new york tribune (new york, ny) 1910-12-06 [p 10] · \u25a0•. owner; gotthct) m karpas and joseph...

Children to Testify Against Fathsr as to His Alleged Threat His two children will b<9 th« r^a«*jal witnesses for the prosecution in the sal of Abraham Roth, who is charged with fla murder of hi? wif*. Bertha, on July 25 h their horn? at No. 24 Rlvlnston str«r. Roth was placed on trial yesterday is Gen- eral Sessions. is charged with haTirs k.Uled his wife by cuttin? her throat sal then attemptinsr suicide by cutting hi 3 m tl-roat. His defence is that his wife cs his throat, but. failing in the. attempt kill him, succeeded in her effort to coe=2 suicide. Ravps is about fifty y»ars <-.H an.i-i^^ni h-«r<l th« voice of Miss Queers \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0«««• wire. They met for the fir<»t time *pi ago at the R" formed Episcopal C'aorcact the Ascension and it seemed a case of lsa> at first Pieriir. A f"«- month* aso they \u25a0> came, engaged and It Waa th-ir tntentioat* be married around th<» Christmas holidaj^ but Mr. Raves received the important a? pointmont of general manager to a. Iar?« engraving concern In Houston, Texa?, sai he was oblige! to £•\u25a0 there. LITE MAY HANG ON WORD Greenpoint Central's Manager To a Bride in January. •*•. A romanc* <>"»r k. tel^phon^ Tire tirei? Ing iliss Gertrude .-•--- ••- --- j-«aa day m»nae«T of the ..-:..-. - eschar?! of the v«» - To^k T«?«»phon- Companr.'at* Ferdinand Ray»«. now a r»^ld»nr of Bss>| ton. Tex., but for many year<* a resident ;r«**nr«'!riT. irlil culminate in their marriij, early in January. Miss Sneers Itves at'No.'lST Rnsseii -rtrer; (";r<»<>ri[><>int. and -i" 1 win le»re the <WIM> of th». telephone company Saturday- ias)r \u25a0with the- regrets of all '' eir!3 ard jnsnj oin^!! iind^r > i «* . and of th 9conp;^. which has 9»nt her a letter of ni?l»«a- mendation and also a Randsoms '^•sjhf sift. ROMANCE BEGAN AT 'PHOSJ AA\t. 220th »t. o-arn»r; '"^ott* p _ at and -White Plains ai». architect; JTSo* MANHATTAN ALTERATIONS. " ' ; 15TTI ST. <K$ -WTest: to- a 4 »ty'br-< .«. -Jj ' I Kransbaar. 234 6th are, own/r - (i«^J»% Lecchtas. 7 West 224 »t, archlUtcU; Jso2* *' L!S PENOENB. uj§ 241ST ST. n m. 3.V. ft a of Xmntuh »_ C 10O: two actions; Georsro C Smith. **% a), VejrtUo -Amoral., •- al \u25a0 ' \u0084*,, 1$ •« znags); attorneys. Moody &. Getty. -..'••* I'-'TH ST. n *. 12.". ft + of St Ana* »-» K»t. Margaret {!\u25a0--. Paullnfl Kan*u **» (foreclosure of mta>; attorney. V.' Adam "* CONXOP.D AYE. 3»; Albert Rorkmor. ' -Irs. etc. a«t Moritz L Ernst ac ai i*a~:,- "•• of. mtg>: attorney. H M»>«r " \u25a0* or «<i«ete, 2STH BT. 43 Wert: J Pateiz * »\u25a0• « D Kelly et al (action to declare il» n >. asLsjl Appell & Taylor. '' *~0~ 0J a^ !::-»TrI ST. *7 "West; Blanche -•—«_.*. ' X Olcott et it... of mtzj- i^.-TzT* Ktcrnan *; Moore. * tc^»* MANSION ST. - »• cor Comiacair«»ta STix73; Antonio D'Andrca ast Church ©f IfT^ thony. Van Nest. Th» Bronx. « h! (^^il/*" far«elaai mechanic's ilen>; attorn- . . .^ "* Van rwrveer. *\*^. \u2666 V..TH ST. n•. 227.11 '- -of A -, a a- 102.2: W»!son M Po^-ell. trn«ee. sun. v.;... I*'!1 *'! II Pr»«r et ai iforeclosara of mtj ( ; asUJS \u25a0en ST, n «. 174.4 ft -r of At A..•->•«,. Etaßl X Powell et ai »*t •i^-.T9 i Harris Jr. <fcreclostar«s of ii)t«); attorney. W M VMsal PRIXCE ST. 131 to !.*»; Ph»h«» vr irr^ey.. Ast Annl% V IJrandt et al iforecknun or n^T attorney. \V ajeOaaaa*. "*• WALTON" ATE, <• s. 75.6 ft n of Ho»v, ,»/<*>. 1*9.3; Rntsc«>rs V Cadmus, •\u25a0•ecntor. : «•»\u2666 '-. veyance^ Realty Ct) <foreclosur? of VOarmf^ neys. Thornton * Karl*. ' "f* TINTOX AYE. 591 to .V.7. Ray T r 'nic«>hi » 1 _ - Tinf r: \v?r,.j» Construction O> "\u25a0 9; tror»-v--!L of mtgy, attorn»y, J Gorton. " * 100 TH ST. \u25a0 a, 29 ft w of 2-1 are. Srjan-. Mary Jac?e a^t Fannie Taus »t »i »s;T«f'i, * of ir.r?>: attorney. LJ Jacobin. .--**lr* FOREST AYE. n » cor of Ml it. l<y A *>. i;hms^ Z»n?-al<»o »et Will lam }• Hib?\ ?' (notice of levy*; attorney. A Goodman. . 130 TH ST. 67 Weal Blanche TVi!?«. - ,_ \u0084^_ F Olcott "' al (faraeloeur' of mt?;; von2i Ki-rnan & Moore. . " v BATHGATE AYE. - ». lot 56. map et Ut-- Morrl?anla. 21x43; Iron SCastent R*a!t>- an<! r-'al strnetlon Co a?t Bertha Keaciny ifor*;losar» ef mtgy. attorney, >; AlciDlkoff. -.•\u25a0•< * 135 TH ST. s a 12T. ft of '•\u25a0• %r». nvv>M E4snr S AppTsbr »5t Partis': Chur-h o' tS E." ,j»«tti» - et »1 •foreclosure of>; ar*^,—^ Cannon ii Cannon. :*•>,\u25a0 74TH ST. ST "' --\u25a0 Tr-*«» H r^b;«t, ._ Rosell* Holmes et a! fpartitivr"; ar'orn'jj, mer. Canfi*M & Stonft i.awpejicf: st. d i-. .% - ii^w _ *iy.STtWf:i>: VTilltawi A <hor»i a? » J<>hn Toir hend ef al (foreclosure of ra.\ ;Mn-, attcirn^j \u25a0» A Shiortt. Ufj ST. |«aj I-,.- n"i:;i»rT. v-nri»n , <r j,^, j ITol! HI tfor«Tl-.>«'ir» if .-\u25a0 _ att^.n.ay . . Weeks. COLUMBUS v"- -- -:.r •' »**iMial »na> way, Tjr>.l<>r»2* *x lrT*ig; \T^'r F---ar?-?ll a>r a^ lot? r -- * - -\u25a0•_,-.-. at m'^»: ltrora** ! j H ->»ns \u25a0 . •-• Lawyers Mortgage >\u25a0• to- Car in R Rupyon 84 al, exrs; $-}.':. <."o<">. Same to same; *4.:;,f»t>-. \'»w York Tmst Co to Cli*r7»* ;i«r^?r»!m and ano, as comm: S'S.O<X>. liawy*rs Mort^aee Co Is Carman R Runyon el a', exrs: 2 a?sts; *^.<w». Lucius H E»«rs. tru«. to WlJheJnamsi I>'Ars- CBOt; 10-11 part. $1. "VUhflmina. r> Arscbct to Carolina Butter- field: *ll.<>X>. '\-^i ; 'r " l> T> r r. ,n.l an<>. trus. -. . Ell"ti M B E<i?ar, ?>. Pa^crn Realti Co ••• Amelta Davis; *I'»>. .fos»phina Griaarogd »o Adirondack Cottage Ssnitarlum, at saranac, X T; $3^.000. I,oiii<-- 5 ~i-->nl-i=.nV<(»irT>»r api ano. «xr«u to Lo'.iis v "ra!ik?nh?ira»r and >-•\u25a0 . inn S'J.SO 0 MECHANICS* LIENS. AtT>t*BpK AVK. a trboli front b*tT»i»n ISTth anVlSSth st«. i!«rrT.>. Sal toffrn i«t Fa! !and Realty \u25a0•. owner; GottHct) M Karpas and Joseph VTlttner. owners and co»tr« j.\ sf«\ 21TH BT. J42 to 14^ W«st; HafMasw Tf'j»lt»r R»fractorT«-?! Cb ;i?'. District Realty Co, o-rn«r; Peter Guthy. contractor;, pi :" 25. BRONXWOCD ATE. 1 ( cor 29tli al 114<11-.. Mount VeriMMi Bofl£*r9 S'ipr>!y Co a z r Kne»n^ M«tzc-»r. Tf'iirr> N Sehotas and Wb-rty '«••\u25ba and S'ttir.t; TVork«. own*ra Jp««ph con- tractor; 91,160 M BRONXDALB RP. .• »nT?". n « '-«- Rhln»- lander av#, r.'xi<>». •'!yi» P Haytta act John !«.->". owner; Cbaries Baflfr, contractor; Si'T<? 76. fiHINET/AXPKR \-\."I. •«; Or STwUllll try.. 3O*IW; ?arr!,» act John Dob; orwr; Charles Bailey, contractor; ?270 •««. ."TR ST. 420 Eas*: .Vllvren" Stout <- o a?t John Doe, owner; Herman Kient«l»r. contractor; *!"• ISBTH ST. 438 East; Frederick r>tirand a«rt D* Good Realty Co cm -\u25a0\u25a0- said contractor; *»iR W>. HEWITT F>T.. ? tv cor Starr pi. atal—. F>: ward Kascberali act Hlgstna &\u25a0 Stanton Con- struction Co. owner; Ctiarles Rap?, contractor; $o2 25. REISs ri>. n » cor Bronx Boulevard. J«2.S xtO2.&;» Ri-^i] & Ja-?s»r asrt treors» R«i>»e, owner; Henry J.n>spr. contractor; $279 COI.I T BflSrs AVK. Ntn t cor Mtli «t. I«2x lfM>: Nicholas M Wimple. »t a! act An?-! .1 Simpson. Solomon Werner nnd Louis Werner, owners; IT S A 'VVi?i">n. contractor; MM 6TH ST. 41.". East: ,r..B«>ph R«>rn3t<in net Conereiiation Edatli La'lsrasi Ansebel M«»«»rlt2. owner and contractor; .<"_•.. "••\u25a0.4 90. SAME PROPERTY; William A Thomas Co act Consrreiration FMntb Israel ftmsi'tli I jl^oeritz. owner; Josepa P»rnstein, contractor; $1«1 99. HOKKIWELL ATE, I* 5 -!*.; Standard Plurab- ine :?unolv Co net Norb^rt Leib*>l. owner ail( contractor; Yeissberpr. a- Bscboff. contractor: SISC 58. 12.-.111 BT, 0H and 6M West; 'Abraham Ilodfp ajc*- Tr>»-ir> Realty Co, r>> <;.->....i Realty Co and 'William Good, owners and con- tractors; ?2US -.'."•. 6STII ST. 24$ to 2.-.4 West; Dominic.-. Sac- cocio agr John Miller, owner; Vfiic»nzo La, Torre and Pietro Alti«rl. contractors; ?2!> 75. SAVE PROPERTY; Giovanni ITlano B*t same; $20 7.".. SAM ?^ PROPERTY; r,jTis«.p P « Plcixiao art same- ; \u2666».£• 10. SAME PROPEKTT; Giuseppe lacabuccl a^t same: $21 s<>. ° SAME PROPERTY: FedeTe t>e .^r-eorfo art same; $2 .'•:>. s <nm" I f 21 1 50° PEr:TY; ''^s-Pl- Zi-oarif « s t . SAME PROPERTY; Glaipp* De Vallo »«t SATISFIED MECHANICS" LIENS. jri^s'So. ssfs a srssa?- SAME PROPERTY; Max Epstein agr Robinson et al; Juno U2. I01O; $152o"'» SAME PROPERTY; C Christian^n art T Robinson et al; May ft, i;*in ; f 172 50 SAMK PROPERTY; NaVhan "lvoh, „*\u2666 A Flateau et al; July 7. 1T»1O; $164 SAME PROPERTY: Bergman. mi.n.,1,, , \u25a0 & Rotncr Co agt san««: May 4. 3910- $14" * * SAME PROPERTY: P-ter E Mora,, sal wn lam Rowan et a!: May 19, 1910; $51 a(rt MI- SAME PROPERTY; Henry Levins et aJ act A Hateau et a!: June 2H lf»ti>- $"is afft SKsmT 5 "-"•\u25a0-* a^t -an^MaT^KiaSJS- \u25a0 •»- g^r^^cTs^We^MSin^. Realty O»«t al; Aug .-.. 1!»1.»; |H»«IL emOa NEW BUILDING PLANS. MANHATTAN*. 45TIT ST. 62 ar.,i «4 Wesr a. 1" «\u2666 ma offlrr bide. *«*»* OeonLV K.^r T Or * 0,t0n..o ,ton.. i_ wit \u0084^u it. avekMscta; |OS».«M * THE BRONX. CITY ISUXD AYE c r 12T. ft r tw. ft; for a l st y frame ihop?^ K4S John r ler. 107 Fordham st . owner ana archUect- Si&T 3£A.TXU>a ST. c s . 100 ft , of ".««» ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. Ma!,*; (; DadsW to Edtrard I Wilson; 3 assts; :• Royal V HamerHchlacr '•\u25a0 -":>.- Nahm: $100- <"lara B*yC< to .*' lty * :<>al Ki-tatc (V.; tl*.l«.<O. Katharine X Lachnlcht Is Alfonso Teasltore an.! ano: *1 _ Morrlsto-vi-n- Trust Co to Kanny A \u25a0\u25a0 aa; »L aamasl Hir.-h to Max Kafers; *1. Theodore B O«l>"me. truariian. to liar..!.] P CndsrhiU; $5.W0. '' _. KmunueJ Raunhelm ft al. cxreutors. to Adolph I>-wisohn: $18,600. Rsatty Transfer To to «>r*->n Hytran: I-i,S3>. Howard Mansfield, trust** to •'ount»«a Gaston d'Arsehot; fLMk Charles H»*rnsoh»lni an«i ar.o. CWBJsa, M N*w York Trti«t .... *17 .. \u25a0\u25a0- Mirha-' T Pwrtr '\u25a0\u25a0 John .F ; $.".."f >o. Ola 11 (.>l-»»n to \i.,., n i r N Fra.<">r; VMS ,Vfirmer W Flasil to K'ias \ Mali. l BJM Katharin<* t: .rn.-ks.-.i el ;i!. tnis. to American MortcaK* •'... fH.IW 4«. Albany «'ltv SarlriK.« Bank tc l*»v»rp Mort- Has;. <\u25a0•>: all litl<»: an Jntfr»"»t of t-ji •««> A mass spring- to Harrfei A Cbpwland: »n ln- r^r»-st of ?I'.»K>«». Silas A nsir« »nd \u0084 \u0084. trus, to «*har>s Burk- >-.iit..r: .*) . .i.:ir>.- Rurkhalt^i •\u25a0• '.- Eta H Thomv*on: $'. Antcavta 1,. r»ii Vi«? m Tlt»» <;Tiiir»nt<"' snd Tro« I ...; $3,310. ff-nrv nint-r tlinry Itahr: SI- n '•!•«• ••••< t. '/."'.WT '• >' \u25a0:• \u25a0 r.^-i Co; 5 ;.<-•- «!v(. Farmers" f.oau ard Trust ••• m I \u25a0'\u25a0" J King 'I at. »vrs; SI. I-.. •. 5. •;\u25a0.(.\u25a0.,. •\u25a0 August C ,-.-h'»-» > nk. \u25a0*!. Man J Ooodw] 1 to Alij,"if Swe«n«y: J2.000. Alien \V Erarts. irus. «i al. to H<»l*n C Batter; an int«»r< ! 'i=t of jtl "...»••. Alien \V Eraru ••\u25a0 Virginia Batter: ».n tnr»r»st of (10.000. Title OuaranTW and Trust Co to Alfred Harris and ano. trnv: fIS.000: Same to >-- M Carll; fa :«* New York Trust " to •"h»rl«i T{»rT:«<-h»)Tr> and an.-., cooiid: $2.M0. Same- to sam«; «45.500. Sum to same: ?43.J«>". S»in« to ?atK<?: ?"s.(»X l Shi ie to same: I2S •' \u25a0 10 WUt.r M reward ,«^^ ralm*>r, 3d aw and 14^tn Bt. - l«3b st. * s. irr. ft * of »Jrand »- 25x100: IMD ST. - s. I.VI ft - Of C.rand aye. ""J 1 ' I . Dec I. i:»(,:i u-i- :, 1: ':"'•• '\u25a0''" ' Frank C Buckhout: $2.OO«»; ' '\u25a0>-'•' •\u25a0 "\u25a0 W ««»«lnian * Kraus. ."-.".' Liberty st. REAL ESTATE WANTED." REAL ESTATE WANTED. He'll Scorn the Airship and Use Machine Instead. Those grown-ups who have been prophe- fyivt: lately thai oftfl Santa dam u-il! de- siver Ips §n>od£ tliis Christmas in an airship nre mistaken: Tic is going: to travel in a. l>sg- t»-lior«-e power to'arjnsr car which -will I>3 »*!<\u25a0 fls)i'"a'' of a. strinc: «if machines in which kill .- carried sifts to be left down chtm- *i«ys by s.-.ji-«»s of assistants. And a large j.Bi-t of th<-- credit for lixingr St. Nick up so J>*> won't have to worry whether there's ftiow on the ground or a fclxtj - -mile gale *oofi fro<*s \u25a0\u25a0• the Children's Christmas for ."hiidreii. nil as alien composed of great- •>\u25a0* N---' YorV \u25a0women, led by Mr---. J. S. 'JWatermaii.' of Brooklyn. : The work of the organization is in charge ?-\u25a0'•• Children's Christinas? Committee. *^".hat .body is at present distributing- large jired stockings a. yard long" and nearly a foot J^'ide to those of the charitably inclined who :«want to make Christmastime brig-lit for the jlittl* sans of the tenements to whom Santa t ' '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 is not much more than a naiae. M&.11;. . charitable jfrajstJßMitiTWWi supply friarnesi of needy children to The committee. ?acJu<3ed in those interested in the work are tic sAcera of th« Children's Aid Society, the Bureau of *'harities. the French Xurs- ,f".t; tiisters for the Destitute Poor, the As- sociated Settlements, the Catholic Settl©- jirnfiEts. TJttle Italy, the "Women's Auxiliary M St. Vincent de Paul, the District Nurses. |»iif» City M:?f-ionaxies. and others. -Amori? the members of the committee are JMonslgrnor "William J. "White, the Rev. J. '.Ho* p.rr. MelJsb. I»r. "Waterman. Mrs. Frank £L" Lupton. Mrs. Ft. Chk McKelway. Mrs. "R*illlam A. PwildWK— l and Mr?. Arnold Iffr.arp. . BEAT AND ROB PEDLER There's No Better Paying Investment Than a Properly Managed Colored Tenement LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. Results Guaranteed Bom j cfvea Philip A. Payton, Jr., Company, New York*. Pioneer Negro Real Estate Agents. M r te, . PAP T., A £?:& se H r REAL ESTATE. i Maidiruan, artao s^lls jewelry on ti.< install .is.^r.* plan, told the police of the Oak street ration that he- had been to tlc third floor «* Us* house «Hseaß the assault and rob- \' - . took to Make a colJectlon. He ri<sXt sm t'i the. second floor, where he lilfeo so* tome rr>«>n«»y. ..'-.:?! us he rea.ched tJ>« halL •.-- saM two '\u25a0-'!\u25a0•\u25a0 - attacked J- vewelry Seller Says Two Italians Attacked Him in Hallway. Sim';*! MaMnaaa. a jewelry p?>dler. liv- Ing a No. £2 Stantoii street, whs Ix^aif-n j» robbed of fewdty valued at 53'» In Itbe 'liallway of Not. a and 11 Rose street West<r<say a .-noon. Ills as.«ui);u.t>. i \u25a0<\u25a0 \u25a0Bffli •*•«« t^o Tta:ia.iis. v.ho had apparent!? (fcc-ea » Tilting: for him. Hoth of bis eyes «>'•<•• falackrt>e<3 and ].: izx**. u-as badly jl-r-'lsc-d. CASK TO GEAND PJKY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTOj^ NEW JERSEY. GUARANTEED MORTGifiES on improve Bergra County rroperty f&* FIVE PER CENT. Sem* for Booklet. . NORTH JERSEY TITLE INSURANCE CO- HACKKX^ACK. X. J. - \u25a0> H It lIOTER COt > I*- PHILIPSE MANOR on tvs Mr -*^ff2* One n-.u-> unobstructed river fronts**: *>r^ crn residence* near completion. Ad* 1 * PHI! ITS?! MANOR CO.. Phtllpso Manor. Saw To' 1 '- MORTGAGE LOANS. a. w. Mclaughlin & co. Brokers and Dealers in .Mortgage* 123 Broadway, cor. Cedir STRONGEST AND BEST EQITPPBL UNFURNISHED APARTMENT*^ E.