new-york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1852-08-26 [p 4]. · an.ittini 00l*n 0001 .111 jh-viu^ thai...

rt.e f BUSIIfESS NOTIOES. _ tarTln* PeopVa'a Baltara will iatrodyce .Vieli ft'lat.le I IU' |g OanHeiu-n'* _**r .n Ittnrday Mm- i. th TJn ext-t-a'V- approl _l*B he.e»..k\*ra ba ttowad oi, the rl*t ieag «i b. ihia n .uae. ht* *********** *i.1* DC rferfliit .- llie f.lUa'.'J'alil t *;.*.-. t.d -|* -Uy "r '«. Ihat rai l.rt l-l- 1- *y|. e'lt'-'l 'V a .|,--..i..« P-Wl'S StBndaidpr.CetflB-dlfi Hai Kl,.18888 8 Wa !<>«._ l«o. II Pat io**'. ..p^otite the ^t^-W«^i»»_ "" M i atra-iioca..Moaciia Wl Hatij bb aJaa-aMa awltaaa nf ln* eaaarente. Mea'i-ai ****** ttioM pn,tet leata-, of mtfantl of tlie no.*' taa-¦'.». 'ni l<i avri) av ona-ajualrrf »., Il.ini of rh* kl°d «.I "."""¦J It i>.mi | ro l-e * u.»" Hat of tB. e-aa .«' Hu *.' '>IJ0',, 1* et No Ad** 3d-av. ^^^^__ W QbfuiTi KaM atylna °f Gentlemeo-a ^^^*kk^^^*** *""* To CuonTHt MsavMAdTa v-D'.iit. *e,*H.«a*.-Avit'f»K HiLet. I8**- ************ Go---.. K. I. «* avlTK*. UP Poi'-__B PBIC-l rBte ere p.e^-od to 4~«t boyer. of Dr, Oood*, I'88*88 C**v*t* aad Oil Cloth.. with a full. oew. aodeo.r. 4>leU- a_aortf..**nl , ^____B_____da_a- purc_a***d <-atl*. aud P.rr'an liwdl at- llefns.Sy.ver. *«uner 0-8 IWI8 .* _lvln| anlvorwl Bat_f_.l-.i-> tn th-sr who have r***x**A tt ********* Dats* <._.!/. Dci-aaTMr.-i J _4t opeBln* s ea ry aup-n aii.lay -f staplo Bilk* as. r.r_l*ehT)r»*w0.a*d*. v.n.t-na*ni P .pllna, Alpaoai. M.rtn- BE en'i.el) new aod ah.nce aalaea Aiso. " A«h_* of m,pe*f' *liadr.of plan. MaatHa D- l.ainaa , Petitu Clutfu. Bew ard heaatll-l dearttna . Kre rt. *4-n.i.*4'.d Oe L.lnns. _JI ku.da of Woa.lloo. 41*1 aul M.'U.o H-iawia, ***...4liah. Bo-lch, Preooh ..- DaaaaaBli ,'> 'nvlte pant'ula' atrrr. tto. t.out niaplav of the variout aiadre of looj tud eouar* Bhawk jnBia'.t*-''"rf*il ti. im* couitiv WhiVK <#o .0*- D'-i-a. TBH-nr The Rovui jeTood t, lls-a- il.-t and wntch i* oader ibe BBpenr.*--- of Davu. t Th.iMai ta purthas-i a-d .oe-afsr. E worth) uia vi«it..finip«r.oi. "h-a-'a. ofW-nt-__.ii.-ra Caa.-rtoa, itutmeta, Law..* Lnce-*. I.ln-ii Ct-nnnc Hturttar Bhiefa, E-fin*-, Pri taaa An,t_xn> **»_..____!_% uw?£ata i_da!.Mu.*or.riv.le.. .ba T.---I* ******* t****^tt H, ot all oua.ltle.- ***** ***** pertl »<*'f> m'f***.,*."[ behall, luv.u a____e_-a BJ tle Ue "' Kintro'deno. -"»*"» Bad rSaeaaa exvenmor aalat] h h- !_* P-waLn, lo thia depanomnt. Sa ***** ***** ***> ********, ****** K,,v*", ¦ »a-*r.a...i.' f^________^*!l_^15__.-, Cabpit Tbe P-r.h_-- .nd Mti._4«a ->f 'h- *****3**'\\***lg ani Un. Cii'Ti. Yav-ri N-Ttoaa, B_al.woot.8ii oe- P4BVMK. ti invfta- the --ln*«*t Krutinv tnd tiuipecluiB -f Bf»elr Bood* and pneet. Daaaaeru Oaooa Daraai-Bin Compnteaeven d-«a'l-tl"n td **********}****** °','J('*' la_ elodiVt tli theatvle* r>« Rmwp tnd Blencheri SheetlotJ and fcl.irtir ia PkI. T aral. O.M.MaM DleaKlMtJIT. Oce of the uaostexlfajanea-aoriiiieitaof 'l.-ae Oo.^di ol- latrd lo Rettil-n io Una couniry *Ve ooly ***** *'. Inapee tion of styUwa.K' pn.-a Our prlre* aro undeviatlu. aod unitorm.t-FVT «.A>H ptv Bl.le lu teo day* _. We »re piej'srrO U, ^rsnt *hort accoiuoflailoii of tttue, bv tflAlLt li feia-*> a«e tak'i-a paper, paya-le at Hs.ik Wa *ba.l oxhll-ll bv *h» aid of 'ravolvr* llirou*_t_e 8_»nU», « full -aiure ol ******** .>( ** Ob .da Ordor* aent Ioua ulll ha lilled _.ith pr.mipl-.os* *..d deapaUI. snn'i. artrded l|.-od)ly s" the Bftataf »>> ttle BM-taa "f " Xprn**ea Ae. via R_JlH*di to >*<* .x".>f ***..'..'> anatt KaM oi ^.Mt Twccdv. Moi'i "". «t Pi-i-ai-)....*, luiporteii aud Job-.-ra, Nn 41 ar.aainway. Fall Fa\*Uto*A*****>** Cl#oT_iilia at **)*.**. MINGI C<> s-Tlie lipaaatUli aciinren ¦..*,¦ -nn rirm tur ¦ BB BfaOO'li.t: Clothli-ar »or oeneral .ale. -ij-.l u. uia! ... tde to antaeuitr. ha* itive. ' tlie eoaaaaat. "t an l-j.^ieiiie arliol-»B'e irsde 'll-l. BtoCl af el-.a-t r.aiyiuade |na lor tl* i" tii baaa ready, and ih-> mvitetu lt tha aaaa cltl a.te_ti«i. ol eaaaln m-n ***** »< praat-l la tojfa Ifl the pnn.lpal citiei mn mu-m n< tiie Eaat aud >-.-».-ii, Kew-Oileti-a, Sa B_a___. CI-kV_.*.*_. aa wol. all t fie lnfa l<rn.wi.«(.f laaataiaaaaia aaaaa i. tka taaa > aaa.iiah, tlie *t)le and n-atenal ¦.! th- ir -eail r-ninie Dr-»* Co-.ta, Snr louu. nec-ya, Overcrata, V «t_, J'anialo aaa Vc I.ave lieeu a. prrciateo B->i* Bdiuiited (t tl.e loa! twentj five yeaia T'-i f_aa_.itir.M-t firtlirfallol -KS.'la -.eli-ved t. au-p aa tbal o Bi.) year. and t" *m al'oKe'hei u--ipie--leiited lo Hew York Mercliai.U lha o-iniry wno de.nre to five lone no cl-'Btlei 18 the)r fad *t .ck. at.d lo B^cure a r.pu tatii-i- tkt kea-j.ii.t a claaanl ptrataael u..ei|U*lrd iu the trada. arr hni'.d . exa-lie Uieneat. raittj ot ityl'DD the avhoia-aledepailment "I » T I. smn.s ii C >. No ill Br'-art*-*., A.nencao 40161. t3F \.Mth*»t«- aV L...MUI-.K. »lr-,l.;aaill _»Bllor*, naa- aaaaww8 trom *-'o t* to Su 121 Bioadway, (B.-ewai'ci'i Martile KuHrtmaa, f'.tw .en Houatni. aud rtlersct- 8r-4i4,l wh.*>» they are preptred la fumi-h «i-).-l-* '.. then bo»f Hi* an.*n***t a.t.ea.. and titf rn-wt fa*ni'»iB*>le n.a'airiala " Ainima and Wl.teh, 185*2* '53.. Cld. P. Vux Nav> and Vli'itarv fa) or tuil Cloth ImDirtnr Lead.r ii Paaataaa-lavaaiai of tl.e O-ie-tel K'naf.a-1 0\ _c- Aillior of llie ul M dar.l Dreia and raahi .n.1-3 HroaA way. corper of A- t*nn>-«i, ***. V. &HIK1S. Sihkts. t. ihhI bhlrta Bl l<»w pri...* tl.ier-'lv C.-llar*. will atui.d iu tlie hottaM .>B-r..i , BUP->. -r 1,1. a-u a I Gottt. M.irtin<; Siiirta iimI-- toordrr, al LBICHTOX'a Ki-at Preini-l u S-nrl Mi "ii'n.toiy, N... lo Pa'k-paaa D.-jota in N-w Oiletniai.d Baa Praa Citco- Otptieait-u fiom ihotecuie* are rnapettfilly invi. d locall ChaBt-BS.r.ii.!iro. B^" Prrfeet D)i_iiiM'riaDiy|)e8 tHkt'ii in Buy weathei by Rci-i, No otii llioad _-.iv, PlAN()-Koi.TlS . -I.AUkICE Stbakosi II Vkilloit-.. tl.e V" -udl-f al ie. No 0. Kr-.a 1 --»y, o_ M.i- .t>, A.')t .", sttli a tir-e R.-O'tiii -r.t ot I'i i .oa, from *n-« Beat ru*»i a in N.-*-vork and nlh-r oifiea ny .11 Btslt for llieli l.-aulv toi.e, ti.ucli B-id linia Ala ., an aaa .' 111.11«I l.-ci.ia.-. Mrl-dsxni ti.e pjl. 10 4t. iiivir .4 t > Call anrl I. tpt ct t'.fi iriafU'ii-l.ti Hi 881 C. WaT.*on, Mantter, No 6.. Br. »l**y. .1 Fb»»: Oubckati.1'iic luvera oi ilinaic (wlii a'e p. I !) n.a\ b 8>ll|l follj entertu .ed, tiie v-» ti- ei oi. me ajrrf-ii nt ih* O'loCottaae H--.-a- Tlie Bhakaae >an Ceaeatl Haud arlll he tbere tnd m_ke thi* |t.'pi''«- Ht -rl tl.e *c-u-ot uierr. 1 n.liaut'iioiit. %c%* \L\to\ih\ Wedd-ngBi-d (/bitiogCbHai t»Bi.-lliili> < i,».av. n Bbd 0-i -te.r, al * Blt O'.UUs aud I iw |.|1(_l. P.lflal E..lrli-|iea, . Ill tttrd t"1 pltl.l. irt'Kpt till Bl d . Iver wn'ers, dlver c*id autl (ike r.,,x-., »t Hvui V ( ... NLl.l.'s. No.Tl John at, 1 d Nc I A'aireu *'.., 1 irotr of Bioid-ay. IMeTKOPDLI'J A> H.MEl., -.hlLliMt al . . The Meuor-'riitau ail) be oou.pleted aud aBeaad for tn- recej-t'.i'u of compauy S»pt I Price of Bos-d. *>i ,«r dav .iml >N Lfi'.aM. la Co , Pr-jpnetor* SiiDAiis at E.B0OCKB Paicca..Skaart'a R.h.eO lapMBa. -!.». ; bro*-o Su<ar ti a-id i;, 7i bi fha plaaaBa 8"* a*aa 8 aaa aad f*o*t»., n'»., Pe* hea md run chetj-i* *t, .:i Biaataa c raai o* L-idijw-a-.*. *>\i M ma BB AMUlRSii.N OOTWITTBO.. Mei'l.-rul ilir*- ali.-m«u Itvaaayal h..n all* ta Sto. ncf Bl tw-aclilu- ami pertfCt 4" . .*i: D ti -n 41 tn- pa-. aiu ( Iti. P.-rwuf (i aaa Kilt-i. in pa.ifyioa lia reter. Tun liiu-i I-'hii-. tim wat.r ispidly and morerBee'aa k t'-a any otner ll i* »ei. .'eanaint Tne um./. b¦-. i.v th»» iKiie Hiould be witLoi. lt De^-o^ Oolul. Hi1., N- Slk hii-aai-av Rich ('aiipeti.nus.. Pktbb-IOBI -5. Hi'.ip.ik»y, No 17*. Br.*o*i*k, o-.riiei -.t 'V t,-.*t n*\.r Iust re«e)Vfa dliecl llom ihe Eu.upeao niauufur'-orie. .**. B'e a.rivai. tiiin in... o a la <*-aod^i..i aaa .nniaiir ,1 1.-1. M.-t» c Velve. ai.d Ta^a.try k'.arpa*t.n|, auroaaaiut BBV tlil.-l avei btlore lu Itna ; pal'.erui eutlrelv U5W axclnaiveily nnn.wn, tnd for aalr-tdil |o par cent lea* thin othei aBaaea aa__| aaaailai tood*. V'l.Mli.W OBNAME.M'S Al Bl I'R..OBJH- HABV l.l'W PkICI.I1- KlI.IV \ Kt.S'.l» >N. N-u.a-i.k BiJll- %v*y and 1*. Head.*'. are .-l.i. 4 -t n.dow Shad -*. l.i-- a d fkloaiin'n* Oi't Oaraieaa Cu.-titn Trirnminjti, vc, at fraat barxalLJ- Call aud see "etu._ Haim Dvt _!¦¦ Wius.. K..i'cmelok's BianiitBctori for tlMrse artiele* ia o-eleb, ited la all an* r* the w»ild; person* wuhtu|a li^'it, airwant aud durable \\ er Toupee rai. >*r *ulled. Hia Half i)i- 11 tpplitd. la *ute Buarat-1**-.) or *"ld *h .leaale ano efai', tt No 4 Wa'l-el Cjpy thr adsrott-bia-tre M imualiniia H.llk iillV, Klol AUOK./- _\CtLSI- ob Li.1 ii' iiaik in 1, iu eaaa th. htu aa arMal ia taa ¦ > Biatit kl ui applied. **lti*ul tol-ii) Ij'tl. ball ol lt Baia bo w aahavfl Uno-oal af.ll wnn-ilt .1l.tiuMri< me .-.I -' an.ittini 00 l*n 0001 .111 jh-viu^ thai tex'u-e aaa o-.nfer.|ut .laaliclly 10 tfw hall ll la .ppli-d or a -la a' CallTADOBO'l WI4B1.0 Scalp ea'ehli.h.nent. No fi A**or H iuto Private roacu lor applyiu* the eya. _ QT aiuoaAUi* s LiqiM Hao l»>r la, atlthoat sxeepuoL jt .eseraatlou, Uie very heat sver ln weattad Caiutil) telahrated tl E-iKarui M»dicat*id B-.'ap fm suriu* p.mpins fre. iir_ **ji -11-..U., itu.1. aaaaaa ?attei.aal c"*i'-s*. uaa., aouatiiiea* .0 Poudtr dut.tlle Ul- roott hai rf roii. anv pa-> al 'he Sndy latqnid R-.iiite, l.-1*- Whlla- _o»l Ha" -»'¦*. tt *** 'Valker-ei. aaaa. HroarTwav l__r K()WLt»» \ -VciassBa P__f-Bolottau Bad Pum ._..*, Cllol-o Hall. No. I-l Naaaau *t. N.w V.-il. aad Nn II. ** ashlattoD-sl Krwtiis 1^ .'isk'b P_ff-nr Mi-fallii' BoritlCtaea, .a-lv tiftl.t aid indawlrurtiMe Principal Otti e at.d Ware- i.i:in No M Broadway W' M K»vm..nd 1. Co Sii-ks Emiiii-d the Dai I...U... The Nrw* ork Pnruu.stlr Drslnli.g aid M ***** ****** Coxpse) ei.-pt) *i..k« ln tle daitlice witb )u< any anp-rasaoi f l. iiaie Sinka B.-d ee.»p<a.l« wil' wdtaialtaXe. BJ 8 piotee. atei hv 'hia Caimpanv. 'Y'tice. II Mti)|)n-lt. WM. K. IKi III1 .<(>> BPKEt'B un r.i'v.-HiimjiKiiirf- Haa.aaraaj ami UataoNr _aaaa< cij-a*-ii-it. 1-. |)n£. b. Pltoe $lf |)»-r thousAiid, $1 _.ri per huDilmt, ri*nta 4ii.|*lv. _ * a-T UHl | AITI A --¦--_.--_« __e.*- lar la fla BBMM*rmTtt Frxriui.H» .taaaCfl »ihce I_BY.b*"in« . ;«»m end 'fiin_ atatfin»*nt of r«f» frouniia nl lirierHtvc. tvrwe.p i-hi* vWo freat partina atnth livul. tlir B_aa*MNB P«». «j_*. tlu* tuthor'a laaaaaa for pr.-I. .nn. .n-l auji- portitu tht- Wtuy partv s laaaja tnd "air rani.»h|f*t of H'*pat;k"et f-ric. $10 pai fhouaou.i. 11 pa* hu-uli->d. 30 eaata par .<,._. D 2 BtBttB tMnrly. lf nitlarvjd I. o* aaal op Mail 1 aaal eae* tot SUO BDlV. aad uad.i aod aeratt for ovei __o r_tl<»a muat .tto *AA**i to o'-vav K*-aio_e *X**** la- 0 CaMfBELL ta our Aaent fcr the aa.',- of Thr Trih- ***** tli Kl.B-il'.A tk**** W. A MrinFi!. Poslf>f_B Buildint. B_r_top **$tit***, ba* Th* ktortiny Tribrnu tot etle ai 111 A- M. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. aaW-YOBE, THlIBdBAV, ADO. 26. ISii. for I'reatdtnt, MOTT, of New-Jei*a-<y. k'or t'xee-Prttident, YVII.I.IA.-I A- URAHA.M,of North-Carollna. tr The Trthtm* U aarv. la Ull. City. Brooklva. -VII- tlaiiitniirth wa leroey Olty fbr l'2_ eenta per week, pavat.le to tbe eartlere Naaiea amnt t hnmili iha Poat Office or Paaay Prat trill *m prooipuy pioeea imi ttt* Carrlen book*. Vfetfft the Ii leutls of t^C.ITT and (iR\HaM tO CiH kt our gfleo aail rxn-unnf* tnp Mlowiog CunptifO uiiMicfliioiia. A'bu'h BTflfB pr.'|i>n*'il .nnler IO'* flflflpkiflfl of 'ifl Contni Coiniiiitift of the frieiiiln of Geo, SooQ at -VasnniiCtioi- ut every mj an- tlienth: and fft-cienr, and are Ktld *i tbo tmre ciiki of Paper am) Krintinir, friendi ... *he t'MUNeI etH Iftd if rnridnnt Vflfl. u> MM-Jf every hnme 'b you- ^oijoiy, Tfivvn nr Waifl wuh \~- THK CAMPAICMI I.IFF OF -BV*. flf'O'l'T, with -2ii illuatrafiotia ol th« moat nvent- iil suriire nf hta illiiHtriniiH .tareer, in-'ludiua the Battl. nl Chippaaa, l.uriflv'a I.ane, Oerro CJordo. f'ontreran Chapiiltepec. \-.t-., with hia prutuutiofl fl tfl* I rii-iii priaonenia Oaaaaa, fee _t/t..a Ibira. landMiiii*- iitniplilft of thirt v-twn paflflflL on fin* pap..i» rriilv nt The Tribune otfife- rhia imiru- ine. Plttfl-1'- per huudied, 311 centa p>-r dozeo. H reii'.c ain*l**. When ordered to he aent by M.H X centfl for indir .Vtfl niili-B and 4 centa lor wm -*>-Hi mil.-a nunt Ite added, aa tli*- l'<>*t < lltii-e lleparTment re- uae to sfriid without ptrpavment of poata^p, llflO, ttCWttK* tTt THB I.IFB OP A.K*- Ml AIT'I'.