news in brief brown ban - library of congressnews in brief william p. amoss, of near fallston...

NEWS IN BRIEF William P. Amoss, of near Fallston station, Harford county, has sold his 92 acre farm to F. L. Lindemood, of Virginia, for $5400. The home of Eduard Brown, of Kennett Square, was burned to the ground last Saturday night. The fire was caused by a defective flue and the loss is about $2200, partly covered by insurance. After floating about in the water of the Christiana river at Wilmington the body of John Chestnut, aged nine years, rose to the surface last Satur- day afternoon and was found near Market stree bridge, by bridge-tender Murphy. A statue of the Sacred Heart, sur- mounting a monument placed in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Cumberland, was blessed by the Rev. Father E. J. Wun- der, pastor of St. Patrick’s Church. With the altar set for the commun- ion service which was to have been held last Sunday morning, thieves en- tered St. John’s Episcopal Church, at 18th and Market street. Wilmington, and stole the communion set, which was valued at S2OO and which was given to the church by Mr. Alexis duPont as a memorial to her husband. Charged with illegal gunning Pedro Marcus, of Havre de Grace, was re- cently fined by Justic Hamburger. Improvements to the M. E. Church at Bivalve costing about $4,000 have been started. Bronze tablets of distinguished sons of Delaware are being placed in the State Capitol. At the quarterly conference of Wes- ley M. E. Church, Wilmington, Rev. George A. Cook, the pastor, was in- vited to return for another year. On the ground of desertion Garvin S. Shaub, of Harford county, has en- tered suit for a divorce. An eight-car train was the first to pass over the new Cumberland Valley Railroad bridge across the Potomac at Powell’s Bend, James Spring, the 19 year old son of Coroner John Spring, of Wilming- ton, was hit in the eye by a stone from a slingshot Friday of last week and may lose the sight of the member. At midnight last Saturday three masked men attacked the motorman and conductor of a trolley of the Wil- mington and Philadelphia Traction Co, at the end of the Richardson Park road. They were thrown from the back of the car before any money nr other valuables were secured. When baby Buffers with croup, apply uni pive Dr. Thomas* Eclectic Oil at once. Sure for children. A little Koes a long way. 25c and DOe. At ail drug stores. advt* One case of smallpox is reported in Washington Co., L. Mayo, West Vir- ginia, who is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mary Wright, of Cavetown, hav. ing the disease. The gaps in the State road between Delmur and Berlin and between Snow- Hill and Pocomoke City, have been completed, and it is now possible to make the run in an automobile from Delmar to Princess Anne and Poco- moke City, Snow Hill. Berlin and back to Delmar byway of Parsons- burg and Pitlsville without getting off stone roads, a distance of 85 miles. Thieves entered a number of homes near Perryman, Harford county, Oct. SO. A silver watch and gold ring weic taken from the home of Henry Vogts; silver knives and forks were stolen from the residence of Mrs. Patty Mc- Donald. A gold ring is missing from Mrs. John Mitchell’s Home. Other residences entered were those of Fred V. Cornel, Charles Woods and the Misses Stockholm, but nothing oi value was taken. For regular action of the bowel*; easy natu- ral movement v, relief of constipation, try Doan’s Rogulets. 25c at all stores. advt* The Town Council of East New Market will issue s',ooo in bonds fov a water supply. The November term of Queen Anne’s County Court was in session at Cen- treville this week. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S OAST O R I A The Jarrettsville High School has arranged a special course for boys over Id years of age who can attend but a few months each year. Chemicals in the school room ex- ploding recently caused a fire that partly destroyed the public school building at Rock Hall. L. E. Everett has been appointed postmaster at Ernmorton, Harford county. A Juvenile Court has been organized at Bel Air with Judge Jlarlan presid- ing. Itching, bleeding:, protruding: or blind piles have yielded to Doan’s Ointment. 