newsletter2011 t2w1-2

Knowledge, Honour, Success Katherine High School Principal’s Message TERM 2, WEEK 1-2 April 24, 2011 WEEK 3 (April. 25-29) Parent Open day - MY Vertical Girls April 28 ADF Career Workshop April 29 Year 8 Rewards Day April 29 WEEK 4 (May. 2-6) May Day Public Holiday May 2 School Pride Week May 3 - 6 Creative Arts Extravaganza May 4 Parent Teacher Evening May 5 NTCET Information Evening May 5 Student Diaries - Linking Teachers, Parents and Students All student at KHS have been issued with student diaries. These diaries provide a valuable means of communication between your student, yourself and your child’s teachers at our school. We encourage parents to check their child’s diaries for messages that may be addressed to them from the first day of school in Term 2. Parents can also use these diaries to communicate with their child’s teachers and to check homework and/or assessment items that need to be completed. For all parents, we are having a Parent/Teacher evening on Thursday May 5 in week 4. This will commence at 5pm and be followed at 6pm by an information session in the library for parents of year 12 students on the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). The aim of this session is to pro- vide you with some insight into the inner workings of what is required to complete year 12 under the new system. We hope to see as many parents at both events as possible. Suspensions are always seen to be problematic in schools whether there are too many or too few; everyone seems to have an opinion. As we look at data to determine how our school is progressing we can see that this year there has been a slight decrease in the number of suspensions compared with the same period last year. From this data we are informed that students’ behaviour is improving and we can continue to believe that as we go through the year the suspen- sion data will continue to improve also. One of the reasons for this is the number of extra curricula programmes that are being prepared by teachers namely; school camps, excursions both in Australia and overseas, rewards days, Clontarf camps and Stronger Smarter Sisters programmes. Well done to all those students who are doing the right thing and participating in the opportunities you are offered. Val Momuat - Assistant Principal On behalf of Anne White - Principal 0 2010 Term 1 2011 Term 1 53 50 Total Students Suspended

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Principal’s Message 53 50 2011 Term 1 For all parents, we are having a Parent/Teacher evening on Thursday May 5 in week 4. This will commence at 5pm and be followed at 6pm by an information session in the library Parent Open day - MY Vertical Girls April 28• ADF Career Workshop April 29• Year 8 Rewards Day April 29• May Day Public Holiday May 2• School Pride Week May 3 - 6• Creative Arts Extravaganza May 4• Parent Teacher Evening May 5• NTCET Information Evening May 5• Year 11 . . . Year 10 . . .


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Knowledge, Honour, Success

Katherine High School

Principal’s Message

TERM 2, WEEK 1-2April 24, 2011

WEEK 3 (April. 25-29)

Parent Open day - MY Vertical Girls April 28 • ADF Career Workshop April 29• Year 8 Rewards Day April 29•

WEEK 4 (May. 2-6)

May Day Public Holiday May 2• School Pride Week May 3 - 6• Creative Arts Extravaganza May 4 • Parent Teacher Evening May 5• NTCET Information Evening May 5•

Student Diaries - Linking Teachers, Parents and StudentsAll student at KHS have been issued with student diaries. These diaries provide a valuable means of communication between your student, yourself and your child’s teachers at our school. We encourage parents to check their child’s diaries for messages that may be addressed to them from the fi rst day of school in Term 2. Parents can also use these diaries to communicate with their child’s teachers and to check homework and/or assessment items that need to be completed.

For all parents, we are having a Parent/Teacher evening on Thursday May 5 in week 4. This will commence at 5pm and be followed at 6pm by an information session in the library for parents of year 12 students on the Northern Territory Certifi cate of Education and Training (NTCET). The aim of this session is to pro-vide you with some insight into the inner workings of what is required to complete year 12 under the new system. We hope to see as many parents at both events as possible.

