new syllabus maths

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  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths



    Revised syllabus

    From Class VI to X


  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths



    Subject: MathsSyllabus Distribution of Major themes / topics & themes wise concepts across classes from VI to X of A.P.

    Distribution of class wiseS.No.

    Majorthemes /topics


    Class VI Class VII Class VIII Class IX C

    1 NumberSystem:

    Number System:i) Knowing out numbers:

    Prime, Composite, Co-primes

    Sieve of EratosthenesFactors, divisors and

    Multiples,Prime Factorization

    L.C.M., H.C.F. andproperties

    Problem solving usingL.C.M. &

    H.C.F.ii) Playing with numbers:-Simplification of bracketsBasic patterns of Divisibility

    Tests divisibility of ( 4,7,8,9 &11)

    iii) Whole numbers:Properties of 0 & 1Number line, seeing


    Real numbers

    Concept of set, set language.

    Notation: Roster form (mistingnumbers, elements)

    Candidates will be extended tobe familiar with the terms andsymbols connected with sets.

    Set of numbers: N,W,I, or Z, Qand R.

    Subsets: Concept of subset.Rational numbers:

    Properties of rational numbers.(including identities). Usinggeneral form of expression todescribe properties.

    Consolidation of operations on

    rational numbers. Rational numbers of all

    properties (closure,associating, commutative,identity, inverse) for alloperations in brief

    Table showing all properties

    Real numbers

    Introduction of irrational Nos.

    Representation of rational andirrational Nos. on number line,

    Real numbers: union of rationaland irrational numbers

    Group, abelian group, field, orderedfield

    Introduction of surds:Types of surdsConjugate surdsRationalization of a surd

    i. Powers:Integers as exponents

    Laws of exponents with integralpowerii. Square and square rootssquare roots:

    a. factor methodb. Division method (not more

    than 2 decimals places)


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    iv) Integers :The need of integers,

    representing on number line.Ordering of numbers,

    comparison,additions, subtraction,

    multiplicationand division of integers

    (Rational numbers) Simplefractions,

    Comparison of RationalNumbers.Four fundamental operations,decimal fractions, Terminatingand non terminating Decimals.Conversion of proper fractions

    into decimal fractions and viceversa.Properties of Rationalnumbers through patternsRepresenting rational numberon the number lineWord problems involvingdecimal fractions ( two

    operations ( together onmoney mass and temperature)

    Representation of rational

    numbers on the number line. Between any two rational

    numbers there lies anotherrational number (Makingchildren see that if we take tworational numbers then unlikefor whole numbers, is this caseyou can keep finding more and

    more numbers that lie betweenthem).

    Verbal problems of daily lifesituations.

    Def. of rational numbers,properties, table of propertiesof n,w,z,q.

    Order properties of rationals

    Examples for someterminating, non-terminating

    Ex: 17/5 = 3.4, 2/3 = 0.6.1/11=0.09

    Problems and examplesEg: 0.12=3/25, 0.3=1/3 etc.

    Notation, trail and error offinding z, properties of squareroots with examples

    Factorization method of findingsquare roots

    Definition of cube

    Method for finding the cuberoot of a number (primefactorization)

    Perfect cubes

    Cubes and cube roots: Only factor

    method ( not more than 3 digits)estimating square roots and cuberoots

    Introducing Pythagorean triplets

    iii. Playing with numbers: Finding themissing numerals

    represented by alphabet in sumsinvolving any of the four operationsnumber puzzles and games numberpatterns

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    RATIO-PROPORTION:Ratio as a form of comparison,terms of ratio, antecedent andconsequent. Expression ofratio in least terms.Proportion as equality of tworatios concept of meanproportion, third and fourth

    proportions.Unitary methodDirect & Inverse proportionsSimple word problems onDirect and Inverse proportions( on time and work)

    PERCENTAGES:Concept of % and simple

    applications conversion offractions and decimals into %and vice-versa.Finding what percent of onenumber is of another number.

