news of madrid, lisbon waddington and...

PAGE BIGHT !*--^ •••'-•'V'*v •»••'. ^ ' Y - . - 1 ^-'^-"* & '"s'lj N ,',, ^ t e t f ^ * ? vr,----'.'r'-'-.-'/i..,^'. v-i-V-^- \ Jil USDAY, JANUARY 7, 1W6 attfc asafc * NEWS OF MADRID, LISBON WADDINGTON and VICINITY OHIPMAN Chipman, Jan. 4.—The students] A- and teachers who were home for iri'« the holidays have returned to their) work. Maxwoil Hobklrk of the Western Electric, New York city,. , WaddlDgto Jim 4 _ Prof . and was here from Thursday morning I ^ ft Wilson have returned to their until Sunday morning. Miss Fran-j Hbnie {n Brooklyn .after ten days* oes lCUiott returned to her teach- J Students-Teachers MADHID SPRINGS Mtult id Sn: -iiK.s, Jan. f> Mr. and Mr;*. John McLaughlin i»nd sister, . (,Vlia }»!nl Anna Donnelly werr gim<*t;. Weifni mlny evening tit the hoime. -Mr. and M It their pue'»tH :it N<vwi»od.*--*Mr. and Mrs. Uix'k (Vro and dauahter Cella and biolber. Ab'x Here gueHts of Mr. and Mis. Angelo Vluch and family at OgdetiHhurg New Year's day. Mrs. Frank O'Brien resumed her dutlot* as teacher Monday after holiday vacation -<Mr. and Mrs. Iloy Bradley entertained at New Year's dinner their parents, (Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradley and cotta Inn Mr. and Mrs. Judnou Peacock of, Ogdensmirg—The silver gray ball held at the town hall last Fri- day night was not very largely at- tended only 55 couples* were prea- ent. A guod social time wa* re- ported by thane who attended.— Miss l>arl -Morgan spent Saturday afternoon In Norwood en route to Mt. Vernon <<> remtme her duties a« teacher after upending the holi- days at her home here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rid Morgan and family He** W Haney of Chicago wse a Nww Year's guest of his grandmother. MTs. M. Hea- ael grave at the home of hi« aunt and uftole Mr and 'Mrs Oharlea Henry -Mr. and iMra. Arthur Fierce and Mr IWM! Mrs. Mllvln Ooons had a family reunion New Year's day entertaining the rela- tive* of both fainlHe*.- -M«*. Brn- eet darter and win Harold were New Year's «1 Inner guewt* of her daughter. Mr* I, J, Price and fam- ily at NorwtHHl fcdith Burckley haB Iwen amdstlng with the house work at tlie l«ong borne on account of ffickftetm in their family. Or. Ihinlap IK attending physician. •Oharlen Veil eh accompanied Itobh 'Haney t<» ('anion Saturday evening where he t<*»k the train for Ohiou go aft or HjMMultn", H week with re- latives and fi trtwU* l|ere and at Oanton. He expect* to resunu» his dutieu Monday UH driver for the- Yellow Cab O'V wh»1re he hws been employed for th«> piiHt IS months Harold Cartel went to Malone Tuesday to be^ln work lot the Wofilt'in Union Telegraph Co. Mrs Frank Ollrieii has been ill during tho im»t week with la grip pe hut 1H hotter at this writing Mrs Lillian Hcs^elgrave entertain ed Mm. Laura Paitch and cousin 'Mrs I Amelia Cady ItiiHt Wednesday afternoon .ind evening. «MIRS Pearl I Morgan upent Wednesday in OK } densburg -celling on friends and ac- qualntanooH Miss NJ&bel Murphy returned to Pyrlten Batwday night after spending holidajre at the t>i>m mercial taouee. Mi<w» Gertrude Coakley returned to' 1 New Jersey after spending her holiday vaca- tion with relatives here and at ('.anion. »Mr ami Mrn. John Robinson ttpctit Sunday with hex sister* tho Mine**** Hnttle and Mar- garet ifcMuiH 'Little <j4-rald Haney was quite elek but IK Home better at this writing »Mr. find Mrs. Mc- Allister spent Sunday with friends at (thanvplain. Friends of Mrs. James A-itiohtson ate glad to know she has sufficiently recovered from her recent operation to be able to leave t<he hOHpltal during tho paat week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller returned to their InVme 1n Watertown la«t Thursday after epeiKling tho holiday** with rela tivee hert^ and at lN>fe;dam -Hneak thieved e«tered the hen housw of Frank HookKtead Btrnday night and stole atn>ut .15 or 40 bens. Con- siderable work of this kind Is b«»- Ing dojw In tlile vicinity and it is hop**d they may be caiught. Truth and Tommy The youthful Itiomgs liad be«»n subje<-t«l to a etrong leoture on the evllH of tolling -untruths and strangely enough he had far once taken It to ttoant But unfortunate* ly It hftri a drawllc re<hilt ThonMM, with his mother, had been paying a rlalt to a neighbor, and at the conclusion of the livening the lady of <tlie h<MiH4> liad held out her a'^iw to the little ln>y and cooed: "IVMi't ytnv want to klee me, Tonimyr* "No, I don't," eald T^nvny, eteo- pl ng baok. "IKWI'4 ytm like me. <|aai ?" catne th seoet»di query "No." afisrw^^red the hoy quickly: "you're ugly very ugly." "Thorn**." moaived the boy's mother "Aren't you aabajmeil?" "Hang It all'" said lino practical Tommy. "1 got a lecture for not teling the truth yesterday and I ain't Rota* «o run any r#ks today." COLLECTOR,8 NOTICE. Having n^colTwl the tax roll and warrant for the same for the town of Madrid, I shall receive taiea at tny atort^ C<»r the next 3 4ay» *t 1 per oemt. Hated IXM> 26. 1925. A II. WUOAIIS, OoMeotor. ANNUAL MEETING Tlv» annual •meeting of the etock- holdera rd Uie Orifftth patry Pro- ducts <V*porat1on for the election of I' 1 dircotoi-R for the ensuing year, ami for the trantmctlon of such trfher hutdni^as aa may pro- p«^riy com^ t>efore the meeting will b> held at the offloe of the corporation Iti the village of "Mad- rid. New York, on the 9th day of January 1926, at 2 o'okxsk in the afternoon. W H. OaiFFlTH, PreMdent. Thieves Stole 100 Chickens At Lisbon Iilslwn, Jan. 5. —Mrs. Sarah Gray of Heuvelton is visiting Mise Nt>4- i-NHi Madlll. —Miss Mattie Wallace of Ogdensburg was a visitor at the Ptocklnm home one day last weeki - Mrs iMayne and son, Lowell of Pot-sdam spent the holiday vaca- tion with Mrs-. Mayne's daughh- ler Mrs. Warren Gray and son, Aithur Mayne.—^Miss Inez iMartin returned last wee kto Oyster Bay and Miss Mary to her school work at the Potsdam Normal after spend ing a couple of weeks here with their parents, Mr .and MTB. How- ard Martin.--(Miss Ruth Logan of Madrid spent one day last week with Mrs. Watt and Mrs. Kelly — Basil Hay returned home from Sar- anac. I^ake Monday where he spent a few days with his brother and wife 'Mr and Mrs. John Ray.— Mr. and Mrs. George Newcomb ami Miss, Francis of Depeyster spent one day last week with Mrs. Mary Newcomb. --Rdleon Skuce of Syra- cuse is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.—George Long has returned to Ohio after the holidays spent with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Long,—Mr. and Mrs. <\ H. Wright returned home Thursday evening from Shipping- bu;rg. Pa., where they spent a week with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hale.—Miss Jan- et Weatherhead of Utlca visited her sister Mrs. Creswell Taggart last week. Miss Inez Mlddleton returned to Sidney Monday morn- ing after the holiday season which she spent with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Mlddleton Jr,—Mrs. Aus tin Scott visited Mrs. Oscar Back- us of H< uvelton Friday and Sat- urday. Mrs. Caroline Moore spent Sat unlay p. m. with her niece, Mrs. Herman Cast Ionian of Norwood.- Win field Watt of Ogdensburg spent Sabath with his cousin Ham- ilton Watt Gcruldine ami June Martin returned to their home In Watertown Sabbath after spending a week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Martin.--tMra Vonila lleponsial returned to her school dutic-s at Saranac l^ake on Saturday afternoon and Miss Em- ma Stocking returned to Oumont N. J Saturday evening after spend ing the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stocking — The sudden death of Mr. Robert Paul occurred at the home of Mr. George St rat ton on Friday evening Jan. 1st. He had been in his usual health and had been to the village on Friday p. m. He retired to bed real early saying he did not care for any supper. Some one of the St rat ton family went to his room later and found he had passed away. The funeral services wore held on Sabbath at 1 o'clock, ser- vices being conducted by Hev.G. W. Taft. Interment was made at Mdwardsville. - -Miss Pauline War riner returned to her school work near New York Saturday. iHev. and !Mrs C. H. Hill are receiving congratulations over the birth of a baby girl born Sabbath night. •Mrs. Ulman Thompson of Flack- ville Is tho attending nurse. Dr. L. F. Cleland was the physician. Miss Hachael Handy returned Sab- hath evening to Briar Hill to re- sume her school duties after spend Ing the holidays witth her mother, Mrs. Mary Dandy.-—Dr. O. P. Cole- man of Madrid is here this week doing dentist work.—Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kink atended the funeral of Mai lory Baker at Gregorys Cor- ners Saturday p. m. -On last Thursday night theives visited the farm of Andrew Murdie and stole moro than one hundred hens and chickens cutting off their their heads before leaving. They were frightened away by a neighbor who was passing and was followed to Otgdousburg where they loet all track of them. LISBON Lisbon, Jan. 4.— A Happy and Prosperous Year to the editor and all the readers of the Advance.— MIHS Bessie Conner, who is teach- ing out near Utlca, spent her va- cation with her parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Lucius Conner.