next generation of sustainable mg primary production


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Page 2: Next generation of sustainable Mg primary production


ü   Challenges  Mg  in  the  value  chain    

ü   Sustainability  as  a  chance  to  regain  strengths    

ü   Concept  &  tools    

ü   Way  forward  &  conclusions  

“Although,  Magnesium  s?ll  has  a  strong  posi?on  in  the  “lightweight  material-­‐mix”,  it  has  certainly  lost  ground  to  Aluminium,  Carbon  Fibre  and  Reinforced  Steel”  

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5  principles  

Source:  Automo?ve  Technology:  Greener  Products,  Changing  Skills,  CAR  May  2011    

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Another  lightweight  material  comparison  

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The  defini?on  of  Sustainability  

“We  are  what  we  measure.      It's  ?me  to  measure  what  we  want  to  be.”  

ü Living  within  the  limits  ü Understanding  the  interconnec?ons  among  economy,  society,  and  environment  

ü Equitable  distribu?on  of  resources  and  opportuni?es  

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Sustainability  for  Business  &  Produc?on  

ü Product  -­‐  Safe  and  ecologically  sound  throughout  its  life  cycle  

ü Process  -­‐  Wastes  and  ecologically  incompa?ble  by-­‐products  are  reduced,  eliminated  or  recycled  on-­‐site  

ü Workers  -­‐  Their  security  and  well-­‐being  is  a  priority  

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Global  &  Corporate  repor?ng  interface  

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Mandatory  repor?ng  instrument  

“Repor?ng  sustainability  makes  it  more  valuable.  One  of  the  main  corporate  benefits  is  reputa?onal,  another  is  the  requirements  of  the  supply  chain.  Repor?ng  is  an  integral  part  of  sustainability.  Repor?ng  mechanisms  such  as  the  GRI  reinforce  this.”      “Global  investors  will  only  invest  in  companies  in  this  part  of  the  world  if  they  see  that  companies  are  repor?ng  honestly.”    

SGX  CEO  Magnus  Bocker    

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Corporate  commitment  –  CEO  study  2014    

ü most  CEOs  surveyed  agree  that  business  has  social  as  well  as  financial  responsibili?es  

ü 80%  say  it’s  important  for  their  business  to  measure  and  reduce  its  environment  footprint  

ü 74%  agree  that  measuring  and  repor?ng  non-­‐financial  impacts  contributes  to  their  business’  long-­‐term  success      

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Shi_  from  shareholders  to  stakeholders  ü In  2014,  the  European  Parliament  passed  a  new  law  will  require  its  biggest  companies  to  include  sustainability  factors  as  part  of  their  annual  financial  reports  

ü Today,  2,500  companies  voluntarily  produce  sustainability  reports;  that  will  rise  to  nearly  7,000  by  2017,  when  the  law  goes  into  effect  

ü Addressing  their  supply  chains  is  the  next  big  task  

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From  voluntarily  to  mandatory  –    a  chance  for  Magnesium?    

ü OEMs  and  Tiers  need  to  talk  more  about  their  raw  material  procurement  strategies  

ü Sustainability  is  already  used  on  a  large  scale  for  all  stakeholder  communica?on  

ü Excellent  examples  from  Aluminium  and  Automo?ve  companies  

ü Magnesium  must  claim  its  value  for  sustainable  content,  in  all  major  applica?ons  and  markets  


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Less  known  Magnesium  landscape  1  

2  3  



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Corporate  Aluminium  Reports   3  

Text  analysis  based  on  LingRep  technology  by  econob/Austria  

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Corporate  Aluminium  Reports   3  

Text  analysis  based  on  LingRep  technology  by  econob/Austria  

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Corporate  Aluminium  Reports   3  

Text  analysis  based  on  LingRep  technology  by  econob/Austria  

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Corporate  Automo?ve  Reports   5  

Text  analysis  based  on  LingRep  technology  by  econob/Austria  

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Corporate  Automo?ve  Reports   5  

Text  analysis  based  on  LingRep  technology  by  econob/Austria  

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Excellent  communica?on  

ü  JLR  is  commifed  to  growing  the  business  responsibly  and  sustainably,  adding  value  to  our  customers,  stakeholders  and  wider  communi?es  in  which  we  operate.  In  2015,  we  have  been  honoured  to  be  recognised  with  the  Queen's  Award  for  Enterprise  in  Sustainable  Development  

ü  Crucially,  the  experience  gained  and  lessons  learned  from  the  crea?on  and  implementa?on  of  a  closed-­‐loop  value  chain  for  automo?ve  aluminum  are  poten?ally  applicable  to  other  materials  and  other  industries.”  


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Excellent  communica?on  

ü  Ford  recycles  as  much  as  20  million  pounds  of  aluminum  stamping  scrap  per  month  using  the  closed-­‐loop  system  at  Dearborn  Truck  Plant,  which  builds  F-­‐150.  That  is  the  equivalent  of  more  than  30,000  F-­‐150  bodies  in  the  largest  configura?on  –  a  SuperCrew  body  including  doors,  plus  hood,  tailgate  and  6.5-­‐foot  cargo  box.  

ü  Op?ng  for  aluminum  over  steel  in  new  automobile  construc?on  is  the  best  way  to  reduce  energy  consump?on  and  carbon  emissions  

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Concept  &  Tools  including  Sustainability  

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Circular  Economy  

ü Circular  Economy  as  a  complete  concept  has  recently  gained  trac?on  in  European  policymaking  as  a  posi?ve,  solu?on  based  perspec?ve  for  achieving  economic  development  within  increasing  environmental  constrains  

ü Overall  aim  to  manage  all  natural  resources  efficiently  and,  above  all  sustainable  

ü Increasing  the  share  of  renewable  or  recyclable  resources  while  reducing  the  consump?on  of  raw  materials  and  energy  and  at  the  same  ?me  cukng  emissions  and  material  losses  

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Circular  Economy  

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Circular  Economy  

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Regional  legisla?on  set-­‐out  tail-­‐pipe  goals  

Will  this  policy  lead  to  

lightweight  vehicles?  

