newsletter janfeb 2015

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  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015




    2 5


    11:00 a.m.


    Mon. - Fri.

    9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon

    1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


    (304) 232-6511


    (304) 232-7552

    [email protected]


    Rev. Deborah L. Gable, Pastor


    Choir Director:

    Michael Oliver


    Beverly A. Carpenter


    Russ Wagner

    M is s io 11 S ta te111e11 t

    Make Cbuist s

    Love KnolDn in the


    b Y Seuving the

    Cornrnunit(Y, SbaRing


    Teaching Gob s

    Wou~ an~






    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015


    G re etin gs B ro th ers a nd S is te rs in C hris t,

    M ay w e a ll be aw akened in th is season o f E p iphany to see the S on o f G od revea led in the w orld

    I have no ticed recen tly grea t e ffo rts to w elcom e the v is ito rs tha t have been com ing to S t. Jam es fo r w orsh ip and I

    com m end you for be ing so open . I a lw ays te ll peop le that one of m y ow n persona l cho ices w hen a guest com es to m y

    hom e is tha t I en joy the ir presence and don 't w an t them to do any th ing bu t en joy the ir tim e. I encou rage you to do the

    sam e as w e w elcom e them in ou r fam ily o f fa ith .

    S om e im portan t po in ts I have lea rned in m y yea rs o f se rv ice to the peop le o f G od is tha t the w ord o f G od rem ains the

    sam e, bu t how w e rece ive and im plem en t it in to the w orld gene ra tion a lly is very d iffe ren t. I can revea l tha t w hen

    yo ung er p eo ple v is it a ch urch th ey w an t p eo ple to b e frie nd ly , bu t th e la st th ing th ey w an t is to b e o ve rw he lm ed .

    P eo ple n eed G od spa ce T ha t is th e spa ce b etw ee n th em a nd you th at the H oly S pirit fills w hich b in ds yo u tog eth er.

    Inv ite them to fe llow sh ip o r to a fun even t bu t neve r to w ork If they do no t ge t the space to rece ive th is b less ing , then

    they w ill fee l as though they a re be ing tugged in to m in is tries jus t to ge t w ork done . It is no t abou t the w ork bu t abou t

    re la tion sh ip T he re fo re , g ive pe op le tim e a nd sp ace to fe el th e H oly S pir it w ork ing in th em . B y th eir th ird v is it an d afte r

    b uild in g co m m un ity , in vite th em to u se th eir s kills in th e m in is try o f th eir c ho ic e.

    A lso , o nce th ey a re in vite d to d o m in is try , ass is t a nd g uid e th em . K ee p yo ur d iscu ssio n m ee tin gs sh ort T his ha s b een

    one o f the b igges t com pla in ts tha t I have hea rd w ith m os t peop le is tha t C hu rch m eetings a re w ay too long espec ia lly

    w hen they are tw o o r m ore hou r m ee tings o r a ll day even ts. T he younger gene ra tion define the ir fa ith through t ask

    o rien ted events . T hey do no t find va lue in tim e consum ed m ee tings , be long ing to a specific g roup , e tc . E ven w hen w e

    try to break up long m eetings w ith break-ou t g roups w e m ust still be m ind fu l tha t the pe riod in w hich w e do no t keep

    p eo ple m o vin g a nd m e nta lly p ro ce ss in g th ro ug h ta sk c an b e n on -p ro du ctiv e.

    L as tly , I h ave lis te ned to p eop le fro m co nversa tion s co ncern ing chu rch an d w ha t d ra ws th em in to th e C hris tian fa mily .

    T he ir re sp on se s a re d iffe re nt b ut w ith a n u nd erly in g s im ila rity a nd th at is a re la tio nsh ip w ith J esu s. T h ey w an t to

    know about the Jesus o f the scrip tures and how he is w ork ing in the ir life . If w e stop and cons ide r ou r persona l

    re la tio ns hip s e ith er w ith a sp ou se , frie nd , e tc., w e b eg in b uild in g th os e re la tio ns hip s w ith th e ge ttin g to k no w y ou

    s ta ge o r a ctiv itie s th at d ra w us close r to ge the r, a s w ell as th e tim e ne ed ed to d eve lo p th at re la tio nsh ip .

    S o, I le ave yo u w ith th is in form atio n so th at you ca n be tte r u nde rs ta nd h ow to m in is te r G od 's w ord a nd e nco ura ging

    p eo ple to se ek o ut o ur ch urch h om e so tha t th ey m ay fin d tha t p erso na l re la tio nsh ip w ith C hris t.

