new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1899-07-31. · to tb. wreking *««v^2a^wsewntled burned to the...

r"Ot. LIX 19,251. NEW-YORK. MONDAY. JULY U. 18W.-TWELVE PAGES. PBICE THREE CENTS. WRECK ON THE ERIE. LATEST REPORtH SIIOW TWO KILLED AND TWKM'Y-8EVEX IXJTJRED. ¦MIBTBEB CABi BVRNED THIEVEfl T.OOT BAOOAOJ AND CLOTHlNa PABfJEN- OBBl Hl'RFF.n DOWty THIRTY rOOT BMBANKMSNT port Jeraie, N Y. July latl.The-aecldeata on ?he Erte Railroad. BTOWlag ..tit of tho lan.l- alide a nille east of Lackawaxen last ninht. nt-re not ai> sertoiis as at flrst reported. An jrrle frclght train eaatbound, whlch turned over or. ihe westbound track. however, ciusod ihe |ffih Of the an.l »'ngineer of the en- jripc b.ii.nging to ih. weatbound Chioago Ex- No. 7. the veatlbllle passenger traln f>>r Buffalo, which left New-York at 7 o'clcv k an gaturday night. A number of the paaaengets «n the eapreaa traln were elao lnjured. The wreck, which oecurred shortly before rr.lcii ight. was proceded by a cloudburst and itorm whlch laste.l two hotirs. A sectlon of the bank fell on ihe ea.Mhound tracka, dlrectly In front of the freight train. Several trees went down with the rocka and »-arth. and the frelght rars an.l engln° were turned over dlrectly acroaa the weatbound traiks. Hsty fr- ight cars ronaUtated the traln. though Bjaly tareitty-tWO arere deralled. and the debris van plled up on the, weatbotind tracka Just hb the |fo, 7 Cblcaugo Eapreaa appeared, running at the yate of flfty mllaa an hoatr. The engine of the ggpreaa traln rrashed into the wreck. The »>ag- gage car, comhination and Imffet car and two Pullman slecpers were plled np on th* tra.ks bnmedlately in front of the wrecked frelajhl cara. Th< flrai Bleepar was spnt into taro parta as a : f the acddent, nml the pass.ngers' were throw n thlrty feal down a bank. \us DE8TROTED HY IIRK. Fire at once hrokc out, nnd four cars of Nf*. 7 a. d nlne of the frcipht cars were burned. Hag- . Becker, who found himself under iggag. ar, recovered consciousiH's* only \er he was all in the heart of tr>. wrecked paaeenger cara. He managed t<> crn'l from iiJs poaltlon only t<« flnd a blaae ¦tartlng In fr.~>nt of him, whlle half a car waa up Immedlately over hlm. ll.' cnll'.l r aaslatani .. bul Itaere waa ih> raaponae. he aaw th" paeeengera, who had bean burled down the thlrty foot embankment, en- ring ... extrlcate theroaelvea from tba j. They were clad In iheir nlghl rlotblng, and wen ahlverlng wlth the cold. CABING FOB THE INJURED. were bleedlng and moa llng, and all were daxed. Membera of the train crews began '<¦> aearcb ¦-it portlona of the wreck, and aaalatad th. se who were Btruggltng t.> eacape. Hlankets x ;.!..ii«ht In from ihe Pullman ars and 1 around ahlrerlng, hyaterlcal women and half conacloua men. Word waa telegTaphed to Port Jervis. A rellef train was at once ar- ranged for. and Dr Cuddeba.-k. Dr. Swartout. l>r. Johnson and several trained nurses hastened to the ecene. Nearly all of the injured persons vere Immedlately removed to the hospltal. Followlng is a complete llat of the kllled .-nd lnjured, ae for as known, up to the present *ime. KII.l.KO. IjI'TWATER. aaaaiiaa. PoM .lervla. enalneer of deralled en*lne. fcEIXS. Frederi'-k, Port Jervta; flreman of derallea en- glne IKJURBD. i..,KKR, John. Am a; baaB»Ke maatar; head cut and brulaea. li.i.z. 0. F.., Clevelaad; euta ea h"nd -md nnnd t.urn.a. BOYD Q. H Sharun. J'enn Bcaks wounda. BOTD, Mra <: il BharOB, I'enn., brulKes on bark and ahovi .... COI.I.INF. A. B.. No 344 Weat BV*., Buffalo; ?"Kht ln- DUMBAB. Wllllam. New York. aeoeml eook; **WM *nd DRAKE 1" I. rullman conductor; atlKlit lrjurteg. KRAZIER Kohert. Jer.ev Uty. «..::.¦. BeaMad taarie, PREYBOU), W., No. B JeaTeraoB-ai Hobok*a; eiiarht m- uaz^nT'ura F. C. * I.BB Seventh-ave New-York; H,-Autonhe«d*nl r.-k -Mured HUNT Mr' Eltaebeth. N*wark; Bvakje*. KIM'ATl:l<K. F ».. t*nv*r; Bltgkl Injurl*.. IOY Wllllam. leraei Clty. walt*r; Jmraed handa. ,TTi r _.. Newark, N. J. alajat oaataalea. . .ft leg. M- LFORD, Mka Floreae* Adele. Newark. .llght tnjurles PARKKR I. E NO -1 New-York. handa , .'. wi POCI Jerv... aBStea*t of fre,Bht; pelvla glznEZa, c w. No 117 QarfWd ave.. Cfakaa-i t.v Richard, No SM Ifllweakaa at.. CMeego; alt|ktly "IrederK-k, 1-rt Jervl.. brakeman; ahoulder aANl'-RK Frank M. New York. « Mi inil e.^ aealded. TRIMMER. .1. M. trainman. No. .. M.euider .njured. THi RNTON. MKheei. porter; ahoulder bralaee. VIEB K No. 3 Baat Thlrd at., Nea Tork; cut he.d Bl 1 rlght irm. ¦*.; H Tlaaotay, ooBdtieter. No. 7. back and leB. ln- ;ur«rd. MlM Mulford. who ts a PliiRer from Newark. ar.d Mra. Hunt. of th* came place. were on their aav tO attend a Boctety meetlng. Thev were taken to the home of a frlend here ln Port JerviB. of th.- peraona tajnred and now at the hoapltal Bt-rnard Shay. af Port Jervla. Ktnear of the freight traln. and O. E. h-iz, veland, ohio, were moal aertoiiBl* hurt, bui lt i, not thought that iheir wounda wlll prove lat. Me h-iz 'b a atenoarapher la the offlce af Traffla aUnaaier Thomas, of tha Brie eyatem, ^i hea4Squartera at Cleveland. .THlBVBfl U OT PAflMBNOBRfl' CLOTH1NO, Several thl.v.s from Port Jarvlo who. lt is buH..hw|. reachadthe -".,-ot the nriii»*. traln. ranamchad the olotha. of the pu- .en.-rs durl»K the prtod of «f«**±JZ Vle,.am..lineryd.oorator.ofNi.-.MVW,T, ,d- «. New-Tork, loat eoothlng oanUlnln* «00 . btlU an.l . fOM -at.h F. S. KllpOtrl-K ., ,0.t $100. a gold wntah. . fmrnmA pta and « Ulumono atud. on *.**» ""*£ pl,.al be notlo.,1 . man w.-aring hlatrott^ra. Thev went throuBh the pockata bnl fonnd the ,, .., The man said that rh- tro«era haH.e.iiKivcnh.m hy - of th. tra.nrnen but aald that the money and valuables mus have been before he raaaiaad th. r,r*>e,u of th.- clotWn*. (.ii]i(.s ,,f After .1 aeveral hours Bearn Knglnaer Outwater ar.d n -. - lttaf.h., found under their engine I > I' ', '" ,'a(1 ,..,.,, to tb. wreking *««V^2a^wSe WntlEd burned to the waist. The men by thelr watcheB. removed to hla Ccnductor Wel. h, who "a*rrem '.,. had a home. wai not aerloualy Injur*I. » na ttalacback in hla poa-eaa «n. ahemii.K [^ f\am aon. ** yet »»»»vceo^tad tor^TWo^ ^ r ind and one from t attaraugu* Jlevea ,hat they hava taken "g^Jft from ty of the wre-k, and they wflljBBibwmj Etat Thnuaands of peraona \ lelted tne cf th* wreck to-day. and many who 1.ooked tn* wraeaaca egjtt^gaad the oplnion na remain*. of the ml*Blng men WOtJld there ? R |f. JARVIi REPORTED INJURED Rohert M Jarvla. of Jataay CBy. Wbt. ib re- |. some dlHpatrhes ... have been .... O tho,* injured ir, .he railroad Wiack. '>*«» " No fl, fWenwood-M'e.JersevCi.y H;""'1^ famlly have been abaaal for -mne tlme WhW their home waa being rebullt. Mr ^^'p^, atorege authnutt Thlrteenti . JJ^ ^*r:::.;nd.^^^4^"n' ALOER TO RFTIRF TODAY. THB ¦ECRBTART RETURMfl TO WABHINOTOR TO RELIRQUtBH his POST. WaahinRton. July 80. Secretary Alger and Mrs. Aiper returned to Waehttwrton thia after noon. The Seeretary wlll formally rellnqulBh control of the War Department to-morrow, and hls eocctaaor, KUhu Root wlll bopln work. Sen- ator BurroWB, Of Michigaii. returned to the city on the same traln. OUTBREAKS IX FRANCE. DEMOXBTRATIOXB AT MF.NDK AND REXXEB XO CASE AQAIX8T DU TATY DE CLAM. ParlS, July 80..M. Paul Doroulede, presldent of the Leaarue of Patriota; af. Marcal-Hnhert, Revislcnist fcff mber of the Chamlvr of Deputlea, and af. Mlllevnye, edltor of "I-a Patrle," ad- dressed a patriotlc meetlng to-day at Mende. Department of I.ozere, declarlnjr that the Parlia- mentary Republlc waa respotislble for all of Frnn.e's trouble. The meetlng finally ended in a mflee, and It was found nece.=sary to eall upon th*' gctularmes and a hattalion of Infantry to dls^erse the crowd. A taleajram from Rennes announoes that an afTray occurred there to-day between Dreyfusltc* an.l Natlonalists, who were prevented by the p.dlce from carrylng out thelr deslun of march- Ing to the houae of Maltre Laboii, counael for Captain Dretfus. The "Matln" annotincr-s that there ls no caae agnlnst Colonel du Paty de Clam, and thl? nn- nouncarnanl has aln te been contlrmed by II. Menord, colonel du Paty d.- ciam'n counael. "The BMcle" says thal Maltre Demange and Maltre Laborl, counsel for Captain Dreyfoe, wlll uVmand that M. yuesnay de Henurcpalt-, ea- preslilent of the Crimlnal Chamber of the Court of Cass.ition, produce the names of the persons from whom he recelv .1 the alleged Inforraatloa eotabllahlng tho guilt <>f Captain Dreyfoa ? MR. EVSTIP AND THF, DRETFTJS CAPE. FORMER AMBABBADOR TO FRANCE DENIBfl THAT Bl HAH ANY BPBCIAIi INFORMATION Newport, R. I.. July ^ (BpeeUi). The Hon. J;im.- B Kustls ea-ArabBMador to France, whO, ar.-..r,l- Ina to th- ParU "Bolr." has rtaln Informatlon Ii hla poapeaaloB beartng upon th.- Dreyfua caae, waa eeen by a Trlbune reporter thia evenlng al hls snmmer home here. a. the Wheeler eottaa*. m Eufltla-ave Mr, Buatla aald he had nol Been the Btatemenl of the ¦.golr." but thal th- reporl th.u he had any Bpcclal Inform'atton rvaardlm the Drey- fua matter WBfl entlrely Incorrect. He knew aboui th,- afTaii only as it had come under hla obaerva- tlon when he waa In France. 11- .ll-Halmed. wlth¬ out leeeri atlon, the poaaesalon of any aei n formatton retatlm to th.- caae. Mr. Buatla atated. however, th.u he has written an arti-ie oa ti»« Dreyfaa Caae an.l the .lewlsh QueBtlon toFraiwe. and Pranch and Amerlcan Democracy, .^ *,',,.;'., been prepared wlth oreal care. and ta .' '",'''" Itohed ln "Th.- Coneervatlve RevHjW for Amrust AVT0M0BILE8 BEAT BXPRB88 TRAIK. RACB FROM PARB1 TO BT. MALO. A DIBTAHPI of TWO Hl'NI'HKl' AND TWKNTT--1X MIl.I'-S. Paris. July 30..Two automobiles to-da: the Parls-St. Malo expreaa in a race between those cltiea. a d.stance of 226 Ballaa, tnaklng the baal time ever recorded for an automoblle, cov- cring the d'stance In seven hours and thirty-flve mlmit-s. The tlme of the traln wa* seven hours ar.d forty-elght mlnutes. -a- CROB8ED CBAVXEL IV A BALLOOX. TWO AFRONAITS TKAVF.I. IN THF AIH PB031 LOBDOB TO DIBPPE. London. July 30.