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ü EU  legisla?on  sets  mandatory  emission  reduc?on  targets  (end-­‐tail  pipe);  av.  2014  123,4:  2021  target  95  grams  of  g  C02/km  

ü Limit  value  curve;  only  fleet  average  is  regulated  

ü Phase-­‐in  of  requirements;  95%  in  2020;  100%  in  2021  

ü Penalty  payments  -­‐  excess  emissions  premiums  5€(1stg);  15€  (2ndg);  25€  (3rdg);  95€  (each  g);  from  2019  every  g  95€    

ü Eco-­‐innova?ons;  max.  credits  saving  7g/km    

ü Super  credits  for  low  emission  cars  <50g/km;  also  apply  2020-­‐2023  

ü Pools  ac?ng  jointly  ü Targets  for  smaller  manufactures  

ü Monitoring  of  emissions  

ü Long-­‐term  target  to  maintain  a  clear  emission-­‐reduc?on  trajectory  


Regional  legisla?on  set-­‐out  tail-­‐pipe  goals  

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Concepts  &  Tools:  Carbon  Impact  Factor  

ü  CIF  enables  OEMs  to  demonstrate  and  communicate  their  efforts  to  reduce  carbon  intensity  (risk)  within  their  supply  chain  

ü  O_en  no  traceability  of  raw  material  inputs  beyond  the  primary  processing  point  

ü  As  a  result,  different  raw  material  data  are  aggregated  or  compounded  


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ü Raw  Material  policy  is  material  neutral  EU  CRM  list/secure  sourcing  policies  

ü Raw  material  policies  do  not  include  (exis?ng  &  future)  holis?c  greener  supply  scenarios,  and  are  focused  historic  paferns  

ü Sustainability  repor?ng  do  not  show  (essen?al)  alloying  elements    &  Cut  a_er  primary  produc?on  

ü CO2  reduc?on  legisla?on  does  (partly)  emphasize  light-­‐weigh?ng,  but  no  par?cular  connec?on  to  raw  materials  

ü OEMs/stakeholder  knowledge  for  alterna?ve  supply  scenarios  and  reliable  environment  data  from  RM  producers  

The  lack  of  coverage  as  chance  for  RM  

Next  genera?on  of  sustainable  Mg  

primary  produc?on  


All  direct  &  indirect  industry  applica?ons  

Next  genera?on  of  sustainable  Mg  

primary  produc?on  


All  direct  &  indirect  industry  applica?ons  

Next  genera?on  of  sustainable  Mg  

primary  produc?on  


All  direct  &  indirect  industry  applica?ons  

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Example  –  6  Challenges  from  Toyota  

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Example  –  Challenge  2  Life  Cycle  Zero  CO2  

ü Cukng  total  vehicle  lifecycle  CO2  emissions,  including  materials,  parts  and  manufacturing    

ü Developing,  designing  and  using  low-­‐CO2  materials;  reducing  the  amount  of  material  and  the  number  of  parts  used  in  order  to  cut  overall  CO2  emissions  involved  in  manufacturing  materials    

ü Using  recycled  bio-­‐materials  more  widely;  designing  vehicles  for  easy  dis-­‐assembly;  other  ini?a?ves  focusing  on  environment-­‐conscious  vehicle  designs  

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Awareness  boost  –  “The  Water  App”  

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From  Tail-­‐pipe  to  CO2  heritage  policy  ü Every  part  used  in  a  vehicle  has  its  own  CO2  footprint  or  heritage  (e.g.  current  traceability  on  cas?ngs)  

ü A  vehicle  is  the  “sum  of  parts”  and  its  manufacturing  process  

ü Policy  on  OEM  fleet  targets  (similar  structure  than  tail-­‐pipe  policy)  ü Progressively  decreasing  goal  to  Zero  emissions  vehicles  in  all  its  “life-­‐stages”  

ü Mul?ple  policy  elements  for    ü Material  choice:  LCA,  CRM,  CONFLICT,  REGIONAL,…  

ü  Circular  economy:  Planning,  use-­‐phases,  recovery,  recycling  

ü  Lightweight:  “Absolute”  Weight  of  a  vehicle  

ü  Green  procurement  strategies  of  OEMs  

ü More  visible  fiscal  and  other  incen?ves  

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Sustainability  –  enable  high  volume  growth?  ü Magnesium  industry  need  to  invest  into    global  spread  raw  material/semi-­‐fabricated  material  supply  base  

ü Magnesium  stakeholders  need  to  engage  into  global  policy  process  and  inform  &  promote  Magnesium  

ü Magnesium  needs  to  par?cipate  in  “own”  Circular  Economy  best  prac?ces  projects,  and  close  informa?on  gaps  on  e.g.  recycling  

ü Informa?on  of  Magnesium  LCA  etc.  must  be  up-­‐dated  and  easy  accessible  for  different  value-­‐chains  and  stakeholders  to  enable  green  procurement  strategies  

ü Magnesium  must  show  its  “sustainable  value”  in  the  Aluminium  industry  

ü More  good  examples  from  IMA  and  members  on  consumer/user  level  

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Contact:    Dr.  Ing.  Mar?n  Tauber  FAURIS  GCV  Management  Honsdonkstraat  31  3120  Tremelo  Belgium  

cell:  +32  471  136609  mail:  [email protected]  hfps://