new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1883-03-27 [p 8]. · have an analysis of the _as made hythe fulton...

LOCAL MISCELLANY. rn THE ARREST OF CAPTAIN IRVING. Captain P J. Irving nnd C_-**l Officer Harrett, of tin-Win D' Star t-teiiiiuhip Republic, wen* Bfl-StM -.rtiileat the HntishConsulate vesterday.ontho com¬ plaint nf Thoinas Dowse, tbs stowaway who WSS re*vied from Itu- Glamorgan by tin* hepublic. 1 li" tsvt* nfrieera were taken to Un* sherift's otSt^. "bc-. thev were at once admitted tn bail in *f-.>,0OO pac li. Their bivnUmen wert- R .1. Corlis, die n_.-nt ot the White Star Emt*, and J. E. Jenkin* Captain Irv¬ in- look bi* arrest wiih perfect compofture. He saul later to a Tribune r.-porter: I have made no att<*inpt whatever tn flude arrest. On tho contrary I went to the office of the White Slur Line this morning to learn what it wa* bes! for me to do. and thence to the Consulate, with the intention of going from there to tbe Sheriffs otuco. The arrest might have l*een made with jatBPUtt ease Before IBB Republic last left tho city. Instead nf mov¬ ing promptly in tho nuttier, however, the lawyers seemed to have delayed until the last niomenl, so as lo annoy nie wit li u late arrest. 1 wn* in my office us usual on the Republic giving directions before we sailed, and the napers might have Iteen served on me ihen. I did my duty iu de¬ taining Dosvse and am read v tn stand trial.' powis brings the suit for B2"MMX> damages for false imprisonment, asvrtiug that he was u ila v- fully detained, under suspicion, after the Republic bad reached her pier, lt USS thought at that tune that Dowse might be connected with tho Phceuix I'ark murders. INDIGNANT AT THE SWEENEY BROTHER?-. A meelina of Hie cn ditors of J. A. and W. II. Sweeney, who made an assignment in December, was beltl yesterday afternoon in th.-Rennel! Ruild'tig, George L. Purr **r_sidsd. He staled to the creditors that J. A. Sweeney had offered to pay 50 lier cent ta stock creditors and 35 jier tent to all other credi¬ tors. This oller, however, involved a number nf conlin.enr jcs which, togcther with tim fact that a suit had just lu-t-n d.culed against tin- Ssveein-vs involving about $4,(M!0, made ihe ofter well-inch worthies*. A commit ie** was appointed to lind Mr, Sweeney. He ssid when they found hun tbat be would nut (iiiiii- to the mee!in .. as he had been In- eullcd ami ill-treated at a Dinner meeting. He tara the committee ihat friends of his would buy up the slock cn-dilnrs' chums lor 45 per cent of their original value and the oilier claims for IH) per cent. The committee repotted th-l to the meeting BBd lt wa* not eon*i fred satisfactory. Many of the creditors were indignant at Mr. Ssvn nev's refusal to attend the -.Beting, and a com¬ mittee consistiii- of Mr. Haver, Mr. Vance and Mr. Heatherton was appointed io secure criminal in- dictuient* ngainsi the Sweeney brothers. Aller the niceting Mr. Run- visited J. A. Sweeney and *-e- i-un-d from lum ¦ written ofter of settlement similar to tbe one made orally to tho committee. JEWELLERS AROUSED AGAINST BURGLARY. Circulars, signed by William R. Ailing and Ira Goddard, pie-ident and secretary of ths Jewellers' Protective dunn, have been sent to relail jesv-1! -rs throughout the country, warnin.*t.iein that seve:al expem med thieves base left this city with the intention of robbiu)-jewelry stores in smull cit'es. Members of the Uaios s:iv that the wholesale dealer* have lost heavily by robberies of retail BBS-SkSBta la tbs 80Utb Slid West to whom goods have been supplifd on credit. Thtie robbepe* ainimut to **-*O,000alooe Oetober I, 188-t, and bom of the thieves have been captured. Children playing in a graveyard at Springfield, 111., incidentally found jewelry worth BlO.OOO, hut the thieves have In en able to dispose of BtOft of their booty without trouble. Two meetings have been held monthly by whole¬ sale jewellers in New-York to consider a pinn fer organizing B detective atccucy. If the co-operation of the reiail i'-wellers can t-e secured, experienced detectives will be Hired ls track the .bia*"-* when¬ ever a jewelry robbery is reported,¦ The police authorities of tills city have not been consulted in regard io the s, heine, but their a*sistauce will be neededat mut s m arre.-ting biirglarsoi' the receivers of stolea property. . m, BRUTAL ASSAULT ON A WOMlK. A woman, who gave the name ol Mary Minn !i. age twuity* thi es.while in the apartment on Sunday evening occupied by William Johnson, *«¦ thirty- live, and Aimil- Johnson, his wife, at No. 17 Lou* losv-st.,was violently a-saiil'ed nnd beaten by them. When she was almost insensible, she asst ns, John- ***,ii bit oft' the point of her nor-e. Then he! ants left her bleeding profusely, after looking tbe door to prevent r.-liel or SB.ape. After some time her cries wen-heard, and when the nature of tbe outrage became known word svas sent to the Tenth Precinct Police Station. Oilier Creed, after S loitf search, succeeded in smstlngJohnson and his wife, noth of whnin atlicted cotublete i_norance of tbe crime. The v were taken before Justice Patterson yesterday at the Esbsx Msrket Police Coori, and . when their unfortunate victim appeared to proee- SBlB the charge a_aiust thssi BSI fset ntsentet. a frigbtlnl appearance. Johnson and h's wile were ominuted for trial iu (Jemiral Staion-) without bail. lits complainant ssas sent to Bellevue Hos¬ pital. IS NAPHTHA (.A< DANGEROUS! At the meet it g of the I'.rooklvn Comtnon Council yesterday Aldcrnian Hooghton _aUed attention to tin- use of naphtha (or water! gas. silaging that tbs limited sss of il had eau..-d the .haili ol eight per* sou* in Bn.okiyu within two seats, whereas the um- of coal gas for over thins- vtBps had eanaer] do fatal result*. He alsn dei forth that the laws of Massachusetts and New-.Icrs.-y d the use of tots in which tli.r.- was morn th ni 10 uer nen! of carbonic oxide, and stated that the eas supplied by the Fulton Municipal Companv, and through it to three other .-oiupanies. was aliened to contain 30 per cent of carbonic oxide. He therefore nth-red a resoliitioii directing the Health Commissioner to have an analysis of the _as made hy the Fulton Municipal Companv aud reported to the Board, to¬ gether with Hie number of deaths from its ns,-; the report lobs made in thirty days. Bran amend¬ ment the nature of coal gat was included in (lie i.,- iimry. aud las whole maller was referred to the t-oinuiit tee on Lamps and Ga* and the Health Com- . mibsioner. _> OLD BOOKS AT AUCTION. The library of the late Dr. David King.of Newport, _L I., sras put on sale yesterday at tli inn tion rooms nf Georg. A. Leavitt & Cn. There were 270 lots sold, and the bicbesl price paul was"f'.V_o for tbs Bra! ls-ue of Bradtord's press... Kalcndariuiii Pennsil- VSBISBSS ; or America* Messenger." This is said to be tue only cony of this almanac extant, and it WSS bought for (he Philadelphia Historical Society, Three voluu-e*of tbe " Atlantic Neptnna "' brought ¦M. Several almanacs o; tbs last century wibi for in-iii BB to Bil. Volume XII ol the "American Tracts," and *- Consideration* oil the Present Slate of the Christian Religion," bi Alexander Ascot, published at Philadelphia in 1732. by B. Franklin, each sold lor **-T(J. 'Iho largest buyeis weie the Philadelphia Histories] Society and the Lehigh University. Tbesale Will cont huh* throughout the week, atternoou and evening, until 3,240 lots are disposed of. WHAT A MINTS! KR SHOULD BE. 'Ihe Rev. Ur. R. Bl Ma.-Ai thur, pastor of Calvary Church, lead a paper yesterday before tbe Baptist preachers, at No. !. Murial-st.. on " lin* Minister ol Chris!, as a Student, as a Preacher ami as a Pastor.'1 'ihe Bain-He. as a stndsut, aaid Dr. .MacAnhur, Sbotihl be healthful, health Ming lint a privilege but a duty. Ho should be norkfol.toil being the stand- niti ot value. Aetiy.ty is (ind i nn dnuie, genius is the ability todn hard stork, and san, trilled nani work _B thsf-t-tSSto ai Heaven. He should be prayerful* for prayer anloeks many a teei-l of inspiration. The iniiiiriter as a pieacber should ne uniformly ex* jMiMtory, sliiiiiltl pleach mi, tn of tbe lilli's and thoiihl preach exlimuonui. tnisly. The a^e iieetl* aftiniiaiiv,- prenchlng. " We have um righi to pt ich our doubts*, we thonldspesk aiith..nt;!t'sclv and uot what *ve think." A* a past >r, ibe minister must be peisonal, tactful aud spiritual. MEN NOT APPOlNIKD.sLKKINd TO RE PAID. 'Hie ik-uiocratic majority ol tbs Brooklyn Board of iiniiieilutlely upnii getting control of the Bu BM m .Jaiiin.-y, I**-*:*, attempted to appoint an assistant ssrgssai nt srsss anti n third elerk to coiniiiittees.buth siiieture i'".siiinns. Alayor Low juouiptly vcioetl the app,,int'iients. on tiie ground lint tko otbBSBBWStS not SSS.tod. The li.ianl made no atteinpt to ov-i-riiile tin-v.-to. ii appeared pas* tenlay, hosvever, that tbs IWO Stan .vim were. in.t appoiuud had assiim d then allcg ii duties, or at lc_.-,t hat! laid cairn to their salaries, fur at the n ¦, mg t,f the Board Alderman Kane, of tbe Sixth Ward, moved that the Balarnsof these two B_U*4_ poi ,t>d men for iwo un.nt hs b. paid. When vs ho appoiQted then ha tspUed -. " 1 In- majority of the Board." As to tbs MavAi's veto, hs said that the Mayor wmLd have a cha,:ce to veto ii agsio. aAlter anne diSO.SStoa the BUtttei was laid over lor one week. MAKINI- A SCENE AT HIS SON'S FUNERAL. Tbs tuiiiiai ni gamnel Bardi a, sf Ravenswood. L. I., look pises on .-nu lay sftol-OOB. The inouriiers w.-re on the way lo the grave, ssh. ii the father ol' the dseeased man ordered tbs sndertaksr toootspel nsnsshoontsintng the wile, aid ehildren, whieh wss immediately Behind tbe besrss, to have the woeession. lin-driver ol'the ooaeB refused ta go. Im lallo r calletl apon a coustalile to lurest tua driver, and his nephew warned lbs oftUvr not to m- terfsre. lbs constable, when ib** matter" plained to hun, look the nephew's uart. 'Ino family ol tuc dead mai. had been i.u bad tenn* wiih his wile. ANOTHER FIRE-ALARM MYSTERY. Tin- (hiv r nf a Oiu-hundtt -d-and-i weat, -tift!i-*t. car, stoppiagst Eigbth*ave. at 11:39 a. m., featei- t..i,, .o aim iv Basasng_-s lo slight, notiocd s s.ell drt'ssed woman of un.I,I it* aga reaching .ip lo tin- n box at ihat ciraer, and thought shs had mistaken it tut a Isitat-bos, When ha calm >i t" lui she Mi.lileiiiy ran anny. I'h-. box sras found ip u tad tbs woman probably intended tn send out B luise alarm. A* ttiele was no key left In the box It wan i"ioni'i'i Mitt she hati arelcasiux kev as well as a regular lire-key. The police could not get any trace of her. They thought she might have boen a relative of someone of ihe meu recently t**onvicted of sending out false alarms. TO RETALIATE ON THE FARMERS. ¦__¦__-___*-.IS Of THK DEALKRS.TIIE RATIFICATION M KITING A KAI LU Ht. The milk market jaaliBJllJ returned to its normal condition. Tim arrivals by the several railroads were fully equal t'> the demand. Indeed, it was reported that nearly ."SOO cans of milk from Oruniro County were returned to their owners unopened. When peace was declared betsreen thc dealers and prodinerson Saturday, it svas sunpose.l that all the troubles which had vexed the two parties were at an end. The developments of yesterday proved that this was a mistak.*. Although the result of the recent conference was salisfaetory to the fanners it was not satisfactory to the dealers. " I want yon tn understand," said a citv dealer ta s Tkiijcne reporter, *'that the majority of the milk dealers of this city (Innot accept the' schedule of pries as made bj those men at the (iisiiiiipnlitin Hotel. Tho com¬ mittee which iwetsaded to i-eprsssnl our interest* in that conference was not BBaSas by us, and had no authority to make pledges for the rest of us. Ihe fanners have had their picnic in lliisniilli war, and liosv W* SIS going ta have ours. Tilt v kent back their milk when we needed if. and compel,od us to loso many of our ensto-WIS. Now we will show them waa) we Can do, Perhaps you knosv ihai BOO cans ot milk won returned ta the farmers in Orang,- c,,untv this morning. A larne number of dealers here wilt refuse to buy from the funnels en- gaged in the recent troubles after April 1. Con¬ tracts ai" even now being made with producers ¦ long other hues of railroad than IBS Erie, we intent! (o (each 1 hem a lesson they will never for¬ get.'' A mectinn of dealers was called at the lisgool ia Hotel in the afternoon to ratify tbe action ofthe re- cent conference ia a munnin.' the price of milk for the next year. About twenty respnr.ded to the call. J. R. Mezick, of Brooklyn, ssas appointed chairman and 0, D. Parsons. rotary ol the meeting. George W. Allison, a momberoi the Nsw-Yorh Milk Ex¬ change, wa* the lir-i sneaker, Bs saul: " s rat* Hication meeting, this is a failure. It is well known, however, that Ibe prices arready made are unsatisfactory io the majority of the dealers. No one will deny that the schedule is fair enough for lirsl-class dailies but for others i' is not. Men Who IBB cheap dames exnect lo cet just a * much for their milk as those who run the best. here Bt* some tlahisa the milk of which ts worth ouly 32 and .11 cen ts, **hile that of others is worth 42. " We have been told by a newspaper thal tanners shot-Id make their own pries for ih,-ir milk." sud L. L. Allen, another dealer. "Now, why shuni 1 thev 1 They don't muk tiie price ot any article they produce, foi the law of apply and demand docs inst. Whs should Hies- receire as much as tin-y want for their milk f If the street-sweeper only had ss much ns in- svanted for his work, Vanderbilt would Soon be obliged to go ta him for B job- When tin- farm rs go to draw their ebeoks neal month, they will mu b** aa happy as they were s month agc-. They will repent in sack sloth andsabes wbeu it is t,ni ia!.