new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1860-06-12 [p 8]. · 2017-12-13 · miliih'y saajhpjbm...

on ¦aaoaoBii Pmanaaai Hww B^pea, toe e tared man wby w-is »rr»>t«-l » >me d«. s ag > ohsn, Hill. »U_lil»gHg.Vîbill, wbitb hli.1 la, M i..í . «i kimtot-iyabill by Ms, Mr. J«M II. V' oar, was yoterday dierbferged II fePge-rt ' Ml «* h ÜMsdsbssdii fot .h bss|«_g, iu .* «rua«" bu .¡J by S..IO» «»»*».'.- ha.! k>*t both t<vgeth. 1% Hs » Mtied tb»' fact lo bis employer, bot «w oot bolo** toa »ras an_».td. In tho mea-» timo iht bill and be were ad-i-rtí sd, -nd ve.'.diiy I poSBOB Wbohfed 1MB fv*M cr.!! .1 age« Mr Prater aod returned them T fa<fe« w«r.' retido It-vi-v.u to JaMaM K< Hey, and K».yr t_ promptly »et _t lit« uy. » His* v Work..The« Excise OaBH-h-haaaffl foMt é»T granied one lesnas at $30. Bu«»« Mommvvt Av-A"t*Tiov PlvrfeM C««B*n'« Fi * Fibk..The fourth animal feel i val a" picnic of the StfuVn Monumi nt Ass ....tion was b in C«"irad - Elm Fark, in Ni*»--*.".»:i«h itinot,betWOt lirttidvMiy tuid Bgfefeb -venue, ytsteiday. The obje ef this ifeaetrintion is, as its name indioafes, to procni n f«ir.d »officient to enable them leeamaaaOMBBB» to ibe uieroory «>f Q.-<_1 Bunfesa. ii m early he» »bis rooruii'« armaos »vire everywhere neiir und » tht-ir way to Conrad's. The iwiiir-nl societies n_m< Liederkranz the Mosart Manr.crc-.or. the M- loonaao take f!«i Qaarlatt C5aa, tbe 'Haili- af Braokly and the Glee Out« C"u-tituti:'g the lafegar Band, pn tieirated in the pleasure*» of the <K«-*ai>iort. ot e'.k-ck atstiotsl »alme war- fired, aod a Harbor miliiH'y saajHpjBM Itiug on tho gPM-d liiey weie r ee ved retch le the KraiiticaiK-n ol t_e immense aaset blaro which hr.d toilwloi at thai Bai Tl* r*-ma>i'd».r of tbe :ifterno«>n was ry»cnpi»-d by vet ar»d in-foment- nm'c At aheofi '-'! O'clock M Oinra'd OtU'ndorf»r d< hv«r. i fefe oration, in tbe oinri Of »bi»-h be pai U':nier,»na H >«¦ tl»e feMfetoty of Gen. Aeofeei Tbo ipeeehwao t «riv»d wi b j~vai «"ithtt«va»-i. Thro~ghr,*«t ''.»> Pai every imat/ir-J.»- excretive wai resorted to. inrludit tbe active BBaS-f ion of E'gT. t'p n t>« whale *! day war a legan ooM to ihn I' a.aht-feia B At Bight lb*>e MM febrUBaal «li-play of ¿rework after which tbe pivvpie aowrht their home«. m Eighth CfeBStTS fef t::e Dlftn Static Marsh Ryn-hr» tc." feprroînted 100 censes marshal tioutt em IMfetrt-t sb tiiia ryote, most of whom ha Already e.'.t« ted up.on tiieir diiti» ?.. Tïie Surairintende Ot tie ('»it«)« l enjoined Mr. Hyndor» to keep »a»et the rame» of bis tipp* intee», so that ibepuulicci tSirm no opin Ofe *o their qnalifie.itir.ns, but t tlai-L-l e ale* that no man not duly t|u_lilv*'d for i po-itri n bt»a l-e»n sel»c«««d. These as*>i»tants a «ailoatd ;wo cents tor «-a*:b person enumerated, t eri.i» _ lull» foi teav.lii.»; SXgSSMO«, t'-i» c-'ii.- «Jdiliot fir »a«li farm foi Mt'ublisbineiit of pirodacli rivir.riry fi..y rofeunel fit't««;ii <«».¦»«., fui t , pmbjBoo two p.- i-ent tofom iheB-tennteB.I U>« eiiuineruiioti si |M.pu_iuoii, and for each name *.»; ¿ec* aKt-d r-on Nfenmed two oectf". Tir>- ..ii v of ihn HnnfenkI«n eery iagettant«a as nre-n II o leaah at t'ieii labois mu.**. itfaad the t Ubi.»! Ul«-llt. a.f tb« ratio of e»-|i»ivrilh ,..o, n.|»l»íj.> and A-quiUlle apportionnuui of the Mcai^oi- of tl UauM <-f Urpier.inUlivte, a G_u e*liil»iliou of Ü -valer »1 MOaatBOO of lbs .».inutrj, snd « tm« return Ü e Uiciial iu d »v-cial Cviud.litiU uf e.lcL ¡SUiU» and TWl tr-ry. I¡. is .ncumlxnt apon all ptMSOi.» tv __«»».. Irt uu«a prompt ansvAtr» ail ffefenieno wb»t ü iLe Ma »hnl» may bs «SSfeestned »». jm» in Them anci ¡i refn». to «i«. »». wrti T.-ncWr them labls 10 ¦ 'i of f->0. Tl «aio«>',i..iistr. »»p a».ked in Um city .ro «S ftafleWI 1 bs 'i«u:v ot rv»T ;<-»',n wlic*.. uroal pu- e o: co«3» ut t ».» u-, '.<--' - f-i llli-b;a»e, s-. » Bex' « alo» .whl'a May» "rrn.u-.i^i Pior..»i'i,. r,«eupatl. n. or tr..».f .* .* y.'i r_«a I k-v r -i »>' V ||m «f J'era..:,»! a»at 11»-- -n I Ih. namla|tb< H'»te, Tvint'rT, »¦ eoeatrrl ti«i i»d a»i Lia »¦' ». «i zti»..d..l arbael v»l>,',i, Ibe v. ,.r .,-. . f.. ,,.,. r»f »¿-'wii^e.r.'i'v» r»».-l «ad rite1 v»*U.Im..j ù. *.' a*..l »lwl-l», aUtfd, IlilMkai ,ù... '... .».av.. *.r «-. TÍ» ! "Vers »r» alno mnr«-»'uty srheclnles, for tlie ennuie tion of in ¦¦.- enned dnrlag tho eoarn in«» .f>pe I, it-.'-o nrilh Ib« ntur»', .;". '¦-.. .¦; :,*ii BW'hib oi* «'«-aiii, end lire áarfetlon and Betnreef «liseaae. For farmers and mannfueturcrs there, i cii . r etbt-dur».r, einbmcing tlie name of tbe ti«"', <u| i'nl bs rood ¦ ol gem.léetele bnrselsd, r^ Ti-attiial n««-d tie prodsct, tb« nnmber of bands « jkye.1, kind of mo :ve pt»w««r, wi^'e», hh.I liindr. olject». Tmk Pitoin < i: Ex. Hanoi ..Tb»» Ituild.'ntr Cornrai iBaefifei New-tojk Pradeos Bnehango t. n.rsu-iy a e»id«"' Ij btenaine-l to no liase in pasbin« the work SeSMnhfe d to their .h-ti.-e. TbS proper' has b*en rurcba»»d and the fin<t m^!>' thtr on. Onfifetnttlaj I »«. afW due avd sarsM naaa_ai tirrn t'f ibe «ervr-al rbins «ubmitted by the emrlyytr AsohHei t- M«*-.-r».. L»sspall F.idk»tr and H.nry Q. lia ri»«.Hi «ere e> looted lo deni'.'nandeniierinrend the w.irl Th- .IrMtari'j'» nn*l «¡veciications will t-e ready at it e-rüot po-s'be n-r,mcit th<: BMh-MOtO fn'ly nnde .tanciiig l-'e de-ire of the Commit»«?«? to be, to OOOfeflfe tie tnterprite without delay In tbe mean time, pn p-.-iaJe w -IJ b«r ¦about'ed todessuBsb tlie baildbigi pai i_as«d fesaate bane tbe pnrci is ready for the m< rl.iiiivr» by m iít»«. «heir ..ri'iir«t««H nre ¡u It in th ojiiion >.f tbo architect« tbat tbebniUliuj» will be read fvr r»r«'ii¡»í«iicy bv Ifes bret of .lannr.ry w»i, CoMM.itnarAe» Ban^OM lo Gro-.r: Wn Kt- I Q. A s c. ._::.' cf tho fricct-i of Mr. Gorge Wilkc ».BS Ix'l'l I»«! «.verniij» at Hie .biuaw HoQMt, l»".a'i a'dv to take pr»-iiiiiiiiHr-, et^j^i t«j teu'ier Mi. Wdkoe a di-i nrr on Us re urn to thfa «-.»antry. A (.uiornutoe wa «PI»tjiiiieii to make t;,. ue»vv.a<-i.-y arnuigdmoute. Mr YVlike» is expcvie.l hoiu-j by uze Nin*<_ia, vviucii vvii arrive hi Ih-r-t.,-,, «.ii Th.irs*tr»v .,, I', .l.,^ ? bliM.K Ont I) » »» .To-lay, w«- er» hUbrBted Btra»» l».ri--s »ill keeoehanp ib-»t all pasr-.n« «-a-i af fate to »eg to the luxury, Ti'»' ir. .- »mm weather of uiej.ast week or two has {roduced a 1 '-uraii' ci'-p, the *:alk of wh < l i DOWfeboW rt~dy f..r rrwk.;'.-Stiiou« aûmpLiiat ia BM the police allow a boose of ill-.-r-c to remain adjoin- ihg U't- pnbHe ooboel at rife mcm «-i North M.»u and Vaftkk Mteem Ais on ol the largest echo .Is in theci'v ..TheCityInopeeterIs atvit lo pregares « Weekly Report, stating tbe eaniber of ««.rr.riiu'r -. ef r.ui-ui ¦:».s tnl»i«d at lof ofl.oe< th* numb-r of BBfesnasss abalad sad lbs BHsbsa oi r~nr-lBf-*s f.»und _B*/0 o***«'! BSais wirlioiil riiiiM, TiienjA.n Of'tM nko eontahi a i-aeawni of the ojeemity ef dlosaaool meats cr.riscated by tl;.' Jcp-cvr-; th» n«;:rber of sir»et». CeatifO; :tie uum*.»er oí cart-kno- oi nigh: »>ii, ofikl, Ac. .-»-in red. t-"getle r witii the n'imber ol d*_d b rara ard cut h c ..vty-d to tbe 0_hl ieei- InlorwnttMi bee besst reeaisod lb« i s pool« «>4j«- for h sitigl»* baies 11 a .ci from all pia-i.« of QemMU «..«¦S4..«i_,j,,» ü irgstsaatsta« wlB e»i»d E>«s»tit«... .Ti.e rL.i, Bami t.ol ' J'i!.aiie barUVu, n«jw lying at ihe f.>c of I -^;r«^¦l, N'. K., i .«a» I-»-en e arr.-r.-i i., , tared àffittfe Key We-l to IJ a-Jul Ml tt nu_ _,H K,o«-rU_lied. cl«r*.«r inakti; tb» u,¡:d eugag*n.eur « sen » ferrad to-Tb Troy rWg. t _n_MBfe_fell tuât John Moi-riaa^y t».e |..irilirt. ia t». ga irai-vvdia'.^ly InfeB -r. I ini'ic tbo " Abirev, w. i. | W.A loighdog Bbeefet in ABgaoi He has loB Baw>Vesk, and i <îeternii!.ati"ri M vat)..tii-b i.e,e i beital««aftbs BTorll notwi_ii>t_:i' be iMotri-aaey. in t-re-ivent-d with t-t/ueiitiipiioii.. It is »cJii'd that u _cw dailv religions jatpor wiil i**« imued al-oul ||h llret of jA 0^". Ih« ediioriiJ ooiu.i*ol «i t¡., | ., Henry Ward kfeJBehor. Tue effl««« «..k- ... in the Maoaaai li.lcii.'.i', n-hieb was form-iiy oc cupied by fvt'inger A Townaeud. trOokeellers_ Th« poAt-irevru Li i J.amii.i.'iot' < ! tho SWBM sb UTzcetj of je >*>:i. nor the MMBnoo ef aero lhaa tbe orein-'iry BOfegiftiooi af naJr. Tiie liinip' Bggoand t<i b hsat-Bo^ata-gBStt-d » mdition, and were oi'a ligbl «uarfcl Nkr. Th- <-j<__c_ ..! thc-t; wh'. xadc tie auiuiuli'U is that the bird» died frew eoiwe liug di*- i-os' prebibly pneuiii'iniu. A iitrrerpondfnt says that, ¦«he WO« on ll C< "'nil Park n Sunday, M Md A I man «brow the »tnn.p of hi« rigur to one of the winm, wlifh innn. dia . Ij »WAaavWtd il. i'l i. 'iH'X- pn-r-.s the ojiaioii that ii. will feu atinóle if any tt the OMOM live 1.,1'g . Ye-Uiriiiy Üst diet, of Mb l!ii'i::bus v\:i» celebrated in many of the Kpi»c<»p»»I Choi ehr«. At T.iiiity uidS:. «Ma »tho chilclrcii uf the pari«1' ;:i;dSuti,-»ny mm» 'RfaM «d, lad tr< BB d to pi. tty prcsa'iit-. PREPARATIONS TO RECEIVE THE JA PASE SE. The «fatV-MKMO of the Common Council, M tvkoM ii iMraoted tlie ex|HMiditure of ihe $^K),000 uppr«»p--i»»»/e«l for the IBBBBtln and euLeiUiiiiHiont of tie' «Japanese Luibaesy, have not as yet. made know n i_o pioptunmo i ! tin irarrargenicn;«. They are unck istoxl, however, it>b*t-ueriretieiill) at woik, and UM inuiu fucts OOM« TMita'd with tin ir plan of reception have transpired. The Jupa» > sc will probably arrive from PuiuMielphi.i b] lie C-inJin un«l Auihoy liuilroud, M 1'inlay next, at uhoul 9 ir'chiOh p. in. Afivi' landing' til die I,.uU-ry, l! « BothOaOJ, in OBM biironclr»«!, aceitatBaaiod by the Natal Office»»,, s.ooatMleo, and [ooerpvoMn, will i«» ticortcd in pn-ctpsicn up Broadway to Grand stre t, through Grand u> the Lfowery, np tho Bowery ami Fuit!, avenue to Union IfMMB, and, liualiy, dow.i Breadura* to tho UctpoKtaa II«. »t-» 1. The while of ÜM Firm Diviaiou of tie Stalo Miblia Bridpodrttde; the Kiyhth Ketr'tuKut tutini* a spécial .¦.wrt a- d guard sd honor. Gov. M>rgau hat crrtierel lie Stall i«> ulix-nd L:ui,';nd wili apilar in BBfBM on this oooaaka m Co_ii_andi r«la»Chiof of the iroofo of tho ivate. It iscvpci'tid that, by tho route adopted, the Km- btCOJ w 11 .o \i tbeil vjuai ;ei- at the hv.el during lie' «altor part of tho ollonw n. luiviug euuug'u doto loA T.. foi.* OBBBM !«. «fa W, kt lh"ii leisuiv, the Uiul. ¡indi¬ ne u.» l'-ngW- of the precession which ba.i OOOOCtadtbOtB. Haviiig arrived, they will pufs within iho II,tal by «he bread froHR mtranco. This is to be t-tfeaivtly d'tviaU-d wilh the Japanese aud Aum-.-i it ,_i IrrBi Moving np tlio giand staiKaee, which will be tape«- trie-d and overhung with baunere, OMMOBBbI vvnb ¦yitln and evergreens, they will l>t conduela:'! to t-ie balcony above the entrance, which commafids a view of Bioadway from Groe«-' Church to Trinity. Over¬ head, ihe Jnpmiee" and American BOgS, mad the c'Ul- of-«riiis «death ii'tiion will bo BaplByodyiMd tho word AVi 1COMB will la formed by |0M of ¿a*, reechitii; fiMni <-i:d to end of the balcony. fit. d here, t.he bBoBTS uf tho Liuliis.«y am expected to n vie«v tho civic a:i«i noli nry proic-sion as it oootinttea to pun doWB Bioadway. Ti.i» BirBRgOOBOM vmII OOMMo tiw-'n t" «Ait»<»s the »i'V.-l spiit.-,«!», w'.thou» flfir of intii»e¡..ii and to res» M tle-ir eatt from tlie Img and eA« iti: g ji.uii-cy of the day. !.at»r in the evening ¡he- entire bunding will I»« befl» lim tly ¡ilumi'Uited iu bOBOf of it» guest«, and they will be serenaded by Dttdwottfa« Band, enkrr*>d to tho full oouiplemcnt of 10») piece«. The first floor of the hotel, when tho BBBBtofiBO Messt«. Iaelund are ooOBjaaBBBj will 1»« imposing in the thstt ful ohojMBM of i"» BBBfllRGMOaMi Mr. William T., Archi'ec», OBOhOROJ «MgOfOd M MMtffBBOMOlth»i dec«ira:ive work and everyftiini' loBwHlll fOOMJ «W« ward under I is direction. Facing the bead of üieetair- cfi»e rnr-i t¡. t.. d,aret4so Uftveiw broas« ligar*«, beariug ita»0~a,aad r.-ning upon cannoaa of bronze Statues of the BOOM material will also be phiced on tile extrem- itie* of t»e baly nv, and here a_d there through th« ttaia hall. To ici !. :',. boJeOOrJi JOB BTOOt '. rocm.Hie central parlor ol tliis boor. TflBiotOBO Oppropr'ialed to Üi*' public unce of Me»srs. I)up<itil., I'irtir. arid the other rsval ofkotu irlrlBirihlBB MM Liiit'-d Im QotenotOÓtCoMS-Btén Lu« odittcent res m 10 »he north is t .. be their diuiiit'-'atill; that o Iho south ie for the ose of the Committeo of inn New-York Com nu «li Council. North of all is a pagan for the sw» iituii of the firwt-tuiTucd g<Ml- n. - I Acroa« the ball fr. m parlas*, and with window« onahtgn the larj-crt a»d most boaaBuW of Ni "»low turo p»Tdeij-. the (ltntng-roc.m 0Xp»O««l« prep«"-1 bo I ti$ ifattnO hip1' ofiir-r- OjlttMbtuI lo the _¡M«»M«y, 9 riiorgh firr»'irr'rn»td at a heavy cost, nor hing onld »s» ni:,le 8'lleic und salirfnctci-y than is dec iratijue. Tl e 'ooin is pwhBfO tbifty by «.iit'-eu fee» in el.e. It ia fieeeood, «Id d.iifatenenfrrii tbaow« of plah Bud I blue, in irniiatiot» of |MUMd*t«t*k, «BOh of «BOao |»ariels een'aiiiing a beautifully diao.ii and OdlorodJoMsMM figure, fro» Oesiirus fou:.i in Commodore lvrrv s »olume. Here are hung ba-nerol« displuTJllg the American and .Is.piuie-s- cottie-oi-ariu-i in the name «.«cnti'heon. Ou the aaOBBg Rhön UiC- planted ÜM thtWO suns, which rm tl»e i:isir'nia of the jRBBBeM Kmper'jr, anJ iba emblems and devices ai variou» J,ipane«e Priaei« pairada«. Frt.r., the arbadowo of tfalg d^aty roam, a-» has bi«:n sai«l, Kiblo'« Garden vi»ii,le. Tue founutin directly U-Ltuth, the «.içeu bra.,' bee of tPOOO reach totheveiy windovvs. hi ihe evening the whole «vry-a will be gayly IBi.: bU i, oad.» baad am ...ak. nj.»i. en the Imi.ony acnH« the Court. The fifty-two atu ndant« upon the prince and officers Iofth«'Emlste-y will eat their ii-nils in u nuMOBtho boOCOOBM loo«, wh.cb opens diroi'Jy into tho gBrOuBMij and is as plc-ituaul and reliit-ci lie poe.-alle. The Euibue- ?adors themselves, wi'h t':e OotttBt arid l'reH"iirer, Will have then meule m-i red in Um Ir OB i «.«aiiiii' ate, in lU'Ci.rdsfll'e wjth t'e bOOMItTBMo pr'n HCV die t.. .e- rTri of their ranL. lu the matter of food, the BaasCB. L bad .¦.';! taho '; in ^.-r tífj th» panaud «»rnp'e «ppi tit« g «f tbe t «li-ti'ig'iirbe.1 jjne.i«, «hbottab they oapitn a l-yli'.-f that ttiey will BM lad it dtfli all .i, t,.