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  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    2 3

    Hong Kong Science Museum2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries: 2732-3232

    Hong Kong Museum of Art10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries: 2721-0116

    Flagstaff House Museum of Tea WareHong Kong Park, Cotton Tree Drive, Central, HK

    Closed on Tuesdays

    Enquiries: 2869-0690

    Hong Kong Visual Arts CentreHong Kong Park, 7A Kennedy Road, Central, HK

    Closed on Tuesdays

    Enquiries: 2521-3008

    Hong Kong Museum of History100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

    Closed on Tuesdays

    Enquiries: 2724-9042

    Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum41 Tonkin Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries: 2386-2863

    Law Uk Folk Museum14 Kut Shing Street, Chai Wan, HK

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries: 2896-7006

    Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum7 Castle Road, Central District, HK

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries: 2367-6373Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, HK

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries: 2569-1500

    Hong Kong Heritage Museum1 Man Lam Road, Shatin, NT

    Closed on Tuesdays

    Enquiries: 2180-8188

    Sheung Yiu Folk MuseumPak Tam Chung Nature Trail, Sai Kung, NT

    Closed on Tuesdays

    Enquiries: 2792-6365

    Hong Kong Railway Museum13 Shung Tak Street, Tai Po Market, Tai Po, NT

    Closed on Tuesdays

    Enquiries: 2653-3455

    Sam Tung Uk Museum2 Kwu Uk Lane, Tsuen Wan, NT

    Closed on Tuesdays

    Enquiries: 2411-2001

    Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors CentreHang Tau Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, New Territories

    Closed on Mondays

    Enquiries : 2617 1959

    Hong Kong Heritage Discovery CentreKowloon Park, Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries : 2208-4400

    Antiquities and Monuments Ofce136 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

    Enquiries : 2208-4400

    Hong Kong Film Archive50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, HK

    Closed on Thursdays

    Enquiries : 2739-2139

    Other Leisure & Cultural Services Department Museums CONTENTS

    Produced by the Hong Kong Space Museum : December 2012

    Editorial : School Programme Unit

    Stanley HoSpace Theatre Shows


    Astronomical Information

    Education andExtension Activities


    3D OMNIMAX Show ..................................................................... 4 - 5

    OMNIMAX Shows ......................................................................... 6 - 9

    Sky Show .................................................................................. 10 - 11

    School Shows ........................................................................... 12 - 13

    Permanent Exhibitions ...................................................................... 14

    Night Sky of the Season ................................................................... 15

    Astronomical Picture of the Season ........................................... 16 - 17

    Astronomical Observations ............................................................... 18

    Lecture Series ........................................................................... 19 - 21

    Special Lectures ........................................................................ 22 - 24

    Astronomy Film Shows ..................................................................... 25

    Astronomy Course ........................................................................... 26

    Application Forms ..................................................................... 27 - 28

    My Culture ........................................................................................ 29

    Museum Pass ........................................................................... 30 - 31

    Inclement Weather Special Arrangement ....................................32 - 33

    Ticketing Information ........................................................................ 34

    Show Schedule ................................................................................ 35

    All programmes and prices are subject to

    change without prior notice


  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    4 5

    Space Junk


    Since the dawn of the Space Age in 1957, thousands of artificial satellites have been launched and only around

    1000 are still in operation. Through these years, many space vehicles were launched with astronauts on board,

    such as Apollo space crafts, Skylab, Soyuz and space shuttles, to carry out various missions. These space

    vehicles also left huge amounts of mission-related objects like cast-off bolts, connected rings, rockets debris,

    left-over fuel, and so on. Together with the malfunctioned satellites, all became space junk, creating an orbiting

    junkyard of cast-off space debris.

    Each of these little pieces of debris whizzes around in its own orbit at a speed of about 10 km a second --

    more than six times faster than a speeding bullet. The kinetic energy at that speed is about 36 times that of

    an equivalent mass of TNT. The tragic consequence caused by these orbiting debris was later known as The

    Kessler Syndrome after Donald Kessler, the ex-head of NASA's Orbital Debris Office. Kessler had predicted

    that random collisions among these manmade objects would produce debris more dangerous than natural

    meteoroids in space. The resulting chain reaction would create exponentially clouds of debris and it would

    seriously affect our daily live and also endanger human life.

