newsletter of the palomar cactus and succulent society...dec 04, 2014  · if you have any...

BULLETIN DECEMBER 2014 CACTUS COURIER Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society Volume 60, Number 12 December 2014 The Meeting is the * * third * * Saturday December 20, 2014 Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Ave, Escondido, CA 92025 11:30 am Photograph by Debra Lee Baldwin – reprinted with permission.

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Page 1: Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society...Dec 04, 2014  · If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call


CACTUS COURIER Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society

Volume 60, Number 12 December 2014

The Meeting is the * * third * * Saturday

December 20, 2014

Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Ave, Escondido, CA 92025

11:30 am

Photograph by Debra Lee Baldwin – reprinted with permission.

Page 2: Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society...Dec 04, 2014  · If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call

We Will Eat About 12:30 pm. Come Early and Help Set Up.

No Board Meeting • No Brag Plants • No Plant Sales • No Plant Exchange

❄ Holiday Party ❄ ❄ 2014 ❄

Eleanore Hewitt will be coordinating the party this year (she’d be happy to pass the torch if anyone wants it!). If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call at home 760-753-3651, or on her cell 760-412-2182. Email: [email protected]. If you didn’t sign up and wish to bring something, just give her a call.

As is traditional, the Club will be providing the main entree of turkey (yes, there will be more dark meat than white!) Plates, cups and cutlery will also be provided.

Since the Senior Center has virtually no appliances, we are in need of coolers for both the cold and hot stuff. One of Eleanore’s friends showed her a trick with foil-wrapped bricks heated in the oven – they keep food hot for hours! Any hot trays you may have tucked away in your back cupboards will be much appreciated as well. Don’t forget the cords!

The set-up crew should arrive ready to work by 10:30 am. There are tables to set and decorate, and the room could use some holiday cheer. We would appreciate people bringing cut greens or Christmas decorations so we can make the hall as festive as possible. Pine, juniper or pyracantha would be great – as well as any succulent material you think would fit into the seasonal theme – like Jade if it’s in bloom. Please bring them early enough to be used in the decorating.

We welcome the spouses or SOs of all our members to the party. I know we would be delighted to meet them.

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PLEASE – remember to put your name on ALL serving utensils and dishes. We would hate to have anything get lost in the cleanup shuffle.

Page 3: Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society...Dec 04, 2014  · If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call


Sign-Up Sheet

CRANBERRY or RELISH DISHES 1) Mike Regan 2) Judy Warner 3) Annie Morgan 4) Nancy Dunn 5) May Fong Ho VEGETABLES 1) Gloria Medina 2) Francis Granger 3) Vicki Martin 4) Maddy Beasley 5) Robert Kopfstein 6) Judy Goldman POTATOES, SWEET POTATOES, or STUFFING 1) Peter Walkowiak 2) Lorie Johansen 3) Chris Barkley 4) Annie Morgan 5) Patti Nelson 6) SALADS 1) Phyllis Flechsig 2) Sandy Wetzel-Smith 3) Stan Yalof 4) Jeannie Zonana 5) Carol Carillo 6) Emily Minchan ?? ROLLS/BREAD 1) Janice Thompson 2) Jacob Bennett 3) Maurilio & Connie 4) Nancy Dunn 5) Richard Henderson 6) Susan LaFreniere

DESSERTS 1) Inacia Matheus 2) Margaret Regan 3) Mike Regan 4) Debi Stivers 5) Wanda Mallen 6) Beth Bradsher 7) Deborah Pearson 8) David Buffington

SET-UP CREW 1) Eleanore Hewitt 2) Gloria Medina 3) Bob Schmutz 4) Lorie Johansen 5) Jerry Kahn 6) Carol McAllister SERVING CREW 1) Eleanore Hewitt 2) Gloria Medina 3) 4) 5) 6) CLEAN-UP CREW 1) Eleanore Hewitt 2) Lorie Johansen 3) Andrew Wilson 4) Gloria Medina 5) Brita Miller 6) ALL OF US!!

We definitely need lots of the goodies that make the holiday meal extra special for everyone.

Drop me a phone call or an email if you'd like to bring something but couldn't sign up in advance.

