new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1859-11-12 [p...

Bttunrt* Nohcr« LVTM£> tV*< V » » car ato »Mi ¦¦ sjsT aar rsaaawaara, asaal tea pobaV aaaaaaJi. ta . rst»«* mf Uww' rru Liut a Ca Uaato» aast Inn»miii w Fiibiiai for _»ssa»1*-«_~- * RaaX Sa«, i U Aatarr Hat« " Aal-d« Ut"»" CUrTHlSi. K<t VKlXMtMFXT. ~ TV Iii»» a tto Cmy tto* V; * B*. B. Am«« mmm, mamrmmtj U* taa» li»ll" Raa, lieJ1l«»»7 *a»k*> kaiaaii »r»sass«l mf tu In .««II» Fau. ui W-T-raa QbfttWBjSa ei .»?.-J rar-eay taste mmm sITta. .mm W sasx* nan ...«¦ at ht ««Aar Mar« ta tau eiry . mmXmt aa»**f y»«r*y by anj »* Rr*earsr«y TW to* arltaai 'bei raa baal 'to araeae ara aaafia>i< ta ato 11 m m.I rtkn It»aaii»iiBji' <<* tba* snamiiabaarat Uaaaaa, |-caa! aaW anaaiaa 1k» t «aWraa'« Ia*fa>raBanat. t>>r.«r»AT* «t ¦r«Uai 11, Jijii f*nr1.- * ? VW Iwj.* Leva aaa ».u to r i u.11 *-'. " Maar«« Sm»' Oi «am . aaa bat, a, aaW Bi»»«< aetor rVUMiwwi . »ta !J aa Ctm* l>ra.r««<..« Bwaewra. t iiaats* irr. Mehaa, eats] ettor Ottt- " t* AI Xaana*. A Ftatoa «trasl lAtrokt > «st \> in »JA s) Imm k Rar ¦»»»-* Ciar»:»» .*»T\»»*. Na*. UI. aaa IU Faaaaaa-at Waat« aaar «aaSaaaj *>«aa«aar tart**».<* ?faaAiaaaaaaa Wrsrraa (Va»ra.«a tar üaanarejra iAa> traaa* ««pect Miaai «ata Baakaeao aaai Fraaaaaauaaa raaau L>rmm» >u**. kc. e^atV* mf «."tof Ua> fua; « W rraa Faaaioaw, aar aar beat ararajasasa al y* ufu nil H »aa Erat P»*a A«aaa isalki« rvaatry We asi «ja ravea f«r aar*. I taste aa aauaaa bTKANOEAv» aa» Cmtaaa Ar» anTiara ta i aa Ktt-tt« rarieiy of Unacatart, r«.a»arrv kc. kr. Ejrwusa. Maa'ifaaTtart. Paira» r it**»b*.i Lav raataia Caiaa Dlaawa. Uses* et, tat* 1 «a Sr«a aVaM n; Tante t*t»a*« Cartlary >..i-«pui.J W L-» j. k -. w. j. r Uauai 4 Ca., Na. Ol ...»--,» SlNGEK Jt «EWTJjlii M\< ihm .«. kW. I eaarta, Macaia* »an* »a. i aaaarraaj anaraaaca. . fa> Tka» Faaoilj Aslant kt»iua>.A. W naru.i.i v* M alaau . aa Hi-1|' r. « l tat- aiarvaa A Ca.. Na «9k Braaävaa N T tat Pasta»««., kraaklra. NaHAaTl.rat * Wlljsx»,'« S»¥f 1*1. M.U IHM. «a«a taa aujaraa ft asaisaa aa tka fair af ta» Aaaasri mmm al taa ur-aoa** Fsaara tara««a«at vaa t auc Aa. Sv» kraasras ay .»aa- Verfc. CK..VIK »\ Hak I a; - Wataat ass Fabult >aa:«n. Macalsaa. taa. ta» bra>a».sr»y Tr:l 1W tat I miumm Br«oaAi«-a. KaULA mw im. Mata mim i OM Uli Marauaaa troma *)> . ,»X AstwaTTa Waats», at Na «11 orosadaray AB auMb af Macat^-. mmrngM aast aaaaV AB t>a» aInas «ar7aaweac M skajBal s* ra>fOsasai«vi. bAKat\N i laa«rXMVa9a«3Ca la tka taat aast <Asapaa« aVtkria tar is-raartaaj. kaaaasryv-^. i Ii aa -»^ t aaroaf Praaasrstaa **sl Baal sltan tar Ita». try at. Pat atka tfj iHaaf^t. mm4 Pvrfaroarv ÖTAUklNw'» !*RF.FaBEJ> l.Ll'K. I aatTtta aaaai Haaaa. Fan NaLa It mrtiut Iky tl t. >r*L>i»« «ta. ran at ISsal fBäaa aas»aaa. Bat Na l.taa. Hk.ttKi.\i.'.« PATaOaT Champion Fama aa» Fav»! H aut I s.u. a Pataat KrwaW Praos' I aeka. ¦ara nay ac aay ?a5a ta taa war.A > C Httiran A i v Ka. »1 Braativaa -f^mm» C ay Haß. H. t. BaTV« KUst. s Haik 1>ii, \v it,*, arvti TtH'PBKB Eaainaa A 1 Bay ara iattjt asaay. kaaails. aaa But aharaa. aAaaatavaaat aar taaaoaaag mf takiat o.tx waiaa a Halt Dr a kaaat aa taa aresntt. taa- ««ay laia an »«s r«ualH» i'>» aaaa a. aVaaJsaaaat at laa Faa^art. .W aat t rca-a« ay sppaaafa taa : ara. Ktrnvp. Ci red bt Maknu a (o s Radical Ctwaa Taraa Asa«, aaaa Buuiartc rr». t.nalsr rsrt-.w vaaaa iawi aaiBaa ana >snt>is m«aA Imnassli tM aaaarju- taaa aaaaia us araas Na t * .*»)¦* k*u* tt.^mm > 1 La- tkaaa tatsaai rasas a aasi Baaaasa aaaaaaaai I A_»* Maaaa taa» k OaV, faa. » Waat «V» at . t tacii aart. Oiua Is A i KTTt J* WeOITaTEJJ PtPER Far tka VA araa t Laaarr u aaa a tarra ardisa. are^-aHaaX a at ta aa be aslsiai i aa a a»>cwaaa' i af asaay naaanaisr aast lns> aaasM.aLiaa mf kiaJtb Far aaar art tat it patsts aaai at taa IVpvt*. N. t. Ajui st aaa* Na ttt aW»a*aay. 1>T. WWTAJa Ü BALXAM OF WlLD CHEJARV. TVaaaaya aaaa aanVaaat far taa aaatr. eataa, ratyasL aaa aaaranaasaat r«ra a Caatat. Caaabv Brraa aaata traaa. Ha ssf Paaat iiary AtWsaaa asat m tVa ara sa^a^saa or laatirfairi Pa=-iaar o-_y tSa: -r»;a,-«.^ ry A W. Fsrarta k Ca. Baatsta. ark aaa anata* Basra MaBfJkl Baas) ta {ta* Tart ry Baajraa k Faxt F C VaSH k Bavtsu A . va uraui Bavrraaaa k t ^ M Aa-.:* k k>»«aa. aai by tT^aatsaa aast iWisra r~*rrm >«.-». u, raty is: Krep t ahr Cider Ltt>iR sxd ale, II man, A kaaat aa stra^ata. OaV-a Na 17* mmtmtmtj Aaajtt far a tu am «\41al1 aaaaaat Isaraa«» a «taa e 1 k Ca. VaB Bt *TaIRR « PtAACAWT ?*OZODO*iT Fust til Taa.a Tba Attiiisaii CtaUaaaa tot i taatrva .-«5 tV Ttwra bj aaaa at Hau. IukuAi. . Ra HI .. » . , al i»r«a aaa Faaary t*ar«»» sairn CaaBat Xa IB) ¦aa (at aatrraaaw »Mi. ^ uasnaaaay «I saaaay «.' taa .-aaaa ayabsajsaat sarysareaaw. A.- at tkas aaaa albar raraaa B.AJATlKslt t ELEPXATtUi BaraiaB Mac«:»a>. lia.ii Mil¦latta t>Mt atakva Nie» i-nu Aiaa; a v Bv .*> aai faii. aVaareats M 1 >. »..-rrarte t a _Sa «At t raaa.» a/ »«c BW« ».-0->t Cot ..H». Tba ajraat aaai art laa »%MJJB «a* «aar cJksaata aa* kaatfa: ssaina ra Na anary aaW Bra* .a. AsBsatu mm t jinawaa aa>ta» arc»-« asat «u,raa rrsaMks .a., . aaaa.). a ara taaaa aa ta» aar:., aaar tAwaAi at aejrar to Baal ta laatt'i .'a aw »: La«na«.aav. bat tto t«vsza ar Irnaaxkaa ./ ibr taraa- «. »crr sa l«"> « a.--eat al Mltfl t a;-. a IklE 1BJLEFRES>JBLE C<.'»PlJCT.---lBpt?W' !>Väo | ¦ klltj saw rtatoaataraasasj by t*at^aa." flaWatBtnyt. Na at IU.ara aaaa, Tvd UtsmexL Belt rav^t faf . TVAs k«»»»na« sraR, a ataaaa. SBta aili 1 asat assay b x ta aa tbsbaat aaBttoagnkitaaat (Wa .-.»«-. Lars» u Bay aai Karaaaa AaVrataaaa, ». taaaa-' Baav^y >«a«.tsaa. aVsMBaaa ktaraa aa kaa.T A«- kW A Raai cAaaaaa Bt TV» kVat si aa asaat by sataaca traaa ka aaai ai ta» Aaaaac Sa tt» to«a*«ay n t. aac >a .A rJ»* a>e- 1 ' RTAJ* A4aTTJAitl>. l^tat« ClRTAiT.«. rTT at Raa I r Paxva .Ftaa-aaa Abc.-«*«jl »; A-i»4 army aa* aaaa» «Bat aa«. latsar aaataar aaack af Araraca^a. >*3 - jaaaara. ItoaBBsaW Lara Cariataa. * Ja*--« *aaats-% tat» Trtaaa-at. a- at trri-. or »ni'a . arw«. at e*v a aTaaaaasa. A ssrassa tve. a ««¦ aa ta msv i Fasuraa» Baar aaaa. W. B-xaka-i. tTaJDTfTAlK><0 * HaXR Ii F. Wlfi«, isA 1"' - PEI>. aaasi as aA aa ssrJaaa > i aa at » flra* a hss n at* ut«' taaaa ataaiki, Fra«ana KatT r>ar» mxc a tmmmm, Kj . r y aaa* "tk. Bat rtatt7at>< aaaa 'atvT* Aatt» HUia»»^ ** Ib a T KUaW»trT it .it » t MO T«CT<i.. BLaax. Laaar« PaBlsta s Carat* Batata a <«ra*a »»« at ysaa ka»» a raat »rCaatJ»«. «tata»»«saa»asa «r aaaaataaj mf 'to a-aai .taaaa «« tat «a<s , ^-»a Bsssas *J. tsaat aaaa a- tmi aa axal hia." '^^'^^ *^***|--^W BsTstar»»»» ttf tAaa twy atatnivr:- ^^T?r^2^ aUaaaarT Z rTTrT at aTsaatM Gay' *J 1 rtf *t«l*aKk> R a>rrc ^ >r-ar--*a .*> M Haakaa aa a BWN'W K rWPFCT \ KLi. . Ti».r Hal if mmtMtJt .>*» « Met <r* '«»a. atad «HR .«rar» Jon la MM u***a. aa* las**] 7«*. ia tb* ratiauatioc af r>tr '*. AS Uui taar b* tiaa****»d by * rWt ta B«*i tke Hatter tbe aa*. ¦%»¦¦ *a let *.»> i* aa arttal n> m «. eaaraart* a rwb«i «aa»ar«ao»> 1w«* ri1 r aa* Ca at aar» to ti* Broad Cnn.wtF-N Ctr*», aft** aa-J ri-taat *trW (.'«v'ura»*-. H»t*. A- t-* a* ra.tiea ia suk «cd Feh H »t*. '««*:« Ha-ter Ha. ie- Hrtadaray arraartaa t* \rrm» to tbb |l f* ? g ¦ I'lOf!* STAirt, Kaiulaotwrea T. Kia««»T vt> k Sow. (kr*r*>». Saw Vark. rr i* a a aw a.«» aaar-rim l *«ttcu- Fot us la 1 St aaairi aad ia A It aaaer aoxe*. _I I Kanaaaj L Ca. jgkttj- i*eTr«i x I Cboto* Mill* I'LOtX I a - f r x p . rfat-sra k Baarata. Branrietoo »/ tka frataa aad Bat.-» r- . V .. »' -! ataa-xfartsr* P»» it riAvr. rf «at-mm . rraaVa Their IWi ha* Waaa ia inaaiHtl*a at the Yt s Yxxi .a Loccoc at th* World'. Pa-r at Si i't* u I '.. ¦- - -l at th* >?*» Y- rk stale Pair at tka fair a/ tka >'r rr^utta VrrtinkV loeutotr .r.r-o* 0. C .«'**?.. . i rhikaWtah'a J t' i" J af Ik- FaH . :_ v ': :l . V z r,ri paJ! a.a*Ti . r-. Atta« Lata Kai» at* -. . . t. «. i t "*« »-..-.. f-:-i laa Boar *>a**»«i«W :<¦ Herker k EnHh**. It t* aa in-«l aiYk aco-axaedrtkoa ta tka ektlata* af Xew- Tork aad M* rietadry. tka: the* oay r*A is a* .n «jaaatitkta a* nay »ei thadf * aata a aaajaaaat ".-¦»«.* of trooi '«:.:..:¦» ;lr'»; aajvaTaaar autvra vi ium irt aaran, Crotea fuaailatin tFrrtahaxa r^-ji. ia ba/rru, half barrel*. M ft hip. «« Bl aad 141 PA baaa. txtra Crncr-a it. harr» .-.B* 0 bat*. 4.- 3 bar* aal Karin llandjaataa tr harr» j. ha.: bar- a 9t 5 bat*. 4* S bar« aad zt* abbat* Faa By Fiaur ia 11 B yai kaar t * aackat»« La a box, aaaktai TI Pat* Bt * Y ¦ \l C S pa-kar>« t«r»>» facka-*e ia a boa. BaaaBat TJ pou^da Graham FW. ut baxreaa. ha^harrea*. * S> hag*. O S ha-a. aad It, B Nara. Tacaa » he w OraBaaa Fartr kaav that tW tYa»b*r thay e trt k) tha better, aa tka xuiarate of tb* braa iacHate* tt bacaaa* btttar la a aketl tuue. ByaFV ^ bamav half bttfrela, M B bafa. tf S bat*. *^2^ S> b»ev r. .--.j » la !.r**ii-~et*'fj tha r».»f **«- c*a*«*a aepiiia* ia firrily a*e for t<-e isiaaewfitfa pradaor.aa rai.-a*«.« bj te be oooeadavad aa alataat I ~ . - .: t La: 1 a^k- i rt II raarkaaea fa a box. making Tt C" aad ia 1*1 * hara M k*M aad faaww raahaa M*a, f* 4* aaila) B bac*. . * r Baa*jaa>#a*ta »*. «-»*utOr!:i ; .- .. t: > r^i f.-. - **aa*Jaa*a*ji ta 4* r Soxe* acJ M B boa**. 1 be aarkap i bare prfaked dire* far aae. Uiorr* hmn iaiathn lb layti the DaBkal .state* *r Axspotc* rvj r ..¦.r*-*' w:»r -a *:»*.¦' Ite'.aArk «rUI d*» J»rr*« 'bea^eraaoa. thaae receir«d after II c'coek. . -. i trat mrwxiB*. Fayxaeta ma ari-.Trrj I ale* be aa «rail **eved aratrOy by afderfai ixif af liracer* arb* eail ear flaar. a* they are *ep Bji*d ir.'y wr'ea taremry by tbe era**** »miii af l>ataa by the aaaae a*am. Broakiya aad Wiittamak*:«* are aer-rrd daily. r!ar.»xn .Mr.iaaakv Jeraey rrry aadj RaacAea :a>re<« -i ti ar 11 a a Baoraaa.' 5a 9! Cber-y¦**.. Ne-r Tort ¦ ¦ 1 >\T1KPAY. NOVKMRFR It 1-Tr9. TO C«BBr»F<'.*l>B.VTlt N* *ettr> raa be Ukaa af Aaaaiai*** Ciiataaakaaiaiai WW *e*w m mialil far iaaartaaa acaat Be *«*>»atarated b* tka aarne aad atVaraa* af Ik* arnarc-ao* n.r.wartly tar aaboaa- troe. bet a* a rsav-aaty far aaed Mt Vt » r»-.r-o* cada-rtat* u recara reverted i aaoar .rti.^at*****. Baaia««* letter* far Ta* Tararaa ebeaad ia al aaaa* be ad- 11* t: tiaaautT Ala The tna'.l* for Kun pe mi S,'uthAur.ptoc and Hat re. \<y the 1". S ateamer Aradro. » fm\%% thia BtBTBirj at 10*} o"fk>cL T>e> exppe**. tthtch leti Cit* oti the 3d :&»!.. arr.trd at I/^aveEWvrth on Uie 11th, trilk %..' t»A' :.i trrkvure. R I) W^ro*, tl^Wkte elect, frt m Je5er*-)ti. had arr.ved at Leateoworth. It i* urder*t<xJ that L.i ee^t L* to be <x>nte*teJ bi I»r. Wntitifi. TheeWboc of Mr. Steel. Irvtercor. it ronf.rn.t-d. Tie L^s;*iA*urv waa to orvt on tbe ?tb ic*t The wewther a the mouotaiü« wa* tery fine. Tte KejubLoaat LaTe a maeor.ty ia both hTBIKTor-« t-f the lyejT-iator*«. rrosa Mexico we learc that Iren. Mar^tLxa had pitrnjotiftet i ft-r Santa Anna, after aeiziag a r^sducu with ft* - C" *."-«." i.-f which he appropriated to hiBaBt-lf. TV- Bnt**h at.d Fr> och Vl.^vrt had e-keTT*t::aiI»- prcte-trd a*T«j:«t tiu» rx-adtift. A portica of the hand c-f Cort-r a- bad attv k*>d tbe city of Rk> Graikie, aaTh|prit r>-ar}r erery bow. It u itfOateai that the two band* of Corbaa* t>nm- ber*»e»en hectare*! The people of BrowritTiLV ttere in -Teat dirtrrta. The raail* were .^t»-mip:e»i itd rvbbed; atvd Cortriaa thrrat>Be«i d***t*u» th*> town, and rut r-ff and Eurdrr all rrvjiuoTre«a?n«« u ; r..S> I*: «»-a.t U'T. ITBK nilPKBH frKaVBT TRItl * Tbe Harpr-r * Kerry triad* are ooe» oter. with the eke*-}.t,.-n t-f that of tin* ciaa HaxLU. arrr^Vrd at *od taken to Chari.atows on a re- qtik.: v : W_w. W i-u.- r aar :r,i ct- BBBt has t-rr-o fotind afXLCkt tin. d«ew not yet app» tr. Tbe Bftwcalivti ia La rare- labor uider ri^utidt^avb' dix^csltiei. They tare co eTiiVDce to show that be wa.* actually at Harper » Frrrj. He hat tbe diKretxn to awbi kit own toaarue. and tab* nt .cted prat rv r* do r>«t w<>jnu2e iura. E*en J th*} d d. U :a- CvnT.ctr-d !r«of«*. they odd w< be uiw-d at tntixate-i. rrr^apa, a lack oi rt:der»cr-to txa-ict tL* ir*B£. h# may t-- t^rzri or^r to the knot who ¦JmJkWrrd the jarJo«er Thtkamp» »n. Tbe V.rr.i:a t't-trt of Apfrali. to trh»ch the ca.-r» Late bees carrted by wr.t taf error, jarvti, we *Vr4icTe, as the 2fMk. No ,ioti:4 theae catv-« wil i«-- \r,- .-i--. * iJ I: .* stat-d u^t M(-t tre*-7 B t:. Mr OaM, tiv rToatxaLrtf Of- hcv-r for tv Iirftrict of C'^uabui. wivcae aai was made tamlax to the ptmbc by La thare la the Sickle* pri*ar<ateoo. a-J Mr. I>aJt>r-!, an eaiaes! lawyer of It^hmwad, hate k**ea rHa.aed a the -iae. Tt-» aei^*at»-at tp»JQ ahrCl the pnaBHIB Ml trv-al *.a» ^c.;!r bbbbBBB at a VrcaJ docsflBeBt : y -.. tr .. tr-u-ej t-? Terr :..'-"d Pa*. *.. -ajk-r-.- LV r- runir cian^ter of that «a*>. tr- C art at R-ch- r- Lk-». . . :_a-. C-vr: at I «a Is »tat«i pc* trtAV*. Wk*KB»r the taTTUkf «w*T of rX»rpav-=* b*> tned a the tsvA >t*vt>. C<«crt, waa any that ax. tBaa a eaaariTaac** on rae y%n «*f G*r*-Ta«r W*ae ta -rt ntl if the o&xm ti brag aad ».f-| a aaar t^ T3ag -Bder darajr^BBB. if Bat BBBrtoJ wvAiada. *? a fwtat t*v m-^i^L. CrkBsidiriBg u> dawkfal b w «hKikr-r >>>a--ij *W* Mt the- of has w^-väa b-4*r. the VnaVd dtaBw C tevrt tz*+u, *f there katal «¦¦*» any rr-w «V-*t» t*/ La«e * tra-. ia that t OI.:' aartrr ..ttae-r pTjelrUr-T atOAJti Kk«*Tt IÜB.J. hare been arWud tor tual paaTauw We da*kBB af there a a »urd taf LraOa u. i e- .t^r^fawt*'« of aww and Jtifewtact tlkawrerv«* t* b- ua**j .n. hj* A fi-od dr»l Wat einex-araj of C «*t*B . f 1 f a»al*a Thai riwertBajoa faaarax U to-ajsjfasd. LvA m a^atard o>f a*«*?*a« bavri fmJX <d tua atory. Tbe-re .errr*, htwevaw, aw wan - to nje-r-t aory irayinnid 4i«»t.a bbBBI hJ&- are aatfaWi »*< «.«¦.