new-york tkiihwi: illustrated siitlemknt. two new

NEW-YORK TKIIHWi: ILLUSTRATED SIITLEMKNT. TWO NEW ¦ SHIPYARDS. FIRST AID TO THE INJURKD VIEW OF THE NEW SHIPYARD AT RICHMOND, \ A. Showing two destroyers, torpedo boats and ths swhuisalns i^at FtaMiu, TRAINING A KEI.IKF CORPS' W A FACTORY. bers of the r<-lief corps who are in his | ment. Additional help may be summoned from the other departments, if necessary. The tirst ftep is to remuv" the injur d person to tha set apart for this purpose, and if the trouble looks \r-r> BSVtosjS. a wastes i 3telephoned for. The manac-ment rsqsMStS him on arrival to scrutinize the SSSthods air.ady employ il mending what-ver ha> hSSSJ d«.ne w-11 and wisely, and pointing out wherein an in.; ment was possible. A numbe r <,f excellent results have bees se» rure.l by this syst-rn. The requisi;- h- essergesiey is obtained sn n»-r than has hitherto been practicable. In many cases it is q discovered by ptSJCthwd eyes that S< is mffalnj at all. i:y |Sjsjss«sn] the injure 1 pen-on to a sspaiSle X ess Mi end is sjatel to all excttemenl and ths incident kwnsss little with the OSII allow if the shop. T::- men, realizing that the victim is being <•;. ¦• feel a sease si r- lief, and ssoceed uritl ordinary dMlas Sirisjirf These and (^tf vantagts po.--e-s. .1 by this in:ii"iue ••nti rpr commend it strongly to all who employ ¦ large num.t-rs in labor attended with risk of physical injury. While th- project here outlined was const. leration. the d~sira!.iiity of having a drug store and a system of medical prescript: -r:s foe faintness, nausea and other maladies was sug- gested. This amendment to the plan was n»t deemed a wise one, however. The ssss them- selves would not always know what they need. None of the relief corps were competent to tell. An error in prescription mi'-rht be at- tended with fatal results, and, finally, th: of cases was less numerous and serious than those resulting from accident. KIXG LEOPOLD AS AX ACTO.UORILIST. Paris correspondence of The London Telegraph, King I^eopold'3 liking for automobilism has in nowire been lessened by His majesty's ad- venture in the Boia de Boulogne, when he nar- row "scaled being summoned for furious driv- ing. The royal motorist is now constantly to be sten about in the twenty-four horsepower racing- vehicle conducted by Charron, of Paris to Bor- deaux fame, and once outside the limits of the capital and of the wMs, wherein King Leopold insists upon his driver keeping to a moderate pace. His Majesty indulges on deserted country- roads in the intoxication , t express train speeds. A sure sign that the Kiss has become a thor- ough convert to nutomoMlism has lately been noticed in his attire. His Majesty is taking to the special style of dress worn by French motor- nun. Notably, he has dt finitely adopted "chauf- feur" spectacles; with wire netting ar.d side- pieces. At first King Leopold could not be in- duced to , ut th 'So unb coming goggle* on. After some uncomfortable experiences of bigs. speed travelling against the wind and on dirty roads he. however, determis <! to give the chauffeur spectacles a tri tl. and he has found them so satisfactory and mfortable that he now al- ways wears them when motoring. King Leo- pold, in fact, has rot so us. .1 to the goggles that he forgot to take them ofl the other day on alighting from ,iN automobile, and some sensa- tion was caused at the Klvmv Palace H. Tel, where he is staying, when His Majesty was ob- served in the ball still w taring a pair of most businesslike and voluminous chauffeur spec- tacles. M official course at Annapolis, and. to the surprise of the naval officers composing the Trial Hoard, was successful at the first attempt. She waa accepted by the Navy Department within hss than two months from the first time she was sent over a measured course und-r con- trol of her builders. This is a record which lias not be>jn approached in this country or in Eng- land, the average time required for a torpedo boat to fulfil the requirements of the Govern- ment beint: from five months to a year. THE FORE RIVER COMPANY. Another competitor for laurels to be gained in the rehabilitation of the Navy is the Fore River Engine Company, of Bast Braintree, Mass., which recently established a large ship- building plant at Quincy Point for the purpose of building the two battleships for which the concern had received "a contract. The ; 'ant consists oi a group of machine -bops, and be- yond them, on a rising sweep of lawn, i- t.y a curved drivt way, a large buildini broad verandas. There i> nothing Imposing about the plant, and the passenger who ;-'.i\es the train a.t Weymouth stati. ..•» would not suspect that a great shlpbuil-Ung industry ha: ( started there. The head of the con m and the master mind i of the corporation is Thomas A. Watson, whose partner, Frank O. Wellington, was for mi illy an 'engineer in a factory it Bridgewater owned bj iOakes Ames. An Interesting feature about the jFore River concern is that it is not incorporated. ' Mr. Watson is looked upon as the company, and his partner and active manager is known as : Mr. Watson's "discovery.