new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1855-04-14....ygw-york tribune. rnr bjrw.¥bm. daii.v vbmvri u...

ygW-YORK TRIBUNE. rnr BjrW.¥BM. daii.v VBMVRI u r..u..«r RTBBf »oiima -m »vhiinü. t»i>.- ¦ r" r 11 in into ) ht oil . t-»ii . ¦«' *r . Ml rUMMM »" MM* WMM ¦»..*. '*.» BT*»**» ¦ T" ,T, .Kn»iti trf« ciiv M.i.l .¦-- ... lee. Ma« kwhBBrlBa** ("" .»..¦*. ie ae¬ rate. .««~-"» »s r»l>. «00-li-- 40 1 Ml Utt ' "HH VAIIFKIV THIIK iC, a if-nV laf<i»: papfr »i>« thk. 0 tl'ir'v * pck kt'd »" re Pan tnev M"»m»s »t tue low pi ¦.. -'Bl L!. hi .dreeee Three mp ee r i AS Fiee e-.p'.-e for Li Tea c in"'.' BH Bed *»«eei u M M -aee motioned keeaed us ' f p varies M . p id |l..r!«»iiiMU fie to e ie*, he rhe.,-e k FT V CENTS PEkl LINE loi -eeL MeerOen . THK KKniWFFHI.V TRIRI*! vt<h »¦ a| e»-r, H i ii »> bad Fama» Moaaia«. as 0ma.1T.,. Twe (eaeee fee Bl FiraforRUiV AdTertUe- ¦can ka ceni. e lice |h aeth kntattfAa Til at NEW-VUKIi TRIKim fill ibiopb a m IMRCULITMII V pe.h haV I ha 'he ee, a.inre ..f e»-h M-ii A'-a u»i 'or LlTer- mm et . pa* eieniri poe'ree locladed Hteile eoptee, Bit " the «KU-vorh 1 MMtl \ P Eue CAUF" INI A ORROOM AM TM ^|nb v|nH lit, 6*08 I* t*red 00 (b- departare of each Meil aiea-ner f**r eVep oeell. et ai per enrianv 9iogle cop'ee. H'-x Cento. Brlictioafl .Viiiiub. f North MxtoVa*. I're-.hyirplren i bnrrb, nenr Klfllv- al . \A 'llleitnebnr.h. . K-» !>-. f I*L \ If em preach H v iH K'l » a .a M. i'd ') ' M : lit ll> In t. B sfNaW-Tsrb e 1) P M F.'-ni-ii Iriae .urea. AM Hh|.n(ic all cr THE REI JKM aTION eod Pr Hlr-( I'll >N IN IK* LAMI. P -irfilAnn-el. tl. B. « burr h. 7'» Ifth *f the leri-e of Aero . al' alb ' to-teg.) is thie Church Will he p»«aeh--l fO-WORBriW RVRmIHO. ha the »te». ai.'.k.i ¦TCILC, fui,»r' *FL.-.llA//Atlia lEAaT Snv Uae m commence at rj t'elctk I he I like of I'm- hihI Trim.I 'lenlV"- Che H-». VJ el a\ Kl -I» »I I paerh < n thi a'.oee au et lr. (h- ma a* ai huuh aA'llleaaaeharfh io eirimii luu'liSd-M, tO-MOAAOW AVEMMO M1) u**'***. \\ coin letter l'Narrh. TIA et., helereeae. b end ftaare "I. j.i- l ucvaiR aei I t-ee-h In ''uaC. u'eh Pi|- At APQ»V (Aehblhl *AORtllWa etltAe'i ..« ei i Ak Pr.A- N et; i rah <.» BJl r aen-egiei pa* |Erreb>trrlau I hill h> The Ree. Or >' ia ar'iMiiUi. email er-i.p S Cr, he NEW. tO-k aM> miiuKLrix F iRCIOMI N . 05ART S3 0IE11 i MbBAl.i i »I.NI .J. lath baa*, deri.raa bt . eeiif" .t 1 j The Jta a. Ilr. I,i aa-le. Re bog of the Cbereh of l!i- flolj Tili » I'm I in, WIK fieaah ike Chei be aTelpoiai, fir .oa s-,,to .t |. iw.e . r lailN a«a sOit- l)AT RTEHIN9, Apil ). aVraicee o c.innere et 7 a'. I.'A 1 lir K'-v. Iinaiiin K. Kfrd. of llee lereee ,,.< r nr. ». mr ii MORROW eattlaa, lath ioat I M IHN ¦MOaaA RVENllta ,n the MaiaVodeal Epiecopel Church io 7 I. at bOOl 3c it Ria-a free TitaKtVa Dfa flallraae n' Bra » pa, ¦* o-e, >, a i»r on u in *l hall i f tLe Hi on a i.i. CM] Mil. a Si. data et lb V.,re¬ el at F. Church c roer of Hold at. Bio hits, TO MOARUW KIFN.NO *t?|af*leel 7h«e.i« at m ihe .uorniog will he Cotra. tid b> the Rae Irr. ik l"l LLHEI td who it noa out tlal to li.le c untiy from Jtf am I .«i !. Ii 11. I i, r » rr jr i' ii ii 11 f'harrh In .S»*, et bttaeee Aik eed fth ete . Preaobtag be the Peetee th« der. J (Rank taiAe liORNINOal .> tut in the aktk ANOON bl | a*cl*cl MatasAa] IflhiMt *n~ lal oi'etlnge oe ru«e- dte ^'fb'e-ay. and Thurrde» eier.iuge, |7ih, 18;b. and 11Kb. Inet 1 h>- | eb Ig er- in-n.d to eitend linlb ii HsaVI far l'oung Womi-u.- The Re» T L. Cl »i rb aiurte rtei ie« Li ti Li of bled eaoereec on Rclpture Cbaia.t.n Tl, Mt'RR'JW («uucai» * V KNINO, ie the eaag- k't-a'. < I «ich, ata Eait Bumwaj et '{ u cLi k P l.nil In-al I hurrha corner of !..¦.( «od Varel ete . Pr.ett Ii g ba Ihe Paat r He, I < A «C aVK <C T, T ) ag'>H- l .r . a M on HOME ülfatlONtl! .od at 71 P. Ii. Ü PHI VICIORI '>-' OIOEOM wuh an 9m men, ('¦Vit IBbtM M TU! r.M.bty. conuloetle eiemcoUuf Cher, b p lajnl't "plinth Btralas* In M'anton**t. I'retlnli rltin I I.i. i.l. nil lit r I e. ml Net. WM IIEaHV ü r Era.> et f.ibi^ai Lit rat .re in Pilnr-tou Theo- Itg'cai h<Dilcaie wlllpreeili Iba a Ith of the iait«i el Db> c a a e f»-t,ir ee h> 'be fass* Men ! tali I bureh. TO M IK illiU M RHINO il 7j .ttm ' W HehiDSIOii-el. M. I-;. I Lon h llroolilyn. -Treäch- Ine b> ih> IIa» II M. II iTKIRLD, TO-a()RR(|W ,»'.'. o'clo k A M and et 7| .. ilwk PA Tn« er^nioe dl» reu«' »i Ii ii| the »¦ AIS K LAW A V|l |TI Rr. KV l AKACIMENT b\ tut LrOHLAIlltF. OE NE <V- TOIIK _ lacorgte Habarn, idTtöi öl the Bible Eittnlae*, w.. pTetoh et .- uae » Mail teraaref Oiste esd Hsd*ns il* aa RL'»J- KA II V IMNU, at H \:cck 7 lie Ret jQHH HUR^ltV » .'I Pieeea et Iba eame platt at H f ». and will I T and IBM * aal Pan. a Ke-tl v Itniiee au. and tbe I] lore bo looked kVgfktktk M**tetV N U I Lire' ce on drove et Trinity IW. lt. I hnnh. The Her. H MÄTTIBON will ptaeel a. sesal et l.unili . Lte! Hall r.iia»ii| h ,t and mh n.lij-lliiUli'« ml) A M anriet 7J r. M. Morol <i lo'je.i IHE kEBURRECTlON BDI)V Hui i.,i., man am tat H w are u ri ..d raiaed op end with wbat body do th'j na r 1 1 Cor xt. ii . The Mcv. VV, .1. Ilurlingjion, Paetot tleet ä? ( itöä iv Cut gn ge ii aal I b neb. a in piracb lor the biet tloae belure t' .i I Ii ».. NfcM BAMAffB, April 15, awth u.orn- In« ano a'te nooa_ tAt. Aiin'e . hnrrli l«r »rnl tlm.-a. in Inp .Noet-- \.ek I eilet r»U> rO-MORROW the lith lar.. the Her. Pl Ahl - b. e»> .11 la'e r Iba m i i ii c A: 7) P AI Ike Are Dl \ a n K I.K »1 K will pr-erh to ihe rt-a' mute portion of it- Pariah the Beetoe aelta| aa luteiprrrer All interacted It i'e rare, re el that Qodopehloi ate keettal la a*'aod. »iilili- Ih In Kiilarr-at. I bnrch. n. TO k ( ItKli v ,-ir. ret ».H n ra . ,^,b |,.. o'elcaob. by the Mi» NAl"*e.|Kl, PKWir n tj vt BlldgePl<,t Ott. aa THE - RRBIONT1 Of 0 »0 tin- Flret ^orlrlT <if iRi* Nrw>Jrrusnlrni meet feig Int ii . itl Ii Be t UV hi.' v DAY. at Ii) A el in rht Bra-1 il. Dat Pa, il.t I.epel, ||i), r brtwetu Id aid lib an Hiputtr, ihe her^ b_ k_ barb err. 1 hi rroeieli.oiil lllahuii <.! thin 'lliiici-ee will (rl ¦ i leer It e I itOj tile ol v al tiioie'l-n at Zita i nurch. ateli ton er n rrn I 3iih rt a*O-MOBR0 V AfTetBOON Dl t P- i' rice a ill i on mi eco at ¦') \ »it. Tb Biabop of Ilil soia a ll 11 pri Mal etil Bietet i n the occaelon. B leM NadMM lire- AAkBaTJ .hihI rh] Wrath lei «iii-. - "d " i ARBffER «U1 grieach three il ae* oa 9"Nl)AY, Aor l| at tbe Bell ettaag ol Iand and EltieSal eta , no 'i ii ( AViDi Fa. if i ii» ib a art euv t;umi i iu the n aming a1 Ii I o'clork aOeno natS and eeeoing at 7. Aclepr.l .tlieaton t bun h Ko eyih e' betweeo Il-a er »' 'a J W [>.\>1ELS «Iii prea b ihrrc ti-uea tO-MORROf Uli) 1 M J ai d 7) P At m eel f r t'.e a rtil a PBOPH1 ii. EMPIRE* 10 be bl . r f \., I HE M BN AL Kl-ailUOkl OK tnt RHir I Ml It ON Ttlr RkBTOREO KAR1 II Meaie re-. Ilol'okrn.- The Re» J HFRfl .,. BaiHeaoea' n.ay he e»lact- d la pi. e\h TO M'IRR'IW MORNIN i et .01 o'clock, la ll e Meeltag IL uae ..f the Fl'at Bapilat Church. Hob lk«n aid n tt.. EVEMINO,at71 a'elock.lbe Ret a I'trriN Pe.t. arUl ru e- fobiE OF TBC fOPVLKU OBJBC- Ticss To THK DOCTBIRB Ol RXBCTION. Kirat I n- lor -i-i ninii of Ihe Krv. lato. I'. I.urae, »i. d.lTin.i no PALMtaTti M.'RMnU next al in( o'clcik m ihr Alli-L at Prae^>terien C.hur-b bei .a Iireod et. .II- rearea will he ta PRBaCHIMO TUB WOBOi bed it the k aeniog at 7) o'c'ock be pieach on he ARtfa J l JE WORD 1 he Third Nrrmon or a raerlea on I'eiierr-lu Ritee Bad l rea SB kg a Ra a irviea ot ine d 1'iisol the I ,u uecu'e'e C .. t r. will he pr-ei lied Io Ibe Noif. It at -1 E Church <CPe.nBAlli KAE.aiNO. Apill 22, by Ibo Peetor. A. U. ion NOON ^^.lon^l Krfonneil I'reabt terlan ( hor-b Thi Rev IrkNlER L tl \ .11 Pa..r-Serrice et iij, A M. u the Medical Colleae. Cioab. et. near Sp.ltg. and at .*) I' al , la the Bl mh -r. ( o-ch btuiieriT et near (Iraud Tna pu f lie ii.' .ni.ied. Pea.a Free fundae l.rrlan a and llebates a- ST itart Ha so IH biam efpeatte IprUg-tl -lAa BOMD AT, the 1Mb . P bl a Lerure on the a ati^n whic8 hi AS HF.E TUB MO rCUNUU I\E t I THE PRO »RES»: AND I al PRO\Fb»r-i ii 1 i iil'MA.a RACE, Ba.:EatCE OR TUlOLOOl P Pea-efree. Y on ha' I ninelea-k .Yllaeion ¦».> i. i- l our An. Blairaary.. lb. Konrih AoniTrnary ad itia Mo l-.yaillbe bela le the Oitea Runk Haoliet Church com er of Madia o anr< M. ti|tn ery ate t.) keiiRKOW Kkr.MUl 'Ahu.r A -ea»» win be d.l .-r.d ha ihe Ber a II OILL^tte i. OaEa I ODBLIi Raa] Msg ' a of origloal hvnae be Ibe *-usdey Hrbwl cbil.lrn.. to eoacoenco tl 71 o « precleely HsititMllala1 >Iei llnata at Dodwuth'e äc.demy, No. htb K.tadaay Mr A J. DaVII win aedieew them in Ihe Mi'RMNt. at'i; o'cbcl ai.iMr P B R kNDOLPB ie ex peitid in the em'NINO. at 7) o'clock BeaU free fi.lritsnllem.-r B BaITdÖLPH, Meattam. wih lettare TO Mi lliinw .-oi.dai it Pi ec'osk and ANilRF.W JACEAOM DAVIS, at i o'<:>.k,at the Brooklyn Iuetitu'a stale fire ftprcial iVoiirt-e I'hn noli «i.- Mr FOWLER w: Lecture in C ... ineu teile, tibiv corn.r Sl.h e .. on TTJEAOAI BVBMIRO< . I ii I At Hei' k V KNIS.I. ijl.b and on SATl'SOAT ¦VFNIRfJ .'-a- i-t r. mr. rrcirg a' 7) o'cl "k. ardclalnf I laaahb re. Beate Lee and eo.le-tien taten $J. llayilarb. the Ea-W . erill liatara oa the en ... il v . KAM I m M>4V ;|., ,vi, aafollowa: 1 k ! "a a a?** M"-".' I o'rl.Kh at Peck- kB P. hl al Cattiarui. Ma ket I o clock at Ora. d ei Fi rre The ( ainil-al. T. II. Nerletjr n - , re ».nein at , ear B.eecker e' on ."«L'NDAV KV k NINO . dctee.ed by Meeere OALBBA 11 AC.HI aid Pr. a WILLIAMS fbe Meed, of T. ¦,..,..;«, ktt aiM reeraetfallj latited ieaktaad. John qb.» Pree. Wm Na^h. Srt'y. 1 hi- ii'-1 r l. Trmiirraaer Aaevorlotlon Na. 1.wil1 bo ! ire neat reealar Public Me-t'.Bg TO mo Aid A? ituadeal IVEMIEO. et H e'ektah. la Ibt Hell No. 1AJ Boaeiy r.m\ Bee' ijeakria are rap cled to eddiea« ihe meeting Oood r. IAMKS MiKEAN, Preaideau teaaiiaH iTaeeta aWareaary. (>rand I oDBratulalory Merilng. T' r. .> - tkeMeai ag ci'bgtt'.otato'y on toe it.tiro ol der C ARK ka»a leaa.acd to baldibcir ariirurned Meetlrgoa the enact aeit ot tbe MAINS LAA I.. th« ACADEMY OF Ml'SIC. Ie Utk et ci. TIM RHDAY EVKN1N.J tbe Ktb met Erieode of tbe . aw la 111* and other State*, be delegatloee. will he la- .ijed to attend. JOrJN MABtH He, r ^'(ere tbroeghoat the State will cooler e faror by gl ring .aartrt at the Iburrb of il.e Puri'an l'u".ne;iere !). Y»'»e. e on FRIDAY EVENINO. April », II». for Beuekt Wiek ^..",H'tD a% Congregatioaal Churah. Pattieulara next mT^TL**'* *v < aTTFIuahlog |yO0|Tleland, offer far aale faClT end ORNaMENTAL TREI.d eod BHRP 48 of eeere jj"'*fc-e »anety. with EXOTIC PLANT«, ROSKS. VINES. a7- ,Le Treee and Piaule aaa eery thrifty and a fine ooodt- jw ate «.'cbaaerearelnTltedTATleit their groarde aad boaaea .M tataioitwe app.y tt No. Wail it., V01 XV.V" 4.361. " '»-t o<k Venn« M< nr.' I hrlatlaa taeoe-lation. 1 » . -oelll) r .M'i i wiii >*. Oeld BO M INO a Y P. V g 4 vi i Or jSrhiaat at "| o'clock, to lha Lector* RoMl of Cllotoa Hal. A.'oi place. t..., >, PtwI Hnwttf) r»t)kBT Subject CHA'H rUR UO'NPORMITY ValTH THE WORLD. Yuaog Men gear ally are cirdit )a Icvrrd to at.-rd JOHN A C JRBETT Rae HIM Berrrtare. ¦*oulb Wlllinmarturfkl. Tl, i,.m,wi.,i .be-oHT'I WILLI AwrlBl kOH \ I'TLaOE AA40ruriON are he-aby r.o'ified 'o ba pir.ctoa! la etteodeore a' 'h nett regi ar Basal Ml, to l.4 i>a d at tfcatr rooae. No >9V Bowery na oJOeDAY EVEMNO. April IB _JOHM WILHIX Prrsd'at. .tlanantfan llnlldlaat XasBCiBtlea IUli« No 4-.4 Praia- ls» a-Tt tk .»(Jt RTH a*a» L'aL RP-POrlT State d aal t *> BOgwaata of Iba hfeuhet'ao Building Aeeoelttiyn for teer yea.e rr ding na the 1Mb gey of aeercb. HAS in eoi foroiiry ro Iba i9tb article ot an err of tbe Legitletur* of the Stets of Pew Tort F r the inr.-irpir.ti-io of Voiding Mu- taal Latn ar.d Aectuoalttirg "and Raaaäiatlont " puted April la. ISAi: Whole number of iharrt o'igir.elly rubetribed f-r .IfiVi P. r'eltrd lor ton pay men of data .31 Wit.etewo.W| 4ÖJ Now la forro. SI Vg Of wl ich haae been irdeeiried . .19«J Le>a n oitrat't i iid la.,.r*| Leu moilgafea U it r.oatct.7| 14 l-.J Rrmritiof unredeemed. tU| Dr. caia actoi'aT Cr. Toettrnree fete re- |ByaapaaataArt f'ur ttiee".#,vei«rn tra t. RI.Si7 81 Turtfi r. fed_IP .36 1.1 By rata edeeaeed 01 To r received m radataatd ttaeat..lad,ll> tl :e. Ml By raan [aid . n ) faaalereetreceived, ii kl N ahwawa w.thdrawn To ttaetfer fe't re- f>r daee. 33.1'A >D cetend. 371 Be ee<h intereet on To Cmo rectieed..., 1.1« die«. 1,44« J2 To rtab rrr'ieed for By cth It oo to ke. 1 tit) 37 adeance daee. 81 55 To rilratr of moit- By rath la hank and gagee. RtBRewj ua hatd . JI9IK 19} 29' Total.RI«7,I<I2» PSeWlf aat) togs To riraaata, four B> entrance feet r«. yeara. wiM f 11 eeived.RtSIS fa) j To mti reel on with- Byiotenit received 19,1 IM dtewataWee ka l M 77, **- iLtereat in ar- To t el.ore tri toy net tetre.4 r 1 ' pnJa. 7( 2fin »'1 8y t antfer free re Uh'th dial- aided Wlib Cl'ithaiee rrekea.... tilt 'f| Add cu-e... 141 6 rele-d. 37t 00 B) ti ea reeeieed.... 1.1« 79 By fm-e lo «rreare... ant 50 rfy ttartwttedj duee re¬ ceived . 37J 00 By oreo.iun. in 18^j tharee received.... 47.40 VO Total.R7«Sua Par Value of each there RiM 1*1- Total.R76 3i't 79 at «in «irr Bor t'e er.d vartf rret of 18. i than a re eteaaed.Rlt6 "»> rm b' i dt 11. riiorteeteo. . 4V N) Ilm a In art, ata. 4.7J" IS It t, riet In atreare. 4.4f7 10 kitit-e io arte.ra. 2ni ft* Rial eeta-e. value of. I Mi <'n -#1->7,?8I 74 i.i tun irirt. Amomt due to niottr"t'». 1,112.V» Balarce htlna net saeete.t)IM "C9 iS A ceei-'iptii it of the profe»'y nior»ea|ed to the Ateociatino at -tiritt lot the ultimate ealue of ilia thtree redaetned, the neu te oi the mirnbere and of th- mortf t<o.i a.e on rile at the office tf the »wt Clat in Nn KM I'ea'1 at Pee;- I) Mihuiitted, MJROtN MOR7AN4. BkMll.L Jlttir. betretary Piotident. hi HAtD P, Mt i kMltK 1 .UmhU Dvaoia, K,nance Cjoiiniiiee. RLLRa Cam»aoa, ) City rind County ut Aeui t'~k aar On thietth day of Aorll if' If i> u.e poraaaall) cane lb run Mnuam and Setnuel Jeaeup. known to me to be the indivinuale wh have eab- It li t d their rann e t, the f tt eo BOCOaBte, at Preeide -,t and beer, laia I'he atttihtttao Balldlna Attoca'iot who, betin» dnlt tworn diddrpoae tnd t-y that, accortina to the beet of 11 it k' t wlet e and belief th* et<d arconntt ethlnit a true ittten.eLt of the affaire of the Aeeocittl in at the date lliartof. EDA I if CORET in nteainaer of Deede_ l>r. ToerneFDdw Mnrartporllla.-T-IIB JC-lTLT-CEL PhKAI KD i'Rt'PARA tlOM boa n> # been befote the Amer- lean public for more than PI PTE pn YK AR I, having been Bret lntiodnr<d by Dr. TOWNSENÜ, end 1 BTARLIBBXD IN THE TEAR 1840, * la (hit r.ty.ard aa rr er.ufai'ured ander tbe direction of the eelrhratt d cbemitt tnd phjeician, Dr J AMEf R CHILTON, of thit eiiy. HEVFI PAILS TO PfRlfV THK BLOOD. IT II THE ONLY OP.NUINE ha Its a p a Rl LL A put ap la thla conn'ry. and le manu factored fiom the vett hett Im¬ ported HONDURAS) In connedi m wi n Otter vegetahkl talttancer, whi h t.ience end eiperienoe have |.roved reafal in EB A DlC A TI NO DIHe-AXE FR >M THE 8T4TEM. it is i lib; ani at bpri <o and hi vimp.r rpmkdt, and Iba only Bedicine which eaa eff,e'.nallr eleanee the eye ten ftotr all tb» t.npnililee < f bad blood Tlioaaanda who bare Bte.t other pitpatationa In Tain c-n tettify to IT8 MIRACULOUS EFfECTI ON rRI BLOOD It r-ettea -1 w. rich aLd pure blood ctrrleaofi tbe patiid ho- Biota, cltarece tbe t'omaob. reulatea the Powe It, impale t tote ol rigor to 'ho Wi-le body kcd K'F.PBTHE BLOOD PURE. H olasale ard Retell Defot. No 312 Broadway, corner of Fu't.t at. OFFlfK N.i 2 i,r[» tile Sr Panl'e l'hurrh. Xo A,|ia'OUB aillllrrerrB,. A retreo wl,v poo ¦BBBI » a preitl.plli n that proeed eflec'ual In reef-ring him to health in a few diye. after eare of euflering from geueral Be r> not debility la anilout'» .ake It knoe. ii Will i-nd the CeaaHptloa need fiee DltecttoDr F.D VMLLIAMd Ne. Bo'ior a' Brr oklva N T_ ~K raall taacea la law*. MONEYS da* felted, to '.he i--«nit of the atiderataoed, w tb Mew-re. PTtHI M R(MiF.R8 A BEMK.NT No Vi »VUllawat, New Votk; ABtERICAN F.XCHANOE BANK, v. ./-et., f.ew .otk, F.XfHAN'iE BANK. Suteet. Huetoo, can be ten IN OOLD with a premium, at tbe Bank of F. R. ("> «(IP Co Paaaajaa, Iowa. I'r. Vaa Itorrn I aa temoved hie Jfl .. It.w i.i to hie r Nr M SVaat SAth at , one ln-ck writ of Brjedway. But' ' faw dooie weel of Sib ar._I T liOBf S3 V7t> HbMiIb, made to orerr be A BAKKR. No IS Ann-et are made t.f the beet French Calf Skia with pttent BtBtallc ahaaka and are warranted to w ar at well aeanyRS or RH Bode. 3eit French Patent Leather made to rtdrr fr, m B>5 7t> to A 7 A t'od aetorttoeat roaetantlyon land. Alto, every t'yle of St are and Oaitereof the beet quality, ch-aptr iban e.aev,heie. A iaat pre-rared 'or ea )h cm' -itier. A BAKER No \1 Ann «L I nlle-il Ntalca Kcbaol Acenrr nod .«¦¦here" I nit ll IISfT,) bp E. B. WILCOXta BONS No Wl Krotd way. Ntvt Y"ka.A PrarritAi iBTBOOCICBa, d«e .ted to DaiesatAi BoocATiaa, lllta| ai l Oaos-ta Vacabcisb wd CMAB6BI M OBI riR<i\T iharlngPn'ti Divinaao with CHOCIHOLPBBI KDOCATIOI it the Hurt of Paar.ay t. of [ha Ctil'BCB at i if pcs l i MRi-rewarding the Bast E> i oata at he ProrLB TleBitiiiTof negotiation, with all the fecllitioe at i beeeiite of tbe rfT . it. Ii l i. ^holdi aa. who keep a Pit L iBOiaVMgai i d (imply w th 'he reqniiltivnt of the Ciact'- u If.- ' mi Kg are retewable end tra-eferahle oa inter- Iga RR, ft 10. »15. RR' Ac a hirh Preeen' ko TearAe-i Biderter dt Every dollar belpa erery patron and prororeo Rl(l piomoiirg 1'vivra.tAl. ACACalBTABCl wi'h tbe Bgjx f'pti . oa. o< Ai Nat. ai loaitiog tbe paw nag» and cj- ope-aii n of Ail No charge to Pn/ iU fiat Htas' Mciiiac andCoaatspnatitxct Dailt fr^m'to 12 and ro 5 o'clock. Reptiferiac Vieri Hanft. Meri't. .'nr-e!- etrafi. /V/oft.i». ail fa/oeaatifteB Ac. tu t of near y erary Bckoo/aud tuBttfp. lecuiirg a great . to ail. Many nie islied at 6 at call, re |avta| the hen eff jrte of tba par t«a. Pell a Check to erery aVaawi, Tearker and F'irni, and l'iare t enal PnJIti tllow'rf a »er Ckee* firtwjnaw ordere pro- coted. ht hot lt. ChBtct.e». Ac .will be rlaitad._ Are- yaa going out ar Terra this "»uraraer f-lf y. u are aid weal a good bnneet HOL'IK_BEPt R to tak-- cere of yoor booee yon can have one by appl, ing tithe AMER 1CAN JVlDOVA 8'RELIEF AiSOwlATION.lltOraone at^ k l,-, trot, pin* aad Mte-reatyplagj. VINCENT DILL. Me'eotape Founder and Kieo'rotyper. Nie 29 and .11 Bsakman at N T. Thia eetab lehmeot pae- areeei fuilibaa for B'ery deecilp loo ol Electretiping and Steten typing in all their variooa brarcbea. All ordere prompUy eieculed, el low pricee. Printing. THF. VEST LAKGEST »Dd moat COMPRE- BXNBIVl lit NKKAL NEVVSPAPK.R BOJK and JOB PKiSTlNO OFFICE on thia Continent, ia JOHN A ORAY'.s. comer of Cl ff aad Frankfort eta New York, where EVERY CONCEIYARLE VARIETY of work le dene w ttk c< rrectaeee. taate. and proinptaew.from a Mavoatb Po-'er or CoVied Snewbill to the haaaeomeet. cheapeet or etra 'ett Cttcahal Card, or label plain or fancy. Where RO Kh Me'ia/INFS. ard PaMPHLETa are StereM-ped. k:leitrottped, liluetraied. Punt-d and Bnand to euit the de- ¦aadg m th' moat toeciaeful I'uMiahera here SIXTY of the Btatda d Pe-i.yiict a o' thla cly have oritlaated anl heen leaned frtn hie Preatoe which are «TILL d>liee-lng THIRTT of the larteel ard enoei reapecrable NE^'8PAPKR4 MAOA- /IN1S and REVIEW«, wl.b uedet.a'.rg regularity and ao- 'Vbefecilitiee of hie EetabHahment ore ao great that all partlea Inwttt o' IOB PRINTING or I'RFSS *OBK of aLy klad " ON Dr.M AND." and at tbe loweet pooaible raab prices, may BBgtala o' accommodettoB at any ssseon af ths year. JOHN A. OR AY Noe 9.