new vocab packet (2)

Name __________________ Teacher ________________ Date ___________________ Sophomore Vocabulary Lesson #1 Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of each of the following words. Write the word in the space below each boldfaced entry. 1. amorph ous - (adj.) shapeless; having no definite form. Lennie Small wore an amorphous wide- brimmed hat. 2. contemptuous - (adj.) showing scorn or lack of respect for Seniors sometimes display contemptuous attitudes toward sophomores. 3. ingenuous - (adj.) innocent, simple, frank, sincere showing child-like simplicity Her ingenuous response showed her innocence. 4. apprehensive - (adj.) fearful or anxious, especially about the future The senior was apprehensive about acceptance to college when she received lower scores than she had expected on her S.A.T. exam. 1

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Name __________________Teacher ________________Date ___________________

Sophomore Vocabulary Lesson #1

Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of each of the following words. Write the word in the space below each boldfaced entry.

1. amorphous -(adj.) shapeless; having no definite form. Lennie Small wore an amorphous wide-brimmed hat.

2. contemptuous -(adj.) showing scorn or lack of respect forSeniors sometimes display contemptuous attitudes toward sophomores.

3. ingenuous -(adj.) innocent, simple, frank, sincere showing child-like simplicityHer ingenuous response showed her innocence.

4. apprehensive -(adj.) fearful or anxious, especially about the futureThe senior was apprehensive about acceptance to college when she received lower scores than she had expected on her S.A.T. exam.

5. complacent -(adj.) self-satisfied (pleased with one self)Instead of being complacent when he made the cross-country team, Pete set even high goals for himself.

Word Roots: speccircum verport vid

SPEC=look INSPECT IN (into) + SPECT = to look into carefully

SPECIOUS (Looking) good on first sight, but actually not so

Write three other words that use the root SPEC, to look:

(sample) inspect(which means) to look into

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

CIRCUM = around

CIRCUMVENTCIRCUM (around) + VEN (to come) = to come around; to get around by maneuvering.

CIRCUMSCRIBECIRCUM (around) + SCRIBE (to write) = to write a line around bounds, that is to limit or confine.

Now write three words which use the root CIRCUM meaning around.

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

VER = true

VERIFIABLEVER (true) + ABLE (able to) = capable of being proven trueVERACITYVER (true) + ITY (quality or state) = truthfulness

Now write three words which use the root VER meaning true.

_________________________(which means)________________________

_________________________ (which means)________________________

_________________________ (which means)________________________

PORT= to carry AIRPORT AIR + PORT (to carry) = a place from which aircraft operate that usually has paved runways and maintenance facilities and often serves as a terminal

Write three other words that use the root PORT, to look:

(sample) portal(which means) door or entrance

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

VID= to see PROVIDENT PRO (before) + VID (to see) = making provisions for the future Write three other words that use the root VID, to see:

(sample) evident(which means) can easily be seen

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

_________________________(which means) _______________________

Exercise A: Use the words in the block to fill in the sentences that follow:amorphouscontemptuousspeciousingenuouscomplacentapprehensiveveracityprovidentcircumscribeportal

1. Always a __________________ person, he took care of his familys needs each month before he splurged on entertainment.

2. The main ___________________ to the estate is an elaborate wrought iron gate on the side facing the road

3. The invisible fencing __________________the area of the yard where the dog could run.

4. The amoeba is a/an ______________________creature.

5. The troubled student isolated himself from his peers and was _____________toward others who were assigned to work with him.

6. The ____________________six-year-old asked her grandfather to fly her to the moon.

7. Since he carried a 63 average, Bill was _________________about passing his English final exam.

8. Great nations can be defeated if they are ________________about their achievements and defense.

9. George Washington was known for his _________________when he said he cut down the cherry tree.

10. Adolf Hitler was such a master of _______________________ argument that he easily duped his followers.

Exercise B: Write the vocabulary word that is defined in the following:

1. showing scorn or lack of respect = _______________________________

2. anger aroused by something unjust = _____________________________

3. self-pleased = _______________________________________________

4. fearful about the future = ______________________________________

5. simple and innocent = ________________________________________


1. ingenuous_____A. shapeless2. portal _____B. satisfied with self3. amorphous_____C. an entrance4. complacent _____D. fearful of the future5. apprehensive _____E. truthfulness6. contemptuous_____F. frugal, economical, showing foresight7. specious _____G. showing lack of respect for8. veracity_____H. looking good at first but not really so9. circumscribe_____I. nave; simple; sincere10. provident_____J. to limit the range of

Sophomore Vocabulary Lesson #2

Note carefully the spelling of each word. Write the word underneath the boldfaced entry.