™ just as Watson him- self is said to have been discovered by Professor Alexander Graham Belli Air. Watson is about ; forty-seven years old, has no college education, i and when sixteen years old went to work in a machine shop in Boston. The shop made elec- trical supplies a specialty, and one day in |BSfl a man named Bell came to the shop to have a machine made with which to make experiments in multiple telegraphy. Young Watson was assigned to do the work, and from that time on he worked with Bell until he assisted him in putting up the first telephone line from the boarding house in Exeter Place, where they 'lived, to » building in Court-st., not far away. j When the telephone ceased to be a toy and ; gained its place as a usetul instrument Watson j was made superintendent of the Bell Telephone Company, remaining at that post for eight years. i Then he founded a company for the manufacture j of engines to be used in electric lighting plants. In speaking of the work which the company has undertaken Mr. Watson said: We have never sought to do any political wire pulling nor exercise any influence of any sort, in order to get the contracts we have received, for none was necessary. The merit «>f our work ami our manifest ability to carry out our con- tracts are all that secure us the contracts Curiously enough, many people think we were the lowest bidders for tne ships we received. We were not. In fact, we bid the limit. The Department was satisfied we were reliable and could do good work, and we got the contracts. That i.x all there is to it. PVKISBMEKT. From The Washington Star. "I)id you say you were going to take the chil- dren shopping with yen to-morrow?" asked Mr. Meektoa as he wearily plated a large bundle of packages la the corner. "Dear me! Have they been naughty again?" HE 1/1). From The Chicago Pest. "Hots Smith thinks Bryan will leave the Democratic party," commented the Casual Caller. "if he Joss," replied the Caustic 1 Critic, "it will be for the same reason that the tenderfoot left the bucking bronco." "Why was that?" asked the Casual Caller. "It bucked." answered the Caustic Critic THE PLANTS AT RICHMOND AND EAST BRAINTREU WHICH HAVE UNDER- TAKEN* LARGE GOVERN- MENT CONTRACTS. Among the numerous industries which of re- cei.t years have done so much to attract the attention of the world at large, and of Amer- icans in particular, nothing has been so striking as the unprecedented development of the ship- building industry of the United States. Immediately after the close of the Civil War th- attention of investors, moneyed men and the political economists of the country was attract- ed to aim all other branches of enterprise rather than to that of the building of ships ami machinery; but gradually, as wealth Increased, .>< the National development took on new phases, it was seen that ship- building must take a prominent position in the country, and the erection of the three prc-at establishments that now enjoy the con- fidence of the world was the result. Notwith- standing the difficulties attending the growth of a business of the dimensions required for the skilful and efficient construction of a big man- if-war. the moneyed men of the land at once took the matter under consideration, and by ih<, time the first plans for a new Navy were elaborated the iron and steel mills of the coun- try were prepared to enter into the evolution of homemade material required for the Navy rfclch is now rapidly growing up. THE TRIGG YARD. One of the recent and notable instances of highly Intelligent and energetic progress In the lirection of hul! and engine construction is th» remarkable establishment of the Trigg com- I any, at Richmond, which is beginning to at- .:.!¦ !attention all over the world. At lirst there was much amused curiosity that men could have the audacity to attempt shipbuilding so far in the interior of the South and above tidewater; but the wisdom displayed In selecting the site has been amply vindicated, and frank recognition is now given by capitalists and U clinical authorities to the demonstrated fact 1 thnt natural advantages have been secured w hich give the new concern immense practical nd\;intase« over any shipbuilding plant in ex- I El DC*, with an enormous water power going «« waste that can economically be converted into i electricity, that ideal metal working force, with natural cry docks and with a large city of mc- aanics and skilled labor to depend upon. With an experience gained during the con- j ruction of the engines and boilers of the Tnited States steamship Texas. William R. "rijrj,', who was the principal agent in that ex- ii.nt work fur the Government, decided to later the field of shipbuilding for the Navy, with the result that within the last two years there has grown up on the banks of the James River a plant capable of turning out work com- paring favorably with the best in th- country. The new concern first appeared as a com- petitor for naval vessels In 1898, when the Gov- ernment asked for bids for sixteen destroyers and ten torpedo boats, easily winning two of the iirst class and three of the second class. On No- vember Hi of that year Secretary Long signed contracts wiih the Trig*;.