* and 97 C.ffet. N. T. IK era Pabiiratione. ANOTHER NEW HOOK bv SAML EL LOV r i, Ready sn MONDAY MORNIttO- POL'NDS, 8U1LL1NOJ AND PENCE; Or. IkitH fltiat By S. Lerer, f. Aathorof Toon CrosSta." " Handy Aody.'' Re, complete in one lorge tt eol with atoel nitration. Price 59 reeta Lover it aaivertaliy ectoewlodged lo bo the wittlrtt aid Btoat gtacelul wnt-- of tbe age. A HL'BKE BaSaio. Pnblieber. New-Torki Rflae JONES A TOI sEY, _l^knahai'e Aeaats, No. 1«S Waateeat SPIRITI'iL' TELEGRAPH.THE ORGAN _ OF MODERN BPIRITl'ALI4M-4tb volama commaB- eea !b May, cootalnt the rallatt record of current facta aad profosnd (it. /i/on, on Sphritnel !.. terc.-irae, of aay pubaoo- tioa eitant Pahliehed weekly. A. per aaanm Address PABTaUDteE k BRITTAN No. Hi Broadway. N. T. NEW-YORK, SATURD Now Ready THE SLAVE OF THE LAMP. BT V. ILLIAM NORTH. " Who will «ich»»»» r M 'erase (ir«»'" { tret, en **ie'.te Fntertainni'Obj. Tbe poetrc-n'te work I f IB* lereie'rnted B£* Uoaoated BO- ttcr ¦ Loee irr.nt and melancto.y death baa ewakeied anjb |'i»re nn petty It If t k i.k <f introee earreitaeee of -arp^ee ', p| t»-.-:a icee. aid or,aioe ity of thought It be. beeu «,k«d for «Ith lor toroe soothe poot Allwbowmd irarn the rt riaeimdee to which a men of genua w lubjected theo d reed tbie took. «HD THtil boti'M or THt nrn. Tatra Ii e cod rre It) cor n'rted erit i the ao'aor of thai M ttl;' g-ephy »:..rb Mitt it At nSIp eltree'ise. The eu'hir on the ittb of Ni»»l'.her 1IA4 ere* foebd is b'eeheujb-r a torpoe: he dird by tie cert) hard ' He tied not im« t bot e»!ea y, in .oncer in ci-apry mn ret tod in poverty' Thie art w-rt ia ote bot er;.. ».» Mod with 'tf'cm It a itraifal. feaciuet 1pp. ti d Lfj dreinetic tatet m There u mu-h ofoiigd- ntl th< seht in it. tni tbt whole nerratlre ie lateaael) intereet- lng." la.iiaore Patriot " Wa hear, betete/ re rpcb.o of the aothor ae e mea boa en to feme; end it ia a mailer of rtgrel that he dil bo' lire t> en jay thai a* taelon to Ma htm ft ktbleh thit week It ta .-red to tire Nine w.l. real the etory arltbi ut ee'ah for bin who peered it " [ laBOrleaa aod A'cue. " Mr. North waa a writer cf cnaiderebU tal*ot. and bad brrn in iL a at ni.'iv , «i.e twe yeie only He bed [mh.label LUtnerrue booki in >.n|l. ad end waa con r,ec ted with eereral pap BatI p'rii <1 rale at eerioue tixee Hie were b r'nt piiard * b'a. hie aal work, for pureeea of ttyle I |a a ©t d.r'ien. and I M of IA¦ -natr.. baa e'idom if erer beeo ear para, d " fOel y Treceenpt. . I bare reed p -or Nortb'e bock .1 aerar wee ao 'aeeiettei wi h era woik in my 11'*. I opened it ef er dinn»r aad ha clock etjock tie hour if midnight bwAjn I a J it aeide. I here tirh-d t«|»:aeel" Z amb .'eher» Trioecript " Tbe 81«»» of the Lamp' ie an eat..'iogrepb* of thle g ted neo. aid e I.» read with much in'ereet f Veen "1 hie work ieore of e'recge ''lon, which wi:l chain tbc nadir to Ite pegee until be hrt eeee ite aajrj oloee " e.-t .. "'The Rla»e of the l.err p area pc- r Nortb'e !e«t wirk. He cor le leg It bot a fee tief bo ere preriooe to ble death The »dorne le cr.e ot eome e< papa and w-ll printed 7 la of the Inttnee etyle r f cu-ie g-eph.e in ia deeeeipltoo* aid lie ie la me of rant et feelioi, feep». thooiitful- aid rekaaetaahlj oiir'nal io Ita conception " [D».iT'Vbig tray. It Ie a ecik that diapiaya atrr.nt sstetiptttl feetBttJee,tad enperUr aMIMaa 7be writer eeuid poitrey a pe-« i-i. or de i!r re'e a character with a n-eatr r band. Tat reale' mW fbl low the rcorae of the etlrring aarreilve with mingl-d emotione cf plraaure ard regrtt." [Troy Budget. " Tr e atyle Ie tat) aisilai to that of the ieunuilal Poe.fell of n.yilicietn. legenca, and the wonderful " [\\'e»<-r!y Magaiioe. " An adn l»ab'e «t< ry. How roe filler aol admiree tbe an- ttaM It eiliileail tt eaympa biea. Prop e l Airotate, Publabid in one eolome. cloth Pilce AI. II IrOIIO a. BBOTHKR, No 121 Neeeae tu And all "ookie'lere._ Now Beady MAY IIIDDLBTONi Ol, Tut HIBTOIT OF A PORT D NE. Comp'cte in one volume. By O. W- M. Iiviotni. koTitri or nit rttii. " Reyeolde la tbe oily tin' rJelineator of character and human paeaione. He giree bia brilliant luagiuatijn full plat ir tbe romance of Me» Middleton; Dr. The IHetory cf a I artare. Everybody fdd of real exciting romance ibould Nad H." Daily Whig 14 Ray Breidt ir the only writer whnae bookc we cao'. ley Belelt aatl) taVte art fuiehed. He cheme the ktaajtl wl'h the krIDMicy of bte B«latha| and tl e taaaattlR) of hie dee rip'iooa. Tten he j bltrayi iharp, ejicy and ordi nal." Morn'ug Neea. " A i. -at rxcltiei book ktgr Middletoa Ail ibe ladiee wi Ittel I' It Ie juet the etory to larcioata them. Reyaolda Itba Irath a great wrMet, and b!ay Middleton ie one of the beet ol hie heaAa (Adrartiear. l -..| i- ia one »oloane. Price 30 eta. h IrOMO A RROTtlI.R. No 121 Na-eau it Ard a11 B .kael ¦¦.» IN I'HFSS.Anii"will Ii.- publiahisl alioul Ukd 1 MR% DORR'S NEW NO.'EL. rtst.isiiio raoM tni tatAtel laaaTt, MAMMON : Ca, THE HARDSHIP Of AN HEIRRSI. BONCE A BHDIHKR No l.lNaaauet, jj"T~A K T L I a\ Ü It K V ELATIO N i THE MAD HEIRESS: ot, THE CRIMES DP A sir I' MOTHER. Ie the till, of a atertl'or work el.ich wi I appear in the NEW- YORK DISPATCH Of April IA, 1S55 in » nu i a it L at AB! tai tD iomi or thi oatt MTtTBtV ir.l or l aw AtD Lt'MATtC AtTLl'Mt. It i.aa lock been known that man? of the Mad liouaee of Et raupe Wart Bead tat tat m<at dieO. K el purp wee. yet no Joe di.arr.d tbet he Luxatic Aeyluuie of tbe L'oitel Statee were nridfor anyoth-r Uan Utfiln.ate pu'iaaea But when we come to open tbe lesorde of tome of ibeee p'o'eaeed Poiltn- tbiopic Itellio'ioi a, we find that ihey are to h-iter than tbeir I ¦ ,'peae piototy pet 1 h*re are now within tbe walla of aone ot piierte both aen and women, wl.oee uiiata end Intel- lecte ate iiulte aa clear ae tboee < I tbe phyeiclane whj eoa- algoed Iben lo tbeir celle.ard wboee eoole are free from tbe guilt ard nine wblcb tear tbe beaita of Ihaeewo.' baa¬ lt,11 cc io d.pnve tbem of tbalr liberty, taattbet a, eht rerel in are lb tbet wae bi t tbnre. Tbe purpoee of the au bareea of "7be Mad DtlllMf a to lay before ibe Amencau peopn.the bieten of meof tbeee teril»la plote. abicb wae bat too eta- rr.a u y earned out. Ibe hi pee to aroeee pablic opioioa to ta tail lLat ca la edit braara for tedreea How far ebe hea accm p ieh.d tbe u.poee In «low. tbe reader muat.udie Tne etiry ot the ber bo iwbo lor t ae pur,<aee of ibta work. Ie ea ird En ily VN err" a literally true in evrry par'tcu ar. aod tbe real character will be reeoer lzed to the City of Ne» lork. and tome 11 ti e towneof Nra Pngland in ipite of the attempt laaeaatal hat etfortunate Ideitiry Read it. yoa tbet hire to leaar 'o tie tender n.erciee of a atop-mother, end be Mitral hoar yon leere yonr pr p»rty-eee that It cannot be need to c. rruj t and dretroy aour oleprieg when you have been aa l.dio render op the hnal accoant of your etewerdehip on eertb Price 4 oesta a ropy. Per aale by all Newt Agenta. P ceil, n Office No 21 at P~ R I V A T~E~E~B S AF L O A T ' Look tat for tbem. Tboutande are crniaini abo.t Thii Baak'i Y A N K E E PR1V ATEER la laden with rien fielabt to eult arerybody. Mora cf tbet xraat RoBence, entitled THE ARCTIC CtOMI Y'erne Poetr» AnrcCotea Baroiog dbip H»ei. YANKEK AMOND THE MCRklAllX. An Did Meid e Soliloquy a Yeokee in a ahoa-r Bath. SOMITHIN l OK A ATICKEA THK YANKI'E PRI\ ATPER la kawia] all Newemeo at Koar 1 cnti the cpy. Agence No Inj Neeaau et _ ROI*. JON EU et TOP IET. " Uouaehold Word* throogbout the clriileai world ".Bancroft New Ready. TU 1 C H A I N BI1II1. Br.i.g the TENTH \ OLL'ME of tbe bow and tuipiortd ediiloa of the entire Work* of J. FEMIMORB COOPER. With til ita ieteet corrtctlone and reeieiene. entitled THE PEOPLES > DU ION. A i.iai will be pabliebed on the let aid lo b ef e»ery month. until'Mte eeriee ie completed Elefently printed on inperier paper maaafactured for thle edl lion, end bound In rmboaeed c.olh, in a laeteial aad nnifjrai etyle Price of each eo'oma $1. lie »clumri elrrady Uit'd are: "THE PILOT, THE K Oi" " THE hPY." WINO- AND-ttINO;" " WHH TON-W 1SH " W YANDOTTE HOME A* PoL'iD, "THE WATER WITt H;' end " LIONEL LINCOLN." Tkit editicB of Cooper e Norele ia a eery acceptable oo« to tie Amei'can public. H etab:ee ikoee wbt baee oot beea ¦nppliec vltl tbeea etandard worke, of ah'ch erery American ieeoprotd to obtain copiee at a cheap rate, end to e aoif irtn ebape No bekter I pportaiity viH aver be pr*een ad onNaMy cf ohtatBiBi eo elegaal and comp ere ea eliooa at aa-a a prte*. Wa »xt ort all who wien to turn ab their lib rarlea with Coopert Worke to eelee tbe pretest opportanity ¦ [ lertford Couraat Pub.uhed by STRINGER A TOWNIIND No 221 Broadway Ordere exreated by all the priecipal Bookeelleta._ Rrecy on tie 2'at ice'ant c Reedy on Do I'et Icetaat: ATTAIN 0' 8 U L LIT A M. Hit MtUTaAAf atD MaTtiMokiAL ADegaTtaai By W. H Mexae 1 author of " O'Halloren aad bia Maa ¦' Bta- riet of Watatloo," Ac Complete. Oae volame, alto Stee.'rca Price 50 ceeta RaAalo: Pubiiahed by A BI'RRE. Coraer of Maia aad » i i- ate. New Toil. ROSS. JONER A TOI" IEY, No ;f3 Neseeu et^Peb lenef e Agenta i^W^VItW. .SATURDAY. April 14. tie i> PIRBT PART of tbe LABOE ted ¦ ALL'ABLE LI BIAB> of Cl'RIOl'A aoe BARK ><¦>.-. I ea IMCAICAN HIITORT. ENOLISH LlTFRATl'RE. Ac -The tale »9 meeca os MONDAY, the Idth at 4 o'clocb P M e-1 a tinaed at tbe eeme boar eeery lay throogbout the week. The rollctioa I* eery neb In See copiee cf Rare aad a aa e Booko oa ABerican Btatory of all kinda, Llterataro, kbe Drace Hirteri Ac. CelaJogaee Bar be had at the Auction Roexot. Ma. 11 Park-row BANOB, BROTHER A Co. AY, APRIL 14, 1855. HAVE VOr READ SAM' THE HERO OF «AN JACINTO New leidy, iL ne elri»o' 'mo ee'aaie. to* page., * epiiited Erfr*«itg. »lc tiape. Tr.c* $i £. THE LIFE OF BAM HOUSTON. Tie taij ea'.heuic 8 grepby of 'tie I.. a«. c .a »E«AYOw HERO patriot id BraTF-i'dAN Ib tk« a- rtrereet o' the tin** eMI.ailxAt »HO Hl'l a COt.TAT TO Ll*l fOB, Ar» ,crjt Cf '0 general HOUSTON, FUR THE PlTCtE. Tl i* heiai/n' »o'-bi», »hi b laa been wrtt*a w th ability BBA t < r* Truth it low reedy IT Ml'IT «E THE BOOK Dir oiR T|VK«. fOU THE Time has coke. a>o the mas. f OJIUtl. CHAPidA FIRST. Trltl ttji to Nit 'n»-Ro*.irco Inu' tlo Ceion CHAPTEA. BBCtMID HoneUn't An-ratrr aid > a I. m u. 0.. , M th«r- Herd V- ,.n .-. tk« Boy .to.;. eti >o u. to» 'A ts». H. bbbbVi E ..c» t ot .Hf bid ui bl II ; er leerir.t BT la eta ni ha la- diene-Ine'ea Wajrl r. .a U aehiagtoa Hoaetou a;- Tttchet-lle !h IT 8 Arat CHAPrE«. THIRII Hcue'oo eider Oos levaa,o.Tue r»»k Cmpugn .Pbe Vt oauoM Bniairr.H'.e«oo 03 . L'i'»r-A"t-a'on tht dueie til oi- A VA at* r ef BeRatlet.Hi Be'ee'l VM4BeeA*Ba CHAFRI » H'KT 1 BavjSaBB »ted'te Law Adini t-d tn the B|| MMlRaj to Ca |icee .0 BOO*aIB. t rtt *lwBf It* RlMgaMMa Ol* law i. r ¦¦ r-T: - "A if wac 'Icr.a. C lATER uf r Th» Vtiic.Hoa»'o'.'a of. pted f*tn»r-Ta» Oil 01 . ."» rtitetieg.Ha Opia* a of th» Indiaee f.r» 'A'atar imoii BaC-Mta.Japeera, tb* Frtoad] mt IL'ue-ie. Th i » Oat. .f Pel T'iai-Hi* ArijUittal rem M to tb*«*- The BoarUl kleaeel i:a>u' Kirf . HaPrE I a|\T f t c L hi to T. jiu F -. r 11 .,o in Teiee-1- .. .laid «. ub Naita Arte-Honet..t e Policy for IViei-aaatio Ie prlronrd P'.tlie m»eu <. Id T»na -festf iaoa'e Tfl If -leaee Pr»per»e forth* S'tmi'a - Pro» anaal tie lara'i >n >f feceiendrpee. uetnn'e lrdi*o C.a am*.Comma d-r-ia- i l..»f.raaiti » cD't.b. A ex j-Me.'ciiog aa Ar ny H oea- tOL'a Flare '< eCeapelro- A I'tr» »uter* f.i T ie CBAPFRA IE I I T'l Tt a brer* M.a !& th- Alatro- *aw Ma»»ecr» a' th* Ale no nah) la Tbsbb. H-uai La HamaBat..Tea »i.nahier. ..o liar Prepaitrif to ¦.. .' tl.e Ei- oi > .Marcbiof B) fealaAl .T' i Oi!, Hr p* of T' iaa-1 a«'a Anoe A '\taeiot. l ae loa- aroite of i).» OoariLj »o'.No' e T'üt la tb* Aru.j. <uti M icei t to be Lo«t. An Hoir of Peril." Rem.mtrer ih» A'e- mo'- The Verehrt Baattae'l A-o.» .Tu-ir Art -a! et «aa Jei it:c.Satte Aoia'e HB(]«*.Tb» Tw« Aru.l«* M**f l eu p of tl. Mnireoa CHAPTER fi'lHTII Tt* Br .: ->a-a .-The Moro rt of FaaJecia'o- ¦saeataa 1 rite m laa Rattla Taa tlataltaf TVo uBtmi 1 - eat .h-Hr 1 T' f1 fill Blll«r't-I)«|t " r, Tb* Dap af Veaieence-r e M aaai. Aaae.rbe *aV IIb II, i f tb* V ictorj .1 e (V,;*.. ,,a of Mee.c >.A lu nci t:cs ol Teeaa. CH A TER NINTH. T*» Mcralrf Aftai the > ict. r, r>to'a Area Honatoo'e Pnaoo'r.The Momt-ed M.aO ao üictator.Saota A me a-ate Hinatoo.Cre*e Eaau uatioo f ^aota Aoaa .Ame ieaoi caa Neeer b* Ceirin-r-e'-Saiite Ao"b I* Ibatt loaiBna a Ma<- rar nit j to flm. Huuaiot ¦, Trea'-orat of h'« P.-'. a a Ike Fug.itte (ioierninen' .Roik. tb* Patriot Soldier. .00 c,; ne 11 far re Ant a a tllaaaa Bataai t0M l<ao Ja-into Flr '.an r.'e Not'. Cotdacl Ti ' i'-oeral Partite with the A'n j Alereee to the Soldirre.Houi oi.'a Re.-.t. a a- *.'«» Oi'rena.Ilia R.t .'n 'o ble Hoi*.Aan a Ana. to a* F.te ."d flooetcn'e Proteat .Sad Kaiti wlth riai'a A .a- q- j-iatlretoa Prl-ooer.San'a Area a>:e A Bitter Baiteim.The New Commander in- hi.f°. I 1 a " I / r TENfrl l »cl or of tie I'r.t I'ree dei t hj Ae'la-natioB.TU* Firet Texan toneiree. Houttin't li.».»atal Alrt'.M Th- la ent h'l M Hi-Hooetoo Re'oioa h.t S*ord.Ja^aion'e Ogin os of Baaelaa. PtVIlhap of Rente Aina ent Homt.u A- e a j.t a' etapeaelloa WalBeili A*To<acy it Tttae laeheaa*e Laal trffjfel Act-H.uatoa a Tt(aiti.rnt of the Indiana.An Army o' Ad.rninitre of leiee. \ a'ediator. Addiea*. CHAPTER FLfcl. EST I Tl * New Pr»eiii»ni-Tt.» San e Fe Eipedltinn.Lamer Ac"- tt Iniatiail' r. I ireimiret:op of the laeiane.Hooatou a.eea iL. Voasa Ripub ie.A rri.i* N.«il, Met CHAPTER TWELFTH Hooiton'e Btcond I'm- Teaaa aealn Inra^ed.T.I.« pre par*.'or a-olh»r BtrT.;e'e Tn-eere a<aio«t I'oietii- Anelo- Beieat end Mulraa* Htaltit] ut Santa iaaa'i Coa C01 treat hrlaeen Meticen Bno Am»i:can Harnanily .slaee.p in Meiito-Aft-al to ail FiieBdl) Poaere-To- II et are o'tha St'oee e aith klnico, a ritten by Hioaton- The Fair limienee it 1 eiaa to Meeieo CHAPTER THIRTEEMTH Effret of Boeetoo'e appeal la London, Paria, aad Waihiog- tpt A.iiet, and latiltoreof (.u'opeaa Powara aboot Teia. HubtreaLd aureaaafui foMcy of Houe'on. Po'Wy of Aooeta- tlin Teaaa Indi paodeLt Motnee for Aoaetatun . Far- alabttd Statremei ehip CHAPTER FOUa.TEE.NTH Vt b, t* 'arored Aneeeat'oa Be Ireaoal to Vrirata Uf* Teaaa In rbe i'r.i'^i. Ttea* rep e»*o'ed at Wallnpui aeaa ll > Private «.rierae'er-Tha Reformer and the etetjrmej The Vtonnaeil lb- Pairmi CHAPTER Fl KT* E ITH. Iloueli a in tl e Nalioba. St Bate. How Pierce waa Elected linoeim on th* Rabiaaha Bill-The Facu of th» Mlaa .art Cin pn n ice.k'tj'ne. it* Repeal upon the fouth .lloaat .a eweiare not fr m Cat)-<'piBi 0 of Ueoeref Ceae. 'Lore Ca; Poaitioo ef tbe .Northern Denioera-y Elena*]etion of the liii'ani Stem*In Roblrer* uf th Red Men .'I leotoa I n ib» 1 ler, >n.ii.'e P.lltioa.Mtnietera ol the Ooepelaoi'_ be I iafieLcbiae*- e|(j.|»|, nt the Memoria'.Raiatl .u ol Mirdatei* to P011 Ice.The Boe'h and tbe C .tnpromia* 'AtiU ol Hi ualoL'a Speerb SoLatoi BeniOB Eulof.eee Houatoi. ( HARTER hlXTEFNT I Hi uiton'e Sieteen ecar.ip.Ja< lei. a Keeli. »i toward !!>*« too Jerkeoo'e Opinion of BotM oa.ttouetoa'e Amer.can Char¬ acter. Hotatjt a Br .'ire Man ( HAP. i « f>E> ES TEE NTH t tealai BjaiBilk) lei be Red Maa Baaatna'a View mf the In lare. Shall tbe Iraiene be Eitereatnated -Uoaatoo'a Boy lw J Jui-ice to tie Rt.t Mrn. 1 U kPTER EIOBTEEMTB. Hiuaicn Qaeet!. oed r. tr» H'r a -.- ilia 0| ohn ol T...-Un era-Tbe Teaaa Renatt r la ( .. aaMatataad Jeeiaaay ¦'. a. I H a Pf KR .NInETIENTH War aitb Metlro.Debatte 00 tte Annexation-Tt-eee the Riad to iht Pente Row Fh» act her Liberty. Tee Treib of thai laid Streif »- I'a Heroi' L«ad-r CHAPTER T A £ NTIET h. A Furri . rf the Clou a, M Tele*-- itt reejurce* ia laid. TLe Prtbelia Dre.ict ib»' Sra'e CHAPTER TWENTY FIRST llcae'i c'a Education and E o-ioente. An Efieetit* Orator Nrn liteiT'i tue In Forelf n attaira. Meetief 0/ Koeeu A aot lie r r Diaon'cn Bebui'd.Ibe Oreet Meaa tree of It*1- Appeal ia of the ladieiaa-Tbcy caa be Cnu.ecd-Ttry She t HAITrR TWENTT-SEi )Sr» Houateu at Hm » Ha I'aioo w th th» Ch'tetlen Choreh- H aranii-Hia t\ >l* ead I hi-dran .HI. riletory, and the Moial it lie Eierr 11» -t! a Falefe Aue Our*. J.C KERbY Put).later. New Marble Bulldia« Na II* Naaao at Nee Y^rk Ar.d for ea'e hy aR Boekee. ere » "i » r ra teat by a ail pool paid on receipt ef pr e. If MA A|*ota a anted to Mil t*>e abu»e-VO it each State Pabhebcieol oeatpapere lit'ae the aboee eee inaer.ion. ab*'I bar* a eopt < f tbe boob eeot th***. auet pelt \\r I L L I s7» n E~w aTo O KT--. II Satoed Edition low ready. THE RAO-BAG. A COLLECTION of EPHEMERA, tv a r wane 1 tel. .emu. Al V> From Tbe Hertford Couxeat. " P a rparkiiPl beeotiee of Tbe Home JoernaL" Piclu Tb* Wr rc-eter Palladium " A mere BB'h're eTl at hi fa 'be poel'ina ol a 'aaterap» paicter. axd be atetchee witb truth to natu'e Tan rulu-oe laa nary lina iboatt.ta. eeatteaeati and deee, eürth ( a .t Mlltllkaaa tor the fereral reader '' Froen laa Baltimore Patriot, " The book it eery lfilereela>(. and cannot fail to be lead aith much pieaeare." From The American Courier. "Tbieboek fl.aouiaoma of the mo*t qaaint'e tu-oed ead exq.'ately Selehed peeaetea aith wbieb Mr Willie baa en¬ riched tbe poiiebed co'emce of Tn* Home Joe.-oei' _CH a j SCRIB1ER. Nu H Neeaee at. \VTH.L WOBTH READING.No. 24 L!KB TV lLLl'STRATLD. cooaaixa tm Ttt'TN AAwaTT L.or BLiaaili>fOb Oracle Learee *t»ui El r da. Fe the National Aradercy Loe.'c Abeence.A Poem. Th* Bor*. Dreea Hinte ot Edacatioa A P: t . -i- Fi««:aaTua. Li'e In New Ear an! Poierta Lact Chi.d L 'e .n a -aar a few ft ork, from the pea of Frederick L)* Vaaua.a cjaiam The Hatct.neoBt Thi Citt Axerdotae of Neweboya Th« l/ ttor Lew pre 1 or tux RtH-I'L-tad At ttea Cxi/xnie L'uh. Orrun t aha Mrxico K.-'pe f 1 I PiBLicaTioae Batlntea. luter-etia» Mi ar.. ne len.e Phe Mertl a Tae W eu'te See. e Poaei Flam Ti irVi tt Edeea'ioa Aircuitate. Caaeee wb^h Depr»ea it P-ooeerce R»f .r-a W |. lF-u'I A' '.-w. -e H it Pli la;-l anaoftd a pbebttkaJJy. at Atat:s jther aaeia. tad lalatMA lap matter Pab ui-i Weekly al f J a y«ar by EOWLERB aep tt ELLA, Mo. SM Breed way. W. T. THE UNCLE SAMUEL cf tit* week ia ncter than erer. a * iota et* foad tkinf a la a tale ebeet 1 KIDD S l*LAND. A etory cf Cenaeeticat Riter, Faefa.oa, A New Zealand |Le- tead Patent Rat-Cbewer 1 A LADT FREEMkWN TBE DIAMOND Ell-IIflOl) Gaapowdrr. Abeurdn-e ef U'e: THt DteltTttl M'TH't NflBTa UNCLE SAMUEL la a large, well printed tTeafclj Paper, ccteieiag 10 cat- Ttaiau ttoaiaa. Plica fitut tea la. Agency No KSNearecet _ROtS_JONRI_k TOCaEY. SPIRJTUALIfiM..I-ubliahtd TIia Day, price eta ceata No S of THE PUBLIC CIRCLE; A Meethly Record of Facta In Sil-.taal la'ereoarte T.a pr I tt ef the peper are t etctod to the eappoet of Free (ut ri it No feat Brood way. New T oik. tor tbe laeaetiaatioa of 'tir-.taM Phratinaia t. be ten: to PARTRIDGE A BRiTTAN. Me. » or M J B CONEUN No. SC ¦reearwty. New Tort PRICE TWO CENTS. In Vrtm: MEMOIRS or JAMES GORDON BENNETT, tH 0 Ii I * TIMES. . V « jot IBaAIBT Ic OB* 'tmc Ti.lmi* ,.1 ». a' > r»4"b Ptl .* Bl JA. Tliinl». i;nfj<(r *-e Hi pgrephy o' ik*-leffn feared J< area ist cf th> H»r. e! e*e-»Deper. fr ni hie io^B.-> to the in «Bit fxe »od »in . »bibit hut tosrecter '% t'B mit * ae well tt b ced feteiie el«eriy ted tapftlaliT. Tieeo'om« . D r. D'eiB. . Bf B peaotatr a of paoBt »»¦ BtB IB peliue, BBMBBtBB, KB Bt] Bt.0 IMbbbI 3 B, («t 5u years pat'- Jn.i k . dy Jt not »«' *iw Won NATURE AND HUMAN NAT I'RE. la cne lino lot tai'.'rm v ia *'m SA *ela oap«r btty eeato; teall* b Bto to ma.iia nt»i t dee eer.te " Mac* Htm s'Kk'e 6 at wark, ba kte wnten no'tttaf to f>> tei j to-' i. u'tea In'ioiraa aa tbM Eeere loa of H i». torn* way «r ..'b-r-it .tre.-reel. BBOlrttal'y haea*elf Bf la letry etc of th-ee dtol! eerat. tb« cio-rtejak" f iot«t liaaell Uf 'eel »et timt kJUsf ef"leg" L odoo Et tm ner T^r iL? ltitbatbo mabbrbi booki A Mimn or Ouid BfH>«ion »\j Fotira Acoarr i.iih ¦arts licit betatifu, ro'nme af 'it p*e»*. »r-.