newsletter february 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · february 2015. dear parents and carers...

Newsleer February 2015

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Page 1: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models


February 2015

Page 2: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models

Dear Parents and Carers This newsletter highlights all the wonderful learning opportunities the children have at Laira Green. The children recently watched a pantomime performance of Aladdin, visited the Eden Project, had a special visitor to talk about the importance of the Holocaust Memorial Day. We also had a storyteller David Doyle, in school yesterday who performed for the whole school, as well as holding workshops for various classes. All these experiences are turned into writing opportunities for the children and I know you will be impressed with your child’s writing when you see their work during parents evening, just after half term. Today the Evening Herald photographer spent the morning in school taking photographs of all the wonderful models the children and parents have made to support each year group’s home learning. Ash and Birch are studying Scandinavia and pupils made models of their famous bridges. Sycamore, Chestnut and Hazel pupils presented a range of models and art work linked to their topic, The Rainforest. Year Two have been busy representing their local area so we have seen lots of models of Smeaton’s Tower, whilst our Year One’s learning has been linked to Under the Sea. We have included some photographs of the models in this newsletter and we will contact parents when the photographs are in the Herald. Thank you to everyone for the amazing models, the children and staff really get so much enjoyment from seeing your creations! A special mention must go to Owen and Ruby Thomas’s mum for their Charles Church model, complete with spotlights, and for contacting the Herald! Having seen the continued commitment from our parents, the progress and high quality of children’s work it is regretful that our complaint to Ofsted resulted in the lead investigator disagreeing with our view point. We did however receive an apology for being presented with the lead inspectors personal business card. I was also dismayed to read that our complaint regarding the Tribal Inspection had been inspected by Tribal themselves. The response from Ofsted to my enquiry regarding this stated ‘it has always been our policy that the first investigation of complaints received about Ofsted’s work is carried out by the same inspection provider that carried out the inspection. There are two main reasons for this: the need to Investigate all concerns fully often requires detailed knowledge of specific business functions; and the desire to learn from issues raised to improve our services for the future is better supported when investigations are completed internally. Inspection Quality and Complaints Administration Team. Whilst this is disappointing I would like to reassure all parents that your children are receiving an excellent education at Laira Green, which I am sure you all agree with. For further reassurance please look at our data document on the website which shows we are favourable with Local and National Data. Mr Whitnall will be in charge, whilst Mrs Norgate and myself visit Kalika Primary School in Nepal. We shall be taking the ‘culture box’ which contains gifts to the children of Kalika from the pupils of Laira Green. We shall be bringing back a ‘culture box’ from Nepal for our pupils! Classes also wrote letters and took class photos which are on the website. We have successfully recruited Mrs Pippa Scott, who will be teaching in Year 6/5 from September. Mrs Scott currently teaches at Lipson Co-operative Academy and has been teaching Level Six Maths to our pupils for the last two years. Trisha Ellis will be taking over from Mrs Balletto who will be leaving Laira Green, on Friday 6th March, to have her second baby. We are still recruiting to appoint a teacher for Chestnut class and will inform parents when we have successfully filled this post. Finally, congratulations to Miss Simpson who is expecting her first baby in August with her partner. This means we have seven Little Laira’s born this year!! I look forward to meeting you on my return. Miss D Bailey

