10.10 A. M. 13.00 ; LCD*; 3.301 t.

B.W: a.OO*; (.adT.tSP. U.VU Boon ton Bnncta.l*»vo l>ovor roc Treutoc ind Pliila.

Tim). It. R., anJ 3.59 P. M-

AND PASTE I T IS YOUR WATCHI wnnU call 6spool»] intention to ray BFIUNQ

STOCK, belnft Iktgo and complets, 1 M"7 theUrROBt atnck of Sllver-wwe, Fort* mil Spooui forUtite uaa ever sUowu lo Dover.

W t b O l k d J l ' e d B d » p»tcbB». Olocki »nd JflnolrjcoftiiedB pbe beit minnor. W4tche» IQ1<1 on tnitillmenU





t* noff may lo (enre the people or Olieiterand TiolDlty with

PHILADELPHIA CREAMbrtbapUtearqnul . Tblioream iBsoknowl-edxed by all to be tbe best. Ton can tlwxyiflnd •, roll Btook of Oonfectionery. Nats, Fruit i' , at his piaca i t reasoaabls pricee.

A sped«aty is nodn of Bnpplylngwoadipartlei and balU with all kinds of MIUonerr, cakes, mi other edibles. 1-



RESTAURANTbuaOao supply of

MORTON'S ICE CREAM,which he will supply by plule in bis piaee or

by quwlltjr to cuittuuiBn nt tbe lowest




MonniB COUNTY OHI'IIAKB1 Count,lonntterof Uio mJe of lamli of Aliibn.nncr, ilee'd, for the piiynivut of lit* iVbt

BY virtue of anonlnrnf Ihe MorriH CountyOrphaim' Court, ontftrpd in lh« nimvr

xtuteil mutter, on tho lliinl day of D M em I tor,18«3, we, EiccnturBiif AlphouH lire in IT, itee'd,nball sofl nt public vemluc at tbo hotel of 1.II Joilov in Dover, on THUKKDAY, tbeiwnlflh iky of June A. IJ. 18R1, nt two o'clockin the aFtcrnmm, tho iolhiwliiji dewirilti'd lotssr iiaroBlB oflnml nnd pu>mlne», will, tlie np-|iurlrniiiiwn, beliiR tho Mimic deBM-itieil in "iniii [inli'r, tlmt is tunny: tliom? thvoi) lotiiarudH of lima and piWmc.n, Hituatu iu tbetowmhiii of Rimdolnh, in tlid Crnmty of Mor-rlrt mill Btatii of New JITHUV, lxxniilcil ILJUIiloftcriimil iw folloivH:

FIHNT LOT-A lot of Imiil Kittuito in Kmidolplil<)wiiBliii>,iLf(jrcmiia,iicnrthiiDfl;iwnro,L.iji'k-

l)«vfr,wlierc*i nro three tcnniit "house's, dhcritjud iu n riml Jimcpk SCIIIOH 1Alpheiw llenmrr, Antvti April 21kb, 1809, co:.

iujj iihmit four Hires ori^iiuilly, out ofI>II, however, euid Hvcmcr eniivevp*! om

lot tu MiuhHia O'Lnnghliii. (mil twu lota tiUlnhanl Trrrill.

SKCOSII LOT—A tract nf hmil known ns thuSayro Farm, contoinliic nlmut forty ncres ofhiml, conveyed tn Al[ihrti8 Ilewnir by deed"ran Aanm Sayro, dntoil August2il, We, andcuorded iu tho Morris Couuty Clerk's Offlin Hook 0 0 ot Deeds pane SIT, A-c.

Tititto Lor—The house nnd lot aitunte iho Houth side of Bliickwdl street ia tilt ton>fI>oviir,ltiti>lyoccupk'(lbvUargaretL.Seem<ir na a Btore, piirobaHFil by tho said AliiheuaBeomer of MOMS Doty, by deed dated Keli-

iry let, lBBft, nnd recorded in tho Morrisunt.v Clerk'e Office iu Book N 7 of Deeda,

pnge 333, containing about 2,500 square feet.MAROAKET L. UEEMEH,JAMES H. CAftllELfc

Eietutors of A, lloomor, dco'd.Dutcd Awril itIL, iSHi,


Hew Jersey Real Estate.Office: 758 BROAD STREET,





EXCHANGINGcountry property for city property

A SPECIALTY.Loans negatiited on


REEIDBNOE: . . . . . Moani i iowH, K, J .

H. P. SANDERSONhia in stock a nnnlol of


Plilfomi, OTOISIJ ui Express ? ^ i i s ,Mr. Ohfti. Q. OnffBn, who will I1W*TB be

..mnd at bis Paint Bbcp, on Cliuton Htrei.wltl attend to iho loiliag and will natnoioi

21-tf' II. P. SANDEKSOA.





A Thirteen Inch Spoon Steel, nitli DonbJD Oentera and Oloth CoTored, hotU Flexible scd

Durable. • y.

Bido AdJDHters, SIlverTlpped Slda Bteols.

JoiDtoa EsckB, Hloh EmbroldeiT. ' ^

Bilk Etaiiio Hipo, WAItRANTED lo esdnro the wear of the cloth.

No Bones. Cor&line Qorded througtiout, and warranted not to break..

Sizes from IB to S3 kont constantly in Btnck, in nhtte.

Any color In Silk, Bitln, Conttl or Bitloen uado to older.

Bold witb iinmeDBe snecess foi four yrara.

Not ona io A thousand Iniperfeot.



8TATB OF NEW JEIF NEW JEHIIKT, )XEH urTHKTllEASUIlT >, Aiiriiaetii, isfti, )

FrioR OF CoiirrsoiXTRKKTOK,

Pursuant to tbo prorisions nf acts of theLodslatnn reUttre to the pnbllo priutinc.sealed proposals mill be received at tbU ofilcofor printing the Tolumo of Lavs paused nttbe soulon of 1884, tbe Jouronl ol tbe Sonataand the Uinntes of tio Honw of AMcmbly oftbe Bold iewion, toe Bevoite of Suto Oillcer*,Institutions, Board* and Commissions for tbecurrent year; and sraoh ether pnblie dmenu a* may ba reqpirpu to be prlntea.

Snoolfloatiatta of t i e aald work (Includingsnot printing ai may be required to bo donein the German language) trill b» ready forttrmnlnatlan at thU oftfoe on and after JJBT

" "" " Irjrttl be reoetved nntil

i)N, Compttotler.

NOTIOE.Tba annul eloetlon fat Directors or Tha

tfotint Hupa Uialnir Ct>mp».Ti» will he hzli i tthe ofllcti or the compin; st Mount HDJW, HewJeru j , mi MONDAY, tho fllih dsy of M»y,

voeknoon. The^llirtWreinilt tmwafor

jna how. THfiO. 8TUBOBS.Ksw York, AprUlflth. 1881. • BecnUr?.

JAMES S. MEL1CKhas opened liin now ntoro on

SUSSEX STREET, (next to CAIN'S SHOE STORE,)r.nd begins) trado witli a flue nuw slock ol

SEGAKS AND TOBACCOS,of eYdry (itiality and Rrfidc.ftndin thifl iino orbuainess, cither at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL

Is prepared to cITiii1 tlio lowest, prico conaiHlcut with tho (]im!llj or tho article salJ.

WINES AND LIQUORS.I hfivo rk TOry itirno ItOQ of oooilti In itiiB {IciinrtiiiPut. mid to retail ilufllcrfl c&n oliur oiP"*

inilnct-inciiti topur-liaecrs. AIPO, nn umisiiilly i'.nc Btfiult of iroportrd Winrf ami LiciD0Cl

far family and medicinal yurpoe"!). Imported Ales. Oingi'r Alts and Porters DE tbe ht^ScianufactnrorB. II?

NE"WS DESPOTwill contain all tho loading (itily ami ircckly newspsppm, nnd Hubacrlbera or purchaser*, » i"

bo supplied from Iho More nr at tlipir rpniilcoci's in tliu ~linitett time possiblo alter IbJirarrivi.1. HUNDAlf NEWHPAPEUN ilclivtrcd nl vctr Hoon nt an eariy hour.



POINTS.3d--Lowest Prices

4th—Largest StockC L O T H I N G XX.A.3L.X.,



THI LABQBST AND rBICla I H Z LOWfffT. I , . ' t i ,


J.MILTOR8MITH.IOutom oattsr. t


Page 3: NEW STOCK ESTABLISHED BEABLY 40 YEARS. Boys' PlERSOf^ · 2015-01-06 · •-

Saturday, May 10,1884.

, .. • WWAT imam

Common Council »Wt Monday eveningThe Stanley mltifl are again reported to be

Tha Mort&rtown Charter (IIMHM OCBUTB

The pro»pect for nil ktoda of Jhiit ii ial<l lob t l l tbe most excellent.

Mr. Wm. W. Hill's ow horse ia aaiil to hooils DJ* the fineot JB town

Mr. Wm. B. Montague, of tlin Chroniclebus boon appointed a Xotnry Pulillc.

A lodge of tliB "Knight* «( thn Oolilci

Star" la lining orgastiznil In Miulisun.

Tlte Minstk Dynamite Co. !»«» rrnioVFi] Jtj

iilHue 111 New York U) 21ft llwiiulvrny.

A linelicil nf licmntltfl orn linn liit'n iliseov

oreil on tho fnrtn of B. Tiger ut I^iijiitdt.

jj wited FisJi Wjjrfpn »f D m uvvrtoil Jviilic.

Tlio i i i touf ijiiliiiiieluiri taken n lieu il lung

t until*. T>iin will In: tin«il now* to uiviiiinV.

Theodnre Kutler, »f BnfiTitnu, on iumiiti! of

t'niMorrlH 1'liilnK Afyliim, ej>cn»i'd »U TUCH-

HiighJ. Jevett , PwHidentofllifKri,, ltnil-

Tond, hug takcu a summer rtnidenee In Mar-

Slnie nf Now Kurt, a ml eontatupl

ing lionie.

Tho latent Won in tlm fiiiriine i

tUn "wtcfceileat mini" inMccdu

HDtncat woimii.

Hov. Mr. Hallowiy will jtroiwl

lintli cvctiiaRUitnn " Clirirt Hie; wi

for Oliridllniilty."

Tie iHowof tl,s l»(o fa C. Cooper nil»moT«d to Hew Founfflmd.

C p t D . S AUM,ofHoD.YltPort,Ko H,hu b««» .ppolnlad u, A.,l,tai.t D.juimoatWpootortfttoO AB

Col Fra&erlok D Qmat, otiftda aa aulgnntMt yratcrday w tb prefer-

BDOosto tbe amount of (340,000.

. i Belli;, of BuekufTe, Ha* k i t lotake n potltlon i s New York. Gco. Hutibnl,ofKuiRht'a Hotel, Stanhope mooeech hltn

Tlm Central Railroad will isstic a new timetable next Monday. Whether It will affect[lie JIJKh Bridtw Braucli we Lave not foamed.

Tlie Now York times «.y»: "TheD., L, &W. IL It hw determined to ixteui tho Ber-uimluvilli! Urauch to Now HempUm Juncttouvia. Peapack and Kow Geruinntflwii, Thliwill give tboin another lbus JICKIM 2f©w Jer

i bi^ua to fool brightened a M b

Tbla la iUtBQ p

flWcAm repeat*aiie like Payer,

or Jjody of man" yet maiu

Wtothor tt H needed or not, very oftrtuteniitMirhitte ulndfl of ihu people, u

upon wlitcb tliey are Terj likely to notunymovomejitofaa nnuuol obaracteriU

iQt! tw&nnd

tiiH» work tin

fi i)iuirry, tlie Wriglit rain

e. Ouo Muck of tlio fiii-ntHi

u-d mid work nyon tlm (

uuil tlio Kingluts nlwt bwn

theris neurly

Cupf. Alien

Nomfoii property,

Um p.m-lmW (lie Julri


nrllst, i

ttiMeott, the Dover jtholaz

linuiit)) of his vstiiblindm

xt w«fck, DoimWaou is


o r i ^ B B F J ga aia>pl« thing v tba Iwricu of 1 town p.uu;W nimje (be ptefeitfor a.jrtmpjata mtfl

n of the town government Bo tew pteit* wore not -watttiug in UiDabecnctuf goo

i for a eliange In the d l'fho


,11.1 nil our UoDiit'in reader* who

him their^ will l>o {IIMIKMI.

The niimiiii for thelHri'rtorfl of thnBiiiBfctmi Silk Mnimfiivturinj; Co. wrm lidd

WIIK nw-li'rted : K<1. V. ltiird, fieo. SiiiRlotou!

M. V. II. Srui-liijr, X. tt. llr-unplr, litiflHpll Mnr-

i.V, K. K. RLW mid Win. ttitnnlclxnn.

The AtN-ntown Inm Wnrku w m fold Ii

iillmlt'ljihlu on Wi>due«Iay fur WO.OOO, im.l

;lit in for tlio bouduolAtfrc, who will

il tii rctircnnlB* tho iiy nnd put

bwhich tin> 111U to

nmy h: i i l IHlnWvur fail tii comt) 1<»


pgintlioCllurclioronrLnrlyof Ml. Canui-i, nt

Roontoii, lout Snnila.v.

Tlie (Input at I'omplftii, <m HM'N. Y. S. A;

W. H. !(., was dewtro.y.-.l \>y f\rr nn Hunduy

nftaruoon ol last wool.

An exelinnpe Ri

ier Annut heard i t ennflrrowl.

Hov, H , M, Yoortieeii,

pr?anlic<{in tlio Firwi Pn-flh

Bnlvldcro, Iiwt Sumluy.

Rev. Dr. \Vow\, nnc.fc

Mertfr.of tli!» place, divd nt

on Alunduy, agftil 71 j'oatn.

BoDinel Trewiittha hu«

rlonnd his saU1c.11 mid siiyn l,o

nppliennt ft»r Jiwn«n nfxt ye

Otir Wiislilujmm (sorrrnin

mv «d" tin- jieoi-lo uf St. Ileinnrd's

Ml. Ilflju., will Wmi t i i iwdmi Sat-

oiiiii»i»l'Uiln we fiUninl Friday uuil Snt-

.•ciiinj,' of nest wfiek. lancing nml

niBciiictilH will be provided, ami it

nf vdmililt, nrlieli'9 will ho dlsjiiued

Tin; lif.H.1' Hn- lntu Dr. J . JT. Cuylor. nf

Mutual Ui\-ttd vi tlio KBW Vrrk



-1I!JJ.1 Iwv

iiil iilioul

last imRr,lm» mi ititi-ri'Miiii; '

pnimittinii of Sir. Th<n. Swnyi

I! 1N ri'iKirind thnt MeOnltiw

new (h'\wt if a nil« rim ho nitti

(if tint hotel Bt ahlc« fron of c»p

ITn? hotelfi ord RIII^QIIR of (

of tlirir npiilli-atioim fin- HCMIM

WDIHIMI «ri«ii««rf lin'ir ilref

ctmw tlicy likn tn luivc ulro II'

them when tlicir b.icks urn turned.

Uiulpr tho now luw tho AaBPH«orp nro rr-

i|uircd tn iiBBcai tttxr.H fin nil thn Iclcgmpb

linen in tlicir rcupectlvo town slit pa.

Tlie iirescut Hoiitd of Preeliolilers will hohl

its final meeting noxt Tuosday and tho now

Board will orgauko on Wednesday.

trado tbo working force at tlm n i a k m o b

mine has lieeu conRidflrably redticed.

A gpoclnl oonimuntoatlnn of Acncis Lodgr,

F.find A. M, TVIU bo UU mt WeAaeaiayeTfinlug Tiext to wbik tho M, ItT. III KTOB.

Tlio benry rain* of this week-were Rmatly

nfleJcil nuit thn farmer UIIRLM in unison -witli

thb putting forth of nil kinds of ogctaiioTi,

The PaUmnn nonductors und por(t'rn ))flrn

cominonopi running nn tlio I)., L. & W.

tmitis ami tlielr conohro ore oxpectcd Boon.

Col. E, h. Jcy, who inado n epeech nt Ches-

ter lnst full, lias liDen nrioliitPd iv Oovcrn-

lnriitnirnEtnroftlie Union Pneilln Bnilroail.

