nfp coaching: week1 webinar presentation [start 0:00:00] · nfp coaching: week01 webinar...

NFP Coaching: Week01 Webinar Presentation Transcript - Page 1 of 27 NFP Coaching: Week1 Webinar Presentation [Start 0:00:00] Hello, and welcome to our first fertility coaching webinar. I would like to thank you for joining the coaching program and taking the time to be here. In the weekly webinars, I will present elements of the NFP Program in a way that enables you to go away and immediately apply the changes for the best possible results. This webinar is in listen-only mode to protect your privacy. You will see a little notes feature up here, up in the right, and you can write down your note and questions as we go along, and you can post those to me at the end of the webinar, and I will answer your questions. You can also send me an email after the webinar if any other questions pop up in your mind. Okay, so let’s start. One of the very common questions most of you are probably wondering is, “Why am I not getting pregnant?” What you need to understand is that fertility is a luxury to the body in body’s survival terms. What this means is that your other organs, key organs such as the heart, the brain, the lungs, the liver, and kidneys get priority in terms of energy and nutrient supply. Your reproductive system is one of the luxuries to your body because your body is not going to reproduce or think of the next generation if it does not have enough nutrients and energy to keep your body running at its optimum level. That’s something that you are able to understand. Also just because you don’t have a condition or disease, you haven’t been diagnosed with anything does not mean that you are 100 percent healthy or that your body is functioning at its optimum level. If you think back to when you were really young, when you were 10 or 11 or 12, you probably remember the times when you just could not go to sleep because you had so much energy and you woke up in the morning, jumped up out of bed, had so much energy, and you just get excited about things. Your focus was amazing when you wanted to learn something, when you were applying, so we forget all of that, and that vital force, which we have a lot of as children, gradually decreases over our lifetime, also due to the nutrient deficiencies and toxicities that we get exposed to over the course of our lives.

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NFP Coaching: Week1 Webinar Presentation

[Start 0:00:00]

Hello, and welcome to our first fertility coaching webinar. I would like to thank you for

joining the coaching program and taking the time to be here. In the weekly webinars, I will

present elements of the NFP Program in a way that enables you to go away and immediately

apply the changes for the best possible results.

This webinar is in listen-only mode to protect your privacy. You will see a little notes

feature up here, up in the right, and you can write down your note and questions as we go along,

and you can post those to me at the end of the webinar, and I will answer your questions. You

can also send me an email after the webinar if any other questions pop up in your mind. Okay, so

let’s start.

One of the very common questions most of you are probably wondering is, “Why am I

not getting pregnant?” What you need to understand is that fertility is a luxury to the body in

body’s survival terms. What this means is that your other organs, key organs such as the heart,

the brain, the lungs, the liver, and kidneys get priority in terms of energy and nutrient supply.

Your reproductive system is one of the luxuries to your body because your body is not going to

reproduce or think of the next generation if it does not have enough nutrients and energy to keep

your body running at its optimum level. That’s something that you are able to understand. Also

just because you don’t have a condition or disease, you haven’t been diagnosed with anything

does not mean that you are 100 percent healthy or that your body is functioning at its optimum


If you think back to when you were really young, when you were 10 or 11 or 12, you

probably remember the times when you just could not go to sleep because you had so much

energy and you woke up in the morning, jumped up out of bed, had so much energy, and you just

get excited about things. Your focus was amazing when you wanted to learn something, when

you were applying, so we forget all of that, and that vital force, which we have a lot of as

children, gradually decreases over our lifetime, also due to the nutrient deficiencies and toxicities

that we get exposed to over the course of our lives.

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One of the best ways to see what your state of health is like is to monitor your sleep

quality, your energy levels throughout the day, your mental clarity, your digestive function. Also,

your skin, hair, and nail condition can tell you very much about your state of health, and in

women when they’re stressed, their cycles can become irregular, and they can have a lot of skin

outbreaks. You can look at all those areas and use a bit of a scale from 1 to 10 to see how good

your sleep quality is, what your energy levels are like, what your concentration and mental

clarity is like, and your mood. This is a telltale sign of where you are at and how much you can

improve in these areas. Over the course of this coaching program, we’re going to do certain

things. I’m going to tell you what to remove from your diet, from your last cell to improve all of

those areas, and you will see drastic improvements in some of those areas, which will also

consequently improve your fertility.

Infertility can also be caused by a lot of symptomless and seemingly unrelated issues and

some of these unrelated issues can include things like micronutrient deficiencies, food

intolerances, hormonal imbalances, altered immunity, toxicity, and low-grade inflammation, and

also mood disorders. In particular, you’re going to focus on micronutrient deficiencies because

they are very, very common, as well as food intolerances because most people have some sort of

food intolerances. There are certain foods such as gluten found in wheat and lots of other grains

and dairy that most of the population is intolerant to. Just by way eliminating those two food

groups, a lot of people report much better sleep, much better energy levels, and also better

fertility, and a lot of the unexplained fertility cases were solved by removing those two food


What do you need to do to get pregnant? You need to give your body the right conditions

because when your body is given the right conditions, then it can heal itself from most diseases,

and your body is also one of the best pharmacies we have. Your body can produce any type of

chemical compound that it needs to repair itself, to put your hormones back into balance. That’s

the key here, and this is the premise behind the natural approach to restore that balance and to

take away and remove substances, which have been shown to have negative impact on your

health, on your fertility, and to replace them with those, which have been shown to boost fertility

both in men and in women.

