new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1860-03-13 [p...

Bttoince» S^m**;, _ Ortm »MLR s Ha1> or THE 8ritlHti 8TYt.K.. « , u I-1-^íb t**vova«ti* «e*|*wi*«r*»>Ubt>r.«ne,,t, 1^^*TVT"^ *.t«»tin 'aaa wt'.h bi. .u*h .' ere *** "S?*" . "v. J fj, atari«« ». ear «* an atUaotion. it wtU no ***1. . ful WiiTr-Tthr~" .'* crowd, of lii» eld and «to» M r«»«*«w«Ba.--y, ooove.ilcuU« aooooiuibdetc. aneay ceateni-ra .. ^ __".* avaox'auat So. tki l'jv»«w*y ~G»«»ÍTLÍiw7Í^ D. «. ei.#-«¦. - attention »t hi» customer* and the eubiic ivvbeSi-Bia»' Ha:», the both b ,uli and »apenor t».irie ¿f *rh;. h »re .'-ot ne Juctloe* of any houw ¡u .he (nj .Bino, No. «9 NaatBt.H. Vl llLIC. Owr late» and ***hi«aa»i.' «tn.k of .Spring Clothing foi Men and Soy« ..«iv .*»*¦ ' '*.! '' -'' u ¦ «awaSI aUeuuoc te um extensive e*P«»i. tbe ¡s «i.isatour cbktk«i Wakrhoi*»*, he* il-'l -i and alto at our Nut» I'n .'.'< h Jt»T»«i laHtiKST. N 114 nroadway, io»t opened. The choi-eat pOa-d*. i* gieateot poaairee va.iety el ' .»Urial«, and the best ar- tint» to i u Ibf newest .node«. The»« »nd the low eat peem.le price compatible with a just regard touur own safe¬ ty merchai.t», bavt bet i-....* tue puthc kuow, fut year« our aaotto Our »lock of Bin a' I m: him. .hi« mm is far «iiperior, in the «nukdiig aad faaclnatlux eie«eoi-* of it« «ty'e«, to any we have yet pte«t*c«d and the a .i..i. steck-evwy article heing from our own woikiuajiu». v. ui. vs.-, bear i ouipa'isor. with <o>y «KLer in New-York. Ro<;«R« t Kcianvn. Ckti act >Yaxkhoi «a. Nee. 13!, ltl and IV> Kuitou-it. bHcnCB KsTam iaHyk.sT. No. *U Broadway._ Feraone having Kouks of anv tkocription i«» SiMiwIU rind it ti.i la CA.I at Jvar- f i';^.' KH * itooi-lti«r>RKT No H near Broadway. Fl*: i »nd tanry F.<m»mi«iiim. .' ¡. la the beat style, and at the arle«». Harptr'aNs.aíii.e biiuu' or ál'ieni». jV,t. | .. ? uitun-st near Rro»dw.vy. ItiafF.*, rjOI» «\ Mki.vmm. j>o i; M Leas, New Vcrk, Imp. n*n ia¿ Wholee^t« Dealer« in 111 JO. i'lcTOl.» IAT rtAran VWijs, JawitaT, «"»aci joum, Bal**«« P«Krtar>KV, »so Sow». (Westiey Rinard?'« oeleöraltad Onna . «.. *.>''. Oafe, Waddüut. aad tartriiigea. los* AsfeBt« for ti<(,^or., ^^y .a ¿Jodol Razor*. I Adaiu.t l'tceut cvOVolvUig f tftoU._ Fsilfc-lllOOK iaAIF.ii. *>TEtk>a A M»KVl\, No 40 MrRK»T-sT N V. ÜkJKRIKti I I'ATK.NT CHAMPION Kin« a.,-1 »i k<¡i an l'aour acraa, Vtia Hall'. latent ¿'under Tiou' Lork«, Afford tbe ereaiect «eearit« of »».). »af- iu tl.e «r,<rl<t. B. C. ilKKKIK« No Ml Rroadway. opposite City Hall, N. T. fiüvtiLi;'.«. Skwim.-Mac'iines. Ne I ktewinf-alachine.St") Ne. lavwUit-Alni....,. H Tbe »remit» 8e« u.L--Ma. blue, A. li TV* ranaily Sewlng-Maihln*.. 90 Uocuauag Ciangtr». . * L H. b;Nü«K A Co No c-e tirocdway, N. Y. He. I.V. h,';..-iii Broiklyr. "WhelIiEi: A Wusex'.-a .Si.ivim; Maciunks. " We pre'er then for iiiii;y nie".(Tîib "Tbey are tb« favorite» for lumiiie». " 1 lines. No. Out riroadway, New York. M>t;r.R'.< ^KWixt.-M.u links. At ».-Tin« New Sttl«. Iteaigneal !..» Bii na.ruie tunog piirpoaea, noiaeleas in it» opera- tiet,, v»ry rapid, a-.a «JBaAwl ol every kind ol work.. It la tue beet i. j-u'd Price only S110. I M. Simia* à Co., No. 458 Btoadway. N. Y. (iRdM.K A HAKF.R'8 MOISRI.KSS laani .SBW15« Michivaa. Tan Bait n I rat. Ne i'.."¦ i'io»dv»i.y, Ne« York. No. is! r uiton-Bt-, Brooklyn. 'IHR PARKER ^EVMSG-MaCHTNE Co.. RaepeettiiUy call the attention of the pebiic to their uew aud beautiful. Urn-cl»**, rapio an i nois»-!.-.« Oonhle-ti'. «d. a>«> oivi.mi.Miu .is. S ti' Ageau vented Of.,. No. «aft BaocnwAT. VAaJloa A Co. TllllCSLKHK fl'Kll F.l KMKt Ben isi.-Maiiiinls. frice »SO. Ceuipiele t:<*m (ktcruiÄB Ut '.m«I««D. . it u an exoeili ..: Id ». 1 í xprt»*». la »y .JOer i'.rr.r, W anted. Lluvrti tllit't alivw'd. I) i. Lsv I, Gnu'I Sup't. H.\RTHOLF I Ci «..m ;i .-awiMi MiriiiMii. Tb^*e »"liarV.! Ms. r.w. . »r^ Mlu¡.>1 to Pacnflj f.ewji r and to Flaatc'.oa acid Manuia. utet. and ar* uue-^usk-u iu ex- eeilrrr* and limpUciiy BcKTHoLr Hani r.virr: ko» Co., A», 'at Broadway, fioward-n. ¡Ill, J'aiimk -i v. im.-Mm ¡um, Co. «>4l ..Mle 1 i-.^.i : .... i.oi i.;-.-; .un, i itf,t-.if.t li, Noisele««, «nd Btiuliie..uuüei enta ui ilwwe, (tiu»ei A Uaktr. aud Vtbeelei* Wii.i.1, A i.t. wanted. Otti »cdw»y. \ m- FlNKi.K A Lvtrs .s m.winv.-Maciuses received the highest Meual at the Kail uf the Ainerii^aii Insti'.ite, «rita li.* hialioal l'iouiiuui 1.11 hue brtaliut-Uachuie noli, eiau. buh¬ est Vietnium at the Kairo: ike írai.küi. ImititUta, New .!i r. y faVate »r»H, 4. ,(. tgi OU vv »n.^t. ( Ittic*, No MU KrovtwAj. Bfalium.'s I'kki'akhi GLUS. I'sKi-rt ...- (Tilo ii.iraa Foa Mi.« EvaATtraaas, tBannft-birred by II I «eALPiüb A Co., No. 48 Cedar-it Feat Orra»»arfare«., búa No. « 6'<.. hiAaUv'.N ChttiulovJly i'iepared Uli« fer Fatally l;*e 25 recta per bottle, with Bruah. Koa OALB EVBKTWaaKB. Manufactured «nd for Sale by ota a a Ou. b Co., No. 51 Libcrtv «t. BaBBY'I) Tul« til III.Uni .s is the beat and cheapest article for Dre.siag, aieauui.uig. Cirai freeetvtr» »i.u Roi lai*. AadSa*. ifj lt. IVoi -ale by Ur .**.--- I- 'inra OlTt IlF.AlTH SllOl'l.ü UK ( Aldi) F OR..Pur¬ gative as-iiciue» eh« i v o ._.,. o. lite kale.»u. u! Iks» All«site, willuot Old« cure inflaui~iatorv aad jyauali I ar-v'tioi.» g-i-f' ) »iwaji More or lest relie?, tiuity is never ioduci í. Inr tiowel» hi ln¿ cli _i«.-d tbe dlfestiv* tetsMteaa as* |T**tij o.u being wes_vu«0,1» bos rtel ed, itYftWsYTteA, and strengt! »bu« wlsls» I.e.- « ..r~ Kl-.iio.atUm, Cold*. Dtehlborl* and l'ai.lui Alie-.-Uou« gei-tal y. th'.y uever injure. WLru itie teveiUj "! ihe di.ea.t- is past, alter a frw day« tfc' tiatkr;'. Bet* v lie is not itrnok down by St.»jr ai.J bsSSS foraew. are the retult tli* tod.BO. th* oolcbii '- otbel lefitedlei ¦ -ai- It-,,- il Itelillj at a "...-, a..d the pâlir t U.O. * tske place »hen b«.-.-: :ii n I I'll.»ara uted. bob. cared Ati lifjy to ti ..- ntir* as bB*vi,,.BTn » ('¡i »i .1 tratten, thsLisa Aoot- liOSJ I'.i i... nie »old I U-MJUale, sadoy ».«exusgist*. «per box. h. ilui.*.:'**. H. D-FIAB4 SAI AMABDEB BaPBR, With PMexit I. :»o, K re a. ü Bi aid »lid P f> . I t. cornel <. M. Pat::i. i. Pp. Maich n..:i:io- t«. njolY bii K\i»i«\l Coma Vafaw witn I bis or RsaMare, at , .- fetnole t», pr.ti.;. rOStX.1 I l»*r.ii»»oe--l i- - e A'JIC». Kit* «p.. An! * appited. b- Mai N. V. ~~fTp v PaKI.'- 1 Hi' aXI Pa.StatU, 1 br» uglb '.liej A.niliilata i'ain. Par». ':;... idllyte tbemMisa Patsst oft I tarowolf all :««. Poroi « ««Tei.ive coas ited ln-purltie* of the system. They PkKTRlT Pi.s.«at¬ are sold by a; ¿»etirr. I.'OU. lteti Ulaie*. abouid i* .... to .I cniooic Pelas, Paiataeaa Uv»- oetn.w ( Wi-iiii . .:¦ -»¦ t .- properties .. »::d when app.l. d MB.OMaWM *lM K'eryfaiuUj »iio'ill have Inom. One MM) or. ioin.thre«. t'i¿e.oulcathtr. les by mail, am» k l'Ab-, Vu*. U A IS. Park-Row, ». Y. "MoliAKT 1'IANus.- .t be .,>«»* reliable F'.aao, and pronounced by tne «¦MbbMMSI ay.u i ',».; ia..l e lio have liieui in use, rua IIrbt is- stb; »»¦ > uow im,'.« lo lbs t'nited States. War- ' Btoadway. I «.Ill R, J'- PI i st i.'Kr.HA.V.L. 841 I'.rotdwgy Ml bav» oow ., stoit, m.d ar> i*o«ivln| by every fietii arrival a larg» «A.d . inu.- roi.Bit.v rivet ooop», -in.' in part, Prtnrf dfhlr.eae l_*j MairiSeti and liealdrescei, Paar* la» Pu- ai Bait Clasp. .. ¦ and .>lid.» Part* Dree* B "on», fla/ti rs, tVaAoh OBB'd. bte* -»»'iry, liio.i.e. In. holder., Acsx'ioec.i Ac, which t! «j cffer U. tb. J r-«*. at the low.«t niarktt prior, and tm the i. .«s '«\or»b!« ter'i.« Wat« HRH ASI» JRWF.I.Ui Ofall CI--I npti. u«. Ais », RltVBK A.» n iLiTlll Wai, ror > »to (,x .. t A. tas. No. Ali Broadway, °»" ''¦ -os! st r.r.i.etlv No. 11 Wall .?.. -V».»' .-* «a_e» ti. . ,.-. vA^,... v.:,g, .,,J .!,«,,!*? eteai- «iidiep r : «t mai.'.. r, L, t.-.. «ad « > <. »....»i. Ok IUibi I'xabrWb-ublr AitcrMi-ÑT^A HnohT am. l'a .cru ai Vis»**Of 1H« ..*! '.j, H H Vu, e.O.A/. i: offne great Iron Mil]«, R»f. Harbor».». , ¦ 1.0*4] i'a.. . .o sell.houjredi of oottle. bf .. l/rol' |>» (¡.AU. s A_btiraii Uil,"bb)s t_«s tuenbto ntocb« to Air .am. oileij uieet ».I »..idBli'., I .1 tie | lsk** «I P*r' »"'¦ ,na i'**-' '*" l'»'id. bo ir .',',>. H^ ürj,rt%u. «aber ai«» lot, and ssv« the» an eutiroiy oat. It ai.o aot* Asrou ¡>t and tl and injurie« of *giy kind. Ilie r4pt«ir . and Wound». It wItI rsUovs 1'iie. sxeie surely tu-d pleas»u::y Ibas Buy otkoi iih.-k aad it a , rfcara» In rases ofliioken Bread and .Sore Mpple«. If , as l»r tA.lchensof I.nursttssr, aad buadred. o. ,r.- alles* thai tb.y bate born cured ll not cndt.pd to raen credit IbOR .oe j_»ie «»J adulation Of »i.j luejivlJU« do^ar or doctoi in tlie *woíld T for ».e by all Dratglsts «nd Dealer« in the I'nited Stets* and Caawoa Price 2S o ote, 50 cent«, »ud AI per b< gor sale i J laBllaoA l'.ea, Nos. s-dliJ'ark row. l'a_ "^rTaOi- v tad W ocriti), fur ml» at tb- Wit" 1 cb^p.^Iifr««T« «"velug. ue wig, nor eatraaroiaarf trei.ble- There eso be r.o ,WM wt- itérer of i- a efficacy. We h»v* seca testinianialcalirost »ithuet uumber, aud from men of great in- telllfetien.birb «tindirg. »nd atoral worth Tbr.« who bave been bald for year« «re now wearing 10*11 own hair, and appear ten year« younger ubtutoey did « « «non ago. A. \n mostV.«.-. ray hair", an/bald heads are both preu .; tuie and isa duty to reuige them by «¦*¦**"»> Bod nndimhted mean. wli.hP.of. Woo,, has Invented, and now kiuUv ottets to the Billeted.,^ rv hi. nliflllllllVlij. and glvi.tbe í'iofeasoí «new leetirnunlaL "eold'by .îl rejj'ctnhle drngrl..._J>epot No. W ¡MMf» HolI.Ov.AVS PlIJ.K AM) OlNTMKNT.-lVr«OBll .", uitl,» in tb- rbeel «:,.l I'mbs. ti .«ethei with los» of £;Xtjb$ iXl by ..Im tl.r*;M«H,Hu.,r. Kuevim. I»«t«««« of **** »nJ pc.u.3n.,.itcure.Breof fr. in -it ci'i-uni 1.1 e. _________^_____. "QovBAVD'a ORu.NTM. Cream teautinoi the lllll'l^- re...'-"» pi-nples .tllownets be No RWlLW . .«,,,, ir. ietti'il gratis. Beware of a vile in'.i'stion endei the nau.e of "Mow White Oriental CreMn," by tb» rODutrl eifer» cl Hull t'a Corntimi._ PF.RRY's.I.WWESE Boot A»»ri Shok Toi :atf Si lendlu gloss. Nu rubbing. Ijj'Is nothing. Sold everywhere. JAPAIBU Pmiu Co., No. tlTRroomr «t., one door weit of Broadway. Wilder'*] Patkrt Balamahdrb Safe. ITm Olewt Ki»e-Proof Safe of the World, snoured with the best Powder and Burglar P.-oi.f l.oiks. Sanken'. Jeweler«*, and Honte Safe» n>ad* to ord^r. QtlRK Rbothbu«, No <* MaMon-Une, N. V. li in not Dye. Mr«. 8. A. Alien'. tv,.Kin . H ur RbïTO»«r aso /.l Ol.'. -A". M. The only reliable priparationa .'or restoring Oray Hair to Its r.iinM youthful appearance, withciit -.n>nrj the «Clip. Ill' ut No. e."'5 Broone-st and fot «ale avaij trlieie. Baichelor's HAD Dm , \Vics, ami TmrEE«, .re trnHvaled. They ere l'gh!, ci-,y, durable, and St to a charm. »hinkic«, nor turuin«; upbehiud. Katcckior'«Hah I'm, ihe belt in toe world th»only nairnleei *n¿ raatakan Dye known Ipp'.y at the Factory, retnxTvea to No. lb Bund »i. On» bottle of Dr Tobias's Venetian Lini- ¦TSbTI wiil :«»t a fan.ily a ion.- tinea, Mfa dollar» in doctors' billa, ijid not i.r.frnquentiy the ufe ef torne number of the family. Per p.m... .-ronji, toothache, Ac it laaet » Prii ¦ H .JfS rsi cent» per bottif. S.'.u eiii 1 wheie. Depot No M Court- land-.t. TO CORRE8POSDEST8 t\ e cannot undertake to return rejected Coinmuninatlom No notice can be taker uJ Auojyuiuut Communication«. What¬ ever intended frr insertion mu«t be authenticated by the, aeir.e anii »d.irei» of the wrtier -no*. ru.-.«u»ariiy for pohlioa- tioi:, but a guarní.