Page 3: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models

Teacher Highlights of the Week. Fabian saying, “this is the best day ever” when on the Eden Project trip. Mrs Larsen We had a super time on Friday afternoon with Mr Hartley. He did some WOW science related to air pressure and chemical reactions with my class and Sycamore, and will be repeating with Hazel this week. The children really enjoyed it, and learnt a lot! They are already looking forward to their next afternoon with Mr Science! Again, pictures will go up this week. Mrs Marvin The aquarium visit - Brodie was in his element talking about whales, sharks and dinosaurs! All children were totally engaged for the whole session, something I'm sure they'll remember for a long time. Miss Simpson Five reads a week stickers: On Friday Mrs Price gave out seven certificates and stickers to our readers for reading five times a week. We were all really excited. Mr Roe I know! I bumped into them all in the corridor and it was awash with excited, smiling children all waving certificates! Miss Bailey Bailey’s face trying a huge piece of lemon, not realising it was bitter! Mrs Balletto We had a lovely art afternoon on Tuesday with Mrs Clark in the Art Room making little red hen collages based on Chagall’s Red Rooster. The children enjoyed it immensely and their work should make for another lovely display. Mrs Ford I’ve really enjoyed getting more into the Forest school with this group. We’ve been using knives as well as lighting fires. Mr Hartley was very impressed with how proficient they were with their tools as he had missed their introduction to them and the safety rules. I’m waiting on a testimonial from him to support my Forest School Portfolio. Heather joined us this week after Jason bumped into her, it was really nice to meet her and have her support us. Mr Blake Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter

Some of our amazing 3D models made by the pupils with the help of their parents/carers.

Page 4: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models


Some year 5/6 reviews of the fantastic storyteller day!

Sophie Ashton - “I thought the day was amazing and David Doyle and Clive Pig are the best storytellers in the UK!”

Charlie Cuddy - “I think David Doyle is very funny and


Caitlin Glazsher - “He made my imagination flourish.”

WOW Science! Last week Year 3/4 were lucky enough to have Mr Science (aka Mr Hartley), come in to lead us in some practical science investigations. We learnt all about air pressure and gases and even made our own fire extinguishers! We can't wait until our next session!

Page 5: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models


The Greenshoot’s children are currently having fun learning about different

countries and cultures around the world. Children have brought various items and

photos in from home to show everyone.

On 25th February, we have a RNLI volunteer coming to talk to the children about

staying safe on the beach and also we are off to Forest School!

Our next Open Day will be on Wednesday 18th March from 9am to 7pm. Please

feel free to pop in anytime to have a look around and ask our friendly staff any


We are looking for new Trustees – whether you are a parent or have a business

background and would like to be more involved in Greenshoots pre-school, then

why not consider becoming a Trustee and joining our very friendly Board of Trus-

tees who look after Greenshoots.

Don’t forget we run a very popular Breakfast Club and After School Club.

Please contact us for further details.

Contact Kerry, Greenshoots Manager on 01752 228272

Email us at [email protected]

Find all the latest Greenshoots news at

Page 6: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models

Last week, Hazel (year 5/4), Sycamore (year 4/3) and Chestnut (year 4/3) went to the Eden Project. We learnt all about the rainforest and how we can find food, shelter and water. We explored different plants and materials and discussed how we could use them to survive in the rainforest.

We also visited the Rainforest Biome, which is a big dome filled with plants from the rainforest. The Biome was very humid, just like a rainforest. We found lots of different foods that grow in the rainforest like bananas, mango, coffee, sugar even rub-ber!

Here are some pictures of us at The Eden Project, in Cornwall.

Page 7: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models

Headteacher Awards

Anthony , Caitlin S, Jack H, Layla J, Sean, Rowand, Lily P Y, Mollie R, Ellie H, Diogo, Josh H, Milly C and

Caitlyn S M Scandinavian project homework.

Logan R for fantastic Project work.

Jaden P and Ella -Mae for good manners showing a teacher around the school.

Finn L for doing up his tie by himself.

Fabian and Kailum for fabulous extended writing.

Bailey H, William P and Jasmine K for amazing home learning logs.

Hanna W and Darcie-Rose for walking around the school in a sensible manner.


January 2015

Bumblebees 92% Chestnut 94.4%

Ladybirds 91.5% Sycamore 94.5%

Fireflies 95.7% Hazel 94.5%

Caterpillars 96.9% Ash 94.9%

Dragonflies 96.2% Birch 93.9%

Butterflies 98.3%



FACT—IT IS NOT TRUE that pupils can catch up. Research shows that by missing lessons, pupils soon fall being.