Eov. Father DownR, rastnr of tlio CiitlmHf

Church, labored hard in nnmilHti Inut Siilnr-

drtj for (lie snecnsn (if (ho tflrapftrftiiffi ticlccf.

An nftmidnn lea pnrty at tlio roNiiiwien of

Mrs. C. H. Dnirvmple, Morri.Hiimn, united

$300 for tlio buUiliiiR fund of Si


Tlm bhrk bass srawti il«c« «of

Juno lrttbnt it is !T|iorl*>il tlint they

caiiglit in iiiniiliPM drs-pito thw r*M i

M,,f „«,.! 1,

lv«l bv lib

tk-i i r fheliH nml tbvi

IIH lint forty

J lllltfl OWl'll

mint Mill lie

<u obnerrinK

nrli-au mtpla

ri|i«ny fur tUeop-

people In flucli tnatten were eaUraly ignored,faoultlog, eoanoniy, propew ufint wore all lost light of, nnd tl

)ioraonnJ uDJmogJtlrs aud punythut TCS smull Qpnuuunities witroacllvflly asROmmiy Btrinn« toward iiltuiti.tigtlin desired result. OCJ« ottnlUhtte oa tlieOitlstua* ticket .liaplaycd himselfimply in title worit,rakllifflcnlt^ iico[il« ;n»y lm>o had in times piKith tho*i> who were friendly toii!iniui»tratioQ nnd using! ^ »M evith them to provoke tliolrbtntllltji

In many of theioif lioucaty and fairnrBa wort ontlwly loi'ttRht nf. and the poaltloiii In wliiohitucod t lienndvot wcra cortalnlylnoongruoiwiod iiiPi'usM(en(. ForiustaiiOT: Boaio times,;„'[) tho PnUUtioniita of tho townt>ini>lniiitB agolDHt .6 anlonti keeper of |boIsico for soiling illogallT; Tiie oiiiporatloa

(juvrrniiientdiduotRiiirk tbo respomlbillty,but prosecuted ths oaaaa through two courtsand woujudgipiiuiBbiuglilraforhiwflffenoo. llila argument

us^il witli offuot ngnlust tho present ad-miniritrutloDaud ho and all the toteralio couldontrul uppnied tho Kupuhlloan tkket, nndiD tJjopfuJjjbJtfoiJifltBJolLfJUiD wndH>yomitlior HiilooQ kcojiei's to puululi tbo prcsendmiiiistintinn fur iirDBOciillnR n nint fnr th(

ile worked one end of tbo Citizens' ticket uo-ively In front of tho iialls, nnd Itqunr Bellcrtrorfeed tlm othor oud of ft In ii plnce gpcciall.v

provided for cartni for tue wants of tliutWraty wlio on deotion day arc debarted from

reg-y y

having tlicir wuiitu atipnlicit through th

t buotlicr L'lemojit oniittiliutod ijuito lutin result. All wlwbiul In nny wny I•feted by tbe Hurrim! fur liiimctlouaoniitiau orSittauocH itftho tnmi vrnlied iif tlii-ir (jrinvillicit uuil urn

UiHttlio udiiiiniKti'iitioii. Miiraluil Ki-llcy

uhvnys eiitioiiTon:il (n cufoivi- fliti <


with •

iifititij; tl•irt lotiiidiiiR .

- ]ui.


B o l l i i i nihi


•3 IVl

As wi l l hi- W'*ii by u d T r r t i w n u u i t P I M W

rr. V.'ui, \V. ,«i'[irh>;r, of t h i s pluet-, U

nn 'd I., otin- t-M'i ' lIn)! iuOni'iMiu'iilR ii

:i\ .if prin's mid niinlily uf tiwtnitiicn

c;il wilh him will iind him tliiirou^ily i

ivhuf lie i>iij>,

Tho utiiii-im-ut Unit tlio ItcjniliHoiin Cimrtci

Hckptwnn printed on hi;a?v Jiapet to spot

votiTH wns ii He. Tlio Koniibiloin ticket Ii

IIIWII.TH been nrlntud un ii good haavy quality

uu Humliiy could bo readily dlillneul

wtiH IK-CHUSC tho Citizens' tlukut wan printod

on s tliaiay, mfseratilc ijiinlfty of paper irhieti

Bulruyert it wliou olfored. , , • i


ymlioil, huf IIOH udtlieen relislii-tl lij tho

•1M> Mt ilicr IHWI 11 rigU U> stand whn

h l

onWm, t mil workn of UnndolphTowudilp wtn.lw hoTil in 1bo Fiiat M. E,C h O M l oveninj;, when tliflnun 1CounulttoB ttppolntod for tho imrpoNo

liunlinna oi offlcern for n pf

mint to«-nsljfp utKuitiztitlon. It It iO»i

pecttid thnt pildn^ua will ba mmliml ollu


hy tli

Hallo wayi m ot BnT. W.

m imslcir nf tlio Munisl ' l ; i i

place riOKt llmulny cvunlnc, STny

\V. W. Hnllovt iy .Jr . , will iirwwh

on, ltev. Albert Eidniitn" will |>ivo

;i< to l»Jfl jwniilc «wt Kcv.J l r . Dunui

e In tin' niiMtcir. Tim Hcrvirc WIIH

i-d lur hwt Wi-.liic-.liiy cviiiiiiR hut

reauil iimilo known. A crflwil nftlitMn i,l\fsn

wire HliniilitiH on Hit- corner of lllm-liwU und

SIIPSL'X (ttfiii-t* imr! .•nnni-nlulntinijtlicmsHvfH

mi the effect which they thought tlio ivsnlt

wouldbiivriiin Mandml Kelley. Oimldii

wlthliU ttnimiis in IIIH urm |.il-, mid a h,uV

chowod ciRiir ptotruHiujf from hi» mout

voiced tiiBwntlracntfl of tlm crowd mid vn

tlioir oppruvnl by viiifnrly pruclaimlug th

"gnntiRodthe.v cuuld Btninl nn the strop I

'jiers lion-, be UMWI J" i t iJlmrtrate* apt

tho drift of Eontliuout of that elite*, aiishowed wbleh way tboir votes wore cast. Aotfaor oleuientfulf fircetlj asfirfeved nt tliItroct CommiBRioiier, who they churned hmnot traatcdtbom courteuu»lj. Hnuqaftln



'»lot of «w«lDHa«Sfflito toplease. They m m t y p•ad tho prohlbUoiiIita, Qtf Democrat* and

Aside from tlte uUoitude which tlieitraijhtaut Eepnti]io»* have for tko haat in-teresta of tho town their only regret will bethat thoir uorolueoa were Bloogbtered in thehou»o of thoir frfcndg. Tliew nomineei yrtm

nu Vhd dunroa well of thdr part,-. They

fnmdnatud Andcnhr (ADjealaditplw^oiuiaft*t« beajHuettvMthe njiauiiiqiu irtth oftWe^nHf. TJHtywfrerniiilMiJjtaUilwdtaiVc hack br U»»e who owed them a cordialsupport. But tlicMi candUat«B vha h ^tils brunt oi this tight will low nothing iVtnVregtnl ofUiulr party w timerolls Iiy, but willh h l d i U h W ll h d i

g phe hold in Ugh el 4 ' i t

y,i W all who admireg W

ltonor iui4'ittto|nty la jarQr I»UHM,

KOBBtt C0WTT COTOTB.p futlovriiy; list of atruak jorora have

been dre«n to try the taut, of E. D llatae?,AdnUni, tutor of 11 aery HL-PHI-ISIJ, deo'd, T>.The Morria Canal and Hanking Compnny.B t h J l T b d r p F . Itrowti,* B»bett

Tb« BUMZ''County Hunt ield a rogmUrfox diflw at Pine BxMk, i s fchii oonntjr,Saturday. Anwndthe oldifwblonwl Uv

f d^todid td

and paired Q& gw^ad -wit)About uist o'olotk JIMTT Howard, the hunt

, bwrnghtiHi tlie jelping nonndajlWug v M b rtwlmoM for tbe «b

p*4toTbridgo whlohn i * boaujfl

g th« Fawdo Elver.i * boaujflilppujjtry Tnit T»TJ BWYBH.

- About a mile.nd »lu!f from Pino BrookttoTwntmiunJrt t tc hounfl* totueu the field

Kfrfff up tlw *<"• With sliarp, OorlM Htmufl dtove the p«k wound lilm.S d d l y a flbarw, qniuk jelp ftmi.t*

ui the ti l l S t ffiojtMfirW•fcyvird. Atalnuts later U16 elrwm filledwith floroB iJOffline, and then tlie LoimwentintiediBg tnfoy, ThepMlcbad ena^htthe trail Tfce'nfnitlng hunters owight the

d d h l b h


, Stspim II.W«limH pallleker,h S H l l St^frobild, rtolth S Holtoway,

voiUI- EfiWoook, fwepb Kifelielfl.Iowj, Walter It. Mltfilioll, Louis ILITOF,WtUI&l ft Sdttgliriffbt, Jobn Oliver, LyinanH. Plorson, James It. Bunjoa, Than Smith,

'""' H. H. Smith, Sll« C.)iiou Tuompuin, Jowpb W. Thoiajtnoti, Wm.i.WIUon. : ,

n OATTIEI—HurhBifit CODKT. ' '- - - - ^ j i f c ^ B ^ j ^ j A n V . &«., of jfarj 'oS'urlan, SWd, ra. Tbo Morris Canul miOnuking ODinpany. ID case. 'Laura Golligan and otben TB. Henry 6.(ttlej late fteeeiver, &e. In case,Monroe Howoll, Eieootot, t c .ve . WllHmn, DeCarap. InBaobBlirtellvi. Fnuiot* (1. Rlehnnls, Ii

:re«pau.CIUCU1T COU«X,

Walter h. Bliotwclt vs. Jo«nph Nnyinr, etIt. In oose.John A. Courter TB. Cheglar ltoliuihnin.


nniiB D. Sloukrldgu v». .lutioi D. liunn-tt.

j > T J t W e pitean oinlioitaneut to tho apex of flte fall!Prom Q>o -tepof Uie hfll the etlvwade Btiio hmuSi hent&th tuea. Down ttftbiljAfter the dnga tlieydulied like the windFor oraomoBtthB pockfnltwctt. Thebonndima Brmind.boreriapfndlsBppohitsiflot. Buttlio eagiiciouiiinitDHrcL'auglit tl

ft oft again. Tho fox

ledthcwaythro«BliStnrri» County towardsb ii


L y n n u ) V . Curuiuli vt


IICH Smith. ii]i|»'l!H ot tli.' TowuKlm.

vs. Edwnnl Sntic?(;

it, nml Tho Iubnli-,}( Hiinil<il|)]i in the

Boontdy B yanil tbou took a circuitous rout


uvunti) Siiyro, n]i]il't, uiid, iilin'liiL'. Court.wfH H. Viveiiniii, »j>]il't, ii<m, ii[i|i')i!u. Court.

'n-doriuk S.

Ml Mary U.

Drtn'o flood fifteen intlo 6H»e. Tbe ooantryifih imd rook.y, und tho horsea aped

among the allppevj bpuldors. Hellnilc alontftbo rucks nud tb»n came a fl

ni l feocc. Over tho ttnoQ woat the f uroiDtutrider JikH n bird, nnd tho rcit fallowed.

At last tho fox oxlimntcd sought a hole InUw butib, but tbv houuda weroupoo blui.JIOBO behind tbo puck came tbo bunion, Theforemost red coat, fringing from bla hone,Jumped in among tho liowllujj paok, amivbinping rlgbt amUfft, nuatohed the bodyif tbHox, aijiloliiiiiitiff off tbo brunli pro-si ai mod hiuisolf the hen ofthccliiioundn vreru again tied, »ni tha Held utarteJ\gaiu far Vlao Brook. At

oVlticke dinner v m nerved at tho hotel,

ml tin1 huntsman nihtli'il esciting events of

JC litml.

It won minonnci'd suvuval doye ago that

irmors ovor wlmno hind tho fluid rode. Would

rrealtliti wliult1 party lor frennuwi, but tfie

muibent of tbo hunt uoiupromiqni tlm inuttor

iv uln'H bofun>. Tlin announcoiucut that

Jitrs woold bn troulilo, howovor, provunteil

Hiny from part k'l[nitinn Iu the bunt

An Old Murder Case Revived.

On tlin 1-Ith nf April, 1K7H, TIKUHJI.H Unllnriiii,

ben iflBfiiinti at Ml. ffupo, Id[[ud liis wik.

mull. Him (IT, npjil't, nnd Ollnton G.

limnmi"Wllldiii. nppl'i, nuil Heiirj- Hun-I'illc. IIIIJI'I.-O. Cimrt.'nincin ,f. Duyer, uript't, mut Frank Vt,]g-

V. ii. Stuiitr. nitpl't. iiud 1 . J. Ljiritbou,(I. Tlininnn anil O, \l. Thmiiliit. iinr[n»r&

E. ,T. I.jirttlx* fc O L , ui>|i'l(vH. Court.

nilnrt. n-tiirm-il tnorking Ifitho iiduwrnt to Ncwnrl,- a

niPtnsd fn

iity »m

p Vk, imc

11 ii I'I1\

mf.-r, npiil't. m«l T. K,cjjpnmii, Ii. W. I'flii.'!'. r

icr,,, kv., nn T. E. t'. Hn

K. Run-inl C. A.dulph ii

fi to tbopropar aldh


int nftiif'

m- vliti-li Ii.

citkbl.H fur


Tlio oliiingciihilitv nnd otlirthe lwatlii-r 1lil» Rjiring wi-ms

;ili hu tliu lu\

l'taf. Porcc'B (iliis.i in cfnrufioH m

residence, nf Mr. .Inlin leer ing,

TucHdnrDTtMiiDewixt. Tho IPHHUI

!M1, B5 nnd 1M.

Unilor Ibn new Mpiliitionn of tin

Bruntli nro pruhiliitud from snmlii

working hours,

Dy a. redurlion in Ih^numbhrr

onviiriouH truiiiHoftbii Hijjh Uriil

fi^vpii ncniinu Vnltey men wens tl

Tlie Phtllinslmrfj Uimrd of Kilin

tlcelded to try ttio " lui-ravcM [jln

public fdiooli of thai town for the

tbo school vear.

Attorney fieneful Rtnrfiton hns

1'. & It.

']* l l r idsciiK during

clinked nlT l.y th


mill riroiiimii

'ii thnt bntk

jiititlod I


tin- be

The now ("ninioil in Ilonnton lian clcplnlJohn 8. Abie Street Grmmifwinwr; Jm Oil-mnrtin, Munlnil; ChiiB. S. NorrtH, TrtnsnriT,

iimlN. S. Kik-lifl, fioanscl.

Hro, DroTVii, nf t lc Clirmiirlc. l.clrt b:nl 1.,-

CHUM' DHVIT, HciOlltoll, tllO Ol;ll1HIH Illlll (ill

stiitioiiM lielow have Sunday Imiiif, wiiile

Moiristown is left out in tho cuhl.

Aucwlootn tho jicncli crnji huh liMn ili.t-

fore the pancli crop hanbiul only t i c jierru-

nial early frost liars to contend a^iiimt.

Tlio pnifiiRiou of luirlioiiitiirnl orimiiicnts

on todies' hata title year FU^BPHIS thnt per-

bup» bonnets mnyVo grown in ft jriinlr-n lilf

roaoa and fresh ptiifl before auotlcr HIMHOII.

Glrxulnrs of the State Itrnird of Henlth, rc-

Bpeofiiiptho euro of ehil(lrfi;i, were <lHtrilni(e[t

in onr public school 1111 Fridny lust, I'nrnitH

should reud them rare fully and nliHcrvc tho


ltev. Dr. ButU, of Hndiflini, is hnun pnmii-

aently ramedin the Metlmlfct Ocnrnil Vm\-

fcronce for nnn nf tlie ne,v nbiiops, HH well

OsUoT.Dr. Buckley, of Slorristown, Ilin 1 •diteir

of t i e Christian Jdreoato.

