new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1861-07-15 [p...

NORTHERN RAH ROAD of NEW-JERSEY. ' !.' tun .nd til ion.ey »t 4 : b>f B«4crii« -t «:... e. i; ON« . àlLl "'D-cii "N- r. OP I r. Teil, a- n, f | - -. . d «. aa.. an., ti Point «ni t'iiea-t'.'.o. TsJBW-.'EK,SEY LAILROAD-Fur F1IILA- i.a Dp LPIIIA «fa «ERA» Ï" CITY.-', »I» I ,. ., «... N.-»i.iorW»i :. <i.«.|dll «. J ,d- l«i..|3 'lii.-i.c.'utieSe ...old ,r I i. cini.«'i «.- d lb v\ , ,,r t re »ud thro igb »»sirsjre ebaok.Nl u. Its, .lop - tn.i'1» I W w ,,, It if/I -ideo« Kobafssti-win be.I« d for a-v tr.ii- «aW«*«! L". uiiinie- in i.1.. h ¦> iba- ilii.e < leaving. CDtcan ^icarncrc. VOR fi)i.'i,ti..i lt-H /.M» HAVRE..On 1 BATORIUY. J I) ..»-Ibe United Stele« Mat' c "ABACI i ¦ - S". ' rtoeth -, 11 .i <-.»., on i »»ta, ». noon. Tbi« .>-,me- f rI .ti»li «a atadan ¿«eh, .. -1 bj »,« : wee*«. »i ». i. end, U. tito < .i «tr»n«lei i. . ,-c il.e-»*. a »a» .it pie-»; : ply t»» iMateag. The »Lin . i l, 1 T- .\' a . it A- ¡"i't 1. THE BB1T181I AND NOKTil VMFRICAX ROYAL MAIL g II r-:o iv.-i Kk *o U «T4 'i- Cfclefl .v ' SrcoiHii tbto i'- ¦ .'¦. rai,« -..j;« foLiv»Kio<»i_ CsserrablaPa ...-e.9.1!» Seioi.dlujin Paaaasa. **> ftosMptfroinNi .-VavrkeSJl aCotk H rl r. Tie .I."-1'oui Boa" » «t '.' !"" < .' Hirbor. PI itMV ( «nt J.oVn«. A'RIi I t .-'. in«*. ABABlA. I ¦ J ». « INAOA, C«pt J - i k. ASM < ipt K I». Lett, Bl( v C ,,'. B Al.vtfc.LLA». '.¦ NI Al.Al'.'.. ( ,.,. M o i « Ei-RilP \. a apt. attidei.jiu Si' i iA (now i. i ».Ii.. l Trete ve.eel» c»n y « c p rwhi»«lAgbta maat-beaal, rrt-en «Ml «tari,, «'d I' w:-edo-. >". Al RICA. SI New.Yon..VV,.ilir-ti-.v. July 3 KI'R'irA. Antera u_'.um Boat««.\"> «dr»e»d Infv P1 PERr-lA, .!,,: .I- vr, .Ne.-S. oik ..\VnI. k,<Ih'...(»In ¡, CANADA r.i"«le_..-i ¦ >v e<i..e-.ii.\. lulvM A-l ,'..*. I.-'¦« Nei.-Yor...' lalytl ARA til A .'rvne.¡evo« R««ton..vVrxlue.d»). Aug. 7 Bern » r. i n iireo ... pajal tor. Aneara ieiH.-il S e ..¦¦ ... leierd. Tbo muer, " .. v,i|»v.ili not nvw-'tpN. f.r flo'H, Kivor, Bullion, ;;.p,'i- piety, in- I,,. .- i.,,., m lea a Mil« ot ...nd thereijr, w d t > »ul'ie tlier.s.i tkerelti expr*e>ed. I'm n-»« « or i e«s»»e, apa, .y to Ai: ,' ..ii. :ii.«'»nren. S ""TEAM WEEKLY ha-twi-r-n NEW-YOEK an 1 LIV EHPOOi. ,U SB'«« dei harkim; pn«.v ;«r» at timenv t«w« (Inland). Th,. i.,,.. ,..,», \ . \r.'. .nd Ph Maaaaal In tompaa-* tutene dl patching iùcîi i,ii!-pon«red, C!jd»- kttilk In ¡Hieinthty»b« full«»«-»! i .Is.»; lu.ii ..Saturday, July 2". ( . OF ' -'. 1»_Rate a-ur.J iljJ «.t \-t iritv. -«.-i. ay, j .. A«S every »ATCRDAY. »a «non. trou» flor Mo. 44, North Rfvar. «aiBe or r..-i- ' EÏRHTCABIN.*-i BTRERAOE.0* Elrel Cabin to LonJ'ju. S'l «¡u-eraf,«.-to*!. .1 Flr.t l euui .o i'a. i«-.... h, .«.i.e. i»e to fjrl- . I tiiet C' to¦¦. rl'lingi n Uaml .r ... Ji Paaeanrer. «j'-al« to-» irJ^d à tl»»re, Breniuo, Rotti :dam. An»«.e p BNV.aa« n .. , r.-«« Pereon» withiPf o h'l» . o^t tlieir friend, ran nny ticket» he»» .f tb»f'.|lowlo* .. » lork: F««UJ t.»\et|M»"»1 or t¡ui-i:tie- town.I iret Ca-iin. til rliaano elü. Si«h-i»^» ixou Lner- »oo! »ei-, froni UU.-I..-..V.I, «30. Tbrve S.eaiTM"« imvr "upen ommodatlonafor p«..»i -»p.. .»id cariv rt; men, . o S«f«»ii»«. Th y »re bi.i.t In wiUer-tUjbt fa«C Berti 'i.« ar.d He.. palaaa «Tre Annihil Ji oi, Boast far lulerme mu, apply lu a.n«r| «. 1 ,o vVli.^lA.M IN- MAN Ami. .vu u . ..-. .,, iu Obugew to vVM. INMAN. No. I Si. }.iicvh-.i|»«r- in (M«eti»t »h te C. k VV. D SEY MiH'R A (.o.. I...».«! »i to MV ES t Ma( l'.V Na«l rii-.,' William «t.: in «lie <v JÍLES DtCOOH Ne. M'laca- de la Bour-e: In P'.il.d-, .'. . 'uHN O U.Uf:, Ha. Ill WataA .4. ; or at tfc-- <'".. » ny'.OST»««.. JOHN O. DaiiE. Ai-rt, Ne, 16 Bioadavay, N. T. bR CALIFORNIA '¡n r.WAMA..A first- tlaaeoeaer »ill N«»-Yoik cb the 1.'. lit!:, and .l-t «fear:, Dioe'li: eaccpi »-neo i.a-.e «iaip. !'ai ou M NliAY,wh«!i the day of Mpa»*«»» "Id he the MONDA Y i liowin-. For BetAhl or pa .»¿r. apply at lb» only otüc, No. .'. Ho» lin.- «T'-tn. D. B. &1XEN, A¿p; t. Kroposûs. f BAITLE-AXEö fOR THE NAVV.-THF BPREAl' DV .RDNAXCE AND HVDRllORAPHY avlte pr. | oaale for ( rWEtaVE HUNDBl.D BA1TLE- AXEn fer the ^»t«. to lie drliverad in rqu ii |..-op''ti?!.« al the H»vy- Yarda »t Pbi ».1.1; lia. .\c»-V .ek. Bostou ted Pcrtiiuc-uth, K. H. Fatten..« «>l the Aie. to «<. >h .'-vu on apna»BSe«a to th. Aest.t.n- In.peetor. rf (Ird. u.ce !.. the >»ula »hive uanied, »ud the oouiiitioL. maale ku< un uiid'-r ttb cli (tin Aie» »eil. re eelved. avNnPEW A. HAUVVdOD, Chi-f Eu;«.au Ordnance und Uvdiogispby. Wattilnrton, Jcly K, 18n>. S BALED PROECWAU" «ríH be neétrté »y ttw Si .; OfScci» of «'.p XXI Id « arú. a- the SaSes ol lb» Cierk «f the ttei'ii of iduce'l u, corner et uni il and Fti.-i-.l«.. l.n'lt MONUV'i, Ji.lyl.'i, ii o'clock »t n *n, foi th.- BTOVEI PIPI-, kr e et ..-_, fot hPV-u.g VVftid -.-'up 1 Houee No ¿t. Li .aid VVtrd, noi.uun to «peebcatioat oi. file, »nd to be «eeu »» tl,»ofl?.-. or that .«-!,..ii.; en«, ut of «.ho.l Butidtafa No. M Cro»by-*t. 1 »<-h p- Ba«e»l ou.l «a«eooanpi eanaee «f two roapoueiule and a pioteal «urtae-, Ih« S'-lio.l Otccet. r»««rve ti.» n^b: t" r._- « ,. ..i a'.l of iba picpo«^.. ofleird. ii teamatlior tue tiiblic ¡i.'i'i«.'»to«!oao. bE.N'J. P. FALRCHILD, nialnnan. JoaBmCtJStirr.j'., Se-rrrUry. S" EALED PROlOSYLSwiil to r-r-iived by the 8eho''. (iff-., «f lie Htb VVa.dat the O.C.-e .i tLe (le.k of the Roerd of Edueai .. ciruer of (i'la-d »i.1 Flui-et« until WUlNraDAY, t». 7tti ta* of July in.'., a 4 o'clock p. in., for the «il Hit!!. ¡EI.S. «.¿.ffLES. h- i ecea^rv f.n t ir- »»Sl.lii- lie l la». R.. u.-e af W»,d School Re n is ».id W»rd. «Hir»u»iii in pi n. »¦ u .pvcitice i"na on tile a:.d to be eoen »t tip Otic« of iba» Sup. m. eu.rf.ii; o! S hoot Buildm(». No. Ut Croa! y- a TerN piupo J B»«1 l.r accnipai ied »1'h the name» ot tato teepoi,«Í!»le BBta««a >.e i. . f..i »he peiíoruianee «f ttosaaSUaCt. The Sob oi Ottioei. of ibo Ward iiwerv» the ilpht torejci'ary or ail of lie» ofleird, it dauiiitd tor Ibe xtublio lo do to- CHRISTIAN MF.TZGAR, CbaL-iuaa. H'riiir" L. Liitkiaiak ."-ervuiy. Cm«» AsST. Qi itir.uii.i SB'» Orrii», I VV »;Tor<, I». C, Jniv (. irwl. \ S BALED PROl'OöAUS will be mmr*4 ntthir i un m "U tlae itRh in. f:i.i«h JO.« -0.», Twe-.t-.'l. of «Jal., tobe iL-livei, d st the lt»il ro«d Daepi or el W«alt*¡ Warbing un. D. C, cu or be¬ fore th. ,i th dB) «I Jai«. 18 1. The '.'el. t re ,e-.iw. d wplrrit nt tVe rale 'f (M) 1 l.i I- tve poui... to :be »ud lo be put up in good ¦BBttaa.Ual sackiof ni», ut two lu.hel. e»Jb, frt" of »dili'.ioual c jit to tiie «cKiTemneut. The i'i J be lniior..d'¦Pr»po.»l»fr»rn»»».»' Goodijidrif Beirut aei uriiy will be requited 1er tLe fu.hllrneatof the con¬ tract Tbe Aa.latai.t Uu«-ie<rn««tet rearrvea the rurht to itject all Mdatht i. -.; bed.- ... dio.f.-h. -,:>.. .uedr » h»-ii»:j the 0»'i «re delivered. D. 11. Kl CKl.i« A -t. C|n-.r:r « «r U. M. Army. jCcgaj^ 2ioiirc5. V K SUPleXllE (01 KT. 11 COUXVY <f Nl'VV-VORK.-BOPHiE. S. SHEA, rl.ii.tii.. ¦at. J0ÜMT Bral.I.NfJ Ann 15 Hui.iiit Wiiliann 0.1 C.rrnrl.1.« fiuriiig. «ad E.iti. bu »ir«. (orneliu. Hurtiirr. Wm, H. Buriitg »n.l- iii« wile. AoguaSiia Butll:.«. «.I»"t,ce It'ir- Un«. *,d»»J liuriiur, r ú* vi kuttiick. ».»d l-'aany. bla flnVb CAeinva Birliu«, Kl eu li-xii-.«-. Jaeka Foari.-r ... and Marjaret, hi» wife. J..«» Loc»,.ml. »iidhfary, hi» WIM, Charlea VVbitne., .ni Vtc rri»^ l.leaif,. »tj darrtet Lap-kwoud. d feudent..- fu parttl.o:... «SuaiBiiHie.. «.- irl». 1..(Coui. not «errrd)..To (ho .bot« n«!i.«d do «n.Vuiie: You ire he by .utnnionr» and re- Îuiiedio saaer«! tn«c-.»ipUiBi inlhi.aKi n. tvhlrh wl,I lie fi.rd .tbechNceM 'be Ci. k of »be (.t'y »mi (JO;, it« o' New Jfcrk, t UesCit) tlalltiiliiecliy of New-York, aal i. »-». » copy «f Îour «u»»pr to the «air» coniplaint on thr »-.'.»iiber. at i.i« ort;ce, I«. Sbt liio»dK»y, ive«-Y,..a CRv, ofticn l. tiniling. wiibin twenty «lay» afta» ibe rvce of tin. ennaion. on you. emtlnalve .f th« day "1 a j.-.h ten i.e. «a» ll yon idl to «naw.-r tk»< au 1 corn- plaiut »,i'i i. the lln.e -:t»ie>»id tka pleiutil in tlii. »/lion will apply tr th« ('. .rt I r lb» relief dein ind»d in tbo con plain».. Daieal, April Ji», lexa. JOIi.N O. SHF.A. P;«i::tit*', Attorney Tbe co."i['r.uit in tht. eaute waa filed, ahevs, on the l.t «J»* .fjuut itt>l. ¦ Ta« «nuce '.: C Builla« tiat» bee« r«n.ov«d to No. 12 Chaiiiheri etreet. Bl «aid '-y. J' »H.S U. »11EA. Alt'la» Uv M_ SUPREME COURT, CITÏ Rad COUNTl . N..W-YORK.-i.i( RUI S EDOEltTliM »rainât the WESTERN' MARINE AN DIIRElNSi RANCE COM. ANY. BatnBtocaf »r a m- i#i da- n> "d "ii»tiie", ¡,ot.Ser.> To tli« Ikef.a Jauta «b v. | rel .*pd-iidip qui'ed to vu.iaer tb. ,u:ui 1 SlBthl«« I belle» In the entoa ol tto < le it »f lb« 4 l'y and ('..nty ot New V ork at the C it ) Hall it. aaid City, «ud to e»-vr a copy of voir .'«-.ver «.tbe «aidcomtlain« ji. iho«u»-i i,*r«. their orlioe, No. ill Broadway, I:. ..Id «il ol New-York, with!,i ti,-.,ty day« after the aerviô« of tbla aaotmooa ou you, eiclu.ive of the day of tocb eon km and II a. n I».I »o n,.wn k«w»aM ciin->t«int witVntht- tl»Mi »iorrpeiJ Ih« plali till li' tbi« aclioii will t-'.e Jm), .: ent » taintt roa fr the .'-ti» o' four thor.-in.) \x huiiond «ud uti«-4>-ui'- . «tJ IM-lím de iiire with intce.-. Oin t¡r «trh rîay of April, <-.» timoaai d euh- h rire«! »ud »!»¦;¦¦ -in«, beaidia'tlaa ...U lai« action..I'. ..,, Hmm Y"rk Ju.- BAR.Nfiï, BL'XLER. k I. AURONS, . Tbecorpbilnt lu tbt. r.-doti »». rl Ir Bled lu the the Clerk «fa» (iry «ud omv.yof N«« fork at tbe Ci:y Llall taaai.Jii «, on ibc .lh d » "I July. LAit. BAhNr-Y, BLTLER. k PARBON8, JyS law 6w M PlaaBtttr« AUomey«. SUPREME COI JRT.City and Coantr of New- Y«ra..JtlHN R JArFRA!, Aribur VV. Joi'rav, 1 d»«rd B. Jatny. »ai Rlràu»oi.J N J.íray. a«t. JOH.. 8. Dl'. INI'.. Fanoiotia for stv-Niev (Irinand o«i i»ak~ao( tCam. no? .x<-.i. T«JOUN 8. DIVI1VP » ,.uer,-h. i«oy.uo»np nealaudr. juí.d to aaewe* the co up! ilnt I* bla..-,« I.ei. wbici will I," tiled la the .tiee«f laeCIatll«** «iae Catj ».4 Count» f New-York, »t tbo 4 By U»U, lii tbe l l'y o' Nrw-York. »t.i > cr.r a copy ol yoar »j.atrtGtL» aaiaseBitH.i'it «sa ti.c »u!. n'. ia ut !uelro4ri«e. Na 111 Broaalway, »aid «By. v-ittitn t«»,juy day« m tur Ib» eervlca of tfcL luinnioi . «a BOB, exdaeive oi tin« day of tu-h »et- »tor ¡ »ad if y«u fail mu,'«« thr .»ideen % Lin» wiiMn the tua« «,fcnee»ld IB» p aialiB '«U»|. aerie« will uka judanjan' i-rmin.« too fottt»«aa«B ot nine biudn-d »nd iia»y-«!ue 10-100 dollar», \tilh Intt-ra-tt fltui tb« t-at day of J»m.«7>. ne thooaarrd eight k-nd-ed »ud »btly cae be«id« theeoeta '-'n« » tlon.Dard Jate'ie 1*L BARNEY, BÜTLKK i PAftSONH ' Plaint: C'A tto: ne»«. Tbe caioiplalat tn tbl« setlou » «a dulv fi.'" -1 ta ll.eoHic -m" tlie Cle'kol tkeCi'y astdCeaaaty of New-Yoik, al tb» Cl.y "f New* Yeik, oiiOeltMits» J'"'»- loy.__...^.«,«, BAB-NLY. UCILEB k PARSON.». ¿«IT !«w6wM Pl.:lI.tW.. Attoiney». CDebMng CCoröo, AVc. T WM. EVKKDrLL'* »SONS..Wattling j a CARD», «f tae U e»t atyla», a No. 1S4 Kuiton «t., N. Y. \va. üra.aD»u.,J(. Ha>a» £v*»pkli. FaA.iUiiErsiu>BLL. A [ nriHET GO RRJ11T TO THE tSlOT.- INSTANT RELIKr! BTOr YOirR COUCH PURIFY YOUR BRRATH! BTRE\( IfhaaOl YOl/R VOrCBt SPALDINGFS I THROAT CONFECTIONH GOOD POR CLEROrMKN, OOUD POR LEOTU1LKRI. GOOD FOR PUBLIC WEAKER*. COUD FOR ta NI, 1 US. GOOD POR (X)NSlWTrVE.! OENTLEMEN CARRY SrALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGOrED WITH SI'ALI-lXi.'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRT FOR Sl'ALDINU'S THROAT COXKHCTIONS. They BtbtB »Cou.b laitautly. They clear ta« Tluost They give «rrcDgth »nd rotum« to th« roars*. They iaipirt » d.ii.- ..tu src u.s to th« brail« Tfny ire delightful tc the tut». They ., e inadu oiili ip'e lathi »ad cannot harm any «in«. I id.It- every one who hi»» Cougii or i Hoaky Vtlae or » Bit Ertaih. or any difl't.'.ty of t!i«TLr:>st, to get a parkag» of in- Throit CoofceUoLi, they will rtller» you laMinttr, »nd yon will agree with ihot they go light W lbs ifoU" Y«si «aril! find thein r«ry uaoful and pleasant «aie Iri-elin- »r «tterd!t| pabllc ¦aattajl for »tlllirg your Cough »r «J!»ylng yotnr Ulrit- Ifyou try one .osokage I «in sxf« in ssybig that you wBl «»er ¦ rterwsrd conaitlcr them üidiipen.'bl«. You wi!, fli d tLem »I th» PrBSjBjatJ sod Dealen In Msdicln». PRICE IMÙfllagffl CENTI. My «Ignitit.-i ii on eicL parAjyj». All otla-nare coi'irfaiL Aatahtp will b»»»ni by mill, propala, «a r«x»:pt of thirty eaata Ad«lrass, HENRY C. SPALDINQ. N». U Ceda--»*. N«« York. CEPHALIC I'll.I.H CIRE BICE 111 A!» ten!'. CF.PHALTC PILLS CURE KERVOU8 HEADACHE CEPHALIC PILLS Cl'RE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE t By (he n»« .1 the»» Pilli th« perludle attsrki «Í firrtjout or Sick HtaducSe m«y be prcr»ited, sod ii tikoi. it tho couiinoaco- u.ont of as sita, I iuituedisi« r«ltef freni paiu «ad .1 at.»«, will . obtained. Tn-y «eldom tVU In ramorlag ta Nat..»» »ad Ueaia t.t to which mils» ar» to «object. Tl «j »et teiitly npoa lb» hcw«l», r««n«Tt»,g <'.*.. rn.,,. Vor Literary Afra, ArtiaWi, DraViti r»- tin, and sit fa* ¦OBI of BttBtBrg Btaten, they lit rklusb!» ». « /-oraiii«, l,u. pTOvtrg Ih« <ippetU*, glvt"! *"*.* «nd vigor to tl.