    Starting from 1 January 2013, a new 3D Omnimax Show Space Junk will guide the audience to the Earth

    orbits, witnessing the heavy traffic where satellites constantly crossing each others paths within a short

    distance. This can happen around 1,500 times a day. And we shall see how scientists devised new schemes toclean up space. Modern civilization relies heavily on satellites: GPS, weather forecast, financial trading, satellite

    TV and other aspects of living are examples of our profound linkage to the space. The alarming fact is: we have

    created a mine field in space and we are treading on it everyday.

    Place : Stanley Ho Space Theatre

    Admission Fees : Front stalls $24, stalls $32 (Standard)

    Front stalls $12, stalls $16 (Concession)

    (Concession is applicable to full-time students, people with disabilities and senior

    citizens aged 60 or above)

    Duration : 39 minutes

    Show Schedule : Please refer to SHOW SCHEDULE on p.35

    Showing until 30 June 2013

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    Flying Monsters

    220 million years ago, back in the Mesozoic Era, it was the heyday of reptiles. They were the rulers of the Earth.

    The world was full of various kinds of reptiles: marine reptiles dominated the ocean, dinosaurs reigned on land

    and pterosaurs occupied the sky.

    Pterosaurs were the first backboned animals that took to the sky. They dominated the sky for 150 millionyears. But how did they evolve from reptiles as small as lizards into large flying creatures with a wingspan over

    10 metres? Why would they know how to fly? How did they fly? To answer these questions, we shall follow

    world renowned British naturalist David Attenborough to different parts of the world to look for fossils of the

    pterosaurs so as to have a better understanding of the evolution of these huge prehistoric beasts as well as

    their amazing body structures. State-of-theart technology will be used to unveil the mysteries of pterosaurs that

    have puzzled scientists for decades.

    By using advanced computer animation technology, the Omnimax Show Flying Monsters takes the audience

    back to the prehistoric world 220 million years ago. It will explore the evolution process of the pterosaurs, make

    known their lives and the characteristics of different types of pterosaurs. What is more, the audience will soar

    high into the sky with the largest pterosaur ever and the mystery of how these gigantic creatures could fly will

    be unravelled.

    Place : Stanley Ho Space Theatre

    Admission Fees : Front stalls $24, stalls $32 (Standard)

    Front stalls $12, stalls $16 (Concession)

    (Concession is applicable to full-time students, people with disabilities and senior

    citizens aged 60 or above)

    Duration : 39 minutes

    Show Schedule : Please refer to SHOW SCHEDULE on p.35

    Showing until 28 February 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    To the Arctic

    Lets come and join our extraordinary journey to the northern tip of the world, where the vast expanse of

    permafrost is dominated by spectacular landscapes of immense glaciers, majestic waterfalls, giant ice shelves

    and amazing auroras. Here is one of the Earths most frigid places to live, but many wild animals have adapted

    to the hostile environment and settled here.

    As global warming quickly escalates into a global warning, the fragile and vulnerable Arctic climate has been

    seriously affected. With less ice to reflect the Suns rays, the Arctic is warming at a rate twice as fast as

    anywhere else on Earth. Scientists predict that in the near future, the Arctic Ocean will be completely free of

    sea ice during summer time. Wildlife is also threatened by the grave impact. Polar bears have to swim longer

    distances to search for food because of the dwindling sea ice cover. Caribou have to migrate to grassland

    earlier than before, because of floods caused by premature melting of ice in early spring.

    The new Omnimax Show To the Arctic takes audience to the pristine Arctic Circle, explores how wildlife

    copes with the worsening environment under the threat of global warming. The audience can witness from a

    close distance the lives of a mother polar bear with her twin cubs, and in an inspired story of love and survival,

    see how she protects her children from fierce and ruthless enemies.