1. brazen-(adj.) made of brass; sounding harsh or loud like struck brass; impudent or defiant; (verb) to face with defiance or impudenceAndy was punished by his parents for his brazen behavior in taking the car without permission.

2. philanthropist -(noun) one who loves people, particularly one who gives money to benefit humanityA community philanthropist donated money for the building of a teen center.

3. approbation -(noun) approval; commendationThe artist was greeted by smiles of approbation when she presented her painting.

4. capricious-(adj.) subject to whims or passing fancies; unpredictableYou wouldnt want to ask advice of a capricious person.

5. perfidious-(adj.) disloyal; faithless; treacherousBenedict Arnold revealed perfidious actions against the American colonists.

Word Roots: sed crypt cent anti anthro


SEDENTARYSED (to sit) + ARY (of or relating to) = of or relating to sitting

Now write three other words which use the root SED meaning to sit.

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________


CRYPTOGRAPHYCRYPT (hidden) + GRAPH (to write) = to write in code

CRYPTICCRYPT (hidden) + IC (having the character of) = hidden

Now write three other words which use the root CRYPT meaning hidden.

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________


CENTIMETERCENT (hundred) + METER (measure) = a unit of length equal to 1/100 of a meter.

CENTENNIALCENT (hundred) + = relating to the 100th year

Now write three other words which use the root CENT meaning hundred.

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________STUDY THE USE OF THE FOLLOWING WORD PART: ANTHRO= man

ANTHROPOLOGYANTHRO (man) + OLOGY (the study of) = the science of human beings

PHILANTHROPISTone who loves people

Now write one other word which uses the root ANTHRO meaning man.

___________________________ which means ____________________________


ANTIPATHYANTI (against) + PATHY (feeling) = opposition of feeling; dislike.

ANTIFREEZEa substance which slows down the process of freezing

Now write three other words which use the root ANTI meaning against.

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________

___________________________ which means ____________________________

PART 2 Use the words in the block to fill in the sentences that follow:


1. Because she had such a _____________________ job, she gained weight over a three month period.

2. Former President George Bush announced his ____________________ for broccoli which decreased sales of the vegetable.

3. The real meaning in his writings was sometimes _______________.

4. The ________________ child changed her mind five times about how she wanted to celebrate her birthday.

5. ______________________ remarks to a judge can cause an attorney to be held in contempt of court.

6. Liquids are _____________ substances, as they do not have a definite shape.

7. The __________________________ of the United States occurred in 1876.

8. When we decided to get married, we told my parents hoping to receive their __________________.

9. By blabbing the confidences I shared with him, he revealed himself as a _______________ individual.

10. By donating money to ease the famine, Karen revealed herself as a ____________.

PART 3 MATCHING by letter, match the vocabulary word with the most appropriate definition given on the right.

1. sedentary _____A. dislike or opposition in feeling2. centennial_____B. defiant3. cryptic_____C. lover of people4. amorphous_____D. shapeless5. brazen_____E. not migratory6. philanthropist _____F. approval7. approbation _____G. unpredictable8. capricious______H. disloyal, faithless9. perfidious_____I. mystifying10. antipathy_____J. one hundredth anniversary

Sophomore Vocabulary Lesson #3

Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of each of the following words. Write the word in the space below each boldfaced entry.

1. anachronism (n) something out of its proper historical timeShowing a word processor in a play set in Puritan New England would be an anachronism.

2. benign(adj) having a kind or friendly dispositionThe family was relieved to hear that the grandfathers tumor was benign and not malignant.

3. anonymity(n) the state of being unknownThe anonymity of the student who threw paint at the wall made it impossible to discipline him.

4. demure(adj) characterized by shyness and modesty; reservedWhen Susan came to dinner at her boyfriends home the first time, he was surprised at how demure she became.

5. squalor(n) the quality or state of being filthy or degraded from neglect or povertyThe squalor of the apartment in the tenement building depressed anyone who entered.