^e ueb'd with f L or a* ipge Prtoe RI STAIN.*'* * T V.vmr.NT N HI Broadway, N. T. Urderiwill be .'.!'-d la IBB pr of lb If roOQpAlaa. HA1RD'* P BAC r IC »L 8 E K I WW. IKE aajapi.-aN ant .La.* ANO «I L'.'VRiOfl r»f A - » I'T a N T Uj) Willlaa C H i.h**, a new end iboriaib a- rovbodj fdkhsB, win BtBcb edaUthoaal atattaf aid.tnyae» Vt. if Fra ee'tia« near'a r»*.{t. I VsL tfaBs) I B «» At ToP. TvRRER'd COMPANION, aaarata«! laitiaaBl >oa to rr»rr*ttii el.; at d BBfal ri Turning, wl h petes of tloele To :a am In.truu eue atd .!:ree ">oa. 'or n.iog rh« Ea<er.r-r Cutter Dull and Circular BeM PtBOaTBIBd arkoaBB> as raaa Bifiatkaffi a Bear aaTktBBa. n* ai y faawj 1*1 lino ; Bf fa TA cert. Til, PA1RTBB, OILOIR aho V ARM SH ER i COM- PA M ' IN. fa B* iir int in ee aod irpi Bttatat for »»rrfbiaf re¬ al i.t IB be RftBai Peiuttng Oi.Jiog eut V aru.-n..;f. I rjl pure IS cet.'a THE BDILDkR'l POCKBT COMPANION netniof tbe I irB.eiiBj cf Bu. d.ot Barvafhaf, an I RfBaaBaBaRfa, aricb t raCBbtal latal ana iuiKu.-,,ona Baaaaaataal aai.b toa BabJ -ct or A C BtBQBIssj I K.i i.n.c p-u-r* B1 THE lil i R AM» COLOR maua'I C3NPANI0N r-1 alabaf Baerard fef MB Bitaiafa bat raAMjCaaarf oa iha d at pro\ad principle* foi all tbe aario ia .lyl-* aud farrii.-e ,r x.'i I ». retail IbBbb. | bt bbt YS b*Bt| Tl'r lABlM-r MAKE* tin (.i,ili»L.»REA,l .»M PAnK'N cenuibiLf Iba u.' ard pr bcip of Dabiu'i Maairr PaBubjtft} ill p o win' V.i >r-'ri(, la aintaot BabiWoiB Ut«ii r and rtein<rf ATooei laaff, Raaa Rtv| ,ii r-ctiona I*. La uueiinf Japannicf Varn'ahiof. and ti make Frrtcb P.I. Iitwratad aaf fall Itaton FtbaaWsaakf. PaPIB HAMOBafB i nMPtMON eoattiatact^eAaaid> raaAkf ipaoowaeaT*'o BaB*rla| aid ih» i »ri ajt t t»>n'i anl Paataa Baad), eire. Raa t f- r PaD»ll Bf and < >rn aentiaf Roomi t aol urn1 Ba a c lea 7 » vote rBBaOMPLETE PRACTICAL BREMflBi or. Piwn ass tectraatt IsatattCTtOBS is rat Ast #s Bmbtim Bms «) M LataMttB B)m, *>.:b illut ratoiua I eat ULanr | pr- a Bl A TRBATISC ON A BOX OK [RSTBtTMBNTI, and 'a- al d. :u.e, at d eirccti tifcr Mm'"', cut and miit (lamlat. H . . *r Iraitsasif Ac B> Do na* Keutlah. I »jl llai prc» RI . nil CRN ON L')"0M1TI% .. KWH s'E .--In lira a do .eftptkta of i . tfraacar*, ru!«t for ».moiiut rt » i^folei tod pract ral I ta>i««imot on Ba mauafriuenr Pm - I canta. TH'' AlPAftR''' OLM F.. p.icti a' di-eer o. to Aiaai H ,'r , Mf t. era Mlrart ma Bo.e't- ra Basra an taaata of all tb Mat aetshi Bad ataa. br Osaaf M Leal t L'llKul VP- v '.ATI plaio BnBtfBjaflBaa In 'It* ait of w.irbme mstil* by prsetp'tattoi if . m'torn it*ir » iuiloi.a to i"na ii» fjeaae rif pa aaoic bar- teil bitba.-raV «*a'k-r l.loitrsttd wuh ai.od cuts. I to' iovo pr'fo 7A asata THK PtlOTECBBIira CONPANIONj or A Svarrat cr Bscasanoa firawbbu Rt '> sp Mattkarat lila«- mtes »Hb mm d io'*. I rut. ISbbb Mira 7V bwibV Till PRACTICAL IVBVRYOA't OOIOB, "T Andrew 1 . i: c Bia n'tf tfs b'C'sany In''rmt't in 11 male aa i r«r ei n ot It n.ii n capacity a ticuhed Land Surveyor. I fflj l'.'o.n pr CB 7 I nla Any o| tie ah a* Knnkeeent ha mall fr»« of rarr. af imt tea_I1FNRY i BAIRD, PabLsbor,PbiladBlfab[a 10UO rnp'ee ordered io advato s of pitluietloj T P. BMIT/H'1 LAST NEW WOBI i* e Till BA1 Kill. 11 II KD. ADELAIDE WALDORAVE: Of, rUI I RI ALB i>' A O IV (Est. BT J. I IM. I h BAR j Author of " Mlools Orsj Oas BevaaiAc. Beaastrally lltaeaiolsd Pi las BBasaBa " Tkla by a aaaatlfal volaaa of tit psaoa. kaaattfallp Blaa* tiated The writer to eivi ,( ue th . Titt.e of a iloenro.-ee, hie oiem|llliid tLe old acege that truth it etrtog/r tbBB Ii n ra I itrtri e im " TMe feecir.a'lna bork Is from the grvhi« pen Bf the eoih ir of Mibr is tirey Tbe plot ie of the nrie' abeoibiBf tutiiaet, br-id aod atariiiag inc.dent* ot car Io eeery peg -." f MBggt Journal " The BBOWa la0 1 -mapi-e of the moar Innsie lotsewgf] BS a nrh io. thai you casnot crop It uniil you bare Bfflswd at the aid" fTiBie ¦' I 11 er b!I 'be charming nneele by Ihe aah .ro' ' Mlanle O-ey' ii d tine Hows d lbs p'ot Ii eVI IIa ly coatrleed. Bad ttaeheraitirt ere in.'t.folly drawn t 'na'u'e D epatch. Tbl« it ico'her eew bosel by the filled an'.tor .f Out Hi ward tr d iu-paitee, in p< Int it o .etini'y of istrifae end tktit'al c. m~ inatl n, ei y of trie wriiei'e former«ft* i-ta. Ic hat tad Inn taee eoceeee la London, where it baa run tbroogh oie of Ite weekly j urua'e of that rl'y the circalati o of w!n;h bit teen iLiteued maey thouaaeds by Its great popultrtcy " (C urlsr 11- London Liorra y World taee " At-aiia Waidgraee.' aa a literary pei'oirr awee is well worthy of' a place b-eide taä Bobie pioct eil-ne .if rtrott blB l>u nae " t ¦« "Tbltwuik.ha ihe au'h«rofihe f«m->ie SituS d BeB,' It wntien in Lit very i tppiee' eeia The plot Ii m'tt ar fu ly Ceiigrer. ai d woraed oni wita I ite-immet" eail1 |B*STIBfy " Tbie aotbor hap.ii .-H a w.ira whi h ie aali'lsd ba a b'gb y dwtraaaleked psel urn emonf ptocac-toce uf Rag *»a lb lb- oih'fol ard large concept lone Ie oa-nb-r aol earl er y .if n plcaereee if deec-ipilnB. iigeoaity Se ba¬ ll gee end tAtlttal r.n.linatioo of meiaeat*. there are f-w mi dein noreie with which we ate acqeelo'ed wb eh wtll out auder by toa-partion w th AJe a d- Waldfraae " Vtiee An ' ig the u ili.'arl ne protlucito'.e of in ilern ro iiaeca- wiiteie tote iti'. e a*, -i t't- Ie r-e ., n ntle f>re-n et lour. _II LONO a BRO Pab.i beit No. I2i Nateau at 11 H ~h I N DI PI N E NT. . Edited by Pattoitof Corgregit ooel Charibea. Aeaie-ed , iBBteraaa I Btl tan am eg thru the Res HrSbY vvaHIi fEECHER .- R»i OROROB -t CBEKVFR.H Ii, kte HARRI BT BBECBEB STOVE I II At L BRA' a- tat rr any a hare Atxee the fiiat uf January last, we bare receieed toe aaaaf ofoiar n\ eb raotri vnd -cs« :RiBsn.t ind to' lit a a."w nersaalnf at a rate Baosaaipltvt ba tag) Bat* toty of the i»l|akaaf e-eaa ei this af Bay sthsr aaaatge fonriM's uf T'lH »f,FK'l RUBBBBi Ota Hrrciatf'arant tok> RiLiaiOVt lark LLH.s»i.r. Intern e lob'ira'.it. Uovtirt^ *ii.Mt«aar TkehioeArta Fotilua MlactLLaar. The Bolt *B*d IdDeaSTtBSMStrTS. Chile irt* BoaaBf Bad Uoaaa Kexu r Ramiao. Iota '. bl'Cren Ntgbt Io Spnag Fi em oar Cfaadkka Cef The Mldaigbt Vstes Dea-n af an Hoacrad VV j T-.e nr i- i.aa -a cotila Pi. Beer Huvihi.wea.t The f Bgregatioael Beard of The R.eer J irdaa Pub icatiub U «i t POd Kcieuth ob Lots [BrLtctioat I iriaaay ¦ Ft welnp with the Dead. EaiToaiaL AariCLga. Sit L'pilgbt. A Oocd Mao a Biography, EolTOB't RowB Tail.a kglttiwB taJspaa af ranwAastaal Samt 1 be Coagrefatlooa CjIuo. Buy Mere of IBs Fntield Ceae Le"er fr»m 8 at .e Tbe Ptrutt'c in Kaoias. Foaeioe iBTBLLtOBBCB. Ml r,ey Atatlet BSaTRBAA. BSB/f TBBMB- by Vail Rl-by ftrrter, ml per ttni a. Bpee'DiCn aura be re in' frarte if n,r -oe paper fr j-p.oied oi th* rrim-y add retted to the pak ..her tBtp'-oe'S Vil ne eoteideret a o jr ileA. MiW IS THr. TIME 1*0 Wti RlrtE RRVSRTtSRStSST».ä 'aw only will do takea-uart he Beat ia betete VAedseeesr L tie No 22 Beakinaa s». Beer York _ioscPH H LtPD. PtblWher. New KtlltiaB, cow ready HISTORY OF THE NAVY OF THE CrairEJ STiTEB OF AMERICA with a LOBiiaiattoa To It'at laci.tDiac THR MEXICAN WAR THE EXPL'JRIMi EX»EDI Tluat bt nail viBiMoas cooera. tee., Ri Ml tBTtACTi taom oriitoBt or rag raait, arc. |«rom 'ree.rge Bancm't It ia to fali of Internet end so tb ante ia tb* moot rlrid :. loafelkSBIat Amenren petriotiem eat-rpnea aod cuarage. that It caatn: be. to i wldeia c :cu!ated P'cm Tbe N Y Coarer and Eoiinrer " Aa arcu aia aed Uxparrtol acc-oat of oar fallen'. Nary aa it wcn.d Be peeeibie to make from tte fret ebjp of iha New Woria down to oar preient National Marine From Han't Merehanc*' Maf .f.oa. " Tr jtiet'lot eb't tha moat fai'hfal. laasartial avj rsilab'e Ljurj of lie Nery that baa eeer besa writtaa. 0 P. PI TN Aw b Ca New York. THL~M.\V-YOrtK DAILTNEW8..-A Morn- , Pery-r-PRILK ONE CENT PeVishsl at Ni II* Ne.e«n Bt, b'ew 1 i't Ha MONLaV Apni If, will be ioeaed Iba firit na>aber >f TbE N»W-iirSR DalLY NE Ad It will eeota o trie eeaa T-ieg-aif Riei Ciry Reports aal I to-no Corresp nt- etc*. Ac ei d is Betaadwd to »* 'ar"7 re«r>»-1 a jto the e'eed- art ot a New toik deny paper Its saBBSS wi.l be Dean 'th* DAILT NKWS will be erred to I'eeabec.-ibera la New-Toil br<.l. o RVMlbnaebaith /* e*y City aw H >b ken'ct'i reate a waek aayak'e to tbe carter! aod stay or aleo bed 11 tee Newehvye and at the isae! N*wipeper Depere bb>ect.bere btRI ioe»e Ibatt namee at tbe eiuutita r.«,m. N ¦. i.3Nasaaaat McINTTRE A PA Ado IS Pa .. . ea PablnRid by Joba C Rlker. No. Fal'oa e* N Y THE MINISTERIN!,, CHILDKEN' a Tsle dedicated le Cblink» d By toe aataor of Saadey Aft-r- coctt m the Nu-eery Liga: of Life." Ac Cloth Ueno. A1 "Toeoter'om aaf at Iba aame time -.raeay eoan aaefo leseet. to 'b» ytathfa' mind, a a taak wbieb a greet into.lee* tt irtweube proed et aceraaptiaoiag. Be<ee art a happy meexm of et ire is- i ia this way. aid 'Miaiet-mg Chip diet t miy tafeiy be teserteO ig oas ni the m-eer eatcoi'i: BaAasfef o' BR elaee.« cbarmlnt Story, aad abonndlof ia fea- clweat of Troth aad I'aiTertal Lore Tbe aatbea-esa aa Enr lady, eawtahAly teeeiTtl ihe khaaka aad a'-c-aoa of \ teatf aad ahildm.'* ..brat (trcaai m, w |ltD> BLACK 1 A MOND 8 ; Ol Him i «*T R»* Sf.TIliEir Xnr BCtl "fT'tlCA' L V ry fliltix ¦» t !»¦ UaaaiSeL Of re* I tk hiMi l.nae JV ***** ei« * I . *" ¦« t Paper »****. tl restat CMrt* IN «t ortatoet or rot piih: The ItiO M »,. r kaath. IB BB OflM B « M BM *V l *evd. " 0V| bar*i.,.»(* nal nu . i the *<...»'C»t ¦ ee bj Prc-aitcr /oka* i ¦* r Hena'Pal in Tee . Yort PI .juje, si Kb Bed the »«r> .vs- .! *.«>» 'ee lu IVbi " at «* lb* P»»:i«* pi'* baa * ."Onml' 1 to .aalt* ad n'ie ft-m til. >r«M. i*>i lo. ki*t cm oar ' b>» tb*. is* Mstrikaa Pee no a io m *.tt Huaial, <b* fteal or'c'tnl fail') lecer-r, taet'eaeteolt eara**4 feats) Uta Ms* a " »re I an »I. » otrie.e ah* a ide taut* he »eure. I »al*a tb* ait aad »SB BBBBBBb**) 'bereu*. Kr.a -be L-o loa T n at c.*J''«i a *be To aVsrat, and <-*t- b *ee» »'« b*ra a. >«itia**t '.hum th«i*'.r*. any Be Cuttdanai *. aiat- i*-. Y ..aaV br.a- Pn Fi IBS! Jana* aar Han» Ha. a** eh * . I nB aa [ten bat SSt1 il Lim a t.atn/* '. äb* >*a Y. a I ii a. e, air. a a Btltatta «aa!<*l, ci'pwd aa tb* Ent ab att ' o4cA I i ra Ti rt er* wirtr-, wi b a d.g.** of a*. aae be.uot eat, o .bai <»p*iturot j| ttaitla.a The b*r i* aa u nb> ra -i rat .' in Mi llaw» «at ba> a raia ta'aot far ralohlSal aid -epiodaci. e ia* Baals* Matal o' heaec'o ee«ce-.r.°' i i"r>'»A 'libs'* Hj .* Jaaeeal. Il it ri'orab tow h* aetbor .n -b* 'lea itbal 1.» twa, it Ts* Hi a Ii ik f uavtL*. hoida v ul >. . bat* realoiettitaeat ra tat thltl um ana hi* a t baioar aa* c .1 . B i*aiu trat IseaBeaeave * Pe* -a* ah- kt taaealaVartef aa ¦ I, hi oi * ii a. * iBBta La b.n . f erat a d'f.a 11 .*¦ taa* alao»t *itarp»«a.*l» L*">*e'Pap-r Eel****'**. Piofraao» Hal et^al aaabrw. aad aval* I ieeiarar t iara ia na. kaaj »ai ta. »i .. .-is » ba rji ii. .*vi*t o a axiai . at ti-- ii.-r.i* a* to Ml tu ;h,*~i to iv- \*l.iwp.'eeh 'epera. Tbej aia '.ettaaa.abij mpriiot t. aoy MBf, *< taa kind otat aurrrpted " t eel «. Rhrewalsa| L'.ios. Paul react H»»» .»»I a.At a nc k vie «* of bia dara- lit a* 1rete* d .Pia» aa »ri*t*> -at Ba*a*iraa* * a:tf lim at lb* kkjkatl i d. t |a«o*a»P o«a bYasaBaa aatatateat baas' to'«.i a-a*iar baaet tft r-tr haraa a I :.r»d »a t.. a l.*c-u «a that ha»» tret'd tl« 'ii'inmi of Tl* Naa Yo'l * <. j««* tar waav an ka Pio'r.aor Ju loa i>*-r heLOib.i baal* 1> *. Jr all t. LoikhJI .* Ihr, appeal.d ta Ti* >'"a uo* lha* .ia .aaitta* waa Bat*Baal» aavaasaai bat itaa^atBae aabatataat bj lr a to n. to tu». rit*j ijpa. aa* u*«i.j noun* ikti in rta- ateiat) tail aiat* ai'taati** Ktatj aabj at a u*a «dapaabp taa W' itl a Pr'ti»-o Is ih* o rat an urn \i .1 .»» -naa. at 'h laat line a » Iba a at naiklaj »inn Tu:a baah »> "r>eta> B ie .1« t«nti l -.a b*' baa '«ii paii'iaaitea) to -eaia; aid wklakW talaalataalrsaastaa th- li-ibia Bataakaaa iota rail twtt*Mt, ttati Itt ataf aaataa* a aatal laaoa u l*t| f.n> aid i d r. a o paa* bl d a«*ar' t *.»' aat aatagrlsa Bat a aaaa af * Bassk l).am-»nda" H.*i«ar Ci'o ua ai.i Lata np He a. iiravoa. art tuia' **r* aaa*' be o-> taa . i i arat or hrad Hai.o» j a jnt *i jou tat l* haak 's) aoilaiaet" | *«o< aj Diana a' bate 'a a b. et ful of fun. a Bella*'a eoria of laa.b «r. il\ W. B. aWttaaa at a me of our reader* majatja n ne f .«*'¦ let* if ihtt Eitl lelaB ><a* oi * Mas b*aot*>tloatal lue eoaal « C iatearaa ilia be at-o aappoaa -|Mor*d on lire a arh a iieollhiee n aue run t. haBBrSI e ajl"»o.a. baiieeduOerv . a Ifaaajl leelaree «r>'. »pi»« o rl aep uii.eoe.fe ft. a. Pimpt)'* Hp*, but abt'.h are laj reaiiip ail taa. .aal bruabt a-i-ar»'' U ir a .».! an I ¦' ia be aho aattaVIIsTl fo r »rare h. . tu. r-a.ter« ti T ie N> * ton Pa a, i.«,, I-, if* rbaraa"*' ul JlIil- later II ear lb* an.* ah., BO a*, tbr D|h lb- rreit um 'Ina nai a ar »ol i n-, ee ' * euee the shs'* l 'ii'» bscaB*e raaat ia areaal . kuun in ttett It rta ra, tort tfc. . ha>e at in ibea athirb Bat aMataaba peb- i.e.iiit a po.tta.the paesl of prntotm/ ioa a ol la i/hter. TI '." ntl.tMi-H'il' 'fr I. liaj i.d 'Jlara. ed.tul of rha) Klick« btxler Ma.tie ah) a»a am N | lha 11 a,-ip-a .-.a'- ire r»a a h e ria.'t o' Piaafaaaot Haoaiba. a faa, th baal a* I late Ell eelaaM *" |fi fe 11'aat. a ad. a ae'iae "¦'eierrnai ? Haa 'Vtni^d i m-diaiel,. t . eo- Mae at aelllaa th e aeth la el oeitt a the Beteet] At awe aoal C> t i as wars* aBhaial tltasaat w'B h liid-rt In an the i a/a at be ti.-po. at laa I..a.a' ra'**. I opto* aaiird, lue ol (att'ie ei«n ir »Lpt of pii^e Ad- dtiaa, A RABNBr, -her n.'. i»- iio d . .». "-a Y.i.h y II -k ait rt copa Ina <he abvve at ail in Ite » c* > of Uta a.ti * m.vrv As 1 II J .\ M B I r A N Ü N I Ö M nretria all ..Iber no re it 1 et that et 'l.t 'aorlp Peper eel td kt theaaete aaaaa rrttei a h-r. a tea atjrie of .i' »t"it> t .-a reaai't Tola »eel'e tum Sen n ntana a tree'ai en lied fHÜ * I'I'lll .>r. aaja Liaaaria* »an Iii« Vu r Ii-, I(ff N.ta. ('.'.ira a.i H ..» a mi'. )l MittiiM LiNCOM 0». Lirt'a aataai Th- Introo i.tniio'ii TI« Hi».I -kateia \ I ..,(»! Berten r Tb.,t»ht*a"d Putt. IUI AMERICAN UNION Bahvfa ataWfrtatea TAaehip faaei i ij » fiat n-B at A'or'"täte ike ropt. Aerpce fo '.tt fteaaee-at It " a IWTaasY, A.epie I i 1 k k«« len an 1 I.en.iaiL 1 :i l im .m V. ORÄMBO il C '.'* PBO-i Li BOOB '* o OAZET1 I i R < »P THE WORLD | Ur 0BOOB t '"1! * 'I TIOBAkeT, uili a* ri ri lam n ia Mat IIA T>e Mlaalaa ar- » <** il he du. ¦...¦'»« faatiree of tn*l hiab> in re t*M aTSlbl l.t Itaatesl) to H.t ih* deÄrien -lee« Oaeee* teer» k*t farttiaai * ffi~B~ty-*frrf Leletlaaa>a*a f.'upr*h»a- a..- in i'a e.i in eel 111 * ». r est eael* 'i.ri'e-e aeA aeeeialrtattteeteaalbal MtAttaatl t»aa»a**BatT «J <v a'-aoiuA i ¦. r*"v' ia Ii »III be a Pronoun, isj Oasaataat, and t ie taaty one o* O.« kind »»er poS .abtd .¦d I' aeraraepweBahwitall it .'.*'." * Um* i*t*no.ilf near el' oil-re lib Ii n ine wo»» r*..a.«in,i n et noetet of ¥'*.*» tbea epa ihn Oaaallilt ol the >' a Ii aatla* at ui.'a io>- k . plan 1 ll.i'le "1 a") .a .fa..t tih Tri» la'iiat'kl* baa ». »o jr« med from the etoet rtreal Oed ttlo. We tottrraa bo b al t on - a id al.r .a.l Ith le eeetelae a eateee a the A ellwet* ka EaraBB,Ajkaj B,rf'c*. aaata-adle. ae* Aaeeriea aiadbai tbe ">'eat lud'a eoa o''' r laai re rin etht foI't up I* the pr-eeot lime. VI * m'(ht bat r barn, a o ir U»*et.»er throoeh iha p-ea», ta fi.rette'l oi r er a nie oeiumeocod I'nt af er .rare ae* In pra> tieaa bo'aee o d aot b>* temp'.d o a ave a eiQt'e feerure otf eectP-ree reoabiat rlae for it* per'e*'.too. It all) enatale OVAB in* aOrEA-BOYAd OCTAVO P»7t*, bound le ih» meal eu'tiaaii>l maa' er Prlae In Cln.h I" I-'ttrt Iheep #.). LlPPlntorr. OB A M I ) k t o Pea'atbare. _ Pb laielobitv thou Id be Bead kf th* Millloo CHI III6TBT of COMMON l.lFK-CdMPi.ETK. -D APPtETtiN A C* Baa ln> aod 11H Broadway, bete row read» In I to<» Ihn» rloib p lee AI, THE CHEMISTkT OF COMMON UPI, by Jasia r v. foBairaa, Mi, im, tu laihtr»I Lecleree ee I prlea1*aral baaalsaTj and irol t j et.-,eta. Iilua'rattd a oh 3 A, Etitrari«(a TttLi or coartare Tfe t ir we R r»»rI » 1 he »n'* na we Beirrt, Tte Wei.r ae D'irk. The Or rt we K¦, i Tbe Aoli we f altieele, The tstslaf we Dalike, Tt e piaui we VV hat we Biealbe aad Breathe) The Bit.d ae Aal. for The Beef we Ca a What, How aad Why we 1)1 1 t Bestraf** »a Hifuee, e»ei The Aweata wo Etttatt, The *. dr w* Cheileb. The Litjeeea we raesl, The Clraelarbta of Better, 1 b- N*rcol'e» t»e Isfsleshl, A a-eaplielaileo I- torn 1 o- n-wark Deila adffiter V I sew of to ether weak whata wii'o ao emeii a ron pen ee Well BaA ao laatttfaeaaVU| p-e.erre ibe 'beo.lcal aad pbjaio'oiieal snedere »h ea tunouid ua, and lhat, ion. In a o.anrjer »o fiee fmn teehnieall'lee ahat tba veriee- tyro iu Lha IfWatt eenoot be twharrs ia* than lo'-r-ated ead lue I icted " r- i>. Th* L'tice O.teir* Mneh laitatBe InforaaaioB la b-re preeeeled io a eoa- r) Bee end lateiee'i- % form, ruallB| a taUästl of blf b prertical talna " riTBAOIDINAKY ami TIMELY WORK I kZi »j Cr Mft'l.".i » iL'i«KI.[, o' Parle Derlratr.i >o kla frleid '.¦ W t| M ' HP.N IE of Boot:«. CA1H0LI0 AM> PBOTE8TANT NATI'iNH C <> M P A It ES D. It TH KIB THItl f .11. »'l atloat TO KNOWLEDGE, WEALTH ANDP0WE1 Va "h en IN fH l>0 iS By lha Hra B'd Be* B A . TI »TB -V Ni;P! L ef Loadoa VI, ca tt.i* ae -arrao'eteart aat 'inaaif wot. eoaaln* ee tl d Ktlill, '" i'l.i n ,1 P",'e. a/.' a ., a 0 *«p>iy i* W'af tau two r. n li 'i.t* ee n-t-r bet .re er.d 'i'blehiod aa it dote a aomplele b.afealee of h.e'ml.el aad etaiiar.a«! fact*, with ableb tbe treieael'.a* of the l.borch ef Ann* way be deaoi- Mbed ai d aa array of irtooieB e ahieh aha eaoaot eaewer p laelBBl Aasarhiaae Read thl* Boob aad t>l* warotaf. Cad IBeOtaataa H-ee -t «id.o » an1 aea what the prae- lleal woikmp* of the two eti'erra here done e lee where, and thee eat ahieh you would preter to bare In lha tee* od aat hare, le ob* Isffpfte eol wi-he'rar-a Puce #1 AO. Peblab. d Iroee tb* k'f.cheei'irs by John p jRwerr a c ivjpavt _rto i IT Vavehletta* at. feetea FOBEIGM »M ÄMEBICA1N Mi.'sir UKi'or; a; II /i Broatwey. n«a Yori .f '.HC'lEAT A la.. Th- larfe.t etoel la lb* L'ul'ed 'u ee. of ooe aalihon aoiha abb 30 tit) tf ibeir oat tahii a' inoe -offer all th a* af aki.b repr ote are aude at reduced pri-ea To tba trade, Uet e»aal cite act._ Ml SIC at tin- RKIiPtHi I'RICK.S . HORACE VaTP.A* No »-3 ir adare* aeelila« lha cbolte eoa poi a ar Wu-'cuf bie eiteatUa Ceieleaa at price* I'M tfeu reo be had a ' tf " 'h" l'u.t»* dtate«. . Balad'ta* ar t kffi.caj lnaTamrna of all klnte. et prrra ablrb *> ft eorope'lrbaa_ I i LAND, C'LÄFt4T(Jo l-uliliNhr-ra of THE tJ DIME, and COM C Vt OCLO. haee reavieed la to m Biiaewa* the v r ¦ lllseataled atoatbly. sasAJ a ).i Tl'E COMIC WORLD. Meaeiee year. Aaelaeeeaea rrqaIriag 'be w d.ei puMietry -I' to a circa etwa of V iiOtoVOieo are ir Titrd ta call -fin* Zrt». GOUPIL & Co. rptpt-rtfully inform th.- piblio Hat tley will ttbiblt (or t abort time ia then Oailety, MtullilMIMl by DaaitL Macliii R A,, NOAH'S BACRIFICB. Sobaeripuona for a Sat EaNORAWNO tbeteof ki fiMMOti, recaittd. No. M* Sruedway. Clank jBooke, Ölationerrj, &c. STATIONERS' WABBBO Ö 8 E~, No 7*4 lehe et New York. AME». A liMII, laroBTiti or r.etBT Taaiatt or alAPLE AND PAeJt,T trATIONERT, And Aftnte for Keat Mi'lt Wrulnf fa, v 'amnetmente. M E 1 BOPOLITAB OPERA-H0U8E.. beeend Orand Opera'. a-d >1 a -..a .e. -.. CO iCERT M's*r. HHLKHA cm EE WIU take place ob Tl'EfOAY EVPNtNO Apn, iT wnea aha) will te eacuted by Mile Camilla ur«o. i BINABDl _ Mr üRibWOL» AttdMeeiri BIEC a^ Et»E f. aad a Pall Orcheetrt Prket: Dieee Clrclt aad Pti^oet, AI Paatllt Cticla.Mat i »1» *od ti »»*u aecued at Vat HALL a, BON I No. m) Broadway, witheyat eantAavi*.