%ST SIDE. THE CLEVELAND 124- isa *:•»« S4th * I. nf urp.Uhed apartinants ot ? roous* **-". -•»\u25a0"». "..• Call botwetn •"> «-> - S. r^ypf ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUB^C**-/;^ tor The Tribune r;c*iv«d si thrtr tP«°^; **. No 13»?4 Brc*d»-ay, Nftwew 3oih * until & o'clock p. \u25a0 A^-— •«*rr-r::3 ?^T- \u25a0- \u25a0 follcwicar brs=cS o*cas at re^oUr o!^ # : wntllS. o'clock p. ra.. via.: 2*4 Sib * v ?:'r.a '.\u25a0& \u25a0J-- «.: us --•- v- \u25a0"\u25a0- \u25a0:- «t.: 10* :^! »•\u25a0* «.; 2.17 4?i st.. bet^vftx: "— *-$,: ,X> »\u25a0»*• 2^3 Vest 123th «\u2666_: MSI 3c! »?«.; *'-* Assurance that you are getting a good Title is given with our policy of Title Insur- ance. The loss is ours if the Title is not good. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company CAPITAL -- $4,000,000 SURPLUS - 5,600|000 1«O Broadway. Sew York. 188 M taßlle Street. Brooklyn. 375 Kollob Street. .lanei^*. Geo. R. Read & Co. REAL ESTATE Head Offlc*. «0 rib«rt, St.. near IVw.y. Branch: 3 Eimt 35th St- They *>>:plained thitji;th*y had reached fi.c- .-:,-3 of thefr iwureei in the irv^.-tig-a- fjon of 'Conditions on Use Ward, and asked air. Whitman to present the matter to the l^rand fan William A. De ForU, the as- •\u25a0'h.'-' district attorney wtka took part in \u2666h% . et&te- invf-stifatlon and directed the police ccurt proc**din?t *vhich resulted in the -• BBMti of BtaSSSI Katr*-n«»^tn. «-ill .JbJtnai*: the cas%. ?WTiitnian WillTake Up Ward's Island Food Scandal. V thorough Inirestlgation of the handling «L« L neat and other food supplies at the f'.ata institution's on Ward"* JsiajvS will be Iv-tru'i to-day by the grand jury under th*- *s'.--.tion of District Attorney Whitman. ", •\u2666'» inve!=i!gation "II b* undertaken at -•'. \u0084 -t of the State LaoMcgr Commis- *-l—. : - Albert Warren f-V-rHf^. W. <*j, v t^jt-i ;,nd S. T. \'U . memberi of tli« «x»m:ni*.-lor- ..... the district -"••r- ti^.y yesterday. SATISFIED MORTGAGE& (With name and address of lendei 1 attorney > DECEMBER 5 MANHATTAN COLirMRIA ST. 125. 4 sty brk. ?ivi.v. : Jan 6 ifxv, Esther l>ar! Goidfarh to Abram Fi«tel; $s.<k»; attorney. Max Silr«rstein. SOU Broaoway. MADISON AYE. "m, 50.2 ft «= of \u25a0">" T ! 1 st. 23.tx 100; Dec 2, 1007; Octavla A Mow to Gourerneur Morris Carnocban, 3s s^nerol em. $.".0»XI. at- torney, 1, t i & T Co, l'"' 1 Ero?.dn-ay. SPRING ST 148 \u25a0• sty brk, 20x90; Jens 35. 1910;: Nathan Harrison, of Philadelphia, to Jean Jacques R»ubel and Henrietta T Renoel; 5J2.080; attorney, r I Co. 13? Broadway. SAME PROPEBTT; June 28 1910; Nathan Harrison Realties Co to Huso E Distelhtirst; $7,000; attorney, same as above. SPRING ST 14?, ? sty hr*. 20x80; B«pt 22, 1910; Nathan 'Harrison Realties Co to Huso E Distelhurst; $1,000; attorneys, Eisman, Levy, Corn & Levlne, 135 Broadway. FIRST 4VG, w C 63 ft s of 101st st, 37^00; May 1 100*5; Louis I.tvineston a] to kchiile and Theodore ainzbo*irg«r: $5,500; attorneys, Strauss & Anderson. 141 Broadway. ELEVENTH AYE. S4I. 4 sty brk, 15xSO; Jan 15 1902: Thomas Murphy to George Ehret; $5.Vi00; attorney, John C Gnlick, IC2 Nassau st ELEf\'ENTIT AYE. «"!•. 4 sty 'r--. SOx36.SlJa.ti 15, i;*) 2; same to same; $5,000; attorney, same, as above. ELEVENTH AYE. s w cor 47th ->'. 20xS<>: NOT 1, lt»"5; Joseph J Tlerney to George EDl *?. owner; J5.000; attorney. Edward M Burghard, 120 Broadway. ELEVENTH AVB. •;»,•'.. 4 sty brk; mtg on lease; July.l. 1907; John Hanley to Joseph •' Tlerney; 92:000; attorney, Bdward M Burghara. 120 Broadway. "l^T STT. 4* 'West. 4 sty brk. 2Sx«2; May 25, 1J»1O- Edwin F Walton to Max A wefler; $6,0W; attorneys, L T I & T Co, 160 Broadway. 32D ST 352 East. 4 sty brk 4f.4xt7^T<o.6x 17.6; April 15. 1891; Charles 3Celer to Etfle M Schenck. mdiv and as extrx; 98,400; attorney, Cambridge Livingston. 4i> Wall st. 3GD ST, c 8, 100 ft 9 of 2d aye. SOxSS.O; Xov 22. 1900; Minnie Stern to Max afoller; |4,WJ; attorney, Herman J Rubenstein, 5 Beekman st 47TH ST. 336 East, 4 sty brk. 1«V>.5x25: Xov 30 19<>t>; Henry Klopf to George Wolf; s*,sfH>: attorney, Title Guarantee and Trust Co, 1»« Broadway. 47TH ST. 331 East, 5 sty brk, 100.5x25: Nov 30 1S»C«;; Henry Klopf to George. Wolf; $4,00O; attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. lit» Broadway. 57TH ' ST, 322. 324 and 326 East, 4 sty brk, 62.Dx5».4x62.10x57.6; March 1»>. 1910; Anna Wes- t^rkamp to 'Joseph M and John V. MulHn« and others; $4,400; attorney, C C Parish. o2 Wall ?t. 57TI£ ST. s b. 325 ft w of Oth aye. 100.5x25; June 24, I!K>4; E Benjamin Ramodell to Harriet M Ramsdell; 94,000; attorney, Addison Gardner, 146 Broadway. 111TH ST. »U East, 5 sty brk. 100.10x24.10: Nov 29, 1005; Manny, Fred. Henrj- C Fredericks and Samuel Epstein to Henrietta Wimpfheimer; $5,000; attorney, H C Fredericks, 41 Union Square West. lU>TH ST 140 West. 5 Sty brk. 32.6x100.11: Nov 25, 1908; Leopold Tesky to Marie Eng'l: $S,<XK): attorneys, Davis A; Kaufmann, 51 Cham- bers st. 13OTH ST, n s. 491.8 ft w of Lenox ay«. 1«5.,5x fl0.ll; Dec 2. 1U04; Henry 1, By«r to Louise d Mariotte; ?7,000; attorneys, Harris, Cotwin, Gunnison & Meyers, 150 Nassau st. 138 TH ST. 11 p. 425 ft c ( f Lenox rv», 75x P!>11- IVb 17. 10<>t>; Albert Pelser and others to Benjamin Schmeidler; $2,250; attorney. J J Dan- zleg.jr, 31 Liberty st. IB2D ST, » 8, 40x99.11: Jan 10. 1P07: Abram Rachraeh to the. Arrow Realty Co; $4,00O: attor- ney, Edward AIsaacs. 27 William st. I»ViTH ST, n s. 200 ft w of Amsterdam ay«. 25x05- Dec I', 1007; Louis Frank to Dollar Sav- ings Bank of City of New York; $3,000; at- torney. Title Insurance Co, 135 Broadway. 183 D ST, s s, 252.10 ftw- of Amsterdam ay». 104.11x17.1- Feb 1. 1905; l»uis« 11 Lamb to Thomas Lo Boutillier. »xr; $tS.(.K.Hi: attorney, Titl« Insurance Co, 135 Broadway. 185 TH ST. 6 s. 200 ft c of 11th aye. 7t».11x 100: March 22. 190«: Philip Simon to Realty Transfer Co: $50,000; attorney. Simon & Asher, 277 Broadway. THE BRONX. BEAOH AYE. o p. 370.11 ft n of Kelly st. lOfl.Sx 22x10«>.2x22: Nov 27, 1005: Louis I>>ibsohn to Sarah J Carroll, indivld and as admstx; $t5.4i»; attorneys, Joliue. Larkln & Rathbtme, ,">4 Wall st BROAI»WAV. n s. ISS.7 ft W Of Terraeo View aye, 2Sxl00; April 2.'., 190&; Charles P Mahony to Louise C C Fernschild; ?K.thM>; attorneys, Forster. Hotaling & Klenke, 59 Wall st. BAILEY AVK. c 5, at division line lots 78 and 79, map land at Kingsbridge of William Cgden Giles. 77x40x57x50; Feb 10. 1010; Alfonso Sellltto and Emidio D Blasi to Adam A and Frederick V Voize; $2,700; attornpys. Otis & Oti.«, ti<) Wall st. \ CROTONA PARKWAY, s w cor 175th st. 24x 93; .lan 2<), 10im>; tv.llln P Jewell to Title Guar- antee and Trust Co; ?2,00<>; address, 176 Broad- way. GARFIEL.D ST, n « .-. 104.S ft n w of Anthony aye, 50x120; June 11, 1910: Annie I>'Ambra to Mary White, trustee: $3,730; attorney. lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co, 100 Broadway. HULL AVB. n w s, 150 ft c Of Mosholu Park- way. 50x110: Oct 4. 1907; Mary Dermody to Daniel W McCahill,, csr: $7.00O; attorneys, O'Hara Brothers, 200th st and Webster aye. LOTS 20R to 3011, inclusive., and 45R to S.".R, Inclusive, map 9l>o. subdivision property Henry It Tiffany, I'.ld Ward; Nov 30. 1B04; P«nat«»a Realty Co to Arthur Knox; 94.480: attorney. George E Hyatt. 15 Wall. St. LOT 3«7, map of I.acrvni:i Park, Williams- brldßt:; June 24. 1010: Franceses Catania to MelrosA Realty Co: $i."40; attorney. Title Guar- antee and Trust Co, 170 Broadway. LOT 42. piiree.l 2, map lots sola at auction by Knickerbocker Trust Co -rt al: Dec 2. l'Ji>7: Daniel I. Ryan to Five Boroughs Realty Co; $550; attorney, David H Taylor, »l Nassau st. LOTS 21 and 22 and 29 to 26. Inclusive, same map: Dec 2. 1907; Itt-njamin Schneider ti> t,a:no; 2 mtßs; S'«.000; attorney, same as above. LOT 4'".. juimn map; Dee 2. Ji>«7; Nathan Greenbauin to same; St""-; attorney, same as abo\e. IjOTS 43 to 45 and 47 and 4?, Rani<» map; Hy Ebb(i?lianson to same; 2 iiitg^; $2,750; attor- ney, same as above- LOTS 1 and 2. map Century Investing: Co, between Aqueduct n\.< and Featherbed lane July IS. 1009; i:oB« Flood to M J Sullivan; $1,000; attorney. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co. 100 Brcadway. U>T6 ISA and. ISB and IPA nnd 188, map 1.109. subdivision portion Pentield property Wakelleld; Oct 26, 1906; William M ca.rr to James A Kirkland; $2,430; attorney, Graat Suuires. 10 Wall St. LOTS 026 and «27. map La.-onia Park; Nov 12. lUOlt; Nunzia Madder to Irving i:ealty Co- $200: attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co' 17t> Broadway. MATILDA ST. c s, 150 ft I of Elizabeth Bt. being lot 10b, roan of Jacksonville prop*rtv \\>Bt Chester. .'.Ox toil; Ju:im 28, I<iu.%; Richard OHughes to Elizabeth Horsan; »4.500 at torney. William F Clare, 135 Broadway. i MORRIS AYE. -<v s. 7:. ft « -or of Garden et 25x100: Dec- 20, 1902; Ida P Clark to American Moi»ga ft Co; $3,000; attorneys, Bowers* SandM. 31 Nassau Ht. NELSON AYE. \u25a0 -.C>ft „of Irt4 , h it C72x1«.8x58.5xia.5; \m C 23. 10..0. jr.,1.,1, « ; Jo""» to l.*Tti" If Wllklns: .t-.'.50-.; attorneys Harris, Cor win. \u25a0 ; •million & Mesrera 150 >*"i«" tan st \u0084 "\u25a0 , ';„. -AS - PROSPECT AYE. i, . C or of HMi st «\u25a0%* 81: Jan S. U«'S; George L Seltenreieh to £. Seltenreich; $2,000; attorneys. Wechsler ? Rothschild. 135 Broadway. OIW ROAD from West Farms to W>s.t Cheator Tr. 6 ,^ of Forsst et, 27.«xlOOx2».«xlO0 \..'. 10. lSdf,; Edward Orady to Marttn j sxj and traa; 94.000; »ttorn*v. --s'«ph»n wS; 1 44'- East Tremont aye. a> \u25a0 SIMPSON ST. IC.VI and 1053 4.^x100 M or-.. 140i23s lrre B : Nor 2?: 2 J". «'pw fnt; -]£ a M Hart to John W Thomson, committee. V-f, address. Pittsfi< > Ie!. Mas?. 184TH ST. 015 \*StJ Ore 2: 2 yr* « (»n( »n '.Jr.-.: *".«•* \u25a0«on»y. •>««\u25a0 Coll ISO Broadway. . ANTHONY AVK. \u25a0• *. "• ft *^^fftjS!Si 5x09.5: Xov hu; <luf. etc. as vr lior " i - -Lt,«' C Buisf y H1..1 uno to Henry I^ut«; $000; address 158th st and North River. .•-int.iv AVK t r 193.2 ft n of MeKinley S* C M*m£»£ 5c 2: due am, 1. 1911; wm-g« II Welsa^r tv Samuel a Cunningham, st"'-" \u25a0 address, --\u25a0;•'• Hi- .l.iway. CITY ISLAND AVi:. > *. M ft n «rf V^^' »f. 17x87.4x Irreg; De •*.. :: ; -.•;!-•'\u25a0\u25a0• 1. - v"l a Miller to Dollar Pavinss Hank. $».."". sddress, 2.^f>g 3d ***. \u0084 FATLE ST. v. s. |«0 ft n of Kan.lall a<<\ W W0 Xov '-'0: 5 yr.= ; We*t Mt VMnon K»-a!t . «.o t., Lathrop Col«aw; #1,«. m«: audreas. Bedford. F\ir.K st. v s. iur. ft n of lUin-lali ay?. 2-">v io'. .prior mtß fT.COCrt: Nov 27 :J yr. « l-r^."i; same to John U riiuma?; *}>**>; ™gr***. Mott aw. FAIUX AYE. w *. !•>' ft n of Rjn.lal «J«. 25x100; XnvZ); dii*- Xov J. Wl»: »S£j?,i!*? Fink: «.;.:•<\u25ba.. address. Spring avf, UitlgevuXHl. >.' J. F.MI.E r=T. W s, i".ft n of it^Ml V*'^"* im (prior m.X ?7.W>>: N-v -•••': ' >#JsMJ™£2 Interest; .<_'.»l4 «; acdrww, -IV Bast pith n. «iF.ovKu st. « s w«u « « °' : ': t*4;r- "7x"(i- Dee I; 3 yri'. r-!i r*r '-Pt: H""-' *fTIf Tl -/.„. l and aiio to J Hom f r HlWreth. m ;^. S4.""H>: u<lrlrfs«. ::h-J East I38«li •». !,.is u> Bnd a >nap www ' : ,' l ; Ti ;'\..^ tale 'pHor mtg «700»: Not IT; 1 Y*W£r'f*™: PI be \ Strip* «nd ana to Henrj A ! arr; *•»!;* address. i?» Wtsi 2Sd d sbCTHERN Bun.KVARV. ;\u25a0 *\u25a0 :;^: ;^ £„?. 11,, 1 ,i f st, 25x104 I•\u25a0.- »; 1n«t«lt«. " r "".. Minnie Beld«r t.> iGerman Anwri™ linNm? an.l Loan Vwjoelation; $».•«•<"•: i*Jr«», I -1 »*•• . VSIOS .WK. s w - lots, 7. *. 1:; r'V ''• /I,™ Jacob V Hutschler. W»»i Chester. ! " " t - NH ''' jrio .r intg $, : r... ::. 3 vr». « P«r «nt^ .. K»rri to i. Colgate Jomj: $".:\u25a0•"•': - «*ress, _-\u25a0.- Ul^ason aye. I4OTH ST. n -. "\u25a0• \u25a0• ft «< of la: I "srl-ni River. Port Chester Railroad. Kt.-^tW.*- x "' - 4 . : 3 .... John „s . ,-,, : .r- 10 Port Morrtoljßd and Improvement Co; 1,000: address, 141 Broad- way. in, ST « ;550 fi *• of HHf «v«. 30xlfl&.Sx Irre;?: Dec 3: •> ts: Hmrj C Oami to e ~' T ** Obendscheln: 542.000.: addr»f?. I9ea Grand Boule- vard and Concourse. 171 ST ST. !!»; Bast 16^100: t>^c •"•: -'* April 1 1011: -p^r •\u0084'. Abraham 3Ji*«Wn to Alfred rrankemhalor: ?•".'«'. address, '\u25a0''> Nas- sau Ft. I<-7TH ST. n a. 120 ft - of Bathcate are 20x80: ,v, 12. 3 jrrs; AT. \u25a0!•'•>"\u25a0 Construction i_o to Daniel R Kendall and aro. •rus; *".•"". ad- dross. 1 Fa«=t eeti •=• 1-«VTTT ST. ii -. 140 ft * of Bathgats are. 2*x *,-> Oct 12. 3 yrs; same to sara« JS.CmX"; address. 1 East 60rh st. 2S«TH ST. «s. 100 ft « of Sylvan ay». "'• r 00 9a irw~ Nov 30 5 k-rs rt p*t \u25a0•""* .--atia F Pairs to Mar IV . (2,000 ad ---- *' West Th<5 building is one of the finest and best equipped of Its kind in the city. » BIG REALTY MEETING TO DAY. At a meeting of the Fifth Avenue Associ- ation to-day at the Holland House plans for the handling of the increasing traffic on Fifth avenue will be considered. William Phelp* Erie win discus* the subject witb ENTERTAINED MANY GUESTS. The officers and directors of the Queens- '..cio < . 'orpora tion entertained last Saturday !isgh« ;; large number of guests at its new •Sie< V.iilding. at \u25a0\u25a0> Bridge Plaza North. Many well known real estate men and builders were present. RESALE OF MONTROSE HOUSE. Herman BeUEeri who recently purchased the Clinton V. Ferris homestead, on Dutch street, Montrose, has resold it through J. V. Alexander to the Ix>omis Realty & Construction Company. A dwelling in 78th street. South Brooklyn, was given in part payment. The Ferris property contains about twelve aer«--«, md In addition to the. homestead then *re several barns and outbuildings. INVESTS IN MORTON STREET. Edward P. Meany, who is interested in era) coal mining companies. is the buy- er of th«; iiew eight story building at the southeast corner of Morton and Greenwich streets, recent!) sold by Pease &• Ellimun for James If. Crutkshank. The building oc- cupies a plot 100x102, and is leased for a term of years to the General Electric Com- pany, which in occupy it about March L SALES AT BRIGHTWATERS. The following sales have been made by the T. B. Ark.