ROOTS AND PREFIXES: pan sylva dict ex gress

PAN = allPANTHEONPAN (all) + THE (god) = a temple of all the gods

PANACEAa solution for all ills

Write three words which use the root PAN, meaning all:

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

____________________________ (which means) ________________________________________________ (which means) ____________________

SYLVA = forestSYLVAN = one who frequents groves or woods

Write one other word that uses the root SYLVAN, meaning forest:

__________________________ (which means) ____________________

DICT = say and declarePREDICTIONPRE (before) + DICT (say and declare) = a prophecy

Write three words which use the root DICT, meaning say and declare:

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

EX = out and fromEXCLUDEEX (out and from) + CLUD (to shut) = to shut out

EXHUMETo remove from a grave

Write three words which use the root EX, meaning all:

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

GRESS = step, degree, and walkPROGRESSPRO (forward and forth) + GRESS (step, degree, and walk ) = To go forward; advance

INGRESSThe act of entering; entrance; the power or liberty of entrance or access

Write three words which use the root GRESS, meaning all:

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

____________________________ (which means) ____________________

____________________________ (which means) ____________________



1. The _________________ of White Brook into the canal occurs somewhere near the Linden Street Bridge.

2. Janets grandmother greeted her with a ____________________smile as she ran in the kitchen carrying a basket of garden vegetables.

3. John wants to hike through the Adirondacks this summer to enjoy the ____________________ beauty even though Lyme disease is a threat.

4. The _______________________ of the poem was easy to forget, and the fact that no one had heard of wind surfers in the 1800s didnt seem important.

5. Although it didnt really seem likely, the politicians continued to make the new tax seem like a ___________________; the economy could be improved, poverty would disappear and peoples confidence in the future would be restored.

6. The whole town was shocked at the ___________________ of the mayor who had seemed so honest but had stolen from the building fund.

7. Even though she lived in ________________ with a family that had no money, the young girl always searched for beauty in the world.

8. The authors desire for __________________ caused him to publish secretly and with a false name.

9. The applicant for cheerleader seemed so _________________ it was hard to believe she would be comfortable jumping and yelling in front of a stadium of fans.

10. The court ordered authorities to ___________________ Jessie James body so his alleged posterity can see if they have James DNA.

MATCHINGChoose the word from this unit which is most nearly the same as the groups of words below.

1. error in chronology, out of place in time ____________________

2. supposed remedy for all ills____________________

3. to remove from a grave ____________________

4. good-natured; favorable____________________

5. forest like____________________

6. betrayal of trust____________________

7. entrance____________________

8. sedate, reserved____________________

9. filth and misery____________________

10. lacking identity____________________

Sophomore Vocabulary Lesson #4

Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of the following words.

1. hypocrisy -n. the practice of stating a belief or feeling that one does not hold or possess; falsenessThe teenager saw hypocrisy in the lecture when he was told not to smoke by an adult who was holding a cigarette.

2. pretense -n. a false appearance intended to deceive an excusesomething imagined or pretendeda false or studied show; an affectationThe pretense he used to walk by his girlfriends locker was to tell the teacher he forgot his book upstairs.

3. protracted - adj. v.drawn out or lengthened by timein math, to draw to scale by means of a scale and protractorThe protracted explanation could have been simplified.

4. respite -n. a short interval or rest or relief (pronounced res spit)After a ten-minute respite, the platoon leader ordered the soldiers to climb a mountain.

5. indignation -n. anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or meanSally was filled with indignation when she was falsely accused of cheating.

Word Roots: tortfer tele flu log

TORT = to twistGive another example first:DISTORTDIS (away) + TORT (twist) = to twist awayTORTUOUSTORT (twist) + OUS (away) = full of twisting

Write three other words that use the root TORT, to twist:

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

FER= to carry, to bearGive another example first:CONIFERCON (cone) + fer (to bear) = a cone bearing evergreen treeODORIFEROUSODOR (smell) + fer (to carry) = odoriferous

Write three other words that use the root FER. meaning to carry:

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

TELE = farGive another example first:TELESCOPETELE (far) + SCOP (to look) = an instrument for looking farTELEPATHYTELE (far) + PATH (feeling) = far feeling; the supposed communication between two people who are far apart by other than normal sensory means

Write three other words that use TELE, meaning far:

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

FLU = to flowGive another example first:CONFLUENCECON (together) + FLU (to flow) = flowing togetherMELLIFLUOUSMELL (honey) + FLU (flow) = flowing with honey and sweetness as a mellifluous voice

Write three other words that use FLU, meaning to flow:

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

LOG = wordGive another example first:APOLOGYAPO (away and from) + LOGY (word) = an attempt to make amendsLOGICScience that deals with speech and reason

Write three other words that use the root LOG, meaning word:

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

___________________________ (which means) _____________________

Exercise A: Use the words in the block to fill in the sentences below:


1. The baby was calmed by her mothers _________________ voice.

2. The fortune teller seemed to be using _______________ because she knew my ideas.

3. Some people think cooked cabbage is _______________________.

4. She was guilty of _________________ when she told her daughter to be on time, but rarely was on time to meetings herself.