« broad rdiept to 'tr BllBfl Bp iti dwell- jjb:t- -nni pilhlu placeH.witti eiphtren apinted lli.ptratioriH.will alau lie ready, and will heatford- id fi r |l(l pt-rth.iu_.Htid. fl| |ier hundred, or X enfp biii.Iv . Terttm. Votk infiVxihlv. If to he nent l<v Mail I cent for .r_Oft miles and inder and 9 »-enta for ov-rlSflfl milea muit be added ta prepav p-i't'it"- CojN' ln Semiie. afror _»uino bu-ii- tipps of iniiior iinp.irtam-e the hill fur tlie election ef piil.lic p.iiiter whh taken up, by a vote ef 90 to ..'tl. The flaaal meant. of flettinp at Ihe incritt of a rjuiHtion in the discusiion _t Ibe BOBIBfl <tf eome meniher in relation to it. were adopted ii) thia case, flflfl the ."Senite aml *-iiuiitrv wdl doaMlflM llflllfllfltflllll the mf-riffl of thia lull liencef.irth and forever, at a principal to|»ic of conveisation ainnne the grnve and ti\%- iiili* d iiieiiiherti of the Senata waa the coiHistencv ol Mr. Trnn an Sinrflh. The fl*all waa pontponed for an hour, for tlie pur- pope of thking up the River aml ll.irlmr hill. Thifl wbb iead a tlnid fime, and on the question of ita pm-KHgp tht- Veas and Najrfl were token, resultiog in favor ofthe hill hv a vote, of 3.'. to 33. Mr. R-i.-tt tl fr. r* poned the J'oBt lloute bill with atnend- mt-ntH, which were npreed to. Mr Datifl. flfiflflflM bflflt l-ill c_ui,e hack from the IIouhr with amend- iiieiitK, aml wns referrrd to the Commirtee on Ca..roa; flftarwbialiUm Priatiag lull was re- puii.i-d, nnd Mr. Smith defended liim-elf from fhe flttecfca wtricB had baaa made upon him, and afl- tim-il thfl Senate. that hfl w«e at all MflMfl ready to me* t anv chare^a made nKniimt hiin bv either hig or little giants. \arioiis amendmeiit« were propoaed and r»jected. an.l thfl lull fin-illy wafl flflflM d as it flBBN from the House, by a vote of 35 to 13. The Chtil and Diplomfltifl Appropriation l-ill wasi fben teken up. Thfl tvniendinent appropriitin; $9,1 mi for the China Mi.iea tvtts m»t flfraad to. the anp-ti um i « f.r th,- Miafliofl to PriMflia war.. A proposition to > rant $99,000 to the CoBBIlJ ando'lirr (-uflerara bfl mob law ia Xe#- <)il( niin, at ths time ofthe Cubfl excitemeat, waa poatpooad. ln Hit- Hoiifp, the Staatnboat bill, after more thaa a lini.dredaiid fiftyflBWadaieat*, propo-ed bv tlu Conimittee flfl Cotiiiiu-rce, had bflflfl ado.ite ! tvithoiif deliate, and fhe lejectioii ol" a Bubfltitllta pran t-etl by Mr. Ilowne, passed by a vote of 11? f i. V. Thfl Milep were eupjiended by a vote ol 123 to 44, in orJer to Uke up the Saut Cnnal bill, which BaWraoBM ineflectual eppoaitien, patxed by a vote of 115 V.«K to only 48 Navfl. Boflflt Caaad* .rientB would flflen to be deprived of the opportu- .utv of dot. p a woik, the neglect of which haa bo um (Irpim-ed .mr own (.'overnmeiit, and which Imt fnithriii we might still, pirliap-, hnve had u jmaac.Ma. bopa ef aaaiag BCflonpUflhod. Tfl. L'phl Hnoflfl Appropriati.m lull occapied tha re- iiihiinler ol Ihe arasioa. Bv TELKohAi'ii..A Convontion of the Ameiithii parly at PMtebargh ha* nominat^ Lawifl J. I'ltmtiip aad Jac b Snarer, to Coograi m tlie Wth aml XXIId Uistricta. Wo lrarn Bavaoaah, that a ci'cuiar hau heen pabiiflhed witlidinvtiiic the EkttOrifll ticket i.r tiie Uob*i ,,«!»>, ead (hilinij a uie.-tiiif ol tlie I inun NVtnu ami DeBBoeratfl on the i^ih Dacambflr, t- (t( teiiiiiiie up >n t*ie future eoaiBa of Iha party. .\otices ol m vetal ili.aatera at sea and oil th- W'eaterii rivein wtll hefmird und. r the telagraphi liciiil. A preMt fltom *m the 'Jltd did mueh ilanii;-* ht MtinphiM, Teiiii. CuptHin Maicy pa.ori thal ttt} in a _-te»iiilioaf vi>terd(iv. From Kev WraBl we hnve uilditional ship news. The vvreik ol thfl Atlantic, aa we learn from Hot* lalo had imt baea diaeevaifld. "Old Uullion," and the new Mmister to I.i land vvrrt; auinnp the anivnls at Waanin^ton. Aliotlit r " riithuaiastic" Wel'Mer meeting aaa held in lloston tm Vlondny evening. Wr, ho*- rvar, fo aot aafl tha aamea of aa) rery iafloaati i pi liiiciaiiK auione thoflfl who addresxed the naee'- ii-p. and have dutihts as the eorrectn-tr, uf f-i- (, ar. wm* h, it aan ttatfd. Ilon. Kutua Cheatfl iiiltHdH to lahe on the Piflfliflflfltial qUBfltiflfl. tW Tho moet intflPflatiog item in th BBBta hroMfht hj tha Aaw lathe report that Ta .- BaBIBB, the head ol Ihe house of Barinps, jt t«i*lic imt to thie co-tntry aa a .pecial minister tn Bflflllethfl Piahary qaeetiflB. Ile tt a brotherol Lord Aahhortoa, ilue. ¦ Vietoflia i- .-tiii ia Bel* piuiii. ln tra. te all ia i|nie* an the |TAffl L-iuis NapuMoa ie aajoyiag hia. If, aml aaving up pro.i- erty lor a wer fla*. The election of im-iubers of tho Lt-git-lative C.BflJ do nut go on well; thr n-- tpii*de number of voter^ I'ail to appear, aLd the lutile pfloeaafl BBB ta be repeated attui aud agai.i. Mr. Bflflflpartfl aBghl t.»i.sue a decree imp .afl a fine tiii eveiy elei tor who laila to '-ome up witli lu. bhllot. \W have i-ouie inteteittiii^ part.culars mtn rt Itiiiice tothe m-in'.ers of thfl CMflBBfl fam.iv. Mu ll bb they puller from tbe.r e.xle, all uf them eicept the DflCbflflA ol OrleBBfl have iflflflfflad thfl hujte ei Nflflffliflg to l-'rance. The Prince de Joitiville ia exi erdin^ly depiee.ied ; hia hflflfiflg ia allected, and he hiifleri from a dmeaie of the ltver- wlnii preventa Ium frum all 8trioud flBflftiefl Tlu Mtike d'Aumnle apenda hi- time in litrnrv woik, hn which hia private l'brary, wth ita ri. h flfifltflfeflUflg miiiii-ti ri,»t._, od". ta abuml ant ii att-tinl. They- have rea*">a *o a'lavndoa thn idea vi i-oon ret-ntcring their country. The par¬ ty whu h once auppurtt-d the intereitfl of Louia I'hihppe's family it redu. ed to a rery amall frac- tion of its furiner strennth. Its chief men have gone ovrr to the Lejjitiiiiiata, and ita rank aml lile Ui Kf>napaite, and every d.y aees new deaeTtioaa. It aerma evideat that i>'apo!etja haa lha p.*>«. naiotia of tho ht.tif*e of OrjVnna to Uie Firnrh f hrnnr. Hia only rpiuaining rival ia Ifenrv V., end amon. intellijent Frenr-hmen the opini-.'i i. aenptal that thia priiico will com* in on the di-t- .oltitinn of thi* n»w impendiriR empire. Itappfltra thit on th. AuBtr-ao Finpernr'r. late jmirnev in Htinjrary be wa* lereived with *3**m**t* bv the .-.'tvopic portion of the populati'in. The Kine nml t.iiTn of gpaia hav. had a quarrel, jrowin.: ..ul ofthe jaalonaj of thei f'iriiier. In PWtasjel the fj.finr.en are ia « desparrite on.lition | tha cur- rent ol thr pubhr rei-enuea ia fri^htful. The Kneliwh r «,>if»lirOs do not peem in n hurr*/ to fiik. a laaa of &l\Q*M prepeaa, by the R*pnh- lie of Domioica the idea tt a rotintry of 90M-0 p .''>''., ni *ery |>- ur irr tiniatances, __a*0_-_Bg no 'a>ne a Mitn tit n.onry, ii prt'poet.roua. I.F.T Ir* |'l.l>ER**.T/.!-f- FATII OTHKR. 'JhcMobile Tribune.** flkial Journal of the City,' and the lendin? or^an of Cal- bouniem in Alil'iuiiit.thaa temperatety mid irimkly diecueaea witli ui the diflicul- tii--. nml duty of Kni'iiKlipadon : The /.rr- York Tribune, lo reply toalette- fro ma Ten Bteee* At'i'lti'inttt, I'tim. tiy .<«» rld "f a dirflcultj* ln ihe. way ot itrwti' atate em-ncipa*.. >n. We allud- io the iiiapir-'l.-t tt:- nearoee, Ititynh-at an nu. >#i'i »u of inr-ii lt r-«-.-ea*_rj.ih attb-y wi'lbeaid<v-ply tnt<*re.fe<l ,ili. pabltr m iti.ra-a»thaa wbii--a, t.d arlll, ibarat-if-, be alrlia-illr-tit tn tli- Isw*. Itatyi o--thloa t Intlmatn lhal an> tta .* Bramsarj io rafcmi o! t bailt*. «__ t'j »Ither tb* wh-tea or the hU.k* 10 tka ***** mad 8-leall i.-filnnln whlch .marctpatl-n w.nlrl i.l-e«t*i-rn. To -tate thii ti-npl" j.-wltlon of Tk* Trilunr, wa thin-, 1* *.ft*rlerittoiht.w how extrrtnt ly l_to<*rBnt tbanae aot". a'-* i-r) Baa are of Iba tubj .ct tbey dlsp-.e of au ium- mt'ily. , The Trit.'ine, however, hta with lu error* no laenej ild.*r*i le li_bt, tnd when It luformt ut tbtt Sl-s.-rv cbo raeetva lolerHtion only on the baala «f itt BoBaeal a«d nmral prup't-t.. u.ia*Bet_t IrnplirItly t-i ll. Il l* th* a'.aiid-nineni of ihat potm by ti.di_e.fnt or nn-nw m.*n, which glvet b vatita_r. mur.d t) our eoninn t, aud it le oal] by holdlo< latt lu lt, tbat w. ctn r_-Ua_-8 tia ajitti. ulty of our potl'i.n witb a hi .b ten»e prinolr'* S maa »" balta-* ctti iov-ttl.ate the tubj-ci wuh . .Imiita .n.l km.wl.-d4.', witiioiit t-.-inir, tbat our du7 .rn Ir.tere-r run jiarBliei . n the oiietti >n Tne t-renl fuo'-amental error of tl.e Trihum and I'i H.n.1* )», thrttl BaautiiHir.ll racft of maa IB58 -.aai Tski. t' 1- poli.t Bt pr«)V. d, th-'r d.'ducti0 .*|t llow wi'.h . ii,. rj.-i'r, .nt railonailiy Mud-rii i.-.I-d..., luwov.-r, it n_il> coll.ctiri. thr- pn-oft to th >w thtt thlt a»-'i'n. .i.m a vttt i-rror, and tnt*. no raaeaa_B| bated up « it eaa .ifiiuiirl ln ihe caae of Tht Trthunt, tbe errur 11 ,..,_ whlch mar* tli Itt njipan-nt tyinpriiDiet wi-h tb-- rr i._..v..rr..-ri UBBplBB o* tfie wi.rld It wouLl g > at Btwe ... IH.xI'-o, tnd sr nouore repi!-li- nnlitn tt-er.- t rhnee, to .frlca.te the ludltn T-rrilortee Ita ru'e na-rlan** ibat thi-ae dlverae peoplee.runnlnj* froin Ibe biabeat lo tba krareai litlllaaaea ara eai oat far aalf. so.erBBea-.a8- ouahi, therefore, 11 pottett lt. Uere 11 wl.ere tbe bluodrr~of tbe wbo^e irl.^, froin the whlt. preacber to the luwett d.-n)*_"cue, llei. lie/ily. Our Bfobile Dameaako may rest Hssun-d thal we nre not " extriMiiely isnorani" 0* 1 he procpera, circumataocei and eflacta of KniHiKlipation in the British Wc-t ln'dit*-. where thn Slave Popnlatiou was far deoaer nml theSlave Syatem more penradtog and Lnaeterate thnn in Alnl.a'ma. The compar- ntivc i-.ilittion ofthe few thonaand Whitea nnd BlacBJ inhnl)iiiiir_; roginlifr uno of tlu.-.- lalanda aecwed lucitement and impunity to inaurrectioa -ain-li aa could not be hoped f.»r in our own Southern Staros. Yet a'l nicii do know tlmt tho doino.tic pcaco, se- rurity and ordor of the Briawtk Weat [odlea rest to-day on a far surer btail than do those of their ISpantsk oeighbon whereifl Blarery i* nt ill cheriahed. So through__u S|)i.iiiBli Aniciica (Contincntal.) the end 0f -liivcry wu" the end of dauger from the Bli.cks, nnd of all m.*ces .ity lor expellio^ either tho CaucHsiau or the African Rare to i)'ii.iietraiii|iiillity and -ii'i-iy to the other* Knowing what are doxtf the hiatoryof .slavery nnd BniBiicipatioa lo ull former aj_es, it is quito '_'ratuitous in our Mobile Dftighbor to BBBttme our groea ignorance of tke rabject. The "old habits" of Whitea 111,d Blacka may ln- very bad .0 Aluh.-im*t, hut they are no than were thoae rf Aiiti_ua thirty yars aj.o. We rejoice to seo our iiaiiie.ake put the il.'f.-iirai' of Slavery expreealj on the ground of it*. ahitract "politlcal and iitontl propri** rt}." for that i-t the ..'round whereon it must -teind or fall. If .Slavery i. ahstractly ti-niTig, it cannot be practically right; and it i-t no moiH than a just trihute to Mr. CaUxmn'a eminence aa a logicianthat his diaciplea boldly affirm Slaveholding to be the dictate af tiuiii-tiity. Bem-volon -.* ani Patriotiam. If Slavery is wrong. it onght fiftthvith to be aboliahed, or meaaprea aet on (bot certain to reaall inita abolition« aay we j and we are happy to have the concur- it-iH.'. *¦<> of tho Calhonnitea. We agrecti too, with our Mobile nmniv -.(.kt* that "our duty nml Intereat" (tha; i> thoae of the South) "run parallel on the i|iji'a!i.,ii," We believe Slavery a terrible b'i^ht and curse to the SotiTh.that it tiains her white youth in habitl of indo- lenre, debaurhery and diadnin of lu.or. rendera her indnatry Lnefficient, impover- iaheaher .oil, and lower- the itaadardof intelHgence, eomfort and thrift among the great maaaofher people. Onrnameaake .hinke tliilereiitly. Now let us -aiipp .a,- || were demonatrated, to the perfect eonric- tion ofthe 81aTeh__der8i that slavery is un- -*(._/.. or rappoee that aaeh adtaneea .hould be made in ladnatrial an 1 Social eionomy that au uneducated laborer should be worth nb-olutely leea thnn hii inbaiat* that a *«'ave ¦hould nare no pecu- aian value and nobody could be induced to tuke cne as a lon_; does our io igbbor rappoee Slavery would aurvire ? We beliere it would be eeaentially dead from the hour it waa prored nnprofitable. We inatance thia mereiy l abow why we think the alareholdera' conrietion of the rightfulneaa. benevoleaeea |iulirical an 1 moral propriety" of Slavery are all baaed npon their belief that it i- peeuniarily piofitab-e, and would vunish if tliat hope w.-re diapelled. .Aud now tO the tnaiu poiii?. Our <_reat error, in the Mobile rteWi ..aaaumea all rnc.'> of m.ii te be equal.'