A million and abnlf in tho HIHI vb.Hi the

State of Nov Jersey gives aiumr.lly to the

support of publlo schools. This is marly

half as much again IU it costH to ran nil the

rest of tbo SUto Gavermacnt.

Muralial Kellej lifii! Uken tlicn^eury for

the Albs Lamp, which furnishes a light equal

to fifty candle power at a coat uf only (iire»

cento in lour . U is tho newest and licst

tiling out tn the vay »f a liKht

The Ilaeiettfltown Gazette tnlinn the Ban-

ner to task: for pnblialiiug untruthful political

iatormtam. Jf tbo OaicM« IIDJ>^H in kneji

the Banobr ttni^U In tbii respect it will

bare a^ob th»fwiil lu*t all the jwir,

Tho B. . L. t W. Railroad officials aay that

a ucw depot In Newark -will prohnhly behuilt

t i l s antnmcr. It will ho located between the

north and Boutl trnets, thnt there nmy lie no

• eontadon in M>cnrbi& tlm projiir trnin

Thegreatost exattiiutmt provaUcH in Dlonm

in [(dale, during the recent forcRt fires. About16,000 or 17,IXB cords of •wood were iWtroyedhj the flna near Ilowftt'e, nnd tho air neurIlloonlnRilnle wan full of duct ami uahoi.1 Owi. Norris N. Halitead.ol Nownrk, oneof t ie mo»t prominent men of tho State, anilPresident of tlio Washington HeadquartersAuodstitm at Horriitown, TTM kilM IDBIIEUUIIS from ft train at Newark on Tnejdnv

Klg^t inesMgei can now be 8B$t over theW. U,TAtegrnph irirei at "o tmtfannrala offlftoeti'joetiti foTton'worti and oneoent foreach oddltlonftl word to all t i e priodpal oltteanf tbo Onbn, Tto 1QWMt n t « heretofore Vat

Mr- Rotor* BUVe, of tUe Dpmaatb SewingUuhlne Company, has ponAaied of the dt-tato of tlo lulo Col. J, Coodict Smlll!, for

and Aftan, *Woh U add to ba «mefftMnalnltorria

'I'm th.niHun,!,]Iml.i-isliitinvt.ortli^

h.Ktl.e-mii.i.lfl. it .ffi.OtKJ

11 tiiciVoiil id1 th


.), A. It,, iiru iicr


K int.. branclirit lni<linf; to

lnrria I'lninp. It in ;ilmut 11

ll I'mvc n wati^friftory im-


for HecDratitn Day.Jus. Mi-Diivil l'iit-1, Xn. ".].

:id tho Mayii

^ . ~-~~" ' — T ^ ^ T - j * *—^ " ^ ' *

ol, Thlob-'-woUlirhavo liooii thiprojier thing for tlioiu to Invo done Imd suoljtlliugB been;trtf ,f buVfiey had nil beenfully )atd s nn / undor son), to bo sadiopened |M an fcwftil covolation on eleotion

*Mtitlo line of anpport pamQ that ciaaaoiIUB wbn tro alipftys grilling nbout tntek,

who hnte to pay money ftr nnythinR in. tlielay at iuiprovcincnt aud would prowl just u<

hard if tho turns wutv raduaod to giio-tlli

tho present amount. • '

Tlio lleiiioornts, with u fnw cxnqitioiiB BUJI-

Iiorled tha CtliKOiift' ticket Holiaiy, wliicl

very jiatunj], becaunn they Jind a purty Inter-

est which I'inild not bn botli'r survud tlinu by

promoting a disruplinn in thn iwU of tlin


'i'lic other oltMnrnl which cmnplctp.l (Ii

1-oinniniit.ion wns flic. Ixilliiif; IIciniMu-iini

fiiot. tlmt the princiiinl out'* eTi-.i^fil in i


which hud i\

u,t khmr IFI)

n.itf. lint llir

miiiatiim tn i

mi polit

i <|i>luu1

this epirit of

r of the party

fii-n. Ii. IJ, (;uiii|ilicl1,<it''rr<!iit

on-. yH lohu HI.JC

nil !«• rflinlcif*}


l«il the l.'illi NetvJen

.hiliver !ln- nraliun. 'I

imnwlbVpIiiliiiH. OiliH

IDClll V i l l k r UlVM!


» filtiri

lli! tin

-«pk- d

A Dfiop Affliction.

Tlie iViciiiln in tJiU viriiiil.v of Mr. and MPK

rnryl) , Vim Xo^i-mnl iiave li-nriit'<l with

i'ffliiiid n-cM-l anil normw thnt th.-j havenili 1>ctii I'nllcil lo Jm*rt (IIVUIIHII ihi; ivntcrs

nfllh-tiiin, thi'lr yiHiiij-crt ilatiKliter, Him

up, hnving ilieil nt their msidonee nt Qrct-n-

lle, Hudson Cit., on Friilny Droning of last

i'l.. Thi' ulllioilmi U more tlmu umi.-illv

tcLHliltdl.ythPMHioii tlint it mill furthe'r

i'hu-a tiu lutcrrtiUw fatal)? circle, wlilchR millVrt'd jjn'utlyiiy tlie ravtiReB ei death

' > • « • • •H well n by I 1 fact

•ii wnn t!io nf nil

the gooil and lovnhlo qualities that cudmr

thn Kentk [)i<cn of tlm liouseliolil to their

family nti'l frinnls. The poverty of words in

DUV.T' morn iminfuily felt tlmu in ii cu-o like

this nnd ran but fechly show tlm fcjmpnth.v

which this heavy itfilittinii rre&le«.

A Hiaer Foarfally Injured.

Oli Thursday of Inct week there wan B full

. fnUmtntonuml a linlf ot Rtoimd iu tho

Ifrariow Mine, noiir I'ort Oram, n portion ot

vliirb rmif-lit n mintTliy tiiL> name if Chaa,

i'fttU'rm)!! unj injured tiitu lernliiy, Hi»

•wtiMt wiifl spralnDil and Iirokon, on« kuee pnn

wan frnotiucil In thwo plucci nnil three ribs

iverB brokcti, one nf which punctured tbe

IIIBR funding tbo OBouplng air to inHule li»

li<i ly tn i fearful extent Df J D King of

DoTfT waa gammoned, and dcsplto the

nedniisiinturoof the UIOU'E iujurias v o nro

iuformod tbat bo h u rinoa beon imp roving

ir la * /air troy tar 1 Tl,eneddi-nt, -wo o n tald, vat from one of'thoseunforseon amues, whlob pot being known aretn>i>os8fblo to guard agabut.

Tob™ »llk handkeroblBftrunning Bewing nuelima^them m»y upplJ ta

tthia Mawn the only dry *** ," Tbe Gidrcway." Also oH <!ovo» from 11.00up, , : , 1 Atucc At MOKIKQTO»,

A food fi tool of limB u d Cimeatoto plwaj* l>o found on band, and aolil at thelowest flpiro* at W. W. WH% DOTBT,

at ti purpo

uwraU, wluln lu

w»jr they Iiavc il>s» tin

icbluK in

*LI1 tbeni

ii.h iv



«f tin- KqiLiblicii

tln< town, who lii'licvft in ntniuling liy

rty or^miizntioii while it gives Ilicni whole-

ne, iiiteUi^ut nnd .TiMimninil ^(ivonmi.-n

•;; d e f e n d hy u i-omUimiti^u wliUh li.u

ids comiuiiivnt fwrts (!m Pmioeniliit «m

.hibltinn vote, ti |nirt nf tlio militnn Iscep

" ity of tlio K«piililicans, iitid tli

(loati who ere solfri

) in nt iu

to the in.Inr...

i tbuin lust Monday.

niiiipiilntorn of tho re

.1 t'oiiRiilcrnble amount

UH follows:

S. It. llcniiett

R. Hecmer

157 Citizens'

or Kuonler :

1» Ckm. A. Gillei

ot AMcnnnn:

120 Iwiaoirnrico

r Conndlmen:

When tho result wna wndo knuwn tlicro

an nn attempt nt n. joi 11 Heat inn. A drum

jrpawos ^ t out, and tlmt intellifirnt and

Blued dtizeu, Prnnk A, Hull, Esq., led n

mccusloa of tho triiniiphniit ritizeui, nny

ni' of whtrni Trim fully IIIK peer in nil tlif

ivJjfcJi go to brifttc wt?u up t& Itigli

mlnni lift-

Hint JiuiiL'rt 11.



nf tlie

pii^tteil thi> belief that ni-

ninb tlie Work nnw fir pin anmil.l ttu


-without :i. •Aik, a

to think it over it in nitern n iiinltcr of niirpricD tbutl«is sm-fd nN Iwtg as it

id pnrtlcuinrlj in thinrlii'TO men for ytatn have hennthe viieet epJtiets and lowestp, Blmjily bpcnaio tbo intcrcHt

they have had in tbo town hiw induced themto lort-ft it fnitiiftilly wfthnut fro ot mwnnl.It ia mom rcmarkablo from tho fnet that theyIHVQ novet done anything tot t ie mtrc sakeif policy. In their biiRlntu transaction* theyitiTP nimpljr conmiltrd Ihogeneral good of tboloromuntty, During tbii' ulorcu yeara they

bare bod nhInterrupted control their Treas-urer ho* bandied «l£5,0W of tlie public nerg, and no ana titu cyer dared to otnrgj ia single cant ut tbii *noiba« bean mUnnpro-prisUd or wut^L Tb4r j r i » waungwuenth u rijfayeil dw tomw d»B^ nWhfi " ~than towns of this i lu bare paid lite'braawi. with like npproprlaUoiiB, while notown that wokn^wtof hi« jwdfljin^h pto-gnu In tQB way of pafallo trnproTomstiti inthe urae time They liavo conducted the

own nrirat* lntcnMtl wen not aubaarrcd. IIan OBCM ttt* proved oompetont mai oipublethey turn ratabed bin idrrfcM* wiOioat lis-tening to the dnmoroEthoMTflio for purely

U A t l l U t a d d HadM w u i of ligU

p j KTOraoW at theefcpBue ofthe pnbUo inW.reiU they might ban obtained

footttold from vluoh it would have been In-pottsible to dislodge •:thwi. .With olea*handi, and with an Jionorahio record wbiabno onocan gainsay, they inrito tue new ele-

rat whloli now eaten tlie Council to n caro-

to pl8«eeYBrjth bU i

Vfl., of H. P, Um-kmnn, dcu'd! nnp'IcsRH. Court.DnvlilSftlkitirt, apnl't, naa i s aao C.l'i.;r-

Howell W. Unbftt, uppl'l, nut1. J (,'*«* L.Jiirtix, ow'loo. Cnntt.

Clarkson K. Wllltlaon, nppl't, nnd H.; H«n'.IpviJIc, (iiip'Jiv. t'wiirt. . - • u ' !

Edward P. Byranii .itppVt, nnd'.LemuelCnyhart. aun'lcB. Court.

ipprt, and Maltlon Hil<-r,

: Sfuy Term opoi 1 Mondny, with

icii£«a Mttjii^qiilli], RelJtkerutnl W'i

1 tlm B<<nbli,' tliu latter liftTing been V

into offioe the (lay, Wore by Coimty OlerJtCundit. l i e following 4mm, Jftrors woro

W'Howo 'J B ! Jollcy,'

TIIOB. O. Bmitn, ••'•:~ . II. Qroen,. .TM.LKOI,

TIIOO. KtiKCDt,Atozi P. Weaver,(loo. It. Miller,Qeo. H. Wjlin,A. E. Cnri)iint*r,

Tra. O. Freciaaii,

Mr. Jnliti il. Crnt

C, IE. Vim

Win. P. M«l«,Ono. W, Pfaelpa,E. U. Vaanlef, ,Alirntri Kaufman,John -H. Crano,.Hnncins II. ittrnu,Jolitt Ulnwer,Lntlier Chllrti,Malph H. Unn.y,Unbton Cub,Jcbn A.VauOnliiii.

WdHCSoiisod.n< bad no upeiini clinrgotern of import had OIIIIIF-

!ICM mid 13. P.ud tln> (Iniixl

im-minj!; of Ibrtwere Illwl, nnd

mldoii nt (haco

it recta, whidh

iir Wsi


in tlm

. Aboui a

np.'ii>>il n

uii and Hi


(lend bod

Of ooune H *aa expsotea thai Othe BnUotin woolS rejoioo this week ovor iKcpaLUoan defeat it, Dover. Saah a thlooojd not be B mrpriMi aoming u It

an who tried totleetm Vemoe^y in Uta Board of Fmelioiddra

sprung—wb> coirfed W* hostility so far 1i to defeatitepuhUoan cunUdates

Praalitldw In other towp&bip* than t l iand. who ever eooourag«dl)enioojat« to itriv*lor WDoeu la tiielr towuattjis, hy telling thethai Boonton waa aun to eject» BerooeratJFreebolder; jea, who oven went furthertried to ooHvitJM t ie people of tlie «>'tliat the RepablioaaFieenoldeni were a wtunmitigated mouudrds whohai deftautlie people. It is not iBrprisiag, we aay, tltUla Oiidw should gloat orer an? RepublitM t N f L i i r i l t < l l

dmouniui aa a ring the people wlwm tire .]pubUeani of Dover hare mildly supportedclOTen yoara, beaaii» they b&Va jiven IIowa BgovantmBnt the eaanomyand etiteiprise ofwhielibubecD the admiration MIboast of Its otUwros. And of aoune thiseiuptr-pated demegaguodenouaoMtlie ERAbr baring mpported tbe BopubliOfln ticket—i ticket composed of etaiinoh. B .lotatnnted fey tho nnanbnoua voloeofa free

and ones Mpnhtte&a tunem Vpr tbi» weoare nothing, because we would ratlior «tantby th» Itepublioana dofoated, than to bear tbiodium vMcii all jtwd Ksjmbllunns of tlcounty iMive loaned upon thU fellow who tri

raurdei! Itts pwty utoohites beeaQM the]uld notbothe yuppeUwho would lufformHQlres to to dictated to by auoh a noutle


But when tills political Upotataops to theITOI of a rillalaous lUr wo showiiiafaroj. T ib he does tbla week wheo hellogoi that the Republicans " hs4 their tfob-ti printed ou tinted paper, in order to detecttopuUlctmswfaa voted tha other tioket.'1 T/io[epublEcan tlokete were printed on plaiorbite boob paper, without a abftdov of tintuy kind, jiut o» they bare been at our char-r election* for joars. The differanee be-

wueu tbe tickets wag e*used by tbe OIUIODS'Ickctn being printed on a flimsy straw pnper,•either pure in eolor or quality, whioli looki

sy even wlicu folded that tbo ordinarjor tould not fsiil to tell theni.

It Uoulyasburt timoagotlut!er liiid to nut oat> lio that he attend agalmtiy«r Bicliftrds. Wo have aonthlm lo-d»y• of tho RcpiibliunuUokotBof tbo kind usedTurndar to nnon him tltat It WQB J

ntod, and If ho iloei not oorreot tha fakertion mnile we sball know tbnt hp ia a nm.

IUH scoundrel, as well nn an uucouBolon-i Hiir.

A Poarfol ColliHiou and Loohy Escape." " inqih Mnorc, of Itouknway Vulloy,

Molviu ('. Ytnwg, principal at the•In Bcliont, wont to Hlbcruift on Woil-

•idfiy of hint week mid thorti met Dr. 11. 8.

KockBway, with ivLnin Mr. H

\ liuch U tn

1 tho


ijlilB on Ha tan- mi<l Imlf mituncr^il ii

Wilier, by a mini who \vnn .•t<i^iiil; tli

KorndU Btrcet l>ridi:t>. Tliu tintw nf b!

dnill i isin doubt, but il h ln-lii'vcd to lui\

been a C«BO at mU'Mv. Ua wnnl In hi

shier nnn HnyU*t weuk nml iinltful )V tli

(if »20, HIIJIUK ll.nt UIIIISB hi- nuuli

that amount be would bSvo to t:iln

lth'Pfc. tilwtoM dim that «Im IiH'l ut>

tho money, and ho loft hrr li,m«i' noyiui

thai iha ~would Lever net liiai iiltvn ugidu

wns lnat aenn nlivc on Tup winy ultv.r

UDOD. Tbo hrlilgo .

folk utreot, wher

tho loft side, t

jumpingl D

ml i



i found, ii upr

bin throat into oierutint

from tho bridge, or tlint 1m

etumbled down th« nmlmiik'

riitfo lufoxloittcd nnd roll Into' tha writer,

•liiob k abqut seven feet deep at tli:# [xtint.

