new trial grant - ·...

NEW TRIAL GRANT N. Y. Attorney Carrel Marr To Address Banquet WESTERN NEW YORK'S MOST POPULAR NEGRO MEDIUM VOL. XXIX— N<>. 50 The Buffalo Criterion MOST COMPLETE COVERAGE OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS HIGH COURT GRANTS REESE NEW TRIAL HEADS SHRINERS WASHINGTON. 1>. C. Aim's * R twice cunvtcted of rap- i nuffitio. Sew Vork, Saturday December 10, 15*55 U. N. ADVISOR TO SfEAK FOR O. E. S. K*GiYi. No I0» I'H, DRK, wltt hairI tUi Huhtiny An Oir^r »ui*y Itttflnn KruJay »v<»* fur-y rmr Ifits, at, lixilji Ttifti MjUWfU*. 11* filial 81 , Giirtt N |»#Mk**r v-'UI U p Hurt Cwm*»l M*rr, ii N*h¥ York AU^nMy, w ho jM-f vri as adi'iRir u> Aiul <>;< IUJ.r> Ott * l.uii »-4 | Mtairi lli|iri*«wiu!ivp to iThtiwI M p M«ii i i> JOSEPH KRIPS TO CONDUCT ORCHESTRA For the fourth pstr of aytn- | I'liut.y iv.liiert* ji*a*«-nlrd oy I Uh Buffalo Hillmnr.iiiiii Or- ihsstra. Jiswpti K lip * conduct*. “Don Juan" t>y Mliaua*, "Co.i- I vi to ful V'ail In Hint On .rostra ui D Ma)«r. k 2ih ' by M iw ii, ! in* aynii nvtiy N«. 7 m t’ M e ’ Jt.r iTh* < irratr‘ ity Mctaibeil. j T t* •Violin i\»n« ei to" will Im j pcrfurimd oy the i eic.w in-il VI I • Most. A Iranrolpi hr l.msiict. 1’Oe 1 iMUiffti will I.a* t >id ii Himtlnv .if'rlSt aoi iHX' llth ttt * 1*0 p ut., mid Tiwwiiy ivmiiA U*f j l.ith at h .m p iu. ii< Kkntnmis Mna. Itult. Ti. ket* hv be nhtiiiinl from tile t 't i r t h .ITliOTUc lii krt -lifit r. I'ShfutylvinU at met wde, Klvtn- h*no Musu Hall or at IknUvi CulUt-l ana pwkla, Ik. to, IJth « ut tUUi COLORED MAGAZINE DUE TO HIT SIS. The Arat umm* of 'tha bphslV . 4 atK yMga l.wWS mag- .* IT ________ — ) mg a white woman in Georgia, > PRICE TEN CENTS and sentatwed to <Ue In the electric chair, won a I eve ran! j : of rape uuarges because the 1 i High Court aaxl that Heeae was | j •icrneat aw constitutional right ! 1 on the following gtonguta: I. No Negioes served on , GAMMA PHI OMEGA CHAPTER HAS BUSY SEASON The Gamma Phi Omega Chap ter of Alpha Kappa Al*m« Se- either the grand or trvU jiilisa lority will meet Tuesday Dec. , n m s caa>«. 2. He was Inrpliiperiy denied a defense lawyer unt.1 thc day after his indictment. Justice (Hark potn te<l out that the Supreme C.iui t whs hot devilling at this time whc. tiler there was disci nniiiHtion but that the high tnW tul felt he evident* offered by Reece's counsel “supported a puma fa cie constitutional claim. MRS. SARAH BROWN PASSES AWAY The funeral of Mrs. Karsh Brown. 6k. of JM7 Hpnng St. | is being held «t p. tti. at the Michigan Ave. Baptist Church. 13, :tl the home of Miss The resa J. White. 29 Donaldson fOued a t % p. m. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Walter J. Givens. A <'hnst man party will follow the regular order of business «tfid each member wtU hi mg a gift Co the meeting. Gamma Pin Omega will hold its Aarou.'l Debutante Ball on Friday Dec. 23rd at KJeinhans Muai- Halt. A series of paiOe* bus be**! planned for ihe deb utante* beiore the presentation. Dr and Mra Benjamin F. Mur- phy an.