-P*Tclval Spencer, the famoua acronaut, with a companlon named Pollock. started in a balloon from the Cryatal Patace at 2-an o' vester.lay afternoon ..Tl arrtveo near Dteppe, Pranee, a mlle and * half Inland. al s o-clock last evenlng. The balloon reaehed an altitude of 12,000 feet. Th.- tflp waa wlthOUl incldent. _ DBXIAL OF AX EA8TERX ALLIAXCE. CHIBBtB BBVOTi AT Tojoo gllfPLt PHOBOTBfa FIllKNUHlir Peklnaj, July Ba-The ntrnora regardlng the forma.ion of a rhlno-Japane^- alllan,-e are oflleially denied. and it la aaaerted that ha envoya recently aent ta Toklo were appolnted simply to seek to promote frlendly ralatlona be¬ tween the Power*. 0VEBWBBLM1XGLY FOR FBDERAT10X. T.P.1FT OF AfSTRAI.lAN HENTIMENT BHOWJ4 RY THE EUBCT|OBf IB V1CT0BIA Melboume, Victoria. July 80.--Practlcally th< total result Of the referendum to the commor,- wealth Of the federatlcn que*tion ls 151.352 votea for federatlon to 9,<Bfl tfOtaa aRainst. -?- ATTITIDE OF THE B0BR8. FF.rRKTART RFIT7. gATg TMF PROp. .SFD INQffRY MrPT INCIAIDB AI-T- I.IST.TKI. Q.F-PTIONS. Pretoria, July 80.- State Becretary F W. ReUa .ald to-day that If the loqulry propo.-d was lo .n.bra.c all mattera la dlapuU of late yea-s between Great Hrltaln anl the Transvaal. in- cluding the Conventlon of 1884, it mlght be ac- ce.table but If the franchlae only was to be ronaldered, the Volksraad had passcd on that, .n.l further consideratlon of the queatiOT) waa reearded as tantamount 10 legislatlng through a rommlaaloT., thus daprlvlni the country of its independenee. CAPB TOWN PBEBfl PLEABED. r.t.e Town, Julv 3-1-The neWBOaper* here hall ¦rlth d*llght th- aaaurance* Of unanlmlty la the .. .-rllnment which they consl.ler «8 pre- SgS".,!:"V^men, of the ertata. ROYALTY o\ TVKOS OOLO. m rHABXEB T.-PPKR ITBOBO ITS RW>U4?TION WITBOUT srniPS Ottawa. <>nt. July Wt-In the Houae of Com- m.r, yeaterday Mf Chai laa Tupi»er apoke itrfJaaff- iv m fav.r of a rednctlon of the royalty on tbe 'old output in the Yukon. Clifford BlftOtt, Mln- ister of the Interlor. In reply, BDld that whlle the rovalty was not permanently flxed, he could BOI as yet"cnaent to any reductlnn from the 10 per cent now eollectad. MORE TREA8FKK PBOM THE NORTH Vktorla B C July 30 -The Hteamer Tee, haa .rrlved froa- Alaaka IB p.B.en«.ra aad 0 f,rg amount of tr^.ti.e Oo-atraor afclaali iSerSarnln vlew ef th. erlato ln the Caatae, - .natouely awaltad. waa n paaaofaaar Tr.adweil Minina Ccaapaay, ef Jaaeau, wlll ',,. ihe tux law m ihe court. A. w Cartere. a ;:l r, haa ...ed . - h ....¦.,>¦ fo, « la- i, .. to allow the oaeparatlea te eecapa payle« !H .aa A temporary Injunetlon wa* aranted. an.l ' .anv wlll not be requlred to pay lta 110RO iSefaatJI thT waetltutt»>nami of the laa law u determlnad _ W0BMMBR EIUED RY 4 fAUTBB WALL . r.iv M Bf th' ro'l«r«!n« of . well of a MM^vinr B <end.n,.nc ,»,,_* workru.n WOfO ---. »A. «#4»WU.-* ..* COULDN'T PIND ANY UNIOH C. F. r. PAILED TO DIBCOVER btThIBT RATLWAT ORGANIEATIOX. PRACTICAL WVI-AKATION THAT PARBON8 Ifl A PAILUBB AS A ITBIKB LBADRR INS1DB HIST..RV THB BB> CENT TRdUBLR ioma inrdde hlatory of the recent Btrik-.of r.he M.'.'.-'Han S.rce, P.allwa ^ ..nploye. ru aired at the ra " ,...,,, ,,.,,...,.,,, Cnlon F*Z^"£} noon. Not only was John S. ^^!^] Uaater Workman of th- KnlfhU I i-«**, rlared to be a falltrre as . atrlka leader, bot Berloua doubta wera eaai on hta "«"" ,h*1 « unlon o! Btreetca* men ever exloted. r -<- dent Prin.e of the Central Eederated 1 nlnn who. || i, aald. waata offlce ander Tamm« Hall and who .leprecafd Mr. Parsons s Wea Of B new worklngmen's polltl- al > -i week ago, wa- th* leadef of tbe attacfc on aar. Paraona yeaterday. The latter waa not at tn ..,,.. ...--.,-,1 hlmaelf, and. althoufb Bob- eri WlnBton an.l B few -the,- delefatea atteuipt ed to do go, they were roughly handled. tnetr.- pborlcally apeaklng, and cotnpelled to take naen The trouble beajan jreaterday "hen Delegata Wlnaton g.d the floor to Inform the meetlni; that Mr. Paraona at n meetlng at {t'-venty-thlrd- Bt. aad Thlrd-avc. had enro.led 800 motormen anl conductora of the afetropolltan street Raii- way Company In tha new unWon. Mr. winst-.n added: "There |g rtrong mdlgnatlon agalnst Preslrt<m. Prin.- f.,r the ianguag* he itaed al the n.e.tlr.i; of the Mlacellaneoua Bectlon last Toeaday night. He declared thal Paraona bad turned oaer « corpae when be gol u* to appolnl a treaaurat f.,r tha strikers' fund, and he objected to being appolnted .... Paraona'a Bellef Commlttaa of Fift'.-n. It was a Btrong apeech for a man wno laal Bueday advocated the Independenl poUtt- cal a.tion of worklngmen, and it thrcw a damper on all th.- plana ... atd the atrikera" At the cloae of Ixdegate Wlnaton'B remaiks. Prealdent Prlnce lefl the hair to reply. «ad bo declared that he waa nol only the Prlnce who had apoken at both the meetlnga referred to by WlnBton, but thal be was prepared to ataad i>y what he had said l am in aympathy v\ ltl. the men who went OB Btrlhe." lie said. Ther- uas a sttike. but one thlng l won'l do, and thal la mix up wlth a dead «tiike. 1 am doI here to bulld up the Knlghta of Labor. Whlle i am a tradea unlon- lat, belong to the Amerlcan Pederated Unlon, and if I have aome tlme to los.- I wlll not waate it on the Knlghta of Labor. Paraono wanted to aell us a (old brick when he wanted us to take the vtnke ..ff his handa. l am a dealer in llve stock. and 1 don't want any dead ones ln mlne. am ln favor of an Independenl polltlcal labor party, but nol llke the one propoaed by Paraona, wlth 1100.000 behind it to ket-p thr boys ln Rood humor. I have nol crttlclaed ihe atrike, hut I will not go on I'arsons's commlttee now that tiie atrike, auch as it waa, ts over.'' Deleaate Polej ihen K<<t th- floor t., ask If a unlon of atreet car employea formed by Mr. Pars'.ns had not reeeived cr.-dentlals from the c. i.wai Pederated Unlon. Prealdent Prince aald no. Herman Roblnaon, .hairman of the Creden¬ tlals Commlttee, "f the Mlaceilaneoiis Seetlor, waa then called upon to explaln thlngs. and he dld so as followa: l believe now in comtng ont openly with fa.ts VPhen the atrike waa t«ik>-.l <>f a com¬ mlttee from th-- Miecellaneoua Bectlon was ap- oolnted to Inveetlgati tbe otandlna of the ai- leged union of tbe Metropolltan street Railway Company'o employea, bul th" commlttee waa unable t.. report atated ln meatlns tbat I .:,« ..pje.fe.l t.. a strike. hut I dld n»t say -. publlcly, ns I'.li.l not want to hiirni the nv-n's cham ea. "On nt leaal two occastono Pnraono deelared to th.- Inveatlgatlng commlttee of the Mlacel- laneoua Bectlon that his union of street rail- way men waa in good otandlna;, and a bona flde organlaatlon, bul nt the same tlme bo falled :,. keep appolntmento made with the eotnmltteo to prove what he said. No proofs wera evei given hy him that auch a union exiated. I he¬ ll.-ve that in this matter some very queatlon- able v.ork waa done by some KniRhts of Labor men At tbe cloae of hls ezplanatton Delegate R"'1- inson was attacl ed by Delegate wiuiam J. O'Blien, who said: "You ahould have said what you thoujrht khoul Paraona and his union at fltsr. There is na doubl that ihe motormen and conductora ln the employ of th<- Metropolltan street Ratlway Compai y tri d to better thelr condltlon, and this kind of talk is nol llkely to help the gtrlke fund. i was appolnted treaaurer of the fun.i last Bun¬ day, and up to '" I have only reeeived |*l0." A delegate wanted to know what had been done wlth the eredentlala of the alicRed union of aurface rallway employea. 'They were lald over until could find out if there was auch a union," replled Prealdenl Prince. "There are ouppoaed to be two dele- gatea from the union to rapreaent it here bul nelther of them was a ourface rallway man. V.V couldn'l gel anv explnnntlon out of Parsons. He broke one appolntmenl to maal the Inveetl- KatinK commlttee an.l then made another for a Baturday nlght to Introduce us t.. the new unlon vTe wenl to the place iof appolntment, an.l althougfa we walted there untll 1«» p. m. neither I'arsons nn anvbody elM ahowed up. Parsons has nol made any endeavora slnce to prove to tho commlttee thal his gtreat ratlway men'a union was anythlng but a paper organl/.a- Hon. i have no ua* for a labor leader of meth- like thos.- of Paraona." Delegate Kpan, of the Letter Carrtera' Unlon aroae to Inqulre if the delegatea of the otreel rallway men'a union wera not aeated in the meetlng. A reference to tne oei retary'a booka ohowed thal their credentlala had never bean accepted. iEmptoyera will be glad to honr of this ppllt ln the ranka of organlaed labor." aald a dele- "'.¦'i'rs a good ipllt." declared Prealdenl Prince. .i have only otated fa< ts. and i do n»t care a hom th.y hlt." . ._., Th.- report of the Inablllty of ihe inveati- patlng commlttee to Bnd anj organlzatlon or Btreet car rn» n was then nut to rote *»<»¦*. rapted. This was practballv a declaratlon that the CentTBl Pederated Cnlon waa of the OB n- ion that I'arsons waa a fallura aa a tobOT leader an.l that his allegod union waa a myth aml tnat it ealated only ln his own ImaKlnation Many labor 1-adera. however. <lo »ot »*r" with the concluBlona reached vest-rday by the Centril Pederated Union, Theyhmnojuh .f the eilotofJCOiJOi a unlon of M'tropolitan Btreet Rallway ^.mpany'a employea. but tbty bellVve that for go. d nuooa Paraona and other SSlght- *f .'.ab.., ,ea.,..B ara flghttng rtrjnn- ,,..,,1. ,,, k..,.,, it a aecret aa fat as posaiio^ ^1'Wen^^ KooTlnto1 flSoS aoeordln. ta .he .Itteal ^iS^7U#the d'.-Mhe nrs, ...nference of ih* leV oarl nnd a llvelv tlme la expe-ted ¥£ u OtTof Tammany Hall are worklng hard ronference a fallure and thua nlp .1, th,> cf.nference a raiiure anu m.,<- ..,- £ 'Jhe bud a movement .hat meana aerloua mena.