new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1869-11-11 [p 3]. · 2017-12-18 · local miscellany. laying» a...

LOCAL MISCELLANY. LAYING» A COKXKR-ST« Tilt NEW 8T. JOIIN'h CHURCH AT Cl.l STATIC-. LSI.AND. The corncr-stoDt« t»f tho new St. JoliiiVcluin-íi, «t Cllftou, 8. 1., was laid yesterday by Itishop I'otter with appropriate ceremonies. Quite a number of iiroiuiueut igymen were present, among «thorn were Hi. hop yiiiitard of Tonnessoe, the llev. Iir. Totter of (Iraee I'hurch, the IU D_ Ogllby of Trinity, the Rev l»r At»-n-ioii»Iu» <f Hal.wat N J , muí tha Ilev Iir. t.od- lanl. formerly BeeSoro. the Church. Th« rerelae« were .illume [_ved at I p. in, and were of a veit u.terestlrg .hiraetrr. A large cooeimrae of the parihinonersand in¬ vited guests assembled at the place where the (ton. - laid, nearly opposite tiie srte of the old church. 1'p- e Itself appear« In gilt letters Lhe w«rds, "St. .lohn'* Church. <lif:)ii. B. I" Coder it, .«t »ni., .- 'I'h. -ion« of ti.«bi_rah m laid Sent 1_, lm;i " At the Other the wont- -ruei-stone of lb« it« <-<>iul I «as luitl N The stone upon wbluh tbli rested bore the passssre : ".Über feundat-Ofl .an no man la) than that which luid, »".en .1«- I'tie Ki i Dr. 1 «¦« leston, the pre«. :.t pustoi ol th« church, re__i » paPS* SteHBg briefly the hi»torv «it the h ap to the present time. Bishop Potter mini« .. « plgaSBl reBisrks iiidieative of t'.»» gratlfleatlon move- ma)««-, which be bad eatteipated for s_an_ year«, was atuynt to lie eoDsmomated. The Itev, Dr. Ooddard, a (ottaar raster of tbe «bersb, thee made a brief ad¬ ln which he recalled the time when be delivered lbs ud- ares» at the living of the cortier-»?nnc of Hit flirt church, tw«ut> »ix year« uno, which was laid by the lie v. Dr. Moore. 1 he lii'.il leio-iike wen made liy the lU-v. Iir. Abereroliibie, who «eld that the building of the new fluí: ut. iu e of in« ir prosporMJ aud told that bin! had blessed them with rcsourci:». m> tout they COUld _o more for the service of His iihiiu At IBS eon- finsion of ih » the gue.ts repelled to the lecture room of tbe church, where th. y partook »f a bountiful collation, aud spent the remainder of tin .- of nie new church IpU ati «1 (»othic of the 14th century, the form 0j ; iiiteeture wlueli ltouriHlieri during .rd III., and .n which ao niant of the ill parish ehiircbeo of Ruglaud wet«- originally ructure, though «mall compared ui«;iv others in n,e Dloeese, u verj perfect, It will bo »ubolaiitially built. lb« walls of a light i gran¬ ite frow l «. im near tb« mouth of »he Coimm-etlcui ¡User, lings Will iieof Belleville »tone I. OUI u.. k.N.J. 'lhe strut ture will be cruciform, of »navewith north ami tontta -.,,. together 50 by » "t feet, north ami south train»-pt« eith aish s each 31 by .'.«» i«-ei, having m«- sacris- :i »id.uf th. eliuri h. and an orta-.i eliamti« r on the south »nie. of tbe BBine general dlmoatloee. At uf the ariiu. i.t tbe oross there will be a rsed-tewet f- t aneare externally, and ririnc «.: tbe lower roof« 7m feet to "leint"..!, and crow ind with a spire 150 feet Ifl (ht nom tbsground. The shaaeel will emend ea.t- « «ni Ir« bi ti.« lower, upon which it osens by a b_-d and il.-epiy-ii» lile.I srch, it* interior dlmeusiona to let*-. A aerel «i opea tiiuiKT and panel-work will occupy aveon tn. south side. The church l,oui ..Mi persons, und the cost, which ut, win be defrayed entirely by tributlons of the parish, ibe whole Into- n,. healed by steam, aud venu- feted tj with the bealiug apparatus. «\i:k.~ Of EMIOSATIO-I At the -B-S-tiog of tllP Ci»iritlli«*.*i«>Ii<-i* of Em¬ igration yesterday, the report of the Comnuttee on .'. I.iandwa* read, recommending that ïh.ii.r. u.g Day u- sbserfed by beldlag divine ama _s tin- riiap- en Wan!'» I*i'l that a Thauksgi«. lag dinnor _. m ven tbe lumstea of tbs Institut! Ulf sülaties of tbe utticer» of Ward's Steward, fi. 1.1; baker, » 1 two matron». tiO to * ir«e, 11. loll. per mouth--. take t from the l»t :n*t. Tbe report was adopted, ..- ibe lefwrt ot tiie Comaaltteeoa astis < ..irden, »im h sss» botlli ". railroad a^« ucy sommunl- tal. lo !.. tbs n.un« Bild occupation of « r y persea in ;r employment, und thai no perses be ndautted hereafter lo ».»»;.». (larden nulcss »«. I oil the A», lum buililin«. ou Ward's d to let- eo'imi.ii.e.l foiihmih, according te a repast ef tbe Commitsee ; It is also in »uto >r. cl e gas-woru and. Misera. Smith «V k.-tpp ¦.ppoiiiteU e t oiumitu-e loluqulre Into lbs cl - for supplie« ibe pH»t tea«"- Th« following rommuui- I wa» tlwii ni aiul referred f nu,» p»r-.i, »rr.- tb»ir «»«e tn a«,r..«.. Itlo ('MII'T >'. ..S.,. »-... ».'..'.. n va» »ia Bu:. .in loi.«.« ? ». «ae» Pie»e tl imainc «¦ I'.' ht« -a ru « r.t«», i.e»i_..«, »tari» _.ui,,« t.» ,),-taic. Vtramm .e. br r._-> r- fur 1 rai. rtirat tari» Pin .a , >,t tue aai. -:?.!_ > . in« ..a .ta a»» tl»» ». e un »î eu in«, (.er, lu«», ibt.i ti. ««',« tt.«t ..'t in% ¦ Jos.x t, tt «i-»», Aieot. ,,e consideration was bestowed on a pr.,p..ved r. >.f for regulating tbe payment of intlennlv for .OUI m «.tlur eountlt» ot tu«: Mute, u thaï an .. e year fr« ¡¡ >h.. il bat aïo claim ou bebalf of auj poor p< Tu.y ul».o |,|i. vid<- that the value of a pati|K-r Btlgr.l'a labor, when eue my Inatltutioa of the state, »hall be allowed |a tue claim prewnted, which wan not tin caee eeaelMaly. Number of emigrant« arrived dar- .: up to yeaterdsj |a_n»i i.t.i»67 to *--....' t¡m», Mix».!' so; k-at n | m the treason. I- _______ TRIP til- Till: BTBAHn 1). C. IIA^kin- Abmit six yenrs .§. Ctininititlon« Vutidetliilt built tbe »teambout (incut to run iu opposition to t lu .N.-w Haven i^ulroad Compauy because he held .. mount of the fechtiyler sto« k w 1. leb tl I Hail- Company refused to redeem. Fiudmg th_. Co m u - actually la earnest about tbe op] lion, the Compauy look up tin- stork ami the Oriei laid up. M « feet In am. and 11 feet depth of hold, and measured !... ISJM t*i.e had two i)«)ilet» »ml a beam englua w t-t Under and 13 feet strobe ol piston, and 30 feet paddle ..¡.out her i" . has lain idle ab. seed bj tbe < .«iiforiiia and Pael-W Compaey for u*»- on the I ef California. It Is said tbat abe wa .1 for r M have ireen expended upon her. and » So will be expended open brr befim * commanded by < ap man« who rendered hitnselt fatneua by ). at lug N>-. «un a .loi.ti «.i« I'Oiiiu me _tcamer_iew \v«.¡)d, took out to San Prauciaco, leaving tbs .hertS to find ins way balk lo the «Ht on a pilot boat. Tbo. D C. Ilasblos, aa tbe now emeu, will leave «a a day or two for! ieo, tonchtag at various .eats at Mouth Amertea, via tue Htraits of Mami¬ la. Il« r trial trip >».»!. '..i tlic ]>ur|K_m uf ti-Hiiiig her maiiiiii« iy and aacertarnlngIf bII tier equip- u.ent« w.i. umph '¡..m ( en,mo 1 t. \ .tiiil.-i : ii.-en placed in the liubl iitd her kadi has been atreugti., 'lili. .1111:1. AM. I.AII.KOAD. I lu llacHtaldail af UM Timd-ave. Iiailruatl held th« lr annual meeting yesterday in tb.-ir pail.r»ut d. pot. After partaking of a bounteous eollaUou piep.ired by William Hundley, the steward of the Cotn- paajr. tba iu_el.n_r wa«ealllNl lo order, ami Mr ileiut i_. K. uiK.-ii to the chair. The I'r« *;dciil'e .iiiuu.l re port w resit by Charle» ti. Arthur, tbe hecr.-taiy. In tbs rwport rum c.«i pa»»< tbowa to kt it«, v.. The Couip i.*», bessea, h.i\e rua l.U regular ear» und M otras, making each STI trip« betee .*.xi«i-nftti-»t., an«l stvtrinafJtoni Harlem. Car» «re run ftotu v.iriiviiie, at Ninety iiceiid «t., for SBpetlal ac- t oii.iiiixiaii.iii of Vnrbvilla people, it ares sbos calculation on the iiroUl» Ot the year, tbat It MM >ne and eight-linlb- ot a cent lo cat r\ enger. Bo tbat tbe prefiii iceulel the larll Uni on the pasBengen. The Cuaanany u allowed us « «-ut« iu gold tor ea.u paaaaaaer, and, with tbe m on gold, lhe ('..nip.. tb« actual amount ahirb '.hey might exact. Tbe annual elect loi in the follow mg t.iK.t: Bobert Í aident i m. ib amen, Joun 1_. Oett, Tl.ami ion, t-operm- li'lent. I Ol .., ». V. IU...IU H, III- ».n, Wm. A iiariintr. Henry u Ecnwcii, Henry Hart, Wilson c. Hiuit. Maitby (.. I_iiie, p. u-r McMar- n.Joba B. Hobby. W.lliaui J. ValcnlUi«, f»>ivaiiu.. .«-. Hiker, *,l TSeteS K. t oiiiat.Hk, Wm M I«, ) lii-|..clor» of Li..tlou-J. Ja Wollll. K '^- i'al.n g, J Till. RBI OOMMII At flic MMtlng <»i tlit lioaitl ol Fife Com- miMioners yesterday . Uommlttei ' paying van..ii» bills, amotiiitmglu the ag.r. gate tt, f 14.T11 :«. Th« ( omin.i ' i ir.iiitll.le« *o.ill.on, !. u ol a number of |tera« adul- teratedbaroeenaell Uni semleBlonerMcLean U wai i. . ins.nietioi. id the ' il,e li> D ol the i'ie» dcl.t «f the .«I that officer« of all gradea he required to at¬ tend when diro-ted, utile.* prevented ly suk i>cr...rmancc <>t hro duty transmitted :t for ibe i_-r, from vtbii-i. it aamearatbat tl number of brea »a« 73, tbe estimatod i»I lhe_egi-W64 wereconllni-U to ot,« | tend. «I to othM p-lrul dlarovet-d M tli II, and by . «,_ tn.- alarm», were «rut hv tekegrapb, «nd M w<«re »ml um bei ol I- !. r.ibiy Camnged uf tirr« BlMngUMbed aithnut ai. alai m wert-.m, uipaiu. -, 17: bv inilit ni ,i.. :». tc, by cltisens, i.A. -. >: from Mr. li <.. "f tin iud, ackuu ¦« th. « oiilllbUtiaVl« Of II,' n.- MI. IVDH.I.M. kl l-ll'l.l ___fO ' in. x m i uutUij,; Liu- J».«.i:.i « it .< t> .o: the i.' i.t t of the uplureil and < rippled, .lohu C i ,v .i.« ..til« «-, Na PI lb« following je»! I v ». ív.iil l..'.4_ putlt u>» oI Hi an.i h umber caaes tr.'itteil _<_ ;,ll of allied iu ui« era TT-Hored to the patient the ability tat labor; 113 lisae« aer«' »pin»l dises«»», SB Inp-disesas. 60rl«ib fe«t, M tnfan- t.g: paralysis, 3* wniti swi Mag, Tho rvinajuiüg 823 re females treq'iirliig siii'portlni.' bandai***, and chililr-eu l'iuv-|i';"."tl, kins k kneed, stirt with similar ail- Nllie I. lbs of ul! the cases reipured a-f tlieir trcstliient «iinri. it-iiu-i bsufeal ¡ipplt-ince». which were si.pp.i. o and alto kepi m repair, and leas than on» eWatrtb >iti|i,iv tne actual «f tkeir apparat aa. tvery applicant unable to pay wa» »uppli«id, ami pin . iule:..| ne«' if i-h.iit.'»-. T" loset Uli» .rreat iiierea»»» of expenditiire tin- collections for curr«-iit expenses have n ny no menus RaalQRaSa, i«nd s ron» aldersble rriMuI la yet rrqtitred i" furnish the new hospl'tl, whit h building n«*arly completed, otl the cor ner of Lexington arts sad bony-sec«.u«i-»t , «-here a large uuinbei en will be received for trcut ui( nt ; ami tor a United nuuiN r ef thost» Hblo to pay, Btlltubie aic..i:,ii,.i'i..!iiU.r SIR I" tU| pinvitit-d. on \Ti'>.\ or tut: fik-t BOCTa \|;ril.IN \ Vi»l I'.MI I H A nitctiiir-' of tho oftlcors of the 88d I.. ;_-i- men! I .*. « i roops (formerly ist Sontb «Carolina lav> te«rs), wa» held at the Aitor Hoiim« jcMerday uftcruoon. There wa* a good atlentlaiice, ami un associa'. on wa» or- gnuir.« tl. He liib-i i «if ubieh, ¡is set forth In the Constitu¬ tion, is to iM-rj't tunte the as»oeiation of mi.'itai v servie«-, ami secure intittial sympathy ai,il aid hereafter. Any honorably din 'barged oßleer or »uldur ef the regiment may bi-coiui- a ineu.lK'i iipii.i appUoatlea to tbe beere- iiid tin- pnj ti.tuit of an nduils-u>n fee of |'j eacb. '1 lie li-t of oIh. err elttrtad for the ensuing y ear Is ns fol¬ lows: President/- T W UlRariiiaoii. .Nc»poit. Vita« l'resi-« C I. Tr.ivrbiitiire, Rrooklytl. H. Y Secretary nnd 'lrcasuier-J W. Belvage, Pionkiyn, N. Y. fc.x»-cntivc Commutée -I-' B. Goedncb, Troy, IN. Y.: M. G. PRrRer, l«jliuubia, H. ('.; J. i. Ktijri i-m, Worcester. Mu*« Ike fol¬ lowing resolutions w< r«- aaaalaweaeli sdepted; Hrm.litd. ftr||.,w wimitiar» nf tbr mu » re.n e, « » a.i'l ctirirlvrl of ti* .iri'uituuit to «iprraatiar fi'i.ii. 1er all !l-a<itl tarn- ratls«. ii'i! otir rra.-iart f..r Ihr tnrini.r» r.f Ii s «S. iRRNaVtS, TL.i ll.r «tr.r-rri of llir'Assoclilioii 1m» »»riirw It» nucn ri.miniiiiriti.ii will prtHBiantaflrtnaf rt,|..rnl tro.pi tbn»B«liuut lit« c.mnlr» with rrftrrte» to t «SaSBal »rr»r>iutt»» Mslor-Uert Kufu« Baxlou, Major¦ Hen. David Hunter, ami Major W.8. Wood of N. J. were elected honorary niMiilstlri. Ihe meeting then lltljtnirited to Ineet at the Astor House. Nov. 1«, 1HT0. Tlteoftli'cis ¡.resent were ( ¦.! I W. lliggiiison. Lieut-Col. C.T. Trowuridge, Major H.A. Whitney. Capt» J. I. Hoger». Cap! i,.,.ice I». Wulker, (apt N. (i. Parker, (apt. .1. W .«*. -Ivag»-. l.n ut. Jesse 1 i*b«r. lit ut. J. A Trowbrldge, Lieut. F. B. I.und- rich, Color t*eigciiut P.a. Livir«-. ALI.rcl I' r__FT8 I'-Y I'OMI..-TI(«S. ("aroliiic 1'iTston, alias Caioline Smith, n servast employed by Mr». Parah fecliy of No. 144 lib ci k er-«t. wa« taken lufore Justice Hodge, ye»terda_i, al Jef feruou Market Police Court, having been arrested un s charge of stealing 11,'a.HJ Iroiu liei uu-tit-.s on Tuesday lasa. Mr». Ni-lev tit'iKtsed tuât in a btrreaa drawer in her room v.« .i I2ISI m In-asury aataa and a cintk «m the Manhattan Hank for ft, (Mi. DurTDR brr ab-tif the tlo invRtic entered her rooiu, being mil romrngout bjra boitider Ir tkc koaae, ami or kes retara Mis. .«... ny fouml that the property h.ul otan Stolen, Bbe called m an of¬ ficer of tlie Ninth 1'rcclnct, by «rfcORB tlie wiunan was ar- ri »tt d. Mu- pleaded not guiltv, und was ooailllltted for trial in defuult of R».M>0 bai,. In tbe same Court. Maty Ai ii Perrni, a chitiiioerinaut in the employ t.f Mr. Philip Dater of No. 939 Madison av« « i ¦ ebsraed wltb bavlag , on ihe night (if tin 7:ti in»t., n large «jti.tntifv of jmiliy, H'ltii bank note«, aud gold coin to the BUttlR D. 1 he furuil.v were i'iit ihiniig tlie eieniuir. ai tl oi.iv tin rii.itniit in aid and a friend of bars. Fled- in i! ni tin i.tiiist. i'i'i'ii um retara ai rniiy ike propel iv w aa Bli-aed, and tkc m r\ am « us lille.-ti il. V Isueu csugbt. lin un itwii ..1 for an investigation, IN«.,'I (nioiKr Schirmcr was rrqueKtctl ypst»?rdny to hold au ihtiuc.-t, at llivuc Hospiu:. over the body of 1'utiick ("iinoliy. ascd 40, win«, on tlie l*th mt , ¦ intoxicated, fell from the front platfoirn of a Third uve. ear, near Koi ty-tlr»t-«t.. and Ike « In.. '1 | -t-*« d 01 mow nf bis legs, crushing it, and from tlie tfltc's of which tteatk n*u.!eil lesiciday_ Tin- ludí of an onknowu bojr, aged .inouï isjraare, waariag onlypaatalatiiM and »iiirt, was fiiuud y esterday in tin barbor, od (mt einor » lalaad. It thought to be that of a lad taun tl Cm lies«, a ho«» falber a «oiiix-r on lioieit.ots hr**vi Daraaas lerwiii bold an i m j ut -st also, at No H rkarltow «I.,over the botly of ( i... aged U months, sin» (I'i Iloln scultl« recall «1 " slioit I IBM ago by failing lulo a pan of hot water. Coroner Reinan will, to day, hold an iiitjue.