+ taat kna eBBaVsaar»a laaal all he hne-w aaal fabat. a* faarf Uber* a\ aaxh jut u> tr£ be-yoad what aa* k»irr**«; heea dv<aaa-d. ShvtJ S^r-jB d>. BO B «ar pTtaVakaW. tartar his trawl ce»av* t**, rt *J ttea V in t*. aatkho ftBBt abtakaaB) sf vrhal wawld t*r saagh ha**> iwva pra«**A. k*at ta»r tkavt «v»<o»rrMaate aeo I The taar bo *t*t*t I'siti bUwskn Per« as tiBBiiT BBS haca BTt*af*at to a ratorw r.r^-«jar On the tilh of OrtawWr pr^todeai af ISra aarrived w-.U tWtw or Mta*B t*av **rk» attd aw arwry ef lerar « 0*0 at Pkwta. oa hat way to arrade the VrT^tawy of ErBBdsr. LearjaJ a* "a b* it-.' - * »tramer to Gc*yatTail. »tVt« be had an raterv-irw with the Admiral 0/ tbe Pftmit bW taa'irir aqaad rou. and Mitt. Gt-u. Tracr-a, in rofurrand at that erry. Thi* latrTOrtT r»*aulted in lu* r.-turn to 1'x.ta. wbeore be mAdrrmmr<i a diapairt hi* Mim*ter mi War, >umtr«r>riBf tbe »ba*4ocin»et;t 0/ ttv eipedi- tion. Tr,e G^eraiceit of &-o*~* and Crbma, w-th wbotn tbe original quarrel bad c-rt-trrr-ed, bav¬ in* bet-c ot^-thrown bj internal rtntaatv.:!*, !ear- in/ Tr»rr© 10 rncnniand at Otjaraqtu.. and a, beaded by Gen. Morrtno at Paita trader tW cir- 1 iimatanrt 1 firuiing Doi>«i) la fc/ht, T-aneo beta*, ready to rater into a treaty, aad Iforeoo being frv*dly to Caatilla, be had fi*eti over the enter- pre. Pntate letter*, hatoem. aacnbe thi* aatty abandonm-tit of the f,- au»: Kosador t«> Df« I *eet to Caatilla of a Ü.roaircied outbreak at Iamb*. TVr* art* alto rumen that CatttHa iDtettda to turn kit forrt-a ajtvirv** B««Li a, where prep- aratiren* an- makm* to rr-ut turn. Tb*- rvtoluDut-ar) di*tur»>ane»-» in CLii: i»rv r... yt entuvh over. A not broke out at Vaipara-ao diirm* the c*4ebrat.oo of tlve au-uTertary of the national lEdepend.'TiOe, intended, it w a* bebet ed a> the romnKEcemf nt of a rovolutiori, drtxiag which the Goternor of the city wa* killed. Tfce r.o! tra.« mpwri »*i d, aad tv^erai p»-r»on« of treaith and ***> rial poction had bo-c arrewted in ntajraTirrirr. two of * horn had breo »bot, Copiapo had 1 nearly dr*rroyed by an earthquake Tbe ptxiLing «aar betwre-n Bu-rx« Ayr*-* aad i'rqiiiia doea not tet raakr any rreat protnta Tbe Anr»-oUne forrv*. abtut \0Ü0or 10.000 »trong. have taken up tbe-ir poeitoo at lv(>**.-.o n-ar the boundary line of the pror-.nee of Itaeexw Arro*. The force* cd Rueno* A vre», about equal 12 poi-.t of number*, bat *a.d to be tar better aimed, fed and pa.d, hate rri#«*d the northern boundary of tbe prontoe, and Lt in ck-te proximity to the army of Urq-iix».' That army bt c^mpotvsi. principally, of favfury. bet tie horte*, to tbe Ion«, drouth, are *a.d to be in very poor cc*ad:uori. and hardly fit It tale tbe field. IWide tbe rteejDer Pinto, whieh ("r |iuaa ob- taioet. tiiroctrh a mutiny of the crew, he ha- four otivr-r*. t\Lrt h- t-i>u*,ht, armed, and OjUipped Mactev.det., but a* the fortv* of I.^et.-s Ayi>- the fortified i*!and of Martin Garcia. th*>*** .e**el» havf not been able to prt-oetxl np the r.t,T. Bueno« AyTt>* ha* eisbt rc«*«*l*. monnrin^ civry ijuri*. wkttfe £ite h'-r the fxt-nmand of the water. WHO TUI.HT JOII1 HROin f TX, lhr*ld aayt ;t trat Mr. N*ward. Weaj^'J Ph-lbp*, that :t tru tbe Abol;Lorii*t*: bot Virfinia ha* a better right to tbe ttutiocUon than either. If any (vne doubu thi*, let bin lu>>k at Hbt *eal of tbe OWj iKwrninken. We bate before u* an impreaaioa af thi* real. cx>unterrtroed by Henry A. Ww h;m- .elf and bf the S»eretary of the Commonwealth. Goortre W. Muciord l*o*i*and- of *ueh :mpr**- #X'D»t have been »eattered throuxh V\\yämm kj i; Wuv. to t< ach their tf*»otii to auvebottien and «!av«*. What u tbe detire * An :n*ur»r- r h:» Lt*rrt> cap fiitunting in the air. hi* left hand fiTaep.M a pike, Lj r^ht bran:ii»h.r;g a sword over the proetrate matter whom he trample« ander foot. What it tbe motto* " Su K**/er fararftu*. wh.cb. freely tranalated, mean* "Sopoh^h every rUvelxslder.'' or, more lTeely, '-nurrah for John . Brown "' tbouch tbe popular Virtrinia tran«!ation .«. Reruatance to trranu n to (rod. Tbe reLfioQ* tone of tia* would »tut the ttern old Puntar of Harper* Ferry II.. ala**»ebit*ett* admirer* who propoae to erect a moijnmrvjt t-> .. m*-mort may prrhap* nod a model " Wml which Got. Wute w-J3 affix to tbe warrant execuLon. That teal the tx>le*Aa ofieial af- trmat-on by a great State of tbe in*urr»-ct,.«- ary r.fht of tbe enaiaved: it u a deliberate. hallowed approval of John Brown * appeal to force it behaif of the opprfw*v-d. Henry A. Wute hat John Brown in hi* power; the champ.od of tbe tlaveholditg claa* wM put to death the cham- p:oc of tbe tiate. So be aa.d to the vete¬ ran who lay upon tie* mm\* - ..J t » n frr.e rn»r;y wc-unda But we protet>t is :.v iax.- : truth a: d i: i-e-t.. » . £*x:r.- ."- . a-> \ ..- f^aia to the official order for the eieeotioc of an ->.:£. rt I -: .* M r,p-r.-i \ iq ha* roaened a en*** in ber liiatory. Sb*- ahouid go v.Lr:e«he bekmc* airtrifig tbe opprettaor* of the human race.and hate tbe Ix&evty to admit her p»wji_t.r.. >be t^bouad t rea* Ler pre*> -A *>al and adopt another more true to fart. IV new one abould roprewent 12 the fore-rrt.*ttnd a *lav*»-dr:Ter. v I pj j-r dror- t-. the fcetd: .d tie* back-*TTwwX»i, Got. Wie? har^mg John Brown; and tbe motto *A««*dbe . Death to ai. caamptowtrf equal Lberty TLj i* iraJJy what the Governor bold* to. Ha* be the nianboe** to art out tit pniirrpirr* 1 Or wUl be roLt-Eoe tv-arterir t bro*>tiea*t La o>*mrr*rt>wn- ary .cpr.ct* axd han* tivtaa who h»x!irt bl :<dy »fwaon* ? u 11 o*t ox (.oiii i) r T»< HtTüie ha«. atleMt a itOM ta«. tmmj t* t^ange* ten tt* alxged cii'jr-rt.o'. < f steward. . GiddJir«, G-»*-Jey.- «%«.. with Oid Bt.twu * ia- rttriv»-t>'n. Pint. ,t averted that we were all to be Girted aad uVtitfat tV*xand*-d \ y V;rra-a a* impbraied ¦ treaaoe and murder. Tue BMH iajtaxtly exprrwtw-d u *«AiaforX««« at tbe newt, and ury-ed that Us arra^risewt aad retfiittititi be icmed np TV Hrrtüd at one* barked otrt of tbe it* fi»l. bat tttaiated that tie* obooxtooa a**Tw»rtt fJmaaid be ¦¦¦¦itrtatd before a Federal Court to grre r**atuav»ny ou the trjj of Cook or r-tept^ W * t>rr<-* \*j tnat prf.po«-t#ot. a* hearuiy a* to tbe (Atmt. Here u cae of the parU-t r>i>ru.l.^*'r dratg*d .ttv, tbe Tat- Hrrtüd' 1 rx***~tit» ->z tiut mat- V-* m*j'j j) tery w mmj U go to Vjw-.nia. wi«*»»« repaired, aad tell all be kaow-t Bbont GSd Brvtrr. * ra*d aad wh*> wrQ go whetaever <JLrjk2] railed f>r. Tbere no aecd of a regjUMittaii m the pre**.****, ler a 1 je pie tetter from Got Wj» wiD aatrwer IM) purpoae. Aad. n ortie- to t*'e eipe-^»e (ta* V.rr-i-a .-. : V :. .1 » mm* .! 't- proapenty >. beroby tvH.fy t&e #over- .war tWt Btrrare Gree-ley iat*-ntt* to be ia Waihitaf- tot. M Mteatiay. I>*«. 6tb, aad will Ukt-o mat there ur t»^i_fc/. bo tooa a* the Floate bbbIJ aar«- ad- /wtwd Ur tt« day to tttep ce»*r at Lj rywn pr /p*r ***t to A*eiaadr>a or any *wr*-aM*jt potat a Vir» .*** mi exatuawd at teugth Mat* any Judra wt tomAJm^jber of Oat fttaV aa to afiawttm \%%> ^imtmj Jteha Browa and La eoflttagrtetj m tb»» ro- »»wt at* r at Harper* ferry. Harreg had ta* ***** ./ a ahght an*tjaitj*r*ati with ©.*. Wat* ia w*-l day*, we do a*vt uw-«3 to law* has tnat at BTiad* hi tariert r xA fautb. ao4 *imm m aair erwitttt mur tttwola- t***a*^a»y teert wttt^tw. a w«H txrw e»a Bat*t*w braaeh of Uu« wtw** am tw awattkt to tiw t»»*» tmjmKj of ViTgaua la the rx-arw* .i ma ttbtwjbm itrt* that aawttor af OU Brm, we ha«» tt.TaWWd Tr*etra tit* h^mt W trh*ch w* b*v Yk vc the** niVn imnbt thai ose Jam Oos. r«r.N BrjtsrTT. Editor of TV \rr- York HrrmU. krft this City Mar Lime lass A*ra*t or 9-ptetriber, profcssetfry o* i tour to uwi thrx-mrb the S*«t>- Wut, but t-rtiitJly |SSSSsisi only U Harper« rrr. whence. taVr rrtLxu^sj, ?otxv brae in ft very «jaiet way, no ftppsrrct bus. .>-**. Be *twleJ ahort a boat and r^-tarned post-bas'e to this Cxty, Now. we know nothing whatever ot* Mr. }v- v-u'« objert* in vi«uri-£ Harper's K«BT] at that f*n.iur jnr>ftiaT: we do not eres know that he had any lnW-oew Of internewa wtta ('id Brown, Jeho £. Cook, or any of the tot -hat mM stealthy ruit at tnrh a rnau seems worth look- Lnf into. Wi!! Mr. Bra* !t d#-ny the fart of the wet to Harper's Ferry « at above at*, forth I If not. do t it not ooriosth require te .tilatj<»n' Tbe-re tray have b«eo *pee*ilatori ia 14 Cottoc and M .rdVr " th* aide of Boatoc. Will Gor Wise ha- - the mystery judicially looked into ' XaaSbSj apparently pretty well aabaärd that the t"h-rr. IK raocra<-y it on it* last legt, TV Journal of CiTexmt/r/. with tra<- uV^'-'tion to tbeeau*e, makes oor* lairt dV»r**rafe 3pp»-al in its favor. The iateili-tcoe, tie r»*asr>n. the eiper»-nee, tb»- rood aeote af th* n rLtcunity, ka*e declared atraiast the coLtiauaaee of * rule which baa proved to fruitful an rrj. TV J^mal of Commerre. d:A*TU*ted »t this r»>*ttlt. - >.i" -.-h tapport* .. Govercmect, I: tarn« to a blind lanitirnent of loyalty a rrrerence for the -M wen that he, an unqoeatx>c.'^ subnuasioa to I ;'.-»rr hu obtained the form of law. It seeks .the wtth a tort of divinity those who are in possession of power, arid to make a bitnd and un- {; it *ulmj»*i<.o a nv>ral and religions duty. It denonnces as "a l<w and grotelmg theory " that \Vh;j idea which ha* been made the has * of fr*e goven.rE»Tit, both in Great Britain aad America, that ..rulers are only ajjentt intrusted w:tb certain ..powert." Id place of this id* a it se*-k» to «übst, tute th* Tory DotinD of I>ü .nr- BifSt To allow Gvv-rrmer.t do biDduii/ force b»-yot.d that of the benefit* it confen» i», Ma are told. t<i degrade so- ..tiett iLTo a mere contract for mutual pr*sr-rra- Id place of tiir-ae radical and deArrucCve sentiments, TV Journal of Cotnmerxe seems dis- t-oeed to substitute an unreaeornn», loyalty Lk* that which boned the F.ngl>h cavaliers to the- Louse of Stuart in *pi?e of t.iraaay »cd profticacy. ar.J which makes the- eutyvt* of the Kuasian Einpror r. ....<) - -.¦: » -ufw-rhuman. TV JourneK however. > ^ litt ¦ ¦"ak'-d ;n sup- | n rj that :h.« drtir.t of the sentiment of k>yalty. whirh it so bitterly lament*. at all p*vuLar to tint ig»' and £. DTatior.. It it in fact, and baa b*»*o from the earb»^t eettlement of the cKintry. aa Americar. charactehttic. So far from orcinaLLs; a th the trtLK-eDdental philosophers and theolo- g\*xv, or the ultra pt'liticu':- o! th»- prr-nett da», it may be trac* d bar k to th<- eariieat per.od of our L.-t ry. It is in truth the very basis upon wb>h . ir n »tr.i; rr^ts. Disloyalty ia ter> oid charge at sua^iat the people of this coun¬ ts. It ans bmucht by Archbiah« p Laud asSsaSa settlert o' N-¦ I.^-iand. and it 0Sa> ItaSMd to be rrpeated ana^^t the in by Government . lEc.ait and otiv rt down to the period of the Rcto- The AciencaD T- ry »nt«-n who tfposed the Revolution, addressed their tVQow-citvxens in ISjIj eat h etra.:.* a* those i.T »hjch TV Juurnml cfCfntmtr-e l Ige*. There are no donbt t^rta-u 'iDConTenienee* at¬ tendant upon the r.etht «beb the pe<>ple of this country claim freely to discuss the policy and jus- Ur sf laws as sjrll sftr-r tbrir enactment as before, and open the practice of putting obstacles in the a ay of the enforce meet of such lawt as are eo* .ented unjust and MCaaaTitBtx>nal. That, how¬ ever, is a part of our t;*tem, and we mu>t take the i»eonven>t*ces w.Lh the benefita thk iMeirrM or ihsvo .. A Friend of Change" arrue* m our last that there oc- need of further lriSistint on the exclusion kj act of Congreat of Slavery from the Federal T-r- r because i in his oat words) All the Terrrtones a-r atMi *jr law and m f*rf/n - era eiavee & r>-*o*>.Dv law eetablishiag or aJaSJ I ras f-een pawed t'ui^rese, i BS] Ban tonal lerpsialars la which Crni*rreas has (leiejrftied the power, and the act of New-Mexico ha tag m coneVt with BBS decree of Mexico aholishicg ?v«s,i*ii. it Jo* thai rfatitn rwtj." .-A Frend of Cbanie" rpeakt to »is ji the interest and on the behalf of those c^nservativee who desire a practical and ef.^ctve union of the -Lire Ospeattfas in the PresideLtial contest of| To th;* er.d. he deem* :t Lec*>saary that the Kepu.'.beans should refrain from preesing a pro- a by act sf Congreas of Slavery j| the Ter- ¦ Hg .-right to he al<«tract.oD that cannot sow be realized x favor ft potent actualily. Very aoodt That is a pro^eenLng that we rec- sasaartrd. and are always uiciined to: Now, raw .' A Frtmd of Chanfi arnn as that tat Soutkrru frjfowv%on ami th' Anu l tro^yton Dt mocraij urdl unit* tn(A tit Rtftubtuant ia a declaration by Con- errtt that Slarrrj dart not nvw ligoJJu tritt m the Tirntori't. for tkt rente*! abort imiuattd, and that tkt ohnoiwui att of tkt last bgitlaturt of Stur- Jkf'iuo u r<nd. fm du n*»on kt tndualti' L*?t h m make due sqv.:ry ¦ Usl premjw*s, and be ready to speak frost book. Wteenrter b*- »hall k ». may have somewhat further to say. Tal it ATATI. dorrrrt'd bu our Inlett adrtee,. »?.-''-»- hrr ,T.^-.rk«-s. y») .Warreu. 440 «. ^'i Washington. l.-«<i - . 1 -^Warne. 1,500 Wyöourjr. YaW. LM ta>ui-t. A64.r. ... uqua. MM t irr; BYf. ¦ < te-Laas-o. 1 MM C -it/-. lit*) tortland. .'1 Delaware. Vß>\ Dutrkere*. 3uO Albany. 1 .*/> reaej. . bWfeSBBaaMS. 1"^ rrankiic. lOV.Erv . 1.8&0 fkltot. mm QsaSSSI. 1.341 Btr&uaasr... l~.<*j Mstsas. \JBTi Lnu. V*J Gregor. «Xf HaAi.iltoo. *"> Kings.. 4 HI Moatlgotoeiy. HI .SVw-Yorh.MjMB L»ma?rtoti.. change. isa* Ms*t*w/D.. . l Vl^Putnaaa. V. r..2,l«tt;t/a*wns. N *t-ara. IxViisssJaer . fc« «>n*4Ja. . S.iC.O kechsaoad.. W ^*dsrs ... '.' 74V RiA-alaod. *VMJ .rotarv.. iK5*|lltrfatoss. 44 Orieae* (>*rm*%o. 1. TOO tr^to... . «*> rVsIhvaa.. 1.LS3 r-asiatrtady. l»Ojhrae*a. 4A0 -irblVe . l»lVadWeat*TlvewU . 