    P .S . I saw a s ign in the back o f a chu rch that I w as v is iting w h ile on vaca tion tha t read ,

    T h e C hurch H as L eft th e B uild in g

    P .P .S . W e are no t b rick and m orta r but the body o f C hris t

    G od 's b le ss in gs a s yo u co ntin ue yo ur jo urn ey in fa ith .

    P eac e ,

  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015


    Prayer Concerns

    Marie Abercrombie, LaVerne Bebout, Pat Carl, Sonny Crupe, Keith Emery, Justin Hilt, Polly Karr, John

    Alice Kerns, Emily Kimpel, Carl Knollinger, Cordi Kotzbauer, Selma McKenzie, Marcia Miller, Lois

    Nickerson, Bill Roth, Hines Rotriga, Sue Thatcher,


    Thomas, Vera Turner and Shawn Thomas.

    HOMEBOUND ... Pauline Barnes.

    MILITARY .. .Stephen Jewell, Darren Hoffman, Tim Kosky, Danny Welker, and all those who serve in

    our military.

    T o add or take som eone off of




    ca ll th e c hu rc h o ffic e.

    P lease keep us updated on those added ot the list.

    Get Ready for Epiphany

    Many Christian denominiations celebrate

    Epiphany each year on or near January 6.

    Epiphany, which means showing forth,

    celebrates the visit of the magi. or wise men, to

    the baby Jesus. These men. also known as

    kings, saw the star that led them to Bethlehem.

    The fact that these wise men were Gentiles,

    not Jews, teaches us an important theological

    lesson: Their search for the Savior shows that

    Jesus came for all people.

    In 1875, Philip Bliss wrote the hymn, The

    Light of the World is Jesus. The first stanza

    captures the meaning of Epiphany, a season of


    The whole world was lost

    In the darkness of sin.

    The Light of the world is Jesus

    Thank You

    Many Thanks to those who helped the

    children on the Angel Tree and to those who

    helped with the Santa Luncheon. We

    appreciate all of our volunteers.



    Hawk for bringing the message while

    Pastor Deb was on vacation.

    And to all those who decorated and

    un-decorated the church during Christmas.

    Ash Wednesday


    St. James will have two services on

    Ash Wednesday

  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015


    Community Worship Celebration

    Honoring the Legacy of

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    and lifting up civil rights and

    non-violent social change

    P oin s et t ias ad o rn ed th e A l tar

    d u r in g th e C h r is tm as Seas on

    G iv en B y :

    n Mem ory O f :

    J a ck W a rs in s ky

    hyllis A Wars insky

    First Christian Church Disciples of Christ

    1342 National Road

    Wheeling. WV

    The church with the big round window

    R ub y G olc h

    h arlie G o lc h

    R u by G olc h


    K ay W e ste n h av er

    R ub y G olc h

    a ry K ay Y ode rs

    Sunda~JanuaryI8, 2015

    4:00 p.m.

    u by G olc h

    im E a sth on

    T ra vis F am ily

    Rev. Paul Schafer - Preacher

    Inspirational Music

    Annual MLK Awards Presented

    B o b T ra vis


    Se lma

    a the G lory o f G od (2 )

    McKenz ie

    Fellowship and Refreshements afterward

    C on nie D av is

    o the G lo ry of G od

    Sponsored by the Upper Ohio Valley

    inisterial Alliance

    Noisy CanCollection

    Collected the first Sunday of each

    month for the Gabriel project. Collect


    change in the baby bottle provided for

    you. If you don t have a bottle pick one

    up in the Narthex. Bring in even if its

    not full and drop the change in the

    Six NewYear Resolutions

    1. Forget the past and honor God more.

    2. Live for Christ in the world.


    Trust God with a strong faith.

    4. Remain faithful to my church.


    Witness to the lost.

  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015




    Hannah Schleicher


    Katie Hennessey Miles


    Mary El len Hughes


    Paula Reger


    Greg Jewell


    Don Mahlke Jr.

    Jeff Hartman

    Diane Ruttig


    Olivia Burtrand


    Judy Thompson


    Charles Montez

    Jacob Wolfe

    29 Jessica Reger

    Norma Jean Sarris


    Bil l Nickerson


    Mike Hartman

    f your name is not listed or listed incorrectly on

    t he b ir th d y or n niv ers r y l is t p le s e c l l t h e

    church office and it will be corrected

    W RNIN

    Bible usage can be habit forming.

