new york tribune (new york, ny) 1900-06-07 [p 11] · against dora i.morrell. late of the county...

HW Pnn^ Bankers 3 it siryyi and 0 jpn Dealers 18 Wall SI, Investment New York. Securities. Members Hew York Stock Exchange. Kountie Brothers, BANKERS, Broadway &Cedar SL. NEW YORK. ISSUE LETTERS OF CREDIT available in all parts of the world far use of Travelers, Tourists and those Intending to visit the Paris Exposition. Foreign Exchange. Cable Transfers. __ ' Transact a frnerai t\ Psi msiirs n b«»it» deposit* I\^v3 lli\j liVJa MlUlil L_ BllLfl Divi- d end* and lnter««t col- ¥ r -> /T lected an<l alttsd k Off y \" I f\ Act as Flßcal Agent I\Vl 1 Wll, for « nd n?>rot!»te and Itsu» loans of rail- n»viii. o , roads, street railways, BARKERS. rr%3 nr , p , nl .. etc . 41 WALL ST.. X. T. Bwmrittes boucht and Members tu!d on coniinisalon. It. T. Stock Exchaac*. DEAL IN Hlich-Grade InTestment Secnrltles. i-Ut« of current •\u25a0ffertni:* «>nt on application. PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONTENTS. GUAIIAM. K£oß Si CO. Anarnstns S. Garham. Tel. IT.!)- Cortlandt. John B. Van Schatclc. Cable Tarpoleam. VAN SCHAICK & CO. N. Y. Stock Exchange. MEMBERS OB" Prodnee Exchancf. :.nd Chlcaso Board ot TruUe. 7 WALL STREET. Baltimore. aaQ East German St. I. F. Mead & Co., BANKERS & BROKERS, 4-4 and 4U BROADWAY. N. T. TWENTT-PIVB YEARS' MEMBERSHIP IX NTIW- TORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Stocks and Bonds bousnt and aoid for canii or on nutrstn. BGOOY,^cLELUN&OO., BANKERS, No. 57 Broadway, New York City. HEM32R3 Is*BW TORS STOCK E.-.«-H.OfSS- STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. Orders Executed For Investment or on Margin. "W A TSHTIEnD. Brooklyn Trust Company, Colonial Trust Company, United States Trust Company. djIISTTGKf GILBERT 2 WALL ST. National Sugar Common and Preferred Frederic H. Match, SO. 3O BROAD STREET. Asa P. Potter. S. E. Klrkham. Potter & Kirkham, BANKERS * BROKERS. 57 Broadway, New York, Members X. Y. fon». Stock Exchange. BUY <& SELL ALL STOCKS & I3OVDS FOR CASH OR ON MARGIX. DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND 40 Wail Street 428 Chestnut Street, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, Members of the fcw-Tork and Philadelphia Stock Exchange*. Oar ofttcen Iteina; con- nected by private telegraph, orders in either market will be promptly exeented. FLOYD & MOORE, 71 BROADWAY. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENTS MEMBERS N. T. STOCK EXrHAXGS. DIRECTORS OF THE ERIE TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANY: CHARLES E. ADAMS. Lowell. Mans. WILLIAM .T. LATTA, Philadelphia.. JOHN JACOB oISTOR, New York. MARTIN21ALONEY, New York. JOHN C. BI'RKE. Lowell. Muss. JAMES H. MILLS. Lowell. Mass. ALBERT B. CHANDLER, New York. CHARLES W. MORSE, New York. GEORGE CBOCKEB, Sun Francisco. DANIEL O'DAY, New York. FRANK A. CUTTING; DiiKtni. Mass. .1. W. <. FICTCKXEXG. Lowell. Mass. FREDERICK A. FARRAIL. Ofiiioo. Mass. ASA C. RUSSELL. Lowell. Mans. HARRISON E. GAWTRY, New York. LEVI SPRAGUE, Lowell, Mass. WM. H. GELSHENEN. New York. FRANK TILFORD. New York. CHARLES J. GLIDDEN, Lowell, Mass. CHAS. S. TUCKERMAN. Boston. Mass. WESLEY A- GOVE. Boston. Moms. HARVEY A. WHITING, Wilton. N. H. DAVID S. GREENOUGH, Boston. Mass. HENRY R. WILSON. New York. Purchasers af Ren! Estare should in- form themselves of its methods. ::s 37 and 39 liberty Street, 44* and 46 Maiden Lane. THE LAWYERS TITLE RAXCE COMPANT OF XEW YORK. charges and U . - -jon Bond Morrgr g i LETTER FROM AUDITOR. BOSTON. May 2d. 1000. Mensrs. WILSON dt STEPHENS, 41 Wall St.. New York. DEAR SIRS: I hereby certify as follows: The earnings of the Erie Teleirrapb and Telephone Com- pany constituent properties for a period of three years 1807 to ISOO Inclusive— been as follows! 1800. isus. \u0084 e-v0,.... 1807. Gross S.':,»7<i. .\u25a0*»»». 72 « »2.81m.477.37 . $2,523,073.70 Operating Expenses T.W*.*** 1.0U7.074.75 ; *^ <6*6 * 1,801,222.88 The Erie Company has paid 66 quarterly dividends since 1883; 63 have been at the rate of 1 per cent, each, and the last three 1 - per cent. each. The number of subscribers to the service of the constituent Erie Companies Is shown as follows: MAY I, 1900, DECEMBER 31, 1899, DECEMBER 31, 1898, •127.397 106,564 62,850 'Includes ii.tt2.*> under contract awaiting: connection. As a former table shows, the (rain In subscribers since January Ist of this year has been 20,333. This has been accomplished In four months. It Is confidently expected thai the close of the year willsee 130.000 subscribers con- nected Witt the «7-eteTr;, which ought to Insure a net lnco me to ths Erie Company, after payment of all bonded In- terest ana executive expenses, of a; least $1,000,000, which latter sum will be applicable for dividends on its stock. The financial condition of the Erie Company is as follows: Capital Stock (authorized $15,000,000 issued $10,000,000 Bonded Debt: 6 per cent. Collateral Trust Bonds, due 1909 . . . $1,000,000 5 " " " •• \u2666« 1926. . . 4,000,000 5 " " " « »• 1928-29 5,000,000—510,000,000 The last-named issue, of which the $2,000,000 now offered are the balance, were originally Debenture Bonds, but under an Indenture msje between the Erie Company and tho Old Coiony Trust Company, they become Col- lateral Bonas, v shares of stocK In the above— mentioned operates companies have been pledged to secure the pay- ment of the principal and Interest to the par value of #S.IHM».<HM». The estimated market value of the above-mentioned C >Uateml la *«,ri«MI.(MM». Since this issue of bonds has been made *r..i*MMMM>have been paid Into the Treasury of the Erie Company and .10,000 shares of Capital Stock Issued. making up the full 910,000,000 Capita! issued. This adds very materially to the security of the bonds, inasmuch as the new capital is to be used at once for ex tensions and additions. The structural or replacement value of the subsidiary Companies of the Erie System is estimated to be above 822.000.000t exclusive of franchlEes. These Operating Companies have the exclusive and perpetual right to operate In their respective territories under the Ball patents, and to enjoy besides the use of the long-distance lines and those of neighboring; Bell Companies. The territory covered is as follows: County of Cuyahotra. Ohio, including; the City of Cleveland; Minnesota, (excepting only Duluth); North Daiota. South Dakota (excepting only the Black III'ls); Arkansas. Mlchican. Wisconsin. The estimated population of the territory embraced as above is 12,000,000, or about one-sixth of the entire popu- lation of the United States. A letter from Chas. J. Glldden. President, gives the following Information! The Er'.e Company otrns a majority of -he stock of the following oj>eratir.c Companies: The Cleveland Tele- phone Co.; "The Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.; The Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Co.; Michigan Telephone Co.. and Wisconsin Telephone Co. Oldest Strongest Eest Title guarantee andTRUST COMPANY. EXAMINES AND GUARANTEES Titles to Real Estate CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 55.000.CC0 146 Broadway, New York. 175 Remsen St.. Brooklyn. 'Xnrtion Sales of Sea! Estate. JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer. Positive Anctioc 3a> at 111 Brc^Jway. N. Y. Real Estate Salesroom, TVESDAY. JI>K 12. SOOT ind«r direction ot Gecrs^ W. Van Slyck. Attorney 78 CHOICE LOTS, owned by the lac» Aarnstoa Kaustza. da— slrablj- sltuatea on JEROME AYE., TREIiONT A"-"., ITDTH J T. BUR 4 \S!DE Aft, WALTC-N MCP.r.-.- AN- CRESTCX AT*. BROM. XETV YORK CTTT. Th-^e lots are ADJACENT TO 2 TROLLET I.IKE*. ctmne^tlajf ,xtlt!i all , RAPID TRANSIT STATIONS. Avenues and Str««ts 5«-xered- Term* !!b«ra.. Tlt> Guara=i»ed firs* \u25a0»! cost to «aaa pnr«*ha*«r. Cail or send 'or map*. GEORGE W. "VAX ?L.T'.*K. a- IBM 12*> Broadway. JAMES I- WELLS. Amtlfm»'sr. 141 Broadway. So £ct /or Business Pnrccses. AT 223 WILLIAM, THROUGH TO NORTH WILLIAM 3T.. A fOU EQUIPPED FIVE-?TORT STRONG BtTILDING. SUIT- A3LS FOR \u0084-—"\u25a0«»• v.- r BITSIXES3. RIL.V.VD Jt WHITI> . -. Beekman St. Citn LrLnJL=3 1 uCOJI n il SI k lunt S3 •th Ay«. gaM ISth St. UNIOX SQUARE. Absolutelr Sri?Broof. A Jew desirable apartments far summer months. Xet Earning* $1,314,162.03 9820,802.63 ,-,,_--..,. The Income of the Erie Company la derived from divide upon the stocks of these \u25a0 nhitidlnTT companies owned by it. and is ah»«rn herewith: •ISOO. IS9S. ISOT. Total income 9D25.002.25 S-l2:t.<>ffO.OO -.:.-,..-,.-.<. . Total Expenses, in«.ln<Un(? interest 452.701.20 210.07U.45 137,002.78 \et Earnings applicable for Divi- dends on Stock .\u25a0M42.::::i.n,-» $204,573.n5 $220,(U7.22 •The 3llchi(ran and AVinconsin rnmpante* having been acqnireil dnrlnßT the year ISOO the Income from theme companies cppearn only in the IS}»J) statement. In addition to the above mentioned income in 1 \u25a0>!<!• the Erie Company Is entitled to Its proportion of the undivided surplus of the nnbnldiary companies, the said propor- tion amounting to )f40,!f47.<]2. Respectfully yours, Signed,! HETRY A. PIPER. A CIRCULAR MORE FT.TLT DESCRIPTIVE OF THE ABOVE BONDS ANT THE OPERATION OF THE ERIE COUP ANT. AND ALSO CONTAINING A RESUME OF THE TELEPHONE INDUSTRY GENERALLY. \u25a0WILL \u25a0 E SENT UPON REQUEST. The Ifcraliry of this Inane of bonds hai been approved by- John. G. Johnson, Esq.. of Philadelphia, and Memrn. Storey, Tnumdike & Palmer of Boston. Copied of their opin- ions, as well a* of the Indenture fronting the bonds, may be had upon application. »T6O.(K>O OF THE BOWDS HAVING BEES SOLD, WE OFFER THE RE>LIIJfI\G 91.250.000 AT 1O:S-j UB ACCRCED INTEREST. SUBJECT TO WITHDRAWAL A.\D ADVASCE I!* PRICE. APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED IV THE ORDER OF THEIR RECEIPT. <£*cnrsians Steamboats. Wilson & Stephens, H. W. Poor & Co. 41 WALL. STREET. NEW YORK. 88 DEVONSHIRE ST.. BOSTON. MASS. Townsend Yv'helen & Co. Toland Brothers & Co. 309 VaUfUT HI . PHILADELPHIA, PA. 104 SOUTH BTH ST.. DELPHI A. PA. Bnrrogate's Xotirrs. Snrrogatca 7 Notices TN PURSUANCE of an order or Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims against Dora I. Morrell. late of the County it New Tork deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at my place of transacting business. No. 27 Pine Street, Manhattan Borougti. In The City of New i York, on or before the :M day of a.trusta '.trust next. Dated New York, the Ist day of February 1900 ROBERT I- MORRELL. Ex-eutor 27 Pine St.. Man. 8.. S T. TS PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. Abner C. Thoraae. a Surrogate of " •\u25a0 County of New York. NOTICE hereiy given to all persons having- claims nea:r:Bi Bertie C. Fretdmar., iaie of the County ot New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to tie «u!>scriber. at his place of transacting business, a: the o:Sce ot Goodwin. Thcraj'son &. Vanderpoel, No 2 Wall 6treet. Room 4C. in th» Citr of .