- 5? T.'nmanv nex. fall Put ^'''*, »* are'full} eonvlnced that Tammany'e attempta ""larupl tbe conv.nilun wlll prova a dlomal u. FEVER AT SOLDIBRS' HOME. OUTBREAK OP PE8TILENCB AT THK iiampton, v.\.. iNSTrrunoN. THIRTT CA8BB OF THK yki.T.ow BCOUBOB IB THK PLACB AXh SKYKKAI. DKAT113 WORKIBQ TO PBBVBBT THK HI.SKA.SK Sl'RKADINO. [Rr TBLaaaara to raa taiatraa.] Hewpofi N'ews. Va.. July 80..TaBoW fever has brokea OUt at the National Soldlers' Home at Haanpton, aad the heaith autborltle* of the dties Ifl thla clty are busy to-nlght making prepara- tlons to quarantine agalnst the Home the flrst thlng to-morrow. There Is no doubt about the dlaeaaa belftf yellow fever, ns lt |g admltted hy the ofBcera at the Home. An ofBetal statemcnt glvaa out to-night says thal there are thlrty cases of fever ln the place. and there arere three deathe from ihe disease this afternoon. It Is repQTted further that there rrera aevea deatha yesterday at the Home. The .or.rlr.natlon of the rumors whlch have been Ir, circulatlon this evenlng caused a great sensa- ti-.n la Hampton. Phcabua, Old Potol romfort. Borfolk and Portamouth, Dr. W. O. Pettua, Unlted States Marlne Hos¬ pltal Surgeon al Old Polnt Comfort, quarantlned agalnst the HotM to-day and no persons arere gllowed to ent.-r the reaervatton. The offlclals of the Home hav.- no Idea how the dlaeaae worked its way into the place, where 4,001) old Tnion veterana are quartered. it was reported thal aon.f tba aoldlera who mlngled with aallora from Boutbern eountrles ln Ph.ebus carrled the fever into the Home. bul there is no evtdence of this. A soldier waa received at the ln*tltutk>n about two week* ago from Bablne Paaa, Tex., bul the authoritiea at the Home win not say that he ls reaponalble for the admlaalon of the dlaeaae. Tho dlaeaae was tlrst dlacovered aeveral daya ago, bul at that tlme there was doubt about Ita being yciiow fever. Tha Unlted states and Btate quarantine authoritiea from nearby polnta were Bummoned to the Home and called Int.naul- ,;,,,.. u wafl declded that the dlaeaae waa v,n.w fever and atepa were taken Immedlately to prevent lt Bprea*Jlng. Ti.e Home authoritiea issued ordera prohlblt- in| Rii aoidlera from leavlng tha grounda, and th..«e who llve outaide wlll not be allowed to .nter pendlng the quarantine. The Unlted Btatea Marlhe Hoapltal Servlce haa taken charge of the Home. All electrlc cars now stop at Phocbaa. and .... one is allowed to enter Old ' T,'!'M;,,n,,w i. is probable that no cars will be t,.-rinitt.-.i to go beyond Hampton. as the ime ^Tes c,o- to .be grounda Burgeoa. Pettua will Risiim- .harge of tho altuatloB. it ia i *".-"" SS Krgeon Oeneral ««^ *2" ,.,..- from washington. Tbe Newporl Newa ,.., HamtVton authoritiea wlll take quarantine m< aaurea to-morrow mornlng. a MEASURE8 TO C1IECE DISEASE. BUROBOBfl SKNT nN BATUBDAt TO HAMP ,,\ B1TROBOB OEBEBAL TO POLLOW. WaabJngton, July 80. B^rgaoti <;<-ner.u vvy- man of the Ifarine Hoapltal Servlce waa ln- formed Baturday night of an outbreak of wha I, w.s feared was yellow fever at the National Botdiera* Home at Hampton, and Immedlately dlapatched aurgeona In the aervlce from Wii- mlngton, N. C Norfolk and Waahlngton to ln- veatlgate the Blckneaa there. to report on Ita eharacter to the authoritiea here. an.l to take meagurea to prevent the gpread of the dlaeaae. ,,r Wyman hlmaelf wlll go to Hampton ln a .Vn-,1 ih- hellef tha. the lllneaa was the V, ,-.i w lack The novernment wlll JdootltriVt precautfonary ,n,-,sures to prev.-nt i r ih* dlaeaae and win light lts prog- ..^'all'.VsKIU an.l resoun.sat its con,- mand. RTERNBERd [Xt'REDT'LOt'B. Waahlngton, July 30 Burgeon OeneralBtern- berg of the Armj declared to an Aaaoclated Ptcm reporter al a late hour to-nlghl that he .j no offlclal knowledge of the reported out- ,,-.ak .,f v.-u.w fever ... Hampton. He n- oreaaed hlmaelf ns hiRhiv Increduloua of the ,'uth of the atory. aaytng he had had ...» Intlma- ton even of the eilate..r the fever al Harnp- n Stlll. be said. he mlght nol get the earlleat newBln auch a caae, ia reporta probably would K flrat sent to the managero of the Board of tha Boidlera' Home ? CONFIRMATION OP THB REPORT. Waahlngton, July » " »PP«*» lh;it *»r*p'in General Wymana Informatlon of th- reported exlof-nce of yeltow fever came In a teiegram from the .urgeon In charge ot the Boidlera Homeal Hampton, who expreaaed fear that the diaaaae was prevalent there, Dr. Wyman Imme- dtately avalled hlmaelf of the preaence at Nor- folk of Burgeon Waadln. nnd dlrected thal he ,,,......,! a, once to Hampton and make a care- ful examinatlon of the auapecta, Thlo after¬ noon the Burgeon Oenerai reeeived a dtepatch from Dr. Waedln expreaalng his convlctlen tha. the boapltal had been correct ln thelr fearo and thal the dlaeaae was genutne yellow f.ver Burgeon VPhlte, of thlo clty, and Burge m Wertenbeker, from P/llmlngton. N. C. wlll go to Hampton ImmeduUely. and other asslstants from tha aervlce wlll he dlrected to procaed thero as soon as the exact condltlon Of affalra can be learned an.l the neede of the altuatlon known. BTRICT QUARAXTIXE EXFORCED. N.rfolk. V... Jull »0. Th- Norfolk Iloard of Health haa quarantlnad against <»id loint Hampton. Newport Mewa and adjacent oamtry Pollce offlcers have .n s.nt OUt along tbe water front lo aratch for tuga, aallboata and other .raft. There Ib much ezcltemant Oov- ernor WoodflB of the Boidlera' Home conflrma the report of the exlstenoe of fever there. Hamp¬ ton has b.-.n quarantlned from Old Polnt, and tbe trolley cara otoppod runnlng to the former place to-nlgbt _ K l HI. COIXB FOl Wl* AXIXDIAX afOI VD. PROFKHSOR OIUIOBB IATI THBT AM of scot- TISH ORIOIN- THKV WTLL BE SfBMITTED T.- BtmOPBAJI ASTIQfARIANH M.netta. Ind July 30 <Sp*clal).- In m.klng BB exc.vatlon near an Indlan m-.und B. E. Ollraora haa found three ancleal attver r>iecee, one a coTa ind tbe otbera ahlelda. the three baaglng ,r . a trlmiKle of ,...! Th- c.,n I* .he *ire ,,". .llme .....* 1*0. h a h...g'B I.I-b-rtag. crowa aad aceptre. aadrcled M tb. worde Jotan- ,,e.: Dei Or.: x" Th.- raveree atda baa a ctobb Ol two !,..*. «t*ndlBg from edga tO «*...»* ln ,..«. on, .nd one-ou.rter tn ,.',;,:,.:",.,.,' i';;^;:jeoV,;,ar.HhPla.n,,andfh^herP*.de{;*n. to kuropenn antlqu.rtBn. *"' * fnt.ln. hu nnd J^iOimfTM^ -1! £ti-rwta. th. 1 Jw«*u*a^ia**ti^Ued ta* Britiafc-l-**- CAR KILLS A WOMAN. CRA8BE8 into a CARRIAOI IN WIIM'll SIIK IS lUDINl}. TWO OF HER BROTHERS E8<APF. WITH BLIOHT hcrts. BUT sm: is thrown VRDBR THB WHBBJLfl AND HKR IIKAD 18 CRUBHED. In a colllslon between a trolley car and a car- rla*e late on Sa-turday nlght at. Cllnton and Ridgcwood aves., in the out^klrtB of Newark, a young WOOnaa was so hadjy hurt that ahe dled ln a few inlnutes. and her two brothers were alightly Injured. The party eonsisted of Miss M.-.v Ir-ne Slnipson. twenty-flve yeara old; Charlea S. Slmpson. twenty-elght., and Walter simpson. twanty-three, aii of No. 113 llacbaadc- «t.. Newark. Karly ln the day they atarted ln a llght runabout for a drlve ln Cllnton Town- ship, and went as far as Millburn. retuininf? at a late hoor. Charlea wan .lrlvlns;. When the carrlaRe was on the aouth slde of the car tra< ks ln Clinton-ave., and Juat beyond RidKew.-od-avc. he turned the borso tO cross the tra. ks. The night waa dark and Charles dld not see the headlight of a trolley car rapldly approach- inj,'. Mlaa Simp«on BBW the llRht juat aa the horae was on the track nnd called to rharles. but before the carriaire could clear the track lt wrus BtTUCk by the car. The motorman had seen th- (langer of colllslon and had put down hls brake hard. throwin* hla patwenjrers lnto a heap. but ihe car had too much headway to be st. pped. The carrlage was struck so.uarely on the left slde near the front and its thre* occu- pantfl were thrown out The two brothers fell upon thelr ohOUldera and heads to one slde of th>- track. hut MlOO Slmpson was thrown under the wheela of the rar, where ahe waa ptnned fast. th..- .ar comlng to a hult wlthln a fOW feet ..f where it st.ruck the carrtage. Tlv brotherfl lay where they fell. almost un- conacloua, for a few momenta. The motorman and eonduetor Bprang from the car. followed by th- passenirers. an.l trlod to drag the woman from under the wheela, but were unable to do bo. People in the nelghborhood, who had been arouaed bv the nolae of the ,-olllslon and the haotenad t.. land their ald. Hy thelr unitM efforts th.- car waa llfted high enough to allow th- unfortunate woman to be drapKed out. She waa conaclouo ond waa moanlng pttifuily. Th- t.a.-k Of her head was .-rushed. She was lald upon the graaa <>f:« nearby Utwn, where she dled In a few mtnutea. vValter JMmpaoa had a Bcalp wound and Charlea waa brulaed aboul tba body. The run- aboul was wrecked. The horae, unhurt, was eaught! some di'tanre from the scene. The motorman, Gkorge Brown, and the condot-tor. p Brown were lo.ked up. The motorman will be charged wlth manslaughter. He sald he had done all he couM to avert a colllalon, Charlea Slmpaon aald that when he started to oross th« truck he nelther aaw n-->r hea.d the car, and no gong was rung. -*~.- KILLED P.V A TROLLEY CAR. AN AOKD MAN LOSES HIS I.IKK WIIII.K CBOBBIKO TKKi'MK-AYK. Prana Bohaaar, Betentywatven years oid. of No. :iTt; Eaat Bevauty-Btath-e*., m crossing Jaratne- ara>, last night, was knock<»d down by a trolley vir and kllic!. The motorman of the car. Tlmothy Tracey. Of Boaton Boad and Boutbeni Bouhsvard, was locked up. wh-n the <ar atruck Bohmer he was rroaalafi the avenue In tho mlddle of the hiock between One-hundred-and-aeventy-flfth and One-hun- dred-and-aeventy-Blztb .ta There are few lights there and the place la dark, The car waa well UI,on th- man before he aaw it. and in an effort t0 Ke, out of the way he ran dlrectly Into It. He WM arried under the wheela and wedged ln the ^y^eHnthtt'l waan.