new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1891-09-26......:ii,i.!,, lha r-bk dtspatob repeate that the...

^y/x^a^a* V01~L1.No-10,386. ^ NEW-YORK, SATURDAYi BBPTEMBER #*, I891.-TWELVB PAGES. PRICE TIIREE CENTS. THE SITUATION IN CHINA. .5TATED IN A PEKIN OFF1CIA L THSPATCH TO THE BRITISH FOREItiN OFF1CE. COMPKNSAT10X OPFERED THE POWERS-MI AS UR-S FOR PCX1SHINO THE RIOTERS AXD fR.SERVIXG ORDKR.-THF I'l.l'A OF_!H_ ^ fJBJirm AMBASSADOR IN F.UROPE- WIUT I/ir.!> SMJSBURY MAY DO. CwifM MBM By The Wm mr* A$ioeiat«d Preu Landon. S-pt. t».-T_8 following ls a aunimarv of an oili.ial I'e-kni w»>le duspatch received aa Monday aod BBBJBn to tlw F-BafBl Offlee authori- ue_ on Taoaelajr, Sp.-c.lnc B.BB have been offered to the Treaty "powers BrJ CblBB BB cornpensation for tlie BB8B of lifa mi.I proiHTtv at Wnhii. W-BB4J-, Tanyamr, Weeeefh and other ptaeaa where o_o8.aa have ocurrvd Four leailrre af tho rioters bave bawa rxecuted. and twentwme have hecn hanished. flva MB-BB-riBB liave l-een ndjud-red culpahly re- tniss la not uiloptinir met-tires BB preaerve order, and have been reported to the Thrune for puniah- ment The Imp-rial Government, rrcoirnlnng its entire rcaponoibiiity for the preeervation af inler at the 8-8-f 808-, and for the pro¬ tection of B_B_ka_r_* in B-B interior. haa ordercd the f-a-aaj* of C__- aaal Xanking to _a- ____ tl.e Kart-BIB BB4j Soutlicrn squadrons to pntrol Haa Ya_.-*ae-__aa. and *a afford protection tr_-tvei Ibe lifc or proporty of L.iro-x_-_ ib still api-rcntlv -0-4*8-8- Though rumora of further ttoo-ea still a_at*a uner_ineaaita cartata L__ea the Oo-4ji__eBl aaa no deobt of its ahiiny "o* rffeetively Wl- attetnpts at fresh hreachra f Sa ptaraa, whether from tho opero-ona of b-bwb\bb___. « denta! ^--BtaBOBB. Tl.e rvimlnat.ona held iaat .,.,,), at Haoktafc*, Wooclmng. -8-4hnnc H*aa> chow and Foorhow ende.i without tl.e fl_or_ rs ofu-ti on tl.e a_*rui»»Iing of so maiis tl.ousati.l4, of sf.identa. At Naoktag alono the MUl number of aBV-B-ta is I*.*** aad tl.e num- ber M BBaiWllJ leaa at the other capitals mentioned- Haa-_1 is known rcspecting the reporta cabled to Kurope of an attempt to seire the Foochow Marnnl. bal m d.nM«*ri BVtdeaee of the acUvity ,. rperel aec4rt_e Baa Iwn ohtained in other nuaiters. Thnt.v-tive 008*8 of foreign rifles, con- ijaned to a Brltlaa Babjact omploycd n the I'l.perial ouMoma B-«B at (hinkiang, have been M'ized by the U-Bi-8 eaTtoaea al Bhanahai, and the co.isigiice haa been arreated end aent to Rianghai for the Briti-h Mt-Olit-B to dral with. The BaiiH- man had in hit. po^-esfion a quanllty , . dyaaaalte, which. with the rifles, he eaa*-M8B_ v ta tatended for tbe use of a aeeret society at f-takaof. The anns caror from Hong hon_. ,,,,. TTfher Britlah aobjeota and six other for- eino. i*_*>nalita* douhtiul. re-derrta of ED I ,,. ted in thia tn.nsiKtion, which Sir Robert Hart, Ibe IiiM-x-ctor-Ur-M-ral of ( natoms, mml tbe Britlah C>)_nitat_ at Shanghai and Chiokiaog aie iuv.vtii;atine. ..:ii,i.!,, lha r-bk dtspatob repeate that the InaperiaI Oniniiiaanl has no doubt of its eon-reteoev to pre_erve order. The above eoiD-_a.oattoa fr-.m the Pekin Gov- eii'mei.t is reoelved with dktTiial ta the Forelfn Oflee hexa. Use <hing Chang. the Chineae Am- b_BB-k>i to the EttropeiHi Caurta, baa recently lesn iu St. Petersburg, where he 8»oi*4jed4jd ta ta- *«» | tbe _____ tlovernment to wlthdraW fi"in tbe joint action projeeted bf the Fowere. He arrlved in lierlin tO-»T, wilh the »l*w of trv- |M to inflneiice (lia-nccllor von Caprivi.' but U - ¦ that he wiU not alter the determinntion af the tierman Coveniment to co-opersite with the lintibh (Jovernnicnt in talcf-f deeisivT me»usurcs. The Yekln note. *& given to the papern, fails to indieate the real el.aracter of the appoal made by Haa Chtag Ohaof to ibe European Oovemni?nts lle ha« urgerl that the Imperial (iovernmont waa entirely honest in dWB.Bg to suppress the dis- orders and seekiiif- -BM ta deal '-vith the anti- fnreipn lailBjaill. and thal precipiiate action 5_ ajH paif of the Pdarera %vould defeat their objeeri and hHng CUaa into anarchy. His eomtniinica- tinna diRtiii"Tly aaggBSf the prohahility of sueh a potent politieal upheivni in Chi-O as misht over- throw the Mancliu dynn*ty. .The panicky feeling B-lattag in I'ekin is mnde lrnown here hy tirpent eekarra__ sont throngh the Ca_leae Enha-ay, hopka-inj l/or.l B-ttabury to b> itrtict Sir John Wah__*_ th.* Britlah M__ter to China, to adopt a more friendly at-tadc. Min- mn Wa__i. BifviBea tbe Forelg- Offloe thaf i>»-i- .istent dlplomatie M.aare, eooibined with a navaj drmoiiMiMiiii-i -it oertain of the treaty porta, wlll le the ouly effecive meana of preveottag recorreni BBUagea He compratna that tbe proraulgatlon ol t|.e j ,- ., ... ,,-t aajaloBt att-t.8 oa taf_fne. risa ix'fii ni-neraaarily deaayed. He aalurd toe s to use the telegraph in pulilishjiu the edlct, bat the oflio.Ja refuaed, aaylof thut ti.ere was rn. eni for doing ao, and thal the edicl rouat ia* ted bv the ordltiary couriera. rbe Mlnto. lerako eomplaina of tbe unoer.taty of th" paiila-- t the real leiolers of the ontratjes. II l.ot.l kllaburv snpports Mlnlater Walab-m'a policy, the 1 ra wili actively tatervene in order to proteei Europeaus leaving the Tartar dyna-ty to taka eare if it-seif !n apite of the chaonc state «.f the prea- rnt tronblea tl.e Foreign here hopea thal the uhimate reaull wili be an exteoaioii of trade to baportam eeotreB on the ye__-tae-_iang, wnicti trc now oloaed, bol where the Oovernincnt aiuis to esiablish L'onsulates. GOYERM'R AND LKOI81_KTU_I AT OVBB. Panama. sept. l«.-"TI:c sur and Herald" -wbl-baa ar. aceount of a flspute in progre'*. at BeBaa, Uritisli 11.<luras, bctween tlie Aditiinl-ti-atSon an* the Legt4- latare. In lahBlaomi the atory la as foOowi: After i BioBaiatid Btf-aggle belareeo lha Oo-rernaaenl and the el'-aicnt of tlie _BglBhM-*e, BOf uiillk-; that bet^e^n 1-lBiaroda aad tha ChlUao Coofiaai, the K'']1- iai«*oa vaeaaed thelr aeota in a body. Tha Oo* ernor promptiy appotated -aaa la plaee of theaa. itoaa Mroary to Jni> tl_ Ge^eroor ood his Leglslata-e bad iii thelr owafway. -\t one atrake ihe Icnporl taitffs -rera ra ed freaa 10 ta BO per eaat Tha eol on "-t- vainiv Botttlaaai the Home Oovernaaenli, Tlie thourtit Baal1] oeeanad lo Heveo Brothera * Oo. .af ther». «&. a CooBtltoBoa Bwaeaheie in tlie arehlvea .<f jka soay, aad the ina »anaaHtd thelr _wyera, ari_ th* ifs.iit tlnt ni. tirtiott \\»- lni<! |n .luiy apilnst tl.e Coii'ctor oi i..--- reeover dattea aUeajad to bava been Bkgsll) < vw'.-.i, ou ll. groand th«t ihe eolonv P'*scss iitiitiona] Legts.tate, alther at the praaBBikae or when the nea tarifl araa « ted. £_*. Ju tice AaBen.i >a' In a u*_Bda*** f ,r preeedenta, bol Baolly «in.,'i Utal Laa -tan wa-s uaconatlts Uonally Ioti.mi. aod ii,,.t Ita a<is wmtm rooseqoentl] lavaBd. -Tn,..-,. |a n,, Boabt," he s.uii, -ti.ii tbara ought to ls:, and in:isi |^', Miii.c r'stminini' pow.-t ap B a eo'ooial LagatBture," and to, ai he eoohl aof Jmii claiiy nntie itu- gaot, i.. cal it with ii.<- aaaBe of eoaa- '';«i k«v ju;i. tha i> aloBfla. Tha to the Prl* y < ... of the Kinpir.. i.i.i it isafffj.iiit t-, s-.- hoa thal bodj caa help It out of II 4B THK CX.B AND TliK KAISEN T<> MKKI TO-lkAT. Yiu::a, Bept. ' |a autborl.llvaly uiaoaoead hare lhal Ihe i aar :.n« Bnperor A__aa wUI me.-t at taaaaharg ton-rrow. a%. aaoout-aaoeol oalag ea titeii Baa-pected, haa c«-.w^ a Butaar b* pott-aal atrefca. The Oaar arrtvad l.ere BJ » ]ate hour tei-dav. He wa* rt<-eived (<J i r.t.ic Uomo'A on behalf of Emperor -ZJi-^ir1*. Ciar reaumod hl< \(m<- nc>. fttr-r* rpailiig bere i,e )lad reouested tha his ETMotcow^r-_^^ OTV*«y tron\ Copeohagon tne ..V,ra" i.n p te. W_| beeause of ihe death of tiie <-i-.r.a uachct Paui. 5|jo_s ,. ,-.,,i wlth no recept on* at any oi U.e B_r-»yTu-00? A L1VEKPOOL THEATItE LESTRr,YED BV FiRR Liveipc^l. BB* -y-Tho Oaletl Theatre. la Ihla elty. wa. deatroyed hy fire tWs raoraing. The flrat a-rm wm sounded at 8 o'elock «<_ two hewa laier w«re tf*ttaa-S1 "nd "°n ">lum»* «. *»"^n« L1TTLE DOI.V; e,N THI NKARAi.'rA TAN4.L Paa-aaa, »,,'. i- .,,. f^ .A1([ ujtntf,, MJh ¦ "" WlttwioB aboai .ii- aearaittaa ef *ir-r. at the a-at of WlaaiajB- <anal OSMBBdMaMi .. B88bjb ., latiaMa aaaove .. Bleaiajaa a*a ie4,rrf that aauiai atfali» Bm Juan del bur «..-. conaid'---i. dull, the work bcing dally retiuecd. Our corresp'nd- ..iit a.ld. BaVfTBl nf the prlnclp.l employes. snch as englucers and plan drawers, were dlscbarged to-duy, lt is said, lor the want of fumls." TOPICS IN THE EXGLISH CAPITAL. MR. GLADSTONE'S FOKEIGX l'OLICT-THEl GRAIN IMPORTATION-MRS. MAYBIUOK. Garyrxght. 1891 : Mg the Ntw-York Aunciattd Frut, London. Sept. 2ft..Mr. Gladstone's comlng deliver- ance at IBa Uberai Peder«9o.n nreotlnr - toverted willi further importanee by tiie antliorlr.ed ann.mneement tl_t he Inteod. lo revrlew Lord Sallsbury's B**lfB pollcy and declare what hM own wlll be if hc .hould agnin be p_ced ln powor. Mr. Morley ha. al..dy .I". huad that the next GTadstone Adminlatrntion wlll ac/v.mpllah the evacuatlon of Egypt with the brlefest potBible drlay. Letters from Mr. (iladatono to Uie Servlan polltlrian Govomovltvb, wlilch "will appcar ln to-morrow's tssue of "The Wpeaker," are lihely la caiwo a Rcnantlnn ln Enrope. a. they sbow tiie P«s- sible dlvergenre BaBMBBB the I.tbe.ral and the present <v.n«ervBtive policy. Mr. Glads-fone artvocntes tbe |ne9M h.'.ruionv nuvmjr the Balktin Statfls. pepudlnte- Lord Sall.sbury's dlplomacy as tonding loward tiie ...upreinar-y of Hulgnrla over the other States, nnd ndtts tlmt be feels .armly wltfi the lately tmbJocM populo- tioos of Hotithwestern Enrope. Aa the lint purnsp, cnn only appiy to AaMBtVa tnUn_: of Bosni.-, and Heraegovina, the letter I. lntrpreted to miw that Mr. Q.B.9flQa dc*ires to aaal tne Austrians from BOM.11 and to IBBfMri the fOTmiitJon ol - fcderution of flhe Balknn Stntes. The (Jladjitone Llberal.s conftnue to arrange for the fufcure on the eappaaad cert.lnty of their belng in power by the antumn of 1802. The < onaervatlvcs now talk of poftponlng the general electlon. nnill the remoteet legal perlod. Aprii, 18!>3, ln order to enable tiie Govornraent to get the Irish local govem- ment in working order. Econorolc e_p.'rt. agree that the net addltlon to rhe normal iniports of American graln has not 8X9999*1 $100,000,000, of whlch part wlll bc taken in liunrles and part in gold. If the extravagant btiying taI American railroad securitKs contiiiue«. the BBB.ll lndebtedness wlll be further enha:noed, and wlll Mad to aa liicreane of bullion aBlp.ICBtB. Mr. Grlffen's ii-,"..| otlm..e that -10,000.000 ln gold woqld be the llmit of the expott to New-York i. not dlsputed, but e.ven tBM ina\iniuni| M oxpeeted to ci.tail an lngrcai-e of the Bui.k of Englaiid rate to 5 or « por ee:if. Tiie appeals of tbe frlends nf Austih Eldwell to Home Seeretury Mattlicws to remlt the rcmaindcr of liidwell'a term of BBP8B9BBBM-I have falled, in splte of HM fact that Uiey were supported by high influence. Baeredarp Ma'ihewa r*fiise.s even to reply to the me- morluJ. The effort* to secure the releaae af Mra. May- krlek wlll be eqmilly fuUle. Tho couvict's BO-Cttor has been advised not to proceed with tho auitarlon, ns the Home Ci.Tice wlll decline to reopen the cuse In any form. The American, Mr. Graves, who was receritly ar rested in (iermany for tafclng photographs of scone.ry, h_5 arrived in London. Hc aaja he was urrestcd at Mayenre whlTe taklng a hariule« vlew of tfic f'.wn from the fort-works, aud. was coritlned for thlrty t.liree hours iu a cell fitrnlshcd wltii onlv a dlrty mafTress. il.s looA. coTIslited of blmlt brtsad, a mug of uiffBeWaah drawii irom u tank, aud vlle ^oup, aMO tuketi from a tank, until he wa.s allowed to tuv BM mcals. He w^s lelea^t'd thrinigh the American Consul nnd th-n went to Meti. where he waa apiln urrested for U.3BB photo- graphi iii the strects. From Mei7. bc was hunicd over the French fronticr. Mr. Balfour ha- ivgjKtercd Wniself as a voter in Soutli Imblln. The fon-jervatlvea propose. his candidatuie for Meniber of I'arllamciit for that seat. A LARGE WHEAT CROP IN PRUPSIA. THE 0UTL0OK FOR Sl'GAR BEETS IN EUROPB- THE BISTREes IK RUf-SIA. Berlin, rsept. 26.-Tne "North «erman Gazette" to- day pnhllshes flte ofhcial rc*ult of Hie ln(julric» made l:i rcg::rd lo tho wheat crop of Prn.-^la. Aeeoi.-g Ui Uiis report, tho crop araonnts B> 18,40ft.OiX) doul.le qulntnls, agalost 17.6_4.OO0 in IRtK). Tbe aummer nnd wiiiter wheot orops togetlieir will yieM 1,000,000 double qulntap. over fhe s»rae crops of M.n. London, Sept. _5..The sugar-beet r<K)bs thronghout Enrope are doing fajrly. The welglit per acre in Oar- niany wlll, 11 ls belle/.