-••\u25a0, York, on or before the first day of December next. Dai- New Tork. the SSrtf day of ilay. 1900. RICHARD W. FREEDMAK. Executor, &c. GOODU-IN THOMPSON* \u25a0 VANT>ERPOEU Attorneys ior Eiecntcr. No. 2 TVall Street, New York City. THREE LOTS IN BROADWAY NEAR FORTY SECOND ST. BRING 5211.000 \t AUCTION. A flfty-slx foot plot on the east side of Broad- way between the St. Cloud Hotel, at Forty-sec- ond-st., and the Criterion Hotel, at Forty-Crst-at.. \u25a0was aoid at auction yesterday for the second time within two months. The property la Noa. I.tS*. lAZS and 1.400 Broadway, a »art of the estates of the late Duncan C. and Waldon Pell. The price obtained for it yesterday m dI.COO. I: wai bought by Ottinger Brothers. This 13 SoO.OOO less than was bid on April IT by John Heitman. who never paid any money on the transaction. The bidders were chiefly operators who have become familiar flzures In the New-Tork Real Estate Salesroom. The initial bid received by Peter F. Meyer, the auctioneer, was 5150.000. made by H. C. Pell: »75.0» waa then offered by a firm of operators, and the COO.Oto limit was reached by advances of COOO. ; when Mr. Pell dropped out. Soon only two bidders. Ottlritfer Brothers and J. Davidson, were left, who reached CC5.000 by C.300 advances. E97.000 by C.OOO advances, and J211.0Q0 by blda of COO each. *W"hen the property waa scld In April and tSe buyer did not show any aliens of making; payment the case was taken to the Supreme Court, and the court was asked by the counsel for Peter F. Meyer. the auctioneer, to allow the land to b<» resold. A provision attached to the request was that Mr. Heitman should mike sood whatever itJTerence might - ztst between the auras bid on the first and on the second sales. Representatives of the estate said after the sale, however, that no step would be taken at present toward collectinc the deficiency of $jO.OCO from Mr. Heiiman. Th* Criterion Hotel, formerly the Stuart Houae. to the south of the property, is owned by Sire Brothers. The 3t Cloud Hotel, to the north, be- longs to the Aster estate. It is the prevalent opinion among real estate men that Ottlnßer Brothers have bought the property for speculation. The plot measures S6.lVs feet on the Broadway frontage, 32.5 on the south. 54.0^4 on the east, and 107.6 on the north. The failure of bidders to so over JXU.OM yesterday has raised the question. What influences were at work two months ago to send bids up to Cul.OOa? IMPORTANT SALE IN BROOKLYN. An Important sale was closed at the office \u25a0' the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, Brooklyn, yesterday. .v new corporation, known as the Equity Land and Development Company, of No. UO Nassau-st.. Manhattan, completed the purchase o" 3C 2 acres of land in Ocean-aye. and Kings Highway, Brooklyn. The selling persons were lliiabeau L. Towns and ex-Justice Augustus Van Wyck. J. G. Quinn 4 Co. were the brokers maic- ins the sale. The property, which Is known as Arlington Ter- race, has already been laid out in building iota, which will be offered a: from $250 to a.-JOO each. Daniel F. Lewis, former president of the Brooklyn city Railroad, is treasurer of -<» new company. R. B. Mdntyre is secretary. These offerings at auction are scheduled for to- day: By William L. Kennelly: No. 968 to m ka*atav> diim-ave.. No. 2W to 2<j"l West One-hundred-and- thlra-str, corner of Amater.iam-nve.. 101.10x118. seven story brick hotel. Caatle: Warren B. smith agt. Thomas FrazW et al.. Reevs & Schrugham. attorneys: G«K>r£re W. Ellis, referee: amount due. 5ia0.45361: subject to tas<-s, etc.. $8,179 30. Nos. ";1 and Cl3 Bleecker-st.. east aide. 17.1 fe#t south o. Grove-sr... 40x75. three story frame (brick front) stores etc.: Josephine Stein ot al.. e-ecutors of Conrad Stem. ag:. Nettle Reutlinger. individually ar.d as administratrix, etc. of Emanuel Reutlinger et al.: Meyers, Goldsmith & inner, attorneys; Edward Jacobs, referee: amount clue $10 •\u25a0\u25a0- aub- Ject to morreage. $18,500. ar.d taxes, etc.. SOSO. By L. J. Phillips & Co.: No?. TZ and 22S Rlver- s.ds Drive, east side. 76.2 feet south of Ninety- r.f.h-st. iJ).0x95.3x50.4505.5. seven story brick Sat- house: Robert E. Westeott art. Hazel M. John- son et ai. :Henry Manne. attorney: Augustus H. \ ar.derpoel, referee. Amount due J«n.503, subject to mortgage. (55,000, and taxes, etc.l "' iS. By D. Phoenix Ingraham & Co.: Convent-aye., west side, est^nds from One-hundred-and-forty- nrst-st tc Onc-hundred-and-forty-s^cond-st.. 199 10x 100. ten three story stone front dwelling houses" Hyman & Henry Sonn \u25a0?•. William Wahle et al.: Alexander & Ash. attorney*: Adrian H. Lar- kin. rct>re«. Amount due. £3.953: subject to mort- jrase. J42.>»). and taxes *>tc. fl 16? By Peter F. Meyer & Co.: No. 1,305 M.idison-av».. southwest corner Ninety-third-st.. 44.5x100.8. ten story, brick hotel: Henry S. rrnafl agt. George W. apitzer « a:.: Honrtti & Samuels, attorneys: M. Warley Platzek. referee. Amount due 045- subject to mortgage. JI3C.OCO. THE RECORD OF SALES. B. C. & F. T. Barry have sold for Charles A. Herrmann the 20 loot private dwelling- house No. L 238 Madison-aye., between Nlnety-«<?cond and Ninety-third 5:3., on private terms; also. No. 51 East Sixty-sixth-st.. a four story high stoop brown- stone dwelling house, with butler's uarrtry ex- tension, on a lot 20x100, for Marx Rothschild to Dr. Frederick merer. This firm has also sold a 40 foot plot in Madison-aye.. the particulars of which will be given out later. McVickar &Co have sold for a client to William Roche the Grace Church leasehold property No. 42 Y.'sey-st.. a five story stone front building, on lot 25x100. The lease Is for twenty-ona years, the lessee having the privilege of three renewals for a ilk» period. Bleiman & Co. sold for Robert Boyd to Mrs. R. Palmer the four story front and rear tenement houses No. 86 Jamea-st.. lot 23x100. The plot on the north side of One-hundred-aml- eishteenth-st. 100 feet west of Manhattan-**! lOOx 100, has bsen bought by a builder for improvement. Henry Russell has sold Nos. .-\u25a0 24 and 26 Mac- dougal-st." a plot 75xlt«j. on which the buyer will er*"*t six story tenement houses. Neubeck v Busher have sold for Mary A. Hoff- man, at $7,500, th* th "cc family dwelling "house No. 1,081 East One-hundred-arid-sixty-nlnth-st., IS.9x 60x107. REAL ESTATE. PARIS EXPOSITION The way to be satisfied Is to get what you want. All intending visitors to Europe and Partii will and suitable arrangement among the flfyr parties stllJ 'o leave under the auspices of Thou, Cook A. Son. They ra_ase la t>nea from 9143 to 81.000. Several leave every ireak. Among the, tours. Including the PASSIO."V PLAY not* the followir.K: Tour 7". June 30. t>er a? "Aller." visit- ing (ilbraltar. Italy, Switzerland. many; France and Knsland. t«5 days. #-i>«.". Tonr OS. July 7. per ss. •"Potsdam.'* (new.) visiting Holland. Germany. Switzer- land. France and England. «5-t .Jays. *.".(M). Independent TK'Urtu Everywhere. •.-' ALL INFORMATION from THOS. COOK & SON. Downtown Otflcf. 2«! Broadway (cor. Wxrren). N. T. Uptown Offl.e: 11S5 Broadway (cor. 2Sth St.;. .V. T. CONEY ISLAND I Via i olrrr Route). From HAMILTONFERRY: Through 13th 3t. Electric fars. Fare Sets.S cts. From BROADWAY FERRIES: Through Van- derbllt Ay. Kl#-"tric Cars. Fare '." cts. From BRIDGE: sth Aye. "L" Electric Trains. transferring at 3'! th St. Fare 10 eta. From BATTERY i (Ft. "Whitehall St. 30TH ST. I FEIIRY and through Electric Cars. Fare 10 cts. BRIGHTON BEACH. From BRIDGEi \u25a0\u25a0trie express trains, via Kings Co. '"L." (No stoos between Flatbush At*. and Grand As. Stations.) Fare 10 eta, Free transfers on Sundays and Holidays same aa I on week days. j BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT. ~ WEST POINT, NEWBURGH & POUGHKEEPSIE. GRAND ErAILY EXCURSION fExcept Sunday! «^. V ,w A H.-". E IROX DAr UXE STEAMERS "SEW 1 CHIK*' and "ALII IVY *• From Brooklyn. Fulton St., (by Annex) .. .. •» A M •• New-York. Desbroises St. Pier -4" '•• New York. West 22d -St. Pier 9-yo •• Returning due In New York s:a> P M axd afterxoo.v co.vcEnrs DEEP SEA nSHTXO—Al Foster. Iron sea steamer Angier. daily. Fare ' 73e \u25a0 ladles. BOc.: 81st St.. E. R.. 7 J5 Bat- tery. - '* a. a. DEEP SEA FISHINO DAILY The larse and commodious Str. Edmund Butler leav«« Battery landing 130 a. m. Far*, gents. Tsc ladles. 30c V DVEItTISBMENTS and subscriptions for The Tribune A recetved at th« Uptown O«c* No. -•- Broadway. 2J door north of 31st-*i.. until » o clock p. m. . advertu*- ments received at the following branch otSres tt "»«ular offl.e rates lint! S o'clock p. m. vlr.: =^» sta-ave.. 5 . c. cor -nj-st 133 fl:»i-«ve . cor. 12th-*t. : Macv's. Stn-ave. and Uth-st."; 142 Cblumbus-ave.. near i^j: 6«th-Ft.: 10« : West *2d-iit near Otb-ave. •Bi East Uth-.t. ; Sl7 West , 42J-*t.. between Tth aad Bth ayes.: 139 East 4.:h-.t.: 1.23 i j 33-ave.. b«tween 761h ana 77th sts.; LOW M-ara.. near : eist-st.- I.TOS lst-*ve.. near «I»th-st.: *»«\u25a0«>•.. tear j ».,. :. 644 3d-av... 210 me«CK«r-«t. i 33 CUecker-au J T INCOLN, ROSE.— In pursuance of aa order of Hon. Frnnk T. Fitzgerald, a. Surrogate of the County of Now York, notice Is hereby given to all per- sons having claim* against Rose Lincoln, late of the County of New York. Borough of Manhattan, deceased. to present he same, with vouchers thereof, to the sub- scriber at hlu place of transacting buslress. in the offlce at L»jsih. Demorwi & Harhy. No. 27 William Street. In the City of New York. Borough of Manhattan on or before th: Bth day of September, next. Dated New York, the Ist day of March. 1900 SOLOMON EMANL'EL. with will annexed. LOGAN'. DKMOIfD & HARBY. Attorneys for Administrator. -7 William Street. Manhat- tan Borough. New York City. TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New-Tork. Notice is hereby rl v*n to all person* having claims against John Groh. late of the County of New-York, deceased, to present the same with« thereof to the subscriber. at her place of transacting buEinees. at the office of Jam—. Bchell I Eikus. No. Pine Stre*t. m tlie City of New- York, on or b«ore the 25th day of September next. Dated Xew-Tort. the -Ist day of March. 1300. JTTLIA A. GTiOH. Executrix. &c. JAMES, SCHELI. A: ELKUS. Attorney for Executrix. 66 Pine trait, Borough of Manhattan. New-York City. TN PURSUANCE of an order at Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New Tork NOTICE 1- hereby riven to all persons havinr claims against Charles F. .dates, .ate of the County at New York, deceased, to present the same with voucher* thereof to the subucrlbers at their place of transacting business No. 215 West F.nd avenue, in the Borough if Manhattan In the City of New York, on or before the Ist day of October next. Dated New York, the 22d day of March IMB C. FRANCIS BATES. JAMES E. WALSH, Ad- ministrators. SACKETT. BACON & . "AID Attorneys for ad- ministrators. No. 154 Nassau st. (Tribune Building), Dor- oug-h of Manhattan. New Yo:k. REORGANIZATION OF THE Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Railroad Company. To the bolder* of Firm Mortcaße DonrilH of the Toleilu. St. 1...11j> snd Ivuii>:i* CUT iLatl- mad | <>ui|iany aabncribinir the l><>n<l . M- m' agreement of Viiii'l-.T 4. I^!K{. their :»-p- rmaliili or \u25a0walsma, holders of ..riirt- rates i:«»uf«t by tile Cuntiacntßl Trunt Cum. pa»i> .if tbe City of New York, rcnrenent- lok Hi.