County Plij-fiioinu Hewlett oxatnlncd tlio

dy ami ordered iti lurinl. Iln wax horn

n County Ctaro, Iroliind, and was 58 yours

old. Another account states (lint on Tiion-

dny he dlioired Blotter tn a friond in which

lie fltiitcil thnt, an bo Uail no money und

cdiiM :iu( itgrru with Ms family, Hfo wtit no

longer of miy UBC to him. It, is MIJIUOHCII that

hucuuiiuitted onlflidn while in thit> inuno i,\

mind. ifoiciivoB n family of three childicii

—otit> sou, uhiMit iiJudfinj yearn nf ngt; an

mginiii'riiiSt'w Y,ul;, ami two tlimiihlers,ubout twonty-iluvi-uud twenty-live years of


ml«l llirra«', with (lift.

K. Nniinnn, Jrnrnoi]t, Jlonfvilfi-, f2i5i Jidn

WS; W i


mlvillc, ^o i J iM, h, SlinlTi-r, 111. Ol.

i.7S; ,ld:,. If, HIIHIIW, JfiTcrsnu, $'17:

l)iiff<iril,Ht. Olive, fcfi; K. IT. VIHIDU

,mlul|ili, t?Jh; Hi'nj. L. HMWII, Cliutlui

I.M; I1.ft('rH"nril.l£<...]{iiwny,ifi:i.'jr.; Tin

Vox, I'einimmop, i*a ; Win. T. Wri^l

K'7>; il»»uic. JlnautMi! (fl5: Dm>

>iw, Hu»knw«y, *ffi; Wm. E. I'rilni

.way, sf.11.2.1; John Itigiitl, lli.cliiM-;:

; F. IV. 'Awl, Iti>\hury,i$2r<; Alex ii

ISsilunniioi', fcll.K ; l'lu^. Hri-1, JrilV

o Niiprui

sey vs . T


' Odiu-t (In- CIIRI' at

P Jli.rvk Titiiii] & l

il tiioiVdli.M'iiiHJiir.v-

tin- i»i»ncl iiUlriu-li ifinirw: T

n, Matililns Jl . (J(«k, «l(-].hrli

Plivvol W. Day. Smith H. I3O!111W

Kili-hcli, Louin SI. Km-. .Ttdin

n It., Wm. I I , I i . Smith, .T

ml -will i


in Ihu Siiiirfiiid Court wi

c«: L:nira(;iiIiiRimmi(i otb

itllclntrKocuIvtir.&c. Clffhy

Monroe Hciwiili, oxecutor, &c , TS. Wlllin

Jump. Heady.

icl Axtdl. VR. Frimcin 0 . Rii'lmn

.greed between couiincl ilmt il nhtnUd n-inn

u tlio Hut with thi) iHKtcrfltaililing tliat It will

»t bo moved nnlpss hoth *iiicit nro roady.

Tlio following niSFH WITD milled iu tho Cir-

it Court: Walter U. Hliorhveil, vs. Jasoiih

lylor. ct ah. Kcxily.The Kvcvgriicn Cemetery vn. Murlu 1*. Jones.

-H j). Machriifgt: \H. Jubcs I), Burnett.


icifl Q. llloborda TN. Ed want Sanders,


The petit jurora w

•, May 14.•v, discharged until Wed-

Th» Water BnitTho suit oi Edmund D. JJ»1MV,., AJmV,c , nf Henry McKarlnn, dpcoa«td.|#* Tlio

•ri» Cnnatniid liaakiiip toihp'iiny, Sir'bioliir tho' iiast ok Jit yoon! haM been dragging-ongb the Court* in lUffercnt forma ia atigtli Ukoly to be aupflBeO; art ^Tlfi|pi>m.

lubifantfaily a*.at lbs. Morrii Cnnal in to ram to tbo Rook-

m-ny rivrr near tbo lands of tho oamplalnaiitit Dover; that in tbe riter InitnedJatelyilnwtbis interHeotloa there isftdainpiaceirith tlio object of ruining tbe water in t i l 'Ivor aboTfl tint point In order to nllow oiutsloats to cross, > But that tho Cannl Conipiny

JK)7 rained tbo boiglit of this dam, Anil- easingTtickail tlto voters oa tho wb«ol»bla rolling mill to such ou extent that they

t poret,lioCh»nO«lloriE.18TB, In a salt bronglt. ml(9 4uwii tbCd«ii:snd Vas'Oiicklfsd Ihtver of KcFarfan. Tho Court of Errors w t

e Company way have raised tbe dam, theydari^ltnniler thelrcLnrttrloMoiio, but

^roriMirWjmMuowr l n t ^ W H * TheWHlufV^IJ&ld<<,

t mutt mi* for all Lbasqi at onee,, BB4 not tpr ejwbywr ml M bittcrtn been brouglit ft(tain*t tlio

-ipaoy The pnMnt «nlt "fas flum lastt-tutal, and sflcr -ta'rloui delays" ha* at ' " " " ^ '

yad Company In 1871, Tho Railroad Com

[uniyantlln'blfl for t ic allsgod rabjing mado[»1875 by them—Bansor l

d Ormii.aUuD0 fl)Bll'i,JrfiQi»,N


>r f l s , Morders left ulth

J.. Diekerwm, Cbeatec,depot, Till l>epromptly filled : <

. Uiter Bros.' Itaniard riMjliitoi1he lowesteaih pn«» at W W Hills,

llaekwoll street, Dover.

Forest Tires,

•cut clon-l of ftmulio thnt Jllloil 1

nmwiidf IVu

'.H of tlinlicr

mlctn. Tltr

int.-*. It •viis iui;in.-isililn to t

(I Uie vhiilo utm i'hoi

oourso•i-ftini) ui'tTBtftry fur him tn lia1

ltvt hool;. After thi . Mooro BI

fnnnE ntartcd for thoir bomo In the

n tti-rivhis thf re Mr. Mooro dUcot

her he had lort It oi

rd if when ho erflU-ilny, orh;ni ilrnjj




•Hie r

h furui—it I

* (liii-k-thcy

(rrtiieo. They wen, K<I<III oa (liffi

Monrrhml a (rotter they pul thf

il tlicn. in m.i.l. Hir^-^iun, hnt

(itHoon Ioilln»t-n\ty lint tsillliful

nld mUKn, » Tlio mnrn hiute Ua

it nrtpi-thcy pimscd tin; Ur.

.'ii nlijntfi o'clock nnd

-'1 with n borKo ami

'bot'lHlm-fceii into esih nthor. nud

•ourBO hoth lui);^!!*^ ^1»|ipoil iuwtantly.

Yumtg rtnn thrown uhmit twenty fri-t liy

?«Hfii«i)i(>ii and landed in ft lirunli fonco,

MniiM wan Ibciiwa out, and wliai he i*.

"•A «iii>i[t;h £» tuba In tliciiituiitioii, found

liift liomi hud «lri]i]i(t(] lilmnclf nnil j uiifi,

inii a tndly wriioknd bugjty ix-lilul.

lint tliolr HtttMitton to thu unfortiuiutc

with th. i thefmind h!« luiufiy ujisidc down und tbo unfc

lnsito urcupunt crawling out of the mad un-

emuath it. To their Hiirprlfni (hey r

1 in liiiB (In. IJiirtur thuy )uiA so )

ift nt Hlhcrnin. The Doctor's 1<

nther tnrioua. HiabURBy WHBbadly i

ittd ncflriyttll hl« tncnliaitta ltoUk'6

ho enne having fallen ainoni; tho

''ortiinntely none of the oenipmita suatniued

my Mivuni injury tn their pcrsotig. Mr.

ildorn neeurcd Jiis liriMo nt Hibuniin mid hii

imppi-d it on tlm float where lie ealleil. Mr

.'Duiiii wn.s ultln to attend liis PCIIM! tieil

:»v (ind th« Duclor VHK ulilr to call nnd m

uw lie wiiM. If tlm Diictor'a profcsnlninl

i-pntution !H unywberc in ratio with hin .Te-liu

Thaihtnirsrlft»t8iuid*y morning o«n« Jurtat the right time to give titou who did nutwant to go to church very much a reason tostay home. No doubt mlnlatm are especiallypleased with oiureb goera on utortaybatbs. Iii tUe JT. E, Church tbe monilBgaormon was about "Cliaritj}" in tbe evening

Young man, I say unto tbee arise,"Hie North K. J., M. E. 1'rooohors' Aw coin-

Uoo—ft few cf thorn—wot at tbe parsouago ouHonda? and U d a good time. flev. T, T.Campfleld, of UuketUtown, read uatetob. ofbis life and work. Bor. J, F. Dodd read anewmy on " Church Bocardi."

Tbe Aid fioBiaty snmnnoe a puWio oxbibi-HOB In Clark'* Hull Fridsj wonhg, May IB,It pronUei to be very intereatiDg, and OBevery body wants to see tbo " Anlnials " and

irgoai (Mage afrit boaM6,lsecpcoted.ALPHA.

Tbe Engineering and Miniag Journal of

yVia.-lf any ibing, thore la a

g nbade of weakness, ttough not affectingstondanl brands. The demand continuesiluggluli, hut on tho otbor liond the offeringsre light.We quote No. 1 Foundry at |30@|31; 27<

,00^*18^0; and Gray Forgo,»17.E0®fl8.-fiO, There liavo been no sales of fietsouier

g vbioh TDmaiuf quirt at (CO ex ship,while Domestic made of foreign ores baa soldat flS.60 at furnace, Twontynor cent Spiegel/« quoted tn rcand lot* at «2S@«8.H) sz riiip,some sales having been mude at tlio lowerfigure. F•tt.

The • Eleventh1! of the rekrau« of tbo 11th

New Jewoy Vols., in which wore many Mor-ris County boyi, I M held in Newark lastBatoiday. Mr, Tlioe, Soittergood, of this

Was pMBCiit, reports tnatthey badtime. About seventy of tho nur-

fivora met with Qen. UcAUlHter, their oldColouel, and thoybn,.! theirtattorod battliflftU with tbeni to rcTivs uBmorles of manyditing emleaTors ID theoauso of tbo Uulou.leforo udjoumln|t'ttwa« nwolred that the:ert meetlnghBiuddiaDoror, May 3d, ir~irben lio doubt out olttani will exert thiwives to gi?e these Teternne a patriotic wol-




GARDEN SEEDS.Fresh aud reliable, gold bjr wfigbt and measare, such as 3mm, Cabbage,Becte, Giiirots, Ga]cry, Cora, Cacambers, Lettuce, Mubua, Ouion, Parsoip,, G t , l y , Cora, Cucmbers, e t u , M u a , O , p,

antdy, Peas, liudish, Bpiaage, Tomato, Leek, £0. AIHO Onion Setts, TopOnions, Central Park Lnwn Grass Seed, and nanny otbnr yBrieties of meAanot enumerated.

PAINTS and OIL.Our stock ia large. Atlantic V£liite Lead, Boiled and BBV Li Q BO ml Oil,Tiirpsatioe, Bendy-Mixed PaiDta in 1 |bM qpflrt, halt mllaa and gallonCODB ; Potty, Tarnish, Drjera, Colors, Faint Broahea, Window Glass, &c.

KALSOMINING MATERIALS.Johnson's Dry Size] Kalsoiuioes and Moore's Ealsomlnes in Wbite'and

il Tints in 1 to 6 [ba. pnekages; Paris Wliite, Whiting, Fran oh Zifue d il th l r i t i l t lp

Wiiiti3 Oiae. GrouniJ OfuAlso Wliita Wash Lima

g ; , g, ,and oil the coloring materials at low rale*.

it" U

J«c, wliloli may uc

imtify lih "rapid t

roiis cnlln ; lint tii? experii

lire slutuld canuo him ti»

irlcty of driving «l«w afu-


nnd in B noiMi

imikii hi* nni

ee in thin ad\cimsliler tho pr


ifllf AKDSmiE.

iillcry-Bi-cfiiory" lines, wliidi inmle tlm

miirt in thn 1-nrl.v i-VHiii.j; Umk liku electric

litH, Tlm Bincll i.f Imrninj? ICIIVI-H J U T-

'iitcil llu- <i'iu("[>li(-ie 11ml the mnulK- nffi-ct-

l!ii' eyfri, bu t ^itlmi il, wiiri not NI> lioii nn

,l:sjml»hnt-i)l to th* Nru- Y,,rk jwipprs,

ll tlm hmips hiul tn l,c li^lili-il in llnvpr nt

1'Hock to i>i-imlt 1L« ijft«j)lt» to HIT.


• Uf


ller Imnl

t side of Dem

11 large urtu t



H finally o

•I'd in tlm nuiimtain on

mrk [innd, which hu

f wood bud, drstroji

DoaLh of an Aged Iran Manufacturer.Mr. DuriUH P. Miirilt diet) in hw 73d yn

Tinu hi-inurrlitiKO df the Uowitls, I'ridny cf!n!tt wetilt, at hi a rc-sliliucf, -437 I^ruyrtteAVPIIUO Brooltlju, wlicro tho fiiiicnil wnnheld on Momlay. Jlis rt-ruaiiw wero interreil

ult nt Qteemvooil Ccinetcry, TIIB Bev.I>r. Tyler,'of Christ Chwx'.^freaehcH tl«*f i Hcnnon. Tlio doociwoil had been DUardent proinotor of tlie iron lnWre#ts for fil'ty

urn i>BBt (a tlio United (State* nnd Mexico.a leaven a vitv aad1 eoven gtnVri uhildroo,10 of whom laMra. L. \V. Itiolnrikon, of

Toaho. Hownihorn In Uorrii Co., N. J., IuthDyeat{1811,anU daring the eailypart of hblife manufactured charcoal blooni and bnr

at Hopewell, ^ ^plngport and DoaTeraoj d ^ t

a^WeVlcwHo tte'n left

, Champlaini dthorti'carried on mininjc nud

,froii j Jjij the year 1850 he»'ana conatrteted larffo iron

work* then fat Engllah capitalista. • On libreturn to tUe country be OTgsnizcd icvfy Og

tn«-iron.ore, lt b'elrm thight of bin amhitlou Ui dovclop tho mlnenil

nfttutoftwUtri dmt r. Uns alwaysTJosn a staun'an KopabTican and for high tariff.IWhad.fln brothers-Samuel, Lyman, LOTTIB,Wllliaro a'sd' Alcianiler, mma oi nrhoinwere.™U kaoVn In Uffrr g CV, but ore now

.Agiln B«Wna t to E»n.Cha»i Willott, TTIO a oonplo otweeka sincelt rid the Ee i kaa dernagod bii

hi tl f i t h l dAlt ngi^rieced tiat the Eei kaa dernagod biichiirhctcrhj publishing tlio fiwt that lie bad» n In, Jail Uv •wludling, [a apOn in tivuhle

bocnuM of his old trlckB. Ltut week ho en-:gaged a suit,of ol^lyL,ftad.,.aat»tbor f r o p ^ i o « . ^ » | | h . OaFriday no went to Ely anil stowing htm aaonlorfordtS on tho MocrU County Saying!Bank; eignoa with the name or Mahltm Pit-

d l l ' fney, ttsmall araflunt'oftaoooy of Urnn y , b e g ^ e d t t a araflunttaoooy of Urnto enable him to go to Morrhjtflwn to get itculied. • Be also borrowed small sums fromc*herpftrtiea ot) tlio same pretext Tho criorproved to he n forgory,, and on: oomplafait ofilr. Pttney tbo foliar WM taken into ouatotly 1

Monday by Mawhal rKclter.HB. wm]ngit Uttfth Jnttice Wooil nVa JV himniitteil io- tha ooimty jail to await tUsl

aoMon of tho Grand Jury. We nnnme Hr. jWUHt wfllngain f«! that hli "o%aiuattr"bftsbaetl Jaraagcd, notwimtmnllng the fwttaatha,lualtaen a pBnlatne awindler and

d l f

7mb Garden tod*.fc tbl l i t &f get

Lutdrath k Boca boat «wdi bj- oilllnft at theBrick Drug Store , , ,

j It wui c»y ronuafi ]L j ,

to get priou on FertHiiers, Plaster anS FarmMDohlnocvatH D Dell (tlnml^befor* buy

MorriBtowu Charter £]»oti«n,11i« ItRpuhltrsiiH »f tbfl pnnuty muit lit tlio]

iiniiiifl mi TnrsJtiy evening ]ilnced in uomitn

tnin nn vxrclleiit tlotrt, omnuoM'il of (ho

Miirfpntitfttlvn men of lliu jilaoo BBfollows:

For Mayor—John K. Tiiylor.

