new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1844-12-17. · 2017. 12. 21. · only follow ihn aymbolof...

' KFW-YORK TRIBÜNE. I- THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE IS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAY EXCEPTEIjC -WD!«»«»at-»iTr.«rr. (orrostTs city uai.l.) sew-york i-JashversdioCil)Subscribers for Nine Cents per w»k" A3V>hcn Ihey prcicr. tliey can pay m advance aulei Wr" fiw nx month* or n year ntthoauuve rate * rfVo Cent.. M»>Dub*er,bennv/l^^ä" . astveace, end the paper to mica*. «Wtiaued biryotsd Sj "gx fcrwlHch it » punt.,,,. taken (hi £mu? T^rw Dj-ISnr* in r^anec nrsiuired u, .II ctchances with fjnuntry Newspaper.. Imily Papers receive kt ihToThYe TKRX» OK ADVeRTlSl.NO, r,rtLr»e*.orW-F!r»t ira*rt«P'i. 25 rents. l . .. for each subss^cnt insertion. Si> " v end over six.Fin! insertion... uj * " . .. fir ench suhierjutfiit insertion...< m " tor o«e week. .il ^0 «. .. lor one iiimilh. .OÜ jjjpittes. Funeral Notices, dec. not tic/nLÜ-^re Hat*.:. 2j .. r»«*r ,vifrer/i.«r«-n«l to exceed 12 lines, with uni..e.reol rtmewinc ^Isert.soinentii nt pleasure, (payable sunrtcrly or hair.yenny in n<!vuncc).$40 00 rry AM Advrrt.vnienfs inserted in his paper appear both m ^^xaxns end in the Evetunf Editjoii. ^ 1 xbw-yokk WEEKLY tribune, I a VERY LARGE PAPER. FOR THE COUNTRY it rcauensD cvxav katdkoav Moaxua At the low price or TWO la il.LARS in advance. T^TRIBU NET" \ ork. ' This is another or the series of that excellent col- Jrction cd' works for the young, published by the Messrs. Appletoo, the "Library lor My Young Gouatrymen." It is a tale of lite earlier settlers of Old Virginia, and illustrates the principles or true i totoUs). persevering self-denial, and munil courage. I bVujpaY Tales..13 mo. pp. 120. I). Appleton k. Co 200 f\ Broadway. Tfits is a charming collection of stories for child- ren, illustrated with spirited wood engravings, and j bound in beautiful style. It is a most desirable scilidav present. Tux Cuu-n's Drtaottx: A Press-nt Tor Youot Peo'de 12 mo. pp. 150 D. Appleton & Co. 2UÜ Broadw ay. As Clinsimas is approaching, and New Years, j those two anniversaries when every child expects bis friends '. to do their duty" in the way of presents, we can cordially recommend firs look as a beauti¬ ful gift. This illustrations arc colored engravings, executed with taste und highly finished; the tales ire interesting, sod every child will Le delighted «ith it. j The Deskkter. by Charlotte Elizabeth, 12:no. pp2?'. M I W Ibaid, New-York. I Aoolber excellent tale by an nu hcress who has f made heriicif universally popular. The Centi-rios. 0f,S«n« in Rome. l2mo. pp 103, Chattel W Dodd, ."saw. York. A story, illusttatiog the fctrugglcs of the early Christians in Rome. For The Tribune. Tlianusgivfna; Sermon. Rev. Dr. Spring preached from Kev. xii. 0 . " The great dragon waa cast our, that oid serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth ihe whole world." A sotimwhut singular text, surely, for a Thatiks- piving sermon. The Doctor, however, made a most able ar.d timely discourse on the character of this »ich deceivnr, and the extent of his power. And j toe large audieiicemust have been solemnly affected with the scriptural und historical view he presented ! of the subtle reign of this grand Adversary, in the iffiirs of nations and churches, as well as in the heart of individuals. He works mis'.Iiicf und ruin among Men (said the preacher, in substance,i by a concealed uz^ falsehood and treachery. He j is a 14 bur Irotn the beginning." In tnat hour which "brought death into the word and all our woe," he impiously beguiled the bean of nur firm pureats eiih fdlaetnoil and fairpromises,.u God doth know, that in the day ye. eat, thereof, then shall yotireyes be opened, and ye shall be as gods ! " Ry uius in- cculating the stock, he succeeded in" the foul Kratagem for infusing moral poison end death into the raC'S, of man ; und hi has e ver since uiined at thwarting the benavoientdeaigns of Heaven, infutua- tine millions, and working mischiel 10 ttiaiiiiint!on tbehr^e.-1 ecale. In perverting the Nations, und wurking their corruption end ruin, be insidiously poieons them, us he does individuals; secretly iu- .iouatiog hit, spirit into their legislation, their litera¬ ture, li.e.r religion, ibe> press, add all the founlhiua ol power. ur(fully and cruelly exerted than when he put.-on the musk of religion und philanthropy, und involves Urge com¬ munities and wiiuie nations in some form or other of idulatiy und Buperstilion. Even in the must en- lijhieiied countries he poisons and mars the charuc- ter of inultttudes, some of them, perhaps, men of bright und illustrious minds, with the spirit »l'ptide, .r luxury, or wsr, or uohttllowed ambition, or "covetotisneau which is idolatry," and thus, per- bape, through tbem involves nations in crimes, to be icourgi d by thejust judgments ol Heaven. The Doc or illustrated his ideas by many hi iking hi.stori.-iil t.'cts; und, without any reference to party, alluded tu ihe. corruptions of the ballet-box, ut.d the di«[K>.-ition in many to repudiate the claims et jus- lice aad trample on the authority of Heuven; und solemnly uigeel the inquiry whether our free institutions und our glorious Republic were in no ilannvr from the secret incursions end wiles of this prent disturber, deceiver and destroyer ol nations, und whether »he sentiment was not as cornet and iai|>oriut,t now, us when uttered by iho immottal Washington, that of th^e institutions " Kciigion and Morality are indispensable supports." \ He affectionately and elt quently urged every class i cf citizena to renewed vigilance and laitbiulness, sodas u motive to praiso and (hanksgiving, he con¬ cluded with n nipst cheering view of the redeeming »piiit there was yet abroad in our excellent Schools, our Colleges, our sr.crtd temples of Science and Religion, cur great benevoletit institutions, and, above nil, in (he supremacy and predicted triumph oi Dim who came froui heaven '. to destroy the works of ihe Devil." _ A Toucnucn Sck>e.. We copy the following rrcm the New-Orleans Picayune t Th9 Whigs and Democrats of the town and parish cf Isatchitoches agreed amongst tin.mselves, pre¬ vious to iho Presidential Election, to procure the n-cessary ammunition to firo t.vo huadr- d and fifty founds iu honur of the successful candidate. The flsg-staffa of the two parties were within a few yards of oue another, nud from their summits the banners of their respective cbiefa streamed in graceful dal¬ liance with me winds of heaven. It was stipulated lhat, upon the result of the caiwass being ascer¬ tained, a national salute of thirteen guns should be ttn-rl, vtshen the banner of the defeated party should be loAered to the ground; that done, the firing of the remainder of the iwo hundred and fifty guns should be resumed. When the Intelligence of Mr. Polk's election reached Natcbitochts, both parties Hssetnblrd under their respe. tive flag-staff*. The firing was begun, sad at the thirternth dir-charge the Whigs lowered the ensign of Clay and Frelinghuy sen, amid as pro found a silence ns ever reigned over the citudel of 'be deed. The firing was then continued, without >riVr demonstrations on the purt of ihe Democrats of an exulting character. Aoi'incst the Wulgs thrre waa one deaf nnd dumb from turin. When the Cluy bauaer w:;s removed j fratn the ground, after the discharge cf the thirteen [ cans, to a building hard bv, he went away unu was I not seen iffiin uttil the firing: had ended. He was » then discovered with his face buried in the. lolos oi 1 tne fallen flig, and in a posture betokening ths sin- cerest angumh. He had been a compositor m oik ci' the printin" oflices of the village, and had em- ( braced the W hi? cause with tho ardor pe-culmr to |»be fervid sensibilities of lhat bereft class of persons. When the emblem of his faith waa no longer to be »*en floating in the mid air, there was no need of j hiai at the meeting. The booming cannon pealed iU tbuodera in vuin.such tilings could neith-T ss- »u«ge nor aggravate his grief. Nor could iho con- { doleoce ol tiiends icaoh bis bruised spirit. I h> > cooeolation of interchanging words of comfort with hie brethren, was denied him by nature. He could only follow ihn aymbol of bis creed, sp-*chles8 Iikc j himself and fallen as were the hopes tnat erewhne warmed his bosom with the glow of joyous expecta¬ tion. When he r*i«ed his head Irom the flag, tears werecomtng down his cheeks and hi* eye- were dim withweepiog. It waa the oniy mode that miafor- tun3 had lefi him to throw off the ptSMUW from bis b«an. WbJft or Lcco-Foco were alike efT«-ted by this touchingspectacle of sorrow. ,Nordid any one seek to disturb him in any way. I he. citizans <ns- Per»^d eaen lo hi* own bom*, and whether it was ircmsvmpathv for h fellow being despoiled by na- I iure of the most imporiant attributes of man, or a I pronenejs of the heart to partake ol the woe that is . without guile, many a siurdy Loco-f-octAandIstal- 1 won Whig brushed away the dt w that had gathered 1 up-.ri 5!. ir eye-lids, as th^y pondered upon the .-«tricf of tii.t sorr,.v.-/tnckcn tna». j PolTAOE REFORM MktKTIXG 15 Cl.1ClNtsATI.-On 1 the 6ih msr. a meetiog of the moat respectable citi- 2 fca* e.f Cincinnati was held on the »«*J*«^£°*- ! »te Refoim. Tne resolutions passed, advocate the 4 SoJitioo of Franking, a uniform rate of Postage ol t tKoeenU on each letter weighing half im ounce or 1 less, and two cents for each additional ounce, lote- I paid; a memorial is to be drafted to Coogres» «aa I ct; a^o to the Oitio Lrgolatmc BY 0 REE LEY & McELRA' VOL. 2V. WO. 217. Ventilation. Fur tbeTi bane. When all »ther reforms shall have been a<- comphshed, an*! all other knowledge attained and disseminated, ,t ;8 to ^ h d .,.at BOme regard wfll be paid to tho supply of vita! air for asccmWasei of human beings. The utter nee lect manifested in this particular at pre:cnt u w: nd"ful- Wo ;:cc student, storing their minds with .ore, ancient and modern, that they may act an hotioreh'c part among men, but at Ute fame time drying ü? the fotwtain of life, and destroying thc physical energies by depriving the lungs of vital air. We see thc minister; urging moral and rc'tgious truths upon an audi¬ ence who arc wasting rrom the same cmi'c, we even sec assemblages called by thc eti ight. rncd of thc land, lawyer*, judges, and senators, fur the purpose of considering subjects most inte¬ resting and useful to man, and thc audience is compelled to t it in an atmosphere which sttipi- fits the faculties end destroys thc power of atten¬ tion, which loads the tongu?, impairs the power of digestion, and ist to be succeeded by dizzmess and pain in the hod, exc»pt among thc robust. One might supple that fresh air is cheapecough, and so necessary to " life, liberty, and ths pnr. suit of happiness," as to constitute one of thc inalienable privileges of man; but, alas, in trie lcctuio room, the concert room, the church, even in thc parlor, one is frequently compelled t-> gasp for breath, and to have the system bo violently ßhocked on going out, as to produce catarrh or fever, or what is perhaps worse, after being over- healed, have a current of eir thrown directly upon thc exposed pers n. Were it not lor the protection afforded by cold water, these things would be unendurable. As it i.=, they carry many lo thc grave. Sound the trumpet, O Tribune 1 and rally thc great company of suf¬ ferers from this causo, win are r;ow pale, dcuili. tatcd, and downcast in defence of the essential clement of life, Oxygen. \V. Willis. Stand to your Colora : From Ihr Lexington (Ky.) Observer end Reporter. " The question is fully answered in the Wins newspapers, !.ie fuiorilc policy to 1* mauit-nue«, the di-honore-l name :s to be east off.frkiei* odious, front ita being identified with Federalism, tbcrefure I'.'kis is nlraady dropped and the new name already adopted to designate the party thnt disgraced it. Now and Iuveniler Whig gives place to' AMERICAN RE- PübUCAN.' " [Cincuinaii Eaquner. Wc had hoped that when thc immediate ne¬ cessity for lying had passed.that ig, when thc Presidential contc-l h-d been determined and no immediate purpose was to be subserved by n wil¬ ful and deliberate departure from truth.that the LocoFoco press of ihc country, which, for some months has so shamefully abandoned itself to the vilest excesses of falsehood and calumny, would at least " assume r. virtue, Lf it had not," and pay -tome slight retard to truth und honesty, f n toip, howevi r, it seema we u/e to b-» disappoi net!. In¬ ured to the habit by long, continued indulgence, it haw, doubtless, in many case.-, become a second nature, a recovery from which will be almost hopeless. The casi s wc apprehend will be found more numerous in which the original appetite has been only pampered by overindulgence until now, it can scarcely find objects wherewith to e-nti-fy its iristtiate longings. Amongst the latter c!a.-s thc press from which thc paragraph which heads this article is taken, must ho ranked. From whence has it drawn the wonderful discovery of thc fact that thc Whig paity disbanded.tiiat its name is even to be ca^t away, amongst the rubbish of things forgotten, und that the hon. oted name of ' Whig* is to give place to the title of 'American Republican,' Ttic editor of the Enquirer may have Bources of informt li' n winch we less fortunate are debarred from, for (ilia is all news to us. But risking this, wc take the liberty of telling him that he is stating a false¬ hood. The 'Whig' party, or any portion of tho W-riig' party, have never thought of castii g off the name, or abandoning thc principles, under which, and fur which, I hey have so long fought. vV'c arc all, it is true, ' Americans' and ' Repub¬ licans,' but this tins never been applied to the Whig party as a distinctive appellation. Wc are content with the name uuder which our fathers achieved success in the Revolutionary struggle.under which wc four years since glori¬ ously triurophedover Loco-Foco misrule and cor- ruption, and have again obtained fai ly and justly thc trijic voice of the American people.albeit, uc have iiu both instances been robbed of the fruits of victory, first by treachery and then by fraud. and under which, as we firmly believe, wc are yet desti.'.ed to achieve a victory which shall secure pennant nt prosperity to our beloved country. Wc rra awurc, however, to what the Enquirer alludes.the organized efforts makmg to procure an alteration ol our Naturalization Laws. It is true that some papers heretofore devoted tithe Whig cause, ami who still wish ils ru-eoss, arc lending their aid to this object; but docs it follow from tnia that the whole Whig party is to be dis- handed.that the great measures of National pol. icy for which that party has- been toiling and struggling, and to secure which they have passed through tvw of the severest contest:; which ma'k the history of our Republic, are lo be now aban¬ doned_to give place to one isolated question which, however important it may be in itself, in¬ volves mainly thc purity of the billot box, and Cannot, of itself alone, end independent of every thing else, maintain and preserve the public pros- perity ? By no means. ra- The estimated loss by the. Cumberland Vas¬ ter Kailrosd Company in the destruction ol their bridge is about $75,000. wist Airs BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. A Compound Balsamic Preparation from Wild CUcrry liarU rtssd Tar. The best retnedy knoten to the tcorlifor the aire of coughs, colds, asthma, croup, bleeding of the iun 's, whoopiu? coush, bronchitis, influ¬ enza, shortness of breath, paw nnd KcaX-ness in the breast or side, liccr complaint, and the first Steges of CONSUMPTION. A THOUSAND CCIUJS in caw deemed utterly hopc.ess h«^eSrndy«u,H,^l> vast »u^^^Sfc Li ..i,*-,-..-, ifamaa .if rlie Utlgl prevail. We give a ic» in. Snneel of Its^ordinary power, from a catalogue ails*-* without end. Vn-V leaner) wlu rnedicine for two months, bom.: past all hopi et.i.reij l^a tew bottles ..ft:.;* Balsam In Septem!;« jadOet. Mi. TA Wilhams. Em. Attono. &c ^S,.^ rrvodic asthma pi Z years' standing, certif.e.l -o Dy t.eiomer ^S,"i-ao'had not slept, lying down .for 7 year* "bennt obliged to sleep in a sitting posturei so farcured .cs *tar>', gSLTfoao^ \. J. testifies under oa'J. that r...-:m:nipl:oa - erto known to Uio world. . «r-r-rs, and bv Btrecrj Sold at Si Ano-strect, by blhs. a--"" a a ali parts of toe Cniled >tate*-_ LEECHES! LEECHES! LEECHES! ....'r . civiMiKll 1 FECMES. large and medium Mir. bast Of swedish Wj-^X-jt-Vk. John strrct. W: «thSdtte5 AT^Net^ft^, Er^ U. in any sale trom tlusönie. .A i ,.,.,..,, .(.«. viz: rim« ». o- -\ -/¦ -^ sehitthn ». 114 Uana si: »s. \3 Third Avenue; J"^-s«a^nn ^ u* £ . wVtson's. Thurman's corner o Canal .a^*£££ 'o[ Houj;o? and NEW-YORK, CLOTHING OVER COATS AND CLOAKS. rjellinjr off«* foit ar the V^Y-O. CASH TAILORING ESTABLISH- * ' aUtaT.lSJ Ertadwar, three doors !*.__r the Frankha Hotbe. Gentlemen :n wai.i of a fashionable winter garment will find it to their interest to us a call, r.s wa are deter¬ mined to dispose of our Stuck previous to the first of Januar/. _J. C. BOOTH & CO. WINTER GARMENTS. BÜRTODTS AND SACK OVERCOATS in improved styles, for «nie ready-made, ct our usual m-rderata pr.cts. WM. T. JENNINGS t CO. Drapers and Tailors. Jggtfg_231 Broadway. America* Hotel. .NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS: Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing. CEOKCE T. QSEES, No. Jit) Chnthnm-st. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTSIENT OF -y^-v>. Boys', AND CHILDREN'S CLOTUINO, ot ad des'.r.puons, inaile :n the xost rAsni.i"A8LE style, to which he wetild respectfully invite th* attention of those in want. As he has mono arrangements to receive CLOTHS, CdSSIMERES, l'ESTINGS. i-e. by every parket, nnd ha; seemed the services of experienced «. utters, he pledges hiiu>eii" to Rive perfect satisfaction to ail who may purchase. -Y. B..Garments made la order at Hie thOTitsl notic. (;r_ with strict vunciualitv. jeri ml WM. T. JENNINGS <fc CO. DilAPEUS AND TAILORS, Importers Of Cloths, Cass'mcres, Vesting*, Fancy Dress Articles, etc. 2-'ll Broadtcay, American How', opposite the Fountain, Solicit attention from Citizens end Strtmzers requ' «tar- mcnts a lr.r;e assortment of rif w Goods for Fail nsd Winter wear, ardected with a view of rendering tli'.-.r stock as rich ;n quality and variety as c-.n he found in the city, comprising Beaver and Milled Cloths, Thp-i>, ice, IbrOvercoats, Cloaks, &c; French and English Cloths for drew and frock Coats ; venous new styles CaSMmetea; rich Velvet, Merino. Silk and F.ntin Vesting?.which will be made up to order nt prim to sustain cur reputation as the pioneirs in the progressive refor¬ mation that is avertinx tlis cause of complaint that cash pur. chasers ore taxed for others' debnqueneics. The style and fin¬ ish of I'lir Garments will compare with those of any other es- rnblishment, and in this is the sequel ofthe extensive patrunnre elicited. A large assortment of First QPaLITT Rendy-mndeGar- ments, compr.sinc Overcoat.