newsltr - 2010 july aug - scalabrinians centro de pastoral migratoria ubicado en ciudad de méxico,...

CONTENTS Letter of the Provincial Carta del Provincial Around the Province Noticias de la Provincia Birthdays, Anniversaries and In Memoriam JULY – AUGUST 2010

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Page 1: Newsltr - 2010 July Aug - SCALABRINIANS Centro de Pastoral Migratoria ubicado en Ciudad de México, organizó el tercer taller “Diplomado”, en la Parroquia de San Lucas en Irvin


Letter of the Provincial

Carta del Provincial

Around the Province

Noticias de la Provincia

Birthdays, Anniversaries and In Memoriam


Page 2: Newsltr - 2010 July Aug - SCALABRINIANS Centro de Pastoral Migratoria ubicado en Ciudad de México, organizó el tercer taller “Diplomado”, en la Parroquia de San Lucas en Irvin

Missionaries of St. Charles – Scalabrinians

Missionari de San Carlo – Scalabriniani

Misioneros de San Carlos – Scalabrinianos

Missionarios de Sao Carlos - Scalabrinianos

Province of St. John the Baptist

546 N East Avenue

Oak Park IL 60302-2207

Phone 708/386-4430 Fax 708/386-4457

Email: [email protected]

Dear Confreres,

Summer is a marvelous season that provides us with an opportunity to enjoy nature and its splendor

more closely; it also gives us the possibility to take some leisure time from our busy schedules in order

to be more in touch with our family, relatives and close friends.

Many important events have taken place during these summer months; they all can be seen as an

expression of the missionary activity in the Province. The month of July, gave us the opportunity to host

a good number of Scalabrinian confreres who attended the permanent formation course in Mexico City.

On the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16th

, nine postulants began their formation program in

Mexico with a ceremony presided by the Local Superior, Fr. Antonio Tapparello, cs. Five ceremonies of

ordination to the priesthood took place during this time, three in Mexico, one in Paraguay and one in

Chicago. Two of these confreres joined our Province for their missionary ministry: Fr. Anderson

Hammes, cs and Fr. Francesco D’Agostino, cs. I would like to welcome them with open arms. The other

three Mexicans ordained were assigned to different Provinces in the Congregation.

Regarding the formation program of the Province, both our seminaries in Guadalajara and Los Angeles

received new seminarians for the propedeutic experience; we thank the vocation directors for their

efforts in this field. At the present moment, we count a total of 84 young men in formation: 1 in

Guatemala, 17 in Guadalajara, 10 in Los Angeles, in the propedeutic stage, 33 in Mexico City studying

philosophy, 9 postulants in Tijuana, (2 PSJB, 7 PSCB), 11 novices in Purepero, (5 PSJB, 6 PSCB) and 3

religious students of theology in Chicago. Certainly these numbers reflect the effort and prayers of all

the members of the province for the benefit of the entire Congregation.

During the third week of August, our missionaries present in Guatemala and Mexico gathered together

for their annual meeting in Nuevo Laredo Mexico. This meeting called “Guatemex” provided them the

opportunity to evaluate and plan their missions in accordance with the Provincial Pastoral Plan. They

also shared the challenges and blessings encountered in their respective ministry; two days were taken

by all the formators in the Province to evaluate and plan this upcoming school year. I thank Fr.

Gianantonio Baggio, cs, for hosting this meeting and providing great hospitality for all of us.

As it was previously announced, the former theology house of studies in Chicago was rented to the

School Sisters of Notre Dame. Both formators and the three remaining students moved into Santa Maria

Addolorata Rectory on the west side of Chicago.

The Pastoral Center of the Province organized a workshop for those interested in learning more about

the pastoral care of migrants. This event took place in Irving, TX, and it was reported that about 35

persons attended. A gathering of former volunteers of our “Casas del Migrante” took place in Mexico

City during this summer and fifteen of them got together for this event.