-." Speeches were then made by sereral i,Illus, and the meeting adjourned. It ia expected that a ratification meeting .viii be held late in the ss eek. PA-B-BBS KINKI* BOB SKILLING MILK. N'r.w.u H.., N. Y., Maren '-'ti..Five termers, ootnposlBg a mlig-spiiling committee, sfere bator a Recorder Si to-day. Thej pleaded guilty to u char-.'- ..' .pilling Ua-ki-e k C"o.*a erestaery milk during Ibe excltetneiit of tar last week, ami were BnsSBB .'.oeaeli. tin v promiBtBg BUM tO PST tba creamery mell Ute Millie Bl 6 ni H spilled, tue farmers state thal they univ a tated t" pu vin? tbe shipment ol tin- muk to Nevi York, and tha! iii r offered :o paj **¦¦ ra BS ll UM creamery men would take lt back ana manufacture lt into batter or theeae. i .wy insist tint they are respeetaUsmes and um law* breakers. -? DISAGREEING DOCTOBA The Medical society of tbs County of NsW-York, In-iii a " slated t.ring " las( nigh! ar the College af Physicians and Burgeons, lu. K. C. Brande ia read a paper on'* Catarrbal iliad ems and Allied Affections.'' Ile cited som,- inter* sting incident* in his own profession si experience ta ahow tbal v.dent and loiiK-coutmuod headaches an- often esnsed bs catarrhs] stoppages ni (in- noaa. I>r. A. D. Rockwell made some re- untrks in iionnr of tbe late Dr. Beard, and offered lestrlutitins of respect to his memory, which were nuanimonaly adopted Dr. 1). B. Si John Boosa ind I'r. \\. tl. i arpenteralso made remarks on the mme ubiect. The reaignstions of Hrs. Webster, Johnson md Poster, three delegates to tbe Btate Medial Society, were pret-euted, gentlemen hating been elected life members. The election to fill lbs in ancie* eras conducted ss uh a -.I,, .hal of spirit. ["be house was crowded -.sith membera wbo tren present to give expression, by mean* ol the election, to their vi.-v* mi ths subjec! "i consultimi mtli homsopatbic phyaiciaoa The Mate Society sonie titne a;.'.* a .>:,-,"l a BOW code, wbicu permits its members to cms alt ssitli physician, inlier than those of the allopathic tcnooL Dr. Austin Flint, jr., no-tabatod Drt Charles Hitch¬ er-, r. s. Waul .uni c. a. Lexie. These gentlemen, lie san!. WOlllu mit- lits!. I:i-f amt al! Ht*- li. ti, ri sim,' tbs old code. Dr. 1>. ft. 8t. John Riki a nominated l>rs. Waller R. Gillette, P. Alberl Mor¬ row itti'l Thoma* Weld, st in. were announced ti. supporters ol the exis! tig i ate ol affairs. I he rote abowed ninety-four rotes for tbe llltchoock ticket and Sr-venty-niie lor fiat beads I by Dr. Gillette. TUB FUNERAL OF JOHN c-. DALE. Tha funeral of John (J. Dale, the agent "1 the In¬ man Bteatnship Company, wa* belt] yesterday al 9:30 a. m. in the Calvary Church, al Fourth-are, iimi l ss'ii y iii-t-st. The l;.s. Dr, ll. Batterlee, pastor ot the church, officiated, assisted by tbe Kev. U. P. Morgan, ol the Church ol lin- Heavenly Ri -t. I he collin ss as surrounded by a pittfiisioii nt Dowers. lb,- church ssas crowded. Among the j" masoni were three ol Mr. Dale'eaona, Mayor 1.daon. .Li' erreponl -dwarda, the British Consol; Herb* it Harker, of ihe Monarch Line : William Corsrly, si tbs Anchor Bteamship Companv; R J. Corlis ami 1 houiis Henderson, lr., "I t he VVlute Star i lompany; W. H. Onion and John Underbill, ol the Williams dr,Onion Line; Veruou ll. Brown, ol tbe Cunard Bteamahip Company; Radcliffe Baldwin, ol the State bteamship Companv ; Loni de Bebtau, of be French Lim-; F. W.J. (Jurat,ol tbe National Line, and Captaina Loehead, John McGinn and w. ll. Thompson. A number of tbe employes of tho In¬ man Steamship Company snd saverai member* <u tbe Produce Exchange were a,so present. Tho body sva*. buried in (.reensviiod Cemetery. A COACHMAN THIUiATIiNTNii HIS MASH.I;. Hosea B, Perkin*", of One-hundred-and-aerenty* seviiuh-si. and Kn*gabrid_e-road, abonl three montha ago hired Cornelius Quinlan, twenty-fom years of sae, aa coachman and general belper. On last Bater.ay night there aiose some dispute be¬ tween them ; a mattel iii wages, snd the man became insolent. H.- want out on -linday and did not return nulli a late In,ur. When bs came iu ba went -pet-in to Mi. Perkins, who wa* m the bath* innii:, iimi uas rery abusive, threatening to ent Mr. Pei kins'* b* art out. H.-had no weapon, how¬ ever, coniiiiitt'xi U0 Violence, and tho! tit nltii ss anl was taken from the room by Mi. I'erkina'* sims. Officer John Wood..ofthe I lints teeond li. waa called in, and tbe man was ai rested He had <-\ itientl.s- been drinking, and when the offii er came he was asleep. Yesterday the man was taken before Justice Morgan, at tbe Harlem Police Court, and lilied Sid; aud in default of BUretiet ol 1300 lo keep the peace, ho was coiniiutted f,,r a month. VICTIMS (IF RELIC OU8 MAMA. Ftanz Ackerman and his sufi- were arrested sn .-linday night while disturbing a inti,oin- congre¬ gation in .orkviil'-. They were examined b> lir. Van Musi', ol Sn. I'.dd Lexiu "(ton-are., ami declared victims of religious mania. Their tvsn small children were fonad In their apartments itt No. 1,013 Seciud-ave. nearly naked ami almost starv,,!. winn i.irai-iud in the Harlem Police Court yesterday, the parents denied that lins wen iii-ain-. but tbs mother admitted thal sh,, tiad not aanfficient quantity of food during the past thieu months. Tbs tamil*" s*as temporarily committed i.y Justice Morgan, snd food vsa.s gwen them, th* Barents refused to eal it, or to allow th"ir children to do s,,, until the laiier were taken away by force. In tbe afternoon Officer Knoll, of the r&ciety for the I'reye.-niiin ot Cruelty In Children, took the Loy ami cul tn st. Joseph's Homo. Tbe parents were sent to thi'Commissioners ot Char,tj,s a,ni Correc¬ tion for examination. THK BEAMBN'8 MISSION. Thc Protestant Epiec ipal Church Mission Boeiety for Seam, ii held its annual meeting last evening in Trinity Chapel, '1 wents-iiiih-st., near Bttoadway. rhe expenaes ot the Society for tbs las! year ware sh*s,7UO and its funds are nosv in a good condition. This summer it is Intended io build a new mtsaion church, and rec- tory at Houston and Wast streets. Che new build¬ ing will be of brick aud stone. The ground hus coat $--(,000. and the total cost ol thc ground aod budd¬ ing will be |80,000, to li- completed by tali, ["here arc now four ol theso missions ai different po.tits in the cits, and lins will bellin must coiii- nlete of them all. Hie election of nitic rs tor tnt- year took place i.*t ersnin**, resulting rn the elec¬ tion of the former I,nani ss it OSS Of t WO BX-Cpl E. M. Dunc.i-i and Charles Tracy being elected lay tios-prsaldsnta, snd Henry bulgers e-afrespondiug secretary. ^^^^^^^ . A gi'iitlcman, and ;i iiroiui- i.ii.t sartotr mam, took tn* un-e is tee open, a j.-w _i*b afterward, aptsklas te some (rlsnila, t-s BBi-1 t'liietlimi; lin- open anti sta* tinki tl wnai the opera -ia*. " , calli reeit'l in, .-,_ j..., BOW .< n_i(| ti,.. la<ly. .. i.ul per-sp* say b_*bsi__ m.'' .. tiii, yes," .mil m., J um piug at fae ciiance tn air Bia knowledge i " it was tba optla lil 1.ll.lett*..'".LSt. Lannis liisi lils,,nub. A ti-rUin Austin 111:111 svas not (SBStSted to live, lie hull 11 nelKblioi' vita whnm h. i,.i ,,,., ,, ,,,, |,.,,| lenna for sevi*rai tears, raiaudgbbor asked a mataal I ria-11 it how Hie lint pin ti ~BS coltUSS on. "1 um glad la saeysa have done away svuii your f-ehng oi resent' inriit mit ai i| 'li,,! pour man. ile is siiiIciiik, siiiklu^ 1 BB Idly," wa* the n-ply. "lie is, ls tie I Wm, I _m nut surprised. I alwajr* thoujrht that ts.1* the iliruetlan lie W'jnlJ luke vi lien lie tli*J.i.l'I'exaa aili inns HOME NEWS. PROMINENT AKKIVA.L"- Victoria Hotel.Aristarchi R<*y, Turkish Min¬ uter ct Wfishlii-ron.....V-ir York lintel-Hu>hap "Samuel 8. Harris, or Michluau.Windtor Hotel-Sir P. II. Clarke, of Loudon.Metropolitan BTSSB TBS Hon. Kill* II. Roberts, of Utica... .Park Arenue Hotel.Pro- Intent StlSS LSOattS, of New-Haven.EnVi irenue Ho¬ tel-dodge ('baries Daniels, of lluffaln . liutklnaham Holel-Cliarlen W. Woolley, of Cltieinnatl.Stttrteraitt lIome-JadeeT. H. Westhns-k, of Kingston, >'.Y.ll Jame* _*__-!.B-SSC-l Krr.-((, of littsbnr-t .Rreroort Home.Captain Cook, of the *te*m«hlp (***rvia ; Csiitatn Townley Parker, the Hon. l>. I-dgh and Jaiuea Pcmler. of Sicholat Hotel-V.x Governor Oeor_e T. Anthony, of Kanni*_Hoffman Home.The lion. I. K. Finch, of Li.ii'lmi.Albemarle //orW-Nathan Ap- pletnD, nf Knntou_Clarendon Hotel.Colonel. L. 81t- greaves, C. 8. A. . m. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. Hokes trill case liefore BsilOgsBS Hollins. T-mperanee maas-meeting al Brooklyn Academy or Music. Lahor innss-iii'-etiiiC at Cooper Institute. Coll, i/e ..f i'ii irtnaey alumni -toni r nt Delmonico s. Cele! .allon t>( Martin Luther aimlven-ar- at Mott Me¬ morial Illili. , .... (ieortrc II. Ixmn-'s sBdrsaa before l-mif. Island Hls- toriclSiK-iety on '. Wsshlaatoa aa a statesman.' KxKiiiiiiHiin oft-eorge W CoakBag,Jr, before. Justice Smith al the TPBSllB m:\v-yokk citt. The boilers of tho new steamer Pilgrim, twelve in number, an of -steel. Wollert Pinkerton wai SBM-Bg |ba B-BBBBSJSBB ar¬ riving yeeterday by tho stesatship Acapulco from Aspiusvall. The Bsi-hO-SB Bl Third-ave. .-iud Oiio-hundred- and-tifieenlh-st. haring shown signs ni weakness, still be rebuilt by onler ot the Bureau of Building-. Il is rn,sv repnrted (hat (he ch.i'iuel tlir.nigh whiHi Manton, th-* dsfanfflng clerk of tbe Equitable Tins' Company, lost his money was a "bucket shop iu Braad-st, Sup'-riiiteii'l'iu Walling appeared personally nt the iombs \est.--dav as complainant against a young woman, helplessly draak, srbom hs had ar- iested svilh hisOWS vii'T-ililo hands. Wilson Moore, in the ('our! of General Sstaions yesterday, foran attempt to commit burglary, t*.it anntenced to sereu sear-and six months in tbe stat Prison. I In meeting Of the credit .us of James 1'. P.iid.r ira-:, which ssas to be heal se-', rdsy, ssa* poslponi d until next week. Mr. Pendsrgasl expects to make, an srraugerae it to i "i-1 tine the buduess. iii-iMSAL nv ninl j: (iiisusAi.s. Richart! l-VKeefe, John Conlin ami Michael II. O'Donnell, three o. tbe roung mea ebarged with aendinaonl false alarms of fire, were sentenced by Recorder Smyth, yeeterday, toons year each in (he Btate Pi sun. HEW CABS OB >t UI ll AVENUE. The Fourth Avenue lc, Company put on isvents- brand-new street cars yeate**.ar, to meei the demand made by the crowds al tbe eirena. Ths ears are of a new pattern snd unusually comfort¬ able. T ai ii:':r. CSS Of nu PISTOL. John Zimmerman,sge Iwenty.of No.B0 Eaal Hotts- (tui-st.. svas held fm ital at lise-. Market yester¬ day, rbarged with shooting I'hillin Boswald dorins tbe fracas that followed the hall of ibe Adelphi s i! ci'il, in Walhalla ll til, Orebard-st, early on Sunday morning. CO-tCEBT ti.sii'f imfni suv I'l BB. OtL-fOBE. A large audiem .. attended the annual tn mplimen- taii concert tendered la-1 tn_lit lo P.8. Gilmore limier ih,, anspieea of the -"J I K**giment, al it* armors in Fourteenth il near .Sixth-are. The proarramme include,I lixteen pieces and WSS b Slr. Gilmore. Dancing followed. ACiisrn OP mikish itt.-i- BBTB-BB, Tha trial of Henri A. I horn--, .n examiner in tbs Custiim-Hi'iise. ici-useil ot making false entries in th.- i.o,.ks. wa* bi .in yesterday b fore Judc-e Bens* ilie; in Li" I'n it.-.j st.,-,.. i in nt (,,mt. | horne tv a* iltscliar-'eil bs I 'timmi Minnel Deuel, bul HOI Until Ill- tilt ted by tne Grand Jury winownoon as sb sovebtisembbt. A young woman, wearing the habiliinents of nonniina. stood near an nptot "f the eic* rated railway yeaterdat diatrihntlna a highly i-olt.ri'1 pamphlet which eontained the open ina chapters ol a story entitled: "The Wedded Widow.'' DTIBB Winn: PBEFABIBfJ iiiinii' While Mrs. MiiL'ir, t Forahay, nf No.* «t., ssas prep.ring lo attend tbe funeral "I h r bas- band, yeateiday, abe fell to 'he tlm.r in a tit and lied a few monu ita liter, The linsband and wife hui! sol bred toaetbei for isvsral mus. M'Vi' ! "i: l>t SKI V Li BABY. Mann,: Ojeda, upon whom \- ni Drummond a unwarranted I In- bail discharged by Judas B**ni*dh*t, wa* s.