—Mr. and Mrs. Hilly Thompson and family were guesU New Year's of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bloomer.—Mr. and Mrs. Spafford Smithers left last Wednesday for Deland, N. H., to spend a couple of weeks with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William McNally. —John Brander had a new radio installed at their home the past week.-—W. J. Gray is spending a few days in Hammond with his daughter, Mrs. El. D. Craig. Mrs. M. J. Brown Is also a guest of the Craigs.—Sydney Merrlfleld is the new foreman on the Aldrich farm. Mrs. Jane Aidrlch Is spending a few weeks in Ogdensburg with her son George and family.—Paul Roy returned this morning to Houghton where he is attending school.—The community was shocked when the report came that Robert Paul had very suddenly passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Strat- ton, New Year's. The funeral was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stratton Sabbath day, his pastor, Rev. G. W. Taft, officiating; inter- ment at Pine* Hill cemetery.—David Roy has his wood sawed and Jake Lyman will have the sawyers to- morrow.—Mr. and Mrs. Austin} Scott spent Sabbath at Heuvelton with his sister, Mrs. Villa Backus, and family.—Mr. and Mrs. David •Perkins entertained New Year's eve Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Akin, Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Akin and family and Mr. and Mrs.' Lee Akin and family. A 6 o'clock dinner was served.—Mrs. Jennie Smith aUd son Dale are spending a few days with her father, Celius Thompson.—Har- old Bowman of Dekalb spent the past week with his uncle, Rodney Geary, and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Brander spent Sabbath with Iter father, Thomas Jamison.—Mary Harper and Mabel Bloodough were callers at Heuvelton New Year's day. iug at Bellemore, L. i„ Misses Mary Veltch and Mildrod Fisher to Potsdam Normal, Miss Nora FUh- er to Norfolk, Oonn., Miss Eth«l and Miss Ruth Fife to Oouverneur high school, Miss Irene Rutherford ; to Kendall, N. Y., Gilmore Kisuor to Highland Falls, N. Y., Miss Kiln Crasper entertained Saturday evening Dec. 6th* mt whi«t and m n « * , bridge those present were Mr. gnd IVl XriHWIIft!.Mrs. Fred Rutherford, Mr. and 1V OM1UVI9 j Mra A u Y m tf orMr , Mr . an* Mrs. Byrdn 'Rutherford, Mrs. Geo, R. Wright, Mlsaea Louise Shaver, Mary and Bessie Wright, Mrs. By- ron Rutherford and A. L. Van I lor ne won the prl;:u# for bridge visit with Mrs. F. G. Taylor.—Mrs. I lUl( j Mrg< Goo R Wright and Fred James Rlcalton is visiting her daughter* in Maplewood, N. J.— r. Rutherford won the whist priz CH. Refreshments were served Rev. and Mrs. Allan KlrkneH? are' am j an enjoyable evening was re- visiting In Montreal.—Mrs. John ported.—Mrs. Jas. O. Short, Mrs. R Wright of Syracuse spent last Howard Short and children, Mr. veek with her mother, Mrs. Geo., ail( | Mrs. William F. Short and son C. Wilson, who returned to Syra-! Lowell, were New Year's guests of S , ./ 1, f ni Sr ,,a MS" 8 ; 'n * M T c! ia « K e t o »I>end T the remainder of the | M r. and Mrs. Fred Short of Pioas- .Flfe to New Rochelle, N. Y She . wluteP .-Prof. and Mrs. Edward.ant Valley.-Miss Belle Rutherford was accompanied as far as Gouver-i Q ..,„„* „»'o..b.«» u •*.»•**«•. «.«««• - 1 _-«... '. *#««»_ »UWMHM«U Sweet of Sacketts Harbor spent a S?r- r I 6 ir l a h n r ;H Mr8, JumW , S ^w days last Week with Dr. and lift ^L,Xl d !?S e I™*? Mrs. P. A. Sweet, also l>rof. John with her daughter, Mrs. B. F. | w amdxAt rtf n Q a « 0 i„ M w*u a woa 0HA8E MILLS Chase Mills, Jan. 4—The holi- days are over and, all are settled to their daily vocation. On New Years day a robin and hen-hawk both were seen here in thie place and I hope the weather will be fav- orable for their comfort the re- mainder of the winter,—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wiggins, and children Ehrelyn Elton and Isabella were guests of Mr. Wiggins' mother last Sunday.—Mrs. Roy Empey of Madrid was a guest of her mother Mrs. Maloney laat week.—Mr. Henry Castle is spending some time with his sister, Mrs. F. P. Fo- bare and family.—W. J. Murphy has a new Friedlsman radio.—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Doyle of Wad- dington were callers at A. G. Doyle (fliristmas day.—Mr. and Mre. Lloyd Wiggins entertained Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dawley and children New Years at a six o'clock dinner. •Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Watson enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ballon and son Kenneth New Years for supper.—Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mallen entertained Mrs. Elizabeth Ballon Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Ballon, daugh- ter, Betty, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bal- lon and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tuttle New Years eve at a six o'clock dinner. --Elsworth Phlfer returned to Syracuse Thursday after a week spent with his parents.—Mr. and Mr.s F. P. Fobare were in Ogdens- bain Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Castle.—Mr. and Mrs. c. O. Romboug were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Hartiman at JVlad- lid Wednesday and attended the quarterly conference at M. E. church. -Lloyd Wiggins was a business caller In Potsdam Tues- day and Mrs. Wlgins was In Mad- rid. <Mrs. Ida Forbes of Canton had the misfortune of falling and hurting herself quite badly, her nephew Maurice Lalone went to Canton Saturday and brought Mrs. Forbes back home with him to spend a few weeks until she is improved.—Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bal- lon spent Sunday evening at the home of her parents, Mr.and Mrs, A E. Fisher. Thomas Mc. Bain is ill at this writing.—There are several from here having hard colds. -Mrs. C. W. Cooper has re- turned from a weeks visit with h«M- sister, Mrs. C. O. Scott in Og- densburg.—Kenneth Watson of Raymondville spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Watson. 'Miss Mabel Martin of New York has returned to her school this last week.—Our school opened again today with a weeks vacation for all. LISBON GRANGE Lisbon, Jan. 2.—At the last reg- ular meeting of the Lisbon Grange held on Dec. 30th, there was a good attendance and considerable interest, taken in the selection of officers for next year. The ballot was spread and the folowing of- ficers were elected; master, Wil- liam Kenyon; overseer, John Craig lecturer, Nellie P. Hanna; chap- lain, Mr. E. B. Hobbs; steward, Mark Hanna; secretary, Mrs. Will Speer; treasurer, George Stratton; asst. steward, Homer Llddell; gate keeper, Bert F. Henry; Ceres, Mrs. Michael Murphy; Pomona, Mrs. Jay Scott; Flora, Mrs. Ray- mond Bloomer; lady aset. steward, Ruby Stmithers; organist, Mrs. Will Kenyon; trustee for 3 years, E. J. Scott, for 2 years, E. E. Wal- lace, for 1 year Bert Nelson. John A. Hanna was recommended for tire director. The installation of the officers and annual toast beef supper will take place on the first meeting in January, which is Thursday evening, January 14th, 1926. Every member will want to get out at this meeting as we are going to have one Jolly festal time. Sixty-one members paid dues at the last meetnig.—The en- tertainment and fun committee are going to give the members of the Lisbon Stjady Club a jolly good time In the library on next Tues- day evening Jan. 5th. The pro- gram committee will be there also with the goods. A full attendance Is desired.—Watch the bill board for the fine attraction which is coming to Lisbon town hall on ThuredAy night, Jan. 7th. Thle en- tertainment deserves a capacity house. Come and enjoy an evening of fum and pathos.—The schools of the 4th eupt. district which have enjoyed a short vacation will re- open activities centered on the goal of the coming examination which begin on January 18th. INTERRUPTED. Student (who hae nerved him- self to ask a father's consent): Professor de Jones, I have just re- turned from a dance with Marga- ret and finding you here alone— Professor: That's all right my boy, broke eh! Well, here's a five her mother used to clean me out , Brown.—Prof. Adam Walker of Al- 1 bany college spent a few days hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walker.—Mrs. James Aitchison was brought home fr >m Hepburn hospital Saturday after- noon. She is recovering nicely from her recent critical operation. —Miss May White is recovering from a severe heart attack. She was taken ill a week ago and being alone In the home was is a seri- ous condition until some of the neighbors came.—Mrs. Ida Wor- thing of Dally Ridge spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hob- kirk last week. She expects to re- turn to West Potsdam to assist in caring for Ira Eggleston. Mr. Eg- gleston Is better than he was but still confined to bed.—Miss Irene Walker and brother Lloyd -and Miss Isabelle Fife were guests at din- ner New Year's evening of Mrs. May Fisher and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fisher and Mrs. John H. Fisher were In Ogdensburg on Saturday afternoon.