-rsuii Company at Bright- waters, its l,v>»-aere residential develop- ment at Bay Shore, on the Great South Bay: A plot, 6»xXTO feet, on Lake View avenue East, near the Tri-roa.i Boulevard; a plot, 7r.x!4" fe-et, on I^agoon Drive, at the ; head of Nosrekca I-ak*. and a plot, 100x150 feet, on Woodland Drive, adjoining the Eossert estate on the south, all in the Lakes section: also a plot, 9">xi4tt feet, on Rich- land Boulevard, between Iroquois and Woh- seepe© drives, in the Oaks section; also a plot. IMsliß feet, on Ackerson Boulevard, between Chenango and Montauk drives; a plot, lOOxloC* feet, on Baldwin Boulevard, j between Seneca and Mohawk drives, and a plot, TGxlTi") feet, on Peters Boulevard, be- tween Wohaeepee and Hiawatha drives, all In the Pines section: also a plot, 50x140 feet, on South Bay avenue, near the corner of Corinthian Court, and a double plot, MMsISO feet, on South Bay avenue, between Corin- thian and Lawrence courts, in the Bay sec- tion. The Aekerson Company has con- tracted to build bouses for the purchasers of the latter plots. Senior & Stout have leaf*e.l the. dwelling house No. 133 West »ivi street to Josephine Dalzell; also two floors at No. 1064 Broad- way to Isaac I>e. Wilde, a two story garage. at No. 153 West 56th street to I* M. Mcl- lons and the two story garage at No. 103 West ."Ist street to I-a Due & Carmer. Edward M. I>ewi has made the following leases: For Samuel Bergmann the sixth loft in No. 34 West 37th street, for the Martin Holding Company the tenth loft in No. 9 West 20th street, tor the A. & S. Construc- tion Company the fourth loft in Nos. 118 and 120 West -7th street, for the Acme Building Company the top loft in No. 31 and 33 West 21st street, for the Twenty West Twenty-first Street Company the fifth loft m No. 20 West 17th street, for the Bo- reas Realty Company the tenth loft In No. 148 and 10" West 24th street, for Bodenstein & Oppenhelm the seventh loft in Nos. 129 and 131 West 22d street, and for the S. A. & U. Company the fifth loft in No. 124 West 18th street. MORE MIDTOWN RENTALS Large Number of Business Con- cerns Seeking New Quarters. Louis Schrag has leased for Ida ].. Churchill the fourth loft in the building No:--. 147 and 1& W«.n S6th street to the Stitching Company for a term of years; for Louis Spiro the firs! loft in the building No. 13* West Std street to Messrs. Stark & Tratt- ner. and for Joseph W. Cushrnan & Co. the fifth loft in the building Nos. ?4» a.nd 246 West r."d street to Merer Halpern for a term of years. E. 11. L,udlow & Co. have leased for Mary E. G. Carroll to Dominick Abbate No. 180 Mulberry street for a long term of years. Worthinston Whitehouse has leased for Miss Ellen M. <roir No. 1 West 47th street to Arthur M. P. Mitchell; also for Mrs. Maud Wilder Goodwin an apartment at No. 12S West sSth street to Talbot Olyphant. George Dudley Waxing has leased for Ja- cob Needle the four story dwelling house No. 49 East 23th street to Florence 6. Weeks for a term of years. Another large transaction yesterday was the sale by George %V. Va .-)<\u25a0> lilt of \u2666he premises. No. ? '.Vest S3d street, a four story and basement stone front dwelling: house, OB lot £3x100.5 feet. The house is located a few doors vest of St. Thomas's Church. It was bought by Mr. Vanderbilt In 18S-6 from Mary H. Watts for &)2,~5j0. The present sal* i- said to have been at about ; sl2s,ooo, which would show a rise in value of MS r «= r cent in twenty-live years. A market Was found for the six story apartment bouse, covering a plot 100x143 feet, at the northwest corner of St. Nicho- las Terrace and 129th ?tf?^t. It is a block to th«> south of the large grounds of the Academy of the Sacred Heart. This property was h<--;.i at $525.'V»>. jt Is Understood that the purchaser has given some Manhattan real estate in part pay- mem \u25a0 \u25a0 . The property is leased for a period of thtrteen years to a 'restaurant concern, thus assuring the purchaser a fixed income for that period, with possibilities of a larger return at the expiration of the lease, as values in the pention are advancing rapidly. A few blocks* to the south are the two plots whicli Eugene Higgins leased for ex- ceptionally long term \u25a0 recently, one at Mtli street, for a period of 900 years, and the othT at :vth street; which was leased for '.<\u25a0>•.'\u25a0 years, th« longest on record. Lower Broadway Purchase. Colonel John Jay sold the live story mer- cantile building No. S7O Broadway, on lot 25x150.2 feet, running through to Cortlandt alley, between Franklin and White streets. The buyer is understood to be a client of a downtown firm. Th*-. property adjoining on th«; north. V". 368. is to be fold at auc- tion on Thursday of this week by the Bruce estate Eleanoi K. Jay holds title to No. S7-). V - Investors helped yesterday to enliven the real estate market, r.n'.nnc the- transactions- in which they figured l«=inir two affecting Broadway sites: Am all cash sale was made by K. II- L»ud- low & Co. and Joseph M. Adrian. They sold for E. Ritzf-ma Do Grove. Hugh T. Gcodwln and Theodore W. Sheridan, execu- tors of the estate of Greenleaf K. Sheridan, the southwfstorly corner of Broadway and looth street, a plot fronting 40.S feet on Broadway by 217.4 feet on l<»Oth street, and comprising over three lots on which there is a t»<> story building leased for a term of years on a net rental. The property was bought by an investor •» ho 1? a <11pnt \u25a0C Mr. Adrian, for all cash, free and clear. No mortgase is to be placed on it by the purchaser. Th»> premises %\ ere lir*ld-at $:>\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0 RECORDED MORTGAGES. (With name and address of lender's attorney.) Interest 5 per cent unless otherwise stated. DECEMBER 5. MANHATTAN. . BROADWAY. 11S2 and 11S4. fi sty brk .12 8* i t»4.7x Irreg iprior nitsr $700,000); Dec 5: due Sept ;22. I<»i2: «5 per cent; Century Holding Co to August Behnont: $150,000; attorney, Charles P Davlson, 60 Wall st BROADWAY, n s, 200 ft c of Academy et, 60x150; Dec 5: 3 yr*. « p.- r cent; John Dowd to Edward 1? Culc; 512.500; address, 301 West teeth st. BOWERY. 113 and 113H, 6 sty brk. 34x103.3; D<;c 2; S yrs. 4' p«>r cent: Meyer Goldstein and ano to Mary C Archibald; $56,000; address, 4ti East 42rl st. HUDSON .ST, 503 to 507, 2\ 2 sty brk, 70 2x ir;*-s; 111 (prior mtg $4<«.<>o<»); Dec 5; 1 vr. 6 per cent: Greenwich Investing Co to Morris' B Goldberger; $3,000; address, 7 Ablngdon Square. JOHN ST, s s, 40.11 ft w of Nassau st 2T»x «4.0 xin eg; Pec 2; 3 yrs, 4'x per cent; S*tn S Terry to trustees of Columbia College; $110 000- address, 63 Wall at. ' RIVERSIDE DRIVE, n c cor 94th st, 70 ?.x irreg (prior mtx $300,000); Dec 5: instalments C per cent; Welfare Realty and Construction Co to Jacob Busch: $I0.(M)0; addr»-s--. 1035 Faila st. ST NICHOLAS AYE. c s. 36.2 ft n of Ifitith st, 54. 4x U-Tff; (prior mtg $18,000); Nov 2.V 1 yr. 0 per cent: Henry A Passholz to Jacob Marx; $5,000; address, 170 Broadway. WEST END AYE. c s. 43.2 ft 9 of 77th st I!>x Irreg-; Dec 3; due April •':. HMI: « per cent: 1 Henrietta J Ermeman to Katharine it Bayno" ; $2,000; address, 54 West 11th st WEST END AVB, s c cor 90th ft, 106.8x162.6; bldg loan; Dec 5; due Oct 1, 1920; 6 per cent' .')'\u25a0_ per cent and 5 per cent; 89-00 Co to Metro- politan Life Insurant** Co; $77Z».000; address, 1 Ma<lison a\e. WEST END AVK. n « cor K3th st 10O.«xir.0- bide loan: Dec .'.: Oct 1, 10207 6 per cent. .V, prr cent and 5 p<r cent; sam to s»iiir, $800,000; ad- dress, 1 Madison iv. HillAYE, 635. 4 sty h>-k. 2.%x100 .prior rate $12,500): July 14. due as per bond: Dorothy mid Lionel Simmonda and Mary Kallnki to Hannah Kniiski; $2,000: attorney, Simon Ilasch, 34« Broadway. 1 :th st, 231 and 233 East, 6 sty brk. 4Ox 103.3 (prior >ntg $46.M0); V.v 1; rt yrs; Maria Berlinnt to Samuel November; $1".,5<>0; address, 121 St Nicholas aye. .'\u25a0IST ST. 525 to 527 Wo 5 cry brk. BOxiOO.B; Pec ;\u25a0,; due as per bond: Marks Levy to Title Guarante* ami Trust Company; 2 mtgs «ach $li>,000; address. 176 Broadway. " \u25a0 SIOT .ST. n f, 105.3 ft sc of Second aye. 16.0 x B; I^ec 6; 3 > r«, 41:4 1 : per cent. Theresa Banders to German ings Bank; $.'t.:Vx»; address 1(K.» Ea«t 14th et. ".2D ST, 282 West, 3 Fty brk, 14xl00T.; Dec 3: p m. 2 yrs, Jessie E Sayder to Robert Krled- berg. adnir; $10,000; address, 108 West 118th ft. 73P FT, n p. 288 ft « of Park ay«. 24x102.2; Pec 6; H yrn; <")iarl<-i» Bendon Company to Charles Rembon and soo: $75,000; address, Southampton. N Y. " KKiTH ST 61 F.«6t. 5 sty brk, 24.6xt00.i1" p m (prior mtg $20,000*; Oct 5; dufl as per bond. Dora Goldf.'in to Abraham Unbhoff and no _ $3,000, address, 1523 Avenue A. lir.TH ST, n P. 108.10 ft » r ,t Park ny«. 43.10?: KH>. II <prlor mtg $37,500); Dec .«.. install H per cent; Jannl* Mat?, to Jacob Buach; $lit,ooo ad- dress, 1035 Faile st. ... 117TH ST. r x, 24 ft w of Lexington aye, 10 Sx 100.11; NO* 28; 3 yr«, Msyer Goldb*rg and Abraham Greenberg to American Mortgage CO- 55,5<10; address. 31 Nassau st. USD ST. 218 and 220 East. f, sty brk, 50r 100.11 (prior mtg 146.66*; Dec ft; 3 yrn. 6 par cent; Emil Reibstein and ano to Jacob K.arr> <«"«>. address, 60 El.Jrtdge st. " ' 123 D ST. 43 and 4'> Kant. 3 sty brk 17 6x 100.11: Dec S; 5 yrs. 4'; per cent: Max K.>br* to Adam Wesp; |7 0.t.-.. address. 216] Bta a- 18S8T ST. 103 West. 8 sty brk, IS.PxOO 11; rVec 8; due as p^r bond; Martin Vnbrioh to Title <iuara!it6« and Trust Co; $9,000. address 17.". Broadway, j ;;;.; f.'.^- t?STH ST- « 8 475 ft n of Amsterdam ay«. 88; Howard C :•• Bherwaod to John II Buacsr; q c; Nov,3"; *1: address, -401 7th. aye. CHiSRRI ST. 23. 4 sty brk. 2.*..1x«.*..3t Cherry st. 29, 25x05x irre - : Cherry st. 20 .and 2S»!i, 9.8x64; Peart it; ::tu and »U\ 8«.»3illO.5» irrrg; Chester A Luff to Reversionary Estates Gb;"?b and r; 1-21' part; Juno 30; f I.l:3o ;. address. Nyadi.-N Y. ; - fiRKKXK-ST, w =. 24G..- ft n of Prince st. 36.0X100; .William It I. Bdwards to Ktagloc Holding \u25a0 im'g: $50,000); Ca C. Nov **; \u25a0 $1; address, 50 William st. HOt'STOS BT, 1."«» to 14.-. Bast ior>.2x irrrp: T*.ui* Minsk} to the Mlnsker Realty c ; 13 parts (irjtgS s7s,ooo): Dec 3; ?10<>; address. -'m lClOrid??f st, LEXINGTON AVP. . \u25a0 c cor of 77th st. 102.2* 145;>LtH< Petlts Preres de Marie to the Marist Brothers." a' corporation; Airll 1!>. I9ffc SI. a<i- ilr"«fi. 2 Rector -I LEXINGTON AVK. n r> for of 12* th st. 09.1tx ::i>x itr.s: Horowltx rtrothfrs and ann to ICBatl Margaret eh; nil liens; Dec I; $1: address. 212 Hast 7f>th s-t. MADISON AVK. MS, 4 ct > Mi - 24.Rx100; ' lth st. 73 West, 4 sty brk. lfetlOO.8: Louisa 1. Lind- ley and Frederick V s <>o?by. trustees, to Alice Doughty and others: 1-5 part each: lie.- 2: $1 : address. Willlamsto«n v Maw. .{V.*> v WEST END \VP* \u25a0- ? 4::. 2 ft sof 77th st. 10* irres: Kat<" M Y:\yr.-- ; .-, Henrietta .1 Knneman (mtg $22,000); l»-- .': ?1: address. 177 West S7th st. 'J?--'v& IST AVK, s f cor.of B8«h M. 100.11x103^ Henry A Winton lo Adtiie MiWtntOn: &-18 part. Nov 29; $1; address. m West Buffalo St. Ithaca, NT. 2D avk. w f. 60.5 n ii of .'>() "' Rt^tSOxTO: Meyer Goldberg er-al to Bernbard Kolb untg $S.:<W>; Nov 29; $25; address, S'i'4 2d aye. 3D AYE. 17«n. 5 sty brV. 86x83.9: Mary Rubinstein t.i iTiern»r Epstein mite $23,500); Dec 3; 91; address; 1950. 2d aye. 3D AYE 21.".i! i sty br* 25x100; Thomas F H^anlan to Robert P Bre^se; >"\u25a0•" US; '• and t; $1. address, 38 \u25a0".'•-• 234 st 7TH AYE, a* pot I!>th st. 40.10x100; William J Casey to John O'Connor; Dec •*• $100: address, 1127 Park aye. 'Til AVK. 2551. 5 sty brk. n «i cor 12«lh st. ?r.\i<Mi foreclosure; i .. \u25a0• r.. IftlO: James A l'ar- rell. ref. to Minnie SnenK: Dec 3; $500; address, 62 West 107 th st. 13TH ST. 231 and 238 Ka«t. 6 sty brk. *0a 103.3; Samuel November to Maria Berllant fmtg $40,000-: Nov 1: SI; address. 67 7th ft. ' I4TII ST. 300 East, i sty bik, 33x51.6: Louis \u25a0Minsk v to Mlnsker Realty Co; Ik part tuug $53,000.);; Dec 3; $100; address, 2Cf> Bldridfe st. 32D ST. 310 and SIC East. 0 sty brk. 4Ox9S ',<. Rosa Hertz to Sybil M Ray: all title untg $47,- 750); July 30; $1: address, Brooklyn. . .2D (ST. 2TV3 West. 3 sty brk. 14x1«X'.5: Robert Pridenbens to Isaac E Snyder <mtg (10.000); Dec 3; $22,099; address. 7 East 32d st. 52D ST. » -, 899 ft c of 11th are, 200 x irreg •to 51st si v 2ox irres; John 6 Dordan et a! to the Dordan-Butler Realty Co tmtg $10S,4X>0); Nov 23; $100; address, I<jT! Park ay». 57TH ST. 522 to X'2H East, 4 sty brk. C2.«»x of. 4. Anna Westerkamp to Herman Lehman (tntg $26,000); Pc,- l: ?i<y» : address. 111 West 137th st. 76TH ST. n b. 275 ft w of 3d aye, ?0x102.2; dorian Durant. General Superieur i:»es Frerea De Marie, to the Zvlarist Brothers; April 9, lf<Cu"»; $1. 7fiTH BT, n ? 325 ft w of 3d aye: Perits Yt-t« de Marie to the MariPt Brothers; April 10, 1906; $45,000: address, 2 Rector st. SBTH ST, 165 West. 3 sty brk, 16x100.11; Cecelia Marklin et a! to Nellie Macklin; o c; Dec 1; SI. SAME PROPERTY: Nelson Smith, xr . to same; Dec 1; ?l>,r<X>: address, 16S West SSth St. f>4TH ST. 17!- East. 3 sty brk, lS.0xlOO.8: Joseph Hattenbacta to Abraham Hattenbach; all liens; No- 28; $100; address, 372 T-d st, Brook- lyn. fl>>TH ST, Si West. 4 sty brk. 19x100.11; Isaac Friendenlieit and ano to Fanny Fricndenheit; Mar 5, ll>oS tmtg- $10,000); $100. SAME PROPERTY: Fanny Friend enheit to Isaac Frier,,; (mtg $10,000); March 5, 190S; $100: address, 23 West 86th St. 102 D ST. a 8. 2W ft w of West End aye. strip runs s l'Vt.llx «\u25a0 0-2 x 1 jno. 11 to st x w 0.2 to beg; David r> Brown to the Rockledge Construc- tion Co; Nov 25; q c; SI; address, 41 West 33d st. 106TH ST, til East. 5 sty brlc. 24.6^100; Abra- ham L'ebhoff et: a! to Dora Goldfein <mig $23,000); Dec 5; 5100; address. 78 East 111 th st. 117TH ST, s. 24 ft wof Lexington aye, 16.2 xlOO.5; Emma A Kolb to Meyer Goldberg and Abraham Greenberg; Nov 2S; $100; address, 31 Nassau st. ; . SAM?; PROPERTY. John S Myers, adm. to same; q e;'Dec 3; £25; address, same as above. 142 DST. 131 West. 6 sty brk. 40xf.11: Simon TJtalfeMer et si to Fanny Heilbrunn; Nov 20; $100; address, 12 < West 142<1 st . . THE BRONX. DECATUR AYE, 31 48. 338.6 ft S of 205th st, 2.")x112x irres; Frederick Hasler to Ottilie. Zal- kin.i (itit? $7. •"><»>: Not If; SI; address, 890 Ir- vine st. GARDEN ST. n s, 290.2 ft w of Southern Boulevard. 25x100; Charles I. Kril to Winfield 5 Taylor (tntp $6,500); Nov 25; $1; address, 1303 Fulton aye. GRANT AYE. n a cor M&th st. 32x102.8; Henry Traurig to Esther Weinberger and ano; Au? "7 190&; $1; address, cor Grant aye. and 165 th st. INDEPENDENCE WE, s s. inclosed at s B land of Austin» D E-*\<=-n. begins 122.5 ft c of Independence aye, present line, runs s along- c s old Independence ay- 76.9 to land Emma M Radley x a 51.1 to land John A Berrian x n and parallel with Bpoyten Puyvil Parkway 75.2 xw 40.2 to beg:; John A Berrian to Emma M Radley; Dec 2; $100; address. 230 th et and Independence aye, Spuyten Dnyvii. LOT 15. map 473 lots, Haight estate. West- chesier; Reg-«nt Realty Co to Teresa". M Man- gin; all liens; Deo 1; $100; address, 4(.9 East 14.'.th st. LOTS 32 and 33, parcel s*. map subdivision estate William B < >traen. at HlfrhbrMge: fore- .'loeiire N..v 10 1010; i; fPrgo \\~ Collins, ref. to John V Kais-r; Deo 2; J5.000; address, sc cor Villa st and Westchester YON HTMBOL,BT AYE. w s. 10«>x|fHV Michael ,T Murray to th» Church of St Margaret; Deo 3; $100; address. RlTerdale. N. Y. WEBSTER AYE. 11 \v cor 17sth st. SS.VxSSx iTeg: Morris Shoenthal to Newman Pubs (mtg $25,000): Dec 16, 1808; $100; address, 1225 4%th fri. Brooklyn. 3D AVK. w s at s ? Jot|l99, map of Central Morrisania, li;ft.sx2sx irreg; de^i of trust; Henrietta E Tlsdal^- to Titl» Guarantee and Trust Co. in trust; May 14. 