new-york tribune. by the mm i hkk> »ail douglass …€¦ · new-york tribune. new ydkk...

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. NEW YDKK W F.D.VF." DA Y M AY fatale « on« rnrioii The Whig Elector* of the ««-«eral Countiea of tbu Rule aro requested to appoint as many Delegate» as the] are entitled to Member» of Aa»embly. to me»t in Syra euse on the i'.'tt. d«y ol May tnst to nominate suitabl« pern to be supported f ir the offices of Judges sod Clerk of tin. Court ol Appeals In Una Bute. Albany Ms; 1 IrMT J L SCHOOI.CKAKT 1. U h ' ANNON JAMK» HOK.HLR. J I THAVr.K Jame-KiDd. BETH c bawli*! H Z iiA.N/.r> ( H\» ¡- KRKLaNl) Stale Centra! ComrnitU-o C^en. Taylor nnd tbe Preatdenry. A«HTäF'-La OMl Apr,! awkla, «Ml kit Dial. OKI.kl.tY .Tl.ei r, of South. - holders awl N * ¡i, favor of Gen Taylor lor President doe» not tak»- in Ohio Yot Will have aeen that t e, roeetlns* at OincuiMti w a a perfect failure. IW .* Cleveland Herald ttb only Whig paper :n thi« «!«". r.-rih ,f ( r, cothe th« goes for TsvU.r Tbe Editor ,1 utat paper has general shown a » proel vity to the .»'Isti- ¡'i,w. r Tat will roco.lect that the Herald wa« the only Whig pape West'! '.'o Mountain* thst Justified the outrage coin miitod upon Mr 'ndding and hi« constituents in 1"4. when he wa* driven fru n Concret« for denying the righ of tbe Fede'« <»¦ »eminent to involve thai people of tin Pree State« In the disgrace of supporting the coast w,«. Slave-trad«) The Editor then opposed the reelection of Mr <i - The present position of that paper may therefore be r< garded as in some degree constatent, bsjl t stand* alon« The Wbtg« of the Reserve diaeard ail »uch »tteropu h render them trie «. rvile tools of »:««e hold,ng usurpâ I speak with the asme confidence mat I entert» n o my own exUtence when I «ay that the Whig» of Okh ean never be carried lor any man who lend* hi* phy»i nal and moral power* to the murdering of tbe Peupli and dovaauting the country of our sister Republic in orde to erntend the Initliutior. of Slavery The Taylor Meet tug in Philadelphia was chsr-ictenstic of the Whi| leaders In thst city. 1h«-y proisrH to he m favor o Korthi n tree Labi r. uul i. >roin»te tor President a mai wkoae wbols fortune Is Invested In Southern .-.«o-« They profess to love l.i>erty bal saleetfal trst* a man whijae leeiing* and lntere«t» «re in lavoi oppression and human tmndage They condemn thi War aa im-oneeivaMy wicked and murderous and thei hold public meeting« in honor of thi*se wr.o .end thei whole énergie« to carry It on. nnd whose hand* an most deeply stained with human gore Now with t Say that the Whig* ot One. cannot he ,ed t»y men gu.ln of nah '»»re faced ab«urdltie«. They mull render ou parly tbe »cuff of bone»t and moral men. it pi-rinitle t. control it« political movements The time ha« arrived when ulmr cuunsel« must pre vail, or tbe Whig party will oiaband '1 he Idea .! th. advocates of the Protection ol Northern Lab with John 11 I alh .un and tin runt inveterate oppo nenU ot North, r. .nt» m «t« t «MM a man who»« fortune v«»ted In Slave« who are employed ir growing Cotton, appear« to me most absurd (lui Whigs ot Ohio revoll at n regret that so many aVfct| journal* of your .»lau- have wav.-.d on this Mbjecl Too much political information has been diffused im n. tbe Propio «mee the comruencemi nt I the campaign 01 HMO to permit them now Ui i»o led into «uch trea«m ti their own intere«u «rnl then own honor The Ignorancn of the People can no longer !¦. upon with »alely. nor will it do to tempt their credulity too far. They «aw every Member of Congre«« aoulh o Mason and DtaMn « Han, ar the laie «..««ion vote «gain« all attempr« lo restrict Mlavery to it« prêtent limits Southern roem'iers ol both partlea were in favor of in SXtenston With this tact to distinctly marked upon their recollection It askiriK too murti ot them now |., Solicit their i iti* for the owner of many hundred Slave« and a mm wtm has voluntarily BaWBawd como Ibo instrument ot our Slave holding President to earry out the work ot human buti n.-ry in Memo It pisln that the support ot this War and sat» .ion ol »lavery w 11 constitute the issue in tin- \i Presidential ele« to n Thise who vote lor < ien I «> will voto to eilend .»lavery and to furtitah men and mo oo? carry on thia War ot rapine and murder What FPavT ol Ohio or New.y.,rk willdo it answer. None Some who claim tobelnng to that party may hut they ought not to lie ealh 1 "*'o»s Inerefore give It my opinion that the nomination of Oea Taylor y «as» H l| party would prove the signal lor it» hum diabandineut Those who are at templing to BaSfM M ml 0 the su pp. it of any man who leuda ht« énergie« i the work ot mur der and rapine, should understand these truths V cry respectfully Rtmnrkt m, |/a A' Unwilling tu retuse a hcariiit: to tin- writer of the above, yet unprepared to Opea I a oltioin* In a «relierai ill» titnon "t the expediency nt n.n atiug ihia or that Whig tor neat President we w ill briefly say 1 That we agre«« with mir correspondent in lui otter detestation ol the War on Mexico, its pre testa and its objects, and that Gen Taylor is cer teinly not our choice for the Whig Presidential can didate.But, then. 8. Should we ultimately be antapaOaJ to tTetoOM between (Ien T and any Loco Forn wtm will pro baoly ho nominated, we are not very likely to choose tbe latter 3 It seems to us unwise and perilous ..o canvass the claim*of any Whig in the spirit maniteated 1>\ oor correspondent. It we. wliu titter.y detest the War and condemn Slavery, unite in declaring that we won't vote for ati\ W lug who is a ala\ ehoiiler or has tought in the War. do we not repel many tltouaands from the support it um candidate u ease a Whig of our faith shall he nominated Is it either wise or needtul to do this ' Is then not a more excellent w«> I 1. Wo cannot ««»ont t<> the assumption thai every slaveholder is necessarily hostile to the m teresta if Northern Free I.ahur Ho« can we knowing aa we do BlMBI Ci ai Nor will refuse to vote tor a Whu candidate simply kg cause he is a Öla% eholiler I Neither doea it aeem ,u»t to tis to hold a vet eran officer ot our Higul&r Army in any aense re ¦poniiMe fur the borrón and criraea of this Mem can War. ItfJ if you will that the soldier s is i bad traiia.that the most eminent success in itdo«'i not entitle to nor prove a man qua!,tied for exalte« eivil station.that any man wIh> will engage t. kill or be killed at the order of his t»o\ ernniei, evinces moral ohiiijuitv or iiiacnaiUiiU hut U> lt»,l, an Army officer responsible for thi- justice of tin War tu which the Government employs I,un c surely nnwarranted Our Government and iti supporters are the slaughterers aj the Mexicans to charge it on our soldiers would he as absurd ni to blame the »words and bullets w !i«>reby th« slaughter was erícete,! « Tbe assumption that Den Tailor is intention ally fighting tu aissjW ssakaaq M that the Whig* pfthe 9«>ath desiri- the extension of our Slavohold ing territory is not supported by an\ tads w.ihu oor knowledge. That the Whig« of the f»outh ah feet to the adoption ot the Wilm«»t Pro via» il bui natural, bnt that the», generally want no Mexicai or other Foreign tefrltOf*/ added tu this T. mon. n known to as. and w g think it muât l>e k> oui ever* a pon de nt The distinction between S mu holding aud aeeking to wield the pi'Wer ot tl « Tederal Governnieiit kn tho fatoiiainn o; s.a^ery i a vital one. and ikMÜ not he lost sight o! /'I 7Vi* The Nouthere >lwtl. We regret that auch arraugcrue..:» cannot be a compliahed between the Postmaster General and »he Carudeo ami A:nl>,-> KaurMa.l i\, R4 t^, n pndite the arrival of the Southern Mat. inthiaCm That mail now amvea in Pmlade.phia about I I nnd could be made to reach New York easily h\ A ki by which arrangement niervhaiite and but. nees men ot our City c«Vuid he much ssststed in the early prvsecuUvio of their »r?a'.r* with Mouthern corre»p»ind eots and the public ^ ka aa maud of inlcreabng intelligence We understand that Mr. Thomson the l'r« s.J« nt t the Company, propcased some time »:nc, to th ment to start a train with the mail Irmu Philad 4 o clock A. M lo that it might reach New Vork hy th- tisne hours ol business commence.I here 11 this prop wition the Postmaster objected and we learn, on Si ccwta» of some addlbcual expeoee neijeasari y to be iu eurred thereby to the Department. Whereupon M. Tbomson ottered tbe ans ot tbe road to tbe IVparlmer. t gratuitously, lilt would run the ¡ocotcouve at iu own « v pease to thUaleo thelostnaast»r demurred.and lor the same reason It is deeply to be deplored that thee., two officer» have not come to an effectual uuderttanding on the eub)ect We have no donbt. if tbe I'.astmaat* lienc-r»: would lu«« J.»h aoine of hi» unnece»»«ry opposition to Kailroec, agents for the transportai.,«! ot ibc Maila. the Jud OMtki -<- Cení lit; and even if ka »ti persist m kls ob>«otiot«s. are not without hope that the enterpniing President ot the Company will adopt some measures to sccuie aa object So rtrj de«raf..r to ike public at large License and í rime. If thare be any p^nt on, »beolote Pro gr.-«s mVI b- "'. .-nan Mine the laat half century-, we believe it to be that which refere.« the treatment of Crime and Crimine.» Time wat when poor r-reaturea «r'-tiltj- of dueeaed appetitei «__(" perverted ft' ultiei. iruilty of taking whim they am» He produced m an üleeal way. I láforrtnce Hunster and Lea pair.were atrunc BB like onions at ¦¦. att whue Reipertebiiity in itt me-' trotted by ; » - ,,.ral rewtrrii there- ad) ¦ Bmmmmml and the farther at a. . of which it emoyed a en ¦Mm It not to at prêtent msMr-Html ii tome men.bave begrün to look keenly into the nature í I analy te iti character ar.d learch out iti t-aaiei. .minediate and u]timate. and it it .le.gmniii.r to he a by no meant im«raiar conviction that, however blank ar.d indefeniib.e ui»y y arreiirned Criminal, «tat guilt 1..-. . romfM in the eye of Ail Seeing «¿rant as hit.the aruiit na.-.-. tnote witer and atroiie-er than he who hedged hi« «nares and pit-fa.Is.who *.-- :.,» malBfiBg ttep« w.r whi<r. Bf eaouarh to with- ttan.:. * I ."' at ieaat itw » way, and had not .. denial enough, to labor faithfully for tbe.r removal, Baa rather lUitified and enttarnet, tío- MMBpCtMB, «ver, theiçti a brother . blood cried a/ainit them fron, the «»round In « -hi look at the itrenuoua attempt» now mikinc to repeal the New Excite -. > i ohoii« bever asrei maintain that they are a great majority of the .maty and of toarse cam legalize the tale of Ln|uor« where-, er tb-y «e<; fit hat they are lome what aahamt-d at, »mitten, and want to he reh-ved from the ne« einry of votini/ Licenie .wat- i m Lawiwammad GravaJadtjea and high digmtariei ot .^tste unite with mmM OÍ1 BTOg mamfl ami hard drn.ken to pro i ure a n,i«,rt, faf Lit «mM and thii thc-y proclaim a aammaf verdict agaimt the F.xnie Law afjoa dmamsmmj its It' peal. Let at lappi » in. e»»fui and. s few months thereafter ami their party who hat ceated for »orne yean to talk ot hi* 1 BBM a hani* a*M0n another maWsmaf ri the LfeamM party aid pit on trial formatier He hat killed hn wife in n drunken phrBtwy I la iiiilitputahie.lie is <..nv|. t<-d Bad tin alajut to pan «entern-.- asa« Lim what he hit to Bay lor hitrnell 1 haw only thii to tay an . wen the niiierable ohjaat my wife wat an an Ms,ama I loved iior at well ever Man 1'ived Woman and when »olier I treated Ii-r well, ami no pair were ever happier lint 1 union inbitit.¦! a halut of mod« rate drinkinv w In . and thoughtless, whiel glWB) upon me lnteniibly until I became a drunkard.a miit-rable llave ri a¡.¡i<-t:te i wa« iawardJy daemuad by an able thirst for stronx drink and th'.ii»-h it made ma a hrute and n madman. I Otmld BOt withstand the temptation to drink at BVtwy opportunity li 'wiser iiii-ie with Letter cornu.and ri tln-ir app« Ltd not tell li'|tioi I t-onlil not have ohtained it at 1 ii,.i il th.- l.nw in..i I'.rheM.-ii f and been eir ,t, ad the overmaitet WOOld llR\e heen remo« Btj Vat I BUUUj 'ad flay ¡earr.i\er f,,r iii\ rea*..n had BO ontrolovrr m-, hi tinos |tratad it withyoa Mr. Jodaje, Hoi are BtwvaiJad Hum wa» told, «nd l 'and drank The first «rlat« aroused tl « me the sixth mane an ntt«-r mania, 1 m-it holm in.'l they lu\ killed w\ w i!«- though to in.- it would he utterly incredible, had 1 no' ahu«.-.| her bafbra m.. n .-..!. the inrlueiice of Hum have tlied the blood ri her who was dearett to mo. »¦id innat 'In- 1 deal} DOt the u«tl. ¦ 14 n.\ s.-i. ¦¦ M I rime I w il! not 'nalliata What maat Lethe vavdictri Btaraal Jaattoe oa the romaallei « and awa . \\ i.I d the .ludkie iirotiatiiy wish Intake something streiigtheiniik; helore proceeding to pro nounce tetitence ! Ornnae Co. Corretpondence of The Tribune Dv.khtahx. Msy 1. IftMl I tend the return if the Excise Kletioii in thii town and the towu ot CtMBBM my former re»idence Direrptrk polled last year IM Tote» for No 1.ícense. H for License, tbis year '¿'A lor License, 161! for No Li cense. The vou- is enormously s«. ,l,d this >ear on ac count ri the huilding ot the Kailroad tlireugh thi.a town sn.l aaaahata voted who did BO] understand the bearing ot ami great .^ueition Several No Lic.ii»e men refused to vote b-caiise ibe law wa« not a general law A large majority ot ibe voter» ot im« towu are undonotedly in ta \,,t ot tree trade m tin» iiiisim-»«. snd are opposed to mawMBwi "i-t.., In l.e»U-r .the town which gate the «amimM amyetttj lor No License last yesr. giv«-s the smallest msior.t) tor License this The Tote stood last year !<M loi . r No Licenie. thi* year lor, tor License, LU tor No ícense indlcaüní not much change in Ilii» town The election na* well contested bath year« and polled a mil vut<- The »,lent lh. ir money ,'.-eiy and the victory in this town I i»t mam not ktm than afty aotlara, amida « lu»» ci »ear Bad tear ot coii»c:,n, .. I hey don t Bam »aluhed with tln;r own aaiid, Temp«-raiic«- Law and order la ! euiel to succeec jet. f M. Pirática] Bun...Tim »ciuamer ImM H laot t.eit, arrived yetterdsy from .^t Anne « Hay Ja maies tm the Irih ot March latitude I»' 11 longitud,- If at .S A M a »hip crossed her wake nearly within hall, aud tiy a signal gut-n on beard it was supposed all was nol right At of ssys (apt lireen we espied s s«i. on our lee satBBaV which immediately »aveu«cha«e iht io be a iow Maat hermaphrodite brig ~he neared us m lhat we could plainly diltinguilh her orowded decks >he »p(wared to he well armed \\ c hare erery tca««in to suppo*e thst »he was a pirática, ve»»e. ^he continued the chase uuui I IV M when »be was keeping of! tor s Swedish bark We carried s heavy pre«« ot canta»« all night. The next morninii our rbase wa» astern hut owing to the »uperior sailing I our vcltel we lost «ight ri her «t II M »"y JOBU A CoLllfll .ate ri It BjadWA, »bout to »tart a d»i,y Temperance papei ,u nnectfon wiihthe propri<-tor of the Ohio Wasbingtonian Organ ty For the b yeiterday art)art ludet u I to Mr Heiiuis ot the New listen and Spring held rout«. . i Fiki iv Ok\ roa The 01 I Journal pub!i«he« the following letter from tue Kdilo: t tbe 1 <ay ton Trsn». Pish i lUrafta» hiDayma ii.» the most awfal t^a4t4TatiTja rrer wit vaetst ithitt on Kir«t si :nim«.i , rea C l'a . .on st.-re. aad opposne Swayam'i IL te. Itba* «.re«dy destroted se»vi, siores and one pork bessm lhat whole I lings is in rums 1 tie loes n M tMBamamd M mom "ie« a.«. OBO in, terer» »re A ^waynie. lieotg«- C 1'atis. JohnKencri w/anaa Bataataaoh Orrma iv-.vy «i IBM i.aic ..»: earned thst the ire hu betn partially subdued can w rite no more. xourt tru.y. J. Ha v H«iRRir> .An attempt wai made to tar and feathers man named VVm burr, living at lieorgetown. near Merci ».»me nights »:o«-e Ban warning and arith a Mr BBBBie] piepared t, r Jefeace . tlowthe e*««uiiu.t« were receiTeJ the Mercer Lumiuary relatée ¦ The nigbv came the assault wa» made, and :: person who entered II Wick, reeeived i »tren *" mx "hlch near'y «ev«rt-d hmhou.dfi ne next, J«u>t.» t r.