—Mrs. Riley Randall and Glen and Dorothy were business callers In Ogdens- burg Thursday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Hargrave entertained delight- fully Saturday evening at 6 o'clock dinner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Veltch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hargrave and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rutherford.—George Brown is cut- ting ice this week from the creek. He built a dam last fall and the Ice is very clear and thick. Many farmers are availing themselves of tho opportunity to fill their ice houses.—Mrs. Adam J. Hobkirk is spending some time with her daughter. Mrs. Edgar Veltch, at Madrid.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hob- kirk and family and Miss Ethel Fife wore guests Saturday evening at dinner of Mr. anad Mrs. Carl Hobklrk of Waddington. Mr. and Mr.s. W. J. Rutherford and the Misses Isabelle and Edith Ruther- ford were also guests.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Fife entertained the members of the Larkln club at their pleasant home last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall have given up the club ownig to Mrs. Hall's sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker have joined and were welcomed very warmly. After the usuul business meeting the guests were invited to the din- ing room where a delectable lunch of sandwiches, coffee, cake and Ice cream were served. The num- bers were drawn for the coming year and the next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Fisher.—Mrs. May Fisher, who has been very 111, is recovering slowly and although she is able to be about the home will need to exer- cise extreme care for some time.— Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hobkirk enter- tained at 2 o'clock dinner New Year's day Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels and son Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hobkirk of Waddington, Miss Ethel Fife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil- liam Rutherford and family of Og- densburg and Maxwell Hobkirk of New York.—The Misses Isabelle, Ethel and Ruth Fife entertained a party of sixteen young people on Thursday. A delightful evening was spent and a delectable lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Fife and Miss Ella Fife waited upon the guests. 'Afterward they listened on the radio to the chimes and watched the old year go.—William Glass, who has been quite sick with grip, is improving again.—Many from here attended the funeral of William White at his home on Town Line Saturday morning.— Rev. George R. Harland preached an inspiring and helpful sermon on Saturday at the preparatory serv- ice from tho text, "Ye are the salt of the earth," etc., etc The com- munion services were held Sunday and were well attended. W. Sweet of Rensselaer Falls was home last week.—Mrs.' Henry La- point was called to Massena Mon- day on account of the death of her sister's husband Alexander Cross.— Miss Mary Murphy is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Hunter in Woodridge, N. J.—Mr. and Mrs. F. Hugh Burns spent New Year's in Lisbon Center.—Waddington high school commenced Jan. 4th after the Christmas vacatoin. of Ogdensburg, spent New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rutherford.—Winfield Ru- therford Sr. is visiting in .ftochos- ter, the guest of Mr. and Mr*. Win- fJeld Rutherford.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Jr. spent Sun- day in Chipman, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rilye Randall. phy and Velva Forrester were the kguests Saturday of Hist JMa*el«ob- 1 inson—Mr. aad.MttC Manloi Tfer*- nan a^j^V'kiiJr'-ltrt'. E. M. Kee- gan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E; Murphy and family New Year's day.—Mrs. Harry Castle of Ogdens- burg visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Wilson, for the week-end.—Misses Mary and Florence Condlin were Sunday guests of the Misses Mur- phy.—Mrs. Herbert Whalen and chidren of Ogdensburg have return- ed home after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander. BB00KDALE Brookdale Jan. 5.—Prayer meet- Prof. • * n s" wa « ne ld at the parsonage Force is home from Stillwater, Thursday evening. Next Thursday Miss Hoskins from Lyons Falls *t will be heid at the home of Mr. and Miss Wood from Lisbon where J *nd Mrs. Arthur Ellis all are in- they spent the Christmas vacation. —-The following teachers have re- turned to their schools after spend* vited to attend.—The Women's Home Missionary meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. What About "Obey" Thsae Days A court down in Kentucky has just made a decision that some will pronounce wise and others de- nounce as absurd or outrageous. A woman was convicted of possess- ing liquor. An appeal was taken and now the higher court says that she did not have a fair trial and must have another because the judge, in the original jurisdiction, failed to charge that if the woman went and bought and brought home the whisky at the command of her husband, it must be assumed that she acted under compulsion and therefore was innocent of any offence. That was good • law through many a century and it would have been disputed hardly anywhere not so many years ago. But how about now? It may pass in Ken- tucky, but elsewhere in this coun- try it will be made at least the subject of more or less impassion- ed discussion. Husbands do not do much compelling of wives, now- adays and when a survival from other times tries to do it there are likely to be more exciting hap- penings than there seem to have been in this case. Snow fences should have been up by the first of December, but any time before the, first drifting snow 1« not too late to keep the banks out of the roads. ing the Christmas vacation In Arthur Ellis Friday afternoon. A town: Misses Eunice Crapser, good attendance is expected and a Brooklyn; Louise Shaver, Garfield, good program has also been pre- N. J.; Clotilda Martin, Schenecta- pared.—James O'Brien wae a call- dy; Mercedes Martin, Niagara er at Norfolk Monday.—-'Mrs. Da- Falls; Frances Monaghan, South- vid Randall and Miss Margaret ampton, L. I.; Mary Gorman, East Ferris called on Miss Ida Raymond Orange, N. J.; Louise Murphy, Mad- Saturday afternoon.—Mrs. Rose rid; Bessie Wright, Plalnfield, N. pianty spent Saturday evening J.; Helena O'Brien, Point Peninsu- W i tn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Planty. la; Margaret Montgomery, Read- —Wilber Bell of Jinkins Neigh- ing, Pcnn.; Blanche Macdonald, frorhood called on Mr. and Mrs. Watertown; Edith Rutherford, Og- Lester Jinkins Wednesday.—Mr. densburg; Marion Forsythe, Pots- 1Snoch (^^^ of Qgdensburir spent dam Normal; Dorothy *orsythe, Jai . t week here wlth hU f rt>ther Massena, and Mrs. *\ L Davies, Rd CurUfi and ifg Mrg A Fonda and Earl Montgomery. Monore.-Stewart Henderson was Hoosick Falls; also the students a bxiH[u ^ ^--^ al Norfolk , Mon . have returned: Misses Marjorie .„ IVi T „„ . .. Vw% Mtim 0 #„ Keck and Mary Vettch, Potsdam f^'"^ n t Lyn -S h J > l, KnAp ^ S , tar Normal; Avis Dawley and Anna- " ? " ? ^ <£ ^red Carson Sunday bel Dal on. Madrid training class; J[f™ °°2Z^ tw^™' « 7* Beulah Burns and Mary Carnal, M f ller WPn / ^ NorlolR Sunday Ogdensburg training class; Keitha afternoon to attend church ser- Peacock and Loyola Martin, St. v ces in the Wesleyan Methodist Lawrence university, and James church. -Miss Ida Jtaymund ha.s Desmond, St. Mary's academy, Og- « one to Hopkinton to visit friends densburg; George Tavlor and Jay ,0r a Iew da >' s - She •'XP^I.H to Rutherford. Clarkson Tech.—The from t,u ' r<> lo Piercefleld to Methodist Sunday school enjoyed her school which has been closed a sleigh ride Dec. 23rd, after which the P as * two weeks for Christmas supper was served in the commun- vacauon.-—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ity room to about sixty and a Murray and children of Winthrop Christmas tree in the evening was lecently visited her lather, Ed enjoyed.—The Episcopal Sunday Cu-tis and other'relatives here.— school held their Christmas tree Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Tryon call- and supper in the community room id on Mr. and Mrs. Clem Tryon Wednesday evening, Dec. :10th. at Winthrop vV f ednesday.—-Mr. and Supper was served to :55. after Airs. Walter Planty visited rela- whlch the nice program of music tives at Canton last Tuesday.— and recitations was given. A very Lawitnce Contiley of Detroit Mich- nice time is reported.—Eugene igan spent last week with Law- O'Brien of Boston is visiting his M i;co Mahoney.-- Mr. and Mrs. sister, Mrs. Morley Lapoint—Jean j„hii lMshaw of St. Ridges Falls, Henderson of Norwood spent the M r . and Mrs. David Randall, Miss Xmas vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Ferris and brother John ~ of Skinnerviile, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wal- MOREY RIDGE Morey Ridge, Jan. 5.—Samuel McBath and family spent New Years with their sister, Miss Sa- die Scruton, and Leland McBath.-— Mrs. George Shumway and little son Lawrence of Childwold spent the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Jennie Lawrence, and family. Mrs. Lawrence is suffering from heart trouble.—Rctha, May and Gladys Armstrong spent their Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong, and family,—Mrs. Jennie Exelby of Py- rites, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Exelby and Wilton spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Holliday at Waddington.