new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1913-12-07. · detective flood arrives fromchili with gutman,...

IVIettJ-l0rli Srtbtme 1818. I»l The Trlbune Aaam-intl>->n Vol. LXXIII....N0. 24,403. < loiidj to-da-. raln to-nljrht and to-niiirron ; eooler to-morron. XKW-VORK, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1918..66 PA6ES aw i Bl*PPLEMBNT. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BANKERS WAITING MUNSEY DEPOSIT Promised $500,000 Not Yet Placed in His Trust Company. WILLIAMS FENDING OFF INVESTIGATION lndications Increase, However, That Congress Will Inquire Into the Case. [Krom The Tribune Mui. Waahlngton, Dec 8..-Franb a. Mun- ama to this oit>. to-day antl hai an int. rvii-w arlth John Bkelton Wlll- Uma, th> AaalataUil BaKretnry <>f 'he Treasury Mr. Munee; was a**&oropa< il i.iini asti-r Wllllams, brother ,-' .luiin Bkelton and a dlrector of the Munaey Trust Compaay, and hy R. L. Norton alao a dlrector "i" th* Munaey Trual Company <-f Waahlngton aad preaidenl of the Munae) Trust Com-I . pany <.;' Baltlmore. | A.-s:stant Becretary YYillinms <x-' plalned later thal lha Intervleuf ar-ia caaual ami arlthoui Blgnlftcance, Mr. Munaey ha\ inc "merely dropped bt" on hia aray i" bla trust company. Thera arere Increaaed Indlcatlona to-1 day that the Treaaury Depertnaent ar_a l everythlng m its power t<> fend n Inveatlgatton by Consrtfto. Th :.. la hotrever, additional reaspn to !>*¦-. Hve t' a: one or more reeolutlona de- mandlng aucb an Inveatigatlon will he ari ') it) Congreaa at an earlj data ai ih.- croaa "f to-day thal Treaaury Department was stiii wtttout tha f'Tinal application from th.- ia- tifinal l.anks of this city f,,r thc $1,000,- ini. wiii. h Assistant Bei n tar.v Williaius depoelted arlth the Munaey Trust Com-j and arhlch it is ciutotnary to ha- j nian.l as a guarantce, ami further rt- aniinatitm hy the hankers of the se- curttlca of th" Unlted states Truat Company, which Assistant Becretary WHllama accepted as a j.Timary se- curity f.-r the $1,000,000 depoBtt, tn- rrtases their surprise at Um course ofl the Treaaury Dipartnient and 04 casiona aome aautlety <»n their part. At tiie close of Lusiness the nation;:! bankers had not heen informed thnt Munsey had mad- good the promis.- f his BBBorlalr OUvter, that )i<- (Munaey) wouid deposit I900.O00 caak arlth his truat company. It is hopeci, however, that after informing htmsclf r.gardn.g rabi s.ntlmonts of the hankers .Mun-./: wlll see fit to make this deposit ami I ihus to rolnaat at least lialf of th»" le- ppalt advanc.-ed to the company by the government. As terniing to allay the anxiety of th< hank-ra. it ls asserted that, <>n be¬ half of Munsey. Samuel M. Hann. of baltlmore. a former bank examin> r. arho was thorouKhly familiar with tiie r-ffairs of the Unlted States Trust Com- pany, came to Waahlngton and exam- tned th* aaaeta <'f that company bafore Munaey declded to have h;s trust com- pany take over the obllaationa of that <-. n' «-rn. And it alao polnted out that the natlonal bankers themeetvea undertooh to gnarantee tne depoMtiara el tha Tnite.] Statf-s Trust Company againot loaa if i'w aaaeta arere turned over to ih.-m for UquhMtlon. Aaaiatani Becretary WHllama reeenta refei-ttaa to the Cad tiiat Munae] falled to make good tiu- presntae ofl OUvler that he, Munaey, wouid depoalt 1400,1. ln hi own trual company. In Mr. Williiims has gono BO far, ln lai "ne Inatanca, as to inform an oflroer of a national bank that he owed an apolOeTy tO Munsey f.,r having said Munaey had repudtated the agree- ¦enl .\ Blgnlfleant Ughi on tha ottclal Treaaury state m.-nt quotad la Tha Tribune of yeaterday.thal "th<- Mun- Bej Trual Company ««s the beat quall- ¦ed bank ln Waahlngton to handla the situnt'on.'" arnl thiM company had the I ontinu.-a on fourth page, fourth i-olunin. This Morning's News. LOCAL. I'ag* 181.944 and HaK of f.ems. 1 H'linni Bebeneb Dylag.i a*etaen Neadle Alarm Bpreada. l lfc.'jo'i-.Miie Trip to Land Prlaoner.... 1 Vet* t<> Cure Motliei -In-Law. 3 MeOulre Baek; Dleappeara. a tsanta ijaus's Latchetrlng Out. a Baaamdretela Leeea Opera Bull. 3 Met Read] te Pleh at*>eeker. 4 Caa'i Agree oa N'e*** Party. 8 I'reii.jetgtist on m ummond's Trall... 8 Ba Admiral MUea Woa Buddenly... a Tblnb* Wllsen Worba Hard. 7 Arbltrater* Interprel Declaleai.H UENEEAL Baabi i Waltlna foi Munaey Depoelt. l Maxtt i, Rei ala Chei ked. 1 Uetcb-Hetchy Blll N<ar Doen. a A-ke Amerteana le Aid MeatoaaB..., 3 I .- BlUtrag* Ainl.ush. 5 Bapeet Qulcb w«- en Primary Wll.. a Coeelne Cruead* Reecbea Tenneeeee.. 7 roatiOR i'Uke as Judfte al TjAgO DenC4. 8 Byeney Orundy Wrltea New Piay.... 8 Paraaera War on Kosbuntlng. 8 Mtiit.iiit "Araonetlea" al Work. 8 ateuretanle arltk Playera Ahoaui.... o Begtaienl yuits Zabern. 9 Qenaen riitiiiMii ,,r Monroe Deetrlne 9 I'riiKB Read] i"! Albaalan Throne.. 8 I'rtneh Mtnleteftal Oisia. 9 Haiiet ror Ruaelaa Nobfllty. 9 Madhnuse fer Siiin I i||,|.,iiihI. 9 ripanisii Pollei 0*1 B "IlitfTles". 9 MISCELLAWEOUB. ¦aUterlal.10 Musi. .11 '',,'. .XI laartlna lactleB . i'a.t a fcreelhft] I'Mrt | .. BbaafMnj |.ar, | . 7 keal Batata I'art 1.1, 8 and 3 haaaetal at,d MarketH -rart 4.4, 8, a A""y and N'nvy l'nrt 4. 8 GIRL, 13, TO JAIL 10 YEARS Child's Quarrel Ends in Death After Attack with Spade. [By "*ela-flr-**»a t.. Tho Trlb-BBa 1 Prince Albert. Baak., Dac. I. Thir* tr len-year-old Kathleen simnn was v. nt. tu-o.i to-day to ton yeara la tbe peultentlary b> Judge Brown lor the murder ot Julia Jennlhga, fif-'ht yeara '.id. rn WaaBw, Bauskatchewan, on June .'i laat The glrl iiiii Tint premedltate the ,'riino. ibe sHi.i. ea tln- detalla arere drawn fn>m her b> counael. A loaa of t,mper. all, arhen her anger araa aroueed by hor compankm, arho annoyed ber by atriklng ber aith the body nf a dead pralrle ehlcken Kath¬ leen bed alapped the y43*unger chlld, ¦,'.'m fiii ... the Krnutid bm aroae de- nant, refualng to ceaae her teaalng. i-'tiuiiiy -.ho older glrl, ezaaperated be* yond .-..titr.ii of bereelf, eelaed ¦, spade they aera ualng In thelr work of gath- orlnc; ni.-'ii.inal j.lnnts and Btrilck her pleyiaate In the bead. felllng bar. Afterarard, craaed arlth rage, Kath* ii"n Btruck tln- Benaeleaa form anl again, untll no sign of nt'.- ap- p ...!..] Waktng then to a reallaation, ./ her .io. ii. but onlj a chlM'a graap of its borror, ahe tvd to her horo, MORGAN'S TOMBGUARDED Armed Man Watches Over Grave of Financier. Hartford, Coan., Dec. « Altbough altmst eiRli; nionth* h;i\e puBBefl alncfl the body of John Plerponi Morgan aaa i.i'.tied on the Bummlt of Cedar llill Ceanetery, thi* srinve la n..w. us 11 bea from th«* day of burtal, loeely gaarifed, partlcularly al night Durlng th" .!:.> no apeclelly aaalgned aretchman is k'j't there, but al aunet an a guard koi-s en duty until euntiae Th body of Mi Morgan waa i-nied here Aprll 14. in a concreta llned ri - with ;i huge si.-ii- of Btone coverlng it. A nrtliial Bflld to-day thal Ui* Morgan family la peying t.-t the guard nnd it will l.o iniieil as long ;. s th" family deeli ea FLORENCE SCHENCK ON HER DEATHBED Virginia Beauty Endini; Rapid Seven-Year Career in Sanatorium. Miss Ptorencfl Roaeer Bchenck, the Vlrglnia baauty, wh.. recently brougbt Bttll aKainst ,'harles H. aVUaon, A. »i. Vanderbilt'8 atable ntfurwa****'. for |00,- iHfl, for fl4*eai h of ptroantae, is dying In Mi."n Alstrn's sfiiiutorium. No, 3rJ *Vflflll Clst Btl-eet Dr. T, atjui* said las, night it araa baurely poaelblfl thal ahe would Blirvlva ii nt j 1 thla mornini;. Bbe oudeaaenl an operation on Pti day night for tho -**enova] «.f a tumor under hor heart. Protaaaor i>. A. M< Auitffo performed the operation, arhlch ahe had pul off fnr aevera] montha. On h"r roturn from Bu**0f*e in Mny. I91U, Bhe araa ailvlajed u, aubmll ,<> the knifo. but ahe thon believed that this was DOl Di ossai... .Miss Bchenck ia tarenty-flve yeara old. ln tln- last aevea yeara sh<- has hd a life that touched the oxtr«m<y. The dauRhtor <<f Dr. Powhatan B, Bchenck, of Norfolk, \'a., formerly a aurgeon in the Unlted stat.