newport daily independent (newport, ark.). 1905-03-24 [p ]. · texarkana, march 23.—freight train...

DO YOU Contemplate a Journey. With its attendant risks, and which involves absence from your home and neglect of your business? In nine cases out of ten the necessity for this can be obviated by the use of the Long Distance Telephone The Sooth westernTelegraph and Telephone Co. E. L. WATSON, M. D. OFFICE OVER MOSBY’S. NEWPORT, ARK, jack Herron For Granitoid and Stone Walks, Curbing, all kinds of Brick Work. Don’t fail to get my figures before contracting. My Work Talks For Itself Parties wanting crushed Lime- Stone Walks apply to me. TRAINMAN HAD FLIRTED WITH WIFE. Section Foreman Takes Shot at Engineer and Threatens Brakeman Because They Flirted With His Wife. Texarkana, March 23.—Freight train No. 97, Iron Mountain, coming south, was held up at 5 a. m. today by a drunken section foreman named Fred Snellin at Bowden. Snellin shot at Engineer Winn and threatened to kill the brake- man if he flagged the tram for- ward. The train finally backed to Prescott and officers were brought back, who arrested Snel- lin, Brakeman Hellem had Snel- nil tied when the officers arrived, having knocked him down with a Winchester. The holdup was not for the purpose of robbery. Snellin was jealous because his wife had waved at the trainmen. Snellin shot the windows out of the cab. WERE MISTAKEN ABOUT THE DATE. Some one started the report soon after the approval of the act that it would become effective March 23. This was accepted by all without apparent investiga- tion, and all the insurance com- panies, acting on this theory, in- structed their agents to cease writing business on March 22, the day before it was supposed the law became effective. It de- velops, however, upon a mo- ment's calculation, that the act does not become effective until midnight of March 24, as it was approved by Gov. Davis at 10 a. m., January 23, to become effect- ive sixty days thereafter. The sixty days expire March 24, at midnight. RABBI HELPS DETECTIVES. Hot Springs. March 23.— Rabbi Rhine, assisted by the detective department, today nipped a clev- er swindling scheme of parties who advertised in an eastern He- brew paper for contributions for relief of Jewish fire sufferers. The party who attempted the fraud left the city. Another party was arrested, but was re- leased, as there was no evidence against him. OSCEOLA MERCHANT COMMITS SUICIDE. Memphis. March 23.—N.Wein- berg, a merchant of Osceola, Ark., committed suicide in a lo- cal billiard room last night bj drinking carbolic acid. He was dead before the act of his swal- lowing the poison had been dis- covered. Weinberg left Osceola last Sunday, presumably for St. Louis. A wife and six childrer survive. RAILROAD TIME CARD. ST. L.. I. M. * S. RAILWAY. NORTH BOUND. No. 72. Local Freiprht. 12:10 p. re No. 2. 2:05 a. m. No. 4. 10:40 .a m No. 12. 9:02 p. m. No. 6. 10:45 p. m. No. 18. 11:14 p. m. No. 20. 12:43 p. m SOUTH BOUND. So. 73. Local Freiprht. 7:00 a. m. No. 17. 4:00 a- m. No. 6. 4 45 ®- m No. 11. 6:45 a.m. No. .. 4:55 P- ™. No. 1. 10:45 P- m No. 7.11:83 »• m. BATESVILLE BRANCH. Passenprer leaves. 7:05 a. m Mixed 11:45 a. m. PassenprerlArrives. 7:40 p. m. Mixed 10:15 a. m. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Passenprer Arrives. 1:49 P- m Passenprer Departs. 3:15 p. m. Ixjcal Freiprht Departs. 6:30 a. m. On Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday THE INDEPENDENT^ PERCY H. VANDYKE, Publisher and Editor. NEWPORT, ARKANSAS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. I. D. Price for garden seed in bulk. 55btf Sterling birth-month spoons at Palace Jewelry store. 2d W. E. Ferguson was in the city from Augusta Friday. Henry Dunn, a genial and popular young Tuckerman mer- chant, was down on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete West of Palmyra, Mo., are expected to arrive in the city tonight to visit their cousin, Mrs. M. M. Stuckey. The Wm. Morrison Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will give a spring enter- tainment for the benefit of for- eign missions Monday night, March 27, at 7:30 o’clock at the church. d3t C. L. Richardson, wrho has been prospecting in Texas for the past ten days, spent Thurs- day in this city with his parents, Rev. T. F. Richardson and wife, and left Friday for his home at Stanberry, Missouri. Wallace Byler was in town Friday, after figuring in a sensa- tional anti-trust case