Ä wo íüuck on the tide, cuu.i | tnrougk to u.. bee. boIle ud trvia ^^ tlme up , Mi«id»y test. ,ibe late.t n.tormation we have) he bas not been expected to 'ive any time The next BatWM »ho entered . wnir<J h. ^ hi>aJ ^ ., .band H> thisumewver.l more ¦iurra/id ilex «e»*ri ybeema, ^d (tatma Mai « and tûcr» ol the tmaUaata, w,-: .. mpatuja-j Ms't I xskRY-ThePottniuter atCh. brought to thi* ci y y a \\ ednetdat , vruiug. two bor« tirt>lher« named t)rm and Reorte Chealer. charged wiih robbil 11 and Atfce ns Tbey were r Commiiskeii ihew yeeterdey end in del« - were commitn-d to .»:: j(,r ir^t¡ «t tne . :i « Court. Tlie boys' .1 eppears. w y tbe contrsctor to csrry »een the ahaWI ¡ irti ^. -.tun amtaaeaaad Ibe robberies must have extended tro. tbe iM'th of March up to the SOtn of Apr. much longer (.Irin, the olde»t. stated where letters could he to and tod a number hate been cbuined. and « tmall amount ot money it ideatitied lUhio (CMambaa) ammmaBa, April 34 DIM-ATOM» TOM TKB TBÍlüsTl BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. NKW.vflHK LF.t.I-'I.ATritfc:. .-KNaTr:.. U**MW M«y 4-. P M A Petition of «eamen for a reduction o; th- tax and against Bf |lipita»T«a>f fundiera Bo* M again*: t M hw remtive to .-ertar. .' The Hailroad Committee reporte 1 a s«: . rt. . Laid pear am Hi f uoa report«.: '.» âû<1 pretetvied r>a.ei a: I The n... bad for the Repeal of the F.xcne Law. wu lent to the Committ*" P ' Law» The: - | » were pane ! T H «...road t'ompv . tracks -.t;.:, !¦¦ Hai¡.o!..:i »r Brnraar/a iganiiBiif . sed ol debate <m *.. ... wai »nd then nc? « OLÍ ... General M anular . «as gone thro.. I tbe Who.e, a Senate B Piaiik Hoadi w as report- \,ir ary Comm.r ported a bill la regard hi th- t- presumptive heirs .t Um Immigrant Pas « I Tin' 0 imMal Mniiufn« ttirwic Bill was n a third raadla*] Th,. the Twcltth Ward oftssa part of thi Bloomingdale road was dismissed Mr Hi'irv by «. a hill to amend the charter ot tfi«.* New Itjrl* Fin [*M r M The Import of the Committee ot .: V the J . **'». »."¦'" The Co',,Hilf- dicill District! hil; ¦.ate 4881 MB! V ieral Man Ml Bolts lire running tnnn Caria:"hana and trum Whitehal.. I have »ecu a letter dated at r*»racuse »eiterday which itatei thi a bet ftVU I I | way oa tue ,.-;.. Caaal m\ ti at pig Hsd that it would not be pa. day II «oils here in »mall pírcela at $' .'." I .¦ar-eia Akron CstysTsJU II .-érable here by I st Mi» l'un adelfhia. May .' Taylor at.11 at Muntere;, and priva «. 'arson li«\ g from \ < Cruz The stetnilHiHt Am'IIMfjflg was deitr. fire below I'lttsburgh last night I"«« insured Seven 11 eight - were list on Saturday atDajrtoa, Ohio Three largt sue. -even «tor.-a n.ntiti.a ot bacon, wheat an « «I eiti mited . The Propoaeil I lluinln n1 ion. Ble»»ed are !!io j.eaceinaser», for tb-y shall » fa that it haih .u «ha.t love thy neighbor and Bat f i yoii.l. . eBs them thftt curse you do -m thai despite fully use you at SI ft above is the language ol Christ," snd our Reieemer. Toe blessing appertains to all. who, in thought, word and deed n-luai to consent to or con¬ nive at. cot tention and violence, and are prepared U adopt the g on >u« anthem which heralded the advent ol the Messial in earth peace, good »,.i to m.-n The obligat emphatic II jour lag I is i.iniliiig upon ut all. No circum »lancer can r acting in secordsnee With the spirit »in, h n ..realm « no »ophisiry extenuate» thi guilt whicn accrues tun ku. wing'.y going countei tin let. y -. eg Countenance to v. ai odalicd. Ours protessi dly a l hr,»i muuity -we acknowledge in word to be thi ot the I'rtin I I dependent upon Hit mere) who died or u* and to hi' In.uini by II,* prec« pts aid coinmaiid» both they an recorded m the II ture« and ». tiny II .- «rt. Hi iw then can we »ecretiy exult or pu ver the ini»ery aid destruction creatures' (low can we. while asiuming the name CkrtM Dsssalf «et his command« at defiance and pro claim that IN Am« tboae who are caled our enemies, am o'11 the wrr-c:- thousand* wh, have been tint toan untimely gra- ¦net t «kali.' I'hriBtisu rossa* r wh« the inten led illuminait. Why is it pmpoeed *nc »» »t ,i- . f*. . «[.r.-ssi, r ¦»'.it* and yon battles whl.'h ba». »our lei 'ow-roen.the chi.dreu them, like jour»e!ve« pro!e«»ing the name of the meek w.y tie harn Plot ¡ho»e hattie . they arc ,!«. «e who participated in lh« ir. utands who haJ nev.-r *ern or -. :. MssM :¦. lore meeting in deadly eOasfssM tin ir » .lest | «««ions roased to a stale ot treuz.. lie ut. and tlu-.r great, «t ft r!» put torlh t.. ma: destr. | -. Hroiher slsying brother, and urging es. h other I'.ying tbe m ta»k The «round «trewed witb : tke m ,t: lated the detd and t.'e d);n¿ The air riled with in- thunder of 'he artillery the shouts snd curse. «rants the shrieks and wails ot the woui. the groans snd prsyrrs ot the dv rg Irr number ot hirmle«« women and child.--: ball« and the hurtting «hi-li« an; ..dinol battle it over and »hile you are ^ taettfrj sale a si | . ..:.: ). Ml sks «.¦ misery tal* With a o . made '»idow». and Û the «¦-, i | acts . - celebrated, and then ask »ourselv »« whether it v. u as Christian* .'i in wnhth- p-. p.istl to tell the world in thi en. phatic language ..t otiiuct Th'« .. .... pint'««.»t-re;.ice in . in »ccordance with the pre« epM ! th. New Testaron.' and h- a* pr«i(es*ed iisciples of Christ, msy snd will II This in and the le»» .. »ch m«y be beard. | nout the wh ne .ength «nd breadth ol ¦« r.e the «an ! pa'.e ,n it to Ihe misery an 1 nuilt which have aneen» pann-d the Ins Pease then Cello« c:t.r | set.before | . ry over such events' R»:- .* cloth» your *p:r.t« thst * 't up ho.y h«Jid« aid rn .! haply h;« r;s . I -nu t i >.« may üe averted b ledand ¡ country u s may be bresagkt to see tke their tellow nien «r human !>.,H>d that the Spin: and precept* I Him wh« came t » .... earth and good a may prevail and M tte day be battened wbe:. tha.l not lift up »word aga.n«t nation, neither t learn war any mere MAHL08 sr. «t Can n .¦¦¦¦ ¦ Li .-... kin ndian». pa»»e |k tail t wr-ek <T two ttnee on bi* way to the upper part ol ihn nation. We are ers i thst he was :n sesrch of Ian su.ding« t. a- MacusI Lab pie. The government ht« :n»de pnn«;, n* tor them '1 Bey «reui lenlly Commodion* : r U ran and H -»Ci.¦«.<». Wa have long :-rrn I that they want but the encourage meI:'. U> become one cl tbe moel mtereating na:. «saSJllllj la dutin. us. higt wmma Vtkt« District (oaveatlen. >'v BM irceau «%*TWiai Dutn-i ut this Ptsle are reqantaVd to send delegates correspond let» wiih their repreeentt. Uo« ;n »he AssemNy :j meet in Convent :. «.. sage Hotel, in tbe village ot Newburgb. on tbe (serrata d»y of M«y it st nu« , .«pose cl nominstiug fomr Jaaij*, «a : Disirict. ii'.her» not d ...'..-. r.lly to tbe stove »all and its objects, are aiao un.te 1 to attend and tale an advisory part with reference : j.Lg* ROBT. Ü. RANKiS. NA.ri L PLBOiá. JOHN A. CROSS. i"'mmittee of laM Id fVn»:. rial : myl anwUIyUUsiáltóWAliW' BY THE MM I HKK> »AIL Car Arme e.erywherr Tiluaiphiai. Prom the «. . .- -*. .-. i |. at ait »ne te an oficia.' actronnt of Doniphan 1i Mojrrtatr. Bk I. Urn- . i '. ..uibue ty * Mm aaemr at 8a . im me,: , 1 w iadm| . liad and . H Army ILL. P«ymelter £ Army Opening ot ibe Pen of Liebea. Department ! BbJBI W*..h:n,t a BtBJ -.- « » pub- i - i ¦» ...... i »belt the »ame duty IB The- . . a)m Isl- an and Thine« in Philadelphie. t May t BJ The Marketi ar- I » y m a week f.''. » | iderate " G *.!.». *< change « Lehlgr. I m pan y and Trea»u rer. orÍ« Roar* 100 L' 8 | \ S Bank pr et T .. 100 Heading. I liladendl ii .'ajo r s rid« Til . -¦«..,.., i Prom the went of War. u * g,. ¦. « araeraph» re- latina- ; lilaila ia I Ttur ro Camai I ..... water¬ ed by the Bio Grande, aad . i bighl] i . .- the vt t ... totheey« me] a ot a tarm house, and the . lariBi it on -te'» to the Mate» that mythlBg mid I by ui. ¦x peri I be A ,. «aw . thai had Baa, I I a mee« ri ma year » ¦ r.a« i., «er -,. -.een known. sr d ÚM .... . utnption end 1 they» i. m and t,r it create* prairie l ¦. conn try no» U . I .:. 1 many «team leas r which t cord ¦ apparent y lhaa bare, a looking with Cnildersble »loeka -. ; , . an in.- tía.: i ¦ Ian tooaaa ».»¡nw;-.h ,Tity B ... ,s i¡> « r at Hm ti iTH« sTtSTI at the \\ alum r'pnnis. but a lb | with '.en \\ it it] m at the Bpi aman» »ix eompaa . '- «tew « tnpanie» ot Virgin lan» are 0CCB| kdarena, wbi-t are be.i.. n iu way down to temar,;,, -its term of sert ice ne»r BB M ¦ m.-ward ive eomaai ». ¡n Can argo a tew lays ago. but were to ret as an escort to a trsin.this r. has also but a ..rning ..who bate battled under hon », .'¦ Ithej in hi* praise, and hi* bravery and military (kill, as display.-d la the battles and brullaat ;. t »rim to which hebss I. them, h«< »lore.i up ,. th, ir hreatt» whici. Napoleon ne«, r bed more the hi» troop« than has ,:d rohaaamn »ay. not in a ¦ -iiatuu der hm bettle, with odd* .ory Many with« ... betlag ¦ deleat at Buena Vi»u. tenance a| Qaa I»'- .. . oppeari ir'd «11 who n- a i . « Bscobd bat ».-eady t.r« at the '«'. ¦Baaaai we under «land |,,r the pr : .am« pas»mg down A sisupp who had laggi I oehu. 1 the Be I y two Mexicans and inhuman,> |y was disco.ered .n tn c »ppo-al a tew . 'l by Captain Jack Kventt and Mr John ll«y«. wn.i were jour I lie warn. od wa» yet trnk ..ed mem t.. mlah hi« as a/-, aad triey coin nenced a «earcb in the thicket, «ui .-aine in ii.t.i ,t met« me aot m la .- it (rom where Uie murder m ¦»¦«. « i-i. aad dkrym lal'll an I th- hand» and garm> nt« and tne ¡. m-rdcred in«: I Ibadf p»-r»i.n» ¦> ¦>¦ ito I lha i duced their being taken forward and turned Beat a n,t many I .dreno- The late ot tne assassin» alter e'.ng giTtai « U inter a| a.-, ¡i« of tne bal ami The Hiter.Arif'ot te«era! mat in tue waten -¦t tne Ko. Qrawde » tew day» ago led t* t.-. that ti- i . ,. -.:-.-¦ -t in and that the parcb-.i e»rth in thii neighoorhoeai wa» about to be hat had by copious show, rs and sesred vegetation made * eea .'. hope gires way to Dtmeot »s we view the n»er Bfaia th» water re tard« . srt-rmeater . I Deing « and they not «n ball tre . ¦' e»tab -,;ned witn dir drawn vtater »nd »'. wnieb tüey ran as, ¦ oy a party of lancer» margo '.', I i .- nd» »nJ b i. a»y the . ame with det «n. tnd was *: in hit d'.v ae vo.-ar.on by th » A M I m . o-trange intatu» tion Thete children ot the M m warn are apa in | a leeetml upon the.r head« w-.-Ji the ~»io. -Persona recently arnted from Mon terey 'nform that in com:a¿ down they beOe.t roedtl je where nod beea memecred tbe team . ef L'rrea'i assassins attack on the wagon train, the decayed and :ne«-- unt',rtcnate men. :-ey are tuáered lo remain. their iesc ma *M aad about by Ibes»; beasts and ita has passed them ay w ..- sad -..-. to give menu man.ty »icten» a: man» indltfcreaee to man r^m orotcei and nsequaarw of w«,-..-. . : bnaga mac Baa un ..¦M»«! Baa u. i" --s ¦, A ^.To per- wma stopp,ag a i.-.ort tune in Trenton, or desiring a de. -.immer boarding place th-i house, in the Jer¬ sey Capital, ulleri many atLrecUons. i'.cesar. *.**»' .*> tha eaamr of the city, comiatmtou» and airy, its ..¡.der iM present iode- notteea, Mrt. Pitcher a»mmj abut- da-i: and choice mi atmnti attentiTe ,t aw all the comioru "lihout the duagreeable appendage« uf a ho- e. \n omnibut ruas f.-cm the door to the can et each entrai aad departure f ITT ITEH". Fri> s»:i A«rKi.4 .In F-ance tr-y know h">w to appreciate tsiont P >urq leney the firmer .v -ems' ti» «MVwatJsVl 7V*«v*. Is n w Extraordinary to the Orand Turk, and msaears ariaira I with as much »pint and dextenty he once » .. contrast* was .nfuscd Her» :n srner.e* thing* go after poorer fashion, we perceive when we «*nMa I change that has happened to uur predecess r n the C.ty department o: Tbe Tribune, tbe inventor ol that .parkhcg champa. indescribable thing. :. J d*J y paper m tio country mu»t now servo reader» with Matassssn . ¦¦ ka» notbeen so happy aa Bourqueney though perhaps much hsp- . He n«« not boon sent as I Amjassa! rt Catko -: Heipenanüar -nivea the eoiasMM of the N ¦ Already for tw he has been « tky. to the sstittsction ot the r- i r we have no skill st guessing We under I :.a» »:t New '. \ «r see . . » .ntinue to act >rps. : r . Lit n in behalt ot the Female Bran n Assocutn n I » r abiii her philanthropy. We y ¦. --ret that « st.., larger audience did -manee so wel. ad*pted to rehoe the chara«-t< r and e.evate tbe aim* ot every mdr. iduil. and at the »ame , ral i -harity. Tne we tru»t will yet arrive wher. woman w .j . e as an eartieat laborer in the «ocia, and moral rekrrr. thin she now . in th.- room Urs. Wright wa« accompanied to the platform by Isa* T Id prxa «ml I ¦.< chaneeOor nt.-oductng her to the audience .r¡ a tew appropriate remark* and the latter following her Lecture in an earnest appeal in behalf n! »i.ii Ass."-!*: l'y A-a \«.tura Histo ry. held on Mmdayev. n > . . acre iri»ir.m usly a V' \ " ÉM Theory »: M vcrtitv i » » ipoa to lament tfea loss ol a fellow associate sud friend I .¦'-", in which he was ¡. That, reo .¦. . ÉM de- inner, his uprightness snd «risk the husband father and n-ar r. at. »ympathiring with hit m ..¦ mm. i - i .¡I the . M heart 'I whicn i ¦ »tin knew how to make, young the p »'. . I which he had - ¦is I* pre«ent ed to :l f | » ... !tie Medical .he daily pspet« . N H REDI IELD letary t'W »Va « .-sterdai to see our old friend CraniUn in th- Ifh i< »till *nm»what m the w, nnd he r.-. I ved at the Kutsw House in Ba :i: re .as! W:n*i r We learn that he will pre*ide at the PafUoa «* Roekawaf «gain the coming «eaton. Cy The Collegiate » M< sV»hoai ei Mr a «».,*. I «¦ n * Nu .t ha» A .'at hirteenth »t where it» » .mm- rnnience to day I rum moni».» . jal we are led to regard this -.¦« a h-rtn.'i' l~%r' Til i" Un ne the Triait" hi oa the an alafl "t tke Tbi-y bsve given up their t nday Concert at the Apollo, in irder to share ;r tlie »-.rn-ral ("«tuitie« of the City We understand in «dditiou to (lime» they will ring National tin sr .a -nd ^ taken Tut I-'himii Si rtMl Ka .The Ctmtrm tays that the fir*t steamer will BOt New fork betör- the "th ai May or the lit of June Aym»r A Co. of this City are the I «JsOTKI Q I Trii'.The steamboat Ai ir>«. made the tri«,> troin llnany to this City yesterday in honre and seven minutes, li Hog land ng< Ain i"!- Ihi t »v .Trio total m r-ea.unrot the Reliel Committee d this City. up to the 1st inst am tinted to I 11 « v I « Ai i um r. .The the Kvangelirai Alliance will commence hi* morning at Id o'clock, st Iir. I>r .»(inner « Church In Mercer tt. Bonn il Bl H K'. laoftl .Tim Board un-' last evening. V ... m the Chair Several p-- tltimi* teSBI Were presented and referred A number of'ce and other bill« were ai teil tyThe PLcaai rfai li »j KBMtaaOai LIB», on the upper corner of llruadway and Murray «l. ¦M the greatest Cullcctin in ot numb«'r and merit our country «¿for«]* They are the product ol much study and many year«' exp- I d rivalry. fjy Bk .*. s c»-y at ami l.m V. ,. received any quantity ol rreen Tea* by the Southerner tr»*h and tulla* it picked at Hoboken Al»oSlrawber . Call atTJ V e«ey «t and salitly yourte.»i « ,| tne quality '»ble» » We have lue i by tbe Southerner trom '.-¦w> rk ye»terd«y st the rste ot tour ». -. We mho aot lucky '. to hsve soy personal experience of their quality AKKMI M i » M nt.fc.Ka. The persons wh I a arrested on Monday last ! y t. ¦-. W H MefMMM I a charge of swindling a -«"!.' y the nsme ot Msnitr. »über ut of |IOOU at a gambling dome m Park row gave their name« -h-r a IL.tinazi Win Aldnch and John »urnpler each of a «TOM Held to bail ¡n the »un. I niwer t the-appea-^ U -t hit, .A stranger named W. liam Sp»-ncer fell ye*teri«y atteri.c n at tne | Nasssu and Ke«'kman tts Through the prompt »m! d i-ier.t medical aid of .1 he was »peedlly re rot Su goods, i n the 5th I< e. was put upon his . aid nua-y lot l| ... lame* ,race indicted lor an assault i-.tery ii Edward Ss sena r i. :. rred ha .urn- d ;.- * morning, at 11 «yt Police..1 n of a jink .hop in t entre .t was yesterday arrested by Mi Vr« »Sard charged with receiving «to la He was detained to answer ...Jacob Mid * n | .¦¦-¡ay MTenad hj ssbsmi Vaa witr. stealing .loth ng to th I property ol I huma* Raws. j: Nassau st .nsw-r Msrtin Keeler wa* ye»terday arretted by ofSc i Ward charged with keepn | ... in 'ortisnd tt lie'»«jned ? o «i «wer 1 huma* M-, ¦ yesterday srrsslsl ry ',r*-,-rr Man. IVard charge « «j| and :n--.- harclav «t ! to az.swei .-rv.i M yesterday » - n of tbe .'. ard charged with corr.nittutig «rn^n n the per- M r»«n»:*» -, "i n the point*. .an. He wa» detained to » ¡>ylk«I .The< a cl an in'.uest at J.» Third avenue, upon the txdy of liavid Reuuey a r»t.