- for the 28-knot de- stroyers Dale an.i Dt-catur. at $2G0,000 each— a figure $20,000 each below the next lowest bid— and at the same time executed contracts with them for the 2<>-knot torpedo boats Shu- brick, Stockton and Thornton, at $129,750 each. From the start the young establishment showed its mettle with a vigor and skill that astonished Older builders. The destroyers were launched in July. ISM), months ahead of the fourteen similar vessels under construction at other yards, and within the year the three torpedo boats were S float. Naval inspectors pronounced the finish and workmanship of all five of these vessels superior to anything the Government had ever secured on the Atlantic Coast, and their tests proved that they were more strongly framed than the contracts required. BUILDERS OF THE GALVESTON. In December IBm\ the Trigg yard had suf- ficiently grown to warrant its managers in bid- ding for a 3,!i00-ton protected cruiser, and the Gmlvestoa was awarded to them for $1,027,000, which was a*.: 120,000 under the price of the lowest bidders for six identical ships. This year the Trlggs abstained from competing for the great I"»,<M M*-ton battleships and armored cruisers, but they have announced their inten- tion of taking one of the large protected cruis- ers next February, and their yard will be ready for ihe heaviest battleships afloat in another year. The works of the company are situated within the corporate limits of the city of Richmond, within less that, half a mile of a practically un- limited source of electrical power for the move- ment of machinery, and with a waterfront equal to the launching «.. the largest types of warships required by the tremendous develop^ inent of the naval Held of view. Important lines of railway pas- In front of the shops: a climate which enables open air work to be carried on every month in the rear and facilitates the prompt conduct of contracts be- stows exceptional advantages upon the William R. Trigg Company. The first craft turned out at these works, the torpedo boat Stockton, the first of her class to be completed, was successful on the first build- er's trial, was reported ready for trial by the official Naval Board within ten days thereafter, was promptly tested by that Board over the DOOTOIiS ALMOST UNNECESSARY— AX INNOVA- TION WITH MANY ATLANTA' Every now and than the newspapers publish directions for procedure in resuscitating victims of sunstroke, drowning, bad cuts, broken legs and other accidents and suddenly developed dis- orders. But when st* emergencies arise the chances are that those who have mastered this advice are not en hand. And when they are, the accidents don't happen. There are exceptions to this rule, however. And me of them is the cus- tom of having a volunteer "eye surgeon*' in certain shops where flying bits of metal occa- sionally get into the men's eyes. The "eye surgeon" is not a trained medical man. but a workman, like these to whom he minister?. still. by a combination of dexterity, nerve and experience, he is fitted to afford relief in trilling accidents of this sort, and the promptness with which he is able to render such service often saves a good deal of time and discomfort. A scheme which may possibly have been an outgrowth of this, but which is much more elaborate and satisfactory, is outlined by "The Iron Age." It has been initiated by the man- agers tf a manufacturing establishment whose precise situation and character are not specified. It appears, however, that ii is far enough out in the suburbs of a city to prevent an immediate response to a summons for a physician, that fully six hundred men are employed th -re, and that the accidents which are most cemmon are burns, cuts, falls, the crushing of hands or feet, injury to the eye from sparks or chips and heat prostration in summer. The plan recently adopted at this establish- ment is to train a special relief corps, composed of about twenty men and distributed among the several departments, so that the most judicious. as well as the readiest, aid may be afforded in an emergency. The men who constitute the corps have been provided with the manuals of the lied Cross. Stretchers are placed at con- venient places. A room is set apart exclu- sively for surgical purposes, and only members of the iel:ef corps carry keys thereto. This room is equipped with a leather covered couch, splints, bandages, lint and other appropriate articles. When the scheme was first put into operation the manager held two drills a week for a month to ascertain, how thoroughly the men had studied their manuals, and to familiarize them with the actual performance of their duties. The various emergency treatments likely to be required lifting, carrying, bandaging, stopping the flow cf blood with tourniquets and the restoration of consciousness were conduct d so as to teal the proficiency of the corps. The Idea that they were not to perform the more skilful work of an expert physician, but merely, to do what was needed at the moment, was carefully inculcated, and a competition between the members was in- spired by the offer of rewards. If a man was found to be lacking in calmness or carefulness he was dropped. The organization is a purely honorary one, but membership in it was eagerly sought. When an accident happens now in this estab- lishment the victim is attended by those 'mem- -