< bedoro thon oooae taoahM of Ain»rir-aTi «oo'-tiüe» o.' rooBb !;¦ 's on tl.ii, p«...i'. Attsmgother thing«irblaintdfoi iheii :,.;.¡«« un m ikl« of gnafato Japaaon loa, ht^ion J fiou. th. ¡, -¦-».i «oiiniiv. and olsoof U « pooBÜM EoMlndiarieo, »I cb they ;ii» futid. Tu» iriMUi hull on t',e fn«il loor, ni.le!, fa) '¡Oí f-et l,i |, e\t« nuit y. ro'igh lb»- entire h ruth of the hOOOl. wili be aj'ptop'iilely ad-rned with flir»», and emMom« Of fBrioBO kinds. Ab¡ai;i4 tho d ar !' tuchroimdi vot'd to tboJapBBrn is re bo ooaaaadad o oboorb*«!. éu,'..!a..«.úi i witli tho BROM o:' M 0 d thuiUMOrl in , Bad bsariog aiordo of .ve'eome in the naüve luagBBBOof Iho gas «ta. Ptetare» of Japaaon oeeoanrj wll aha f"' StWStOfid here and then, :»'id every eff'irt n ado m sigiiify t-i t-.t «tnafon that thejaro ooaoog ihr--» who í.j prodOBO bow ponOBBl arc the MOOBtWia« id borne lo stjoiiii.eis in h for» iyn land. Axfertd'r«» ib»» «?tire»«-" leniiug to the «eitwtd loot a richly ttafak d wii.dow MBMO itte eye. This na newly put in. and addi 17. u»Jy to dw «jflbM of tie wli'l.' ainniLrcnic-nt. It. «livid» d fato tb.-eat*arthcd por i nr; thi tire oahdivided at-'ain, >..-. «.bat places a-r oeuigaed to nine distinct «ocanotaooM. Tholottoroon Mia viiAsof tho <i;y f Ni-A-Yoik, t¡.. Çfaj lln}\, Iho Cofkol at W'iM<biTi;,l.<.r., the KtkddRof the City, tbO Stale ai.'i the Nation, loeily, «daOgOsiaJ typn Of tho Agrlcakanl, Um rluuiicatl, RadlhaDoBnéteAiaari. ¦. »«,». Tbei-e in ivanoii to believe tha' OIVfOMOtl will not I their t«iuy in'Ji:° city re the rude arid lst»urisb fiuafliarity wbiib haaatrwu ihaa one«; beta 000« f- t;. <1 Uja,i, tin t._. :!.«: iri'jtiiritivi ie ¦ t :i.. p. ; -:l_... ¡U ihe plm . s Vi lib h tleylieve tiuiMd bill.'Ito. At beat tbe Mf.-.-n. lA-lan<l ar«' ioMfMlBRd tha' the jirivii« y ff thtir domratir nrcmrrMliitifins -h.i!l he .<ouji ti.ii.'g more tnau a iiam«t. AOOBM the main hail on floor rail Rfl RM M '- p!.tcc.l bojaad WwS I,» pu-s aitbool olli, |», ins- :\n b - l~e:i tali ¦. l*J OU OB «fail lb»n «los| ridoraei mdiog 300 feet oa Broadway aad lid le»-i oil j'iinte i'.i.-»t a.« aauigni dfor tin <-li« «laptiiioee. Tl.c : :!. west corner of t».< boooL Tn» 'Dice.s will -. 'tpy |ho eutir« Ir.n'. B bbB em- oraur a, n.iaLy s;.k:id,i! apart mi ms-all of ihcin in bod B iih PRBR»«WMM and otlitr IttaV uri«.ui rpp'irtfi ah. v., mi nonsoutnt with i Jatpauc-o r-çde f 'if-. Trie Bfty t».o BB-OedaaU «111 -ocnpy llvi rhaj-htr* facing on Prince atre«t The Oi ital hav* l ten craiiij ed and BBBBeSOd into u coinli'i ni of hO v ü (!»rn»nt by tí-- tasaflcbt.t accommodations allorXod if.« m in i-tl »i A SB»ri aa hies, tha M trojoiititi noi.l they will bavaaBthe r»om tht-v «in d-eire; each one cau '*) is »»e-r!'id»-d a" if dwelling in hi», o«.n hoBBO| ar.d unl»*s they arc w nric't day after <*ay w i'h f n-ed espodittaaa B»B*J c r-pin«-> ot se on M'.nbnt'm Istaad, under »be ajBOrBB. ugi ..f ihe CilJ Fall »-'s, .Ley mat lu-cin. ao utm b.-d la) t! ¦ alaoaaM > oobie -,. cf tin ir new (pui-ta-ts a*, to 1 lie fomo of the cap. r cie-ir. they huv. hirn. r.o evinced for a speedy retnru to i!.» ir own country. It. only remiin» to sp«-nk of lb» Grand Beeepdoe, abieh i* te tahe bbmb aaeaaaaa*aai*ajef bbbi ifseeh, n.,.1«r the direaúaa of i».o (taa-adateo. «Un will*_)- brae all ibo displays and deli-hu, ha tbs i.»riu» of d_::ring, illumination, (iccoration, i_i'ji-ui;g, und ...i si., .ti ¡. h the Mi ."(..lit.'!. Hotel, ' hsaaBBBrV r<s.ii,s und t.';.Il-'i.e udjBicnt, can f.irniah for the ooa- si. n. Broad corrido. eoiumuuioti-» with tba greitl MtaOBSj fioin the flixus which will be oc'.pi.;.! bj the tub-My. I' -Bolsas to al'ampt M Jta-ciib. Uk- fruits, loecsa, »r»-.-, MaatSBBB, sweet Msaai and odors which will dstaeMM tba JaBsBBsaagaaaaj, and (l e IBB IBaaaBsd others to whom iuvitut.ous arc to be lltcsdad. ii.i theater is to he feared, BBeeptad, and i ml llishtd Tlieie is tu bt i*n. ¡ig .herein; ¡here is Li be d*aafag ta the apear eooa lerooai; deaetng ta eh»» up|-i ...i in ¦;-.. "»;», dancing ia the low-i diiiiag- roi.ui; darning t-v.-ry wher"1. Tl. i- is o, be pp.meiiadiug in tbe halls and ie the .-"frel'i.-; aioui d the) C'0'.».ii louütaiu i:i the grvsit I_i. :,; araatd tba foaatsta of bob >'» otlogotlatha 1 all above. Tbeie is to be a splendi-1 supper iu Nil»! >'« galooB. There arc to be crinoline, suit», diamonds, fono, riiiib-, flirt-ations, eraabee, shrieks, aed l-iighter, .'i s.» phi iful un M iiuiLc future "leeeettoae" steig' I.ifi.aiit f..r BM-fl n MBI M 00000, Than " .t I Ml world aid Ms wife'' nre to !>c there. The PSad-BBS ¡> ii-.iiea; the Cu'. .net is iiviied; ihe officer» >i the AiUy Bad Nu y aie invited; ihe S'aie luilili- offi¬ ce!.", tba Mayoi» of aO Isabea and OhaadtaiI ..iti.p; the Governor of the British EaBotaSBS. all bha great men, iBCBBBBg, iu 'heir loftiest ñu««-, th« BtasBbBM "f tiie Couim-»n Couii- cil of the City of New-York, will be th'-rc, if :h'-y all respond to the invitation« Ar.d wbi!. Ma great l_doi_e, and the lad« laeJoiBU. asa ihm a tag Bp Ihsir brota, end nil b gastar, asaad, setae, ch.mor :;nd r.rioei'y, the iMMly and pi,r in».-pru !y- robed Ibreigaara, in who*«- boaurtha wonderful raaap» itaa is y'.', n, an- to si BpOfl U leg* Ml >ptad duis, high ihove and separate from tl" l ill I".pi»- »ce'ie. ihera M autrsla ov.r "new manners, unknown men," and to weadsB WBBBBU tfiy a>« real live Princes, BMhBBBBSari t" lbs antipoles of '.h«ir aWB Japan, bj whether they BMdi»s»-iag ta tha gardées ,f Veddo.«goBOBsaattaagerMob ever pel ware de¬ picted on rie» by the peadl "f the nimble«', and wfldeet-BaeW aifi-t ofthat Flowery I_and. PUBLIC MEETINGS. BOABD OF tLDEBMElf. Th, Boara\aftei a weeh'a vaaattae,haU. regular mt einig ytsv-rday afternoon, tho i'resiib-tit iu me chuir. Mi. BTABB moved Mel ComatttOO of one It; ap¬ pointed ;o confer with .»!:»(.'... ;al Suj» .in-» ¡.do .; of Pcli'-e us to the nec.Prity ol BMans being employed fur ihe leaiiiteiiuniv of belter esdaf in the; lub'iy. Adopted, and Mr. i^uirr wm appointed rocb Coeuutteo riy rho C: iilr. The CoomiütM bold « coeBB-ee with the go* piriiiUndenl. who v»,ts hiaseoll iu the lobby,and n.- tarning, reported thu: the party n_ah_g th. dkBarfa .ti.. . had i»*-'n Bmeted by lbs oedse of that O-B.-iel» C«.'..ii idtiilly lilt- ill'* Sii|«-iili'e.nîi-ii! 1 ó the 11 amber, and t o more ei*turtan*a waaexp»»rh eeed. An itn-'.-n».» DBrnK r of res lutieitM, ».!b.ivi(i>» al' soris oi IradraBBBB 1" rilata .»-igns, uwiiiug» and oiiii r s- reel obwrneti'iiis in fnu t ot their sior », wi.> i:.IS i' «a ñ h.iion. M..t«.l Mat itatf bo read «ml adoptee. Mr. Coiurau mov.-d to aasaad by tat tag the whole btitch over until it should lie determine i «vha» cnr«.» ISe Otber I'tard won'd Uik» in r.-1-i'i >n M similtT résolu i'»ns. The aruendnient peevaded. A con muni.-ntion w;;»> receiv. d from the Mayor, do dining to i.fljx hin signature U th»' r«sol uio,i oui.-riiv t!".- sues» (".!.".'.«". ).¦-1.. lay oaf nui otborwba b_k ¦raveMoesJ Harria BBasia. His raaasM ire; In. rim'tl<» work i». U> b,. d .ne wiih'in'c'Otrj-1. This he ensilléis bar..nioi.» ni'd iii»-__J wh-r»: an expemii- tuit- ol ;-'.U,(il)0 is involved; wL '1 in. peoedsM ate dy ander VI year«' i-, .. . Htepb, u V tnind wbicL do-« not expire till lVX. and whi.h *o»o- pels In m to keep tiie sqtmre iu good order for lie; pnh- lie tire am < nj"_i nient. A con inui nation was received from the ¡'resident of ihe Board tt Commissioner« of the Central Purs, urging immediate nttenion to the BBC request ol BBS C»»n'rK'i. i"! ;he íte.úK- of lie reuiaiiii.iti poriiou of ihe Cenind Parh Improvement Fund lloea inismn.-h ar the iioard will BMJBN lor the operation» of ihe cii'Tir.t yc_r t!c lum'..! ^"^i.tJiJU. Be&BRed to Coiu- _dtt( B OB Finance. TJ » < ';:y I' sp. ctor sent in ucomicunicatiin. BO oia-it- irg Willii.'ni Hi lamiiler to he, and perfora th. .!,:.-- ot. IK.iiiii Wardaafo» n.« I..Bhiii Want, iu plo«.c el waller M. .'. e. good, ihe appoint meut wa- ((iiifiiinid. Mr. Bosssti paasaaMd a wsotattaii dtaaattag (he City laapeeUV 10 report U Iba Hoard h> whose »uthoi- it] «öd m..I« r wbots direction lb* cbaoing of I!. ad* way aad o-h. i loadingilioioiishfinn h.A 6a a Bather« bae. aad tbata Bfpeetal CsamMae bi apaoaBSd to m- v.-."i....e ti.e bsbw, whh power to »end tor per«.«as sod Referred lo Comnrblte "n Mr. Bcsssu also otnrid a reoolatioa «iHtiirrinng m:lk vender» ::i Ü:i° ;ty tc kt-.-p ttadr ::::lk dspouopeo und lepprj n ilk to ttasr oBstoeier« on Oanuie wi'h '.In- sjui," fiicd'iiii -s on oi». r drtys of tha vv.tek. Aoopt.d. A(1jonrii'.1 :.»,! f nnr-ii.v.' BOABD «»i- t tii.M u.Mi v. TTicîï.:,'d m. tiii ibe Committee room indi*h .. »..¦!!.. of tí:».-Hull. Me.»' i iraiiJem. ,x-..upied the chair. IheB>aHresolved loeapoinl eaaUitmoelelerhM be dta%t»ai«d general etara, al .; The resolution to appropriate |l,00d ! metera-ta IbeRyeand Kertaflraary, trasevwronwd hi mid »he r- <-r ot the Finance I flivorol ooedttag ¡f.: IKHI to the Children s Aid Socn tv, w.v adeelad, 'i 1. 1 ¡"m.!,«jilt-ini,<l to nave wiui B*dgiiu> ;¦-». -BS-ttl C»ad. .tur, fiom Breesway to City Hall l_» Whitehall stteH from Rr<.ad\vay to «if it.. s'rct^ Fighih s:i'-e: from Biuadaay toriixtb avena« Tnirtv-eúrhth ?*_'(t btlvvteu Fuurtb uud Eighth BveaaB» EkvBBtb s't.e» siwet-n Breada ly andUnireí The Beard else enacarrad Mdüaei ihegti ¦>¦' ''.ur- rri-A-ioticr U ad VOTftas fora new truck tor anil Lad r| Co., iNu. 6, and an aaendmeol w is adopasd i<» a't.i.ii io ihe Uuik one ol Mieklo Carheil'l rue ¥.f Bpl S A report was received free* l!n (' a-BBBM on U »lie«. I'irrs and Mi|s«. in KtVOT of BBtbertatag ihe Cwaigubm U,aeulewilbII* ery Ctmhliu, i.ieemtlratair lirii.» Beller] ssdarassaeBt, and o direei lbe8ti*Mt Comn isgjonar m aavcnbi r i ¦-. wait to eoturAnu Ihe Bofladel ed werk, exeepiittg i,<u>" f--* in lettg«n .. th.- S..U11-easteity part there..! ; turth.-r. lhat the Sure.i luleadaad Kew«xâah Port» Cnaipaiiy aiaaiboriaH lo reta balhbeed fron t'i.iter wall of the .! Han. ry t«i lie ea treme Use of the t i.> rap e. nil ».f the Batter) enlnrgen ft:* at a dJeUlKi of -(Xi R t we-t. -I ,- to Vaiidtililt s l'i.-i. as a pieUBltaa for the eart-U lili¬ lí, g al ti,at eud of lie» OnlsigSMiaill. lud tai, iu 00O> sitl.rmioii thereof, Ibeyhavi ib* right to u~e ihe ap aa betweea the bbssb ardVaoderbQl b ftoi for the a moih.tion of their f.rrv bouts. Mr. l'i«. km . op|io»etdth» clatme allowing the Ferry ...y to li.iV'j '.W t :, u ¡t tïcu'd uecoaimod ite Oeotge l^tw, who saiti.'!,-l tin C irtKirution try the »ery eoBSrad which bad aot beeaeofliMied wi'h. Tue only ion-, rat ion that fie WBO U IBM* foe MM privi- legs Was to L_ild a bulhbeiid. It wan a rtds-tery sud lin ..ut g.». Mi.(.""ge Law was Mr. Conk in, and Mr, OeMBB Law wa» ihe Sinn n I-!aud Ferry Cutn- III,..,. never w:,» e l-r._v tin r- .»ml M (Mr, imkneyi iii.i»tted litat. if any ferry rigM was t»> Im Îirenisd, i beadvostiteda otatagtotaw» lie Lheiu- ol. movtd lo lay the it tot ¦< OVeP. 1 h. tr.'.tii.n w:,H h»s', i iid Mr. PlOl Beit Un n ni » ed subjed '.. indefinitetly p tpoood, wbieh, ea di» i»k n. v\"ri by 6 Teas to 15 Naya, 1 !n .in» eii'ii recarrtag on t-l»» aSoptii n of the r. and n i-olu'iKii, vvji carTit.1 by It .tus , .\_y«, _* hi;, as: A LKI It W',.IT I'-M..t. Hr.e-! HI. -, i; , II,.:, h - ¡i ello, M> i ni..w... lia ttlmiauii V m '.. KPUA'liVP/.Mesai Joaaa, »I..,to, Pi!.. To»i_-i.d, ri'"»n... ',..¦. Da ». 1 IheBcaid tien'iin:.-i to i- «day, Jnno 19. K'M.s COUKTT BOCKT MOÜBTAIM CLUE A v. ry ph asail U-BS 'via bad b_B i»._i the oca- i-eiti oi iheaMledUttberMg <S ib»- Uve R«-pui.ia-tu* oi Biookl.n Wider th-j above BB_B»,M the heAoft-H flub, .n the eoracr of Oi-angs ,iud Fuhon «tre-î'^. The KxecTtiiv»' «-runTiiiie.« pre-»nlr-d a bri-f repnrt on ibi eni Jons of iln onnteeignef MM and i>-n .«» lb« b»giiiiiing cf ife j.rce»-!,' rampeign wbb-b wts wdoll.d. .¡Ii«'l W'ieb tl- l-'C-id' -t.t Mr. <'oiii-.t-.< k In- In due» a tie -nl-ic 1 .f u Wid . A w:»k.« Clnb, -v!n b it I in bet o proper, d tb uld .>*. % afem an. 'I he idea was l' nseivoil, and lili» fi..; nanu a < t gallant voung braves were *-i,U. B down 'iy the Beeretary. The uniform of the Itrooklyu Wid»- A-rahes is to be »be Mme us »bat of th«- Rall-«phf.«'rH of New-York, the only difference bv-ing tiiat the en pens«! t"e llnsjkiyu uuiloruz is 00 «*«u«ls fetuM u-ui Ife« other. . Mr. Wh. IE Hi hi i lea nas iotrodnosd aud warmly meted. He informed lbs ('lib that Mr. ÍJrrol»>y,who bud bien expo'ed. ¡is P|."i»»er of tint «¡venintr, "would not I-- b. re. The < lub maO *.rry, and r.e **., yel la» dul not know about the inner, as lb«: Club rnii'lit agree with bim wh» n 1 . s'af» >t »bur bud been *pn »iiife d hir ifebstitufe . [E_3gbtc-.] Th« pfeOBSB of N'-v.-Hr.fia- w i' k bud >-en ni'.v-.d by a very g »od «pieit m « t M < latificuiioii infeiin»»; it very «-tror.^ Ofetagntson bivd i-keu Mr. On. i-y i-y Bfeda fcfno go and tfooh ibatv) be bed wife the .a that cafe»«, ana fes vv_* u bigger i».»..i ihm Boreee Oréele« bbnaelf [Lnagbter.] He. Mr. Hur'eigbi. would s*«i ve nu »n apology, not u sub-nitre. II«; nogrtchtted fun probably MMse-ly as any indf Vidual 111 Ihe asfcc-ibly W llo««- whiskers and he»»4 were a», wli <. es bis¡ be bed one onm.f kjebeartfora )....*d joke, urd s twinkl«« in hi- »y*< when h-* heird i*. thi uiifi it were at bia own expt-nre. AgfdogBO. | lie trtaabers all snTiono thai we nb..uld bave a mera . htrgrd Mid sharp appre*'oti of Obi boaas WbkhBTO involved n thai .'.«¦ [ih*ere| bscenss apea Ifeo rigl.t rolntion cf printiyks dependothe iTtviucr- if v. the true glory, the onwara and up-vard or»*gr< of ihia nation, lie was not one of rioM who heJkved ll.tit lh.' e> Oeffbeeol »f re »nblk »n iunUl'itioii-i ffet been totrsomtratcd. Our Kepii'dic rnnal be built ou Iba&dationa. so as to bnag ths Basat-tfed, dats- tbntc and opaaooMt! of all netieaaiitfcs together -he the »«i.-Ju.g Bhadow of ugit-itt ro»k ma we-aiy Un.1. [Arnbunn!] Tl.' ¡-»n»' wRa Fre.' Lfeher on the ono band ntid Rhstn Labor *>n tlie other: Fre* Lahea atoadobbthe rc| re«< ntfethre f virtue and artsHg«aee, Sien« lieV.r til ignoran««', and burinuiaui.inevitably so.for _M ro>¿r7 1% Nil -'.'.- II ..'./. .-.:.!. :. b. i- !.. v..i, V.H« ¦ very good ciitbority "ti nil etbi al niul th.