- deposit u:i<i<-r iniil hondholdern* »Kr«-*niHut of A.a(r<i!»i 4. I "•:•:;. of Firnr Mort- n«TC Bonds of .mil Toledo. St. '.nun and Kanuii Cats Railroad Company: Th.c csicmlttfce ecaatttnted under said bondh"!(sers' egr^ement of Aujfust 4. i. v".<a, and undes- the plan ar.d >ltt»i I>ecember l k , l^W, tor the reorganization Jt the said Toledo, St. Louis ar.d Kansas City Railroad nillijl<my-i has re-eived ao offer to ptircftase th* flirt mort- '-r ocr.4s arwi coupons deposited .-_\u25a0-\u25a0 said \u25a0 \u25a0'.:,.:. r--' a«p-etmer.t, «aa :o etTect as amcKemfnt nf the respectivd - "JPo= Mia toads ci the holders of certificates of <>po«!t :n re«tieci. thereof by is a«rttrr;!n<i-nt nf the bid of th«» Committee tar the premise* sold under foreclosure cf the £rrt 3:crtsa^ e »>f saii Railroad Company, at a prlc*, net. sqstraleat to 13*> per cent, for each first mortgage bond depcK:;«i with the csupon mauir:nc June !. ISM, •vB-l •ut/soqu'er.t our^rjs. and interest on saii purchase pnee at th* ra:e cf four per cent, per annum from June 1. J»U. to the cate of payment cf the purchase pnee to th« •-otnmitt^e. er.d ta« Committee considers the terms cf such 9n:e anc s_-ra= s->n»^.: a/iv.eabie. -• is herehy gtv« = -hat eaid proposed sale and mid proposed arr-m^mfm "f the dajma ot said sut>scr.t>- -ns jocdr.o.cers upon said -iepoeited benda will be submit- ted by the Ccrrmittee for approval to th»- bondholders e«fcSi.Tiblnir said b..-r.dholiers J ajrr^-ment. their r<>p:~-e:iti»- uves cr iss:p«s, ho.ders tl ct-rt:fir-«'e» of ths Ccr.t:atsnial Jrurt Company cf tr.e Ctty cf New York, representing use O«pos:t under eaid becdhojders' agreement of August 4. of first mortgiMre bond* of vie Toirto. St. Louis and •Jta~efca> City Ral:roa<S Company, at a general meeting V^ 1^ .*" a*J*by caUed to oe held on the l^th day of -u^.e. ..«»», t: h&ii-f,net t»-i o'clock in the foreao&s. In Koom &«. UOe, No. 30 Broad eti>*t. In the City of New 6ated 'New York. June .'.. lfrfv». JOHN C. HAVEMEYER, HERMA.N O. AH.MOI.It, Hit HIHIJ H. HARTSHOR.VE, OTTO T. BA.\.>AKU, \u25a0OatTOa S. I'ATO.V . Comiulttee. OCce of Controller of Aileghrny County. -v->-/"i_,»~ Caort House, i'ittsbuig. Ha.. June 1, 11*j0. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS.-Ey virtue of _.. , a '\u25a0"clutior. duly v*int& Mey 21. il»<>i, by the com- »J«ioii«ni vl tr.e county of Illfrtlrnr relative to the re- "eßption of etrt&ir;rt-<f:s:ered relundin* riot bends isrued »y t-*eoun:y of Allegheny pureujict to an act of Asseni- ."tv-^!* t:i '* <S " Aa kcl S^^s^cg >o»er to eoonUea. cities •«cep: e:il*% Q * ta, first asd s^rcouj ciastes). Vwroughs. ni-aietpauuee or school d^iricts lc this Comm-.-nwealth Yp:~ ca-ve :esu«d t>onds or ether intereai-bearlng evl- <ie£ccs of ir.letitedness, to r»d<-«3j the saroe an.i lesus Its tx T: ix tfc*r*-2r with or without interest coupons at- '? C T* C ' •*» r 'J ved Ox i*ih day of April, A. U. issi. ft ht *rtF r.v«i thmt on July l. a. D. u»oo. at ._\u25a0 c ,~ c * c ' tte county conircllrr, court house, Plttsburg, toe foJowing regiiifcred refunding riot bonds, bearing 4 H . " ; - : \u25a0 •-.- \u25a0••••!• I .•• . is»ufed January !. a. D. AXj^' ** C 5 rji Ln * d' of one thousand | •-.\u25a0•\u25a0 otn ; ar« koO. nuir.ijtrea r«*j«*»-tiv*iy lUne PJ> to t»-o bua- crea -rty-nine CXili 'both isiciuslve, will be paid, tcgether \u25a0^.n Jit<?rett, en presentation of th« serre at the office amiswlg, sod that on and after aaid date, vlr., July 1 WW9, interest on said bonds wIU cease. W. a. THQMPnON. County Controller. UNION TYPEWRITER COMPANY STOCK* «S. II 1.1- MERIULL, \u25a0»-:• PUODL'tg EXCHANGE. . A nVERTISEIIENTS and eubsimn'locs for The Tilbane £i/i r l?~*lji?£ a i i, he<r Office. No. 1.242 Croadtvay. •ooacr north cf Zlei-*L.. tmtfl 'J o'clock p. ra. ; »dv<:rti*e- 2r" ret * lv «o " the following- branch orSces at I ?.»r i',» ".H-»lr. «. *. ar<! I*?!- , 'P,«t Ma v r dth-ave. fcnai«thj«t.; H2 Colucious-ave.. c«rir West (JClh-et.; 106 \u25a0S!-*st «d-«t.. n«r «U,-*v«. : 07 East l«h-«t. : Notice to Crcbitora. TX PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. AISNER C. THOMAS, a Eurrotraie of the County of New York, notice Ii hereby ffiven tv all persons havirs claims aeainst Andrew Olsson. late of the County of New \u25a0"ork leceaaed. t. nr'M'ent the same with vouchers there- of to' the subscribe-, at ha* place of transacting business, at the oSce of F. B. Wlchtman. No. KB Broadway, in the Boroueh of Manhattan. City of New York, on or be- 'or« the sixth day as Auirust '\u25a0> it Dated New York the let day of February. l!W0. "' " ANNa CLSSON. Executrix, etc F B WIGHTMAN ESQ.. rsay tor r.xecutrtx •»vtt BrcKdway. N. Y. -\ PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. ADNER C THOMAS, a Surrogate of the County of * Notice is hereby given to all persons havlc* claims ereby c v*n to all permsai claims twins- Alice C W. Lioyd, late at the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers there- of u> the subscriber, at fcla plaea of tranßactln< business cf' the estate, at the office of Hersrv W. Goodrich. No. Wall street In The City of New Yurie, on or before the •'Da^New'V^^^t day of February. Ug^ \u25a0im W. GOODRICH. Administrator. Attorney for AdminUtratcr. _ -\u25a0\u25a0 Watl SL. Ne» YorK. N. T. T'NITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. Sontb- «rn District of New York.—THE LORAIN STEEL. COMPANY, Complainant, atrainst THE FORTY-SECOND STREET. MANH ATTAN VI 1.1 .F. aND ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY. Defendant. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance or an Interlocutory Decree, duly made and fl'.ed in this suit on June 1. 1«X1 NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that all claims and ilcmanda l#mlaal The Forty-Seoond Street. Munhattanvtlla and St. Nicholas Averue Railroad Comjiany must be presented on or before the 2.'.th day uf June. 1900 to the undersDrned. at his oSlce No. 67 Wall Street. New Tork City. New York. Th« first hearlnir before the undersigned, the Master appointed by said Interlocutory Decree, will be held on Wedneidav, June 27. lIKM. at 11 o'clock A. 11., at. bis •aid office. No. «7 Wall Street. New- Torlt Gar. Dau-d New York. June 3, lJKnt. * ARTHX'R H. MA.STEN. Master la Chantry, C \u25a0 Circuit Court. Southern District of New V .rk. Business ©pporlnnitiea TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. Abner C Thomas a SunoßSte of the County of New Torlc. notice is hereby riven to all ;>ersons having olilmi apnjnst Gertrude C Walter. Ute of the County of New Tork. deceased to -iresenl the same with vrvuefcers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of trar.«actinK busuiese. No. 2DI Broadway Bon. ugh of Manhattan, lr. the City of New York on 'or before the 10th day of December next. Dated New Tork. the 6lh day of June .l9<X>. WALTER S. KEMEYS, Executor. AN! J.. S. HAMERSLEY. , _ Attorney for Eiwum, 231 Broadway. Boroush of Man- hattar. New York Ctty. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Park-ay». s w corner T4th-^t. 40x102.2: L*o "^T •» to Louis Korn $1 Suburban- st. s *v s. 94 ft a w of Marion-ay». .17. llx 187 3x71.3x4 Paniel P InKrahain. referee. to Mount Mr>rr!s Co—op«mtiv<» BolidlSS and L>an Association 10.000 Bth-av<>. n w e. 108.1 tt n of lCth-«-.. 25i>xl00; Amos B Cross to Catherine M Cross Gift Park-are, n w corner 134th-st. ism in to ISStb- st. xif>: Francis B Del»hanty. referee, to Mutual Life Insurance Company 23.000 Lenox-av». No ----- Elizabeth Brown to Michael Feeney Bxchanre IXM-sr. a s. 135 ft o of Stb-ar* 2T-x9» 11: Henry N Steinert. refers*, to Mortimer Smith .. 12.300 114th-st. No 1£» Eist. 23xl<X>.ll: Henry Daie to William N Welteran ... 30.000 Sara« property: Martin A I>wey to H<»nry Dale.. 1 eth-ave. No 73&. vr s. 23tc7K: Dand J Klruj et al. executors and trustees, to James *VDonohu». ... 43,000 Stcnel. Fanny, to Frederic R Coudert, trusr»»«. RECORDED MORTGAGES. Horatio-st. Noa 12 and 14. ,". years .. 20.000 Reiliy. John F. to 'lieonr* EThret. 2M-»t. No* 113 and 117 Bast, and 24th-st. Nob Ins and 11(> West. ?n!oon l»*n«e. rlTnand 12.000 Qutncy, Samuel, to Ellen Qulncy. Central Park V,>«;. w s. 75.S ft s of :>3d-st. demand 11.000 BedUai;. Edward K. to Jeannette H Francis, trus- tee, et al. 77th-«t. a ? 36«> fr w of West End- av» 5 y?ar» . ... 32,500 Blake. Rfixrt J. to Union Dime Savings Isat!- tatton, 12i)th-st. n s. 100 ft w of Lenox-ave. 5 y-ars flo.o<X) | San:- to Maude A Deehey, same propert-. 1 rear. 10.000 j Sehultz. Ignati. to Jonathan Wright. No i> West loßtb-at, 5 years 23.000 G«in. Jeanne*T» P. to Kata llorifsn. guardian. etc No I 'v« 47th-st. leaseholiU 1 veax 12.000 J CitTi Propcrin /or Sale. Q(* f\f\ PEP. WEEK TOTAL COPT.— A model house: j C''J.\J\J everY r»<julr»ment fcr refineil people: i sr.lendta neighborhood: la the city: with all conveniences. but above all. LOW IN PRICE aa.t ' --•: on TERMS j WHICH WILL INTEREST TOT 7. costlr.s to carry less Than rent. :i«-a^ are new ß to 10 rooms: . .». electricity. running water: only SO minutes from Manhattan business e?n:re. Tlwy are ont of the common and worthy of your r"nsl'l<»ration'. Writs for particulars to 1.. P. 0 Box £673, New-Tork. l I Brooklnn Propcrtn for Sale. | FOR SALE. Good investment: hoarding stabl«» 121-123 _T SulTi-an-st.. 4Ux7B. I story: arraoiced for » horses and truclis: aiectric *le\-ator ar.d llshts: rested I years. J3.4o>> a year. Apply G. V. SIMPSON. 28 Roiney-st.. Crookljm. Jnrnistici) £a Cct Cccntrn. YORK CLIFFS IMPROVEMENT CO.. YORK CLIFFS, HAINE. (le>rpral fine fnrnlahed eotta«ei to r«ni (or ; ituauo. Descrtptn-e book and circular *«st en appllca- ; H. E. EVANS. General M»n»ftf. TORK CLIFFS. MAINE. /^ONNECTTCTTT Sestshore " "are" liberally furnished: \j aIJO handaoms residence. «ichteea rooms, hath. Sre I fireplaces, furnace, stationary tub*: Ma »t«w: references. Circulars. Prof. NORTHROP. Brooklyn Polytecnale. OV J. Fully furnl»t!~l j co"a~ 12 moms aad t«tn: $1.000 l Applr KILIAEN TAN RENE3ELAER. li« Tail Street. Countrji prepenn for Sale. » HOME IN THE BERKSHIRE HlLLjx— Eous^ 25x23 -A - ell 22x14 ft.: faces the sjuth; newly «hin«!«d; pur- Mai "\u25a0prtn* water; bam. SSx2S ft.; put* cut* about j ten tons \u25a0 hay. nearly all with machine; plenty of wood j and pMtur.: m<M brook and UuWttl cnwadj >n» mile > mm -tandlsflel-J Center. Mass.. one-ha.f ml*from P. O.; N^w-tST Chlcmpo «^d Pouirhk«T,rt« \u25a0*••• own nmotr | *?