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I take the opportunity to thank each one of the confreres who found themselves involved in the change

to a different mission; your availability in accepting these moves are certainly a sign of our missionary

vocation. I pray that these assignments will work out for the benefit of the people that we are called to


I encourage each one of you and the local communities to continue promoting their regular meetings

under the leadership of the local superior, in order to assume in a stronger manner the priorities of the

Provincial Plan and applying it to the local area, remembering that it states: “The Provincial Plan

requires that it be studied in each of the local religious communities so that it will become familiar to us

and be incarnated in the local reality. Each religious community is invited to make its own community

project in sync with the Provincial Plan”.

As we move into fall, we are called once again to recommit ourselves in our mission, whether it is

vocation promotion, formation, or pastoral ministry.

“Regarding fidelity and proper missionary life, Scalabrini used to say: they are guaranteed only by

meditation of the word of God. If someone were to ask me what a religious or a priest in care of souls

needs most, I would say to him: Prayer.

Prayer purifies the mind, corrects excesses, adjusts customs, makes for a virtuous and orderly life, and

gives the knowledge of divine and human things. Prayer does not mean a loss of personality, for God

never cancels what is human, but transforms it with his Spirit and guides it to the service and purpose of

his kingdom and of salvation.”

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Adilso Luiz Balen, cs

Provincial Superior

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Missionaries of St. Charles – Scalabrinians

Missionari de San Carlo – Scalabriniani

Misioneros de San Carlos – Scalabrinianos

Missionarios de Sao Carlos - Scalabrinianos

Province of St. John the Baptist

546 N East Avenue

Oak Park IL 60302-2207

Phone 708/386-4430 Fax 708/386-4457

Email: [email protected]

Estimados co-hermanos,

El verano es una buena oportunidad para ponernos en contacto con la naturaleza y su mágico esplendor;

también nos brinda la oportunidad de tomar un tiempo para el descanso y alejarnos un poco de las

ajustadas agendas para darnos la chance de entrar en contacto más cercano tanto con la familia bien

como de los amigos.

Muchos eventos importantes han tomado lugar durante estos meses de verano; todos ellos, pueden ser

vistos como una expresión de vida y de la actividad misionera en la Provincia. El mes de julio nos dio la

oportunidad de recibir un buen número de cohermanos scalabrinianos que atendieron el curso de

formación permanente en Ciudad de México. El día 16 de julio, “Fiesta de N. S. Del Carmen”, 9

postulantes iniciaron su programa en Ciudad de México, la ceremonia fue presidida por el superior local,

Rev. Antonio Tapparello, cs. Durante este tiempo, tuvimos también 5 celebraciones de ordenación al

presbiterado, tres en México, una en Paraguay y una más en Chicago. 2 de estos sacerdotes recién

ordenados Anderson Hammes, cs, y Francesco D’Agostino, cs, fueron destinados a nuestra Provincia y

los otros 3 mexicanos fueron asignados a distintas Provincias de la Congregación.

El programa de formación en la Provincia, tanto el seminario de Sun Valley, CA, cuanto el de

Guadalajara, MX, recibieron nuevos jóvenes. Agradecemos a los promotores vocacionales por su

valiosa labor y dedicacion en este campo. Al presente, contamos en la Provincia con un total de 84

jóvenes en formación: 1 en Guatemala, 17 en Guadalajara, 10 en los Angeles,( estos en Propedeutico),

33 en Ciudad de Mexico estudiando Filosofía, 9 Postulantes en Tijuana, (2 PSJB, 7 PSCB), 11 Novicios

en Purepero (5 PSJB, 6 PSCB) y 3 religiosos estudiantes de Teologia en Chicago. Sin duda, estos

numeros son una bendición de Dios y reflejan el esfuerzo de todos los meimbros de la Provincia así

como nuestra colaboración hacia la Congregación.