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-04-14....ygW-YORK TRIBUNE. rnr BjrW.¥BM. daii.v VBMVRI u r..u..«r RTBBf »oiima-m »vhiinü. t»i>.- r" r 11 ininto) ht oil. t-»ii. «

ygW-YORK TRIBUNE.rnr BjrW.¥BM. daii.v VBMVRI

u r..u..«r RTBBf »oiima -m »vhiinü. t»i>.-¦ r"

r 11 in into )ht oil . t-»ii . ¦«' *r

. Ml rUMMM »" MM* WMM ¦»..*. '*.» BT*»**»¦ T"

,T, .Kn»iti trf« ciiv M.i.l

.¦-- ... lee. Ma« kwhBBrlBa** *« ("" .»..¦*. ie ae¬

rate. .««~-"» »s r»l>. «00-li-- 40


a if-nV laf<i»: papfr »i>« thk. 0 tl'ir'v* pck kt'd »" re Pan tnev M"»m»s »t tue low pi ¦.. -'BlL!. hi .dreeee Three mp ee r i AS Fiee e-.p'.-e forLi Tea c in"'.' BH Bed *»«eei u M M -aee motionedkeeaed us ' f p varies M . p id |l..r!«»iiiMU fie to e

ie*, he rhe.,-e k FT V CENTS PEkl LINE loi -eeL

MeerOen .