1,00 et. Lsrwrr*r*.... A5*Xl T «rafft. . Total.43,930 1>a*esrw«rth ss*a*s to U uhmmd. ...l.Stas. As the ahtyra tahtsi is stad* sp Largely of reports, aad ia sofa* caae* erf r^iaaaW froaa partial ratagsa. it at quit** posaitio that Ü* ocmpW/' oftrial rr*v"T> may change tbe rr««* and ctert Mr. Jesxe«; b«t ft* we bar«, as , ruts, taken the report* IftMl Ip '. abie to Mr. Leaveoworth, hi* apparent Kttcmtj as c4 likely to be diswipatod hf tbe tx«jr*tte return. If Mr. I^rocworth u etoeted, there ran be aw doubt of tte eiect*ou of tbe eofcr* RfBlliMB t>t»te T.cket_ T»# rYsraWaay* that the FcthAv-wHote* Cota- mittee finally sneaked cot of their *ts>*jte*it that '.letter* written to a Mr FmW'proved "ort. "era! Republican Striaton" to be implicated in Old Brown't Harper'* Ferry boa.De**. and. in tbe parpblet editaoo of their electioneering address, altered tbe chane ao that :t read, " letter* written .. bj a Mr Forbes." But, tentleraen' yoti can't b* permitted to crawl down tbe back stain in that ?tabby way. Too are arraigned tor what to* said to the pubbe. not what yo« may bava aeen fit to aay to tbe tmrkroakrr* Voo gravely charged, through tbe adirrttairg columns of The Tribcse and other widely circulated journal*, that .-letter* " written fs a Mr. Forbes" tostauied your libeiou* aiirgatwc.your talk now of letter* written Hugh Forbea i* a borte of q*ite another cobr. W> deny that Aw letter* ever did or can prove- any- thin* but tbe basene** and «tupidity of their aathor. You made your ealumaiou» rtateraeut through The Tribi *E: We tooder you tbe frvr uae of our COeWABB* for your retra«t)or.. How many Laie« more mutt we rail for it I M. Belly seem* pretty nearty to bava played out hia game is Central America. Hia routraet for «perirg t*v Transit route npired on the I5th of September. Hi* effort* to obtain an eite-nsion of it v.^-f cravaibcg, and it a now stab-d Mat a traf t of a amilar mart baa been made w:ti a Mr Kaj.ieU. tbe Ameneax Consul at San Juan del Sur. If so. tLd Mr. Bunoel* ran find barken, there would seem to be some proapert that the Trannt n*j*e r ay be ono*- again op*-wd. The atato of the harbor of San Juac del .Sorte i* not, however BaTJ fatoraole |b U..* project. Tbe English «tr>am- era are now obliged to anchor fire niile* from the .bore, aad in rough weather tbe landing of passen¬ ger* and merchandise i* difficult or :mp*a,ble. It \* rot not unlikely. bowerer. that th*» aea may anon open a new channt-l. Another obstacle1*. doubtless, the dread of fillitu»ten, which hat received a new imj*alse from report* connected with Walker"* laat abortive attempt Had tbe filibuster* not been «t< pped, they stood very bttle cbaace of effect¬ ing a landing. The Britiah and American ships on tee station took every precautioe to prevent it Wr at *\.A the adorer* of Loui* Napoleoa aay to Bat letter to the King of Sardinia * According to tbe telegraph, that letter '-»-:* or the r*»toration I Duke* in Central Italy, the single ex* eeptioo of the Duke of Parma, who 1* yet a minor, and wboae mother wa* foohah enough to write to each of the two Emperor* letter* that could not hear the comparison with each other to which they wrre .ub.e. t-d at Vdlafraiica. Of Parma it would seem that the greater portion ia to be given t<> Piedmont, while tbe Grand Duke of Tuacany and the Ihike of Modr-na are to b»> forced back upon their unwilling *uhjret*. .Such i* tbe net rrault of Napoleon'* interfer- in behalf of Italian liberty. Cut it i* not certain ttat the acht me will be eaty of execution. Let at wait and are. THE LATEST NEWS. RECEIVE!) BT 3IAGXETIC TELEGRAPH. Prom Washington. Bped*. IMaaat.-a ta Tbe K Y. Tribiaa* Washington. Friday. Nov. 11. 1:<*9. Tbe reelection of Messrs. Taylor and Davidaon <. Congress from Louisiana prongure* tbe defeat f Mr Sbdel! for tbe ascendency in tbe .State, hough the return* for the Legislature, which will rbooae hi* *occe**or. are not n-ceived. He made a Je»p» rate push, and *pent much money. If de¬ feated, he will probably accept the French nnssian. tM l'r--.Jer.t offered Lm e^hteen montba ago. Tbe legiaiation affecting Mr. Houman'* claim, v. hJd wa* carried laat teauon by an adroit amend¬ ment to the Missouri Land bill, without tbe least indication of it* application, wij be inve«tgated th.» Winter, upon p»»titioa* from Louisiana. Mr. I :. I j suppoaed to be intereatod to the extent of half a milLoD of dollars, at least Tbe iasmng of the patent was suspended when tbe quest^n was d in tbe Senate. Mr. Benjamin could not have been reelectod had bit action on this bill been known in time. This one element is spreading dia- a5ecUon toward Mr. Slide!!. The Poatmaster-General will not deed* on tbe proposals for tbe great through maJ to New-Or¬ leans until Congress affirms some Im i f pohcy U ward tbe Department. Hi* reaaon is the super- added cost to the present expenditure, for loeal service over the greater part of the same route, which greatly exceed* the antic.patioo* formed be¬ fore tbe proposal* w ere submitted. A large lobby combination forming here aad in New-York, to get interest added to the maJ con- tractor*' claims, w hich have been tuunouary shaved by broken and banka. About a half million of dollara are involved on claims already auifted. Mr. HoSkian, an ex-member of Congrews from Maryland, will be preaentod a* a Southern Oppoai- ticn candidate for Ork of tbe House. He i* highly esteemed, and voted for tbe expuiaioa of Brooks. Mr«*n. Barksdale and Pbe'ip* ajfl conteat the Dem<»rratc nomicaUon for Speaker with Bocock, though a movevsent .* making for Mr. Pryor. in expertatioc of conciliating some Aati-I»e*>«npton Dem^raU, and with tbe hope of coercitig a por- at the H'/utbern Oppoaitioa. Te iL* * awafcaal freaa. . WASMaWtwB, Frdav NVv. 11, It was tboa^bt. Last Bight, that Senator Doua-taa waa encg free L.» anark of büiou* fevar. bat to-day Le ia dexterously ill agai*. Governor Wdlard ia bar* at the Natioaal Hotel Tbe Mawretaryr of State has appoteteal t ol. W. H. Brown mi \ trjnoia aa Comt&ereiaJ Axawl c4 the Ctuted Naiea al Monrem*, Libama. Aftoiptj taoahag haw betas raxotraiaed bv tht rYniiiat ^ ' .-'.».- General f-.-r mm I BflO s. at mmm w. bj >-w-To*k. The *f ory laud E Ice lion. BtLTiaoai, Pnday. Nov. 11. ISS*. It at aaaouaced thai Jtxlya Kaaap of the Orphaa* Court, who was oa both ta* Aaastvwa aad atotor** tarbstsatth« reeaat ele«ucn. bats wrtttva a Iritat In tt« Goveraor. dachaiag to acoapt hat coaaataaBoa, «a the gm«nd that the »Wtx«* wa* rwBwad by tore* and traad a* to afford ae teat wbaaer** of the f pakw ¦tyj ^ A MBtaVrft HOBAf. St. Loft*. FriAat, Nea. U itSt. Joawok w Thoaasoa, wa* shct Mr Jaaaph Chwriaa, Ol lha sAraat, * Jmtm last, was hang that aftaraooav toBUmcr oi C++* *** Other laiaj, rrri vmM*- Ca* ax t stows, .Fnday. When the rri*» aers we** b*r»\«wt 991 *r*t*mmi the flte«~e»» Cne*4*r*<! Mil Graea a*"*"«- u »*" any¬ thing. Cor* and Coppae t**h adah*«»*d «*» r^«% Orryra* th*t thwy bad any ka-»w !»<.*.. pf* Prowa . k»> tent** to eeta* lb* Ferry oatil th* weals r r^riBaa, when thry were called opt* to take the eath f>' <***.> ettre to tbetr oo*a»*«iee. Thay expected to he aaav i«t>ed. bei did act thtak hey ebo«U U- bow*. Haziitt w<£ aot be taxed itxttu the M*y terw af tks < The Legroesai* to ha h<ta« oa the axarwor mf mm to- whtuw darisg the aAeruooa .<* the asaxt da«. wan "»!. ilran Int'lli*-* t»rt Nt«41»»>. Friday. >'»»'. HSs. TLe «t>a*aahip Tssraaaaee. fnta Vera Oat fttb in**., ha* amved beta. Hb* krmga |3f ¦Btjtjfj Tb* hark Rapid, trots NewY***.. had arrreed at Vera Cm. A sever* northed y malm mf tea day* db> rasioc bad defaiwd aaaay vr«***s. Tie Liberal earwdttioa ag*ia*t Teaaacan. Orkaaj aad Conivra, proved a «***.*root fnihxr*. General Met* retrewins withottt Iraf a r*a. katag «* oaaa, wbo wer* lakea prisor***. %ao 1.000 me*at*« aad tt caxtaoe, which Genera! Minos ca;4ar**J waboat kiBjBf Genera! had pisataanil for Santa Aaaa alter ertun*- a ceaxaseaar with fi^BM.OM ia aaataa, which he tmdertook to eataat to Teyac. Ife *fBf*. iraved feto,** to htaarWf aad liliiii il «ha raat BJ ClaaMjaatB The Bnoah aad Freta-h Minuter* bad aaaigttii ¦ TTj jib niasti 1 a*raxn*t thi* rnaaaat. m ml Miraaoa. a*miast the «nahe* of bat f a^ast, wrtb oeJr lew aid*, had kaft the Cataaol metaahiy b> eotVet troop* aaxd } ar. Maroaixa as a traitor, bail a Btaa feared that be wa* rrmllj lesyf-aed will Lja. Tbs Lib at all were greatly eaxxxirat-'d . hereby. 0am I*rcJaa* had dtrVati i Aitard. 'e*mtnrmm]m% artaUery mmi ssstssnaar Gnatajeat* with i.OCa) aaav (tea. Woil «ras at L*wr<w. aad Crem. Ltetrnhvi* was fSaVadabJ oa to artark Lisa. Advice* frota Taatpseo of the 1st of >>easatit, a> --_,t ahstJ mW %m\ Bavjaaaji c.f tbs bf irsrsoa Qin i«aata«tsl foere*. after ho*dtB*r a onaasi <-¦'. »ar, Lma detmaxaed to eravaate Guadalajara sad A portk« of the baad of Cortina* Lad attached ahs ' |j ' Eio G*ande. pülsariaf trea/fy erasy bo****. It wa* reported that the two baad* of C^rttoas ataav bered 71V äsen. The prx^le of BrtrwTjSTffie war* ia the aaajgajj (LrSreea. AD the mails were murrapted by th* **aV law*, aad Ctwiawas bad thrtatsat i t* destroy the Iowa, ai d (tit off asd reorder aO the rtr^ficrrsaatat« thai iritjht be «etat oa to the relief of the tan ni arisasa Lat«?r from Knu**a» and I lah. LttTi»M .RTH, Nov. 11. iVtl. H *. eaprea* from Denver of 3d mm has arnved. *rt*h iX.000 in treawore. K. I). \V Jhams, rvletrate riect frosa detfersoa baa aieo arrived. It a r*ud ha sr*u is t-> be .x>nt*ajted by Dr. Wi!lm*r. for whom tt is aJ*v*d ihm over ^.OtaJ v<x/s were cant, bot were thrown ont by the raav Vkseera. TL* e*ertion of bar. fee*-** for Governor a coaarased. The Letrialaxnr* woold meet on the 7 th ia*C 'H t weatker ta the rsoamtaia* wa* vary baa. The Utah saail of the baa] has also rtaaraed There i* no new* of lu-portaace. Parrott * mayority for Dth-gate frota W tnaat mM probat^ reach 3,«<». T>e i>rnbhe»x* bar* a ratuority ia hath braarhaa af th* Letnaiatore. -a> Losa of the Portoajrait-a«? Bark yiurit J «>***. BsLTiaoaa. Friday. Nov. 11.18S9. Th* bast GneUv. rro*a Ureaaaa.'ha* aiiiied bee*. raaaawa, .>al M. tat fB m loa. 3>f~ 10, took o«7 the crew, ronsrating of fbTtaea Mraotts, aad ail passaa- er*, from the Fortune** bark Mane Jose froa Par. ! amboct. for Lsshoo. She was ia a ankiag eoaiatoa Bl . r i me, and went down the aasae ni*rbt. n.e br.ft Re!en. from Bio de Janeiro for HskTSft. went ashore oa Thnrsday ai«-ht. A ateasnar was seat o bar relief. Deatrnriiit? Fires. Borro*. Friday, Nov. 11,1*39. Th* rolling-mill* aad p«ckin«7-roota or new-1 wtk Le Fall K.ver Iron Works, at Kail shvrr, wees dtetroyed by fire this morning. Th* loos a eatia mmi it f»"4;.'(<0. on wloch there v iosoranoe only lo tbs amount of 114,(06, which is tiatnbatcd ia th* fotkrwag cfCce*. naaoelv K-.remet. s Mutual. Pr.rt lOenor, «Q,tH-, abaaa Mlmu*J, ProTidence. ftt,(»*j L.rerpc<H aad laa- öcc. Boston agency. $1.000; Etna. Hartford. &***. From 90S to 40t) workmen are thrown oat of «flapst*- arm bv tha caiaasny. Th* locifer-aiatch' fartorv of Bvraa CaH**yav« Co., in Charlaatown, was burned last night, t<«ra**r w :ih the »tock. Loa» about $5,000. The repair shop of the Nashua and Lowall Bsi- n-ad. lacated ia Nashua, was desarored by If* tbs rrom H* r ran da. H*Lir*x, Friday. Nov. 11. 1KA. The Brmnda maul steamer has arrived bees. The veilcw fever was raging at St. Thotaa*. The Urk Antelop*. from New-York for Barhaasta, was wrecked oa Bermada Eeexh. Oct. 17, cats* meetly saved. Bniraniine Penonia, from New-lark, arrived m Bermuda. Ort. '.X faoadian Pohtic^-Thr Rcf ( oatt nllon. ToaojtTo, C. W.. Friday, Nov. 11. 1B4\ II e Srform ( oavetttioa adyoamed at aooa taaay. t*tei paesiesT rraolntion*, alxnost aaaxtisae*asly, dtMsaaag daajsg 'inion between Upper and Lower Casada la have rtaahed m a heavv public taxation: ale* deeUhag for th* fjaSSaSbiaS of tbs i sas Vffmr aad Lowar f'ana la with Www i i ft i n * for ta* h *v*d< n, and a rentral power ba* c.i.' tit w.tb B*atier* aaTaetiay both a**rt*oaa. Ab*** eseaate* were in auxadaco*. Th* CoavaaSsS *>i excerdicgly bartuouyjoa The navm^hirtHte l iquor \genC> CaWO. Borros. Frvlav. Nor. 11. ISM. The fnll beach of the Ruprame Coart «ras oorm^a**1 several hours to-do.j, is U <n&< s jiawisn i oa a wwt nf bwbeas corpw*. to bberat« Burohaa. th* ."***» i-:c,»or Ayeot, from Jaih Jad*r« Shaw anil ilabTBT the <i<xi*>on of th* Coart at 12 to-morrow. BarahaS wa» rtmaaded to the Jail at the olose of the POLITICAL. m-rmej. has r^asatf (r.aVepoi- t.\fSr* .It a aot gaa*araily kx*owa that th* Hos. Aagi*w* Belmont, Mr. Pierce s Mmater to the Bagas. k*t quarreled wsth Mr. Barbsasa. aad is now, w<h«% Dcagia*, a befaever ia PopaW govsswagafy. Tht reaeoa of this breach bsrwtea Mr. Filsior asd ** r* r reeeataiive of Orthodcx TVmocracy. ft er mad* knows to as, aiaos a a t Tut Ttur.i aiWsatherof all Mr. B. sp**bascal| ueas, yast a* it a af Mr. Caa*° ry of Stale. The fact bv then, that about a year I Mr. Behsont :mr*rrativehr. aad even rathw f1»maaded af Mr. Baehaaaa ta be aaaas Envoy cadbaary aad bf mater Farnix*iaeBXaary to Ms ii id '"^m l>e**d*nt, bkvmg other vita ». drchxied this STCBV Sr viution. Mr. Bshaaat, therefore, wrrnte aa mff letter to Mr. Bochanaa, aad deaired fVaator Shdaaf dtdrsai bv Mr. SbdeS derhaed to do so, oa lbs that rt was aot saawrasatry rass^ectfml mr,nt «aartwled with SbkiaO, aast the batter' by *. jxiat sad waaa over to - W~*al Saa »»aa*» trat traSjaa .«¦* *ai W| -TW Edavar of TV Herald bb that cary says that* has see* a kettar trotz Got. Waat mi Fa^Btia, ta «baO ha saatos that thara is ao peaawwlbry of a aawdoaO* pn*rv* batag extcaded ta aaTaars, who ibinli W** eertaiary ha exeratod tax th* t|| iilif day- B****r acterauoally adds, "asd patSapa g ¦ lajbaVaaw-* shcaJdb*.