-, Cloaks, liressnnri Frock Coats, Patitalo-.ns, Verl«, Ice. constantly on hand, with a fnil supply of Fancy Dress articles, including Scans, Cravats, Handker¬ chiefs, Gloves, Suspenders. Irreging Robes, etc. uS tf is RICH FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT THU New-York Caal» Tailoring KsteM I an m ent lb? BROADWAY. Three doors belou) the Franklin House. CT" The Subscribers rerpt-ctfully announce thai they have made extensivearrnnxernentx fur the FALL A.ND WINTER TRADE, which will enable them to offer crenter inducements than ever to gentlemen wishing to ecoaumiza in the purchase of their Fall anil Winter Garments. They have already received by arrivals a graut vSr'ety of new and new style* of Goods, well adapted to the cjirimg season.and will nlso rtveive by the next packet* and steaniets the larccst and best assortment of the Intest and mast beeuti. fid styles of fancy French Elastic CassimeMS, rich ficured Velvets, Cashmeres, Satin and Silk Votings, ever before of- fercd in this City. Also, just received, several invoices of Twilled ana Beaver Cloths for i Wer Coats, Cloaks, Pelton, etc. ; black and limey colored French and English Cloth* from the nmst celebrated manufacturers, being tiic .suuie stylos cut in their establishment for ihe last five years, and winch tor durability, beauty of an- ish and lastnett of colors, cannot be excelled, if equt.ied, by any styles of Cloths imported into the United Stales. Their stock of Pitney Dkm Articles will comprise in part, the richest styles of Fnll and Winter Cravats, Scarf's, Suspenders, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under Slnrt.nindPrir.ver5, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Shoulder Braces, Riding and Money Kelts. Umbrellas and t'uihrelln Canes, fee. itc. with every variety of trnuds usually kept in a gentleman's general outfitting establishment Also, a lull assortment of Ready Made Olotiiir.e, eonsism: nf Cloaks, Over C'ont.s, Dress and Frock Coats. 1'antaloons and Vests ofevery variety, where gentlemen requiring carmenti for immediate u»e can depend upon getting a liret rute nrliclc, made and trimmed in every respect equnl to those furnished to outer, and in prices itiai control mil 10 please; r-met punctu¬ ality observed in fiWinc orders. *.* Terms cash, and no deviation in price-. uu2J ntf J. C. BOOTH tc CO. YOUNG GUARD..The first ANNUAL BALL ol th 'YOUNG MEN'S HENRY CLAY ASSOCIATION.' iu evincemeiil of the determination on tlie part of tins As. loeiation to hind closer the ties thai have united them together, audio cherish and »ii'tnui the prent principles of the Wins Pally, 'o essentially necessary tu the pnepenty and honor of our country, will be erven nt the NKW-YoRK HOTEL, Broadway, on MONDAY EVENING. Iieccinbrr ad. ISH, under the direction of the following Special Committee of Ar¬ rangements;. Auourrvi S. Fosrga, ("has. C. Lewis. JiMt-k Y. Staoo. ' luvsa S. Holdes, IL D. Van Nostiusp. John M. Trimble. Wm. Okei.i.. JAMES ACKERMAN. Chairman. Jolts T. Wii.i.iston, So<-reinry. Phe following cenile.ncn (.honorary members of the Ateoei. atlo i) have consented to net in u t '.¦moniter ol Reception fur invited Kue.-U: Hon. HAMILTON FISH, " J. PHILLIPS PHOENIX. JOHN O. SARGENT, Esq. JNo. VAN N< 'STRAND, Esq. HENRY SUYDAM. Jr. Esq. DUNNING DUER. Esq. GEORGE F. NESBITT, Esq. WM. V. BRADY, Esq. Tickets ran be obtained of the Chairman. No, 101 Nassau- street, of the SecrcUiry, No. 1 Courtlandt-slreel; also of the members ofthe Committee of Arrangements, and of 'h* Pro. prietors of the principal lintels. n23td23 TO MILITARY COMPANIES. ASSOCIATIONS, MU¬ SICIANS, LECTtTrUERS, See. New iiii«I Kasltloii.-ttilc Holl und Cor.cert IloOiiix. at Thk Ai.iia.mra.6SBBbsaowat. ENCOURAGED by the very liberal patronage bestowed by the citizen* of New. Y,ork upon his establishment dur. ing the two past seasons, the proprietor of the Alhamrn hns commenced the entire remodelinc and construction ot ihe inte¬ rior of that favorite resort upon a *cule of great magnificence and Splendor, with a view of adapting it to the two-fold pur¬ pose of Halls, Cnili nts, Dinner nnd Supper PartiesJ-'airs, ke, in winter, as well a en Ice-Cresm Saloon in Summer. '1 hose who have seen ti." -cantiful Cpofectjonorj inanulactnreil nl this cstnbhsluiicn n lie «ntivtind thnt no whore else can enrcrtniniiienis tie is.iup in cnuul style nnd fashion, while the place itself, in !¦. novelty of its construction, tl.e c\j»r:i-e and iiinitirificenre ol jlsdecorations, sviII surpass all ethers in this country. The booksnrc now o;«en toAssociations wtso wisp to encage the room., which «rill Ik-ready by the 80th December, nlülmis »a/1NDOW SHADE DKPOT-.N'o. 7 Spruce »trt-ct.- V * $20.(i80 worth of Shades. The suVcribew, ever nnx- ions to please, have enlnrsed their estabh-hnic lo suppl» the incrensme dcmnr.ii for their superior shade*. Porous buying of them can rely on bovine a good article, as they are always willing U> exchange them. - Their pattcnis consist of every kind which could be invented and they have a greater assortment than nil the ' therestab- put together, and they lake c;eat pleasure in show, mc them, and are noser oticndM if 'her do not *e!l. Pecinle of taste would do well to call. Sign Manner? an Interior De. coraiions done uot to be surpassed.^T^^Frf^WJÜP«11 ehe,.,,. BARlXIL Di. MAI .\E1. nffl 3m is_ a rj: \ST'-H"T BISCUIT made wi'n " CONANT'S "V P Vl'FNT YEAST." Bui. says some poor invalid, Älas' ifl pTirtake, 1 shall STttTer r.ii the horrors "I" D-sPEf. -.iv' NO SUCH THING ! It is not Uie beat wh-ch ratnien bucilit Ei oerally indigrstil.le, but ihe/rrmcnrutn-ne/ ti.-. com. H'^"ile'useof"o'iNAVP'S PATENT YEAST" averUal. the evil« \s inch flow from the eating cl hot biscuit er bread.. Itmavbebadaof , _. M. P- Musaey; Clinton Hall Bookstore, corner of Peakinan anill.Nassnii stre<Ls. _ G nssncr .t Youne. l^J t- batbam-street Champoey Allen. 76 Scsius-street. Cbestet Driggs.681 Kroadsvay. Stunle. k tord, 182 Bowery. T. ii A. S. Hope. Vi2 Chainber-street._du stf S"""(.IDA BIS<:UIT ANirs'UGAl; CRACKERS..The sub! «enber svishes t.. make knows to tke public, that much of the biscuit and cracker" winch are s !d in this City by tbeabove names, are entirely diflerent lr..i.. too Su».Bis« err and M- oar Crackers made at his Bakery, which have been used by invalids, particularly those who suifer from indigestion, lor ninre than twenty vears, with the best results; while the uni. tation. svhich can be made for a !e*s pncev though pertutps eo,xl for a person in health, are wbolls unlit lor '.be s'ek. a he nlHive Blsri tT and Crackers, nlsn itl tter BtSCtTIT. t\ inc RlSCxriT. Bitter Cracxkrs. Water Crackers. ftLOT and Navy Bread, all of the first quality, are constantly tor aale at the well-known establishment 275 Washmct-.n-sireet, corner of VVarrsuMtreet EPHRAIM TREAD WELL. jylti i.s'.fttm* ___________ FRESH BÜ fTER FROM PHILADELPHIA. THIS LUXURIOUS BITTER will be received /rash twice a week .'Aromra the It inter, at bROWTs s Vt uols- ,lls Grocesv, where it may be hau inouanütjes to suit pur- cha'so-s Families wl-nmc a supply will piens« send in Lnsir address rmmedte.^iv. and state 'be number of pounds they de- s-re i-er week, us the supply will be Hauled. .also. CHOICE TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE. OIL 4t CANDLES. Together with' a general assortment of Spices, kc, kc. eil of which are irtferesl. by whoie~ie. at vholesatcpnces. The unilsirsurned have no besilalicr. in nssuriac the poblic that their establishaaeni prcsenta inducements, t o the purchaser at wholesale, unsurpassed by any other, and they respcCtiuUy invite all who would save the retail profits on their supplies of Groceries, to call a. 136 Eighth-street. 3d door East ol Broadway. JOHN H. BROWN tz BROTHERS. N. B..(mien from the country carefully packed and ship¬ ped at ihe shortest notice,__rl_ü_ CAK__fflW;?L RULS. OIL CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, &c. JUST received nn.l DOW beir.c o;wned tlGuii -'s New_ Store a large and beautiful toiottinenl ¦.: Engush Biuiteli, ihre* Ply Imperial, Double Sui>er, Bupeifine and I uie tncrain ana Venetian Carpeting, ot patterns and colors entirely new.. Encash and American Oil Cloths, efa great variety ot patterns and! various widths, from 3 feet to 2*. feet without a seam..Al¬ so a spletabd article of Persia Velvet Drug.ts. rwo yards wide, entirely new patterns and very rich colors, wiLh every ts- natv of Ert-hsh l>ruscet* of the uiuai wijlihs, together with Rues of evcrv ftyle. Door Mats, Window i-barfes, Btau Eeds, _c. r^uihasers are reawtfuily invued u> calL N B .An expenencssl u)»hub*erer wdl attesd to the tnai. _eVCexi>otsand theisying ol Oi! G^^,^£'?^,)sf,<e*' oSistf No, Ö* East Broodsmy. a. 71 DitisioL-M, OFFICE NO. 360 NASSAU-STREB' TUESDAY -»lOttXJXG. E3*eish»m House.New Arrengrineist.. ROSWELL GOSS informs hi* fncadi aad Ii« sa.She that he has enlarged hs BO.lRBlS-tJ^'X.iT.iBUhU.VFJ.-T, known tu the Graham Hoc*. 03 Bareiij. -src»«-, by aUim; to rttBoadjarnaic ht-.nse, nnd o prepared 10 sccr.rr.tnodrite tran- sien-. or pcrmfinent fviArden 01 the rn'«t brmabfa terra. AD friends 0;" Ttmpemse desiring armiet honte, end freedorn fnci the fume* oTaieobd and tobacco, are icviied 10 pctronire tha boot*. Tne Vegetable System, wrrh the choicest selector, of hurts. i.e. which -he merket atTerri». w-.Ii be strictly adhered to, but a labie w::! Le served for liijse sax prefer the onhaaiy m«ie, or mixed diet. Cr-.t'in Shower, Warm and Odd Bath*, frw. o5 tf ROSVVELL COS?. DT" Water Cnre..JOEL SKEW. M. P.. an antbor and pmctttioner in water cure, and editor of "The Water Cora Journal," devotes his ns.e to the practice 01"tha oeir system. It j applicable in all forms of disease, and for eraca- ey ar.'i safely is unparalicMed. The treatment cea be rcs-;-t»ü to wherever pure water can be obtained. Patients fmm s. dis. tance are accommodated. The poor advise-.! gratuitously.. Office to Barclay itreet. tA'ic.' KT* I.orik cmt, TjOf»k r-r;?. Fathers and m 1», wfie:: yon g !,-,y i.'u-t..-1 .'¦ 1' t ;r» ;.. fl'tWs. the oclv original. It h Wild's Castor 03 Camh that has no taste of the oil but all tl« rtTeeik of it. It is Wild's Castor Oil Candy that is recommert.i-1 hv rill our S-»t P:j<i. cum«. It it Wild's Castor O.I Candy tliat is s»!d at 12 rti. per with full drrectsons, at Iii Broadway, rear V.-r .'.: Itr. (liuor;. en (,'raml end It-jwery: l '<:...- .' r : Spring and Hudson st: A. P,. St 11. Sand«, is all three stores; Ör^Barrell,210 Chatbaas: Handy. '5 II .-. I Bra nU. Mrs. Hays in Brooklyn. Be sure and ask tor Wild's, nil rj"liE .Me-..«r«. E. I'vRvtLY cammencad their open w;r j tare upon me by a " time-saving nn«vve-. end for the pur. p 'se, as th;y my, of preventing mistakes' I design, ;r paanble, to close my iblenr.t hyn timf sa-ing »Utcrrerit ol the :acj a th« rase, and for the pnmoe*. Fran the manner m which these gen'lernen are pleased to speox ol me. the public has reason ro i-fer rha: I have been cuilty of some verr ;rni« oganca agaio«t 'lieir rights und interests, ifant ird'si! against tin pen-e and dtgn.ty of the r-titP." I rncd aroused in vary «.¦nera! terms of" inprotessionai" Conduct. utfaJs-Jiood, »tr. etc. Hut what is that onprolfessaoeal enndne*. or in r.rh»r words, which ere tlie 01 wroog with which I an:, by implication, charred? Iftbere is any i ircennd mean in: 111 all they have pub!i»r.»J. il plainly amounts to this, vec that I am pnnc pal, or at least ncr-frr, in the gui:t .-f alte.-? my pattnet's süsse; mat I caused such an akeration.rn hu name o* to make it very strikinsly resemble than: and thai L'i.s wai don-t for the purp « ot loirxwrng on rne puhltc. ;-n. bag husnc-?. an* even ot diawing assay their pjr.-i^ii by ti% daeeption thus practiced. They »trtuady ^a> innt tnu »ickru osrviceriassricceaded in riving tne cenerai impression'that a partnersh:;. egtstobetseeett tbeas and myself so Ihatiheyare wor:: out mth repeated incur"?* 1.1 Use fa.-t. and th-ir t bas els'i letl tomsny "annuyiui: an-l dftigreeabfc mistakes." Of sshat niture the.* w:.-'n!.r< c:.:i it .'" do n. t c.:i- M :n their patrons eathns at rr-jr oiH.-e for :e><i.>nal »:r-. ;ce.»' Jleurs. i'armly v.Vl Krhap- inform the public H-ncethe pretended necesnty for then '' time^aving answer,*^-an cd- vertiseuseut only intended to injure snd, u* po-s h ", rum rc» under trie rnwani's rutisx, the contempt iblr: plea of wit.defence! liie nrcuiii'taiicci on v»h:e!i the .M--r-. PaJUtLt rely to «u«'a r. these daisroatory charges arc. that an nit-'a: on seas made in th*r manner of wntmg my partner's name; t- ¦.: vc have advert vd oui-e.\e, as "' Dodge St r^snnelyol Co d »t.:" thai 1 have ca'leti my ptirtmr " l>r. Pormely ofNew-Y" rk :"' und. f.niiiy, 'S it I have final >. spoken of rum a- a relative ol theirs < re *'oftlwsart]e family. ' \"w for the/.n t.. It is a htct, and the only occ which the r--. Parmlrcan aläülge that bear, at ah tafirvorofthe t false arci:!"i:iiiri«..that an alteration h-s been made in ti.e in inner of writing rr." part, cr'- nanH. .Ney, t :c-ik-:he met. let srorse, there have l«en three changes tn rt, and ihe last, at lea t. to he very much resretted. .My yr.rtner'i lather wrote his natne Par.n. I*. S.mie yean ngo ray pe' chanead the roanner of wriuag ba to Parrrjelee. In irMJ. I tatnk, were Won « vcrtr btftrt our pnrtncrihi? trsr formed, or rren t"ou^ht ff. he uinde anotfaer nltcmtii'ii a-id uTi.te it Pi-rmely. The «mir reason he a-sign-d for there changes is. thai lie made t.'iein t.< plcose Jus own fancy.her it sras bis whim which could harm no person on earth. Now. however injudi¬ cious or whiussical this mayapptnr, few, I tiuuir, but .ny ant amiabjafrieotls rVrmry, would he apt to jojjwc: »ny very ;?r:o:i- wrong 10 iti Besi-'es it mirrht basasd, in bisinstifical loa. thnt the original Ihmiiv name has adniitud -cvrral changes, of which, ifl am nut rrrefctly 111 s'aken. even tliat el the >ie--r'. rarnny would furnisn ore Datable iminnre. But I no not np. rear n- my partner*! npoioiist. The wror.g nf :.!rer.rtg his name, if ilierc ivni. .--ally any WTOBg iti it, i. its exciusvefy. I lud n.> more to do Ttithlt than ti.e .\:e»-r,. Pannly then. sclvt«. T.te alteration. I have said, was made lung before our partnership was rommenreif,or w... esardltatnedof. Hut the Mes-rr. l'amiij -aid that I Inj long he ore thucniyloyed my partaci as a mechanical i.»;st.'mt under a dij/crratnsma. Tne extent . this mecbanica] assrstaoce embraei >i ^ singlepiece of « o:k ol perhaps three daj i' labor. True, 1 most have knn hun to write nil name Parnselee, bu: theeuesjrnstaaeaof the oltetaiion inane so slight au impression upon my loiml. that 1 do not retsembarthat it ..r..-r oceaned 10 me durins ur nvso. tiations,norhdüI myartsjrttion was called 'to the fact hv the complaints of E. Pa inlv. 'l ies t'«r. 15 thobead and front of my ofTendinir. tin;, far." 1 firmed u co-partnership viih a man who hud, more taau a twelvemonth bei .re, ultereil a letter in his nnmc!! The..thercircumstances of which th» Mc->r«. P.irmJy nt. tempt to ctuke so much, are rca'ly important, and exhibit the elevation ami grasp ofthesi mtnds a rat st enviable hcht. In the lirsl place, 1 am convicted of adve ourselves ns '*IJsjdgCAcParroetrof Bond-street.*'snthout even mention¬ ing our numl«r! This " much surprised" the hleasrs, !'nr:::- ly. Why it should have dune so i have ant yet discoverad, un> less, indeed, they imag.ue Uieni«-dvrs_ ihe only Dent'sts who have uny riiin to he known in New-York. But this gnevuiis oifi-Hcc occurred hul once, aid then by mere accident. Then, in th» v-cocd pinr», f r.m fbund rmltr nf the unpsnionitiie «.Mineofrmviüg spoken 01Tay parti tr u»" Dr. :.. Parrnal) ..! MewOfork." This, of course, meant them.' for they cr«ert thai 1 have " nut now and never have had 11 partner by that name;" nay, that there has been no «uch man in New.York lut tar lust live and twenty vents. The inclining nf all this is, that I repreanted and advertised my partner in such a man. oer ns to jive the iinprcs.inn that he wasone oftbem! Rut the most .wrious part ol the whs ie bunne- i.. that bare some, tiiue« spoken ofmy partner us ooe""of the sama lamily" with the Messrs, Pannly. This is true thus far, and thu- I had received Iba impression und believed it 1.1 he trne that my partner nur. the M(~>»rv Pannly were distant relatives.ihat they were of one original family; This I have 111 a few ha. stances said to «iich made the inquiry, under ordinary err. ciunitance*. but Never wlini business wns con'-ernod. In such c ocs, on the contrary, 1 have always spoken ol aim us of another family, and as writing ha oanM iliirercntly from theirs. ButwAltbeiajblicbesogooa astolookat all Ibis fW.lery, or worse tlian fo0lery,00 the part ol the .Me>»n. I'ariuly ? I; their published articles have any meaning at all, it i, that 1 have attempted to cam business through the tnßmeuctsf tii ir But how nave I altein[it«r<l this? Are Farmriv and l'itrnitij -u very similarthai people in this City or elsewhere would be apt to mi«tnkc the one li.r Uw other? Arc the p..trons «>f the Mcw«. I'ariuly so isnotur.t, »0 utterly tlin.l and stupid as to mistake Dodge A Parmety. No. 4" Bond trees, or svithoutany tiumber if you please, for the notablefirm of E. i J. Parmty, Nns.1 and3 Bond street? This are ins In be alleged. But far. thai^-eDo the JUessrs, Parmly imaginathal all wba bear their name, or 11 name that somewhat manmlilni it. are Dentists by nature, nnd known to command in s l,e>s at «ilirv? Ifro, it rettainly inaniiesti a very !»ivimnic, m.Hlestv. which rteservss s-uns praise. It is rery obvious that all" ol that (am. ily" have peculiar Claim» w hich t!:ey atejuttihad in guarding most jealously. I might safely leave the «uhjuet here, hut thrre are two or three faces more which deserve a momaot'a notice. Previous Us Ibrasing a ooaaecttoo with my partner, f consaitod the Messrs. Parody on the subject; and agam Lt-toic anDOUOCing the partnership I tiM.k their advice on tho manner of doing it, and at their suggartson, to prevent all poasibibtyof mistake, dutinci.'y stated to the public that my partoar yeasfrom Osa> nectteut. Th.s'l also did muietl.r.n a year alterward w hen I introduced him into Wrutungtt.ti City, sybeta he is now prac- tieing. Does thu lookn, if Lwishod tu impose upon the pub¬ lic, nnd hud people to suppose that my pnrtuer w as one ol the I'nniily«, or in any way oottaecred with them? (Mice more: SHin after mir partncrsßip was formed, en! on going to Wash¬ ington, I issueii my Circulars, which, say rt.* Messrs. Pannly " are sent the City an.] Country and left under the doors of many of our friends." It. :ie.-e I '.r.tuinri I Staled the lact ofmy connection with my partner, and also presented a crcut nurnlicr of certificates from vanou* well kiiovvr- professional gentlemen and merchants of this CitTarsd elsawhesa, relative to mi' men skill and reputation a; n Dentist, Iftbey ere entj. tied lotlieshphtestconhdeiice.! did not Ihe.i ar.;I do not now very eteatly need Use name ofmy partner U. secure r.;e a p-.ttion of the public patronage. I havabeen alnsnst: twenty years en- Ktited in my [irol'e sion in mis City, which, with rill deference to my prolessionnl ncighoors. I could hope would be of nearly equal service tome to the mere name of I'armly itself! But the public must understand, end will understand, that the complaints nnd accusations of th-Messrs. I'amilr uu not spring from any injury « hich the name of my partner hni done them. If this were oil, the evil he«, been alrer.iy c: meted. At the »amest sohr taticn of E. i'urmly last Spring, and relying od Iiis honor and tlie rrpeatetl assurances that lie would he cnt.rsls san-tieU if it wer- dune, 1 iTnlu eil my pnrt¬ uer t make one n'terntion mure 111 the rrrsie of writing h:s mn«, and restore it to the manner in which his lather wrote bis. The change was made in our plates, idlllllliailSSIlls; etc. nr.d 1 supposed that the whole difficulty was pot to 'est. But E. I'armly was r.ot n.l'Stied. Tha a.'temtron of eun-s ellerted nothinc. It dni not r«Mch tlie -onrre of those " u;i- noying and duacreeahle ini«tske«." The fart :-. Lt feel 11 more sensibly than E. Si J. Parnvy, a very consider f! . pegtun of my present palrocs were torme-ly fJieirs. They have made the mi.