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  • 8/6/2019 Newmutv3029 Int Lr


    N E W M U TA N T S

    The world is in its death throes. The Asgardian God of Fear, the Serpent, has been

    unleashed and now chaos and panic are ripping the planet apart. The Serpent hasbestowed seven hammers to the Worthy, making them his Avatars of destruction andannihilation on earth. Their purpose is to spread fear, upon which the Serpent thrives

    and grows ever stronger.

    One of the Worthy is the Juggernaut, whose unstoppable rampage brings him evercloser to San Francisco, home to the X-Men and the New Mutants.


    cypheR x-MAN wARlOcK

    Writers: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning Art: Dave LafuenteColors: Val Staples Letters: VCs Joe Caramagna

    Cover: Dave Lafuente & Val Staples

    Editor: Sebastian Girner Senior Editor: Nick Lowe

    Editor in Chief: Axel Alonso Chief Creative Ofcer: Joe QuesadaPublisher: Dan Buckley Exec. Producer: Alan Fine

    To fnd MARVEL COMICS at a local comic and hobby shop, go to or call 1-888-COMICBOOK.

    NEW MUTANTS (ISSN #0747-4601) No. 29, October, 2011. Published Monthly by MARVEL WORLDWIDE, INC., a subsidiary o MARVEL ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 135 West 50th Street, New York,NY 10020. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT NEW YORK, NY AND AT ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. 2011 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters eatured in this issue and the distinctive namesand likenesses thereo, and all related indicia are trademarks o Marvel Characters, Inc. No similarity between any o the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this magazine with those o any living or deadperson or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. $2.99 per copy in the U.S. (GST #R127032852) in the direct market and $3.99 per copy in the U.S. and $3.99 in Canada (GST#R127032852) through the newsstand; Canadian Agreement #40668537. Printed in the USA. Subscription rate (U.S. dollars) or 12 issues: U.S. $27.00; Canada $41.00; Foreign $41.00. POSTMASTER: SEND ALL ADDRESSCHANGES TO NEW MUTANTS, C/O MARVEL SUBSCRIPTION DEPT. P.O. BOX 5187 BRENTWOOD, TN 37024. TELEPHONE # (800) 217-9158. FAX # (615) 377-0525. [email protected]. ALAN FINE, EVP - Ofceo the President, Marvel Worldwide, Inc. and EVP & CMO Marvel Characters B.V.; DAN BUCKLEY, Publisher & President - Print, Animation & Digital Divisions; JOE QUESADA, Chie Creative Ofcer; JIM SOKOLOWSKI,Chie Operating Ofcer; DAVID BOGART, SVP o Business Aairs & Talent Management; TOM BREVOORT, SVP o Publishing; C.B. CEBULSKI, SVP o Creator & Content Development; DAVID GABRIEL, SVP o PublishingSales & Circulation; MICHAEL PASCIULLO, SVP o Brand Planning & Communications; JIM OKEEFE, VP o Operations & Logistics; DAN CARR, Executive Director o Publishing Technology; SUSAN CRESPI, EditorialOperations Manager; ALEX MORALES, Publishing Operations Manager; STAN LEE, Chairman Emeritus. For inormation regarding advertising in Marvel Comics or on, please contact John Dokes, SVP o IntegratedSales & Marketing, at [email protected]. For Marvel subscription inquiries, please call 800-217-9158. Manufactured between 07/15/2011 and 07/26/2011 by QUAD/GRAPHICS JONESBORO, JONESBORO, AR, USA.

  • 8/6/2019 Newmutv3029 Int Lr


  • 8/6/2019 Newmutv3029 Int Lr


  • 8/6/2019 Newmutv3029 Int Lr


  • 8/6/2019 Newmutv3029 Int Lr