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VIEW OF THE NEW SHIPYARD AT RICHMOND, \ A.Showing two destroyers, torpedo boats and ths swhuisalns i^at FtaMiu,



bers of the r<-lief corps who are in his |

ment. Additional help may be summoned from

the other departments, if necessary. The tirstftep is to remuv" the injur d person to thaset apart for this purpose, and if the trouble

looks \r-r> BSVtosjS. a wastes i3telephoned for.The manac-ment rsqsMStS him on arrival toscrutinize the SSSthods air.ady employ ilmending what-ver ha> hSSSJ d«.ne w-11 andwisely, and pointing out wherein an in.;

ment was possible.A numbe r <,f excellent results have bees se»

rure.l by this syst-rn. The requisi;- h-essergesiey is obtained sn n»-r than has hithertobeen practicable. In many cases it is qdiscovered by ptSJCthwd eyes that S<is mffalnj at all. i:y |Sjsjss«sn] the injure 1pen-on to a sspaiSle X ess Mi end is sjatelto all excttemenl and ths incident kwnssslittle with the OSIIallow if the shop. T::-men, realizing that the victim is being <•;. ¦•

feel a sease si r- lief, and ssoceed uritlordinary dMlas Sirisjirf These and (^tf

vantagts po.--e-s. .1 by this in:ii"iue ••ntirprcommend it strongly to all who employ ¦large num.t-rs in labor attended with risk ofphysical injury.

While th- project here outlined wasconst.leration. the d~sira!.iiity of having a drug

store and a system of medical prescript: -r:s foefaintness, nausea and other maladies was sug-gested. This amendment to the plan was n»tdeemed a wise one, however. The ssss them-selves would not always know what they

need. None of the relief corps were competentto tell. An error in prescription mi'-rht be at-tended with fatal results, and, finally, th:of cases was less numerous and serious thanthose resulting from accident.