    Regular reading of the Bible can cause loss

    of anxiety and fear and a decreased appetite

    for impatience and anger.

    Birthdays Next Month



    Amy Beaver


    Marie Abercrombie

    Karlee Mae Hennessey


    Bill McKenzie


    Chelsea Houser


    Sandy Howe


    Bob Goddard


    Susan Hamilton


    February Anniversary




    Barbara Knollinger

    Minutes of Gold

    Two or three minutes - two or three


    What do they mean in this life of ours?

    Not very much if counted as time

    But minutes of gold and hours sublime

    If we would make use of them once in a


    To make someone happy - make

    someone smile.

    A minute may dry a little lad s tears

    An hour may sweep aside troubles of

  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015


    Food Pantry

    The Food Pantry was held on Nov 25 with 246

    ~====================================== : : ;

    families served and 26 new clients. On Dec 23,

    the Food Pantry served 191 families with 24 new

    clients. The next Food Pantry will be held on

    Tuesday, Jan 27 and Feb 24 at 10:00 a.m.

    THANK YOU ... To those who help with the Food

    Pantry, and to all those who helped with Cabela's

    pick-up day.

    M a r th a C irc le

    T he M artha C irc le w ill m ee t the la s t T h ursda y o f the

    m on th , W end y 's in M artin s F erry a t 10 :30 a .m .

    T hu rs da y, J an ua ry 2 9th D ec em be r G a th er L es so n

    Thur sday, F eb rua ry 26 th



    you signed up for your spring Lutheran Marriage

    Encounter Weekend? NOW is the time to register for

    this opportunity to rekindle the romance and realize the

    full potential of your marriage with all the joy and

    beauty God intended. Weekends run from Friday

    evening at 8 PM to Sunday afternoon around 4 PM.

    The 20] 5 Pennsylvania Spring Weekends are:

    March 13-15,2015 at the lovely Sheraton

    Pittsburgh Airport Hotel located in a peaceful setting 6

    miles from the Pittsburgh Airport.

    April 10-12, 20]5 at Toftrees Golf Resort and

    Conference Center nestled in 1500 wooded acres in

    State College, PA.

    Registrations are also being accepted for the September

    ]8-20,20]5 Weekend at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in

    Canadensis, PA, in the Poconos and the October 16-18,

    2015 Weekend at the Heritage Hotel in Lancaster, PA.

    Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all

    supplies are included with your $45 registration plus a

    contribution of whatever amount you wish to make at

    the end of the Weekend toward the continuation of the

    program. To sign up online. go to:


    .GodLovesMarriaQ.e.on , and pay the $45

    registration fee using your credit card, or mark the

    option to mail in a check. Registrations are limited, so

    act today to ensure that you can attend the Weekend of

    your choice. For questions, or if you would like a

    brochure mailed to you, contact Pennsylvania Directors

    of Lutheran Marriage Encounter. Fred Julie

    M IN IS T R IE S O F


    Gabriel Project

    The Gabriel project provides immediate assistance to

    mothers and babies in our area with diapers, wipes,

    clothing, beds, etc. They are always in need of

    diapers, (all sizes) but especially size 3, 4, and 5,

    baby oil, wipes, baby shampoo, rash ointment,

    thermometers, onesies, crib sheets, swings, carriers,

    car seats, high chairs (gently used), bottles, infant

    shoes and socks. 29 mothers and babies were

    helped in Nov and 20 were helped in Dec.

    Sharing the Blues

    Giving your gently used jeans could mean alot to

    someone who has lost everything. Please remember

    this ministry when you're at Walmart, Sears, or any

    other department store and don't forget to buy a

    package of new athletic socks. The used jeans and

    new socks will help families when they are caught in

    a disaster and need to replace clothes that are lost.

    Don't forget to bring in your old inkjet cartridges,

    your old cell phones and your old eye glassses to

    be recycled.

  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015


    Worship Volunteers for

    Notes and Reminders


    2015 ..

    Greeters: Bill & Mary Ellen Hughes

    Ushers: Mark Houser

    Worship Assistant: Barbara Knollinger

    Communion Assistant: Barbara Knollinger

    Acolyte: Open

    Altar Guild: Open

    Parish Fellowship: 4 - Barbara Carl Knollinger.

    11 - Open. 18 - Open.