Suspensions are always seen to be problematic in schools whether there are too many or too few; everyone seems to have an opinion. As we look at data to determine how our school is progressing we can see that this year there has been a slight decrease in the number of suspensions compared with the same period last year. From this data we are informed that students’ behaviour is improving and we can continue to believe that as we go through the year the suspen-sion data will continue to improve also. One of the reasons for this is the number of extra curricula programmes that are being prepared by teachers namely; school camps, excursions both in Australia and overseas, rewards days, Clontarf camps and Stronger Smarter Sisters programmes. Well done to all those students who are doing the right thing and participating in the opportunities you are offered.

Val Momuat - Assistant PrincipalOn behalf of Anne White - Principal


Term 1 2011

Term 1

53 50

Total Students Suspended

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Senior Years UpdateWe are entering a really important period for our senior students, particularly those in Years 11 and 12 undertaking Stage 2 (Year 12) subjects. It is quickly approaching the half way points for these subjects, and that means mid year exams are on the horizon, major assignments will be commencing or al-ready under way. For year 12’s, you are in the home straight with just over 20 weeks of school left!For our year 10’s you are now half way through your PLP and should be commencing your second as-sessment task. Remember, this is the most important subject for you this year. Unless you pass you have to do it again. You are not able to commence year 12 until you have successfully passed PLP. Passing the PLP at the end of this semester will allow you the opportunity to enrol in an extra elective. In second semester you will have the chance to choose from a number of Stage 1 subjects (Year 11 electives) which will put you get a step ahead in completing the necessary requirements for fi nishing Year 12.For Year 11 students your focus must be squarely on completing all allocated assessment tasks on time and in particular, on passing Maths and English. If you do not pass these two subjects you will not be able to enter Year 12 next year.Don’t forget our Parent Teacher Information Evening and NTCET information session next Thursday (Week 4) commencing at 5.00 p.m. Hope to see you all there. Nathan Baunach – Assistant Principal, Senior Years

The Year 12’s were invited to the staff morning tea on Thursday Week 10, Term 1. It was a great opportu-nity for all staff to mingle with the Year 12’s. I am currently looking through student reports, I invite stu-dents to discuss their results and ways to improve their educational outcomes. I encourage all Year 12’s to make use of the Home Work Centre in the School Library,which is open on Saturday’s from 9am until 12pm and on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 5pm.

Rebecca Haritos - Year 12 Coordinator

Most of the Year 11 students are settled and focussed on their chosen subjects and are attending school on a regular basis. The diaries have proven to be an effective and effi cient means of communication between the students, parents and teachers. We encourage all parties to continue using them. Students are currently thinking of ideas for “School Pride Week” in Week 4 of this term.Those students interested in going to Singapore in Week 8 of Term 4 are excited about going on this trip and are currently providing their names, addresses, parent and student email contact numbers to me so that the Itinerary and all necessary paperwork can be emailed to them. Sheryl Fotakis - Year 11 Coordinator

It’s a welcome return to all the Year 10 students for the commencement of Term 2. It is a long and busy term and we hope that as a cohort we can support each other, staff and students alike to work togeth-er to produce the very best we can. This means all Year 10’s are expected to come to school in correct uniform ready to enter the classroom to learn with all resources ready. All students know the routine and are busy with assignments and homework across all subject areas.We have had a class of students out on work experience. This was an opportunity for them to experi-ence work in the big wide world and try out areas that interest them for future employment. For those who have not completed work experience yet, the days required will be organised through PLP classes this term. If parents have any enquiries please contact your student’s PLP teacher.Good luck to all students for this busy term.

Daisie Thomas - Year 10 Coordinator

Year 12 . . .

Year 10 . . .

Year 11 . . .

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Middle Years UpdateWelcome back. We trust you all had a restful break. Term 2 has begun smoothlly with students and teachers getting straight back into work. There are many activities taking place this term beginning with

Year 7’s attending camps. In week 3 the Shine girls will attend a lunch at Knotts Crossing and a new class will commence in week 4. All Middle Year students will participate in “School Pride Week” in week 4.