-, be only from 10 t/> 12 \*-r cent short, but this may bo offset by tho lncrra«cd nrea sown and the allghtly betier qnallty of tiie r«ots. Tho roots in Anstrla are not Iarge. The proRpert. for a matejlal lncrease ln the roots in Frnncc are rather small. but tiie yleld will be of a de.cidedly superior qimlity, and there wlll be a J._ge liici-easc In the pro- duction. "The Telegtaph'F'1 st. Petervburg eotreapo..Blt ea>~: "The disfre-R among the peaaaatl K Incrca^lng; potatocs are _.iling In niany di*tiicts, and a BBW In-ect, known ns the sooka, nioi-o deslnietlve lo coni thaJi tha Hes^ian fly, )k»,s appe.iwd. The \vh'.!<: popn- latloii of «.r»n.e villagcs In As1r,xka:i are dyiup of storv*- tlon. The doctora prescrlbe orn instertd <,i raediclne. Tiiere :.!<¦ --.lne- aOoal "f parenU eatMng their rhlldren lu Nljnl Novarorrwi. Tjie aathorttiea in maiiv plncea are lcvjing a tax 011 luoorers. wdorcver they obt._ work.'' 8APETY OP THE HTEAMER CUV-MB. London, s^'pt. 88..TBa P.ritifli rttiaima" Ctavlar, Cap- tal'i CaBogBB, from New-York M?iit^iiiber (5 for Antwcrp, paaaed Doret to-day. The Hrltish bark Avonport. f'apt'iln Mltrlirncr. which arrived here on BeyMmker 11 from Oothenbttrg, reported that on KeptemN-r 10, in lu.iMtude Hit::(."» north, MagllaBa flf<:4 5 west, =he paaaed a sch.H.ner i1{r«"«I steatner With wlilte ma^ts, wltli ftmnel havlnp- a bla<k f.p, centre whlte »nd lowor parl blue, and witJi tlnvc aal- hoi'ted. The etaaawr*! rr.achlnery wa- ajipar- cntlv 9.abtod. She wa* headlng we«t under two Jlba, but had n^ f'.re and aft. canvas spitad. She was rap- n .¦.! bt be the Cuvier. A MISHAP TO TllK T.tAVE. London, Bapt 85..TBa Nortn QerflU. I.loyd aBeaawr Trave, Oaptalfl IJtihSitis, from Nctv-Yo:k Sc;>teniber ir>, via Sonthampton, whirh ves-el arrlred nt linnier haven at 7 a. BL 10-day, was towed to that porl from Niei.we Diep, wheie she anchoitd la-t ni-'lit vxi'.li a oyllnder broken. . At the offi.e of the Xorth Gorman Llnyd Strs-nislilp Convpany yesterday lt was aaid t'mr the aecktenf t<. Ihe Trave, of wbieh news was reccived by cable, nilght raoder aeoeaaary her tenparary wltBdrawal from IBe line. in which .use the _Ibe would takc her place, MR. 0LA-81TOXB AND THI B-TTIBH PI'H!.ICAN8. 1. 'ndon, Sopt. 86..Mr. Oladataaa Baa ailMen ;t letter fo the Temperanee Loaeue, sayitig ln suiis^ance that the defeat of the mea-sure laMeMueed by ihe Gaarenuaeai, praettf.Dy endowing pablleana, waa ta its elfert nefraUve, but thut it rcally cr^ated a iii'.v,' raaal uw_MB has already grown pawarfBl, .nd wbieh will graw in vlgor. The rrevent system," Mr. Glad- Btone, "rs a dlscr.-vllt ajid a calmnlty to tbe country, and y<m can dopend upon tho l.lberal Madeta usiiii tliclr most carncst endeavors tx> altcr 1L" THE KING OF SF.RVIA SAID TO BR BKT-1PTH-D. Belgrada, Bept ~:>.-u is reported thal the Kn.-; ol BarvM Mm Baai beMalBed lo ihe Prlneesa Helena ef BflO. 'l\v lalter vvn- Imrn lli 1B73. The Killg .t BervM, AMsomder I, waa Mam in 18T9 aad aae eeeded his MtBer, Kmg mii_h. after the iait>i'- abdte*. tlon, Marah .;, 1999. O-KKBAL roinirs MIBBTOM Ul AUBTRALIA. M.'ii.Hin..', Sept Bsw Oeaaral Rootb, of tl..' B-hra tio'i Arrap, ha- inui aa aat.aalaatk reeaptlon u Ban ., ;,. (,,. io ig. Qraal eraaMa aaae Jotned ln IBe Ani'y'b preera.aai and wouaaar mee_aga have baea h.-M. ihe arrlral <rf General BoelB n Hii- eotoap (Victorta) h.s K.vt.'ii a stis.og MipeBwI to rtvivuli-ui. ? HER PATROI. 1»F B-HBIXO BBA OOMPL-TBD. Vlet/.rla, R. C, Sept. -'.*<.. TBa HrttiaB war-bhlp nuiaaart ralBniad ta parl yeetarday, havmg eoiapMrad hc patii.i of DahrlBf sea. ^he in ti"» aeBaenar Otto, whirh had been .elted by the InlJed Mataa htcamcr MoMC89 for ln-egularitlea ln- her papeia nnd sent home to awaat further inouiry Into her case. AID FOR THE BPAKISH FT.OOD 6FFFERERS. Havana, Sept 25..The funda for tho bencat of the Spanifch Uood aufferers that have beoi collocted bi the C_«lno £tpaiiol alouo _tnouut to over $13,000 ln goM-_ THE GOLD nUUflXnf IX RIEXOS AYBBB. Buenoa Ayrea. Sept. _5.-Guld eloaed ye*:crday at 310 per cent premium. A DETORATION FOR MISS EAMES. Paria, Sept. 24..M. Bourgeol., Mlnts'er of Publlc [aaiiBcM-t Baa tua_atal Bfaa mi-s i.i,,-, tae Maflar. aha Beearatl m <>t ofhfier de PAcad THE, NEW Klsc-IAN L«»AN. lierlln, Sept. ¦*, « i* BBM MMMa-toBi BBM MWl both Ui- MflB-MM.Mtf and Wtiis. haiiei-s will ihe Baaaa-B -.*- ** *»> «~d«y ggaM-MBMalM _«..i.«i that OhHree.llor von Caprtvi had been ron*ulted ln the malter. ln reenrd t.> wbieh. it i- st*.t<*l. the Govem- nient iu ilntuu- a perfectly paeMve attiiude. PRINCE CTOHOB- LIRF.L CARE. SUIXG THE CORRESPONDENT W1IO S-EXT OUT A STORY OF HIS ARRE-T- Montre*!, Sept. 2,">.-After hav'ng been poatponed frrrm tcrm to term during rhe last yeni. the trial of R. N. O'Rrien, aren>ed of Ilbrlllng Prtnea George of MWea, wa« bepvin this afiei'tioon before .ludgo OBaaa ln the OBail of Quren's I'.ench. The V ourt aslrvrl if the case was tuken ln the f«rin of llbelllng a member of the royal farnllv. '1 B.I BSBBMBl for the prosecu- tinn repllcd r.revt It was mmply taken by ITlnoe George a. an ordinary r-itirpn. The Court Uicn allonved the c*ie to pt*.reed. Gonnnel for ihe proserurlon ex- plalned thtvt about nne year affo Prlnco George of Wak", pmnd«.on of tho Queen> vIMIed Montrenl nnd .BB entertalned ln a manner belitttnc hl. rai.k and placo in «o<ietv. a story wa. telegraphed from Mon- t~_l to Xcw Yrik papcrs «tallng th*l the Prince. after a rec^prlon in the Ar:>demy of Mu-ic on the evonln^ of SerteniLcr 9, «toried out with IMI llentenant of H. M. S. Thnish and a praaMnenl Moetreal pentlein.ui to onprvge, as tho arflrle put it.. " In a d<-*biiurh." Thcv were _or<*.ted bv si\ -iffiant, who demanded money, ai.d In a short time tbe lYInre ai.d his fri'"ids, lt vv.-, reported. got Into » fkrlit with their nsiwlliuits and knocked them rt.tvrn. The Prince and hl* frien'ls, h) wa. Mild. were tiicn arr'sVd. At the poliee -t--'t ¦'. thev attempied to »rpUln motter*, but wirhmit au. res tiTit'll Cl.lef Hagbea arrived and liberated them. The c-n.ii.ool guld thev would show th_t t'lis dl-putch wh. aent by R. V. o'lirlei,. SIR 1TECTOR L-lfOEVIM EXCULPATED. THT. VOTE 101 TO 8fl IX TIIE CAXADIAN HOL'SB .THE TROL'BT.- IX QUKBEC. Ottawa, Sept. 25..The adoption of tbe mlnorllT re¬ port of the. Privllege. and Elcetlon. Committee flnrllna the ex-Mlnister of Publl. Works. Sir Hertor Lan_<-\ in, pullty of coinplicity ln 9Mh >ne-t W8B lo-r In the House to-dny, by B vote of fl.'l fo UfL The II<.u-e tva* dlvided on Mr. (Hroard'a motlon f..r ;!ie adoption of the .JiHlll 199888, e-xenlpaMng LBi:ipcvln, whleB was earrtad bv B vote of 101 yeaa to RO n.vs. Qtiebec, Sept. 25..I.lcntenant-Governor Angera to- day dein&.ded that the (iowrninent narnc a nublle ac- ouser or pro>ccntor to condnct the ..».-'' agalnM the Minlsters before the Royal Oommladoa, and refn ..<] ro i.ll.iv. their clalm to be roprc-et.t"<I t.7 ...unsel at Ihe tnveatljratlon. The wttdeal ruraora are earraat ta regard t<. Pramder Me*_er'a tatenMoaa la aaaa of his dUml_.1. ? TH_ CAXADIAX ADDE-M TO THE QI'EF.X Ottawa. Sept. 25 fSpeclaJl..In Ihe Scnate todav Mr. Abbott move.l the adri.*.- |o the Qneen fo refBfd to the removal of 1he .'most-f.voivd Narlons" rhiuse from tho BaatJca between Baglaad nnd Genaaay und Baglaad md lielpluin. After expla:nlng the mcanlnp of tho clauses, he made a rcferenee to Ootof.J Hwar.l Vln cent,, who. he B.d, preeeBted B plnuslblc M.MM for linpiovlng trade wtth the uiothcr eoontry. Altrrugh Protectlon, under the naBM M "talr Made," had mnde Ktme llttle propn-s ln EagJaBd. Mr. Abbott q;tie*.;iored whett.r It had Bia.8 8 .Bttag Imp v-loii. He d'd not kne-w whether or not .ngland would thlnk lt worth her while to improve her trade with 390.900^90 of her pecnlf» nt ¦...." s.*crlflci> of her prlnciple. lie ,!1«1 not lt probable. Tbe theory ItaeU wns att*activ_3. Itegardlng the addre->-, hc said he thonpht ran-id. ahould have it In ttn power, lf oerurrenee an nl.l ranke lt to her alvantage. to dlreel her trade ln aaeh a way as would i.c advantagroaa to her. After a lonp <"- ciiosion, tho ad.lres- waa adopted. BOFGHT BY TIIE QUHBI GF SPAIX. Rome. Sept. 99..TMB Queen of Spnln ll reported to be the p.irehs>er of the Marqjata AlcHlisc's vu't estate. lncluding two palaces. ln Southcrn Ituly for T.ttOO.OOO francs. _^_ BTG l_y.l__.-~Mtlta mOJECTED. WHAT IS BITXG POXI IX TH- XKW [XDVITBT AROUXI) nTTS-UBO. ntftmrn, sept. 2r, (apee._j Twa Un ph.te mills, not keretefare a.rrtMned, aaa ta ba butll In thla c.untv. A i>W.nt tha,t Wlll N Mirncl to BW tn IBa new ii,.lii-:.-v M IBa "'d OtBtT, BBBBeH i al M-tvale. it taiva ;. ...iv ,,1'ier BapMBB nnll now in opeialion or t'lai. ls la nuBlaaairtaaaaa in IBM country. Ti.e i.rg.-s' min now HBfBgnd ta the produ. ilon of tln or tarae platcs in this eoaatry B the Lanfaaaa min, at Apollo. whieh >a.s a eapaMty aaw ..." Bcarty B00 b*_ea per day. The new at Mlllrale wlll exeeed IBal aedpal ..oi -i.iei.iily. vviieu there began the moveeienl aaxmg ihe pittprietora oi iheet aallla IBiaaghoat the eoaatry to iranaftmn tBdr wacBa toio ptaal ' rodae tion of t.n piates the I'n: -i.iir_ rapttallMa connecled with tho manap'-menl of tbe MUlvale mill Blw (OOk the natter DBder advi.-cineiit. Anotlier t|n pMIe l>lalit la to ite ].".-.ih ta iUegheay Clty, and v.m glva era ptoyaaaal ta»abaal Bftj mea. TBa grouad where IBe pc-iii th; pMte ladaatry haa beaa dMcn -d dnrtng re rent eaaapalgna wlll be tbe Tha oid Ximh Ward Wlgwam, a balMing ol B-_a B-aen itoaa, i- when tbe ttn-ptata worka -.viil i><- ar ted. iiie .-:.;;.it:.l 1*04- "f tbe P*JW ..'ilipnuv |a 9100,000. ihe prlnelpal tarkboMci are aai Iti u ...ii, B/lHiam Uaruaaa, W. w. Davla, Benjnmln Weaver .>'.<i Mr. Patteraon, :. tawyer "f Uda ettf, John Jenkiri-. <.f Walea, wlll ba Ibe managrr. a Un plate ptaal haa been bul t al !fo. 3*. BTMtor t-t.. PtttBburB, by Bmltb - VoegMley. II eoai4 prlaae two ataela ..nd the t:mi wlll maBe terae ptatea f,,r rooBng pur. Ti.l- ptanl wlll be ready wtthin fen (t.kv- and the capuclty wlll be Bvjs tona n dav or forty boxe. ol pbitee, 20x28. BarM l'r'V,.i- l.i'ui-, of LewU roa. I <'".. 6aM to-day thal be knevr 3 n111. mill- proj. .t.-.i In Uie ne ghttorhoi^ of thla clty. Pe i>!e wera beglnntag to tae t1"- money tbal w ln the buiuneaa. SATS HB JS THE REAL UUBDERBB. THE OOXPE-MOB OP JAcon fp.vxk may ?r.T A l.n :: i "XVICT Ki'.i.i.. -tnaaapoUa, Bept. -'¦. ( '" rtenee haa BnaTly foreed jacob Brown lo eonfeai tbal ln 1893 be eammttted .-. narder for wbleb one Gray 1^ wntng a llfe iu the penltenitary M Oia-ter, IU. Brawa'a atory w.i> -., Maase tbal the Cbtet <>f PoUce al 11 hitn aa a rnmk. Tbe man waa -<> earneat, bowever, thHt tbe < h!.f ordered hlm tocked up, aad lelegram to Centralla, IU., where tbe marder wft- Tbla mornlag tbe BBawer eaaaa Iram IBa .¦sh^rlff: "llol'l tho nian. Letter eoanlng. W.ll send for hlm." The atory of the marder a rtngatar one. nrown. -BO W9 tmrnpinp, w.nt lato ii bOX-ear 10 M'-ep. Uo atumbled orer a maa ta tiie daife, nnd a Bghl enaoed. Brown hM hia aaaaUaai a taial Mow wHI a eoapHag and fle.1. Xot long i.fterword tirny. auothor tramp, wanl to ataep in the aaaaa «.'.r. aol haawtng that he h:.d a Bead man Bw a cmapanto-. The ne.\t mornlng when be arose Be foand tbal Mi atm h.-i'l laiu ln n pool of btaod. He tare ofl the bloody aleevn and n.-d. That aleeve eaaaad bM arreat, caat nnd trntenee._9_ WOU* tUVOQLBD ff.'/.vlM/'.Y CA9WBBB. VTataii ara, x. T., Bept. -¦".- Poar Cblaamea, Lem Mng, l.a Blng, Ab CBew aad Me Maar, awre raplarrd ta thla .'tv at n .0 tMa mornlag aftt r a basa of twenty- n\r mOe* afrau tne Bntry Cape Vlaeeat, by [nspertor Hlram BBaaBe, they havlng violaaed the r.\ clu*lon law. In attempUng t/> carape, whlte men in tbeae amuggUng operaUons i..-t enntrei of Uielr ti..r-'-.. whkh .-.. awaj and were ranghl by p liee and eaaBoeatod. Bath ahtta men eacaped. B Oonnell. a Daarpmao of CBpa VTaasnt. wbo i- one of ihe gullty man, ww aabaaqaeBtlj ar tad. All are iu Jail. wlll 11! ommM owr !»eary *t Ooaferaaar. Ab CBea Uii.Canadlan c_/P_bb The other wUl be returned tt Chln*. All Um I ifcMM-i hi.l Urketa to rtew-YorB. SVICIDE OF A BBPBBW 01 tVttVC* l.AVAR. Bt, L'.m-. >ept. -JJ.-A dispat/h fr.m Llttle Rock, Ark to -The Post-DUpatch" aaya: "J- M. L_m*r eoaualtted aalMde U*t night by taklng morphln^ He was Uie kon of tiie lnte L. M. Lamar. a promlnent | politlclan of Georgia. aod tljc nephe* of A*soc_te jusUce L. Q. C Lam_r.' SCIC1DE OF A DAXBCRY BVSISZS* Mi.V. D.ntury, Coon., Sept. 2C-X.sou J. Barnum. aged tortyeavaa, one of the baal Baaan builae&i men ln the cliv and pr.mlnent lu religiou. cjrcle*. commltted g_Uda by t»kii.g morphlne laat night. 4> -. g-UKS BT TBE TBXBBB Off AV BBBJBB vvi.i;.' .' gMa aaapany Ra. '.'. M Hn^kim, ". «-. _._-! maa ator- ..( M la aaadfaad^M '('°'.'"<;f ,,«,., (itUmv, i"" " "¦. ""». M!B"9 }li": "',t»"'y' _Ua Bmd «_s nakll bv Ma "iweu M -.« ,'r"1,*r' .* ".;,;,,. ....... ted M M.BB* and »*.." MM j. w. M-.bUik. M xo o_! K_.t-.v-, waaarre.