newark and district 2019 for print.pdfscotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and...

Wednesday was a “free” day in Caernarfon Most of us visited the castle. Edward 1 started to build the fortress here in 1283 when Caernarfon was the administrave centre of northern Wales. Today it remains much the way it stood for hundreds of years but now with a video room showing a film of the castle’s history and a Military Museum about the Royal Welch Fusiliers. On our last full day our driver Pat drove us to Portmadoc. Here we joined the narrow gauge steam train for a scenic ride to Ffesniog. We returned via Betws-y-Coed and Snowdonia with wonderful scenery of the Welsh mountains. On our way home on the Friday we stopped first at Llangollen and then Trentham Gardens. This was the first extended visit organized by Mollie Weale and she did a really excellent job. She is already planning next year’s visit. Further photos will be on the overhead presentaon at the monthly meeng. Jean and Peter Foden Newark and District h7p:// June 2019

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Page 1: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

Wednesday was a “free” day in Caernarfon

Most of us visited the castle. Edward 1 started

to build the fortress here in 1283 when

Caernarfon was the

administra ve centre

of northern Wales.

Today it remains much

the way it stood for hundreds of years but now

with a video room

showing a film of the

castle’s history and a Military Museum about

the Royal Welch Fusiliers.

On our last full day our driver Pat drove us to

Portmadoc. Here we joined the narrow gauge

steam train for a scenic ride to Ffes niog.

We returned via Betws-y-Coed and Snowdonia

with wonderful scenery of the Welsh


On our way home on the Friday we stopped first at Llangollen and then

Trentham Gardens.

This was the first extended visit organized by Mollie Weale and she did a

really excellent job. She is already

planning next year’s visit. Further

photos will be on the overhead

presenta on at the monthly mee ng.

Jean and Peter Foden

Newark and District h7p://

June 2019

Page 2: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

Murder, Mystery Book Group

We meet at Carriages cafe,

2pm on the third Monday of the month.

email [email protected] or Phone

07398171075. for more details

June’s Book

Blue Monday

By Nicci French

Coffee Morning Groups

There are two Friday Coffee morning groups on opposite sides of the town

which hopefully enables everyone to access one or other of them.

Carriages 10:30

(Castle Railway Sta on)

Always room for more.

Cra#y Be$y’s 11am

All change again. We are back to London

Road Carpark.

Same place as before but a new name it’s

now called CRAFTY BETTY’S

“ The one that was Collectable Crea ons “

We would love to see you so come and join


Archaeology Group extended visit to North Wales 29

th April – 3

rd MAY, 2019.

38 members of the Group set out

by Travel Wright coach for North

Wales. Having stopped at Chester

for lunch and a look round the

historic town, we con nued to our

des na on, the Royal Cel c Hotel

at Caernarfon.

The next day we toured the island of Anglesey stopping at

llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysilio for coffee and a

group photo.

We then visited Beaumaris Castle, Wales’

greatest unfinished castle. It was built as

part of Edward 1's campaign to conquer

north Wales. Plans were probably first

made to construct the castle in 1284, but

this was delayed due to lack of funds and

work only began in 1295 aIer the Madog

ap Llywelyn uprising. Edward's invasion of

Scotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work

stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work

finally ceased around 1330 a total of £15,000 had been spent, a huge

sum for the period, but the castle remained incomplete.

In the aIernoon we visited the Hidden Gardens at Plas

Cadnant. In 1996, the present owner bought the 200

acre state and work began on the restora on of the

historic garden and grounds. Since then large parts of

the gardens have undergone a spectacular

transforma on and have been restored to their former


Con-nued on Back Page.

Page 3: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

Ink for printer going for free

We have a large number of ink cartridges (polar bear

equivalent) for an Epsom printer, that are free to a good

home. If you are interested, please give me a ring on

700188. Janet Robinson


Are you good at wri ng stories? Or not so

good like me? Come and join the Crea ve

Wri ng Group. It is a friendly group which

shares stories over a cuppa in the home of a

member. A non-threatening group of people

who enjoy using its imagina on. Why not give

it a try too.