-ary ... Jac-k th,- ,-wr nn to get It out. "t requlred half an hour'a work, .n whlch um* a crowd of several hundred peraona gath- '.' \ ,, %'.,, w. much excltemenl ln the .i Jhi .riood. Th- body had I.n cut an.l it tinaiiy had to be retroved portion h> portion._ FIGBT WITH A MAD DOG. MAN CAIV.IIT IT B\ THF. TAIL AXD BWUXG IT AGA1X8T A TREE. Ol'en Rldga. B. J J"lv :{° I8peclal).-A bull ,,,,-rier belonglng to Wllllam T. Bpeneer. of RJdgewood-ave.. waa aelaed wlth rabteoi yeater- da¥ and rreated ¦ lot of excltement. The dog had been actlng strangoly. and the coachman. jamea Phllllpe, reeeived ordera to keep lt faatened ln the atable. Ka tled it up. but it broke loooe late yeaterday afternoon, and ran lnto the yard of C. C. Danlelo, where it bII hls two dogs and also one belonglng to Patricb Mylo.l Th- tetTler then returned and made a be* llne for Phllllps. The coachmaa dropped some harneao he held in hls hand and ran for a tiee, the dog in cloae purault. As Phllllps trled to cllmb the tree the doar grabbed one of hls lega. The man fell to rhe ground and as he dld ao he grabhed the tall of ihe dog and wlth all hls force he awang the anl- mal againat the tree. The terrler thon left Phil- ¦1m and daahed toward the houae, where he lumDed through an open cellar wlndow. hii- 1m doaed the wlndow and all tbe other placea of exlt tron. th.dlar. He then ran to tne nelahbora and aaked all of the male populatlon to bbbuh blm In kllllng the dog. They reeponded wlth guno an.l cluba. but on enterlng tbe cellar th* terrl.T was found dea.l ln the COal bln. 1 he doga known to have been blttea by blm were kiued. The coachman'a trouaera torn, but he was not bitten. PLVCKY VRCHIN 8T0P8 RVNAWAY. HOLDB TO THK LINBB ARD PIRALLY TURRB THB HOBBB RIOHT IRTO A QROCERY BTORB. Orange, July 30(BpectaL) Botomon Maybaum. son of Aiexander Maybaum, ex-Mayor of Palbv burg, drove over to OrattgO yesterday and Btoppad at Otto Kazenmeyer's restaurant. He left in the buggy a llttle lad of ten years to hold the horae. A fiy1nK sheet of paper frlaht- ened th- horae, which broke away on o dead run. The llttle Chap did not lOBO his nerve. and after the horae had run a block bo pulle.1 him around oharply to the rlght. wlth thaireault t) at the horse ewung acrooa the sidetxaiK. dashed lnto the open door of J. Kraiilgau a grocery Btore, at No. *TJ Main-st.. and brought in, all Btandlng, wlth the norae and buxgy Inslde tl.e store. The llttle man then Jumped down on a flour barrel anl «ald T gueas he a al rlght, but I don't want any more rlde. r*«J damage wm done. WISASCB COMMITTEE ADJOVBBB. MKMBKRS T43 CAJUM OH INDlVIDfAl. WORK INT1I. MKKTIN'l IM KAl.I- Waahlngton. July 30~Tne Penat* Repnhll ar. Klnnnre Commlttee. which haa been In a.a.ion f >r MBM tlme at Narraa-naett Pier. ha» eompletedlt. work for the pre.<nt. an.l haa .djourned. aubje-M ,o the eall of fhalrman Aldrlrh. Kach membeir Ib to do aoaie IndlvMual work along certaln IB***" Lo and thl. I. to be aubmltted to the full eorn- £«.. when ,t ~*3t»»JgJftT SSE a report. Benator Burrowa one °*"£ to-d*> & fbrnTSgr-HV'wlMv.^.'* &«.*»' ,jUm hla boma ln Mlchlgan. DR4FT OF SAMOAN TREATY ADMINI8TRATOR CH08EN RY THK THBBB <;<>v':unmk\t* propAld. COUBCIL oi- THBBB, OKB PBOB KACH roV.KR. Tc» AID IB MANAHIMI THE ISI.AND8-1M.AN8 POB A BATIVB aJBBMBLl IKPL1 BBCB Of CRtBP JUBTlCB IW« I BBBBBII San Kran.lsc... July M, The draft propoeed on the ne\\ Samoan treaty aa am*nd»»d hy th* Samoan CommlsHioners and puhllBhed hy The t'all." la a diicument of flve thousand worda. Th.- Imaortant featurea of thi* treaty are enu- merated and dis. uss.-d in the Coniniisslon'B r»- port. t ie treaty. contalning the detall* of the modlfl.-d form of go\ ermivnt for Sanioa aa out- llned ln the repoft. The treaty. hagtna Wlth a declaration g| the neutrallty of tha island." of Hamoa and an aa- surance to the raaajatctlve Hiizens *nd subject* Of tha -ignatory Powera of aquaUty of righta. It provldea for the Immediate restoration of pea.e and good order, and to this end perma- nently abollahea the offlce of king and llm.ta the aathortty <>f ehlefa, i>u; r.-.»;.-.- a Bpsajaaaj of natlve government Provlalon is made far the appolntment of aa Admlalatrator a. Samoa. to be appolatad by tha three signatory Powara, or. faiiing their agreement, by the King of Korwgj and Bweden. The Admlalatral a'e Balary aifj i.e ?;ii.iHM a jrear, aad be bi ta exectrta all lawe in force in the Samoan He .-hall posseaa tho pardoning power and make munldpal Hp- potntmenta with the conaent "f the I»aajk*la)*BfB CouncU, the leglalatlva power being veah the Admlnkrtrator and the Leglalatlva Co******* of three membera. one hcing appointed by each Of the three Powera There is al^o to be a native aaaembly, compoacd of the a^rreraora >.f dif- leront dlstrlot? of the island. The Ch'.ef Juatlce Of the Supreme Court la to be appoiat-.1 go 01 preaent, retelvtag a saiary of |R,000. Th.- jurledtctton of tha Ooavrt ia in- creaaed by the modifled traaty, whlle th<- praa* ent system of Consular Jurlsdl.tion Is to be abol- hthed Ti.e treaty contalna munlclpal an.l cua- toraa regulatkma, all of whi.h are more strlct than at proaont The general prOvtatOM of the act are to remain In foree for three yeara, al- though in the mean tlme opectal omoadaaantg may bo adoptad by ihe.eonaenl of tha thre* Powere, wlth the gdherence of samoa. - 4>- THE REPORT ON SAMOA. CHAXOEB IN OOVBRXMBXT ADVOCATIO BY 0OMMIMIOXES8. San Franclaco. July 30.."The Call" publiahea the t. port of the Trlpartite Conimlsslon s<Mtt to Samoa. maklns varlous reeomniendattons re- garding the new form of government decided upon by them as most sultable for th~ Islandere. Thaa<! laaiilatleno Bta hnaarl upon the best feat- ur. i of the Berllfl Treaty, and lnclude the prln- clpal featurea of the propOBOl new treaty. aa amended an.l rnodlfled bp the CommlsBloners. The otllcial report of tho Commissioners and th* draft of the propOBed amended treaty are aald to be now on the way to their iiiapoutlM «5ov- ernmenta. The reeoluttoaa of the Commission- tra is as followa: We have the honor to submit herewith to tho conolderatlon of our three Oovernmenta the m- rlooed drafl of o modifled and amended vraioti ..f the \. t of Bertln. ln preparlng theae niodifl- ratlona and amendmenta, our method has been t.. conaider tlr-t are the .-mIs whi.-h have eaused the recent troublea In Samoa, and the general condltlona of the islan ls. and aecoad, whlch af- the meaaureo moal llkely . remova or mlnlmlae thoae evlla The chlet ovllo may be grouped under four b< I; Ptrel Ti..-.- whlch appear to btevttaMy attend the election of a k.. g nf gaoaoa nnd Ma aubaoaaeflt ,-fftis fo cxert hta authorlty. I .. to tha rti tiry "f far- gn aationalltli i tween them* l 'r>f,r Itlon to teka itdea ln the natlve polltlca and thvia laercaaa the Imporl in .. aad Mtteraeao of dla- i bl h iU-> Thlrd A thlrd cdaaa of evlla have their origin ln the r.,.t thal for naanj yeara there haa been * law .r governraeol ln Bamoa other than aartve eueteeo the llmlta of tha muatetpallty. Murder snd other aerloua criaaea have retaalned unpualahed Brhen comraltted by peraona of raak, aad lt* iu- prerae Court aad the aoaalaal Oovernmeni at Mwii- nuu have been c,| lalli powi r* -> ta aeri aay forea. Fourth The |n*ufBctenl enforceoaent "f the eaa- ragulatioaa haa allowed unacrupuloua traders to dtatributa large numbera of armi .tmon? a natlve popuUtioa renl by poUtlcal faetloaa aad r.-jdy to fljtht both one another and BurOfM KINOBHIP A CAU8B OF IIAIlM. To meat the first or' these evlla are have tem- porarily abollahed the kingahlp and '¦¦">..n* that it i- permaneatly abollahed. The »- tton whlch we hav taken ln th ^".r|-^|f_0* .. to lune arouaed any aoetua reeitai among the natlvea th No obubl manj great ehlefa regret thatjhey will n<» longer hav.- an opportunlty of irratip- nR thelr ambitioiis and Indubjtag tha paiMdoB .,,: Jaak aad ceremoay ahkrh B laaate ... ihe breaal of every Bamoaa. . Bul even .he ehlefa hav- acquleeced ln the rhange; aotne of the moat ....porta... have itated that they thlnk ll ta tor the good of i aI.i we belteve that the ,,opultAlM, ISJ^a'orited ..n hf .Mian.-ou, injuence. (which la, uahapplly. aol impoaalble). wlll aa- Si?t to the abolltlon wlthout a tourmur and "'gZE 'whtie ..rn,, £*k* £ AntiScan allke, who haa glven evldeoce »,¦ ..rj ,ie commhslon (wlth the txceptlon of ooear ,, lawyera who had Intereet ln be .-.tee has lecommended thal the Commlaalon do away wlth the kingahlp. and we nay m - > "-" «J th.- oplnion of Blr B. Malet, rewrded m tne pratcaS of the conferen..I Bertla, and of Ui Batea, m hla report on Bamoa. I- teema Impoaalble to say of **''";"., rr! saar .,'u^rrM~ s thc.rliv or f : '" . l.h beyonatVuVuoft\^^ ln thoa llmlta hU authorit> waa aupernw Ifhe g, it part of the W^^^JS tn..-nt. ar.d purpoeee ln pertl an-- r agalnat hlm. and the mere.fact fj*^.^ dko. iwued through hlinw:.' Purthei lt neemed bedledce In many dlatrlcta. I tner. H an un- lBlpnaalble to Bevtee .my,, by^ah h a n aar ^^T^^SigiWt^ -'"- rW-t of cured The Kingsnm « .. ,, T!,,.v ;ire ln certaln tltlee bycertalo dletricta^ bul of ,ma|| the glft not «;^h/*h0°^e Vh" .* poelt.on to thelr ... of eiector* «ho rme wwr^ prtnclpla raak, Even w^L^^ baatowe the title that the nialr,rlt> of the t «£ ..|aw> an<J i. not aaceptaAAOd ." * tnt.r<. lg nothln(f t(, u^t:m%tSr'a"didBt,es from being duiy e.ected king at the aam* BBB8, PUAJffl ^,),{ BATIVB RUI* ,.rmprlv the rlalniB Of «uch rlvals were de- 1 ^v fc.rc" Of *rm*. l-ut the fr.mera of th* clded hy f< rce of «r ^ thlir.UKhly under- Ch!ref JustK J? Samoa II.nt experlenee hS unhapplly Proved that an Bttempl to aettle ,he aueathm ln thl* way alao leada to war. and we 2r* herefore atrongly of the oplnion that the only chance of prever.tng *urh dlBaenaion. iJ the future la to abollah the offlce whlch ajru- j lokea them. ln the plac* of the kingahlp wa