--- MR GOULD HAS SUImSCRIBED. TAKING fl.noo.noo I'NION PACIFIO COLLAT- ERAL TKIST NOTES. AT. DIFFEREVCF- WITH THE CREDITOR?' COM- MITTF.E ADJUiTED-MlSSOURI rACIKIC DI- RECTORs TO MEET.STOCKS ItECOVER _H4IUP.Y ON OOOn XKWS.THE UNION PACIKIC I-.8 VIR- TUALLT A.SSVRED. Wall Street yesterday enjoyed a return to rea- aon. The fear of haaBtUa innnlpulation of BBOOka by Jay Gotild or hin (ollowers BBBJ alltiyed and eneonraKing ne*rvs re-peet.inj* the ailairs of 1'nioii Paafflo, together with the annoiineenient of further hcHvy ahipmente of gold from Kurope. impartcl a confident tone to the linal moverncnt of the rifock n.arket. A oall for a meetinj of the D-CetoiB of ifhaanail waa 800f*ffln****if-i by sucreations that after all a dlvidend mjghl l>e declared. Tl.e nitmt satisfactory annonnceinent, however, wna that the duTercnces hr-uveen the creditorfi' coni- mittee of I'nion and Mr. Ouiild bad been armrg"d, and B.kl the refundlng plnn had beefl virtually iinderwritten and 880.1 BB accepted as a fuiceei. Tt wa« stnted yesterday hy John A. Ste-wart, president of tlie T'nitcd Stntes Tnist Cotnpany and :i nicndierof tl.e I'nion I_C_k creditors' orn- nlttec, that Mr. Qoald Bad BooaeatBd to de what had been nsked fmm him as n dirretor of th'' company at:,l oilC largely inferestcd in ita *olveney. Mr. SBBwart .'eelared eniphatically the I'nion r.-i.'itifl ploa wa« in a hetter shiipe t!)iin at any time since it wa* devised. I-»i*e in the day it) .vaa laaa-ad that Mr. Ooald bad Bfraed to wb- acrihe for $1,000,000 of tlie new eoUoteral iiotes, baa_B_ aecepting the new notes for his tinfunded obUflB.lOBfl agsilnst the company. llussell Baa*C ia nl*-. understood BB have au'reod to f;.ihseril)e $5**,**0 Iu retiirn it ll aaid that i atar__| loafl t.. ti.e Unlea PaaUle Company, in- dorsed by Mr. OonU, Sidnev Dillflfl and Frederlek L made by Dreaal, Iforgaa Co., would he modlfied eo ns to releaw the in-lorscrs from personal shllgatiOIM and thaf the notes would he exchnniced on the some hasis aa other BoatJng dei.t. it is understood tbal bha BBBOonl ia at leoaf 11,000,0*0 and oome authorities plaee the flgnt. 8* 52,000,000 to 9S,**O,*0*. There BTC believed to he lnr^'c clalnia held hy Mr. Gottld aeaiust the rompavy which w.ll hc unified with thoee af other Boatftig-de-rt clnims. The amount of the e\islin_ nctes which wili he e_chnnged for the new BOt. is estimated at from $12,000,- (.1.0 to $13,000,00*,Teavlng about $6,000,000 of floating det.t yet unfiinded. llie BUrploa notes t., he baaaed to provide oaah to pay off the creditors who refut-c t-1 accept the three-year e_.-BsOB ihave been iinderwritten hy Mr. Qoold and the hankers int»rested in eairyiag the BBBCBM! ta Baeeeaa to the 8X*r*rt of over $3,000,000. This practicallJf 88*91. ita euccess. WHAT THE N'OTES PUOMISF.. It was decided yesterday. however. to ofTer the whole amount of the new notes needed to ni.-'t tlie ooextrnded ohliirntionfi to pubtte bu»b»_Iptlon. At the offlee of Drexel, aforgan _ Co. eopka were furmshed of a ciretilar Bd*-eit_e__ttt, of which the foUowiag ia an extrael: Piiraoant to ihe pro-rkdooa of the eontemplated Truol [odantore ,!,t.i Sef-tt-mhet i, lttl, aad at tbe requeal .f the I'nion PaeiBfl Knilwav Company. suliscrir)- tions aay lovited for $5,000,000 of tbe «i\ aat .-..nt gold eollateral troat notr-,' nt 81 i I p-*r cent aod aeeru.'.l interr*t, Suhvr.ntjnns for this are oVetned .- '" f eo-amlttw to provide adeq.nately for part of the iloattaa aebt of the coinpanv. in plaee of sneh holdera as have n.t BoaaaafBd the propased plao, and upon tbttr beina aaade for aaeh amagint, the plan art forth in aaid l-deartore fot ta-dl-g the flottinc deW 0f the company wiU be declared effeetiva bf th' oommittee -The notes are for $10,000 eaeh, to bearer .r rcrist.-red, (with rifbl of exchai_B tato .Bgnve.ipa* notes of $1,000 eaeh, aa boob aa engraved), hear a_ i>cr eenl Intereal per aaaaw .,,m Auguat U l$91, !!«*.»¦*»-. ^'""'^v ¦.*¦ \.-nst and tbe prin.Mpal D-torea Ao_ast l, 1804, noleaa eoonet eaUed for redemption at par. Both' prlnclpal nnd Intereal are payable ta tbe eity ..f New-York II gold oota of the United Sutea ot the preaant itandard of wclffhl aad flne- "T'hvriptions w.ll Ir received hy Drrxe!. Mor- .,, tW < . ap to the tlose of bnataeaB next roea- il-'.v but the rlfhl is pearrvad to eloae the aub- acriptiona before thal tnm*. The ,¦.,,.ttee offer- ',,,.. the s.leripttona are J. Pierpont M john i Stearart, Edward Kin-,', Frederlek L Amea _- -k-andei B *>.r. -Utkera aaid yes- terday that there had Been eoi-iderable to-reati- ration of these notes bf investors. nnd the Bet tiement of all _ffei-iori betweeo Mr. Oould and the creditora' eo-___tt- aonld probably ladaee un exceHent deraand, Th.- re-eatabl_hment of eordlal relatlona he- tween Mr. Oonld and the ereditora of the 1'nioii E_"..;,' waa aof a_own generally In the Street iintil after ti.e eloaing of the Stock Exehance. It araa tavorablj eomnantrd upon, and aome brohera profeaaed to aee la ll tadkationa of an early ehange ii, the poaition of the OonW Interrata ln the atoek market. There were BBtne usually weU-tofonned men wl.o deelared that George J. Goul araa a_U iborl ol ai «ka. aad they refnaed to belleve thal even the BOCeeOB of the I'nion PaeifiC rei'Kidi'i; plnn would prevent fiutier Bttenipta ro depreaa valnea Othera aaid tbal an escape raight be pro- vMed by private aettletnenha, while apolof-ta for thp (ionlris were Otool la denlala of the truth of the eoirerrt tn!k- nt t,> operatlona credited to young Mr. (.,,'.: i. It it. s.fe ie aay, boarever, that tbe comiiron opir.ion rrtiKiins that ln the abaenoe »f lis father on his Reenl I">'- Western trip George Gonld »n,l his brother rilwta were betrayed tato ¦ spieiii-itive position adverae to the gameral t<*m- per of Wai! Street. Ii b boped thnt the rifhtinf of this i.lleL'ed position is now in the w.y of betaaj aeoocopiisbed without damage lo taveattnent in- tereata. OBOBOB (JOirr.n ABD Ml-sorrtl I'innr. An indicat._ wnr, found by thoee who argued thaf there wonld soon lt* no ground for rv- proaoh aa t.. tl.e poaaible attltude <>f the OooRIb in tbe ehanged attcraiinea <,f aanae of the Gould fol¬ lowing. Hn-seii Rage baa been beld reaponalble f..r the st-iriiin* of the rumora which led lo Thora- day'a eraaM ln ^ paelfto, Mr. s.¦ «. tl n e I yeaterday tbal he bad been "ahorting" Ifiaaourl Paeifle, aad he e-preaaed the riefk-f that after all a dlvidend aronld i>e declared upon the atock. A meerioa ol tbe board of dlroctora baa been ealled for n«-vt Wcdneattay. Sotoe of the dl.tora are eertaia to nrge its -aqr-aeat, bnt the deelding vote, of BOnjBB, BBB he casf hv Mr. Gould and his im- ineiln'e associates. A D... m the board la 800- udered more than Ufcely aa a con*e,|iie;i.e of the Ib_b8_1 Paal-8 apfaode, anlraa bbo.faoaory proof can be furnislied of _M B-W-C polny of declarmg the quarfer'a divi.lend. $o_8 frieada of the company are strong ift their belief that the linances of the company are not ui the condition which would lustity a ch.icc in the uaual poli y. The Street ia in a mpod to rejiard any other reault ru, a venlication of the BtoriaB that yoiiri,- Mr. Gould and Mr. Si_e have paiaeBa] reaaona lor a reduetlon or omiwion of the diviiend It is not ioipoBSible tliat the preaent bltuatim may lea J r. lmpLirtaut future developmenta ln IIisBOBtt Pa- cifie.'a owneraliip. If iBB.Uian r.'|.,,rt is t. he eredltad. Mr tiould ,!o-*s '...t bave :.k I nte an ii K'n-at as be poa*- aaaae wontha ago. lt is eertata thal not a fcw of th,- m' e.stn.ent h.ddeis of the utOCk wiii lie led r«> uciiulre more r.ccuriite luforioa.on BaneOffBiag tha condition of tU. propertv, .«s w-dl aa lo teat the beaeit'tlitv of a ceuihiiiutiun of ioteientb. It ia to bo lioperl that the outcome of »nch a movenient will develop the fnct it* nmnagers are atiu iepitimatelv l___ea8ed in the charge wlncli tlicy have in keeniri TllK MAB-MS OPEXS EXOITED. The hW.i k nu.rket epeaed cxeiiedly and enor- mous tran9B99BBB9 to«.k phkBB in the first liotir. An aaalBBfhl up-m I'niou Paoilic wna the featuro and the price fell two petetB helovv Tlmnsrlny's close. Tlii- -BBetal Bat wllhatanrl the laiBanaa well, and that the BOBB-B-BB of the foieun ele- ment wu« not aBalrrn in American wcurities waa shovvn in lieuvy pu;reh-Ma BJ l.otiaeis v.'itii Euro- pian . outicctlons. The spceulation did aet hma iin-piilanty until late ult.rnoon, when hitite of the aaaolloal iMBBliBg of tho I'niou r.iclic. pl4ii led to a rearwaJ ot caa-deiMM. L'nlon Paciflo re- covered Ita earl) taea aad oloeed with a aet gain ol noirly 8 per eeat. Iflaaoari Paeille Bteadled itself and roee nearly I pci <vnt. 'I here was eape eially oonfirlent buyiiur of the sfocka wliicli eiijoy BB tuaiket, lind tiie Vaflderbilt shares came eaaUy to Mm front. The whole niarket eloaed al material adraaead from Tharaday night, atnngthe.ed by a ootnmon eonvictton thal to-day miglii dleokrae e~ide_ee of a More nanBonioua u.l- iuatment of _nportanl apeealattve retatlofta. Tha earreat <>t gold trom Barope _> growiiig Btronger aad tha aanounoer.enm of fresti aiiip- menta itimuk>M_ oenJldenoe. The now ei tu.-nt. reported were $l,(iOO,0(''» CO.Mgl-M to Laaard Frtica, 9400,000 to lleideii.aah. [ehel- hrlmer _ (<>., $400,000 to Kulm, Loeb _ Co., aad 9300,000 to Muller, Schnll _. Co., a totul of ¦9,109,000. A* Oloaely BB the record has l>eoii kept. u. eaa _aw ba aaid that 19,795,000 gold ir, afloat for Amorica. There ha* beaa fi ,750,000 alrea.iy received. so thut the Beptcnaber nmvenirnt uniy i>e ealtad $10,545,000. The BifBBMW Btruria, due ti.-day, i* evpoctod to doliver a coimiderahie aaaoBBl of gold, ami ne.vt week the aniTata w.] hc hcavy nnd coniit111011s. lirokers were grati- lic.i thal yastei.ajr the rate- for c.iii loaaa did not riv above .'. p»r cent, althouirh the Stock Rxohange ralea oarry loana over to Hoaday. Tha l.euvy nioveinent of funds t.t tho intertor this week 1.aa prepared Wall Stxe.-t f..r an unfaYorable bank atatement. Lraa aolieitnde felt. ns to the money nmrkot, however, becanae of the oertainty oi ihe Iarge arrivale of foreign gold aaxt week. BTJB TB-A8UBT DKPOSITS. Tho BBb>Treaaary yeateiday leealTBd denosits frotn the hatiks for shipment la t.8 iBBrliot <>f $1,099,900. Tl.e ahipmenta this rnonth have amounted to §1 tt,.i::,;,nn, nuninst $9,959,099 ahlpped in tho entirP eoflcaBOB.lBg month BMl year. Tho Bhip.MMlta in .Titly nnd AngBBt BBMMBted $19,790,000, againal $11,190,000 in the auae months ol 1890. The whole intcrior nioveinent this 98.aon up to yeaterday baa amot.ited t.t $32,- 205,500, with s>ii,t:,o,( 1.. St>pt*>iu l.e* 30, 1890, and $1 ('.,.",611,(100 to S.p*< ::ilfr :;o, 1889. BBBBCia looli upon this Iarge over tbe Banw peiiod of arevioua yeara as ive of two things: tlrst, a cc;--:.t1on ol the jntetior de- innnd earlier than htst yenr, and second, u plethora of fun'i.s next year, when tho current turna te- ward New-York. It i- atanUieant thal <hic.ig.. haa neoeived aboul ene-thira ol the totnl ahipmenta nt' Doaey thia acaaoa, aad Ita pre-eininenoe n^ a VN'estern dtatributiag centro in eo_Mqueaoe »_- eurea a thorongh aeotterirvg of the TIic pjressure of the dem.'ind for smnll notea for tli" \\Vst- nnd Smith i.s fretting tbe Snb-Treaanry oiii- cers. and unlcss tho donLrtid .aoken| it is fc.ired thal the Snh-Treaanry will bo oompclled to stop th" tranafera ai now mnde. TUBlfTIfO IU THKIfi DTflOW PACIFIC M>TEs. Baatoa, BBpt. 86..CnloB PaeHle ofllcluls have re- celved 0.patcbea N'ew-York to the effect that Drexel, Morgan *- co. have agreed to tarn ta tlielr i»2,oon.oo(i of tTiion Piieifie n»t.-.. mdoraed By GaaBt, Amee aud DiBoo, aad t^ho eoltataral notea on tho BBBM bt.ta ns all otlier creditors. This removes tli.- otilr bMch and m:.kes toti.l subscriptl ms of eredftOBB BlS.SOOyOOO. TBere a_1 be a ni-e;ir.p of erea_on lo niorrow, nnd lt la l.elievcd thut lf a further axM.alOB of plana i-; neeeasary it wlll \>e gi-anicL may thi; WILL CONTEST. NEfJOTI ATIOXS LOi.KlXC. TO A fOMPHOMIfE SAID TO HAVIi BJBBH KKOPENED. Salem, Ifamk, Sept. 2 5 (Snecial)..It is stated to-iiiL'ht by those in a to know that the hcarititrs QB B_I BO-lBBBMl will of lifuf F. S. Scarles are not likcly to be resumed on October 14 or aay other day. ThiB bmaa8 that negotiatlona bave heen or will i)o reopened lookUigj to a com- prot.Me. Ti.e eontestaata are bb.MBtaod la reaUae that they have not found any B-W8 in 1 lie husincfls trausactions, for the BBpem appcar to huve hpen ftlBWB widi j^ront cnre\ At the aa._ tibm they beltere, aud the rxeeutora are ^ui.l aa reaUae, that tha tcstitnoay hafl ffOBB a lori^ way to BKStB a puhlic r.cnti- nient that the marriuno was a money BMt-_|9 that even if what the courts would eonstrue n? undiie Influenee not mad, nevertheleaathere w,is sou.c attoMipt to Keep 1hc ctitulo intact,' It ta well .oowb that th<- r.liroada with w_leh th<. eatate waa ho largely ooneemed are aaxtona to kocp tlu> property ifl tlW hands ot one peBBOB. AIr. Hopkina k'-pt it, iiiilirokcn by fivl_| tho whole to his wile, attd she kept ii intact after her m.rriage to Searlea by devisine ii to hlm. lie. la turn, had inado a will iu h t lavor. The whole ptirp.we ot these contcinporaneous wilis w.i.s to keep the rallroad aaaek8 and honds off the tnirlcot. Whatever the deetatoa of the Probate Jndge n_ghl he the other Mde woeld io to the Suprerae Court, An fiaaei CouBty jury is alwaya ;.n int*dllgeat Jary, bat tarelre ki.BSX County BMB aight view the distril.i.tion <>f auoh a Iarge property with less atteatioa t.. its legal aapeet than a Judfe, mad more to tl.e ecjtiities of tho case. Iu other words. the ulti- uiatc reeult oaa oaly be reached after latennin- able Utigation and M so aacerta.1 that r»uii aidea leel ui,ci.