at Walnut Ridge Thursday, where he se- cured an acquittal in the court of “Woody,” now a “J. P.,” but formerly night clerk at the Boas hotel. This tribunal declared the Logan act unconstitutional and the supreme and other courts are expected to fall in line on this decision. On next Friday, March 31, the ladies of the Methodist church will give their annual flower ba- zaar at the Hazel hotel, at which time they will have for saie all kinds of potted plants, rose bushes, bulbs and running vines. They will also have a second ba- zaar Saturday before Easter,and will have at that time cut flow- ers and home made candy for -1-4- 4-U I O VV V. UV V11V kjv**i*w J/MWV-W. Wanted—Capable men and women for census work and to act as representatives in this and adjoining territory for magazine i and music business of old estab- j lished house. Our catalogues list over 3,000 magazines and 5.000 selections of music at cut prices. Salary $18 per week. ; Experience unnecessary, but j good references required. Ad- 1 dress Sprague Wholesale Co., 270 Wabash ave., Chicago, III. Wanted—Trustworthy man or | woman to manage business in this county and adjoining terri- tory for well established house of solid financial standing. $20 | straight cash salary with all nec- j essary expenses paid weekly by | check from headquarters. Money 1 advanced for expenses. Position permanent; previous experience not essential. No investment required. We furnish every- thing. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Address, Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago, 111. 6 Former Senator James K. Jones, his old friends will be glad to know, is succeeding ad- mirably with his law practice at Washington, D. C. He has offices in the big Colorado Building, on Fourteenth and G streets, and has as mudh business as he can comfortably look after. His in- come from this source, he tells me, is much in excess of the sal- ary of a Senator, and he is tak- ing life more easily than it is possible for any man to do in the steady grind of politics. He is in perfect health and is laying his plans to spend his summer vacation at Eureka Springs.— Batesville Guard. BOY HANGED"FOR MURDER. Cuero, Tex., March 23.—Con- rad Schwartz, aged about 20, was hanged here today for the mur- der of Willian E. Earle, a tele- graph operator. Schwartz had robbed the railroad station where Earle was at work, at Yorktown, and on the refusal of the opera- ator to open the safe, Schwartz shot him twice. Before going to the scaffold Schwartz made a second confession and professed religion. His aged father and mother were with him until the death chamber was reached. WHAT THEY SAY. This is What James P. Eubank of This City Thinks of The International Correspond- ence Schools of Scran- ton, Pennsylvania. Newport, March 22, 1905. To the Public:—I cheerfully rec- ommend the text books and meth- ods of the International Corres- pondence Schools of Scranton, Pa. These schools make it easily within the reach of all who would seek to fit themselves for higher and better paying positions to do so and at small cost. I have been a student of this institution for more than a year and consid- er my text books and the infor- mation gained, worth ten times the price paid. Have met with difficulties in my work that with- out the knowledge thus gained, I could not have overcome. Practical experience is good, but why spend a lifetime to learn what others have learned before you. Enroll in the I. C. S. Jas. P. Eubank, Engineer Newport Grocer Co. NOTICE. While the anti-trust law has forced most of the old-line stock Fire Insurance Companies to withdraw from the state, we still have facilities for taking care of any reasonable line of insurance offered us. There are now ten old-line stock companies authorized to do business in the state, and we are their representatives for New- M A A •• .J Ta m m T1 ll /> t auu v a^rvov/u wuuvj indemnity offered by these com- panies is absolutely reliable, and we will be glad to receive appli- cations for any class of insurable property, including farm houses and barns. We do not represent mutual companies, and if we issue you a policy you can rest assured that the company has a cash paid-in capital and a $200,000 bond to pay losses with. Our office is now with Col. Mi- nor on Walnut street. Phillips & Ferguson Agency. Read the Daily and Weekly Independent. JAMES L. JONES. Solicits your NOTARIAL BUSINESS, And promises Prompt and Careful Attention To Your Business. Ballew & Shuford Undertakers. Office, 211 Walnut Street, Opposite Cook’s Hotel. PURIFIES™! BLOOD A GOOD SPRING TONK: 4?' -.