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Which bank has approved a $231 Million Loan for a Lower Kopili Hydroelectric

Power (LKHEP) Project in Assam?

किस बैंि ने असम में लोअर िोकिली हाइड्रोइलेकरिि िावर (LKHEP) िररयोजना िे कलए $231

कमकलयन ऋण िो मंजूरी दी है?

(a) World bank / कवश्व बैंि

(b) New Development Bank / न्यू डेवलिमेंट बैंि

(c) International Monetary fund / अंतरााष्ट्िीय मुद्रा


(d) Asian Development Bank / एकियाई कविास बैंि

(e) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank /

एकियन इन्रास्ट्िरचर इन्वेस्ट्टमेंट बैंि

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Shaheen-IX exercise held between which country –

िाहीन-नौवीं अभ्यास किस देि िे बीच आयोकजत किया गया -

a) Pakistan – China

b) India – Pak

c) USA - Bangladesh

d) USA – Maldives

e) None

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It is a bilateral exercise held between the

Pakistan Air Force and the People’s Liberation

Army Air Force since 2011.

यह 2011 से पाकिस्तान वाय ुसेना और पीपलु्स किबरेशन

आर्मी एयरफोसस िे बीच आयोकित किपक्षीय अभ्यास ह।ै

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Legion Of Merit award has been given to which person –

मेररट अवाडा किस व्यकि िो दी गई है -

a) Donald Trump

b) Narendra Modi

c) Borris Johnson

d) Yoshihide Suga

e) None

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The award was received on behalf of the Prime

Minister by the Ambassador of India to the

United States Taranjit Singh Sandhu.

यह परुस्िार प्रधानर्मतं्री िी ओर से अर्मरेरिा र्में भारत िे

रािदतू तरनिीत कसंह संध ूने प्राप्त किया।

At the ceremony, The Legion of Merit, was also

awarded to the Prime Minister of Australia Scott

Morrison, and former Prime Minister of Japan,

Shinzo Abe.

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In Maharashtra , first sports university set up at which place -

महाराष्ट्ि में िहला खेल कवश्वकवद्यालय िहााँ स्ट्थाकित किया जायेगा -

a) Mumbai

b) Nagpur

c) Pune

d) Sayadri

e) None

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• 1. Sanjay Gandhi (Borivilli) National Park

• 2. Chandoli National Park

• 1. Aurangabad Airport – Aurangabad

• 2. Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport

– Mumbai

• 3. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International

Airport – Nagpur

• 1. Gateway of India is in Mumbai City.

• 2. Nagpur is known as the Orange City.

• 3. Mumbai has many nicknames which

include: Gateway of India, Hollywood of

India, Maximum City.

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6th Sanwad Conference held with which country –

छठा संवाद सम्मेलन किस देि िे साथ आयोकजत किया गया -

(a) Japan

(b) China

(c) Australia

(d) Japan

(e) Russia

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Prime Minister proposed to create a

library of traditional Buddhist literature

and scriptures.

The main objective of the Sixth India-

Japan Samwad Conference was to discuss

the need to build future Asia based on the

traditions of non-violence and democracy

in Asia

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PM Modi has launched the “SEHAT” Health Insurance Scheme for which of the

following state/UT?

िीएम मोदी ने कनम्नकलकखत में से किस राज्य/िें द्रिाकसत प्रदेि िे कलए “सेहत” स्ट्वास्ट््य बीमा योजना

िुरू िी है?

(a) Jammu and Kashmir

(b) Odisha

(c) Bihar

(d) Andhra Pradesh

(e) Telangana

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• Jammu and Kashmir's Raesi district.

• Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link

• 359 meters above the Chenab river bed -- 30

meters higher than the iconic Eiffel Tower

in Paris, France.

• जम्मू-िश्मीर िा रईसी कजला।

• ऊधमिुर-श्रीनगर-बारामुला रेल कलंि

• कचनाब नदी िे कबस्ट्तर से ३५९ मीटर ऊिर-िेररस,

रांस में प्रकतकित एकिल टॉवर से 30 मीटर अकधि है ।

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On which date National Mathematics Day is celebrated every year?