* itair.ed the dct>* in 'heir beaut rd heeur, 324 H*im- Ixddt pk ory.. al a Uenuuda .- *.rt*> Party rw cotiy. ■H : 'I x f. < harir* S<vtt, iMM- *1 <rw York ' H a t e ’s iil'd inlriil and leiiriird Prince flail Homo*, uiunM- efforts ha* greatly ea- h,.». nl the growth ot the grew* fraternal ord»-r, wa* •Heeled Potentate of H a d jt shruM- Tcss- pie, last 'tik d iiV i at a m e* Bag held at the Hadji Mosque, IIS t'-. I tli4 streeC HI* dull of officer* M ill ap|war ia aest W e e h '* issue. uild i Mr Mrs. PROGRAM HELPS TRAIN CHILDREN Ha ft to SCI W.c w Court MufTsl Mis. ta Wo tfcgiii b st i* MU.. L. Mia * *!■; Mis I e'/•*!/'• b a n im i, M ia . W illia m iii.ue. and Mrs WtUtr Wald. M rs Marr m o is Iibm rr led and is ti.r ii»*tr.«r of two •<•.■*, ta • Ihtk graduate uf the ( dam taa I'lovati s t y l*aw H< r>*»«!. She ts Past kdastuleua oi la ia b h rTiaplat, AKA Muroii (jr, Baal Ivy l*mtf itepuilei ut lambda u>d tlelta llhi Uruega Chapleis. Past Ha > CHjf-Wldf i hepuM li e ’l W ‘dn«l s l.'iidla, i MdUUir, tiiuaipi H*i Aso n , ! hicsdtlyn Women's liar At* n , ' hiuoaiy n and b a n istand law ! yars Aim n , W'oiurn ha Aumevc kMSit. Ira , Bast Cijn. Iledfxid M Uiy I o satll fa-gaj 1 1 , vision uf tied Croas f uikl llsiauig i 'sin ' i‘**t' Menibet tin - *Jyn Vtont- rne Hiaqatal Biaat lia ism * (hanniittsa, littnter Kutal Holi- iag (Xardialtac, BraAli n I bane for Aged ('alumi l‘ - plr Pub' j laity Him lalwuith ffptaiaura. ! Baal V iTun tVasily tVsii ut tta- Mh Assembly Inst , liiuug. ; lyn, Pust Delegate to 2nd Dist JutAtad OMinatMi and Mnu 1*^1 Mvidi i) I. ( I »*V N are Tenter K»i H -. mok Om* KhPf KT repairing, !4 beers sen i,e; «|| oath guar anteed t.ciu le o efef*. Ski VVd- b<m aeer Brail U % . »jg7 SHOPPING [ weeks left •— Htlp Fight TB 1 (s.|»dat»m ot Uiu ram Jamaica, Trtnl- HCJS. Bn tilth rjulan-i- t. Kilts. AL Lucia, M/ntserrat, ItnlM lbs; lias, Benmais. Kierr t Lo-- vrie, Ant.g ut. Virgm Imlo.ilm, St. Ntracni, tasiuilia, TuSMg1 ; and other pls< to frsopdiatiun ts by o f« al Jou v-aitsts iuvi it will ••over tiie c »t<aed peaifhe s r irrm t of 'ti’t-un l/i*ai riss aie, and '!**[* gerier-ti weli-tielftg In tula issue, “Our hfdirrtv' a Ui . airy rnesssgns fruin col i,red heads of siele, Brl ne Min isters, welfare leaders, Aitials, editors, sportsmen and woinm, and olhsr people i/f riotr Jt #111 s|Mit|igfit iieauty ( poof he till {daces,I at d give infoi motion 7 he i**t a six |nnu e pei ‘'By, vdmHi inciudos prating from 7* Wandsworth Budge Hstd, Ix.alon K W 6. B <mtdl IrCilCV gahiz. Lrrrd. fMil v'hl V 'fielfl flten. t van# e -1 iza i fcjn Jt rfj iA Urr * orM c Ui..f th#: jjU ii U> - it wa- Klvcn h y Much & p*jt by gmcc ra4 Gf mriaU * CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY A bliUalav fMrty was he!. I Niihhr U s m iitw r 4ih. m baa- or or lilt!