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1899-07-31. · to tb. wreking *««V^2a^wSeWntlEd burned to the waist . The men by thelr watcheB. removed to hla Ccnductor Wel.h, who "a*rrem'.,. had






rOOT BMBANKMSNTport Jeraie, N Y. July latl.The-aecldeata on

?he Erte Railroad. BTOWlag ..tit of tho lan.l-alide a nille east of Lackawaxen last ninht.nt-re not ai> sertoiis as at flrst reported. An

jrrle frclght train eaatbound, whlch turned over

or. ihe westbound track. however, ciusod ihe

|ffih Of the an.l »'ngineer of the en-

jripc b.ii.nging to ih. weatbound Chioago Ex-No. 7. the veatlbllle passenger traln f>>r

Buffalo, which left New-York at 7 o'clcv k angaturday night. A number of the paaaengets«n the eapreaa traln were elao lnjured.The wreck, which oecurred shortly before

rr.lcii ight. was proceded by a cloudburst anditorm whlch laste.l two hotirs. A sectlon of thebank fell on ihe ea.Mhound tracka, dlrectly Infront of the freight train. Several trees wentdown with the rocka and »-arth. and the frelghtrars an.l engln° were turned over dlrectly acroaathe weatbound traiks.Hsty fr- ight cars ronaUtated the traln. though

Bjaly tareitty-tWO arere deralled. and the debrisvan plled up on the, weatbotind tracka Just hb the|fo, 7 Cblcaugo Eapreaa appeared, running at theyate of flfty mllaa an hoatr. The engine of the

ggpreaa traln rrashed into the wreck. The »>ag-gage car, comhination and Imffet car and two

Pullman slecpers were plled np on th* tra.ksbnmedlately in front of the wrecked frelajhl cara.

Th< flrai Bleepar was spnt into taro parta as a

: f the acddent, nml the pass.ngers' were

throw n thlrty feal down a bank.\us DE8TROTED HY IIRK.

Fire at once hrokc out, nnd four cars of Nf*.7 a. d nlne of the frcipht cars were burned. Hag-. Becker, who found himself under

iggag. ar, recovered consciousiH's* only\er he was all in the heart of

tr>. wrecked paaeenger cara. He managed t<>

crn'l from iiJs poaltlon only t<« flnd a blaae¦tartlng In fr.~>nt of him, whlle half a car waa

up Immedlately over hlm. ll.'

cnll'.l '¦ r aaslatani .. bul Itaere waa ih> raaponae.he aaw th" paeeengera, who had bean

burled down the thlrty foot embankment, en-

ring ... extrlcate theroaelvea from tbaj. They were clad In iheir nlghl rlotblng,and wen ahlverlng wlth the cold.

CABING FOB THE INJURED.were bleedlng and moa llng, and all were

daxed.Membera of the train crews began '<¦> aearcb

¦-it portlona of the wreck, and aaalatadth. se who were Btruggltng t.> eacape. Hlankets

x ;.!..ii«ht In from ihe Pullman ars and

1 around ahlrerlng, hyaterlcal women

and half conacloua men. Word waa telegTaphedto Port Jervis. A rellef train was at once ar-

ranged for. and Dr Cuddeba.-k. Dr. Swartout.

l>r. Johnson and several trained nurses hastened

to the ecene. Nearly all of the injured personsvere Immedlately removed to the hospltal.Followlng is a complete llat of the kllled .-nd

lnjured, ae for as known, up to the present*ime.


IjI'TWATER. aaaaiiaa. PoM .lervla. enalneer of deralleden*lne.

fcEIXS. Frederi'-k, Port Jervta; flreman of derallea en-


i..,KKR, John. Am a; baaB»Ke maatar; head cut andbrulaea.

li.i.z. 0. F.., Clevelaad; euta ea h"nd -md nnnd t.urn.a.

BOYD Q. H Sharun. J'enn Bcaks wounda.

BOTD, Mra <: il BharOB, I'enn., brulKes on bark and

ahovi ....

COI.I.INF. A. B.. No 344 Weat BV*., Buffalo; ?"Kht ln-

DUMBAB. Wllllam. New York. aeoeml eook; **WM *nd

DRAKE 1" I. rullman conductor; atlKlit lrjurteg.

KRAZIER Kohert. Jer.ev Uty. «..::.¦. BeaMad taarie,

PREYBOU), W., No. B JeaTeraoB-ai Hobok*a; eiiarht m-

uaz^nT'ura F. C. * I.BB Seventh-ave New-York;H,-Autonhe«d*nl r.-k -Mured

HUNT Mr' Eltaebeth. N*wark; Bvakje*.

KIM'ATl:l<K. F ».. t*nv*r; Bltgkl Injurl*..IOY Wllllam. leraei Clty. walt*r; Jmraed handa.

,TTi r _.. Newark, N. J. alajat oaataalea.. .ft leg.

M- LFORD, Mka Floreae* Adele. Newark..llght tnjurles

PARKKR I. E NO -1 New-York. handa

, .'.wi POCI Jerv... aBStea*t of fre,Bht; pelvla

glznEZa, c w. No 117 QarfWd ave.. Cfakaa-i

t.v Richard, No SM Ifllweakaa at.. CMeego; alt|ktly

"IrederK-k, 1-rt Jervl.. brakeman; ahoulder

aANl'-RK Frank M. New York. « Mi inil e.^ aealded.

TRIMMER. .1. M. trainman. No. .. M.euider .njured.

THi RNTON. MKheei. porter; ahoulder bralaee.

VIEB K No. 3 Baat Thlrd at., Nea Tork; cut he.d

Bl 1 rlght irm.

¦*.; H Tlaaotay, ooBdtieter. No. 7. back and leB. ln-


MlM Mulford. who ts a PliiRer from Newark.

ar.d Mra. Hunt. of th* came place. were on their

aav tO attend a Boctety meetlng.

Thev were taken to the home of a frlend here

ln Port JerviB. of th.- peraona tajnred and now

at the hoapltal Bt-rnard Shay. af Port Jervla.

Ktnear of the freight traln. and O. E. h-iz,

veland, ohio, were moal aertoiiBl* hurt, bui

lt i, not thought that iheir wounda wlll provelat. Me h-iz 'b a atenoarapher la the offlce

af Traffla aUnaaier Thomas, of tha Brie eyatem,^i hea4Squartera at Cleveland..THlBVBfl U OT PAflMBNOBRfl' CLOTH1NO,Several thl.v.s from Port Jarvlo who. lt is

buH..hw|. reachadthe -".,-ot the nriii»*.traln. ranamchad the olotha. of the pu-

.en.-rs durl»K the prtod of «f«**±JZVle,.am..lineryd.oorator.ofNi.-.MVW,T, ,d-

«. New-Tork, loat eoothlng oanUlnln* «00 .

btlU an.l . fOM -at.h F. S. KllpOtrl-K., ,0.t $100. a gold wntah. . fmrnmA pta

and « Ulumono atud. on *.**» ""*£pl,.al be notlo.,1 . man w.-aring hlatrott^ra.

Thev went throuBh the pockata bnl fonnd the

,, .., The man said that rh- tro«era

haH.e.iiKivcnh.m hy - of th. tra.nrnen

but aald that the money and valuables mus

have been before he raaaiaad th.

r,r*>e,u of th.- clotWn*. (.ii]i(.s ,,fAfter .1 aeveral hours Bearn

Knglnaer Outwater ar.d n -. -

lttaf.h.,found under their engine I > I' ', '" ,'a(1 ,..,.,,to tb. wreking *««V^2a^wSe WntlEdburned to the waist. The men

by thelr watcheB. removed to hlaCcnductor Wel. h, who "a*rrem '.,. had a

home. wai not aerloualy Injur*I. » na

ttalacback in hla poa-eaa «n. ahemii.K [^ f\amaon. ** yet »»»»vceo^tad tor^TWo^ ^r ind and one from t attaraugu*Jlevea ,hat they hava taken "g^Jft fromty of the wre-k, and they wflljBBibwmjEtat Thnuaands of peraona \ lelted tne

cf th* wreck to-day. and many who 1.ookedtn* wraeaaca egjtt^gaad the oplnion na

remain*. of the ml*Blng men WOtJldthere


R |f. JARVIi REPORTED INJUREDRohert M Jarvla. of Jataay CBy. Wbt. ib re-

|. some dlHpatrhes ... have been .... O

tho,* injured ir, .he railroad Wiack. '>*«» "

No fl, fWenwood-M'e.JersevCi.y H;""'1^famlly have been abaaal for -mne tlme WhW

their home waa being rebullt. Mr ^^'p^,atorege authnutt .« Thlrteenti . JJ^




WaahinRton. July 80. Secretary Alger andMrs. Aiper returned to Waehttwrton thia afternoon. The Seeretary wlll formally rellnqulBhcontrol of the War Department to-morrow, andhls eocctaaor, KUhu Root wlll bopln work. Sen-ator BurroWB, Of Michigaii. returned to the cityon the same traln.



ParlS, July 80..M. Paul Doroulede, presldentof the Leaarue of Patriota; af. Marcal-Hnhert,Revislcnist fcff mber of the Chamlvr of Deputlea,and af. Mlllevnye, edltor of "I-a Patrle," ad-dressed a patriotlc meetlng to-day at Mende.

Department of I.ozere, declarlnjr that the Parlia-

mentary Republlc waa respotislble for all of

Frnn.e's trouble.The meetlng finally ended in a mflee, and It

was found nece.=sary to eall upon th*' gctularmesand a hattalion of Infantry to dls^erse the

crowd.A taleajram from Rennes announoes that an

afTray occurred there to-day between Dreyfusltc*an.l Natlonalists, who were prevented by the

p.dlce from carrylng out thelr deslun of march-

Ing to the houae of Maltre Laboii, counael forCaptain Dretfus.The "Matln" annotincr-s that there ls no caae

agnlnst Colonel du Paty de Clam, and thl? nn-

nouncarnanl has aln te been contlrmed by II.