-iV,«;. cul queutions fUnphirrl, dared that, the irrepressible «Onfirt sentiment* of fiewurd w«r»: bl-ody and bruU-J. II mcui.J le l»iui ou«, of i!i>: ut-i, obviulis .»»ea.o Unit 1 ,:.'i ever !.. . D. »». 1- red, ..nd it was «thsrod long before ¦ ytl.e editor of I'1--' Rtekmonâ Eoquirer(who al¬ tered it two rears befors fetrarlty, or Inward aitaaolf repenti d it. It was ( hriot'o doctrato of rigafesotuoMB« col.flirting v\ ith evil. Mr. Dortsigb continued for some time in bin n'miir.s. riAhliifj jv,i|.t-.fjly r>nd huniorouglv hin view« and l.-i..'!;.,. of lb question beingenu-»entli appraciated by risa aadianee. lie afcasd uy r.-_.i_ig a ivu»__g »uftj, begiasaiagi hi I .. a! lu.:.riaa» ..:- u... .r,.'.;.. moat bsslsn M. k I-,. boy«. atea»iy! «o on ». one ! KaU Info th» r«D«»- asssfe I'.rwa.'d io ord'-r. i bran.BsMssarbsttlerry, " i.i.-.-~iu and Mb-r».--. ¦ -, t :t ¦.. || |. Pr-al it out Peal It out' loud«« the tl.uuder-.lic».,t: t>od fjr lh.- rkliteou« «-«a.-».Rally, boy», rally «".ne or I'.VO Other sj-eukerti foilowe-, aud liie m»*--l_lg broke up m tlie bort or spiiit».. BROOKLYN ITEMS. m (i'.i'.MA.sKr.'ni. .it..1-4 fjerriuitriof VViUiamrbur-ih _ed-boeaJyanbdted Myitk aseaao i'ark, E. K, ¡n Lir/..' riiiinboiH yi etcruay. Bsveiel fine ba."..zr. were in t-r-r '.l'inn-v. Tho u ua) Oat-MB geaMI and tgeitl Stess in full j.l*»y, and altogatbar ths fcsiivs .»'«.n«» p.-t*- »* ni. J a / a; and unliveiiiug nog«) '. DaorsaaTi Finar*.Abeal 7 ü'cjwk, on laad_| etsai-g,nd«oftiaM l^i otenrred ai Kyi iaaanaaao Iarl» betweenngar-yofrongho îrnbBt-oihiya uuU NeWaYnrh. AfeOSSl UK» wen» en^ai»ed in the rr.< !...». wiei.ciii.i;» r.i.-k.t- f.o'ii ike fsnes and a«shg taeoi rigbl -.t.d left, r.r.til .«.v. nl narsens «t es dangnraasly, il not la ally i-jurc-l. Oilit«.r BaySSOad of lh« .««i-tii Hrtcinct, b''urii>ir of riie row, repannd nu-nedia ely to ths «pot, ru: M Bl I .-.¦:'.. ::::'.:! *.::-j MBbaBBBtl ""^ix Isarli'gtb«groenri. Hi n"r lia Mee, mho ne*eeB*> iv.iu, out; of l »o wouiiel OuOBpaasOM oa «» d«^r Bo I ad orMsntly been much hner. T'-ey reft;«. r\, l.owrver. to giv.: Ury¡-m..t..:ii ¡n tngsld *0 the nflray, but used tl.«i BtMOSl db.ieti h III gSHlfeg «MOM !,.. ,ver i<> Ne w-Vtiri«. Tba td_» . v> a- Saabt» tr. g.<. the »brille*!, inf. mi.i'.ioii f om tho pr.-irrieton« of the Park, or |bo«a wio bad In:« n cnga/ecl in tho tig*it. Ihe ubUie ot lie man su btdly in¡ir«td wu-t iuj*-- riucntly BOOM BBMÍ »o lie VVhiuiic. lie h»'es at the Walbboni. TaaOnaanJi bi .Thi Liqob Law..Tho Coartof Oyrraad T». mil m raaepi ned j < .-Ja-, befbrt Jo Igs (trreglsm. and Jnstbes *-l'-'! aed ttfyber, whoa w lag gentlemen «rae«; ssesotâsd na fio Orand J.oy i t;i>- pi-ret.r arm i G«j»iri!e \V. K e,], f-r« tuau; han-u.-i o, i aw, j:ia. t.. v\ iixon Büfeasd P. Pnaoo, .'as li. Pb-Bpn .«-um^el Towi tend, rhomue E I. VVu». B. Bol»««, Thoatao Porter. .1. V -àpade-r, «A'al nrK, l'air*« »lamen |). l»u»ia. .oía \\ai ar««, Fr>en W, Baftnd, Wldbei Langáoa, A. A. Loa« Cbri->io .l.trll. E-;j*-!l, BAert li 1 tt;.i:',.J ha Lia.!..-., r,, Isbbi H (.in-"», âbsaaoa '(.mit a. P C Liefe* «v< od. la bb e-a--.».- ta tb Qi«nidJnr». Jadgalorsg« ïam raflod fetfesetifla la tha ssiieWi mi afth*Liessw l.iw, wiii.'i uoiBis lia lui*.], ne. lo Bol adiuy-r «led le pur ami a ko <-ua-g»»-i ba .ii- »<ji ing .1 L'ij « i Ni...,',,.» i,»i-JtU'». m -r« feo-i as «ash w«i an indiauLk: OOfeBBMâ BwnoTOB roa tu Paaoinaacr»-»Tho Ebaatoa t lab ..: ib I- rsntb v..,, ... Una Hun, 11 tb rMnrr ef Byrth Ivetras ti'"' fetbdpbJ stioet, bM eve» ipg. Mr. H V'ind»-7-- in "," .-huir for th" pn-- piseol adviu..-ing íbifi lauíiri of fteoMnl -iiitn MofeMOB ,it |i»<H« t,o -h. I"r<-i.niu-y <tf th« U«tted (Metes I' u >!.,,n.. ri th..» i'vry egaMI -r-.'i'H he ki-,.,1. ». urtanisi daiaiaolhei .-.."..-d. toeoöporato ¦ ... 'I be ( Lain, un, Ai.-. ... ii. Tripler, and Mr. Krai.» » .i«- a..-1 .. N»-w-Vorii .<».¦ ..|»,..|..i,f appâtais nftvor .»i Ota. Uoattenfortfc« PittahJeu v. ftfjlr«_MO a .v mad« by otbrrs and then» ' irned. BaooB-TB (iiY r..i'itr.- S'.»«. 41, M, V, 9, 30, . i«. a,. , , .,. i I ,, ; -.-,,.. ..-,. m g M,m a. 01,41 « «. .. is «. «. «. la ... ... .. JS'E W-JEHSEY ITEMS. Eat on o, « PaOPBIrLBB MssOSO« »T. _. M. -rove, bnfldera » ti'.- Kim 'if W yns itnfe -, .'.¦.-. -..> Cltj, fents ju-t. .j.p¡. tod, and o il !a us h tt m ..Leir yai.i, on \V-!- .'-.lay n-*\>, a Una pfOgsller, . t_« tii _:..'. Scott h ran us n Mfegsf beM bstwtna Bew«Terl tad Qtn n lelond, It i- 4,'i ... >., i...« .1 ¦¦« p. and a«nod bj Mesara, Ba-d-D a-d K.-ily. Bareost «st 13,000, andifsbs aasnrsr l. ; «hi will aptu r-dothensi ^t iLo Qovtrtunoatb« Mr«I « _tpte)4M] in c!. ¡..». m FiRr.- Abont3e'cJ*j k w «tardaj Blbtra a i *:.-'- Iroae. d»i in ti..- rítít of M«, c3.bclv.d_ _.J l._._i . ii,.t- j.,.r»< .. A »Ubi» beJ-Ntz-iu» »a Mi S,.u.. N.a v. r n.d ... -irt-.l hy Kr». lie es pre. a . ucj*«i. ISSOer J*rO. Illlllfe, It. fe» a r. efe« } Ban - Ml Tfcna ¦ U km. m . ». lUU.Ut.r 01 Jail.. . AlmpiiT, eoi., all I . th I .'v. ¦¦¦bb___bmm»sanem UIID. IftDOKIT-O ' ., , afearf bol M ...ine.., I «zu ,;;.., ,, , auia ,'i J», . n ¦' »fe¦ »-i-'. H.n 81'AM.i.-« BBlepdayauTtila«- lana il. M«i « .. tfe____ h}Ba. i tat UM r ,i j, r o. i.rr la» T1.^..«U..» il... r^.. n,. ...M..., I. »...i,.- I.,»,,, o I !HV '.¦' ¦' i"'. ..'".;«*. J-'c L Herbell a»! J V.l.. H. .ai. «.Und .. ,,,.,. :.,., i, ,_. | !"'J ' il ¦- VVcet ru t, f-autb ,t ¦»«iM'i'l' »vetine, aita'elaa-l ,.,, »-"ttnsidir. Ut. Uü. ._ !..-.¦ laben ta tira. fue-' il rendbmbsa«; j its n t ? t..,.. ,.., .,r tt.-at j..n and i mu«) .>«» u à.-. lu, lu», i .i (BiUrea for cuy- «axe, 11» ' r ,.. a.l' a feule Life- t 'l-.l '-.i.l p*j*l And »ball ..» ebb t¡,. i fei. in Ufes, «t la* /or a_ii».'.vr.<;l M,irr,an,% oHii />'<»//» $,¿'M /*,, ¦», Maraet» .. Czaruht itaroaraD roa Tua N. r TaiBera, M »..«i J..... n laul »SI»! H (Tie iiar\.l II i.i.. ha -. ¦<. I -,,. ,', IJ r IM tOKI-lt v,,v:,tr ha» bs-a i- -.- Nia» ISO beM M D.'uaufoat lí'e t-_h. :-<JL«r-J-ra ttllc «rtlg at 1' ton Mmi- «ibvkl l!»i«'. COTTON TV Bl ,»ket. 1-t qrdet b;it Heady -It "f "tO .._»«- We .)'...(.- ,-rtrw tosh f,-_issiriccT'»!* I'plii.d,. Florida. MaaC-N.O.avTu. Oolii-.V. U H *t Mu-Iilg.til 111 III lit »tlddfttig Kvtr.191 194 19 lit lair. 121 I.!* Ill rtOfr. IKO MPAL I'lf-re l.o.i. , n ;t,.,i (..und for Western ai..i rilatat Ki.iu/, and, «rlth (rvn .-rirai«, price« toil àWwi.waiJ, ..taieii'ily ib* i-.w «ati aiaataiii w*~m ikab». lit«nd* a,-II .lowly »I former rale«, and an, freely lhe »til««Stallt! tibia, at »>.' »«/«i-e» »itorr*iperttn«,>r.Wi 0* ¦ii «,<. ;,;, »v .»rra do. ; :'*t;' ** *'l for emote« do, ; f A 109 40 for l<vw grade» nfWee»«.i extra, **> V»*»*.« 78 for th« bet lei li_.,!. do., *>'/ '.coi «>j «v l.J ..j»Btaa jia.ds af i .a.:iJ hn«p .-.t.dh-o 0»v''",r''' *»^"' I." sr»n»1«»ti »nd »M » 01 for Ht Lei'll eitrsi I :,t aili-n »lour dnil end heavy, BMI* Bgl |. "i.ily 'be loi* gja.'e-i th. te-tter bran!» »re le», aient v. »id In reeneit for the local trade: the «idc.t arc WO bil«. at Ii Wait .'ai fir Hprti.g extras, «sd +5 'Jtu r-7 SO for WtmSst do Hocthcrn Pl-mr .¡nit.-'. r. g..L.r. ihn arrlralsaro t,.net. lerg.r titan ».. ,-»)aae.a), .»|"~ l*!|y ef eonn»iy »>r.i..|.; tb* «ale» at- 2,1(14) lit, la at Bt I.AVT «vt, for inixed IO g -O-t »ip.!- fine A!ea.,i.liia Be., and tiWtt '«A f,r til- iiei'e- nr«Ie«, RyrFkiut i. u. tan dertaoadi »a»«« of 217 bbi« at 4'"./«4 II Com Meal very quiet, -mall uiei ot leraev at »3 40'. * f tt 0BAIN.II.. re l. ,.t (.., W|i. at, l.-tt at lower rates for m'srt kind» th. offering« a»» liberal, a»id lhe «\»*»*ad .l.;.r, f..i, tuvrt "¦;.;., ;-,.,,-.u;..i u..- .i-..,., r : RrrdBefpr-gstOlif'trOlBl: zl,:oobu«h. Mllw»akee nub »t »il 27*/ t-l 2', .'. .s»t buah. prime Wt.iîe Can-dau ia More at tfl tal. _.d IMtVt-h. Brtoat AVLit-t I..J.a..i at it tt Rro L ff rui aud lu fair J- n and »al»i of 1 4/JO bu»h. at Vh. tot North¬ ern Rii.-Vt satt Barky Milt are dull nr.d » it: it ML Oe-.e are lower ind »t-ll ilowly: lalu» of « >.ri«da Kaat ritiCiasic lanuda \Aril. 4l'i7 4x>. and ft-tni«, ttatOt*«.. »be latter for amall lots. (...mi. letle :, a* III, i:4,it> <J (arrian!» ..I Sommé <¦'¦.¦ . ..tad I* fail for the hot, n l'ule. th. I'vt and tor ax port, «»'a* r.fTi »Tl h'.-h at taie fur healed, btatiatc- for East... Mixed 65 \aMc. fa,r «.in d !., M*«**, fiat Sutilbeiu and VV'eat.r,. tsMtmT, and 77c. or ;-o'ilbcru AA hit« BIDF.6 The uiarket Uiteady with axle« of LOW Ilurnci Ayrc» ftrP-il-s.-f*'- '.. '*.ia.* .1Í4> |ia*l»P»»t»*ilitlrjiilii I'"*"* 2i lîi «t 4e ,»¦*.» :i ooo We.l.iii at Ig. u.l i--!i I..'»-) .try -aiud Uaul* ou priaale enea «'.« I lain i it m-.- .i «Be i; mm IHti'tv.'ihtjaleui.ud lair: salei of S»J halts» New at Ja II.. Cid tic In .'ti; d. tr_id, although ar« have no 1*1*1 t> report. HAY- The tmnytfit fair, the d»m«nd »toady; StB of 1.3* bale, «t ItCtil.C. »' Cal th. J.1-.V1.KK Heu io 1 »nd Oak are both ite.ry with rnodi-r it. a»', i at .'.'<:.*¦. ra,r UgLitaiid u._d> .eijt.fe. BaaaaaAriss _IB1 lock. f.lMT Tha SB- »I f-'. s.!ea of cTW l.'l & J ».v. Lump u roote artlve i-lei ot «XJO ei j at >»-'? _0_aSt I..-1. 1 be u-id. b trivU, wc dj a^t betf of .-y . Botttnt i«let. NA"AL tTORKs>-a»'r»!i!t»Tiirpeiitliie tnmtmTmtjt Stag lid iad an and | --'. -.»" TO fTi-u ......,l. ». -. at **¦., ...I .id .mall 1.4« in »hipping order at 4«,- Cr..1« rio.atn« .nt. ii't.u it uili s»u¡i imentasS b.bmsbb, tit.t .,.¦*. r. (a* » '¦at.I "f the diflieiil'y in Bfraetirlngeaay freight«) ire" rtlrn tint aho-» paying any higher rite« the trantactian«, ,-.a->-.i.ei.iiy, ai« .;...:!. '. I.. i»«a.a. at. ftuagraaVa an» t* ii,ode.ateie'i'ie.t,a.Ka»of?7.'. hbli No. 2at *l 7ii4>.AliltB, 1T0 i... No I »t ti ..x}» 9a« lb iso d . «Jpaqoe «lei Wnit. at *4 *> ,-,.,-. iad».e ¦¦'- ;,-;.-AV!.,»4 02 88 - . ft. T»r li III., and pri-ea un-.'.ar.r'-d. U«_.IU Linae.d B.J. y.t Heady. »I Oui'. Cude AVhtie i. .,,... ot Tiaj -".l. it li1 '¦' r»»'d" at it» ...i i-,,.,!.. lio«, "e .,;. ..f «MO bOta r»»artal 1st a* prívala (en;.» ». avw l*ara »a» u.»d« »l 45-.-. par gi!., caih. Other kindi i v quiet and price» '.inch.«nd. I ItOVIf IQltf TV iliniaa. for Perk t d--!--»-, «»Ii'.gtt Ik« advanced Bike* --Ke.l Dealer« bay oult Io -' tttel ol va., i. g » .l.U the »aie« ale ¦%» o.'la. at a 17 .Ou .-è i. M lag «id Jki... vl". i-'> fui o..n A.... AIS 87)3-|U . fear maw Me. «nd am tS.Bl» 7^ ",r new rV_Ma He.»' ron-h ihsnf. the fnq-nryl« fair, and the «uppiy in.pi. .tag of xA bon. at t-'' r t .;: try Mess; »'jati'.'-'.' ror Kcp: led Me.« » .; -il ;.---'.: :.. f.. Eitr» r.'.Me*. Ba- i- »[.«-i ilr.lur.ii. bee] uaici are _b_sV* at OilmBOH. bVxS*» kt .: »¦-...- tatl081I|e. ricckid Maat» irr net ='.<r.tT. ;nd ar, tr.:.. Ctltmt.tlSW f*.I '¦'¦ '¦.¦ .¿ .'-ir dc::.i~al; .1ci o; l.'i l.hd.i. end te» at7Jaí7rc. fer Hhonidtirr, »nd 9!fcv,r, for U !.. U liailj .-1 but I '-tin« das of I 1 Ba. tea at 1!.aille. Hutti r is iu fair d' m_nd. aad It pleaty. . ; al'.r. for OB., tad !'.»<: l'.r. for Msti sbolei I». at 19 .'- ( h,-c»e in :¿lr di r..-.r,d. tna rr.ore pli nty, at TtOOa .t Oh:., lie. ó i S lie.tit« -ttag ».»» ttt« III .; [* «a.,d.. «.:.f M tea -t *4 .MtMV B* MIS. BI rj All: T.'.i uVuatxd goced, and holder» are tr. aale.» of tCObbdi Cub» ». ': fohba» Pero Ri o, attge als-, . Ite. xu i a..J IM Lb'la. Meladj ou ter.a B*t B*kl T.'.LLOr\ 'lfc l-iirktt U I;weri _cd'j.and mod'.-rttc.'. rale o: -oVO» ih Prime at *,.-.., SB h VV i rOL.1 !.. ; quit« ii nlti J, and price« in »ithaal .. lalesnf _,0ae 1*1 Native K: i at. tB. -1. in !..|», al ia. < a»'- oi u e f-iunel, a id aaiñ-»V. for til. '.-^U-r Ml" qna'itv a la« UK', ot' U (HSi ft. I' .-»ruh. d T. va« at ISÍ.,- sa «oou.lity Steep BB*Br.0 hai Sally ciiurner..-«. in the woo! frtra_ag»_tt'..t« t)'..*.::u _r:c t.s* »-Ta yet tat.b same» on »ccetint ol th»- fiT(¡tie«. ..' h-'1 te»» huyer» ar- »eyOu hard »o Israi the umkets iu the mean li e, and b.-uiertaud dealeii.who ii..i.»i lenoit« foi the iii.j.irtty ol* lie* »¡i ,(ier. ._ .-. ..-'¡.oui ibü ,..,,,,,, .,,. ¡e,, :,,... lb«. a h-l'.iiig hv..'1,1.",» .-- tan er», La,».»» i, ar*dtaaaa»d la *._*«. sa» laarai gataalfeMtal . .:.: .In. .1 last j. «r bi th. It .i.::. n ..: !--1.Ik ,. AV lltSKV- Ih- ,-rli.' ...;-.I». (.on, »l-l Ik* B*BM II -' »«te« o, »_--*l oi-.». atVH-'- Kerilpli af t#r*>»tfir*. Tos-I k *B «...j"-, /.se tl rLM tt. 91a*r,M bu»lt ( oin Mt-»1. .'«.'¿is dc IV beat. 2S.7*) do. (Jit». W,*!« do era, ?1S d-. I'^e, 8*1 Bkg» ' 'il A-ak-. Oi do. Aslie«, 7." J.orJ, IT*», rrov-k-e, ;ti V.l.i.I» ; M Sa, k.B, Pata, t.rr* Arrived /* .t. n*.»! j) Arao->,/rr.m St.utù.imftU, n .7«*. Blere-M-'. »ni Mrt. J. I i.'.cw. fo-.r :t.i:ri sn _ .d t-vo 6C-:r_.. .'.;.. . ,. .- a .,-,-- e|.- ,-,* «an _ >!-. vc..-i a, r;,, . i. ..: -::.'-,... i:^:...,, KU.Oi. M- btt_Jot( MIxS.l J-:.-'.,.' H I»*-» Para» lis B JfMaasad t»u leitini». Mr. siiil Mr-, r. '.'- Bklitalaiidal 4 obi.fa* and IMUBI. Ml and.r» Y. It* cb. ;:, .t. Il ItauV-11 J. Kr.oa.l it.tartvaat, Mr». I M i..n>-, Mr. E l. Vaa«__|| M,« M AV c ,.....« ktia 1 ÎVia/l- Mi- S..-.,. TU.,-.. M.- C. Ó. Teaiaste, Ut SI- -At.-.. T AV Sivar.ii, .».¡r.. i:. tîrrtt, .Air. and M... I. IV. etoirow. Ml.» C. Y .--i»«n V. VV., and J. «i. Otar- taw. Mi e¡. il Dtaaer,Mr.aad Mrs J v\' R.r., ,-Ui.i «_J «. rvaal Ml. .A. Beaasrd and lenant, Mr». Y AVsrd. u a.d H ,l::..i Rdward -.-ti:». ... tVatOaa ._I -.rr-i:, ( kaâ T riTtgr Mr. ai.d im. w. rf-huU, two cíilUrc n and icr, .V.r. aed ilr- J. t ht : -^u o rbtk_*B >ir«. îd. J. All¬ ai.. ... .'d. ';..:. Ht. J. A. Douohue. .Air M. '... D. bWia- n in. Mr aid Mr». TvU-r Z. H. «tout Mil* J C Mtou», Mr». A. .'.i..-;, ax- ..r.-«_t, Mr.-, (ie:t..d F. Dole, Mr» R. M. .'V.i.-cx, y.\. ..C 0. ... 1 l. F.'iir.k. (i. 8. Hu.hc» J. II. Bra..h, T. U ». » Cei.ter, R Henrique» J. B. Cot.e« Mit« M. C. Hlülr.r« B,Lapt VV. I). 8_lth t.. d. A. il; o J Parer, M.- ...J Mn AV. Bnckiir. and e.htld. Mil» L Eflery. 1 BBatT. t. Om«- b ./. \ J e i«rk J ï.iTO'f _. Boa*«al Leon 6tai. c Wsrtla, K. .1 Kav«. A. J. Krev. Mr. «nd Mr.. VV H. BevaVker Vim. Ki. ít. Mr and Mm H. Hehb Mr and Mr» J. Kndcrlef. D. L. ('iuual. Mil HbITBJ Mill II HldklT J Ulbba, C. Uoi.aou- . Mil J Deiille, afra. _i Cartea Mia. L i>.n.;i». d Mr. and tl - J A..'..::., Kvelli.Corbat Mr. J Un lububl, M*:y Broa t t.Emm. Mr*. P '.' c C. IHafratrack. U r;ltr^r. II. «... m t- \v .;,,.¡d, R Te- o'- u Pa. Un L-v«- s,.l Jan Alri M Idah Mil N.AVIH..-- Mr. II f.-nhart, liev .i.e. mrrt« ami t.. iiivot .An. M c, -tr.