-y. Ii the will abould i>e hroken tbe railroad intereat would ga ob the tuarket. If the will is not broken T_nothy nopkina low* everr- thing. _"or thi* reason b eo_ipronlilM U probahlc. -«- TllK REFUXn 0V TRIMMISGS. chicasro. sept. S5..Perey L. Phnman, one of the attoincis ta the itaportera' Le?a.l Bareaa thut fonghi tho hat-trlanmiinrs c_se. to a sueccs-fui Iaaae, ealtad at tho i u-toin Hoaaa yesteraay to anaafB aoa 9 marters .,ni:".'ted with U18 same affair. Mr. B.BBBBI aaid that taatead of the Treaaary Department havtag to pay «,ooo to t!ie ba! taiportoM ob aeeaaat Of CXCffsslvc dtltles. the nni'MUit In his beat would raaeh nearar ^0,000,000. uBeeratary PBater araa ofered a eomproB.aa by tiie Imperaera for »s,ooo,- ."...' Mr. Shii-nan, " luit ho rieelined to plve us anything, bellevtng we would l.e beuten In the Ba- Court. V.ut when the Kupreme Court went againal lum hc Imd t<> gtVB up. I belleve tiie Iro- porton wlll gel bsvk aboal HO.OOB^OO. It may bo more or le-.-, but that Is my bc-t JadgBN-l regarding the matier. The bal tiHinminKs taaportod w_ aeeoed ..t f:-""! :'«> ao 00 iht eoat. TBere ara 1.5O0 ,w.<.. v.'« York thal wlll htve t> be aettled -i thi- bai-. but there ivr^ no bnportera here that will gel anj <d Ihe drawba.fc" a 9ABMB* Tuoranr 10 have ETDMOFBOBIA. A-l.ury ParB, BT. .'-. Bept. 85 (-.peci Ui.-Willlam Bl '.it. a .u.e. --t'ui tanaet >>f lUmUton, near Aabary ParB, is aaffering Intenae agaay from ahM la th..u>rhi io ii.- hydrophobta. A ealf whlch bad beaa Mataa by a mad Bog wme moatba ;«>. Befeed a wra ob Mr. btoat'a arm wblle IBe Mtter waa toadlag tl.e aataaaL ..f waa f'.i.i.iiUn «' IBa b*bbIB M the .aaa, w.d the vii'.i- -p..-a.l >.ver rhe 90ea, BTO Httei.tion vv:,- to the initt-r Mittl '.vei-il diiys :ut". when the 91. becin lo v. -ii. Mr. Btaat btbw gradaaUy woi-se, aid tn« 1.! Ba h*» hydropliobla. ? XEWYORKERS BUT THREB PAPEB XILLS. May's Landjng, B. J., Sept. 25 (Speciali.-Three of the large»t paper mtlls ln the Stnte, sltuated at Wey- mouth, t__ comity, wlilch ai'e owned by the Colwell eai_te. have, lt ls BtaBed, p.ssed into the hands of a ayndlcate of New-Yorkera. Theae mllls were not In- eludfcd lu tne purcii.*e of the l%nda of the eatate. whlch wore «od a few daya apo. The millv have not been operateti for throe vcara, owlng to the tadlure of Charltsa K. Colwell, the owner. BVTISQ PUOM AUEBICA X0W. MMftaBawa, Conn.. 6ept. 26..To-raorrow a eon -i.- ii'.-iit of twenty thi-ee can rf Iron buildlnc* wlll :.-i\.- i:.u-: Berlln, Bom the Bert.1 Bridpa Oaaapaay, for tiie CBnipikiiia Nadonul de K".. Bto .1" JMi.elro. Th. cotupiuiy are e\te:i-l\e ahip- bullder. and have horetofore lK).i«ht supplles In Kn>; l_id, but BBB i.". .ble unBer tl.e treaty Ut BBM_| -Ut.- coods ut. Uie ratee lu tho l.nlted state.. THE BOMB KILLED ELEVEN. UEADLY WORK OP THE NEWARK EX PLOSION. MORE OP THE WOUNDEI) WTI.L DIE-THB STRANGK CF.LF.aV..\TTON VVHICH WA.» PO-PBBLT IXTKRIlUl'TED. Tho deadly oharuerer of rlie B8JBBB exploaion na Newark on Thmwlay nijrhf waa not fully renllzed by tbe da_ed pa_BB who hurried fo the eeene after the d_oatct had oceurred until lontr after day- light yesterday. Then a aeore af maimcd vietirt. ln Uie boaaaaaBI, eleven dea<l budiea and numeroua nmpiitntions of the woi.nded hy 88.8* plQR.BB-BB dfaaaanod the gha.sfly renlity. The irrcHfer niim- her of the victims were taken fo the ("ity Hoapital, to which surceons had lieen haatily amnmoned, There are only five B_ba_B.. in the city and milk carts and¦ ;*rocery wagona were utilized aa conveyniicea. A.s the accommodationa at tlie hoapital were liinited, the wotin.led were deposltc.l in the corri- dOBBj where the -oetfltB went ro work upon them? The plaee resemhled a shamhles. A number of the convHlt'aeeiit |>arietifs yave up their hedn and worked all aight to alleviate the aufferinga of thelr fellow-ereature*. Doctora Kent, Ba'.dwln, Voting, Iloltster, Wrifrhtnon, Seidcl and Haroldl WOtked nearly all niniit, prrforming BlxtB8JJ| im- portant operationa, of which nearly a dozeu were ampufations of legs and arms and three of ?raeheotomy. One operation waa the removal from the stomach of a man of a piece of the i>r«nze c.\ linder as large aa a man's hnnd. It had panataatad tha ahaleanca*. The ph*r_04_. were puzzled to say what woald be the result ..f the 8*aauada of a majority of the Tlie nattire of the injuries wiw peculllar, and there were ehaaflOB of B_88_ and hlood poison- bag.' The niorlality liat at noon included cleveo, ns followg: \\,.¦¦¦¦. Krvderich, fiftcon yeara old, of No. 37 Cllfton- ave. Mlller, Frank, elgbt vrars old, of Xo. 123 Elghth-a-'e. l'N< 11, Mlehael, thirte-n veara old, of No. 10 I'aMcn-st. Analone, Mlehael, olnet »o yeara ow, <>f No. m urifi st. r'arrun Oulaaeppe, torty-ona yenrs old, of Bortfe inal-st. . Rlir-olo. I'asquale, fortv-five years old, of No. 174 E ghth-ava. cai-oiow. Charlea s.. twetvn years old, of No. 224 Cen- tral ave. Mnrphy, Mary, etghteefl years old, of S1xth-avc. and Bldge st. Flynn, Arthnr, twetoa yenrs old, of No. io sttone-st Ilughes, _atharlne, se-ventcen years old. of Mxth-ave. Paitfr -t. Borgeaser, Henry, twerro yeara old, of iSeventh and < iiftou avea. The injured are: At the City Hospiiai-fJaslano 'Anr.Ione. of No. 24 Ortft. sf of ti.e ,iead hov Mlehael Anzl ne; Inv inenrala AoBlooa, hla \»Tftj. and Nlrholas Anzlone. thelr velve,>M s0n, all palnfullv Injuml ahout tl.e oodlea a d llmba; wllllan nenon, <>f No. ni n,iv- 'i ist.. leg ihatteieO; Ueorge Urcirn, Bxteea vears old, of No. ui) Btone-.., riRiit ann a_attarad; iiai.iei fiesn.n. aeveDieen reara <>i<i. of No. n Orlttaa>- den i.. roano.l in the grofn; ButheneC.u. forty-flva !'!. Of No. 12 I'rift -I.. \v,,iiti.l <1 ln the (froln ; l"tisqnale Dictzero, of i-a'tory sf., thlrty-flVB vears old, and froln torn; Annol Chlppo, Ka 73 Troy- ave., Brooklyn. aeverel* Inlured Bboai ti.e head and 1'rrx'i Crlftori, a miulrlan, <>f Ihla elty, mjuted on th,' lower eztmnltlea: tioidie opie.i. twelve yeara old, of Na :h> Niis-hii i_, !i,.t axpeetei to uve; Annla llnclies. of Aqiiednct rt., injiired about the hcad: I'aMiuale faaUnl. of No. 172 Kighth-ave., leg; Antonla De Franrlaee, of No. 10 Drut-at., Injured ln tlie ah.iorneii; lit-orge Krancr. ol No, liil ('. ntnil ai ,'.. WOttoB.I or. eall of legj l.i/.zie iiui'il.v, of Parker-st., fractur*d ikalL \t Bt. Iflchael'fl Hoapital John Coai >lio. of No. 2l'4 Cerrbral-avo., twelve reara old. arm hlnwn off: Jamea Oa_Baker, <>f No. 71 .stone-st.. scnlp wonnd and shattered fln;."r. Af th-ir hoeaea.Jamea Howe. a policcman. heel ihattered: Paeqi.Ie Bo.>, ,,f N,>. B44 0ranea>4_ Itneii hndly injared; Cathe.ine Toff.v. of No. 47 "heffit'lrt st.. wounded In tbe thf-?h; Chflstopher Uunn, of Relkviiln, tliiwht cut: Joa*fh Fenneilv. elphteen reara oM, of n... ::r Cttftoo-ova, cut under tha are; AegOaB Rorlnian. of No. 17 Ros-den-sts, Imeei c;ip brolren; I'hi4rleu S. Ureega. (it No. ll" Nas*.Mi- st., lnjnre<l lu th^ Krotn a-n<t a«ad: OiKtario llarlo, .,f No. fli Pyivden-sf,., riiirt on rrte leg-; Joseph SmlUi. of f'ratie and Stone stx., calf of leg torn; Flynn, of No. 10 BBOBOat., bre-vst Injured. It waa the fe_«t of 8*. Roeco. The Itallan eol- ony in Iloyden-st. in divided Into two fnetlons and all are of the Ronmn Patholic relijrion. Oeral- do Spntola and Alfonae Ilairo nre the respective leaders of tl.e fartions. Tl.e lalter it> known aa " Kintr \lfonso*' and conducta a dram shop at No. ni Rnvf|en-et. It was ln front of this p'aee that the diseeter oceurred. A month a?o the Spntola faction ce]phrated the dny of their pafmn saint, birin*? a hand of music and diiacharging flre- works. This excired the emulation of tha other faction, and a hand of BBM8. wns hronght from New-Votk nnd more fireworks were purchased to eelehrate with. The faction made other prrparatlone. They had a Btataa of the Vircin made of slmwla and N»d sheefs and plooed it under a eanopr. Holy pietoR8 were disphiyed upon the sidewalko and the streots were deoorated with flv-a nnd banting. One piece of pjfToteebt.08 repieriente,! St. Rocco with a ei.;,r in h,s motifh. nnd then WM a contrr anoc to make tho lirure <]inrc. Tlie Bainfa head was hlowu olT and the fijrnro kept oa danclng. When an Inflated lisiire of the sainl wbieh wns _itet.ed to Boat akyward ooald not i>e cnade to aaeend s..nic of the aiiptiBllHoaB Ital- ian.s looked upon it u an oinen ol evil and went to their homes. Tliey eongratOlattd tliems.*lve» \es- terday apoa the superioiiiy of raUgtOOB lalth. Tbe eyliiader which eaiaaed aoeh daat*rnetiaa of hiimin lite w.s of eopper, laBJ than three feet lonp and eij-lit taohea in diBBBrter. It watt loaded with bomba and was d_4_argad with a fuse. Seven or eiirht of thcae eyli-deta had been boagh* from a lireworkn maButaCtoret in New-York and a number of them had been d.oharged without accident. Tho cylunler was pgOfped up ia a, 4tatlitlng position with beer-JprgB. piatform wua ereoted over the door of "King Alfi'ruso'h'' dnim. sin.p, aad ou this were N'atcd the niu.-iciaiis ir» gay umi'or.« B.n>oo_ded by llt_s. The band lie- liati to play at, Bighttall m:iu UB_|**.8iiced oando tiegao aetUng oil the Brewo... AU the popui.- tion ol U.e Dflighboriog Btnata emp_ad lnt'iiloy- deu-st., and by lft:30 o'elock tin: stieet waa jamtned wlth people of all ";.> aad of h.,th a;\es. I'.he exploaloo of the bomba w:_ uf gr«'at in- taroat and an eager erowd pieaaed near t>. witue-a rh" operaiion. l_en ea.te tha fatal cylinder. lt wus plaiced in p.-iti.ui agafaat tlie baaf-BBjaj the lu^e wa-i Ughted, and the next ltistnnt the pale of death tell u|>..ti the aaaeiiiUliiga. The niiisicians atopped playing. Ihe huah Of Hinazc- lnent, and terror revtea i<.r a rnoment on the atreet, nnd then were beard the eriea and groi4n4 ,,f tha woimi.ed and dying lylng prostrate in the atreet. Tha oyllndor bad explodea Into tragaaraaj thal arere blown righl and left Btnoag the erowd. People tt.ii.hied as |f ander ti,«' tir-* of m.iaketry. (*riea f»r l.clp were beard on every si i.-. The orowd "ii the ont_Ide. not iinderat.vlFag arhal had occiirri'd, made a w.ld *.aaapede from the atreet and aome tttn lnJnre- ln the e*_A. Kveeytoing waa i" liie . Oaptaln McManna, >,i al¦ Heeond Preelnol Pottaa St.iiion. s»'nt tbe pntrol wagon t. Boydeaiat. ln antleapatlon of trouble between the motloaa. and the wagon waa oo Ita way when the of the exploaion wns beard. The ufflcera aprang om nnd sei/i'i; three vani pbctsl them la the wagon and drove arlth them t<, st. Mi rtael*a lloopi.1. The"':.!!,', s were hasti'v 09Had, lai.l waifons ln the nelghhorhood, wlth mattre pieaaed lato aervtee. ln Sfaaen Btlnuteethe atRcara an.l rotuoteera liu.i elrare tbe atreet ef the woi... .-.! :.n.i dying. Charlea A Caro__i, boy, waa nearly OUt i'l two uml d,ci iu the amlxilai:108. All tlie other dp.iths oeearred In Ihe City Ilospital, which waa baa__e<l by weeping people all Blgnl It was aaid ln the aolghborhood tlnt the eylinder had been charged witn dyn.imite or BOgM other high exxdoalva, but the btotement mct with aaa credence by the pollee, who investi^ated the cai.e of the exploaion during yesterday. Couuty Phy- siciun rVrigh.on aaid . ,- tha di__*->r waa nlainly the result of an aod !ent wldch could not nave tieen foreseen, no inquesta would ordered. The authoriti'n are ccruurel for (H-rmittini* tho explr^ion of hoinl«. The ordinances forbid the ¦ setfbg off of lireworka on any day b:t a legal hollday. Permi.sfiion wib asked of Ch.ef of Po'lce Hopner, but it was refused. It ia under- 4tood tliat tlie pennit was ob__wd from Super- intendent Aatley of the i"ire DepartrneBt, although the law d< ea not vest any su.-t'!or:t'. in aoy eitv of tt.1, At BJOOt two af t!,e patirntu row ln the hoapital nre llkelr ta die, ....,' the ih>.>»...« 0.1 n ,t lieuk rk-flnltcly la reaard t-. ihe other i'i«_ Alfonao lliario was ri'l.e.l h\ a Tnluine re- BOJraBI \est,riiv if Iu* pr<>t><*<>d to uei up any more aunh eelehratjona. and he replied aoleinnly that he never agaiu would ha\c BOythlBg to de, ..?*» t .-._

