new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1889-08-07 [p...

Baaa-aalptiia-, even art* $m Puakaaa ol A aanan .t the l.eail of the M48 imporliir.l. |W0VCd - atadaariva thaa wa axnaetad. and I neltave thc diamond net-BMB slirivflleii i'Ho B i BBI n I prn- dam. and two of tne ihree liss weee aonaolMatted into one; an.l. on the wliole. tl 1*088* elear that moa' 0818888 win. *m entitl.-d lo ofet weddlng ¦ni 1 io tb.- l-naeaa Loaiae pnferrod to * u- the.r own, howeve. BBOdaat, rail.e. 08 oae af a group at |M a or ..">. M HO. Hie ¦BBBlflir Bt LOBi F.fe'a own gat«a to W»bJ« left Mthlai to ba deeiied, yet even Urd nre reooiled before ihai atagk Btring of pearli al ti.e low price ot |180,001 w,. th a l*. la- -»yal leweller eame over fron 1'aris t,. propeee lo hun. Lord nnd Lady Bothaehild. chriaobeiyl, oa Oin^leae wiim-.vo. kargC as a half-do__, Bel lB hrilliHiits. is said to l»e the tinoM sin^le _ein given. The enier.ii.i* ..'.'' diaaaowai whioh ihe Saaao m lamiiv olabbed togethe. far, n«»l the b»1 leaa diamond bracelet-. ienpoeed of st.-ne- whieh never ooc-ui Ll -** daye-givea by Loru and Lady Ko*el>crv, coine next. No oaaapkaa bal has yet l.oen pabliahed, and ttone in 98§ 8888, 888-1 be givaa hete, but then* is bc- donbi "''oi.t 'he geaenal deeln t.. iiostow (fferm-s aa th i fOBBg My. Befon bei engaae- ment to Lord flfe ahe araa Jewelkea, nnd Lord Fifc has no family jcx>cl*, yet now they uv she has more thal the l'i n, .-.> of Wales bemlf, wh-sj. oollcctijn is remarkable. The oapr.'ces of (BakiO- are endless. lt is one of them thal jewels aro now more worn than evcr. Never were so many tiara-.s soen "*> thia year, i,r not for many years, and never on any one evenirii:, as at Lady Rot.»- childs ball last week. or at the Duehess of Weat- minater'6 ball on Mond.ty. Not in the __iM8 I l aianner, however; not in the daytmie. Then splcndors are for the evenn.t' rxe_B8lvely, nnd tho _\nnlishwon__n doea not ga ahopplng ia dtamonda, not even if a Duehess: petlin|_ lenst ol all if a Duehess. So, for these iwo reusons and others not less good, tho .PliBCeaa Lonlae has now become ihe owner of nn exiiaoiduary number of sets of pieoious stones. Nor has she, nor has Lord l.fe, Iven ahUged to rebuke ihe <eul oi thoir t-iiun eis as tne Dake ol Port..d diil. It is s.u.l oi tbe Duke o( 1'oitl.ind that he iau>ed 80BM <>f ihe present* ti tlie Duehess to be reiurned to tho ou the ground that ilic.r aoquaintanee araa too bhglit to ri.tit.e them to acc.-pt then gifts. _____________________ G* W' b' THE ROYAL UOXLYMOOX. k VI.IT TO LOKD FIFE'S SIH-EJ. LODCK, MORT- l.AKE. The Pall Mall _a/.ettc. 'Ihe saja Ihai ine ma-ster wa-s ah-ent Bheen ahen 1 xxeni u.ixxn the oiher .Iay to mi i iie ¦* j,;.,,.-, arhen ),¦. aud tln- Pitneeaa a,-- to ipeud Ibetr noneyuioon, »«. Lha _hutter_ oo tha glaaa pane.s ol il.t) troai door. n.- outaidi i* almple i"-'1 ""- _.:t*, closed in among in__, tbe »«n* whlto. waahed with euough ..f wtaUier-Halnlng eo take tha ii.-.xir-s ,,ii, .,; ,j o.t-i..,-,,'..i, »,.'i ixx aad eraepen 1 fo..iiit iho ball pull u, aichlag among tlie ivy, aa,i ln <l.' __urae had ;i" dooi unloci.d fwmi the i>y a irlni houtemald. " liail 1 to- loidahlp'i antliiiriiy to i--.> .,\.-i tbe Jm,,s,>.'" Uavlng _*tl»ti«l )i i oa loat si-oi.-. i followed bw up -.,m.> sii'_.s Into rla- hall. Vim iini-t I- cateful t.-.xx- \i,a atep on tiie t'l.'.r." >ai<! -no. Mti_ boatOa aie very .iip pery." And ln truth ibey wctc, and iin< m.-s iiu.i au al*n.ilnK tendencj io -Caneron, 1.^ lonlahlp'i valrl and plper, fli upon tlieni lha othei daj', aud l bave illppra upon them myselt" I'he i.uii ls a rieh dar8 apartmi-nl going iL'tit front tho Iront ol Ihe houae io Ihe baok, whaie llipimpii tl.o Iroi'li .!-. "..-i.t t- a gllmpaa Ol ^v ox- ... l.-ixxi,. Tbe xx.i1.'.- and ceillng ar.- panelled. - ., carved eblmnej pleee, an elght-daj cloek, ,.....: .,' iuxx aaid l ia: l- vxnii a blue a-,,1 ior*. A laJI -, 'stii \xin, Vanlt. .i" a ra, by l*.legrinl, l* lorae- thlna i«.' » re-- latlon oMhe detoiahve etleci ,.i ti.,-. -.,,:.),. 'ii,-i. ,ii- ...i tbe walla, nn i, i pKMure ,..' iv i. and, on a la uo .-ly ,.,,:. .-. .i '.,. ii¦¦!*' portral ol Ihe e n, altli Her Majeaty'i .' I f..|l,,x,,.| urtalna Into ll -!'.. 'll* loraahlp aenarally dlnea .-.ix u-.- i!, dlnlng room v l, ii t la :--. ro panj." l paara \'.i. |bia lo Hag, xx th Japtpiese i . Into tli" drewl.£. room, .¦A- a laa u bay-wlndotn look'ng oul to ti." iaxvn. a a -. door on th lefi toadlng doara aome ,-,it,...>-. i!.o drawlng-rooin l fi.< au che r u In Ita d"_o_8"lon, _- h drawlng-room \-,-iv beaut ful ii ii-t-t eornlee an i tty whlte narbto oblmney piis-.- i :- n r >r ..x r. There I. Bore abundanoe uf be rew you lurn, oa rai.ios an.l ln o.i«i .- tboi aie ii,.xx i. In gl ----. llrn« va_.s. and .! ,-.x >r. all ovei t!.<- bomam. A v.-i-y r' palm prows onl ,,f a huge blue aml whlio pot. ,. i rtch Jap .ii---- pafu-rn. gtvtns v .it: a piftty *i. mualln eurtalna ol h ilroi.ius. i v anl -,. the rlgbt, found nix - -if lt a- a j lelun "¦.'¦ ,.; ,. a ,.- .' ia\ in.- tl,. beaut e ..,- H--;. >. hifct, ft. ti. « youns ia '.<¦- an aro br ims am 1 gl t an n'ry. -, ;a ,.' chalra, v ii ., ¦. « h. " 'i be li ni i- rn" va y i. xx hav only rooma ¦-. atl. an out n ent, on ta tt1 la a*n, a li x.-l ol a mnch j.t-tt er eolor, lt :.:. .1 of vxiil.-ii 1- a . . ;, -. iii..¦ ln tJ. aaln. And there .: al ¦¦ and more louro blue i ,. - ere la a qualnt Japa- i, .!: iu .. wl '-'.¦ loo] - a- If it wen nrnd for -i in, v. .'i v. eh f .-' a ra, aa Japaneaa xxni a. It la o;.|x from tt. lav n , | full vlear of rl." length -¦.¦ fi-..,, tli fronl ». Ing very much ,,< ,, -. i. -,( tl e grounrla are s-ir- xx!, ci, la re y artfuOy h:d laa : ¦¦ x ¦¦' alI i I, ,-.-, tli i man o' cnnalderabl'* wsto itron i..-n for Jai a_>** ar'. ¦. v effeel a ,. ,. j. -T| ; >,, aia i.'x <i i. n .-n on th _n. .¦., ,,,. ' | -,- iratlv point of «lew, r ii. mall, per- ibi eomfortable, at.. n -, xxh:,- to-day* .-v.-nt win provlda n wllk :OfS. -a,- M!.«-. BAXXI80X LEATtXO DXBX PARK. rs*n- Far.. Md., Aag. <'¦ (Spaelal)..Mrs. Harrlaoa lo-nlghl I * '. *..* [...iri, i- iii \x'ri, t,.n]-4ii!ii f.-v-r. 'ih,- Baltlmore, ihe prlvate ear haa beea put at tlie Piaaldaat_ *'..- [ xxa*. aaal aa rn m 8 aahti gtoa foi Mr-. Barrlaoa. .--.,. w. aeeoaapanled only by ber ma!.. i.ur ezpectad la ly- Jointvi ai Wa-1 Ingtoa by cdoael Joha M. NVIIson, aaa, at tka PreaMeBfa reqaeat, arUl with to Raatuehet. Mra. ttarrtaoa ezpeeta to return on i.iday. -hor. Mrs. _eutaaaal Pa.aar, Mr*. Lord'a sr, xvin Birlva fiom BrameB. Mrs. rrimii-k, ikef iiaugit-r, i- la Loadoa aad eanaal reach tu* rouiitrv ut i.i Augnal 80. The loaabota, tha ikarity iair'ln whieh Mra. Uarriaon took ao actlve a, has Leon poatponed liom Auguat 10 t., Aujtust 17, wl.on t),e Preaidenl ran be preai nt Judge Ma^atis, ttf (Inrlnna'. a Mrs. Haril60n to-day. He aaa ou hla way to oi..o. Z-T__fg OS AMKEBO'S THEATRE. Ther© ar* Baaa a^-regatlrip ff«0.0<iO ajcaln*t the Ambcrg Theaii- yeapaity in Irvlng Plaaa. .lusrlre IriRraliam. In the su;,r.-rne Court, yeatenlay prantwl an orler for Mbatltatad serxire of the BBBIflBOBa upoti Mrs. Hannah C. Crain. in a sult brouglit hy Oardner C. Uawkliis a(.-a!n_i Gusrav Atnl.eri., Mr-. Craln and oili*rs. to f,re.-:o-e a m«>.harilc*' lien on the property. The land on whleh tli'- *h.ari_ starids baloaga to Mrs. Craln, and all effiu.s to terve the pa|,.r. apon BOI personally have faii^i. Mr. Aml.. rs ls ln r.urope, and trlll not return for tbre. or four woehi. Ilerman BrhoaahBlg, BM lapia* tentatlve. when aeen a* Iknaea '.anlr-n laal nlpht, .ald that. while he %x_. not lainiliar with bualneaa aftalrs. he had no douht that Mr. Hawl Ucn would ba pald on Mr. Aml.erc'a return to this el'y. The Anibr-.c Theatre was bullt ahoal a y-n- ago, at a cost of 9130,000. of whleh sum all but the machiiiili.' 11.n has been pald. YICTTXS OT THF " WBBJ BXT>m BAMAOBX. A dei'iiy sherliT n-niain.xl y. -.n-rday ln pos-.-.i,,n af CLarles Hahr, alla-s " A. H. Wood's," B-fcaa at No. tl7 BTeaS Twenrv-tiilrl-K.. Iii. hold on tha /.iitii- ture was a'reriKthened by an at.achnipnt for 01,800, whleb repr-_eiiied the amount gua lo DavM H. aleeve, the i.iii.i.-t ..f "Tho VTaat Bad Crttle." Other attaohni'-rila were lii.'nly aipaelad, paitleulatly aaa ln favor of nil'ary l.oil. the artl-t. who bega at tbe same iin.*- as tha huafaaa* aaaaafM Horaee B'alL heveial of the artoi en^a+tiil hy llahr for Uie Weat End Theatre _tjn foollsli enoiipli to 888884 upon bbn, but the rna.oii'y se, 8184 0. I I .siUoi.s. AabSBf tboae who are virtita- at-o BMa OerBton, >elina K^i- ter, and j. il Qltmour. The laat-named wlll blv flnd einploviiieiii ln ono of tbe Kauntleroy com- ;a Aaro Kai.n liad noi yeaterday tak.-n any e'ejis to trot llahr ludleta- Mi Kahn aaM M was walticg for the evld_nce of pereons now out of town. GEORGIA BBOOMBB A COBX-SELLEB. lYom The AtLajita ( oi_*iliu_lon. For the Brsi Ujbm alan laoi Oaoffla ha* ear mada saoagh ...n. thia r/aar la aappl> ",l '""l' ttJiI''s. We bava anoagfa ,n. now n-aiiy i'.r tha gleaner in jtir flelds |a ft-.-.i e-,.-rv n.a.'i and heast ln tb" and to ieave a aarplaa «.f a niillii.n ,.r bo buahela for kala- lt Us i.fM-n u lui.i.- and a BttOBg Bghl BO thia point, hui we ur.- hete a. last, and xxe ar, h- pa to aUy Tbu« «« brokbo one of the cbaina tbat Uiund ua iu dapendaBOa ." tba BJaat, Baaa la Blod and Ju r artU-1 ln our new d flaratl.f Indoii aa f-, wa rememtar the roui tle .faaira tba] f-Av yrar w< broujrhi n a.-h ,-iii'tv. thus dralnlna our appra- rlafe the taportanee of thla new ravn lon. Ueorajla ante - tl feet the IH ol c ¦" aniont ihe Btateel M e haa bulll h hi al ai Xi.av l.-i ns l-uild OUT kiiioki'-hoiis's | r- TO ViBlT FBIEXDS /.\ TEB 001 WTBT. PAKTIF.S OF IIAI'l'Y (IIII.D.BB _B_TB THF. CITY 10 F.N.10Y TWO WF.IKS OF 1 IN .AVIi PBESB AIR. It would ta d fli.-ult 80 itnagine a mueh prettler or Brehar aaaaa Biaa thai at tbe Erle torry-bauao at Chambare-st oa Manday eavatng, wtaa ovar na> ¦¦'" iir.-ii i-ft the dty under tbe aaapfcaa of The Trlbune Praab-Alr raaa. Thay were d rldaa lato three nain banda daatlned for PrankUaTllki, LyadoB aad Uttle K.-.iis. x. v. Tha Bar. J. B. Lee baa ebarfa of the ln Franbl BYflle, and Ihe Rev. J. '- rhom^' ¦" rsoliclied the Inviiathuis for tha LjradOB party. rbora are ...tainly .,..¦.¦ hoapltable paopta in be worM th.- tababltaata of Uttie VaUoy. This ia tho third pvty of poor Kew-Yorb cblldraa wboait tbej havo entertaiiiMi this aummer. Tba Baa. u. - Guorny la ebalrmaa af tbe Uttle Falla Ceaiatlttaa On ti,e aama avoalag thrae aaadateed parttoa lafl th.- Qraad Cantral BtatJoa tor tbe tolkrwlBg towna ... Varmoat: Falrtax, rTetetar, tawer Catal and Beld. roBtordayal i.a. ea. a laraa party atart, rartomttow-atoPraaaltoCa-aty.Paaux IWa ratfon receivod the largaal part, aa< <"« *****.*% credlt of tho arark bt rreaBBa « wnty bi dae u, ,. f. a,,d l,A.Or,of (.,...-"---. aaI-o havo ,¦,!.; ti,n BoUeBatlona throagh the eaboaaa "' tlu n daily ,,aper. -Tbe Yalley BplrB," Tta .Bf aam08 of M:,'K3y-H-'^r^,«,u,-ro,ins>nVr Miii.i, .."-n Wblppto. Mra. WflMam Graea^Mra. «¦ Doard Bra. Wallaea Bffl. Mra. Baal aaaltb, Mra. Ai^::r:z^r^.«. «**. ^***» J-,.! _. L88 a-ort. Mra. P. FBrd Mra, II J p , Mr, M. BmebeMer. Mr.. BBa- Bmltb .'-"; ( rn"i AfldisOn i^aini. J. > ... V, ,.m Barr. ¦» Ij C. FBtaT ItjO. IV- £ McAlltotar Mra. «faldo. Mra. <¦. OouM. Mra. ataj Gamey. Mra, WUUam Id aaa, Mra, ATarJB, Mrs. Aanta Jackaon, Mra. Joaepl Laaca. F-trfai vt. C A. Baalth, Oaoraa Baat. Bn-th \. .,......; ,.' Bunt, John Boward, Bopktoa Safford, pLnitaa' au'lea P. *\ ahapardaon, Owaa Baiap, Joaoph SiSrl N. i. «¦ - .M^m Ch-le. Bruab. K.,ii BrnBh. Jnaoa Jaeaaon, bra Butlar. ,.....,.,, vi. Mr. EUtott, s. ii. Caraaatar. h K. Montagaa, A. Uunb, * «-* B- 1Yoni:'1' ^ .l i,. ,,..,, Mary Uoopor, Aaaa FU-tngtO-. iMid-.n B. V.