    Commercial Mathematics

    Revision of ratio Terms of ratio

    Definition of compound rationwith examples

    Definition of proportion

    Terms of proportion Rule of proportion

    Finding unknown term of aproportion

    Definition of direct proportionsymbolic notation, constant

    Problems related to real lifesituations

    Same as for indirect and mixedproportions

    Percentages(Profit / loss, discount)

    Percentage on introduction Understanding percentage as

    a fraction with denominator100

    Converting fractions anddecimals into percentage andvice-versa

    Application to profit and loss(single transaction only)

    How percentage of profit / lossin business

    How percentage is describedin discount

    Compound interest

    Difference between SI & CI(Compounded yearly up to 3years or half yearly up to 3 steps)

    Extension of profit and loss,discount partnership, continuing ofinverse proportion, time and workand application.

    Clock mathematics Relative speed, angular speed


    Time & DistanceProblems on RelativeSpeed(related to trains&steamers)Loans Repaymentsin installments.

    Sales Tax, VAT


    Income Tstocks, shbrokerage

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    Simple interest

    Application to simple interest(time period in completeyears).

    Definition of simple interest Describing P,T,R

    Calculation of S.I using I =PTR / 100

    Finding amount on S.I as

    A = P (1 + TR /100)3 Algebra Algebra Introduction:

    Constants, Variables, terms,Coefficients, Powers,Algebraic expressions.Degree of expression.Like terms & unlike terms.Monomial and binomial.Addition of algebraicexpression vertically &horizontally.Subtraction of algebraicexpression.Multiplication of monomial bymonomial.Multiplication of binomial bymonomial.

    Use of Brackets &Parenthesis.Value of expression.Exponents & powers.(Simple problems)(Basis, Power, Index)

    Algebraic expressions

    Definition of Algebraicexpression terms, coefficients

    Value of expression:

    Values for monomials,binomials and multinomialswith examples

    Degree of monomial / polynomial: Definitions with examples

    Zero of polynomial:

    Distinguish between zero of apolynomial / zero polynomialwith examples

    Simplest form of an expression: Simplification of terms by

    adding like terms andarrangement by degree ofterms

    SetsIntroduction of sets concept of a setdifferent representations of a set finiteand infinite sets, universal setcomplementary set, single ton emptysetCardinal numberEquivalent sets, Equal setsPower sets

    Exponents and powersa. Meaning of x in ax (x Z)b. Laws of positive integral

    exponents am x an = am+n(m,nZ)

    am / an = am-n (m>n) = 1/ an-m (m

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    Defining an exponent, base

    power with examples

    Laws of exponents:

    Expanded form and short formof a power

    Laws of exponents withexamples

    Idea of how a = 1 ?

    Special productsReview of simple algebraicproducts: Rules of multiplications

    Horizontal / vertical methods ofmultiplication

    Product of monomial withmonomial, binomial, multinomial:Product of a binomial with anotherbinomial: Expanding products using

    special products

    Special products of (a+b)2,

    (a-b)2 , (a+b) (a-b):

    Geometrical proofs for specialproducts

    Application of special productsin daily life problems ( ifpossible) with good no. of

    and expression of the

    form(x+p)(x+q)(x+r)(x+s)+tand reciprocalpolynomials solvingax4+bx3+dx2+bx+a,which are reducibleinto quadraticpolynomials.

    d) Solution of quadraticequation by formulamethod

    x= -b (b2-4ac)1/2/ 2a

    Sum of the rootsProduct of the rootsDiscriminantFraming quadratic

    equations when rootsare given (, )

    SetsI. Revision ofi) A Set- Set language.

    ii) Representation of

    setRoster form andset builder formiii) Finite and infinitesets, empty set.Iv) Subjects and equalsets. Listing outsubsets in every dayset.