    Place : Stanley Ho Space TheatreAdmission Fees : Front stalls $24, stalls $32 (Standard)

    Front stalls $12, stalls $16 (Concession)

    (Concession is applicable to full-time students, people with disabilities and senior

    citizens aged 60 or above)

    Duration : 39 minutes

    Show Schedule : Please refer to SHOW SCHEDULE on p.35

    Showing from 1 March to 31 August 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    10 11

    Tales of the Maya Skies


    The Maya civilization has long given us a mysterious and unfathomable impression. Date back to 300B.C. or

    more, highly developed Maya civilization emerged in the present day Yucatan Peninsula of South America. The

    Maya had their unique hieroglyph writing and they used the concept of zero in calculation 800 years earlier

    than the Europeans. With the knowledge of mathematics, they built the most ancient observatory to record the

    ascending and descending positions of the Sun, the Moon and other celestial bodies. Even before telescopesand fraction calculations were invented, they had already accurately calculated the occurrence of total solar

    eclipses and created a calendar based on the cycle of the Sun.

    Unfortunately, in the 16th century, due to the invasion of the Spanish, the Maya civilization was destroyed

    and even vanished, the wealth of which was thus buried in the forest. It was not until the mid-20th century

    that archaeologists set foot in this green forest and the relevant historical remains were brought to light again.

    However, the Maya civilization had already become a mysterious and ancient legend.

    Our brand new Sky Show Tales of the Maya Skies will together with the audience unveil the mystery of the

    Maya civilization, witness an ancient legend of the creation of the world, admire the remarkable achievements

    of the Maya in astronomy and mathematics as well as learn how science, art and myths were interwoven to

    create a brilliant ancient civilization of 2000 years.

    Place : Stanley Ho Space Theatre

    Admission Fees : Front stalls $24, stalls $32 (Standard)

    Front stalls $12, stalls $16 (Concession)

    (Concession is applicable to full-time students, people with

    disabilities and senior citizens aged 60 or above)

    Duration : 34 minutes

    Show Schedule : Please refer to SHOW SCHEDULE on p.35

    Showing until 29 April 2013

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    12 13

    Dawn of the Space Age

    School Show Dawn of the Space Age relives the excitement of the early days of space exploration and

    chronicles the major milestones of the space age: from the historic launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1,

    man's heroic entry in space, the thrilling first spacewalk, the magnificent lunar landings, to the recent privately

    operated space flights.

    Target : Primary and Secondary Students

    Place : Stanley Ho Space Theatre

    Duration : 41 minutes* The Show is available in Cantonese,

    English, Putonghua and Japanese


    Secret of the Cardboard Rocket

    The audi ences of the Schoo l Show Secret of the Cardboard Rocket will join two children and a talking

    astronomy book on a magical journey by travelling on a cardboard rocket throughout the Solar System.

    During the tour, they will visit the Sun, the eight planets and Pluto; land on Venus, Mars and Pluto; fly through

    the Great Red Spot on Jupiter; and view the Sun and other planets from vantage points.

    Target : Primary Students

    Place : Stanley Ho Space Theatre

    Duration : 42 minutes

    * The Show is available in Cantonese and English

    12 13

    * Student ticket price: $16. A teacher complimentary

    ticket will be issued for every purchase of 20 student


    * As only one school show can be shown in the Space

    Theatre at a time, schools should make their choices

    when submitting applications

    * Please refer to TICKETI NG INFORMATION or call

    2734-2720 for school schedule and advance booking

    (Monday to Friday : 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m.

    - 5:00 p.m.)

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01





    There are over 50 group s of exhib its in the two

    Exhibition Halls of the Hong Kong Space Museum.

    The exh ibi ts, pred ominan tly int erac tiv e, enab le

    visitors to learn through a series of entertaining as

    well as educational experiences. Two Theme Areas,

    Space Science and Astronomy, are respectively

    contained in the Exhibition Halls on the ground floor

    and the first floor.