Menord, colonel du Paty d.- ciam'n counael."The BMcle" says thal Maltre Demange and

Maltre Laborl, counsel for Captain Dreyfoe, wlll

uVmand that M. yuesnay de Henurcpalt-, ea-

preslilent of the Crimlnal Chamber of the Courtof Cass.ition, produce the names of the personsfrom whom he recelv .1 the alleged Inforraatloaeotabllahlng tho guilt <>f Captain Dreyfoa





Newport, R. I.. July ^ (BpeeUi). The Hon. J;im.-

B Kustls ea-ArabBMador to France, whO, ar.-..r,l-

Ina to th- ParU "Bolr." has rtaln Informatlon Ii

hla poapeaaloB beartng upon th.- Dreyfua caae, waa

eeen by a Trlbune reporter thia evenlng al hls

snmmer home here. a. the Wheeler eottaa*. m

Eufltla-ave Mr, Buatla aald he had nol Been the

Btatemenl of the ¦.golr." but thal th- reporl th.u

he had any Bpcclal Inform'atton rvaardlm the Drey-fua matter WBfl entlrely Incorrect. He knew aboui

th,- afTaii only as it had come under hla obaerva-

tlon when he waa In France. 11- .ll-Halmed. wlth¬

out leeeri atlon, the poaaesalon of any aei n

formatton retatlm to th.- caae. Mr. Buatla atated.however, th.u he has written an arti-ie oa ti»«

Dreyfaa Caae an.l the .lewlsh QueBtlon toFraiwe.and Pranch and Amerlcan Democracy, .^ *,',,.;'.,been prepared wlth oreal care. and ta .' '",'''"Itohed ln "Th.- Coneervatlve RevHjW for Amrust




Paris. July 30..Two automobiles to-da:the Parls-St. Malo expreaa in a race between

those cltiea. a d.stance of 226 Ballaa, tnaklng the

baal time ever recorded for an automoblle, cov-

cring the d'stance In seven hours and thirty-flvemlmit-s. The tlme of the traln wa* seven hours

ar.d forty-elght mlnutes.-a-




London. July 30.-P*Tclval Spencer, the famouaacronaut, with a companlon named Pollock.started in a balloon from the Cryatal Patace at

2-an o' vester.lay afternoon ..Tl arrtveo

near Dteppe, Pranee, a mlle and * half s o-clock last evenlng. The balloon reaehedan altitude of 12,000 feet. Th.- tflp waa wlthOUlincldent.




Peklnaj, July Ba-The ntrnora regardlng the

forma.ion of a rhlno-Japane^- alllan,-e are

oflleially denied. and it la aaaerted that ha

envoya recently aent ta Toklo were appolntedsimply to seek to promote frlendly ralatlona be¬

tween the Power*.




Melboume, Victoria. July 80.--Practlcally th<

total result Of the referendum to the commor,-

wealth Of the federatlcn que*tion ls 151.352

votea for federatlon to 9,<Bfl tfOtaa aRainst.-?-




Pretoria, July 80.- State Becretary F W. ReUa

.ald to-day that If the loqulry propo.-d was lo

.n.bra.c all mattera la dlapuU of late yea-s

between Great Hrltaln anl the Transvaal. in-

cluding the Conventlon of 1884, it mlght be ac-

ce.table but If the franchlae only was to be

ronaldered, the Volksraad had passcd on that,

.n.l further consideratlon of the queatiOT) waa

reearded as tantamount 10 legislatlng through

a rommlaaloT., thus daprlvlni the country of its


CAPB TOWN PBEBfl PLEABED.r.t.e Town, Julv 3-1-The neWBOaper* here hall

¦rlth d*llght th- aaaurance* Of unanlmlty la the.. .-rllnment which they consl.ler «8 pre-SgS".,!:"V^men, of the ertata.




Ottawa. <>nt. July Wt-In the Houae of Com-

m.r, yeaterday Mf Chai laa Tupi»er apoke itrfJaaff-iv m fav.r of a rednctlon of the royalty on tbe

'old output in the Yukon. Clifford BlftOtt, Mln-

ister of the Interlor. In reply, BDld that whlle the

rovalty was not permanently flxed, he could BOI

as yet"cnaent to any reductlnn from the 10 per

cent now eollectad.


Vktorla B C July 30 -The Hteamer Tee, haa

.rrlved froa- Alaaka IB p.B.en«.ra aad 0

f,rg amount of tr^.ti.e Oo-atraor afclaali

iSerSarnln vlew ef th. erlato ln the Caatae,- .natouely awaltad. waa n paaaofaaar

"« Tr.adweil Minina Ccaapaay, ef Jaaeau, wlll

',,. ihe tux law m ihe court. A. w Cartere. a

;:l r, haa ...ed . - h ....¦.,>¦ fo, « la-

i, .. to allow the oaeparatlea te eecapa payle«!H .aa A temporary Injunetlon wa* aranted. an.l'

.anv wlll not be requlred to pay lta 110ROiSefaatJI thT waetltutt»>nami of the laa law u


W0BMMBR EIUED RY 4 fAUTBB WALL. r.iv M Bf th' ro'l«r«!n« of . well of a

MM^vinr B <end.n,.nc ,»,,_* workru.n WOfO

---.»A. «#4»WU.-* ..*





CENT TRdUBLRioma inrdde hlatory of the recent Btrik-.of

r.he M.'.'.-'Han S.rce, P.allwa ^..nploye. ru aired at the ra "

,...,,, ,,.,,...,.,,, Cnlon F*Z^"£}noon. Not only was John S. ^^!^]Uaater Workman of th- KnlfhU I i-«**,

rlared to be a falltrre as . atrlka leader, bot

Berloua doubta wera eaai on hta "«"" '» ,h*1

« unlon o! Btreetca* men ever exloted. r -<-

dent Prin.e of the Central Eederated 1 nlnn

who. || i, aald. waata offlce ander Tamm«

Hall and who .leprecafd Mr. Parsons s Wea

Of B new worklngmen's polltl- al P» >

-i week ago, wa- th* leadef of tbe attacfc on aar.

Paraona yeaterday. The latter waa not at tn

..,,.. ...--.,-,1 hlmaelf, and. althoufb Bob-

eri WlnBton an.l B few -the,- delefatea atteuipt

ed to do go, they were roughly handled. tnetr.-

pborlcally apeaklng, and cotnpelled to take naen

The trouble beajan jreaterday "hen DelegataWlnaton g.d the floor to Inform the meetlni;

that Mr. Paraona at n meetlng at {t'-venty-thlrd-Bt. aad Thlrd-avc. had enro.led 800 motormen

anl conductora of the afetropolltan street Raii-

way Company In tha new unWon. Mr. winst-.n

added:"There |g rtrong mdlgnatlon agalnst Preslrt<m.

Prin.- f.,r the ianguag* he itaed al the n.e.tlr.i;

of the Mlacellaneoua Bectlon last Toeaday night.

He declared thal Paraona bad turned oaer «

corpae when be gol u* to appolnl a treaauratf.,r tha strikers' fund, and he objected to beingappolnted .... Paraona'a Bellef Commlttaa ofFift'.-n. It was a Btrong apeech for a man wno

laal Bueday advocated the Independenl poUtt-cal a.tion of worklngmen, and it thrcw a

damper on all th.- plana ... atd the atrikera"At the cloae of Ixdegate Wlnaton'B remaiks.

Prealdent Prlnce lefl the hair to reply. «ad bo

declared that he waa nol only the Prlnce who

had apoken at both the meetlnga referred to by

WlnBton, but thal be was prepared to ataad i>ywhat he had said

l am in aympathy v\ ltl. the men who went

OB Btrlhe." lie said. Ther- uas a sttike. but

one thlng l won'l do, and thal la mix up wlth a

dead «tiike. 1 am doI here to bulld up theKnlghta of Labor. Whlle i am a tradea unlon-

lat, belong to the Amerlcan Pederated Unlon,and if I have aome tlme to los.- I wlll not waateit on the Knlghta of Labor. Paraono wanted to

aell us a (old brick when he wanted us to take

the vtnke ..ff his handa. l am a dealer in llvestock. and 1 don't want any dead ones ln mlne.

am ln favor of an Independenl polltlcal labor

party, but nol llke the one propoaed by Paraona,wlth 1100.000 behind it to ket-p thr boys ln Roodhumor. I have nol crttlclaed ihe atrike, hut I

will not go on I'arsons's commlttee now that

tiie atrike, auch as it waa, ts over.''

Deleaate Polej ihen K<<t th- floor t., ask If a

unlon of atreet car employea formed by Mr.

Pars'.ns had not reeeived cr.-dentlals from the

c. i.wai Pederated Unlon.Prealdent Prince aald no.

Herman Roblnaon, .hairman of the Creden¬

tlals Commlttee, "f the Mlaceilaneoiis Seetlor,waa then called upon to explaln thlngs. and he

dld so as followa:l believe now in comtng ont openly with

fa.ts VPhen the atrike waa t«ik>-.l <>f a com¬

mlttee from th-- Miecellaneoua Bectlon was ap-

oolnted to Inveetlgati tbe otandlna of the ai-

leged union of tbe Metropolltan street RailwayCompany'o employea, bul th" commlttee waa

unable t.. report atated ln meatlns tbat I

.:,« ..pje.fe.l t.. a strike. hut I dld n»t say -.

publlcly, ns I'.li.l not want to hiirni the nv-n's

cham ea."On nt leaal two occastono Pnraono deelared

to th.- Inveatlgatlng commlttee of the Mlacel-laneoua Bectlon that his union of street rail-

way men waa in good otandlna;, and a bona fldeorganlaatlon, bul nt the same tlme bo falled:,. keep appolntmento made with the eotnmltteoto prove what he said. No proofs wera evei

given hy him that auch a union exiated. I he¬

ll.-ve that in this matter some very queatlon-able v.ork waa done by some KniRhts of Labor

menAt tbe cloae of hls ezplanatton Delegate R"'1-

inson was attacl ed by Delegate wiuiam J.

O'Blien, who said:"You ahould have said what you thoujrht

khoul Paraona and his union at fltsr. There is

na doubl that ihe motormen and conductora lnthe employ of th<- Metropolltan street RatlwayCompai y tri d to better thelr condltlon, and this

kind of talk is nol llkely to help the gtrlke fund.i was appolnted treaaurer of the fun.i last Bun¬

day, and up to '" I have only reeeived |*l0."A delegate wanted to know what had been

done wlth the eredentlala of the alicRed union

of aurface rallway employea.'They were lald over until W« could find out

if there was auch a union," replled PrealdenlPrince. "There are ouppoaed to be two dele-

gatea from the union to rapreaent it here bulnelther of them was a ourface rallway man.

V.V couldn'l gel anv explnnntlon out of Parsons.

He broke one appolntmenl to maal the Inveetl-KatinK commlttee an.l then made another for a

Baturday nlght to Introduce us t.. the new

unlon vTe wenl to the place iof appolntment,an.l althougfa we walted there untll 1«» p. m.

neither I'arsons nn anvbody elM ahowed up.