1007; $1; address, 17*. Broadway. 136T11 ST, 4.v- East, 25x100; William O Sevecke to Emma Sevecke fmtg $6,500); :-- right, title and interest; N..\ 3; $1; address". 45S East 136th St. 140 TH .ST. 11 s. 164.3 ft w of Harlem River 6 Porteheuter Railroad Co. 82.2x9&6; tho Port Morris I.and an I Im!jroveia<»nt Co to John H Syrrjmers; b and s and c a. g; Nov 2S- $100; address, 2556 Brlggs aye. 147 TH st. s p. 275 ft •\u25a0 of former Prospect st. now dosed. 50x160: Dennis .) and Louise X Hlckey to Alice J Hickey fmtg $2.000) ; $8,000- address, IMS Main St. Newark. N" J. 1..15T ST. s s, 220..". ft c of Morris aye. 24.6 xllif.6; Louise Schmitt to Anna A Oberio* 'i part time $5,000): l>ec 3: fl; addres-s, I'SS East 151st st. RECORDED LEASES. (With name and addreas of lessee.) DECEMBER 5. CLINTON AYE, c .-. 183.2 ft n of McKlnley sq; runs s c 113.2s n c ">x s -> Mto m a Boston rd x c- along »sai.i road 28s n w r.2.\ n c 45x n w 121.9 to o « <:iinton aye x 102 to beajnTiing: all new buildings to be erected: William H WeiP- sacer to sanra<>.] a Cunningham: 10 yra from Aug i. 1P11: 10 jtb renewal at #22..>i0. *20. «««<>: address. Britton Hall, Broadway and S6th ft. JAMES ST. 73 to 79, s w cor Oak st, John Palmiere tr. Catartna Sciallis; ."\u25a0> >rs from Jan 1. 1011; fS,o-f>; address. 7:t James St. . :.. ;;:, LEXINGTON AYE, 10&0. n w cor 76th st: Augusta l.indtman to <'h;irle II nt.«-rgor; 5 yr« from Sept 1'» 1910; ?7W'; >?<)!reh6, 301 East 51ft- st. PRINCE ST. 131 to 13.1. Kb loft; Annie. Rrandt to Abraham Spin, and an..; 1 jr from Nov 1. 1911. fl,&00; address. 13S n«st 117 th ft. THIRD AVI". !"«.'<, n store; i'Ti<»ner Bpateln tr, Osher Rut^nst^ln: 3 yrs from Jan 1. 1011; $890; address. 1719 Third aye. NINTH AYE, tils to 620; Albert J Adams to Herman schmacher; 15 yrs from Auk 1, 1005; $4,<Xio; address, 620 Ninth aye. 4TH HT. 74 Bast, store; Malka. Marder to New Syetem Napkin and Towel Supply and Steam Laundry < Company . 3 vrs from Kept 1. 1910; $;.«2", address. 74 Kf>!»t 4th ft 4TH ST. 165 Bast, store, basement and.thren roams on (>econd floor; Michael Handsea to John BodJT-r: 3 m from It. l I, 1910; $W0; address, 165 East 4th st. 2*TH ST. 11l to 113 West. 42.10x£5.&; Ellen Dunne to John B Nicolas; -'1 vr from May 1, l&ll;" $4,250 to $8,000; address. 37 East 42 1 «t. .',2 D t=T. 136 to 14H West. 7th loft: Frank M Randall to Trier & Uer(rrie!>i: « yrs - mo* from March 1, 1911; f 1,250; address. IM West Md fct. RECORDED TRANSFERS. rWita name and address of purchaser.! DECEMBER 0. MANHATTAN AVENUE D. 107 and 300, 6 sty brk, s w cor of Sth et, »30x.V. nachel Shapiro to Ousel* Ber- Biaaaqr (mtg |t>2,.'.00. no--- 23; ?1«X); address, 112 West 110th st. AMSTERDAM A" 1 "": *"' COT Of 123 st 100 x By Joseph P. Day. 6TH AYE, 2153, n w cor of 126 th st, 2."xlof>; 5 sty ter.iiit and stores; leasehold; sold to the plaintiff for .<o<«'. I,'IST ST. s f. 100 ft v of "th aye. 75x09.11; vacant; adjourned . to pec 19. 139 TH ST. n *, 14." ft w nT sth aye, 100 x 1P9..">« to 140th st x.'»ux Irreg; vacant! sold to the plaintiff fur $41,000. By Daniel Greenwald. 2r> AYE. 22fi."!. w s. 25.7 ft n of 113th Pt. 25r 140; 5 sty t>-'-;nt; sold to James C Tassett for $2<J<). I>>TH ST, 272. b B, 300 ft c of Ist aye. Cox 90.7; 4 sty tentat; adjourned sine die. IN THE AUCTION MARKET. The following real estate sales were re- corded yesterday at the r Real E.state Ex- change salesroom. Xos. 14 and IS Vesey street : - .... THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET MANHATTAN MULBERRY STREET— H. LudioV&'Co- have sold for Lowenfeld & Prae:°r to Michele Brigant^ th« vacant plot at the southwesterly corner of Mulberry and Delancey streets. The property -p-ill be Improved with a tenemtnt house with stores. This i? th» property re- cently reported so!-? by AViUiam Gullery. BROADWAY Colonel John Jay sold th? five Btorj" mercantile building-. No. 370 Broad- way, on a lot 25x130.2 feet. BROADWAY E H. \u25a0Ladlo^i Si Co. and Jo- seph M. Adrian cold fir the Greenleat K. Sheridan estate a plot -t<>.£v.>i 7.4 feet at the southwest corner of 100 th street and Broad- way to an investor STTTTVESANT STREET- Vliet & Place have sold for the estate of Eliza A. Banta. No. ° : Stnyvesant street, the three story dwelling house on a lot 16i59jC»2.Sx irregular. 63D STREET 11. C. Senior ft Co. have sold or the Municipal Realty Corporation (Max- well S. Marines and Alfred M. Rau) Nos. U ( >. 14> and 150 West <".:;d street, a plot 73x100 f^et. This is the property purchased by the Municipal Realtji ' "oruoration from the New Vi-.rk }>•->"•«' a Episcopal City Home Mis- sionary Society some months ago. - - ST. NICHOLAS TERRACE— A. Blum<=nthal has sold for the Central Building, Improve- ment and Investment Company the northwest corner of St. Nicholas terrace and 12f'th street. a six stoiy elevator apartment house, on plot 100v14.'5 fe«t. Th« property was held at _\u25a0:,. >\u25a0\u25a0,!-. It is .ip. of a group of houses erected at this point by the selling company. COLUMBUS AVEXUE— Charles P. Kohler and H'igri-»»». Wetmore & Van Winkle have ft.-il<s for Ada M. Ramos and others the five story triple flathouse No. «71 Columbus ave- nue, on lot 23x100 feet; to the Flow Realty Company, Henry I* Wolff, president. oOTH STREET Horace S. Ely A: Co. and the Taylor-Sherman Company have sold for Susan W. peguin No. 47 West 6©th street, a four story brownstone dwelling house on lot lo.4xlo°.r> f«*«t, Columbia "'Allege leaselio!.] The buyer is a physician, ho will occupy the house, MAIM SON AVENUE -Prase & Elliman hare sold for ,T. D. Playback No. 41t> Madison av»- nii» a four story dwelling house, on lot 24.5 x 95 feet, : between 4Sth and 49th streets. 139 TH STREET C. Flanagan & Co. have sold for T. J. Brady No. 21!« West ISPth street, a four story dwelling house on plot 52.6x99.1l feet. It is one. of th« King model row. ' \u25a0 , , >OTH STREET— Elizabeth' Viau ha* sold No. 307 West 50th street, a three story dwelling house on lot lt>.Cxloo.s feet. 118 TH STREET— AdoIph Ilumpfner in con- Junction with Mr. Erokmann. of the Ems Realty Rnd Construction Company, ha« Fold the efx and one-half-story and semi -fireproof apartment notice, with stores. No. .'544 Bast, Jlßth *tre*t, for a client, to the r>orey Realty and Construction Company. for an investment. THE BRONX. PROSPECT AVENUE S. Cowen lias so!.] the five story flathouse, with stores, at th« F"outheast corner of Prospect avenue and 150 th etreet, to the Broad Realty Company. GARRISON AVENUE- S. Cowen has sold th" p!"t. 50x100 feet, on the south side of Garrison avenue, ."0 feet oast of Bryant ave- nue, to a. client for immediate improvement. IRVINE STREET S. Cowen has sold No. 881 Irvine street, a. two family brick house, to 1. Miller; also to J. Goldberg No. SSS Tr- '.;:•- Street, a similar house, and No. £S2 Irvine stre.-t, a two family dwelling houso, for A. Lowery. GILBERT PLACE— Cowen has sold to A. Adams Nos. 1215 and 1217 Gilbert place, two two family brick dwelling houses. ISr.TH STREET—Sterling Sterling has bought from Mary A. Daraon and others No. r,^ East street, a three story dwelling house, on lot 15x100 feet. This is the third house in this row sold by Mr. Sterling re- cently. BROOKLYN" SALES. Aa.'.pl. Humpfner in . conjunction with Mr. Erckmann has sold for the Dorey Realty and Construction Company tn« two-family house. No. 23fi 3oth str*<:t, adjoining the southwest corner Tilden avenue and East 35th street, Brooklyn. This is one of the two-family high class modern houses newly completed in this fast growing section, and this completes the, sale of forty- elgtit houses, comprising a block front, and has been purchased for an investment an.l will be occupied by the owner. Mr. Humpfner ha.- sold for the Charles J. Gdnticr Company the three-story brick apart- ment house, with stores. No. !7?o 74th street, comer Seventeenth avenue. Brooklyn, known as The Ideal, to a client lor Investment. There have been more than 200 houses erected in this vicinity. Adjoining the property a church is to be erected. BUYER OF 57TH STREET SITE- Charles Sooysmitb is the buyer of No U \u25a0\v^«t 57th street, sold recentl3 by Henry D Winans & May for Prank W. Savin REALTY NOTES. . E. H. LAidlow & Co. were associated with Collins & Rowe in the recently reported sale of No. 120 Mulberry street, and the? have resold the property to an investor. PLAN HOUSE FOR BACHELORS. William P. Hennessey has sold for Mar- garet [a Jaeger Xo.=. iO»> and 168 West 13th street, two three story dwellings, on plot 40x103.3, near Sixth avenue. The buyer is a Mr. Feinb<-rg. who will erect an eight story fireproof bachelor apartment boose. » IRVINGTON ESTATE LEASED. "Wortningtoh VThitehouse has leased to J. Uurrns -Van Aim for Mrs. George M. Cnramina; her country estate at Irvlnaton. N. Y. Th« property Is on the 'west side of Broadway :m<i . .>n.*ipt c of a mo«lern Colo- nial dwelling, with stable* and outbuildings". AGENTS FOR APARTMENT HOUSE. Peas'* & BlWxnan have been appointed renting agents for the twelve story", co- operative apartment house at No. 471 Park avenue, southeast corner of ">St)i street, of which Harold de Raaslotf is presidents STATEN ISLAND SALE. Cornelius <;. Kolff ha? sold for Gracia Tades a to M. Fuller a plot. 40x100 feet, at the southeast corner of Cedar and Mad- ison avenues] Vrrochar, Staten Island. the aid of diagrams; and others qualified to talk on the problem will present their views. CL If REIL EST\Te. - NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, TUESDAY. DECEMBER o. 1910. INVESTOR BUYS A BROADWAY PLOT SAYS HE GOT BAD MONEY 18 Property Which Has a Frontage of Over 200 Feet in 100th Street Is "Free and Clear." G. W. VANDERBILT GETS BIG PROFITS FROM HOUSE SALE Two of the Secret Sen ice men had been : fchitdovrinpr them \u25a0»ith the knowledge of Lo- < I bao, and while one kept watch on Lochino the other saw BbbcbilbJ enter the grocery ttore. kept by Dsaseates Melon! and converse xrith " ATi! ; and Antonio OcalS. -who is now serving a lon^ term at Atlanta with J-upo. '"the Wolf." and pfsrsllni. "the Gray *3"0x." yho were tba leaders of the gang. "Lochino also testified, and be was borne *i;t In (Ms by Chief Price, of }'iTi?i<->n. that he had. in October, at Scranton. on the dic- tfJon of Captain Flynn. written a letter to Oius-epre Mont:, and Captain Flynn had Inclosed SSO cash, with a request that two ftalcll \u25a0 Of bill? be semi along. Th© letter T/as registered by Chief I*rice and District autoroej omrspio. Th" replies were, re- c^Jyed by Lochino end handed over to the. Antonio Oomite. \u25a0"\u25a0' Calabriaa printer r.. schoolmaster, who wa« the ge'ern- Tn*ritTfta r witness asjahtct LApo. More.Ho (t. . others convicted last sprinsr. also tuni'-J xip i e*terday and identified the three defendant? v members of the. gang -h held him. a prisoner at Highland, X. •c . and forced \u25a0"\u25a0 to print the counterfeit STion*v tot them. . Luciano Madd'. who was Indicted vrttlt th* thre^ on trial, did not eryear. snd his bail was forfeited Loclilno, who hails from Plttston, Perm.. testified that on three occasions he met \u25a0Masatjl at . a place in Elizabeth street, «nd on payment of ?1S and $20. furnished by. Captain Flynn, then at the head of the IPocret Service here, had received $."-0 worth of. counterfeit $5 bills. lie had gone twice, >i«= Mid. to 9Pth street and Third avenue '»rtth Baßoartai. and the latter, after be- &ng al/sent a 'short time, had turned with \u25a0fcotmterfeit. money. Witness Gives Alleged Counter- pS* feiters a Surprise. \u25a0 ....... Giuseppe Monti, alias "Joe" Boscarinl, *TiO is on trial with Domenlco Melonl and jCSlusrppe Arniato. alleged members of the ;Xicpo-More"»lo counterfeiting gang, got a big surprise yesterday when a young Italian 'tiamed Lochino. who was called to testify. <*\u0084 I: . that he was employed by the Vrt- \u25a0. States Secret Service to buy "green B-cods" from BQscarinf. COULDN'T FIND WOODEN LEG AUTO FOR ST. NICK Ti.r. TViliia^n '. >:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••-'\u25a0. jr.. owned in 3R 3 " >!•.. i> \u25a0 Me: four-master. She left s<ir-g ; Penry, Fla_ SB November La, v ith lumber for New York. Sl*! had bad weather «nd \u25a0 Mm one hundred miles off her course. At I a. m. on November 23 she -was liit by. the Kok*by aft of amidships:, and ifilkd rapidly. No one was injured, but The tchooner was. Lopelessly smashed. The Jgtiiou .- task *H hands aboard. Captain Hlnckley and George Duntch. the Bret mate, were on deck when the crash came. The. former rushed to his *«Ife, but found that "Old Aleck,** the cook, Jiad hopped to her assistance on one log. The skipper fnt the cook to the galley to. find his wooden helper, and later, when lie found it under the heap of galley dishes, Bl lie returned to Jlr«. Bladder on two legs H»r T "J i*':"*-! her. while her husband helped HP' f Flip Bis members of the crew came "^ I. Neii Tork with Robinson yesterday. JJfegro Cook Crippled When Ship Hit. Schooner. ,-... the norninp of November 25, some \u2666hre« haic£red miles east of Bermuda, the SrJtirh eteamer/ Rofceby rasfoed into the »"ho- c ' "".Vil'ism E Bowen, jr., and j.-r> r ., r y- over a ;.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 of -\u25a0\u25a0--•>. the pieces covering the \u25a0 \u25a0-.--' lee \u25a0'\u25a0' the ttofero cook. »r>vc •\u25a0\u25a0•-:- n'.'t th*- only damage, but It ""as important' that the rook Efaould look after the Ekipperjs ii-..- and this he \u25a0••";!\u25a0"] not co until he could 'ml his wooden leg Ai«->fliv-]<=T Robinson is the name of th« «*ook. and he Is \u25a0'\u25a0>'\u25a0 yearn old. lie came jt-r.- .-<• r rday on the steamship Bemm- riia'-, from Uern->>j<3a. where \u2666 !•.•=\u25a0 Rokeby 3 ad land* I tlhe Fkipper. of the schooner, Jiisir.lfe.and the < re» INSANE PATIENT HANGS HIMSELF By nrfns a portion of a - v : " which **• been £iven to him only a short time t»W Frank Mc?orley. fifty-five years old. «•» mined suicide yesterday afternoon to room in one of the dormitories of \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0* hattan State Hospital on Ward's M*l The man was committed to the insti tJ» from the psychopathic ward of Be»a» Hospital, where he gave his address as V 73 West 4Tth street. "** «** b £«,<s Mrs. Catherine Starr, lived at No a** B * avenue, The othpr Inmate of fie t-vmi^ miin"d In his chair and say- no *<*•• clde. The children arc expected br the- prose- cution to testify that several days *•*\u25a0* the crime Roth threatened to kill Ba» mother. The defence, however, contra* that the Yiddish word -which the «M*» say their father u^e.l i=> one that is liter- ally translated as "kill" in English. test* u-*d a*, part of an East ?id« vernacslr as a synonym of the word "chastise. Roth's defence is that be -was merely «*W ins his wife when the prosecution <I*cla» he threatened to XIII her

