new world encounters chapter 1. native american histories before conquest humans occupied part of...


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Chapter 1

Native American Histories before Conquest

Humans occupied part of the Western Hemisphere thousands of years before the European discovery of America. Environmental conditions spurred ancient settlement as glaciers moved south and uncovered a ______ __________ connecting Asia and N. America, across which came the Paleo-Indians

Food, climate, culture and especially global warming ended the Ice Age, allowing Native American cultures to expand their populations and where they lived. As food sources changed due to the ____________ Revolution, so did their cultures, and soon they developed semi-agricultural societies of considerable sophistication

Three of those societies included:Cahokia Aztecs Eastern Woodland

Native American city near present day St. Louis.Rivaled European cities in size and sophistication

Complex and successful empire in central Mexico. Tenochtitlan, center of Aztec culture, contained 250,000 inhabitants

formed along the NE Atlantic coast, into the Great Lakes. Diverse and mobile community of hunters, gatherers, and farmers

A World Transformed

N.A. were profoundly changed by contact with Europeans. Some good, mostly bad

Good: Iron tools

Some adopted Christianity

BAD:•Seen as the main obstacles to settlement•European trade goods quickly became a part of N.A. culture, and their efforts to gather furs for trade upset the ecological balance•This also caused increasing tension between tribes as competition increased.•N.A. not killed in battle died as a result of disease brought by Europeans to the Americas

Imagining a New World

Spain France England

•With explorers like Christopher __________ leading the way, Spain established the largest colonial empire in the New World.•The _____________ were independent adventurers that led the Spanish movement in carving out a colonial empire •After initial forays for riches, Spanish government officials brought some order, class and caste distinction, and Catholicism to the empire

•Later, the French, without much support from the Crown, settled parts of North America.•They main trade was that of _______•The French lived and worked more cooperatively with the Native Americans to trade with them as well as convert them to ___________

•Began to venture to North America in the latter 15th c. in search of the mythical _______ __________, a short route to Asia•One reason for the delay was the __________ Reformation, in which Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church•_________ I settled the religious debate and established the _________ Church•The English conquest of __________ was used as a testing ground for theories of colonial rule

An Unpromising Beginning:Mystery at Roanoke


Sir Walter Raleigh tried and FAILED

Multiple Choice 1

1. The peopling of America was made possible some 30,000 years ago because of A. a long period of global warming B. the domestication of horses C. new canoe technology D. bitter intertribal wars in Asia E. the onset of the Ice Age

Answer: E

Multiple Choice 2

2. The first migrants to the New World came from A. Western Europe B. Asia C. Africa D. Australia E. Southwest

Answer: B

Multiple Choice # 3

3. Columbus originally was determined to prove that A. A westward water route to China existed B. the world was not flat C. the continents of North and South America

existed D. The lost continent of Atlantis was actually part

of South America E. the world was smaller than scientists believed

at the time

Answer: A

Multiple Choice # 4

4. Geographically, the French claimed and settled A. the southwest B. the Atlantic seaboard C. the Mississippi Valley and Canada D. Brazil E. the Southeast

Answer: C

Multiple Choice # 5

5. What 16th c. European upheaval had a profound impact upon England’s settlement of the New World? A. the Crusades B. the War of the Roses C. the Hundred Years’ War D. the experience of the Marian exiles E. the Reformation

Answer: E


Describe the effect of European exploration and colonization on African and Native American cultures. How did each group react to these confrontations of societies?

Although the reasons varied by nation, all European nations’ desires for exploration revolved around three central themes. Those themes were the quest for gold and spices, the desire to spread Christianity, and a desire to utilize new technologies. This then had a huge impact on all three continents. Each continent had negative and positive consequences.

Positive consequences included trading of crops between continents thus stabilizing the diets and nutrition of each continent. Another positive consequence was the exchange of and growth of cultures through diffusion. Negative consequences were African slavery, annihilation of Native American populations and cultures and the damage of two continents’ ecosystems.

New World Experiments:England’s 17th c. colonies


Virginia Maryland

Joint Stock company (namely the London Co) built Jamestown.

Experience trouble because of a hostile environment

Saved by John Smith who established military order. London

Co. also sent more people to populate the colony

Tobacco as a commercial crop was the key to eventual success.