-t over the body of Tbniuaa WTttt r*. w h<> di»-d siitl.i. it itfliriioou, at N.'.tb «'. and h.\lh ave. !,oh, who bail Imi i, t 'oiiiiuif'fd !o the l.iiiib- for in it-ii)'M-r«tiii-«, du ii j «.»i« day l».(-fa»»«t| was i.r Flynu ordered the bi roe. ¡.i ai TH_ whitm:y HOI BE Coronel' Kdllitis ¿c-t( iil.i> lu-M an in(|in'.*t at tho Whitney Hotis«-, over the ImiiIv of ii. 1 j 1 loin .: «ppiili* !!. ;- Mr, Han for lodgings and wn« RSSig a 'I B room. Or tin f night Hanley c.itne atiuin and obtained ihe Kime room, and going out not rrtni n until In i v. eea 2 and > the next un tiing. < m Mmdnv sfternooii the dl waa found dead ir tied, la ike raeaa ware foaad ketten signed .. Frank," aapptTsiad to be frota bis wife n. and asking for money to etialib lier ta pav a board lull and ne. t other ex pi use.«. Ueeeasad bad no bafcige, und only a ««nail Bam of un «ion. I»r. Johu Bt-sch made a p.»t mortem examination, and found that death hs<i resaltad froai animism jxiison, aad a verdie I of sun ide wa« rendered. T was n-iiM d to an utid»-rtukt r's to a--« ipSMtlna :t II year» of age, aud a ¡HI i <>l A'/.S. IUPR] ML COUK1 -ii.iTAL Term. / .«./..'. ihn mini.-- Whmi to*$titutmt\ mitiTtotie liritltir llrstrl! agt» ./o/iri ]<es$ell .Ii i. tut ntniit-iil or which Im.« | tija.lien In Till TRIRI KE, tbe .¦! to !li. and res-.tb it that the dt r July,took r otti riding, aud renewed kia peiwuesiooe tkat a i nioiiiu. Brwrnage waa aid i.t i.-»»ai i. ami finally pka« r:t K on I -ifli en I BttTrtt, aad !'ii vent on lb,-,i n 'un. |,t tile lU V board 1 and wlte, at «J » as b III I uer will . irred, Wim le»';ti.-d to Un I), III.tier ma ein-iinistaiii ».». by th« defi his motion to non -tut. tka « oeM bell there wa- t Tant then went od the »t:.od. aud te«!,nid tln.r the alleged man a».-'- *»? -ti ardiaary m :. deaysng asaas fi he pla ; th. ».-.i in_ of tin ring ara enga'.eil lio,ni!, i." Uni! ti.t }....,ii.IU -o lllidi-rslotsl it. An eilort u nt ndiiii'iy » tli defendant's broth« r. '.lu t»-«tiiiiou, ex. ¡urled, tiueut, aad ie a,re ¡I Ike broth«': >as it bad gone I .¦. .|. I declined to sum up, and Mr. Raaallt, r. urged that . i on tbe crei.lbiiitl«-» of witness»», and in Hint view DOtRing bait Igkl to llii|eiii'!t 'BlslBtal bill the offer, i>ro».»«»-Ty < ruabed on«, to nrtii > ii defead- uat's broUn .'.a thing wli.rlisdiied in fain v to the tiefe un not: tie. deft...:-nt bad tmtxisi hi hi» own leatiuiuuy by tka-t- by the boUl ¡îioal tba* Be bstl Intended to deceive snd arduee Ihe p.aiiü.ff; unit Ii.» .n of hei when lt.- k' Riolkei ; bis own stiiK-lIM at ont of « ..i 11.ul I».-, ii l hat «Re was ii wif»-; I- »tstei :iiat sin- wa» not »en- would ex- P's»< kiOl ta ati ledi .! .a ¡,t |i,r I.;»;. m\ and to an iiupn» ot-ii.e:,! ii tin Bist« prison; oui«' If tkeayaR- ». ü t!-iin etl «-it.Ti «.".- « :f. and a a laitiiaiii for legl Imsey. ai aa awl] n in I:, any legal Bd Ha tb .-«ion. rTPCSIOB OOtEl Bm tt; Ti.h-4. Btfort Mr. ,T-i<iti<r Ttihittn.- 'Ute Marriage l.n tr.. Mm y intrtnt aft. J<>»r]h Durant ft. mi i action tn< defendant wee i»ri -1 . t ou an aflidsvit of tin platatlaf iTev hart bred together !.. »a r ii ruso ami wife fot IS Vests bat v ituout a ci-remoiiiiil iiiari.MC. tn»< rtef»-nd- .mi repeal isi «Beb s man age tnai s .m«- titrée month» ago RS threw bep*nff. tellinaber «be was in» w tr lust he »i!oit'd « |illi|ae«kta from her, v nn ie frk i«, and wltk winch rstied her to b'T i'Ihi- house, «lieii.tnig her partais, aad Hint lie piilil-lied tin obiiu.iiy of her In« wit.-. RRe say- sue do.-s i it >.; ,itr r hether »be It d feud« wito or not, but leanri » tin Cos I t" iiect ie Tkc d>- f'I..lunt n,o »s «ii, the pliiiii'ifl's own atlida« it to tlie order of srr« st «rai'Bted. The srgtt.sni or kli I" naif la the afluí, u!, tnki-p as true, i'»tab!i«bea a nn.rr!uice '.i.'!».i'i'i: tbe plall iC defeadant. That n»» » ife inn ni in».- suit .igaiirst ber Ini.bui.d foi -my of tlie clss» ».i - :'s n winch anonler .»f arrest can granted. Tksl lbs sttidarvK wss not definite Id poiotlag ut what i cisv o* su:i le i.itn.detl to bung, and was Mit MMetenI if a suit, f r libel »¦' re mt".ul» d. 1 hi tl.. jiisi iff it was srgui U tl it the »fllilarit .nade on' not a ma' aire, but s l.r«. -H ti o.' prohii-e f«. inariy «ml ti it tin- nefeodsnt'a ri',ui.l..itli of th» tuRrriRgt. lií l«fl ib« piala til! at liberiy to ioiiBider berastf no alfe, and bring sun for either h of bread or aiiesll and bsi- 11, nil ef wiiuii. 't i- claimed, wen »uti.¦..-, » averred til. 1 ,ie foui! took the !». -, i. -rvnu ifa Hi M .i trti.y f^i j'laii.lUl .'Ii \ ..iiile.'is.i 1 for ùt f BtRRSt, .1 ML 001 LT-C'lUAlIiti « r,ir- 1/- ..Jutiitt Vñjritmf !.** «»i it«Ja\lra.Hf .u TI» BraituBtr.¦ lortne nppoiii' m.-nt «'.f l.*;n n»- and ^ ..--'".ut on the wi.ieniig o." Uraadwa) from I'tttrty-ai ."! d st. to I tfty- ia.oui Xn. in Nt w Oouct-- li -use, winili ha» Im en Sited up as .Lnlge Csrdoxo's pi.vste room. Al .ut u «I uta ptttaeua Itmt inciuding repoMSTS) were pteaeat, ai.g tbeiu Mr Ruca, Mr. Pelt try. Mr. MuuTiie, tbe oonbael In I lie in; tt»r, snd »tbers. Mi. .-fiiughton pi» ¦»' .¦.'.! a pTi'.niii i.trued .\ «sre. A«tor, Wlu.e. J..' -». < iSMstt, Maurlee. W'ci. tli iritiaT. aim of i.»; the appuli'luentof Hurry u- ou* t .«. «. . uiiin-sioi., is. Mr. I«loui. ..n :ei..e«erited tba' these »JOB ei ry if the properti kokWra oa the line had m lied on M iiiitrv on »t.-.«iiiii id Irla tboruags gimwii-dgr of t,'l If ¦ 111. l»l '»!" I.V-lH'l'l«l- Mr.'iiisu.. .1 ¦. nrtoi: on behalf "f Mr. .!. « ,,i pr< pe. me une, i!.st Mr. JllÜi' I'. 1 ll'U.lee^ IM tin- I 1'etV.I 'II ll in tin geiinliieimesof Mr. i own 'Ihl ¦' "i-ty Frauds.- John S. Bliaa, ! ul... 'in tin» nt fot un alleged botmty trsud, snd win» as» i psrtnei of tu« m.«nions I \. Iinatu, tue I u'lseoii'lirif» fia du;,m iii'in,", ¦ami i,.» i ,,, ekargea t ..i iiii«-i"iiera (Ibf ' on.« t> f,,.. ., )i, foi ollnr I uiii.f .'u.ul- im esa« bifuu i uuiuii'-iout-r| -Veit» vas «talli.rT»-*. ta We/tneedsy n#_t. Tlie ease ha- fors Oommwainner «Osborn, la a hieb l'atrirk Martin, of CoinpajiT (1, r.j.l N. Y Volunteers, is the complainant, was commenced, »id then ».Mourned to the aauie tiute, and tbeoaae before r«>mmi-_i_utr ghield«, in which the defense wanted an adj4»urnniw-H <>f two weeks, was «d- loiirned t.. baturday, the i «.««tni-~K>rt«. r refurung to grant a longer delay. Many of th.- aoMiers -s-ho allege that Hiev have been defrauded by Kb** are Impatient of the ' la« delay " and threaten »umiuary veugeance. Hmugyling..In the «ase of \v .1. Mhnrkey of No. 2ft_ Hnadway, who le chargée with complicity In tmuggüng rlgarsjthe examination v. a* mtnm» ._. <i yesterday, before ( <>miui__ioncr-ihleld». Thomas R Too le, a (lovernment ve, testitled that he found gars of the valne of an ghwrbey*a premises, which cigar» Miaikcy at Unowleiiged he hsd purcli_i«ed frum parti«» v, bo had The witnessSfurtber tr.iiti.-d that t*_arkey usked him If the matter could not Ml " arranged." The furtb-i hearing was iheu udjourntd to the lith lust. FTBCT DISTRICT COl'UT. Itrforc Jittlrjc (¿uiun..Zalune« d (¡rosjeMn act. J> Anyetitt <t font -Plaintiffs »lied to recover 1-00 for win«» »«ni and delivered as they alleged to both defend¬ ants as <.«>-partner«. Th«- defense was that the defendants were not co-partners, and that Platt had nothing to do with Angelo«'» plure of bua.nCHS. Thai the Wine was a new wine Just being introduced Into the market, and that !>«. Angeln* did not purchase it, but at the plaintrtT»' soil- «itatn.n introduce«! it to hi» customers without charge, au«I that lie gave the same away. That it is the custom in flr-t Intiridiiciiig u m w win*' not to charge fur it, and the plaintiff» left the wine In (»tirntiou with He Angeln« to introduce it, w Inch wa« done. Judgment was rendert'd for tbe defendants, with coats. II. c luiuer r_x plam- titfs; Alex. II. Reavey far defendants. I N1TKD 8TAT___ COUItT-f IRtTIT. Hit Fenian " Martyrs.".Some tuno tipo John -net a picture of th.- lemán ¦. Martyrs," « »'linen. Alisa, and Lai km, the busts of the " martyr« " being arranged an a shamrock leaf, tbe edge of tin leaf sut rom «led by small ihsmrocks. Knley oi.tulned an in In the United htsteB ( irruil Court restraiuing I h 11 m a- Kelly from engraving ami publishing such a pic¬ ture. Kelly published a picture of the " Martyr«" on it I,.unto, L. the adaSS of tiio shamrock being »urroundeil by -tart Koi.-y moved for uu attachment lo punish Kelly for an alleged contempt in publishing such a l'ic- tuti. Judge Blatchford denied the motion, on lbs pruned that the pi. tur»' Issned by Kelly Hot Wltlilli til« injune- tiou nor uu infringement of Poley's copy light. COUR 01 OTIS a.s_> ti;hmim:i< Before Mr. Justice Ingrahain,.Tbe (.rum. Juiv anma m and preeeuted a large number of Indict- meats. As far as could be ascertained all were of the ardiñal, barneter. CRIMINAL Ai tlie Tutu.»* Folict Court) batea .Iiistiro Dowlli _, wa« brought Peter Brandt) oa a hargs <>r hav¬ ing, with a roi t.-il.THt«. given a class of drugged »««la water to Patrick iionaid. » resident of Newark, N. J.. and when the lattei bream« uticon.« mu», robbed hiui of |-.<-. Itrundt was coiiiunited for trial Wallace J. Van Vichten, Who was ai rest« d on a charge of OSSbeSStlng «.mull iimotitit» of Bsooey from the Ameiiean New» com¬ pany, by whom he was rmplovsd, wa» committed. At ÜM J-_-àl_rOt M.iru.'t Juillet« Cmtrt jrfBtsr- d:i\ r-ainn« blmoUS and Heur«, l'ir.tiil., hotel waiter«, were arraigned and a «'««rnpliitnt preferred again»t thi'Ui by Daviu J. Ma. k of No- 17. histh ate who «-harre« tbst ..¡i Hie Blgai of the Mb mat. he Meal to the place No. l.___ Uroudwuy, had «upper und went la aleen, feeing I't« »toil la watch him until be awobl l pon Swaging, however, hi found that bit VS«I po. I». I had been titled of |1MI, and, tliey were tin- only» nai inr arc¦»» to tin room, he esaaad then arrest In«- tw«. mm pleaded not guilty, but were committed to nrtBBB m «1« fault of |1.'«» hau, each. i OtJBT CAl.I.'Nli WlS-Tiit. Pat. f-ti-Ki»i Os«nt.Oaaanss t_«» .».« «»»»»rai», a.-. . St-r»«_» f-tvai svsi latí «K» .. M..K»««II ««.- «A'_r».er .1 ., __..._.__ Law a- HI M.Kerum «_l. M»i.l,.» A br«w. -»<. .V.rWt, «ft Sort..» »I . »ir. « . IB. . USS St ... M IBB- al .,'. t.aa.avra > .».« »l «I ..t I_««.ei .11 SI i '. bll lav Tr» l|t aro« ,nl «.I rnt.»ir__ll_. 14 lir,.«_ «|i I . I'O »'. «ft. Hit«« 1 Serai», m ..«.«»¦ ... , llSfl Ml fa . ..»».. Hor«_» 1 . Y .-..¦«. I (" »«t .»!¦ ' a III .hr.fe . et . ... II». .11- . -, V«--»» . Baal -»r. - f».t ( . »fl A».-»«« .". a - n'.-l. a. I I ,'«_*»»_. » «r»r- Vrih na .,.;.i : ilTbbb I»»t II II III.-..'«I. P..II. f lee. !. a.i Han ..... t W 111! ¦laiUi II >a .. .l»i« J-fca. .»-TaiAi 1»»» I'url M la. » | __n..M«c».i | ... > II. .WISSISÏ »t » aft k _»> Hi.aan »ft l'«o. r A . a. Marra» In». Ilr.«,i«|t n fi« .ri if. . tm » - un. s lot .__.*_,r_»_a «rt I* « ,,. ? . Srürr !».»_. .; J." Kr. ... Ink» M- .«.'.,. . «.- .. W n M ¦ ... i »i. ,. .»»tile« VI '. . S .an. M»i_«:. (iaa- M VY8 r.V< _UttU rOB Till PU ( ai ta'n- a - '|I»1U I' ,-». II« . l«'l A--'.«l»- rt.» .».»_. - . "it. -.. |«U ,-r i. .1 Í » ' . t.r ik« Jr>»»«.ii o/ I'tmm'rr, » , ..e »!,!_!« ..»I .\'«-l-i-r tar-i.-rai il«n_l «.«. »» d»lu«r«_ «a.« U .»' _. MIMIATl UK SWSaSfl "u» nut.( fl | Mi hm «. »1 ,. >.i. i osean t»»< »at . ... . »us.. l.k". .. .... n I'll r « K.MllkB «Ke.ikT-« a. a. 1 "I _| I_.._.*« ï»e. I'.n girWsat .m,.. _i .«¦ -.. »..«.._.» re Ne- It.<1,.__» «A «-. ._. iLcaw.aa..t _>ar._J e__-»L At.« » T«- (_.*»«,, , f. Bala... I' rna«__ra«,.< .«-«.. w I'kie»»». . ,e«r. J_ H«i,iw. « low .. N««i.r.*«n«. t h,«,ii.IS Re, Wa,i ... ..1 >a.Ka.i < -arl«_t_a I tllli'I'lMi ISTELLIUt. ic Kr»_»r H»v h».l ALUiraut» un¬ irán Af« f»««), < natte«, rOkT O. BSW TtlBt.N.nal ( l.KAI.r h. *t»,' . « l.,Jer(>OI)l¡ f.,r. Il.ttei.« K..leert, lt.. t,.i >,». St I ' I. Ma M«-l Isisk ett H «a *-' MU Juin _«r. lial.wtaa. br:|»a- I U,t or.ler« t», .«, ma f .cbraa. II« III. I r or_*ri; Jiaai . . Grit tul A«...a. Kruar. In««t», braatfe, Cat'l l'en »a, 'leo. Sehr« -«Aeut»,.riri. Ilar.t»r. Wia...r s - ..« Ihl«, S»'»s»«b rt,,i.t, »|,.,ru«, « .s««»»»«' Ma» S I, SIa N J...... lin» « 'in»ll M. J, b-, B i Iroi»». I'nn.l« ft in H H L g bau«, BUk*| Rra-lirlSSW; \«i.aa, ¦««/SI, 6L Suj.-uiua«, ia. AllltlVt.Ii. Stfaaabip (i«a Salpi.rl. «. « «. "¦» J: »,. I. , W »at », . uaaa. Btsaaalrl. -.._» Ball, B-Srs« Ki- tur ... BteaaabiB HSa ,.ai»a_"r HilSii«. SstibSSS, ia«»» a»; |»».a BMsS__-t-. M-i' Ma-«-» .rr.»i_l K.« ». « I _>. St»_iaiaLI(, r-aaiu. br.M.i« fbllssil«! la, mil«« »a,t p»aa bar« i., ,.,«« Dl l.'l lie . «a.i iM-kr. l'a:s_». Ilaukit 0»»U«l»«« I _, «osBBSS» BIVBB II»i i' t, l'r.,»l.l»nr» Bail*. Pf-VtisBsa Mai., i.rrea« i, i. ...,rt Í '»»»«,.le I ki»f».a.,ii B«rtti»«,it dar« r in ,i , «« ..»«i ar . I . ... r... » 1, r a . ,¦,.'. » >rmiH,.\. . N rtlrj-rt, M_wi ll'.ii. .. I- II I»»., « ' . .-j "it. laaki- ««/./, Portia..!, ("I SAII KI". Rt»»a»l,'r» < »,a ». I ,.....»!, l-l »er,.,. V,. li.!,, f.r Wli Bia«l_ii, llatl.ra. f-,r I 1 OKI.It. V POBTfu Mara.« K ¦» R.arrival »i-«i»»l, . fieir, S«_ .,.'!. I...»i... .i,»khi. ,S.»« |,._Tb» -Uia-hip Senk ..»er,»» fi»a Qm le», «to.« «1 'i. « i" r' t., ,¡.» |)-r_-t_-.3--f..i' 3Roii_r. IVraT« at Baw-Tns* I f,.»T W,«i,i'«i' «irrii.a. S* C A laa at I NOTK'K ia lieri'hy g.ven, in ¡u-i-or«i.-n:t.s* witli 4 «f u.» AM uaaar-l AiS, II, lli; «__n__ "SaSstU B««r(«uii» tli« «A »r .»n«- f)Br««f |_« I'arl «f N»a ,,rk all l'iri-a« alrrwial ia, vr karia« rutig» «f ID« «u.)l.t a«u»r uf »-'. IB.jnirf, «a«B.««U"i, r « .r«»r, tl«t u.» lallaais« .»«mm tr» «.,« iu.,r «aaaSaSJ Ov» tk» furl ,nj»»a. aa. thai IS« aa.1 aar««T» ur «iiat»»u.>SI »it r_T,,a«,|«n_ viUiia _>» uaf« Mil a_c____i.« l-l« »«Ur«. ._ ir»_r. «ad «.anssi Miaña-,. Alabama..2«, fl ««I.Mlbl -,r,l"_« ,., ,v>au-aui|, li'in-ra.. ; «j. y, W«»t|jhali«. , St»aa»l.t|, V|»rr«.liu. ¡>, s H,;.1, fl n. SttaaaaB-S Maulanui.S «i i.lp l'T»»T»r«nc«.,.f, ^ B Map b.rh; .«., r; R' -iliau.t» K a Il ail l_>vi, I. H'|».llaiU.k . bail J.:,« I«l«./» jj g i\nt C I T'.mi.kii., ., |(,v| n.ol hitiriA <:«a«t,t.l.airir«. f. ki lUcr llurn.«A ..»imI à luU»»__ . aiMriiukNfl i .iMeKias. rr_ti.«»_ J At'.'« H«k»l»a». «»»riurr. Äiobti, llangti, *t. OASE-BÜRNIKG BT0VE8. -I:, ft .1 MOW- iy KlIA. BVaWB opp-^t« U«a.;irW... M.rk.t «call «ill .? ,...,rta»i.t .r ,t., I4lril 1;. rl |1w>> « tiAtiK IHK. IN«. VI1.VM.S <.,. kiu,lilit. _c,_ti.u..« liurMN .»».r.a.r«! ra»l pov.rt.l h».t_'«. ... «...., :,, i,a« burur,., i.nuU.a. a_U '.l»l»ll,n.i. f-rPaii-r.. IUn, <iar»,. St_-e. .., V.eSnrt.a hr .à». f rinttrtg. V .M. EVEBDELL* sons, No. im FultwT-et. »kA_ Jiifl raiBTllu aad LSBBL MsStrttTU-. 4»TTtUun. ITliMITHK. Uik bt-.sT AWOVTMRBT a THlB <3TI Oar»«.. Ma»«r»ei_r» *«.