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One of the very interesting experiments I like to mention here is that there was an

experiment with a heart from a pig that was kept alive. This cell was kept alive indefinitely

because it was given the right conditions to function. After a lot of years, the scientists decided

they’re going to discontinue the experiment because they proved the point, and that is if you give

the body the right conditions, the cells can function indefinitely. Of course, this was in a lab, so

there were no stress factors, there were no environmental pollutants present, but these are exactly

the things that we’re going to focus on. We’re going to minimize your exposure to those

elements to improve your health and also your fertility.

One thing to bear in mind is that everything takes time. Healing takes time, and the word

patient comes from patience, so you need to be patient when any type of healing takes time. I

know you can’t wait to get pregnant and you wish this has already happened, but you are just

going to have to be patient and you’re going to have to work with your body’s own healing

cycles. It’s not that we came up with these time frames. It’s just that the body does certain things

in certain time frames. For example, it takes three months to regulate hormones. It takes three to

six months to regulate your immune system. It takes 21 days to break a habit and to learn a new

habit. It takes 90 days for men to mature new batches of sperm, approximately 90 days, and it

takes approximately 120 days to mature new batches of eggs.

What we’re also going to focus on is that 20 percent of things, which will give you the 80

percent of the results, you are after. We are going to help your body restore itself in the fastest

possible way, with the minimum effort required to make the biggest changes, so that you get the

results that you are after, but you also need to be patient and you need to be consistent. Also,

don’t get too hard on yourself or strive for perfection. I know in today’s world where perfection

is demanded in your workplace, you tend to become like that yourself when you demand

perfection from yourself, but we are human after all. If you slip up, don’t worry. You just come

back to the program, and you continue where you left off. Just remember that it’s 120 days

minimum. This program needs to be followed for at least 120 days and up to years maximum.

That’s where the best results are seen within that time frame, so just remember that.

What do you need to do to get pregnant? Apart from what we already looked at, you just

need to do things step by step. You need to do things in manageable small bites to avoid getting

overwhelmed because if you get overwhelmed, then you tend to give up sooner, and that’s not

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what we want here. This is why designed this coaching program for you so that you can be

guided step by step, and that you only focus on those areas, which you need to focus on right

now. It’s a little bit like if an elevator breaks down and you find yourself in a building with 30

floors. Well, if you think of the 30 floors, you probably are going to get discouraged, and you

will not want to climb, but if you think of one floor at a time, you will eventually climb to all the

30 floors. It’s similar with any big project like this one. Just remember that.

Okay so, before we look at the tips for this week’s webinar, we need to also cover when

is it not possible to restore fertility naturally. Now, this can be in both men and women, and the

first thing is when there are physical obstacles due to malformation. There could be some

congenital malformation such as missing vas deferens or it could be due to severely blocked

tubes or very severe cases of endometriosis with lots of adhesions. Also if you’re menopausal.

Menopause is defined as lack of period for one year. If your period stopped a year ago and it

hasn’t returned and your AMH, anti-Mullerian hormone value, is really low, which means that

there are not many eggs left, then you can be considered menopausal. Of course, if you have

certain genetic conditions things like Klinefelter’s syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and in women,

Turner’s syndrome and Kallmann’s syndrome, but these only a very small percentage of the

population have these genetic conditions. Most people fall into the category where their

subfertility is due to certain nutrient deficiencies and toxicities, which need to be removed, so the

body can repair itself.

Menopause is not to be confused with women who have amenorrhea, so they’re not

ovulating. In PCOS, this can happen, and sometimes women don’t ovulate for up to a year, so

they don’t have a period, but they usually have a very high reserve of eggs, so their AMH values

are very high. That’s how you differentiate the two.

Okay so, let’s take a look at the foods because this is going to play the biggest role in

your health and not just for fertility, but just general health. Food is something that you take

every day. You eat breakfast. You eat lunch. You eat dinner. You have snacks, and what you eat

becomes you literally. It becomes the cells of your body. The food that you eat is broken down

and converted into building blocks of yourself. When we look at fertility and we look at sperm

cells and eggs, we want to make sure that the building blocks of those are going to be sturdy and

of the best quality because they will become your baby, so your child. This is very important.