« dljeatlt« or¬ gia«, »id r«atoring CAtura: BaaVatalg sod BWntjBj of tl.» «act» syattm Th» CEPHALIC PILLS «r« tb« remit »f long lnTr«,.!.it<03 ndcarefuUy tomluctedexurri'a-.Lli, havi-g beea in ui-rwny yean, daring which Uni« they bar« prevented and rellsred »raat »mount of ptin uul »ulleilng frjm Htsidaeh«, whether oribinixing a th» uarrsoi lya'ron or fiotn . dtraaged tUU of vie ssaatat* Tiiey «ro<n> iy rrgrt«Ul" in tl eir cou-.Boaltioi., »cd may taken «t all Uiue« »lib p»n'. .-'. ou'tty wiibo«'. miilrjo my rLingi of diet, and the aiierue it uni/ diaiipv«au Ha taete remitrt .( «tu» te administer "Aran to atMSHB BEWARE UK COHNTERirEITt ! Th» genuin» biv» bra ligrnwrei of HENRY (f. SPA LDINÍJ on each Box. Bold bj Druggtit» ar d «Ii oth«r Dealen It. Medloioe». A box will l>» »i-iit by rioXI, urerptid, «a l*«!fl of tLi PKItl, 1- CENT! AU ordsn »bcBldlsiddieiasd to HENRY C. IPALDU'O, No. t- Cedar a., New Yr.k. Or A »lag!» botll» of SPALDINOS PREPARED GLUE « i.l ist« toa ilion it» eort snnu-lly.UB 8PALD1NU'S I'iiEPAREl) GLUE BPAI.DING'8 PREPARED GLUE! BFALDINGB PREPARED OLUE! BAVE THE PIECE! t ECONOMY! DISPATCH! rgr" A Stitcb ¡s Tiaa Sx va» Nikb,"^j Ai off/lient» t?iU Kippen, ne* ii trctl reflated famüiet UU very driirablo to ha*« .'cm« cheap and coi.ruaient w«y if rupaJr- lng Furnitur», Toy», Crockery, Ave. BPALDINO'S PREPARED OLUE LiesUaU accii «mer-st-ie,. md Bo houMhcld can afford It without is. It it»!w»y» ready, and up »o th» iti kii.g poia. "USEFUL IN-EVERY HOU8E." N. B .A hra»k tocraiisuis» »«ii Util*. I'lic«, !.. aaati awatan HENRY C. SPALDING, N... 4. Cedar it-, Nasr-Yark. CAUTION. As etrtstB unprlBcifuVd person» ar» attempting to palta oft* on tho uaanrpeetlng public lmtuüon» my PREPARED OLUE, I would caution all peraou» to txaaiia» btfor» purohaaleg, »ad .te that th» foil name, i*e**srALDniGS preparedolue,^ ii onlik, oiiAUaatViavitpsr. »*A**ri ar» rantdliaf atatv/nl iltröical. 4 SIGNIFICA NT PACT..A distinguishes! J\ »tsaaan a, on being a«k»d what i e th- princival I'lojtro- -¦. of New England, rep'lrl: .. a i. a ,i ailKB» as«. Tie fnrr» of 1 ia reply in the fsettbst New-KnrUnderi have . a nrlii « hie repiiia'ion at i rnr-e of hardy, BlhleUo luaa «nl w.D.i n «in gai.,1 \\±,.r m in tody Bod tnlrd. What ta tuin ni. 1.1 BB niiiuly di pel da on th« rire and of the child Nearly »vary »»ewEtirland mother pr«.vi Ira M US. WINSLUW'.S tOUnilmQ SVKlff.-rLer lawu-th ii uo atetloa <.( sa »try on earth whet» It has b«aa to Loiti» i«r» to v.M. t i a :n. THE QUESTION ASS*.«, t;Il hD the qneition la f/rqueut j a»ied. " WHO IS MR*. WINSLOW?" »Hi ripply ... that .!,» ¦ lay who, f.-r iii'WB-d oi thirty year», ha aaM*W»T*y d.votad her Lsiesed tatrnU sa s i.nntl. I'h).'riiii ind Nni.e, Bttt l$oM$ BBbSOsJ ri; ben. Bhr bu «-pecitlly i'ud:.4 Ihr cmallinlioo «nd wititi of lb:t nnmernna rlna. «o g.n»,ally otrrlj ,k"d or c-ee.tly i « «n d or i in fatal* in sat mi it Isa uns«: »nd, »- . ratal o' (l:ia .(Toit »nd |.'»ctii al ku'iwl.ili:», o.aUiued in 1 lif. iui.-ap.nt «ainiir.« and p'i-«n lln. BBS bn compon» ird » SOOTHING 8V; Rl P for chlliirrn tr.tni, g It »p, ra'.ea lit.« uii-i. -givlrg leu «: d hrahli. »nil It, m ».««.v.r. ter» to rt gnlrf« tl.e bowel. inioiiio iii-f,r til» »nil . Mils WTNSLOvl'l b»*aal g t.. -i-nowi n oa s bsi.efi/.tor of b.r rscs,-liildri a crrtninly do BIB H' *.'»d bi»a» her; e.ienaij ia tin the («a« in thai city. Vat»ibbBbIm»fth»»tOOTMlNO IYRUP ia» mm a-.M u d iirrdL ,r V,. i'.ink HiiS. vViVl.livV 1..» anj WrU i.« i let BBSM liyllila i-v.biibli- « tii le. »ni p aim . rrly I ». itio'i of (hildrea hive been from in iirly grave by ill ti. 11* na«, ii.d Hill luilion» yel unborn Will than lit baiiefiia, «cd m ¡le Iu calling bor biraaed. No «..TURK bna dirfh irj. d la-r duty to her lutlriitig little oa«, iu our o|,(nii n, until th» tit Strsal tiai beiietiK.fMUS.Wi.N'SLtivV S SOOVHINti IYRUP. Tr. it, wattier.-ist IT sow..[Lidi«.*' Vi.itor. New Yon tily. A DOVVN-TOVA M MrTtCHAVr, H-vin; pnn-d mtoiiI «les-ple'i ulght-, 1J IBS egonlei and una of t iiiflriug ebiid, snd h. uiil.g r<u.»ii>. ro thai MJUL wiNSLows suurHiso tXKOf »ajadataaiwati aaatti statssaalasafutaiBthaelM Ua reaching bom»«'.! Bt4|ii cull In« » it- wiib what he b«d d mo. ah» related to hav« il ni: .¡-n.:».'r-i! to the « ir wh »tronitly la livor »! I Ion... ,wlby. Thai Bleat th« c.i.l'l pr. aed in tutfering, ind the al.t p. i rturiii g hum- th« day loilowiii] I 1 Hi. i ,'oiiimI lh«-bsby »till wont snd a bil. coiiti I | L.inga- other Bisset ''. nii-lt, the niotber at(, ]n.J Inthr room to sin n.l to .«'Lie Jomestir tin'lei. and left the iither with the chili I'urin . le BSWaaTawaad . portion of Hat fUUTHI.Xi» SVIU'I'to th« bah*, and nid tiotlilng. Tb.t i l.ll «li b.u,tla »II, sn.l the Hill« fellow iw in the una-iiir g brlaht ui it, [iy. Th. .i .41 ti wia ligb .d tilth th« andd.n in.I «.niiirr nge, »nil tlthoagh »t h i. oit.tili-d with lb» deception diipmlitr lia ri.Blinnri I. ii.» (hi H'i ALT. a u! auf f.-rln». cryinghsMel and le.llr.a uiglm hit» diai-prmsiod. A BaBSla trial si tb» YttlT aara )> t l«i.»d 10 rain ta» baby »ud on ton.« th» prejudice« of tb». MOTHER!"! MOTHERS!! MOTHER«.: An old n-ira« for ehildrvB. Don'i f ill Is pro.' in» MRS. WIN'S- LO\\ m SOO.HINU SVEIIpfoichildien leeihing It ht---. ¦., ,-crtli. No «K'tUrr wh« bu rvrr triH Ml,> WINS. !.«i.\ 'H NY KIT forehlldrea wiH er»r eo!,..nt la 1.4 lar r i f.-.ia tli.n..rli |V« disirraalBgand t-ii ha) j.« « n. 1 ..f,. t. ith cut lb« «Ud f n.ia pr.p.rati hi. If life ind hral.b .-.u be astBB itrnl by dollars snd en», it I worth I.a Wi ¡{hi in g .IJ ' loin of bolllra «re «t,l.l vary yrar la ll.a I ln-d S m «a. It ia tn old and wail-triad rataady. THIS IS THE HE A SO M OF THY YEAR V\.r- BhwtaB teething By» »limut r# t«!ii to a "i, led >¦¦ ltb ¦iT».-«:y sai «tantán mkh. winsi.iih"s southing IYRUP la . >' > BB »AII..T.J BaVanat '"' lh«-e ciaanaa, «id vv ill gin« luu...tli.t« r. lief fioui «il pin. »ml di-trr . iu I !-ul to tha pria ras »f leaUilng. Evary u.otu«t »bou.« proviiio it l«i bar cblidirii IJTOtgiiU everywher« «ow keep MRS WINSLUW.4 HOU'. 1IINO Si KIP f«r rhil li.n Ir.'i.lng No n.tJirli.« ia tba United St'tta« «elU Ilk« I». It . ataudir ! Btttwt ». snd ill tiKB H «n»LI> trio» Phyilrtani order Bid «a« U >. ....... 4a Biagaal »Cscls at« baeit wiiaiswd. MiHI'n» Of twNMa ci MIL«. W|V"LO\\H SOcTH'NO S\ KI'P «.. «old rrory year ii tb« li it.d Stsiaa. Beivir« of t oiuir M'l hwMetaataa >.m>. '«. a.a'.o' un-x pp.ieins. N-w I la on (h. i.ntaja »r,-.,... (.old by Drn-ft'ta through f t li.» world, lilncipil offic« Na llOdir-a, Nsw-Yorh li.. . only BJ eariU per battU. .. MOVE In' INVALIOS" eBahlAthed at J a ImIbsbbIs lialaaaiaia» B|,,s m nat II» Y. D Hi.tM.-i.» M. I». Baraaratat Tseab Lígaloa, M D. Jaba Maaaa Wai .-.. V r>. B al ..n, vviilsrd i'a-h.-r M. D.. g. W. Worth ».., .. . Itri. iDdkr-tTurf. w Al ER-CL'RE in IVik»kil!.-Dr. Qetwtl tttl i... ». .Int ¡ida .. Ibr.-ld.-. » In P-.tkil I Y .-«id ' . I n all «i i. ll).|-.! l.» i- lilii' ©rocrrico anö |Jrorioiona. 1>MIUE8Btiidtadwith PURE ( IDRR viv- El It lif. 1.1.,.r lug run: lull barrel, a, 7'.. I «, ..«.< «1 in Nrw Yu,-k wi'h r».*rga fol Pall«!« Ad dteai», 1 M.AJ f KETCH AM Vim ¦,,., N. Y. .1 OHN DWIG11T A C«»., Mtuiifietmrr« «if DOIJ3LE REFINED sod KaMILY SALERATUB. ht i'LR CARBONATE OV SODA, atL SOIM ETC. tto. II Obialip Hwnivri ^luair '., r York. I II t REAM TslliAll 04I.Y. COMMERCIAL MATTEHSL ... r.\ .10 3't a i toa it] il.fvmu. ". Sa I!'ragiitd.. U |«H F.rU Railroad. Wl 9.SBH. S. ts-tJ.a ion du.t-TOi', ?,ii«H'. H. ia'71 coiipa.1.. Ill |«kl do..10 tli Bf Tin. lit |>c. uotoa.U'.'i 3lFtl. Hiiln.d Pit. «u *!¦">*> do.IW] in lUatl i g l.nlroid.37 2i««TiMt.« |>c Í v»«i.. tt «XI d . J7' '," l>!.ii. 8lM«b«'S.I.... 4t| WI di. Ijl.'l «in.til» -14 1WI fa, exoN , «j... '< Ht do. itviata do..i" «« rrnsdiT» lira It.jcL 5,1»« d«.b^niij .¦« d.».btoarl .:.,!-«.» .... IS .'« « , 1V«'I «iu.»10 47| tO'IICl '.','«?'N. C. State Oi. bo IB da.kB *.*.! tstB do. al» tK In d>.S.. «,0BJ¡ l.S.» HtUi. R*!l-, ad. in, 1.'«' <l.SI V> «lion. Cutral 1! U.«41 «7il,l»aoMiat..uiir»v»Ul.t..blB*ï d..U î""i do. 4Î! 1 flMlrh. S. x N. lad O.R |3 "¦"0 BB.4., JO do.lull. -. d'.auwk III rSKiIII. Ci.. Rlt. Betil.W a'.untl do..Ill :a.l do.bna «.'-«jCilil. rill 8tit« 7..... 71} iiuG«l»s.a»indCblo.RR il« SU SCON. /. Htit»7. '70-I'tf^ >-i .In.ao6r Í.HJ N. Y. C. linl RR. Ta. U t.«1 A«. r««i r.-lellli. M M. Bi..¡a MB ...... loro Ma h c. rtj-rt. Lt. m. ItB d... s. f, Cstj. Honda.... OTj .'« rua 17 ""M A N.\Y. «Idma. 14 a do.t».'U.;{ la la Mail St»»rn. Co. Ti fi>iCl».». «lid Tol.HR..blO 17 90 do.'.24 It .*> d(.»10 111 KM do.TI MM. Y. Central R. R. 7bl MU il..tri tat d'. 7bJ, »Chic, «id llmk I. RH. .ri -a s* I«} 11) «io.a 7b' d».¦« 7»; H d.blO 71) eje d..w lâO do.1.10 t'« éo.I..I7«, I0U tlo.bill i. J 59 cl'. Bja «J«.«i»-olla «Jo...........'!..'.'. »» ii.MO I--' di.«an 7»l M do.»..«.tl «l'util N»*Y«ik.SI ).'' liai k cf Ai: Bti»«.¦» -'Il Pas» ol ( oi.iiiu e. 77 SntnniAT, July la.r. ». Tlierei has l»e-n mor» renl vii.ili'v Bad i" tivity in tin- Sisk Murkit diiririffllie pust w«-«»; tl an a' uny Uni« since tli«. war »irúmenes!. Tl.«, «l.-inuin! fur I-'eJeirsl Htncks has tas«!» tiritk and vtoll »tn-tuinexl, ai.d tb« |)i"i.i(it lue.'icnrtiS adoptnd Ly C'Mi/r«s» t«. an- tain the Itjveniun.-rit, toretlier willi (lie iiroai'it \:i .i'i<» of Uis l'utu hill, hiiva luid un excellent «licet in tUoruiR cou- laVaoe in these secnriiies. Nut nul/ in the |,mmpt logisl.-ition to rehtdlion, but iu th«. «¿cu« rai Bm- ceuof th<: F.d'-tnl the coirnant develop nient of overwhelming etrenjjth «,11 the une m!o nad nf coiinariitive wsakiif.s» on the nl!i«r, bave 'irople found reason to look forvTiird «ci j hopeful'v and cl.twr* fully. It p-osaible that tli« diüiciilty of re.-toeatiou ia nn<lere«limatet], and a longer tirn« will l»e r<>«(iiirtjd to crurh the reb»llM>n than ia «. iM-ially ««Ap«cted¡ bnt tha tact thin taytagtaaBBB viaibl« tino ivb our .iar» troi». hie« is of itself enough to aaaWattagt the OBBtMBBB ntw BBtatag itself. Th«. faith ol NortLcrn pcoplo resta Byte the himplo iiropo-iiioa, that in the end a vast atirariority in men and uionty mmrt prevail. The ati- vity in State Stocks «ontintuB, etti until Satorday the Market was a rising ona for swBrtf nil of those of the Uorder Slave Star*, the «k-rnnnl res lily kbeorhing Hie large amouiita trliich Lave bren ¡»ouriüg into tba atretl to n-iii-ea the " »ttitnp-tail " cun-ency of tha Nwh-Wijatein Stabes. Miuiy of these oniert are »'..tU-'l to bo frorti the South. For Builwuy J'. -a-i«. alw, there ha» bw-ti a more active, inquiry, anal wo notice a (l«-< tllcil improvement in Hank atesteaj S tur ut. w.- r.ii» truce Hi,, s, (.'lu'ativc move n e'.t* in 1J slHtay share», tnry orij(iiiiita) inaiiily in the street; bat lit circle Off «ip«.:al«>!s ii tLe «AansÁVte viclii »y <»f ihi $i;>ck I.x- change I He ons it.-, il.lj fnlnri'cil within the «reek and the bulls are for the tun« nmlmil tetllv |M StMBgeaf fore«. Moveiiciits for tile risa» baft BBoaMantMOa* tViit »lui ni iieil by tin« cnrri-m-y taheaM of (i«<vmn- tceat, wl i :1. is v-sifucly awtocii led in tin- niin«b.of the «peculator« with un BXBtaetot rti-ilile and aiBMOta. t.on IB ¡in.| arty vain«. O.i Ki'ilsy, the wli > market WSS ai.iiililtati ,'ilni buoyant, tallU in I tie IliterBOOa there was quite mi ext-ititi«/ «cet ion of the liant, and & de- i'lrd tu v uncu in ¡irires. At tbi» p»»íi«'. n uie of the in iiiittiTH of the rise look i..]vniiUip»j ot tic oppoitiiiiily to rci.iii-e ¡ii''fits, ami the supply becuiiie to.» frei for tl.o «u iniiiid. A n-acni.ti w ji thus coMUienocd .and c«»i.tin¬ ned through Saturday, «nd the BMllil fllOM» fttliSl tunic, altleOUgli <l'i|'!uyiny n Inir di^ri «¦ .if sin-ir;t.'i at the lower tjiii'tatioti» estai.Ii.«lu>d. The fe!l')vvini/ table «.ill «Low the pricaof fcirTrlaj U t and i hi ee of lo-iluy: Lut Saturday. To day. .TJl '.i i.: I I.I 1.44 24 -;t BA ll/Tf Npw-York Central ... «atoj. Pate. 1 .'. u lliver.BJ" ?../ M'chi-u.. Cenl'el.43 44 Ml««»-»« JBB'Ml». 124 I'l Mi 1.1,.I, Mi l.ueru:te«d..kl ts fei-ral Slip. I.t) M l.aleii»a'dCiitc<frn. 1,1 < level«' d «nd Inled».24 Chicago r.lli.k l.'.Jd. ..'4 Pmem».ur.l 1*4 P..1 BLeJI. 7IJ I'.ni'MiiJ II .J.i n.0(1 IUrl.ui. Hi Il.rrui Preferred.Sll I, .te. Puriii.üii.i. «iidWi.ineT.f.í.i fii.ui..»vi a li.i:i...ii. BH 44 I el».3-i 43 liebet8>»l«e»e.IBM,«oep. .... i.'.J Oil I Mitp.lS'. e. II.:, I, te Lie.-ed.B ( 8S ffafcajf tlaa Tri«iaj i*e.un lr.'| The ti'1, art ¡on» in 8t:ne m.d Government Itonda darin»» the vviek icached over two and a half million», i.f iv,,iil nru.rly a inilliou wes HUmbAsÍ Ir Tuen H »tri VI loose ii,.;, fia in I'm l'hila le!| b':» Mint, 't retasa this week have Mly been $1,~4J0,« oiii. ahta Ibt MBariljr oflia oalal Ii|T1.»W>.»A|l iiepom- t-.rsi f f/ilii coin ut« now obliged tovvuil twenty da«s. Í" riii.n p i.fDiilifii.iiu g ildlvreiiti-i -igbliliij.-. C.m il te tine, as we lit-ur, U al ¡art ¡up tteaAettof iit'lil direct II al 1 uii.iili i¡> ni obiaiu ihtJt returns iu Weltattaftl it BotAate), thai r-iin bel. rnnoK to Ken-York dejoe- itora are n c to fay I'I i lude pi >iu ilcftosiior« in au- « f coinage î V\ ill Mr. Cl.ut*lock .tiiertliu. matter. Tii«. A- :.» i Ubi and Mint now hold nearly tiue mil- lloattfgobi and nil ver «ABttttM of n in 14e, ana tin- dep<>siiors «re «rai«big anxiously for returns. Wataaoi a rompnruiive sutenuiit 'if tho Imports of iore'k-n l»rv (.«..