#new#ob#questionnaire - northwest women’s...

1101 Madison St. Ste. 1150 Seattle, WA 98104 O: 206.386.3400 F: 206.386.3411 NEW OB QUESTIONNAIRE NAME DATE _______________ AGE PARTNER'S NAME ___________________________ BIRTHDATE PCP __________________________________ REFERRED BY OCCUPATION ______________________________ Last Menstrual Period VITAL SIGNS BP_________ EDD (Due Date) HT___________________ WT__________________ HAVE YOU HAD INFERTILITY TREATMENT? YES NO WHERE? CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY: IUI IVF Donor Egg TWINS OBSTETRICAL HISTORY # Date Pregnancy Outcome Length (wks) Epidural? Gender Weight Name Hospital/DR Complications? (miscarriage, vag del C/S) 1 2 3 4 5 GYNECOLOGIC HISTORY for doctors use only Age at first period How many days do you bleed? Length of cycles (days between periods) Any vaginal itching or abnormal discharge? yes no Any history of recurrent (circle) Bacterial vaginosis Yeast HEALTH CARE MAINTENANCE for doctors use only Date of last pap smear Was it (please circle) Normal Abnormal If Abnormal, please list treatment/date Have you ever had: An abnormal pap? If yes, when _________ yes no Colposcopy/Cryotherapy/Biopsy/Laser/LEEP (circle) Human Papillomavirus (HPV) yes no

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Post on 13-Jul-2020




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Page 1: #NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE - Northwest Women’s …...1101#Madison#St.#####Ste.#1150#####Seattle,#WA###98104#####O:#206.386.3400#####F:#206.386.3411 #####NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE NAME DATE

1101  Madison  St.          Ste.  1150          Seattle,  WA      98104                O:  206.386.3400              F:  206.386.3411

                           NEW  OB  QUESTIONNAIRE

NAME DATE _______________

AGE PARTNER'S  NAME    ___________________________

BIRTHDATE PCP                          __________________________________

REFERRED  BY OCCUPATION        ______________________________

Last  Menstrual  Period VITAL  SIGNS                  BP_________

EDD  (Due  Date)                    HT___________________




CIRCLE  ALL  THAT  APPLY:      IUI            IVF              Donor  Egg            TWINS

OBSTETRICAL  HISTORY                                                    

#          Date        Pregnancy  Outcome        Length  (wks)      Epidural?    Gender    Weight    Name        Hospital/DR            Complications?                                  (miscarriage,  vag  del    C/S)12345

GYNECOLOGIC  HISTORYfor  doctors  use  only

Age  at  first  periodHow  many  days  do  you  bleed?Length  of  cycles  (days  between  periods)Any  vaginal  itching  or  abnormal  discharge? yes noAny  history  of  recurrent  (circle)            Bacterial  vaginosis          Yeast

HEALTH  CARE  MAINTENANCEfor  doctors  use  only

Date  of  last  pap  smearWas  it  (please  circle)        Normal                            Abnormal          If  Abnormal,  please  list  treatment/date                  Have  you  ever  had:An  abnormal  pap?    If  yes,  when  _________ yes noColposcopy/Cryotherapy/Biopsy/Laser/LEEP  (circle)Human  Papillomavirus  (HPV) yes no

Page 2: #NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE - Northwest Women’s …...1101#Madison#St.#####Ste.#1150#####Seattle,#WA###98104#####O:#206.386.3400#####F:#206.386.3411 #####NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE NAME DATE

1101  Madison  St.          Ste.  1150          Seattle,  WA      98104                O:  206.386.3400              F:  206.386.3411

HEALTH  CARE  MAINTENANCE  (continued)The  HPV  vaccine yes noA  mammogram  (date) yes noA  colonoscopy  (date) yes no

Have  you  ever  had  an  STD  ? yes no      If  yes,    circle:      Herpes        Gonorrhea      Chlamydia      Syphilis    HIV      Any  history  of  Hepatitis? yes no

SURGICAL  HISTORYYear Surgical  Procedure for  doctors  use  only

MEDICAL  HISTORYHave  you  ever  had: yes no for  doctors  use  onlyHigh  blood  pressureHigh  cholesterolHeart  diseaseEchocardiogramKidney  problems  (infections,  stones)JaundiceUlcersBlood  transfusionDeep  Vein  Thrombosis  (DVT)  Pulmonary  Embolism  (PE)AsthmaDiabetesThyroid  diseaseHepatitisGallstonesColon  problemsMigraine  headaches    OsteoporosisDepression/AnxietyCancerAutoimmune  disorderEating  disorderBreast  LumpChicken  PoxOther  Medical  History:  

Page 3: #NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE - Northwest Women’s …...1101#Madison#St.#####Ste.#1150#####Seattle,#WA###98104#####O:#206.386.3400#####F:#206.386.3411 #####NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE NAME DATE

1101  Madison  St.          Ste.  1150          Seattle,  WA      98104                O:  206.386.3400              F:  206.386.3411

FAMILY  HISTORYHave  any    relatives  had:  (who?) yes noBreast  cancerOvarian  cancerColon  cancerHeart  attackStrokeHigh  blood  pressureDiabetesBirth  defectsBlood  clotsGenetic  disordersTwinsDepression/Psychiatric  disordersThyroid  disorderOther  conditions


Are  you    (circle):          Single          In  a  relationship          Married            Partnered            Divorced              OtherDo  you for  doctors  use  onlySmoke yes noDrink  alcohol  (prior  to  preg) yes noTake  recreational  drugs yes noWear  your  seatbelt yes noHave  a  history  of  abuse yes noFeel  safe yes noExercise  regularly yes noReligious  preference

REVIEW  OF  SYSTEMSDo  you  currently  have  any  of  the  following  symptoms  (please  circle)Fatigue Urinary  frequencyCramping Discomfort  with  urinationPelvic  pain Skin  rashHeadaches Indigestion  or  heartburnBreast  lumps Joint  painBreast  tenderness  or  nipple  discharge Heat/cold  intoleranceChest  pain Unwanted  hair  growthIrregular  heart  beat DepressionShortness  of  breath AnxietyUnusial  vaginal  discharge Easy  bleeding  or  bruising    (circle  which)Nausea/Vomiting Seasonal  allergiesDiarrhea Constipation

Page 4: #NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE - Northwest Women’s …...1101#Madison#St.#####Ste.#1150#####Seattle,#WA###98104#####O:#206.386.3400#####F:#206.386.3411 #####NEW#OB#QUESTIONNAIRE NAME DATE

1101  Madison  St.          Ste.  1150          Seattle,  WA      98104                O:  206.386.3400              F:  206.386.3411

MEDICATIONSPlease  list  current  medications,  doses,  instructions    (include  vitamins  and  supplements)Medication Dose                Frequency

MEDICATION  ALLERGIES  (and  reaction)

Do  you  have  a  Latex  allergy?                          Please  circle:                        yes          no

Anything  else  we  should  know  to  help  us  in  your  care?