House of Burgesses established the first gov’t in the Americas

Sir George Calvert and son Cecilius (the Lords of

Baltimore) acquired a royal charter to set up Maryland

The second Lord Baltimore insisted on religious


Reinventing England in America


First went to Holland

Massachusetts Bay Colony

John Winthrop

Democratic Town Meetings

Religious Dissent

Anne Hutchinson/RogerWilliams

New Hampshir


Rhode Island


New Haven

Diversity in the Middle Colonies

New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Deleware

•Originally New Netherland•Settled by Dutch, Finns, Swedes, Germans, and Africans•England wrested the colony from the Dutch and renamed it New York•Diverse and huge area-meant bureaucratic problems for the Crown

•Originally a proprietary colony owned by Lord Berkeley & Sir George Cateret•Split when Quakers bought land there•Never really prospered like NY•Struggled with discord and political conflicts

•Quakers settled in Pennsylvania•Quaker theology-everyone possessed an “inner light” that offered salvation•William Penn tried to establish a complex society based on Quaker principles•Colony promoted aggressively welcoming people of all faiths and nationalities

Planting the Carolinas and The Founding of Georgia


Settled by the English

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury

Wealthy families from Barbados

N. Carolina

S. Carolina



Utopian Vision

General James Oglethorpe

Debtors prison from London

Struggled in the early years

Multiple Choice #1

1. Unlike Virginia, Maryland was established A. as a commercial center B. as a frontier outpost to secure the area from the

French C. by French Huguenots D. as a religious sanctuary for persecuted

Catholics from England E. by a commercial trading company

Answer: D

Multiple Choice #2

2. The major difference in the founding of the colony of Georgia was A. it was a royal colony in which the king paid the governor’s

salary B. religious differences between England and its colonists C. an act of aggression and defense from the Spanish D. the colony was not heavily populated by natives E. All of the above were differences between all of the rest of

the colonies and Georgia

Answer: C Georgia became a royal colony after it’s founding. Choice A is not correct because the question asks about the time the colony was founded. When Georgia was founded, it was feared that the Spanish would attach S. Carolina. Carolinians took hold of Spanish land to build that buffer.

Multiple Choice #3

3. The main staple of the Carolinas’ economy by the close of the 17th c. was A. cotton B. rice C. tobacco D. timber E. indigo

Answer: B The geography of S. Carolina was conducive for rice production. However, it did not become a staple until after 1690

Multiple Choice #4

4. The Plymouth Colony was ultimately absorbed by which colony? A. Maryland B. Pennsylvania C. Virginia D. Massachusetts E. Deleware

Answer: D

Multiple Choice #5

5. Anne Hutchinson’s skillful self-defense at her trial before the Bay’s magistrates was ruined by A. her affinity for the dictum of works B. her claim of personal revelation C. her reliance on the Scriptures D. her rejection of free grace E. the fact that she was female

Answer: B The revelation was tantamount to heresy


Compare and contrast the English colonies of the Chesapeake with their counterparts at Massachusetts Bay. What were their similarities and their differences?

Massachusetts Bay colonies were established as refuges. The first colonies were refuges from religious persecution in England. Then ultimately, the other colonies were established as refuges from the Bay colonies.

The Chesapeake colonies may have originally been refuges from religious persecution. These colonies established themselves as heterogeneous colonies that led to cultural diversity. This diversity affected the political, cultural and economic development of the colonies

Putting Down Roots:Opportunity and Oppression in Colonial Society


Early settlers Town and Church

Women Colonials

•Grouped into families-more stable base•Population grew-increase in human longevity•Open spaces/pure drinking water/cool climate helped retard the spread of disease and promoted good health

•Family foundation

•Family was also the basis for educating children

•As towns grew, they were required to open schools supported by local taxes

•Lacked economic, political and legal rights

•Contributions were essential for a successful household

•Worked on family farms and managed the home

•Social groups:•Economic groups:

•Provincial gentry


•Indentured servants

•Most northern colonists were YEOMAN farmers

The Challenge of the Chesapeake Environment

Family Life Economy

•Not favorable for survival

•Contagious disease & contaminated drinking water

•Most colonists arrived alone

•Imbalance between the number of men and women

•Childbearing was extremely dangerous

•Tobacco shaped society

•Great planters controlled estates and the labor of indentured servants or slaves