50c at all stores. advl* 'The residents of St .Georges, Del., are urging the Levy Court to build a stone road through the town. M. E. Culver, of the Laurel, Del., section, reports a yield of 28,000 bas- kets of sweet potatoes from 02 acres. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA Dr. Ryan Devereux, president of the Montgomery County School Board, has announced his intention to resign. Hagerstown was visited by a serious fire on Wednesday morning of last week, property being destroyed to the value of more than $300,000. The fire started in a garage, and 81 automo- biles valued at SIOO,OOO were destroy- ed. This is the second fire in Hagers- town within two weeks. Many hogs are dying of cholera in the vicinity of Beaver Creek an-1 Chewsville. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of All the dophtheria patients at Dela- ware City are reported improving and no new cases have been reported for several days. Impure blood runs you down Makes you an easy victim for disease. For pure blood and sound digestion Burdock Blood Bitters. At nil drug stores. Priced.oo. advt* Charles Barkdoll, a Smithsburg fruit grower, was recently seriously injured while helping to load, barrels of apples on a wagon. A barrel of apples weighing 150 pounds, rolled on him. Because the town of Blades in Sus- sex county, Del., is not incorporated, the citizens have asked Deputy State’s Attorney Frank M. Jones, of George- town, to assist them in stopping auto- mobiles who run through the town at a high rate of speed. ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous in Blkton Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of evidence of their worth. Michael Murphy, news-agent, War- ren st., Havre de Grace, Md., says;— ’’For a long time I suffered from kid- ney complaint. The secretions from my kidneys contained sediment and passed so frequently that 1 had to get up at night. Mornings I felt all tired out and my hack ached constantly. Nothing relieved me until I began us- ing Doan’s Kidney Pills. They did such good work that I continued tak- ing them until my kidneys were nor- mal and all the other symptoms of the trouble were removed. It is a pleas- ure to confirm the public statement I gave some years ago, recommending Doan’s Kidney Pills.” Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Murphy had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Hotel Strykei (Open Night and Day) Meals Served to Order LIVERY ATTACHED Pirst-Class Teams To All Points C. W. STRYKER, Prop. PFPRYVILLE, MD. II dec Mn PHONE is.A MEN OUR EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS WITH CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES should lead you.if afflicted, to hasten a, visit bore hid! secure tho best ml vice possible regarding your condition before It is too late. Ourspec- lulty includes all diseases a id complications of a chronic, wasting nature and special uil meets of men. We arc amply repaid in offering consultation und advice without charge be- cause wo can largely extend our practice by showing how thorough we are and now differ ently we handle such cases than many physicians. Our nm n y years f practice combined with a full knowledge ot l he most advanced methods employed by th** best authorities of the day. assisi ns in di lining symptoms pron ptly and t lie exact t rea* imnit to lie prescrlb d SOWN LUh KS arc what counts. 'I hat is what every sufferer earnestly desires. For t*at remon we a*k you to com*, f * us j*• d learn fr m our well’kept records what can be done. WE TREAT SUCCESSFULLY Rheumatism, Nervous Diseases, Kidney, Liver, Bladder and Urinarv Diseases, skin Diseases, Piles, Fistula, and all I octal tumbles without knife. Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Bio d oUon. Stru t urcand ail Special Diseases. Write for ft ei Booklet Consultation and advice free FRENCH-AMERICAN SPECIALISTS 408-410 E. BALTIMORE STREET BALTIMORE, MD. yf ’hen in Baltimore visit oar Fite Museum Dr, J.L Woodcock Eyesight Specialist 4 In the John Frazer Building, Elkton, Md., every TUES- DAY. North East, every WEDNESDAY. Kveryotie in Cecil county should phone or write and 1 will call and Examine heir Eyesight Fiee ot Cost. Get free circular about 30,000 eyes 1 nave helped. Forty years' experience will convince the most skeptical. Jam a graduate of Chicago Opthalmic Col- lege, class 189.. 