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Bttunrt* Nohcr«LVTM£> tV*<

V » » car ato »Mi ¦¦ i« sjsT aar rsaaawaara, asaal tea pobaVaaaaaaJi. ta . rst»«* mf Uww' rru Liut a Ca

Uaato» aast Inn»miii w Fiibiiai for

_»ssa»1*-«_~- * RaaX Sa«, i U i» Aatarr Hat«

" Aal-d« Ut"»" CUrTHlSi. K<t VKlXMtMFXT.~

TV Iii»» a tto Cmytto* V; * B*. B. Am«« mmm, mamrmmtj U* taa» li»ll"

Raa, lieJ1l«»»7*a»k*> kaiaaii »r»sass«l mf tu In .««II» Fau. ui W-T-raa

QbfttWBjSa ei .»?.-J rar-eay taste mmm sITta. .mm

W sasx* nan ...«¦ at ht ««Aar Mar« ta tau eiry. mmXmt aa»**f y»«r*y by anj »* Rr*earsr«y

TW to* arltaai 'bei raa b» baal 'to araeae ara aaafia>i< ta

ato 11 m m.I rtkn It»aaii»iiBji' <<* tba* snamiiabaaratUaaaaa, |-caa! aaW anaaiaa 1k» t «aWraa'« Ia*fa>raBanat.

t>>r.«r»AT* «t ¦r«Uai11, Jijii f*nr1.-* ?

