
MONDAY SEPT. 29,2003 Vol. 125, No. 15 Mostly Sunny 64 / 44 S TUDENT L IFE THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS SINCE 1878 S TUDENT L IFE One Brookings Drive #1039 #42 Women’s Building St. Louis, MO 63130 Newsroom: (314) 935-5995 Advertising: (314) 935-6713 Fax: (314) 935-5938 Editor: [email protected] News: [email protected] Calendar: [email protected] Please Recycle INSIDE INSIDE Cadenza pages 5-6 Forum pages 7-8 Calendar page 9 Sports pages 9,11 INDEX As a child, Lauren Milling’s mother called her “Spike” because she was so energetic that she wasn’t very careful about things. The name returned to her last year when residential advisor Duke Rodda, confused by the presence of two Lauras, made both of them confess childhood nicknames. Hers stuck. Prior to this small embarrassment (which will probably stick for the rest of her Washington University career) Milling earned her BA in English from Vanderbilt University. During her graduate work, Milling was involved with residential life at both Vanderbilt and Belmont University before being recruited by Washington University at a conference. Films now shown at Galleria 6 cinemas “Cult classic” is the new theme for this year’s student-run Filmboard because, accord- ing to group leaders Victoria Caldwell and Ste- fan Block, it was predicted to draw the largest crowds. In line with this notion, Filmboard plans to show movies such as “The Big Lebowski,” “Fight Club,” “Office Space” and many more. Also, during spring semester, the group has planned special events like an Oscar party. Every Thursday night at 7:00 p.m., Film- board offers free movies to students. School buses park outside Liggett Hall near Wohl cen- ter on the South 40 to transport students to Galleria 6 Cinema. This year’s theme was decided by votes from group members and executive officers. Senior Block, a film major and president of the Film- board, said that the theme serves a purpose. “We wanted to start with a theme,” said Block. “The idea was that by organizing the movie around the theme it would give people something to talk about, [and] maybe make films more interesting things that get into people’s conversation.” This year, club members are putting more KWUR best in city Station recognized for programming, efforts to increase wattage Though KWUR’s signal hardly reaches the South 40, let alone anywhere else in St. Louis, The Riverfront Times (RFT) gave the Washing- ton University student radio station top billing in the paper’s annual “Best of St. Louis” issue. “KWUR is the best radio station in St. Louis precisely because of its contrary nature,” wrote the RFT editors. “A 10,000-milliwatt power- house, KWUR broadcasts exactly what you’d expect from a college radio station…a little bit of anything and everything.” Sophomore Michael Bortinger has been a DJ for KWUR since last year, and currently serves as the station’s treasurer. He said the recogni- tion is a testament to KWUR’s commitment to top-notch programming. “Although we might not have as much wattage as other sta- tions, our programming is on par,” said Bortinger. The RFT also went on to compliment KWUR on its “stand against the consolidation of the airwaves.” Last spring, senior Spencer Kathol, KWUR’s general manager, and Jim Hayes, media advisor for the Office of Student Activities, applied to the Federal Communi- cations Commission (FCC) to ex- pand its broadcasting power from 10 to 100 watts. Kathol said that they took advantage of a loophole in the FCC application process, enabling KWUR to use the new station application, which would have allowed the station a six month grace period to set up and experiment. KWMU 90.7, St. Louis’s Na- tional Public Radio station, how- ever, feared the encroachment of KWUR’s signal on their own. The FCC sympathized with KWMU and rejected KWUR’s application. Kathol and Hayes responded by creating a petition signed by roughly 2,500 University stu- dents. They are also working on applying again. Kathol said he hopes the re- cent newspaper recognition will give KWUR momentum in its fight against the FCC and KWMU. “I think that this might be a turning point for the station with all of the difficulty that we’ve been having,” he said. Bortinger also said he hopes the publicity garnered by the RFT article will help KWUR expand its audience. Although access to KWUR over the airwaves is limited, the station is ac- cessible online at The station is also trying to do more to promote itself on campus by bringing hip-hop and