¦,.... «Aumtb wabii i., Siri-i ,t ,tnu w Cftamt. HEAL ESTATE. Ni w YiiHK. Wtdrieaday. N07 l«, lato. What property ou Fifth-avi-. is nnJly worth s (piestmn which doe» not admit of a decisive answer. Tbe prices Inserted In the deeds recorded at tbe llegis- ter'a Office aro not entirely free from »uspiclon, and «till less trustworthy «re tne auction quotation». The flgnrc« given below are from deeda only, and tMiibrace all the transfers cntt-rud fur rccurd since tbe 1st of January. In February, l-«*.'«, a lot ou Fifth ave., east «nU', ai.s feet north of Fifty-third «t., 2'.xioo, .-,_« transferred for .10,000. The two lots adjoining on the north, each IttlDO, were «hortly afterward traimterrad for ais.««.) e.icli. A comparison nf tlie above figures with tkaes given la tho Unie below will «bow something of a rise in the market price«. FIFTH a vt. Trmu/trtef Loti brhrtrn iV>ri(/-a»»«'»iM aaS .«Kit»»/ tv>*«-ala-ata., rrroriti f ,l»ee» J.I., I «»<! .Viel' |, lHl/JL April M, « . 4I.S ft a «f 47tl ll. mi ne.»m ren Ir!. 17 » . 1 1" ft B of 4t*t_ «t, î»l!'4'. Oi.UUO Mart-«»', r a, 117 10 ft «aft.b-al. aWM. 3i "W Mtrrb le n 145. fl r, of 4 111 It. 2ilh»U. M.lri» Ja» 4 « fr.Dt l.rlw.rDM«t »ml M.I .U 1W>. I»l!50. Jj»n («10 Jib», «i, 12.'. 5 flaorUtlil. îiil«»'. t\tm) I»cll2, . i, lln.S ft b of 42.! «I N'JiI'O. W.IOO llarrii G. ei Mii flaul Jii-lt Will*. 37 V« frb. »4. »,. 74.1 ftn of 53.1 »t. ;'5iI0»i. Rja» Oct. 14. wi. US fin of 4tit» It, 24ilOC. 36,(470 alircb 11 r t M.I ftn of CuJ «t itiillsl. JO.'**» Mart» L. a I, b r«r aflCU-al. M lib«. «**> April 16, «i, trot of Mili »I. li»<> »ii-ao. 1'W.uisi April IU, »I. ISO Jft b ofkilh-tt »i IW). IS.«»« Apnl21. » i, inS fin ef (i7ili tl 24tli»'. aVl»W *p-ii in, «a, Ite.&Ra oi«77ibit. SOilOO. Hi.iM Th« ]u ice» of Fifth-eve. bouse« exhibit almost as much Irrepukirlty. Fimo |70,eoo to fîfO.ùwi appeur» to be the Maure fur one of V, feet front. The «reniletiiah who boQfbt Ike sont h-east corner of forty «ixih-st. for |i:to,(JOii «i-eiii«to bare paid a icnod pneu. Bat tkeasllertuak part puyhiehl In Kl lesbares I on»idenui»'the lnirh rales of Lnleraal aad «be el«7«aeiieaa al tka loan market, Ivo.ísa) would «eein to be CBORgk to pal foradWa-laff. WT nc- otnuieiid our reader« not to pay nmre TVuai rVrar.f Hoot'f m.l ,'..!. April 30, w i, «irt.teo loth a»..l lilla ata. Soit 7.' il'*).Rà^.OiTO '«¦Il ll, « I a..Bit r..'«rr cl Ulli al .'Ulli, »1.J Iain-It. I I, US ft w tifStn a»r. :tn77.7. I»0.»*fl0 PS. I«. » ¦ u ft luí > tl. it. 24 7il(«t. To '«utj Rtrtt, It, W I, aoutli Comer af 171 « t ..« iTa.ltiaa. twi.u««' Rtrrli .5, * a, IS" 4 ft it .( Xtb-lt, 24.aillAI. 7i.<«-«l Feh**, «a. 1(72.4 ft B of Bib-it, ïltUII. 7S,l»tlU SaWII. » i. a r>>r visa it-»«, irrr«alar. diBcnuvia nal iUI«tl... U4.«l"fl Ju»« It, | i, «ii.S tt a of T7ib il. 24 Hiltlu. To.!*») Jalr 14. e l. 24 T ft I af Jatb-at. 37x100. «*i adJ **epl IS, w l. "..'. a ft i. ..I ««ti, it. 2ji|ih. 7J.i«t*l ra-|»l20, w l. NgSM. 4" 4 ft i «Í 4t»Th-.t. aSslSI. «J",«»»» Jii.l.w» 14" 2. S titoi tClli al 2SIÍOU. ISJ.ISAI «lei«, . », . ror of IBtli »t. ?.*. ,tl"". ljt'.UOt) Juif j. ». t.*. i ft n »f «il, it. U2.4WM. taiiua Au» ¿t , ,, uiifii, i.f 4»tb lt. ltiilnu. M.HNJ Utt r». »ante a. u»r »nil ot. »a ix»» terii-i r t 25.J ft a or Ría il 2Sn'»>. se.onii (»(» 4, t t I> fi Bi.l «Ml, »t, m leih«. 6». '»»ft Jla 7, a i 47 ti ll a ufSBll-i! ¿J».'»» . ÀRRopasaf IkaakaTa, OarttYt awn FraneUeo Real Ei- taut m nltir says; " the t»ent private Midi lite prop- erty In New-York »ell« for extremely high puces, will be fii.iiiit from the follewlttg, which in aaaaaui ihe late iruimf.r» of property theie: House aud lot « corner of Flflh-ave. ami Forty-sixth -t., M feet I inclie« front |l«VV»J0-iJ,(i7s |ier front foot. áJiionc tbi proper,« liiiTj imbmwI la New-York, wa nnd iin ksuawiaf; Beaiaeaad lot Ma. 13 Firth-uv».. foi yaaraaad bbtrh siastka. nt bmou per year.i7i»u per Bátala», UT tloilbt thai lucre in a Imiii»«- in .-an 1 winch be let for more than |4(i» p.-r ui.iiith." d on tin' n.'-i ii» ali'i-t-ts Of .*mu 1- rant ihco »elia for tTMM in r,«*" i»«t '«it Mr»i-. ,\ J. iin «.« ker, (son A 0R..K, II. i.ndlow ,«. (T., Jaui.-s il Miller, and Wyekafl .<-¦ Little kava aalea ui Uta l.tiliaiiire tolnorrow ntmli. Mi. Ai.dlew Vtii-on, JI », hue properly ul (,'aalicU.n Iliyhts «sill be «old on the pu Bilaea ai i p B. Boat leave» at n a. as. Mi w m 11 ll.ty nor «eld, iib.nit rn. days a(ft>, two Iota on tin aai sab oi bniadway, batweea l-.iiy nun and Fifty- alstk ala., sveiuaiuir full la sis«, for It.',.'«««, aad upon.» Ilial lie ha- »un 11,em ful |»l.',.i»ai t rmii I In- .«anit« » iu Wl .i .t. I. dial !i it lot- ¡i a se '.icen Ktreill iMi Ike »niilli eii«t t orín I nf l.i\:iitr'ni: ale. anil l.fty -t., lui. ni »lie, four fi-untiiiK tin- «v.i.n.- and oue tioniiiitr ike street, for H .-. Is k* laiprwTcsL .l.lniM.i nie ha» .o.ii i.nii lot» in,i ill at (»ne humlri'd- .ti.ii it -1 «rruiiS al. miiBlBC ikratagli from Uraad Drive to Mm i. belüg a part ef tbe Van Reni piola, li, Im 111,4«". IT.tast ca»h, Hie reuialndei on n,.... Rast i"i sue ..i.'i i. «¦ .tia Tin doable lot, .* .tn Stiel no tka i I'.lo id ai.d « .'lltlueii e si» , Newark, hak l»ecli p'. uf Ie rtaR, I,n a -.,i b.. ¦ neu UiiuS and urn dn c III I., ird kaa aold hi» flue residence nt Paltas toa El * lili Ihe nun Of In.iicai.. .-ii'-l lli.tu ,'.'.¦ ii.i'inki it pnrti d h! I'.'t.¦««', lift Ihe pur» .. »Ulli in lUipiolt- Vli.Nkl l> Ml J i «Auiiiiff, propri.-i.'i of of the .ar«r« «f fur!. I luted Mate«. IS Ii,lililí all eii-saiit »lone ttitt ,,ni»'. car the UOOmt Of I II I. ill» lit !i.11. on I in- I l.,i! «.m, al n t .-I of lloti.tst' 1 lie coil trun for tie aorl baa been awarded ta M.iar» i-in.r waatk Mr. hotMrt* kaa »oiti » mt >u Biirtuf-st. i" a Uernian raaRtasI f"r |. .,.¦ Wann II. '.o -. i'.d on Boutk bread- lUT. hear Mo« ... und I oli«.»t Hit' of :. « not baiiil-M.--, .i'il rieres «lie» of swr. kaa Reas purrbaastl bi ¦ Use » M«a| 11 lljlc JH-l CiilllI >. haï n..' tu« b<.ii-e mi Broadway lui- i.,. \ ed wuk a I .', at a eoel el I I ...ii let n lut", liaaled mi H..i|tli hit».id«,i pun lia», d by a »!i»u»r»i fol lll.t»»» Mi J. 1'. hpeediliii». ,1 tl»< In n nf >i" edili »- .V 1-. i mi.i liant», 11.1 tin»: a twe-etory frame dwelllna on StarlUR-al Mr *>-. ».1 ha» the ioiiti..ct for 11 II 11 i .' » «A ie .l.n) tint « i.lllf al.ihn-, ¦ m. mi 1> »' ». A! ' Tli M (Mi f«»! N ¡\ ¡A.M. I -rATM RT MALLOI «.««I «T :»iii. aaW bt. #4««. . _i ¦ I »«r». 14" . ... ... ¡m ill« »ach. II" ..-">... i,S . 'l)| . r... l- JI3 M ll.A.V-l 1 M i»l I.KAI I -l ATE. s I « 1 11 H K .Ht . ». -e. » rl «. ««" «it"- It,, .1 '.. 41 u ,i a , i'«- H . ...».' :ti .; . . ¦ ' lint .t a a, it.' fi « «i J-i »«-. »»«i ¿"».^. Raa it . . . i- "«' .«.a« arwirrt» . 72 .>»¦ I. IIS ft « . . . . tS.2.w» Baa a. it. na s if m m. >t~" ~*~ « lio at 1.» .'I'l L n r . ».»Ul Sttt .1» .«. 1 HU»»' «71 at I. » ' .... 4 »O i . a 271 fl »of 1 . . .. at». B I. 2*'« ll .1 ,....., I mi , 2«' .1 It n ..' IB llalla). ¦ I't w i, 1* : Il » af «7tb «tl. I. «wl 1. ISlUiiSJ.. laain a«. >.aii»b. Rt.arl-t »¦ 4" ' I .7 »»»ra. par »rar. ptS. «4B »I, Bo t N . ". . . Kisi.» 'itMl BROORI 1 n Ad»mi«t ». ¦'¦ '* '«» "f ,,'»n .> S«2I l«. R7»«S . f r t. .'t.Bi.f Mi.iauiniii al b k I. .Mum :i Ja» ISN« 7ft«. ,,, .n t a »f Vaali ..... ........ (»ul ti't |»«a III I » »ar 77 R I |R 11211» C«».« ».« «l . » I'"' b " "' ' i-*l7j|l«li74 (drt 2 41» ;.»«.... ! i.r|»»B»rr. 1JU.|U»_|IS17|2S v . *0 llBfriW II .». H»' fl « »f Hait «S. l'«»»Kal. «V«' >,...!. « taBiiaattrii » . i-, n w ..( ti,r.-> »,». 2tnlr»>.. il, . a. Jll ft l of N..... aie. k au.'. !. llilUu. «.Sa« . .1 aatl taint t.», I.aa ..n ««r» il r«rL, 29ili»V ... | >|. K lau il I a, ItBJft a a( liutrrrt il. Stii.ul »|. t «..oui itsi II » of | lu J.ylal , i, Iteft« af . l.l.I l'auitnoi« »". tr* R « » af K«lc.irwBiBwf-«i t . 175 .. «¦- . .>' "«k. . îirm I«r,.i1«i» N »I 1«a fwrt ( .I ««.I ll»uaa«af. S««4' N.a V. . ¦» r.uiim r* .. ..< Rwaftt «. a»a ist, . *'"" ,|..' llrrr'tl.i. .I Barth 21 «i . « - 1.. >'i I»» Mte»! (a. » 1. K«j -, .,« ¦ ». 24 S . »f llithrf »". 4«'il(ill i| ihais), S«Kl 4Jl> ..,. » 1, » fl . «I Mil!»' ««r. «1«' ¦« .».r« l»t.a.,... P tuu.tta.» t.» 21 fl» f >|i let . tt»«t.»iu«.e «a.«an«a«fa»aalw«>»St k«««ll. 24».lit irai tract l.tdB »., liai fl » f M Mat» » 11 »fi, 124 (l 1.,( (real a*), . .»0 K, l'r «I, .'»i- t* aal »I'll ' » . 3,(T_ leal. ... »fi raiaaki al 1 w '"t t»lT«.l ... 1 l.t.rr S l N.. I'. »¦«...'..' '¦" »<l«»l »fait»»», la ¦|i.»l«r «err« ( *.>'"' -, . . ... w 1 M ft...'« ..»'.t "-' ''« f>i!_ »t» »l Bill ». «I, » » '"' 2"l«4. 1 , IU'.i»nl . 1.1 f*. .. ' 1. «wrl« a_»rtB44ae] ijatual, Bw.or 14 2»I'S. 4-«' liât ni ...» lUtliaü .1 1. 1.. 11 «i... < «««Il r 1 a. «e. tlrrtlMa/ ; . . '¦'.> ..«lll'llli l!»r|.»!»»»» 127 T ft » «f »«" l tr- ..ail, .s, 1 t.. .i» :.'..¦' »' *"* W k»7i MIM ER ' "IMI ' "l.ll AKUT. Daká Is« 1. . .. 1 « .'»¦""' .'< r»i Ri.oor) uitaiMii si. Ctamrla« IMi R"»«t » . »b K Ha.m.» «i.»»« I" ."-' ikaiiwt«» 11 :, iinaJ 11, aaT Rsftt» R «..a»»., t an». rail K.»tl U « atllil» It."!«» Hi'l'I .. .!'!'..!.. I.(ir4i.rt bi ia n n. i'j f " *r. *"'-. ataaa I...I >.. a»p»fK Ibiaiitir.t . V" \l «"tllSt. ._ UlRti JJ. «aa|'ul«i- b. UrKrait»'! un««. 4M» s. -asaaffl st»«»»«.'» f»«f . -*¦" tul«»» !«J i«Artl|) ta. U M<'k»aii»'»rra»>. ."«> Bair h an».». Ith-IT» ll. LotR« «SI Blwwal V*rt,aw H»i|t)4 »J ISO H.nKiiA-. a I4Í! it b 1, n«»f Alaiih.ler »». l7llwS., .f.iOv . Mita rit »a Harri«.'»»»» ". it» ft frnrn Warr»u al H«il5". ai.«»» WarrrLil .'«X IT fi.a 'l«m»»ii a»t. Wull . Í» . air 11am it.»mi , 1, i«i,.ii.»i R A Hiri».Mia.. nsii:«. ai,7So i»«wi«i lUwlbsr». .».! HuhltB« ...« » . .**'. ««B»'«-".Rl0,5«»i MV, JUtsl.T Illl-hi'S "»I'M» .t.RSIitlll V.rick.l llftsof !waVe»rll. I«»i»«a. $i.KO «Juta II -.1. . », '«. » . .' Htra.iwi«'» M. »>7e. !.#_¦ I, J,,,,, IGHII..Í knell l»«l-a. ..«AS» Oil.lid -. a-.«-»--».-«. Ui«»aefT. l.l. R2.IS0 lIÎrT« LUS. J. H.»rr t»aa»aB'.a.».f»loU. a* rbidotuwt. 11. ut ". J. hici -. -"? us -'w'-f Mt w"« k_ tillt'l . P*»« It laj'.arrt ..' -. Ll N" " ¦'.« k iTinlub ,»»,,. 2ai|tl". I,,»,, J a. »Sil» » -!««... ».' " H¦'.',"," 4 (ll!r!'"' »ll-« ¦'"*' ZSTt 14, Saw I B. IR_ «»P -f « fW« _....¦,-.. 1.021 úu it««» «* «Ä .* a. .*' b""k n" mtf "f n»i«..b taii'-ViVíáVii ¿"'»«'.»«'.»i! 'i-eU'ï« 'i''a'.V'af" akalMe' '1.1. I«".«-..airo;».. ,W* n.niBi«» ». l«iin»ofA».« ia»»i''-iiM«it9. »i.ttí Ï lî.»!'û. ii.'.fl-..'»»»I«. '«»"" . . »«2» .i' |.Ra.fR«l'»»«'','mi,'*',l^«"l«l»»»«. TSS" V.rll'al a » »1 « MI.M» . »'.».»«'.-1 *?» '«eOUarr.,. | 1.4 «lll.l ai JTIftaafAf.l'. *«"«'.. I»» AU who Lave real rsUta for saje or to 1st, and lb o«« Sesirms to piAriOiasa or rent «oeb properly wlü find it to their Interest to advertí«« is Tas Tbibunb. IU sijrtt(st« «iraulation «xaesd« tkat of auy other uew«- Mp», _uu m adiil-ea ta U.i adiaats-ta Tu Tribubr r.»5 win be found, not only In New-Tori and all Its«lUesand tin»«-. ». but in every State and Territory throughout tbe union. Tba adverl-sement «hould be as brief as will allow of the advaiita«.«« clai__e4, It+tug mini* clear to the reader. We would especially dwell nn the fact that Lb« rIher« for tbe three edition» of The TtUBt'-ne. Daily, Beeil VVeeSly, and V\ rally, coB-prvse individual« tu every o__i___spr.f-_«_o_; «onseci uently advertisements In easb «re read by all classes. Tun Thibuhb devotes «special attention to reports of tales of real estate both In city and sountry, thuatddlnr greatly to the value of ltaeol nmua as an advertmrir medium. Tbe charjres for adver- iisinr are as follows Daii.v TBiBrriE. M *enu per line for «aeh insertion Wihlt Tribuns. I_ per line: Scui- Wkiai.T T_uu_..i, cents per liue. Alma, ten wenit of our wide column» arerage a liue. Term«, rash in advanct. Citrj JUal ¿statt for »air. BY OKÜER of the KXKCi'TOKS of JACOB l'RA_l.d«e»_«_d.-_.1ION Sûl'ARR l'Hl.l'KKTÏ -Fsr KALK- Tk« «itr» «l«»rl HOI'BK «nil *TA_I.K. lortk «>«t »..ruer at K.mrtb »t». «d,| s«»eriee»th .t A »_._ Ivrateaa far a»r «r»t . Ian bsalaen. bai.k or ..«.oirá hank, or la.t.totiou. Karl« p-_ae«<_>i. ¿¡mir to iH.MKtt MOSOAS No. 2 l'iu.-rt. ___ "VJ (l.r.) ï>OKSALE; ' X Loi, in Fill. its. S ..t« ,1. Ma.1 .__-«t». I I, o Third ar« 3 l_-H hi ,s»»»nt» n'«tb «t. a««r Ponrth-««». f, I.<a« Kttktl ainti. it,, Mar M«.lM»a-i»«. I_.t« id «ine-tiaaifreil-iB. tintl.-iL. urir Tblfa «»a. 1 Lou m Oi-a-_ua-.«- «ml ivtltin-rt.. «««r bird-ar*. Ap.lT U KILPA'IIIICK ll.iLMKS. «5 k..t Tv»nt» th.r.1 «t.. Yuan. M»b'i rbritt.a.i A_a..ei«t>«i, H,;, illn« 1 ^»k 8ALE-A KAUE CHANCE-A full EOT on Kilt« tmr.l at i.aar Fill--««», »».1 a LOT ob the rtar for il«..! scar ML 1 L,.i__»'« ( uurcb. V. ill U »»I. »Heap. Alé., to S.M. H Hi -»OR. w». n Pt_«-«_ EMU SALE, or will EXCHANGE for a lino 1 'il.NlllY KK.SlliK.NrR. tiu t.IuiI.I« L«rT8, «¡tk «aUr ft».» aad ,io'k, .i»d at ,t»aia-oat landing, ou llarliw R,»»r _0 I.KM«INAS_R. S P»___ VOÍ. SALE.Afoiir-storyTbrown-stoiif HOUSE in Ki|rhti»tb «I.. D«ir Kiftb »»». 1 li» boose n a >«rj »up'-nor «ne. I . id will l», «oiu f heap. Applr to _RILPATKIt K nOLMKS, It Rial Tvr«tT Ihlrd «I Voll SALE.Three oawbrown-stooe liul >LS A _*rimy «intb it. l_-tw»»B Thlr.l in. I.»ti«_1nn «»».. Aupfio RILPATRU'R k ttuLMK. V, ha.I Twent. l^OK SALE or to LKT . Offiee r. mi veil, llot'SK lad LOT 15 W«it Tvrnlitlb it ; i-ti-tt. Apply ou _M prrnia«» HOUSES m NEW-YORK ami BROOKE-N frmo #5,0_0 to t'hUOt), l_>ta at esrrr«|..nd.«« r»t_>. Lelutilul ( «uatrr -»it«. Cat*, mil llns«, at Kruabia» Gis« i -»», Jamaica North Itmt] t it», B»r_en. Lalajett«. Morrialn*», Se , b,,..««, loti, lad farm» «inl«d for ill« or »lehinge to ».pptr call!. hIKOKL H.K'HK k _o., IT Rroidvir. ^rooklnrt gral (_.st_ttc for Salt. POR SALK-Si'vcral tarje. PLOTS of low- l |rr_ LI 11'h, aaairahl» l<K«t»l i..r «|,»enl il!.n or iir,r.ror«a«nt. m Itesll n M A Kl'LlSI._... 5 lle«|i_»n»u, N. Ï 3fong ?sbrt- Tltal íslalt for Salt. VOU SALI. 70 :.<¦.. -ARM. 40 miles on Eon«.' I a I-... » M. A HI l..\.-i> A «'. I H-»,m»p «t. N T. î-tin-ltrirn ï.nl f statt for Salt. AT ri.AlNTH.LI>. N. .1. -Villas Vil; -'1 .... l. ai. ..._ ' * «te,i ( -,u,ir» ,-e«u ao-l I1..U*»« lo I.K I tt)» »»a«..i> .r »»ar ..o» hu»r fr..ra B«W l-r» "i. B J C l_ a A,-pi.» to BIlti.NK k _lAK.-»II. Uru.-a ***** "pt'Oiit» Ii»p,,t _ \'l OKANOE, N.J.- .ll.LAv VILLA 81TE8 í\ »a. Ka KM« a rr-al iinrl«. _»a.lif_ a.i_aird. «a» Boor fraa M««-1«rk Ala« tamln .eit. i I! ,¦«. t. I.K T ;h» .».»"¦ ar ...r Iil Ai Kt. KI.I. 4 ..Ml ill -A3 I . -a- >.-« i.rl 9 toll i m Ortnt» enrnn Miln «i'l on»-«M .lut \ TTEN rms 1 Ali vii.tinr Vtrm in.l Laadl. A BRI« K>lil SO, s J «ni. 41 « '». fron S 1 ..rk. «¦ h_ K. U Pb,l».le.pkll l-.0_n ,e~, fnr tA US .",,,. »«.»1 r.nrat» «o d. »nfnrri.l ... -' per arr« . ¦ «i-I ?. rnreoUr, «»-, a <'AMPBI._L.l-_ tíl-Siivar, S. 1. «r |, W lililí,MAM Hr__«t-ir», N. J A EL WANTING EAKMS-K.oil snil, mild Xa ciia-U. M ai'M i««tk af Pb laü'lpkia. Pr,<« "»Ir #'¿5 p»r a«r«. Ala», laprv»»- fcroa 11 l.