*t.:kr of be!:evi«g that they e*o tie as well served at ray ofCce they can at Parmiy'«, and at half the price. Besides. I have :«tented and patented an in/ovrcd ¦settsinj fastening nrtrßentl ire': when set na go.';! plates; which hLs'recciveil the unqtralrSed apfirobaObo of son.e of too un«t eminent lientis'-s in the United *tt--.!es, as well a. of tuuneTT.s thdividuaJs w ho arc now enjoying the benefit of it. This tue "Jesars. I'armly cannot use. Und I given this im- provemen* to the Profession, as I riai the<uery-wkeel, of such valoe to the Ix-nt-st, liie Messrs. Pannly would still have been my friends. But they can s.lir t no rvalry. u..r sutfer any one to enjoy undisturbed tha fruits of Iiis lior«srt industry and skill. 1!' it mterfercs in tho shgatest degree With their business and supremacy. I well know the ganüemeo withwbom I hss-etodo O;! cannot be »0 soft; nor Amt itself w hard. Tiicy have crealtb and ir..1u«nce. and v.i!l cro^n me if they can. 'I hey will leave no ordinary mean* u.itned. Am! tins tne profession ;:i New. York.knows ts well rs myself. 'Ihe time hu« beer, vvnen could bend to them. I have conceded much to retiin their good-witl; I shah coni-ede no uio.e. Tney have c^hed rue oefore the public.on the public therefore -h&ll I rely. dlt Jt J. S.Ml IB ixJl >t; il. C Bondstreet. I TI AL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW. YORK..It-1 lnstituuon, during tie month 01 Novem- her, issued Sixty Policies, viti ToMerchanU.ST.To Clergyman. J To Brokers. 1 To Lawyers.B To Clerks. 1 To Millers.1 To BfHjksellen.4H'o Mecharua. 3 Topr.nters. 1 To Officers cl Army and To Student«. Ii Navy. 3 To Aucüor.eers. 1 To Gentlemen. 1 To Ladies. 4'To Shipmaster. 1 To '.ten's.1 To Grocers. 1 To Editors. l|To Physicians.M Tola! Lives Insured.60 MOKEis KoBLNSON, P^id-rit. SaM*l IJi.-iNAT. Sec'ry. Mi.viTRx Post. Physician. _di Im L>iNK .AND BLCE CAMBRlCS-for sah.- hy JL cU WE1XS <t SPRING, =2 Pine-street. ¦pLALD BLACK SATLNETS..Superior cuahty just re- Jt ceivsd and tor si!e by E. C. STANT' N. nil_SÜ Kecver sr. CEWING SILK.A tire article, for saJe by O t.ll_L. t '. ST ANTON. «) Bea«-orje_ COLORED CANTON FL.VNNELS.-IO caies drub. red. blue, brown and rieea ¦ tbrsah? be .ill_V. KL1.< i. Sr'R.'N::. ij r;:i--'treet :..-Ij.OCOlbs. WashediAfrieaa, f r sie I - \ V Cti_ADAMS. TllrTAXY& i XX15 ! tpARilEhS' ALMANACS at tl f* per KX. sJso it $1 per MO, Inr sa!« at tr»a Tnaone OtTies.. idSri BROWN AND BLUE DRILLS.Norfolk and BcMh DnUmgs-tor saie by WELLS 4; SPSQiG. jdll_ap^e-saeet. COTTON.130 bales re-racked, suitable for nanufacrcreis cf Twine. Wies, and Rair... f .r by d!3_ADAMS. TIFFANY Sr. CO. 75 Pme-st. fff QLTTABLE MILL SHErTTINCS-CoTrstsntty on hand, i. . tu?sie by .ADAiLS, TIFFANY k CO. Hi TS fr^c^caet. _B£R 17. Iä4' LVEW PUBLICATIONS. in,' ÜLAL MAGAZINE OF AMERICA GODF.VS LADY'S BOOK, For .Tnnttxry, 1 - 1 I. THE MOST VALUABLE. INTELLECTUAL AND SPLENDIDLY EMBELLISHED EVER ISSUED. C ' t-'-.-^r-rj f-r-: tl ¦¦~-,:-.n. T "-*Tn. S»!fK"i. Arne- ha Ii. Welby. Ait.. J. Kos» Dix, Mrs. Haie and. then. Th ¦ number « umseien:«»: wtth r.oiesi t.:m FIVE mcgni. nren: Plates, vrx: " HELP MY MOTHER." b- Svl.;.tbe mo«: superb mexi.t r:: ever r-">i-shed .-. a Ma- "THE SOIREE." an e!err.ri: Lmc iE-.rravimr. highly finished by Pooelwhite, trim an elaborate .yawing ofRefined Life: it has never been scrpas-d. .Next ccme " FASHIONS." :n I reis- Ityb, by p.rker'un : the best pra:«e that can be be. stowed upon which, is that they are universally circulates! and reri averts; the el.teof New-York. The fourth a a icctt diir.ty and oeauuful design br C^eme. ol c fancy " CUT GLASS VASE." cr>; -red ':y the most ennr-ent Art:?'.», and ovrrf.owinc with the rarest trmt ra hifitn« clui'en. .. A SUMMER SCES E FOR A WINTER MONTH." is iieth^r Line Eaeravn? ofrrent me::- ihereneearwete such inurements to subscribe as the present volume present*. .'iTTÜ.v:'' VitP- \ \D Resit. RaTCIIELORs MaT- Ro>sl ONLY i HREE IK iLLARis PER ANNUM dl6*_WM. M_ CHRISTY. AgenLNo-xAstot House. CFRISTMsS AND XFW YEAR'S PRESENTS. 1««3. E.egaal il.mks and other art.des sjitsbie tor pre?eiiL>. ENGLISH VNNUALS FOB B&-B01* of tteauty. Reer». ! -ni>e. Sacred G-'t. t area Illustrated, Drawnc-Rivm i Scrap Hook, Aiiuaj's Cojtames. Folget-Me-.Not, Juvenile Sc-au li.N.k. AMERICAN ANNUALS FOR 1815..TbeGift. Friends* pt Otter r.e. The O: al. Keepsake, Christian Bahait«. Rc~e, Hr.w'iiome. Natarea Getos. Toe Dsadeas, R.rtoi Sharon, leaflets .:f Memoryl Literary S..i.> emr. Ainc- caii Book of Henuty. The Pmlopeana. Youth's Keep-ake. Annu- lettp.^r-. fee , KAMI .Y BIBLES, beautifully bounu in Turkey Morocco ar.dCsir. v. .tii t'.r.e Karras :i.-» Also, various einer cdi. fens of smaller Ki'iic. some with Cold elasos. BOOK »F COMMON PKAYEIt-Eeitanted.ln-.r.s. witniut Engravines, ami supibly bound, some in Morocco and \ el. ret. with z.ildclasp*. VARIOUS STANDARD. Rehgious and Dluatxated Works, by mnet popular authi.n. in life btndutsrs. HYMN II.»'KS.A large issortm eat of Methodist. Prcsby. terian. Dutch Reformed, Be] net, LutLeia^, Catholic, and ..rher Hun- 15¦.. ks. in :>'n.n and tine bi h.'ings. THE MINIATURE LIBR \RY. comprising a term of beau- I'ul lif'sj books, ve-v c;.ciir« ALBUMS.A tK-nut.fTii assortment, some with Eiigr.ivtiies, andiithcn with colored :ln\rcis. BOOKS FOR CUILURctN.A very lern uaortment, in¬ cluding all the mostip uar authors, with the Juvenile An- mmb published frwlSla. GAMES AND PCZZLttS-Sii'hr.s Dissec'eJ Maps. Chess. Men, Battledores, IWeMrarunon Boards, Graces. Cnmese Pu/r.'e;. Sil.taire. Building Bl^ks, _c, i.e. with all the recent pi polar Games. FANCY ARTICI ES-rix: Writing Desks. Work Poses. Card s:id Nerdle Cose*. Bronze L,k>tam!s, Pocket Books. Purse*. Accerdiuns. Papetettes, Rntves, Gold Pens, Sen:*, *_vory Tablets, with a great vs.- ets of oilier articles. r_r~ Subscriptions ri".-e:ved torallUiefashioiiaPle Magazines for lists. All for sale a- the lowest prices st did H. Aijä^ RA YNOH -S IVoiiitnre. Th' Bowery. PR. CHEEYER'3 LECTURES 0 S THE FiLG RIM'S I'ROGRESS, AM' O.V THE LITEAKH TlKxJOP JOHN B L'NYA N EY REV. or.oRUE B. CUECVER, 0. D. Ore handsome reiume Bra., in nae Le.l.i type, with rerj (.«au. tiiul steel plaiecr._rn:ns*. in us*: es'ra cieth hocras, or in rich elegant Morocco bii dmc. For sals at U. ;c S. IL\YN! t'.:'S llookstce. Tf Bower THE ILLLÜMÜVATED AMERICAN PRIMER, Designed van introduction hi Mrs. Siz..iir;iey's "PICTORI \L READER." with Nl'SEROl-R tAU 11 avisos, AD.trotn.0RIOIXÄL pESlQA^Thu day pubhshed. Abo, TheFicterial Reader, designed as r.n introduction to e" Boys' Reading Book" and " Girls'" Reading Book, by M;s. Sigoumey. Also, T::e r.cii ling It .i.k,' ¦; Mrs. Signurcey. The Girls' Readine Hivik Publuhe.1 by_TUj _EB k ilAYDEN. i: U A I TH VYAITE'S RETROSPECT or PRACTICAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY. A HALf-YEARLY .'OCRNAL. QnUa ..»>»» i RttTBsyecti-t t'iric ..( ererv ttUesmerv end Pr&cfcJ. ffsprerenen! in Me Mr&iuu Scin\U3. COUllESCZU LS JaJtÜAKT, 1J:;'. Publitptn! in London mJi.V im! January olevi ry, and rs putiii-hai i.i New-York by DANIEL ADEE Hate Aoii: Si ErtAiia iok). wo. I '. Fulton-street. TERMS- i*he tint td Not. or Five yean. 8S.. . .Per year tlurcafter. et.po Sineia No«. tVlecr.is_Inrartablf -n c.lvnace o*ti»f VvaTlY MEMORANDUM HOOK FOR 1MS.-Th».u!.- i ' >cr;:ir:rs wo¦: ... tue ntisnti. ..,! tu-iee*. ..I others who haveoccasion to use r. Memorandum Book, to tr* ub..\.» work.just publisheil f.r the year. This isnrrnnged with a prime.) heading for mem irandums let every day tn ihe year, Sundays inclin e i; an.! Contains t Tune and Intarot Tn- bias, the sshole Iwmc nn larger than a pecker wallet, for which liiey can uiso he adapted, is they are made w>thluck and pocket for that purpi*«. Published and sold wholesale nnd re;., i by FRANCIS &. !^.f iUTK EL. iBUm Manufacturing Stationers, n Maiden laue. rpuMEKCHANTS. TEACHERS AND OTHERS.. 1 HUN'riXNGTON _ SAVAGE. SU Pearl street, keep keep c-insiaiitiy lor tale alarceand OMnpIetftassortmerst of Behool, Classoeel and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books in every vurety: Letter.Cep,froJedand r'ainI BiU, Dnkwbv, and fei Paper, Uuux lak, i-cn'.ii:* VVaX, 4tc. &c. Merchanta, Teacbeis, School Oimn-.iitees and others, wish¬ ing tn purciase. is dl bad it ler their interest tn gn-e us a eau, as «* r. !il iurcua nil articles in our line u: low pncot and in quantities f.i THEY PUBLISH FOB SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES! Toe ",!.;Ita Itru i SchoolGen-1 Ikn. do. -1h::.l<ed, graphy r.r.u Alias. . Webster's Dtctiouary for Pet-rr Parley's Gct-erathr li.rl Scliu-j.';. iJm i. Chiureu. I Do. Do. Do- I'no. Peter Ptiiey'sIIiftcry for Chil-I Sbs.IJncoin't Botany. dren. (Do. Jloitcy fo: llezirtnen. Burr:'-.') Getnrrapby of tl» Do. Natural Philosophy. Heavsnts, with an Atlas. Do. Natural Philosophy for Fafiowes' Actronomy for Be- Beginnen. sin"or». Do. 1^,-turosnn Chesnietry. Goodr.r.h't Ecclcsitutical His- l*o. Chen.i-iry :i-r Beginners. tnry fur Schools. Gallsadett'l Picture Uaoding Kar.;ei' El.anauts ofCrit;ci;m. ipKit 8»o. Preston'j l::tarest Iablts(pai Pres oii'sinterest 'i'nsles T per rent. cent. Do. Do. Abridged. A i'ructiej«! of theEr.ciish Lau.mage or an tntro- ductioa to composition, in which the constructions are ciossi- Se<! into predlcsiXiont and phrases. T.y Edward tiazsa, lutnar of he . iiellcr and Dofiner. Pn.-t first. tV-.s first nn.- i.!..: !.. :!. :,p .c.'. s,-pJ y JUST PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL a JOLLIB. HS Hr.«dway. Nö.a"Muii- cjiI Morythiy He.miiss of tne t )i>em." 0 hSTEX*TS. B] t » lad Set W.-es-ea.Baiiad from Bei.edict's new Opera in the H.-ide* of Venice, with a teaniifuJ sicnette. I* fiilos du fiel Villi* composed b; C-.milie SchtiberL OldFami'.ar Frwrd«.Song.Com/vsol by Bar.irtt, a::d tunz by Ki bCGeo. Paige. C aKam i md Br-nJisi.Frrn the Opera of L'Esire d' .im-'io. i.y Dodaocti. Floosntioe V'.'nltr««.< ". mpescd hy flnensol. ted perfurmed by tue Kaamerer Band. The "eau: >j of the i ipera eoajains9D U-Stt of engraved Mia..:, printed on ex'ra f..;« puper. -.t lue tvducod price of jo ee"ti .. el numJcr. :-iU'd on ' t^lti of each montn. oy oL'Y £j VMUEL I'. J< ILIJE, j<5 Broodsray. PRIVATE O rTILLION PARTIES attended t.. by a Pin'. XT no Forte and Violin Performer of ih» beat talent in the City. Inquire at JOLLIE'S Mus.; store. 385 Broadway. dlO IrlUSiC = TO THE ELITK. OF MUSICAL TASTE IN THE UNITED STATES: tJARPS..J. F. BROWN it Co. from Erarl. maken of La the Improved Patent Iiouhle arM Smzie Action lla-p, L.niion and New York. establr>lied 1510. J. F. B. often lor saiealä*.! Rrondway, an eiecar.' assortment ot Double and'e Action Harps. The rich rjrilhaner of tooe. kghtneai of t.vicn. eieganeeol h.irsh and iier*-'!-: mecintnisra ol these Harps render tl«m unequaled, end obtain for them the tir.t amateur and professional patronage in Europe and this country. They are rstwstrneted on the beat ptinetplea ofthe celebrated ' Eraru' with ah the modern unprtrvetnenti of Lmdon and Pans.. Warrmted to bear the te«t of cunntte, s;id Eurupenn prices. Harp* rsipotred and for hire i siiinir'. InftrncttoH Books.Mu¬ sic, ate. J. p. BROWN E. .Maim tacturer, N->. 'Sä Broods.y. nnJ ni5 lmd No. ?3$i .."hamt'en-streei, N. Y. DUCKING GUNS..The subscrben nar* iustrecened a larce av"u.Tin*nt of iK-uble and Üiritle Barrel Dtickint Guns, asncrted length.. Ai»o, Fowhag Gun*, pi i rariety of kinds, at ve:y low pn:es. .\- W. SPIES oc t.t.. nil_Jj P-e-.r-street. rpo SEGAR DEALERS.Forssdoa rarent f.,r iniprov.og i Semrs.making tbeni -en ieu.')- mure :'.-a«a:.t'..the»u.oter by preserving the w:;;ip-»r ur.hniken and preserving the ha^.- r.esii of lh> Segnr from betng destroyed hy th: saliva or rr.o R. ute of the mouth, without injury eitherlo uie flavor or qoahty jf the Seear, Ate. *tc. A toesuMressedto L A. Tr iiune MtSce, will receneimmeu.aie attention._dirt lv< t LAYVLLLE SHEETLNGS-a bales hae 4 4. for sale by adams. TLPPANY &. CO,p.w-t. G MAM HESPES LONG CLOTHS.of the rfilTeren: widtßs-iar tale by WELLS & SPRING', <J11 _i2 Piii- street. tj T.TINETS.A fc~ c£--es. low a.-.ced, m.j^d, for sale by 0_ cLi_ADAMS. TIFFANY i. CO. 75 Pir.e-jt, VAL AND ROUND IRON..An BAsortcient »f oval, half ova!, and halfround Iron.jnsl received and for s*!e by ¦a SHERMAN. ATWATER at CO. Si Brnac-st, Ü'MBRELLA CLOTHS-for sale b? dll_WELLS fc SPRING, a Pineatreet- U"'V.PRE;.'C\S.::-i'tnn Sticks. fcr«nh>by cl; ADAMS. TIFFANY fc CO. 75 Pase-st OXFORD MLXtlD PLAID SATINET, just received and for rale by (nil) E. C. STANTj i.N.ft Benvar-st. rVWl s<ra pJljiie-i F re im-s. awore.1. for s«le by g ft f flg MACKCE Ar. LEV ER ET i. W Water A t i'PLE^.2Ö-» i;i»i itiio-io Is. ind GlSSIIllHI A 2 0 Uriel Apples. ISO " fined Peaches. Very superior, and form lots tosmtpt.c.-iasen.bir, cpirrrrH ^tr>t PIÄNÖTeIsONS AND TUNING.-IV. C. SAYN ER 22 First As'enue, gives lessons on the Pinno arc smgxg on iik'llemtr tirnas.a so. tun« Piano»; price 75 cts. For Sale or to Let.Two fine Piaacs trotn the factory of Meacharn sc Co. Albany._die at* FIG IHf'N" .40 tocr. No. 1 SfJaaxei rd Americas P:g Iron, f - aie 'by MarCTB & L EVERETT, rie 10_1W WoJgr s'nser- UCK PRINTING P.\?ER.-Fme Book Paper, Superfine Book P»c«r, Extr»" " * made *o order, any si^e and waiEht, »t short notice, by raace^o CYRUS vV. FIELD. 3 ^r]ingSbp-_ GlJiZEX) STB_-V.W"BOABDS.-r use.. Oh daylanding and for tale by CYRCS W FIcLD. jw_8 Buriing &JP-_ BRITANNLiTTEA AND COFFEE POTS. Piwhea. Twülisä."!. Muzs, S-Kyiis, Sou; Lailas, ic ter si^e ^y iunuesi ^Mpj W££ji3, si Maidea Last, c? Baas. FITE DOLLARS A YEAS.. WHOLE ICÖ. DRY GOODS. nv: i GOODS. RECEIVED DECEMBER IS. .T. *>. Trtylor & Co Jobber*. 09 Received this momm; free* !?.e Caledonia, und from Baun, New Goortm. ej (flows;-* ! ease tfiorcign Woolen Plan!*.very sesnee. 100 doxsra s gaiy eotaed Ls-hes' Cravat«. silk and velvet. S cs.-es nfk war;. AlpI ras. 3 c~:.>n v.arp.highly Jcjt-ed. 1 " Ri ta! 1 " TOMre.iciittonTtbVC.wfr». 3 .. Calmer*!.the S-«: s:v:e; . iTeredllu season. 1 1* La-res. 5 " Pr -u.. rvrrr-t pattern* frr>m a.-.y ia -i-arlat. lhsloof Plasd Cfaakrng*. from Sahshury Muh. and a very : scarce a.t.cie in inarKtL | 3ca«e» PncM i B. P cached S ecii".:-. 1 " Phcsn x A. Bleached S-eetirucs. 5 I' Mammae Pituti .iwiw ami beaut f.ilstyiaa. 4 Hamilton Bleached Canton Flnnrte's. 10 ha!*» ot Sta-k Md.'. Sheetings. 4-4 w e. 3 ease* of S.-.rnsts. dark and henry-. very low prrced. 1 Laie« ot 4 1^tin;..extra due. and very heft. ?. a ba.'e» of Carpet Y»m. 15 ca-^ ot lde-i":V sheet-tics and Shrf.-r«.iitTercat styles and pr ces. All ot'the above nitavd roo.i< will beop--r»«i th s inomiru, 1 having b«en bough: in B atria laSJJ week, at- i. t re-snved. J O. T. *c Co. would leepesrtful y an:: u.-.ce that then it.vk will be kept eennatete ix its cj.*ortmcnt end quantities du. .inj tiie j.rv-cnt an.t com eg winter mouths, and those who j buy at all sea-on» ot" the year will find with us the articles ..a ! their msiu 'ramiurrj. dir} j (VI 'l':.:>V. ALDRICH Jfc~SPE.\rER. 47 Exchanga 'I "'nc. r!ort . .r.v-;'. :cn-->-d.i Cloths, ¦ontammj Pws Use and Wool Bluvk, n:.v« I and < -idel ot" v.rioi. .ota r es. 13 eases pla ai ¦: I; icj ttnpsd and PUsi<! f>»*eu»taea; "sin s*ni .¦>.¦¦ staminr Bi -»»s, Br iw. Oxford. < .-./'.:, :i¦.: st -..; M.s.'.;, D.^aou-i. ILi*edasJ P aid ct"; var"u- srn.'.>-r. b casts l'iam a.iu Kaney Tweeds._dlO Ira GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, T_ _CHEAPER THAN EVER. HE SUBSCRIBER wish c lo ci.sse the balane« of bis tall and win'er Stock, of which nrvof recent auction P ttehafe, would rtfer t..eiti it the roUow 'C low orecs: splen- did¦ j mlitr expos.t:..n tiattern Pans Cashmere D'Eeossje. all wool, from 3s. to 4s. od. per yard : super shade stnpe. phun and pbtid Muslin de Lane. Inmi 14 to 3drts; extrasn_»er hln-k Silk: Velvet for Ladies [latwts; benntifnl onnted Verrats for Dress rig Gowt«:, rich Velvet Vesting; Thread, Brnsaeh and Gtafflum: Lace Edging ami Inscrtuig: new styiadp tjice ; needle wpsu.-hr l'olhirs: Kih!»>ns ;> imps and r rmr^s; Lashrt t'ravau; IrnenCamb. Hdl&;abaiMSi 'i-ea<»ortiuentofl'"rench Shawlsof.aJJlands: Gloves: Hosiery.dee. _d3__ C. Y. WEMPLE, .\ i.73Cedsr.sveet. U'ltiE.MiS ./ V.: 'Bi'.KT It. .; \.;t: «... .,. orrn^i t;.-: i v,i .* j l.mai'.rv «tkxkt. DRY GthlDS at "It-«malie«t :«.«« f.;c advuncss. raxTtctrLsit ATRxnox. Is re-i'i.--- ...' DR VVVER Gl H IDS AND LACE GOODS, which ssrillaiwayabe ke;-t full and complete, pwsui.i'nir on sbowine the lar^e«: and tuilest Bs.ortmetit in the city, nil 'I o" NEW FALL GOODS CI1E IPI! Q IV. D. GREGORY ft CO.No. 175Sprine si~e-. wish »*. toacsiuaint tha rfrtaiidsaridttmpublie with iheir leter. minathm bisssU CHEAP all their StncX of Fall and Winter Goods, the most ot wkseh have Iwen b"uchtiit :iie late Auc¬ tion tor Cash, and which they are resolved tu sell at the latest rclucuoos 'ii prr.-». S. B. Great Borcains mn» now t*i»xpectrJ. (Tall and see. nl4IV. D. GltEM )RY it O '. 175 Soring st. TVfT.VY i till REt» CüA^IEl.EON Sü.p'S..Jus! r>ceived - \ at ;... Ii :, llECi iRY ee t '. >.. 17 Spnn(Street, t aase «HEAP TAPLE CHTLERY-.Thesnbacriber mipaetfally lntorms his fueuvs and tke public, that he constantly keeps ooharsd. athisChsMpHous^FuiTsishuisSJtora, a rhuce a«- sc.rr ii er.' i"1'able and Tea Knives, from & 6J lo *3 SO per set. with Carvers a .. Steels ;.. raatcb, mm n lino assortment »l I'.vka'and Pen Knvei. Also. German S'lvernnd Britni.uin Tea andTable ms, und a rood .Ts.Ttmeni ofBritanma U are, such r « Cocee and l e V Lamps of various pst. Urns and use*.it.-. Ice, Also.TinandJappanned t\'am, and Tea Trays of sarions si/*, un 1 qualine». .Ms... Hardwire and Holhssrwam, such as Pots. Ke" e«. Sadirons, Brr.-« Kattks. dte s Caipenters'Toab; cheap sod of the bast cuah- ty, s ich as Sow., Cbtsets, i.e., Nniis. Locks, Cariiet Tacks, a:c. &>.. An excellent variety also ofWood-ware und !'......... 'i ub<. pails; Wash-boards, Clothes Hones, Wo Bowls and Choppi is rnrs. ur.a.tns. Cnuiles, Bas¬ ket Chairs, French Travritm* Basket., tee.; Carpet. Straw und Solu.: Bag", fee. Likew ise. R.u-hes .<. aiim^t every kind.Cloth and Hair, Scrub and Paint nnd Dusting Uruvhcs. Atsö, Fine Teeth ind Fowich Dressii -1 Hambs, ke fee. i'leaie call nt H It, jniiss ron'e, 3S fjalharine-street, where you will find an axes)lentassortmen nnd all very lew, K R. Jiii!.\STO.\.28t:atharine.