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1891-09-26......:ii,i.!,, lha r-bk dtspatob repeate that the InaperiaI Oniniiiaanl has no doubt of its eon-reteoev to pre_erve order. The above eoiD-_a.oattoa











CwifM MBM By The Wm mr* A$ioeiat«d Preu

Landon. S-pt. t».-T_8 following ls a aunimarv

of an oili.ial I'e-kni w»>le duspatch received aa

Monday aod BBBJBn to tlw F-BafBl Offlee authori-ue_ on Taoaelajr,

Sp.-c.lnc B.BB have been offered to the Treaty

"powers BrJ CblBB BB cornpensation for tlie BB8B of

lifa mi.I proiHTtv at Wnhii. W-BB4J-, Tanyamr,Weeeefh and other ptaeaa where o_o8.aa have

ocurrvd Four leailrre af tho rioters bave bawa

rxecuted. and twentwme have hecn hanished.

flva MB-BB-riBB liave l-een ndjud-red culpahly re-

tniss la not uiloptinir met-tires BB preaerve order,and have been reported to the Thrune for puniah-ment The Imp-rial Government, rrcoirnlnngits entire rcaponoibiiity for the preeervation af

inler at the 8-8-f 808-, and for the pro¬

tection of B_B_ka_r_* in B-B interior. haa ordercd

the f-a-aaj* of C__- aaal Xanking to _a-

____ tl.e Kart-BIB BB4j Soutlicrn squadrons to

pntrol Haa Ya_.-*ae-__aa. and *a afford protectiontr_-tvei Ibe lifc or proporty of L.iro-x_-_ ib still

api-rcntlv -0-4*8-8- Though rumora of

further ttoo-ea still a_at*a uner_ineaaita cartataL__ea the Oo-4ji__eBl aaa no deobt of its ahiiny

"o* rffeetively Wl- attetnpts at fresh hreachra

f Sa ptaraa, whether from tho opero-ona of

b-bwb\bb___.«denta! ^--BtaBOBB. Tl.e rvimlnat.ona held iaat

.,.,,), at Haoktafc*, Wooclmng. -8-4hnnc H*aa>chow and Foorhow ende.i without tl.e fl_or_ rs

ofu-ti on tl.e a_*rui»»Iing of so maiis

tl.ousati.l4, of sf.identa. At Naoktag alono the

MUl number of aBV-B-ta is I*.*** aad tl.e num-

ber M BBaiWllJ leaa at the other capitals mentioned-

Haa-_1 is known rcspecting the reporta cabled

to Kurope of an attempt to seire the FoochowMarnnl. bal m d.nM«*ri BVtdeaee of the acUvity,. rperel aec4rt_e Baa Iwn ohtained in other

nuaiters. Thnt.v-tive 008*8 of foreign rifles, con-

ijaned to a Brltlaa Babjact omploycd n the

I'l.perial ouMoma B-«B at (hinkiang, have been

M'ized by the U-Bi-8 eaTtoaea al Bhanahai, and

the co.isigiice haa been arreated end aent to

Rianghai for the Briti-h Mt-Olit-B to dral with.

The BaiiH- man had in hit. po^-esfion a quanllty, . dyaaaalte, which. with the rifles, he eaa*-M8B_

v ta tatended for tbe use of a aeeret society at

f-takaof. The anns caror from Hong hon_.,,,,. TTfher Britlah aobjeota and six other for-

eino. i*_*>nalita* douhtiul. re-derrta of ED

I ,,. ted in thia tn.nsiKtion, which Sir

Robert Hart, Ibe IiiM-x-ctor-Ur-M-ral of ( natoms,

mml tbe Britlah C>)_nitat_ at Shanghai and

Chiokiaog aie iuv.vtii;atine...:ii,i.!,, lha r-bk dtspatob repeate that

the InaperiaI Oniniiiaanl has no doubt of its

eon-reteoev to pre_erve order.

The above eoiD-_a.oattoa fr-.m the Pekin Gov-

eii'mei.t is reoelved with dktTiial ta the ForelfnOflee hexa. Use <hing Chang. the Chineae Am-

b_BB-k>i to the EttropeiHi Caurta, baa recentlylesn iu St. Petersburg, where he 8»oi*4jed4jd ta ta-

*«» | tbe _____ tlovernment to wlthdraW fi"in

tbe joint action projeeted bf the Fowere. He

arrlved in lierlin tO-»T, wilh the »l*w of trv-

|M to inflneiice (lia-nccllor von Caprivi.' but U -

¦ that he wiU not alter the determinntionaf the tierman Coveniment to co-opersite with the

lintibh (Jovernnicnt in talcf-f deeisivT me»usurcs.

The Yekln note. *& given to the papern, fails to

indieate the real el.aracter of the appoal made byHaa Chtag Ohaof to ibe European Oovemni?ntslle ha« urgerl that the Imperial (iovernmont waa

entirely honest in dWB.Bg to suppress the dis-

orders and seekiiif- -BM ta deal '-vith the anti-

fnreipn lailBjaill. and thal precipiiate action 5_ajH paif of the Pdarera %vould defeat their objeeriand hHng CUaa into anarchy. His eomtniinica-

tinna diRtiii"Tly aaggBSf the prohahility of sueh a

potent politieal upheivni in Chi-O as misht over-

throw the Mancliu dynn*ty..The panicky feeling B-lattag in I'ekin is mnde

lrnown here hy tirpent eekarra__ sont throngh the

Ca_leae Enha-ay, hopka-inj l/or.l B-ttabury to b>itrtict Sir John Wah__*_ th.* Britlah M__ter to

China, to adopt a more friendly at-tadc. Min-

mn Wa__i. BifviBea tbe Forelg- Offloe thaf i>»-i-

.istent dlplomatie M.aare, eooibined with a navajdrmoiiMiMiiii-i -it oertain of the treaty porta, wlllle the ouly effecive meana of preveottag recorreniBBUagea He compratna that tbe proraulgatlon olt|.e j ,- ., ... ,,-t aajaloBt att-t.8 oa taf_fne.risa ix'fii ni-neraaarily deaayed. He aalurd toe

s to use the telegraph in pulilishjiu the edlct,bat the oflio.Ja refuaed, aaylof thut ti.ere was rn.

eni for doing ao, and thal the edicl rouat ia*

ted bv the ordltiary couriera. rbe Mlnto.lerako eomplaina of tbe unoer.taty of th" paiila--

t the real leiolers of the ontratjes. II l.ot.lkllaburv snpports Mlnlater Walab-m'a policy, the1 ra wili actively tatervene in order to proteeiEuropeaus leaving the Tartar dyna-ty to taka eareif it-seif !n apite of the chaonc state «.f the prea-rnt tronblea tl.e Foreign here hopea thal theuhimate reaull wili be an exteoaioii of trade tobaportam eeotreB on the ye__-tae-_iang, wnictitrc now oloaed, bol where the Oovernincnt aiuis

to esiablish L'onsulates.

GOYERM'R AND LKOI81_KTU_I AT OVBB.Panama. sept. l«.-"TI:c sur and Herald" -wbl-baa

ar. aceount of a flspute in progre'*. at BeBaa, Uritisli11.<luras, bctween tlie Aditiinl-ti-atSon an* the Legt4-latare. In lahBlaomi the atory la as foOowi: After i

BioBaiatid Btf-aggle belareeo lha Oo-rernaaenl and el'-aicnt of tlie _BglBhM-*e, BOf uiillk-; thatbet^e^n 1-lBiaroda aad tha ChlUao Coofiaai, the K'']1-

iai«*oa vaeaaed thelr aeota in a body. Tha Oo*ernor promptiy appotated -aaa la plaee of theaa. itoaaMroary to Jni> tl_ Ge^eroor ood his Leglslata-e bad

iii thelr owafway. -\t one atrake ihe Icnporltaitffs -rera ra ed freaa 10 ta BO per eaat Tha eolon "-t- vainiv Botttlaaai the Home Oovernaaenli, Tliethourtit Baal1] oeeanad lo Heveo Brothera * Oo. .afther». «&. a CooBtltoBoa Bwaeaheie in tlie arehlvea .<f

jka soay, aad the ina »anaaHtd thelr _wyera, ari_th* ifs.iit tlnt ni. tirtiott \\»- lni<! |n .luiy apilnst tl.eCoii'ctor oi i..--- reeover dattea aUeajad to bavabeen Bkgsll) < vw'.-.i, ou ll. groand th«t ihe eolonvP'*scss iitiitiona] Legts.tate, alther at thepraaBBikae or when the nea tarifl araa « ted. £_*.Ju tice AaBen.i >a' In a u*_Bda*** f ,r preeedenta, bolBaolly «in.,'i Utal Laa -tan wa-s uaconatltsUonally Ioti.mi. aod ii,,.t Ita a<is wmtm rooseqoentl]lavaBd. -Tn,..-,. |a n,, Boabt," he s.uii, -ti.ii tbaraought to ls:, and in:isi |^', Miii.c r'stminini' pow.-t ap Ba eo'ooial LagatBture," and to, ai he eoohl aof Jmiiclaiiy nntie itu- gaot, i.. cal it with ii.<- aaaBe of eoaa-

'';«i k«v ju;i. tha i> aloBfla. Thato the Prl* y < ... of theKinpir.. i.i.i it isafffj.iiit t-, s-.- hoa thal bodj caa helpIt out of II4B

THK CX.B AND TliK KAISEN T<> MKKI TO-lkAT.Yiu::a, Bept. ' |a autborl.llvaly uiaoaoead

hare lhal Ihe i aar :.n« Bnperor A__aa wUI me.-t attaaaaharg ton-rrow. a%. aaoout-aaoeol oalag eatiteii Baa-pected, haa c«-.w^ a Butaar b* pott-aalatrefca.The Oaar arrtvad l.ere BJ » ]ate hour tei-dav. He

wa* rt<-eived (<J i r.t.ic Uomo'A on behalf of Emperor-ZJi-^ir1*. '¦ Ciar reaumod hl< \(m<-nc>. fttr-r* rpailiig bere i,e )lad reouested tha his

ETMotcow^r-_^^ OTV*«y tron\ Copeohagontne ..V,ra" i.n p te. W_| beeause of ihe death oftiie <-i-.r.a uachct Paui. 5|jo_s ,. ,-.,,iwlth no recept on* at any oi U.e B_r-»yTu-00?A L1VEKPOOL THEATItE LESTRr,YED BV FiRRLiveipc^l. BB* -y-Tho Oaletl Theatre. la Ihlaelty. wa. deatroyed hy fire tWs raoraing. The flrata-rm wm sounded at 8 o'elock «<_ two hewa laierw«re tf*ttaa-S1 "nd "°n ">lum»* .« «. *»"^n«

L1TTLE DOI.V; e,N THI NKARAi.'rA TAN4.LPaa-aaa, »,,'. i- .,,. f^ .A1([ ujtntf,, MJh¦ "" WlttwioB aboai .ii- aearaittaa ef *ir-r. atthe a-at of WlaaiajB- <anal OSMBBdMaMi.. B88bjb ., latiaMa aaaove .. Bleaiajaa a*a ie4,rrf thataauiai atfali» Bm Juan del bur «..-. conaid'---i.

dull, the work bcing dally retiuecd. Our corresp'nd-..iit a.ld. BaVfTBl nf the prlnclp.l employes. snchas englucers and plan drawers, were dlscbarged to-duy,lt is said, lor the want of fumls."


IMPORTATION-MRS. MAYBIUOK.Garyrxght. 1891 : Mg the Ntw-York Aunciattd Frut,London. Sept. 2ft..Mr. Gladstone's comlng deliver-

ance at IBa Uberai Peder«9o.n nreotlnr - toverted willifurther importanee by tiie antliorlr.ed ann.mneementtl_t he Inteod. lo revrlew Lord Sallsbury's B**lfBpollcy and declare what hM own wlll be if hc .houldagnin be p_ced ln powor. Mr. Morley ha. al..dy.I". huad that the next GTadstone Adminlatrntion wlll

ac/v.mpllah the evacuatlon of Egypt with the brlefestpotBible drlay. Letters from Mr. (iladatono to UieServlan polltlrian Govomovltvb, wlilch "will appcar lnto-morrow's tssue of "The Wpeaker," are lihely la caiwo

a Rcnantlnn ln Enrope. a. they sbow tiie P«s-sible dlvergenre BaBMBBB the I.tbe.ral and the present<v.n«ervBtive policy. Mr. Glads-fone artvocntes tbe|ne9M h.'.ruionv nuvmjr the Balktin Statfls. pepudlnte-Lord Sall.sbury's dlplomacy as tonding loward tiie

...upreinar-y of Hulgnrla over the other States, nnd ndttstlmt be feels .armly wltfi the lately tmbJocM populo-tioos of Hotithwestern Enrope. Aa the lint purnsp,cnn only appiy to AaMBtVa tnUn_: of Bosni.-,and Heraegovina, the letter I. lntrpreted to miw

that Mr. Q.B.9flQa dc*ires to aaal tne Austrians fromBOM.11 and to IBBfMri the fOTmiitJon ol - fcderutionof flhe Balknn Stntes.

The (Jladjitone Llberal.s conftnue to arrange for thefufcure on the eappaaad cert.lnty of their belng inpower by the antumn of 1802. The < onaervatlvcsnow talk of poftponlng the general electlon. nnillthe remoteet legal perlod. Aprii, 18!>3, ln order toenable tiie Govornraent to get the Irish local govem-ment in working order.

Econorolc e_p.'rt. agree that the net addltlon to rhenormal iniports of American graln has not 8X9999*1$100,000,000, of whlch part wlll bc taken in liunrlesand part in gold. If the extravagant btiying taIAmerican railroad securitKs contiiiue«. the BBB.lllndebtedness wlll be further enha:noed, and wlll Madto aa liicreane of bullion aBlp.ICBtB. Mr. Grlffen'sii-,"..| otlm..e that -10,000.000 ln gold woqld be thellmit of the expott to New-York i. not dlsputed, bute.ven tBM ina\iniuni| M oxpeeted to ci.tail an lngrcai-eof the Bui.k of Englaiid rate to 5 or « por ee:if.

Tiie appeals of tbe frlends nf Austih Eldwell toHome Seeretury Mattlicws to remlt the rcmaindcr ofliidwell'a term of BBP8B9BBBM-I have falled, in splteof HM fact that Uiey were supported by high influence.Baeredarp Ma'ihewa r*fiise.s even to reply to the me-

morluJ. The effort* to secure the releaae af Mra. May-krlek wlll be eqmilly fuUle. Tho couvict's BO-Cttor has

been advised not to proceed with tho auitarlon, ns the

Home Ci.Tice wlll decline to reopen the cuse In any form.The American, Mr. Graves, who was receritly ar

rested in (iermany for tafclng photographs of scone.ry,h_5 arrived in London. Hc aaja he was urrestcd at

Mayenre whlTe taklng a hariule« vlew of tfic f'.wn fromthe fort-works, aud. was coritlned for thlrty t.liree hoursiu a cell fitrnlshcd wltii onlv a dlrty mafTress. il.slooA. coTIslited of blmlt brtsad, a mug of uiffBeWaahdrawii irom u tank, aud vlle ^oup, aMO tuketi from a

tank, until he wa.s allowed to tuv BM mcals. He w^slelea^t'd thrinigh the American Consul nnd th-n wentto Meti. where he waa apiln urrested for U.3BB photo-graphi iii the strects. From Mei7. bc was hunicd over

the French fronticr.Mr. Balfour ha- ivgjKtercd Wniself as a voter in Soutli

Imblln. The fon-jervatlvea propose. his candidatuiefor Meniber of I'arllamciit for that seat.



Berlin, rsept. 26.-Tne "North «erman Gazette" to-day pnhllshes flte ofhcial rc*ult of Hie ln(julric» madel:i rcg::rd lo tho wheat crop of Prn.-^la. Aeeoi.-g UiUiis report, tho crop araonnts B> 18,40ft.OiX) doul.lequlntnls, agalost 17.6_4.OO0 in IRtK). Tbe aummernnd wiiiter wheot orops togetlieir will yieM 1,000,000double qulntap. over fhe s»rae crops of M.n.