* Miss .feiwtiiei Kasi- etfwvg who was nine v e s ts «*ld I ><»cndiet dtig at the home id tier gisnd patent*. Mi and Mr* I euli J. Last riling. l(«.* Archie si reef. Tla»*e wt I ending were JimK j ami G trl Mci’Tatn. ltie«vlB and Thsmfotv lex im li.e iki M il. Hams Dai vft Imsighi.rn. Rich- •id end Sidney art.1 J«ui Kirlev Tasty lefieahmentm Mr. (Jvtrn et ot liittlia geiism t eliow CKF Movemeeit was « agom/.tr.g player for the evan- geUsatitNt of U.a chlUtra.i, t, »- . t. n oy natioi. tra l>c„i.g every iMliun of lii* wot hi mid trie idand, of tha sea. We Indy believe that little : children are kwt and . all he saved, iMatt. IM 4 u p *average age of criminals in our country is k/we;ing year by year. Little children under ten ytMis of age an iwil guii.y of real cnme. The tin.c to leat l) tlieni fur Ciuist is wh.-n they are voung. I ikJF workets are fiv.m many demsmnstoiMi. They are work ers fitsn ah furulanieriial cfnir* • h*w cooperating fur the oause of Oinst lo get boys and girls from tiie ages of three to foul • teen to attend some Good News 131ill and to be savetl and join the oMureh of hi* or iiei choice. The Rev. H Siuelei s, dlrec ten of Wtwtern New YMh, show nl a (went uanute film Fndsy sfteiiMSMi at the M.clugcn Ave itspl ist Tburi h, “Our Uluhircn lor the Ctsigtess of WNY Bap. list AwsiMtstion tsider the lead vrship .»r pie tiu d News teach er, Mis. Kmgieton. Anyone deanrtug juf com eii.iug ltie alaw Mig ot us Him in his I'nun h. or uiteiesr- o*l Ui *itending the Tew tiers Training Class Alondsy .t* s n mg at til or Monday e\erung Mr and Mr*. J.doi hailrr. JM ttnd srrr kas- ornf by i hear chMdtVn n s I hear TuSdr'S idi.-* s SSSI i n s— 1 1* wt 1 . Il' v* .hl|. Hall IV-thrf \ UK I' Vei, *-<_* nit f.iw Ht*t Saliinim cyening. H> re lh«' f*i*tr Rev. Harry Whit-, offh iidry :** tneir rclakc tlie v«w*. wifm-**ed by their little gn-at grand daughter. HALL - FARRELL WEDDING SOLEMNIZED Saturday Nov. 26th. at 6 p rn , Mies Aria Farrell, daughter of Mr and Mi*. Clyde ParrfS itecams the bride of .Seaman Frank Hall in a lovely wedding at First Shsiioti Boptiat Church. Rev. K J K< holx J r , pe.foitn- ing the ceremomy. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a lace pnn- <•*»# style gown with long •leevea. an iUuadun V yoke with [ collar and trlmined with se- tj.uns She wore a chapel iengtfi train and Tarried a bouquet of white msea with an onhed in the center. Her attendants dressed in pastel colored brocaded g.mvns with 'lace hustles and tare hats and mils were. Mimes Arler.e Robin son maid of honor and Jeanne I-eggc. Beverly and Judy Farrrll, her roster*, ami I Ohrlsttne Goode. They l arned coloniid hoiwpx’ts The gttinm wore hia Navy uniform Best man was Oscar Hall, a bndhei Uaher* were i Wilson and Calvin Hall, also iirother* and Robert Freeman and Mtward fiunbg. Ftower girl waa lands SmaH. w<e»1 and ring r**rer O.ibuey I Vance. . . . " Mia, Patricia ftiown was so loist and Mm Dtute Makroe oiganist Mia Bertffis Bradfoid I dweited The reeepUun was held at the HHIert Park fV'iruTtunity Buikting. 