1 own my own factory, 4938 Olive Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where 1 make my eyeglasses and spec- tacles. Competent workmen there at all times. 1 am there personally every •Saturday to examine eyesight. I man- ufacture and deal in the best specta- cles made an* 22 •(> in Notice to Execulors & Administrators Why embarrais your friend! by asking them to go on your bond and thus, pos- sibly, involve the title to their real es- tate, when a Surety Company will go on /our bond for a small sum and the cost if the same will be charged against the state which you are administering? Each and every kind of FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS Issued. MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY. Apply to JOSHUA CLAYTON, Attoruey-at-Law, mar 23-if ELKTON, MARYLAND ENTERPRISE MACHINE WORKS GEORGE MeQUILKIN, Proprietor Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Steam Heating, Steam Pumps, Pulleys and Gearing and General Machine Work HIGH AND BRIDGE STREETS Elkton, Maryland Long Distance Telephone 54 July H-l yr WPI. PEPPER CONSTABLE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 700-706 Maryland Trust BulLllng Baltimore, Md. ttTtN ELKTON, MD., ON TUESDAYS CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND ladies i Aik your Druggist for Cni-CHHR-TER’S A DIAMOND BRAND TILLS in Rhd and /j\ Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Bluei*#> Ribbon. Tacs so CTHEIt. Buy oF your V/ Druggist and ask foe OIII.CIIKS.TfUS V DIAMOND nitami rn.I.K, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TRXJtii EVERYWHERE ff—iciisnißii For Infants and Children. ii Mothers Know That § mm Genuine Castoria Iv'iii[ ;; -ALCOHOL 3 FEU m m JSSt&SSgt Always / . Bears the /T Promotes DigesitonClwifii X .|r g a > nessandßest'Contalnsneiiher r #l\ r \Jj 1*25 Opium.Morpliitie norMiocral 01 Mi Vi t fitio Not Narcotic. v it IT |aj 3 RciftofoMDrs.v'L’nmm. ; \AM ¦rlw l\mpka Seed- I If % •*"7 Mx.Smm * 1 IML * ’ate'* JhMhm- I Ml I ’<rt P ¦ AmscSttd* I _ % I (1 p|9 4sßh*. > \V 111 gajfc.. U VI las* T II c o H||l| Aperfert Remedy for Conslipa- #\l Al* UO U [tn£tc t lon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea I ¦ |F ;¦£,< Worms ,Covulsions.Fverish 1 lAT ¦¦ fe MesmoossoFs™ \ k for Over t| Facsimile Signature of ¦w ft Thirty Years HnjrtjS NEW YORK; J 1"" ¦ piaHnpACTnmit Guaranteed umlevtheKomUd ¦|¦¦ _% 111 || KVk Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY, CECIL WHIG. FLKTON, MARYLAND, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1914. Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1, 1914, to August I, 191 S, and guaranteed against any reduction during that lime: Touring Car. , . $490 Runabout . , 440 Town Car . . 690 F. O. B. Detroit, all cars fully equipped. (In the United States of America only.) Further, we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the mini- mum cost in our purchasing and sales departments if we can reach an output of 300,000 cars between the above dates. And should we reach this production, we agree to pay as the buyer’s share from S4O to soo per car (on or about August 1, 1915), to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing plan, see Warren W Boul- den, Elkton, Md. THE STOREHOUSE OF* PROFITABLE EDUCATION provide courses of study that are in keeping with the best approved modern methods of business. tach department is in charge of Kxptiienced Teachers, who are Experts in their particular line of work, and who are assisted by the highest qualified Teachers obtainable. Graduates are assisted to employment. For catalog and information, address W. H. BEACOM , President S. E. Cor. Court House Square WILMINGTON, DEL. jSI jRj jRi I WE BUY § | GRAIN .