*y for bis good faith. itmu . lett.ra tor tn Triiuvk «hoald In SI ease« be KÄ- dritse-t to Hiihsi » (ikeki.kv A Co. *A*. Patt»n, WATiHBrar, Conn., receive» TheTbibcxr at II u Arivrrlisit-iueitte iu trie Weekly Tribune. Merchant«, Mnimiàaîirer», Mechanic», lteal Estate Owner», and ftbsr», who have anything to »r 11, will do will to advertise in Tubs Wxbki.t VscMISaa Adverti»er» will please to «end in their fsvorr u curly in tbe week w possible, in order to inatire th^ir finding a pi», ». It proper to *dd that, with B regular circulation of 416,000 ropii a, fn« WtSanTM Tnim ne ia the best and cheapest advertinnj modi:m in th« world. A United number of advertitementi are Imartr-d for »hi per IMMHaM. BBstATR, Ko«! ll-H>. Ten Fyr-V; (Rep., N.J.) introdiited a bill for the more eouipiele equipment of lile-aatin^ station." on the OOMal ol IswaaJ Island und New-Jersey. Mr. King iRcp.. H Y.i introdnc-d a joint it-eidtition ri.c|)ti>dittg lbs opérai .-on ol so _tut-a of the ri'i'tint Foot OawOA Approprt!.itioit i'l as rein!.' to tbe pniitili.V Pop! Ollice i'latil.S Ulllil the farther action of CoDgiesi. It was pfUstd. Mr. Bright-Dem., Ind.* giiYe iioti> iif a bill .¦ippropriatini' *..'rlH),()IHI for the i'u:!;¡i:i'*ion of the Capitol extension. Mr. Mason (.¡¡lied up his resolution", to rntarinit. Tat*4fMot. IIyiiv ;-i jail until be co.wüte to answer the qneatAOBI of UM Harper's Kerry InYsetigatsrig ('ommirtee. Debatí* en.-Ttcd, in which Mtssrs. Sumner iRep., MasB.!, Ftoieiii't-i: iKep., Me. , Ball (Bop., X. H.,;, Simmons iKs-p., R.l.\ Critlct.dcn »S. Am., Ky Pentcc [DotaV, Md Davis iDeia., Mies. and Mason i Dem., Va.i, pSftMpMtotl, whrri the losjolutio.I -werp adopted.Yeaa 44, Nays 10. The Senate then went into iii.e seirion and adjourned. Hoi «r, Mwch iv..Mr. Washburn (Rep.. W-. ottered a preamble and re&olutii.n. .-.eitiLi: foiih that tliu most shameful frauds had been perpetrated upon ÜM Menemone Indians, and asking for a select Committee of InventigaUsui. Mr. Liurabee .Dim., Wis.) desired I to amend the reeolution so as to call for ull the «Mftw» pondenee on the pubject. Some a.MB.Idon beUveon Mesfin. and L. ensued, when the House refused lo the iulroduil'oii of the lesolutiou, two-thuds being required. Mi. Dawt-.- ílíep., Moas.) repoitstia resolution from the Committee on Elections, reqtiinii'.' Mr. Wil.Ameou. who 0Os« Mr. Sickles'* tent, to serve ut: Mi. S., willo i ien thiys, ¦ parlicilar siale- BjMMjt of ihe, ¡/rounès of oute.-t, and fhiit Ifr. BlcUos «ene on Mr. W., within twenty days thereafter, Im MhfWwT, and IBBI both, witi':i> sixty OaTJR, fake t.--:- rcoi y in «_o mîiDT-.rr nqui.rd by law. The NA.Aflora« tioti of tbe resolution wi.s ponponed till Thursday. Mr Oi!ni«r i'v Am., N. C. fnm ;i ikTiaority of Mm Commi'tee. submitte<l h reyluti'-n. Mr. William- eon, not havino complied wit» MhÍÍb.wBRtRt* I pad 001 TüiviiiL- jiroi-ii'di J with das fllkojBfja, hnve Mare to Wttlh-PAWi *_. to.;.i is. Tiii- wa« also post¬ poned, f'n rootJoa ot Mr. Dawes, Mi. Williamson t. II ii-Hvi lOOCf -v _ a; j;, tl,f. HoUro j Ike (..nteef, SB« '.uve leave to Rpeakoil tbi i;.;.-. t. Mr.CaaalM !.'. p. XV kaws r{- I M '<¦'¦¦¦. irjg as a preanib-» Mr. Joba Co;. cue s letter !.. CoL Letter- of the Seventh Regit.-i.t. it- width he tiint the Regittiiii'. fc'i'.d'd mWH '>¦¦ ¦¦¦tCAi* yi.ti- !i;.'. TImirrlins,wl laaOpepei .'."f ¡nterraptetl, and Hiter IOOM difci-.srH'H ofl *| icy i I at aattOO .\ ii'iid, piinuiro.' lor in iiitjiiuy us lo liniv ;ho 0 ;i|t]i;i);.iii'eii lor tbo Btatao Lusaguretioii wen atspsBatad. iiui! u -. bowersr, nfosetl ti iMpend the ru'e for its iiitroir.ictio». Mr Is4*rejey 'Uep., Ill ..¦;i!!i ii tip h.I motion t rSJOOK i.'Jcr fhe ~«*M by whirli the Mo a. ..i, ,td Bi'l \aii- r.-. .¡ill ! . the CofABlit!.f the Win ¡o OR i- . Sii.ii; fui-1 nil,-... CüTii'd, lad the bill WMIMAMb. 11 !.':¡:¡iiit-t ñb. Mr. Mor.-il! ilii |i.,\'t.i m u hi I! from tie CommitUe of Way | and Means prtyrU pnyment oi mr MM.idi; sTn -m, ¡md resre. sjpotts. r»iir, lui'«-.]«!.- ¦'Dem.. .Mi.- BoaM tmtmtmi to sus- i:.« ralos 105 99, aot t tro Ihlrtla A S-n- hlé billl. flinCillg $11') p-AÎd latOtaM l'.iVl.t-Üllue bj ¦ rrs/y RM.4 wu- pai-sed. A bill RBtaaMbRMJ Nal I de ¡it iniiî'oii ol t bi \N ti-lt'iü Milnai'i AoBwtMl U'. Hi buig, K;. \\'Af ('¡ippi il, aad th1 Hoo_1 wljowao*. l.ilC.I«l.4T« Klf, Se na 11', M.nrli 1 '.'.- Aluni u' lliti bills rcpit'i 1 \%n that t</rtl.e ;iji|>ointmeiit of Cau-d Ajij.reisitrs in the Counlits aloLg tbe Co.Sal. In < . lnl:iitt--e, several bills wer»- tojipidered and nnlneii to ¡1 thnd reAdin.'. Ra*rj.> tilt'.I IboSC for tilt' pl'olei lililí of L-r-'tr, ¡!i irl.itimi tti Fire Insurance Companies-, for the enc ur:...eiiient of vaccination. A <.. AasRBII i, March 12..The 11,11-ider:t'i:-fi of the Sn.'- (iieluililisi Raüri'iil bill Wa> po-ti«ut.ed lo 7 o'clnik, wlisn several Ic«ca1 bills were ime'-'J. and a RaBabai ol lilis leimiitd and iutrodu n-d. Another lUnui-'joilcr fiplosion mWEmi I'.rookl>n yesterday, in the Atlantic Foui.d.T/, kill¬ ing the eiKiiitiT, ai il injuriii»; a BBBUMf of pfHous.'iAt. t.ov. C'tMl'liLi-l. wa» spoken of in our Rltiflb of jp*t*r«lay on " A Railroad BtM*wM il t«<ims which luay seYe-m to imply (".inplicity on Im paît in tlie rushing through of th-- Cridiron Rail¬ road III. 'His M unjust. Mr. Campbell had .a- e ited th< Chair, as vte'-d, but only t<» discharac bis official duties ns » tneuiber of the Canal Board, in wbirh he wns employed from noon to II p. in. Ihe, J'lthidi.i.t prB t,in ,. r.ot appointed by the» Lieut "»-»- ¦, few* ribtMOB 1J \m§loBRttl 8»vind- Tilg !i^¡dation fin« no firmer, moia oontiatoat »Í- vt ruary tiisn Lient. Gov, Campbell, -*> Wc have advice» from Vers Cruz to the 'M imtt. Miramnn «fi» three« from that place on the yd. thr»>atcning it, as al»o Akatudi». Two vessels, fitted mit »t Cam(jeiichy, had bien sent to Vera Cruz, to Sftsit-t tbe Libélala. Advice» fnini Austin, Texas, of a 1st» date, have 1m it ne»' v< (1, transmitting a portion of tin* erre- »pondfneo between G'»v. Houston and Secretary F!oul. A destructive fire had occurr-d at Hnniton A serious diHiculty had occurred between tie Anieric .11 ai.d Mo.ii an settlers at MesMla, Arizona, in winch tin- ásSttkQHI had itilh icd severely. William I>. Shipman, eiq., hw been appointed JlflfwOjf the U. S. District Court for Connecticut, in the I'lace ol .Indi,'' Ingertoll, recently deceased. Mr. Slvpm.M! SSI been fer »nine time Attornt y for the CoULCClicut Déférât) he been plseod in Hstt positit r, we believe, by 1'resident Pierce. He does, or did, reside at Hunt Hadduiu, an unmnbit «»ui town on the Connecticut River, and he muy bu a vi ;y eminent lawyer, endowed wtli a'l the qutltliew nl a fjeWwdl or » Rti i y fur aright we know, and we ttui-t iu >.<; hul we are not aware that th»» bench tat the t.f the land of KiUworth and Howards ban'}-.! bien dazzled by the ju'üeial spb.ndur of Mr. W. 1). Shipman. -«a>- Yosterday, in ton House if Representatives, Mr Mniiill of Vi riimiit nif»vid to »iixpe-.d the rnh»« tn enable him to introduce a Tarill' bill, aub»Un- lif.liv UBS Ih.'it HrSavW b> hitn .if the Unt kea*SÍM. The nii.tion failed.Yeas IOS, Nay» 00 (not t«vo- th'ds) TkeTCM contain 'I liuchituan Democrat ', ó Anti-Ltcotnptoii 1); m crut', 1 North American Ki.a i. IS Bostt AiiieiiiM'h, ami 89 R' publican«. XI e \aye, with two or three exception?, ate No/th¬ em ar.d Southern Democrats. Tee only Kepitbli- can who voted against suspension, was Mr. Spinner. Mr. Morrilla bDI aim» tn am id incidental protec¬ tion to our languishing manufuctuiing ur fl nieehniii- ral industry, while replenishing the Federal Trea- Mirj. Will not this niiftiilicant rstfj open the eye* of the friends of domestic manufactures und me¬ chanic nr'.s throughout Ihe couiitij, and especially in Conreetinil ;i;nl Kluuir Island, wtmee elei'lnr» are soon to meet at the poll», to exprès» their opin- ii.lirt upon State tari National question» ? The Senate yosterday, by 14 lo 10, detenninod to commit Mr. Thadden«. Hyatt to prison a contu¬ macious vVtwaSOe, and ho now Iícr in Washington jail until he shall declare hin wSBkeflSSOi to aiittwi r the questions, of Mr. Mason's Harper's Ferry Coui- imttee. T..I' tobst* no the question of hi* commu¬ nient was one of unusual ability on both «ides. Mr. SouTor and Mr. Hule o«*s4oaiSa with great clear- ¦ON and COfjCMCJ ";:it -" thu* dealing with the Case Ihe Staate was uaurping power» which did not be- loii» to it, and wa» camunUin»; a dangerous iu- tiisitui ol the liberty of the nttzen, and the same erouriil wn« taken by Mr Simmon«. On thu other hand, Mr. Fess.» m'.en, Mr. Cnttenden, Mr. l)oo little and Mr. Davis argu-d that the Senate pui- BVé'st'd authority to make the inquiry in question; alul that, Of einiM-imrner, it llllisl have the piiWi-l' to compel a witness to auswer. Mr. Fe*s»jüden especially Ret forth this view with equal force of ar- toiiient and moderation of lantruage. In the final division Mefcsrs. Anthony. Cameron, Chandler, l);»olittle; Fessenden, Foster, (irimes, ColLuu-r, 1 iMit, lit r-ton Kin»?, Ten F.yck and voted with Messrs. lknjamin, Brown, Hunter, Davis, Mm tin and other BouUkSTI DsSsStafSOI for the ctnii- miiment of Mr. Ilyatt; while Mr. Toombs alone from that side voted with lüatrham, Dixon. Hale, ííainün, SirtimonH, Snniner, Wade Rtid Wil«on in favor of releasing the pricouer. Mr. Se ward was not présent und did not vole. The friends of free labor throuuhout the Union will M**f*oTS a fots of Joy onl?arniiif; that tin' HokaSt pi Ut-presentatives, on Monday, by the decisive >¦¦... of 111 Yea? t" »-ti Nays, pa-^ed the Homestead bill' We would lam indulge the hope that this v. i-und ben» 1'iiiit measure vviH )et n-eeive the approval of the Senate, aud sa'cly paca the oNmI i i 'the Kxecutive vi'tn. The Vote >!|ii>n the bill is e.ii-nificarit. « >l the ill Yeas, '.':i are Ituchanan DecaaOtTrst*, »i are And TwsWWOÍSS Hemocra -, (HriüiiN), in a North American, and .^l are Ke'mb- licäns. Only one is from a Slave State, Craig of Mis-mini. Of lue 66 .Naj», all are from the Slave Stiitca, etcept one. They, of course, are ch.iily I'eiM'ierats. The representative from the Stnti ,, v.ho \nt4-d :ii'.'unt(t lln^ hnun to tin- fn-e laboring nran. is William Montgomery of IVm- ¦ylTSttiSi the very peiMin wim OaeSBtstcOUOfT eil- "iieeitd thro.i'^h the Utilise, two vcui huo, "tin' " CriUenden-Moiitiiomery bill," ami then, w'n'ii Lfeotii;'te.n. junior, appeared, in the shape of th# Eoglilfa bill, ih'-irtcd bupott, fled to l'l'imsjlvana f»»r tLe '.'maiiidcr of tee HaSJOaV, s»»t down npu-i hka knees ich it' tie Leettnntiiiii>s of his dn'iict, iiiuiiliy becjoJ their pardon, and implored th»'i;i to try him itsain, whichth^y wen« hoHofcOSIiS|t toêo. Montgomery Fai« his name around We dccidtiily pref» r ihiit of Jam» s Craig of Mil Mori. .Now lot SI MS the Si ntte «Till do with this bii:. Tin* Ciiiiiinnii Cimiiei! met last evi'iii.ii;. In ihe litt.»rrt of (.'i»unc;lnieii, thri only busim-ss of moment Wa» li'C ardOptiOD Ol the lepoit Of the C'Mlllllll- {ee mi e!t -etiiiii« OipOcliOg Ml. Ullk'T, SJ U I'iien, and putting Mr. Lent, a RoonblrStli, tor nett bigaV t-t (...i:û:»late. ¡0 tbe it. In th- Ilmrl of Ald-r- liirh, a eelllliiill.icati'ill was received from th»- Mb} or, vetorii: the resolutions directing the Clerk Of tie CosaWn Council, the City Inspect >r, City Ciumbeiíf-iii and Controller, not to eign or pay au/ bills ofB A. Smith '»«r street cleanin»,', and order¬ ing the (ity Iii.jpictor to dean the streets by day Work, durit'» ihe ph usure of th»' Common Council. TV» IfsjrOf very truly an;, i that rl.e resolution« aim to ¡irivcni. the Citv lofpooloc from finil,inj\; ¡irrani'e- BéUstl with any outside pirty to clean the stre»'t- of the Citv, and to ( 'iliipt! him to continue tie mode heretofore adopted 1») bin for that purpose. Tbi», tin- M»)<»r thinks is vvTOOjg, and he adds, that In-rc tojoie no departii'i ni ol the City Coveiiuieiit has been so negl»ct.'d as the street cleaning. This has not en for want ol mine), as inore h;tvo be»n i-peiit by the city in tioiug tin- w»uk pooily, than a private individual could afford to d> it well lor. Jle «ix-» tha fact t and ligilii r. Jle tell- the Aldermen that if aSOf want to return to the high-priced do nothing system, be dots not intend to consent to it, ana he wim)s up by ¦tatini' Hut he ha« called the attention «.i il i City laspoetui to the ordinance avuthorixiog lui" to contract the ntreot-cl'<auiiig to feo Iowa hiildei, i'H'1 by hi» ndvic» Col. l»el. vnii i, filing to d'i wh'it l.o light tu Luve d-uo long ngo. Tin Con- tiollfr rrporti A defîc't of $1,014.4.18 in toe A««eAr- mnit iu.'id for opi'iii « and widening ktrocU, And ruin.its un oiù'.nsncc authorizing the hull« of As- »»rsinenf Fund Bondi. An ntte-ipt to call up tbe Moyoi's tiotnii ntions was defeat« d. -»S»- Te steamer America, írorn Liverpool the'.'