—Vaughn McCready and Frances called on the Arm- strong girls Saturday afternoon.— Mai lory Baker passed from this life to the life beyond Thursday, Dec. 31st, aged 60 years, after an ill- ness of eight weeks of heart trou- ble and acute diabetes. He has been in poor health for over a year, but never complained. All that loving hearts and willing hands could do was done but to no avail. The funeral was held Satur- day at 2 o'clock. Rev. Larivier, pastor of the M. E. church at Mor- ley, spoke words of comfort to the sorrowing ones. He has lived all his life in the home where he died. He was a good and obliging neigh- bor, kind father, faithful husband, and he will be greatly missed by alTwho fcflew £im. The friends Und neighbors extend, their sympathy to j the bereaved wife and two 4au*h- j ters, who feel their loss so keenly. j What is home without a father, | What are all the joys we meet, , When the loving .smile no toafcer ' Greets t he coming of our feet. The days seem long, the nights are ; dreary, i And time rolls slowly on, I And oh, how are our pleasures j When his dear face is gone. { We wish to express our sincere thanks to all the dear friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the death and burial of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Etta Baker, Mr. an* Mrs. Ray Badger and family, Mr^ ^qj] Mrs. Fred Sieen and family. Expressing Her Feelings.' It was a lesson on punctuation, and Jimmy was almost asleep at his desk. "Now," said the teacher, "if I say, "I must leave, t8 I have an en- gagement—by the way, what is the time?" "I place a 'dash' after en- gagement,' because tac sentence Is broken off abruptly." At that moment she caught sight of Jimmy "Now, then, Jimmy, you are not listening. What was I saying V she asked him. "Please, Miss Smith," said Jim- my, with a start, "you were telling us you said 'dash' because your en- gagement was broken' off abrupt- ly!" Six new dairy improvements as- sociations in the fall of IMS sbow the interest of New York dairy- men in "fewer and better caws," William F. Short. —The birthday club celebrated u <r~rianty, Retia and Brice La Valh y were Tuesday evening guests oi .Mrs. Rose Planty and lamiiy.. LOUISVILLE Louisville, Jan. 5.—Teachers John M. Doyle's birthday. Wed- nesday evening Dec. 30th. A very nice dinner was served at the home of Mr. Doyle at six thirty. Sixteen were present. After din- ner 500 was enjoyed. Mr.s. Hiu;h Burns winning the ladles' prize and the gentleman prize was won f by Jas. L. Fay. Mr. Doyle is not home for the holiday vacation have bragging much about his age but returned to their respective schools, we are, yes we are certain he is a also students to their school work. voter.—A very pretty wedding —Misses Beatrice and Bertha took place Tuesday morning at Murphy were guests at tea of Miss St. Mary's Catholic church when Velva Forrester Wednesday after- Edith A. Prashaw was united In noon.—Miss Beatrice Smith was an marriage to Simon M. Panfarlllo, over-night guest Thursday night of Ogdensburg. They were at- of Miss Velva Forrester.—Mrs. J. tended by Mr. nad Mrs. Howard p. Reagan visited Thursday and Prashaw. Rev. J. J. Bent, cele- Friday with Miss Anna M. Reagan brated a nuptial mass. Immedl- in Norwood.—Harry Wilson is con- ately after the wedding a. wedding fined to the house with a. sore leg. breakfast was served at the home —Thomas Carroll Sr. is having a of the brides' mother, Mrs. Carrie bad cold and asthma—Mr. and Mrs Prashaw. The bride is the young- T. P. Doud and daughter Catherine, est daughter of Mrs. Prashaw and M F# an( j Mrs. D. N. Doud and daugh- is a graduate nurse ofUhe Hep- ter Mary of Massena were guests burn Hospital, and the groom is a Friday, New Year's day, of their veteran of the Worlds War. A p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. John Doud.— member of the Americna Legion. Tne pe dro party on Friday evening They will reside in Ogdensburg. waB well attended and enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. FanfariUlo have all Mr8 j P O'Brian won high . many friends who extend congra- BCOre and w F willson the con- j tulations.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry solation Dancing was indulged 1n Lapoint gave a free entertainment u n t l l a l a t e h o u r Net procee d 8 127. ! for the schoolchildren Wednesday Mls8 Roge Doud and Mr8 Phelix> j afternoon at the Palace Theatre wno had ch of the affalr were ; A large number were present and a8Bigted Dy Bevera i other good R b r l T i lompHon Sr Presented all worker8 . Another party is an- of the children with candy. A noutlce 5 for Jan> 15th and , t lg ' JANY 7-8-9 OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY—FRIDAY—SATURDAY ^, JAMT 7-*-9 VAXTI)EVII.I.K Johnson and Johnson Imitation Dancing, Comedy Singing and Talking Betty Moore Trio Comedy Acrobatic, Aerial Rings Posing and Balancing "STYLES AND SMILES" MINIATURE FASHION REVUE The Picture for THURSDAY and FRIDAY Will Be "ROSE OF THE WORLD" ...with... PATSY RUTH MILLER Also the following "HOW THE ELEPHANT GOT HIS TRUNK"—INT. NEWS The Picture for SATURDAY Will Be ^ "THE PRAIRIE PIRATE" ...also... "Jungle Bike Riding" and "Crying for Love" MONDAY, JAN. 11—"Seven Sinners," "West of Hot Dog,'' Pathe Review. f KEEPER OF BEES," TUESDAY, JAN. 12 I . p AGIN( j A WIFEj " and WED'SD'Y, JAN. 13 [ InternatioDal Newa . AMATEUR NIGHT, Monday, Jan. 11 ~i vote of thanks is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lapoint for their kind- ness.—The social event of the sea- hoped all will turn out as it is for '• a worthy cause.—J. P. Reagan and .. , n ... Otis were guests Friday of his son was the Grange s Ball which L M J U , r^" f M^^B^JI c Avara i was held in tho town hall Tuesday brotner Dan in Norwood.—Several Ivl„ 1 5« h i u 5 l ! S . ^om here attended the dance in. evening, Dec. 29th. Lisbon orches- •- ... „,„,,,„„ „I»K# WT~~A „,„., i tra furnished the music. Supper Mad fii/ h r i d r f a *l*}*S~J?ZZ .JIS- 1 was served at midnight and danc- received here Sunday of the death ; ing continued until 3 o'clock Wed- l « two res dent t 8 rf of , l the t ? wn "T*?* 1 nesday morning. A most enjoy- *} Leuisvllle Landing, Miss Ade- able time is reported.-Mr. Lyle "a Oibson and Sandy Cross. De-, Mccormick of Malone spent the ***** wiU be / ^ »«•* week.—F. Xmas vacation with her mother, {• Keegan and B. F. McQnaid were Mrs. H. Peacock.—The second business callers in Massena Satur- number of the Lyceum Bureau en- day.—Mr. Debeaugh is the new ten- tertalnmenta was given Saturday ant in J - M - Oaynor's house and . evening in the town hall under the w111 °e employed on the farm.—Sam ( auspices of Fulton Chapter No. 615 Browning and Ira Matthews were ; O. $ . S. A large number were home for the holidays and attended . present and enjoyed the entertain- tne dance in the hall Friday eve- . mont.—Mr and Mrs. A. S. Van inln al8 ° Henry Sutton and gen- Horne, and little son, returned to tleman friend from Ogdensburg.— their home In Watertown Tuesday Mr « and Mrs. Claude Shampine and after a week'* visit with Mr. and son Richard of Massena were the Mrs. Fred Rutherford. — Mrs.; guests Friday of Mr. and Mrg. O. • Louise Shaver who has been ill 1*. Sutton.—The storm which came with tonsilitls is better and able I Thursday accompanied by a wind !-"- 1 I to be out again. Qeo. Roach Sr. remains abont the same.—Joel M. Howard spent the week-end in Massena with his cousin, William Crasper.—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Swayne of Half-Way-House spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor.—Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor entertained a number of their re- latives and Mends Tuesday even- ing at their home on the Buck road. About 30 were present. Supper was served and a most en- joyable time reported.—Mrs. Jas. Aitchison is home from the Hep- burn hospital and her many friends will be glad to know she is very much improved in health. —Mrs. J. M. Howard and Miss left the roads in places in' bad , shape for automobiles, though some are going about.—Miss Gertrude Wels of Potsdam visited at her farm home Thursday.—Mrs. Emmet ! McQuald and daughter Mary were ' guests Wednesday of Mrs'. Patrick < Smith in Madrid.—Leon Dawley . made a business trip to Canton on Wednesday.—Miss Rose Doud spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Carrie J. Dunnlgan and Mrs. Minnie Don-; nelly.—Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Willson are in Cornwall this winter keeping house for Mr. and Mrs. John Cline, who are taking a trip to the Holy, Land and' other cities abroad.— Misses Beatrice and Bertha Mur- i=* Investments For Your January Funds *J Interest and dividend pay- ments, and maturing bonds are now making funds avail- able for reinvestment. ^ In connection with this the National Bank will be glad to help. We will make sug- gestions from a list of secur- ities purchased w T ith the Bank's money, or obtain for you unbiased information on almost any security you mav have in mind. fl We will be glad to answer inquiries whether made in person, by mail, or over the telephone. w i* Pi ;/