«treet. N. B. T-yj ofall desenptiocs, at wholtsule and rein.J. d 16 3m y f iSEITL ARTICLES r"" S'llESKNTS-FItANC'IS & Kt LOUTREl 77 M den Laoe, have or. hand a large as. ¦ortaseni ofarticles suitab e for P ssonts. to winch they inv ta Uio attention oftheir fnervth and the public. Their assortment eoosistsinpartof the following articles: P«-ket Uooks and Curd Cures of supen.v finish: Chessmen, live d fleieut s'/es ; Backgammon ant] Inaouai»! lonla.Gold Pens, a superior aiti. Oteh Case; rrsehldni IVto In ktt.ncs in ;r*nt vanety, s.ime clerantiy omaroaoted.Rosewood Writing Desks, conin'ete, (inlaid with Peart).portable Wntint lie-s.. . ,Na Pin« Cltra1 stvle. I'enr: llniders. Xlvt'o Seals, Ivory Tablets. Playing and viril ug Portld. os. with and wilboot l-k-k.I'ur. .;lu..i Slate«,Dominna, Pearl and Ivory Folders. Segar Crises, 4c. Fancy and Plain Note Paper. hnve||)t)o,, Aac. jlc. FRANCIS LOUTREL, Manutarturing Ststioners, dlC !m 77 V,:: 1. :.../. between W.:: am and Go!! «'.s. : . IVKBB'S BAKERY .ND CONFECTIONERY, No. 103 Division-atrect. /"'AKES. iced and oroameated in ev-ry style. Orders thank- V fully received and niiiictunltv attended to. I'arties sup- p!:ed to nrder v. Mb Ice Cream. Jellies, pyrumids, t 'hurlolte de Kusse, Knut Cak»,Spring Cake, Ladies' Fingers, Cocoar it Drops. Venalla Jumblas. Lady i alte. Mottoes, Kisses, v? th an extensive assortment of all kinds of Confscsioosry tor tSi- coming New Year. Also, a od large loaf of B.ead. utl tm* T>HE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED GOODS are oi red I at very low prices. They sro of the very best quality D xnn&Sun'. Bitamiiu Tea Bets, with the newly inveriteu patent Tea Extract, r. Tea Trays in vt'.i-r single, splendid pa'ternt. Silver p at*<l ( ake Baskets, Castors. 5'ea Trayi. <w. Patent Vesta, i-olar, ijicustatic and Patent Spring Lamps, latest patterns in the city. Fine To el itlery in äeru or knives separate. Gltandohet. a laree assortment, now patterm. for tale by WM. E. STtJlTTENnURGH. 148Fuhoo. ¦ !14_bettveen Broadway und *.i»sdu «t. lN'KW FANCY ÜOi i!'.-. dtc THE undersigned inv to the attention ol the trade toachoii e 1 assortment ef NEW AND DESIRABLE COOLS. Silapted to tho present and sppmaehiog seasons, (receive,! per last arrivals,) enn«istms in part of PAPIER MACIIEE GOODS. PAPETER1ES. FANCY STATIONERY, &c. Also PLATED WARE and FEA TRAYS, torethcr with a great variety ol FANCY HARDWARE generally. d7 WILLIAMS t BILL. 1!' Maidan uino. u/u z, iJKO'niF.k & »;u. No. '.'i JoHM-nnzcT, iVr,w-Yop.s, *:«h No.O Folwx-stiisst, Beookxtk; OrisirisJ inventors 3uU s;.!o manufscturvrsotthe jcnuioe Ikvrie Lasoii. Also, marnilaetarea eod usi. ien bj nirprovad Cum- paeae l^imn, S>.'-.r La. uü. G.iaiHol«, liaif Ijinussand Ijin- lerns. Astral and rJolarFhades, Chmsssiea nrj f jimp Glasses of til tir.iU. Li-op Wie». f'u:e -;,s-ra» Oil. Cunpheoe and llum- ir« Plrrid, ad .¦'s-lush ar» otisred at svaoleaala nnd fssosfl at ow prices for ca;h. _8ep3 T^ ¦.. & J. MORRISON sSt c'6! I MPORTER8 sad tJsgders bs Small VVares, No. 9 Maids*. Aiunc.rud in Broadway, N. Y; keea essstataathrda hand, s Comp ¦ ..... I', ... Thi. i: d Neei! e no, vsa: Kmttiaa Ysra, Worsted, do Cotsoo, Tattiar Oitton Zephyr Worsts.!. Her I loai, Hi«i«ry and t.'ovea. Velvet -u- Ooni. Kuu.a f;rn.os, iMrs-Ornuioeats.ilo'|\vu*. rmeec;S")n, Suoorior SNaddina. finirarnl Ijico Pins, bilk anJ Stasi n< toas. Gtlt and Azr.ta Bult iruuGiospi ;rd Frinaes.T-! e-. i-.rc Bindings. Hi!...-- ics St ctoo's gencisa Rural an.'«'...::. tsmink Inillssl Eis« .1- '-n.- BOVNET HOAI'.ns AND PRESS PAPERS" If/) brown Bonnet B. aids, Aust.n's 40 " Press Falser., heavy, GO" " SO " brow n Bonnet Boaids. low priced. Its) " I'hthr!.-lpuia blur and white Bouaet Board*. ItO " wh;te Si) " Kasten wh.te For lots to raiil purrhaiera, at PAPER WARE¬ HOUSE. 0 Burhug rim, by [dldlw] (.YU'.'S \V. FlEI.lJ.__ HARDWARE AND CLOTH PAPER. toM*. in 10U 'dI-O ibs per r'in..'-'Un In SS to TS lbs perr'm 3rtx40m ?3tol3j " " ..'.'0-^)'.n!»toiviJ " " .'Bxtflin bUt-. "J " " . IPvÄi-' :-0t..ffl "" 24x3ri in tOtolOU " " ..K'rv.i 'r. 2Tj to SO " " 12x34 in -tO to *) " '. :3>\-Jl in 10 ro S> " M i.-xj.'iu 40to SO " " ..!?x,ls ir.30 to M " " 22x21 ii 35 to %l " " ..Ii\l>>iiii5t-i40 " " 51x32in 35to 75 " " ..14xi4itjiin<40 "" For me m lots to suit purchn-er«, nn tha most hheral term., by CYRUS W. FIELD. dls' tw_9 Burhag Slip. WOOL. -| QQfJ 1 « "¦' "^ec« Wool, from common to 50,000 Ins f a ii :.¦ i V insum WooL of aR (tus^ties. s-ntabla lor Satinets. Flanr.eL, Carset», «fcc. 500 hnies of washed ar.u isi.e-.l F-.ieign Wool, eomprisuBg ail nualilies. 30 Uies -iiperi'.r Bazsay Lamb's V.'ool. for hatter s use. 1*^« Mohair, tor hendmzs and listings cf Bread Cloths. ICD utütss Rag Wool, tor sals at low.' market pr e*« ».v TONNELE k. HALL, dM 3tDfc3tW*_c.-r. Pearl and Baekman-sts TT'F.ESH FRI'lTS. Raisins, b. wi.o!a, half end qr. bcxes JT Sula.ia Raisins. Malaga Grape*, Boreeaus Prunes, m fancy boxe», Turkey I ig Paste. Zanta Currants. Madeira a--..J. Italian Citron, Oranges. Lemons, Figs, Bitter and Snel ri! Almijnds. Paper sneil and Boreeaux Almoodi. tee. For safe in cuantius-! or for tomily use be dg_G ASSNER YOCNG._E3 Cnarhan. st. N'UVA SCOTIA POTÄTfjES.*-Wh.vs "aP"tatoea. now cachargirg from tie bng Grace Dannsg.ut tho fee.', of Broad street, a very superior article, probably berur than any .ither Pi.ta'oe in iise, for sale ta lota V) suit purchasers.. The public are invited Pi give teem a trial. Samples may to had at No. si Wnitehaii street._dll 6:* . .OVERSHOES AT 25 MAH EV LANE..Why. is it that, wnea others are almo-t idle. UA Y is full tcoverfioTing? The auwer is, ras'jBmble rranufae- tare of < ivertnoes is appreactec by tnose who neve t-:»d all < He p-.ys h'trh -sages, uses the oest marerials, ias tna largest fa ii.tKS, being in the business long before «thets began, smUhas always tseao rj-ute in with improi ements.. One otser i ru customers always suck to cim. be. cause he do n't gbava them, or let his clerks do It. He has o-~* pr.« to ill per«..r.s. a.-d riia: the true markt moie. L',t.«M pans i via sr.,rt, emb'scing ai! kiid- art' coming :n. bt.t n. sv. .. fc-ir..!. Rercember the oux!*»r-2j Ma'uea L«oe. i Broadway, one door from. Naasaa-st. dM WILLI A^M^TEraLE'S PATENT FEATUVK BRCHHES. .MANUFACTURED BY STEELE <fc CO. S3ö Pxs*t>ST. N. Y. H. R..Paarasek Pssistfssw tbaabasiaadssaa smfar aWaar** *J' ! IUI/. PiEi ia HANGING PAPER, c'j»H- sjU.l/UU -ja. just orr.vcrf and fcr n t at rr.a' 'ilactarers', by GAUNT t DERRlCKSON. alb US fae^UMtrsec WANTED._ YNTOktMATION WANTED-of PATRICK nee JAMES » WRPH V. [^twm. W hen bist iws.-a from they weee in the £ lyhra a, «J«1 w«rk*>l to? a Cmtraetor by the =sr-e..!Coy>>-ii-eTwrre a!»o id BurTs'C'. aart are no» M3 po^i vi je jo t ariiir- Any information nf tSrrn w'U :> reeeiveu be tjWsster. BRIDGET Ml £' li*es.«an si. New. York-_ dM 3: \AJ AN rED.A situation tn souse Sea-.intv or private IV- * » ratty, to tench the Enlist. Orrmr.n, Irx-nth. Sp*m*m and Itoitt* ktnsring**, er to attructiou oo the Pta-x^'crtr lad in Pie a* Sse^tdMsstc. ot a place M JtSÜttaU Boot ierp erat in so-ac-jSce. Good testi.v.s tuaJs ran be prodi er», factory referrcees »ivtn. Please direct " .Vttpi*!.' at ibi? office. N.B.. IrM-rtcticn wv-iiii given, ca applieation. to privat» -sis in :lw above caejrd h»i:gC-sr<"i sad -V- V 1544._dig 1X7ANTED.A . bra. rmMctabk eieVrty tvf> > > .V AN as rood (dam louk. Wa«her as»-t Irvovf, a ¦ ttrtUa .ir. Iv. \\ uge« n. l so much an civet as a rood fcoiiw.^ Please apply at No. tC Watts street, trout basement, , \ ~AVTHD--r> a rrv>"c*!»' k* WOMAN a sitrmtx« ä» < V Cook.'sotibt have nootyecfcsscs to go iq theoma'-y. Apply SI k: eabetb --:. _ did A" U* ANTED..Alesrrs-table, healthy Girl w-sbes aSrtjsa- : .>.: to ,!.> General Rouaework t.-r a small family- She is a re"d Plain fo-k and first rate Washer a::.l Ironer ¦ ran n : rct's-reno: Us tjiat errect. Please appls at No. <">¦?. s s et. tack roori. tS'Srst tl. r. iilft!:* C INGERS WANTED-Taco. li-tdie»-oo* to »W *»&*». >- the theraecood treble ¦ an bpssosoel Chorch Po-asm* ;»s»eieed ot the nsvs-ssary qiiab^oatKHis and of evod cmirac- -. csposed t-i enrage for a si:.*;! salary, may aihire*» (stmng ¦., - r: :>r.-.Mv !-'..-..:> P. H ' - 14 Jt'_ \ \? T ANTED.A GOOD SEAMSTRESS, who can also as- > m tail.-.;: care oi aa lal-aoC Addrvs» M. G. Tribune Oflrce._ _do" tf rrtEN il LARS REW VRtt.Ytcxsairaa RsxxSros v..' " \ certirtcate tor ti.uty sbams ot V.cksi-'urc Bank. Stork, in then*me of Puck «s & IVs-k, ami aumbered SOUS, ssith !' arerof \:'..;i.ev nitacl^i. « as io»i ouSotiit.inVjiVi March. |l was en ¦'¦sscd 11 a letti'r. ci^l in»t on it-sssay to U alUt. 1*he abcnre »<. !«e aid jy Iwviac it -t Itsrsmpeoa's i>u.ce. 53 Wall h set. mhJl s HOARDING. ÖOARt) fn L. bad for a cr.iiie:nan aid la.;y in a iniail ¦Jrprisbte tiiiii.'.', ai.-e. tlist :ate . Apt.|y at S \'.t-riey s:i«er, _dlB lv«» I kPlVATE IP >ARII.\ i'rs.r-i:> e f"«it n»>m nsy be hsil ia ' ape t family circle. Dear Watlttnaton aquara. Apply atSTi >i:.,'v..trcs-r. .114 it* Bt kARD.Very pleasant rswns t«tstuetecendeaaea I »lütawavts-ee, elftes 3D i^ltle" 1>0ARJD IN T0K ( oi ..-. TTtYpTwo or three^r».m«"een eJ* Lwacceramodated » in lioanl. ne*r the Vd'ase el West Karms, ami tsrtthm a riiort drsisnc» nf the Hai>ni Kailroail.. ISie Isottseiseonim ... m and pbainiitly tilimttd PverssrrJsee inCsrrnattsintnontreat ISO Itsmery^_alOiss* |>OAKD.« th or without rooms may bo obtamest Ko, 1J tt t riamlsirs sln; p Me the l*ark._o'iV* _ 5 Si \Kl'-.\ put!..' ii'i.i tvs.i il.«> r s n.s en the «jm- rt « 1 ^ ci'n \jf had » Ith Board OU re«oiml>e» tfru.s. at 73 Htutsoo street.they arecusntbrtabl] warmed by tin' Kn«ssii Iroe rut naee. winch .. »res» tnsnUeirV» knit pf a nil »t..vA dJlw H.s\ \.N .v..V.r>. \> i»- 1' t-. ir>. i- ilouw t- is peea re iuose-1 to the huiiii.n«,- .iccupieil a. the " I aß- i go [louse Motel. .No. !!'. i'ai.e Ohrania. cruer ot t'.s'le Jtar- CMle.v. which hsj Sxn esteusivc.'y repair*! and mprosed.. Priwatnutxed in cottibnnity to the n»"u rjcenp'ed and time remaining 1'or eatd*, he. aupiy to Mason & Tut la. Nis- eaaeUeeUwho wilrbe happy to furn . i every mfitmatitnto tiareliTs l».midto Havana. N. B..Passsmsetsare se.ric»i..lM ob:.-n Basspwts, sruice will Ii« Mni.'-te-i hy the cierkofthe hou^e. who w.HN-snl all Tessels itnnifdiatelv on their arrival. il3 SasjU f R BNC H'S H 0 i' WU. risnE PJtOPRD5roRies^»eeUrill| informs his ftteedV and 2 the public that he has opened his new and snlendld Hotel .tree', a lew slnors eastol l!n>niissa), ii <re rat. i inity of merer r.l.te bii.nies. ami the principal p ai>fI ot auoisuineet. and has i jrnisiied i in n »t> !e that will bear ta- eorsbM eumuerttnn with the scry best r>otM in the city The proprietor in biiiidinu and tittimr up the abneo h.»-i»e Ihm had strict reenid toelestnn.-e ard 'rt. ami tnal behasesMR biixdecoooms il-e IrdlowmcpHeesvrwshow: A ROOM FOR ONE NIGHT. ¦ A WKI.K...I» The rooms will bo etat", and upon no occasion wiil tiiei'! le more than one lissl in a room. 'i'heie il a Ri;FECP'>ltV .ulnchvd. in whi.-li 'h«rean»raeais served up at ata hoirbcI iheilny ami cseninr. There are alto Path Rooms connected, tor warm, e 'kl and shower mths. The Porter will be in attendance ut uli tunes iliumc the uijtht. i admit lorlejeji, mul to let them out at all hours. N. It .iii ¦<; :\ n want lAxismss alter the bouse doses will run the bell hell. nil :ini* LESLIE COMBS Jfc SAMUEL SHY. Attorneys and Cotmsellon at l*w, Lexinaton, Kv., will attend to bust- n.'u loi non re.-uleiiu n any pan ot lue Stale of Kentucky. _nM.Vwtt_ i LEXANDER IIAM11.T0N. Junior, tate'seei.-'i..- I V L-jii ion ut Madrid, bat resttnaM ine pmetice .' Ok law «.'tlice No. 57 Wall It. n-1 4w#_ IOHN CONGFR. Jr. A IT't Ut.N PA \M' W\ J 1.1'K AT LAW, AND SOUCrTOB IN CHAKsJE RY, Fart Wayne, Ind. wtH ittend to professional buji -i».. :n the various departments ot lbs State of Indiana. W. ¦ m attend f-c payment of taxes, .iiU>s of lands, and all other -v. apperta ...:..: to a General Land Axency Ii r Nvithere bdiana. lift: -ertcs in AVi." l'i.-¦ . J. W. Edmonds. Et(j. Messtt. ....' S Dav:c>. P. Wim dim II Ac Co. Siiydnm. hoje At Co. Tho.-nc, ;i-.:r& Thomas. Strutlien. Morehousa a; Co. i.'omsti^k & Conrp nslä Im* V AW CARD..CotiacTtON or Dears a tiir Ncrth- 1j Wkst.-E B VVASHBrjRNE. Attoniei at Lsw.Ga. (i linow.l .riii awe nis attention to the coljitetion ol d«Ua doe New-Yoia Mereluints in Galena, Roeltlbtd and Rock [slaad, IHim st in in Buqne, Iowa: in PlatceviDe, 5".»io«i, i rn : edu Cbien, Mineral Point and Mad.sou. Wovon* Ruler to D. A. CClBHSJI tc Co.; DuRCStva, Si ....«>i St Ntxorr. New.Yotk. _att tf_ TEETH..J. SMITH DODGE, 17 Bond street. iirrSrahta Inec !. and the public an enure new methiMl of tastwi s itfJUcial teeth. It is oi his own invention, secured by lauen i atciit, und u-erl hy himietl only set this rily. From Hon. Silas'Wru'-, C. s. S uaiur from the Scale ol New.York; WasBIMOTOM, IX C. February 1*. VUX Dr. .1 Smith Dnshte, ttpiiii hit arnvnl in Wnslunglon 11 open in thceni g Surseon DeutisL presented to me tettrnfrom Hveral tr ei ds in >' York .>! the luxbeat respeetau&ly and KaildinCiCsltilainui« the sin nsesl and moat mvocable lest.. m Js, boil onto the excellence of hm private character, and niperior prolessionaJ ipiulilioat.ons. 'I'hese «atulictory evidenees of the man sod tue Dentist induced me nt nice Pi engage t|i« pnireaiiooal vrvicos of Dr. D.sige for nyown Enmify ; and niy »itenud myself are now able, from pi .-sunn sperieiice, to mid our owmivpuilly laiorablo teetimouy m ble favor an a gentleman and a skilful Dentist. This testimony is tuns given bime. n. well in obedience to the nirnnst > ihcito- -iiis,,! respVetoole nn.l worthy friends in New. Yuri:, who ive (or many yean experietieed the skill nnd rt.lehty of ilia I'..clor in his on lessii n. as in ..iy own convictiooa of jus per. lonnl i- .e loBsional merit. SIL 18 WRIGHT. «jas, *| STEAMBOAT FOB SALE.Tie new, S- k large and eerproodious low pressure -team- *rtt^v& l-iiit'-NEWJEKSEVisoilereil lor (ale on iad at a low unie. The NewJersey was unit in n in ISU, by dnys works, of the |*»l materills und in ilio most ,'jlntnntial manner.and m 1H4 was eulargrd and luiprnvcil by Mr. Cai*», aniltin all particulars is now n com. plete order, w lb a very full in»culory. Sue is most admirably adapted for a Inrce pbs-'OK« route, and can accominodct-i in the L-rt mannerfitt) pasaengers. II the N riW.Jl.RSEV s not sold liefors the Äih ofJanuary, she will on ttmtday sold without rsswrve or restnctiuit, tu the hiirlies' bidder, nt the Merchants' Exchange. For luither particubirs apsiiy to R. II. FT.'REY, on bunrd, foot of Barelay-ttieet. New.York, Dec 12. im. did t.lan tS /jaeriii'^K HI LL'S TRCSFS.-Noticeio R.iptu-«I Per. J A"^*cri..ns attbeurd wilh Ruptures n ay rely I jta ¦upon the h»t Instrumental aid the world anord», ^Kttf^ty J)"" applicaUon at the office. No. i Vcsey msec, ^2*^*^ or to either of ilmagsuu in thn pnnripslUiwns in the 1 nited States. lie careful to exarunn the back pad of Hull's Tru~ei,to see if they ore eudorsed by Dr. II nil in vinting. None are gauuine. or to be rehed upon as good, wittmut his rigymture. Many ersons hav» undertaken to vend irnrtotions of Hull's ded Tratest, mid thousands me imposed uinin In conns, luence. The* imrtatieru cannot be rehe.1 upon; they are tnede liy unsjaUni niechaiiicn, and are no better ihau the urdu nary Trusses. R.«uns .-use i^v-n fitted up nt N> I \ «-ey irtroet.excliuively for ladies, having m separate entrnnce from th* busines depart. .'. m ben a fhmai* is in constaiit alleudance lo wai pat ."¦>.._ THOMPSON'S TRtJSSTSJ (illice lTTleekT "man itrsot. Z1 U.ut isxl ol tha tirst pbi'stciarM \ ma nuratuioi of New.Voik havo tfivrn '.lieirdo. 'eHled U> this Trus*. as you cm gradu- Kte the pre^ure from one to fifty pouudi on tlie thoul a hick i-ad, which diM* s.. much injury to A ta r trial iwin» Oie best test of iti .upem is applied and six dnys' Inul given, and if it n<<r.t mil n*iu» the nipiiir*. whih performing every kind ofexercise or ecoglnng. and give perfect tue- m n word, if it is not satisfactory m every resp-.-ct, the money u she^rfuliy relurnedLiind U.isis the only condition on wbicn you should buy any Truss. A per- m.u.cni cure isaasily etfectoiJ. and warranted, ifdirections or* followed. Tb -.. -m/ndinc for this Truss need omy mention then lo rap- ¦im end *Ji»! n.easiim mund the hips, a* they can rtad'iato the pressure u> suil their case. Sold whobnaie and retail at 13 Be*kn mn-.UegC_iiultf rT- 11 ATS.FALL FASHION.A general a-mrtment *.\ of(ssmtleosen'sllsis,*ueh as (.'n.s.imere, hnisb, tiuiria. JfJjSav long and »bort napped beaiar. silk end riii-Unsin hats ¦ran ted on fur UmI^s, made of the best materials and wott- mciwhip. All scliiug at ibe very I'.west uri<^. J. 11. M< iNARaifE, No. 221 Biirery. AI«,, Caps and Furs ol every a eriptjon. u<t) fm* £S WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER. WARE.. .^'Ifi The .ubseribers would respeetrulfy intincrn their Sg-d »>m trie:.' and thepnhlte xeueiolly that they have ie> moved then esabhfnment from the old Handle Iruadway, corner of abreitestreut, where they sooldbe c.-ce.-.e , i.t.nued share ol thn I hernl putrocaee wk U le;s !^.-er. lo>p)wed i-.r Ihe ynsl twenty.four years. Will be kept constantly on har.d,alull ai»..itinent of tlio newext styles of Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware. Walchei of the moat approved tnacufacture, and all articlea ut tlwnr Ime, w inch wdl be ud'orded oi the lowest market ui cc i. A. JACOUat b. SONS. i*B 3m* 'Xi'.'i Broadway, corpseo*fBsaaWet, »Vit?0 WATjCHES, JEWELRy, siLVLlt P/AR.E, j£y*V_ *y-7"'' :e'uber^bersrespccrluily inv.teuie l^rnuoo cf tlteit fnetidasrrt Uie pubbcl»Uieir neu-.tadele- t.-.r.t a^"jr.ment of .ONE GOLD AND SU.VEP. WATfTIES, consisting ot Dupiex. Lever and Lepine Watches, i.f the va» n ui apprr-s-ed makers, cased in lbs neatest style,and varraaL ed cwrsri :iiue-»«:.-«v<. Silver Knr.ts, Vor»*, rpoocs. Ladles, Tea y»tx, Crpi, Cas. ton, itc. Plate.) «nd Hr.tannia Wars, Hpectaebi*, Perxil Ca.<ss, Martel Clocks, Fine Cutlery, Faucy Goods, tut. w.i cb they are enepled tu oller for sale at very ledunod pness. VYatcnesarvl Clocks earelully warrantee LisL'KWOOD U Sf.'KlB.'s'ER, At the oiii establisbe.! stot*. 2f> Pearl-*!. I tSy_ corner of Fultoa-tt. oppmi'o C. s._Hotel. RICHARD FISHER. Jr. '.VATCH-MAIC.ER and Jeweller, is now prepared to sali Watches ut retail fosror than any other bouse in the City, /u be is OtX constantly n-ceiving oil dexermuora dueci liug the DMUratactasass in England. Kraiice am! 5w .zerland. I.eise.i. abled tn ntfrin rery iitrge tmiiTUiml of GoM Watrties from 116 hi *1W each ; Silver do from th In «Jeaef^-alj w- irnr'ed I to lee), good erne or Iho men*y returaed. Also a lery good cxaor'men: of Jewelry fM Silver Ware very lew. >'. I), fee ond harui Watches and om Gsibl and Silver taken in eacar.iiga orbourh' for cash. Watches, Clocks, Music Boxe* s oft Jeav. efry'-*t m t'.rt Lest mnnuer nmt wi.rr-.rf».! .... ^..,.^l wesinuM F1SHE1 aad retoi,. the City H*«t)«tai._CaHl risuE FHiM OF FBAZIER. AKINS ec CO. ofihi* city A hav ..g been diu.u%ed by the dcatii of Jama* C^Akln», Xctic* :i hereby given, that we. the subscribers, base this day fo:tae>l a co-partnership connection for theeontinuaoce of .he Dusineas of snal late rirm, under ti.e name of FILAZlEK. C1LVDW1CK t CARMAN. Ali dept.- ur^l iraisrhtlei cf .«3 j finu of Ftazer. Akin* taCo. will be*>»urie<j by ji. arid tie bu.-:".es« coutinue a. ceietoture, at No. '£s Watwr sestet. New-York, Lee iu. leM. ^TPEPHEN R. FUA/IER. THOS. W.CHADWICE «Ü21w* RICHARD CARMAN. Jr* DIVID£ND.-Tb» Board »X E rectors oftrw Uvnrs* Irwu. nnce Corcimcy hare this day declared a En idea* of Eight per rent, open tl>e capital stuck, payable on Lod aftar Deco lier 2d. 1HC ¦dsllaac ISixne.ll LEWIS PHILLIPB. Prer«ary. MI'r'FS ! ML' FFS: MUFFS\-Alr MONARUUE% tt* B-jwry, a large an*i.ruseiit of Mutis. which irfQ be soid on '-'ii reej<icab!e.teruis. Ladies will find :t totlicirtdvaa. laga to call betöre puishoaiug siaewbera. ccOics*