-=AIND- = g- " SYSTEM RENOVATOR TRY IT THIS YEAR - PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE M-———1— ---. 1 LIVERYMEN FARMERS DRAYMEN | And all users of axle grease 1 that want the best grease on the market and that recognize a good thing when shown its merits, we recommend our Golden and Cas- tor Oil brands of Axle Grease. It is put up in 1 pound tin boxes and 3 pound tin buckets. For | sale by all up-to-date merchants, i Ask for it and take no substitute, i It is guaranteed to have no equal ! for quality on the market. WATERS-PIERCE OIL COMPANY. Jack Jones The Crack Barber, keeps a neat and busy little shop. Upper end of Front street. Expert tonsorial- ists. Easy shaves and the best haircuts. Our work pleases. i “Come on, ye stubby beards.” _ DR. IRA H. ERWIN EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT.. OFFICE-8 and 9 Wishon Building NEWPORT, ARK. J. W. Lindley, Pres. L. T. Slayden, V-Pres. E. V. Holt, Cashier \ BANK OF TUCKERMAN CAPITAL STOCK $20,000.00. We are open to the public for all business which constitutes safe & reliable banking DIRECTORS: £ ^ 11 1 J. W. LINDLEY, L. T. SLAYDEN, ttr'OSk R. D. DUNCAN, L. D. S^ffTH. COLLECTIONS A SPECviLTY. Your Patronage is Solicited. Tuokerman, - i Arkansas CALIFORNIA i _ AND THE V North Pacific Coast Very Low Rates in Effect Daily March 1st to May 15th MANY ROUTES FROM WHICH TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE I Full details from your nearest Rock. Island agent. w GEO. H. LEE, JAS. HARRIS, 1 Gen. Pass. Agt. Dist. Pass. Agt. i UTTLEiROOK, ARK. ^ _ m 1 DR. CHAS. E. CARROLL Dentist Gives special attention to Crown and Bridge Work, And correction of Irregularities of the Teeth. Office Watson Bldg. Phone, 63. Newport, - Arkansas• TRY THE Weems Laundry. When you want good work. They make a specialty of Dyeing and Cleaning Clothes. Let them show you how well they can please you. Leave orders with T. P. Umsted & Co. Local Agents. When Things Don’t Look Right, Objects dance before your eyes, the letters on your paper become blurred, It May Be That You Need Glasses. Dr. A. J. Frank, the expert optician, will exam- ine your eyes free. If you need glasses he will fur- nish the right kind, prop- erly fitted and adjusted. Dr. A. J. FRANK, Expert Optician. Office, 306 E. Front street, up stairs, next Dr. A. Kellett. Office Hours—10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m., except Sunday. Call Central (3 rings) for Dr. A. J. Frank. If inconvenient tc come, kindly let him know and he will call on you. NOTICE. On acount of the salary bil the tax books will positively close April 10. H. S. Simmons, 64btd Collector. V $30.00 ONLY $.$0.00 St. Louis to California and the Northwest, via Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route Through Pullman Sleeping Cars Daily. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars daily via Missouri Pacific Railway. Tuesdays and Saturdays via Iron Mountain Route. For full information address J. H. GINET, Jr., Traveling Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. WHY YOU SHOULD TANK WINE^CARDUI Wine of Cardui is a mild medicine, but a powerful tonic that is unrivaled in its success in the treatment of the diseases peculiar to women. Over 1,500,000 suffering women have been cured of troubles that ordinarily are thought to require the expensive treatment of specialists, simply by taking this great woman's tonic. Wine of Cardui recommends itself to modest women of moderate means, because it can be taken in the privacy of the home without sub- mitting to a humiliating local examination and subsequent dangerous treatment. It is not costly and every sufferer can afford it. If you are a victim of female weakness in any form Wine of Cardui is the medicine that you should take and you cannot afford to lose any time in starting the treat* ment. Your trouble is ever growing worse—never better. Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit even chronic j troubles of the most serious nature, and in nine out of i ten cases it brings an absolute cure. 1,500,000 cured I women endorse Wine of Cardui. I You should take Wine of Cardui. Ask your druggist for it today. ^J JOBPRINTING siSSSatj PRINTING ofiiices in Jackson county. vBring us youjL Printing and let us quote you our prices, i P