«als und (íenersl MtttaAABBAI at New-York for toe we« k und .inmiury 1: * or/Ac «.a*. 1M.1M. 1*4*0. 1MM, i»iy l.o.J.. Si u,..«« t'.î'a.«-'a »ï/e:-«:' (»p«. aVini i.»ud.^.... X.JonijarT tettVAA Ii To»»ir*-»erl. A4VteSJM1 t 14»»./M S/I.fcr; lienu^a.; «naeaata l.J lAw.*.! Ill* ia>,l.jS 7^,IU,;i_«j Sine» Jaujary t.ft t.uil.iot t<iU.ilJ,»»Û $7j.WH.ió» llerers. lteMjajtA Mntlie,« tf No. '-. Wall »trot nr» BU rinj; «I»! p«!e New-York Niato Stocks. United tvates iStchLs, and I'niu-d Bute« Trensury ¿Votes in anvmni« to «nit piirclia.sors. Tneweek close« with a very «btindantly snp] lii-1 roonrv n.arket. A aliirbt'lurry wa« ix lasiotieil in ritll 1.«ins by the Treasury Not« rnov« menl; but this bas entirely snbsidid. Ti.o strott di-ii.mnl for money ia quit« bin led. .» il Brait>|.la-al at 1 à (i 47 cent ou ratis- faciory colbelersl». In the .lirontit boatAt there, iaa resrioted doititf in con»c«¡tteiice of the an.all snpi'ly of pnjrr offerirg. Tn« demand for favori e m_ii «i-:rv is very »ro«af, ivnai at low rale». Current uanio» go ut I'd7 f cent; bat we hear of exception«) transarli'-ria in very <le«iiiitiln aunattire« at 4¡06 4/ ei, I, m, il u one liiptaliir low 4 4' ceil. The It.iiAs are iji..i«nir!t,i u tail tl« » .tief.ct' rj ¡b¡ i t oflrr- iug. but ouulil hot ki ep up their lines were it not for iheir investments in Ooveroxent siiiiri'it«. The llniik «tali in. tit on Mi.tid.iy will rhow it b»rg« iiicrei.»- in loan», tie ar'ual sxpunsioo beini; «on e (our milln>i:s, c aired by investments in lb« live millum irene of Tr> ii.'iri. Not««. Tl . .p«H-ie r< ». rve wili tf.ovv ¦ r - .. i!i err id", but vi ill mi n m a»ver. Tl e'« rO"i| ileu.ani fi.r Trenaury N'ut«» f«»r Cus- totii lloua«. p'er¡x«*a*s at H| «lier», raoiiit) of the ov«r dae i, ¥ cute havo If« n auld til « «li^i t ¡Heniium. -ej>- eOertng i:r«lhrr» «t « o .'a I ir« ulnr. Tee Can s n BBI M, K'U»y, Jur.p 28.I p. n. leaf t ei » el «nd Ft'. Irr, Pasta ¦« Bitikr'a remain c,ji.t, with tittle cb. i. Ii, (Ti.-e. M'".« 'B t 1 d-ci. Couaola tetan et »'ji fur ui net <. », f... m»u.,t. Her Silver. J 01 noo.i- p.I Metir-B I).Una. 4 1»»¿ do. Au.ancai }.*$<¦¦'%, Í», do. taebai . ts '.» rlouiB Aui> «4 « 4y> m (.l I b... lili',».,I e.rr tekri. «t Mj for old «Try op in".' Ii . » ied. t'rn«l«iy XX) bar» (Joay«,iull have hMii p.c-al .1 N> ait' I ' ItBBAI d.ili. C-iii»« Unit» I,a« tee« offrrrd | rica rreialnta« «trady Il r. «. ., i il be*. I'l-re«l «n I ,.j *i ..,,,! ,i 7.1 ., :', far u»(il te a ou 1,.id I i«ai b>«. .Nul«« Ceyl. M a>u «tni!,h (..r id M f 0.I urj .'.4 Si I hi. eld II.'' l>.(. I»ni«ic» »t hi .ItKi I to, a k .1 tu lu p .rJ and ot' «To S lea hi » .id. to mid. l.«j ..«.. g.^d or 1 Ulo .1 S.- ^ « erran h.« falla» In .«.¦» f4h»>»il.ti ». luid. To'J«L Cake aid lía A l| YeU-iw »-eial hheeuli » 'J»d. 1««>-Tl.e Wualkl ...i.iiuu.« muai (»verahle frr th« crop« tieiiiaiiied .(l.u'.i y ot KaohVh tVaaa «i merket v.»»«low of ¦»A »l a deeei ul I M i<" «"|p.-iui «an,pie», whi.e 1 ,f rlor . 1 » ba« a Inrtlier fall. Ko- Poreigu tl err he. llltlo iu- I Ir, ui i'i Ii »e »Tinlt aid ii-ad) arllert p.ic<» «ia ej, B«B I Inn ' 0. ,.' r beirel,ier. L»at week', «ter«:« ui« of Eu«l«:. W boat «rat ,">2 Ii on tTttl. era, in .1. WbluAoae'iiaa VVbeexM WU lex lUdr-a,u ¿s U jiüi« Cw «ii, «k».,-. i 11 loi», elu.baS'Uer pL la Me, asase« toi. n«».. ( OTToB. *a> t..le« b.v.heen bou-ht »t at.ady price«. At I ia.-.p 1 it» lut ll.e »m* eie eeVjBCt bac« n.. J .. »a »d ?> il> PaaaS TM b.l«« lien» 1er «t pöble «aie wpre paitleüy di«- poaed.r ".¦'" ¦'.> '. ''.' 'S fo» bealrd. "Il c»-e« O11111 Ol: l>«ui. ill »old If.ii. j- .. a, n tor 1..tied p»le »ud yella.» i«i. drop, li d beat |4 «til for ,oo I dar*, ia» c»>«. Ceataftf mi Icoud huiert fr.--n :. i,l a JSSael eeci.iie 1.1 ¦'¦. ir.cli t'a r I o»j» »' aasaaa .»M fiea Si ni' ti IM etesa «at IA) I".« Sba « I:,et 1. 1, BBI '1 ''« uian-1, and IpelileS, finid p.I» eieutr H'uj :o .. »US |oud rosy tattern tin« from ii'ska 5 Ai» ilat. a ÎS, «nd very ord Jail (ton» X;, i u XI. '. »,. Ill» b-i» Turn «rtsMot hila'.il BoitiI ay b-". .ht 14,0, (jutt» Pircha: :t«l Iik.o: f I: r»oolB«ltro«abll,: ¡.'I 4. I i a at 1-. lin hetaa daalka area lak.« in fron» i70<>«it! for fair t (.. il ieaAk| eo. i ^OU Iule. >e» donu^pu wrie Mlai, far«; «».a a «t i'l'i. ilia: »I 1,240 bale. al em lion, «houl I ,.«' faaad tniji ia tl* IT'f iTI'll IT f iroiu i-ou uuu tn «cod mil. f Al';«rj!ie %l Li food, »ud fiou atl» 12 rxi»U |Vr Se». lao^ very d .11 -l:«l!. aal n«r« £i lafjtlfti o. b. In WpJea. Ki i.'i Pif. r ict 1. Ixet im».o. i.iidr Li a«« en.1 be eiri»»l»anii,unllu¿J,»>?5 qra. fro» tre Y.ul In¬ die «nd « «leiiti» ha« fo ud Uiijei» M M,t. on a. I A i. letie«. r.r Hcuir.»y :4 « í Ved Por »nival «be it 12,1X4) qrt. black BMaaf ase« »v» basa »old »a M a. d<ii».trd. II s snCABBaarOB» lair «ieiuanri tt ill'J, |, r N. w A. rt ia tarais, cd Rl I-', for U ,.:¦ 1, in b,.«. 11 i- I.,ii.t eil lio »1 2 -i. Kip- .trtdv ; ,i'rl.n Br.'WB fit. It«t«ii< HI Oli.«-Ui!'lpa.ll «J«. 1'í.l». Mp..r«»i beav) ei f » p- - m io i-, i It ( d XT. 10, ii.ew |i»|e .«, | Oja u rive A38 Coco«- ut fa» . Cociiiu Ü4Í, Ceylou ¿.VJi.XU I" r.-ii r..:. r i,.,- ..... tM m,. Un «aiaorrto!.»-»VtMtVepteBS cbati|«d hanili piit»ioly »I ll.Sl^r»' to S O r»fi-»««tl.»n. Il,, 1 I- . in»....' .iili..»tli,n. Tt-.e t«l'.»«r« about ÎI "DO b«^i il '.» I r.i.b, Io 11» 1 ,oiii| t. for llalltni, W/tAt4,l for low mid. la» I«« AeBfsl el J 1'-' toi Isa Al'."H.. till IBB tiafl ,:U<l'u««aold «flU'f. Bum iiui.t; iii-i» lili 1 n .eie" i.t htve found hnyer* «t 1,9 for Lee»»r«l«, and I 10- I II for rood to lino Deine r«. ,««' rr it»«.l.tOO !.».. Il.n¿.l bare I», in oiu.tit pri7S».r!y»t ; . -, 1. ,'rr I to 1> Aa. 1.' " ba|t B-.mbay at a^difcu weto ilia I*- d «i «I io,». for M It t'a Lkai»--( «uiinou PI.« au.'"«. /CO5;. Hi i. ««. ..»- . lealiied hi>m t t : I f>rani»rte ¦ rt »1 bOiritl i. C!oTea-i-> ->»»'. P.nau« war! fro a I 1, I f.,r une te Ulr I'S» !.««« ¡taesiBal wen. r .. Sj "1.1 for 4d. OBBJ -AteM ( c. mo f.uud bnv.r. friBI Ml . ' ft ii .UI..J» i«!«a »ei.t lioiB »-' </Ij 1er ccniuioii »o t-« «,rd Willi Mild Cual Biid. I'M It, ii/J-' Plni'-utv». I'SI .. i«*S dia|-«.d cf fr. m 2,d ASfaL f-r '.dr qitliiy. r- Black MXi lit»» iiiiigipoie bloii»bt 3 lj-lbd., au.d 4d- v..lia BsaBaa. 81 na«.Tier» bo ImnrovemrBt tonodca enr raft, ten lb* ».«u. the bvni.'.d« «l»a;k «ud preiiou« rete« be», y ..... Utu.'d Of«, rtl ba»» w.jrttiu« «t» '«1 »1 «it! n aba th.'f v re pla.'d a: JO «a. T In low brown to low nnd yallow e«-ii,l- ¡JI »¦ .1, »ed «0 I,'.«.' ...r «oodl ml«« a ble r».ie yp!l"«v c.éatau»ia.di J (:.» b«ar» Nauve Ma-lra. ars-tl« »old et .*. .-2 0-or ,uuT.i.lro\«.,t».:¡í« jellow. Ol I. O'» bhd-.-.'3.|bb!.. l«o,t.. Bio« :p foi r h w re takeeat 34 n*aA'»for Ii» to ».IgratltB broi'n lahiilur. 'M.le' ti, for|.,w gravi.h to «o d m.d yel a, . rt.1 41/0" I «lor foaxl to b«e ¡>»!o y. ;li». lK| ahtl oi »oa. 43 bu.» C.ittM Muaco\urta«o:d g i. o.'i, 'or low brown to low ¦ v and .'«4|L... W 0 lor low mid ;-ra.rah to fo-»J mid yellow. ¿>i' I .. hevea Hatatu »ltd riaied Cub« a porllnri w»a ;p»:l/«.I « PHít'í- La I..U«». «¿.' I >r (road ¡lerett" y«H«w, «nd '.I , a « « lor Ijii-Uild velo« atoears*. i.««bor. rod uneUyed »uar lia !. ,j ,,, 1/ «u.odo went ut .'J «i.W. r.r low, ant IJ 3AA/3 for «ait mid to nood. T»» bciee cornmo« Irowu It.» B. bav« rSanr« ban«, at Jt/X Th« f.alowtn, »,«¦ lav« l^en boutht all. at, B-.e for V. R.. three H.vh»» lull» l'..urpj 2>>0 b.»e« .N.. I.» t.» 1J >t MfRaVSte boar, «it and I ,»« d .So. I. 11| «t 24. If. »p I l."«» bpaea «lr.»B|i Herein» No. H»! «/». . TÎH teak««« «ac htf» J»v.. .Iroiif He. 11 10 III »t ÏI ) fally Uiíured r¿, atea» (un* M««co«»d« a'23; »»llilaud- li r »plihta «nd MO lun« unclayrd M»aii« foi a «ear l.'jtt ii eiaied f. p . . at i«,'., aleo 1,30» holet Havana No. In» to il .t .". elm . 1. j. po I Se -ol \i'p-t India. .Itiuhl.d. Tai.ia.w-iSt. reiarabari Y. C 63/ AAtft en the »p..» V I Ir, toberto IVottnhaw. - Tea.Th« nuhlk «a)«« Ihla week bav« roneoB «atI..-, orlv ¦ email proportion tanding Snyrr». Price» axe without uaalerial tbaaif«. «»Co«|oo I liitrllfd 4j» ttl. Ti».I.'-'«*¦ »labe .«nail« !¦?». b«eo paread AIM 10*i;ll3.« noealnally Bill 1'J* Jatlt« Tr«rsirTi.«B.Rou|b koinunüy IS/. Americau Spirit« in r«W» offered el 44'. A«. asa r'Tix.Kt-VVe have at) cbac|* to rspurtU.ii »reí, Liiirtt »uia I'jitrik «i dir. Richard«*»!», BlprvAr» «* O«.»« Clrcnlsir. PirCina-a.[ Li.BHitarsL. JnaaM. líSl <..--., i-.,... u ant mi, h .«»-! r- ta -,«i . Ib the u i »t during |) s a-I wra-k dr'ly Ib« .l-lí-S'.it ht» ta» n i-o »! ai d pitar« v.-r».tr-.i- De.itS .1« C »t .i.t. raraUn.« fnin I.-.- MUdii.ig to Nldit|| g bava o«-en »(>«r.|nly otlefr*! By hol.'..«a «d.s. ts« .'il staaaai« ssa uiBaml' 10 mut ni;i t I lid f' Ib ovrr laa« Waek'S <|ii*U t'in. S.n otisiigH lu (.f 1.1 rr .[i »al in nt lira firm lu MsrcVt-or ii»r. Uva v nei- il..'i.,' »nd b'.etn«-«" r»n»*».!*y I»-lull. Th«- q.m.talion, «r. Mld-'ling Orient! 7 II lh.l f>l .1 7 ll-Htl I I. MiiVdlll / I',.!«, 7 d . I. BbbaBIIUIS« Wthawary ran» »nd ike MB offt.onlnu- »ia-a«f ii!,,«-i«d weather 'ino'c firinueik a»* shown U *fca b.rii!iii- a lb* WS»», to» «lie* abaa u ha» cltai'rd of »rallie tr.. ? bat ri-lap-i'd L to in.! t.« ««. Ou I'ue day tin. l.u-1 i--. SWOS In Wl.-.t v-a» n »4 larr«. btrt lhar» Baa rosi» layalanty in uri. in the a.In ui.d-.. Fl'.'ir met » heiler Irquiiy »t I,.«':iduf«d rat« - lately tjaottrd. i.^-iin Bora llioti Id in-n-Vrre-t at |.-«-. I »ua pr;r< a At loily. nark, M h. «l la'i » fur 1 »inf-jr «t Tn« d-tr'i prleei. »bur le-brt.d « «f.i d fr«-.-lv. ».. Ill« quo»- tion«. In li lUa I', rn litie il ifa g, Old Illtel niiugio '«. il a ÏI «4/qiiiT»»'. Wsaaasa: VVb»a R»d Western, t/l Chi.«en;o ,,;ll, f,r ji¡i« «.«,,. ..j Aiobar lows: lc,toll forlVbt S :-¡.»,n. tl (/ii/ll; vvbii» \v*««|«,ra. I' em. It/boHS/fl l' HüRii M.,ur-l'i.(l.d.|»Jup«rriHe, 2. »t En ». -' i a. | iir» Ohio, ¦:¦. a..; EatM D'tc. -1 b./ î'Çlkl bbL Indian Coro-Ulxed. £C¡'aU)fi; Yellow, -W,»o «*/»| \V hi'«, -..- I u.»., I'«..»' tf.i llrr-.i'. nl.l «: |.r.-Ti' SI -ate». I'oas uaaltrred ir. value and alow of a-le. lucos ti ill .e.l.i:l. «J. Tue ui ».« oftlie merest rtlal' char act. r. and Bt**BBS an- BrWSt. ('H»».»- FttatqasU l.t iu good deotsud. but »e;ond»rr kind» dl« nit to sell. Lass asalnaas aaaystat A tow r«»-iil ..!«. r.f stata are tei-ortod «i .n <:. I bin lr>»raI¦ ». aast for the b.wei k. .1-. Tin..a ijmii lottir b..t > lo. i.-!,«. ui to S.-ing. ' Butcher*» Aiw.fllitl.ii" itiai leijuo »«tat 41' á4:i,o «I» rwt. Ib Lnnd't. In aaaaaaaaTaeB of ¿M . J-. .it 'I Oob casks, nrlcir. Itaaa v.-.l .1 (.»,- -. l,-,i >ha« hi~» mill Inrlnst Ui «H. HtiK-NitLaig doing in I'Liiatiil^bia ; altnsll lot of Ii- .m. i- sold st oi. Rii.i».Ciii.'ii. Batall at 3r;6,4 1> ewt Haiti Mfrth'm di In« in Clavar, ru», t.r Timothy. THE CENTRAL i'ARK. To the citi/r n revisiting New-York after ¡in nbssn«- of throe yt-i.r» the creiiln.ii of such a beuulilnl »pot the Central I'urk must«t soern like the work of enchaniiiif n!. If hBailiar with the I »alii; in lègB, he must recolle' t it as a s:uç>!ini< auburb of the mort filihy, si|iiaii(l, and unatlrnctive nature; as a tract of shaking worm*, Him stony hills, U..tie«i with ti.« miacr. able cabins of Irish itnil fît rtiiiin stjnutter», whose occu¬ pation Bret ?riat.-lioilin;', Bag*tnetawg, and swill-mil'., production, ami wbett hovclc wire surrounded with hanga oi efadera »nd putrefying garhuj-e. and pile, of tlhhath «./every kitid; aa, in Tact, a locality wberv ha- iiiHii ( ktataena e*te athttawd bj ail imij/inabie ni ejaet- Bg c.-iici-initntil». Ha n .* s»'« » a u"< at and gloii-nts p'it.lic work, an fur <m tha wny toward HHinhlhn llatl an iliip riant ,..irt of It« liltiin'.l« !'«'uulita> is u'r. u-K m.-i« a cd um he eattl «urii.ii «.¡.server. AlroiJy the visit.r limy (Live ovn unady f.^ur mi es of carri ige road «jiinl «o if n«'t un»urparsrd hj nny in I.':i:o,re, or wander along the iutriciirifts of a-vtral mile« of fisit-| Bäht which hud hiin iuto achu'ed g en», along the brow of hills, by the hunks of hcanti- lut ponds ant! ¦»». over and under t-tone, iron, or wooien rid¿ea of the tnoct cliutuiiigan,hiu-ctural pro- pcrti'iiis, and !.. »nie tl.o biosil bveiiue« und narrower bridle-pull» where «troams of ciirnnirca aud equca- trh.n* ( u.« I"r hour» htgi ii ( r. In Waiter he uuiy see eaeBttaaB 60,UOO peo.le enjoying ths akaiiig porn!»; and iu Summer as many, or nioie, grouped uudtr the elms, and iu the I.auih!c, or on the Terrace, whlling away the evoiin-r lionre tilfresio. Oa the clear waten» of the artitical lake Venetian «-Batahlt, Whitehiill, »»ul t, aud un..- n . ,¦;.-'.¦ to und fro w ¡th ku.lsdf pit iinire-sreki rs Btwhn ret! fmrn »uushine and dew» by BMgad uvvning»; and a fl.tck of f. ri-ign awans, n-Ürctiug tlu-ir snowy BtatBgej iu the water» float along, the very embodiment of untura! grace. In the winding vvu'ks of the Kamhle rn tic chairs and aibors. (Onvetiietiily 'laced, invito the weary to rest, and th rw who with a bird'» «ye vir.wnf the whole work Luve only to iu"'iut io the top ol the BoaVTeWB to get ii couifiltt« coup c"ii*t/. All this bus heat *¦- rouipli.bed iti 1er.i than three years, urn! u Ixtt«r in- ttune ot Ata -call (.:.'ajsjj aui ¡nt..