.'dh ti'<. Red Qlotaaitwi the -,7th, arrived at Halifax at an early hour yesterday m«ruing. Information of the loss of the Hungarina bad not yet reached Limped, eorsei|nently tbe list «f p-isi<mgcri is not brought by the AiLetie.v Thf) Directors of the At'uiiiic Cnld" Company are moting in th« matter of restoring th« injuied portions of th« cable) to wciking ord<r. In the House of Comtuot-s on tie Ma* ult. the deba'e on Mr. Duraue's motiou o,p*"'«ing the Hudget »ni resumed. And continued t«> tbe reTt evening, when a vote MM had on th« motion, and it was rejected, 100 to ' the Covernn.ent a majori./of 116. Mr. Hadfield called aUcntiou lo tbe meditated fight between llecnaii and Styers, and asked if any step« wr>ro to belak?n to prevent it. ¡Sir G. C Lewis replied that the Chief CoiiimUHoner would take steps to prevent Iho fi^ht totting place within the Metropolitan Police Dubict, bu» would R¡ve no pitdge for any action outside of that limit. The latest Account« affirm, that tbe difficulty between France and Rome ha« undergone no chaDgt. It is also said that France has resolved to abandon tbe project of MM iug I'.i diiioiit to Tuscany, mi the pretext that Russia and Prussia object to the Annexation. The «3 i-cor.te lit in PaWnm and the Abruz/i coîdinued, and kMfaJ were being concentrated. Thfl reasons for Austria's refusal to accept Ku- t:'uiid'8 proposal fora settlement of the Italian 0000- tioTi are published. Austria maintains that it would not only eistntially alter the basis of tbe F.uropean equilibrium founded ftp the treatvs of HI.'., but it was also opposed to the fundamental principle upon which legitiumey of governments, ami Otpoel illy thst of Austria, was founded. The stiteineet that Iiurisia and PlaBOal had joined in a proposal for a Coiilin nee of the live great Powers is confirmed. The Paris correspondent of The London Globe su}s the chancee of war in the Sprirg were daily aug- menting. The accumulation of Austrian troops be¬ hind the Mmcio a;.d on tbe north bank of the To hetoken a desperate . flort. An alliance between BaoMO and Austria announced on the following basis: Austria concedes all that relates to the Holy Places at .Jerusalem, second, Austria agrees to confonn her policy to that of Russia as to the Danubiaii Provinces and .Serna; third, in compen¬ sation, Russia fciiarantsx's to Austria the whole of ber territory, including Hungary and Venitia, against insu, rectiori and invasion. It is «tali'd that Marshall O'Dunuell had remitted to tbe Moors the following basis for the conclusion of peace: Por-re-rii a («f oil the territory cooijuered, iiu'iudiDg Tetuan, an indemnity of sWO,000,000 rra-i, an engagement to respect the Catholic re¬ ligion, and commercial stipulations favorable to Spain. It was doubtful whether the Moors would accept ui»> terms. The Spanish squadron was ex¬ pected to bomliard the seaport towns of Morocco, aid would probably commence with Arphille. Mi»r- shüll O'Dofinell had had an unsatisfactory inter¬ view with two Moorish deputies. The Kiug of Sardinia and Count Cavour were at Milan, an i were tin« recipients of the «mist enthusiastic honors. The report that the former was about to issue a pioclamation to the inhabitants of Central Italy MM.denied. It i-* .'.ffiriiicd, however, that he bad declared to BOB Popo the impossibility of tbe reten¬ tion ot the Umbnan Marshes, and proposing a treaty of cepsion. The Pope's reply, which is in the :. _i.t ¡¦» e. wan couched in the strongest terms. A Shanghai dispatch of ,J¡in. 7 say* the ports of »Swatow and K'awtn have been opened, and the previsions of tbe American treat) extended to the l-ritish and other Powers. Consols closed at I'll _ '.'o lor money, and 9j_ 'dog- for accouut, Bread- st nil's dull but heavy. TUB Mfl<>«,v|Alt.l.ItM' NTRIKR. The strike of the ShoemakerB of Lynn for in¬ creased wagt » seems to M tlafBafi-l iltiolf throiich- out the principal shoemakiiig districts of Ncw- Kngland, and to be gaining consistency and strength. It has begun to excite sympathy in this CUj and .-Isewhere, tiist among shoemakers, but other workers for wages are disposed to render it at hast some manifestation of [rood will. On tbe other hand, the eniplojing manufacturers seem <iuite generally to have refused either to pay the prices demanded, or at least to sign ary contract or Engagement binding the m to a continuance in so doing. The follow in« statement, agreed to by most of the employers bj Hav-rihill. Maas., probably expreoofi tac '..eiieral titnm initiation: ' O >"i'ii,. e. re lOtivlneed tli t 'strikes,' ao <-a!l.-.i, ire rtmuded ou isl».' Idi-»s of the relation« att work Mal w»2e»,MM ti ¡;.l ro tbe ¡nnry r>; al! ,rnr.( ted with them and irAf rita,, we :.. tust tlie one now httenipted »mon» the Is e.f r, ,.;;jf iii-ii.. , ,1 n¡..t lajndletoa« ta i;.1(ajaba/ tiierefore, " Metcltr,'. '!'!»( .ve have aas] \v¡l¡ iel OWhSM firmly agiiipit i'1-li ri.mbinsilioiu. Yiid tin.I WO MM lirm and iniitiiuioin in our 1 ir dictation. In i-, ira «lis'luini all d.¦-Ire 14 BBaxDtaJ¦ any BR.«Xaiaj Ae- .. or t., eetrol my one in tit« eier, is., ol bit 1 '.i t:.'i oj *.¦ .noon tlist Isl.or .hi ild »¦ LyIvpaid Bbdl w«will gl.Jly aAvaaeo oaf so] .'.o work aha aovei toe eoadatioa of trade will j-ntify it; but know¬ ing t'.»t ilie |>r.'«ei.i QOBsIUIeg el «line ,n.r ami tli..tiof«'iurn i is lo mi overate* ..i »tnam «uJ niaanfbritnrafs. we are oi^ j.,-e.l i,, il.e.e Ul.e o eli.od» ot iollaiioii, wl.i,;li w il! MTotd no ,n I.aMoai rrliil.'' .We do lot know that an> interference by dis- itoiORted ORltkll witli the prog reis of this strife c:--n eliect any _«.«-«1, tot wo arc tempted to call at tention to aUi lemeiital follows: I. K\itj free l.tb.nvr is his own Joalgo as lo the pi.'ll'icieiic} or loilO0qa0fJ| of the price wbich IB] oiie moy sec tit to O-Of him for bis work, with tue 'ihril} to d.i [¡M it if he should deem it « 'ttrj't it or his duty to do so. II. It is his further rigM to combine with any number of his i.-ll-.t« .workmen to refine to work at a price which he deems inadnjuate, and loafroi on n RorIr of prioi I i"-r tie ir labor or its product wLich teurn» to them raoi Maaol and just. III. Put he has tin llgftt loi ten thousand like him havo non».in cm *irain OoaRfl t> unite in up¬ holding that scale of priecB or to refute to work tor less. It may < r mat ROÍ Rf m< an-soiiled and dis¬ reputable to do w lint it majority of the craft have agreed ii'it to do, and m who does il must submit to the odium thus incurred: but M one has a right to lay a hand on him, or to do audit whereby his freedom to act upon bis OWI convictioui is infringed. IV. The right of employers is commensurate with that of workmen, and ..¡ sacicd. A. is his own jaéfR if» |t whether it does or does not beconio him to make a certain kind and quality of «hoes for three or fnur shillings per pair; but 11. has a per¬ fect ri(|ht to judge whether OR can afford to pay the price wl.nh A. may see fit to demand, and to uct on his own conviction, rexardleis of A.'i. li" A. and 11. cannot agm« as to the price aforesaid, the result is no trade; but there is no reason that '.other should lutte or defame the other. And if either, because of this difference, is impelled to abridge the freedom or damuge the property of the ot'jer, he commitM a boaftn f(»r »liicli he is justly Amenable to the laws. Ho much for the law of |*M« îàÈÏêt. N.jw i>r tbe spécial ¡ccide-ots of thi« Stiike: I. We tbinh tne workmen etrcd in their mo!« of beginning. TLey should have qaiot'y aiktured an organi/atii 0, widely lamified possible, ap¬ pointed a capable and reliable Committee, and in¬ vited the employer» to appoint a coordinate Commit¬ tee to meet them in mutu.l cm.ncil or conferece«, there to establish a just ard fair Scale of IYicee. For it not right ttat eiiher tinployern or journey¬ men should of theuBclve« fix the price» which the one n/e to pty, the other to retseive. Lach cl as« »bouni him.» a voice in the nif»ttcr, ar.d we n-trret that either should bave reined to ignore this fact. Th« strikins jourreymt n, hnviog inflected or lg- iii n d it, we think the employer» should have recog¬ nized and act» I on it. II. Tbe journfynien, we apprehend, learn at last that to rinl.t and »¦tumi vili will not insure tbe advance they keek. Everyday of idleue*» will go someway toward exhausting the ir moderate niaans, ar.d thus toward reducing them to a state iu w,lich tbt ir only practical choice will be betwixt submis- lioD and the aimshous«. Having resolved to de¬ mand higher piic«¿*, even the cost of an industrial war, they should quietly proceed to send a large- portion of their number« to t'-'e (¿r«'at West.where beie are many Willing to give bread and fficat for »bees, though unable to pay money.and there let ti.' m go to work mailing boots aiid shoes for the faiMcrs and taking their cheap food and fuel in pay¬ ment. Then let so many of them as possible find employment on farms, go to the Lank» as fisher- mer., Ac, and thus reduce the number seeking work as shoemakers by one half, or so near it as mipbt be. Then we believe the residue might have ailed the advance wag»'» now nquired and ob¬ tained them with little or no dimeulty. Dut it will be found hard to raise wages so long as more men want to make shoes in New-England than are wanted to do so. Let us have the Homestead bill passed, and a few hundreds of thousand» thus at¬ tracted from shot making an-1 other trades to Agri¬ culture; or Jet us have such an increase of on Iron and Wares M will call a like number from other pursuit* into mining coal, digging ore», lime¬ stone, Ac., and making iron and ware«, and it will be found practicable to rame the wage» of shoe- niakiifi; otherwise we doubt that it can be. We kr.ow of no other means of raising the price of 1 »bor than by increasing aud diversifying the dumaud for it. in« PBOXY Thi Journal of Commerce, one of whose» sta.fl is now personally solieúin»/ patron»';!- ,n the Southern State» with the approval graciously accorded of th worthy .lames P, Jlr.mbh-tnn, Kditor of The South em Covftdtmry, at Atlanta, Georgia, putir-hed the other day a lesacatg nnicle, which, if d»iiy ap- pieciated in that sonny latitude, will materially assist the tr.i'.t-h;.'' Editor in rrjiilliply ing subscrip¬ to cs. This article», in H elaborate invective, at¬ tack» a " scheme of special lej'islntiori," by which the officer» of the Tract Society are to be "punished," the following Act, which in the ?Senate at Albany, has passed to a third reading: Ay Act to empower tin SkwBabsYi» «sd r'c.kholders. of b*»ievr>- let, liriti 'e, i. ni tilic and miisiot.ary cor;H>r*tionsaiid «oci»»- tie» to vuie by pn-.iy. The Prop!« o! t?.e State of New-York, repreaented in Senate rind Anatmliiy, ersrt »a fnliuw«: 8k.