-s Navy, nnd granddaughter of a fonner Oei ernor ot Vlrglnia. ahe araa only elghteen ta bon ahe declded that Norfolk araa too dull a town for one "f her tetnpera. ment. Bhe was oriKaKod to bo matTied, but she broke the engagement an.l . amo tr, this vit;,. At ., dinner ahe m<-t Wilaon. M)>- eald Bhe was Infatuated a, once. They aenl around together, timuKh wii .,.) araa thea rnairled, and then they Jour* neyed to Europe, When they returned h i!ifi7 on tln- aame boal they arere nol mi fri'-niiiy terms. Mlaa Bchen, k aald \\iisnn had been rnanled tn b, i, he il'rii,'.i it. Ho i*efueed t.. do any¬ thlng i", her, though ahe s.ii.i Bhe bad but .'.fi i'4'nts. In tmio frlenda 'amo tn her .ild. Bhe did not n*'k for h, Ip from h, r father, f»r ho had thrown her "fi". Sh<- did not romaln hor.- long. Bhe was noxt hi-ard of ln Paria where hor 4-x. omsos made hor conapi, ii"iis. Bhe was twlce arreated for gettlng into dlf- ficultlea with cabraen, and though ef- forte arere madfl to reforrn her by i*om- mlttlng h, r to eanotarluma Bhe <ii'i nol ar.prooiate tiio attontiori. -atcaplng fmni [each hoapltal to arhlch ahe was aent Laat month. a/ben ahe broughl ault f..r'b of promlae, sln- atatad ahe bad been rnatrled t.. wiis.-n in Itot, though ber orlglnal declaration araa that if'07 was tho year, ROCKEFELLER WIRES "BREAK THE RULES" Breach Ordcred Thnt $25,000 Might Be Given Catholic Hospital Fund. Cleveland, Dec. 6. -John D, Rocke follor inntributed $S6,4*nM to-day to tbe fund of $260.1,0,1 bolriK ralsod f.,i st. Viiu¦* nt'* Hos'iital, a CathoHc in.stltu- tit.n, arhlcb Ifl nrtora generally known an charlty HoapiUl. Tln* BxKJkefeller glfl came as ¦ but* pt-fee to llaB oxocutivo c-otnmlttee of tho iioHiiital fund. T. H. Holf, banki-t, end Vlrartl P. K,il"- »""r"">' u,n' ."- cently inf<»rm,"i by the Ro* k. r. n.-r board af lioii''\olonio tliat tln boards ruks vsould nol |i< rmit a glfl to su.h a fund. Qoff ro'oivnl a telegTam fi'iin ""' chalrmaa «' the b«»a,.i to-cl*y sayi.« that tho rulos would hfl brokon. as Vk,.k,-f,\Uv hBd l.lT,a,.b.-.t from Cleveland dl**ert|ng tho Infractlon. Tb.- Miibaorlldlon if, l nmliti'-ni¦.! 00 the entrre 4*-4>pected fund being mlaad, but Iokb than |30,oo<- romains 10 ba obtalned. 15,000-MILE TRIP TO LAND PRISONER Detective Flood Arrives from Chili with Gutman, Alleged Forger. ATTEMPTED ESCAPE IN RIO FRUSTRATED Chained to His Man as He Slept - Policeman Saw Mr. Roose- volt in Buenos Ayres. After a trip of 1J.000 mllea to South America for an alleged forger who Bed to Chlll, Detectlve Bernard a. Flood. of the id^tii, t Attorney'a offlce, arrlved here laal nlghl arlth iiis man on tha Lampori a- Holl Hner Vandyck from Buenoa A j rea The prleoner, Mceea Qutman, flfty- o ira old, ia u ider indlctmenl "n Bve counta Involvlag forgerj to ihe i.iunl "f 1100,000; half a doaen banka ii the Eaal Sid-' betoi »Ictlma Boon after hia indietment, ln January, Qutman lefi iins Ity and Bt 'I to Ban- tlago, Chilt His preaence thera became knowi here In the latter parl i f July, and "ti Augual B eatradltlon papera arere la readlneaa Three days later d iBlled for Chlll, vla Colon. on the Atlaa llm r Carl B hara. 'ti hia arrlval In Bentlego he found thal Qutman had hlred two of the beal lan ¦' ra ln ;t " an.l araa praparad t<> ngiit extraditlon tc thi la -t dltch, The caae rlnallj reached th.- Bupreme ,", url of <.) III, "HMstiriiT ol . Bght " i.-H,- ..!. :,,i. 'lii-f JUBtlCe I'eif toiee. Af;-1 ;i "ti' ¦¦'! araaki and a r- > i-v of thi B84 lh"' COUtl ''."- id'd that Qatman ahould !". remandad for Btradlth n PTood loal no tlme rn ... ttlna hia nri ¦.! oul "f chlll Into tn.- Argi ntlna Ri pub¬ lic, taklng him eaataard over tne Tranaandean Railroad t,. Buenoa a on tiie Atlantic ".st. When flood a- <t hta man . nti ,\ rea 'olonol .: o* I had jual arrli d and the clt) araa enthusi- over Amerli ..ns Hai U ». ' daya to arall until . >.- st. amahlp dych waa ready to aall PI.t Inti his man to a \o* al jall and found n t<> me.-t thi olom 1. Tha detectlve Invited to attend the banquet glven Ln ¦¦ Mr, Oarratt, tha Am' i'.' an Mlntati r [:, fore leai ma '¦>" arned thal Qutman'a lawyera had adviaed him t,, tr> i" - ap .'- soon as the Vati-lvk .. port. Thay ln- formed tiu- prteoner thal ba aroi eafe there, >i« thi Btradltlon treal tween Braall and tha Unlted Btatea had exp:r< <l. Qutman did n ot this. an-i he prepared t" m ika ids eecape the momenl he found Plood off lus | -ard. On th< ¦'¦¦¦<.. Ihi vandyi k mad.- fa the qtiay i" the harbor of Ki" *da Ji ii'-ii" Plood gnvi Qutman bla chan a an-i hi took it. Thi prleoner clli the ahlp'a rail ..'"i araa read) ttr Jump t,. the 'i'1'v erhen Plood Baer blm. Tha detei tlve leapod al (lutman'a throat, an.l t rowing him t" tha dei k, hand- cuffed him .'..""i locked blm up In the ahlp'a hoapttaL Tha encounter m * arad Qutman thal ha madi no fnr- thi i < fforl to gel awa), u hlle al Rlo ii.i conferred \-itii the Braalllan authorttlee, arho abowed blm much eourteeg, Aa an offeet to the exptratlon of thi i atradltlon traaty, tli,' governmenl offlciahi oi-dered that Qutman be oflli lall) deportad aa an un« irable allen, therehy maklni i %;'.' iiition unneceaaar) In the evenl ol bla eecaplng al K>" de Janeiro, Bantoa or Bahla, tha three Braalllan porta al arhlch the Vandych called lood aid laal nlghl thal he nevei :. t Gutman g*l bul of hia alghl Both Bhared th«' aame room, rlood laking tha lower and Qutman the upper bcrth of the ataieroom Before gotng to Irad Flood pul a handcuff on his lefl arrlal nnd another <>n tha lefl arrlal of the prleoner. Theae were oonnected bj a long .lialti, making ll Impoamlble f"i Qutman lo leave the room wlthoul arouaing Plood .-B ¦ KNOWN TEXAS DEAD NOW 53 Many Others Believed Drowned and 3,000 Homeless. Bryan. Te*.. Doe I Plfty-tbn peraona are known i" )"¦ dead and eeori ol .i .,,,. reported te h ive i"*-t thelr llvea In th.- Booda arhlch have been aweeplng the v.,11, >/a "f the Braaoa ami Trlnlti Rlvera ,. ,., .||;1| ;,,.] Bouth Central Teaaa Btne* early ha Ihe areah Three thouaand per- ¦ona havi beea drlven to tt" upper Beora ef thelr hoenea by ihe rlaina aratara or i,;iV1. beea oompelled to m h refugc ia treea arhere tbei remalned for hours, In .,,,,,,. mcb ror two daya before betng rearued. KaOmi.f Ihe damage gen- erall] centre around Hl,»'"' Ona of the dee] eai rerflowa was ln ti'" Braaoa bottoma of 18 ^ eectlon, arhere boatmi n reported no bouaea rletble arben they made thelr flnal trlpe before darb this evening. Tha ln both rlvera to-nlgbl w* re b* glnnlng ta paei oul Into tbe gulf. Tbe i'"i"ia,io liver alao is addlng to th<- trouMea of thi Teaaa Bood altuatlon. B Navy Strength Passes 50,000. iiioin 'i ii- T-iibaa* Baraaa Waahlngton, Dee I Par the Bral Um* rlnce tbe Clvll War, lha enllated Btrangth of the navy Is BtON UlBH IMMl Thla inaarh araa raached on Hovember M On December E thc total nunaber of antl ted men ln tbe navy araa M.1M The nal aaln rfnee .ini> i bi MM, H is aapected tbai th, navy wlll shortly be re.i ulti-d BP tO its maxlmum authortsed Btrangth of HJQk im whi'h ii wiii ba neceaeari o limil eiilialin, nt in th>- vaian.iea OaUBad by explrRllons. REBELS SCARED BY MEXICAN FEDERALS Villa's Swecp Southward Halted by Report of Flank Movement. FLEEING TROOPS MAY HAVE TURNED Ovation by Citizens Awaits Rebel Chicf's Entry Into Chihvahua City To*day. rron, i Trll ,i.. Bureau tVaahington, Dei, {.