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Page 1: NEWS OF MADRID, LISBON WADDINGTON and'.anion. »Mr ami Mrn. John Robinson ttpctit Sunday with hex sister*


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\ Jil USD AY, JANUARY 7, 1W6 attfc asafc




Chipman, Jan. 4.—The students] A-and teachers who were home for iri'« the holidays have returned to their) work. Maxwoil Hobklrk of the Western Electric, New York c i ty , . , W a d d l D g t o J i m 4 _ P r o f . a n d was here from Thursday morning I ^ f t Wilson have returned to their until Sunday morning. Miss Fran-j H b n i e {n Brooklyn .after ten days* oes lCUiott returned to her teach-J



Mtult id Sn: -iiK.s, Jan. f> Mr. and Mr;*. John McLaughlin i»nd sister, . (,Vlia }»!nl Anna Donnelly werr gim<*t;. Weifni mlny evening tit the hoime. -Mr. and M I t their pue'»tH :it N<vwi»od.*--*Mr. and Mrs. Uix'k (Vro and dauahter Cella and biolber. Ab'x Here gueHts of Mr. and Mis. Angelo Vluch and family at OgdetiHhurg New Year's day. Mrs. Frank O'Brien resumed her dutlot* as teacher Monday after holiday vacation -<Mr. and Mrs. Iloy Bradley entertained at New Year's dinner their parents, (Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradley and cotta Inn Mr. and Mrs. Judnou Peacock of , Ogdensmirg—The silver gray ball held at the town hall last Fri­day night was not very largely at­tended only 55 couples* were prea-ent. A guod social time wa* re­ported by thane who attended.— Miss l>arl -Morgan spent Saturday afternoon In Norwood en route to Mt. Vernon <<> remtme her duties a« teacher after upending the holi­days at her home here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rid Morgan and family He** W Haney of Chicago wse a Nww Year's guest of his grandmother. MTs. M. Hea-ael grave at the home of hi« aunt and uftole Mr and 'Mrs Oharlea Henry -Mr. and iMra. Arthur Fierce and Mr IWM! Mrs. Mllvln Ooons had a family reunion New Year's day entertaining the rela­tive* of both fainlHe*.- -M«*. Brn-eet darter and win Harold were New Year's «1 Inner guewt* of her daughter. Mr* I, J, Price and fam­ily at NorwtHHl fcdith Burckley haB Iwen amdstlng with the house work at tlie l«ong borne on account of ffickftetm in their family. Or. Ihinlap IK attending physician. •Oharlen Veil eh accompanied Itobh 'Haney t<» ('anion Saturday evening where he t<*»k the train for Ohiou go aft or HjMMultn", H week with re­latives and fi trtwU* l|ere and at Oanton. He expect* to resunu» his dutieu Monday UH driver for the-Yellow Cab O'V wh»1re he hws been employed for th«> piiHt IS months

Harold Cartel went to Malone Tuesday to be^ln work lot the Wofilt'in Union Telegraph Co. Mrs Frank Ollrieii has been ill during tho im»t week with la grip pe hut 1H hotter at this writing Mrs Lillian Hcs^elgrave entertain ed Mm. Laura Paitch and cousin 'Mrs I Amelia Cady ItiiHt Wednesday afternoon .ind evening. «MIRS Pearl I Morgan upent Wednesday in OK } densburg -celling on friends and ac-qualntanooH Miss NJ&bel Murphy returned to Pyrlten Batwday night after spending holidajre at the t>i>m mercial taouee. Mi<w» Gertrude Coakley returned to'1 New Jersey after spending her holiday vaca­tion with relatives here and at ('.anion. »Mr ami Mrn. John Robinson ttpctit Sunday with hex sister* tho Mine**** Hnttle and Mar­garet ifcMuiH 'Little <j4-rald Haney was quite elek but IK Home better at this writing »Mr. find Mrs. Mc­Allister spent Sunday with friends at (thanvplain. Friends of Mrs. James A-itiohtson ate glad to know she has sufficiently recovered from her recent operation to be able to leave t<he hOHpltal during tho paat week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller returned to their InVme 1n Watertown la«t Thursday after epeiKling tho holiday** with rela tivee hert^ and at lN>fe;dam -Hneak thieved e«tered the hen housw of Frank HookKtead Btrnday night and stole atn>ut .15 or 40 bens. Con­siderable work of this kind Is b«»-Ing dojw In tlile vicinity and it is hop**d they may be caiught.

Truth and Tommy

The youthful It iomgs liad be«»n subje<-t«l to a etrong leoture on the evllH of tolling -untruths and strangely enough he had far once taken It t o ttoant But unfortunate* ly It hftri a drawllc re<hilt ThonMM, with his mother, had been paying a rlalt to a neighbor, and at the conclusion of the livening the lady of <tlie h<MiH4> liad held out her a'^iw to the little ln>y and cooed:

"IVMi't ytnv want to klee me, Tonimyr*

"No, I don't," eald T^nvny, eteo-pl ng baok.

"IKWI'4 ytm like me. <|aai ?" catne th seoet»di query

"No." afisrw^^red the hoy quickly: "you're ug ly very ugly."

"Thorn**." moaived the boy's mother "Aren't you aabajmeil?"

"Hang It al l '" said lino practical Tommy. "1 got a lecture for not teling the truth yesterday and I ain't Rota* «o run any r # k s today."


Having n^colTwl the tax roll and warrant for the same for the town of Madrid, I shall receive ta iea at tny atort^ C<»r the next 3 4ay» *t 1 per oemt.

Hated IXM> 26. 1925. A II. WUOAIIS,



Tlv» annual •meeting of the etock-holdera rd Uie Orifftth patry Pro­ducts <V*porat1on for the election of I'1 dircotoi-R for the ensuing year, ami for the trantmctlon of such trfher hutdni^as aa may pro-p« r̂iy com^ t>efore the meeting will b> held at the offloe of the corporation Iti the village of "Mad­rid. New York, on the 9th day of January 1926, at 2 o'okxsk in the afternoon.

W H. OaiFFlTH, PreMdent.

Thieves Stole 100 Chickens At Lisbon

Iilslwn, Jan. 5. —Mrs. Sarah Gray of Heuvelton is visiting Mise Nt>4-i-NHi Madlll. —Miss Mattie Wallace of Ogdensburg was a visitor at the Ptocklnm home one day last weeki - Mrs iMayne and son, Lowell of Pot-sdam spent the holiday vaca­tion with Mrs-. Mayne's daughh-ler Mrs. Warren Gray and son, Aithur Mayne.—^Miss Inez iMartin returned last wee kto Oyster Bay and Miss Mary to her school work at the Potsdam Normal after spend ing a couple of weeks here with their parents, Mr .and MTB. How­ard Martin.--(Miss Ruth Logan of Madrid spent one day last week with Mrs. Watt and Mrs. Kelly — Basil Hay returned home from Sar-anac. I^ake Monday where he spent a few days with his brother and wife 'Mr and Mrs. John Ray.— Mr. and Mrs. George Newcomb ami Miss, Francis of Depeyster spent one day last week with Mrs. Mary Newcomb. --Rdleon Skuce of Syra­cuse is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skuce.—George Long has returned to Ohio after the holidays spent with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Long,—Mr. and Mrs. <\ H. Wright returned home Thursday evening from Shipping-bu;rg. Pa., where they spent a week with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hale.—Miss Jan­et Weatherhead of Utlca visited her sister Mrs. Creswell Taggart last week. Miss Inez Mlddleton returned to Sidney Monday morn­ing after the holiday season which she spent with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Mlddleton Jr,—Mrs. Aus tin Scott visited Mrs. Oscar Back­us of H< uvelton Friday and Sat­urday. Mrs. Caroline Moore spent Sat unlay p. m. with her niece, Mrs. Herman Cast Ionian of Norwood.-Win field Watt of Ogdensburg spent Sabath with his cousin Ham­ilton Watt Gcruldine ami June Martin returned to their home In Watertown Sabbath after spending a week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Martin.--tMra Vonila lleponsial returned to her school dutic-s at Saranac l^ake on Saturday afternoon and Miss Em­ma Stocking returned to Oumont N. J Saturday evening after spend ing the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stocking — The sudden death of Mr. Robert Paul occurred at the home of Mr. George St rat ton on Friday evening Jan. 1st. He had been in his usual health and had been to the village on Friday p. m. He retired to bed real early saying he did not care for any supper. Some one of the St rat ton family went to his room later and found he had passed away. The funeral services wore held on Sabbath at 1 o'clock, ser­vices being conducted by Hev.G. W. Taft. Interment was made at Mdwardsville. - -Miss Pauline War riner returned to her school work near New York Saturday. iHev. and !Mrs C. H. Hill are receiving congratulations over the birth of a baby girl born Sabbath night. •Mrs. Ulman Thompson of Flack-ville Is tho attending nurse. Dr. L. F. Cleland was the physician. Miss Hachael Handy returned Sab-hath evening to Briar Hill to re­sume her school duties after spend Ing the holidays witth her mother, Mrs. Mary Dandy.-—Dr. O. P. Cole­man of Madrid is here this week doing dentist work.—Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kink atended the funeral of Mai lory Baker at Gregorys Cor­ners Saturday p. m. -On last Thursday night theives visited the farm of Andrew Murdie and stole moro than one hundred hens and chickens cutting off their their heads before leaving. They were frightened away by a neighbor who was passing and was followed to Otgdousburg where they loet all track of them.