< Tins i. Tb« nieiiibera .'or lif»>, and »toi kftoldei« of spy benevolent, t'h«' ',!.¦, »eieuliiie, '.r ii.i.i'nii.ry oorpor«»l«n or aascciation orgauiiei; under, and by virtue «f, tbe firovialoiia of an aet entitled " an act for tb« incur- "por»ti --ut, eliaiit*ble, «dentine, »nd uiiaslooary 'sicietie. " p«.««d April twelve ei.ilin.-ti hundred and forty- eixh». mi the «rt« «tippleuientiuy tliereto Hid airleildatory tli. ot, or or.iler. and by virtue of, any tpeeial act or rlurter of t.i» people cf this NtBte. »ball bave the rinlit fo vote by proxy %.t tiie annual mseunc« of am b aasocintions for tire election of officer«, and alto M all quest ¡mot tbe ant ,ect mat »er of ivfti. b Boll bafebeei tit» n ar.d entend upon the minute« at the preiiumg anriiver.arv rneetir« of tbe aaaci'lilion. Sri". 2 The rliht to vote by prety «iven by tl.e preceding «e«v lion »ball not leloi.4 to member« re tidlcg within ten unie« of the ) l*ee of am il u.ealini, uni. tbtir attendance pie\i-nt»-d by MS to who «a« infants, nor to in. re hi.uoriry or orresf. udi: -. nu m ibera of the I'.o.porarious in tiie said lei'.tlun au t if uer to my who have becmue members ol tin b i orpora- ion nil.erwi.e tliau by Ihn pay meut of money uuder tbe C'nii- t il ut ion and Ky-Laws tbereoi and no proxy given under thia «et ..tiuue valid for more tbau oue year from tbe time wheu tile cam« wa» (riven. Sr.i. it. 1 he proxiet to be ¡rivrn under thi« Mt thai! be in writ- J by tbe per.uii mvin< ihe nur, and alto by anattest- ng witness, and «ucli proxies anal! be pre.erveil lu tu« Sttdxtvi i f the association, auhjei t to the loipeetfea Oi* the nmbers; nd a printed Mat tbertof. for convenient r»-;er nee, «hall be kept y the lelk or «er;.-»., v. The reader w lo has understanding!/ perused the foregoing bill, mast see how utterly groundless is tin- eSjktffOSf "special legislation," even without being advised it was mo.»t carefully scrutinized and revii«ed in the Senats by tue Cminiitte» m Charitable and l'cügioiis Associations, with the view of guardifL' it from any possible abuse, and that it was unanimously reported hy that Commif- lee without distinction of paity, based upon a uound principle of générât legislation. The intent and object of the act is simply to secure to the members st large of the various asso- I citttions included in the first section their equal right as member* to Bhare in the governauee of the institution. This ri^ht, contrary to tbe Constitu- t OBI "f thene Societies, ha» fallen into the hand» of I small minority of the members who chance to re¬ side in the place where the headquarters of th»» As- MCtesBtOtl boppSB. tob»'; and at pieeent ti-ia uiiuority are, by this accident, enabled to control the funds, Bel !'o|;<l'ze the OtaWtS, and direct the opeiat'ons of tbe Society lor th'-ir own purposes, wi h an utter diercgard, and. rtii'ietinas, in direct deñauce of the h'own wishes of the great body of the members" Tl.e fundamental principal on which the act is bSeSd in the l)-'tiiocrat;c principh' that the majority shall rule; ar.d iu furiherance ot this principle is givcl to the iiii'Dil">Tl n kitiin* in the nira! diatriett an iiju'.il voice in u.e gOfttmVM of the Society with those resid'na m the (.'ity of New-York. Not one word one syllable, or one letter of the bill re lull im it a «tait iiioie apphcnbli« to the Tract St .e.y than to ai.y oiiu-r ol the bent volent, ehari- tfible, scientific, and lit« rury MM ¦.;itk ns chartertid !¦; tl e BtSeS) and the ct.nvenient clmr»;e ol special legislstion imds m the act no r-lntdow ol foundntion. The qtieetii n involved in the act is-as broad as the Coiiitry itSSaf, a>id one toat men of all pattien cm und» rkevceVé. It i», SI .».'li the membei's from the lltrsl d:»tiic!s be a'.lii»«til to »peak ar.d act lor ll.iu:*' l\es, m niant they rtabinit, as »VOraiofoTO, to be represented only by tie Hontcieats and iatere&irj ol a (ouipuiitÜMj hand lui of members residing in llif cily | One argument unruly urged last yepj by the orean» t I' thr» Tract Svciety KS^avaSl the law, waa that nuinher» 'rom tî'e |*inldistrict» Wore quite ii.competent to understand the quention» that would be di mimed i.t tîie Anuivemaiy metttings. To this Thi Jvnniul of CêMUtmXt now add«* another, La ii.tiuiating that foiled p/r»iie» will ba presented the names of utenibert mi lunger livic+j. This latter areiiiiieiit \m< |S| afraid may a little startle the country menibi ¦» of our religious xsiioeiiitious who are not familiar with tbe facile siorals of "Com- liiercial Chn.»t¡an¡ty;" but wilüng as we are that «TAI Journal, tbe champion of Slavery and the Tract Socirty, nbould have a fair bearing, we com¬ mend both these objections to the candid consider*- tion of tbe l.egulature aud the country. The tfciiced ini'oiiri«tercy dwelt upon by TA« Jtuinnl, between this aet »ud the A-»euibly bill to pi event «tockboldt-r« in railroad oouipauvitt lioiu Toritg by rjroiy ti nee aima«« of Appeirar-OA, aal no inUD'gent l^ilafef will for s mi^eet misled] ly it. In the case of tailroidi, every proxy repro. aentaasbaie; in tee act fer «V-T,s-©leot söffet««, every prcxy will represent a rational tsain«, it J th. difference, between the inanimate reprreentet of peon ni« i y valu»:, and the l.ving piirtciple ,,f a breAthirg man, or pi. re Mofly yet betwet-i a dollar aitd a Christian T/tere it the further difcrene« twei n railronrJ compan;ci and religiom soeietiaa thr.t the firt-t are Wpmrnmi f r seifig ^^ «j^ 1mJ for cathoiic and charitable purpiMee; that in the first a ibareho'der m>ty have t>o thousand vrrtes, in the lait he ran hove but nno. To a city exponent Of OQBR-OOoák] Christianity, theoe QBOOROBMl may rexm triflrg; but the? ctn readily be appreciated by th« less RophiiticAted dweilen in the rural dis¬ tricts, the securanco of whose right u the great object of the Proxy bill. A correspondent in one of the inland towns of Connecticut, send« os the following statement!: "The Dsmocmis are <io;ng their otaiort to <>ij»rry this town, and the prospect Is mat thr- tb_j r-«*, a Democratic majority. Our Prwt08ii.» boge« exe etutfed with Ci.¡on-Saving docomeuts, Everett's speeches, ex Gov. Seymour's shrieks for the Umoo, toe Deft nee of Cook at Ile.rper s Perry, aad many 'hir-, (.1 the h id-*«. A pr.minent lawyer of trie place has just cone to Washington to procure the needful. With which to influíree the venal. There wilt be no stone unturned, no method untried, to be,?, buy, bor¬ row, «tel und wbe«dle votes; and if all of them are as active in all parts of the State as they are here, Connecticut may well beware.'' We are happy to believe that the KV public ass of the State »re quit«- as active and ««flicieot M their adversariei and a great deal uiore resjolute aad con¬ fident But they know very weil that they can i.old the State only by the most united and thorough efforts. Let them not relax a nerve till the battle is fought and won. THE LATEST NEWS, RECEITED BT MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. From WathingtoBu Speolal Uiipatuh to The N. Y. Titbooe. ¦Washington, Monday, March 12, I860. THK «ASE (»F TIIADDKI M HYATT. A long debate took pl-tee in tbe Senate to-day ou Mr Hyatt's scruple«. His case is regarded here as a humbug, inasmuch as it is well und*rst«*od that he knows nothing whatever about Harper's Ferry, or the plans of .John Brown. He offers to answer, if the Senate will only say "he needn't, unless he ha» a mind to.'' The Senate, by a vete of 44 to 10 tc-day, said he must answer without cocdi-Otis or go to jail. If he goes to jail on the distinction, the suppoii- riu;'. is he desires to be martyrized. He «¿nil probably sue out a habeas corpa*. Ai was natural, some Senators were tender ftxted on the vote. The press alone can afford to be independent The MOTOR of either branch of Congress to summon wit¬ nesses for the purpose of giving testimony with a view to legislation, was the main point relied on by the majority to-day. This power, it seenis difficult to deny. Mr. Doolittle »poke U> the subjert wit- great calmness and effect. Messrs. Fessendeo and Crittenden were able on tbe same iide. Messrs. Sumner and Hale defended the witness. THF. MEXICAN INVASK/N KIMOR The reports sent from here that (ira. oaOBOaM MaMMflaaoi the invasion of Mexico, and that war with that Kcpublic is to be prf cipitated, ore ins;- ge-tions that find their source in an earnest desire to revive the M .'Lane treaty. They are without foundation. Gen. Houston is regarded by All par¬ ties here as a moderate and prudent ataieanan. His course in the Senate justifies this confidence. THE TEXAS REGIMENT FROIHiHrTIOB. The Texas mounted regiment «mm hangs fire in the Senate. «MUM itriTiiiHAN Ma-MMMs The Kepublicaus of the House are pressing their favorite measures with great vigor. The Home¬ stead bill went through today by a vote of 114 to 66, and was sent to the Senate. ULI HI N li\VI>S HLACKGIABDISM. The outrageous blackguardiiui of ObMOM Davis'» assault on Mr. Van Wyck fOOl unxeproved ia th» House. It is in con tempi at: en to read to that bvdy Tin: Tkihlnk'.s article on Slave Burning. the MUOs-Bro-tD im.t. The substance of the Homestead bill is that aoy person who is the head «>f a family ur twenty one years or more of age may inter one (juarter-iectioo of land, subject to preemption, and at the expira¬ tion of live years, if then a citizen, shaH be entitled to n patent on payment of $10. ft is a remarkable fact that every member who voted against the bill represents Constituencies south of Mason aad Dix- ORe li'ic, except Mr. Montgomery of Pennsylvania, ar.d the only man who voted for it south of that lite wae Mr. Craig of Missouri. THE fi'l'Kl ¡'TION-* OF THE Al MISISTRATIOX. Mr. PovPoVl Imt-st i:atiiig Committee oa ea- ecuting usurpation, will ROl m».et for one wsvek, oa ÍB| to the absence ot i-ne of the mei_bera. Tb»» indications are that ttiis Committee will have plenty to do when MM in operation. Secretttrkeo Moyi and TOMO* :ire a good deal disturbed, and Mr. CoM is anxious about certain disclosures that it u y be made in the direction of the lS'ew-York, CuäUim-House. 'HIE I'UINTIN«; INVKSTIGATIUW. Tbe Printing aBTOOti|Rtliig CouitHittVe of the Senate haw had before them tlius rar the fotkiwing v. Lii-.i-. B-OMtBs Bowman and Wendell, tho BOBtti loi Ibmme Printers, whose testioitjoy pro¬ duite a question of veracity botwOOB U em, ;t be ng in ill its important points directly ia cotitltet; Wm. Towers, CUlk of the Superintvudfut of Pxiating, John Heut, the Supern.tendent; Dr. Qr_o\ Clerk in ono of the departments; Collector iUker of Philadelphia; Mr. Magaruy. paper maiakfitfturer; Mr. Rice of PhilAdelphiu, the p.inter of ptat-orlica blank«, ami former proprietor of The Ptnntylrm- «win ; Joceph BoOOTBR) editor i>f The ¿'»va.*« Jt% »us, Philadelphia; Thorots Florence, Member of Congress from Pennsylvania? J«»hn Applets As¬ sistant Secretary of State; Brow», the present u u i ucee »il ul editor of The Constitution; Senator Bif-lir; Mr. LattM, who Is doing the w-jok for BoMMB-i the pieeeut Print**; Mr. Ford» tbe re¬ cently elected House Prater, is eubp» ua» d before this Committae; aiü it ie said thai Mr. Pnfree«, one il tl*e debated c_ndiuuUs lor House iiriut.iag, is alstnubpt'uaed. MR. SK''s «ASK. Tbe tint report which Speaker Penriagtoni Chaiiuiaa of the OoMM*o*M M Eh*''tu»ni, Mr. C limer, has made, is against tbe Repu'.dican ma¬ jority, and in favor of keeping a Deir.oerat, Mr. Sickles, iu his seat; assuming that Mr. Williamson, th«. CA-ut «staiit, should OOt havu time to take testi- t-Msy. The majority laa«««, made by Mr. l)a*es of Massacbusetc*, which wi'l uudouhtedly he adopted, gtanta the c^utijatitut nxty d»t«. I'***»