¦ Whlle ailnunia- oAelala aro careful nol i.i make publlc r.p.irts ,.f milltary movementfl .ii ifexlco arhlch mlghi ald elthei Con- etitutionaliata or Federala, Ih, re Ifl t every reaaon i" i" II, ve thal tln* vl, torl- <>iix aaeep aouthward of the rebell armlee haa i . h ed fl chei k Advice* ree, Ived here ,o(....t that loane "f the Feilarala arho arere aup- poeed to be fb-iinn to ih. Amerl, ao border have turned ln their march and are threatenlng Oeneral Paache Vllla'a tiank. The rebel lead, ra ar, flaid t.» hava b... .tn. .iiarni.-.i over the Bitua- tlon, aii.i VUla is buelly eogaged Inl tnaklng new plana to rneei the unea- pe, ted move of the a, mj Vtlla'fl llne la r, ry much i atended aml his rommuni- aiions arould be aert* oualy .pardlaed i-, ,. audden Incui alon trom 9 formldable for, of i 600 r. ., rala, eommanded by iroseo a hlch i ipidl) adimnclng toward hlm, ep* arentl) aith the purpoee of drli Ing him into Chihuahua. Hope to Trap Villa. Ifeanarhlle, al leaal taro other P, d* . ral fen, rala, a Ith fragin, nta of tba ;,..,- re um mbled aftei the battle of xi, ii-1 Blan, a, an report, .1 to ba on* .. ntratlag "i> Chlhitahiia, aith the i,l'> ,. - ol ntrapplng Vllla'fl **om8nand. Thla movemem mlghl fali II la polnted out, through the relnforcemeni of VII- ronu nd b) Carranaa iroopa. . irdera hava b, . a Benl to the Amerl an mllttai autl**o*itlea oa the bordi r thal If an) l'.-.i«rai erounded ahould ;.r. -. nl th< me, - '"' B43*mlaelon lo the Unlted Btatea the) ahotald be re, i. ad .n.-.i f.,t in .. ordaa, a aith the . .s of huaaanlty, but thal ae nl BhouM ui ad, promlaing M, to Heal ". . aft. t the) are a urnlag Pi leral oldk ra arha da* mr^ i>. Bad ri B4aaTfl "i Ihe Ciatted Mategi Un- orderfl Btate thal the) ** ni ba par* mltted to enter without amaa and \*.iii ,. iined by tha Amerl, an army ntll ¦ ttei dat, t\- q ¦. fltloti am« , p f. | declalon through reporta ta tbe Btate aml War departmenta "f Ihe ap* t,, the bord, r from nlhuahua a ;..,»-.. bod) of refugeea and Pederal Boldlei 9, Ciose to Recogmtion. in int, i nlng Ihi aoldli ra and la lha ,:. itmenl a, orded the wountk>i tha ,.,,.,1-11111. nl ia pui tulng the Barna .ree ea applled lo the woumi.-i a*td flylng aoldlera of the Conetltutlonallet t .,,4 There la ground for tha rlear lhal the adoptlon "f thla pollcy ro4*aea nearer lo an artuavl ret*ognltlon of the Conatltutlonallata as belllgerents than anythlng thal haa thua far been done. Aocordlng i" reporta recelved al the Btate Departmenl there are Indlcatlona nt Acapulco thal ''o*ta Chlca, a lea.ior of I... ai fame, ia ln arma againal the i'n\ ernment. Another telegrera aaya lhal the raii- roB.i betwen i.arii.. and Montare) hi Btlll opgfl atid f'-w Atn.tiian or other forelgn women and chlldren ra* maln In Monterey. Telegraphle rom* niuiii. atlon between Monterey and ifexlco Clty, aa irell as Uart&o, araa open "" i tax amber i ¦ VILLA TO ENTER CHIHUAHUA TO-DAY Ovation Awaiting the Rebel Leader from the Citizens; of the Capital. Bj) T, lafliaefl le 1 ae 1 rlbuea Juarea, Meilco, !>". I Oer*aral Pancbo vm.i. aith hla annj ol rriora tbaa aAaTS lotistitiitiiniiilst*. is to-aight al a*aua, thlrty mii. nurtii ot Chihuahua Clty, and i,.. vsin . nl bi the capital <>i tbe st..,,. t.i- ri..,i 04* .it lnHiii Oeneral Vllla teleavraphed te Geaeral Beaavldefl In Juarea to-niKiit tbal be vm.uI.i no longer aarall the comlng ol Qeo« eral Carranaa, who, II *44>peara, baa not >i-t fltarted for Chihuahua, bul will go mt.. the rsapital Io*b***«jtow, and baa bo no* t.n.-.i the rbrelga i.msiiis .md civil author* IU-M thoro. Oeaeral VlUa im. been advlaed thal * greal o*r»tlon awalta hlm In i*h!huahua« tha trhole elty, rejol, rlag la a promtaa ef temp, rery peace, hatrtag beea nwde ready for tn. rebel cbleftaln All eveJlabte I'liiititn; has been pul oa th. houaee, nnd treea ln the plaaa hava baaa faatoeaied Wlth tb" oi.| ,'itlzin l.aiuls hav. been hurrledly for-raed t.i ^iv a musl.-iil w.'l.-.uiio, and all tbe POOPle artll mo., tbe rebel c*-*iainander and iii« army iii tb. outaklrta and raaka bis entry a trl* umphant oae. **t*telgnera who havi refoeed to leava tba dt) will take part la the wetosne i" Villa, '""i amoag them are aald la bfl numeroea Ainerleana Tha foreign coneala led \ ibe Aaaeti* ...rn Ctoaaul, Maiieai Leteher, artll, it 's aald here, itva ¦ wek*eme lo tiio rebei forro." \\ in.) flWeeptng <11>¦¦*t ckmaai aereaa the iteatern Chihuahua doeert to-iiuy han.n- ..,iiii>. .i tbe relugeefl fram Chlhimhiia whe in. tryini t.i reaeh thfl Ai-iertean t.m.i.T ;,t rrealdlOi twa., aad prevented tavaaa ri...,, rnaktaa lat.i.* paaarraaa. Th* ,., ti,.- earavaa, rj*a»i»*ielng B4***eraJ baa* dred tniii. WOWaW and ohlldron and BaOTfl than tJSm) Kederal tronpa. has heen all (..nllnuod nn thlrd pagr, Ihlrd rolumn. GENERAL PANCHO VILLA. Photographed in held costuntc at his headquarters. PICKS UP $21,000 AND BAG OF GEMS Pennsylvania Railroad Em- ploye Restorcs Them to Woman. \ bag ontainlng 121.000 in 11.000 ,., bi .,' wi arorth double lhal amounl bt) on the Boor in Blghl of bun- dreda of paaaengera hurrylng lo tralna ,-,t 11 o'< I"-1< 1 eati rdaj In the Penn- rylvanla Btatlon, 33d atreel and Bev- ..nih avi nue Bul none notlced II until Thomaa J. Curtln, head peaaenger mi., tor of the Btatlon, pl< ked it up. Then Ha ontenta b< came known. juat bi fore II o'< h a aroman hur- ii. d In through the matn > ntram e of the atatlon, nccompanled bj a rnald a,,,! two butlera, all heavily laden with luggage and fur coata Thc woman aebed Curtln arhen and from what the Chicago and "'it" Innatl i.iinitcd departi d. 'i' dlractad her to tha Btatlon platiorm. Havlng aeveral mlnutea to tha aroman ordered lha luggaga to ba aot down near an un- uaed entrance t" the platform arhlch was berred -Aith an Iron fate. Bome attention araa d|w ;t*?d lo tha party, owlng to lha \\"in.'in belng draeaed In an agpenalve travelllng gown and tha costl) fura whlch all cir- ii, d, an well as tha numher of thelr Bultcaaee and travelllng bagi As soon ;is the train araa made _p the party boarded ll and araa lost to Curttn'a siKht. A few mlnutea later Curtln aaa tha bag, arhlch la) arhera the party bad beea atandlng. Il araa aboul twelve Inchea long and Ma Inchea wlde, wlth i-""id trlromlnga. Curtln plcked it ap and opened it starll.d at what tn.t his gazc bottoro, beneath a Jewel aw p||« ,,f yelloa -bai ked tdlls. .| am ordlnaril) a cool and collected man," aald Curtln yeaterday, "bul t<> tall tha trnth it was ainiost too much f,,r inc i almoal dropped the bag, so amased was i. i aralted for ;. Becond to regaln m> aqulllbrlum and then lost no mora tlma In depoettlng tha fortune witi) tho atatlon maater. i ararned him ol ita eontanta and prepared him far tha Blghl within. fearlng ha arould ba effeeted as i was." "I had no sooiicr taken my poeltlon ai the antranca to tha lobby when the woman came runnlng up tha Btalra from thc lower st.itioii. After one look at the place where she had been stanl- ing siic Bcreamed. A crowd gathered, an.i while i was aaauring ber thal i could produce tha bag she began clirab- Ing over tiie ten-fool Iron gate, I aenl for ;i k.'V to open it, bul before it :ir- rlved she had bucc.i"l In gettlngover. ..when she realised i had found tha hag she threw her erma aboul my nech an.l wept Realiatni »i>>«t thera was hut ;i few minutes for her to cateh her train, wa ran i" tba Btatlon maater'a 001 c. and after iilciitifying its contents tho hag was banded to ber. Wltb a partlng 'Thank jrou* t" Bgan Bhe ran back tO tha train. As she gol BBOard the train she said she would rcinciuh.