-.M-. r-U0tt Joba t'artor, B. W. ne'.iiai. I n. C44e, ii. P. MorgavB, vniiaiu pratt, Hanrv PaiwaU, Franh Ltnglntolter, Danlal Ayra», I'mlline K_o>r G< 0">. hartoa Molntyre, ^Melntrre M. V. Hau :,. M. ool. j, lYanh CraakBr, iieKe L ¦ilii.n.i.M.M. John Uttle. WlUlan Uttlo, LiJie \Aiii;a'o Cheaney. Jamaa rlcott. Oeorge J-'.' ir,s wii-Hi.i GUl, Maggle Cuxrla, Annje Klng, o*. Maigery Campbell, ceoraa Lawlaaoa, ir OwSilVHugh l.rea.len. k. tlala, wr^McB, ir-lik'i.¦'.. tbarlea Wboeler. uaorge_W. Boax m_i_Vb_bs K. *.- K- u- Ettaonds, B. Bweetl4nd, v '-'i: v aae Mrs. Jennle Antlsdell, Mra, Barai. n Drea^i '.';-- .'. -NI Blemlder, Mra. Truman Bla. "h -- Va-iie.-. Mrt. Uanlola, Mra. J. B-Mabor, a ' ,'ii.v Mr. WUl Hall. Mra. B. Foote, Mra.Ora JSaar Mra. Ooorge McKay, Mrs. cyrua ^Tto, Mra. p Bo-foad, Mra. Bavaoa, F. tsheimau, _i- John Delp,' -Mrs. llurn-ll. gPBKEB WOTBM TROM SAR4TOGA. doaa, Ang. 8 (f*paelal).-Judg8 Joha K. TTrrrr* ton, ehaJnaan of the ezecnBre oomaiittee of Iba Ke- publlcan Battoaal Uaagao, arrlTad bara lant nlght. Thr .ommlftr." v :1I assamblB In B-ratOga on August m, when a <.-a;- arttl be uanad lor a Nationai Ooare_- Hop<; were enjoyed at. the Clarandon and ColnmbU bo.'la yo88aday atraaitog, Posta4aaBM3e_sral John Wanamalrer and family .. i alted Btatea BotaL il,,. ooneerta in Confraaa spring Fark, at the Ken- alagton Hotel, and at tta I'uUiam Muale B_Q, yeste^ day eAetiing wet4 W4_ atts-ndi'd. a. J. Jobnaoa, af Braakly-, la hoiding a eeriee of rellalOBa mtetlngs ln the Qrand Army Hall. Tta Baa. W. F. Feleh, Of Iloiidvllle. Vt., rondlot-d tl, xatlonal Unlon Prayer me-tlng tbla morning. W. J. ArbaU, of "The Judgo" Publ.siiitig Company, ls a. hlevlng turf notoDcl.v. B. ». Petiet. tho own.-r of Prtneaaa Howling, has named a promUIng colt u Jndge Araa_," in honor of Mr. ArtalL In regard tn tho qnesBan of gambBng, the Minl*- \ BoelaUon has idopted a raaolntwn urglng a.i tbe moral and Chrlatlan peopie of thla town u> do aii la ttielr i.oavoi ao entoroe tta law an«i wlpe out thla nefartoui buaineas, aml wc aaraby pkadga our ¦.'. if ot.nis.n I kn^w that the DeBJOOiattC 6tat-> COB> mlttee wasnl gpbig to meet here to.iay-the lneeting been rallnl but, you si-o, I ha.1 two or thieo daya ob ma banda, aml I tnought I would flll tlu m in Thla is aboat the a_a and oomplezlon ol tbe explanatlon ol the rontiagenl who rnsiied int<. Bara ton post haste i.lcht to mivi with tho oommlttee. M.iii^ of tln*m retnforoe their l-priia.ks wlth: " aa hy, I alwayi take a run up to Sai-atoga about Ui date. what Uo you oUioi -*-1 MEEri.vr, 0V nOIOQBATBBBM TX BOSTOX. Boatoi Aug, ii. Tta laoth anaaal conventlon «t the Photograpbera1 AaaocBtttofl of Aaaetira waa opeaaed *la morning ln n.o Machanical i air Hulidlng. About 400 photograp-ara ara preaent PraaMenl 11. McMlchael, of Itulfalo, (x'cupicl. the cbair and among those who ns ob Bte I'latform were Mayor llart, 8 j o_ dtj --I Booton, aml tta foUowing olllreri and BBamberB: Phal Vlea-Pro4klant Ooorge H. iii.-t- ond VaaoPraaalaal J. M. Appleton, Bacretary (i. p, Boott, Ttaaannir .;. M. Car_aba, the ranarable M.rnhai.i Bogaadua, ihe flrsi preafctoal of tbe orlg-iaj socletA John Coibutt, ol 1' the flral man u, make dn platea ln tbla oountry; J. i i^'t-i, ol i i.-vr- ind, Ohto, i-x preildent of ihe aaaocladon \s. F, irvinc tdamo, of PMi.A-liie .-. Adama, S. \ '.¦ ramer, of Bt Lnula Prealdenl Stanton, of th'- Canadian Pbotographers1 Aaaoolatlon, aud W. B. Bahy. of C'od- iiian tv .... ot Bosi .n lt was deeided U> hoid fhe i.'ext conTontloa at Detroit BBSATOM Qr.iY OX A T ACTTTTXd TrTTT. Phlladelpbla, Ang «..Senator M. S. Quay started to-day fiom tbta dty on an oxtanded trlp on thr- steani yaiht Manatee. Ho took with hlm a- |-Mta Btata Seiiator .1. Btoal Fap^ett. of X.-Av-YorU Coloael A. I-. Congar, of ohio; WU-aa 0. Oaodloo, of Kaa tucky and AaBataal Poa_Baat«r43aB_ral Clarkaon, all memtara of the Ber^brVan xatu.nai OomaUttea. it bi tbe IntenBoB of ibe party to c^ along the \tlant.i- coaal aa far ooTti _ Bar Barbor, a- li.iitlr .'l.v. Capa May and other potatB, ttapragia-imaaf tho traj wlU depend entirely upon the wea~ei.___^_ a_rr_atTB_aT«TBll SOOTBTB IV CJTfTHAZ PARK Ti.e aavaaaaaa-year toeaata have appaarad ha ea tral I'ark. BtaOllera In that pleasure ground | day who were near the enuapa of oak traea eould readllv .llstttignlsh 14411 Bbttll BOtB BUlg ng " Pbaraoh,» taTcordancewlth the auperatlUon lhal thay are Ita direVd.-M-.-.d-.ts of tbe toeaata that piagued the Fgyptlan monarcb. --^-. AM AXVTDABOB, OF BVTTER IX VEW-TOEY. CommUaloa bbbb, exportara aad deaUra la batler aro ..t Hiirri.-d ..ver an BUagad ln,p-i.1iiik' "bnalt" la the but- ter B-rtot uf thia elty, 8a.aa owei oakad B_n .Tl..!.' ia noltiiiiK to break," aal-1 JObfl B Martln, of No. iwi OliBMbawn aaa af ti.e toraaM hKnd.era af tatter ln the city. "It » fjict Uia't the BUOpty of bnfei jmh now la very great. bai the nimk.-i wlll rlght lts-lf . ea. Tta raaaty li 88 B4i bi gi44t4i aad Bha palea 88 pat eaei laaa _ aaaaeaaaace. Bat Iba >sw" demond far io«-r i;r»ae« la .'X.'<i,ent. nb.ul TM.OM BSBBala h"UiK ablpped frnm hera arary W84a, agalaat a_eaat aethtag « yo«r ago. Tta naBHBtinl in Tba Tnaaa tbla Baatalag that, a great doal of odulurated battaf UI belng enported 1* all b-.ah. Tba t.utfr aurplua wlll van -I. " .Tbera i- a aaaf araaad bu the finr-r gral"i of buttar aml the lower 1^*448." BB- laha BaBh, Bf N". M ChantaK-at '"i»" laaaaaa is aantarl hera an.i Baara B .. atroag axport dem_.i, aaaaelaBy Baal B-flaad «"d Bar- n-iiv, for knrar gradea at io. ii mii l- Beata. By folaa I || is a-Ttag oat a from ti.i m Beaatrti¦¦-." ,m _^. Ti.i-re ara B4W Bbarad la tbla elty aboat i:ifoo,ooo r battea an i taa prodaet '1 f- "" Ita pialrta Btataa, «.. UM rm- af 1.000,0 poaa U a i ¦.. ut thia a^pply aaly atoai aaaaa- a week aio eoD'uinod ln thii elty and Beicbborbead. )i >. ur HAD r»_1 BLLBD, i roui Tba DatroB Praa Praas. A roung man wu.'i a gr. ii' doal Of .' a-n1' a *".all aniijiii ol tfi|".i i. cbbso lato 'ii- Thlrd-el depoi on a iral'i tl,.- other .la-.. and aiilK'nu- througb hox-tsian.i. aa aald to tiie drrrar of a reh I waiit to go to tdo \AaAiio iloi.l." "Yes, .-Ir.'' " ..». unliiianee glvei, you tlftv rent-." -1 doea.' " ii'-n-'a \onr oioney, pve travelb a bla, I havo. at.d 1 know Ailia*'s what. Don'i tr\ anv gum - on in.-." " Ba air gal r ghl ba." '.r anterad tl e baok, tta drl' Br rlrort . tos* tta strei aad i;.tt doun and op ned Uie don, and as tbe atranaer iaw how ta hai feoted blmoelf -i a lat aa ebala und nai " l . |'V4 tl»v '11 ¦I, I have, but 1 icueia I waa ou thc BTOB. traui." 8ELE0TI0N8 FROM TBE MA1L. \\ IMrOTtTAM IVxTKNT DF.CTSK >N. __1 BIOHT TO __0__C_ BF..VF,nAt_ 10.1* 0_ * | -M- rolaa BAitor ..' Tk* TrtBun*. ,\ deelalon of | ' '' has ha l.y Iii- whleh l- iiv i--.x-i'.i,;o McM iho wa refen d lo t ommtBali ner bj Oo 41.1 deelalon, and under ti.r lattei nfti.-er, a 1 ¦. 1 Oltiin-ss.,iit-t IU. WklOb n"|lll:e,| Hf taho out three so|eintr* i.ateuM. paylng ' ;'" ernmsal feet fbr hla proeeaa, hla maehlae by wbleh x"".e-- wa- apeiatad, an.l his pgud* ael ar arctola wMeb am prodaoed, lB4tead ot piotaetlag aU thi. In oaa paaaaH fai oaa la ¦¦- "' been lha well rdgh aalfona pi-oreduro under his pieda eeaeots, in offlce. ln tha praaeal .ase of _i Parta McMahon. the ii (.(.tiiiitis.-ionor daeMai baal an apptleant ia cntitlisi to have Ela BUMhtae, hi- BTOBBBI a'i.1 hi- BtO- duct Bfotectad la a sinplo patent, unlo-s they are ao entlrely .!i tin.-t a- t«, eoaatltute ebaolatelf aeparata ¦and tadapaaaeat toventtoaa a eaadlttoo whleb praa- tleaUj ti-.ii Nxiii ari-e when a aiaehtna aa4 a pn- nre baaa Inveote. lo work logatbei to * atagla aad, a ibe production ol aoma ai_>le of ¦anuaaeture. For many year- there was no que-t..,n of tl.o rlplit i.f an inventor te aomblaa in ana patanl ala._ n iu* m.i ihlaa, proefeaa an.l pradaet, at any txv.. <.f tbaaa. Koi waa than any aoabt of th- valldlly "f a patanl f..r tlie-o severai l-elato.l Invaotlona, The 8-8*1.4 Wn elearly statod in 1-4.0, |a Wyolii vs. htirtie. wkea the eourt ilooided the Jr.indcr of .everal relaUd in- ventiotis to he valld. and sald that ln onlor ro rcmi'-r ¦aparata pataata i..anury, "tha Invantleai anal ba Wbolly 18848888881 Ol aaeh othor and di-t:not lnvou- lioti-, ai ona i-.. -rla eottoa an.l aaothet lo wi papar.* Tba Bupreane onH reiri-rnted and leaflnned tt,,- doetrlne oi 1 L* ea in Baaereoo va Bogg (184-1, aad fi-o.ii t,,.-ii ;iii now tiie <-.,uit. bava piactlcaHj anlfoimly beld the lame vlew. The aame broad 1 ..iioy In the main er .itrolle.l rhe Conimlaatf.6TI a tha grant.g "f pataata, thouph there arara oaeaaloal ,i ,-i on that tha ptaatlea oi tha Patent Ddtoa .houlii be ehanged, aad aapaiata pan-uti, i.e Inaiatad on iu tha aaaaa Indloated. Thua atood mattata ulir-n the eaaa Ex-l'arte I'.lyihe OHino before OoBBBUaalOtMI laittenvortb In 1884, Ia i-e lha aanadaakmei heid that a aiaehtne, i p rot Oaa an. a pmdurt weir eoaatttatad hy lha vtaed fttatutei dlat ¦-. of b-veatlaaa, whleb wera bKB] a!,lo of l-elnp unlted in a <-i:,i.-le valld patent. nut thi. v;exx- of tha law wa. ein-e-i fron Patent oi'li* peeeedeBta «,f praatles aooa arier it araa ilated ln Bx*___ta Young, deeided ln Dacember, 1885, Coa_- mlaalonai MontgaMnery rejeeted the vlew of the law lakea hy Oommlsaloaar Bulterworth, and h*ld that ihe atatartea do ti,«t fi, a Jolnder . b prooeai aad a lii-elilne In 0M i.-itent; thal .t " uriHary l_* veaUon eoa lata ol a proeeaa Bad a produet oidtnarly aho-M he |aetude4 in one pau.ii'''; aa.!. generally, iliat " when two or mnr. Inv.-ntiaaa ara _ -"i.-.l or auxlllary or ln Iholr natora Ot ..peralluii ronnerted topethrr, they may ho inriuded in ono pa'rt.t.'' We now reach the Iradlnp opinion of Commls«!onrr Hall, IB F.x I'arte Ilnrr. ln OetOber, 1087, wh.-n-ln he ettempted to reeatabllah the praetlee <irsiro.l by Commlaalonei Rutterworth, bul on dlfferenl giouad- laalonei Hall wa-, obllged to admlt then ao itatutory grouud for pronounelng a patent eon- tainiiip a marhiuo and a proeeaa InvatM. Bul he beld rhar Cr.npross had Invaated tha ommleakmer -¦'" prr(lt ,-¦ . powera ln the grantlag ot boldtng ol patenta, Includlng the decldlng wl one patent mlpht or niithi nol Inelude a maehlna and a proo.s-. be aln.e.l lo eatabllah aa a pteee.ia! of praorieo in rhe offlce rhar no parenr eoukl i.. no (with rare exeeptlonal eontalnlng m ' one lnstrumeiit elalma for * machlne, a piecaaa ami » prr*luet, or any two of tl.em. Ti... prarri, »1 re. tilt was that an Inventor a M rrfteri oidiped to pay two ,,. Ihiae feea wheie one nir-d before. Moreovor, b lerloua oaager io tho valMfy of one of the -eparate patenti leaued nn raeh dlvlded appUoatlona haa been dj-v.-lopwl fV experieace. Ihouah lt eaeapad »a.^_f* (',n; plaalonr Hall- ihe danp-r tha. the patent (oi- hlpheri numl.ered mfty be .lorlat-ed vnld bl ei'urie heeausr whea eoBipared wtth the other oxx-.r nunil.ered patent pranted ro the aame .rplh'ant. the ia»er MUnt mav nol ahow dllTeraneea sufflrlen to' fl.i.tait. pa'eniabnity. Wow oomo. thc aaaa nf FT-Pano MrMahon Jn^' deeided hy A«Mnn» o niis-..ner Flah ln whleh. aa I havo .nted. Intentlrm of rommlaB-OB- Mltrhell aeoms to be evh ent, to near frr.-i tha praottee of tho eflee the ntIng .r 6r-a_l_-oner Hall. aad raatna, *h" hTietal pallry whleh prevafled frrnn the earlleat days of our paiont vs'om ('own to l-c4. m eonelualon I would a<M that tha val'dltv of a patent for a maohlr»« and .i peoeo.s Ra bed tn Ihe fulleat maniw by ''. ,, rv.-irt apeakhiB bv the late Chief Juittee Walte Kl rvrtly hefore hls death. In the Rell T*'enhone l-eU's pate.,1 wai auttalne. ln ti.e fulle.r manne- In one of tha rno-t far-rea^hlna na'.-nt n>rt.'nns nvar Bl-en hv the roui-t ,.s val'd r.ot_i for a maehlne an Th"»o lw_ e]n«**-< r.f Invrntlrms w-re, ^.»> ¦*« l" a s,np,° S^watteb imowir. N'o. ni >,' K*w Ynrlt, July 12, 1«*50. -?-. rOKT MOI.T.TS AP A WORtB- TAITt PITK. Tn the I.ilitor of The Tribuna, f-ir: ft worl'V. fitr to rommemorat/x th« .00th annlver-aty of ths dlseoverv of Amertea U ro be beM ln 100_ la avManfly » forwmne eaaetoalon. But where.Of.l !? br beMI I' I- evldeni that a Im-- piot of g_e_n4 wiii be n-quired for .tu-h au estpoaltlon, to whleb alM tktj and unllrnlted kresi. ruu-t i,» had. Tbeie8ora^ the WlWai WOUM angpoat as the rentral Bvallable toeatioa aid one mo<t eoarvealeal of the .11-iriet around I*ort Morrls on I~ng laland Bound, f..r tha followlng reeeeBBi 1. Thoro ls auflloiont unoreui.