Val Momuat - Assistant Principal, Middle Years

Year 9 . . .

Year 8 . . .

Year 7 . . .

Term 2 has exciting new prospects. It is fantastic to see students have returned from their break rested and prepared for success. This term Year 9 students will be involved in workshops and discussions concentrating on resilience and anti-bullying. All Year 9 students will have the opportunity to be in-volved in preparing for the 40 Hour Famine to be held in Term 3. Those students going on the Canberra/Melbourne trip are busy getting organised. I am looking forward to a successful school term both in and outside the classroom. Jen Watts - Year 9 Coordinator

Selected students from Year 8 will be attending a Reward Excursion to Nitmiluk National Park. They have been rewarded for good work, attendance, working to the best of their ability and, showing respect. Students have completed a survey for young people for Mission Australia. The results of these surveys will allow MA to target young adults through their various programs.Year 8 students will be taking part in School Pride Week. They will be responsible for ensuring the front of the school is clean and tidy. Look out for photos to follow.Students have been talking about bullying and what they can do to help themselves and each other. They will be explore this issue in more detail throughout the remainder of the year.

Jo Stewart - Year 8 Coordinator

A group of Year 7 students attended a camp at Springvale Homestead. A great time was had by all the students. The Year 7’s are preparing for School Pride week and will be cleaning the science labs as part of their program for the week. Students and teachers are preparing for the NAPLAN Tests that Year 7 students will undertake in Week 5.

Jim Stewart - Year 7 Coordinator

Science Events Comming Up There are a number of activities taking place in Science faculty:1. “Rio Tinto Big Science Competition” will be held on 1 June, 2011. Cost of entry is $6.00. Registration closes on 27 April, 2011.2. The 2011 Science and Engineering Challenge will be held on the 4 May at Charles Darwin University (Casuarina Campus). Registration is open for Years 9 and 10 students.3. The 12 day NYSF Program enables students about to start their last year of high school to “test drive” and make informed decisions about courses and careers in Science. Participants gain an insider’s view of campus life and how university study connects with careers. Workshops and fi eld trips provide hands- on experience in real projects with top research scientists and engineers from industry and major research institutions. More information at Registration is open for The National Qualifying Exam (NQE) in biology, chemistry and physics to be held in August and or- ganised by ASI. It is open to all students in Year 11 or younger. Please contact Ms Fulwood for details or visit

Roy Joseph - Science Senior Teacher

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Air Force Cadets

On Thursday 17 March Flying Offi cer Doyle and Flying Offi cer Jones visited the school along with Cadet Horvat and Cadet Sgt Horton to talk to all Middle Year students about joining the Australian Air Force Cadets. The 7 minute video presentation about what the Cadets get to do and achieve was amazing. Thank you to Flying Offi cer Doyle for addressing the students. Staff and students were very impressed!

Sue Maley - Defence Transition Mentor

On Thursday 14 April, sixteen young men from the Katherine Academy were rewarded for their attendance throughout Term 1 with a dinner at the Silver Screen Café followed by a movie.The boys who earned the right to attend this dinner had an attendance record above 98% with most having not missed a day throughout the term. This is a great achievement for these young men who worked hard in the fi rst term.Teachers from Katherine High School were also invited and those who attended were very supportive and impressed by the boys behavior and attendance in Term 1.We would like to thank the Silver Screen Café for their hospitality and all the Katherine High School staff who attended and showed their support.

Ryan Woolfe - Clontarf

Clontarf Rewards

Music Update Staff and students are very busy preparing for the Art, Music and Drama Extravaganza. This major event will be held on Wednesday 4 May commencing with an Art Exhibition in the Liibrary at 6:00pm. The Music and Drama section will commence at 6:30pm in the school gym. Students are working on group percus-sion performances, individual performances and compositions.