5. The explanation was so _________________ that I forgot the original question.

6. He made a ____________________ of paying attention in class, but his mind wasnt focused on the class activity.

7. His ____________________ route to success involved moves from Texas to Maine to Alabama and finally to New York.

8. When the clerk refused to wait on me, I was filled with _______________ because I had been in line before others.

9. Study your vocabulary words and then take a ______________ beforestudying again.

10. His family was destitute and living in a state of _________________.

Exercise B: Write the vocabulary word that is defined in the following:

1. winding or twisting = ______________________________________

2. giving off an odor = _______________________________________

3. long and drawn out = ______________________________________

4. sweet sounding = _________________________________________

5. a short interval of rest = ____________________________________

6. the quality or state of being fithy or degraded from poverty or neglect = ___________________

7. communication other than through senses = ____________________

8. false; saying one thing, but doing another = ____________________

9. a false appearance or excuse = _______________________________

10. anger aroused by something unjust = __________________________


Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of each of the following words. Write the word under the boldfaced entry.

1. venerable -(adj.) deserving to be regarded with reverence; impressive by reasons of age, character, and/or attainmentsThe venerable sequoias stood 300 feet above the floor of the forest.

2. acrimonious -(adj.) caustic, biting, or rancorous in feeling, language or manner; bitterKathys jealousy because I was going out with her former boyfriend came out in the acrimonious words she spoke to me as I left the party.

3. impudent -(adj.) lacking modesty; marked by contemptuous boldness; insolentSam was sent to the principals office for his impudent behavior.

4. oblique -(adj.) inclined; not straightforward; devious, underhanded (n.) something that is oblique;(adv.) at a 45 degree angleCharles took over the company by oblique means.

5. prerogative -(n.) a special right, power, or privilege; a distinctive excellenceMrs. Coles prerogative to choose the scholarship winner came because she donated the scholarship money.

WORD ROOTS ambi cred acro neo sequ


AMBIGUOUSAMBI around + AGERE to drive = to drive around in anuncertain manner because there were few roads in earlydays; uncertain

AMBIDEXTROUSAMBI both + DEXTR right hand = both right hands; able to use both hands with equal ease-35-Now write three other words that use the root AMBI meaning around or both

______________________________ (which means) __________________

______________________________ (which means) __________________

______________________________ (which means) __________________

2.STUDY THE USE OF THE FOLLOWING WORD PART: CRED to believe.CREDENCECRED to believe + ENCE action or process = the action or process of belief

CREDULOUSCRED to believe = too easily believed

Now write three other words that use the root CRED meaning to believe.

_____________________________ (which means) ___________________

_____________________________ (which means) ___________________

_____________________________ (which means) ___________________


ACROBATACRO topmost, high + BAT to walk = lit. walking on tiptoes; a performer on a tightrope

ACROPHOBIAACRO topmost, high + PHOB fear = fear of high places

Now write three other words that use the root ACRO meaning topmost or high.

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________


NEONATALNEO new + NATAL associated with ones birth = of or affecting the newborn

NEOPHYTENeo new + PHYT plant = something newly planted, a beginner

Now write three other words that use the root NEO meaning new.

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________


SEQUENCESEQU to follow + ENCE action or process = the process of following

OBSEQUIOUSOB to + SEQU to follow = much too willing to follow or obey; submissive

Now write three other words that use the root SEQU meaning to follow.

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________


From the words in this unit, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the word in the space provided.


1. From the candidates point of view, the protestors were just a bunch of______________________ kids interrupting his speech.

2. Deciding when to end the meeting was Eds ________________________ because he was the chairman.

3. Unfortunately, in many divorce cases, the parties involved reveal _______________ feelings toward each other in their courtroom remarks and behavior.

4. At first Patti seemed left handed, but then her teacher realized she was ___________________________.

5. Advocates of the womens suffrage movement felt women were too ________________________ in their relationships with men.

6. You could tell Jan was a ______________________ equestrian because of the timid way she approached the horse.

7. Anyone with _____________________ wouldnt want to wash the windowson the Empire State Building.

8. Sally was such a _____________________ child that after she saw Mary Poppins she jumped off the shed roof thinking she could fly.

9. We always asked advice of my grandfather because we viewed him as the most _______________________ personage within our family.

10. The Senator was forced to resign because of the ____________________ actions of individuals within his reelection campaign.

PART 3 MATCHING By letter, match the vocabulary word with the most appropriate definition given on the left.