|e.| land. level and sui'a'.io for tho piirpo*-f' al Ihh pl-u-e. -,-.. le-end dafly tkm ot Beaad.ataataan eanM caslly land aud reo. ive paesaniyr- ar rhe pi whieh Ile along ihe ::. Barop. tn itoaaie-a eatorltip rho port, of Kaw- Vr.ik by tbe Long laland Bo_nd ronie as they wlll .it. in the near fanra .a_d la Uh" BMaaaar laad paa aengea at tl e axp ada, 4. Tha Sea Torl Central Ha'ln,a<l a-id tha N,,,T Yoik, New*_avea an.l lla'ifonl Railroad nhevt-iv bava .-. a. this The I'eiiii«viv:i- ia Balll-ed, .i.-i..-y leitiai. BaTtlmore Bad Oblo, a:ni atbe roaoa romlnc from ttw w«.t, oould;>-..; their t_*-e'i- i. ,,x up ti.e Easl Blve. dlraetl) to the gr u da. ,,1-n eoald bava a railway »f Ita own to aa Bwpoatte i>,.mr, arheaea a awty w..i!,i eonneet wla l'.rt Moiria. _ 0. 'l I.,- rlty of Nexx-Yorh, to a man. woman ar.a rhiid. ai the country comlna, eouW atep upon the ,.i,-x.a tralna and he ln time for the. early oji-nitig i falr. ,, 7. Paaaengci teai ara romlnp down the Ilud pi oould i 'i.:" igh 'l- Ha leoi ,.-,. be rompl te. by Dee mbei 31, 1801, l d then thiv.i.. the Harlem _UVa, whieh ran !¦.. io- i navlgable ly March 1. 1802, nnd so io fnrt Mprrla on md. CHARIiK- bTOL'ollTuN. Bew-Torfe, Aug. :i, 1080. Hnw TO TBKAT T_AXU-D NT'nflRB. ro the t.dttor of The Tribunc. lt Tialnad nur*e_ have rom. Ui Hav, a-'.d ean lake ,-aie of tkemaelrea How to ". j' '.''*" '" "':r nunillaa N the tmportant matter for u*. i laka -' laaue with yoni eoira pondeat, "O. 87. ¦.,¦ irom Kew- Havan, when ba oi aha aaya: " it is o' Uttle quenee whetbai tkey roaae to the tabla wltt u- ai aot I ilr-etn lt ..f the utn.osi ron_e.ju.-nee V> u- U.81 thay ¦¦!..-ni'i. They ara Ibe e-nnis af Bioal of the .'. Iti Whleb they BI8 einpioyol, aad 80 088 run auifer -,,-iatiiip with them. Th-ir OCeupaMOU 1- » trylag one, and the Ume apenl at bieakfaat, laaeh and with tho famlly li mueh ni.,r.- of a re a ;, than the la aolltade wouM ,-. we have bad a hmtaad aurae, a praduaie ol the New-Uaven Bchool, wbi .¦. i we hav,- needed b Qina yeaia. Membera ol niy famlly xx(ti, ber; -he vlatla m oe< .- onally. wi a alwaya have l.ei addreaa ] i'< u "-" " where \x.- havo been Bbla i>> glve a reeommenaatton, aad i M'ii Baaore aai one thal thia m-thod ol trea'; ment nol onli la rlpht, bul payi weli 'r,;'",' nuraea du not go beggtng for employmant, aud it i* .. f.| an employer _ have a good raputation ti,, .| Tha i,.i -.. l a lude t.. ta now tbe gaeai of n fonnei patlanl at ... «»»v- i V.,i-K. Aug. '-. 1800. CHABLMB-JtAKT. ? A QU-8TI01I IN PROKUKClATIOlf. To the hili tor of Tha Trikune. Btr: |, ih. letter "o" la the word "aoag" earraetlj pronoanced whan h ha. tbe aound <.f ".'', ta *a wbi4 "ore," .,i i.earix ao, a- dlatlafajahad from tha boub4 ..f -.," .i.ily -J!., 1880. aound I* thahof the abo/t, o, aa ,11 -,.!.-. -I.-I_ .. thi paoti n tkaix.» Io tht Kit ita' of l ht Tribune. Bil! tl V,.iir aj.-x.ei- t.> Trainiiian'-. " Queatton _ ln to d .. Ha- lha faataal mrular tniln ln the t'nit.-d Btatea raaa hwm leiaay i'r ". a-lladai. n-_ a-aalea, oi torty-etghl aatlaa p*-- hour ta, | ,:,.,!,. hi, ii.ivfx-r'.',,.-,.. (9.1 Tha lul. m. i- and Oblo batwwaa tbta alty aod Bain orat apeed ol W.U mltoa per bour. Waahlngtun, Julj tf«. '- s " ii. Tha li.'.ii..' underataBda by "tba taa-ai taruiu" the U-U \AAnl make- tlie Uat uu_ iot a aTlraa | ,,r tba l to ran diatam.f forl n_t Tha .- Trlbune ¦ .,i .1 FAMOl nr.T. rrir. .1 '. li. 'i .-. from Ai-w f..r mlnui rtore efl in tl..- As ,-i reaorl foi d '-. ta n: .ii .] a. uredly th- etn og breetea wh'rh a\\. ¦. n thi ebanee for real baaa auffietoai itrength to ward off thi* August foe, Amoi | iy ..,-t from \\ aad who ara bara it BOBM Blthta B fca dav- 884 P. 87. DOTOO, of Bew-Torb; Dr. Baaaael Loekwood, ..f Praebold, B. .'., prealdaal of the BaHanal Hay Perer Aaaoouatkm; Dr. -V. <'. Huste.1. of Tarrytown, and e^-> ongrassmaa Van Voorbla, of Boetaster. Other pn m»I or praspaetlra gmMta ara M. i. Bj al "f th" <" and Borthwestarn Ballroad, aitti hla nleeea; T. 0. Bc- Laary, of Cbleago; John K. Adilaaee, of Poaghkaep- bb>; the iion. k. Q, Bnrnhaai aad wif.- and Dr. J. Taa K.vrk and \wt\ of Waterbury, Conn.; B_w_ Uara and finiih. of i'1-..v.ilenoe, and Jataaa k-aeaaa, nf PhOadalphla, pabBabar of '.(Joldon Davs-' and ..'Bat- urday fflgkt.* A rnnior |s eurrent that a New-Yorlc sti.eft romrnry avIU aurehaea tta Twln Mountata Honae and -"'.- roundlngs, aad before anotbar year n»ukr> exl attraetti h:>'| addlHona, ta4utlfylng the a: aadj hand- I ;-.-, m .1. a \6 traneformlag comfortaMe bouae in:.. i '. Tb4 pi -I i.t it,- nf Aea D. irron, hathar ol one ol tta Crawford n ra. Mr- Barron'a death oecurred two yeara agu and Ita houae eannot until .)¦ m The bouae baa ¦.¦¦ ai isually proBperoaa this aaaaon. Tbe landtord, P. A. Cofran, tacame up early from Ibolr Ptortda boti i a' Sprtnp ami Biade t ¦¦ pei enl ol openlng ;- houaa La Juna, Kaarly two hundred gueata reg -teie.l during the month aml Av.;r-- dellghted wltb the appaaraaee .>.' the eountry in thc earlj lummar. July baa found tta bouae av-;i bjied takan lor August aud many tor t early faU. A raUroad pruj td tbB yaar being reattced. H Ibai o ean on thla road bara beea run waal fro_ Pabyan'a orer the B., <'. and M. road, oonnectlng al Wing Boad wtth the northern New- i. ilng bulll an '.- li ui der a aj. by whlch entral and Canadian Paclfle are eonneeted by Jolnli L'entral at Pabyaa'a to tta Bt. Johnaburj Bcotfa. A beautiful littte etatlon on this i. ed wlthin a ahort dial of tbla hotel. Tta redaloue of whleb ii la ronatructed B latone, Mo., Quari , iger of the road itatlnn a' Twln MouotaJn ll »u«e wlll be ilnl-h'-d m (urnlahed. Tl or.- B to be Breplaee t-uiit of ciani:<* in r_>-- rough. rreea and ot ihe vlcinlty ot the I itlon i plctumaque roeki are to reraaln ui.ihod, ¦>. t. li to tful ph.f reaorl for nl the hotel. Tbe atructure will eoal ai.nut aw.oou und be an addltlonal nrnamnnl to Ihe ph ,,,,.,'. at a ,. ii on the road aml II i* : '" ""d i!1 beptember and trsin- run early In October. rata ii, nn the aiimmer resorta ln the nels - bi pal ns - third annual Whlte M .- aeblng pai III 'aie- place al Maplewood r -j... -| he tvalcade v. .ii | . n of talh ho turnouta » .ii n preaenl al u nl hou ea ln thl" rart of the raounlalna. Oovernor Davtd B. Qoodeil av:ii aAvard tho prize*. Tirr LEOTOM or BOXOB AT SABATOOA. Baratoga, .v,i^-. .., (Speclal). ¦¦ Grand Councfl, American Legloa of Boaor, Btate of New-York, held Ixth regular blennlal .---io hera to-day, and wlll'.i" its labora untll to-morroa evenlng. Orand iibu ¦. of Breoklya, praaktea. me handred and fhlrty fire memb-rs were preeei t. repreaanttag 100 eounella. The Bnanoa oomnilttea leported:M T.era haa 1 en tta dua ezerclae of aeon ray in erery fJapartment "f lha order, and a,s a reaull wa nnift t-niiiy with a- teta aoiountlng to 9-.'-T'A Tu and with :..) Habfliuea wbatarer." BaTaral docamanta a.; pn lentod r latire to aaasndmonta to aupreme i-.iinrii laws, aml Iheae wara roforred io aupreme representatloea. Tho aeeratartoa' report gave the er of counclli .-if i .-. wlth a meml rahln o| 17.873, B___g ii for two yi n- ol 1.050. p.lghl eounella have been li tut< ilnce the lasi The gruiid eommander lu bla addreaa apoke ..i the erouth of the order and toade a namtar ol ls'i-oiiiinoudatlons. WAYIOMAL BB-TIirO or DB-lTSTf. Saratoga, Aug. .'. (Bpeelal)..Tta American Dental .lioii begaa r- twanty-nlntli annual meeting bara to-day, and aaiii remaln In Boaalon four days. Tho openlng aeaaloa «»- nalnly darotad to routtne bualneaa, tacludlng the presentlng of reporta by the treaaurer, tbe pabuaaBona eommlttee and the e i!v,- eammlttae. Aa addreaa waa naade by tta presl d.'ut, O It. imtl^r. of Cleveland, ObJo. Thia afteraoon ,,,s of tta aaa ilatloo met tor or Bloa. Ia tba g^t:eral aeaaloa this erealng were anbmltted bj the awtton on bbrotoo and .i'.o-opy. followed by liacuaa.oi of a hlghlj techal ral cbaraater. There are ab iu( 180 delegatoa iu at- toudaj..,o. ____^_ rTlffT' aOTD BOtrJTDa AI LBTTOX. Uaoa Mn-s., Aug, 8 (BpeeBd). iho moat m-eiy h;,ri- and lK»nd rbaaa of took plaea to- ,i,- ir aahs more Botable from the facl thal the ,,-tinu- Brttteb Mtoletar, tbe Uon. Benry -dwarda, took ,-lr, lt. II" ls B BBOBt WCOllent 84*808-4 and b_i oaa of tta l ral boaada lo oarertake tta h4na aftor t caaaa ol tan mflha oa tha roagb mada ta Lebanaa and baek orar a ataep moaatata. Be la an eKpe-v rtencod BhglB- tox-buatar. Tta harea aera M aa n, rl- v< 'l-a-una il a iv., and Mlaa Man Turaura. Yh\Tb-Sf^waa^rBneaaed hy a uvraa aambaa af the ^_. COWMJMBIOXBM TAXSBVB B-t*. .BB fr«a ¦;;;, sa rw?«4 r_ i.j, not goae out of hla .¦*>"" fkn negeet ol 1:, ,|_. braneh of his ,,,. if ¦ i.,'" '",,',,,,' onerTanner baa ind faat toi ' *unrd tayaad arobably. I BBffJBO WAWTB A Co'mTBPBBJIB TBBB10B. .'n'n.ThoAt:a,,ta..,s'in.i!:.i_ . %SU ^^m^Mat.'oM-e-1-g'. iiV^/mtenn'' ;,,, ;., o-li- ol so-'." :r",P"'H';'A- ..., ftmUl ar- noi 3__« ,1,. TI,e Co ..¦ |ta imll BrOI lilid thaf he .-^- osr kHSTAXK WATOBEi LBOTBBB, rr»m Th- I-. i nrj canr-Bi amv < bbjbtubytt. From Tta h 'aaaaa* . ian.1 , aad U..1U- .jjioCl 011 tlm miud ol ihe UeawiO". GLANCES HERE AND TiTERE. ,- O.eiir .- |a ,,.. .,' a on Mui b of lha t. faltbfu A young aal '¦. . aad tbe fri. ..- in .-. :«. I ,,|M. Alaa |hal oii" *o (air-tho j al x- hli Um o -al t ra a,-. a- 1'! '',|J -. ..,-... i, ,,¦ t, ,¦.:,. thaa a'.v.iv in he et xxh op ne and _,u,i 11ii n .xx ii tl.,- !,t ;.. fam'ty, al ilz, lato thc hank <,*,'lH. (aai aeeounta ihey were dotng alrely, thanl you, ln a i,...sii.|. whon ti.e aalea _.<< ax.ay tha eat w ;li jl y you knoxv. _ Mr. Jaaaaa ___ra not laag apo eaiied ettMBktn, r"\"r-nllv BBOUgh, to a queer rnl lake nf M8_B_aa. in maktng Mr. EUehaid Bwlvellee " u.ariv tho ktof wblla playlng plquet with tho MaiehleaeaB, pteaslon belongtng not to plquet aol n> aearta, Boaaa otha* trlflee of this aoii nlght ba a.i.iod by »" Btteottvs atudent of lha great BMBtar (pardoa lha hateary, gent_e_ae8|, if it aaaa arorth whlle. i,ir iiisranee. In BdWtB Drood he niakes m.i.h of the ].,.,',:- and thelr n..ts in fhe toxxe.s of I'-l-torham. meanlng dawa, no doubt, f.,r i-nuks bnlld ln Ireea. Then ln "Nleholaa Nlehleby** we have Mr. Squeera the boya oul ln mldurtnter to hoe the turntpa, _nd l' muat i.e o ,i feaaed thal one_ faltb In tbe per- feet accuraey at all Umea of DIctaBna. atraoi-lnaiy power ol obaervatlon is Juat a llttle ahaken hv lind- Ing him. ln one ,.f hli Itallan aketchea. report a tiwr- l .nierlran as u-inp lanpuawe .,f whleh ox- ,.- v-ii ,.,, (Or a lample. Eipectuate tadeeoi A liberal reward wlU be pald for tbe detoetlon ano n of any Amerlean who evat an, nugat, \'.i.-.|,| or ahould oaa - rpool took a very pietty advanta|aa of ber greal .owtb to i .a giaal aathora ol i bj namlng whob) dlatrieta aftor theai and Iheli woriui. Thaa it is a pleaaate in paaalag thteagh ihe new aeo- ii..a, to eoma upon -:-. Thaeberay-at., t'1 lc -.. aad ao ob, whlle out <>f theaa auln Um* laad unaQei itreeta oamed for the varioui woraa or eharaetera <.f tbaaa wrttera, aa Uulne i (iwendolen-at, Pendennla, NeWcome, Plckwlcfc Tbe n..'- nol P dllj ti-ual Uaell ,,: -,, the iii-t two promptli beeaine bj main Uwlnhi llln and uwlnhet sr. and ui luckll) tber« ,, ,.-,.! tu be a llttle " Be-eP at the bottom lei L.aotbal had to he f1 ' * ' laal .,[ Brotber Bttggtns; Plckwfck, pethapa. \f. t ,,vi<-¦_ Broadway. Chraad-at. arld Bloeckar, deeerted by the mewhanti and tha n .- rhaeta1 eleiha who tl n ng tl M raglon by da;, aud f.,f the thtoag of ...:¦ n ea" xi.-.-.i. a glven up to lha ehlldren tor a pUyground. Itallaaa, ai ,-,i all -maii .!_.¦-, ha,! eoBveitod oae baoek Into ,.. oiymplc eourae and weie ba.lng unllmlted (unaud toara ou ol i - rieeofdemon cbailot nw i, ln whleh the chariota were repreaented bj a, ap hoxes on the Unleal wbcels bnaglnabK IVrfectl) -..