    The Theme Areas are further subdiv ided into the

    following Topic Areas:

    Hall of Space Science Hall of Astronomy

    Ancient Astronomical History Observational Astronomy

    Science Fiction The Solar System

    Early Rockets Solar Science

    Launch Vehicles Stars

    Satellites and Space Probes Universe

    Manned Spaceflight

    Space Shuttle

    Space StationFuture Space Programmes

    Admission Fees: $10 (Standard)

    $5 (Concession)

    (Concession is appl icable to

    full-time students, people with

    disabilities and senior citizens aged

    60 or above)

    Opening Hours and Other Incentive Schemes: Please


    Night Sky of the Season

    1/1/2013 11:00 p.m.

    1/2/2013 9:00 p.m.

    1/3/2013 7:00 p.m.

    Mercury: Moves from Sagittarius toCapricornus in January

    Moves from Capricornus viaAquarius to Pisces in February

    Moves from Pisces back toAquarius in March

    Venus: Moves from Ophiuchus toSagittarius in January

    Moves from Sagittarius viaCapricornus to Aquarius inFebruary

    Moves from Aquarius to

    Pisces in March

    Mars: Moves from Capricornus toAquarius in January

    In Aquarius in February

    Moves from Aquarius to

    Pisces in March

    Jupiter: In Taurus in January,February and March

    Saturn: In Libra in January,February and March

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    Astronomical Picture of the Season

    Total Solar Eclipse

    By : Thomas Fok

    Date and Time : 14/11/2012 06:29 (UTC+10)

    Place : Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia

    Photographic Data :

    Lens : 71mm aperture refractor telescope

    Focal length : 280mm

    Exposure : ISO 200, combined from 8 images

    with shutter speed from 1s to 1/1250s

    Mount : Equatorial Mount

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01



    Astronomy Happy Hour to be conducted in Cantonese

    Astronomy Carnivalto be conducted in Cantonese


    Ancient Chinese Astronomy (4th Series) Ancient Chinese Calendar to be conducted in Cantonese

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    20 2120 LECTURE SERIES

    Leadership Training in Astronomical Activities

    to be conducted in Cantonese


    Stanley Ho Space Theatre Lectures on Astronomy

    Extraordinary Astronomical Events to be conducted in Cantonese

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01



    Protostar to be conducted in Cantonese

    22 23

    Astronomical Events in 2013 to be conducted in Cantonese

    Review on Observation of Total Solar Eclipse in Australia

    to be conducted in Cantonese

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01



    Place : Lecture Hall

    Free admission on a first come, first served basis

    Programmes are narrated in English with Chinese subtitles





    5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

    5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

    5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

    Naked Science: Moon Mysteries


    Naked Science: Birth of the Earth

    Naked Science: Solar force

    Films sponsored by National Geographic Channel

    From Earth To Mars

    Steps Towards the First Human Mission to the Red Planetto be conducted in English

    The first human mi ssion to Mars will be humani tys greatest undertaking in space exploration i n the 21st

    century. As with all expeditions, its success will depend on planning. The first steps towards a human journey

    to the Red Planet are already underway, as we achieve longer spaceflight missions, plan for new deep space

    journeys, and explore extreme environments on Earth viewed as Mars analogs. Dr. Pascal Lee will discuss

    progress being made around the world, from the Arctic to Antarctica, from basement labs to the International

    Space Station, to eventually achieve the voyage to Mars. He will examine in turn the what, why, how, when,

    and who of the First Human Mission to Mars.

    Speaker : Dr. Pascal Lee (Director, NASA Ames Research Center Haughton-Mars Project)

    Date : 6 April 2013 (Saturday)

    Time : 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.Place : Lecture Hall

    Free admission at a first come, first served basis.