Lisbon, Jan. 4.— A Happy and Prosperous Year to the editor and all the readers of the Advance.— MIHS Bessie Conner, who is teach­ing out near Utlca, spent her va­cation with her parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Lucius Conner.—Mr. and Mrs. Hilly Thompson and family were guesU New Year's of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bloomer.—Mr. and Mrs. Spafford Smithers left last Wednesday for Deland, N. H., to spend a couple of weeks with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William McNally. —John Brander had a new radio installed at their home the past week.-—W. J. Gray is spending a few days in Hammond with his daughter, Mrs. El. D. Craig. Mrs. M. J. Brown Is also a guest of the Craigs.—Sydney Merrlfleld is the new foreman on the Aldrich farm.

Mrs. Jane Aidrlch Is spending a few weeks in Ogdensburg with her son George and family.—Paul Roy returned this morning to Houghton where he is attending school.—The community was shocked when the report came that Robert Paul had very suddenly passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Strat-ton, New Year's. The funeral was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stratton Sabbath day, his pastor, Rev. G. W. Taft, officiating; inter­ment at Pine* Hill cemetery.—David Roy has his wood sawed and Jake Lyman will have the sawyers to­morrow.—Mr. and Mrs. Austin} Scott spent Sabbath at Heuvelton with his sister, Mrs. Villa Backus, and family.—Mr. and Mrs. David •Perkins entertained New Year's eve Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Akin, Mr.

and Mrs. Rimer Akin and family and Mr. and Mrs.' Lee Akin and family. A 6 o'clock dinner was served.—Mrs. Jennie Smith aUd son Dale are spending a few days with her father, Celius Thompson.—Har­old Bowman of Dekalb spent the past week with his uncle, Rodney Geary, and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Brander spent Sabbath with Iter father, Thomas Jamison.—Mary Harper and Mabel Bloodough were callers at Heuvelton New Year's day.

iug at Bellemore, L. i„ Misses Mary Veltch and Mildrod Fisher to Potsdam Normal, Miss Nora FUh-er to Norfolk, Oonn., Miss Eth«l and Miss Ruth Fife to Oouverneur high school, Miss Irene Rutherford

; to Kendall, N. Y., Gilmore Kisuor to Highland Falls, N. Y., Miss Kiln

Crasper entertained Saturday evening Dec. 6th* mt whi«t and

m n « * , bridge those present were Mr. gnd I V l X r i H W I I f t ! . M r s . Fred Rutherford, Mr. and 1 V O M 1 U V I 9 j M r a A u Y m tforMr, M r . a n *

Mrs. Byrdn 'Rutherford, Mrs. Geo, R. Wright, Mlsaea Louise Shaver, Mary and Bessie Wright, Mrs. By­ron Rutherford and A. L. Van I lor ne won the prl;:u# for bridge

visit with Mrs. F. G. Taylor.—Mrs. I lUl (j M r g < G o o R Wright and Fred James Rlcalton is visiting her daughter* in Maplewood, N. J.—

r. Rutherford won the whist priz CH. Refreshments were served

Rev. and Mrs. Allan KlrkneH? are' a m j a n enjoyable evening was re­visiting In Montreal.—Mrs. John ported.—Mrs. Jas. O. Short, Mrs. R Wright of Syracuse spent last Howard Short and children, Mr. veek with her mother, Mrs. Geo., a i l ( | Mrs. William F. Short and son C. Wilson, who returned to Syra-! Lowell, were New Year's guests of

S , . / 1 , f n i Sr , , a MS"8; 'n * M T c! i a « ™ K e t o »I>endTthe remainder of the | M r . and Mrs. Fred Short of Pioas-.Flfe to New Rochelle, N. Y She . w l u t e P . - P r o f . and Mrs. Edward.ant Val l ey . -Miss Belle Rutherford

was accompanied as far as Gouver-i Q..,„„* „» 'o . .b .«» u •*.»•**«•. «.«««• -1 _ - « . . . ' . *#««»_ »UWMHM«U Sweet of Sacketts Harbor spent a S?r-r I 6 i r l a h n r ; H M r 8 , J u m W ,S ^ w days last Week with Dr. and l i f t h « ^ L , X l d ! ? S e I™*? Mrs. P. A. Sweet, also l>rof. John with her daughter, Mrs. B. F. | w amdxAt rtf n Q „ a « 0 i „ M w*ua woa


Chase Mills, Jan. 4—The holi­days are over and, all are settled to their daily vocation. On New Years day a robin and hen-hawk both were seen here in thie place and I hope the weather will be fav­orable for their comfort the re­mainder of the winter,—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wiggins, and children Ehrelyn Elton and Isabella were guests of Mr. Wiggins' mother last Sunday.—Mrs. Roy Empey of Madrid was a guest of her mother Mrs. Maloney laat week.—Mr. Henry Castle is spending some time with his sister, Mrs. F. P. Fo-bare and family.—W. J. Murphy has a new Friedlsman radio.—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Doyle of Wad-dington were callers at A. G. Doyle (fliristmas day.—Mr. and Mre. Lloyd Wiggins entertained Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dawley and children New Years at a six o'clock dinner.

•Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Watson enter­tained Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ballon and son Kenneth New Years for supper.—Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mallen entertained Mrs. Elizabeth Ballon Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Ballon, daugh­ter, Betty, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bal­lon and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tuttle New Years eve at a six o'clock dinner. --Elsworth Phlfer returned to Syracuse Thursday after a week spent with his parents.—Mr. and Mr.s F. P. Fobare were in Ogdens-bain Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Castle.—Mr. and Mrs. c. O. Romboug were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Hartiman at JVlad-lid Wednesday and attended the quarterly conference at M. E. church. -Lloyd Wiggins was a business caller In Potsdam Tues­day and Mrs. Wlgins was In Mad­rid. <Mrs. Ida Forbes of Canton had the misfortune of falling and hurting herself quite badly, her nephew Maurice Lalone went to Canton Saturday and brought Mrs. Forbes back home with him to spend a few weeks until she is improved.—Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bal­lon spent Sunday evening at the home of her parents, Mr.and Mrs, A E. Fisher. Thomas Mc. Bain is ill at this writing.—There are several from here having hard colds. -Mrs. C. W. Cooper has re­turned from a weeks visit with h«M- sister, Mrs. C. O. Scott in Og­densburg.—Kenneth Watson of Raymondville spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Watson. 'Miss Mabel Martin of New York has returned to her school this last week.—Our school opened again today with a weeks vacation for all.


Lisbon, Jan. 2.—At the last reg­ular meeting of the Lisbon Grange held on Dec. 30th, there was a good attendance and considerable interest, taken in the selection of officers for next year. The ballot was spread and the folowing of­ficers were elected; master, Wil­liam Kenyon; overseer, John Craig lecturer, Nellie P. Hanna; chap­lain, Mr. E. B. Hobbs; steward, Mark Hanna; secretary, Mrs. Will Speer; treasurer, George Stratton; asst. steward, Homer Llddell; gate keeper, Bert F. Henry; Ceres, Mrs. Michael Murphy; Pomona, Mrs. Jay Scott; Flora, Mrs. Ray­mond Bloomer; lady aset. steward, Ruby Stmithers; organist, Mrs. Will Kenyon; trustee for 3 years, E. J. Scott, for 2 years, E. E. Wal­lace, for 1 year Bert Nelson. John A. Hanna was recommended for tire director. The installation of the officers and annual toast beef supper will take place on the first meeting in January, which is Thursday evening, January 14th, 1926. Every member will want to get out at this meeting as we are going to have one Jolly festal time. Sixty-one members paid dues at the last meetnig.—The en­tertainment and fun committee are going to give the members of the Lisbon Stjady Club a jolly good time In the library on next Tues­day evening Jan. 5th. The pro­gram committee will be there also with the goods. A full attendance Is desired.—Watch the bill board for the fine attraction which is coming to Lisbon town hall on ThuredAy night, Jan. 7th. Thle en­tertainment deserves a capacity house. Come and enjoy an evening of fum and pathos.—The schools of the 4th eupt. district which have enjoyed a short vacation will re­open activities centered on the goal of the coming examination which begin on January 18th.