KIXG LEOPOLD AS AX ACTO.UORILIST.Paris correspondence of The London Telegraph,

King I^eopold'3 liking for automobilism hasin nowire been lessened by His majesty's ad-venture in the Boia de Boulogne, when he nar-row "scaled being summoned for furious driv-ing. The royal motorist is now constantly to besten about in the twenty-four horsepower racing-vehicle conducted by Charron, of Paris to Bor-deaux fame, and once outside the limits of thecapital and of the wMs, wherein King Leopoldinsists upon his driver keeping to a moderatepace. His Majesty indulges on deserted country-roads in the intoxication , t express train speeds.A sure sign that the Kiss has become a thor-ough convert to nutomoMlism has lately beennoticed in his attire. His Majesty is taking tothe special style of dress worn by French motor-nun. Notably, he has dt finitely adopted "chauf-feur" spectacles; with wire netting ar.d side-pieces. At first King Leopold could not be in-duced to,ut th 'So unb coming goggle* on. Aftersome uncomfortable experiences of bigs. speedtravelling against the wind and on dirty roadshe. however, determis <! to give the chauffeurspectacles a tri tl. and he has found them sosatisfactory and c« mfortable that he now al-ways wears them when motoring. King Leo-pold, in fact, has rot so us. .1 to the goggles thathe forgot to take them ofl the other day onalighting from ,iNautomobile, and some sensa-tion was caused at the Klvmv Palace H. Tel,where he is staying, when His Majesty was ob-served in the ball still w taring a pair of mostbusinesslike and voluminous chauffeur spec-tacles. M

official course at Annapolis, and. to the surpriseof the naval officers composing the Trial Hoard,

was successful at the first attempt. She waaaccepted by the Navy Department withinhss than two months from the first time

she was sent over a measured course und-r con-

trol of her builders. This is a record which liasnot be>jn approached in this country or in Eng-

land, the average time required for a torpedo

boat to fulfil the requirements of the Govern-ment beint: from five months to a year.

THE FORE RIVER COMPANY.Another competitor for laurels to be gained

in the rehabilitation of the Navy is the ForeRiver Engine Company, of Bast Braintree,

Mass., which recently established a large ship-

building plant at Quincy Point for the purposeof building the two battleships for which theconcern had received "a contract. The ;'ant

consists oi a group of machine -bops, and be-yond them, on a rising sweep of lawn, i-

t.y a curved drivt way, a large buildinibroad verandas. There i> nothing Imposing aboutthe plant, and the passenger who ;-'.i\es thetrain a.t Weymouth stati. ..•» would not suspect

that a great shlpbuil-Ung industry ha:

(started there.

The head of the con m and the master mind

iof the corporation is Thomas A. Watson, whosepartner, Frank O. Wellington, was formiilly an

'engineer in a factory it Bridgewater owned bjiOakes Ames. An Interesting feature about the

jFore River concern is that it is not incorporated.'Mr. Watson is looked upon as the company, andhis partner and active manager is known as

:Mr. Watson's "discovery.™ just as Watson him-self is said to have been discovered by ProfessorAlexander Graham Belli Air. Watson is about

;forty-seven years old, has no college education,

iand when sixteen years old went to work in amachine shop in Boston. The shop made elec-trical supplies a specialty, and one day in |BSfla man named Bell came to the shop to have amachine made with which to make experiments

in multiple telegraphy. Young Watson wasassigned to do the work, and from that timeon he worked with Bell until he assisted him inputting up the first telephone line from theboarding house in Exeter Place, where they

'lived, to » building in Court-st., not far away.

j When the telephone ceased to be a toy and;gained its place as a usetul instrument Watsonj was made superintendent of the Bell TelephoneCompany, remaining at that post for eight years.

iThen he founded a company for the manufacturejof engines to be used in electric lighting plants.