London, Sept. _5..The sugar-beet r<K)bs thronghoutEnrope are doing fajrly. The welglit per acre in Oar-niany wlll, 11 ls belle/.-, be only from 10 t/> 12 \*-rcent short, but this may bo offset by tho lncrra«cd nrea

sown and the allghtly betier qnallty of tiie r«ots. Thoroots in Anstrla are not Iarge. The proRpert. for amatejlal lncrease ln the roots in Frnncc are rathersmall. but tiie yleld will be of a de.cidedly superiorqimlity, and there wlll be a J._ge liici-easc In the pro-duction.

"The Telegtaph'F'1 st. Petervburg eotreapo..Bltea>~: "The disfre-R among the peaaaatl K Incrca^lng;potatocs are _.iling In niany di*tiicts, and a BBWIn-ect, known ns the sooka, nioi-o deslnietlve lo coni

thaJi tha Hes^ian fly, )k»,s appe.iwd. The \vh'.!<: popn-latloii of «.r»n.e villagcs In As1r,xka:i are dyiup of storv*-tlon. The doctora prescrlbe orn instertd <,i raediclne.Tiiere :.!<¦ --.lne- aOoal "f parenU eatMng their rhlldrenlu Nljnl Novarorrwi. Tjie aathorttiea in maiiv plnceaare lcvjing a tax 011 luoorers. wdorcver they obt._work.''

8APETY OP THE HTEAMER CUV-MB.London, s^'pt. 88..TBa P.ritifli rttiaima" Ctavlar, Cap-

tal'i CaBogBB, from New-York M?iit^iiiber (5 for Antwcrp,paaaed Doret to-day.The Hrltish bark Avonport. f'apt'iln Mltrlirncr. which

arrived here on BeyMmker 11 from Oothenbttrg,reported that on KeptemN-r 10, in lu.iMtude Hit::(."» north,MagllaBa flf<:4 5 west, =he paaaed a sch.H.ner i1{r«"«Isteatner With wlilte ma^ts, wltli ftmnel havlnp- a bla<kf.p, centre whlte »nd lowor parl blue, and witJi tlnvcaal- hoi'ted. The etaaawr*! rr.achlnery wa- ajipar-cntlv 9.abtod. She wa* headlng we«t under two Jlba,but had n^ f'.re and aft. canvas spitad. She was rap-n .¦.! bt be the Cuvier.

A MISHAP TO TllK T.tAVE.London, Bapt 85..TBa Nortn QerflU. I.loyd aBeaawr

Trave, Oaptalfl IJtihSitis, from Nctv-Yo:k Sc;>teniberir>, via Sonthampton, whirh ves-el arrlred nt linnierhaven at 7 a. BL 10-day, was towed to that porl fromNiei.we Diep, wheie she anchoitd la-t ni-'lit vxi'.li aoyllnder broken. .

At the offi.e of the Xorth Gorman Llnyd Strs-nislilpConvpany yesterday lt was aaid t'mr the aecktenf t<.Ihe Trave, of wbieh news was reccived by cable, nilghtraoder aeoeaaary her tenparary wltBdrawal from IBeline. in which .use the _Ibe would takc her place,

MR. 0LA-81TOXB AND THI B-TTIBH PI'H!.ICAN8.1. 'ndon, Sopt. 86..Mr. Oladataaa Baa ailMen ;t

letter fo the Temperanee Loaeue, sayitig ln suiis^ancethat the defeat of the mea-sure laMeMueed by iheGaarenuaeai, praettf.Dy endowing pablleana, waa taits elfert nefraUve, but thut it rcally cr^ated a iii'.v,'

raaal uw_MB has already grown pawarfBl, .nd wbiehwill graw in vlgor. The rrevent system," Mr. Glad-Btone, "rs a dlscr.-vllt ajid a calmnlty to tbecountry, and y<m can dopend upon tho l.lberal Madetausiiii tliclr most carncst endeavors tx> altcr 1L"

THE KING OF SF.RVIA SAID TO BR BKT-1PTH-D.Belgrada, Bept ~:>.-u is reported thal the Kn.-; ol

BarvM Mm Baai beMalBed lo ihe Prlneesa Helena efBflO. 'l\v lalter vvn- Imrn lli 1B73. The Killg

.t BervM, AMsomder I, waa Mam in 18T9 aad aae

eeeded his MtBer, Kmg mii_h. after the iait>i'- abdte*.tlon, Marah .;, 1999.

O-KKBAL roinirs MIBBTOM Ul AUBTRALIA.M.'ii.Hin..', Sept Bsw Oeaaral Rootb, of tl..' B-hra

tio'i Arrap, ha- inui aa aat.aalaatk reeaptlon u Ban., ;,. (,,. io ig. Qraal eraaMa aaae Jotned ln IBe

Ani'y'b preera.aai and wouaaar mee_aga have baeah.-M. ihe arrlral <rf General BoelB n Hii- eotoap(Victorta) h.s K.vt.'ii a stis.og MipeBwI to rtvivuli-ui.


HER PATROI. 1»F B-HBIXO BBA OOMPL-TBD.Vlet/.rla, R. C, Sept. -'.*<.. TBa HrttiaB war-bhlp

nuiaaart ralBniad ta parl yeetarday, havmg eoiapMradhc patii.i of DahrlBf sea. ^he in ti"» aeBaenarOtto, whirh had been .elted by the InlJed Mataahtcamcr MoMC89 for ln-egularitlea ln- her papeia nndsent home to awaat further inouiry Into her case.

AID FOR THE BPAKISH FT.OOD 6FFFERERS.Havana, Sept 25..The funda for tho bencat of the

Spanifch Uood aufferers that have beoi collocted bithe C_«lno £tpaiiol alouo _tnouut to over $13,000 lngoM-_

THE GOLD nUUflXnf IX RIEXOS AYBBB.Buenoa Ayrea. Sept. _5.-Guld eloaed ye*:crday at

310 per cent premium.A DETORATION FOR MISS EAMES.

Paria, Sept. 24..M. Bourgeol., Mlnts'er of Publlc

[aaiiBcM-t Baa tua_atal Bfaa mi-s i.i,,-, taeMaflar. aha Beearatl m <>t ofhfier de PAcad


lierlln, Sept. ¦*, « i* BBM MMMa-toBi BBM MWlboth Ui- MflB-MM.Mtf and Wtiis. haiiei-s will

ihe Baaaa-B -.*- ** *»> «~d«y ggaM-MBMalM _«..i.«i

that OhHree.llor von Caprtvi had been ron*ulted ln themalter. ln reenrd t.> wbieh. it i- st*.t<*l. the Govem-nient iu ilntuu- a perfectly paeMve attiiude.


STORY OF HIS ARRE-T-Montre*!, Sept. 2,">.-After hav'ng been poatponed

frrrm tcrm to term during rhe last yeni. the trial ofR. N. O'Rrien, aren>ed of Ilbrlllng Prtnea George ofMWea, wa« bepvin this afiei'tioon before .ludgo OBaaaln the OBail of Quren's I'.ench. The V ourt aslrvrl ifthe case was tuken ln the f«rin of llbelllng a memberof the royal farnllv. '1 >¦ B.I BSBBMBl for the prosecu-tinn repllcd r.revt It was mmply taken by ITlnoe Georgea. an ordinary r-itirpn. The Court Uicn allonved thec*ie to pt*.reed. Gonnnel for ihe proserurlon ex-

plalned thtvt about nne year affo Prlnco George ofWak", pmnd«.on of tho Queen> vIMIed Montrenl nnd.BB entertalned ln a manner belitttnc hl. rai.k andplaco in «o<ietv. a story wa. telegraphed from Mon-t~_l to Xcw Yrik papcrs «tallng th*l the Prince. aftera rec^prlon in the Ar:>demy of Mu-ic on the evonln^of SerteniLcr 9, «toried out with IMI llentenant ofH. M. S. Thnish and a praaMnenl Moetreal pentlein.uito onprvge, as tho arflrle put it.. " In a d<-*biiurh." Thcvwere _or<*.ted bv si\ -iffiant, who demanded money, ai.dIn a short time tbe lYInre ai.d his fri'"ids, lt vv.-,

reported. got Into » fkrlit with their nsiwlliuits andknocked them rt.tvrn. The Prince and hl* frien'ls, h)wa. Mild. were tiicn arr'sVd. At the poliee -t--'t ¦'.

thev attempied to »rpUln motter*, but wirhmit au. res

tiTit'll Cl.lef Hagbea arrived and liberated them. Thec-n.ii.ool guld thev would show th_t t'lis dl-putch wh.aent by R. V. o'lirlei,.


.THE TROL'BT.- IX QUKBEC.Ottawa, Sept. 25..The adoption of tbe mlnorllT re¬

port of the. Privllege. and Elcetlon. Committee flnrllnathe ex-Mlnister of Publl. Works. Sir Hertor Lan_<-\ in,pullty of coinplicity ln 9Mh >ne-t W8B lo-rIn the House to-dny, by B vote of fl.'l fo UfL TheII<.u-e tva* dlvided on Mr. (Hroard'a motlon f..r ;!ie

adoption of the .JiHlll 199888, e-xenlpaMng LBi:ipcvln,whleB was earrtad bv B vote of 101 yeaa to RO n.vs.

Qtiebec, Sept. 25..I.lcntenant-Governor Angera to-

day dein&.ded that the (iowrninent narnc a nublle ac-

ouser or pro>ccntor to condnct the ..».-'' agalnM theMinlsters before the Royal Oommladoa, and refn ..<] roi.ll.iv. their clalm to be roprc-et.t"<I t.7 ...unsel at Ihetnveatljratlon. The wttdeal ruraora are earraat taregard t<. Pramder Me*_er'a tatenMoaa la aaaa of hisdUml_.1.


TH_ CAXADIAX ADDE-M TO THE QI'EF.XOttawa. Sept. 25 fSpeclaJl..In Ihe Scnate todav Mr.

Abbott move.l the adri.*.- |o the Qneen fo refBfd to theremoval of 1he .'most-f.voivd Narlons" rhiuse from tho

BaatJca between Baglaad nnd Genaaay und Baglaadmd lielpluin. After expla:nlng the mcanlnp of thoclauses, he made a rcferenee to Ootof.J Hwar.l Vln

cent,, who. he B.d, preeeBted B plnuslblc M.MM for

linpiovlng trade wtth the uiothcr eoontry. AltrrughProtectlon, under the naBM M "talr Made," had mnde

Ktme llttle propn-s ln EagJaBd. Mr. Abbott q;tie*.;ioredwhett.r It had Bia.8 8 .Bttag Imp v-loii. He d'd not

kne-w whether or not .ngland would thlnk lt worth her

while to improve her trade with 390.900^90 of herpecnlf» nt ¦...." s.*crlflci> of her prlnciple. lie ,!1«1 not lt probable. Tbe theory ItaeU wns att*activ_3.Itegardlng the addre->-, hc said he thonpht ran-id.ahould have it In ttn power, lf oerurrenee an nl.l rankelt to her alvantage. to dlreel her trade ln aaeh a wayas would i.c advantagroaa to her. After a lonp <"-ciiosion, tho ad.lres- waa adopted.

BOFGHT BY TIIE QUHBI GF SPAIX.Rome. Sept. 99..TMB Queen of Spnln ll reported to

be the p.irehs>er of the Marqjata AlcHlisc's vu't estate.

lncluding two palaces. ln Southcrn Ituly for T.ttOO.OOOfrancs. _^_

BTG l_y.l__.-~Mtlta mOJECTED.


ntftmrn, sept. 2r, (apee._j Twa M« Un ph.temills, not keretefare a.rrtMned, aaa ta ba butll In thlac.untv. A i>W.nt tha,t Wlll N Mirncl to BW tn IBa new

ii,.lii-:.-v M IBa "'d OtBtT, BBBBeH ial M-tvale. it taiva ;.

...iv ,,1'ier BapMBB nnll now in opeialion or t'lai. ls

la nuBlaaairtaaaaa in IBM country. Ti.e i.rg.-s' min

now HBfBgnd ta the produ. ilon of tln or tarae platcsin this eoaatry B the Lanfaaaa min, at Apollo. whieh>a.s a eapaMty aaw ..." Bcarty B00 b*_ea per day.The new at Mlllrale wlll exeeed IBal aedpal..oi -i.iei.iily. vviieu there began the moveeienl aaxmgihe pittprietora oi iheet aallla IBiaaghoat the eoaatryto iranaftmn tBdr wacBa toio ptaal ' rodaetion of t.n piates the I'n: -i.iir_ rapttallMa connecledwith tho manap'-menl of tbe MUlvale mill Blw (OOkthe natter DBder advi.-cineiit. Anotlier t|n pMIe l>lalitla to ite ].".-.ih ta iUegheay Clty, and v.m glva era

ptoyaaaal ta»abaal Bftj mea. TBa grouad where IBepc-iii th; pMte ladaatry haa beaa dMcn -d dnrtng re

rent eaaapalgna wlll be tbe Thaoid Ximh Ward Wlgwam, a balMing ol B-_a B-aenitoaa, i- when tbe ttn-ptata worka -.viil i><- ar ted.iiie .-:.;;.it:.l 1*04- "f tbe P*JW ..'ilipnuv |a 9100,000.ihe prlnelpal tarkboMci are aai Iti u

...ii, B/lHiam Uaruaaa, W. w. Davla, BenjnmlnWeaver .>'.<i Mr. Patteraon, :. tawyer "f Uda ettf,John Jenkiri-. <.f Walea, wlll ba Ibe managrr.a Un plate ptaal haa been bul t al !fo. 3*. BTMtor

t-t.. PtttBburB, by Bmltb - VoegMley. II eoai4

prlaae two ataela ..nd the t:mi wlll maBe terae ptateaf,,r rooBng pur. Ti.l- ptanl wlll be readywtthin fen (t.kv- and the capuclty wlll be Bvjs tona ndav or forty boxe. ol pbitee, 20x28. BarM l'r'V,.i-l.i'ui-, of LewU roa. I <'".. 6aM to-day thal be knevr3 n111. mill- proj. .t.-.i In Uie ne ghttorhoi^ of thlaclty. Pe i>!e wera beglnntag to tae t1"- money tbal wln the buiuneaa.


THE OOXPE-MOB OP JAcon fp.vxk may ?r.T A

l.n :: i "XVICT Ki'.i.i..

-tnaaapoUa, Bept. -'¦. ( '" rtenee haa BnaTly foreedjacob Brown lo eonfeai tbal ln 1893 be eammttted .-.

narder for wbleb one Gray 1^ wntng a llfe

iu the penltenitary M Oia-ter, IU. Brawa'a atory w.i>

-., Maase tbal the Cbtet <>f PoUce al 11hitn aa a rnmk. Tbe man waa -<> earneat, bowever,thHt tbe < h!.f ordered hlm tocked up, aadlelegram to Centralla, IU., where tbe marder wft-

Tbla mornlag tbe BBawer eaaaa Iram IBa.¦sh^rlff: "llol'l tho nian. Letter eoanlng. W.ll send

for hlm."The atory of the marder a rtngatar one. nrown.

-BO W9 tmrnpinp, w.nt lato ii bOX-ear 10 M'-ep. Uo

atumbled orer a maa ta tiie daife, nnd a Bghl enaoed.Brown hM hia aaaaUaai a taial Mow wHI a and fle.1. Xot long i.fterword tirny. auothor

tramp, wanl to ataep in the aaaaa «.'.r. aol haawtngthat he h:.d a Bead man Bw a cmapanto-. The ne.\t

mornlng when be arose Be foand tbal Mi atm h.-i'llaiu ln n pool of btaod. He tare ofl the bloody aleevnand n.-d. That aleeve eaaaad bM arreat, caatnnd trntenee._9_

WOU* tUVOQLBD ff.'/.vlM/'.Y CA9WBBB.VTataii ara, x. T., Bept. -¦".- Poar Cblaamea, Lem

Mng, l.a Blng, Ab CBew aad Me Maar, awre raplarrd tathla .'tv at n .0 tMa mornlag aftt r a basa of twenty-n\r mOe* afrau tne <¦ Bntry Cape Vlaeeat, by[nspertor Hlram BBaaBe, they havlng violaaed the r.\

clu*lon law. In attempUng t/> carape, U» whlte men

in tbeae amuggUng operaUons i..-t enntrei ofUielr ti..r-'-.. whkh .-.. awaj and were ranghl by p lieeand eaaBoeatod. Bath ahtta men eacaped. B

Oonnell. a Daarpmao of CBpa VTaasnt. wbo i- one ofihe gullty man, ww aabaaqaeBtlj ar tad. All are

iu Jail. wlll ;¦ 11! ommM owr !»eary*t Ooaferaaar. Ab CBea Uii.Canadlan c_/P_bb Theother wUl be returned tt Chln*. All Um I ifcMM-ihi.l Urketa to rtew-YorB.