106 Jefferann Ave. at H p. m Tne couple a at Vs>a at .VIA W.IIJhh. street The gnswn will return to ms part * I'ereniher 9th M.*s Dotr.e t'arter of Au burn, V Y . attended C. !.'• IMVlTtD ;• 221* Uf t. u*rd m New York. t*> attend the weekly canteen dances. This Red Feather Ag- truy is a National Organiza- ti'm in’erested in uroar. condi tions among Negroes. In this way tivthr.: att.-.i- ti-rn s beit;g directed toward expats ling toe c.r.unu; y r.- sk>urtes available for the leis ure trnie une of seiviceni n and women. Retsirtbi furrush the t.'.iisic for lts*e weekly af. fairs. To enhance thii pi jgri-u, groups of <oed -tudent* frtiin lxai colleges are volunteering to act as rv*tesses during theoc dances The d.inrey held ca. ii Friday fn,m H p. m. to mid night at the League Headquar ters, 159 Crolai street. The build mg is between William and Clinton streets aiul ia accessi ble by elt-ier the Clinton or Wil ham street buses. f>ri Tlnrrsitay L>ro-. 22nd, a special treat is in store aa Mu- 1 ».< .ana of laical .133 are fum- istdng a tomd for the Christmas D*ra e hcrvti nrnen are u ek oine to invite their friends to come ■ with them. Besides cAncing les ledutant* •- also will IcsTOjr.s in beauty cultu pcise, a,;*t A well as pleasant s. planned for them Johnvm is chairman Debutante Committee by Mrs. Edna Seav. Mrs. Cora Maloney. Mr*. Htlen Nunley. Mrs Thyra Wilmn, Mrs. Fian ce* Hall. Mrs. Vonced EohD-a and Mrs. Leah Hotgcs. OLD TIME RELIGION PROGRAM IS HEARD OVER STATION WHLD Tne Old Time Religion Hour which i* heard every Sunday afternoon from 1 30 to 2:30 .uni every Saturday I m 11 to 12 on staion WHLD. 1270 On your cFal According to Henry Woods, piodvs-er the program will orig inate from the Fronttei Rika Hal! in the near future. GAMMA KAPPA CIIAPT INDUCT NEW MEMBERS “•I 1 . >* I I f KKTSTKAS C lli fl'vhl Mi J - BvdsChf.tlaM* 5 joJ*.J PARTY TO BE HEI D FRIDAY DEC. 17th L it S mdsy James Lewis Jr. ess ch- tl-n-l during the mr rning ser vice at First Bsptist Church, Lsek- rwinrs. the pastor. Rev. R. L P*wl. Left to right, Eugene Green, ure, charm, t busy as schedule ta Mrs. Veri the listed FAM-U LAW GRAD SWORN IN—Theries Lind sey, a 1355 graduate of the Florida A and M U*v varsity college of law, was recently sworn in as> * member of the Florida Bar by Circuit CcurB Judge W. i'Ly WelUer. Lindsey it a native of Chicago and wa* graduated from the School of Com nerce at Northwestern University A and M staif photo hy Horace Jones, Jr. B>d f«th*r; Mr. Lewis Sr., Rev. Paul and little Richard Jr., Mrs. Lewis, mother• Mrs. Green, god mother, Mrs. Riiharo Easley and Mrs, Ms* mie Lewis, frmruf mothers.