•. HAY | | WE SELL I I COAL LUMBER, | | FEED, | j| Anything You Ask For j| |C. A. BENJAMIN & Co.,| $ North East, Md.. and Leslie, Md, | V9 vs> n s LAUGH! IT’S THE CHEAPEST LUXURY MAN CAN ENJOY But in order to enjoy a good laugh ’W H and good health, you must have good If y°u have decayed, aching or un- even teet^l which embarrass you when you smile, come to our -office and we ¦ will make your teeth sound, even and ¦K V attractive at low cost and without Bk I Gas or Vitalized Air Administered n I Porcelain Bridgework U M This is without doubt the most beautiful and last- MM ing work known to Dental Science. Spaces where one or more teeth have been lost we replace to look so natural that defection is impossible Ask to see samples of this beautiful work. Gold Killings, SI.OO. Gold Crown and Bridge, |4 to $S pertoolh. Porcelain and Enamel, SI.OO and up. We guarantntee our teeth for years. Teeth $5.00, J8..00 and SIO.OO per set. American Dental Parlors, Mechanics’ Opera House, Elkton, Md. Open Mondays and Fridays of each- week Originators of Painless Method of Extracting Teeth Brown & Ban ley Real Estate Agents ELKTON, MO. We have clients who will purchase farms in this county from 59 to IH9 Acres. Parties desiring to sell should list their property with us, if they de- sire a quick sale at the best market price. mr2B-tf* THE Second National Bank OF ELKTON NO. 4162 We receive accounts of Corporations, Firms or individuals, and will be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. Interest paid on Certificates of De- posit remaining 6 months. Safe Deposit Drawers in Fire-prool Vault for rent at $2, $3 and $5 per year, as to size. Depositors living at a distance from the Bank can send remittances by mall safely, which will be promptly acknowl- edged by return mail. - Discount Day, Monday of each week. Inquiries will be promptly answered, and any information relative to business cheerfully given. WM. T. WARBURTON, President JAMES i. ARCHER, V.-President I. D. DAVIS, Cashier BOLGIANO’S The United States Agricultural Department places their Tug of Inspection and Ap- proval on every suck of SEED POTATOES Purchased l ,'ron •!. BOLGIANO & HON. IFRTIFICATF OF QUALITY. | his is to certify that I have had* rye of nil the Heed Potatoes grown K ./. Boh/i ano & Son, during this j wing season. I have been until ( in since April 15th; looked afterj selecting of their seed and the it a tiny of the same, have also hadx rge of the spraying during the S wing season. There was nothing ) tiled but the very best selected \ d, and nothing has been left nn- j ie to have them right. The crop J now being harvested, and the re-'\ Is of mg work arc most satis fac-S g. We are ha westing one of theft gest crops ever grown in Aruo*-n k County, Maine, and of the finest .s ility, free from any disease and'y e to name. 1 spent some time in) ishington, D. C., with the Horti-x Bard before coming here | 'ras of producing FIRST\ JSD have been carried. ont(< r for J. Bolgiano & Son .'j tiffnod) O. R. BTSBY, | Plant Pathologist , )H. Presi/ue Isle, Maine. WE WILL BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW FOB BOLGIANO’S PERFECT SEED POTATOES. SHIPMENT AT ANY TIME YOU UY, VARIETIES. Irish Cobblers Extra Early XX Euoliih Rose Norcross Ensign Ragle** (Sold Coin White Rose Snow Early Round Six Ilonlton Early Rose Weeks lied Bliss Early Long Six Trust Buster Weeks I'lucky Baltimore Henderson Bovee Gray’s Mortgage Sir Walter Raleigh Lifter Green Mountains Bolglano'a Pros- Rural New Yorker* perity White Elephant" Pride if the South Empire State Early (Hiloa Early Fortune White Bli ts State of Maine Thoroughbreds Early Harvest Crown Jewels Cannon No. 3 Early New Queens Burbank Seedling Early Northers Puritan or Polaris (Mark's No. 1 Dakota Rose Beauty of Hebron American Giants yj.aiding’* No. 1 Dew Drops UGLGIANO’S ADVANCE 1015 PRICE LIST NOW HEADY. Pm- /aimers, Market Gardeners nn<l Tm-ke Write for your copy at oner- Later prices will be much higher. If youi Local Merchant cannot supply you witl Bolgiano s Perfect Seed Potatoes—writ* ns direct and we will toll you where yoi ;ai secure them. /. Bolgiano (& Son ’nioot 100 Years Eatabl/ *hed Tra J- BAL77MWR MD. HhaWam A toilet preparation of uieriL Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 50c. and $ I.CO at A. C. JACKSON Perry ville, Md. GOOD WILL Is an asset of inestimable value. I highly prize the good will of my cus- tomers, so substantially manifested in the splendid business they are giving me. In return, I honestly endeavor to give them values of unmatchable qual- ity. Price for price and grade for grade. Quality is the foundation stone upon which true Success should rest. THAT IS MY MOTTO. Jackson s Department Store A. C. JACKSON, Prop PERRY VILLE, MD. 3

