new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1852-04-24 [p 12]. · rich'ssafe alone bidding deliance...

ruft SALE-A ,,«.n Hav *,..! ti. »11 harn»»«, arid warranted son-id ; 6 or 7 year* efcle <rr Ladies' use. Can be seen «X BROVS Ett a UHi iri He 6.V Bn*dw*y Tt/fULES. MULES..A lot of larze 1YI Kentucky Mulea. root emeed, and foreeie et H. W. DAVIS'S, Eaat Newark, w. J-_ WANTED .A good Ju.ka^ t'<»r etock pen**** An, on* h.ving the .»^l»"/' wishing to aril for cash, roar eddrtae »VM. U. ai -rv>i», Unioi.-»quarr Post-Office, New-York._ s Salamanbrr Safes. A L A M a 8 D E K SAFES.Wilder'« Petent. Rich . I ¦. . STEARNS A MARVIN. Mo 146 Weter-st, New-York, are the only maker* or toe atove-aacued e*l*brateffi Seles, eornb.nin* 1-oto pa-ent* inn HE GREAT FIRE in CHILLICO- 1 ihE Ohio. Panthird of t!.e town burnt koaaaaal ' Cmillicovhf, O.. To sdr.r. Afnl ij. t 88. ¦tVasrs. SrrsRrvs V Ma avis (i-i.'!-n, -n Your*of the Mit is at fund. In r»rlv, arery Saf m tia* Are, *aeept voara lias prov.d gocd for nothing. I loaf a iar*c Safe.i ara* per- fecly deefr'Vtd hut m the small Salamander I bought from von. nothing era* injured. \ oui obedii at s-r ant, ^ W*. T. Ct-KMSOV. The »bore Utter show* that )n a real hot fire Rn it's Sai.a- HaXDRt* are tlir olIv Bafeal * i- d opoo. la the Pearl »t. lire, eleven Saf-s, of d.rf rent makers, were totally destroy* d. Rich's Safe alone bidding deliance to the laarsva ¦riservug notes, bond, and rcortragos. to the ralue of BlOO.loo. Tbs CiiiUicothe ire is a parallel case.every Safe (at itich'a is struv) d. These repeated occurrence* prove fajcoat« atif-fy that W iHer's Patent laaiaiaaeaira arith stielf* fjppiriv. an nt. are tee best Safe* made in the United States, «e ii. tlie whole world Thev can be had at tiled. (>..:, No, jgg y, alrr-aL, and at the Factory, comer of St. Maxk'*- alace and Avenue A, New-York. 9 STEARNS L MARVIN. Also, at the Mtoarli a Ajtencie*; I*aar Bridge. New-Oi »i.a. I.a. L. M. Ii. Cba li.' S. C Thou.itu¦ k UaaVaaluya, Baltimore, Md. Hi !\cake. Down- r u Co., Meuiphu, Tonn. Edd\ b Horb y. Toktdo, O. Allisi Have* I . «villa, Ind. 8. Sbepaid A f'o.. 15 Ha!,, N. Y. Walter R. Maivta. Lukport, N. Y. Ban.ev Mix i>e, Ala. Che» 11 fain; Hi kl Sat aaaah, Oa. H»:i A M.*.», I Oil mb a (ia. De Risiaet 4. Brown. U'll-nina'ou, N. C. Was. Pit-*-**. St. Paari, m t. Morl. v k Ravnolda, ( bm land, O. Haver", B-vd A (V. ZaiwaviHa, Ü. lly. Si'itaelt, l!«>rh. «ier. N. t. Jas. Itutton. atoatrea), ('»nsd». irkiljinern, i^c. 2h EL BAY \ v.. iMULLEN'8 PATENT HÜBE..The trial made of thi* Incomparable Water for two years past ba» fullv demonatraled lU supenori- If. Orders from Railroad*. K* tone» Water Cmiipanios and athers solicited Evaiy po ,. warranted to daaaaAa*BM*H by the patentee and mauutaciurer. The aatsewaaj i* one of the many certificate*, and published to si.uw Uta estimation from actual use Jr.R»«v Cn v, Dee. 17, IH51. HORACR H. Dar. No. 23CouriiaJ.ilt-»t. N. \..l>ta, Sir: I take *ieat pi, name in Stalins tea. la BBBWUs to your in- v in rcsaiil to the India Rubber f'uiaisbtd by you Jie New-Jers* y Railioad and Tieiiaportatiou Company, we hate found it of the best description, and to atarwer much better purp<»> tha* either leather or canvas It fa not only mine durable, but in tha end thi ¦ sr m raaotatteaL We baw mju raaai mm ¦ ¦asBeafaai looisasiiriv**that Ire purchased of you two years af>>. winch has boon in con¬ stant use and is a! ill as *ikh1 as aver, and I have Ii,und your fear ply to stand pressure of \V lbs. to the souare inch. Your*, very lasasilftlllj, JAMES McFARI.AND, Superiiitendent Motive Power lor N J. R. R Train Co. FAIRBANKS SCALES!.GREAT RE- DUCTION I!.Recent improvements in inachiaerr by Which to produce parts of ecal- s at radaosd coit.iuia ex¬ tended färiiitic« si St. .lohnsbury for ¦sanafanfnrlni. uigathM With the coiiipli tion of through lines of Railroad to the prin¬ cipal markets, combine to enable the manufacturers to afford ttärli Scale», impioved in quality, at« below those of any other manufactory. If nth. r scales are well triads and reliable, they cannot he Cid for lowe» prices- It offer, d at lowei nrices, they will found on trial to be Irani if ,.t and dm endva FAIRBANKS h CO. S. Wahrst fea»" One reason whv FAIRBANKS BCALJS8 are al¬ ways so durable and retain their adjustment so much loriie.i Chan otheis, is that the asaiiliai rue pmtecteil by ÜM Varttcal Sie. i Kni'e l.iinc n,e ¦walaaie* ftsla to which is ¦aeuted No aale can he dumbly accurate, especially when subjected to sever, and constant use. without Ulis pro- taatiixa. IX)R SALE.F'nir new Five Boilers, with two flue* of i!5 horse-nowrr each, with two safety- amlve*. four iii mii rt-p«, four brass ah)he vajvaa, three cast lroi strsm pips, t< ui cent it on teed pi; ca, tour cast-iron SMnta, comple e ; tour cast iron arches copper pipes, Ac. rLEASE a Ml RPHY, Pulton Foaaiiy, (itt U No 57 Cm liai* at. comer ('herry. ptfH SALE- Two Propellei Uonden- JL «Am Eaiiaes of Inch cyHader, N inch strike, will Sesol.i cb.ap, nt I 1 ASK A Ml ft l'I' \ 'S, So. lc7 Corleai*-»t. eon,, r I lierij-o I- inn n I aandry < ffBc* OWE'8 NFWlXi MACHINES.-. The oiialna!, «mi Ml |i;)o, upon which ad ather* now ill u>* infitnge llie public are cautii ned n^amat ¦urchasin» atasdlllia*a* Rights Off any OChe* peiaons unleea ahelr poweisof alloitiey aie daieil aie-e Feb. I. IS.V as all other* '..:«'.>« .. - I'Al KNT FASTF.N- iNOS fin PANTS alaotoi sale BUAS HOWB li. No -'«'l Broadw.y HYDRAULIC PRESS im SALE Diau.etci af i .»Ion. IS lache* | cOi.i.lei cnp|e-i-lined. With stt.ut Wtaagbl :.. f in,da, WeWrd Oti tlie Very gital pOWtl ; ioi;rthir with aii luipruv*4 patl Mad apna- talus lui picaaln* llo ad fi.iu. wustarrl a ad IK a aud us.or ha., a Prka l..w Aapll i.,, :,. U II W \l r, No. 74 Braver-*:, comei,.,, i. PATENT II V DR A NTS. -The l{.irth..l- omew Patent SalfaOti^ Safety Valve II VORAN I S have la-en extensively used in t'ns and other cities tor NM re than atx yats rast, vd in ktst iiiihii exj 0*ad locationsm the etty, »od 1 «,ve l>. « Wall proved t" h- lapaitat to any other Myranl ia use. They a-e atron* durables simple in coustiuc- tion, will not burst pipe, nor tihelv to frei it properly put la. Children do not break thrin, and cannot Mem runnin*. (beiog a'way» left shut.) are cheaply repaired, with- aatdigging up; pmticVIv well adapted to te iant houses, a*d where several families and children have access to them; ant subjecting the landloid to the penalty imposed by the Waiet Board ftir leavtiig a hvdrani nun.ins when not in use, fheee beuig never It tt running. Also. Double Hydrauta. sup- »Iviug la o lots and titty tamilie*. Made at No. iff Mnou »t a anty, and M aal* v fch* riuuibeni generally; also in Boston, Albany, Philadelphia. Washington. Cinciuuau Botfalo, Su Loi.ia and other places tJj^TEAitl KNtilNE ami HOll.ER tor BALI .t nriiis l»-h"rae power, marie by W :n Rurd.'n; Bmler aaseeiiitiv* IrVhora power, at) faleneet evAer; eaci be seen at Nu l*v> Manfon-st. Also, an Kngine, i horsepower. STEAM ENlilNK an I UOlLERof about twelve-l ...ivin v. e, I,.i BBS* cheap Inqutreof III.\ 11 A.SI Hi QH v i 0. No IW< VVeat-M. CTEAM ENGINE and BOILER far kjy BALB Ik* saver,*naeAhy Wat BarsVaa. Extra ¦nishi d a . KM eytiavder) m w.only "been in use two mouth* for two bouts . day. Can ha srei. ,ii No 1W Rlh-av. QTEAM PACKING.TV KUvV HELM'S O PETENT. M,a00 lbs. bow in store, dltfeient thickuea*. lTie quuluv , ! i! a.tiile, which will stand near liaide*io«s higher heat than ai v i lh« i rublwn, hag aaaa aaahsd for two years and over The Ameiicai. a-..t British steamship*, and those .oti to CuliMi.'.a. use it »villi eMf ..1 The .aueraigncd aril) wairant this new patent pecking ks grsa en- ttre lalwfhaiiii u in *very caaa. No pi >, a but ui* uudorsiguod aan use tt c bJjh ;;. ihe niai-ufacluri of tubbei, and uo other ktad WlU staud as high a h, at. Wait b,.;we N\. Ü Curtlaudt- ft Allo.'dd» addnaaed to the BiauutVtum ai.d o*urj of TyetA H.ln.'a Patoat. HORACE II. DAY. 1NUEK S SEWING MACHINE will do a hat n». c! r"achme is capable of in ¦ wing cloth, kesaher, corset mstersj, or, in fact, anrthmg reouirea m at. banrb^mettibehtnA. What this machiue professes Ui da Jt arül perfect*y. The meat incredulous fully aoavinoed wy ilasonatTarton; all doubta fully removed. Machine* oa exhibit!;, r. {..::¦ .;, »:. d»e and satisfied. No ah*t|.c made lot utnr.aAoi.. J MS I Mi KR A CO, No Broadw»y. S CntUrn, ijurutövjrc, K'c. U T NAILS..An iKMimnHit of Boon- J tost Cat Naia ooiutai.:ly oa hand and to. sale by DL DUtt B Fl'LLKR A CO, _No- 129 t:.«vriiw:ch-*u. c.u. Cedar-at. G RATES and I KMU ltN.-\{, KK.L- laBYtf Untie and render Manufactory, NV. Stf Gin wadding an.i pkruussion Ckl>- y -v ... tfe Oa* v\ adding, the beat and aheaj^at s'ii.-,e .»n Kiry*» P-rr-iswon Cap*. Wire Car- tffidgc« »j..i Pprvrting Mat--;. ., 1' n-d« F.'arkA Ac A larg* Baad *u»pfata, aaertwist of the ahrva for safe hy tha mane- fccfurrr's eole agei .*, fsam >" lOVftS h SÖNS, No 6 |taatB»*-hMsB._ UNS, RI*UbS, PISTXILS, CT IV J ' FRY. PL ATI'0 W.Alve im, . , RA »od F \N- CY OOODS FRANCIS TOVK^ a Ntv. I Maideu-lana, invite Un> attention of Buyer* to their axt.-ua.te aeaxtitesBt of ih* above goods, wfuoh they otter tor .ale cheap, for erasb or eputvveö .-red.! A oaaaiaaf eui>piy >^ . ftLTf PIBTOLB, ,.'»..»...* tjakdwakf CUTLERY, EDGE- XI tools. ac-ci:arli:s I little, Noa. JO »Jas M It. ¦ ..... - i. i m Umitbu Srartt* N, a Y.'Ka, IMPORTER AN1' OEJNCRAL DEAXJEB hi EMNah, 04» ¦** SfiT Hardware, Cutlery, Edge-Took, Ac, re- KUVIIy in vitoe the atleant,* of Country Nerchusts, _°*UK:"L»Jul othesa, making ihe «i Spring and" Summer pur- ahasea, to hu va»y eat«i»ive aasorfmeiit, ^mprann* every thing in the haw. aast which new and mm ant rupp'ie* are b^edsVsd. ail ol whicA ar, eaerro at the U. a -at p,uos, fur Bash ar approved credit Ot and W r.ajght Nails. I^chs. he*. Kraitea and Fork a Pen and Pocket Kaivea. Rasa,es, Sv iasw* and Shrars, Is area! variety, ¦hovels, Soadea, Hoee. Porks, Seville* and Snaths, P, W Coop*/* Ttwh) ia (mat vanaty, of tha most celebrated Manufacturer* Albertapa, Conger, Horton. Berfa a*t* other* Hone* and ShtreCsrpenteei Tioev Bi»clr.lUi'iTo«« Hooar and Ship-Builder"* Hardware. Iron. Brase. Cortr*»r R**»l 4 r. . . ^ll'ritnC Hwrr#a IBDOTBÖN, PE \K«'K & CO-, N P»arl-st.. offer for aale.» at low pno**. warranted Ca't St.el Irr Ms« hm, rv. To, '«. Ana Trowel Plate*. Rillet Well«: Circular. Hand, Mill arid X Cut Saw»; alao. Si_w Kniws, Single Shear and Oennan Steel. Don.e-iK Hardware JOSEPH H. adams. MANUFAC- Tl PKK.*" AOEKT 1.1 AALE et LpOMRctTIC HARD** AUE, N" 227 Pearl-t.. tmtM P'att. Offei u. the trail ? a r<imp'-'e a-wtrt.-ve-t at low prices fat aaah or approve* pat~ TITi \ I EN RANGE MANUFA4 W >- K RV and WAREHOI BZ No Raistia at. eanM ot K»a» li «t whole.ale a d re*ail. Raises repaired or ex- cbaxf' d u i> aix unl/le terms. o LD COLONY CUT NAILS..The , ,*, UMMm fta the aaJa of the «'«jv« »o;>enor asjsltij al Nail*, have ia «' and sjt cot srar.rly racriving from tbe factory, a full «seortment, whiej, mmj refer to the city and country trad* at tka lowest market |Wt*a_ J 7 E.fcj. BPtWIKO k CO- Ha. a»CB#at. OLD COLONY shovels.-Iron, Steel end Cast-Steal -Shovel, of every de».nj,tloo fat sei-bv K. t J BUMINO v CO, No B( _Vf_ .1 * Atentj Ob Caw.I Vail Co. PHI PI'S' FARM FENCE.*! 50 per Rod. Ornamental W irr Kaihnj. Wrought and ( a»t leor, Fence, Bark. Sa'» and Store l^cka Iren Bedafeada. _c.. a.c. for aale by oeokok FOSTER, No. *#t Broadway, corner of Walker. STEWART'S P L A N t AG E N ET GCARD RA/ORS.Tue suheenra-r* oonnnu' to ns- aeive regulsr supplie* of thia celebrated Razor For sal* at araailiiiaTssaljTj FRANCIS tomf.s * sons, No « Maid- en-laue aole aaents tor C Stewart a Co., Cha'lnt-eroet London Also, «h* c*l*v"Ued trni» Ratirr. an ennre new article t_ U M M E H st( > V ES and HOUSEK e e P- O IKO HARDWARE..« ILLIAM CLAKKK, No 9Camiine-*t.. (lour doors above Bleecker,) No. 2W1 Sth-ev, (three doom al«ive *1h-el.) No. 118 (Hh-av, (tour d.-or* above Itth-st,) Dealer in warranted Conking and Summer Stoves, Fur¬ naces. Tinw«-re Ala-. | Ben Hardware. Cutlery, and Housekeeping articles N. H A11 Stove« are warranted as represented, or the money retum od Copartnership. mHE COPARTNERSHIP of CAR- J PEEPER CHRY8T1E am day dissolved ky aaututl ccaastsnt Near York. Apni IR HAI CUV" I* ' ARPKNDER, JOHN CHRYSTIE. The SfilMieriU ni have formed a Copartnership under the Iran of CARTEN DEB a CO, and will continue i an tl and I.xcbaiige business, st the office laielv ia»-npied by .I S. Cai-pvnter k Co, No. 68 Wail-«t .Neu I rl tpril It, latt CHAS. p. CARPE ,I)ER, john CHRYSTIE, IAMUEL s SANDS. Xltiscellaneono. ACCOUNT I30( >KS fur SA f.E -F-.r lern than t,st to nisbufacturt, in couseuueucc of having to the 1st of M.,y. O. C. MANN, No. 161 Pearl st, Sd story, in the manufai tory. A DVERT1SEMENT9 are inserted in jt\ the at «t Baapan ka otavai ritiesand town at V. B. palm¬ er S Arh "insu ( a«enc>. 1 nhinie B'llldiuss. ALUM. SODA ASH mid Ultramarine Blue on bantl, and foi sale by jas T DERRICK SON . CO, No |US Puiton-a« BT. BABBITT'S oeM.rutcd SOAP a P 0 W OCR) one of the best or'lrles In BBS loi lavhaf Labor in WaaahfasJ Douhle Itefin.-d t i'CS, Wanai ted w itheatl Miinlieration of &n\ sum CHEMICAL YEAST POWDER tor rapid raising'of Bread a,,d Cages Pure CR KAM TARIER -nl»' 8ALERATUB CAS- nU SOAP Ac Ac 'i !<> .!( !(.» are put up in the moat aonvemenl and «alshle manuei. at pnres as low or lowerfhan any othei mi'infaetnre«, and which aftord a gisid prorit to re tallere Kor ,ale in riiiaiiti'ies to ,uit purchasers at No* and 70 Warlungtnn-st.. New Vork BUCKSKINS! BUCKSKINS.'.A large ai d supeiioi lot of BuiAaAiua, lor Plan ^Forte mvkera ai d sudcli is' use. Abo I!1m< k Buckskin foi liiu.ia and Shoes, is now oil. it il lor selc by OEO. J. SCOTT, No i Plutt-sU Abo, Oil.rsajassj all-skin* forSim|* nders, ate. BIRDS! birds: birds:.rhas". RE1CH1 a. BROTHER, Importerg i.rropean ht"a**l A>11tis,. No. 12 North William st., near Chatham, are n< w M lin g oft tin ir rninr st<* k. to close kaSSibeOB fcg the . hi. i... r ... ii They have v. I uu hand a splendid lot of to .0 iii Cat uties, l'i| lug BiMitinehea. Ooldhnctiea \c Pago sons within* to obtain any ol three good Sinsiug Bird* will phase puicl mmii, as they nou sell very rapidly. Store to be OaBai d on May 1. i ITY TRA DE..Now ia the tiriHTtcTätD C \ rtaal in the newspapers of neighboring cities and town* lor the trade ot I he country ; and to those wL» dt- sire to do so m ith dUK'nmitiutioii and . n, unnncclion a most convcnii nt i pjioitunity is ottered by \. B. PAMER'S Ad¬ vertising Acetic), 'I iibime Btiiliimga .Nierch.uite, Manuthr- turcr* and others wishing advertisement* inserted ill the best and most widely circulated journals of either or all the fulli » n.-ji I lai e* (tin- liihaliitaiit* of »Inch do must of tin'r trading m Nt w-\ork, are invited to call al V. B. PAMER'S Advr using Agency, Tribune Buildings, where the papers ma) be BSl n, prtc ** ascenaiind, and every Information ob¬ tained tor the adoption ol a judicious svatem ot advertising Bentiinst.n, feivntruee, Kee., rrerlioM, it.. nt I., gassay. Rras)*a%s*A, Hniit-t..