_______ 1. inclined; devious, underhandedA. acrophobia_______ 2. a beginnerB. prerogative_______ 3. lacking modestyC. venerable_______ 4. caustic in feeling or actionsD. credulous_______ 5. overly submissiveE. neophyte_______ 6. impressive in characterF. acrimonious_______7. a fear of heightsG. impudent_______8. a right or powerH. obsequious_______9. manually skillfulI. oblique______ 10. gullibleJ. ambidextrous


Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of each of the following words. Write the word under the boldfaced entry.

1. nonchalant(adj.) confident and unconcernedThe teachers nonchalant attitude toward discipline in the classroom made the students feel that he didnt care how they behaved.

2. elucidate -(verb) to explain, clarifyNo matter how hard news reporters try to elucidatethe Bosnia situation, it still remains unclear to most readers.

3. reticent(adj.) not inclined to speak; restrained in expressionMelissa was reticent about calling her boyfriend after he had driven 200 miles to see her in a play and she hadforgotten to reserve the tickets.

4. myopic -(adj.) nearsighted; deficient of foresight or discernmentPeople who are myopic can see distinctly at short distances only.

5. succinct -(adj.) terse, curt, conciseI could tell my mom was in a hurry because she spoke to me in such a succinct way.

ROOTS AND PREFIXES mal gnos duc eu hyper

1. MAL = bad

MALEVOLENT MAL (bad) + VOL (to wish) = wishing evil towards people

MALEFACTORMAL (bad) + FAC (to do) = an evildoer

Now write three other words that use the root MAL, meaning bad:

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

2. GNOS = to know

DIAGNOSISDIA (through) + GNOS (to know) = to know through identification of adisease.

PROGNOSTICATEPRO (before) + GNOS (to know) = to know beforehand

Now write three other words that use the root GNOS, meaning to know:

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

3. DUC = to lead

DEDUCEDe (down) + DUCE (to lead) = to lead down from, to conclude

AQUEDUCTAGUA (water) + DUC (to lead) = a pipe to lead water from a distant source

Now write three other words which use the root DUC, meaning to lead:

__________________________ (which means) ____________________________

__________________________ (which means) ____________________________

__________________________ (which means) ____________________________4. EU = good, well

EULOGYEU (good) + LOG (speech) = a good speech given in praise of someonewho has recently died

EUPHONIOUSEU (good) + PHON (sound) = a good or pleasant sound

Now write three other words which use the root EU, meaning good or well:

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

5. HYPER = over, above, excessive

HYPERACTIVEHYPER (over, above, excessive) + ACTIVE (movement) = more active than is usual or desired

HYPERBOLEA figure of speech; exaggeration

Now write three other words that use the root HYPER, meaning over, above, excessive:

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________



1. The first project the new farmer wanted to address was to build an______________________ because water from the river absolutely needed to be near his crops.

2. There was enough food to feed an army is a common example of ___________.

3. The English teacher was delighted by the ______________________ sounds created by the language of Shakespeares sonnets.

4. Scott won so often at tennis he became _______________________ about the game and didnt get as much joy from competition.

5. It seems that a mother is often able to _______________________ her son or daughters likelihood of joining in dangerous and risky pastimes.

6. English teachers often ______________________ passages from poetry.

7. Each afternoon someone picked daffodils from Mrs. Hendersons flower garden so she decided to hide behind a bush and discover out the identity of the _______________________.

8. A chance at love made the middle aged woman so ______________________ that she failed to realize shes met a con artist.

9. His employees understood the ___________________ memos he wrote and appreciated his lack of verbosity.

10. The poet was ____________________ about reading his recently published love poems to the boisterous and inattentive audience.CHOOSE THE WORD FROM THIS UNIT WHICH IS MOST NEARLY THE SAME AS THE FOLLOWING WORDS OR EXPRESSIONS.

1. cool, composed, unruffled_______________________

2. reserved, shy_______________________

3. harmonious, pleasant sounding_______________________

4. to predict, to prophesy_______________________

5. literary term for exaggeration_______________________

6. an artificial channel, or bridge-like structure_______________________

7. a criminal, evil-doer_______________________

8. to provide clarification, explain_______________________

9. deficient of discernment_________________________

10. terse, concise_________________________

Sophomore Vocabulary Lesson #7

Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of each of the following words. Write the word in the space below each boldfaced entry.

1. aberration -(noun) something atypical; a departure from the normal or expected courseDyeing hair green or blue is an aberration for most people

2. guile -(noun) treacherous cunning; skillful deceitThe shoplifter used guile to steal three tapes

3. tenacious(adj.) holding persistently to something; adhesiveThe tenacious pit bull refused to let go of the ripped shirt.