* . Bqual' in whai ? That liiey are not eipial in atature, wt-i^'bt. itrengthi intellect, intelligence <>r many other reapecta*we readilj andheart- ily udniit. Foinp, Curt'ee and CbaaTa now at work in itn Alabanut Congreaaman'a coltou lield. an* far inferior, mentally and perhapa phyaicaUy* to their maalor Bm we muat einphatically deny that thia a.i- mittvd und .trikiny iuequality give. Uie fihlernntl Rtronp.'r pnrty any Hirht uf prop¬ erty io iho wcnkci.unv ri^ht l*t tre'tt him ttt iici/iivfiiii-nco <ir n ebflttfll. On tho run- trniy, we rejjnnl thut InflflBfllllJ na an inl- ilitionnl rimi ureent clnim Ofl thfl stron^or l--r champfooflhip, BoHghtflniBflot, benflY©* loncc. Iii-.ii>'"! of innkinu tht* poor, ignor- aat negro l:'vt» Imlf the proeflfldi ofhii ln* l)*tr ttt lniui-ur to tbfl uhlo uii-1 Intfllflgent BMMtflr'l \ury. WB hold thut th<» mu-ter oughl tfl ba willingto derote u liberal shnre of hi-* own perfloofll earoinga to raiflfl hi- benighted, brutified neighbora <*nf of thfl mir*' ofignorfloce and anima] appi tite in;.> tba condition befitting b apiritaa] mui Im- iiinrtiil being. Ii' thifl truth were but ap- prehended nml realized l>y tbe Whitea of the Suu'-h, w»- feel rery rare thal tluir np- prehenflkmfl of peril frmn rapacity, luw- lt-.-llflfl or itisuriertion *ui tlu- part of their BPgroefl, if emancipated, would apeedilj be diaaipated, m The . Th>indercr,» AkwIb. The Lonaon J'ttnes, through its New- Vmk correapondent, continuea itt* fiffl on «it n. Scoti nii.i hia friondfl. Tlie following is frnmbia letter in TheTimesoftho 13th, receiflfld Ly tho Alia y.-tenlay: .The great ' Ma_s Meeting' at Lundv's Lane was a lailure. It aaaa lulure ifl BUlubara, iu Uie rharacter of the pablk men who attended if, iu the enthu-tiipm wiiich it W. ABppoflBd il mili-t av-akeD, and fhe extent nf fs rertults. I'.ip II rj * iiruviiiciiil j.uiriiiiltt very property imlulged iti some rt'iiiitiV* on the v if nut the iraprnpriflt**, of the Afl.rtCBM the frontier to cele- hrate on Amtriran rir-tory tn", i. per,,itt*ion Irom the ioeal au/hor t'ie*, and we bflflfl bflflfl reminded that it was hardlv the flOCBfl fur the cclchratioii of a victory bfl Gfloflflal S.iott, since nttlv i\ flbott tune after the betclfl of l.undy'a Lime, and i ot far from the sa ne srroutrl, ' tiiia INapoleon of Aaieric. ' was hi uflfllf t.iken pria- tiiit-r, aud miiler rircumstanres tkieh, in Hit- iri r irotilil hnve xhoru him of in 1*1 oj hi* linrel*. Iii.- in. ' i- in luagerdaaird m anv qaarterthat tlir Wliigp flnd i* verv htnl indeed t.- mt Bp in-i- li -1 i. far.fl* aboot their milit.irv candidate. Tliey bnd alicudy tned ii twicfl bfllora,aad i-vifii with fli) hon- >.', ii'i-ii. f. mii.i patriotic a man n-* Qen, Tiv- lor. lind Hcarcely WOB tbfl e'et-riou ; nnd tiuw, with iii-int iii', aml liaaffectioi) in their p-irty. wiil- jiiinc pi.-.- thal ii"- odioaa to the mu_r ea* tifthteut-d piut'on cf tlie comaiUBity,which are proposed for adoptiun bv tlie people, and a ii-itr whn, it i-A univcrsallv cODCatfld, liun been iiiiiiiiu'eil only becafl. of tha excitement it vvaa xii|.jiii-cd liis n-tiie wnu'il eive rise to the pros- yn t- nf thfl Wlligfl brr imt very encouragtng." . Kii.' »way, gentlemen! Wuipuld Scott ifl oot ii itranger to the imeO of Britiah powder nor the thock of British bullflt He did oot flinch at Queenston. (though immenflely outvtunbered nml at length overpoweredf) aiulheiwt your lo- giom onawed Bt Chippewa, Lundv-'a Luu* Bnd Fort Krio, find came off triumphant. V..U cannot cru-h him now, when \i\* o\n\ eountiymeo are to award the palmofric* tory! liitrn ilni; * orfr.potidrnrB. Tho following letteis werfl writ ten more than thirteen years n^o, beforfl Gen. Scott had been floriouilj talked of as a candidate for the Preflidency. Tlie aignera are among our moat eminent cidzeiu of all partiefl, moat of them >'ill nlivo. Will our citizeBfl comporfl tbem with what is now r-jiiil of Qen. Scott by the Political ussoci- ktea of some of tho algoersl h'aw-VoRK, Aprll 1, 133''. Sirt: Vour frienda aml lellafl-citizeofl Cn Naar. ^'oik have learned with aofeiflBed graMication the reaulr ol yi ur |loriotlfl etlorti to avert, in a iniiiiiirr ei|ualiy honoralile ta both partitS, occiu- ri-Iiii-M whicli tii'-li'iced a colhaion tliat would litic been depieiatt-d by the whole civibzed world, be- twrrii two prrat uationa connected by everv tie tbat caa Mad toftther kiadrad people. What you have acconiplialied in tlie rerrnt pa- rifiealioii OB our ea-ttrrn Irnntirr i-t, however, sir, only wnat a knowlecge ol your previou.. career c ul.) nor have failed to imluce ua to auticipale. A* the ln ro ol t'/. i/'/.r th your name has been, for mure tlitin a tftiarirr of " eenlnvy. faaittiar to lhe itho.'e A'/ti rxean peoj'ie, n./d ts, to ti,_ miwlx ol lhe ri.*ing et nt ratiou, nssoctaled teith Hu moet rnemor- tthtit ttetttt oj thrir fniintry's hislory; while in tha varioufl coBtflflta.which it iium beea your dety tu r 11 v "U ajfaln.t lava^e Inei, we have ever found the t-ilent and eni-r-y to a|i|ilaud, which wen- ao con .picuuua wben t-inpluyeo a^aioit tbe veterati. of Ku- mpe. Out 11 a .etierhl, who vvir.i Uurcli on tho tinld of bat- .Ir, ii. tka -. iiiiiicHiliin of a na ion'i honor, b-» entitled t.> our srau-lul leeudflflfloao, Boa nmch more deijtrviDgiit .ln it, ii.i 81 hi- b I'T okott pruilrrxce and leiedom the ue ci-t«ity cf a reooar. tu ar*. it avirtt-di Withuut a| ti . vi rrlnj; to traniactlnoi n.w preaent to tha ti* et ail, ln you we r«-i-"atl/e fA. rum-, trhn, iti.ugh nn ardet t ttpporier of tke. inttitu it,,M gf *'» t'vn rntitttr'j..^()i t.aru.ted iciih the neutrali ty nf tte Cl'inilinn frontter, not only knrw kntr ur ],rr aasa ar.d maitiluni thr rn. mly nf our otrn lairt. but too wr'l ui.di'rttt,,Kj tbe d-jtiei wbii-b --ue nation owei t" Btii-her. tu ton eLt, for ihr f/ropajfoiitin of political pein- u nni icar amoDg tbe lul-jt-ut. cf a n«l^bjjrlu|{ ¦Afl tririidly pi.a.-r. Ai * teitiuK l.y of our reipect and esti-em, and wUh tbrvl'W of aXflhflBftag Ctinaratiilat'tiDi on tke moat tiu.t rvtiit, t.i wbieb you bave riMtrm'.y t i b.t ,.t:-. coutribu.ed, ae wou'd luvlte yuu to partake of a public ,:ii,r ir iu tbu city i u iu h « day aa ic may comport wtib your tuiivei leiice t appulot. .1 -.ini-.x tij.a, Tm-'MM VV Lrm.u'i-, VV a I'i . n, Be.fll Kv», AaBOBCLABK, JONATHAM "R. -; IT H.tLI., ¦. .ll IN Rl IIIIIUNIC, JR., BaMVEI H Hl'u.i.--, Tll'i.M.vx flf K Rfl, Bt-vtt. VV,.,U. R.08, Dtln.F.V ar.I.DEK, P. 1 IRII. JambsJ. J..NES, BkBJAMIM L.8.VAN. Baw-YesK, Aprll 2, l-c. De.vk Sir : It i-, now two -iuce tbat. tutplr. d ^y tb« mt-iltorliut i»rvirpa you bad ren- I to uur OOaaoa e izritiy |b Fiuriilaand A'aOaiua, aLd rt-jolctefl lt the th.rj rrci-iil approDatl >n prinouucmd t>y tbe i'lnltient ot tbe (.i'nited rttatra, upon toe u a ci urt inartlal cf Inqulry, ln whlon thefle .rvk. had been !,ruuuht Into 'jueation, yuur fnBflBTlfl. in N,w V'vji k had the hooor o* Invltlng you to meet ihcn at n pai iu-1 iuiipr,.and oi recetvlng your accttptatic.- M ile avflflflflflt t'atoward ci'(-mtt«Dcp» roa no looger -v-iittlng. hut tlirb tben wei^'Crd heavily ujion thi. commualiy, in- duct-d you to atk an tu.i. ftalta p >ttp jueu)rut of mn olnter, ar.d Irtiut need u», a* the ntflBlia ui oi.-z-n, tu ai-u.uie.i-e lu that rrijut-it Bui l"w tbat the flOfl.8. cial il-t-icuiliei, thrti exliilng, b*ve pai.ed away. a-i. || ,t ).u. ln tn ^at pe-iud to the pn een, have iieeo ao. iu^ou irom one ntic triumpk to tiHot/ier, teien, inaddaion to lhe prrtrrvaliun of o<i.r ne itr tl oir ^altt'ti on iU L'ti'iaaa frontier, and tka bioadUtm remocal el the Cb.rifleea Irom their acctent hnmea, yuu b.v-e, under C-rcuniiiaLcei ot peeullar .ItiJicilty .Ld PXCUeaient, lucc-jr-fi-i ln iirnveniing any viuiaii >u ol tbe p.ace ol tb" i-uUMiy, flad lu preaaniufl tbe due mb ritiiBli <D ot ihe to the Kederal autb irliy. ln Ihfl. t'ltt.-y iu aUputtt betweru tho I'niad .-wt.-a and f; -ri.1 H' italn. tn tb<- Ifltafl.fl uf the .-.aie ol M-tin-, we ci.iiu ibe luitilinientof yourpled/e ti rneet your f.-ii tm ntt/'-iia of New > ork at a pur-ltc dinoer aod our prea¬ ent pur^-ie la to Invite you to name a day wqmo Ui<i di 11 we rr. 'e. ln owlug to you. may ln part bepild 1'HiLir Hotte. Eoaraao Ctrana, Ti'tunris PBBLP8, J. W.WflBB, Avavrrva Plbmibb, C W LAVaaaca, * iai i .;, r Oiaoi -. Cbabi . R "r J,vie» B Miaatr, C'MtKit- An. Oavix, VV M PfllCfl Ja.AB Huv r. Cilvai-nsi} Kr.aai-, o-.uiN Hiin-Mii, Baa.n H.MBVIB1 An hi.aLD UaAitr., Wili.u Hill, J. VV .TBOfl VV i hi., SaMI'RL liLIZNN. Ji >rPH Mnmoi, Ju.izrH Hoxib, Um.lii.ti.LAia, Wm. L _Jtoi«8, Hirim Kktchim, lpvini. (Jbaham, 11 MiXWBLU A K WvcKon. John A. STKvrai, Wn |{ Aap.flALL Gi.oai.iz a. I-otoHTV, Saml-kl L. Uouvtm t,-. M. C PtLEIltfl, CIIABI.B8 O.AI-tM ft B'"'\. Dabibl Llmab, ' OaeeeaW.Baaaa, it k w,»i, I.BMBunrr, Wm W.tJaBBMWAr. Wa va im.ton, M.aa l. 8miTh. Mntrl-ltulMlnK. The Mbtkophlitab Hotkl, built by r ti. Van Rensselaer E>»<*. on thn ute* rtf |*..r>|<.'a tiarden. under the euper-iaion nnd for the tf*nao<*y ofthe Mf8f»rB. I.elandt. late of (.hnton 4o.el, . ill openon Wedneaday,.Sept. 1st; and as ma.rtir._- a elepforwarl in the Sooal tran-forma-iofl which so manv bli. .'ly revil* hut are impotent to arreat or nvert, we huve given it a rnieful exaiiunation with a view to a tMurjr- ative detrription. Thin Hotel extenda three hnndred fe_t on l.road- wey and two hundred on Prince-at., ia built of .town ntone, s:x Htories high, hut threa.-fou.trj8 ol" the fimt »torjr is surrendered to etores, leaving only aeventy-five leet in the center for a sp.rious cllice, btppage-room, Are, with two rec.ption rooma far jsuest.. (one of them for iadica) who have juric arrived and are waitiog for rooma to be nssipned to them. 'I'he house has tive eotrances, tao of them for Indies and their attendanta, two li r .. rv-uit n, Im-.-iiI.*.. the inain entran -e from l5roadway. It haa three diDing-roomn hesides the acrvmit.'.that tor ladies being caleulated to aent. two huudr.d and fifty persons, amid evi-ry aj.jili- an. e for the satiafBction of the palat-e. The third diiiinj.-ro.iu is for childre n an.l mirses. The Pub¬ lic Parlnrs are iir-ur theae. supplied with erery fitting auxdiary to eomfort an.l elegance. Tbe ptivate suite. _. rooma on thia Hoor inci ide p .rlor- ..ii.*, taro or more had raaaaa. b»th, dreesieg- reeaa, store-room, Aee., and are superb in all their appoinfmmt., as they well may be, Hi.ce the most eligible are ebaigO_ from *. 75 to fl'HJ per suite per week, and are eageilv taken up at those rat.s. Thence to the upper- mist Htory tbe rooms diminish in size and ex- I-. ir.-.-, tlu>.-.-* 111 tin* _i_tli Htory being let at $ per week. The price of board is uniformly $7 pei" .reek, nnd of board ami lodging to rranfient guests wbo do not require extra accommodation.a i_ *)¦> pai .tny. One ilu/./.ling _uite ot' room* ia fitted up or l.ridal ¦ arties. The furniture is ail of eolid onk, tbaroogbty politahi-.l; tbe beda are all *.prin_ nd Hhir Mattressea all the uites and some of he aineje rhanibers have private b_th., .to»e- ooB_s, closers, &c, while the elieaper situ*.e rooma bave wardrobes, .'roton water, Jt .., with haths, i lo. ete, drr , immediat- Iy at hand. Tne house is hghted by gas and heated by BtttaBB tbioogboat, though any guest may have a o.oal- tire in his own room if he sees lit.the ste .ui-lieat i. ui_ diffuaad throiifih the hails. __tple protnaioa is inatle tur "v eutilafion f vervwhere. Tbe I'lioi- di li.'ts .'md Brackata ure af aaa* patterns, aoaae al tben ot a .larker broaaa, whii-h B88BM nn improve- onthe bedi.cned lact|iier-work generully in viij.ue. One wing of the house is devoted to Paaa* ihrs and l.adie.: tlie other to baehalora nr een'le tlfr.en tran. iently in t.wn. Ifo lidy need see or be M-en by half a .lo/en paraeaa out ofbaroara set in the course of a wint.r unless .-.lie clmoses t_ lie. The nmiibered rooma are 353, of which paibapa llifl are I'arlors and 250 BaeVR >oms, tboitf. nioiv are both. The house is calcul.t*-d to eatartaia in pcrtct tion about Iive liuiidrcd _u. sts. though one thousainl, including servunts, migM be coiu- fortably lodged under its roof. ln the b-Hemenc are the oeneral store ror mu, receiving roums lor provisions, occ. (all bought at wholesale, at't.