|ic BeMt BOtM »can-ely Le i!it,it. .i. Wl.ut we l.i.vo thus enumerated is apparent to any one, but we d » not Brida lo imply that the lYrk i- BOB» pleied »o fur aa the work has Lean done. Although the etigii.e-tiiitr, (, tree-planting, and ¡igriciliuisl Bsnitattt may he tiiiialied, the work of Nature »rill going on; unuh of it only juat comintiiced. The Luiu aro bo well esiuldshe«!, the stiruta ami trees to grow B their full si/«, tha cnepers nul iliuihtiis to e>>v»-r tin» r«»t by WattttBw» are planted, suti ¡u a tliuii- p.,;i,l va.;.« the finishing touch«?« BBB be put on th« BTcBt lauda BBttatttn« Hui BBOBfahtt u* i: necesaa- nly ia. ar.l I uilty aa it may l»e in certain i!«¡!ailr< the Central l'aik >s already («rforming iu great a-ithttic work in tte inuiucity, ami lOul'erring Bbooett on thoiiKitids every day. us who have never been arrunonied to Thiergar- tens, I'nwers, Wiicleor rurh», or liois do linulogue, our inchoate Cenlral Park teems very grand already. ii'ul as s .'I'm.m.l'y v. ai« rutltr¡ o», d to overea* lunate- than belittle ils a'lruciiobs. It ia iu Ott BBB unfortunate that we are not well informed in thi» re- sskBt, tat a OOOtBI gcnerni supe: vision of the work by the gri-at | iii/ic would thus he felt by the o.riteis, which niitihi insuie exemption from mi.-iakcs int: wliit li ihuy seetti likely to fall. It has, far i'ltti.nee, hecu ohjet ted hy so good an autl.onty us Tee //. r/i- culturtrt Ihut the trees aud shrubbery me crowth-l so much tSBtatB that their health and ftitu¦«. h'imty ure «.riotisl.v impel ¡ltd; Ihm un ii.rea» ihi'm- u.o:.nti nv in ihe »rruiige merit of the grou[S prevai'S; tiul the imii- viiiiml »| n in..-.!:» air generally very interior V> sm b as would be tolerated in ; rivale gr.iimi»; and thai the gniujsarc tataaf each of on«, ki. d of trees or awarWst only, thus iunoriug that oombinaiion of light and shade and tfist hsrinonirlng of i-olor, depth, breadth massive- aits, and sheller, which uisrk the tninporition <¦! th« into lendetnantltitti Oaks, elms, aud other forest tices that most nltiimifcly eov\r a g .at hicadiii willi iheir hr ill« Ins, are planted a lew f.i Inpirt, the .laiit* «r« thus u;n'ur nilv «¡tier ignoring iho law»of llier .T.iw.h, or rtririn:.' far BBteM eBhtt a'- the cxptuse of iiltiuiai- beauty, it would »ecni, after u careful stud, of lio w.i'k, as if it were ii.tended transi lant the ..reu", mujo, iiy if U.e trc«t an«! ihrul « vviiliin a f«w ftttll hut we tttt! t thiak ih« i tan I goo.1 oue, since it will nor only UuJ to great expense, but injure llitir ! grow t b. I nuke rao-t of tie Etieopean -lark »onrown preaaiiia BBB <>« a uutui-al ami le»a of an anilieial sp- a-til :.. The i "iun.< («i of the un.und was auch ti.ut it ihn Arvli'.rcrt-iii-Chief bud been Ovwtaanaah in lavorof th« {'« atyie, he could never Imve reprolictd the »vouiler» of Alton Tower», or ( liata- wath, for the ste«t>acclivities and nipgcd binds would have all aittiiipia ut their r< duction i*:to fermai ahert Bibb it was tlaa:;,ht best to aim as far as pracli. * de al au imitainiu of Nature, heg cuuhiiie with il at favorable poin's eno't^h of f.miiality aud Brt to avoid the monotony that one, universal atuneaeasof trestmeut would cum*. Tin» '»iiul a-lected for the i-.raiidest i'i»|luy of architectnril emhelliahit.eiif, in coiims lio i with a !iiruial style of trei.tnient, wu* near the BOOlhera em* of the park, wbor« aiwampy pluteaa bus bee» turne«! into a hr«aul audl. Tue four row« tf Amciican elms lind planted, nearly all died, bat thea have horn replaced by tsslter enea, and this grtvud pioi.emuJi promises to bi» in time as n.r-pl' tely siiaded by tho meeting h.-anchea aa tho «tieeta in the Kim City. Tho U-rracu at the end of Ihe Müll is already »»> far compbitrd aa to give a ! t<»leruh!o indication of its nltiinate beauty. It certainly will c muai.. fav.'i-uL-ly with aiyibing in Europeua I paika ih« we iceolktt lo bate testa. 11a carving «if the stone in Uiia ariine, and in the various biidges tint »pan the waters, patha aud roada of the IVrk, is ex-'tn'.i il iu the most Iwuuliiul mauaer; but wa ar» not wi.hout im:« ihut it may crombsa to» soon aader the extreme vieitnjitnde« of »ir climate. It !»as beta i hji-i.-ttil that money had en lavished loo fr> «iy opoa ihn bridges; that the same sum of moBty applied to tiio general un uiigement of the grounda would bave been better «pent. It most not forgot«»», however, that in all the great Europea» paka "worka of this kind aie coii*truct»»d at immense coat, and that we can¬ not luivo i Central Park worthy of » metropolis like oura, or, in fact, ono that wouhi' not bring ua into actual disgrace, without expeading a treat deal of uuniev. Whin the work is Btwhei io that the whole tract 80U acrti will b*. Sillily Itatitiial, the bridgea. will not look «o expensive a ft»»tor* *v» they do n »w, in troth, if they were not as beautiful as the* are, tl,»» w "old not harmonize wih the ¡.euertal cbanxter of the Pjrk «s it will be live yea «a lieu««*. It vvill readily bo imite ru-a" that to make so beantlfol a «pot aa it is now out of tt>o wretched locality luttt W4< t«i l»a »«yen in IfVig, a lar^f foico of mou muH hav« oee, emi'loyed. From the commencement of the work to .lannary of the pi«s*tnt year, about 10,.rJJO neu ia», us»isted in tb« work. In IK6J, 4,4,16 met,t employ««, Ocd.ilyuYcrage being t.wVl «e lasa, aa emaruiajta amount of money, obtained from « roperty owner» br uxution, ha« been difirituted among tl.« Ulaariag 11: e«ee, ird mrtch want and As»Maj bus in oor»t- onoaM teen prevented. The e-uruonjitury events of the present year, however, enme near efr«actl|.gatvai- plott sta»p|wge of the work; a result tiiat could nvi Lave been suilkiently deplored, noce it w 11 Id hare aoaf «¡uite as imuh to recommeaie worts an »o «oiHiuta it on, ard the present eki'it-aj forre of AateAtAa» men if un« i- lüetiüuttd ov< r tho country, sot iJ prubiblv nevar ho,thereureonlyabout liOO laliorerson the work, and ot:e half of ii «,*¦ ¿.-a tD. griped in completing the liter mile and a half of «>.rrligo, an«! planting and giiidii.g tl,« borders at either «ide. When this rsbes «iiull hav« besa finished there will be a coniii inns oiive of more than six mileo within the l'i.ik Tlit- eniptt«line- work is tasejrAAa to four divisiou engioeere.Mear«. t'biki«, Iiawreuce, Hogurt, -nt Hav k the wn..!«' In -I. jnw\m tie sopervieiou of Mr. Gruit. Th« tile drainage sys- lem under Mr. George K. jr. (now Mi.jor ia 'l.ej («arihaldi Guard), A a m«*t ij<;i-.i.ti:y iiifj suet ess, anil suliliuntlj Lu'iicuUs loour fnimers the true wsy of reclaiming wet hand. Since Mr. Wiiritirj'B di-r>i.rtiiro for the war, the drainage work baa been nndertbo <¦!):'.-aj of Mr. James Gal!, a n.«*; competent awl trust- vvonhy officer. Of the four tntnavtr-e n»;u!s ihm oroM tho Park, none are unite coiuplru-il The two lower Mas, at 8ixty-fift!i und fe'cvcwy-niu!'. sti eels, are all ready tor the road bed and pavement; the upper mm, at Light) «sixth and Kixisty-tssventh streets, t»rt in pro¬ gress. To manage a great pnbb'e work like this, on which en average of nearly 3,000 nen has been (iretBiitry «.|i;»loud; ki-epin viewal! the deuils, strict at len¬ til L to each cf which is ahunlute'y necetwary for tbe ptORfOJtaf the «bjle; to biiLg order and ber.uiy oat of ate chnos of ¡Ho7-8, ha* requited an amount of aaV niii.ii rutiva ability which tew 11... 11 .,**,p. und ata. Ott il muy feil protid thatu r#.rfrlative(V'Uiraiseii>te, aebistid by his raor c jus enemies, could find ah «liu-ly nothing to char,-« him with, after patienf and carefai s< rntiny of his acts. In t'acl, the con*tru a,«>u ot tbe Park, in all :ta departinents, has been chi racterized by n thorough Pisiem, Hieb lay. and eeonorriy, whieh h:a '«»uiitianded Ui« warm a; pro val of ttMtttotAA» «»la¬ st: tors and the general public. Wo hope intimólo see fine SJ4-I ¡ine'ii of n ild aiul tan-e animals; confined In pad'liK'k«, as in the fireut Kuropeau ¡>arka, and »¡eei- n ens of tie principal In m lie« of kuono birds, so that we may have M complete schools of xoology anal ornithology we euem HaStaj to hav« of Utaoical »po« iuiens. We would also siip-ger-t that a very popa- lar teature would a model ilidry of the beanufal Ahlemey cows at sonie point where a tastoful chalaH would harmonize with the laada<n(>e. SWIMMING. Everybody esn keep an Aquarium, which is, after all, noi so n.urh un «xhibition of Nature in her brightest and fre.«best phases as a skillful i-xeiiise ef human in¬ genuity in proloniring a oi-rtain amount of injured tni- lue. The excitement of the dis« over)- of each dAath of little lah or hiteiy wiggling reptile, and tho irrowiou- interval of the owner in the gradual decay and «MMetetel of his stayck. have never seemed U> or<*l- li.-ible to the taste or finer emotions of man. A iVata- toiiiui not so easy to keep, yet if it could every- wiicre displace the Aijiiaxiiim, great rrlitf would ba uff.i.ile.l to the r.-lmlo res» enable tribe of ßriies »And pinul! aqueous game, and a benciit would be conferred ansa1 MA own .per 1 ¦ much more «ii'ftantial than aiy to he derived iioin the ini|»ri«onmeut and alow tonare off Iba glilterimr 'fei'nre« win-enjoy the beat of beaelak ami spirits in running stieaiiis, «ud in pools filled to lia gnaasy brim by bubbling «priugs. llul if one r*¡>ec4»v- hle citixen might find it difficult fa institute on his own prim p'"s a tine swimmiug-ftib, in which the fonas of himself and hi.» wif" and the children of both sexee might float, and dive, and pa/Idle about, tlnre is 00 retta'-n why a numi>Ciof ciiizins au->u.'d not join to¬ gether in the provision of one of the simplest, sad healthiest, and cheap»** amusement« wiiiiin the i.-rveb ¦A 1. ;.iI. Swimming is one of natnre's own pleasnres, and, like all tb<- rest of them, is a expensive and far more real than any of the same und thotOtM lOMMstoal «aa- plie«l I y art or f.u4 i»m. Tnore isag»«<l den! if cora- furt in the reflet lion that the solenio cipia now opon lie ooiintry compellinir pleastiiv-eet'liers to turn to the simplest source«. The children born w ¡th «ilver H-ejom» iu their mouth« must consent to be tickled witb a very c\ieap«traw; lie wan-iiti" j.l '-es aro given an fcr ij'iiet country plsces, wh« re th« poui I of the (»er» mnn ia exchanged for the llow horn«call of the fana hoys home; voluptuous dancimf nul di -eitii« are con¬ cerns of the father of the «utnilral huit. Now, M «w ¡mi« to put into uio«t gratxi'.'ul action the beaiHlfnl hoitoin limb«; to ««imtilato all th«« ph)sical poweat, axd draw a ireiitle energy through the whole system; to be exinl.intted by a tHMtt with the pureat and firiithtest ot tbe element»; to pt.'jaini the mind for calirUKoS and the tody lor «jfiirieiicy iu any hour when «lauirjr from th« wa!» r «eem« to be liireateued. And whv the pi art ire ahould have baen 10 long i-.ii.nt.ed M tbe least sweu-like of the rexes, and to only a small majority of tha», is a dilliiMlt problem in this water- pnviU.-.ed luiid, MMBBOai« and caresaei \tf the kinillit-.t of stream«. Why won't all tho belles of the saason (of whom it is well known there are enough in New-York alone to populu»e all the haunts of tha mertiiitiils) «leU-rinine to get Ihtmrelves up in thi» at» complishment this Summer f There should be bnt one «ifuidanl of licmy for »alt aud fresh wider, and it ia a very mides rabie Summer re<ort indeed which has not iu tho neighborhood one of those deep black tartana, curtained by fulmge, or one of those sUvnrseuidsd lake«, of whit h ¡eis; ring cil» drecm in their ni. mente of extremea tortnre from the bliitering stone« of Iiroadway. Young htdies may renumber tliat art hat lUiight many a bovvit. hing inspiiulioti fj-oia the buihs of imiiilent rare, and that when th.y do swim it ia always obeerved that Am«ri< an ladies me perfect duel». there any idea which it is more cniel to aiigt-esl hi these bot «lay« than tlutt of the old«fti?liioned boya* »witn ? Yet douuilea he who is rusning over the grid¬ iron at this moment with a large of rala en hi« mind is «ornc'.iuies reminded by 1 he streams of argiy pernpiration that hiss over his body of the «fclictota drip of «old drop« from his white jelly of flesh, when bo tioou oo the rock that was up near the surfuee and yet not ashore, and brcnthed deeply after the long and d.-eaniy dive, and the psjddl« all around, with Lead« of cenipituions shal.iug at him out of the form on «very side, and joyous cri«a poabing ou the race of tha .trongest swimmers. Tho ocean is an «perience that einxct absorb tho memory of that glorion« fun in tbe water, although tla manly breast doesn't got many gueh 4wiifi«iences as thoM of tbe big pashing breakers, in from «he fsmbesl borixon; nor A Uiere mueb use in talking ubout glow« aftor on«i bu run up over th« and rubbed down the All in: ¡e. In Philadelphia they have a Nals'orinm, and it is aa good end perfect u tliiog aa Philadelphia butter, re- .itectability, or ictveream. The ladies are all crnay about it, aud do all their romping iu the water, and mean to make skill in swimming the great social teat. Toe NatatorituB ia conducted witb entire propriety. The swimming divinities adopt a simple sea-aid« toi¬ lette, and are pot through the motions by an expe- 1. m:«d merman and his aioompliehed wife. Would A not. be a pleasant relief from the tedium of tbeM dull day« to inatitute a «wimming-sctcxi, oranamWr of twiieyaiiig-«vhc»olt. in N«w«Yorkî "Ï© be iariitd to «1