THK KKniWFFHI.V TRIRI*!vt<h »¦ a| e»-r, H i ii »> bad Fama» Moaaia«. as0ma.1T.,. Twe (eaeee fee Bl FiraforRUiV AdTertUe-¦can ka ceni. e lice |h aeth kntattfAa

Til at NEW-VUKIi TRIKimfill ibiopb a m IMRCULITMII

V pe.h haV I ha 'he ee, a.inre ..f e»-h M-ii A'-a u»i 'or LlTer-mm et . pa* eieniri poe'ree locladed Hteile eoptee, Bit

"the «KU-vorh 1 MMtl \ P

Eue CAUF" INI A ORROOM AM TM ^|nb v|nH lit,6*08 I* t*red 00 (b- departare of each Meil aiea-ner f**reVep oeell. et ai per enrianv 9iogle cop'ee. H'-x Cento.

Brlictioafl .Viiiiub.f North MxtoVa*. I're-.hyirplren i bnrrb, nenr Klfllv-al . \A 'llleitnebnr.h. . K-» !>-. f I*L \ If em preachH v iH K'l » a .a M. i'd ') ' M : lit ll> In t.B sfNaW-Tsrb e 1) P M F.'-ni-ii Iriae .urea.AM Hh|.n(ic all cr THE REI JKM aTION eodPr Hlr-( I'll >N IN IK* LAMI.P -irfilAnn-el. tl. B. « burr h. 7'» Ifth *f the leri-e ofAero . al' alb ' to-teg.) is thie Church Will he p»«aeh--lfO-WORBriW RVRmIHO. ha the »te». ai.'.k.i ¦TCILC,fui,»r' *FL.-.llA//Atlia lEAaT Snv Uae m commence

at rj t'elctkI he I like of I'm- hihI Trim.I 'lenlV"- Che H-».

VJ el a\ Kl -I» »I I paerh < n thi a'.oee au et lr. (h-ma a* ai huuh aA'llleaaaeharfh io eirimii luu'liSd-M,tO-MOAAOW AVEMMO M1) u**'***.

\\ coin letter l'Narrh. TIA et., helereeae.b end ftaare"I. .» j.i- l ucvaiR aei I t-ee-h In ''uaC. u'eh Pi|-At APQ»V (Aehblhl *AORtllWa etltAe'i ..« ei i Ak Pr.A-N et; i rah <.»

BJl r aen-egiei pa* |Erreb>trrlau I hill h> The Ree.Or >' ia ar'iMiiUi. email er-i.p S Cr, he NEW.tO-k aM> miiuKLrix F iRCIOMI N . 05ART S30IE11 i MbBAl.i i »I.NI .J. lath baa*, deri.raa bt. eeiif" .t 1 jThe Jta a. Ilr. I,i aa-le. Re bog of the Cbereh of l!i- flolj

Tili » I'm I in, WIK fieaah h» ike Chei be aTelpoiai,fir .oa s-,,to .t |. iw.e . r lailN a«a 0« sOit-l)AT RTEHIN9, Apil ). aVraicee o c.innere et 7a'. I.'A

1 lir K'-v. Iinaiiin K. Kfrd. of llee lereee ,,.< r

nr. ». mr ii MORROW eattlaa, lath ioat I M IHN¦MOaaA RVENllta ,n the MaiaVodeal Epiecopel Church io7 I. at bOOl 3c it Ria-a freeTitaKtVa Dfa flallraae n' Bra » pa, ¦* o-e, >, a i»r

on u in *l hall i f tLe Hion a i.i. CM] Mil. a Si. data et lb V.,re¬el at F. Church c roer of Hold at. Bio hits, TO MOARUWKIFN.NO *t?|af*leel 7h«e.i« at m ihe .uorniog will heCotra. tid b> the Rae Irr. ik l"l LLHEI td who it noa outtlal to li.le c untiy from Jtf am

I .«i !. Ii 11. I i, r » rr jr i' ii ii 11 f'harrh In .S»*, etbttaeee Aik eed fth ete . Preaobtag be the Peetee th« der.J (Rank taiAe liORNINOal .> tut in the aktk ANOONbl | a*cl*cl MatasAa] IflhiMt *n~ lal oi'etlnge oe ru«e-dte ^'fb'e-ay. and Thurrde» eier.iuge, |7ih, 18;b. and 11Kb.Inet 1 h>- | eb Ig er- in-n.d to eitendlinlb ii HsaVI far l'oung Womi-u.- The Re» T L.

Cl »i rb aiurte rtei ie« Li ti Li of bled eaoereec on RclptureCbaia.t.n Tl, Mt'RR'JW («uucai» * V KNINO, ie the eaag-k't-a'. < I «ich, ata Eait Bumwaj et '{ u cLi kP l.nil In-al I hurrha corner of !..¦.( «od Varel ete .Pr.ett Ii g ba Ihe Paat r He, I < A «C aVK <C T, T ) ag'>H-l .r . a M on HOME ülfatlONtl! .od at 71 P. Ii.Ü PHI VICIORI '>-' OIOEOM wuh an 9m men,('¦Vit IBbtM M TU! r.M.bty. conuloetle eiemcoUufCher, b p lajnl't"plinth Btralas* In M'anton**t. I'retlnli rltin

I I.i. i.l. nil lit r I e. ml Net. WM IIEaHVü r Era.> et f.ibi^ai Lit rat .re in Pilnr-tou Theo-Itg'cai h<Dilcaie wlllpreeili Iba a Ith of the iait«i el Db>c a a e f»-t,ir ee h> 'be fass* Men ! tali I bureh. TO M IKilliU M RHINO il 7j .ttm '

W HehiDSIOii-el. M. I-;. I Lon h llroolilyn. -Treäch-Ine b> ih> IIa» II M. II iTKIRLD, TO-a()RR(|W

,»'.'. o'clo k A M and et 7| .. ilwk P A Tn« er^nioe dl»reu«' »i Ii ii| the »¦ AIS K LAW A V|l |TI Rr. KV lAKACIMENT b\ tut LrOHLAIlltF. OE NE <V-TOIIK_

lacorgte Habarn, idTtöi öl the Bible Eittnlae*, w.. pTetohet .- uae » Mail teraaref Oiste esd Hsd*ns il* aa RL'»J-KA II V IMNU, at H >¦ \:cck 7 lie Ret jQHH HUR^ltV» .'I Pieeea et Iba eame platt atH f ». and will I T andIBM * aal Pan. a Ke-tl v Itniiee au. and tbe I] lore bo lookedkVgfktktk M**tetV N U I Lire' ce on drove et

Trinity IW. lt. I hnnh. The Her. H MÄTTIBON willptaeel a. sesal et l.unili . Lte! Hall r.iia»ii| h ,t and mhn.lij-lliiUli'« ml) A M anriet 7J r. M. Morol <ilo'je.i IHE kEBURRECTlON BDI)V Hui i.,i., manam tat H w are u ri ..d raiaed op end with wbat body doth'j na r 1 1 Cor xt. ii. The Mcv. VV, .1. Ilurlingjion, Paetot tleet ä? ( itöä iv

Cut gn ge ii aal I b neb. a in piracb lor the biet tloae beluret' .i I Ii ».. NfcM BAMAffB, April 15, awth u.orn-In« ano a'te nooa_

tAt. Aiin'e . hnrrli l«r »rnl tlm.-a. in Inp .Noet--\.ek I eilet r»U> rO-MORROW the lith lar.. the Her.Pl Ahl - b. e»> .11 la'e r Iba m i i ii c A: 7) P AI IkeAre Dl \ a n K I.K »1 K will pr-erh to ihe rt-a' mute portionof it- Pariah the Beetoe aelta| aa luteiprrrer All interactedIt i'e rare, re el that Qodopehloi ate keettal la a*'aod.

»iilili- Ih In Kiilarr-at. I bnrch. n.

TO k ( ItKli v ,-ir. ret ».H n ra . ,^,b |,.. o' the Mi» NAl"*e.|Kl, PKWir n tj vt BlldgePl<,tOtt. aa THE - RRBIONT1 Of 0 »0tin- Flret ^orlrlT <if iRi* Nrw>Jrrusnlrni meet

feig Int ii . \« itl Ii Be t UV hi.' v DAY. at Ii) A el in rhtBra-1 il. Dat Pa, il.t I.epel, ||i), r brtwetu Id aid lib anHiputtr, ihe her^ b_ k_ barb err.1 hi rroeieli.oiil lllahuii <.! thin 'lliiici-ee will (rl

¦ i leer It e IitOj tile ol v al tiioie'l-n at Zita i nurch. ateliton er n rrn I 3iih rt a*O-MOBR0 V AfTetBOON Dlt P- i' rice a ill i on mi eco at ¦') \ »it. Tb Biabop of Ililsoia a ll 11 pri Mal etil Bietet i n the occaelon.B leM NadMM lire- AAkBaTJ .hihI rh] Wrath lei «iii-. -

"d " i ARBffER «U1 grieach three il ae* oa 9"Nl)AY,Aor l| at tbe Bell ettaag ol Iand and EltieSal eta , no'i ii ( AViDi Fa. if i ii» ib a art euv t;umi i iuthe n aming a1 Ii I o'clork aOeno natS and eeeoing at 7.Aclepr.l .tlieaton t bun h Ko eyih e' betweeo Il-a er

»' 'a J W [>.\>1ELS «Iii prea b ihrrc ti-ueatO-MORROf Uli) 1 M J ai d 7) P At m eel f r t'.ea rtil a PBOPH1 ii. EMPIRE* 10 bebl . r f \., I HE M BN AL Kl-ailUOkl OK tntRHir I Ml It ON Ttlr RkBTOREO KAR1 II Meaie re-.

Ilol'okrn.- The Re» J HFRfl .,. BaiHeaoea' n.ay hee»lact- d la pi. e\h TO M'IRR'IW MORNIN i et .01 o'clock,la ll e Meeltag IL uae ..f the Fl'at Bapilat Church. Hob lk«naid n tt.. EVEMINO,at71 a'elock.lbe Ret a I'trriNPe.t. arUl ru e- fobiE OF TBC fOPVLKU OBJBC-Ticss To THK DOCTBIRB Ol RXBCTION.Kirat I n- lor -i-i ninii of Ihe Krv. lato. I'. I.urae,

»i. d.lTin.i no PALMtaTti M.'RMnU next al in(o'clcik m ihr Alli-L at Prae^>terien C.hur-b bei .a Iireod et..II- rearea will he ta PRBaCHIMO TUB WOBOi bed itthe k aeniog at 7) o'c'ock be pieach on he ARtfa J l JEWORD1 he Third Nrrmon or a raerlea on I'eiierr-lu Ritee

Bad l reaSBkg a Ra a irviea ot ine d 1'iisol the I ,u uecu'e'eC .. t r. will he pr-ei lied Io Ibe Noif. It at -1 E Church<CPe.nBAlli KAE.aiNO. Apill 22, by Ibo Peetor. A. U.ion NOON^^.lon^l Krfonneil I'reabt terlan ( hor-b Thi Rev

IrkNlER L tl \ .11 Pa..r-Serrice et iij, A M. u

the Medical Colleae. Cioab. et. near Sp.ltg. and at .*) I' al,

la the Bl mh -r. ( o-ch btuiieriT et near (Iraud Tna puflie ii.' .ni.ied. Pea.a Freefundae l.rrlan a and llebates a- ST itart Ha so

IH biam efpeatte IprUg-tl -lAa BOMD AT, the 1Mb .

P bl a Lerure on the a ati^n whic8 hi AS HF.ETUB MO rCUNUU I\E t I THE PRO »RES»: AND I alPRO\Fb»r-i ii 1 i iil'MA.a RACE, Ba.:EatCE ORTUlOLOOl P Pea-efree.

Y on ha' I ninelea-k .Yllaeion ¦».> i. i- l our An.Blairaary.. lb. Konrih AoniTrnary ad itia Mo l-.yaillbebela le the Oitea Runk Haoliet Church com er of Madia oanr< M. ti|tn ery ate t.) keiiRKOW Kkr.MUl 'Ahu.rA -ea»» win be d.l .-r.d ha ihe Ber a II OILL^ttei. OaEa I ODBLIi Raa] Msg ' a of origloal hvnae beIbe *-usdey Hrbwl cbil.lrn.. to eoacoenco tl 71o « precleelyHsititMllala1 >Iei llnata at Dodwuth'e äc.demy, No.

htb K.tadaay Mr A J. DaVII win aedieew them in IheMi'RMNt. at'i; o'cbcl ai.iMr P B R kNDOLPB ie expeitid in the em'NINO. at 7) o'clock BeaU freefi.lritsnllem.-r B BaITdÖLPH, Meattam. wih lettare

TO Mi lliinw .-oi.dai it Pi ec'osk and ANilRF.WJACEAOM DAVIS, at i o'<:>.k,at the Brooklyn Iuetitu'astale fire

ftprcial iVoiirt-eI'hn noli «i.- Mr FOWLER w: Lecture in C ... ineu

teile, tibiv corn.r Sl.h e .. on TTJEAOAI BVBMIRO<. I ii I At Hei' k V KNIS.I. ijl.b and on SATl'SOAT¦VFNIRfJ .'-a- i-t r. mr. rrcirg a' 7) o'cl "k. ardclalnfI laaahb re. Beate Lee and eo.le-tien taten

$J. llayilarb. the Ea-W . erill liatara oa theen ... il v . KAM I m M>4V ;|., ,vi, aafollowa:1 k ! "a a a?** M"-".' I o'rl.Kh at Peck-

kB P. hl al Cattiarui. Ma ket I o clock atOra. d ei Fi rreThe ( ainil-al. T. II. Nerletjr n - ,

re ».nein at , ear B.eecker e' on ."«L'NDAV KV k NINO.dctee.ed by Meeere OALBBA 11

AC.HI aid Pr. a WILLIAMS fbe Meed, of T. ¦,..,..;«,ktt aiM reeraetfallj latited ieaktaad. John qb.» Pree.Wm Na^h. Srt'y.1 hi- ii'-1 r l. Trmiirraaer Aaevorlotlon Na. 1.wil1

bo ! ire neat reealar Public Me-t'.Bg TO mo Aid A? ituadealIVEMIEO. etH e'ektah. la Ibt Hell No. 1AJ Boaeiy r.m\Bee' ijeakria are rap cled to eddiea« ihe meeting Oood

r. IAMKS MiKEAN, PreaideauteaaiiaH iTaeeta aWareaary.(>rand I oDBratulalory Merilng. T' r. .> -

tkeMeai ag ci'bgtt'.otato'y on toe it.tiro ol der C ARKka»a leaa.acd to baldibcir ariirurned Meetlrgoa the enactaeit ot tbe MAINS LAA I.. th« ACADEMY OF Ml'SIC.Ie Utk et ci. TIM RHDAY EVKN1N.J tbe Ktb met Erieodeof tbe . aw la 111* and other State*, be delegatloee. will he la-.ijed to attend. JOrJN MABtH He, r

^'(ere tbroeghoat the State will cooler e faror by gl ring

.aartrt at the Iburrb of il.e Puri'an l'u".ne;iere !).Y»'»e. e on FRIDAY EVENINO. April », II». for Beuekt

Wiek^..",H'tD a% Congregatioaal Churah. Pattieulara next

mT^TL**'* *v < aTTFIuahlog |yO0|Tleland, offer far aalefaClT end ORNaMENTAL TREI.d eod BHRP 48 of eeerejj"'*fc-e »anety. with EXOTIC PLANT«, ROSKS. VINES.a7- ,Le Treee and Piaule aaa eery thrifty and a fine ooodt-jw ate «.'cbaaerearelnTltedTATleit their groarde aad boaaea.M tataioitwe app.y tt No. 3» Wail it.,

V01 XV.V" 4.361." '»-t o<k Venn« M< nr.' I hrlatlaa taeoe-lation.1 » . -oelll) r .M'i i wiii >*. Oeld BO M INO a Y P. V g 4 vi i

Or jSrhiaat at "| o'clock, to lha Lector* RoMl of CllotoaHal. A.'oi place.

t..., >, PtwI Hnwttf) r»t)kBT Subject CHA'HrUR UO'NPORMITY ValTH THE WORLD. Yuaog Mengear ally are cirdit )a Icvrrd to at.-rd

JOHN A C JRBETT Rae HIM Berrrtare.¦*oulb Wlllinmarturfkl. Tl, i,.m,wi.,i .be-oHT'I

WILLI AwrlBl kOH \ I'TLaOE AA40ruriON are he-abyr.o'ified 'o ba pir.ctoa! la etteodeore a' 'h nett regi ar BasalMl, to l.4 i>a d at tfcatr rooae. No >9V Bowery na oJOeDAYEVEMNO. April IB _JOHM WILHIX Prrsd'at..tlanantfan llnlldlaat XasBCiBtlea IUli« No 4-.4

Praia- ls» a-Tt tk .»(Jt RTH a*a» L'aL RP-POrlT Stated aal t *> BOgwaata of Iba hfeuhet'ao Building Aeeoelttiynfor teer yea.e rr ding na the 1Mb gey of aeercb. HAS in eoi

foroiiry ro Iba i9tb article ot an err of tbe Legitletur* of theStets of Pew Tort F r the inr.-irpir.ti-io of Voiding Mu-taal Latn ar.d Aectuoalttirg "and Raaaäiatlont " puted Aprilla. ISAi:Whole number of iharrt o'igir.elly rubetribed f-r .IfiViP. r'eltrd lor ton pay men of data .31Wit.etewo.W| 4ÖJ

Now la forro. SI VgOf wl ich haae been irdeeiried . .19«JLe>a n oitrat't i iid la.,.r*|Leu moilgafea U it r.oatct.7| 14 l-.J

Rrmritiof unredeemed.tU|Dr. caia actoi'aT Cr.

Toettrnree fete re- |ByaapaaataArt f'urttiee".#,vei«rn tra t. RI.Si7 81

Turtfi r. fed_IP .36 1.1 By rata edeeaeed 01To r received m radataatd ttaeat..lad,ll> tl Ml '« By raan [aid . n )faaalereetreceived, ii kl N ahwawa w.thdrawnTo ttaetfer fe't re- f>r daee. 33.1'A >Dcetend. 371 '» Be ee<h intereet on

To Cmo rectieed..., 1.1« 7» die«. 1,44« J2To rtab rrr'ieed for By cth It ooto ke. 1 tit) 37 adeance daee. 81 55

To rilratr of moit- By rath la hank andgagee. RtBRewj ua hatd . JI9IK 19} 29' Total.RI«7,I<I2»PSeWlf aat) togs

To riraaata, four B> entrance feet r«.yeara. wiM f 11 eeived.RtSIS fa)

j To mti reel on with- Byiotenit received 19,1 IMdtewataWee ka l M 77, **- iLtereat in ar-

To t el.ore tri toy net tetre.4 r 1 '

pnJa. 7( 2fin »'1 8y t antfer free reUh'th dial-aided WlibCl'ithaieerrekea.... tilt 'f|Add cu-e... 141 6

rele-d. 37t 00B) ti ea reeeieed.... 1.1« 79By fm-e lo «rreare... ant 50rfy ttartwttedj duee re¬ceived . 37J 00

By oreo.iun. in 18^jtharee received.... 47.40 VO

Total.R7«Sua 7»

Par Value ofeach there RiM 1*1-Total.R76 3i't 79

at «in «irrBor t'e er.d vartf rret of 18. i than a re

eteaaed.Rlt6 "»> rmb' i dt 11. riiorteeteo.. 4V N)Ilm a In art, ata. 4.7J" ISIt t, riet In atreare. 4.4f7 10kitit-e io arte.ra. 2ni ft*Rial eeta-e. value of. I Mi <'n

-#1->7,?8I 74i.i tun irirt.