    25 -

    Community Roundtable


    Altar Flowers: Open all month.

    February 2015

    Greeters: Open

    Ushers: Greg Jewell

    Worship Assistant: Maureen Wagner

    Communion Assistant: Maureen Wagner

    Acolyte: Open

    Altar Guild: Open

    Parish Fellowship: 1 - Open. 8 - Open. 15 - Open.

    22 - Community Roundtable luncheon.

    Please sign the sheet in the Fellowship Hall to

    volunteer for Fellowship

    Altar Flowers Open all month

    Remember When no one signs up for Altar Flowers


    artificial flowers are used

    COUNCIL MEETING ...The January meeting of

    Council was canceled. The February meeting

    will be held on February 10th at 5:45 p.m.

    NEW ADDRESS ...For Kristen Lyrio-Takis: 302

    Garden Lane, Huntington,

    VN 25705.


    OFFERING ENVELOPES ... Please pick up

    your offering envelopes in Fellowship Hall.

    ALTAR FLOWERS ... If you would like Altar

    flowers in memory or in honor of someone ,

    please sign the sheet in the hallway or call the

    church office.

    PARISH FELLOWSHIP ... If you would like to

    host, please sign the sheet on the wall in

    Fellowship Hall or call the church office.

    ST. JAMES WEBSITE .. .Don't forget to check our

    church website regularly to stay current on

    events at s t. James Lutheran Church. St. James

    is now on Facebook Like our page at

    Newsletter Deadline - 22nd of the month.
  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015


    cA new year - a IWW begi luUI1B.

    BegiI~ each daN

    l 1 i / l i

    die Lordi

    nu ry 2 15

    B e ho ld , I w ill c re ate n ew h e av en s a n d a

    new earth. ISA IA H 6 5:17

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    2 As the year comes to an end, don't ~


    look back at yesterday's disappointment.


    5 Look ahead to God's promises yet to unfold.




    Ojelabi ~



    A.A. Mee t i ng

    7 : p .m




    A A M ee ting

    7: p .m

    C h ur ch O ff ic e

    C l o s e d



    AA Mee t i ng

    7 : p .m

    S ec on d S un da y o f

    Ch r i s tmas

    Worsh ip 1 1 : a m

    N o is y C a n C o lle ctio n

    Qui l te rs

    9 :3 a m


    Epiphany of

    Our Lord






    Qui l te rs

    19 2

    2 22 23 24

    ~ ec on d S un da y a fte r

    9 :3 0 a .m .

    E p iphany

    A.A. Mee t i ng

    C a be la 's F o od

    7: p .m

    Worsh ip 1 1 : a .m.

    P i ckup

    M a r tin L u th e r K in g J r O a y

    25 26 27

    28 29 30 31

    T hird S un da y a fte r

    E p iphany

    M a r th a C i rc le

    F o od P a ntr y

    1 :3 a .m.


    Mee t i ng

    Worsh ip 1 1 : a .m.

    1 : a .m.

    7 : p .m

    W e nd y's - M . F erry

    B ap tis m o f O ur L ord

    Worsh ip 1 1 : a .m.


    C o u n cil M e e tin g

    5 : 4 5 p .m.




  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015


    February 2015

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    2 3 4 5 6


    Fourth Sunday

    after Epiphany


    Thursday Music

    9:30 a.m.

    A.A. Meeting

    Club Luncheon

    Worship 11 AM

    7:00 PM

    11:00 AM

    Groundhog Day

    Noisy Can





    10 11 12 13 14

    Fifth Sunday

    Church Council


    fter Epiphany


    A.A. Meeting

    7:00 PM

    1 J : 3 J E J { r r I ? { E

    5:45 PM

    Worship 11AM

    D . ~ ~ Y

    5 6

    7 8

    9 2 2

    Ash Wednesday




    9:30 a.m.

    Cabela's Food

    A.A. Meeting

    Of Our Lord

    Pickup 7:00PM

    President's Day

    12 Noon

    Worship 11



    First sund2-~








    Martha Circle

    Worship 11 AM

    Food Pantry

    10:30 AM

    A.A. Meeting

    ]0 AM - Noon


    7:00 PM

    Martins Ferry

  • 8/9/2019 Newsletter JanFeb 2015



    J a m e s f b a n g d ie a l 1 L u t f J e r a n b u r e b

    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

    1409 Chapline Street

    Wheeling, VW 26003


    1 COR I NTH I A N ~ I 1V