-m t<>'. ler*. \ i, -ii-nliiv mi a writ of removal granted by Judge Brown, for trial on a charge of passingi lei I. tl mt,nev. i:'s.tSAii"V OB THE HAMILTOJt MABBIdV. a'. *riM<I-1 iiiiniiif.i'i's ,,,i i.. tis.-, u One-Hun* rlred-and-Porty-fifth st sud Rt. Nicbolas-are., iabe- I, .-md the thirteen tall tree* which the great stat.*: ii i- -id to has-- planted with bia nun ha,ni* at the aoutheaal comer "t the manor* in a substantial lu¬ t -ll.IK, The horse* attached toa I truck ..*. nt Prince st. about fonr o'clock yest afternoon, and noi until th-- driver had ethauated irk ably tull vocabulary ol expletive* and worn "nt a new wi ip did lb v rom* lo a realizing thal when equine laboi conflicts arith hu mau capital ih former must _.. io t! walL PASSEKOI RS i,n Ult. -I i.VIA. The steamship Serria, ..! the Cunard Line, ar¬ ri red In thi* port j lu bronchi 102 iiii passengers, am na whom Bren* W. H ' .1. Moir Clark, Biri. IL Clark.. General T. W. Con¬ way, Captain A. B. Cnoningham. Lui,,- r Captain Haly. l>r. Walter A. Dun, H. Fetich* twanger.C Ii. Finch, c. B. I»,- Forrest,Captain <;.t*- u. II. Robert Harris, C. Herter, Dudley Leigh and tbe Hon, Coutts Haioribaukt. nu in.mink.s rowan ism tbib poet. I he Bteamahlp < >ld II uninion, from Wiclunouil and Norfolk, on Sunday ni 7 a. m., bin l. r, .pin when off Fenwick leland. No furiher dsm.ig done. Sin- sus fallen in with lit ilu- steam William K.-iiii.-.Iv. from Baltimore f i Providence, iind towed to the Highland**, rea bing ibero late si *tt dav sfternooi Hue waa then taken in toa bs the tm* Hudson uml brought te bet pier al th ,,i le ll il-St. IB mi MOKt OB H. ii < ii tiwi sv A-.-iviee cnmineroorating Henry Grafton Chan- man, st io dieu al Manila recently, ssas held tu Trinity Church yeeterday afternoon. Many of the membera of the -stock Exehanct*, of which \f r. (hui,ni ti svas lent, were present. The aervicea -.mi, conducted by tbo Rey |>r. Morgan I*ix,a**aiated by (he Rev. George William I) ula - snd Ibo Bar. Mr. Lncjueer, ol Bedford, Westchester County, Mit. **EWT0M*S ILIIIIVAI. rhe Right Rev. Lflshop Potter, ol the Protestsnl Kpifloopsl Church, bsmI res) rilav thal no action regardfag tbe Rsr, W. Heber Newton bad been taken by th* Episcopal an thor! ties. The Kev. Dr. William B. Eigenbrotlt, ol tbs btanding Committee of tbe diocese, said that iliat committee bsd noth¬ ing to do with ant charges tba! tmir"! be brou^bif, tire-cnie.l in the Bishop, who could call a court for lbs trial of the nuns. i it my tri LABS *.* LODOlxa KOOMS Tin- Siiintaiv p..lue arraigned a Chinaman of I'.isai.i-st. ami Patrick ( CCnnnor, of So. lei Chat¬ ham-**., al tin- liimliM Police Courl yeaierday, charged with lettina cellars aa lodging placea foi m. n and women. These oe!Ur* wen* described ai haying no ventilation "i drainage and being in an ezreedingly filthy condition. Ill DE]'ALLA Ii i.V l\ A I'.ttSVIKV HAVK. A iimor v, a sci in cirrulal ion doa ii town s eater- day thal there had ix en s defalcation amounting to at lea t !,-,uii,ikki ,!, ;, pi,,,,,11,,¦,,i hank ju tb* llosv- I y. A 1 "UBl vi i'i".i lei visited rv, \ bank in that stieet, and ;n cn h place the president, treasurer, ¦ecretarr "r cashier iltselaimed ali knowledge of h defalcation and aaaerted tbat nothiugol the kimi bad occurred ia ihat bank. '¦I OSGI .!. SICS 1" BB l lin I) AUAIV. The trial ol George .1. Rice, formerly president of the Utica Ithaca ami Elmira Railway Company, on tbe charge of haring wrongfully issued and pledged certain stock ol tha company, was pegun yesterday in the ('unit of OyerandTerminer before .Iud-*' Barrett Tbe only thins done ssas tn impauuel He¬ lms. Mr. Wice ursa mci in tbe Nuns court on tbe same charge s few weeks ago, bul tha jury could not agree. IHK BTBAMSBir Wt BBS Kl rum H. Tbsagentsol tm North German Lloyd Lina ***** (i-is.d dispalches yeeterday tbal tbs steamship Wena, vs huh pul into Southampton tor repair* and waa detained four daya, bail sailed at-j it. m. sin¬ bad not Ins! bel propeller, bm first reported, bu! had los! one bladi univ. Instead of tailing from here on April 4 alis will sail on the following dav, thus losing om- day on the round vnyags, 1 1 v 1: Yl.Ais 1.nt in.sliv.i his BTEP-DAOOBTBB. Joseph MeAvojr, of No. i-'u Esal l nenty-eighth* --!.. ssas t a rn ii. tedvestordsj In the Courl ot (icm ni .-e -ii>t;s fur feloiiioti assault. He waa iu the habit "i besting his nife. When tm February 20 hts wife's dam-du rbys former marriage, a girl of six¬ teen sear-, interfered to protect bec mother, McAvoy knot ked her tlosvn with a stick t,| w.-od. The prosacution waa begun by the Society foe tbs Pro- vention pf Cruelly to Children. McAvoy was s'iiteiieed to live year* iii tbe State Prison. HIL PBOPEBTT Of SS (LIAM IL IUVKIISTICK. Letters nf adinminti a'ion OU Ibe estate of William II. Haveratiek were granted yeeterday bs Bnrrngata W.illins tn Joseph lt. Hsverstiok and Ins oounael, (> rOrgC ( Knbli,-, a* tn- iilmini-tratoir.. No further steps were taken iu th- matter ol the diapoaition of tJje property, the eonanltstion thal svas to be held between (he counsel fm I la vel-.1 it |. (li1(| (h,-ciiiiim-I for Mrs. Pitier being postponed. Neither svere any steps taken to recover thu propeity now held by Lr. Amid,m. visiiivi; til kiiha Al ni.HtlKI .v. rieveral huudj-.d Hags tloatetl lroiu tho st. amship Fulda, of the North German Lloyd Line, lying at her pier in Hoboken yesterday. On the hurricane dock to entertain the people who were there to look at the vesaei, of whom there were several thousands, was the «hlp'i brass band, the members being com¬ posed of the stewards and assistants. The saloons, cabins, state-rooms, steeraee* am! enaine-room were etow led with visitors all of the afternoon. Tho officers of th-- vessel are: Captain. C. Leiat; First O-ttc-r, L. Stormer; steward, J. Riekeu, and F. ninnienstejn. purser. PLAYING CUM AGAINST 28 OPPONE**T*J. Captain Mackeuzie faced twenty-three opponents, including two ladies in simultaueon*BSBBBB of chess at Un-rooms of the Mrnbattan Chess Club, at No. 110 East Fourteenth sty teat .v-ni-g. The playing bogan at 8 o'clock, and two hours later nine con¬ testants had li'-lded te th- captain's superior skill. At ll o'clock six more had retired from the con¬ test, while Frank Rover won his game. Tho indi¬ cations at a late Inuit were that Csptsin Mackenzie would checkmat- the rennin, players. The manu-uviesof ll. S. Stanton and of J. S. Ryafl were spt c ml ly liotcss i,rthy. kCCUBBD OK ISCANTHIDK. Jobs J.Wilsnn iiifortneil th.- polios yesterday that Ins wife had been ituiltv of intiiiiticide at No. 318 West N-yeiite. nfli-st. Me has been a aoltlier iu Company G, Third Infantry, ami has been abs-nt nearly tour years. Haring lost a b's- in Indian lightinp. he came home two sveeks ugo. and lound his wife apparently about to -weosas a mother, but shs d-nted ans- Infidelity. Karly yester¬ day morning be sasv her go to another room, and soon afterward heard an infant's cry just iw his Wife Bama hack. Ha ran to tbs room, anti then- saw a babe in thc sink. It cried once, but Ix-foro he OOUld resell ir, sink. Tho woman is a close pris¬ oner in the New Torfe Hospital. A DBPBBDABTIB a Lorri hy casi: DISIPPEABS. One of the first trials of tin- lottery cases Hine, tin- r.nt decision* of the supremo Court making con¬ viction possible on the eridenee of sa ofBcerpur- ng a ticket, ssa* hebl yesterday in the Court of General Session*. Detective (ham, of the Boetety inr tbe 8uppt*ession ol Vice, was tbs prtncipsl wit¬ ness again*. Joseph Wallace, trot.) whom he had bough! a nek", on April 13. 1882. The ease for the prosecution ssa* closed si the lime "f recess, \\ nen the trial w resumed after recess it was found that tiied le,ullin waa not in attendance. Judge Cow¬ ing mini' di.eely issued a warran I inr his arrest, and ordered his bail, te the smounl of 1*5-90, to be for¬ feited. Tbetrislwas proceeded with and the jury iiiund Wallac guilty. BBOOKLTN. Bighl nf th police oanuins "i" Brookljrn walked ,,-.. the Bridge yesterday morning On the recommendatio 1 of Health Comm! anoner l.'ai monil lin- Aldermen ordered tefl pubUS sven* to be elossd. The bill of William M. Brartt for drawing the Arrears bill rsoenUy pssBod by tbeLegi Istnrsis 91,000. Herntsn Cordes. who wna In charge of Welp's eoii'ecii.merv stoic at No. 186 Fulton*-*., reins¦ d lo close tbe shop on Sunday. Us ssas tilasted and smis lined .1.11) scstenlav. The order requiring the receiver of thc Coopera¬ tive lu, ss .aaociatton (.. pay 00 per cenl io all ci.-.i,' svhose claims sra proi td will go Into easel to-morrow. divine; to th.- lack sf jurymen In the ('"tiri of Beaaions yesterday tbs trial of Maggie K'-ppcl for stealing little Lissie Belden Issi mi imor iva* post¬ poned until i"-iias Health (..minis-oner Raymond reported to lbs Board of Aldermen yesterd-ir thal the sanitary arraagetnents in several rooms in theCitj Hall were imperfect sud tbat repairs te tbe 111111111)1111: were 1.1. di il. i in- sum of *r_.*>o ssas appropriated for thc repairs li s\as discovered yeMerdaytba! the dssth "f [-tomat Italone, age twenty-one, al No. 41 Bridge¬ tt., on Bundsy, was esased by ams11 pox. Ho lived nub bi* mother, sud no'physician wa* called: hence tbs ease ita* not reported tothe Board ol Health, rite bunsil is U tenement willi nix families. All tin- p.-rsiiiis in th- lions.- sTt-ie vat ciliated by sanitary Inspectors \ un.' of i' ,st hall was played yesterday si lit'-iie. t Park I" tn.-.ii (.rn Dines, captained respec¬ tively by -1 napp it. ..I 11 a; rt shin¦_. I'..hil. mid Hil**, oklyn. it was th, lil,1 g ,,.- ol tba season ami resulted in Mchappei 1'aaide winning bf asrotre of 8 toll. \ «. ct i-i'I ca -ii" **- ill b- played this after¬ noon it the weather pi natte. Btate Senator Kiernan talked sth!i Mayor Low I, *i ula, lieut tin- lull now be for* tbe Leaiala- t ai,- t>, reorganize tbe Lie*'- Dopasttneut. Mayor L..W au un ur«ed his 0 the lull. Benator h eit'.m * ii,1 tbal ii iii- t'-stim "iv before the Bena a Committee on < liles, which trillgive a bearing to- to lil" bill, should not w,urani ig be iboulri a-k t-> withdraw it. lila iris! ol tbe mil Itrourbl bs Ibe New-York in to recover ***"I0,0(H> alleged to have I.,. 11 ir John ll Moore, 1 fernr-maater, v..., 1,.11,imi,. ii.-f,,r. Judge Brown yesterday. Mr*. Man.' 1 r.-t M. the mother of the defendant, testi- in-i linn she 11 ni **-. 0 rn '¦'.iniiie' ,, tins country .uni ,-iic ninl- large suma ni money by keeping li. 11 .l-isi and a ii.|ii r at tiie solicitation ol h i wa. Othn ,ie-in .'. 1. ul 1:,.- lamil) corroborated limo I he Judge, .! lu* decltiou. NEWARK. Loni i, age wenty-1 in,.-, ;i 1 tv 1!,, lamil) o D. l>. I'ine, at Nu. _ Baldwin-at., «..* 1 tia li burned yeatenlaj aft moon by ooaia failing upon bel Irs* -. I- um -.. Vo intern manufacturer al M.tiR. i-si.. committed suicide earli restei day morn mg by shoo mu himself. He left * i\ m. hi auticip it, il sickness and preferred death. H. waa unmarried and lifty-two yean old. Horatio Sank*, who attacked and robbed Min. I ., -|, 1 -. i in , hui 1 yes¬ terday aud plead-d guilty, lin* culprit v.ts ap¬ parently in m.- la-i stage* of consumption, Ile -aid la I, ni bet 11 oi work and committed thu BCl IO 1,Uml des,, ra ion. A phys'i ian testified "-auk* n.s e-Mi ,| medica relief, and Jud-..) 1 tesl In* lu dist I)it __> tl. I.I I M I. \ l-l Ul M IS s SS I! As |s| |-| It ,.-. I>r. |{iiii».iii Bs*described to tue Iii illouof .- un, - 11 sen s,,r experiment* Intnl.- i,y aim to test tbe Djr ol ullin.s|i|ieif- ,i,al_e.l Wltb VolstUt! nilli- *i pile* tn preventing tbs development of ur-- in putr.**- ¦! ht.lllf-i .1 lill lOflUltltl M.,|i. inti ll e. wide mouthed, nina jars, late whicti a llttl* eu ,1 1 ii n. ,,ii, 01 ii, like, bsd een poured, remained clear, Mlill. ll. la ls* of Mle ,111,. lulu Mn hilt III BIUO* eil to Old! itu 1 ,1 ir mel 1 lien covered witb cotton wrol,b< gnu t" lon* .a.,lin,-- mel te seillii OVer "Ullin il few li'.ills. Alto- la iii. 1, ti.ult*are tbou-rbitoboileau*that, nt ordl- 1.11.. t with taper* of tbi nani d 1* futui to the -t-rms of bacteria und udcrococul, and pi ¦¦. lbs .. 1 ins ,,: t, mt- uml oilier lute ti..ns dlsesBSS. ni. ntlie vapid 1- used during aurglcsl tiona, a kellows ls employed to] rbsrged wltb ii upon tin- iptit exposed. Tbe slr la Ant drswa iitioti-li a veasel nilt-d with cttton wool, then througb rilled M.Ul PUUIIO* atnlie, niel Milli ll a small ijiiuiittti ott'ii iiptoi im* intii pound. 1 lie vapors ur, not unpifsasnt when breathed. "I lii-cnl sn dbl madder web deni," said Barn J :i'-i,.i. Hfiodariu-, _ colored culaea ol An-tii. '-.tts--0 .-. e died las'week." '.Waa the tick loll- I" '.No, sh" ||_|' |||. U Slek inn- .1.1 \ Ul,' tlj.