Fur Crouiu-ilwru-Jos. It. Voorneto, TIIM.

Miill«yund COIIIIIH Weir.

Two yearn nia tlio Kcpublieim ticknt in

Morrintown won ikfenled by a "Citiieim*"

Uinvt!tii4>Tit, but iv(-'imiJol'slnud that thu con-


tcinitt to revivoit lnmalrciuly fnileil, nltboiiKli

liopcs ore entertained that tha watte re <l

fori-vs mnj yet be pulled ti>K«tbcr. The Itc-

irtiblinum of tlio county neiit luivo mifii-n-A

inch hy siicli csjiorinirals iiud nhoulil

rt tlicir ticket BoJidlv.

Iron Ore BhlpniBiiti for April

Tho iron ore ibipuu'iitH of ln»l immlh 01

irue niilroiulR Df thin vicinity fol-

Vhi\'ii\i*b»r% will po'tntu htyonii, 19,tQH taut

nml 18 rwt.; local on High UriilgB Urnnch,

a,IIW Mim mid S t w t . T.itnl, 18,593 tonH and

cwi. Umratvuc, 1,404 tuna and II owl.

Over tlm Mimut Hone Mineral Uailroud,),'i»i tona nud 5 cwt.Over the Hihornia Mine Railroad, 0.7S6


Tlie totnl of .tie three roadu for tho mouth37.57ll.0G tons. For tlio aaino roads and thoiiuo mouth lrwt jmrtko total was 54,080,05

tonji, while in April 1883 the rihlptaoate ofB roads nmounted to C8.25B.15 ferns.

Tbo Wtikhie K«tch £ultem«otThe close strufiglu between Rowcll nnd

'ltEftcrald mndo the clone ot the walkingiat«li lost week of great interest all over the

Country, and tho scores vem w&taheil withonnsldorahlc aniioty by the jiartlsans of thetwo men. In Dover tbe toore vna givenhourly (in Saturday ly bulletins issued hy TIIF.

HBA 9nd lnrg& cfowAn ftnthcrotl In itottt

of tlio oilioo to get tho returns during the day 'and evouine until the mnteb closed. TheserBtum* wlilcli wi! pmourcd wero nlso unnt Id iIUP frlondo at Illberulu, Mt. Hope, nml otborilnoci, where also large numbers were Roth-iretl to receive the iiewn. Tho match closedut niao i/cloak with tho highest sonm over

wiilkingnmtoh, FftzgcnvTd haiiuggono 010 roilea and Kowell 003 miles. Thehigliant previous IOOM wa* tbut of Hainai,COO miles.

Brlimtly i n Impoitor.. . named H. J. WayJand, MPre«oBt-

ighimMlf to bo a licentiate of tbe HanoverCaptiit Church, nns been proacbing for thoScotia Baptist ChnroJj at Seheaeataiy, V, V.Tboy thouglit of installing him AS ptwtor, buth l r rpeord not Tjetng saHsfaotflrj, ho nro-seritodft letter pf Mcommondallon, dated atMorristtewn, »nd tinned by E. B. Burnett,Clerk. As tncreU no BapHrt Chureli at

anorer and no one in this vioialtj- averbBard of E. D Burnett, there Ii a strong m *, rong anp ilt iha mania an ficiMStor. This toHef win rtr8i.Rtbej.oa bji ia denoanobg fromt ie pulpit, »fow BuodayB^nee, aomoof themenben of tb» ebani im liar* ant Osaderenbewiurt they hod taqidred Into hU past life —Jetufinan

AttenUoD, Cdnrtdw.E vuty memher of Jomeg MCDATU Poit, No.

« , 0 A B , )s rtquettM to report In fullunlfDna at tuuir hall on tlo naxt MKUUTneeUng olgbt, Friday, Hay lOtl, at 8 o'clock,sharp. By order of

W, A. WABH, Commander,A. B. Biuuxa, Adjutant.

B.Bany ACo'a new advertiiemoat in

A Wrong Thiory.

ure tor cold feot'" TLo slun>le«t euro !H forrr to put her font iu the mWdloof herlmn-

bmia'aliuk. Ths beautiful rimpliolty of thisiure is wbat mskea it so Infernally euuimun.

- E R A .

Wo bsvQ tho boat of yon thnrn Bnand can deeply njiiijiiiffiteo witli (IIOBO nfiiiot-

Just BiinpoHe that lire. Urnwu wa« I..Jo, nod adoptad thin \,Ua, all that wi

nvoto any is that be would flud UttnaolHi>mpnny with au ieo lionso In the rowDinglore would bo a fuuural miro ttnd Josh, om

rtho mnurneru,—Maillaou ISIIRIU,'Hint's wbero you're wmiig, Ilnnlon. Wlierrowp getfl Hie ground cad of himself in bedlero lin't room lor anything oiae fu it.

•» m »Agricultural Beportt for Diitribntios.

Mr. PuoljiB rojHirtB thnt the qiioia of flower

iIH>rnprinloilt«tlm Hfih Uiatrict WFIB

ieflKO(>s1iuii«tc(t. nnd Hint ho finds it lin-

iblu Iu HtitMy ituy inure domuuds /or

i. Jlimnya Ihntaiiuiahernt AcriuuHiird

!rt* for the yi.jiT 1HB3 bus beeu fiirnUlird

fur iJuiriLuiitui, and tbut ho will [>e

i.V to mmd Ihisiu to bin conalituRuts in the

r nf JipplirMtion. [)„ will giro prefer

Jiowtvnr, to those who huve previoUH

iues und itio forming noU\ SO thnt nppll-

i, where tliia is n fact, should stnte It by

rttal card or letter nil dressed to H ep resent a-

e Pholpn at WaakiiigtoD.

Pariih Meeting. .i oniuial iDOoting of tho congregation ofI'reabyterhat, Chutch wag lioltl <in

educsday evanlng. Air. JIM. H, Neiglibouriloetod Obalrmnn nud Dr. I. W. Oondiotitory. Tno Troosuror'a report showtd

t the amount oxpended for oongregatlonuiis during tbe year was $3,842.70. Tito

itiou for Trustees resulted in the selection1.1. W. Cimdict, D. S, Allen, George D.

Meeker, A. J . (toe and Joe. Bronnin. ~number of paws taken and the pricesfullf na large an usual.

INSECT POISONS.We have them all. Iuseot Powders, Liquid Bed Bop Poison, Gum Cam-phor, Powdered Borax, Alum, Cayenne Pepper, White Hellebore andWlwIeOUflrap, "

REMEMBERFor »11 Lira above articles nnd anything else you wish in the drug linecoma to tbe OOHNEU DRUG aTOEE ot




The Licenie ftnertlon at Wuhlngton.In tlio Washington Common Council thin

wook Mr, Wm. A. iffelfok ami two others pre-sented petitionn for licenses to keep hotela.Mr. Johnston movnd that iw tho voters cf the

li lad elected a Tcmporouiie Citlin li-rliM-B of nil I,,

wna lout by a vote (if

piigiiinst. thn Hi


il. Tliia nmtkin

0110 f 0 four nud tho

and tlie remount ru

referred tu tlie Lic

r.fInns In report, in

Over a Million and a Third.Acenriltng to thn National Itnuk Btntcuicntt)

nblinhed tiiNt wctk tbe following ora tbe

liounld of indhitiwi] $cp{mitn Htthject to

u-isk ill the varloiiH Innks »ftlils county:

iitiiiinil Onion, Dover, *iL ,Nil9.7O ; Sntirmnl

•mi, Mormtown, i$476,lG3.:it; JTImt Natfuual,

•(irridto*'n,»«»,77fl.UD \ First National. Mndl-

ni,«71,!»D.%, Tntal individual dopo*i1n in

it' to elieek, i(iI,3J(n,i;!J0.()».

Eookawaj Pharmaoy

In now upi-tii'il with a ilno new stock of

iuCn, Moill.diiPH, l'ainln. Oils, OIOBH I'ntty,

nwHCB, Sujijiorlcrs, Soitjm, Feriuitirry!

iiilct aud Fancy Qooik. I'rrxcriiillon de-

irtniput in ouo of tho bout lq the State.

PrJt'cj Tin )<*w us nny tit]j(*r lit tho county.

Coo'i Phoapbato at Bottom Prioei,At Ww. Vr.inii'ii, Dover, N. J.

Corn I'lautera nt S. II. Heriy &. Co's Ilard-r«ro alnre.

Worse Thm HeathenAre ll)t*i> psfL'wl* whn alloiy tlii'lr ((tt-r wltli Wornm whfii Vi contB will li1

ii-nmku's Haiunumn Wiirm Camilf» whl

rt^hiviii^,' tJiPijj ho yo\) k/)i>w ijiv sitvlulmtHs, Hn.lilfii Htartluu In HI cap, lit i t dcairKfor fi'od dijntid iiliilit, Bm iintiimit tn tRpret. I'rkA 35 ceuts tier boi.Id by Jlohurt Klllgyre, Dover

Ward Off the First Attack

rnjiipeln, Ueaiiicbo. Diizlncufl. PHIUH inHlilesml,ok,Coi,ntliiB(l<iii. Kxat'BHlvii flow uf Uttne, In-11 at )!o Til I n I, l*cknf diri'iiUiion of tlie Itluml,

would uie Pirmetof't Dyipcpita. OUIwtua, Xldi-eytnd Liver Cure they would nut bo In cousUut fearitHlctum, for t W not only cute Dlnfaetoi,Drli<lit-iiMicue, ftcbnl prevout tlmm by removlnu tin.

But•ytuptom*. L»rgobotlli;« <t,W. Soldbyllob-ett KUIfore, CQTBT.

Drive Dull Oara Awsy._ jh«Gtfu1, bo pleiflint, he happy, tie healthy.

Knattb I* wiwlth Uta Pitrnetoa'a Blood I'lirlfler.actanpon thoLlvf! anil Siiiutyf, It regnUiet tha

D«eU xad purlflna tliobloiiJ. it »cta Upon tb«iBcitloi, It ctrrlM nlT ilic old blood mil IDI¥PB

ticw, tnd la icinilrlog a Bruit repnUtinc fm\lBDt»totoaEAffect' - " ~ • "






CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, SEERSUCKERS, Eic.W feel confident that an inspection by the ladies will

satisfy them that while we have taken especial care that ourselections shall be the newest, they have ulso been made witha view to durability of wear and stability of oolors.


3V. J .


l L



HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL,Wagon and Carriage Material,


Syracuse Chilled Plows and Cultivators,Philadelphia Lawn Mowers,Iowa Barb Wire Fencing,Buckeye Mowing Machines,Lucas & Oo.'s Mixed Paints,Fitzgerald's Celebrated Varnish,Masury's Coach Colors,Saiven Patent Wheels,Sweet's Steel Tire,Marvin's Fire Proof Safes,Richardson's Saws andiDouglass' Carpenters Tools.









Sctaol Furniture.





AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER.3-plp Carpet | 1 j BRUBBBM, 1& cl i . ; ALL WfMIL, DO cta, | Uaft&llfl, 99 c u , HP,


FURNITUREinclude! everything that are HEW and ARTISTIC Solid Wai-

. n«t Bed-room Saitn, Marble Top, of eignt pieces, 945, andeverything elie AT PBICES TflAT CAH>I BE BEAT.

An hupeetlonol our toodi and prlc«nl l l convince. all Ihnt tucae ttKtemMiti are not an empty boait

; or an advertuini ictaeme to dran.

CENTENNIAL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market StAdjoining Fint Iteflntned Obarali,

EntUe*T««gfleoBtorFallCoiir«, Including Bnoki, 8ttltoo«tr otaE I g T n S Oird WtUlne ueenlca In the ?ij|°™ i n . '

PBOP. «.H0S AILOWAY. h a i l ;

Page 4: NEW STOCK ESTABLISHED BEABLY 40 YEARS. Boys' PlERSOf^ · 2015-01-06 · •-


. , , . WAIHINGTOJ, LETTBB.A flraujttr from tlit: mirth nudiiriily (lrt.|.pp.l

8titim.i>r iiiMiml nf Hprinc wiwtlier. F<ir li

lait IVw ila>'« mtiUliMSi- gumitiiitN tint) ttrti

hulf were thp nminmiTB warn on "ic

llll.l til.' iWlfh. ill HtllllllHT brVITURt

Im.l II luirvfc). ' IV imrku ure hi'tug am

unit fbf air ia 1111,-d with the itorfutiHw WII

from DM- tlnnixiiiKlK of tmvw wliir...

Uuol.* liii* riil.-roed thi. i-owy rt'xc-rviil

wiiidi ilui (iovfninicnt has wit. uplift us rout-

ing jihict's lor tbo many pleasure neekers and

weary laborers ia thui beautiful city. Tli

KiuWfii change rrom tbe wet cold anil other-

wise iliaugrcuatilt] >prinj> w i t h e r to tl

liuluiv like Jiitw weather line MUHCII Iiiu

moruliU: fata* of spring fever, itfid the vffa

i»rtliin.!ih[-o«e l a s rcnelicii a high poiut jiol

i>nl,v iitunug tilt; government rlcrlf* but a visit

tinlic Iluiixr of R.prCrii'iiUitivfi* (luring st-B-

K.I.U liuun will h'ud one to conclude thut oven

wir wMuUera are nut exBtupt froin this pecu-

liar cpiileniif— from Uie easy goitiK way aud

iiiuminr (In- busiticiiB ia tnm sue tod. It ia only

wlii-n uifttter in at inane tlmt limy have u

li'rentgo Iu the Mimlug Pivimtaiitiiil content

Unit Itio HOUHR exhibits lha maw life It tliil

ut thn uponliti; of tbe scasiou. Ttie tariff linn

linen ami will bo continued this week to he

thoroughly .lUauaied. Strong Bpflechos haw

been niudn botli pro and con upon tlio Mor-

rison Bill, but witli wlmt result Is a question

that uuntiut with auy certainty lie liotonuinuil

as yet, liut tlio knowing once nay Hint Mur-

rinun'14 [Hit Hill havoa rc«pst'talilP imriiJ.

1 v u told by on« wmi shonld know if any

•mi! IIOIB, tlint a frii-ud of Fit* John Porter

asked OCD. Slocmn whim thut bill of vludJo.i-

liim would receive i\h flunl dierioMtiuti in tho

House. Tho Gcutml informed bhu "tlmt it

wouldn't da to bring it up until after tho

r on von t ions were hulil." This iiiny bu oniy

votuiida yocsip anil origin 11 ted in Hit briiiu of

my iuiorinmit, but one tiling is very certain,

tbf! Pit* John Porter bill 1* tukinf; u nap.

A very large )>rou»< rtntuc nf Clik'f Justin

IIIIMIIHI, tho wurtt ol' Story, w»s ^mi Wl 'ek

tireetcil at tlin we.fitorii approach of tlie C'nji-

Itol. It will bu unveiled tliin week witli

uppropnnte ecrcnidiiVi It is 11 fine* pietic of

urt mitt n').]t'wnt* the Chief .Tu»lieo Bcuttiil

in lii* robe* ns if In tho net of delivering 1

npinloD, nud IH rery lifelike fur so Iai-j(e


Of all thu pruniutinus made in the stiver

ileiuirtmoiitu of the Government iiueo yoi

('(irrMpunilont'it sojourn hero ihcrf hiis btc


A. B. SIMONed to Povnr and will rt

1st, 1884-,


NEXT TO W. H. BAKER'S,with a Clue tine of

CLOTHINGfor Men, Boys and Youths.