-r me. ..| never had s<> much money in all m\ Uf'. and it flureiy was aomt- experl- Ha waa i >n tha la) Mi" .-ii. ". i don't ever arant to hava it ;..'-.un." in such haate araa tha whole thlng gone through that no one thotight to gel tiie rtnme nf the n'omnn. She was breethleaa when she ran into Ihe Btn- tion maater'a ofBca wltb Curtla and was almoet ezhauated when shecllmbod aboard tha train. t'urtin has been In the employ of the Pennaylvania Railroad for three years. ii,- is aboul .; feet tall, with clean ent featurea He ia a bachelor, about forty i old, and livea at No 82 Waah- h gton Btreet, Hoboken, whlch he jokingl) remarked waa th only thing thal any ona mlght hava agalnst him. a BRYAN AND TOKIO STALLED Unable to Agree in California Land Dispute. [Tr. in The Tribune Kurea i Waahlngton, Dec. a.The negotla- tlona between the Unlted Btatea ard japan over tha Callfornla land dispute ¦eem to have s-mk t" ;i atate of torpor, and, accordlng t" Infonnatlon gleaned to-day. th" reaaon for it is that thera is vlrtuall) a deadlock batween the stat.' Departmenl ..n.i th- Foreign < >f- li, .- in Tokio. Notea hava l.n Btchanged Bavaral tlmea, bul no aolutlon haa heen reached. For aeveral months the Japaneae Am¬ baaaador araa conatantly at tha Btate Department Now he dropa around only occaalonally, and actlve negotla- tlona are obvioualy ;.t an end, for thc tlme belng. at lcast. The Becretary oi Btate, however, haa had little tlme to devote t.. tha Japan- tt* matter on account of the Mexlcaa aituatlon. When Mexteo'a troubloa ara abated it la ttuit ba wUI renew actlve work wlth the Japaneae Ambaa¬ aador and poaeibly some soltit'.on will ba i' ached. FORESEES PASTORS AS SUNDAY UMPIRES Dr. Scudder Says Ministers Will Soon Go to Ball Oames After Preaching Sermons. Lakewood, S. J., Dac. 6, Dr. Mjrroa T. Bcudder, of New Tork City. Ip the flnal BBBBlrm of the annual BMOttng Of the New Jerae) Banltar) Association, to- ,!a> electrlfled the more orthodox of hia 260 hearert by prbraulgatlng the beUef lluit in a decade or so ministers of tha Qoapel would after their sermons I ly aalde tiu-ir veettneuta an.l ba found um- ptrlng Bunday baaeball gamea. llis paper on the ne. essity of (pen schools and pliiygroimds was one of th" jstriklng featurea >>f tha merthag, iie said hc was ahsolutelv COnvlnced that orderty outdoor sports on Bunday were proper, and expresscd the opinion that tha Church ami other raligtoua Inatltu- tiona wouid in tiie near future not only ¦anctton bul prenBota them. Tha foflowtog ofaVaari arara electedf Prealdent, Dr. J. Brognard Betta, of Flainlleld; tilst \ io-president, riyde 1'otts, of Morrlstown; second vice-pr.s- idfiit, Qaorga B, McLaughlln, ot iesrooy city; thlrd vtcn-praaMaait, Frofessor Calvln X. Kendall, of Trenton; troas- iir,t. Qeorge P. Olcott, of Kast Orange, an.l Becretary, Dr. Edarard Qulon, ..f AtlantlC City. The next annual meet* ing wlll he held hrre. ' POISON NEEDLE AlARM SPREADS AMONG WOMEN While Experts Doubt Use of Baleful Drug, New Cases Pile Up. GIRL VICTIM IN CROWDED STORE Doctor Fears Hyoscine Is Weapon in Hands of Men with Evll Purposes. MEGARO UNIDENTIFIED Newark Police Tracc Many Re- ports of Drugging in Theatres and Public Places. Althougb offl riali connected wlth or-> ganlaatlona engaged in the warfara againat vlee a*4~pr**a*oed Bkeptlclam rea- torday that the BOrne**0*lfl CBflea r«*port- ed of women v ho bave been atnbne.i in tho arms with needles hontinrr a, sr.poritl.* drug t.i BBBka them nn *fl*e** pre) to ih(Iu<ti>*n w< I'* to I.maid- orod as in-;.ui'. i of ¦ new in voRtie; amnn" tratfiokors iti \v.,men. ovi- dence conttnued to ptle up lhal th** praetlca "as far rnore wideapread than bad 1" B iniitrino.l. Among the aew r*aaea araa -mo told tr, a Tribune repriaentatlve jreeterday by the frl uda of a youngwoanan whoee lexpeiience left no <!. .ui.r ln the mind nf hor family that ahe bad been the tictlm of an attempted ab*luctlon. Bhe erent tn a lar*?.' New Y.n-k de¬ partment atore wlth a young man Ifriend and after r*ompleting her pur- cbaeea at one c-ounter, agreed t" her compenion later at thal countee after sh.- had made can, other pur* cbJuaaa. Whlle he waa waiting ber he hap« pened t.. notlee a erowd a-athered In an alale a ahoii dtatance away. Oul of i.ri.'-ity he weni to eae whal the ea cl'pment waa about, only to Bnd bla young woman iri»-n.i unconacioua on thi floor. Baaiflfl hor arere two men, wh espleinlng to thfl atore aVs-ctor tin.t ahe waa 4«. ith them and araa fl vi.-titn <>f epllepey, Baying th.-' arould tak.> cara of hor. Felt SligHt *~t!r*g. Tho young ni.m a* ... am rted hlm- laeif, and onlj when worda became hi«h did the two attangera yleld, allpping 'away in tho croard. When tbe young laroman revlved kIh- aald Bhfl had felt a fllighl attng m hor arm and Imme- Idiately be**anie unconacioua. An ex- aminatlon revealed a *m.iii puncture .n tln- skin. ln this as.-. as in rnoet of th" othors reported, to avoid puMlcity no cora* Iplalnl was rnadfl to the police. Te i'ii-" fad is the dlAcuity ln run- ning the reporta down to a ilefinit« beada, Ptedetick h. Whltin, -*****retary of tho r*ommittee of fourteen, at Ko. 27 Baet '-'IM str-et, said yostor.iay that he had heard of a number of atmllar aa b in an Indeflnite tray. bul bad beea un¬ able to gel r*oncrete facte. He arai one who expr, sso.i doubt aa to the Bignlfl* i-an.'o of tho Btortee, one of hla majn reeeona for akepticiam being tha dirti- ouity "f mjactlng b auhVtonl quantity of i.rdinarily a/trll known nap-oti. s io produce the effeeta deecrlbed, "Hoarever, i am Kia.i th.-ro is all 'l''.*" pubUcity," be aaJd. "aa H trlll hring the matter tO a foctia and h'lp iip tn determlne jn-*t what there is ln it.'' Simiiar doubt was egn*****B8ed hy Tamta B, Reynolda, aecretary of the Amerkan Vigilan.o Aj»**octatloa, al Wo, IH !.' h avenue. Mr. KeynoI.Is s.\:<i two suvh caaee bad been bi-oiighl to hla att.'tition. In one iMtence he was un- ahla to Kot onoii|s-h Information to cim* duct an Inveflrtla-atlon, and the other turned oul te be a aeneatlonal Btory concocted b) a woman to cover up her own tnisdoods. "i hav, been t..i.i bj a phyetclan that be axnowa of no iin:-* thal r**aild r>e usod BU, aaafully In tbia way." ho said. "I do BOt thitik thal any r.-|iii» ti.u- woman need ii" r*anlcatrick< n b) theaa roports." Bul Dr Josoph A. Shoars. ..f N... ill Wosi s-j.i Btreet, attached to Heelt** Cotnmlaaiooer Lederle'a Btaff «.f Inepiv* tora, ti.ok an oppoolte vtaw, Aa ta -4 dniK whieh mighl ba uaed ba aald tltat inosi'ino iiviiro. hi. iai. arould fulBI es* aotiy the oniiiiions deecribed. .v aaaall quaatlt* «*f thla drug. ahi, h la iiaed la vas.s of hvsi.ria and in .lolirium tn-- tnons, ln BUld < "iil'l oasil.v lie injo.-t- -1 IntO a jiotson'.-- nfin t«y nnatis ..f i h.a). typa of bypoderinle Byiinge oi,- tainaulo a, any aTUg Btore. D'u.j Easy to Get. 'And what is moto, 1 an.l othflf physi. ians hav.- hoard of nnnn 11*0*18 in- siamos in arhlch thla drug haa beaaj ¦aad i" make w.un.-n nn.wraacloiia BQ tn.ii w hom 1 am i-onvlm <d are 'whlto sla\ois.' This drug is 4onipaiative|\ llttle known among tho laiiy. Int I am *iorr\ to say tho know l»-di*o of it is apraadlng aaai U aa reddily oiitatn- al.lo." Another to toll of instanics of th- oporatiotis of tho noodl-? wioldois was Mrs. Satnnol C. Vhii Inison. a aoclet] woman and philantlitopio worker, of No. 188 I'-ast .i-'dh street. "Wc women are continually hcaring