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-12-17. · 2017. 12. 21. · only follow ihn aymbolof biscreed,sp-*chles8Iikc j himself and fallen as werethe hopestnat erewhne warmedhis


EVERY MORNING, SUNDAY EXCEPTEIjC-WD!«»«»at-»iTr.«rr. (orrostTs city uai.l.) sew-yorki-JashversdioCil)Subscribersfor Nine Cents per w»k"A3V>hcn Ihey prcicr. tliey can pay m advance aulei Wr"

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rfVo Cent.. M»>Dub*er,bennv/l^^ä". astveace, end the paper to mica*. «Wtiaued biryotsd Sj"gx fcrwlHch it » punt.,,,. taken (hi£mu?T^rw Dj-ISnr* in r^anec nrsiuired u, .II ctchances withfjnuntry Newspaper.. Imily Papers receive kt ihToThYe

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jjjpittes. Funeral Notices,dec. not tic/nLÜ-^reHat*.:. 2j ..

r»«*r ,vifrer/i.«r«-n«l to exceed 12 lines, withuni..e.reol rtmewinc ^Isert.soinentii nt pleasure,(payable sunrtcrly or hair.yenny in n<!vuncc).$40 00

rry AM Advrrt.vnienfs inserted in his paper appear both m^^xaxns end in the Evetunf Editjoii. ^1

xbw-yokk WEEKLY tribune,I a VERY LARGE PAPER. FOR THE COUNTRYit rcauensD cvxav katdkoav Moaxua

At the low price or TWO la il.LARS in advance.

T^TRIBUNET"\ ork. '

This is another or the series of that excellent col-Jrction cd' works for the young, published by theMessrs. Appletoo, the "Library lor My YoungGouatrymen." It is a tale of lite earlier settlers ofOld Virginia, and illustrates the principles or true

i totoUs). persevering self-denial, and munil courage.I bVujpaY Tales..13 mo. pp. 120. I). Appleton k. Co 200

f\ Broadway.Tfits is a charming collection of stories for child-

ren, illustrated with spirited wood engravings, and

j bound in beautiful style. It is a most desirablescilidav present.Tux Cuu-n's Drtaottx: A Press-nt Tor Youot Peo'de 12

mo. pp. 150 D. Appleton & Co. 2UÜ Broadw ay.As Clinsimas is approaching, and New Years,

j those two anniversaries when every child expectsbis friends '. to do their duty" in the way ofpresents,we can cordially recommend firs look as a beauti¬ful gift. This illustrations arc colored engravings,executed with taste und highly finished; the talesire interesting, sod every child will Le delighted«ith it.

j The Deskkter. by Charlotte Elizabeth, 12:no. pp2?'. MI W Ibaid, New-York.

I Aoolber excellent tale by an nu hcress who hasf made heriicif universally popular.

The Centi-rios. 0f,S«n« in Rome. l2mo. pp 103, ChattelW Dodd, ."saw. York.A story, illusttatiog the fctrugglcs of the early

Christians in Rome.For The Tribune.

Tlianusgivfna; Sermon.Rev. Dr. Spring preached from Kev. xii. 0.

" The great dragon waa cast our, that oid serpent,called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth ihewhole world."A sotimwhut singular text, surely, for a Thatiks-

piving sermon. The Doctor, however, made a mostable ar.d timely discourse on the character of this»ich deceivnr, and the extent of his power. And

j toe large audieiicemust have been solemnly affectedwith the scriptural und historical view he presented

! of the subtle reign of this grand Adversary, in theiffiirs of nations and churches, as well as in theheart of individuals. He works mis'.Iiicf und ruinamong Men (said the preacher, in substance,i by a

concealed uz^ falsehood and treachery. Hej is a 14 bur Irotn the beginning." In tnat hour which

"brought death into the word and all our woe," heimpiously beguiled the bean of nur firm pureatseiih fdlaetnoil and fairpromises,.u God doth know,that in the day ye. eat, thereof, then shall yotireyesbe opened, and ye shall be as gods ! " Ry uius in-cculating the stock, he succeeded in" the foulKratagem for infusing moral poison end death intothe raC'S, of man ; und hi has e ver since uiined at

thwarting the benavoientdeaigns ofHeaven, infutua-tine millions, and working mischiel 10 ttiaiiiiint!ontbehr^e.-1 ecale. In perverting the Nations, undwurking their corruption end ruin, be insidiouslypoieons them, us he does individuals; secretly iu-.iouatiog hit, spirit into their legislation, their litera¬ture, li.e.r religion, ibe> press, add all the founlhiua olpower. ur(fully andcruelly exerted than when he put.-on the musk ofreligion und philanthropy, und involves Urge com¬munities and wiiuie nations in some form or other ofidulatiy und Buperstilion. Even in the must en-

lijhieiied countries he poisons and mars the charuc-ter of inultttudes, some of them, perhaps, men ofbright und illustrious minds, with the spirit »l'ptide,.r luxury, or wsr, or uohttllowed ambition, or

"covetotisneau which is idolatry," and thus, per-bape, through tbem involves nations in crimes, to beicourgi d by thejust judgments ol Heaven.The Doc or illustrated his ideas by many hi iking

hi.stori.-iil t.'cts; und, withoutanyreference to party,alluded tu ihe. corruptions ofthe ballet-box, ut.d thedi«[K>.-ition in many to repudiate the claims et jus-lice aad trample on the authority of Heuven; undsolemnly uigeel the inquiry whether our freeinstitutions und our glorious Republic were in no

ilannvr from the secret incursions end wiles of thisprent disturber, deceiver and destroyer ol nations,und whether »he sentiment was not as cornet andiai|>oriut,t now, us when uttered by iho immottalWashington, that of th^e institutions " Kciigionand Morality are indispensable supports."

\ He affectionately and elt quently urged every classi cf citizena to renewed vigilance and laitbiulness,

sodas u motive to praiso and (hanksgiving, he con¬

cluded with n nipst cheering view of the redeeming»piiit there was yet abroad in our excellent Schools,our Colleges, our sr.crtd temples of Science andReligion, cur great benevoletit institutions, and,above nil, in (he supremacy and predicted triumphoi Dim who came froui heaven '. to destroy theworks of ihe Devil."


A Toucnucn Sck>e..We copy the followingrrcm the New-Orleans Picayune t

Th9 Whigs and Democrats of the town and parishcf Isatchitoches agreed amongst tin.mselves, pre¬vious to iho Presidential Election, to procure the

n-cessary ammunition to firo t.vo huadr- d and fiftyfounds iu honur of the successful candidate. Theflsg-staffa of the two parties were within a few yardsof oue another, nud from their summits the bannersof their respective cbiefa streamed in graceful dal¬liance with me winds of heaven. It was stipulatedlhat, upon the result of the caiwass being ascer¬

tained, a national salute of thirteen guns should bettn-rl, vtshen the banner of the defeated party shouldbe loAered to the ground; that done, the firing of theremainder of the iwo hundred and fifty guns shouldbe resumed.When the Intelligence of Mr. Polk's election

reached Natcbitochts, both parties Hssetnblrd undertheir respe. tive flag-staff*. The firing was begun,sad at the thirternth dir-charge the Whigs loweredthe ensign of Clay and Frelinghuy sen, amid as profound a silence ns ever reigned over the citudel of'be deed. The firing was then continued, without>riVr demonstrations on the purt of ihe Democrats

of an exulting character.Aoi'incst the Wulgs thrre waa one deaf nnd dumb

from turin. When the Cluy bauaer w:;s removedj fratn the ground, after the discharge cf the thirteen

[ cans, to a building hard bv, he went away unu was

I not seen iffiin uttil the firing: had ended. He was

» then discovered with his face buried in the. lolos oi

1 tne fallen flig, and in a posture betokening ths sin-

cerest angumh. He had been a compositor m oik

ci' the printin" oflices of the village, and had em-

( braced the W hi? cause with tho ardor pe-culmr to

|»be fervid sensibilities of lhat bereft class of persons.When the emblem of his faith waa no longer to be»*en floating in the mid air, there was no need of

j hiai at the meeting. The booming cannon pealediU tbuodera in vuin.such tilings could neith-T ss-

»u«ge nor aggravate his grief. Nor could iho con-

{ doleoce ol tiiends icaoh bis bruised spirit. I h>> cooeolation of interchanging words of comfort with

hie brethren, was denied him by nature. He could

only follow ihn aymbol of bis creed, sp-*chles8 Iikc

j himself and fallen as were the hopes tnat erewhnewarmed his bosom with the glow ofjoyous expecta¬tion. When he r*i«ed his head Irom the flag, tears

werecomtng down his cheeks and hi* eye- were dim

withweepiog. It waa the oniy mode that miafor-tun3 had lefi him to throw off the ptSMUW from bisb«an. WbJft or Lcco-Foco were alike efT«-ted bythis touchingspectacle ofsorrow. ,Nordid any one

seek to disturb him in any way. I he. citizans <ns-

Per»^d eaen lo hi* own bom*, and whether it was

ircmsvmpathv for h fellow being despoiled by na-

I iure of the most imporiant attributes of man, or a

I pronenejs of the heart to partake ol the woe that is

. without guile, many a siurdy Loco-f-octAandIstal-1 won Whig brushed away the dt w that had gathered1 up-.ri 5!. ir eye-lids, as th^y pondered upon the

.-«tricf of tii.t sorr,.v.-/tnckcn tna».

j PolTAOE REFORM MktKTIXG 15 Cl.1ClNtsATI.-On1 the 6ih msr. a meetiog of the moat respectable citi-

2 fca* e.f Cincinnati was held on the »«*J*«^£°*-! »te Refoim. Tne resolutions passed, advocate the

4 SoJitioo of Franking, a uniform rate of Postage ol

t tKoeenU on each letter weighing half im ounce or

1 less, and two cents for each additional ounce, lote-

I paid; a memorial is to be drafted to Coogres» «aa

I ct; a^o to the Oitio Lrgolatmc


VOL. 2V. WO. 217.

Ventilation.Fur tbeTi bane.

When all »ther reforms shall have been a<-comphshed, an*! all other knowledge attainedand disseminated, ,t ;8 to ^ h d .,.at BOmeregard wfll be paid to tho supply of vita! air forasccmWasei of human beings. The utter neelect manifested in this particular at pre:cnt uw: nd"ful- Wo ;:cc student, storing their mindswith .ore, ancient and modern, that they mayact an hotioreh'c part among men, but at Utefame time drying ü? the fotwtain of life, anddestroying thc physical energies by deprivingthe lungs of vital air. We see thc minister;urging moral and rc'tgious truths upon an audi¬ence who arc wasting rrom the same cmi'c,we even sec assemblages called by thc eti ight.rncd of thc land, lawyer*, judges, and senators,fur the purpose of considering subjects most inte¬resting and useful to man, and thc audience iscompelled to t it in an atmosphere which sttipi-fits the faculties end destroys thc power of atten¬tion, which loads the tongu?, impairs the powerofdigestion, and ist to be succeeded by dizzmessand pain in the hod, exc»pt among thc robust.One might supple that fresh air is cheapecough,and so necessary to " life, liberty, and ths pnr.suit of happiness," as to constitute one of thcinalienable privileges of man; but, alas, in trielcctuio room, the concert room, the church, evenin thc parlor, one is frequently compelled t-> gaspfor breath, and to have the system bo violentlyßhocked on going out, as to produce catarrh orfever, or what is perhaps worse, after being over-healed, have a current of eir thrown directlyupon thc exposed pers n. Were it not lor theprotection afforded by cold water, these thingswould be unendurable. As it i.=, they carrymany lo thc grave. Sound the trumpet, OTribune 1 and rally thc great company of suf¬ferers from this causo, win are r;ow pale, dcuili.tatcd, and downcast in defence of the essentialclement of life, Oxygen. \V.

Willis. Stand to your Colora :From Ihr Lexington (Ky.) Observer end Reporter.

" The question is fully answered in the Wins newspapers,!.ie fuiorilc policy i» to 1* mauit-nue«, the di-honore-l name :sto be east off.frkiei* odious, front ita being identified withFederalism, tbcrefure I'.'kis is nlraady dropped and thenewname already adopted to designate the party thnt disgraced it.Now and Iuveniler Whig gives place to' AMERICAN RE-PübUCAN.' " [Cincuinaii Eaquner.Wc had hoped that when thc immediate ne¬

cessity for lying had passed.that ig, when thcPresidential contc-l h-d been determined and noimmediate purpose was to be subserved by n wil¬ful and deliberate departure from truth.that theLocoFoco press of ihc country, which, for somemonths has so shamefully abandoned itself to thevilest excesses of falsehood and calumny, wouldat least " assume r. virtue, Lf it had not," and pay-tome slight retard to truth und honesty, fn toip,howevi r, it seema we u/e to b-» disappoi net!. In¬ured to the habit by long, continued indulgence,it haw, doubtless, in many case.-, become a secondnature, a recovery from which will be almosthopeless. The casi s wc apprehend will be foundmore numerous in which the original appetite hasbeen only pampered by overindulgence until now,it can scarcely find objects wherewith to e-nti-fyits iristtiate longings. Amongst the latter c!a.-sthc press from which thc paragraph which headsthis article is taken, must ho ranked. Fromwhence has it drawn the wonderful discovery ofthc fact that thc Whig paity disbanded.tiiatits name is even to be ca^t away, amongst therubbish of things forgotten, und that the hon.oted name of ' Whig* is to give place to thetitle of 'American Republican,' Ttic editor ofthe Enquirer may have Bources of informt li' n

winch we less fortunate are debarred from, for(ilia is all news to us. But risking this, wc takethe liberty of tellinghim that he is stating a false¬hood. The 'Whig' party, or any portion of thoW-riig' party, have never thought of castii g off

the name, or abandoning thc principles, underwhich, and fur which, I hey have so long fought.vV'c arc all, it is true, ' Americans' and ' Repub¬licans,' but this tins never been applied to theWhig party as a distinctive appellation.Wc are content with the name uuder which

our fathers achieved success in the Revolutionarystruggle.under which wc four years since glori¬ously triurophedover Loco-Foco misrule and cor-

ruption, and have again obtained fai ly and justlythc trijic voice of the American people.albeit, uchave iiu both instances been robbed of the fruits of

victory, first by treachery and then by fraud.and under which, as we firmly believe, wc are yetdesti.'.ed to achieve a victory which shall secure

pennant nt prosperity to our beloved country.Wc rra awurc, however, to what the Enquirer

alludes.the organized efforts makmg to procurean alteration ol our Naturalization Laws. It istrue that some papers heretofore devoted titheWhig cause, ami who still wish ils ru-eoss, arc

lending their aid to this object; but docs it followfrom tnia that the whole Whig party is to be dis-handed.that the great measures of National pol.icy for which that party has- been toiling and

struggling, and to secure which theyhave passedthrough tvw of the severest contest:; which ma'kthe history of our Republic, are lo be now aban¬doned_to give place to one isolated questionwhich, however important it may be in itself, in¬

volves mainly thc purity of the billot box, andCannot, of itself alone, end independent of everything else, maintain and preserve the public pros-perity ? By no means.

ra- The estimated loss by the. Cumberland Vas¬ter Kailrosd Company in the destruction ol their

bridge is about $75,000.wistAirs

BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY.A Compound Balsamic Preparation from

Wild CUcrry liarU rtssd Tar.

The best retnedy knoten to the tcorlifor the aire ofcoughs, colds, asthma, croup, bleeding of the

iun 's, whoopiu? coush, bronchitis, influ¬enza, shortness of breath, paw nnd

KcaX-ness in the breast or side,liccr complaint, and the first


A THOUSAND CCIUJS in caw deemed utterly hopc.essh«^eSrndy«u,H,^l> vast »u^^^SfcLi ..i,*-,-..-, ifamaa .if rlie Utlgl prevail. We give a ic» in.

Snneel of Its^ordinary power, from a catalogue ails*-*

withoutend. Vn-V leaner) wlu

rnedicine for two months, bom.: past all hopi et.i.reij

l^a tew bottles ..ft:.;* Balsam In Septem!;« jadOet. Mi.

TA Wilhams. Em. Attono. &c ^S,.^rrvodic asthma pi Z years' standing, certif.e.l -o Dy t.eiomer

^S,"i-ao'had not slept, lying down.for7 year* "bennt obliged to sleep in a sitting posturei so farcured

.cs *tar>',gSLTfoao^ \. J. testifies under oa'J. that


erto known to Uio world. . «r-r-rs, and bv BtrecrjSold at Si Ano-strect, by blhs. a--"" a

a ali parts of toe Cniled >tate*-_LEECHES! LEECHES! LEECHES!

....'r . civiMiKll 1 FECMES. large and mediumMir. bast Of swedish Wj-^X-jt-Vk. John strrct.

W: «thSdtte5 AT^Net^ft^, Er^ U. in anysale trom tlusönie. .A i ,.,.,..,, .(.«.viz:

rim« ». o- -\ -/¦ -^ sehitthn ». 114 Uana si: »s.\3 Third Avenue; J"^-s«a^nn ^ u*£ . wVtson's.Thurman's corner o Canal .a^*£££ 'o[ Houj;o? and



rjellinjr off«* foit ar theV^Y-O. CASH TAILORING ESTABLISH-* ' aUtaT.lSJ Ertadwar, three doors !*.__r the FrankhaHotbe. Gentlemen :n wai.i of a fashionable winter garmentwill find it to their interest to us a call, r.s wa are deter¬mined to dispose of our Stuck previous to the first ofJanuar/.

_J. C. BOOTH & CO.


styles, for «nie ready-made, ct our usual m-rderata pr.cts.WM. T. JENNINGS t CO. Drapers and Tailors.

Jggtfg_231 Broadway. America* Hotel.


Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing.CEOKCE T. QSEES,


AND COMPLETE ASSORTSIENT OF-y^-v>. Boys', AND CHILDREN'S CLOTUINO,ot ad des'.r.puons, inaile :n the xost rAsni.i"A8LE style,to which he wetild respectfully invite th* attention of those inwant. As he has mono arrangements to receive

CLOTHS, CdSSIMERES, l'ESTINGS. every parket, nnd ha; seemed the services of experienced«. utters, he pledges hiiu>eii" to Rive perfect satisfaction to ailwho may purchase.-Y. B..Garments made la order at Hie thOTitsl notic. (;r_

with strict vunciualitv. jeri mlWM. T. JENNINGS <fc CO.

DilAPEUS AND TAILORS,Importers Of Cloths, Cass'mcres, Vesting*,

Fancy Dress Articles, etc.2-'ll Broadtcay, American How', opposite

the Fountain,Solicit attention from Citizens end Strtmzers requ' «tar-

mcnts t« a lr.r;e assortment of rifw Goods for Fail nsd Winterwear, ardected with a view of rendering tli'.-.r stock as rich ;n

quality and variety as c-.n he found in the city, comprisingBeaver and Milled Cloths, Thp-i>, ice, IbrOvercoats, Cloaks,&c; French and English Cloths for drew and frock Coats ;venous new styles CaSMmetea; rich Velvet, Merino. Silk andF.ntin Vesting?.which will be made up to order nt prim to

sustain cur reputation as the pioneirs in the progressive refor¬mation that is avertinx tlis cause of complaint that cash pur.chasers ore taxed for others' debnqueneics. The style and fin¬ish of I'lir Garments will compare with those of any other es-

rnblishment, and in this is the sequel ofthe extensivepatrunnreelicited.A large assortment of First QPaLITT Rendy-mndeGar-

ments, compr.sinc Overcoat.-, Cloaks, liressnnri Frock Coats,Patitalo-.ns, Verl«, Ice. constantly on hand, with a fnil supplyof Fancy Dress articles, including Scans, Cravats, Handker¬chiefs, Gloves, Suspenders. Irreging Robes, etc. uS tf is


New-York Caal» Tailoring KsteM Ianmentlb? BROADWAY.