-r a careful scrutiny as to qaafity, iS_c ) bakerv, laun- dry, ice-room, kitchen, Scc, with two b >il«rs al twenty- five horse power each, and a sfeai)i-en_;in« wbich works the mangle, ttirtis the sjiits, faraaa water nito the reservoiis at th. top of the house, and will doiib.le.s saw the wood and chttrn thr butter whenever there are aay of tbaaa jabata do. Tho l.ange ia the poorest feature il tlu eatabliabaMot, araaUag in atoaring out the coo_»' eyis a good .leal of heat which oueht to be Bavad tur eoa l*ing the Ibod. It mav be that th'tre me no beftei in our City if so, we t-bould seud persons to I'-irie to letirn how to conatruct ratues j-ioperly. It is a groi-s barbartsm to cook tne kitchen-mnida w.'ifd only the victunls are to be eaten. Here, too, nmid cor f*enial glootn, ure the gru^- _ery and Miioking-room, smoking is not allowe-l lo make hideous the ottice, halls, readm? reom ice. The gr;>_:_ery looks afrnid of dayli_ht and n.. amed of itself, (aa it *vell may,) and isevidenfly raady to at the firat appaaiaaea of the ex- aeeted Maiaa Law. Haataa gmnt that it ta*} BOt have long to wait! The .-Ietropolitan will be opened to the public on Wi dnesday, S**pt. 1st, arnl alraadji B gr. at jior- tiou of its rootns are engaged, rhoueh its booka hare been open but a day oi two. .Snne idea af irt* extent and thorougbiu *s of appoiutmejjt mity bagatbatadfrom the f-icts that ita lilass alone coat 1-7,000, and its I' over |70^M. U is n. /nut Hotel; but it aaggaata hotalaaatilIlargar ¦.mi better. Ita8teat_*aagiaa takaaap t>ag_u_eat tbe ei.tnii re hiid di-posits it (jiiicklv und ctrefully on tiie tlurtl, liiurth or any higher floor; but tli. goeata naost tu? themsrhes up the ataira-aya, which ia abstird nnd transitional. ln thn next lli.tela they willntep into a car on their own llour, «nd glide qnietly to the or the atra*et 'i-.-r. Tlie .11. t r. i-.-l.f mi lifrrra ifa joiirnals Im,n eiety State in the I nion ; the next advanoe will give its guestri Tatagiaphk .liH|)-it-:he8 from every point of intercst, sent in manifold to each auest who choosfH to order and puy (orthem. Kvery -t. \i alitiiil irdicatea uti-1 iiiukes pldin tiie step that is to foMow. Wbcn.O when, will some cnpitaliat build a Ho¬ tel tor tbt- I'oor 'I'he neerty, tnn.a-rui.le ariatebaa *_o now cower amon_ tilth amt verinin, expusuie to tbe i-lfiiiiiits, and the .eedt of p.-*.til. 9*30. m < !roaa ami Little tVaterattaeta, are payiag eno jgh tor liKigln^s to secure them pure lir, cleanliness, acc'iuate Hpace aiid aaarythlag t'i corn- tort, il houfeB were built with due regai.1 to their wxf.ts an.l tbe bett meana of nati.'ying thetn. Iluv. loriir mucttrufh -jobvious need to be dinned into the public ear before it (.hall be acted upon . aa Jollv Gkl_..>..&. W. milea to state tbat l.e paid $5 to a certain Dr. Ca W. Koback of this City for ndvice by conjur.tion which would enable him to draw a generous pn/j_ in a lottery, and waa sold,ol course. He aenda ua all the do. uments iu the case, and sats : " 11 lt n eeu your vi. aaa, publlah them I am confi- -ent jou will tbereby tavr hundrwlt irom b.l/fg twm- dltrd ln tbe jtroatett i-aaoer." Hot r-en-e I'rople who can be taken in by so bar. f*>red a hoax will he sure to fool away their tn. aay aeaaabaw, and it is idle to try to stop tbaaa._ * Amebica.>sia Euboi'b..Atruc-heartod American, writii-g im *k*am\ Southern Italv in repre- henfion of the et-pionage and ar/hoyar.ce to which An.enrans are expo.ed in tbut region. hy aMBOa of ihe hatred and dread of Repubhcanism there curr.nt, aay* " I hope you will ueceed in elecling <le». S< .-! r, aot thar I care much ahout your H »ne PoiitM a, l-ut bacanaa I know that hia name would ba a t. rror tn evd doers m this df-.pnr-rMV.tan tt- ginn. Uen. Sirotta elivati.-n to tne IVeatblnioy wt-u!d cause ____BB|_aa ro be respecti-d rhrou».h* t ut Kurope, where hia heroic acbi-vemeuts and gn-ut bl-iliti-a are very knowo, eapecially aaasaj tbo»e who hate aud dread the contajioa of An-eri.aa lulluetice." Vlralala. Hxtract from a ptliat*- li-tttir to The Trlboae, dated " Kbllowbi illk Praaton Co Va Au_. 1 .__. "The work *jo.s ou gloriouBlt in Weat. ra Vir* ginia. We will roll M*)A vote here for Scott that will delight hia frion<__ ond confound bii adrersa* riea." Vc flflflfl! .**>Bl-By|Taa}a. ttn-a-i'* ¦ »f v**. a. y tiK-b* I.otBHAVBlfl. Cllatofl Oo pt. an- 7 |^ Tlie Wfclg County C-flflflflmlflB JU8*u. hled bere to day and nomintted Uie f.iu. tirket : ^wtaj Far Ctmgrm~\. k Havrtar ttt LorkHavaa Pue Ooi, .IbwIb.J,,,,,,, y ,irAf J -- F»r,..____W|t-A H. Ba,T M -Wloaa ^ A rreolution wa.s paaaed -ll.n* ,ip<,a fh, ^ >'f (Iinon County to mept jr, e.ner,| ,*. J Wcefing on tbe 14th of -Vpt.. nv_e, r.e.t.u, ^ tbe ball for S< t/rr and IrRAifAB. t. *** ' "-t-l'JS, InniAi-A.Hon. * nmuel W. Pmi^u heen noaiinaled for re.-leetiefl te CflM. k Whiga of fhe Uh Di.trict Ur Y -__V-7**. two yean aCo over <,r.r.e w. J ,l.n ,,w , penripiit DemiHuatic candidtm f.r \-ir_ . * denl.) wbo then ran a. the rrf;n ar OiinjJ*" Congieasional caididate. ' Obte. Ifltraet from a r-uilt"tt letter lo Tke Tr|-ioBa. ___ Eaton, Pr-bie Oo., Ohlo, Pridai. kH ¦» ,£* We Hro low in tlu- iui,|,r .f 0Im -j ^ moat _jB_B0fltaflfl p..l' i. ,i o-Bflaif- u__ta__m pvprw,',,r,Bed. fccOTT flflfl GBAflta ar. £_\ -, tu.iMimpt,. Hmt. I.k..n.r., LlSjJ T flgvBtlfl Biitumn tmaiaf h,e.'ZP .,* ,.'.«.' .'.,..,.,ina tr.e ca,.,p,.rn iathfl'ltfl k.».2S Wr.'i, (,-rihdtntiv hem r. ram I;-,,,, |..-r^T aafl Ckamam m .NuvrmhPr. ii .,. u haoS hlt-.-tiori, ui,i| thua wheel Obio iu tte Wfl* «.'* a^am. I afl. lnwit BflflflfllflflM Full retorna have ooi jret rfloahflj _M to tliela'r;.l.,r.,.n i.. I ,wa The lo nPe.a^ ticket ia fl.pli.ved r. he eir, ten |,y a mnl rtiT* .. ncll a Diajui t- ii- an letdil, ,- .'tere,^i Iflovi-iiiher. For r,M.f,e»a, Joun P i'toHH-J. IN t-lntnl III thr hurlinaflta lll-.rt. ' l.y ff .7«a tfl l,<l(i i,.-.|-.|,» oae. Clalk hi>l..,r, I i. *_ .-nt ln .he D.-trict. H-.m. ii,m-. V,,:. taelectrtl. baaliafl V. |-, v\ |, , ..,_, "I ah.a*1 ol bia ti lut. Hifl tii.ji.nty i. .,)t .! kiown. ~* Tha lowa Seiate ia eetflfflflflfl flf 3| Hf_n and fhe lluii-e i-I i.( ln ti e la.' I.e^sUt ,tr ,Z Whg, h_«| four Bf rt.luia .,,,] f,« P^-.J" tivea. So far aa heard frum. ar th- rru>at |J tlOD. ruradvaea att-, that tl. Wb'wii,T. el-x-r__J '^ teeo 8enator». ai,d leel flflhfl IU'.- ,,1 (.,, ,,, ,.. «^ L t-i. Pee- b-ve MwBM fi Maa, tm, aoMI <_., - flVhljit a tr.j ritr lo .hr Seaate. " .' Wr fhvtt b ard o| tlie eir,-ti,,n o( -Z) w tm titha n ouir ol K> prt-M-Lt. le.. aed of 17 I «.-k..c « lbMtur.JP- rnu-lil wil gtvr Ih. I. ,., Y ea, M*..aa-vl, a irpjorily of tro ortw.lvr in |r«_H titll ^ H-rlh^ fxtt-n lor v ...t lt, .he vVn'iPauai^ / Ue.-ry. J fteraon ard Wiahlng*. u- where fe ^.^ li Hy Bll COfllfUlttPd uf nimiti * I'l.IlD or A, fleb.a,ejarflfll. aM| to -h.- advaot-ge..i ,n« _,,*,. e-ortta tfir LenltNturM would have ...en Wri)» aa^ia . lectli r. of a Wnlif Lolted S»t_i flaaaaar ia ?ever.l conB'i-a, alto, ihr Whl^a |,_at m^miier. ay |m two tittl't-en votea. Notwltbitanftli v theae difectlona, tbe Mfl. Wta di bc well- r-ubly.and ani-ther eJartloa aiii tdoviaa ii.wa li . Whla t*t-lr lu tbl. rr.ult tm-r lirvantaiu .i enciu'agrpur ixlitlcal lil.ofia; and w. ireoi^Tj H) tlie BflO Ullla wliich lliey ^ive ol tl.e \>r .,i.ct|i ^, Ii.'H.Ii i n.l -B.-e They Itt-i..! m .arry ina SuM t* and thit *!(*.-tl.-n haa .all.h-J them <.. ta.irBb'll-t ro oo it. ,*_.-.,u'« iitme la a lower o. ani «-a ti h eevcttd W ht,a a. I>wa enalala., anfl tarmrtauy tlatPiprc- can (*o nithln^, at I' e.,l.-f.t t aflvaaBBBI tit'rit -ta in th- luipruv. n.eiit >-t her nvara ami ta. ^ bIbIhh -e to br |<lven t . brr rflilri-HiN, we frpl aa ahtit* et i tideDce tbat ,°c "tt and C,r liam wlU mtaiva th. ,<iw of tbi. youog, tbriity and tir,..,. r. .. st*te [., L.fla Republlcafl, lhk. ¦ aa Teimrtt-er. Eittract from a lefer to The Mbaaa, datefl WootuiiBV. Trnn, Wefla. i»y, .Vug. M, laik You may rest Bflflured tbat the Whijoof thia State w II rallt vt ith great Inr tbfl tlonouaafaiidiid ul Si aml (iu v u vm n.nwi'fl. ett.'dinp th>- iintim-lv ouir. nf li.-nfn ani vV'il- iiniiia. TaBB.araaHIaaad shflflflflflfl o> v. t'ltia ln.lnl-1 ol theOdChirl iu .Nuti-uiht-r i eit, whi-.l ae wil he u.orc than ladpn.fllfld frmnt. olu Luj.irfl State. Vouia,, I^BBHiflflBB..Wbatflfer doubt mi^ht bave exiatf d for a phort periud *.._ to thfl -MMfl! tlie I'r. nu'i-iit ial iiiiniiiiif iuiih uu the iiv.i iraC political paitiaa ia the evideoefclAI i ow potirii-g in tbick and la.t tiut iliar. .iHwt Btate,aetiag Bpvfl a deiiberute .... tninuftM fli.tit woith and BBflOUbted flatliatifliB an.l pnr-tf of the Whig tioiiiii.eca, will ^ive tu our cainlHltlflfl an overwh. Iiumg aupporl in the eli-cfu-yMjIfl. vrii.ber next. In jueiitidtion i>f rhit "piflioa . aliiuat Caily receivc letters confamins: aa.iiraaaaa, of whicli the folloaing .xuacf ol a leceutlMMr 'roni Sh.lbvville atTuCa a lau flpaflflflflfll "Scoti wdl i anv thia Slate bv a i-tverpiugBA- ,(iri»y. There ib !.¦-- nipitflei liou, ami lo gr»sMr . ii'luiMiiii', iu our paily in 'flua Staie, th. ba. t-ver hrlfre herii known i.i a |' n- .tl aaiaa. Oor attHtor* lur the State, llmry .ul IN_kaH, are doinp bnd ant eervi:.-. A. V llruaii iu-1 Ha- kr|l ut revnal a|-poiii'iiit nt-. Imf *Hf ao flael vt.i.tec ui each rurtioiiter lliitf hr ha. tia Ye* <Al " All ia a 1*11 iii TeiiLi asee >ou mav r< -f -i notti M tliat. Look out lor a nuuil lepiur <r ui BBTfl fSovetiiher." . [k-pohlfc TBbTidB i- TiKl-iM., am> SritiiMi v -Wt oa ii II our, who will rrturuibttr thit afl have i ot in plni ilu m err< ncou-tei iintetk-fle- totore, thut Teiiut i*»p . ill viitt- l.u Si if i um'U. ln in fliy a trhunphaur maj irity. We knowol lh»e .cibtiC ch-t.i^.'-tili llieii lavo, a-d lie.i ul flM* ftirollgh. IO all theii'itlit'ea They.'.o ii'neiif.eBPB .it. iiiiiit.-diaie ueif hiiiii.-*, iii fhe -fo et we I". .% m.d arr to be hmnd iu fhe i.tirr- nt w inla ul Ml ( ity, the i-i.-lfii ta ol rhe t-i iiutt, anil "u- (mlfllflB . t thfl whulr Sraie. Wo eaa imiiit ^ k,,i_,i,- ,ti*ut i iu a neijthborine riiunty ,. am, |, ffij.rt-.M.» viflflfl vt I 0 VOted lur t'..._ ,,,i yrara .i'.i ll iw t, mW I'li-ict. Wr tltliik »> can name a .¦..,.m'v ti.iffl . where thr W lit'inin upon rhe U.t . |,- i..,ufl# li. Ifl II, uMltl iHI Ultl .. Wen.W t. |.ve We aflflfl pnin m iitty or neirlytvery >1i, d|e L- mi-x. toiiiifv, Oui urwe Iuiih Kiii.r 'IVi.iieiiwp. i. '.tattt 1.1 il le piiviite .oiirc.-, anil ir »er. ch-riiinr. Pflfl. V\.pt IrlU ei-i-et- wn Iihvi' not l,e«i,l mi drfiil'MH I Ut we behrvr we arr tt eir tt,., oi, ^a:m.,< <roflfli_J VV e ilo bot care to buni-f, tiut wr t. nr iiatfl pti.ple flf j.ohle, paliioru IVioir.-r nre * tbfla BBfl Mfl caiuiot well h tp i-avillf,' P0. tti'./ktt Scott and (iiaham' [NaahM Ir I'eiui ) tl Srott at C-MrtaatflB tn |s.T.» '.'13. But Iflflfl diflcretion ou ih** part of Swflh in the tm n.< i.tuos «i,d i-t-li, ..e l.u-i ¦.¦« **m t* li ull lli- wn- rtuii^t il, a ii ii lil hnve ,iiei l||*flfl f'tt'il Clitit.trufiie Rr^nidllii! (lie pro.ifirlv flfl Bieflenri' va ith whun ln- need *. Iintt- tiieM li-ble ttpfiiii.iiiy of llniaiiiiu VV-it-m. l.trflB Kt-')., who went to Chailretoii aa fde l.-aipflfll (rltatll ol'fbr (., (jielal iire ,,\ lii*ifl_) llitt Ii'lt-d to reetoie pacill'' relallolja urttom >uiith t^jolina nnd t; ii I'i I-ral .iitiiur,t|B That guiiUinau, in a lru*r, tuu* ppnaK. ol Bl imiliu t ol <i.n S'-ott: 1 wa« M Cbar r.t.jn wbea be arrived tnd aitaaM the ootrim.Ld. WBlcb 6- flM wl-buui par du "f tuta. ¦ ¦ur wbuhaduoiauop,.' r-uid'y ..tu.atrv.DKO,. IO..-II bfl flfllMa 1.1 Ma tflflf"-, o ii tiavr auai. i'V aa t-pu u ul thr JiflaBBj ta-aflfl r . <. w __* ***f larte aciiuaiuiaL. e witb Ba \pt> pl* of Oflarle..y wu. ht nu nut bi. aimatl B w.a auc' n»l a-^ ibt great m.joiuy < t thrn., ., a. up _. >m ___h tutrtta He.h..uflit,bP-_i)ieti..t.iro^-.. ._*T__ elv 1, war bt twe. n »t,r l,__;.-d .< ate. a, d M .-' aa -. w.ul.i p-ovr an l-i BM rl eafi e w .UO I. .vOivfl .' **~ a flfeee-i ot «-ur.. .ti.«... ls II- |^2_i__a JM vor.ihie, k. ¦.. a rr^..« t., trm __. y*r_\ r*. | prunt to Jaa a-e. a-. be|_vl »'. -«n»_ «'J be itmZ paarfl. aafl ... '___T^ Sl OLCM) ULd.ratovd. H M.U.M!..e.., el att^JJ v&J-zz.?~aV_~zg& .,..,aw W. dui) aod **_» 'r-uv-i _.. w"-__ ___} __xaa-Ma iv... .A.rct .oA la-p-a- .»?___ niljibt bavi- mBik-il tt a aarluu. e- 4-l.l-tu. ^o o.p »ho rith'lv apprea-at- a t'l" *__«.J\l u,«»l intical paM-flpo- <" A.uvnran h.r.a*. .^ IB BBfl_BMa_-.i fhe Irv.iR p.*.T...B m ." _ Scott wb- plB.-rd ia ralation it. **£*& » iiidn-ar> flflWy. »|,-rT^^B«aa_^M» the I nion eer.prf h-m ob lhm aa on aH . J J^, Moflfl ... bi- ..aaifill lit- ; »"d '»»- rr-*iM|» ^ ,he ...imit*- J.aourceaof h.a .m.-d, o" *C^rd* ,|-o aaif-NI may be that call. up»« Jj £ | lu prraaf .^^S hiuuell ti-eaprn. .l p a.-e while hc .*;ri-BI Uia Btrn aat of war; iriUi»llUM>a»flI-**a<,BP^ i