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1910-12-06 [p 10] · \u25a0•. owner; GottHct) M Karpas and Joseph VTlttner. owners and co»tr« j.\ sf«\ 21TH BT. J42 to 14^ W«st; HafMasw Tf'j»lt»r

Children to Testify Against Fathsr as

to His Alleged ThreatHis two children will b<9 th« r^a«*jal

witnesses for the prosecution in the salof Abraham Roth, who is charged with flamurder of hi? wif*.Bertha, on July 25 h

their horn? at No. 24 Rlvlnston str«r.

Roth was placed on trial yesterday is Gen-eral Sessions. H« is charged with haTirsk.Uled his wife by cuttin? her throat salthen attemptinsr suicide by cutting hi3 mtl-roat. His defence is that his wife cs

his throat, but. failing in the. attempt

killhim, succeeded in her effort to coe=2


Ravps is about fifty y»ars <-.H an.i-i^^nih-«r<l th« voice of Miss Queers \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0«««•

wire. They met for the fir<»t time *pi

ago at the R"formed Episcopal C'aorcactthe Ascension and it seemed a case of lsa>at first Pieriir. A f"«- month* aso they \u25a0>

came, engaged and It Waa th-ir tntentioat*

be married around th<» Christmas holidaj^

but Mr. Raves received the important a?pointmont of general manager to a. Iar?«engraving concern In Houston, Texa?, sai

he was oblige! to £•\u25a0 there.


Greenpoint Central's Manager To B»a Bride in January. •*•.

A romanc* <>"»r k. tel^phon^ Tire tirei?Ing iliss Gertrude .-•--- ••-


j-«aaday m»nae«T of the ..-:..-.


of the v«» -To^k T«?«»phon- Companr.'at*

Ferdinand Ray»«. now a r»^ld»nr of Bss>|ton. Tex., but for many year<* a resident <£•;r«**nr«'!riT. irlilculminate in their marriij,early in January.

Miss Sneers Itves at'No.'lST Rnsseii -rtrer;(";r<»<>ri[><>int. and -i"1 win le»re the <WIM>of th». telephone company Saturday- ias)r

\u25a0with the- regrets of all'' • eir!3 ard jnsnj

oin^!! iind^r >i«*. and of th 9conp;^.

which has 9»nt her a letter of ni?l»«a-mendation and also a Randsoms '^•sjhfsift.


AA\t. 220th »t. o-arn»r; '"^ott*• p—_

at and -White Plains ai». architect; JTSo*MANHATTAN ALTERATIONS.


; 15TTI ST. <K$ -WTest: to-a 4 »ty'br-< .«.-Jj'IKransbaar. 234 6th are, own/r- (i«^J»%Lecchtas. 7 West 224 »t, archlUtcU; Jso2*

*'L!S PENOENB. uj§

241ST ST. n m. 3.V. ft a of Xmntuh »_ C10O: two actions; Georsro C Smith. **% a),VejrtUo l»-Amoral., •-

al \u25a0'

'« \u0084*,, 1$ •«znags); attorneys. Moody &. Getty. -..'••*

I'-'THST. n *. 12.". ft + of St Ana* »-» '«K»t. Margaret {!\u25a0--. a« Paullnfl Kan*u **»(foreclosure of mta>; attorney. V.' Adam

"*•CONXOP.D AYE. 3»; Albert Rorkmor.


-Irs. etc. a«t Moritz LErnst ac ai i*a~:,- "••of. mtg>: attorney. H M»>«r " \u25a0*or«<i«ete,

2STH BT. 43 Wert: J Pateiz * O» »\u25a0• «D Kellyet al (action to declare il»n>. asLsjlAppell & Taylor.


!::-»TrI ST. *7 "West; Blanche -•—«_.*.'

X Olcott et it... of mtzj- i^.-TzT*Ktcrnan *;Moore.

* tc^»*MANSION ST.

-»• cor Comiacair«»taSTix73; Antonio D'Andrca ast Church ©fIfT^thony. Van Nest. Th» Bronx. « h! (^^il/*"

far«elaai mechanic's ilen>; attorn- . ..^ "*Van rwrveer. *\*^.\u2666

V..TH ST. n•. 227.11 '- -of A -, a a-102.2: W»!son M Po^-ell. trn«ee. sun. v.;...I*'!1*'!

IIPr»«r et ai iforeclosara of mtj(;asUJS\u25a0en ST, n «. 174.4 ft -r of At• A..•->•«,.

Etaßl X Powell et ai »*t •i^-.T9iHarris Jr.<fcreclostar«s of ii)t«); attorney. W M VMsal

PRIXCE ST. 131 to !.*»; Ph»h«» vr irr^ey..Ast Annl% V IJrandt et al iforecknun or n^Tattorney. \V ajeOaaaa*. "*•

WALTON" ATE, <• s. 75.6 ft n of Ho»v, ,»/<*>.1*9.3; Rntsc«>rs V Cadmus, •\u25a0•ecntor. :«•»\u2666 '-.veyance^ Realty Ct) <foreclosur? of VOarmf^neys. Thornton


"f*TINTOX AYE. 591 to .V.7. Ray Tr'nic«>hi »1

_-Tinf r: \v?r,.j» Construction O> "\u25a0 9; tror»-v--!Lof mtgy, attorn»y, J Gorton.

" *

100 TH ST. \u25a0 a, 29 ft w of 2-1 are. Srjan-.Mary Jac?e a^t Fannie Taus »t »i »s;T«f'i, *

of ir.r?>: attorney. LJ Jacobin. .--**lr*

FOREST AYE. n » cor of Ml it.l<yA*>.i;hms^ Z»n?-al<»o »et Willlam }• Hib?\ ?'(notice of levy*;attorney. A Goodman. .

130 TH ST. 67 Weal Blanche TVi!?«.- ,_

\u0084^_F Olcott

"'al (faraeloeur' of mt?;; von2iKi-rnan &Moore. . "v


». lot 56. map et Ut--Morrl?anla. 21x43; Iron SCastent R*a!t>- an<! r-'alstrnetlon Co a?t Bertha Keaciny ifor*;losar» efmtgy. attorney, >; AlciDlkoff. -.•\u25a0•<


135 TH ST. s a 12T. ft •of '•\u25a0• %r». nvv>M

E4snr S AppTsbr »5t Partis': Chur-h o' tS E.",j»«tti»

-et »1 •foreclosure of>; ar*^,—^

Cannon iiCannon. :*•>,\u25a0

74TH ST. ST"'

--\u25a0 Tr-*«» H r^b;«t, ._Rosell* Holmes et a! fpartitivr"; ar'orn'jj,mer. Canfi*M & Stonft

i.awpejicf: st. d• i-. .% f» • -


*iy.STtWf:i>: VTilltawi A <hor»i a?» J<>hn Toirhend ef al (foreclosure of ra.\ ;Mn-, attcirn^j \u25a0»AShiortt.

Ufj ST. |«aj I-,.- n"i:;i»rT. v-nri»n ,<r j,^,jITol! HI tfor«Tl-.>«'ir» if .-\u25a0 _

att^.n.ay ..Weeks.


-:.r •' • »**iMial»na>way, Tjr>.l<>r»2* *x lrT*ig; \T^'r F---ar?-?ll a>r a^lot? r-- * -

-\u25a0•_,-.-. at m'^»: ltrora**!jH ->»ns \u25a0. •-•

Lawyers Mortgage >\u25a0• to- Car in R Rupyon84 al, exrs; $-}.':.<."o<">.

Same to same; *4.:;,f»t>-.\'»w York Tmst Co to Cli*r7»* ;i«r^?r»!m

and ano, as comm: S'S.O<X>.liawy*rs Mort^aee Co Is Carman R Runyon

el a', exrs: 2 a?sts; *^.<w».Lucius H E»«rs. tru«. to WlJheJnamsi I>'Ars-

CBOt; 10-11 part. $1."VUhflmina. r> Arscbct to Carolina Butter-

field: *ll.<>X>.'\-^i;'r " l> T>r r. ,n.l an<>. trus. -.. Ell"ti

M B E<i?ar, ?>.Pa^crn Realti Co ••• Amelta Davis; *I'»>..fos»phina Griaarogd »o Adirondack Cottage

Ssnitarlum, at saranac, X T; $3^.000.I,oiii<-- 5 ~i-->nl-i=.nV<(»irT>»r api ano. «xr«u to

Lo'.iis v "ra!ik?nh?ira»r and >-•\u25a0 . inn S'J.SO 0

MECHANICS* LIENS.AtT>t*BpK AVK. • a trboli front b*tT»i»n

ISTth anVlSSth st«. i!«rrT.>. Sal toffrn i«t Fa!!and Realty •

\u25a0•. owner; GottHct) M Karpas andJoseph VTlttner. owners and co»tr« j.\ sf«\21TH BT. J42 to 14^ W«st; HafMasw Tf'j»lt»r

R»fractorT«-?! Cb ;i?'. District Realty Co, o-rn«r;Peter Guthy. contractor;, pi :"25.

BRONXWOCD ATE. 1(cor 29tli al 114<11-..Mount VeriMMi Bofl£*r9 S'ipr>!y Co a zr Kne»n^M«tzc-»r. Tf'iirr> N Sehotas and Wb-rty '«••\u25ba andS'ttir.t; TVork«. own*ra Jp««ph con-tractor; 91,160 M

BRONXDALB RP. .• •»nT?". n « '-«- Rhln»-

lander av#, r.'xi<>». •'!yi» P Haytta act John!«.->". owner; Cbaries Baflfr, contractor; Si'T<? 76.

fiHINET/AXPKR \-\."I. •«; Or STwUllll try..3O*IW; ?arr!,» act John Dob; orwr; CharlesBailey, contractor; ?270 •««.

."TR ST. 420 Eas*: .Vllvren" Stout <-o a?t JohnDoe, owner; Herman Kient«l»r. contractor; *!"•ISBTH ST. 438 East; Frederick r>tirand a«rt

D* Good Realty Co cm -\u25a0\u25a0- said contractor; *»iR W>.HEWITT F>T.. ? tv cor Starr pi. atal—. F>:

ward Kascberali act Hlgstna &\u25a0 Stanton Con-struction Co. owner; Ctiarles Rap?, contractor;$o2 25.

REISs ri>. n » cor Bronx Boulevard. J«2.SxtO2.&;» Ri-^i] & Ja-?s»r asrt treors» R«i>»e,owner; Henry J.n>spr. contractor; $279

COI.ITBflSrs AVK. Ntn t cor Mtli «t. I«2xlfM>: Nicholas M Wimple. »t a! act An?-! .1Simpson. Solomon Werner nnd Louis Werner,owners; IT S A 'VVi?i">n. contractor; MM

6TH ST. 41.". East: ,r..B«>ph R«>rn3t<in netConereiiation Edatli La'lsrasi Ansebel M«»«»rlt2.owner and contractor; .<"_•.."••\u25a0.4 90. •

SAME PROPERTY; William A Thomas Coact Consrreiration FMntb Israel ftmsi'tliIjl^oeritz. owner; Josepa P»rnstein, contractor;$1«1 99.

HOKKIWELL ATE, I*5-!*.; Standard Plurab-ine :?unolv Co net Norb^rt Leib*>l. owner ail(contractor; Yeissberpr. a- Bscboff. contractor:SISC 58.

12.-.111 BT, 0H and 6M West; 'AbrahamIlodfp ajc*- Tr>»-ir> Realty Co, r>> <;.->....i RealtyCo and 'William D« Good, owners and con-tractors; ?2US -.'."•.

6STII ST. 24$ to 2.-.4 West; Dominic.-. Sac-cocio agr John Miller, owner; Vfiic»nzo La,Torre and Pietro Alti«; ?2!> 75.

SAVE PROPERTY; Giovanni ITlano B*tsame; $20 7."..SAM?^PROPERTY; r,jTis«.pP« Plcixiao artsame- ; \u2666».£• 10.SAME PROPEKTT; Giuseppe lacabuccl a^tsame: $21 s<>. °

SAME PROPERTY: FedeTe t>e .^r-eorfo artsame; $2 .'•:>. s

<nm"If21150°PEr:TY; ''^s-Pl- Zi-oarif «st

. SAME PROPERTY; Glaipp* De Vallo »«t

SATISFIED MECHANICS" LIENS.jri^s'So. ssfs a srssa?-

SAME PROPERTY; Max Epstein agrRobinson et al; Juno U2. I01O; $152o"'»SAME PROPERTY; C Christian^n art TRobinson et al; May ft, i;*in;f172 50SAMK PROPERTY; NaVhan "lvoh,

„*\u2666 AFlateau et al; July 7. 1T»1O; $164SAME PROPERTY: Bergman. mi.n.,1,, ,\u25a0 &Rotncr Co agt san««: May 4. 3910- $14"

* *SAME PROPERTY: P-ter E Mora,, sal wnlam Rowan et a!: May 19, 1910; $51,»

a(rt MI-

SAME PROPERTY; Henry Levins et aJ actA Hateau et a!: June 2H lf»ti>- $"is afft

SKsmT 5 "-"•\u25a0-* a^t

-an^MaT^KiaSJS- \u25a0 •»-

g^r^^cTs^We^MSin^.Realty O»«t al; Aug .-.. 1!»1.»; |H»«ILemOa


45TIT ST. 62 ar.,i «4 Wesr a. 1" «\u2666ma offlrr bide. *«*»* OeonLV K.^r T Or*0,t0n..o ,ton.. i_ wit \u0084^u it. avekMscta; |OS».«M


CITY ISUXD AYE c r 12T. ft „ r tw.ft; for a lsty frame ihop?^ K4S John rler. 107 Fordham st. owner ana archUect- Si&T3£A.TXU>a ST. c s. 100 ft ,of ".««»

ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES.Ma!,*; (;DadsW to Edtrard IWilson; 3 assts;

:• Royal V HamerHchlacr '•\u25a0 -":>.- Nahm: $100-<"lara B*yC< to .*'lty

*:<>al Ki-tatc (V.; tl*.l«.<O.Katharine X Lachnlcht Is Alfonso Teasltore

an.! ano: *1_

Morrlsto-vi-n- Trust Co to Kanny A \u25a0\u25a0 aa; »Laamasl Hir.-h to Max Kafers; *1.Theodore B O«l>"me. truariian. to liar..!.] P

CndsrhiU; $5.W0.'' _.

KmunueJ Raunhelm ft al. cxreutors. to Adolph

I>-wisohn: $18,600.Rsatty Transfer To to «>r*->n Hytran: I-i,S3>.

Howard Mansfield, trust** to •'ount»«a Gastond'Arsehot; fLMk

Charles H»*rnsoh»lni an«i ar.o. CWBJsa, M N*wYork Trti«t .... *17.. \u25a0\u25a0-

Mirha-' T Pwrtr '\u25a0\u25a0 John .F; $.".."f>o.Ola 11 (.>l-»»n to \i.,.,n i r N Fra.<">r; VMS,Vfirmer W Flasil to K'ias \ Mali. l BJMKatharin<* t: .rn.-ks.-.i el ;i!. tnis. to American

MortcaK* •'... fH.IW 4«.Albany «'ltv SarlriK.« Bank tc l*»v»rp Mort-

Has;. <\u25a0•>: all litl<»: an Jntfr»"»t of t-ji •««>Amass spring- to Harrfei A Cbpwland: »n ln-

r^r»-st of ?I'.»K>«».Silas A nsir« »nd \u0084 \u0084. trus, to «*har>s Burk-

>-.iit..r: .*)..i.:ir>.- Rurkhalt^i •\u25a0• '.- Eta H Thomv*on: $'.

Antcavta 1,. r»ii Vi«? m Tlt»» <;Tiiir»nt<"' snd Tro«I...; $3,310.

ff-nrv nint-r t« tlinry Itahr: SI-n'•!•«• ••••< t. '/."'.WT '• >'\u25a0:• \u25a0 r.^-i Co; 5

;.<-•- «!v(.

Farmers" f.oau ard Trust ••• m I \u25a0'\u25a0" J King'Iat. »vrs; SI.

I-.. •. 5. •;\u25a0.(.\u25a0.,. •\u25a0 August C ,-.-h'»-»>nk. \u25a0*!.Man J Ooodw] 1 to Alij,"if Swe«n«y: J2.000.Alien \V Erarts. irus. «i al. to H<»l*n C Batter;

an int«»r<!'i=t of jtl"...»••.Alien \V Eraru ••\u25a0 Virginia Batter: ».n tnr»r»st

of (10.000.Title OuaranTW and Trust Co to Alfred Harris

and ano. trnv: fIS.000:Same to >-- M Carll; fa :«*New York Trust •"

to •"h»rl«i T{»rT:«<-h»)Tr>and an.-., cooiid: $2.M0.

Same- to sam«; «45.500.Sum to same: ?43.J«>".S»in« to ?atK<?: ?"s.(»XlShi ie to same: I2S • •' \u25a0

10 WUt.r M reward ,«^^

• ralm*>r, 3d aw and 14^tn Bt.-

l«3b st. * s. irr. ft *of »Jrand »- 25x100:IMD ST.

-s. I.VIft

-Of C.rand aye. ""J1'I.

Dec I. i:»(,:i u-i-:, 1: ':"'•• '\u25a0''"' Frank C

Buckhout: $2.OO«»;'

'\u25a0>-'•' •\u25a0 "\u25a0 W««»«lnian *Kraus. ."-.".' Liberty st.


He'll Scorn the Airship and UseMachine Instead.

Those grown-ups who have been prophe-fyivt: lately thai oftfl Santa dam u-il! de-siver Ips §n>od£ tliis Christmas in an airshipnre mistaken: Tic is going: to travel in a.l>sg- t»-lior«-e power to'arjnsr car which -willI>3»*!<\u25a0 fls)i'"a'' of a. strinc: «if machines in whichkill.- carried sifts to be left down chtm-*i«ys by s.-.ji-«»s of assistants. And a largej.Bi-t of th<-- credit for lixingrSt. Nick up soJ>*> won't have to worry whether there'sftiow on the ground or a fclxtj

--mile gale

*oofi fro<*s \u25a0\u25a0• the Children's Christmas for•."hiidreii. nilas alien composed of great-

•>\u25a0* N---' YorV \u25a0women, led by Mr---. J. S.'JWatermaii.' of Brooklyn.: The work of the organization is in charge?-\u25a0'•• Children's Christinas? Committee.

*^".hat .body is at present distributing- largejired stockings a. yard long"and nearly a foot

J^'ide to those of the charitably inclined who:«want to make Christmastime brig-lit for thejlittl*sans of the tenements to whom Santat'

'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 is not much more than a naiae.M&.11;. . charitable jfrajstJßMitiTWWi supply

friarnesi of needy children to The committee.?acJu<3ed inthose interested in the work aretic sAcera of th« Children's Aid Society,the Bureau of *'harities. the French Xurs-

,f".t; tiisters for the Destitute Poor, the As-

sociated Settlements, the Catholic Settl©-jirnfiEts. TJttle Italy,the "Women's Auxiliary

MSt. Vincent de Paul, the District Nurses.|»iif»City M:?f-ionaxies. and others.•

-Amori? the members of the committee areJMonslgrnor "William J. "White, the Rev. J.'.Ho*p.rr. MelJsb. I»r. "Waterman. Mrs. Frank£L" Lupton. Mrs. Ft. Chk McKelway. Mrs."R*illlam A. PwildWK—land Mr?. ArnoldIffr.arp. .