Sarah Earle - Music Teacher

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We’re publishing our own

cookbook We are delighted to announce that as our next fundraising project, we are going to create our very own Vogue-Style cookbook.

We chose this project because it can involve all children and their families of Katherine High School, contribute to producing a professionally published cookbook full of wonderful family favourites, and because it will make a truly beautiful and personalised gift for your family and friends. You also get to see your name included at the bottom of your recipe!

Please help us compile this wonderful cookbook by submitting your favourite family recipes. We hope to receive recipes from ALL families and staff.

They can either be old family recipes passed down through the generations or from your favourite cookbook.

Go to the Published Authors website and submit your recipe using their simple template.

School Notices

Teacher Appreciation

Parents value teachers’ efforts. However, we rarely have the opportunity to publicly express our appreciation. This is our chance to do so by nominating our teachers and leaders for the NEiTA 2011 AGS Inspirational Teaching Awards Program.

Show our teachers how much we appreciate them and nominate them for an award. It’s easy to nominate. Nomination forms can be collected from the front offi ce or downloaded/completed online at or on request from the NEiTA Secretary by phoning free call 1800 624 487. Nominations can be made by individual parents, school council members, student representatives and community organisations. Nominations close on 29 July 2011.

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• Anne White (Principal) • Chairperson (KHS Council) (08) 8973 8200 [email protected] [email protected]

School Contact Details

Every Child, Every Day


25Easter MondayANZAC Day

26Additional Holiday

27 28 29NT Schools AFL CampADF Career Workshop



May Day

3 4Creative Arts Extravaganza

5Parent Teacher NighNTCET Information Night



9 10NAPLAN TestingHealth Career Workshop

11NAPLAN Testing

12NAPLAN Testing

13NAPLAN Testing


16 17 18 19 20

Just a reminder thof our school uniform is compulsory for all year levels. This involves a school shirt and black shorts/trousers. Boardshorts, tank tops and muscle singlets ARE NOT-acceptable. Students must wear enclosed footwear - no thongs.

Compulsory School Uniform

Every student has their own email address that can be checked at school or at home. We are encouraging students to access their emails more and more. At home students can use ‘webmail’ to check their email:

Student Email

Improving student enrolment, attendance and participation is everybody’s responsibility and everyone’s business.

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Community Notices

Proudly Supported by Katherine Regional Community Bank ® Branch

Get your L’s, and your P’s and 12 driving lessons for $186 TOTALLessons are conducted in our modern, dual-control driving school cars. Male and female instruc-tors are qualifi ed teachers with loads of experience. We have manual and automatic cars and can pick you up from school and drop you home. We encourage buddy lessons.

DRV4LYF donates the DRV4LYF Perseverance Award at Katherine High School’s Graduation and we support the local community through Rotary International. $1 of every lesson is donated to charity.

Provisional dates (DTAL Theory 1):May 2nd and 3rd 3-6pm Katherine High School

Provisional dates (DTAL Theory 2):May 7th 2-5pm Charles Darwin University

Students who complete the DTAL course and pass their P test will go into the quarterly draw to win an iPod Nano.Want more information? Check out our website: or email [email protected] or phone 0448890653 or 0438808835. Further information is also available from Sheryl Fotakis, Senior Teacher Administration, KHS.

BASIC UMPIRES COURSEDATE: Wednesday 27 April, 2011 WHERE: Showgrounds Oval,Victoria Highway, KatherineTIME: 5:30pm – 7:30pmCOST: FREE! Just a positive attitude!CONTACT: Mick Stone – 0429 910 983 or Dennis Coburn - 0411 858 752 to pre-register

Rivers Region Sports Update


Girls & Boys Championship (formally exchange)

8 – 10 June 2011

When: Thursday 21st & 28th April 2011 Time: 4pm – 5pm

Where: Katherine Town Oval Age: 10 – 13 years of age in 2011

There will be a boys & girls team.