%5Ja Pcultry farm. Enr*. fowls and product , -an >>c >ld%rery waak at tho door. , A sur* Urtag for*amail U»va«ine«. Immediate po»^«»"n »Tt«.. HENTtr J VUCT9. Berkshire Co. daadwi.iA lU-. r-vn fW7 "=* " " f"^ S*\ " T T=>** sjcltjiuv: SRK2C FuDiiSSITQ VIA SOUND LINTS. FALL. P.IVEPw Urn Far Fan RiTfir Boston, and ail Eastern and Nortiiera point*. Staamers PRISCILLu*. and PURITAN. Orcheatrt, oa each. I>>«ve Pier 19. N. R.. toot W"arr»n St.. week days and Sundaya at «:f» P. M. Sinmrr *r rr. N*«w Task. Sunday. only, touches at Newport. On ctr:«r days of tl»» «MC Provtdenc« L~. - Eastward steamer stops at New-pert. PROVTDENCE LI^E For Newport. Providence. Bostori. North and East. Staaav- ers PLYMOUTH and PrLURIM. Orchestra, era cash. Oaave ?<.«r la. 9 E.. foot of Murray St.. Mtl days only at 5.00 P. M.. touching at Newport, R. Z. i Monday son- tap excepted). On Mraiay mornings Fail Hirer lAam Steamers touch at N*wp«rt. ST'-N'INGTON- LINE For Stoclngton. Narraijansett IMer. Watch H"I. Bostoa trui East. Steamers VIA N and NSW IIAMPSHITIE. 1»&t« Pier 30. N. P.. foot cf, -:.f St.. week days onlr »t 9^>O P. 11. Sunday night Westward trips will a* aad* from July Sto 3«pteraoer 9 Inclusive. 3aj-^rdar sight Westwart trtpa willbe onuttsd (Jurr.g not p«riod. XOR'WICH LTXK For New Londou. Watca Hill. BJnci Island. •QCargMtsr. Ea*t and North. Steaniera CITT OF LfiffElXand dTT OF "WORCESTER. Leave Pier 3«. N. H.. foot :-tprtn« at, w«ek days only at 5:30 P SI On ?>un3ay» from July •• to Sepiessb^r » :r..-:a«- \u25a0«. Stetnwr MaOl will .oav* Saw Ltiadoa at 10:15 P. St for -N«-< Tor*. NET HAVEN iINS flat New Haven. N«w Britain. Uerlden. llartfart 3prla»- r.-. j «\u25a0! \u25a0-.- North. From P:«r Q R. Double »er»Sc» \u25a0%\u25a0••* day*. Steamer RI<JHABP PECK leaves \u25a0 -iw York •.-00 P. M.; Steamer C. H. NOP.TITaM at 12:W mid- night Sunday* S>t«ner RICHARD PECK :*»v-s N«w Turk at 9:30 A. Si : ntuntM saves New Hav»a at 3:13 P. M. A i«ii*nt:u. c-li^iij- I::?. Ifiiiyjil^.yuKl QSiiffi&Li 13 ii aJm iiiisia B . PALACE IRON DAT LINS aTKAJtc. •jorw TORK" aaa . "aLJIANT.** Finest and fastest river staamers 1 la ate world. Dally ftxeept Sunday. L>eares BtoclOth. Fulton * . <by Aanex.) I A. " N*w Tork, D««oroM«s St. P!«r . \u25a0:\u25a0«> •• " West 23d M Pier »:oi> •• For ALBANY .aadlna •: Tockers. W«at Point. N-rw- burt-h. \u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0!\u25a0>» Kmestun Point. CatsitU. fni .*- •on Throu^ti tickets Nor*h. East & Wtti MORNING AND AJTSRNOON CONCERTS. filLß^KS^r H\?Ll!?3o?iia SLOKSE. Steamers ADIRONDACK or DEAN RldlilOND ia»% Pl«r 33. North I'.:v»r. toot Canal Str*«t. at it V. M. daily (Sundays axe*. maalnc llract conn«cUoas atta trxia* North. East a.-iJ W«st. QATSKILL, HTT>SON AND COXSACKia BOATS laa-r* «*«ry w**k-dar at 8 P. M. front (out at Cin«t:yi«- »-... eann«eUs« with U. * A. ii. H. gIT'SON KITES Steamer MARY PO\TELL» Leaving Paiftroaw St.. 13. onlays, l4&> W«al 234 St.. 3JO P. X.. tSat , 2P. M.): tor CR-VN^TONa. WEBT POINT. CORNWALL StWHtBCn. NSW Haml FUROF. iol.tom. pokje«ps:e. RONOOCT. aa4 KING3TON. A DV^RTISEMITNTS and subscrtptlsms (or TS« Tilti— a re;«tTad at their T?Dtown Ot3c». No. 1.242 eras£w*r. 2d door M rtb of 31st-9t.. uat'l 0 o'.-iork | m. ; .tiv-r;^s«. mar.ta received at th* followtax brancb ilHi.*w at regular i(Bm rates oatil o'clock p. m-. »!*.: 254 -ta-»t«,. \u25a0 «. cor. 23d-«t.: 13? BU>-«ve.. cor. 12th— t. : M^jy». -it> a»*. aad !*:>-•?. 143 i>!umDuj-,i«.. n*«r W«at tkUh-«t.; MM West 423-st.. near •» wi; «2 East l«^-at. ; 26: Tr Mt *2i-»t.. between Tth and sta >««•.; Jk> Kaat *T:h-»t.: l.Ja* V.-*v» between \u25a0',- *..: 77th *.iz.: 1.02 d Ha -*•».. near \u25a0M at ; l.TO» Ut-*T».. near *tfe— »'.: fIOO Sd-ave.. mv Illi -• :lit 3i-»Tc. 2H> C:~c»«r-"'»; CS Sicker-**. V N ENGINEER with over 20 years* expert - *\u25a0 ence »» representative In op»nin* up connection* far American Nov»ltie» in Great Britain and Continent. Seeks first class agency for goods su!Ul>U 10 Railways. ironm'acMa. car Fancy Stationers. Patent MoJiclna, \u25a0> chlrerv or General Oas Apparatus. Write °^verf 'Box S. Mesars. W H. 3MITH & SON. *^ ISB, Strand. London. 4 DVFRTISEMENTS and subscriptions for The Tribune -rt_ receive.? at thnr Untnwn OfT.ce No. 1.242 nr->e.l»ay. ?<1 door north at a?si-«t.. until & o'clock p. m.; advertla*- ments reeetve/1 al the . w\atl branch ortlcea at regular oOce rates until o'clock p. ra.. viz.: Z.i -t:. -ave »• "• cor. 23d-«t-i 162 fltiwive.. cor, 12th-<« Macy* •.«»!-« ve. and 14th-«t.: 142 CDIumCU»-ave.. near U «•\u25a0! 66th-«t.: 106 Wen 12d-at near Sth-avs. ; »2 E*« 14th M : 25. West 42d-«t.. between 7th ana Stb *v««.; 159 East \u25a0».th-«u: XEW-YORK DAILY" TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, * 3TUNE MmM .financial. Dankrr3 an& Brokers. .financial. Beal £statr. NINETY SUBURBAN TOWNS Crest Companies. 82,000,000 5 Per Cent. Collateral Trust Gold Bonds OF Erie Telegraph & Telephone Company DATED JANUARY 2d, 18W. DLE JANUARY Ist, 1929. Interest January Ist and July Ist. Denomination, 11,000 each. Balance of Total issue of $5,000,000. Principal and Interest Payable in Gold Coin at the OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE, BOSTON, MASS. Moktox Trust Compact. Capital & Surplus— s4,7so,ooo LEVT P. MORTON President THOMAS F. RYAN' Vice-President JAMES K. CORBISIiE... Second Vice-Prec H. U. FRANCIS Secretary TV REDMOXD CROSS.. Treasurer EUGENE E. VARET A sat. Secretary. 11. 3. BERRT Trust Officer DIRECTORS : John Jacob Astor, Joseph Laroetjue, George F. Baker. P. 0. Mills. Edward J. Berwind, Levi P. Morton. Frederic Cromwell. Richard A. McCurdy, James B. Duke. W. G. Oakman. Henry M. Flagler, George Foster Peabody, G. G. Haven. Samuel Rea. Joseph C. Kendrix. Elihu Root, Atraia S. Hewitt. Thomas F. Ryan. James X. Jar- John Btaaae, Walter S. Johnston. William C. Whitney. Augustus D.Jullllani. A. Wolff. Issue Travellers' Letters of Credit Buy and Sell Bills of Exchange. Collections on all Foreign Countries BOMBS" ALALLjIAILInuiII UA OF NEW YORK, No. 30 Nassau Street CAPITAL. SLRPLLS AMD UNDIVIDED PSOFirS $900,000. DESIGNATED lli.aL DEPOSITORY. Allows Jntrrritt on deposits. Acts »EiM-ntor, Traaise, Gunrdian, Trans- fer A*;*-" I. iirsrißtrarj 4c ; HEN"HT C. SWORDS, President. H. H. CAMiIANN. Vice President. ~frr.f» H. Vines, Uouglaa RcDlnson. CSarles C E^rke, John Doirnrv, Kor»c« S Eiy, Chariee S. Hrown. Ebenezer S., Mison. Henry X.. Pcmrov. Kenry L«vr'.f lU-rrls, Percy Chuob. Edwin A. rruikihsnk. Franklin a LorS. .mk. - •\u25a0 diaries A. P»ssody, Jr.. J. Root<ve!t Roosevelt. tCharle* A- Schrrmerhora. L»n«da!e Biardrtian. i!B ,. s I Raymssd Harrison E- I "Try. Joel F. Fttcmu. Frank S. TVitherbee. H.~>:RY IT. REGHLET. Secretary. Bank Erjjaris. QUARTERLY RErORT OF THE BOWERY ; * B^NIC OF NJK.W YORK, at the close of business , c= the* 31st a«r of May^ll"^ 1,-sani! an-! discounts 52. 607.348 99 Cve.rinitx 31 ' «= Cue Iron: trust con^ra^iee. banks. barkers and brckera 51TT.199 I?ue froEi approved reserre agents. •--.-\u25a0 54 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' " 754. 50 EarJcir.* haaam ar.d lot Other r=ii esiaie I=rV £S lS Mortea^es oxrr.ed f1..T00 no Stocks and b.nds 57 toecie i".4.36S .8 U S. !e»ral tenders and circulating note* of National batiks 205.073 00 Cash Jtem«. viz.: 3!"s nnd checks for the next day's exchanges $158. 653 83 Other Sterns carried as casn 3.115 Sfl 159.769 98 t4.fIM.OMSI Capital stock paid in. In cash $250,000 00 Surplus fund <550,000 00 Undivided pretits. le*» CTirrer.t expenses and zejL*r p*id 5?. 761 96 Erne d»7>of itor» 3.543.229 SI Dae rru»t <-emiiani*s. backs, bankers, brokers sr.d ratines w.nlts 144.CX» 96 Pa* Treasurer if lii* State- of New York 50.0W f>n Aamic cue not included under ar.y of the ib^ve r.-i&a 4K> 15 Unreia dividends 3.062 03 J4.69H.tt64 91 Etate of Sew Torlc. County of New Tcrk. ss: JOHN" S. FOSTER. President, ar.d CHARLES ESSIG. Cashl»r cf the E&werr Bank of N»w York, a bank located en?! irsiv.K tra«in«ss at Sla. *^2 80-w-frr. in the dty of Xe-w Tork. In said county, beirsff July rwom, each for«lf. scys that the for«-g-oir.e rT-ort. with the Echedule accom- penyingr ihe same, is trri* and crrr^ct in all r«r?pects. to *.hp l-*«t r-f h:s knpwl«"djr«» and b*-liff. and they further Bay f rat the usva'. bUFtne«« at said bank ha= b^-n trans- acted at the location r»qu!"i"i \sf the banking ?.w i Chap. *?9. Lawn of l«P2>. ar.'J n"t «!sfwhpr»: arM that the above r»riort is rr.s^.e in coirr!;aric» an offlcia! notice re— reived from the Superintendent of Banks desisnatir.K the Zlrt day of May, X9OQ, as the day or. which such report ahall be made. JOH?T S. FOSTER. r*r*slflent. CHAP.IXS= ESSIO. Cashier. Severally Bcb?Ttb^ ( ! ami nrern to by both deponents th« «th «?y of Jujje, 1300. befcrs ir.e. TS*bJ of Notary.] S. H. iIACDOWTXI* K^t'.ry Public. Last County. Certificate tSMt in N«w York County. Diaibcwb Notices. Offlcr of the Maryland Coal Company. So. 1 Broadway Nm- T«»rk. .rur.e 6th an J^T A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of IMreciors heid this day & serni-annuaj dividend ot rtro j>er o'nt Tras declared on the Preferred irtock paya— tie June :*>th, ll»00. to Preferred Stockho'.d»r» of record on the clonr.p of th* transfer books June loth. 13fi0. Transfer ijcok* close June 15th. 1000, and reopen July 2nd. 1&0.I. Checks wll! mailed. H. B. NSX :•-: -. :.: Treasurer. THE ATCineoV. TOPEKA AND SAXTA FE H.UHVAV < IMIP\\Y. >-'»-- v rr.<. June n. 1300. IyHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS have declared a serai-anr.u&i dividend on the Preferred Stock of this ccinrpany cf Two dollars ar.3 2fty cents ($2.50) per share, pai-abl? Aurast 1. 1000. to stockholders as recls- r^r»d at the clo»e cf th« transfer books en July 10. 1000. The transfer Looks for \ht preferred etock of the Com- pany w:li be closed Erem tnre*> o'clock P. M en July 10. ISoO, until ten o'clock A. 11. on Aurust 2. 1900. Dividend cn<Hiks willbe rr.aiied to Preferrei Stockhold- ers wfiost Stvldend orders ar« en file at this office. H. W. GARDINTR. Assistant Treasurer. Z'J Ceflar Street. Xptr York. financial. S«nt fre«. postpaid, on wlin at him east namp, by Gears* H. -uiaia. O. >. A.. Grand Central Station. X-\u25a0* Tara> Di«nn.-r ami rime from Gr»a4 Central -i.i .i» \uml)«r of trains per day. >nnil»^r <»f Ttiln» no HiimUf. K-irular tmr*. Eit'Orilon rate*. Monthly rnmmntatlon. Family ticket Price of lots. Price of hniKci. Rent of ll HUM Same and address nt reliabla real estate ac-nt. •*-\u25a0 -- -- tßlast-i . hoar \u25a0' Qns4 Caatral Station. xr- briefty IncrlM »_J»X 22 <* O»» -rOCa-TRV Iv sKIUEJ" or tie XZT7 TOIUC CirrJTßAl*. Sams of tit* information is -i* fallows: BONDS MAY BE REGISTERED AS TO PRINCIPAL. Application will be made in due time to list these bonds on the New York. Philadelphia and Boston Stock Exchanges. 11