•Freeman formed the largest class

•Cities/towns slow to develop

•Social mobility hard to attain

Race and Freedom in British America


11 million

Thought to be barbarous and

heathensWhites drew up

slave codes African response-developed their own

unique African American culture


Rise of a commercial empire


policy-increase exports, decrease

imports, and grow richer at the expense of

other European


Navigation Acts (beginning in 1660)

Board of Trade

Oversee colonial affairs

Limit competition

Shipping guidelines and a list of enumerated goods that could flow

from the colonies to England

Colonial Factions spark political revolt, 1675-1691

Bacon’s Rebellion


King Philip’s War (1675)

Salem Witch Trials (1692)

The Glorious Revolution Jacob Leisler John Coode

Multiple Choice #1

1. In _________, charges of witchcraft caused considerable turmoil in the late 17th c. A. Salem B. London C. Dedham D. Boston E. New York

Answer: A

Multiple Choice #2

2. Puritans viewed which of the following as essential to their New England commonwealth? A. strict adherence to personal hygiene measures B. a flexible form of colonial administration C. a healthy family life D. the rapid creation of an urban society in New

England E. honest public officials

Answer: C

Multiple Choice #3

3. In 1647, the Massachusetts legislature ordered all townships with 15 or more families to ______ and support with local taxes A. provide police services B. establish fire departments C. hire a doctor D. elect a mayor E. open an elementary school

Answer: E

Multiple Choice #4

4. The most important difference between the New England and Chesapeake colonies was A. found in their different forms of agricultural production B. the Chesapeake’s much higher mortality rate C. based on the differences between their respective

proprietors D. the Chesapeake’s much greater emphasis on the family E. their different religions

Answer: B All of the answers are plausibly correct. However, the key phrase in this question is “most important difference” The mortality rate retarded the growth of the Chesapeake Bay region.

Multiple Choice # 5

5. British authorities based their colonial commercial policies on the theory of A. feudalism B. monopolism C. federalism D. mercantilism E. republicanism

Answer: D


Compare and contrast social and economic life in 17th c New England with that of the Chesapeake colonies

New England social and economic life centered around the concept of church first. Once the religious obligation goes away, the individual is safe. The resources in this region really affect this idea. These colonies also have difficulties because of the homogeneous nature. When someone objects the person becomes ostracized.

The heterogeneous nature of the Chesapeake colonies allow for worship as one sees fit. This then enhances a viable economy.

Experience of Empire18th century America

Scotch-Irish Germans Convicts Native Americans

•Arrived in great numbers in the 18th c

•Many were more interested in improving their lot rather than finding religious freedom (think of “Joseph” in Far and Away)

•They combined the 2nd largest group of non-English settlers

•First came for religious toleration

•then soon came for material gains

•Mostly settled in the middle colonies, especially Pennsylvania

•Comprised a large group of immigrants

•Between 1715 and 1775, some 50000 convicts were shipped to America from Britain to be employed as indentured servants

•Migrated to the western backcountry and joined existing confederacies of Indian tribes

•The Indians interacted, traded and compromised with Europeans as much as possible

Spanish borderlands of the 18th c

What happened

?! •Spanish outposts in North America grew very slowly

• Spanish colonials exploited and enslaved Native Americans

• Settlements lacked the resources for sustained growth

Impact of European ideas on American culture

Urban Populations

remained small, but grew quickly. American cities

were trading ports

Americans accepted and

followed many of the ideals of the

European Enlightenment

Ben Franklin was the true 18th c

American rep. He became the symbol

of material progress

Economic Transformation

England remained the most important trading partner for

the colonies

American indeptedness

increased dramatically after

1690 after Americans

imported far more commodities than


Religious Revivals in Provincial Societies

The Great Awakening had a profound impact in colonial America and cause colonists to rethink their basic assumptions about church and state institutions

It brought a profound infusion of evangelical exhortations and revival spirit

Preachers like ________ and __________ vividly depicted the horrors of hell to captivated audiences in an effort to restore religious vitality. The movement swept the colonies through the work of

_________ preachers

Clash of political cultures

English American

•Divided political power between the monarch and his council of advisors

•Two chamber Parliament, each group providing a “check” on the ambitions of the others

•Reality: vulnerable to corruption

•Commonwealthmen observed that many of England’s rulers were corrupt and institutions were no longer in balance