4. integrity -(noun) adherence to strict moral or ethical codeMartha showed integrity by refusing to tell Mollys secrets to anyone else

5. sullen -(adj.) resentfully silentAfter the reprimand from his parent, Tom was sullen for three days.

Word Roots:pathhumposterrvac

1. PATH = feeling, sufferingPSYCHOPATHPSYCHO (mind) + PATH (suffering) = mentally disturbedANTIPATHYANTI (against) + PATH (feeling) means a feeling against someone orsomething; a strong dislike

Write three other words with the root PATH meaning feeling, suffering

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

2. HUM= groundHUMBLE = close to the groundEXHUMEEX (out) + HUM (ground) = to take out of the ground; to remove from thegrave

Write three other words that use HUM meaning ground:

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

3. POST = afterPOSTLUDEPOST (after) + LUD (to play) = a piece of music played after a church servicePOSTERITYPOST (after) ERITY = future generations, those who come after

Write three other words that use POST, meaning after:

_____________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

4. VAC = emptyVACATION = empty of work; a holidayVACUITYVAC = empty (being) = total lack of ideas, emptiness of mind

Write three other words that use VAC, meaning empty:

_________________________________ (which means _____________________

_________________________________ (which means)_____________________

_________________________________ (which means) _____________________

Exercise A: Use the words in the box to fill in the sentences that follow:


1. When Jennifer asked her boss for more details, he failed to _____________ further.

2. When Susan accidentally broke the vase she was forced to sit on a chair for thirty minutes, but she looked _________________rather than repentant.

3. The court ordered authorities to ___________________ Jessie James body so his alleged posterity can see if they have James DNA.

4. John showed his ____________________ by refusing to cheat on the test.

5. My grandmother was ____________________ in her belief that all grandchildren must visit her each summer.

6. Bonnie displayed ______________________ in asking for the car keys before her sleepy father was fully awake.

7. Nathaniel Rochester left land as well as his name to his _____________________.

8. Former President George Bush announced his _____________________ for broccoli which decreased sales of the vegetable.

9. Clarences mind suffered from _____________________ when he could not recall the two countries that border the United States.

10. Pierced body parts seems an ______________________ to many Americans.Exercise B: Write the vocabulary word for each of the following definitions:

skillful deceit = ____________________________________________________a departure from the normal or expected course = __________________________descendants or offspring = ____________________________________________to remove from a grave = _____________________________________________to explain, clarify = __________________________________________________upholding moral beliefs or ideals is showing = _____________________________dislike/opposition in feelings = _________________________________________emptiness = ________________________________________________________holding persistently to something = ______________________________________resentfully silent = ___________________________________________________

Exercise C: Matchingvacuity______1. silent and resentfultenacious_____2. emptinessantipathy_____3. a strict moral belief; honestyintegrity_____4. a departure from what is normalexhume_____5. a dislike foraberration______6. treacherous cunningguile_____7. future generationselucidate_____8. holding on persistentlyposterity_____9. To explain, clarify sullen_____ 10. dig up from a grave

SOPHOMORE VOCABULARY LESSON #8Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation and definition of each of the following words. Write the word under the boldfaced entry.

1. acquiesce - (verb) to accept without protest; to agree or submitWhen I wouldnt acquiesce to my bosss demand to wear a hairnet, I was fired.

2. assiduous -(adj.) persistent, attentive, diligentHe was such an assiduous worker his boss gave him a raise.

3. disparage -(verb) to belittle; to speak slightingly of; to undervalueMy opponent tried to disparage me so hed win the election.

4. diminutive(adj.) smaller than average or usualMolly looks exactly like her mother and when they entered the room together one seemed to simply be a diminutive form of the other.

5. formidable -(adj.) strong, forceful, powerful; causing apprehensionor aweJason was frightened by the size of his formidable op-ponent on the football field.

PART 1 WORD ROOTS sat culp semi carn mis


SATISFYSAT enough + FAC to do = to do enough; to fill a need or desire

INSATIABLEIN not + SAT enough = not ever getting enough

Now write three other words that use the root SAT meaning enough.

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________


EXCULPATEEX out + CULP blame = lit. to take the blame out; to free from blame

CULPABLECULP blame + ABLE worthy or capable of = worthy of blame

Now write three other words that use the root CULP meaning blame.

____________________________ (which means)__________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________


SEMIFINALSEMI half + final = halfway to the final

SEMICIRCLESEMI half + circle = a half a circle

Now write three other words that use the root SEMI meaning half.