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Food can be medicine or it can poison. Anything in excess can be poison. For example, if

you take a megadose of vitamin C all at once, you will get diarrhea. It’s not going to help you,

but if you take adequate amounts of vitamin C, then your body can absorb them and can benefit

from them. Also, what’s interesting to note here is the quote of Hippocrates. Already back then,

they knew that medicine should be your food and food your medicine. He also taught us about

the Doctrine of Signatures.

The Doctrine of Signatures says that every fruit and vegetable in nature resembles one of

our organs, and this gives away what this particular food is good for. For example, carrots when

you slice them, look like the iris of the eye and the beta-carotene in carrots is very good for the

eyesight. Tomatoes, when you slice them, they look like the four chambers of the heart, and the

lycopene in tomatoes is excellent for the heart. Walnuts look like the two hemispheres of the

brain, and omega oils, omega-3 in particular in walnuts, is very good for brain function. This is

another way to look at food and what the food is good for, so you can experiment yourself with

your fruits and vegetables and try to work out what they could be good for. Also, the color

system can help us. Anything that’s orange is good for the liver. Anything that’s red is very good

for the blood and the circulation, green for immunity, for bones, for the lymph and so on. Just

something interesting to bear in mind.

Okay so, when we look at food as medicine, some of the general guidelines are you

should aim for five to seven serves of fresh organic vegetables a day, and your diet should also

consist of good quality proteins and lots of fresh, purified water. We’ll get to toxicity and the

water and the water filtration system in just a second. The emphasis here is on organic food

because the pesticide found in food can interfere with your hormonal production and predispose

you to miscarriages, and we’ll get to that in a second as well.

Let’s take a look at seven fertility-promoting steps, which you can start taking right now.

The first step to do is to switch to natural personal care products, cosmetics, and cleaning

products. You are advised to do this as soon as possible because the sooner you do this, the

sooner you’re going to minimize the exposure of endocrine disruptors. When we are looking at

the quality of the eggs, the quality of the sperm, we want to ensure that you are not getting

exposed to anything that could bring your hormones out of balance, and one of the easiest things

to do is to minimize your exposure to substances which are found in cosmetics and cleaning

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products. Also, to add is the EM radiation, so electromagnetic radiation, which targets the fastest

replicating cells in the body, and they are your egg cells, your sperm cells, also the embryo

should you be pregnant. Once the egg becomes fertilized, the fertilized egg is replicating super

fast, and it is one of the fastest replicating cells in the body. During this two-week wait when you

don’t know if you are pregnant or not, it is also very crucial that you minimize the exposure to

your mobile phone, your laptop, a lot of the other electrical appliances in your home, and also

Wi-Fi in your home and at your work. You can use the q-link shield, which we recommend,

which can help increase your body’s own electromagnetic field to offer more resistance to all

these types of radiation. But you can also ensure that you don’t use your mobile phones that

much or especially not without a headset and that you don’t charge your mobile phone next to

your bed and that you switch off wireless at night. We’ll get into all of these in more detail in the

coming weeks. Also, there’s some more coming up in this webinar.

Another tip is start going to bed around 10:00 PM, and this is something you can start

even tonight, so 10:00 PM is a good time to go to bed because it’s not too early, and it’s not too

late. It’s also around the time when your melatonin levels peak, and melatonin will send you off

to sleep a lot easier. You want to be asleep before midnight because every hour before midnight

counts as two after midnight. Adequate sleep is very important for hormone balancing, for

cellular repair, for integrating all the knowledge from the day, and you also solve your problems

in your sleep. That’s one of the things you can start doing now. If you aim to wake up around

7:00-ish, you got enough sleep, and you’re not going to feel tired again.

If you can try to create this new routine for the next 120 days and stick to it even on the

weekends, that would be very beneficial because our brain and our body loves routine. The body

does everything in specific cycles, as you noticed before. It’s also good for fertility that your

body gets into a certain routine over the next 16 weeks.

Okay, another thing you can start doing now is stop eating bottom-dwelling seafood such

as shrimps and lobsters because this is where all the pollution in the ocean sinks. It sinks to the

bottom of the ocean. Shrimps and lobsters, they crawl on the bottom of the sea, and they eat the

residue on the bottom of the sea, and they are known to be contaminated with lots of heavy

metals. While they maybe tasty, you should really stay away from these foods during the next

120 days and also once you’re pregnant because you don’t want your baby to be exposed to

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environmental toxins or you want to minimize the exposure to these environmental toxins as

much as possible. Shellfish are also in this category because the shell filters the seawater and

they filter out the impurities. They keep the impurities inside the shell, which is why you should

not be eating mussels either during this time period. Plus, there’s a high risk of food poisoning.

That’s another reason to avoid.

Another thing is not to drink water out of plastic bottles because plastics can leach into

the water. Once you ingest it, it behaves like your own estrogen. We call this xenoestrogen. You

can switch to glass bottles or to stainless steel thermos. You can get these in most shops and just

stay from plastic bottles. The softer the plastic, the more readily the plastic will leach into the

water. You also don’t want to be putting anything hot, no hot contents in the plastic bottles

because that will also release more plastic out of the bottle.