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1900-06-07 [p 11] · against Dora I.Morrell. late of the County itNew Tork deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at

HW Pnn^ Bankers3 itsiryyi and

0 jpn Dealers

18 Wall SI, InvestmentNew York. Securities.Members Hew York Stock Exchange.

Kountie Brothers,BANKERS,

Broadway &Cedar SL. NEW YORK.ISSUE

LETTERS OF CREDITavailable in all parts of the world

far use of Travelers, Tourists and thoseIntending to visit the Paris Exposition.

Foreign Exchange. Cable Transfers.__ ' Transact a frnerai

t\ Psi msiirsn b«»it» deposit*I\^v3lli\jliVJa MlUlil L_ BllLfl Divi-

d end* and lnter««t col-¥ r -> /T lected an<l alttsdk Off y\"If\ Act as Flßcal AgentI\Vl1 Wll, for «nd n?>rot!»te and

Itsu» loans of rail-n»viii.o• , roads, street railways,BARKERS. rr%3 nr,p,nl.. etc.41 WALL ST.. X. T. Bwmrittes boucht and

Members tu!d on coniinisalon.It. T. Stock Exchaac*. DEALIN

Hlich-Grade InTestment Secnrltles.i-Ut« of current •\u25a0ffertni:* «>nt on application.


Anarnstns S. Garham. Tel. IT.!)- Cortlandt.John B. Van Schatclc. Cable Tarpoleam.

VAN SCHAICK & CO.N. Y. Stock Exchange.

MEMBERS OB" Prodnee Exchancf. :.nd

Chlcaso Board ot TruUe.

7 WALL STREET.Baltimore. aaQ East German St.

I. F. Mead & Co.,BANKERS & BROKERS,4-4 and 4U BROADWAY. N. T.


Stocks and Bonds bousnt and aoid for canii or on nutrstn.


No. 57 Broadway, New York City.HEM32R3 Is*BW TORS STOCK E.-.«-H.OfSS-


For Investment or on Margin.

"W A TSHTIEnD.Brooklyn Trust Company,Colonial Trust Company,United States Trust Company.djIISTTGKf GILBERT


National SugarCommon and Preferred

Frederic H. Match,SO. 3O BROAD STREET.

Asa P. Potter. S. E. Klrkham.

Potter & Kirkham,BANKERS * BROKERS.

57 Broadway, New York,Members X. Y. fon». Stock Exchange.


DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND40 Wail Street 428 Chestnut Street,

NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA,Members of the fcw-Tork and PhiladelphiaStock Exchange*. Oar ofttcen Iteina; con-nected by private telegraph, orders in eithermarket willbe promptly exeented.





WESLEY A- GOVE. Boston. Moms. HARVEY A. WHITING, Wilton. N. H.DAVID S. GREENOUGH, Boston. Mass. HENRY R. WILSON. New York.

Purchasers af Ren! Estare should in-form themselves of its methods. ::s

37 and 39 liberty Street,44* and 46 Maiden Lane.



charges and U .-

-jonBond Morrgr g i


Mensrs. WILSON dt STEPHENS, 41 Wall St.. New York.DEAR SIRS:Ihereby certify as follows: The earnings of the Erie Teleirrapb and Telephone Com-

pany constituent properties for a period of three years—

1807 to ISOO Inclusive—been as follows!

1800. isus. \u0084 e-v0,.... 1807.Gross S.':,»7<i. .\u25a0*»»». 72 « »2.81m.477.37 .$2,523,073.70Operating Expenses T.W*.*** 1.0U7.074.75 ;* <6*6*1,801,222.88

The Erie Company has paid 66 quarterly dividends since 1883; 63 have been at

the rate of 1 per cent, each, and the last three 1-

per cent. each.

The number of subscribers to the service of the constituent Erie Companies Is shown as follows:

MAY I, 1900, DECEMBER 31, 1899, DECEMBER 31, 1898,•127.397 106,564 62,850

'Includes ii.tt2.*> under contract awaiting: connection.As a former table shows, the (rain In subscribers since January Ist of this year has been 20,333. This has been

accomplished In four months. It Is confidently expected thai the close of the year willsee 130.000 subscribers con-

nected Witt the «7-eteTr;, which ought to Insure a net lnco me to ths Erie Company, after payment of allbonded In-

terest ana executive expenses, of a; least $1,000,000, which latter sum will be applicable for dividends on its stock.The financial condition of the Erie Company is as follows:

Capital Stock (authorized $15,000,000 issued $10,000,000

Bonded Debt:6 per cent. Collateral Trust Bonds, due 1909 . .. $1,000,000

5" " " ••

\u2666« 1926. . . 4,000,0005

" " " « »• 1928-29 5,000,000—510,000,000The last-named issue, of which the $2,000,000 now offered are the balance, were originally Debenture Bonds,

but under an Indenture msje between the Erie Company and tho Old Coiony Trust Company, they become Col-lateral Bonas, v shares of stocK In the above— mentioned operates companies have been pledged to secure the pay-

ment of the principal and Interest to the par value of #S.IHM».<HM».The estimated market value of the above-mentioned C >Uateml la *«,ri«MI.(MM». Since this issue of bonds has

been made *r..i*MMMM>have been paid Into the Treasury of the Erie Company and .10,000 shares of Capital Stock

Issued. making up the full 910,000,000 Capita! issued. This adds very materially to the security of the bonds,

inasmuch as the new capital is to be used at once for ex tensions and additions.The structural or replacement value of the subsidiary Companies of the Erie System is estimated to be above

822.000.000t exclusive of franchlEes.

These Operating Companies have the exclusive and perpetual right to operate In their respective territories underthe Ball patents, and to enjoy besides the use of the long-distance lines and those of neighboring; Bell Companies.

The territory covered is as follows:County of Cuyahotra. Ohio, including; the City of Cleveland; Minnesota, (excepting only Duluth);North Daiota.

South Dakota (excepting only the Black III'ls); Arkansas. Mlchican. Wisconsin.The estimated population of the territory embraced as above is 12,000,000, or about one-sixth of the entire popu-

lation of the United States.

A letter from Chas. J. Glldden. President, gives the followingInformation!The Er'.e Company otrns a majority of -he stock of the following oj>eratir.c Companies: The Cleveland Tele-

phone Co.; "The Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.; The Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Co.; MichiganTelephone Co.. and Wisconsin Telephone Co.

Oldest Strongest Eest

Title guaranteeandTRUST COMPANY.


Titles to Real Estate


146 Broadway, New York.175 Remsen St.. Brooklyn.

'Xnrtion Sales of Sea! Estate.

JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer.Positive Anctioc 3a> at 111 Brc^Jway.

N. Y. Real Estate Salesroom,TVESDAY.JI>K 12. SOOT

ind«r direction ot Gecrs^ W. Van Slyck. Attorney

78 CHOICE LOTS,owned by the lac» Aarnstoa Kaustza. da—

slrablj- sltuatea on



BROM. XETV YORK CTTT.Th-^e lots are

ADJACENT TO 2 TROLLET I.IKE*.ctmne^tlajf ,xtlt!i all ,

RAPID TRANSIT STATIONS.Avenues and Str««ts 5«-xered-

Term* !!b«ra.. Tlt> Guara=i»ed firs* \u25a0»! cost to «aaapnr«*ha*«r. Cail or send 'or map*. GEORGE W. "VAX?L.T'.*K. a- IBM 12*> Broadway.

JAMES I- WELLS. Amtlfm»'sr. 141 Broadway.

So £ct /or Business Pnrccses.AT 223 WILLIAM,


RIL.V.VD Jt WHITI> . -. Beekman St.


LrLnJL=3 — 1uCOJI nilSIkluntS3•th Ay«. gaM ISth St. UNIOX SQUARE.Absolutelr Sri?Broof. A Jew desirable apartments far

summer months.

Xet Earning* $1,314,162.03 9820,802.63 ,-,,_--..,.The Income of the Erie Company la derived from divide upon the stocks of these

\u25a0nhitidlnTT companies owned by it. and is ah»«rn herewith:•ISOO. IS9S. ISOT.

Total income 9D25.002.25 S-l2:t.<>ffO.OO -.:.-,..-,.-.<.—.

Total Expenses, in«.ln<Un(? interest 452.701.20 210.07U.45 137,002.78

\et Earnings applicable for Divi-dends on Stock .\u25a0M42.::::i.n,-» $204,573.n5 $220,(U7.22

•The 3llchi(ran and AVinconsin rnmpante* having been acqnireil dnrlnßT the year ISOOthe Income from theme companies cppearn only in the IS}»J) statement.

In addition to the above mentioned income in 1 \u25a0>!<!• the Erie Company Is entitled toIts proportion of the undivided surplus of the nnbnldiary companies, the said propor-tion amounting to )f40,!f47.<]2.

Respectfully yours, Signed,! HETRY A. PIPER.


\u25a0 E SENT UPON REQUEST.The Ifcraliry of this Inane of bonds hai been approved by- John. G. Johnson, Esq.. of

Philadelphia, and Memrn. Storey, Tnumdike & Palmer of Boston. Copied of their opin-ions, as well a* of the Indenture fronting the bonds, may be had upon application.




Wilson & Stephens, H. W. Poor & Co.41 WALL. STREET. NEW YORK. 88 DEVONSHIRE ST.. BOSTON. MASS.

Townsend Yv'helen & Co. Toland Brothers & Co.309 VaUfUT HI. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 104 SOUTH BTH ST.. DELPHIA. PA.

Bnrrogate's Xotirrs.Snrrogatca 7 Notices

TN PURSUANCE of an order or Hon. AbnerC. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New York.NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claimsagainst Dora I.Morrell. late of the County it New Torkdeceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof tothe subscriber, at my place of transacting business. No.

27 Pine Street, Manhattan Borougti. In The City of Newi York, on or before the :M day of a.trusta '.trust next.

Dated New York, the Ist day of February 1900ROBERT I- MORRELL. Ex-eutor27 Pine St.. Man. 8.. S T.

TS PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. AbnerC. Thoraae. a Surrogate of "

•\u25a0 County of New York.NOTICE i« hereiy given to all persons having- claims

nea:r:Bi Bertie C. Fretdmar., iaie of the County ot NewYork, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereofto tie «u!>scriber. at his place of transacting business, a:the o:Sce ot Goodwin. Thcraj'son &. Vanderpoel, No 2 Wall6treet. Room 4C. in th» Citr of .-••\u25a0, York, on or beforethe first day of December next.

Dai- New Tork. the SSrtf day of ilay. 1900.RICHARD W. FREEDMAK.


Attorneys ior Eiecntcr.No. 2 TVall Street,

New York City.



A flfty-slx foot plot on the east side of Broad-way between the St. Cloud Hotel, at Forty-sec-ond-st., and the Criterion Hotel, at Forty-Crst-at..\u25a0was aoid at auction yesterday for the second timewithin two months. The property la Noa. I.tS*.lAZS and 1.400 Broadway, a »art of the estates ofthe late Duncan C. and Waldon Pell. The priceobtained for it yesterday m dI.COO. I: waibought by Ottinger Brothers. This 13 SoO.OOO lessthan was bid on April IT by John Heitman. whonever paid any money on the transaction. Thebidders were chiefly operators who have becomefamiliar flzures In the New-Tork Real EstateSalesroom.