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Bttoince» S^m**;, _Ortm »MLR s Ha1> or THE 8ritlHti 8TYt.K..

« , u I-1-^íb t**vova«ti* «e*|*wi*«r*»>Ubt>r.«ne,,t,1^^*TVT"^ *.t«»tin 'aaa wt'.h bi. .u*h .' ere*** "S?*" . "v. J fj, atari«« ». ear «* an atUaotion. it wtU no

***1. . ful WiiTr-Tthr~" .'* crowd, of lii» eld and a««to»M r«»«*«w«Ba.--y, ooove.ilcuU« aooooiuibdetc.aneay w» ceateni-ra ..^ __".*avaox'auat So. tki l'jv»«w*y

~G»«»ÍTLÍiw7Í^D.K« «. ei.#-«¦. - attention »t hi» customer* and the

eubiic ivvbeSi-Bia»' Ha:», the both b ,uli and »apenor t».irie

¿f *rh;. h »re .'-ot ne Juctloe* of any houw ¡u .he

(nj .Bino, No. «9 NaatBt.H.

Vl llLIC.Owr late» and ***hi«aa»i.' «tn.k of .Spring Clothing foi Men and

Soy« ..«iv .*»*¦ ' '*.! '' -'' u ¦ «awaSI aUeuuoc te um extensive

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Jt»T»«i laHtiKST. N 114 nroadway, io»t opened. The choi-eatpOa-d*. i* gieateot poaairee va.iety el ' .»Urial«, and the best ar-

tint» toi u Ibf newest .node«. The»« »nd the loweat peem.le price compatible with a just regard touur own safe¬ty a« merchai.t», bavt bet i-....* tue puthc kuow, fut year« our

aaottoOur »lock of Bin a' I m: him. .hi«mm is far «iiperior, in the

«nukdiig aad faaclnatlux eie«eoi-* of it« «ty'e«, to any we have yetpte«t*c«d and the a .i..i. steck-evwy article heing from our

own woikiuajiu». v. ui. vs.-, bear i ouipa'isor. with <o>y«KLer in New-York. Ro<;«R« t Kcianvn.

Ckti act >Yaxkhoi «a. Nee. 13!, ltl and IV> Kuitou-it.bHcnCB KsTam iaHyk.sT. No. *U Broadway._

Feraone having Kouks of anv tkocription i«»

SiMiwIU rind it ti.i la CA.I at Jvar- f i';^.' KH *

itooi-lti«r>RKT No H near Broadway. Fl*: i »nd

tanry F.<m»mi«iiim. .' ¡. la the beat style, and at the

arle«». Harptr'aNs.aíii.e biiuu' or ál'ieni».jV,t. | ..

? uitun-st near Rro»dw.vy.

ItiafF.*, rjOI» «\ Mki.vmm.j>o i; M Leas,

New Vcrk,Imp. n*n ia¿ Wholee^t« Dealer« in

111 JO. i'lcTOl.»IAT rtAran VWijs, JawitaT, «"»aci joum,

Bal**«« P«Krtar>KV, »so Sow».(Westiey Rinard?'« oeleöraltad Onna

. «.. *.>''. Oafe, Waddüut. aad tartriiigea.los* AsfeBt« for ti<(,^or., ^^y .a ¿Jodol Razor*.

I Adaiu.t l'tceut cvOVolvUig ftftoU._Fsilfc-lllOOK iaAIF.ii.

*>TEtk>a A M»KVl\,No 40 MrRK»T-sT N V.

ÜkJKRIKti I I'ATK.NT CHAMPIONKin« a.,-1 »i k<¡i an l'aour acraa,

Vtia Hall'. latent ¿'underTiou' Lork«,Afford tbe ereaiect «eearit« of »».). »af- iu tl.e «r,<rl<t.

B. C. ilKKKIK« *¦No Ml Rroadway. opposite City Hall, N. T.

fiüvtiLi;'.«. Skwim.-Mac'iines.Ne I ktewinf-alachine.St")Ne. lavwUit-Alni....,. HTbe »remit» 8e« u.L--Ma. blue, A. li

TV* ranaily Sewlng-Maihln*.. 90

Uocuauag Ciangtr». . *

L H. b;Nü«K A Co No c-e tirocdway, N. Y.He. I.V. h,';..-iii Broiklyr.

"WhelIiEi: A Wusex'.-a .Si.ivim; Maciunks." We pre'er then for iiiii;y nie".(Tîib"Tbey are tb« favorite» for lumiiie». " 1 lines.

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M>t;r.R'.< ^KWixt.-M.u links.

At ».-Tin« New Sttl«.Iteaigneal !..» Bii na.ruie tunog piirpoaea, noiaeleas in it» opera-

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beet i. j-u'd Price only S110.I M. Simia* à Co.,No. 458 Btoadway. N. Y.

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'IHR PARKER ^EVMSG-MaCHTNE Co..RaepeettiiUy call the attention of the pebiic to their uew audbeautiful. Urn-cl»**, rapio an i nois»-!.-.« Oonhle-ti'. «d.

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Ageau vented Of.,. No. «aft BaocnwAT. VAaJloa A Co.

TllllCSLKHK fl'Kll F.l KMKt Ben isi.-Maiiiinls.frice »SO. Ceuipiele t:<*m (ktcruiÄB Ut '.m«I««D.. it u an exoeili ..: Id ». 1 í xprt»*».

la »y .JOer i'.rr.r,

A» W anted. Lluvrti tllit't alivw'd. I) i. Lsv I, Gnu'I Sup't.H.\RTHOLF I

Ci «..m ;i .-awiMi MiriiiMii.Tb^*e »"liarV.! Ms. r.w. . »r^ Mlu¡.>1 to Pacnflj f.ewji r and

to Flaatc'.oa acid Manuia. utet. and ar* uue-^usk-u iu ex-eeilrrr* and limpUciiy

BcKTHoLr Hani r.virr: ko» Co.,A», 'at Broadway, fioward-n.

¡Ill, J'aiimk -i v. im.-Mm ¡um, Co.«>4l ..Mle

1 i-.^.i : .... i.oi i.;-.-; .un, i itf,t-.if.t li, Noisele««, «ndBtiuliie..uuüei i« enta ui ilwwe, (tiu»ei A Uaktr. audVtbeelei* Wii.i.1, A i.t. wanted. Otti »cdw»y.

\ m-

FlNKi.K A Lvtrs .s m.winv.-Maciuses receivedthe highest Meual at the Kail uf the Ainerii^aii Insti'.ite, «ritali.* hialioal l'iouiiuui 1.11 hue brtaliut-Uachuie noli, eiau. buh¬est Vietnium at the Kairo: ike írai.küi. ImititUta, New .!i r. yfaVate »r»H, 4. ,(. tgi OU vv »n.^t. ( Ittic*, No MU KrovtwAj.

Bfalium.'s I'kki'akhi GLUS.I'sKi-rt ...- (Tilo ii.iraaFoa Mi.« EvaATtraaas,

tBannft-birred by II I «eALPiüb A Co., No. 48 Cedar-itFeat Orra»»arfare«., búa No. « 6'<..

hiAaUv'.NChttiulovJly i'iepared

Uli«fer Fatally l;*e 25 recta per bottle, with Bruah.

Koa OALB EVBKTWaaKB.Manufactured «nd for Sale by otaa a Ou. b Co.,

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BaBBY'I) Tul« til III.Uni .s

is the beat and cheapest article for Dre.siag,aieauui.uig. Cirai

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OlTt IlF.AlTH SllOl'l.ü UK ( Aldi) FOR..Pur¬gative as-iiciue» eh« i v o ._.,. o.

lite kale.»u. u! Iks» All«site, willuot Old« cure inflaui~iatorv aadjyauali I ar-v'tioi.» g-i-f' ) »iwaji More or lest relie?,tiuity is never ioduci í. Inr tiowel» hi ln¿ cli _i«.-d tbe dlfestiv*tetsMteaa as* |T**tij o.u beingwes_vu«0,1» bos rtel ed, itYftWsYTteA, and strengt!

»bu« wlsls» I.e.- « ..r~ Kl-.iio.atUm,Cold*. Dtehlborl* and l'ai.lui Alie-.-Uou« gei-tal y. th'.y uever

injure. WLru itie teveiUj "! ihe di.ea.t- is past, alter a frwday« tfc' tiatkr;'. Bet* v lie is not itrnok down by St.»jr ai.JbsSSS foraew. are the retult oí tli*

tod.BO. th* oolcbii '- otbel lefitedlei ¦-ai- It-,,- il Itelillj at a "...-,

a..d the pâlir t U.O. *

tske place »hen b«.-.-: :ii n I I'll.»ara uted.bob. cared Ati lifjy to ti ..- ntir* as

bB*vi,,.BTn » ('¡i »i .1 tratten, thsLisa Aoot-liOSJ I'.i i... nie »old I U-MJUale,sadoy ».«exusgist*. «per box.

h. ilui.*.:'**. H.

D-FIAB4 SAI AMABDEB BaPBR,With PMexit I. :»o, K re

a. ü Bi aid »lid Pf> . I t. cornel <.

M. Pat::i. i.

Pp. Maich n..:i:io- t«. njolY bii K\i»i«\lComa Vafaw witn I

bis or RsaMare, at , .-

fetnole t», pr.ti.;. rOStX.1 Il»*r.ii»»oe--l i- - e


Kit* «p.. An! *

appited. b- Mai N. V.

~~fTp vPaKI.'- 1 Hi' aXI Pa.StatU,

1 br» uglb '.liej A.niliilata i'ain.Par». ':;... idllyte tbemMisaPatsst oft Itarowolfall :««.

Poroi « ««Tei.ive coas ited ln-purltie* of the system. TheyPkKTRlTPi.s.«at¬are soldby a;¿»etirr.I.'OU.ltetiUlaie*.

abouid i* .... to .I cniooic Pelas, Paiataeaa Uv»-oetn.w (Wi-iiii . .:¦ -»¦ t .- properties

.. »::d when app.l. dMB.OMaWM *lM K'eryfaiuUj »iio'ill have Inom.One MM) or. ioin.thre«. t'i¿e.oulcathtr. lesby mail, am» k l'Ab-, Vu*. U A IS. Park-Row, ». Y.

"MoliAKT 1'IANus.-.t be .,>«»* reliable F'.aao, and pronounced by tne «¦MbbMMSI

ay.u i ',».; ia..l e lio have liieui in use, rua IIrbt is-stb; »»¦ > uow im,'.« lo lbs t'nited States.

War- ' Btoadway.

I «.Ill R, J'- PI i st i.'Kr.HA.V.L.841 I'.rotdwgy Ml

bav» oow ., stoit, m.d ar> i*o«ivln| by every fietii arrival a

larg» «A.d . inu.-roi.Bit.v rivet ooop»,

-in.' in part,Prtnrf dfhlr.eae l_*j MairiSeti and liealdrescei, Paar*

la» Pu- ai Bait Clasp. .. ¦ and.>lid.» Part* Dree* B "on», fla/ti rs, tVaAoh

OBB'd. bte* -»»'iry,liio.i.e. In. holder.,

Acsx'ioec.i Ac,which t! «j cffer U. tb. J r-«*. at the low.«t niarktt prior, andtm the i. .«s '«\or»b!« ter'i.«

Wat« HRH ASI» JRWF.I.UiOfall CI--I npti. u«. Ais »,

RltVBK A.» n iLiTlll Wai,ror > »to (,x .. t A. tas. No. Ali Broadway,

°»"''¦ -os! st r.r.i.etlv No. 11 Wall .?..-V».»' .-* «a_e» ti. . ,.-. vA^,... v.:,g, .,,J .!,«,,!*?

eteai- «iidiep r : «t mai.'.. r, L, t.-..«ad « > <. »....»i.

Ok IUibi I'xabrWb-ublr AitcrMi-ÑT^AHnohT am. l'a .cru ai Vis»**Of

1H« ..*! '.j,

H H Vu, e.O.A/. i: offne great Iron Mil]«, R»f.».». , ¦ 1.0*4] i'a.. . .o sell.houjredi of oottle. bf .. l/rol'|>» (¡.AU. s A_btiraii Uil,"bb)s t_«s tuenbto ntocb«to Air .am. oileij uieet ».I »..idBli'., I .1 tie |lsk** «I P*r' »"'¦ ,na i'**-' '*" l'»'id. bo ir .',',>. H^ ürj,rt%u.«aber ai«» lot, and ssv« the» an eutiroiy oat. It ai.o aot*Asrou ¡>t and tl and injurie« of*giy kind. Ilie r4pt«ir . and Wound». It wItI rsUovs 1'iie. sxeiesurely tu-d pleas»u::y Ibas Buy otkoi iih.-k aad it a ,

rfcara» In rases ofliioken Bread and .Sore Mpple«. If ,

as l»r tA.lchensof I.nursttssr, aad buadred. o. ,r.- alles* thaitb.y bate born cured I» ll not cndt.pd to raen credit IbOR .oe

j_»ie «»J adulation Of »i.j luejivlJU« do^ar or doctoi in tlie

*woíld T

for ».e by all Dratglsts «nd Dealer« in the I'nited Stets* and

CaawoaPrice 2S o ote, 50 cent«, »ud AI per b<gor sale i J laBllaoA l'.ea, Nos. J» s-dliJ'ark row. l'a_"^rTaOi- v tad W ocriti), fur ml» attb- Wit" 1

cb^p.^Iifr««T« «"velug. ue wig, nor eatraaroiaarf trei.ble-There eso be r.o ,WM wt- itérer of i- a efficacy. We h»v* seca

testinianialcalirost »ithuet uumber, aud from men of great in-

telllfetien.birb «tindirg. »nd atoral worth .«

Tbr.« who bave been bald for year« «re now wearing 10*11

own hair, and appear ten year« younger ubtutoey did « « «non h«

ago. A. \n mostV.«.-. ray hair", an/bald heads are both preu .;tuie and isa duty to reuige them by «¦*¦**"»>Bod nndimhted mean. wli.hP.of. Woo,, has Invented, and now

kiuUv ottets to the Billeted.,^ rv hi.

nliflllllllVlij. and glvi.tbe í'iofeasoí «new leetirnunlaL

"eold'by .îl rejj'ctnhle drngrl..._J>epot No. W ¡MMf»HolI.Ov.AVS PlIJ.K AM) OlNTMKNT.-lVr«OBll

.", uitl,» in tb- rbeel «:,.l I'mbs. ti .«ethei with los» of

£;Xtjb$ iXl by ..Im tl.r*;M«H,Hu.,r.Kuevim. I»«t«««« of **** »nJ pc.u.3n.,.itcure.Breoffr. in -it ci'i-uni 1.1 e.