VW Iwj.* Leva aaa ».u1» to

r i u.11*-'. "

Maar«« Sm»' Oi«am .

aaa bat, a, aaW Bi»»«< aetor . »ta !J

aa Ctm* l>ra.r««<..« |«

Bwaewra. t iiaats* irr. Mehaa, eats] ettor Ottt-"

t*AI Xaana*. A Ftatoa «trasl

lAtrokt > «st \> in »JA s) w«Imm

k Rar ¦»»»-* Ciar»:»» .*»T\»»*.Na*. UI. L» aaa IU Faaaaaa-at

Waat« aaar «aaSaaaj *>«aa«aar tart**».<* ?faaAiaaaaaaa Wrsrraa(Va»ra.«a tar üaanarejra iAa> traaa* ««pect Miaai «ata Baakaeaoaaai Fraaaaaauaaa raaau L>rmm» >u**. kc. e^atV* mf «."tof Ua>

fua; « W rraa Faaaioaw,aar aar beat ararajasasa al y*

ufu nil H »aa Erat P»*a A«aaaisalki« rvaatry We asi «ja ravea f«r aar*.

I taste aa aauaaa

bTKANOEAv»aa» Cmtaaa

Ar» anTiara ta ii¦ aa Ktt-tt«

rarieiy of

Unacatart,r«.a»arrv kc. kr.


Paira» r it**»b*.i Lav

raataia CaiaaDlaawa. Uses* et, tat* 1 «a Sr«aaVaM n; Tante t*t»a*«

Cartlary >..i-«pui.J W L-» j. k -.

w. j. r Uauai 4 Ca.,Na. Ol ...»--,»

SlNGEK Jt «EWTJjlii M\< ihm .«.

kW. I eaarta, Macaia* »an*»a. i aaaarraaj anaraaaca. . fa>

Tka» Faaoilj Aslant kt»iua>.A. W

naru.i.i v* M alaau . aa

Hi-1|' r. «

l tat- aiarvaa A Ca.. Na «9k Braaävaa N TN« tat Pasta»««., kraaklra.

NaHAaTl.rat * Wlljsx»,'« S»¥f 1*1. M.U IHM.«a«a taa aujaraa ft asaisaa aa tka fair af ta» Aaaasrimmm al taa ur-aoa** Fsaara tara««a«at vaa t auc

Aa. Sv» kraasras ay .»aa- Verfc.

CK..VIK »\ Hak I a; -

Wataat ass Fabult >aa:«n. Macalsaa.

taa. ta» bra>a».sr»y S» Tr:l1W tat I miumm Br«oaAi«-a.

KaULA mw im. Mata mim i OM UliMarauaaa troma *)> t« . ,»X

AstwaTTa Waats», at Na «11 orosadarayAB auMb af Macat^-. mmrngM aast aaaaVAB t>a» aInas «ar7aaweac M a« skajBal s* ra>fOsasai«vi.

bAKat\N i laa«rXMVa9a«3Cala tka taat aast <Asapaa« aVtkria tar is-raartaaj.

kaaaasryv-^. i Ii aa -»^ t aaroafPraaasrstaa **sl Baal sltan tar Ita».

try at. Pat atka tfj iHaaf^t. mm4 Pvrfaroarv

ÖTAUklNw'» !*RF.FaBEJ> l.Ll'K.I aatTtta aaaai Haaaa.Fan NaLa It mrtiut

Iky tl t. >r*L>i»« «ta. J» ranatISsal fBäaa aas»aaa. Bat Na l.taa.

Hk.ttKi.\i.'.« PATaOaT ChampionFama aa» Fav»!

H aut I s.u. a Pataat KrwaW Praos' I aeka.¦aranay ac aay ?a5a ta taa war.A

> C Httiran A i v

Ka. »1 Braativaa -f^mm» C ay Haß. H. t.

BaTV«KUst. s Haik 1>ii, \v it,*, arvti TtH'PBKBEaainaa A 1 Bay ara iattjt asaay. kaaails. aaa But aharaa.

aAaaatavaaat aar taaaoaaag mf takiat o.tx waiaa a Halt Dr akaaat aa taa aresntt. taa- ««ay laia an »«s r«ualH» i'>» aaaa a.

aVaaJsaaaat at laa Faa^art. .W aat t rca-a« ay sppaaafa taa : ara.

Ktrnvp. Ci red bt Maknu a (o s RadicalCtwaa Taraa Asa«, aaaa Buuiartc rr». t.nalsr rsrt-.w vaaaa

iawi aaiBaa ana >snt>is m«aA Imnassli tM aaaarju-

taaa aaaaia us araas Na t * .*»)¦* k*u* tt.^mm > 1 La-tkaaa tatsaai rasas a aasi Baaaasa aaaaaaaai I A_»* Maaaataa» k OaV, faa. » Waat «V» at . t tacii aart. Oiua

Is A i KTTt J* WeOITaTEJJ PtPERFar tka VA araa t Laaarr u aaa a tarra ardisa. are^-aHaaX a at

ta aa be aslsiai i aa a a»>cwaaa' i

af asaay naaanaisr aast lns> aaasM.aLiaa mf kiaJtbFar aaar art tat it patsts aaai at taa IVpvt*. N. t. Ajui st

aaa* Na ttt aW»a*aay.1>T. WWTAJa Ü BALXAM OF WlLD CHEJARV.

TVaaaayaaaaa aanVaaat far taa aaatr. eataa, ratyasL aaa aaaranaasaat r«ra a

Caatat. Caaabv Brraa aaata traaa.Ha

ssf Paaat iiary AtWsaaa asat m

tVa ara sa^a^saa or laatirfairi Pa=-iaar o-_y tSa: -r»;a,-«.^ry A W. Fsrarta k Ca. Baatsta. ark aaa anata* Basra MaBfJkl

Baas) ta {ta* Tart ry Baajraa k Faxt F C VaSH k

Bavtsu A . va uraui Bavrraaaa k t ^ M Aa-.:*k k>»«aa. aai by tT^aatsaa aast iWisra r~*rrm >«.-». u, raty is:

Krep t ahr Cider Ltt>iR sxd ale, II man, Akaaat aa stra^ata.

OaV-a Na 17* mmtmtmtjAaajtt far a tu am «\41al1 aaaaaatIsaraa«» a «taa e 1 k Ca.

VaB Bt *TaIRR « PtAACAWT ?*OZODO*iTFust til Taa.a

Tba Attiiisaii CtaUaaaa tot i taatrva .-«5 tV Ttwra bjaaaa at Hau. IukuAi. . Ra HI .. » . ,

al i»r«a aaa Faaary t*ar«»» sairn CaaBat Xa IB)¦aa (at aatrraaaw »Mi.^ U» uasnaaaay «I saaaay «.' taa .-aaaa

ayabsajsaat sarysareaaw. A.- at tkas aaaa albar raraaa

B.AJATlKslt .« t ELEPXATtUiBaraiaB Mac«:»a>.

lia.ii Mil¦latta t>Mtatakva Nie» i-nu Aiaa; a v Bv .*> aai faii.

aVaareats M 1 >. »..-rrarte t a

_Sa «At t raaa.» a/ »«c BW« ».-0->t

Cot ..H».Tba ajraat aaai art laa »%MJJB «a* «aar cJksaata aa* kaatfa:

ssaina ra Na anary aaW Bra* .a. AsBsatu mm t jinawaaaa>ta» arc»-« asat «u,raa rrsaMks .a., .

aaaa.). a ara taaaa aa ta» aar:., aaar

tAwaAi at aejrar to Baal ta laatt'i .'a aw »:

La«na«.aav. bat tto t«vsza ar Irnaaxkaa ./ ibr taraa- «. »crr sa

l«"> « a.--eat al Mltfl t a;-. a

IklE 1BJLEFRES>JBLE C<.'»PlJCT.---lBpt?W' !>Väo |

¦ klltj saw rtatoaataraasasj by t*at^aa."flaWatBtnyt. Na at IU.ara aaaa,

Tvd UtsmexL Belt rav^t faf .

TVAs k«»»»na« sraR, a ataaaa. SBta aili 1 asat assay b x ta aa

tbsbaat aaBttoagnkitaaat (Wa .-.»«-. Lars» uBay aai Karaaaa AaVrataaaa, ». I» taaaa-' Baav^y >«a«.tsaa.aVsMBaaa ktaraa aa kaa.T A«- kW A RaaicAaaaaa Bt TV» kVat si aa asaat by sataaca

traaa ka aaai ai ta» Aaaaac Sa tt» to«a*«ay n t. aac >a .ArJ»* a>e-

1 ' RTAJ* A4aTTJAitl>. l^tat« ClRTAiT.«. rTTat Raa I r a» Paxva .Ftaa-aaa Abc.-«*«jl S« »; A-i»4army aa* aaaa» «Bat aa«. latsar aaataar aaack af Araraca^a. >*3 -

jaaaara. ItoaBBsaW Lara Cariataa. * Ja*--« *aaats-%tat» Trtaaa-at. a- at trri-. or »ni'a . arw«. at e*v a

aTaaaaasa. A ssrassa tve. a ««¦ aa ta msv iFasuraa» Baar aaaa. >» W. B-xaka-i.

tTaJDTfTAlK><0 * HaXR Ii F. Wlfi«, isA 1"' - PEI>.aaasi as aA aa ssrJaaa > i aa at » flra* a hss n at* ut«'taaaa ataaiki, Fra«ana KatT r>ar» mxc a tmmmm, Kj


ry aaa*"tk. Bat rtatt7at>< aaaa 'atvT* Aatt» HUia»»^ **

Ib a T KUaW»trT it .it » t MO T«CT<i..BLaax. Laaar« PaBlsta s Carat* Batata a <«ra*a »»« atysaa ka»» a raat »rCaatJ»«. «tata»»«saa»asa «r aaaaataaj mf 'to a-aai

.taaaa «« tat «a<s , ^-»a Bsssas *J. tsaat aaaa a- tmi aa axal

hia."'^^'^^ *^***|--^W BsTstar»»»» ttf tAaa twy atatnivr:-

^^T?r^2^ aUaaaarTZ rTTrT ataTsaatMGay'

*J 1 rtf *t«l*aKk> R a>rrc^ >r-ar--*a .*> M Haakaa aa a

BWN'W KrWPFCT \KLi..Ti».r Hal if mmtMtJtb» .>*» « i» Met <r* '«»a. atad «HR .«rar» Jon la MM u***a. aa*las**] 7«*. ia tb* ratiauatioc af r>tr '*. AS Uui taar b*tiaa****»d by * rWt ta B«*i tke Hatter o» tbe aa*. ¦%»¦¦ *alet *.»> i* aa arttal n> m «. eaaraart* a rwb«i «aa»ar«ao»>

1w«* ri1 r aa*Ca at aar» to v« ti* Broad

Cnn.wtF-N Ctr*»,aft** aa-J ri-taat *trW

(.'«v'ura»*-. H»t*.A- t-* a* ra.tiea ia suk «cd Feh H »t*.

'««*:« Ha-ter Ha. ie- Hrtadarayarraartaa t* \rrm» to tbb

|l f*? g¦ I'lOf!* STAirt,Kaiulaotwrea b»

T. Kia««»T vt> k Sow. (kr*r*>». Saw Vark.rr i* a a aw a.«» aaar-rim l *«ttcu-

Fot us la 1 St aaairi aad ia A It aaaer aoxe*.

_I I Kanaaaj L Ca. jgkttj- i*eTr«i x I

Cboto* Mill* I'LOtXI a - f r x p .

rfat-sra k Baarata. Branrietoo »/ tka frataa aad Bat.-»r- . V .. »' -! ataa-xfartsr* P»» it

riAvr. rf «at-mm . rraaVa Their IWi ha* Waaa ia inaaiHtl*aat the Yt s Yxxi .a Loccoc at th* World'. Pa-r at Si i't*u I '.. ¦- - -l at th* >?*» Y- rk stale Pair at tka faira/ tka >'r rr^utta VrrtinkV loeutotr .r.r-o* 0. C.«'**?.. . i rhikaWtah'a *¦ J t' i" J af Ik- FaH. :_ v ': :l . V z r,ri paJ! a.a*Ti

.r-. Atta« Lata Kai» at*-. . . t. «. i t "*« »-..-.. f-:-i

laa Boar *>a**»«i«W :<¦ Herker k EnHh**.It t* aa in-«l aiYk aco-axaedrtkoa ta tka ektlata* af Xew-

Tork aad M* rietadry. tka: the* oay r*A is a* .n «jaaatitktaa* nay »ei thadf * aata a aaajaaaat ".-¦»«.* of trooi

'«:.:..:¦» .¦ ;lr'»;aajvaTaaar autvra vi ium irt aaran,

Crotea fuaailatin tFrrtahaxa r^-ji. ia ba/rru, half barrel*.M ft hip. «« Bl aad 141 PA baaa.

txtra Crncr-a it. harr» .-.B* 0 bat*. 4.- 3 bar* aal

Karin llandjaataa tr harr» j. ha.: bar- a 9t 5 bat*. 4* S bar«aad zt* abbat*

Faa By Fiaur ia 11 B yai kaar t * aackat»« La a box, aaaktai TI

Pat* Bt * Y ¦ \l C S pa-kar>« t«r»>» facka-*e iaa boa. BaaaBat TJ pou^da

Graham FW. ut baxreaa. ha^harrea*. * S> hag*. O S ha-a. aadIt, B Nara.

Tacaa » hew OraBaaa Fartr kaav that tW tYa»b*r thay e

trt k) tha better, aa tka xuiarate of tb* braa iacHate* ttbacaaa* btttar la a aketl tuue.