The initial bid received by Peter F. Meyer, theauctioneer, was 5150.000. made by H. C. Pell: »75.0»waa then offered by a firm of operators, and theCOO.Oto limit was reached by advances of COOO. ;when Mr. Pell dropped out. Soon only two bidders.Ottlritfer Brothers and J. Davidson, were left, whoreached CC5.000 by C.300 advances. E97.000 by C.OOOadvances, and J211.0Q0 by blda of COO each.

*W"hen the property waa scld In April and tSebuyer did not show any aliens of making; payment

the case was taken to the Supreme Court, and thecourt was asked by the counsel for Peter F. Meyer.the auctioneer, to allow the land to b<» resold.A provision attached to the request was that Mr.Heitman should mike sood whatever itJTerencemight

-ztst between the auras bid on the first and

on the second sales.Representatives of the estate said after the sale,

however, that no step would be taken at presenttoward collectinc the deficiency of $jO.OCO from Mr.Heiiman.

Th* Criterion Hotel, formerly the Stuart the south of the property, is owned by SireBrothers. The 3t Cloud Hotel, to the north, be-longs to the Aster estate. It is the prevalentopinion among real estate men that OttlnßerBrothers have bought the property for speculation.The plot measures S6.lVs feet on the Broadwayfrontage, 32.5 on the south. 54.0^4 on the east, and107.6 on the north.

The failure of bidders to so over JXU.OM yesterdayhas raised the question. What influences were atwork two months ago to send bids up to Cul.OOa?


An Important sale was closed at the office \u25a0' theTitle Guarantee and Trust Company, Brooklyn,yesterday. .v new corporation, known as theEquity Land and Development Company, of No.UO Nassau-st.. Manhattan, completed the purchaseo" 3C2 acres of land in Ocean-aye. and KingsHighway, Brooklyn. The selling persons werelliiabeau L. Towns and ex-Justice Augustus VanWyck. J. G. Quinn 4 Co. were the brokers maic-ins the sale.

The property, which Is known as Arlington Ter-race, has already been laid out in building iota,which will be offered a: from $250 to a.-JOO each.Daniel F. Lewis, former president of the Brooklyncity Railroad, is treasurer of -<» new company.R. B. Mdntyre is secretary.

These offerings at auction are scheduled for to-day:By William L. Kennelly: No. 968 to m ka*atav>

diim-ave.. No. 2W to 2<j"l West One-hundred-and-thlra-str, corner of Amater.iam-nve.. story brick hotel. Caatle: Warren B. smithagt. Thomas FrazW et al.. Reevs & Schrugham.attorneys: G«K>r£re W. Ellis, referee: amount due.5ia0.45361: subject to tas<-s, etc.. $8,179 30. Nos.";1 and Cl3Bleecker-st.. east aide. 17.1 fe#t southo. Grove-sr... 40x75. three story frame (brick front)stores etc.: Josephine Stein ot al.. e-ecutors ofConrad Stem. ag:. Nettle Reutlinger. individuallyar.d as administratrix, etc. of Emanuel Reutlingeret al.:Meyers, Goldsmith & inner, attorneys;Edward Jacobs, referee: amount clue $10 •\u25a0\u25a0- aub-Ject to morreage. $18,500. ar.d taxes, etc.. SOSO.By L. J. Phillips & Co.: No?. TZ and 22S Rlver-s.ds Drive, east side. 76.2 feet south of Ninety-r.f.h-st. iJ).0x95.3x50.4505.5. seven story brick Sat-house: Robert E. Westeott art. Hazel M. John-son et ai.:Henry Manne. attorney: Augustus H.\ar.derpoel, referee. Amount due J«n.503, subjectto mortgage. (55,000, and taxes, etc.l

"'iS.By D. Phoenix Ingraham & Co.: Convent-aye.,

west side, est^nds from One-hundred-and-forty-nrst-st tc Onc-hundred-and-forty-s^cond-st.. 199 10x100. ten three story stone front dwelling houses"Hyman & Henry Sonn \u25a0?•. William Wahle etal.: Alexander & Ash. attorney*: Adrian H. Lar-kin. rct>re«. Amount due. £3.953: subject to mort-jrase. J42.>»). and taxes *>tc. fl16?By Peter F. Meyer & Co.: No. 1,305 M.idison-av»..southwest corner Ninety-third-st.. 44.5x100.8. tenstory, brick hotel: Henry S. rrnafl agt. GeorgeW. apitzer « a:.: Honrtti & Samuels, attorneys:M. Warley Platzek. referee. Amount due 045-subject to mortgage. JI3C.OCO.

THE RECORD OF SALES.B. C. & F. T. Barry have sold for Charles A.

Herrmann the 20 loot private dwelling- house No.L238 Madison-aye., between Nlnety-«<?cond andNinety-third 5:3., on private terms; also. No. 51East Sixty-sixth-st.. a four story high stoop brown-stone dwelling house, with butler's uarrtry ex-tension, on a lot 20x100, for Marx Rothschild to Dr.Frederick merer. This firm has also sold a 40foot plot in Madison-aye.. the particulars of whichwill be given out later.

McVickar &Co have sold for a client to WilliamRoche the Grace Church leasehold property No.42 Y.'sey-st.. a five story stone front building, onlot 25x100. The lease Is for twenty-ona years, thelessee having the privilege of three renewals for ailk» period.

Bleiman & Co. sold for Robert Boyd to Mrs. R.Palmer the four story front and rear tenementhouses No. 86 Jamea-st.. lot 23x100.

The plot on the north side of One-hundred-aml-eishteenth-st. 100 feet west of Manhattan-**! lOOx100, has bsen bought by a builder for improvement.

Henry Russell has sold Nos. .-\u25a0 24 and 26 Mac-dougal-st." a plot 75xlt«j. on which the buyer willer*"*t six story tenement houses.

Neubeck v Busher have sold for Mary A. Hoff-man, at $7,500, th* th "cc family dwelling"house No.1,081 East One-hundred-arid-sixty-nlnth-st., IS.9x60x107.


PARIS EXPOSITIONThe way to be satisfied Is to getwhat you want. All intending visitorsto Europe and Partii will andsuitable arrangement among the flfyrparties stllJ 'o leave under theauspices of Thou, Cook A. Son.They ra_ase la t>nea from

9143 to 81.000.Several leave every ireak. Among the,

tours. Including the PASSIO."V PLAY not*the followir.K:

Tour 7". June 30. t>er a? "Aller." visit-ing (ilbraltar. Italy, Switzerland. many;France and Knsland.

•t«5 days. #-i>«.".

Tonr OS. July 7. per ss. •"Potsdam.'*(new.) visiting Holland. Germany. Switzer-land. France and England. «5-t .Jays. *.".(M).Independent TK'Urtu Everywhere.


THOS. COOK & SON.Downtown Otflcf. 2«! Broadway (cor. Wxrren). N. T.Uptown Offl.e: 11S5 Broadway (cor. 2Sth St.;. .V. T.

CONEY ISLANDIVia iolrrr Route).

From HAMILTONFERRY: Through 13th 3t.Electric fars. Fare Sets.S cts.

From BROADWAY FERRIES: Through Van-derbllt Ay. Kl#-"tric Cars. Fare '." cts.From BRIDGE: sth Aye. "L" Electric Trains.transferring at 3'!th St. Fare 10 eta.From BATTERYi(Ft. "Whitehall St. 30TH ST.

I FEIIRYand through Electric Cars. Fare 10 cts.

BRIGHTON BEACH.From BRIDGEi \u25a0\u25a0trie express trains, viaKings Co. '"L." (No stoos between Flatbush At*.and Grand As. Stations.) Fare 10 eta,

Free transfers on Sundays and Holidays same aa Ion week days. j






From Brooklyn. Fulton St., (by Annex) .... •» A M••New-York. Desbroises St. Pier -4"

'••New York. West 22d -St. Pier 9-yo ••

Returning due In New York s:a> P axd afterxoo.v co.vcEnrs

DEEP SEA nSHTXO—Al Foster. Ironsea steamer Angier. daily. Fare

'73e \u25a0

ladles. BOc.: 81st St.. E. R.. 7 J5 Bat-tery.

- '* a. a.


The larse and commodious Str.Edmund Butler leav«« Batterylanding 130 a. m. Far*, gents.Tsc ladles. 30c

V DVEItTISBMENTS and subscriptions for The Tribune

A recetved at th« Uptown O«c* No. -•- Broadway.

2J door north of 31st-*i.. until» o clock p. m.. advertu*-

ments received at the following branch otSres tt "»«ularoffl.e rates lint! S o'clock p. m. vlr.: =^» sta-ave.. 5. c.

cor -nj-st 133 fl:»i-«ve.cor. 12th-*t.: Macv's. Stn-ave.

and Uth-st."; 142 Cblumbus-ave.. near i^j:6«th-Ft.: 10« :West *2d-iit near Otb-ave. •Bi East Uth-.t.;Sl7 West ,42J-*t.. between Tth aad Bth ayes.: 139 East 4.:h-.t.: 1.23 ij33-ave.. b«tween 761h ana 77th sts.; LOW M-ara.. near :eist-st.- I.TOS lst-*ve.. near «I»th-st.: *»«\u25a0«>•.. tear j».,. :. 644 3d-av... 210 me«CK«r-«t. i 33 CUecker-au J

T INCOLN, ROSE.— In pursuance of aa orderof Hon. Frnnk T. Fitzgerald, a. Surrogate of the

County of Now York, notice Is hereby given to all per-sons having claim* against Rose Lincoln, late of theCounty of New York. Borough of Manhattan, present he same, with vouchers thereof, to the sub-scriber at hlu place of transacting buslress. in the offlceat L»jsih. Demorwi & Harhy. No. 27 William Street. Inthe City of New York. Borough of Manhattan on orbefore th: Bth day of September, next.

Dated New York, the Ist day of March. 1900SOLOMON EMANL' with will annexed.

LOGAN'. DKMOIfD & HARBY.Attorneys for Administrator. -7 William Street. Manhat-

tan Borough. New York City.

TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. Abner C.Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New-Tork.

Notice is hereby rlv*n to all person* having claims againstJohn Groh. late of the County of New-York, deceased, topresent the same with« thereof to the her place of transacting buEinees. at the office of Jam—.Bchell IEikus. No. 5« Pine Stre*t. m tlie City of New-York, on or b«ore the 25th day of September next.

Dated Xew-Tort. the -Ist day of March. 1300.JTTLIA A. GTiOH. Executrix. &c.

JAMES, SCHELI. A: ELKUS. Attorney for Executrix.66 Pine trait, Borough of Manhattan. New-York City.

TN PURSUANCE of an order at Hon. AbnerC. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New Tork

NOTICE 1- hereby riven to all persons havinr claimsagainst Charles F. .dates, .ate of the County at NewYork, deceased, to present the same with voucher* thereofto the subucrlbers at their place of transacting businessNo. 215 West F.nd avenue, in the Borough if ManhattanIn the City of New York, on or before the Ist day ofOctober next. Dated New York, the 22d day of MarchIMB C. FRANCIS BATES. JAMES E. WALSH, Ad-ministrators.

SACKETT. BACON & . "AID Attorneys for ad-ministrators. No. 154 Nassau st. (Tribune Building), Dor-oug-h of Manhattan. New Yo:k.


Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas CityRailroad Company.

To the bolder* of Firm Mortcaße DonrilH ofthe Toleilu. St. 1...11j> snd Ivuii>:i*CUT iLatl-mad | <>ui|iany aabncribinir the l><>n<l .M-m' agreement of Viiii'l-.T4. I^!K{.their :»-p-rmaliili or \u25a0walsma, holders of ..riirt-rates i:«»uf«t by tile Cuntiacntßl Trunt»i> .if tbe City of New York, rcnrenent-lok Hi.- deposit u:i<i<-r iniil hondholdern*»Kr«-*niHut of A.a(r<i!»i 4. I"•:•:;. of Firnr Mort-n«TC Bonds of .mil Toledo. St. '.nun andKanuii Cats Railroad Company:Th.c csicmlttfce ecaatttnted under said bondh"!(sers'

egr^ement of Aujfust 4. i.v".<a, and undes- the plan >ltt»i I>ecember lk,l^W, tor the reorganization

Jt the said Toledo, St. Louis ar.d Kansas City Railroadnillijl<my-ihas re-eived ao offer to ptircftase th* flirt mort-'-r ocr.4s arwi coupons deposited .-_\u25a0-\u25a0 said \u25a0 \u25a0'.:,.:. r--'a«p-etmer.t, «aa :o etTect as amcKemfnt nf the respectivd-

"JPo= Mia toads ci the holders of certificates of<>po«!t :n re«tieci. thereof by is a«rttrr;!n<i-nt nf the bidof th«» Committee tar the premise* sold under foreclosurecf the £rrt 3:crtsa^ e »>f saii Railroad Company, at a prlc*,net. sqstraleat to 13*> per cent, for each first mortgagebond depcK:;«i with the csupon mauir:nc June !. ISM,•vB-l •ut/soqu'er.t our^rjs. and interest on saii purchasepnee at th* ra:e cf four per cent, per annum from June 1.J»U. to the cate of payment cf the purchase pnee to th«•-otnmitt^e. er.d ta« Committee considers the terms cfsuch 9n:e anc s_-ra=s->n»^.: a/iv.eabie.