Here is a very rich tip: Try to have fresh lemon first thing in the morning in water. You

can have either cold water or you can also have room temperature water or lukewarm water. It’s

up to you whatever you prefer. This will activate your digestive system. It will activate your liver

function, and it’s fantastic for those people who say they can’t eat breakfast in the morning

because they’re not hungry. If you have this drink first thing when you wake up and then jump in

the shower, by the time you get out of the shower, you will be hungry and you will have worked

up an appetite for your breakfast.

Also, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and replace a lot of your

other drinks with water. You can always add some lemon to improve osmolarity of the water,

which will push more water into your cells and hydrate them better. Water is still one of the best

drinks for you, herbal teas, too, but water is very important. Okay, when it comes to tap water

and shower water, you really want to make sure that tap water is filtered because the skin is the

largest organ in the body. Anything you put on your skin, studies have shown can be detected in

your organs within 26 seconds. That’s very fast. You want to really make sure that you filter also

shower water because the water, the tap water, tends to be full of heavy metals, chloride, a lot of

agriculture byproducts, and also quite a few pharmaceutical drugs. It’s very important for

drinking water to filter it. You can use a double-carbon water filtration system, which filters out

particles smaller than 1 micron. We use and recommend Aquasana water filters. They are

benchtop filters or showerhead filters. They are very easy to fit. You can do it yourself. They’re

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inexpensive and they last for years. You can find out more about these on our website, in the

resources section and also in the NFP Program.

One more tip is to act pregnant now to become pregnant later. What this means is that

already now, 120 days before you try to get pregnant, you try to stay away from all the foods and

drinks and things that a pregnant woman would stay away from. That’s coffee. That’s alcohol.

You won’t eat raw foods. You won’t eat sushi, and we’ll get to all of this in a second.

You also wouldn’t try for a marathon or plan some other physical activity, which would

take a lot of energy, just something to be mindful of. For men, it also is important to follow these

guidelines even though they don’t want to get pregnant, but it’s important that the quality of their

sperm is in the best possible state at the time of conception. Men can then go back to their

routine or preferred eating habits once their partner is pregnant, but it’s very important that they

do this 120-day period with their partner.

Okay, so let’s take a look at some roadblocks. I know that coffee and alcohol, you’ve

heard probably so many times and you think you understand exactly why they’re bad for you,

but from a lot of my patients in the small consultations that I do, as much as this information is

widely known, a lot of men and women still tend to drink coffee and alcohol regularly, or if not

regularly, at least a couple of times a month and I can’t stress how important it is if you have

diagnosed infertility, if you can’t get pregnant if you tend to miscarry, if you got poor sperm

quality be it morphology, motility, or low sperm counts, or if doctors have told you that your egg

quality is not good enough. I can’t stress how important it is to really stay away from coffee and

alcohol, and not only because they’re teratogens, and teratogen means it’s a toxin that can

predispose your child to malformations. What studies tell us is that as little as one cup of coffee a

day can increase your risk of not conceiving by 55 percent, and two to three cups a day can

double your chance of miscarriage. This is from Yale.

For alcohol, we also know that as little as one glass of alcohol can reduce fertility by 50

percent and cause damage to the eggs and sperm. Another thing about alcohol is that alcohol is

really just a simple sugar and has the same negative effect on insulin and reproductive hormones

as refined carbs, just the same as white sugar, white flour that you want to stay away from

anyway. Another thing to bear in mind is that excess sugar makes the cervical mucus acidic, and

acidic cervical mucus is deadly to sperm. If you consume coffee and alcohol regularly, then

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you’re damaging your fertility a lot. If coffee contributes 55 percent and a glass of alcohol

another 50 percent, it’s 105 percent. If you have the two in a day, you just need to be mindful of

this. I know there are people out there that you know of as well who drinks a lot of coffee, drinks

a lot of alcohol, and they probably have three or four already and get pregnant without any

planning or any efforts. Please understand also that not everybody is built the same way. While

each body has a weakness somewhere, for many people it’s not their reproductive function. It’s

somewhere else in the body. It’s important just to be mindful of these things, and it’s actually to

your benefit and advantage to know this because a lot of people also continue to drink coffee and

occasional alcoholic drink will pregnant. This can have a lot of negative effects and predispose

their child to anxiety, to heart problems, and other behavioral issues because alcohol and caffeine

can cross the placenta and can cross the blood brain barrier of the baby. But the baby’s system,

the baby’s body is not ready yet to be able to handle and metabolize caffeine and alcohol, which

leads to damage already at such an early stage, so something to bear in mind.

Also if you’re someone who’s used to drinking a lot of coffee, your digestive system

would have been impacted over the years. One of the things you can do to help your digestive

system restore is drink natural tea, preferably organic natural tea two cups per day for six weeks.

Natural tea is also very rich in iron. This is very good for the ladies to get their iron stores up.