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Page 1: Newport daily independent (Newport, Ark.). 1905-03-24 [p ]. · Texarkana, March 23.—Freight train No. 97, Iron Mountain, coming south, was held up at 5 a. m. today by a drunken


Contemplate a Journey.

With its attendant risks, and which involves absence from

your home and neglect of your

business? In nine cases out of

ten the necessity for this can be obviated by the use of the

Long Distance Telephone The Sooth westernTelegraph

and Telephone Co.




jack Herron For Granitoid and Stone Walks, Curbing, all kinds of Brick Work. Don’t fail to get my figures before contracting.

My Work Talks For Itself Parties wanting crushed Lime- Stone Walks apply to me.



Section Foreman Takes Shot at

Engineer and Threatens

Brakeman Because They Flirted With His Wife.

Texarkana, March 23.—Freight train No. 97, Iron Mountain, coming south, was held up at 5

a. m. today by a drunken section foreman named Fred Snellin at

Bowden. Snellin shot at Engineer Winn

and threatened to kill the brake- man if he flagged the tram for- ward. The train finally backed to Prescott and officers were

brought back, who arrested Snel- lin, Brakeman Hellem had Snel- nil tied when the officers arrived, having knocked him down with a Winchester. The holdup was

not for the purpose of robbery. Snellin was jealous because his

wife had waved at the trainmen. Snellin shot the windows out of the cab.


Some one started the report soon after the approval of the act that it would become effective March 23. This was accepted by all without apparent investiga- tion, and all the insurance com-

panies, acting on this theory, in- structed their agents to cease

writing business on March 22, the day before it was supposed the law became effective. It de- velops, however, upon a mo-

ment's calculation, that the act does not become effective until midnight of March 24, as it was

approved by Gov. Davis at 10 a.

m., January 23, to become effect- ive sixty days thereafter. The sixty days expire March 24, at midnight.


Hot Springs. March 23.— Rabbi Rhine, assisted by the detective department, today nipped a clev- er swindling scheme of parties who advertised in an eastern He- brew paper for contributions for relief of Jewish fire sufferers. The party who attempted the

fraud left the city. Another party was arrested, but was re-

leased, as there was no evidence against him.



Memphis. March 23.—N.Wein- berg, a merchant of Osceola, Ark., committed suicide in a lo-

cal billiard room last night bj drinking carbolic acid. He was

dead before the act of his swal- lowing the poison had been dis- covered. Weinberg left Osceola last Sunday, presumably for St. Louis. A wife and six childrer survive.



No. 72. Local Freiprht. 12:10 p. re

No. 2. 2:05 a. m.

No. 4. 10:40 .a m

No. 12. 9:02 p. m.

No. 6. 10:45 p. m.

No. 18. 11:14 p. m.

No. 20. 12:43 p. m


So. 73. Local Freiprht. 7:00 a. m.

No. 17. 4:00 a- m.

No. 6. 4 45 ®- m

No. 11. 6:45 a.m.

No. .. 4:55 P- ™.

No. 1. 10:45 P- m

No. 7.11:83 »• m.


Passenprer leaves. 7:05 a. m

Mixed 11:45 a. m.

PassenprerlArrives. 7:40 p. m.

Mixed 10:15 a. m.


Passenprer Arrives. 1:49 P- m

Passenprer Departs. 3:15 p. m.

Ixjcal Freiprht Departs. 6:30 a. m.

On Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday




I. D. Price for garden seed in bulk. 55btf

Sterling birth-month spoons at

Palace Jewelry store. 2d

W. E. Ferguson was in the

city from Augusta Friday. Henry Dunn, a genial and

popular young Tuckerman mer-

chant, was down on business Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete West of Palmyra, Mo., are expected to arrive in the city tonight to visit their cousin, Mrs. M. M. Stuckey.

The Wm. Morrison Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will give a spring enter- tainment for the benefit of for- eign missions Monday night, March 27, at 7:30 o’clock at the church. d3t

C. L. Richardson, wrho has been prospecting in Texas for the past ten days, spent Thurs- day in this city with his parents, Rev. T. F. Richardson and wife, and left Friday for his home at

Stanberry, Missouri. Wallace Byler was in town

Friday, after figuring in a sensa-

tional anti-trust case at Walnut Ridge Thursday, where he se-

cured an acquittal in the court of “Woody,” now a “J. P.,” but formerly night clerk at the Boas hotel. This tribunal declared the Logan act unconstitutional and the supreme and other courts are expected to fall in line on

this decision. On next Friday, March 31, the

ladies of the Methodist church will give their annual flower ba- zaar at the Hazel hotel, at which time they will have for saie all kinds of potted plants, rose

bushes, bulbs and running vines. They will also have a second ba- zaar Saturday before Easter,and will have at that time cut flow- ers and home made candy for -1-4- 4-U I O VV V. UV V11V kjv**i*w J/MWV-W. — —

Wanted—Capable men and women for census work and to act as representatives in this and adjoining territory for magazine

i and music business of old estab-

j lished house. Our catalogues list over 3,000 magazines and 5.000 selections of music at cut

prices. Salary $18 per week. ; Experience unnecessary, but

j good references required. Ad- 1

dress Sprague Wholesale Co., 270 Wabash ave., Chicago, III.

Wanted—Trustworthy man or

| woman to manage business in this county and adjoining terri- tory for well established house of solid financial standing. $20

| straight cash salary with all nec- j essary expenses paid weekly by | check from headquarters. Money


advanced for expenses. Position permanent; previous experience not essential. No investment

required. We furnish every-

thing. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Address, Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago, 111. 6

Former Senator James K. Jones, his old friends will be glad to know, is succeeding ad- mirably with his law practice at

Washington, D. C. He has offices in the big Colorado Building, on

Fourteenth and G streets, and

has as mudh business as he can

comfortably look after. His in- come from this source, he tells me, is much in excess of the sal- ary of a Senator, and he is tak-

ing life more easily than it is

possible for any man to do in the steady grind of politics. He is in perfect health and is laying his plans to spend his summer

vacation at Eureka Springs.— Batesville Guard.


Cuero, Tex., March 23.—Con- rad Schwartz, aged about 20, was

hanged here today for the mur-

der of Willian E. Earle, a tele- graph operator. Schwartz had robbed the railroad station where Earle was at work, at Yorktown, and on the refusal of the opera- ator to open the safe, Schwartz shot him twice. Before going to the scaffold Schwartz made a

second confession and professed religion. His aged father and mother were with him until the death chamber was reached.


This is What James P. Eubank

of This City Thinks of The

International Correspond- ence Schools of Scran-

ton, Pennsylvania.

Newport, March 22, 1905. To the Public:—I cheerfully rec-

ommend the text books and meth- ods of the International Corres- pondence Schools of Scranton, Pa. These schools make it easily within the reach of all who would seek to fit themselves for higher and better paying positions to do so and at small cost. I have been a student of this institution for more than a year and consid- er my text books and the infor- mation gained, worth ten times the price paid. Have met with difficulties in my work that with- out the knowledge thus gained, I could not have overcome.

Practical experience is good, but why spend a lifetime to learn what others have learned before you. Enroll in the I. C. S.

Jas. P. Eubank, Engineer Newport Grocer Co.


While the anti-trust law has forced most of the old-line stock Fire Insurance Companies to withdraw from the state, we still have facilities for taking care of any reasonable line of insurance offered us.

There are now ten old-line stock companies authorized to do business in the state, and we are

their representatives for New- M A A •• .J Ta m m T1 ll />

t auu v a^rvov/u wuuvj

indemnity offered by these com-

panies is absolutely reliable, and we will be glad to receive appli- cations for any class of insurable property, including farm houses and barns.