ByaFV ^ bamav half bttfrela,M B bafa. tf S bat*. *^2^S> b»ev

r. >» .--.j » la !.r**ii-~et*'fj tha r».»f **«-c*a*«*a aepiiia* ia firrily a*e for t<-e isiaaewfitfa pradaor.aa

rai.-a*«.« bj te be oooeadavad aa alataat I~

. - .: t La: 1 a^k- i rt

II raarkaaea fa a box. making Tt C" aad ia 1*1 * haraM k*M aad faaww raahaa M*a, f* 4* aaila) B bac*.

.* r Baa*jaa>#a*ta »*.

«-»*utOr!:i ; .- .. t: > r^if.-. - **aa*Jaa*a*ji ta 4* r Soxe* acJ M B boa**.1 be aarkap i bare prfaked dire* far aae.

Uiorr* hmn iaiathn lb layti the DaBkal .state* *r Axspotc*rvj r ..¦.r*-*' w:»r -a *:»*.¦' Ite'.aArk «rUI b» d*»J»rr*« 'bea^eraaoa. thaae receir«d after II c'coek. .

-. i trat mrwxiB*. Fayxaeta ma ari-.TrrjI ale* be aa «rail **eved aratrOy by afderfaiixif af liracer* arb* eail ear flaar. a* they are *ep

Bji*d ir.'y wr'ea taremry by tbe era**** »miii af l>ataa

by the aaaae a*am. Broakiya aad Wiittamak*:«* are

aer-rrd daily. r!ar.»xn .Mr.iaaakv Jeraey rrry aadj RaacAea:a>re<« -i ti ar 11 a a Baoraaa.'

5a 9! Cber-y¦**.. Ne-r Tort¦ ¦ 1


TO C«BBr»F<'.*l>B.VTltN* *ettr> raa be Ukaa af Aaaaiai*** Ciiataaakaaiaiai WW

*e*w m mialil far iaaartaaa acaat Be *«*>»atarated b* tkaaarne aad atVaraa* af Ik* arnarc-ao* n.r.wartly tar aaboaa-troe. bet a* a rsav-aaty far t» aaed Mt

Vt » r»-.r-o* cada-rtat* u recara reverted i aaoar .rti.^at*****.Baaia««* letter* far Ta* Tararaa ebeaad ia al aaaa* be ad-

11* t: tiaaautT Ala

The tna'.l* for Kun pe mi S,'uthAur.ptoc andHat re. \<y the 1". S ateamer Aradro. » fm\%% thia

BtBTBirj at 10*} o"fk>cL

T>e> exppe**. tthtch leti Cit* oti the 3d:&»!.. arr.trd at I/^aveEWvrth on Uie 11th, trilk

%..' t»A' :.i trrkvure. R I) W^ro*, tl^Wkteelect, frt m Je5er*-)ti. had arr.ved at Leateoworth.It i* urder*t<xJ that L.i ee^t L* to be <x>nte*teJ bi

I»r. Wntitifi. TheeWboc of Mr. Steel. Irvtercor.

it ronf.rn.t-d. Tie L^s;*iA*urv waa to orvt on tbe?tb ic*t The wewther a the mouotaiü« wa* teryfine. Tte KejubLoaat LaTe a maeor.ty ia bothhTBIKTor-« t-f the lyejT-iator*«.

rrosa Mexico we learc that Iren. Mar^tLxa had

pitrnjotiftet i ft-r Santa Anna, after aeiziag a r^sducuwith ft* - C" *."-«." i.-f which he appropriatedto hiBaBt-lf. TV- Bnt**h at.d Fr> och Vl.^vrt hade-keTT*t::aiI»- prcte-trd a*T«j:«t tiu» rx-adtift. A

portica of the hand c-f Cort-r a- bad attv k*>d tbe

city of Rk> Graikie, aaTh|prit r>-ar}r erery bow.

It u itfOateai that the two band* of Corbaa* t>nm-

ber*»e»en hectare*! The people of BrowritTiLVttere in -Teat dirtrrta. The raail* were .^t»-mip:e»iitd rvbbed; atvd Cortriaa thrrat>Be«i t« d***t*u» th*>town, and rut r-ff and Eurdrr all rrvjiuoTre«a?n««

u ; r..S> I*: «»-a.t U'T.


Tbe Harpr-r * Kerry triad* are ooe» oter. with the

eke*-}.t,.-n t-f that of tin* ciaa HaxLU. arrr^Vrd at *od taken to Chari.atows on a re-

qtik.: v : W_w. W i-u.- r aar :r,i ct-

BBBt has t-rr-o fotind afXLCkt tin. d«ew not yetapp» tr. Tbe Bftwcalivti ia La rare- labor uiderri^utidt^avb' dix^csltiei. They tare co eTiiVDce toshow that be wa.* actually at Harper » Frrrj. Hehat tbe diKretxn to awbi kit own toaarue. and tab*

c« nt .cted prat rv r* do r>«t w<>jnu2e iura. E*en J

th*} d d. U :a- CvnT.ctr-d !r«of«*. they odd w< beuiw-d at tntixate-i. rrr^apa, a lack oi rt:der»cr-totxa-ict tL* ir*B£. h# may t-- t^rzri or^r to theknot who ¦JmJkWrrd the jarJo«er Thtkamp» »n.

Tbe V.rr.i:a t't-trt of Apfrali. to trh»ch theca.-r» Late bees carrted by wr.t taf error, jarvti,

we *Vr4icTe, as the 2fMk. No ,ioti:4 theae catv-« wili«-- \r,- .-i--. * iJ I: .* stat-d u^t

M(-t tre*-7 B t:. Mr OaM, tiv rToatxaLrtf Of-hcv-r for tv Iirftrict of C'^uabui. wivcae aai

was made tamlax to the ptmbc by La thare la theSickle* pri*ar<ateoo. a-J Mr. I>aJt>r-!, an eaiaes!

lawyer of It^hmwad, hate k**ea rHa.aed a the-iae. Tt-» aei^*at»-at tp»JQ ahrCl the pnaBHIBMl trv-al *.a» ^c.;!r bbbbBBB at a VrcaJ docsflBeBt

: y-.. tr .. tr-u-ej t-? Terr

:..'-"d Pa*. *.. -ajk-r-.- LV r-

runir cian^ter of that «a*>. tr- C art at R-ch-r- Lk-». . . :_a-. C-vr:

at I «a Is »tat«i pc* trtAV*.Wk*KB»r the taTTUkf «w*T of rX»rpav-=* t« b*> tned

a the tsvA >t*vt>. C<«crt, waa anythat ax.

tBaa a eaaariTaac** on rae y%n «*f G*r*-Ta«r W*aeta -rt ntl if the o&xm ti brag aad ».f-| a

aaar t^ T3ag -Bder darajr^BBB. if Bat BBBrtoJwvAiada. *? a fwtat t*v m-^i^L. CrkBsidiriBg u>

dawkfal b w «hKikr-r >>>a--ij *W* Mt the- of hasw^-väa b-4*r. the VnaVd dtaBw C tevrt tz*+u, *fthere katal «¦¦*» any rr-w «V-*t» t*/ La«e * tra-. ia

that t OI.:' aartrr ..ttae-r pTjelrUr-T atOAJti Kk«*Tt IÜB.J.hare been arWud tor tual paaTauw We da*kBB afthere a a »urd taf LraOa u. i e- .t^r^fawt*'« of aww

and Jtifewtact tlkawrerv«* t* b- ua**j .n. hj*A fi-od dr»l Wat einex-araj of C «*t*B . f 1 f a»al*a

Thai riwertBajoa faaarax U to-ajsjfasd. LvA m

a^atard o>f a*«*?*a« bavri fmJX <d tua atory. Tbe-re.errr*, htwevaw, aw wan - to nje-r-t aory irayinnid4i«»t.a bbBBI hJ&- W» are aatfaWi »*< «.«¦.+taat kna eBBaVsaar»a laaal all he hne-w aaal fabat. a*

faarf Uber* a\ aaxhjut u> tr£ be-yoad what aa* k»irr**«;heea dv<aaa-d. ShvtJ S^r-jB d>. BO B «ar

pTtaVakaW. tartar his trawl ce»av* t**, rt *J ttea Vin t*. aatkho ftBBt abtakaaB) sf vrhal wawld t*r saaghha**> iwva pra«**A. k*at ta»r tkavt «v»<o»rrMaate aeo

IThe taar bo *t*t*t I'siti bUwskn Per« as

tiBBiiT BBS haca BTt*af*at to a ratorw r.r^-«jarOn the tilh of OrtawWr pr^todeai

af ISra aarrived w-.U tWtw or Mta*B t*av

**rk» attd aw arwry ef lerar « 0*0 at Pkwta. oa hatway to arrade the VrT^tawy of ErBBdsr. LearjaJ

a* r» "a b* it-.' - *

»tramer to Gc*yatTail. »tVt« be had an raterv-irwwith the Admiral 0/ tbe Pftmit bWtaa'irir aqaadrou. and Mitt. Gt-u. Tracr-a, in rofurrand at that

erry. Thi* latrTOrtT r»*aulted in lu* r.-turn to 1'x.ta.wbeore be mAdrrmmr<i a diapairt I» hi* Mim*ter miWar, >umtr«r>riBf tbe »ba*4ocin»et;t 0/ ttv eipedi-tion. Tr,e G^eraiceit of &-o*~* and Crbma,w-th wbotn tbe original quarrel bad c-rt-trrr-ed, bav¬

in* bet-c ot^-thrown bj internal rtntaatv.:!*, !ear-in/ Tr»rr© 10 rncnniand at Otjaraqtu.. and a,beaded by Gen. Morrtno at Paita tradertW cir-

1 iimatanrt 1 firuiing Doi>«i) la fc/ht, T-aneo beta*,ready to rater into a treaty, aad Iforeoo beingfrv*dly to Caatilla, be had fi*eti over the enter-

pre. Pntate letter*, hatoem. aacnbe thi* aattyabandonm-tit of the f,- au»: Kosador t«>

Df« I *eet to Caatilla of a Ü.roaircied outbreak at

Iamb*. TVr* art* alto rumen that CatttHa iDtettdato turn kit forrt-a ajtvirv** B««Li a, where prep-aratiren* an- makm* to rr-ut turn.

Tb*- rvtoluDut-ar) di*tur»>ane»-» in CLii: i»rv r...

yt entuvh over. A not broke out at Vaipara-aodiirm* the c*4ebrat.oo of tlve au-uTertary of thenational lEdepend.'TiOe, intended, it w a* bebet ed a>

the romnKEcemf nt of a rovolutiori, drtxiag whichthe Goternor of the city wa* killed. Tfce r.o! tra.«

mpwri »*i d, aad tv^erai p»-r»on« of treaith and ***>rial poction had bo-c arrewted in ntajraTirrirr.

two of * horn had breo »bot, Copiapo had 1

nearly dr*rroyed by an earthquakeTbe ptxiLing «aar betwre-n Bu-rx« Ayr*-* aad

i'rqiiiia doea not tet raakr any rreat protntaTbe Anr»-oUne forrv*. abtut \0Ü0or 10.000 »trong.have taken up tbe-ir poeitoo at lv(>**.-.o n-ar the

boundary line of the pror-.nee of Itaeexw Arro*.The force* cd Rueno* A vre», about equal 12 poi-.t ofnumber*, bat *a.d to be tar better aimed, fed andpa.d, hate rri#«*d the northern boundary oftbe prontoe, and Lt in ck-te proximity to the armyof Urq-iix».' That army bt c^mpotvsi. principally,of favfury. bet tie horte*, to tbe Ion«, drouth,are *a.d to be in very poor cc*ad:uori. and hardly fitIt tale tbe field.IWide tbe rteejDer Pinto, whieh ("r |iuaa ob-

taioet. tiiroctrh a mutiny of the crew, he ha- fourotivr-r*. t\Lrt h- t-i>u*,ht, armed, and OjUippedMactev.det., but a* the fortv* of I.^et.-s Ayi>-the fortified i*!and of Martin Garcia. th*>*** .e**el»havf not been able to prt-oetxl np the r.t,T. Bueno«

AyTt>* ha* eisbt rc«*«*l*. monnrin^ civry ijuri*. wkttfe£ite h'-r the fxt-nmand of the water.


TX, lhr*ld aayt ;t trat Mr. N*ward. Weaj^'JPh-lbp*, that :t tru tbe Abol;Lorii*t*: bot Virfiniaha* a better right to tbe ttutiocUon than either. Ifany (vne doubu thi*, let bin lu>>k at Hbt *eal of tbeOWj iKwrninken. We bate before u* an impreaaioaaf thi* real. cx>unterrtroed by Henry A. Ww h;m-.elf and bf the S»eretary of the Commonwealth.Goortre W. Muciord l*o*i*and- of *ueh :mpr**-#X'D»t have been »eattered throuxh V\\yämm kj i;

Wuv. to t< ach their tf*»otii to auvebottien and«!av«*. What u tbe detire * An :n*ur»r- r

h:» Lt*rrt> cap fiitunting in the air. hi* left handfiTaep.M a pike, Lj r^ht bran:ii»h.r;g a sword over

the proetrate matter whom he trample« ander foot.What it tbe motto* " Su K**/er fararftu*.

wh.cb. freely tranalated, mean* "Sopoh^h everyrUvelxslder.'' or, more lTeely, '-nurrah for John

. Brown "' tbouch tbe popular Virtrinia tran«!ation

.«. Reruatance to trranu n to (rod.Tbe reLfioQ* tone of tia* would »tut the ttern oldPuntar of Harper* Ferry II.. ala**»ebit*ett*admirer* who propoae to erect a moijnmrvjt t-> ..

m*-mort may prrhap* nod a model " Wmlwhich Got. Wute w-J3 affix to tbe warrant

execuLon. That teal 1» the tx>le*Aa ofieial af-trmat-on by a great State of tbe in*urr»-ct,.«-

ary r.fht of tbe enaiaved: it u a deliberate.hallowed approval of John Brown * appeal

to force it behaif of the opprfw*v-d. Henry A.Wute hat John Brown in hi* power; the champ.odof tbe tlaveholditg claa* wM put to death the cham-

p:oc of tbe tiate. So be aa.d to the vete¬

ran who lay upon tie* mm\* I« - ..Jt » n frr.e rn»r;y wc-unda But we protet>t is

:.v iax.- : truth a: d i: i-e-t.. »

. £*x:r.- ."- . a-> \ ..-

f^aia to the official order for the eieeotioc of an

->.:£. rt I -: .* M r,p-r.-i \ iqha* roaened a en*** in ber liiatory. Sb*- ahouid go

v.Lr:e«he bekmc* airtrifig tbe opprettaor* of thehuman race.and hate tbe Ix&evty to admit her

p»wji_t.r.. >be t^bouad t rea* Ler pre*> -A *>al and

adopt another more true to fart. IV new one

abould roprewent 12 the fore-rrt.*ttnd a *lav*»-dr:Ter.v I pj j-r dror- t-. the fcetd: .d tie* back-*TTwwX»i,Got. Wie? har^mg John Brown; and tbe motto

