newsletter spring 2012

spring 2012 In This Issue Message from Pastor Jake 2 Note from Pastor Chris 3 L-Teams 3 On Fire! 4-5 Information & Announcements 5 Vision Meeting Highlights 6 God Stories 7 Staff 8 LENT / EASTER 2012 HOLY WEEK & EASTER Lenten Bible Study The theme for this year’s Lenten study is “One Another.” We have been brought together as a family once again over the trials of the past month or so. This study will focus on building community in Christ. Love One Another Forgive One Another Bear one Another’s Burdens Speak Truth to One Another Encourage One Another Pray for One Another Apr 1 Palm Sunday Worship 8, 9:30, 11 am Easter Egg Hunt & Hosanna Festival 9:30 am Apr 5 Maundy Thursday Seder Meal in private homes Apr 6 Good Friday Worship 7 pm Apr 7 Saturday Easter Worship 5:30 pm Apr 8 Easter Sunday Worship 8, 9:30, 11 am

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Publication of upcoming and ongoing events at St Luke's Lutheran Church, Federal Way, WA.


Page 1: Newsletter Spring 2012

spring 2012

In This Issue

Message from Pastor Jake 2

Note from Pastor Chris 3

L-Teams 3

On Fire! 4-5

Information & Announcements 5

Vision Meeting Highlights 6

God Stories 7

Staff 8



Lenten Bible StudyThe theme for this year’s Lenten study is “One Another.” We have been brought together as a family once again over the trials of the past month or so. This study will focus on building community in Christ.

Love One Another

Forgive One Another

Bear one Another’s Burdens

Speak Truth to One Another

Encourage One Another

Pray for One Another

Apr 1 Palm Sunday Worship 8, 9:30, 11 am Easter Egg Hunt & Hosanna Festival 9:30 am

Apr 5 Maundy Thursday Seder Meal in private homes

Apr 6 Good Friday Worship 7 pm

Apr 7 Saturday Easter Worship 5:30 pm

Apr 8 Easter Sunday Worship 8, 9:30, 11 am

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“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

During the course of the past month, I have read John 14:27 more times than I can remember. Jesus gives His disciples peace—true peace. Jesus does not give us the kind of peace that we get when we hand in our last final exam or make it home safely after driving on icy roads. No, Jesus gives the kind of peace that says we are made right with God:

“He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” Colossians 1:15-20

Now, that is true peace. How we have needed to hear of that peace in this New Year! At times it felt like peace was the last thing on our hearts and in our minds. In the midst of unpredictable pain and unrest, we are reminded that God’s timing is not ours, but His timing is indeed perfect: “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6 Our questions, our fears, our worries, our anger, and our pain all meet at the cross. When we don’t know where to turn, God directs our hearts and our minds to the cross and the empty tomb. We don’t (and can’t) know the reasons why, but we do know that in Jesus, God loves us with a love so strong that nothing can take it away. That is true peace. And that true peace is enough.

God continues to direct our hearts and our minds to Jesus as we finish up the series “Jesus is” which looked at the seven “I AM” statements in John. I pray that as you have seen and heard the depth of Jesus’ love for you that you come to know that you have more grace than you know what to do with! We are continually focused on Jesus as we move forward into the season of Lent. Our new Lenten Sunday series, named “One Another,” will focus on community. Our response to the difficult times our family of faith has experienced has been strong. In our weakness, HE is strong. God’s strength has brought us closer together, united in prayer and standing firm on the promises of God in Christ Jesus. We know that we do not live out our faith alone, but in a community—a family. “One Another” will focus on our community. A Bible Study written by Pastor Brian Banke of Our Savior in Tacoma and myself will be available for all small groups. My prayer is that this deeper study of “One Another” will be a blessing to you in your study of God’s Word. Make sure and be a part of that study!

Wednesday’s in Lent will focus on a series called “Hands.” The imagery of “hands” is rich with meaning and will begin with our “dirty hands” on Ash Wednesday (February 22) and end with our Lord’s “pierced hands” on Good Friday (April 6). We rest secure in the hands of a God who will never let

us go. Learn more about these “hands” as we dive into the Psalms during our Wednesday night Lent services.

