newsletter 12th march

TOOTGAROOK TELEGRAPH Weekly newsletter of TOOTGAROOK PRIMARY SCHOOL Website: Telephone: 5985 2864 Email Address: [email protected] Issue 6 12 th March, 2015 CALENDAR Friday 13 th March - Out of Uniform Day – Easter Item Donation Monday 16 th March - School Council Meeting Tuesday 17 th March - Grade 3/4 Environment Excursion to The Briars Friday 20 th March - Hot Dog Lunch Day Monday 23 rd – Wednesday 25 th March - Grade 5/6 Urban Camp Friday 13 th March 2015 Free Dress Day tomorrow- an Easter item for the Easter Baskets is required. Easter Raffle tickets @ 50cents each have been sent home last week – please return by Thursday 26 th March – the raffle will be drawn on Friday 27 th March @ 9am with winners announced at our final assembly for Term One. PLANNING WEEK In the final week of term one we will be operating on a modified timetable as part of planning week. Instead of students participating in their specialist programs throughout the course of the week, these classes will be timetabled to occur on one day, thereby allowing all of the teachers at each level to be released. When teachers are released for the day during planning week, they will spend the entire day working collaboratively to plan an overview of the curriculum program for next term. This approach to our term by term curriculum planning, helps to ensure a heightened degree of consistency in our program delivery across all levels of the school. Bikes & Scooters Many children ride bikes, skateboards and scooters to school each day. All bikes and scooters must be stored in the designated areas. Please ensure your child has a chain and a lock. All children who ride a bike or scooter must wear a helmet which is a requirement by the Government . The school regularly reminds all children about wearing helmets for their safety. All bikes, scooters, skateboards, rip sticks and helmets must be labelled, with your child’s name and class. Children are reminded they must walk their bike, scooter, skateboard or rip stick to and from the school gates. No bikes are to be brought through the school buildings and we request, where possible, that Scooters are also not walked through the building.

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  • TOOTGAROOK TELEGRAPH Weekly newsletter of


    Telephone: 5985 2864

    Email Address: [email protected] Issue 6 12th March, 2015

    CALENDAR Friday 13th March - Out of Uniform Day Easter Item Donation Monday 16th March - School Council Meeting Tuesday 17th March - Grade 3/4 Environment Excursion to The Briars Friday 20th March - Hot Dog Lunch Day

    Monday 23rd Wednesday 25th March - Grade 5/6 Urban Camp

    Friday 13th March 2015 Free Dress Day tomorrow- an Easter item for the Easter Baskets is required. Easter Raffle tickets @ 50cents each have been sent home

    last week please return by Thursday 26th March the raffle will be drawn on Friday 27th March @ 9am with winners announced at

    our final assembly for Term One.

    PLANNING WEEK In the final week of term one we will be operating on a modified timetable as part of planning week. Instead of students participating in their specialist programs throughout the course of the week, these classes will be timetabled to occur on one day, thereby allowing all of the teachers at each level to be released. When

    teachers are released for the day during planning week, they will spend the entire day working collaboratively to plan an overview of the curriculum program for next term.

    This approach to our term by term curriculum planning, helps to ensure a heightened degree of consistency in our program delivery across all levels of the school.

    Bikes & Scooters Many children ride bikes, skateboards and scooters to school each day. All bikes and scooters must be stored in the designated areas. Please ensure your child has a chain and a lock. All children who ride a bike or scooter must wear a helmet which is a requirement by the Government . The school regularly reminds all children about wearing helmets for their safety. All bikes, scooters, skateboards, rip sticks and helmets must be labelled, with your childs name and class. Children are reminded they must walk their bike, scooter, skateboard or rip stick to and from the school gates. No bikes are to be brought through the school buildings and we request, where possible, that Scooters are also not walked through the building.[email protected]

  • Student of the Week Students will be presented with certificates at Monday morning assembly.

    Prep B Mrs Bos Swae Quarrell for persevering and conquering the formation of the letter a

    Prep R Mrs Read Kayla Opie Kayla you have settled into our classroom beautifully, you work independently and do your best at all times.

    1H Miss Grayson Mia Anthony for being a very enthusiastic learner in all activities. She listens well and is a caring and sharing classmate.

    1P Miss Perkins - Kade Penzo - For always being a happy and excited learner. You ask questions, talk in full sentences and help other class members with their learning. You are a super star Mr Penzo!

    2B Mrs Baird - Grace Bell fabulous concentration this week and a happy face too!

    2J - Mrs Johnstone Max Gorton for his fabulous contributions to our History unit. Max shares his understandings and provides credible examples. Well done!

    3A Miss Arnold Ashtyn Williams for being really helpful during learning. Ashtyn is always an active learner and for being really organized with her homework! Great Work!

    3W Ms Walton Jack Sterling- for being a happy student who always completes work to the best of his ability. Jack is a kind and caring friend to others and always has a huge smile on his face.

    4S Miss Staley Ingka Mears- For being an independent learner who commences all tasks quickly. Congratulations Ingka, you worked like a champion on your pamphlet and set a great example to the rest of the class. Well done.

    5Q Miss Quintin Zak Williams - I'm so impressed with your Melbourne Filmstrip. You've listened during our class discussions and summarised some important information about Melbourne's history. Well done!

    6W Miss Withers Zoii Cicerale-Volcevski for trying her hardest in English and writing a wonderful letter to the author of her reading book.

    Art/Craft (Miss Davey) Dakota White - 4S - For working consistently and cooperatively on her diorama plan. I like the way you have clearly labelled all of the materials you intend to use and sketched out the different areas of your attraction. Well done!

    Music (Mrs Young) Matilda Livesly 2J you have started piano lessons this term and you have shown such enthusiasm and great progress over a very short time. Well done!

    P.E. (Mr Kitchin) Otis McIntosh for always encouraging others and being a great sport.

    Indonesian (Miss Lee) Bella-Mia Magnano 1H - For her attentive listening and enthusiastic participation in sounding out new words in Indonesian.

    Indonesian (Mrs Clements) - Well Done Tom Connelly - Mrs Clements was so impressed with you during Indonesian this week. Keep it up!

    ANZAC DAY SATURDAY 25TH APRIL 2015 An open invitation is extended to Tootgarook PS parents, teachers and pupils to

    attend the Rye RSL Anzac Day Commemorative Service and Centenary Plaque

    dedication from 12.00pm at the RSL on Saturday 25th April. Our School Captains

    Obelia Wycisk and Harrison Read will represent the school by laying a wreath during

    the Memorial Service. The March will commence at Rye Pier at 12:15pm

  • The Art Room has the following wish list:

    paper towel tubes/ wrapping paper tubes, wool, clean meat trays, small boxes + cereal boxes if you have any of these items please leave them in the Art room thank you!