«n, MulS'.rbiiry, Bind.itoa, kins t..n, Jerser Cuy, Maatt* i. i, B.o. n iii»l.ur». Mi-..'..'..en, l-oilbenvige, Brulsri^rt, Brooklyn, . aaoajtaaBo, WaataBBStat*a\ Bininnilii.m, Cosarkie, Most Havea, ¦osyiitaoag, Itaakatf. Caaaklli Baebeiji. Newark. Hsin.ol. OMbeas, Hjraak, N, I Si jatsad. taraasl, Pe, l,»kin. Newton, M.-niim. cii»ihsat eaadkAaasaaa, Ptter-.ia, . ¦iadwtowa, DeaVt, Ratva, Prsaretea, New Havea, Dssanait, Ki.tiilnnt, I'lainliekj, N,» Itrilain,, lthinebe<k, Itshway, Vre Leadoa, Kishkn, Bag Harbor, Sorra-mlie, BetaaA, klutlnng, la*aa*Xta*a, Trenloa, Noratih, (Odilen, Sias Mtig, Carborsilal«, .taSaSSSa, tilen Cove, Bagaaaaa, Ka»ton, ¦sarafssak, Hsver-trsw^ Tro.v, taOasMaka, Watatbaiy, lieuii»-te«J, Willismsburgh, Montroee, West K.iiintly. HuuiiimcB, ataeasaaaawa,»»ilt*, IX jaaaaaaatJC, Hvaaaoa, ElisabetliU.wa, TowaaUa, Nrej- ri, Jsmsira. ri> All communica.ions attenned to promqtlv, by ad- dreasiug V. B. PA L M KR. Tribune BinUlings. Ncw-Vork. t^T A list of other i Hie* anil lov, i:* in cm b Stale, in wmch paper* are puM.n'ned, ran be bad by tlioee wishing to Stiver- tkse, Soulb or West, Eaat or North, al the Agency. CALCriTA GOODS. Cargo of the ahip Jnini-a D.ake. ainvtd, coiiaialuig of Saltpeter, 5.1'in laga Twine, iltkl 1*1.a and 3 tliread. Cuiinv ( kitli, jiki balea Oway IW*. *(H> balca QaBatag, i;a> haga. mi SB, 1 ka I Caw, dead, green and slaughtered. Hides, 7 hales Btidalo, dead, green and slauslitcred. Poraaleby 8POFPORD, TII.KSTON » Co. No. 43 Southat. CHELSEA MILLS..No. >J54 West S7th-*t Dei<ot No. In Beek man at. The suhacrlhers are now prepared to furnish treah ground Flour, Oraham Fi ii, » c te and yellow Cnirt. Meal, Hommony. VVbcaten O.ita, and Fauna, Orain and Feed oi all kinds ground to or¬ der titriert se-vrd in any put of me city, free of change For sale cheap, a io-horae Stean. Elifdpa and Boiler, in ootn- ¦asas raaaing order MUNSON k WILLIS. CYRUS W. FIELD & CO., NoTTl Cliflal.. New-Vork, are sole agents in the Carted States for Muspsalt i superior Blee« hing Powder \ iitotia Mills .....¦».. \\ in ng r'apera Rusa*>li Mills' tine \\ nuns Paper* C v. -,i a to ', Knghab and Scoich Writing Papera. Kaw in , Kualiah Tusjue Papers. Geneere M ilia' Priatina Papers. BN a ssi agents Kit the principal Paper Manufacturers la this country #pASH PAID for RAGS, CANVAS, V BAOiiINO, KALE ROPE CUTTINOS. Gras» and Tarred Hope a»l<l t'ajM-ra. and all etil« r faper Maker, tuxX byllKlS V\ KIELI.ACO,No *tBeeka,Mat ^ Baking Man, Kvv URKEE'S BAKING POWDERS. Er An ecu iiianical, aa.-tul, cuick and convanieut article ¦aking \\ nh it a cook can always depend upon having the tweeteat, hg h teat, best aid moat tender btacuit, bread, griddle cake*, pastry. Ac, Ac, imaginable Try it. and you anil not be diaapnoteted. Sold by the grocers generally DE LA NY'S AROMAllCOllTpOL- IMI.For renovating and preserving all article* of vaii.iahtd er lailiabed turtiiture, pian,«. work boxea,coaclwa. oil | 1c, kc. Couip.«rd ot tbe piireet oik, it will not ciark or crisp on anyaita le ou which it ia awed, and its lii.haiicv tauiiol be equalrd. as certiricatee from the n>wt t^S^iT mSüiSf t*mf^1- Trepsred by JOSEPH DE i h iVxvtI- J'ggaV. N. Y. Pnncipal Agency, J. 1 LAI RKTR No 64b Broadway The trade supphad FISH and PROVISION STORE.. atvyaBatvisv at )New->orlt. ortcr at wholesale to d-al.ra. 8 TlTT! D"rkrt K r ^ rtsUowtng araclasof the beet quality i * .-....«» aa Mv.<'Jk<'IL^":.N,* I and A in all kinds sf packasea Blaaw-Noe I, J and S, in all kinds of sviL.^ C«*MaA-r>rv Salted «t-d l^kj*t P****<*' Scaletieh.IVry Salted and Pickled. Hemnce.Smoked and P.. k t rl Ali-se. hat, Rump. Bait. Clear Ac B .ef.Mr**, Prime, and Railroad. iv d Hams, Shoulswra, Bvef. Bacon, Salaian. t heree. Lard. Candle*, Cn\ gpicea Prtte. in rtrkiiis. tubs abd tail*. treaiidairy. Salt. Fine, ia sacks and small bags. I'* HEIGHT CARS,.Rfty E h> U ;«-»^e Pl»'!;-m Car*. n:a.le ra the moat th. :oaga n- .-ti v. ,«t the be*: material* and stria of OotaatitaUiosk; di. Rubber Spt g*. For sale, to dah vai ed tiuarsediatel !.Is, sex Compa/.y. Lawrence. Mesa _G< trt JO\ M( K AY, Afaat. HAI TFo RD, i' v iDENCEaad FLSHAILi, RAl'.pt'iii NOTIC1 TO CON- IN TP * ( TORS .Feeled prwrsrai* for rh» grading *id inasoney of twudivnnv.u*of the tain* »* *. Marrtoro, Prjvidrnce »od FWo'l Ratli»«-(t>.*-o>- extending fron« Pnividence to WUti- ».entic, the mhar from Bristol 10 the Neuguinea veljey -anlJ be received»' the <omr«nvV office tn H»,-tfir.-d. spto a»St .net P'sn*. profile* are ti^-ifcanon« »r-vif r»»dv v- »x- eiritmtk I sid ¦>"rr ,hr ¦f*1 in*-,*! the *M ptare. end tjrfbnaerrhjr rvording tbr raada mar he » xt the Couv mpt " ff ' , r '".¦'.."c'- v iltimamV »ud Brato!. ss well eVfi- te. Kr peer's otbce in Harrtord The Inre« tor* will re> anir* srrnr.'y *M the hut*":' executiou of the work, which h to he diTi^'d irto sernon» of convenient lenrtri. The f>i reercr» «iw n-serv1 tlx- nrr-f to rejeer each prup-a-al* a* they o]|t MBahJet unsrvr.i'-ert' ^ -Hnrttord. AprJ i .- gajn (..i. ajIMBI PNEat, CMef Kuu»eer_ jews am» b<k'h printing PA- pi ;.s.^ i,ir«ta'-ui I* iiai'fl aiifl made tn order, ay rvi.i - «. pif.ld a co. So Ii ai»vei -\ < fTlCE to contractors..St W Tieck. Neva \ ork and Erie Railroad, from Owegu to t; . ,ni etii w.i ' l. n. . ? ... » in .... . * ahoi: » i. lie .-eel. ft hW r«.| . .**]» will In; received at t'ae Engineer's office la Owej" mil the ^oil,. f,r the QndJmf, ft'l**. i.rj. |axeaadla| the ahodsaatt ai.d mmn soda* t!w itaae t ,'iiie t i.»e-Uea. and tile leaving Track Speciiice- tintii-anr nil..iTnaiiiu. obtain, d at the above ufSce. the 2i I. Sariatw tor) «-cu.Tt> required for the fav'tl.fitl fulfill¬ ment of .'.» contract . April It. Ii-M H S « KI.I.KS a. ( ()., (fnpi.aJCoutractora TV OTICE..Tb** nI,,:, r-i'.¦,,.-.! M-.i'|.--r- ml] JL v (ein n* wh'. tiave dewed- i|» h:s estate of any na¬ ture wlu.taover, either a* principal or sTOWtj, to deiner ¦Oftir* :!iei«o. to the ' oininiealouMs, S EL HI. NTINliTt »N mri \\ \\ EAl Oat, E*,is.. *p)< n.ted bv th* Court of Pro is.ii. tor ibis r-urtmt. prim t< periid of on the 9th day «f Augn^next. flartf-ni ti'nl >. »VM. H. IMLAY. Flank road lumber..The mj> at iite-1 wiM.ld lie lead to tumuli one or tarn uiillior feet mt lleaali*> I lank R"a<i Lumuer, u> be dafiaaradai Tio>. All^iiv or Near-Tata, at *nv int.-rmedinle Undm** Thr plank an- *a.m aaaeo free* a aupennr qua .t . of 1I»ti lin k, auo will lie fajvdshed oa rahatrf aatkee ar tue rrvwt r-a tunable price. For Farthei pa/ticulara imimre i f ACfJCSTI'S SilI'R.MAN. fflej'a Falle, N. Y PaI'Kk" "mä rNTTKÄTri' urers1 Ma- TERIALS.The moat exterwive »aaonment tn thl* .r untv. for axle by CYRl'S W. FIELD -'. 00 No 11 differ Reduction of telegraph IwvlKS bj BAIN S MEHCtlANlS- Ll.>E.-tItficea No. 2- VA «ll-»t .N'ew-York, and No "H Stare-»t., Boat in.. Wewnild iiewulaHj aettfy aari pitnm» g-nemlly that on *i,d »tter the ^<»h in»', the r*t.* of tranainiwion will be re- duci ii to M'een efl hi fcl the firit ten word*, and two cent* for each addhional word. On beat erl'.pa will be and to rn-nt a continnance of the good f.ehug which ha« an tar been extended to our line by the i.vmm as public.New-\nrk. April Id 1"'-'- MARSHALL I.EKKKRTS. Pre*ident_ Joill Mt KlMKEV. Serre'ary. _ To FaIrmT^RS, mechanics nnd MAM KM 'II RERR/.The manaxeri of the Aivl.un fcr Fn. ndlen Bova in th. City of Nrw-\ ork, deal re 10- .. ,. fi.l th« luv« aaln their charge peiu.aiieut BjaBM* n ifie ri ui.try. «W ie tbry will be under a rirnd lalnenoa, he kndlv tnufid, and taught MM iiaeful amntoyuient. Then aft'-* van fruaa aighl to Ua*e*l| they are iiaolv. active, ¦ no m way* oapabbl of rendering eflicii-nt »ervice to thi». anVa mmy i au loa them. Thev may be taken on trial, and it pttiviiiltatMBCtorv, atthe rloaeof thelirit in iiiih, Ui^y ij.hv ). hoaae if aot, they may be returned hi the Aayluin. Tl ia li.atiiuMou le entirely a benevolent one, having foriu ahjeel tin an ICare of the many hatnaleei aid Brieadleat b,,v< Cii.wdii.g the wl.aina and atieela of New-Vork. whoee ,le. SJtnM in a llllTilllxW unleaa readied by the hand of Clirta- tian ihatitv. The Aaylum oder» th-in a Mere bjfjrajMaiy In me. (lie nbjrct being to prepare each boy. aa *>on ha *m> »n le. tt.r a iieiHclalde and |vertnaneiit ix cnpaiioii. and tm-n till Iii» plM e with antue oilier of llie many needy applicantj«. The Dial ageia appia! to their fneuda in the country, lor then tofipi laflnii in thi* lai|int>iil abatity. ay taking theaa In. I,tili bOTI to tbt ii homes; so that while they r.sp the beiitblol ilitir laliot, they may at the same time cobl« r a lasting charity. . All peim i.m aaedkag the Barahwaal tbe l>oys, or deaaring farthei infoims'ioii, msy apply i>er».inally to toe Su|»enn- h-adrat Mi 0£0. W. pearcey, Nu Id» Bauk-st-, New- \nK. .r bv letter to i itber ofth* bdlnwin* rafjk -rs Mia w. \\ ( HKS'i ER, Im n.recress. ii IJniverajry alaea, WraCHAS ABl l< N r III V. ..I Directress. 14 f.aat Iftll-lt. Mrs. J. W HALS! ED. al Directress, 111 Weat ISth-st, Vi». D. I). LlJtn. Tmaaiiir. IB Tm Utm et. Mrs. E PORiER, Coire.|Hjui!ii.g Secretarv-. Oth-st. Mi» (.Ed D. PHELPB, Reeafdiai Secretary, 57 Maat N. B. Donation* anlha Aa>lum,enclosed BWtfal Tnasurer, or to »ither i f lite Board of Manager», will be. very accept- al le and rra'i fully acknowied^ed. TO ice dealers anil shippers.. BMOREHOUBES, ciltci'SES. OIL aad riinvi- BIOM DEALERB, BUTCHEsU and ti. :11-.its.<«aku be «u|)hidvvi b any aaantffar of sawdust,Jw giviai a few day* nonce at the New-York Sttam, »'."'Ji aid CKh-ata, Hi nh River. COLYER »; DJUARD. N B 1 wo or three cart lomU may be had at all time*. TT S. BOUNTY LAND OFFICE. N.». , a tiS Cliathain-«t_ on Ciiainnera-st..NOTICE..If the bllärwing persons who sened in the I'. S. Army, in the war with (ireat tiritam m IHli-'lt-'lt-'^ be Imng. or if de- oea».-i1, their heirs or lafgj r>presei:cative« will call at my otüce, they will hnd it to th. it advantage, nz loa. Chrun- berlain. Augustus Collln*. \v llliain Marshall, Isaac Rutan, Charb-rimitn» Defnui, Job Litt. II. Xnthouy Anderain, Chns- tfaa Hight, John lleaitihaij lodin Welsh,Oeocfi Lester, lohn Rusk and Henry Smith NICHOLAS HAKJHT. Solicitor. Y|/RAPPING PAPER..6.000 Reami f ? Raa and Sliaw WrappHig Paper, for aale by JAS T ÜEKRIt'KSON k CO.. No 1W Pultou-*t W/ RITING PAPERS BV THE CASE In 'be ran ED S A INLI .The largest and most deferable assortment TE», ho sale by CVRI S W KIELD 6 CO, No OCUrf-el , KSTPHALIA HAMS.Prime qnal- ity, liir sale at No. ii laMh WaUaaprat, \^EAST POWDER..B. T. BABBITT I i? ihe original inventor ol the Chemical Yeast Powder, mim his piejared and sold by him at N*Mt tin and 7il W'skIi- 11 rf n-st, N»w-Vnrk. in tin can* Those who purchase si aid are that thev get t';*t with the af* ve name on. OBSEIIV ATIONS. Bread mnrte in this manner containa nothing but Flour, Caaataaoa ^Klf unrl Water. It has an agn -able natural taste, ket i » mach longer than roinn.' U bread, is more digestible, Sud mi rh less riispt s> d to rum arid. Common Bread, lik* eve'ythtiig ilint bss been leruientea. ferments easily again, to the gn ai nisccniti n of many atMeSi h*. and inn ouly so. hut arlutg «* a fennent. it rimuniitiicates a similar action to all food in conti et »Ith it 1 hi Brend being tree from all yeasty particles, is more di- gestil |e. »rd not eg likely to cr~»te llatuleuce or turn acid on at ak slcuiatlia as termenied Bread is apt to do. And wlie.n of the tint at qualif y, it is la neticial to those who suffer ten I'laeaibr. acicliy. flattileiirr. enicta.ioiis, a sense of sinking at I be pit of the stomach, distension, or tieiua atfer meal* at d to all who are aaahsel to mmm) or gravel. It is also useful in an V alii of ums of the skin. 111 m r<uiaiks apply to both varieties of the Bread, but eanet isliy to Ihe Brown, which is further invaluable to all » no srr liable to cuustipaii.iu 'rain torpidity of tne colon, or !at»r iiilratinra. the common luhimity of the sedentiy, a: .: 'bete who have been accusinined to oatmeal diet in thtir youth. Bui the adv entires of the process are not limited to mit- ters n-latii'g to htalih It i* valuable, la-cause bread can be pn psrtd by it in the short spaor of half an bou:, tha* earing nun b time ai d labor, and euiancipalin* journeyman bakers tn ni th< alavrry of uight work. It u valuable also because thr n stt rish a.c not venahable. »iid may be reodered avail¬ able in »ll i laces and at all times, when yeast or other tl-r- nu i.i is not w i'lnii n ech. se at st a for example, or incouutry rt tin nit at*; si.d it is still uiorr valuable as rogaid* economy. 11 ect»t of llu chmiicals is counterbalanced bv that of ihe paaal, salt and alum, otherwise emplov.d; »o. tbtv Would foini an alu<. ther uniuiportaut item in tiie anal ml tread anile by their use * aav iug i* etlected in the th d i.i.t less thsn 1U per cent. In the coaiinoii pn»-e«sx, mut L of the »siebanne part of the flour is lust, by being coo- virtrd into cailxinc acid and spun.and tliii* waste i* in¬ clined solely for Ihe purpose of getting carbonic acid to raise th. dough. By the ucw metliod waste is sv a.ieai. snd the gasoltaiod in a manner equally heaiitiful and rlhcacio'i«. And the striking instance of the succeaaful apphcaUoo of Cln umal ri iloeoi hy to the eonuuon arts of lite k'Tinen- tatii n (n* baa brer before stated} destnivs part of the dour or meal We find in ronaeouence thai i*> pours**, which aiake* 860 pounds of bread bv feruienialioa, gives, by the new process, 380 pounds, or iVi loaves. 2 üö0 ha<;s saltpeter'in bond' ' SI'tiKK(M{D"TMhF.sTON v ft) No +r .S.,«t;,at- Jl| TUNS CHINA CLAY in attire and ¦»V tor sale by JAS T DERRICKSON A C0- No Its Fultoü-at, ^0 00(1 HAVANA CIGARS-Re- pncelloperM WM C VALEXTINR. No sTSoutji-et! Painting, «t7>c f? Ii E N < H \VlNDOW-iiLxss_Kt- fH*^,^ r*nwf ^ V1 .«fe*"V«. and have a full H ENRV L. SMITH, Hou^d sUn fchVi^ptew*!ii 1!^^ .ear *.* or ruic; . beau -t^ £ jl^%^ 22 whuewubKnc. im;ut:on.of ^Ji\^ u!/'r.l,^^ Styl* of art. Glasita. Ac Prw, V.^aT 2L''*,n,),'Än.,^ wortoanahtp, ^d ^^^7^^ reasoa»hh pefcea, may ha d*pet»ded Sfc pAlNTERS J^L^IERS^a^H. «bi^tü^-Ä haxa-euaa.*, offer, for aa'e the eery ?asT'r-~ «dAn ei.c«,OLA.S< of ail ^tr^K^u^a vturjtikiwe* eaah pncea Parater» « pamctahl? aaShtLin ni'nd that by the sad of roor -xu^cre t^lX, 22 S2 mill-, kept conataiitl, u-. c per»t:.i^.%^S^Jr". Ur articles of Paint. »i low pneeit rian' L^ZZ. ^ Mrer r. the lured State/ P^ni^t¥aPffiCSa*? and .very arricle in the hne u. ¦r* *Wu, UnL^ No S ^(wre,^,^. .ad Nc 8 Ca ball rn^tN y Li ^LPfrALNT" 1>rr" Uiar,v »'»Ptedfor iff *%rc aTL^^ÄsSr? - SHADK PAlNTKRS! SHADK PAINTERS :-Ail Shade Palmere ts this eu» .leewbe-r ur moat laartectfullv Ufbrcied that hit oiaiiuaw aorj la the only otie M tks> United State* where pain la ere man*) by strain exrreailv lor Shad* Pain Urs, wai«ie«a«ae or to «etl th* t* urrt cos-r». offne v«it boat unamy. at tt* *oHewing reduced pn ~ri: T-rrs de M-r.-a. n ed.» cants per lb Terra da tot raw.i^Cal hc-ried.' I * Ct n.r raabjaj.Zi cat.per h '.n. «irren.