Our hands also serve. One of the ways we can serve during Holy Week is through the opportunity to do your own Seder Passover meal in your own home. Last year, St. Luke’s gathered together to celebrate a Seder meal on our campus, but this year, the Seder meal is done by you! The Passover meal is the meal that Jesus ate with His disciples before He was arrested. During this meal, Jesus began something new, something different. We know this meal as the Lord’s Supper or communion. On that night, Jesus attached His very body and blood to the bread and wine—a meal that would, from then on, be eaten by Christians for the forgiveness of sins and the strengthening of our faith as we proclaim Jesus’ death until He returns. The Lord’s Supper is a meal of true peace. This Maundy Thursday, you have the opportunity to experience this Passover meal in your own home. If you don’t know how to do one, don’t worry! We will provide everything you will need! Leader packets and recipes will be made available to you. Sign-ups will be at the welcome center soon. Since the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated that night at your home, I would ask that you bring the bread and the wine that you will use for the Passover meal to worship with you on Palm Sunday (April 1) so that I may bless them for their use on Maundy Thursday. Gather your family and your friends to your home for what will surely be a memorable and eye-opening experience!

We have much to look forward to in the coming weeks as we are gathered together by the peace that only God can give. He alone will be our guide in the days ahead. He alone will be our strength. He alone will be our peace.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Only Because of Jesus,Pastor Jake

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“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

In the last month, I have had two surgeries which removed 80% of a brain tumor. Through this, I know that God has worked for good. I have been filled with Christ; my heart is filled with joy; and I know that God is at work in my life. I continue to study Scripture, to know the great joy that God gives us through his Word. I am thankful that despite the tumor, God is using this time to teach me His love.

I want to thank those who have prayed for me, who have shown me their love in so many ways. I have been daily blown away by your affection. You are all so special to me. I can’t wait to see each one of you.

I’m thrilled by the leadership in our church - both the staff and the congregation as a whole. I am so proud you continue to do what God has called you to do. I pray that God will continue to shape your life and use you to be a blessing to those who are in need.

How do we allow God to shape our lives? I’m glad you asked. God speaks to us through His Word. My recovery has been positive because of God’s promise. I have not been sad; I have not been afraid. I’ve been in God’s Word which has given me strength and hope. I pray that each of you continues to study the Scripture, that God may shape your life and give you joy.

Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your love.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Pastor Chris

Monthly Women’s EventsSpiritual WarfareMar 3, 9-11am, Great Room AAs Christians we are all soldiers engaged in spiritual warfare transacted on an invisible battlefield. Satan has a powerful kingdom and governs his hierarchy of demons, principalities and power to carry out his schemes. Yet, may of us remain untrained in the skills of spiritual warfare. This seminar will provide some basic tools to help effectively engage in spiritual “hand-to-hand combat” on both a personal and cosmic level. Led by Ann Murphy

Ladies TeaApr 21, 11 am – 1 pm, Great Room A & BLadies, Mom’s, Daughters, Singles, Married, Girlfriends…. Save the date for a very special lunch date! Cost will be $5.00. We need a Hostess for each table. To volunteer to hostess please contact Debbie McNeil 206-251-6622 or Paulette Bodeutsch 253.815.1551.

Heaven is For RealMay 5, 9-11am, Great Room AColton Burpo was four years old when he found himself at death’s door. His family didn’t realize he had made his amazing journey until small but shocking revelations began to leak out in one startling revelation at a time. Ann Murphy will lead us in a Bible Study Book Review of this heartwarming reassuring book. This book is an easy read, not a requirement, but would help if you read before the study.

Membership ClassDiscover Life with God – This workshop and Next Steps events are designed to learn about the vision and purpose of St. Luke’s, as well as our ministries and L-Teams. We cover topics in the Christian faith, including Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The next workshop is: Friday, Apr 13 and Saturday, Apr 14.

New L-Team?It’s easy to start an L-Team! Check out our website for the variety of L-Teams we have. Email Jan Grothe at jgrothe@ or go to the St. Luke’s website, log in, then click

on “Start a new L-Team” and fill out the form. We’ll process your form and schedule Captain (Leader) Training if you haven’t

already done so. Not sure? Give me a call and we can talk through your ideas and the

process. Jan at 253.941.3000.

L-Teams for AprilNow is the time to start processing the L-Teams you are thinking about starting in the spring and summer quarters. April will be here quicker than we realize. (Mar 7 is the due date for spring and summer L-Teams.) If you need help, direction, calendaring, or whatever, let me know. ([email protected]) What has God put on your heart to do? What are you already doing? Email Jan or call 253.941.3000 to set up a time to talk about where God is leading you and for a short training session.