Venue:- Call Maj

01636 702381

Date and Time:-

1st Wed of Month

10.00 am

Out and About

The bus trip for ‘Wells Next The Sea’ on the Friday 7th June 2019 at 9.00 am

Corner of Cow Lane and Northgate (Aldi) now has another 30 places as I have

organised a second 53 seater . The places are selling fast . Price £15 per seat


The Digital Photography Group

Six members of the group enjoyed a Photoshoot at Kingsmill

Reservoir on a beau ful Monday 13th May.

The sun shone, the water

sparkled and there was a black

swan, and lots

more to


We walked the

length of the

reservoir then took the path down to the side of the River

Maun to see the Herons’ nest

high in the tree. There were

two fledglings at the nest.

One was s ll in the nest but

the other one was climbing

up the branches and trying its

Con-nued on page four

Page 4: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

wings. Further down the river there was an adult posing just

for us.

AIer a light lunch in the café we walked around the top of

the lake and saw ripples in the water as the large carp were

spawning in the shallows.

As it was such a warn sunny day we decided to stop off at

Newfield’s Ice-cream Parlour

at Hockerton for some cool

refreshment and watched the

birds on the feeders. We saw

finches a pheasants a robin

and a woodpecker.

All are welcome to join our friedly

group. Check out the U3A website for

mee ng details. We will be organizing

many more outside photoshoots.

Geoff Bowers.


Get your seats quick before the all go

Friday 7th June 2019. WELLS NEXT


£15 per seat Leave 9.00 am

Tuesday 16th July 2019 YORK

£15 per seat leave. 9.00 am

Friday 15th November 2019 HARROGATE CHRISTMAS MARKET

£15 per seat leave 9.30am

Chris Handson

Walking Group

For June

Alison and Colin will be leading the walk on 10 June 2019.

The walk takes a circular route in the River Witham valley of about 4.5 miles

around the village of Aubourn.

Meet at The Royal Oak Public House car park, Royal Oak Lane, Aubourn,

Lincoln, LN5 9DT for a 9.30am start.

The pub normally opens at Noon for refreshments and meals.

The July walk will be on Monday the 8th July.

It will be led by John & Val Greaves, star ng at the Full Moon at Morton, NG25

0UT, at 9:30. It is a circular walk from Morton to Rolleston via Fiskerton. It is a

li7le over 3.5 miles, basically flat with a few s les.

We have made arrangements for refreshments at the Full Moon aIer the walk

and they will open up from 9:15 for those who need a pre-walk loo visit.”

John Greaves

Page 5: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally


th June.

Hawtonville Meth. Ch. Hall. 1.45 for 2-4pm.

Part 1 – CYPRUS: This film is part of Na onal

Geographic’s series on “Islands – Cyprus”.

The Cyprus dispute is the result of the

ongoing conflict between the Republic of

Cyprus and Turkey over the Turkish occupied

northern Part of the island. Ini ally, with the annexa on of the island by the

Bri sh Empire, the ‘Cyprus dispute’ was iden fied as the conflict between the

people of Cyprus and the Bri sh Crown regarding the Cypriots’ demand for

self-determina on…

Part 2 – CYPRUS: (Cont.) Here we view present day short utube films of

Verosha Ghost Town (Before and AIer – Famagusta). 10 reasons why you

should visit Cyprus. Then quick guided tour films of Paphos, Limassol, Larnaca

and Nicosia (in the south) and Kyrenia (in the north).

All new members welcome. Refreshments. Free parking. For further

informa on please check out our website or contact Grp. Ldr. June Halford

(01636) 923 648.

Reg Goodall's Boat Trip

13th September 2019

From Gunthorpe Riverside, NG14 7FB. Plenty of good parking, to NoWngham

and back.

Cast Off 08:30 am. We head upstream arriving in NoWngham around 12:30.

we pass under the Tram and Carrington Street to moor for lunch.