*A««*dbe . Death to ai. caamptowtrf equal LbertyTLj i* iraJJy what the Governor bold* to. Ha*be the nianboe** to art out tit pniirrpirr* 1 Or wUlbe roLt-Eoe tv-arterir t bro*>tiea*t La o>*mrr*rt>wn-

ary .cpr.ct* axd han* tivtaa who h»x!irtbl :<dy »fwaon* ?

u 11 o*t ox 1« (.oiii i) r

T»< HtTüie ha«. atleMt a itOM ta«. tmmj t*

t^ange* ten tt* alxged cii'jr-rt.o'. < f steward.. GiddJir«, G-»*-Jey.- «%«.. with Oid Bt.twu * ia-

rttriv»-t>'n. Pint. ,t averted that we were all to

be Girted aad uVtitfat tV*xand*-d \ y V;rra-a a*

impbraied ¦ treaaoe and murder. Tue BMHiajtaxtly exprrwtw-d u *«AiaforX««« at tbe newt, andury-ed that Us arra^risewt aad retfiittititi beicmed np TV Hrrtüd at one* barked otrt of tbe

it* fi»l. bat tttaiated that tie* obooxtooa a**Tw»rtt

fJmaaid be ¦¦¦¦itrtatd before a Federal Court to

grre r**atuav»ny ou the trjj of Cook or r-tept^W * t>rr<-* \*j tnat prf.po«-t#ot. a* hearuiy a* to tbe(Atmt. Here u cae of the parU-t r>i>ru.l.^*'rdratg*d .ttv, tbe Tat- Hrrtüd' 1 rx***~tit» ->z tiut mat-

V-* m*j'j j) tery w mmj U go to Vjw-.nia. wi«*»»«

repaired, aad tell all be kaow-t Bbont GSd Brvtrr. *

ra*d aad wh*> wrQ go whetaever <JLrjk2] railed f>r.Tbere m» no aecd of a regjUMittaii m the pre**.****,ler a 1 jepie tetter from Got Wj» wiD aatrwer

IM) purpoae. Aad. n ortie- to t*'e eipe-^»e (ta*V.rr-i-a .-. : V :. .1 » mm* .! 't-

proapenty >. w» beroby tvH.fy t&e #over-.war tWt Btrrare Gree-ley iat*-ntt* to be ia Waihitaf-tot. M Mteatiay. I>*«. 6tb, aad will Ukt-o mat thereur t»^i_fc/. bo tooa a* the Floate bbbIJ aar«- ad-/wtwd Ur tt« day to tttep ce»*r at Lj rywn pr /p*r***t to A*eiaadr>a or any *wr*-aM*jt potat a Vir».*** mi h« exatuawd at teugth Mat* any Judrawt tomAJm^jber of Oat fttaV aa to afiawttm \%%>^imtmj Jteha Browa and La eoflttagrtetj m tb»» ro-

»»wt at* r at Harper* ferry. Harreg had ta****** ./ a ahght an*tjaitj*r*ati with ©.*. Wat* ia

w*-l day*, we do a*vt uw-«3 to law* has tnatat BTiad* hi tariert rxA fautb. ao4*imm m aair erwitttt mur tttwola-

t***a*^a»y teert wttt^tw.a w«H txrw e»a Bat*t*w braaeh of Uu«wtw** am tw awattkt

to tiw t»»*» tmjmKj of ViTgaua la the rx-arw*.i ma ttbtwjbm itrt* that aawttor af OU Brm, we

ha«» tt.TaWWd Tr*etra tit* h^mt W trh*ch w* b*v

Yk vc the**niVn imnbt thai ose Jam Oos.r«r.N BrjtsrTT. Editor of TV \rr- York HrrmU.krft this City Mar Lime lass A*ra*t or 9-ptetriber,profcssetfry o* i tour to uwi thrx-mrb the S*«t>-Wut, but t-rtiitJly |SSSSsisi only U Harper«F» rrr. whence. taVr rrtLxu^sj, ?otxv brae in ft

very «jaiet way, no ftppsrrct bus. .>-**. Be

*twleJ ahort aboat and r^-tarned post-bas'e to this

Cxty, Now. we know nothing whatever ot* Mr.}v- v-u'« objert* in vi«uri-£ Harper's K«BT] at that

f*n.iur jnr>ftiaT: we do not eres know that hehad any lnW-oew Of internewa wtta

('id Brown, Jeho £. Cook, or any of the tot -hatmM stealthy ruit at tnrh a rnau seems worth look-Lnf into. Wi!! Mr. Bra* !t d#-ny the fart of thewetto Harper's Ferry « at above at*, forth IIf not. do t it not ooriosth require te .tilatj<»n'Tbe-re tray have b«eo *pee*ilatori ia 14 Cottoc andM .rdVr " th* aide of Boatoc. Will Gor Wise

ha- - the mystery judicially looked into '

XaaSbSj apparently pretty well aabaärd that the

t"h-rr. IK raocra<-y it on it* last legt, TV Journal ofCiTexmt/r/. with tra<- uV^'-'tion to tbeeau*e, makes oor*

lairt dV»r**rafe 3pp»-al in its favor. The iateili-tcoe,tie r»*asr>n. the eiper»-nee, tb»- rood aeote af th*n rLtcunity, ka*e declared atraiast the coLtiauaaee

of * rule which baa proved to fruitful an rrj. TVJ^mal of Commerre. d:A*TU*ted »t this r»>*ttlt.- >.i" -.-h tapport* .. Govercmect, I: tarn« to

a blind lanitirnent of loyalty a rrrerence for the-M wen that he, an unqoeatx>c.'^ subnuasioa to

I ;'.-»rr hu obtained the form of law. It seeks.the wtth a tort of divinity those who are in

possession of power, arid to make a bitnd and un-

{; it *ulmj»*i<.o a nv>ral and religions duty. It

denonnces as "a l<w and grotelmg theory " that

\Vh;j idea which ha* been made the has * of fr*e

goven.rE»Tit, both in Great Britain aad America,that ..rulers are only ajjentt intrusted w:tb certain

..powert." Id place of this id* a it se*-k» to «übst,tute th* Tory DotinD of I>ü .nr- BifSt To allowGvv-rrmer.t do biDduii/ force b»-yot.d that of thebenefit* it confen» i», Ma are told. t<i degrade so-

..tiett iLTo a mere contract for mutual pr*sr-rra-Id place of tiir-ae radical and deArrucCve

sentiments, TV Journal of Cotnmerxe seems dis-t-oeed to substitute an unreaeornn», loyalty Lk* thatwhich boned the F.ngl>h cavaliers to the- Louse ofStuart in *pi?e of t.iraaay »cd profticacy. ar.Jwhich makes the- eutyvt* of the Kuasian Einprorr. ....<) a» - -.¦: » -ufw-rhuman.TV JourneK however. > ^ litt ¦ ¦"ak'-d ;n sup-

| n rj that :h.« drtir.t of the sentiment of k>yalty.whirh it so bitterly lament*. 1» at all p*vuLar to

tint ig»' and £. DTatior.. It it in fact, and baa b*»*ofrom the earb»^t eettlement of the cKintry. aa

Americar. charactehttic. So far from orcinaLLs;a th the trtLK-eDdental philosophers and theolo-

g\*xv, or the ultra pt'liticu':- o! th»- prr-nett da», it

may be trac* d bar k to th<- eariieat per.od of our

L.-t ry. It is in truth the very basis upon wb>h. ir n »tr.i; rr^ts. Disloyalty iater> oid charge at sua^iat the people of this coun¬

ts. It ans bmucht by Archbiah« p Laud asSsaSa

-» settlert o' N-¦ I.^-iand. and it 0Sa>

ItaSMd to be rrpeated ana^^t the in by Government. lEc.ait and otiv rt down to the period of the Rcto-

The AciencaD T- ry »nt«-n who tfposedthe Revolution, addressed their tVQow-citvxens in

ISjIj eat h etra.:.* a* those i.T »hjch TV JuurnmlcfCfntmtr-e l Ige*.There are no donbt t^rta-u 'iDConTenienee* at¬

tendant upon the r.etht «beb the pe<>ple of this

country claim freely to discuss the policy and jus-Ur sf laws as sjrll sftr-r tbrir enactment as before,and open the practice of putting obstacles in thea ay of the enforce meet of such lawt as are eo*

.ented unjust and MCaaaTitBtx>nal. That, how¬

ever, is a part of our t;*tem, and we mu>t take thei»eonven>t*ces w.Lh the benefita

thk iMeirrM or ihsvo.. A Friend of Change" arrue* m our last that

there oc- need of further lriSistint on the exclusionkj act of Congreat of Slavery from the Federal T-r-

r because i in his oat words)All the Terrrtones a-r atMi *jr law and m f*rf/n

- era eiavee & r>-*o*>.Dv law eetablishiag or

aJaSJ I ras f-een pawed b» t'ui^rese,i BS] Ban tonal lerpsialars la which Crni*rreas

has (leiejrftied the power, and the act of New-Mexicohatag m coneVt with BBS decree of Mexico aholishicg?v«s,i*ii. it Jo* thai rfatitn rwtj.".-A Frend of Cbanie" rpeakt to »is ji the

interest and on the behalf of those c^nservativeewho desire a practical and ef.^ctve union of the-Lire Ospeattfas in the PresideLtial contest of|

To th;* er.d. he deem* :t Lec*>saary that the

Kepu.'.beans should refrain from preesing a pro-a by act sf Congreas of Slavery j| the Ter-¦ Hg .-right to he

al<«tract.oD that cannot sow be realized x favorft potent actualily.Very aoodt That is a pro^eenLng that we rec-

sasaartrd. and are always uiciined to: Now, raw.' A Frtmd of Chanfi arnn as that tat Soutkrru

frjfowv%on ami th' Anu l tro^yton Dt mocraij urdlunit* tn(A tit Rtftubtuant ia a declaration by Con-errtt that Slarrrj dart not nvw ligoJJu tritt m theTirntori't. for tkt rente*! abort imiuattd, andthat tkt ohnoiwui att of tkt last bgitlaturt of Stur-Jkf'iuo u r<nd. fm du n*»on kt tndualti' L*?th m make due sqv.:ry ¦ Usl premjw*s, and be readyto speak frost book. Wteenrter b*- »hall k ».

may have somewhat further to say.

Tal it ATATI.dorrrrt'd bu our Inlett adrtee,.

»?.-''-»- hrr '¦ ,T.^-.rk«-s. y»).Warreu. 440«.̂ 'iWashington. l.-«<i

-. 1-^Warne. 1,500Wyöourjr.YaW. LM

ta>ui-t. A64.r....uqua. MM

t irr; BYf.¦< te-Laas-o. 1 MMC -it/-. lit*)tortland. .'1Delaware. Vß>\Dutrkere*. 3uO Albany. 1 .*/>reaej. . bWfeSBBaaMS. 1"^

rrankiic. lOV.Erv . 1.8&0fkltot. mmQsaSSSI. 1.341Btr&uaasr... l~.<*jMstsas. \JBTiLnu. V*J

Gregor. «XfHaAi.iltoo. *">

Kings.. 4 HIMoatlgotoeiy. HI.SVw-Yorh.MjMB

L»ma?rtoti.. change.isa*Ms*t*w/D.. . l Vl^Putnaaa.V. r..2,l«tt;t/a*wns.N *t-ara. 4» IxViisssJaer. fc««>n*4Ja. . S.iC.O kechsaoad..W^*dsrs ... '.' 74V RiA-alaod. *VMJ.rotarv.. iK5*|lltrfatoss. 44Orieae*(>*rm*%o. 1. TOO

tr^to... . «*> rVsIhvaa.. 1.LS3r-asiatrtady. l»Ojhrae*a. 4A0

-irblVe . l»lVadWeat*TlvewU . 1,00et. Lsrwrr*r*.... A5*XlT «rafft. . Total.43,930

1>a*esrw«rth ss*a*s to U uhmmd. ...l.Stas.

As the ahtyra tahtsi is stad* sp Largely of reports,aad ia sofa* caae* erf r^iaaaW froaa partial ratagsa.

it at quit** posaitio that Ü* ocmpW/' oftrial rr*v"T>

may change tbe rr««* and ctert Mr. Jesxe«; b«t ft*

we bar«, as , ruts, taken the report* IftMl Ip '.

abie to Mr. Leaveoworth, hi* apparent Kttcmtj as

c4 likely to be diswipatod hf tbe tx«jr*tte return.

If Mr. I^rocworth u etoeted, there ran be aw

doubt of tte eiect*ou of tbe eofcr* RfBlliMBt>t»te T.cket_

T»# rYsraWaay* that the FcthAv-wHote* Cota-mittee finally sneaked cot of their *ts>*jte*it that

'.letter* written to a Mr FmW'proved "ort.

"era! Republican Striaton" to be implicated in

Old Brown't Harper'* Ferry boa.De**. and. in tbe

parpblet editaoo of their electioneering address,altered tbe chane ao that :t read, " letter* written.. bj a Mr Forbes." But, tentleraen' yoti can't b*

permitted to crawl down tbe back stain in that

?tabby way. Too are arraigned tor what to* said

to the pubbe. not what yo« may bava aeen fit to

aay to tbe tmrkroakrr* Voo gravely charged,through tbe adirrttairg columns of The Tribcseand other widely circulated journal*, that .-letter*" written fs a Mr. Forbes" tostauied your libeiou*

aiirgatwc.your talk now of letter* written e»

Hugh Forbea i* a borte of q*ite another cobr.W> deny that Aw letter* ever did or can prove- any-thin* but tbe basene** and «tupidity of their aathor.