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Page 1: NEWS IN BRIEF Brown Ban - Library of CongressNEWS IN BRIEF William P. Amoss, of near Fallston station, Harford county, has sold his 92 acre farm to F. L. Lindemood, of Virginia, for

NEWS IN BRIEFWilliam P. Amoss, of near Fallston

station, Harford county, has sold his92 acre farm to F. L. Lindemood, ofVirginia, for $5400.

The home of Eduard Brown, ofKennett Square, was burned to theground last Saturday night. The firewas caused by a defective flue and theloss is about $2200, partly covered byinsurance.

After floating about in the waterof the Christiana river at Wilmingtonthe body of John Chestnut, aged nineyears, rose to the surface last Satur-day afternoon and was found nearMarket stree bridge, by bridge-tenderMurphy.

A statue of the Sacred Heart, sur-mounting a monument placed in St.Patrick’s Cemetery, Cumberland, wasblessed by the Rev. Father E. J. Wun-der, pastor of St. Patrick’s Church.

With the altar set for the commun-ion service which was to have beenheld last Sunday morning, thieves en-tered St. John’s Episcopal Church, at18th and Market street. Wilmington,and stole the communion set, whichwas valued at S2OO and which wasgiven to the church by Mr. AlexisduPont as a memorial to her husband.

Charged with illegal gunning PedroMarcus, of Havre de Grace, was re-cently fined by Justic Hamburger.

Improvements to the M. E. Churchat Bivalve costing about $4,000 havebeen started.

Bronze tablets of distinguished sonsof Delaware are being placed in theState Capitol.

At the quarterly conference of Wes-ley M. E. Church, Wilmington, Rev.George A. Cook, the pastor, was in-vited to return for another year.

On the ground of desertion GarvinS. Shaub, of Harford county, has en-tered suit for a divorce.

An eight-car train was the first topass over the new Cumberland ValleyRailroad bridge across the Potomac atPowell’s Bend,

James Spring, the 19 year old sonof Coroner John Spring, of Wilming-ton, was hit in the eye by a stone froma slingshot Friday of last week andmay lose the sight of the member.

At midnight last Saturday threemasked men attacked the motormanand conductor of a trolley of the Wil-mington and Philadelphia Traction Co,

at the end of the Richardson Parkroad. They were thrown from theback of the car before any money nrother valuables were secured.

When baby Buffers with croup, apply uni

pive Dr. Thomas* Eclectic Oil at once. Surefor children. A little Koes a long way. 25c and

DOe. At ail drug stores. advt*

One case of smallpox is reported inWashington Co., L. Mayo, West Vir-ginia, who is visiting his daughter,Mrs. Mary Wright, of Cavetown, the disease.

The gaps in the State road betweenDelmur and Berlin and between Snow-Hill and Pocomoke City, have beencompleted, and it is now possible tomake the run in an automobile fromDelmar to Princess Anne and Poco-moke City, Snow Hill. Berlin andback to Delmar byway of Parsons-burg and Pitlsville without getting offstone roads, a distance of 85 miles.

Thieves entered a number of homesnear Perryman, Harford county, Oct.SO. A silver watch and gold ring weic

taken from the home of Henry Vogts;silver knives and forks were stolenfrom the residence of Mrs. Patty Mc-Donald. A gold ring is missing fromMrs. John Mitchell’s Home. Otherresidences entered were those of FredV. Cornel, Charles Woods and theMisses Stockholm, but nothing oivalue was taken.

For regular action of the bowel*; easy natu-

ral movement v, relief of constipation, try

Doan’s Rogulets. 25c at all stores. advt*

The Town Council of East NewMarket will issue s',ooo in bonds fova water supply.

The November term of Queen Anne’sCounty Court was in session at Cen-treville this week.

Children Cry

FOR FLETCHER SOAST O R I AThe Jarrettsville High School has

arranged a special course for boysover Id years of age who can attendbut a few months each year.

Chemicals in the school room ex-ploding recently caused a fire thatpartly destroyed the public schoolbuilding at Rock Hall.

L. E. Everett has been appointedpostmaster at Ernmorton, Harfordcounty.

A Juvenile Court has been organizedat Bel Air with Judge Jlarlan presid-ing.

Itching, bleeding:, protruding: or blind piles

have yielded to Doan’s Ointment. 50c at allstores. advl*

'The residents of St .Georges, Del.,are urging the Levy Court to build astone road through the town.