हर साल राष्ट्िीय गकणत कदवस किस तारीख िो मनाया जाता है?

(a) 21 December / 21 कदसम्बर

(b) 22 December / 22 कदसम्बर

(c) 23 December / 23 कदसम्बर

(d) 24 December / 24 कदसम्बर

(e) 25 December / 25 कदसम्बर

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Srinivasa Ramanujan’s birth anniversary on

December 22 is commemorated as National

Mathematics Day.

He gave several formulas to calculate the digits of Pi

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Which state has became the India's 'Leopard State‘ –

िौन सा राज्य भारत िा 'तेंदुआ राज्य' बन गया है -

(a) UP

(b) Maharashtra

(c) West Bengal

(d) Gujarat

(e) MP

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Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj

Singh Chouhan said that after being the Tiger

State, Madhya Pradesh has now also become

the 'Leopard State' of India.

र्मध्य प्रदशे िे र्मखु्यर्मतं्री कशवराि कसंह चौहान ने िहा कि

बाघ राज्य होने िे बाद र्मध्य प्रदशे अब भारत िा 'तेंदआु

राज्य' भी बन गया ह।ै

Madhya Pradesh has reported 3,421 spotted

big cats—the highest number in the country.

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Which bank has signed MoU with Indian Army for pension services -

किस बैंि ने िेंिन सेवाओ ंिे कलए भारतीय सेना िे साथ समझौता ्ािन िर हस्ट्ता्षरर किए हैं -

(a) SBI

(b) Bank of Baroda

(c) HDFC

(d) PNB

(e) Central Bank of India

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Vikramaditya Singh Khichi, Executive Director,

Bank of Baroda.

The MoU lays down the basis on which banking

services would be provided by Bank of Baroda to

serving and retired Army personnel.

सर्मझौता ज्ञापन र्में यह कनधासररत किया गया ह ैकि बैंि ऑफ

बडौदा िारा सेवारत और सेवाकनवतृ्त सैन्यिकर्मसयों िो बैंकिंग सेवाए ं

किस आधार पर प्रदान िी िाएगंी ।

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Shigella infection cases found in which state of India -

किगेला सकं्रमण िे मामले भारत िे किस राज्य में िाए गए -

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Shigellosis, or shigella infection, is a contagious intestinal infection caused by a genus of

bacteria known as shigella.

The infection is known to spread person-to-person when the bacteria is swallowed


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What was the rank of India in the World Bank’s ease of doing business rankings


कवश्व बैंि िी “ईज़ ऑि डूइगं कबज़नेस” रैंकिंग 2020 में भारत िा रैंि रया था?

(a) 28th

(b) 42nd

(c) 63rd

(d) 78th

(e) 85th

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First Schedule of Indian Constitution It contains the name of States and Union


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Second Schedule of Indian Constitution The

provisions in relation to allowances, privileges,

emoluments of:

President of India

Governors of Indian States

Speaker of Lok Sabha & Deputy Speaker of Lok


Chairman of Rajya Sabha & Deputy Chairman of

Rajya Sabha

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Third Schedule It contains the forms of

oath and affirmation for:

Union Ministers of India

Parliament Election Candidates

Members of Parliament (MPs)

Supreme Court Judges

Comptroller and Auditor General

State Ministers

State Legislature Elections’ Candidates

State Legislature Members

High Court Judges

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Fourth Schedule It contains the provisions in relation to the allocation of seats for

States and Union Territories in the Rajya Sabha

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Fifth Schedule It contains provisions in relation to the administration and control of

scheduled areas and scheduled tribes

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Sixth Schedule It contains provisions in relation to the administration of tribal areas

in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram

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Seventh Schedule This schedule deals with the three legislative lists:




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Eighth Schedule It deals with the 22 official languages recognized by the Indian


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Ninth Schedule It deals with the state acts and regulations of that deal with land


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Tenth Schedule – Anti defection law

Eleventh Schedule – Panchayat

Twelfth Schedule – Municipals

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