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Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-08-26 [p 4]. · an.ittini 00l*n 0001 .111 jh-viu^ thai tex'u-e aaao-.nfer.|ut.laaliclly 10 tfw hall ll la.ppli-d or a-la a' CallTADOBO'l



tarTln* PeopVa'a Baltara will iatrodyce.Vieli ft'lat.le I IU' |g OanHeiu-n'* _**r .n IttnrdayMm- i. th TJn ext-t-a'V- approl _l*B he.e»..k\*ra ba

ttowad oi, the rl*t ieag «i b. ihia n .uae. ht* *********** *i.1*DC rferfliit .- llie f.lUa'.'J'alil t *;.*.-. t.d -|* -Uy "r '«.

Ihat rai l.rt l-l- 1- *y|. e'lt'-'l 'V a .|,--..i..« P-Wl'SStBndaidpr.CetflB-dlfi Hai Kl,.18888 8 Wa!<>«._

l«o. II Pat io**'. ..p^otite the ^t^-W«^i»»_""

M i atra-iioca..Moaciia Wl Hatij bb

aJaa-aMa awltaaa nf ln* eaaarente. Mea'i-ai ******ttioM pn,tet leata-, of mtfantl of tlie no.*' taa-¦'.». 'ni l<i

avri) av ona-ajualrrf »., Il.ini of rh* kl°d «.I "."""¦JIt i>.mi | ro l-e * u.»" Hat of tB. e-aa .«' Hu *.' '>IJ0',,

1* et No Ad** 3d-av.^^^^__

W QbfuiTi KaM atylna °f Gentlemeo-a

^^^*kk^^^*** *""*

To CuonTHt MsavMAdTa v-D'.iit.

*e,*H.«a*.-Avit'f»K HiLet. I8**- ************ Go---..K. I. «* avlTK*. UP Poi'-__B PBIC-lrBte ere p.e^-od to 4~«t boyer. of Dr, Oood*, I'88* C**v*t* aad Oil Cloth.. with a full. oew. aodeo.r.4>leU- a_aortf..**nl ,^____B_____da_a- purc_a***d <-atl*. aud P.rr'an liwdl at-

llefns.Sy.ver. *«uner 0-8 IWI8 .* _lvln| anlvorwlBat_f_.l-.i-> tn th-sr who have r***x**A tt*********

Dats* <._.!/. Dci-aaTMr.-iJ _4t opeBln* s eary aup-n aii.lay -f staplo Bilk* as.

r.r_l*ehT)r»*w0.a*d*. v.n.t-na*ni P .pllna, Alpaoai. M.rtn-BE en'i.el) new aod ah.nce aalaea Aiso. " A«h_* ofm,pe*f' *liadr.of plan. MaatHa D- l.ainaa , Petitu Clutfu.Bew ard heaatll-l dearttna . Kre rt. *4-n.i.*4'.d Oe L.lnns._JI ku.da of Woa.lloo. 41*1 aul M.'U.o H-iawia, ***...4liah.Bo-lch, Preooh ..- DaaaaaBli ,'> 'nvlte pant'ula' atrrr.

tto. t.out niaplav of the variout aiadre of looj tud eouar*

Bhawk jnBia'.t*-''"rf*il ti. im* couitivWhiVK <#o .0*- D'-i-a. TBH-nr

The Rovui jeTood t, lls-a- il.-t and wntch i* oader ibe

BBpenr.*--- of Davu. t Th.iMai ta purthas-i a-d .oe-afsr.E worth) uia vi«it..finip«r.oi. "h-a-'a. ofW-nt-__.ii.-raCaa.-rtoa, itutmeta, Law..* Lnce-*. I.ln-ii Ct-nnnc Hturttar

Bhiefa, E-fin*-, Pri taaa An,t_xn> **»_..____!_% uw?£atai_da!.Mu.*or.riv.le.. .ba T.---I* ******* t****^ttH, ot all oua.ltle.- ***** ***** pertl »<*'f> m'f***.,*."[behall, luv.u a____e_-a BJ tle Ue "' Kintro'deno. -"»*"»

Bad rSaeaaa exvenmor aalat] h h- !_* P-waLn,lo thia depanomnt. Sa ***** ***** ***> ********, ****** K,,v*",¦ »a-*r.a...i.' f^________^*!l_^15__.-, CabpitTbe P-r.h_-- .nd Mti._4«a ->f 'h- *****3**'\\***lgani Un. Cii'Ti. Yav-ri N-Ttoaa, B_al.woot.8ii oe-

P4BVMK. ti invfta- the --ln*«*t Krutinv tnd tiuipecluiB -f

Bf»elr Bood* and pneet.Daaaaeru Oaooa Daraai-Bin

Compnteaeven d-«a'l-tl"n td **********}****** °','J('*' la_elodiVt tli theatvle* r>« Rmwp tnd Blencheri SheetlotJ and

fcl.irtir iaPkI. T aral. O.M.MaM DleaKlMtJIT.

Oce of the uaostexlfajanea-aoriiiieitaof 'l.-ae Oo.^di ol-

latrd lo Rettil-n io Una couniry *Ve ooly ***** *'. Inapeetion of styUwa.K' pn.-aOur prlre* aro undeviatlu. aod unitorm.t-FVT «.A>H ptv

Bl.le lu teo day* _.

We »re piej'srrO U, ^rsnt *hort accoiuoflailoii of tttue, bvtflAlLt li feia-*> a«e tak'i-a paper, paya-le at Hs.ik

Wa *ba.l oxhll-ll bv *h» aid of 'ravolvr* llirou*_t_e

8_»nU», « full -aiure ol ******** .>( ** Ob .da Ordor* aent

Ioua ulll ha lilled _.ith pr.mipl-.os* *..d deapaUI. snn'i.

artrded l|.-od)ly s" the Bftataf »>> ttle BM-taa "f " Xprn**eaAe. via R_JlH*di to >*<* .x".>f ***..'..'> anatt KaM oi

^.MtTwccdv. Moi'i "". «t Pi-i-ai-)....*,luiporteii aud Job-.-ra,

Nn 41 ar.aainway.

Fall Fa\*Uto*A*****>** Cl#oT_iilia at **)*.**.MINGI C<> s-Tlie lipaaatUli aciinren ¦..*,¦ -nn rirm tur ¦ BBBfaOO'li.t: Clothli-ar »or oeneral .ale. -ij-.l u. uia! ... tde to

antaeuitr. ha* itive. ' tlie eoaaaaat. "t an l-j.^ieiiiearliol-»B'e irsde 'll-l. BtoCl af el-.a-t r.aiyiuade|na lor tl* i" tii baaa ready, and ih-> mvitetu lt tha aaaacltl a.te_ti«i. ol eaaaln m-n ***** »< praat-l la tojfa Iflthe pnn.lpal citiei mn mu-m n< tiie Eaat aud >-.-».-ii,

Kew-Oileti-a, Sa B_a___. CI-kV_.*.*_. aa wol. *» all t fie lnfal<rn.wi.«(.f laaataiaaaaia aaaaa i. tka taaa > aaa.iiah,

tlie *t)le and n-atenal ¦.! th- ir -eail r-ninie Dr-»* Co-.ta, Snr

louu. nec-ya, Overcrata, V «t_, J'anialo aaa Vc I.ave lieeu a.prrciateo B->i* Bdiuiited (t tl.e loa! twentj five yeaia T'-if_aa_.itir.M-t firtlirfallol -KS.'la -.eli-ved t. au-p aa tbal o

Bi.) year. and t" *m al'oKe'hei u--ipie--leiited lo

Hew York Mercliai.U lha o-iniry wno de.nre to fivelone no cl-'Btlei 18 the)r fad *t .ck. at.d lo B^cure a r.putatii-i- tkt kea-j.ii.t a claaanl ptrataael u..ei|U*lrd iu the trada.arr hni'.d . exa-lie Uieneat. raittj ot ityl'DD theavhoia-aledepailment "I » T I. smn.s ii C >.

No ill Br'-art*-*., A.nencao 40161.

t3F \.Mth*»t«- aV L...MUI-.K. »lr-,l.;aaill_»Bllor*, naa- aaaaww8 trom *-'o t* to Su 121 Bioadway,(B.-ewai'ci'i Martile KuHrtmaa, f'.tw .en Houatni. aud rtlersct-8r-4i4,l wh.*>» they are preptred la fumi-h «i-).-l-* '.. thenbo»f Hi* an.*n***t a.t.ea.. and titf rn-wt fa*ni'»iB*>le n.a'airiala"

Ainima and Wl.teh, 185*2* '53..Cld. P. Vux Nav> and Vli'itarv fa) or tuil Cloth ImDirtnrLead.r ii Paaataaa-lavaaiai of tl.e O-ie-tel K'naf.a-1

0\ _c- Aillior of llie ul M dar.l Dreiaand raahi .n.1-3 HroaA way. corper of A- t*nn>-«i, ***. V.

&HIK1S. Sihkts. t. ihhI bhlrta Bl l<»wpri...* tl.ier-'lv C.-llar*. will atui.d iu tlie hottaM.>B-r..i , BUP->. -r 1,1. a-u a I Gottt. M.irtin<; Siiirta iimI--

toordrr, al LBICHTOX'a Ki-at Preini-l u S-nrl Mi "ii'n.toiy,N... lo Pa'k-paaa D.-jota in N-w Oiletniai.d Baa PraaCitco- Otptieait-u fiom ihotecuie* are rnapettfilly invi. d


B^" Prrfeet D)i_iiiM'riaDiy|)e8 tHkt'ii inBuy weathei by Rci-i, No otii llioad _-.iv,

PlAN()-Koi.TlS . -I.AUkICE Stbakosi IIVkilloit-.. tl.e V" -udl-f al ie. No 0. Kr-.a 1 --»y, o_ M.i-.t>, A.')t .", sttli a tir-e R.-O'tiii -r.t ot I'i i .oa, from *n-«Beat ru*»i a in N.-*-vork and nlh-r oifiea ny .11 Btsltfor llieli l.-aulv toi.e, ti.ucli B-id linia Ala ., an aaa .'

111.11«I l.-ci.ia.-. Mrl-dsxni ti.e pjl. 10 4t. iiivir .4 t >

Call anrl I. tpt ct t'.fi iriafU'ii-l.tiHi 881 C. WaT.*on, Mantter, No 6.. Br. »l**y.

.1Fb»»: Oubckati.1'iic luvera oi ilinaic(wlii a'e p. I !) n.a\ b 8>ll|l follj entertu .ed, tiie v-» ti-ei oi. me ajrrf-ii nt ih* O'loCottaae H--.-a-Tlie Bhakaae >an Ceaeatl Haud arlll he tbere tnd m_kethi* |t.'pi''«- Ht -rl tl.e *c-u-ot uierr. 1 n.liaut'iioiit.

%c%* \L\to\ih\ Wedd-ngBi-d (/bitiogCbHait»Bi.-lliili> < i,».av. n Bbd 0-i -te.r, al * Blt O'.UUs aud I iw|.|1(_l. P.lflal E..lrli-|iea, . Ill tttrd t"1 pltl.l. irt'Kpt tillBl d . Iver wn'ers, dlver c*id autl (ike r.,,x-., »t Hvui V( ... NLl.l.'s. No.Tl John at, 1 d Nc I A'aireu *'.., 1 irotr ofBioid-ay.

IMeTKOPDLI'J A> H.MEl., -.hlLliMt al ..

The Meuor-'riitau ail) be oou.pleted aud aBeaad for tn-recej-t'.i'u of compauy S»pt I Price of Bos-d. *>i ,«r dav

.iml >N Lfi'.aM. la Co , Pr-jpnetor*SiiDAiis at E.B0OCKB Paicca..Skaart'a

R.h.eO lapMBa. -!.». ; bro*-o Su<ar ti a-id i;, 7i bi fhaplaaaBa 8"* a*aa 8aaa aad f*o*t»., n'»., Pe* hea md runchetj-i* *t, .:i Biaataa c raai o* L-idijw-a-.*.

*>\i M m a BB AMUlRSii.N OOTWITTBO..Mei'l.-rul ilir*- ali.-m«u Itvaaayal h..n all* ta

Sto. ncf Bl tw-aclilu- ami pertfCt 4" . .*i: D ti -n 41 tn- pa-.aiu ( Iti. P.-rwuf (i aaa Kilt-i. in pa.ifyioa lia reter. Tun

liiu-i I-'hii-. tim wat.r ispidly and morerBee'aa k t'-aany otner ll i* »ei. .'eanaint Tne um./. *« b ¦-. i.vth»» iKiie Hiould be witLoi. lt De^-o^ Oolul. Hi1., N-Slk hii-aai-av

Rich ('aiipeti.nus.. Pktbb-IOBI -5.Hi'.ip.ik»y, No 17*. Br.*o*i*k, o-.riiei -.t 'V t,-.*t n*\.r

Iust re«e)Vfa dliecl llom ihe Eu.upeao niauufur'-orie. .**.B'e a.rivai. tiiin in... o a la <*-aod^i..i aaa .nniaiir ,1

1.-1. M.-t» c Velve. ai.d Ta^a.try k'.arpa*t.n|, auroaaaiut BBV

tlil.-l avei btlore lu Itna ; pal'.erui eutlrelv U5W

axclnaiveily nnn.wn, tnd for aalr-tdil |o par cent lea* thinothei aBaaea aa__| aaaailai tood*.

V'l.Mli.W OBNAME.M'S Al Bl I'R..OBJH-HABV l.l'W PkICI.I1- KlI.IV \ Kt.S'.l» >N. N-u.a-i.k BiJll-%v*y and 1*. Head.*'. are .-l.i. 4 -t n.dow Shad -*. l.i-- a dfkloaiin'n* Oi't Oaraieaa Cu.-titn Trirnminjti, vc, at

fraat barxalLJ- Call aud see "etu._Haim Dvt _!¦¦ Wius.. K..i'cmelok's

BianiitBctori for tlMrse artiele* ia o-eleb, ited la all an* r*the w»ild; person* wuhtu|a li^'it, airwant aud durable \\ i«

er Toupee rai. >*r *ulled. Hia Half i)i- 11 *ute Buarat-1**-.) or *"ld *h .leaale ano efai', tt No 4Wa'l-el Cjpy thr adsrott-bia-tre M imualiniia

H.llk iillV, -« Klol AUOK./- _\CtLSI-ob Li.1 ii' iiaik in 1, iu eaaa th. htu aa arMal ia taa ¦ >

Biatit kl ui applied. **lti*ul tol-ii) Ij'tl. ball ol ltBaia bo w aahavfl Uno-oal af.ll wnn-ilt .1l.tiuMri< me .-.I -'

an.ittini 00 l*n 0001 .111 jh-viu^ thai tex'u-e aaa o-.nfer.|ut.laaliclly 10 tfw hall ll la .ppli-d or a -la a' CallTADOBO'lWI4B1.0 Scalp ea'ehli.h.nent. No fi A**or H iuto Privateroacu lor applyiu* the eya.


QT aiuoaAUi* s LiqiM Hao l»>r la,atlthoat sxeepuoL jt .eseraatlou, Uie very heat sver lnweattad Caiutil) telahrated tl E-iKarui M»dicat*idB-.'ap fm suriu* p.mpins fre. iir_ **ji -11-..U., itu.1. aaaaaa?attei.aal c"*i'-s*. uaa., aouatiiiea* .0 Poudtr dut.tlle Ul-roott hai rf roii. anv pa-> al 'he Sndy latqnid R-.iiite, l.-1*-Whlla- _o»l Ha" -»'¦*. tt *** 'Valker-ei. aaaa. HroarTwav

l__r K()WLt»» \ -VciassBa P__f-BolottauBad Pum ._..*, Cllol-o Hall. No. I-l Naaaau *t. N.w V.-il.aad Nn II. ** ashlattoD-sl Krwtiis

1^ .'isk'b P_ff-nr Mi-fallii' BoritlCtaea,.a-lv tiftl.t aid indawlrurtiMe Principal Otti e at.d Ware-i.i:in No M Broadway W' M K»vm..nd 1. Co

Sii-ks Emiiii-d i« the Dai I...U...The Nrw* ork Pnruu.stlr Drslnli.g aid M ***** ******Coxpse) ei.-pt) *i..k« ln tle daitlice witb )u< anyanp-rasaoi f l. iiaie Sinka B.-d ee.»p<a.l« wil' wdtaialtaXe. BJ8 piotee. atei hv 'hia Caimpanv. 'Y'tice. II Mti)|)n-lt.

WM. K. IKi III1 .<(>> .« BPKEt'B un

r.i'v.-HiimjiKiiirf- Haa.aaraaj ami UataoNr _aaaa<

cij-a*-ii-it. 1-. |)n£. b. Pltoe $lf |)»-r thousAiid, $1 _.riper huDilmt, ri*nta 4ii.|*lv.


a-T UHl | AITI A --¦--_.--_« __e.*-lar la fla BBMM*rmTtt Frxriui.H» .taaaCfl »ihceI_BY.b*"in« . ;«»m end 'fiin_ atatfin»*nt of r«f»frouniia nl lirierHtvc. tvrwe.p i-hi* vWofreat partina atnth livul. tlir B_aa*MNB P«».«j_*. tlu* tuthor'a laaaaaa for pr.-I. .nn. .n-l auji-portitu tht- Wtuy partv s laaaja tnd "airrani.»h|f*t of H'*pat;k"et f-ric. $10 pai fhouaou.i.11 pa* hu-uli->d. 30 eaata par .<,._. D 2 BtBttB

tMnrly.lf nitlarvjd I. o* aaal op Mail 1 aaal eae* tot SUO

BDlV. aad uad.i aod aeratt for ovei __o r_tl<»a muat.tto *AA**i to o'-vav K*-aio_e

*X**** la- 0 CaMfBELL ta our Aaent fcr the aa.',- of Thr Trih-***** tli Kl.B-il'.A

tk**** W. A MrinFi!. Poslf>f_B Buildint. B_r_top**$tit***, ba* Th* ktortiny Tribrnu tot etle ai 111 A- M.


for I'reatdtnt, MOTT, of New-Jei*a-<y.

k'or t'xee-Prttident,YVII.I.IA.-I A- URAHA.M,of North-Carollna.

tr The Trthtm* U aarv. la Ull. City. Brooklva. -VII-tlaiiitniirth wa leroey Olty fbr l'2_ eenta per week, pavat.leto tbe eartlere Naaiea amnt t hnmili iha Poat Office or PaaayPrat trill *m prooipuy pioeea imi ttt* Carrlen book*.