«o oi Ireland, aged I- »e« . '. erdict. deceased ci me to t.« deatu ly d.»ea»e ol lie heart KR' | ty The 1 «. « « :n to get oa wel. m the City ol C turche*. At the meeOng aj the Com¬ mon Council on Monday evening Aid »pindler tried to get a hundred dollars appropriated to lighting the puUic hoildings o -. .d n t tas done. The i.-.t Aidermsn then ortered another resolution di reeling the messenger of the Board to save |J the e,n(*.e accuuiulale in snd about the city .it betaeen tke present time snd thst ai mnation to be g.vea patriotic citizeni and used I r .:«: c.ty but it »u laid on the table If t The Adecnutr ancouucea the a lag svascairrtoxs roa thk tLLcniMATio*« Ald. Inderwood N Y . |l oo Teddy Vechtry.Igi J b 3 candles . According to this the prospects of a high time over ia Brooklyn are uncommonly brimant The lu... w.L.' *r- the .e» appointments made on M -ni«y ertr. : » r. mrnon Council a-'J, Dsvid A Bokee Clerk id wa-d Copeland -;:.c. r,.mmisaioner. John D Law! renre fraaaarar, J ,hn S Doughty Controller,' C. E. Betu Counsellor, James Humphrey Attorney. Rich- ardlnrraban. Heath Phy.icisn. Cnarle* s j c.ood- rich. C.) li.-. " r G.Mii and Wm Hcwett. CTty Aeoov-ataat -tepkea H. Cakoone lnepncior. of Uaaiiusa notice.. rp^ ''tiîi . - -..-,,.¦.¦...- t elterlng I in h:« rear building, tne entran, e to which ¡s through tbe hall door Hit cat tomen will find the uiual full assortment. J. N. <;i.N!N tU Broadwsy, rnyi 'ti*'_^^^ aaawMsmsti Paul» jy K.vot, la» Fulton »l now prepared to supply n.» patron» and the public with hi» elegant form»: Hala eoMlVkl-if _ ' - l-*aTHKa RiDt r-ri'.-N -(¡01 n Pas« J y .»avaub aellsago.dp»n toi I., cents, i he | 7, hastie, pent t -> Also a nugmrh-ent pen lor tïr. which it th« best and cheapen pen in the city Levt Brown s pen» genuine, at reduced pnce» (bja/i mistake the number, '.' . ultontt. mf* 10 Pa«» m cases for on.y «1. M arranied Be«-.ey fro, ¡or tl 75, and ai. oth»r -. '¦. , ,e.;, »r-.,id wholesale and '. 'I Cedsr-n fV HL'iH MAXA LLL bas resumed his profession«s t, n ,.unn«-< -.¡.jo wuhhueon, Jomis 8. uaiiiwaijaad «...ituor. «i thet/office, eleven vsALL-r aaleodlm- I "i> Ottvii A: HaoTHaa Plain and OmimenUl Prxter». corner Nassau tnd t tti. are prepared to en-cute, cardt. circulan, bill headt. blanks, label« hand¬ bill», thowhtU» pe«Ung billi. by lewi. p»nipnlete'«i.c at ih'.rt notice, 10* pnces, snd In tne best styl»j. KlJiovsis -Pei-Kjnschanging tceir place» of buiinett are invited to gi e them a call Country merchants am inrtted to an examination ol the!- »plendld style of .h-» *..... mytrn- B«»d»'» S»a»*.«a:i «.- [-be folio wing cerUfeeie it on- .y another ink In the greatchatn of le.ümooy to its 1 lerlis. Lei ibe ttïlicied read an i be convince«. Whai it has done on», ¡t will do again New-Yoik, April X, IBfT.» -Having long Seen elTlr-t-«! wlih general de- wtxamaea, lose cf eppeu-e, i.e. and receiving no beaefii from the mlm» prescribed, I wss In- duced about three month, .ince lo m%kt ui<s of yfKI, ^ ptrilla. 1 now here the pleasure af informing you thaiti» eflectt nmve böfln %Madt)i w)ü¡ 1!]f. t lf r|s itorlng my health and am induced 10 a Id my [otammSf 10 tbe many o-Jiers you already possess of lie merits, and to tbom desiring farther information, I will personally give the particulars of my c«se. and ibetö-c.s of this In value- t,.e medicine, by ceding at «»¿ Bowery. New-York. Yours respecifuly. JANET Mcl.NTOSH. ¦ 1 ihai Miss Janei MclLieeh Is known turn« as a mrii.Vr of the Church m g. tel Handing, and worthy of comience J. B- SPENCER. Pour ,,f the 2d Prtsbyteilen Church, Brook.yo. Prepared and told,».e «¿d retail, 01 A. B. e, 1) BANDS, VVboieeale DruggUis, MM fulwo at comer of William-»!. ~ Broad w s y, and Tt East Broadway New. York. Bald t . . j..-. th,, ' w.ex. j*:*« fricef; per wall, or sis oouMsforB*, Wei « Pumpa, and I.tmpe lernet Vea Dyrk City Col lect jsroei A. Morrta and ("beriet Kelsey. Jr Clerk ot Market FUtsw f Morre.l K.eperot Market.Dame! >.».. Pftal SjJ.He.Hel rT A. eea Aivertieer latueHail t Paverosmt» J-hn K'nshaw «ni a o »s -.oer 1 '.be City I'n «on. Ja am CotoJ -atlon Newspaper« Pally , I îMsr I oarl (elender T.ii» D»r v .-. II..- «» I oorl«. Crac ' n « charge « aaad 1 . «aid ». * was eaQad matter . . tttnlth, wat -, J with the drceascd Mr ~m:lh when a Han from bim pasfai a . ., » ih M r ...|a milt from the » letter «t the . \ , rwelad Mri Nancy I It . -mith .' went with my wile to Mr H » how Ifrat Hi- a psrt» to her«- -, || ifotheet : and »e*> . -npany that was to be wit: '!-. Marr:» and »he M this |gaa wa« but not to r- lapa ... M: II »111 M . »a 1 she had v a- ¦. liait a.i h ur reading and stating , . il g «AvJ h. ma N 1 afterward,! Media .Id go to me on our arr.val at hit houte he ihowad me a 'etter which »ppear.d to Bf th.- «ame p.ntmari | red in J..'y ¦«¦.d which had a drift ot thirty thousand a . . : was th.« lirai time he .eh a draft, or ever hea ward «howed the letter b ¦» «',-w dsy» . Ml Bennett, and Harris, lo emu : I «TB With htm the dtatt wa» cut trom the I had . am| some linen tor Mr Harris and my tour other». wrapp«.d up in a pap » eued the ... tieen«ent fi re and did not mug afta» our arrival at Punning'». . f Ni ll«irn s * t j the way ot -, .. had t coat th. i- . Dl Ham» and myf': I " » direct we arrived lay aad they syawday Mr Harris was mucli the WOrm I r hqaM and we ,- .uc uled during th«» day to let elan give s power of att rney t collect the ..¡mediate ¦>. aeh ha pre a.-r that day. he went hack on Tu>-tday on that > I iced by a jen- tlemar. " ark and we piest-nted the dratt. M ilarkliii(Ulred why it wa« BOt presented BSfaN gei nan tbal latroda Nlr c Mr Harn» ha I hi» i-a»on» for H it w not men- M aik at the lime mal the saWJBI bad lain !>y tor . and the irait not BOttoad Mr C l«a,s the dratt 1 -i»oine other papar», he kept the -. we relumed alter dinner when was »/retted t >r torgery tint, «tter cx»-innatloi). .t»r, e hour» »uppoted tile dratt to be th witii.-s when ho carried the letter in July l-ll bS Mrs Harrt» am Bata aad the whole af M mi she at it «s we were DM The deposition ot a young Woman rending in the -, who w at that time an um it.-in th. %li Hani« sl»te« that «he read the ..-tier atu Mr» liai ri» had put it away in the reau recollect see in a » dratt attache,! » t also that Mr -tter that he liad w.lled hi» property to hi» nephew a.-i Ii.- he meant to alter hi« will reapectt V* Harria, aad nleea ha should !». tak--. away had »eut t dratt for $30.000 he had mow aatmiy tnan bit (¡.ends Mum Clark- ought to heve, end they as they had '-y him never met ' had n. ard that Mr. raed a dratt at Cornelia «t in thi» City » '' ''' luring his last i.lnes« and wa» present when he died Mr sn.l Mrs Harris Came to the City« tew days «tter he wa« taken with Mecdum at tin- 'in«-» Ml H so. ,11 left again bat Mr» H remained till a! md carried hi« « with her to tin-town ,.| bit birth Mia II an I led BOt know what t; heard Mr B ask here lew day» alter »hearriTed It »h- had got his letter, »fie »ai i »he had he told her th. I I take Ban Kr -at ». rvi.-c to her did not tell this till I heard ol th.- tr el BB state Mr Brad ford aad Ni W «mi aad other hirn. //- rj /ó-.'iro th Hi Harris at N. » that Ml llarr-a ihowed Imti a .ettei |fl s -1 with a of ».10,000 appaadad wa» -, 11 appear» 1 «I the sam hand writing Mutend a «it I Chan . «'n ¦ Ml -viuth on ... Mi -mith Mi H irrto I dd ma boa .lb : mlnatioa wm ¡¡ 1 he lestimoiiv "t Mr i»wsn was previoutly gn nothiu¿ ot importance ¦.,-.ted rSP BTATMCtsKtrn <',,. «r Itetort» Judge Nel «n Beateaeai JawaB W* eta, rndfomd »nd plead cut tert.-iting a ,|uant.ty ot U cent pieces, wa« . i,'-i. ' inipri»..nment at bard labor tor ". year» '.'it, seaman d the «hip American t ' larceny at ses, wa* mama tad to the peni teutiarv tor t x tnonlhl. Cot it or Common I'i y ta Before Judge Ingraham .intimation.-r Aim« ifouie Am.* Robbint Mr (( a p.uln-ri-r in the market The priwwt «Clon is to recover penalty for killing and sell mii paitrilg.« end i|u«ll« out ot season Hy a law t the Biete the bsmewj 01 iiieh peetelty enure» to the Alm» V-r.ti.'t tnis t.,11 noon.por plaintil Mr Me Maboti Lor d'-tendaiit Mr Bryan and Mi Tomliotou. -oli-. ¡o; received to the Weekly Trlbnne. May » Baal Bianch N V untar! .. Ir.d . Potadam, do Ortmmttle, le. .jr.-et Barrlaaioa, M»«s. 'i Randolph, N V.I Horaaa, Obm. 1 LlbasnyVule, N. J. I Cinelnnall, do. 1 Until,ml Me. I.MOW CteSjjJB, do.. I I.vine Coon.¡Mo,,t,t ri»a»ani. Iowa_ I . I I ll Marion Ala. I -¡¦ii«, ri.un.o, received 10 The Hull« Tribune. ¦ sla, 1 .nasioia.N.V. I »t. N. Y rarryiowB. do . 1 vVo C0UV1 le, Conn . 1 hockpuf. do . 1 CrawfordlTllle. tnd. 1 - it,- .....o. receive«! 10 The "cml.Weekly. Tuisnsv. May 4 Ttiom. 1 K.rwin (entre N, Y I -.¦u.. r in urna received to The >ew-Vorker. TBliaai May I K.aat Srh-iy er. NY. 1 Cambridge, N Y. Kern. Conn. rf" (irand fami.y holiday »bit at the» American M .is-nn with superi, perf .rmaeres. le,o, »ÍWnoon end evening when oie ., * .ma iluu. children « ill P-,1 .nuance of a- H»», a ;», 1 ai a;man kann.y. »nd Iba eahl- mon of thai beautiful diorama of Napoleon'« Funeral ol,- me the atoel beautiful scenic repr»senteiion« «.i a o,e.»e.i m ihtaa y -J9 Thi Wiip Wag*-We learn f-om rtot. . Douglass of tue steamer J J I!, ti M .. river that a .- « previ,,,,, hi« departure fron, Wind Wag a which has been Lud. tber» He did m t wtness its performance, bat law« .-¦.ntl-men who were pr»sc, * .. y established and. .r.d.r.i ; J .' noased It were astonished at the soer , the entire useluloess of the nvent a ».'.. .»e>. g :i . Oo Monday »1 mst Tu M -. year ot his age His relative« and fneads «re invited n ral thi» May residence No Ml Hrooene »t Ufa West K»rm« tor interment onTtir<!«ym rrrng after a «h (y I r,d. .' »and. r snd Macan i . City in the JOth year of hi« Ml H.s friend» snd ta<«te of tbe tan ,.,. t ««end hi* funeral torn hi« s earl M to m. row 1 nm«da« o'clock His remains w'I be taken I etsry New MM YesMrday I 18 i 8. WIM Bu ' ..liitli d to atteu-i hei fun noon at li froM the residesure Bei ..«' s .t without farther inv \t ButTs o ,-n the »th Ines Mrs. I ..'. dis art«] w oi rks year ol h«r age. MM I lOIIMKKt 1*1- AMI MDM.l MAI I Ml». .«ess* of Stork». V ser A MIÉ I '.',<» The busiiii'S» ol tin- Hoard wa« ral Jay and prices had an up» » v improved and the *«>un . (¡uest at full rale« For 1 easury N - large, and tne rate Improved to p. » large pareen were «old the be«. i «Utciuent that no interest is pays til maturity two ).. ars hence M interest on his interest » s. rn: annually It is true that lot!' ei the note in regard to »em: arm.» MeaM but the advert«« to. nt ,t which we annex from the i.'nin i* ex, ' Tan.«««-«» n*r*»rv> n, I prop.nat ¦ lorit net . otdoilar« under the act ot the '»il, laass] the t.suo ol Treasury ,N t.- .*. i Note« to t>e issued under «aid act w i\r dan Vin« craí prr .rt -ran "ayu/in. suer si'its, y This advert!»« ment will, ot curse, be Seen taiy. MM it lie Mil acccpled were pre.. » lu Billa lasare is ao4 much d arc (teady at I t «3 ) I I Bt* r,,ik v. oh - | n «sk i'ranc« ate . . N" portancc can ted ful until th« sli « In r-'reig! ts there It no i hange being taken at Wa o.i in lintith and ¦ i ra,u »#'0d Heavy Inn.. l'ai nominally A small HnU«'i ,.d tor v. heat toi a port in Ireland 1. II«m.- tu. ¦.,:. «:e IB Matt t . Hour. H ''eut* U «¡jtwerp a) oants tor tli«.o The business streets imw present i ol activity which »peaks well tor the | -iispem» M our City. The nai row streets appiopnated loll dry goods are almost imp«»«: >,.- » roaaiH . ai.- tioxe« and bales which eucum:.. this great uiou M ,«t t.. and W «tern buyer* have completed then , and van ha-e n o .i cuatomei« aud the ast W e .si ii thaf the country do., » SJJH ally came to towu »ell pr.-pari d |o w debtedness or to buy large »lock« 1. ,n ihsttfc« dry good* Lutines» ha» (eidom km i a .. sz.1 healthy al press-lit. i'iuM o... SMMM their propensity to lolce Hade he» . tn.l» \ the temptation of long credit* we sb. ,. « . , very piospcr lus year tor trade The v.«: obtained h pioduie during the p i.l ,. ,.t ta« country in ¡und« tor Itbefai expcuiitui. I i haut« will reap the ad «an tage We | quently of the superior advantage« otten-d t t..eeoaa- try dealer |j th g New York market MM lio-y, how managed to ducotei tiiem w,u,,¡ WO ea-.e M h appeal* to Ipliu hi,d -ton lh» Auction ssle* ot last Week »on Mail ail. |del sod Je ¦treble asMawlpMaM el good« sold at tali « witli which the Market ¦ low The late arrivals have .- the importer» but the large «ale* has» broke« again to comidera'.Steal I h" prîtes tatistai tor> Foreign W lees are nil. pecially lancy cansine-rea 1 he stocks I mettle (roods are «teady with rnnaidc doing Iti.-kuell s Heporler says Our \luo IJ M.ukctis without change. Iroiai paper is r< «dn; letal Interest Last week was one ol much ..«. ii»m«Dt in our Stock Market Canal and Railroad Mock* ti .¦aii'-ed »ei v rapid.y »h ....-. an extraordinary start Tli'To are rmw lo'ii parties ul em... ed in surveys for the Hudson Knei Railroad cation is eipected to bo settled -, .. , ,,l lnlt mouth, Irom thi« City to Pishkill. a dut-un« .d «my miles It is understood that the Directors art dlately alter the location »titled, pi.r tlii» :. important portion ot th«> line, under roiitract. Tin- acMiiid tnitalnient ot »i p«-r shire to the capital *ta'k ot the i'ciiusylvauia Hsilr . required to be paid on oi bi toic ti,, Mor« than one halt the amount has siroady t*e< n pail in Tl.- Philadelphia Hank has de. lar. ol 4 per cent also s distribution of |.l p. *k**M I m funds received from the liutu-et ol the Hang of tke nited State* the Hank of Northern r»: . hi« É clsred 5 per cent The quantity of liomestn Knport« m Hostete during two weeks ending 1st May was '.' package* and bale*, valued |*JJ3*>..i.l'J Ot then1 went to Canton, and 1 Ml to Valparaiso The circulation ol the Hochester HuikiiiTi' *tS7 The business* of that place MfBiM * larger amount, aud the banks hav« been gad U> k1 cure bank notes Irom the Hast. An arrangement ti under consideration a stockholders oi the Rank ol Cosntnarca that, when consummated, wi.i enable the leak to mat* dividend» which It cannot do now nor so Bg «* it» capital not whole The per of tnn «haie* ¡. « their estimsted value |.'l ¡1-3 The «MJM t ol tin ¦ rangement 1* to surrender to the bank one third ut ike .hare*, or for each holder to advance ||e( ,.. ., a Mar* held The revenue ¡Man tin' British steim»lii¡.« at Bos ton lor the liret quarter ot the present year nuiug Apr'. a* follow* Hibernia. entered Jan ¦'. | i Cambrtn Feb H Hiberni« Mardi 19 Total. g_- Tbe amount received during tbe first qua-tor ot ls»t year. ssWlMwaM It From the Cnion rh».A in aaoiN, lai m «, TsEaScar DiPAiTMK.Nr I Keglatet's'y- 0 ) amount outstanding of the issues prior to th«- - July, l-4'l as per records of Ibis ofh -.. f j.U.gfB 11 Amount outstanding of the Issue o! a< JJd July, i"*}'- aa per recorda ot this ut nee . ..:-. ¦¦>. Amount outstanding ot the issue n| a- t nt *:th Jan. loiî. aa per record* ot this of tice.. Col ToUl.ç,fll,*>>« Deduct cancelled notes in the band* ot the a Accounting Uttieera. of wc | under the act £id July. l»4o. $»> underact ol a-tb Jao 1-1?. and ? under other acts. »J¡»« ToUl.|.i7V«! H R H. flll.BEHT. Regitterof tb-Tretz'-rr Ri« ïirTS A*-D EAflftDITLKH Taaast «v DirzaTMriM, M«y The leceipU into the Trea»ury tor the q-*rti-r -ai)H the olst of March lut. were about, viz g.,)«» r rom ciwtoin«.^'oinisil ^.:. skS; miscellaneous . losn underact Julr ':. '.M. "¿7Z e " !. -IJ I.C ... JOWJo«» tressury notes July .' ,-t».' '-,-ai Jsn. -.". .-IT . if"'JT renal.IH The enptndttureediuing tbe saute period were. For civil, miscellaneous, and foreign inter- ^ course. |i.e«V«»sa For account ot the army ...?do-l.fija *>g !" Indian Department M tortiflcatioiii. ¦-'"'. .P*M>«M. 73¿;/7J * nsvy. " mtereat *c. on public debt. «Jg " redemptn n ol loan of lr*4l. Aiw «a» reimbursement and interest ol Tree «urynotes. . reimburiiement oi Treasury notes ^ purloined, including interest. _''_!._ Tot»l.ÏÎ3 c :t * R. f. WALKER Secretary ot the Treasury 8ALE3 OF RtAL ESTATil Bf A* M Ludlv» * Co .4 story house and .ot i « <..* Muaré. 35x96 11. |13 -JOO »y H«Uid*t \ Mullcr. 3 .torj hou*e snd l.t **' ud *t IMPE