-.1r«_Ua ar« Mllltnf. litoncau«« Mal fr«« A--r»««_ H. UM'- «-..«.,', Raw J-ra» _ AL)EP(rrbein(reatäblishf«dÄt MENLOPARK, an tk« N J II B. ¦_. T C«. iPbila.l«lpliia Koad). aak»» il «e» «f tb» rb« «»«t l.,f«t on« v ¡fc n *' n '.»« «f ti » t l> Ha.l. LiiTSJtib. i> 't frvw «M) to ««»i a«,-h tb« |r»«ur portten «f w'-irh »an paid la a»nibi» i.«i» i.». u »I SI'» r»ll partióla/», wilS tisk«UIs rail tb» »r-swn», (.». i.« had it tk« .S.-» of tu« MK.-LO PARK LA.11' toMl'AS. N..« l-t«S. ;»'. Bmadwa» ltV_>« Mo II. _ AFINE ï A KM. wiili i_oo<1 lioiiHe atitl barri; 75 arr».: I hs_n fr..«i M i l'sslrs 1! K ' N J. _,-U0 practi trert « «ï ..« ir«»». «ad a Iwautlial i.uiat.,,». Ar.'» to _ I b IlOPl 3 I. '«rt» ,t. fiÊRiTËN POINT, N. J.~FOB SALE I acat 1> COTTAÜB Ilot sK ...Ï LUT. pira-antlr l.«at»_ nur th» K.ll VasKull, will la« «old il.ei¡-ir «n, i«_i '"».""". A.«..a rilH'.K the b««l ba»i.i»««at»»>l la tb* i»vn Sis» BMIS1»( LOTS tbs «ast «r» ». SS_Mr-Sta i_l»ts_ f»r r..,i- »> »ao for U.itii purpvN«. Api-i» t" »'Kl tt'K l~ W ».-.__ i;ul. S A EH, or EXCHANGE f' J tr.ut« «. »*r«_««l pMfert» a KAKM Uiaat»l..'J tb« lin» «f tha | i a; »¦ I'oiLBt.'i, Plata« .1 J. «tbii ti an«« .f ."»»v- V«n l»,-,i.r» ..'M. .V .¡M.»! Kl.t.. N- ».»' «t _____ HoCtJË in NEU AUK, N. .).. for BALI . Bargala, II I ia»«_i Itttsl. a vsfj d«».rat.» i.» «tor^ inawi -». _»» ¦ e locati.m ««atra.. _¦.. tiui« t»o bloeba f.oa K II IKNK«. U' R IENKIN8 ¿_ WAY. ¡it NEW-l.Ki'N-.VICK. . »ft«* «pport« K. K I)»p«t aad «I Ra _«:i«.ia-it. ka»« U f«F . - ,f dru-ed A .-.» «ad I..B.U...« liil'M'RY RUIPUCK «.: » «t.!. ». «n,t othar .. , r | »e«r. «itoit-d >.« I ,r «er»« "' i«i,,| »'thin .., e ni » »f depot, abicb will «lean.« lar Bww lork OH. or Brvok- It_ pr..i. 'Pr.e I'.MOIS in Moamoutb louutj, tire* .AUUS IB Hi-dl-MI . Sr«t elala. I LEWEELVN 1'aKK. a prívala Park o. .M I > . e, a' . . r V . | *aa* fro« til» A I...I.M. I ..f ..lie 6r« »,-re« »»«.?. rn in.l Mauntai »'-a l'ark»»« ai - lil aaaold, au.l «r» «,,rt». lb» atUi,ti..a .,f p»r«..o. dr«.r._s U> bo.M in Ik» rouatrr- il« pr«pn«t..r, 1. M 11 tSKKLL, I.iKnrr It ".!¦¦_ S»«-J»rs»r, ORANGE.*.An Excellent Chance t-> purcTiaae » ...,i. coi.'ail ._., t-- «an . « 15 ri.i.iai.* , .'er rasa« «»d all »««».iii iirpr«.»a«oti-, »iw.uA. Ua.--oui«l» la) ». 1. UM LI' K '' k BRO «Í v 'VWV. HOUSES í.iii.iiiiiiiL' unsold :it tli<- K\- 1 II ru*'« .sAl.K ,.| ... .' «l L.imi ¦«!(!,...rt. B«l IsHSft «r« . tL.t d«,« hj h. U KI.I ...... Kieei.t.r, N.. .. Br««.l»ir, S .. .onnt i ïcai f. statt for Sals. 4 riK-T-i'I.A-s RESIDENCE m Uu« City .__ «f .N»»hnr|b. «lib «II tb» u..«l«r» :«nr.roT»-.»nta.r»»r »i»v l.t I . »i, l.aui« for K«« 1«:k tea- »«.»n pr.,p«rt». App » ta H Al.D-VI«. k Ui\ IM, J5 Lite»«;-«. ^.action Salfi of %fú fitsh. u a. LAWRENCE, Auclioaaaf. l'l Kl.Ml'TOBY sai I or HOUSE AM» 1MITYSIX LOTS, tr BUNNY BIDE l'AHK. Hilltlii WARI», II 1 V <>l l'A I I.KSON. NT. J. i.AWHiJiiK, CMUUM a n.tist ,i,l sll od V. r.Mlk. |.AT, tli. i:tk«U» «f.No».a-ir. llKS, it li «.tiotk. a it lie« HIIUII IK'l.NK 01 JIAlNhT., PATBHSOX, ». J.. th« ab«T» d«««ri_*.l «nd letautifiili .«ratr.1 pr«. trl,. MI.K ftl.tllVK KAI.1 OR Sll.'.Sk. TVRMrt OV »il.K.T"»atT p»r «-»»t, anJ UM A»»rl»it»»r'i IV« «rf B in p»r lot to pa.,I on «u» «f .«,- >'» «SI »»at '" »aid ou lb« I ï IS Isy of DlH__.ll, IBM to I a.r»»e« O«!»»» à fl»«»». S,, Il | Ke« \ vl »r.eii «a,I »h»r« Hi, d»»'l »ill raad; lor dt.i»»r«¡ ba a«C_ (ti per »ul| ¦¦ bawl »nd inr.rtjr«r' r* .»_¦_!r»-I P..r u,«ii. kt.. Itqolrv ./ LAW KkM'B. OAKI.IT Fl.Kt'RY.ll Pi»«-»t. B-W-1»rk.or»f A R M «' ¦' * r »,,n »t l'«t»r_._ N J.«v Lor^ard Estate, FORDHAK., N. Y. SAI.i; TIK8DAY, November 30. MAPS ARR NOW HKIliY AT THR |OKFlCB OP A. J. Bleecker, Son & Co., _77 CEDAR-ST. WHJSON'ST GREAT AUCTION SALE or GRAND VIEW PARK THIS DAY, THURSDAY.Novll po»tp»n»ioe«t «o «r.ouiil .,f tbe «e,a, r C,.,,« rarrUfriatd lk«IUi»ulk« ír.u.,1 P'»"1'«1 Tal« Ml il . <»»«l . ¦« btair« » ., t loot.( UioaSvar. S-arfba Shirt of £«. .i_at_. lORR OP r.RKAT AI.l'B, TOO FhKT LOXO. tk« .__.. HALSKY-STRRKT. batmaaa HOWAKl» ud SARATOGA- Í J..¦<__>» ]r Aa«...a».r BY JOHNSON «. MILLER. AUtmOMBRRS ARD B RAL R..TATR IKUIIII *.. ._.. yiMir ar.. cos Casa» av., r»_« T«»a_ f .r» R»i^»««v«. îttar».. Lava. Caanlrt «»«u «a« Para» K»»kt aal., naled, titSsni»-! I «.«. n»|«li»_»r| »«»«_.« _«i_» «f f.r_,t«r. »«. V Tl'h-UAY. NoVr.MBRR 1Mb. IMS On tki oeewiir»» tb«»r will poi'tuil» a»l| «ub-at limit or r»««r.ttas: M*> V ALIAM.K -l«t VtAKI) BKimiKI.IR LOT« M I KMillU.1 ITUATKl) OR TIIK GRkAT L1KR OP IRl'ROVRklKMTS Rkv TW RK.N TIIK BIUM-WIT AM) rVIrTQI AVKJI.I. RAILROAD». TU» I rai.újt« «f tk« KKTIrtR KI..W R __«.>n».' |M~«RP «ni SARATOC.A AVE MU» MACHIN»».! Mc_i_R<'._H-TKKK-... KITTIRK BLOCK «...mle. l,r It«'V. All- and 8ARATOOA AVR» I»'. KM. PCCATUR lud _AI-._I(!tM.K.srii_KTS. KVTIRR BLOCK UHiBiled .-.ARATOOA nd HOPKIN. OR AVR Mis B.W.VlKi i_d tbeBKOOKLlBssJ JAMAICA TI UNt"!KK UOW* BRTIR1 HI.O.-K'_«¦¦''- »»r »AR ATOO ». ltd UO-TtlJI-OS-AVR« KIK.v M.DOROI «ill ind 1»K< ATI K TIIKKTS RHTIRR HLtX'R »-»»pt...« (froou an Hr-advar). »MaAal ay MAOON «_dU.lL«.*,. STUI-TS, SAKAltHiA-AVK.SL'RaaW _ROAJ>- WAY «INK »a AVKRI Rft. RBT KK FRONT on «e*tS-J«of HOWARDAVK bstw»»» D__»t_l l».| bambrklfr »U. .10 lot». __ KRTtRK PBONT ob «eil i_l« of HOWARD SIX, .etwee» V«Dw_e ?o.h «n.1 M«enn «ta BOI I'll «A KM COKNKR of HA LSR V ST. asl HOWARD At_- Vilmlil» eoruer l"t. lb:» will t.» tb» ia«a««t ind a««t maartial «al» of Ihr »*i_a«. Taw «vn»r and auction*«.« iitea.l bo«iii»»» a.,1 iiin.uocc p_nli»«lr tkal atart lot ...ere,1 «an ks aoUl to «it.« bu»»« biSdvr. TR» »i-»p»rtj u oo lb« t'»«t Dm ..f -I.» T.euti Int (lit» Rislk) Wird« n<t furtber li.» Re» 1 rerk Clt' bill lb,a Central Park. at,I «Lea the l.r ...» l, »oapleted it ni ! be far MSfS »_r»»«ik>« Maar of th* loi» ar» wliki» ¦ s«». . tkr«v .,f !»_. BraaSv«. K«,lr__d aad »fl are l»l«««u it »n« «b« Kuito«.-».«. K«ilr..«d. L. la in N«v Y«rt On, ». a»«r-r I* Wall at thai it. at,., re Um, read li fr_a »MM» «\0 0_- .«.eenr» ai on*« a a.ip »ar»fu!tT mart « ., propert«. aad »ti««d t.« .a » ler.u« _B»t__ Map« ai.'l .1 oS__ri «f JOIISSOR k MII.LHK. li >a>a«'i ¦_. N I <-,-.!, Brvoklra. Moult!« WlHl.1l, A. CALE IN PARTITION. ItV ORDER OF THE O SI I'KKMK l*OI RT, I'M'P.R TIIK HIRKCTIOR <)P J. I_ I.KF. fcllT.S. KM». UK» hRKK -V'ALL AHLK PHOPtllTY OS PROS I'M PARR JORALBMO!» KT ORAI fc-<¡OI HT AR1» BKUi.KN- T BHonKl.tN. PLATBUSII Tt'RNPIRB, VKKMiSlVK., LOTT AND 1'kO. PROi-._TK. KLA.Bl.-l; IHHi A PART OP T_ta K.TATK OK KLiZAHKTH 1.IT.1. »>V IK. RASRD. I II. L.DIeOW CO. »i a».:i' «urtiouor: IIURSDAY. Ro». 11, MM, it 11 .,«1.-1. it tb» «it» *»r,_iro. Pirón Du.ldi»f. No Ik Court ._ »aa»,l-» CUT Hall. It' PKtiKl'l-.lT HAKK.-Vauat.i» p».l, __fi-ri«mj «t*t twstr« lall, tad birlo« s fro»t »f III f*«t ob rb* Park, adjoialag lb« land of J»ba A. Williak. d«r»l»e<!. JoUAI.EMtiN ST.- Keor lot» «lib tb» fna« lvHl«_sa »«J brV-k »t,»,le, tiier»on. «Ituit« oo tk» i"it!, .-,i» ..f J,.ralern..i. «t tr»»lsilj flam fWstss «I ««Hi l~t kiiai 1 « .»! t»«c «;_k rifki «f »Her in tb« r«ar. A.«o. a «ma.I a_N adjoining on« »f »a,.I l.u ._ rear and fruntin. no all*». ORACR-COl'BT..Ow» :.t.,n«b« oortiicrlr «i _e ol Qraaa-aaan, «U ire -e.t»rlr fro« Hick« »t.. -Ol-O f«*t. BRRORB-ST..Kight loll«ou ÜW «onlbrrlr »ilsof b*rf»n »' i,»t»r»n Carita« «"U Vaiulcrb.,.«««_., tu_ri_«r ban». » '.mattft ol Í.I fret on B_-(r»L at Vt.ATB-SH. FLITlll'SH Tt'KRf'lKF.. -I'iot ¦.: gr.nnd »onUiaisv ,K-«t »utr- f.'.pflï.nt«, h..un,_-,'. bv F albiiab turapik«. Vm«,»a i»l laits 'I lie«« lot, vill ,oM in parre,« Tl,»r» tu tk« plut *»r»»i «C Raa- il« an,) «F«rasa ira .«r_« aul LaaUaoa« two-aturf a_S «Ui« 111» ¡'Kl. «n.i »i<-»;lrut »ut..«, ¡.tí/». »'IM. l'KCT MT.-Small loi, lc,__ fc.t, -_»_rrij aide of Pmpv-l-i«. l_iif»»t fr.a t.'ni.ia »t TKKM« OK KALK -S rt» per cent of tb« pnrrhaar a_«»«r «a» r»- aaiu ou il',-,1 ssS M.rt_«a« Ma«,» au.l fu.i pin., ,iian at tk« oCr* af tl.« Au*tloo*«r«. Un. 3 Pin«- «t N«v-tork, A. k J L L.'ti, Atu.r_eii S Bra-klrs, I SM) YUNKEU.S l'KOPEU'l V tor HALE.By order » .-»u;r»«e tuait.In i«'t;t ..o. Tb* T«Uubl< l'ARM, lor- aerlr aerupM In PRTF.H A C«.W|.'tY l«r._M_ <¦¦><¦ .'.«.)-_ «f «bout 10" »rt'». »i'.ii tb« _i«r¡!,»_ I1..Q»» .' ,1 ..ulii.HJi u.« Iti«ra_«s, »UlU tL» r..»d l»«.li»f f.-oni th* Turkah«,* K"» to Mils i it» or, ti,e preiuiari. l,»JtlIl>M, Auetioo**r, »a TTR-bAl. ltttl RarlMSSSV. mil. It I » »i«. I p. Dl I'Li, Kin» ,l.«unt »boot i"} » »« frna We.t Mount V*t»ob «lifon. oi tli» liarle». Kai,road. a»l «».out tbr»* ail*» fr«rn tb» till«.. ..f 1 ..n ken. a«_t in ll,c im.acdiit* B«ifhi'.rfc«__l of a»w«»rt hn>« ..v in '1 her» »r» aaa* ' aau. I,»»ntiful nt«i. «tk T«rT «_w_.a_.hnf Tt*w«. and tb« a»,i all, lx «o'.'l pare»!« >»r« la«; fror« tee t««l.« aerva«a*», «cr-rrding to a nap. vkirh aaa« be «i SaSrS-S at tb« «S»«l tb« «u_«rr I.»». «r of tb« Aui-t'.«*»»r A a»v i». ..i .. t_-«u i«l»lr laid oat fr.,a -.»»k»r« to Br.rr irll>, crvuirm C«a- tra-ar» ,o'l «lading arrol» Ihi» fara in tl« _._«l ad«« -<af»«o> »nan, in vbirbvil nrdur« II.« di«tio»a fro«» Yonk»r» to «Uiut I«« alia». T" a nev road la ¦.> «Uked aut, aad the iaad will b* toUl «lU« fi»»U up"U it «hererrr iri:I»hle. fa* terina of ule. in. all other, :r,»of W. L. k. f. M. COWDHRT V. SI «.'.» «. Br» r...« MESSRS. A. J.BLLL. !_____. SON & IVe BALE OF 91 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS, SITUATi: AT OSSININa N. v.. TAKEÍ. PLACE ON THURSDAY, NOV. 11. One of tb« b*«l opporuaitl-« »frred tbii Seaaoa. Kale a-MlaU. Fall »«rtiealar« ia aa«_-*r «olumn. fious.1 an_ JFarirts __._:.._-&. U'ANTKD-A T-rivafi- BTABLE,ätaatad Im-- t»«*n l..urt»»i.tli «ad 1 _re»»-«*»..n,1-,ta. ind L«i »_-*. »»d Bu'b «re,., »;;b »ir_u.iLo,l»t:,.L f,r 1 ..» S h..r«»a Apol« u I 1,-1. , HUMKK MliRliAH. .' Pia*«t Jßtnl tfslnlt to Crtbartgr. 1»I.\L ESTATE for EXCHANGE..A City It PHOPRRTY. w_rtb .iiXKit» «ill »a K\< li A s«, Kl. f.r C-wntrr 1 _<. I'l KTY a».i »nni* »aak. SHA RPR It !I AKLK.. hKKi.ll «J l'ia^at C_t| ÇrorjtTîg lo Jttt. OFFICES to LET.Tha Aslmrv Lit. Itiaur- . L » ..inpan» bann« t*_«t*<I n. . .,. I «d««l. e».r»«r of «ilk It. aff«r to _rl :«l* o_!e«, it Ml Bromvar «ta«r of He«.« «t App.; ob Ib« premia««._ OFFICE to LET.A small, cosy ofb., nn- >«l« «strssre, sui | iTiinreofl «r,»r imt. Ftr» Ir*«. Tara« I.,«. A|rplTlo KOnKIU l'AVi- J-»' Br,i«.«ir, Rooai 11 aad II. t_ "<<> Ll A nifier Ibrrr-Mn-T Bri»k 1'* Kl.UNO ta tVreïty »*.»«tk-^, la perf« . \ » U RILPaTuIi k k HOLMRM M __M Tw»» t»th;M«t f a . rutiao A«a»-latloa H-lMia«. Tu LET I iiíiutii-íhed.Tli*« llaiitlsoiii«« tlirt-»- I a HOUbR _M «"t..t.. aUSS p«r au_u«. S3. »3»-,i a> S ¦". «aiWraisSsd i_*k._.»Uni ail in-r.rnT»rn»»t«. a»«» -tb a»a. il B*i» raa A t,. u_.«r, 14. W««t «klk »t rpÇJ LEI- 1 I,-- >li.í;¡-, ),,i.-..-iii»-iu7~an<l four X l.i'fU. ' 1, .a *«» an.. L.«{ *D»r J ,_, for 1. 2 or i ;eara. Afr- » s,. 1 V»«-t Tiur.« «,|rbib-,t l ^rc.kltjn |)i_j¡i-i-2 Co £tt. Jl»)sï an. ,/onrtb. OST.<po Mondar, Nov. 8, in the L_ o'clock i a from V> nil» "a .«,'. lit TIHPI.T Tb« lad . « Itbarsl r. ««.-, |'tat II autl Tkirt.-n.ktk at a* st «. rAli.MOR!. A Co'» IJ !«ar» . -Tor^iallon ¡Toturi. f'W»T()\ AQUEDUCT LEPAIUMLNT-To WiKl'N PII'FMAM A'TIKBRS ->»«.ed.r..p.-ala»,il_«r»r«i,*U at tl.i, .*!»«« u..t, «da. Cit. Hail 1'ark »util 11..'. 0*1 a »a..»f Tltl'ltf* 1A1..V," ¡I lfi, l.r alio« and Ia»io«- al.eal f«*i .( |.|a«s e««t tr.» p.»»« h'_-,i «it» «.»_.. with «Ti '.. fo«al rriku Jam fr. a MiabalUu 1,1.»« t_','» Wa« >. I t»l,«k propo»al» and farrk»! luf»..iKit».nappl. t.. lb- K:..:.»».. .. I *l..ft_i« l.»r"rt_«-.l »lku«B*_. -R«v. ot ¦ IK, 3D. 1*_. Tlf'MAS ^TKI'fI^:S.. J I r_t_a I. i-tRKtou. )A*aamm*i _ >«l 't. S. _lt_*>_. | _e,»«-L CKOTOX AQUEDUC! iU'.l'Ak'UlKNt"- T" « I . .'a.ej i,r.«>_-»ia.e-cb i»«_d «itn tb» till« > .'h» «<r t » vt -L » «te. th* nan.« »ft.- utaati «¦li .late «lud.riai, «li. b* rvc ¦<> ,1 »t 11 « i_f » »»III I" ., eWk a a .fit I »l'A Y. tit i»«t, f. r t..e r_s»lri_U_M »f tb« (»._,« ¦_ ,'.«. -_wk pa» ï«-«.!«. «it Te-t«i«t ',,.»1« fibue, aoj 1 riterallt pite«, .«a.« Itn'il-i« .I»«*» i .,t'.»««a »orlj Irrt _k.,_*4aven R.MiTtk »ad Hi liK'i. ,«.« flimjitk tt. fraa Dviaanrr V Ri>tat-aat¡ I«I_II1 , frva <'»»»: »V*«t ,t. ~-..rlj«-.._,! «t, from Tk t,l U 1«,.rtn »'. 1 kifti-tb »t. fr«a K. »btl _. Kialkare lati I. ip». .r ,t fr, Broidaii to 'A «at Rrv»«»,« ; ¦<.. t«, tu« ia«i..( .f cnrsi «r.'ki.frva »fa.iit« F.l Sink .»» t.. ,.;.._ it« \u l..;> . »«;, frit.*»«. U «.»?-lanlivd aad-tw«, ii. |n. 'i«._.b«r_tr_d »at'.- thirtirtl .in» h.inlrad td tbirt.» C-*t ai.d Oa» h»n j»» aad Ih.rt» ._*. «il»i .' o»it« .N . .1U rrtttk-iT* ind »<r ¦** R«.,l, fr._ ,. ,j,. sal» 1 »rr» at Msf »*>" M U.ank f«a« tat k l> iur' ,»r «at a_ia_«_ _a aap.i *»tloa t.. lia t.«aira. t»'*rk al th « ..*-» _»tu P»-,j. N»« 1«,, ma*Jt i.j. Tücvi t .m »Ptih... )«,-._«.« K. ilrlir L. UAUKAi.lL; A«wal.I _ »I "»'.R W ',I1KV:.'K , i;..«rj. CïtotoN AQl ED"c"i i>i.|'a¡<tmi:m.-Tu «<.. IUCTiSI« Saasi-bl SS»-«! PdoPOsAtJ« *«*«h i»»t,,r»»,l with tb» title ol ine ". rk kswhisk tl istaV*. M>« ..«..S'IL» ¦SStbadit» ,f «l.e-ff.iir «iil w '»»«»*.! at If. ntítt »»l_ 11 »'«JueR a a «f M kiSR.-liAV. K.» If ,(_..» t«. »>f tk« p«.»«_«i,l hwiviaalie "Ri »Il Pl«_»..«>l > d lireavit M s twie. ». | ti<«-iii«s* *' " r»1" .«.'«r« ¦» »i I b. k_w«r, ... Mufla -at., »»«i Kiftb-lt. fr»-, tl» «-»er. m Min. «.»t Akit f.r th« l»ila_ -f it.» pa< .»»U a.,.-. r.«.»la «,« Pa»««M»l al a »rx» loi »tr««din,; .5 ¡,, .,.. ,,r.:, n *_i:, .»ola.« Itbrwuai, .at), »ad in Klfl-«a_k'it.. frea R ,_.«» t., K. »mtb «>» Bli» «,,), i( rae«ir«d our Ir 'is McS |w-uw t*\ <> kr laisal i |iak_«1<-d lar IS»«» .««..S-SSi, P..« «".rtliK jf.rj t lb»C. trsct i.»m\ uu» OSU«. ItfoMAH STRPIIKR.», i <>otaa K..MT l |..K»|.IH J A«.s-d.,«t P « t- u_i i r»K«. No», la. .. .,>»«> »a ara_r»_-tf..»F»"_»tS. J* Br»a»c ». r»» R»r»ir»s or Tais», > ' ^»r ItoffliL la»», ^i «alerraa».,*«». *, ISSU , y. ir lureby ipvea thsionprrri.t v.n«.«a___u usli it _* im lit of r»»«- r««ib«r, »a. m i.ldittoMi .",,« per .rut uu lii.rrabsr IS all Uuas aides« i ,. U»r*«' ,t .),« rat« if |v«l«« i*r **nl i»*r «säum.«», .ti fma '..,» j.i i_,-i », w.r, ntmitai br IS* IbMiixf of Tai», b (_>«t«»r.| r«»i"»»t « s, ,,Mwi «;. aoa«r »_l be i«- «.r*« «ii< : . " tl-«-à p. ii_ Urbrc Dnur« frva I to 2 p. st s IR. sMYTII, _-».... Iron inarlt«. C5ÏÏKÎ ,,-N. I.i '«iS. aO.tRI ,,- CviMPART. Jll W.' VV.'i'uK\ELL. . l*S_ls «m Oraaaewtal IKON WORKS. h »a. 1__ xa Uj t«at'»«t \ I. U..«la«iii«. (l ail kadi «f 1/w «A«rk (Sr BUUirlSua.