Bt, L'.m-. >ept. -JJ.-A dispat/h fr.m Llttle Rock,Ark to -The Post-DUpatch" aaya: "J- M. L_m*r

eoaualtted aalMde U*t night by taklng morphln^ He

was Uie kon of tiie lnte L. M. Lamar. a promlnent |politlclan of Georgia. aod tljc nephe* of A*soc_te

jusUce L. Q. C Lam_r.'4»


D.ntury, Coon., Sept. 2C-X.sou J. Barnum. agedtortyeavaa, one of the baal Baaan builae&i men ln the

cliv and pr.mlnent lu religiou. cjrcle*. commlttedg_Uda by t»kii.g morphlne laat night.

4> -.

g-UKS BT TBE TBXBBB Off AV BBBJBBvvi.i;.' .' gMa aaapany Ra. '.'. M Hn^kim, ". «-.

_._-! maa ator- ..( M la aaadfaad^M '('°'.'"<;f,,«,., (itUmv, i"" " "¦. ""». M!B"9 }li": "',t»"'y'_Ua Bmd «_s nakll bv Ma "iweu M -.« ,'r"1,*r' .*

".;,;,,. ....... ted M M.BB* and »*.." .°

MM j. w. M-.bUik. M xo o_! K_.t-.v-, waaarre.---








Wall Street yesterday enjoyed a return to rea-

aon. The fear of haaBtUa innnlpulation of BBOOkaby Jay Gotild or hin (ollowers BBBJ alltiyed andeneonraKing ne*rvs re-peet.inj* the ailairs of 1'nioiiPaafflo, together with the annoiineenient of furtherhcHvy ahipmente of gold from Kurope. impartcl aconfident tone to the linal moverncnt of the rifockn.arket. A oall for a meetinj of the D-CetoiBof ifhaanail waa 800f*ffln****if-i by sucreationsthat after all a dlvidend mjghl l>e declared. Tl.enitmt satisfactory annonnceinent, however, wna

that the duTercnces hr-uveen the creditorfi' coni-

mittee of I'nion and Mr. Ouiild bad beenarmrg"d, and B.kl the refundlng plnn had beeflvirtually iinderwritten and 880.1 BB accepted as

a fuiceei.Tt wa« stnted yesterday hy John A. Ste-wart,

president of tlie T'nitcd Stntes Tnist Cotnpanyand :i nicndierof tl.e I'nion I_C_k creditors' orn-

nlttec, that Mr. Qoald Bad BooaeatBd to de whathad been nsked fmm him as n dirretor of th''company at:,l oilC largely inferestcd in ita *olveney.Mr. SBBwart .'eelared eniphatically the I'nionr.-i.'itifl ploa wa« in a hetter shiipe t!)iin at anytime since it wa* devised. I-»i*e in the day it).vaa laaa-ad that Mr. Ooald bad Bfraed to wb-acrihe for $1,000,000 of tlie new eoUoteral

iiotes, baa_B_ aecepting the new notes for histinfunded obUflB.lOBfl agsilnst the company.

llussell Baa*C ia nl*-. understood BB have au'reodto f;.ihseril)e $5**,**0 Iu retiirn it ll aaid thati atar__| loafl t.. ti.e Unlea PaaUle Company, in-

dorsed by Mr. OonU, Sidnev Dillflfl and FrederlekL made by Dreaal, Iforgaa Co., wouldhe modlfied eo ns to releaw the in-lorscrs from

personal shllgatiOIM and thaf the notes would he

exchnniced on the some hasis aa other BoatJngdei.t. it is understood tbal bha BBBOonl ia at

leoaf 11,000,0*0 and oome authorities plaee the

flgnt. 8* 52,000,000 to 9S,**O,*0*. There BTC

believed to he lnr^'c clalnia held hy Mr. Gottldaeaiust the rompavy which w.ll hc unified with

thoee af other Boatftig-de-rt clnims. The amount

of the e\islin_ nctes which wili he e_chnngedfor the new BOt. is estimated at from $12,000,-(.1.0 to $13,000,00*,Teavlng about $6,000,000 offloating det.t yet unfiinded. llie BUrploa notes

t., he baaaed to provide oaah to pay off the creditorswho refut-c t-1 accept the three-year e_.-BsOBihave been iinderwritten hy Mr. Qoold and the

hankers int»rested in eairyiag the BBBCBM! ta

Baeeeaa to the 8X*r*rt of over $3,000,000. This

practicallJf 88*91. ita euccess.

WHAT THE N'OTES PUOMISF..It was decided yesterday. however. to ofTer the

whole amount of the new notes needed to ni.-'t

tlie ooextrnded ohliirntionfi to pubtte bu»b»_Iptlon.At the offlee of Drexel, aforgan _ Co. eopkawere furmshed of a ciretilar Bd*-eit_e__ttt, ofwhich the foUowiag ia an extrael: Piiraoant to

ihe pro-rkdooa of the eontemplated Truol [odantore,!,t.i Sef-tt-mhet i, lttl, aad at tbe requeal.f the I'nion PaeiBfl Knilwav Company. suliscrir)-tions aay lovited for $5,000,000 of tbe «i\ aat

.-..nt gold eollateral troat notr-,' nt 81 i I p-*r

cent aod aeeru.'.l interr*t, Suhvr.ntjnns for this are oVetned .- '" f eo-amlttw to

provide adeq.nately for part of the iloattaa aebt

of the coinpanv. in plaee of sneh holdera as have

n.t BoaaaafBd the propased plao, and upon tbttrbeina aaade for aaeh amagint, the plan art forth

in aaid l-deartore fot ta-dl-g the flottinc deW0f the company wiU be declared effeetiva bf th'

oommittee-The notes are for $10,000 eaeh, to bearer

.r rcrist.-red, (with rifbl of exchai_B tato

.Bgnve.ipa* notes of $1,000 eaeh, aa boob aa

engraved), hear a_ i>cr eenl Intereal per aaaaw

.,,m Auguat U l$91, !!«*.»¦*»-. ^'""'^v ¦.*¦

\.-nst and tbe prin.Mpal D-torea Ao_ast l,1804, noleaa eoonet eaUed for redemption at par.

Both' prlnclpal nnd Intereal are payable ta tbe

eity ..f New-York II gold oota of the UnitedSutea ot the preaant itandard of wclffhl aad flne-

"T'hvriptions w.ll Ir received hy Drrxe!. Mor-

.,, tW < . ap to the tlose of bnataeaB next roea-

il-'.v but the rlfhl is pearrvad to eloae the aub-

acriptiona before thal tnm*. The ,¦.,,.ttee offer-',,,.. the s.leripttona are J. Pierpont M

john i Stearart, Edward Kin-,', Frederlek L

Amea _- -k-andei B *>.r. -Utkera aaid yes-

terday that there had Been eoi-iderable to-reati-ration of these notes bf investors. nnd the Bet

tiement of all _ffei-iori betweeo Mr. Oould and

the creditora' eo-___tt- aonld probably ladaee un

exceHent deraand,Th.- re-eatabl_hment of eordlal relatlona he-

tween Mr. Oonld and the ereditora of the 1'nioii

E_"..;,' waa aof a_own generally In the Street

iintil after ti.e eloaing of the Stock Exehance. It

araa tavorablj eomnantrd upon, and aome broheraprofeaaed to aee la ll tadkationa of an early ehangeii, the poaition of the OonW Interrata ln the atoekmarket. There were BBtne usually weU-tofonnedmen wl.o deelared that George J. Goul araa a_Uiborl ol ai «ka. aad they refnaed to belleve thaleven the BOCeeOB of the I'nion PaeifiC rei'Kidi'i;plnn would prevent fiutier Bttenipta ro depreaavalnea Othera aaid tbal an escape raight be pro-vMed by private aettletnenha, while apolof-ta forthp (ionlris were Otool la denlala of the truth of

the eoirerrt tn!k- nt t,> operatlona credited to youngMr. (.,,'.: i. It it. s.fe ie aay, boarever, that tbecomiiron opir.ion rrtiKiins that ln the abaenoe »flis father on his Reenl I">'- Western trip GeorgeGonld »n,l his brother rilwta were betrayed tato¦ spieiii-itive position adverae to the gameral t<*m-

per of Wai! Street. Ii b boped thnt the rifhtinfof this i.lleL'ed position is now in the w.y of betaajaeoocopiisbed without damage lo taveattnent in-tereata.

OBOBOB (JOirr.n ABD Ml-sorrtl I'innr.

An indicat._ wnr, found by thoee who arguedthaf there wonld soon lt* no ground for rv-

proaoh aa t.. tl.e poaaible attltude <>f the OooRIb intbe ehanged attcraiinea <,f aanae of the Gould fol¬lowing. Hn-seii Rage baa been beld reaponalblef..r the st-iriiin* of the rumora which led lo Thora-day'a eraaM ln ^ paelfto, Mr. s.¦ «. tl n e I

yeaterday tbal he bad been "ahorting" IfiaaourlPaeifle, aad he e-preaaed the riefk-f that after alla dlvidend aronld i>e declared upon the atock. A

meerioa ol tbe board of dlroctora baa been ealledfor n«-vt Wcdneattay. Sotoe of the dl.tora are

eertaia to nrge its -aqr-aeat, bnt the deelding vote,

of BOnjBB, BBB he casf hv Mr. Gould and his im-ineiln'e associates. A D... m the board la 800-udered more than Ufcely aa a con*e,|iie;i.e ofthe Ib_b8_1 Paal-8 apfaode, anlraa bbo.faoaoryproof can be furnislied of _M B-W-C polny ofdeclarmg the quarfer'a divi.lend. $o_8 frieada ofthe company are strong ift their belief that thelinances of the company are not ui the conditionwhich would lustity a ch.icc in the uaual poli y.The Street ia in a mpod to rejiard any other reaultru, a venlication of the BtoriaB that yoiiri,- Mr.Gould and Mr. Si_e have paiaeBa] reaaona lora reduetlon or omiwion of the diviiend It is not

ioipoBSible tliat the preaent bltuatim may lea J r.

lmpLirtaut future developmenta ln IIisBOBtt Pa-cifie.'a owneraliip.

If iBB.Uian r.'|.,,rt is t. he eredltad. Mr tiould,!o-*s '...t bave :.k I nte an ii K'n-at as be poa*-aaaae wontha ago. lt is eertata thal not a fcw ofth,- m' e.stn.ent h.ddeis of the utOCk wiii lie led r«>uciiulre more r.ccuriite luforioa.on BaneOffBiag thacondition of tU. propertv, .«s w-dl aa lo teat thebeaeit'tlitv of a ceuihiiiutiun of ioteientb. It ia to

bo lioperl that the outcome of »nch a movenientwill develop the fnct it* nmnagers are atiuiepitimatelv l___ea8ed in the charge wlncli tlicyhave in keeniri

TllK MAB-MS OPEXS EXOITED.The hW.i k nu.rket epeaed cxeiiedly and enor-

mous tran9B99BBB9 to«.k phkBB in the first liotir.

An aaalBBfhl up-m I'niou Paoilic wna the featuroand the price fell two petetB helovv Tlmnsrlny'sclose. Tlii- -BBetal Bat wllhatanrl the laiBanaawell, and that the BOBB-B-BB of the foieun ele-ment wu« not aBalrrn in American wcurities waa

shovvn in lieuvy pu;reh-Ma BJ l.otiaeis v.'itii Euro-pian . outicctlons. The spceulation did aet hmaiin-piilanty until late ult.rnoon, when hitite ofthe aaaolloal iMBBliBg of tho I'niou r.iclic. pl4iiled to a rearwaJ ot caa-deiMM. L'nlon Paciflo re-

covered Ita earl) taea aad oloeed with a aet gainol noirly 8 per eeat. Iflaaoari Paeille Bteadleditself and roee nearly I pci <vnt. 'I here was eapeeially oonfirlent buyiiur of the sfocka wliicli eiijoyBB tuaiket, lind tiie Vaflderbilt sharescame eaaUy to Mm front. The whole niarketeloaed al material adraaead from Tharaday night,atnngthe.ed by a ootnmon eonvictton thal to-daymiglii dleokrae e~ide_ee of a More nanBonioua u.l-iuatment of _nportanl apeealattve retatlofta.Tha earreat <>t gold trom Barope _> growiiig

Btronger aad tha aanounoer.enm of fresti aiiip-menta itimuk>M_ oenJldenoe. The now eitu.-nt. reported were $l,(iOO,0(''» CO.Mgl-M to

Laaard Frtica, 9400,000 to lleideii.aah. [ehel-hrlmer _ (<>., $400,000 to Kulm, Loeb _ Co., aad9300,000 to Muller, Schnll _. Co., a totul of¦9,109,000. A* Oloaely BB the record has l>eoiikept. u. eaa _aw ba aaid that 19,795,000 goldir, afloat for Amorica. There ha* beaa fi ,750,000alrea.iy received. so thut the Beptcnaber nmvenirntuniy i>e ealtad $10,545,000. The BifBBMW Btruria,due ti.-day, i* evpoctod to doliver a coimiderahieaaaoBBl of gold, ami ne.vt week the aniTata w.]hc hcavy nnd coniit111011s. lirokers were grati-lic.i thal yastei.ajr the rate- for c.iii loaaa didnot riv above .'. p»r cent, althouirh the StockRxohange ralea oarry loana over to Hoaday. Thal.euvy nioveinent of funds t.t tho intertor thisweek 1.aa prepared Wall Stxe.-t f..r an unfaYorablebank atatement. Lraa aolieitnde i« felt. ns to themoney nmrkot, however, becanae of the oertaintyoi ihe Iarge arrivale of foreign gold aaxt week.

BTJB TB-A8UBT DKPOSITS.Tho BBb>Treaaary yeateiday leealTBd denosits

frotn the hatiks for shipment la t.8 iBBrliot <>f

$1,099,900. Tl.e ahipmenta this rnonth haveamounted to §1 tt,.i::,;,nn, nuninst $9,959,099ahlpped in tho entirP eoflcaBOB.lBg month BMlyear. Tho Bhip.MMlta in .Titly nnd AngBBt BBMMBted

$19,790,000, againal $11,190,000 in the auaemonths ol 1890. The whole intcrior nioveinentthis 98.aon up to yeaterday baa amot.ited t.t $32,-205,500, with s>ii,t:,o,( 1.. St>pt*>iul.e*30, 1890, and $1 ('.,.",611,(100 to S.p*< ::ilfr :;o,1889. BBBBCia looli upon this Iarge overtbe Banw peiiod of arevioua yeara as ive oftwo things: tlrst, a cc;--:.t1on ol the jntetior de-innnd earlier than htst yenr, and second, u plethoraof fun'i.s next year, when tho current turna te-ward New-York. It i- atanUieant thal <hic.ig..haa neoeived aboul ene-thira ol the totnl ahipmentant' Doaey thia acaaoa, aad Ita pre-eininenoe n^ aVN'estern dtatributiag centro in eo_Mqueaoe »_-eurea a thorongh aeotterirvg of the TIicpjressure of the dem.'ind for smnll notea for tli"\\Vst- nnd Smith i.s fretting tbe Snb-Treaanry oiii-cers. and unlcss tho donLrtid .aoken| it is fc.iredthal the Snh-Treaanry will bo oompclled to stopth" tranafera ai now mnde.

TUBlfTIfO IU THKIfi DTflOW PACIFIC M>TEs.Baatoa, BBpt. 86..CnloB PaeHle ofllcluls have re-

celved 0.patcbea N'ew-York to the effect thatDrexel, Morgan *- co. have agreed to tarn ta tlielri»2,oon.oo(i of tTiion Piieifie n»t.-.. mdoraed By GaaBt,Amee aud DiBoo, aad t^ho eoltataral notea on thoBBBM bt.ta ns all otlier creditors. This removes tli.-otilr bMch and m:.kes toti.l subscriptl ms of eredftOBBBlS.SOOyOOO. TBere a_1 be a ni-e;ir.p of erea_on loniorrow, nnd lt la l.elievcd thut lf a further axM.alOBof plana i-; neeeasary it wlll \>e gi-anicL

may thi; WILL CONTEST.