Another thing you need to stay away from already now is raw foods, things like sushi,

oyster, soft cheeses, peanuts, raw and undercooked eggs. This include mayonnaise and raw meat,

raw seafood, also deli sandwiches. You just need to check that it doesn’t contain mayonnaise or

anything that’s made from raw eggs. The reason for this is that they are high-risk foods for

contamination, which can predispose you to miscarriages. Here we’re looking at things like

Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, and Campylobacter.

A lot of these bacteria can be controlled by our immune system, and sometimes you

might eat your food that was a little bit off. You might have mild diarrhea or you might get a

headache, and then, it goes away. You think you’re safe, but the trouble there is that when you

get pregnant, your immune system becomes naturally suppressed, and these opportunistic

bacteria will seize that situation and cannot only just attack the baby or the fertilized egg, but can

also create a huge fever in your body, so very high fever. This also predisposes you to

miscarriages. This is another thing why you need to stop eating these foods already before you

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get pregnant to ensure that you’re not contaminated with one of those. Another thing to eat is

garlic, a few cloves of garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and it will keep these bugs under

control, so just something to bear in mind.

Toxic cookware. We don’t really pay much attention to what we use in the kitchen, and

oftentimes, we go for the design and the features rather than what the materials are made of,

what the cooking pans and pots are made of. The safest cookware is made from cast iron,

porcelain, enamel, glass, and stainless steel. Anything made from Teflon should be avoided

because Teflon scratches easily, and if it does, it will get into your food. Studies show that

Teflon gases at very high temperatures are released. These gases have been known to kill birds.

Anything that’s capable of killing a bird can also damage your eggs and sperm and the

developing embryo. You really want to make sure that you get rid of all the Teflon and nonstick

surfaces in your kitchen and replace them with good quality cast iron and use them for cooking

for now and also once you’re pregnant. They also tend to last much longer. You can look in our

resource section on our website for some ideas.

Now, let’s take a look at the first fertility secret. We’re going to share 16 secrets with you

over the course of the 16 weeks. The first secret, something you can start with this week is to eat

seaweed and microalgae. Microalgae things like chlorella and spirulina, and they protect your

body from fertility-damaging electromagnetic radiation, and they also help remove stored heavy

metals. Heavy metals accumulate in the bones and in the tissues, and they are very stubborn on

their own, so they need a little bit of help to get out. Chlorella and spirulina can help with that, as

can garlic and onions. They’re the food that you want to be eating. Seaweeds like kelp are very

good. They’re very good for your thyroid function and you can add them to your soups, to your

stews to get extra minerals because they’re very rich in minerals. Have a look at the different

seaweeds in your health food shop. Wakame is another really good seaweed to have.

Let’s take a look at what you should be avoiding to protect your fertility. The first food

we’re going to look at is soy. Maybe not many of you are still eating soy, but if you eat out at

restaurants, sometimes you may get soy without knowing that there is soy present. You just want

to be diligent about that. The issues with soy are many. First off is the genetic modification. Soy

is one of the most genetically modified crops we have. You want to stay away from genetically

modified food in general because for one, we still don’t know the generational impact of

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genetically modified foods. We know that those genetic modifications had a lot to do with

pesticides, so that the crops become more resistant to insects. There are some suggestions that

genetically modified foods can also start altering the friendly gut bacteria in your digestive

system, which we have no idea what it will do in the long run. It’s best to stay away from any

type of genetically modified food.

Another issue with soy is that it contains phytates, and phytates are known to block

absorption of very important minerals for fertility such as zinc, iron, magnesium, and copper.

You can deactivate phytates to some extent if you soak the beans, and soy is not the only legume

which contains – other legumes have phytates, too, but if you soak them for long enough, you

can deactivate, but soy is known to contain the most phytates of all.

Soy is also mucus producing. All of the organs, which are lined with mucus, become

even more mucusy. This is important for women to know because the fallopian tubes are lined

by mucus, and if you’re eating foods, which are mucus producing, and there is another one, then

you are at risk of blocked tubes. This predisposes you to ectopic pregnancy and miscarriages.

You want to avoid soy for that reason as well. Soy is also a source of phytoestrogens, so

estrogens from plants. This is why men should not be eating soy because too many

phytoestrogens can start lowering testosterone in men. Another reason to avoid soy is that it’s

bad for your thyroid function. Soy contains goitrogens, which can impair your thyroid function.

Okay so, this week, we’re going to look at three essential fertility nutrients. Each week,

we’re going to look at three, and today’s three are we’ll start off with vitamin D. Now vitamin D

is one of the most important nutrient not only for fertility but for your general wellbeing and

health, and also for protection from cancer and other chronic conditions. What a lot of people

don’t know is that vitamin D is actually a vitamin hormone because it’s made from steroids. It’s

made from the same material that your testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are made up. As

such, it’s also fat-soluble and it’s stored in fat and in your skin. When you take vitamin D, it

should always be combined with calcium and magnesium to promote ovulation in women and

also for healthy bones. Vitamin D is important for healthy bones and for osteoporosis prevention.