Amomt due to niottr"t'». 1,112.V»

Balarce htlna net saeete.t)IM "C9 iSA ceei-'iptii it of the profe»'y nior»ea|ed to the Ateociatino

a« at -tiritt lot the ultimate ealue of ilia thtree redaetned, theneu te oi the mirnbere and of th- mortf t<o.i a.e on rile at theoffice tf the »wt Clat in Nn KM I'ea'1 at

Pee;- I) Mihuiitted, MJROtN MOR7AN4.BkMll.L Jlttir. betretary Piotident.

hi HAtD P, Mt i kMltK 1.UmhU Dvaoia, K,nance Cjoiiniiiee.RLLRa Cam»aoa, )

City rind County ut Aeui t'~k aar On thietth day of Aorllif' If i> u.e poraaaall) cane lb run Mnuam and SetnuelJeaeup. known to me to be the indivinuale wh have eab-It li t d their rann e t, the f tt eo n« BOCOaBte, at Preeide -,t andbeer, laia I'he atttihtttao Balldlna Attoca'iot who, betin»dnlt tworn diddrpoae tnd t-y that, accortina to the beet of11 it k' t wlet e and belief th* et<d arconntt ethlnit a trueittten.eLt of the affaire of the Aeeocittl in at the date lliartof.

EDA I if CORET in nteainaer of Deede_l>r. ToerneFDdw Mnrartporllla.-T-IIB JC-lTLT-CEL

PhKAI KD i'Rt'PARA tlOM boa n> # been befote the Amer-lean public for more than PI PTE pn YK AR I, having beenBret lntiodnr<d by Dr. TOWNSENÜ, end


la (hit r.ty.ard aa rr er.ufai'ured ander tbe direction of theeelrhratt d cbemitt tnd phjeician, Dr J AMEf R CHILTON,of thit eiiy.


la thla conn'ry. and le manu factored fiom the vett hett Im¬

ported HONDURAS) In connedi m wi n

Otter vegetahkl talttancer, whi h t.ience end eiperienoehave |.roved reafal in

EB A DlC A TI NO DIHe-AXE FR >M THE is i lib; ani at bpri <o and hi vimp.r rpmkdt,

and Iba only Bedicine which eaa eff,e'.nallr eleanee the eyeten ftotr all tb» t.npnililee < f bad blood Tlioaaanda who bareBte.t other pitpatationa In Tain c-n tettify to

IT8 MIRACULOUS EFfECTI ON rRI BLOODIt r-ettea -1 w. rich aLd pure blood ctrrleaofi tbe patiid ho-Biota, cltarece tbe t'omaob. reulatea the Powe It, impalet tote ol rigor to 'ho Wi-le body kcd

K'F.PBTHE BLOOD PURE.H olasale ard Retell Defot. No 312 Broadway, corner of

Fu't.t at. OFFlfK N.i 2 i,r[» tile Sr Panl'e l'hurrh.

Xo A,|ia'OUB aillllrrerrB,. A retreo wl,v poo¦BBBI » a preitl.plli n that proeed eflec'ual In reef-ring him tohealth in a few diye. after eare of euflering from geueralBe r> not debility la anilout'» .ake It knoe. ii Will i-nd the

CeaaHptloa need fiee DltecttoDr F.D VMLLIAMd Ne.Bo'ior a' Brr oklva N T_

~K raall taacea la law*. MONEYS da*

felted, to '.he i--«nit of the atiderataoed, w tb Mew-re.PTtHI M R(MiF.R8 A BEMK.NT No Vi »VUllawat,

New Votk; ABtERICAN F.XCHANOE BANK, v. ./-et.,f.ew .otk, F.XfHAN'iE BANK. Suteet. Huetoo, can be

ten IN OOLD with a premium, at tbe Bank of F. R.("> «(IP Co Paaaajaa, Iowa.I'r. Vaa Itorrn I aa temoved hie Jfl .. It.w i.i to hie

r Nr M SVaat SAth at , one ln-ck writ of Brjedway.But' ' faw dooie weel of Sib ar._IT liOBf S3 V7t> HbMiIb, made to orerr be A BAKKR. No IS

Ann-et are made t.f the beet French Calf Skia with pttentBtBtallc ahaaka and are warranted to w ar at well aeanyRSor RH Bode. 3eit French Patent Leather made tortdrr fr, m B>5 7t> to A 7 A t'od aetorttoeat roaetantlyonland. Alto, every t'yle of St are and Oaitereof the beet quality,ch-aptr iban e.aev,heie. A iaat pre-rared 'or ea )h cm' -itier.

A BAKER No \1 Ann «L

I nlle-il Ntalca Kcbaol Acenrr nod .«¦¦here"I nit ll IISfT,) bp E. B. WILCOXta BONS No Wl Krotdway. Ntvt Y"ka.A PrarritAi iBTBOOCICBa, d«e .ted toDaiesatAi BoocATiaa, lllta| ai l Oaos-ta Vacabcisb wdCMAB6BI M OBI riR<i\T iharlngPn'ti Divinaao withCHOCIHOLPBBI KDOCATIOI it the Hurt of Paar.ay t. of [haCtil'BCB at i if pcs l i MRi-rewarding the Bast E> i oataat he ProrLBTleBitiiiTof negotiation, with all the fecllitioe at i beeeiite

of tbe rfT . it. Ii l i. ^holdi aa. who keep a Pit L

iBOiaVMgai i d (imply w th 'he reqniiltivnt of the Ciact'-u If.- ' mi Kg are retewable end tra-eferahle oa inter-

Iga RR, ft 10. »15. RR' Ac a hirh Preeen' ko TearAe-iBiderter dt Every dollar belpa erery patron and prororeoRl(l piomoiirg 1'vivra.tAl. ACACalBTABCl wi'h tbe Bgjxf'pti . oa. o< Ai Nat. ai loaitiog tbe paw nag» and cj-ope-aii n of Ail No charge to Pn/ iUfiat Htas' Mciiiac andCoaatspnatitxct Dailt fr^m'to

12 and ro 5 o'clock. Reptiferiac Vieri Hanft. Meri't. .'nr-e!-etrafi. /V/oft.i». ail fa/oeaatifteB Ac. tu t of near y eraryBckoo/aud tuBttfp. lecuiirg a great . to ail. Manynie islied at 6 at call, re |avta| the hen eff jrte of tba par t«a.

Pell a Check to erery aVaawi, Tearker and F'irni, and l'iaret enal PnJIti tllow'rf a »er Ckee* firtwjnaw ordere pro-coted. ht hot lt. ChBtct.e». Ac .will be rlaitad._Are- yaa going out ar Terra this "»uraraer f-lf

y. u are aid weal a good bnneet HOL'IK_BEPt R to tak--cere of yoor booee yon can have one by appl, ing tithe AMER1CAN JVlDOVA 8'RELIEF AiSOwlATION.lltOraone at^

k l,-, trot, pin* aad Mte-reatyplagj.VINCENT DILL. Me'eotape Founder and Kieo'rotyper.Nie 29 and .11 Bsakman at N T. Thia eetab lehmeot pae-areeei fuilibaa for B'ery deecilp loo ol Electretiping andSteten typing in all their variooa brarcbea. All ordere prompUyeieculed, el low pricee.


BXNBIVl lit NKKAL NEVVSPAPK.R BOJK andJOB PKiSTlNO OFFICE on thia Continent, ia JOHNA ORAY'.s. comer of Cl ff aad Frankfort eta New York,where EVERY CONCEIYARLE VARIETY of work ledene w ttk c< rrectaeee. taate. and proinptaew.from a MavoatbPo-'er or CoVied Snewbill to the haaaeomeet. cheapeet oretra 'ett Cttcahal Card, or label plain or fancy. WhereRO Kh Me'ia/INFS. ard PaMPHLETa are StereM-ped.k:leitrottped, liluetraied. Punt-d and Bnand to euit the de-¦aadg m th' moat toeciaeful I'uMiahera V» here SIXTY ofthe Btatda d Pe-i.yiict a o' thla cly have oritlaated anl heenleaned frtn hie Preatoe which are «TILL d>liee-lng THIRTTof the larteel ard enoei reapecrable NE^'8PAPKR4 MAOA-/IN1S and REVIEW«, wl.b uedet.a'.rg regularity and ao-

'Vbefecilitiee of hie EetabHahment ore ao great that all partleaInwttt o' IOB PRINTING or I'RFSS *OBK of aLy klad" ON Dr.M AND." and at tbe loweet pooaible raab prices, mayI« BBgtala o' accommodettoB at any ssseon af ths year.

JOHN A. ORAY Noe 9.* and 97 C.ffet. N. T.

IK era Pabiiratione.ANOTHER NEW HOOK bv SAML EL


Or. IkitH fltiatBy S. Lerer, f. Aathorof Toon CrosSta." " Handy Aody.''Re, complete in one lorge tt eol with atoel nitration.Price 59 reeta Lover it aaivertaliy ectoewlodged lo bo thewittlrtt aid Btoat gtacelul wnt-- of tbe age.

A HL'BKE BaSaio. Pnblieber.New-Torki Rflae JONES A TOI sEY,

_l^knahai'e Aeaats, No. 1«S Waateeat

SPIRITI'iL' TELEGRAPH.THE ORGAN_ OF MODERN BPIRITl'ALI4M-4tb volama commaB-eea !b May, cootalnt the rallatt record of current facta aadprofosnd (it. /i/on, on Sphritnel !.. terc.-irae, of aay pubaoo-tioa eitant Pahliehed weekly. A. per aaanm Address

PABTaUDteE k BRITTAN No. Hi Broadway. N. T.



" Who will «ich»»»» r M 'erase (ir«»'"{ tret, en **ie'.te Fntertainni'Obj.

Tbe poetrc-n'te work I f IB* lereie'rnted B£* Uoaoated BO-

ttcr ¦ Loee irr.nt and melancto.y death baa ewakeied anjb|'i»re nn petty

It If t k i.k <f introee earreitaeee of -arp^ee ', p| t»-.-:a

icee. aid or,aioe ity of thought It be. beeu «,k«d for « lor toroe soothe poot Allwbowmd irarn the rt

riaeimdee to which a men of genua w lubjected theo d reedtbie took.

«HD THtil boti'M or THt nrn.Tatra Ii e cod rre It) cor n'rted erit i the ao'aor of thai M

ttl;' g-ephy »:..rb Mitt it At nSIp eltree'ise. The eu'hir on

the ittb of Ni»»l'.her 1IA4 ere* foebd is b'eeheujb-r a torpoe:he dird by tie cert) hard ' He tied not im« t bot e»!ea y, in.oncer in ci-apry mn ret tod in poverty' Thie art w-rt ia

ote bot er;.. ».» Mod with 'tf'cm It a itraifal. feaciuet1pp. ti d Lfj dreinetic tatet m There u mu-h ofoiigd-ntl th< seht in it. tni tbt whole nerratlre ie lateaael) intereet-

lng." la.iiaore Patriot" Wa hear, betete/ re rpcb.o of the aothor ae e mea boaen

to feme; end it ia a mailer of rtgrel that he dil bo' lire t> en

jay thai a* taelon to Ma htm ft ktbleh thit week It ta .-redto tire Nine w.l. real the etory arltbi ut ee'ah for bin whopeered it " [ laBOrleaa aod A'cue.

" Mr. North waa a writer cf cnaiderebU tal*ot. and badbrrn in iL a at ni.'iv , «i.e twe yeie only He bed [mh.labelLUtnerrue booki in >.n|l. ad end waa con r,ec ted with eereralpapBat I p'rii <1 rale at eerioue tixee Hie were

b r'nt piiard * b'a. hie aal work, for pureeea of ttyle I |a a

©t d.r'ien. and I M of IA¦ -natr.. baa e'idom if erer beeo ear

para, d " fOel y Treceenpt.. I bare reed p -or Nortb'e bock .1 aerar wee ao 'aeeiettei

wi h era woik in my 11'*. I opened it ef er dinn»r aad haclock etjock tie hour if midnight bwAjn I a J it aeide. I here

tirh-d t«|»:aeel" Z amb .'eher» Trioecript" Tbe 81«»» of the Lamp' ie an eat..'iogrepb* of thle g ted

neo. aid e I.» read with much in'ereet f Veen"1 hie work ieore of e'recge ''lon, which wi:l chain

tbc nadir to Ite pegee until be hrt eeee ite aajrj oloee "

e.-t ..

"'The Rla»e of the l.err p area pc- r Nortb'e !e«t wirk. Hecor le leg It bot a fee tief bo ere preriooe to ble death The»dorne le cr.e ot eome e< papa and w-ll printed 7la of the Inttnee etyle r f cu-ie g-eph.e in ia deeeeipltoo*aid lie ie la me of rant et feelioi, feep». thooiitful-aid rekaaetaahlj oiir'nal io Ita conception "

[D».iT'Vbig tray.It Ie a ecik that diapiaya atrr.nt sstetiptttl feetBttJee,tad

enperUr aMIMaa 7be writer eeuid poitrey a pe-« i-i. or dei!r re'e a character with a n-eatr r band. Tat reale' mW fbllow the rcorae of the etlrring aarreilve with mingl-d emotionecf plraaure ard regrtt." [Troy Budget.

" Tr e atyle Ie tat) aisilai to that of the ieunuilal Poe.fellof n.yilicietn. legenca, and the wonderful "

[\\'e»<-r!y Magaiioe." An adn l»ab'e «t< ry. How roe filler aol admiree tbe an-

ttaM It eiliileail tt eaympa biea. Prop e l Airotate,Publabid in one eolome. cloth Pilce AI.

II IrOIIO a. BBOTHKR, No 121 Neeeae tuAnd all "ookie'lere._

Now Beady


HIBTOIT OF A PORT D NE.Comp'cte in one volume.

By O. W- M. Iiviotni.koTitri or nit rttii.

" Reyeolde la tbe oily tin' rJelineator of characterand human paeaione. He giree bia brilliant luagiuatijn fullplat ir tbe romance of Me» Middleton; Dr. The IHetory cf a

I artare. Everybody fdd of real exciting romance ibouldNad H." Daily Whig

14RayBreidt ir the only writer whnae bookc we cao'. leyBelelt aatl) taVte art fuiehed. He cheme the ktaajtl wl'h thekrIDMicy of bte B«latha| and tl e taaaattlR) of hie dee rip'iooa.Tten he j bltrayi iharp, ejicy and ordi nal." Morn'ug Neea.

" A i. -at rxcltiei book ktgr Middletoa Ail ibe ladieewi Ittel I' It Ie juet the etory to larcioata them. ReyaoldaItba Irath a great wrMet, and b!ay Middleton ie one of the beet

ol hie heaAa (Adrartiear.l -..| i- ia one »oloane. Price 30 eta.

h IrOMO A RROTtlI.R. No 121 Na-eau itArd a11 B .kael ¦¦.»

IN I'HFSS.Anii"will Ii.- publiahisl alioul Ukd1

MR% DORR'S NEW NO.'EL.rtst.isiiio raoM tni tatAtel laaaTt,


BONCE A BHDIHKR No l.lNaaauet,



Ie the till, of a atertl'or work el.ich wi I appear in theNEW- YORK DISPATCH

Of April IA, 1S55in » nu i a it L at AB! tai tD iomi or thi oatt MTtTBtV

ir.l or l aw AtD Lt'MATtC AtTLl'Mt.

It i.aa lock been known that man? of the Mad liouaee of Etraupe Wart Bead tat tat m<at dieO. K el purp wee. yet no Joedi.arr.d tbet he Luxatic Aeyluuie of tbe L'oitel Statee were

nridfor anyoth-r Uan Utfiln.ate pu'iaaea But when we

come to open tbe lesorde of tome of ibeee p'o'eaeed Poiltn-tbiopic Itellio'ioi a, we find that ihey are to h-iter than tbeirI ¦ ,'peae piototy pet 1 h*re are now within tbe walla of aoneot piierte both aen and women, wl.oee uiiata end Intel-lecte ate iiulte aa clear ae tboee < I tbe phyeiclane whj eoa-

algoed Iben lo tbeir celle.ard wboee eoole are free fromtbe guilt ard nine wblcb tear tbe beaita of Ihaeewo.' baa¬lt,11 cc io d.pnve tbem of tbalr liberty, taattbet a, eht rerel in

are lb tbet wae bi t tbnre. Tbe purpoee of the au bareea of"7be Mad DtlllMf a to lay before ibe Amencau peopn.thebieten of meof tbeee teril»la plote. abicb wae bat too eta-rr.a u y earned out. Ibe hi pee to aroeee pablic opioioa to tatail lLat ca la edit '« braara for tedreea How far ebe heaaccm p ieh.d tbe u.poee In «low. tbe reader muat.udie Tneetiry ot the ber bo iwbo lor t ae pur,<aee of ibta work. Ieea ird En ily VN err" a literally true in evrry par'tcu ar. aodtbe real character will be reeoer lzed to the City of Ne» lork.and tome 11 ti e towneof Nra Pngland in ipite of the attemptlaaeaatal hat etfortunate Ideitiry Read it. yoa tbet to leaar 'o tie tender n.erciee of a atop-mother, endbe Mitral hoar yon leere yonr pr p»rty-eee that It cannot beneed to c. rruj t and dretroy aour oleprieg when you have beenaa l.dio render op the hnal accoant of your etewerdehip on

eertbPrice 4 oesta a ropy. Per aale by all Newt Agenta. P

ceil, n Office No 21 at

P~ R I V A T~E~E~B S A F L O A T '

Look tat for tbem. Tboutande are crniaini abo.tThii Baak'i

Y A N K EE PR1VATEERla laden with rien fielabt to eult arerybody. Mora cf tbetxraat RoBence, entitled

THE ARCTIC CtOMIY'erne Poetr» AnrcCotea Baroiog dbip H»ei.

YANKEK AMOND THE MCRklAllX.An Did Meid e Soliloquy a Yeokee in a ahoa-r Bath.


Koar 1 cnti the cpy. Agence No Inj Neeaau et


ROI*. JON EU et TOPIET." Uouaehold Word* throogbout the clriileai world ".Bancroft

New Ready.

TU 1 C H A I N BI1II1.Br.i.g the TENTH \ OLL'ME of tbe bow and tuipiortd

ediiloa of the entire Work* ofJ. FEMIMORB COOPER.

With til ita ieteet corrtctlone and reeieiene. entitled THEPEOPLES > DU ION. A i.iai will be pabliebed on thelet aid lo b ef e»ery month. until'Mte eeriee ie completedElefently printed on inperier paper maaafactured for thle edl

lion, end bound In rmboaeed c.olh, in a laeteial aad nnifjraietyle Price of each eo'oma $1.lie »clumri elrrady Uit'd are: "THE PILOT, THEK Oi" " THE hPY." WINO- AND-ttINO;" " WHH


Tkit editicB of Cooper e Norele ia a eery acceptable oo« totie Amei'can public. H etab:ee ikoee wbt baee oot beea¦nppliec vltl tbeea etandard worke, of ah'ch erery Americanieeoprotd to obtain copiee at a cheap rate, end to e aoif irtn

ebape No bekter I pportaiity viH aver be pr*een ad onNaMycf ohtatBiBi eo elegaal and comp ere ea eliooa at aa-a a prte*.Wa »xt ort all who wien to turn ab their lib rarlea with CoopertWorke to eelee tbe pretest opportanity ¦ [ lertford CouraatPub.uhed bySTRINGER A TOWNIIND No 221 BroadwayOrdere exreated by all the priecipal Bookeelleta._

Rrecy on tie 2'at ice'ant

cReedy on Do I'et Icetaat:

ATTAIN 0' 8 U L LIT A M.Hit MtUTaAAf atD MaTtiMokiAL ADegaTtaai By

W. H Mexae 1 author of " O'Halloren aad bia Maa ¦' Bta-riet of Watatloo," Ac Complete. Oae volame, alto'rcaPrice 50 ceetaRaAalo: Pubiiahed by A BI'RRE.

Coraer of Maia aad » i -« i- ate.New Toil. ROSS. JONER A TOI" IEY,

No ;f3 Neseeu et^Peb lenef e Agentai^W^VItW. .SATURDAY. April 14. tiei> PIRBT PART of tbe LABOE ted ¦ ALL'ABLE LIBIAB> of Cl'RIOl'A aoe BARK ><¦>.-. I ea IMCAICANHIITORT. ENOLISH LlTFRATl'RE. Ac -The tale »9meeca os MONDAY, the Idth at 4 o'clocb P M e-1 a

tinaed at tbe eeme boar eeery lay throogbout the week. Therollctioa I* eery neb In See copiee cf Rare aad a aa e

Booko oa ABerican Btatory of all kinda, Llterataro, kbeDrace Hirteri Ac. CelaJogaee Bar be had at the AuctionRoexot. Ma. 11 Park-row BANOB, BROTHER A Co.

AY, APRIL 14, 1855.


New leidy, iL ne elri»o' 'mo ee'aaie. to* page., * epiiitedErfr*«itg. »lc tiape. Tr.c* $i £.


LIFE OF BAM HOUSTON.Tie taij ea'.heuic 8 grepby of 'tie I.. a«. c .a

»E«AYOw HERO patriot id BraTF-i'dANIb tk« a- rtrereet o' the tin**

eMI.ailxAt »HO Hl'l a COt.TAT TO Ll*l fOB,Ar» ,crjt Cf '0


Tl i* heiai/n' »o'-bi», »hi b laa been wrtt*a w th abilityBBA t .» < r* Truth it low reedyIT Ml'IT «E THE BOOK Dir oiR T|VK«. fOU THE

Time has coke. a>o the mas.


Trltl ttji to Nit 'n»-Ro*.irco Inu' tlo CeionCHAPTEA. BBCtMID

HoneUn't An-ratrr aid > a I. m u. 0.. , M th«r- HerdV- ,.n .-. tk« Boy .to.;. eti >o u. to» 'A ts». H. bbbbVi E ..c»

t ot .Hf bid ui bl II ; er leerir.t BT la eta ni ha la-diene-Ine'ea Wajrl r. .a U aehiagtoa Hoaetou a;-Tttchet-lle !h IT 8 Arat

CHAPrE«. THIRIIHcue'oo eider Oos levaa,o.Tue r»»k Cmpugn .Pbe

Vt oauoM Bniairr.H'.e«oo 03 . L'i'»r-A"t-a'on tht dueietil oi- A VA at* r ef BeRatlet.Hi Be'ee'l VM4BeeA*Ba

CHAFRI » H'KT 1BavjSaBB »ted'te Law Adini t-d tn the B|| MMlRaj to

Ca |icee .0 BOO*aIB. t rtt *lwBf It* RlMgaMMa Ol* lawi. r ¦¦ r-T: - "A if wac 'Icr.a.