– Eleanore

Page 4: Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society...Dec 04, 2014  · If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call

November Brag Plants

Plant of the Month •• Novice/Intermediate 1st Tylecodon sp. Robert Kopfstein 2nd Tylecodon reticularus Patti Nelson 3rd Tylecodon paniculatus Lorie Johansen

Plant of the Month •• Advanced 1st Tylecodon wallichii Stan Yalof

Cactus •• Novice/Intermediate 1st Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus Robert Kopfstein 1st Stenocereus hollianus Cristata Brita Miller 2nd Mammillaria gracilis fragilis Brita Miller 3rd Sulcorebutia arenace John Barkley Cactus •• Advanced 1st Ariocarpus retusus Richard Henderson 2nd Ferocactus sp. Stan Yalof 3rd Notocactus scopa v. buenekeri Richard Henderson Succulents •• Novice/Intermediate 1st Echeveria ‘Petticoat’ (Dick Wright Hybrid) Lorie Johansen 2nd Echeveria Crested Lorie Johansen 3rd Aloe ‘Lavender Star’ Lorie Johansen Succulents •• Advanced 1st Pelargonium Cotyledonis Mitch Bahr 2nd Pachycormus discolor Phyllis Flechsig

2nd Othona herrei Mitch Bahr 3rd Aloe melanacantha Stan Yalof

We have had a fabulous year of Brag Plants and Plant-of-the-Month this year!!

36 PCSS members brought their plants to show and share their delight in our favorite hobby. Each time they brought a plant, they earned points. There will be plants for them at the Holiday Party! The person who brought the most plants was John Barkley with 150 points!!! Awesome!

Mitch Bahr Vicki Martin John Barkley Inacia Matheus Deb Batey Brita Miller Maddy Beasley Annie Morgan Vicki Broughton Larry Mummey Carol Carrillo Don Nelson Ron Chisum Mike Nelson Bill Diangelo Patti Nelson Harold Dunn Jean O'Daniel Beverly Fiuciello Deborah Pearson Phyllis Flechsig Mike Regan Richard Henderson Steve Salley Lorie Johansen Jerre Stafford Jerry Kahn John Tashijan Robert Kopfstein Peter Tashijan Fran Kormarek Stan Yalof Julie Kort Jeanna Zonana Leon LaFreniere Sandy ??

Page 5: Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society...Dec 04, 2014  · If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call

Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society The North San Diego County C&S Club

Membership Application

Membership: Please ✓ a category:

New Member


There is a $10 charge if you receive your newsletter by U.S. Mail. Save a tree, and $10!

Single Membership $20 Additional Members + $5 Printed Newsletter sent by U.S. Mail + $10


Please print! We have to be able to read it!

Name(s) Address City/State Zip Phone # Email

Bring form & check or cash to a meeting, or mail it in.

Make checks payable to: Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society (or PCSS)

P.O. Box 840, Escondido, CA 92033


24 January Park Ave. Community Center

28 February Park Ave. Community Center

28 March Plant Sale – Park Ave. Center

25 April Park Ave. Community Center

16 May Park Ave. Community Center NOTE ! ! ! 3rd Saturday ! !

27 June Park Ave. Community Center

25 July Park Ave. Community Center

22 August Picnic & Auction SD Botanic Gdn

26 September Park Ave. Community Center

24, 25 October San Diego Botanic Garden (Quail)

21 November Park Ave. Community Center NOTE ! ! ! 3rd Saturday ! !

19 December Park Ave. Community Center NOTE ! ! ! 3rd Saturday ! !

Page 6: Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society...Dec 04, 2014  · If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call

Debra Lee Baldwin has a lovely 2015 Calendar of her exceptional watercolors available:

Officers • Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society

Peter Walkowiak – President & Program Chair & Show Chair 858-382-1797 • [email protected]

Brita Miller – Vice-President & Librarian & Event Coordinator

858-484-7118 • [email protected]

Annie Morgan – Treasurer & Website & Publicity 760-803-8948 • [email protected]

Lorie Johansen & Francis Granger – Temporary Secretaries

Don Nelson – Board Member 760-747-0267 • [email protected]

Francis Granger – Board Member & Exchange Table 760-510-6917 • [email protected]

Leon LaFreniere – Board Member 760-317-5764 • [email protected]

Your Name Here!! – Board Member

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dick Henderson – Garden Representative 760-480-4181 • [email protected]

Vicki Martin – Assistant Librarian

Tina Zucker – Show & Sale Vendor Coordinator [email protected]

Bruce Barry & Gloria Medina Refreshments & Exchange Table

Bruce: 760-724-2257 Gloria: 760-745-8293

Dennis Miller – Raffle & Plant Sales 619-820-4446 • [email protected]

We need an Assistant for the Monthly Plant Sales

Eleanore Hewitt – Newsletter & Membership Chair & Website 760-753-3651 • [email protected]