««-»Ew br.m. orern. No. !.311 cent, per a Öhr a-ewr.: - No.."'f ' Haariia Bine.JJIeaaawpar» rf.,u» Btne....SJ| aeon par Ik Ciiiiatiliaj caaaired by the Point*! kep' coasieiiUj oa nand. Gooes «est free of charge and in aalt cuidiOoo ta Z. part ot tie eft*. s M'lOONMAM.R. Nia. 9 Ctafram-su. and I ("athartoe-at.. N I. TOÖD'. WOODf.The ambwcriber ha. coa' on hard, TO. 15,' <*' cord* seasoned Pina. I 11» seasoned Oak. i.ico e. ¦.{< 4- ¦itica-ry. S.*«' corn* anned Chestnut. The abovt NX is now on the iat.ili:.! ¦ '-be Tic.irr.ty or AMiapotia »fai and ready for market. I easels drawing Id feet water en load at tie wharf. _ N b Order* will he promptly attended to 6y »idreaatuf C JAHN IS W \ ETK, Nu. 0 MBiUumora. ZINC. INTS.Warranted Pure.. p The NKNV-ll-.itSKY ZINC CO, NVarehoo**, No. 45 Dev-st, are prepared to ripply their /.inc Paints tit the fol¬ lowing pnee*: No 1 NN'htte, ground in o-l. He. per pound. No NN hi.e, gmt.nn in oil. V per pound. No. i NN hite, ground in oil, 7c. per pound. Brewu and Black, ground in oil, 9faN per pound. Dry NN hite of '/inc. <i< pel poui.d. ' NN HI ft ZINC Pa INT, After thorough t-»t tu Enrol* and the I uited "fates, hse hern found to retain its besntj ai.d p.-i,iecet»e<JU*Juia*iotiger ., > other p-ont ror whiteness and brilliaocy tt l* un- riveaadj if fiee from all poisonous unipertlea so common*n«en.u* in ot her pit-mem*; will cover.euiial weigul .troni 4" 'o MB p~r e: t more n ace than lead, end la, liwre- fore, much curare't. the consumer As an uraide wdl not rniri veili.w. even when exp. -»«d to the - tlj liurooa gnsee of Coal fir, s >r the fcnl air of Msa Tiieir NN hite Ztn* fround in verrish produces the porcelain finish. Taeir BROWN AND BLACK ZINC PAINTS In a lev Hour* lorn, a liartt end *oild metallic co-tting up>*s wood, brick, iron and other merallic surfav ea, are remarkable for it eir tire-proof pro;» i tiea They are specially vdapted tot manne pull***-* having been I und to resist_'na articti of «alt water, *' <it .«t:-urrive to other paints Dealers supplied on liberal terms by MANNING A SQL Kit, Agents, No. 45 Dey-et, N. Y.^ Q:\prc59cg. C^HKCOKVS i:\TKA KXI'KKSS. 1 Per ILLINOIS aid OOLOEM OATK, to leave MONDAY. A[ nl ii>. 2 P.M. Tin- suhsenhen will hrward a B| trial Kxpre** by aUive strat.n r*.^ Siiipptrs are re- mm m d to have their gissl* in early ou Saturuay. I'k. .. must ta- put up in waterproof coo-iition. an I not 10 txtrtd ISC il« vn itht Parcel* received until I.' M d»y of »a ling, and lette's until P M. OurKxpntsol this ds'e wifl be in charge of Mr. O.A. Dut.n, lavorablv knuu ii in CaHsbrnia. THOMTSON k HITCHCOCK. Man; gers ard Agent*. No. 141» Pearl cornet of Wall-it. Alttr May 1st. at No 20Ö U.oadway._ PER STEAMSHIP GEORGIA, to Itiw fTrkana, 8a PI BOAT, Ascil MAAOAMS A ( O. will dispatch a r reight and Parcel KXPRKSS to NRN\ OKI.I- ANS aa above, to Adams It Co, at No.7i Camp-*».; an fxpbe88 to Ml lit ILK. Ala., (to be promptly delivered by our Mebile Agrnt, R. Bouilemet,) also, by tho sime steamer, a Letter and Panel EXPRESS for N'K.HA CRUZ and the CITY OK MEXII 0. Itnitt*. Notes and Bills will be collected in New Orleans and Mob It. ADAMS A CO, No. 19 NVall-st. .oai. C^OAL..I am now tli^i hargintr several > cargoee of the best quality of Red Ash Stove Coal, wl:n h I srill seil to dealers And others at $t p*-r tuu frem vessel, afid will deliver from vessel at %\ V-> \ from yard. %S PETES ( UNION, eo. tier of Kingand Qrecnwich end Ooeirk and Rivington its C1OAL..Tin- rabacriber has in \/ard a J hull supply of Anthracite and Bituminou* Coals, con- ilsling of Ptach'Orel:aid, Blnck Heath. Leiiigli, llazleion. English ( «nurI. Liverpool Orrel, CumU'rlaiul, Sidney.all of which is wan anted to lie of the best quality delivered in he best order, and lor sale at the rosy lowaM market pnej*. JAMF.s L. WORTH, No U Broadway, and 4th-*t. corner of Thompson. F) ED ASH SMALL NUT COAL from Ml l.ewu k Byokal N l.ii.A very desirable article for su all stoves. Kor sale by the cargo at Port Carbon or Port Richmond, by V. TYLER V CO, No. 7ti Waluul-st, Philatielplua. THE SUBSCRIBER ^ill deKver the best SBamRty ef Red and NVhite A.«li Coal. at$»per tun, Ii. in the loin' i of Yoik und Adams-st., Brooklyu. JAMES ANNETT. PER TUN_Beat Red Asb Nut COAL, laigti sire, screened and delivered from yard, at i he aUive low pnee Also, Red Ash Stove and Kgg, ff>. NN hue Ash Stove and Kgg at the »anie low rate. JAMES AITKlN. Nos tftfand 2l>7 Kranklin It. #4. C (Pecan Steamers, #c. CALIFORNIA TICKET..A first-ci n thrtiugh Calitoii ia Ticket, one of the best in the vesatl, lor -t- anirr I LLIROltl *o «all on Mon.Uv, itXitfi lust, to c N> m 11 u iih steauirr (iolden Oat-, for Kale. Apply early, at No. It U Eront-st, corner of Ucckman. T?OR LIVERPOOL..United Stetes JU Mail steamship ARC'I IC, t'apt. fsmSS p IgaTia Ttlll steamer will dt part with the I'. S. Mills for Europe posi¬ tively on SATI RDAY, May I, at 12 o'clock M, frptn her berth at the toot of Canal-st. No avjtth secured till paid for. For freight or passage, having uutqualed accouunuda- hons tor elegance or comfort, apply to EDW. K rOLLINS k CO, No K NVal! «t. T st-amsl ip BALTIC will succeed the ARCTIC and .ail n I, IKtl FOR SAN FRANCISCO..The clipper ahip ELY I NO CLOUD, J. P. Creesy, Commander, bating iiiaile her last p. *m.r to San PranciM-o in days. the «hortest i eot.ige uu itco.C.1» now again loading tor that port, and having a Urge quantity of cargo engaged, is intend¬ ed to aail about the 1st af Mny. F'or balance of (.eight, or for pi'SRtgr, Iisving splrt.tlid accomunaialiona, apply to the Captain, on bosid, at Builing-slip. or to ORINNELL. MINTI'RN At CO, No. 73 South «t. H)R SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT.. FV Cent clipper ship, St iRTH STA RR, Captain J O. Barclay, will ptaiiivt ly sail about the Htft of April. The accommo- dat'en* in this beautiful sHuaai, and the well known reputa¬ tion of Captain Barclay, (this being his third voyage to the port.) will render all person* at opportuaity seldom or ever often d, it selecting sootuf ' »nie passage. Her bee tWeeii-tiecks are fully eight feet Ic^h, and patent ventillutora It s fully exjiected »be will make the paaaape in MO dava Early application will be necessary to secure passage, a* ouly a limited number wdl ae taken, either on hoard. Pier 27 East Rtvrr, foot mi IVver-st, or to butler BROTHERS, No m and I is Sou'h-st., N Y. FOR CHA RLES'D )NWThe new and splendid steatn-lnp I'NION, R. Adarua, commander, will leave Pier No. 4 North Kivtr. raj SATURDAY, AprilÜ, at i o'clock P. M precisely For fretght, apply on ooard, ai.S for rareage. at the couuting-ruom ol SPOFFORD, TILEBTON A CO, No 4a South-sx, Bills of lading signed on hoard I;HjR LIVERPOOI^The favurite and well known sttamshic SARAH SANDS, 1 30« tuna burden. VN C 1 hompaoi,, Commai.der will be dispatched for LIVERPOOL or, SATIRDAY, May 8. at 12 o'clock. Thi* shir has been thoroughly refitted, and baa superior ao- eonimoaations for pa**-.i:g< ra kATIg or rassacE. Pint Cabin.ffw Second Cabin....For Freight or Paasagt apply to J. HOWAKD A SON Agents, No 34 Broadway. TV E W - Y O R K and CH A RLES'D >N 11 STEAMSHIPS SEMI-WEEKLY LINK -The new and ekgant steamship* MARK in ( «nt. M. Berry CNION, Capt. Iluhd Adsm*; SOI THEKnER, Capt W. Poster: JAMES ADtiKR Capt. J Dickiijscrn. forming a regular srnii-weekly line between New-Y.orkand Cbarleaton, anil mate their t ips as follow*: Cuioo-SsJuiday Apnl « Marion-Sateroay, May 29 aN«atWnwTWa*irte*d»y . . 2* Jae Adger.WediieasUy.JaneS Mancu.... Saturdav. May 1 L tu on.Saturday, 5 Jaa. Adgrr.WeeiiK-eday, .. 5 Sou.hcmerNV rdneaday, .. 9 I'nHiu.Saturday, .. g wanon_Saturdav. .. ij Sou:hertierNN ,rit*»day. .. 12 Jss Adgax.NVedneanay, . . 16 etariot.r-aturoay, .. 15 Union.Saturda*. .. 19 J** Atlgcr Wednesday,'. SourhenierWedneeday, .. 23 I'nfon.Saturday, .. J5 Manon_Saturday, . 26 StinthernerWedneaday, .. 26 Jas. Adger NN'ednaailav. ¦ 30 The sreamers leave Pier No 4 North River at J o'clock P M, precisely. For freight apply on board, and for rjaaaaga at the counting room of SPOEFoRD, TILESTON k 'CO.' _Mfc« aVtaasVat, OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION CO. -For BREMEN via S<Jl'THAMPTON.-The U 8. Mall steamsiiip HERMANN. Edward Higgins. V. S. N, Commander, will awl fc-.r Bremen, touching at Southampton, (i 'at i the mail* arid (Massengen for Knaland and Knxnie, oa «ATt B DAT. April 24th. from P er No. 3 North River, at U I c'ocA. M. . . . !mas* or fassaca. In Pfaat Cabtt, Main Saluua.41» Ir First, L..wrr S»J.*.n. I- Secord Cabin. go An expenenced Surgeon ia attached to the^ihipl All letters must Peas through the Post ORice. Specie dchveredii, Havre and Londoa. Por rasaagr or freigi.t, apply to MOLLrn SAN'' A RiERA, Agents, No. »Sotrth-st. The steamship WASHINGTON will sxtcceed the Her¬ mann, on the ?M May. "REDUCTION of FARES BETWEEN ¦ % PHILADELIHIA aul LIVERPOOL.The UV- rRPf'i'L aad 1 HILADELPhlA STEAMaHIPCO law trnd saulirg their new Suan-slin u fouuwg: CITY OF MAM }'ESTER, Capt. Robert Leiten. CITY OP GLASGOW, "* LS10. Cart NV^ä^^ > * 'il.-Al t. Pi: a CITY OK OLA soi NV. Thurwlae Maa-S city Of MANCHESTER... "Thu^rjunlx city OF GLASOW..*; .TluÄju?y? CITY OP manchester.^ZÖffl city op Glasgow"!" .utt"ool - ¦ ! city Of manchester r^7.U55SSS VI CITY OFGLAJWOW.WMnrcedey. June2 . TY OK MAM HESTER.\Vedi»**d*y.Jaaa» w RATES OF PASSAGE. from nm.*rri.rwu. raon Lr»»trooi~ «aVo«is s.i»J> 5- ,:-.cs.n»...t»» I safer*, i. s^leSajaw'eM.fxVaa. *>ns>* .Me »Srw,ni »_,m\ " *>mr4 " ** A bwuttJ ntiP.U r of tlrrd-rla** ps^a-aigers *"1 <*> taken .run, p|,,;*deli.).!. «rri Li****** "«i,buJ 'g,'*OT~0?*,_.. rrvoiri..!^!,!....»ron.L.very^l....bgui..*w*. ,ie.oY lesasry* .>!< r- ttwf IHM; who are deaur-u.of hrineii« f1»» ¦*¦ Mxil a*,a»»lffm>a<ajBWdm Freight on loe «. - - - pw tu»- «"d «w |-jud*. hard- .... üa, will M t»Vrn tub*** U> ¦V.IWIHI ... w Klr,;-<-:..-.'c«i. si itaplyVtwaeo Uverpool*«d 0 ea*r.w, H " R. tferd.r, liriniftrw.!- .»«¦«*h"t M^ujr. rar-., p. try a b good* ran rT*f LivaqrooJ, and tfirte bv '),, I rre. . - Ph.Me|"»,M direct. fiun.^ Sureeot, w.l «. rarnad .¦...'.!-rte tn PhiM-l;*!* r.d Liverpool, >r » o.iro ».:« economy end a:»pel«f.. THtK-. BIcTaTÄ rV.aderphi.and New-Yotk. RICHARDSON. BROTHERS A co.. Liverpool. STEAM BETWEEN NEW-YORK and 0LA1.\'-.~>t* o'aajowaod ^Jf^SSTS tomp«nj » werlul new gajilinfjfttf "oLAsoo - « aV ban Craj. t V'.,':':"';w,,,.'1 fnm Raw-Tata tor Glasgow, on «.vIuRDaY. the lttof May aaxx, ft U o'clock, noon. First CaMn. Pass***.V rpHE NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL X IM! r.n STATES MAM. ME LattEB J conn omni! tht* line are the iraOowtuf: A I LAN III. Call Weir, PACIFIC. Cap!. N ve. AKC'l IC. Capt Laer. BALM IC. I'V-1 oaistocaV ADRIATIC, Capt. Orelton. These ships have been built hy contract, sxpreosly for Oot> entnrnt service. Every ca-e has Troen taAea tn their coa- stn-cnon. as slso in their Engine*, to insure strength and .peed, and their ac<\'uimodati:.ns for passengers are une- qua.ed for elegance and comfort- Price of passage from New-York to Liverpool in tirst-class cabin, |Bll in second do-. BM; exclusive use of extra r.xe state-rooms. fJoo; from fjmiaul to New -Y ork, A3») and £20. An ex perlener d sur- teon attached to each ship. No berth secure.i until paid lor. PF.Ol'os-ED DATES OF BAIL!NU. rROsf Ncw-Yoaa. from LivexraoL. Saturday.Mch. 20. 18» We^dneaday.fdch. 24. 13o2 ..«.lujoay.ApL 3. 1852 Wednesday ....ApL 7, IÜV Satun'ay .Apl. 17. l»Sg Wadliiadaj.ApL B, I Saturuay.May I, I8S8 Wrahtaaday.May S, MM bataaday.May i\ Wadaaaday.May 19,18« Saluroay.MayÄI'C U .in. ~iay.June 2. HiJ jlan.m ay.June Ii 1AW Wednesday.Jane ley 13W Sa-urday.June*. 13.« Wedn, sday.June3H, |tM flatj rdav.July 10, Mi, Wednesday.July 14, 18« Saturca>.Julv24, I8.i2 Wedneailay.July 2B. IW latlirdaj.kuj. 7. IKöJ Wedutsday.Aug. IL Sararday.Aux.21,18-K Weebesday.Aug. 25, l?-U lalaislj. Sept. 4. 13.12 Wednee.iay.Sept. 8, IR52 Sattiiday.Sept.18, lSÖ2. Wednesday.Sept22,1852 Saiurday .Oct i 1852 Wednesday.Oot, 6, In">2 Saturdav.Oct. H5, 18.12 Wednes.Iay.Oct. 20, InV2 Serurday.Oct. 30, IttSl Wedneailay.Nov. 3. IS.".* Saiuiday.Nov. 1.1, Wü, Weduealay.Nov. 17, 1S">2 Ratuitlay.Nov. 27, 1852 Wednesday.Dec. I. It&l Saturdav.Dec. 11,1852 Wediieaday.Dec. \\ Mi Saturday.Dec. 25. 1852 Wednesday.Dec. 29,1852 For ttt >(ht or passage apidv to EDW' D K. Cd M.LI KB A CO., No St Wall-it., N. Y. BROWN. SHIPLEY A CO., Uw E. ti KoBERlS v. CO., No. 1j King's Arms Yard, Lot.;. a JOl'N Iii NSOE A CO No. Rue No're Dame dea Vuioires. Pans or OBO. II. DRAPER, Havre. The owners of these ships will not lie accountable for gold, silver, hull on. s|«ecie, jewelry, previous stones or aielala un- leea MDeot ia.i g are signed therefor, and thev alle thoreof Uierein expreavd._ THK BRITISH ami NORTH AMKRI- \N ROYAL M A11. STE V.MSO 11'> herween NEW. YORK and LM i RPOOL, direct; and .-Uveen BOHTOM and LIVERPOOL..The Boston sh na only calling at Hali¬ fax to land and receive mails and rta-aengere. ARABIA Capt,-, AFRICA, A. Ryrte, PERSIA. Capt. -, EUROPA. E t). Lott, asia C HTe. Judktna, NI ao A RA, J. Stone, AMERICA. N BhsivaaB, C AN ADA, W. tiarnson, CAMBRIA. J. Leifch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast bead, green on starla srd l ow, red on port bow. EUROPA Lott, from HEWA ORK. Wednesday, April 7. CANADA, Ling, from BOSTON. Wednesday, April II. AFRICA, Hatrs. r. fro. NEW-YORK, Wednesday April21. AMERICA. Shannon, from BOSTON, We.Lieeday. April 2D. ASIA, Judkms. from NEW-YORK, Weduerday, May & NIAGARA. Stone, from BOSTON, Wediieaday, Mav 12. EUROPA, Lott from NEW-YORJL Werlnndaa, May 19. French. Oemian, and other Foreign Oouds. received ami brought in common with Bntish floods. Through bill* ol lading are given in Havre for New-Y'ork. Passage from New-York or Boston to Liverpool, $120. Berths not secured until paid for. Freipht will be charged on specio an amount for personal expenses. An rxpeiienced Surgeon on board. tff- All lettart and newspaper* must pas* through the Post-oti eaJ for Iraighi oi paa ** *i ply to E i LTNARia No. 3S Broadway. First Cabin, |l3t)| Second Cabin,|70. rTUi<R()UGH to SAN PRANCISCO.. J New-York aid San Francisco .Stea-usiiip Line..The new .'.ainsliip UNITED STATES, Charles C. Ben v. Co a. nwad*r Will take hei departure for Aspuiwall, Navy Bay, on 8ATI RDAY, 1Mb May, at 3 P. M rjoniiectina si Paa with the new double-engineiteanwiiin WINEIEIsD SCOT P, 2,100 tun* Luiden, Kenney Couillaid, Commander, w nrh «teanier awaita the arrival ef pa<»engera at Psriama by the United Stales, fiorn New-Y'ork, and immediately thereafter ptoa . cs to San Francisco direct, without stopping at inter¬ mediate ports. The«.-vessels, in accommodations and safety, are not sur¬ passed by sny ou this route, and an experienced surgeon is aria, bed to each vessel. The ('lilted States has msde the voyage between New- Yore ami Cbagres in seven days and nineteen hours, and the \\ ml.Id Scott has just perfhneod the voyage b, iween New- Y'ork and IViiHma m lite shaft***, time ou record, both a* to running, and actual time from poit to port Books now open and through ticket* for sale. Fiiai Cabin Room.iSlA Second ( «bin. 2iU Steerage. 