Salem, Ifamk, Sept. 2 5 (Snecial)..It is statedto-iiiL'ht by those in a to know that thehcarititrs QB B_I BO-lBBBMl will of lifuf F. S. Scarlesare not likcly to be resumed on October 14 or

aay other day. ThiB bmaa8 that negotiatlonabave heen or will i)o reopened lookUigj to a com-

prot.Me. Ti.e eontestaata are bb.MBtaod lareaUae that they have not found any B-W8in 1 lie husincfls trausactions, for the BBpemappcar to huve hpen ftlBWB widi j^ront cnre\

At the aa._ tibm they beltere, aud therxeeutora are ^ui.l aa reaUae, that tha tcstitnoayhafl ffOBB a lori^ way to BKStB a puhlic r.cnti-nient that the marriuno was a money BMt-_|9

that even if what the courts would eonstrue

n? undiie Influenee not mad, nevertheleaatherew,is sou.c attoMipt to Keep 1hc ctitulo intact,' Itta well .oowb that th<- r.liroada with w_leh th<.eatate waa ho largely ooneemed are aaxtona to

kocp tlu> property ifl tlW hands ot one peBBOB.AIr. Hopkina k'-pt it, iiiilirokcn by fivl_| thowhole to his wile, attd she kept ii intact afterher m.rriage to Searlea by devisine ii to hlm.lie. la turn, had inado a will iu h t lavor.The whole ptirp.we ot these contcinporaneous

wilis w.i.s to keep the rallroad aaaek8 and hondsoff the tnirlcot. Whatever the deetatoa of theProbate Jndge n_ghl he the other Mde woeldio to the Suprerae Court, An fiaaei CouBtyjury is alwaya ;.n int*dllgeat Jary, bat tarelreki.BSX County BMB aight view the distril.i.tion<>f auoh a Iarge property with less atteatioa t..

its legal aapeet than a Judfe, mad more to tl.e

ecjtiities of tho case. Iu other words. the ulti-uiatc reeult oaa oaly be reached after latennin-able Utigation and M so aacerta.1 that r»uii aidealeel ui,ci.-y. Ii the will abould i>e hroken tberailroad intereat would ga ob the tuarket. If thewill is not broken T_nothy nopkina low* everr-thing. _"or thi* reason b eo_ipronlilM U probahlc.



chicasro. sept. S5..Perey L. Phnman, one of theattoincis ta the itaportera' Le?a.l Bareaa thut fonghitho hat-trlanmiinrs c_se. to a sueccs-fui Iaaae, ealtadat tho i u-toin Hoaaa yesteraay to anaafB aoa 9marters .,ni:".'ted with U18 same affair. Mr. B.BBBBIaaid that taatead of the Treaaary Department havtagto pay «,ooo to t!ie ba! taiportoM ob aeeaaatOf CXCffsslvc dtltles. the nni'MUit In his beat raaeh nearar ^0,000,000. uBeeratary PBateraraa ofered a eomproB.aa by tiie Imperaera for »s,ooo,-."...' Mr. Shii-nan, " luit ho rieelined to plve us

anything, bellevtng we would l.e beuten In the Ba-Court. V.ut when the Kupreme Court went

againal lum hc Imd t<> gtVB up. I belleve tiie Iro-

porton wlll gel bsvk aboal HO.OOB^OO. It may bomore or le-.-, but that Is my bc-t JadgBN-l regardingthe matier. The bal tiHinminKs taaportod w_aeeoed ..t f:-""! :'«> ao 00 iht eoat. TBere ara 1.5O0,w.<.. v.'« York thal wlll htve t> be aettled -i

thi- bai-. but there ivr^ no bnportera here that willgel anj <d Ihe drawba.fc"

a 9ABMB* Tuoranr 10 have ETDMOFBOBIA.A-l.ury ParB, BT. .'-. Bept. 85 (-.peci Ui.-Willlam

Bl '.it. a .u.e. --t'ui tanaet >>f lUmUton, near AabaryParB, is aaffering Intenae agaay from ahM la th..u>rhiio ii.- hydrophobta. A ealf whlch bad beaa Mataa bya mad Bog wme moatba ;«>. Befeed a wra ob Mr.btoat'a arm wblle IBe Mtter waa toadlag tl.e aataaaL

..f waa f'.i.i.iiUn «' IBa b*bbIB M the .aaa, w.dthe vii'.i- -p..-a.l >.ver rhe 90ea, BTO Httei.tion vv:,-

to the initt-r Mittl '.vei-il diiys :ut". when the 91.becin lo v. -ii. Mr. Btaat btbw gradaaUy woi-se, aidtn« 1.! Ba h*» hydropliobla.


XEWYORKERS BUT THREB PAPEB XILLS.May's Landjng, B. J., Sept. 25 (Speciali.-Three of

the large»t paper mtlls ln the Stnte, sltuated at Wey-mouth, t__ comity, wlilch ai'e owned by the Colwelleai_te. have, lt ls BtaBed, p.ssed into the hands of a

ayndlcate of New-Yorkera. Theae mllls were not In-eludfcd lu tne purcii.*e of the l%nda of the eatate. whlchwore «od a few daya apo. The millv have not beenoperateti for throe vcara, owlng to the tadlure of CharltsaK. Colwell, the owner.


MMftaBawa, Conn.. 6ept. 26..To-raorrow a eon

-i.- ii'.-iit of twenty thi-ee can rf Iron buildlnc* wlll:.-i\.- i:.u-: Berlln, Bom the Bert.1 Bridpa Oaaapaay,for tiie CBnipikiiia Nadonul de K"..

Bto .1" JMi.elro. Th. cotupiuiy are e\te:i-l\e ahip-bullder. and have horetofore lK).i«ht supplles In Kn>;l_id, but BBB i.". .ble unBer tl.e treaty Ut BBM_|-Ut.- coods ut. Uie ratee lu tho l.nlted state..




PO-PBBLT IXTKRIlUl'TED.Tho deadly oharuerer of rlie B8JBBB exploaion na

Newark on Thmwlay nijrhf waa not fully renllzedby tbe da_ed pa_BB who hurried fo the eeene afterthe d_oatct had oceurred until lontr after day-light yesterday. Then a aeore af maimcd vietirt.ln Uie boaaaaaBI, eleven dea<l budiea and numeroua

nmpiitntions of the woi.nded hy 88.8* plQR.BB-BBdfaaaanod the gha.sfly renlity. The irrcHfer niim-her of the victims were taken fo the ("ity Hoapital,to which surceons had lieen haatily amnmoned,There are only five B_ba_B.. in the city andmilk carts and¦ ;*rocery wagona were utilized aaconveyniicea.

A.s the accommodationa at tlie hoapital wereliinited, the wotin.led were deposltc.l in the corri-dOBBj where the -oetfltB went ro work upon them?The plaee resemhled a shamhles. A number ofthe convHlt'aeeiit |>arietifs yave up their hedn andworked all aight to alleviate the aufferinga ofthelr fellow-ereature*. Doctora Kent, Ba'.dwln,Voting, Iloltster, Wrifrhtnon, Seidcl and HaroldlWOtked nearly all niniit, prrforming BlxtB8JJ| im-portant operationa, of which nearly a dozeu were

ampufations of legs and arms and three of?raeheotomy. One operation waa the removalfrom the stomach of a man of a piece of thei>r«nze c.\ linder as large aa a man's hnnd. It hadpanataatad tha ahaleanca*.

The ph*r_04_. were puzzled to say what woaldbe the result ..f the 8*aauada of a majority of Tlie nattire of the injuries wiw peculllar,and there were ehaaflOB of B_88_ and hlood poison-bag.' The niorlality liat at noon included cleveo,ns followg:\\,.¦¦¦¦. Krvderich, fiftcon yeara old, of No. 37 Cllfton-

ave.Mlller, Frank, elgbt vrars old, of Xo. 123 Elghth-a-'e.l'N< 11, Mlehael, thirte-n veara old, of No. 10 I'aMcn-st.Analone, Mlehael, olnet »o yeara ow, <>f No. m urifi st.r'arrun Oulaaeppe, torty-ona yenrs old, of Bortfe

inal-st. .

Rlir-olo. I'asquale, fortv-five years old, of No. 174E ghth-ava.

cai-oiow. Charlea s.. twetvn years old, of No. 224 Cen-tral ave.

Mnrphy, Mary, etghteefl years old, of S1xth-avc. andBldge st.

Flynn, Arthnr, twetoa yenrs old, of No. io sttone-stIlughes, _atharlne, se-ventcen years old. of Mxth-ave.

Paitfr -t.Borgeaser, Henry, twerro yeara old, of iSeventh and

< iiftou avea.The injured are:At the City Hospiiai-fJaslano 'Anr.Ione. of No. 24

Ortft. sf of ti.e ,iead hov Mlehael Anzl ne; Invinenrala AoBlooa, hla \»Tftj. and Nlrholas Anzlone. thelrvelve,>M s0n, all palnfullv Injuml ahout tl.e

oodlea a d llmba; wllllan nenon, <>f No. ni n,iv-'i ist.. leg ihatteieO; Ueorge Urcirn, Bxteea vearsold, of No. ui) Btone-.., riRiit ann a_attarad;iiai.iei fiesn.n. aeveDieen reara <>i<i. of No. n Orlttaa>-den i.. roano.l in the grofn; ButheneC.u. forty-flva

!'!. Of No. 12 I'rift -I.. \v,,iiti.l <1 ln the (froln ;l"tisqnale Dictzero, of i-a'tory sf., thlrty-flVB vears old, and froln torn; Annol Chlppo, Ka 73 Troy-ave., Brooklyn. aeverel* Inlured Bboai ti.e head 1'rrx'i Crlftori, a miulrlan, <>f Ihla elty, mjutedon th,' lower eztmnltlea: tioidie opie.i. twelve yearaold, of Na :h> Niis-hii i_, !i,.t axpeetei to uve;Annla llnclies. of Aqiiednct rt., injiired aboutthe hcad: I'aMiuale faaUnl. of No. 172 Kighth-ave.,leg; Antonla De Franrlaee, of No. 10Drut-at., Injured ln tlie ah.iorneii; lit-orge Krancr. olNo, liil ('. ntnil ai ,'.. WOttoB.I or. eall of legjl.i/.zie iiui'il.v, of Parker-st., fractur*d ikalL

\t Bt. Iflchael'fl Hoapital John Coai >lio. of No.2l'4 Cerrbral-avo., twelve reara old. arm hlnwn off:Jamea Oa_Baker, <>f No. 71 .stone-st.. scnlp wonndand shattered fln;."r.

Af th-ir hoeaea.Jamea Howe. a policcman. heelihattered: Paeqi.Ie Bo.>, ,,f N,>. B44 0ranea>4_Itneii hndly injared; Cathe.ine Toff.v. of No. 47"heffit'lrt st.. wounded In tbe thf-?h; Chflstopher Uunn,of Relkviiln, tliiwht cut: Joa*fh Fenneilv. elphteenreara oM, of n... ::r Cttftoo-ova, cut under thaare; AegOaB Rorlnian. of No. 17 Ros-den-sts, Imeeic;ip brolren; I'hi4rleu S. Ureega. (it No. ll" Nas*.Mi-st., lnjnre<l lu th^ Krotn a-n<t a«ad: OiKtario llarlo,.,f No. fli Pyivden-sf,., riiirt on rrte leg-; JosephSmlUi. of f'ratie and Stone stx., calf of leg torn; Flynn, of No. 10 BBOBOat., bre-vst Injured.

It waa the fe_«t of 8*. Roeco. The Itallan eol-ony in Iloyden-st. in divided Into two fnetlonsand all are of the Ronmn Patholic relijrion. Oeral-do Spntola and Alfonae Ilairo nre the respectiveleaders of tl.e fartions. Tl.e lalter it> known aa" Kintr \lfonso*' and conducta a dram shop at Rnvf|en-et. It was ln front of this p'aee thatthe diseeter oceurred. A month a?o the Spntolafaction ce]phrated the dny of their pafmn saint,birin*? a hand of music and diiacharging flre-works. This excired the emulation of tha otherfaction, and a hand of BBM8. wns hronght fromNew-Votk nnd more fireworks were purchased toeelehrate with.The faction made other prrparatlone.

They had a Btataa of the Vircin made of slmwlaand N»d sheefs and plooed it under a eanopr.Holy pietoR8 were disphiyed upon the sidewalkoand the streots were deoorated with flv-a nndbanting. One piece of pjfToteebt.08 repieriente,!St. Rocco with a ei.;,r in h,s motifh. nnd thenWM a contrr anoc to make tho lirure <]inrc. TlieBainfa head was hlowu olT and the fijrnro kept oadanclng. When an Inflated lisiire of the sainlwbieh wns _itet.ed to Boat akyward ooald noti>e cnade to aaeend s..nic of the aiiptiBllHoaB Ital-ian.s looked upon it u an oinen ol evil and went totheir homes. Tliey eongratOlattd tliems.*lve» \es-

terday apoa the superioiiiy of raUgtOOB lalth.Tbe eyliiader which eaiaaed aoeh daat*rnetiaa of

hiimin lite w.s of eopper, laBJ than three feetlonp and eij-lit taohea in diBBBrter. It watt loadedwith bomba and was d_4_argad with a fuse.Seven or eiirht of thcae eyli-deta had been boagh*from a lireworkn maButaCtoret in New-York anda number of them had been d.oharged withoutaccident. Tho cylunler was pgOfped up ia a,

4tatlitlng position with beer-JprgB. piatform wuaereoted over the door of "King Alfi'ruso'h'' dnim.sin.p, aad ou this were N'atcd the niu.-iciaiis ir»gay umi'or.« B.n>oo_ded by llt_s. The band lie-liati to play at, Bighttall m:iu UB_|**.8iiced oandotiegao aetUng oil the Brewo... AU the popui.-tion ol U.e Dflighboriog Btnata emp_ad lnt'iiloy-deu-st., and by lft:30 o'elock tin: stieet waajamtned wlth people of all ";.> aad of h.,th a;\es.

I'.he exploaloo of the bomba w:_ uf gr«'at in-taroat and an eager erowd pieaaed near t>. witue-arh" operaiion. l_en ea.te tha fatal wus plaiced in p.-iti.ui agafaat tlie baaf-BBjajthe lu^e wa-i Ughted, and the next ltistnnt thepale of death tell u|>..ti the aaaeiiiUliiga. Theniiisicians atopped playing. Ihe huah Of Hinazc-lnent, and terror revtea i<.r a rnoment on theatreet, nnd then were beard the eriea and groi4n4,,f tha woimi.ed and dying lylng prostrate in theatreet. Tha oyllndor bad explodea Into tragaaraajthal arere blown righl and left Btnoag the erowd.People tt.ii.hied as |f ander ti,«' tir-* of m.iaketry.(*riea f»r l.clp were beard on every si i.-. Theorowd "ii the ont_Ide. not iinderat.vlFag arhal hadocciirri'd, made a w.ld *.aaapede from the atreetand aome tttn lnJnre- ln the e*_A. Kveeytoingwaa i" liie .

Oaptaln McManna, >,i al¦ Heeond Preelnol PottaaSt.iiion. s»'nt tbe pntrol wagon t. Boydeaiat.ln antleapatlon of trouble between the motloaa.and the wagon waa oo Ita way when the ofthe exploaion wns beard. The ufflcera aprang omnnd sei/i'i; three vani pbctsl them lathe wagon and drove arlth them t<, st. Mi rtael*alloopi.1. The"':.!!,', s were hasti'v 09Had,lai.l waifons ln the nelghhorhood, wlth mattrepieaaed lato aervtee. ln Sfaaen Btlnuteethe atRcaraan.l rotuoteera liu.i elrare tbe atreet ef the woi....-.! :.n.i dying. Charlea A Caro__i, boy, waanearly OUt i'l two uml d,ci iu the amlxilai:108. Alltlie other dp.iths oeearred In Ihe City Ilospital,which waa baa__e<l by weeping people all Blgnl

It was aaid ln the aolghborhood tlnt the eylinderhad been charged witn dyn.imite or BOgM otherhigh exxdoalva, but the btotement mct with aaacredence by the pollee, who investi^ated the cai.eof the exploaion during yesterday. Couuty Phy-siciun rVrigh.on aaid . ,- tha di__*->r waanlainly the result of an aod !ent wldch could notnave tieen foreseen, no inquesta would K» ordered.The authoriti'n are ccruurel for (H-rmittini* tho

explr^ion of hoinl«. The ordinances forbid the ¦setfbg off of lireworka on any day b:t a legalhollday. Permi.sfiion wib asked of Ch.ef ofPo'lce Hopner, but it was refused. It ia under-4tood tliat tlie pennit was ob__wd from Super-intendent Aatley of the i"ire DepartrneBt, althoughthe law d< ea not vest any su.-t'!or:t'. in aoyeitv of tt.1, At BJOOt two af t!,e patirntu row lnthe hoapital nre llkelr ta die, ....,' the ih>.>»...«0.1 n ,t lieuk rk-flnltcly la reaard t-. ihe otheri'i«_ Alfonao lliario was ri'l.e.l h\ a Tnluine re-BOJraBI \est,riiv if Iu* pr<>t><*<>d to uei up anymore aunh eelehratjona. and he replied aoleinnlythat he never agaiu would ha\c BOythlBg to de,..?*» t .-._