La tercera semana de Agosto, los misioneros presentes en Guatemala y Mexico se reunieron en Nuevo

Laredo México, para su encuentro anual “Guatemex”, que les brindó la oportunidad de evaluar y

planear sus misiones. También tomaron la oportunidad para compartir los retos y las bendiciones

encontradas a nivel personal y en sus respectivas misiones; los formadores de la Provincia aprovecharon

de este encuentro y por dos días se dedicaron a planear el año escolar que está comenzando. Un

agradecimiento muy especial a P. Gianantonio Baggio,cs, que nos ofreció la hospitalidad y toda la

ayuda logistica para este encuentro.

Como ya se habia informado anteriormente, la casa que hasta hace unos meses hospedó a los estudiantes

de teologia en la Provincia, fue rentada a las Hermanas Escolásticas de Notre Dame, y tanto los

formadores cuanto los tres formandos se mudaron a la Casa Parroquial de Santa Maria Addolorata en


Page 5: Newsltr - 2010 July Aug - SCALABRINIANS Centro de Pastoral Migratoria ubicado en Ciudad de México, organizó el tercer taller “Diplomado”, en la Parroquia de San Lucas en Irvin

El Centro de Pastoral Migratoria ubicado en Ciudad de México, organizó el tercer taller “Diplomado”,

en la Parroquia de San Lucas en Irvin TX y se conto con la participación de 35 personas interesadas en

el tema migratorio.También se llevó a cabo en Ciudad de México un encuentro de ex-voluntarios de

nuestras Casas del Migrante, alrededor de quince participantes se reunieron para la ocasión.

Agradezco de corazón a cada uno de los cohermanos que se vieron envueltos en la restruturación y en un

cambio de misión este verano, ciertamente su disponibilidad al aceptar las nuevas asignaciones

misioneras es un signo de disponibilidad misionera y de pertenencia a la familia scalabriniana. Pido al

Señor que estas destinaciones sean motivo de revitalización de benefício y ayuda a la gente que estamos

llamados a servir.

Con ánimo renovado exorto a cada auno de ustedes y a las comunidades locales de continuar

promoviendo sus encuentros regulares bajo la dirección del Superior Local, de tal manera que puedan

asumirse de una manera mas concreta y positiva la aplicación del Plan Pastoral Provincial el caul nos

dice: El Plan Provincial requiere ser estudiado en cada comunidad religosa local, de tal manera que

llegue a sernos familiar y pueda ser encarnado en la realidad local. Cada comunidad religiosa esta

invitada a hacer su propio proyecto comunitario en consonancia con el Plan Pastoral Provincial.

Mientras avanzamos hacia la nueva estación de otoño, estamos invitados una vez más a reconectarnos

con nuestra misión respectiva, sea animación vocacional, formación o ministerio pastoral.

Con relación a la fidelidad y rectitud misionera Scalabrini decía: “esta se garantiza sólo en la

meditación de la Palabra de Dios. Si alguién me preguntase que es lo que que más necesita un

religioso, un sacerdote al cuidado de las almas, le diria: la oración. La oración purifica la mente,

corrige los excessos, regula las costumbres, hace la vida virtuosa y ordenada, procura, el conocimiento

de las cosas divinas y humanas. La oración no significa alienación, pérdida de personalidad: Dios no

anula nunca el humano, sino que lo transforma con su Espíritu y lo orienta al servicio de su designio,

del reino y de la salvación.”


P. Adilso Luiz Balen, CS

Superior Provincial

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Fr. Anderson Hammes, cs, who is assigned to our Province, was ordained to the priesthood on July 10th 2010 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Catuete, Paraguay by Most Rev. Bishop Alessandro Ruffinoni, CS auxiliary Bishop of Caxias do Sul, Brazil. The first mass was celebrated at Saint Michael Church in Sao Miguel Do Iguacu, PR. Brazil on July 11, 2010. Fr. Anderson is assigned as Associate Pastor at Saint Charles Church in Melrose Park, IL.