«*an. Mr» Maná St-aff, .: .. and J. Sc.affolu. ^»m M. i_rrltwiie, Mra. u 0. I.imarrhe, Mr». P. Muir. Mr». F. Huf»^hi:i_f. Mr». F.m. rro» o.t rkild Mr* I Marr-r ind tore. ch»|.lr.-n II P.-.r L Kelli r. C Mu!!.-,, H. WaSsaH. C E Duboii, D. I.hnili. r. Id. I»=ii-r I, Bara*kj-r. Praaa k-vUa Win li lilataia r. il Hi. .. '- A IfnlM Mr» t' Mirer fit.> e.ldi-a and «errant VV. nVkakartb H Reinh»ott kt.iJ. Na.a*, |C. Fallar, J. S VA cl¬ ew»»!, r. erai.ria, r Pninpioo, vV. JoL'-i. 1*0 In l.irh Dtiu-n. fro«» Avrrt. Kdward H. Koitu.;, F. K. Dcrr, Csft J. V.i slyke. Eacun Ayrei Navy. ;, /;...; P. /.'. Ctxataa, frearSl rr.._-R J \V*:,.,iJ. Mi»- M- S M.bold, Mm. C. M. T-kleb vid t*o chil-ir-ru, VV. Wil kii;iiat.d Bita, I. .A. (iruy, u. VV. Uu:t, J. c_rk. MABLÑB JOURNAL. PtUIT OP NV.AA'-Y()HK.Jr-cml». <i't»»»-a. I.Isa I .irspr'r.'its, a-rrtja, Lireraaat, <.regmk i c : vv ¡. Pie.ingkam, Souon. Havre Boyd .IDa itii.« at**, HomsMii. Be teram;, tty. u. scsmidt I ra,Lovett,oi*»»t»w, kdrnteto* area ;J «. Nt.e., Nicrsol*, ri.gii», VVniili tartera « naie Montez-im», H.nmnor.l. VV at li.uie*. i 'i falwlaati Suka f*. kletttai. Leal at .»». e-t..-,. .li Haw Iu, Mala.¦_ I E Vt'atki C.«.w, Piattlgrea Z.w I). 1 Valle. rlga-H B E uary, Peiiata«, Eli ibethport ; L.'i:.,. sVasey, I'--« ".>. M P tit-kilo l!|a.kS»-au Puatg**, Chat ¡e-Ion. C. i- i-i.-i-,- .'. i Meaak-1 lag'--, ida.,. .,.,, i *id-i,t.». c u B. I Te-.,. r. Bpraj -. --¦ Padhi Ü P KtjckkCs ¦rata iBr) I-'iehv P I. N.-.i,,» ... Ron A. AVer» v. 11 r .. _- ". l.a!.!... I. B i. t-'.:....,... i, i: :. Brig.»-, Pstigri Bars.- ::....t_,_ U I-in..ii km» I) Ncvti"! Aie.«ndtía, M 'tadelti J. B. Mayrgs, tut, !...._tea,'3 4, rMsefl; Adelaida (Kr.), tt N. F. J S '.' tl y. !'...yx¡ iBr.l, Roo. ru, UM**t,J. Km«sa _lUy l>r,'- iitr.i. m«v.-:.», va inj«..r D II H. .- .,..., i..,,.i,e., Lee»hart, W_d»or, U.B. Detroit '. W tison, WeJchcoel, Pt"t tSmaU; A. E. -ira-. U.t ....n: J'_t.« Hl H,.' Pr»-kiet,ie. nimftl r II«*»*- Mai«, NieheJ. Pa*k»t»el:,!iiia. g.axatOBala Tf-t,-.'.;,, Alago, r,la«a .«vio aud .Sai^aiia.i-tou M»> ta, Sa.e. smltvsaatoaaa- M. Pax aal U M_-ken.«. .A (lie 1 a-le > at p. ,ii. >t. .n..i .ni .........,t, i t--*. ,i, Factk.I sai*t - . H il 1 r.weil«, | O Lvaik :. u. '-.. t-,. tcfNi.. :... -,. r..-:..,;,,, »:. ci«;«, m«, ^: -.-.«' r t- ti-'i-t. *. !".r N..-, Mn -.. iat Si .n. Ion. 7'J »i. »pok. a-hr Klvtng Utagir,, hen-e for si.v. 1 P 'tj Iv .. I " lyt iM*y S, .»...e! aid Maasu i.evn .,i, o. i u.i.n,,u. May 2. la' .. 1», ion «ait», i-ma i.e.. A ».'""".-»,'. Ce-iio.-rVwt-r. Ildaysert ¡«_l*d la»w-rBh ata» IimJktsÁ i tot Narr-York ïd-a-i.îd «-11 el l'alal J ..1 110. tragt Ib»bV»IMI Mlude (Da* ), Puotu .Vreu-isll, d«v« ht.te.atid f.i»tt- to order rig i.bitljtu iBr 1, Jehavasa VA'in._-r, N L lu day« pi»eite.- forNtwark. Brig Water WBJSB, Larnway. 8t Marc, 8t- Üoniiugo. May 27, eafleeand loewoolta IV-k it t hur. h. June 2. 1»:. 87, Ion. 78 .p>ke»i-hr s ii.Catharine fRr.| h»tn-e for Hnhae-'» .-!. kg, A...eiiu, Baakari. li e J.._ t, d.... la.bai u m..ter. £ ,"r * ' . " " t5__ta.:. Bt-br Marine. H:iu». Rt-tidout. eoal, (> i Bt . Mn |H .,.!,.,, Hettl -.»-.s ,. t .; j ,..y,i d Law, r-utt. .-ly. Al ca. dr_ i >1.v« c *!. sichr I l »Ihot.n AV..«, H.-..t n a ',.- far «l»>»iiv K. i,, i r, ,. Fottrt Meekiai I éayi l*_S«i tu -. Ma* he» '.an l'ir.l. (lias., I'.,»ton MSB» f. t Albany : r Plymouth Ro;k. Nom«, Uo.t-.n 4 d»yn, cid.e. ta J. I. Divt. n k to. r1 i r. fa »lata, t..«B, ktaatata, tu,'i,-. tor Albany. s-1" Markt* H.-.1,1 ay.aa. »ta*tha»i»a* 4 <*»» «toc«. Sehr. Mmh Louisa U.l » Rock.i.d 4 day» !' sehr V.iar.l Hiiruor-, AV.»i,y, iie.^.in «day«, tn.l«- 1*1 AV Sri -j. winder) Nata, U»AJ K-v, Kortuae Iststi. May fi. fin,,..! J R. lile,,,.. *..' s rtaaa, PMU.'elrhtii, Lcr*«: t KH- BBlrirk. h, J-n-a, Mad.-Iphia, r due. to J. k N I si ' 11 Hi-Sh.j. N.w Workt, la» ldtMB»uI I KIDAV-l.Up \A tUB Batkaj the da.y, N.W. By l.Ii_riioh. SANHV HOOK, June II ,un».-t -«¡.¡r New AA'orlI. for t: rleattd (he karat 8 i'r.ek* n boaaxt rm ,N.-.sle. v\ ,t ijal \v ...t: ... U loll LAN UO. lama 11 »Mitiet -A »lui» la vv, n, Itli "t t'i« lî.ahlii. !¦, itii" th.. Aank.e AV liant N VV IV .tf; I lUUI.r HTON, June 'I Ti.-I N A| Mean.ahlp J»t <a]t K Adini», iirtved k. re at 4 o'.-R k thii (aC»t<rlV '¦"»¦ I TIOITTIRKYB' iMM rTOMKOT'TTATHTít ItKMKT>TKS« Tb* Remedie« «re r-tref, fly pfe-p-ired trsder the dl»e- --per. vidoa and iu«p»i »lin of Prof lICMPiikEVB, in otdrr u>_- that gieet and long re»lUed want of ih > pablic, ua-tely »-.. «Us* foe all the were eoanrnon and eiiople albnaaU ~f HA. A lyvwwnil'» tetWtio» »111 »bow that . Teat rrv)or)|y «f ^ «.»»* ftiui «vîilb «..Ser and di», were, at tlair eoinabenc*. ment, ataipl* aad blillug. A tuer« gold, a dlgbt diarrhea, a p*_- in tk« aide, *r a headnsk«, er boaraenew, at «ret «aatty -»««4 .,a« aabdord, I . H;.»« b»«<..i..« a i.-...»...,,«_.u. a fc»-. . x.,un '!. " '"ry. croup, or uibrr -Léate, width all the powera ofaaA. eine AU to errrat. n«rein tkeae B«riv«<lie» a-pvly . «real p.bllt »eat. _e_» ea li»iid, simp'..., «o yo«. know a*, onea- u'o.t to to«<e-pU»v^Bt m to etar« no i*enij^eme«.«a/e, and hen-« oect»tViui_- M ___ w'_U« lie eui«U»e «_ect« «re pviJv* and eertaia, they are laker, and M tttt th« «p.-11 U broken and the danger ins-»d. Other Ho-resp-thic Medicine!, hover« ctrefu.y orepareaL rr boweTer fnll »rid »vVn»»»» trie .»»»*») to ??.,-_ .-_ ,- In .rrder to a«e Ikeiu, »Iwaye r-*,.,Ir.. «» -,»4 eaiBfal .*>___» tlon, and ala »J I leave joe tn iouV tu »o the remedy ikteaa and th« rr-tulf. fti-h txa-ilaakciBOratridysudaucbdeaMlg^n ii.ort ini/rieidly to the »ick or eiiiug. aad ««paeially te »voldrd. Nay. h often atrifce« at trw Twry fo«rtvit»u~- * ^^ re«, and prevent« a rwuit whàà-, «rub rotiltil» nee tu te« rletag. ¿y, and BUOn in it» appli aUon, wa.ld «ay« -*** tary. |irar!»|.'*li»i ar, sonfln:»»d the a«« ii-1. »|tJ1 » fcf farrJIU'i m-.d priva») pcr-oni, u being Tit« rtsiT it i»««, TUE KCiiT iixri.- x~n SOMraBBBPt, TEX BOgf PtMOB-l mi BBUOBBRk Xbouaaade are and baro been -¿r-z them for eo«M Ibrn eee-« faet, I'l »Ve'y .«..Hull of l!i» lilr» w''H «.»me««. _-»»> rial Is tOBOOSB AB «peak ;.'¦ the hlg£««t term« gf their da» pu.-.ty and rartainty, and amosg our hundred« <-f igewU th« ¦Éfetflt MMMMBO' '.. '~~t the y ct.«: |«vod i,t_/*erVji U ikefc ¦nttsnaa Li»r or BUBIBMlaT r-p-nrn: himfopathic bemedl__. «to MM st ¦;! -'. ». ~.M. I.Toi Pf.tfr, Cnr^aitloQ, *-<l laRt-M-aMsn« T«»»» Peía. ft»*t':.*«r.»». .11 f_p»r Worm s.«ier Worm l-nln* Vnra.-»fin« ipp-tito, tV-a, tai j the bed.It S.Pot t'ehe, Ti-thii.« Cryln- «¡id «A,«ki-fvil»<e«a. 8ToW Um» t'i and K-asrilroeaa of la»»lit»._\ 4.PrtTIliarrhea of I'btldren or Adulu ia,..W» laakaOtH ird htiniti*r laimplaint.% ! Por Isj'"rt«ry '.r mI-wît »bit, t'oüc. Urlrlûx.. _i_ô*g «'-Ii'. ir.H fw-e.,t,r,.__ >r.eor Gfcaltn, < »" l»r» Mnrt.u. Nanaea tnd V on nittgj Arthn-ati,: h: *tbt_g. M 7 For Ccngl« C'-M«. H««n«oe»i. Broaehitll Infiaer.x« «ad (4.,r« . r.rniit.t.M «.Fer T.aSI.a.l» Ptansfe« N't --ni- Pali.. N«-jealg)a. ae« Tic. D'.lcrr.ux.'.... M «e-Pr.r Deaiksll»! Wrk lUada.'--, Veittg- Rasbif Blood tnlhe Mrxd. » 19- Per tryter-p-b. »c-:t îeid. or dcnr.-ecl .rtaÄXft. Co_*U pr.tlon I.lT.'r Ce*' pt.lnt. 33 11.lor .««uppreautO Mor.»«« nr arxi.ty or delaytiag fraaa lllia-e.M IS.Por Leiicorrhea cr WLito« h. «;.;.,- doiro too profue* Meîi-ea. M 12- For<v»p Itam BttBfy C«a|ft á:-*-.^«^ t_d opp.-».«»d breathiee. M l-_p-, «, |. »1» .. Cn>«tv ErupHe-i «¦Jryi!;«!-!, Scali llee^ Itarla-r'e h*»-..» ¡!V.Pot Hliviiii,*'i«oi l'»i'i. laaiue -~» «t eorene»« fat Lie t la ,1. Uk Sid' M UtfdM. S liu-Kir F-*v»r a»d *g « Itt»-ri..tte.4 *e»»r, Mnmb * «-.- OH o e"~i e --. W 17.For P'i»» ii.'ernai or «xt»rn«i. -l,rai or bleedtn«. MOOM or oftrtinat«.M lî- For Cphti.-ii..y W'eak 01 Iari_u.edEyei cr /.y Ids, PaO ir.g.r W eck íigt.l. JO la.Por I at.rrf. arañe or r._-ni-t.- dr» «y ««»log <V>M la Um i:«-a«i luilueu»«.M 20.'... V. i.- .i.i.,, .1. ..¿-.1. g -a,.I ^-Ulalillg H. Of gpatracdfc * ougt.. .M ji_p,.. i.tti.a .;-ie.v.».) s»"IV-.b !«»'»red bf-jathisg. tcr^h and e»p rtr.:tti.'.fc. 51 2_ Pot far UiselMIBtS, Bsnt M tir _.-_i. lunsÉrti leo«àiu4 annb« .5f Sfi.ft.:« iciiliTgiJ faa«B_««ad tatnla BwuBap, erdi'M I l-er« .M 34.P.-i (i.e. ,.î i-1 .I'll». Ph«»ÍL_l vr Ner.tni« Weakias«..... U lor Uropiy, l-UiUt .'.rx.u-.:.l_U.aa 1'i.a.l.i 6»Sui.»t«.«»«_l Jvai.ty f-ayr.-riAr,». 00 Bt.Fee 0 a Obkaa««. «fraetgallm Vertí*«, t»»u«e» Vomátuifl w r. icr L'riitxry i/iicaxea tiravd tn-t-1 CbIbbB DOMatn ." fainlul » noetlou.M 2S.ForS.uiiii.) Radadaa» lt.».J it4ary fll». .\ . g»e, .aj eon .avjurat ProatraUon and l»i oility.IM 29- Fei .Sor« Month or 1 r..- X r. _k PKlt h The «utlre »et, e««e of 1-» e.ty riigut large rial«, m mo- r^.cc aiij i:«..._ wf lüio. U..U.A* DO Caa« of Twenty larga vial» in moron o ar.d Rook of tXra«» tiona. g 00 Cate of Ta.Lty UrgB -LI. ul-Ja. ..sai ai.J Betk of Diraa Bons. 4M C-ife of Piitcen tirnaiin» 1 to l.j. _ud Uis^k of -Iron tlonx. 3 00 C«ee of «i.j eix i»-»ea tN'«e 11 > l.'i. «u,ti bock of LSireo Uou. I «I Larn eaea nfkcx «dale f«r Planter» aad ftiTrirlan».U dO Mi }..< lioxe«. with dii»>. ten* ..¦love, ?-.'». , ttc, or 01- otrt KE.'.:£rr_s by mail oa bxpresa TV« ee» J «_»»» liene .ii»«, ty th» «iuvle oos or fun case, te ny pert cf the ecus.rr. by c.11 cr sxpre-x, fri a of tt*._.\ n i*- e»lpt »fill» p.lee. N P. -Tha bogr« Nr* I to IS are *r,.a!l alae, N.e M ta It, large tire, and in rr.s?in- op a «2 or »1 eaie this BBM rt» rr.»n-,rt»r»«1 Tb* «i»i* ar« nniforir. tn «tr* aj|.» prie«, and in eead- |i.g f..» ¦ vi.! .e»» n -li»u;|.ij I* n».»««ary y* thl» tsiLB«. I.».i .»»i 11.. a- »i» ,,j. . .-.a» n' »b»; «In«!» y»u ekcose, .tid i»»»««» the .«.»>«!m In a nsutUI n«'e or «tanpa. by mail M «.¦i »ddie«». *i M-, t'l ..».t.ówn». '«e».fork, and Um m«xu«in »ill »>e «I .ly BBtnaad »>. '»«II -.¦-.. ¦O PAMtLl nuVBLK¡ dnald I fefeaM ._.».» a.- nlnbl« tUIUtlvn It ti»e_di uceülc-i v.ith the ci.-ettclüae vital 11 ei.ixeea. \MIAT OLIt AOBNTB SAV. Rnunrn s v futo V*4- T PtrirrnarT« k to .Oent« . . « v,ou, ,,..._, ¿___ ,,.j« ; and ¿nlll laoatofth« mediriu, » titet ». by aJteatáa* 11.g, givr «enera! »atltf'artloi. »...r,.«rr ih»T -re and V.a Italy, It KIN«* A Co YonT rriedi-rtii« have given «bIiWHI «ati«farti..n nsr» Pl.-aa* arnd u-. four dozen cf vein Cough ¡Tli- wbi. a are r,iv eelliog "-'! ADA."«"« it r «Y. Sind¿-bv. «J-ia. i .. r Sti.i..!:. I'. -"..»a., .- ....... H-ini-- i»-t_ie :*l_- !'¦ ¦. "r rlf. ..».. .. »re ¦' k llaLl iM HRIAItlti t « o »tic«, N. Ï. Our«rrtpreced«nteH ..t-g" uieicl ._. :_at 1 , i, ,... ,.!(.',. t... 1, . |.. ..... vv»-.. atUBBUr ry, a «could «Ire a 1.....". __*k*bki. Urn t»d ..y 1!.,... Butt« b ¦'".. -, a. rolWvtug «ad nifaR dlssun Is On well ettabliakad lu Uli»co.imouiti to rwi|«ilr« »u> «ark nsaaV eate«. A. XJ.Í ttLL. I>r.t.-r. Jatferson C«t, M V \\ ,. »...,.,. . ,| .^.,. .-/ h ;»r .' M-..-.'¦ pafhtc reo»siiáe« than of ail othrr pcpular rc.«dir|r.«a t. re-het thi« y»»r. AoSL WTUr Meridian. ». 1. i«..! ..»-.". .1 . Lave ».-i u <^ .... «v»_».'«k«., h 1«, . luat «it* lkaa.«AkuU. i. W. rEC-JLAM ts-t-n. VVa»h'.crtrn t'.- N. V. >r_,.r..; . :. <¦-- ----- j here, and 1 ^lo will tu.| Without Ibera «sd'l might mf, if they could at ail tluiaa . - : a «apply *.l J ¦ .! . Ingly div.úaB ill «tic desto.-«. liCn 11, ijo'iiv _*,-, Rápita,ill*k I h-ve iiw-.l It'ifipure-. Bpe»4A Ho'tierpa'Bie K-inetiie* la my '«'i.ily lor t»n year», ar.« »Otini not Oe »Itbout thea I I.--, »liter ilet'i IbtbI .». J U H1CKOK, Poi^lAe-iwi-, N. T. Tnrrm».?isir.»«ytve |«ad tat ... I »e«p them th..- Uiôfi i «ell y w Ml-T»W,Ciiy«*s Pt.lo« V Y Yjiir . . *.«d «.!..'.. f.. 1, », 1 ..-».!.. ,i.e« wllY S PAIL, Röiiilua. M. t. leu: Fevet _aJ A«-0'- P :. 1. -^ I. P W1L-ON. Ft- kf«rt N Y. Your medi. ii,1« el»» «nain in into Tavoi with tilt people iinJ wl,ei. g'«»., fu «iiv t«-ati««i!a: diaroae. aa ùireeted IB v.ur Manual, ttcv act pro_,p'lT and eMectaaUy. C. B. -PRaui E M I). O»we-o, N. Y. Yorn bave »t-ea g»«d -irMrtirtln t..«» « Ana, o. tao-rai« »ta.iiiing, »u . nurei» rineii by yoor Agat I'l» II »»- I. vv I 1 I » ,v ,»^ pwvnth He"«l v-r f»v»r «,-,) Agn* r,!'«, iu ctuaactin with No. !¦», hset D 1 .".:.«d «" die m ai.« «¦-»» I) dlKKI IM; P..:.... Re.»id., Mirb Hotvott, Ma~» Jnlv tt. I-»»*». Bfcarr.i. F HrtrnsxTs k Co..Oautsi Your »odíelo»» ut .1 '.llt.r wi ¦', end jtTT |0nd «arlaftqptl n. I »ha'.l want fnor» »««»a. '11...« 1. no :. . g ,,...r 11 wit Ile» I o*u wai.eal »tn :.¦ tn rnr« better than any '..'.tl-ir. I h rea v. - mM Peoiel« who even thought that in»«gi:iatinii niad.t lb.- rule are now «an*- to .11». t :: . rtblnj ...r. :;...., i..w-»i.»n.iii n. Ibriu, and«! iie-i, i;,,-mi... .i!,vii,», native«» \.- |g r»«i»-truliy. E M 'PLAntJ. Stl »A» «MTU. i U J'1.1« I*. ISM- Y«e wfl] pl«ne fe-rrard n .. ¡»-r iît... «tranter, «ay V^'O worth Tn wul pl««er f««w«rd n e. p«r rrret «tet'i r, ir vSVwortn rv....i i.,».i .,.. ,.,. i. .],- i.a-t.,^. ....; »i.'»., r »keel .1 . I rv.. r. vty t.i i».i».,,,t ..,, 1 ,11 «T.>« V tai. w.iit ..._,,_! ¡... ..0_«. .....11 oa..~;: ;«v«v.i«r-._ «iliioul «i.v :i 11.1» lioi.iiia tv, oet-.l ä-h a 1I»»1» %tA.f*°* ti.Je. I raoHbli .... T W .tNt'Etb»:.-?- Cl, v,T, K1..H.U J.../ I-1',* Dt P. BCUruUUTI I). arSn V"ir n.. ,li. ine* a- «.«"'.. e Ivrdbeic andar, Jnmg _.a.h gc.-.J. I -a--_.J a/» >- tSat »h» i .. th rt"» ?,.,. - ,...! a «-« » of <'»n.tiri'*r' n »-..»«.. .. rke-t.i w.eki-g eoi.iV-'.UI t-M» "- r. ^'!jiur=1^Aií.á'u:4iTii. Pi.aa.»i. Pe'-' «UblMb n. Bruma«»«-Ptarlk ¡l««..*'¦ » »»y 1*1 ge Audi) f»l tbu last »!x ra.-l.ta.. «vlUigi.-l . .; «-.»-J.-« » ..-.«., Ii... «. ta«ù U»» »,liar_i La4 WlaW. «ri B -r iu far.::'y. IWent' BTB had « phytfin «**>» .very week, but tc.i» W ilUt lie 11a« n.-t hoi .-«.va«! m s- p MKHtMvV DratAUMTiiLt, Madi«ouC< ty. N. . Dr. Ilitrn-iav. Baying .,^i y,.ur g|M~dne rS«n:«die« i.U* Ikm y- «r» |M-t. I '- Lb »il_pl» lo «..v I. 01 «t«! hel« J ¦* 'he 11..JI m. f lii.. nu»e.. ~*l.« lallv the Cough Pd'.». wti « tan pn-.v,.| t...., wonder). i* a»a u««a. bM«1*0 ilh «Mher» »b« ha-.-e gt»tu tb«m a liiai Ir-ilri air., Il F RIltinKA r-wt* vio »l.t I 1 .'I- -el«., aud-r the e.otoaatontl .. »' ml«I. . . ¦! Prof III M I'l Ml Ei 8. »a. «lo .0. al «is "li'c, No. itj tí:o»ds ay, daily fuiu 4 a. ua to s p tu er bf I tt. .WHIST«! WAÎiTïn frr th > «alo of oar Rera. _le* la .faip leas «>( got-...unify in lb« I -ted ."'tat»«. Addreu Dr F Ml MPHREYSfcC«.. K«.t»xa liindtsy, Ntu ïtuk.