Parsons has nol made any endeavora slnce to

prove to tho commlttee thal his gtreat ratlwaymen'a union was anythlng but a paper organl/.a-Hon. i have no ua* for a labor leader of like thos.- of Paraona."Delegate Kpan, of the Letter Carrtera' Unlon

aroae to Inqulre if the delegatea of the otreelrallway men'a union wera not aeated in the

meetlng.A reference to tne oei retary'a booka ohowed

thal their credentlala had never bean accepted.iEmptoyera will be glad to honr of this ppllt

ln the ranka of organlaed labor." aald a dele-

"'.¦'i'rs a good ipllt." declared Prealdenl Prince..i have only otated fa< ts. and i do n»t carea hom th.y hlt." . ._.,

Th.- report of the Inablllty of ihe inveati-patlng commlttee to Bnd anj organlzatlon or

Btreet car rn» n was then nut to rote *»<»¦*.rapted. This was practballv a declaratlon that

the CentTBl Pederated Cnlon waa of the OB n-

ion that I'arsons waa a fallura aa a tobOT leaderan.l that his allegod union waa a myth aml tnat

it ealated only ln his own ImaKlnationMany labor 1-adera. however. <lo »ot »*r"

with the concluBlona reached vest-rday by the

Centril Pederated Union, Theyhmnojuh.f the eilotofJCOiJOi a unlon of M'tropolitanBtreet Rallway ^.mpany'a employea. but tbtybellVve that for go. d nuooa Paraona and other

SSlght- *f .'.ab.., ,ea.,..B ara flghttng rtrjnn-,,..,,1. ,,, k..,.,, it a aecret aa fat as posaiio^^1'Wen^^KooTlnto1 flSoS aoeordln. ta .he .Itteal

^iS^7U#the d'.-Mhe nrs, ...nference of

ih* leV oarl nnd a llvelv tlme la expe-ted¥£ u OtTof Tammany Hall are worklng hard

ronference a fallure and thua nlp.1, th,> cf.nference a raiiure anu m.,<- ..,-

£ 'Jhe bud a movement .hat meana aerloua

mena.- 5? T.'nmanv nex. fall Put ^'''*,»* are'full} eonvlnced that Tammany'e attempta""larupl tbe conv.nilun wlll prova a dlomalu.



iiampton, v.\.. iNSTrrunoN.



HI.SKA.SK Sl'RKADINO.[Rr TBLaaaara to raa taiatraa.]

Hewpofi N'ews. Va.. July 80..TaBoW fever has

brokea OUt at the National Soldlers' Home at

Haanpton, aad the heaith autborltle* of the dties

Ifl thla clty are busy to-nlght making prepara-

tlons to quarantine agalnst the Home the flrst

thlng to-morrow. There Is no doubt about the

dlaeaaa belftf yellow fever, ns lt |g admltted hy

the ofBcera at the Home.

An ofBetal statemcnt glvaa out to-night says

thal there are thlrty cases of fever ln the place.

and there arere three deathe from ihe disease

this afternoon. It Is repQTted further that there

rrera aevea deatha yesterday at the Home. The

.or.rlr.natlon of the rumors whlch have been

Ir, circulatlon this evenlng caused a great sensa-

ti-.n la Hampton. Phcabua, Old Potol romfort.

Borfolk and Portamouth,Dr. W. O. Pettua, Unlted States Marlne Hos¬

pltal Surgeon al Old Polnt Comfort, quarantlnedagalnst the HotM to-day and no persons arere

gllowed to ent.-r the reaervatton.The offlclals of the Home hav.- no Idea how

the dlaeaae worked its way into the place, where

4,001) old Tnion veterana are was reported thal aon.f tba aoldlera who

mlngled with aallora from Boutbern eountrlesln Ph.ebus carrled the fever into the Home.

bul there is no evtdence of this. A soldier waa

received at the ln*tltutk>n about two week* ago

from Bablne Paaa, Tex., bul the authoritiea at

the Home win not say that he ls reaponalblefor the admlaalon of the dlaeaae. Tho dlaeaae

was tlrst dlacovered aeveral daya ago, bul at

that tlme there was doubt about Ita being

yciiow fever. Tha Unlted states and Btate

quarantine authoritiea from nearby polnta were

Bummoned to the Home and called Int.naul-,;,,,.. u wafl declded that the dlaeaae waa

v,n.w fever and atepa were taken Immedlatelyto prevent lt Bprea*Jlng.Ti.e Home authoritiea issued ordera prohlblt-

in| Rii aoidlera from leavlng tha grounda, andth..«e who llve outaide wlll not be allowed to

.nter pendlng the quarantine. The Unlted

Btatea Marlhe Hoapltal Servlce haa taken charge

of the Home. All electrlc cars now stop at

Phocbaa. and .... one is allowed to enter Old

' T,'!'M;,,n,,w i. is probable that no cars will be

t,.-rinitt.-.i to go beyond Hampton. as the ime

^Tes c,o- to .be grounda Burgeoa. Pettuawill Risiim- .harge of tho altuatloB. it ia i

*".-"" SS Krgeon Oeneral ««^ *2",.,..- from washington. Tbe Newporl Newa,.., HamtVton authoritiea wlll take quarantinem< aaurea to-morrow mornlng.




WaabJngton, July 80. B^rgaoti <;<-ner.u vvy-

man of the Ifarine Hoapltal Servlce waa ln-

formed Baturday night of an outbreak of wha

I, w.s feared was yellow fever at the National

Botdiera* Home at Hampton, and Immedlatelydlapatched aurgeona In the aervlce from Wii-

mlngton, N. C Norfolk and Waahlngton to ln-

veatlgate the Blckneaa there. to report on Ita

eharacter to the authoritiea here. an.l to take

meagurea to prevent the gpread of the dlaeaae.

,,r Wyman hlmaelf wlll go to Hampton ln a

.Vn-,1 ih- hellef tha. the lllneaa was theV, ,-.i w lack The novernment wlll

JdootltriVt precautfonary ,n,-,sures to prev.-nti r ih* dlaeaae and win light lts prog-..^'all'.VsKIU an.l resoun.sat its con,-


RTERNBERd [Xt'REDT'LOt'B.Waahlngton, July 30 Burgeon OeneralBtern-

berg of the Armj declared to an AaaoclatedPtcm reporter al a late hour to-nlghl that he

.j no offlclal knowledge of the reported out-

,,-.ak .,f v.-u.w fever ... Hampton. He n-

oreaaed hlmaelf ns hiRhiv Increduloua of the,'uth of the atory. aaytng he had had ...» Intlma-ton even of the eilate..r the fever al Harnp-n Stlll. be said. he mlght nol get the earlleat

newBln auch a caae, ia reporta probably would

K flrat sent to the managero of the Board oftha Boidlera' Home


CONFIRMATION OP THB REPORT.Waahlngton, July » " »PP«*» lh;it *»r*p'in

General Wymana Informatlon of th- reportedexlof-nce of yeltow fever came In a teiegramfrom the .urgeon In charge ot the Boidlera

Homeal Hampton, who expreaaed fear that the

diaaaae was prevalent there, Dr. Wyman Imme-

dtately avalled hlmaelf of the preaence at Nor-

folk of Burgeon Waadln. nnd dlrected thal he

,,,......,! a, once to Hampton and make a care-

ful examinatlon of the auapecta, Thlo after¬

noon the Burgeon Oenerai reeeived a dtepatchfrom Dr. Waedln expreaalng his convlctlen tha.

the boapltal had been correct ln thelr

fearo and thal the dlaeaae was genutne yellowf.ver Burgeon VPhlte, of thlo clty, and Burge m

Wertenbeker, from P/llmlngton. N. C. wlll go

to Hampton ImmeduUely. and other asslstants

from tha aervlce wlll he dlrected to procaed thero

as soon as the exact condltlon Of affalra can be

learned an.l the neede of the altuatlon known.

BTRICT QUARAXTIXE EXFORCED.N.rfolk. V... Jull »0. Th- Norfolk Iloard of

Health haa quarantlnad against <»id loint Hampton. Newport Mewa and adjacentoamtry Pollce offlcers have .n s.nt OUt along

tbe water front lo aratch for tuga, aallboata and

other .raft. There Ib much ezcltemant Oov-

ernor WoodflB of the Boidlera' Home conflrma

the report of the exlstenoe of fever there. Hamp¬

ton has b.-.n quarantlned from Old Polnt, and

tbe trolley cara otoppod runnlng to the former

place to-nlgbt_





M.netta. Ind July 30 <Sp*clal).- In m.klng BB

exc.vatlon near an Indlan m-.und B. E.

Ollraora haa found three ancleal attver r>iecee, one

a coTa ind tbe otbera ahlelda. the three baaglng,r . a trlmiKle of ,...! Th- c.,n I* .he *ire

,,". .llme .....* 1*0. h a h...g'B I.I-b-rtag.crowa aad aceptre. aadrcled M tb. worde Jotan-

,,e.: Dei Or.: x" Th.- raveree atda baa a ctobb

Ol two !,..*. «t*ndlBg from edga tO «*...»* ln

,..«. on, .nd one-ou.rter tn ,.',;,:,.:",.,.,'i';;^;:jeoV,;,ar.HhPla.n,,andfh^herP*.de{;* kuropenn antlqu.rtBn. *"' * fnt.ln. hu nndJ^iOimfTM^ -1! £ti-rwta. th.

1 Jw«*u*a^ia**ti^Ued ta* Britiafc-l-**-





BLIOHT hcrts. BUT sm: is thrown


IIKAD 18 CRUBHED.In a colllslon between a trolley car and a car-

rla*e late on Sa-turday nlght at. Cllnton andRidgcwood aves., in the out^klrtB of Newark, a

young WOOnaa was so hadjy hurt that ahe dledln a few inlnutes. and her two brothers were

alightly Injured. The party eonsisted of Miss

M.-.v Ir-ne Slnipson. twenty-flve yeara old;Charlea S. Slmpson. twenty-elght., and Walter

simpson. twanty-three, aii of No. 113 llacbaadc-«t.. Newark. Karly ln the day they atarted lna llght runabout for a drlve ln Cllnton Town-

ship, and went as far as Millburn. retuininf? at

a late hoor. Charlea wan .lrlvlns;. When the

carrlaRe was on the aouth slde of the car tra< ks

ln Clinton-ave., and Juat beyond RidKew.-od-avc.he turned the borso tO cross the tra. ks.The night waa dark and Charles dld not see

the headlight of a trolley car rapldly approach-inj,'. Mlaa Simp«on BBW the llRht juat aa the

horae was on the track nnd called to rharles.but before the carriaire could clear the track lt

wrus BtTUCk by the car. The motorman had seen

th- (langer of colllslon and had put down hls

brake hard. throwin* hla patwenjrers lnto a heap.but ihe car had too much headway to be

st. pped. The carrlage was struck so.uarely on

the left slde near the front and its thre* occu-

pantfl were thrown out The two brothers fell

upon thelr ohOUldera and heads to one slde of th>-

track. hut MlOO Slmpson was thrown under the

wheela of the rar, where ahe waa ptnned fast.

th..- .ar comlng to a hult wlthln a fOW feet ..f

where it st.ruck the carrtage.Tlv brotherfl lay where they fell. almost un-

conacloua, for a few momenta. The motorman

and eonduetor Bprang from the car. followed byth- passenirers. an.l trlod to drag the woman

from under the wheela, but were unable to do

bo. People in the nelghborhood, who had been

arouaed bv the nolae of the ,-olllslon and the

haotenad t.. land their ald. Hy thelr unitMefforts th.- car waa llfted high enough to allow

th- unfortunate woman to be drapKed out. She

waa conaclouo ond waa moanlng pttifuily. Th-

t.a.-k Of her head was .-rushed. She was lald

upon the graaa <>f:« nearby Utwn, where she dled

In a few mtnutea.vValter JMmpaoa had a Bcalp wound and

Charlea waa brulaed aboul tba body. The run-

aboul was wrecked. The horae, unhurt, was

eaught! some di'tanre from the scene. The

motorman, Gkorge Brown, and the condot-tor.p Brown were lo.ked up. The motorman will

be charged wlth manslaughter. He sald he haddone all he couM to avert a colllalon, CharleaSlmpaon aald that when he started to oross th«

truck he nelther aaw n-->r hea.d the car, and no

gong was rung.-*~.-



Prana Bohaaar, Betentywatven years oid. of No.