rock bands to the Gargoyle. Bortinger said these are usually smaller, unpublicized bands that are still quite good. KWUR also offers a D.J. service that is com- petitively priced and serves such school func- tions as Bauhaus. Currently, there are roughly 65 students involved with KWUR. Before hosting their own show, students undergo seven hours of train- By Stacie Driebusch q News Editor KWUR: Best Radio Station in St. Louis "Although it seems contrary to select a station that can't be heard more than a mile and a half from its transmitter (in Clayton, just off the Washington University campus), KWUR (FM 90.3) is the best radio station in St. Louis precisely because of its contrary nature. A 10,000-milliwatt powerhouse, KWUR broadcasts exactly what you'd expect from a college radio station: college rock, conscious hip-hop, Wash. U. sporting events and a full afternoon of classical music on Saturdays -- i.e., a little bit of anything and everything. What sets KWUR above all other stations (at least this year) is its stand against the consolidation of the airwaves. In 2003 the station made another fruitless drive to expand its broadcasting power from a measly 10 watts to a tiny 100 watts, losing yet again to the FCC, which has this nasty habit of kowtowing to the behemoths at every opportunity. KWUR fought the Man and the Man won, but if Cool Hand Luke taught us anything, it's that when George Kennedy smashes your face in, you keep getting up because to do otherwise is to admit that George Kennedy is better than you. And George Kennedy is not better than KWUR." --From the Riverfront Times Professor uncovers oldest humans Fossil bones are 34,000 to 36,000 years old Erik Trinkaus, a professor of anthropology at Washington University, helped direct a team of re- searchers which recently discovered a human jaw- bone dated between 34,000 and 36,000 years old. The fossil, which is the earliest known modern human bone in Europe, was found in February 2002 in Pestera cu Oase, a Romanian cave located in the Carpathian Mountains. Trinkaus was contacted to aid in research soon thereafter. “The first fossil was found by [recreational] cav- ers in Romania [who] contacted the director of the caving institution [Institul de Speologie] in Cluj, Ro- mania,” Trinkaus said. “[The institution] contacted cave biologist Oana Moldovan, [who] started search- ing the Internet and found my name, looked up my resume, and sent me an email.” Trinkaus was contacted because the focus of his research has always been the evolution of the genus By Liz Neukrich q Contributing Reporter Professor Trinkaus shows off his team’s find. NEWS.WUSTL.EDU Nelly lets his Pimp Juice flow WU grad helps develop new product William Wooten, a 2003 graduate of Arts & Sciences, spent this past summer co-creating Pimp Juice. The Washington University alum- nus worked with Team Lunatics, a company belonging to St. Louis rapper Nelly, to produce this green apple-flavored energy drink. Wooton, with the help of Demetrius Denim, took the title of Nelly’s hit song, “Pimp Juice,” and transformed the idea into an actual bever- age. By way of the Pimp Juice vehicle, word of mouth, and many cans, Pimp Juice has arrived on campus. Current students also played a part in creating the beverage. Sophomores Paul Lee and Josh Feldman, senior Matt Bernstein, and junior Darius Bates interned at Team Lunatics By Sarah Kliff q Contributing Reporter Senior Noel Vivar prepares for his show, “The Confectionary,” on KWUR 90.3 FM. He is one of more than 65 students who work for KWUR, which was named best St. Louis radio station by The Riverfront Times. BRENDAN WATSON See JUICE page 4 Filmboard edits mission By Helen Rhee q Contributing Reporter See HUMANS, page 4 See KWUR, page 4 See FILM, page 4 Students watch last week’s Filmboard movie at the Galleria 6 Cinema. Filmboard shows are each Thursday at the Galleria. SYLVIA HARDY Artist Squeak Carnwath spoke to the public at the University, but Cadenza’s Carol Ann Welsh dug deeper. Here’s a look at the artist through her own eyes, as well as look back on her career and some of her most interesting works. SQUEAK! PAGE 5 The women’s soccer team extends its winning streak to nine games, thanks to a game-winning goal by Meghan Marie Fowler-Finn. Editor Joe Ciolli talks to coach Wendy Dillinger about the players in the backfield that make up the Bears’ solid defense, which has held its opponents to only eight goals so far this season. WOMEN’S SOCCER PAGE 11 100-WORD LIFE STORY