•Colonists attempted to recreate British-style institutions

•Legislative assemblies helped offset the ineptitude of royal governors

•Colonial assemblies were often aggressive in asserting power, as they fought to protect the rights of American colonists

Century of Imperial War

King William’s

and Queen Anne’s Wars

The Seven Years’ War

Ben Franklin-Albany Plan

King George’s

WarResulted in little change in territorial control

Revealed the capability of America colonial forces in waging war against the French

Proposed a most ambitious plan for common colonial defense and western expansion

Showdown for N.American supremacy 1756-1760. English prevailed

Multiple choice #1

1. The largest group of white, non-English immigrants to the colonies were A. the Dutch B. the Germans C. the Swedish D. the Scotch-Irish E. the French

Answer: D

Multiple Choice #2

2. _________ was the most important embodiment of the Enlightenment in America. A. Jonathan Edwards B. Ben Franklin C. John Locke D. Isaac Newton E. Thomas Jefferson

Answer: B

Multiple Choice #3

3. Which of the following wars between England and France had the greatest political and economic impact on colonial America? A. King William’s War B. Queen Anne’s War C. King George’s War D. the Seven Years’ War E. the War of the League of Augsburg

Answer: D

Multiple Choice #4

4. What did the Great Awakening, intercolonial trade, and the rise of the colonial assemblies have in common? A. they created disdain for England B. they created a rebellious spirit in America C. they exacerbated the problems of an already divided

citizenry D. they helped create imperial rivalry between England

and France E. they all contributed to a growing sense of shared

identity among the colonists

Answer: E

Multiple Choice #5

5. ________ was responsible for authoring the Albany Plan A. Ben Franklin B. Jonathan Edwards C. John Locke D. Isaac Newton E. Thomas Jefferson

Answer: A


Discuss the ways that the Anglo-American economic relationship changed during the 18th century. Further, discuss what impact those changes had upon the colonial economy

The American Revolution: From Elite Protestto popular revolt, 1763-1783

Supreme Authority: King George III, and Parliament

“No Taxation without Representation” became the American motto while seeking freedom from England’s

revenue taxation

American ideology: heavy religious and moral components based on the Great Awakening and John Locke

Eroding the Bonds of Empire

Grenville insisted

Amer pay for Brit troops

Steps toward Independence

Coercive Acts

Continental Congress-55

American delegates

Shots heard “round the


Lexington Concord

A Second Continental Congress

(1775) Thomas Paine

“Common Sense”

American English

1776-George Washington’s army suffered serious defeats in NY and NJ

1778-dug in at Valley Forge American colonists dug in again

and won a final victory in Yorktown

American peace delegation (B. Franklin, J Adams, J. Jay) would negotiate a very successful treaty gaining independence, favorable boundaries and important fishing rights

1777-Burgoyne’s army fell in Saratoga, persuading the French to offer an alliance with America

British Southern strategy let loose a fury

Loyalists-those colonists still loyal to the crown would bring social disorder

Fighting for Independence

Multiple Choice #1

1. England passed the Coercive Acts in response to A. the colonial boycott of the Stamp Act B. the American victory at Saratoga C. the Boston Tea Party D. the Declaratory Act E. the Tea act

Answer: C

Multiple Choice #2

2. The tensions leading to the Boston Massacre were caused by A. widespread British murders of American

leaders B. Parliament’s repeal of the Stamp Act C. the Boston Tea party D. the presence of several thousand British

soldiers in Boston E. anger at Charles Townshend

Answer: D

Multiple Choice #3

3. The pamphlet, _________, presented justification to Americans for their break with Great Britain A. Common Sense B. The Prince C. the Declaration of the Rights of Man D. Treatise on Government E. American Crisis

Answer: A

Multiple Choice #4

4. The American victory that brought about the French alliance occurred at A. Trenton B. Yorktown C. Breed’s Hill D. Philadelphia E. Saratoga

Answer: E

Multiple Choice #5

5. The radical American group which first emerged during the Stamp Act crisis was known as A. the Loyalists B. the Federalists C. the Democratic Republicans D. the Sons of Liberty E. Oliver’s Raiders

Answer: D


Discuss the relationship between England’s internal political problems and the loss of its colonial empire in America.