M. E. Culver, of the Laurel, Del.,section, reports a yield of 28,000 bas-kets of sweet potatoes from 02 acres.

Children Cry

FOR FLETCHER’SCASTORIADr. Ryan Devereux, president of the

Montgomery County School Board,has announced his intention to resign.

Hagerstown was visited by a seriousfire on Wednesday morning of lastweek, property being destroyed to thevalue of more than $300,000. The firestarted in a garage, and 81 automo-biles valued at SIOO,OOO were destroy-ed. This is the second fire in Hagers-town within two weeks.

Many hogs are dying of cholera inthe vicinity of Beaver Creek an-1Chewsville.

CASTORIAFor Infants and Children

In Use For Over 30 Years

Signature of

All the dophtheria patients at Dela-

ware City are reported improving andno new cases have been reported forseveral days.

Impure blood runs you down Makes you aneasy victim for disease. For pure blood andsound digestion Burdock Blood Bitters. At nildrug stores. Priced.oo. advt*

Charles Barkdoll, a Smithsburgfruit grower, was recently seriouslyinjured while helping to load, barrelsof apples on a wagon. A barrel ofapples weighing 150 pounds, rolled onhim.

Because the town of Blades in Sus-sex county, Del., is not incorporated,the citizens have asked Deputy State’sAttorney Frank M. Jones, of George-town, to assist them in stopping auto-mobiles who run through the town ata high rate of speed.

ACT QUICKLYDelay Has Been Dangerous in Blkton

Do the right thing at the right time.Act quickly in time of danger.In time of kidney danger Doan's

Kidney Pills are most effective.Plenty of evidence of their worth.Michael Murphy, news-agent, War-

ren st., Havre de Grace, Md., says;—’’For a long time I suffered from kid-ney complaint. The secretions frommy kidneys contained sediment andpassed so frequently that 1 had to getup at night. Mornings I felt all tiredout and my hack ached constantly.Nothing relieved me until I began us-ing Doan’s Kidney Pills. They didsuch good work that I continued tak-ing them until my kidneys were nor-mal and all the other symptoms of thetrouble were removed. It is a pleas-ure to confirm the public statement Igave some years ago, recommendingDoan’s Kidney Pills.”

Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’tsimply ask for a kidney remedy—getDoan’s Kidney Pills—the same thatMr. Murphy had. Foster-Milburn Co.,Props., Buffalo, N. Y.

Hotel Strykei(Open Night and Day)

Meals Served to Order

LIVERY ATTACHEDPirst-Class TeamsTo All Points


II dec Mn PHONE is.A


CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASESshould lead you.if afflicted, to hasten a, visitborehid! secure tho best ml vice possible regardingyour condition before It is too late. Ourspec-lulty includes all diseases a id complicationsof a chronic, wasting nature and special uilmeets of men. We arc amply repaid in offeringconsultation und advice without charge be-cause wo can largely extend our practice byshowing how thorough we are and now differently we handle such cases than manyphysicians.

Our nm n y years f practice combined witha fullknowledge ot l he most advanced methodsemployed by th** best authorities of the day.assisi ns in di lining symptoms pron ptly andt lie exact t rea* imnit to lie prescrlb d • SOWNLUh KS arc what counts. 'I hat is what everysufferer earnestly desires. For t*at remon wea*k you to com*, f * us j*• d learn fr m ourwell’kept records what can be done.

WE TREAT SUCCESSFULLYRheumatism, Nervous Diseases, Kidney, Liver,Bladder and Urinarv Diseases, skin Diseases,

Piles, Fistula, and all I octaltumbles without knife. Varicocele, NervousDebility, Bio d • oUon. Stru t urcand ail SpecialDiseases. Write forft ei Booklet

Consultation and advice free


BALTIMORE, MD.yf ’hen in Baltimore visit oar Fite Museum

Dr, J.L WoodcockEyesightSpecialist 4

In the John Frazer Building,Elkton, Md., every TUES-DAY. North East, everyWEDNESDAY.

Kveryotie in Cecil county should phoneor write and 1 will call and Examine• heir Eyesight Fiee ot Cost.