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-12-07. · Detective Flood Arrives fromChili with Gutman, Alleged Forger. ATTEMPTED ESCAPE IN RIO FRUSTRATED Chained to His Man as He Slept-Policeman

IVIettJ-l0rli Srtbtme1818. I»l The Trlbune Aaam-intl>->n

Vol. LXXIII....N0. 24,403. < loiidj to-da-. raln to-nljrhtand to-niiirron ; eooler to-morron. XKW-VORK, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1918..66 PA6ES aw i Bl*PPLEMBNT. PRICE FIVE CENTS.


Promised $500,000 Not YetPlaced in His Trust



lndications Increase, However,That Congress Will Inquire

Into the Case.[Krom The Tribune Mui.

Waahlngton, Dec 8..-Franb a. Mun-ama to this oit>. to-day antl hai

an int. rvii-w arlth John Bkelton Wlll-Uma, th> AaalataUil BaKretnry <>f 'he

Treasury Mr. Munee; was a**&oropa<il i.iini asti-r Wllllams, brother

,-' .luiin Bkelton and a dlrector of the

Munaey Trust Compaay, and hy R. L.Norton alao a dlrector "i" th* MunaeyTrual Company <-f Waahlngton aadpreaidenl of the Munae) Trust Com-I.

pany <.;' Baltlmore. |A.-s:stant Becretary YYillinms <x-'

plalned later thal lha Intervleuf ar-ia

caaual ami arlthoui Blgnlftcance, Mr.

Munaey ha\ inc "merely dropped bt" on

hia aray i" bla trust company.Thera arere Increaaed Indlcatlona to-1

day that the Treaaury Depertnaent ar_a

l everythlng m its power t<> fendn Inveatlgatton by Consrtfto. Th :..

la hotrever, additional reaspn to !>*¦-.Hve t' a: one or more reeolutlona de-mandlng aucb an Inveatigatlon will he

ari ') it) Congreaa at an earlj dataai ih.- croaa "f to-day thal

Treaaury Department was stiii wtttouttha f'Tinal application from th.- ia-

tifinal l.anks of this city f,,r thc $1,000,-ini. wiii. h Assistant Bei n tar.v Williaius

depoelted arlth the Munaey Trust Com-jand arhlch it is ciutotnary to ha- j

nian.l as a guarantce, ami further rt-

aniinatitm hy the hankers of the se-

curttlca of th" Unlted states TruatCompany, which Assistant BecretaryWHllama accepted as a j.Timary se-

curity f.-r the $1,000,000 depoBtt, tn-rrtases their surprise at Um course oflthe Treaaury Dipartnient and 04 casiona

aome aautlety <»n their part.At tiie close of Lusiness the nation;:!

bankers had not heen informed thnt

Munsey had mad- good the promis.- f

his BBBorlalr OUvter, that )i<- (Munaey)wouid deposit I900.O00 caak arlth his

truat company. It is hopeci, however,that after informing htmsclf r.gardn.grabi s.ntlmonts of the hankers .Mun-./:wlll see fit to make this deposit ami Iihus to rolnaat at least lialf of th»" le-

ppalt advanc.-ed to the company bythe government.As terniing to allay the anxiety of

th< hank-ra. it ls asserted that, <>n be¬half of Munsey. Samuel M. Hann. of

baltlmore. a former bank examin> r.

arho was thorouKhly familiar with tiie

r-ffairs of the Unlted States Trust Com-pany, came to Waahlngton and exam-

tned th* aaaeta <'f that company baforeMunaey declded to have h;s trust com-

pany take over the obllaationa of that<-. n' «-rn. And it i« alao polnted out

that the natlonal bankers themeetveaundertooh to gnarantee tne depoMtiarael tha Tnite.] Statf-s Trust Companyagainot loaa if i'w aaaeta arere turnedover to ih.-m for UquhMtlon.

Aaaiatani Becretary WHllama reeentarefei-ttaa to the Cad tiiat Munae]

falled to make good tiu- presntae oflOUvler that he, Munaey, wouid depoalt1400,1. ln hi own trual company. In

Mr. Williiims has gono BO far, lnlai "ne Inatanca, as to inform an

oflroer of a national bank that he owedan apolOeTy tO Munsey f.,r having Munaey had repudtated the agree-¦enl

.\ Blgnlfleant Ughi on tha ottclalTreaaury state m.-nt quotad la ThaTribune of yeaterday.thal "th<- Mun-Bej Trual Company ««s the beat quall-¦ed bank ln Waahlngton to handla thesitunt'on.'" arnl thiM company had the

I ontinu.-a on fourth page, fourth i-olunin.

This Morning's News.LOCAL. I'ag*

181.944 and HaK of f.ems. 1

H'linni Bebeneb Dylag.ia*etaen Neadle Alarm Bpreada. llfc.'jo'i-.Miie Trip to Land Prlaoner.... 1Vet* t<> Cure Motliei -In-Law. 3

MeOulre Baek; Dleappeara. atsanta ijaus's Latchetrlng Out. a

Baaamdretela Leeea Opera Bull. 3Met Read] te Pleh at*>eeker. 4Caa'i Agree oa N'e*** Party. 8

I'reii.jetgtist on m ummond's Trall... 8

Ba Admiral MUea Woa Buddenly... aTblnb* Wllsen Worba Hard. 7

Arbltrater* Interprel Declaleai.HUENEEAL

Baabi i Waltlna foi Munaey Depoelt. lMaxtt i, Rei ala Chei ked. 1

Uetcb-Hetchy Blll N<ar Doen. aA-ke Amerteana le Aid MeatoaaB..., 3I .- BlUtrag* Ainl.ush. 5

Bapeet Qulcb w«- en Primary Wll.. aCoeelne Cruead* Reecbea Tenneeeee.. 7

roatiORi'Uke as Judfte al TjAgO DenC4. 8

Byeney Orundy Wrltea New Piay.... 8Paraaera War on Kosbuntlng. 8Mtiit.iiit "Araonetlea" al Work. 8ateuretanle arltk Playera Ahoaui.... oBegtaienl yuits Zabern. 9Qenaen riitiiiMii ,,r Monroe Deetrlne 9I'riiKB Read] i"! Albaalan Throne.. 8I'rtneh Mtnleteftal Oisia. 9Haiiet ror Ruaelaa Nobfllty.9Madhnuse fer Siiin I i||,|.,iiihI. 9ripanisii Pollei 0*1 B "IlitfTles". 9

MISCELLAWEOUB.¦aUterlal.10Musi. .11'',,'. .XIlaartlna lactleB . i'a.t afcreelhft] I'Mrt | ..

BbaafMnj |.ar, | . 7keal Batata I'art 1.1, 8 and 3haaaetal at,d MarketH-rart 4.4, 8, aA""y and N'nvy l'nrt 4. 8

GIRL, 13, TO JAIL 10 YEARSChild's Quarrel Ends in Death

After Attack with Spade.[By "*ela-flr-**»a t.. Tho Trlb-BBa 1

Prince Albert. Baak., Dac. I. Thir*trlen-year-old Kathleen simnn wasv. nt. tu-o.i to-day to ton yeara la tbepeultentlary b> Judge Brown lor themurder ot Julia Jennlhga, fif-'ht yeara'.id. rn WaaBw, Bauskatchewan, onJune .'i laatThe glrl iiiii Tint premedltate the

,'riino. ibe sHi.i. ea tln- detalla arere

drawn fn>m her b> counael. A loaa oft,mper. all, arhen her angeraraa aroueed by hor compankm, arhoannoyed ber by atriklng ber aith thebody nf a dead pralrle ehlcken Kath¬leen bed alapped the y43*unger chlld,¦,'.'m fiii ... the Krnutid bm aroae de-nant, refualng to ceaae her teaalng.i-'tiuiiiy -.ho older glrl, ezaaperated be*yond .-..titr.ii of bereelf, eelaed ¦, spadethey aera ualng In thelr work of gath-orlnc; ni.-'ii.inal j.lnnts and Btrilck herpleyiaate In the bead. felllng bar.Afterarard, craaed arlth rage, Kath*

ii"n Btruck tln- Benaeleaa form hk.huanl again, untll no sign of nt'.- ap-p ...!..] Waktng then to a reallaation,./ her .io. ii. but onlj a chlM'a graapof its borror, ahe tvd to her horo,


Grave of Financier.Hartford, Coan., Dec. « Altbough

altmst eiRli; nionth* h;i\e puBBefl alncflthe body of John Plerponi Morgan aaai.i'.tied on the Bummlt of Cedar llillCeanetery, thi* srinve la n..w. us 11 bea

from th«* day of burtal, loeelygaarifed, partlcularly al night Durlngth" .!:.> no apeclelly aaalgned aretchmanis k'j't there, but al aunet an aguard koi-s en duty until euntiaeTh body of Mi Morgan waa i-nied

here Aprll 14. in a concreta llned ri -

with ;i huge si.-ii- of Btone coverlng it.A nrtliial Bflld to-day thal Ui*Morgan family la peying t.-t the guardnnd it will l.o iniieil as long ;. s th"

family deeli ea


Virginia Beauty Endini; RapidSeven-Year Career in


Miss Ptorencfl Roaeer Bchenck, theVlrglnia baauty, wh.. recently brougbtBttll aKainst ,'harles H. aVUaon, A. »i.