There's No Better Paying InvestmentThan a Properly Managed Colored Tenement

LET US PROVE IT TO YOU.Results Guaranteed Bomjcfvea

Philip A. Payton, Jr., Company,New York*.Pioneer Negro Real Estate Agents.

Mrte, . PAP T.,


REAL ESTATE.i Maidiruan, artao s^lls jewelry on ti.<^r.* plan, told the police of the Oak street

ration that he- had been to tlc third floor«* Us* house «Hseaß the assault and rob-\'

-. took to Make a colJectlon. Heri<sXt sm • t'i the. second floor, where helilfeo so* tome rr>«>n«»y. ..'-.:?! us he rea.chedtJ>« halL •.-- saM two '\u25a0-'!\u25a0•\u25a0 -


vewelry Seller Says Two ItaliansAttacked Him inHallway.

• Sim';*! MaMnaaa. a jewelry p?>dler. liv-Ing a No. £2 Stantoii street, whs Ix^aif-nj» robbed of fewdty valued at 53'» InItbe 'liallway of Not. a and 11 Rose streetWest<r<say a .-noon. Ills as.«ui);u.t>. i\u25a0<\u25a0

\u25a0Bffli •*•«« t^o Tta:ia.iis. v.ho had apparent!?(fcc-ea » Tilting: for him. Hoth of bis eyes«>'•<•• falackrt>e<3 and ].: izx**. u-as badlyjl-r-'lsc-d.



GUARANTEED MORTGifiESon improve Bergra County rroperty f&*

FIVE PER CENT.Sem* for Booklet. .




PHILIPSE MANOR on tvs Mr-*^ff2*One n-.u-> unobstructed river fronts**: *>r^crn residence* near completion. Ad*1*

PHI! ITS?! MANOR CO..Phtllpso Manor. Saw To'1'-

MORTGAGE LOANS.a. w. Mclaughlin & co.

Brokers and Dealers in .Mortgage*123 Broadway, cor.Cedir



THE CLEVELAND124- isa *:•»« S4th *

I.nfurp.Uhed apartinants ot ? roous* **-".-•»\u25a0"». "..• Callbotwetn •"> «->


tor The Tribune r;c*iv«d si thrtr tP«°^; **.No 13»?4 Brc*d»-ay, Nftwew 3oih *until&o'clock p. \u25a0 A^-—•«*rr-r::3 ?^T-\u25a0- \u25a0 follcwicar brs=cS o*cas at re^oUr o!^#:wntllS. o'clock p. ra.. via.: 2*4 Sib

*v?:'r.a '.\u25a0&\u25a0J-- «.: us --•-v- \u25a0"\u25a0- \u25a0:- «t.: 10* :^! »•\u25a0*«.; 2.17 4?i st.. bet^vftx: "— *-$,:,X> »\u25a0»*•

2^3 Vest 123th «\u2666_: MSI 3c! »?«.;*'-*

Assurancethat you are getting agood Title is given withour policy of Title Insur-ance. The loss is ours ifthe Title is not good.

Lawyers TitleInsurance and Trust


- -$4,000,000

SURPLUS- • 5,600|000

1«O Broadway. Sew York.188 M taßlle Street. Brooklyn.

375 Kollob Street. .lanei^*.

Geo. R. Read &Co.REAL ESTATE

Head Offlc*. «0 rib«rt, St.. near IVw.y.Branch: 3 Eimt 35th St-

They *>>:plained thitji;th*y had reachedfi.c- .-:,-3 of thefr iwureei in the irv^.-tig-a-

fjon of 'Conditions on Use Ward, and askedair. Whitman to present the matter to the

l^rand fan William A. De ForU, the as-•\u25a0'h.'-' district attorney wtka took part in

\u2666h%. et&te- invf-stifatlon and directed the

police ccurt proc**din?t *vhich resulted in

the -• BBMti of BtaSSSI Katr*-n«»^tn. «-ill.JbJtnai*: the cas%.

?WTiitnian WillTake Up Ward's IslandFood Scandal.

V thorough Inirestlgation of the handling

«L« L neat and other food supplies at thef'.ata institution's on Ward"* JsiajvS will beIv-tru'i to-day by the grand jury under th*-

*s'.--.tion of District Attorney Whitman.", •\u2666'» inve!=i!gation "IIb* undertaken at

-•'. \u0084 -t of the State LaoMcgr Commis-*-l—. :

-Albert Warren f-V-rHf^. W. <*j, v

t^jt-i;,nd S. T. \'U . memberi of tli«

«x»m:ni*.-lor- ..... the district -"••r-ti^.y yesterday.

SATISFIED MORTGAGE&(With name and address of lendei 1 attorney >


COLirMRIA ST. 125. 4 sty brk. ?ivi.v.: Jan6 ifxv, Esther l>ar! Goidfarh to Abram Fi«tel;

$s.<k»; attorney. Max Silr«rstein. SOU Broaoway.

MADISON AYE. "m, 50.2 ft «= of \u25a0">" T!1 st. 23.tx100; Dec 2, 1007; Octavla A Mow to GourerneurMorris Carnocban, 3s s^nerol em. $.".0»XI. at-torney, 1, ti& T Co, l'"'1Ero?.dn-ay.

SPRING ST 148 \u25a0• sty brk, 20x90; Jens 35.1910;: Nathan Harrison, of Philadelphia, to JeanJacques R»ubel and Henrietta T Renoel; 5J2.080;attorney, rICo. 13? Broadway.

SAME PROPEBTT; June 28 1910; NathanHarrison Realties Co to Huso E Distelhtirst;$7,000; attorney, same as above.

SPRING ST 14?, ? sty hr*. 20x80; B«pt 22,

1910; Nathan 'Harrison Realties Co to Huso EDistelhurst; $1,000; attorneys, Eisman, Levy,

Corn & Levlne, 135 Broadway.

FIRST 4VG, w C 63 ft s of 101st st, 37^00;May 1 100*5; Louis I.tvineston e» a] to kchiileand Theodore ainzbo*irg«r: $5,500; attorneys,Strauss & Anderson. 141 Broadway.

ELEVENTH AYE. S4I. 4 sty brk, 15xSO; Jan15 1902: Thomas Murphy to George Ehret;$5.Vi00; attorney, John C Gnlick, IC2 Nassau st

ELEf\'ENTIT AYE. «"!•. 4 sty 'r--. SOx36.SlJa.ti15, i;*)2; same to same; $5,000; attorney, same,

as above.ELEVENTH AYE. s w cor 47th ->'. 20xS<>: NOT

1, lt»"5; Joseph J Tlerney to George EDl*?.owner; J5.000; attorney. Edward M Burghard,120 Broadway.

ELEVENTH AVB. •;»,•'.. 4 sty brk; mtg onlease; July.l. 1907; John Hanley to Joseph •'Tlerney; 92:000; attorney, Bdward M Burghara.

120 Broadway.

"l^T STT. 4* 'West. 4 sty brk. 2Sx«2; May 25,1J»1O- Edwin F Walton to Max A wefler; $6,0W;attorneys, LTI&T Co, 160 Broadway.

32D ST 352 East. 4 sty brk 4f.4xt7^T<o.6x17.6; April 15. 1891; Charles 3Celer to Etfle MSchenck. mdiv and as extrx; 98,400; attorney,Cambridge Livingston. 4i> Wall st.

3GD ST, c 8, 100 ft 9 of 2d aye. SOxSS.O; Xov22. 1900; Minnie Stern to Max afoller; |4,WJ;attorney, Herman J Rubenstein, 5 Beekman st

47TH ST. 336 East, 4 sty brk. 1«V>.5x25: Xov30 19<>t>; Henry Klopf to George Wolf; s*,sfH>:attorney, Title Guarantee and Trust Co, 1»«Broadway.

47TH ST. 331 East, 5 sty brk, 100.5x25: Nov30 1S»C«;; Henry Klopf to George. Wolf; $4,00O;attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. lit»Broadway.

57TH'ST, 322. 324 and 326 East, 4 sty brk,

62.Dx5».4x62.10x57.6; March 1»>. 1910; Anna Wes-t^rkamp to 'Joseph M and John V. MulHn« andothers; $4,400; attorney, C C Parish. o2 Wall ?t.

57TI£ ST. s b. 325 ft w of Oth aye. 100.5x25;June 24, I!K>4; E Benjamin Ramodell to HarrietM Ramsdell; 94,000; attorney, Addison Gardner,

146 Broadway.111TH ST. »U East, 5 sty brk. 100.10x24.10:

Nov 29, 1005; Manny, Fred. Henrj- C Fredericksand Samuel Epstein to Henrietta Wimpfheimer;$5,000; attorney, HC Fredericks, 41 Union Square

West.lU>TH ST 140 West. 5 Sty brk. 32.6x100.11:

Nov 25, 1908; Leopold Tesky to Marie Eng'l:$S,<XK): attorneys, Davis A; Kaufmann, 51 Cham-

bers st.

13OTH ST, n s. 491.8 ft w of Lenox ay«. 1«5.,5xfl0.ll; Dec 2. 1U04; Henry 1, By«r to Louise dMariotte; ?7,000; attorneys, Harris, Cotwin,Gunnison & Meyers, 150 Nassau st.

138 TH ST. 11 p. 425 ft c ( f Lenox rv», 75xP!>11- IVb 17. 10<>t>; Albert Pelser and others toBenjamin Schmeidler; $2,250; attorney. J J Dan-zleg.jr, 31 Liberty st.

IB2D ST, » 8, 40x99.11: Jan 10. 1P07: AbramRachraeh to the. Arrow Realty Co; $4,00O: attor-ney, Edward AIsaacs. 27 William st.

I»ViTH ST, n s. 200 ft w of Amsterdam ay«.

25x05- Dec I', 1007; Louis Frank to Dollar Sav-ings Bank of City of New York; $3,000; at-torney. Title Insurance Co, 135 Broadway.

183 DST, s s, 252.10 ftw- of Amsterdam ay».104.11x17.1- Feb 1. 1905; l»uis« 11 Lamb toThomas Lo Boutillier. »xr; $tS.(.K.Hi: attorney, Titl«Insurance Co, 135 Broadway.

185 TH ST. 6 s. 200 ft c of 11th aye. 7t».11x100: March 22. 190«: Philip Simon to Realty

Transfer Co: $50,000; attorney. Simon & Asher,277 Broadway.


BEAOH AYE.o p. 370.11 ftnof Kelly st. lOfl.Sx22x10«>.2x22: Nov 27, 1005: Louis I>>ibsohn to

Sarah J Carroll, indivld and as admstx; $t5.4i»;attorneys, Joliue. Larkln & Rathbtme, ,">4 Wall st

BROAI»WAV. n s. ISS.7 ft W Of Terraeo Viewaye, 2Sxl00; April 2.'., 190&; Charles P Mahonyto Louise C C Fernschild; ?K.thM>; attorneys,

Forster. Hotaling & Klenke, 59 Wall st.

BAILEY AVK. c 5, at division line lots 78 and79, map land at Kingsbridge of William CgdenGiles. 77x40x57x50; Feb 10. 1010; Alfonso Selllttoand Emidio D Blasi to Adam A and Frederick VVoize; $2,700; attornpys. Otis & Oti.«, ti<) Wall st. \

CROTONA PARKWAY, s w cor 175th st. 24x93; .lan 2<), 10im>; tv.lllnP Jewell to Title Guar-antee and Trust Co; ?2,00<>; address, 176 Broad-way.

GARFIEL.D ST, n « .-. 104.S ft n w of Anthonyaye, 50x120; June 11, 1910: Annie I>'Ambra toMary White, trustee: $3,730; attorney. lawyersTitle Insurance and Trust Co, 100 Broadway.

HULL AVB. n w s, 150 ftc Of Mosholu Park-way. 50x110: Oct 4. 1907; Mary Dermody toDaniel W McCahill,, csr: $7.00O; attorneys,O'Hara Brothers, 200th st and Webster aye.

LOTS 20R to 3011, inclusive., and 45R to S.".R,Inclusive, map 9l>o. subdivision property HenryIt Tiffany, I'.ld Ward; Nov 30. 1B04; P«nat«»aRealty Co to Arthur Knox; 94.480: attorney.George E Hyatt. 15 Wall. St.

LOT 3«7, map of I.acrvni:i Park, Williams-brldßt:; June 24. 1010: Franceses Catania to

MelrosA Realty Co: $i."40; attorney. Title Guar-antee and Trust Co, 170 Broadway.

LOT 42. piiree.l 2, map lots sola at auctionby Knickerbocker Trust Co -rt al: Dec 2. l'Ji>7:Daniel I. Ryan to Five Boroughs Realty Co;$550; attorney, David H Taylor, »l Nassau st.

LOTS 21 and 22 and 29 to 26. Inclusive, samemap: Dec 2. 1907; Itt-njamin Schneider ti> t,a:no;2 mtßs; S'«.000; attorney, same as above.

LOT 4'".. juimn map; Dee 2. Ji>«7; NathanGreenbauin to same; St""-; attorney, same asabo\e.

IjOTS 43 to 45 and 47 and 4?, Rani<» map;Hy Ebb(i?lianson to same; 2 iiitg^;$2,750; attor-ney, same as above-

LOTS 1 and 2. map Century Investing: Co,between Aqueduct n\.< and Featherbed laneJuly IS. 1009; i:oB« Flood to M J Sullivan;$1,000; attorney. Lawyers Title Insurance andTrust Co. 100 Brcadway.

U>T6 ISA and. ISB and IPA nnd 188, map1.109. subdivision portion Pentield propertyWakelleld; Oct 26, 1906; William M ca.rr toJames A Kirkland; $2,430; attorney, GraatSuuires. 10 Wall St.

LOTS 026 and «27. map La.-onia Park; Nov12. lUOlt; Nunzia Madder to Irving i:ealty Co-$200: attorney. Title Guarantee and Trust Co'17t> Broadway.

MATILDA ST. c s, 150 ft Iof ElizabethBt. being lot 10b, roan of Jacksonville prop*rtv\\>Bt Chester. .'.Ox toil; Ju:im 28, I<iu.%; RichardOHughes to Elizabeth Horsan; »4.500 attorney. William F Clare, 135 Broadway.iMORRIS AYE. -<v s. 7:. ft « -or of Garden et25x100: Dec- 20, 1902; Ida P Clark to AmericanMoi»ga ft Co; $3,000; attorneys, Bowers*SandM. 31 Nassau Ht.

NELSON AYE. \u25a0 -.C>ft „of Irt4,h itC72x1«.8x58.5xia.5; \mC 23. 10..0. jr.,1.,1, «;Jo""» to l.*Tti" If Wllklns: .t-.'.50-.; attorneysHarris, Cor win. \u25a0 ;•million & Mesrera 150 >*"i«"tan st \u0084

"\u25a0 ,';„. -AS-

PROSPECT AYE. i,.Cor of HMi st «\u25a0%*81: Jan S. U«'S; George L Seltenreieh to £.Seltenreich; $2,000; attorneys. Wechsler ?Rothschild. 135 Broadway. OIW

•ROAD from West Farms to W>s.t CheatorTr. 6,^ of Forsst et, 27.«xlOOx2».«xlO0 \..'.10. lSdf,; Edward Orady to Marttn jKeo.lisxj and traa; 94.000; »ttorn*v. --s'«ph»n wS;1

44'- East Tremont aye. a> \u25a0

SIMPSON ST. IC.VI and 1053 4.^x100 Mor-..

140i23s lrreB:Nor 2?: 2 J". «'pw fnt; -]£as£M Hart to John W Thomson, committee. V-f,address. Pittsfi<>Ie!. Mas?.

184TH ST. 015 \*StJ Ore 2: 2 yr* «•

(»n(»n '.Jr.-.: *".«•* \u25a0«on»y. •>««\u25a0Coll ISO Broadway. .

ANTHONY AVK. \u25a0• *."• ft *^^fftjS!Si

5x09.5: Xov hu; <luf. etc. as vr lior"i- -Lt,«'

C Buisfy H1..1 uno to Henry I^ut«; $000; address158th st and North River.

.•-int.iv AVK t r 193.2 ft n of MeKinley

S*CM*m£»£ 5c 2: due am, 1. 1911; wm-g«

IIWelsa^r tv Samuel a Cunningham, st"'-" \u25a0

address, --\u25a0;•'• Hi- .l.iway.

CITY ISLAND AVi:.> *. M ft n «rf V^^'»f. 17x87.4x Irreg; De •*.. :: ; -.•;!-•'\u25a0\u25a0• 1.

-v"l a Miller to Dollar Pavinss Hank. $».."".

sddress, 2.^f>g 3d ***.\u0084

FATLE ST. v. s. |«0 ft n of Kan.lall a<<\ W

W0 Xov '-'0: 5 yr.=;We*t Mt VMnon K»-a!t. «.ot., Lathrop Col«aw; #1,«.m«: audreas. Bedford.

F\ir.K st. v s. iur. ft n of lUin-lali ay?. 2-">vio'. .prior mtß fT.COCrt: Nov 27:J yr. « l-r^."i;same to John U riiuma?; *}>**>;™gr***.

—Mott aw.

FAIUX AYE. w *. !•>' ft n of Rjn.lal «J«.25x100; XnvZ); dii*- Xov J. Wl»: »S£j?,i!*?Fink: «.;.:•<\u25ba.. address. Spring avf, UitlgevuXHl.>.' J.

F.MI.E r=T. W s, i".ft n of it^MlV*'^"*im (prior m.X ?7.W>>: N-v -•••':' >#JsMJ™£2Interest; .<_'.»l4 «; acdrww, -IV Bast pith n.

«iF.ovKu st. « s w«u « « °' •:':t*4;r-"7x"(i- Dee I;3 yri'. r-!i r*r '-Pt: H""-' *fTIf Tl

-/.„.land aiio to J Homfr HlWreth. m ;^.

S4.""H>: u<lrlrfs«. ::h-J East I38«li •».!,.is u> Bnd a >nap www '

:,' l;Ti;'\..^tale 'pHor mtg «700»: Not IT;1 Y*W£r'f*™:PI • be \ Strip* «nd ana to Henrj A ! arr; *•»!;*address. i?» Wtsi 2Sd d

sbCTHERN Bun.KVARV. ;\u25a0 *\u25a0 :;^:;^ £„?.11,, 1 ,i fst, 25x104 I•\u25a0.- »; 1n«t«lt«. '»

" r ""..

Minnie Beld«r t.> iGerman Anwri™ linNm? an.lLoan Vwjoelation; $».•«•<"•: i*Jr«», I-1 »*••.

VSIOS .WK. s w-

lots, 7. *.1:;r'V''• /I,™

Jacob V Hutschler. W»»i Chester. !""t-NH'''jrio.r

intg $,:r... ::. 3 vr». « P«r «nt^ • . .K»rri to i. Colgate Jomj: $".:\u25a0•"•':

-«*ress, _-\u25a0.-

Ul^ason aye.

I4OTH ST. n -. "\u25a0• \u25a0• ft «< of la: I "srl-niRiver. Port Chester Railroad. Kt.-^tW.*- x"' -

4.:3 .... John „s. ,-,,

:.r- 10 Port Morrtoljßdand Improvement Co; 1,000: address, 141, ST « ;550 fi *• of HHf «v«. 30xlfl&.Sx

Irre;?: Dec 3: •> ts: Hmrj C Oami to '±e ~' T**Obendscheln: 542.000.: addr»f?. I9ea Grand Boule-

vard and Concourse.171ST ST. !!»; Bast 16^100: t>^c •"•: -'* April

1 1011:—

-p^r •\u0084'. Abraham 3Ji*«Wn toAlfred rrankemhalor: ?•".'«'. address, '\u25a0''> Nas-sau Ft.