You can get some vitamin D from the sun, but we now know that the sun has to be at a

specific angle at a specific time of the day to actually get this benefit. This obviously varies from

where you are in the world. A lot of people tend to wear either a lot of clothing on or sun block

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so they’re not going to absorb vitamin D from the sun. It’s actually a precursor in your skin that

the sun activates that can then become vitamin D if your body needs it. It’s different to vitamin D

that you ingest from food or from supplements. Good food sources for vitamin D are meat, oily

fish, butter, eggs, and sunflower eggs.

Now, let’s see why you need vitamin D. For women, it stimulates progesterone

production in the ovaries. If you have low progesterone, you want to make sure that you’re

getting adequate amounts of vitamin D, and we’ll look at the optimal dosages in a minute. It also

stimulates estrogen production in the ovaries. It regulates the human chorionic gonadotropin

expression, so this is the pregnancy hormone. It increases steroid hormone production in the

placenta. It also plays a key role in the endometrial development. So, if you have thin uterine

lining or if your periods are very scanty because your endometrial lining is too thin, then you

might need to look at your vitamin D and take again. It also helps with implantation of the

fertilized egg.

Women who have PCOS and endometriosis tend to be low in vitamin D, and vitamin D

deficiency actually predisposes to PCOS and endometriosis. If you do have those conditions,

again take a look at your vitamin D consumption. Also deficiency in vitamin D can lead to poor

quality embryos and if you have irregular menstrual cycles, you should again look at vitamin D

consumption because it helps to regulate your cycles and make them not as long in terms of 28,

27 days, so not too long and not too short, just the right length.

Also taking vitamin D as a supplement has been shown to prevent breast cancer by

almost 70 percent, so that’s very much. There is the misconception that people who live in sunny

countries with a lot of sun and sunshine like South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and also

South America that they get exposed to a lot of sunshine. They don’t need to supplement with

vitamin D, and it’s actually those countries that have the highest vitamin D deficiency because

people tend to cover up, stay out of the sun because the sun is actually extremely hot in those

places. Because of the skin cancer scare, people tend to wear a lot of sunscreen, which then

prevents any absorption of vitamin D from the sun.

Let’s take a look at the roles of vitamin D in men. In men, vitamin D regulates energy

production in Sertoli cells. This is where sperm are nursed to adulthood, so very important

function. It’s also needed for optimal testosterone levels and Leydig cell functions. This is where

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the testosterone is made in the testis. It’s very important for sperm count, and it’s needed for

calcium transport, for sperm production, and it’s also required for amino acid accumulation in

the testis, which is needed for sperm production. It increases sperm survival and supports the

sperm during the final stages of development, which is known as capacitation. This is when the

sperm becomes ready to fertilize the egg. This actually takes place in the female reproductive

system, which is very special the way nature designed this.

How much vitamin D do you need? Are there toxic levels? Scientists have not agreed yet

on the toxic levels of vitamin D, but we know that optimal levels are between 50 ng/ml and 70

ng/ml, and anything below 40 ng/ml means that you are predisposed to infertility and other

health problems. You can get your vitamin D levels checked. One of the tests to use is called 25-

OH D tests. If you are going to take vitamin D as a supplement, always vitamin D free.

Let’s move on to the next crucial nutrient for fertility, which is zinc, and zinc is regarded

as one of the most important minerals and antioxidants for pregnancy and preconception. It’s

important for fetal growth. In pregnant women, it reduces the risk of stretch marks and perineal

tears and cracked nipples. It’s very important. It’s also important for immune function and brain

formation in the baby. Studies have shown that worldwide, 82 percent of pregnant women were

deficient in zinc. Zinc is stored in your skin, which is why a lot of women develop stretch marks

during pregnancy if they don’t get enough zinc from their diet or from the supplements. Zinc is

something you really want to get your nutrient reserve up for because when you’re pregnant, if

there’s not enough, your skin is going to be loose for your baby, and that’s not want you want.

In men, deficiency in zinc can lead to low testosterone, can decrease sperm count, and

can predispose to poor sperm motility. One thing to bear in mind is that men lose up to 5 mg of

zinc per ejaculate. For men, it’s extremely important to make sure that they’re taking adequate

amounts of zinc, again from food sources or from supplements. Also, if you have white spots on

more than three nails, on your hands, and also your toes, it’s a sign of zinc deficiency. Check for

those signs.

In women, zinc is required for ovulation, menstruation, and for good quality eggs.

Deficiency predisposes to miscarriages and retarded development due to abnormalities in

chromosomes. Zinc plays a very important role in DNA replication, also vitamin A and folic acid

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metabolism and transportation. Zinc plays a key role with the absorption and metabolism of

those key nutrients for fertility.