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Page 1: NEW TRIAL GRANT - · 2. He was Inrpliiperiy denied a defense lawyer unt.1 thc day after his indictment

NEW TRIAL GRANTN. Y. Attorney Carrel Marr To Address Banquet



VOL. XXIX— N<>. 50





WASHINGTON. 1>. C. Aim's *R twice cunvtcted of rap- i

nuff it io . S e w Vork, S a tu rd a y D ecem b er 10, 15*55


K*GiYi. No I0» I'H,DRK, wltt hairI tUi Huhtiny An Oir^r »ui*y Itttflnn KruJay »v<»* fur-y rmr Ifits, at, lixilji Ttifti

MjUWfU*. 11* filial 81 ,

Giirtt N|»#Mk**r v-'UI Up Hurt Cwm*»l M*rr,ii N *h¥ Y o r k A U ^ n M y , w h o

jM-f v ri as adi'iRir u> Aiul<>;< IUJ.r> Ott * J»l.uii »-4| Mtairi lli|iri*«wiu!ivp toiThtiwI M p M «ii i i>


For the fourth p str of aytn- | I ' l iu t .y i v . l i i e r t * j i* a * « - n lr d o y I

U h Buffalo Hillm nr.iiiiii Or- ih ss tra . Jiswpti K l i p * conduct*. “Don Juan" t>y Mliaua*, "Co.i- I• vi t o ful V'ail In H in t On .rostra ui D Ma)«r. k 2ih ' by M iw ii, ! in * aynii nvtiy N«. 7 m t ’ M e ’ Jt.r iTh* < ir ra tr ‘ ity Mctaibeil. j

T t* •Violin i\»n« ei to" will Im j pcrfurim d oy the i eic.w in-il VI I• Most. A Iranrolpi hr l.msiict. 1’Oe 1 iMUiffti will I.a* t > id ii Himtlnv.if'rlSt aoi iHX' l l th ttt * 1*0 put., mid Tiwwiiy ivm iiA U*f j l.ith at h .m p iu. ii< Kkntnmis Mna. Itult.

Ti. ket* h*»v be nh tiiiin l fromtile t 't ir th .ITliOTUc lii k rt -lifit r. I'ShfutylvinU at met wde, Klvtn- h*no Musu Hall or a t IknUvi CulUt-l a n a p w k la , Ik . to, IJ th « ut tUUi


The A rat umm* of ' t h abphslV . 4 atK yMga l.wWS mag-

.* IT

________ — ) mg a white woman in Georgia, >PRICE TE N C EN TS and sentatwed to <Ue In the

electric chair, won a I e v e ran! j : of rape uuarges because the 1 i High Court aaxl tha t Heeae was | j •icrneat aw constitutional r igh t ! 1 on the following gtonguta:

I. No Negioes served on ,


The Gamma Phi Omega Chap­ter of Alpha Kappa Al*m« Se- either the grand o r trvU jiilisalo rity will m eet Tuesday Dec. , n ms caa>«.

2. He was Inrpliiperiy denied a defense lawyer unt.1 thc day afte r his indictment.

Justice (Hark potn te<l ou t th a t the Supreme C.iui t whs hot devilling at this time w hc. tiler there was disci nniiiHtion but th a t the high tn W tu l felt he evident* offered by Reece's counsel “supported a pum a fa ­cie constitutional claim.


The funeral of Mrs. Karsh Brown. 6k. of JM7 Hpnng St. | is being held « t p. tti. a t the Michigan Ave. Baptist Church.

13, :tl the home of Miss The­resa J. White. 29 Donaldson fOued a t % p. m. Co-hostess will be Mrs. W alter J. Givens. A < 'hnst man party will follow the regular order of business «tfid each member wtU hi m g a gift Co the meeting.

Gamma Pin Omega will hold its Aarou.'l D ebutante Ball on F riday Dec. 23rd a t KJeinhans Muai- Halt. A series of paiOe* bus be**! planned for ihe deb­utante* beiore the presentation. Dr and M ra Benjamin F. Mur- phy an.* itair.ed the dct>* in 'heir beaut rd heeur, 324 H*im- Ixddt pk ory. . al a Uenuuda .- *.rt*> Party rw cotiy.