-ll ile Bes.."11 I licit ,lu. ' lie 1.01', wliy tint was liar.ll)- mihi vt ni 1 lita- Blftlaga, MA LIM: INTBLLIUBNUE. Mt vi a rr :c k 11..11V *.(-. Btllirit't .'. ..I. s-t*. ti JU Sloan llt't in la Simm'* ags.d'y* ltj nn.11 1v1rr.11 _l.ST, -*_u'lvlin..!;. '.. ul.'.ai itian i. io ar 11*11 iijr.v, 0(17 j". >f BsBdyBset tn.i'. '-at 1*11111 lO.SJ; BauUshtt n.j.t FOBEIOS BTEAMEES mi: Al THIS POET lil-DAV. i eitel. lin: .Amsterdam .... .Beyal Ur.til - M .111. Mei l'..rt* ,., N s and Med <,|. lian .-I rn Mniian-ti. Wjoiiilu*" . ..(.Varpool.Lulen. WI.I,NI BDAY, B Sin il Mt ssi itphaim Msmbnrs . Usmb tmer. (mn: A ie vamllTU.ll if. 1-inl Wai.. .Slet.iitilre. iii as-ia ..ti, l*CDS. .... Aluin,1 A ti.. 11.1.1 r- .limn- .... lie eh Trail*. stst*of ii-^a*.MaSaaaaa.Mallery*a, THUEMDAT, stah< 11 10. Ai' in A apt n wal I ..silas. I.laml.lif l Itv.Ilrlstnl ..Ll Cl'y. -'.l-i'11-" .Hull .\\ liston's. State,,I I'eltlist luina IIISSSpW.Mlille. Ali,, . ... SS t s( lu,lie*.Alla*. l.uill.'1-.-Hlll. I...111I1111.lim. SBIPP1N0 NEWS POBTOBBBW-TOBE .MondaY, MAKi'll 'JO, 18H3. Altl'.l S'l-lil. mer Ssi ria (Bi Dael. (versos! Barrs 17 via Qassas ti,M 1, with imtse mill t>*a*en_T-r* io Vernon ii lint wu ,v i ,, r* lr ainri ( inonu Ht , ll ,i. i ,,ff. Ll vet until 1_ Haft lu I,al last la linn li. I.,i,r- : *",'u u"'' \xrM Bi"^ ¦"""»"¦- -fec-Ts^i ,. >^"ay..w.!l,..,.8 Miip iiirnaui Wood pfai inim. KB), Oratory, calcutta i"o .lnv», ifllli uni*- (11 olden vessel Ul BUMtSI -i,i|, -iiitiii, of nh), Maratsi*. Lou.tou .5 ,ittTi with cement ami empty hannis loonier; vessel to J r Whit' nev .? o Ship ie. um,'it c..1,. Knriitiauii, BtSBMa (il tlays with .lit Biri r-iiiplv hiiinis monler, v-,»ei 1.1 Henna un'Kaon A Co. v .-lilli lliiK'i "ini. Dem ken, AiiiHlertlsin .'.-.I tlav* with rmiilTlniti'it i'ti'l'lsi tt-ssnl 1,1 Herinaiiii Iv,mn ,t t ,, Haili vt old. nu ll.illfin ileil, Livsrpool 84 tar* willi ault to ot dei vssbsI ts Min,,' A. iL.iiKiitnn. «/*. witn *ait luis louis,¦,,.,, MiakalaoB, nun ;.o day*, with emntT lian,-'* to ..,in, v., ',.. .. K,|va_ co "".'".milty Bsrlt Mllava Blsoi.I HtJstta. BBi. llutlsr, Sun.lerltuiil _h*-^K^wTra_i^ *"h,,w""**%***"¦ a liars MsrtlBo'i i!,'in,i lian, BSvarass, **astaliaa*-M Sa JiV'SuV*"""""1 1:"UV"' Wlt" 'rUU ,""r',¦., *".."..' «» ABdrow llaik lainius oin', Muckns, ri!iiril,iir« Niiy'»l .(. v.,,, cli.listlav*. willi sa tani i-nipl, liumls tnonio'l ve.te o Hermann Koop i " ' "'¦""" to BanJanai (Jsi .("rab Braaua SBSays, wBkeaB__a__l empty barral* toordt vmmI \. rheo iin.ei.tV-, Hark Ktlttl. uniii, liarl cit li,iou. .Nsi. MoEaehrtin n.,r £____,* ,U>^' witbaaM toon.,,. v.»,eim E___a_5,_ Vou\'t.^'|Tn:''¦,. '''luUucr' rn^oa IH da,*, wm, ,.... to ¦ lil-kiV o""'"' I.<f<,, IUrM* U d,1-",. Wlth-US»rta- (I Alli- Ilaik Uvaatar, V-sper. Apala-hlt-ola IB day* willi lantli tooiilsr. vessel n, miiow A Httrf*** " ' """-*. Ilaik Hat'.-. A M. Kui laud, M, Ka- liiml, l'a*ca«oula 111,lars wm. iBjsBsrtsarS-ri vsasalts u \v U-l k'oat ^"* BONsar-Wludat Handy Hook, utodwat*. Bi -* - ,.rt ba-y. Al flu islaad, the tame. "*""***> ¦ l"-U(-y snd LE lOlfflll BROTHERS, On account of DISSOLUTION OF PAKTNERSHIP, (Firm eipiresfoy limitation on Hay 1, 1883) will continue the GREAT CLOSING SALE ot their ENTIRE STOCK Of STAPLE IND FANCY DRY The entire Stock ha*, heen marked down in price, and all will find it to their advantage to purchase, even if not required for im¬ mediate use. LE BOTJTILLIER BROTHERS Broadway and Fourteenth-street._ triifett Tcateit!'f _. .,, ___. steamer Hanoverian (Br), stephen*. London M»rcti 11 via Halifax 13. with mass ts HesfBr Bras, __.___*_. .ship .lilith'. Day, l.iferini.l M day-, with chalk toonlcr. vessel tn M K l'ic.rrii'-- A- < a Hain lil'a'eili'Itel*: lii'tlcliler. Atitwsrp 21 d»ys, witn r.i«s nu.! amtitv barrels to tinier; vessc, to Tura Ru-rer. Hark Diii.siafliiBire ,.,( -t .It.lin. Ml lilia"', U*___P*»" _* daya, la ballast ts Bcaamell Broe, and wu* rn tin ea tout John, MB. rl.LAKKIi. steamer Abyssinia (Br), Bentley, liverpool via Queenstown .William* A .iiii.m. , riper, r.iis- ,| W I) Mnr-ran. .-teamer leland Inn . 1 luiiuseii. I D|MMilia_en, etc-mnch, Edya . Co. s-s,mer cytlo-iia (Rr), F.sson, f.-irdenns-sea-er Bro* r Rapid m. lenney, ss cst IMl:n, Va -OM Dominion .stej'mi-r lils Br Mail-r*i in. Haltltnf- -'eager Urn*. "** M.-tu,er llos.etn.s Hav Uri. Leap. Baltlmoi ft.H J C'ortl*. steamer V \V llriine. Coater, Ballimore- J b Krema steamer iirmkitaic!, Lea/.. Lew,*, Lei OM Dominion Ssl i*t«.itiier ll.iiiinia. Ursa."; f',.r!Ian>t. Sfe-.f I- Ame*. Hark rials-la .111), Andrews, Anjier, Java, lal- orders. Scamuiell Bros. . , ... BartColroado,Clark, PortE__bpsU*, smith u CroMtnra * Bra, Bart-.!. vu , Madsso. Btlboa -asbBo BaMsIaBCa- Barl Ams-a Ll I' lavcll .nil.ssl upson, Spence A Il.'r-'Fauilglla** (Ital), Mai ml. Cork for orderi-Philllp* A Bil- Jove* Ani'nilo spin Juan. Lat ralina* anti St Cruz j.'.- BlTatBtt' "- OB ta ffrBP Hte»mer« (teasel for Liverpool Tho'n Holme. Plrmoiith, Pontiac, MctHtsrranssBpart* i'm.nv d* Lome, New-Orlesn*; Brsskwstsr, Lsws* -i.H.t Catcbf-tsr. Iniwsrn: itennwii, Haailniii Lark* [BBSS, CondBStsr, London. . AI*o*al.-r.l-vu Loll* Islam! -omul StSBBlSt I.leanora, (or Ptitllaiul - . . Am In.'i-i a! f Itv Island, lionml out-ship Caul Jun***, for sli»u-lula Hark Colors ls, for Port KlUSbl th. BIMCBLL-WBE. IO -. st«*'ner Ttini* (Br), Irvine, from (lalre-Mii for Bremen, Ima inn in at aitiiiniitli aliorlnf emil au! willi her tieck lit- I UK M.'VKMl- N IS ni' MiMMIill ra -.Ki i* i.trs 1/ims Ma Arrive*!, (teamer Ptolemy iBr), Jeff¬ s' Vol it Mal up t!i« f!i»nii!,l-steamer Ja»on litchi, Henlnpen, dom S«f 'i mk Manb Sos hsr way ts Anuterdam. Mri .! MaRh 2S Airire.1. Steamer* Like M»iil!o*ia i.i s,,.|i fi.m si-* V"rk siui'ii H. Pemvlaa ur. undi in, from N aw-York Manilla. Part-la Br), Walker, from k March 1*. ODBSBBTovra, Manu M -Arrives, ateamer Tagus (Br), .. B ti,more Mareil I. i'.ii.vv lu vie M rt ii .'¦; lMtt-.l *f-lin! a titv of Richmond Cn i 'au.h..ti. flem Nest. Yo k March IS niili.-r way to Queenstown aod IJf-rpool; >i!s..>iin Bi 'i>i«. (rom Boa- ton starlit Hon her war lo UverBSsl Mai. li .'¦ Ps****- strati..-r U.-rinaBl* iBr), Ken- tietly, ftoiu Now York Mai. U 17 on her war to liueeuMowu .mi lars,p,., uni-' - ill"!,c*iwr Ilrit'ol (Hr), Wllllums, (,.r Near York -sith). I.iviKiti. K. Mat-i J: IrrtveO, steamer linrcncn (Br), tiia'.-a (rom Baltimore March 1. IJBBBBOCB. March KS A rn rei. steamer Olympia iBr). Car¬ ter, fruin li until Marchs on ber wi IUvrk. Mar> ti-H Aruveii. sn aai":* liaiit'o iKr>, d'Hailt- ( .rn ,.*. s.ek Marah 14; VUlsdsCssra .Kr', l_por- r.rH, (rem -N*w \ oi* Man in si Ks ru pt ut rs. I-, -ii.tM'. Mar i 28 Aiiivt-t. I1BBWBC Rueno* Avrean (Bl .,a-..,vT Ma .iailfai M*l tirtve.1, »t-ameia Huston 'itv (Br), SS od. n ..-a Whitney, Hallett, ,r» Sulk. Komaii. Loveland. Plilladelp hl.i Wilkealiaili-. Milli, do. lliytil 10- luini ii- SS'i i,nt, mv intiah. unei Septuae, Berry; Now-York; QwaBa vBr). linell t, sae ai nK.i.rm*. March 2d -Arrlv-wl. »T,-a'iiei * millah Prince Hr Burton, Liverpool! 0*atsn(Bl liaison, Mediterranean port* Arie*, .iver; Norm m. Mike:*, n. Boo¬ loo, Oin*wanda Sharman, Provid*.les, E C Bindle, Wallace, N*w-Ysrk. t lean-.l. »teain*r MayfL'tver, DsT'.d-on, N'ew York. Ila-.tiu.iKr', March -'. Anlv.,1,sit-.mer BlUSSI Br), Ba- con. Nt wt -'. -leiai-r* Acadian f Hr) M. math. Halifax: Texas Bl ;: i IVSI I I) B Miller, Howe* Bolton leo Appold, Footer, I'rovt.leuce: I ss at. l--o*t.T, ,"-_.- r* N.t ninl.-. Miller sad App.-id. Lonf Hut ti I si Western Texa*. lt-.. v.-Soik foi lliiinswi, k, t.,1, .uni lillian,Una alni 1 io. eeded CHABLBsrOS, March 9_.Arrive,I, steamer Virginia. Phila¬ delphia, mt -rix*. Mat-Sh '.M-At tho Paaas* Arrived. *!«>am*ra Havre; Benvenue i: I'spe Vettlesi Hay. Hen, neil. Rochdale, Mail, un Mum !. f.tunta. steamers Historian USrl USllSSS, *A'y- tlaie and i-.'ue Htsr, th* mtier (or \eiv.s. ii Arrived, iiesaMr Msraaa eily, \,i.iihb, New York. Aim un. We iintlv'' the inns! BoarLthiiis breacU in tho world. Hl.SLllI Km.I. ti... Tl tlti.ivo. Skinny Mia.." Wella' Htalili Ktnt'svor" ri>- .loic*heiitii.uni vi,-or, cure* ii>*i..'p_ia. laipotsasa $1. Yuh lia vt* tiittl Caitii's Littln Liver Pills ami wars pleated with them. Thev siliiiuiatt- ths iivT u-culalo liowel- ail,I tho ixuii; Hknry a. Dabiblb, M. I)., 114 Lexin-tan ave h*tween .'atti au t t 'th*fs. Boar*. 8 tol, .!'." 1 ir."' a, Si.-, if v. Hit -i.,., of ttl© QsnltO liiarv BCg IBS BM O'iv.un lystsm, ipsel I'.tl >t. DISEASES OFTHE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The power ff tho nervous system, over Hf* amt happiness, ls thorouahly rasSSB.Mi| sud Iho ilaiiRorot.nei-tmiu_ lt l.\ liileiise iiieiital uiMileiitlitn oretee.siveimlulm.iii'etif the SJ.'"tl'* illnl piiipelHHIea, (a ttf t lt.ll illl[nut.uic.-. SVhl-ll lt Is.ler.inKeil.ll ,.* ne. .-.*.iry tn s.-n a.ivico (mm an expert who knows the cause ami tlu< roinetly. Iftha Biala has aaaaau axaaa-M hy lasaaas mental appM. cation, lt caa only recover its iti-.n.ii, i,v BatB| Systematic ally tri-.iii-l. lt I* preclssiy, same wm, pta nerves that P.esltle overnr-ai.lclife. 'Chi*, I, .i -mmi practice rami.ii ba oveniit.-.l; u affect* ui*rrl_.e, and perpetuation of estates. Dii-.iiii'eiteiislve et|.erienee in ti.t-t specialty I have re- crive,lthe.,M,reclatiou al many .ll»!l.«ul*!ie,l person, and can, niinnuiu, ate Ihat wittel, iienaius lo lt, u.,,1 tho mea,,, of ie. oy.i mg a, powers, wliothor o( blain, appetite, propensity or passion. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D, lMLeiinffton-ave., between 29th & 30th-sts. norms, b to 1 and s to r. $6 00 Per Dozen. MY ELEGANT IMPERIAL CARDS AT AB0V1* LOW PRICE. CLtJM OF TLN (ll (JU¬ DERS) FOR 940. A* Bogardus, Broadway and I8th-8t. I I, st and Second in One Meroin*. Intelligent People in (rom 3 to IU "second*. IMS. RID WAY'S SARSAPARILLIW HESOLVEXT. THE ..KIMI BLOOD Plf.IF.ERs FOR THE crin* OF all chronp- disease--. rtnonle Hheiim.itism. scrofula, t'landtilar Swelllns. I !-_*'_. in.' Dry CbtUttt, Ovimnitl* sffp, lion*, iSyph lit c t o ii;il*nn,*, li sedlaa*of th- Lanfa, nvsi-epsia, Water Hrt*h. White swull. In**. Tumors. Pimples, itloi.-h.**. Kruptlousoii the Fv-s. Ut* ii ind Hip Disease*. M'T.ilt lal list-Uses, Female Coin* plaints. Lout Dropsy. Ric.ole. Halt ttheam. llroneniti*, Con- sumption. Kidney, Bi*<itioi, (assn ampUtats, ka, Pl'HIFIE- CHE III.OOI). Itl'-T 'HIND HEALTH AMI VD.UH. LEAR -.KIN ami BEAUTIPDLi f ) dl'LMX- lO.N BBC- KEU TO ALI- Price *}1 pst iiotlle. K. K. K. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. TIIK f HKAl'EsT AND BBBft MEDICINE FORFAMILT BUB IN THE WORLD, lilli.HM, COLDS, Tl IP1ITII C. I'.l A, INFLUENZA, cored amt prevented HY RAHWAY'sJ HEADY RELIEF, ll il 1.1 M Alia bl, N KURA Ii 11 A. ll KA OS. UK. TOOTIIAC1TPL BOA*_8E*tE8S, KORE THROAT, DIFFICULT U HEATH.* IMO, PAINS IN THE RAfK. CH BET OR LIMU-J, -I ill a "SW minute* RY RAHWAY'.-S RUtllV RKLIEF. MALARIA CURED In Itt wor*t for ns. P. ii e. M ennis per hollis Sold hy dmi-rUCl. Radway's Regulating Pills! P '.. r vt .sn :ess. el-;aitl7 oitt-al. forthB ******Bl all di*. lintels.if the si nu a, li liver. bowels, se! 0 vs. l.i..1 ler, 'utlart- in it* viiriaii* loiiu.. uervo . ooastips- tlon, costivenes*. dvspstMls, oHl,»o*_i_**, tull ns fever, iu datum itlon of the bowels, nih-*, and all .leran^cn-nti of Hie luternii sis.-i.-ia. PRICE Jj CE NTS PER boX -¦oil tty ali dru*.1st*. POWERS &WEIGHTMAN, I1AN1JFACTUB1NG CHE*___*)T_t, I'HILADKI.IMIIA. NKW YORK OFFICE M MAIDEN" LANE Offer t.. th.- Whole-ale Dru. Trite uni those who buy la similar i|iiuntit!t-», au astin Uncut "f KEMI. 'AIM *d.'<liciiiitl lii'.t.i.iaplil,-. sm! (or the Arts. lu. Indium Ut'lNlA. Sulphate Acetate. Itromlde, etc. MOB. I'll IA. -'i.p'iato Acetaie, Hr.uiilde, cte I IN. HON 11)1 A, i-iNfiioNia., fi.irosh,. s.Mkaasa por as -il si, Iodide auit Hiomitle, ('Uno ami tartaric ISM*. Nitrate Silver, -iilphiin.-. stunaiii ami Nitric Acids, Kp*o,A Salt*. Rite Vitriol, Chloroform, Magnesia Calcined Heavy, Hiaiuulh prepaiatlous. strvchnla, tsulphuiic Ether,etc. IN HOT "IVATEB PIONT YOI" KKOW THAT A TEASPOONFUL OF TlltKlM's SKl.T/.EK APERIENT TAKEN IN A OLASS OF HOT WATER HALF AN liol ll HEFORH RHEA 1*11 As I W SS NOT ONLY THE HESTHTuM- ACHIC, RI 1' EXCEEDINGLY llKALHFlL WlTILU- FOR --ALE HY ALL DRUGGISTS. CATARRH two ci re*. BP***TYa_****-Q EI-r'*<Ve*m Balm fined me of('»t*!TS WjraLicii_rV^''f inauv tear-- *t titllii/.ri-torsl *if ¦a-?" ots«3S*>"| aenite el sin.::. For ..ld In the head il work* like I. ll -IIKKW.KJD, NS* :lonal state Bank. Elizabeth. N. J. Kly'sfreani Balm n* worth lt* wflfM in gold hs a euri- tor < iitarrh. "ne kotta i-nn-d me. s. A. l.t.*. rt i.. Franklin, Pa. it .nts. by nial' Or ul dian-*:*"*. Ely'scbk-M iaimio. Hay fever t.we«o.N.**. FIRE-PROOF. OFFICES TO LET. Suitable for LAW, ISSI lt I Vi ll ail BUSINESS OFFICES. IN TUE IIWWIM OF THE TRIBUNE BUILDING. Royal _$&_ ABSOLUTELY PURE.