FACT—IT IS NOT TRUE that lessons pupils miss are repeated at a later date.

The Education Act states that parents are legally responsible for their child’s regular and punctual attendance at school.

Page 8: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models

Stay and Play Coffee Morning

Mondays and Fridays (Term Time)

8.45 – 10am

ALL WELCOME (Please tell your friends about us!)

Sessions held in the ‘Dell centre’ (Please enter through the blue door on

Bramley Rd)

0-4 yrs



Page 9: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models


COMMUNITY FORUM Raising funds for school and preschool.

For those of you who have not seen our Facebook page, THANK YOU, once again for your support in raising over £1600 at the Christmas Fayre.




The next fund-raising event from the Parents’ Forum will be the Valentine Mufti Day.



Why not wear Pink or Red?

Look at us, being super-organised! We have planned in the fund-raising events for 2015.

No last minute Mufti outfits anymore!!!

*TBC = To be confirmed


See our website for details:


SCHOOL will be coming, once again, in April.

Please remember to keep your unwanted, reasonable quality, clothing items(including shoes/belts/handbags) ready for recycling and raising cash. P.S. No bedding/curtains/school uniform for these collections


February Valentine Mufti – Friday 13th February (50p)

March Thursday 5th – World Book Day Mufti (2nd hand Book Donation)

And after-school Book Sale (TBC*)

Thursday 26th

- Easter Disco

April Easter Colouring Competition (Date TBC*) Bags to School (Date TBC*)

May Tuesday 5th – THE GREAT LAIRA BAKE OFF and CAKE SALE. 3pm onwards.

June -

July Friday 3rd

– Tombola Donation Mufti

Saturday 11th

- Summer Fun Day


September Friday 25th – Family Bingo Night or Quiz (Including AGM)

October Bags to school – (Date TBC*)

Thursday 22nd

- Halloween Disco

November Saturday 28th

– Christmas Fayre

December TBC*



If you think you may like to join the Forum to help

raise extra funds for the school and

preschool, please leave your details at the school office.

You can come along to one of our (informal) meetings to

see if it’s for you. You could learn new skills and gain

confidence and friends.

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Page 11: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models
Page 12: Newsletter February 2015 - · 2015-02-02 · February 2015. Dear Parents and Carers ... Pagan’s retelling of The Just So story! Mrs Hunter Some of our amazing 3D models

Contact information for Laira Green Primary School

Telephone Number: 01752 660427


Email: [email protected]

School Nurse: Ceri Bygrave 01752 434119

PCSO: Megan Davis-Butler

Non emergency Number 101

TERM 3, 4, 5 & 6

Monday 9th February 1st Flouride application Reception & Year 1

Friday 13th February Fireflies class assembly 9am Lower Hall

Friday 13th February Mufti 50p Wear Red/Pink

Friday 13th February Last day of term

16th—20th February HALF TERM

Monday 23rd February Back to school

Monday 23rd February Parent’s evenings all week

Thursday 5th March World Book day mufti for book donations

Friday 6th March Chestnut class assembly 9am Lower Hall

Friday 13th March Red Nose Day donations please

Monday 16th March Science week

Friday 27th March Hazel class assembly 9am Lower Hall

Friday 27th March LAST DAY OF TERM

Friday 17th April Sycamore class assembly 9am Lower Hall

Friday 1st May Bumblebees class assembly 9am Lower Hall

Friday 15th May Ladybirds class assembly 9am Lower Hall

Tuesday 23rd June Year 6 to France—information to follow

Friday 26th June Year 5 to Nethercott Farm—information to follow

Friday 3rd July Y5 from Ash and Birch class assembly

Friday 17th July Y2 ‘leavers’ class assembly

Wednesday 22nd July Y6 Leavers assembly 9am Lower Hall