Student (who hae nerved him­self to ask a father's consent): Professor de Jones, I have just re­turned from a dance with Marga­ret and finding you here alone—

Professor: That's all right my boy, broke eh! Well, here's a five her mother used to clean m e out

, Brown.—Prof. Adam Walker of Al-1 bany college spent a few days hero

with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walker.—Mrs. James Aitchison was brought home fr >m Hepburn hospital Saturday after­noon. She is recovering nicely from her recent critical operation. —Miss May White is recovering from a severe heart attack. She was taken ill a week ago and being alone In the home was i s a seri­ous condition until some of the neighbors came.—Mrs. Ida Wor­thing of Dally Ridge spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hob-kirk last week. She expects to re­turn to West Potsdam to assist in caring for Ira Eggleston. Mr. Eg-gleston Is better than he was but still confined to bed.—Miss Irene Walker and brother Lloyd -and Miss Isabelle Fife were guests at din­ner New Year's evening of Mrs. May Fisher and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fisher and Mrs. John H. Fisher were In Ogdensburg on Saturday afternoon.—Mrs. Riley Randall and Glen and Dorothy were business callers In Ogdens­burg Thursday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed­win Hargrave entertained delight­fully Saturday evening at 6 o'clock dinner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Veltch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hargrave and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rutherford.—George Brown is cut­ting ice this week from the creek. He built a dam last fall and the Ice is very clear and thick. Many farmers are availing themselves of tho opportunity to fill their ice houses.—Mrs. Adam J. Hobkirk is spending some time with her daughter. Mrs. Edgar Veltch, at Madrid.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hob­kirk and family and Miss Ethel Fife wore guests Saturday evening at dinner of Mr. anad Mrs. Carl Hobklrk of Waddington. Mr. and Mr.s. W. J. Rutherford and the Misses Isabelle and Edith Ruther­ford were also guests.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Fife entertained the members of the Larkln club at their pleasant home last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall have given up the club ownig to Mrs. Hall's sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker have joined and were welcomed very warmly. After the usuul business meeting the guests were invited to the din­ing room where a delectable lunch of sandwiches, coffee, cake and Ice cream were served. The num­bers were drawn for the coming year and the next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Fisher.—Mrs. May Fisher, who has been very 111, is recovering slowly and although she is able to be about the home will need to exer­cise extreme care for some time.— Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hobkirk enter­tained at 2 o'clock dinner New Year's day Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels and son Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hobkirk of Waddington, Miss Ethel Fife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil­liam Rutherford and family of Og­densburg and Maxwell Hobkirk of New York.—The Misses Isabelle, Ethel and Ruth Fife entertained a party of sixteen young people on Thursday. A delightful evening was spent and a delectable lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Fife and Miss Ella Fife waited upon the guests. 'Afterward they listened on the radio to the chimes and watched the old year go.—William Glass, who has been quite sick with grip, is improving again.—Many from here attended the funeral of William White at his home on Town Line Saturday morning.— Rev. George R. Harland preached an inspiring and helpful sermon on Saturday at the preparatory serv­ice from tho text, "Ye are the salt of the earth," etc., etc The com­munion services were held Sunday and were well attended.

W. Sweet of Rensselaer Falls was home last week.—Mrs.' Henry La-point was called to Massena Mon­day on account of the death of her sister's husband Alexander Cross.— Miss Mary Murphy is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Hunter in Woodridge, N. J.—Mr. and Mrs. F. Hugh Burns spent New Year's in Lisbon Center.—Waddington high school commenced Jan. 4th after the Christmas vacatoin.

of Ogdensburg, spent New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rutherford.—Winfield Ru­therford Sr. is visiting in .ftochos-ter, the guest of Mr. and Mr*. Win-fJeld Rutherford.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Jr. spent Sun­day in Chipman, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rilye Randall.

phy and Velva Forrester were the kguests Saturday of H i s t JMa*el«ob-1 inson—Mr. aad.MttC Manlo i Tfer*-

nan a^j^V'kiiJr'-ltrt'. E. M. Kee-gan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E; Murphy and family New Year's day.—Mrs. Harry Castle of Ogdens­burg visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Wilson, for the week-end.—Misses Mary and Florence Condlin were Sunday guests of the Misses Mur­phy.—Mrs. Herbert Whalen and chidren of Ogdensburg have return­ed home after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander.


Brookdale Jan. 5.—Prayer meet-Prof. • *ns" w a « n e l d at the parsonage

Force is home from Stillwater, • Thursday evening. Next Thursday Miss Hoskins from Lyons Falls *t will be heid at the home of Mr. and Miss Wood from Lisbon where J *nd Mrs. Arthur Ellis all are in-they spent the Christmas vacation. —-The following teachers have re­turned to their schools after spend*

vited to attend.—The Women's Home Missionary meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

What About "Obey" Thsae Days

A court down in Kentucky has just made a decision that some will pronounce wise and others de­nounce as absurd or outrageous. A woman was convicted of possess­ing liquor. An appeal was taken and now the higher court says that she did not have a fair trial and must have another because the judge, in the original jurisdiction, failed to charge that if the woman went and bought and brought home the whisky at the command of her husband, it must be assumed that she acted under compulsion and therefore was innocent of any offence.

That was good • law through many a century and it would have been disputed hardly anywhere not so many years ago. But how about now? It may pass in Ken­tucky, but elsewhere in this coun­try it will be made at least the subject of more or less impassion­ed discussion. Husbands do not do much compelling of wives, now­adays and when a survival from other times tries to do it there are likely to b e more exciting hap­penings than there seem to have been in this case.

Snow fences should have been up by the first of December, but any time before the, first drifting snow 1« not too late to keep the banks out of the roads.

ing the Christmas vacation In Arthur Ellis Friday afternoon. A town: Misses Eunice Crapser, good attendance is expected and a Brooklyn; Louise Shaver, Garfield, good program has also been pre-N. J.; Clotilda Martin, Schenecta- pared.—James O'Brien wae a call-dy; Mercedes Martin, Niagara er at Norfolk Monday.—-'Mrs. Da-Falls; Frances Monaghan, South- vid Randall and Miss Margaret ampton, L. I.; Mary Gorman, East Ferris called on Miss Ida Raymond Orange, N. J.; Louise Murphy, Mad- Saturday afternoon.—Mrs. Rose rid; Bessie Wright, Plalnfield, N. pianty spent Saturday evening J.; Helena O'Brien, Point Peninsu- W i t n Mr. and Mrs. Walter Planty. la; Margaret Montgomery, Read- —Wilber Bell of Jinkins Neigh­ing, Pcnn.; Blanche Macdonald, frorhood called on Mr. and Mrs. Watertown; Edith Rutherford, Og- Lester Jinkins Wednesday.—Mr. densburg; Marion Forsythe, Pots- 1Snoch (^^^ o f Qgdensburir spent dam Normal; Dorothy *orsythe, J a i . t w e e k h e r e w l t h h U frt>ther Massena, and Mrs. * \ L Davies, R d C u r U f i a n d i f g M r g A „

Fonda and Earl Montgomery. Monore.-Stewart Henderson was Hoosick Falls; also the students a bxiH[u^ ^ - - ^ a l N o r f o l k , M o n . have returned: Misses Marjorie . „ I V i„ T „„ . .. Vw%„Mtim 0#„ Keck and Mary Vettch, Potsdam f^'"^n

t L y n - S h J > l , K n A p ^ S , t a r

Normal; Avis Dawley and Anna- " ? " ? ^ <£ ^red Carson Sunday bel Dal on. Madrid training class; J [ f ™ ° ° 2 Z ^ t w ^ ™ ' « 7* Beulah Burns and Mary Carnal, M

f l l e r W P n / ^ NorlolR Sunday

Ogdensburg training class; Keitha afternoon to attend church ser-Peacock and Loyola Martin, St. v ces in the Wesleyan Methodist Lawrence university, and James church. -Miss Ida Jtaymund ha.s Desmond, St. Mary's academy, Og- « o n e t o Hopkinton to visit friends densburg; George Tavlor and Jay , 0 r a I e w da>'s- S h e •'XP^I.H to Rutherford. Clarkson Tech.—The S° f r o m t,u'r<> l o Piercefleld to Methodist Sunday school enjoyed h e r school which has been closed a sleigh ride Dec. 23rd, after which t h e P a s * t w o weeks for Christmas supper was served in the commun- vacauon.-—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ity room to about sixty and a Murray and children of Winthrop Christmas tree in the evening was lecently visited her lather, Ed enjoyed.—The Episcopal Sunday Cu-tis and other'relatives here.— school held their Christmas tree Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Tryon call-and supper in the community room id on Mr. and Mrs. Clem Tryon Wednesday evening, Dec. :10th. at Winthrop vVfednesday.—-Mr. and Supper was served to :55. after Airs. Walter Planty visited rela-whlch the nice program of music tives at Canton last Tuesday.— and recitations was given. A very Lawitnce Contiley of Detroit Mich-nice time is reported.—Eugene igan spent last week with Law-O'Brien of Boston is visiting his M i;co Mahoney.-- Mr. and Mrs. sister, Mrs. Morley Lapoint—Jean j„hii lMshaw of St. Ridges Falls, Henderson of Norwood spent the Mr. and Mrs. David Randall, Miss Xmas vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Ferris and brother John

~ of Skinnerviile, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wal-


Morey Ridge, Jan. 5.—Samuel McBath and family spent New Years with their sister, Miss Sa­die Scruton, and Leland McBath.-— Mrs. George Shumway and little son Lawrence of Childwold spent the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Jennie Lawrence, and family. Mrs. Lawrence is suffering from heart trouble.—Rctha, May and Gladys Armstrong spent their Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong, and family,—Mrs. Jennie Exelby of Py­rites, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Exelby and Wilton spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Holliday at Waddington.—Vaughn McCready and Frances called on the Arm­strong girls Saturday afternoon.— Mai lory Baker passed from this life to the life beyond Thursday, Dec. 31st, aged 60 years, after an ill­ness of eight weeks of heart trou­ble and acute diabetes. He has been in poor health for over a year, but never complained. All that loving hearts and willing hands could do was done but to no avail. The funeral was held Satur­day at 2 o'clock. Rev. Larivier, pastor of the M. E. church at Mor­ley, spoke words of comfort to the sorrowing ones. He has lived all his life in the home where he died. He was a good and obliging neigh­

bor, kind father, faithful husband, and he will be greatly missed by alTwho fcflew £ im. The friends Und neighbors extend, their sympathy to

j the bereaved wife and two 4au*h-j ters, who feel their loss so keenly. j What is home without a father, | What are all the joys we meet, , When the loving .smile no toafcer ' Greets t he coming of our feet.