Another thing that’s attributed to zinc is natural killer cell activation. Zinc can actually

make it more lethal, which is why when you get a cold or a flu and you take zinc and vitamin C,

your recovery time is much faster because your immune system becomes more lethal, thanks to

zinc. Zinc makes up one of the most important antioxidants in the body called the SOD,

superoxide dismutase.

Zinc, if you are going to take it as supplement, you should take it last thing at night on an

empty stomach because zinc requires some acidity to be absorbed properly. Men need about 30

mg to 50 mg of zinc per day if they have certain sperm abnormalities to boost sperm count and

increase their testosterone levels. Women need about 8 mg per day. When they get pregnant and

during breastfeeding, it’s recommended for women to take between 11 mg and 12 mg per day,

but you can actually even increase that dose if needed, if you get frequent colds and flus or if you

already have stretch marks. The good food sources of zinc are egg yolks, pumpkin seeds, and

lean meat. If you are going to take zinc as a supplement, it’s best to get it in the form of zinc


The last nutrients this week are omega-3 oils. Now, they’re very, very important. They’re

important for hormone and prostaglandin regulation. Prostaglandins are pain markers. When you

get a painful period, it’s because of those prostaglandins. They are proinflammatory. When

you’re taking omega-3s, they regulate them and reduce the pain, which why omega-3s can help

with painful periods. It’s important for healthy development of placenta and very important for

brain and liver development of the fetus. What’s important to note here is that your baby’s

central nervous system starts developing 21 days after conception. That’s very soon. You really

need to make sure that your reserves of omega-3s are high enough already before then.

It’s also very important for healthy breasts and mammary glands and protects from breast

cancer, another reason to take adequate amounts of omega-3s. It’s also very important for the

growth of the uterus in the mother and protects the baby from sudden infant death syndrome. The

baby will get the omega-3 from the mother and also from the breast milk if you breastfeed the

baby. In women who do not have enough omega-3 during the pregnancy, after birth, they tend to

get postnatal depression, so the baby blues. Therefore, it’s very important that you take adequate

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amounts throughout the pregnancy and also before you get pregnant. It’s also been shown to be

effective for treatment of endometriosis and mild depression. Actually, there are studies that

show that high doses of omega-3 can be as effective as antidepressants for mild forms of

depression. It also helps in the prevention of congenital malformation, miscarriages, and

preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure in pregnancy, and breast cancer prevention.

You should be aiming for 1,000 mg three times a day, so 3,000 mg per day. That should

be your minimum dose. The good food sources are sardines, salmon, walnuts, and almonds.

Flaxseed oil also contains some omega-3s, but we are only able to convert 20 percent of those,

and for this conversion, we need to be ingesting some sulfur-rich foods at the same time, such as

broccoli or eggs or yoghurt. Palm seed oil also contains some and grass-fed beef. If you are

going to take a supplement, just make sure it has been tested for heavy metal toxicities,

especially from mercury, and that it is stabilized with vitamin E, which is important to prevent it

from oxidizing and going rancid.

Okay so, let’s have a look at improving egg health, and what you need to understand

about how eggs deteriorate with age, and why it’s not so much the chronological age that’s as

important as your biological age. The difference is that chorological age is your age. It’s

calculated from your date of birth whereas your biological age is the actual age of your body. We

know that all of our cells are replaced all the time, and every few years, your body is completely

replaced. Your body is never really older than a few years, although you could be quite old

chronologically. Of course, we do know that people age, so why do people age? People age

because of nutrient deficiencies and toxin accumulation, which have been neglected for long

enough, and a lot of these also predispose to less secretion of certain hormones and certain

enzymes in the body, which keep our body young and healthy and keep the energy production at

a high rate.

We will look at all of these different factors throughout this course, but what I’d like you

to take away today is the point that the toxin accumulation in the cells such as heavy metal

toxicity can predispose yourself to age faster. It can also stop them from communicating properly

with other cells, and therefore, cannot express their need for detoxing or for oxygen or for water

or for certain nutrients. This can then predispose them to faster aging. Same thing happens with

nutrient deficiencies.

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We live in a world where food is now picked in one end of the world when it’s totally

unripe, so it can be stored and transported to anywhere, again to your country, and it can be in

your supermarket. But that food has been x-rayed, has been stored many times, or sprayed with

certain things. By the time you actually eat it and buy, if you’re buying something that’s actually

quite old if it’s not local, which is it’s important to buy local foods. But going back to nutrient

deficiencies, it’s important that if you do have certain nutrient deficiencies, and most of us do,

that you take adequate nutrient supplements. We’re going to look at this in detail a little bit later

in this webinar, and also in the coming weeks, we’re going to cover these as well.