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Post on 27-Mar-2020




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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1869-11-11 [p 3]. · 2017-12-18 · LOCAL MISCELLANY. LAYING» A COKXKR-ST« Tilt NEW 8T. JOIIN'h CHURCH AT Cl.l STATIC-. LSI.AND. Thecorncr-stoDt«t»f




The corncr-stoDt« t»f tho new St. JoliiiVcluin-íi,«t Cllftou, 8. 1., was laid yesterday by Itishop I'otter with

appropriate ceremonies. Quite a number of iiroiuiueutigymen were present, among «thorn were Hi. hop

yiiiitard of Tonnessoe, the llev. Iir. Totter of (Iraee

I'hurch, the IU D_ Ogllby of Trinity, the Rev l»rAt»-n-ioii»Iu» <f Hal.wat N J , muí tha Ilev Iir. t.od-lanl. formerly BeeSoro. the Church. Th« rerelae« were

.illume [_ved at I p. in, and were of a veit u.terestlrg

.hiraetrr. A large cooeimrae of the parihinonersand in¬

vited guests assembled at the place where the (ton.- laid, nearly opposite tiie srte of the old church. 1'p-

e Itself appear« In gilt letters Lhew«rds, "St. .lohn'* Church. <lif:)ii. B. I" Coder it, .«t

»ni., .- 'I'h. -ion« of ti.«bi_rahm a» laid Sent 1_, lm;i " At the Otherthe wont- -ruei-stone of lb« it« <-<>iul I«as luitl N The stone upon wbluh tblirested bore the passssre : ".Über feundat-Ofl .an no

man la) than that which I« luid, »".en .1«-I'tie Ki i Dr. 1 «¦« leston, the pre«. :.t pustoi ol th« church,re__i » paPS* SteHBg briefly the hi»torv «it the h apto the present time. Bishop Potter mini« .. t« « plgaSBlreBisrks iiidieative of t'.»» gratlfleatlon move-ma)««-, which be bad eatteipated for s_an_ year«, was

atuynt to lie eoDsmomated. The Itev, Dr. Ooddard, a(ottaar raster of tbe «bersb, thee made a brief ad¬ln which he recalled the time when be delivered lbs ud-ares» at the living of the cortier-»?nnc of Hit flirt church,tw«ut> »ix year« uno, which was laid by the lie v. Dr.Moore. 1 he lii'.il leio-iike wen made liy the lU-v. Iir.Abereroliibie, who «eld that the building of the new

fluí: ut. iu e of in« ir prosporMJ aud told thatbin! had blessed them with rcsourci:». m> tout they COUld_o more for the service of His iihiiu At IBS eon-

finsion of ih » the gue.ts repelled to

the lecture room of tbe church, where th. y partook»f a bountiful collation, aud spent the remainder of tin

.- of nie new churchIpU ati «1 (»othic of the 14th century, the form

0j ; iiiteeture wlueli ltouriHlieri during.rd III., and .n which ao niant of the

ill parish ehiircbeo of Ruglaud wet«- originallyructure, though «mall compared

ui«;iv others in n,e Dloeese, u verj perfect, It will bo»ubolaiitially built. lb« walls of a light i gran¬ite frow l «. im near tb« mouth of »he Coimm-etlcui ¡User,

lings Will iieof Belleville »tone I. OUIu.. k.N.J. 'lhe strut ture will be

cruciform, of »navewith north ami tontta-.,,. together 50 by » "t feet, north ami southtrain»-pt« eith aish s each 31 by .'.«» i«-ei, having m«- sacris-

:i »id.uf th. eliuri h. and an orta-.i eliamti« r

on the south »nie. of tbe BBine general dlmoatloee. Atuf the ariiu. i.t tbe oross there will be a

rsed-tewet f- t aneare externally, and ririnc«.: tbe lower roof« 7m feet to

"leint"..!, and crow ind with a spire 150 feet Ifl(ht nom tbsground. The shaaeel will emend ea.t-

« «ni Ir« bi ti.« lower, upon which it osens by a b_-d andil.-epiy-ii» lile.I srch, it* interior dlmeusiona tolet*-. A aerel «i opea tiiuiKT and panel-work will occupy

aveon tn. south side. The churchl,oui ..Mi persons, und the cost, which

ut, win be defrayed entirely bytributlons of the parish, ibe whole Into-

n,. healed by steam, aud venu-

feted tj with the bealiug apparatus.

«\i:k.~ Of EMIOSATIO-IAt the -B-S-tiog of tllP Ci»iritlli«*.*i«>Ii<-i* of Em¬

igration yesterday, the report of the Comnuttee on

.'. I.iandwa* read, recommending that ïh.ii.r.

u.g Day u- sbserfed by beldlag divine ama _s tin-

riiap- I» en Wan!'» I*i'l that a Thauksgi«. lag dinnor_. m ven t« tbe lumstea of tbs Institut!

Ulf sülaties of tbe utticer» of Ward'sSteward, fi. 1.1; baker,

» 1 two matron». tiO to * ir«e,

11. loll. per mouth--. taket from the l»t :n*t. Tbe report was adopted, ..-

ibe lefwrt ot tiie Comaaltteeoa astis < ..irden, »im h sss»botlli ". railroad a^« ucy sommunl-

tal. lo !.. tbs n.un« Bild occupation of« v« ry persea in n» ;r employment, und thai no perses bendautted hereafter lo ».»»;.». (larden nulcss »«.

I oil the A», lum buililin«. ou Ward'sd i» to let- eo'imi.ii.e.l foiihmih, according te a

repast ef tbe Commitsee ; It is also in »uto>r. cl e gas-woru and. Misera. Smith «V k.-tpp

¦.ppoiiiteU e t oiumitu-e loluqulre Into lbs cl -

for supplie« ibe pH»t tea«"- Th« following rommuui-I wa» tlwii r« ni aiul referred

f nu,» p»r-.i, »rr.- o» tb»ir «»«e tn

a«,r..«.. Itlo ('MII'T >'. ..S.,. »-... ».'..'..n va» »ia Bu:. .in loi.«.«

? ». «ae» 1« Pie»e tl imainc «¦ I'.' l« ht«-a ru « r.t«», i.e»i_..«, »tari» _.ui,,« t.» ,),-taic.

Vtramm .e. br r._-> r- fur 1 rai.rtirat tari» Pin .a


>,t t» tue aai. -:?.!_

> . in« i» ..a .ta a»» tl»»». e un »î eu in«, (.er, lu«», ibt.i ti. ««',« tt.«t ..'t in% ¦

Jos.x t, tt «i-»», Aieot.,,e consideration was bestowed on a pr.,p..ved r.

>.f for regulating tbe payment of intlennlv for.OUI m «.tlur eountlt» ot tu«: Mute,u thaï an .. e year fr« ¡¡

>h.. il bat aïo claim ou bebalf of auj poor p<Tu.y ul».o |,|i.

vid<- that the value of a pati|K-r Btlgr.l'a labor, wheneuemy Inatltutioa of the state,

»hall be allowed |a tue claim prewnted, which wan nottin caee eeaelMaly. Number of emigrant« arrived dar-

.: up to yeaterdsj |a_n»i i.t.i»67 to

*--....' t¡m», Mix».!' so; k-atn | m the treason. I-

_______ TRIP til- Till: BTBAHn 1). C. IIA^kin-

Abmit six yenrs .§. Ctininititlon« Vutidetliiltbuilt tbe »teambout (incut to run iu opposition to t lu.N.-w Haven i^ulroad Compauy because he held ..

mount of the fechtiyler sto« k w 1. leb tl I Company refused to redeem. Fiudmg th_.Comu - actually la earnest about tbe op]lion, the Compauy look up tin- stork ami the Orieilaid up. M « feetIn am. and 11 feet depth of hold, and measured !... ISJMt*i.e had two i)«)ilet» »ml a beam englua w

t-t Under and 13 feet strobe ol piston, and 30 feet paddle..¡.out her i" . has

lain idle ab. seed bj tbe< .«iiforiiia and Pael-W Compaey for u*»- on the

I ef California. It Is said tbat abe wa .1 forr M have ireen expended upon her. and

» So will be expended open brr befim* commanded by < ap

man« who rendered hitnselt fatneua by ). at lug N>-.«un a .loi.ti «.i« I'Oiiiu me _tcamer_iew \v«.¡)d,

took out to San Prauciaco, leaving tbs.hertS to find ins way balk lo the «Ht on a pilot boat.Tbo. D C. Ilasblos, aa tbe i» now emeu, will leave «a aday or two for! ieo, tonchtag at various

.eats at Mouth Amertea, via tue Htraits of Mami¬la. Il« r trial trip >».»!. '..i tlic ]>ur|K_m ufti-Hiiiig her maiiiiii« iy and aacertarnlngIf bII tier equip-u.ent« w.i. umph '¡..m ( en,mo1 t. \ .tiiil.-i n« : ii.-en placed in the liubliitd her kadi has been atreugti.,

'lili. .1111:1. AM. I.AII.KOAD.I lu llacHtaldail af UM Timd-ave. Iiailruatl

held th« lr annual meeting yesterday in tb.-ir pail.r»utu« d. pot. After partaking of a bounteous eollaUou

piep.ired by William Hundley, the steward of the Cotn-paajr. tba iu_el.n_r wa«ealllNl lo order, ami Mr ileiut i_.K. uiK.-ii to the chair. The I'r« *;dciil'e .iiiuu.l re port w u»

resit by Charle» ti. Arthur, tbe hecr.-taiy. In tbs rwportrum c.«i pa»»< tbowa to kt

it«, v.. The Couip i.*», bessea, h.i\e rual.U regular ear» und M otras, making each STI trip«betee .*.xi«i-nftti-»t., an«l stvtrinafJtoni Harlem. Car» «rerun ftotu v.iriiviiie, at Ninety iiceiid «t., for SBpetlal ac-

t oii.iiiixiaii.iii of Vnrbvilla people, it ares sboscalculation on the iiroUl» Ot the year, tbat ItMM >neand eight-linlb- ot a cent lo cat r\ enger. Bo

tbat tbeprefiii iceulel the larllUni on the pasBengen. The Cuaanany u allowed us« «-ut« iu gold tor ea.u paaaaaaer, and, with tbe mon gold, lhe ('..nip.. tb« actual amountahirb '.hey might exact. Tbe annual elect loi .¦

in the follow mg t.iK.t: Bobert Í aident i V» m.ib amen,Joun 1_. Oett, Tl.ami ion, t-operm-l« li'lent. I Ol .., ». V. IU...IU H, III-

».n, Wm. A iiariintr. Henry u Ecnwcii, Henry Hart,Wilson c. Hiuit. Maitby (.. I_iiie, p. u-r McMar- n.JobaB. Hobby. W.lliaui J. ValcnlUi«, f»>ivaiiu.. .«-. Hiker, *,lTSeteS K. t oiiiat.Hk, Wm M I«, ) lii-|..clor» ofLi..tlou-J. Ja Wollll. K '^- i'al.n g, J

Till. RBI OOMMIIAt flic MMtlng <»i tlit lioaitl ol Fife Com-

miMioners yesterday . Uommlttei' paying van..ii» bills, amotiiitmglu the ag.r. gate

tt, f 14.T11 :«. Th« ( omin.i ' i ir.iiitll.le«*o.ill.on, !.

u ol a number of |tera« adul-teratedbaroeenaell Uni semleBlonerMcLean

U wai i. . ins.nietioi. id the' il,e li>

D ol the i'ie» dcl.t «f the.«I that officer« of all gradea he required to at¬

tend when diro-ted, utile.* prevented ly suki>cr...rmancc <>t hro dutytransmitted :t for ibe

i_-r, from vtbii-i. it aamearatbat tlnumber of brea »a« 73, tbe estimatodi»I lhe_egi-W64 wereconllni-U to ot,« |tend. «I to othM p-lrul dlarovet-d M tli

II, and by. «,_ tn.-

alarm», t» were «rut hv tekegrapb, «nd M w<«re »mlum bei ol I-

!. r.ibiy Camngeduf tirr« BlMngUMbed aithnut ai. alai m wert-.m,

uipaiu. -, 17: bv inilit ni,i.. :». tc, by cltisens, i.A.

-. >: from Mr. li <.. "f tin

iud, ackuu ¦«

th. « oiilllbUtiaVl« Of II,' n.-

MI. IVDH.I.M. kl l-ll'l.l I» ___fO '

in. x m i uutUij,; oí Liu- J».«.i:.i « it.< t> .o: the i.' i.t t of the

uplureil and < rippled, .lohu C i ,v

.i.« ..til« «-, Na PIlb« following i« je»! I v ». ív.iil l..'.4_ putlt u>»

o I

Hi an.i

humber oí caaes tr.'itteil _<_;,ll of

allied iu ui« era

TT-Hored to the patient the ability tat labor; 113 lisae«aer«' »pin»l dises«»», SB Inp-disesas. 60rl«ib fe«t, M tnfan-t.g: paralysis, 3* wniti swi Mag, Tho rvinajuiüg 823

re females treq'iirliig siii'portlni.' bandai***, andchililr-eu l'iuv-|i';"."tl, kins k kneed, stirt with similar ail-

Nllie I. lbs of ul! the cases reipured a-f tlieirtrcstliient «iinri. it-iiu-i bsufeal ¡ipplt-ince». which were

si.pp.i. o and alto kepi m repair, and leas than on» eWatrtb>iti|i,iv tne actual «f tkeir apparat aa.

tvery applicant unable to pay wa» »uppli«id, ami pin. iule:..| ne«' if i-h.iit.'»-. T" loset Uli»

.rreat iiierea»»» of expenditiire tin- collections for curr«-iitexpenses have b« .« n ny no menus RaalQRaSa, i«nd s ron»aldersble rriMuI la yet rrqtitred i" furnish the newhospl'tl, whit h building I» n«*arly completed, otl the corner of Lexington arts sad bony-sec«.u«i-»t , «-here a largeuuinbei en will be received for trcutui( nt ; ami tor a United nuuiN r ef thost» Hblo to pay,Btlltubie aic..i:,ii,.i'i..!iiU.r SIR I" tU| pinvitit-d.

on \Ti'>.\ or tut: fik-t BOCTa\|;ril.IN \ Vi»l I'.MI I H

A nitctiiir-' of tho oftlcors of the 88d I.. ;_-i-men! I .*. « i roops (formerly ist Sontb «Carolina V« lav>te«rs), wa» held at the Aitor Hoiim« jcMerday uftcruoon.There wa* a good atlentlaiice, ami un associa'. on wa» or-

gnuir.« tl. He liib-i i «if ubieh, ¡is set forth In the Constitu¬tion, is to iM-rj't tunte the as»oeiation of mi.'itai v servie«-,ami secure intittial sympathy ai,il aid hereafter. Anyhonorably din'barged oßleer or »uldur ef the regimentmay bi-coiui- a ineu.lK'i iipii.i appUoatlea to tbe beere-

iiid tin- pnj ti.tuit of an nduils-u>n fee of |'j eacb.'1 lie li-t of oIh. err elttrtad for the ensuing y ear Is ns fol¬

lows: President/- T W UlRariiiaoii. .Nc»poit. Vita« l'« C I. Tr.ivrbiitiire, Rrooklytl. H. Y Secretary nnd'lrcasuier-J W. Belvage, Pionkiyn, N. Y. fc.x»-cntivcCommutée -I-' B. Goedncb, Troy, IN. Y.: M. G. PRrRer,l«jliuubia, H. ('.; J. i. Ktijri i-m, Worcester. Mu*« Ike fol¬lowing resolutions w< r«- aaaalaweaeli sdepted;

Hrm.litd. A» ftr||.,w wimitiar» nf tbr mu » re.n e, « » a.i'l ctirirlvrlof ti* .iri'uituuit to «iprraatiar fi'i.ii. 1er all !l-a<itl tarn-

ratls«. ii'i! otir rra.-iart f..r Ihr tnrini.r» r.f Ii s «S.iRRNaVtS, TL.i ll.r «tr.r-rri of llir'Assoclilioii 1m» »»riirw It» nucn

ri.miniiiiriti.ii will prtHBiantaflrtnaf rt,|..rnl tro.pi tbn»B«liuut lit«c.mnlr» with rrftrrte» to t «SaSBal »rr»r>iutt»»Mslor-Uert Kufu« Baxlou, Major¦ Hen. David Hunter,

ami Major W.8. Wood of N. J. were elected honoraryniMiilstlri. Ihe meeting then lltljtnirited to Ineet atthe Astor House. Nov. 1«, 1HT0. Tlteoftli'cis ¡.resent were

( ¦.! I W. lliggiiison. Lieut-Col. C.T. Trowuridge, MajorH.A. Whitney. Capt» J. I. Hoger». Cap! i,.,.ice I».Wulker, (apt N. (i. Parker, (apt. .1. W .«*. -Ivag»-. l.n ut.Jesse 1 i*b«r. lit ut. J. A Trowbrldge, Lieut. F. B. I.und-rich, Color t*eigciiut P.a. Livir«-.

ALI.rcl I' r__FT8 I'-Y I'OMI..-TI(«S.("aroliiic 1'iTston, alias Caioline Smith, n

servast employed by Mr». Parah fecliy of No. 144 lib ci k

er-«t. wa« taken lufore Justice Hodge, ye»terda_i, al Jefferuou Market Police Court, having been arrested un s

charge of stealing 11,'a.HJ Iroiu liei uu-tit-.s on Tuesdaylasa. Mr». Ni-lev tit'iKtsed tuât in a btrreaa drawer in herroom v.« .i I2ISI m In-asury aataa and a cintk «m theManhattan Hank for ft,(Mi. DurTDR brr ab-tif the tloinvRtic entered her rooiu, being mil romrngout bjraboitider Ir tkc koaae, ami or kes retara Mis. .«... ny foumlthat the property h.ul otan Stolen, Bbe called m an of¬ficer of tlie Ninth 1'rcclnct, by «rfcORB tlie wiunan was ar-ri »tt d. Mu- pleaded not guiltv, und was ooailllltted fortrial in defuult of R».M>0 bai,. In tbe same Court. MatyAi ii Perrni, a chitiiioerinaut in the employ t.f Mr. PhilipDater of No. 939 Madison av« « i ¦ ebsraed wltb bavlag

, on ihe night (if tin 7:ti in»t., n large «jti.tntifv ofjmiliy, H'ltii bank note«, aud gold coin to the BUttlR

'» D. 1 he furuil.v were i'iit ihiniig tlie tl oi.iv tin rii.itniit in aid and a friend of bars. Fled-

in i! ni tin i.tiiist. i'i'i'ii um retara airniiy ike propel iv w aa Bli-aed, and tkc m r\ am « us

lille.-ti il. V i« Isueu csugbt. lin un itwii..1 for an investigation,

IN«.,'I(nioiKr Schirmcr was rrqueKtctl ypst»?rdny to

hold au ihtiuc.-t, at n« llivuc Hospiu:. over the body of1'utiick ("iinoliy. ascd 40, win«, on tlie l*th mt , ¦

intoxicated, fell from the front platfoirn of a Third uve.

ear, near Koi ty-tlr»t-«t.. and Ike « In.. '1 | -t-*« d 01 mow nfbis legs, crushing it, and from tlie tfltc's of which tteatkn*u.!eil lesiciday_ Tin- ludí of an onknowu bojr,aged .inouï isjraare, waariag onlypaatalatiiM and »iiirt,was fiiuud y esterday in tin barbor, od (mt einor » lalaad.It l« thought to be that of a lad taun tl Cm lies«, a ho«»falber i» a «oiiix-r on lioieit.ots hr**vi Daraaas

lerwiii bold an im j ut -st also, at No H rkarltow«I.,over the botly of ( i... aged U months, sin»(I'i Iloln scultl« recall «1 " slioit IIBM ago by failing luloa pan of hot water. Coroner Reinan will, to day, holdan iiitjue.-t over the body of Tbniuaa WTttt r*. w h<> di»-dsiitl.i. it itfliriioou, at N.'.tb «'. and h.\lh ave.

!,oh, who bail Imi i, t 'oiiiiuif'fd !o thel.iiiib- for in it-ii)'M-r«tiii-«, du ii j «.»i« day l».(-fa»»«t| was

i.r Flynu orderedthe bi roe.

¡.i ai TH_ whitm:y HOI BECoronel' Kdllitis ¿c-t( iil.i> lu-M an in(|in'.*t at

tho Whitney Hotis«-, over the ImiiIv of ii. 1 j 1 loin

.: «ppiili* !!. ;- Mr, Han

for lodgings and wn« RSSig a 'I B room. Or tin fnight Hanley c.itne atiuin and obtained ihe Kime room,and going out not rrtni n until In i v. eea 2 and >

the next un tiing. < m Mmdnv sfternooii the dlwaa found dead ir tied, la ike raeaa ware foaad kettensigned .. Frank," aapptTsiad to be frota bis wife n.and asking for money to etialib lier ta pav a board lulland ne. t other ex pi use.«. Ueeeasad bad no bafcige,und only a ««nail Bam of un«ion. I»r. Johu Bt-sch made a p.»t mortem examination,and found that death hs<i resaltad froai animismjxiison, aad a verdie I of sun ide wa« rendered. Twas n-iiM d to an utid»-rtukt r's to a--« ipSMtlna

:t II year» of age, aud a

¡HI i <>l A'/.S.

IUPR] ML COUK1 -ii.iTAL Term./ .«./..'. ihn mini.-- Whmi to*$titutmt\

mitiTtotie liritltir llrstrl! agt» ./o/iri ]<es$ell .Iii. tut ntniit-iil or which Im.« | tija.lien

In Till TRIRI KE, tbe .¦! to !li. res-.tb it that the dt r July,tookh» r otti riding, aud renewed kia peiwuesiooe tkat a inioiiiu. Brwrnage waa aid i.t i.-»»ai i. ami finally pka«

r:t K on I -iflien I BttTrtt, aad !'ii vent on lb,-,i n 'un. |,t

tile lU Vboard 1 and wlte, at «J »

as bIII I

uer will. irred,Wim le»';ti.-d to Un I), III.tier

ma ein-iinistaiii ».». by th« defi hismotion to non -tut. tka « oeM bell there

wa- t Tantthen went od the »t:.od. aud te«!,nid tln.r the allegedman a».-'- *»? -ti ardiaary m :. deaysng asaas

fi he pla ; th. ».-.i in_ oftin ring araenga'.eil lio,ni!, i." Uni! ti.t }....,ii.IU -o lllidi-rslotsl it.An eilort u

nt ndiiii'iy » tli defendant's broth« r. '.lu t»-«tiiiiou,ex. ¡urled, tiueut, aad ie a,re ¡IIke broth«': >as it bad gone I .¦. .|.