At 14:00 we return by Boat. I will hire both boats at the heavily discounted

price of £12.00 per person. WHO NEEDS GROUP-ON.. Members are

encouraged to " Have a Go" at the ller 'Steering' where the river is wide

enough. Full facili es are available on board. We should arrive back about

18:00 that's 6pm

Places are limited to 24 persons so book A.S.A.P .......

Reg Goodall Phone 01636 651838

Subscrip-ons are now overdue for 2019/2020

New renewal form /applica on forms are available for download online

please remember to fill in both sides. Group leaders should dispose of

all older versions and print new one as soon as possible.

If anyone has any problems doing any of this please speak to Maggie

George on 07790719870 or their group leader.

Non Fic-on Group

Non-Fic on Book Group - Date Change in June!

Our June mee ng will be on JUNE 12th this month at 2:00pm

at Carriages Cafe.

For our June 12th mee ng join us for discussing Hidden

Figures: The Untold Story of the African American Women

Who Helped Win the Space Race" by Margot Lee She7erly.

(You can cheat and watch it on NeZlix if you want to come

and join the conversa on!)

For June reading/July Mee ng (Back to our normal 1'st

Wednesday of the month in July): “Lara: The Untold Love Story

and the Inspira on for Doctor Zhivago”

by Anna Pasternak

Poetry Reading Group.

Mee ngs are held on the first Monday of the month, from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00

p.m. If you would like to be part of this Group, please contact Maggie Sacke7

Email: [email protected] or Telephone: 01636 680993.

Page 6: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

Word Search for your enjoyment

Pictures from the Bowls Tester at Worthing Bowls Club

Group Leaders

Please check that the informa on about contact details and mee ng mes

are correct and let me know if it needs to be amended. Thanks, Richard

Science Group

On Tuesday 25th

June we have a guest speaker, Nancy Appleyard.

Who will give her informa ve and entertaining talk on “The

Science of People Watching “.

So come along 10am to 12 noon at The Newark Town Bowls Club..


Art Apprecia-on

The next two mee ngs of this group are:

JUNE 11th - Whole group par cipa on ( if you want to) on the subject of


JULY 9th - A short presenta on on “The Poster Art of San Francisco, 1960s -

70s,” followed by any other examples of poster art that anyone else would like

to show.

The group does not meet in August but will resume on the second Tuesday of


Page 7: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

Tea and Coffee Roster

June 2019

Robert Anderson

Elizabeth Anderson

Add your name to the list

July 2019

Please let Pat know on 684511 if you are unable to a7end so she can organise

a replacement.

More volunteers are always welcome.

Circle Dancing


Audrey Blake.

Forthcoming Speakers

June.2019 No speaker. AGM

July.2019 Vince Eager (part 2)

Back for follow-up from last year.

August.2019 NO MEETING

September.2019 Paul Ellis

Stone Carver at Lincoln Cathedral

Where to find us

All monthly mee ngs are held on the second Thursday in

the month from 2pm-4pm at Holy Trinity Catholic

Church, Boundary Road, Newark, NG24 4AU. Parking is

extremely limited at the Church during school hours so

we recommend that you park at Sconce Hills Park (a li7le

further down Boundary Road) and walk back.

Discussion Group

Now mee ng every 4th Friday of the month

New members are always welcome

Call Muriel Price on 07763458054 to get all the details

Page 8: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

Please note the contact details for the

newsletter and website

Newsletter: [email protected]

Website: [email protected]

All contributions to the newsletter must be received by 24th of the month.

History Group

NoHnghamshire Heritage May 2019

This was a wide - ranging talk by Chris Weir and showed not only his

depth of knowledge but also his enthusiasm for all things connected

with the County .We started with Creswell Crags which have been

associated with Neanderthal man over 40,000 years ago and Human

occupa on over 20,000 years ago .In addi on to rare Cave Art

excava on has revealed human ar facts and bones of Mammoth ,

Wolves and Rhinocerous .The varied Geology of the county is shown by

the type of building materials used i.e. Sandstone for general works and

Magnesium Limestone for pres gious building .The la7er has been

employed at Southwell Minster , Ely Cathedral and the Houses of

Parliament .We have many grand country houses ( Newstead ,

Woollaton and Welbeck etc ) and Churches .