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.nd til ion.ey »t 4 : b>fB«4crii« -t «:... e. i;

ON« . àlLl "'D-cii "N- r. OPI r.

Teil, a-

n, f | - -. . d«., ti i¦

Point .¦ «ni t'iiea-t'.'.o.

TsJBW-.'EK,SEY LAILROAD-Fur F1IILA-i.a DpLPIIIA «fa «ERA» Ï"CITY.-', »I» I ,. ., «... N.-»i.iorW»i :. <i.«.|dll«. tn.eeJ 4« ,d- l«i..|3 'lii.-i.c.'utieSe ...old ,r I i.cini.«'i «.- d lb v\ , ,,r t re »ud thro igb »»sirsjreebaok.Nl u. Its, .lop - tn.i'1»

I W w ,,, It if/I -ideo«Kobafssti-win be.I« d for a-v tr.ii-

«aW«*«! L". uiiinie- in i.1.. h ¦> iba- ilii.e < leaving.

CDtcan ^icarncrc.VOR fi)i.'i,ti..i lt-H /.M» HAVRE..On1 BATORIUY. J I) ..»-Ibe United Stele« Mat' c

"ABACI i ¦ - S". '

rtoeth -, 11 .i <-.»., on BÄ i»»ta, ».noon.Tbi« .>-,me- f r I

.ti»li «a atadan ¿«eh, .. -1 bj »,« : wee*«.»i ». i. end, U. tito < .i "»

«tr»n«lei i. . ,-c il.e-»*. t»

a »a» .it pie-»; : ply t»»

iMateag.The »Lin . i l, 1 T- .\' a . it A- ¡"i't 1.


r-:o iv.-i Kk *o U «T4 'i-

Cfclefl .v '

SrcoiHii tbto i'- ¦ .'¦.rai,« -..j;« foLiv»Kio<»i_

CsserrablaPa ...-e.9.1!»Seioi.dlujin Paaaasa. **>

ftosMptfroinNi .-VavrkeSJl aCotk H rl r.

Tie .I."-1'oui Boa" » «t '.' !"" < .' Hirbor.PI itMV ( «nt J.oVn«. A'RIi I t .-'. in«*.ABABlA. I ¦ J ». « INAOA, C«pt J - i k.ASM < ipt K I». Lett, Bl( v C ,,'. BAl.vtfc.LLA». '.¦ NI Al.Al'.'.. ( ,.,. M o

i« Ei-RilP \. a apt. attidei.jiuSi' i iA (now i. i ». I i.. l

Trete ve.eel» c»n y « c p rwhi»«lAgbta maat-beaal, rrt-en «Ml

«tari,, «'d I' w:-edo-. >".

AlRICA. SI New.Yon..VV,.ilir-ti-.v. July 3KI'R'irA. Antera u_'.um Boat««.\"> «dr»e»d Infv P1PERr-lA, .!,,: .I- vr, .Ne.-S. oik ..\VnI. k,<Ih'...(»In ¡,CANADA r.i"«le_..-i ¦ >v e<i..e-.ii.\. lulvMA-l ,'..*. I.-'¦« Nei.-Yor...' lalytlARA til A .'rvne.¡evo« R««ton..vVrxlue.d»). Aug. 7Bern » r. i n iireo ... pajal tor.Aneara ieiH.-il S e ..¦¦ ... leierd.Tbo muer, oé " .. v,i|»v.ili not b« nvw-'tpN. f.r flo'H,

Kivor, Bullion, ;;.p,'i- piety, in- I,,. .- i.,,.,

m lea a Mil« ot ...nd thereijr, w d t > »ul'ie tlier.s.itkerelti expr*e>ed. I'm n-»« « or i e«s»»e, apa, .y to

Ai: ,' ..ii. :ii.«'»nren.

S""TEAM WEEKLY ha-twi-r-n NEW-YOEK an 1LIV EHPOOi. ,U SB'«« dei harkim; pn«.v ;«r» at timenv

t«w« (Inland). Th,. i.,,.. ,..,», \ . \r.'. .nd PhMaaaaal In tompaa-* tutene dl patching iùcîi i,ii!-pon«red, C!jd»-kttilk In ¡Hieinthty»b« full«»«-»!

i .Is.»; lu.ii ..Saturday, July 2".( . OF ' -'. 1»_Rate a-ur.J iljJ«.t \-t iritv. -«.-i. ay, j ..

A«S every »ATCRDAY. »a «non. trou» flor Mo. 44, NorthRfvar.

«aiBe or r..-i- '

EÏRHTCABIN.*-i BTRERAOE.0*Elrel Cabin to LonJ'ju. S'l «¡u-eraf,«.-to*!. .1

Flr.t l euui .o i'a. i«-.... h, .«.i.e. i»e to fjrl- . Itiiet C' to ¦¦. rl'lingi n Uaml .r ... JiPaaeanrer. «j'-al« to-» irJ^d à tl»»re, Breniuo, Rotti :dam.

An»«.e p BNV.aa« n .. , r.-««Pereon» withiPf o h'l» . o^t tlieir friend, ran nny ticket» he»»

.f tb»f'.|lowlo* r» e« .. » lork: F««UJ t.»\et|M»"»1 or t¡ui-i:tie-town.I iret Ca-iin. til rliaano elü. Si«h-i»^» ixou Lner-

»oo! »ei-, froni UU.-I..-..V.I, «30.Tbrve S.eaiTM"« imvr "upen r» ommodatlonafor p«..»i -»p..

.»id cariv rt; men, . o S«f«»ii»«. Th y »re bi.i.t In wiUer-tUjbtfa«C Berti 'i.« ar.d He.. palaaa «Tre Annihil Ji r» oi, Boastfar lulerme mu, apply lu a.n«r| «. 1 ,o vVli.^lA.M IN-

MAN Ami. .vu u . ..-. .,, iu Obugew to vVM. INMAN.No. I Si. }.iicvh-.i|»«r- in (M«eti»t »h te C. k VV. D SEYMiH'R A (.o.. i« I...».«! »i to MV ES t Ma( l'.V Na«l rii-.,'William «t.: in «lie <v JÍLES DtCOOH Ne. M'laca- de la

Bour-e: In P'.il.d-, .'. . 'uHN O U.Uf:, Ha. Ill WataA.4. ; or at tfc-- <'".. » ny'.OST»««..

JOHN O. DaiiE. Ai-rt, Ne, 16 Bioadavay, N. T.

bR CALIFORNIA '¡n r.WAMA..A first-tlaaeoeaer »ill N«»-Yoik cb the 1.'. lit!:, and .l-t

«fear:, Dioe'li: eaccpi »-neo i.a-.e «iaip. !'ai ou M NliAY,wh«!ithe day of Mpa»*«»» "Id he the MONDA Y i liowin-. ForBetAhl or pa .»¿r. apply at lb» only otüc, No. .'. Ho» lin.- «T'-tn.

D. B. &1XEN, A¿p; t.




avlte pr. | oaale for ( rWEtaVE HUNDBl.D BA1TLE-AXEn fer the ^»t«. to lie drliverad in rqu ii |..-op''ti?!.« al theH»vy- Yarda »t Pbi ».1.1; lia. .\c»-V .ek. Bostou ted Pcrtiiuc-uth,K. H. Fatten..« «>l the Aie. to «<. >h .'-vu on apna»BSe«a to th.Aest.t.n- In.peetor. rf (Ird. u.ce !.. the >»ula »hive uanied, »udthe oouiiitioL. maale ku< un uiid'-r ttb cli (tin Aie» »eil. t« re

eelved. avNnPEW A. HAUVVdOD,Chi-f Eu;«.au Ordnance und Uvdiogispby.

Wattilnrton, Jcly K, 18n>.

SBALED PROECWAU" «ríH be neétrté »y ttwSi .; OfScci» of «'.p XXI Id « arú. a- the SaSes ol lb» Cierk

«f the ttei'ii of iduce'l u, corner et uni il and Fti.-i-.l«.. l.n'ltMONUV'i, Ji.lyl.'i, ii i« o'clock »t n *n, foi th.- BTOVEIPIPI-, kr e et ..-_, fot hPV-u.g VVftid -.-'up 1 Houee No ¿t. Li.aid VVtrd, noi.uun to «peebcatioat oi. file, »nd to be «eeu »»tl,»ofl?.-. or that .«-!,..ii.; en«, ut of «.ho.l Butidtafa No. MCro»by-*t. 1 »<-h p- Ba«e»l ou.l «a«eooanpi eanaee

«f two roapoueiule and a pioteal «urtae-, Ih« S'-lio.l Otccet.r»««rve ti.» n^b: t" r._- « ,. ..i a'.l of iba picpo«^.. ofleird. iiteamatlior tue tiiblic ¡i.'i'i«.'»to«!oao.

bE.N'J. P. FALRCHILD, nialnnan.JoaBmCtJStirr.j'., Se-rrrUry.

S" EALED PROlOSYLSwiil to r-r-iived by the8eho''. (iff-., «f lie Htb VVa.dat the O.C.-e .i tLe (le.k

of the Roerd of Edueai .. ciruer of (i'la-d »i.1 Flui-et« untilWUlNraDAY, t». 7tti ta* of July in.'., a 4 o'clock p. in.,for the «il Hit!!. ¡EI.S. «.¿.ffLES. h- i ecea^rv f.n t ir-

»»Sl.lii- lie l la». R.. u.-e af W»,d School Re n is ».id W»rd.«Hir»u»iii in pi n. »¦ u .pvcitice i"na on tile a:.d to be eoen »t tipOtic« of iba» Sup. m. eu.rf.ii; o! S hoot Buildm(». No. Ut Croa! y-a TerN piupo J B»«1 l.r accnipai ied »1'h the name» ot tato

teepoi,«Í!»le BBta««a >.e i. . f..i »he peiíoruianee «fttosaaSUaCt. The Sob oi Ottioei. of ibo Ward iiwerv» the ilphttorejci'ary or ail of lie» ofleird, it dauiiitd tor Ibextublio lo do to-

CHRISTIAN MF.TZGAR, CbaL-iuaa.H'riiir" L. Liitkiaiak ."-ervuiy.

Cm«» AsST. Qi itir.uii.i SB'» Orrii», IVV »;Tor<, I». C, Jniv (. irwl. \

SBALED PROl'OöAUS will be mmr*4 i un lï m "U tlae itRh in. I« f:i.i«h JO.« -0.»,

Twe-.t-.'l. of «Jal., tobe iL-livei, d st the lt»ilro«d Daepi or el W«alt*¡ Warbing un. D. C, cu or be¬fore th. ,i th dB) «I Jai«. 18 1.The '.'el. t re ,e-.iw. d b» wplrrit nt tVe rale 'f (M) 1 l.i I-

tve poui... to :be »ud lo be put up in good ¦BBttaa.Ualsackiof ni», ut two lu.hel. e»Jb, frt" of »dili'.ioual c jit to tiie«cKiTemneut.The i'i J be lniior..d'¦Pr»po.»l»fr»rn»»».»' Goodijidrif

Beirut aei uriiy will be requited 1er tLe fu.hllrneatof the con¬

tractTbe Aa.latai.t Uu«-ie<rn««tet rearrvea the rurht to itject all

Mdatht i. -.; bed.- ... -,:>.. .uedr » h»-ii»:j the 0»'i «re delivered.

D. 11. Kl CKl.i« A -t. C|n-.r:r « «r U. M. Army.

jCcgaj^ 2ioiirc5.V K SUPleXllE (01 KT.11 COUXVY <f Nl'VV-VORK.-BOPHiE. S. SHEA, rl.ii.tii..¦at. J0ÜMT Bral.I.NfJ Ann 15 Hui.iiit Wiiliann 0.1C.rrnrl.1.« fiuriiig. «ad E.iti. bu »ir«. (orneliu. Hurtiirr. Wm,H. Buriitg »n.l- iii« wile. AoguaSiia Butll:.«. «.I»"t,ce It'ir-Un«. *,d»»J liuriiur, r ú* vi kuttiick. ».»d l-'aany. bla flnVbCAeinva Birliu«, Kl eu li-xii-.«-. Jaeka Foari.-r ... and Marjaret,hi» wife. J..«» Loc»,.ml. »iidhfary, hi» WIM, Charlea VVbitne.,.ni Vtc rri»^ l.leaif,. »tj darrtet Lap-kwoud. d feudent..- fuparttl.o:... «SuaiBiiHie.. «.- irl». 1..(Coui. not «errrd)..To (« n«!i.«d do «n.Vuiie: You ire he by .utnnionr» and re-

Îuiiedio saaer«! tn«c-.»ipUiBi inlhi.aKi n. tvhlrh wl,I lie fi.rd.tbechNceM 'be Ci. k of »be (.t'y »mi (JO;, it« o' New Jfcrk, t

UesCit) tlalltiiliiecliy of New-York, aal i. »-». » copy «f

Îour «u»»pr to the «air» coniplaint on thr »-.'.»iiber. at i.i« ort;ce,I«. Sbt liio»dK»y, ive«-Y,..a CRv, ofticn o« l. tiniling. wiibin

twenty «lay» afta» ibe .« rvce of tin. ennaion. on you. emtlnalve.f th« day "1 a j.-.h ten i.e. «a» ll yon idl to «naw.-r tk»< au 1 corn-plaiut »,i'i i. the lln.e -:t»ie>»id tka pleiutil in tlii. »/lion willapply tr th« ('. .rt I r lb» relief dein ind»d in tbo con plain»..Daieal, April Ji», lexa. JOIi.N O. SHF.A.

P;«i::tit*', AttorneyTbe co."i['r.uit in tht. eaute waa filed, a» ahevs, on the l.t «J»*

.fjuut itt>l. ¦

Ta« «nuce '.: C Builla« tiat» bee« r«n.ov«d to No. 12 Chaiiiherietreet. Bl «aid '-y. J' »H.S U. »11EA.Alt'la»Uv M_SUPREME COURT, CITÏ Rad COUNTl .

N..W-YORK.-i.i( RUI S EDOEltTliM »rainât theWESTERN' MARINE AN DIIRElNSi RANCE COM. ANY.BatnBtocaf »r a m- i#i da- n> "d "ii»tiie", ¡,ot.Ser.> Totli« Ikef.a Jauta «b v. | rel.*pd-iidipqui'ed to vu.iaer tb. ,u:ui 1 SlBthl«« I belle»In the entoa ol tto < le it »f lb« 4 l'y and ('..nty ot New V ork atthe C it ) Hall it. aaid City, «ud to e»-vr a copy of voir .'«-.ver

«.tbe «aidcomtlain« ji. iho«u»-i i,*r«. a» their orlioe, No. illBroadway, I:. ..Id «il ol New-York, with!,i ti,-.,ty day« afterthe aerviô« of tbla aaotmooa ou you, eiclu.ive of the day of tocbeonkm and II a. n I».I »o n,.wn k«w»aM ciin->t«int witVntht-tl»Mi »iorrpeiJ Ih« plali till li' tbi« aclioii will t-'.e Jm), .: ent» taintt roa fr the .'-ti» o' four thor.-in.) \x huiiond «uduti«-4>-ui'- . «tJ IM-lím de iiire with intce.-. Oin t¡r «trh rîay ofApril, <-.» timoaai d euh- h rire«! »ud »!»¦;¦¦ -in«, beaidia'tlaa...U oí lai« action..I'. ..,, Hmm Y"rk Ju.-


Tbecorpbilnt lu tbt. r.-doti »». rl Ir Bled lu thethe Clerk «fa» (iry «ud omv.yof N«« fork at tbe Ci:y Llalltaaai.Jii «, on ibc .lh d » "I July. LAit.

BAhNr-Y, BLTLER. k PARBON8,JySlaw 6w M PlaaBtttr« AUomey«.

SUPREME COIJRT.City and Coantr of New-Y«ra..JtlHN R JArFRA!, Aribur VV. Joi'rav, 1 d»«rd

B. Jatny. »ai Rlràu»oi.J N J.íray. a«t. JOH.. 8. Dl'. INI'..Fanoiotia for stv-Niev (Irinand o«i i»ak~ao( tCam. no? .x<-.i.T«JOUN 8. DIVI1VP » ,.uer,-h. i«oy.uo»np nealaudr. juí.dto aaewe* the co up! ilnt I* bla..-,« I.ei. wbici will I," tiled la the.tiee«f laeCIatll«** «iae Catj ».4 Count» f New-York, »t tbo4 By U»U, lii tbe l l'y o' Nrw-York. »t.i > cr.r a copy ol yoar»j.atrtGtL» aaiaseBitH.i'it «sa ti.c »u!. n'. ia ut !uelro4ri«e.Na 111 Broaalway, i« »aid «By. v-ittitn t«»,juy day« m tur Ib»eervlca of tfcL luinnioi . «a BOB, exdaeive oi tin« day of tu-h »et-

»tor ¡ »ad if y«u fail mu,'«« thr .»ideen % Lin» wiiMn the tua«

«,fcnee»ld IB» p aialiB '«U»|. aerie« will uka judanjan' i-rmin.«

too fottt»«aa«B ot nine biudn-d »nd iia»y-«!ue 10-100 dollar»,\tilh Intt-ra-tt fltui tb« t-at day of J»m.«7>. ne thooaarrd eightk-nd-ed »ud »btlycae be«id« theeoeta oí '-'n« » tlon.DardJate'ie 1*L BARNEY, BÜTLKK i PAftSONH

' Plaint:C'A tto: ne»«.

Tbe caioiplalat tn tbl« setlou » «a dulv fi.'" -1 ta ll.eoHic-m" tlieCle'kol tkeCi'y astdCeaaaty of New-Yoik, al tb» Cl.y "f New*Yeik, oiiOeltMits» o» J'"'»- loy.__...^.«,«,BAB-NLY. UCILEB k PARSON.».

¿«IT !«w6wM Pl.:lI.tW.. Attoiney».

CDebMng CCoröo, AVc.

T WM. EVKKDrLL'* »SONS..Wattlingj a CARD», «f tae U e»t atyla», a No. 1S4 Kuiton «t., N. Y.\va. üra.aD»u.,J(. Ha>a» £v*»pkli. FaA.iUiiErsiu>BLL.A

[ a» nriHET GO RRJ11T TO THE tSlOT.-



BTRE\( IfhaaOl YOl/R VOrCBt














They BtbtB »Cou.b laitautly.

They clear ta« Tluost

They give «rrcDgth »nd rotum« to th« roars*.

They iaipirt » d.ii.- ..tu src u.s to th« brail«

Tfny ire delightful tc the tut».

They ., e inadu oiili ip'e lathi »ad cannot harm any «in«.

I id.It- every one who hi»» Cougii or i Hoaky Vtlae or » Bit

Ertaih. or any difl't.'.ty of t!i«TLr:>st, to get a parkag» of in-

Throit CoofceUoLi, they will rtller» you laMinttr, »nd yon

will agree with m» ihot they go light W lbs ifoU" Y«si «aril!

find thein r«ry uaoful and pleasant «aie Iri-elin- »r «tterd!t|

pabllc ¦aattajl for »tlllirg your Cough »r «J!»ylng yotnr Ulrit-

Ifyou try one .osokage I «in sxf« in ssybig that you wBl «»er

¦ rterwsrd conaitlcr them üidiipen.'bl«. You wi!, fli d tLem »I

th» PrBSjBjatJ sod Dealen In Msdicln».