I<-7TH ST. n a. 120 ft-

of Bathcate are20x80: ,v, 12. 3 jrrs; AT. \u25a0!•'•>"\u25a0 Construction i_o

to Daniel R Kendall and aro. •rus; *".•"". ad-dross. 1 Fa«=t eeti •=•

1-«VTTT ST. ii -. 140 ft * of Bathgats are. 2*x*,-> Oct 12. 3 yrs; same to sara« JS.CmX"; address.1 East 60rh st.

2S«TH ST. «s. 100 ft « of Sylvan ay». "'• r00 9a irw~ Nov 30 5 k-rs rt p*t \u25a0•""* .--atia F

Pairs to Mar IV . (2,000 ad---- *' West

Th<5 building is one of the finest and bestequipped of Its kind in the city.


BIG REALTY MEETING TO DAY.At a meeting of the Fifth Avenue Associ-

ation to-day at the Holland House plans

for the handling of the increasing traffic onFifth avenue will be considered. WilliamPhelp* Erie win discus* the subject witb


The officers and directors of the Queens-'..cio <. 'orpora tion entertained last Saturday

!isgh« ;; large number of guests at its new•Sie< \u25a0\u25a0> Bridge Plaza

North. Many well known real estate menand builders were present.

RESALE OF MONTROSE HOUSE.Herman BeUEeri who recently purchased

the Clinton V. Ferris homestead, on Dutchstreet, Montrose, has resold it through

J. V. Alexander to the Ix>omis Realty &Construction Company. A dwellingin 78thstreet. South Brooklyn, was given in partpayment. The Ferris property containsabout twelve aer«--«, md In addition to the.homestead then *re several barns andoutbuildings.

INVESTS IN MORTON STREET.Edward P. Meany, who is interested in

era) coal mining companies. is the buy-

er of th«; iiew eight story building at thesoutheast corner of Morton and Greenwichstreets, recent!) sold by Pease &• Ellimunfor James If.Crutkshank. The building oc-cupies a plot 100x102, and is leased for aterm of years to the General Electric Com-pany, which in occupy it about March L

SALES AT BRIGHTWATERS.The following sales have been made by

the T. B. Ark.-rsuii Company at Bright-waters, its l,v>»-aere residential develop-ment at Bay Shore, on the Great SouthBay: A plot, 6»xXTO feet, on Lake Viewavenue East, near the Tri-roa.i Boulevard;a plot, 7r.x!4" fe-et, on I^agoon Drive, at the;head of Nosrekca I-ak*. and a plot, 100x150feet, on Woodland Drive, adjoining theEossert estate on the south, all in the Lakessection: also a plot, 9">xi4tt feet, on Rich-land Boulevard, between Iroquois and Woh-seepe© drives, in the Oaks section; also aplot. IMsliß feet, on Ackerson Boulevard,between Chenango and Montauk drives; aplot, lOOxloC* feet, on Baldwin Boulevard,jbetween Seneca and Mohawk drives, anda plot, TGxlTi") feet, on Peters Boulevard, be-tween Wohaeepee and Hiawatha drives, allIn the Pines section: also a plot, 50x140 feet,on South Bay avenue, near the corner ofCorinthian Court, and a double plot, MMsISOfeet, on South Bay avenue, between Corin-thian and Lawrence courts, in the Bay sec-tion. The Aekerson Company has con-tracted to build bouses for the purchasersof the latter plots.

Senior & Stout have leaf*e.l the. dwellinghouse No. 133 West »ivi street to JosephineDalzell; also two floors at No. 1064 Broad-way to Isaac I>e. Wilde, a two story garage.

at No. 153 West 56th street to I*M. Mcl-lons and the two story garage at No. 103West ."Ist street to I-a Due & Carmer.

Edward M. I>ewi has made the followingleases: For Samuel Bergmann the sixth loftin No. 34 West 37th street, for the MartinHolding Company the tenth loft in No. 9West 20th street, tor the A. & S. Construc-tion Company the fourth loft in Nos. 118and 120 West -7th street, for the AcmeBuilding Company the top loft in No. 31and 33 West 21st street, for the TwentyWest Twenty-first Street Company the fifthloft m No. 20 West 17th street, for the Bo-reas Realty Company the tenth loft In No.148 and 10" West 24th street, for Bodenstein& Oppenhelm the seventh loft in Nos. 129and 131 West 22d street, and for the S. A.&U. Company the fifth loft in No. 124 West18th street.

MORE MIDTOWN RENTALSLarge Number of Business Con-

cerns Seeking New Quarters.Louis Schrag has leased for Ida ]..

Churchill the fourth loft in the buildingNo:--. 147 and 1& W«.n S6th street to theStitching Company for a term of years; forLouis Spiro the firs! loft in the building No.13* West Std street to Messrs. Stark & Tratt-ner. and for Joseph W. Cushrnan & Co. thefifth loft in the building Nos. ?4» a.nd 246West r."d street to Merer Halpern for aterm of years.

E. 11. L,udlow & Co. have leased for MaryE. G. Carroll to Dominick Abbate No. 180Mulberry street for a long term of years.

Worthinston Whitehouse has leased forMiss Ellen M. <roir No. 1 West 47th streetto Arthur M. P. Mitchell; also for Mrs.Maud Wilder Goodwin an apartment at No.12S West sSth street to Talbot Olyphant.

George Dudley Waxing has leased for Ja-cob Needle the four story dwelling houseNo. 49 East 23th street to Florence 6. Weeksfor a term of years.

• Another large transaction yesterday wasthe sale by George %V. Va .-)<\u25a0> lilt of\u2666he premises. No. ? '.Vest S3d street, a fourstory and basement stone front dwelling:house, OB lot £3x100.5 feet. The house islocated a few doors vest of St. Thomas'sChurch. It was bought by Mr. VanderbiltIn 18S-6 from Mary H. Watts for &)2,~5j0.

The present sal* i-said to have been atabout ;sl2s,ooo, which would show a rise invalue of MS r«=r cent in twenty-liveyears.

A market Was found for the six storyapartment bouse, covering a plot 100x143feet, at the northwest corner of St. Nicho-las Terrace and 129th ?tf?^t. It is a blockto th«> south of the large grounds of theAcademy of the Sacred Heart.

This property was h<--;.i at $525.'V»>. jt IsUnderstood that the purchaser has givensome Manhattan real estate in part pay-mem \u25a0 \u25a0 .

The property is leased for a period ofthtrteen years to a 'restaurant concern, thusassuring the purchaser a fixed income forthat period, with possibilities of a larger

return at the expiration of the lease, asvalues in the pention are advancing rapidly.

A few blocks* to the south are the twoplots whicli Eugene Higgins leased for ex-ceptionally long term \u25a0 recently, one at

Mtli street, for a period of 900 years, andthe othT at :vth street; which was leasedfor '.<\u25a0>•.'\u25a0 years, th« longest on record.

Lower Broadway Purchase.Colonel John Jay sold the live story mer-

cantile building No. S7O Broadway, on lot25x150.2 feet, running through to Cortlandtalley, between Franklin and White streets.The buyer is understood to be a client ofa downtown firm. Th*-. property adjoiningon th«; north. V". 368. is to be fold at auc-tion on Thursday of this week by theBruce estate Eleanoi K. Jay holds titleto No. S7-). V -

Investors helped yesterday to enliven thereal estate market, r.n'.nnc the- transactions-in which they figured l«=inir two affecting

Broadway sites:Am all cash sale was made by K. II-L»ud-

low & Co. and Joseph M. Adrian. They

sold for E. Ritzf-ma Do Grove. Hugh T.Gcodwln and Theodore W. Sheridan, execu-tors of the estate ofGreenleaf K.Sheridan,

the southwfstorly corner of Broadway andlooth street, a plot fronting 40.S feet onBroadway by 217.4 feet on l<»Oth street, andcomprising over three lots on which thereis a t»<> story building leased for a term

of years on a net rental. The property

was bought by an investor •» ho 1? a <11pnt

\u25a0C Mr. Adrian, for all cash, free and clear.No mortgase is to be placed on it by thepurchaser. Th»> premises %\ ere lir*ld-at$:>\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0

RECORDED MORTGAGES.(With name and address of lender's attorney.)

Interest 5 per cent unless otherwise stated.DECEMBER 5.MANHATTAN..

BROADWAY. 11S2 and 11S4. fi sty brk .12 8*it»4.7x Irreg iprior nitsr $700,000); Dec 5: due Sept;22. I<»i2: «5 per cent; Century Holding Co toAugust Behnont: $150,000; attorney, Charles PDavlson, 60 Wall st

BROADWAY, n s, 200 ft c of Academy et,60x150; Dec 5: 3 yr*. « p.-r cent; John Dowd toEdward 1? Culc; 512.500; address, 301 Westteeth st.

BOWERY. 113 and 113H, 6 sty brk. 34x103.3;D<;c 2; S yrs. 4' p«>r cent: Meyer Goldstein andano to Mary C Archibald; $56,000; address, 4tiEast 42rl st.

HUDSON .ST, 503 to 507, 2\ 2 sty brk, 70 2xir;*-s; i» 111 (prior mtg $4<«.<>o<»); Dec 5; 1 vr. 6per cent: Greenwich Investing Co to Morris' BGoldberger; $3,000; address, 7 Ablngdon Square.

JOHN ST, s s, 40.11 ft w of Nassau st 2T»x«4.0 xineg; Pec 2; 3 yrs, 4'x per cent; S*tn STerry to trustees of Columbia College; $110 000-address, 63 Wall at.


RIVERSIDE DRIVE, n c cor 94th st, 70 ?.xirreg (prior mtx $300,000); Dec 5: instalments Cper cent; Welfare Realty and Construction Coto Jacob Busch: $I0.(M)0; addr»-s--. 1035 Faila st.

ST NICHOLAS AYE. c s. 36.2 ft n of Ifitithst, 54. 4x U-Tff; (prior mtg $18,000); Nov 2.V 1yr. 0 per cent: Henry A Passholz to Jacob Marx;$5,000; address, 170 Broadway.

WEST END AYE. c s. 43.2 ft 9 of 77th stI!>x Irreg-; Dec 3; due April •':. HMI: « per cent:

1Henrietta J Ermeman to Katharine it Bayno";$2,000; address, 54 West 11th st

WEST END AVB, s c cor 90th ft, 106.8x162.6;bldg loan; Dec 5; due Oct 1, 1920; 6 per cent'.')'\u25a0_ per cent and 5 per cent; 89-00 Co to Metro-politan Life Insurant** Co; $77Z».000; address, 1Ma<lison a\e.

WEST END AVK. n « cor K3th st 10O.«xir.0-bide loan: Dec .'.: Oct 1, 10207 6 per cent. .V, prrcent and 5 p<r cent; sam to s»iiir, $800,000; ad-dress, 1 Madison iv.

HillAYE, 635. 4 sty h>-k. 2.%x100 .prior rate$12,500): July 14. due as per bond: Dorothy midLionel Simmonda and Mary Kallnki to HannahKniiski; $2,000: attorney, Simon Ilasch, 34«Broadway.

1:th st, 231 and 233 East, 6 sty brk. 4Ox103.3 (prior >ntg $46.M0); V.v 1; rt yrs; MariaBerlinnt to Samuel November; $1".,5<>0; address,121 St Nicholas aye.

.'\u25a0IST ST. 525 to 527 Wo 5 cry brk. BOxiOO.B;Pec ;\u25a0,; due as per bond: Marks Levy to TitleGuarante* ami Trust Company; 2 mtgs «ach$li>,000; address. 176 Broadway.


SIOT .ST. n f, 105.3 ft s c of Second aye. 16.0 xB; I^ec 6; 3 > r«, 41:4 1:per cent. Theresa Bandersto German ings Bank; $.'t.:Vx»; address 1(K.»Ea«t 14th et.

".2D ST, 282 West, 3 Fty brk, 14xl00T.; Dec 3:p m. 2 yrs, Jessie E Sayder to Robert Krled-berg. adnir; $10,000; address, 108 West 118th ft.

73P FT, n p. 288 ft « of Park ay«. 24x102.2;Pec 6; H yrn; <")iarl<-i» Bendon Company to CharlesRembon and soo: $75,000; address, Southampton.N Y.


KKiTH ST 61 F.«6t. 5 sty brk, 24.6xt00.i1" p m(prior mtg $20,000*; Oct 5; dufl as per bond. DoraGoldf.'in to Abraham Unbhoff and no


address, 1523 Avenue A.lir.TH ST, n P. 108.10 ft » r,t Park ny«. 43.10?:

KH>.II<prlor mtg $37,500); Dec .«.. install H percent; Jannl* Mat?, to Jacob Buach; $lit,ooo ad-dress, 1035 Faile st.

...117TH ST. r x, 24 ft w of Lexington aye, 10 Sx100.11; NO* 28; 3 yr«, Msyer Goldb*rg andAbraham Greenberg to American Mortgage CO-55,5<10; address. 31 Nassau st.

USD ST. 218 and 220 East. f, sty brk, 50r100.11 (prior mtg 146.66*; Dec ft; 3 yrn. 6 parcent; Emil Reibstein and ano to Jacob K.arr>

<«"«>. address, 60 El.Jrtdge st." '

123 DST. 43 and 4'> Kant. 3 sty brk 17 6x100.11: Dec S; 5 yrs. 4'; per cent: Max K.>br*to Adam Wesp; |7 0.t.-.. address. 216] Bta a- •

18S8T ST. 103 West. 8 sty brk, IS.PxOO 11;rVec 8; due as p^r bond; Martin Vnbrioh toTitle <iuara!it6« and Trust Co; $9,000. address17.". Broadway, j ;;;.; f.'.^-

t?STH ST- « 8 475 ft n of Amsterdam ay«.

88; Howard C:•• Bherwaod to John IIBuacsr; q c;

Nov,3"; *1: address, -401 7th. aye.

CHiSRRI ST. 23. 4 sty brk. 2.*..1x«.*..3tCherry st. 29, 25x05x irre

-: Cherry st. 20 .and

2S»!i, 9.8x64; Peart it;::tu and »U\ 8«.»3illO.5»irrrg; Chester A Luff to Reversionary EstatesGb;"?b and r; 1-21' part; Juno 30; fI.l:3o;.address.Nyadi.-N Y. ;

-fiRKKXK-ST, w =. 24G..- ft n of Prince st.

36.0X100; .William It I. Bdwards to Ktagloc

Holding \u25a0 im'g: $50,000); Ca C. Nov **;\u25a0 $1;address, 50 William st.

HOt'STOS BT, 1."«» to 14.-. Bast ior>.2x irrrp:T*.ui* Minsk} to the Mlnsker Realty c ; 13parts (irjtgSs7s,ooo): Dec 3; ?10<>; address. -'mlClOrid??f st,

LEXINGTON AVP. . \u25a0 c cor of 77th st. 102.2*145;>LtH< Petlts Preres de Marie to the MaristBrothers." a' corporation; Airll 1!>. I9ffc SI. a<i-ilr"«fi. 2 Rector -I

LEXINGTON AVK. n r> for of 12*th st. 09.1tx::i>x itr.s: Horowltx rtrothfrs and ann to ICBatlMargaret eh; nil liens; Dec I;$1: address. 212Hast 7f>th s-t.

MADISON AVK. MS, 4 ct> Mi- 24.Rx100; 'lthst. 73 West, 4 sty brk. lfetlOO.8: Louisa 1. Lind-ley and Frederick V s <>o?by. trustees, to Alice• Doughty and others: 1-5 part each: lie.- 2: $1:address. Willlamsto«n v Maw. .{V.*>v

WEST END \VP* \u25a0- ? 4::. 2 ft sof 77th st. 10*irres: Kat<" M Y:\yr.-- ;.-, Henrietta .1 Knneman(mtg $22,000); l»-- .': ?1: address. 177 WestS7th st. 'J?--'v&

IST AVK, s f cor.of B8«h M. 100.11x103^ HenryA Winton lo Adtiie MiWtntOn: &-18 part. Nov29; $1; address. m West Buffalo St. Ithaca, NT.

2D avk. w f. 60.5 n iiof .'>()"' Rt^tSOxTO:

Meyer Goldberg er-al to Bernbard Kolb untg$S.:<W>; Nov 29; $25; address, S'i'4 2d aye.

3D AYE. 17«n. 5 sty brV. 86x83.9: MaryRubinstein t.i iTiern»r Epstein mite $23,500);Dec 3; 91; address; 1950.2daye.

3D AYE 21.".i! isty br* 25x100; Thomas FH^anlan to Robert P Bre^se; >"\u25a0•" US; '• and t;$1. address, 38 \u25a0".'•-• 234 st

7TH AYE, a* pot I!>th st. 40.10x100; WilliamJ Casey to John O'Connor; Dec •*• $100: address,1127 Park aye.

'Til AVK. 2551. 5 sty brk. n «i cor 12«lh st.?r.\i<Mi foreclosure; i.. \u25a0• r.. IftlO: James A l'ar-rell. ref. to Minnie SnenK: Dec 3; $500; address,62 West 107 th st.

13TH ST. 231 and 238 Ka«t. 6 sty brk. *0a103.3; Samuel November to Maria Berllant fmtg$40,000-: Nov 1: SI; address. 67 7th ft.


I4TIIST. 300 East, isty bik, 33x51.6: Louis\u25a0Minsk v to Mlnsker Realty Co; Ik part tuug$53,000.);; Dec 3; $100; address, 2Cf> Bldridfe st.

32D ST. 310 and SIC East. 0 sty brk. 4Ox9S ',<.Rosa Hertz to Sybil M Ray: all title untg $47,-750); July 30; $1: address, Brooklyn...2D (ST. 2TV3 West. 3 sty brk. 14x1«X'.5: RobertPridenbens to Isaac E Snyder <mtg (10.000);Dec 3; $22,099; address. 7 East 32d st.

52D ST. » -, 899 ft c of 11th are, 200 xirreg•to 51st si v 2ox irres; John 6 Dordan et a! tothe Dordan-Butler Realty Co tmtg $10S,4X>0);Nov 23; $100; address, I<jT! Park ay».

57TH ST. 522 to X'2H East, 4 sty brk. C2.«»xof. 4. Anna Westerkamp to Herman Lehman (tntg$26,000); Pc,- l:?i<y»: address. 111 West 137th st.

76TH ST. n b. 275 ft w of 3d aye, ?0x102.2;dorian Durant. General Superieur i:»es Frerea DeMarie, to the Zvlarist Brothers; April9, lf<Cu"»; $1.

7fiTH BT, n ? 325 ft w of 3d aye: PeritsYt-t« de Marie to the MariPt Brothers; April10, 1906; $45,000: address, 2 Rector st.

SBTH ST, 165 West. 3 sty brk, 16x100.11;Cecelia Marklin et a! to Nellie Macklin; o c;Dec 1; SI.

SAME PROPERTY: Nelson Smith, xr. tosame; Dec 1; ?l>,r<X>: address, 16S West SSth St.

f>4TH ST. 17!- East. 3 sty brk, lS.0xlOO.8:Joseph Hattenbacta to Abraham Hattenbach; allliens; No- 28; $100; address, 372 T-d st, Brook-lyn.

fl>>TH ST, Si West. 4 sty brk. 19x100.11; IsaacFriendenlieit and ano to Fanny Fricndenheit;Mar 5, ll>oS tmtg- $10,000); $100.

SAME PROPERTY: Fanny Friendenheit toIsaac Frier,,; (mtg $10,000); March 5, 190S;$100: address, 23 West 86th St.

102DST. a 8. 2W ft w of West End aye. stripruns s l'Vt.llx «\u25a0 0-2 x 1jno.11 to st x w 0.2 tobeg; David r> Brown to the Rockledge Construc-tion Co; Nov 25; q c; SI; address, 41 West33d st.