Three doors belou) the Franklin House.CT" The Subscribers rerpt-ctfully announce thai they have

made extensivearrnnxernentx fur the

FALL A.ND WINTER TRADE,which will enable them to offer crenter inducements than ever

to gentlemen wishing to ecoaumiza in the purchase of theirFall anil Winter Garments.They have already received by arrivals a graut vSr'ety

of new and new style* of Goods, well adapted to the cjirimgseason.and will nlso rtveive by the next packet* and steaniets

the larccst and best assortment of the Intest and mast beeuti.fid styles of fancy French Elastic CassimeMS, rich ficuredVelvets, Cashmeres, Satin and Silk Votings, ever before of-fercd in this City.Also, just received, several invoices of Twilled ana Beaver

Cloths for i Wer Coats, Cloaks, Pelton, etc. ; black and limeycolored French and English Cloth* from the nmst celebratedmanufacturers, being tiic .suuie stylos cut in their establishmentfor ihe last five years, and winch tor durability, beauty of an-

ish and lastnett of colors, cannot be excelled, if equt.ied, byany styles of Cloths imported into the United Stales.Their stock of Pitney Dkm Articles will comprise in part, the

richest styles of Fnll and Winter Cravats, Scarf's, Suspenders,Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under Slnrt.nindPrir.ver5,Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Shoulder Braces,Riding and Money Kelts. Umbrellas and t'uihrelln Canes, fee.itc. with every variety of trnuds usually kept in a gentleman'sgeneral outfitting establishmentAlso, a lull assortment of Ready Made Olotiiir.e, eonsism: nf

Cloaks, Over C'ont.s, Dress and Frock Coats. 1'antaloons andVests ofevery variety, wheregentlemen requiring carmenti forimmediate u»e can depend upon getting a liret rute nrliclc,made and trimmed in every respect equnl to those furnished to

outer, and in prices itiai control mil 10 please; r-met punctu¬ality observed in fiWinc orders.*.* Terms cash, and no deviation in price-.uu2J ntf J. C. BOOTH tc CO.


iu evincemeiil of the determination on tlie part of tins As.loeiation to hind closer the ties thai have united them together,audio cherish and »ii'tnui the prent principles of the WinsPally, 'o essentially necessary tu the pnepenty and honor ofour country, will be erven nt the NKW-YoRK HOTEL,Broadway, on MONDAY EVENING. Iieccinbrr ad. ISH,under the direction of the following Special Committee of Ar¬rangements;.

Auourrvi S. Fosrga, ("has. C. Lewis.JiMt-k Y. Staoo. ' luvsa S. Holdes,IL D. Van Nostiusp. John M. Trimble.

Wm. Okei.i..JAMES ACKERMAN. Chairman.

Jolts T. Wii.i.iston, So<-reinry.Phe following cenile.ncn (.honorary members of the Ateoei.

atlo i) have consented to net in u t '.¦moniter ol Reception furinvited Kue.-U: Hon. HAMILTON FISH,


Tickets ran be obtained of the Chairman. No, 101 Nassau-street, of the SecrcUiry, No. 1 Courtlandt-slreel; also of themembers ofthe Committee of Arrangements, and of 'h* Pro.prietors of the principal lintels. n23td23


New iiii«I Kasltloii.-ttilc Holl und Cor.certIloOiiix. at Thk Ai.iia.mra.6SBBbsaowat.

ENCOURAGED by the very liberal patronage bestowedby the citizen* of New. Y,ork upon his establishment dur.

ing the two past seasons, the proprietor of the Alhamrn hnscommenced the entire remodelinc and construction ot ihe inte¬rior of that favorite resort upon a *cule of great magnificenceand Splendor, withaview of adapting it to the two-fold pur¬

pose of Halls, Cnili nts, Dinner nnd Supper PartiesJ-'airs, ke,in winter, as well a en Ice-Cresm Saloon in Summer. '1 hosewho have seen ti." -cantiful Cpofectjonorj inanulactnreil nl

this cstnbhsluiicn n lie «ntivtind thnt no whore else can

enrcrtniniiienis tie is.iup in cnuul style nnd fashion, whilethe place itself, in !¦. novelty of its construction, tl.e c\j»r:i-eand iiinitirificenre ol jlsdecorations, sviII surpass all ethers in

this country.The booksnrc now o;«en toAssociationswtso wisp to encage

the room., which «rill Ik-ready by the 80th December, nlülmis»a/1NDOW SHADE DKPOT-.N'o. 7 Spruce »trt-ct.-V * $20.(i80 worth of Shades. The suVcribew, ever nnx-

ions to please, have enlnrsed their estabh-hnic lo suppl» the

incrensme dcmnr.ii for their superior shade*. Porous buyingofthem can rely on bovine a good article, as they are alwayswilling U> exchange them.-Their pattcnis consist of every kind which could be invented

and they have a greater assortment than nil the ' put together, and they lake c;eat pleasure in show,

mc them, and are noser oticndM if 'her do not *e!l. Pecinleof taste would do well to call. Sign Manner? an Interior De.coraiions done uot to be surpassed.^T^^Frf^WJÜP«11ehe,.,,. BARlXIL Di. MAI .\E1.

nffl 3mis_a rj: \ST'-H"T BISCUIT made wi'n " CONANT'S"V P Vl'FNT YEAST." Bui. says some poor invalid,Älas' ifl pTirtake, 1 shall STttTer r.ii the horrors "I" D-sPEf.-.iv' NO SUCH THING ! It is not Uie beat wh-ch ratnien

bucilit Ei oerally indigrstil.le, but ihe/rrmcnrutn-ne/ ti.-. com.

H'^"ile'useof"o'iNAVP'S PATENT YEAST" averUal.the evil« \s inch flow from the eating cl hot biscuit er bread..Itmavbebadaof , _.

M. P- Musaey; Clinton Hall Bookstore, corner of Peakinananill.Nassnii stre<Ls. _

G nssncr .t Youne. l^J t- batbam-streetChampoey Allen. 76 Scsius-street.Cbestet Driggs.681 Kroadsvay.Stunle. k tord, 182 Bowery.T. ii A. S. Hope. Vi2 Chainber-street._du stf

S"""(.IDA BIS<:UIT ANirs'UGAl; CRACKERS..The sub!«enber svishes t.. make knows to tke public, that much of

the biscuit and cracker" winch are s !d in this City by tbeabovenames, are entirely diflerent lr..i.. too Su».Bis« err and M-oar Crackers made at his Bakery, which have been used

by invalids, particularly those who suifer from indigestion, lor

ninre than twenty vears, with the best results; while the uni.tation. svhich can be made for a !e*s pncev though pertutpseo,xl for a person in health, are wbolls unlit lor '.be s'ek. a he

nlHive Blsri tT and Crackers, nlsn itl tter BtSCtTIT. t\ inc

RlSCxriT. Bitter Cracxkrs. Water Crackers. ftLOTand Navy Bread, all of the first quality, are constantly tor

aale at the well-known establishment 275 Washmct-.n-sireet,corner of VVarrsuMtreet EPHRAIM TREADWELL.

jylti i.s'.fttm* ___________


THIS LUXURIOUS BITTER will be received /rashtwice a week .'Aromra the It inter, at bROWTs s Vt uols-

,lls Grocesv, where it may be hau inouanütjes to suit pur-cha'so-s Families wl-nmc a supply will piens« send in Lnsir

address rmmedte.^iv. and state 'be number of pounds they de-s-re i-er week, us the supply will be Hauled.


CHOICE TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE. OIL 4t CANDLES.Together with' a general assortment of Spices, kc, kc. eil of

which are irtferesl. by whoie~ie. at vholesatcpnces.The unilsirsurned have no besilalicr. in nssuriac the poblic

that their establishaaeni prcsenta inducements, t o the purchaserat wholesale, unsurpassed by any other, and they respcCtiuUyinvite all who would save the retail profits on their supplies ofGroceries, to call a.

136 Eighth-street. 3d door East ol Broadway.JOHN H. BROWN tz BROTHERS.

N. B..(mien from the country carefully packed and ship¬ped at ihe shortest notice,__rl_ü_


JUST received nn.l DOW beir.c o;wned tlGuii -'s New_ Store

a large and beautiful toiottinenl ¦.: Engush Biuiteli, ihre*

Ply Imperial, Double Sui>er, Bupeifine and I uie tncrain ana

Venetian Carpeting, ot patterns and colors entirely new..Encash and American Oil Cloths, efa great variety ot patternsand! various widths, from 3 feet to 2*. feet without a seam..Al¬so a spletabd article of Persia Velvet Drug.ts. rwo yardswide, entirely new patterns and very rich colors, wiLh every ts-

natv of Ert-hsh l>ruscet* of the uiuai wijlihs, together with

Rues ofevcrv ftyle. Door Mats, Window i-barfes, Btau Eeds,_c. r^uihasers are reawtfuily invued u> calLN B .An expenencssl u)»hub*erer wdl attesd to the tnai.

_eVCexi>otsand theisying ol Oi! G^^,^£'?^,)sf,<e*'oSistf No, Ö* East Broodsmy. a. 71 DitisioL-M,



E3*eish»m House.New Arrengrineist..ROSWELL GOSS informs hi* fncadi aad Ii« sa.She that hehas enlarged hs BO.lRBlS-tJ^'X.iT.iBUhU.VFJ.-T,known tu the Graham Hoc*. 03 Bareiij. -src»«-, by aUim; to

rttBoadjarnaic ht-.nse, nnd o prepared 10 sccr.rr.tnodrite tran-

sien-. or pcrmfinent fviArden 01 the rn'«t brmabfa terra. ADfriends 0;" Ttmpemse desiring armiet honte, end freedornfnci the fume* oTaieobd and tobacco, are icviied 10 pctroniretha boot*. Tne Vegetable System, wrrh the choicest selector,of hurts. i.e. which -he merket atTerri». w-.Ii be strictly adheredto, but a labie w::! Le served for liijse sax prefer the onhaaiym«ie, or mixed diet.

Cr-.t'in Shower, Warm and Odd Bath*, frw.o5 tf ROSVVELL COS?.

DT" Water Cnre..JOEL SKEW. M. P.. an antborand pmctttioner in water cure, and editor of "The WaterCora Journal," devotes his ns.e to the practice 01"tha oeirsystem. It j applicable in all forms of disease, and for eraca-

ey ar.'i safely is unparalicMed. The treatment cea be rcs-;-tȟto wherever pure water can be obtained. Patients fmm s. dis.tance are accommodated. The poor advise-.! gratuitously..Office to Barclay itreet. tA'ic.'

KT* I.orik cmt, TjOf»k r-r;?. Fathers and m 1»,wfie:: yon g !,-,y i.'u-t..-1 .'¦ 1' t ;r» ;..fl'tWs. the oclv original. It h Wild's Castor 03 Camh thathas no taste of the oil but all tl« rtTeeik of it. It is Wild'sCastor Oil Candy that is recommert.i-1 hv rill our S-»t P:j<i.cum«. It it Wild's Castor O.I Candy tliat is s»!d at 12 rti. with full drrectsons, at Iii Broadway, rear V.-r .'.:Itr. (liuor;. en (,'raml end It-jwery: l '<:...- .' r :

Spring and Hudson st: A. P,. St 11. Sand«, is all three stores;Ör^Barrell,210 Chatbaas: Handy. '5 II .-. I Bra nU.Mrs. Hays in Brooklyn. Be sure and ask tor Wild's, nil

rj"liE .Me-..«r«. E. I'vRvtLY cammencad their open w;rj tare upon me by a

" time-saving nn«vve-. end for the pur.p 'se, as th;y my, of preventing mistakes' I design, ;r paanble,to close my iblenr.t hyn timf sa-ing »Utcrrerit ol the :acj ath« rase, and for the pnmoe*. Fran the manner mwhich these gen'lernen are pleased to speox ol me. the publichas reason ro i-fer rha: I have been cuilty of some verr ;rni«oganca agaio«t 'lieir rights und interests, ifant ird'si! againsttin pen-e and dtgn.ty of the r-titP." I rncd aroused in vary«.¦nera! terms of" inprotessionai" Conduct. utfaJs-Jiood, »tr.etc. Hut what is that onprolfessaoeal enndne*. or in r.rh»rwords, which ere tlie 01 wroog with which I an:,by implication, charred? Iftbere is any i ircennd mean in:111 all they have pub!i»r.»J. il plainly amounts to this, vec thatI am pnnc pal, or at least ncr-frr, in the gui:t .-f alte.-?my pattnet's süsse; mat I caused such an akeration.rn huname o* to make it very strikinsly resemble than: and thaiL'i.s wai don-t for the purp « ot loirxwrng on rne puhltc. ;-n.bag husnc-?. an* even ot diawing assay their pjr.-i^ii by ti%daeeption thus practiced. They »trtuady ^a> innt tnu »ickruosrviceriassricceaded in riving tne cenerai impression'that apartnersh:;. egtstobetseeett tbeas and myself so Ihatiheyarewor:: out mth repeated incur"?* a» 1.1 Use fa.-t. and th-ir t basels'i letl tomsny "annuyiui: an-l dftigreeabfc mistakes." Ofsshat niture the.* w:.-'n!.r< c:.:i it .'" do n. t c.:i- M :n

their patrons eathns at rr-jr oiH.-e for :e><i.>nal »:r-. ;ce.»'Jleurs. i'armly v.Vl Krhap- inform the public H-ncethepretended necesnty for then '' time^aving answer,*^-an cd-vertiseuseut only intended to injure snd, u* po-s h ", rum rc»under trie rnwani's rutisx, the contempt iblr: plea of wit.defence!

liie nrcuiii'taiicci on v»h:e!i the .M--r-. PaJUtLt rely to«u«'a r. these daisroatory charges arc. that an nit-'a: on seasmade in th*r manner of wntmg my partner's name; t- ¦.: vchave advert vd oui-e.\e, as

"' Dodge St r^snnelyol Co d »t.:"thai 1 have ca'leti my ptirtmr " l>r. Pormely ofNew-Y" rk :"'und. f.niiiy, 'S it I have final >. spoken ofrum a- a relativeoltheirs < re *'oftlwsart]e family. '

\"w for the/.n t.. It is a htct, and the only occ which theM« r--. Parmlrcan aläülge that bear, at ah tafirvorofthe t

false arci:!"i:iiiri«..that an alteration h-s been made in ti.ein inner of writing rr." part, cr'- nanH. .Ney, t :c-ik-:he met.let srorse, there have l«en three changes tn rt, and ihe last, atlea t. to he very much resretted. .My yr.rtner'i lather wrotehis natne Par.n. I*. S.mie yean ngo ray pe' chanead theroanner of wriuag ba to Parrrjelee. In irMJ. I tatnk, wereWon « vcrtr btftrt our pnrtncrihi? trsr formed, or rren

t"ou^ht ff. he uinde anotfaer nltcmtii'ii a-id uTi.te it Pi-rmely.The «mir reason he a-sign-d for there changes is. thai liemade t.'iein t.< plcose Jus own fancy.her it sras bis whimwhich could harm no person on earth. Now. however injudi¬cious or whiussical this mayapptnr, few, I tiuuir, but .ny ki.idant amiabjafrieotls rVrmry, would he apt to jojjwc: »ny very;?r:o:i- wrong 10 iti Besi-'es it mirrht basasd, in bisinstifical loa.thnt the original Ihmiiv name has adniitud -cvrral changes, ofwhich, ifl am nut rrrefctly 111 s'aken. even tliat el the >ie--r'.rarnny would furnisn ore Datable iminnre. But I no not np.rear n- my partner*! npoioiist. The wror.g nf :.!rer.rtg hisname, if ilierc ivni. .--ally any WTOBg iti it, i. its exciusvefy.I lud n.> more to do Ttithlt than ti.e .\:e»-r,. Pannly then.sclvt«. T.te alteration. u» I have said, was made lung beforeour partnership was rommenreif,or w... esardltatnedof. Hutthe Mes-rr. l'amiij -aid that I Inj long he ore thucniyloyed mypartaci as a mechanical i.»;st.'mt under a dij/crratnsma. Tneextent . this mecbanica] assrstaoce embraei >i ^ singlepiece of« o:k ol perhaps three daj i' labor. True, 1 most have knnhun to write nil name Parnselee, bu: theeuesjrnstaaeaof theoltetaiion inane so slight au impression upon my loiml. that 1do not retsembarthat it ..r..-r oceaned 10 me durins ur nvso.tiations,norhdüI myartsjrttion was called 'to the fact hv thecomplaints ofE. Pa inlv. 'l ies t'«r. 15 thobead and front ofmy ofTendinir. tin;, far." 1 firmed u co-partnership viih a manwho hud, more taau a twelvemonth bei .re, ultereil a letter inhis nnmc!!The..thercircumstances of which th» Mc->r«. P.irmJy nt.

tempt to ctuke so much, are rca'ly important, and exhibit theelevation ami grasp ofthesi mtnds a rat st enviable hcht. Inthe lirsl place, 1 am convicted of adve ourselves ns

'*IJsjdgCAcParroetrof Bond-street.*'snthout even mention¬ing our numl«r! This " much surprised" the hleasrs, !'nr:::-ly. Why it should havedune so i have ant yet discoverad, un>less, indeed, they imag.ue Uieni«-dvrs_ ihe only Dent'sts whohave uny riiin to he known in New-York. But this gnevuiisoifi-Hcc occurred hul once, aid then by mere accident. Then,in th» v-cocd pinr», f r.m fbund rmltr nf the unpsnionitiie«.Mineofrmviüg spoken 01Tay parti tr u»" Dr. :.. Parrnal) ..!MewOfork." This, of course, meant them.' for they cr«ertthai 1 have " nut now and never have had 11 partner by thatname;" nay, that therehas been no «uch man in New.Yorklut tar lust live and twenty vents. The inclining nf all this is,that I repreanted and advertised my partner in such a man.oer ns to jive the iinprcs.inn that he wasone oftbem! Rut themost .wrious part ol the whs ie bunne- i.. that bare some,tiiue« spoken ofmy partner us ooe""of the sama lamily" withthe Messrs, Pannly. This is true thus far, and thu- had received Iba impression und believed it 1.1 he trne that mypartner nur. the M(~>»rv Pannly were distant relatives.ihatthey were of one original family; This I have 111 a few ha.stances said to «iich n» made the inquiry, under ordinary err.ciunitance*. but Never wlini business wns con'-ernod. In suchc ocs, on the contrary, 1 have always spoken ol aim us ofanother family, and as writing ha oanM iliirercntly fromtheirs.ButwAltbeiajblicbesogooa astolookat all Ibis fW.lery,

or worse tlian fo0lery,00 the part ol the .Me>»n. I'ariuly ? I; theirpublished articles have any meaning at all, it i, that 1 haveattempted to cam business through the tnßmeuctsf tii ir how nave I altein[it«r<l this? Are Farmriv and l'itrnitij -u

very similarthai people in this City or elsewhere would be aptto mi«tnkc the one li.r Uw other? Arc the p..trons «>f theMcw«. I'ariuly so isnotur.t, »0 utterly tlin.l and stupid as tomistake Dodge A Parmety. No. 4" Bond trees, or svithoutanytiumber if you please, for the notablefirm of E. i J. Parmty,Nns.1 and3 Bond street? This are ins In be alleged. But far.thai^-eDo the JUessrs, Parmly imaginathal all wba bear theirname, or 11 name that somewhat manmlilni it. are Dentists bynature, nnd known to command in s l,e>s at «ilirv?Ifro, it rettainly inaniiesti a very !»ivimnic, m.Hlestv. whichrteservss s-uns praise. It is rery obvious that all" ol that (am.ily" have peculiar Claim» w hich t!:ey atejuttihad in guardingmost jealously.

I might safely leave the «uhjuet here, hut thrre are two orthree faces more which deservea momaot'a notice. PreviousUs Ibrasinga ooaaecttoo with my partner, f consaitod theMessrs. Parody on the subject; and agam Lt-toic anDOUOCingthe partnership I tiM.k their advice on tho manner of doing it,and at their suggartson, to prevent all poasibibtyof mistake,dutinci.'y stated to the public that my partoar yeasfrom Osa>nectteut. Th.s'l also did muietl.r.n a year alterward w hen Iintroduced him into Wrutungtt.ti City, sybeta he is now prac-tieing. Does thu lookn, if Lwishod tu impose upon the pub¬lic, nnd hud people to suppose that my pnrtuer w as one ol theI'nniily«, or in any way oottaecred with them? (Mice more:SHin after mir partncrsßip was formed, en! on going toWash¬ington, I issueii my Circulars, which, say rt.* Messrs. Pannly" are sent the City an.] Country and left under the doorsofmany of our friends." It. :ie.-e I '.r.tuinri I Staled the lactofmy connection with my partner, and also presented a crcutnurnlicr of certificates from vanou* well kiiovvr- professionalgentlemen and merchants of this CitTarsd elsawhesa, relativeto mi' men skill and reputation a; n Dentist, Iftbey ere entj.tied lotlieshphtestconhdeiice.! did not Ihe.i ar.;I do not now veryeteatly need Use name ofmy partner U. secure r.;e a p-.ttion ofthe public patronage. I havabeen alnsnst: twenty years en-

Ktited in my [irol'e sion in mis City, which, with rill deferenceto my prolessionnl ncighoors. I could hope would be of nearlyequal service tome to the mere name of I'armly itself!But the public must understand, end will understand, that

the complaints nnd accusations of th-Messrs. I'amilr uu notspring from any injury « hich the name of my partner hnidone them. If this were oil, the evil he«, been alrer.iy c:meted. At the »amest sohr taticn of E. i'urmly last Spring,and relying od Iiis honor and tlie rrpeatetl assurances that liewould he cnt.rsls san-tieU if it wer- dune, 1 iTnlu eil my pnrt¬uer t make one n'terntion mure 111 the rrrsie of writing h:smn«, and restore it to the manner in which his lather wrotebis. The change was made in our plates, idlllllliailSSIlls;etc. nr.d 1 supposed that the whole difficulty was pot to 'est.But E. I'armly was r.ot n.l'Stied. Tha a.'temtron of eun-sellerted nothinc. It dni not r«Mch tlie -onrre of those " u;i-

noying and duacreeahle ini«tske«." The fart :-. Ltfeel 11 more sensibly than E. Si J. Parnvy, a very consider f! .

pegtun of my present palrocs were torme-ly fJieirs. Theyhave made the mi.*t.:kr of be!:evi«g that they e*o tie as wellserved at ray ofCce a» they can at Parmiy'«, and at half theprice. Besides. I have :«tented and patented an in/ovrcd¦settsinj fastening nrtrßentl ire': when set na go.';! plates;which hLs'recciveil the unqtralrSed apfirobaObo of son.e oftoo un«t eminent lientis'-s in the United *tt--.!es, as well a. oftuuneTT.s thdividuaJs w ho arc now enjoying the benefit of it.This tue "Jesars. I'armly cannot use. Und I given this im-provemen* to the Profession, as I riai the<uery-wkeel, of suchvaloe to the Ix-nt-st, liie Messrs. Pannly wouldstill have been my friends. But they can s.lir t no rvalry. u..rsutfer any one to enjoy undisturbed tha fruits of Iiis lior«srtindustry and skill. 1!' it mterfercs in tho shgatest degree Withtheir business and supremacy.