In speaking of the work which the companyhas undertaken Mr. Watson said:

We have never sought to do any political wirepulling nor exercise any influence of any sort,

in order to get the contracts we have received,for none was necessary. The merit «>f our workami our manifest ability to carry out our con-tracts are all that secure us the contractsCuriously enough, many people think we werethe lowest bidders for tne ships we received.We were not. In fact, we bid the limit. TheDepartment was satisfied we were reliable andcould do good work, and we got the contracts.That i.x all there is to it.

PVKISBMEKT.From The Washington Star.

"I)id you say you were going to take the chil-dren shopping with yen to-morrow?" asked Mr.Meektoa as he wearily plated a large bundle ofpackages la the corner.

"Dear me! Have they been naughty again?"

HE 1/1).

From The Chicago Pest."Hots Smith thinks Bryan will leave the

Democratic party," commented the CasualCaller."if he Joss," replied the Caustic 1 Critic, "it

will be for the same reason that the tenderfootleft the bucking bronco."

"Why was that?" asked the Casual Caller."Itbucked." answered the Caustic Critic





Among the numerous industries which of re-

cei.t years have done so much to attract the

attention of the world at large, and of Amer-

icans in particular, nothing has been so striking

as the unprecedented development of the ship-

building industry of the United States.Immediately after the close of the Civil War

th- attention of investors, moneyed men and thepolitical economists of the country was attract-

ed to aim all other branches of enterprise

rather than to that of the building of ships

ami machinery; but gradually, as wealthIncreased, .>< the National development took

on new phases, it was seen that ship-building must take a prominent position in

the country, and the erection of the threeprc-at establishments that now enjoy the con-

fidence of the world was the result. Notwith-standing the difficulties attending the growth of

a business of the dimensions required for theskilful and efficient construction of a big man-if-war. the moneyed men of the land at oncetook the matter under consideration, and byih<, time the first plans for a new Navy wereelaborated the iron and steel mills of the coun-try were prepared to enter into the evolution of

homemade material required for the Navy

rfclch is now rapidly growingup.THE TRIGG YARD.

One of the recent and notable instances ofhighly Intelligent and energetic progress In thelirection of hul! and engine construction is th»remarkable establishment of the Trigg com-Iany, at Richmond, which is beginning to at-.:.!¦!attention allover the world. At lirst therewas much amused curiosity that men couldhave the audacity to attempt shipbuilding sofar in the interior of the South and abovetidewater; but the wisdom displayed Inselecting

the site has been amply vindicated, and frankrecognition is now given by capitalists andU clinical authorities to the demonstrated fact


thnt natural advantages have been securedw hich give the new concern immense practicalnd\;intase« over any shipbuilding plant in ex-IEl DC*, with an enormous water power going

«« waste that can economically be converted into i

electricity, that ideal metal working force, withnatural crydocks and with a large city of mc-aanics and skilled labor to depend upon.With an experience gained during the con- jruction of the engines and boilers of the

Tnited States steamship Texas. William R."rijrj,',who was the principal agent in that ex-• ii.nt work fur the Government, decided to

later the field of shipbuilding for the Navy,with the result that within the last two yearsthere has grown up on the banks of the JamesRiver a plant capable of turning out work com-paring favorably with the best in th- country.

The new concern first appeared as a com-petitor for naval vessels In 1898, when the Gov-ernment asked for bids for sixteen destroyersand ten torpedo boats, easily winning two of theiirst class and three of the second class. On No-vember Hi of that year Secretary Long signedcontracts wiih the Trig*;.- for the 28-knot de-stroyers Dale an.i Dt-catur. at $2G0,000 each—a figure $20,000 each below the next lowestbid—and at the same time executed contractswith them for the 2<>-knot torpedo boats Shu-brick, Stockton and Thornton, at $129,750 each.From the start the young establishment showedits mettle with a vigor and skill that astonishedOlder builders. The destroyers were launched inJuly. ISM), months ahead of the fourteen similarvessels under construction at other yards, andwithin the year the three torpedo boats wereSfloat. Naval inspectors pronounced the finishand workmanship of all five of these vesselssuperior to anything the Government had eversecured on the Atlantic Coast, and their testsproved that they were more strongly framedthan the contracts required.