We do not represent mutual companies, and if we issue you a

policy you can rest assured that the company has a cash paid-in capital and a $200,000 bond to

pay losses with. Our office is now with Col. Mi-

nor on Walnut street. Phillips & Ferguson Agency.

Read the Daily and Weekly Independent.

JAMES L. JONES. Solicits your


Prompt and Careful Attention

To Your Business.

Ballew & Shuford Undertakers.

Office, 211 Walnut Street, Opposite Cook’s Hotel.


4?' -.-=AIND- = g- "




| And all users of axle grease 1

that want the best grease on the market and that recognize a good thing when shown its merits, we

recommend our Golden and Cas- tor Oil brands of Axle Grease. It is put up in 1 pound tin boxes and 3 pound tin buckets. For

| sale by all up-to-date merchants, i Ask for it and take no substitute, i It is guaranteed to have no equal ! for quality on the market.


Jack Jones The Crack Barber, keeps a neat and busy little shop. Upper end of Front street. Expert tonsorial- ists. Easy shaves and the best haircuts. Our work pleases.

i “Come on, ye stubby beards.” _


OFFICE-8 and 9

Wishon Building


J. W. Lindley, Pres. L. T. Slayden, V-Pres. E. V. Holt, Cashier \


We are open to the public for all business

which constitutes safe & reliable banking



Your Patronage is Solicited. Tuokerman, - i Arkansas


North Pacific Coast Very Low Rates in Effect

Daily March 1st to May 15th


TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE I Full details from your nearest Rock.

Island agent. w

GEO. H. LEE, JAS. HARRIS, 1 Gen. Pass. Agt. Dist. Pass. Agt. i




Gives special attention to

Crown and Bridge Work, And correction of Irregularities

of the Teeth. Office Watson Bldg. Phone, 63.

Newport, - Arkansas•


Weems Laundry. When you want good work. They make a

specialty of Dyeing and Cleaning Clothes. Let them show you how well they can please you. Leave orders with

T. P. Umsted & Co. Local Agents.

When Things Don’t Look Right, Objects dance before your eyes, the letters on your paper become blurred,

It May Be That You Need Glasses. Dr. A. J. Frank, the

expert optician, will exam-

ine your eyes free. If you need glasses he will fur- nish the right kind, prop- erly fitted and adjusted.

Dr. A. J. FRANK, Expert Optician.

Office, 306 E. Front street, up stairs, next Dr. A. Kellett.

Office Hours—10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m., except Sunday.

Call Central (3 rings) for Dr. A. J. Frank. If inconvenient tc

come, kindly let him know and he will call on you.


On acount of the salary bil the tax books will positively close April 10.

H. S. Simmons, 64btd Collector.


$30.00 ONLY $.$0.00 St. Louis to

California and the Northwest, via

Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route Through Pullman Sleeping Cars Daily.

Through Tourist Sleeping Cars daily via Missouri Pacific Railway. Tuesdays and Saturdays via Iron Mountain Route.

For full information address

J. H. GINET, Jr., Traveling Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo.


WINE^CARDUI Wine of Cardui is a mild medicine, but a

powerful tonic that is unrivaled in its success in the treatment of the diseases peculiar to women.

Over 1,500,000 suffering women have been cured of troubles that ordinarily are thought to

require the expensive treatment of specialists, simply by taking this great woman's tonic.

Wine of Cardui recommends itself to modest women of moderate means, because it can be taken in the privacy of the home without sub- mitting to a humiliating local examination and subsequent dangerous treatment.

It is not costly and every sufferer can afford it. If you are a victim of female weakness in any form

Wine of Cardui is the medicine that you should take and you cannot afford to lose any time in starting the treat* ment. Your trouble is ever growing worse—never better.

Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit even chronic j troubles of the most serious nature, and in nine out of i

ten cases it brings an absolute cure. 1,500,000 cured I women endorse Wine of Cardui. I

You should take Wine of Cardui. Ask your druggist for it today.


JOBPRINTING siSSSatj PRINTING ofiiices in Jackson county. vBring us youjL Printing and let us quote you our prices, i P