Among the Industries that prospered in No7s were Mining ,Quarries


making , Cycle manufacture , Soap produc on and Hosiery produc on

(.The curate of Calverton invented the first Stocking Frame in

1589) .Coal Mining was an important source of employment and wealth

to the area well into the 1980,s .Although only a handful of Pit Head

Works remain the Infrastructure of roads , canals and railways is s ll

evident .

Next mee-ng Tues 18th June 2-00pm .

Steve Aram.

Posi-on Name

Chair Chris Handson

Vice Chair Jacq Cartwright

Treasurer Jonathan Smith

Secretary Val Greaves

Membership Secretary Maggie George

Groups Coordinator Robert Anderson

Commi7ee Member (Website) Richard Harcus

Commi7ee Member (Speaker Seeker) Anne Handson

Commi7ee Member Reg Robinson

Commi7ee Member Geoff Bowers

Commi7ee Member Andy Light

Commi7ee Member Pat Harcus

Commi7ee Member Gill Lee

Commi7ee Member Julea Merlin

Commi$ee Members

Catering Organiser:-Pat Harcus

Newsle$er team:- Richard Harcus, Sheila Harris, Reg Goodall

Page 9: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

Literature Glynda Green 01623 860311 Contact Glynda

Mah Jong Sonya Sinclair 01636 672921 1st Wed 14.00

Media Group Contact Jacq 01636 650411 occasionally

Motor Home

Caravan & Boat

Andrew Birkhead 07890 992169 Contact Andrew

Music Apprecia on Terry Bowler or

Tony Marrio7

01636 650751

01636 659239

2nd Monday 14.00

Murder Mystery


Gill Lee 07398171075 3rd Monday 14:00

Non-Fic on Book Julea Merlin 07932385672 1st Wednesday 14:00

Nordic Walking Alan Williams 01400 281986 1st & 2nd Tues 10.00

Out and about Chris Handson 01636 677514 Contact Chris

Philosophy Tom Chamberlain 01636 678571 Alternate Fridays

Poetry Reading Margaret Sacke7 01636 680993 1st Monday 14.00

Recorder Playing Alison Wilson 01636 673298 1st &3rd Mon 14.00

Science Group Robert Anderson 01636 636574 4th Tuesday 10.00

Singing for fun Alison Wilson 01636 673298 4th Monday 14.00

Ukelele Happy Band Gill Peterson 01636 672154 2,3,4th Wed, pm

Walking Group Reg Robinson 01636 700188 2nd Monday 09.30

GeHng your Newsle$er

If you or a friend are unable to collect a copy from the foyer or lounge at the

Thursday mee ng, a newsle7er can be obtained from Carriages café at Castle

Sta on during the Friday coffee morning mee ng from 10.30 ll noon.

Alterna vely, you can ring your group leader and ask him or her to pick up a

copy for you and bring it to the group mee ng.

Please note that group mee ng mes and days can change some mes,

especially when they fall on a Bank Holiday. If you are unsure, please check

with the group leader. Do not rely on the diary page, as I do not always get up-

to-date informa on.