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1883-03-27 [p 8]. · have an analysis of the _as made hythe Fulton ... As to tbs MavAi's veto, hssaid that the Mayor wmLd haveacha,:ce to veto ii agsio


THE ARREST OF CAPTAIN IRVING.Captain P J. Irving nnd C_-**l Officer Harrett, of

tin-Win D' Star t-teiiiiuhip Republic, wen* Bfl-StM-.rtiileat the HntishConsulate vesterday.ontho com¬plaint nf Thoinas Dowse, tbs stowaway who WSS

re*vied from Itu- Glamorgan by tin* hepublic. 1 li"

tsvt* nfrieera were taken to Un* sherift's otSt^. "bc-.

thev were at once admitted tn bail in *f-.>,0OO pac li.

Their bivnUmen wert- R .1. Corlis, die n_.-nt ot the

White Star Emt*, and J. E. Jenkin* Captain Irv¬

in- look bi* arrest wiih perfect compofture. He saul

later to a Tribune r.-porter: I

have made no att<*inpt whatever tn

flude arrest. On tho contrary I went

to the office of the White Slur Line this morning to

learn what it wa* bes! for me to do. and thence to

the Consulate, with the intention of going from

there to tbe Sheriffs otuco. The arrest might havel*een made with jatBPUtt ease Before IBB Republiclast left tho city. Instead nf mov¬

ing promptly in tho nuttier, however,the lawyers seemed to have delayed until thelast niomenl, so as lo annoy nie wit li u late arrest.1 wn* in my office us usual on the Republic givingdirections before we sailed, and the napers mighthave Iteen served on me ihen. I did my duty iu de¬taining Dosvse and am read v tn stand trial.'powis brings the suit for B2"MMX> damages for

false imprisonment, asvrtiug that he was u ila v-

fully detained, under suspicion, after the Republicbad reached her pier, lt USS thought at that tune

that Dowse might be connected with tho PhceuixI'ark murders.

INDIGNANT AT THE SWEENEY BROTHER?-.A meelina of Hie cn ditors of J. A. and W. II.

Sweeney, who made an assignment in December, wasbeltl yesterday afternoon in th.-Rennel! Ruild'tig,George L. Purr **r_sidsd. He staled to the creditorsthat J. A. Sweeney had offered to pay 50 lier cent tastock creditors and 35 jier tent to all other credi¬tors. This oller, however, involved a number nfconlin.enr jcs which, togcther with tim fact that a

suit had just lu-t-n d.culed against tin- Ssveein-vs

involving about $4,(M!0, made ihe ofter well-inchworthies*. A commit ie** was appointed to lind Mr,Sweeney. He ssid when they found hun tbat bewould nut (iiiiii- to the mee!in .. as he had been In-eullcd ami ill-treated at a Dinner meeting. He tarathe committee ihat friends of his would buy up

the slock cn-dilnrs' chums lor 45 per cent of their

original value and the oilier claims for IH) per cent.The committee repotted th-l to the meeting BBd lt

wa* not eon*i fred satisfactory.Many of the creditors were indignant at Mr.

Ssvn nev's refusal to attend the -.Beting, and a com¬

mittee consistiii- of Mr. Haver, Mr. Vance and Mr.Heatherton was appointed io secure criminal in-dictuient* ngainsi the Sweeney brothers. Aller theniceting Mr. Run- visited J. A. Sweeney and *-e-

i-un-d from lum ¦ written ofter of settlement similarto tbe one made orally to tho committee.

JEWELLERS AROUSED AGAINST BURGLARY.Circulars, signed by William R. Ailing and Ira

Goddard, pie-ident and secretary of ths Jewellers'Protective dunn, have been sent to relail jesv-1! -rs

throughout the country, warnin.*t.iein that seve:alexpem med thieves base left this city with theintention of robbiu)-jewelry stores in smull cit'es.Members of the Uaios s:iv that the wholesaledealer* have lost heavily by robberies of retailBBS-SkSBta la tbs 80Utb Slid West to whom goodshave been supplifd on credit. Thtie robbepe*ainimut to **-*O,000alooe Oetober I, 188-t, and bomof the thieves have been captured. Children playingin a graveyard at Springfield, 111., incidentallyfound jewelry worth BlO.OOO, hut the thieves haveIn en able to dispose of BtOft of their booty withouttrouble.Two meetings have been held monthly by whole¬

sale jewellers in New-York to consider a pinn ferorganizing B detective atccucy. If the co-operationof the reiail i'-wellers can t-e secured, experienceddetectives will be Hired ls track the .bia*"-* when¬ever a jewelry robbery is reported,¦ The policeauthorities of tills city have not been consulted in

regard io the s, heine, but their a*sistauce will beneededat mut s m arre.-ting biirglarsoi' the receiversof stolea property.

. m,

BRUTAL ASSAULT ON A WOMlK.A woman, who gave the name ol Mary Minn !i.

age twuity*thies.while in the apartment on Sundayevening occupied by William Johnson, *«¦ thirty-live, and Aimil- Johnson, his wife, at No. 17 Lou*losv-st.,was violently a-saiil'ed nnd beaten by them.When she was almost insensible, she asst ns, John-***,ii bit oft' the point of her nor-e. Then he!ants left her bleeding profusely, after looking tbedoor to prevent r.-liel or SB.ape. After some timeher cries wen-heard, and when the nature of tbeoutrage became known word svas sent to the TenthPrecinct Police Station. Oilier Creed, after S loitfsearch, succeeded in smstlngJohnson and his wife,noth of whnin atlicted cotublete i_norance of tbecrime. The v were taken before Justice Pattersonyesterday at the Esbsx Msrket Police Coori, and

. when their unfortunate victim appeared to proee-SBlB the charge a_aiust thssi BSI fset ntsentet. a

frigbtlnl appearance. Johnson and h's wile were

ominuted for trial iu (Jemiral Staion-) withoutbail. lits complainant ssas sent to Bellevue Hos¬pital.

IS NAPHTHA (.A< DANGEROUS!At the meet it g of the I'.rooklvn Comtnon Council

yesterday Aldcrnian Hooghton _aUed attention totin- use of naphtha (or water! gas. silaging that tbslimited sss of il had eau..-d the .haili ol eight per*sou* in Bn.okiyu within two seats, whereas the um-of coal gas for over thins- vtBps had eanaer] dofatal result*. He alsn dei forth that the laws ofMassachusetts and New-.Icrs.-y d the useof tots in which tli.r.- was morn th ni 10 uer nen! ofcarbonic oxide, and stated that the eas supplied bythe Fulton Municipal Companv, and through it tothree other .-oiupanies. was aliened to contain 30per cent of carbonic oxide. He therefore nth-red aresoliitioii directing the Health Commissioner tohave an analysis of the _as made hy the FultonMunicipal Companv aud reported to the Board, to¬

gether with Hie number of deaths from its ns,-; thereport lobs made in thirty days. Bran amend¬ment the nature of coal gat was included in (lie i.,-

iimry. aud las whole maller was referred to thet-oinuiit tee on Lamps and Ga* and the Health Com-

. mibsioner._>

OLD BOOKS AT AUCTION.The library of the late Dr. David King.of Newport,

_L I., sras put on sale yesterday at tli inn tion roomsnf Georg. A. Leavitt & Cn. There were 270 lotssold, and the bicbesl price paul was"f'.V_o for tbs Bra!ls-ue of Bradtord's press... Kalcndariuiii Pennsil-VSBISBSS ; or America* Messenger." This is said tobe tue only cony of this almanac extant, and it WSSbought for (he Philadelphia Historical Society,Three voluu-e*of tbe " Atlantic Neptnna "' brought¦M. Several almanacs o; tbs last century wibi forin-iii BB to Bil. Volume XII ol the "AmericanTracts," and *- Consideration* oil the Present Slateof the Christian Religion," bi Alexander Ascot,published at Philadelphia in 1732. by B. Franklin,each sold lor **-T(J. 'Iho largest buyeis weie thePhiladelphia Histories] Society and the LehighUniversity. Tbesale Will cont huh* throughout theweek, atternoou and evening, until 3,240 lots are

disposed of.

WHAT A MINTS! KR SHOULD BE.'Ihe Rev. Ur. R. Bl Ma.-Ai thur, pastor of Calvary

Church, lead a paper yesterday before tbe Baptistpreachers, at No. !. Murial-st.. on

" lin* Minister olChris!, as a Student, as a Preacher ami as a Pastor.'1'ihe Bain-He. as a stndsut, aaid Dr. .MacAnhur,Sbotihl be healthful, health Ming lint a privilege buta duty. Ho should be norkfol.toil being the stand-niti ot value. Aetiy.ty is (ind i nn dnuie, genius isthe ability todn hard stork, and san, trilled nani work_B thsf-t-tSSto ai Heaven. He should be prayerful*for prayer anloeks many a teei-l of inspiration.The iniiiiriter as a pieacber should ne uniformly ex*jMiMtory, sliiiiiltl pleach mi, tn of tbe lilli's andthoiihl preach exlimuonui. tnisly. The a^e iieetl*aftiniiaiiv,- prenchlng. " We have um righi to pt ichour doubts*, we thonldspesk aiith..nt;!t'sclv and uotwhat *ve think." A* a past >r, ibe minister must bepeisonal, tactful aud spiritual.

MEN NOT APPOlNIKD.sLKKINd TO RE PAID.'Hie ik-uiocratic majority ol tbs Brooklyn Board

of iiniiieilutlely upnii getting control ofthe BuBM m .Jaiiin.-y, I**-*:*, attempted to appointan assistant ssrgssai nt srsss anti n third elerk tocoiniiiittees.buth siiieture i'".siiinns. Alayor Lowjuouiptly vcioetl the app,,int'iients. on tiie groundlint tko otbBSBBWStS not SSS.tod. The li.ianl madeno atteinpt to ov-i-riiile tin-v.-to. ii appeared pas*tenlay, hosvever, that tbs IWO Stan .vim were. in.t

appoiuud had assiim d then allcg ii duties, or atlc_.-,t hat! laid cairn to their salaries, fur at then ¦, mg t,f the Board Alderman Kane, of tbe SixthWard, moved that the Balarnsof these two B_U*4_poi ,t>d men for iwo un.nt hs b. paid. Whenvs ho appoiQted then ha tspUed -. " 1 In- majority ofthe Board." As to tbs MavAi's veto, hs said thatthe Mayor wmLd have a cha,:ce to veto ii agsio.aAlter anne diSO.SStoa the BUtttei was laid over lorone week.

MAKINI- A SCENE AT HIS SON'S FUNERAL.Tbs tuiiiiai ni gamnel Bardi a, sf Ravenswood. L.

I., look piseson .-nu lay sftol-OOB. The inouriiersw.-re on the way lo the grave, ssh. ii the father ol'the dseeased man ordered tbs sndertaksr toootspelnsnsshoontsintng the wile, aid ehildren, whiehwss immediately Behind tbe besrss, to have thewoeession. lin-driver ol'the ooaeB refused ta go.Im lallo r calletl apon a coustalile to lurest tuadriver, and his nephew warned lbs oftUvr not to m-terfsre. lbs constable, when ib** matter"plained to hun, look the nephew's uart. 'Ino familyol tuc dead mai. had been i.u bad tenn* wiih hiswile.

ANOTHER FIRE-ALARM MYSTERY.Tin- (hiv r nf a Oiu-hundtt-d-and-i weat, -tift!i-*t.

car, stoppiagst Eigbth*ave. at 11:39 a. m., featei-t..i,, .o aim iv Basasng_-s lo slight, notiocd ss.ell drt'ssed woman of un.I,I it* aga reaching .ip lotin- n box at ihat ciraer, and thought shshad mistaken it tut a Isitat-bos, When ha calm >i t"lui she Mi.lileiiiy ran anny. I'h-. box sras foundip u tad tbs woman probably intended tn send outB luise alarm. A* ttiele was no key left In the boxIt wan i"ioni'i'i Mitt she hati arelcasiux kev as well

as a regular lire-key. The police could not get anytrace of her. They thought she might have boen a

relative of someone of ihe meu recently t**onvictedof sending out false alarms.


MKITING A KAILUHt.The milk market jaaliBJllJ returned to its normal

condition. Tim arrivals by the several railroadswere fully equal t'> the demand. Indeed, it was

reported that nearly ."SOO cans of milk from OruniroCounty were returned to their owners unopened.When peace was declared betsreen thc dealers andprodinerson Saturday, it svas sunpose.l that all thetroubles which had vexed the two parties were atan end. The developments of yesterday provedthat this was a mistak.*. Although the result ofthe recent conference was salisfaetory tothe fanners it was not satisfactory tothe dealers. " I want yon tn understand,"said a citv dealer ta s Tkiijcne reporter,*'that the majority of the milk dealers of this city(Innot accept the' schedule of pries as made bjthose men at the (iisiiiiipnlitin Hotel. Tho com¬mittee which iwetsaded to i-eprsssnl our interest*in that conference was not BBaSas by us, and hadno authority to make pledges for the rest of us.

Ihe fanners have had their picnic in lliisniilli war,and liosv W* SIS going ta have ours. Tilt v kent backtheir milk when we needed if. and compel,od us to

loso many of our ensto-WIS. Now we will showthem waa) we Can do, Perhaps you knosvihai BOO cans ot milk won returned ta the farmersin Orang,- c,,untv this morning. A larne number ofdealers here wilt refuse to buy from the funnels en-gaged in the recent troubles after April 1. Con¬tracts ai" even now being made with producers¦long other hues of railroad than IBS Erie, weintent! (o (each 1 hem a lesson they will never for¬get.''A mectinn of dealers was called at the lisgool ia

Hotel in the afternoon to ratify tbe action ofthe re-cent conference ia a munnin.' the price of milk forthe next year. About twenty respnr.ded to the call.J. R. Mezick, of Brooklyn, ssas appointed chairmanand 0, D. Parsons. s« rotary ol the meeting. GeorgeW. Allison, a momberoi the Nsw-Yorh Milk Ex¬change, wa* the lir-i sneaker, Bs saul: " A« s rat*Hication meeting, this is a failure. It is wellknown, however, that Ibe prices arready made are

unsatisfactory io the majority of the dealers. Noone will deny that the schedule is fair enough forlirsl-class dailies but for others i' is not. MenWho IBB cheap dames exnect lo cet just a * muchfor their milk as those who run the best. here Bt*some tlahisa the milk of which ts worth ouly 32and .11 cen ts, **hile that of others is worth 42." We have been told by a newspaper thal tanners

shot-Id make their own pries for ih,-ir milk." sudL. L. Allen, another dealer. "Now, why shuni 1thev 1 They don't muk tiie price ot any article theyproduce, foi the law of apply and demand docs inst.Whs should Hies- receire as much as tin-y want

for their milk f If the street-sweeper only had ssmuch ns in- svanted for his work, Vanderbilt wouldSoon be obliged to go ta him for B job- When tin-farm rs go todraw their ebeoks neal month, theywill mu b** aa happy as they were s month agc-.They will repent in sack sloth andsabes wbeu it is

t,ni ia!.-." Speeches were then made by sererali,Illus, and the meeting adjourned. It ia expectedthat a ratification meeting .viii be held late in thess eek.


N'r.w.u H.., N. Y., Maren '-'ti..Five termers, ootnposlBga mlig-spiiling committee, sfere bator a Recorder Si

to-day. Thej pleaded guilty to u char-.'- ..' .pillingUa-ki-e k C"o.*a erestaery milk during Ibe excltetneiit oftar last week, ami were BnsSBB .'.oeaeli. tin v promiBtBgBUM tO PST tba creamery mell Ute Millie Bl 6 ni H

spilled, tue farmers state thal they univ a tated t"

pu vin? tbe shipment ol tin- muk to Nevi York, and tha!iii r offered :o paj **¦¦ ra BS ll UM creamery men wouldtake lt back ana manufacture lt into batter or theeae.i .wy insist tint they are respeetaUsmes and um law*breakers.