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FLAME - (grades 1 - 6)Flame Family Events

• “Family Fun Night” for first graders and their families Friday, Mar 16, Malkow Hall at 6pm.

• “Family Night” for third graders and family Apr 20,from 7-8:30 pm in Malkow Hall.

• Fourth graders are working on their mission projects and are to have their missions completed by April 29.

If you do not have a “Red Envelope” or need more information on each grade level activities, contact Mitzie Ollila at [email protected].

Kids for Christ 456KFC• Lock-In CSI: Christ Scene Investigation - Friday and

Saturday, Mar 23-24, 6:30 pm - 10 am, in Malkow Hall

• Apr 18, we will meet at Laser Quest from 6:30-8:30 pm

Flyers with details will be distributed at Sunday School for these events.

Communion ClassWe are currently offering our Early Communion Class for students and their parents who are in grades 5 and above. Students who complete the class will take their first communion on Ash Wednesday, Feb 22 at 7 pm.

SPARK - (age 0 - kindergarten)Spark Family Play – Open GymNov – April Second & fourth Saturdays; first & third Tuesdays

The Spark Open Gym time is targeted at 0-5-year olds. Come enjoy some gym time with toys, games and balls. Even if your child isn’t totally mobile yet, come anyway and meet other parents. Siblings of 0-5-year olds are more than welcome to come as well…keeping in mind that the toys are intended for 0-5-year olds.

Helping HandsSpecial Event for four-year-olds and their parents Apr 28, 10-11:30 am, Malkow Hall

Fours like to help! This event is created for those young ones who are so eager to be helpful. They will participate in helping to box up the Caregiver Kits for our Swaziland mission – a global mission. They will also put together “Hope for the Homeless” bags – a local mission.

Come As You Are! – Spark, Flame, & Ignite ParentsSundays, Great Room CSpark - 3rd Sunday, 9:30am Flame - 1st Sunday, 9:30am Ignite - 4th Sunday, 11:00amThese monthly times together are for parent sharing, growing, and support. Each age level (Spark – 0-5; Flame – elementary school; Ignite – jr high and high school) have their own unique challenges, frustrations and joys in parenting. This hour is less of a class and more of a time for parents to connect with other parents and have that much needed support in Christian parenting. Though each age group will have a Sunday of the month, you may find that hearing from parents in a different age level will be helpful, too!

FAMILIES ON FIRE!Our dream is to see families walking together On Fire with the love of Jesus – experiencing God’s guidance and grace each day, and that those lives become a witness to a hurting world of the joy and hope we have in Jesus. In order to see this dream a reality we are developing our ministry in three key areas:

Building parent and family communities by age/grade. We know that raising children doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Every parent needs people to support, encourage, share ideas with and share life with. Kids need a broader community in which to engage. The people surrounding our kids have a tremendous impact on who they will become. Throughout the year On Fire provides many sharing and learning opportunities for parents to grow and find support in this important role.

Offering a comprehensive curriculum plan for our children & youth ministries. One of the greatest things we can give our children is a understanding of God and His Word. Each year On Fire includes a specific theme as well as memory verses to teach our children truths that will bless and protect their lives. Each year students have events designed to creatively show them the gift of walking in God’s Word.

Creating a culture of joyful anticipation. We believe life was made by God for joyful adventure. God has a good plan for our kids, and we want them looking forward to what is next instead of living in depression and fear. Through On Fire we hope to provide an atmosphere of excitement as kids engage in serving their world and see the exciting adventure God has for them.

Watch for ways to be involved as together we help our children walk with Jesus. Whether you are raising your own or just love kids and desire to see them grow up in the Lord. Come be a part of Spark (Ages 0-5), Flame (1st-6th grade), or Ignite (7th-12th grade) as God works through us to teach and touch the next generation with the love of Jesus!

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IGNITE - (grades 7 - 12)Ignite Parents’ Groupfor parents of kids in grades 7-12Fourth Sunday of each month, 11 am, Great Room-C

If you’re the parent of a middle school or high school student, you’ve got questions, concerns, and issues you want to talk about with other parents in the same boat. Come join us as we chat about and pray for the teenagers God has entrusted to our care. I’ll have topics ready as discussion starters, but we can wander to whatever’s on your mind and heart. Your teens are talking to their friends about YOU; you deserve the chance to talk with other Christian parents about THEM! Facilitated by Sue Acuna.