2«i Applyto DAVIS. BROOKS A CO., General AaenW, No. Beaver-st JONES n lOIINSON, No. 104 West-st comer of Liberty-st Passengers per I'nited State* will disembark along «nie b^ wharf a' A>pinwall, snd take the Psriams Railroad, now roten nearly ro Oorgrna, trots svoidin* the risk attendant Mai It adinfia boat* at Chagres, and the river navigation to Oorgm.a. US. MAIL ^EAMSHIP COM- e PANY..For NEW -ORLEANS, vi* HAVANA.- The*pl-ndtd new double-engine steamship JEORÜI A, 3,0n0 tuna, D. Porter, V. 8. N., Commander, w U sail from the pier at fi»t of Warren-st., N. R., on SA I L BDA Y, Apnl ML at 2 o'clock P. M., precisely. Rote a/ Huit tyt bj .Veic-f'r/eoas.Art* .frm^jiemrrtf. Ladles' Saloon Berth*..fflQ After Saloon Berths.-70 Forward Saloon Berth*. 50 Steerage Berths. 35 Specie only taken oa freight to Havana. Freight taken to New-Orleac* i: 40 cent* per cubic foot Shippers of freiaht are restated ripply :h n selvc* with t- ' -::'.'' t.,',li jf lading, which may be nad un applica¬ tion at the office. No other form will be signed. No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or paasaac. *pply to M O ROBERTS, No. 177 We*t-«t, corner Warren. NITED STATES MAR, STEA M- SHIP COJOPANT, connecting with the PACIFIC MAIL MEAMsHIP COMPANY. Ouly khlWAJsl Line for taJiforui* and Oregon, in* A*t.inwall. Na/y Bay, direct, Kr attamer GEORGIA, via Havana, on Saturday, April The splendid steamship GEORGIA, iOOTi tuns, D. D. Porter, U, S. Navy, Commander, will leave ü I'.-i at the f-v.t of Warren-st. on SATURDAY. April 24, at P. M for AspinwalL vi* Ila-ai.a. Passengers by th* lejorgia will connect with the well known and favorite Lcited State* Mail Steamship PANAMA, to sail for San Francisco .,a the arrival of the paascuai-. s and maila No de¬ tention at Panama The Panama Railroad la now in opera. Üon, and the ear* running to within * few mile* of 0 . Rate* of Fare to San Francisco, 1st Cabin, $315; 2d Cabin ¦Ml ^trersge. $200. Rale* ef Fare to Aavpurwall: Fust Cabin, t i 2d Cabin. |45, Steerage, f/25. For !Ve.i!it or passage, apply to Cll \S A WIMT^fEY at the orhce cf the Company, No. 177 West-st., corner of War¬ ren-st Passengers will thus be enabled to save ahmt 35 mile* of the river navigation, and also the expense and daruter hereto¬ fore alteudutg the Unding in boat* off C hagre*, a* they will be landed from the steamer, free of expense, on the Compa¬ ny's wharf at AspinwalL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM SHIP COMJ ANY.CONNECTING with the PACIF IC MAIL 8TEAMSH1PC<JMPANY..tJnly Thriugh Line for California aaWfJtafoa .EXTRA..Through Ticxets BOW for Sal' .Tl e auparkw douofe-eugir e et..:*h:p ILLINOIS, H. J. Hartsten« I >. N., t'omiriander, being now ready for service, wnl 1-nve for AS PTN W ALL, NAvy kvY direct, on MONDAY. April 2b, u 2 o'clock P. M , precseiy, fn.m her rier f'»rt of W'arren-st-, N. R., to connect with th* GOLDEN GATE, i5un t m, Uaaa, Pitterson, U S N, Con mander, wbirn steamer l* ordered to reauin at Panama, to be in readiness immediately on arrival of the passenger* at that point, and to sail director San Eraacisco withoataiiy delay The «rccinriK'..riom jf these ataamstaps are .l-ntT«sn it. and they have proved to be the fastest ever* llluiou having made the passage ;.-^,u New-York to the Isthmus ia srvee lays and fourteen h ».ry. u.4 the Ooldea Gate from Panama to San Francisco ia eleven days and eighteen boar*. The Pane:: a Railroad is now In Gperari. n. and tlio car* r:ining to within a Saw mike* of Corgon*. at th* laad a| river aavigmtlon Paawr.g-r* f-otng forward by these veaela. It is coo/ul. nt.y expected, wili make the tjaickeat tr.p ever perfumed froua New-York to San Francisco. Ear'y app.'ieaiioa witl oece«aar. t .f ran tu for Which apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY .at loToff, « of the Corr.Batita No. 177 \Vr*t-«t_ corner jyf Wearea. V "1 A N DERWLTTS LINE (at s\\ ? FRAhf l.'CO. via NICARAGUA.- The new and ;>ow- erfol ateamahip NOR! BERN LIGHT, - 500 taa* burriea, on W I \\t l} n^vT." 'a'"" ,r.°m ?l" S°- * Notth Rive" on Yk EDNE-DAY, May 5, at 3 r/c!ie k P. ML, for Saa Juar del Norte, rejacertrs will be prcmntly conveyed over the route cf the Transit Company, rf Nicaragua. h*v on but twelve inil.« of land trsnaportiü. to San Juandel\iand thetc» to San Francisco in the sUaaiahip S S SIMv' »,«4i ton* burden. Cant Baker. ' Ike favr.rtte st am*hip PROMETHEUS will goceeed 'lie Nwtteni Liilf. .. .U icive May Jb. c.meaii.g wit" i stesawr PACIFIC. couwung wiu. DM .eei*"^ S*- m*J m ***»' Mo rWmm, »ecureu, only appfceaaoato D B. ALL . ._OSfca No.» BaUerr-phvea, ap sta r*. "V ANpERBILTS LINE.EOR BAN nUKUttX^Tm*. steamslup BROTHER JoNA- V-trl^l'''* "^"»"oeextensive siterarioa, and retift-d »T- r.Ii^0f m ^ *rr»«» aecwomjoaUaon. to meat 9M present renuireroeau of the trade, a ill take her depart¬ ure for S*a Frsieisto on the I at of May, at 3 o'clock PMÜ., Ä^Iatf,ös*!aMaf .* P m J«"«»«b V»1.'»- raa» and hau Jaaa dal Sac The Brothar iooathaa v in take her piece on the Penile fide ia VtumttHfr. g. ¦cue Lue. A'"d nutolssr of pa**n g.., »,3 Je» at tSBO Aar aahia and 1200 for awnrr-U * :. . ¦w*»l D. B. ALL' 'v Nu I flatiervnl... .T**.» Steamboats anb Uailroabt. ,f «AM DEN and AM HOY RAILR04T. \_/ Km PHILADELPHIA, from Pier No. 1, JfcrTe|T' foot of Baiterj place, by st> am boat John Pottar.~T» >**. daiiv. Murine» Line e-ivs *i * A M , Ai'emooa Exaaw *. for,- atiAÄliS . '--xiri, *pENTRAL RAILROAD nw V> JERSEY..wot* .ii»j.<ei.«ruu. 1. IS3», W* K .! \Moti ll."i»c . .. . i. Korta River, by stratr.!-**! R] p. JACixKT, at g ± mVt .and 5 P. M.. .iuiwiU *i F'.salsitüosra \l train* on the N. w-X mm \«,.y2 fr..»., foot of Col . M ao.t 41 P. White I i .5.40 A 72 1.« P A id * 1.5 2.'ö P. M PlsutuVId I I.a} a u" towaal 7.14end I«. . a \J tZiiTL P. M . - «"..»*, Paeeeiu'-;» foi Fi«.,i. o. .I.. m A.. ...,. "'.ti-^a-j. and iV.". L Pa., m d Ka ,ni a. II? wtU take the '.* A. M-Olaa ftoui N'ew-V,,.i. »tU2 Tunndavsaiai Saturoaya foi .v> ».;la...H..«u, WadiSL»; B * ft. L Into H ¦ ba checks or Comb LI Ali haaiSA'eal tlien.k of the owners uaLl tsrii»a<asl "X)R ALBANY.Wiib».ui vl.aa«"^ Can..PARK RFDI'CED- It xu^-tiy »ra ttbiDttL-The care .' Till NEW-TORI AND Hut ... M I? AILKOA 1) hi r Hall Stab.* Nev^S daily. Sundays excepted, a: 9 o'clock A. M.-X«w.»2 I.H>R KEYPORT and KOK P HAMJC TON..The iteamboai « ILSON SM A] L Sseusjafe ray-el pi!-r dat'y, (Sunday excr-pted.) at t o'clock P.RLmT turning, leevei Kev; nt a? *) o' A M, landtagatAxe Haciltcn each way. Pare to Keyport 2*c«nti} Part Baa> tos 12$ rents. _ IFREIGHTS REDUCED. - OrdSrj ere cow taken u, ^ f^ji RIVER LIN1 h ra NEW-YORK to BOS ON at 3 aajh ret ftot; Oidiuery Weight ees*uw|*fC Other freight in proooitjon. Freight will at all taaask, Ukeu aa low aa by anv ual route. " Al BOUkROM \N A Noa To and?! TlSUAL A BOARD MAN A«nB> .i Wmt*. lOR SHR EWS HU K V, LONG BRANCH, Ot KAN Hol SK. Hi.Jill tND Doct \T< and BaVflB Ol CK8, (Mi. .v New * .. did steam.**! ii'"' Iti NT. < ip'au A H llaggaga leave New-lia\e.| pi- r. Peck-flip, K.iat River.atlj, tW,'l^.«vee New-Vork. Leave <!i-e..«bar». Satui.lny. April 1?- N P.M. Monday, Apni i*. Turaaiay. .. TJ A. M Tuesday, .. fk- Weducedav, .. SI- «' .. Tloirwhiy, .. Friday. .. » ' .. Friday, .. 2il»l .. Saiurday, .. 24-10 .. Monday, .. 2S-W .. TucMlay, 27 10 iTweada*. .. 27- 1IRR> WadaNaday, .. 2R-H .. v\ edn.«lay,.. »¦%%.. Thuraday, .. 59-1H .. IThurvday, .. ». J .. Friday, .. Sil-> j\ P. M Knday. .. 9t». 4 .. Satoirtay. May 1-3 I Monday, May 3- I AR The «.rage» lor Squani Tri Freehold will run la .^nneaaal it Sr«r-« tu r- rvey niiwriger» to all rartiof t* country All p-'raona are forbid tnuung the aOove boat ft account of the ewneti I-pOR BOSTON, lif. NEWPORT and FALL RIVER Pka apkjBaBadaad «apenm etaaaawi CMPIRJ STATE, < Btayton, and fTAfl OF MAINE, leave 01 xcep'^aL) ben Pier Na RN. R. :. th. Battery. *t '»P.M. fat Freight, apply on board, or at the office, on Pier No. A TISDA1.1. ». Bin;: :..n \. n WaM HUDSON RIVER RAILROAJ^e. NEW-YORK to and from Al.llASN and i'rtOT- REOUC1 ION <-i 1 Ahl' -On a.-.i aft. MONDAY, Rank 29, and until April 2ti, the train* will ran aa followi: Lgaai Ntw^YoM lita Noarn.Fruau ..ifira.aa> riei ol Chatwla?n»*at. and Collogv place Ai 7 A.M Way Mail Tram lor Albauyanil Troy. Hopping at a'I w,, «tirliai\ Kare.$1 ii, through At 8 A M Through Train kwARfl* iiV and Tioy. ar.-ppin* oniy at IWaakili < 'old S.i oa, K.ak- kiil, New-llHioburgli. P<«gilkerpe4e Hyde IVik I'nieg' ' Oakhiil and Hudaon : Fare to Xihany, f2;tort(w,L At H A M., from Jlit-**., *V ay Freight 10 Atbaty anil At A. M U> Perkakill . 'pping at all «ay*ranuoa P. M Kxpre*» Tram to Ailmnv »i'0 t'roy, at. ppiiigeaiy a] Peekaklll, Kt uklll, P< Hhitebeck c- .l Haranaj through in 4 houia; fare t- \ >. $i 9; liiy,|2aA At 'i P M to P, eaea Freight and Paatati«' -a, ateaaRa ai »i: w*y «taiion* At 4 P M to Pi uahkecti-e, atnjlpkM at all wny aiafiou* At ¦". I' M I ii.-ongri Mail -oafcr Af hanv mmfTrey, atopptng at Peekakill, P»*ttkill. t'enthkny a'... a-:d nil station* 110 to ol Pcughkeepite .n ttmal: fan to Albany, v \ f M I . P^kaxilL stopping at all way itatluna At*itP. M, for Albaayaa Troy, Paewiigeri and Vhtotigh Freight PlM through, $1 2.V Qotaa Sot'Ttt .Troy Kay..Btaooa ktl I" AM* at |(> IB A M, at ^ «I f M at I P M Leave Albany- At 6 A M., Way Mail Tratn forNeaa-YaTAj itoppu.g at W'ay Station* where there are null* to ka l*> ceiv.d and dt liver.-d. Fare through frvm Alhany, fl Ä At 6{ A.M, Expren Train, ituppiig only «t Hod«un, Rluae- beck, Poughket i-i, bi.'.^tll and PeekekuL Fare tkroaaa Bon A I 'ii- M M AI 7j a. M.fct VN h bt -z|,t only (fruai K urt Albany.) At II a. at, Thr< igt Rl I i Ni \ork, gtupptiig at all »Vay Sufloa» : Peekakill F-. through |r.m Albany. R.'i aToat Troyf$2'»«. At 3J P. M l laough Train tor .V-w-YorlL itoppmg same as II r/cloch I un Fare Uv* taiue. Ataf P Nl [fioan Kast Alhuuv) Through Mail and PasssAaMfayJ^ gtupp'ti» »t all *tn*t ;i:.. on lijnal Pare thiough. $1 2A Leave ponghkeep-t.- nr New-York.AtelA.M.aatRwaW York, stopping at all Way Stations. Leave Peckskill tor New Vork.At ti| A.M.. Pa fnrNcw-Vcik. stopj in/lit Wi.v SialiuM. At Ii l'.M,Pa gers and Freight to N w-York. stopping at V. o -hal At H P. M, rasecugtr* to New-Vork. stopping It Way 8t*> tlona Päse, njers W'll ptr:. t: kata baSbra BasaasTlaj '.'.ecus. Naw-York, M !-. FRENCH, aUfJ utaralSaR .atheck, 8 only tt TVEW-YORK and ERIE RAILROAD. J. a .Trains leave as follows (Sunday* -iVi^nsssf fool of Dtiaoe-*t Mail Th .in at i- A. M for Dunkiik and all IstsalawaB ¦BWaVktiH I'xi-K,.-- Ta*i."» at 4 P M. warTTuta,at4F M ka -.*. «<«'. .¦>«»I lutarrria» diate Btadoi *. I vnMNu Exes,. .i Tsaim, at .> P.M.. for Dunkirk, eotv n*cting arilk Ii isvkirt aud Si ale Line, and Erie «od North-East Railiowls, fir Erie. Pa.New-York, De*.*», IBM. < li a ^. MINOT, Bupi ... lendeut. NEW-Y OR K iRd NEW-HAV|N railroad..w intkr akranokmc.nt, Use. I, iBftl..1 rains out of New-York leave near corner ol Canal- st- and Broenway. AocoMMOOsTtotiTRaimkaava Re NaAr-Bay nat7and liJt a. M.; 4 ai:d 4 H Y, M The ll..*i A. M. runs ib «00- necficn with Trein from New-Haven to Hartford aud "iptiuj Seid, and with Irani over tne Canal Rood. Exeaess Tbaiis for N-w-Haven, Hartford, SprtogSeM, (t'oiiueciirut Kiver and Vermont Hail road, to <'xdeasrstrgh and Montreal I B«rst.:ti pnd Worcester, at H A M , (stopa at PjBMKiford and pridpeport,) aad a p M , (stops at »taralord, Norwalkaiid Rridgeport;) time <»our Si hours to Uosloti. The S A. M. connects with the Huusatomc and N iiKatuck Kailrjads at Bridgeport, and Canal Railroad at Ni.'v-Havea. The 3 r/clurk P. M. wrh Natigatuck Railroad at ilndgewirt. Special '1 g.-.tus for Port Chester, at A. M. iuda|P. M. Stop at Mm nt V*r',n and Pelhanmlle. Traiws into Nrw-V iaK.Accommodation Triins leaVB New-Haven at Ub. 7. rid Raw A. M, and AH P M. The 9Ho A M ¦ I rn Spnnaf'Lld and and Canal > ,.l at New Huven, and from Naugatuck Railroad at Pn.fiei ,rt The 420 P. M. receivea passeogarJ f" '.- ... ..:<>ud. Express I kains (eava New-Ha«ea on arrival *f Trains Boston, at l.lia.V. 14A P. M, (at-u.piug at BridgeporL Norwalk and Star..:, .-d;) leaving Boat u at 8 A. M, and 3 P M. SprciAL TBAtns 'save Port Cheater at 5.-0 A. M, aad P. M. Rae large bill of adv-vitlacrntnt at the Stai.... House and principal HoUila. OKO. W. WHISTLER I'. ¦aaTgaWtaRVnWR NEW-JERSEY RAlLaRoAD.--.VEW- rORR ar.d PHILADELPHIA drect It ft MAIL *n.i KXPBK-s r..,gh ka44 hovxra-WowxJeaae*J Bsiiroa.1 via l*r»e_v i \i} leaving New-\ ork at " A M fiioa of Counlandt-at.; !? A M. and Aj P. M Llts*rty-*t. Ijeavas Pbila. elpbia m n .,,a a a M. and ^ P M bum foot of \A sini.- st Fare reunced to A3 for hrst-clase and §1 btl tot secHMl-rlss* BALTIMOBE, V\ >.,|, IN. .TON .-,.i CH A HLF^TON thn*agh ticket* sold in the above i... .... earned o .».- t A .M. and f M. lines from New-Yori, wilH through etaiduetnra. I> EGULA R M AIL LINE, vi« stÄntar t. ten. i ism- N i'l'.OV IDENCE, NEW BEO- POMD and TAI >1 ON..The steamers C. \ A.NlfER* 81 LT and COMMODi »p.K, of this line, now run rega- Itrly as kvrsradeie, alten stely leaving r*ier N.». A R*** Kiver, hrst when afo.e cwtcn placa, datiy s Jidaya #-*> -.'*'" i . tton aj I km :. v. ot .rtTal of the mad traiii. which leaves Boetoa at Per freight ur lauaaw. apply %t the office, Ne. place, or on board the boats. . "17 LKMON T VALLEY aid co.V- T PECTINO RAILROABw 'i R tN'SifRTATIOlI tTO.. Freir'is foi Buruugtoti, Pit. Johtishury, Og*tll,?"ff* and M-.l-ns %«w-Msvea ard >pni.,-eid, try steamer i ra V PL I. it. every day at Cieieely 3 P. M, from feckaltp. Great redocfloa « peeaengert and lr, I tirough ttckets by railroarl «a ill trie crincijai nertl.en. '< wt «. at tee N V mm N-H. RR> Oroce. No ! > f anal-at, N.y. For pa,:.. :arv n ¦"' w . k-, (Äct No !52 Sen'-;' * N.T. F hyde, Agci Vv INTER ROUTE TO CHICAGO. .Train* of Michigan Southarn and BavrLsral Railroad* nrr< daily (Serdavs exrvtBfed» as follows: r-ve *.'. - e si ,| '! .i .-,.(¦ \ f it L**»«» tt tiJO p.M : thence pa-ect gefi go by !.**¦« cn Phvtk Rjad ¦ milre to Miclrtr-» t i»- 'hetic* bv can ¥> rr.'i « " worth; aid liy .-tte |J rilgg to Chicago. After Feb. Lf f i . t i-orrb to Cht'iji - .- urr.e way cars leave LaTorts*» I V' A M., ard arrive at ?! btoj aiel Toledo at AUF M Daily na^tj cuuiect Port Way-neat *,u'fL^T? Lcgurrpe-t, Ls I .' .: lucusi-apoAe, at Soath PanaJ a.-d at other placesgn tin liae, ar.ththd pnuclp*1 tosmsasitB art! actth. (. At'lolcdo is lint ; r,.i.;»st i.Vb P.M. or 7 A.M. wtt» the Lake Ene Stu'h t ore route by stage arid lailroeS » Clev-iar.d; i > i. u~id aad stage to Ere; tAesase t*/ -.1 k. or bv stag* fron» Duakua to Birtiilo. %ut\ by cars after Feb. 1. 1> b I' M. train cn ib Nrw-lfurk Bad Eile hViad, eOB" aecu with tee 1 aAa Aatava trasa. Passengers at Cktvstand saa tasa cars ail the way U> Ftm» burgh ; thence by ra-Troad aad 2* ¦ ea staging to PM*f*** blua and I.ew-lwk, or 1 -oiinoreand ^ Air'a" Jasv 1A ISAR A. P. WILLIAMS, f