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01



    Astronomical Observationto be conducted in Cantonese


  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01



  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    30 31

    LCSD Museum Pass has been redesigned with a new logo created by internationally renowned designer Dr

    Kan Tai-keung. Museum Pass holders can enjoy unlimited admission for free to visit the permanent exhibitions

    or most of the thematic exhibitions staged at 7 LCSD museums that levy admission fees, namely the HongKong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Science

    Museum, Hong Kong Space Museum (except for programmes in the Stanley Ho Space Theatre), Hong Kong

    Museum of Coastal Defence and the Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum. Coming up are a number of spectacular

    exhibitions, such as "Julius Caesar: Military Genius and Mighty Machines" at the Hong Kong Science Museum,

    "Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal" at the Hong Kong Museum of Art, "The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia"

    at the Hong Kong Museum of History and "Faberg: Legacy of Imperial Russia" at the Hong Kong Heritage


    The Museum Pass also entitles Annual and Half-year holders to an array of related benefits, such as a 10

    percent discount for cash purchase of selected items at various museum gift shops, a 10 percent discount for

    participation in extension activities organised by the museums and a 10 percent discount when purchasing

    Ocean Park's SmartFun Annual Pass. Furthermore, Museum Annual Pass holders will also enjoy discounts

    of $50, $40 and $30 off published prices for the purchase of Adult, Child/Student and Senior Magic Access

    tickets for Hong Kong Disneyland Park.

    Sign up now to enjoy fabulous benefits of Museum Pass! For details,

    please visit Hong Kong Public Museums Portal:


  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01



    Museum and Exhibition Halls


    1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above

    The Museum and Exhibition Halls will beclosed. They will remain closed if the signal islowered 2 hours or less before the normal

    closing time2. Black Rainstorm Signal

    If the signal is issued while the Museum andExhibition Halls are in service, the normalopening hours will remain unchanged

    If the signal is issued before the opening hours,they will be closed until the signal is cancelled.They will remain closed if the signal is cancelled2 hours or less before the normal closing time

    Shows of Stanley Ho Space Theatre

    1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above

    Shows already in progress will continue. Showsnot yet started will be cancelled. Shows willresume normal 3 hours after the signal islowered. If the signal is lowered 3 hours or lessbefore the normal closing time of the Museum,all shows will be cancelled

    2. Black Rainstorm Signal

    If the signal is issued while the Museum is inservice, all shows will be screened as scheduled

    If the signal is issued before the opening hoursof the Museum, the shows will be cancelled.Shows will resume normal 3 hours after thesignal is lowered. If the signal is lowered 3hours or less before the normal closing time of

    the Museum, all shows will be cancelled

    3. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 /Red Rainstorm Signal

    All shows will be screened as scheduled

    Family Programmes and

    Fun Astronomy Classes

    Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or ab ove /Red Rainstorm Signal / Black Rainstorm Signal

    All Family Programmes and Fun AstronomyClasses will be cancelled

    If the above mentioned warming signal islowered 3 hours or more before the programmecommences, the programme will be proceededas scheduled

    Other Museum Activities (including

    Astronomical Observations,

    Astronomy Film Shows, Astronomy

    Courses, Lectures, etc)

    1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above

    All activities will be cancelled

    If the warming signal is lowered 3 hours or

    more before the activity commences, the activitywill be proceeded as scheduled

    2. Black Rainstorm Signal

    Activities already in progress will continue

    Activities not yet started will be cancelled

    If the warming signal is lowered 3 hours ormore before the activity commences, the activitywill be proceeded as scheduled

    3. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 /Red Rainstorm Signal

    All activities will be proceeded as scheduled

    * Arrangements will be made for shows or activities cancelled owing to inclement weather.

  • 7/27/2019 Newsletter2013_01


    34 35

    8:30 p.m.

    7:20 p.m.

    5:00 p.m.

    6:10 p.m.

    1:30 p.m.

    2:40 p.m.

    3:50 p.m.

    OMNIMAX Show

    Sky Show

    11:10 a.m.

    12:20 p.m.

    School Show 3D OMNIMAXShow


    Hong Kong Space Museum Opening Hours

    Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 1 p.m. - 9 p.m.

    Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays : 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.

    Closed on Tuesdays (Except public holidays)

    Closed at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve and Lunar New Year's Eve

    Closed on the first two days of the Lunar New Year

    Museum Box Office Opening Hours

    Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 12 noon - 8:45 p.m.

    Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays : 10 a.m. - 8:45 p.m.

    Closed on Tuesdays (Except public holidays)

    Closed at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve and Lunar New Years Eve

    Closed on the first two days of the Lunar New Year

    Shows marked with are in English narration through the mainsound system while other shows are narrated in Cantonese.