Upcoming Youth Event Dates

Feb 25, 7pm: Youth Auction Fundraiser

Mar 9-11: Spring Confirmation Retreat

Apr 13-15: All-Youth Retreat

Apr 27-28: 30 Hour Famine

May 24-29: Bronx, NY Mission Trip

July 27-Aug 3: Mexico Mission Trip

Aug 19-25: Gleaners Mission Trip

Preschool and Kindergarten Registration 2012-1013 School YearWe are currently enrolling children in our classes for the 2012-2013 school year. We offer classes for three, four and five-year-olds. Registration packets are available at the Welcome Center and in the church office. Register or make observation appointments with Heather in the office. Tell other friends, family and neighbors about our school and take extra packets for them. St. Luke’s has been offering classes for young children for over 45 years in our community. Our excellent staff does a great job preparing children socially, academically, physically and spiritually.

St Luke’s BookstoreBe sure to come by our bookstore. We are open after all service on weekends and on Wednesdays from 11 am-1 pm. We have many new books, age level devotionals and Bibles for children as well are for adults. Books make a great gift for Valentine’s Day, birthdays and other occasions. We have Christian cards at very affordable prices. We also offer free check-out of DVDs for children and adults.

St Luke’s LibraryJust off the elevator on our upper floor, you find our library. We have a self check- out system. We offer a variety of Christian books for free check-out. We have a large section of Christian fiction as well as many other categories for children, youth and adults. You are welcome to check out books at any time.

On Fire Sunday School - ages 3, 4, 5, & grades 1-6Our Bible Adventure – Resurrection Road begins Feb 26. Grades one - six will meet in the gym area of Malkow Hall for six weeks ending on Palm Sunday with our Hosanna Festiva. An Easter Egg Hunt for the 3, 4 and 5-year-old Sunday School classes will be held on April 1. We are asking parents to help donate snack supplies for the Resurrection Road Bible Adventure. A list of needed items will be sent home from Sunday School. Our Meditation Walk will be held in upper Malkow Hall from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. Come and see the special art work made by our Sunday School classes in response to the death and resurrection of our Savior.

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VISION MEETING HIGHLIGHTS - JAN 29, 2012The annual meeting began with praise and thanksgiving for the grace and healing power of our Lord and Savior over Pastor Chris, with continued prayers for further restoration.

Pastor Jake did a great job leading the meeting and started off briefly sharing two ‘Chris’-related updates:

1. Pastor Chris’s health is continuing to improve daily but the Davis family covets our prayers as a congregation for wisdom in deciding their next steps with regard to further treatment;

2. The Chris Davis fund has been established in order for members and friends who feel called to assist with any financial burdens that may arise. Call the church office for more information.

Pastor Jake emphasized that even while we are in a time of transition with Pastor Chris out on leave, we are steadily moving forward—pursuing the calling that God has for our church. At this time our short term vision is for the next six months, and Pastor Jake briefly reviewed the upcoming events in each area of our church ministry.

Interim plans for filling Pastor Chris’s role are for Jake to shift focus from youth and families and begin fulfilling more of the senior pastors duties. Our deacons and visiting pastors from the church body and community are available to assist in other roles as needed. Youth and family ministry will continue to be overseen by Pastor Jake, while select youth leaders will step up to be the point person within the different areas/age groups.

Todd Zern presented an overview of the church operations including:

• Recently, Todd and a few other members attended a ‘Financial Discipleship Program’ conference on financial peace, lead by Dave Ramsay. More information and learnings will be shared on this program in the near future.

• A St. Luke’s Foundation will be set up as part of a Legacy Planning program, enabling members to make financial contributions to the church that will have impact on ministry for many years to come. More information will be presented once this foundation and details are completed.

• The church is looking to develop a position for a Facilities Manager. This is necessary in order to keep the newly extended and existing facility maintained as needed.

• Additional capital improvements are scheduled to begin in the next few months. These items have been budgeted for and come out of the capital improvement fund. Of these, the major item is the roof replacement over the old church structure (northeast corner of the facility).

ELT presented to the voting congregation the need for approval of a bridge loan in the amount of $100K through LCEF. This loan would enable the new facility to have all the audio visual wiring and equipment necessary to use the space to its fullest potential. The loan would also provide for the wiring in the existing facility to be brought up to date allowing for future technological improvements throughout the entire facility. (For more details, see the minutes form the congregation meeting, available in the office or online.)