You made your ealumaiou» rtateraeut through TheTribi *E: We tooder you tbe frvr uae of our

COeWABB* for your retra«t)or.. How many Laie«

more mutt we rail for it I

M. Belly seem* pretty nearty to bava played out

hia game is Central America. Hia routraet for

«perirg t*v Transit route npired on the I5th of

September. Hi* effort* to obtain an eite-nsion ofit v.^-f cravaibcg, and it a now stab-d Mat a

traf t of a amilar mart baa been made w:ti a MrKaj.ieU. tbe Ameneax Consul at San Juan del Sur.If so. tLd Mr. Bunoel* ran find barken, therewould seem to be some proapert that the Tranntn*j*e r ay be ono*- again op*-wd. The atato of the

harbor of San Juac del .Sorte i* not, however

BaTJ fatoraole |b U..* project. Tbe English «tr>am-

era are now obliged to anchor fire niile* from the.bore, aad in rough weather tbe landing of passen¬ger* and merchandise i* difficult or :mp*a,ble. It\* rot not unlikely. bowerer. that th*» aea may anon

open a new channt-l. Another obstacle1*. doubtless,the dread of fillitu»ten, which hat received a new

imj*alse from report* connected with Walker"*laat abortive attempt Had tbe filibuster* not

been «t< pped, they stood very bttle cbaace of effect¬

ing a landing. The Britiah and American ships on

tee station took every precautioe to prevent it

Wr at *\.A the adorer* of Loui* Napoleoa aay to

Bat letter to the King of Sardinia * According to

tbe telegraph, that letter '-»-:* or the r*»toration

I Duke* in Central Italy, the single ex*

eeptioo of the Duke of Parma, who 1* yet a minor,and wboae mother wa* foohah enough to write to

each of the two Emperor* letter* that could not

hear the comparison with each other to which theywrre .ub.e. t-d at Vdlafraiica. Of Parma it

would seem that the greater portion ia to be givent<> Piedmont, while tbe Grand Duke of Tuacanyand the Ihike of Modr-na are to b»> forced back

upon their unwilling *uhjret*..Such i* tbe net rrault of Napoleon'* interfer- in behalfof Italian liberty. Cut it i* not certain

ttat the acht me will be eaty of execution. Let at

wait and are.



Bped*. IMaaat.-a ta Tbe K Y. Tribiaa*Washington. Friday. Nov. 11. 1:<*9.

Tbe reelection of Messrs. Taylor and Davidaon<. Congress from Louisiana prongure* tbe defeatf Mr Sbdel! for tbe ascendency in tbe .State,hough the return* for the Legislature, which willrbooae hi* *occe**or. are not n-ceived. He made a

Je»p» rate push, and *pent much money. If de¬feated, he will probably accept the French nnssian.

tM l'r--.Jer.t offered Lm e^hteen montbaago.Tbe legiaiation affecting Mr. Houman'* claim,

v. hJd wa* carried laat teauon by an adroit amend¬ment to the Missouri Land bill, without tbe leastindication of it* application, wij be inve«tgatedth.» Winter, upon p»»titioa* from Louisiana. Mr.I :. I j suppoaed to be intereatod to the extent ofhalf a milLoD of dollars, at least Tbe iasmng ofthe patent was suspended when tbe quest^n was

d in tbe Senate. Mr. Benjamin could nothave been reelectod had bit action on this bill beenknown in time. This one element is spreading dia-a5ecUon toward Mr. Slide!!.The Poatmaster-General will not deed* on tbe

proposals for tbe great through maJ to New-Or¬leans until Congress affirms some Im i f pohcyU ward tbe Department. Hi* reaaon is the super-added cost to the present expenditure, for loealservice over the greater part of the same route,which greatly exceed* the antic.patioo* formed be¬fore tbe proposal* w ere submitted.A large lobby combination :» forming here aad in

New-York, to get interest added to the maJ con-

tractor*' claims, w hich have been tuunouary shavedby broken and banka. About a half million ofdollara are involved on claims already auifted.

Mr. HoSkian, an ex-member of Congrews fromMaryland, will be preaentod a* a Southern Oppoai-ticn candidate for Ork of tbe House. He i*

highly esteemed, and voted for tbe expuiaioa ofBrooks.Mr«*n. Barksdale and Pbe'ip* ajfl conteat the

Dem<»rratc nomicaUon for Speaker with Bocock,though a movevsent .* making for Mr. Pryor. in

expertatioc of conciliating some Aati-I»e*>«nptonDem^raU, and with tbe hope of coercitig a por-

at the H'/utbern Oppoaitioa.Te iL* * awafcaal freaa.


WASMaWtwB, Frdav NVv. 11,It was tboa^bt. Last Bight, that Senator Doua-taa waa

encg free L.» anark of büiou* fevar. bat to-dayLe ia dexterously ill agai*.Governor Wdlard ia bar* at the Natioaal HotelTbe Mawretaryr of State has appoteteal t ol. W. H.

Brown mi \ trjnoia aa Comt&ereiaJ Axawl c4 the CtutedNaiea al Monrem*, Libama.

Aftoiptj taoahag haw betas raxotraiaed bv tht rYniiiat^ ' .-'.».- General f-.-r mm I BflO s. at mmm w. bj>-w-To*k.

The *f ory laud E Ice lion.BtLTiaoai, Pnday. Nov. 11. ISS*.

It at aaaouaced thai Jtxlya Kaaap of the Orphaa*Court, who was oa both ta* Aaastvwa aad atotor**tarbstsatth« reeaat ele«ucn. bats wrtttva a Iritat Intt« Goveraor. dachaiag to acoapt hat coaaataaBoa, «athe gm«nd that the »Wtx«* wa* a» rwBwad by tore*and traad a* to afford ae teat wbaaer** of the f pakw¦tyj ^

A MBtaVrft HOBAf.St. Loft*. FriAat, Nea. U itSt.

Joawok w Thoaasoa, wa* shct Mr Jaaaph Chwriaa,Ol lha sAraat, * Jmtm last, was hang that aftaraooav

toBUmcr oi C++* *** Other laiaj,rrri vmM*-

Ca* ax t stows, .Fnday.When the rri*» aers we** b*r»\«wt 991 *r*t*mmi

the flte«~e»» Cne*4*r*<! Mil Graea a*"*"«- u »*" any¬thing. Cor* and Coppae t**h adah*«»*d «*» r^«%Orryra* th*t thwy bad any ka-»w !»<.*.. pf* Prowa . k»>tent** to eeta* lb* Ferry oatil th* weals r r^riBaa,when thry were called opt* to take the eath f>' <***.>ettre to tbetr oo*a»*«iee. Thay expected to he aaav

i«t>ed. bei did act thtak hey ebo«U U- bow*.Haziitt w<£ aot be taxed itxttu the M*y terw af tks


The Legroesai* to ha h<ta« oa the axarwor mf mmto- whtuw darisg the aAeruooa .<* the asaxt


wan"»!. ilran Int'lli*-* t»rt

Nt«41»»>. Friday. >'»»'. HSs.TLe «t>a*aahip Tssraaaaee. fnta Vera Oat

fttb in**., ha* amved beta. Hb* krmga |3f¦BtjtjfjTb* hark Rapid, trots NewY***.. had arrreed at

Vera Cm. A sever* northedy malm mf tea day* db>rasioc bad defaiwd aaaay vr«***s.

Tie Liberal earwdttioa ag*ia*t Teaaacan. Orkaajaad Conivra, proved a «***.*root fnihxr*. GeneralMet* retrewins withottt Iraf a r*a. katag «* oaaa,wbo wer* lakea prisor***. %ao 1.000 me*at*« aad ttcaxtaoe, which Genera! Minos ca;4ar**J waboat kiBjBf

Genera! had pisataanil for Santa Aaaaalter ertun*- a ceaxaseaar with fi^BM.OM ia aaataa,which he tmdertook to eataat to Teyac. Ife *fBf*.iraved feto,** to htaarWf aad liliiii il «ha raat BJ

ClaaMjaatB The Bnoah aad Freta-h Minuter* badaaaigttii ¦ TTj jib niasti 1 a*raxn*t thi* rnaaaat.

m ml Miraaoa. a*miast the «nahe* of bat f a^ast,wrtb oeJr lew aid*, had kaft the Cataaol metaahiy b>eotVet troop* aaxd } ar. Maroaixa as a traitor, bail aBtaa feared that be wa* rrmllj lesyf-aed will Lja. TbsLibat all were greatly eaxxxirat-'d . hereby.0am I*rcJaa* had dtrVati i Aitard. 'e*mtnrmm]m%

artaUery mmi ssstssnaar Gnatajeat* with i.OCa) aaav(tea. Woil «ras at L*wr<w. aad Crem. Ltetrnhvi* was

fSaVadabJ oa to artark Lisa.Advice* frota Taatpseo of the 1st of >>easatit, a>

--_,t ahstJ mW %m\ Bavjaaaji c.f tbsbfirsrsoa Qin i«aata«tsl foere*. after ho*dtB*r a onaasi<-¦'. »ar, Lma detmaxaed to eravaate Guadalajara sad

A portk« of the baad of Cortina* Lad attached ahs' |j ' Eio G*ande. pülsariaf trea/fy erasy bo****.

It wa* reported that the two baad* of C^rttoas ataav

bered 71V äsen.

The prx^le of BrtrwTjSTffie war* ia the aaajgajj(LrSreea. AD the mails were murrapted by th* **aVlaw*, aad Ctwiawas bad thrtatsat i t* destroy the Iowa,ai d (tit off asd reorder aO the rtr^ficrrsaatat« thaiiritjht be «etat oa to the relief of the tan ni arisasa

Lat«?r from Knu**a» and I lah.LttTi»M .RTH, Nov. 11. iVtl.

H *. eaprea* from Denver of 3d mm has arnved. *rt*hiX.000 in treawore.

K. I). \V Jhams, rvletrate riect frosa detfersoa baaaieo arrived. It a r*ud ha sr*u is t-> be .x>nt*ajted byDr. Wi!lm*r. for whom tt is aJ*v*d ihm over ^.OtaJv<x/s were cant, bot were thrown ont by the raav


TL* e*ertion of bar. fee*-** for Governor a coaarased.The Letrialaxnr* woold meet on the 7 th ia*C'H t weatker ta the rsoamtaia* wa* vary baa.The Utah saail of the baa] has also rtaaraed

There i* no new* of lu-portaace.Parrott * mayority for Dth-gate frota Wtnaat mM

probat^ reach 3,«<».T>e i>rnbhe»x* bar* a ratuority ia hath braarhaa af

th* Letnaiatore.-a>

Losa of the Portoajrait-a«? Bark yiuritJ «>***.

BsLTiaoaa. Friday. Nov. 11.18S9.Th* bast GneUv. rro*a Ureaaaa.'ha* aiiiied bee*.

raaaawa, .>al M. tat fB m loa. 3>f~ 10, took o«7the crew, ronsrating of fbTtaea Mraotts, aad ail passaa-er*, from the Fortune** bark Mane Jose froa Par.

! amboct. for Lsshoo. She was ia a ankiag eoaiatoaBl . r i me, and went down the aasae ni*rbt.

n.e br.ft Re!en. from Bio de Janeiro for HskTSft.went ashore oa Thnrsday ai«-ht. A ateasnar was seato bar relief.

Deatrnriiit? Fires.Borro*. Friday, Nov. 11,1*39.

Th* rolling-mill* aad p«ckin«7-roota or new-1 wtkLe Fall K.ver Iron Works, at Kail shvrr, wees

dtetroyed by fire this morning. Th* loos a eatia mmiit f»"4;.'(<0. on wloch there v iosoranoe only lo tbsamount of 114,(06, which is tiatnbatcd ia th* fotkrwagcfCce*. naaoelv K-.remet. s Mutual. Pr.rt lOenor, «Q,tH-,abaaa Mlmu*J, ProTidence. ftt,(»*j L.rerpc<H aad laa-öcc. Boston agency. $1.000; Etna. Hartford. &***.From 90S to 40t) workmen are thrown oat of «flapst*-arm bv tha caiaasny.Th* locifer-aiatch' fartorv of Bvraa CaH**yav«

Co., in Charlaatown, was burned last night, t<«ra**rw :ih the »tock. Loa» about $5,000.The repair shop of the Nashua and Lowall Bsi-

n-ad. lacated ia Nashua, was desarored by If* tbs

rrom H* rranda.H*Lir*x, Friday. Nov. 11. 1KA.

The Brmnda maul steamer has arrived bees.The veilcw fever was raging at St. Thotaa*.The Urk Antelop*. from New-York for Barhaasta,

was wrecked oa Bermada Eeexh. Oct. 17, cats*meetly saved.

Bniraniine Penonia, from New-lark, arrived m

Bermuda. Ort. '.X

faoadian Pohtic^-Thr Rcf( oatt nllon.

ToaojtTo, C. W.. Friday, Nov. 11. 1B4\II e Srform ( oavetttioa adyoamed at aooa taaay.

t*tei paesiesT rraolntion*, alxnost aaaxtisae*asly, dtMsaaagdaajsg 'inion between Upper and Lower Casada

la have rtaahed m a heavv publictaxation: ale* deeUhag for th* fjaSSaSbiaS of tbs

i sas Vffmr aad Lowar f'ana la with Wwwi ift i n * for ta* h *v*d< n, and a rentral power ba*c.i.' tit w.tb B*atier* aaTaetiay both a**rt*oaa. Ab***

eseaate* were in auxadaco*. Th* CoavaaSsS*>i excerdicgly bartuouyjoa

The navm^hirtHte l iquor \genC>CaWO.

Borros. Frvlav. Nor. 11. ISM.The fnll beach of the Ruprame Coart «ras oorm^a**1

several hours to-do.j, is U <n&< s jiawisn i oa a wwtnf bwbeas corpw*. to bberat« Burohaa. th* ."***»i-:c,»or Ayeot, from Jaih Jad*r« Shaw anil ilabTBTthe <i<xi*>on of th* Coart at 12 to-morrow. BarahaSwa» rtmaaded to the Jail at the olose of the


m-rmej. has r^asatf

(r.aVepoi- t.\fSr*

.It a aot gaa*araily kx*owa that th* Hos. Aagi*w*Belmont, Mr. Pierce s Mmater to the Bagas. k*tquarreled wsth Mr. Barbsasa. aad is now, w<h«%Dcagia*, a befaever ia PopaW govsswagafy. Thtreaeoa of this breach bsrwtea Mr. Filsior asd **r* r reeeataiive of Orthodcx TVmocracy.ft er mad* knows to as, aiaos a a t

Tut Ttur.i aiWsatherof all Mr. B. sp**bascal|ueas, yast a* it a af Mr. Caa*°ry of Stale. The fact bv then, that about a year IMr. Behsont :mr*rrativehr. aad even rathwf1»maaded af Mr. Baehaaaa ta be aaaas Envoycadbaary aad bfmater Farnix*iaeBXaary to Ms ii id '"^ml>e**d*nt, bkvmg other vita ». drchxied this STCBV Srviution. Mr. Bshaaat, therefore, wrrnte aa mffletter to Mr. Bochanaa, aad deaired fVaator Shdaafdtdrsai bv Mr. SbdeS derhaed to do so, oa lbsthat rt was aot saawrasatry rass^ectfmlmr,nt «aartwled with SbkiaO, aast the batter' by *.jxiat sad waaa over to

- W~*al Saa »»aa*» trat traSjaa .«¦* *aiW|

-TW Edavar of TV Herald bb that cary says that*has see* a kettar trotz Got. Waat mi Fa^Btia, ta «baOha saatos that thara is ao peaawwlbry of a aawdoaO*pn*rv* batag extcaded ta aaTaars, who ibinli W**eertaiary ha exeratod tax th* t|| iilif day- B****racterauoally adds, "asd patSapa g ¦ lajbaVaaw-*shcaJdb*.