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-06-12 [p 8]. · 2017-12-13 · miliiH'y saajHpjBM Itiug on tho gPM-dliiey weie r ee vedretch le the KraiiticaiK-n olt_e immenseaaset blaro


¦aaoaoBii Pmanaaai Hww B^pea, toe e

tared man wby w-is »rr»>t«-l » >me d«. s ag > ohsn,Hill. »U_lil»gHg.Vîbill, wbitb hli.1 la, M i..í . «i

kimtot-iyabill by Ms, Mr. J«M II. V'

oar, was yoterday dierbferged II fePge-rt ' Ml «* h

ÜMsdsbssdii fot .h bss|«_g, iu .* «rua«" bu

.¡J by S..IO» «»»*».'.- ha.! k>*t both t<vgeth. 1% Hs »

Mtied tb»' fact lo bis employer, bot «w oot bolo**toa »ras an_».td. In tho mea-» timo iht bill and be

were ad-i-rtí sd, -nd ve.'.diiy I poSBOB Wbohfed 1MBfv*M cr.!! .1 age« Mr Prater aod returned them T

fa<fe« w«r.' retido It-vi-v.u to JaMaM K< Hey, and K».yrt_ promptly »et _t lit« uy.


His* v Work..The« Excise OaBH-h-haaaffl foMté»T granied one lesnas at $30.

Bu«»« Mommvvt Av-A"t*Tiov PlvrfeMC««B*n'« Fi * Fibk..The fourth animal feel i val a"

picnic of the StfuVn Monumi nt Ass ....tion was bin C«"irad - Elm Fark, in Ni*»--*.".»:i«h itinot,betWOtlirttidvMiy tuid Bgfefeb -venue, ytsteiday. The objeef this ifeaetrintion is, as its name indioafes, to procnin f«ir.d »officient to enable them leeamaaaOMBBB»to ibe uieroory «>f Q.-<_1 Bunfesa. ii m early he»»bis rooruii'« armaos »vire everywhere neiir und »

tht-ir way to Conrad's. The iwiiir-nl societies n_m<Liederkranz the Mosart Manr.crc-.or. the M- loonaaotake f!«i Qaarlatt C5aa, tbe 'Haili- af Braoklyand the Glee Out« C"u-tituti:'g the lafegar Band, pntieirated in the pleasure*» of the <K«-*ai>iort. A» ot

e'.k-ck atstiotsl »alme war- fired, aod a HarbormiliiH'y saajHpjBM Itiug on tho gPM-d liiey weie r

ee ved retch le the KraiiticaiK-n ol t_e immense aaset

blaro which hr.d toilwloi at thai BaiTl* r*-ma>i'd».r of tbe :ifterno«>n was ry»cnpi»-d by vet

ar»d in-foment- nm'c At aheofi '-'! O'clock MOinra'd OtU'ndorf»r d< hv«r. i fefe oration, in tbe oinri

Of »bi»-h be pai U':nier,»na H >«¦

tl»e feMfetoty of Gen. Aeofeei Tbo ipeeehwao t

«riv»d wi b j~vai «"ithtt«va»-i. Thro~ghr,*«t ''.»> Paievery imat/ir-J.»- excretive wai resorted to. inrludittbe active BBaS-f ion of E'gT. t'p n t>« whale *!

day war a legan ooM to ihn I' a.aht-feia B

At Bight lb*>e MM febrUBaal «li-play of ¿reworkafter which tbe pivvpie aowrht their home«.

mEighth CfeBStTS fef t::e Dlftn Static Marsh

Ryn-hr» tc." feprroînted 100 censes marshaltioutt em IMfetrt-t sb tiiia ryote, most of whom ha

Already e.'.t« ted up.on tiieir diiti» ?.. Tïie SurairintendeOt tie ('»it«)« l a» enjoined Mr. Hyndor» to keep »a»et

the rame» of bis tipp* intee», so that ibepuuliccitSirm no opin Ofe a« *o their qnalifie.itir.ns, but t

tlai-L-l e ale* that no man not duly t|u_lilv*'d for i

po-itri n bt»a l-e»n sel»c«««d. These as*>i»tants a

«ailoatd ;wo cents tor «-a*:b person enumerated, t

eri.i» _ lull» foi teav.lii.»; SXgSSMO«, t'-i» c-'ii.- «Jdiliotfir »a«li farm foi Mt'ublisbineiit of pirodaclirivir.riry fi..y rofeunel fit't««;ii <«».¦»«., fui t ,

pmbjBoo two p.- i-ent tofom iheB-tennteB.IU>« eiiuineruiioti si |M.pu_iuoii, and for each name *.»;

¿ec* aKt-d j« r-on Nfenmed two oectf".Tir>- ..ii v of ihn HnnfenkI«n eery iagettant«a

as nre-n II o leaah at t'ieii labois mu.**. itfaad the t

Ubi.»! Ul«-llt. a.f tb« ratio of e»-|i»ivrilh ,..o, n.|»l»íj.>and A-quiUlle apportionnuui of the Mcai^oi- of tlUauM <-f Urpier.inUlivte, a G_u e*liil»iliou of Ü-valer »1 MOaatBOO of lbs .».inutrj, snd « tm« return

Ü e Uiciial iu d »v-cial Cviud.litiU uf e.lcL ¡SUiU» and TWltr-ry. I¡. is .ncumlxnt apon all ptMSOi.» tv __«»».. Irtuu«a prompt ansvAtr» u» ail ffefenieno wb»t ü iLe Ma»hnl» may bs «SSfeestned »». jm» in Them anci ¡i refn».to «i«. »». wrti T.-ncWr them labls 10 ¦ 'i of f->0. Tl«aio«>',i..iistr. »»p a».ked in Um city .ro «S ftafleWI

1 bs 'i«u:v ot rv»T ;<-»',n wlic*.. uroal pu- e o: co«3» ut t».» u-, '.<--' - f-i llli-b;a»e,s-.

» Bex'« alo» .whl'a May» "rrn.u-.i^iPior..»i'i,. r,«eupatl. n. or tr..».f .* .*

y.'ir_«a I k-v r -i »>'V ||m «f J'era..:,»! K« a»at11»-- -n I Ih. namla|tb< H'»te, Tvint'rT, »¦ eoeatrrlti«i i»d a»i Lia »¦' ». «i

zti»..d..l arbael v»l>,',i, Ibe v. ,.r.,-. . f.. ,,.,. r»f »¿-'wii^e.r.'i'v» r»».-l «ad rite1

v»*U.Im..j ù. *.' a*..l »lwl-l», aUtfd, IlilMkai ,ù... '... .».av.. *.r «-.

TÍ» !"Vers »r» alno mnr«-»'uty srheclnles, for tlie ennuie

tion of in ¦¦.- enned dnrlag tho eoarnin«» .f>pe I, it-.'-o nrilh Ib« ntur»', .;". '¦-.. .¦; :,*iiBW'hib oi* «'«-aiii, end lire áarfetlon and Betnreef«liseaae. For farmers and mannfueturcrs there, i

cii . r etbt-dur».r, einbmcing tlie name of tbe«"', <u| i'nl bs rood ¦ ol gem.léetele bnrselsd, r^

Ti-attiial n««-d tie prodsct, tb« nnmber ofbands «

jkye.1, kind of mo :ve pt»w««r, wi^'e», hh.I liindr.

olject».Tmk Pitoin < i: Ex. Hanoi ..Tb»» Ituild.'ntr Cornrai

iBaefifei New-tojk Pradeos Bnehango t. n.rsu-iy a

e»id«"' Ij btenaine-l to i« no liase in pasbin«the work SeSMnhfe d to their .h-ti.-e. TbS proper'has b*en rurcba»»d and the fin<t m^!>' thtron. Onfifetnttlaj I »«. afW due avd sarsM naaa_aitirrn t'f ibe «ervr-al rbins «ubmitted by the emrlyytrAsohHei t- M«*-.-r».. L»sspall F.idk»tr and H.nry Q. liari»«.Hi «ere e> looted lo deni'.'nandeniierinrend the w.irlTh- .IrMtari'j'» nn*l «¡veciications will t-e ready at it

e-rüot po-s'be n-r,mcit th<: BMh-MOtO fn'ly nnde.tanciiig l-'e de-ire of the Commit»«?«? to be, to OOOfeflfetie tnterprite without delay In tbe mean time, pnp-.-iaJe w -IJ b«r ¦about'ed todessuBsb tlie baildbigi paii_as«d fesaate bane tbe pnrci is ready for the m<

rl.iiiivr» by t» m iít»«. «heir ..ri'iir«t««H nre ¡u It in thojiiion >.f tbo architect« tbat tbebniUliuj» will be readfvr r»r«'ii¡»í«iicy bv Ifes bret of .lannr.ry w»i,

CoMM.itnarAe» Ban^OM lo Gro-.r: Wn Kt-

I Q. A s c. ._::.' cf tho fricct-i of Mr. Gorge Wilkc».BS Ix'l'l I»«! «.verniij» at Hie .biuaw HoQMt, l»".a'i a'dv

to take pr»-iiiiiiiiHr-, et^j^i t«j teu'ier Mi. Wdkoe a di-inrr on Us re urn to thfa «-.»antry. A (.uiornutoe wa«PI»tjiiiieii to make t;,. ue»vv.a<-i.-y arnuigdmoute. MrYVlike» is expcvie.l hoiu-j by uze Nin*<_ia, vviucii vviiarrive hi Ih-r-t.,-,, «.ii Th.irs*tr»v .,, I', .l.,^


bliM.K Ont I) » »» .To-lay, w«- er» hUbrBtedBtra»» l».ri--s »ill keeoehanp ib-»t all pasr-.n« «-a-i affate to »eg to the luxury, Ti'»' ir. .-

»mm weather of uiej.ast week or two has {roduceda 1 '-uraii' ci'-p, the *:alk of wh < l i DOWfeboWrt~dy f..r rrwk.;'.-Stiiou« aûmpLiiat ia BMthe police allow a boose of ill-.-r-c to remain adjoin-ihg U't- pnbHe ooboel at rife mcm «-i North M.»u andVaftkk Mteem Ais on ol the largest echo .Is intheci'v ..TheCityInopeeterIs atvit lo pregaresa» « Weekly Report, stating tbe eaniber of ««.rr.riiu'r -.

ef r.ui-ui ¦:».s tnl»i«d at lof ofl.oe< th* numb-r ofBBfesnasss abalad sad lbs BHsbsa oi r~nr-lBf-*s f.»undI« _B*/0 o***«'! BSais wirlioiil riiiiM, TiienjA.n Of'tMnko eontahi a i-aeawni of the ojeemity ef dlosaaoolmeats cr.riscated by tl;.' Jcp-cvr-; th» n«;:rber ofsir»et». CeatifO; :tie uum*.»er oí cart-kno- oi nigh: »>ii,ofikl, Ac. .-»-in red. t-"getle r witii the n'imber ol d*_db rara ard cut h c ..vty-d to tbe 0_hl ieei-InlorwnttMi bee besst reeaisod lb« i s pool««>4j«- for h sitigl»* baies 11 a .ci from all pia-i.« ofQemMU«..«¦S4..«i_,j,,» ü irgstsaatsta« wlBe»i»d E>«s»tit«... .Ti.e rL.i, Bami t.ol ' J'i!.aiie barUVu,n«jw lying at ihe f.>c of I -^;r«^¦l, N'. K., i .«a»

I-»-en e arr.-r.-i i., , tared àffittfeKey We-l to IJ a-Jul Ml tt nu_ _,H K,o«-rU_lied. T.ircl«r*.«r inakti; tb» u,¡:d eugag*n.eur « sen »

ferrad to-Tb Troy rWg. t _n_MBfe_fell tuât JohnMoi-riaa^y t».e |..irilirt. ia t». ga irai-vvdia'.^ly InfeB -r. I

ini'ic tbo " Abirev, w. i. | W.A loighdog Bbeefetin ABgaoi He has loB Baw>Vesk, and i<îeternii!.ati"ri M vat)..tii-b i.e,e i beital««aftbs BTorllnotwi_ii>t_:i' be iMotri-aaey. in t-re-ivent-d witht-t/ueiitiipiioii.. It is »cJii'd that u _cw dailvreligions jatpor wiil i**« imued al-oul ||h llret of

jA 0^".Ih« ediioriiJ ooiu.i*ol «i t¡., | .,

Henry Ward kfeJBehor. Tue effl««« «..k- ...

in the Maoaaai li.lcii.'.i', n-hieb was form-iiy oc

cupied by fvt'inger A Townaeud. trOokeellers_Th« poAt-irevru Li i J.amii.i.'iot' < ! tho SWBM sbUTzcetj of je >*>:i. nor the MMBnoo ef aero lhaa tbe

orein-'iry BOfegiftiooi af naJr. Tiie liinip' Bggoand t<i b

hsat-Bo^ata-gBStt-d » mdition, and were oi'a ligbl«uarfcl Nkr. Th- <-j<__c_ ..! thc-t; wh'. xadc tie a»

auiuiuli'U is that the bird» died frew eoiwe liug di*-

i-os' prebibly pneuiii'iniu. A iitrrerpondfnt says that,¦«he WO« on ll .¦ C< "'nil Park n Sunday, M Md A Iman «brow the »tnn.p of hi« rigur to one of the winm,

wlifh innn. dia . Ij »WAaavWtd il. i'l i. 'iH'X-

pn-r-.s the ojiaioii that ii. will feu atinóle if any ttthe OMOM live 1.,1'g. Ye-Uiriiiy Üst diet, of Mbl!ii'i::bus v\:i» celebrated in many of the Kpi»c<»p»»IChoi ehr«. At T.iiiity uidS:. «Ma »tho chilclrcii uf the

pari«1' ;:i;dSuti,-»ny mm» 'RfaM «d, lad tr< BB dto pi. tty prcsa'iit-.


The «fatV-MKMO of the Common Council, M tvkoM iiiMraoted tlie ex|HMiditure of ihe $^K),000 uppr«»p--i»»»/e«lfor the IBBBBtln and euLeiUiiiiHiont of tie' «JapaneseLuibaesy, have not as yet. made know n i_o pioptunmoi ! tin irarrargenicn;«. They are unck istoxl, however,it>b*t-ueriretieiill) at woik, and UM inuiu fucts OOM«TMita'd with tin ir plan of reception have transpired.The Jupa» > sc will probably arrive from PuiuMielphi.i

b] lie C-inJin un«l Auihoy liuilroud, M 1'inlay next,at uhoul 9 ir'chiOh p. in. Afivi' landing' til die I,.uU-ry,l! « BothOaOJ, in OBM biironclr»«!, aceitatBaaiod by theNatal Office»»,, s.ooatMleo, and [ooerpvoMn, will i«»

ticortcd in pn-ctpsicn up Broadway to Grand stre t,

through Grand u> the Lfowery, np tho Bowery amiFuit!, avenue to Union IfMMB, and, liualiy, dow.iBreadura* to tho B« UctpoKtaa II«. »t-» 1.The while ofÜM Firm Diviaiou of tie Stalo Miblia

Bridpodrttde; the Kiyhth Ketr'tuKut tutini* a« a spécial.¦.wrt a- d guard sd honor. Gov. M>rgau hat crrtierellie Stall i«> ulix-nd L:ui,';nd wili apilar in BBfBM on

this oooaaka m Co_ii_andi r«la»Chiof of the iroofo oftho ivate.

It iscvpci'tid that, by tho route adopted, the Km-

btCOJ w 11 i« .o \i tbeil vjuai ;ei- at the hv.el during lie'«altor part of tho ollonw n. luiviug euuug'u doto loAT.. foi.* OBBBM !«. «fa W, kt lh"ii leisuiv, the Uiul. ¡indi¬ne u.» l'-ngW- of the precession which ba.i OOOOCtadtbOtB.

Haviiig arrived, they will pufs within iho II,tal by«he bread froHR mtranco. This is to be t-tfeaivtlyd'tviaU-d wilh the Japanese aud Aum-.-i it ,_i IrrBiMoving np tlio giand staiKaee, which will be tape«-trie-d and overhung with baunere, OMMOBBbI vvnb

¦yitln and evergreens, they will l>t conduela:'! to t-ie

balcony above the entrance, which commafids a viewof Bioadway from Groe«-' Church to Trinity. Over¬head, ihe Jnpmiee" and American BOgS, mad the c'Ul-

of-«riiis «death ii'tiion will bo BaplByodyiMd tho wordAVi 1COMB will la formed by |0M of ¿a*, reechitii; fiMni<-i:d to end of the balcony. S» fit. d here, t.he bBoBTSuf tho Liuliis.«y am expected to n vie«v tho civic a:i«i

noli nry proic-sion as it oootinttea to pun doWBBioadway. Ti.i» BirBRgOOBOM vmII OOMMo tiw-'n t"

«Ait»<»s the »i'V.-l spiit.-,«!», w'.thou» flfir of intii»e¡..iiand to res» M tle-ir eatt from tlie Img and eA« iti: gji.uii-cy of the day.

!.at»r in the evening ¡he- entire bunding will I»« befl»lim tly ¡ilumi'Uited iu bOBOf of it» guest«, and they willbe serenaded by Dttdwottfa« Band, enkrr*>d to tho fulloouiplemcnt of 10») piece«.The first floor of the hotel, when tho BBBBtofiBO

Messt«. Iaelund are ooOBjaaBBBj will 1»« imposing in thethstt ful ohojMBM of i"» BBBfllRGMOaMi Mr. William, Archi'ec», OBOhOROJ «MgOfOd M MMtffBBOMOlth»idec«ira:ive work and everyftiini' loBwHlll fOOMJ «W«ward under I is direction. Facing the bead of üieetair-cfi»e rnr-i t¡. t.. d,aret4so Uftveiw broas« ligar*«, beariugita»0~a,aad r.-ning upon cannoaa of bronze Statuesof the BOOM material will also be phiced on tile extrem-itie* of t»e baly nv, and here a_d there through th«ttaia hall.To ici !. :',. boJeOOrJi JOB BTOOt '.

rocm.Hie central parlor ol tliis boor. TflBiotOBOOppropr'ialed to Üi*' public unce of Me»srs. I)up<itil.,I'irtir. arid the other rsval ofkotu irlrlBirihlBB MMLiiit'-dIm QotenotOÓtCoMS-Btén Lu« odittcentres m 10 »he north is t .. be their diuiiit'-'atill; that o Ihosouth ie for the ose of the Committeo of inn New-YorkCom nu «li Council. North of all is a pagan for the sw»

iituii i« of the firwt-tuiTucd g<Ml- m« n.

- I Acroa« the ball fr. m parlas*, and with window«

onahtgn the larj-crt a»d most boaaBuW of Ni "»lowturo p»Tdeij-. i» the (ltntng-roc.m 0Xp»O««l« prep«"-1 bo

I ti$ ifattnO hip1' ofiir-r- OjlttMbtuI lo the _¡M«»M«y,9 riiorgh firr»'irr'rn»td at a heavy cost, nor hing onld »s»

ni:,le 8'lleic und salirfnctci-y than is dec iratijue.Tl e 'ooin is pwhBfO tbifty by «.iit'-eu fee» in el.e. Itia fieeeood, «Id d.iifatenenfrrii tbaow« of plah Bud

I blue, in irniiatiot» of |MUMd*t«t*k, «BOh of «BOao |»arielseen'aiiiing a beautifully diao.ii and OdlorodJoMsMMfigure, fro» Oesiirus fou:.i in Commodore lvrrv s

»olume. Here are hung ba-nerol« displuTJllg theAmerican and .Is.piuie-s- cottie-oi-ariu-i in the name

«.«cnti'heon.Ou the aaOBBg Rhön UiC- planted ÜM thtWO suns,

which f« rm tl»e i:isir'nia ofthe jRBBBeM Kmper'jr, anJiba emblems and devices ai variou» J,ipane«e Priaei«pairada«. Frt.r., the arbadowo of tfalg d^aty roam, a-»

has bi«:n sai«l, Kiblo'« Garden i» vi»ii,le. Tue founutini« directly U-Ltuth, the «.içeu bra.,' bee of tPOOO reachtotheveiy windovvs. hi ihe evening the whole «vry-a

will be gayly IBi.: bU i, oad.» baad am ...ak. nj.»i.en the Imi.ony acnH« the Court.The fifty-two atu ndant« upon the prince and officers

Iofth«'Emlste-y will eat their ii-nils in u nuMOBthoboOCOOBM loo«, wh.cb opens diroi'Jy into tho gBrOuBMijand is as plc-ituaul and reliit-ci lie poe.-alle. The Euibue-?adors themselves, wi'h t':e OotttBt arid l'reH"iirer,Will have then meule m-i red in Um Ir OB i «.«aiiiii' ate,in lU'Ci.rdsfll'e wjth t'e bOOMItTBMo pr'n HCV die t.. .e-

rTri of their ranL. lu the matter of food, the BaasCB.L bad .¦.';! taho '; in ^.-r tífj th» panaud«»rnp'e «ppi tit« g «f tbe t «li-ti'ig'iirbe.1 jjne.i«, «hbottabthey oapitn a l-yli'.-f that ttiey will BM lad it dtfli all.i, t,.< bedoro thon oooae taoahM of Ain»rir-aTi «oo'-tiüe»

o.' rooBb !;¦ 's on tl.ii,p«...i'. Attsmgother thing«irblaintdfoi iheii :,.;.¡«« i»un m ikl« ofgnafato Japaaon loa, ht^ion J fiou. th. ¡,-¦-».i «oiiniiv. and olsoof U « pooBÜM EoMlndiarieo,OÍ »I cb they ;ii» r« futid.Tu» iriMUi hull on t',e fn«il loor, ni.le!, fa) '¡Oí f-et

l,i |, e\t« nuit y. t» ro'igh lb»- entire h ruth of the hOOOl.wili be aj'ptop'iilely ad-rned with flir»», and emMom«Of fBrioBO kinds. Ab¡ai;i4 tho d ar !' tuchroimdivot'd to tboJapBBrn is re bo ooaaaadad o oboorb*«!.éu,'..!a..«.úi i witli tho BROM o:' M 0 d thuiUMOrl in

, Bad bsariog aiordo of .ve'eome in the naüveluagBBBOof Iho gas «ta. Ptetare» ofJapaaon oeeoanrjwll aha f"' StWStOfid here and then, :»'id every eff'irtn ado m sigiiify t-i t-.t «tnafon that thejaro ooaoogihr--» who í.j prodOBO bow ponOBBl arc the MOOBtWia«id borne lo stjoiiii.eis in h for» iyn land.