"QovBAVD'a ORu.NTM. Cream teautinoi thelllll'l^- re...'-"» pi-nples .tllownets be No RWlLW. .«,,,, ir. ietti'il gratis. Beware of a vile

in'.i'stion endei the nau.e of "Mow White Oriental CreMn,"by tb» rODutrl eifer» cl Hull t'a Corntimi._

PF.RRY's.I.WWESEBoot A»»ri Shok Toi :atf

Si lendlu gloss. Nu rubbing. Ijj'Is nothing.Sold everywhere. JAPAIBU Pmiu Co.,

No. tlTRroomr «t., one door weit of Broadway.Wilder'*] Patkrt Balamahdrb Safe.

ITm Olewt Ki»e-Proof Safe of the World, snoured with thebest Powder and Burglar P.-oi.f l.oiks.Sanken'. Jeweler«*, and Honte Safe» n>ad* to ord^r.

QtlRK Rbothbu«, No <* MaMon-Une, N. V.

li in not Dye.Mr«. 8. A. Alien'. tv,.Kin . H ur RbïTO»«r aso

/.l Ol.'. -A". M.The only reliable priparationa .'or restoring Oray Hair to Itsr.iinM youthful appearance, withciit -.n>nrj t« the «Clip. Ill'ut No. e."'5 Broone-st and fot «ale avaij trlieie.

Baichelor's HAD Dm , \Vics, ami TmrEE«,.re trnHvaled. They ere l'gh!, ci-,y, durable, and St to a charm.S» »hinkic«, nor turuin«; upbehiud. Katcckior'«Hah I'm,ihe belt in toe world th»only nairnleei *n¿ raatakan Dye knownIpp'.y at the Factory, retnxTvea to No. lb Bund »i.

On» bottle of Dr Tobias's Venetian Lini-¦TSbTI wiil :«»t a fan.ily a ion.- tinea, Mfa dollar» in doctors' billa,ijid not i.r.frnquentiy the ufe ef torne number of the family.Per p.m... .-ronji, toothache, Ac it laaet » Prii ¦ H.JfS rsi cent» per bottif. S.'.u eiii 1 wheie. Depot No M Court-land-.t.

TO CORRE8POSDEST8t\ e cannot undertake to return rejected CoinmuninatlomNo notice can be taker uJ Auojyuiuut Communication«. What¬

ever 1« intended frr insertion mu«t be authenticated by the,aeir.e anii »d.irei» of the wrtier -no*. ru.-.«u»ariiy for pohlioa-tioi:, but a« a guarní.*y for bis good faith.

itmu . lett.ra tor tn Triiuvk «hoald In SI ease« be KÄ-dritse-t to Hiihsi » (ikeki.kv A Co.

*A*. Patt»n, WATiHBrar, Conn., receive» TheTbibcxrat II u

Arivrrlisit-iueitte iu trie Weekly Tribune.

Merchant«, Mnimiàaîirer», Mechanic», lteal Estate

Owner», and ftbsr», who have anything to »r 11, will do will to

advertise in Tubs Wxbki.t VscMISaa Adverti»er» will pleaseto «end in their fsvorr u curly in tbe weekw possible, in order

to inatire th^ir finding a pi», ». It 1« proper to *dd that, with

B regular circulation of 416,000 ropii a, fn« WtSanTMTnim ne ia the best and cheapest advertinnj modi:m in th«

world.A United number of advertitementi are Imartr-d for »hi per

IMMHaM.BBstATR, Ko«! ll-H>. Ten Fyr-V; (Rep., N.J.)introdiited a bill for the more eouipiele equipment oflile-aatin^ station." on the OOMal ol IswaaJ Island und

New-Jersey. Mr. King iRcp.. H Y.i introdnc-d a

joint it-eidtition ri.c|)ti>dittg lbs opérai .-on ol so _tut-a of

the ri'i'tint Foot OawOA Approprt!.itioit i'l as rein!.' to

tbe pniitili.V OÍ Pop! Ollice i'latil.S Ulllil the fartheraction of CoDgiesi. It was pfUstd. Mr. Bright-Dem.,Ind.* giiYe iioti> iif a bill .¦ippropriatini' *..'rlH),()IHI forthe i'u:!;¡i:i'*ion of the Capitol extension. Mr. Mason(.¡¡lied up his resolution", to rntarinit. Tat*4fMot. IIyiiv ;-i

jail until be co.wüte to answer the qneatAOBI of UMHarper's Kerry InYsetigatsrig ('ommirtee. Debatí*en.-Ttcd, in which Mtssrs. Sumner iRep., MasB.!,Ftoieiii't-i: iKep., Me. , Ball (Bop., X. H.,;, SimmonsiKs-p., R.l.\ Critlct.dcn »S. Am., Ky Pentcc [DotaV,Md Davis iDeia., Mies. and Mason i Dem., Va.i,pSftMpMtotl, whrri the losjolutio.I -werp adopted.Yeaa44, Nays 10. The Senate then went into iii.eseirion and adjourned.Hoi «r, Mwch iv..Mr. Washburn (Rep.. W-.

ottered a preamble and re&olutii.n. .-.eitiLi: foiih that tliu

most shameful frauds had been perpetrated upon ÜMMenemone Indians, and asking for a select Committeeof InventigaUsui. Mr. Liurabee .Dim., Wis.) desired

I to amend the reeolution so as to call for ull the «Mftw»

pondenee on the pubject. Some a.MB.Idon beUveonMesfin. W» and L. ensued, when the House refused lo the iulroduil'oii of the lesolutiou, two-thudsbeing required. Mi. Dawt-.- ílíep., Moas.) repoitstiaresolution from the Committee on Elections, reqtiinii'.'Mr. Wil.Ameou. who 0Os« Mr. Sickles'* tent, to

serve ut: Mi. S., willo i ien thiys, ¦ parlicilar siale-

BjMMjt of ihe, ¡/rounès of oute.-t, and fhiit Ifr. BlcUos«ene on Mr. W., within twenty days thereafter, Im

MhfWwT, and IBBI both, witi':i> sixty OaTJR, fake t.--:-

rcoi y in «_o mîiDT-.rr nqui.rd by law. The NA.Aflora«tioti of tbe resolution wi.s ponponed till Thursday.Mr Oi!ni«r i'v Am., N. C. fnm ;i ikTiaority of MmCommi'tee. submitte<l h reyluti'-n. Mr. William-eon, not havino complied wit» MhÍÍb.wBRtRt* Ipad 001 TüiviiiL- jiroi-ii'di J with das fllkojBfja, hnveMare to Wttlh-PAWi *_. to.;.i is. Tiii- wa« also post¬poned, f'n rootJoa ot Mr. Dawes, Mi. Williamson

t. II ii-Hvi lOOCf -v _ a; j;, tl,f. HoUro jIke (..nteef, SB« '.uve leave to Rpeakoil tbi i;.;.-. t.

Mr.CaaalM !.'. p. XV kaws r{- I M '<¦'¦¦¦. '¦

irjg as a preanib-» Mr. Joba Co;. cue s letter !.. CoLLetter- of the Seventh Regit.-i.t. it- width hetiint the Regittiiii'. fc'i'.d'd mWH '>¦¦ ¦¦¦tCAi* yi.ti-!i;.'. TImirrlins,wl laaOpepei .'."f ¡nterraptetl, andHiter IOOM difci-.srH'H ofl *| icy i I at aattOO.\ ii'iid, piinuiro.' lor in iiitjiiuy us lo liniv ;ho

0 ;i|t]i;i);.iii'eii lor tbo Btatao Lusaguretioii wenatspsBatad. iiui! u -. bowersr, nfosetl ti iMpendthe ru'e for its iiitroir.ictio». Mr Is4*rejey 'Uep., Ill..¦;i!!i ii tip h.I motion t rSJOOK i.'Jcr fhe ~«*M by whirlithe Mo a. ..i, ,td Bi'l \aii- r.-. .¡ill ! . the CofABlit!.fthe Win ¡o OR i- . Sii.ii; fui-1 nil,-... CüTii'd, lad thebill WMIMAMb. 11 !.':¡:¡iiit-t ñb. Mr. Mor.-il! ilii |i.,\'t.i

m u hi I! from tie CommitUe of

Way | and Means prtyrU pnyment oi mr

MM.idi;sTn -m, ¡md resre.

sjpotts. r»iir, lui'«-.]«!.-¦'Dem.. .Mi.- BoaM tmtmtmi to sus-

i:.« ralos 105 99, aot t tro Ihlrtla A S-n-hlé billl. flinCillg $11') p-AÎd latOtaM l'.iVl.t-Üllue bj ¦

rrs/y RM.4 wu- pai-sed. A bill RBtaaMbRMJ Nal I de ¡it

iniiî'oii ol t bi \N ti-lt'iü Milnai'i AoBwtMl U'. Hi

buig, K;. \\'Af ('¡ippi il, aad th1 Hoo_1 wljowao*.

l.ilC.I«l.4T« Klf,Se na 11', M.nrli 1 '.'.- Aluni u' lliti bills rcpit'i 1 \%n

that t</rtl.e ;iji|>ointmeiit of Cau-d Ajij.reisitrs in theCounlits aloLg tbe Co.Sal. In < . lnl:iitt--e, several billswer»- tojipidered and nnlneii to ¡1 thnd reAdin.'. Ra*rj.>

tilt'.I IboSC for tilt' pl'olei lililí of L-r-'tr, ¡!i irl.itimi tti

Fire Insurance Companies-, for the enc ur:...eiiient ofvaccination. A <..

AasRBII i, March 12..The 11,11-ider:t'i:-fi of the Sn.'-

(iieluililisi Raüri'iil bill Wa> po-ti«ut.ed lo 7 o'clnik,wlisn several Ic«ca1 bills were ime'-'J. and a RaBabai ol

lilis leimiitd and iutrodu n-d.

Another lUnui-'joilcr fiplosion mWEmi \»I'.rookl>n yesterday, in the Atlantic Foui.d.T/, kill¬

ing the eiKiiitiT, ai il injuriii»; a BBBUMf of pfHous.'iAt. t.ov. C'tMl'liLi-l. wa» spoken of in our

Rltiflb of jp*t*r«lay on " A Railroad BtM*wM ilt«<ims which luay seYe-m to imply (".inplicity on Im

paît in tlie rushing through of th-- Cridiron Rail¬road III. 'His M unjust. Mr. Campbell had .a-

e ited th< Chair, as vte'-d, but only t<» discharacbis official duties ns » tneuiber of the Canal Board,in wbirh he wns employed from noon to II p. in.

Ihe, J'lthidi.i.t prB t,in ,. r.ot appointed by the»Lieut "»-»- ¦, few* ribtMOB 1J \m§loBRttl 8»vind-

Tilg !i^¡dation fin« no firmer, moia oontiatoat »Í-vt ruary tiisn Lient. Gov, Campbell,


Wc have advice» from Vers Cruz to the 'M imtt.Miramnn «fi» three« from that place on theyd. thr»>atcning it, as al»o Akatudi». Two vessels,fitted mit »t Cam(jeiichy, had bien sent to VeraCruz, to Sftsit-t tbe Libélala.

Advice» fnini Austin, Texas, of a 1st» date, have1m it ne»' v< (1, transmitting a portion of tin* erre-

»pondfneo between G'»v. Houston and SecretaryF!oul. A destructive fire had occurr-d at HnnitonA serious diHiculty had occurred between tie

Anieric .11 ai.d Mo.ii an settlers at MesMla, Arizona,in winch tin- ásSttkQHI had itilh icd severely.

William I>. Shipman, eiq., hw been appointedJlflfwOjf the U. S. District Court for Connecticut, in

the I'lace ol .Indi,'' Ingertoll, recently deceased. Mr.

Slvpm.M! SSI been fer »nine time Attornt y for the

CoULCClicut Déférât) he been plseod in Hsttpositit r, we believe, by 1'resident Pierce. He does,or did, reside at Hunt Hadduiu, an unmnbit «»ui

town on the Connecticut River, and he muy bu a

vi ;y eminent lawyer, endowed wtli a'l the qutltliewnl a fjeWwdl or » Rti i y fur aright we know, and we

ttui-t iu >.<; hul we are not aware that th»» benchtat the t.f the land of KiUworth and Howardsban'}-.! bien dazzled by the ju'üeial spb.ndur ofMr. W. 1). Shipman.


Yosterday, in ton House if Representatives, MrMniiill of Vi riimiit nif»vid to »iixpe-.d the rnh»«tn enable him to introduce a Tarill' bill, aub»Un-lif.liv UBS Ih.'it HrSavW b> hitn .if the Unt kea*SÍM.The nii.tion failed.Yeas IOS, Nay» 00 (not t«vo-

th'ds) TkeTCM contain 'I liuchituan Democrat ',

ó Anti-Ltcotnptoii 1); m crut', 1 North AmericanKi.a i. IS Bostt AiiieiiiM'h, ami 89 R' publican«.

XI e \aye, with two or three exception?, ate No/th¬em ar.d Southern Democrats. Tee only Kepitbli-can who voted against suspension, was Mr. Spinner.Mr. Morrilla bDI aim» tn am id incidental protec¬tion to our languishing manufuctuiing ur fl nieehniii-ral industry, while replenishing the Federal Trea-

Mirj. Will not this niiftiilicant rstfj open the eye*of the friends of domestic manufactures und me¬

chanic nr'.s throughout Ihe couiitij, and especiallyin Conreetinil ;i;nl Kluuir Island, wtmee elei'lnr»are soon to meet at the poll», to exprès» their opin-ii.lirt upon State tari National question» ?

The Senate yosterday, by 14 lo 10, detenninod tocommit Mr. Thadden«. Hyatt to prison a» a contu¬macious vVtwaSOe, and ho now Iícr in Washingtonjail until he shall declare hin wSBkeflSSOi to aiittwi r

the questions, of Mr. Mason's Harper's Ferry Coui-imttee. T..I' tobst* no the question of hi* commu¬nient was one of unusual ability on both «ides. Mr.SouTor and Mr. Hule o«*s4oaiSa with great clear-¦ON and COfjCMCJ ";:it -" thu* dealing with the Case

Ihe Staate was uaurping power» which did not be-loii» to it, and wa» camunUin»; a dangerous iu-tiisitui ol the liberty of the nttzen, and the same

erouriil wn« taken by Mr Simmon«. On thu otherhand, Mr. Fess.» m'.en, Mr. Cnttenden, Mr. l)oolittle and Mr. Davis argu-d that the Senate pui-BVé'st'd authority to make the inquiry in question;alul that, Of einiM-imrner, it llllisl have the piiWi-l'to compel a witness to auswer. Mr. Fe*s»jüdenespecially Ret forth this view with equal force of ar-

toiiient and moderation of lantruage. In the finaldivision Mefcsrs. Anthony. Cameron, Chandler,l);»olittle; Fessenden, Foster, (irimes, ColLuu-r,1 iMit, lit r-ton Kin»?, Ten F.yck and votedwith Messrs. lknjamin, Brown, Hunter, Davis,Mm tin and other BouUkSTI DsSsStafSOI for the ctnii-

miiment of Mr. Ilyatt; while Mr. Toombs alonefrom that side voted with lüatrham, Dixon. Hale,ííainün, SirtimonH, Snniner, Wade Rtid Wil«on in

favor of releasing the pricouer. Mr. Seward was

not présent und did not vole.