Get free circular about 30,000 eyes 1nave helped. Forty years' experiencewill convince the most skeptical. Jama graduate of Chicago Opthalmic Col-lege, class 189.. 1 own my own factory,4938 Olive Street, Philadelphia, Pa.,where 1 make my eyeglasses and spec-tacles. Competent workmen there atall times. 1 am there personally every•Saturday to examine eyesight. I man-ufacture and deal in the best specta-cles made

an* 22 •(> in

Notice to Execulors & AdministratorsWhy embarrais your friend! by asking

them to go on your bond and thus, pos-

sibly, involve the title to their real es-

tate, when a Surety Company will go on

/our bond for a small sum and the cost

if the same will be charged against the

state which you are administering?

Each and every kind of FIDELITY AND



JOSHUA CLAYTON,Attoruey-at-Law,




Engines, Boilers, Shafting, SteamHeating, Steam Pumps, Pulleysand Gearing and General MachineWork


Elkton, MarylandLong Distance Telephone 54

July H-l yr


700-706 Maryland Trust BulLllng

Baltimore, Md.



ladies iAik your Druggist for Cni-CHHR-TER’S ADIAMOND BRAND TILLS in Rhd and /j\Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Bluei*#>Ribbon. Tacs so CTHEIt. Buy oF your V/Druggist and ask foe OIII.CIIKS.TfUS VDIAMOND nitami rn.I.K, for twenty-fiveyears regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable.


ff—iciisnißiiFor Infants and Children.

ii Mothers Know That§ mm Genuine CastoriaIv'iii[ ;; -ALCOHOL 3 FEU mm JSSt&SSgt Always / .

Bears the /TPromotes DigesitonClwifii X .|r

g a > nessandßest'Contalnsneiiher r #l\ r\Jj1*25 Opium.Morpliitie norMiocral 01 Mi Vi tfitio Not Narcotic.

vit IT|aj 3 RciftofoMDrs.v'L’nmm. ; \AM

¦rlw l\mpka Seed- I If %•*"7 Mx.Smm * 1 IML *

’ate'* JhMhm- I Ml I’<rtP ¦ AmscSttd* I _ % I (1

p|9 4sßh*. > \V 111gajfc.. U VI „las* T IIc oH||l| Aperfert Remedy for Conslipa- #\l Al* UO U

[tn£tc t lon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea I ¦ |F;¦£,< Worms ,Covulsions.Fverish 1 lAT ¦¦

fe MesmoossoFs™ \ k for Overt| Facsimile Signature of ¦w • •

ft Thirty YearsHnjrtjS NEW YORK; J 1""

¦ piaHnpACTnmitGuaranteed umlevtheKomUd ¦|¦¦ _% 111 || KVk



Buyers to Share in ProfitsLower Prices on Ford Cars

Effective from August 1, 1914, to August I, 191S,and guaranteed against any reduction during thatlime:

Touring Car. , . $490Runabout . , 440Town Car . . 690

F. O. B. Detroit, all cars fullyequipped.(In the United States of America only.)

Further, we will be able to obtain the maximumefficiency in our factory production, and the mini-mum cost in our purchasing and sales departmentsif we can reach an output of 300,000 cars betweenthe above dates.And should we reach this production, we agree topay as the buyer’s share from S4O to soo per car (onor about August 1, 1915), to every retail buyer whopurchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914,and August 1, 1915.For further particulars regarding these low pricesand profit-sharing plan, see Warren W Boul-den, Elkton, Md.



provide courses of study that are in keeping with the best approvedmodern methods of business.

tach department is in charge of Kxptiienced Teachers, whoare Experts in their particular line of work, and who are assisted bythe highest qualified Teachers obtainable.

Graduates are assisted to employment.For catalog and information, address

W. H. BEACOM , PresidentS. E. Cor. Court House Square



I WE BUY §| GRAIN .•. HAY || WE SELL II COAL LUMBER, || FEED, |j| Anything You Ask For j|

|C. A. BENJAMIN & Co.,|$ North East, Md.. and Leslie, Md, |

V9 vs> n s


But in order to enjoy a good laugh’W H and good health, you must have good

Ify°u have decayed, aching or un-even teet^l which embarrass you whenyou smile, come to our -office and we

™ ¦ will make your teeth sound, even and¦K V attractive at low cost and without

Bk I Gas or Vitalized Air Administered

n I Porcelain BridgeworkU M This is without doubt the most beautiful and last-MM ing work known to Dental Science. Spaces where

one or more teeth have been lost we replace to lookso natural that defection is impossible Ask to see samples of this beautiful work.