My «Ignitit.-i ii on eicL parAjyj». All otla-nare coi'irfaiL

Aatahtp will b»»»ni by mill, propala, «a r«x»:pt of thirty



N». U Ceda--»*. N«« York.


CIRE BICE 111 A!» ten!'.





By (he n»« .1 the»» Pilli th« perludle attsrki «Í firrtjout or

Sick HtaducSe m«y be prcr»ited, sod ii tikoi. it tho couiinoaco-

u.ont of as sita, I iuituedisi« r«ltef freni paiu «ad .1 at.»«, will .


Tn-y «eldom tVU In ramorlag ta Nat..»» »ad Ueaia t.t to

which f» mils» ar» to «object.Tl «j »et teiitly npoa lb» hcw«l», r««n«Tt»,g <'.*.. rn.,,.

Vor Literary Afra, ArtiaWi, DraViti r»- tin, and sit fa*

¦OBI of BttBtBrg Btaten, they lit rklusb!» ». « /-oraiii«, l,u.

pTOvtrg Ih« <ippetU*, glvt"! *"*.* «nd vigor to tl.« dljeatlt« or¬

gia«, »id r«atoring a« CAtura: BaaVatalg sod BWntjBj of tl.» «act»

syattmTh» CEPHALIC PILLS «r« tb« remit »f long lnTr«,.!.it<03

ndcarefuUy tomluctedexurri'a-.Lli, havi-g beea in ui-rwny

yean, daring which Uni« they bar« prevented and rellsred

»raat »mount of ptin uul »ulleilng frjm Htsidaeh«, whether

oribinixinga th» uarrsoi lya'ron or fiotn . dtraaged tUU of vie

ssaatat*Tiiey «ro<n> iy rrgrt«Ul" in tl eir cou-.Boaltioi., »cd may b»

taken «t all Uiue« »lib p»n'. .-'. ou'tty wiibo«'. miilrjo my rLingiof diet, and the aiierue it uni/ diaiipv«auHa taete remitrt .( «tu»

te administer "Aran to atMSHBBEWARE UK COHNTERirEITt !

Th» genuin» biv» bra ligrnwrei of HENRY (f. SPA LDINÍJ

on each Box.

Bold bj Druggtit» ar d «Ii oth«r Dealen It. Medloioe».

A box will l>» »i-iit by rioXI, urerptid, «a l*«!fl of tLi

PKItl, 1- CENT!

AU ordsn »bcBldlsiddieiasd to

HENRY C. IPALDU'O,No. t- Cedar a., New Yr.k.

Or A »lag!» botll» of SPALDINOS PREPARED GLUE« i.l ist« toa ilion it» eort snnu-lly.UB





ECONOMY! DISPATCH!rgr" A Stitcb ¡s Tiaa Sxva» Nikb,"^j

Ai off/lient» t?iU Kippen, ne* ii trctl reflated famüiet UUvery driirablo to ha*« .'cm« cheap and coi.ruaient w«y if rupaJr-lng Furnitur», Toy», Crockery, Ave.


LiesUaU accii «mer-st-ie,. md Bo houMhcld can afford It b»

without is. It it»!w»y» ready, and up »o th» iti kii.g poia."USEFUL IN-EVERY HOU8E."

N. B .A hra»k tocraiisuis» »«ii Util*. I'lic«, !.. aaati


N... 4. Cedar it-, Nasr-Yark.


As etrtstB unprlBcifuVd person» ar» attempting to palta oft* on

tho uaanrpeetlng public lmtuüon» oí my PREPARED OLUE,

I would caution all peraou» to txaaiia» btfor» purohaaleg, »ad

.te that th» foil name,

i*e**srALDniGS preparedolue,^ii onlik, oiiAUaatViavitpsr. a« »*A**ri ar» rantdliaf atatv/nl

iltröical.4 SIGNIFICANT PACT..A distinguishes!J\ »tsaaan a, on being a«k»d what i e th- princival I'lojtro-

-¦. of New England, rep'lrl: .. a i. a ,i ailKB» as«.

Tie fnrr» of 1 ia reply in the fsettbst New-KnrUnderihave . a nrlii « hie repiiia'ion at i rnr-e of hardy, BlhleUo luaa

«nl w.D.i n «in gai.,1 \\±,.r m in tody Bod tnlrd. What tatuin ni. 1.1 BB niiiuly di pel da on th« rire and of thechild Nearly »vary »»ewEtirland mother pr«.vi Ira M US.

WINSLUW'.S tOUnilmQ SVKlff.-rLer lawu-th i« ii uoatetloa <.( sa »try on earth whet» It has b«aa to Loiti» i«r» to

v.M. t i a :n.

THE QUESTION ASS*.«, t;IlhDA» the qneition la f/rqueut j a»ied. " WHO IS MR*.

WINSLOW?" w» »Hi ripply ... that .!,» ¦ lay who, f.-r

iii'WB-d oi thirty year», ha aaM*W»T*y d.votad her LsiesedtatrnU sa s i.nntl. I'h).'riiii ind Nni.e, Bttt l$oM$ BBbSOsJri; ben. Bhr bu «-pecitlly i'ud:.4 Ihr cmallinlioo «nd wititi

of lb:t nnmernna rlna. «o g.n»,ally otrrlj ,k"d or c-ee.tlyi « «n d or i in fatal* in sat mi it Isa uns«: »nd, »- . ratal o'

(l:ia .(Toit »nd |.'»ctii al ku'iwl.ili:», o.aUiued in 1 lif. iui.-ap.nt«ainiir.« and p'i-«n lln. BBS bn compon» ird » SOOTHING8V; Rl P for chlliirrn tr.tni, g It »p, ra'.ea lit.« uii-i. -givlrgleu «: d hrahli. »nil It, m ».««.v.r. ter» to rt gnlrf« tl.e bowel.inioiiio iii-f,r til» »nil . Mils WTNSLOvl'l b»*aal gt.. -i-nowi n oa s bsi.efi/.tor of b.r rscs,-liildri a crrtninlydo BIB H' *.'»d bi»a» her; e.ienaij ia tin the («a« in thai city.Vat»ibbBbIm»fth»»tOOTMlNO IYRUP ia» mm a-.M u diirrdL ,r V,. i'.ink HiiS. vViVl.livV 1..» anj WrU i.« i let

BBSM liyllila i-v.biibli- « tii le. »ni *» p aim . rrly I». itio'i of (hildrea hive been from in iirly grave by ill

ti. 11* na«, ii.d Hill luilion» yel unborn Will than lit baiiefiia,«cd m ¡le Iu calling bor biraaed. No «..TURK bna dirfh irj. d la-r

duty to her lutlriitig little oa«, iu our o|,(nii n, until th» tit

Strsal tiai beiietiK.fMUS.Wi.N'SLtivV S SOOVHINti IYRUP.Tr. it, wattier.-ist IT sow..[Lidi«.*' Vi.itor. New Yontily.

A DOVVN-TOVA M MrTtCHAVr,H-vin; pnn-d mtoiiI «les-ple'i ulght-, 1J IBS egonleiand una of t iiiflriug ebiid, snd h. uiil.g r<u.»ii>. ro thaiMJUL wiNSLows suurHiso tXKOf »ajadataaiwatiaaatti statssaalasafutaiBthaelM Ua reaching bom»«'.!Bt4|ii cull !¦ In« » it- wiib what he b«d d mo. ah» related to hav«

il ni: .¡-n.:».'r-i! to the i« « ir wh »tronitly la livor »!

I Ion... ,wlby. Thai Bleat th« c.i.l'l pr. aed in tutfering, ind the al.t p. i rturiii g hum- th« day loilowiii] I

1 Hi. i ,'oiiimI lh«-bsby »till wont snd a bil. coiiti I | L.inga- other

Bisset ''. nii-lt, the niotber at(, ]n.J Ina» thr room to sin n.l to

.«'Lie Jomestir tin'lei. and left the iither with the chili I'urin. le BSWaaTawaad . portion of Hat fUUTHI.Xi»

SVIU'I'to th« bah*, and nid tiotlilng. Tb.t i l.ll «li b.u,tla

»II, sn.l the Hill« fellow iw k« in the una-iiir g brlaht uiit, [iy. Th. .i .41 ti wia d« ligb .d tilth th« andd.n in.I «.niiirr

nge, »nil tlthoagh »t h i. oit.tili-d with lb» deceptiondiipmlitr lia ri.Blinnri I. ii.» (hi H'i ALT. a u! auf

f.-rln». cryinghsMel and le.llr.a uiglm hit» diai-prmsiod. A

BaBSla trial si tb» YttlT aara )> t l«i.»d 10 rain ?» ta» baby»ud on ton.« th» prejudice« of tb».

MOTHER!"! MOTHERS!! MOTHER«.:An old n-ira« for ehildrvB. Don'i f ill Is pro.' in» MRS. WIN'S-

LO\\ m SOO.HINU SVEIIpfoichildien leeihing It ht---.

¦., ,-crtli. No «K'tUrr wh« bu rvrr triH Ml,> WINS.!.«i.\ 'H NY KIT forehlldrea wiH er»r eo!,..nt la 1.4 lar r i

f.-.ia tli.n..rli |V« disirraalBgand t-ii ha) j.« « n. 1 ..f,. t. ithcut lb« «Ud f n.ia pr.p.rati hi. If life ind hral.b .-.u

be astBB itrnl by dollars snd en», it I worth I.a Wi ¡{hi in g .IJ' loin of bolllra «re «t,l.l vary yrar la ll.a I ln-d Sm «a.

It ia tn old and wail-triad rataady.

THIS IS THE HE A SO M OF THY YEARV\.r- BhwtaB teething By» »limut r# t«!ii to b» a "i, led >¦¦ ltb

¦iT».-«:y sai «tantán mkh. winsi.iih"s southingIYRUP la . >' > BB »AII..T.J BaVanat '"' lh«-e ciaanaa, «id

vv ill gin« luu...tli.t« r. lief fioui «il pin. »ml di-trr . iu I !-ul to

tha pria ras »f leaUilng. Evary u.otu«t »bou.« proviiio it l«i bar


IJTOtgiiU everywher« «ow keep MRS WINSLUW.4HOU'. 1IINO Si KIP f«r rhil li.n Ir.'i.lng No n.tJirli.« ia tba

United St'tta« «elU Ilk« I». It I« . ataudir ! Btttwt ». snd illtiKB H «n»LI> trio» Phyilrtani order Bid «a« U >. .......

4a Biagaal »Cscls at« baeit wiiaiswd.

MiHI'n» Of twNMa ci MIL«. W|V"LO\\H SOcTH'NOS\ KI'P «.. «old rrory year ii tb« li it.d Stsiaa.

Beivir« of t oiuir M'l

hwMetaataa >.m>. a« '«. a.a'.o' un-x pp.ieins.N-w I la on (h. i.ntaja »r,-.,...

(.old by Drn-ft'ta through f t li.» world,lilncipil offic« Na llOdir-a, Nsw-Yorhli.. . only BJ eariU per battU.

.. MOVE In' INVALIOS" eBahlAthed atJ a ImIbsbbIs lialaaaiaia» B|,,s m nat

II» Y. D Hi.tM.-i.» M. I».Baraaratat Tseab Lígaloa, M D. Jaba Maaaa Wai .-.. V r>.

B al ..n, vviilsrd i'a-h.-r M. D.. g. W. Worth ».., .. . Itri.


w Al ER-CL'RE in IVik»kil!.-Dr. Qetwtl tttli... ». .Int ¡ida .. Ibr.-ld.-. » In P-.tkil I Y .-«id

' . I n all «i i. ll).|-.! l.» i- lilii'

©rocrrico anö |Jrorioiona.1>MIUE8Btiidtadwith PURE ( IDRR viv-

El It lif. 1.1.,.r lug run: lull barrel, a, 7'.. I «,..«.< «1 in Nrw Yu,-k wi'h n« r».*rga fol Pall«!« Ad

dteai», 1 M.AJ f KETCH AM Vim ¦,,., N. Y.

.1 OHN DWIG11T A C«».,Mtuiifietmrr« «if


ht i'LR CARBONATE OV SODA, atL SOIM ETC.tto. II Obialip Hwnivri ^luair '., r York.

I II t REAM TslliAll 04I.Y.


... r.\

.10 3'ta i

toa it]

il.fvmu. ". Sa I!'ragiitd.. U |«H F.rU Railroad. Wl9.SBH. S. ts-tJ.a ion du.t-TOi',?,ii«H'. H. ia'71 coiipa.1.. Ill |«kl do..10 tliBf Tin. lit |>c. uotoa.U'.'i 3lFtl. Hiiln.d Pit. «u

*!¦">*> do.IW] in lUatl i g l.nlroid.372i««TiMt.« |>c Í v»«i.. tt «XI d. J7''," l>!.ii. 8lM«b«'S.I.... 4t| WI di.

Ijl.'l «in.til» -14 1WI fa,exoN , «j... '< Ht do.itviata do..i" «« rrnsdiT» lira It.jcL5,1»« d«.b^niij .¦« d.».btoarl

.:.,!-«.» t» .... IS .'« « ,1V«'I «iu.»10 47| tO'IICl'.','«?'N. C. StateOi. bo IB da.kB*.*.!tstB do. al» tK In d>.S..«,0BJ¡ l.S.» HtUi. R*!l-, ad. in,1.'«' <l.SI V> «lion. Cutral 1!U.«41

«7il,l»aoMiat..uiir»v»Ul.t..blB*ï I» d..Uî""i do. 4Î! 1 flMlrh. S. x N. lad O.R |3"¦"0 BB.4., JO do.lull.-. d'.auwk III rSKiIII. Ci.. Rlt. Betil.W

a'.untl do..Ill :a.l do.bna«.'-«jCilil. rill 8tit« 7..... 71} iiuG«l»s.a»indCblo.RR il« SUSCON. /. Htit»7. '70-I'tf^ >-i .In.ao6rÍ.HJ N. Y. C. linl RR. Ta. U t.«1 A«.r««i r.-lellli. M M. Bi..¡a MB ......

loro Ma h c. rtj-rt. Lt. m. ItB d...s. f, Cstj. Honda.... OTj .'« rua

17 ""M A N.\Y. «Idma. 14 a do.t».'U.;{la la Mail St»»rn. Co. Ti fi>iCl».». «lid Tol.HR..blO 17

90do.'.24 It*>d(.»10 111 KM do.TIMM. Y. Central R. R. 7bl MU il..tri

tatd'. 7bJ, »Chic, «id llmk I. RH.

.ri-as* I«}

11) «io.a 7b'd».¦« 7»;

H d.blO 71)

eje d..wlâO do.1.10 7»t'« éo.I..I7«,

I0U tlo.bill i. J59 cl'.

Bja «J«.«i»-olla «Jo...........'!..'.'. »»ii.MO 3»

I--' di.«an 7»l M do.»..«.tl«l'util N»*Y«ik.SI).'' liai k cf Ai: Bti»«.¦»-'Il Pas» ol ( oi.iiiu e. 77

SntnniAT, July la.r. ».

Tlierei has l»e-n mor» renl vii.ili'v Bad i" tivity in tin-Sisk Murkit diiririffllie pust w«-«»; tl an a' uny Uni«

since tli«. war »irúmenes!. Tl.«, «l.-inuin! fur I-'eJeirslHtncks has tas«!» tiritk and vtoll »tn-tuinexl, ai.d tb«|)i"i.i(it lue.'icnrtiS adoptnd Ly C'Mi/r«s» t«. an- tain theItjveniun.-rit, toretlier willi (lie iiroai'it \:i .i'i<» of Uisl'utu hill, hiiva luid un excellent «licet in r« tUoruiR cou-

laVaoe in these secnriiies. Nut nul/ in the |,mmptlogisl.-ition to rehtdlion, but iu th«. «¿cu« rai Bm-ceuof th<: F.d'-tnl the coirnant developnient of overwhelming etrenjjth «,11 the une m!o nadnf coiinariitive wsakiif.s» on the nl!i«r, bave 'iroplefound reason to look forvTiird «ci j hopeful'v and cl.twr*fully. It i» p-osaible that tli« diüiciilty of re.-toeatiou iann<lere«limatet], and a longer tirn« will l»e r<>«(iiirtjd tocrurh the reb»llM>n than ia «. iM-ially ««Ap«cted¡ bnt thatact thin taytagtaaBBB viaibl« tino ivb our .iar» troi».hie« is of itself enough to aaaWattagt the OBBtMBBB ntwBBtatag itself. Th«. faith ol NortLcrn pcoplo resta

Byte the himplo iiropo-iiioa, that in the end a vastatirariority in men and uionty mmrt prevail. The ati-vity in State Stocks «ontintuB, etti until Satorday theMarket was a rising ona for swBrtf nil of those of theUorder Slave Star*, the «k-rnnnl res lily kbeorhing Hie

large amouiita trliich Lave bren ¡»ouriüg into tbaatretl to n-iii-ea the " »ttitnp-tail "

cun-ency oftha Nwh-Wijatein Stabes. Miuiy of these oniert are

»'..tU-'l to bo frorti the South. For Builwuy J'. -a-i«. alw,

there ha» bw-ti a more active, inquiry, anal wo notice a

(l«-< tllcil improvement in Hank atesteaj S tur ut. w.-

r.ii» truce Hi,, s, (.'lu'ativc move n e'.t* in 1JslHtay share»,tnry orij(iiiiita) inaiiily in the street; bat lit circle Off

«ip«.:al«>!s ii tLe «AansÁVte viclii »y <»f ihi $i;>ck I.x-change I He ons it.-, il.lj fnlnri'cil within the «reek andthe bulls are for the tun« nmlmil tetllv |M StMBgeaffore«. Moveiiciits for tile risa» baft BBoaMantMOa*tViit »lui ni iieil by tin« cnrri-m-y taheaM of (i«<vmn-

tceat, wl i :1. is v-sifucly awtocii led in tin- niin«b.of the«peculator« with un BXBtaetot OÍ rti-ilile and aiBMOta.t.on IB ¡in.| arty vain«. O.i Ki'ilsy, the wli > marketWSS ai.iiililtati ,'ilni buoyant, tallU in I tie IliterBOOa therewas quite mi ext-ititi«/ «cet ion of the liant, and & de-i'lrd tu v uncu in ¡irires. At tbi» p»»íi«'. n uie of the in

iiiittiTH of the rise look i..]vniiUip»j ot tic oppoitiiiiily torci.iii-e ¡ii''fits, ami the supply becuiiie to.» frei for tl.o«u iniiiid. A n-acni.ti w ji thus coMUienocd .and c«»i.tin¬ned through Saturday, «nd the BMllil fllOM» fttliSltunic, altleOUgli <l'i|'!uyiny n Inir di^ri «¦ .if sin-ir;t.'i at

the lower tjiii'tatioti» estai.Ii.«lu>d.The fe!l')vvini/ table «.ill «Low the pricaof fcirTrlaj

U t and ihiee of lo-iluy:Lut Saturday. To day.

.TJl '.i

i.: I i«I.I 1.4424 -;tBA


Npw-York Central ...