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Page 1: NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. BY THE MM I HKK> »AIL Douglass …€¦ · NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. NEW YDKK WF.D.VF."DAY MAY fatale « on«rnrioii The Whig Elector* of the ««-«eral Countiea of tbu


fatale « on« rnrioii

The Whig Elector* of the ««-«eral Countiea of tbuRule aro requested to appoint as many Delegate» as the]are entitled to Member» of Aa»embly. to me»t in Syraeuse on the i'.'tt. d«y ol May tnst to nominate suitabl«pern m« to be supported f ir the offices of Judges sodClerk of tin. Court ol Appeals In Una Bute. Albany Ms;1 IrMT

J L SCHOOI.CKAKT 1. U h ' ANNONJAMK» HOK.HLR. J I THAVr.KJame-KiDd. BETH c bawli*!H Z iiA.N/.r> ( H\» ¡- KRKLaNl)

Stale Centra! ComrnitU-o

C^en. Taylor nnd tbe Preatdenry.A«HTäF'-La OMl Apr,! awkla, «Ml

kit Dial. OKI.kl.tY .Tl.ei r, of South. -

holders awl N * e» ¡i, favor of GenTaylor lor President doe» not tak»- in Ohio YotWill have aeen that t e, roeetlns* at OincuiMti w a

a perfect failure. IW .* Cleveland Herald .« ttbonly Whig paper :n thi« «!«". r.-rih ,f ( r, cothe th«

goes for TsvU.r Tbe Editor ,1 utat paper has generalshown a » proel vity to the .»'Isti- ¡'i,w. r Tatwill roco.lect that the Herald wa« the only Whig papeWest'! '.'o Mountain* thst Justified the outrage coin

miitod upon Mr 'ndding and hi« constituents in 1"4.

when he wa* driven fru n Concret« for denying the righof tbe Fede'« <»¦ »eminent to involve thai people of tin

Pree State« In the disgrace of supporting the coast w,«.