The days seem long, the nights are ; dreary, i And time rolls slowly on, I And oh, how are our pleasures j When his dear face is gone. { We wish to express our sincere

thanks to all the dear friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the death and burial of our beloved husband and father.

Mrs. Etta Baker, Mr. an* Mrs. Ray Badger and family, Mr^ ^qj]

Mrs. Fred Sieen and family.

Expressing Her Feelings.'

It was a lesson on punctuation, and Jimmy was almost asleep at his desk.

"Now," said the teacher, "if I say, "I must leave, t 8 I have an en­gagement—by the way, what is the time?" "I place a 'dash' after en­gagement,' because tac sentence Is broken off abruptly."

At that moment she caught sight of Jimmy

"Now, then, Jimmy, you are not listening. What was I say ingV she asked him.

"Please, Miss Smith," said Jim­my, with a start, "you were telling us you said 'dash' because your en­gagement was broken' off abrupt­


Six new dairy improvements as­sociations in the fall of IMS sbow the interest of New York dairy­

men in "fewer and better caws,"

William F. Short. —The birthday club celebrated u<r~rianty, Retia and Brice La

Valh y were Tuesday evening guests oi .Mrs. Rose Planty and lamiiy..


Louisville, Jan. 5.—Teachers

John M. Doyle's birthday. Wed­nesday evening Dec. 30th. A very nice dinner was served at the home of Mr. Doyle at six thirty. Sixteen were present. After din­ner 500 was enjoyed. Mr.s. Hiu;h Burns winning the ladles' prize and the gentleman prize was won


by Jas. L. Fay. Mr. Doyle is not home for the holiday vacation have bragging much about his age but returned to their respective schools, we are, yes we are certain he is a also students to their school work. voter.—A very pretty wedding —Misses Beatrice and Bertha took place Tuesday morning at Murphy were guests at tea of Miss St. Mary's Catholic church when Velva Forrester Wednesday after-Edith A. Prashaw was united In noon.—Miss Beatrice Smith was an marriage to Simon M. Panfarlllo, over-night guest Thursday night of Ogdensburg. They were at- of Miss Velva Forrester.—Mrs. J. tended by Mr. nad Mrs. Howard p. Reagan visited Thursday and Prashaw. Rev. J. J. Bent, cele- Friday with Miss Anna M. Reagan brated a nuptial mass. Immedl- in Norwood.—Harry Wilson is con-ately after the wedding a. wedding fined to the house with a. sore leg. breakfast was served at the home —Thomas Carroll Sr. is having a of the brides' mother, Mrs. Carrie bad cold and asthma—Mr. and Mrs Prashaw. The bride is the young- T . P. Doud and daughter Catherine, est daughter of Mrs. Prashaw and MF # a n ( j Mrs. D. N. Doud and daugh-is a graduate nurse o f U h e Hep- t e r Mary of Massena were guests burn Hospital, and the groom is a Friday, New Year's day, of their veteran of the Worlds War. A p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. John Doud.— member of the Americna Legion. T n e p e dro party on Friday evening They will reside in Ogdensburg. w a B w e l l attended and enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. FanfariUlo have a l l M r 8 j P O'Brian won high . many friends who extend congra- B C O r e a n d w F wi l l son the con- j tulations.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry s o l a t i o n Dancing was indulged 1n Lapoint gave a free entertainment u n t l l a l a t e h o u r N e t p r o c e e d 8 127. ! for the schoolchildren Wednesday M l s 8 R o g e D o u d a n d M r 8 P h e l i x > j afternoon at the Palace Theatre w n o h a d c h o f t h e a f f a l r w e r e ; A large number were present and a 8 B i g t e d D y B e v e r a i other good R , ° b r l T i l o m p H o n Sr Presented all w o r k e r 8 . Another party is an-of the children with candy. A n o u t l c e 5 f o r J a n > 1 5 t h a n d , t l g '




^ , JAMT 7-*-9

VAXTI)EVII.I .K Johnson and Johnson

Imitation Dancing, Comedy Singing and Talking

Betty Moore Trio Comedy Acrobatic, Aerial

Rings Posing and Balancing


The Picture for THURSDAY and FRIDAY Will Be

"ROSE OF THE WORLD" ...with...

PATSY RUTH MILLER Also the following




"Jungle Bike Riding" and "Crying for Love" MONDAY, JAN. 11—"Seven Sinners," "West of Hot

Dog,'' Pathe Review.

f KEEPER OF BEES," TUESDAY, JAN. 12 I . p A G I N ( j A W I F E j " a n d

WED'SD'Y, JAN. 13 [ I n t e r n a t i o D a l N e w a .

AMATEUR NIGHT, Monday, Jan. 11


vote of thanks is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lapoint for their kind­ness.—The social event of the sea-

hoped all will turn out as it is for '• a worthy cause.—J. P. Reagan and

.. „ , n „ . . . Otis were guests Friday of his son was the Grange s Ball which L M J U , r ^ " f„ M ^ ^ B ^ J I c A v a r a i was held in tho town hall Tuesday b r o t n e r D a n i n Norwood.—Several I v l „ 1 5« h i u 5 l ! S . ^ o m here attended the dance i n . evening, Dec. 29th. Lisbon orches- •- . . . „,„,,,„„ „I»K# WT~~A „,„., i tra furnished the music. Supper M a d f i i / h

r i dr f a*l*}*S~J?ZZ . J I S - 1

was served at midnight and danc- received here Sunday of the death ; ing continued until 3 o'clock Wed- l « t w o r e s d e n t


r fo f , l

t h e t ? w n "T*?* 1 nesday morning. A most enjoy- *} Leuisvllle Landing, Miss Ade-able time is reported.-Mr. Lyle "a Oibson and Sandy Cross. D e - , Mccormick of Malone spent the ***** w i U b e / ^ »«•* week.—F. Xmas vacation with her mother, {• Keegan and B. F. McQnaid were Mrs. H. Peacock.—The second business callers in Massena Satur-number of the Lyceum Bureau en- day.—Mr. Debeaugh is the new ten-tertalnmenta was given Saturday a n t i n J- M - Oaynor's house and . evening in the town hall under the w 1 1 1 ° e employed on the farm.—Sam ( auspices of Fulton Chapter No. 615 Browning and Ira Matthews were ; O. $ . S. A large number were home for the holidays and attended . present and enjoyed the entertain- t n e dance in the hall Friday eve- . mont.—Mr and Mrs. A. S. Van i n l n K» a l 8 ° Henry Sutton and gen-Horne, and little son, returned to tleman friend from Ogdensburg.— their home In Watertown Tuesday Mr« and Mrs. Claude Shampine and after a week'* visit with Mr. and son Richard of Massena were the Mrs. Fred Rutherford. — Mrs.; guests Friday of Mr. and Mrg. O. • Louise Shaver who has been ill 1*. Sutton.—The storm which came with tonsilitls is better and able I Thursday accompanied by a wind



I to be out again. Qeo. Roach Sr. remains abont the same.—Joel M. Howard spent the week-end in Massena with his cousin, William Crasper.—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Swayne of Half-Way-House spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor.—Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor entertained a number of their re­latives and Mends Tuesday even­ing at their home on the Buck road. About 30 were present. Supper was served and a most en­joyable time reported.—Mrs. Jas. Aitchison is home from the Hep­burn hospital and her many friends will be glad to know she is very much improved in health. —Mrs. J. M. Howard and Miss

left the roads in places in' bad , shape for automobiles, though some are going about.—Miss Gertrude Wels of Potsdam visited at her farm home Thursday.—Mrs. E m m e t !

McQuald and daughter Mary were ' guests Wednesday of Mrs'. Patrick < Smith in Madrid.—Leon Dawley . made a business trip to Canton on Wednesday.—Miss Rose Doud spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Carrie J. Dunnlgan and Mrs. Minnie Don-; nelly.—Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Willson are in Cornwall this winter keeping house for Mr. and Mrs. John Cline, who are taking a trip to the Holy , Land and' other cities abroad.— Misses Beatrice and Bertha Mur-

i = *

Investments For

Your January Funds

*J Interest and dividend pay­ments, and maturing bonds are now making funds avail­able for reinvestment.

^ In connection with this the National Bank will be glad to help. We will make sug­gestions from a list of secur­ities purchased wTith the Bank's money, or obtain for you unbiased information on almost any security you mav have in mind.

fl We will be glad to answer inquiries whether made in person, by mail, or over the telephone.




; /