The friends of free labor throuuhout the Unionwill M**f*oTS a fots ofJoy onl?arniiif; that tin' HokaStpi Ut-presentatives, on Monday, by the decisive>¦¦... of 111 Yea? t" »-ti Nays, pa-^ed the Homesteadbill' We would lam indulge the hope that thisv. i-und ben» 1'iiiit measure vviH )et n-eeive the

approval of the Senate, aud sa'cly paca the oNmIi i'the Kxecutive vi'tn. The Vote >!|ii>n the bill ise.ii-nificarit. « >l the ill Yeas, '.':i are ItuchananDecaaOtTrst*, »i are And TwsWWOÍSS Hemocra -,

(HriüiiN), in a North American, and .^l are Ke'mb-licäns. Only one is from a Slave State, Craig ofMis-mini. Of lue 66 .Naj», all are from the SlaveStiitca, etcept one. They, of course, are ch.iilyI'eiM'ierats. The representative from theStnti ,, v.ho \nt4-d :ii'.'unt(t lln^ hnun to tin- fn-elaboring nran. is William Montgomery of IVm-¦ylTSttiSi the very peiMin wim OaeSBtstcOUOfT eil-

"iieeitd thro.i'^h the Utilise, two vcui huo, "tin'" CriUenden-Moiitiiomery bill," ami then, w'n'ii

Lfeotii;'te.n. junior, appeared, in the shape of th#

Eoglilfa bill, ih'-irtcd bupott, fled to l'l'imsjlvanaf»»r tLe '.'maiiidcr of tee HaSJOaV, s»»t down npu-i hkaknees ich it' tie Leettnntiiiii>s of his dn'iict,iiiuiiliy becjoJ their pardon, and implored th»'i;i totry him itsain, whichth^y wen« hoHofcOSIiS|t toê Montgomery Fai« his name aroundWe dccidtiily pref» r ihiit of Jam» s Craig of MilMori..Now lot SI MS the Si ntte «Till do with

this bii:.

Tin* Ciiiiiinnii Cimiiei! met last evi'iii.ii;. In ihelitt.»rrt of (.'i»unc;lnieii, thri only busim-ss of momentWa» li'C ardOptiOD Ol the lepoit Of the C'Mlllllll-{ee mi e!t -etiiiii« OipOcliOg Ml. Ullk'T, SJ U I'iien,and putting Mr. Lent, a RoonblrStli, tor nett bigaVt-t (...i:û:»late. ¡0 tbe .¦ it. In th- Ilmrl of Ald-r-liirh, a eelllliiill.icati'ill was received from th»-Mb} or, vetorii: the resolutions directing the ClerkOf tie CosaWn Council, the City Inspect >r, CityCiumbeiíf-iii and Controller, not to eign or pay au/bills ofB A. Smith '»«r street cleanin»,', and order¬

ing the (ity Iii.jpictor to dean the streets by dayWork, durit'» ihe ph usure of th»' Common Council.TV» IfsjrOf very truly an;, i that rl.e resolution« aimto ¡irivcni. the Citv lofpooloc from finil,inj\; ¡irrani'e-

BéUstl with any outside pirty to clean the stre»'t- ofthe Citv, and to ( 'iliipt! him to continue tie modeheretofore adopted 1») bin for that purpose. Tbi»,tin- M»)<»r thinks is vvTOOjg, and he adds, that In-rctojoie no departii'i ni ol the City Coveiiuieiit hasbeen so negl»ct.'d as the street cleaning. This hasnot h» en for want ol mine), as inore h;tvo be»n

i-peiit by the city in tioiug tin- w»uk pooily,than a private individual could afford tod> it well lor. Jle «ix-» tha fact t andligilii r. Jle tell- the Aldermen that if aSOf want to

return to the high-priced do nothing system,be dots not intend to consent to it, ana hewim)s up by ¦tatini' Hut he ha« called the attention«.i il i City laspoetui to the ordinance avuthorixioglui" to contract the ntreot-cl'<auiiig to feo Iowahiildei, i'H'1 by hi» ndvic» Col. l»el. vnii i, filing tod'i wh'it l.o light tu Luve d-uo long ngo. Tin Con-

tiollfr rrporti A defîc't of $1,014.4.18 in toe A««eAr-

mnit iu.'id for opi'iii « and widening ktrocU, Andruin.its un oiù'.nsncc authorizing the hull« of As-»»rsinenf Fund Bondi. An ntte-ipt to call up tbe

Moyoi's tiotnii ntions was defeat« d.-»S»-

Te steamer America, írorn Liverpool the'.'.'dhti'<. Red Qlotaaitwi the -,7th, arrived at Halifaxat an early hour yesterday m«ruing. Informationof the loss of the Hungarina bad not yet reached

Limped, eorsei|nently tbe list «f p-isi<mgcri is not

brought by the AiLetie.v Thf) Directors of the

At'uiiiic Cnld" Company are moting in th« matterof restoring th« injuied portions of th« cable) to

wciking ord<r. In the House of Comtuot-s on tie

Ma* ult. the deba'e on Mr. Duraue's motiou

o,p*"'«ing the Hudget »ni resumed. And continuedt«> tbe reTt evening, when a vote MM had on th«

motion, and it was rejected, 100 to ' the

Covernn.ent a majori./of 116. Mr. Hadfield calledaUcntiou lo tbe meditated fight between llecnaii

and Styers, and asked if any step« wr>ro to belak?nto prevent it. ¡Sir G. C Lewis replied that theChief CoiiimUHoner would take steps to preventIho fi^ht totting place within the Metropolitan Police

Dubict, bu» would R¡ve no pitdge for any actionoutside of that limit. The latest Account« affirm,that tbe difficulty between France and Rome ha«

undergone no chaDgt. It is also said that Francehas resolved to abandon tbe project of MMiug I'.i diiioiit to Tuscany, mi the pretext thatRussia and Prussia object to the Annexation.The «3 i-cor.te lit in PaWnm and the Abruz/icoîdinued, and kMfaJ were being concentrated.Thfl reasons for Austria's refusal to accept Ku-t:'uiid'8 proposal fora settlement of the Italian 0000-tioTi are published. Austria maintains that it wouldnot only eistntially alter the basis of tbe F.uropeanequilibrium founded ftp the treatvs of HI.'., but it

was also opposed to the fundamental principle uponwhich legitiumey of governments, ami Otpoel illythst of Austria, was founded. The stiteineet thatIiurisia and PlaBOal had joined in a proposal for a

Coiilin nee of the live great Powers is confirmed.The Paris correspondent of The London Globe su}sthe chancee of war in the Sprirg were daily aug-

menting. The accumulation of Austrian troops be¬hind the Mmcio a;.d on tbe north bank of the To

hetoken a desperate . flort. An alliance between

BaoMO and Austria i« announced on the followingbasis: Austria concedes all that relates to the

Holy Places at .Jerusalem, second, Austria agrees

to confonn her policy to that of Russia as to theDanubiaii Provinces and .Serna; third, in compen¬sation, Russia fciiarantsx's to Austria the wholeof ber territory, including Hungary andVenitia, against insu, rectiori and invasion.It is «tali'd that Marshall O'Dunuell had remittedto tbe Moors the following basis for the conclusionof peace: Por-re-rii a («f oil the territory cooijuered,iiu'iudiDg Tetuan, an indemnity of sWO,000,000rra-i, an engagement to respect the Catholic re¬

ligion, and commercial stipulations favorable to

Spain. It was doubtful whether the Moors would

accept ui»> terms. The Spanish squadron was ex¬

pected to bomliard the seaport towns of Morocco,aid would probably commence with Arphille. Mi»r-shüll O'Dofinell had had an unsatisfactory inter¬view with two Moorish deputies. The Kiug of

Sardinia and Count Cavour were at Milan, an iwere tin« recipients of the «mist enthusiastic honors.The report that the former was about to issue a

pioclamation to the inhabitants of Central ItalyMM.denied. It i-* .'.ffiriiicd, however, that he baddeclared to BOB Popo the impossibility of tbe reten¬tion ot the Umbnan Marshes, and proposing a

treaty of cepsion. The Pope's reply, which is inthe :. _i.t ¡¦» e. wan couched in the strongest terms.A Shanghai dispatch of ,J¡in. 7 say* the ports of»Swatow and K'awtn have been opened, and the

previsions of tbe American treat) extended to thel-ritish and other Powers. Consols closed at I'll_ '.'o lor money, and 9j_ 'dog- for accouut, Bread-st nil's dull but heavy.

TUB Mfl<>«,v|Alt.l.ItM' NTRIKR.

The strike of the ShoemakerB of Lynn for in¬creased wagt » seems to M tlafBafi-l iltiolf throiich-out the principal shoemakiiig districts of Ncw-Kngland, and to be gaining consistency andstrength. It has begun to excite sympathy in this

CUj and .-Isewhere, tiist among shoemakers, butother workers for wages are disposed to render itat hast some manifestation of [rood will. On tbeother hand, the eniplojing manufacturers seem

<iuite generally to have refused either to pay the

prices demanded, or at least to sign ary contract or

Engagement binding them to a continuance in so

doing. The follow in« statement, agreed to bymost of the employers bj Hav-rihill. Maas., probablyexpreoofi tac '..eiieral titnm initiation:

' O >"i'ii,. e. re lOtivlneed tli t 'strikes,' ao <-a!l.-.i, ire

rtmuded ou isl».' Idi-»s of the relation« att work Mal w»2e»,MMti ¡;.l ro tbe ¡nnry r>; al! ,rnr.( ted with them and irAf rita,, we

:.. tust tlie one now httenipted »mon» the Ise.f r, ,.;;jf iii-ii.. , ,1 n¡..t lajndletoa« ta i;.1(ajaba/ tiierefore,

" Metcltr,'. '!'!»( .ve have aas] \v¡l¡ iel OWhSM firmly agiiipiti'1-li ri.mbinsilioiu. Yiid tin.I WOMM lirm and iniitiiuioin in our

1 ir dictation. Ini-, ira «lis'luini all d.¦-Ire 14 BBaxDtaJ¦ any BR.«Xaiaj Ae-

.. or t., eetrol my one in tit« eier, is., ol bit1 '.i t:.'i oj *.¦ .noon tlist Isl.or

.hi ild »¦ LyIvpaid Bbdl w«will gl.Jly aAvaaeo oaf so] .'.owork aha aovei toe eoadatioa of trade will j-ntify it; but know¬ing t'.»t ilie |>r.'«ei.i QOBsIUIeg el «line ,n.r ami tli..tiof«'iurn i is

lo mi overate* ..i »tnam «uJ niaanfbritnrafs. we are oi^j.,-e.l i,, il.e.e Ul.e o eli.od» ot iollaiioii, wl.i,;li w il! MTotd no

,n I.aMoai rrliil.''

.We do lot know that an> interference by dis-itoiORted ORltkll witli the prog reis of this strife

c:--n eliect any _«.«-«1, tot wo arc tempted to call attention to aUi lemeiital follows:

I. K\itj free l.tb.nvr is his own Joalgo as lo thepi.'ll'icieiic} or loilO0qa0fJ| of the price wbich IB]oiie moy sec tit to O-Of him for bis work, with tue

'ihril} to d.i [¡M it if he should deem it «

'ttrj't it or his duty to do so.

II. It is his further rigM to combine with anynumber of his i.-ll-.t« .workmen to refine to work at

a price which he deems inadnjuate, and loafroion n RorIr of prioi I i"-r tie ir labor or its productwLich teurn» to them raoi Maaol and just.

III. Put he has tin llgftt loi ten thousand likehim havo non».in cm *irain OoaRfl t> unite in up¬holding that scale of priecB or to refute to work torless. It may < r mat ROÍ Rf m< an-soiiled and dis¬

reputable to do w lint it majority of the craft haveagreed ii'it to do, and m who does il must submitto the odium thus incurred: but M one has a rightto lay a hand on him, or to do audit whereby hisfreedom to act upon bis OWI convictioui is infringed.IV. The right of employers is commensurate with

that of workmen, and ..¡ sacicd. A. is hisown jaéfR if» |t whether it does or does not beconiohim to make a certain kind and quality of «hoes forthree or fnur shillings per pair; but 11. has a per¬fect ri(|ht to judge whether OR can afford to pay theprice wl.nh A. may see fit to demand, and to uct on

his own conviction, rexardleis of A.'i. li" A. and11. cannot agm« as to the price aforesaid, the resultis no trade; but there is no reason that '.other shouldlutte or defame the other. And if either, because ofthis difference, is impelled to abridge the freedomor damuge the property of the ot'jer, he commitM a

boaftn f(»r »liicli he is justly Amenable to thelaws.

Ho much for the law of |*M« îàÈÏêt. N.jw i>rtbe spécial ¡ccide-ots of thi« Stiike:

I. We tbinh tne workmen etrcd in their mo!« of

beginning. TLey should have qaiot'y aiktured an

organi/atii 0, a» widely lamified a« possible, ap¬pointed a capable and reliable Committee, and in¬vited the employer» to appoint a coordinate Commit¬tee to meet them in mutu.l cm.ncil or conferece«,there to establish a just ard fair Scale of IYicee.For it i» not right ttat eiiher tinployern or journey¬men should of theuBclve« fix the price» which theone n/e to pty, the other to retseive. Lach clas«»bouni him.» a voice in the nif»ttcr, ar.d we n-trretthat either should bave reined to ignore this fact.Th« strikins jourreymt n, hnviog inflected or lg-iii n d it, we think the employer» should have recog¬nized and act» I on it.