I declined to sum up, and Mr. Raaallt,r. urged that . i on

tbe crei.lbiiitl«-» of witness»», and in Hint view DOtRingbait Igkl to llii|eiii'!t 'BlslBtal bill the

offer, i>ro».»«»-Ty < ruabed on«, to nrtii > ii defead-uat's broUn .'.a thing wli.rlisdiied in fain v to the tiefe un not:tie. deft...:-nt bad tmtxisi hi hi» own leatiuiuuy by tka-t-by the boUl ¡îioal tba* Be bstl Intended to deceive sndarduee Ihe p.aiiü.ff; unit Ii.» .n ofhei when lt.- k' Riolkei ;bis own stiiK-lIM at ont of « ..i 11.ul I».-, ii l hat «Re was ii

wif»-; I- »tstei :iiat sin- wa» not »en-would ex-

P's»< kiOl ta ati ledi .! .a ¡,t |i,r I.;»;. m\ and to an iiupn»ot-ii.e:,! ii tin Bist« prison; oui«' If tkeayaR-

». ü t!-iin etl «-it.Ti «.".- « :f. and aa laitiiaiii for legl Imsey. ai aa awl]

n in I:, any legalBd Ha tb .-«ion.

rTPCSIOB OOtEl Bm tt; Ti.h-4.

Btfort Mr. ,T-i<iti<r Ttihittn.- 'Ute Marriagel.n tr.. Mm y intrtnt aft. J<>»r]h Durant ft. mi i actiontn< defendant wee i»ri -1 . t ou an aflidsvit of tin platatlaf

iTev hart bred together a« !.. »a r ii ruso ami wife fotIS Vests bat v ituout a ci-remoiiiiil iiiari.MC. tn»< rtef»-nd-.mi repeal isi «Beb s man age tnais .m«- titrée month» ago RS threw bep*nff. tellinaber «bewas in» w tr lust he »i!oit'd « |illi|ae«kta from her,

v nn ie frk i«, and wltk winchrstied her to b'T i'Ihi- house, «lieii.tnig her

partais, aad Hint lie piilil-lied tin obiiu.iiy of her a» In«wit.-. RRe say- sue do.-s i it >.; ,itr r hether »be It d feud«

wito or not, but leanri » tin Cos I t" iiect ie Tkc d>-f'I..lunt n,o »s «ii, the pliiiii'ifl's own atlida« it tlie order of srr« st «rai'Bted. The srgtt.sni or kliI" naif la the afluí, u!, tnki-p as true, i'»tab!i«bea a

nn.rr!uice '.i.'!».i'i'i: tbe plall iC defeadant. That n»»

» ife inn ni in».- suit .igaiirst ber Ini.bui.d foi -my of tlieclss» .¦ ».i - :'s n winch anonler .»f arrest can b» granted.Tksl lbs sttidarvK wss not definite Id poiotlag ut what

i cisv o* su:i le i.itn.detl to bung, and was Mit MMetenIif a suit, f r libel »¦' re mt".ul» d. 1 hi tl.. jiisi iff it was

srgui U tl it the »fllilarit .nade on' not a ma' aire, buts l.r«. -H ti o.' prohii-e f«. inariy «ml ti it tin- nefeodsnt'ari',ui.l..itli :¦ of th» tuRrriRgt. lií l«fl ib« pialatil! at liberiyto ioiiBider berastf no alfe, and bring sun for either

h of bread or aiiesll and bsi-t« 11, nil ef wiiuii. 't i- claimed, wen »uti.¦..-, » averred

til. 1 ,ie foui! took the I» !». -, i. -rvnu ifa

Hi M .i trti.y f^i j'laii.lUl .'Ii \ ..iiile.'is.i 1for ùt f BtRRSt,

.1 ML 001 LT-C'lUAlIiti «

r,ir- 1/- ..Jutiitt Vñjritmf !.** «»i it«Ja\lra.Hfr» .u TI» BraituBtr.¦ lortne nppoiii' m.-nt

«'.f l.*;n n»- and ^ ..--'".ut on the

wi.ieniig o." Uraadwa) from I'tttrty-ai ."! d st. to I tfty-ia.oui Xn. in Nt w Oouct--

li -use, winili ha» Im en Sited up as .Lnlge Csrdoxo'spi.vste room. Al .ut u «I uta ptttaeua Itmt inciudingrepoMSTS) were pteaeat, ai.g tbeiu Mr Ruca, Mr. Pelt

try. Mr. MuuTiie, tbe oonbael In I lie in; tt»r, snd»tbers. Mi. .-fiiughton pi» ¦»' .¦.'.! a pTi'.niii i.trued

.\ M« «sre. A«tor, Wlu.e. J..' -». < iSMstt, Maurlee. W'ci.tli iritiaT. aim of i.»; the appuli'luentof

Hurry u- ou* oí t .«. «. . uiiin-sioi., is. Mr.I«loui. ..n :ei..e«erited tba' these »JOB ei ry

if the properti kokWra oa the linehad m lied

on M iiiitrv on »t.-.«iiiii id Irla tboruags gimwii-dgr oft,'l If ¦ 111. l»l '»!" I.V-lH'l'l«l-Mr.'iiisu.. .1 ¦. nrtoi: on behalf "f Mr. .!. «

,,i pr< pe. me une, i!.st Mr.JllÜi' I'. 1

ll'U.lee^ IM tin- I 1'etV.I 'II llin tin geiinliieimesofMr.



'Ihl ¦' "i-ty Frauds.- John S. Bliaa,! ul... 'in tin» nt fot un alleged botmty trsud,snd win» as» i psrtnei of tu« m.«nions I \. Iinatu, tue

I u'lseoii'lirif» fia du;,m iii'in,", ¦ami i,.» i ,,, ekargea.« t ..i iiii«-i"iiera

(Ibf ' on.« t> f,,.. ., )i, foi ollnrI uiii.f .'u.ul- im esa« bifuu i uuiuii'-iout-r|

-Veit» vas «talli.rT»-*. ta We/tneedsy n#_t. Tlie ease ha-fors Oommwainner «Osborn, la a hieb l'atrirk Martin, ofCoinpajiT (1, r.j.l N. Y Volunteers, is the complainant,was commenced, »id then ».Mourned to the aauie tiute,and tbeoaae before r«>mmi-_i_utr ghield«, in which thedefense wanted an adj4»urnniw-H <>f two weeks, was «d-loiirned t.. baturday, the i «.««tni-~K>rt«. r refurung to granta longer delay. Many of th.- aoMiers -s-ho allege thatHiev have been defrauded by Kb** are Impatient of the' la« '» delay " and threaten »umiuary veugeance.Hmugyling..In the «ase of \v .1. Mhnrkey of No. 2ft_

Hnadway, who le chargée with complicity In tmuggüngrlgarsjthe examination v. a* mtnm» ._. <i yesterday, before( <>miui__ioncr-ihleld». Thomas R Too le, a (lovernment

ve, testitled that he found gars of the valne an ghwrbey*a premises, which cigar» Miaikcyat Unowleiiged he hsd purcli_i«ed frum parti«» v, bo had

The witnessSfurtber tr.iiti.-d that t*_arkeyusked him If the matter could not Ml " arranged." Thefurtb-i hearing was iheu udjourntd to the lith lust.

FTBCT DISTRICT COl'UT.Itrforc Jittlrjc (¿uiun..Zalune« d (¡rosjeMn act.

J> Anyetitt <t font -Plaintiffs »lied to recover 1-00 forwin«» »«ni and delivered as they alleged to both defend¬ants as <.«>-partner«. Th«- defense was that the defendantswere not co-partners, and that Platt had nothing to dowith 1» Angelo«'» plure of bua.nCHS. Thai the Wine was anew wine Just being introduced Into the market, and that!>«. Angeln* did not purchase it, but at the plaintrtT»' soil-«itatn.n introduce«! it to hi» customers without charge,au«I that lie gave the same away. That it is the customin flr-t Intiridiiciiig u m w win*' not to charge fur it, andthe plaintiff» left the wine In (»tirntiou with He Angeln« tointroduce it, w Inch wa« done. Judgment was rendert'dfor tbe defendants, with coats. II. c luiuer r_x plam-titfs; Alex. II. Reavey far defendants.


Hit Fenian " Martyrs.".Some tuno tipo John-net a picture of th.- lemán ¦. Martyrs,"

« »'linen. Alisa, and Lai km, the busts of the " martyr« "

being arranged an a shamrock leaf, tbe edge of tin leafsut rom «led by small ihsmrocks. Knley oi.tulned an In the United htsteB ( irruil Court restraiuingI h 11m a- Kelly from engraving ami publishing such a pic¬ture. Kelly published a picture of the " Martyr«" on it

I,.unto, L. the adaSS of tiio shamrock being »urroundeilby -tart Koi.-y moved for uu attachment lo punishKelly for an alleged contempt in publishing such a l'ic-tuti. Judge Blatchford denied the motion, on lbs prunedthat the pi. tur»' Issned by Kelly I» Hot Wltlilli til« injune-tiou nor uu infringement of Poley's copy light.

COUR 01 OTIS a.s_> ti;hmim:i<

Before Mr. Justice Ingrahain,.Tbe (.rum.Juiv anma m and preeeuted a large number of Indict-meats. As far as could be ascertained all were of theardiñal, barneter.

CRIMINALAi tlie Tutu.»* Folict Court) batea .Iiistiro

Dowlli _, wa« brought Peter Brandt) oa a hargs <>r hav¬ing, with a roi t.-il.THt«. given a class of drugged »««lawater to Patrick M« iionaid. » resident of Newark, N. J..and when the lattei bream« uticon.« mu», robbed hiui of|-.<-. Itrundt was coiiiunited for trial Wallace J. VanVichten, Who was ai rest« d on a charge of OSSbeSStlng«.mull iimotitit» of Bsooey from the Ameiiean New» com¬

pany, by whom he was rmplovsd, wa» committed.

At ÜM J-_-àl_rOt M.iru.'t Juillet« Cmtrt jrfBtsr-d:i\ r-ainn« blmoUS and Heur«, l'ir.tiil., hotel waiter«,were arraigned and a «'««rnpliitnt preferred again»t thi'Ui

by Daviu J. Ma. k of No- 17. histh ate who «-harre« tbst..¡i Hie Blgai of the Mb mat. he Meal to the place No. l.___Uroudwuy, had «upper und went la aleen, feeing I't« »toil

la watch him until be awobl l pon Swaging, however,hi found that bit VS«I po. I». I had been titled of |1MI, and,a« tliey were tin- only» nai inr arc¦»» to tin room, heesaaad then arrest In«- tw«. mm pleaded not guilty,but were committed to nrtBBB m «1« fault of |1.'«» hau,each.

i OtJBT CAl.I.'Nli WlS-Tiit. Pat.f-ti-Ki»i Os«nt.Oaaanss t_«» .».« «»»»»rai», a.-. .

St-r»«_» f-tvai svsi latí «K» ..

M..K»««II ««.- «A'_r».er .1 ., __..._.__Law a- HI

M.Kerum «_l. M»i.l,.» A br«w. -»<. .V.rWt, «ft Sort..» »I . »ir.

« . IB. . USS St... MIBB- al

.,'. t.aa.avra > .».« »l «I..t I_««.ei

.11 SI i '. bll lav Tr»l|t aro«,nl «.I rnt.»ir__ll_.

14 lir,.«_ «|iI . I'O »'.

«ft. Hit««1

Serai», m ..«.«»¦... , llSfl Ml fa

. ..»».. Hor«_»1 . Y .-..¦«. I (" »«t .»!¦ ' a

III .hr.fe . et . ... II». .11- . -, V«--»». a» Baal -»r.


f».t ( .

»fl A».-»«« .". a- n'.-l. a. I I ,'«_*»»_.

» «r»r-

Vrih na .,.;.i : ilTbbb I»»t IIII

III.-..'«I.P..II. f



a.i Han .....

t W 111!¦laiUi

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J-fca..»-TaiAi 1»»» I'url

M la.»

| __n..M«c».i |... >

II. .WISSISÏ »t » aftk

_»> Hi.aan »ft l'«o. r


. a. Marra» In».

Ilr.«,i«|t n

fi« .ri if. .

tm » -

un. slot .__.*_,r_»_a «rt I*

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. Srürr !».»_. .; J."Kr. ...

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¦ ...i »i. ,. .»»tile« VI '.

. S .an. M»i_«:. (iaa-

M VY8 r.V< _UttU rOB Till PU( ai ta'n- a - '|I»1U

I' ,-». I« II« N» . l«'l A--'.«l»- rt.» .».»_.

- . "it. -.. |«U ,-r i. .1 Í »' . t.r ik« Jr>»»«.ii o/ I'tmm'rr,

l» » , ..e »!,!_!«..»I .\'«-l-i-r tar-i.-rai il«n_l «.«. »» d»lu«r«_ «a.« U

.»' _.

MIMIATl UK SWSaSfl"u» nut.( fl | Mi hm«. »1 ,. >.i.

i osean t»»< »at.... . i« »us.. l.k".. .


I'll r « K.MllkB «Ke.ikT-« a. a.1 "I _| I_.._.*« ï»e.I'.n girWsat .m,.. _in« .«¦ -.. .¦

»..«.._.» re

Ne- It.<1,.__»«A

«-. ._.

iLcaw.aa..t _>ar._J

e__-»L At.« » T«-(_.*»«,, , f.Bala... .«I'

rna«__ra«,.< .«-«.. wI'kie»»». . ,e«r. J_H«i,iw. « low ..

N««i.r.*«n«. t h,«,ii.ISRe, Wa,i ... ..1

>a.Ka.i< -arl«_t_a I

tllli'I'lMi ISTELLIUt.


Kr»_»r H»v h».lALUiraut» un¬

irán Af« f»««), < natte«,

rOkT O. BSW TtlBt.N.nal( l.KAI.r h.

*t»,' . « l.,Jer(>OI)l¡f.,r. Il.ttei.« K..leert, lt.. t,.i >,». St

I ' I.MaM«-l Isisk ett H «a

*-' MU Juin _«r.|»a- I .« U,t or.ler« t», .«, ma f .cbraa.

II« III. I r or_*ri; Jiaai. . Grit tul A«...a. Kruar. In««t», braatfe,

Cat'l l'en »a, 'leo.Sehr« -«Aeut»,.riri. Ilar.t»r. Wia...r s - ..« Ihl«,

S»'»s»«b rt,,i.t, »|,.,ru«, « .s««»»»«' Ma» S I, SIaN J...... lin» « 'in»ll M. J, b-, B i Iroi»».

I'nn.l« ft in H H L g bau«, BUk*| Rra-lirlSSW; \«i.aa,¦««/SI, 6L Suj.-uiua«, ia.

AllltlVt.Ii.Stfaaabip (i«a Salpi.rl. «. « «. "¦» J: »,. I. , W »at »,

. uaaa.

Btsaaalrl. -.._» Ball, B-Srs« Ki- tur ...

BteaaabiB HSa ,.ai»a_"r HilSii«. SstibSSS, ia«»» a»; |»».aBMsS__-t-. M-i' Ma-«-» .rr.»i_l u« K.« .» ». « I _>.

St»_iaiaLI(, r-aaiu. br.M.i« fbllssil«! la, mil«« »a,t p»aabar« i., ,.,«« Dl l.'l lie . «a.i

iM-kr. l'a:s_». Ilaukit 0»»U«l»«« I_, «osBBSS» BIVBB

II»i i' t, l'r.,»l.l»nr»Bail*. Pf-VtisBsa

Mai., i.rrea« i, i.

...,rtÍ '»»»«,.le I

ki»f».a.,ii B«rtti»«,it

dar« r in ,i ,

«« ..»«i ar.

I . ... r...

» 1, r a .

,¦,.'. » >rmiH,.\.. N rtlrj-rt,

M_wi ll'.ii. ..

I- II I»»., «' . .-j "it.laaki- ««/./, Portia..!, ("I

SAII KI".Rt»»a»l,'r» < »,a ». I ,.....»!, l-l »er,.,. V,. li.!,, f.r Wli

Bia«l_ii, llatl.ra. f-,r I1 OKI.It. V POBTfu

Mara.« K ¦» R.arrival »i-«i»»l, . fieir, S«_ .,.'!.I...»i... .i,»khi. ,S.»« |,._Tb» -Uia-hip Senk ..»er,»» fi»a Qm

le», «to.« «1 'i. « i" r' t., ,¡.»

|)-r_-t_-.3--f..i' 3Roii_r.IVraT« at Baw-Tns* I

f,.»T W,«i,i'«i' «irrii.a. S* C A laa at I

NOTK'K ia lieri'hy g.ven, in ¡u-i-or«i.-n:t.s* witli4 «f u.» AM uaaar-l AiS, II, lli; «__n__ "SaSstU

B««r(«uii» tli« «A »r .»n«- f)Br««f |_« I'arl «f N»a ,,rk I» all l'iri-a«alrrwial ia, vr karia« rutig» «f ID« «u.)l.t a«u»r uf »-'. IB.jnirf,«a«B.««U"i, r « .r«»r, tl«t u.» lallaais« .»«mm tr» «.,« iu.,r «aaaSaSJOv» I» tk» furl t» ,nj»»a. aa. thai IS« aa.1 aar««T» ur «iiat»»u.>SI »itr_T,,a«,|«n_ viUiia _>» uaf« Mil a_c____i.« l-l« »«Ur«. ._ ir»_r. «ad«.anssi

Miaña-,. Alabama..2«, fl««I.Mlbl -,r,l"_« ,.,

,v>au-aui|, li'in-ra.. ; «j. y, W«»t|jhali«. ,

St»aa»l.t|, V|»rr«.liu. ¡>, s,;.1, fl n.SttaaaaB-S Maulanui.S «i p¡

i.lp l'T»»T»r«nc«.,.f, ^ BMap b.rh; .«., r; R'

-iliau.t» K aIl ail l_>vi, I. H'|».llaiU.k .

bail J.:,« I«l«./» jj gi\nt C I T'.mi.kii., ., |(,v| hitiriA <:«a«t,t.l.airir«.f. ki lUcr llurn.«A ..»imI à luU»»__ .

aiMriiukNfl i .iMeKias. rr_ti.«»_J At'.'« H«k»l»a». «»»riurr.

Äiobti, llangti, *t.OASE-BÜRNIKG BT0VE8. -I:, ft .1 MOW-iy KlIA. BVaWB opp-^t« U«a.;irW... M.rk.t «call «ill .?

,...,rta»i.t .r ,t., I4lril 1;. rl |1w>>« tiAtiK

IHK. IN«. VI1.VM.S <.,. kiu,lilit. _c,_ti.u..« liurMN .»».r.a.r«! I«ra»l pov.rt.l h».t_'«. ... «...., :,, i,a« burur,., i.nuU.a. a_U'.l»l»ll,n.i. f-rPaii-r.. IUn, <iar»,. St_-e. .., V.eSnrt.a hr .à».

f rinttrtg.

V .M. EVEBDELL* sons, No. im FultwT-et.»kA_ Jiifl raiBTllu aad LSBBL MsStrttTU-.


Uik bt-.sT AWOVTMRBT a THlB <3TIOar»«.. Ma»«r»ei_r» *«.¦,....

«Aumtb wabii i.,Siri-i ,t ,tnu w Cftamt.

HEAL ESTATE.Ni w YiiHK. Wtdrieaday. N07 l«, lato.

What property ou Fifth-avi-. is nnJly worth1« s (piestmn which doe» not admit of a decisive answer.

Tbe prices Inserted In the deeds recorded at tbe llegis-ter'a Office aro not entirely free from »uspiclon, and «tillless trustworthy «re tne auction quotation». The flgnrc«given below are from deeda only, and tMiibrace all thetransfers cntt-rud fur rccurd since tbe 1st of January. In

February, l-«*.'«, a lot ou Fifth ave., east «nU', ai.s feetnorth of Fifty-third «t., 2'.xioo, .-,_« transferred for.10,000. The two lots adjoining on the north, each IttlDO,were «hortly afterward traimterrad for ais.««.) e.icli. Acomparison nf tlie above figures with tkaes given la thoUnie below will «bow something of a rise in the marketprice«.

FIFTH a vt.Trmu/trtef Loti brhrtrn iV>ri(/-a»»«'»iM aaS .«Kit»»/ tv>*«-ala-ata., rrroriti

f ,l»ee» J.I., I «»<! .Viel' |, lHl/JLApril M, « . 4I.S ft a «f 47tl ll. mi ne.»m renIr!. 17 » . 1 1" ft B of 4t*t_ «t, î»l!'4'. Oi.UUOMart-«»', r a, 117 10 ft «aft.b-al. aWM.3i "WMtrrb le n 145. I» fl r, of 4 111 It. 2ilh»U. M.lri»Ja» 4 « fr.Dt l.rlw.rDM«t »ml M.I .U 1W>. I»l!50. Jj»n («10

Jib», «i, 12.'. 5 flaorUtlil. îiil«»'. t\tm)I»cll2, . i, lln.S ft b of 42.! «I N'JiI'O. W.IOOllarrii G. ei Mii flaul Jii-lt Will*. 37 V«frb. »4. »,. 74.1 ftn of 53.1 »t. ;'5iI0»i. Rja»Oct. 14. wi. US fin of 4tit» It, 24ilOC. 36,(470alircb 11 r t M.I ftn of CuJ «t itiillsl. JO.'**»Mart» L. a I, b r«r aflCU-al. M lib«. 5» «**>April 16, «i, trot of Mili »I. li»<> »ii-ao. 1'W.uisiApril IU, »I. ISO Jft b ofkilh-tt »i IW). IS.«»«Apnl21. » i, inS fin ef (i7ili tl 24tli»'. aVl»W*p-ii in, «a, Ite.&Ra oi«77ibit. SOilOO. Hi.iMTh« ]u ice» of Fifth-eve. bouse« exhibit almost as much

Irrepukirlty. Fimo |70,eoo to fîfO.ùwi appeur» to be theMaure fur one of V, feet front. The «reniletiiah whoboQfbt Ike sont h-east corner of forty «ixih-st. for |i:to,(JOii«i-eiii«to bare paid a icnod pneu. Bat tkeasllertuakpart puyhiehl In Kl lesbares I on»idenui»'the lnirh ralesof Lnleraal aad «be el«7«aeiieaa al tka loan market, Ivo.ísa)would «eein to be CBORgk to pal foradWa-laff. WT nc-

otnuieiid our reader« not to pay nmreTVuai rVrar.f Hoot'f m.l ,'..!.