«atoj.Pate.1 .'. u lliver.BJ" ?../M'chi-u.. Cenl'el.43 44Ml««»-»« JBB'Ml». 124I'lMi 1.1,.I, Mi l.ueru:te«d..kl fei-ral Slip.I.t) Ml.aleii»a'dCiitc<frn. 1,1< level«' d «nd Inled».24Chicago r.lli.k l.'.Jd. ..'4Pmem».ur.l 1*4P..1 BLeJI. 7IJ

I'.ni'MiiJ II HiIl.rrui Preferred.Sll

I, .te. Puriii.üii.i. «iidWi.ineT.f.í.iv¡ fii.ui..»vi ali.i:i...ii. BH 44

Iel».3-i 43liebet8>»l«e»e.IBM,«oep. .... i.'.J OilI Mitp.lS'. e. i« II.:, I, te Lie.-ed.B (8S

ffafcajftlaa Tri«iaj i*e.un lr.'|The ti'1, art ¡on» in 8t:ne m.d Government Itonda

darin»» the vviek icached over two and a half million»,i.f iv,,iil nru.rly a inilliou wes HUmbAsÍ IrTuen i« H »tri VI loose ii,.;, fia in I'm l'hila le!| b':»

Mint, 't h« retasa this week have Mly been $1,~4J0,«oiii. ahta Ibt MBariljr oflia oalal Ii|T1.»W>.»A|l iiepom-t-.rsi f f/ilii coin ut« now obliged tovvuil twenty da«s.Í" riii.n p i.fDiilifii.iiu g ildlvreiiti-i -igbliliij.-. C.m ilte tine, as we lit-ur, U al ¡art ¡up tteaAettof iit'lil direct IIal 1 uii.iili i¡> ni obiaiu ihtJt returns iu WeltattaftlI« it BotAate), thai r-iin bel. rnnoK to Ken-York dejoe-itora are n c to fay I'I i lude pi >iu ilcftosiior« in au- « f coinage î V\ ill Mr. Cl.ut*lock .tiiertliu. matter.

Tii«. A- :.» i Ubi i« and Mint now hold nearly tiue mil-

lloattfgobi and nil ver «ABttttM of n in 14e, ana tin-

dep<>siiors «re «rai«big anxiously for returns.

Wataaoi a rompnruiive sutenuiit 'if tho Importsof iore'k-n l»rv (.«..«als und (íenersl MtttaAABBAI at

New-York for toe we« k und .inmiury 1:* or/Ac «.a*. 1M.1M. 1*4*0. 1MM,i»iy l.o.J.. Si u,..«« t'.î'a.«-'a »ï/e:-«:'(»p«. aVini i.»ud.^.... X.JonijarT tettVAAIi

To»»ir*-»erl. A4VteSJM1 t *» 14»»./M S/I.fcr; 3»lienu^a.; «naeaata l.J lAw.*.! Ill* ia>,l.jS 7^,IU,;i_«j

Sine» Jaujary t.ft t.uil.iot t<iU.ilJ,»»Û $7j.WH.ió»llerers. lteMjajtA Mntlie,« tf No. '-. Wall »trot nr»

BU rinj; «I»! p«!e New-York Niato Stocks. Unitedtvates iStchLs, and I'niu-d Bute« Trensury ¿Votes inanvmni« to «nit piirclia.sors.Tneweek close« with a very «btindantly snp] lii-1

roonrv n.arket. A aliirbt'lurry wa« ix lasiotieil in ritll1.«ins by the Treasury Not« rnov« menl; but this basentirely snbsidid. Ti.o strott di-ii.mnl for money ia

quit« bin led. .» il Brait>|.la-al at 1 à (i 47 cent ou ratis-faciory colbelersl». In the .lirontit boatAt there, iaaresrioted doititf in con»c«¡tteiice of the an.allsnpi'ly of pnjrr offerirg. Tn« demand for favori e

m_ii «i-:rv is very »ro«af, ivnai at low rale». Currentuanio» go ut I'd7 f cent; bat we hear of exception«)transarli'-ria in very <le«iiiitiln aunattire« at 4¡06 4/ei, I, m, il u one liiptaliir L» low a« 4 4' ceil. TheIt.iiAs are iji..i«nir!t,i u tail tl« » .tief.ct' rj ¡b¡ i t oflrr-iug. but ouulil hot ki ep up their lines were it not foriheir investments in Ooveroxent siiiiri'it«. Thellniik «tali in. tit on Mi.tid.iy will rhow it b»rg« iiicrei.»-in loan», tie ar'ual sxpunsioo beini; «on e (our milln>i:s,c aired by investments in lb« live millum irene ofTr> ii.'iri. Not««. Tl . .p«H-ie r< ». rve wili tf.ovv ¦

r - .. i!i err id", but vi ill mi n m a»ver.

Tl e'« u» :» rO"i| ileu.ani fi.r Trenaury N'ut«» f«»r Cus-totii lloua«. p'er¡x«*a*s at H| «lier», raoiiit) of the ov«r daei, ¥ cute havo If« n auld til « «li^i t ¡Heniium.


eOertng i:r«lhrr» «t « o .'a I ir« ulnr.

Tee Can s n BBI M, K'U»y, Jur.p 28.I p. n.

leaf t ei » el «nd Ft'. Irr, Pasta ¦« Bitikr'a remain c,ji.t, withtittle cb. i. Ii, (Ti.-e. M'".« 'B t 1 d-ci. Couaola tetanet »'ji fur ui net <. », f... m»u.,t. Her Silver. J 01 noo.i-p.I Metir-B I).Una. 4 1»»¿ do. Au.ancai }.*$<¦¦'%, Í», do.taebai . ts '.» rlouiB Aui> «4 « 4y> m(.l .« I b... lili',».,I e.rr tekri. «t Mj for old «Try op

in".' Ii . » ied. t'rn«l«iy XX) bar» (Joay«,iull have hMiip.c-al .1 N> ait'

I ' ItBBAI d.ili.C-iii»« Unit» I,a« tee« offrrrd | rica rreialnta« «trady Il

r. «. ., i il be*. I'l-re«l «n I ,.j *i ..,,,! ,i 7.1 ., :', far u»(il tea ou 1,.id I i«ai b>«. .Nul«« Ceyl. M a>u «tni!,h (..r id Mf 0.I urj .'.4 Si I hi. eld II.'' l>.(. I»ni«ic» »t hi .ItKi I to,a k .1 tu lu p .rJ and ot' «To S lea hi » .id. to mid. l.«j ..«..

g.^d or 1 Ulo .1 S.-^

« erran h.« falla» In .«.¦» f4h»>»il.ti ». luid. To'J«L Cakeaid lía A l| YeU-iw »-eial hheeuli » 'J»d.1««>-Tl.e Wualkl ...i.iiuu.« muai (»verahle frr th« crop«

tieiiiaiiied .(l.u'.i y ot KaohVh tVaaa «i merket v.»»«low of¦»A »l a deeei ul I M i<" «"|p.-iui «an,pie», whi.e 1 ,f rlor. 1 » ba« a Inrtlier fall. Ko- Poreigu tl err he. llltlo iu-I Ir, ui >« i'i Ii »e »Tinlt aid ii-ad) arllert p.ic<» «ia ej,B«B I Inn ' 0. ,.' r f» beirel,ier. L»at week', «ter«:«ui« of Eu«l«:. W boat «rat ,">2 Ii on tTttl. era, in .1.

WbluAoae'iiaa VVbeexM WU lex lUdr-a,u ¿s U jiüi«

Cw «ii, «k».,-. i 11 loi», elu.baS'Uer pLla Me, asase« toi. n«»..( OTToB. *a> t..le« b.v.heen bou-ht »t at.ady price«. At

I ia.-.p 1 it» e» ,« lut ll.e »m* eie eeVjBCt bac« n.. J .. »a

»d ?> il>PaaaS TM b.l«« lien» 1er «t pöble «aie wpre paitleüy di«-

poaed.r ".¦'" ¦'.> '. ''.''S fo» bealrd. "Il c»-e« O11111 Ol: l>«ui. ill

»old If.ii. j- .. a, n tor 1..tied p»le »ud yella.» i«i. drop, li d beat|4 «til for ,oo I dar*, ia» c»>«. Ceataftf mi Icoud huiert fr.--n:. i,l aJSSael eeci.iie 1.1 ¦'¦. b« (« ir.cli t'a r I o»j»

»' aasaaa .»M fiea Si ni' ti IM etesa «at IA) I".« Sba «

I:,et 1. 1, BBI '1 ''« uian-1, and IpelileS, finid p.I» eieutr

H'uj :o .. »US |oud rosy tattern tin« from ii'ska 5 Ai»ilat. a ÎS, «nd very ord Jail (ton» X;, i u XI. '. »,. Ill» b-i»Turn «rtsMot hila'.il BoitiI ay b-". .ht 14,0, (jutt» Pircha: :t«lIik.o: f I: r»oolB«ltro«abll,: ¡.'I 4.I i a at 1-. lin hetaa daalka area lak.« in fron» i70<>«it! for fair

t (.. il ieaAk| eo. i ^OU Iule. >e» donu^pu wrie Mlai, far«; «».a a

«t i'l'i. ilia: »I 1,240 bale. al em lion, «houl I ,.«'

faaad tniji ia tl* IT'f iTI'll IT f iroiu i-ou uuu tn «cod mil.f Al';«rj!ie %l Li food, »ud fiou atl» 12 rxi»U |Vr

Se».lao^ very d .11 -l:«l!. aal n«r« £i lafjtlfti o. b. In WpJea.

Ki i.'i Pif. r ict 1. Ixet im».o. i.iidrLi a«« en.1 be eiri»»l»anii,unllu¿J,»>?5 qra. fro» tre Y.ul In¬

die «nd « «leiiti» ha« fo ud Uiijei» M M,t. on a. I A i. letie«.r.r Hcuir.»y :4 « I« í Ved Por »nival «be it 12,1X4) qrt. blackBMaaf ase« »v» basa »old »a M a. d<ii».trd.

II s snCABBaarOB» lair «ieiuanri tt ill'J, |, r N. w A. rt iatarais, cd Rl I-', for U ,.:¦ 1, in b,.«.

11 i- I.,ii.t eil l» lio »1 2 -i. Kip- .trtdv ; ,i'rl.n Br.'WBfit. It«t«ii< HI Oli.«-Ui!'lpa.ll «J«. 1'í.l». Mp..r«»i beav)ei f » p- - m io i-, i It ( d XT. 10, ii.ew |i»|e .«, | Oja urive A38 Coco«- ut fa» . Cociiiu Ü4Í, Ceylou ¿.VJi.XU I"r.-ii r..:. r i,.,- ..... tM m,.Un «aiaorrto!.»-»VtMtVepteBS cbati|«d hanili piit»ioly »I

ll.Sl^r»' to S O r»fi-»««tl.»n.Il,, 1 I- . in»....' .iili..»tli,n. Tt-.e t«l'.»«r« about ÎI "DO b«^i il

'.» I r.i.b, Io 11» 1 ,oiii| t. for llalltni, W/tAt4,l for low mid. la»

I«« AeBfsl el J 1'-' toi Isa Al'."H..till IBB tiafl ,:U<l'u««aold «flU'f.Bum iiui.t; iii-i» lili 1 n .eie" i.t htve found hnyer* «t 1,9 for

Lee»»r«l«, and I 10- I II for rood to lino Deine r«.

,««' rr it»«.l.tOO !.».. Il.n¿.l bare I», in oiu.tit pri7S».r!y»t; . -, 1. ,'rr I to 1> Aa. 1.' " ba|t B-.mbay at a^difcu weto ilia

I*- d «i «I io,». for M I« It t'aLkai»--( «uiinou PI.« au.'"«. /CO5;.Hi i. «« ..»- . lealiied hi>m t t : I f>rani»rte

¦ rt »1 bOiritl i. C!oTea-i-> ->»»'. P.nau« war! fro a I1, I f.,r une te Ulr I'S» !.««« ¡taesiBal wen. r .. Sj "1.1 for 4d.

OBBJ -AteM ( c. mo f.uud bnv.r. friBI Ml .' ft ii

.UI..J» i«!«a »ei.t lioiB »-' </Ij 1er ccniuioii »o t-««,rd Willi Mild n» Cual Biid. I'M It, ii/J-' Plni'-utv». I'SI .. i«*S dia|-«.d cf fr. m 2,d ASfaL f-r '.dr qitliiy. r-

Black MXi lit»» iiiiigipoie bloii»bt 3 lj-lbd., au.d 4d- v..liaBsaBaa.

81 na«.Tier» I« bo ImnrovemrBt tonodca I« enr raft, tenlb* ».«u. the bvni.'.d« «l»a;k «ud preiiou« rete« be», y .....

Utu.'d Of«, rtl ba»» w.jrttiu« «t» '«1 »1 «it! n aba th.'fv re pla.'d a: JO «a. T In low brown to low nnd yallow e«-ii,l-

¡JI »¦ .1, »ed «0 I,'.«.' ...r «oodl ml«« a ble r».ie yp!l"«vc.éatau»ia.di J (:.» b«ar» Nauve Ma-lra. ars-tl« »old et .*. .-2 0-or

,uuT.i.lro\«.,t».:¡í« jellow. Ol I. O'» bhd-.-.'3.|bb!.. l«o,t..Bio« :p foi r h w re takeeat 34 n*aA'»for Ii» to ».IgratltBbroi'n lahiilur. 'M.le' ti, for|.,w gravi.h to «o d m.d yel a,

. rt.1 41/0" I «lor foaxl to b«e ¡>»!o y. ;li». lK| ahtl oi »oa. 43

bu.» C.ittM Muaco\urta«o:d g i. o.'i, 'or low brown to low

¦ v and .'«4|L... W 0 lor low mid ;-ra.rah to fo-»J mid yellow.¿>i' I .. hevea Hatatu »ltd riaied Cub« a porllnri w»a ;p»:l/«.I

« PHít'í- La I..U«». «¿.' I >r (road ¡lerett" y«H«w, «nd '.I , a « « lor

Ijii-Uild velo« atoears*. i.««bor. rod uneUyed »uar lia

!. ,j ,,, 1/ «u.odo went ut .'J «i.W. r.r low, ant

IJ 3AA/3 for «ait mid to nood. T»» bciee cornmo« Irowu

It.» B. bav« rSanr« ban«, at Jt/X Th« f.alowtn, »,«¦lav« l^en boutht all. at, B-.e for V. R.. three H.vh»» lull»

l'..urpj 2>>0 b.»e« .N.. I.» t.» 1J >t MfRaVSte boar, «it and

I ,»« d .So. I. I« 11| «t 24. If. »p I l."«» bpaea «lr.»B|i Herein» No.

H»! «/». . TÎH teak««« «ac htf» J»v.. .Iroiif He. 11 10 III »t

ÏI ) fally Uiíured r¿, atea» (un* M««co«»d« a'23; »»llilaud-li r »plihta «nd MO lun« unclayrd M»aii« foi a «ear Cnitii.ei..all.'jtt ii eiaied f. p . . at i«,'., aleo 1,30» holet Havana No. In» toil .t .". elm . 1. j. po I Se -ol \i'p-t India. .Itiuhl.d.

Tai.ia.w-iSt. reiarabari Y. C 63/ AAtft en the »p..» V I Ir,

toberto IVottnhaw. -

Tea.Th« nuhlk «a)«« Ihla week bav« roneoB «atI..-, orlv ¦

email proportion tanding Snyrr». Price» axe without uaalerialtbaaif«. «»Co«|oo I liitrllfd 4j» ttl.

Ti».I.'-'«*¦ »labe .«nail« !¦?». b«eo paread tí AIM 10*i;« noealnally Bill 1'J* Jatlt«Tr«rsirTi.«B.Rou|b koinunüy IS/. Americau Spirit« in

r«W» offered el 44'.A«. asa r'Tix.Kt-VVe have at) cbac|* to rspurtU.ii »reí,

Liiirtt »uia V« I'jitrik «i dir.

Richard«*»!», BlprvAr» «* O«.»« Clrcnlsir.PirCina-a.[ Li.BHitarsL. JnaaM. líSl<..--., i-.,... u ant mi, h .«»-! r- ta -,«i . Ib the u i »t

during |) s a-I wra-k dr'ly Ib« .l-lí-S'.it ht» ta» n i-o »! ai d pitar«v.-r».tr-.i- De.itS .1« C »t .i.t. raraUn.« fnin I.-.- MUdii.ig toNldit|| g bava o«-en »(>«r.|nly otlefr*! By hol.'..«a «d.s. ts«

.'il staaaai« ssa uiBaml' 10 mut ni;i t

I lid f' Ib ovrr laa« Waek'S <|ii*U t'in. S.n IaUBidswitoo.itotisiigH lu (.f 1.1 rr .[i »al in nt lira firm

lu MsrcVt-or ii»r. Uva v nei- il..'i.,' »nd b'.etn«-«" r»n»*».!*yI»-lull. Th«- q.m.talion, «r. Mld-'ling Orient! 7 II lh.l f>l

.1 7 ll-Htl I I. MiiVdlll / I',.!«, d« 7 d. I.

BbbaBIIUIS« Wthawary ran» »nd ike MB offt.onlnu-»ia-a«f ii!,,«-i«d weather 'ino'c firinueik a»* shown U *fcab.rii!iii- a lb* WS»», to» «lie* abaa u ha» cltai'rd of »rallietr.. ? bat ri-lap-i'd L to in.! t.« ««.

Ou I'ue day tin. l.u-1 i--. SWOS In Wl.-.t v-a» n »4 larr«. btrtlhar» Baa rosi» layalanty in uri. r» in the a.In ui.d-.. Fl'.'irmet » heiler Irquiiy »t I,.«':iduf«d rat« - lately tjaottrd. i.^-iinBora llioti Id in-n-Vrre-t at |.-«-. I »ua pr;r< a

At loily. nark, M h. «l la'i » fur 1 »inf-jr «t Tn« d-tr'iprleei. »bur le-brt.d « «f.i d fr«-.-lv. ».. Ill« quo»-tion«. In li lUa I', rn litie il ifa g, Old Illtel niiugio '«. il a

ÏI «4/qiiiT»»'. Wsaaasa: VVb»a R»d Western, t/lChi.«en;o ,,;ll, f,r ji¡i« «.«,,. ..j Aiobar lows: lc,tollforlVbt S :-¡.»,n. tl (/ii/ll; vvbii» \v*««|«,ra. I'em. It/boHS/fl l' HüRii M.,ur-l'i.(l.d.|»Jup«rriHe, 2. »t

En ». -' i a. | iir» Ohio, ¦:¦. a..; EatM D'tc. -1 b./î'Çlkl bbL Indian Coro-Ulxed. £C¡'aU)fi; Yellow, -W,»o «*/»|\V hi'«, -..- I u.»., I'«..»' tf.i

llrr-.i'. nl.l «: |.r.-Ti' SI -ate».I'oas uaaltrred ir. value and alow of a-le.lucos ti ill .e.l.i :l. «J. Tue ui ».« oftlie merest rtlal' char

act. r. and Bt**BBS an- BrWSt.('H»».»- FttatqasU l.t iu good deotsud. but »e;ond»rr kind»

dl« nit to sell.Lass asalnaas aaaystat A tow r«»-iil ..!«. r.f stata are

tei-ortod «i .n <:. I bin lr>»raI¦ ». aast for the b.wei k. .1-.Tin..a ijmii lottir b..t > lo. i.-!,«. ui to S.-ing. ' Butcher*»

Aiw.fllitl.ii" itiai leijuo »«tat 41' á4:i,o «I» rwt. Ib Lnnd't. InaaaaaaaaTaeB of ¿M . J-. .it 'I Oob casks, nrlcir.Itaaa v.-.l .1 (.»,- -. l,-,i >ha« hi~» mill InrlnstUi «H. HtiK-NitLaig doing in I'Liiatiil^bia ; altnsll lot of

Ii- .m. i- sold st oi.Rii.i».Ciii.'ii. Batall at 3r;6,4 1> ewtHaiti Mfrth'm di In« in Clavar, ru», t.r Timothy.