-" bul no n. apring i_hj a ntth-eve. on ¦' imallcit onea boa whaA with fca i ,;,.._,. ,,;i hrutber ahoutad 'Yah , reatoied barmony to tbe famlly. thaa two Adama Bxpiesa wagoaa eame al -pty, an.l "teok the atieet,1* ao to apeak, ¦:. ,:.,,! reraton ol tbeae Olympian revela B a prett] r-i.-.-. Indeed; the line toa..a over ihe itonea and tho wa| rattitng;. but all eailhly l-«OPta*«« h.';';¦* drawback. The wlnnei muat have telt hla taurela wllt a* the thoughi brouaht the hot auah b brow, ,-an't take hla nlgfa wheel, blaak It all, san..) company." _ BuiekaI A replsforvl laundiy-mark, afflxe.i or attacbed by youi owa "ahlrl tallor," of a atae, and. if upline-s. to content youi laandq And then, branda ott, gentleman. But \x,,uld the preaeni uiarlcei^-' of BT.1800.X Btand lt.? Wouldn't ti..- tradaa tuni oir, and tha abltt- taOora he diawa to, and tho buttonmakera, tha ioap bot.ia. the atareh factorie.;. nav. even a Ootoa aquednet baada, untll say 1<x>,<jih) were on one. pramt ,..,i -o vour legMtoNd marta muat eoau ofl :,,d v.ur purple and other tlannel " g> Bto 'he hamls of tho eattls brandera - h_ Oa- (ai .-; aa ,.f oldl Tet iupp we ;ry l a/atllBg*- lalaad, whOn _e Chaaoatlor is reported wra bed, i- Buppoaed by many to bave been tbe land lir-t ieen by Columbua on hla orlgtoal voyage of <il-- ,,,.,,-,. -i:,e bonor la, bbwwver. dtopatod by K',tn Salvador. Tha Paolflc Mall ateaaien between tlew- .nnd AaptawaU uaually dghl WaUlag'a When tbe UU nville waa burned, in '.-.- made foi tbe la d, and moal -.f tltam landad .ara ln -afoiy. Tbeie are bardly aaj tohaoltanta. OltlTI'ARY. OSI.BAL J08EPH I'lIU.IFOVirn. rrapue. Au_. B^.Oenoral PhQlpovieh, ttoeonqaaior of Boaala, dled in this elry lrist nlpht of apoplexy. FeMz*upmeisier Joseph PW Ipev-Bh, th - Oommaad- or-ln-t. hlof of the Au-tr!an toie. wh eh oot ap ed ,- ,i the Flerai --.-¦ laa and ir the taraaa al tha of BertlB la 1878, waa a naanher of a .mlly whleh long realded In Boaala, and whleh, before tha o waa conquered by tbe Turtta, belqnged to the old nobllity of rhe eountry. Ti.e father ol Ueneral ,\ifh wm a captain to oaa of tha old A raglmenta. Joaepb i".i povieh and hlayo r Francta, aoma tlme fommaadaal al Agram, were Homan Catbollea Jo_apb ecetved hla mllitary edneattoa at tba s.-1.i o Ploneeia at Tulta bortly after reeetvlag bla eommlaslon wai appolntod to tha ganeral atafl of Um armj ln 1848 aad be took part In tha eampaig. to Hangary, and lt 1850 i.e eommanded a bn -i af tba Btghtb I dlattng.ahlag himaelf parttcularij al th .-mi Martlao. Duriag tl i P of 1808 J Ipovlch, then a Uoutenaul 11 M Ma al ... taebed a- "adlatua," ar eonadentlal advlaer, ta llohensicjn. tb,- Comn audant ot tho 8. Auatrian AubI C_aja_ and (ouaht at the batth) ot Ko kgrata a id ta toa a »nau. tl tormulauon oi the war be ua- - nl to ln ,iiiin_ .i.uit of tho national dafonee of tbe >i He had ilnce held the p il . of Commandt' i lu Morawla, at Bruna, a .umuiaade. m hlet oi llohenila, at 1'iagae. 1HI. 0IB8OM A. DATTOR. Dr. Olbaon A. Daytoo 41 d ,. Moaday at hi* b-^n^ No. 109 D4 ix.ali.axe., :-¦ Ixn. a :.. s\f Ha waa bora la Dawego (tx aty, an.l W4 . at Boban Oolkie, Geaeva, n 1840. 4 laa hc begaa IU M M alco, N- N- lie roolt lu-en'-r ta poll ea, and 11 < leih of r Boaid of Oswei:,! x[v,.r fo yaan. uovaraoi Dla made blm ona of thi ,'[ tha Dtlea Inaaoe Aayl im, aad Ooi H -,, oolated bhn I aaal A :;"-- li,v »¦_ ''' , . ",-at. but never waa ..t.i Hxv.1 ln ln 1-,- ",, ,, . wl.low" I ' WlU ;i to-diy, and l 1 be at Mwtoo. n The dea'h of J. ' " ,1 ' *f!,rr day a- the Coti i,si. >'. .'- '¦"¦ trouble. Ila waa U .ul to t, flve yei and laavea a wll ave r '" VAV,y ,. n'x,,;^,::!, _by_UwkokB8Wl IBAIAH TM'ANY. Clifton IprtagB, N- -.. Aug, B.-laah_ TUTanx of the COmmUatonera whu la d oul the eity ol llroob lyn.dledel bh bome here on Krlda: 11 ,'... ' likl" .r-«d be#B .t matoi ta Ika Bevolul onan Army. a.. unrner, th« wHter of Ihe popular ,,,v..|. -q.rt.x-- and "Tha *lde, Wlde ^. ll - famfly Mr. Tlflaaj went to Wew Toik. real to ca. wbeie ha tou , itoeaa. ta whleh by tbe ,.r.f hhraa CoaaadaaloiiBia to h .0.'vt, ..-,.. Ulaco bba. ii ol H. . ««_¦ m 1800 and mn oved lo r'":,.,.'." *.¦>"¦.... i,n bla death. Th- '.y him. Ue laavea a aaa aad a ter. . ,.,|IN lliti'.lMa-iTMAM. Toaeka, Kea. Au* B-Joha Hlgg_bo«haa_, aa* , rell known la iv».*as. and ,t ii. baaka aod bu anwoitk, '-lav <*"':''" 8B4 Manhaltaa, 4M4 ">. ,1 ,x al bM Ux me berv. Uo wa* pieaident .,f i iay 18B88B J r.ank, whlrh nvemiv fi'ied. end had ra'aed a laraa f money b> bla boaaa ho.-e *nd otbar <o l. . \niMN.\|, WIMIAM MASKAlA. Bapi ladn.l \a lii iii. M-»ata dlei ta Bb aaa ban iu taaa\ and *¦_ B eardJaal in l-.-i. ile waa nob-d !.* hi4 ... :n A r. ? mtain wii.iiam DAT1DB0B. '. I" :" V... An.'. g ( ,p au W-ttaai l>avldJ v.-e.B'i oi tha C:vii Baa a l aa_rta BB.Baaj ol atuarl ..... a.el auiiilenly af < 1 11*0 iU of a.'Oplr.) t {is ¦-«.-. BBBAB.80 THI _B0O_A . pabatiaJ iteaa n Baady fToolc and lj Ho. :, route ara n.aking the ni between N a v/oi m ona hour, tlBM iv.r made betaeen tlieee 8, B< rth Blaar (foot '!'¦«."" - -... ii ,,. r,,.. i, :j :80, 4:18, fj:.'!(. p. ui. - ... ». m.. 1 p. m., a 4 888> '. Uoob with oxpreai traina for liighlaud ,i. Long i.r.u'b, Orove, Aabu Park, Polnl rtraaant. att a.mftay traina do boi run balow ;.< na Branab. Retarning, iteamera _nve in Bew-York at treu.t.ut lnt.'i-, Bo ottar mn'e offan aupertor attrortlor- to the on.--.iay t-M-m- i or the inmaier koni.4. Tbe Chf.Pfl BtrengD.aar U Dr. I>. Jayn-'a Tonla Vermtfuge, whleb .. m '-.s itii ariiiity of tho afomach, reatoraa .u aation and Imparti BUaaftk ar.\ vitur w aainits .uii eBihtraa a_ba. i*-i<nto 8aa_Baa are .; and. If wji.8 ba pr. s'-nt. lt Is the 83.8.81 and »af"st of rewed.4. by aii DraajBtta. i o A»U thr moltltadea who uae iiorry'o Trloopherouo wkj iii.y aaa it. Thay y>-in t»n y.u _»t iiw _-ir tu whieh u is Bpplied in A-r talla ou:. Baaal wlthera, but la aluaya luxurfant. >slo|i.(»»rr«t Ilerr I'urk and Onkluud. AU pa«ae.ntera |uiicha«|.iir flr»t-r|aea tieketa rla- tba R. £ u. tron Eaatern poloai t.. Ctaatnaail, Bt. .ra., llld l.'.r p.Iiita weat of .0 O .o Rlver, ara k.'n :i -oiii-..\.-i prlvtlaga ;,t I) "r I'-vrk or O-tk. \ anlea" or- the ¦..» Mii'-, .u.l «fte atop trraaB tn UM Kof joumay ual eoal tor t»rt. Timr i- I n.i wh"ii y.iii look for nrniiuii! ch»'.-ip<>r than aB ..... i l-iiiit A...X 14..av, n<. oth-ave. DIED. ciir.T\vonD-on Moadar, Aagaal B, Oaftaarlaa M. flgah I W .1, and d.iui;ht.'r of lha lato Roa \ UcCloilar., D. D Iiiii (I ur.-Ii, ,\ei--BrtiPHWiek, N. J., ,.u Thuraday, 8th ln-i.. -.t ;i 80 i i.. EUDY-At Plalnf 1. B. J.. Anguat 0. 1888, ioawa V. i \\, iii tha .">.¦11 ii! "f i. .'.7 Wi'.t Frunt-at., '.'. .... iv BOOO. : Baaa FltEEMAN Au .I :.. .BB, hbatra W*-l#. Natliaalcl i'. PreameB, ln tta 72d yoar lf., if.ii 1 oot funi'ril at tlu- I n.'ii, CI uo i, s ,,ni, ur:i:,v. OB Thuro- h in-t., upon :..: ...' Ita i'. L. anl W. ii. R traln le .. Ing %. n ¦; i 30 p. i... UI'. AV.-Un s,.ri.f$> V.,ln <i'rji.j li Dean o( th. _ptac«B. Theaoaajleal Sl.ll. 'll lli I-'u. . h.irrf,, ¦. and ~>2 l--(.. N .-'»c_T. Auguat 7. al taa _oi Ti ai Malcu ii itii i, at I.atoa, Pa., on BundB] eaaalBg, Auauat i. tneO, >l Tbo* a. Ti. and II '¦' i'.'utor II.i>. ;.«.- 1 10 B ill Bt I'.i'ii, Miim.. .ii.! ll in, Moat., Ii«i*t« pi.-i-o i-opy. I1.AVS On TueaOay, Auiraot 6 at Ballpert, l. 1.. Mary i-:., aa l 5 moat ter of PraaB B. aal l i ni prlvate, it .- a. Uaw. BILL.At Tonaklna Cova, Aue. g, BtaaeBl Riymood. i,,.\ ioa ¦¦'. .'. ii ii, aaad 7 ¦ k i\ . ' .- BBBBBaaaa, loo AV. .- " .!.¦ duik-luor of tho late Julito fleo. W. Illia oa K-nturky, ¦li. r of Mail Uf.In t.a ) M -'»". at tha li irt' iir.i -1 t-i atteur] hi-r fuii-v-ii oe Thuraday, >, at lo a, ii... from 888 T'a-t tl '!.! i.i. on laaaday, Aagaal 8, B-Baa a. ojrii, Ba aia 8.1 er" Invltct in utt^nd thc fun.-ral oor. \1cea --iii 'l'l.-.i--i iv, .An.-. i>. m., ai hla I.. real lODCO, No, |0 ai idlaon Sq re, 2 Wi '. .. i'i by at« aaeeef ramtiy. il ,r l'. .-l." (laamid i.r yf tiie lale batuu.-i \V. ai. I A'hirlolUJ CluvoUod I'un. r;ii realdenee. 2rt <;ardon Plaee, Broi itlrn. Wednea- .1 .\. Auiruat t. at i p. mi. i l''.s-On Tneaday Auauat 8, i hli is^Hem-a la Brooklyn, WUl'wu 1. Ph UIpa, ln Ita n.h yrar of hla age 1 ii 17- Bouth Klli.'tt Viacv. oa rrlday, Aticu-l o. :il 10 a. m. ; 'ir. it.; I to attend. Int^m: trrlngton, N. J. Alhioi. I adaa > >. iti, t\ nnd A. BB. -Bretbren: Ton are hereby lurm oed t». atteni the fumr. a^rvt/eo of M. av. i^ia.- pa 1'i-r Orand M .ter, a na-mber af thio, to be h- ln t:i« Derle Room, Maaoale 11.1, Thuro- djy moi'iiliiif, An^-us., tf, a' JOHN STF.WART V»»»er Rraod I ndwc V. nvA A. M. anl f*-tma. (irand Lodfi .1 t ri'ijueatod to it'-nl tho ruueral ibaeoulen f loaa. Phllllpa, i'i«8 Or Mastor, t/> ba held ln tho Inrie IV ..... .Mu-onlc HaU. ralna Ai; -ii-: 8, at l" ..'.lorli. JOITN A\* VROOMAJC, r.rand MaaVr. EDWARD M. i. EH-BR8 aaeraaaif. PLATT.Chrlatophar l'iait, aa Monday. Auiiii.t ft. ajod 81 Fi-ner?' Ill be held on AVf1ii'--lnv. Auriat 7. al i. m.. at Hia cimri-h if DU.lp!ea of Chrlot, A\-..,t 11 -."li ui.'. . :-¦ are Invtted to attend wirhout further ...;.--. TABER.At riiw'.inp, B. T. Monday, Aiijriiat 5. 1880, Ol Ix-rt I'. Tiili.'r. Puni ral at tta IlJiitiat Church, rawllnn. Thur'aloT at 8 p. ni. TTSON -At Moat4_tr, B. .' . Aue B, l^rp. Morcarot arldow .f tha HM* i'a\>l. AVIiiiim lyaou. ln tho -.1 -., ar of h'-r age. Funeral aen of Mr. Alir/o (. ra»rf..rt p. ..-,., ,,., Meatelalr, Thuradai v,ii li¦.» oi\ artTal nf troln leavtnf fool Barclay and ( l.riatopher ata. at 8:80 p. in. Jti I> _ ,in w. U. B. .¦.Uon. ;¦¦ i-.- omll BawBta van in M Ai'.ii Beary s Pan Da M.irk. er., An«_4 4. ,... Att. Veiooo. N Y. al h..rri.., 2 o'cloeh Weaneadajr. ¦¦.U.-1. WIRTH.Aujruat -I, Ttl.-hard Wlrih. acM (12 fova. funero! on late realdenee, 2 RiYorrlOW T«rraee. r.iv.-r ind '.st'i-st., it !l o. m. Succiil Xoticra. I ., 1«s?k. '.. BI.RATH'8 ROMB>MADB I'l'.i sKKVI I'. BKANDIKD, CANMU AN.I 8PIOBB iitl ITS AMI JKl.l.lKS. ..__ I'll-.K KBO CUKBAVT JKf.r.Y A HVtClAJJtY. Kv.'rviiimir "ii ir> in a_ooaod kepl naUl (411 Kor, r.'.i.-n..-.. *C Idr -- -'Iri BAltAIl > \i. ..I.KATH. i»J .kl)u, X. Y._ r,,»i Baaaa Noii.-f. Bld ba :- -id duily hy all h 88 ( IBBBBB may it,. ¦.¦!-. s i l not I s aeuuy aa- ii hy any partii-uiai atwoi . .-x.-^pt l.ii.,k-i.K Ol_ i-uin- aJdn.od hviug ahti. olaa ma'.i.s f..i tha waok .-uling Auiruat 10 wUl in aii ta*H», al (lo.s oCUeo . followa: sdai ai i" ao i. m foi . Ptraa. i-, i au Queeno.wn: ai m 80 -, ¦ f. r l.orop* s, a1..t. vi;. (_*ara mual i \! ... ai 10:80 a .. for B^tflii- il- .i via Autwt.-d (1#ttera n.u.t be al 1 p. p. 8_> OBaapaata l V'i a'an. ii«<r a. a\ BoJWpua .¦¦ft* ...1 Oaba a_.I ta dlrovted -.l .... .111 lUsDAV.At 12 m. frr Vene7npta, Cir...« ai. ,, ( |"<r * a. A'alencra for au |.'.rlr. BlBOl ln _r4«tl 1 "p«» VO'-na" tho S ... landa 41n '. pei a, a. t/1.a ida niiial i"- li r>>->-l i i-r F.'.a.^ aa % tur u..l T.>atf.i. vln Ni j .un... for u..l T.>au<i. vln Trinldad, por a a a V-At 4 p. rn. for Torto Rip j d ro. t. pet a. a j .. .NAUMtnAY.At 1 30 «. ni. for Fnii.-".. Sw trarlind, Italt bpain anl VotXugai, por a. . La l.,'Ug..e. yla ll ,\'r>; at V) a. BL f»r n.'r. An.---.« anl aouli 1-oelfli} t-i a. a. NHWp«;it. \iti a«,-.i wall ileaaera for Coata .ii 1. a nj. for 1 (ui Oayea, . i., 11 .(" a. oi. fcr li-ii./.d, poi a. iiettora for (i .i' KrttaJn and 1 ur ir»" .' OJitrlea mu*. at'lr'«*<-t p"r Borrla"): ,itr.aii.p_a Bremen il-f"ra for Ir^land mu»t bt d r»riod "poi at 11 ;80 a ii. f"f Bcotland dlrc t. f" r a .. rur- via Gla-sfiow llettc'-- n.u-' h- dim-trd "l«r nr- Ity Bf AtlaoM, i llav'ani ' ".'¦' <lrr B *.¦ i p -.. aet. boi a i Tuing- ,-r a .. V Oteri. fron v .i .,. m ' aa Baaa, ata umon, poi a s roA'.i.i. ftoi hfaa Oi cott, r««tn.*ter. B v * '' '_ poluicnl yptice. Kri-uhlirnii Knroltnrol. :B .. will me-( f..r th pu p ao o] al I.f ihe 6^ hotweea thi Vloi-fe p m 'v tha ..,' ,..,?...., ihe koara af 4 and 11 WJl v UAi.i.. .Noa. 12b aaf ii.a '-Va- . H VltV < Y jnlis It Nl'Ol NT, , Cmrulttao, Boui:r.i: a. OBXACXB, i