April 30, w i, «irt.teo loth a»..l lilla ata. Soit 7.' il'*).Rà^.OiTO'«¦Il ll, « I a..Bit r..'«rr cl Ulli al .'Ulli, »1.J Iain-It. I I, US

ft w tifStn a»r. :tn77.7. I»0.»*fl0PS. I«. » ¦ u ft luí > tl. it. 24 7il(«t. To '«utjRtrtt, It, W I, aoutli Comer af 171 « t ..« iTa.ltiaa. twi.u««'Rtrrli .5, * a, IS" 4 ft it .( Xtb-lt, 24.aillAI. 7i.<«-«lFeh**, «a. 1(72.4 ft B of Bib-it, ïltUII. 7S,l»tlUSaWII. » i. a r>>r visa it-»«, irrr«alar. diBcnuvia nal iUI«tl... U4.«l"flJu»« It, | i, «ii.S tt a of T7ib il. 24 Hiltlu. To.!*»)Jalr 14. e l. 24 T ft I af Jatb-at. 37x100. «*i adJ**epl IS, w l. "..'. a ft i. ..I ««ti, it. 2ji|ih. 7J.i«t*lra-|»l20, w l. NgSM. 4" 4 ft i «Í 4t»Th-.t. aSslSI. «J",«»»»Jii.l.w» R« 14" 2. S titoi tClli al 2SIÍOU. ISJ.ISAI«lei«, . », . ror of IBtli »t. ?.*. ,tl"". ljt'.UOt)Juif j. ». t.*. i ft n »f «il, it. U2.4WM. taiiuaAu» ¿t , ,, uiifii, i.f 4»tb lt. ltiilnu. M.HNJUtt r». »ante a. u»r »nil ot. »a ix»»terii-i r t 25.J ft a or Ría il 2Sn'»>. se.onii(»(» 4, t t I> fi Bi.l «Ml, »t, m leih«. 6». '»»ftJla 7, a i 47 ti ll a ufSBll-i! ¿J».'»» .

ÀRRopasaf IkaakaTa, OarttYt awn FraneUeo Real Ei-taut m nltir says; " the t»ent private Midi lite prop-erty In New-York »ell« for extremely high puces, will befii.iiiit from the follewlttg, which in aaaaaui ihe lateiruimf.r» of property theie: House aud lot «otilh-e.istcorner of Flflh-ave. ami Forty-sixth -t., M feet I inclie«front |l«VV»J0-iJ,(i7s |ier front foot.áJiionc tbi proper,« liiiTj imbmwI la New-York, wa nndiin ksuawiaf; Beaiaeaad lot Ma. 13 Firth-uv».. foiyaaraaad bbtrh siastka. nt bmou per year.i7i»u perBátala», UT tloilbt thai lucre in a Imiii»«- in .-an 1winch be let for more than |4(i» p.-r ui.iiith." don tin' n.'-i ii» ali'i-t-ts Of .*mu 1- rant ihco »elia fortTMM in r,«*" i»«t '«itMr»i-. ,\ J. iin «.« ker, (son A 0R..K, II. i.ndlow ,«. (T.,

Jaui.-s il Miller, and Wyekafl .<-¦ Little kava aalea ui Utal.tiliaiiire tolnorrow ntmli. Mi. Ai.dlew Vtii-on, JI »,hue properly ul (,'aalicU.n Iliyhts «sill be «old on thepu Bilaea ai i p B. Boat leave» at n a. as.Mi w m 11 ll.ty nor «eld, iib.nit rn. days a(ft>, two Iota on

tin aai sab oi bniadway, batweea l-.iiy nun and Fifty-alstk ala., sveiuaiuir full la sis«, for It.',.'«««, aad upon.»Ilial lie ha- »un 11,em ful |»l.',.i»ai t rmii I In- .«anit«» iu Wl .i .t. I. dial !i it lot- ¡i a se '.icen KtreilliMi Ike »niilli eii«t t orín I nf l.i\:iitr'ni: ale. anil l.fty

-t., lui. ni »lie, four fi-untiiiK tin- «v.i.n.- and ouetioniiiitr ike street, for H .-. Is k* laiprwTcsL.l.lniM.i nie ha» .o.ii i.nii lot» in,i ill at (»ne humlri'd-

.ti.ii it -1 «rruiiS al. miiBlBC ikratagli from Uraad Driveto Mm i. belüg a part ef tbe Van Renipiola, li, Im 111,4«". IT.tast ca»h, Hie reuialndei on n,....

Rast i"i sue ..i.'i i. «¦ i» .tiaTin doable lot, .* .tn Stiel no tka i

I'.lo id ai.d « .'lltlueii e si» , Newark, hak l»ecli p'.uf Ie rtaR, I,n a -.,i b.. ¦ neu UiiuS and

urn dn cIII I., ird kaa aold hi» flue residence nt Paltas toa

El * lili Ihe nun Of In.iicai.. .-ii'-l lli.tu,'.'.¦ ii.i'inki I« it pnrti d h! I'.'t.¦««', lift Ihe pur»

.. »Ulli in lUipiolt-

Vli.Nkl l>

Ml J i «Auiiiiff, propri.-i.'i of of the .ar«r« «f!. I luted Mate«. IS Ii,lililí

all eii-saiit »lone ttitt ,,ni»'. car the UOOmt Of I III. ill» lit !i. 11. on I in- I l.,i! «.m, al n t .-I of lloti.tst' 1 lie coil

trun for tie aorl baa been awarded taM.iar» i-in.r <« waatk Mr. hotMrt* kaa »oiti » mt>u Biirtuf-st. i" a Uernian raaRtasI f"r |..,.¦ Wann II. '.o -. i'.d on Boutk bread-

lUT. hear Mo« ... und I oli«.»t Hit' of:. « not baiiil-M.--, .i'il rieres «lie» of

swr. kaa Reas purrbaastl bi ¦ Use »

M«a| 11 lljlc JH-l CiilllI

>. .« haï n..' tu« b<.ii-e mi Broadway lui-i.,. \ ed wuk a I .', at a eoel el II ...ii let n lut", liaaled mi H..i|tli hit».id«,ipun lia», d by a »!i»u»r»i fol lll.t»»» Mi J. 1'. hpeediliii».,1 tl»< In n nf >i" edil i »- .V 1-. i

mi.i liant», i« 11.1 tin»: a twe-etory frame dwelllna on

StarlUR-al Mr *>-. ».1 ha» the ioiiti..ct for 11II 11 i .' » «A ie

.l.n) tint « i.lllf al.ihn-, ¦ m. mi 1> »'


A! ' Tli M (Mi f«»! N ¡\ ¡A.M.I -rATM


:»iii. aaW bt. #4««.. _i

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ill« »ach. II"..-">... i,S

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ll.A.V-l 1 M i»l I.KAI I -l ATE.s I « 1 11 H K .Ht

. ». -e. » rl «. ««" ?» «it"-It,, .1 '..

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lint .t a a, it.' fi « «i J-i »«-. »»«i ¿"».^.Raa it . . . i- "«'.«.a« arwirrt» . 72 .>»¦

I. IIS ft « . . . . tS.2.w»Baa a. it. na s ifm m. >t~" ~*~ «

lio at 1.» .'I'l L n r . ».»UlSttt .1» .«. 1 HU»»'«71 at I. » ' ....4 »O

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, 2«' .1 It n ..' IBllalla). ¦ I't w i, 1* : Il » af «7tb «tl. I. «wl 1. ISlUiiSJ..

laain a«. >.aii»b.

Rt.arl-t »¦ 4" ' I .7 »»»ra. par »rar. ptS.«4B »I, Bo t N . ". . .

Kisi.» 'itMl BROORI 1 n

Ad»mi«t ». ¦'¦ '* '«» "f ,,'»n .> S«2I l«. R7»«S. f r

t. .'t.Bi.f Mi.iauiniii al b k I. .Mum :i Ja» ISN« 7ft«.,,, .n t a »f Vaali ..... ........

(»ul ti't |»«a III I » »ar 77 R I |R 11211»C«».« ».« «l . » I'"' b " "' ' i-*l7j|l«li74 (drt

2 41»;.»«.... .« ! i.r|»»B»rr. 1JU.|U»_|IS17|2S

v . *0llBfriW II .». H»' fl « »f Hait «S. l'«»»Kal. «V«'>,...!. «

taBiiaattrii » . i-, n w ..( ti,r.-> »,». 2tnlr»>, . a. Jll ft l of N..... aie. k au.'. !. llilUu. «.Sa«

. .1 aatl taint t.», I.aa ..n ««r» il r«rL, 29ili»V ... |>|. K lau il I a, ItBJft a a( liutrrrt il. Stii.ul »|. t

«..oui itsi II » of | lu .¡ J.ylal, i, Iteft« af .¦ . l.l.I

l'auitnoi« »". tr* R « » af K«lc.irwBiBwf-«i t . .. «¦- 1« . .>' "«k. .

îirm I«r,.i1«i» N »I 1«a fwrt ( .I««.I ll»uaa«af. S««4' N.a V. . ¦»

r.uiim r* .. ..< Rwaftt «. a»a ist, i« . *'""

,|..' llrrr'tl.i. .IBarth 21 «i . « - 1.. >'i I»» Mte»! (a. » 1. K«j

-, .,« ¦ ». 24 S . »f llithrf »". 4«'il(ill i| ihais), S«Kl4Jl>

..,. » 1, » fl . «I Mil!»' ««r. j« «1«' ¦« .».r«

l»t.a.,...P tuu.tta.» t.» 21 fl» f >|i let .

tt»«t.»iu«.e «a.«an«a«fa»aalw«>»St k«««ll. 24».lit irai tract l.tdB»., liai fl » f M Mat» » 11 »fi, 124 (l 1.,( (real a*),

. .»0K, l'r «I, .'»i- t* aal »I'll ' » . 3,(T_leal. ... »fi raiaaki al 1 w '"t t»lT«.l ... 1

l.t.rr S l N.. I'. »¦«...'..' '¦" »<l«»l »fait»»», la ¦|i.»l«r «err« ( *.>'"'

-, . . ... w 1 M ft...'« ..»'.t "-' ''«

f>i!_ »t» »l Bill ». «I, » » '"' 2"l«4. 1 ,

IU'.i»nl . 1.1 f*. ..' 1. «wrl« a_»rtB44ae]

ijatual, Bw.or 14 2»I'S. 4-«'

liât a« ni ...» lUtliaü .1 1. 1.. 11 «i... < «««Il r 1 a. «e. tlrrtlMa/; . . '¦'.>


l!»r|.»!»»»» a» 127 T ft » «f »«" l tr- ..ail,.s, 1 t.. .i» :.'..¦' »' *"*

W k»7i MIM ER ' "IMI ' "l.ll AKUT.Daká Is« 1. . .. 1 « .'»¦""' .'< .¦ r»i Ri.oor)

uitaiMii si. 1«

Ctamrla« IMi R"»«t » . »b K Ha.m.» «i.»»« I" ."-'

ikaiiwt«» 11 :, iinaJ 11, aaT Rsftt» R «..a»»., t an».

rail K.»tl U « atllil» It."!«» Hi'l'I .. .!'!'..!.. I.(ir4i.rtbi ia n n. i'j f " *r. *"'-. ataaaI...I >.. I« a»p»fK Ibiaiitir.t . V" \l «"tllSt. ._UlRti JJ. «aa|'ul«i- b. UrKrait»'! un««. 4M»

s. j« -asaaffl st»«»»«.'» f»«f . -*¦"

tul«»» !«J i«Artl|) ta. U M<'k»aii»'»rra»>. ."«>Bair h an».».

Ith-IT» ll. LotR« «SI Blwwal V*rt,aw H»i|t)4 »J ISOH.nKiiA-. a

I4Í! it b 1, I« n«»f Alaiih.ler »». l7llwS., .f.iOv. Mita rit »a

Harri«.'»»»» ". it» ft frnrn Warr»u al H«il5". ai.«»»WarrrLil a» .'«X IT fi.a 'l«m»»ii a»t. Wull . Í»

. air 11am

it.»mi , 1, i«i,.ii.»i R A Hiri».Mia.. nsii:«. ai,7Soi»«wi«i

lUwlbsr». .».! HuhltB« ...« » . .**'. ««B»'«-".Rl0,5«»iMV, JUtsl.T Illl-hi'S "»I'M» .t.RSIitlll

V.rick.l .» llftsof !waVe»rll. I«»i»«a. $i.KO«Juta II -.1. . », '«. » . .' Htra.iwi«'» M. U» »>7e. !.#_¦I, J,,,,, IGHII..Í knell l»«l-a. ..«AS»

Oil.lid -. a-.«-»--».-«. Ui«»aefT. l.l. R2.IS0lIÎrT« LUS. J. H.»rr t»aa»aB'.a.».f»loU. a*

rbidotuwt. 11. ut ". J. hici -. -"? us -'w'-f Mt w"«k_ tillt'l . P*»«

It laj'.arrt ..' -. Ll N" " ¦'.« k iTinlub ,»»,,. 2ai|tl". I,,»,,J a. »Sil» » -!««... ».' " H¦'.',"," 4 (ll!r!'"' »ll-« ¦'"*'

ZSTt 14, Saw I B. IR_ «»P -f « fW« _....¦,-.. 1.021úu it««» i« 1» «* «Ä .* a. .*' b""k n" '¦ mtf "f n»i«..b

taii'-ViVíáVii ¿"'»«'.»«'.»i! 'i-eU'ï« 'i''a'.V'af" akalMe' '1.1.I«".«-..airo;».. ,W*

n.niBi«» ». l«iin»ofA».« ia»»i''-iiM«it9. »i.ttíÏ lî.»!'û. ii.'.fl-..'»»»I«. '«»"" . . »«2» .i' |.Ra.fR«l'»»«'','mi,'*',l^«"l«l»»»«. TSS"V.rll'al a » »1 « MI.M» . »'.».»«'.-1 *?» '«eOUarr.,. | 1.4«lll.l ai JTIftaafAf.l'. *«"«'.. I»»

AU who Lave real rsUta for saje or to 1st,and lbo«« Sesirms to piAriOiasa or rent «oeb properlywlü find it to their Interest to advertí«« is Tas Tbibunb.

IU sijrtt(st« «iraulation «xaesd« tkat of auy other uew«-

Mp», _uu m adiil-ea ta U.i adiaats-ta Tu Tribubr


win be found, not only In New-Tori and all Its«lUesandtin»«-. ». but in every State and Territory throughout tbeunion. Tba adverl-sement «hould be as brief as willallow of the advaiita«.«« clai__e4, It+tug mini* clear to thereader. We would especially dwell nn the fact that Lb«

r Iher« for tbe three edition» of The TtUBt'-ne. Daily,Beeil VVeeSly, and V\ rally, coB-prvse individual« tu everyo__i___spr.f-_«_o_; «onseci uently advertisements In easb«re read by all classes. Tun Thibuhb devotes «specialattention to reports of tales of real estate both In cityand sountry, thuatddlnr greatly to the value of ltaeolnmua as an advertmrir medium. Tbe charjres for adver-iisinr are as follows Daii.v TBiBrriE. M *enu per linefor «aeh insertion Wihlt Tribuns. I_ per line: Scui-Wkiai.T T_uu_..i, cents per liue. Alma, ten wenit ofour wide column» arerage a liue. Term«, rash in advanct.

Citrj JUal ¿statt for »air.

BY OKÜER of the KXKCi'TOKS of JACOBl'RA_l.d«e»_«_d.-_.1ION Sûl'ARR l'Hl.l'KKTÏ -Fsr KALK-

Tk« «itr» «l«»rl HOI'BK «nil *TA_I.K. lortk «>«t »..ruer at K.mrtb »t».

«d,| s«»eriee»th .t A »_._ Ivrateaa far a»r «r»t . Ian bsalaen. bai.kor ..«.oirá hank, or la.t.totiou. Karl« p-_ae«<_>i. ¿¡mir to iH.MKttMOSOAS No. 2 l'iu.-rt.




X Loi, in Fill. its.S ..t« ,1. Ma.1 .__-«t».I I, t» o Third ar«3 l_-H hi ,s»»»nt» n'«tb «t. a««r Ponrth-««».f, I.<a« i» Kttktl ainti. it,, Mar M«.lM»a-i»«.

I_.t« id «ine-tiaaifreil-iB. tintl.-iL. urir Tblfa «»a.1 Lou m Oi-a-_ua-.«- «ml ivtltin-rt.. «««r bird-ar*.

Ap.lT UKILPA'IIIICK ll.iLMKS.«5 k..t Tv»nt» th.r.1 «t..

Yuan. M»b'i rbritt.a.i A_a..ei«t>«i, H,;, illn«

1^»k 8ALE-A KAUE CHANCE-A full EOTon Kilt« tmr.l at i.aar Fill--««», »».1 a LOT ob the rtar for il«..!

scar ML 1 L,.i__»'« ( uurcb. V. ill U »»I. »Heap. Alé., toS.M. H Hi -»OR. w». n Pt_«-«_

EMU SALE, or will EXCHANGE for a lino1 'il.NlllY KK.SlliK.NrR. tiu t.IuiI.I« L«rT8, «¡tk «aUr ft».» aad,io'k, .i»d at ,t»aia-oat landing, ou llarliw R,»»r

_0 I.KM«INAS_R. S P»___VOÍ. SALE.Afoiir-storyTbrown-stoiif HOUSE

in Ki|rhti»tb «I.. D«ir Kiftb »»». 1 li» boose n a >«rj »up'-nor «ne.I. id will l», «oiu f heap. Applr to

_RILPATKIt K nOLMKS, It Rial Tvr«tT Ihlrd «I

Voll SALE.Three oawbrown-stooe liul >LSA i» _*rimy «intb it. l_-tw»»B Thlr.l in. I.»ti«_1nn «»».. Aupfio

RILPATRU'R k ttuLMK. V, ha.I Twent.

l^OK SALE or to LKT. Offiee r. mi veil,llot'SK lad LOT 15 W«it Tvrnlitlb it ; i-ti-tt. Apply ou _M


HOUSES m NEW-YORK ami BROOKE-Nfrmo #5,0_0 to t'hUOt), l_>ta at esrrr«|..nd.«« r»t_>. Lelutilul

( «uatrr -»it«. Cat*, mil llns«, at Kruabia» Gis« i -»», Jamaica North

Itmt] t it», B»r_en. Lalajett«. Morrialn*», Se , b,,..««,loti, lad farm» «inl«d for ill« or »lehinge to ».pptr call!.

hIKOKL H.K'HK k _o., IT Rroidvir.

^rooklnrt gral (_.st_ttc for Salt.POR SALK-Si'vcral tarje. PLOTS of low-l |rr_ LI 11'h, aaairahl» l<K«t»l i..r «|,»enl il!.n or iir,r.ror«a«nt. m

Itesll n M A Kl'LlSI._... 5 lle«|i_»n»u, N. Ï

3fong ?sbrt- Tltal íslalt for Salt.

VOU SALI. 70 :.<¦.. -ARM. 40 miles on Eon«.'I I« a I-... »

M. A HI l..\.-i> A «'. I H-»,m»p «t. N T.

î-tin-ltrirn ï.nl f statt for Salt.AT ri.AlNTH.LI>. N. .1. -Villas Vil;-'1 N« .... l. ai. ..._ ' *

«te,i ( -,u,ir» ,-e«u ao-l I1..U*»« lo I.K I tt)» »»a«..i> .r »»ar ..o» hu»r

fr..ra B«W l-r» "i. B J C l_ a A,-pi.» to BIlti.NK k _lAK.-»II. Uru.-a

***** "pt'Oiit» Ii»p,,t _

\'l OKANOE, N.J.- .ll.LAv VILLA 81TE8í\ »a. Ka KM« a rr-al iinrl«. _»a.lif_ I» a.i_aird. «a» Boor fraa

M««-1«rk Ala« tamln .eit. i I! ,¦«. t. I.K T;h» .».»"¦ ar ...r b» Iil Ai Kt. KI.I. 4 ..Ml ill N« -A3 I . -a-

>.-« i.rl 9 toll i m Ortnt» enrnn Miln «i'l on»-«M .lut

\ TTEN rms1 Ali vii.tinr Vtrm in.l Laadl.

A BRI« K>lil SO, s J«ni. 41 « '». fron S 1 ..rk. «¦ h_ K. U Pb,l».le.pkll l-.0_n ,e~, fnr

tA US .",,,. »«.»1 r.nrat» «o d. »nfnrri.l ... -' per arr«

. ¦ «i-I ?. rnreoUr, «»-, a <'AMPBI._L.l-_ tíl-Siivar, S.1. «r |, W lililí,MAM Hr__«t-ir», N. J

A EL WANTING EAKMS-K.oil snil, mildXa ciia-U. M ai'M i««tk af Pb laü'lpkia. Pr,<« "»Ir #'¿5 p»r a«r«.

Ala», laprv»»- fcroa 11 l.-.1r«_Ua ar« Mllltnf. litoncau«« Mal fr««A--r»««_ H. UM'- «-..«.,', Raw J-ra»


AL)EP(rrbein(reatäblishf«dÄt MENLOPARK,an tk« N J II B. ¦_. T C«. iPbila.l«lpliia Koad). aak»» il «e» «f

tb» rb« «»«t l.,f«t on« v ¡fc n *' n '.»« «f ti » t l> Ha.l. LiiTSJtib.i> 't a« frvw «M) to ««»i a«,-h tb« |r»«ur portten «f w'-irh »an b«

paid la a»nibi» i.«i» i.». u »I SI'» r»ll partióla/», wilS tisk«UIsrail tb» »r-swn», (.». i.« had it tk« .S.-» of tu« MK.-LO PARK LA.11'toMl'AS. N..« l-t«S. ;»'. Bmadwa» ltV_>« Mo II.


AFINE ï A KM. wiili i_oo<1 lioiiHe atitl barri; 75arr».: I hs_n fr..«i M i l'sslrs 1! K ' N J. _,-U0 practi

trert « «ï ..« ir«»». «ad a Iwautlial i.uiat.,,». Ar.'» to

_ I b IlOPl 3 I. '«rt» ,t.

fiÊRiTËN POINT, N. J.~FOB SALE I acat1> COTTAÜB Ilot sK ...Ï LUT. pira-antlr l.«at»_ nur th» K.llVasKull, will la« «old il.ei¡-ir «n, i«_i '"».""". A.«..a rilH'.K the

b««l ba»i.i»««at»»>l la tb* i»vn Sis» BMIS1»( LOTS .¦ tbs «ast «r» ».