BUILDERS OF THE GALVESTON.In December IBm\ the Trigg yard had suf-

ficiently grown to warrant its managers in bid-ding for a 3,!i00-ton protected cruiser, and theGmlvestoa was awarded to them for $1,027,000,which was a*.: 120,000 under the price of thelowest bidders for six identical ships. Thisyear the Trlggs abstained from competing forthe great I"»,<MM*-ton battleships and armoredcruisers, but they have announced their inten-tion of taking one of the large protected cruis-ers next February, and their yard willbe readyfor ihe heaviest battleships afloat in anotheryear.

The works of the company are situated withinthe corporate limits of the city of Richmond,within less that, half a mile of a practically un-limited source of electrical power for the move-ment of machinery, and with a waterfrontequal to the launching «.. the largest types ofwarships required by the tremendous develop^inent of the naval Held of view.

Important lines of railway pas- In front of theshops: a climate which enables open air workto be carried on every month in the rear andfacilitates the prompt conduct of contracts be-stows exceptional advantages upon the WilliamR. Trigg Company.

The first craft turned out at these works, thetorpedo boat Stockton, the first of her class tobe completed, was successful on the first build-er's trial, was reported ready for trial by theofficial Naval Board within ten days thereafter,was promptly tested by that Board over the



Every now and than the newspapers publish

directions for procedure in resuscitating victimsof sunstroke, drowning, bad cuts, broken legs

and other accidents and suddenly developed dis-

orders. But when st* emergencies arise thechances are that those who have mastered this

advice are not en hand. And when they are, theaccidents don't happen. There are exceptions to

this rule, however. And me of them is the cus-tom of having a volunteer "eye surgeon*' in

certain shops where flying bits of metal occa-sionally get into the men's eyes. The "eye

surgeon" is not a trained medical man. but aworkman, like these to whom he minister?.still. by a combination of dexterity, nerve andexperience, he is fitted to afford relief in trilling

accidents of this sort, and the promptness with

which he is able to render such service oftensaves a good deal of time and discomfort.

A scheme which may possibly have been anoutgrowth of this, but which is much moreelaborate and satisfactory, is outlined by "TheIron Age." Ithas been initiated by the man-agers tf a manufacturing establishment whoseprecise situation and character are not specified.It appears, however, that iiis far enough outin the suburbs ofa city to prevent an immediateresponse to a summons for a physician, thatfully six hundred men are employed th -re, andthat the accidents which are most cemmon areburns, cuts, falls, the crushing of hands or feet,injury to the eye from sparks or chips and heatprostration in summer.

The plan recently adopted at this establish-ment is to train a special relief corps, composedof about twenty men and distributed among theseveral departments, so that the most well as the readiest, aid may be afforded inan emergency. The men who constitute thecorps have been provided with the manuals ofthe lied Cross. Stretchers are placed at con-venient places. A room is set apart exclu-sively for surgical purposes, and only membersof the iel:ef corps carry keys thereto. This roomis equipped with a leather covered couch, splints,bandages, lintand other appropriate articles.

When the scheme was first put into operationthe manager held two drills a week for a monthto ascertain, how thoroughly the men had studiedtheir manuals, and to familiarize them with theactual performance of their duties. The variousemergency treatments likely to be required

—lifting, carrying, bandaging, stopping the flowcf blood with tourniquets and the restoration ofconsciousness

—were conduct d so as to teal the

proficiency of the corps. The Idea that theywere not to perform the more skilful work of anexpert physician, but merely, to do what wasneeded at the moment, was carefully inculcated,and a competition between the members was in-spired by the offer of rewards. Ifa man wasfound to be lacking in calmness or carefulness hewas dropped. The organization is a purelyhonorary one, but membership in it was eagerlysought.

When an accident happens now in this estab-lishment the victim is attended by those 'mem-