C lATER uf rTh» Vtiic.Hoa»'o'.'a of. pted f*tn»r-Ta» Oil 01 . ."»

rtitetieg.Ha Opia* a of th» Indiaee f.r» 'A'atar imoii h»BaC-Mta.Japeera, tb* Frtoad] mt IL'ue-ie. Th i » Oat. .fPel T'iai-Hi* ArijUittal H» rem M to tb*«*- TheBoarUl kleaeel i:a>u' Kirf

. HaPrE I a|\T ft c L hi to T. jiu F -. r 11 .,o in Teiee-1- ..

.laid «. ub Naita Arte-Honet..t e Policy for IViei-aaatioIe prlronrd P'.tlie m»eu <. Id T»na -festf iaoa'e Tfl If-leaee Pr»per»e forth* S'tmi'a - Pro» anaal tie lara'i >n >ffeceiendrpee. uetnn'e lrdi*o C.a am*.Comma d-r-ia-i l..»f.raaiti » cD't.b. A ex j-Me.'ciiog aa Ar ny H oea-tOL'a Flare '< eCeapelro- A I'tr» »uter* f.i T ie

CBAPFRA IE I I T'lTt a brer* M.a !& th- Alatro- *aw Ma»»ecr» a' th* Ale no

nah) la Tbsbb.H-uai La HamaBat..Tea »i.nahier. ..o

liar Prepaitrif to ¦.. .' tl.e Ei- oi > .Marcbiof B) fealaAl.T' i Oi!, Hr p* of T' iaa-1 a«'a Anoe A '\taeiot. l ae loa-aroite of i).» OoariLj »o'.No' e T'üt la tb* Aru.j. <utiM icei t to be Lo«t. An Hoir of Peril." Rem.mtrer ih» A'e-mo'- The Verehrt Baattae'l A-o.» .Tu-ir Art -a! et «aaJei it:c.Satte Aoia'e HB(]«*.Tb» Tw« Aru.l«* M**fl eu p of tl. Mnireoa

CHAPTER fi'lHTIITt* Br .: ->a-a .-The Moro rt of FaaJecia'o-

¦saeataa 1 rite m laa Rattla Taa tlataltaf TVo uBtmi1 - eat .h-Hr 1 T' f1 fill Blll«r't-I)«|t " r,

Tb* Dap af Veaieence-r e M aaai. Aaae.rbe *aVIIb II, i f tb* V ictorj .1 e (V,;*.. ,,a of Mee.c >.A lu ncit:cs ol Teeaa.

CH A TER NINTH.T*» Mcralrf Aftai the > ict. r, r>to'a Area Honatoo'e

Pnaoo'r.The Momt-ed M.aO ao üictator.Saota A me a-ateHinatoo.Cre*e Eaau uatioo f ^aota Aoaa.Ame ieaoi caaNeeer b* Ceirin-r-e'-Saiite Ao"b I* b» Ibatt loaiBna a Ma<-rar nit j to flm. Huuaiot ¦, Trea'-orat of h'« P.-'. a a

Ike Fug.itte (ioierninen' .Roik. tb* Patriot Soldier. .00

c,; ne 11 far re Ant a a tllaaaa Bataai t0M l<ao Ja-intoFlr '.an r.'e Not'. Cotdacl Ti ' i'-oeral Partite with theA'n j Alereee to the Soldirre.Houi oi.'a Re.-.t. a a- *.'«»Oi'rena.Ilia R.t .'n 'o ble Hoi*.Aan a Ana. to a* F.te."d flooetcn'e Proteat .Sad Kaiti wlth riai'a A .a- q-

j-iatlretoa Prl-ooer.San'a Area a>:e A BitterBaiteim.The New Commander in- hi.f°.

I 1 a " I / r TENfrll »cl or of tie I'r.t I'ree dei t hj Ae'la-natioB.TU* Firet

Texan toneiree. Houttin't li.».»atal Alrt'.M Th- la ent

h'l M Hi-Hooetoo Re'oioa h.t S*ord.Ja^aion'e Ogin os ofBaaelaa. PtVIlhap of Rente Aina ent Homt.u A- e a j.t a'

etapeaelloa WalBeili A*To<acy it Tttae laeheaa*e Laaltrffjfel Act-H.uatoa a Tt(aiti.rnt of the Indiana.An Armyo' Ad.rninitre of leiee. \ a'ediator.Addiea*.

CHAPTER FLfcl. EST ITl * New Pr»eiii»ni-Tt.» San e Fe Eipedltinn.Lamer Ac"-

tt Iniatiail' r. I ireimiret:op of the laeiane.Hooatou a.eeaiL. Voasa Ripub ie.A rri.i* N.«il, Met

CHAPTER TWELFTHHooiton'e Btcond I'm- Teaaa aealn Inra^ed.T.I.« pre

par*.'or a-olh»r BtrT.;e'e Tn-eere a<aio«t I'oietii- Anelo-Beieat end Mulraa* Htaltit] ut Santa iaaa'i CoaC01 treat hrlaeen Meticen Bno Am»i:can Harnanily Meiito-Aft-al to ail FiieBdl) Poaere-To- II et are o'thaSt'oee e aith klnico, a ritten by Hioaton- The Fair limieneeit 1 eiaa to Meeieo

CHAPTER THIRTEEMTHEffret of Boeetoo'e appeal la London, Paria, aad Waihiog-

tpt A.iiet, and latiltoreof (.u'opeaa Powara aboot Teia.HubtreaLd aureaaafui foMcy of Houe'on. Po'Wy of Aooeta-

tlin Teaaa Indi paodeLt Motnee for Aoaetatun . Far-alabttd Statremei ehip

CHAPTER FOUa.TEE.NTHVt b, t* 'arored Aneeeat'oa Be Ireaoal to Vrirata Uf*

Teaaa In rbe i'r.i'^i. Ttea* rep e»*o'ed at Wallnpui aeaall > Private «.rierae'er-Tha Reformer and the etetjrmejThe Vtonnaeil lb- Pairmi

CHAPTER Fl KT* E ITH.Iloueli a in tl e Nalioba. St Bate. How Pierce waa Elected

linoeim on th* Rabiaaha Bill-The Facu of th» Mlaa .artCin pn n ice.k'tj'ne. it* Repeal upon the fouth .lloaat .aeweiare not fr m Cat)-<'piBi 0 of Ueoeref Ceae. 'LoreCa; Poaitioo ef tbe .Northern Denioera-y Elena*]etion ofthe liii'ani Stem*In Roblrer* uf th Red Men .'I leotoaI n ib» 1 ler, >n.ii.'e P.lltioa.Mtnietera ol the Ooepelaoi'_be I iafieLcbiae*- e|(j.|»|, nt the Memoria'.Raiatl .u olMirdatei* to P011 Ice.The Boe'h and tbe C .tnpromia* 'AtiUol Hi ualoL'a Speerb SoLatoi BeniOB Eulof.eee Houatoi.

( HARTER hlXTEFNT IHi uiton'e Sieteen ecar.ip.Ja< lei. a Keeli. »i toward !!>*«

too Jerkeoo'e Opinion of BotM oa.ttouetoa'e Amer.can Char¬acter. Hotatjt a Br .'ire Man

( HAP. i « f>E> ESTEENTHt tealai BjaiBilk) lei be Red Maa Baaatna'a View mfthe

In lare. Shall tbe Iraiene be Eitereatnated -Uoaatoo'a Boylw J Jui-ice to tie Rt.t Mrn.

1 U kPTER EIOBTEEMTB.Hiuaicn Qaeet!. oed r. tr» H'r a -.- ilia 0| ohn ol T...-Un

era-Tbe Teaaa Renatt r la ( .. aaMatataad Jeeiaaay ¦'. a.

I H a Pf KR .NInETIENTHWar aitb Metlro.Debatte 00 tte Annexation-Tt-eee the

Riad to iht Pente Row Fh» act her Liberty. Tee Treib ofthai laid Streif »- I'a Heroi' L«ad-r

CHAPTER T A £ NTIET h.A Furri . rf the Clou a, M Tele*-- itt reejurce* ia laid.

TLe Prtbelia Dre.ict r» ib»' Sra'eCHAPTER TWENTY FIRST

llcae'i c'a Education and E o-ioente. An Efieetit* OratorNrn liteiT'i tue In Forelf n attaira. Meetief 0/ Koeeu A aotlie r r Diaon'cn Bebui'd.Ibe Oreet Meaatree of It*1- Appeal ia of the ladieiaa-Tbcy caa beCnu.ecd-Ttry She

t HAITrR TWENTT-SEi )Sr»Houateu at Hm » Ha I'aioo w th th» Ch'tetlen Choreh-

H aranii-Hia t\ >l* ead I hi-dran .HI. riletory, and theMoial it lie Eierr 11» -t! a Falefe Aue Our*.

J.C KERbY Put).later. New Marble Bulldia«Na II* Naaao at Nee Y^rk

Ar.d for ea'e hy aR Boekee. ere» "i » r ra teat by a ail pool paid on receipt ef pr e.

If MA A|*ota a anted to Mil t*>e abu»e-VO it each StatePabhebcieol oeatpapere lit'ae the aboee eee inaer.ion.

ab*'I bar* a eopt < f tbe boob eeot th***. auet pelt

\\r I L L I s7» n E~w aTo O KT--.II Satoed Edition low ready.


tv a r wane1 tel. .emu. Al V>

From Tbe Hertford Couxeat." P a rparkiiPl beeotiee of Tbe Home JoernaL"

Piclu Tb* Wr rc-eter Palladium" A mere BB'h're eTl at hi fa 'be poel'ina ol a 'aaterap»

paicter. axd be atetchee witb truth to natu'e Tan rulu-oelaa nary lina iboatt.ta. eeatteaeati and deee, eürth ( a .t

Mlltllkaaa tor the fereral reader ''

Froen laa Baltimore Patriot," The book it eery lfilereela>(. and cannot fail to be lead

aith much pieaeare."From The American Courier.

"Tbieboek fl.aouiaoma of the mo*t qaaint'e tu-oed eadexq.'ately Selehed peeaetea aith wbieb Mr Willie baa en¬

riched tbe poiiebed co'emce of Tn* Home Joe.-oei'_CH a j SCRIB1ER. Nu H Neeaee at.

\VTH.L WOBTH READING.No. 24 L!KBTV lLLl'STRATLD. cooaaixa tm Ttt'TN AAwaTT L.or

BLiaaili>fOb Oracle Learee *t»ui El r da. Fethe National Aradercy Loe.'c Abeence.A Poem. Th*Bor*. Dreea Hinte ot EdacatioaA P: t . -i- Fi««:aaTua. Li'e In New Ear an!

Poierta Lact Chi.d L 'e .n a -aar

a few ft ork, from the pea of Frederick L)* Vaaua.acjaiam The Hatct.neoBtThi Citt Axerdotae of Neweboya Th« l/ ttor Lewpre 1 or tux RtH-I'L-tad At ttea Cxi/xnie L'uh.

Orrun t aha Mrxico K.-'pef 1 I PiBLicaTioae Batlntea. luter-etia»

Mi ar.. ne len.e Phe Mertl a

Tae W eu'te See. e Poaei Flam Ti irVi tt Edeea'ioaAircuitate. Caaeee wb^h Depr»ea it P-ooeerce R»f .r-a

W |. lF-u'I A' '.-w. -e H it Pli la;-l

anaoftd a pbebttkaJJy. at Atat:s jther aaeia. tad lalatMAlap matterPab ui-i Weekly al f J a y«ar by

EOWLERB aep tt ELLA, Mo. SM Breedway. W. T.

THE UNCLE SAMUELcf tit* week ia ncter than erer. a * iota et* foad

tkinf a la a tale ebeet1 KIDD S l*LAND.A etory cf Cenaeeticat Riter, Faefa.oa, A New Zealand |Le-tead Patent Rat-Cbewer1 A LADT FREEMkWN

TBE DIAMOND Ell-IIflOl)Gaapowdrr. Abeurdn-e ef U'e:


la a large, well printed tTeafclj Paper, ccteieiag 10 cat-

Ttaiau ttoaiaa.Plica fitut tea la. Agency No KSNearecet


SPIRJTUALIfiM..I-ubliahtd TIia Day, priceeta ceata No S ofTHE PUBLIC CIRCLE;

A Meethly Record of Facta In Sil-.taal la'ereoarteT.a pr I tt ef the peper are tetctod to the eappoet of Free

(ut ri it No feat Brood way. New T oik. tor tbe laeaetiaatioaof 'tir-.taM t. be ten: to PARTRIDGE A BRiTTAN. Me. »

or M J B CONEUN No. SC ¦reearwty. New Tort



tH 0 Ii I * TIMES.. V « jot IBaAIBT

Ic OB* 'tmc Ti.lmi* ,.1 ». a' > r»4"b Ptl .* Bl JA.Tliinl». i;nfj<(r *-e Hi pgrephy o' ik*-leffn

feared J< area ist cf th> H»r. e! e*e-»Deper. fr ni hie io^B.->to the in «Bit fxe »od »in . »bibit hut tosrecter '% t'B mit *

ae well tt b ced feteiie el«eriy ted tapftlaliT. Tieeo'om«. D r. D'eiB. . Bf B peaotatr a of paoBt »»¦ BtB IB peliue,BBMBBtBB, KB Bt] Bt.0 IMbbbI 3 B, («t 5u years pat'-

Jn.i k . dyJt not »«' *iw Won

NATURE AND HUMAN NAT I' cne lino lot tai'.'rm v ia *'m SA *ela oap«r

btty eeato; teall* b Bto to ma.iia nt»i t dee eer.te" Mac* Htm s'Kk'e 6 at wark, ba kte wnten no'tttaf to

f>> tei j to-' i. u'tea In'ioiraa aa tbM Eeere loa of Hi» i». torn* way «r ..'b-r-it .tre.-reel. BBOlrttal'y haea*elf la letry etc of th-ee dtol! eerat. tb« cio-rtejak"f iot«t liaaell Uf 'eel »et timt kJUsf ef"leg"

L odoo Et tm ner

T^r iL? ltitbatbo mabbrbi bookiA Mimn or Ouid BfH>«ion »\j Fotira Acoarr i.iih

¦artslicit betatifu, ro'nme af 'it p*e»*. »r-.^e ueb'd with f

L or a* ipge Prtoe RISTAIN.*'* * T V.vmr.NT

N HI Broadway, N. T.Urderiwill be .'.!'-d la IBB pr of lb If roOQpAlaa.

HA1RD'* P BAC r IC »L 8 E K I WW.IKE aajapi.-aN ant .La.* ANO «I L'.'VRiOfl r»f

A - » I'T a N T Uj) Willlaa C H i.h**, a new end iboriaib a-rovbodj fdkhsB, win BtBcb edaUthoaal atattaf aid.tnyae»Vt. if Fra ee'tia« near'a r»*.{t. I VsL tfaBs) I B «» AtToP. TvRRER'd COMPANION, aaarata«! laitiaaBl >oa to

rr»rr*ttii el.; at d BBfal ri Turning, wl h petes oftloele To :a am In.truu eue atd .!:ree ">oa. 'or n.iog rh«Ea<er.r-r Cutter Dull and Circular BeM PtBOaTBIBd arkoaBB>asraaa Bifiatkaffi a Bear aaTktBBa. n* ai y faawj 1*1 lino ;Bf fa TA cert.Til, PA1RTBB, OILOIR aho V ARM SH ER i COM-

PA M ' IN. fa B* iir int in ee aod irpi Bttatat for »»rrfbiaf re¬al i.t IB be RftBai Peiuttng Oi.Jiog eut V aru.-n..;f. I pure IS cet.'aTHE BDILDkR'l POCKBT COMPANION .¦ netniof

tbe I irB.eiiBj cf Bu. d.ot Barvafhaf, an I RfBaaBaBaRfa, aricbt raCBbtal latal ana iuiKu.-,,ona Baaaaaataal aai.b toa BabJ -ct orA C BtBQBIssj I K.i i.n.c p-u-r* B1THE lil i R AM» COLOR maua'I C3NPANI0N

r-1 alabaf Baerard fef MB Bitaiafa bat raAMjCaaarf oa ihad o« at pro\ad principle* foi all tbe aario ia .lyl-* aud farrii.-e,r x.'i I ». retail IbBbb. | bt bbt YS b*Bt|Tl'r lABlM-r MAKE* tin (.i,ili»L.»REA,l .»M

PAnK'N cenuibiLf Iba u.' ard pr bcip e» of Dabiu'iMaairr PaBubjtft} ill p o win' V.i >r-'ri(, la aintaotBabiWoiB Ut«ii r and rtein<rf ATooei laaff, Raaa Rtv| ,iir-ctiona I*. La uueiinf Japannicf Varn'ahiof. and ti makeFrrtcb P.I. Iitwratad aaf fall Itaton FtbaaWsaakf.PaPIB HAMOBafB i nMPtMON eoattiatact^eAaaid>

raaAkf ipaoowaeaT*'o BaB*rla| aid ih» i »ri ajt t t»>n'i anlPaataa Baad), eire. Raa t f- r PaD»ll Bf and < >rn aentiaf Roomit aol urn1 Ba a c lea 7 » voterBBaOMPLETE PRACTICAL BREMflBi or. Piwn

ass tectraatt IsatattCTtOBS is rat Ast #s Bmbtim Bms«) M LataMttB B)m, *>.:b illut ratoiua I eat ULanr | pr- a


al d. :u.e, at d eirccti tifcr Mm'"', cut and miit (lamlat.H . . *r Iraitsasif Ac B> Do na* Keutlah. I »jl llaiprc» RI

. nil CRN ON L')"0M1TI% .. KWH s'E .--In lira a do.eftptkta of i . tfraacar*, ru!«t for ».moiiut rt » i^folei todpract ral I ta>i««imot on Ba mauafriuenr Pm - I canta.TH'' AlPAftR''' OLM F.. p.icti a' di-eer o. to Aiaai

H ,'r, Mf t.

era Mlrart ma Bo.e't- ra Basra an taaata of all tbMat aetshi Bad ataa. br Osaaf M Leal

t L'llKul VP- v '.ATIplaio BnBtfBjaflBaa In 'It* ait of w.irbme mstil* by prsetp'tattoiif . m'torn it*ir » iuiloi.a to i"na ii» fjeaae rif pa aaoic bar-teil bitba.-raV «*a'k-r l.loitrsttd wuh ai.od cuts. Ito' iovo pr'fo 7A asataTHK PtlOTECBBIira CONPANIONj or A Svarrat

cr Bscasanoa firawbbu Rt '> sp Mattkarat lila«-mtes »Hb mm d io'*. I rut. ISbbb Mira 7V bwibVTill PRACTICAL IVBVRYOA't OOIOB, "T Andrew

1 . i:c Bia n'tf tfs b'C'sany In''rmt't in 11 male aa i r«rei n ot It n.ii n capacity a ticuhed Land Surveyor. I ffljl'.'o.n pr CB 7 I r» nla

Any o| tie ah a* Knnkeeent ha mall fr»« of rarr. af imttea_I1FNRY i BAIRD, PabLsbor,PbiladBlfab[a

10UO rnp'ee ordered io advato s of pitluietlojT P. BMIT/H'1 LAST NEW WOBI

i* e Till BA1 Kill. 11 II KD.


BT J. I IM. I h BAR jAuthor of " Mlools Orsj Oas BevaaiAc.

Beaastrally lltaeaiolsd Pi las BBasaBa" Tkla by a aaaatlfal volaaa of tit psaoa. kaaattfallp Blaa*

tiated The writer to eivi ,( ue th . Titt.e of a iloenro.-ee, hieoiem|llliid tLe old acege that truth it etrtog/r tbBB Ii n ra

I itrtri e im" TMe feecir.a'lna bork Is from the grvhi« pen Bf the eoih ir

of Mibr is tirey Tbe plot ie of the nrie' abeoibiBf tutiiaet,br-id aod atariiiag inc.dent* ot car Io eeery peg -."

f MBggt Journal" The BBOWa la0 1 -mapi-e of the moar Innsie lotsewgf] BS

a nrh io. thai you casnot crop It uniil you bare Bfflswd at theaid" fTiBie

¦' I 11 er b!I 'be charming nneele by Ihe aah .ro' ' MlanleO-ey' ii d tine Hows d lbs p'ot Ii eVI IIa ly coatrleed. Badttaeheraitirt ere in.'t.folly drawn t 'na'u'e D epatch.

Tbl« it ico'her eew bosel by the filled an'.tor .f OutHi ward tr d iu-paitee, in p< Int it o .etini'y of istrifae endtktit'al c. m~ inatl n, ei y of trie wriiei'e former«ft* i-ta. Ic hattad Inn taee eoceeee la London, where it baa run tbroogh oieof Ite weekly j urua'e of that rl'y the circalati o of w!n;hbit teen iLiteued maey thouaaeds by Its great popultrtcy "

(C urlsr11- London Liorra y World taee " At-aiia Waidgraee.'

aa a literary pei'oirr awee is well worthy of' a place b-eide taäBobie pioct eil-ne .if rtrott blB l>u nae " t ¦«

"Tbltwuik.ha ihe au'h«rofihe f«m->ie SituS d BeB,'It wntien in Lit very i tppiee' eeia The plot Ii m'tt ar fu lyCeiigrer. ai d woraed oni wita I ite-immet" eail1 |B*STIBfy" Tbie aotbor hap.ii .-H a w.ira whi h ie aali'lsd ba ab'gb y dwtraaaleked psel urn emonf ptocac-toce uf Rag *»alb lb- oih'fol ard large concept lone Ie oa-nb-r aol earl er y n plcaereee if deec-ipilnB. iigeoaity Se ba¬ll gee end tAtlttal r.n.linatioo of meiaeat*. there are f-wmi dein noreie with which we ate acqeelo'ed wb eh wtll outauder by toa-partion w th AJe a d- Waldfraae " Vtiee

An ' ig the u ili.'arl ne protlucito'.e of in ilern ro iiaeca-wiiteie tote iti'. e a*, -i t't- Ie r-e ., n ntle f>re-n et lour.