Gents' Furnishing Goods.


•ill .-ooiaiit u iln» lino or all kind* nt Cloths,Cmimcrcs anil Wunteds fur Spring and

ttanimer wear, and especial pallia will1»D tulifcti itt nil times to Ruur&nli-i!

a t'oudfurnient, well madi' amior corruit fit nt tlio low-

est posslLlo CDBI,

1 thjit liof flie

P. Swny». of Morris County, N. J., t.i bo

Chief Clerk of tbe Troanur.v. For some little

time ])iut it yiw plainly to ha seen thit tbe

Incumbent of tlmt portion would retire will-

intt or unwilliiiR. S«rrotnrj- Folder iti n KDOLI

jiid^c of hummi nature and witlinlli thu lcit*t

heHitntion uimlx hh NcOertion, nm: n MorHii

Countyitc WHS tlio favored one. Tliin i>romo-

tion it one initimlyupun merit uml without

tlio least outside help, nud i* tlortluro u

ri>watd well bentoned. In April, 18(19, Hon.

John Hill hnd Mr. Bvn^ia uppointwl a clerk

in tlio third Auditor'* o.liec wlnre lie faith-

fully iind ouriiCBtly performed bU ilnli^ dur-

ing tie bnnn n^ulri><t <>t Lim, epsniliug liin

evenings dlj;ffliii; out tbe coHi) prliieiples anil

uxiimis nf Inw from Chllty und fllncltitouo

mid nt tbi) imniB titnu entluavoriiiR to master

tliciutriuiidcsof sliort bnud. He wiw BOOH

nclialttntl to tlic bur nud Us ox,)crtni3ns in

fthort bund linmght Iilm tu the nolleu of the

Secrotnry, uud from n plodilint; «b:rk he be-

€tnnc the Hti-iioitrnplier io thfl iSeeretftrj'n

offito. Axli»rttimi>nfti-rtbo office of Supcr-

intendnnt IH'CIIIHD Vnotmt and lo tliis position

Swsyie wiw iijipninkul. Tills in nvcry «xnut-

liiKpwttiiin uml nm> of greut rrspnuailllity,

Tlmt lie nih'd t Ills off!no to tlio witibfiiution of

tlio IJcpartmiitit in shown by Ibn ptefenncnt

hn lias dcscrviiiRly received without Heukiu);

from tlio baude of Sonrelory t 'ol^r. Uh

many fricude ia Morris County Rhauld have

Been tliu ov-iitlnu lu> leoidved whou thu newi

which Hprtuil lik«! vild tire becuiuv publicly

known of tils ]iroiuotiou, Hla iweocintiis in

iifflce nud hid legion of friends Hocked

oilier to congratulate him, bearing florul offer-

ings nf benuty and npprojiriato deigns, nml

witliont » ningli* cxw])tioti nil united iii any-

ing that the offlce hurt now nn lnoutiib«iit

dcHnrviiiK tlni liigli honor (•ouferrcd upon him

and his friends <-an nafely predict that hit

iidvanocmcnt -trill nut atop at hit prraent

otHcinl positinn hnt tlmt higher honors awn it


Tlio old First Corps nre jirepnriiig for nn

itxourBiuii to the linttlo fields of Frederick!

burg, Chnncellottwillo am) Wilderness oil the

16th or May, That it will be it fl

awiiiruil, aud nitliouj;U tbo prognwiMo htis

not yet been pnblUhed euffloient has been

nuiife known to canTlnoe all who umy donlro

to visit tbGso old battle Seldfl thut it will

amply repay any uqienBQ or trouble incurred

Jn joining the eioimton. It ts not a select

affair but under tho auspices of tbo Old First

Corps, and as t lie re nro innuy sDiilici

Morris County who helped to make tliobe

locatiouB ohjocti nf interest, now la u good

opportunltj to visit ilieao plaooK wboro so

miinj commdos full.

Sccroturj l'mdeii !m» hud a busy time uf it

during tite pnwnt session, and from the un-

fluULcd work on lit* tnhle pimbed aniito by

work requirinj; iuinicdiiite nttcntlou, there is

a had out-look far a Summer vacation. Still

ho le'n linrd'and rapid worker, and if the

Summer hrnt dou't vcar him nut he will cant

B 1'iTHlilontial vote in Morris County. Lam-

bert unit the rest of tlio Morris Count; boys

are ploildiuj; along after tlio usual stylo all

contented and bnppy wit a plenty to do. V.


Jenajmen Woa't Try to Grow Jnto.

Tlie Btato of New Jeney, t y an set of its

Legislature, approved Murcb 3,1881, oppro-

pnat((l 915,000 for tlio payment of l>ounttoi

upon fibres and tibroiw plint*, Including into,

rtimle fix, and bvinp. Of this a mount $S,00t)

iraa npproprlnted fur stalks of proper lengthi

gultabiu for flbro, $5,000 for llic deanul flbra,

and $3,000 for raroio yam.

As yet not a slnglo application lias bnen

made for honnty upon Jute or.iamle slneo the

paaBfl p of the act. Ko persistent offort to

miso tlieso plant* in Now Jeraoy has been

made, and it Is proli»ble that not a dollar of

tbo appropriation will erer be called for.

The pnyiug of Bacb. tointy cease* April 1,

1886.'. • : '..•• '

The other boautiBs l u r e already beenexhausted. .•: * ' :


llt Bamboo, Lancand Caiiiiiian 'fia

ami Picker

ruoil. llorubrvin

f . S. BABBITT'S SONtuts plum] npon bis counter* u large

nutulipr uf jiicct^ of bulf wool

guilds fur Spring uml Summer weir at

live veutH a ,yunl, iu Blue, Brown or

BU'k. ti^eia\ tbouuuud jurdii uf Black

Mutmbuatur Catbiueres whicli bave bee]

selling (or twectj-iivB cents a y.ird are

now reJuced to fifteen ceata per yard

b.v tbe iiuoutity, large or small.

Ltglit colors weJiurn and fuuoydreea

goods are all reduced iu price to about

one bnlf of what they bnve been Belling

fur in purt wool, all wool and talk, und


Our naw, lurgo and w«.dl stocked CAB-

PUT IttfMi in our second ntory is filled

with uiirgaina of all kiude. W

Urussels Carpefs, (remtiBnlB) from forty

cepts upward. Body BniBscla off tbe

[)ioce silly-five cents u]). Ingrain Oar-

pe(H from twenty five cents upward.

China Mattings ID largo quuntUU'Ei iu

new styliis at very lowest prices. Liuo-

leutu, Eagllsb, ficotcb and AtueiicnnOil

Olotbs, Sbndc Hollands atid Fixtarcs.

Wo have competent workmen for mak-

ing end luying ciupctn.


Keels MIICH, Flleit, ll'iokm Unjikots, otc

A full atBortmuut oonntmtly OD hand of bestand lumtuou

Breooh and H n o J e Loadlna; Guns,

and all their fixtures.







is daily laoronaiBB, ivliioh tlionn lie i» civinjrsatftractloc to alfliiicUHtoitiertt. HisWINKH,LIQUO118 and C1OA11B aro of tko b^( , und' i- HieliVR tlio dealers throughout tbtu count?rouldgire Iilm a call ((rliieli will pay them)

tjcforultujioKelsewhere, All ordurB itnt hjniftil will reooiTo pioiupt atlentlon.

J. J. DAOKOFF, Uot-er, N. J.



Slate HoofingWill bottar faoiUUei I am enabled to cut

on SLATE HOOFS obeaper than erar MingDone bat the. beat quality of sUtfl nud eoj-ploying urat-olasii meohanioB. I can guar-antee material and work in ererf particu-lar. Tax Hneatbiog Felt always DO uand.

D«ted October lath. I860.

SHERIFFS SALE.In Chancery of New Jorge?—Botweon tbo Mil-

tnnlLifc lusnraiico Company of Now lurk,coinplAlnaiit, imil Pavld It. VatDene, Jrs.Dttvid It. VaiitiusN, The luliabiUtitH uf tliuTownship of Ptqnuunock in the Ooumy ufMurriP, mid Qirroc M. Vannuan, ilofuudantiPi. fa. inr Bnlp of niiirtgisod prentiseic Be-mrii&tjle tu M*y term, A. D.lGSl

FI1CLEHICK Q. UUBNHAU, So IT.By virtue or tlie iliovo sia-et] wnlofQorl

fuciae in ray Juiiila, I ubitil expose for sale at 1l'uhlio VoDiluc, ut tiiD Court HOCBB ID Mor-ristotin, N. J.,ou

5IONPA1', the 19tli day of MAY nest,A. D. 18S4, botweor. tlie hours of 12 M. nio'l-luck P. M., that la to say ntaoVluctt in .afternoou of said day, all that tract or pircof laud and premises, berclo»flt»r pirtiouliduBurlbed, situate, ijiug aud bniDg in Itnnntliiu or Pt'ijiianiiuiiji, In Ilia DonntyMorrii aud Btalo of Nun- Jar My.

Beg uoiDg ot a state mnudiDg on ( l i t .He ot tormeny tlio Metrark and Pomptoiruplko road, distant fit ouniuu BEdoighulutioaeunrii! of north one degreo and 111ionniouioB west from a Blake In ihoUco tb

ivpst cnriiL'r nf .Iimitlmii Ainlrt)ws' land ; tbinitinliic ta tliu ueodle pointtvil fu tao ;UQ7 (lj aluQR » lino of Oamt Vinneaa _others in'tlh eiulitr-uiiie denrciefl slid forljIICD aiinutci cast furly-two chains and twentnine iinbn tu s, corner of the name; dionce (3by tliu f&mo again uortli one degree tvoeb tinutniiinftodiHtj.four iintta U> a cornoruf fsame; tbenoe (3) by t i e same uorih oiglitnlue ilegreei and lortpflvu cilnntes eaut olp\tiwn citalut aud siitj uoka to Peqniunoriver; [Lance {i) uo itruani tho gorcral connilit-nof to the comer oi Jatam J. MuidctvlilLIsnd; tlieuco (5) nlonclii* linen uorlli uightjuiuo degrous and forif-ive tuiuutes woeifll

ibu cliaios sod uiuntj-rlTo liubw to a postIOECO ((I) north Tour degrees aud tlilriy mlo





ir trains, to t&keoflcot

lAfllHOBB STJT10SE tIx NKW XOBK, fjol ofLilutt; Bl.. Korlh rivciIH haooKLTV, (Brooklyn Bridgu Pirr.)IH PBIUDZXPEU, depots Dth »nd Green, am

8d and Berks 8 » . ,OFTkiin.


Kaw York fl CO iX8.31

kft. lultou at. . . .

PmLmELenu.Cor.9thtodOraen iti,

" 8 d i £ k "

NewarkEliubetb :

&Uev B H 11.17 0.33Valley B.28 11.25 4.15 6.8Uh t M B 1180 * t t " 'B.B8 11.80 t.lU CIS

Vemoy.Uiddlo Villo;German ValL, — -

BartW.*.. ' .. '. ' . ' .. '. ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' ..,8M UM i 24 BAQFlaudors . . . 8 . 4 1 1 M 2 4.311 O.f.5Oary'H b.U U.U iMDnitnvillo 8.6011.00 1.8SKeiiTil 8.B3U.63 4 41PortOram 9.H2 1H Oi i Bli 7.11Dover fl.07 13.07 *.S7 7 5Bookftmj Arrire 946 13.16 B.W 1.W


RookanajDoverPor tOram


German valley...Middle Valley.. .VernoyCall TonHigh B r i d g e . , . .Bound Brook... ,ElizabethNewarkTrenton


.. 6.20 11.53 8.30 BM.. 6,29 13.07 8.M 6.61.. 6.83 13.19 8.S3 5.6.. e.a la.aa s,*2 e.os,. 6.4* 12.25 8.H 6.11.. 6.4B 13.30 3.(9 6,ll.. fl.88 MM 8,53 0.1!.. f.M 12W3.50G24, . 7.00 12 44 4.00 6.20. 7.07 12.50 4.07 0.9a. 7.U 4.14 6.47. •}.]'.< 4.19 6.51. 7.20 4.3Q 6.581 7.JM 4.38 7.11

6 08 8.386.17 9.070.43 0.307.16


Oor. Sil tna finrki " 10.46 8.30" OttiiudQrccn " 10.0" 8.05

BrooH)juf t .Ftdtonst" 10.00 7.001C.ODNow York " Jt.EO fl.SO D.S7

ObesterGerman Y»»py

IOIIII elglity-nlna dogreei amle» vreat (ortj-two cliains ai

EDUM&BKO.Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus- W B -

llioton (7)furty-flve ntnentv-niueliuls to liis corner at the afore-said road; tbctieo (8) by tbo same BO nth 01decree aud fifteen ininctcs cast eight ohaiand tHoct.v Imlis to tue place of beginning,conUiiiiug thirlr-iii DO acres and tbirtucn hun-dredth) at an aero; liuc ultor ded noting twen-ty Buven liundrEdtlK of an aero for schoolloiiie lot, thero remains thirty-eight aorosmil olghiy-iiix faandredths of an acre, be tliumino more or led.

lining tlie name premises convoyed to liarth» YannrSB by OhirloiW.atiokney and 8 m l£. bis wife, by tkod dated Sept. fi, 1808, antrecorded iu tlie office of tliu Clerk ol tuiJounty of Morris, cm Sept. 28,1S08, ia Book t

Dcod*, }gjj£J f tH < H O f f E L L 8[ierlff

tatad Mwoh U, 18M.

and alJ mannero(priv»to andpttblioUnilillngi



Tho Sussex County Agricultural Society inin danger of eitinotSon.

McCraoltDn is n Dauilidatefor Bute Senator in Warren.. Jnnc»ii Walking bnd hii left Us broken•wblle wrestlfna in Waehinfrton.

T. O. Haley & Co., Sjiartn, linve leBned

lund in XidillflUnra, and will tnvt n Holler

Skating Rink 100 ioet Hqnnrc,

Tlio person wlunlola a liorae at 8tew»rin-

villeprovca;tok«veu«nH]adof 18, named

Jolin II. Weaver. Snmll ban not been seen.

Marshal H. Smith, the Btlridore lawyer,

win inaioted by t l« D. fi. Grand Jwy for re-

ceiving ldeeal penrion fee*.: 11B will lw tried

Mayath. , v ' . c -;; .••;

Kdwiml KltbDlat, of Wind Gap, hu Mid »

ixjrtioE Bf hi* farm l 0 8. It. Bohenck and

Wlllinm GlibUB, of ilackettntown, for *16,O0O.

Tliey intend openinj; a »lnte rjiiBrrj-.

Tbo gymnnBintn at Blnir Aosdamy, Blniw-

tnwn, yam 1>umed to the Rvound .at noon on

the 23d. Tlie building lUelf was of little

mine, the principal low being the apparatus.

fctie^JuitiM IJenitley ^aja'too Ul tn'ojwiiIJenitleyuity C

Ul ty ^ j o U jwii(be Warren"Cmuity Cottri'laat week, unddc*lsiiateil Justice Vanaickle to presida. Tbelatter eoald' ohly rtmaln ane day, and thewhole Uat of caoea vent over until noxt term.

Mr, J. II. SlinnsoD, ofKnowlton, WarrenCo.. who placed a number of cup In his,mnd,'nn biB&rr,! HbootUo jeara-flgb, In-forniajiBtu«ttb>T afladnlig well. They aretraiiwwiiK, 'KW~;*amfc»t ttw lnrgo onr» will

^ U about eight pound*.It it reported that a mica eompany is liclnp

ot'eaii\^a,- -whi^irtlV develop •» wine of. that ufipraJ J»U>h fopud In .Hnrmoiiy tovn-abiji, )V«iT0n oounty. Jt ls ioidtc h»ra be-come tdbntVnltuiblo of late yean,'and tUa

tItillip JolmioB, one cf tbe oldeit rmd inn«t

retpected citiuni D^ VfUtliin|{ton, .nurrovlyesoajKlo^aiiriiuUs throogli soau«.btuuH> nunfollowing Bobbins' etrcai. - They let Mm wintTSD whan fi*!''tjaabled" Bud tried to KHJUM.tbelrarnat, but thty hud fled the town Tery

- Attbieftujeral of Willie Barnet, the six-ye*ml&hof wboas throat H u cut by bistnotberm Saturday Sftth at PhUlfiiRburir, dinb«gSedpU«0tu|y W be ollmred to Me theliody, and, permiaalon being jfiv«ni»ne Miaedthe de»d b»dy reyenledlj, saying: ,"Oh, Wfl-lie! Willie! wly-UJ I \ l l l j - i rar The Infant•wDl posaibly recoTcr, aoA»bMthemother, al-though she l i not out of danger, ghs !• nu-donbtedlyInsane. >'- '

SnerUTi arw to %« elected tMj Fall in eveij-county In Ik" State, eicept Somerset.