Vanderbilt'8 atable ntfurwa****'. for |00,-iHfl, for fl4*eai h of ptroantae, is dying InMi."n Alstrn's sfiiiutorium. No, 3rJ *VflflllClst Btl-eet Dr. T, atjui* said las, nightit araa baurely poaelblfl thal ahe wouldBlirvlva ii nt j 1 thla mornini;.Bbe oudeaaenl an operation on Pti

day night for tho -**enova] «.f a tumorunder hor heart. Protaaaor i>. A. M<Auitffo performed the operation, arhlchahe had pul off fnr aevera] montha. Onh"r roturn from Bu**0f*e in Mny. I91U,Bhe araa ailvlajed u, aubmll ,<> the knifo.but ahe thon believed that this was DOlDi ossai...

.Miss Bchenck ia tarenty-flve yearaold. ln tln- last aevea yeara sh<- hashd a life that touched the oxtr«m<y.The dauRhtor <<f Dr. Powhatan B,Bchenck, of Norfolk, \'a., formerly a

aurgeon in the Unlted stat.-s Navy,nnd granddaughter of a fonner Oeiernor ot Vlrglnia. ahe araa only elghteenta bon ahe declded that Norfolk araa toodull a town for one "f her tetnpera.ment. Bhe was oriKaKod to bo matTied,but she broke the engagement an.l. amo tr, this vit;,.At ., dinner ahe m<-t Wilaon. M)>-

eald Bhe was Infatuated a, once. Theyaenl around together, timuKh wii .,.)

araa thea rnairled, and then they Jour*neyed to Europe, When they returnedh i!ifi7 on tln- aame boal they arerenol mi fri'-niiiy terms. Mlaa Bchen, kaald \\iisnn had been rnanled tn b, i,

he il'rii,'.i it. Ho i*efueed t.. do any¬thlng i", her, though ahe s.ii.i Bhe badbut .'.fi i'4'nts. In tmio frlenda 'amo tn

her .ild. Bhe did not n*'k for h, Ip fromh, r father, f»r ho had thrown her "fi".

Sh<- did not romaln hor.- long. Bhewas noxt hi-ard of ln Paria where hor4-x. omsos made hor conapi, ii"iis. Bhewas twlce arreated for gettlng into dlf-ficultlea with cabraen, and though ef-forte arere madfl to reforrn her by i*om-mlttlng h, r to eanotarluma Bhe <ii'i nolar.prooiate tiio attontiori. -atcaplng fmni

[each hoapltal to arhlch ahe was aentLaat month. a/ben ahe broughl ault

f..r'b of promlae, sln- atatad ahebad been rnatrled t.. wiis.-n in Itot,though ber orlglnal declaration araa

that if'07 was tho year,


Breach Ordcred Thnt $25,000Might Be Given Catholic

Hospital Fund.Cleveland, Dec. 6. -John D, Rocke

follor inntributed $S6,4*nM to-day to tbe

fund of $260.1,0,1 bolriK ralsod f.,i st.

Viiu¦* nt'* Hos'iital, a CathoHc in.stltu-

tit.n, arhlcb Ifl nrtora generally known an

charlty HoapiUl.Tln* BxKJkefeller glfl came as ¦ but*

pt-fee to llaB oxocutivo c-otnmlttee oftho iioHiiital fund. T. H. Holf, banki-t,

end Vlrartl P. K,il"- »""r"">' u,n' ."-

cently inf<»rm,"i by the Ro* k. r. n.-r

board af lioii''\olonio tliat tln boards

ruks vsould nol |i< rmit a glfl to su.h

a fund.Qoff ro'oivnl a telegTam fi'iin ""'

chalrmaa «' the b«»a,.i to-cl*y sayi.«that tho rulos would hfl brokon. as

Vk,.k,-f,\Uv hBd l.lT,a,.b.-.t from

Cleveland dl**ert|ng tho Infractlon.Tb.- Miibaorlldlon if, l nmliti'-ni¦.! 00

the entrre 4*-4>pected fund being mlaad,but Iokb than |30,oo<- romains 10 baobtalned.


Detective Flood Arrivesfrom Chili with Gutman,

Alleged Forger.


Chained to His Man as He Slept- Policeman Saw Mr. Roose-

volt in Buenos Ayres.After a trip of 1J.000 mllea to South

America for an alleged forger who Bedto Chlll, Detectlve Bernard a. Flood.of the id^tii, t Attorney'a offlce, arrlvedhere laal nlghl arlth iiis man on thaLampori a- Holl Hner Vandyck from

Buenoa A j reaThe prleoner, Mceea Qutman, flfty-o ira old, ia u ider indlctmenl "n

Bve counta Involvlag forgerj to ihei.iunl "f 1100,000; half a doaen banka

ii the Eaal Sid-' betoi »IctlmaBoon after hia indietment, ln January,

Qutman lefi iins Ity and Bt 'I to Ban-tlago, Chilt His preaence thera becameknowi here In the latter parl i f July,and "ti Augual B eatradltlon paperaarere la readlneaa Three days later

d iBlled for Chlll, vla Colon. on theAtlaa llm r Carl B hara.

'ti hia arrlval In Bentlego he foundthal Qutman had hlred two of the beallan ¦' ra ln ;t " an.l araa praparadt<> ngiit extraditlon tc thi la -t dltch,The caae rlnallj reached th.- Bupreme,", url of <.) III, "HMstiriiT ol . Bght "

i.-H,- ..!. :,,i. 'lii-f JUBtlCe I'eif

toiee. Af;-1 ;i "ti' ¦¦'! araakiand a r- > i-v of thi B84 lh"' COUtl ''."-

id'd that Qatman ahould !". remandadfor Btradlth n

PTood loal no tlme rn ... ttlna hia nri ¦.!

oul "f chlll Into tn.- Argi ntlna Ri pub¬lic, taklng him eaataard over tne

Tranaandean Railroad t,. Buenoa a

on tiie Atlantic ".st.

When flood a- <t hta man . nti,\ rea 'olonol .: o* I had

jual arrli d and the clt) araa enthusi-over Amerli ..ns Hai U ». '

daya to arall until . >.- st. amahlpdych waa ready to aall PI.t Intihis man to a \o* al jall and found n

t<> me.-t thi olom 1. Tha detectlveInvited to attend the banquet glven Ln

¦¦ Mr, Oarratt, thaAm' i'.' an Mlntati r

[:, fore leai ma '¦>" arnedthal Qutman'a lawyera had adviaed him

t,, tr> i" - ap .'- soon as the Vati-lvk.. port. Thay ln-

formed tiu- prteoner thal ba aroi

eafe there, >i« thi Btradltlon trealtween Braall and tha Unlted Btatea hadexp:r< <l.Qutman did n '¦

ot this. an-i he prepared t" m ikaids eecape the momenl he found Ploodoff lus | -ard.On th< ¦'¦¦¦<.. Ihi vandyi k mad.- fa

the qtiay i" the harbor of Ki" *da Jiii'-ii" Plood gnvi Qutman bla chan a

an-i hi took it. Thi prleoner cllithe ahlp'a rail ..'"i araa read) ttr Jumpt,. the 'i'1'v erhen Plood Baer blm. Thadetei tlve leapod al (lutman'a throat,an.l t rowing him t" tha dei k, hand-cuffed him .'..""i locked blm up In theahlp'a hoapttaL Tha encounter m

* arad Qutman thal ha madi no fnr-

thi i < fforl to gel awa),u hlle al Rlo ii.i conferred \-itii

the Braalllan authorttlee, arho abowedblm much eourteeg, Aa an offeet to

the exptratlon of thi i atradltlon traaty,tli,' governmenl offlciahi oi-dered that

Qutman be oflli lall) deportad aa an un«

irable allen, therehy maklni i %;'.'

iiition unneceaaar) In the evenl ol blaeecaplng al K>" de Janeiro, Bantoa or

Bahla, tha three Braalllan porta alarhlch the Vandych called

lood aid laal nlghl thal he nevei

:. t Gutman g*l bul of hia alghl BothBhared th«' aame room, rlood laking thalower and Qutman the upper bcrth ofthe ataieroom Before gotng to IradFlood pul a handcuff on his lefl arrlalnnd another <>n tha lefl arrlal of theprleoner. Theae were oonnected bj a

long .lialti, making ll Impoamlble f"i

Qutman lo leave the room wlthoularouaing Plood

.-B ¦

KNOWN TEXAS DEAD NOW 53Many Others Believed Drowned

and 3,000 Homeless.Bryan. Te*.. Doe I Plfty-tbn peraona

are known i" )"¦ dead and eeori ol .i.,,,. reported te h ive i"*-t thelr llvea Inth.- Booda arhlch have been aweeplng the

v.,11, >/a "f the Braaoa ami Trlnlti Rlvera,. ,., .||;1| ;,,.] Bouth Central Teaaa Btne*early ha Ihe areah Three thouaand per-¦ona havi beea drlven to tt" upper Beoraef thelr hoenea by ihe rlaina aratara or

i,;iV1. beea oompelled to m h refugc ia

treea arhere tbei remalned for hours, In.,,,,,,. mcb ror two daya before betngrearued. KaOmi.f Ihe damage gen-erall] centre around Hl,»'"'Ona of the dee] eai rerflowa was ln ti'"

Braaoa bottoma of 18 ^ eectlon, arhereboatmi n reported no bouaea rletble arben

they made thelr flnal trlpe before darbthis evening. Tha ln both rlverato-nlgbl w* re b* glnnlng ta paei oul Intotbe gulf.Tbe i'"i"ia,io liver alao is addlng to

th<- trouMea of thi Teaaa Bood altuatlon.B

Navy Strength Passes 50,000.iiioin 'i ii- T-iibaa* Baraaa

Waahlngton, Dee I Par the Bral Um*rlnce tbe Clvll War, lha enllated Btrangthof the navy Is BtON UlBH IMMl Thlainaarh araa raached on Hovember M OnDecember E thc total nunaber of antl tedmen ln tbe navy araa M.1M The nal aalnrfnee .ini> i bi MM, H is aapected tbaith, navy wlll shortly be re.i ulti-d BP tOits maxlmum authortsed Btrangth of HJQkim whi'h ii wiii ba neceaeari o

limil eiilialin, nt in th>- vaian.iea OaUBadby explrRllons.