_II LONO a BRO Pab.i beit No. I2i Nateau at

11 H ~h I N DI PI N I» E NT. .

Edited by Pattoitof Corgregit ooel Charibea.Aeaie-ed , iBBteraaa I Btl tan am eg thru the ResHrSbY vvaHIi fEECHER .- R»i OROROB -tCBEKVFR.H Ii, kte HARRIBT BBECBEB STOVE

I II At L BRA' a- tat rr any a hareAtxee the fiiat uf January last, we bare receieed toe aaaaf

ofoiarn\ eb raotri vnd -cs« :RiBsn.t

ind to' lit a a."w nersaalnf at a rate Baosaaipltvt ba tag) Bat*toty of the i»l|akaaf e-eaa ei this af Bay sthsr aaaatge

fonriM's uf T'lH »f,FK'l RUBBBBiOta Hrrciatf'arant tok> RiLiaiOVt lark LLH.s»i.r.

Intern e lob'ira'.it. Uovtirt^ *ii.Mt«aarTkehioeArta Fotilua MlactLLaar.The Bolt *B*d IdDeaSTtBSMStrTS.Chile irt* BoaaBf Bad Uoaaa Kexu r Ramiao.

Iota '. bl'Cren Ntgbt Io SpnagFi em oar Cfaadkka Cef The Mldaigbt VstesDea-n af an Hoacrad VV j T-.e nr i- i.aa -acotila Pi. Beer Huvihi.wea.t

The f Bgregatioael Beard of The R.eer J irdaaPub icatiub U «i t POd

Kcieuth ob Lots [BrLtctioatI iriaaay ¦ Ft welnp with the Dead.EaiToaiaL AariCLga. Sit L'pilgbt.A Oocd Mao a Biography, EolTOB't RowB Tail.akglttiwB taJspaa af ranwAastaal Samt1 be Coagrefatlooa CjIuo. BuyMere of IBs Fntield Ceae Le"er fr»m 8 at .e

Tbe Ptrutt'c in Kaoias. Foaeioe iBTBLLtOBBCB.Ml r,ey Atatlet BSaTRBAA. BSB/fTBBMB- by Vail Rl-by ftrrter, ml 5» per ttni a.

Bpee'DiCn aura be re in' frarteif n,r -oe paper fr j-p.oied oi th* rrim-y add retted

to the pak ..her tBtp'-oe'S Vil ne eoteideret a o jr ileA.MiW IS THr. TIME 1*0 Wti RlrtE

RRVSRTtSRStSST».ä 'aw only will do takea-uart he Beatia betete VAedseeesrL tie No 22 Beakinaa s». Beer York

_ioscPH H LtPD. PtblWher.New KtlltiaB, cow ready


with a LOBiiaiattoa To It'at laci.tDiacTHR MEXICAN WAR THE EXPL'JRIMi EX»EDI

Tluat A»bt nail viBiMoas cooera.

tee., Ri MltBTtACTi taom oriitoBt or rag raait, arc.

|«rom 'ree.rge Bancm'tIt ia to fali of Internet end so tb ante ia tb* moot rlrid

:. loafelkSBIat Amenren petriotiem eat-rpnea aod cuarage.that It caatn: be. to i wldeia c :cu!ated

P'cm Tbe N Y Coarer and Eoiinrer" Aa arcu aia aed Uxparrtol acc-oat of oar fallen'. Nary aa

it wcn.d Be peeeibie to make from tte fret ebjp of iha NewWoria down to oar preient National Marine

From Han't Merehanc*' Maf .f.oa." Tr jtiet'lot eb't tha moat fai'hfal. laasartial avj rsilab'e

Ljurj of lie Nery that baa eeer besa writtaa.0 P. PI TN Aw b Ca New York.

THL~M.\V-YOrtK DAILTNEW8..-A Morn-, Pery-r-PRILK ONE CENT PeVishsl at Ni

II* Ne.e«n Bt, b'ew 1 i'tHa MONLaV Apni If, will be ioeaed Iba firit na>aber >f

TbE N»W-iirSR DalLY NE Ad It will eeota o trieeeaa T-ieg-aif Riei Ciry Reports aal I to-no Corresp nt-etc*. Ac ei d is Betaadwd to »* 'ar"7 re«r>»-1 a jto the e'eed-art ot a New toik deny paper Its saBBSS wi.l be Dean

'th* DAILT NKWS will be erred to I'eeabec.-ibera laNew-Toil br<.l. o RVMlbnaebaith /* e*y City aw H >bken'ct'i reate a waek aayak'e to tbe carter! aod stay oraleo bed 11 tee Newehvye and at the isae! N*wipeper Deperebb>ect.bere btRI ioe»e Ibatt namee at tbe eiuutita r.«,m. N ¦.

i.3Nasaaaat McINTTRE A PA Ado IS Pa .. . ea

PablnRid by Joba C Rlker. No. 1» Fal'oa e* N Y

THE MINISTERIN!,, CHILDKEN' a Tslededicated le Cblink» d By toe aataor of Saadey Aft-r-

coctt m the Nu-eery Liga: of Life." Ac Cloth Ueno. A1"Toeoter'om aaf at Iba aame time -.raeay eoan aaefo

leseet. to 'b» ytathfa' mind, a a taak wbieb a greet into.lee*tt irtweube proed et aceraaptiaoiag. Be<ee art a happymeexm of et ire is- i ia this way. aid 'Miaiet-mg Chipdiet t miy tafeiy be teserteO ig oas ni the m-eer eatcoi'i:BaAasfef o' BR elaee.« cbarmlnt Story, aad abonndlof ia fea-clweat of Troth aad I'aiTertal Lore Tbe aatbea-esa aa lady, eawtahAly teeeiTtl ihe khaaka aad a'-c-aoa of \teatf aad ahildm.'*

..brat (trcaai m,w |ltD>

BLACK 1» 1 A MOND 8 ;Ol Him i «*T R»* Sf.TIliEir

Xnr BCtl "fT'tlCA' L Vry fliltix ¦» t !»¦ UaaaiSeL

Of re* I tk hiMil.nae JV ***** ei« * I . *" ¦« t Paper »****. tl

restat CMrt* IN «tortatoet or rot piih:

The ItiO M »,. r kaath. IB BB OflM B « M BM *V l *evd." 0V| bar*i.,.»(* nal nu . i the *<...»'C»t ¦ ee bj

Prc-aitcr /oka* i ¦* r Hena'Pal in Tee >» . Yort PI .juje,si Kb Bed the »«r> .vs- .! *.«>» 'ee lu IVbi "

at «* lb* P»»:i«* pi'* baa * ."Onml' 1 to .aalt* adn'ie ft-m til. >r«M. i*>i lo. ki*t cm oar ' i«b>» tb*. is* Mstrikaa Pee noa io m *.tt Huaial,<b* fteal or'c'tnl fail') lecer-r, taet'eaeteolt eara**4 feats)Uta Ms* a " »re I an »I. » otrie.e ah* a ide taut* he »eure.I »al*a tb* ait aad »SB BBBBBBb**) 'bereu*. Kr.a -be L-o loaT n at c.*J''«i a *be To aVsrat, and <-*t- b *ee» »'« b*ra a. >«itia**t'.hum th«i*'.r*. any Be Cuttdanai *. aiat-

i*-. Y ..aaV br.a-Pn Fi IBS! Jana* aar Han» Ha. a** eh * . I nB aa

[ten bat SSt1 il Lim a t.atn/* '. äb* >*a Y. a I ii a. e,air. a a Btltatta a» «aa!<*l, ci'pwd aa tb* Ent ab att ' o4cAI i ra Ti rt er* wirtr-, wi b a d.g.** of a*. aae be.uot, o .bai <»p*iturot j| ttaitla.a The a« b*r i* aa u nb>ra -i rat .' in Mi llaw» «at ba> a raia ta'aot far ralohlSalaid -epiodaci. e ia* Baals* Matal o' heaec'o ee«ce-.r.°'

i i"r>'»A .» 'libs'* Hj .* Jaaeeal.Il it ri'orab n« tow h* aetbor .n -b* 'lea itbal 1.» twa,

it Ts* Hi a Ii ik f uavtL*. hoida v ul >. . bat* realoiettitaeatra tat thltl um ana hi* a t baioar aa* c .1 . B

i*aiu trat IseaBeaeave * Pe* -a* ah- kt taaealaVartef aa¦ I, hi oi * ii a. * iBBta La b.n . f erat a d'f.a 11 .*¦

taa* alao»t *itarp»«a.*l» L*">*e'Pap-r Eel****'**.Piofraao» Hal et^al aaabrw. aad aval* I ieeiarar t iara

ia na. kaaj »ai ta. »i .. .-is » ba rji ii. .*vi*t o a axiai . atti-- ii.-r.i* a* to Ml tu ;h,*~i to iv- \*l.iwp.'eeh 'epera.Tbej aia '.ettaaa.abij mpriiot t. aoy MBf, *< taa kind otataurrrpted " t eel «. Rhrewalsa| L'.ios.

Paul react H»»» .»»I T« a.Ata nc k vie «* of bia dara-lit a* 1rete* d .Pia» aa »ri*t*> -at Ba*a*iraa* * a:tflim at lb* kkjkatl i d. t |a«o*a»P o«a

bYasaBaa b» aatatateat baas' to'«.i a-a*iar baaettft r-tr haraa a I :.r»d »a t.. a l.*c-u «a thatha»» tret'd tl« 'ii'inmi of Tl* Naa Yo'l * <. j««* tar waavan ka Pio'r.aor Ju loa i>*-r heLOib.i baal* 1> *. Jr allt. LoikhJI .* Ihr, appeal.d ta Ti* >'"a uo* lha* .ia.aaitta* waa Bat*Baal» aavaasaai bat itaa^atBae aabatataat bjlr a to n. to tu». rit*j ijpa. aa* u*«i.j noun* ikti in rta-ateiat) tail aiat* ai'taati** Ktatj aabj at a u*a «dapaabp taaW' itl a Pr'ti»-o Is ih* o rat an urn \i .1 .»» -naa. at 'h laatline a » Iba a at naiklaj »inn Tu:a baah »> "r>eta>B ie .1« t«nti l -.a b*' baa '«ii paii'iaaitea) to -eaia;aid wklakW talaalataalrsaastaa th- li-ibia Bataakaaa iotarail twtt*Mt, ttati Itt ataf aaataa* a aatal laaoa u l*t|f.n> aid i d r. a o paa* bl d a«*ar' t *.»' aat aatagrlsa Bat a aaaa af * Bassk l).am-»nda" H.*i«arCi'o ua ai.i Lata np He a. iiravoa. art tuia' **r* aaa*' be o-> taa. i i arat or hrad Hai.o» j a jnt *i jou tat l* haak 's)aoilaiaet" | *«o< aj Diana a'

bate 'a a b. et ful of fun. a Bella*'a eoria of laa.b «r. il\W. B. aWttaaa at a me of our reader* majatja n ne f .«*'¦let* if ihtt Eitl lelaB ><a* oi * Mas b*aot*>tloatal lue eoaal «C iatearaa ilia be at-o aappoaa -|Mor*d on lire a arha iieollhiee n aue run t. haBBrSI e ajl"»o.a. baiieeduOerv

. a Ifaaajl leelaree «r>'. »pi»« o rl aep uii.eoe.feft. a. Pimpt)'* Hp*, but abt'.h are laj reaiiip ail taa. .aalbruabt a-i-ar»'' U ir a .».! an I ¦' ia be aho aattaVIIsTlfo r »rare h. . tu. r-a.ter« ti T ie N> * ton Pa a, i.«,,I-, if* rbaraa"*' ul JlIil- later II ear lb* an.* ah., BO a*,tbr D|h lb- rreit um 'Ina nai a ar »ol i n-, ee ' * eueethe shs'* l 'ii'» bscaB*e raaat ia areaal . kuun in ttettIt rta ra, tort tfc. . ha>e at in ibea athirb Bat aMataaba peb-i.e.iiit a po.tta.the paesl of prntotm/ ioa a ol la i/hter.TI '." ntl.tMi-H'il' 'fr I. liaj i.d 'Jlara. ed.tul of rha)Klick« btxler Ma.tie ah) a»a am N | lha 11 a,-ip-a.-.a'- ire r»a a h e ria.'t o' Piaafaaaot Haoaiba. a faa,th baal a* I late Ell eelaaM *" |fi fe 11'aat. a ad.I» a ae'iae "¦'eierrnai ? Haa 'Vtni^d i m-diaiel,. t . eo-

Mae at aelllaa th e aeth la el oeitt a the Beteet] At awe aoalC> t i as wars* aBhaial tltasaat w'B h

liid-rt In an the i a/a at be ti.-po. at laa I..a.a' ra'**.I opto* aaiird, lue ol (att'ie ei«n ir »Lpt of pii^e Ad-dtiaa, A RABNBr, -her

n.'. i»- iio d . .». "-a Y.i.hy II -k ait rt copa Ina <he abvve at ail in Ite » c* > of Uta

a.ti * m.vrv

As 1 II J .\ M B I r A N Ü N I Ö Mnretria all ..Iber no re it 1 et that et 'l.t 'aorlp

Peper eel td kt theaaete aaaaa rrttei a h-r. a tea atjrie of1« .i' »t"it> t .-a reaai't Tola »eel'e tum Senn ntana a tree'ai en lied

fHÜ * I'I'lll.>r. aaja Liaaaria* »an Iii« Vu r

Ii-, I(ff N.ta. ('.'.ira a.i H ..» a mi'. )lMittiiM LiNCOM 0». Lirt'a aataai

Th- Introo i.tniio'ii TI« Hi».I -kateia \ I ..,(»!Berten r Tb.,t»ht*a"d Putt.

IUI AMERICAN UNIONBahvfa ataWfrtatea TAaehip faaei i ij » fiat n-Bat A'or'"täte ike ropt. Aerpce fo '.tt fteaaee-at

It " a IWTaasY,A.epie I i 1 k k«« len an 1 I.en.iaiL

1 :i l im .m V. ORÄMBO il C '.'* PBO-iLi BOOB '* o

OAZET1 I i R < »P THE WORLD |Ur 0BOOB t '"1! * 'I TIOBAkeT,

uili a* ri ri lam n ia Mat IIAT>e Mlaalaa ar- » <** il he du. ¦...¦'»« faatiree of tn*l

hiab> in re t*M aTSlbll.t Itaatesl) to H.t ih* deÄrien -lee« Oaeee*

teer» k*t farttiaai * ffi~B~ty-*frrf Leletlaaa>a*a f.'upr*h»a-a..- in i'a e.i in eel 111 * ». r est eael* 'i.ri'e-e aeAaeeeialrtattteeteaalbal MtAttaatl t»aa»a**BatT «J <v a'-aoiuAi ¦. r*"v'ia Ii »III be a Pronoun, isj Oasaataat, and t ie taaty one o*

O.« kind »»er poS .abtd.¦d I' aeraraepweBahwitall it .'.*'." * Um* i*t*no.ilf

near el' oil-relib Ii n ine n» wo»» r*..a.«in,i n et noetet of ¥'*.*» tbea

epa ihn Oaaallilt ol the >' a Ii aatla* at ui.'a io>-

k . plan 1 ll.i'le "1 a") .a .fa..ttih Tri» la'iiat'kl* baa ». »o jr« med from the etoet rtreal

Oed ttlo. We tottrraa bo b al t on - a id al.r .a.lIth le eeetelae a eateee a the A ellwet* ka EaraBB,AjkajB,rf'c*. aaata-adle. ae* Aaeeriea aiadbai tbe ">'eat lud'a eoa

o''' r laai re rin etht foI't up I* the pr-eeot lime.VI * m'(ht bat r barn, a o ir U»*et.»er throoeh iha p-ea», ta

fi.rette'l oi r er a nie oeiumeocod I'nt af er .rare ae* In pra>tieaa bo'aee o d aot b>* temp'.d o a ave a eiQt'e feerure otfeectP-ree reoabiat rlae for it* per'e*'.too. It all) enatale

OVAB in* aOrEA-BOYAd OCTAVO P»7t*,bound le ih» meal eu'tiaaii>l maa' er

Prlae In Cln.h I" I-'ttrt Iheep #.).LlPPlntorr. OB A M I ) k t o Pea'atbare.


Pb laielobitvthou Id be Bead kf th* Millloo

CHI III6TBTofCOMMON l.lFK-CdMPi.ETK.-D APPtETtiN A C* Baa ln> aod 11H Broadway,

bete row read» In I to<» Ihn» rloib p lee AI,THE CHEMISTkT OF COMMON UPI,

by Jasia r v. foBairaa, Mi, im, tu laihtr»ILecleree ee I prlea 1*aral baaalsaTj and irol t j et.-,eta.

Iilua'rattd a oh 3 A, Etitrari«(aTttLi or coartare

Tfe t ir we R r»»rI » 1 he »n'* na we Beirrt,Tte Wei.r ae D'irk. The Or rt we K¦, iTbe Aoli we f altieele, The tstslaf we Dalike,Tt e piaui we VV hat we Biealbe aad Breathe)The Bit.d ae Aal. forThe Beef we Ca a What, How aad Why we 1)11 t Bestraf** »a Hifuee, e»eiThe Aweata wo Etttatt, The *. dr w* Cheileb.The Litjeeea we K» raesl, The Clraelarbta of Better,1 b- N*rcol'e» t»e Isfsleshl, A a-eaplielaileo

I- torn 1 o- n-wark Deila adffiterV Isew of to ether weak whata wii'o ao emeii a ron

pen ee Well BaA ao laatttfaeaaVU| p-e.erre ibe 'beo.lcal aadpbjaio'oiieal snedere »h ea tunouid ua, and lhat, ion. In ao.anrjer »o fiee fmn teehnieall'lee ahat tba veriee- tyro iu LhaIfWatt eenoot be twharrs ia* than lo'-r-ated ead lue I icted "

r- i>. Th* L'tice O.teir*Mneh laitatBe InforaaaioB la b-re preeeeled io a eoa-

r) Bee end lateiee'i- % form, ruallB| a taUästl of blfb prerticaltalna "

riTBAOIDINAKY ami TIMELY WORK IkZi »j Cr Mft'l.".i » iL'i«KI.[, o' ParleDerlratr.i >o kla frleid '.¦ W t| M ' HP.N IE of Boot:«.CA1H0LI0 AM> PBOTE8TANT NATI'iNH

C <> M P A It ES D.It TH KIB THItl f .11. »'l atloat TO


By lha Hra B'd Be* B A . TI »TB -V Ni;P! L ef LoadoaVI, ca tt.i* ae -arrao'eteart aat 'inaaif wot. eoaaln* ee tl

d Ktlill, '" i'l.i n ,1 P",'e. a/.' a ., a 0 *«p>iy i* W'aftau two r. n li 'i.t* ee n-t-r bet .re er.d 'i'blehiod aa it dote aaomplele b.afealee of h.e'ml.el aad etaiiar.a«! fact*, withableb tbe treieael'.a* of the l.borch ef Ann* way be deaoi-Mbed ai d aa array of irtooieB e ahieh aha eaoaot eaewer

p laelBBl Aasarhiaae Read thl* Boob aad t>l* warotaf.Cad IBeOtaataa H-ee -t «id.o » an1 aea what the prae-lleal woikmp* of the two eti'erra here done e lee where, andthee eat ahieh you would preter to bare In lha tee*odaat hare,

le ob* Isffpfte eol wi-he'rar-a Puce #1 AO.Peblab. d Iroee tb* k'f.cheei'irs by

John p jRwerr a c ivjpavt_rto i IT Vavehletta* at. feetea

FOBEIGM »M ÄMEBICA1N Mi.'sir UKi'or;a; II /i Broatwey. n«a Yori .f '.HC'lEAT A la..

Th- larfe.t etoel la lb* L'ul'ed 'u ee. of ooe aalihon aoihaabb 30 tit) tf ibeir oat tahii a' inoe -offer all th a* afaki.b repr ote are aude at reduced pri-ea To tba trade, Uete»aal cite act._

Ml SIC at tin- RKIiPtHi I'RICK.S .HORACE VaTP.A* No »-3 ir adare* aeelila« lha

cbolte eoa poi a ar Wu-'cuf bie eiteatUa Ceieleaa at price*I'M tfeu reo be had a ' tf " 'h" l'u.t»* dtate«.

. Balad'ta* ar t kffi.caj lnaTamrna of all klnte. etprrra ablrb *> ft eorope'lrbaa_I i LAND, C'LÄFt4T(Jo l-uliliNhr-ra of THEtJ DIME, and COM C Vt OCLO. haee reavieed la to mBiiaewa* the v r ¦ lllseataled atoatbly. sasAJ a).i Tl'E COMIC WORLD. Meaeiee year. AaelaeeeaearrqaIriag 'be w d.ei puMietry -I' to a circa etwa ofV iiOtoVOieo are ir Titrd ta call

-fin* Zrt».

GOUPIL & Co. rptpt-rtfully inform th.- piblioHat tley will ttbiblt (or t abort time ia then Oailety,MtullilMIMl by DaaitL Macliii R A,,

NOAH'S BACRIFICB.Sobaeripuona for a Sat EaNORAWNO tbeteof ki fiMMOti,recaittd. No. M* Sruedway.

Clank jBooke, Ölationerrj, &c.

STATIONERS' WABBBO Ö 8 E~,No 7*4 lehe et New York.

AME». A liMII,laroBTiti or r.etBT Taaiatt or

alAPLE AND PAeJt,T trATIONERT,And Aftnte for Keat Mi'lt Wrulnf fa, v


M E 1 BOPOLITAB OPERA-H0U8E..beeend Orand Opera'. a-d >1 a -..a .e. -..


M's*r. HHLKHA cm EEWIU take place ob Tl'EfOAY EVPNtNO Apn, iT wnea aha)

will te eacuted byMile Camilla ur«o.i BINABDl_

Mr üRibWOL» AttdMeeiri BIEC a^ Et»E f.aad a Pall OrcheetrtPrket: Dieee Clrclt aad Pti^oet, AI Paatllt Cticla.Mat i

»1» *od ti »»*u aecued at Vat HALL a,BON I No. m) Broadway, witheyat eantAavi*.