I well know the ganüemeo withwbom I hss-etodo O;!cannot be »0 soft; nor Amt itself w hard. Tiicy have crealtband ir..1u«nce. and v.i!l cro^n me if they can. 'I hey will leaveno ordinary mean* u.itned. Am! tins tne profession ;:i New.York.knows ts well rs myself. 'Ihe time hu« beer, vvnen

could bend to them. I have conceded much to retiin theirgood-witl; I shah coni-ede no uio.e. Tney have c^hed rueoefore the public.on the public therefore -h&ll I rely.dlt Jt J. S.Ml IB ixJl >t; il. C Bondstreet.

I TI AL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW.YORK..It-1 lnstituuon, during tie month 01 Novem-

her, issued Sixty Policies, vitiToMerchanU.ST.To Clergyman. JTo Brokers. 1 To Lawyers.BTo Clerks. 1 To Millers.1To BfHjksellen.4H'o Mecharua.3Topr.nters. 1 To Officers cl Army andTo Student«. Ii Navy.3To Aucüor.eers. 1 To Gentlemen. 1To Ladies. 4'To Shipmaster. 1To '.ten's.1 To Grocers. 1To Editors. l|To Physicians.M

Tola! Lives Insured.60MOKEis KoBLNSON, P^id-rit.

SaM*l IJi.-iNAT. Sec'ry.Mi.viTRx Post. Physician. _di Im

L>iNK .AND BLCE CAMBRlCS-for sah.- hyJL cUWE1XS <t SPRING, =2 Pine-street.

¦pLALD BLACK SATLNETS..Superior cuahty just re-Jt ceivsd and tor si!e by E. C. STANT' N.

nil_SÜ Kecver sr.

CEWING SILK.A tire article, for saJe byO t.ll_L. t '. STANTON. «) Bea«-orje_

COLORED CANTON FL.VNNELS.-IO caies drub., brown and rieea ¦ tbrsah? be

.ill_V. KL1.< i. Sr'R.'N::. ij r;:i--'treet:..-Ij.OCOlbs. WashediAfrieaa, f r sie I -

\ V Cti_ADAMS. TllrTAXY& i XX15 !

tpARilEhS' ALMANACS at tl f* per KX. sJso it $1 perMO, Inr sa!« at tr»a Tnaone OtTies.. idSri

BROWN AND BLUE DRILLS.Norfolk and BcMhDnUmgs-tor saie by WELLS 4; SPSQiG.

jdll_ap^e-saeet.COTTON.130 bales re-racked, suitable for nanufacrcreis

cfTwine. Wies, and Rair... f .r byd!3_ADAMS.TIFFANY Sr. CO. 75 Pme-st.

fff QLTTABLE MILL SHErTTINCS-CoTrstsntty on hand,i. . tu?sie by .ADAiLS, TIFFANY k CO.

Hi TS fr^c^caet.

_B£R 17. Iä4'


GODF.VS LADY'S BOOK,For .Tnnttxry, 1 - 1 I.


C ' t-'-.-^r-rj f-r-: tl ¦¦~-,:-.n. T "-*Tn. S»!fK"i. Arne-ha Ii. Welby. Ait.. J. Kos» Dix, Mrs. Haie and. then.Th ¦ number « umseien:«»: wtth r.oiesi t.:m FIVE mcgni.

nren: Plates, vrx:" HELP MY MOTHER."

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AMERICAN ANNUALS FOR 1815..TbeGift. Friends* ptOtter r.e. The O: al. Keepsake, Christian Bahait«. Rc~e,Hr.w'iiome. Natarea Getos. Toe Dsadeas, R.rtoi Sharon,leaflets .:f Memoryl Literary S..i.> emr. Ainc- caii Bookof Henuty. The Pmlopeana. Youth's Keep-ake. Annu-lettp.^r-. fee ,

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AD.trotn.0RIOIXÄL pESlQA^Thu day pubhshed.Abo, TheFicterial Reader, designed as r.n introduction toe" Boys' Reading Book" and " Girls'" Reading Book, by

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TERMS-i*he tint td Not. or Five yean. 8S.. . .Per year tlurcafter. et.po

Sineia No«. tVlecr.is_Inrartablf -n c.lvnace o*ti»f

VvaTlY MEMORANDUM HOOK FOR 1MS.-Th».u!.-i ' >cr;:ir:rs wo¦: ... tue ntisnti. ..,! tu-iee*. ..I otherswho haveoccasion to use r. Memorandum Book, to tr* ub..\.»work.just publisheil f.r the year. This isnrrnngedwith a prime.) heading for mem irandums let every day tn iheyear, Sundays inclin e i; an.! Contains t Tune and Intarot Tn-bias, the sshole Iwmc nn larger than a pecker wallet, for whichliiey can uiso he adapted, is they are made w>thluck andpocket for that purpi*«. Published and sold wholesale nndre;., i by FRANCIS &. !^.f iUTK EL.iBUm Manufacturing Stationers, n Maiden laue.

rpuMEKCHANTS. TEACHERS AND OTHERS..1 HUN'riXNGTON _ SAVAGE. SU Pearl street, keepkeep c-insiaiitiy lor tale alarceand OMnpIetftassortmerst ofBehool, Classoeel and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books in

every vurety: Letter.Cep,froJedand r'ainI BiU, Dnkwbv,and fei Paper, Uuux lak, i-cn'.ii:* VVaX, 4tc. &c.Merchanta, Teacbeis, School Oimn-.iitees and others, wish¬

ing tn purciase. is dl bad it ler their interest tn gn-e us a eau,as «* r. !il iurcua nil articles in our line u: low pncot and in

quantities f.i

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Kar.;ei' El.anauts ofCrit;ci;m. ipKit8»o. Preston'j l::tarest Iablts(pai

Pres oii'sinterest 'i'nsles T per rent.cent.Do. Do. Abridged.

A i'ructiej«! of theEr.ciish Lau.mage or an tntro-ductioa to composition, in which the constructions are ciossi-Se<! into predlcsiXiont and phrases. T.y Edward tiazsa, lutnarof he . iiellcr and Dofiner. Pn.-t first.

tV-.s first nn.- i.!..: !.. :!. :,p .c.'. s,-pJ y


cjiI Morythiy He.miiss of tne t )i>em."0 hSTEX*TS.

B] t » lad Set W.-es-ea.Baiiad from Bei.edict's new Operain the H.-ide* of Venice, with a teaniifuJ sicnette.

I* fiilos du fiel Villi* composed b; C-.milie SchtiberLOldFami'.ar Frwrd«.Song.Com/vsol by Bar.irtt, a::d tunz

by Ki bCGeo. Paige.C aKam i md Br-nJisi.Frrn the Opera of L'Esire d'

.im-'io. i.y Dodaocti.Floosntioe V'.'nltr««.< ". mpescd hy flnensol. ted perfurmed

by tue Kaamerer Band.The "eau: >j of the i ipera eoajains9D U-Stt of engraved

Mia..:, printed on ex'ra f..;« puper. -.t lue tvducod price of joee"ti .. el numJcr. :-iU'd on ' t^lti of each montn. oyoL'Y £j VMUEL I'. J< ILIJE, j<5 Broodsray.PRIVATE O rTILLION PARTIES attended t.. by a Pin'.XT no Forte and Violin Performer of ih» beat talent in theCity. Inquire at JOLLIE'S Mus.; store. 385 Broadway. dlO



tJARPS..J. F. BROWN it Co. from Erarl. maken ofLa the Improved Patent Iiouhle arM Smzie Action lla-p,L.niion and New York. establr>lied 1510. J. F. B. often lorsaiealä*.! Rrondway, an eiecar.' assortment ot'e Action Harps. The rich rjrilhaner of tooe. kghtneai oft.vicn. eieganeeol h.irsh and iier*-'!-: mecintnisra ol these Harpsrender tl«m unequaled, end obtain for them the tir.t amateurand professional patronage in Europe and this country. Theyare rstwstrneted on the beat ptinetplea ofthe celebrated ' Eraru'with ah the modern unprtrvetnenti of Lmdon and Pans..Warrmted to bear the te«t ofcunntte, s;id Eurupenn prices.Harp* rsipotred and for hire i siiinir'. InftrncttoH Books.Mu¬sic, ate. J. p. BROWN E. .Maim tacturer,

N->. 'Sä Broods.y. nnJni5lmd No. ?3$i .."hamt'en-streei, N. Y.

DUCKING GUNS..The subscrben nar* iustrecened a

larce av"u.Tin*nt of iK-uble and Üiritle Barrel DtickintGuns, asncrted length.. Ai»o, Fowhag Gun*, pi i rariety ofkinds, at ve:y low pn:es. .\- W. SPIES oc t.t..

nil_Jj P-e-.r-street.

rpo SEGAR DEALERS.Forssdoa rarent f.,r iniprov.ogi Semrs.making tbeni -en ieu.')- mure :'.-a«a:.t'..the»u.oterby preserving the w:;;ip-»r ur.hniken and preserving the ha^.-r.esii of lh> Segnr from betng destroyed hy th: saliva or rr.o R.ute of the mouth, without injury eitherlo uie flavor or qoahtyjf the Seear, Ate. *tc. A toesuMressedto L A. Tr iiuneMtSce, will receneimmeu.aie attention._dirt lv< t

LAYVLLLE SHEETLNGS-a bales hae 4 4. for sale byadams. TLPPANY &. CO,p.w-t.G

MAM HESPES LONG CLOTHS.of the rfilTeren:widtßs-iar tale by WELLS & SPRING',

<J11 _i2 Piii- street.

tj T.TINETS.A fc~ c£--es. low a.-.ced, m.j^d, for sale by0_ cLi_ADAMS. TIFFANY i. CO. 75 Pir.e-jt,VAL AND ROUND IRON..An BAsortcient »f oval,half ova!, and halfround Iron.jnsl received and for s*!e by

¦a SHERMAN. ATWATER at CO. Si Brnac-st,

Ü'MBRELLA CLOTHS-for sale b?dll_WELLS fc SPRING, a Pineatreet-

U"'V.PRE;.'C\S.::-i'tnn Sticks. fcr«nh>bycl; ADAMS. TIFFANY fc CO. 75 Pase-st

OXFORD MLXtlD PLAID SATINET, just received andfor rale by (nil) E. C. STANTj i.N.ft Benvar-st.

rVWl s<ra pJljiie-i F re im-s. awore.1. for s«le byg ft f flg MACKCE Ar. LEV ERET i.W Water At i'PLE^.2Ö-» i;i»i itiio-io Is. ind GlSSIIllHI

A2 0 Uriel Apples.ISO " fined Peaches. Very superior, and

form lots tosmtpt.c.-iasen.bir, cpirrrrH ^tr>t

PIÄNÖTeIsONS AND TUNING.-IV. C. SAYN ER22 First As'enue, gives lessons on the Pinno arc smgxg on

iik'llemtr tirnas.a so. tun« Piano»; price 75 cts.For Sale or to Let.Two fine Piaacs trotn the factory of

Meacharn sc Co. Albany._die at*

FIG IHf'N" .40 tocr. No. 1 SfJaaxei rd Americas P:g Iron,f - aie 'by MarCTB & LEVERETT,

rie 10_1W WoJgr s'nser-

UCK PRINTING P.\?ER.-Fme Book Paper,Superfine Book P»c«r,Extr»" " *

made *o order, any si^e and waiEht, »t short notice, byraace^o CYRUS vV. FIELD. 3 ^r]ingSbp-_GlJiZEX) STB_-V.W"BOABDS.-r use.. Oh daylanding

and for tale by CYRCS W FIcLD.jw_8 Buriing &JP-_

BRITANNLiTTEA AND COFFEE POTS. Piwhea.Twülisä."!. Muzs, S-Kyiis, Sou; Lailas, ic ter si^e ^yiunuesi ^Mpj W££ji3, si Maidea Last, c? Baas.




RECEIVED DECEMBER IS..T. *>. Trtylor & Co Jobber*. 09 this momm; free* !?.e Caledonia, und from Baun,New Goortm. ej (flows;-*

! ease tfiorcign Woolen Plan!*.very sesnee.100 doxsra s gaiy eotaed Ls-hes' Cravat«. silk and velvet.S cs.-es nfk war;. AlpI ras.3 c~:.>n v.arp.highly Jcjt-ed.1 " Ri ta! " TOMre.iciittonTtbVC.wfr».3 .. Calmer*!.the S-«: s:v:e; . iTeredllu season.1 1* La-res.5 " Pr -u.. rvrrr-t pattern* frr>m a.-.y ia -i-arlat.lhsloof Plasd Cfaakrng*. from Sahshury Muh. and a very :

scarce a.t.cie in inarKtL |3ca«e» PncM i B. P cached S ecii".:-.1 " Phcsn x A. Bleached S-eetirucs.5 I' Mammae Pituti .iwiw ami beaut f.ilstyiaa.4 Hamilton Bleached Canton Flnnrte's.10 ha!*» ot Sta-k Md.'. Sheetings. 4-4 w e.3 ease* of S.-.rnsts. dark and henry-. very low prrced.1 Laie« ot 4 1^tin;..extra due. and very heft. ?.a ba.'e» of Carpet Y»m.15 ca-^ ot lde-i":V sheet-tics and Shrf.-r«.iitTercat styles

and pr ces.All ot'the above nitavd roo.i< will beop--r»«i th s inomiru, 1

having b«en bough: in B atria laSJJ week, at- i. t re-snved.J O. T. *c Co. would leepesrtful y an:: u.-.ce that then it.vk

will be kept eennatete ix its cj.*ortmcnt end quantities du..inj tiie j.rv-cnt an.t com eg winter mouths, and those who jbuy at all sea-on» ot" the year will find with us the articles ..a !their msiu 'ramiurrj. dir} j(VI '¦ 'l':.:>V. ALDRICH Jfc~SPE.\rER. 47 Exchanga'I "'nc. r!ort . .r.v-;'. :cn-->-d.i Cloths, ¦ontammj Pws Use and Wool Bluvk, n:.v« Iand < -idel ot" v.rioi. .ota r es.

13 eases pla ai ¦: I; icj ttnpsd and PUsi<! f>»*eu»taea;"sin s*ni .¦>.¦¦ staminr Bi -»»s, Br iw. Oxford.< .-./'.:, :i¦.: st -..; M.s.'.;, D.^aou-i. ILi*edasJ P aid ct";var"u- srn.'.>-r.

b casts l'iam a.iu Kaney Tweeds._dlO Ira


T_ _CHEAPER THAN EVER.HE SUBSCRIBER wish c lo ci.sse the balane« of bistall and win'er Stock, of which nrvof recent auction

P ttehafe, would rtfer t..eiti it the roUow 'C low orecs: splen-did¦ j mlitr expos.t:..n tiattern Pans Cashmere D'Eeossje. allwool, from 3s. to 4s. od. per yard : super shade stnpe. phunand pbtid Muslin de Lane. Inmi 14 to 3drts; extrasn_»er hln-kSilk: Velvet for Ladies [latwts; benntifnl onnted Verrats forDress rig Gowt«:, rich Velvet Vesting; Thread, Brnsaeh andGtafflum: Lace Edging ami Inscrtuig: new styiadp tjice ;needle wpsu.-hr l'olhirs: Kih!»>ns ;> imps and r rmr^s; Lashrtt'ravau; IrnenCamb. Hdl&;abaiMSi 'i-ea<»ortiuentofl'"renchShawlsof.aJJlands: Gloves: Hosiery.dee._d3__ C. Y. WEMPLE, .\ i.73Cedsr.sveet.U'ltiE.MiS ./ V.: 'Bi'.KT It. .; \.;t: «... .,. orrn^i t;.-: b»

i v,i .* j l.mai'.rv «tkxkt.DRY GthlDS at "It-«malie«t :«.«« f.;c advuncss.

raxTtctrLsit ATRxnox.Is re-i'i.--- ...'

DR VVVER Gl H IDS AND LACE GOODS,which ssrillaiwayabe ke;-t full and complete, pwsui.i'nir on

sbowine the lar^e«: and tuilest Bs.ortmetit in the city, nil 'I o"

NEW FALL GOODS CI1E IPI!Q IV. D. GREGORY ft CO.No. 175Sprine si~e-. wish»*. toacsiuaint tha rfrtaiidsaridttmpublie with iheir leter.minathm bisssU CHEAP all their StncX of Fall and WinterGoods, the most ot wkseh have Iwen b"uchtiit :iie late Auc¬tion tor Cash, and which they are resolved tu sell at the latestrclucuoos 'ii prr.-».S. B. Great Borcains mn» now t*i»xpectrJ. (Tall and see.

nl4IV. D. GltEM )RY it O '. 175 Soring st.

TVfT.VY i till REt» CüA^IEl.EON Sü.p'S..Jus! r>ceived- \ at ;... Ii :, llECi iRY ee t '. >.. 17 Spnn(Street, t aase

«HEAP TAPLECHTLERY-.Thesnbacribermipaetfallylntorms his fueuvs and tke public, that he constantly keeps

ooharsd. athisChsMpHous^FuiTsishuisSJtora, a rhuce a«-sc.rr ii er.' i"1'able and Tea Knives, from & 6J lo *3 SO per set.with Carvers a .. Steels ;.. raatcb, mm n lino assortment »lI'.vka'and Pen Knvei. Also. German S'lvernnd Britni.uinTea andTable ms, und a rood .Ts.Ttmeni ofBritanmaU are, such r « Cocee and l e V Lamps of various pst.Urns and use*.it.-. Ice, Also.TinandJappanned t\'am, andTea Trays of sarions si/*, un 1 qualine». .Ms... Hardwireand Holhssrwam, such as Pots. Ke" e«. Sadirons, Brr.-«Kattks. dte s Caipenters'Toab; cheap sod of the bast cuah-ty, s ich as Sow., Cbtsets, i.e., Nniis. Locks, CariietTacks, a:c. &>.. An excellent variety also ofWood-ware und!'......... 'i ub<. pails; Wash-boards, Clothes Hones,Wo Bowls and Choppi is rnrs. ur.a.tns. Cnuiles, Bas¬ket Chairs, French Travritm* Basket., tee.; Carpet. Strawund Solu.: Bag", fee. Likew ise. R.u-hes .<. aiim^t everykind.Cloth and Hair, Scrub and Paint nnd Dusting Uruvhcs.Atsö, Fine Teeth ind Fowich Dressii -1 Hambs, ke fee.

i'leaie call nt H It, jniiss ron'e, 3S fjalharine-street, whereyou will find an axes)lentassortmen nnd all very lew,

K R. Jiii!.\STO.\.28t:atharine.«treet.N. B. T-yj ofall desenptiocs, at wholtsule and rein.J.d 16 3m y

f iSEITL ARTICLES r"" S'llESKNTS-FItANC'IS &Kt LOUTREl 77 M den Laoe, have or. hand a large as.¦ortaseni ofarticles suitab e for P ssonts. to winch they inv taUio attention oftheir fnervth and the public. Their assortmenteoosistsinpartof the following articles: P«-ket Uooks andCurd Cures of supen.v finish: Chessmen, live d fleieut s'/es ;Backgammon ant] Inaouai»! lonla.Gold Pens, a superior aiti.Oteh Case; rrsehldni IVto In ktt.ncs in ;r*nt vanety, s.ime

clerantiy omaroaoted.Rosewood Writing Desks, conin'ete,(inlaid with Peart).portable Wntint lie-s.. . ,Na Pin« Cltra1stvle. I'enr: llniders. Xlvt'o Seals, Ivory Tablets. Playing andviril ug Portld. os. with and wilboot l-k-k.I'ur. .;lu..iSlate«,Dominna, Pearl and Ivory Folders. Segar Crises, 4c.Fancy and Plain Note Paper. hnve||)t)o,, Aac. jlc.FRANCIS LOUTREL, Manutarturing Ststioners,

dlC !m 77 V,:: 1. :.../. between W.:: am and Go!! «'.s.


No. 103 Division-atrect./"'AKES. iced and oroameated in ev-ry style. Orders thank-V fully received and niiiictunltv attended to. I'arties sup-p!:ed to nrder v. Mb Ice Cream. Jellies, pyrumids, t 'hurlolte deKusse, Knut Cak»,Spring Cake, Ladies' Fingers, Cocoar itDrops. Venalla Jumblas. Lady i alte. Mottoes, Kisses, v? than extensive assortment of all kinds of Confscsioosry tor tSi-coming New Year. Also, a od large loaf of B.ead. utl tm*

T>HE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED GOODS are oi redI at very low prices. They sro of the very best qualityD xnn&Sun'. Bitamiiu Tea Bets, with the newly inveriteupatent Tea Extract, r.Tea Trays in vt'.i-r single, splendid pa'ternt.Silver p at*<l ( ake Baskets, Castors. 5'ea Trayi. <w.Patent Vesta, i-olar, ijicustatic and Patent Spring Lamps,

latest patterns in the city.FineTo el itlery in äeru or knives separate.Gltandohet. a laree assortment, now patterm. for tale by

WM. E. STtJlTTENnURGH. 148Fuhoo.¦ !14_bettveen Broadway und *.i»sdu «t.

lN'KW FANCY ÜOi i!'.-. dtcTHE undersigned inv to the attention ol the trade toachoii e1 assortment ef NEW AND DESIRABLE COOLS.