____________________________ (which means) _________________________

____________________________ (which means) _________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________


CARNIVOROUSCARN flesh + VOR to eat flesh eating

INCARNATEIN in + CARN flesh + ATE function = functioning in the flesh

Now write three other words that use the root CARN meaning flesh.

________________________________ (which means) ______________________

________________________________ (which means) ______________________

________________________________ (which means) ______________________


MISADVENTUREMIS (wrong, bad, hate) + ADVENTURE (the encountering of risks) = an accident; misfortune

MISTAKEMIS (wrong, bad, hate) + TAKE = to make a wrong judgment by ability or choice

Now write three other words that use the root MIS meaning wrong, bad, hate.

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________

____________________________ (which means) __________________________


From the words for this unit, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the word in the space provided.


1. After dinner, Jane had an __________________ desire for ice cream.

2. Sam was not ______________________ for the damage to the car, but his father blamed him anyway.

3. Flowers were arranged in a _______________________ around the north side of the fountain.

4. Because of the vicious nature of his crimes, some people felt Charles Manson was the devil ________________________.

5. The ticket person at the movie wouldnt ____________________ to our claim that my brother was over 13 years old.

6. One trait of a good student is an ____________________ effort to complete homework on time.

7. The problem on the final exam was ____________________ for Lisa and she despaired of not being able to solve it in the three hours allowed.

8. The ____________________ serving of expensive dessert was so tiny it looked lost on the plate.

9. The scandal rocked Congress, and the _____________________of many senators was in question.

10. Though Jack picked on his brother, David, he wouldnt allow anyone else to ______________________ David.

PART 3 MATCHING By letter, match the vocabulary word with the most appropriate definition given on the right.

1. acquiesce_____A. to belittle

2. assiduous_____B. adherence to strict moral or ethical code

3. disparage_____C. deserving blame or censure

4. diminutive_____D. persistent; attentive

5. formidable_____E. invested with bodily form

6. culpable_____F. a half a circle

7. incarnate_____G. to accept without protest

8. semicircle_____H. incapable of being satisfied

9. insatiable_____I. causing fear or apprehension, intimidating

10. integrity_____J. tiny; minute


Write the word below the boldfaced entry.

1. innocuous -(adj.) harmless, inoffensiveSuzanne was surprised by her mothers fury of whatSuzanne had thought was an altogether innocuousremark about her familys choice of vacation spots.

2. contentious(adj.) quarrelsome; controversialThe contentious citizen wrote the store three letters about theuse of mannequins in the windows.

3. covet(verb) 1. to wish for longingly or to feel desire for something belonging to anotherHe coveted the position of catcher on the team.

4. exodus(noun) 1. a departure of a large group of people 2. the departure of the Israelites from EgyptAre you familiar with the story of the exodus when Moses was given the Ten commandments?

5. parsimonious(adj.) stingy; frugalThe parsimonious couple never tips the paper carrier orthe pizza deliverer.

ROOTS AND PREFIXES com clar magn the/theo omni

1.COM = together, with

COMMODIOUSCOM (with) + MOD (measure) = with plenty of room, spacious

COMMISERATECOM (with) + MISER (wretched, pitiable) = lit. to feel wretched withsomeone, to sympathize

Now write three other words that use the root COM, meaning together or with:________________________________ (which means) ______________________

________________________________ (which means) ______________________

________________________________ (which means) ______________________

2. CLAR = clear

CLAIRVOYANCECLAR (clear) + VID (to see) = the supposed power to see clearly which are not in sight

CLARIONCLAR clear = a clear and shrill sound

Now write three other words that use the root CLAR, meaning clear:

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

3. MAGN = great

MAGNATEMAGN (great) = an influential or great person, especially in business

MAGNANIMOUSMAGN (great) = ANIM (spirit) = great in spirit, generous

Now write three other words which use the root MAGN meaning great:

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________4. THE, THEO = god

THEOCRACYTHEO (god) + CRAC (to rule) = government ruling with supposed divine authority

APOTHEOSISAPO (from) + THEO (god) = making a god from a person or thing

Now write three other words which use the root THE, THEO meaning god:

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

_____________________________ (which means) _________________________

5.OMNI = all

OMNIBUSOMNI (all) + BUS = a conveyance for all; providing transportation for many

OMNIPOTENTOMNI (all) + POTENT (having or wielding force, authority, or influence) = all powerful

Now write three other words that use the root OMNI, meaning all:

________________________________ (which means) ______________________

________________________________ (which means) ______________________

________________________________ (which means) ______________________



1. The _______________________ of the emperor of Japan had far reaching affects on the countrys foreign policy.

2. The school board organized a presentation to thank the _________________donor who had provided the funds for a new library.