Slave-trad«)The Editor then opposed the reelection of Mr <i -

The present position of that paper may therefore be r<

garded as in some degree constatent, bsjl t stand* alon«The Wbtg« of the Reserve diaeard ail »uch »tteropu h

render them trie «. rvile tools of »:««e hold,ng usurpât.ncI speak with the asme confidence mat I entert» n o

my own exUtence when I «ay that the Whig» of Okhean never be carried lor any man who lend* hi* phy»inal and moral power* to the murdering of tbe Peupliand dovaauting the country of our sister Republic in orde

to erntend the Initliutior. of Slavery The Taylor Meettug in Philadelphia was chsr-ictenstic of the Whi|leaders In thst city. 1h«-y proisrH to he m favor o

Korthi n tree Labi r. uul i. >roin»te tor President a mai

wkoae wbols fortune Is Invested In Southern .-.«o-«

They profess to love l.i>erty bal saleetfaltrst* a man whijae leeiing* and lntere«t» «re in lavoi

oppression and human tmndage They condemn thiWar aa im-oneeivaMy wicked and murderous and theihold public meeting« in honor of thi*se wr.o .end theiwhole énergie« to carry It on. nnd whose hand* an

most deeply stained with human gore Now with tSay that the Whig* ot One. cannot he ,ed t»y men gu.lnof nah '»»re faced ab«urdltie«. They mull render ou

parly tbe »cuff of bone»t and moral men. it pi-rinitle t.control it« political movementsThe time ha« arrived when ulmr cuunsel« must pre

vail, or tbe Whig party will oiaband '1 he Idea .! th.advocates of the Protection ol Northern Labwith John 11 I alh .un and tin runt inveterate opponenU ot North, r. .nt» m «t« t «MM a man who»«fortune I» v«»ted In Slave« who are employed irgrowing Cotton, appear« to me most absurd (lui

Whigs ot Ohio revoll at n regret that so many aVfct|journal* of your .»lau- have wav.-.d on this MbjeclToo much political information has been diffused im n.

tbe Propio «mee the comruencemi nt I the campaign 01HMO to permit them now Ui i»o led into «uch trea«m titheir own intere«u «rnl then own honorThe Ignorancn of the People can no longer !¦.

upon with »alely. nor will it do to tempt their credulitytoo far. They «aw every Member of Congre«« aoulh o

Mason and DtaMn « Han, ar the laie «..««ion vote «gain«all attempr« lo restrict Mlavery to it« prêtent limitsSouthern roem'iers ol both partlea were in favor of in

SXtenston With this tact to distinctly marked upontheir recollection It 1« askiriK too murti ot them now |.,

Solicit their i iti* for the owner of many hundredSlave« and a mm wtm has voluntarily BaWBawd t¦

como Ibo instrument ot our Slave holding President to

earry out the work ot human buti n.-ry in MemoIt I« pisln that the support ot this War and sat»

.ion ol »lavery w 11 constitute the issue in tin- \i

Presidential ele« to n Thise who vote lor < ien I «>will voto to eilend .»lavery and to furtitah men and mooo? a» carry on thia War ot rapine and murder WhatFPavT ol Ohio or New.y.,rk willdo it answer. NoneSome who claim tobelnng to that party may hut theyought not to lie ealh 1 "*'o»s Inerefore give It a« myopinion that the nomination of Oea Taylor y «as» H l|party would prove the signal lor it» hum diabandineutThose who are at templing to BaSfM M ml 0 the su pp. itof any man who leuda ht« énergie« i the work ot murder and rapine, should understand these truths

V cry respectfullyRtmnrkt m, |/a A'

Unwilling tu retuse a hcariiit: to tin- writer ofthe above, yet unprepared to Opea I a oltioin* In

a «relierai ill» titnon "t the expediency nt n.n

atiug ihia or that Whig tor neat President we w ill

briefly say1 That we agre«« with mir correspondent in lui

otter detestation ol the War on Mexico, its pretesta and its objects, and that Gen Taylor is cer

teinly not our choice for the Whig Presidential can

didate.But, then.8. Should we ultimately be antapaOaJ to tTetoOM

between (Ien T and any Loco Forn wtm will probaoly ho nominated, we are not very likely to choosetbe latter

3 It seems to us unwise and perilous ..o canvass

the claim*of any Whig in the spirit maniteated 1>\oor correspondent. It we. wliu titter.y detest theWar and condemn Slavery, unite in declaring thatwe won't vote for ati\ W lug who is a ala\ ehoiiler

or has tought in the War. do we not repel manytltouaands from the support it um candidate u

ease a Whig of our faith shall he nominatedIs it either wise or needtul to do this ' Is thennot a more excellent w«> I

1. Wo cannot ««»ont t<> the assumption thai

every slaveholder is necessarily hostile to the mteresta if Northern Free I.ahur Ho« can we

knowing aa we do BlMBI Ci ai Nor will w«

refuse to vote tor a Whu candidate simply kgcause he is a Öla% eholiler

I Neither doea it aeem ,u»t to tis to hold a vet

eran officer ot our Higul&r Army in any aense re

¦poniiMe fur the borrón and criraea of this Memcan War. ItfJ if you will that the soldier s is i

bad traiia.that the most eminent success in itdo«'inot entitle to nor prove a man qua!,tied for exalte«eivil station.that any man wIh> will engage t.

kill or be killed at the order of his t»o\ ernniei,

evinces moral ohiiijuitv or iiiacnaiUiiU hut U> lt»,l,an Army officer responsible for thi- justice of tin

War tu which the Government employs I,un c

surely nnwarranted Our Government and itisupporters are the slaughterers aj the Mexicansto charge it on our soldiers would he as absurd ni

to blame the »words and bullets w !i«>reby th«slaughter was erícete,!

« Tbe assumption that Den Tailor is intentionally fighting tu aissjW ssakaaq M that the Whig*pfthe 9«>ath desiri- the extension of our Slavoholding territory is not supported by an\ tads w.ihuoor knowledge. That the Whig« of the f»outh ahfeet to the adoption ot the Wilm«»t Provia» il buinatural, bnt that the», generally want no Mexicaior other Foreign tefrltOf*/ added tu this T. mon. n

known to as. and w g think it muât l>e k> oui

ever* aponde nt The distinction between S mu

holding aud aeeking to wield the pi'Wer ot tl «

Tederal Governnieiit kn tho fatoiiainn o; s.a^ery i

a vital one. and ikMÜ not he lost sight o!/'I 7Vi*

The Nouthere >lwtl.We regret that auch arraugcrue..:» cannot be a

compliahed between the Postmaster General and»he Carudeo ami A:nl>,-> KaurMa.l i\, R4 t^, n

pndite the arrival of the Southern Mat. inthiaCmThat mail now amvea in Pmlade.phia about I Innd could be made to reach New York easily h\A ki by which arrangement niervhaiite and but.nees men ot our City c«Vuid he much ssststed in the earlyprvsecuUvio of their »r?a'.r* with Mouthern corre»p»indeots and the public ^ kaaamaud of inlcreabng intelligenceWe understand that Mr. Thomson the l'r« s.J« nt t

the Company, propcased some time »:nc, to th

ment to start a train with the mail Irmu Philad4 o clock A. M lo that it might reach New Vork hy th-tisne hours ol business commence.I here 11 this propwition the Postmaster objected and t« we learn, on Siccwta» of some addlbcual expeoee neijeasari y to be iu

eurred thereby to the Department. Whereupon M.Tbomson ottered tbe ans ot tbe road to tbe IVparlmer. t

gratuitously, lilt would run the ¡ocotcouve at iu own « v

pease to thUaleo thelostnaast»r demurred.and lor thesame reason

It is deeply to be deplored that thee., two officer» havenot come to an effectual uuderttanding on the eub)ectWe have no donbt. if tbe I'.astmaat* lienc-r»: would r«lu«« J.»h aoine of hi» unnece»»«ry opposition to Kailroec,a« agents for the transportai.,«! ot ibc Maila. the OMtki -<- Cení lit; and even if ka »ti

persist m kls ob>«otiot«s. w« are not without hope thatthe enterpniing President ot the Company will adoptsome measures to sccuie aa object So rtrj de«raf..r toike public at large

License and í rime.If thare be any p^nt on, »beolote Pro

gr.-«s mVI b- "'. .-nan Minethe laat half century-, we believe it to be that whichrefere.« the treatment of Crime and Crimine.»Time wat when poor r-reaturea «r'-tiltj- of dueeaedappetitei «__(" perverted ft' ultiei. iruilty of takingwhim they am» He produced m an üleeal way.

I láforrtnce Hunster and Lea

pair.were atrunc BB like onions at ¦¦.

att whue Reipertebiiity in itt me-' trotted by;

» - ,,.ral rewtrrii there-

ad) ¦ Bmmmmml and the farther ata. . of which it emoyed a en

¦Mm It .» not to at prêtent msMr-Html ii tome

men.bave begrün to look keenly into the nature

í I analy te iti character ar.dlearch out iti t-aaiei. .minediate and u]timate.and it it .le.gmniii.r to he a by no meant im«raiar

conviction that, however blank ar.d indefeniib.e

ui»y y arreiirned Criminal, «tatguilt 1..-. . romfM in the eye of Ail Seeing

«¿rant as hit.the aruiit na.-.-.

tnote witer and atroiie-er than he who hedged hi««nares and pit-fa.Is.who

*.-- :.,» malBfiBg ttep« w.r

whi<r. Bf eaouarh to with-

ttan.:. * I ."' at ieaat itw

» way, and had not

.. denial enough, to labor faithfullyfor tbe.r removal, Baa rather lUitified and enttarnet,

tío- MMBpCtMB, «ver, theiçti a brother . blood crieda/ainit them fron, the «»round

In « -hi look at the itrenuoua

attempt» now mikinc to repeal the New -¦ -. > i ohoii« beverasrei maintain that they are a great majority of the

.maty and of toarse cam legalize the tale of

Ln|uor« where-, er tb-y «e<; fit hat they are lome

what aahamt-d at, »mitten, and want

to he reh-ved from the ne« einry of votini/ Licenie.wat- i m Lawiwammad GravaJadtjeaand high digmtariei ot .^tste unite tí

with mmM OÍ1 BTOg mamfl ami hard drn.ken to proi ure a n,i«,rt, faf Lit «mM and thii thc-y proclaima aammaf verdict agaimt the F.xnie Law

afjoa dmamsmmj its It' peal. Let at lappi »

in. e»»fui and. s few months thereafter ami 0»

their party who hat ceated for »orne yean to talkot hi* 1 BBM a hani* a*M0n another maWsmaf rithe LfeamM party aid pit on trial formatier Hehat killed hn wife in n drunken phrBtwy Ila iiiilitputahie.lie is <..nv|. t<-d Bad tin

alajut to pan «entern-.- asa« Lim what he hit to

Bay lor hitrnell 1 haw only thii to tay an

.wen the niiierable ohjaat my wife wat an an

Ms,ama I loved iior at well a» ever Man 1'ived

Woman and when »olier I treated Ii-r well, amino pair were ever happier lint 1 union

inbitit.¦! a halut of mod« rate drinkinv w In. and thoughtless, whiel glWB) upon me lnteniiblyuntil I became a drunkard.a miit-rable llave ria¡.¡i<-t:te i wa« iawardJy daemuad by an

able thirst for stronx drink and th'.ii»-h it madema a hrute and n madman. I Otmld BOt withstandthe temptation to drink at BVtwy opportunity li'wiser iiii-ie with Letter cornu.and ri tln-ir app«

Ltd not tell li'|tioi I t-onlil not have ohtainedit at 1 ii,.i il th.- l.nw in..i I'.rheM.-ii f

and been eir ,t, ad the overmaitetWOOld llR\e heen remo« Btj Vat I BUUUj

'ad flay ¡earr.i\er f,,r iii\ rea*..n had BO ontrolovrrm-, hi tinos |tratad it withyoa Mr. Jodaje,Hoi are BtwvaiJad Hum wa» told, «nd l'and drank The first «rlat« aroused tl .« «

me the sixth mane m» an ntt«-r mania, 1 m-it

holm in.'l they lu\ killed w\ w i!«- though to in.-

it would he utterly incredible, had 1 no' ahu«.-.|her bafbra m.. n .-..!. the inrlueiice of Humhave tlied the blood ri her who was dearett to mo.

»¦id innat 'In- 1 deal} DOt the u«tl. ¦ 14 n.\ s.-i.

¦¦ M I rime I w il! not

'nalliata What maat Lethe vavdictri BtaraalJaattoe oa the romaallei « and awa. \\ i.I d the .ludkie iirotiatiiy wish Intake

something streiigtheiniik; helore proceeding to pronounce tetitence !

Ornnae Co.Corretpondence of The Tribune

Dv.khtahx. Msy 1. IftMlI tend the return if the Excise Kletioii in thii

town and the towu ot CtMBBM my former re»idenceDirerptrk polled last year IM Tote» for No 1.ícense. Hfor License, tbis year '¿'A lor License, 161! for No License. The vou- is enormously s«. ,l,d this >ear on ac

count ri the huilding ot the Kailroad tlireugh thi.a town

sn.l aaaahata voted who did BO] understand the bearingot ami great .^ueition Several No Lic.ii»e men refusedto vote b-caiise ibe law wa« not a general law A largemajority ot ibe voter» ot im« towu are undonotedly in ta\,,t ot tree trade m tin» iiiisim-»«. snd are opposed tomawMBwi "i-t.., In l.e»U-r .the town which gate the«amimM amyetttj lor No License last yesr. giv«-s thesmallest msior.t) tor License this The Tote stood lastyear !<M loi . r No Licenie. thi* year lor,tor License, LU tor No ícense indlcaüní not muchchange in Ilii» town The election na* well contestedbath year« and polled a mil vut<- The»,lent lh. ir money ,'.-eiy and the victory in this townI i»t mam not ktm than afty aotlara, amida « lu»» ci»ear Bad tear ot coii»c:,n, .. I hey don t Bam»aluhed with tln;r own aaiid, Temp«-raiic«- Law andorder la ! euiel to succeec jet. f M.