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1889-08-07 [p 7] · moa' 0818888 win. *mentitl.-d lo ofet weddlng ¦ni 1 io tb.-l-naeaa

Baaa-aalptiia-, even art* $m Puakaaa ol A aanan

.t the l.eail of the M48 imporliir.l. |W0VCd -

atadaariva thaa wa axnaetad. and I neltave thc

diamond net-BMB slirivflleii i'Ho B i BBI n I prn-

dam. and two of tne ihree liss weee aonaolMattedinto one; an.l. on the wliole. tl 1*088* elear that

moa' 0818888 win. *m entitl.-d lo ofet weddlng¦ni 1 io tb.- l-naeaa Loaiae pnferrod to * u-

the.r own, howeve. BBOdaat, rail.e. 08 oae

af a group at |M a or ..">. M HO. Hie

¦BBBlflir Bt LOBi F.fe'a own gat«a to W»bJ«left Mthlai to ba deeiied, yet even Urd nre

reooiled before ihai atagk Btring of pearli al ti.e

low price ot |180,001 w,. th a l*. la- -»yalleweller eame over fron 1'aris t,. propeee lo hun.

Lord nnd Lady Bothaehild. chriaobeiyl, oa

Oin^leae wiim-.vo. kargC as a half-do__, Bel lB

hrilliHiits. is said to l»e the tinoM sin^le _ein given.The enier.ii.i* ..'.'' diaaaowai whioh ihe Saaao mlamiiv olabbed togethe. far, n«»l the b»1 leaadiamond bracelet-.ienpoeed of st.-ne- whieh never

ooc-ui Ll -** daye-givea by Loru and LadyKo*el>crv, coine next.

No oaaapkaa bal has yet l.oen pabliahed, and

ttone in 98§ 8888, 888-1 be givaa hete, but then*

is bc- donbi "''oi.t 'he geaenal deeln t.. iiostow

(fferm-s aa th i fOBBg My. Befon bei engaae-ment to Lord flfe ahe araa Jewelkea, nnd Lord

Fifc has no family jcx>cl*, yet now they uv she

has more thal the l'i n, .-.> of Wales bemlf, wh-sj.oollcctijn is remarkable. The oapr.'ces of (BakiO-are endless. lt is one of them thal jewels aro

now more worn than evcr. Never were so manytiara-.s soen "*> thia year, i,r not for many years,and never on any one evenirii:, as at Lady Rot.»-childs ball last week. or at the Duehess of Weat-minater'6 ball on Mond.ty. Not in the __iM8 I l

aianner, however; not in the daytmie. Thensplcndors are for the evenn.t' rxe_B8lvely, nnd tho_\nnlishwon__n doea not ga ahopplng ia dtamonda,not even if a Duehess: petlin|_ lenst ol all if a

Duehess. So, for these iwo reusons and othersnot less good, tho .PliBCeaa Lonlae has now becomeihe owner of nn exiiaoiduary number of sets ofpieoious stones. Nor has she, nor has Lordl.fe, Iven ahUged to rebuke ihe <eul oi thoirt-iiun eis as tne Dake ol Port..d diil. It is s.u.loi tbe Duke o( 1'oitl.ind that he iau>ed 80BM <>fihe present* ti tlie Duehess to be reiurned to ou the ground that ilic.r aoquaintanee araa

too bhglit to ri.tit.e them to acc.-pt then gifts._____________________

G* W' b'


k VI.IT TO LOKD FIFE'S SIH-EJ. LODCK, MORT-l.AKE. The Pall Mall _a/.ettc.'Ihe saja Ihai ine ma-ster wa-s ah-ent

Bheen ahen 1 xxeni u.ixxn the oiher .Iay to mii iie ¦* j,;.,,.-, arhen ),¦. aud tln- Pitneeaa a,-- to ipeudIbetr noneyuioon, »«. Lha _hutter_ oo tha glaaa pane.sol il.t) troai door. n.- outaidi i* almple i"-'1 ""-

_.:t*, closed in among in__, tbe »«n* whlto.waahed with euough ..f wtaUier-Halnlng eo take thaii.-.xir-s ,,ii, .,; ,j o.t-i..,-,,'..i, »,.'i ixx aad eraepen1 fo..iiit iho ball pull u, aichlag among tlieivy, aa,i ln <l.' __urae had ;i" dooi unloci.d fwmi the

.¦ i>y a irlni houtemald. " liail 1 to- loidahlp'iantliiiriiy to i--.> .,\.-i tbe Jm,,s,>.'" Uavlng _*tl»ti«l )i i

oa loat si-oi.-. i followed bw up -.,m.> sii'_.s Into rla-hall. Vim iini-t I- cateful t.-.xx- \i,a atepon tiie t'l.'.r." >ai<! -no. Mti_ boatOa aie very .iippery." And ln truth ibey wctc, and iin< m.-s iiu.i au

al*n.ilnK tendencj io-Caneron, 1.^ lonlahlp'i valrl and plper, fli upontlieni lha othei daj', aud l bave illppra upon themmyselt" I'he i.uii ls a rieh dar8 apartmi-nl goingiL'tit front tho Iront ol Ihe houae io Ihe baok, whaiellipimpii tl.o Iroi'li .!-. "..-i.t t- a gllmpaa Ol ^v ox-

... l.-ixxi,. Tbe xx.i1.'.- and ceillng ar.- panelled.- ., carved eblmnej pleee, an elght-daj cloek,

,.....: .,' iuxx aaid l ia: l- vxnii a bluea-,,1 ior*. A laJI -, 'stii

\xin, Vanlt. .i" a ra, by l*.legrinl, l* lorae-thlna i«.' » re-- latlon oMhe detoiahve etleci,.i ti.,-. -.,,:.),. 'ii,-i. ,ii- ...i tbe walla,nn i, i pKMure ,..' iv i. and, on a la uo .-ly

,.,,:. .-. .i '.,. ii¦¦!*' portral ol Ihe e n, altli Her Majeaty'i.' I f..|l,,x,,.|

urtalnaInto ll -!'.. 'll* loraahlp aenarally dlnea

.-.ix u-.- i!, dlnlng roomv l, ii t la :--. ro panj." l paara\'.i. |bia lo Hag, xx th Japtpiese

i . Into tli" drewl.£.room, .¦A- a laa u bay-wlndotn look'ng oul to ti."iaxvn. a a -. door on th lefi toadlng doara aome

,-,it,...>-. i!.o drawlng-rooin l«l fi.< au che r u In Ita d"_o_8"lon, _- h drawlng-room

\-,-iv beaut ful ii ii-t-t eornlee an itty whlte narbto oblmney piis-.- i

:- n r >r ..x r. There I. Bore abundanoe ufbe rew you lurn, oa rai.ios an.l ln o.i«i

.- tboi aie ii,.xx i. In gl ----. llrn« va_.s. and.! ,-.x >r. all ovei t!.<- bomam. A v.-i-y

r' palm prows onl ,,f a huge blue aml whlio pot.,. i rtch Jap .ii---- pafu-rn. gtvtns v

.it: a piftty *i. mualln eurtalnaol h ilroi.ius. i v anl

-,. the rlgbt, found nix - -iflt a- a j lelun "¦.'¦

,.; ,. a ,.- .' ia\ in.- tl,. beaut e..,- H--;. >. hifct, ft. ti. « "¦ youns ia '.<¦- an aro

br ims am 1 gl t an n'ry.-, ;a ,.' chalra,

v ii ., ¦. « h. " 'i be li ni i- rn" va yi. xx hav only rooma

¦-. atl. an outn ent, on ta tt1 la a*n, a li x.-lol a mnch j.t-tt er eolor, lt

:.:. .1 of vxiil.-ii 1- a. . ;, -. iii..¦ ln tJ. aaln. And there

.: al ¦¦ and more louro bluei ,. - ere la a qualnt Japa-

i, .!: iu .. wl '-'.¦ loo] - a- If it wen nrnd for-i in, v. .'i v. eh f .-' a ra, aa Japaneaa

xxni a. It la o;.|x from tt. lav n, | full vlear of rl." length-¦.¦ fi-..,, tli fronl ». Ing very much

,,< ,, -. i. -,( tl e grounrla are s-ir-xx!, ci, la re y artfuOy h:d laa

: ¦¦ x ¦¦' alI iI, ,-.-, tli i man o' cnnalderabl'* wsto

itron i..-n for Jai a_>** ar'.

¦. v effeel a

,. ,. j. -T| ; >,, aia i.'x <i i. n .-n on th _n..¦., ,,,. ' | -,- iratlv point of «lew,

r ii. mall, per-ibi eomfortable, at.. n

-, xxh:,- to-day* .-v.-nt win provlda n wllk:OfS.


M!.«-. BAXXI80X LEATtXO DXBX*n- Far.. Md., Aag. <'¦ (Spaelal)..Mrs. Harrlaoa

lo-nlghl I*

'. *..*[...iri, i- iii \x'ri, t,.n]-4ii!ii f.-v-r. 'ih,- Baltlmore, iheprlvate ear haa beea put at tlie Piaaldaat_ *'..-

[ xxa*. aaal aa rn m 8 aahti gtoa foi Mr-. Barrlaoa..--.,. w. aeeoaapanled only by ber ma!.. i.ur ezpectadla ly- Jointvi ai Wa-1 Ingtoa by cdoael Joha M. NVIIson,aaa, at tka PreaMeBfa reqaeat, arUl p« with to

Raatuehet. Mra. ttarrtaoa ezpeeta to return on

i.iday. -hor. Mrs. _eutaaaal Pa.aar, Mr*. Lord'asr, xvin Birlva fiom BrameB. Mrs. rrimii-k,

ikef iiaugit-r, i- la Loadoa aad eanaal reachtu* rouiitrv ut i.i Augnal 80. The loaabota, thaikarity iair'ln whieh Mra. Uarriaon took ao actlve a, has Leon poatponed liom Auguat 10 t., Aujtust17, wl.on t),e Preaidenl ran be preai nt Judge Ma^atis,ttf (Inrlnna'. a Mrs. Haril60n to-day. Heaaa ou hla way to oi..o.

Z-T__fg OS AMKEBO'S THEATRE.Ther© ar* Baaa a^-regatlrip ff«0.0<iO ajcaln*t the

Ambcrg Theaii- yeapaity in Irvlng Plaaa. .lusrlreIriRraliam. In the su;,r.-rne Court, yeatenlay prantwlan orler for Mbatltatad serxire of the BBBIflBOBa upotiMrs. Hannah C. Crain. in a sult brouglit hy Oardner C.Uawkliis a(.-a!n_i Gusrav Atnl.eri., Mr-. Craln andoili*rs. to f,re.-:o-e a m«>.harilc*' lien on the property.The land on whleh tli'- *h.ari_ starids baloaga to Mrs.Craln, and all effiu.s to terve the pa|,.r. apon BOIpersonally have faii^i.

Mr. Aml.. rs ls ln r.urope, and trlll not return fortbre. or four woehi. Ilerman BrhoaahBlg, BM lapia*tentatlve. when aeen a* Iknaea '.anlr-n laal nlpht,.ald that. while he %x_. not lainiliar withbualneaa aftalrs. he had no douht that Mr. HawlUcn would ba pald on Mr. Aml.erc'a return to thisel'y. The Anibr-.c Theatre was bullt ahoal a y-n-ago, at a cost of 9130,000. of whleh sum all but themachiiiili.' 11.n has been pald.

YICTTXS OT THF " WBBJ BXT>m BAMAOBX.A dei'iiy sherliT n-niain.xl y. -.n-rday ln pos-.-.i,,n

af CLarles Hahr, alla-s " A. H. Wood's," B-fcaa atNo. tl7 BTeaS Twenrv-tiilrl-K.. Iii. hold on tha /.iitii-ture was a'reriKthened by an at.achnipnt for 01,800,whleb repr-_eiiied the amount gua lo DavM H., the i.iii.i.-t ..f "Tho VTaat Bad Crttle." Otherattaohni'-rila were lii.'nly aipaelad, paitleulatly aaaln favor of nil'ary l.oil. the artl-t. who begaat tbe same iin.*- as tha huafaaa* aaaaafM Horaee B'alL

heveial of the artoi en^a+tiil hy llahr for UieWeat End Theatre _tjn foollsli enoiipli to 888884 uponbbn, but the rna.oii'y se, 8184 0. I I .siUoi.s. AabSBftboae who are virtita- at-o BMa OerBton, >elina K^i-ter, and j. il Qltmour. The laat-named wlllblv flnd einploviiieiii ln ono of tbe Kauntleroy com-;a Aaro Kai.n liad noi yeaterday tak.-n anye'ejis to trot llahr ludleta- Mi Kahn aaM M was

walticg for the evld_nce of pereons now out of town.

GEORGIA BBOOMBB A COBX-SELLEB.lYom The AtLajita ( oi_*iliu_lon.

For the Brsi Ujbm alan laoi Oaoffla ha* earmada saoagh ...n. thia r/aar la aappl> ",l '""l' ttJiI''s.We bava anoagfa ,n. now n-aiiy i'.r tha gleaner in

jtir flelds |a ft-.-.i e-,.-rv n.a.'i and heast ln tb"and to ieave a aarplaa «.f a niillii.n ,.r bo buahela forkala- lt Us i.fM-n u lui.i.- and a BttOBg Bghl BOthia point, hui we ur.- hete a. last, and xxe ar, h- pato aUy

Tbu« «« brokbo one of the cbaina tbat Uiund ua iu

dapendaBOa ." tba BJaat, Baaa la Blod and Jur artU-1 ln our new d flaratl.f Indoii

aa f-, wa rememtar the roui tle .faaira tba] .»

f-Av yrar w< broujrhi n

a.-h ,-iii'tv. thus dralnlna our appra-rlafe the taportanee of thla new ravn lon.

Ueorajla ante - tl feet the IH ol c ¦"

aniont ihe Btateel M e haa bulll h hi alai Xi.av l.-i ns l-uild OUT kiiioki'-hoiis's | r-





It would ta d fli.-ult 80 itnagine a mueh prettler or

Brehar aaaaa Biaa thai at tbe Erle torry-bauao at

Chambare-st oa Manday eavatng, wtaa ovar na> ¦¦'"

iir.-ii i-ft the dty under tbe aaapfcaa of The TrlbunePraab-Alr raaa. Thay were d rldaa lato three nain

banda daatlned for PrankUaTllki, LyadoB aad Uttle

K.-.iis. x. v. Tha Bar. J. B. Lee baa ebarfa of the

ln Franbl BYflle, and Ihe Rev. J. '- rhom^' ¦"

rsoliclied the Inviiathuis for tha LjradOB party. rbora

are ...tainly .,..¦.¦ hoapltable paopta in be worM th.- tababltaata of Uttie VaUoy. This ia tho

third pvty of poor Kew-Yorb cblldraa wboait tbejhavo entertaiiiMi this aummer. Tba Baa. u. -

Guorny la ebalrmaa af tbe Uttle Falla CeaiatlttaaOn ti,e aama avoalag thrae aaadateed parttoa lafl

th.- Qraad Cantral BtatJoa tor tbe tolkrwlBg towna ...

Varmoat: Falrtax, rTetetar, tawer Catal and

Beld. roBtordayal i.a. ea. a laraa party atart,

rartomttow-atoPraaaltoCa-aty.Paaux IWa ratfonreceivod the largaal part, aa< <"« *****.* credlt of tho arark bt rreaBBa « wnty bi dae u,

,. f. a,,d l,A.Or,of (.,...-"---. aaI-o havo ,¦,!.;ti,n BoUeBatlona throagh the eaboaaa "' tlu n daily

,,aper. -Tbe Yalley BplrB," Tta .Bf aam08 of

M:,'K3y-H-'^r^,«,u,-ro,ins>nVrMiii.i, .."-n Wblppto. Mra. WflMam Graea^Mra.

«¦ Doard Bra. Wallaea Bffl. Mra. Baal aaaltb, Mra.

Ai^::r:z^r^.«. «**. ^***»J-,.! _. L88 a-ort. Mra. P. FBrd Mra, II

J p , Mr, M. BmebeMer. Mr.. BBa- Bmltb .'-";( rn"i AfldisOn i^aini. J. >

...V, ,.m Barr. ¦» Ij C. FBtaT ItjO. IV- £McAlltotar Mra. «faldo. Mra. <¦. OouM. Mra. ataj

Gamey. Mra, WUUam Id aaa, Mra, ATarJB, Mrs. Aanta

Jackaon, Mra. Joaepl Laaca.F-trfai vt. C A. Baalth, Oaoraa Baat. Bn-th \.

.,......; ,.' Bunt, John Boward, Bopktoa Safford,pLnitaa' au'lea P. *\ ahapardaon, Owaa Baiap, JoaophSiSrl N. i. «¦ - .M^m Ch-le.

Bruab. K.,ii BrnBh. Jnaoa Jaeaaon, bra Butlar.,.....,.,, vi. Mr. EUtott, s. ii. Caraaatar. h K.