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Fr. Francesco D’Agostino, cs, who is assigned to our Province, was ordained to the Priesthood on August 28th, 2010 at Santa Maria Addolorata Church in Chicago, Illinois by Most Rev. Bishop Lawrence Sabatini, CS, DD. Bishop Emeritus of Kamloops, Canada. The first mass was celebrated on August 29th, in the same Parish. Fr. Frank is assigned as Associate Pastor at Saint Luke Church in Irving, Diocese of Dallas, TX.

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New Treasurers’ Appointments in the Province - Sept. 1, 2010 1) Sacred Heart, Cincinnati – Fr. Vincent Cutrara, cs. 2) St. Luke, Irving, Dallas – Fr. Leonardo Rocha, cs. 3) Santa Maria Addolorata, Chicago – Fr. Gino Dalpiaz, cs. and Scalabrini House of Theology, Chicago – Fr. Gino Dalpiaz, cs. 4) Ministry at Casa Italia, Stone Park – Fr. August Feccia, cs. 5) Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Melrose Park – Fr. Fernando Cuevas, cs. 6) Saint Charles Borromeo, Melrose Park – Fr. Jorge Bravo, cs. 7) Saint Charles Retirement House, Sun Valley, – Fr. Louis Piran, cs 8) Saint Anthony, Thunder Bay – Fr. Albert Corradin, cs. 9) Saint Angela Merici, Windsor – Fr. Vincent Gennardo, cs. 10) Iglesia San Felipe de Jesús, Tijuana – Fr. Abraham Ochoa, cs. 11) Casa del Migrante, Nuevo Lardo – Fr. Gianantonio Baggio, cs. 12) Parroquia del Señor de las Tres Caídas, Tecún Umán – Fr. Alfredo Camarena, cs. 13) Movilidad Humana CEG, Guatemala City – Fr. Mauro Verzeletti, cs. 14) Casa de Formación - Casa del Migrante, Guatemala City – Fr. Francisco Pellizzari, cs

ASSIGNMENT – ASSIGNACIÓN The Provincial Administration assigned the confrere:

• Fr. Augusto Feccia, cs. is assigned as associate Pastor of Saint Charles Borromeo Church in Melrose Park, IL, as well as Chaplain and Spiritual Director of the Italian Apostolate at Casa Italia in Stone Park IL, effective on September 15th 2010. PERIOD OF ABSENCE • Fr. Fausto Calero, cs. was residing at Mount Carmel rectory and ministering in both Saint Charles and Mount Carmel parishes in Melrose Park, IL. After a process of discernment, with the Provincial and the General Superior Fr. Fausto left the ministry and agreed to take a period of 6 months to re-evaluate his vocation to the priesthood. Fausto is now living with his family in Puebla, Mexico.

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In the last Interprovincial Council meeting held in Mexico City, it was approved by both provincial administrations to continue promoting two one week retreats during this year of 2010. The Secretariats for Religious Life and Pastoral Ministry from both provinces led by Fr. Richard Zanotti cs and Horecio Carlos Anklan cs, will organize these retreats.

