next steps for the campaign. the emerging reality

Next Steps for the Campaign

Upload: aubrey-dawson

Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

Next Steps for the Campaign

Page 2: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

The emerging reality

Page 3: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

This is a pincer attack on the rights of disabled people. If we just focus on the 1.5 million people with the most significant disabilities - over the next four years they are likely to lose:

•£4.6 billion in social care support

•£4 billion in disability living allowance

•Termination of ILF

•Cuts to Supporting People

•Many further cuts in housing support

•Reductions to other benefits - especially for those not in work

So, more than £8 billion of the total £27 billion (>>25%) which government is saving from departmental budgets is being born by less than 3% of the population - those who are least able to bear these cuts.

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• People with less severe, but still significant, disabilities

• People with mental health problems

• Women suffering domestic violence

• People not in work

• Refugees and asylum seekers

And many other cuts will continue to fall on:

and we are already the most centralised welfare state - and the 3rd most unequal society after USA and Portugal

Page 5: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

• Bankers who benefited from bonuses

• Home owners who benefited from unsustainable house price increases

• Investors who benefited from unsustainable profits in finance industry

• Politicians who benefited from the illusion of a booming economy

An economic crisis caused by the bursting of a bubble created by...

Who did not benefit from the bubble? - the poor and disabled people

Page 6: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

Protected CutPensions Disability benefits

Healthcare Social Care

Education Social Housing

£350 billion out of £500 £40 billion

Universal, mainstream, for ‘ordinary people like us’

Special, marginal, for ‘the poor & unfortunate’ or ‘scroungers’

Delivered by nationalised systems with high visibility

Delivered by complex and diffuse systems with low visibility

Not just cuts - but targeted cuts

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• Weak entitlements - eligibility thresholds high and rising, housing rights weak, legal rights weak

• Super-taxation for disabled people - means-testing, charging

• Poverty traps - benefit systems that punish families, savers, earners and disabled people

• Weakened families - support focused on crises,family control undermined, families disrespected

• Imprisonment for many - up to 20,000 people with learning difficulties in prison

• Pre-birth and at-birth eugenics - 92% abortion rate for unborn children with Down’s syndrome (UK)

The cuts are just a symptom - there are long-standing problems to address

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1. Do nothing - the cuts are inevitable - nothing can be done, we just have to cope the best we can - the world is simply unfair

2. Rely upon others - other people and organisations are already set up to campaign - we don’t need another campaign we’ve got nothing new to add

3. Just stay positive - there will be positive opportunities for change and reform in the cuts - this is really a good thing - it will help break the reliance on ‘services’

Perhaps we could

...or alternatively

Page 9: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

• Clarify the values - define the beliefs that help us make progress

• Improve practice - innovate and reform using technologies that we know work

• Build bridges - connect with each other and with other groups for mutual support

• Advocate change - propose policy and legislation that supports progress

There are some opportunities, amidst the madness

Page 10: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

This crisis is part of the third phase of de-institutionalisation

1. Closing institutions

2. Personalising services

3. Reforming welfare

To put people fully in control of their own lives... equal citizens.

We didn’t expect this to be easy?

Page 11: Next Steps for the Campaign. The emerging reality

• Next steps for an ordinary life - new and old leaders met to reflect on the future for people with learning difficulties.

• Comprehensive Spending Review - individuals and organisations begin to realise what is going to happen.

• Something must be done - letter to be published in the Times - but to what purpose?

• Campaign is born - 1,000+ individuals sign up, plus many organisational members - initial structures developed...

• Scottish Campaign - major event and manifesto written

• Welsh Campaign - steering group formed 2 weeks ago

The story so far...

...lots achieved in 4 months

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Everyone is equal, no matter their differences or disabilities. A fair society sees each of its members as a full citizen - a unique person with a life of their own. A fair society is organised to support everyone to live a full life, with meaning and respect.

Our Purpose

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Scottish manifesto & Joint Human Rights Committee Submission

1.human rights: this means embracing the European Convention on Human Rights... a fundamental redesign of the obligations of government at every level to secure citizenship for all.

2.the right to support as an objective right established in law: this will remove the dependency of older and disabled people on ‘gifts’ from professionals...

3.provide families and individuals with early support: this will prevent crises, reduce the need for expensive interventions, and end the indignity of severe eligibility thresholds.

4.put people back in control of their own lives: this will enhance personal autonomy and dignity by restoring people’s right to control both their lives and any essential support that they need.

5.good housing: this will give people the right to live in their own accessible homes, with a choice of the full range of different types of tenure...

6.guaranteed minimum income free from means-testing: this will create the necessary incentives for people to work and make contributions to civic life...

7.end the current super-tax on older and disabled people levied through local authority charges: this will end the indignity of older people having to spend or give away all their savings...

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1.Family - we give families the support they need to look after each other.

2.Citizenship - we are all of equal value and all have unique and positive contributions to make.

• Community - we root support and services in local communities.

• Connection - we all get chances to make friends and build relationships.

• Capacity - we help each other to be the best that we can be.

• Equality - we all share the same basic rights and entitlements.

• Control - we have the help we need to be in control of our own life and support.

Seven key principles...

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• People with learning difficulties

• Older people

• Children and families

• Disabled people

• Mental health

• Women and children

• The poor

• Community sector

• Local government

The possible scope of the Campaign