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T H E I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S PA P E R O F WA S H I N G T O N U N I V E R S I T Y I N S T. L O U I S S I N C E 1 8 7 8 The women’s soccer team extends its winning streak to nine games, thanks to a game-winning goal by Meghan Marie Fowler-Finn. Editor Joe Ciolli talks to coach Wendy Dillinger about the players in the backfi eld that make up the Bears’ solid defense, which has held its opponents to only eight goals so far this season.


M O N D A YSEPT. 29,2003V o l . 1 2 5 , N o . 1 5

Mostly Sunny64 / 44

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STUDENT LIFEOne Brookings Drive #1039#42 Women’s BuildingSt. Louis, MO 63130

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Cadenza pages 5-6Forum pages 7-8Calendar page 9Sports pages 9,11


As a child, Lauren Milling’s mother called her “Spike” because she was so energetic that she wasn’t very careful about things. The name returned to her last year when residential advisor Duke Rodda, confused by the presence of two Lauras, made both of them confess childhood nicknames. Hers stuck. Prior to this small embarrassment (which will probably stick for the rest of her Washington University career) Milling earned her BA in English from Vanderbilt University. During her graduate work, Milling was involved with residential life at both Vanderbilt and Belmont University before being recruited by Washington University at a conference.

Films now shown at Galleria 6 cinemas

“Cult classic” is the new theme for this year’s student-run Filmboard because, accord-ing to group leaders Victoria Caldwell and Ste-fan Block, it was predicted to draw the largest crowds.

In line with this notion, Filmboard plans to show movies such as “The Big Lebowski,” “Fight Club,” “Office Space” and many more. Also, during spring semester, the group has planned special events like an Oscar party.

Every Thursday night at 7:00 p.m., Film-board offers free movies to students. School buses park outside Liggett Hall near Wohl cen-ter on the South 40 to transport students to Galleria 6 Cinema.

This year’s theme was decided by votes from group members and executive officers. Senior Block, a film major and president of the Film-board, said that the theme serves a purpose.

“We wanted to start with a theme,” said Block. “The idea was that by organizing the movie around the theme it would give people something to talk about, [and] maybe make films more interesting things that get into people’s conversation.”

This year, club members are putting more

KWUR best in cityStation recognized for programming, efforts to increase wattage

Though KWUR’s signal hardly reaches the South 40, let alone anywhere else in St. Louis, The Riverfront Times (RFT) gave the Washing-ton University student radio station top billing in the paper’s annual “Best of St. Louis” issue.

“KWUR is the best radio station in St. Louis precisely because of its contrary nature,” wrote the RFT editors. “A 10,000-milliwatt power-house, KWUR broadcasts exactly what you’d expect from a college radio station…a little bit of anything and everything.”

Sophomore Michael Bortinger has been a DJ for KWUR since last year, and currently serves as the station’s treasurer. He said the recogni-tion is a testament to KWUR’s commitment to top-notch programming.

“Although we might not have as much wattage as other sta-tions, our programming is on par,” said Bortinger.

The RFT also went on to compliment KWUR on its “stand against the consolidation of the airwaves.”

Last spring, senior Spencer Kathol, KWUR’s general manager, and Jim Hayes, media advisor for the Offi ce of Student Activities, applied to the Federal Communi-cations Commission (FCC) to ex-pand its broadcasting power from 10 to 100 watts. Kathol said that they took advantage of a loophole in the FCC application process, enabling KWUR to use the new station application, which would have allowed the station a six month grace period to set up and experiment.

KWMU 90.7, St. Louis’s Na-tional Public Radio station, how-ever, feared the encroachment of KWUR’s signal on their own. The FCC sympathized with KWMU and rejected KWUR’s application.

Kathol and Hayes responded by creating a petition signed by roughly 2,500 University stu-dents. They are also working on applying again.

Kathol said he hopes the re-

cent newspaper recognition will give KWUR momentum in its fi ght against the FCC and KWMU.

“I think that this might be a turning point for the station with all of the diffi culty that we’ve been having,” he said.

Bortinger also said he hopes the publicity garnered by the RFT article will help KWUR expand its audience. Although access to KWUR over the airwaves is limited, the station is ac-cessible online at

The station is also trying to do more to promote itself on campus by bringing hip-hop and rock bands to the Gargoyle. Bortinger said these are usually smaller, unpublicized bands that are still quite good.