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-04-24 [p 12]. · Rich'sSafe alone bidding deliance to the laarsva ¦riservug notes, bond, and rcortragos. to the ralue of BlOO.loo. Tbs

ruft SALE-A ,,«.n Hav*,..! ti. »11 harn»»«, arid warranted son-id ; 6 or 7 year*

efcle <rr Ladies' use. Can be seen «X BROVS Ett a UHi iri

He 6.V Bn*dw*y

Tt/fULES. MULES..A lot of larze1YI Kentucky Mulea. root emeed, and foreeie et H. W.DAVIS'S, Eaat Newark, w. J-_WANTED .A good Ju.ka^ t'<»r

etock pen**** An, on* h.ving the .»^l»"/'wishing to aril for cash, roar eddrtae »VM. U. ai -rv>i»,

Unioi.-»quarr Post-Office, New-York._

sSalamanbrr Safes.

A L A M a 8 D E K SAFES.Wilder'«Petent. Rich . I ¦.

.STEARNS A MARVIN.Mo 146 Weter-st, New-York, are the only maker* or toe

atove-aacued e*l*brateffi Seles, eornb.nin* 1-oto pa-ent*

innHE GREAT FIRE in CHILLICO-1 ihE Ohio. Panthird of t!.e town burnt koaaaaal

'Cmillicovhf, O.. To sdr.r. Afnl ij. t 88.

¦tVasrs. SrrsRrvs V Maavis (i-i.'!-n, -n Your*of theMit is at fund. In r»rlv, arery Saf m tia* Are, *aeept voara

lias prov.d gocd for nothing. I loaf a iar*c Safe.i ara* per-fecly deefr'Vtd hut m the small Salamander I bought fromvon. nothing era* injured. \ oui obedii at s-r ant,^ W*. T. Ct-KMSOV.The »bore Utter show* that )n a real hot fire Rn it's Sai.a-

HaXDRt* are tlir olIv Bafeal * i- d opoo. la thePearl »t. lire, eleven Saf-s, of d.rf rent makers, were totallydestroy* d. Rich's Safe alone bidding deliance to the laarsva¦riservug notes, bond, and rcortragos. to the ralue ofBlOO.loo. Tbs CiiiUicothe ire is a parallel case.every Safe(at itich'a is d« struv) d. These repeated occurrence* provefajcoat« atif-fy that W iHer's Patent laaiaiaaeaira arith stielf*fjppiriv. an nt. are tee best Safe* made in the United States,«e ii. tlie whole world Thev can be had at tiled. (>..:, No,jgg y, alrr-aL, and at the Factory, comer of St. Maxk'*-alace and Avenue A, New-York.9 STEARNS L MARVIN.

Also, at the Mtoarli a Ajtencie*;I*aar Bridge. New-Oi I» »i.a. I.a.L. M. Ii. Cba li.' S. CThou.itu¦ k UaaVaaluya, Baltimore, Md.Hi !\cake. Down- r u Co., Meuiphu, Tonn.Edd\ b Horb y. Toktdo, O.Allisi Have* I . «villa, Ind.8. Sbepaid A f'o.. 15 Ha!,, N. Y.Walter R. Maivta. Lukport, N. Y.Ban.ev Mix i>e, Ala.Che» 11 fain; Hi kl Sat aaaah, Oa.H»:i A M.*.», I Oil mb a (ia.De Risiaet 4. Brown. U'll-nina'ou, N. C.Was. Pit-*-**. St. Paari, m t.Morl. v k Ravnolda, ( bm land, O.Haver", B-vd A (V. ZaiwaviHa, Ü.lly. Si'itaelt, l!«>rh. «ier. N. t.Jas. Itutton. atoatrea), ('»nsd».

irkiljinern, i^c.

2h EL

BAY \ v..iMULLEN'8 PATENTHÜBE..The trial made of thi* Incomparable Waterfor two years past ba» fullv demonatraled lU supenori-

If. Orders from Railroad*. K* tone» Water Cmiipanios andathers solicited Evaiy po ,. warranted to daaaaAa*BM*Hby the patentee and mauutaciurer. The aatsewaaj i* one ofthe many certificate*, and published to si.uw Uta estimation

from actual useJr.R»«v Cn v, Dee. 17, IH51.

HORACR H. Dar. No. 23CouriiaJ.ilt-»t. N. \..l>ta, Sir:I take *ieat pi, name in Stalins i» tea. la BBBWUs to your in-

v in rcsaiil to the India Rubber f'uiaisbtd by youJie New-Jers* y Railioad and Tieiiaportatiou Company,we hate found it of the best description, and to

atarwer much better purp<»> tha* either leather or canvas Itfa not only mine durable, but in tha end thi ¦ sr m raaotatteaLWe baw mju raaai mm ¦ ¦asBeafaai looisasiiriv**thatIre purchased of you two years af>>. winch has boon in con¬

stant use and is a! ill as *ikh1 as aver, and I have Ii,und yourfear ply to stand pressure of \V lbs. to the souare inch.

Your*, very lasasilftlllj, JAMES McFARI.AND,Superiiitendent Motive Power lor N J. R. R Train Co.

FAIRBANKSSCALES!.GREAT RE-DUCTION I!.Recent improvements in inachiaerr by

Which to produce parts of ecal- s at radaosd coit.iuia ex¬

tended färiiitic« si St. .lohnsbury for ¦sanafanfnrlni. uigathMWith the coiiipli tion of through lines of Railroad to the prin¬cipal markets, combine to enable the manufacturers to affordttärli Scale», impioved in quality, at« below those ofany other manufactory.

If nth. r scales are well triads and reliable, they cannot he

Cid for lowe» prices- It offer, d at lowei nrices, they willfound on trial to be Irani if ,.t and dm endva

FAIRBANKS h CO. S. Wahrstfea»" One reason whv FAIRBANKS BCALJS8 are al¬

ways so durable and retain their adjustment so much loriie.iChan otheis, is that the asaiiliai rue pmtecteil by ÜMVarttcal Sie. i Kni'e l.iinc n,e ¦walaaie* ftsla to which is

¦aeuted No aale can he dumbly accurate, especiallywhen subjected to sever, and constant use. without Ulis pro-taatiixa.

IX)R SALE.F'nir new Five Boilers,with two flue* of i!5 horse-nowrr each, with two safety-

amlve*. four iii mii rt-p«, four brass ah)he vajvaa, three castlroi strsm pips, t< ui cent it on teed pi; ca, tour cast-ironSMnta, comple e ; tour cast iron arches copper pipes, Ac.

rLEASE a Ml RPHY, Pulton Foaaiiy,(itt U No 57 Cm liai* at. comer ('herry.

ptfH SALE- Two Propellei Uonden-JL «Am Eaiiaes of Inch cyHader, N inch strike, willSesol.i cb.ap, nt I 1 ASK A Ml ft l'I' \ 'S, So. lc7 Corleai*-»t.eon,, r I lierij-o I- inn n I aandry < ffBc*

OWE'8 NFWlXi MACHINES.-.The oiialna!, «mi Ml |i;)o, upon which ad

ather* now ill u>* infitnge llie public are cautii ned n^amat¦urchasin» atasdlllia*a* Rights Off any OChe* peiaons unleeaahelr poweisof alloitiey aie daieil aie-e Feb. I. IS.V as allother* '..:«'.>« .. - I'Al KNT FASTF.N-iNOS fin PANTS alaotoi sale

BUAS HOWB li. No -'«'l Broadw.y

HYDRAULIC PRESS im SALEDiau.etci af i .»Ion. IS lache* | cOi.i.lei cnp|e-i-lined.

With stt.ut Wtaagbl :.. f in,da, WeWrd Oti tlie gital pOWtl ; ioi;rthir with aii luipruv*4 patl Mad apna-talus lui picaaln* llo ad fi.iu. wustarrl a ad IK a aud us.or

ha., a Prka l..w Aapll i.,, :,. U II W \l r,No. 74 Braver-*:, comei,.,, i.

PATENT II V DR A NTS. -The l{.irth..l-omew Patent SalfaOti^ Safety Valve II VORAN I S

have la-en extensively used in t'ns and other cities tor NM rethan atx yats rast, vd in ktst iiiihii exj 0*ad locationsm theetty, »od 1 «,ve l>. « Wall proved t" h- lapaitat to any otherMyranl ia use. They a-e atron* durables simple in coustiuc-tion, will not burst pipe, nor tihelv to frei it properly putla. Children do not break thrin, and cannot Mem

runnin*. (beiog a'way» left shut.) are cheaply repaired, with-aatdigging up; pmticVIv well adapted to te iant houses,a*d where several families and children have access to them;ant subjecting the landloid to the penalty imposed by theWaiet Board ftir leavtiig a hvdrani nun.ins when not in use,fheee beuig never It tt running. Also. Double Hydrauta. sup-»Iviug la o lots and titty tamilie*. Made at No. iff Mnou »t aanty, and M aal* v fch* riuuibeni generally; also in Boston,Albany, Philadelphia. Washington. Cinciuuau Botfalo, SuLoi.ia and other places

tJj^TEAitl KNtilNE ami HOll.ER tork» BALI .t nriiis l»-h"rae power, marie by W :n Rurd.'n;Bmler aaseeiiitiv* IrVhora power, at) faleneet evAer; eacibe seen at Nu l*v> Manfon-st. Also, an Kngine, i horsepower.

STEAM ENlilNK an I UOlLERof abouttwelve-l ...ivin v. e, I,.i BBS* cheap Inqutreof

III.\ 11 A.SI Hi QH v i 0. No IW< VVeat-M.

CTEAM ENGINE and BOILER farkjy BALB Ik* saver,*naeAhy Wat BarsVaa. Extra¦nishi d a . KM eytiavder) m w.only "been in use two mouth*for two bouts . day. Can ha srei. ,ii No 1W Rlh-av.

QTEAM PACKING.TV KUvV HELM'SO PETENT. M,a00 lbs. bow in store, dltfeient thickuea*.lTie quuluv , ! i! t» a.tiile, which will stand near liaide*io«shigher heat than ai v i lh« i rublwn, hag aaaa aaahsd for twoyears and over The Ameiicai. a-..t British steamship*, andthose .oti to CuliMi.'.a. use it »villi eMf ..1 The.aueraigncd aril) wairant this new patent pecking ks grsa en-ttre lalwfhaiiii u in *very caaa. No pi >, a but ui* uudorsiguodaan use tt c bJjh ;;. ihe niai-ufacluri of tubbei, and uo otherktad WlU staud as high a h, at. Wait b,.;we N\. Ü Curtlaudt-ft Allo.'dd» addnaaed to the BiauutVtum ai.d o*urj ofTyetA H.ln.'a Patoat. HORACE II. DAY.

1NUEK S SEWING MACHINE willdo a hat n». c! r"achme is capable of in ¦ wing cloth,

kesaher, corset mstersj, or, in fact, anrthmg reouiream at. banrb^mettibehtnA. What this machiue professes Ui daJt arül 4» perfect*y. The meat incredulous fully aoavinoedwy ilasonatTarton; all doubta fully removed. Machine* oaexhibit!;, r. {..::¦ .;, »:. d»e and b« satisfied. Noah*t|.c made lot utnr.aAoi..

J MS IMi KR A CO, No Broadw»y.


CntUrn, ijurutövjrc, K'c.U T NAILS..An iKMimnHit of Boon-J tost Cat Naia ooiutai.:ly oa hand and to. sale by

DL DUtt B Fl'LLKR A CO,_No- 129 t:.«vriiw:ch-*u. c.u. Cedar-at.

GRATES and I KMU ltN.-\{, KK.L-laBYtf Untie and render Manufactory, NV. Stf

Gin wadding an.i pkruussionCkl>- y -v ... tfe Oa* v\ adding, the beat and

aheaj^at s'ii.-,e .»n Kiry*» P-rr-iswon Cap*. Wire Car-tffidgc« »j..i Pprvrting Mat--;. ., 1' n-d« F.'arkA Ac A larg*Baad *u»pfata, aaertwist of the ahrva for safe hy tha mane-fccfurrr's eole agei .*, fsam >" lOVftS h SÖNS, No 6


J ' FRY. PL ATI'0 W.Alve im, . , RA »od F \N-CY OOODS

FRANCIS TOVK^ aNtv. I Maideu-lana, invite Un> attention of Buyer* to theiraxt.-ua.te aeaxtitesBt of ih* above goods, wfuoh they otter tor.ale cheap, for erasb or eputvveö .-red.!A oaaaiaaf eui>piy >^ . ftLTf PIBTOLB, ,.'»..»...*

tjakdwakf CUTLERY, EDGE-XI tools. ac-ci:arli:s I little,Noa. JO »Jas M It. ¦ ..... - i. im Umitbu Srartt*


¦** SfiT Hardware, Cutlery, Edge-Took, Ac, re-

KUVIIy in vitoe the atleant,* of Country Nerchusts,_°*UK:"L»Jul othesa, making ihe «i Spring and" Summer pur-

ahasea, to hu va»y eat«i»ive aasorfmeiit, ^mprann* everything in the haw. aast I» which new and mm ant rupp'ie* are

b^edsVsd. ail ol whicA ar, eaerro at the U. a -at p,uos, furBash ar approved creditOt andW r.ajght Nails. I^chs. he*.Kraitea and Forka Pen and Pocket Kaivea.Rasa,es, Sv iasw* and Shrars, Is area! variety,¦hovels, Soadea, Hoee. Porks, Seville* and Snaths, P, WCoop*/* Ttwh) ia (mat vanaty, of tha most celebrated

Manufacturer* Albertapa, Conger, Horton. Berfa a*t*other*Hone* and ShtreCsrpenteei Tioev Bi»clr.lUi'iTo««Hooar and Ship-Builder"* Hardware.Iron. Brase. Cortr*»r R**»l4 r. . . ^ll'ritnC Hwrr#a

IBDOTBÖN, PE \K«'K & CO-, NP»arl-st.. offer for aale.» at low pno**. warranted Ca't

St.el Irr Ms« hm, rv. To, '«. Ana Trowel Plate*. RilletWell«: Circular. Hand, Mill arid X Cut Saw»; alao. Si_wKniws, Single Shear and Oennan Steel.

Don.e-iK Hardware


HARD** AUE, N" 227 Pearl-t.. tmtM P'att.Offei u. the trail ? a r<imp'-'e a-wtrt.-ve-t at low prices fat

aaah or approve* pat~

TITi \ I EN RANGE MANUFA4 W >-K RV and WAREHOI BZ No Raistia at. eanMot K»a» li «t whole.ale a d re*ail. Raises repaired or ex-

cbaxf' d u i> aix unl/le terms.

oLD COLONY CUT NAILS..The, ,*, UMMm fta the aaJa of the «'«jv« »o;>enor

asjsltij al Nail*, have ia «' and sjt cot srar.rly racrivingfrom tbe factory, a full «seortment, whiej, mmj refer to the

city and country trad* at tka lowest market |Wt*a_J 7 E.fcj. BPtWIKO k CO- Ha. a»CB#at.

OLD COLONY shovels.-Iron,Steel end Cast-Steal -Shovel, of every de».nj,tloo fat

sei-bv K. t J BUMINO v CO, No B( _Vf_.1 * Atentj Ob Caw.I Vail Co.

PHI PI'S' FARM FENCE.*! 50 perRod. Ornamental W irr Kaihnj.

Wrought and ( a»t leor, Fence,Bark. Sa'» and Store l^ckaIren Bedafeada. _c.. a.c. for aale by

oeokok FOSTER,No. *#t Broadway, corner of Walker.

STEWART'S P L A N t AG E N ETGCARD RA/ORS.Tue suheenra-r* oonnnu' to ns-

aeive regulsr supplie* of thia celebrated Razor For sal* at

araailiiiaTssaljTj FRANCIS tomf.s * sons, No « Maid-en-laue aole aaents tor C Stewart a Co., Cha'lnt-eroetLondon Also, «h* c*l*v"Ued trni» Ratirr. an ennre new



No 9Camiine-*t.. (lour doors above Bleecker,)No. 2W1 Sth-ev, (three doom al«ive *1h-el.)No. 118 (Hh-av, (tour d.-or* above Itth-st,)

Dealer in warranted Conking and Summer Stoves, Fur¬naces. Tinw«-re Ala-. | Ben Hardware. Cutlery, andHousekeeping articles N. H A11 Stove« are warranted as

represented, or the money retumod

Copartnership.mHE COPARTNERSHIP of CAR-J PEEPER f» CHRY8T1E i« am day dissolved kyaaututl ccaastsnt Near York. Apni IR HAI


The SfilMieriU ni have formed a Copartnership under theIran of CARTENDEB a CO, and will continue i an tland I.xcbaiige business, st the office laielv ia»-npied by .I S.Cai-pvnter k Co, No. 68 Wail-«t .Neu I rl tpril It, latt



ACCOUNT I30( >KS fur SA f.E -F-.r lernthan t,st to nisbufacturt, in couseuueucc of having to

the 1st of M.,y. O. C. MANN, No. 161 Pearl st,Sd story, in the manufai tory.

A DVERT1SEMENT9 are inserted injt\ the at «t Baapan ka otavai ritiesand town at V. B. palm¬er S Arh "insu ( a«enc>. 1 nhinie B'llldiuss.

ALUM. SODA ASH mid UltramarineBlue on bantl, and foi sale byjas T DERRICKSON . CO, No |US Puiton-a«

BT. BABBITT'S oeM.rutcd SOAPa P 0 W OCR) one of the best or'lrles In BBS loi

lavhaf Labor in WaaahfasJ Douhle Itefin.-d t i'CS,Wanai ted w itheatl Miinlieration of &n\ sum CHEMICALYEAST POWDER tor rapid raising'of Bread a,,d CagesPure CR KAM TARIER -nl»' 8ALERATUB CAS-nU SOAP Ac Ac 'i !<> .!( !(.» are put up in the moataonvemenl and «alshle manuei. at pnres as low or lowerfhanany othei mi'infaetnre«, and which aftord a gisid prorit to retallere Kor ,ale in riiiaiiti'ies to ,uit purchasers at No*and 70 Warlungtnn-st.. New Vork

BUCKSKINS! BUCKSKINS.'.A largeai d supeiioi lot of BuiAaAiua, lor Plan ^Forte mvkera

ai d sudcli is' use. Abo I!1m< k Buckskin foi liiu.ia and Shoes,is now oil. it il lor selc by OEO. J. SCOTT, No i Plutt-sUAbo, Oil.rsajassj all-skin* forSim|* nders, ate.

BIRDS! birds: birds:.rhas".RE1CH1 a. BROTHER, Importerg i.rropean

ht"a**l A>11tis,. No. 12 North William st., near Chatham, aren< w M lin g oft tin ir rninr st<* k. to close kaSSibeOB fcg the. hi. i... r ... ii They have v. I uu hand a splendid lot ofto .0 iii Cat uties, l'i| lug BiMitinehea. Ooldhnctiea \c Pagosons within* to obtain any ol three good Sinsiug Bird* willphase puicl mmii, as they nou sell very rapidly. Store tobe OaBai d on May 1.

i ITY TRA DE..Now ia the tiriHTtcTätDC \ rtaal in the newspapers of neighboring cities andtown* lor the trade ot Ihe country ; and to those wL» dt-sire to do so m ith dUK'nmitiutioii and . n, unnncclion a mostconvcnii nt i pjioitunity is ottered by \. B. PAMER'S Ad¬vertising Acetic), 'I iibime Btiiliimga .Nierch.uite, Manuthr-turcr* and others wishing advertisement* inserted ill thebest and most widely circulated journals of either or all thefulli » n.-ji I lai e* (tin- liihaliitaiit* of »Inch do must of tin'rtrading m Nt w-\ork, are invited to call al V. B. PAMER'SAdvr using Agency, Tribune Buildings, where the papersma) be BSl n, prtc ** ascenaiind, and every Information ob¬tained tor the adoption ol a judicious svatem ot advertisingBentiinst.n, feivntruee, Kee., rrerlioM,it.. nt I., gassay. Rras)*a%s*A, Hniit-t..«n,MulS'.rbiiry, Bind.itoa, kins t..n, Jerser Cuy,Maatt* i. i, B.o. n iii»l.ur». Mi-..'..'..en, l-oilbenvige,Brulsri^rt, Brooklyn, . aaoajtaaBo, WaataBBStat*a\Bininnilii.m, Cosarkie, Most Havea, ¦osyiitaoag,Itaakatf. Caaaklli Baebeiji. Newark.Hsin.ol. OMbeas, Hjraak, N,I Si jatsad. taraasl, Pe, l,»kin. Newton,M.-niim. cii»ihsat eaadkAaasaaa, Ptter-.ia, .