Vfetfft the Ii leutls of t^C.ITT and(iR\HaM tO CiH kt our gfleo aail rxn-unnf*tnp Mlowiog CunptifO uiiMicfliioiia. A'bu'hBTflfB pr.'|i>n*'il .nnler IO'* flflflpkiflfl of 'iflContni Coiniiiitift of the frieiiiln of Geo,SooQ at -VasnniiCtioi- ut every mj an-tlienth: and fft-cienr, and are Ktld *i tbotmre ciiki of Paper am) Krintinir, friendi... *he t'MUNeI etH Iftd if rnridnntVflfl. u> MM-Jf every hnme 'b you- ^oijoiy,Tfivvn nr Waifl wuh

\~- THK CAMPAICMI I.IFF OF -BV*.flf'O'l'T, with -2ii illuatrafiotia ol th« moat nvent-iil suriire nf hta illiiHtriniiH .tareer, in-'ludiua theBattl. nl Chippaaa, l.uriflv'a I.ane, Oerro CJordo.f'ontreran Chapiiltepec. \-.t-., with hia prutuutioflfl tfl* I rii-iii priaonenia Oaaaaa, fee _t/t..a Ibira.landMiiii*- iitniplilft of thirt v-twn paflflflL on fin*pap..i» rriilv nt The Tribune otfife- rhia imiru-

ine. Plttfl-1'- per huudied, 311 centa p>-r dozeo. Hreii'.c ain*l**.When ordered to he aent by M.H X centfl for

indir .Vtfl niili-B and 4 centa lor wm -*>-Hi mil.-anunt Ite added, aa tli*- l'<>*t < lltii-e lleparTment re-

uae to sfriid without ptrpavment of poata^p,llflO,

ttCWttK* tTt THB I.IFB OP A.K*-Ml AIT'I'.« broad rdiept to 'tr BllBfl Bp iti dwell-jjb:t- -nni pilhlu placeH.witti eiphtren apintedlli.ptratioriH.will alau lie ready, and will heatford-id fi r |l(l pt-rth.iu_.Htid. fl| |ier hundred, or Xenfp biii.Iv . Terttm. Votk infiVxihlv.If to he nent l<v Mail I cent for .r_Oft miles and

inder and 9 »-enta for ov-rlSflfl milea muit be addedta prepav p-i't'it"-

CojN' ln Semiie. afror _»uino bu-ii-tipps of iniiior iinp.irtam-e the hill fur tlie electionef piil.lic p.iiiter whh taken up, by a vote ef 90to ..'tl. The flaaal meant. of flettinp at Ihe incrittof a rjuiHtion in the discusiion_t Ibe BOBIBfl <tf eome meniher in relation to it.were adopted ii) thia case, flflfl the ."Senite aml*-iiuiitrv wdl doaMlflM llflllfllfltflllll the mf-riffl ofthia lull liencef.irth and forever, at a principalto|»ic of conveisation ainnne the grnve and ti\%-iiili* d iiieiiiherti of the Senata waa the coiHistencvol Mr. Trnn an Sinrflh.The fl*all waa pontponed for an hour, for tlie pur-

pope of thking up the River aml ll.irlmr hill. Thiflwbb iead a tlnid fime, and on the question of itapm-KHgp tht- Veas and Najrfl were token, resultiogin favor ofthe hill hv a vote, of 3.'. to 33. Mr. R-i.-tttl fr. r* poned the J'oBt lloute bill with atnend-mt-ntH, which were npreed to. Mr Datifl. flfiflflflMbflflt l-ill c_ui,e hack from the IIouhr with amend-iiieiitK, aml wns referrrd to the Commirtee on

Ca..roa; flftarwbialiUm Priatiag lull was re-puii.i-d, nnd Mr. Smith defended liim-elf from fheflttecfca wtricB had baaa made upon him, and afl-tim-il thfl Senate. that hfl w«e at all MflMfl readyto me* t anv chare^a made nKniimt hiin bv eitherhig or little giants. \arioiis amendmeiit« were

propoaed and r»jected. an.l thfl lull fin-illy waflflflflM d as it flBBN from the House, by a vote of 35to 13.The Chtil and Diplomfltifl Appropriation l-ill wasi

fben teken up. Thfl tvniendinent appropriitin;$9,1 mi for the China Mi.iea tvtts m»t flfraad to.the anp-ti um i « f.r th,- Miafliofl to PriMflia war..A proposition to > rant $99,000 to the ando'lirr (-uflerara bfl mob law ia Xe#-<)il( niin, at ths time ofthe Cubfl excitemeat, waa

poatpooad.ln Hit- Hoiifp, the Staatnboat bill, after more

thaa a lini.dredaiid fiftyflBWadaieat*, propo-ed bvtlu Conimittee flfl Cotiiiiu-rce, had bflflfl ado.ite !tvithoiif deliate, and fhe lejectioii ol" a Bubfltitlltapran t-etl by Mr. Ilowne, passed by a vote of 11?f i. V.Thfl Milep were eupjiended by a vote ol 123 to

44, in orJer to Uke up the Saut Cnnal bill, whichBaWraoBM ineflectual eppoaitien, patxed by a voteof 115 V.«K to only 48 Navfl. Boflflt Caaad*.rientB would flflen to be deprived of the opportu-.utv of dot. p a woik, the neglect of which haa boum (Irpim-ed .mr own (.'overnmeiit, and whichImt fnithriii we might still, pirliap-, hnve had u

jmaac.Ma. bopa ef aaaiag BCflonpUflhod. Tfl.L'phl Hnoflfl Appropriati.m lull occapied tha re-iiihiinler ol Ihe arasioa.

Bv TELKohAi'ii..A Convontion of theAmeiithii parly at PMtebargh ha* nominat^Lawifl J. I'ltmtiip aad Jac b Snarer, to Coograim tlie Wth aml XXIId Uistricta. Wo Bavaoaah, that a ci'cuiar hau heen pabiiflhedwitlidinvtiiic the EkttOrifll ticket i.r tiie Uob*i,,«!»>, ead (hilinij a uie.-tiiif ol tlie I inun NVtnuami DeBBoeratfl on the i^ih Dacambflr, t-(t( teiiiiiiie up >n t*ie future eoaiBa of Iha party..\otices ol m vetal ili.aatera at sea and oil th-W'eaterii rivein wtll hefmird und. r the telagraphiliciiil. A preMt fltom *m the 'Jltd did mueh ilanii;-*ht MtinphiM, Teiiii. CuptHin Maicy pa.ori thalttt} in a _-te»iiilioaf vi>terd(iv.From Kev WraBl we hnve uilditional ship news.

The vvreik ol thfl Atlantic, aa we learn from Hot*lalo had imt baea diaeevaifld."Old Uullion," and the new Mmister to I.i

land vvrrt; auinnp the anivnls at Waanin^ton.Aliotlit r " riithuaiastic" Wel'Mer meeting aaa

held in lloston tm Vlondny evening. Wr, ho*-rvar, fo aot aafl tha aamea of aa) rery iafloaati ipi liiiciaiiK auione thoflfl who addresxed the naee'-

ii-p. and have dutihts as the eorrectn-tr, uf f-i-(, ar. wm* h, it aan ttatfd. Ilon. Kutua CheatfliiiltHdH to lahe on the Piflfliflflfltial qUBfltiflfl.tW Tho moet intflPflatiog item in th

BBBta hroMfht hj tha Aaw lathe report that Ta .-

BaBIBB, the head ol Ihe house of Barinps, jtt«i*lic imt to thie co-tntry aa a .pecial minister tnBflflllethfl Piahary qaeetiflB. Ile tt a brotherolLord Aahhortoa, ilue. ¦ Vietoflia i- .-tiii ia Bel*piuiii. ln tra. te all ia i|nie* an the |TAffl L-iuisNapuMoa ie aajoyiag hia. If, aml aaving up pro.i-erty lor a wer fla*. The election of im-iubers oftho Lt-git-lative C.BflJ do nut go on well; thr n--

tpii*de number of voter^ I'ail to appear, aLd thelutile pfloeaafl BBB ta be repeated attui aud agai.i.Mr. Bflflflpartfl aBghl t.»i.sue a decree imp .afl a

fine tiii eveiy elei tor who laila to '-ome up witli lu.bhllot. \W have i-ouie inteteittiii^ part.culars mtn

rt Itiiiice tothe m-in'.ers of thfl CMflBBfl fam.iv.Mu ll bb they puller from tbe.r e.xle, all uf themeicept the DflCbflflA ol OrleBBfl have iflflflffladthfl hujte ei Nflflffliflg to l-'rance. The Prince deJoitiville ia exi erdin^ly depiee.ied ; hia hflflfiflg iaallected, and he hiifleri from a dmeaie of the ltver-wlnii preventa Ium frum all 8trioud flBflftieflTlu Mtike d'Aumnle apenda hi- time in litrnrvwoik, hn which hia private l'brary, wth ita ri. flfifltflfeflUflg miiiii-ti ri,»t._, od". ta abumlant ii att-tinl. They- have rea*">a *o a'lavndoa thnidea vi i-oon ret-ntcring their country. The par¬ty whu h once auppurtt-d the intereitfl of LouiaI'hihppe's family it redu. ed to a rery amall frac-tion of its furiner strennth. Its chief men havegone ovrr to the Lejjitiiiiiata, and ita rank aml lileUi Kf>napaite, and every d.y aees new deaeTtioaa.It aerma evideat that i>'apo!etja haa

lha p.*>«. naiotia of tho ht.tif*e of OrjVnna to UieFirnrh f hrnnr. Hia only rpiuaining rival ia IfenrvV., end amon. intellijent Frenr-hmen the opini-.'ii. aenptal that thia priiico will com* in on the di-t-.oltitinn of thi* n»w impendiriR empire. Itappfltrathit on th. AuBtr-ao Finpernr'r. late jmirnev in

Htinjrary be wa* lereived with *3**m**t* bv the.-.'tvopic portion of the populati'in. The Kinenml t.iiTn of gpaia hav. had a quarrel, jrowin.:..ul ofthe jaalonaj of thei f'iriiier. In PWtasjelthe fj.finr.en are ia « desparrite on.lition | tha cur-

rent ol thr pubhr rei-enuea ia fri^htful.The Kneliwh r «,>if»lirOs do not peem in n hurr*/ to

fiik. a laaa of &l\Q*M prepeaa, by the R*pnh-lie of Domioica the idea tt a rotintry of 90M-0p .''>''., ni *ery |>- ur irr tiniatances, __a*0_-_Bg no

'a>ne a Mitn tit n.onry, ii prt'poet.roua.I.F.T Ir* |'l.l>ER**.T/.!-f- FATII OTHKR.

'JhcMobile Tribune.** flkial Journalof the City,' and the lendin? or^an of Cal-bouniem in Alil'iuiiit.thaa temperatetymid irimkly diecueaea witli ui the diflicul-tii--. nml duty of Kni'iiKlipadon :

The /.rr- York Tribune, lo reply toalette- froma TenBteee* At'i'lti'inttt, I'tim. tiy .<«» rld "f a dirflcultj* lnihe. way ot itrwti' atate em-ncipa*.. >n. We allud- io theiiiapir-'l.-t tt:- nearoee, Ititynh-at an nu. >#i'i »u ofinr-ii lt r-«-.-ea*_rj.ih attb-y wi'lbeaid<v-ply tnt<*re.fe<l

,ili. pabltr m iti.ra-a»thaa wbii--a, t.d arlll, ibarat-if-, bealrlia-illr-tit tn tli- Isw*. Itatyi o--thloa t Intlmatn lhal

an> tta .* i» Bramsarj io rafcmi o! t bailt*. «__ t'j»Ither tb* wh-tea or the hU.k* 10 tka ***** mad 8-lealli.-filnnln whlch .marctpatl-n w.nlrl i.l-e«t*i-rn.

To -tate thii ti-npl" j.-wltlon of Tk* Trilunr, wa thin-,1* *.ft*rlerittoiht.w how extrrtnt ly l_to<*rBnt tbanae aot".a'-* i-r) Baa are of Iba tubj .ct tbey dlsp-.e of au ium-

mt'ily. ,

The Trit.'ine, however, hta with lu error* no laenejild.*r*i le li_bt, tnd when It luformt ut tbtt Sl-s.-rvcbo raeetva lolerHtion only on the baala «f itt BoBaeala«d nmral prup't-t.. u.ia*Bet_t IrnplirItly t-i ll. Il l* th*a'.aiid-nineni of ihat potm by ti.di_e.fnt or nn-nw

m.*n, which glvet b vatita_r. mur.d t) our eoninn t, audit le oal] by holdlo< latt lu lt, tbat w. ctn r_-Ua_-8 tia

ajitti. ulty of our potl'i.n witb a hi .b ten»e o» prinolr'*S maa »" balta-* ctti iov-ttl.ate the tubj-ci wuh. .Imiita .n.l km.wl.-d4.', witiioiit t-.-inir, tbat our du7.rn Ir.tere-r run jiarBliei . n the oiietti >n

Tne t-renl fuo'-amental error of tl.e Trihum and I'i

H.n.1* )», thrttl BaautiiHir.ll racft of maa IB58 -.aaiTski. t' 1- poli.t Bt pr«)V. d, th-'r d.'ducti0 .*|t llow wi'.h. ii,. rj.-i'r, .nt railonailiy Mud-rii i.-.I-d..., luwov.-r,it n_il> coll.ctiri. thr- pn-oft to th >w thtt thlt a»-'i'n.

.i.m l« a vttt i-rror, and tnt*. no raaeaa_B| bated up « it

eaa .ifiiuiirl ln ihe caae of Tht Trthunt, tbe errur 11

,..,_ whlch mar* tli Itt njipan-nt tyinpriiDiet wi-h tb--rr i._..v..rr..-ri UBBplBB o* tfie wi.rld It wouLl g > at Btwe... IH.xI'-o, tnd sr nouore repi!-li- nnlitn tt-er.- t

rhnee, to .frlca.te the ludltn T-rrilortee Ita ru'ena-rlan** ibat thi-ae dlverae peoplee.runnlnj* froin Ibebiabeat lo tba krareai litlllaaaea ara eai oat far ouahi, therefore, 11 pottett lt. Uere11 wl.ere tbe bluodrr~of tbe wbo^e irl.^, froin the whlt.preacber to the luwett d.-n)*_"cue, llei.

lie/ily.Our Bfobile Dameaako may rest Hssun-d

thal we nre not " extriMiiely isnorani" 0*

1 he procpera, circumataocei and eflacta ofKniHiKlipation in the British Wc-t ln'dit*-.where thn Slave Popnlatiou was far deoaernml theSlave Syatem more penradtog andLnaeterate thnn in Alnl.a'ma. The compar-ntivc i-.ilittion ofthe few thonaand Whiteannd BlacBJ inhnl)iiiiir_; roginlifr uno of tlu.-.-lalanda aecwed lucitement and impunityto inaurrectioa -ain-li aa could not be hopedf.»r in our own Southern Staros. Yet a'lnicii do know tlmt tho doino.tic pcaco, se-

rurity and ordor of the Briawtk Weat [odlearest to-day on a far surer btail than dothose of their ISpantsk oeighbon whereiflBlarery i* nt ill cheriahed. So through__uS|)i.iiiBli Aniciica (Contincntal.) the end 0f-liivcry wu" the end of dauger from theBli.cks, nnd of all m.*ces .ity lor expellio^either tho CaucHsiau or the African Rareto i)'ii.iietraiii|iiillity and -ii'i-iy to the other*Knowing what are doxtf the hiatoryof.slavery nnd BniBiicipatioa lo ull formeraj_es, it is quito '_'ratuitous in our MobileDftighbor to BBBttme our groea ignorance oftke rabject. The "old habits" of Whitea111,d Blacka may ln- very bad .0 Aluh.-im*t,hut they are no than were thoae rfAiiti_ua thirty yars aj.o.We rejoice to seo our iiaiiie.ake put the

il.'f.-iirai' of Slavery expreealj on the groundof it*. ahitract "politlcal and iitontl propri**rt}." for that i-t the ..'round whereon itmust -teind or fall. If .Slavery i. ahstractlyti-niTig, it cannot be practically right; andit i-t no moiH than a just trihute to Mr.CaUxmn'a eminence aa a logicianthat hisdiaciplea boldly affirm Slaveholding to bethe dictate af tiuiii-tiity. Bem-volon -.* aniPatriotiam. If Slavery is wrong. it onghtfiftthvith to be aboliahed, or meaaprea aeton (bot certain to reaall inita abolition« aaywe j and we are happy to have the concur-it-iH.'. *¦<> of tho Calhonnitea.We agrecti too, with our Mobile nmniv

-.(.kt* that "our duty nml Intereat" (tha; i>thoae of the South) "run parallel on the

i|iji'a!i.,ii," We believe Slavery a terribleb'i^ht and curse to the SotiTh.that ittiains her white youth in habitl of indo-lenre, debaurhery and diadnin of lu.or.rendera her indnatry Lnefficient, impover-iaheaher .oil, and lower- the itaadardofintelHgence, eomfort and thrift among thegreat maaaofher people. Onrnameaake.hinke tliilereiitly. Now let us -aiipp .a,- ||were demonatrated, to the perfect eonric-

tion ofthe 81aTeh__der8i that slavery is u n-

-*(._/.. or rappoee that aaeh adtaneea.hould be made in ladnatrial an 1 Socialeionomy that au uneducated laborer shouldbe worth nb-olutely leea thnn hii inbaiat* that a *«'ave ¦hould nare no pecu-aian value and nobody could be inducedto tuke cne as a lon_; does our

io igbbor rappoee Slavery would aurvire ?We beliere it would be eeaentially deadfrom the hour it waa prored nnprofitable.We inatance thia mereiy l abow why we

think the alareholdera' conrietion of therightfulneaa. benevoleaeea .¦ |iulirical an 1moral propriety" of Slavery are all baaednpon their belief that it i- peeuniarilypiofitab-e, and would vunish if tliat hopew.-re diapelled..Aud now tO the tnaiu poiii?. Our