: ' I x f .< h a r i r * S < v t t , iMM- * 1 < rw

Y o r k ' H a t e ’s i i l ' d i n l r i i l a n d

l e i i r i i r d P r i n c e f l a i l H o m o * ,

u iu n M - e f f o r t s h a * greatly ea - h,.». n l t h e g r o w t h o t the g r e w *

f r a t e r n a l o r d » - r , w a * • H e e l e d

P o t e n t a t e o f H a d j t s h r u M - T c s s -

p i e , l a s t ' t i k d i i V i a t a m e * B a g

h e l d a t t h e Hadji M osque, IIS

t'-. I t l i4 streeC HI* d u l l o f

officer* M ill ap |w ar ia a e s tW e e h ' * i s s u e .

uildi Mr



Ha ftto SCI W.c wCourtMufTsl

Mis. ta Wo tfcgiii b st i*MU.. L.

Mia * *!■; Mis I e '/•*!/'•

b a n i m i , M i a . W i l l i a m i i i . u e .

and Mrs WtUtr Wald.M rs M arr m o is Iibm rr led and

is ti.r ii»*tr.«r of two •<•.■*, ta • Ihtk graduate uf the ( dam t a a I'lovati s ty l*aw H< r>*»«!.

She ts P ast kdastuleua oi l a i a b h rTiaplat, AKA Muroii ( j r , B a a l I v y l* m t f i t e p u i l e i u t

lambda u>d tlelta llhi Uruega C hapleis. P ast H a > CHjf-Wldf i h e p u M l i e ’l W ‘d n « l s l . ' i i d l a , i

MdUUir, t i i u a i p i H*i A so n , !hicsdtlyn Women's lia r At* n , ' hiuoaiy n and b a n istand la w !y a r s Aim n , W'oiurn h a Aum evc kMSit. Ira , B a s t C ijn. Iledfxid M U iy I o s a t l l f a - g a j 1 1, v i s i o n u f

tied Croas f uikl llsiauig i 'sin ' i ‘**t' Menibet tin - *Jyn Vtont- r n e Hiaqatal B i a a t l i a i s m *

( h a n n i i t t s a , l i t t n t e r Kutal Holi- iag (Xardialtac, BraAli n I bane for Aged ( 'a lu m i l‘ - plr Pub ' j l a i t y H im la lw uith ffptaiaura. ! Baal V iTun tVasily tVsii ut tta- Mh Assembly Inst , liiuug . ; l y n , Pust Delegate to 2nd Dist JutAtad O M in a tM i and M nu1*̂ 1 M vidi i) I. ( I »*V

N a r e T e n t e r K »i H -. m o k O m *

K h P f KT repairing, !4 beers s e n i,e ; « || o a th guar­anteed t.ciu l e o efef*. Ski VVd- b<m aeer Brail U %. »jg7

S H O P P IN G[w e e k s l e ft

•— H tlp F igh t TB

1 (s.|»dat»m o t Uiu ram Jam aica, Trtnl- HCJS. Bn tilth rjulan-i- t. K ilts. AL Lucia, M /n tserra t, I tn lM

lb s; lias, Benm ais. Kierr t Lo-- vrie, Ant.g ut. Virgm Imlo.ilm, St. Ntracni, ta s iu il ia , TuSMg1; and other pls< to

frsopdiatiun ts by o f « a l Jou v-aitsts iuvi it will ••over tiie c »t<aed peaifhe s r irrm t of 'ti’t-un l/i*ai riss aie, and '!**[* gerier-ti weli-tielftg

In tula issue, “Our hfdirrtv' a Ui . a iry rnesssgns fruin col i,red heads of siele , Brl ne Min­isters, welfare leaders, A itials, editors, sportsmen and woinm, and olhsr people i/f riotr Jt #111 s|Mit|igfit iieauty (poof he t i l l {daces,I at d give infoi motion