After a thorough discussion over the pros and cons of this additional loan, the congregation voted by ballot. The votes were collected and counted at that time. The totals are as follows:

75% (112 members) voted YES to approve the loan, 25% (39 members) voted NO. The motion was passed to proceed with the loan through LCEF.

Much praise and thanksgiving was shared for the completion of the new facility and the dedication of our congregation in completing this building project. Special appreciation was given to the Building Committee for having brought us successfully through this campaign. Let us use this new facility to the glory of God—as we continue to”Seek out and bring people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord”.


Selena Koosmann

ELT Secretary

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GOD STORIESWhere God Wanted MeSonia Klouse

Spring of 2011 was a particularly difficult and turbulent time in my life. Before I knew it I found myself in Idaho… in the desert, in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of complete strangers. In short, my summer soon became my worst nightmare. That sounds really shallow and childish but it was. I grew angry with my parents for sending me there and “wasting my summer” and I became angry with God because I felt all alone. I was an emotional wreck for about two weeks, missing my family and my friends, and then I became angry at myself for letting my life get to the point where my parents needed to send me away. During my third week, we hiked up a huge mountain for lunch. When we got to the top, I stood in awe of the creation that lay before me. I could see for miles and miles and although the desert looks barren and ugly from the ground, the view of it from above is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. In my whole experience, if I had to pick one particular God moment, that would be it. I realized that even though it was not my choice to spend my summer roughing it in the desert, at that particular moment in my life I was exactly where I needed to be, precisely where God wanted me to be. From that moment on, I knew that God was with me each step of the way. I learned a lot about myself and my faith during those six weeks. I’m extremely thankful that I was given the opportunity to examine my life and my choices and I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything.

Grapes, Olives, Turmoil and JoyJan Grothe

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.” Habakkuk 3: 17-18

Several years ago, a young woman and I were doing Bible study together and memorizing Scripture. It was her turn to choose, and she chose the above verses. At first, I thought they were odd verses to memorize – fig trees, grapes, olives, sheep, and cattle. It was hard enough for me to memorize (still is), let alone verses that didn’t seem to have meaning. However, these verses are special to me now: one, because we memorized them together, and two, for what they say. Basically, no matter how bad things get, I still can have joy because God is with me all the way.

The last month or so has been turbulent. Upon hearing my friend and my pastor has a brain tumor, it felt like a punch in the stomach. I hurt for them; I hurt for me. I cried for them; I cried for me. (So many selfish moments in the last month!) I have prayed (and am praying) like never before.

Sometimes it feels like there are no figs or grapes or olives, and the sheep and cattle are gone – like our world has changed, and we’re still trying to figure out what this means. Will things return to “normal,” or is this the “new normal?” In the midst of turmoil can there be joy? Yes, yes, and yes! Joy is not the same as happiness. We can be experiencing sorrow, yet have joy. We may not be happy about our present experiences, but we can have joy. Our joy comes from our relationship with the Lord. He loves us with a deep love. (Ephesians 3:18) His purpose goes so far beyond this life we can’t totally grasp the extent of what that means. It is the hope we have in Christ of eternity with Him.

At times, trusting God is hard. As the father in the Gospel of Mark says, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) Every day is another day in trusting in the sovereignty and love of God. He truly has a plan and purpose for each of us and is working in the turmoil we experience. We don’t know what that plan is. We don’t always understand that plan, but we know that whatever He has planned is absolutely the best for us. Throughout it all, we continue to pray; we continue to read His Word; we continue to trust in His love and grace; we rejoice in the Lord.

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program staff support staffgeneral infochris davis

lead pastor

jake allstaedtassociate pastor

janet brittassistant to the lead pastor

jan grothedirector of spiritual growth

larry kruegerdirector of worship and arts

mitzie olliladirector of children’s ministries

todd zerndirector of operations

donna breyerassistant to the associate pastor

heather halbakkenpreschool registrar

karla harvathassistant to dir of spiritual growth

worship servicessaturday - 5:00 pm

sunday - 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am

nursery care available at all services

children’s church and sunday school

available sunday mornings

contact515 s 312th street

federal way, wa 98003253.941.3000

St. Luke’s Church515 South 312th StreetFederal Way, WA 98003


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