Group Leaders

Archaeology Peter Foden 01636 704241 3rd Thursday 14.30

Art for All Jacq Cartwright 01636 650411 1st & 3rd Tues 10.00

Art Apprecia on Michael Ayling 01636 650607 2nd Tuesday 10.00

Ballroom Dancing Maggie George 07790719870 4th Thursday 14.30

Coffee Morning Reg Goodall 01636 651838 Every Friday 10.30

CraI Group Carole Tweedale 01636 672989 3rd Monday 09.30

CraI and Cha7er Sue Eddowes 01636921373 3rd Tuesday 14.00

Crea ve Tourism June Halford 01636 923648 Last Monday 13.45

Crea ve Wri ng Maj Donovan or

Jean Johnson

01636 702381

01636 688954

3rd Wed 10.00

Dance ( Circle) Audrey Blake 01636 650676 3rd Thursday 13.30

Dance (line) Audrey Blake 01636 650676 4th Thursday 10.00

Discussion Muriel Price 07763 458054 4th Friday 14.00

Digital Photography Geoff Bowers 01636 705138 4th Tuesday 14.00

Early Birds c/o Jacq Cartwright 01636 650411 4th Thursday 18.15

French Conversa on Carol Wilkinson 01636 672295 2nd & 3rd Fri 10.30

Geology Niki Whitburn 01636 706339 1st Tuesday 14.00

German Corri Moss 01636 706573 Contact Corri

Gospel Tom Chamberlain 01636 678571 3rd Mon contact Tom

History Steve Aram 01636 671156 2nd Tuesday 14.00

Knit & Na7er Anita Smith 01636 646559 1st Thursday 13.30

Group Leaders

Page 10: Newark and District 2019 for print.pdfScotland soon diverted funding from the project, however, and work stopped, only recommencing aIer an invasion scare in 1306. When work finally

June/July 2019

Monday Tuesday Wednesday



Recorders 14.00

Poetry reading 14.00

4 Art for All 10.00

Geology 14.00

5 Mah Jong 14.00

Literature 10:15

10 Walking 09.30

Music Apprecia on 14.00

11 Art Apprecia on 10.00

History 14.00

12 Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

German 10.00

Non-Fic on Book Club 14:00

17 CraI 09.30

Gospel Group 10.00

Recorders 14.00

Murder Mystery Book 14:00

18 Art for All 10.00

CraI and Cha7er 14.00

19 Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

Crea ve Wri ng 10.00

Literature 10:15

24 Singing for fun 14:00

Crea ve Tourism 14.00

25 Science Group :10:0

Digital Photography 14:00

26 Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

German 10.00

Early Birds 18:15



Recorders 14.00

Poetry reading 14.00

2 Art for All 10.00

Geology 14.00

3 Mah Jong 14.00

Non-Fic on Book Club 14:00

Literature 10:15

8 Walking 09.30

Music Apprecia on 14.00

9 Art Apprecia on 10.00

History 14.00

10 Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

German 10.00

15 CraI 09.30

Gospel Group 10.00

Recorders 14.00

Murder Mystery Book 14:00

16 Art for All 10.00

CraI and Cha7er 14.00

17 Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

Crea ve Wri ng 10.00

Literature 10:15

22 Singing for fun 14:00

23 Science Group :10:0

Digital Photography 14:00

24 Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

29 Crea ve Tourism 14.00 30 31 Literature 10:15

June/July 2019

Thursday Friday

Mah Jong 14.00

Literature 10:15

6 Nordic Walking 10:00

Knit & Na7er 13:30

7 Coffee morning 10.30

Philosophy 10.00

Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

German 10.00

Fic on Book Club 14:00

13 Nordic Walking 10.00

Monthly Mee ng 14.00

14 Coffee morning 10.30

German 2 10:00

French Conversa on 10.30

Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

Crea ve Wri ng 10.00

Literature 10:15

20 Archaeology 14.30

21 French Conversa on 10.30

Philosophy 10.00

Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

German 10.00

Early Birds 18:15

27 Ballroom Dancing 14:30

Line Dancing 10:00

28 German 10.00

Coffee morning 10.30

Philosophy 10.00

Discussion 14.00

Mah Jong 14.00

Fic on Book Club 14:00

Literature 10:15

4 Nordic Walking 10:00

Knit & Na7er 13:30

5 Coffee morning 10.30

Philosophy 10.00

Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

German 10.00

11 Nordic Walking 10.00

Monthly Mee ng 14.00

12 Coffee morning 10.30

German 2 10:00

French Conversa on 10.30

Ukulele Happy Band 14.00

Crea ve Wri ng 10.00

Literature 10:15

18 Archaeology 14.30

Circle Dancing 13:30

19 French Conversa on 10.30

Philosophy 10.00

Ukulele Happy Band 14.00 25 Ballroom Dancing 14:30

Line Dancing 10:00

Early Birds 18:15

26 Coffee morning 10.30

Discussion 14.00

Literature 10:15 1


Nordic Walking 10:00

Knit & Na7er 13:30