-• is herehy gtv«= -hat eaid proposed sale andmid proposed arr-m^mfm "f the dajma ot said sut>scr.t>--ns jocdr.o.cers upon said -iepoeited benda will be submit-ted by the Ccrrmittee for approval to th»- bondholderse«fcSi.Tiblnir said b..-r.dholiers J

ajrr^-ment. their r<>p:~-e:iti»-uves cr iss:p«s, ho.ders tl ct-rt:fir-«'e» of ths Ccr.t:atsnialJrurt Company cf tr.e Ctty cf New York, representing useO«pos:t under eaid becdhojders' agreement of August 4.

of first mortgiMre bond* of vie Toirto. St. Louis and•Jta~efca> City Ral:roa<S Company, at a general meeting

V 1^ .*" a*J*by caUed to oe held on the l^th day of-u^.e. ..«»», t: h&ii-f,net t»-i o'clock in the foreao&s. InKoom &«. UOe, No. 30 Broad eti>*t. In the City of New

6ated 'New York. June .'.. lfrfv».JOHN C. HAVEMEYER,HERMA.N O. AH.MOI.It,Hit HIHIJ H. HARTSHOR.VE,OTTO T. BA.\.>AKU,\u25a0OatTOa S. I'ATO.V. Comiulttee.—

OCce of Controller of Aileghrny County.-v->-/"i_,»~ Caort House, i'ittsbuig. Ha.. June 1, 11*j0.

NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS.-Ey virtue of_.. ,a '\u25a0"clutior. duly v*int&Mey 21. il»<>i, by the com-»J«ioii«ni vl tr.e county of Illfrtlrnr relative to the re-"eßption of etrt&ir;rt-<f:s:ered relundin* riot bends isrued»y t-*eoun:y of Allegheny pureujict to an act of Asseni-."tv-^!*t:i'*<S

"Aa kcl S^^s^cg >o»er to eoonUea. cities•«cep: e:il*% Q* ta, first asd s^rcouj ciastes). Vwroughs.

ni-aietpauuee or school d^iricts lc this Comm-.-nwealthYp:~ ca-ve :esu«d t>onds or ether intereai-bearlng evl-<ie£ccs of ir.letitedness, to r»d<-«3j the saroe an.i lesus

ItstxT:ix tfc*r*-2r with or without interest coupons at-

'?CT*C' •*»r'J ved Ox i*ih day of April, A. U. issi.ft ht*rtF r.v«i thmt on July l. a. D. u»oo. at

._\u25a0 c,~c* c' tte county conircllrr, court house, Plttsburg,toe foJowing regiiifcred refunding riot bonds, bearing 4H . ";-:

\u25a0 •-.- \u25a0••••!• I.•• . is»ufed January !. a. D.AXj^'**C 5rjiLn

* d' of one thousand | •-.\u25a0•\u25a0otn;ar« koO. nuir.ijtrea r«*j«*»-tiv*iylUne PJ> to t»-o bua-crea -rty-nine CXili 'both isiciuslve, will be paid, tcgether\u25a0^.n Jit<?rett, en presentation of th« serre at the officeamiswlg, sod that on and after aaid date, vlr., July 1WW9, interest on said bonds wIU cease.

W. a. THQMPnON. County Controller.


\u25a0»-:• PUODL'tg EXCHANGE.

.AnVERTISEIIENTS and eubsimn'locs for The Tilbane£i/irl?~*lji?£ aii,he<r Office. No. 1.242 Croadtvay.•ooacr north cf Zlei-*L.. tmtfl 'J o'clock p. ra.; »dv<:rti*e-2r" ret*lv«o " the following- branch orSces at I ?.»r

i',» ".H-»lr. «. *.ar<! I*?!- , 'P,«t Ma v r dth-ave.fcnai«thj«t.; H2 Colucious-ave.. c«rir West (JClh-et.; 106\u25a0S!-*st «d-«t.. n«r «U,-*v«.:07 East l«h-«t.:

Notice to Crcbitora.


New York, notice Ii hereby ffiven tv all persons havirsclaims aeainst Andrew Olsson. late of the County of New\u25a0"ork leceaaed. t. nr'M'ent the same with vouchers there-of to' the subscribe-, at ha* place of transacting business,

at the oSce of F. B. Wlchtman. No. KB Broadway, in

the Boroueh of Manhattan. City of New York, on or be-'or« the sixth day as Auirust '\u25a0> it

Dated New York the let day of February. l!W0."'"ANNa CLSSON.

Executrix, etcF B WIGHTMAN ESQ..

rsay tor r.xecutrtx•»vtt BrcKdway. N. Y.

-\ PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON.ADNER C THOMAS, a Surrogate of the County of

* Notice is hereby given to all persons havlc* claimsereby c v*n to all permsai claims

twins- Alice C W. Lioyd, late at the County of NewYork, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers there-of u> the subscriber, at fcla plaea of tranßactln< businesscf' the estate, at the office of Hersrv W. Goodrich. No. M»Wall street In The City of New Yurie, on or before the

•'Da^New'V^^^t day of February. Ug^\u25a0im W. GOODRICH. Administrator.

Attorney for AdminUtratcr._

-\u25a0\u25a0 Watl SL. Ne» YorK. N. T.



NOTICE TO CREDITORS.In pursuance or an Interlocutory Decree, duly made

and fl'.ed in this suit on June 1. 1«X1 NOTICE IS HERE-BY GIVEN that all claims and ilcmanda l#mlaal TheForty-Seoond Street. Munhattanvtlla and St. NicholasAverue Railroad Comjiany must be presented on or beforethe 2.'.th day uf June. 1900 to the undersDrned. at hisoSlce No. 67 Wall Street. New Tork City. New York.

Th« first hearlnir before the undersigned, the Masterappointed by said Interlocutory Decree, will be held onWedneidav, June 27. lIKM. at 11 o'clock A. 11., at. bis•aid office. No. «7 Wall Street. New- Torlt Gar.

Dau-d New York. June 3, lJKnt.*ARTHX'R H. MA.STEN.

Master la Chantry, C \u25a0 Circuit Court. Southern Districtof New V .rk.

Business ©pporlnnitiea

TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. AbnerC Thomas a SunoßSte of the County of New Torlc.

notice is hereby riven to all ;>ersons having olilmiapnjnst

Gertrude C Walter. Ute of the County of New Tork.deceased to -iresenl the same with vrvuefcers thereof tothe subscriber, at his place of trar.«actinK busuiese. No.2DI Broadway Bon.ugh of Manhattan, lr. the City of

New York on 'or before the 10th day of December next.

Dated New Tork. the 6lh day of June .l9<X>.WALTER S. KEMEYS, Executor.

AN! J.. S. HAMERSLEY. , „_Attorney for Eiwum, 231 Broadway. Boroush of Man-

hattar. New York Ctty.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.Park-ay». s w corner T4th-^t. 40x102.2: L*o "^T •»

to Louis Korn $1Suburban- st. s *v s. 94 fta w of Marion-ay». .17. llx

187 3x71.3x4 Paniel P InKrahain. Mount Mr>rr!s Co—op«mtiv<» BolidlSS andL>an Association 10.000

Bth-av<>. n w e. 108.1 tt n•of lCth-«-.. 25i>xl00;Amos B Cross to Catherine M Cross Gift

Park-are, n w corner 134th-st. ism in to ISStb-st. xif>: Francis B Del»hanty. referee, to MutualLife Insurance Company 23.000

Lenox-av». No-----

Elizabeth Brownto Michael Feeney Bxchanre

IXM-sr. a s. 135 ft o of Stb-ar* 2T-x9» 11: HenryN Steinert. refers*, to Mortimer Smith .. 12.300

114th-st. No 1£» Eist. 23xl<X>.ll: Henry Daie toWilliam N Welteran ... 30.000

Sara« property: MartinA I>wey to H<»nry Dale.. 1eth-ave. No 73&. vr s. 23tc7K: Dand J Klrujet al.

executors and trustees, to James *VDonohu».... 43,000Stcnel. Fanny, to Frederic R Coudert, trusr»»«.

RECORDED MORTGAGES.Horatio-st. Noa 12 and 14. ,". years . . 20.000

Reiliy. John F. to 'lieonr* EThret. 2M-»t. No* 113and 117 Bast, and 24th-st. Nob Ins and 11(>

West. ?n!oon l»*n«e. rlTnand 12.000Qutncy, Samuel, to Ellen Qulncy. Central Park

V,>«;. w s. 75.S ft s of :>3d-st. demand 11.000BedUai;. Edward K. to Jeannette H Francis, trus-

tee, et al. 77th-«t. a ? 36«> fr w of West End-av» 5 y?ar» . ... 32,500

Blake. Rfixrt J. to Union Dime Savings Isat!-tatton, 12i)th-st. n s. 100 ft w of Lenox-ave. 5y-ars flo.o<X) |

San:- to Maude A Deehey, same propert-. 1 rear. 10.000 jSehultz. Ignati. to Jonathan Wright. No i> West

loßtb-at, 5 years 23.000G«in. Jeanne*T» P. to Kata llorifsn. guardian. etc

No I'v« 47th-st. leaseholiU 1 veax 12.000

JCitTi Propcrin /or Sale.Q(* f\f\ PEP. WEEK TOTAL COPT.— A model house: jC''J.\J\J everY r»<julr»ment fcr refineil people: isr.lendta neighborhood: la the city: with all conveniences.but above all. LOW IN PRICE aa.t ' --•: on TERMS jWHICH WILL INTEREST TOT7. costlr.s to carry lessThan rent. :i«-a^ are new ß to 10 rooms: . .». electricity.running water: only SO minutes from Manhattan businesse?n:re. Tlwyare ont of the common and worthy of yourr"nsl'l<»ration'. Writs for particulars to 1.. P. 0 Box£673, New-Tork. l• I

Brooklnn Propcrtn for Sale. |FOR SALE.

—Good investment: hoarding stabl«» 121-123

_T SulTi-an-st.. 4Ux7B. Istory: arraoiced for » horsesand truclis: aiectric *le\-ator ar.d llshts: rested Iyears.J3.4o>> a year. Apply G. V. SIMPSON. 28 Roiney-st..Crookljm.

Jnrnistici) £a Cct—



(le>rpral fine fnrnlahed eotta«ei to r«ni (or ;ituauo. Descrtptn-e book and circular *«st en appllca- ;

H. E. EVANS. General M»n»ftf. •


/^ONNECTTCTTT Sestshore"

"are" liberally furnished:\j aIJO handaoms residence. «ichteea rooms, hath. Sre Ifireplaces, furnace, stationary tub*: Ma »t«w: references. •Circulars. Prof. NORTHROP. Brooklyn Polytecnale.

OV J.—

Fully furnl»t!~l jco"a~ 12 moms aad t«tn: $1.000 lApplr KILIAENTAN RENE3ELAER. li« Tail Street.

Countrji prepenn for Sale.


-ell 22x14 ft.: faces the sjuth; newly «hin«!«d;

pur- Mai "\u25a0prtn* water; bam. SSx2S ft.;put* cut* about jten tons \u25a0 hay. nearly all with machine; plenty of wood jand pMtur.: m<M brook and UuWttl cnwadj >n» mile >

mm -tandlsflel-J Center. Mass.. one-ha.f ml*from P. O.;

N^w-tST Chlcmpo «^d Pouirhk«T,rt« \u25a0*••• own nmotr |

*?%5Ja Pcultry farm. Enr*. fowls andproduct ,-an >>c >ld%rery waak at tho door. ,A sur* Urtag

for*amail U»va«ine«. Immediate po»^«»"n »Tt«..

HENTtr J VUCT9.Berkshire Co. daadwi.iA lU-.


fW7 "=* " "f" S*\

"T T=>**sjcltjiuv: SRK2C FuDiiSSITQ


FALL. P.IVEPw UrnFar Fan RiTfir Boston, and ail Eastern and Nortiierapoint*. Staamers PRISCILLu*. and PURITAN. Orcheatrt,oa each. I>>«ve Pier 19. N. R.. toot a£ W"arr»n St.. weekdays and Sundaya at «:f» P. M. Sinmrr *r rr. N*«w Task.Sunday. only, touches at Newport. On ctr:«r days of tl»»«MC Provtdenc« L~.

- Eastward steamer stops at New-pert.

PROVTDENCE LI^EFor Newport. Providence. Bostori. North and East. Staaav-ers PLYMOUTH and PrLURIM. Orchestra, era cash.Oaave ?<.«r la. 9 E.. foot of Murray St.. Mtl days onlyat 5.00 P. M.. touching at Newport, R. Z. iMonday son-tap excepted). On Mraiay mornings Fail Hirer lAamSteamers touch at N*wp«rt.