Villa's Swecp SouthwardHalted by Report of

Flank Movement.


Ovation by Citizens Awaits RebelChicf's Entry Into Chihvahua

City To*day.rron, i Trll ,i.. Bureau

tVaahington, Dei, {.¦ Whlle ailnunia- oAelala aro careful nol i.i makepubllc r.p.irts ,.f milltary movementfl.ii ifexlco arhlch mlghi ald elthei Con-etitutionaliata or Federala, Ih, re Ifl

t every reaaon i" i" II, ve thal tln* vl, torl-<>iix aaeep aouthward of the rebellarmlee haa i . h ed fl chei k

Advice* ree, Ived here ,o(....t thatloane "f the Feilarala arho arere aup-

poeed to be fb-iinn to ih. Amerl, ao

border have turned ln their march andare threatenlng Oeneral Paache Vllla'atiank. The rebel lead, ra ar, flaid t.»

hava b... .tn. .iiarni.-.i over the Bitua-tlon, aii.i VUla is buelly eogaged Inltnaklng new plana to rneei the unea-

pe, ted move of the a, mjVtlla'fl llne la r, ry much i atended

aml his rommuni- aiions arould be aert*

oualy .pardlaed i-, ,. audden Incuialon trom 9 formldable for, .¦ of i 600r. ., rala, eommanded by iroseo a hlch

i ipidl) adimnclng toward hlm, ep*arentl) aith the purpoee of drli Ing

him into Chihuahua.Hope to Trap Villa.

Ifeanarhlle, al leaal taro other P, d*. ral fen, rala, a Ith fragin, nta of tba;,..,- re um mbled aftei the battle ofxi, ii-1 Blan, a, an report, .1 to ba on*

.. ntratlag "i> Chlhitahiia, aith the i,l'>

,. - ol ntrapplng Vllla'fl **om8nand.Thla movemem mlghl fali II la polntedout, through the relnforcemeni of VII-

ronu nd b) Carranaa iroopa.. irdera hava b, . a Benl to the Amerlan mllttai .¦ autl**o*itlea oa the bordi r

thal If an) l'.-.i«rai erounded ahould;.r. -. nl th< me, - '"' B43*mlaelon lo theUnlted Btatea the) ahotald be re, i. ad

.n.-.i f.,t in .. ordaa, a aith the. .s of huaaanlty, but thal ae

nl BhouM .¦ ui ad, promlaingM, to Heal ". . aft. t the)

are a

urnlag Pi leral oldk ra arha da*mr^ i>. Bad ri B4aaTfl "i Ihe Ciatted MategiUn- orderfl Btate thal the) ** ni ba par*mltted to enter without amaa and \*.iii

,. iined by tha Amerl, an armyntll ¦ ttei dat, t\- q ¦. fltloti am«

, p f. | declalon through reporta ta tbeBtate aml War departmenta "f Ihe ap*

t,, the bord, r from nlhuahuaa ;..,»-.. bod) of refugeea and Pederal

Boldlei 9,Ciose to Recogmtion.

in int, i nlng Ihi aoldli ra and la lha,:. itmenl a, orded the wountk>i tha,.,,.,1-11111. nl ia pui tulng the Barna

.ree ea applled lo the woumi.-i a*tdflylng aoldlera of the Conetltutlonallett .,,4 There la ground for tha rlearlhal the adoptlon "f thla pollcy ro4*aea

nearer lo an artuavl ret*ognltlon of theConatltutlonallata as belllgerents thananythlng thal haa thua far been done.Aocordlng i" reporta recelved al the

Btate Departmenl there are Indlcatlonant Acapulco thal ''o*ta Chlca, a lea.ior

of I... ai fame, ia ln arma againal thei'n\ ernment.Another telegrera aaya lhal the raii-

roB.i betwen i.arii.. and Montare) hiBtlll opgfl atid f'-w Atn.tiian or

other forelgn women and chlldren ra*

maln In Monterey. Telegraphle rom*niuiii. atlon between Monterey andifexlco Clty, aa irell as Uart&o, araa

open "" i tax amber i¦


Ovation Awaiting the RebelLeader from the Citizens;

of the Capital.Bj) T, lafliaefl le 1 ae 1 rlbuea

Juarea, Meilco, !>". I Oer*aral Pancbovm.i. aith hla annj ol rriora tbaa aAaTSlotistitiitiiniiilst*. is to-aight al a*aua,thlrty mii. nurtii ot Chihuahua Clty, andi,.. vsin . nl bi the capital <>i tbe st..,,. t.i-

ri..,i 04* .it lnHiii

Oeneral Vllla teleavraphed te GeaeralBeaavldefl In Juarea to-niKiit tbal bevm.uI.i no longer aarall the comlng ol Qeo«eral Carranaa, who, II *44>peara, baa not>i-t fltarted for Chihuahua, bul will gomt.. the rsapital Io*b***«jtow, and baa bo no*t.n.-.i the rbrelga i.msiiis .md civil author*IU-M thoro.Oeaeral VlUa im. been advlaed thal *

greal o*r»tlon awalta hlm In i*h!huahua«tha trhole elty, rejol, rlag la a promtaa eftemp, rery peace, hatrtag beea nwde readyfor tn. rebel cbleftaln All eveJlabteI'liiititn; has been pul oa th. houaee, nndtreea ln the plaaa hava baaa faatoeaiedWlth tb" oi.| ,'itlzin l.aiulshav. been hurrledly for-raed t.i ^iv amusl.-iil w.'l.-.uiio, and all tbe POOPle artllmo., tbe rebel c*-*iainander and iii« armyiii tb. outaklrta and raaka bis entry a trl*umphant oae.

**t*telgnera who havi refoeed to leavatba dt) will take part la the wetosne i"

Villa, '""i amoag them are aald la bflnumeroea AinerleanaTha foreign coneala led \ ibe Aaaeti*

...rn Ctoaaul, Maiieai Leteher, artll, it 's

aald here, itva ¦ wek*eme lo tiio rebeiforro."

\\ in.) flWeeptng <11>¦¦*t ckmaai aereaa theiteatern Chihuahua doeert to-iiuy han.n-..,iiii>. .i tbe relugeefl fram Chlhimhiia whein. tryini t.i reaeh thfl Ai-iertean t.m.i.T

;,t rrealdlOi twa., aad prevented tavaaari...,, rnaktaa lat.i.* paaarraaa. Th*

,., ti,.- earavaa, rj*a»i»*ielng B4***eraJ baa*dred tniii. WOWaW and ohlldron and BaOTflthan tJSm) Kederal tronpa. has heen all

(..nllnuod nn thlrd pagr, Ihlrd rolumn.

GENERAL PANCHO VILLA.Photographed in held costuntc at his headquarters.


Pennsylvania Railroad Em-ploye Restorcs Them

to Woman.\ bag ontainlng 121.000 in 11.000

,., bi .,' wi arorth double lhal

amounl bt) on the Boor in Blghl of bun-

dreda of paaaengera hurrylng lo tralna,-,t 11 o'< I"-1< 1 eati rdaj In the Penn-

rylvanla Btatlon, 33d atreel and Bev-

..nih avi nue Bul none notlced II until

Thomaa J. Curtln, head peaaengermi., tor of the Btatlon, pl< ked it up.

Then Ha ontenta b< came known.

juat bi fore II o'< l« h a aroman hur-

ii. d In through the matn > ntram e ofthe atatlon, nccompanled bj a rnalda,,,! two butlera, all heavily ladenwith luggage and fur coata Thc

woman aebed Curtln arhen and fromwhat the Chicago and "'it" Innatli.iinitcd departi d. 'i' dlractad her to

tha Btatlon platiorm. Havlng aeveralmlnutea to tha aroman orderedlha luggaga to ba aot down near an un-

uaed entrance t" the platform arhlchwas berred -Aith an Iron fate.Bome attention araa d|w ;t*?d lo tha

party, owlng to lha \\"in.'in belngdraeaed In an agpenalve travelllnggown and tha costl) fura whlch all cir-

ii, d, an well as tha numher of thelrBultcaaee and travelllng bagiAs soon ;is the train araa made _p

the party boarded ll and araa lost toCurttn'a siKht. A few mlnutea laterCurtln aaa tha bag, arhlch la) arherathe party bad beea atandlng. Il araa

aboul twelve Inchea long and Ma Incheawlde, wlth i-""id trlromlnga. Curtln

plcked it ap and opened it

starll.d at what tn.t his gazc

bottoro, beneath a Jewel aw

p||« ,,f yelloa -bai ked tdlls.

.| am ordlnaril) a cool and collectedman," aald Curtln yeaterday, "bul t<>

tall tha trnth it was ainiost too muchf,,r inc i almoal dropped the bag, so

amased was i. i aralted for ;. Becondto regaln m> aqulllbrlum and then lostno mora tlma In depoettlng tha fortunewiti) tho atatlon maater. i ararned himol ita eontanta and prepared him fartha Blghl within. fearlng ha arould baeffeeted as i was."