<_reat error, in the Mobile rteWi ..aaaumeaall rnc.'> of m.ii te be equal.'* . Bqual' inwhai ? That liiey are not eipial in atature,wt-i^'bt. itrengthi intellect, intelligence <>r

many other reapecta*we readilj andheart-ily udniit. Foinp, Curt'ee and CbaaTa now

at work in itn Alabanut Congreaaman'acoltou lield. an* far inferior, mentally andperhapa phyaicaUy* to their maalor Bmwe muat einphatically deny that thia a.i-mittvd und .trikiny iuequality give. Uie

fihlernntl Rtronp.'r pnrty any Hirht uf prop¬erty io iho wcnkci.unv ri^ht l*t tre'tt himttt iici/iivfiiii-nco <ir n ebflttfll. On tho run-

trniy, we rejjnnl thut InflflBfllllJ na an inl-ilitionnl rimi ureent clnim Ofl thfl stron^orl--r champfooflhip, BoHghtflniBflot, benflY©*loncc. Iii-.ii>'"! of innkinu tht* poor, ignor-aat negro l:'vt» Imlf the proeflfldi ofhii ln*l)*tr ttt lniui-ur to tbfl uhlo uii-1 IntfllflgentBMMtflr'l \ury. WB hold thut th<» mu-ter

oughl tfl ba willingto derote u liberal shnreof hi-* own perfloofll earoinga to raiflfl hi-benighted, brutified neighbora <*nf of thflmir*' ofignorfloce and anima] appi tite in;.>tba condition befitting b apiritaa] mui Im-iiinrtiil being. Ii' thifl truth were but ap-prehended nml realized l>y tbe Whitea ofthe Suu'-h, w»- feel rery rare thal tluir np-prehenflkmfl of peril frmn rapacity, luw-lt-.-llflfl or itisuriertion *ui tlu- part of theirBPgroefl, if emancipated, would apeedilj bediaaipated,


The . Th>indercr,» AkwIb.The Lonaon J'ttnes, through its New-

Vmk correapondent, continuea itt* fiffl on

«it n. Scoti nii.i hia friondfl. Tlie followingis frnmbia letter in TheTimesoftho 13th,receiflfld Ly tho Alia y.-tenlay:.The great ' Ma_s Meeting' at Lundv's Lane

was a lailure. It aaaa lulure ifl BUlubara, iu Uierharacter of the pablk men who attended if, iuthe enthu-tiipm wiiich it W. ABppoflBd il mili-tav-akeD, and fhe extent nf fs rertults. I'.ip II rj * it.liiiruviiiciiil j.uiriiiiltt very property imlulged iti somert'iiiitiV* on the v if nut the iraprnpriflt**,of the Afl.rtCBM the frontier to cele-hrate on Amtriran rir-tory tn", i. per,,itt*ionIrom the ioeal au/hor t'ie*, and we bflflfl bflflflreminded that it was hardlv the flOCBfl fur thecclchratioii of a victory bfl Gfloflflal S.iott, sincenttlv i\ flbott tune after the betclfl of l.undy'aLime, and i ot far from the sa ne srroutrl, ' tiiiaINapoleon of Aaieric. ' was hi uflfllf t.iken pria-tiiit-r, aud miiler rircumstanres tkieh, in Hit-iri r irotilil hnve xhoru him of in 1*1 oj hi* linrel*.Iii.- in. ' i- in luagerdaaird m anv qaarterthattlir Wliigp flnd i* verv htnl indeed t.- mt Bp in-i- li-1 i. far.fl* aboot their milit.irv candidate. Tlieybnd alicudy tned ii twicfl bfllora,aad i-vifii with fli)

hon- >.', ii'i-ii. f. mii.i patriotic a man n-* Qen, Tiv-lor. lind Hcarcely WOB tbfl e'et-riou ; nnd tiuw, withiii-int iii', aml liaaffectioi) in their p-irty.wiil- jiiinc pi.-.- thal ii"- odioaa to the mu_r ea*tifthteut-d piut'on cf tlie comaiUBity,which are

proposed for adoptiun bv tlie people, and a whn, it i-A univcrsallv cODCatfld, liun beeniiiiiiiiu'eil only becafl. of tha excitement it vvaa

xii|.jiii-cd liis n-tiie wnu'il eive rise to the pros-yn t- nf thfl Wlligfl brr imt very encouragtng.". Kii.' »way, gentlemen! Wuipuld

Scott ifl oot ii itranger to the imeO ofBritiah powder nor the thock of Britishbullflt He did oot flinch at Queenston.(though immenflely outvtunbered nml at

length overpoweredf) aiulheiwt your lo-

giom onawed Bt Chippewa, Lundv-'a Luu*Bnd Fort Krio, find came off triumphant.V..U cannot cru-h him now, when \i\* o\n\

eountiymeo are to award the palmofric*tory!

liitrn ilni; * orfr.potidrnrB.Tho following letteis werfl writ ten more

than thirteen years n^o, beforfl Gen. Scotthad been floriouilj talked of as acandidatefor the Preflidency. Tlie aignera are

among our moat eminent cidzeiu of allpartiefl, moat of them >'ill nlivo. Will our

citizeBfl comporfl tbem with what is now

r-jiiil of Qen. Scott by the Political ussoci-ktea of some of tho algoersl

h'aw-VoRK, Aprll 1, 133''.Sirt: Vour frienda aml lellafl-citizeofl Cn Naar.

^'oik have learned with aofeiflBed graMicationthe reaulr ol yi ur |loriotlfl etlorti to avert, in ainiiiiiirr ei|ualiy honoralile ta both partitS, occiu-ri-Iiii-M whicli tii'-li'iced a colhaion tliat would liticbeen depieiatt-d by the whole civibzed world, be-twrrii two prrat uationa connected by everv tietbat caa Mad toftther kiadrad people.What you have acconiplialied in tlie rerrnt pa-

rifiealioii OB our ea-ttrrn Irnntirr i-t, however, sir,only wnat a knowlecge ol your previou.. careerc ul.) nor have failed to imluce ua to auticipale.A* the ln ro ol t'/. i/'/.r th your name has been, formure tlitin a tftiarirr of " eenlnvy. faaittiar to lheitho.'e A'/ti rxean peoj'ie, n./d ts, to ti,_ miwlx ol lheri.*ing et nt ratiou, nssoctaled teith Hu moet rnemor-

tthtit ttetttt oj thrir fniintry's hislory; while intha varioufl coBtflflta.which it iium beea your detytu r 11 v "U ajfaln.t lava^e Inei, we have ever foundthe t-ilent and eni-r-y to a|i|ilaud, which wen- ao con.picuuua wben t-inpluyeo a^aioit tbe veterati. of Ku-mpe.

Out 11 a .etierhl, who vvir.i Uurcli on tho tinld of bat-.Ir, ii. tka -. iiiiiicHiliin of a na ion'i honor, b-» entitled t.>our srau-lul leeudflflfloao, Boa nmch more deijtrviDgiit.ln it, ii.i 81 hi- b I'T okott pruilrrxce and leiedom the ue

ci-t«ity cf a reooar. tu ar*. it avirtt-di Withuuta| ti . vi rrlnj; to traniactlnoi n.w preaent to ti* et ail, ln you we r«-i-"atl/e fA., trhn, iti.ugh nn ardet t ttpporier of tke. inttituit,,M gf *'» t'vn rntitttr'j..^()i t.aru.ted iciih the neutrality nf tte Cl'inilinn frontter, not only knrw kntr ur ],rraasa ar.d maitiluni thr rn. mly nf our otrn lairt. but toowr'l ui.di'rttt,,Kj tbe d-jtiei wbii-b --ue nation owei t"Btii-her. tu ton eLt, for ihr f/ropajfoiitin of political pein-

u nni icar amoDg tbe lul-jt-ut. cf a n«l^bjjrlu|{¦Afl tririidly pi.a.-r.

Ai * teitiuK l.y of our reipect and esti-em, and wUhtbrvl'W of aXflhflBftag Ctinaratiilat'tiDi on tke moat

tiu.t rvtiit, t.i wbieb you bave riMtrm'.y t i b.t ,.t:-.coutribu.ed, ae wou'd luvlte yuu to partake of a public,:ii,r ir iu tbu city i u iu h « day aa ic may comport wtibyour tuiivei leiice t appulot.

.1 -.ini-.x tij.a, Tm-'MM VV Lrm.u'i-,VV a I'i . n, Be.fll Kv»,AaBOBCLABK, JONATHAM "R. -; IT H.tLI.,<¦ ¦. .ll IN Rl IIIIIUNIC, JR.,BaMVEI H Hl'u.i.--, Tll'i.M.vx flf K Rfl,Bt-vtt. VV,.,U. R.08,Dtln.F.V ar.I.DEK, P. 1 IRII.JambsJ. J..NES, BkBJAMIM L.8.VAN.

Baw-YesK, Aprll 2, l-c.De.vk Sir : It i-, now two -iuce

tbat. tutplr. d ^y tb« mt-iltorliut i»rvirpa you bad ren-I to uur OOaaoa e izritiy |b Fiuriilaand A'aOaiua,

aLd rt-jolctefl lt the th.rj rrci-iil approDatl >n prinouucmdt>y tbe i'lnltient ot tbe (.i'nited rttatra, upon toe tiud.uau a ci urt inartlal cf Inqulry, ln whlon thefle .rvk.had been !,ruuuht Into 'jueation, yuur N,w V'vji k had the hooor o* Invltlng you to meet ihcnat n pai iu-1 iuiipr,.and oi recetvlng your accttptatic.- Mile avflflflflflt

t'atoward ci'(-mtt«Dcp» roa no looger -v-iittlng. huttlirb tben wei^'Crd heavily ujion thi. commualiy, in-duct-d you to atk an tu.i. ftalta p >ttp jueu)rut of mnolnter, ar.d Irtiut need u», a* the ntflBlia ui oi.-z-n, tuai-u.uie.i-e lu that rrijut-it Bui l"w tbat the flOfl.8.cial il-t-icuiliei, thrti exliilng, b*ve pai.ed away. a-i.|| ,t ).u. ln tn ^at pe-iud to the pn een, have iieeo ao.iu^ou irom one ntic triumpk to tiHot/ier, teien, inaddaionto lhe prrtrrvaliun of o<i.r ne itr tl oir ^altt'ti oniU L'ti'iaaa frontier, and tka bioadUtm remocal elthe Cb.rifleea Irom their acctent hnmea, yuub.v-e, under C-rcuniiiaLcei ot peeullar .ItiJicilty.Ld PXCUeaient, lucc-jr-fi-i ln iirnveniing any viuiaii >uol tbe p.ace ol tb" i-uUMiy, flad lu preaaniufl tbe duemb ritiiBli<D ot ihe to the Kederal autb irliy. lnIhfl. t'ltt.-y iu aUputtt betweru tho I'niad .-wt.-a andf; -ri.1 H' italn. tn tb<- Ifltafl.fl uf the .-.aie ol M-tin-, weci.iiu ibe luitilinientof yourpled/e ti rneet your f.-ii tmntt/'-iia of New > ork at a pur-ltc dinoer aod our prea¬ent pur^-ie la to Invite you to name a day wqmo Ui<idi 11 we rr. 'e. ln owlug to you. may ln part bepild1'HiLir Hotte. Eoaraao Ctrana,Ti'tunris PBBLP8, J. W.WflBB,Avavrrva Plbmibb, C W LAVaaaca,* iai i .;, r Oiaoi -.

Cbabi . R "r J,vie» B Miaatr,C'MtKit- An. Oavix, VV M PfllCflJa.AB Huv r. Cilvai-nsi} Kr.aai-,o-.uiN Hiin-Mii, Baa.n H.MBVIB1An hi.aLD UaAitr., Wili.u Hill,J. VV .TBOfl VV i hi., SaMI'RL liLIZNN.Ji >rPH Mnmoi, Ju.izrH Hoxib,Um.lii.ti.LAia, Wm. L _Jtoi«8,Hirim Kktchim, lpvini. (Jbaham,11 MiXWBLU A K WvcKon.John A. STKvrai, Wn |{ Aap.flALLGi.oai.iz a. I-otoHTV, Saml-kl L. Uouvtm t,-.M. C PtLEIltfl, CIIABI.B8 O.AI-tMft B'"'\. Dabibl Llmab, '

OaeeeaW.Baaaa, it k w,»i,I.BMBunrr, Wm W.tJaBBMWAr.Wa va im.ton, M.aa l. 8miTh.

Mntrl-ltulMlnK.The Mbtkophlitab Hotkl, built by

r ti. Van Rensselaer E>»<*. on thn ute* rtf |*..r>|<.'atiarden. under the euper-iaion nnd for the tf*nao<*yofthe Mf8f»rB. I.elandt. late of (.hnton 4o.el,. ill openon Wedneaday,.Sept. 1st; and as ma.rtir._-a elepforwarl in the Sooal tran-forma-iofl whichso manv bli. .'ly revil* hut are impotent to arreator nvert, we huve given it a rnieful exaiiunationwith a view to a tMurjr- ative detrription.Thin Hotel extenda three hnndred fe_t on l.road-

wey and two hundred on Prince-at., ia built ntone, s:x Htories high, hut threa.-fou.trj8ol" the fimt »torjr is surrendered to etores, leavingonly aeventy-five leet in the center for a sp.riouscllice, btppage-room, Are, with two rec.ptionrooma far jsuest.. (one of them for iadica) whohave juric arrived and are waitiog for rooma to benssipned to them. 'I'he house has tive eotrances,tao of them for Indies and their attendanta, twoli r .. rv-uit n, Im-.-iiI.*.. the inain entran -e froml5roadway. It haa three diDing-roomn hesides theacrvmit.'.that tor ladies being caleulated to aent.two huudr.d and fifty persons, amid evi-ry aj.jili-an. e for the satiafBction of the palat-e. The thirddiiiinj.-ro.iu is for childre n an.l mirses. The Pub¬lic Parlnrs are iir-ur theae. supplied with ereryfitting auxdiary to eomfort an.l elegance. Tbeptivate suite. _. rooma on thia Hoor inci ide p .rlor-..ii.*, taro or more had raaaaa. b»th, dreesieg-reeaa, store-room, Aee., and are superb in alltheir appoinfmmt., as they well may be,Hi.ce the most eligible are ebaigO_ from*.75 to fl'HJ per suite per week, and are eageilvtaken up at those rat.s. Thence to the upper-mist Htory tbe rooms diminish in size and ex-

I-. ir.-.-, tlu>.-.-* 111 tin* _i_tli Htory being let at $ perweek. The price of board is uniformly $7 pei".reek, nnd of board ami lodging to rranfient guestswbo do not require extra accommodation.a i_ *)¦>pai .tny. One ilu/./.ling _uite ot' room* ia fitted upor l.ridal ¦ arties. The furniture is ail of eolidonk, tbaroogbty politahi-.l; tbe beda are all *.prin_nd Hhir Mattressea all the uites and some ofhe aineje rhanibers have private b_th., .to»e-

ooB_s, closers, &c, while the elieaper situ*.erooma bave wardrobes, .'roton water, Jt .., withhaths, i lo. ete, drr , immediat- Iy at hand. Tnehouse is hghted by gas and heated by BtttaBBtbioogboat, though any guest may have a o.oal-tire in his own room if he sees lit.the ste .ui-lieati. ui_ diffuaad throiifih the hails. __tple protnaioais inatle tur "v eutilafion f vervwhere. Tbe I'lioi-di li.'ts .'md Brackata ure af aaa* patterns, aoaae altben ot a .larker broaaa, whii-h B88BM nn onthe bedi.cned lact|iier-work generully inviij.ue. One wing of the house is devoted to Paaa*ihrs and l.adie.: tlie other to baehalora nr een'letlfr.en tran. iently in t.wn. Ifo lidy need see or

be M-en by half a .lo/en paraeaa out ofbaroaraset in the course of a wint.r unless .-.lie clmosest_ lie.The nmiibered rooma are 353, of which paibapa

llifl are I'arlors and 250 BaeVR >oms, tboitf. nioiv

are both. The house is calcul.t*-d to eatartaiain pcrtct tion about Iive liuiidrcd _u. sts. thoughone thousainl, including servunts, migM be coiu-

fortably lodged under its roof. ln the b-Hemencare the oeneral store ror mu, receiving roums lorprovisions, occ. (all bought at wholesale, at't.-r acareful scrutiny as to qaafity, iS_c ) bakerv, laun-dry, ice-room, kitchen, Scc, with two b >il«rs altwenty- five horse power each, and a sfeai)i-en_;in«wbich works the mangle, ttirtis the sjiits, faraaawater nito the reservoiis at th. top of the house,and will doiib.le.s saw the wood and chttrn thrbutter whenever there are aay of tbaaajabatado. Tho l.ange ia the poorest feature il tlueatabliabaMot, araaUag in atoaring out the coo_»'eyis a good .leal of heat which oueht to beBavad tur eoa l*ing the Ibod. It mav be that th'treme no beftei in our City if so, we t-bould seudpersons to I'-irie to letirn how to conatruct ratues

j-ioperly. It is a groi-s barbartsm to cook tnekitchen-mnida w.'ifd only the victunls are to beeaten.