If for any reason you are unable to attend any or all of these sessions, please call Brad Henry on 8972 3555

to notify me of your interest in playing.

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Year 7 Camp - Springvale Homestead

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Year 7s Off & RunningWords by Tommy CameronPhotos by Tommy Cameron & Leith Waterbury

Once again the junior Katherine Academy Karraks headed north for their annual migration to Darwin for their Year 7 Induction camp. Usually this time of the year the rains would albeit have gone, but just like my footy tipping the weather is very unpredictable and it rained all the way up and nearly all the time we were in Darwin.

FOOTBALLKatherine Academy Wed, Apr 27, 2011

But this did not stop the boys taking part in archery and mini golf at Flight Path Golf and Archery. To my surprise some of the boys were quite good at archery especially Gregoresse Kruger who won the points round.

The rain stopped long enough for us to have a full round of mini golf, after this we went to the Sanderson Academy where staff members Andrew Wills and Scott Appleton looked after us by letting the Katherine Academy use their swags and school gym and pantry for breakfast.

We tubbed up and went out for dinner at Fasta Pasta in Casuarina, the service there was top notch and the food was absolutely divine.

The next day was once again wet and it looked like we were not going to be able to play a game of football against Sanderson Academy.

We went to the Crocosaurus Cove which the boys thoroughly enjoyed handling some reptiles and watching the fi sh being fed, unfortunately we didn’t get to see the big geckos being fed because it was about the same time our little Katherine geckos were beginning to feel hungry themselves.

We had lunch at Lake Alexander, which was followed by a swim and an Iron Man competition led by Radney Newman. I thought the boys would be out of energy and would not want to play a game of footy but I was wrong as our boys were eager to go out and have a game against Sanderson who have a very good junior team.

The fi rst quarter Sanderson dominated and ran our boys around playing very precise footy.

The second quarter saw a different attitude on the game by the Karraks who kept their opponents scoreless for the next two quarters. Jayden Braun and Radney Newman led the way kicking Karraks into the lead but the fi nal quarter saw Sanderson fi ght back to draw the game at the fi nal whistle.

All the boys played extremely well for their fi rst hit out as Karraks but it was Jayden Braun and Nathan Yunupingu who took top honors awarded Best players on the day.

Friday morning after thanking Andrew and Scott for their hospitality, we went Ten Pin bowling, the boys had a great time doing this, we let boys have a few goes on the computer games before thanking the staff at Planet Ten Pin and heading home to Katherine.

The Katherine Academy would like to give a big thank you to everyone who made this camp a very memorable event.

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Central Australia TourWords by Matthew HamdorfPhotos by Ryan Woolfe & Matthew Hamdorf

Week 9 in Term 1 saw a group of young men from the Katherine Academy make the trip to Alice Springs. This has become a much anticipated yearly reward trip for the seniors boys from the Katherine Academy. With the bus loaded up we headed down the Highway towards Alice Springs. The boys watched some movies and joked on the long 12-hour trip.

FOOTBALLKatherine Academy Wed, Apr 20, 2011

On arriving in Alice the bus was unpacked and the boys hit the swags for some much needed rest. The boys were up early, after a quick shower and some breakfast it was of to the Desert Park to take in the local wildlife and scenery.

The highlight of the morning was the local rangers feeding and talking about local birds and how they live and survive in central Australia.

It was then off for a swim and some lunch at Ellery Creek Big Hole. The boys were a bit tentative about getting in the water due to it being reasonably fresh. With a couple of boys willing to brave the conditions it didn’t take long for the rest to follow.

The boys then prepared lunch which consisted of some ham and beef salad wraps. We were then back on the bus and heading towards Yirara College for the fi rst game of football for the trip.

The boys from both teams put on a great display of good, hard, fair football and are to be commended on their great sportsmanship. Clinton McDonald was awarded best player from the Yirara Academy staff for his outstanding game in the backline and the midfi eld.