"I had no sooiicr taken my poeltlonai the antranca to tha lobby when thewoman came runnlng up tha Btalrafrom thc lower st.itioii. After one lookat the place where she had been stanl-

ing siic Bcreamed. A crowd gathered,an.i while i was aaauring ber thal i

could produce tha bag she began clirab-Ing over tiie ten-fool Iron gate, I aenlfor ;i k.'V to open it, bul before it :ir-

rlved she had bucc.i"l In gettlngover...when she realised i had found tha

hag she threw her erma aboul my nechan.l wept Realiatni »i>>«t thera was

hut ;i few minutes for her to cateh her

train, wa ran i" tba Btatlon maater'a001 c. and after iilciitifying its contents

tho hag was banded to ber. Wltb a

partlng 'Thank jrou* t" Bgan Bhe ran

back tO tha train. As she gol BBOardthe train she said she would rcinciuh.-r

me...| never had s<> much money in all

m\ Uf'. and it flureiy was aomt- experl-

Ha waai >n thala) Mi"

.-ii. ". i don't ever arant to hava it

;..'-.un."in such haate araa tha whole thlng

gone through that no one thotight to

gel tiie rtnme nf the n'omnn. She was

breethleaa when she ran into Ihe Btn-tion maater'a ofBca wltb Curtla andwas almoet ezhauated when shecllmbodaboard tha train.t'urtin has been In the employ of the

Pennaylvania Railroad for three years.ii,- is aboul .; feet tall, with clean entfeaturea He ia a bachelor, about forty

i old, and livea at No 82 Waah-h gton Btreet, Hoboken, whlch he

jokingl) remarked waa th only thingthal any ona mlght hava agalnst him.


BRYAN AND TOKIO STALLEDUnable to Agree in California

Land Dispute.[Tr. in The Tribune Kurea i

Waahlngton, Dec. a.The negotla-tlona between the Unlted Btatea ard

japan over tha Callfornla land dispute¦eem to have s-mk t" ;i atate of torpor,and, accordlng t" Infonnatlon gleanedto-day. th" reaaon for it is that therais vlrtuall) a deadlock batween thestat.' Departmenl ..n.i th- Foreign < >f-

li, .- in Tokio.Notea hava l.n Btchanged Bavaral

tlmea, bul no aolutlon haa heen reached.For aeveral months the Japaneae Am¬baaaador araa conatantly at tha BtateDepartment Now he dropa aroundonly occaalonally, and actlve negotla-tlona are obvioualy ;.t an end, for thctlme belng. at lcast.

The Becretary oi Btate, however, haahad little tlme to devote t.. tha Japan-tt* matter on account of the Mexlcaaaituatlon. When Mexteo'a troubloa ara

abated it la ttuit ba wUI renew

actlve work wlth the Japaneae Ambaa¬aador and poaeibly some soltit'.on will

ba i' ached.


Dr. Scudder Says Ministers WillSoon Go to Ball Oames After

Preaching Sermons.Lakewood, S. J., Dac. 6, Dr. Mjrroa T.

Bcudder, of New Tork City. Ip the flnalBBBBlrm of the annual BMOttng Of the

New Jerae) Banltar) Association, to-

,!a> electrlfled the more orthodox of hia260 hearert by prbraulgatlng the beUeflluit in a decade or so ministers of thaQoapel would after their sermons I ly

aalde tiu-ir veettneuta an.l ba found um-

ptrlng Bunday baaeball gamea.llis paper on the ne. essity of (pen

schools and pliiygroimds was one of th"

jstriklng featurea >>f tha merthag, iie

said hc was ahsolutelv COnvlnced that

orderty outdoor sports on Bunday were

proper, and expresscd the opinion that

tha Church ami other raligtoua Inatltu-tiona wouid in tiie near future not only¦anctton bul prenBota them.

Tha foflowtog ofaVaari arara electedfPrealdent, Dr. J. Brognard Betta, ofFlainlleld; tilst \ io-president, riyde1'otts, of Morrlstown; second vice-pr.s-idfiit, Qaorga B, McLaughlln, ot iesrooycity; thlrd vtcn-praaMaait, FrofessorCalvln X. Kendall, of Trenton; troas-

iir,t. Qeorge P. Olcott, of Kast Orange,an.l Becretary, Dr. Edarard Qulon, ..fAtlantlC City. The next annual meet*ing wlll he held hrre. '


While Experts Doubt Useof Baleful Drug, New

Cases Pile Up.


Doctor Fears Hyoscine IsWeapon in Hands of Men

with Evll Purposes.


Newark Police Tracc Many Re-ports of Drugging in Theatres

and Public Places.

Althougb offl riali connected wlth or->

ganlaatlona engaged in the warfaraagainat vlee a*4~pr**a*oed Bkeptlclam rea-

torday that the BOrne**0*lfl CBflea r«*port-

ed of women v ho bave been atnbne.i

in tho arms with needles hontinrr a,

sr.poritl.* drug t.i BBBka them nn *fl*e**

pre) to ih(Iu<ti>*n w< I'* to I.maid-orod as in-;.ui'. i of ¦ new in

voRtie; amnn" tratfiokors iti \v.,men. ovi-

dence conttnued to ptle up lhal th**

praetlca "as far rnore wideapread than

bad 1" B iniitrino.l.Among the aew r*aaea araa -mo told

tr, a Tribune repriaentatlve jreeterdayby the frl uda of a youngwoanan whoee

lexpeiience left no <!. .ui.r ln the mindnf hor family that ahe bad been thetictlm of an attempted ab*luctlon.Bhe erent tn a lar*?.' New Y.n-k de¬

partment atore wlth a young manIfriend and after r*ompleting her pur-cbaeea at one c-ounter, agreed t"

her compenion later at thal counteeafter sh.- had made can, other pur*cbJuaaa.

Whlle he waa waiting ber he hap«pened t.. notlee a erowd a-athered Inan alale a ahoii dtatance away. Oul ofi.ri.'-ity he weni to eae whal the ea

cl'pment waa about, only to Bnd blayoung woman iri»-n.i unconacioua onthi floor.

Baaiflfl hor arere two men, whespleinlng to thfl atore aVs-ctor tin.t ahewaa 4«. ith them and araa fl vi.-titn <>f

epllepey, Baying th.-' arould tak.> caraof hor.

Felt SligHt *~t!r*g.Tho young ni.m a* ... am rted hlm-

laeif, and onlj when worda became hi«hdid the two attangera yleld, allpping'away in tho croard. When tbe younglaroman revlved kIh- aald Bhfl had felta fllighl attng m hor arm and Imme-Idiately be**anie unconacioua. An ex-

aminatlon revealed a *m.iii puncture .n

tln- skin.ln this as.-. as in rnoet of th" othors

reported, to avoid puMlcity no cora*

Iplalnl was rnadfl to the police. Te i'ii-"

fad is the dlAcuity ln run-

ning the reporta down to a ilefinit«beada, Ptedetick h. Whltin, -*****retaryof tho r*ommittee of fourteen, at Ko. 27Baet '-'IM str-et, said yostor.iay that hehad heard of a number of atmllar aa bin an Indeflnite tray. bul bad beea un¬able to gel r*oncrete facte. He arai onewho expr, sso.i doubt aa to the Bignlfl*i-an.'o of tho Btortee, one of hla majnreeeona for akepticiam being tha dirti-ouity "f mjactlng b auhVtonl quantityof i.rdinarily a/trll known nap-oti. s io

produce the effeeta deecrlbed,"Hoarever, i am Kia.i th.-ro is all 'l''.*"

pubUcity," be aaJd. "aa H trlll hringthe matter tO a foctia and h'lp iip tn

determlne jn-*t what there is ln it.''Simiiar doubt was egn*****B8ed hy

Tamta B, Reynolda, aecretary of theAmerkan Vigilan.o Aj»**octatloa, al Wo,IH !.' h avenue. Mr. KeynoI.Is s.\:<i

two suvh caaee bad been bi-oiighl to hlaatt.'tition. In one iMtence he was un-

ahla to Kot onoii|s-h Information to cim*duct an Inveflrtla-atlon, and the otherturned oul te be a aeneatlonal Btoryconcocted b) a woman to cover up herown tnisdoods.

"i hav, been t..i.i bj a phyetclan thatbe axnowa of no iin:-* thal r**aild r>eusod BU, aaafully In tbia way." ho said."I do BOt thitik thal any r.-|iii» ti.u-

woman need ii" r*anlcatrick< n b) theaaroports."Bul Dr Josoph A. Shoars. ..f N... ill

Wosi s-j.i Btreet, attached to Heelt**Cotnmlaaiooer Lederle'a Btaff «.f Inepiv*tora, ti.ok an oppoolte vtaw, Aa ta -4

dniK whieh mighl ba uaed ba aald tltatinosi'ino iiviiro. hi. iai. arould fulBI es*aotiy the oniiiiions deecribed. .v aaaallquaatlt* «*f thla drug. ahi, h la iiaed lavas.s of hvsi.ria and in .lolirium tn--

tnons, ln BUld < "iil'l oasil.v lie injo.-t- -1IntO a jiotson'.-- nfin t«y nnatis ..f i

h.a). typa of bypoderinle Byiinge oi,-tainaulo a, any aTUg Btore.

D'u.j Easy to Get.'And what is moto, 1 an.l othflf

physi. ians hav.- hoard of nnnn 11*0*18 in-siamos in arhlch thla drug haa beaaj¦aad i" make w.un.-n nn.wraacloiia BQtn.ii w hom 1 am i-onvlm <d are 'whlto

sla\ois.' This drug is 4onipaiative|\llttle known among tho laiiy. Int I am*iorr\ to say tho know l»-di*o of it is

apraadlng aaai U aa reddily oiitatn-al.lo."Another to toll of instanics of th-

oporatiotis of tho noodl-? wioldois was

Mrs. Satnnol C. Vhii Inison. a aoclet]woman and philantlitopio worker, ofNo. 188 I'-ast .i-'dh street."Wc women are continually hcaring