Pirática] Bun...Tim »ciuamer ImM Hlaot t.eit, arrived yetterdsy from .^t Anne « Hay Jamaies tm the Irih ot March latitude I»' 11 longitud,-If at .S A M a »hip crossed her wake nearly withinhall, aud tiy a signal gut-n on beard it was supposed allwas nol right At of ssys (apt lireen we espied s s«i.

on our lee satBBaV which immediately »aveu«cha«e ihtio be a iow Maat hermaphrodite brig ~he

neared us m lhat we could plainly diltinguilh herorowded decks >he »p(wared to he well armed \\ c

hare erery tca««in to suppo*e thst »he was a pirática,ve»»e. ^he continued the chase uuui I IV M when »bewas keeping of! tor s Swedish bark We carried s

heavy pre«« ot canta»« all night. The next morniniiour rbase wa» astern hut owing to the »uperior sailing

I our vcltel we lost «ight ri her «t II M

»"y JOBU A CoLllfll .ate ri It

BjadWA, I» »bout to »tart a d»i,y Temperance papei ,u

nnectfon wiihthe propri<-tor of the OhioWasbingtonian Organty For the b yeiterday art)art

ludet u I to Mr Heiiuis ot the New listen and Springheld rout«.

. i Fiki iv Ok\ roa The 01 IJournal pub!i«he« the following letter from tue Kdilo: ttbe 1 <ay ton Trsn».

Pish i lUrafta»hiDayma ii.» the most awfal t^a4t4TatiTja rrer witvaetst ithitt

on Kir«t si :nim«.i , rea C l'a. .on st.-re. aad opposne Swayam'i IL te. Itba*

«.re«dy destroted se»vi, siores and one pork bessmlhat whole I lings is in rums 1 tie loes nM tMBamamd M mom "ie« a.«. OBO in,terer» »re A ^waynie. lieotg«- C 1'atis. JohnKencriw/anaa Bataataaoh Orrma iv-.vy «i

IBM i.aic ..»: earned thst the ire hu betn partiallysubdued can w rite no more.

xourt tru.y. J. Ha .» v

H«iRRir> .An attempt wai made to tar andfeathers man named VVm burr, living at lieorgetown.near Merci T« ».»me nights »:o«-e Banwarning and arith a Mr BBBBie] piepared t, r Jefeace.tlowthe e*««uiiu.t« were receiTeJ the Mercer Lumiuaryrelatée

¦ The nigbv came the assault wa» made, and ::person who entered II Wick, reeeived i »tren*" mx "hlch near'y «ev«rt-d hmhou.dfine next, J«u>t.» t r.Ä wo íüuck on the tide, cuu.i |tnrougk to u.. bee. boIle ud trvia ^^ tlme up ,

Mi«id»y test. ,ibe late.t n.tormation we have) he basnot been expected to 'ive any time The next BatWM»ho entered . wnir<J h. ^ hi>aJ ^ .,

.band H> thisumewver.l more¦iurra/id ilex

«e»*ri ybeema, ^d (tatma Mai« and tûcr» ol the tmaUaata, w,-: ..

mpatuja-jMs't I xskRY-ThePottniuter atCh.

brought to thi* ci y y a \\ ednetdat , vruiug. two bor«tirt>lher« named t)rm and Reorte Chealer. charged wiihrobbil 11 and Atfce ns Tbeywere r Commiiskeii ihew yeeterdeyend in del« - were commitn-d to .»:: j(,r ir^t¡

«t tne . :i « Court. Tlie boys'.1 eppears. w y tbe contrsctor to csrry

»een the ahaWI ¡ irti ^.

-.tun amtaaeaaad Ibe robberies must have extendedtro. tbe iM'th of March up to the SOtn of Apr.much longer (.Irin, the olde»t. stated where letterscould he to and tod a number hate been cbuined. and« tmall amount ot money it ideatitied

lUhio (CMambaa) ammmaBa, April 34


NKW.vflHK LF.t.I-'I.ATritfc:..-KNaTr:.. U**MW M«y 4-. P M

A Petition of «eamenfor a reduction o; th- tax and against Bf|lipita»T«a>ffundiera Bo*

M again*: t M hw remtive to

.-ertar. .'

The Hailroad Committee reporte 1 a s«: .

rt. .

Laid pear amHi f uoa report«.:

'.» âû<1

pretetvied r>a.ei a: IThe n... bad

for the Repeal of the F.xcne Law. wu lent to the

Committ*" P ' Law»The: - | » were pane !

T H «...road t'ompv .

tracks-.t;.:, !¦¦ Hai¡.o!..:i »r Brnraar/a

iganiiBiif . sed ol

debate <m *..

... wai

-¦ »nd then nc? «

OLÍ... General M anular .

«as gone thro.. I

tbe Who.e, a

Senate BPiaiik Hoadi w as report-

\,ir ary Comm.r

ported a bill la regard hi th- t-

presumptive heirs.t Um Immigrant Pas

« I

Tin' 0 imMal Mniiufn« ttirwic Bill was na third raadla*]

Th,. the TwcltthWard oftssapart of thi Bloomingdale road was dismissedMr Hi'irv by «. a hill to amend

the charter ot tfi«.* New Itjrl* Fin [*Mr M

The Import of the Committee ot .: Vthe J . **'». »."¦'"

The Co',,Hilf-dicill District! hil;

¦.ate4881 MB! V

i» ieral Man Ml

Bolts lire running tnnn Caria:"hana and trum

Whitehal.. I have »ecu a letter dated at r*»racuse

»eiterday which itatei thi a bet ftVU I I |way oa tue ,.-;.. Caaal m\ ti at pig Hsd that it

would not be r« pa. dayII «oils here in »mall pírcela at $' .'." I.¦ar-eia Akron CstysTsJU II .-érable

here by I st Mi»

l'un adelfhia. May.'

Taylor at.11 at Muntere;,and priva «. 'arson li«\ gfrom \ < r» CruzThe stetnilHiHt Am'IIMfjflg was deitr.

fire below I'lttsburgh last night I"««

insuredSeven 11 eight - were list on

Saturday atDajrtoa, Ohio Three largtsue. -even «tor.-a .» n.ntiti.a

ot bacon, wheat an ««I eitimited .

The Propoaeil I lluinln n1 ion.Ble»»ed are !!io j.eaceinaser», for tb-y shall »

fa that it haih .u «ha.tlove thy neighbor and Bat f iyoii.l. . eBs them thftt curse you do

-m thai despitefully use you at SI


above is the language ol Christ,"snd our Reieemer. Toe blessing appertains to all. who,in thought, word and deed n-luai to consent to or con¬

nive at. cot tention and violence, and are prepared Uadopt the g on >u« anthem which heralded the advent olthe Messial in earth peace, good »,.i to m.-n

The obligat emphatic IIjour lag I is i.iniliiig upon ut all. No circum

»lancer can r acting in secordsnee Withthe spirit »in, h n ..realm « no »ophisiry extenuate» thiguilt whicn accrues tun ku. wing'.y going countei

tin let. y -. eg Countenance to v. ai

odalicd. Ours i« protessi dly a l hr,»i

muuity -we acknowledge in word to be thiot the I'rtin I I dependent upon Hit mere)who died or u* and to hi' In.uini by II,* prec« pts aidcoinmaiid» both a» they an recorded m the IIture« and ». tiny II .-

h» «rt. Hiiw then can we »ecretiy exult or puver the ini»ery aid destruction

creatures' (low can we. while asiuming the nameCkrtM Dsssalf «et his command« at defiance and proclaim that IN Am« tboae who are caled our enemies, am o'11 the wrr-c:- thousand* wh,have been tint toan untimely gra-

¦net t «kali.'I'hriBtisu rossa* r wh«

i« the inten led illuminait. Why is it pmpoeed *nc»» »t .» ,i- . f*. . «[.r.-ssi, r

¦»'.it* and yonbattles whl.'h ba». »our lei'ow-roen.the chi.dreuthem, like jour»e!ve« pro!e«»ing the name of the meek

w.y tie harnPlot ¡ho»e hattie .

they arc ,!«. «e who participated in lh« ir. utands who haJ nev.-r *ern or

-. :. MssM :¦. lore meeting in deadly eOasfssMtin ir » .lest | «««ions roased to a stale ot treuz..lie ut. and tlu-.r great, «t ft r!» put torlh t.. ma:destr. | -. Hroiher slsying brother, and urginges. h other I'.ying tbe mta»k The «round «trewed witb : tke m ,t:lated the detd and t.'e d);n¿ The air riled with in-thunder of 'he artillery the shouts snd curse.

«rants the shrieks and wails ot the woui.the groans snd prsyrrs ot the dv rg Irrnumber ot hirmle«« women and child.--:ball« and the hurtting «hi-li« an; ..dinolbattle it over and »hile you are ^ taettfrj

sale asi | . ..:.: ). Ml sks «.¦misery

tal* With ao . made '»idow». and Ûthe «¦-, i | acts . - celebrated, and thenask »ourselv »« whether it v. u as Christian*

.'i in wnhth- p-. p.istl to tell the world in thi en.

phatic language ..t otiiuct Th'« ...... pint'««.»t-re;.ice in . in »ccordance

with the pre« epM ! th. New Testaron.' and h-a* pr«i(es*ed iisciples of Christ, msy snd will IIThis in

and the le»» .. »ch m«y be beard. |nout the wh ne .ength «nd breadth ol

¦« r.e the «an !

pa'.e ,n it to Ihe misery an 1 nuilt which have aneen»pann-d the Ins

Pease then Cello« c:t.r | set.before| . ry over such events' R»:-

.* cloth» your *p:r.t« thst* 't up ho.y h«Jid« aid

rn .! haply h;« r;s . I -nu t i>.« may üe averted b ledand

¡ country us may be bresagkt to see tke

their tellow nien «rhuman !>.,H>d that the Spin: and precept* I Him wh«came t » .... earth and good amay prevail and M tte day be battened wbe:.tha.l not lift up »word aga.n«t nation, neither tlearn war any mere MAHL08 sr. «t

Can n .¦¦¦¦ ¦ Li .-... kinndian». pa»»e |k tail

t wr-ek <T two ttnee on bi* way to the upper partol ihn nation. We are ers i thst he was :nsesrch of Ian su.ding« t.

a- MacusI Lab pie. Thegovernment ht« :n»de pnn«;, n* tor them '1 Bey «reui

lenlly Commodion* : r U

ran andH -»Ci.¦«.<». Wa have long :-rrn I

that they want but the encourageme I:'. U> become one cltbe moel mtereating na:. «saSJllllj a» ladutin. us. higt wmma

Vtkt« District (oaveatlen.>'v

BM irceau «%*TWiai Dutn-i ut this Ptsle are reqantaVdto send delegates correspond let» wiih their repreeentt.Uo« ;n »he AssemNy :j meet in Convent :. «..

sage Hotel, in tbe village ot Newburgb. on tbe (serrata

d»y of M«y n« it st nu« , .«pose clnominstiug fomr Jaaij*, «a :Disirict.

ii'.her» not d ...'..-. r.lly to tbe stove »all and itsobjects, are aiao un.te 1 to attend and tale an advisorypart with reference : j.Lg*


i"'mmittee of laM Id fVn»:. rial :myl anwUIyUUsiáltóWAliW'

BY THE MM I HKK> »AILCar Arme e.erywherr Tiluaiphiai.

Prom the«. . .- -*. .-. i |. at ait »ne

te an oficia.' actronnt of Doniphan 1iMojrrtatr. Bk I.

Urn- . i

'. ..uibue ty* Mm aaemr at 8a


im me,: , 1 w iadm| . liad and. H

ArmyILL. P«ymelter £ Army

Opening ot ibe Pen of Liebea.Department ! BbJBI W*..h:n,t a BtBJ

-.- «

» pub-i -i


...... i »beltthe »ame duty

IBThe- . . a)m Isl-

an and

Thine« in Philadelphie. t May t BJThe Marketi ar- I

» y m a week f.''.»| iderate

" G *.!.».*< change


Lehlgr. I m pan y and Trea»urer.

orÍ« Roar* 100 L' 8


S Bankpr et T

.. 100 Heading.I liladendl

ii .'ajo r s

rid« Til . -¦«..,..,i

Prom the went of War.u * g,. ¦.

« araeraph» re-

latina- ; lilaila ia ITtur ro Camai I

..... water¬ed by the Bio Grande, aad . i bighl]

i. .-

the vt t ... totheey«me]

a ot a tarm house, and the.

lariBi it on-te'» to

the Mate» that mythlBg mid I by ui.¦x peri I be

A ,. «aw. thai had

Baa, I I a mee« ri mayear »

¦ r.a« i., «er -,. -.een d ÚM ....

. utnption end1 they» i. m and t,r it create*


¦. conn

try no» U . I.:. 1 many

«teamleas r which

t cord-¦ ¦ apparent y

lhaa bare, a

looking withCnildersble »loeka

-. ; ,. an in.- tía.: i

¦ Ian tooaaa ».»¡nw;-.h,Tity

B ... ,s i¡> « r at Hm ti iTH«

sTtSTI at the \\ alum r'pnnis.a» but a

lb| with '.en \\

it i« it]m at the Bpi

aman» »ix eompaa . '- «tew.« « tnpanie» ot Virgin

lan» are 0CCB| kdarena, wbi-tare be.i..

n iu way down to temar,;,, -its termof sert ice i« ne»r BB M ¦ m.-ward

ive eomaai ».

¡n Can argo a tew lays ago. but were to retas an escort to a trsin.this r.

has also but a

..rning..who bate battled under hon »,

.'¦ Ithejin hi* praise, and hi* bravery and military (kill, as

display.-d la the battles and brullaat ;. t »rim to whichhebss I. them, h«< »lore.i up ,. th, ir

hreatt» whici. Napoleon ne«, r

bed morethe hi» troop« than has,:d rohaaamn »ay. not in a

¦ -iiatuuder hm bettle, with odd*

.oryMany with« ... betlag

¦ deleat at Buena Vi»u.

tenance a| Qaa I»'-...oppeari ir'd «11

who n- a i . «

Bscobdbat ».-eadyt.r« at the '«'.

¦Baaaai we under«land t» |,,r the pr :

.am« pas»mgdown A

sisupp who had laggi I oehu. 1 the BeI

y two Mexicans and inhuman,>|y was disco.ered .n tn

c »ppo-al a tew . 'l by CaptainJack Kventt and Mr John ll«y«. wn.i were jour

I lie warn. od wa» yet trnk..ed mem t.. mlah hi« as

a/-, aad triey coin nenced a «earcb inthe thicket, «ui .-aine in ii.t.i ,t met« me aot

mla .- it (rom where Uie murderm ¦»¦«. « i-i. aad dkrym

lal'll an I th-hand» and garm> nt« and tne ¡.

m-rdcred in«: I Ibadf p»-r»i.n»¦> ¦>¦ ito I lha i

duced their being taken forward and turned Beata a« n,t many I

.dreno- The late ot tne assassin» alter e'.ng giTtai« U inter

a| a.-, ¡i« of tne balamiThe Hiter.Arif'ot te«era! mat in tue waten

-¦t tne Ko. Qrawde » tew day» ago led t* t.-.that ti- i . ,. -.:-.-¦ -t in and thatthe parcb-.i e»rth in thii neighoorhoeai wa» about tobe hathad by copious show, rs and sesred vegetationmade * eea .'. hope gires way to

Dtmeot »s we view the n»er Bfaiath» water re

tard« . srt-rmeater .