ST'-N'INGTON- LINEFor Stoclngton. Narraijansett IMer. Watch H"I.Bostoa truiEast. Steamers VIA N and NSW IIAMPSHITIE. 1»&t«Pier 30. N. P.. foot cf, -:.f St.. week days onlr »t 9^>OP. 11. Sunday night Westward trips will a* aad* fromJuly Sto 3«pteraoer 9 Inclusive. 3aj-^rdar sight Westwarttrtpa willbe onuttsd (Jurr.g not p«riod.


For New Londou. Watca Hill.BJnci Island. •QCargMtsr.Ea*t and North. Steaniera CITT OF LfiffElXand dTTOF "WORCESTER. Leave Pier 3«. N. H.. foot :-tprtn« at,w«ek days only at 5:30 P SI On ?>un3ay» from July •• toSepiessb^r » :r..-:a«- \u25a0«. Stetnwr MaOl will.oav* SawLtiadoa at 10:15 P. St for -N«-< Tor*.

NET HAVEN iINSflat New Haven. N«w Britain. Uerlden. llartfart 3prla»-r.-. j «\u25a0! \u25a0-.- North. From P:«r Q R. Double »er»Sc»\u25a0%\u25a0••* day*. Steamer RI<JHABP PECK leaves \u25a0 -iw York•.-00 P. M.; Steamer C. H. NOP.TITaM at 12:W mid-night Sunday* S>t«ner RICHARD PECK :*»v-s N«wTurk at 9:30 A. Si : ntuntM saves New Hav»a at 3:13P. M. A i«ii*nt:u. c-li^iij-I::?.

Ifiiiyjil^.yuKl QSiiffi&Li 13 ii aJm iiiisiaB.PALACE IRON DAT LINS aTKAJtc.

•jorw TORK" aaa . "aLJIANT.**Finest and fastest river staamers 1 la ate world.

Dally ftxeept Sunday.L>eares BtoclOth. Fulton *. <by Aanex.) IA.


N*w Tork, D««oroM«s St. P!«r . \u25a0:\u25a0«>••

" West 23d M Pier »:oi>••

For ALBANY .aadlna •: Tockers. W«at Point. N-rw-burt-h. \u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0!\u25a0>» Kmestun Point. CatsitU. fni .*-•on Throu^ti tickets Nor*h. East & Wtti


filLß^KS^r H\?Ll!?3o?iia SLOKSE.Steamers ADIRONDACK or DEAN RldlilOND ia»%

Pl«r 33. North I'.:v»r. toot Canal Str*«t. at it V. M. daily(Sundays axe*. maalnc llract conn«cUoas atta trxia*North. East a.-iJ W«st.

QATSKILL, HTT>SON AND COXSACKiaBOATS laa-r* «*«ry w**k-dar at 8 P. M. front (out

at Cin«t:yi«- »-... eann«eUs« with U. *A. ii. H.

gIT'SON KITES Steamer MARY PO\TELL»Leaving Paiftroaw St.. 13. onlays, l4&> W«al

234 St.. 3JO P. X.. tSat , 2P. M.): tor CR-VN^TONa.WEBT POINT. CORNWALL StWHtBCn. NSW HamlFUROF. iol.tom. pokje«ps:e. RONOOCT. aa4KING3TON.

A DV^RTISEMITNTS and subscrtptlsms (or TS« Tilti—are;«tTad at their T?Dtown Ot3c». No. 1.242 eras£w*r.

2d door M rtb of 31st-9t.. uat'l 0 o'.-iork|m. ;.tiv-r;^s«.

mar.ta received at th* follow tax brancb ilHi.*w at regulari(Bm rates oatil o'clock p. m-. »!*.: 254 -ta-»t«,. \u25a0 «.cor. 23d-«t.: 13? BU>-«ve.. cor. 12th— t.: M^jy». -it> a»*.aad !*:>-•?. 143 i>!umDuj-,i«.. n*«r W«at tkUh-«t.; MMWest 423-st.. near •» wi;«2 East l«^-at.;26: TrMt*2i-»t..between Tth and sta >««•.; Jk> Kaat *T:h-»t.: l.Ja*V.-*v» between \u25a0',- *..: 77th *.iz.: 1.02 d Ha -*•».. near\u25a0M at ; l.TO» Ut-*T».. near *tfe—»'.: fIOO Sd-ave.. mvIlli-• :lit 3i-»Tc. 2H> C:~c»«r-"'»; CS Sicker-**.

V N ENGINEER with over 20 years* expert-*\u25a0 ence »» representative In op»nin* up connection* far

American Nov»ltie» in Great Britain and Continent.Seeks first class agency for goods su!Ul>U 10 Railways.ironm'acMa. car Fancy Stationers. Patent MoJiclna, \u25a0>chlrerv or General Oas Apparatus. Write

°^verf 'Box S. Mesars. W H. 3MITH& SON.*^ISB, Strand. London.

4 DVFRTISEMENTS and subscriptions for The Tribune-rt_ receive.? at thnr Untnwn OfT.ce No. 1.242 nr->e.l»ay.

?<1 door north at a?si-«t.. until & o'clock p. m.; advertla*-ments reeetve/1 al the . w\atl branch ortlcea at regular

oOce rates until i» o'clock p. ra.. viz.: Z.i -t:. -ave »• "•

cor. 23d-«t-i 162 fltiwive.. cor, 12th-<« Macy*•.«»!-« ve.and 14th-«t.: 142 CDIumCU»-ave.. near U «•\u25a0! 66th-«t.: 106Wen 12d-at near Sth-avs. ; »2 E*« 14th M :25. West

42d-«t.. between 7th ana Stb *v««.;159 East \u25a0».th-«u:

XEW-YORK DAILY"TRIBUNE, THURSDAY,* Dankrr3 an& Beal £statr.



Crest Companies.

82,000,0005 Per Cent. Collateral Trust Gold Bonds


Erie Telegraph & Telephone CompanyDATED JANUARY 2d, 18W. DLE JANUARY Ist, 1929.

Interest January Ist and July Ist.

Denomination, 11,000 each. Balance of Total issue of $5,000,000.

Principal and Interest Payable in Gold Coin at the


Moktox TrustCompact.

Capital & Surplus— s4,7so,ooo

LEVT P. MORTON PresidentTHOMAS F. RYAN' Vice-PresidentJAMES K. CORBISIiE... Second Vice-PrecH. U. FRANCIS SecretaryTV REDMOXD CROSS.. TreasurerEUGENE E. VARET Asat. Secretary.

11. 3. BERRT Trust Officer

DIRECTORS:John Jacob Astor, Joseph Laroetjue,George F. Baker. P. 0. Mills.Edward J. Berwind, Levi P. Morton.Frederic Cromwell. Richard A. McCurdy,James B. Duke. W. G. Oakman.Henry M. Flagler, George Foster Peabody,G. G. Haven. Samuel Rea.Joseph C. Kendrix. Elihu Root,

Atraia S. Hewitt. Thomas F. Ryan.James X. Jar- John Btaaae,Walter S. Johnston. William C. Whitney.Augustus D.Jullllani. A. Wolff.

Issue Travellers' Letters of CreditBuy and Sell Billsof Exchange.

Collections on allForeign Countries




Allows Jntrrritt on deposits.Acts »EiM-ntor, Traaise, Gunrdian, Trans-

fer A*;*-"I. iirsrißtrarj 4c;

HEN"HT C. SWORDS, President.H. H. CAMiIANN.Vice President.

~frr.f» H. Vines, Uouglaa RcDlnson.CSarles C E^rke, John Doirnrv,

Kor»c« S Eiy, Chariee S. Hrown.

Ebenezer S., Mison. Henry X.. Pcmrov.Kenry L«vr'.f lU-rrls, Percy Chuob.Edwin A. rruikihsnk. Franklin a


diaries A. P»ssody, Jr.. J. Root<ve!t Roosevelt.

tCharle* A- Schrrmerhora. L»n«da!e Biardrtian.•i!B,.s I Raymssd Harrison E- I"Try.

Joel F. Fttcmu. Frank S. TVitherbee.H.~>:RY IT. REGHLET. Secretary.

Bank Erjjaris.

QUARTERLY RErORT OF THE BOWERY ;*B^NIC OF NJK.W YORK, at the close of business ,

c= the*31st a«r of May^ll"^1,-sani! an-! discounts 52.607.348 99Cve.rinitx 31 ' «=Cue Iron: trust con^ra^iee. banks.

barkers and brckera 51TT.199 9«

I?ue froEi approved reserre agents. •--.-\u25a0 54\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'" 754. 50

EarJcir.* haaam ar.d lotOther r=ii esiaie I=rV£S lSMortea^es oxrr.ed f1..T00 noStocks and b.nds 57toecie i".4.36S .8

U S. !e»ral tenders and circulating note* ofNational batiks 205.073 00

Cash Jtem«. viz.: 3!"s nnd checksfor the next day's exchanges $158. 653 83

Other Sterns carried as casn 3.115 Sfl159.769 98

t4.fIM.OMSICapital stock paid in. In cash $250,000 00Surplus fund <550,000 00Undivided pretits. le*» CTirrer.t expenses and

zejL*r p*id 5?. 761 96Erne d»7>of itor» 3.543.229 SIDae rru»t <-emiiani*s. backs, bankers, brokers

sr.d ratines w.nlts 144.CX» 96Pa* Treasurer if lii*State- of New York 50.0W f>nAamic cue not included under ar.y of the

ib^ve r.-i&a 4K> 15Unreia dividends 3.062 03

J4.69H.tt64 91Etate of Sew Torlc. County of New Tcrk. ss:

JOHN" S. FOSTER. President, ar.d CHARLES ESSIG.Cashl»r cf the E&werr Bank of N»w York, a bank locateden?! irsiv.K tra«in«ss at Sla. *^2 80-w-frr. in the dty of Xe-wTork. In said county, beirsff July rwom, each for«lf.scys that the for«-g-oir.e rT-ort. with the Echedule accom-penyingr ihe same, is trri* and crrr^ct in all r«r?pects. to*.hp l-*«t r-f h:s knpwl«"djr«» and b*-liff. and they furtherBay frat the usva'. bUFtne«« at said bank ha= b^-n trans-acted at the location r»qu!"i"i \sf the banking ?.w iChap.*?9. Lawn of l«P2>. ar.'J n"t «!sfwhpr»: arM that the abover»riort is rr.s^.e in coirr!;aric» an offlcia! notice re—reived from the Superintendent of Banks desisnatir.K theZlrt day of May, X9OQ, as the day or. which such reportahall be made.

JOH?T S. FOSTER. r*r*slflent.CHAP.IXS= ESSIO. Cashier.

Severally Bcb?Ttb^ (! ami nrern to by both deponentsth« «th «?y of Jujje, 1300. befcrs ir.e.

TS*bJ of Notary.] S. H. iIACDOWTXI*K^t'.ryPublic. Last County.

Certificate tSMt in N«w York County.

Diaibcwb Notices.Offlcr of theMaryland Coal Company.

So. 1 Broadway Nm- T«»rk. .rur.e 6th anJ^T A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of

IMreciors heid this day & serni-annuaj dividend otrtro j>er o'nt Tras declared on the Preferred irtock paya—tie June :*>th, ll»00. to Preferred Stockho'.d»r» of recordon the clonr.p of th* transfer books June loth. 13fi0.

Transfer ijcok* close June 15th. 1000, and reopen July2nd. 1&0.I.

Checks wll!b« mailed.H. B. NSX :•-: -. :.: Treasurer.


>-'»-- vrr.<. June n. 1300.

IyHEBOARD OF DIRECTORS have declareda serai-anr.u&i dividend on the Preferred Stock of

this ccinrpany cf Two dollars ar.3 2fty cents ($2.50) pershare, pai-abl? Aurast 1. 1000. to stockholders as recls-r^r»d at the clo»e cf th« transfer books en July 10. 1000.The transfer Looks for \ht preferred etock of the Com-pany w:li be closed Erem tnre*> o'clock P. M en July 10.ISoO, until ten o'clock A. 11. on Aurust 2. 1900.

Dividend cn<Hiks willbe rr.aiied to Preferrei Stockhold-ers wfiost Stvldend orders ar« en file at this office.

H. W. GARDINTR. Assistant Treasurer.Z'J Ceflar Street. Xptr York.


S«nt fre«. postpaid, on wlin at himeast namp, by Gears* H. -uiaia. O. >.A.. Grand Central Station. X- \u25a0* Tara>

Di«nn.-r ami rime from Gr»a4Central -i.i .i»

\uml)«r of trains per day.>nnil»^r <»f Ttiln» no HiimUf.K-irular tmr*.Eit'Orilon rate*.Monthly rnmmntatlon.Family ticket of lots.Price of hniKci.Rent of llHUM

Same and address nt reliablareal estate ac-nt.

•*-\u25a0- - --

tßlast-i t»—.hoar \u25a0' Qns4

Caatral Station. xr- briefty IncrlM»_J»X22 <* O»» -rOCa-TRV Iv sKIUEJ"or tie XZT7 TOIUC CirrJTßAl*. Sams oftit*information is -i* fallows:

BONDS MAY BE REGISTERED AS TO PRINCIPAL.Application will be made in due time to list these bonds on the New York. Philadelphia

and Boston Stock Exchanges.