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1) Light can crcle the earth 7 times in 1 sec 2) If we through light out of the moving object the speed of light will remain the same.Speed of light is always the speed of light. Space and time r not fixed but r connected and relative and this was the idea that led to the theory of relativity Lets discuss the one of the famous theory in theoretical physics, the theory which made Einstein not only famous but a renowned name in the world a synonyms for genius. This theory gave Einstein soo much popularity that he left behind the Newton in term of geniuses even though the Newtons theory resembles the practical physics and the einstein’s theoretical one. But I guess it is the human nature that they get attracted more to the things which r mysterious in nature and I guess that’s why we r born explorer. But the biggest problem in exploring the universe is the closed star is 25 trillion miles away, the craft can take more than 10 thousand yrs to get there. The only way we can reach there by travelling faster than the light. But according to Einstein travelling faster than the light is impossible. But I donot believe in thing which cannot be proved practically but for now this is the only theory we have with us. Lets look at this theory and we can associate it with the general theory of physics like general relativity momentum ,mass and energy. Lets ve a look at the general theory of relativity. Suppose we r travelling by a bus and we r sitting at the roof of the bus. Bus is

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1) Light can crcle the earth 7 times in 1 sec2) If we through light out of the moving object the speed of light will remain the same.Speed of light is always the speed of light. Space and time r not fixed but r connected and relative and this was the idea that led to the theory of relativity

Lets discuss the one of the famous theory in theoretical physics, the theory which made Einstein not only famous but a renowned name in the world a synonyms for genius. This theory gave Einstein soo much popularity that he left behind the Newton in term of geniuses even though the Newtons theory resembles the practical physics and the einsteins theoretical one. But I guess it is the human nature that they get attracted more to the things which r mysterious in nature and I guess thats why we r born explorer. But the biggest problem in exploring the universe is the closed star is 25 trillion miles away, the craft can take more than 10 thousand yrs to get there. The only way we can reach there by travelling faster than the light. But according to Einstein travelling faster than the light is impossible. But I donot believe in thing which cannot be proved practically but for now this is the only theory we have with us. Lets look at this theory and we can associate it with the general theory of physics like general relativity momentum ,mass and energy. Lets ve a look at the general theory of relativity. Suppose we r travelling by a bus and we r sitting at the roof of the bus. Bus is travelling at a speed of say 40KM/Hr we throw a ball in opposite direction of the bus at the speed of 20km/hr.The person standing at the side of the road will see the ball being thrown at 60 km/hr i.e the speed of ball+ speed of bus. And if the same ball is being thrown in the directicon of the bus moving it will be 40-20 km/hr in backward direction. But in case of light according to enstein however fast the object may be moving the light thrown will always ve the speed equal to the real speed of light i.e. 3x10 to the power 8 m/s regardless of reference frame or the speed of the object. Now that is a reference frame , in layman language we can say it is the place or coordinates from where we observe any activity. Speed of light is always the speed of light. Space and time r not fixed but r connected and relative and this was the idea that led to the theory of relativity. Now we will take the general physics law and will derive the so called famous equation . In general physics also the m=mo/ . since in general life v has very less value so there is no effect on the ms real value. But as the value of v increase the value of m also increases. Since c is constant in the equation so we can say that E is directly proportional to mass or in einsteins word energy and mass r same. And if we want a rocket to fly at higher speed the more energy will be required but as we put more energy its speed will increase which will result In the increase in its mass again. And to move a object at speed of light we will require infinite energy according to above equation which is not possible. So from theoretical physics point of view nothing can travel at the speed of light. So we cannot travel in space more than speed of light that means we cannot reach other galaxy. But the answer of this question lies in the einsteins theory only which also says that the shape of space can be distorted with mass or energy, means we can contract and expand the space with the help of mass of energy. Lets take a general life example to understand, we take a inflated balloon, now push that balloon from both sides, the parts which were way from each other will come closer and the portions which were nearer will go away from each other due to expansion. In theoretical physics we call these things warm hole. Through which we can travel from one place to another without travelling much distance in actual. So the basic idea is to expand or contract space instead of travelling in actual. Means u ve u ve shrinked the path instead of travelling that much of distance. But to create those warm hole what we need is negative energy which is again a theoretical concept and even most of the scientist doubt that this even exists. So the only way to travel at the speed more than speed of light is to creat warm hole i.e. to shrink the space.

Another exciting theory of theoretical physics is quantum theory. It was originated from the Bohrs experiment. According to Bohr the electron can move in the certain orbit allowed and can jump to the higher orbit only when they gain energy or the atom gets heated. Similarly they come to the lower orbit once they dissipate that energy. These jump of electron was termed as quantum leap. When an electron jump from higher orbit to lower one it dissipates energy in the form of waves of specific color or wavelength. The electron move from one orbit to another without travelling in the empty space in between and the amount of energy required is the smallest packet of energy that cannot be further subdivided and r called quanta. It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter. Quantum mechanics provides a substantially useful framework for many features of the modern periodic table of elements, including the behavior of atoms during chemical bonding, and has played a significant role in the development of many modern technologies. Einstein was never happy with the quantum mechanics as it is completely based on probability theory.And Einstein donot use to believe in uncertainty. One of the famous quotes of Einstein was was god donot play dice. But I guess this was a quote given by Einstein in hurry because now we see on atomic level quantum theory is the only successful theory till now. If u will closely look at all electronic devices specially semiconductor devices they r governed by the quantum mechanics. Many students in engineering might be going through the semiconductor devices with out knowing the fact that they r studying a part of Quantum mechanics.Not only this quantum mechanics has been successfully resolved the one of the biggest controversy associated with light. There was always the controversy related to the the nature of light that is it has a particle or wave nature. But quantum physics successfully explained that the light has dual nature wave and of particle and these packets of lights are called photon. The biggest dilemma was Einstein was against the Quantum theory when it was discovered first and has given many contribution in physics but the price he won was not for the work in other field but in the field of Quantum mechanics which for proving the dual nature of light.

When ISIS hackers hijacked the Twitter account of U.S. Central Command on Jan. 12, they falsely claimed that they had hacked into U.S. military computers. While the incident was embarrassing, it was not concerning in operational military terms. It was, however, damaging to the counterinsurgency against ISIS.