Gold Killings, SI.OO. Gold Crown and Bridge, |4 to $S pertoolh. Porcelainand Enamel, SI.OO and up. We guarantntee our teeth for years. Teeth $5.00,J8..00 and SIO.OO per set.

American Dental Parlors,Mechanics’ Opera House, Elkton, Md.

Open Mondays and Fridays of each- weekOriginators of Painless Method of Extracting Teeth

Brown & Ban leyReal Estate Agents


We have clients who will purchasefarms in this county from 59 to IH9Acres. Parties desiring to sell shouldlist their property with us, if they de-sire a quick sale at the best marketprice. mr2B-tf*


Second National BankOF ELKTON

NO. 4162

We receive accounts of Corporations,Firms or individuals, and will be pleasedto meet or correspond with those whocontemplate making changes or openingnew accounts.

Interest paid on Certificates of De-posit remaining 6 months.

Safe Deposit Drawers in Fire-proolVault for rent at $2, $3 and $5 per year,as to size.

Depositors living at a distance fromthe Bank can send remittances by mallsafely, which will be promptly acknowl-edged by return mail.- Discount Day, Monday of each week.

Inquiries will be promptly answered,and any information relative to businesscheerfully given.

WM. T. WARBURTON, PresidentJAMES i. ARCHER, V.-PresidentI. D. DAVIS, Cashier


The United States Agricultural Departmentplaces their Tug of Inspection and Ap-proval on every suck of SEED POTATOESPurchased l,'ron •!. BOLGIANO & HON.


his is to certify that I have had*rye of nil the Heed Potatoes grown K

./. Boh/iano & Son, during this j

wing season. I have been until (

in since April 15th; looked afterjselecting of their seed and the it

a tiny of the same, have also hadxrge of the spraying during the Swing season. There was nothing )

tiled but the very best selected \

d, and nothing has been left nn- j

ie to have them right. The crop Jnow being harvested, and the re-'\Is of mg work arc most satis fac-Sg. We are ha westing one of theftgest crops ever grown in Aruo*-nk County, Maine, and of the finest .sility, free from any disease and'y

e to name. 1 spent some time in)

ishington, D. C., with the Horti-x

Bardbefore coming here |

'ras of producing FIRST\JSD have been carried. ont(<

r for J. Bolgiano & Son .'jtiffnod) O. R. BTSBY, |

Plant Pathologist ,

)H. Presi/ue Isle, Maine.




Irish Cobblers Extra Early XXEuoliih RoseNorcross Ensign Ragle**(Sold Coin White RoseSnow Early Round SixIlonlton Early Rose Weekslied Bliss Early Long SixTrust Buster WeeksI'lucky Baltimore Henderson BoveeGray’s Mortgage Sir Walter Raleigh

Lifter Green MountainsBolglano'a Pros- Rural New Yorker*

perity White Elephant"Pride if the South Empire StateEarly (Hiloa Early FortuneWhite Bli ts State of MaineThoroughbreds Early Harvest

Crown Jewels Cannon No. 3Early New Queens Burbank SeedlingEarly Northers Puritan or Polaris(Mark's No. 1 Dakota RoseBeauty of Hebron American Giantsyj.aiding’* No. 1 Dew Drops


Pm- /aimers, Market Gardeners nn<lTm-ke Write for your copy at oner-Later prices will be much higher. If youiLocal Merchant cannot supply you witlBolgiano s Perfect Seed Potatoes—writ*ns direct and we will toll you where yoi;ai secure them.

/. Bolgiano (& Son’nioot 100 Years Eatabl/ *hed Tra J-


HhaWamA toilet preparation of uieriLHelps to eradicate dandruff.For Restoring Color and

Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair.50c. and $ I.CO at

A. C. JACKSONPerry ville, Md.

GOOD WILLIs an asset of inestimable value. I

highly prize the good will of my cus-tomers, so substantially manifested inthe splendid business they are givingme.

In return, I honestly endeavor togive them values of unmatchable qual-ity. Price for price and grade forgrade.Quality is the foundation stone uponwhich true Success should rest.


Jackson s Department StoreA. C. JACKSON, Prop