Axfertd'r«» ib»» «?tire»«-" leniiug to the «eitwtd loota richly ttafak d wii.dow MBMO itte eye. This na .¦

newly put in. and addi 17. u»Jy to dw «jflbM of tie

wli'l.' ainniLrcnic-nt. It. I« «livid» d fato tb.-eat*arthcdpor i nr; thi s« tire oahdivided at-'ain, >..-. «.bat places a-r

oeuigaed to nine distinct «ocanotaooM. TholottoroonMia viiAsof tho <i;y f Ni-A-Yoik, t¡.. Çfaj lln}\,Iho Cofkol at W'iM<biTi;,l.<.r., the KtkddRof the City, tbOStale ai.'i the Nation, loeily, «daOgOsiaJ typn Of thoAgrlcakanl, Um M« rluuiicatl, RadlhaDoBnéteAiaari.

¦. »«,».

Tbei-e in ivanoii to believe tha' OIVfOMOtl will not

I their t«iuy in'Ji:° city re the rude aridlst»urisb fiuafliarity wbiib haaatrwu ihaa one«; beta 000«f- t;. <1 Uja,i, tin -¦ t._. :!.«: iri'jtiiritivi ie ¦ t :i.. p. ; -:l_...

¡U ihe plm . s Vi lib h tleylieve tiuiMd bill.'Ito. At

beat tbe Mf.-.-n. lA-lan<l ar«' ioMfMlBRd tha' the

jirivii« y ff thtir domratir nrcmrrMliitifins -h.i!l he.<ouji ti.ii.'g more tnau a iiam«t. AOOBM the main hail on floor rail Rfl RM M '- p!.tcc.l bojaad WwS I,» pu-s aitbool olli, |», ins-

:\n b - l~e:i tali ¦. l*J OU OB «fail lb»n

«los| ridoraei mdiog 300 feet oa Broadway aadlid le»-i oil j'iinte i'.i.-»t a.« aauigni dfor tin <-li«

«laptiiioee.Tl.c :

:!. west corner of t».< boooL Tn»'Dice.s will -. 'tpy |ho eutir« Ir.n'. B bbB em-

oraur a, n.iaLy s;.k:id,i! apart mi ms-all of ihcin in

bod B iih PRBR»«WMM and otlitr IttaV

uri«.ui rpp'irtfi ah. v., mi nonsoutnt with i b» Jatpauc-or-çde f 'if-. Trie Bfty t».o BB-OedaaU «111 -ocnpy llvirhaj-htr* facing on Prince atre«t The Oi ital hav*l ten craiiij ed and BBBBeSOd into u coinli'i ni of hO v ü(!»rn»nt by tí-- tasaflcbt.t accommodations allorXodif.« m in i-tl »i ASB»ri aa hies,A» tha M trojoiititi noi.l they will bavaaBthe

r»om tht-v «in d-eire; each one cau '*) is »»e-r!'id»-d a"

if dwelling in hi», o«.n hoBBO| ar.d unl»*s they arc

w nric't day after <*ay w i'h f n-ed espodittaaa t» B»B*Jcr-pin«-> ot se on M'.nbnt'm Istaad, under »be ajBOrBB.

ugi ..f ihe CilJ Fall »-'s, .Ley mat lu-cin. ao utm b.-dla) t! ¦ alaoaaM > oobie -,. cf tin ir new (pui-ta-ts a*, to 1 lie

fomo of the cap. r cie-ir. they huv. hirn. r.o evinced fora speedy retnru to i!.» ir own country.

It. only remiin» to sp«-nk of lb» Grand Beeepdoe,abieh i* te tahe bbmb aaeaaaaa*aai*ajef bbbi ifseeh,n.,.1«r the direaúaa of i».o (taa-adateo. «Un will*_)-brae all ibo displays and deli-hu, ha tbs i.»riu» ofd_::ring, illumination, (iccoration, i_i'ji-ui;g, und...i si., .ti ¡. h the Mi ."(..lit.'!. Hotel, ' hsaaBBBrVr<s.ii,s und t.';.Il-'i.e udjBicnt, can f.irniah for the ooa-

si. n. Broad corrido. eoiumuuioti-» with tba greitlMtaOBSj fioin the flixus which will be oc'.pi.;.! bj the

tub-My. I' i» -Bolsas to al'ampt M Jta-ciib. Uk-fruits, loecsa, »r»-.-, MaatSBBB, sweet Msaai andodors which will dstaeMM tba JaBsBBsaagaaaaj, and(l e IBB IBaaaBsd others to whom iuvitut.ous arc to belltcsdad. ii.i theater is to he feared, BBeeptad, andi ml llishtd Tlieie is tu bt i*n. ¡ig .herein; ¡here isLi be d*aafag ta the apeareooa lerooai; deaetng taeh»» up|-i ...i in ¦;-.. "»;», dancing ia the low-i diiiiag-roi.ui; darning t-v.-ry wher"1.Tl. i- is o, be pp.meiiadiug in tbe halls and ie the

.-"frel'i.-; aioui d the) C'0'.».ii louütaiu i:i the grvsitI_i. :,; araatd tba foaatsta of bob >'» otlogotlatha1 all above. Tbeie is to be a splendi-1 supper iu Nil»! >'«galooB. There arc to be crinoline, suit», diamonds,fono, riiiib-, flirt-ations, eraabee, shrieks, aed l-iighter,.'i s.» phi iful un M iiuiLc future "leeeettoae" steig'I.ifi.aiit f..r BM-fl n MBI M 00000, Than "

.t I Mlworld aid Ms wife'' nre to !>c there. The PSad-BBS ¡>ii-.iiea; the Cu'. .net is iiviied; ihe officer» >i the

AiUy Bad Nu y aie invited; ihe S'aie luilili- offi¬ce!.", tba Mayoi» of aO Isabea and OhaadtaiI..iti.p; the Governor of the British EaBotaSBS.all bha great men, iBCBBBBg, iu 'heirloftiest ñu««-, th« BtasBbBM "f tiie Couim-»n Couii-cil of the City of New-York, will be th'-rc, if:h'-y all respond to the invitation« Ar.d wbi!. Magreat l_doi_e, and the lad« laeJoiBU. asa ihmatag Bp Ihsir brota, end nil b gastar, asaad, setae,ch.mor :;nd r.rioei'y, the iMMly and pi,r in».-pru !y-robed Ibreigaara, in who*«- boaurtha wonderful raaap»itaa is y'.', n, an- to si BpOfl U leg* Ml >ptad duis, highihove and separate from tl" l ill I".pi»- »ce'ie.

ihera M autrsla ov.r "new manners, unknownmen," and to weadsB WBBBBU tfiy a>« real livePrinces, BMhBBBBSari t" lbs antipoles of '.h«ir aWB

Japan, bj whether they BMdi»s»-iag ta tha gardées,f Veddo.«goBOBsaattaagerMob ever pel ware de¬

picted on rie» by the peadl "f the nimble«', andwfldeet-BaeW aifi-t ofthat Flowery I_and.


Th, Boara\aftei a weeh'a vaaattae,haU. regularmt einig ytsv-rday afternoon, tho i'resiib-tit iu mechuir.Mi. BTABB moved Mel .» ComatttOO of one It; ap¬

pointed ;o confer with .»!:»(.'... ;al Suj» .in-» ¡.do .; ofPcli'-e us to the nec.Prity ol BMans being employed furihe leaiiiteiiuniv of belter esdaf in the; lub'iy. Adopted,and Mr. i^uirr wm appointed rocb Coeuutteo riy rhoC: iilr. The CoomiütM bold « coeBB-ee with the go*piriiiUndenl. who v»,ts hiaseoll iu the lobby,and n.-

tarning, reported thu: the party n_ah_g th. dkBarfa.ti.. . had i»*-'n Bmeted by lbs oedse of that O-B.-iel»C«.'..ii idtiilly lilt- ill'* Sii|«-iili'e.nîi-ii! 1 óthe 11 amber, and t o more ei*turtan*a waaexp»»rh eeed.An itn-'.-n».» DBrnK r of res lutieitM, ».!b.ivi(i>» al'

soris oi IradraBBBB 1" rilata .»-igns, uwiiiug» andoiiii r s- reel obwrneti'iiis in fnu t ot their sior », wi.>

i:.IS i' «a ñ h.iion. M..t«.l Mat itatf bo read «mladoptee. Mr. Coiurau mov.-d to aasaad by tattagthe whole btitch over until it should lie determine i

«vha» cnr«.» ISe Otber I'tard won'd Uik» in r.-1-i'i >n MsimiltT résolu i'»ns. The aruendnient peevaded.A con muni.-ntion w;;»> receiv. d from the Mayor, do

dining to i.fljx hin signature U th»' r«sol uio,i oui.-riivt!".- sues» (".!.".'.«". ).¦-1.. lay oaf nui otborwba b_k¦raveMoesJ Harria BBasia. His raaasM ire; In.rim'tl<» work i». U> b,. d .ne wiih'in'c'Otrj-1. Thishe ensilléis bar..nioi.» ni'd iii»-__J wh-r»: an expemii-tuit- ol ;-'.U,(il)0 is involved; wL '1 in. peoedsM ate

dy ander .« VI year«' i-, .. . Htepb, u Vtnind wbicL do-« not expire till lVX. and whi.h *o»o-pels Inm to keep tiie sqtmre iu good order for lie; pnh-lie tire am < nj"_i nient.A con inui nation was received from the ¡'resident

of ihe Board tt Commissioner« of the Central Purs,urging immediate nttenion to the BBC request ol BBSC»»n'rK'i. i"! ;he íte.úK- of lie reuiaiiii.iti poriiou ofihe Cenind Parh Improvement Fund lloea inismn.-har the iioard will BMJBN lor the operation» of ihecii'Tir.t yc_r t!c lum'..! ^"^i.tJiJU. Be&BRed to Coiu-_dtt( B OB Finance.

TJ » < ';:y I' sp. ctor sent in ucomicunicatiin. BO oia-it-irg Willii.'ni Hi lamiiler to he, and perfora th. .!,:.--ot. IK.iiiii Wardaafo» n.« I..Bhiii Want, iu plo«.c elwaller M. .'. e. good, ihe appointmeut wa-((iiifiiinid.

Mr. Bosssti paasaaMd a wsotattaii dtaaattag (heCity laapeeUV 10 report U Iba Hoard h> whose »uthoi-it] «öd m..I« r wbots direction lb* cbaoing of I!. ad*way aad o-h. i loadingilioioiishfinn h.A 6a a Bather«bae. aad tbata Bfpeetal CsamMae bi apaoaBSd to m-v.-."i....e ti.e bsbw, whh power to »end tor per«.«as Referred lo Comnrblte "n Bcsssu also otnrid a reoolatioa «iHtiirrinng

m:lk vender» ::i Ü:i° ;ty tc kt-.-p ttadr ::::lk dspouopeound lepprj n ilk to ttasr oBstoeier« on Oanuie wi'h'.In- sjui," fiicd'iiii -s on oi». r drtys of tha vv.tek.Aoopt.d. A(1jonrii'.1 :.»,! f nnr-ii.v.'

BOABD «»i- t tii.M u.Mi v.TTicîï.:,'d m. tiii ibe Committee room indi*h ..

»..¦!!.. of tí:».-Hull. Me.»' i iraiiJem. ,x-..upiedthe chair.IheB>aHresolved loeapoinl eaaUitmoelelerhM

be dta%t»ai«d general etara, al .« .; resolution to appropriate |l,00d ! metera-taIbeRyeand Kertaflraary, trasevwronwd hi mid »her- <-r ot the Finance I flivorol ooedttag¡f.: IKHI to the Children s Aid Socn tv, w.v adeelad,

'i 1. 1 ¡"m.!,«jilt-ini,<l to nave wiui B*dgiiu> ;¦-». -BS-ttlC»ad. .tur, fiom Breesway to City Hall l_»Whitehall stteH from Rr<.ad\vay to «if it.. s'rct^ Fighihs:i'-e: from Biuadaay toriixtb avena« Tnirtv-eúrhth?*_'(t btlvvteu Fuurtb uud Eighth BveaaB» EkvBBtbs't.e» siwet-n Breada ly andUnireíThe Beard else enacarrad Mdüaei ihegti ¦>¦' ''.ur-

rri-A-ioticr U ad VOTftas fora new truck tor anilLad r| Co., iNu. 6, and an aaendmeol w is adopasd i<»a't.i.ii io ihe Uuik one ol Mieklo Carheil'l rue¥.f Bpl SA report was received free* l!n (' a-BBBM on

U »lie«. I'irrs and Mi|s«. in KtVOT of BBtbertatag iheCwaigubm U,aeulewilbII* ery Ctmhliu, i.ieemtlratairlirii.» Beller] ssdarassaeBt, and o direei lbe8ti*MtComn isgjonar m aavcnbi r i ¦-. wait to eoturAnuIhe Bofladel ed werk, exeepiittg i,<u>" f--* in lettg«n ..

th.- S..U11-easteity part there..! ; turth.-r. lhat the Sure.iluleadaad Kew«xâah Port» Cnaipaiiy aiaaiboriaHlo reta balhbeed fron t'i.iter wall of the .!Han. ry t«i lie eatreme Use of the t i.> rap e. nil ».f theBatter) enlnrgen ft:* at a dJeUlKi of -(Xi R t we-t. -I ,-to Vaiidtililt s l'i.-i. as a pieUBltaa for the eart-U lili¬lí,g al ti,at eud of lie» OnlsigSMiaill. lud tai, iu 00O>sitl.rmioii thereof, Ibeyhavi ib* right to u~e ihe ap aabetweea the bbssb ardVaoderbQl b ftoi for the amoih.tion of their f.rrv bouts.

Mr. l'i«. km . op|io»etdth» clatme allowing the Ferry...y to li.iV'j '.W t :, u ¡t tïcu'd uecoaimod ite

Oeotge l^tw, who saiti.'!,-l tin C irtKirution try the»ery eoBSrad which bad aot beeaeofliMied wi'h. Tueonly ion-,d» rat ion that fie WBO U IBM* foeMM privi-legs Was to L_ild a bulhbeiid. It wan a rtds-tery sudlin ..ut g.». Mi.(.""ge Law was Mr. Conk in, andMr, OeMBB Law wa» ihe Sinn n I-!aud Ferry Cutn-

III,..,. never w:,» e l-r._v tin r- .»ml M (Mr,imkneyi iii.i»tted litat. if any ferry rigM was t»> Im

Îirenisd, i beadvostiteda otatagtotaw» lie Lheiu-ol. movtd lo lay the it tot ¦< OVeP.1 h. tr.'.tii.n w:,H h»s', i iid Mr. PlOl Beit Un n ni » ed

subjed '.. indefinitetly p tpoood, wbieh, eadi» i»k n. v\"ri by 6 Teas to 15 Naya,

1 !n .in» eii'ii recarrtag on t-l»» aSoptii n of the r» r.and n i-olu'iKii, vvji carTit.1 by It .tus i» , .\_y«, _*hi;, as:

A LKI It W',.IT I'-M..t. Hr.e-! HI. -, i; , II,.:, h- ¡i ello, M> i ni..w... lia ttlmiauii V m

'..KPUA'liVP/.Mesai Joaaa, »I..,to, Pi!.. To»i_-i.d,

ri'"»n... ',..¦. Da ». 1IheBcaid tien'iin:.-i to i- «day, Jnno 19.

K'M.s COUKTT BOCKT MOÜBTAIM CLUEA v. ry ph asail U-BS 'via bad b_B i»._i .» the oca-

i-eiti oi iheaMledUttberMg <S ib»- Uve R«-pui.ia-tu* oi

Biookl.n Wider th-j above BB_B»,M the heAoft-H

flub, .n the eoracr of Oi-angs ,iud Fuhon «tre-î'^.

The KxecTtiiv»' «-runTiiiie.« pre-»nlr-d a bri-f repnrt on

ibi eni n»Jons of iln onnteeignef MM and i>-n .«»

lb« b»giiiiiing cf ife j.rce»-!,' rampeign wbb-b wtswdoll.d. .¡Ii«'l W'ieb tl- l-'C-id' -t.t Mr. <'oiii-.t-.< k In-In due» a tie -nl-ic 1 .f u Wid . A w:»k.« Clnb, -v!n b itI in bet o proper, d tb uld .>*. % afem an.

'I he idea was l' nseivoil, and lili» fi..;nanu a < t gallant voung braves were *-i,U. B down 'iythe Beeretary. The uniform of the Itrooklyu Wid»-A-rahes is to be »be Mme us »bat of th«- Rall-«phf.«'rH ofNew-York, the only difference bv-ing tiiat the en pens«!oí t"e llnsjkiyu uuiloruz is 00 «*«u«ls fetuM u-ui Ife«other. .

Mr. Wh. IE Hi hi i lea nas iotrodnosd aud warmlymeted. He informed lbs ('lib that Mr. ÍJrrol»>y,whobud bien expo'ed. ¡is P|."i»»er of tint «¡venintr, "wouldnot I-- b. re. The < lub maO *.rry, and r.e **., yel la»dul not know about the inner, as lb«: Club rnii'lit agreewith bim wh» n 1 . s'af» >t »bur b« bud been *pn »iiife dhir ifebstitufe . [E_3gbtc-.] Th« pfeOBSB of N'-v.-Hr.fia-w i' k bud >-en ni'.v-.d by a very g »od «pieit m « t M <

latificuiioii infeiin»»; it very «-tror.^ Ofetagntson bivdi-keu Mr. On. i-y i-y Bfeda fcfno I« go and tfooh ibatv)be bed wife the.a that cafe»«, ana fes vv_* u biggeri».»..i ihm Boreee Oréele« bbnaelf [Lnagbter.] He. Mr.Hur'eigbi. would s*«i ve nu »n apology, not u sub-nitre.

II«; nogrtchtted fun probably MMse-ly as any indfVidual 111 Ihe asfcc-ibly W llo««- whiskers and he»»4 were

a», wli <. es bis¡ be bed one onm.f kjebeartfora)....*d joke, urd s twinkl«« in hi- »y*< when h-* heird i*.thi uiifi it were at bia own expt-nre. AgfdogBO. | lietrtaabers all snTiono thai we nb..uld bave a mera . a»

htrgrd Mid sharp appre*'oti of Obi boaasWbkhBTOinvolved n thai .'.«¦ [ih*ere| bscenss apea Ifeorigl.t rolntion cf printiyks dependothe iTtviucr-

if v. the true glory, the onwara and up-vard or»*gr< *« ofihia nation, lie was not one of rioM who heJkvedll.tit lh.' e> Oeffbeeol »f re »nblk »n iunUl'itioii-i 1» oí ffetbeen totrsomtratcd. Our Kepii'dic rnnal be built Iba&dationa. so as to bnag ths Basat-tfed, dats-tbntc and opaaooMt! of all netieaaiitfcs together -hethe »«i.-Ju.g Bhadow of ugit-itt ro»k ma we-aiy Un.1.[Arnbunn!]

Tl.' ¡-»n»' wRa Fre.' Lfeher on the ono band ntidRhstn Labor *>n tlie other: Fre* Lahea atoadobbtherc| re«< ntfethre f virtue and artsHg«aee, Sien« lieV.rtil ignoran««', and burinuiaui.inevitably so.for _Mro>¿r7 1% Nil -'.'.- II ..'./. .-.:.!. :. b. i- !.. v..i,V.H« ¦ very good ciitbority "ti nil etbi al niul th.-iV,«;.cul queutions fUnphirrl, d« dared that, the irrepressible«Onfirt sentiment* of fiewurd w«r»: bl-ody and bruU-J.II mcui.J le l»iui ou«, of i!i>: ut-i, obviulis !¦ .»»ea.o Unit1 ,:.'i ever !.. . D. »». 1- red, ..nd it was «thsrod long before¦ ytl.e editor of I'1--' Rtekmonâ Eoquirer(who al¬tered it two rears befors fetrarlty, or Inward aitaaolfrepenti d it. It was ( hriot'o doctrato of rigafesotuoMB«col.flirting v\ ith evil.Mr. Dortsigb continued for some time in bin n'miir.s.

riAhliifj jv,i|.t-.fjly r>nd huniorouglv hin view« andl.-i..'!;.,. of lb question beingenu-»entli appraciatedby risa aadianee. lie afcasd uy r.-_.i_ig a ivu»__g»uftj, begiasaiagi hi I .. a!

lu.:.riaa» ..:- u... .r,.'.;.. moat bsslsnM. k I-,. boy«. atea»iy! «o on ». one !KaU Info th» r«D«»- asssfe I'.rwa.'d io ord'-r.

i bran.BsMssarbsttlerry, " i.i.-.-~iu and Mb-r».--.¦ -, t :t ¦.. || |.

Pr-al it out Peal It out' loud«« the tl.uuder-.lic».,t:t>od fjr lh.- rkliteou« «-«a.-».Rally, boy», rally

«".ne or I'.VO Other sj-eukerti foilowe-, aud liie m»*--l_lgbroke up m tlie bort or spiiit»..


(i'.i'.MA.sKr.'ni. .it..1-4 fjerriuitriof VViUiamrbur-ih_ed-boeaJyanbdted Myitk aseaao i'ark, E. K, ¡nLir/..' riiiinboiH yi etcruay. Bsveiel fine ba."..zr. were int-r-r '.l'inn-v. Tho u ua) Oat-MB geaMI and tgeitlStess in full j.l*»y, and altogatbar ths fcsiivs .»'«.n«» p.-t*-»* ni. J a / a; and unliveiiiug nog«) '.

DaorsaaTi Finar*.Abeal 7 ü'cjwk, on laad_|etsai-g,nd«oftiaM l^i otenrred ai Kyi iaaanaaaoIarl» betweenngar-yofrongho îrnbBt-oihiya uuUNeWaYnrh. AfeOSSl UK» wen» en^ai»ed in the rr.< !...».wiei.ciii.i;» r.i.-k.t- f.o'ii ike fsnes and a«shg taeoi

rigbl -.t.d left, r.r.til .«.v. nl narsens «t es dangnraasly,il not la ally i-jurc-l. Oilit«.r BaySSOad of lh« .««i-tiiHrtcinct, b''urii>ir of riie row, repannd nu-nedia ely to

ths «pot, ru: M Bl I .-.¦:'.. ::::'.:! *.::-j MBbaBBBtl ""^ix

Isarli'gtb«groenri. Hi n"r lia Mee, mho ne*eeB*>iv.iu, out; of l »o wouiiel OuOBpaasOM oa «» d«^rBo I ad orMsntly been much hner. T'-ey reft;«. r\,l.owrver. to giv.: Ury¡-m..t..:ii ¡n tngsld *0 thenflray, but used tl.«i BtMOSl db.ieti h III gSHlfeg «MOM!,.. ,ver i<> Ne w-Vtiri«. Tba td_» . v> a- Saabt» tr. g.<.the »brille*!, inf. mi.i'.ioii f om tho pr.-irrieton« of thePark, or |bo«a wio bad In:« n cnga/ecl in tho tig*it.Ihe ubUie ot lie man su btdly in¡ir«td wu-t iuj*--

riucntly BOOM BBMÍ »o lie VVhiuiic. lie h»'es at theWalbboni.