¦iadwtowa, DeaVt, Ratva, Prsaretea,New Havea, Dssanait, Ki.tiilnnt, I'lainliekj,N,» Itrilain,, lthinebe<k, Itshway,Vre Leadoa, Kishkn, Bag Harbor, Sorra-mlie,BetaaA, klutlnng, la*aa*Xta*a, Trenloa,Noratih, (Odilen, Sias Mtig, Carborsilal«,.taSaSSSa, tilen Cove, Bagaaaaa, Ka»ton,¦sarafssak, Hsver-trsw^ Tro.v, taOasMaka,Watatbaiy, lieuii»-te«J, Willismsburgh, Montroee,West K.iiintly. HuuiiimcB, ataeasaaaawa,»»ilt*,IX jaaaaaaatJC, Hvaaaoa, ElisabetliU.wa, TowaaUa,Nrej- ri, Jsmsira.

ri> All communica.ions attenned to promqtlv, by ad-dreasiug V. B. PA L M KR.

Tribune BinUlings. Ncw-Vork.t^T A list of other i Hie* anil lov, i:* in cm b Stale, in wmch

paper* are puM.n'ned, ran be bad by tlioee wishing to Stiver-tkse, Soulb or West, Eaat or North, al the Agency.

CALCriTA GOODS.Cargo of theahip Jnini-a D.ake. ainvtd, coiiaialuig ofSaltpeter, 5.1'in lagaTwine, iltkl 1*1.a and 3 tliread.Cuiinv ( kitli, jiki baleaOway IW*. *(H> balcaQaBatag, i;a> haga.mi SB, 1 ka I Caw, dead, green and slaughtered.Hides, 7 hales Btidalo, dead, green and slauslitcred.

Poraaleby 8POFPORD, TII.KSTON » Co.No. 43 Southat.

CHELSEA MILLS..No. >J54 WestS7th-*t Dei<ot No. In Beek man at. The suhacrlhers

are now prepared to furnish treah ground Flour, OrahamFi ii, » c te and yellow Cnirt. Meal, Hommony. VVbcatenO.ita, and Fauna, Orain and Feed oi all kinds ground to or¬der titriert se-vrd in any put of me city, free of changeFor sale cheap, a io-horae Stean. Elifdpa and Boiler, in ootn-¦asas raaaing order MUNSON k WILLIS.

CYRUS W. FIELD & CO., NoTTlCliflal.. New-Vork, are sole agents in the Carted States

forMuspsalt i superior Blee« hing Powder\ iitotia Mills .....¦».. \\ in ng r'aperaRusa*>li Mills' tine \\ nuns Paper*C v. -,i a to ', Knghab and Scoich Writing Papera.Kaw in , Kualiah Tusjue Papers.Geneere M ilia' Priatina Papers.

BN a ssi agents Kit the principal Paper Manufacturersla this country

#pASH PAID for RAGS, CANVAS,V BAOiiINO, KALE ROPE CUTTINOS. Gras» andTarred Hope a»l<l t'ajM-ra. and all etil« r faper Maker, tuxXbyllKlS V\ KIELI.ACO,No *tBeeka,Mat



Er An ecu iiianical, aa.-tul, cuick and convanieut article¦aking \\ nh it a cook can always depend upon havingthe tweeteat, hghteat, best aid moat tender btacuit, bread,

griddle cake*, pastry. Ac, Ac, imaginable Try it. and youanil not be diaapnoteted. Sold by the grocers generally

DE LA NY'S AROMAllCOllTpOL-IMI.For renovating and preserving all article* of

vaii.iahtd er lailiabed turtiiture, pian,«. work boxea,coaclwa.oil | 1c, kc. Couip.«rd ot tbe piireet oik, it willnot ciark or crisp on anyaita le ou which it ia awed, and itslii.haiicv tauiiol be equalrd. as certiricatee from the n>wt

t^S^iT mSüiSf t*mf^1- Trepsred by JOSEPH DEi h iVxvtI- J'ggaV. N. Y. Pnncipal Agency,J. 1 LAI RKTR No 64b Broadway The trade supphad

FISH and PROVISION STORE..atvyaBatvisv at )New->orlt. ortcr at wholesale to d-al.ra.8 TlTT! D"rkrt K r ^ rtsUowtng araclasofthe beet quality i * .-....«» aa

Mv.<'Jk<'IL^":.N,* I and A in all kinds sf packaseaBlaaw-Noe I, J and S, in all kinds of sviL.^C«*MaA-r>rv Salted «t-d l^kj*t P****<*'Scaletieh.IVry Salted and Pickled.Hemnce.Smoked and P.. kt rl Ali-se. hat, Rump. Bait. Clear AcB .ef.Mr**, Prime, and Railroad.iv d Hams, Shoulswra, Bvef. Bacon, Salaian.t heree. Lard. Candle*, Cn\ gpiceaPrtte. in rtrkiiis. tubs abd tail*.treaiidairy.Salt. Fine, ia sacks and small bags.

I'* HEIGHT CARS,.Rfty E h>U ;«-»^e Pl»'!;-m Car*. n:a.le ra the moat th. :oaga

n- .-ti v. ,«t the be*: material* and stria of OotaatitaUiosk; i¦ di.Rubber Spt g*. For sale, to 1« dah vai ed tiuarsediatel !.Is,sex Compa/.y. Lawrence. Mesa

_G< trtJO\ M( K AY, Afaat.

HAI TFo RD, i' v iDENCEaadFLSHAILi, RAl'.pt'iii NOTIC1 TO CON-


TP * ( TORS .Feeled prwrsrai* for rh» grading *id inasoneyof twudivnnv.u*of the tain* »* *. Marrtoro, Prjvidrnce »odFWo'l Ratli»«-(t>.*-o>- extending fron« Pnividence to WUti-».entic, the mhar from Bristol 10 the Neuguinea veljey -anlJ

be received»' the <omr«nvV office tn H»,-tfir.-d. spto a» P'sn*. profile* are ti^-ifcanon« »r-vif n» r»»dv v- »x-

eiritmtk I B« sid ¦>"rr ,hr ¦f*1 in*-,*! the *M ptare. endtjrfbnaerrhjr rvording tbr raada mar he » xt the Couvmpt " ff ' , r '".¦'.."c'- v iltimamV »ud Brato!. ss well

eVfi- te. Kr peer's otbce in Harrtord The Inre« tor* will re>

anir* srrnr.'y *M the hut*":' executiou of the work, whichh to he diTi^'d irto sernon» of convenient lenrtri. The f>ireercr» «iw n-serv1 tlx- nrr-f to rejeer each prup-a-al* a* theyo]|t MBahJet unsrvr.i'-ert' ^ -Hnrttord. AprJ i.- gajn (..i. ajIMBI PNEat, CMef Kuu»eer_jews am» b<k'h printing PA-

pi ;.s.^ i,ir«ta'-ui I* iiai'fl aiifl made tn order, ayrvi.i - «. pif.ld a co. So Ii ai»vei

-\ < fTlCE tocontractors..StW Tieck. Neva \ ork and Erie Railroad, from Owegu to

t; . ,ni etii w.i ' l. n. . ? ... » in .... . *

ahoi: » i. lie .-eel. ft hW r«.| . .**]» will In; received at t'ae

Engineer's office la Owej" mil the ^oil,. f,r the QndJmf,ft'l**. i.rj. |axeaadla| the ahodsaatt ai.d mmn soda* t!w itaaet ,'iiie t i.»e-Uea. and tile leaving Track Speciiice-tintii-anr nil..iTnaiiiu. obtain, d at the above ufSce. the

2i I. Sariatw tor) «-cu.Tt> required for the fav'tl.fitl fulfill¬ment of .'.» contract . April It. Ii-M

H S « KI.I.KS a. ( ()., (fnpi.aJCoutractora

TV OTICE..Tb** nI,,:, r-i'.¦,,.-.! M-.i'|.--r- ml]JL v (ein n* wh'. tiave dewed- i|» h:s estate of any na¬

ture wlu.taover, either a* principal or sTOWtj, to deiner¦Oftir* :!iei«o. to the ' oininiealouMs, S EL HI. NTINliTt »N

mri \\ \\ EAl Oat, E*,is.. *p)< n.ted bv th* Court of Prois.ii. tor ibis r-urtmt. prim t< periid of on the9th day «f Augn^next. flartf-ni ti'nl >.


Flank road lumber..The mj>at iite-1 wiM.ld lie lead to tumuli one or tarn uiillior

feet mt lleaali*> I lank R"a<i Lumuer, u> be dafiaaradaiTio>. All^iiv or Near-Tata, at *nv int.-rmedinle Undm**Thr plank an- *a.m aaaeo free* a aupennr qua .t . of 1I»tilin k, auo will lie fajvdshed oa rahatrf aatkee ar tue rrvwt r-a

tunable price. For Farthei pa/ticulara imimre i fACfJCSTI'S SilI'R.MAN. fflej'a Falle, N. Y

PaI'Kk""mä rNTTKÄTri'urers1 Ma-TERIALS.The moat exterwive »aaonment tn thl*

.r untv. for axle by CYRl'S W. FIELD -'. 00No 11 differ

Reduction of telegraphIwvlKS bj BAIN S MEHCtlANlS- Ll.>E.-tItficea

No. 2- VA «ll-»t .N'ew-York, and No "H Stare-»t., Boat in..

Wewnild iiewulaHj aettfy aari pitnm» g-nemlly that on

*i,d »tter the ^<»h in»', the r*t.* of tranainiwion will be re-

duci ii to M'een efl hi fcl the firit ten word*, and two cent*for each addhional word.On beat erl'.pa will be and to rn-nt a continnance of the

good f.ehug which ha« an tar been extended to our line bythe i.vmm as public.New-\nrk. April Id 1"'-'-

MARSHALL I.EKKKRTS. Pre*ident_Joill Mt KlMKEV. Serre'ary.


To FaIrmT^RS, mechanics nndMAM KM 'II RERR/.The manaxeri of the Aivl.un

fcr Fn. ndlen Bova in th. City of Nrw-\ ork, deal re 10- .. ,.

fi.l th« luv« aaln their charge peiu.aiieut BjaBM* n ifie

ri ui.try. «W ie tbry will be under a rirnd lalnenoa,he kndlv tnufid, and taught MM iiaeful amntoyuient.Then aft'-* van fruaa aighl to Ua*e*l| they are iiaolv. active,¦ no m way* oapabbl of rendering eflicii-nt »ervice to

thi». anVa mmy i au loa them. Thev may be taken on trial,and it pttiviiiltatMBCtorv, atthe rloaeof thelirit in iiiih, Ui^yij.hv ). hoaae if aot, they may be returned hi the Aayluin.Tl ia li.atiiuMou le entirely a benevolent one, having foriu

ahjeel tin an ICare of the many hatnaleei aid Brieadleat b,,v<Cii.wdii.g the wl.aina and atieela of New-Vork. whoee ,le.SJtnM in a i« llllTilllxW unleaa readied by the hand of Clirta-tian ihatitv. The Aaylum oder» th-in a Mere bjfjrajMaiyIn me. (lie nbjrct being to prepare each boy. aa *>on ha *m>»n le. tt.r a iieiHclalde and |vertnaneiit ix cnpaiioii. and tm-n

till Iii» plM e with antue oilier of llie many needy applicantj«.The Dial ageia appia! to their fneuda in the country, lor

then tofipi laflnii in thi* lai|int>iil abatity. ay taking In. I,tili ?» bOTI to tbt ii homes; so that while theyr.sp the beiitblol ilitir laliot, they may at the same time

cobl« r a lasting charity. .All peim i.m aaedkag the Barahwaal tbe l>oys, or deaaring

farthei infoims'ioii, msy apply i>er».inally to toe Su|»enn-h-adrat Mi 0£0. W. pearcey, Nu Id» Bauk-st-, New-\nK. .r bv letter to i itber ofth* bdlnwin* rafjk -rs

Mia w. \\ ( HKS'i ER, Im n.recress. ii IJniverajry alaea,WraCHAS ABl l< N r III V. ..I Directress. 14 f.aat Iftll-lt.Mrs. J. W HALS! ED. al Directress, 111 Weat ISth-st,Vi». D. I). LlJtn. Tmaaiiir. IB Tm Utm et.Mrs. E PORiER, Coire.|Hjui!ii.g Secretarv-. 2« Oth-st.Mi» (.Ed D. PHELPB, Reeafdiai Secretary, 57 Maat

N. B. Donation* anlha Aa>lum,enclosed BWtfal Tnasurer,or to »ither i f lite Board of Manager», will be. very accept-al le and rra'i fully acknowied^ed.

TO ice dealers anil shippers..BMOREHOUBES, ciltci'SES. OIL aad riinvi-

BIOM DEALERB, BUTCHEsU and ti. :11-.its.<«aku be

«u|)hidvvi b any aaantffar of sawdust,Jw giviai a fewday*nonce at the New-York Sttam, »'."'Ji aid CKh-ata,Hi nh River. COLYER »; DJUARD.N B 1 wo or three cart lomU may be had at all time*.

TT S. BOUNTY LAND OFFICE. N.»., a tiS Cliathain-«t_ on Ciiainnera-st..NOTICE..If the

bllärwing persons who sened in the I'. S. Army, in the war

with (ireat tiritam m IHli-'lt-'lt-'^ be Imng. or if de-oea».-i1, their heirs or lafgj r>presei:cative« will call at my

otüce, they will hnd it to th. it advantage, nz loa. Chrun-berlain. Augustus Collln*. \v llliain Marshall, Isaac Rutan,Charb-rimitn» Defnui, Job Litt. II. Xnthouy Anderain, Chns-tfaa Hight, John lleaitihaij lodin Welsh,Oeocfi Lester, lohnRusk and Henry Smith NICHOLAS HAKJHT. Solicitor.

Y|/RAPPING PAPER..6.000 Reamif ? Raa and Sliaw WrappHig Paper, for aale by

JAS T ÜEKRIt'KSON k CO.. No 1W Pultou-*t


In 'be ran ED S AINLI .The largest and most deferable assortment

TE», ho sale byCVRI S W KIELD 6 CO, No OCUrf-el

, KSTPHALIA HAMS.Prime qnal-ity, liir sale at No. ii laMh WaUaaprat,

\^EAST POWDER..B. T. BABBITTI i? ihe original inventor ol the Chemical Yeast Powder,

mim his piejared and sold by him at N*Mt tin and 7il W'skIi-11 rf n-st, N»w-Vnrk. in tin can* Those who purchasesi aid are that thev get t';*t with the af* ve name on.

OBSEIIV ATIONS.Bread mnrte in this manner containa nothing but Flour,

Caaataaoa ^Klf unrl Water. It has an agn -able natural taste,ket i » mach longer than roinn.' U bread, is more digestible,Sud mi rh less riispt s> d to rum arid. Common Bread, lik*eve'ythtiig ilint bss been leruientea. ferments easily again, tothe gn ai nisccniti n of many atMeSi h*. and inn ouly so. hutarlutg «* a fennent. it rimuniitiicates a similar action to allfood in conti et »Ith it1 hi Brend being tree from all yeasty particles, is more di-

gestil |e. »rd not eg likely to cr~»te llatuleuce or turn acid onat ak slcuiatlia as termenied Bread is apt to do. And wlie.nof the tint at qualif y, it is la neticial to those who suffer tenI'laeaibr. acicliy. flattileiirr. enicta.ioiis, a sense of sinkingat I be pit of the stomach, distension, or tieiua atfer meal*at d to all who are aaahsel to mmm) or gravel. It is also usefulin an V alii of ums of the skin.

111 m r<uiaiks apply to both varieties of the Bread, buteanet isliy to Ihe Brown, which is further invaluable to all» no srr liable to cuustipaii.iu 'rain torpidity of tne colon,or !at»r iiilratinra. the common luhimity of the sedentiy,a: .: 'bete who have been accusinined to oatmeal diet inthtir youth.Bui the adv entires of the process are not limited to mit-

ters n-latii'g to htalih It i* valuable, la-cause bread can bepn psrtd by it in the short spaor of half an bou:, tha* earingnun b time ai d labor, and euiancipalin* journeyman bakerstn ni th< alavrry of uight work. It u valuable also becausethr n stt rish a.c not venahable. »iid may be reodered avail¬able in »ll i laces and at all times, when yeast or other tl-r-nu i.i is not w i'lnii n ech. se at st a for example, or incouutryrt tin nit at*; si.d it is still uiorr valuable as rogaid* economy.11 ect»t of llu chmiicals is counterbalanced bv that of ihepaaal, salt and alum, otherwise emplov.d;»o. tbtv Would foini an alu<. ther uniuiportaut item in tiieanal ml tread anile by their use * aav iug i* etlected in theth d i.i.t less thsn 1U per cent. In the coaiinoii pn»-e«sx,mut L of the »siebanne part of the flour is lust, by being coo-virtrd into cailxinc acid and spun.and tliii* waste i* in¬clined solely for Ihe purpose of getting carbonic acid to raiseth. dough. By the ucw metliod waste is sv a.ieai. snd thegasoltaiod in a manner equally heaiitiful and rlhcacio'i«.And the striking instance of the succeaaful apphcaUoo ofCln umal ri iloeoi hy to the eonuuon arts of lite k'Tinen-tatii n (n* baa brer before stated} destnivs part of the douror meal We find in ronaeouence thai i*> pours**, whichaiake* 860 pounds of bread bv feruienialioa, gives, by thenew process, 380 pounds, or iVi loaves.

2 üö0 ha<;s saltpeter'in bond'' SI'tiKK(M{D"TMhF.sTON v ft) No +r .S.,«t;,at-

Jl| TUNS CHINA CLAY in attire and¦»V tor sale by JAS T DERRICKSON A C0-

No Its Fultoü-at,

^0 00(1 HAVANA CIGARS-Re-pncelloperM WM C VALEXTINR. No sTSoutji-et!

Painting, «t7>cf? Ii E N < H \VlNDOW-iiLxss_Kt-

fH*^,^ r*nwf^ V1 .«fe*"V«. and havea full

H ENRV L. SMITH, Hou^d sUnfchVi^ptew*!ii1!^^.ear*.* or ruic; . beau -t^£jl^%^22whuewubKnc. im;ut:on.of^Ji\^ u!/'r.l,^^Styl* of art. Glasita. Ac Prw, V.^aT 2L''*,n,),'Än.,^wortoanahtp, ^d^^^7^^reasoa»hh pefcea, may ha d*pet»ded SfcpAlNTERS J^L^IERS^a^H.«bi^tü^-Ähaxa-euaa.*, offer, for aa'e the eery ?asT'r-~«dAn ei.c«,OLA.S< of ail ^tr^K^u^avturjtikiwe* eaah pncea Parater» « pamctahl? aaShtLinni'nd that by the sad of roor -xu^cre t^lX, 22 S2mill-, kept conataiitl, u-. c per»t:.i^.%^S^Jr".Ur articles of Paint. »i low pneeit rian' L^ZZ.^Mrer r. the lured State/ P^ni^t¥aPffiCSa*?and .very arricle in the hne u. ¦r* *Wu, UnL^

No S ^(wre,^,^. .ad Nc 8 Ca ballrn^tN y

Li ^LPfrALNT" 1>rr" Uiar,v »'»Ptedfor


SHADK PAlNTKRS! SHADKPAINTERS :-Ail Shade Palmere ts this eu»

.leewbe-r ur moat laartectfullv Ufbrcied that hit oiaiiuaw

aorj la the only otie M tks> United State* where pain la ere

man*) by strain exrreailv lor Shad* Pain Urs, wai«ie«a«aeor to «etl th* t* urrt cos-r». offne v«it boat unamy. at tt**oHewing reduced pn ~ri:

T-rrs de M-r.-a. ned.» cants per lb

Terra da tot raw.i^ hc-ried.' I *

Ct n.r raabjaj.Zi cat.per h'.n. «irren.««-»Ewbr.m. orern. No.!.311 cent, per a

Öhr a-ewr.: - No.."'f'

Haariia Bine.JJIeaaawpar»rf.,u» Btne....SJ| aeon par Ik

Ciiiiatiliaj caaaired by the Point*! kep' coasieiiUj oa

nand. Gooes «est free of charge and in aalt cuidiOoo taZ. part ot tie eft*. s M'lOONMAM.R.