:iTt; Eaat Bevauty-Btath-e*., m crossing Jaratne-

ara>, last night, was knock<»d down by a trolleyvir and kllic!.The motorman of the car. Tlmothy Tracey. Of

Boaton Boad and Boutbeni Bouhsvard, was

locked up.wh-n the <ar atruck Bohmer he was rroaalafi

the avenue In tho mlddle of the hiock between

One-hundred-and-aeventy-flfth and One-hun-dred-and-aeventy-Blztb .ta There are few lights

there and the place la dark, The car waa well

UI,on th- man before he aaw it. and in an effort

t0 Ke, out of the way he ran dlrectly Into It. He

WM arried under the wheela and wedged ln the

^y^eHnthtt'l waan.-ary ... Jac-k th,-

,-wr nn to get It out."t requlred half an hour'a work, .n whlchum* a crowd of several hundred peraona gath-

'.' \ ,, %'.,, w. much excltemenl ln the

.i Jhi .riood. Th- body had I.n cut to.pie.esan.l it tinaiiy had to be retroved portion h>





Ol'en Rldga. B. J J"lv :{° I8peclal).-A bull

,,,,-rier belonglng to Wllllam T. Bpeneer. of

RJdgewood-ave.. waa aelaed wlth rabteoi yeater-

da¥ and rreated ¦ lot of excltement. The doghad been actlng strangoly. and the coachman.

jamea Phllllpe, reeeived ordera to keep lt

faatened ln the atable. Ka tled it up. but it

broke loooe late yeaterday afternoon, and ran

lnto the yard of C. C. Danlelo, where it bII

hls two dogs and also one belonglng to PatricbMylo.l Th- tetTler then returned and made a

be* llne for Phllllps. The coachmaa droppedsome harneao he held in hls hand and ran for a

tiee, the dog in cloae purault.As Phllllps trled to cllmb the tree the doar

grabbed one of hls lega. The man fell to rhe

ground and as he dld ao he grabhed the tall of

ihe dog and wlth all hls force he awang the anl-

mal againat the tree. The terrler thon left Phil-

¦1m and daahed toward the houae, where helumDed through an open cellar wlndow. hii-

1m doaed the wlndow and all tbe other placeaof exlt tron. th.dlar. He then ran to tnenelahbora and aaked all of the male populatlonto bbbuh blm In kllllng the dog. They reepondedwlth guno an.l cluba. but on enterlng tbe cellar

th* terrl.T was found dea.l ln the COal bln. 1 he

doga known to have been blttea by blm were

kiued. The coachman'a trouaera torn, but

he was not bitten.





Orange, July 30(BpectaL) Botomon Maybaum.son of Aiexander Maybaum, ex-Mayor of Palbv

burg, drove over to OrattgO yesterday and

Btoppad at Otto Kazenmeyer's restaurant. He

left in the buggy a llttle lad of ten years to

hold the horae. A fiy1nK sheet of paper frlaht-

ened th- horae, which broke away on o deadrun.

The llttle Chap did not lOBO his nerve. and

after the horae had run a block bo pulle.1 him

around oharply to the rlght. wlth thaireaultt) at the horse ewung acrooa the sidetxaiK.

dashed lnto the open door of J. Kraiilgau a

grocery Btore, at No. *TJ Main-st.. and broughtin, all Btandlng, wlth the norae and buxgy Insldetl.e store. The llttle man then Jumped downon a flour barrel anl «ald T gueas he a al

rlght, but I don't want any more rlde. r*«J

damage wm done.




Waahlngton. July 30~Tne Penat* Repnhll ar.

Klnnnre Commlttee. which haa been In a.a.ion f >r

MBM tlme at Narraa-naett Pier. ha» for the pre.<nt. an.l haa .djourned. aubje-M

,o the eall of fhalrman Aldrlrh. Kach membeir Ib

to do aoaie IndlvMual work along certaln IB***"Lo and thl. I. to be aubmltted to the full eorn-

£«.. when ,t ~*3t»»JgJftT SSEa report. Benator Burrowa one °*"£ to-d*>& fbrnTSgr-HV'wlMv.^.'* &«.*»'

,jUm hla boma ln Mlchlgan.







San Kran.lsc... July M, The draft propoeedon the ne\\ Samoan treaty aa am*nd»»d hy th*Samoan CommlsHioners and puhllBhed hy The

t'all." la a diicument of flve thousand worda.Th.- Imaortant featurea of thi* treaty are enu-

merated and dis. uss.-d in the Coniniisslon'B r»-

port. t ie treaty. contalning the detall* of the

modlfl.-d form of go\ ermivnt for Sanioa aa out-

llned ln the repoft.The treaty. hagtna Wlth a declaration g| the

neutrallty of tha island." of Hamoa and an aa-

surance to the raaajatctlve Hiizens *nd subject*Of tha -ignatory Powera of aquaUty of righta.It provldea for the Immediate restoration of

pea.e and good order, and to this end perma-

nently abollahea the offlce of king and llm.ta the

aathortty <>f ehlefa, i>u; r.-.»;.-.- a Bpsajaaaj of

natlve government Provlalon is made far the

appolntment of aa Admlalatrator a. Samoa. to

be appolatad by tha three signatory Powara, or.

faiiing their agreement, by the King of Korwgjand Bweden. The Admlalatral a'e Balary aifji.e ?;ii.iHM a jrear, aad be bi ta exectrta all lawein force in the Samoan He .-hall posseaatho pardoning power and make munldpal Hp-

potntmenta with the conaent "f the I»aajk*la)*BfBCouncU, the leglalatlva power being veahthe Admlnkrtrator and the Leglalatlva Co*******of three membera. one hcing appointed by eachOf the three Powera There is al^o to be a native

aaaembly, compoacd of the a^rreraora >.f dif-leront dlstrlot? of the island.The Ch'.ef Juatlce Of the Supreme Court la to

be appoiat-.1 go 01 preaent, retelvtag a saiaryof |R,000. Th.- jurledtctton of tha Ooavrt ia in-creaaed by the modifled traaty, whlle th<- praa*ent system of Consular Jurlsdl.tion Is to be abol-

hthed Ti.e treaty contalna munlclpal an.l cua-

toraa regulatkma, all of whi.h are more strlctthan at proaont The general prOvtatOM of the

act are to remain In foree for three yeara, al-

though in the mean tlme opectal omoadaaantgmay bo adoptad by ihe.eonaenl of tha thre*

Powere, wlth the gdherence of samoa.- 4>-


BY 0OMMIMIOXES8.San Franclaco. July 30.."The Call" publiahea

the t. port of the Trlpartite Conimlsslon s<Mtt to

Samoa. maklns varlous reeomniendattons re-

garding the new form of government decidedupon by them as most sultable for th~ Islandere.Thaa<! laaiilatleno Bta hnaarl upon the best feat-

ur. i of the Berllfl Treaty, and lnclude the prln-clpal featurea of the propOBOl new treaty. aa

amended an.l rnodlfled bp the CommlsBloners.The otllcial report of tho Commissioners and th*

draft of the propOBed amended treaty are aaldto be now on the way to their iiiapoutlM «5ov-

ernmenta. The reeoluttoaa of the Commission-

tra is as followa:

We have the honor to submit herewith to thoconolderatlon of our three Oovernmenta the m-

rlooed drafl of o modifled and amended vraioti..f the \. t of Bertln. ln preparlng theae niodifl-ratlona and amendmenta, our method has beent.. conaider tlr-t are the .-mIs whi.-h have

eaused the recent troublea In Samoa, and the

general condltlona of the islan ls. and aecoad,whlch af- the meaaureo moal llkely . remova or

mlnlmlae thoae evlla The chlet ovllo may be

grouped under four b< I;Ptrel Ti..-.- whlch appear to btevttaMy attend

the election of a k.. g nf gaoaoa nnd Ma aubaoaaeflt,-fftis fo cxert hta authorlty.

I .. to tha rti tiry "f far-gn aationalltli i <¦ tween them*l 'r>f,r

Itlon to teka itdea ln the natlve polltlca and

thvia laercaaa the Imporl in .. aad Mtteraeao of dla-

i bl h iU->

Thlrd A thlrd cdaaa of evlla have their origin ln

the r.,.t thal for naanj yeara there haa been * law

.r governraeol ln Bamoa other than aartve eueteeothe llmlta of tha muatetpallty. Murder snd

other aerloua criaaea have retaalned unpualahedBrhen comraltted by peraona of raak, aad lt* iu-

prerae Court aad the aoaalaal Oovernmeni at Mwii-

nuu have been c,| lalli powi r* -> ta aeri aay forea.Fourth The |n*ufBctenl enforceoaent "f the eaa-

ragulatioaa haa allowed unacrupuloua traders

to dtatributa large numbera of armi .tmon? a natlve

popuUtioa renl by poUtlcal faetloaa aad r.-jdy to

fljtht both one another and BurOfMKINOBHIP A CAU8B OF IIAIlM.

To meat the first or' these evlla are have tem-

porarily abollahed the kingahlp and '¦¦">..n*that it i- permaneatly abollahed. The »- ttonwhlch we hav taken ln th ^".r|-^|f_0*

.. to lune arouaed any aoetua reeitaiamong the natlvea thNo obubl manj great ehlefa regret thatjhey

will n<» longer hav.- an opportunlty of irratip-nR thelr ambitioiis and Indubjtag tha paiMdoB.,,: Jaak aad ceremoay ahkrh B laaate ... ihe

breaal of every Bamoaa. .

Bul even .he ehlefa hav- acquleeced ln the

rhange; aotne of the moat ....porta... have

itated that they thlnk ll ta tor the good of

i aI.i we belteve that the ,,opultAlM,ISJ^a'orited ..n hf .Mian.-ou, injuence.(which la, uahapplly. aol impoaalble). wlll aa-

Si?t to the abolltlon wlthout a tourmur and

"'gZE 'whtie ..rn,, £*k* £AntiScan allke, who haa glven evldeoce »,¦ ..rj,ie commhslon (wlth the txceptlon of ooear

,, lawyera who had Intereet ln be .-.tee has

lecommended thal the Commlaalon do away

wlth the kingahlp. and we nay m - > "-" «Jth.- oplnion of Blr B. Malet, rewrded m tne

pratcaS of the conferen..I Bertla, and of

Ui Batea, m hla report on Bamoa.I- teema Impoaalble to say of **''";".,

rr! saar .,'u^rrM~ sthc.rliv or f : '"

. l.hbeyonatVuVuoft\^^ln thoa llmlta hU authorit> waa aupernw

Ifhe g, it part of the W^^^JStn..-nt. ar.d purpoeee ln pertl an-- r

agalnat hlm. and the mere.fact fj*^.^ dko.iwued through hlinw:.' .¦

Purthei lt neemedbedledce In many dlatrlcta. I tner. H

an un-lBlpnaalble to Bevtee .my,, by^ah h a n aar

^^T^^SigiWt^ -'"- rW-t ofcured The Kingsnm « .. ,, T!,,.v ;ire lncertaln tltlee bycertalo dletricta^ bul of ,ma||the glft not «;^h/*h0°^e Vh" .* poelt.on to thelr

... of eiector* «ho rme wwr^ prtnclplaraak, Evenw^L^^ baatowe the titlethat the nialr,rlt> of the t «£ ..|aw> an<Ji. not aaceptaAAOd ." *

tnt.r<. lg nothln(f t(,

u^t:m%tSr'a"didBt,es from being duiy e.ected

king at the aam* BBB8,

PUAJffl ^,),{ BATIVB RUI*,.rmprlv the rlalniB Of «uch rlvals were de-1 ^v fc.rc" Of *rm*. l-ut the fr.mera of th*

clded hy f< rce of «r^ thlir.UKhly under-

Ch!ref JustK J? Samoa II.nt experleneehS unhapplly Proved that an Bttempl to aettle

,he aueathm ln thl* way alao leada to war. andwe 2r* herefore atrongly of the oplnion thatthe only chance of prever.tng *urh dlBaenaion.iJ the future la to abollah the offlce whlch ajru-

j lokea them. ln the plac* of the kingahlp wa