7 he i**t a six |nnu e pei ‘ 'B y , vdmHi inciudos prating from 7* W andsworth Budge H std, Ix.alon K W 6. B

< mtdlIrCilCVgahiz.Lrrrd.fMil v'hl


s« t van# e-1 iza i fcjn Jtrfj iA Urr * orMc Ui..f th#: jjU ii U>- i t w a - Klvcn h y Much & p*jt

b y g m c c r a 4Gf mriaU *


A bliUalav fMrty was he!. I N i i h h r U s m i i t w r 4 i h . m baa- o r or lilt!* Miss .feiwtiiei Kasi- etfwvg w h o was n i n e v ests «*ld I ><» cndiet dtig a t the home id tier g isnd p a t e n t * . M i and Mr*I euli J. Last riling. l(«.* Archie si reef.

Tla»*e wt I ending were JimK j a m i G t r l Mci’Tatn. ltie«vlB andT h s m f o t v l e x im l i . e i k i M il. Hams D a i v f t Imsighi.rn. Rich- • id end Sidney art.1 J« u i K ir le v T a s t y l e f i e a h m e n t m

Mr. (Jvtrn e t ot l i i t t l i a geiism t eliow CKF Movemeeit w as « agom/.tr.g player fo r the evan- geUsatitNt of U.a chlUtra.i, t, »-

. t. n oy natioi. tra l>c„i.g every iMliun of lii* wot hi mid trie idand , of tha sea.

We Indy believe th a t little : children are kwt and . all he

saved, iM att. I M 4 u p r .ie* average age of crim inals in our country is k/we;ing year by year. Little children under ten ytMis of age a n iwil guii.y of real cnme. The tin.c to leat l) tlieni fur C iuist is wh.-n they are voung.

I ikJF w orkets are fiv.m many demsmnstoiMi. They are w ork­ers fitsn ah furulanieriial cfnir*• h*w cooperating fur the oause of O in s t lo get boys and girls from tiie ages of three to foul • teen to attend some Good News 131 ill and to be savetl and join the oMureh of hi* or iiei choice.

The Rev. H Siuelei s, dlrec ten of Wtwtern New YMh, show n l a (went uanute film F ndsy sfteiiMSMi a t the M.clugcn Ave itsp l ist Tburi h, “O ur Uluhircn lor the Ctsigtess of WNY Bap. lis t AwsiMtstion tsider the lead vrship .»r pie t i u d News teach­er, Mis. Kmgieton.

Anyone deanrtug juf com eii.iug ltie alaw Mig ot u s Him in his I'nun h. or uiteiesr- o*l Ui *itending the Tew tiers Training Class Alondsy .t* sn mg at til or Monday e\erung

Mr and Mr*. J.doi h a i l r r . JM l i . r tS .c r t t n d s r r r kas- o rn f by i hear chMdtVn ns I hear TuSdr'S idi.-* sSSSI i n s— 11 * wt1 . Il' v* .hl|. Hall IV-thrf \ UKI'lm Vei, *-<_* n i t f . i w Ht*t Saliin im cyening. H> re lh«' f*i*tr Rev. Harry W hit-, offh iidry :** tneir rclakc tlie v«w*. wifm-**ed by their little gn-at grand daughter.


Saturday Nov. 26th. a t 6 p rn , Mies Aria Farrell, daughter of Mr and Mi*. Clyde P arrfS itecams the bride of .Seaman Frank Hall in a lovely wedding a t F irs t Shsiioti Boptiat Church. Rev. K J K< holx J r , pe.foitn- ing the ceremomy.

The bride given in m arriage by her father, wore a lace pnn- <•*»# style gown w ith long •leevea. an iUuadun V yoke with

[ collar and trlmined with se- tj.uns She wore a chapel iengtfi train and Tarried a bouquet of white msea with an onhed in the center.