TaaOnaanJi bi .Thi Liqob Law..Tho CoartofOyrraad T». mil m raaepi ned j < .-Ja-, befbrt Jo Igs(trreglsm. and Jnstbes *-l'-'! aed ttfyber, wlag gentlemen «rae«; ssesotâsd na fio OrandJ.oy f« i t;i>- pi-ret.r arm i G«j»iri!e \V. K e,], f-r« tuau;han-u.-i o, i aw, j:ia. t.. v\ iixon Büfeasd P. Pnaoo,.'as li. Pb-Bpn .«-um^el Towi tend, rhomue E I.VVu». B. Bol»««, Thoatao Porter. .1. V -àpade-r, «A'alnrK, l'air*« »lamen |). l»u»ia. .oía \\ai ar««, Fr>enW, Baftnd, Wldbei Langáoa, A. A. Loa« Cbri->io.l.trll. E-;j*-!l, BAert li 1 tt;.i:',.J ha Lia.!..-.,r,, Isbbi H (.in-"», âbsaaoa '(.mit a. P C Liefe*«v< od. la bb e-a--.».- ta tb Qi«nidJnr». Jadgalorsg«ïam raflod fetfesetifla la tha ssiieWi mi afth*Liesswl.iw, wiii.'i uoiBis lia lui*.], m« ne. lo Bol adiuy-r«led le pur ami a ko <-ua-g»»-i ba .ii- »<ji ing .1 L'ij «i Ni...,',,.» a« i« i,»i-JtU'». m -r« feo-i as «ash w«i

an indiauLk: OOfeBBMâ

BwnoTOB roa tu Paaoinaacr»-»Tho Ebaatoat lab ..: ib I- rsntb v..,, ... Una Hun, 11 tbrMnrr ef Byrth Ivetras ti'"' fetbdpbJ stioet, bMeve» ipg. Mr. H V'ind»-7-- in "," .-huir for th" pn--piseol adviu..-ing íbifi lauíiri of fteoMnl -iiitn MofeMOB,it |i»<H« t,o -h. I"r<-i.niu-y <tf th« U«tted (Metes I'u >!.,,n.. ri th..» i'vry egaMI -r-.'i'H he ki-,.,1. ».

urtanisi daiaiaolhei .-.."..-d. toeoöporato ¦ ...

'I be ( Lain, un, Ai.-. ... ii. Tripler, and Mr. Krai.»» .i«- a..-1 .. N»-w-Vorii .<».¦ ..|»,..|..i,f appâtais nftvor.»i Ota. Uoattenfortfc« PittahJeu v. ftfjlr«_MO a .v

mad« by otbrrs and then» '


BaooB-TB (iiY r..i'itr.- S'.»«. 41, M, V, 9, 30,.

i«. a,. , , .,. i I ,, ; -.-,,.. ..-,. m gM,m a. 01,41 « «. .. is «. «. «. la ... ... ..


-rove, bnfldera » ti'.- Kim 'if W yns itnfe -, .'.¦.-.-..> Cltj, fents ju-t. .j.p¡. tod, and o il !a us h tt m..Leir yai.i, on \V-!- .'-.lay n-*\>, a Una pfOgsller, .

t_« tii _:..'. Scott h ran us n p«Mfegsf beM bstwtna Bew«Terl tad Qtn nlelond, It i- 4,'i ... >., i...«

.1 ¦¦« p. and i» a«nod bj Mesara, Ba-d-D a-d K.-ily.Bareost «st 13,000, andifsbs aasnrsr l. ;«hi will aptu r-dothensi ^t iLo Qovtrtunoatb«Mr«I « _tpte)4M] in c!. ¡..».


FiRr.- Abont3e'cJ*j k w«tardaj Blbtra a i *:.-'-Iroae. d»i in ti..- rítít of M«, c3.bclv.d_ _.J l._._i. ii,.t- j.,.r»< .. A »Ubi» beJ-Ntz-iu» »a Mi S,.u..N.a v. r n.d ... -irt-.l hy Kr». lie espre. a

. ucj*«i. ISSOer J*rO.

Illlllfe,It. fe» a r. efe«

} Ban - Ml Tfcna ¦ U km. m . ».lUU.Ut.r 01 Jail.. . AlmpiiT, eoi., all I . th I .'v.



., , afearf bolM ...ine.., I «zu ,;;.., ,,, auia ,'i J», . n

¦' »fe¦ »-i-'.H.n81'AM.i.-« BBlepdayauTtila«- lana il. M«i « .. tfe____

h}Ba. i tat UM r ,i j, r o. i.rr la»T1.^..«U..» il... r^.. n,. ...M..., I. »...i,.- I.,»,,, o I!HV '.¦' ¦' i"'. ..'".;«*. J-'c L Herbell a»! J

V.l.. H. .ai. «.Und .. ,,,.,. :.,., i, ,_. |!"'J ' il ¦- VVcet ru t, f-autb ,t¦»«iM'i'l' »vetine, aita'elaa-l ,.,, »-"ttnsidir. Ut. Uü. ._

!..-.¦ laben ta tira.fue-' il rendbmbsa«; j itsn t ? t..,.. ,.., .,r tt.-at j..n and i mu«) .>«»

u à, lu», i .i (BiUrea for cuy- «axe,

11» ' r ,.. a.l' a feuleLife- t 'l-.l '-.i.l p*j*lAnd »ball ..» ebb t¡,.i fei. in Ufes, «t la*

/or a_ii».'.vr.<;l M,irr,an,% oHii />'<»//» $,¿'M /*,, ¦»,

Maraet» .. Czaruht itaroaraD roa Tua N. r TaiBera,M »..«i J..... n laul

»SI»! H (Tie iiar\.l II i.i.. ha -. ¦<. I -,,. ,',IJ r IM

tOKI-lt v,,v:,tr ha» bs-a i- -.- Nia» oí ISO beM MD.'uaufoat lí'e t-_h. :-<JL«r-J-ra ttllc «rtlg at 1' tonMmi- «ibvkl l!»i«'.

COTTON TV Bl ,»ket. 1-t qrdet b;it Heady -It "f "tO .._»«-We .)'...(.-

,-rtrw tosh f,-_issiriccT'»!*I'plii.d,. Florida. MaaC-N.O.avTu.

Oolii-.V. U H *tMu-Iilg.til 111 IIIlit»tlddfttig Kvtr.191 194 19lit

lair.121 I.!* IllrtOfr. IKO MPAL I'lf-re l.o.i. , n ;t,.,i (..und for

Western ai..i rilatat Ki.iu/, and, «rlth (rvn .-rirai«, price« toilàWwi.waiJ, ..taieii'ily ib* i-.w «ati aiaataiii w*~m ikab».lit«nd* a,-II .lowly »I former rale«, and an, freely lhe»til««Stallt! tibia, at »>.' »«/«i-e» »itorr*iperttn«,>r.Wi 0* t»¦ii «,<. ;,;, »v .»rra do. ; *« :'*t;' ** *'l for emote« do, ; f A 109S» 40 for l<vw grade» nfWee»«.i extra, **> V»*»*.« 78 for th«bet lei li_.,!. do., *>'/ '.coi «>j «v l.J ..j»Btaa jia.ds af i .a.:iJhn«p .-.t.dh-o 0»v''",r''' *»^"' I." sr»n»1«»ti »nd »M »01 for Ht Lei'll eitrsi I :,t aili-n »lour I» dnil end heavy,BMI* Bgl |. "i.ily 'be loi* gja.'e-i th. te-tter bran!» »re le»,aient v. »id In reeneit for the local trade: the «idc.t arc WO bil«.at Ii Wait .'ai fir Hprti.g extras, «sd +5 'Jtu r-7 SO forWtmSst do Hocthcrn Pl-mr I» .¡nit.-'. r. g..L.r. ihn arrlralsarot,.net. lerg.r titan ».. ,-»)aae.a), .»|"~ l*!|y ef eonn»iy »>r.i..|.;tb* «ale» at- 2,1(14) lit, la at Bt I.AVT «vt, for inixed IO g -O-t »ip.!-fine A!ea.,i.liia Be., and tiWtt '«A f,r til- iiei'e- nr«Ie«,RyrFkiut i. u. tan dertaoadi »a»«« of 217 bbi« at 0« 4'"./«4 IICom Meal I» very quiet, -mall uiei ot leraev at »3 40'. * f tt0BAIN.II.. re l. ,.t (.., W|i. at, l.-tt at lower

rates for m'srt kind» th. offering« a»» liberal, a»id lhe «\»*»*ad.l.;.r, f..i, tuvrt "¦;.;., ;-,.,,-.u;..i u..- .i-..,., r :

RrrdBefpr-gstOlif'trOlBl: zl,:oobu«h. Mllw»akee nub »t»il 27*/ t-l 2', .'. .s»t buah. prime Wt.iîe Can-dau ia More attfl tal. _.d IMtVt-h. Brtoat AVLit-t I..J.a..i at it tt Rro Lff rui aud lu fair J- n and »al»i of 1 4/JO bu»h. at Vh. tot North¬ern Rii.-Vt satt Barky Milt are dull nr.d » it: itML Oe-.e are

lower ind »t-ll ilowly: lalu» of « >.ri«da Kaat ritiCiasic lanuda\Aril. 4l'i7 4x>. and ft-tni«, ttatOt*«.. »be latter for amall lots.(...mi. letle :, a* III, i:4,it> <J (arrian!» ..I Sommé <¦'¦.¦ . ..tad I* failfor the hot, n l'ule. th. I'vt and tor ax port, «»'a* r.fTi »Tl h'.-hat taie fur healed, btatiatc- for East... Mixed 65\aMc. fa,r«.in d !., M*«**, fiat Sutilbeiu and VV'eat.r,. tsMtmT, and 77c.or ;-o'ilbcru AA hit«BIDF.6 The uiarket Uiteady with axle« of LOW Ilurnci Ayrc»

ftrP-il-s.-f*'- '.. '*.ia.* .1Í4>|ia*l»P»»t»*ilitlrjiilii I'"*"* 2i lîi «t 4e ,»¦*.» :i oooWe.l.iii at Ig. u.l i--!i I..'»-) .try -aiud Uaul* ou priaaleenea «'.« I lain i it m-.- .i «Be i; mmIHti'tv.'ihtjaleui.ud i« lair: salei of S»J halts» New at Ja II..

Cid tic In .'ti; d. tr_id, although ar« have no 1*1*1 t> report.HAY- The tmnytfit fair, the d»m«nd »toady; StB of 1.3*

bale, «t ItCtil.C. »' Cal th.J.1-.V1.KK Heu io 1 »nd Oak are both ite.ry with rnodi-r

it. a»', i at .'.'<:.*¦. ra,r UgLitaiid u._d> .eijt.fe. BaaaaaAriss_IB1 lock.f.lMT Tha SB- »I '« f-'. s.!ea of ?¦ cTW l.'l & J

».v. Lump u roote artlve i-lei ot «XJO ei j at >»-'?

_0_aSt I..-1. 1 be u-id. b trivU, wc dj a^t betf of .-y .Botttnt i«let.NA"AL tTORKs>-a»'r»!i!t»Tiirpeiitliie tnmtmTmtjt Stag lid iad

I» anand | --'. -.»" TO fTi-u ......,l. .¦ ». -. at **¦.,...I .id .mall 1.4« in »hipping order at 4«,- Cr..1« rio.atn«.nt. ii't.u it uili s»u¡i imentasS b.bmsbb, tit.t

.,.¦*. r. (a* » '¦at.I "f the diflieiil'y in Bfraetirlngeaay freight«)ire" rtlrn tint aho-» paying any higher rite« the trantactian«,,-.a->-.i.ei.iiy, ai« .;...:!. '. I.. i»«a.a. at. ftuagraaVa an» t*ii,ode.ateie'i'ie.t,a.Ka»of?7.'. hbli No. 2at *l 7ii4>.AliltB, 1T0i... No I »t ti ..x}» 9a« lb iso d . «Jpaqoe «lei Wnit. at *4 *>,-,.,-. iad».e ¦¦'- ;,-;.-AV!.,»4 02 88 -


ft. T»r li III., and pri-ea un-.'.ar.r'-d.U«_.IU Linae.d i» B.J. y.t Heady. »I Oui'. Cude AVhtie i.

.,,... ot Tiaj -".l. it li1 '¦' r»»'d" at it»...i i-,,.,!.. lio«, "e .,;. ..f «MO bOta r»»artal 1st a*

prívala (en;.» ». avw l*ara »a» u.»d« »l 45-.-. par gi!.,caih. Other kindi iv quiet and price» '.inch.«nd.

I ItOVIf IQltf TV iliniaa. for Perk i« t d--!--»-, «»Ii'.gttIk« advanced Bike* --Ke.l Dealer« bay oult Io -' tttelol va., i. g » .l.U the »aie« ale ¦%» o.'la. at a 17 .Ou .-è i. M lag «idJki... vl". i-'> fui o..n A.... AIS 87)3-|U . fear maw Me.«nd am tS.Bl» 7^ ",r new rV_Ma He.»' i» ron-hihsnf. the fnq-nryl« fair, and the «uppiy in.pi. .tag of xAbon. at t-'' 0» r t .;: try Mess; »'jati'.'-'.' ror Kcp: ledMe.« » .; -il ;.---'.: :.. f.. Eitr» r.'.Me*. Ba- i- »[.«-iilr.lur.ii. bee] uaici are _b_sV* at OilmBOH. bVxS*» .: »¦-...- tatl081I|e. ricckid Maat» irr net ='.<r.tT.

;nd ar, tr.:.. Ctltmt.tlSW f*.I '¦'¦ '¦.¦ .¿ .'-ir dc::.i~al; .1cio; l.'i l.hd.i. end te» at7Jaí7rc. fer Hhonidtirr, »nd 9!fcv,r, forU !.. U liailj .-1 but I '-tin« das of I 1Ba. tea at 1!.aille. Hutti r is iu fair d' m_nd. aad It pleaty. .; al'.r. for OB., tad !'.»<: l'.r. for Msti sbolei I». at 19 .'-( h,-c»e 1» in :¿lr di r..-.r,d. tna i« rr.ore pli nty, at TtOOa .t Oh:.,

lie. ó i S lie.tit« -ttag ».»» ttt«III .; [* «a.,d.. «.:.fM tea -t *4 .MtMV B* MIS.BI rj All: T.'.i uVuatxd i« goced, and holder» are tr. aale.» of

tCObbdi Cub» ». ': fohba» Pero Ri o, attge als-,. Ite. xu i a..J IM Lb'la. Meladj ou ter.a B*t

B*klT.'.LLOr\ 'lfc l-iirktt U I;weri _cd'j.and mod'.-rttc.'.

rale o: -oVO» ih Prime at *,.-.., SB hVV i rOL.1 !.. ; l» quit« ii nlti J, and price« in »ithaal

.. lalesnf _,0ae 1*1 Native K: i at. tB. -1. in

!..|», al ia. < a»'- oi u e f-iunel, a id aaiñ-»V. for til. '.-^U-r Ml"

qna'itv a la« UK', ot' U (HSi ft. I' .-»ruh. d T. va« at ISÍ.,- sa

«oou.lity Steep BB*Br.0 hai Sally ciiurner..-«. in the woo!frtra_ag»_tt'..t« t)'..*.::u _r:c ItW.set.s* »-Ta yet tat.b same»on »ccetint ol th»- fiT(¡tie«. ..' h-'1 te»» huyer» ar- »eyOu hard »o

Israi the umkets iu the mean li e, and b.-uiertaud dealeii.whoii..i.»i lenoit« foi the iii.j.irtty ol* lie* »¡i ,(ier. ._ .-. ..-'¡.oui ibü,..,,,,,, .,,. ¡e,, :,,... lb«. a h-l'.iiig hv..'1,1.",» .-- tan er»,La,».»» i, ar*dtaaaa»d la *._*«. U» sa» laarai gataalfeMtal .

.:.: .In. .1 last j. «r bi th. It .i.::. n ..: !--1.Ik ,.

AV lltSKV- Ih- ,-rli.' ...;-.I». (.on, »l-l Ik* B*BM II -'

»«te« o, »_--*l oi-.». atVH-'-

Kerilpli af t#r*>»tfir*.Tos-I k *B «...j"-, /.se tl rLM tt. 91a*r,M bu»lt

( oin Mt-»1. .'«.'¿is dc IV beat. 2S.7*) do. (Jit». W,*!« do era,?1S d-. I'^e, 8*1 Bkg» ' 'il A-ak-. Oi do. Aslie«, 7." J.orJ, IT*»,rrov-k-e, ;ti V.l.i.I» ; M Sa, k.B,

Pata, t.rr* Arrived/* .t. n*.»! j) Arao->,/rr.m St.utù.imftU, n .7«*. Blere-M-'. »ni

Mrt. J. I i.'.cw. fo-.r :t.i:ri sn _ .d t-vo 6C-:r_.. .'.;.. .

,. .- a .,-,-- e|.- ,-,* «an _ >!-. vc..-i a,r;,, . i. ..: -::.'-,... i:^:...,, KU.Oi. M-btt_Jot( MIxS.l J-:.-'.,.' H I»*-» Para» lis B JfMaasadt»u leitini». Mr. siiil Mr-, r. '.'- Bklitalaiidal 4 obi.fa* andIMUBI. Ml and.r» Y. It* cb. ;:, .t. Il ItauV-11 J. Kr.oa.lit.tartvaat, Mr». I M i..n>-, Mr. E l. Vaa«__|| M,« MAV c ,.....« ktia 1 ÎVia/l- Mi- S..-.,. TU.,-.. M.- C. Ó.Teaiaste, Ut SI- -At.-.. T AV Sivar.ii, .».¡r.. i:. tîrrtt, .Air. andM... I. IV. etoirow. Ml.» C. Y .--i»«n V. VV., and J. «i. Otar-taw. Mi e¡. il Dtaaer,Mr.aad Mrs J v\' R.r., ,-Ui.i «_J«. rvaal Ml. .A. Beaasrd and lenant, Mr». Y AVsrd. u a.d

H ,l::..i Rdward -.-ti:». ... tVatOaa ._I -.rr-i:,( kaâ T riTtgr Mr. ai.d im. w. rf-huU, two cíilUrc n and, .V.r. aed ilr- J. t ht : -^u t» o rbtk_*B >ir«. îd. J. All¬ai.. ... .'d. ';..:. Ht. J. A. Douohue. .Air M. '... D. bWia-n in. Mr aid Mr». TvU-r Z. H. «tout Mil* J C Mtou», Mr». A..'.i..-;, ax- ..r.-«_t, Mr.-, (ie:t..d F. Dole, Mr» R. M. .'V.i.-cx,y.\. ..C 0. ... 1 l. F.'iir.k. (i. 8. Hu.hc» J. II. Bra..h, T. U ».

» Cei.ter, R Henrique» J. B. Cot.e« Mit« M. C. Hlülr.r«B,Lapt VV. I). 8_lth t.. d. A. il; o J Parer, M.- ...JMn AV. Bnckiir. and e.htld. Mil» L Eflery. 1 BBatT. t. Om«-b ./. \ J e i«rk J ï.iTO'f _. Boa*«al Leon 6tai. c Wsrtla,K. .1 Kav«. A. J. Krev. Mr. «nd Mr.. VV H. BevaVker Vim.Ki. ít. Mr and Mm H. Hehb Mr and Mr» J. Kndcrlef. D. L.('iuual. Mil HbITBJ Mill II HldklT J Ulbba, C. Uoi.aou-

. Mil J Deiille, afra. _i Cartea Mia. L i>.n.;i». d Mr. andtl - J A..'..::., Kvelli.Corbat Mr. J Un lububl, M*:y Broat t.Emm. Mr*. P '.' c C. IHafratrack. U r;ltr^r. II.«... m t- \v .;,,.¡d, R Te- o'- u Pa. Un L-v«-

s,.l Jan Alri M Idah Mil N.AVIH..-- Mr. II f.-nhart,liev .i.e. mrrt« ami t.. iiivot .An. M c, -tr.«*an. Mr» ManáSt-aff, .: .. and J. Sc.affolu. ^»m M. i_rrltwiie, Mra.u 0. I.imarrhe, Mr». P. Muir. Mr». F. Huf»^hi:i_f. Mr». F.m.rro» o.t rkild Mr* I Marr-r ind tore. ch»|.lr.-n II P.-.rL Kelli r. C Mu!!.-,, H. WaSsaH. C E Duboii, D. I.hnili. r. Id.I»=ii-r I, Bara*kj-r. Praaa k-vUa Win li lilataia r. il Hi... '- A IfnlM Mr» t' Mirer fit.> e.ldi-a and «errant VV.nVkakartb H Reinh»ott kt.iJ. Na.a*, |C. Fallar, J. S VA cl¬ew»»!, r. erai.ria, r Pninpioo, vV. JoL'-i. 1*0

In l.irh Dtiu-n. fro«» Avrrt.Kdward H. Koitu.;, F.K. Dcrr, Csft J. V.i slyke. Eacun Ayrei Navy.

;, /;...; P. /.'. Ctxataa, frearSl rr.._-R J \V*:,.,iJ. Mi»-M- S M.bold, Mm. C. M. T-kleb vid t*o chil-ir-ru, VV. Wilkii;iiat.d Bita, I. .A. (iruy, u. VV. Uu:t, J. c_rk.


<i't»»»-a.I.Isa I .irspr'r.'its, a-rrtja, Lireraaat, <.regmk i c : vv ¡.