Deing « and they not«n ball tre .

¦' e»tab-,;ned witn dir

drawn vtater »nd »'.

wnieb tüey ran as, ¦

oy a party of lancer»margo '.', _»


i .- nd» »nJ b i. a»y the. ame with det

«n. tnd was *:

in hit d'.v ae vo.-ar.on by th » A M Im . o-trange intatu»

tion Thete children ot the Mmwarn a» are treasur.naapa in | a leeetmlupon the.r head« w-.-Ji the ~»io.

-Persona recently arnted from Monterey 'nform u« that in com:a¿ down they beOe.t

roedtl je where nod beea memecred tbe team. ef L'rrea'i assassins

attack on the wagon train, the decayed and«-- unt',rtcnate men.

:-ey are tuáered lo remain.their iesc ma *M aad

about by Ibes»; beasts andita has passed them ay w

..- sad-..-. to give menu

man.ty »icten» a: man» indltfcreaee to manr^m orotcei and

nsequaarw of w«,-..-.. : bnaga mac Baa un

..¦M»«! Baa u. i" --s ¦, A ^.To per-wma stopp,ag a i.-.ort tune in Trenton, or desiring a de.

-.immer boarding place th-i house, in the Jer¬sey Capital, ulleri many atLrecUons. i'.cesar.*.**»' .*> tha eaamr of the city, comiatmtou» and airy, its

..¡.der iM present iode-notteea, Mrt. Pitcher a»mmj abut-

da-i: and choice mi atmnti attentiTe ,t aw all thecomioru "lihout the duagreeable appendage« uf a ho-e. \n omnibut ruas f.-cm the door to the can et eachentrai aad departure


Fri> s»:i A«rKi.4 .In F-ance tr-y knowh">w to appreciate tsiont P >urq leney the firmer

.v -ems' ti» «MVwatJsVl 7V*«v*. Is n w

Extraordinary to the Orand Turk, and msaears ariaira

I with as much »pint and dextenty a» he once


contrast* was .nfuscd Her» :n srner.e* thing* go after

poorer fashion, a« we perceive when we «*nMa I

change that has happened to uur predecess r n the

C.ty department o: Tbe Tribune, tbe inventor ol that

.parkhcg champa. indescribablething. :. J d*J y

paper m tio country mu»t now servo t» reader»

with Matassssn . ¦¦ ka» notbeenso happy aa Bourqueney though perhaps much hsp-

. He n«« not boon sent as IAmjassa! rt Catko -: Heipenanüar

-nivea the eoiasMMof the N ¦ Already for tw

he has been «

tky. to the sstittsction ot the r- i

r we have no skill st guessing We underI :.a» »:t New '. r« \ «r see

. . » .ntinueto act a« >rps.

: r . Lit n K« in behalt ot theFemale Bran n Assocutn n

I » r abiiiher philanthropy. We y ¦. --ret that « st..,

larger audience did-manee so wel. ad*pted to rehoe the chara«-t< r

and e.evate tbe aim* ot every mdr. iduil. and at the »ame, rali -harity.

Tne we tru»t will yet arrive wher. woman w

.j . e as an eartieat laborer in the«ocia, and moral rekrrr. thin she now . in th.-room Urs. Wright wa« accompanied to

the platform by Isa* T Id prxa «ml I ¦.< chaneeOornt.-oductng her to the audience .r¡

a tew appropriate remark* and the latter following herLecture in an earnest appeal in behalf n!

»i.ii Ass."-!*:

l'y A-a \«.tura History. held on Mmdayev. n >


. acre iri»ir.m usly a

J»V' \ ,»"

ÉM Theory »: Mvcrtitv i » » ipoa tolament tfea loss ol a fellow associate sud friend I

.¦'-", inwhich he was

¡. That, reo .¦. . ÉM de-inner, his uprightness snd «risk the

husband father and n-ar r.

at. »ympathiring with hit m ..¦ mm. i- i .¡I the

. M heart'I whicn

i ¦ »tin knew how to

make, young the p »'. . I whichhe had -

¦is I* pre«entedto :l f | » ... !tie Medical

.he dailypspet« . N H REDI IELD


t'W »Va « .-sterdai to see our oldfriend CraniUn in th- Ifh b» i< »till *nm»what

m the w, nnd he r.-. I ved at the Kutsw Housein Ba :i: re .as! W:n*i r We learn that he will pre*ideat the PafUoa «* Roekawaf «gain the coming «eaton.

Cy The Collegiate » M< sV»hoai eiMr a «».,*. I «¦ n * Nu

.t ha» A .'at hirteenth »t where it»» .mm- rnnience to day I rummoni».» . jal we are led to regard this

-.¦« a h-rtn.'i'

l~%r' Til S» i" Un ne theTriait" hi :« oa the an alafl "t tke Tbi-ybsve given up their t nday Concert at the Apollo, in

irder to share ;r tlie »-.rn-ral ("«tuitie« of the City Weunderstand in «dditiou to (lime» they will ringNational tin sr .a -nd ^ taken

Tut I-'himii Si rtMl Ka .The Ctmtrmo« tays that the fir*t steamer will BOt

New fork betör- the "th ai May or the lit of JuneAym»r A Co. of this City are the I

«JsOTKI Q I Trii'.The steamboat Ai ir>«.

made the tri«,> troin llnany to this City yesterday in

honre and seven minutes, li Hog land ng<

Ain i"!- Ihi t »v .Trio total m

r-ea.unrot the Reliel Committee d this City.up to the 1st inst am tinted to I

11 « v I « Ai i um r. .Thethe Kvangelirai Alliance will commence hi* morning atId o'clock, st Iir. I>r .»(inner « Church In Mercer tt.

Bonn il Bl H K'. laoftl .Tim Board un-'

last evening. V ... m the Chair Several p--tltimi* teSBI Were presented and referredA number of'ce and other bill« were ai teil

tyThe PLcaai rfai li »j KBMtaaOaiLIB», on the upper corner of llruadway and Murray «l.

¦M the greatest Cullcctin in ot numb«'rand merit our country «¿for«]* They are the product olmuch study and many year«' exp- I

d rivalry.

fjy Bk .*. s c»-y at ami l.m V. ,.

received any quantity ol rreen Tea* by the Southernertr»*h and tulla* it picked at Hoboken Al»oSlrawber


Call atTJ V e«ey «t and salitly yourte.»i « ,| tne quality'»ble»

» We have luei by tbe Southerner trom'.-¦w> rk ye»terd«y st the

rste ot tour ». -. We mho aot lucky'. to hsve soy personal experience of their quality

AKKMI M i » M nt.fc.Ka.The persons wh I a

arrested on Monday last ! y t. ¦-. W H MefMMM Ia charge of swindling a -«"!.' y the nsme ot Msnitr.»über ut of |IOOU at a gambling dome m Park row

gave their name« a« -h-r a IL.tinazi Win Aldnchand John »urnpler each of a «TOM Held to bail ¡n

the »un. I niwer t the-appea-^

U -t hit, .A stranger named W.liam Sp»-ncer fell ye*teri«y atteri.c n at tne |Nasssu and Ke«'kman tts Through the prompt »m! di-ier.t medical aid of .1 he was »peedlly re

rot Sugoods, i n the 5th I<

e. was put upon his

. aid nua-y lotl| ... lame* ,race indicted lor an assault

i-.tery ii Edward Sssena r .¦ i. :. rred ha .urn- d

;.- * morning, at 11 «yt

Police..1 n of a jink.hop in t entre .t was yesterday arrested by MiVr« »Sard charged with receiving «to

la He was detained to answer ...Jacob Mid* n | .¦¦-¡ay MTenad hj ssbsmi Vaa

witr. stealing .lothng to th I property ol I huma* Raws.j: Nassau st .nsw-r Msrtin Keeler wa*ye»terday arretted by ofSc i Wardcharged with keepn | ... in 'ortisndtt lie'»«jned ?o «i «wer 1 huma* M-,¦ yesterday srrsslsl ry ',r*-,-rr Man.

IVard charge « «j| and :n--.-

harclav «t !to az.swei .-rv.i

M yesterday » -n of tbe.'. ard charged with corr.nittutig «rn^n n the per-

M r»«n»:*» -, "i n the point* He wa» detained to »

¡>ylk«I .The< a cl an in'.uestat J.» Third avenue, upon the txdy of liavid Reuuey ar»t.«o oi Ireland, aged I- »e« . '. erdict. deceasedci me to t.« deatu ly d.»ea»e ol lie heart

KR' |ty The 1 «. « « :n to get oa

wel. m the City ol C turche*. At the meeOng aj the Com¬mon Council on Monday evening Aid »pindler tried toget a hundred dollars appropriated to lighting the puUichoildings o-. .d n t tas done. The

i.-.t Aidermsn then ortered another resolution direeling the messenger of the Board to save |J the e,n(*.e

accuuiulale in snd about the betaeen tke present time snd thst ai

mnation to be g.vea *¦ patriotic citizeni and used I r.:«: c.ty but it »u laid on the table If t

The Adecnutr ancouucea the a

lag svascairrtoxs roa thk tLLcniMATio*«Ald. Inderwood N Y . |l ooTeddy Vechtry.IgiJ b 3 candles .

According to this the prospects of a high time over iaBrooklyn are uncommonly brimantThe lu... w.L.' *r- the .e» appointments made on

M -ni«y ertr. : » r. mrnon Councila-'J, Dsvid A Bokee Clerk idwa-d Copeland -;:.c. r,.mmisaioner. John D Law!

renre fraaaarar, J ,hn S Doughty Controller,' C. E.Betu Counsellor, James Humphrey Attorney. Rich-ardlnrraban. Heath Phy.icisn. Cnarle* s j c.ood-rich. C.) li.-. "

r G.Mii and Wm Hcwett.CTty Aeoov-ataat -tepkea H. Cakoone lnepncior. of

Uaaiiusa notice..rp^ ''tiîi . - -..-,,.¦.¦...- t elterlng

I in h:« rear building,tne entran, e to which ¡s through tbe hall door Hit cattomen will find the uiual full assortment.

J. N. <;i.N!N tU Broadwsy,rnyi 'ti*'_^^^ aaawMsmsti Paul»

jy K.vot, la» Fulton »l l» now prepared to supplyn.» patron» and the public with hi» elegant form»: HalaeoMlVkl-if


' -

l-*aTHKa RiDt r-ri'.-N -(¡01 n Pas« J y .»avaubaellsago.dp»n toi I., cents, i he | 7, hastie, pent

t -> Also a nugmrh-ent pen lor tïr. which it th«best and cheapen pen in the city Levt Brown s pen»genuine, at reduced pnce» (bja/i mistake the number,'.' . ultontt.

mf* 10 Pa«» m cases foron.y «1. M arranied Be«-.ey fro, ¡or tl 75, and ai. oth»r

-. '¦. .« , ,e.;, »r-.,id wholesale and'. 'I Cedsr-n

fV HL'iH MAXA LLL bas resumed his profession«st, n ,.unn«-< -.¡.jo wuhhueon, Jomis 8.

uaiiiwaijaad «...ituor. «i thet/office, elevenvsALL-r aaleodlm-

I "i> Ottvii A: HaoTHaa Plain and OmimenUlPrxter». corner Nassau tnd t m» tti. are prepared toen-cute, cardt. circulan, bill headt. blanks, label« hand¬bill», thowhtU» pe«Ung billi. by lewi. p»nipnlete'«i.c atih'.rt notice, 10* pnces, snd In tne best styl»j.KlJiovsis -Pei-Kjnschanging tceir place» of buiinettare invited to gi e them a call Country merchants aminrtted to an examination ol the!- »plendld style of.h-» *..... mytrn-B«»d»'» S»a»*.«a:i «.- [-be foliowing cerUfeeie it on-

.y another ink In the greatchatn of le.ümooy to its 1 lerlis.Lei ibe ttïlicied read an i be convince«. Whai it has doneon», ¡t will do again New-Yoik, April X, IBfT.» -Having long Seen elTlr-t-«! wlih general de-wtxamaea, lose cf eppeu-e, i.e. and receiving no

beaefii from the mlm» prescribed, I wss In-duced about three month, .ince lo m%kt ui<s of yfKI,^ptrilla. 1 now here the pleasure af informing you thaiti»eflectt nmve böfln %Madt)i w)ü¡ 1!]f. t lf r|s

itorlng my health and am induced 10 a Id my [otammSf 10tbe many o-Jiers you already possess of lie merits, and totbom desiring farther information, I will personally givethe particulars of my c«se. and ibetö-c.s of this In value-t,.e medicine, by ceding at «»¿ Bowery. New-York.

Yours respecifuly. JANET Mcl.NTOSH.¦ 1 ihai Miss Janei MclLieeh Is known turn«

as a mrii.Vr of the Church m g. tel Handing, and worthyof comience J. B- SPENCER.

Pour ,,f the 2d Prtsbyteilen Church, Brook.yo.Prepared and told,».e «¿d retail, 01 A. B. e, 1)

BANDS, VVboieeale DruggUis, MM fulwo at comer ofWilliam-»!. ~ Broadws y, and Tt East Broadway New.York. Bald t . . j..-. th,,' w.ex. j*:*« fricef; per wall, or sis oouMsforB*,

Wei « Pumpa, and I.tmpe lernet Vea Dyrk City Collect r» jsroei A. Morrta and ("beriet Kelsey. Jr Clerkot Market FUtsw f Morre.l K.eperot Market.Dame!

>.».. Pftal SjJ.He.Hel rT A. eea

Aivertieer latueHail t Paverosmt» J-hnK'nshaw «ni a o »s -.oer 1 '.be City I'n«on. Ja am CotoJ -atlon Newspaper« Pally

, I îMsr

I oarl (elender T.ii» D»r

v .-.


«» I oorl«.

Crac ' n « charge

« aaad1 . «aid

». *

was eaQadmatter . . tttnlth, wat

-, J with the drceascd Mr ~m:lh when a

Han from bim pasfaia . ., » ih M r

...|a milt from the» letter «t the

. \ , rwelad MriNancy I It . -mith .'went with my wile to Mr H » howIfrat Hi- a psrt» to her«-

-, || ifotheet: .« and »e*>

. -npany that was to be wit:'!-. Marr:» and »he

M this|gaa wa«

but not to r-

lapa ...