KWUR also offers a D.J. service that is com-petitively priced and serves such school func-tions as Bauhaus.

Currently, there are roughly 65 students involved with KWUR. Before hosting their own show, students undergo seven hours of train-

By Stacie Driebuschq News Editor

KWUR: Best Radio Station in St. Louis"Although it seems contrary to select a

station that can't be heard more than a mileand a half from its transmitter (in Clayton,

just off the Washington University campus),KWUR (FM 90.3) is the best radio station in

St. Louis precisely because of its contrarynature. A 10,000-milliwatt powerhouse,

KWUR broadcasts exactly what you'd expectfrom a college radio station: college rock,

conscious hip-hop, Wash. U. sporting eventsand a full afternoon of classical music on

Saturdays -- i.e., a little bit of anything andeverything. What sets KWUR above all other

stations (at least this year) is its standagainst the consolidation of the airwaves. In

2003 the station made another fruitlessdrive to expand its broadcasting power from

a measly 10 watts to a tiny 100 watts,losing yet again to the FCC, which has this

nasty habit of kowtowing to the behemothsat every opportunity. KWUR fought the Man

and the Man won, but if Cool Hand Luketaught us anything, it's that when GeorgeKennedy smashes your face in, you keepgetting up because to do otherwise is to

admit that George Kennedy is better thanyou. And George Kennedy is not better than

KWUR." --From the Riverfront Times

Professor uncovers oldest humansFossil bones are 34,000 to 36,000 years old

Erik Trinkaus, a professor of anthropology at Washington University, helped direct a team of re-searchers which recently discovered a human jaw-bone dated between 34,000 and 36,000 years old.

The fossil, which is the earliest known modern human bone in Europe, was found in February 2002 in Pestera cu Oase, a Romanian cave located in the Carpathian Mountains. Trinkaus was contacted to aid in research soon thereafter.

“The fi rst fossil was found by [recreational] cav-ers in Romania [who] contacted the director of the caving institution [Institul de Speologie] in Cluj, Ro-mania,” Trinkaus said. “[The institution] contacted cave biologist Oana Moldovan, [who] started search-ing the Internet and found my name, looked up my resume, and sent me an email.”

Trinkaus was contacted because the focus of his research has always been the evolution of the genus

By Liz Neukrichq Contributing Reporter

Professor Trinkaus shows off his team’s fi nd.NEWS.WUSTL.EDU

Nelly lets his Pimp Juice fl owWU grad helps develop new product

William Wooten, a 2003 graduate of Arts & Sciences, spent this past summer co-creating Pimp Juice. The Washington University alum-nus worked with Team Lunatics, a company belonging to St. Louis rapper Nelly, to produce this green apple-flavored energy drink.

Wooton, with the help of Demetrius Denim, took the title of Nelly’s hit song, “Pimp Juice,” and transformed the idea into an actual bever-age. By way of the Pimp Juice vehicle, word of mouth, and many cans, Pimp Juice has arrived on campus.

Current students also played a part in creating the beverage. Sophomores Paul Lee and Josh Feldman, senior Matt Bernstein, and junior Darius Bates interned at Team Lunatics

By Sarah Kliffq Contributing Reporter

Senior Noel Vivar prepares for his show, “The Confectionary,” on KWUR 90.3 FM. He is one of more than 65 students who work for KWUR, which was named best St. Louis radio station by The Riverfront Times.


See JUICE page 4

Filmboard edits mission

By Helen Rheeq Contributing Reporter

See HUMANS, page 4

See KWUR, page 4

See FILM, page 4Students watch last week’s Filmboard movie at the Galleria 6 Cinema. Filmboard shows are each Thursday at the Galleria.


Artist Squeak Carnwath spoke to the public at the University, but Cadenza’s Carol Ann Welsh dug deeper. Here’s a look at the artist through her own eyes, as well as look back on her career and some of her most interesting works.



The women’s soccer team extends its winning streak to nine games, thanks to a game-winning goal by Meghan Marie Fowler-Finn. Editor Joe Ciolli talks to coach Wendy Dillinger about the players in the backfi eld that make up the Bears’ solid defense, which has held its opponents to only eight goals so far this season.