Pie.ingkam, Souon. Havre Boyd .IDaitii.« at**, HomsMii. Be teram;, tty. u. scsmidt I

ra,Lovett,oi*»»t»w, kdrnteto* area ;J «. Nt.e., Nicrsol*,ri.gii», VVniili tartera « naie Montez-im», H.nmnor.l. VV atli.uie*. i 'i falwlaati Suka f*. kletttai. Leal at .»». e-t..-, Haw Iu, Mala.¦_ I E Vt'atki C.«.w, PiattlgreaZ.w I). 1 Valle.

rlga-H B E uary, Peiiata«, Eli ibethport ; L.'i:.,. sVasey,I'--« ".>. M P tit-kilo l!|a.kS»-au Puatg**, Chat ¡e-Ion. C.i- i-i.-i-,- .'. i Meaak-1 lag'--, ida.,. .,.,, i *id-i,t.». c u B.I Te-.,. r. Bpraj -. --¦ Padhi Ü P KtjckkCs¦rata iBr) I-'iehv P I. N.-.i,,» ... Ron A. AVer» v. 11 r .. _- ".l.a!.!... I. B i.

t-'.:....,... i, i: :. Brig.»-, Pstigri Bars.- ::....t_,_ UI-in..ii km» I) Ncvti"! Aie.«ndtía, M 'tadelti J. B. Mayrgs,tut, !...._tea,'3 4, rMsefl; Adelaida (Kr.), tt

N. F. J S '.' tl y. !'...yx¡ iBr.l, Roo. ru,UM**t,J. Km«sa _lUy l>r,'- iitr.i. m«v.-:.», va inj«..r D II H.

.- .,..., i..,,.i,e., Lee»hart, W_d»or, U.B. Detroit'. W tison, WeJchcoel, Pt"t tSmaU; A. E. -ira-.U.t ....n: J'« Hl H,.' Pr»-kiet,ie. nimftl r

II«*»*- Mai«, NieheJ. Pa*k»t»el:,!iiia.

g.axatOBalaTf-t,-.'.;,, Alago, r,la«a .«vio aud .Sai^aiia.i-tou M»> ta,

Sa.e. smltvsaatoaaa- M. Pax aal U M_-ken.«. .A(lie 1 a-le > at :¡ Uó p. ,ii.

>t. .n..i .ni .........,t, i t--*. ,i, Factk.I sai*t - .

H il 1 r.weil«, | O

Lvaik :. u. '-.. t-,. tcfNi.. :... -,. r..-:..,;,,, »:. ci«;«, m«,^: -.-.«' r '¦ t- ti-'i-t. *. !".r N..-, Mn -..

iat Si .n. Ion. 7'J »i. »pok. a-hr Klvtng Utagir,, hen-e for si.v.

1 P 'tj Iv .. I " lyt iM*y S, .»...e! aid Maasui.evn .,i, o. i u.i.n,,u. May 2. la' .. 1», ion «ait», i-ma i.e..A ».'""".-»,'. Ce-iio.-rVwt-r. Ildaysert ¡«_l*dla»w-rBh ata» IimJktsÁ i tot Narr-York ïd-a-i.îd «-11el l'alal J..1 110.

tragt Ib»bV»IMI Mlude (Da* ), Puotu .Vreu-isll,d«v« ht.te.atid f.i»tt- to order

rig i.bitljtu iBr 1, Jehavasa VA'in._-r, N L lu day« pi»eite.-forNtwark.Brig Water WBJSB, Larnway. 8t Marc, 8t- Üoniiugo. May 27,

eafleeand loewoolta IV-k it t hur. h. June 2. 1»:. 87, Ion. 78.p>ke»i-hr s ii.Catharine fRr.| h»tn-e for Hnhae-'»

.-!. kg, A...eiiu, Baakari. li e J.._ t, d.... la.bai u m..ter.£ ,"r * ' . " " t5__ta.:.Bt-br Marine. H:iu». Rt-tidout. eoal, (> i Bt .

Mn |H .,.!,.,, Hettl -.»-.s ,. t .; j ,..y,id Law, r-utt. .-ly. Al ca. dr_ i >1.v« c *!.

sichr I l »Ihot.n AV..«, H.-..t n a ',.- far «l»>»iivK. i,, i r, ,. Fottrt Meekiai I éayi l*_S«i tu -.

Ma* he»'.an l'ir.l. (lias., I'.,»ton MSB» f. t Albany

: r Plymouth Ro;k. Nom«, Uo.t-.n 4 d»yn, cid.e. ta J. I.Divt. n k to.

r1 i r. fa»lata, t..«B, ktaatata, tu,'i,-. tor Albany.s-1" Markt* H.-.1,1 ay.aa. »ta*tha»i»a* 4 <*»» «toc«.Sehr. Mmh Louisa U.l » Rock.i.d 4 day» !'sehr V.iar.l Hiiruor-, AV.»i,y, iie.^.in «day«, tn.l«- 1*1 AV

Sri -j. winder) Nata, U»AJ K-v, Kortuae Iststi.May fi. fin,,..! J R. lile,,,..*..' s rtaaa, PMU.'elrhtii, Lcr*«: t KH-

BBlrirk.h, J-n-a, Mad.-Iphia, r due. to J. k N I

si ' 11 Hi-Sh.j. N.w Workt, la» ldtMB»uII KIDAV-l.Up\A tUB Batkaj the da.y, N.W.

By l.Ii_riioh.SANHV HOOK, June II ,un».-t -«¡.¡r New AA'orlI. for t:

rleattd (he karat 8 i'r.ek* n boaaxt rm ,N.-.sle.v\ ,t ijal \v ...t: ...

U loll LAN UO. lama 11 »Mitiet -A »lui» la vv, n,Itli "t t'i« lî.ahlii. !¦, itii" th..

Aank.e AV ,¦ liant N VV IV .tf;I lUUI.r HTON, June 'I Ti.-I N A| Mean.ahlp J»t

<a]t K Adini», iirtved k. re at 4 o'.-R k thii (aC»t<rlV'¦"»¦ I


rTOMKOT'TTATHTít ItKMKT>TKS«Tb* Remedie« «re r-tref, fly pfe-p-ired trsder the dl»e- --per.

vidoa and iu«p»i »lin of Prof lICMPiikEVB, in otdrr u>_-that gieet and long re»lUed want of ih > pablic, ua-tely »-..«Us* foe all the were eoanrnon and eiiople albnaaU ~f HA.A lyvwwnil'» tetWtio» »111 »bow that . Teat rrv)or)|y «f^

«.»»* ftiui «vîilb w« «..Ser and di», were, at tlair eoinabenc*.ment, ataipl* aad blillug. A tuer« gold, a dlgbt diarrhea, a p*_-in tk« aide, *r a headnsk«, er boaraenew, at «ret «aatty -»««4 .,a«

aabdord, I . H;.»« b»«<..i..« a i.-...»...,,«_.u. a fc»-. . x.,un'!. " '"ry. croup, or uibrr -Léate, width all the powera ofaaA.eine AU to errrat.

n«rein tkeae B«riv«<lie» a-pvly . «real p.bllt »eat. _e_» ea

li»iid, simp'..., «o yo«. know a*, onea- u'o.t to to«<e-pU»v^Bt mto etar« no i*enij^eme«.«a/e, and hen-« oect»tViui_- M ___

w'_U« lie eui«U»e «_ect« «re pviJv* and eertaia, they are

laker, and M tttt th« «p.-11 U broken and the danger ins-»d.Other Ho-resp-thic Medicine!, hover« ctrefu.y orepareaL

rr boweTer fnll »rid »vVn»»»» trie .»»»*») to ??.,-_ .-_ ,-

In .rrder to a«e Ikeiu, »Iwaye r-*,.,Ir.. «» -,»4 eaiBfal .*>___»

tlon, and ala »J I leave joe tn iouV tu »o the remedy ikteaa andth« rr-tulf. fti-h txa-ilaakciBOratridysudaucbdeaMlg^nii.ort ini/rieidly to the »ick or eiiiug. aad ««paeially i« te»voldrd. Nay. h often atrifce« at trw Twry fo«rtvit»u~- * ^^

re«, and prevent« a rwuit whàà-, «rub rotiltil» nee tu te« rletag.¿y, and BUOn in it» appli aUon, wa.ld «ay« -***


|irar!»|.'*li»i ar, sonfln:»»d the a«« -» ii-1. »|tJ1 »

fcf farrJIU'i m-.d priva») pcr-oni, u being Tit« rtsiT it i»««,TUE KCiiT iixri.- x~n SOMraBBBPt, TEX BOgf PtMOB-l miBBUOBBRkXbouaaade are and baro been -¿r-z them for eo«M Ibrn

eee-« faet, I'l »Ve'y .«..Hull of l!i» .¦ lilr» w''H «.»me««. _-»»>

rial Is tOBOOSB AB «peak ;.'¦ the hlg£««t term« gf their da»

pu.-.ty and rartainty, and amosg our hundred« <-f igewU th«¦Éfetflt MMMMBO' '.. '~~t the y ct.«: |«vod i,t_/*erVji U ikefc¦nttsnaa

Li»r or

BUBIBMlaT r-p-nrn: himfopathic bemedl__.«toMM st ¦;! -'. ». ~.M.

I.Toi Pf.tfr, Cnr^aitloQ, *-<l laRt-M-aMsn« T«»»» Peía.ft»*t':.*«r.»». .11

f_p»r Worm s.«ier Worm l-nln* Vnra.-»fin« ipp-tito, tV-a,tai j the bed.It

S.Pot t'ehe, Ti-thii.« Cryln- «¡id «A,«ki-fvil»<e«a. 8ToWUm» t'i and K-asrilroeaa of la»»lit»._\

4.PrtTIliarrhea of I'btldren or Adulu ia,..W» laakaOtH irdhtiniti*r laimplaint.%

! Por Isj'"rt«ry '.r mI-wît »bit, t'oüc. Urlrlûx.. _i_ô*g«'-Ii'. ir.H fw-e.,t,r,.__

>r.eor Gfcaltn, < »" l»r» Mnrt.u. Nanaea tnd V on nittgjArthn-ati,: h: *tbt_g. M7 For Ccngl« C'-M«. H««n«oe»i. Broaehitll Infiaer.x« «ad

(4.,r« . r.rniit.t.M«.Fer T.aSI.a.l» Ptansfe« N't --ni- Pali.. N«-jealg)a. ae«

Tic. D'.lcrr.ux.'.... M«e-Pr.r Deaiksll»! Wrk lUada.'--, Veittg- Rasbif Blood

tnlhe Mrxd. »19- Per tryter-p-b. »c-:t îeid. or dcnr.-ecl .rtaÄXft. Co_*U

pr.tlon I.lT.'r Ce*' pt.lnt. 3311.lor .««uppreautO Mor.»«« nr arxi.ty or delaytiag fraaa

lllia-e.MIS.Por Leiicorrhea cr WLito« h. «;.;.,- doiro too profue*

Meîi-ea. M12- For<v»p Itam BttBfy C«a|ft á:-*-.^«^ t_d opp.-».«»d

breathiee. Ml-_p-, «, |. »1» .. Cn>«tv ErupHe-i «¦Jryi!;«!-!, Scali

llee^ Itarla-r'e h*»-..»¡!V.Pot Hliviiii,*'i«oi l'»i'i. laaiue -~» «t eorene»« fat Lie

t la ,1. Uk Sid' M UtfdM. Sliu-Kir F-*v»r a»d *g « Itt»-ri..tte.4 *e»»r, Mnmb * «-.- OH

o e"~i e --. W17.For P'i»» ii.'ernai or «xt»rn«i. -l,rai or bleedtn«. MOOM

or oftrtinat«.Mlî- For Cphti.-ii..y W'eak 01 Iari_u.edEyei cr /.y Ids, PaO

ir.g.r W eck íigt.l. JOla.Por I at.rrf. arañe or r._-ni-t.- dr» «y ««»log <V>M la

Um i:«-a«i luilueu»«.M20.'... V. i.- .i.i.,, .1. ..¿-.1. g -a,.I ^-Ulalillg H. Of

gpatracdfc * ougt.. .Mji_p,.. i.tti.a .;-ie.v.».) s»"IV-.b !«»'»red bf-jathisg. tcr^h

and e»p rtr.:tti.'.fc. 512_ Pot far UiselMIBtS, BsntM tir _.-_i. lunsÉrti leo«àiu4

annb« Sfi.ft.:« iciiliTgiJ faa«B_««ad tatnla BwuBap,

erdi'M I l-er« .M34.P.-i (i.e. ,.î i-1 .I'll». Ph«»ÍL_l vr Ner.tni« Weakias«..... a«U lor Uropiy, l-UiUt .'.rx.u-.:.l_U.aa 1'i.a.l.i 6»Sui.»t«.«»«_l

Jvai.ty f-ayr.-riAr,». 00Bt.Fee 0 a Obkaa««. «fraetgallm Vertí*«, t»»u«e» Vomátuifl wr. icr L'riitxry i/iicaxea tiravd tn-t-1 CbIbbB DOMatn ."

fainlul » noetlou.M2S.ForS.uiiii.) Radadaa» lt.».J it4ary fll». .\ . g»e, .aj eon

.avjurat ProatraUon and l»i oility.IM29- Fei .Sor« Month or 1 r..- X r. _k

PKlt hThe «utlre »et, e««e of 1-» e.ty riigut large rial«, m mo-

r^.cc aiij i:«..._ wf lüio. U..U.A* DOCaa« of Twenty larga vial» in moron o ar.d Rook of tXra«»

tiona. g 00Cate of Ta.Lty UrgB -LI. ul-Ja. ..sai ai.J Betk of Diraa

Bons. 4MC-ife of Piitcen tirnaiin» 1 to l.j. _ud Uis^k of -Iron

tlonx. 3 00C«ee of «i.j eix i»-»ea tN'«e 11 > l.'i. «u,ti bock of LSireoUou. I «I

Larn eaea nfkcx «dale f«r Planter» aad ftiTrirlan».U dOMi }..< lioxe«. with dii»>. ten* ..¦love, ?-.'». , ttc, or 01-

otrt KE.'.:£rr_s by mail oa bxpresaTV« ee» J «_»»» liene .ii»«, ty th» «iuvle oos or fun case, te ny

pert cf the ecus.rr. by c.11 cr sxpre-x, fri a of tt*._.\ n i*-

e»lpt »fill» p.lee.N P. -Tha bogr« Nr* I to IS are *r,.a!l alae, N.e M ta It,

large tire, and in rr.s?in- op a «2 or »1 eaie this BBM 0« rt»rr.»n-,rt»r»«1 Tb* «i»i* ar« nniforir. tn «tr* aj|.» prie«, and in eead-|i.g f..» ¦ vi.! .e»» n -li»u;|.ij I* n».»««ary y* thl» tsiLB«.

I.».i .»»i 11.. a- i« »i» ,,j. . .-.a» n' »b»; «In«!» y»u ekcose,.tid i»»»««» the .«.»>«!m In a nsutUI n«'e or «tanpa. by mail M«.¦i »ddie«». *i M-, t'l ..».t.ówn». '«e».fork, and Um m«xu«in»ill »>e «I .ly BBtnaad »>. '»«II o« -.¦-..

¦O PAMtLl s« nuVBLK¡ dnald I fefeaM ._.».» a.-nlnbl« tUIUtlvn It ti»e_di uceülc-i v.ith the ci.-ettclüaevital 11 ei.ixeea.

\MIAT OLIt AOBNTB SAV.Rnunrn s v futo V*4-

T PtrirrnarT« k to .Oent« . . « v,ou, ,,..._, ¿___ ,,.j«; and ¿nlll laoatofth« mediriu, » titet ». by aJteatáa*

11.g, givr «enera! »atltf'artloi. »...r,.«rr ih»T -re andV.a Italy, It KIN«* A Co

YonT rriedi-rtii« have given «bIiWHI «ati«farti..n nsr» Pl.-aa*arnd u-. four dozen cf vein Cough ¡Tli- wbi. a are r,iv eelliog"-'! ADA."«"« it r «Y. Sind¿-bv. «J-ia.

i .. r Sti.i..!:. I'. -"..»a., .- ....... H-ini-- i»-t_ie :*l_-!'¦ ¦. "r rlf. ..».. .. »re ¦'

k llaLl iM HRIAItlti t « o »tic«, N. Ï.Our«rrtpreced«nteH ..t-g" uieicl ._. :_at

1 , i, ,... ,.!(.',. t... 1, . |.. ..... vv»-.. l» atUBBUrry, a«could «Ire a1.....". __*k*bki. Urn t»d ..y1!.,... Butt« b ¦'".. -, a. rolWvtug «ad nifaR dlssun Is Onwell ettabliakad lu Uli»co.imouiti to rwi|«ilr« »u> «ark nsaaVeate«. A. XJ.Í ttLL. I>r.t.-r. Jatferson C«t, M V

\\ ,. »...,.,. . ,| .^.,. .-/ h ;»r .' M-..-.'¦ pafhtc reo»siiáe«than of ail othrr pcpular rc.«dir|r.«a t. re-het thi« y»»r.

AoSL WTUr Meridian. ». 1.i«..! ..»-.". .1 . Lave ».-i u <^ .... «v»_».'«k«., h 1«, . luat «it*

lkaa.«AkuU. i. W. rEC-JLAMts-t-n. VVa»h'.crtrn t'.- N. V.

>r_,.r..; . :. <¦-- ----- j r« here, and 1 ^lo willtu.| b« Without Ibera «sd'l might mf, if they could at ail tluiaa

. - : a «apply *.l J ¦ .! . Ingly div.úaB ill «tic desto.-«.liCn 11, ijo'iiv _*,-, Rápita,ill*kI h-ve iiw-.l It'ifipure-. Bpe»4A Ho'tierpa'Bie K-inetiie* lamy '«'i.ily lor t»n year», ar.« »Otini not Oe »Itbout thea II.--, »liter ilet'i IbtbI .».

J U H1CKOK, Poi^lAe-iwi-, N. T.Tnrrm».?isir.»«ytve |«ad tat ... I »e«p

them th..- Uiôfi i «elly w Ml-T»W,Ciiy«*s Pt.lo« V Y

Yjiir . . a« *.«d «.!..'.. f.. 1, a» », 1 ..-».!.. ,i.e« -»wllY S PAIL, Röiiilua. M. t.

leu: Fevet _aJ A«-0'- P :. 1. -^I. P W1L-ON. Ft- kf«rt N Y.

Your medi. ii,1« el»» «nain in o» into Tavoi with tiltpeople iinJ wl,ei. g'«»., fu «iiv t«-ati««i!a: diaroae. aa ùireeted IBv.ur Manual, ttcv act pro_,p'lT and eMectaaUy.C. B. -PRaui E M I). O»we-o, N. Y.Yorn bave »t-ea g»«d -irMrtirtln t..«» «

Ana, o. tao-rai« »ta.iiiing, »u . nurei» rineii by yoor AgatI'l» II »»- I. vv I 1 I » ,v ,»^ pwvnth He"«l I«

v-r f»v»r «,-,) Agn* r,!'«, iu ctuaactin with No. !¦», hsetD 1 .".:.«d «" die m ai.« «¦-»»

I) dlKKI IM; P..:.... Re.»id., MirbHotvott, Ma~» Jnlv tt. I-»»*».

Bfcarr.i. F HrtrnsxTs k Co..Oautsi Your »odíelo»» ut.1 '.llt.r wi ¦', end jtTT |0nd «arlaftqptl n. I »ha'.l want fnor» »««»a.'11...« 1. no :. . g ,,...r 11wit Ile» I o*u wai.eal»tn :.¦ tn rnr« better than any '..'.tl-ir. I h rea v. - mM Peoiel«who even thought that in»«gi:iatinii niad.t lb.- rule are now «an*-to .11». t :: . rtblnj ...r. :;...., i..w-»i.»n.iii n. Ibriu,«! iie-i, i;,,-mi... .i!,vii,», native«»

\.- |g r»«i»-truliy. E M 'PLAntJ.Stl »A» «MTU. i U J'1.1« I*. ISM-

Y«e wfl] pl«ne fe-rrard n .. ¡»-r iît... «tranter, «ay V^'O worthTn wul pl««er f««w«rd n e. p«r rrret «tet'i r, ir vSVwortnrv....i i.,».i .,.. ,.,. i. .],- i.a-t.,^. ....; »i.'»., r »keel. 1 . I rv.. r. vty t.i i».i».,,,t ..,, 1 ,11 «T.>« V

tai. w.iit ..._,,_! ¡... ..0_«. .....11 oa..~;: ;«v«v.i«r-._«iliioul «i.v :i 11.1» lioi.iiia tv, oet-.l ä-h a 1I»»1» %tA.f*°*ti.Je. I raoHbli j«.... T W .tNt'Etb»:.-?-

Cl, v,T, K1..H.U J.../ I-1',*Dt P. BCUruUUTI I). arSn V"ir n.. ,li. ine* a- «.«"'..e Ivrdbeic andar, Jnmg _.a.h gc.-.J. I -a--_.J a/» >-

tSat »h» i .. th rt"» ?,.,. - ,...! a «-« » of <'»n.tiri'*r' n

»-..»«.. .. rke-t.i w.eki-g eoi.iV-'.UI t-M»"- r. ^'!jiur=1^Aií.á'u:4iTii.

Pi.aa.»i. Pe'-' «UblMbn. Bruma«»«-Ptarlk ¡l««..*'¦ » »»y

1*1 ge Audi) f»l tbu last »!x ra.-l.ta.. «vlUigi.-l . .; «-.»-J.-«» ..-.«., Ii... «. ta«ù U»» »,liar_i La4 WlaW. «ri B

-r iu far.::'y. IWent' BTB had « phytfin «**>».very week, but tc.i» W ilUt lie 11a« n.-t hoi .-«.va«! m t»

s- p MKHtMvVDratAUMTiiLt, Madi«ouC< ty. N. .

Dr. Ilitrn-iav. Baying .,^i y,.ur g|M~dne rS«n:«die« i.U*Ikm y- «r» |M-t. I '- Lb »il_pl» lo «..v I . 01 «t«! hel« J ¦*'he 11..JI m. f lii.. nu»e.. ~*l.« lallv the Cough Pd'.». wti «tan pn-.v,.| t...., wonder). i* a»a u««a. bM«1*0v« ilh «Mher» »b« ha-.-e gt»tu tb«m a liiai

Ir-ilri air., Il F RIltinKAr-wt* vio »l.t I 1 .'I- -el«., aud-r the e.otoaatontl

.. »' ml«I. . . ¦! Prof III M I'l Ml Ei 8. »a. «lo .0. al «is"li'c, No. itj tí:o»ds ay, daily fuiu 4 a. ua to s p tu er bfI tt..WHIST«! WAÎiTïn frr th > «alo of oar Rera. _le* la .faip

leas «>( got-...unify in lb« I -ted ."'tat»«. AddreuDr F Ml MPHREYSfcC«..

K«.t»xa liindtsy, Ntu ïtuk.