Nia. 9 Ctafram-su. and I ("athartoe-at.. N I.

TOÖD'. WOODf.The ambwcriber ha.coa' on hard, TO.

15,' <*' cord* seasoned Pina.I 11» seasoned Oak.i.ico e. ¦.{< 4- ¦itica-ry.S.*«' corn* s» anned Chestnut.

The abovt NX is now on the iat.ili:.! ¦ '-be Tic.irr.ty or

AMiapotia »fai and ready for market. I easels drawing Idfeet water en load at tie wharf.


N b Order* will he promptly attended to 6y »idreaatufC JAHN IS W \ ETK, Nu. 0 MBiUumora.

ZINC. PÄ INTS.Warranted Pure..p The NKNV-ll-.itSKY ZINC CO, NVarehoo**, No. 45

Dev-st, are prepared to ripply their /.inc Paints tit the fol¬lowing pnee*:

No 1 NN'htte, ground in o-l. He. per pound.No NN hi.e, gmt.nn in oil. V per pound.No. i NN hite, ground in oil, 7c. per pound.Brewu and Black, ground in oil, 9faN per pound.Dry NN hite of '/inc. <i< pel poui.d.' NN HI ft ZINC Pa INT,

After thorough t-»t tu Enrol* and the I uited "fates, hse

hern found to retain its besntj ai.d p.-i,iecet»e<JU*Juia*iotiger., > other p-ont ror whiteness and brilliaocy tt l* un-

riveaadj if i» fiee from all poisonous unipertlea so common*n«en.u* in ot her pit-mem*; will cover.euiial weigul.troni 4" 'o MB p~r e: t more n ace than lead, end la, liwre-

fore, much curare't. the consumer As an uraide psanl.itwdl not rniri veili.w. even when exp. -»«d to the - tlj liurooa

gnsee of Coal fir, s >r the fcnl air of Msa Tiieir NN hite Ztn*fround in verrish produces the porcelain finish. Taeir

BROWN AND BLACK ZINC PAINTSIn a lev Hour* lorn, a liartt end *oild metallic co-tting up>*swood, brick, iron and other merallic surfav ea, are remarkablefor it eir tire-proof pro;» i tiea They are specially vdapted totmanne pull***-* having been I und to resist_'na roma.mgarticti of «alt water, *' <it .«t:-urrive to other paints Dealerssupplied on liberal terms by

MANNING A SQL Kit, Agents, No. 45 Dey-et, N. Y.^Q:\prc59cg.


MONDAY. A[ nl ii>. 2 P.M. Tin- suhsenhen will hrwarda B| trial Kxpre** by aUive strat.n r*.^ Siiipptrs are re-

mm m d to have their gissl* in early ou Saturuay.I'k. .. must ta- put up in waterproof coo-iition. an I not

10 txtrtd ISC il« vn itht Parcel* received until I.' M d»yof »a ling, and lette's until P M.OurKxpntsol this ds'e wifl be in charge of Mr. O.A.

Dut.n, lavorablv knuu ii in CaHsbrnia.THOMTSON k HITCHCOCK.

Man; gers ard Agent*. No. 141» Pearl cornet of Wall-it.Alttr May 1st. at No 20Ö U.oadway._


( O. will dispatch a r reight and Parcel KXPRKSS to NRN\OKI.I- ANS aa above, to Adams It Co, at No.7i Camp-*».; an

fxpbe88 to Ml lit ILK. Ala., (to be promptly deliveredby our Mebile Agrnt, R. Bouilemet,) also, by tho sime

steamer, a Letter and Panel EXPRESS for N'K.HA CRUZand the CITY OK MEXII 0. Itnitt*. Notes and Bills willbe collected in New Orleans and Mob It.

ADAMS A CO, No. 19 NVall-st.


C^OAL..I am now tli^i hargintr several> cargoee of the best quality of Red Ash Stove Coal,

wl:n h I srill seil to dealers And others at $t p*-r tuu fremvessel, afid will deliver from vessel at %\ V-> \ from yard.%S PETES ( UNION, eo. tier of Kingand Qrecnwich endOoeirk and Rivington its

C1OAL..Tin- rabacriber has in \/ard aJ hull supply of Anthracite and Bituminou* Coals, con-

ilsling of Ptach'Orel:aid, Blnck Heath. Leiiigli, llazleion.English ( «nurI. Liverpool Orrel, CumU'rlaiul, Sidney.allof which is wan anted to lie of the best quality delivered inhe best order, and lor sale at the rosy lowaM market pnej*.

JAMF.s L. WORTH, No U Broadway,and 4th-*t. corner of Thompson.

F) ED ASH SMALL NUT COAL fromMl l.ewu k Byokal N l.ii.A very desirable article forsu all stoves. Kor sale by the cargo at Port Carbon or PortRichmond, by V. TYLER V CO,

No. 7ti Waluul-st, Philatielplua.

THE SUBSCRIBER ^ill deKver thebest SBamRty ef Red and NVhite A.«li Coal. at$»per tun,

Ii. in the loin' i of Yoik und Adams-st., Brooklyu.JAMES ANNETT.

PER TUN_Beat Red Asb NutCOAL, laigti sire, screened and delivered from yard,

at i he aUive low pnee Also, Red Ash Stove and Kgg, ff>.NN hue Ash Stove and Kgg at the »anie low rate.

JAMES AITKlN. Nos tftfand 2l>7 Kranklin It.


C(Pecan Steamers, #c.

CALIFORNIA TICKET..A first-ci nthrtiugh Calitoii ia Ticket, one of the best in the vesatl,

lor -t- anirr I LLIROltl *o «all on Mon.Uv, itXitfi lust, to c N>m 11 u iih steauirr (iolden Oat-, for Kale. Apply early, atNo. It U Eront-st, corner of Ucckman.

T?OR LIVERPOOL..United StetesJU Mail steamship ARC'I IC, t'apt. fsmSS p IgaTia Ttlllsteamer will dt part with the I'. S. Mills for Europe posi¬tively on SATI RDAY, May I, at 12 o'clock M, frptn herberth at the toot of Canal-st. No avjtth secured till paidfor. For freight or passage, having uutqualed accouunuda-hons tor elegance or comfort, apply to

EDW. K rOLLINS k CO, No K NVal! «t.T st-amsl ip BALTIC will succeed the ARCTIC and

.ail n I, IKtl

FOR SAN FRANCISCO..The clipperahip ELY INO CLOUD, J. P. Creesy, Commander,

bating iiiaile her last p. *m.r to San PranciM-o in days.the «hortest i eot.ige uu itco.C.1» now again loading tor thatport, and having a Urge quantity of cargo engaged, is intend¬ed to aail about the 1st af Mny. F'or balance of (.eight, orfor pi'SRtgr, Iisving splrt.tlid accomunaialiona, apply to theCaptain, on bosid, at Builing-slip. or to

ORINNELL. MINTI'RN At CO, No. 73 South «t.

H)R SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT..FVCent clipper ship, St iRTH STA RR, Captain J O. Barclay,will ptaiiivt ly sail about the Htft of April. The accommo-dat'en* in this beautiful sHuaai, and the well known reputa¬tion of Captain Barclay, (this being his third voyage to port.) will render all person* at opportuaity seldomor ever often d, it selecting sootuf ' »nie passage. Her beetWeeii-tiecks are fully eight feet Ic^h, and patent ventillutoraIt s fully exjiected »be will make the paaaape in MO davaEarly application will be necessary to secure passage, a* oulya limited number wdl ae taken, either on hoard. Pier 27East Rtvrr, foot mi IVver-st, or to butler BROTHERS,No m and I is Sou'h-st., N Y.

FOR CHA RLES'D )NWThe new andsplendid steatn-lnp I'NION, R. Adarua, commander,

will leave Pier No. 4 North Kivtr. raj SATURDAY, AprilÜ,at i o'clock P. M precisely For fretght, apply on ooard,ai.S for rareage. at the couuting-ruom ol

SPOFFORD, TILEBTON A CO, No 4a South-sx,Bills of lading signed on hoard

I;HjR LIVERPOOI^The favurite andwell known sttamshic SARAH SANDS, 1 30« tuna

burden. VN C 1 hompaoi,, Commai.der will be dispatchedfor LIVERPOOL or, SATIRDAY, May 8. at 12 o'clock.Thi* shir has been thoroughly refitted, and baa superior ao-eonimoaations for pa**-.i:g< ra

kATIg or rassacE.PintCabin.ffw SecondCabin....$»

For Freight or Paasagt apply toJ. HOWAKD A SON Agents, No 34 Broadway.

TV EW - Y O R K and CH A RLES'D >N11 STEAMSHIPS SEMI-WEEKLY LINK -The newand ekgant steamship* MARK in ( «nt. M. Berry CNION,Capt. Iluhd Adsm*; SOI THEKnER, Capt W. Poster:JAMES ADtiKR Capt. J Dickiijscrn. forming a regularsrnii-weekly line between New-Y.orkand Cbarleaton, anilmate their t ips as follow*:Cuioo-SsJuiday Apnl « Marion-Sateroay, May 29aN«atWnwTWa*irte*d»y . . 2* Jae Adger.WediieasUy.JaneSMancu.... Saturdav. May 1 L tuon.Saturday, 5Jaa. Adgrr.WeeiiK-eday, .. 5 Sou.hcmerNV rdneaday, .. 9I'nHiu.Saturday, .. g wanon_Saturdav. .. ijSou:hertierNN ,rit*»day. .. 12 Jss Adgax.NVedneanay, . . 16etariot.r-aturoay, .. 15 Union.Saturda*. .. 19J** Atlgcr Wednesday,'. I» SourhenierWedneeday, .. 23I'nfon.Saturday, .. J5 Manon_Saturday, . 26StinthernerWedneaday, .. 26 Jas. Adger NN'ednaailav. ¦ 30The sreamers leave Pier No 4 North River at J o'clock

P M, precisely. For freight apply on board, and for rjaaaagaat the counting room of SPOEFoRD, TILESTON k 'CO.'

_Mfc« aVtaasVat,


Mall steamsiiip HERMANN. Edward Higgins. V. S. N,Commander, will awl fc-.r Bremen, touching at Southampton,(i 'at i the mail* arid (Massengen for Knaland and Knxnie, oa«ATt B DAT. April 24th. from P er No. 3 North River, at UI c'ocA. M.

. . . !mas* or fassaca.In Pfaat Cabtt, Main Saluua.41»Ir First, L..wrr S»J.*.n.I- Secord Cabin. go

An expenenced Surgeon ia attached to the^ihiplAll letters must Peas through the Post ORice.Specie dchveredii, Havre and Londoa.Por rasaagr or freigi.t, apply toMOLLrn SAN'' A RiERA, Agents, No. »Sotrth-st.

The steamship WASHINGTON will sxtcceed the Her¬mann, on the ?M May.

"REDUCTION of FARES BETWEEN¦ % PHILADELIHIA aul LIVERPOOL.The UV-rRPf'i'L aad 1 HILADELPhlA STEAMaHIPCO lawtrnd saulirg their new Suan-slin u fouuwg:CITY OF MAM }'ESTER, Capt. Robert Leiten.CITY OP GLASGOW,

"*LS10. Cart NV^ä^^

> * 'il.-Al t. Pi: a

CITY OK OLA soi NV. Thurwlae Maa-Scity Of MANCHESTER... "Thu^rjunlxcity OF GLASOW..*; .TluÄju?y?CITY OPmanchester.^ZÖfflcity op Glasgow"!" .utt"ool - ¦ !city Of manchesterr^7.U55SSSVI


from nm.*rri.rwu. raon Lr»»trooi~«aVo«is s.i»J> 5- ,:-.cs.n»...t»» I safer*, i. s^leSajaw'eM.fxVaa.

*>ns>* .Me»Srw,ni »_,m\ " *>mr4 " I» **

A bwuttJ ntiP.U r of tlrrd-rla** ps^a-aigers *"1 <*> taken

.run, p|,,;*deli.).!. «rri Li****** "«i,buJ 'g,'*OT~0?*,_..rrvoiri..!^!,!....»ron.L.very^l....bgui..*w*.,ie.oY lesasry* .>!< r- ttwfIHM; who are

deaur-u.of hrineii« f1»» ¦*¦ Mxil a*,a»»lffm>a<ajBWdmFreight on loe «. - - - pw tu»- «"d «w |-jud*. hard-.... üa, willM t»Vrn tub*** U> ¦V.IWIHI ...


Klr,;-<-:..-.'c«i. si itaplyVtwaeo Uverpool*«d 0 ea*r.w,


R. tferd.r, liriniftrw.!- .»«¦«*h"t M^ujr.rar-., p. try a b good* ran rT*f <° LivaqrooJ,and tfirte bv '),, I rre. . - Ph.Me|"»,M direct.A» fiun.^ Sureeot, w.l «. rarnad p«

.¦...'.!-rte tn PhiM-l;*!* r.d Liverpool,>r » o.iro ».:« economy end a:»pel«f..

THtK-. BIcTaTÄ rV.aderphi.and New-Yotk.RICHARDSON. BROTHERS A co.. Liverpool.

STEAM BETWEEN NEW-YORK and0LA1.\'-.~>t* o'aajowaod ^Jf^SSTS

tomp«nj » werlul new gajilinfjfttf "oLAsoo- « aV ban Craj. t V'.,':':"';w,,,.'1

fnm Raw-Tata tor Glasgow, on «.vIuRDaY. the lttof

May aaxx, ft U o'clock, noon.First CaMn. Pass***.V


conn omni! tht* line are the iraOowtuf:A I LAN III. Call Weir, PACIFIC. Cap!. N ve.

AKC'l IC. Capt Laer. BALM IC. I'V-1 oaistocaVADRIATIC, Capt. Orelton.

These ships have been built hy contract, sxpreosly for Oot>entnrnt service. Every ca-e has Troen taAea tn their coa-

stn-cnon. as slso in their Engine*, to insure strength and.peed, and their ac<\'uimodati:.ns for passengers are une-

qua.ed for elegance and comfort- Price of passage fromNew-York to Liverpool in tirst-class cabin, |Bll in seconddo-. BM; exclusive use of extra r.xe state-rooms. fJoo; fromfjmiaul to New -Y ork, A3») and £20. An ex perlener d sur-

teon attached to each ship. No berth secure.i until paid lor.PF.Ol'os-ED DATES OF BAIL!NU.

rROsf Ncw-Yoaa. from LivexraoL.Saturday.Mch. 20. 18» We^dneaday.fdch. 24. 13o2..«.lujoay.ApL 3. 1852 Wednesday ....ApL 7, IÜVSatun'ay .Apl. 17. l»Sg Wadliiadaj.ApL B, ISaturuay.May I, I8S8 Wrahtaaday.May S, MMbataaday.May i\ Wadaaaday.May 19,18«Saluroay.MayÄI'C U .in. ~iay.June 2. HiJjlan.m ay.June Ii 1AW Wednesday.Jane ley 13WSa-urday.June*. 13.« Wedn, sday.June3H, |tMflatj rdav.July 10, Mi, Wednesday.July 14, 18«Saturca>.Julv24, I8.i2 Wedneailay.July 2B. IWlatlirdaj.kuj. 7. IKöJ Wedutsday.Aug. ILSararday.Aux.21,18-K Weebesday.Aug. 25, l?-Ulalaislj. Sept. 4. 13.12 Wednee.iay.Sept. 8, IR52

Sattiiday.Sept.18, lSÖ2. Wednesday.Sept22,1852Saiurday .Oct i 1852 Wednesday.Oot, 6, In">2Saturdav.Oct. H5, 18.12 Wednes.Iay.Oct. 20, InV2Serurday.Oct. 30, IttSl Wedneailay.Nov. 3. IS.".*Saiuiday.Nov. 1.1, Wü, Weduealay.Nov. 17, 1S">2Ratuitlay.Nov. 27, 1852 Wednesday.Dec. I. It&lSaturdav.Dec. 11,1852 Wediieaday.Dec. \\ MiSaturday.Dec. 25. 1852Wednesday.Dec. 29,1852For ttt >(ht or passage apidv to

EDW' D K. Cd M.LI KB A CO., No St Wall-it., N. Y.BROWN. SHIPLEY A CO., UwE. ti KoBERlS v. CO., No. 1j King's Arms Yard,

Lot.;. aJOl'N Iii NSOE A CO No. Rue No're Dame dea

Vuioires. Pans or OBO. II. DRAPER, Havre.The owners of these ships will not lie accountable for gold,

silver, hull on. s|«ecie, jewelry, previous stones or aielala un-

leea MDeot ia.i g are signed therefor, and thev alle thoreofUierein expreavd._


YORK and LM i RPOOL, direct; and .-Uveen BOHTOMand LIVERPOOL..The Boston sh na only calling at Hali¬fax to land and receive mails and rta-aengere.ARABIA Capt,-, AFRICA, A. Ryrte,PERSIA. Capt. -, EUROPA. E t). Lott,asia C HTe. Judktna, NI aoA RA, J. Stone,AMERICA. N BhsivaaB, C AN ADA, W. tiarnson,

CAMBRIA. J. Leifch.These vessels carry a clear white light at mast bead, green

on starla srd l ow, red on port bow.EUROPA Lott, from HEWA ORK. Wednesday, April 7.CANADA, Ling, from BOSTON. Wednesday, April II.AFRICA, Hatrs. r. fro. NEW-YORK, Wednesday April21.AMERICA. Shannon, from BOSTON, We.Lieeday. April 2D.ASIA, Judkms. from NEW-YORK, Weduerday, May &NIAGARA. Stone, from BOSTON, Wediieaday, Mav 12.

EUROPA, Lott from NEW-YORJL Werlnndaa, May 19.French. Oemian, and other Foreign Oouds. received

ami brought in common with Bntish floods. Through bill*ol lading are given in Havre for New-Y'ork.

Passage from New-York or Boston to Liverpool, $120.Berths not secured until paid for.Freipht will be charged on specio an amount for

personal expenses.An rxpeiienced Surgeon on board.tff- All lettart and newspaper* must pas* through the

Post-oti eaJ for Iraighi oi paa ** *i ply toE i LTNARia No. 3S Broadway.

First Cabin, |l3t)| Second Cabin,|70.

rTUi<R()UGH to SAN PRANCISCO..J New-York aid San Francisco .Stea-usiiip Line..Thenew .'.ainsliip UNITED STATES, Charles C. Ben v. Co a.

nwad*r Will take hei departure for Aspuiwall, Navy Bay, on

8ATI RDAY, 1Mb May, at 3 P. M rjoniiectina si Paawith the new double-engineiteanwiiin WINEIEIsD SCOT P,2,100 tun* Luiden, Kenney Couillaid, Commander, w nrh«teanier awaita the arrival ef pa<»engera at Psriama by theUnited Stales, fiorn New-Y'ork, and immediately thereafterptoa . cs to San Francisco direct, without stopping at inter¬mediate ports.The«.-vessels, in accommodations and safety, are not sur¬

passed by sny ou this route, and an experienced surgeon isaria, bed to each vessel.The ('lilted States has msde the voyage between New-

Yore ami Cbagres in seven days and nineteen hours, and the\\ ml.Id Scott has just perfhneod the voyage b, iween New-Y'ork and IViiHma m lite shaft***, time ou record, both a* torunning, and actual time from poit to portBooks now open and through ticket* for sale.

Fiiai Cabin Room.iSlASecond ( «bin. 2iUSteerage. 2«i

Applyto DAVIS. BROOKS A CO.,General AaenW, No. Beaver-st

JONES n lOIINSON,No. 104 West-st comer of Liberty-st

Passengers per I'nited State* will disembark along «nie b^wharf a' A>pinwall, snd take the Psriams Railroad, nowroten nearly ro Oorgrna, trots svoidin* the risk attendantMai It adinfia boat* at Chagres, and the river navigation toOorgm.a.