In English - Winter Park, Orlando, Florida, USA on October 25-29, 2010 Place: San Pedro Center 2400 Dike Road - Winter Park, Orlando - FL - 32792 Phone (407) 671-6322 - Fax: (407) 671-3992 The retreat will start on Monday, 25, with dinner at 6 PM Please arrive at the International Airport of Orlando; FL. The cost will be $400.00 per person. Check out must be by 11 AM on Friday, October 29th. Registration: Provincial Office – Province of St. Charles - 209 Flagg Place – Staten Island, NY 10304 (Check Payable to: Society of St. Charles) E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (718) 351-0232 Contact person for logistics and organization of the retreat: Fr. Horecio Carlos Anklan, CS E-mail: [email protected] Cell phone: (954) 483-9588 In Spanish - Guadalajara, México, on November 29 - December 03, 2010 Place: Seminario San Carlos Paseo de los Fresnos - Col. Paseos del Briseño Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico Phone (33) 3684-2184 E-mail: [email protected] The retreat will start on Monday, Nov. 29 with dinner at 8 PM NB: First Profession of Vows in Purepero is Sunday, November 28 – if you would like to participate, you are more than welcome. This year we have 11 novices who will profess. Please arrive at the International Airport in Guadalajara The cost will be $250 USD per person Registration: Provincial Office – Province of St. John the Baptist - 546 North East Avenue - Oak Park, IL. 60302 (Check Payable to: Fathers of Saint Charles) E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (708) 386-4430 Contact person for logistics and organization of the retreat: Fr. Richard Zanotti, cs Email: [email protected] Phone: (818) 765-3350

MEETING OF YOUNG RELIGIOUS The Interprovincial Meeting of Young Religious will be held in Medellin, Colombia on September 27 to October 2, 2010. Please buy your ticket and arrive on Monday, September 27 at Medellin airport. Fr. Ángelo Plodari, [email protected] y/o P. Héctor Aya, [email protected]. [email protected] or: [email protected] tel. 4-254-7199 Are in the organizing committee. Aeropuerto de llegada José María Córdova (Código aeropuerto MDE) en Rionegro – Antioquia Colombia.

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MEETING OF VOCATION PROMOTERS The XXII AMS set the date of November 8-13, 2010 for the meeting of the full time Vocation Promoters in the Congregation. The meeting will be held in Rome, Italy. From our Province, the following confreres will attend: Fr. Giovanni Bizzoto, cs - Fr. Ernesto Esqueda, cs.

2011 - INTERPROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY IN TORONTO - CANADA The 2011 Inter-Provincial Assembly will be in Toronto, Canada from May 9-13. Please mark your calendar and make your flight reservation to Toronto International Airport. Plan to arrive on Monday May 9th before 6:00pm and to depart on Friday May 13th.


August 21, 2010 Dear Confreres, We would like to inform you that, after much consideration and dialogue between our two Provinces, we have reached an agreement with “GATEKEEPER PRODUCTIONS” to create a DVD presenting the services our two Provinces are providing for the migrants and describing the difficulties and sufferings many migrants, refugees and displaced people are encountering on their journey. The purposes of the DVD are the following: 1.A version of the DVD of about one hour as an educational tool for the people we serve, especially those who would like to become collaborators in our ministry. It would also serve as a presentation of our work for the young people thinking of joining us in the priesthood, religious life or the Scalabrinian Lay Movement.

2.A second version of 10 minutes for fund raising purposes to be presented to the foundations that could help us in our development efforts. The private donations we have already received will enable us to cover all the expenses of the project. The completion of the project will take about five months: from September 13, 2010, to January 21, 2011. The actual filming is scheduled for Sept. 13 to October 29, 2010. At a later date, we will send you a detailed schedule of the filming. There will be only one person doing the filming. He will be provided with the necessary information of the places he will visit. If he is scheduled to visit your Mission, you will be informed ahead of time. He will give you a call so that you can make arrangements together. We thank you for your cooperation and hospitality. Sincerely, Fr. Matthew Didoné, c.s. - Fr. Adilso Balen, c.s. Provincial Superiors

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PS: For more information we give you the web site of the company:

FORUM ON MIGRATION AND PEACE The 2nd International forum on migration and peace was held in Bogotá, Colombia, from September 1-3, sponsored by SIMN. The central theme was: “Migrations, Peaceful Co-existence and Independence. Toward a New Understanding of Citizenship and Democracy”. Several organizations have joined in sponsorship and many international celebrities attended. The relationship between “Peace and Migration” is a contemporary theme cherished by many people in the socio-political levels, particularly on the American continent


Today September 13, 2010 we remember the 30th year of the official opening of our presence in Guadalajara, Mexico. As you can see, the letter from Cardinal José Salazar Lopez, Archbishop of Guadalajara, sent to our then General Superior, Fr. Giovanni Simonetto, on September 13, 1980 giving permission to open a Scalabrinian house of formation in his archdiocese was valid for two years. We can say that this is the "official opening day" of our presence in Mexico.