Montagaa, A. Uunb, * «-* _¦ B- 1Yoni:'1' ^ .l

i,. ,,..,, Mary Uoopor, Aaaa FU-tngtO-.iMid-.n B. V.-.M-. r-U0tt Joba t'artor, B. W.

ne'.iiai. I n. C44e, ii. P. MorgavB, vniiaiu pratt,Hanrv PaiwaU, Franh Ltnglntolter, Danlal Ayra»,I'mlline K_o>r G< 0">. hartoa Molntyre,^Melntrre M. V. Hau :,. M. ool. j, lYanh CraakBr,iieKe L ¦ilii.n.i.M.M. John Uttle. WlUlan Uttlo,

LiJie \Aiii;a'o Cheaney. Jamaa rlcott. OeorgeJ-'.' ir,s wii-Hi.i GUl, Maggle Cuxrla, Annje Klng,

o*. Maigery Campbell, ceoraa Lawlaaoa,ir OwSilVHugh l.rea.len. k. tlala, wr^McB,ir-lik'i.¦'.. tbarlea Wboeler. uaorge_W. Boax

m_i_Vb_bs K. *.- K- u- Ettaonds, B. Bweetl4nd,v '-'i: v aae Mrs. Jennle Antlsdell, Mra, Barai.n Drea^i '.';-- .'. -NI Blemlder, Mra. Truman Bla."h -- Va-iie.-. Mrt. Uanlola, Mra. J. B-Mabor,a

' ,'ii.v Mr. WUl Hall. Mra. B. Foote, Mra.OraJSaar Mra. Ooorge McKay, Mrs. cyrua ^Tto, Mra.p Bo-foad, Mra. Bavaoa, F. tsheimau, _i- John

Delp,' -Mrs. llurn-ll.

gPBKEB WOTBM TROM SAR4TOGA.doaa, Ang. 8 (f*paelal).-Judg8 Joha K. TTrrrr*

ton, ehaJnaan of the ezecnBre oomaiittee of Iba Ke-

publlcan Battoaal Uaagao, arrlTad bara lant nlght.Thr .ommlftr." v :1I assamblB In B-ratOga on Augustm, when a <.-a;- arttl be uanad lor a Nationai Ooare_-

Hop<; were enjoyed at. the Clarandon and ColnmbU

bo.'la yo88aday atraaitog,Posta4aaBM3e_sral John Wanamalrer and family

.. i alted Btatea BotaLil,,. ooneerta in Confraaa spring Fark, at the Ken-

alagton Hotel, and at tta I'uUiam Muale B_Q, yeste^day eAetiing wet4 W4_ atts-ndi'd.

a. J. Jobnaoa, af Braakly-, la hoiding a eeriee

of rellalOBa mtetlngs ln the Qrand Army Hall.Tta Baa. W. F. Feleh, Of Iloiidvllle. Vt., rondlot-d

tl, xatlonal Unlon Prayer me-tlng tbla morning.W. J. ArbaU, of "The Judgo" Publ.siiitig Company,

ls a. hlevlng turf notoDcl.v. B. ». Petiet. tho own.-r

of Prtneaaa Howling, has named a promUIng coltu Jndge Araa_," in honor of Mr. ArtalL

In regard tn tho qnesBan of gambBng, the Minl*-\ BoelaUon has idopted a raaolntwn urglng

a.i tbe moral and Chrlatlan peopie of thla town u> doaii la ttielr i.oavoi ao entoroe tta law an«i wlpe outthla nefartoui buaineas, aml wc aaraby pkadga our

¦.'. if ot.nis.n I kn^w that the DeBJOOiattC 6tat-> COB>mlttee wasnl gpbig to meet here to.iay-the lneeting

been rallnl but, you si-o, I ha.1 two or thieodaya ob ma banda, aml I tnought I would flll tlu m in

Thla is aboat the a_a and oomplezlon ol tbeexplanatlon ol the rontiagenl who rnsiied int<. Baraton post haste i.lcht to mivi with tho oommlttee.M.iii^ of tln*m retnforoe their l-priia.ks wlth: " aa hy,I alwayi take a run up to Sai-atoga about Ui1» date.what Uo you oUioi


MEEri.vr, 0V nOIOQBATBBBM TX BOSTOX.Boatoi Aug, ii. Tta laoth anaaal conventlon «t the

Photograpbera1 AaaocBtttofl of Aaaetira waa opeaaed *lamorning ln n.o Machanical i air Hulidlng. About 400

photograp-ara ara preaent PraaMenl 11. McMlchael,of Itulfalo, (x'cupicl. the cbair and among those who

ns ob Bte I'latform were Mayor llart, 8

j o_ dtj --I Booton, aml tta foUowing olllreri

and BBamberB: Phal Vlea-Pro4klant Ooorge H. iii.-t-

ond VaaoPraaalaal J. M. Appleton, Bacretary(i. p, Boott, Ttaaannir .;. M. Car_aba, the ranarableM.rnhai.i Bogaadua, ihe flrsi preafctoal of tbe orlg-iajsocletA John Coibutt, ol 1' the flral manu, make dn platea ln tbla oountry; J. i i^'t-i, oli i.-vr- ind, Ohto, i-x preildent of ihe aaaocladon \s. F,irvinc tdamo, of PMi.A-liie .-. Adama, S. \ '.¦ ramer,of Bt Lnula Prealdenl Stanton, of th'- CanadianPbotographers1 Aaaoolatlon, aud W. B. Bahy. of C'od-iiian tv .... ot Bosi .n lt was deeided U> hoid fhei.'ext conTontloa at Detroit


Phlladelpbla, Ang «..Senator M. S. Quay started

to-day fiom tbta dty on an oxtanded trlp on thr-

steani yaiht Manatee. Ho took with hlm a- |-MtaBtata Seiiator .1. Btoal Fap^ett. of X.-Av-YorU ColoaelA. I-. Congar, of ohio; WU-aa 0. Oaodloo, of Kaatucky and AaBataal Poa_Baat«r43aB_ral Clarkaon,all memtara of the Ber^brVan xatu.nai bi tbe IntenBoB of ibe party to c^ along the\tlant.i- coaal aa far ooTti _ Bar Barbor,a- li.iitlr .'l.v. Capa May and other potatB,ttapragia-imaaf tho traj wlU depend entirely uponthe wea~ei.___^_


Ti.e aavaaaaaa-year toeaata have appaarad ha ea

tral I'ark. BtaOllera In that pleasure ground |

day who were near the enuapa of oak traea eouldreadllv .llstttignlsh 14411 Bbttll BOtB BUlg ng " Pbaraoh,»taTcordancewlth the auperatlUon lhal thay are ItadireVd.-M-.-.d-.ts of tbe toeaata that piagued the

Fgyptlan monarcb.--^-.

AM AXVTDABOB, OF BVTTER IX VEW-TOEY.CommUaloa bbbb, exportara aad deaUra la batler aro

..t Hiirri.-d ..ver an BUagad ln,p-i.1iiik' "bnalt" la the but-

ter B-rtot uf thia elty, 8a.aa owei oakad B_n.Tl..!.' ia noltiiiiK to break," aal-1 JObfl B Martln, of

No. iwi OliBMbawn aaa af ti.e toraaM hKnd.era af tatterln the city. "It 1» » fjict Uia't the BUOpty of bnfei jmh

now la very great. bai the nimk.-i wlll rlght lts-lf . ea.

Tta raaaty li 88 B4i <¦ bi gi44t4i aad Bha palea 88 pat eaei

laaa _ aaaaeaaaace. Bat Iba >sw" demond far io«-r

i;r»ae« la .'X.'<i,ent. nb.ul TM.OM BSBBala h"UiK ablppedfrnm hera arary W84a, agalaat a_eaat aethtag « yo«r ago.Tta naBHBtinl in Tba Tnaaa tbla Baatalag that, a great

doal of odulurated battaf UI belng enported 1* all b-.ah.

Tba t.utfr aurplua wlll van -I. "

.Tbera i- a aaaf araaad bu the finr-r gral"i of buttar

aml the lower 1^*448." BB- laha BaBh, Bf N". MChantaK-at '"i»" laaaaaa is aantarl hera an.i Baara B ..

atroag axport dem_.i, aaaaelaBy Baal B-flaad «"d Bar-

n-iiv, for knrar gradea at io. ii mii l- Beata. By folaaI || is a-Ttag oat a from

ti.i m Beaatrti¦¦-." ,m _^.

Ti.i-re ara B4W Bbarad la tbla elty aboat i:ifoo,ooor battea an i taa prodaet '1 f- ""

Ita pialrta Btataa, «.. UM rm- af 1.000,0 poaa U a i ¦..

ut thia a^pply aaly atoai aaaaa- a week aio

eoD'uinod ln thii elty and Beicbborbead.)i >. ur HAD r»_1 BLLBD,

i roui Tba DatroB Praa Praas.A roung man wu.'i a gr. ii' doal Of .' a-n1' a *".all

aniijiii ol tfi|".i i. cbbso lato 'ii- Thlrd-el depoion a iral'i tl,.- other .la-.. and aiilK'nu- througbhox-tsian.i. aa aald to tiie drrrar of a reh

I waiit to go to tdo \AaAiio iloi.l.""Yes, .-Ir.''"

..». unliiianee glvei, you tlftv rent-."-1 doea.'" ii'-n-'a \onr oioney, pve travelb a bla, I havo.

at.d 1 know Ailia*'s what. Don'i tr\ anv gum -

on in.-."" Ba air gal r ghl ba."

'.r anterad tl e baok, tta drl' Br rlrort. tos* tta strei aad i;.tt doun and op ned Uie don,and as tbe atranaer iaw how ta hai feoted blmoelf

-i a lat aa ebala und nai" l . |'V4 tl»v '11 ¦I,

I have, but 1 icueia I waa ou thc BTOB. traui."



__1 BIOHT TO __0__C_ BF..VF,nAt_ 10.1* 0_ *

| -M-

rolaa BAitor ..' Tk* TrtBun* ,\ deelalon of |

' ''

has ha

l.y Iii-whleh l-

iiv i--.x-i'.i,;o McM iho wa refen d lo tommtBali ner bj Oo

41.1 deelalon, andunder ti.r lattei nfti.-er, a 1 ¦.

1 Oltiin-ss.,iit-t IU. WklOb n"|lll:e,| Hf

taho out three so|eintr* i.ateuM. paylng ' ;'"

ernmsal feet fbr hla proeeaa, hla maehlae by x"".e-- wa- apeiatad, an.l his pgud*ael ar arctola wMeb am prodaoed, lB4tead ot

piotaetlag aU thi. In oaa paaaaH fai oaa la ¦¦- "'

been lha well rdgh aalfona pi-oreduro under his piedaeeaeots, in offlce.

ln tha praaeal .ase of _i Parta McMahon. theii (.(.tiiiitis.-ionor daeMai baal an apptleant ia

cntitlisi to have Ela BUMhtae, hi- BTOBBBI a'i.1 hi- BtO-

duct Bfotectad la a sinplo patent, unlo-s they are ao

entlrely .!i tin.-t a- t«, eoaatltute ebaolatelf aeparata¦and tadapaaaeat toventtoaa a eaadlttoo whleb praa-tleaUj ti-.ii Nxiii ari-e when a aiaehtna aa4 a pn-

nre baaa Inveote. lo work logatbei to * ataglaaad, a ibe production ol aoma ai_>le of ¦anuaaeture.

For many year- there was no que-t..,n of tl.o rlpliti.f an inventor te aomblaa in ana patanl ala._ niu* m.i ihlaa, proefeaa an.l pradaet, at any txv.. <.f tbaaa.Koi waa than any aoabt of th- valldlly "f a patanlf..r tlie-o severai l-elato.l Invaotlona, The 8-8*1.4Wn elearly statod in 1-4.0, |a Wyolii vs. htirtie. wkeathe eourt ilooided the Jr.indcr of .everal relaUd in-ventiotis to he valld. and sald that ln onlor ro rcmi'-r¦aparata pataata i..anury, "tha Invantleai anal baWbolly 18848888881 Ol aaeh othor and di-t:not lnvou-lioti-, ai ona i-.. -rla eottoa an.l aaothet lo wi

papar.* Tba Bupreane onH reiri-rnted and leaflnnedtt,,- doetrlne oi 1 L* ea in Baaereoo va Bogg (184-1,aad fi-o.ii t,,.-ii ;iii now tiie <-.,uit. bava piactlcaHjanlfoimly beld the lame vlew. The aame broad1 ..iioy In the main er .itrolle.l rhe Conimlaatf.6TI a

tha grant.g "f pataata, thouph there arara oaeaaloal,i ,-i on that tha ptaatlea oi tha Patent Ddtoa.houlii be ehanged, aad aapaiata pan-uti, i.e Inaiatadon iu tha aaaaa Indloated.

Thua atood mattata ulir-n the eaaa Ex-l'arte I'.lyiheOHino before OoBBBUaalOtMI laittenvortb In 1884, Ia

i-e lha aanadaakmei heid that a aiaehtne, i

protOaa an. a pmdurt weir eoaatttatad hy lhavtaed fttatutei dlat ¦-. of b-veatlaaa, whlebwera bKB] a!,lo of l-elnp unlted in a <-i:,i.-le valld patent.nut thi. v;exx- of tha law wa. ein-e-i fron Patentoi'li* peeeedeBta «,f praatles aooa arier it araa ilatedln Bx*___ta Young, deeided ln Dacember, 1885, Coa_-mlaalonai MontgaMnery rejeeted the vlew of the lawlakea hy Oommlsaloaar Bulterworth, and h*ld that ihe

atatartea do ti,«t fi, a Jolnder . b prooeai aad a

lii-elilne In 0M i.-itent; thal .t " uriHary l_*veaUon eoa lata ol a proeeaa Bad a produetoidtnarly aho-M he |aetude4 in one pau.ii'''; aa.!.

generally, iliat " when two or mnr. Inv.-ntiaaa ara

_ -"i.-.l or auxlllary or ln Iholr natora Ot ..peralluiironnerted topethrr, they may ho inriuded in ono

pa'rt.t.''We now reach the Iradlnp opinion of Commls«!onrr

Hall, IB F.x I'arte Ilnrr. ln OetOber, 1087, wh.-n-lnhe ettempted to reeatabllah the praetlee <irsiro.l byCommlaalonei Rutterworth, bul on dlfferenl giouad-

laalonei Hall wa-, obllged to admlt thenao itatutory grouud for pronounelng a patent eon-tainiiip a marhiuo and a proeeaa InvatM. Bul he beldrhar Cr.npross had Invaated tha ommleakmer -¦'"

prr(lt ,-¦ . powera ln the grantlag ot

boldtng ol patenta, Includlng the decldlng wlone patent mlpht or niithi nol Inelude a maehlnaand a proo.s-. be aln.e.l lo eatabllah aa a

pteee.ia! of praorieo in rhe offlce rhar no parenreoukl i.. no (with rare exeeptlonal eontalnlng m '

one lnstrumeiit elalma for * machlne, a piecaaa ami

» prr*luet, or any two of tl.em.Ti... prarri, »1 re. tilt was that an Inventor a M

rrfteri oidiped to pay two ,,. Ihiae feea wheie onenir-d before. Moreovor, b lerloua oaager io

tho valMfy of one of the -eparate patenti leaued nn

raeh dlvlded appUoatlona haa been dj-v.-lopwl fV

experieace. Ihouah lt eaeapad »a.^_f* (',n;plaalonr Hall- ihe danp-r tha. the patent(oi- hlpheri numl.ered mfty be .lorlat-ed vnld blei'urie heeausr whea eoBipared wtth the other oxx-.r

nunil.ered patent pranted ro the aame .rplh'ant.the ia»er MUnt mav nol ahow dllTeraneea sufflrlento' fl.i.tait. pa'eniabnity. Wow oomo. thc aaaa nf

FT-Pano MrMahon Jn^' deeided hy A«Mnn» o

niis-..ner Flah ln whleh. aa I havo .nted.Intentlrm of rommlaB-OB- Mltrhell aeoms to be evh ent,to near frr.-i tha praottee of tho eflee the ntIng.r 6r-a_l_-oner Hall. aad raatna, *h" hTietal pallrywhleh prevafled frrnn the earlleat days of our paiontvs'om ('own to l-c4.m eonelualon I would a<M that tha val'dltv of

a patent for a maohlr»« and .i peoeo.s Rabed tn Ihe fulleat maniw by ''.


rv.-irt apeakhiB bv the late Chief Juittee WalteKl rvrtly hefore hls death. In the Rell T*'enhonel-eU's pate.,1 wai auttalne. ln ti.e fulle.r manne-

In one of tha rno-t far-rea^hlna na'.-nt n>rt.'nns nvar

Bl-en hv the roui-t ,.s val'd r.ot_i for a maehlne anTh"»o lw_ e]n«**-< r.f Invrntlrms w-re,

^.»> ¦*« l" a s,np,° S^watteb imowir.N'o. ni >,' K*w Ynrlt, July 12, 1«*50.



Tn the I.ilitor of The Tribuna,f-ir: ft worl'V. fitr to rommemorat/x th«

.00th annlver-aty of ths dlseoverv of Amertea U ro

be beM ln 100_ la avManfly » forwmne eaaetoalon.But where.Of.l !? br beMI I' I- evldeni that a Im--

piot of g_e_n4 wiii be n-quired for .tu-h au estpoaltlon,to whleb alM tktj and unllrnlted kresi. ruu-t i,» had.Tbeie8ora^ the WlWai WOUM angpoat as the rentral

Bvallable toeatioa aid one mo<t eoarvealeal ofthe .11-iriet around I*ort Morrls on I~ng laland Bound,f..r tha followlng reeeeBBi

1. Thoro ls auflloiont unoreui.|e.| land. level andsui'a'.io for tho piirpo*-f' al Ihh pl-u-e.

-,-.. le-end dafly tkm ot Beaad.ataataan eanMcaslly land aud reo. ive paesaniyr- ar rhe piwhieh Ile along ihe

::. Barop. tn itoaaie-a eatorltip rho port, of Kaw-Vr.ik by tbe Long laland Bo_nd ronie as they in the near fanra .a_d la Uh" BMaaaar laad paaaengea at tl e axp ada,

4. Tha Sea Torl Central Ha'ln,a<l a-id tha N,,,TYoik, New*_avea an.l lla'ifonl Railroad nhevt-iv bava

.-. ,¦ a. this The I'eiiii«viv:i- ia Balll-ed,.i.-i..-y leitiai. BaTtlmore Bad Oblo, a:ni atbe roaoaromlnc from ttw w«.t, oould;>-..; their t_*-e'i-

i. ,,x up ti.e Easl Blve. dlraetl) to the gr u da.,,1-n eoald bava a railway »f Ita own to

aa Bwpoatte i>,.mr, arheaea a awty w..i!,i eonneet wlal'.rt Moiria.