M: II »111 M . »a 1 she had

v a- ¦. liait a.i h ur reading and stating,. il g «AvJ h. ma


1 afterward,! Media .Id go tome on our arr.val at hit

houte he ihowad me a 'etter which »ppear.d to Bf th.-«ame p.ntmari | red in J..'y

¦«¦.d which had a drift ot thirty thousanda . . : was th.« lirai time he

.eh a draft, or ever heaward «howed the letter b ¦» «',-w dsy»

. Ml Bennett, andHarris, lo emu : V» I «TB With htm

the dtatt wa» cut trom the I had. am| some linen tor Mr Harris and my

tour other».wrapp«.d up in a pap » eued the

... tieen«entfi re and did not

mug afta» our arrival at Punning'».. f Ni ll«irn

s * t j the way ot-, .. h« had t coat th. i- .

Dl Ham» and myf': I " » direct we arrivedlay aad they a» syawday Mr Harris was mucli

the WOrm I r hqaM and we ,- .uc uled during th«»day to let elan give u» s power of att rney t collect the

..¡mediate ¦>. aeh haprea.-r that day. he went hack on Tu>-tday on that

> I iced by a jen-tlemar. " ark and we piest-nted the dratt.M ilarkliii(Ulred why it wa« BOt presented BSfaN

gei nan tbal latroda Nlr c MrHarn» ha I hi» i-a»on» for H it w ,» not men-

M aik at the lime mal the saWJBI bad lain !>y tor. and the irait not BOttoad Mr C l«a,s the dratt

1 -i»oine other papar», he kept the-. we relumed alter dinner

when was »/retted t >r torgery tint, «tter cx»-innatloi)..t»r, e hour» »uppoted tile

dratt to be m».« th witii.-s when ho

carried the letter in July l-ll bS Mrs Harrt» am Bataaad the whole af M mi she at it «s we were

DMThe deposition ot a young Woman rending in the

-, who w a» at that time an um it.-in th.%li Hani« sl»te« that «he read the ..-tier atu Mr» liairi» had put it away in the reau recollect see ina »

dratt attache,! » t also that Mr-tter that he liad w.lled hi» property to hi»

nephew a.-i Ii.- he meant to alter hi« will s«

reapectt V* Harria, aad nleea ha should !». tak--.

away had »eut t dratt for $30.000 he hadmow aatmiytnan bit (¡.ends Mum Clark- ought to heve, end they

as they had '-y him never met' had n. ard that Mr.

raed a drattat V» Cornelia «t in

thi» City »''''' luring

his last i.lnes« and wa» present when he died Mr sn.lMrs Harris Came to the City« tew days «tter he wa«

taken with Mecdum at tin- 'in«-» Ml H so. ,11 left againbat Mr» H remained till a! md carried hi«

« with her to tin-town ,.| bit birth Mia II an Iled BOt know what t;

heard Mr B ask here lew day» alter »hearriTed It »h-had got his letter, »fie »ai i »he had he told her th. I ItakeBan Kr -at ». rvi.-c to her didnot tell this till I heard ol th.- tr el BB state Mr Bradford aad Ni W «mi aad other hirn.

//- rj /ó-.'iro th Hi Harris at N. »

that Ml llarr-a ihowed Imti a .ettei |fls -1 with a of ».10,000 appaadad wa»

-, 11 appear» 1«I the sam hand writing Mutend a «it I

Chan . «'n ¦ Ml -viuth on... Mi -mith

Mi H irrto I dd ma boa .lb :

mlnatioa wm ¡¡

1 he lestimoiiv "t Mr i»wsn was previoutly gnnothiu¿ ot importance ¦.,-.ted

rSP BTATMCtsKtrn <',,. «r Itetort» Judge Nel«n Beateaeai JawaB W* eta, rndfomd »nd plead

cut tert.-iting a ,|uant.ty ot U cent pieces, wa«. i,'-i. ' inipri»..nment at bard labor tor ". year»

'.'it, seaman d the «hip Americant ' larceny at ses, wa* mama tad to the peni

teutiarv tor t x tnonlhl.

Cot it or Common I'i y ta Before Judge Ingraham.intimation.-r Aim« ifouie v» Am.*

Robbint Mr (( 1« a p.uln-ri-r in the market Thepriwwt «Clon is to recover penalty for killing and sellmii paitrilg.« end i|u«ll« out ot season Hy a law t theBiete the bsmewj 01 iiieh peetelty enure» to the Alm»

V-r.ti.'t tnis t.,11 noon.por plaintil Mr MeMaboti Lor d'-tendaiit Mr Bryan and Mi Tomliotou.

-oli-. ¡o; received to the Weekly Trlbnne.May » Baal Bianch N V

untar! .. Ir.d . Potadam, doOrtmmttle, le. .jr.-et Barrlaaioa, M»«s. 'iRandolph, N V.I Horaaa, Obm. 1LlbasnyVule, N. J. I Cinelnnall, do. 1Until,ml Me. I.MOW CteSjjJB, do.. II.vine Coon.¡Mo,,t,t ri»a»ani. Iowa_ I

. I I ll Marion Ala. I

-¡¦ii«, ri.un.o, received 10 The Hull« Tribune.¦ sla, 1 .nasioia.N.V. I

»t. N. Y rarryiowB. do. 1vVo C0UV1 le, Conn. 1

hockpuf. do . 1 CrawfordlTllle. tnd. 1- it,- .¡.....o. receive«! 10 The "cml.Weekly.

Tuisnsv. May 4Ttiom. 1 K.rwin (entre N, Y I

-.¦u.. r in urna received to The >ew-Vorker.TBliaai May I K.aat Srh-iy er. NY. 1

Cambridge, N Y. Kern. Conn.

rf" (irand fami.y holiday »bit at the» American M .is-nnwith superi, perf .rmaeres. le,o, »ÍWnoon end eveningwhen oie ., * .ma iluu. children

« ill P-,1 .nuance ofa- H»», a ;», 1 ai .¦ a;man kann.y. »nd Iba eahl-mon of thai beautiful diorama of Napoleon'« Funeral ol,-

me the atoel beautiful scenic repr»senteiion««.i a o,e.»e.i m ihtaa y

-J9Thi Wiip Wag*-We learn f-om rtot. .Douglass of tue steamer J J I!,

ti M .. river that a .- «

previ,,,,, t« hi« departure fron,Wind Wag a which has been Lud.

tber» He did m t wtness its performance, bat law«.-¦.ntl-men who were pr»sc,* .. y established and. .r.d.r.i ; J .'

noased It were astonished at the soer ,the entire useluloess of the nvent a

».'.. .»e>. g

:i .

Oo Monday »1 mst Tu M \» -.

year ot his ageHis relative« and fneads «re invited .« n

ral thi» Mayresidence No Ml Hrooene »t Ufa

West K»rm« tor intermentonTtir<!«ym rrrng after a «h (y

I r,d. .' »and. r snd Macan i .

City in the JOth year of hi« MlH.s friend» snd ta<«te of tbe tan ,.,. t

««end hi* funeral torn hi«s earl M to m. row 1 nm«da«o'clock His remains w'I be taken Ietsry New MMYesMrday I 18 i 8. WIM

Bu '

..liitli d to atteu-i hei funnoon at li froM the residesure Bei ..«' s

.t without farther inv\t ButTs o ,-n the »th Ines Mrs. I

..'. dis art«] w oi rksyear ol h«r age. MM I

lOIIMKKt 1*1- AMI MDM.l MAI I Ml».

.«ess* of Stork». V ser A MIÉ I '.',<»

The busiiii'S» ol tin- Hoard wa« ralJay and prices had an up» »

v improved and the *«>un .

(¡uest at full rale« For 1 easury N -

large, and tne rate Improved to l¡ p. »

large pareen were «old the be«. i

«Utciuent that no interest is paystil maturity two ).. ars hence

M interest on his interest »

s. rn: annually It is true that lot!'

ei the note in regard to »em: arm.»

MeaM but the advert«« to. nt ,t whichwe annex from the i.'nin i* ex, '

Tan.«««-«» n*r*»rv> n,

I prop.nat ¦lorit net .

otdoilar« under the act ot the '»il,

laass] the t.suo ol Treasury ,N t.- .*. i

Note« to t>e issued under «aid act w

i\r dan Vin«craí prr .rt -ran "ayu/in. suer si'its, y

This advert!»« ment will, ot curse, beSeen taiy. MM it lie Mil acccpled were pre.. »

lu Billa lasare is ao4 much darc (teady at I t «3 ) I I Bt* r,,ik v. oh - | n r« «sk

i'ranc« ate . . N"

portancc can ted ful until th« sli «

In r-'reig! ts there It no i hange

being taken at Wa o.i in lintith and

¦ i ra,u »#'0d Heavy Inn..

l'ai nominally A small HnU«'i,.d tor v. heat toi a port in Ireland 1. II«m.- tu. ¦.,:.

«:e IB Matt t . Hour. H ''eut* U «¡jtwerpa) oants tor tli«.oThe business streets imw present i

ol activity which »peaks well tor the | -iispem» M our

City. The nai row streets appiopnated lolldry goods are almost imp«»«: >,.- » roaaiH .

ai.- tioxe« and bales which eucum:.. this great uiou M ,«t t..

and W «tern buyer* have completed then ,and van ha-e n o .i .» cuatomei«

aud the ast W e .si ii thaf the country do., » SJJHally came to towu »ell pr.-pari d |o w

debtedness or to buy large »lock« 1. a» ,n ihsttfc«dry good* Lutines» ha» (eidom km i a .. sz.1healthy a» al press-lit. i'iuM o... SMMMtheir propensity to lolce Hade he» . tn.l»

\ the temptation of long credit* we sb. ,. « . ,

very piospcr lus year tor trade The v.«:

obtained h pioduie during the p i.l ,. ,.t ta«country in ¡und« tor Itbefai expcuiitui. Ii haut« will reap the ad «an tage We |quently of the superior advantage« otten-d t t..eeoaa-try dealer |j th g New York market MM lio-y,how managed to ducotei tiiem w,u,,¡

WO ea-.e M h appeal* to Ipliu hi,d -ton lh»Auction ssle* ot last Week »on Mail ail. |del sod Je¦treble asMawlpMaM el good« sold at tali

« witli which the Market ¦

low The late arrivals have .-

the importer» but the large «ale* has» broke«again to comidera'.Steal I h" prîtestatistai tor> Foreign W lees are nil.

pecially lancy cansine-rea 1 he stocks Imettle (roods are «teady with rnnaidcdoing

Iti.-kuell s Heporler says Our \luo IJ M.ukctiswithout change. Iroiai paper is r< «dn;letal Interest Last week was one ol much ..«. ii»m«Dtin our Stock Market Canal and Railroad Mock* ti.¦aii'-ed »ei v rapid.y »h ....-.

an extraordinary start

Tli'To are rmw lo'ii parties ul em...

ed in surveys for the Hudson Knei Railroadcation is eipected to bo settled -, .. , ,,l lnltmouth, Irom thi« City to Pishkill. a dut-un« .d «mymiles It is understood that the Directors artdlately alter the location I« »titled, pi.r tlii» :.

important portion ot th«> line, under roiitract.

Tin- acMiiid tnitalnient ot »i p«-r shire to thecapital *ta'k ot the i'ciiusylvauia Hsilr .

required to be paid on oi bi toic ti,, Mor«than one halt the amount has siroady t*e< n pail in

Tl.- Philadelphia Hank has de. lar.ol 4 per cent also s distribution of |.l p. *k**M I m

funds received from the liutu-et ol the Hang of tkenited State* the Hank of Northern r»: . hi« É

clsred 5 per centThe quantity of liomestn Knport« m Hostete

during two weeks ending 1st May was '.' package*and bale*, valued |*JJ3*>..i.l'J Ot then1went to Canton, and 1 Ml to ValparaisoThe circulation ol the Hochester HuikiiiTi'

*tS7 The business* of that place MfBiM *

larger amount, aud the banks hav« been .¦ gad U> k1cure bank notes Irom the Hast.An arrangement ti under consideration a

stockholders oi the Rank ol Cosntnarcathat, when consummated, wi.i enable the leak to mat*

dividend» which It cannot do now nor so Bg «* it»

capital 1» not whole The per of tnn «haie* ¡. «

their estimsted value |.'l ¡1-3 The «MJM t ol tin ¦rangement 1* to surrender to the bank one third ut ike.hare*, or for each holder to advance ||e( ,.. ., a Mar*heldThe revenue ¡Man tin' British steim»lii¡.« at Bos

ton lor the liret quarter ot the present year nuiug Apr'.1« a* follow*

Hibernia. entered Jan ¦'. | iCambrtn Feb HHiberni« Mardi 19

Total. g_-Tbe amount received during tbe first qua-tor ot ls»t

year. ssWlMwaM ItFrom the Cnion

rh».A in aaoiN, lai m «,

TsEaScar DiPAiTMK.Nr IKeglatet's'y- 0 )

amount outstanding of the issues prior to th«- -

July, l-4'l as per records of Ibis ofh -.. f j.U.gfB 11Amount outstanding of the Issue o! a<

JJd July, i"*}'- aa per recorda ot this utnee . ..:-. ¦¦>.

Amount outstanding ot the issue n| a- t nt*:th Jan. loiî. aa per record* ot this oftice.. Col

ToUl.ç,fll,*>>«Deduct cancelled notes in the band* ot thea Accounting Uttieera. of wc |under the act £id July. l»4o. $»>underact ol a-tb Jao 1-1?. and ?under other acts. »J¡»«

ToUl.|.i7V«! HR H. flll.BEHT. Regitterof tb-Tretz'-rr

Ri« ïirTS A*-D EAflftDITLKHTaaast «v DirzaTMriM, M«y

The leceipU into the Trea»ury tor the q-*rti-r -ai)Hthe olst of March lut. were about, viz g.,)«»r rom ciwtoin«.^'oinisil^.:. skS;miscellaneous .

losn underact Julr ':. '.M. "¿7Ze " !. -IJ I.C ... JOWJo«»

tressury notes July .' ,-t».' '-,-aiJsn. -.". .-IT . if"'JT

renal.IHThe enptndttureediuing tbe saute period were.

For civil, miscellaneous, and foreign inter- ^course. |i.e«V«»sa *»

For account ot the army ...?do-l.fija *>g!" Indian Department M

tortiflcatioiii. ¦-'"'..P*M>«M. 73¿;/7J *

nsvy." mtereat *c. on public debt. «Jg

" redemptn n ol loan of lr*4l. Aiw «a»

reimbursement and interest ol Tree«urynotes. .

reimburiiement oi Treasury notes ^purloined, including interest. _''_!._Tot»l.ÏÎ3 c :t *R. f. WALKER Secretary ot the Treasury

8ALE3 OF RtAL ESTATilBf A* M Ludlv» * Co .4 story house and .ot i « <..*

Muaré. 35x96 11. |13 -JOO»y H«Uid*t \ Mullcr. 3 .torj hou*e snd l.t I« **'

ud *t IMPE