764 & 7 0 0 U R O A D S T R E E T ,

N E W A R K , N . J .

offen superior Indnceiuanla la edacaliogyouriR men KUdladiea. OataloeneandOollegnpipmfree.

. « - TisrroRa WELOOUB. - »C.T.MILLEK, Prinoipal.


D0VEE, H. J.

OPPICEftdjoInlng th» Cover LnmberOpra-pany'0 mill, Oontraoti taken, and plim,

specifications and material! of every kind fnr--lahod for buUdingt, Jobbing si specialty.

SLATE ROOFING.HUte raraisti*d from, the bvot qairrici bj

tbe Mnitll quantity or car baa, ami laid, If do-ltred, by ejperi«noea workmen at low rates.


BErDRITAIIIB....8elf-Abn»o| autoes , . _ _ _ .lilutlc, P»in ia the Back, SimncBS of Vinbn,Premature Old Age.and many other discisegtbit lead to Inanity or CongainpUoQ and 1Prematnri) Grave.

BEWiBBOf ailrortliemeDtt to refund money,

ought DO NOT BEFUND, hat refer you to,li9ninnfMtnrori,*nd (ho rpqnlremeniiirc

* they ire leldom, If ever, complied^ Bee their vilt A trial

— J * arnfrls-' paokaire of 'Ony' i Bpecitlowlllconvince too most ikoptleal cf its real minU.

On acconnt nf eonnterfflltu, we h»v« *dop!odlie Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine.

<»-,Pall putlonhrs (n our pamphlet, irbiohwe desire to' send free by mail to every one.

r Tho 8pc«iHo Medicine is soM by, all. ^fftitiaifl per paokuRC or six p«ct»Ret

rurU,orxillbea«Btfrea,uy null tm.tha iccpint nf lbs tnon w ; hf tonreninji -„

THE GBAY WtSmOlNB CafBnflil*. N. Y?Solil In Dover b j ff. H. Gaoo iu .


THE KIDNEYS!They i n the most Important

lecretory organs. Into and',through the Kidneys Bow thewaste fluids of the body, son,talnlng po i sonous mattertaken out or the system. Ifthe Kidneys do notaot prop-erly this matter is retained,the whole system becomes dis.ordered and the followingsymptoms will follow: Head-ache, weakness, pain 111 thesmall of back and loins, flushesof heat, chills, with disorderedstomaoh and bowels. You canthoroughly protect the Kid-neys by BURDOCK BLOOD BIT-TERS, and when any of thesesymptoms m a n i f e s t them-selves von can quickly ridyourself of them by t) is best ofall medicines for Fie Kidneys.'.BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS aresold everywhere at ?1 par bat-tle, and one bottle will provetheir efficacy.Fir u U bj w. H. OOODALS.



Hot Air Furnaces,Of the latett u d moat Improved atyloa, forwarming pnbtlo and private bojldlnga. A large

aaiortment or StoveB, olieap for cash,





A fal usortment of



LEADEItB.fitidiai kinds of JobWLg ID my line,"onein tbe be«m»nner an3 -i^*---«-—•-otloe. niglieit^rlMB paldfCopper lend ao i pewUr tiken t'


Decetnbera»tO8T0. Mir

NOTICE.Inp f the 8t

iTthe hotel »t Wooiiport, N. J.,on TtiEBDA1

Maj 13tb, 1831, for tbe purpose or electinpDirectors far the ensuing year and transact•nctio.rber basipem aiinuy coma before the


Notice of Settlement,herebyer.Eiecatrii of Elizabeth Roderer

dtceaieJ, will bo aadlled and stated hy theSurruRite, *nd reported for lettlament to theOrphans' Court or tbe Comity of Morris, oHomlu tbe leoond d»y of June text .

JANE EEILEY.Dated Hsrcli 2Bth, 1881. 17-&ir

ivMlies Dorer at 9 A. B. on the day of publi-cation. Fur laia by Breoie, Morrison, andMDIIGLOI HO will und it bjnuil atSOcenti.mcntl,, Adareii ' ''

l . W . BSaLAND,PabIUher"TBiBnM,'' ;«owy«rk City. .: ~

TESHTJSX ft F B m U B ,181 Xnni Bt, Vewak, V. X,

Write of tbelr Fancy Goods Departmenltlmttliey hpre jittt opened i hahil«iiae a^-lArtuMit of Uwnlmig imbroidoriro andbliildren's Uoo Caps. Theie goods a n alIn new duigni and aro sore to plenie. Theyhave also utandard Linon good* Tor tracingviz: BurannaaaBafrotCaVersl^dlc^Da;.hwt, &o. their itook'bf 43owota cvidpriMitaple itjlcs, as well aa all the new ones,

HIDODK wltich k tbe Pivot Conet adaptingi tnlf to u iy attitude of, kjbe.iVABter. jdock of LadUfl' ondCThiHrfln'a HOM, Mtudiu,itiiimo>VBi«lit, and GftwlUttdenreur, {fco.

They a n RUO ngcnU for UaCall's D u uPatterns, tb« beat in t in world. Springi t j lw now receiTwL They exhibit* fine u -sortinontofBonimer Skirts u appended Hitof prio^a deiponatnta : 35o.(''4U| H e , M5 7 M W »1 • U S ^ W O, ( , , , ^ ,

and ttpwartt*. Onr tt.CO French Cambric~ U H - a t f t O f U ths greatettbaisgnla oflawd lUrMai^n, The ttook of Cam-briei and PenaluM at 80., 10c., Ui«- and lfio.ii nniiauailf largo, the styles eicetlent and,at the prices nannl (jan't be beat Visit onrpTOMpoodspepftrtinentUfowljnyingjotrw r & g DreawH. We.gnariinUa te s»vb yon

oy. We « i l a. (M Gilbert (Jlothtrt (1,00;a yeir Ago for fl.75. AU-wool Block

Ca«liniercnt40o.iflneratBOo.folegimtQaaUtrat75o. TKEIIDNB Ic FREBUAN,

721 Broad St., Kewark,

SAVE 25 PER buying yoarfiPIttKQ


n— UA^'U*' *"* - — r¥~ "T U A V P * * * ' - lliiLtl


Train 1 ISAVO Kenril for Mipniflink aad Lnk<Toruicuiig it 0:00. A. K.; 12:to. 6:10 F . 11. Fcr.11 sUtfoni to Ogdon at 13:25 F . M.

CoDTcyancL's can bo iirocnrad at GsrmitDValley tu and from BoLoolcy'i Moaotain; -FliiodarB to and from BDIICI'K Labe.

EilTOH OoKWSOTIOWi.—OODDCOtfon Is QlBlloat High Bridge to and from Em ton,J. E . WOOTTEN,(kn. UKcaser,

H. P . B A I ^ W 1 N , O « Q . Eastern Pain. Ag'uO. O. HAM000K, Oon. P m s . & r D ' k A '

(HOBRIfi AND EaaKS D17IHI0N.)Deputu in New Vort, foot of U*rolay St, a



LKAVK N£W iUaK.tTiaUA. at. (EAHIOU Mill Tnin),oon'uug witli (tie Uooutoii Unucti at Dunvilltliouutoc j tlie Chester Uralicb aiDuvor lor

.JDO»BauuagnilClifi«t«r I thefluiieiBailread»HV*l^rJo<J,torAjidov»jr,Mewtuu»Bdftllsta-noun; (UBD..L, i. W. ii- it. at Washiugtoiirt)rJUauanka0nauk,WatDrOap,atroudBburR,dorantbn, fliughiratou, Utica, Iticliflehjpringi,Homer, (jottlaud,UjraouBe, Oe^tgijutl ygiuts 00 the Laoicairanua and Bloonit-

ru and Delaware aud Hudion ltailruada;K> at PnlillpBUurK with ^elilRU Yallcy itait-kdandlrinlffli and BuiqaeliaOB* Itaiboad

i Maaoh Chauk. Ho»Jinu »ud


igen Tl»itluB Dover aro invited to oi l tvnd. . • i . - j e t m y H°011"1 p ° P n l w P r I o e l Pl»oe|theni

Within the rotcli of tboio wboae me»ai are limited,and aiy die u io t tnen t cumot fail to plfut »ndsatisfy tbe most orltirtl tmj-ei-t. /OHS AHNDT.

At Ttf A. M. BIngbamtLii Hall (DrawfntEoomCarmittaohedjFtoBNe!? York via.P»t-erson and Boontoa.rnni thtooRh to Wateiflap, Utraudabarg, Hortatou, ^real Bend»niiiJiijgbajiitoc, connecting at Dover withChester Bailroxl, at Waterloo witU BnsaeiR i l d f Aia H t a d ll

ailroxl, at Waterloo U Bnsaeikd for Atiaoter, Hewton and all sta

tions: at Dataware with filairstowu Uv,,attjcranton, with jiloaniBborB Division for fltta-ton, Kingston, Wilkeubure, Danville. North-amberUud, &o. Pantngerk tkbing tillstraiufrom Hew ifork.Pateraon and Boon ton»n oonaeot at WaabingtoD witii train forroiUlpsborg, Eaaton, Jlelnlelem, UleolDwo,HarriibuKand points OD tht Lob^li Valley,and Lehlghanf Suuquohai]!'* ilailreadgt at" U U U b i t l Belvidete Diviaion of Pa. U.

Q T r t u d F J i U t d s l h l..[oiXitmbortTiUQtTreutouandFJiUtdslphla,At 0,09 A. a.Buffalo and Oanego EXUTGBB

Drawing Eoom Oars) Water Gap, (stroudB-liurg,Sc»nlon( BiURhiraton.Owcgo, Ithaca,Wflvcrl;,Eluilra, Uouut UjrriB aoilrBnOalo.Alao Bjncuee and Oaweui), ooiiofciing atiJlcgliainton for Utioa ami lliuiiHelil apilugi,

At 10,10 A. M. Dover AocoramcdatiDn.AtMiUU u . E n ton Exprom.At 1;00 P. u . Elniin Lspraii, Drawing Hotim

s attached rum tLrongh to W»W Oabt Btroitds-a t B l h 8 7 n a t i « « a n d O a v e g o

IOCHMUUC *t Uopf nt«n with Lack, k BJooinibm-ilure, PMMDgen (alStig tbls lr»iD from Sn

^ i f ' f t S " 0 0 *nN Oo0aton oto ""f"*1'*' WMD

LoavdNew^'ork'ata.LlO p . M (E»Bton E *preBB)oonuectlnfi at Waterloo for Andover,Kowtonaud Brauolnrilla, and at Phillipsbnri

till Lehigh Vallov Ballroad sou ^<ihigh antiaequebannaB. U.farBetblehoin.AllCQtotrn,ending and Harrlibarg.4iai) P. M., U*6i Eijiresn Tor Summit

'assaio and bo law* re H*ilroai3.) Chatham,ladison, Marrlstown, Morris Plain!). Dtntllle,

uoo>aviyand Dovr~P,a i , (UaokettBtown E p ) B t o p

PJugatmibarn.Summit.Cliathaiu.UadiBOD,lonrlatown and all gUtlomwest to HackettB-

tawn, con noting at Waterloo with tr&lu orAndoTcr and Newton.

8:O0P.U.OflWgoaud Buffalo Ei.tromKenorltfBleepingoiriiattaolied) via. I'ateraonAloonton ibrooch to Water Gap, atrondsburg,

Sorantou, Bingjuamton,l4iBla,Hacatlion,Curt-land, Uctner, SviaeoBe and OHUBRO.AtBlDKUamtonwitlitrtlnfornrbtnc.OilorJ,

Uorwioli, Biohflold Bpringn, Utlca. i c . Tbiatrain runs through to OBWCROUulfelo audElobflold Spiings (but not li> Itbnuaj BuidajmorninsB.

AtTi lBP. M. Dover Accommoiintion forChatham, Morrittown andDurer.

For BernardsTille, BaBkiugndge, LYODS.Hillington. Bllrlmg, Oillette, Borkeio; Hvigbiand all utatlona on PanBaic and Dolawaro H.B. (N. J. Wnst Line Railroad) 7:30,10:10 A.M. and 1:80 and 630 P. H.

A, BEASONEK, Boperiniendetit.

DOVEB TIME TABLE.Tralm arrivB and depart from thli station• follows;B18T BflOBD A. H . VTBST B0UHD 1 . K.

OsnegoExpress* S.33 Easton Mail D:36Dover Express 7:00 Bl l ' M i l * B6HaoketUtownElp,7:81

Easton Mail D:36Bl null'I on Mail* B;6UCoffalo Kxprosi 10:97

aaoa Epregi 9:00Etmlra KxpreBB* 2:2SEaKton Express 6:29DovorEipreiB 6:20H'ketl>towc£xp.7:20Oawego Exp/

•Via. Boonton Branob.


M. P .M.16.37 7.00 Chester10.1T fl.fll HortonL0.07 fl.1T Ironla

1.67 6.42 SuooMaana

I.W 6.80 PortUO I.H Don

UHWiBSA.M. P.M8.00 3,608.07 1.008.1! 1.108.17 : . :8.!0 1,808.2S «.M8.83 5.00


Coleman Business College,707, 708,711 & 713 BHOAD ST.,

Opposite Centre Market,K E W A R K ,

fieceirea aluverLOOAL ana NATIONALktronige combined than any oilier Oommoi-lal School io America.Tbe attend&n'oa from Ssaox and adjoining

Doutlos ia doi|blfl thai of any liome jclioof,ai it employs more thin double Iheteuben.Write for tlie finest scuool cttaJojno ever

' COLEtUK 4 PALMS, Proprietor.

SMITH & ECKHART,(BucoGBSorit to Ira O. Cooper,)


ContruU taken aad materials fnralihed for


Offloe on Horria itte*t, next to tormet IsonEuboUdinji, Dorer, N.J.



.till natatolm lili retiututJoi fur keeping lulla&d ooinplato Btoclu of



A. E Van Horn & Oo/s Prices,

CARPETS i l l F D I T I I100 Parlor Suits in Plain and Embossed Silk and Mohai:

Plushes, Spun and Saw Silks, Rep and Hair Cloth, from $301down as low as $26,

76 Walnut Bedroom Suits, (8 pieces) Marble-top, from $40Cdown as low as $42,60.

ISO Ash Bedroom Suits, from $100 down aa low as $26.

200 Enameled Bedroom Suits, from 960 down as low aa $14.

160 lounges, Patent Bed, Common Bed and Single, all kindsof Coverings, from $60 down as low aa $4.76.



GEOBGE E. YOORflEES,(Suooestor to Voorhee* JJroOiern)






Breda aad Fertilizers,




NOTICE-TO every person buying to theamount of $20, a numbered check will bgiven, for which A GRAND PRIZE DRAW'ING will take place, June 30th, 1884, of tbfollowing artioles: ONE HANDSOME BEDROOM SUITE, ONE ELEGANT PARLORSUITE, ONE FINE GENTS' EASY CHAIR,25 YARDS BRUSSELS CARPET, ONELADIES' ROCKER. (Latest Style) ONE STOVE,etc., PRIZES VALUED at $1,000.

Confectionery,TOP, 0H0I0E3T IBiNDB oi 8EQAB8, THE






Spsoial Master's Sale of Land.s Gbitieetf of Naw Jeraar-BBtweoii AndreJ. flmilli^anil olhera, ooniDUIiianta, anMarsala D. h. Qalnea and olbcn,anta. On bill for Drtltl Dlartltloc. Decree loi

:. 0. PITKEr.Hol'r.