0. 'l I.,- rlty of Nexx-Yorh, to a man. woman ar.arhiid. ai the country comlna, eouW atep upon the,.i,-x.a tralna and he ln time for the. early oji-nitig

i falr. ,,

7. Paaaengci teai ara romlnp down the Ilud pioould i 'i.:" igh 'l- Ha leoi,.-,. be rompl te. by Dee mbei 31, 1801, l d thenthiv.i.. the Harlem _UVa, whieh ran !¦.. io- i :¦

navlgable ly March 1. 1802, nnd so io fnrt Mprrla onmd. CHARIiK- bTOL'ollTuN.

Bew-Torfe, Aug. :i, 1080.

Hnw TO TBKAT T_AXU-D NT' the t.dttor of The Tribunc.

lt Tialnad nur*e_ have rom. Ui Hav, a-'.d ean

lake ,-aie of tkemaelrea How to ". j' '.''*" '" "':r

nunillaa N the tmportant matter for u*. i laka -'

laaue with yoni eoira pondeat, "O. 87. ¦.,¦ irom Kew-Havan, when ba oi aha aaya: " it is o' Uttlequenee whetbai tkey roaae to the tabla wltt u- ai aotI ilr-etn lt ..f the utn.osi ron_e.ju.-nee V> u- U.81 thay¦¦!..-ni'i. They ara Ibe e-nnis af Bioal of the .'.Iti Whleb they BI8 einpioyol, aad 80 088 run auifer

-,,-iatiiip with them. Th-ir OCeupaMOU 1- »

trylag one, and the Ume apenl at bieakfaat, laaeh andwith tho famlly li mueh ni.,r.- of a re a

;, than the la aolltade wouM,-. we have bad a hmtaad aurae, a praduaie ol theNew-Uaven Bchool, wbi .¦. i we hav,- needed b

Qina yeaia. Membera ol niy famllyxx(ti, ber; -he vlatla m oe< .- onally. wi a

alwaya have l.ei addreaa ] i'< u "-" "

where \x.- havo been Bbla i>> glve a reeommenaatton,aad i M'ii Baaore aai one thal thia m-thod ol trea';ment nol onli la rlpht, bul payi weli 'r,;'",'nuraea du not go beggtng for employmant, aud it i*

.. f.| an employer _ have a good raputationti,, .| Tha i,.i -.. l a lude t.. ta now tbe gaeai

of n fonnei patlanl at ...«»»v-

i V.,i-K. Aug. '-. 1800. CHABLMB-JtAKT.?

A QU-8TI01I IN PROKUKClATIOlf.To the hili tor of Tha Trikune.

Btr: |, ih. letter "o" la the word "aoag" earraetlj

pronoanced whan h ha. tbe aound <.f ".'', ta *a wbi4

"ore," .,i i.earix ao, a- dlatlafajahad from tha boub4..f -.,"

.i.ily -J!., 1880.aound I* thahof the abo/t, o, aa

,11 -,.!.-. -I.-I_.. thi paoti n tkaix.»

Io tht Kit ita' of l ht Tribune.Bil! tl V,.iir aj.-x.ei- t.> Trainiiian'-. " Queatton _

ln to d .. Ha- lha faataal mrular tniln ln

the t'nit.-d Btatea raaa hwm leiaay i'r ". a-lladai.n-_ a-aalea, oi torty-etghl aatlaa p*-- hour ta,

| ,:,.,!,. hi, ii.ivfx-r'.',,.-,.. (9.1 Tha lul. m. i- andOblo batwwaa tbta alty aod Bain

orat apeed ol W.U mltoa per bour.Waahlngtun, Julj tf«. '- s "

ii. Tha li.'.ii..' underataBda by "tba taa-ai

taruiu" the U-U \AAnl make- tlie Uat uu_ iot a

aTlraa | ,,r tbal to ran

diatam.f forl n_t Tha.- Trlbune

¦ .,i

.1 FAMOl nr.T.


.1 '. li.'i

.-. from Ai-w f..r

mlnui rtore eflin tl..-

As ,-i reaorl foid '-. ta n: .ii .] a. uredly th- etn og

breetea wh'rh a\\. ¦. n thi ebanee for realbaaa auffietoai itrength to ward off thi* August foe,Amoi | iy ..,-t from \\ aad who ara barait '¦ BOBM Blthta B fca dav- 884 P. 87. DOTOO, ofBew-Torb; Dr. Baaaael Loekwood, ..f Praebold, B. .'.,prealdaal of the BaHanal Hay Perer Aaaoouatkm; Dr.-V. <'. Huste.1. of Tarrytown, and e^-> ongrassmaa VanVoorbla, of Boetaster. Other pn m»I or praspaetlragmMta ara M. i. Bj al "f th" <"

and Borthwestarn Ballroad, aitti hla nleeea; T. 0. Bc-Laary, of Cbleago; John K. Adilaaee, of Poaghkaep-bb>; the iion. k. Q, Bnrnhaai aad wif.- and Dr. J. TaaK.vrk and \wt\ of Waterbury, Conn.; B_w_ Uaraand finiih. of i'1-..v.ilenoe, and Jataaa k-aeaaa, nfPhOadalphla, pabBabar of '.(Joldon Davs-' and ..'Bat-urday fflgkt.*

A rnnior |s eurrent that a New-Yorlc sti.eft romrnryavIU aurehaea tta Twln Mountata Honae and -"'.-

roundlngs, aad before anotbar year n»ukr> exlattraetti B« h:>'| addlHona, ta4utlfylng the a: aadj hand-

I ;-.-, m .1. a \6 traneformlag

comfortaMe bouae in:.. i '. Tb4 pi-I i.t it,- nf Aea D. irron, hathar ol

one ol tta Crawford n ra. Mr- Barron'adeath oecurred two yeara agu and Ita houae eannot

until .)¦ m

The bouae baa ¦.¦¦ ai isually proBperoaa this

aaaaon. Tbe landtord, P. A. Cofran, tacameup early from Ibolr Ptortda boti i a' Sprtnpami Biade t ¦¦ pei enl ol openlng ;- houaa LaJuna, Kaarly two hundred gueata reg -teie.l duringthe month aml Av.;r-- dellghted wltb the appaaraaee .>.'

the eountry in thc earlj lummar. July baa found ttabouae av-;i bjied takan lor Augustaud many tor t early faU.A raUroad pruj tdtbB yaar

being reattced. H Ibai o ean on thla road bara beearun waal fro_ Pabyan'a orer the B., <'. and M. road,oonnectlng al Wing Boad wtth the northern New-

i. ilng bulllan '.- li ui der a aj. by whlch entraland Canadian Paclfle are eonneeted by JolnliL'entral at Pabyaa'a to tta Bt. Johnaburj

Bcotfa. A beautiful littte etatlon onthis i. ed wlthin a ahort dialof tbla hotel. Tta redaloue of whleb ii la ronatructed

B latone, Mo., Quari, iger of the road

itatlnn a' Twln MouotaJn ll »u«e wlll be ilnl-h'-d m

(urnlahed. Tl or.- B to beBreplaee t-uiit of ciani:<* in r_>-- rough. rreea

andot ihe vlcinlty ot the I itlon iplctumaque roeki are to reraaln ui.ihod, ¦>.

t. lito tful ph.f reaorl fornl the hotel. Tbe atructure will eoal ai.nut aw.oouund be an addltlonal nrnamnnl to Ihe ph

,,,,.,'. at a ,. ii onthe road aml II i* : '" ""d i!1

beptember and trsin- run early In October.rata ii, nn the aiimmer resorta ln the nels- bi pal ns - third annual Whlte M

.- aeblng pai III 'aie- place al Maplewoodr -j... -| he <¦ tvalcade

v. .ii | . n of talh ho turnouta » .iin preaenl al u nl hou ea ln thl" rart ofthe raounlalna. Oovernor Davtd B. Qoodeil av:iiaAvard tho prize*.

Tirr LEOTOM or BOXOB AT SABATOOA.Baratoga, .v,i^-. .., (Speclal). ¦¦ Grand Councfl,

American Legloa of Boaor, Btate of New-York, heldIxth regular blennlal .---io hera to-day, and wlll'.i" its labora untll to-morroa evenlng. Orandiibu ¦. of Breoklya, handred and fhlrty fire memb-rs were preeei t.

repreaanttag 100 eounella. The Bnanoa oomnilttealeported:M T.era haa 1 en tta dua ezerclae of aeon rayin erery fJapartment "f lha order, and a,s a reaullwa nnift t-niiiy with a- teta aoiountlng to 9-.'-T'A Tu andwith :..) Habfliuea wbatarer." BaTaral docamantaa.; pn lentod r latire to aaasndmonta to aupremei-.iinrii laws, aml Iheae wara roforred io aupremerepresentatloea. Tho aeeratartoa' report gave the

er of counclli .-if i .-. wlth a meml rahln o|17.873, B___g ii for two yi n- ol 1.050.p.lghl eounella have been li tut< ilnce the lasi

The gruiid eommander lu bla addreaa apoke..i the erouth of the order and toade a namtar olls'i-oiiiinoudatlons.

WAYIOMAL BB-TIirO or DB-lTSTf.Saratoga, Aug. .'. (Bpeelal)..Tta American Dental

.lioii begaa r- twanty-nlntli annual meetingbara to-day, and aaiii remaln In Boaalon four days.Tho openlng aeaaloa «»- nalnly darotad to routtnebualneaa, tacludlng the presentlng of reporta by the

treaaurer, tbe pabuaaBona eommlttee and the e

i!v,- eammlttae. Aa addreaa waa naade by tta presld.'ut, O It. imtl^r. of Cleveland, ObJo. Thia afteraoon

,,,s of tta aaa ilatloo met tor or

Bloa. Ia tba g^t:eral aeaaloa this erealngwere anbmltted bj the awtton on bbrotoo and

.i'.o-opy. followed by liacuaa.oi of a hlghlj techalral cbaraater. There are ab iu( 180 delegatoa iu at-

toudaj..,o. ____^_

rTlffT' aOTD BOtrJTDa AI LBTTOX.Uaoa Mn-s., Aug, 8 (BpeeBd). iho moat m-eiy

h;,ri- and lK»nd rbaaa of took plaea to-,i,- ir aahs more Botable from the facl thal the

,,-tinu- Brttteb Mtoletar, tbe Uon. Benry -dwarda, took,-lr, lt. II" ls B BBOBt WCOllent 84*808-4 and

b_i oaa of tta l ral boaada lo oarertake tta h4na aftor

t caaaa ol tan mflha oa tha roagb mada ta Lebanaa

and baek orar a ataep moaatata. Be la an eKpe-v

rtencod BhglB- tox-buatar. Tta harea aera M aa

n, rl- v< 'l-a-una il a iv., and Mlaa Man Turaura.Yh\Tb-Sf^waa^rBneaaed hy a uvraa aambaa af the



.BB fr«a ¦;;;, sarw?«4 r_i.j, not goae out of hla .¦*>"" fkn negeet ol1:, ,|_. braneh of his ,,,.

if ¦ i.,'" '",,',,,,' onerTanner baaind faat toi '

*unrd tayaad arobably.

I BBffJBO WAWTB A Co'mTBPBBJIB TBBB10B..'n'n.ThoAt:a,,ta..,s'in.i!:.i_.


iiV^/mtenn'';,,, ;., o-li- ol so-'." :r",P"'H';'A- ..., ftmUl ar- noi

3__« ,1,.

TI,e Co

..¦ |ta imll

BrOI lilid thaf he.-^-

osr kHSTAXK WATOBEi LBOTBBB,rr»m Th- I-. i

nrj canr-Bi amv < bbjbtubytt.From Tta h 'aaaaa*

. ian.1

, aad U..1U-.jjioCl 011 tlm miud ol ihe UeawiO".


.- |a ,,.. .,'

a on Mui

b of lha t. faltbfu

A young aal '¦.

. aad tbe fri...- in .-. :«.

I ,,|M. Alaa |hal oii" *o

(air-tho j alx- hli Um o -al t ra a,-. a- 1'! '',|J

-. ..,-...i, ,,¦ t, ,¦.:,. thaa a'.v.iv in he et xxh

op ne and _,u,i 11ii n .xx ii tl.,- !,t ;.. fam'ty, al ilz, lato thc hank <,*,'lH.(aai aeeounta ihey were dotng alrely, thanl

you, ln a i,...sii.|. whon ti.e aalea _.<< ax.ay tha eatw ;li jl y you knoxv.


Mr. Jaaaaa ___ra not laag apo eaiied ettMBktn,r"\"r-nllv BBOUgh, to a queer rnl lake nf maktng Mr. EUehaid Bwlvellee " u.ariv tho ktofwblla playlng plquet with tho MaiehleaeaB,pteaslon belongtng not to plquet aol n> aearta,Boaaa otha* trlflee of this aoii nlght ba a.i.iod by »"

Btteottvs atudent of lha great BMBtar (pardoa lha

hateary, gent_e_ae8|, if it aaaa arorth whlle. i,ir

iiisranee. In BdWtB Drood he niakes m.i.h of the].,.,',:- and thelr n..ts in fhe toxxe.s of I'-l-torham.meanlng dawa, no doubt, f.,r i-nuks bnlld ln Ireea.Then ln "Nleholaa Nlehleby** we have Mr. Squeera

the boya oul ln mldurtnter to hoe the turntpa,_nd l' muat i.e o ,i feaaed thal one_ faltb In tbe per-feet accuraey at all Umea of DIctaBna. atraoi-lnaiypower ol obaervatlon is Juat a llttle ahaken hv lind-

Ing him. ln one ,.f hli Itallan aketchea. report a tiwr-l .nierlran as u-inp lanpuawe .,f whleh ox-

,.- v-ii ,.,, (Or a lample. Eipectuate tadeeoiA liberal reward wlU be pald for tbe detoetlon ano

n of any Amerlean who evat an, nugat,\'.i.-.|,| or ahould oaa -

rpool took a very pietty advanta|aa of ber greal.owtb to i .a giaal aathora ol i

bj namlng whob) dlatrieta aftor theai and Iheli woriui.Thaa it is a pleaaate in paaalag thteagh ihe new aeo-

ii..a, to eoma upon -:-. Thaeberay-at., t'1 lc

-.. aad ao ob, whlle out <>f theaa auln Um*laad unaQei itreeta oamed for the varioui woraa

or eharaetera <.f tbaaa wrttera, aa Uulne i

(iwendolen-at, Pendennla, NeWcome, Plckwlcfc Tben..'- nol P dllj ti-ual Uaell

,,: -,, the iii-t two promptli beeaine bj

main Uwlnhi llln and uwlnhet sr. and ui luckll) tber«,, ,.-,.! tu be a llttle " Be-eP at the bottom

lei L.aotbal had to he f 1 ' *'

laal .,[ Brotber Bttggtns; Plckwfck, pethapa.\f. t ,,vi<-¦_ Broadway. Chraad-at. arld

Bloeckar, deeerted by the mewhanti and tha n .-

rhaeta1 eleiha who tl n ng tl M raglon by da;, aud

f.,f the thtoag of ...:¦ n ea" wai.bixi.-.-.i. a glven up to lha ehlldren tor a pUyground.

Itallaaa, ai

,-,i all -maii .!_.¦-, ha,! eoBveitod oae baoek Into,.. oiymplc eourae and weie ba.lng unllmlted

(unaud toara ou ol i - rieeofdemon cbailot nw i, lnwhleh the chariota were repreaented bj a, ap hoxes on

the Unleal wbcels bnaglnabK IVrfectl) -..-"

bul no n. apring i_hj a ntth-eve. on¦' imallcit onea boa whaA with fca i

,;,.._,. ,,;i hrutber ahoutad 'Yah, reatoied barmony to tbe famlly.

thaa two Adama Bxpiesa wagoaa eame al

-pty, an.l "teok the atieet,1* ao to apeak, ¦:.