II. Tbe journfynien, we apprehend, learn atlast that to rinl.t and »¦tumi vili will not insure tbeadvance they keek. Everyday of idleue*» will gosomeway toward exhausting the ir moderate niaans,ar.d thus toward reducing them to a state iu w,lichtbt ir only practical choice will be betwixt submis-lioD and the aimshous«. Having resolved to de¬mand higher piic«¿*, even a» the cost of an industrialwar, they should quietly proceed to send a large-portion of their number« to t'-'e (¿r«'at West.wherebeie are many Willing to give bread and fficat for»bees, though unable to pay money.and there letti.' m go to work mailing boots aiid shoes for thefaiMcrs and taking their cheap food and fuel in pay¬ment. Then let so many of them as possible findemployment on farms, go to the Lank» as fisher-mer., Ac, and thus reduce the number seekingwork as shoemakers by one half, or so near it as

mipbt be. Then we believe the residue might haveailed the advance wag»'» now nquired and ob¬tained them with little or no dimeulty. Dut it willbe found hard to raise wages so long as more men

want to make shoes in New-England than are

wanted to do so. Let us have the Homestead bill

passed, and a few hundreds of thousand» thus at¬

tracted from shot making an-1 other trades to Agri¬culture; or Jet us have such an increase of dut.eson Iron and Wares M will call a like number from

other pursuit* into mining coal, digging ore», lime¬

stone, Ac., and making iron and ware«, and it willbe found practicable to rame the wage» of shoe-

niakiifi; otherwise we doubt that it can be. Wekr.ow of no other means of raising the price of 1 »borthan by increasing aud diversifying the dumaud forit.

in« PBOXY Journal of Commerce, one of whose» sta.fl is

now personally solieúin»/ patron»';!- ,n the SouthernState» with the approval graciously accorded of th

worthy .lames P, Jlr.mbh-tnn, Kditor of The Southem Covftdtmry, at Atlanta, Georgia, putir-hedthe other day a lesacatg nnicle, which, if d»iiy ap-pieciated in that sonny latitude, will materiallyassist the tr.i'.t-h;.'' Editor in rrjiilliply ing subscrip¬to cs. This article», in H elaborate invective, at¬tack» a» a " scheme of special lej'islntiori," bywhich the officer» of the Tract Society are to be

"punished," the following Act, which in the?Senate at Albany, has passed to a third reading:Ay Act to empower tin SkwBabsYi» «sd r'c.kholders. of b*»ievr>-

let, liriti 'e, i. ni tilic and miisiot.ary cor;H>r*tionsaiid «oci»»-tie» to vuie by pn-.iy.The Prop!« o! t?.e State of New-York, repreaented in Senate

rind Anatmliiy, ersrt »a fnliuw«: 8k.< Tins i. Tb« nieiiibera .'orlif»>, and »toi kftoldei« of spy benevolent, t'h«' t» ',!.¦, »eieuliiie, '.r

ii.i.i'nii.ry oorpor«»l«n or aascciation orgauiiei; under, and byvirtue «f, tbe firovialoiia of an aet entitled " an act for tb« incur-"por»ti --ut, eliaiit*ble, «dentine, »nd uiiaslooary'sicietie. " p«.««d April twelve ei.ilin.-ti hundred and forty-eixh». mi the «rt« «tippleuientiuy tliereto Hid airleildatory tli.ot, or or.iler. and by virtue of, any tpeeial act or rlurter of t.i»

people cf this NtBte. »ball bave the rinlit fo vote by proxy %.t tiieannual mseunc« of am b aasocintions for tire election of officer«,and alto M all quest¡mot tbe ant ,ect mat »er of ivfti. b Bollbafebeei tit» n ar.d entend upon the minute« at the preiiumganriiver.arv rneetir« of tbe aaaci'lilion.

Sri". 2 The rliht to vote by prety «iven by tl.e preceding «e«v

lion »ball not leloi.4 to member« re tidlcg within ten unie« of the) l*ee of am il u.ealini, uni. .« tbtir attendance I» pie\i-nt»-d by

MS to who «a« infants, nor to in. re hi.uoriry or

orresf. udi: -. num ibera of the I'.o.porarious in tiie said lei'.tlunau t if uer to my who have becmue members ol tin b i orpora-ion nil.erwi.e tliau by Ihn pay meut of money uuder tbe C'nii-t il ut ion and Ky-Laws tbereoi and no proxy given under thia «et

..tiuue valid for more tbau oue year from tbe time wheutile cam« wa» (riven.

Sr.i. it. 1 he proxiet to be ¡rivrn under thi« Mt thai! be in writ-J by tbe per.uii mvin< ihe nur, and alto by anattest-

ng witness, and «ucli proxies anal! be pre.erveil lu tu« Sttdxtvi if the association, auhjei t to the loipeetfea Oi* the nmbers;nd a printed Mat tbertof. for convenient r»-;er nee, «hall be kepty the lelk or «er;.-»., v.

The reader w lo has understanding!/ perused theforegoing bill, mast see how utterly groundless istin- eSjktffOSf "special legislation," even withoutbeing advised it was mo.»t carefully scrutinizedand revii«ed in the Senats by tue Cminiitte» mCharitable and l'cügioiis Associations, with theview of guardifL' it from any possible abuse, andthat it was unanimously reported hy that Commif-lee without distinction of paity, a» based upon a

uound principle of générât legislation.The intent and object of the act is simply to

secure to the members st large of the various asso- Icitttions included in the first section their equalright as member* to Bhare in the governauee of theinstitution. This ri^ht, contrary to tbe Constitu-t OBI "f thene Societies, ha» fallen into the hand» ofI small minority of the members who chance to re¬

side in the place where the headquarters of th»» As-MCtesBtOtl boppSB. tob»'; and at pieeent ti-ia uiiuorityare, by this accident, enabled to control the funds,Bel !'o|;<l'ze the OtaWtS, and direct the opeiat'ons oftbe Society lor th'-ir own purposes, wi h an utter

diercgard, and. rtii'ietinas, in direct deñauce of theh'own wishes of the great body of the members"

Tl.e fundamental principal on which the act isbSeSd in the l)-'tiiocrat;c principh' that the majorityshall rule; ar.d iu furiherance ot this principle is

givcl to the iiii'Dil">Tl n kitiin* in the nira! diatriettan iiju'.il voice in u.e gOfttmVM of the Societywith those resid'na m the (.'ity of New-York.Not one word one syllable, or one letter of the

bill re lull im it a «tait iiioie apphcnbli« to the TractSt .e.y than to ai.y oiiu-r ol the bent volent, ehari-tfible, scientific, and lit« rury MM ¦.;itk ns chartertid!¦; tl e BtSeS) and the ct.nvenient clmr»;e ol speciallegislstion imds m the act no r-lntdow ol foundntion.The qtieetii n involved in the act is-as broad as the

Coiiitry itSSaf, a>id one toat men of all pattien cmund» rkevceVé. It i», SI .».'li the membei's from the

lltrsl d:»tiic!s be a'.lii»«til to »peak ar.d act lor

ll.iu:*' l\es, m niant they rtabinit, as »VOraiofoTO, tobe represented only by tie Hontcieats and iatere&irjol a (ouipuiitÜMj hand lui of members residing in

llif cily |One argument unruly urged last yepj by the

orean» t I' thr» Tract Svciety KS^avaSl the law, waathat nuinher» 'rom tî'e |*inldistrict» Wore quiteii.competent to understand the quention» that wouldbe di t» mimed i.t tîie Anuivemaiy metttings. Tothis Thi Jvnniul of CêMUtmXt now add«* another, Laii.tiuiating that foiled p/r»iie» will ba presented !¦the names of utenibert mi lunger livic+j. This latterareiiiiieiit \m< |S| afraid may a little startle the

country menibi ¦» of our religious xsiioeiiitious whoare not familiar with tbe facile siorals of "Com-

liiercial Chn.»t¡an¡ty;" but wilüng as we are that«TAI Journal, u» tbe champion of Slavery and theTract Socirty, nbould have a fair bearing, we com¬

mend both these objections to the candid consider*-tion of tbe l.egulature aud the country.The tfciiced ini'oiiri«tercy dwelt upon by TA«

Jtuinnl, between this aet »ud the A-»euibly bill to

pi event «tockboldt-r« in railroad oouipauvitt lioiu

Toritg by rjroiy ti nee aima«« of Appeirar-OA, aalno inUD'gent l^ilafef will for s mi^eet h« misled]ly it. In the case of tailroidi, every proxy repro.aentaasbaie; in tee act fer «V-T,s-©leot söffet««,every prcxy will represent a rational tsain«, it Jth. difference, between the inanimate reprreentet>»of peon ni« i y valu»:, and the l.ving piirtciple ,,f abreAthirg man, or pi. re Mofly yet betwet-i a dollaraitd a Christian T/tere it the further difcrene«h« twei n railronrJ compan;ci and religiom soeietiaathr.t the firt-t are Wpmrnmi f r seifig ^^ «j^ 1mJfor cathoiic and charitable purpiMee; that in thefirst a ibareho'der m>ty have t>o thousand vrrtes, inthe lait he ran hove but nno. To a city exponentOf OQBR-OOoák] Christianity, theoe QBOOROBMl mayrexm triflrg; but the? ctn readily be appreciatedby th« less RophiiticAted dweilen in the rural dis¬tricts, the securanco of whose right u the greatobject of the Proxy bill.

A correspondent in one of the inland towns ofConnecticut, send« os the following statement!:"The Dsmocmis are <io;ng their otaiort to <>ij»rrythis town, and the prospect Is mat thr- tb_j r-«*, a

Democratic majority. Our Prwt08ii.» boge« exeetutfed with Ci.¡on-Saving docomeuts, Everett'sspeeches, ex Gov. Seymour's shrieks for the Umoo,toe Deft nee of Cook at Ile.rper s Perry, aad many'hir-, (.1 the h id-*«. A pr.minent lawyer of trie placehas just cone to Washington to procure the needful.With which to influíree the venal. There wilt be no

stone unturned, no method untried, to be,?, buy, bor¬row, «tel und wbe«dle votes; and if all of them are

as active in all parts of the State as they are here,Connecticut may well beware.''We are happy to believe that the KVpublicass of

the State »re quit«- as active and ««flicieot M their

adversariei and a great deal uiore resjolute aad con¬

fident But they know very weil that they can

i.old the State only by the most united and

thorough efforts. Let them not relax a nerve tillthe battle is fought and won.



Speolal Uiipatuh to The N. Y. Titbooe.

¦Washington, Monday, March 12, I860.THK «ASE (»F TIIADDKIM HYATT.

A long debate took pl-tee in tbe Senate to-day ou

Mr Hyatt's scruple«. His case is regarded here as

a humbug, inasmuch as it is well und*rst«*od thathe knows nothing whatever about Harper's Ferry,or the plans of .John Brown. He offers to answer,

if the Senate will only say "he needn't, unless heha» a mind to.'' The Senate, by a vete of 44 to 10

tc-day, said he must answer without cocdi-Otis or

go to jail.If he goes to jail on the distinction, the suppoii-

riu;'. is he desires to be martyrized. He «¿nilprobably sue out a habeas corpa*. Ai was natural,some Senators were tender ftxted on the vote.The press alone can afford to be independent TheMOTOR of either branch of Congress to summon wit¬

nesses for the purpose of giving testimony with a

view to legislation, was the main point relied on bythe majority to-day. This power, it seenis difficultto deny. Mr. Doolittle »poke U> the subjert wit-

great calmness and effect. Messrs. Fessendeo andCrittenden were able on tbe same iide. Messrs.Sumner and Hale defended the witness.


The reports sent from here that (ira. oaOBOaMMaMMflaaoi the invasion of Mexico, and that war

with that Kcpublic is to be prfcipitated, ore ins;-ge-tions that find their source in an earnest desireto revive the M.'Lane treaty. They are withoutfoundation. Gen. Houston is regarded by All par¬ties here as a moderate and prudent ataieanan.His course in the Senate justifies this confidence.


The Texas mounted regiment «mm hangs fire inthe Senate.

«MUM itriTiiiHAN Ma-MMMsThe Kepublicaus of the House are pressing their

favorite measures with great vigor. The Home¬stead bill went through today by a vote of 114 to

66, and was sent to the Senate.ULI HI N li\VI>S HLACKGIABDISM.

The outrageous blackguardiiui of ObMOM Davis'»assault on Mr. Van Wyck fOOl unxeproved ia th»House. It is in contempi at:en to read to that bvdyTin: Tkihlnk'.s article on Slave Burning.

the MUOs-Bro-tD im.t.The substance of the Homestead bill is that aoy

person who is the head «>f a family ur twenty one

years or more of age may inter one (juarter-iectiooof land, subject to preemption, and at the expira¬tion of live years, if then a citizen, shaH be entitledto n patent on payment of $10. ft is a remarkablefact that every member who voted against the billrepresents Constituencies south of Mason aad Dix-ORe li'ic, except Mr. Montgomery of Pennsylvania,ar.d the only man who voted for it south of thatlite wae Mr. Craig of Missouri.THE fi'l'Kl ¡'TION-* OF THE Al MISISTRATIOX.Mr. PovPoVl Imt-st i:atiiig Committee oa ea-

ecuting usurpation, will ROl m».et for one wsvek,oa ÍB| to the absence ot i-ne of the mei_bera. Tb»»indications are that ttiis Committee will have

plenty to do when MM in operation. SecretttrkeoMoyi and TOMO* :ire a good deal disturbed, andMr. CoM is anxious about certain disclosures thatit u y be made in the direction of the lS'ew-York,CuäUim-House.

'HIE I'UINTIN«; INVKSTIGATIUW.Tbe Printing aBTOOti|Rtliig CouitHittVe of the

Senate haw had before them tlius rar the fotkiwingv. Lii-.i-. B-OMtBs Bowman and Wendell, thoBOBtti loi Ibmme Printers, whose testioitjoy pro¬duite a question of veracity botwOOB U em, ;t be ngin ill its important points directly ia cotitltet; Wm.Towers, CUlk of the Superintvudfut of Pxiating,John Heut, the Supern.tendent; Dr. Qr_o\ Clerkin ono of the departments; Collector iUker of

Philadelphia; Mr. Magaruy. paper maiakfitfturer;Mr. Rice of PhilAdelphiu, the p.inter of ptat-orlicablank«, ami former proprietor of The Ptnntylrm-«win ; Joceph BoOOTBR) editor i>f The ¿'»va.*« Jt%»us, Philadelphia; Thorots Florence, Member of

Congress from Pennsylvania? J«»hn Applets As¬sistant Secretary of State; Brow», the presentu u i ucee »il ul editor of The Constitution; SenatorBif-lir; Mr. LattM, who Is doing the w-jok for

BoMMB-i the pieeeut Print**; Mr. Ford» tbe re¬

cently elected House Prater, is eubp» ua» d beforethis Committae; aiü it ie said thai Mr. Pnfree«, one

il tl*e debated c_ndiuuUs lor House iiriut.iag, is

alstnubpt'uaed.MR. SK''s «ASK.

Tbe tint report which Speaker PenriagtoniChaiiuiaa of the OoMM*o*M M Eh*''tu»ni, Mr.C limer, has made, is against tbe Repu'.dican ma¬

jority, and in favor of keeping a Deir.oerat, Mr.Sickles, iu his seat; assuming that Mr. Williamson,th«. CA-ut «staiit, should OOt havu time to take testi-

t-Msy. The majority laa«««, made by Mr. l)a*esof Massacbusetc*, which wi'l uudouhtedly he

adopted, gtanta the c^utijatitut nxty d»t«. I'***»