Both teams shared in some fruit after the game and after a quick chat it was off to the showers to freshen up for dinner at the Memo Club.Pizza and the chicken snitzal were the table’s most favourite food choice.

The night fi nished of with a movie and few laughs at the cinema before a good sleep as the next morning it was time to head to Uluru.

The boys were very keen to do the walk around the rock. After the three hour trek it was off to get some dinner. The food was well complemented by the music that the boys requested from the live entertainment that was on show.

The next morning the boys were up early and looking forward to some bacon and eggs for breakfast. After a big feed it was back down the road for a game against the Centralian Academy.

The game was a high scoring affair with Centralian eventually running out winners. Sebastian Walker continued his fi ne week by being awarded the best player from the Centralain College staff.

Centralian put on a great BBQ for the boys which was greatly appreciated after a big couple of days. With the fi rst round of the AFL starting in was hard to fi nd a seat around the TV so you could get a good view. With new Academy Director Ryan Woolfe riding every Richmond goal it was just as much fun watching Ryan as it was watching the game.

The next morning a stop at the Devils Marbles and a game against Tennant Creek Academy were on the agenda. On arriving at the Devils marbles the boys took a great interest in how the marbles were formed and what they mean to the local people.

The guys from Tennant Creek had organised a night game which produced a large and vocal crowd. With the Katherine boys becoming tired after a massive week, Tennant ran away with a hard fought victory.

The game was played in great spirits with both teams showing great sportsmanship towards each other. The boys from each team gathered around together for a BBQ dinner then it was time to hit the swags as a early rise awaited the boys on there return trip to Katherine.

A big thanks goes out to all the other Academies and staff that let us stay and use there facilities we look forward to repaying the favour as the year unfolds.

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Never Never CountryWords by Tommy CameronPhotos by Matthew Hamdorf

An overnight trip to Mataranka early in Term 2 was used to improve the attendance of a small group of Katherine Academy members. The boys chosen to come along we are hoping to see more of, thanks to this trip away. The fun we had will be used as incentive to get to school every day and be involved in all the activities our Academy has on offer.

LEADERSHIPKatherine Academy Wed, Apr 27, 2011

The trip being within the region was only a short drive of 110km south of Katherine, we originally were going to Mary River Ranger Station but due to cyclonic threats to the Top End we had to change our destination to Mataranka, also known by the locals as the ‘Never Never Country.’

This title may be familiar with some people as it is the name of an Australian movie ‘We of the Never Never.’

We had fun fi lled fi rst day, although we were water logged from all the swimming and a little crazy from the masses of mosquitoes. The swimming areas around Mataranka are thermal springs which stay at a warming temperature of 34 degrees all year round even when it gets a little cool in the Northern Territory.

Our last adventure for the day was a spot of fi shing in Elsey National Park where Dylan Lewis and Waylon Raymond showed that they knew how to catch fi sh while the rest of us tried dismally to put something on the bank.

We didn’t keep any of the fi sh caught as they were too small to feed the whole group so instead we headed back to the camp grounds of Mataranka Homestead to cook our BBQ dinner which was well received by all thanks to the Katherine Academy’s very own chef Matthew Hamdorf.

That night was spent spinning a few yarns under the very bright moonlight before we all hit the swags. In the morning after a hearty breakfast we tried our luck once again at fi shing with the hope of jerking the lips off a big barramundi which is another one of the many things Mataranka is famous for but unfortunately it was not to be as we were once again failed to land any fi sh.

Actually all but one of us were lucky enough to catch a fi sh, Waylon Raymond caught a small silver cobbler or catfi sh. This was the end to our fi shing adventure and our trip to the Never Never, and after one last swim and a rewarding lunch it was homeward bound for all of us back the Katherine.

We would like to thank the staff at Mataranka Homestead who made this short but enjoyable trip an exciting and memorable one which will be the sight of more camps in the future.