The*pl-ndtd new double-engine steamship JEORÜI A, 3,0n0tuna, I» D. Porter, V. 8. N., Commander, w U sail from thepier at fi»t of Warren-st., N. R., on SA I L BDA Y, Apnl MLat 2 o'clock P. M., precisely.

Rote a/ Huit tyt bj .Veic-f'r/eoas.Art* .frm^jiemrrtf.Ladles' Saloon Berth*..fflQAfter Saloon Berths.-70Forward Saloon Berth*. 50Steerage Berths. 35

Specie only taken oa freight to Havana.Freight taken to New-Orleac* i: 40 cent* per cubic footShippers of freiaht are restated ripply :h n selvc* with

t- ' -::'.'' t.,',li jf lading, which may be nad un applica¬tion at the office. No other form will be signed.No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed.For freight or paasaac. *pply to M O ROBERTS,

No. 177 We*t-«t, corner Warren.


MAIL MEAMsHIP COMPANY. Ouly khlWAJsl Line fortaJiforui* and Oregon, in* A*t.inwall. Na/y Bay, direct,Kr attamer GEORGIA, via Havana, on Saturday, April

The splendid steamship GEORGIA, iOOTi tuns, D.D. Porter, U, S. Navy, Commander, will leave ü I'.-iat the f-v.t of Warren-st. on SATURDAY. April 24, at

P. M for AspinwalL vi* Ila-ai.a. Passengersby th* lejorgia will connect with the well known and favoriteLcited State* Mail Steamship PANAMA, to sail for SanFrancisco .,a the arrival of the paascuai-. s and maila No de¬tention at Panama The Panama Railroad la now in opera.Üon, and the ear* running to within * few mile* of 0 .

Rate* of Fare to San Francisco, 1st Cabin, $315; 2d Cabin¦Ml ^trersge. $200. Rale* ef Fare to Aavpurwall: FustCabin, t i 2d Cabin. |45, Steerage, f/25.

For !Ve.i!it or passage, apply to Cll \S A WIMT^fEY atthe orhce cf the Company, No. 177 West-st., corner of War¬ren-st

Passengers will thus be enabled to save ahmt 35 mile* ofthe river navigation, and also the expense and daruter hereto¬fore alteudutg the Unding in boat* off Chagre*, a* they willbe landed from the steamer, free of expense, on the Compa¬ny's wharf at AspinwalL


IC MAIL 8TEAMSH1PC<JMPANY..tJnly Thriugh Linefor California aaWfJtafoa .EXTRA..Through Ticxets BOWfor Sal' .Tl e auparkw douofe-eugir e et..:*h:p ILLINOIS,H. J. Hartsten« I >. N., t'omiriander, being now ready forservice, wnl 1-nve for AS PTN W ALL, NAvy kvYdirect, on MONDAY. April 2b, u 2 o'clock P. M , precseiy,fn.m her rier f'»rt of W'arren-st-, N. R., to connect with th*GOLDEN GATE, i5un t m, Uaaa, Pitterson, U S N,Con mander, wbirn steamer l* ordered to reauin at Panama,to be in readiness immediately on arrival of the passenger*at that point, and to sail director San Eraacisco withoataiiydelayThe «rccinriK'..riom jf these ataamstaps are .l-ntT«sn it.

and they have proved to be the fastest ever*llluiou having made the passage ;.-^,u New-York to theIsthmus ia srvee lays and fourteen h ».ry. u.4 the OoldeaGate from Panama to San Francisco ia eleven days andeighteen boar*.The Pane:: a Railroad is now In Gperari. n. and tlio car*

r:ining to within a Saw mike* of Corgon*. at th* laad a|river aavigmtlon

Paawr.g-r* f-otng forward by these veaela. It is coo/ul. nt.yexpected, wili make the tjaickeat tr.p ever perfumed frouaNew-York to San Francisco.

Ear'y app.'ieaiioa witl b« oece«aar. t .f ran tu forWhich apply to CHARLES A. loToff, « ofthe Corr.Batita No. 177 \Vr*t-«t_ corner jyf Wearea.


"1 A N DERWLTTS LINE (at s\\? FRAhf l.'CO. via NICARAGUA.- The new and ;>ow-erfol ateamahip NOR! BERN LIGHT, - 500 taa* burriea,

on W I \\t l} n^vT." 'a'"" ,r.°m ?l" S°- * Notth Rive"on Yk EDNE-DAY, May 5, at 3 r/c!ie k P. ML, for Saa Juardel Norte, rejacertrs will be prcmntly conveyedover the route cf the Transit Company, rf Nicaragua. h*v onbut twelve inil.« of land trsnaportiü. to San Juandel\im£and thetc» to San Francisco in the sUaaiahip S S SIMv'»,«4i ton* burden. Cant Baker. '

Ike favr.rtte st am*hip PROMETHEUS will goceeed 'lieNwtteni Liilf. .. .U icive May Jb. c.meaii.g wit" istesawr PACIFIC. couwung wiu. DM

.eei*"^ S*- m*J m ***»' Mo rWmm, »ecureu, only m»appfceaaoato D B. ALL .

._OSfca No.» BaUerr-phvea, ap sta r*.

"V ANpERBILTS LINE.EOR BANJ£ nUKUttX^Tm*. steamslup BROTHER JoNA-V-trl^l'''* "^"»"oeextensive siterarioa, and retift-d»T- r.Ii^0f m^ *rr»«» aecwomjoaUaon. to meat9M present renuireroeau of the trade, a ill take her depart¬ure for S*a Frsieisto on the I at of May, at 3 o'clock PMÜ.,Ä^Iatf,ös*!aMaf .* P m J«"«»«b V»1.'»-raa» and hau Jaaa dal Sac The Brothar iooathaa

v in take her piece on the Penile fide ia VtumttHfr. g.¦cue Lue. A'"d nutolssr of pa**n g.., »,3 Je»at tSBO Aar aahia and 1200 for awnrr-U * :. . ¦w*»l

D. B. ALL' 'v Nu I flatiervnl... .T**.»

Steamboats anb Uailroabt.,f «AMDEN and AMHOY RAILR04T.\_/ Km PHILADELPHIA, from Pier No. 1, JfcrTe|T'foot of Baiterj place, by st> amboat John Pottar.~T» >**.daiiv. Murine» Line e-ivs *i * A M , Ai'emooa Exaaw

*. for,-atiAÄliS. '--xiri,

*pENTRAL RAILROAD nwV> JERSEY..wot* .» .ii»j.<ei.«ruu. 1. IS3», W*

K .! \Moti ll."i»c . .. . i.Korta River, by stratr.!-**! R] p. JACixKT, at g ± mVt

.and 5 P. M.. .iuiwiU *i F'.salsitüosra \ltrain* on the N. w-X mm \«,.y2fr..»., foot of Col . M ao.t 41 P.

White I i .5.40 A 721.« P A id * 1.5

2.'ö P. M PlsutuVIdI I.a} a u"towaal 7.14end I«. . a \J tZiiTL

P. M .

- «"..»*,Paeeeiu'-;» foi Fi«.,i. o. .I.. m A.. ...,. "'.ti-^a-j.

and iV.". L Pa., m d Ka ,ni a. II?wtU take the '.* A. M-Olaa ftoui N'ew-V,,.i. »tU2Tunndavsaiai Saturoaya foi .v> ».;la...H..«u, WadiSL»;B *

ft. LInto H ¦ bachecks or


Ali haaiSA'eal tlien.k of the owners uaLl tsrii»a<asl

"X)R ALBANY.Wiib».ui vl.aa«"^Can..PARK RFDI'CED- It xu^-tiy »ra

ttbiDttL-The care .' Till NEW-TORI AND Hut... M I? AILKOA 1) hi r Hall Stab.* Nev^Sdaily. Sundays excepted, a: 9 o'clock A. M.-X«w.»2

I.H>R KEYPORT and KOK P HAMJCTON..The iteamboai « ILSON SMA] L Sseusjafe

ray-el pi!-r dat'y, (Sunday excr-pted.) at t o'clock P.RLmTturning, leevei Kev; nt a? *) o' A M, landtagatAxeHaciltcn each way. Pare to Keyport 2*c«nti} Part Baa>tos 12$ rents.


IFREIGHTS REDUCED. - OrdSrjere cow taken u, ^ f^ji

RIVER LIN1 h ra NEW-YORK to BOS ON at 3 aajhret ftot; Oidiuery Weight ees*uw|*fCOther freight in proooitjon. Freight will at all taaask,Ukeu aa low aa by anv ual route.

" Al BOUkROM \N ANoa To and?!



\T< and BaVflBOl CK8, (Mi. .v New * ..

did steam.**! ii'"' Iti NT. < ip'au A H leave New-lia\e.| pi- r. Peck-flip, K.iat River.atlj,tW,'l^.«vee New-Vork. Leave <!i-e..«bar».Satui.lny. April 1?- N P.M. Monday, Apni i*.

Turaaiay. .. TJ A. M Tuesday, .. fk-Weducedav, .. SI- «' .. Tloirwhiy, ..

Friday. .. » ' .. Friday, .. 2il»l ..

Saiurday, .. 24-10 .. Monday, .. 2S-W ..

TucMlay, 27 10 iTweada*. .. 27- 1IRR>WadaNaday, .. 2R-H .. v\ edn.«lay,.. »¦%%..Thuraday, .. 59-1H .. IThurvday, .. ». J ..

Friday, .. Sil-> j\ P. M Knday. .. 9t». 4 ..

Satoirtay. May 1-3 I Monday, May 3- I ARThe «.rage» lor Squani Tri Freehold will run la .^nneaaal

it Sr«r-« tu r- rvey niiwriger» to all rartiof t*country All p-'raona are forbid tnuung the aOove boat ftaccount of the ewneti

I-pOR BOSTON, lif. NEWPORT andFALL RIVER Pka apkjBaBadaad «apenm etaaaawi

CMPIRJ STATE, < Btayton, and fTAflOF MAINE, leave 01 xcep'^aL)ben Pier Na RN. R. :. th. Battery. *t '»P.M. fatFreight, apply on board, or at the office, on Pier No. A

TISDA1.1. ». Bin;: :..n \. n WaM

HUDSON RIVER RAILROAJ^e.NEW-YORK to and from Al.llASN and i'rtOT-

REOUC1 ION <-i 1 Ahl' -On a.-.i aft. MONDAY, Rank29, and until April 2ti, the train* will ran aa followi:

Lgaai Ntw^YoM lita Noarn.Fruau ..ifira.aa>riei ol Chatwla?n»*at. and Collogv place Ai 7 A.M WayMail Tram lor Albauyanil Troy. Hopping at a'I w,, «tirliai\Kare.$1 ii, through At 8 A M Through Train kwARfl*iiV and Tioy. ar.-ppin* oniy at IWaakili < 'old S.i oa, K.ak-kiil, New-llHioburgli. P<«gilkerpe4e Hyde IVik I'nieg' '

Oakhiil and Hudaon : Fare to Xihany, f2;tort(w,LAt H A M., from Jlit-**., *V ay Freight 10 Atbaty anilAt I« A. M U> Perkakill . 'pping at all «ay*ranuoaP. M Kxpre*» Tram to Ailmnv »i'0 t'roy, at. ppiiigeaiy a]Peekaklll, Kt uklll, P< Hhitebeck c- .l Haranajthrough in 4 houia; fare t- \ >. $i 9; liiy,|2aAAt 'i P M to P, eaea Freight and Paatati«' -a, ateaaRaai »i: w*y «taiion* At 4 P M to Pi uahkecti-e, atnjlpkMat all wny aiafiou* At ¦". I' M I ii.-ongri Mail -oafcr Afhanv mmfTrey, atopptng at Peekakill, P»*ttkill. t'enthknya'... a-:d nil station* 110 to ol Pcughkeepite .n ttmal: fanto Albany, v \ f M I . P^kaxilLstopping at all way itatluna At*itP. M, for AlbaayaaTroy, Paewiigeri and Vhtotigh Freight PlMthrough, $1 2.VQotaa Sot'Ttt .Troy Kay..Btaooa ktl I" AM*

at |(> IB A M, at ^ «I f M at I P MLeave Albany- At 6 A M., Way Mail Tratn forNeaa-YaTAj

itoppu.g at W'ay Station* where there are null* to ka l*>ceiv.d and dt liver.-d. Fare through frvm Alhany, fl Ä At6{ A.M, Expren Train, ituppiig only «t Hod«un, Rluae-beck, Poughket i-i, bi.'.^tll and PeekekuL Fare tkroaaaBon A I 'ii- M M AI 7j a. M.fctVN h bt -z|,t only (fruai K urt Albany.) At II a. at,Thr< igt Rl I i Ni \ork, gtupptiig at all »Vay Sufloa»

: Peekakill F-. through |r.m Albany. R.'i aToat

Troyf$2'»«. At 3J P. M l laough Train tor .V-w-YorlLitoppmg same as II r/cloch I un Fare Uv* taiue. AtafP Nl [fioan Kast Alhuuv) Through Mail and PasssAaMfayJ^gtupp'ti» »t all *tn*t ;i:.. on lijnal Pare thiough. $1 2A

Leave ponghkeep-t.- nr New-York.AtelA.M.aatRwaWYork, stopping at all Way Stations.Leave Peckskill tor New Vork.At ti| A.M.. Pa

fnrNcw-Vcik. stopj in/lit Wi.v SialiuM. At Ii l'.M,Pagers and Freight to N w-York. stopping at V. o -halAt H P. M, rasecugtr* to New-Vork. stopping It Way 8t*>tlona

Päse, njers W'll ptr:. ;» t: kata baSbra BasaasTlaj '.'.ecus.Naw-York, M

!-. FRENCH, aUfJ utaralSaR

.atheck,8only tt

TVEW-YORK and ERIE RAILROAD.J. a .Trains leave as follows (Sunday* -iVi^nsssffool of Dtiaoe-*tMail Th .in at i- A. M for Dunkiik and all IstsalawaB¦BWaVktiH I'xi-K,.-- Ta*i."» at 4 P M.warTTuta,at4F M ka -.*. «<«'. .¦>«»I lutarrria»

diate Btadoi *.

I vnMNu Exes,. .i Tsaim, at .> P.M.. for Dunkirk, eotv

n*cting arilk Ii isvkirt aud Si ale Line, and Erie «odNorth-East Railiowls, fir Erie. Pa.New-York, De*.*», IBM.

< li a ^. MINOT, Bupi ... lendeut.

NEW-Y OR K iRd NEW-HAV|Nrailroad..w intkr akranokmc.nt, Use.

I, iBftl..1 rains out of New-York leave near corner ol Canal-st- and Broenway.AocoMMOOsTtotiTRaimkaava Re NaAr-Bay nat7and

liJt a. M.; 4 ai:d 4 H Y, M The ll..*i A. M. runs ib «00-necficn with Trein from New-Haven to Hartford aud "iptiujSeid, and with Irani over tne Canal Rood.Exeaess Tbaiis for N-w-Haven, Hartford, SprtogSeM,

(t'oiiueciirut Kiver and Vermont Hailroad, to <'xdeasrstrghand Montreal I B«rst.:ti pnd Worcester, at H A M , (stopa at

PjBMKiford and pridpeport,) aad a p M , (stops at »taralord,Norwalkaiid Rridgeport;) time <»our Si hours to Uosloti.The S A. M. connects with the Huusatomc and N iiKatuckKailrjads at Bridgeport, and Canal Railroad at Ni.'v-Havea.The 3 r/clurk P. M. wrh Natigatuck Railroad at ilndgewirt.Special '1 g.-.tus for Port Chester, at A. M. iuda|P.

M. Stop at Mm nt V*r',n and Pelhanmlle.Traiws into Nrw-V iaK.Accommodation Triins leaVB

New-Haven at Ub. 7. rid Raw A. M, and AH P M. The9Ho A M ¦ I rn Spnnaf'Lld and liartf.adand Canal > ,.l at New Huven, and from NaugatuckRailroad at Pn.fiei ,rt The 420 P. M. receivea passeogarJ

f" '.-... ..:<>ud.Express I kains (eava New-Ha«ea on arrival *f Trains

Boston, at l.lia.V. 14A P. M, (at-u.piug at BridgeporLNorwalk and Star..:, .-d;) leaving Boat u at 8 A. M, and 3P M.SprciAL TBAtns 'save Port Cheater at 5.-0 A. M, aad P. M.Rae large bill of adv-vitlacrntnt at the Stai.... House and

principal HoUila. OKO. W. WHISTLER I'.¦aaTgaWtaRVnWR


*n.i KXPBK-s r..,gh ka44 hovxra-WowxJeaae*JBsiiroa.1 via l*r»e_v i \i} leaving New-\ ork at " A M fiioaof Counlandt-at.; !? A M. and Aj P. M Llts*rty-*t. IjeavasPbila. elpbia m n .,,a a a M. and ^ P M bum foot of\A sini.- st Fare reunced to A3 for hrst-clase and §1 btl totsecHMl-rlss*BALTIMOBE, V\ >.,|, IN. .TON .-,.i CH A HLF^TON

thn*agh ticket* sold in the above i... ....

earned o .».- t A .M. and f M. lines from New-Yori,wilH through etaiduetnra.

I> EGULAR M AIL LINE, vi« stÄntart. ten. i ism- N i'l'.OV IDENCE, NEW BEO-

POMD and TAI >1 ON..The steamers C. \ A.NlfER*81LT and COMMODi »p.K, of this line, now run rega-Itrly as kvrsradeie, alten stely leaving r*ier N.». A R***Kiver, hrst when afo.e cwtcn placa, datiy s Jidaya #-*>-.'*'" i . tton aj I km :. v. ot.rtTal of the mad traiii. which leaves Boetoa atAaRf.ltPer freight ur lauaaw. apply %t the office, Ne. 1«

place, or on board the boats. .


tTO.. Freir'is foi Buruugtoti, Pit. Johtishury, Og*tll,?"ff*and M-.l-ns %«w-Msvea

ard >pni.,-eid, try steamer i ra V PL I. it. every day at

Cieieely 3 P. M, from feckaltp. Great redocfloa «peeaengert and lr, I tirough ttckets by railroarl «a

ill trie crincijai nertl.en. '< wt «. at tee N V mm N-H. RR>Oroce. No ! > f anal-at, N.y. For pa,:.. :arv n ¦"' w


k-, (Äct No !52 Sen'-;' * N.T.F hyde, Agci

Vv INTER ROUTE TO CHICAGO..Train* of Michigan Southarn and BavrLsral

Railroad* nrr< daily (Serdavs exrvtBfed» as follows:r-ve *.'. - e si ,| '! .i .-,.(¦ \ .¦ f it L**»«»

tt tiJO p.M : thence pa-ect gefi go by !.**¦« cn Phvtk Rjad ¦milre to Miclrtr-» t i»- 'hetic* bv can ¥> rr.'i « "

worth; aid liy .-tte |J rilgg to Chicago. After Feb. Lffi . t i-orrb to Cht'iji -

.- urr.e way cars leave LaTorts*»I V' A M., ard arrive at ?! btoj aiel Toledo atAUF M

Daily na^tj cuuiect Port Way-neat *,u'fL^T?Lcgurrpe-t, Ls I .' .: lucusi-apoAe, at Soath PanaJa.-d at other placesgn tin liae, ar.ththd pnuclp*1 tosmsasitBart! actth. (.At'lolcdo is lint ; r,.i.;»st i.Vb P.M. or 7 A.M. wtt»

the Lake Ene Stu'h t ore route by stage arid lailroeS»Clev-iar.d; i > i. u~id aad stage to Ere; tAesase t*/

-.1 k. or bv stag* fron» Duakuato Birtiilo. %ut\ by cars after Feb. 1.1> b I' M. train cn ib Nrw-lfurk Bad Eile hViad, eOB"

aecu with tee 1 aAa Aatava trasa.Passengers at Cktvstand saa tasa cars ail the way U> Ftm»

burgh ; thence by ra-Troad aad 2* ¦ ea staging to PM*f***blua and I.ew-lwk, or 1 -oiinoreand ^ Air'a"Jasv 1A ISAR A. P. WILLIAMS, f