The first two Scalabrinian missionaries, Fr. Luigi Gandolfi and Fr. Alvirio Mores, arrived in Guadalajara in the beginning of July 1980. Fr. Peter Corbellini joined them a few weeks later. The mission in Mexico was an effort of both provinces, St. John's Province and St. Charles' Province. We thank Fr. Carmelo for sending us this information from the General Administration.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hoy día 13 de septiembre de 2010 recordamos oficialmente los 30 años de la apertura de la presencia Scalabriniana en México. Como podrán ver en la carta enviada por el Cardenal José Salazar Lopez, Arzobispo de Guadalajara, al que era nuestro Superior general, P. Giovanni Simonetto, con fecha del 13 de setiembre 1980, oficializó el permiso de establecer una casa de formación en su arquidiócesis y que era válido por dos años. Podemos decir que esta es la “fecha oficial de apertura” de nuestra presencia en Guadalajara, México. Los dos primeros misioneros destinados a esta nueva misión, P. Luigi Gandolfi y P. Alvirio Mores, llegaron a Guadalajara a inicios de julio del 1980. Algunas semanas después se unión a completar el equipo el P. Pedro Corbellini. La apertura de la misión en México fue un esfuerzo de ambas provincias San Juan Bautista y San Carlos Borromeo.

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We remember with gratitude our dear Confrere Father John Bonelli, cs, whom the Lord has called to Himself on August 30th 2010, in Bassano del Grappa, Italy. We are forever in debt to him for his apostolic commitment and good example as a Scalabrinian in our Province. His memory will always be a blessing.


SEPTEMBER 09/05/61 - Hily Gonzales 09/06/74 - Marvin Ajic 09/06/71 - Fausto Calero 09/11/67 - Ramiro Sanchez 09/20/56 - Giovanni Bizzotto 09/25/47 - Aldo Vendramin 09/26/42 - Daniel Lapolla OCTOBER 10/07/78 - Leandro Fossá 10/14/70 - Abraham R. Euan 10/14/37 - Louis Gandolfi 10/19/44 - Florenzo Rigoni 10/20/70 - Jorge Bravo 10/24/34 - Ermete Nazzani

ANNIVERSARIES SEPTEMBER 09/09/89 Adriano Barbiero 09/13/86 Giovanni Bizzotto 09/20/69 Agostino Lovatin 09/28/91 Francisco Pellizzari OCTOBER 10/04/09 Juan Luis Carbajal

In Memoriam September 1 - Bro. Silvio Geron 1916 1997 4 - Rev. Peter Corbellini 1914 2005 8 - Rev. Valerio Baggio 1919 2003 10 - Rev. Lorenzo Dal Bon 1912 1967 10 - Rev. Joseph Lazzari 1900 1993 19 - Rev. Angelo Carbone 1931 2002 28 - Rev. Gregorio Zanoni 1908 1995 Oak Park, Illinois, September 13, 2010

30 years of Scalabrinian Presence in Mexico

Year of the Community and Mission

October 2 - Rev. Louis Bolzan 1901 1980 5 - Rev. Louis Pisano 1925 1981 8 - Rev. Lino Santi 1933 2009 9 - Rev. Vincent Paolucci 1922 1963 10 - Bro. John Montagna 1942 2009 13 - Rev. Richard Secchia 1885 1961 13 - Rev. Armando Pierini 1908 1998 14 - Rev. Louis Gaborin 1921 1960 15 - Rev. Remo Rizzato 1914 2000