    AUA' =A,

    7. De Mor(AUB) = AA U B-------------


    Ordered pordered pproduct by graphicPropertiesA X (BUC

    U(AXC)A x (BC

    (AXC)Through eRelations everyday of a relatioof Cartesirelation exbuilder foDomain ra

    relation, urelation - relations symmetricsymmetricrelation a

  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths




    Definition of algebraic factor

    Definition of HCF of algebraicterm

    Rule of common factor withexamples

    Taking common term by

    changing signs Taking common by shifting the


    Definition of perfect squareterms, square roots withexamples

    Factorization with specialproducts (perfect squares)

    Eg: x2 + 2x+1 = x2+2(x)-(1)+(1)2= (x+1)2= (x+1) (x+1)

    Equations and inequations

    Review of simple equations Properties of equalities with


    Method of transposition forsolving equation

    Solution of equations withinvolving different models

    Verbal problems (daily lifesituation)

    Ineequalities with examples

    v) Cardinal number of

    a set. Equivalence,Super set, power set ofa Set operations-union and intersection ,disjoint setsvii) Universal set-complement of set-

    II). (i) difference of twosets.(ii) Venn diagram.

    (iii) Operation on setsand their properties,AUB= BUA,AB= BA

    (AUB)UC=AU(BUC)(AB) C = A (BC)

    1 =U, U1 = , (A1)1=A

    (iv) Transpose conceptand its properties.

    n( AUB)+n (AB) =n(A) +n(B)where n(A) is thenumber of elements ina finite set A andformulae for n(AUBUC),n (ABC) and


    IntroductioTypes of fCompoun



    PolynomIntegers 1. Roots oand their by Inspecunder whroots.

    1.1. Rema

    factor the

    1.2. Factopolynomiafourth degtheorem adivision m

    1.3. Factoexpressio

    1.4. Quaddiscriminaroots relroots andGraphical

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    Inequal relations with number


    problems there of.

    Problems onapplication of sets.


    1.5. Binom-------------



    Introductiodifferent ty



    results of term and

    terms in An, n2, MotivationG.P.

    Derivationresults of and sum o


    Introductio4 Geometry Basic Geometrical Ideas( 2 D)

    Introduction to geometry, itslinkage with daily life.Point, Line , Line segment,


    Definition of triangle, interior

    Sides and angles Types of triangles acc. To

    Coordinate geometryCo-ordinates of pointPlotting of points in co-ordinate axes(Cartesian place)

    Coordinate geometryi) Distance formulaFrom originBetween two points

    CoordinaReview thCo-ordinadone earl

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  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths


  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths


  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths


    On the line

    Outside the line8. A line parallel to a given


    formed is equal to the sum of the two

    interiors opposite angles of all

    Circles:Through examples, arrive atdefinitions of circle related concepts,radius, circumference, diameter,chord, are subtended angle.

    1. (Motivate) (Prove) Equal chords ofa circle subtend equal angles atthe center and its converse.

    2. (Motivate) The perpendicular fromthe center of a circle to a cordbisects the chord and conversely,the line drawn through the centerof a circle to bisect a chord isperpendicular to the chord.

    3. (Motivate) There is one and onlyone circle passing through threegiven non-collinear points.

    4. (Motivate) Equal chords of a circle(or of congruent circles) areequidistant from the center(s) andconversely.

    5. (Prove) The angle subtended byan arc at the center is double theangle subtended by it at any pointon the remaining part of the circle.

    6. (Motivate) Angles in the samesegment of a circle are equal.

    7. (Motivate) If a line segment joiningtwo points subtends equal angleat two other points lying on the

    3. (Motivate) Angles inthe same segment of acircle are equal.

    4. (Motivate)An anglein a semicircle is aright angle.

    5.(Motivate) If a linesegment joining twopoints subtended equalangles at two otherpoints lying on thesame side of the linecontaining thesegment, the fourpoints lie on a circle.

    6. (Prove) The sum ofeither pair of theopposite angles ofcyclic quadrilateral is1800 and its converse.


    1. Construction ofbisectors of angles,600, 900, 450 angleetc., and alsoequilateral triangles.


    radius throf contact

    2. (Prove)tangents dexternal pequal.

    3. (Motivachords of intersect iof the circproducedformed bysegments

    4. (Prove)

    drawn throf a contato a circleangles whmakes wittangent arespectiveformed incorresponsegmentsconverse.5. (Motivatouch eac(internallythe point oon the line

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    same side of the line containing

    the segment, the four points lie ona circle.