Here, too, nmid cor f*enial glootn, ure the gru^-_ery and Miioking-room, smoking is not allowe-llo make hideous the ottice, halls, readm? reom

ice. The gr;>_:_ery looks afrnid of dayli_ht andn.. amed of itself, (aa it *vell may,) and isevidenflyraady to at the firat appaaiaaea of the ex-

aeeted Maiaa Law. Haataa gmnt that it ta*}BOt have long to wait!The .-Ietropolitan will be opened to the public

on Wi dnesday, S**pt. 1st, arnl alraadji B gr. at jior-tiou of its rootns are engaged, rhoueh its bookahare been open but a day oi two. .Snne idea afirt* extent and thorougbiu *s of appoiutmejjt mitybagatbatadfrom the f-icts that ita lilass alonecoat 1-7,000, and its I' over |70^M. U isn. /nut Hotel; but it aaggaata hotalaaatilIlargar¦.mi better. Ita8teat_*aagiaa takaaap t>ag_u_eattbe ei.tnii re hiid di-posits it (jiiicklv und ctrefullyon tiie tlurtl, liiurth or any higher floor; but tli.goeata naost tu? themsrhes up the ataira-aya,which ia abstird nnd transitional. ln thn nextlli.tela they willntep into a car on their own llour,«nd glide qnietly to the or the atra*et'i-.-r. Tlie .11. t r. i-.-l.f mi lifrrra ifa joiirnals Im,n

eiety State in the I nion ; the next advanoe willgive its guestri Tatagiaphk .liH|)-it-:he8 from everypoint of intercst, sent in manifold to each auestwho choosfH to order and puy (orthem. Kvery-t. \i alitiiil irdicatea uti-1 iiiukes pldin tiie stepthat is to foMow.Wbcn.O when, will some cnpitaliat build a Ho¬

tel tor tbt- I'oor 'I'he neerty, tnn.a-rui.le ariatebaa*_o now cower amon_ tilth amt verinin, expusuieto tbe i-lfiiiiiits, and the .eedt of p.-*.til. 9*30. m< !roaa ami Little tVaterattaeta, are payiag eno jghtor liKigln^s to secure them pure lir, cleanliness,acc'iuate Hpace aiid aaarythlag t'i corn-

tort, il houfeB were built with due regai.1 to theirwxf.ts an.l tbe bett meana of nati.'ying thetn.Iluv. loriir mucttrufh -jobvious need to be dinnedinto the public ear before it (.hall be acted upon .


Jollv Gkl_..>..&. W. milea to statetbat l.e paid $5 to a certain Dr. Ca W. Koback ofthis City for ndvice by conjur.tion which wouldenable him to draw a generous pn/j_ in a lottery,and waa sold,ol course. He aenda ua all thedo. uments iu the case, and sats :" 11 lt n eeu your vi. aaa, publlah them I am confi-

-ent jou will tbereby tavr hundrwlt irom b.l/fg twm-dltrd ln tbe jtroatett i-aaoer."Hot r-en-e I'rople who can be taken in by so

bar. f*>red a hoax will he sure to fool away theirtn. aay aeaaabaw, and it is idle to try to stoptbaaa._ *

Amebica.>sia Euboi'b..Atruc-heartodAmerican, writii-g im *k*am\ Southern Italv in repre-henfion of the et-pionage and ar/hoyar.ce to whichAn.enrans are expo.ed in tbut region. hy aMBOaof ihe hatred and dread of Repubhcanism therecurr.nt, aay*

" I hope you will ueceed in elecling <le».S< .-! r, aot thar I care much ahout your H »nePoiitM a, l-ut bacanaa I know that hia name wouldba a t. rror tn evd doers m this df-.pnr-rMV.tan tt-ginn. Uen. Sirotta elivati.-n to tne IVeatblnioywt-u!d cause ____BB|_aa ro be respecti-d rhrou».h*t ut Kurope, where hia heroic acbi-vemeuts andgn-ut bl-iliti-a are very knowo, eapeciallyaaasaj tbo»e who hate aud dread the contajioa ofAn-eri.aa lulluetice."

Vlralala.Hxtract from a ptliat*- li-tttir to The Trlboae, dated

" Kbllowbi illk Praaton Co Va Au_. 1 .__."The work *jo.s ou gloriouBlt in Weat. ra Vir*

ginia. We will roll M*)A vote here for Scott thatwill delight hia frion<__ ond confound bii adrersa*riea."

Vc flflflfl! .**>Bl-By|Taa}a.ttn-a-i'* ¦ »f v**. a. y tiK-b*I.otBHAVBlfl. Cllatofl Oo pt. an- 7 |^Tlie Wfclg County C-flflflflmlflB JU8*u.hled bere to day and nomintted Uie f.iu.tirket : ^wtaj

Far Ctmgrm~\. k Havrtar ttt LorkHavaaPue Ooi, .IbwIb.J,,,,,,, y ,irAf J --

F»r,..____W|t-A H. Ba,T M -Wloaa ^

A rreolution wa.s paaaed -ll.n* ,ip<,a fh,^>'f (Iinon County to mept jr, e.ner,| ,*. JWcefing on tbe 14th of -Vpt.. nv_e, r.e.t.u,^tbe ball for S< t/rr and IrRAifAB. t.***

' "-t-l'JS,InniAi-A.Hon. * nmuel W. Pmi^uheen noaiinaled for re.-leetiefl te CflM. k

Whiga of fhe Uh Di.trict Ur Y -__V-7**.two yean aCo over <,r.r.e w. J ,l.n ,,w ,penripiit DemiHuatic candidtm f.r \-ir_ .


denl.) wbo then ran a. the rrf;n ar OiinjJ*"Congieasional caididate. '

Obte.Ifltraet from a r-uilt"tt letter lo Tke Tr|-ioBa. ___Eaton, Pr-bie Oo., Ohlo, Pridai. kH ¦» ,£*We Hro low in tlu- iui,|,r .f 0Im -j ^moat _jB_B0fltaflfl p..l' i. ,i o-Bflaif- u__ta__m

pvprw,',,r,Bed. fccOTT flflfl GBAflta ar. £_\ -,tu.iMimpt,. Hmt. I.k..n.r., LlSjJ TflgvBtlfl Biitumn tmaiaf h,e.'ZP .,* ,.'.«.'.'.,..,.,ina tr.e ca,.,p,.rn iathfl'ltfl k.».2SWr.'i, (,-rihdtntiv hem r. ram I;-,,,, |..-r^Taafl Ckamam m .NuvrmhPr. ii .,. u haoShlt-.-tiori, ui,i| thua wheel Obio iu tte Wfl* «.'*a^am. I afl.

lnwit BflflflfllflflMFull retorna have ooi jret rfloahflj _Mto tliela'r;.l.,r.,.n i.. I ,wa The lo nPe.a^ticket ia fl.pli.ved r. he eir, ten |,y a mnl rtiT*

.. ncll a Diajui t- ii- an letdil, ,- .'tere,^iIflovi-iiiher. For r,M.f,e»a, Joun P i'toHH-J.IN t-lntnl III thr hurlinaflta lll-.rt. ' l.y ff .7«atfl l,<l(i i,.-.|-.|,» oae. Clalk hi>l..,r, I i. *_.-nt ln .he D.-trict. H-.m. ii,m-. V,,:.taelectrtl. baaliafl V. |-, v\ |, , ..,_, "Iah.a*1 ol bia ti lut. Hifl tii.ji.nty i. .,)t .!kiown. ~*

Tha lowa Seiate ia eetflfflflflfl flf 3| Hf_nand fhe lluii-e i-I i.( ln ti e la.' I.e^sUt ,tr ,ZWhg, h_«| four Bf rt.luia .,,,] f,« P^-.J"tivea. So far aa heard frum. ar th- rru>at |JtlOD. ruradvaea att-, that tl. Wb'wii,T. el-x-r__J '^teeo 8enator». ai,d leel flflhfl IU'.- ,,1 (.,, ,,, ,.. «^L t-i. Pee- b-ve MwBM fiMaa, tm, aoMI <_.,-flVhljit a tr.j ritr lo .hr Seaate. " .'

Wr fhvtt b ard o| tlie eir,-ti,,n o( -Z) w tm tithan ouir ol K> prt-M-Lt. le.. aed of 17 I «.-k..c «lbMtur.JP- rnu-lil wil gtvr Ih. I. ,., Y ea, M*..aa-vl,a irpjorily of tro ortw.lvr in |r«_H titll ^ H-rlh^fxtt-n lor v ...t lt, .he vVn'iPauai^ /Ue.-ry. J fteraon ard Wiahlng*. u- where fe ^.^li Hy Bll COfllfUlttPd uf nimiti * I'l.IlD or A,fleb.a,ejarflfll. aM| to -h.- advaot-ge..i ,n« _,,*,.e-ortta tfir LenltNturM would have ...en Wri)» aa^ia. lectli r. of a Wnlif Lolted S»t_i flaaaaar ia?ever.l conB'i-a, alto, ihr Whl^a |,_at m^miier. ay |mtwo tittl't-en votea.

Notwltbitanftli v theae difectlona, tbe Mfl. Wtadi bc well- r-ubly.and ani-ther eJartloa aiii tdoviaaii.wa li . Whla t*t-lr lu tbl. rr.ult tm-r lirvantaiu.i enciu'agrpur ixlitlcal lil.ofia; and w. ireoi^TjH) tlie BflO Ullla wliich lliey ^ive ol tl.e \>r .,i.ct|i ^,Ii.'H.Ii i n.l -B.-e They Itt-i..! m .arry ina SuM t* and thit *!(*.-tl.-n haa .all.h-J them <.. ta.irBb'll-tro oo it. ,*_.-.,u'« iitme la a lower o. ani «-ati h eevcttd W ht,a a. I>wa enalala., anfl tarmrtauytlatPiprc- can (*o nithln^, at I' e.,l.-f.t t aflvaaBBBItit'rit -ta in th- luipruv. n.eiit >-t her nvara ami ta. ^bIbIhh -e to br |<lven t . brr rflilri-HiN, we frpl aa ahtit*et i tideDce tbat ,°c "tt and C,r liam wlU mtaiva th. ,<iwof tbi. youog, tbriity and tir,..,. r. .. st*te

[., L.fla Republlcafl, lhk.¦ aa

Teimrtt-er.Eittract from a lefer to The Mbaaa, datefl

WootuiiBV. Trnn, Wefla. i»y, .Vug. M, laikYou may rest Bflflured tbat the Whijoof

thia State w II rallt vt ith great Inr tbfltlonouaafaiidiid ul Si aml (iu v u vm n.nwi'fl.ett.'dinp th>- iintim-lv ouir. nf li.-nfn ani vV'il-iiniiia. TaBB.araaHIaaad shflflflflflfl o> v. t'ltia

ln.lnl-1oltheOdChirl iu .Nuti-uiht-r i eit, whi-.lae wil he u.orc than ladpn.fllfld frmnt.olu Luj.irfl State. Vouia,,

I^BBHiflflBB..Wbatflfer doubt mi^htbave exiatf d for a phort periud *.._ to thfl -MMfl!tlie I'r. nu'i-iit ial iiiiniiiiif iuiih uu the iiv.i iraCpolitical paitiaa ia the evideoefclAIi ow potirii-g in tbick and la.t tiut iliar. .iHwtBtate,aetiag Bpvfl a deiiberute c«.... tninuftMfli.tit woith and BBflOUbted flatliatifliB an.l pnr-tfof the Whig tioiiiii.eca, will ^ive tu our cainlHltlflflan overwh. Iiumg aupporl in the eli-cfu-yMjIfl.vrii.ber next. In jueiitidtion i>f rhit "piflioa .aliiuat Caily receivc letters confamins: aa.iiraaaaa,of whicli the folloaing .xuacf ol a leceutlMMr'roni Sh.lbvville atTuCa a lau flpaflflflflfll"Scoti wdl i anv thia Slate bv a i-tverpiugBA-

,(iri»y. There ib !.¦-- nipitflei liou, ami lo gr»sMr. ii'luiMiiii', iu our paily in 'flua Staie, th. ba.t-ver hrlfre herii known i.i a |' n- .tl aaiaa.Oor attHtor* lur the State, llmry .ul IN_kaH,are doinp bnd ant eervi:.-. A. V llruaii iu-1 Ha-kr|l ut revnal a|-poiii'iiit nt-. Imf *Hf ao flaelvt.i.tec ui each rurtioiiter lliitf hr ha. tia Ye* <Al

" All ia a 1*11 iii TeiiLi asee >ou mav r< -f -i nottiM tliat. Look out lor a nuuil lepiur <r ui BBTflfSovetiiher." . [k-pohlfcTBbTidB i- TiKl-iM., am> SritiiMi v -Wtoa ii II our, who will rrturuibttr thit afl

have i ot in plni ilu m L» err< ncou-tei iintetk-fle-totore, thut Teiiut i*»p . ill viitt- l.u Si if i um'U.ln in fliy a trhunphaur maj irity. We knowol lh»e.cibtiC ch-t.i^.'-tili llieii lavo, a-d *» lie.i ul flM*ftirollgh. IO all theii'itlit'ea They.'.o ii' iiiiiit.-diaie ueif hiiiii.-*, iii fhe -fo et we I". .%m.d arr to be hmnd iu fhe i.tirr- nt w inla ul Ml( ity, the i-i.-lfii ta ol rhe t-i iiutt, anil "u- (mlfllflB. t thfl whulr Sraie. Wo eaa imiiit ^ k,,i_,i,- ,ti*ut iiu a neijthborine riiunty ,. am, |, ffij.rt-.M.» viflflflvt I 0 VOted lur t'..._ ,,,i yrara .i'.i ll iw t, mWI'li-ict. Wr tltliik »> can name a .¦..,.m'v ti.iffl .where thr W lit'inin upon rhe U.t . |,- i..,ufl#li. Ifl II, uMltl iHI Ultl .. Wen.W t. |.ve We aflflflpnin m iitty or neirlytvery >1i, d|e L- mi-x.toiiiifv, Oui urwe Iuiih Kiii.r 'IVi.iieiiwp. i. '.tattt1.1 il le piiviite .oiirc.-, anil ir »er. ch-riiinr. Pflfl.V\.pt IrlU ei-i-et- wn Iihvi' not l,e«i,l mi drfiil'MHI Ut we behrvr we arr tt eir tt,., oi, ^a:m.,< <roflfli_JVV e ilo bot care to buni-f, tiut wr t. nr iiatflpti.ple flf j.ohle, paliioru IVioir.-r nre * tbflaBBfl Mfl caiuiot well h tp i-avillf,' P0. tti'./kttScott and (iiaham' [NaahM Ir I'eiui ) tl

Srott at C-MrtaatflB tn |s.T.» '.'13.But Iflflfl diflcretion ou ih** part of Swflh

in the tm n.< i.tuos «i,d i-t-li, ..e l.u-i ¦.¦« **mt* li ull lli- wn- rtuii^t il, a ii ii lil hnve ,iiei l||*flflf'tt'il Clitit.trufiie Rr^nidllii! (lie pro.ifirlv flflBieflenri' va ith whun ln- need *. Iintt- tiieMli-ble ttpfiiii.iiiy of llniaiiiiu VV-it-m. l.trflBKt-')., who went to Chailretoii aa fde l.-aipflfll(rltatll ol'fbr (., (jielal iire ,,\ lii*ifl_)llitt Ii'lt-d to reetoie pacill'' relallolja urttom

>uiith t^jolina nnd t; ii I'i I-ral .iitiiur,t|BThat guiiUinau, in a lru*r, tuu* ppnaK. ol Blimiliu t ol <i.n S'-ott:.¦ 1 wa« M Cbar r.t.jn wbea be arrived tnd aitaaM

the ootrim.Ld. WBlcb 6- flM wl-buui par du "f tuta. ¦

¦ur wbuhaduoiauop,.' r-uid'y ..tu.atrv.DKO,. IO..-IIbfl flfllMa1.1Ma tflflf"-, o ii tiavr auai. i'V aa

t-pu u ul thr JiflaBBj ta-aflfl r . <. w __* ***flarte aciiuaiuiaL. e witb Ba \pt> pl* of Oflarle..ywu. ht nu nut bi. aimatl B w.a auc' n»l a-^ibt great m.joiuy < t thrn., ., a. up _. >m ___htutrtta He.h..uflit,bP-_i)ieti..t.iro^-.. ._*T__elv 1, war bt twe. n »t,r l,__;.-d .< ate. a, d M .-' aa -.

w.ul.i p-ovr an l-i BM rl eafi e w .UO I. .vOivfl .' **~

a flfeee-i ot «-ur.. .ti.«... ls II- |^2_i__a JMvor.ihie, k. ¦.. a rr^..« t., trm __. y*r_\r*. | prunt to Jaa a-e. a-. be|_vl »'. -«n»_ «'Jbe itmZ paarfl. aafl ... '___T^%£ SlOLCM) ULd.ratovd. H M.U.M!..e.., el att^JJ

v&J-zz.?~aV_~zg&.,..,aw W. dui) aod **_» 'r-uv-i _.. w"-_____} __xaa-Ma iv... .A.rct .oA la-p-a- .»?___

niljibt bavi- mBik-il tt a aarluu. e- 4-l.l-tu.

^o o.p »ho rith'lv apprea-at- a t'l" *__«.J\lu,«»l intical paM-flpo- <" A.uvnran h.r.a*. .^IB BBfl_BMa_-.i fhe Irv.iR p.*.T...B m ."


Scott wb- plB.-rd ia ralation t» it. **£*& »iiidn-ar> flflWy. »|,-rT^^B«aa_^M»the I nion eer.prf h-m ob lhm aa on aH . JJ^,Moflfl ... bi- ..aaifill lit- ; »"d '»»- rr-*iM|»^,he ...imit*- J.aourceaof h.a .m.-d, o" *C^rd*,|-o aaif-NI may be that call. up»« Jj £| lu prraaf .^^Shiuuell ti-eaprn. .l p a.-e while hc .*;ri-BIUia Btrn aat of war; iriUi»llUM>a»flI-**a<,BP^