SS_Mr-Sta i_l»ts_ f»r r..,i- »> »ao for U.itii purpvN«. Api-i» t"

»'Kl tt'K l~ W ».-.__i;ul. SA EH, or EXCHANGE f'J tr.ut« «. »*r«_««l pMfert» a KAKM Uiaat»l..'J tb« lin» «f tha

| i a; »¦ I'oiLBt.'i, Plata« .1 J. «tbii ti an«« .f ."»»v-

V«n l»,-,i.r» ..'M. .V .¡M.»! Kl.t.. N- -ï ».»' «t_____

HoCtJË in NEU AUK, N. .).. for BALI. Bargala, II .« I ia»«_i Itttsl. a vsfj d«».rat.» i.» «tor^ inawi

-». _»»¦ e locati.m ««atra.. _¦.. tiui« t»o bloeba f.oa


IENKIN8 ¿_ WAY. ¡it NEW-l.Ki'N-.VICK.. »ft«* «pport« K. K I)»p«t aad «I Ra 4» _«:i«.ia-it. ka»«U f«F .

- ,f dru-edA .-.» «ad I..B.U...« liil'M'RY RUIPUCK «.: » «t.!. ». «n,t othar

.. , r | »e«r. «itoit-d >.« I ,r «er»« "' i«i,,| »'thin

.., e ni » »f depot, abicb .» will «lean.« lar Bww lork OH. or Brvok-It_ pr..i.'Pr.e I'.MOIS in Moamoutb louutj, tire* .AUUS IB Hi-dl-MI

. I» Sr«t elala.

I LEWEELVN 1'aKK. a prívala Park o. .MI > . e, a' . . r V . | *aa* fro« til» t» A

V» I...I.M. I ..f ..lie I« 6r« »,-re« »»«.?. rn

in.l Mauntai »'-a l'ark»»« ai - lil aaaold, au.l

«r» «,,rt». lb» atUi,ti..a .,f p»r«..o. dr«.r._s U> bo.M in Ik» rouatrr-il« pr«pn«t..r, 1. M 11 tSKKLL,

I.iKnrr It ".!¦¦_ '» r» S»«-J»rs»r,

ORANGE.*.An Excellent Chance t-> purcTiaae» ...,i. coi.'ail ._., t-- «an . .¦

« 15 ri.i.iai.*, .'er rasa« «»d all »««».iii iirpr«.»a«oti-,

»iw.uA. Ua.--oui«l» la)». 1. UM LI' K '' k BRO «Í v

'VWV. HOUSES í.iii.iiiiiiiL' unsold :it tli<- K\-1 II ru*'« .sAl.K ,.| ... .' «l L.imi ¦«!(!,...rt. B«l IsHSft «r«

. tL.t d«,« hj h.

U KI.I ...... Kieei.t.r, N.. .. Br««.l»ir, S ..

.onnt i ïcai f. statt for Sals.

4 riK-T-i'I.A-s RESIDENCE m Uu« City.__ «f .N»»hnr|b. «lib «II tb» u..«l«r» :«nr.roT»-.»nta.r»»r »i»v l.t

I . »i, l.aui« for K«« 1«:k tea-»«.»n pr.,p«rt». App » ta H Al.D-VI«. k Ui\ IM, J5 Lite»«;-«.

^.action Salfi of %fú fitsh.u a. LAWRENCE, Auclioaaaf.

l'l Kl.Ml'TOBY sai I




II 1 V <>l l'A I I.KSON. NT. J.i.AWHiJiiK, CMUUM a n.tist

,i,l sll od

V. r.Mlk. |.AT, tli. i:tk«U» «f.No».a-ir. llKS,it li «.tiotk. a it lie«

HIIUII IK'l.NK 01 JIAlNhT., PATBHSOX, ».« ab«T» d«««ri_*.l «nd letautifiili .«ratr.1 pr«. trl,.

MI.K ftl.tllVK KAI.1 OR Sll.'.Sk.TVRMrt OV »il.K.T"»atT p»r «-»»t, anJ UM A»»rl»it»»r'i IV« «rf

B in p»r lot to _« pa.,I on «u» «f .«,- >'» «SI »»at <» '" »aid ou lb« I ï ISIsy of DlH__.ll, IBM to I a.r»»e« O«!»»» à fl»«»». S,, Il |Ke« \ vl »r.eii «a,I »h»r« Hi, d»»'l »ill b» raad; lor dt.i»»r«¡ ba a«C_

(ti per »ul| ¦¦ bawl »nd inr.rtjr«r' r* .»_¦_!r»-I

P..r u,«ii. kt.. Itqolrv ./ LAW KkM'B. OAKI.IT Fl.Kt'RY.llPi»«-»t. B-W-1»rk.or»f A R M «' ¦' * r »,,n »t l'«t»r_._ N J.«v

Lor^ard Estate,FORDHAK., N. Y.

SAI.i; TIK8DAY,November 30.


A. J. Bleecker, Son & Co.,_77 CEDAR-ST.




THURSDAY.NovllR« po»tp»n»ioe«t «o «r.ouiil .,f tbe «e,a, r C,.,,« rarrUfriatd

lk«IUi»ulk« ír.u.,1 P'»"1'«1Tal« Ml il . <»»«l . ¦« btair« I« » ., t loot.( UioaSvar.

S-arfba Shirt of £«. .i_at_.

lORR OP r.RKAT AI.l'B, TOO FhKT LOXO. tk« .__..


Í J..¦<__>» ]r Aa«...a».r


B RAL R..TATR IKUIIII*.. ._.. yiMir ar.. cos Casa» av., r»_« T«»a_

f .r» R»i^»««v«. îttar».. Lava. Caanlrt «»«u «a« Para» K»»kt aal.,naled, titSsni»-! I «.«. n»|«li»_»r| »«»«_.« _«i_» «f f.r_,t«r. »«.V Tl'h-UAY. NoVr.MBRR 1Mb. IMS

On tki oeewiir»» tb«»r will poi'tuil» a»l| «ub-at limit or r»««r.ttas:M*> V ALIAM.K -l«t VtAKI) BKimiKI.IR LOT« M I KMillU.1ITUATKl) OR TIIK GRkAT L1KR OP IRl'ROVRklKMTS RkvTW RK.N TIIK

BIUM-WIT AM) rVIrTQI AVKJI.I. RAILROAD».TU» I rai.újt« «f tk«KKTIrtR KI..W R __«.>n».' K» |M~«RP «ni SARATOC.A AVE

MU» MACHIN»».! Mc_i_R<'._H-TKKK-...KITTIRK BLOCK «...mle. l,r It«'V. All- and 8ARATOOA AVR»


Mis B.W.VlKi i_d tbeBKOOKLlBssJ JAMAICATI UNt"!KK UOW*BRTIR1 HI.O.-K'_«¦¦''- »»r »AR ATOO ». ltd UO-TtlJI-OS-AVR«

KIK.v M.DOROI «ill ind 1»K< ATI K TIIKKTSRHTIRR HLtX'R »-»»pt...« (froou an Hr-advar). »MaAal ay

MAOON «_dU.lL«.*,. STUI-TS, SAKAltHiA-AVK.SL'RaaW _ROAJ>-WAY«INK »aAVKRI Rft.RBT KK FRONT on «e*tS-J«of HOWARDAVK bstw»»» D__»t_l

l».| bambrklfr »U. .10 lot». __

KRTtRK PBONT ob «eil i_l« of HOWARD SIX, .etwee» V«Dw_e?o.h «n.1 M«enn «taBOI I'll «A KM COKNKR of HA LSRV ST. asl HOWARD At_-

Vilmlil» eoruer l"» will t.» tb» ia«a««t ind a««t maartial «al» of Ihr »*i_a«. Taw

«vn»r and auction*«.« iitea.l bo«iii»»» a.,1 iiin.uocc p_nli»«lr tkalatart lot ...ere,1 «an ks aoUl to «it.« bu»»« biSdvr.TR» »i-»p»rtj u oo lb« t'»«t Dm ..f -I.» T.euti Int (lit» Rislk) Wird« n<t furtber li.» Re» 1 rerk Clt' bill lb,a Central,I «Lea the l.r ...» l, »oapleted it ni ! be far MSfS »_r»»«ik>« Maarof th* loi» ar» wliki» ¦ s«». . tkr«v .,f !»_. BraaSv«. K«,lr__d aad »flare l»l«««u it »n« «b« Kuito«.-».«. K«ilr..«d. L. la in N«v Y«rt On, ».

a»«r-r I* Wall at thai it. at,., re Um, read li fr_a »MM» «\0 0_-

.«.eenr» ai on*« a a.ip »ar»fu!tT mart « ., propert«. aad »ti««d t.«

.a » ler.u« _B»t__ Map« ai.'l .1 oS__ri «f JOIISSORk MII.LHK. li >a>a«'i ¦_. NI <-,-.!, Brvoklra.

Moult!« WlHl.1l, A.


MM, it 11 .,«1.-1. it tb» «it» s« *»r,_iro. Pirón Du.ldi»f. No IkCourt ._ »aa»,l-» CUT Hall. It'

PKtiKl'l-.lT HAKK.-Vauat.i» p».l, __fi-ri«mj «t*t twstr« lall, tadbirlo« s fro»t »f III f*«t ob rb* Park, adjoialag lb« land of J»ba A.

Williak. d«r»l»e<!.JoUAI.EMtiN ST.- Keor lot» «lib tb» fna« lvHl«_sa »«J brV-k

»t,»,le, tiier»on. «Ituit« oo tk» i"it!, .-,i» ..f J,.ralern..i. «t

tr»»lsilj flam fWstss «I ««Hi l~t kiiai 1 « .»! t»«c «;_k rifki«f »Her in tb« r«ar. A.«o. a «ma.I a_N adjoining on« »f »a,.I l.u ._

rear and fruntin. no all*».ORACR-COl'BT..Ow» :.t.,n«b« oortiicrlr «i _e ol Qraaa-aaan, «U

ire -e.t»rlr fro« Hick« »t.. -Ol-O f«*t.BRRORB-ST..Kight loll«ou ÜW «onlbrrlr »ilsof b*rf»n

»' i,»t»r»n Carita« «"U Vaiulcrb.,.«««_., tu_ri_«r ban». » '.mattft ol

Í.I fret on B_-(r»L atVt.ATB-SH.

FLITlll'SH Tt'KRf'lKF.. -I'iot ¦.: gr.nnd »onUiaisv ,K-«t »utr-

f.'.pflï.nt«, h..un,_-,'. bv F albiiab turapik«. Vm«,»a i»l laits'I lie«« lot, vill b» ,oM in parre,« Tl,»r» i« tu tk« plut *»r»»i «C Raa-

il« an,) «F«rasa ira .«r_« aul LaaUaoa« two-aturf a_S «Ui«

111» ¡'Kl. «n.i »i<-»;lrut »ut..«, ¡.tí/».»'IM. l'KCT MT.-Small loi, lc,__ fc.t, -_»_rrij aide of Pmpv-l-i«.

l_iif»»t fr.a t.'ni.ia »tTKKM« OK KALK -S rt» per cent of tb« pnrrhaar a_«»«r «a» r»-

aaiu ou il',-,1 ssS M.rt_«a«Ma«,» au.l fu.i pin., ,iian at tk« oCr* af tl.« Au*tloo*«r«. Un. 3 Pin«-

«t N«v-tork, A. k J L L.'ti, Atu.r_eii SBra-klrs, I SM)

YUNKEU.S l'KOPEU'l V tor HALE.By order» .-»u;r»«e tuait.In i«'t;t ..o.Tb* T«Uubl< l'ARM, lor-

aerlr aerupM In PRTF.H A C«.W|.'tY l«r._M_ <¦¦><¦ .'.«.)-_ «f «bout10" »rt'». »i'.ii tb« _i«r¡!,»_ I1..Q»» .' ,1 ..ulii.HJi u.« Iti«ra_«s, »UlU .«

tL» r..»d l»«.li»f f.-oni th* Turkah«,* K"» to Mils i it»or, ti,e preiuiari. l,»JtlIl>M, Auetioo**r, »a TTR-bAl.ltttl RarlMSSSV. mil. It I » »i«. I p. Dl

I'Li, Kin» ,» ,l.«unt »boot i"} » »« frna We.t Mount V*t»ob «lifon.oi tli» liarle». Kai,road. a»l «».out tbr»* ail*» fr«rn tb» till«.. ..f 1 ..n

ken. a«_t i» in ll,c im.acdiit* B«ifhi'.rfc«__l of a»w«»rt hn>«..v in '1 her» »r» aaa* ' aau. I,»»ntiful nt«i.«tk T«rT «_w_.a_.hnf Tt*w«. and tb« a»,i all, lx «o'.'l 1» pare»!« >»r«

la«; fror« tee t« t««l.« aerva«a*», «cr-rrding to a nap. vkirh aaa« be «i

SaSrS-S at tb« «S»«l tb« «u_«rr I.»». «r of tb« Aui-t'.«*»»r A a»vi». ..i .. t_-«u i«l»lr laid oat fr.,a -.»»k»r« to Br.rr irll>, crvuirm C«a-tra-ar» ,o'l «lading arrol» Ihi» fara in tl« _._«l ad«« -<af»«o> »nan,in vbirbvil nrdur« II.« di«tio»a fro«» Yonk»r» to «Uiut I«« alia».

T" a nev road la ¦.> «Uked aut, aad the iaad will b* toUl «lU« fi»»Uup"U it «hererrr iri:I»hle.fa* terina of ule. in. all other, :r,»of W. L. k. f. M.

COWDHRT V. SI «.'.» «. Br» r...«

MESSRS. A. J.BLLL. !_____. SON & IVe




THURSDAY, NOV. 11.One of tb« b*«l opporuaitl-« »frred tbii Seaaoa. Kale a-MlaU.

Fall »«rtiealar« ia aa«_-*r «olumn.

fious.1 an_ JFarirts __._:.._-&.

U'ANTKD-A T-rivafi- BTABLE,ätaatad Im--t»«*n l..urt»»i.tli «ad 1 _re»»-«*»..n,1-,ta. ind L«i »_-*. »»d

Bu'b «re,., »;;b »ir_u.iLo,l»t:,.L f,r 1 ..» S h..r«»a Apol« uI 1,-1. ,HUMKK MliRliAH. .' Pia*«t

Jßtnl tfslnlt to Crtbartgr.1»I.\L ESTATE for EXCHANGE..A CityIt PHOPRRTY. w_rtb .iiXKit» «ill »a K\< li A s«, Kl. f.r C-wntrr

1 _<. I'l KTY a».i »nni* »aak. SHARPR It !I AKLK.. hKKi.ll «J l'ia^at

C_t| ÇrorjtTîg lo Jttt.

OFFICES to LET.Tha Aslmrv Lit. Itiaur-. L » ..inpan» bann« t*_«t*<I I» n. . .,. -¦ I «d««l.

e».r»«r of «ilk It. aff«r to _rl :«l* o_!e«, it Ml Bromvar «ta«r

of He«.« «t App.; ob Ib« premia««._

OFFICE to LET.A small, cosy ofb., nn->«l« «strssre, sui | iTiinreofl «r,»r imt. Ftr» Ir*«. Tara«

I.,«. A|rplTlo KOnKIU l'AVi- J-»' Br,i«.«ir, Rooai 11 aad II.t_

"<<> LlA nifier u« Ibrrr-Mn-T Bri»k 1'* Kl.UNO ta tVreïty »*.»«tk-^,

la perf« . \ » URILPaTuIi k k HOLMRM M __M Tw»»t»th;M«t

f a . rutiao A«a»-latloa H-lMia«.

Tu LET I iiíiutii-íhed.Tli*« llaiitlsoiii«« tlirt-»-I a HOUbR _M «"t..t.. aUSS p«r au_u«. S3. »3»-,i

a> S ¦". «aiWraisSsd i_*k._.»Uni ail in-r.rnT»rn»»t«. a»«» -tb a» B*i» raa A t,. u_.«r, 14. W««t «klk »t

rpÇJ LEI- 1 I,-- >li.í;¡-, ),,i.-..-iii»-iu7~an<l fourX l.i'fU. ' 1, .a *«» an.. L.«{ *D»r J ,_, for 1. 2 or i ;eara. Afr-

» s,. 1 V»«-t Tiur.« «,|rbib-,t


^rc.kltjn |)i_j¡i-i-2 Co £tt.

Jl»)sï an. ,/onrtb.OST.<po Mondar, Nov. 8, in the L_ o'clocki a from V> nil» "a .«,'. lit TIHPI.T Tb« lad . «

Itbarsl r. ««.-, |'tat II autl Tkirt.-n.ktk at a* st«. rAli.MOR!. A Co'» IJ !«ar» .

-Tor^iallon ¡Toturi.f'W»T()\ AQUEDUCT LEPAIUMLNT-ToWiKl'N PII'FMAM A'TIKBRS ->»«.ed.r..p.-ala»,il_«r»r«i,*Uat tl.i, .*!»«« u..t, «da. Cit. Hail 1'ark »util 11..'. 0*1 a »a..»f Tltl'ltf*1A1..V," ¡I lfi, l.r alio« and Ia»io«- al.eal f«*i .( |.|a«se««t tr.» p.»»« h'_-,i «it» «.»_.. with «Ti '.. fo«al rriku Jam fr. aMiabalUu 1,1.»« t_','» Wa« >. I t»l,«k propo»al» and farrk»!luf»..iKit».nappl. t.. lb- K:..:.»».. .. I *l..ft_i« l.»r"rt_«-.l »lku«B*_.-R«v. ot ¦ IK, 3D. 1*_. Tlf'MAS ^TKI'fI^:S.. J I r_t_a

I. i-tRKtou. )A*aamm*i_

>«l 't. S. _lt_*>_. | _e,»«-L

CKOTOX AQUEDUC! iU'.l'Ak'UlKNt"-T" « I . .'a.ej i,r.«>_-»ia.e-cb i»«_d

«itn tb» till« > .'h» «<r t » vt -L » «te. th* nan.« »ft.- utaati«¦li .late «lud.riai, «li. b* rvc ¦<> ,1 »t 11 « i_f» »»III I" ., eWk a a

.fit I »l'A Y. tit i»«t, f. r t..e r_s»lri_U_M »f tb« (»._,« ¦_ ,'.«.-_wk pa» ï«-«.!«. «it Te-t«i«t ',,.»1« fibue, aoj 1 riteralltpite«, .«a.« Itn'il-i« .I»«*» i .,t'.»««a »orlj Irrt_k.,_*4aven R.MiTtk »ad Hi liK'i. ,«.« flimjitk tt. fraa Dviaanrr VRi>tat-aat¡ I«I_II1 , frva <'»»»: t« »V*«t ,t. ~-..rlj«-.._,! «t,from Tk t,l U 1«,.rtn »'. 1 kifti-tb »t. fr«a K. »btl _. Kialkarelati I. ip». .r ,t fr, Broidaii to 'A «at Rrv»«»,« ; ¦<.. t«, tu« ia«i..(.f cnrsi «r.'ki.frva »fa.iit« F.l Sink .»» t.. ,.;.._ it« \u l..;> .

»«;, frit.*»«. U «.»?-lanlivd aad-tw«, ii. |n. 'i«._.b«r_tr_d »at'.-

thirtirtl .in» h.inlrad td tbirt.» C-*t ai.d Oa» h»n j»» aad Ih.rt» ._*.«il»i .' o»it« .N . .1U rrtttk-iT* ind »<r ¦** R«.,l, fr._ ,. ,j,.sal» 1 »rr» at I« Msf »*>" M

U.ank f«a« tat k l> iur' ,»r «at h» a_ia_«_ _a aap.i*»tloa t.. lia t.«aira. t»'*rk al th « ..*-» _»tu !» P»-,j. N»« 1«,,ma*Jt i.j. Tücvi t .m »Ptih... )«,-._«.«

K. ilrlir L. UAUKAi.lL; A«wal.I_

»I "»'.R W ',I1KV:.'K , i;..«rj.

CïtotoN AQl ED"c"i i>i.|'a¡<tmi:m.-Tu«<.. IUCTiSI« Saasi-bl SS»-«! PdoPOsAtJ« *«*«h i»»t,,r»»,l

with tb» title ol ine ". rk kswhisk tl istaV*. M>« ..«..S'IL»¦SStbadit» ,f «l.e-ff.iir «iil w '»»«»*.! at If. ntítt »»l_ 11 »'«JueRa a «f M kiSR.-liAV. K.» If ,(_..» t«. .« »>f tk« p«.»«_«i,lhwiviaalie "Ri »Il Pl«_»..«>l > d lireavit M s twie. ». |ti<«-iii«s* *' " r»1" .«.'«r« ¦» »i I b. m« k_w«r, ...

Mufla -at., »»«i I» Kiftb-lt. fr»-, tl» «-»er. m Min. «.»t Akit f.rth« l»ila_ -f it.» pa< .»»U a.,.-. r.«.»la «,« Pa»««M»lal a »rx» loi »tr««din,; .5 ¡,, .,.. ,,r.:, n *_i:,.»ola.« Itbrwuai,.at), »ad in Klfl-«a_k'it.. frea R ,_.«» t., K. »mtb «>» Bli» «,,), i(rae«ir«d our Ir 'is McS |w-uw t*\ <> kr laisal i |iak_«1<-d 1» lar IS»«».««..S-SSi, P..« «".rtliK jf.rj t lb»C. trsct i.»m\ uu»

OSU«. ItfoMAH STRPIIKR.», i <>otaaK..MT l |..K»|.IH J A«.s-d.,«t

P « t- u_i i r»K«. No», la. ..

.,>»«> »a ara_r»_-tf..»F»"_»tS. J*Br»a»c ». r»» R»r»ir»s or Tais», >' ^»r ItoffliL la»», ^i «alerraa».,*«». *, ISSU ,

y. ir lureby ipveathsionprrri.t v.n«.«a___u usli it _* im lit of r»»«-

r««ib«r, »a. m i.ldittoMi .",,« per .rut uu lii.rrabsr IS O» all Uuasaides« i ,. U»r*«' ,t .),« rat« if |v«l«« i*r **nl i»*r

«säum.«», .ti fma '..,» j.i i_,-i », w.r, ntmitai br IS* IbMiixfof Tai», b (_>«t«»r.| r«»i"»»t « s, ,,Mwi «;. aoa«r »_l be i«-«.r*« «ii< : . " tl-«-à p. ii_ Urbrc Dnur« frva I to 2 p. st

s IR. sMYTII, _-»....

Iron inarlt«.

C5ÏÏKÎ ,,-N.I.i '«iS.

aO.tRI ,,- CviMPART.

Jll W.' VV.'i'uK\ELL.. l*S_ls «m Oraaaewtal

IKON WORKS.h »a. 1__ xa Uj t«at'»«t \ I.

U..«la«iii«. (l ail kadi «f 1/w «A«rk (Sr BUUirlSua.