    Narration in English, Cantonese, Putonghua or Japanese for

    OMNIMAX Show, Sky Show and 3D OMNIMAX Show is available

    through selectors and headphones mounted on every seat.

    School shows are available to schools onlyAll programmes are subject to change without prior notice

    Show Time Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sun & HolidayTuesday

    Stanley Ho Space Theatre Show Schedule



    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAX Show

    Space Junk 3D

    (1.1.2013 - 30.6.2013)

    OMNIMAX Show

    Flying Monsters

    (1.9.2012 - 28.2.2013)

    School booking onlySky Show

    Tales of t he Maya Skies

    (1.11.2012 - 29.4.2013) OMNIMAX Show

    To the Arctic

    (1.3.2013 - 31.8.2013)

    School Show

    OMNIMAX Show

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    OMNIMAX Show

    School Show School Show School Show School Show

    School Show School Show School Show

    Sky Show Sky Show Sky Show Sky Show Sky Show

    Sky Show Sky Show

    Sky Show Sky Show Sky Show Sky Show Sky Show Sky Show

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow

    3D OMNIMAXShow




    Admission Fees3D Dome Show / Sky Show / OMNIMAX Show

    Standard : front stalls $24 stalls $32* Concession : front stalls $12 stalls $16

    (children under 3 years old will not be admitted)

    Exhibition HallsStandard: $10 *Concession : $5

    30% discount on every purchase of 20 or moreExhibition Halls standard tickets of the same price (except

    concession tickets)Admission charges to Exhibition Halls will be waived forgroups of 20 or more visitors from school and registerednon-profit-making organizations (upon production ofcopy of supporting documents) with written applicationat least two weeks before the visit (limited quota on afirst-come, first-served basis)Free admission to Exhibition Halls on WednesdaysFree admission for children under 4 years old, but theymust be accompanied by adults

    * Concession is applicable to full-time students, peoplewith disabilities (and one accompanying minder) andsenior citizens aged 60 or above

    Group Booking (Space Theatre Show)(only available to schools or non-profit-makingorganizations)

    Minimum number of tickets to be booked: not less than20**When to apply: 1 to 3 months in advance of the day ofvisit. Please call 2734-2720 for details

    ** Application for arrangement of School Shows by aschool will be accepted if the number of participatedstudents / teachers satisfies the minimum requirement of100. In case there are less than 100 participants for anapplication, the Space Museum may arrange for a showat discretion if the total number of participants from allschools under application on the day exceeds 100.

    Counter BookingsAdvance booking up to one week is available.

    Ti cket s for Exh ibi tio n Hal ls and Sta nle y Ho Spac eTh ea tr e pr og ra mme s ar e av ai la bl e at th e Sp ac eMuseum Box Office as well as all URBTIX outlets at theHK Cultural Centre, Ko Shan Theatre, HK Arts Centre,HK Coliseum, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, City Hall, Town

    Halls (Shatin, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, North District), CivicCentres (Ngau Chi Wan, Sheung Wan, Sai Wan Ho, Tai Po),Theatres (Kwai Tsing, Yuen Long) and Tom Lee Music Co.Ltd. Branches (Cameron Lane, Telford Plaza, Tai Koo ShingCityplaza, Causeway Bay, Shatin, Tsuen Wan DiscoveryPark, Luk Yeung Galleria, Ma On Shan, Tuen Mun TownPlaza, Aberdeen, Yuen Long, Tseung Kwan O, Tsing Yi,Westwood, Tai Po, MegaBox, Hung Hom, North Point,Chai Wan, Siu Sai Wan, Wan Chai, Olympian City and LokFu), AsiaWorld-Arena, Happy Sound Music Limited MongKok Branch, Youth Square in Chai Wan, HKICC Lee ShauKee School of Creativity in Kowloon and Jockey ClubCreative Arts Centre.

    Internet Booking: http://www.urbtix.hkTelephone Credit Card Booking: 2111-5999Ticketing Enquiries: 2734-9009