106TH ST, til East. 5 sty brlc. 24.6^100; Abra-ham L'ebhoff et: a! to Dora Goldfein <mig$23,000); Dec 5; 5100; address. 78 East 111th st.

117TH ST, s. 24 ft wof Lexington aye, 16.2xlOO.5; Emma A Kolb to Meyer Goldberg andAbraham Greenberg; Nov 2S; $100; address, 31Nassau st. ; .

SAM?; PROPERTY. John S Myers, adm. tosame; q e;'Dec 3; £25; address, same as above.

142DST. 131 West. 6 sty brk. 40xf.11: SimonTJtalfeMer et si to Fanny Heilbrunn; Nov 20;$100; address, 12 < West 142<1 st

. . THE BRONX.DECATUR AYE, 3148. 338.6 ft S of 205th st,

2.")x112x irres; Frederick Hasler to Ottilie. Zal-kin.i (itit? $7. •"><»>: Not If;SI; address, 890 Ir-vine st.

GARDEN ST. n s, 290.2 ft w of SouthernBoulevard. 25x100; Charles I. Kril to Winfield5 Taylor (tntp $6,500); Nov 25; $1; address, 1303Fulton aye.

GRANT AYE. n a cor M&th st. 32x102.8;Henry Traurig to Esther Weinberger and ano;Au? "7 190&; $1; address, cor Grant aye. and165 th st.

INDEPENDENCE WE, s s. inclosed at s Bland of Austin» D E-*\<=-n. begins 122.5 ft c ofIndependence aye, present line, runs s along- c sold Independence ay- 76.9 to land Emma MRadley x a 51.1 to land John A Berrian x nand parallel with Bpoyten Puyvil Parkway 75.2x w 40.2 to beg:; John A Berrian to Emma MRadley; Dec 2; $100; address. 230 th et andIndependence aye, Spuyten Dnyvii.

LOT 15. map 473 lots, Haight estate. West-chesier; Reg-«nt Realty Co to Teresa". M Man-gin; all liens; Deo 1; $100; address, 4(.9 East14.'.th st.

LOTS 32 and 33, parcel s*. map subdivisionestate William B <>traen. at HlfrhbrMge: fore-.'loeiire N..v 10 1010; i;fPrgo \\~ Collins, John V Kais-r; Deo 2; J5.000; address,s c cor Villa st and Westchester

YON HTMBOL,BTAYE. w s. 10«>x|fHV Michael,T Murray to th» Church of St Margaret; Deo 3;$100; address. RlTerdale. N. Y.

WEBSTER AYE. 11 \v cor 17sth st. SS.VxSSxiTeg: Morris Shoenthal to Newman Pubs (mtg$25,000): Dec 16, 1808; $100; address, 1225 4%thfri. Brooklyn.

3D AVK. w s at s ? Jot|l99, map of CentralMorrisania, li;ft.sx2sx irreg; de^i of trust;Henrietta E Tlsdal^- to Titl» Guarantee andTrust Co. in trust; May 14. 1007; $1; address,17*. Broadway.

136T11 ST, 4.v- East, 25x100; William OSevecke to Emma Sevecke fmtg $6,500); :--right, title and interest; N..\ 3; $1; address".45S East 136th St.

140 TH .ST. 11 s. 164.3 ft w of Harlem River6 Porteheuter Railroad Co. 82.2x9&6; thoPort Morris I.and an I Im!jroveia<»nt Co toJohn H Syrrjmers; b and s and c a. g; Nov 2S-$100; address, 2556 Brlggs aye.

147 TH st. s p. 275 ft •\u25a0 of former Prospectst. now dosed. 50x160: Dennis .) and LouiseX Hlckey to Alice J Hickey fmtg $2.000);$8,000-address, IMS Main St. Newark. N" J.

1..15T ST. s s, 220..". ft c of Morris aye. 24.6xllif.6; Louise Schmitt to Anna A Oberio*'i part time $5,000): l>ec 3: fl; addres-s, I'SSEast 151st st.

RECORDED LEASES.(With name and addreas of lessee.)

DECEMBER 5.CLINTON AYE, c .-. 183.2 ft n of McKlnley

sq; runs s c 113.2s n c ">x s -> Mto m a Bostonrd x c- along »sai.i road 28s n w r.2.\ n c 45x n w121.9 to o « <:iinton aye x 102 to beajnTiing: allnew buildings to be erected: William H WeiP-sacer to sanra<>.] a Cunningham: 10 yra fromAug i. 1P11: 10 jtb renewal at #22..>i0. *20.«««<>:address. Britton Hall, Broadway and S6th ft.

JAMES ST. 73 to 79, s w cor Oak st, JohnPalmiere tr. Catartna Sciallis; ."\u25a0> >rs from Jan 1.1011; fS,o-f>; address. 7:t James St.. :.. ;;:,

LEXINGTON AYE, 10&0. n w cor 76th st:Augusta l.indtman to <'h;irle II nt.«-rgor; 5yr« from Sept 1'» 1910; ?7W'; >?<)!reh6, 301 East51ft- st.

PRINCE ST. 131 to 13.1. Kb loft; Annie. Rrandtto Abraham Spin, and an..; 1 jr from Nov 1.1911. fl,&00; address. 13S n«st 117 th ft.

THIRD AVI". !"«.'<, n store; i'Ti<»ner Bpateln tr,

Osher Rut^nst^ln: 3 yrs from Jan 1. 1011; $890;address. 1719 Third aye.

NINTH AYE, tils to 620; Albert J Adams toHerman T« schmacher; 15 yrs from Auk 1, 1005;$4,<Xio; address, 620 Ninth aye.

4TH HT. 74 Bast, store; Malka. Marder toNew Syetem Napkin and Towel Supply andSteam Laundry <Company . 3 vrs from Kept 1.1910; $;.«2", address. 74 Kf>!»t 4th ft

4TH ST. 165 Bast, store, basement and.threnroams on (>econd floor; Michael Handsea to JohnBodJT-r: 3 m from It.lI, 1910; $W0; address,165 East 4th st.

2*TH ST. 11l to 113 West. 42.10x£5.&; EllenDunne to John B Nicolas; -'1 vr from May 1,l&ll;"$4,250 to $8,000; address. 37 East 421 «t.

.',2 D t=T. 136 to 14H West. 7th loft: Frank MRandall to Trier & Uer(rrie!>i: « yrs

-mo* from

March 1, 1911; f1,250; address. IM West Md fct.

RECORDED TRANSFERS.rWita name and address of purchaser.!


AVENUE D. 107 and 300, 6 sty brk, s w corof Sth et, »30x.V. nachel Shapiro to Ousel* Ber-Biaaaqr (mtg |t>2,.'.00. no--- 23; ?1«X); address, 112West 110th st.

AMSTERDAM A"1"": *"'COT Of 123 st 100x

By Joseph P. Day.

6TH AYE, 2153, n w cor of 126 th st, 2."xlof>;5 sty ter.iiit and stores; leasehold; sold to theplaintiff for .<o<«'.

I,'IST ST. s f. 100 ft v of "th aye. 75x09.11;vacant; adjourned .to pec 19.

139 TH ST. n *, 14." ft w nT sth aye, 100 x1P9..">« to 140th st x.'»ux Irreg; vacant! sold to theplaintiff fur $41,000.

By Daniel Greenwald.2r> AYE. 22fi."!. w s. 25.7 ft n of 113th Pt. 25r

140; 5 sty t>-'-;nt; sold to James C Tassett for$2<J<).

I>>TH ST, 272. b B, 300 ft c of Ist aye. Cox90.7; 4 sty tentat; adjourned sine die.

IN THE AUCTION MARKET.The following real estate sales were re-

corded yesterday at the rReal E.state Ex-change salesroom. Xos. 14 and IS Veseystreet : - ....



have sold for Lowenfeld & Prae:°r to MicheleBrigant^ th« vacant plot at the southwesterly

corner of Mulberry and Delancey streets. Theproperty -p-ill be Improved with a tenemtnthouse with stores. This i? th» property re-cently reported so!-? by AViUiam Gullery.


Colonel John Jay sold th?five Btorj" mercantile building-. No. 370 Broad-way, on a lot 25x130.2 feet.


E H. \u25a0Ladlo^i Si Co. and Jo-seph M. Adrian cold fir the Greenleat K.Sheridan estate a plot -t<>.£v.>i7.4 feet at thesouthwest corner of 100 th street and Broad-way to an investor


have sold for the estate of Eliza A. Banta.No.

°: Stnyvesant street, the three storydwelling house on a lot 16i59jC»2.Sx irregular.


11. C. Senior ft Co. have soldor the Municipal Realty Corporation (Max-well S. Marines and Alfred M. Rau) Nos. U(>.14> and 150 West <".:;d street, a plot 73x100f^et. This is the property purchased by theMunicipal Realtji '"oruoration from the NewVi-.rk }>•->"•«'a Episcopal City Home Mis-sionary Society some months ago. - -

ST. NICHOLAS TERRACE—A. Blum<=nthalhas sold for the Central Building, Improve-ment and Investment Company the northwestcorner of St. Nicholas terrace and 12f'th street.a six stoiy elevator apartment house, on plot100v14.'5 fe«t. Th« property was held at

_\u25a0:,. >\u25a0\u25a0,!-. It is .ip. of a group of houseserected at this point by the selling company.

COLUMBUS AVEXUE—Charles P. Kohlerand H'igri-»»». Wetmore & Van Winkle haveft.-il<s for Ada M. Ramos and others the fivestory triple flathouse No. «71 Columbus ave-nue, on lot 23x100 feet; to the Flow RealtyCompany, Henry I*Wolff, president.


Horace S. Ely A: Co. andthe Taylor-Sherman Company have sold forSusan W. peguin No. 47 West 6©th street, afour story brownstone dwelling house on lotlo.4xlo°.r> f«*«t, Columbia "'Allege leaselio!.]The buyer is a physician, ho will occupythe house,

MAIMSON AVENUE -Prase & Elliman haresold for ,T. D. Playback No. 41t> Madison av»-nii» a four story dwelling house, on lot 24.5 x95 feet,:between 4Sth and 49th streets.


C. Flanagan &Co. have sold for T. J. Brady No. 21!« WestISPth street, a four story dwelling house onplot 52.6x99.1l feet. It is one. of th« Kingmodel row. '

\u25a0 ,,>OTH STREET— Elizabeth' Viau ha* sold No.

307 West 50th street, a three story dwellinghouse on lot lt>.Cxloo.s feet.

118 TH STREET— AdoIph Ilumpfner in con-Junction with Mr. Erokmann. of the Ems RealtyRnd Construction Company, ha« Fold the efx andone-half-story and semi -fireproof apartmentnotice, with stores. No. .'544 Bast, Jlßth *tre*t, fora client, to the r>orey Realty and ConstructionCompany. for an investment.


—S. Cowen lias so!.]

the five story flathouse, with stores, at th«F"outheast corner of Prospect avenue and 150 thetreet, to the Broad Realty Company.

GARRISON AVENUE- S. Cowen has soldth" p!"t. 50x100 feet, on the south side ofGarrison avenue, ."0 feet oast of Bryant ave-nue, to a. client for immediate improvement.


S. Cowen has sold No.881 Irvine street, a. two family brick house,to 1. Miller; also to J. Goldberg No. SSS Tr-'.;:•- Street, a similar house, and No. £S2Irvine stre.-t, a two family dwelling houso, forA. Lowery.

GILBERT PLACE— Cowen has sold to A.Adams Nos. 1215 and 1217 Gilbert place, twotwo family brick dwelling houses.

ISr.TH STREET—Sterling Sterling hasbought from Mary A. Daraon and others No.r,^ East street, a three story dwellinghouse, on lot 15x100 feet. This is the thirdhouse in this row sold by Mr. Sterling re-cently.

BROOKLYN" SALES.Aa.'.pl. Humpfner in. conjunction with Mr.

Erckmann has sold for the Dorey Realty andConstruction Company tn« two-family house. No.23fi 3oth str*<:t, adjoining the southwest cornerTilden avenue and East 35th street, Brooklyn.This is one of the two-family high class modernhouses newly completed in this fast growingsection, and this completes the, sale of forty-elgtit houses, comprising a block front, and hasbeen purchased for an investment an.l will beoccupied by the owner.

Mr. Humpfner ha.- sold for the Charles J.Gdnticr Company the three-story brick apart-ment house, with stores. No. !7?o 74th street,comer Seventeenth avenue. Brooklyn, known asThe Ideal, to a client lor Investment. Therehave been more than 200 houses erected in thisvicinity. Adjoining the property a church is tobe erected.


Charles Sooysmitb is the buyer of No U\u25a0\v^«t 57th street, sold recentl3 by Henry DWinans &May for Prank W. Savin

REALTY NOTES. .E. H. LAidlow & Co. were associated with

Collins &Rowe in the recently reported sale

of No. 120 Mulberry street, and the? have

resold the property to an investor.

PLAN HOUSE FOR BACHELORS.William P. Hennessey has sold for Mar-

garet [a Jaeger Xo.=. iO»> and 168 West 13thstreet, two three story dwellings, on plot

40x103.3, near Sixth avenue. The buyer is aMr. Feinb<-rg. who will erect an eight story

fireproof bachelor apartment boose.»


"Wortningtoh VThitehouse has leased to J.

Uurrns -Van Aim for Mrs. George M.Cnramina; her country estate at Irvlnaton.N. Y. Th« property Is on the 'west side of

Broadway :m<i . .>n.*iptc of a mo«lern Colo-

nial dwelling, with stable* and outbuildings".


Peas'* & BlWxnan have been appointedrenting agents for the twelve story", co-operative apartment house at No. 471 Parkavenue, southeast corner of ">St)i street, of

which Harold de Raaslotf is presidents


Cornelius <;. Kolff ha? sold for GraciaTades a to M. Fuller a plot. 40x100 feet, atthe southeast corner of Cedar and Mad-ison avenues] Vrrochar, Staten Island.

the aid of diagrams; and others qualifiedto talk on the problem will present theirviews.




Property Which Has a Frontage of Over 200 Feet in 100th StreetIs "Free and Clear."


Two of the Secret Sen ice men had been:fchitdovrinpr them \u25a0»ith the knowledge of Lo-<Ibao, and while one kept watch on Lochinothe other saw BbbcbilbJ enter the groceryttore. kept by Dsaseates Melon! and conversexrith


ATi! ;and Antonio OcalS. -who is

now serving a lon^ term at Atlanta withJ-upo. '"the Wolf." and pfsrsllni. "the Gray

*3"0x." yho were tba leaders of the gang.

"Lochino also testified, and be was borne*i;tIn (Ms by Chief Price, of }'iTi?i<->n. thathe had. in October, at Scranton. on the dic-tfJon of Captain Flynn. written a letter to

Oius-epre Mont:, and Captain Flynn had

Inclosed SSO cash, with a request that two

ftalcll \u25a0 Of bill? be semi along. Th© letter

T/as registered by Chief I*rice and Districtautoroej omrspio. Th" replies were, re-c^Jyed by Lochino end handed over to the.

Antonio Oomite. \u25a0"\u25a0' Calabriaa printer•r.. schoolmaster, who wa« the ge'ern-

Tn*ritTftar witness asjahtct LApo. More.Ho(t.. others convicted last sprinsr. alsotuni'-J xip ie*terday and identified the

three defendant? v members of the. gang

-h held him. a prisoner at Highland, X.•c. and forced \u25a0"\u25a0 to print the counterfeitSTion*v tot them. . Luciano Madd'. who wasIndicted vrttlt th* thre^ on trial, did noteryear. snd his bail was forfeited

Loclilno, who hails from Plttston, Perm..testified that on three occasions he met\u25a0Masatjl at .a place in Elizabeth street,

«nd on payment of ?1S and $20. furnishedby. Captain Flynn, then at the head of the

IPocret Service here, had received $."-0 worthof. counterfeit $5 bills. lie had gone twice,

>i«= Mid. to 9Pth street and Third avenue'»rtth Baßoartai. and the latter, after be-&ng al/sent a 'short time, had turned with

\u25a0fcotmterfeit. money.

Witness Gives Alleged Counter-pS* feiters a Surprise.

\u25a0 .......Giuseppe Monti, alias "Joe" Boscarinl,

*TiO is on trial with Domenlco Melonl andjCSlusrppe Arniato. alleged members of the;Xicpo-More"»lo counterfeiting gang, got a big

surprise yesterday when a young Italian'tiamed Lochino. who was called to testify.

<*\u0084 I: •. that he was employed by theVrt- \u25a0. States Secret Service to buy "green

B-cods" from BQscarinf.



Ti.r. TViliia^n '. >:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••-'\u25a0. jr.. owned in


>!•.. i> \u25a0 Me: four-master. She lefts<ir-g ;Penry, Fla_ SB November La, v ithlumber for New York. Sl*! had bad weather

«nd \u25a0 Mm one hundred miles off hercourse. At Ia. m. on November 23 she -wasliit by. the Kok*by aft of amidships:, and

ifilkd rapidly. No one was injured, but Thetchooner was. Lopelessly smashed. TheJgtiiou .- task *Hhands aboard.

Captain Hlnckley and George Duntch.the • Bret mate, were on deck when the

crash came. The. former rushed to his*«Ife,but found that "Old Aleck,** the cook,

Jiad hopped to her assistance on one log.

The skipper fnt the cook to the galleyto. find his wooden helper, and later, when

lie found it under the heap of galley dishes,Bllie returned to Jlr«. Bladder on two legs

H»r T"J i*':"*-!her. while her husband helped

HP' f Flip Bis members of the crew came"^I.Neii Tork withRobinson yesterday.

JJfegro Cook Crippled When ShipHit. Schooner.

,-... the norninp of November 25, some

\u2666hre« haic£red miles east of Bermuda, the

SrJtirh eteamer/ Rofceby rasfoed into the

»"ho- c' "".Vil'ism E Bowen, jr., andj.-r>r.,ry- over a ;.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 of -\u25a0\u25a0--•>. the piecescovering the \u25a0 \u25a0-.--' lee \u25a0'\u25a0' the ttofero cook.»r>vc •\u25a0\u25a0•-:- n'.'t th*- only damage, but It ""as

important' that the rook Efaould look after

the Ekipperjs ii-..- and this he \u25a0••";!\u25a0"] notco until he could 'ml his wooden leg

Ai«->fliv-]<=T Robinson is the name of th««*ook. and he Is \u25a0'\u25a0>'\u25a0 yearn old. lie camejt-r.- .-<•rrday on the steamship Bemm-riia'-, from Uern->>j<3a. where \u2666!•.•=\u25a0 Rokeby

3 ad land* I tlhe Fkipper. of the schooner,Jiisir.lfe.and the < re»


- v :" which**•

been £iven to him only a short time t»W

Frank Mc?orley. fifty-five years old. «•»mined suicide yesterday afternoon to

room in one of the dormitories of \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0*

hattan State Hospital on Ward's M*l

The man was committed to the institJ»

from the psychopathic ward of Be»a»

Hospital, where he gave his address as V

73 West 4Tth street."** «** b£«,<s

Mrs. Catherine Starr, lived at No a**B*avenue, The othpr Inmate of fie t-vmi^miin"d In his chair and say- no *<*••


The children arc expected br the- prose-

cution to testify that several days *•*\u25a0*the crime Roth threatened to kill Ba»

mother. The defence, however, contra*that the Yiddish word -which the «M*»say their father u^e.l i=> one that is liter-ally translated as "kill"in English. test*

u-*d a*, part of an East ?id« vernacslras a synonym of the word "chastise.

Roth's defence is that be -was merely «*W

ins his wife when the prosecution <I*cla»he threatened to XIIIher