Her a ttendan ts dressed in pastel colored brocaded g.mvns with 'lace hustles and tare hats and m ils were. Mimes Arler.e Robin son maid of honor and Jeanne I-eggc. Beverly and Judy F arrrll, her roster*, ami I Ohrlsttne Goode. They l a rned coloniid hoiwpx’ts

The gttinm wore hia Navyuniform Best man was OscarHall, a bndhei Uaher* were iWilson and Calvin Hall, also iirother* and Robert Freeman and M tward fiunbg.

Ftower girl waa lands SmaH. w<e»1 and ring r**rer O .ibuey I Vance. . . . "• Mia, Patricia ftiown was so­loist and Mm D tu te Makroe oiganist M ia Bertffis Bradfoid I dw eited

The reeepUun was held at the HHIert Park fV'iruTtunity Buikting. 106 Jefferann A ve. a t H p. m Tne couple a a t Vs>a at .VIA W.IIJhh. street Thegnswn will return to ms part * I'ereniher 9th

M.*s Dotr.e t 'a r te r of Au­burn, V Y . attended

C . !. '• IM V lT tD ;•i» 221* Uf

t. u*rd m New York.t*> attend the weekly canteen dances. This Red F eather Ag- tru y is a National Organiza- ti'm in’erested in uroar. condi­tions among Negroes.

In th is way tivthr.: att.-.i- ti-rn s beit;g directed toward expats ling toe c.r.unu; y r .- sk>urtes available for the leis­ure trnie une of seiviceni n and women. Retsirtbi furrush the t.'.iisic for lts* e weekly a f . fairs.

To enhance th ii pi jg ri-u , groups of <oed -tudent* frtiin l x a i colleges are volunteering to ac t as rv*tesses during theoc dances The d.inrey held ca. ii F riday fn ,m H p. m. to m id­night a t the League H eadquar­ters, 159 Crolai street. The build mg is between William and Clinton stree ts aiul ia accessi­ble by elt-ier the Clinton or Wil ham s tree t buses.

f>ri Tlnrrsitay L>ro-. 22nd, a special treat is in store aa Mu- 1 ».< .ana of laical .133 are fum - istdng a tomd for the Christm as D*ra e hcrvti nrnen are u ek oine to invite their friends to come ■ with them.

Besides cAncing les ledutant* •- also will

IcsTOjr.s in beauty cultu pcise, a,;*t A well as pleasant s. planned for them Johnvm is chairm an Debutante Committeeby Mrs. Edna Seav. Mrs. Cora Maloney. Mr*. H tlen Nunley. Mrs Thyra W ilmn, Mrs. F ia n ­ce* Hall. Mrs. Vonced EohD-a and Mrs. Leah Hotgcs.


Tne Old Time Religion Hour which i* heard every Sunday afternoon from 1 30 to 2:30 .uni every Saturday I m 11 to 12 on staion WHLD. 1270 On your cFal

According to Henry Woods, piodvs-er the program will orig inate from the Fronttei Rika H a l ! in the near future.



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L i t S m dsy Jam es Lewis Jr. e s s ch - t l - n - l during the mr rning ser­vice at First Bsptist Church, Lsek- r w in r s . the pastor. Rev. R. LP*wl. Left to right, Eugene Green,

ure, charm, t busy as schedule ta Mrs. V eri

the lis ted

FAM -U LAW G R A D SW ORN IN— T herie s Lind­sey, a 1355 g ra d u a te of th e F lo rida A an d M U * v varsity college of law , was recently sworn in as> * m e m b e r of th e F lo r ida Bar by Circuit CcurB J u d g e W . i 'L y W elUer. Lindsey it a native o f C h icago a n d wa* g ra d u a te d from the School o fCom n e rce a t N o rth w es te rn U niversity A and Ms t a i f pho to hy H o race Jones , Jr.

B>d f«th*r; Mr. Lewis Sr., Rev. Paul and little Richard Jr., Mrs. Lewis, m other• Mrs. G reen, god m other , Mrs. R iiharo Easley and Mrs, Ms* mie Lewis, frmruf m others.