Silapted to tho present and sppmaehiog seasons, (receive,!per last arrivals,) enn«istms in part of PAPIER MACIIEEGOODS. PAPETER1ES. FANCY STATIONERY, &c.Also PLATED WARE and FEA TRAYS, torethcr with

a great variety ol FANCY HARDWARE generally.d7WILLIAMS t BILL. 1!' Maidan uino.

u/u z, iJKO'niF.k & »;u.No. '.'i JoHM-nnzcT, iVr,w-Yop.s,

*:«h No.O Folwx-stiisst, Beookxtk;OrisirisJ inventors 3uU s;.!o manufscturvrsotthe jcnuioe IkvrieLasoii. Also, marnilaetarea eod usi. ien bj nirprovad Cum-paeae l^imn, S>.'-.r La. uü. G.iaiHol«, liaif Ijinussand Ijin-lerns. Astral and rJolarFhades, Chmsssiea nrj f jimp Glasses oftil tir.iU. Li-op Wie». f'u:e -;,s-ra» Oil. Cunpheoe and llum-ir« Plrrid, ad .¦'s-lush ar» otisred at svaoleaala nnd fssosfl atow prices for ca;h. _8ep3 T^

¦.. & J. MORRISON sSt c'6!I MPORTER8 sad tJsgders bs Small VVares, No. 9 Maids*.Aiunc.rud in Broadway, N. Y; keea essstataathrda hand, s

Comp ¦ ..... I', ... Thi. i: d Neei! e no,vsa: Kmttiaa Ysra, Worsted, do Cotsoo, Tattiar OittonZephyr Worsts.!. Her I loai, Hi«i«ry and t.'ovea. Velvet -u-Ooni. Kuu.a f;rn.os, iMrs-Ornuioeats.ilo'|\vu*. rmeec;S")n,Suoorior SNaddina. finirarnl Ijico Pins, bilk anJ Stasi n< <¦

toas. Gtlt and Azr.ta Bult iruuGiospi ;rd Frinaes.T-! e-. i-.rcBindings. Hi!...-- ics St ctoo's gencisa Rural an.'«'...::.tsmink Inillssl Eis« .1- '-n.-

BOVNET HOAI'.ns AND PRESS PAPERS"If/) brown Bonnet B. aids, Aust.n's40 " Press Falser., heavy,GO" "

SO " brow n Bonnet Boaids. low priced.Its) " I'hthr!.-lpuia blur and white Bouaet Board*.ItO " wh;teSi) " Kasten wh.te

For lots to raiil purrhaiera, at PAPER WARE¬HOUSE. 0 Burhug rim, by [dldlw] (.YU'.'S \V. FlEI.lJ.__HARDWARE AND CLOTH PAPER.

toM*. in 10U 'dI-O ibs per r'in..'-'Un In SS to TS lbs perr'm3rtx40m ?3tol3j " " ..'.'0-^)'.n!»toiviJ " "

.'Bxtflin bUt-. "J " ". IPvÄi-' :-0t..ffl " "

24x3ri in tOtolOU " " ..K'rv.i 'r. 2Tj to SO " "

12x34 in -tO to *) " '. :3>\-Jl in 10 ro S> " M

i.-xj.'iu 40to SO " " ..!?x,ls ir.30 to M " "

22x21 ii 35 to %l " " ..Ii\l>>iiii5t-i40 " "

51x32in 35to 75 " " ..14xi4itjiin<40 " "

For me m lots to suit purchn-er«, nn tha most hheralterm., by CYRUS W. FIELD.

dls' tw_9 Burhag Slip.WOOL.

-| QQfJ 1 « "¦' "^ec« Wool, from common to

50,000 Ins f a ii :.¦ i V insum WooL of aR (tus^ties.s-ntabla lor Satinets. Flanr.eL, Carset», «fcc.

500 hnies of washed ar.u isi.e-.l F-.ieign Wool, eomprisuBgail nualilies.

30 Uies -iiperi'.r Bazsay Lamb's V.'ool. for hatter s use.

2» 1*^« Mohair, tor hendmzs and listings cf Bread Cloths.ICD utütss Rag Wool, tor sals at low.' market pr e*« ».v

TONNELE k. HALL,dM 3tDfc3tW*_c.-r. Pearland Baekman-sts

TT'F.ESH FRI'lTS. Raisins, b. wi.o!a, half end qr. bcxesJT Sula.ia Raisins. Malaga Grape*,

Boreeaus Prunes, m fancy boxe»,Turkey I ig Paste. Zanta Currants.Madeira a--..J. Italian Citron,Oranges. Lemons, Figs,Bitter and Snel ri! Almijnds.Paper sneil and Boreeaux Almoodi. tee.

For safe in cuantius-! or for tomily use bedg_G ASSNER YOCNG._E3 Cnarhan. st.

N'UVA SCOTIA POTÄTfjES.*-Wh.vs "aP" cachargirg from tie bng Grace Dannsg.ut tho fee.',

of Broad street, a very superior article, probably berur thanany .ither Pi.ta'oe in iise, for sale ta lota V) suit purchasers..The public are invited Pi give teem a trial. Samples may tohad at No. si Wnitehaii street._dll 6:*. .OVERSHOES AT 25 MAH EV LANE..Why.

is it that, wnea others are almo-t idle. UA Y is fulltcoverfioTing? The auwer is, ras'jBmble rranufae-tare of < ivertnoes is appreactec by tnose who neve t-:»d all< He p-.ys h'trh -sages, uses the oest marerials, ias tna

largest fa ii.tKS, being in the business long before «thets began,smUhas always tseao rj-ute in with improi ements..One otser i ru customers always suck to cim. be.cause he do n't gbava them, or let his clerks do It. He has o-~*

pr.« to ill per«..r.s. a.-d riia: the true markt moie.

L',t.«M pans i via sr.,rt, emb'scing ai! kiid- art' coming n. sv. .. fc-ir..!. Rercember the oux!*»r-2j Ma'uea L«oe.

i Broadway, onedoor from. Naasaa-st. dM



STEELE <fc CO.S3ö Pxs*t>ST. N. Y.

H. R..Paarasek Pssistfssw tbaabasiaadssaa smfar aWaar***J' ! IUI/. PiEi ia HANGING PAPER, c'j»H-sjU.l/UU -ja. just orr.vcrf and fcr n t at rr.a' 'ilactarers', by GAUNT t DERRlCKSON.

albUS fae^UMtrsec

WANTED._YNTOktMATION WANTED-of PATRICK nee JAMES» WRPH V. [^twm. W hen bist iws.-a from they weee in

the £ lyhra a, «J«1 w«rk*>l to? a Cmtraetor by the=sr-e..!Coy>>-ii-eTwrre a!»o id BurTs'C'. aart are no» M3

po^i vi je jo t ariiir- Any information nf tSrrn w'U b»:> reeeiveu be tjWsster. BRIDGET Ml

£' li*es.«an si. New.York-_ dM 3:\AJ AN rED.A situation tn souse Sea-.intv or private IV-* » ratty, to tench the Enlist. Orrmr.n, Irx-nth. Sp*m*mand Itoitt* ktnsring**, er to attructiou oo the Pta-x^'crtrlad in Pie a* Sse^tdMsstc. ot a place M JtSÜttaU Boot ierp

erat in so-ac-jSce. Good testi.v.s tuaJs ran be prodi er»,factory referrcees »ivtn. Please direct " .Vttpi*!.'

at ibi? office.N.B.. IrM-rtcticn wv-iiii b» given, ca applieation. to privat»

-sis in :lw above caejrd h»i:gC-sr<"i sad-V- .« V 1544._dig

1X7ANTED.A . bra. rmMctabk eieVrty tvf>> > .V AN as rood (dam louk. Wa«her as»-t Irvovf, i» a¦ ttrtUa .ir. Iv. \\ uge« n. l so much an civet as a rood

fcoiiw.^ Please apply at No. tC Watts street, trout basement,

, \~AVTHD--r> a rrv>"c*!»' k* WOMAN a sitrmtx« ä»< V Cook.'sotibt have nootyecfcsscs to go iq theoma'-y.

Apply SI k: eabetb --:._

did A"

U*ANTED..Alesrrs-table, healthy Girl w-sbes aSrtjsa-: .>.: to ,!.> General Rouaework t.-r a small family- She

is a re"d Plain fo-k and first rate Washer a::.l Ironer ¦ rann : rct's-reno: Us tjiat errect. Please appls at No.

r» <">¦?. s s et. tack roori. tS'Srst tl. r. iilft!:*C INGERS WANTED-Taco. li-tdie»-oo* to »W *»&*».>- the theraecood treble ¦ an bpssosoel Chorch Po-asm*;»s»eieed ot the nsvs-ssary qiiab^oatKHis and of evod cmirac-

-. csposed t-i enrage for a si:.*;! salary, may aihire*» (stmng¦., - r: :>r.-.Mv !-'..-..:> P. H ' - 14 Jt'_\ \? T ANTED.A GOOD SEAMSTRESS, who can also as-

> m tail.-.;: care oi aa lal-aoC Addrvs» M. G. TribuneOflrce._ _do" tf

rrtEN il LARS REW VRtt.Ytcxsairaa RsxxSros v..'" \ certirtcate tor ti.uty sbams ot V.cksi-'urc Bank. Stork,

in then*me of Puck «s & IVs-k, ami aumbered SOUS, ssith!' arerof \:'..;i.ev nitacl^i. « as io»i ouSotiit.inVjiVi March.|l was en ¦'¦sscd 11 a letti'r. ci^l in»t on it-sssay to U alUt. 1*heabcnre »<. !«e aid jy Iwviac it -t Itsrsmpeoa's i>u.ce. 53 Wallh set. mhJl s

HOARDING.ÖOARt) fn L. bad for a cr.iiie:nan aid la.;y in a iniail¦Jrprisbte tiiiii.'.', ai.-e. tlist :ate . Apt.|y at S \'.t-rieys:i«er, _dlB lv«»

I kPlVATE IP >ARII.\ i'rs.r-i:> e f"«it n»>m nsy be hsil ia' ape t family circle. Dear Watlttnaton aquara. ApplyatSTi >i:.,'v..trcs-r. .114 it*

Bt kARD.Very pleasant rswns t«tstuetecendeaaeaI »lütawavts-ee, elftes3D i^ltle"

1>0ARJD IN T0K ( oi ..-. TTtYpTwo or three^r».m«"eeneJ* Lwacceramodated » in lioanl. ne*r the Vd'ase el WestKarms, ami tsrtthm a riiort drsisnc» nf the Hai>ni Kailroail..ISie Isottseiseonim ... m and pbainiitly tilimttd PverssrrJseeinCsrrnattsintnontreat ISO Itsmery^_alOiss*|>OAKD.« th or without rooms may bo obtamest Ko,1J tt t riamlsirs sln; p Me the l*ark._o'iV* _

5 Si \Kl'-.\ put!..' ii'i.i tvs.i il.«> r s n.s en the «jm- rt «1 ^ ci'n \jf had » Ith Board OU re«oiml>e» tfru.s. at 73 Htutsoostreet.they arecusntbrtabl] warmed by tin' Kn«ssii Iroe rutnaee. winch .. »res» tnsnUeirV» knit pf a nil »t..vA dJlw

H.s\ \.N .v..V.r>. \> i»- 1' t-. ir>. i- ilouw t- is peea re

iuose-1 to the huiiii.n«,- .iccupieil a. the " I aß-i go [louse Motel. .No. !!'. i'ai.e Ohrania. cruer ot t'.s'le Jtar-CMle.v. which hsj Sxn esteusivc.'y repair*! and mprosed..Priwatnutxed in cottibnnity to the n»"u rjcenp'ed and timeremaining 1'or eatd*, he. aupiy to Mason & Tut la. 1Ä Nis-eaaeUeeUwho wilrbe happy to furn . i every mfitmatitntotiareliTs l».midto Havana.

N. B..Passsmsetsare se.ric»i..lM ob:.-n Basspwts, sruicewill Ii« Mni.'-te-i hy the cierkofthe hou^e. who w.HN-snl allTessels itnnifdiatelv on their arrival. il3 SasjU

f R BNC H'S H 0 i' WU.risnE PJtOPRD5roRies^»eeUrill| informs his ftteedV and2 the public that he has opened his new and snlendld Hotel

.tree', a lew slnors eastol l!n>niissa), ii <re rat.i inity of merer r.l.te bii.nies. ami the principal p ai>fI

ot auoisuineet. and has i jrnisiied i in n »t> !e that will bear ta-eorsbM eumuerttnn with the scry best r>otM in the city Theproprietor in biiiidinu and tittimr up the abneo h.»-i»e Ihm hadstrict reenid toelestnn.-e ard 'rt. ami tnal behasesMRbiixdecoooms il-e IrdlowmcpHeesvrwshow:


The rooms will bo etat", and upon no occasion wiiltiiei'! le more than one lissl in a room.

'i'heie il a Ri;FECP'>ltV .ulnchvd. in whi.-li 'h«rean»raeaisserved up at ata hoirbcI iheilny ami cseninr. There are

alto Path Rooms connected, tor warm, e 'kl and shower mths.The Porter will be in attendance ut uli tunes iliumc the uijtht.i admit lorlejeji, mul to let them out at all hours.N. It .iii ¦<; :\ n want lAxismss alter the bouse doses

will run the bell hell. nil :ini*

LESLIE COMBS Jfc SAMUEL SHY. Attorneys andCotmsellon at l*w, Lexinaton, Kv., will attend to bust-

n.'u loi non re.-uleiiu n any pan ot lue Stale of Kentucky._nM.Vwtt_

i LEXANDER IIAM11.T0N. Junior, tate'seei.-'i..-I V L-jii ion ut Madrid, bat resttnaM ine pmetice .' Ok law«.'tlice No. 57 Wall It. n-1 4w#_IOHN CONGFR. Jr. A IT't Ut.N PA \M' W\J 1.1'K AT LAW, AND SOUCrTOB IN CHAKsJERY, Fart Wayne, Ind. wtH ittend to professional buji -i».. :n

the various departments ot lbs State of Indiana. W. ¦ mattend f-c payment of taxes, .iiU>s of lands, and all other

-v. apperta ...:..: to a General Land Axency Ii r Nvitherebdiana.

lift: -ertcs in AVi." l'i.-¦ .J. W. Edmonds. Et(j. Messtt.....' S Dav:c>. P. Wim dim II Ac Co. Siiydnm. hoje At

Co. Tho.-nc, ;i-.:r& Thomas. Strutlien. Morehousa a; Co.i.'omsti^k & Conrp nslä Im*V AW CARD..CotiacTtON or Dears a tiir Ncrth-1j Wkst.-E B VVASHBrjRNE. Attoniei at Lsw.Ga.

(i linow.l .riii awe nis attention to the coljitetion ol d«Uadoe New-Yoia Mereluints in Galena, Roeltlbtd and Rock[slaad, IHim st in in Buqne, Iowa: in PlatceviDe, 5".»io«i,i rn : edu Cbien, Mineral Point and Mad.sou. Wovon*Ruler to D. A. CClBHSJI tc Co.; DuRCStva, Si ....«>i St

Ntxorr. New.Yotk. _att tf_TEETH..J. SMITH DODGE, 17 Bond street. iirrSrahta

Inec !. and the public an enure new methiMl of tastwi s

itfJUcial teeth. It is oi his own invention, secured by laueni atciit, und u-erl hy himietl only set this rily.From Hon. Silas'Wru'-, C. s. S uaiur from the Scale ol

New.York;WasBIMOTOM, IX C. February 1*. VUX

Dr. .1 Smith Dnshte, ttpiiii hit arnvnl in Wnslunglon 11 openin thceni g Surseon DeutisL presented to me tettrnfromHveral tr ei ds in >' York .>! the luxbeat respeetau&ly andKaildinCiCsltilainui« the sin nsesl and moat mvocable lest..

m Js, boil onto the excellence ofhm private character, andniperior prolessionaJ ipiulilioat.ons. 'I'hese «atulictory

evidenees of the man sod tue Dentist induced me nt nice Pi

engage t|i« pnireaiiooal vrvicos of Dr. D.sige for nyownEnmify ; and niy »itenud myself arenow able, from pi .-sunnsperieiice, to mid our owmivpuilly laiorablo teetimouy m ble

favor an agentleman and a skilful Dentist. This testimony istuns given bime. n. well in obedience to the nirnnst > ihcito--iiis,,! respVetoole nn.l worthy friends in New. Yuri:, whoive (or many yean experietieed the skill nnd rt.lehty of ilia

I'..clor in his on lessii n. as in ..iy own convictiooa of jus per.lonnl i- .e loBsional merit. SIL 18 WRIGHT.

«jas, *| STEAMBOAT FOB SALE.Tie new,S- k largeand eerproodious low pressure -team-*rtt^v& l-iiit'-NEWJEKSEVisoilereil lor (ale on

iad at a low unie. The NewJersey was unit inn in ISU, by dnys works, of the |*»l materills und

in ilio most ,'jlntnntial manner.and m 1H4 was eulargrd andluiprnvcil by Mr. Cai*», aniltin all particulars is now n com.plete order, w lb a very full in»culory. Sue is most admirablyadapted for a Inrce pbs-'OK« route, and can accominodct-i in theL-rt mannerfitt) pasaengers.

II the N riW.Jl.RSEV s not sold liefors the Äih ofJanuary,she will on ttmtday I« sold without rsswrve or restnctiuit, tuthe hiirlies' bidder, nt the Merchants' Exchange.For luither particubirs apsiiy to R. II. FT.'REY,

on bunrd, foot of Barelay-ttieet.New.York, Dec 12. im. did t.lan tS/jaeriii'^K HI LL'S TRCSFS.-Noticeio R.iptu-«I Per.J A"^*cri..ns attbeurd wilh Ruptures n ay relyI jta ¦upon the h»t Instrumental aid the world anord»,^Kttf^ty J)"" applicaUon at the office. No. i Vcsey msec,

^2*^*^ or to either of ilmagsuu in thn pnnripslUiwnsin the 1 nited States. lie careful to exarunn the back pad ofHull's Tru~ei,to see if they ore eudorsed by Dr. II nil in vinting.None are gauuine. or to be rehed upon as good, wittmut hisrigymture.Many ersons hav» undertaken to vend irnrtotions of Hull's

ded Tratest, mid thousands me imposed uinin In conns,luence. The* imrtatieru cannot be rehe.1 upon; they are

tnede liy unsjaUni niechaiiicn, and are no better ihau the urdunary Trusses.R.«uns .-use i^v-n fitted up nt N> I \ «-ey irtroet.excliuively

for ladies, having m separate entrnnce from th* busines depart..'. m ben a fhmai* is in constaiit alleudance lo waipat ."¦>.._

THOMPSON'S TRtJSSTSJ (illice lTTleekT"man itrsot. Z1 U.ut isxl ol tha tirst pbi'stciarM\ ma nuratuioi of New.Voik havo tfivrn '.lieirdo.'eHled U> this Trus*. as you cm gradu-Kte the pre^ure from one to fifty pouudi on tlie

thoul a hick i-ad, which diM* s.. much injury toA ta r trial iwin» Oie best test of iti .upem

is applied and six dnys' Inul given, and if it n<<r.t mil n*iu» thenipiiir*. whih performing every kind ofexercise or ecoglnng.and give perfect tue- m n word, if it is not satisfactory m

every resp-.-ct, the money u she^rfuliy relurnedLiind U.isis theonly condition on wbicn you should buy any Truss. A per-m.u.cni cure isaasily etfectoiJ. and warranted, ifdirections or*followed.Tb -.. -m/ndinc for this Truss need omy mention then lo rap-

¦im end *Ji»! n.easiim mund the hips, a* they can rtad'iatothe pressure u> suil their case. Sold whobnaie and retail at 13Be*knmn-.UegC_iiultfrT- 11 ATS.FALL FASHION.A general a-mrtment

*.\ of(ssmtleosen'sllsis,*ueh as (.'n.s.imere, hnisb, tiuiria.JfJjSavlong and »bort napped beaiar. silk end riii-Unsin hats¦ran ted on fur UmI^s, made of the best materials and wott-mciwhip. All scliiug at ibe very I'.west uri<^.

J. 11. M< iNARaifE, No. 221 Biirery.AI«,, Caps and Furs ol every a eriptjon. u<t) fm*

£S WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER. WARE...^'Ifi The .ubseribers would respeetrulfy intincrn theirSg-d »>m trie:.' and thepnhlte xeueiolly that they have ie>

moved then esabhfnment from the old HandleIruadway, corner of abreitestreut, where they sooldbe

c.-ce.-.e , i.t.nued share ol thn I hernl putrocaeewk U le;s !^.-er. lo>p)wed i-.r Ihe ynsl twenty.four years. Willbe kept constantly on har.d,alull ai»..itinent of tlio newextstyles of Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware. Walchei of themoat approved tnacufacture, and all articlea ut tlwnr Ime,w inch wdl be ud'orded oi the lowest market ui cc i.

A. JACOUat b. SONS.i*B 3m* 'Xi'.'i Broadway, corpseo*fBsaaWet,


WATjCHES, JEWELRy, siLVLlt P/AR.E,j£y*V_ *y-7"'' :e'uber^bersrespccrluily inv.teuie l^rnuoo

cf tlteit fnetidasrrt Uie pubbcl»Uieir neu-.tadele-t.-.r.t a^"jr.ment of.ONE GOLD AND SU.VEP. WATfTIES,

consisting ot Dupiex. Lever and Lepine Watches, i.f the va»n ui apprr-s-ed makers, cased in lbs neatest style,and varraaLed cwrsri :iiue-»«:.-«v<.Silver Knr.ts, Vor»*, rpoocs. Ladles, Tea y»tx, Crpi, Cas.

ton, itc.Plate.) «nd Hr.tannia Wars, Hpectaebi*, Perxil Ca.<ss,Martel Clocks, Fine Cutlery, Faucy Goods, tut. w.i cb they

are enepled tu oller for sale at very ledunod pness.VYatcnesarvl Clocks earelully warranteeLisL'KWOOD U Sf.'KlB.'s'ER,

At the oiii establisbe.! stot*. 2f> Pearl-*!.I tSy_ corner of Fultoa-tt. oppmi'o C. s._Hotel.

RICHARD FISHER. Jr. '.VATCH-MAIC.ER andJeweller, is now prepared to sali Watches ut retailfosror than any other bouse in the City, /u be is

OtX constantly n-ceiving oil dexermuora dueci liug theDMUratactasass in England. Kraiice am! 5w .zerland. I.eise.i.abled tn ntfrin rery iitrge tmiiTUiml of GoM Watrties from116 hi *1W each ; Silver do from th In «Jeaef^-alj w- irnr'ed

I to lee), good erne or Iho men*y returaed. Also a lery goodcxaor'men: of Jewelry fM Silver Ware very lew. >'. I), feeond harui Watches and om Gsibl and Silver taken in eacar.iigaorbourh' for cash. Watches, Clocks, Music Boxe* s oft Jeav.efry'-*t m t'.rt Lest mnnuer nmt wi.rr-.rf».! .... ^..,.^l

wesinuMF1SHE1aad retoi,.the City H*«t)«tai._CaHlrisuE FHiM OF FBAZIER. AKINS ec CO. ofihi* cityA hav ..g been diu.u%ed by the dcatii of Jama* C^Akln»,Xctic* :i hereby given, that we. the subscribers, base this dayfo:tae>l a co-partnership connection for theeontinuaoce of .heDusineas of snal late rirm, under ti.e name of FILAZlEK.C1LVDW1CK t CARMAN. Ali dept.- ur^l iraisrhtlei cf .«3

j finu of Ftazer. Akin* taCo. will be*>»urie<j by ji. arid tiebu.-:".es« coutinue a. ceietoture, at No. '£s Watwr sestet.New-York, Lee iu. leM. ^TPEPHEN R. FUA/IER.


DIVID£ND.-Tb» Board »X E rectors oftrw Uvnrs* Irwu.nnce Corcimcy hare this day declared a En idea* of

Eight per rent, open tl>e capital stuck, payable on Lod aftarDeco lier 2d. 1HC¦dsllaac ISixne.ll LEWIS PHILLIPB. Prer«ary.

MI'r'FS ! ML' FFS: MUFFS\-AlrMONARUUE% tt*B-jwry, a large an*i.ruseiit of Mutis. which irfQ be soid

on '-'ii reej<icab!e.teruis. Ladies will find :t totlicirtdvaa.laga to call betöre puishoaiug siaewbera. ccOics*