DISAGREEING DOCTOBAThe Medical society of tbs County of NsW-York,

In-iii a" slated t.ring " las( nigh! ar the College

af Physicians and Burgeons, lu. K. C. Brande ia

read a paperon'* Catarrbal iliad ems and AlliedAffections.'' Ile cited som,- inter* sting incident*in his own profession si experience ta ahow tbalv.dent and loiiK-coutmuod headaches an-

often esnsed bs catarrhs] stoppagesni (in- noaa. I>r. A. D. Rockwell made some re-

untrks in iionnr of tbe late Dr. Beard, and offeredlestrlutitins of respect to his memory, which were

nuanimonaly adopted Dr. 1). B. Si John Boosaind I'r. \\. tl. i arpenteralso made remarks on themme ubiect.

The reaignstions of Hrs. Webster, Johnsonmd Poster, three delegates to tbe Btate MedialSociety, were pret-euted, gentlemen hatingbeen elected life members. The election to fill lbsin ancie* eras conducted ss uh a -.I,, .hal of spirit.["be house was crowded -.sith membera wbo tren

present to give expression, by mean* ol the election,to their vi.-v* mi ths subjec! "i consultimi mtlihomsopatbic phyaiciaoa The Mate Societysonie titne a;.'.* a .>:,-,"l a BOW code, wbicupermits its members to cms alt ssitli physician,inlier than those of the allopathic tcnooL Dr.Austin Flint, jr., no-tabatod Drt Charles Hitch¬er-, r. s. Waul .uni c. a. Lexie. These gentlemen,lie san!. WOlllu mit- lits!. I:i-f amt al! Ht*- li.

ti, ri sim,' tbs old code. Dr. 1>. ft. 8t. John Riki a

nominated l>rs. Waller R. Gillette, P. Alberl Mor¬row itti'l Thoma* Weld, st in. were announced ti.supporters ol the exis! tig i ate ol affairs. I he roteabowed ninety-four rotes for tbe llltchoock ticketand Sr-venty-niie lor fiat beads I by Dr. Gillette.

TUB FUNERAL OF JOHN c-. DALE.Tha funeral of John (J. Dale, the agent "1 the In¬

man Bteatnship Company, wa* belt] yesterday al9:30 a. m. in the Calvary Church, al Fourth-are,iimi l ss'ii y iii-t-st. The l;.s. Dr, ll. Batterlee,pastor ot the church, officiated, assisted by tbe Kev.U. P. Morgan, ol the Church ol lin- Heavenly Ri -t.I he collin ss as surrounded by a pittfiisioii nt,- church ssas crowded. Among the j"masoni were three ol Mr. Dale'eaona, Mayor 1.daon..Li' erreponl -dwarda, the British Consol; Herb* itHarker, of ihe Monarch Line : William Corsrly, sitbs Anchor Bteamship Companv; R J. Corlis ami1 houiis Henderson, lr., "I t he VVlute Star i lompany;W. H. Onion and John Underbill, ol the Williamsdr,Onion Line; Veruou ll. Brown, ol tbe CunardBteamahip Company; Radcliffe Baldwin, ol theState bteamship Companv ; Loni de Bebtau, of beFrench Lim-; F. W.J. (Jurat,ol tbe National Line,and Captaina Loehead, John McGinn and w. ll.Thompson. A number of tbe employes of tho In¬man Steamship Company snd saverai member* <u

tbe Produce Exchange were a,so present. Tho bodysva*. buried in (.reensviiod Cemetery.

A COACHMAN THIUiATIiNTNii HIS MASH.I;.Hosea B, Perkin*", of One-hundred-and-aerenty*

seviiuh-si. and Kn*gabrid_e-road, abonl threemontha ago hired Cornelius Quinlan, twenty-fomyears of sae, aa coachman and general belper. Onlast Bater.ay night there aiose some dispute be¬tween them ; a mattel iii wages, snd the man

became insolent. H.- want out on -linday and didnot return nulli a late In,ur. When bs came iu bawent -pet-in to Mi. Perkins, who wa* m the bath*innii:, iimi uas rery abusive, threatening to entMr. Pei kins'* b* art out. H.-had no weapon, how¬ever, coniiiiitt'xi U0 Violence, and tho! tit nltii ss anlwas taken from the room by Mi. I'erkina'* sims.

Officer John Wood..ofthe I lints teeond li.waa called in, and tbe man was airested He had<-\ itientl.s- been drinking, and when the offii er camehe was asleep. Yesterday the man was taken beforeJustice Morgan, at tbe Harlem Police Court, andlilied Sid; aud in default of BUretiet ol 1300 lokeep the peace, ho was coiniiutted f,,r a month.

VICTIMS (IF RELIC OU8 MAMA.Ftanz Ackerman and his sufi- were arrested sn

.-linday night while disturbing a inti,oin- congre¬gation in .orkviil'-. They were examined b> lir.Van Musi', ol Sn. I'.dd Lexiu "(ton-are., amideclared victims of religious mania. Their tvsnsmall children were fonad In their apartments ittNo. 1,013 Seciud-ave. nearly naked ami almoststarv,,!. winn i.irai-iud in the Harlem PoliceCourt yesterday, the parents denied that lins weniii-ain-. but tbs mother admitted thal sh,, tiad notaanfficient quantity of food during the past thieumonths. Tbs tamil*" s*as temporarily committedi.y Justice Morgan, snd food vsa.s gwen them, th*Barents refused to eal it, or to allow th"ir childrento do s,,, until the laiier were taken away by force.In tbe afternoon Officer Knoll, of the r&ciety forthe I'reye.-niiin ot Cruelty In Children, took the Loyami cul tn st. Joseph's Homo. Tbe parents weresent to thi'Commissioners ot Char,tj,s a,ni Correc¬tion for examination.

THK BEAMBN'8 MISSION.Thc Protestant Epiec ipal Church Mission Boeiety

for Seam, ii held its annual meeting last evening in

Trinity Chapel, '1 wents-iiiih-st., near Bttoadway.rhe expenaes ot the Society for tbs las! year waresh*s,7UO and its funds are nosv in a goodcondition. This summer it is Intended io

build anew mtsaion church, and rec-tory at Houston and Wast streets. Che new build¬ing will be of brick aud stone. The ground hus coat$--(,000. and the total cost ol thc ground aod budd¬ing will be |80,000, to li- completed by tali,["here arc now four ol theso missions ai differentpo.tits in the cits, and lins will bellin must coiii-nlete of them all. Hie election of nitic rs tor tnt-year took place i.*t ersnin**, resulting rn the elec¬tion of the former I,nani ss it OSS Of t WO BX-CplE. M. Dunc.i-i and Charles Tracy being elected laytios-prsaldsnta, snd Henry bulgers e-afrespondiugsecretary.



A gi'iitlcman, and ;i iiroiui-i.ii.t sartotr mam, took tn* un-e is tee open, a j.-w

_i*b afterward, aptsklas te some (rlsnila, t-sBBi-1 t'liietlimi; lin- open anti sta* tinki tl wnai theopera -ia*. "

, calli reeit'l in, .-,_ j..., BOW .< n_i(| ti,<ly. .. i.ul per-sp* say b_*bsi__ <¦ m.'' .. tiii, yes," .milm., Jum piug at fae ciiance tn air Bia knowledge i " it wastba optla lil 1.ll.lett*..'".LSt. Lannis liisi lils,,nub.A ti-rUin Austin 111:111 svas not (SBStSted to

live, lie hull 11 nelKblioi' vita whnm h. i,.i ,,,., ,, ,,,, |,.,,|lenna for sevi*rai tears, raiaudgbbor asked a mataalI ria-11 it how Hie lint pin ti ~BS coltUSS on. "1 um gladla saeysa have done away svuii your f-ehng oi resent'inriit mit ai i| 'li,,! pour man. ile is siiiIciiik, siiiklu^ 1 BBIdly," wa* the n-ply. "lie is, ls tie I Wm, I _m nutsurprised. I alwajr* thoujrht that ts.1* the iliruetlan lieW'jnlJ luke vi lien lie tli*J.i.l'I'exaa aili inns


PROMINENT AKKIVA.L"-Victoria Hotel.Aristarchi R<*y, Turkish Min¬

uter ct Wfishlii-ron.....V-ir York lintel-Hu>hap "Samuel8. Harris, or Michluau.Windtor Hotel-Sir P. II.

Clarke, of Loudon.Metropolitan BTSSB TBS Hon.Kill* II. Roberts, of Utica... .Park Arenue Hotel.Pro-Intent StlSS LSOattS, of New-Haven.EnVi irenue Ho¬

tel-dodge ('baries Daniels, of lluffaln. liutklnahamHolel-Cliarlen W. Woolley, of Cltieinnatl.StttrteraittlIome-JadeeT. H. Westhns-k, of Kingston, >'.Y.llJame* _*__-!.B-SSC-l Krr.-((, of littsbnr-t .RreroortHome.Captain Cook, of the *te*m«hlp (***rvia ; CsiitatnTownley Parker, the Hon. l>. I-dgh and Jaiuea Pcmler.of Sicholat Hotel-V.x Governor Oeor_eT. Anthony, of Kanni*_Hoffman Home.The lion. I.

K. Finch, of Li.ii'lmi.Albemarle //orW-Nathan Ap-pletnD, nf Knntou_Clarendon Hotel.Colonel. L. 81t-

greaves, C. 8. A.. m.

WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY.Hokes trill case liefore BsilOgsBS Hollins.T-mperanee maas-meeting al Brooklyn Academy or

Music.Lahor innss-iii'-etiiiC at Cooper Institute.Coll, i/e ..f i'ii irtnaey alumni -toni r nt Delmonico s.

Cele! .allon t>( Martin Luther aimlven-ar- at Mott Me¬

morial Illili. , ....

(ieortrc II. Ixmn-'s sBdrsaa before l-mif. Island Hls-

toriclSiK-iety on '. Wsshlaatoa aa a statesman.'KxKiiiiiiHiin oft-eorge W CoakBag,Jr, before. Justice

Smith al the TPBSllB

m:\v-yokk citt.The boilers of tho new steamer Pilgrim, twelve in

number, an of -steel.Wollert Pinkerton wai SBM-Bg |ba B-BBBBSJSBB ar¬

riving yeeterday by tho stesatship Acapulco fromAspiusvall.The Bsi-hO-SB Bl Third-ave. .-iud Oiio-hundred-

and-tifieenlh-st. haring shown signs ni weakness,still be rebuilt by onler ot the Bureau of Building-.

Il is rn,sv repnrted (hat (he ch.i'iuel tlir.nigh whiHiManton, th-* dsfanfflng clerk of tbe EquitableTins' Company, lost his money was a "bucketshop iu Braad-st,

Sup'-riiiteii'l'iu Walling appeared personally ntthe iombs \est.--dav as complainant against a

young woman, helplessly draak, srbom hs had ar-

iested svilh hisOWS vii'T-ililo hands.Wilson Moore, in the ('our! of General Sstaions

yesterday, foran attempt to commit burglary, t*.it

anntenced to sereu sear-and six months in tbe stat

Prison.I In meeting Of the credit .us of James 1'. P.iid.r

ira-:, which ssas to be heal se-', rdsy, ssa* poslponi duntil next week. Mr. Pendsrgasl expects to make,an srraugerae it to i "i-1 tine the buduess.

iii-iMSAL nv ninl j: (iiisusAi.s.Richart! l-VKeefe, John Conlin ami Michael II.

O'Donnell, three o. tbe roung mea ebarged withaendinaonl false alarms of fire, were sentenced byRecorder Smyth, yeeterday, toons year each in (heBtate Pi sun.

HEW CABS OB >t UI ll AVENUE.The Fourth Avenue lc, Company put on

isvents- brand-new street cars yeate**.ar, to meeithe demand made by the crowds al tbe eirena. Thsears are of a new pattern snd unusually comfort¬able.

T ai ii:':r. CSS Of nu PISTOL.John Zimmerman,sge Iwenty.of No.B0 Eaal Hotts-

(tui-st.. svas held fm ital at lise-. Market yester¬day, rbarged with shooting I'hillin Boswald dorinstbe fracas that followed the hall of ibe Adelphis i! ci'il, in Walhalla ll til, Orebard-st, early on

Sunday morning.CO-tCEBT ti.sii'f imfni suv I'l BB. OtL-fOBE.

A large audiem .. attended the annual tn mplimen-taii concert tendered la-1 tn_lit lo P.8. Gilmorelimier ih,, anspieea of the -"J I K**giment, al it*

armors in Fourteenth il near .Sixth-are. The

proarramme include,I lixteen pieces and WSS bSlr. Gilmore. Dancing followed.

ACiisrn OP mikish itt.-i- BBTB-BB,Tha trial of Henri A. I horn--, .n examiner in tbs

Custiim-Hi'iise. ici-useil ot making false entries inth.- i.o,.ks. wa* bi .in yesterday b fore Judc-e Bens*ilie; in Li" I'n it.-.j st.,-,.. i in nt (,,mt. | horne tv a*

iltscliar-'eil bs I 'timmi Minnel Deuel, bul HOI Until Ill-

tilt ted by tne Grand Jurywinownoon as sb sovebtisembbt.

A young woman, wearing the habiliinents ofnonniina. stood near an nptot "f the eic*rated railway yeaterdat diatrihntlna a highlyi-olt.ri'1 pamphlet which eontained the openinachapters ol a story entitled: "The WeddedWidow.''

DTIBB Winn: PBEFABIBfJ iiiinii'

While Mrs. MiiL'ir, t Forahay, nf No.*«t., ssas prep.ring lo attend tbe funeral "I h r bas-band, yeateiday, abe fell to 'he tlm.r in a tit andlied a few monu ita liter, The linsband and wifehui! sol bred toaetbei for isvsral mus.

M'Vi' ! "i: l>t SKI V Li BABY.Mann,: Ojeda, upon whom \- ni Drummond

a unwarranted I In- baildischarged by Judas B**ni*dh*t, wa* s.-m t<>'.ler*. \ i, -ii-nliiv mi a writ of removal granted byJudge Brown, for trial on a charge of passingilei I. tl mt,nev.

i:'s.tSAii"V OB THE HAMILTOJt MABBIdV.a'. *riM<I-1 iiiiniiif.i'i's ,,,i i.. tis.-, u One-Hun*

rlred-and-Porty-fifth st sud Rt. Nicbolas-are., iabe-I, .-md the thirteen tall tree* which the

great stat.*: ii i- -id to has-- planted with bianun ha,ni* at the aoutheaal comer "t the manor*

in a substantial lu¬ -ll.IK,

The horse* attached toa I truck..*. nt Prince st. about fonr o'clock yestafternoon, and noi until th-- driver had ethauated

irkably tull vocabulary ol expletive* andworn "nt a new wi ip did lb v rom* lo a realizing

thal when equine laboi conflicts arith hu maucapital ih former must _.. io t! walL

PASSEKOI RS i,n Ult. -I i.VIA.The steamship Serria, ..! the Cunard Line, ar¬

ri red In thi* port j lu bronchi 102iiii passengers, am na whom Bren* W. H '

.1. Moir Clark, Biri. IL Clark.. General T. W. Con¬way, Captain A. B. Cnoningham. Lui,,- rCaptain Haly. l>r. Walter A. Dun, H. Fetich*twanger.C Ii. Finch, c. B. I»,- Forrest,Captain <;.t*-u. II. Robert Harris, C. Herter, Dudley Leigh andtbe Hon, Coutts Haioribaukt.

nu in.mink.s rowan ism tbib poet.I he Bteamahlp < >ld II uninion, from Wiclunouil and

Norfolk, on Sunday ni 7 a. m., bin l. r, .pinwhen off Fenwick leland. No furiher dsm.igdone. Sin- sus fallen in with lit ilu- steamWilliam K.-iiii.-.Iv. from Baltimore f i Providence,iind towed to the Highland**, rea bing ibero latesi *tt dav sfternooi Hue waa then taken in toa bsthe tm* Hudson uml brought te bet pier al th,,i le ll il-St.