To the citi/rn revisiting New-York after ¡in nbssn«-of throe yt-i.r» the creiiln.ii of such a beuulilnl »pot a»

the Central I'urk must«t soern like the work ofenchaniiiif n!. If hBailiar with the I »alii; in lègB, hemust recolle' t it as a s:uç>!ini< auburb of the mort

filihy, si|iiaii(l, and unatlrnctive nature; as a tract ofshaking worm*, Him stony hills, U..tie«i with ti.« cabins of Irish itnil fît rtiiiin stjnutter», whose occu¬

pation Bret ?riat.-lioilin;', Bag*tnetawg, and swill-mil'.,production, ami wbett hovclc wire surrounded withhanga oi efadera »nd putrefying garhuj-e. and pile, oftlhhath «./every kitid; aa, in Tact, a locality wberv ha-iiiHii ( ktataena e*te athttawd bj ail imij/inabie ni ejaet-Bg c.-iici-initntil». Ha n .* s»'« » a u"< at and gloii-ntsp'it.lic work, an fur <m tha wny toward HHinhlhn llatlan iliip riant ,..irt of It« liltiin'.l« !'«'uulita> is u'r. u-Km.-i« a cd um he eattl «urii.ii «.¡.server. AlroiJy thevisit.r limy (Live ovn unady f.^ur mi es of carri igeroad «jiinl «o if n«'t un»urparsrd hj nny in I.':i:o,re, or

wander along the iutriciirifts of a-vtral mile«of fisit-| Bäht which hud hiin iuto achu'edg en», along the brow of hills, by the hunks of hcanti-lut ponds ant! ¦»». over and under t-tone, iron, or

wooien rid¿ea of the tnoct cliutuiiigan,hiu-ctural pro-pcrti'iiis, and !.. »nie tl.o biosil bveiiue« und narrower

bridle-pull» where «troams of ciirnnirca aud equca-trh.n* ( u.« I"r hour» htgi ii ( r. In Waiter he uuiy see

eaeBttaaB 60,UOO peo.le enjoying ths akaiiig porn!»;and iu Summer as many, or nioie, grouped uudtr theelms, and iu the I.auih!c, or on the Terrace, whllingaway the evoiin-r lionre tilfresio. Oa the clear waten»of the artitical lake Venetian «-Batahlt,, »»ul t, aud un..- n . ,¦;.-'.¦ to und fro w ¡thku.lsdf pit iinire-sreki rs Btwhn ret! fmrn »uushine anddew» by BMgad uvvning»; and a fl.tck of f. ri-ignawans, n-Ürctiug tlu-ir snowy BtatBgej iu the water»float along, the very embodiment of untura! grace. Inthe winding vvu'ks of the Kamhle rn tic chairs andaibors. (Onvetiietiily 'laced, invito the weary to rest,and th rw who with a bird'» «ye vir.wnf the wholework Luve only to iu"'iut io the top ol the BoaVTeWBto get ii couifiltt« coup c"ii*t/. All this bus heat *¦-

rouipli.bed iti 1er.i than three years, urn! u Ixtt«r in-ttune ot Ata -call (.:.'ajsjj aui ¡nt..|ic BeMt BOtM»can-ely Le i!it,it. .i.

Wl.ut we l.i.vo thus enumerated is apparent to anyone, but we d » not Brida lo imply that the lYrk i- BOB»

pleied »o fur aa the work has Lean done. Although theetigii.e-tiiitr, (, tree-planting, and ¡igriciliuislBsnitattt may he tiiiialied, the work of Nature i« »rillgoing on; unuh of it only juat comintiiced. The Luiuaro U» bo well esiuldshe«!, the stiruta ami trees to growB their full si/«, tha cnepers nul iliuihtiis to e>>v»-r

tin» r«»t k» by WattttBw» are planted, suti ¡u a tliuii-p.,;i,l va.;.« the finishing touch«?« BBB be put on th«BTcBt lauda BBttatttn« Hui BBOBfahtt u* i: necesaa-

nly ia. ar.l I uilty aa it may l»e in certain i!«¡!ailr< theCentral l'aik >s already («rforming iu great a-ithtticwork in tte c« inuiucity, ami lOul'erring Bbooett on

thoiiKitids every day.T» us who have never been arrunonied to Thiergar-

tens, I'nwers, Wiicleor rurh», or liois do linulogue,our inchoate Cenlral Park teems very grand already.ii'ul as s .'I'm.m.l'y v. ai« rutltr¡ o», d to overea*

lunate- than belittle ils a'lruciiobs. It ia iu Ott BBBunfortunate that we are not well informed in thi» re-

sskBt, tat a OOOtBI gcnerni supe: vision of the work bythe gri-at | iii/ic would thus he felt by the o.riteis,which niitihi insuie exemption from mi.-iakcs int:wliit li ihuy seetti likely to fall. It has, far i'ltti.nee,hecu ohjet ted hy so good an autl.onty us Tee //. r/i-

culturtrt Ihut the trees aud shrubbery me crowth-l so

much tSBtatB that their health and ftitu¦«. h'imty ure

«.riotisl.v impel ¡ltd; Ihm un ii.rea» ihi'm- u.o:.nti nv inihe »rruiige merit of the grou[S prevai'S; tiul the imii-viiiiml »| n in..-.!:» air generally very interior V> sm b as

would be tolerated in ; rivale gr.iimi»; and thai the

gniujsarc tataaf each of on«, ki. d of trees or awarWst

only, thus iunoriug that oombinaiion of light and shadeand tfist hsrinonirlng of i-olor, depth, breadth massive-aits, and sheller, which uisrk the tninporition <¦! th«

into lendetnantltitti Oaks, elms, aud other forest

tices that most nltiimifcly eov\r a g .at hicadiii williiheir hr ill« Ins, are planted a lew f.i Inpirt, the .laiit*«r« thus u;n'ur nilv «¡tier ignoring iho law»of llier.T.iw.h, or rtririn:.' far BBteM eBhtt a'- the cxptuse ofiiltiuiai- beauty, it would »ecni, after u careful stud,of lio w.i'k, as if it were ii.tended U» transi lant the..reu", mujo, iiy if U.e trc«t an«! ihrul « vviiliin a f«w

ftttll hut we tttt! t thiak ih« i tan I goo.1 oue, sinceit will nor only UuJ to great expense, but injure llitir

! grow t b.I nuke rao-t of tie Etieopean -lark »onrown

preaaiiia BBB <>« a uutui-al ami le»a of an anilieial sp-a-til :.. The i "iun.< («i of the un.und was auch ti.ut

it ihn Arvli'.rcrt-iii-Chief bud been Ovwtaanaah in

lavorof th« {'« atyie, he could never Imve

reprolictd the »vouiler» of Alton Tower», or ( liata-

wath, for the ste«t>acclivities and nipgcd binds wouldhave all aittiiipia ut their r< duction i*:to fermaiahert Bibb it was tlaa:;,ht best to aim as far as

pracli. * de al au imitainiu of Nature, heg cuuhiiie withil at favorable poin's eno't^h of f.miiality aud Brt to

avoid the monotony that one, universal atuneaeasoftrestmeut would cum*. Tin» '»iiul a-lected for thei-.raiidest i'i»|luy of architectnril emhelliahit.eiif, incoiims lio i with a !iiruial style of trei.tnient, wu* near

the BOOlhera em* of the park, wbor« aiwampy pluteaabus bee» turne«! into a hr«aul audl. Tue four row« tfAmciican elms lind planted, nearly all died, bat thea

have horn replaced by tsslter enea, and this

grtvud pioi.emuJi promises to bi» in time as

n.r-pl' tely siiaded by tho meeting h.-anchea aa «tieeta in the Kim City. Tho U-rracu at the endof Ihe Müll is already »»> far compbitrd aa to give a

! t<»leruh!o indication of its nltiinate beauty. It certainlywill c muai.. fav.'i-uL-ly with aiyibing in Europeua

I paika ih« we iceolktt lo bate testa. 11a carving «ifthe stone in Uiia ariine, and in the various biidgestint »pan the waters, patha aud roada of the IVrk, isex-'tn'.i il iu the most Iwuuliiul mauaer; but wa ar»

not wi.hout im:« ihut it may crombsa to» soon aaderthe extreme vieitnjitnde« of »ir climate. It !»as betai hji-i.-ttil that money had 1« en lavished loo fr> «iy opoa

ihn bridges; that the same sum of moBty applied to

tiio general un uiigement of the grounda would bavebeen better «pent. It most not b« forgot«»», however,that in all the great Europea» paka "worka of thiskind aie coii*truct»»d at immense coat, and that we can¬

not luivo i Central Park worthy of » metropolis like

oura, or, in fact, ono that wouhi' not bring ua into

actual disgrace, without expeading a treat deal of

uuniev. Whin the work is Btwhei io that the whole

tract oí 80U acrti will b*. Sillily Itatitiial, the bridgea.

will not look «o expensive a ft»»tor* *v» they do n »w,in troth, if they were not as beautiful as the* are, tl,»»w "old not harmonize wih the ¡.euertal cbanxter of thePjrk «s it will be live yea«a lieu««*.

It vvill readily bo imite ru-a" that to make so beantlfola «pot aa it is now out of tt>o wretched locality luttt W4<t«i l»a »«yen in IfVig, a lar^f foico of mou muH hav« oee,emi'loyed. From the commencement of the work to.lannary of the pi«s*tnt year, about 10,.rJJO neu ia»,us»isted in tb« work. In IK6J, 4,4,16 met,t employ««,Ocd.ilyuYcrage being t.wVl «e lasa, aa emaruiajtaamount of money, obtained from « roperty owner» bruxution, ha« been difirituted among tl.« Ulaariag11: e«ee, ird mrtch want and As»Maj bus in oor»t-onoaM teen prevented. The e-uruonjitury events ofthe present year, however, enme near efr«actl|.gatvai-plott sta»p|wge of the work; a result tiiat could nviLave been suilkiently deplored, noce it w 11 Id hareaoaf «¡uite as imuh to recommeaie worts an »o «oiHiutait on, ard the present eki'it-aj forre of AateAtAa» men ifun« i- lüetiüuttd ov< r tho country, sot iJ prubiblv nevarho,thereureonlyaboutliOO laliorerson the work, and ot:e half of ii «,*¦ ¿.-a tD.

griped in completing the liter mile and a half of «>, an«! planting and giiidii.g tl,« borders at either«ide. When this rsbes «iiull hav« besa finished therewill be a coniii inns oiive of more than six mileowithin the l'i.ik Tlit- eniptt«line- work istasejrAAa to four divisiou engioeere.Mear«. t'biki«,Iiawreuce, Hogurt, -nt Hav k the wn..!«' In -I. jnw\mtie sopervieiou of Mr. Gruit. Th« tile drainage sys-lem under Mr. George K. jr. (now Mi.jor ia'l.ej («arihaldi Guard), A a m«*t ij<;i-.i.ti:y iiifj suet ess, anilsuliliuntlj Lu'iicuUs loour fnimers the true wsy ofreclaiming wet hand. Since Mr. Wiiritirj'B di-r>i.rtiirofor the war, the drainage work baa been nndertbo<¦!):'.-aj of Mr. James Gal!, a n.«*; competent awl trust-vvonhy officer. Of the four tntnavtr-e n»;u!s ihm oroMtho Park, none are unite coiuplru-il The two lowerMas, at 8ixty-fift!i und fe'cvcwy-niu!'. sti eels, are allready tor the road bed and pavement; the upper mm,at Light) «sixth and Kixisty-tssventh streets, t»rt in pro¬gress.To manage a great pnbb'e work like this, on which

en average of nearly 3,000 nen has been (iretBiitry«.|i;»loud; .» ki-epin viewal! the deuils, strict at len¬til L to each cf which is ahunlute'y necetwary for tbeptORfOJtaf the «bjle; to biiLg order and ber.uiy oatof ate chnos of ¡Ho7-8, ha* requited an amount of aaVniii.ii rutiva ability which tew 11... 11 .,**,p. und ata.Ott il muy feil protid thatu r#.rfrlative(V'Uiraiseii>te,aebistid by his raorc jus enemies, could find ah «liu-lynothing to char,-« him with, after patienf and carefais< rntiny of his acts. In t'acl, the con*tru a,«>u ot tbePark, in all :ta departinents, has been chi racterized byn thorough Pisiem, Hieb lay. and eeonorriy, whieh h:a'«»uiitianded Ui« warm a; pro val of ttMtttotAA» «»la¬

st: n« tors and the general public. Wo hope intimólosee fine SJ4-I ¡ine'ii of n ild aiul tan-e animals; confined Inpad'liK'k«, as in the fireut Kuropeau ¡>arka, and »¡eei-n ens of tie principal Inm lie« of kuono birds, so thatwe may have M complete schools of xoology analornithology a« we euem HaStaj to hav« of Utaoical»po« iuiens. We would also siip-ger-t that a very popa-lar teature would b» a model ilidry of the beanufalAhlemey cows at sonie point where a tastoful chalaHwould harmonize with the laada<n(>e.


Everybody esn keep an Aquarium, which is, afterall, noi so n.urh un «xhibition of Nature in her brightestand fre.«best phases as a skillful i-xeiiise ef human in¬genuity in proloniring a oi-rtain amount of injured lue. The excitement of the dis« over)- of eachdAath of little lah or hiteiy wiggling reptile, and thoirrowiou- interval of the owner in the gradual decay and«MMetetel of his stayck. have never seemed U> u« or<*l-li.-ible to the taste or finer emotions of man. A iVata-toiiiui i« not so easy to keep, yet if it could every-wiicre displace the Aijiiaxiiim, great rrlitf would bauff.i.ile.l to the r.-lmlo res» enable tribe of ßriies »Andpinul! aqueous game, and a benciit would be conferredansa1 MA own .per 1 ¦ much more «ii'ftantial than aiyto he derived iioin the ini|»ri«onmeut and alow tonareoffIba glilterimr 'fei'nre« win-enjoy the beat of beaelakami spirits in running stieaiiis, «ud in pools filled to liagnaasy brim by bubbling «priugs. llul if one r*¡>ec4»v-hle citixen might find it difficult fa institute on his ownprim p'"s a tine swimmiug-ftib, in which the fonas ofhimself and hi.» wif" and the children of both sexee

might float, and dive, and pa/Idle about, tlnre is 00

retta'-n why a numi>Ciof ciiizins au->u.'d not join to¬

gether in the provision of one of the simplest, sadhealthiest, and cheap»** amusement« wiiiiin the i.-rveb¦A 1. ;.iI.

Swimming is one of natnre's own pleasnres, and, likeall tb<- rest of them, is I« a expensive and far more

real than any of the same und thotOtM lOMMstoal «aa-

plie«l I y art or f.u4 i»m. Tnore isag»«<l den! if cora-

furt in the reflet lion that the solenio cipia now oponlie ooiintry i« compellinir pleastiiv-eet'liers to turn tothe simplest source«. The children born w ¡th «ilverH-ejom» iu their mouth« must consent to be tickled witba very c\ieap«traw; lie wan-iiti" j.l '-es aro given an

fcr ij'iiet country plsces, wh« re th« poui I of the (»er»mnn ia exchanged for the m« llow horn«call of the fanahoys home; voluptuous dancimf nul di -eitii« are con¬

cerns of the father of the «utnilral huit. Now, M

«w ¡mi« to put into uio«t gratxi'.'ul action the beaiHlfnlhoitoin limb«; to ««imtilato all th«« ph)sical poweat,axd draw a ireiitle energy through the whole system;to be exinl.intted by a tHMtt with the pureat andfiriithtest ot tbe element»; to pt.'jaini the mind forcalirUKoS and the tody lor «jfiirieiicy iu any hour when«lauirjr from th« wa!» r «eem« to be liireateued. Andwhv the pi art ire ahould have baen 10 long i-.ii.nt.ed Mtbe least sweu-like of the rexes, and to only a smallmajority of tha», is a dilliiMlt problem in this water-

pnviU.-.ed luiid, MMBBOai« and caresaei \tfthe kinillit-.t of stream«. Why won't all tho belles ofthe saason (of whom it is well known there are enoughin New-York alone to populu»e all the haunts of thamertiiitiils) «leU-rinine to get Ihtmrelves up in thi» at»

complishment this Summer f There should be bnt one

«ifuidanl of d« licmy for »alt aud fresh wider, and it ia avery mides rabie Summer re<ort indeed which has not

iu tho neighborhood one of those deep black tartana,curtained by fulmge, or one of those sUvnrseuidsdlake«, of whit h ¡eis; ring cil» drecm in their ni. mente

of extremea tortnre from the bliitering stone« of

Iiroadway. Young htdies may renumber tliat art hatlUiight many a bovvit. hing inspiiulioti fj-oia the buihsof imiiilent rare, and that when th.y do swim it iaalways obeerved that Am«ri<an ladies me perfect duel».

1« there any idea which it is more cniel to aiigt-esl hithese bot «lay« than tlutt of the old«fti?liioned boya*»witn ? Yet douuilea he who is rusning over the grid¬iron at this moment with a large of rala enhi« mind is «ornc'.iuies reminded by 1 he streams of argiypernpiration that hiss over his body of the «fclictotadrip of «old drop« from his white jelly of flesh, whenbo tioou oo the rock that was up near the surfuee andyet not ashore, and brcnthed deeply after the long andd.-eaniy dive, and the psjddl« all around, with Lead« of

cenipituions shal.iug at him out of the form on «veryside, and joyous cri«a poabing ou the race of tha

.trongest swimmers. Tho ocean is an «perience thateinxct absorb tho memory of that glorion« fun in tbe

water, although tla manly breast doesn't got manygueh 4wiifi«iences as thoM of tbe big pashing breakers,in from «he fsmbesl borixon; nor A Uiere mueb use in

talking ubout glow« aftor on«i bu run up over th«

and rubbed down the All in: ¡e.

In Philadelphia they have a Nals'orinm, and it is aagood end perfect u tliiog aa Philadelphia butter, re-

.itectability, or ictveream. The ladies are all crnayabout it, aud do all their romping iu the water, andmean to make skill in swimming the great social teat.Toe NatatorituB ia conducted witb entire propriety.The swimming divinities adopt a simple sea-aid« toi¬lette, and are pot through the motions by an expe-1. m:«d merman and his aioompliehed wife. Would Anot. be a pleasant relief from the tedium of tbeM dull

day« to inatitute a «wimming-sctcxi, oranamWr of

twiieyaiiig-«vhc»olt. in N«w«Yorkî "Ï© be iariitd to «1