3. The ______________________ call of a trumpet announces the arrival of the guest of honor.

4. After the funeral was over and all the out of town family had gone home, Bill walked through the empty house wishing for someone to __________________with.

5. Ralph is so ________________________ that he still has the first dollar he ever earned.

6. The Bible teaches us not to ____________________ another persons possessions.

7. Paul is so _______________________ that his response to Have a nice day was, What is your definition of a nice day?

8. Mary tried to ___________________her co-worker because she was jealous of her promotion.

9. After the swarm of bees flew into the classroom, a/an ________________________ of the teacher and all the students occurred.

10. The cute little red frog in the jungle looked ________________________ but our Costa Rican guide warned that his touch was deadly.Exercise B: Write the vocabulary word from the list beside the correct definition below.

1. insignificant, impotent, insipid, harmless = __________________________

2. to desire someone elses property = ________________________________

3. quarrelsome = _________________________________________________

4. a departure by a group = _________________________________________

5. stingy; frugal = ________________________________________________

6. to belittle; to speak slightingly of; to undervalue = _____________________

7. clear, shrill = _________________________________________________

8. empathize with, pity = ___________________________________________

9. rising above pettiness, nobel, generous = ____________________________

10. deification, ideal example = ______________________________________


Write the word below the boldfaced entry.

1. resilient -(adj.) springing back; rebounding; buoyant; not readily discouragedAfter Johns loss in the first heat, he was resilient enough to win the second.

2. sundry -(adj.) miscellaneous; several; variousSundry sizes of shirts hung on the bargain rack in the basement of the store.

3. tacit -(adj.) unspoken, silent; implied, inferredThe girls parents gave their tacit approval of her choice to become a police officer.

4. ephemeral -(adj.) lasting only one day or a very short time; transitoryA mayflys life is ephemeral.

5. zenith -(n.) the point in the sky directly above an observer or place on earth; the highest point My dad reached the zenith of his career by the time he was 45.Roots & Prefixes: cur ortho clam sag un

1. CUR = to runRECURRE (again) + CUR (run) = to run again; to happen againCURSORY = running over rapidly (without attention to details)

Write three other words that use CUR, meaning to run:

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) _______________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________2. ORTHO = straightORTHODONTISTORTHO (straight) + ODENT (tooth) = dentist who straightens teethORTHODOXORTHO (straight) + DOX (opinion) = having straight opinions;conforming to accepted opinions or beliefs, especially in religion

Write three words that use ORTHO, meaning straight:

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

______________________________ (which means) ________________________

3. CLAM = to cry outPROCLAMATIONPRO (before) + CLAM (to cry out) = an official public announcementCLAMOR= a loud outcry or shouting; any loud and sustained noise

Write three other words that use CLAM, meaning to cry out:

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

4. LUC = lightELUCIDATEE (out) + LUC (light) = to make clear by explanationTRANSLUCENTTRANS (through) + LUC (light) = allow some light to pass through

Write three other words that use LUC, meaning light:

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

5. UN = NOTUNABLEUN (not) + ABLE (having sufficient power, resources, and skill to accomplish something) = not having the skill to do somethingUNABRIDGED= not shortened

Write three other words that use UN, meaning not:

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________

_______________________________ (which means) _______________________



1. English teachers often ______________________ passages from poetry.

2. ______________________ spices were added to the soup to bring about such a unique flavor.

3. For Kristen, the ______________________ of her educational experience came in her graduation from college.

4. The wings of the moth were __________________ and looked almost invisible in the porch light.5. After his fathers death, Mikes ________________________ goal was to follow in his fathers professional footsteps.

6. Though he failed the first quarter, Alex was ____________________ enough to finish with a B average.

7. Shakespeare writes sonnets about the ____________________ nature of beauty.

8. A ___________________ reading of the income tax forms is not enough to allow most people to understand the directions.

9. Their __________________ beliefs about politics are the opposite of mine.

10. My hearing has been affected by standing too near the bell in the hall and hearing its _________________________.

Matching: write the number of the definition which best fits the word on the left

1. several; various___A. clamor2. the highest point___B. orthodox3. transitory___C. resilient4. unspoken or implied___D. sundry5. rebounding___E. elucidate6. to provide clarification, explain___F. cursory7. clear, transparent, easily understood___G. translucent8. customary and traditional___H. tacit9. a loud protest; noise___I. ephemeral10. done with little attention to detail___J. zenith