News from the San Diego Safari Park Volunteers …at the Old World Garden

There is word that the much-anticipated Plant Labels for the Old World Garden Aloes will be available shortly! What a delightful Christmas gift that would make. The volunteers at the Safari Park Old World Garden would like to add variety to the gardens. If you have extra aloes, euphorbias, or other succulents that are natives of Africa or Madagascar, please let us know. We will make arrangements to collect them and see if they can be included in the gardens. Please contact May Fong Ho at 760-233-3948, or Susan LaFreniere at 760-317-5764. Come see the Old World Gardens! Lots of donated plants have been added and it looks great. The aloes should start blooming soon. We would like to sincerely thank a number of people from PCSS and/or SDCSS who have donated a wide variety of plants in recent weeks: • Peter Walkowiak • Lorie Johansen • Loie Jeromin • Lee Badger • Chris Tratnyels Among the plants donated were: Adansonia digitata (aka Baobob tree) Adenium Didierea trollii Euphorbia species – too numerous to name them all! Moringa Tree Pachypodium Othonna Tylecodon We are still looking for: Aloe dichotoma Bismarkia nobilis Palms Cycads Dykia Dypsis decaryi Gasteria Tylecodon & Cotyledon “Tree” and “Shrub” plants Groups of Aloes – up to twelve of the same species

Page 7: Newsletter of the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society...Dec 04, 2014  · If you have any questions, suggestions, offers of help or tranquilizers, please feel free to give her a call

St. Nicholas Visits the Greenhouse by Eva Allen

‘Twas the night before Christmas. The whole greenhouse through, All the cacti were resting, most succulents, too. Not one stocking was hung by the heater with care, For plants don't wear stockings, as you're well aware! But there, near the doorway, pots plastic and clay Were waiting for gifts St. Nick might bring that way. The plants nestled down, dry and cool on their shelves, While they dreamed of sweet plant food and cactophile elves. And soon the place filled with a wonderful glow, As each plant dreamed it'd someday win Best of the Show! Then, out on the lawn, there arose quite a roar, And an old Aloe cried, “It's that man we adore! Hope he won't try to land on the glass roof again-- When he did it last year, he came crashing right in!” Not a plant dared aspire, but they needn't have worried, The sleigh came to rest on the grass, all unhurried. And into the greenhouse, St. Nicholas came, Laughing and calling each plant by its name! “Greetings, Agaves, Euphorbias, too, Astrophytums and Gymnos--it's good to see you! And my Cereus buddies! Just how have you been? Don't you hide from me, Lithops!” he said with a grin. “I see you Opuntias still have all your spines! My Haworthia friends! You are looking so fine! How's it going, you Crassulas and Mammillarias, You Pachys, Parodias, and lovely Gasterias!” St. Nick made his way through the greenhouse and back To the door where he'd set down his big, bulging pack. Then he turned his attention to filling the pots-- Of the plants' favorite food, he had brought lots and lots! There was lava rock, perlite, and pumice in bags, Tweezers, insecticide, pretty name tags, Compound for rooting, and tools to make grafts, And caulking to keep out the cold winter drafts! All the plants received things they would very soon need To start growing and blooming and making new seed. “We're eternally grateful,” the old Aloe said. “My pleasure!” St. Nick replied, nodding his head. “I wish we had succulents at the North Pole, But you're not quite that hardy, I know, bless my soul! I will see you next year, now you all take good care, And win a nice prize at the show or the fair!” Then, turning, he made his way back to the sleigh, Called out to his reindeer, and soon flew away. And they heard him exclaim as he faded from view, “Happy Holidays and Happy Growing to you!”

First published December 2000 in the Henry Shaw Cactus Digest…

A Few New Year’s Resolutions for a Succulentophile…

1. I will dig out no more of my wife’s ugly roses to replant with beautiful succulents.

2. I will forgo obtaining an essential succulent before giving up gin, milk, and wife’s clothing… but not necessarily in that order.

3. I will consider the point that listening to rhapsodies of Beethoven might be better than, or at least equal to watching my succulents grow.

4. I will no longer serve guests salads made of Echeveria leaves.

5. I will consider Agaves more for their beauty in the wild than for their contributions to the beverage industry.

[Your Editor is torn by this resolution!]

6. I will attempt to limit my handling of cacti to a few minor scratches instead of rivaling the science of acupuncture.

From December 1986 Cactus Courier

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Palomar Cactus • 2015

January February March S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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April May June

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