,:.,,! reraton ol tbeae Olympian revela Ba prett] r-i.-.-. Indeed; the line toa..a

over ihe itonea and tho wa|rattitng;. but all eailhly l-«OPta*«« h.';';¦*drawback. The wlnnei muat have telt hla taurela

wllt a* the thoughi brouaht the hot auah bbrow, ,-an't take hla nlgfa wheel, blaak It all, san..)

company." _

BuiekaI A replsforvl laundiy-mark, afflxe.i or

attacbed by youi owa "ahlrl tallor," of a atae, and. if

upline-s. to content youi laandqAnd then, branda ott, gentleman. But\x,,uld the preaeni uiarlcei^-' of BT.1800.X Btandlt.? Wouldn't ti..- tradaa tuni oir, and tha abltt-taOora he diawa to, and tho buttonmakera, tha ioapbot.ia. the atareh factorie.;. nav. even a Ootoa

aquednet baada, untll say 1<x>,<jih) were on one. pramt,..,i -o vour legMtoNd marta muat eoau ofl

:,,d v.ur purple and other tlannel " g>Bto 'he hamls of tho eattls brandera - h_ Oa-

(ai .-; aa ,.f oldl Tet iupp we ;ry l

a/atllBg*- lalaad, whOn _e Chaaoatlor is reportedwra bed, i- Buppoaed by many to bave been tbe landlir-t ieen by Columbua on hla orlgtoal voyage of <il--,,,.,,-,. -i:,e bonor la, bbwwver. dtopatod by K',tn

Salvador. Tha Paolflc Mall ateaaien between tlew-.nnd AaptawaU uaually dghl WaUlag'a

When tbe UU nville waa burned, in '.-.-

made foi tbe la d, and moal -.f tltam landad .ara

ln -afoiy. Tbeie are bardly aaj tohaoltanta.


OSI.BAL J08EPH I'lIU.IFOVirn.rrapue. Au_. B^.Oenoral PhQlpovieh, ttoeonqaaior

of Boaala, dled in this elry lrist nlpht of apoplexy.

FeMz*upmeisier Joseph PW Ipev-Bh, th - Oommaad-or-ln-t. hlof of the Au-tr!an toie. wh eh oot ap ed,- ,i the Flerai --.-¦ laa and ir the taraaa al thaof BertlB la 1878, waa a naanher of a .mlly whleh

long realded In Boaala, and whleh, before tha o

waa conquered by tbe Turtta, belqnged to the oldnobllity of rhe eountry. Ti.e father ol Ueneral

,\ifh wm a captain to oaa of tha old Araglmenta. Joaepb i".i povieh and hlayo

r Francta, aoma tlme fommaadaal al Agram,were Homan Catbollea Jo_apb ecetved hla mllitaryedneattoa at tba s.-1.i o Ploneeia at Tultabortly after reeetvlag bla eommlaslon wai appolntod

to tha ganeral atafl of Um armj ln 1848 aadbe took part In tha eampaig. to Hangary, and lt1850 i.e eommanded a bn -i af tba Btghtb I

dlattng.ahlag himaelf parttcularij al th.-mi Martlao. Duriag tl i P of 1808 J

Ipovlch, then a Uoutenaul 11 M Ma al ... <¦

taebed a- "adlatua," ar eonadentlal advlaer, tallohensicjn. tb,- Comn audant ot tho 8.

Auatrian AubI C_aja_ and (ouaht at the batth) ot

Ko kgrata a id ta toa a »nau. tltormulauon oi the war be ua- - nl to ln

,iiiin_ .i.uit of tho national dafonee of tbe >iHe had ilnce held the p il . of Commandt' i

lu Morawla, at Bruna, a .umuiaade. m hlet oi

llohenila, at 1'iagae.

1HI. 0IB8OM A. DATTOR.Dr. Olbaon A. Daytoo 41 d ,. Moaday at hi* b-^n^

No. 109 D4 ix.ali.axe., :-¦ Ixn. a :.. s\f

Ha waa bora la Dawego (tx aty, an.l W4 .

at Boban Oolkie, Geaeva, n 1840. 4laa hc begaa IU M M alco, N- N-

lie roolt lu-en'-r ta poll ea, and 11 < leih of r

Boaid of Oswei:,! x[v,.r fo

yaan. uovaraoi Dla made blm ona of thi,'[ tha Dtlea Inaaoe Aayl im, aad Ooi H-,, oolated bhn I aaal A :;"-- li,v »¦_ '''

, . ",-at. but never waa..t.i Hxv.1 ln

ln 1-,- ",, ,,

. wl.low" I' WlU

;i to-diy, and l 1 be at Mwtoo.

nThe dea'h of J. ' " ,1 ' *f!,rr

day a- the Cotii,si. >'. .'- '¦"¦ trouble. Ila waa U .ul to t, flve yeiand laavea a wllave r '" VAV,y


n'x,,;^,::!, _by_UwkokB8Wl

IBAIAH TM'ANY.Clifton IprtagB, N- -.. Aug, B.-laah_ TUTanx

of the COmmUatonera whu la d oul the eity ol llroob

lyn.dledel bh bome here on Krlda: 11

,'... ' likl" .r-«d be#B.t matoi ta Ika Bevolul onan Army. a..

unrner, th« wHter of Ihe popular,,,v..|. -q.rt.x-- and "Tha *lde, Wlde ^.

ll - famflyMr. Tlflaaj went to Wew Toik.

real to ca. wbeie ha tou,

itoeaa. ta whlehby tbe

,.r.f hhraa CoaaadaaloiiBia to h

.0.'vt, ..-,.. Ulacobba. ii

ol H.. ««_¦ m 1800 and mn oved lor'":,.,.'." *.¦>"¦.... i,n bla death. Th-

'.y him. Ue laavea a aaa aad a

ter. .

,.,|IN lliti'.lMa-iTMAM.Toaeka, Kea. Au* B-Joha Hlgg_bo«haa_, aa*

, rell known la iv».*as. and,t ii. baaka aod bu

anwoitk, '-lav <*"':''" 8B4 Manhaltaa, 4M4 ">.

,1 ,x al bM Ux me berv. Uo wa* pieaident .,f i iay 18B88B J

r.ank, whlrh nvemiv fi'ied. end had ra'aed a laraaf money b> bla boaaa ho.-e *nd otbar

<o l.

. \niMN.\|, WIMIAM MASKAlA.Bapiladn.l \a lii iii. M-»ata dlei ta

Bb aaa ban iu taaa\ and *¦_B eardJaal in l-.-i. ile waa nob-d !.* hi4

... :n A r.


mtain wii.iiam DAT1DB0B.'. I" :" V... An.'. g ( ,p au W-ttaai l>avldJ

v.-e.B'i oi tha C:vii Baa a l aa_rta BB.Baaj olatuarl ..... a.el auiiilenly af

< 1 11*0 iU of a.'Oplr.) t {is¦-«.-.

BBBAB.80 THI _B0O_A. pabatiaJ iteaa n Baady fToolc and

lj Ho. :, route ara n.aking theni between N a v/oi m ona hour,

tlBM iv.r made betaeen tlieee

8, B< rth Blaar (foot'!'¦«."" - -... ii ,,. r,,.. i, :j :80, 4:18,fj:.'!(. p. ui. - ... ». m.. 1 p. m., a 4 888>

'. Uoob with oxpreai traina for liighlaud,i. Long i.r.u'b,

Orove, Aabu Park, Polnl rtraaant. atta.mftay traina do boi run balow ;.< na Branab.Retarning, iteamera _nve in Bew-York at treu.t.ut

lnt.'i-,Bo ottar mn'e offan aupertor attrortlor- to the

on.--.iay t-M-m- i or the inmaier koni.4.

Tbe Chf.Pfl BtrengD.aar U Dr. I>. Jayn-'a TonlaVermtfuge, whleb .. m '-.s itii ariiiity of tho afomach,reatoraa .u aation and Imparti BUaaftk ar.\ vitur waainits .uii eBihtraa a_ba. i*-i<nto 8aa_Baa are

.; and. If wji.8ba pr. s'-nt. lt Is the 83.8.81 and »af"st of by aii DraajBtta.

i o

A»U thr moltltadea who uae iiorry'o Trloopherouowkj iii.y aaa it. Thay y>-in t»n y.u _»t iiw _-ir tuwhieh u is Bpplied in A-r talla ou:. Baaal wlthera, but laaluaya luxurfant.

>slo|i.(»»rr«t Ilerr I'urk and Onkluud.

AU pa«ae.ntera |uiicha«|.iir flr»t-r|aea tieketa rla- tbaR. £ u. tron Eaatern poloai t.. Ctaatnaail, Bt. .ra.,

llld l.'.r p.Iiita weat of .0 O.oRlver, ara k.'n :i -oiii-..\.-i prlvtlaga ;,t I) "r I'-vrk or O-tk.

\ anlea" or- the ¦..»Mii'-, .u.l «fte atop

trraaB tn UM Kof joumayual eoal tor t»rt.

Timr i- I n.iwh"ii y.iii look for nrniiuii! ch»'.-ip<>r than aB

..... i l-iiiit A...X 14..av, n<. oth-ave.

DIED.ciir.T\vonD-on Moadar, Aagaal B, Oaftaarlaa M. flgah

I W.1, and d.iui;ht.'r of lhalato Roa \ UcCloilar., D. D

Iiiii (I ur.-Ii, ,\ei--BrtiPHWiek, N. J.,,.u Thuraday, 8th ln-i.. -.t ;i 80 i i..

EUDY-At Plalnf 1. B. J.. Anguat 0. 1888, ioawa V.i \\, iii tha .">.¦11 ii! "f i.

.'.7 Wi'.t Frunt-at.,'.'. .... iv BOOO.

: BaaaFltEEMAN Au .I :.. .BB, hbatra W*-l#.

Natliaalcl i'. PreameB, ln tta 72d yoarlf., if.ii 1 oot funi'ril at

tlu- I n.'ii, CI uo i, s ,,ni, ur:i:,v. OB Thuro-h in-t., upon :..: ...' Ita i'. L. anl W.

ii. R traln le .. Ing %. n ¦; i 30 p. i...

UI'. AV.-Un s,.ri.f$>V.,ln <i'rji.j

li Dean o( th. _ptac«B. TheaoaajlealSl.ll. 'll lli

I-'u. . h.irrf,,¦. and ~>2 l--(.. N .-'»c_T.

Auguat 7. al taa _oiTi ai Malcu ii itii i, at I.atoa, Pa., on BundB] eaaalBg,Auauat i. tneO, >l Tbo* a. Ti. and II '¦' i'.'utorII.i>. ;.«.- 1 10 B ill

Bt I'.i'ii, Miim.. .ii.! ll in, Moat., Ii«i*t« pi.-i-o i-opy.I1.AVS On TueaOay, Auiraot 6 at Ballpert, l. 1.. Mary

i-:., aa l 5 moat ter of PraaB B. aall

i ni prlvate,it .- a. Uaw.

BILL.At Tonaklna Cova, Aue. g, BtaaeBl Riymood.i,,.\ ioa ¦¦'. .'. ii ii, aaad 7 ¦

k i\ .' .- BBBBBaaaa,

loo AV. .- " .!.¦ duik-luorof tho late Julito fleo. W. Illia oa K-nturky,

¦li. r of MailUf.In t.a ) M -'»". at tha

li irt' iir.i -1 t-i atteur] hi-r fuii-v-ii oe Thuraday,>, at lo a, ii... from 888 T'a-t tl

'!.! i.i. on laaaday, Aagaal 8, B-Baa a. ojrii, Ba aia8.1

'« er" Invltct in utt^nd thc fun.-ral oor.\1cea --iii 'l'l.-.i--i iv, .An.-. i>. m., ai hla I..real lODCO, No, |0 ai idlaon Sq re, 2

Wi '. .. i'i by at« aaeeef ,r l'. .-l." (laamid

i.r yf tiie lale batuu.-i \V. ai. I A'hirlolUJ CluvoUodI'un. r;ii i» realdenee. 2rt <;ardon Plaee, Broi itlrn. Wednea-

.1 .\. Auiruat t. at i p. mi.i

l''.s-On Tneaday Auauat 8, i hli is^Hem-a laBrooklyn, WUl'wu 1. Ph UIpa, ln Ita n.h yrar of hlaage

1 ii 17- Bouth Klli.'tt Viacv. oa rrlday,Aticu-l o. :il 10 a. m.

; 'ir. it.; I to attend.Int^m: trrlngton, N. J.Alhioi. I adaa > >. iti, t\ nnd A. BB. -Bretbren: Ton

are hereby lurm oed t». atteni the fumr. a^rvt/eo ofM. av. i^ia.- pa 1'i-r Orand M .ter, a na-mber af, to be h- ln t:i« Derle Room, Maaoale 11.1, Thuro-djy moi'iiliiif, An^-us., tf, a'

JOHN STF.WART V»»»erRraod I ndwc V. nvA A. M. anl f*-tma.

(irand Lodfi .1 t ri'ijueatodto it'-nl tho ruueral ibaeoulen f loaa. Phllllpa, i'i«8Or Mastor, t/> ba held ln tho Inrie IV ..... .Mu-onlc HaU.

ralna Ai; -ii-: 8, at l" ..'.lorli.JOITN A\* VROOMAJC, r.rand MaaVr.

EDWARD M. i. EH-BR8 aaeraaaif.PLATT.Chrlatophar l'iait, aa Monday. Auiiii.t ft. ajod 81

Fi-ner?' Ill be held on AVf1ii'--lnv. Auriat 7. ali. m.. at Hia cimri-h if DU.lp!ea of Chrlot,

A\-..,t 11 -."li ui.'.. :-¦ are Invtted to attend wirhout further

...;.--.TABER.At riiw'.inp, B. T. Monday, Aiijriiat 5. 1880,

Ol Ix-rt I'. Tiili.'r.Puni ral at tta IlJiitiat Church, rawllnn. Thur'aloT at 8

p. ni.

TTSON -At Moat4_tr, B. .' . Aue B, l^rp. Morcarotarldow .f tha HM* i'a\>l. AVIiiiim lyaou. ln tho

-.1 -., ar of h'-r age.Funeral aen of Mr. Alir/o (. ra»rf..rt

p. ..-,., ,,., Meatelalr, Thuradai v,ii li¦.» oi\ artTalnf troln leavtnf fool Barclay and ( l.riatopher ata. at 8:80p. in. Jti I> _ ,in w. U. B.

.¦.Uon.;¦¦ i-.- omll BawBtavan in M Ai'.ii Beary s Pan Da M.irk. er., An«_4 4.

,... Att. Veiooo.N Y.

al h..rri.., 2 o'cloeh Weaneadajr.¦¦.U.-1.

WIRTH.Aujruat -I, Ttl.-hard Wlrih. acM (12 fova.funero! on

late realdenee, 2 RiYorrlOW T« r.iv.-r ind '.st'i-st., it !l o. m.

Succiil Xoticra.I ., 1«s?k. '.. BI.RATH'8 ROMB>MADB



Kv.'rviiimir "ii ir> in a_ooaod kepl naUl (411 Kor,r.'.i.-n..-.. *C Idr -- -'Iri BAltAIl > \i. ..I.KATH. i»J

.kl)u, X. Y._r,,»i Baaaa Noii.-f.

Bld ba :- -id duily hy all h 88 ( IBBBBB may

it,. ¦.¦!-. s i l not I s aeuuy aa-ii hy any partii-uiai atwoi . .-x.-^pt

l.ii.,k-i.K Ol_ i-uin-aJdn.od hviug

ahti.olaa ma'.i.s f..i tha waok .-uling Auiruat 10 wUl

in aii ta*H», al (lo.s oCUeo . followa:sdai ai i" ao i. m foi . Ptraa.

i-, i au Queeno.wn: ai m 80 -, ¦ f. r l.orop*s, a1..t. vi;. (_*ara mual

i \! ... ai 10:80 a .. for B^tflii- il-.i via Autwt.-d (1#ttera n.u.t be

al 1 p. p. 8_> OBaapaatal V'i a'an. ii«<r a. a\ BoJWpua .¦¦ft*

...1 Oaba a_.I ta dlrovted-.l ....

.111 lUsDAV.At 12 m. frr Vene7npta, Cir...« ai.,, ( |"<r * a. A'alencra for

au |.'.rlr. BlBOl ln _r4«tl 1 "p«» VO'-na"tho S ... landa 41n '. pei a, a. t/1.a ida

niiial i"- li r>>->-l i i-r F.'.a.^ aa %tur u..l T.>atf.i. vln

Ni j .un...for u..l T.>au<i. vln Trinldad, por a a

a V-At 4 p. rn. for Torto Rip j d ro. t. pet a. aj ..

.NAUMtnAY.At 1 30 «. ni. for Fnii.-".. Sw trarlind,Italt bpain anl VotXugai, por a. . La l.,'Ug..e. ylall ,\'r>; at V) a. BL f»r n.'r. An.---.« anl aouli 1-oelfli}

t-i a. a. NHWp«;it. \iti a«,-.i wall ileaaera for Coata.ii 1. a nj. for

1 (ui Oayea,. i., .¦ 11 .(" a. oi. fcr li-ii./.d, poi a.

iiettora for (i .i' KrttaJn and1 ur ir»" .' OJitrlea mu*. h« at'lr'«*<-t p"r Borrla"):

,itr.aii.p_aBremen il-f"ra for Ir^land mu»t bt d r»riod "poi

at 11 ;80 a ii. f"f Bcotland dlrc t. f" r a .. rur-via Gla-sfiow llettc'-- n.u-' h- dim-trd "l«r nr-

Ity Bf AtlaoM,i llav'ani ' ".'¦' <lrr B *.¦

i p -.. aet. boi a i Tuing-,-r a .. V Oteri. fron

v .i .,. m ' aa Baaa, ata umon, poia s roA'.i.i. ftoi hfaa Oi

cott, r««tn.*ter.B v * '' '_

poluicnl yptice.Kri-uhlirnii Knroltnrol.

:B.. will me-( f..r th pu p ao o]

al I.f ihe 6^hotweea thi

Vloi-fe p m 'v tha..,' ,..,?...., ihe koara af 4 and 11WJl v UAi.i.. .Noa. 12b aaf

ii.a'-Va- .

H VltV < Yjnlis It Nl'Ol NT, , Cmrulttao,

Boui:r.i: a. OBXACXB, i