IB mi MOKt OB H. ii < ii tiwi svA-.-iviee cnmineroorating Henry Grafton Chan-

man, st io dieu al Manila recently, ssas held tuTrinity Church yeeterday afternoon. Many of themembera of the -stock Exehanct*, of which \f r.

(hui,ni ti svas lent, were present. The aervicea-.mi, conducted by tbo Rey |>r. Morgan I*ix,a**aiatedby (he Rev. George William I) ula - snd Ibo Bar.Mr. Lncjueer, ol Bedford, Westchester County,

Mit. **EWT0M*S ILIIIIVAI.rhe Right Rev. Lflshop Potter, ol the Protestsnl

Kpifloopsl Church, bsmI res) rilav thal no actionregardfag tbe Rsr, W. Heber Newton bad beentaken by th* Episcopal anthor! ties. The Kev. Dr.William B. Eigenbrotlt, ol tbs btanding Committeeof tbe diocese, said that iliat committee bsd noth¬ing to do with ant charges tba! tmir"! be brou^bif, tire-cnie.l in the Bishop, who couldcall a court for lbs trial of the nuns.

i itmy tri LABS *.* LODOlxa KOOMSTin- Siiintaiv p..lue arraigned a Chinaman of

I'.isai.i-st. ami Patrick ( CCnnnor, of So. lei Chat¬ham-**., al tin- liimliM Police Courl yeaierday,charged with lettina cellars aa lodging placea foim. n and women. These oe!Ur* wen* described aihaying no ventilation "i drainage and being in an

ezreedingly filthy condition.Ill DE]'ALLA Ii i.V l\ A I'.ttSVIKV HAVK.A iimor v, a sci in cirrulal ion doa ii town s eater-

day thal there had ix en s defalcation amounting toat lea t !,-,uii,ikki ,!, ;, pi,,,,,11,,¦,,i hank ju tb* llosv-

I y. A 1 "UBl vi i'i".i lei visited rv, \ bank in thatstieet, and ;n cn h place the president, treasurer,¦ecretarr "r cashier iltselaimed ali knowledge of

h defalcation and aaaerted tbat nothiugolthe kimi bad occurred ia ihat bank.

'¦I OSGI .!. SICS 1" BB l lin I) AUAIV.The trial ol George .1. Rice, formerly president of

the Utica Ithaca ami Elmira Railway Company, ontbe charge of haring wrongfully issued and pledgedcertain stock ol tha company, was pegun yesterdayin the ('unit of OyerandTerminer before .Iud-*'Barrett Tbe only thins done ssas tn impauuel He¬lms. Mr. Wice ursa mci in tbe Nuns court on tbesame charge s few weeks ago, bul tha jury couldnot agree.

IHK BTBAMSBir Wt BBS Kl rum H.Tbsagentsol tm North German Lloyd Lina *****

(i-is.d dispalches yeeterday tbal tbs steamshipWena, vs huh pul into Southampton tor repair* andwaa detained four daya, bail sailed at-j it. m. sin¬bad not Ins! bel propeller, bm first reported, bu! hadlos! one bladi univ. Instead of tailing from hereon April 4 alis will sail on the following dav, thuslosing om- day on the round vnyags,

1 1 v 1: Yl.Ais 1.nt in.sliv.i his BTEP-DAOOBTBB.Joseph MeAvojr, of No. i-'u Esal l nenty-eighth*

--!.. ssas t a rn ii. tedvestordsj In the Courl ot (icm ni.-e -ii>t;s fur feloiiioti assault. He waa iu the habit"i besting his nife. When tm February 20 htswife's dam-du rbys former marriage, a girl of six¬teen sear-, interfered to protect bec mother, McAvoyknot ked her tlosvn with a stick t,| w.-od. Theprosacution waa begun by the Society foe tbs Pro-vention pf Cruelly to Children. McAvoy wass'iiteiieed to live year* iii tbe State Prison.

HIL PBOPEBTT Of SS (LIAM IL IUVKIISTICK.Letters nf adinminti a'ion OU Ibe estate of William

II. Haveratiek were granted yeeterday bs BnrrngataW.illins tn Joseph lt. Hsverstiok and Ins oounael,(> rOrgC ( Knbli,-, a* tn- iilmini-tratoir.. No furthersteps were taken iu th- matter ol the diapoaition oftJje property, the eonanltstion thal svas to be heldbetween (he counsel fm I la vel-.1 it |. (li1(| (h,-ciiiiim-Ifor Mrs. Pitier being postponed. Neither svere anysteps taken to recover thu propeity now held byLr. Amid,m.

visiiivi; til kiiha Al ni.HtlKI .v.rieveral huudj-.d Hags tloatetl lroiu tho st. amship

Fulda, of the North German Lloyd Line, lying at herpier in Hoboken yesterday. On the hurricane dockto entertain the people who were there to look atthe vesaei, of whom there were several thousands,was the «hlp'i brass band, the members being com¬

posed of the stewards and assistants. The saloons,cabins, state-rooms, steeraee* am! enaine-room wereetow led with visitors all of the afternoon. Thoofficers of th-- vessel are: Captain. C. Leiat; FirstO-ttc-r, L. Stormer; steward, J. Riekeu, and F.ninnienstejn. purser.

PLAYING CUM AGAINST 28 OPPONE**T*J.Captain Mackeuzie faced twenty-three opponents,

including two ladies in simultaueon*BSBBBB of chessat Un-rooms of the Mrnbattan Chess Club, at No.110 East Fourteenth sty teat .v-ni-g. The playingbogan at 8 o'clock, and two hours later nine con¬

testants had li'-lded te th- captain's superior skill.At ll o'clock six more had retired from the con¬

test, while Frank Rover won his game. Tho indi¬cations at a late Inuit were that Csptsin Mackenziewould checkmat- the rennin, players. Themanu-uviesof ll. S. Stanton and of J. S. Ryafl were

spt c ml ly liotcss i,rthy.kCCUBBD OK ISCANTHIDK.

Jobs J.Wilsnn iiifortneil th.- polios yesterday thatIns wife had been ituiltv of intiiiiticide at No. 318West N-yeiite. nfli-st. Me has been a aoltlier iuCompany G, Third Infantry, ami has been abs-ntnearly tour years. Haring lost a b's- in Indianlightinp. he came home two sveeks ugo. andlound his wife apparently about to -weosas a

mother, but shs d-nted ans- Infidelity. Karly yester¬day morning be sasv her go to another room, andsoon afterward heard an infant's cry just iw hisWife Bama hack. Ha ran to tbs room, anti then-saw a babe in thc sink. It cried once, but Ix-foro heOOUld resell ir, sink. Tho woman is a close pris¬oner in the New Torfe Hospital.A DBPBBDABTIB a Lorri hy casi: DISIPPEABS.One of the first trials of tin- lottery cases Hine, tin-

r.nt decision* of the supremo Court making con¬

viction possible on the eridenee of sa ofBcerpur-ng a ticket, ssa* hebl yesterday in the Court of

General Session*. Detective (ham, of the Boetetyinr tbe 8uppt*ession ol Vice, was tbs prtncipsl wit¬ness again*. Joseph Wallace, trot.) whom he hadbough! a nek", on April 13. 1882. The ease for theprosecution ssa* closed si the lime "f recess, \\ nen

the trial w resumed after recess it was found thattiied le,ullin waa not in attendance. Judge Cow¬ing mini' di.eely issued a warran I inr his arrest, andordered his bail, te the smounl of 1*5-90, to be for¬feited. Tbetrislwas proceeded with and the juryiiiund Wallac guilty.

BBOOKLTN.Bighl nf th police oanuins "i" Brookljrn walked

,,-.. the Bridge yesterday morningOn the recommendatio 1 of Health Comm! anoner

l.'ai monil lin- Aldermen ordered tefl pubUS sven* to

be elossd.The bill of William M. Brartt for drawing the

Arrears bill rsoenUy pssBod by tbeLegi Istnrsis91,000.Herntsn Cordes. who wna In charge of Welp's

eoii'ecii.merv stoic at No. 186 Fulton*-*., reins¦ dlo close tbe shop on Sunday. Us ssas tilasted andsmis lined .1.11) scstenlav.Theorder requiring the receiver of thc Coopera¬

tive lu, ss .aaociatton (.. pay 00 per cenl io allci.-.i,' svhose claims sra proi td will go Into easelto-morrow.divine; to th.- lack sf jurymen In the ('"tiri of

Beaaions yesterday tbs trial of Maggie K'-ppcl forstealing little Lissie Belden Issi mi imor iva* post¬poned until i"-iiasHealth (..minis-oner Raymond reported to lbs

Board of Aldermen yesterd-ir thal the sanitaryarraagetnents in several rooms in theCitj Hall wereimperfect sud tbat repairs te tbe 111111111)1111: were1.1. di il. i in- sum of *r_.*>o ssas appropriated for thcrepairs

li s\as discovered yeMerdaytba! the dssth "f[-tomat Italone, age twenty-one, al No. 41 Bridge¬tt., on Bundsy, was esased by ams11pox. Ho livednub bi* mother, sud no'physician wa* called:hence tbs ease ita* not reported tothe Board olHealth, rite bunsil is U tenement willi nix families.All tin- p.-rsiiiis in th- lions.- sTt-ie vat ciliated bysanitary Inspectors

\ un.' of i' ,st hall was played yesterday silit'-iie. t Park I" tn.-.ii (.rn Dines, captained respec¬tively by -1 napp it. ..I 11 a; rt shin¦_. I'..hil. mid Hil**,

oklyn. it was th, lil,1 g ,,.- ol tba seasonami resulted in Mchappei 1'aaide winning bf asrotreof 8 toll. \ «. ct i-i'I ca -ii" **- ill b- played this after¬noon it the weather pi natte.Btate Senator Kiernan talked sth!i Mayor Low

I, *i ula, lieut tin- lull now be for* tbe Leaiala-t ai,- t>, reorganize tbe Lie*'- Dopasttneut. MayorL..W au un ur«ed his 0 the lull. Benatorh eit'.m * ii,1 tbal ii iii- t'-stim "iv before the Bena a

Committee on < liles, which trillgive a bearing to-to lil" bill, should not w,urani

ig be iboulri a-k t-> withdraw it.

lila iris! ol tbe mil Itrourbl bs Ibe New-Yorkin to recover ***"I0,0(H> alleged to have

I.,. 11 <¦ ir John ll Moore, 1 fernr-maater,v..., 1,.11,imi,. ii.-f,,r. Judge Brown yesterday. Mr*.Man.' 1 r.-t M. the mother of the defendant, testi-in-i linn she 11 ni **-. 0 >» rn '¦'.iniiie' ,, tins country.uni ,-iic ninl- large suma ni money by keepingli. 11 .l-isi and a ii.|ii r at tiie solicitation olh i wa. Othn ,ie-in .'. 1. ul 1:,.- lamil) corroborated

limo I he Judge, .! lu* decltiou.NEWARK.

Loni i, age wenty-1 in,.-, ;i 1 tv1!,, lamil) o D. l>. I'ine, at Nu. _ Baldwin-at., «..*

1 tia li burned yeatenlaj aft moon by ooaia failingupon bel Irs* -.

I- um -.. Vo intern manufacturer alM.tiR. i-si.. committed suicide earli restei

day mornmg by shoo mu himself. He left* i\ m. hi auticip it, il sickness and preferred death.H. waa unmarried and lifty-two yean old.Horatio Sank*, who attacked and robbed Min.

I ., -|, 1 -. i in , hui 1 yes¬terday aud plead-d guilty, lin* culprit v.ts ap¬parently in m.- la-i stage* of consumption, Ile-aid la I, ni bet 11 oi work and committed thuBCl IO 1,Uml des,, ra ion. A phys'i ian testified"-auk* n.s e-Mi ,| medica relief, and Jud-..)

:¦ 1 tesl In* lu dist I)it __> tl.

I.I I M I. \ l-l Ul M IS s SS I! As |s| |-| It ,.-.

I>r. |{iiii».iii Bs*described to tue Iii illouof.- un, - 11 sen s,,r experiment* Intnl.- i,y aim to test tbe

Djr ol ullin.s|i|ieif- ,i,al_e.l Wltb VolstUt! nilli-*i pile* tn preventing tbs development of ur-- in putr.**-

¦! ht.lllf-i .1 lill lOflUltltl M.,|i. inti lle. wide mouthed, nina jars, late whicti a llttl* eu

,1 1 ii n. ,,ii, 01 ii, like, bsd een poured, remained clear,Mlill. ll. la ls* of Mle ,111,. lulu Mn hilt III BIUO* eil to Old!itu 1 ,1 ir mel 1 lien covered witb cotton wrol,b< gnu t" lon*.a.,lin,-- mel te seillii OVer "Ullin il few li'.ills. Alto-la iii. 1, ti.ult*are tbou-rbitoboileau*that, nt ordl-

1.11.. t with taper* of tbinani d 1* futui to the -t-rms of bacteria und udcrococul,

and pi ¦¦. lbs .. 1 ins ,,: t, mt- uml oilier luteti..ns dlsesBSS. ni. ntlie vapid 1- used during aurglcsl

tiona, a kellows ls employed to] rbsrgedwltb ii upon tin- iptit exposed. Tbe slr la Ant drswaiitioti-li a veasel nilt-d with cttton wool, then througb

rilled M.Ul PUUIIO* atnlie, niel Milli ll a smallijiiuiittti ott'ii iiptoi im* intii pound. 1 lie vaporsur, not unpifsasnt when breathed.

"I lii-cnl sn dbl madder web deni," saidBarn J :i'-i,.i. Hfiodariu-, _ colored culaea olAn-tii. '-.tts--0 .-. e died las'week." '.Waa the tickloll- I" '.No, sh" ||_|' |||. U Slek inn- .1.1 \ Ul,' tlj.-ll ileBes.."11 I licit .¦ ,lu. ' lie 1.01', wliy tint wasliar.ll)- mihi vt ni 1 lita- Blftlaga,

MA LIM: INTBLLIUBNUE.Mt vi a rr :c k 11..11V *.(-.

Btllirit't .'. ..I. s-t*. ti JU Sloan llt't in la Simm'* ags.d'y* ltjnn.11 1v1rr.11

_l.ST, -*_u'lvlin..!;. '.. ul.'.ai itian i. io ar 11*11 iijr.v, 0(17j". >f BsBdyBset tn.i'. '-at 1*11111 lO.SJ; BauUshtt n.j.t


i eitel. lin:.Amsterdam .... .BeyalUr.til - M .111. Mei l'..rt* ,., N s and Med<,|. lian .-I rn Mniian-ti.Wjoiiilu*" . ..(.Varpool.Lulen.

WI.I,NI BDAY, B Sin il Mtssi itphaim Msmbnrs . Usmb tmer.(mn: A ie vamllTU.ll if. 1-inl Wai.. .Slet.iitilre.iii as-ia ..ti, l*CDS. .... Aluin,1A ti.. 11.1.1 r- .limn- .... lie eh Trail*.stst*of ii-^a*.MaSaaaaa.Mallery*a,

THUEMDAT, stah< 11 10.Ai' inAaptnwal I ..silas.

I.laml.lif l Itv.Ilrlstnl ..Ll Cl'y.-'.l-i'11-" .Hull .\\ liston's.State,,I I'eltlist luina IIISSSpW.Mlille.Ali,, . ... SS t s( lu,lie*.Alla*.l.uill.'1-.-Hlll. I...111I1111.lim.


Altl'.l S'l-lil.mer Ssi ria (Bi Dael. (versos! Barrs 17 via Qassas

ti,M 1, with imtse mill t>*a*en_T-r* io Vernon ii lint wu ,v i ,,r* lr ainri ( *¦ inonu Ht , ll ,i. i ,,ff. Llvet until 1_ Haft lu I,al

last la linn li. I.,i,r- :*",'u u"''

\xrM Bi"^ ¦"""»"¦-

-fec-Ts^i ,. >^"ay..w.!l,..,.8Miip iiirnaui Wood pfai inim. KB), Oratory, calcutta i"o

.lnv», ifllli uni*- (11 olden vessel Ul BUMtSI-i,i|, -iiitiii, of nh), Maratsi*. Lou.tou .5 ,ittTi

with cement ami empty hannis loonier; vessel to J r Whit'nev .? o

Ship ie. um,'it c..1,. Knriitiauii, BtSBMa (il tlays with.lit Biri r-iiiplv hiiinis monler, v-,»ei 1.1 Hennaun'KaonA Co.