    8. (Motivate) The sum of the eitherpair of the opposite angles of acyclic quadrilateral is 1800 and itsconverse.

    ConstructionsCircum circle, in circle excircle,medium, orthocenter, centroide of atriangles

    2. Construction of a

    triangle given its base,sum/difference of theother two sides andone base angle.

    3. Construction of atriangle of givenperimeter and baseangles.

    4. Construction of atriangle equal in areato a given convexquadrilateral.

    5. Construction of atriangle equal in area

    to that of a givenpentagon.



    1. Divisionsegment both interexternally2. Tangenfrom a po3. Construtriangle sitriangle.

    4. Construof direct ctangents tcircles. (D

    Tangent, common T

    5. Construquadrilatealternate theorem

    5 Mensuration


    1Introduction and generalunderstanding of perimeterusing many shapes.Shapes of different kinds with


    Area of four walls of a room

    Areas of rectangular paths

    Surface areas of cube, cuboid Area of triangle

    Area of quadrilateral,

    Areas1. Area of triangle using Heronsformula (without proof) and its2. Relation between sides and anglesof a triangle (300, 600, 900)(450, 450, 900)

    MensurationSurface area andvolume of prism,pyramid, right circularcylinder, Cone, sphereand Hemisphere.

    MensuraSurface AVolumes.i) Problemsurface avolumes oof any two

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  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths


    Frequency Distribution,

    Greater thanCumulative FrequencyDistribution,

    Frequency Graphs Histogram, FrequencyPolygon,Frequency Curve,CumulativeFrequency Curves,Less than CumulativefrequencyDistribution curve,Greater thanCumulative frequencydistribution curve.

    ProbabilityHistoryRandom experimentsAn event, Experiment,TrialSample spaceMutually exclusiveeventsDependent eventsIndependent events

    Mode for

    Mode for Empirical Arithmeticand Mode

    Probabilii. RevisionExperimeAn EventSample sMutually EDependenIndepend

    ii. TheoreProbabilit

    Addition rMultiplica

    Classical Probabilit

    Empirical Probabilit


    Some coutechnique


  • 8/4/2019 New Syllabus Maths


    n! (Fa

    ProbabilitBinomial, (only Pas


    ----- ----- ------ TRIGONOMETRY:Introduction (History)Units of Measurementof angles.Sexagesimal system.ii) Centesimal systemiii) Radian (Circular)measure.

    FundamentalTrigonometrical Ratios.(Sin, Cos, Tan

    etc. 0/2

    Behaviour ofTrigonometric Ratios

    (Table for 00,300,450,600,900)


    i. RevisionFundameTrigonom(Sin, Co

    0/2BehaviouTrigonom(Table for300,450,60ii. Trigono

    complemeand suppangles (AA,B 2)Sin (90-Cos (90- ii. Proof aof TrigonoIdentities.Sin2 + coSin2 = 1Cosec2iii. Heights(8)Simple anproblems

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    (Problemsinvolve mright triangElevation/should be

    8 Matrices ----- ------ ----- ------ MatricesDefinitionmatrix, typtypes of oinverse mof SystemEquationsmethod arule.

    LIST OF FORMULAE: (Probability X class)

    Relative probability (PA) = m/n Where A is an event getting head, m is total number of times the event occurs and n is the number of times the experiment is perform

    P(A or B) = P(A)+P(R) probability of either of the two exclusive events is the sum of the probability.

    P (A or B) = P (A)+ P( R ) - P(AB) when the events are not mutually exclusive and probability of either A or B is the same of the two probability me m is the probabB hyper ting together.

    P (AB) = P(A) x P(B) where P (AB) is the J unit probability of the event A and P (B) is the marginal probability of the event B. Thus the J runt probability of the two eoccurring together or incussassic is the product of the marginal probability.

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    P (B/A) = P (B) in are of independent events, the conditional probability event B, give the occurrence of event A is simply the probability event (B).