BY rtrtne nra decree of thu Ooart of tilian-ctrj of.New Jereoj la tbB caaie above

tated. beatiog dato tbe eleventb darlireb, eighteen bnndred and elfilitT-four,lall erpoae rot aale at fnbllo Teadae; at llu

3enrt Soaaelo Uorrlitowb, New }eriB7, oaSATDBDAT, tba Slit da; oi MAY sen,

a. D. 1881. tolwetn tbo bean,9119 V. <n 1I'alocb P. SI., that la Ip aaj at S o'cloca la lUoaftetoboa of aata da;, all'that lot. tract oipircBl of land and prtnnllea. tltoate, frfoe; and«lo« io tbo Toimakip or Bod.wij , la the

Ccaoriof Mcrrl. and Stale oi Sen Jern; ,bctteaana bonadad aa-follom:

Begloclos a n be ilxtee^tb ooruer or a tncl0&6'DnPQfflD l i lu ''tW^QiJ^'Atld Ciff^liy'CDt

inadndths' •eren.'rstnined to Lenotl OobliOtbeelarentb d§j of J l e t h

•eren.rstnined tntb d§j of Joly.nfltyalD« reoortje

ly. lertntaen hAna] s«] nin.fltyralD«, reoortjed l,n JJwk.l",ta,

ifta 331; from llienco tunning on i course1) north tixty-nraraeDfeei Mrithfrly mla.t « , o u t fllteen. efailiu: < theow (2J portbwantj-lwo defirets u i t leo cbiloi tad B1XIT<Ive Un.i • theooo [9) Moth twenty-ieren i~Bttes tui oUfl shitn 4nil ninety Iraki; ihe*) Bortn Jorty-sii ilenrreu tan i t in clu

iudMTei)tf JU|(H. thpnee (51 spnth;MTex degrees tast twshe .oiuJni; tfaenee

h t t ; links'! lhiint*JET)'D(trtIi>fllly^aei t i b B cluloi; ibonoe (8) nprlli

irtf.lwo HifKnoa tod thirty mtnnt« eu\ i t .teen obtlDs tnd twijorj-flto Itoki; tbenee (tf)

leaoo (10) aortb MTeolT^drao dennH Flitn obaiai; .thenco (U) north av« oatlai:eo« (1!) Dorlb Itilrlythm dejireea will

iblrtj.ooe cbaloi ma Jo«eptr Hall; Ibenra8) aoalb fln^-flre * deirnei «e«t aevearialsa ua IhlrlT Unki; 'tnenee 111, Mat.

hinj-lbm dotnea aaat Iblrlr-Kion tbalbli3 aerentj link; Is tbe glaeo of .beitaloj.oielbcnrilb allaad.albnlar tho Lerodui-enta aad apparfcaaiieea to the laid prcmleci

KlfigorlnaajaiMapporUlaiiig ~JAMES O, yODHODI^OD,

Ppedal U t i t n in ChaEcory or N. J,Dttad March 34th, IBM. . . . »fl.C0

WANTED.Tc contract vlth k eonmfaBniaDdnwpon-Ible part; tin ntolnj fdr no ofrnaoK.


I E ! DRESS ROODS.Isaac N. Doty & Co.,

NEWARK. N. J.The grontar portion of our Spring Drcatt

oods are now in store nnd open for inepco-

on. Bvery Jady in Doyer and vioinify is

1 thnt our collectliiu of Foreign and

etic Dress PotHDO in the largest and

varied In tbo Btate, aud at nil times

strong induceinontfl ore offered to pnroliaien.

For the incoming Beneon new colors are

Laroli, Titian Red, Mountain Ash, Indian

ledar, Sea Swallow, Baltic Dine and Golden

i. New materials are

ison and Prunella Cloths,

Panama Checks, Ottomans,

Cheviots and Tweeds.1 prouubly riiow Ho rielieat assortment of

FRENCH SATINESin Newark. Tlio putt cms. nro very choit

a\\d cqlqfa bfillUint ami effective.


and Foulardsare now on solo in beautiful aeaortmniit.


159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark. N.J .

CARPETS25 pieces of Velvet from $1.75 per yard down to f 1.26. 50 pleoei of Boby Braesele,

11.50 per yard down to tf 1.25 j lCOpleaes of Tapestry, from f l per jard down to 70 els. |

35 pieces of Thne-ply from 81.36 per yard down to 911 200 pieces of Extra Supers from

oenU dovD to 75 cents, j .800 pieces of low-prioed Ingmins, Liite, BtUts and Hemps,

from 50 cents per yard down to 26 cents. 7,000 yards of OU-oIoth. well seasoned, all

widths, from 75 centa per yard dovrn to 25 cents.

C h i n a M a i l i n g - J u s t received 100 rolla or plain White, Check and Fancy, uom<

as low per yird as fifteen eenta.

BeeideH an immense stook of Writing Peeks, Bookcases, Wardrobeg, Sideboards, Manft

Rod Fler Glasses, Ohiffonlerp, ExUnsion Tables, Marble Top Tables of nil kinds, Offlc

and Dining OLaln, Fancy Oarpet and Rattan Booltere, Easy OLairs, Hair, Husk un

Eiceltior Mftttressea, Blankets, Stoves, Banges, Children's Oarrisges, Befrigeraters,

Wire flafes, »nd eTerythisg In the housekeeping line at


E»BJ payments taken without eitra charge. Goods delivercfree of charge iu any part of the State.

A. H. VAX HORN it Co.

73 near STREET, num. i. j.(NEAR COURT HOUSE.)


Of NEWARK. N. J., have now open for thdelivery of Oil a depot at Dover, where a fulsupply of Oil can be had on MONDAY ancFRIDAY of each week. All our patrons whefavor us with their orders will be promptljsupplied. Our object is to save our customerstransportation charges and delays caused byshipping oil from Newark or New York. Or-ders can be sent to Samuel Hammond, Boon-ton, <he will be in Dover on Mondays andFridays) or to our address where they willreceive our prompt attention. All orders willbe promptly delivered by J. H. Burchell, andempty barrels taken back.


NEW AEKANGEMENTS.ferclinnt tailoring will ha earriet] on nt NO. 4 BRIOK BLOCK as folio

beginning with this date ;

PIEST—TliQ materials uaed in our CD8TOM DEPARTMENT will oiv«atise for complaints. *"

JOHN BAWB— at Ida rwtaaront on Blaolcwell atreet a

HneihioK of UummnAs TOTB'HJUICONFBO-

RITPTUBJ3Sannul l>7 Ih . COLUBO61 METHOD In from

^ THIRU-Theverjbeat tailora bam bceo iconrca for tbe solo beneSt of oo»

TOtETH-No B»rm|iil will bo ulloioj lo l m , e tba premi,e« unless n t h ,satisfaction uaokno»ledg«a by the 00.1 lomer. ™

I trust tbat the above frets will bo a sufficient guarantee to overi indiviuWud eapeoially to tboso wbo are oblised lo seek elsewhere tor a snil of olotbe,

W E B*T1!.,A,LSO * W"» >"*« "TOOK 01 READY-KADE Cioiimic. for all, from tbesm.l ost cbil.l to ttK, largont nwn. UEHM' Fmnnsana Qoo M , tbo best leidiniand latest «tjta of HATS ASD CAPS, THUSKS, VALISES, SATOHM!S,To,Tt




logne on application, (Fnlly

t i . No loss rrom frit-1:po8Bil)le fwreontof tilucnreil b^pittmts.)


BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertioal andPortable. Insurance policy with each.



Ml. Hope .ronoii A litgo andI»hit«nioiilo u i mnM, withunl.nt aid fruit of»U kfida on tie

and wellwater 1Jiromiiek.




HE DOVEE LUMBER COoffers to buiiaera tlio boat opportiuiities in the purohnee of LTJUEEIlof aven- grade and aosoription including LOTV PEIOE8 and tha eioatadvantage ol hoving s

Lumber Worked to Orderby maoiinerv at the place where it is pnrohasea, groatly loasenbo the

cost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Ourstook always incladoa

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LTIMBEB of every description, and espeoial pains are taken

lo give eatisiaotion in erery putioiilu.uatPnaMant



ion aa ML w

EUPIBE" fiot-Air, Gas and BaBc-burutugCooking UtoTD. tho boat baking stova in ti>aworld. Alio.alargeasBortmont ofotliertstylt'sof Cooking Blows, U*nj<0H. Parlor Btovos.ic.,for BUMMEa AND WINTEB USE. AIBO, aChoice stock or EiBDWARE, OOTLEHY,QUic, Wooden, Copper, Plain and JapannedKMWABE. Oil OlotliB, Carpets, Laiapa,Ps,tntH and Oils, bird Gages, Faatliors, Pratt'nAitral Oil (non oxploglvo.) Also, dcalcru itiOOAL. Ilooflnp, riunjbliie nnil Job Workpromptly ittenddd to. Fairbank'H Hceka atpiannfacturor'B prices. They almi tavo oneof tlie above (Wales In Trout of Ilx'ir placo ufbnsinoBs ior puhlio wt'igliiii({. Old Iron, Cop-per, BrABs, Lead, Bags and OreotibaoliB taken

tohBDRt for Boodti.


AIBO manufacturers of Ununull'i Beir-Tighl-oiiinfr Wire bprlUK Htd Uottoni.


LAGER BEER!tiinatHEILT.Y'fi.fiinsoit St., Dover, N. J

upp BIolior'B Opera House




Base Balls and Bats,

The Professional Dead Ball,

Marbles of all sorts,

Wagons of all kinds,

Jumping Ropes,

Wooden ToysAS WELL AS THE TOUiL LJlUii: BT,|(S













CHAS. the iilimi on Bliti-hwall Urcelinnloor from niorrla, oppoille Pu.nlet A

Clark1*, tvlirit lit has ojic»i:il n- new IIes-mnt, mil «III kt t | ) u full oddk cf Oyntirs ut all tliuci, •LTVC

lli,.i,ttml ll-lie furzifslit^l a t 11

•Ilrd wi l l . OjuCn

fi, F. JOLLEY & Co.,


831 BROAD St.





Shop on Clinton St, Dover..jporience of lli years in Doror

finest nork, is tho Buarinteo I off i

Ion to all"

of my


County Collector's Notice!

I will boa t Ihooffice of iiic flnrrpt-ate Mori-istown, for Iho transaction of Count? liakinemi.on TlmrHilay of oacli wfi-k, nml 'at thfll a IUdmnl Q , , ' D

dajH nml

m.on Tlmflleo of Qearga I m l B , Q , Dovrr cu

VedncftdajH nml KruiyaV.rM.H.L,VMBEItT,





lOit all the ptlEcipal linos or Etearaihii- f r o m Now York to Liverpool at LOWEt



BEEMER & PALMERtrill conlinuo (111, l imlmi u u,, o M Mm^

"SftKi uSi.'x.sir.s01111''


Flag Stones : HulowAlka ami mitting curl), auiHilWlrwork raiuinujf Jlliio Btouo will he iiroiiipilj

MASONS' MATERIALS!Hard and I'HIO Briufe, Llino, Coinmt, Cal-

cinod Plaater, Hair. Fho and FrontIlriak, l'iro Clay. Orders will be


Saw Mill.fur haul -rood lum

leiiKth desi400 cord:i BOamme

ber en I to »ny sized Blways onliind.wood fur mlo.


deceased.•f tlio SurrogiloPURflDANTto tho ord.

of tlio Count j Mot tntdu on tbtilay cf Mareli, A. D. one thooeutid

i^uv hundred and eighty four, notio*1 hereby given to tli jiernonB haviuc claimsK&intit tl.c i-Btato ot John Oahorn" late 0!no County ul MnrriH, ilrctmfprf, to prrfriitiVlnie.uniior until or nlliriiiiittun, la tlin stili-:nlnTB, on or licitire tint Mi ml day rf•ecunibcr next, being uiuo motitliH iroiii tliuitfl of Riiid ordurj mid any crciiitor ucfilccl-ip to br ine in and oihimt Ins cr her Aim,Dili-r mull or utnmmtmo, within the tiracei)niilcil, will bo forrvtr bnrreil ot hii or her'Man therefor again,*! tho Eiecitlote.Dated Uie third day of Marnli A. D, 1884.


Eircutors,Preannt claims to William P . O<born, Hlnn-

liooe, N. J, 14-10 v

SMOKE THE PUG CIGAB,lie best fivo cent cigar iu the market. All

orJers of the tradu nupp.ied by

John Jlarrctt, Boouton, N..I.N. D.—An elegant cigar lighter Is presented

filh the llrst order for 1,000 cigiirs.16-ly


t cvcryUiing for PA11M AXD GillDKK.


Morristown, N. J,SEND FOll CATALOGUE.

it week R[ boino. (5 oulllt rrrabsolutely cure. Mnriali. Cnpircqnlrcil. Render, if you wanuensat wbich persons nf dili

olil, tnn makk ith t l

p o n s nf dilirr wyounc ,,r olil, tnn make Rreat mx nil th

lima tliey work, with atiHolulc writnr particulara to H. Hiij.iTrT ACo., Porllam



Bend Bircpnts forpoBt'age, am] rcociro free, n^jf] t l j".!J . l ,! t ° r fiO0rJ& wuicL;i p

. .rill Iitlt) yon to mnnn tbao anjthfnR oho iu thititbor BBI mooed f fiDriflf rAU.l0f CitbHrwi7'siio«d"iKffl

Tho brand road io lortcneoDennbufcrkcrfl,abaolBlalrsnn. Atonoe adOrt

BITE A Co., AnKcms, Maine.



WM. H. liiMmT, Seo'f u d TwuI. W. H u m , Cta'I Ifanaiat.

THOS. JOHNSON,ind dsalorin

i, Kulili,

SHERIFFS SALE!1 Cliaiicery cf New Jtrsfiy-BHUri-i-n JaincsHolmes, comiilnlniint, and Joet-nli Cirlinj,'and Caroline OarJiriR liiu wife, Newton W.(Jrant cud Murcua M. Crane, dolcndiiitt.

tnrn.U« to May Torm, t B . lBai .J. S. BALHDN, Soi'r.

By rirtue nr tlio alioio s ta tpd Biit of lienlutns in i:iy haedfl, I sliill I'lnnPL' tnrsnlt1^

['nblic VcDdne, at tlio Court IIOIIBC iu Mw-town, N. J . , on

MONDAY, tlio 12th thy of MAY u t i l ,D. 18U, b i K n i tlm h o m , O ( 12 K. aari 5•lock p . SI., lli.t i . to U y , t 2 ,,'dotu in Ilieitiiodii <jf MUL] day, :U| tlio lolloffliig l]l"ril.rH ,~n> ,ir r a r £ , c | o r ] n n ( ] H I ) d p r { , n l i s pj ,

uml Loint; in tlioTono of Btion-unty of SJ«irtin and State ot te*

'CV, miltfil anil IjouiKU.tlaarollowB,^-^!'1

tf WiiHlilERtou ptrtel, distant Bixty-twoahalffeet irom the nortli-aat corner cfimiKton ami Harrinin ntreetr, and tbtn«

1) Kontli lirty-ciKlil (IpRrcDH oaxt one hBr.<!"Jtot ; llimin (2) until thirty t»o d.omt. e.tluty-twi) mid a half reel; tlionce (3) norlh

.. -.H WOBI one hDmlrcd feet I*lit'iinoof n'ashlneton atrtct; tlietice (4)BOHI1I•' : " » llraoiW.itiiiBloniltoeUllj-olBM

, HBirem Biity-twd »nd a lialf feet lo lUoplnco of up^iiiuinir.

id anil premiaei conreyeil

nto, lyini th



E. Lindiloy II Son, Dover, K. J. .Allen k Moalnnton, CheaBr, S.l,Union & Buiuell, Ioal»«»7, If. J.


luoii »ilh «W, which Iibnioinoed


a- open and md7>for baalneaa wllii -no of aAMI'LKS of ill ki.d. whdi l

- - to onlar In a i j «>U,' dlothn biaaneil

•t'tSttwss11-- *°.<«*«»>°'*