.-lilli lliiK'i "ini. Dem ken, AiiiHlertlsin .'.-.I tlav* withrmiilTlniti'it i'ti'l'lsi tt-ssnl 1,1 Herinaiiii Iv,mn ,t t ,,

Haili vt old. nu ll.illfin ileil, Livsrpool 84 tar* willi aultto ot dei vssbsI ts Min,,' A. iL.iiKiitnn.

«/*. witn *ait

luis louis,¦,,.,, MiakalaoB, nun ;.o day*, with emntTlian,-'* to ..,in, v., ',.. .. K,|va_ co "".'".miltyBsrlt Mllava Blsoi.I HtJstta. BBi. llutlsr, Sun.lerltuiil

_h*-^K^wTra_i^ *"h,,w""**%***"¦ aliars MsrtlBo'i i!,'in,i lian, BSvarass, **astaliaa*-M Sa

JiV'SuV*"""""1 1:"UV"' Wlt" 'rUU ,""r',¦., *".."..' «» ABdrowllaik lainius oin', Muckns, ri!iiril,iir« Niiy'»l .(. v.,,,

cli.listlav*. willi sa tani i-nipl, liumls tnonio'l ve.te oHermann Koop i "

' "'¦""" to

BanJanai (Jsi .("rab Braaua SBSays, wBkeaB__a__lempty barral* toordt vmmI \. rheo iin.ei.tV-,Hark Ktlttl. uniii, liarl cit li,iou. .Nsi. MoEaehrtin n.,r

£____,* ,U>^' witbaaM toon.,,. v.»,eim E___a_5,_Vou\'t.^'|Tn:''¦,. '''luUucr' rn^oa IH da,*, wm, ,.... to

¦lil-kiV o""'"' I.<f<,, IUrM* U d,1-",. Wlth-US»rta- (I Alli-Ilaik Uvaatar, V-sper. Apala-hlt-ola IB day* willi lantli

tooiilsr. vessel n, miiow A Httrf***"

' """-*.

Ilaik Hat'.-. A M. Kui laud, M, Ka- liiml, l'a*ca«oula 111,larswm. iBjsBsrtsarS-ri vsasalts u \v U-l k'oat ^"*BONsar-Wludat Handy Hook, utodwat*. Bi -* - ,.rt

ba-y. Al flu islaad, the tame."*""***> ¦ l"-U(-y snd

LE lOlfflll BROTHERS,On account of

DISSOLUTION OF PAKTNERSHIP,(Firm eipiresfoy limitation on Hay 1, 1883)

will continue the



STAPLE IND FANCY DRYThe entire Stock ha*, heen marked down in price, and all will

find it to their advantage to purchase, even ifnot required for im¬

mediate use.

LE BOTJTILLIER BROTHERSBroadway and Fourteenth-street._

triifett Tcateit!'f _. .,, ___.

steamer Hanoverian (Br), stephen*. London M»rcti 11 via

Halifax 13. with mass ts HesfBr Bras, __.___*_..ship .lilith'. Day, l.iferini.l M day-, with chalk

toonlcr. vessel tn M K l'ic.rrii'-- A- < a

Hain lil'a'eili'Itel*: lii'tlcliler. Atitwsrp 21 d»ys, witn

r.i«s nu.! amtitv barrels to tinier; vessc, to Tura Ru-rer.Hark Diii.siafliiBire ,.,( -t .It.lin. Ml lilia"', U*___P*»" _*

daya, la ballast ts Bcaamell Broe, and wu* rn tin ea tout

John, MB. rl.LAKKIi.steamer Abyssinia (Br), Bentley, liverpool via Queenstown

.William* A .iiii.m. ,

riper, r.iis- ,| W I) Mnr-ran..-teamer leland Inn . 1 luiiuseii. I D|MMilia_en, etc-mnch,

Edya . Co.s-s,mer cytlo-iia (Rr), F.sson, f.-irdenns-sea-er Bro*

r Rapid m. lenney, ss cst IMl:n, Va -OM Dominion

.stej'mi-r lils Br Mail-r*i in. Haltltnf- -'eager Urn*. "**

M.-tu,er llos.etn.s Hav Uri. Leap. Baltlmoi ft.H J C'ortl*.steamer V \V llriine. Coater, Ballimore- J b Kremasteamer iirmkitaic!, Lea/.. Lew,*, Lei OM Dominion

Ssli*t«.itiier ll.iiiinia. Ursa."; f',.r!Ian>t. Sfe-.f I- Ame*.Hark rials-la .111), Andrews, Anjier, Java, lal- orders.

Scamuiell Bros. . , ...

BartColroado,Clark, PortE__bpsU*, smith uCroMtnra * Bra,Bart-.!. vu , Madsso. Btlboa -asbBo BaMsIaBCa-Barl Ams-a Ll I' lavcll .nil.ssl upson, Spence A

Il.'r-'Fauilglla** (Ital), Mai ml. Cork for orderi-Philllp*ABil- Jove* Ani'nilo spin Juan. Lat ralina* anti St Cruzj.'.- BlTatBtt' "- OB

ta ffrBPHte»mer« (teasel for Liverpool Tho'n Holme. Plrmoiith,

Pontiac, MctHtsrranssBpart* i'm.nv d* Lome, New-Orlesn*;Brsskwstsr, Lsws* -i.H.t Catcbf-tsr. Iniwsrn: itennwii,Haailniii Lark* [BBSS, CondBStsr, London.

. AI*o*al.-r.l-vu Loll* Islam! -omul StSBBlSt I.leanora, (orPtitllaiul- . .

Am In.'i-i a! f Itv Island, lionml out-ship Caul Jun***, for

sli»u-lula Hark Colors ls, for Port KlUSbl th.BIMCBLL-WBE. IO -.

st«*'ner Ttini* (Br), Irvine, from (lalre-Mii for Bremen,Ima inn in at aitiiiniitli aliorlnf emil au! willi her tieck lit-

I UK M.'VKMl- N IS ni' MiMMIillra -.Ki ;« i* i.trs

1/ims Ma Arrive*!, (teamer Ptolemy iBr), Jeff¬s' Vol it Mal

up t!i« f!i»nii!,l-steamer Ja»on litchi, Henlnpen,dom S«f 'i mk Manb Sos hsr way ts Anuterdam.

Mri .! MaRh 2S Airire.1. Steamer* Like M»iil!o*iai.i s,,.|i fi.m si-* V"rk siui'ii H. Pemvlaa ur. undi

in, from N aw-York Manilla. Part-la Br), Walker, fromk March 1*.

ODBSBBTovra, Manu M -Arrives, ateamer Tagus (Br),.. B ti,more Mareil I.

i'.ii.vv lu vie M rt ii .'¦; lMtt-.l *f-lin! a titv of RichmondCn i 'au.h..ti. flem Nest. Yo k March IS niili.-r way to

Queenstown aod IJf-rpool; >i!s..>iin Bi 'i>i«. (rom Boa-ton starlit Hon her war lo UverBSsl

Mai. li .'¦ Ps****- strati..-r U.-rinaBl* iBr), Ken-tietly, ftoiu Now York Mai. U 17 on her war to liueeuMowu.mi lars,p,.,

uni-' - ill"!,c*iwr Ilrit'ol (Hr), Wllllums,(,.r Near York -sith).

I.iviKiti. K. Mat-i J: IrrtveO, steamer linrcncn (Br),tiia'.-a (rom Baltimore March 1.IJBBBBOCB. March KS A rn rei. steamer Olympia iBr). Car¬

ter, fruin li until Marchs on ber wiIUvrk. Mar> ti-H Aruveii. sn aai":* liaiit'o iKr>, d'Hailt-

( .rn ,.*. s.ek Marah 14; VUlsdsCssra .Kr', l_por-r.rH, (rem -N*w \ oi* Man

in si Ks ru pt ut rs.I-, -ii.tM'. Mar i 28 Aiiivt-t. I1BBWBC Rueno* Avrean

(Bl .,a-..,vT Ma .iailfaiM*l tirtve.1, »t-ameia Huston 'itv (Br),

SS od. n ..-a Whitney, Hallett, ,r» Sulk. Komaii.Loveland. Plilladelp hl.i Wilkealiaili-. Milli, do. lliytil 10-luini ii- SS'i i,nt, mv intiah.

unei Septuae, Berry; Now-York; QwaBa vBr).linell t, sae ai

nK.i.rm*. March 2d -Arrlv-wl. »T,-a'iiei * millah PrinceHr Burton, Liverpool! 0*atsn(Bl liaison, Mediterranean

port* Arie*, .iver; Norm m. Mike:*, n. Boo¬loo, Oin*wanda Sharman, Provid*.les, E C Bindle, Wallace,N*w-Ysrk.

t lean-.l. »teain*r MayfL'tver, DsT'.d-on, N'ew York.Ila-.tiu.iKr', March -'. Anlv.,1,sit-.mer BlUSSI Br), Ba-

con. Nt wt-'. -leiai-r* Acadian f Hr) M. math. Halifax: Texas

Bl ;: i IVSI II) B Miller, Howe* Bolton leo Appold, Footer, I'rovt.leuce:I ss at. l--o*t.T, ,"-_.-

r* N.t ninl.-. Miller sad App.-id.Lonf Hut ti I si Western Texa*.

lt-.. v.-Soik foi lliiinswi, k, t.,1, .uni lillian,Una alni1 io. eededCHABLBsrOS, March 9_.Arrive,I, steamer Virginia. Phila¬

delphia,mt -rix*. Mat-Sh '.M-At tho Paaas* Arrived. *!«>am*ra

Havre; Benvenue i: I'spe Vettlesi Hay.Hen, neil. Rochdale, Mail, un Mum !. f.tunta.

steamers Historian USrl USllSSS, *A'y-tlaie and i-.'ue Htsr, th* mtier (or \eiv.s.

ii Arrived, iiesaMr Msraaa eily, \,i.iihb, New York.

Aim un.

We iintlv'' the inns! BoarLthiiis breacU in thoworld. Hl.SLllI Km.I. ti... Tl tlti.ivo.

Skinny Mia.." Wella' Htalili Ktnt'svor" ri>-.loic*heiitii.uni vi,-or, cure* ii>*i..'p_ia. laipotsasa $1.

Yuh lia vt* tiittl Caitii's Littln Liver Pills amiwars pleated with them. Thev siliiiuiatt- ths iivT u-culaloliowel- ail,I tho ixuii;

Hknry a. Dabiblb, M. I).,114 Lexin-tan ave h*tween .'atti au t t 'th*fs.

Boar*. 8 tol, .!'." 1 ir."' a, Si.-, if v. Hit -i.,., of ttl©QsnltO liiarv BCg IBSBM O'iv.un lystsm, ipsel I'.tl >t.


NERVOUS SYSTEM.The power ff tho nervous system, over Hf* amt happiness,

ls thorouahly rasSSB.Mi| sud Iho ilaiiRorot.nei-tmiu_ ltl.\ liileiise iiieiital uiMileiitlitn oretee.siveimlulm.iii'etif theSJ.'"tl'* illnl piiipelHHIea, (a ttf t lt.ll illl[nut.uic.-. SVhl-ll ltIs.ler.inKeil.ll ,.* ne. .-.*.iry tn s.-n a.ivico (mm an expertwho knows the cause ami tlu< roinetly.Iftha Biala has aaaaau axaaa-M hy lasaaas mental appM.

cation, lt caa only recover its iti-.n.ii, i,v BatB| Systematically tri-.iii-l. lt I* preclssiy, same wm, pta nerves thatP.esltle overnr-ai.lclife. 'Chi*, I, .i -mmi practicerami.ii ba oveniit.-.l; u affect* ui*rrl_.e, and perpetuation ofestates.

Dii-.iiii'eiteiislve et|.erienee in ti.t-t specialty I have re-crive,lthe.,M,reclatiou al many .ll»!l.«ul*!ie,l person, andcan, niinnuiu, ate Ihat wittel, iienaius lo lt, u.,,1 tho mea,,, ofie. oy.img a, powers, wliothor o( blain, appetite, propensityor passion.

HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D,lMLeiinffton-ave., between 29th & 30th-sts.

norms, b to 1 and s to r.

$6 00Per Dozen.


DERS) FOR 940.

A* Bogardus,Broadway and I8th-8t.

I I, st and Second in One Meroin*. IntelligentPeople in (rom 3 to IU "second*.


THE ..KIMI BLOOD Plf.IF.ERsFOR THE crin* OF all chronp- disease--.

rtnonle Hheiim.itism. scrofula, t'landtilar Swelllns. I !-_*'' Dry CbtUttt, Ovimnitl* sffp, lion*, iSyph lit c t o ii;il*nn,*,li sedlaa*of th- Lanfa, nvsi-epsia, Water Hrt*h. White swull.In**. Tumors. Pimples, itloi.-h.**. Kruptlousoii the Fv-s. Ut*

ii ind Hip Disease*. M'T.ilt lal list-Uses, Female Coin*plaints. Lout Dropsy. Ric.ole. Halt ttheam. llroneniti*, Con-sumption. Kidney, Bi*<itioi, (assn ampUtats, ka,Pl'HIFIE- CHE III.OOI). Itl'-T 'HIND HEALTH AMI

VD.UH. LEAR -.KIN ami BEAUTIPDLi f ) dl'LMX-lO.N BBC- KEU TO ALI- Price *}1 pst iiotlle.




cored amt preventedHY RAHWAY'sJ HEADY RELIEF,

ll il 1.1 MAlia bl, NKURA Ii 11 A.ll KA OS. UK. TOOTIIAC1TPL




P. ii e. M ennis per hollis Sold hy dmi-rUCl.

Radway's Regulating Pills!P '.. r vt .sn :ess. el-;aitl7 oitt-al. forthB ******Bl all di*.

lintels.if the si nu a, li liver. bowels, se! 0 vs. l.i..1 ler, 'utlart-in it* viiriaii* loiiu.. uervo . ooastips-tlon, costivenes*. dvspstMls, oHl,»o*_i_**, tull nsfever, iu datum itlon of the bowels, nih-*, and all .leran^cn-ntiof Hie luternii sis.-i.-ia. PRICE Jj CENTS PER boX-¦oil tty ali dru*.1st*.



Offer t.. th.- Whole-ale Dru. Trite uni those who buy lasimilar i|iiuntit!t-», au astin Uncut "f

KEMI. 'AIM *d.'<liciiiitl lii'.t.i.iaplil,-. sm! (or the Indium Ut'lNlA. Sulphate Acetate. Itromlde, etc. MOB.

I'll IA. -'i.p'iato Acetaie, Hr.uiilde, cte I IN. HON 11)1 A,i-iNfiioNia., fi.irosh,. s.Mkaasa poras-il si, Iodide auit Hiomitle, ('Uno ami tartaric ISM*.Nitrate Silver, -iilphiin.-. stunaiii ami Nitric Acids, Kp*o,ASalt*. Rite Vitriol, Chloroform, Magnesia Calcined Heavy,Hiaiuulh prepaiatlous. strvchnla, tsulphuiic Ether,etc.







CATARRH two ci re*.

BP***TYa_****-Q EI-r'*<Ve*m Balm fined me of('»t*!TSWjraLicii_rV^''f inauv tear-- *t titllii/.ri-torsl *if¦a-?" ots«3S*>"| aenite el sin.::. For ..ld In the head il

work* like I. ll -IIKKW.KJD, NS*:lonal state Bank. Elizabeth. N. J.

Kly'sfreani Balm n* worth lt* wflfMin gold hs a euri- tor < iitarrh. "ne kottai-nn-d me. s. A. l.t.*. rt i.. Franklin, Pa. it

.nts. by nial' Or ul dian-*:*"*.Ely'scbk-M iaimio.

Hay fever t.we«o.N.**.


OFFICES TO LET.Suitable for LAW, ISSI lt I Vi ll ail