As we saw earlier, vitamin D deficiency is very common and most women are deficient

in zinc. Most pregnant are deficient in zinc. There are two nutrients, which play a key role in

your fertility and longevity, and most people are deficient in them, so it’s also those nutrients that

can predispose to poor-quality eggs. To treat egg quality, you need to for a minimum of 120

days, avoid most of the substances we’re going to discuss in this webinar, which are also

mentioned in the NFP program. There are certain nutrients that we will cover in the future

webinars, which you need to take to improve the energy production in the cells, and this is one of

the main factors why egg cells deteriorate so fast. This again can be addressed, and will address


Today’s hormonal fertility rebalancing tip is to ensure that you are getting sufficient

hormonal precursors, so these are healthy fats and cholesterol. Cholesterol is what steroid

hormones are made from, so fat, healthy fat. There’s good cholesterol. There’s bad cholesterol,

and you want to be eating foods, which will provide you with the good cholesterol.

These are things like coconut fat. You can get coconut fat that doesn’t taste of coconut,

and it’s very heat stable. Most of the things that you need to fry or bake, you should use this

coconut fat for you. You can also use the coconut oil, which taste of coconut, if you want the

coconuty taste. If not, then just go for the coconut fat. Things like olive oil and other palm oils

and nut oils should be only used cold and should only be used on things like salads or added to

your meals after cooking to prevent them from oxidizing and becoming transfat.

Other good fats are ghee and grass-fed butter. Ghee is clarified butter, and grass-fed

butter is a great source of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 activates vitamins A and D and transforms

vitamin D into potent steroid hormones. This is important for men because it boosts testosterone

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production and also in women because it boosts progesterone production. They’re the healthy

fats you want to be ingesting daily. Olive oil, even though it’s very popular and inspired by the

Mediterranean diet, it’s not very good for cooking. Don’t cook with olive oil but switch to butter

and coconut fat, but just make sure that the butter is organic and is grass-fed, not just regular

commercial butter. Stay away from margarine because margarine is pure transfat, which

predisposes you to infertility.

Okay, let’s take a look at introduction to timing. Now timing, we’re talking about

learning about your cycle and timing when in your cycle you’re ovulating, and when is the best

time to try to get pregnant. This will take some time because each woman is different, each cycle

is different, and you need to learn your own cycle, especially if it has been regular or you’ve

been getting confusing signals from your body. It will help to start charting. With the NFP

Program, you’ve got the cycle charts in Fahrenheit and Celsius, depending if you’re in the States,

you want to print out the Fahrenheit chart. If you’re in Europe, in Australia, and South Africa,

use the Celsius, and I suggest that you print four to five. You will need four or five charts for

these programs, five if you are in between cycles now or you are halfway through your cycles, so

you probably need more charts than four. Print them out and get a good quality digital

thermometer if you don’t have one already or you can also invest in a Lady-Comp or Baby-

Comp. You can get more information on these fertility computers in our resource section on the


Start measuring your temperature first thing in the morning. This is your temperature,

body at rest temperature, before you get up, before you speak, before you do anything until your

digital thermometer beeps and record the figure in your chart you’ll get a very nice graph that

will give you a lot of clues. Now, charting can help to give you control because you can see

what’s going on in your cycle, but it also increases your body awareness. It’s a very reliable

method, and it’s also safe, and it’s affordable. It will tell you also a lot about your thyroid

function, which we are very interested in because your thyroid function plays a very important

role in your fertility, and we will get to that in the next webinar.

Now, to maximize conception, intercourse should occur on days when you have optimum

mucus quality, so this is as observed in your vaginal discharge regardless of the exact timing

relating to ovulation. What this means is that you also need to start paying attention to your

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cervical mucus. You can observe this, and there is a detailed description in the program how you

do this. The most fertile mucus looks like raw egg white, so it’s very stretchy, it’s clear, and the

questions you’ll ask yourself every time you look at mucus is would anything be able to swim in

this? If the answer is yes, that’s a fertile mucus. If it’s sticky and white, crumbly, then it’s not

fertile. You need this fertile mucus for the sperm to survive because this fertile mucus will keep

the sperm alive for up to five days, and this is what’s required for that final stage of sperm

maturation, which is called capacitation. Usually, you’ll get your peak symptoms, so your most

fertile mucus, one day before ovulation. This is the day you want to make sure you have an

intercourse and then every other day until ovulation is over. Usually, you can tell that your

ovulation is over when the temperature rises. We’re going to look at the timing and how to chart

your cycle in great detail in the coming weeks. Today, we’re just doing an overview, and gently

introducing you to all of these areas without trying to overwhelm you. This is some more slides

on charting. Like I said, first thing to do is to print out at least four, maybe five charts to start.

Okay so, now let’s take a look at some foods to avoid if you can’t get them in their

organic form. There is a lot of emphasis in this program on eating organic food, and sometimes

this simply becomes finding certain foods in their organic form, or they’re too expensive or they

may not be in season, but in any case, we’re going to give you some tips here on what you can

do if you can’t find these foods in their organic form. You can send for other fruits, which are

organic, and that’s still okay because those foods, which you can swap them with, even if they’re

not in their organic form will not be toxic with pesticides because they have either a harder outer

shell or harder skin, which protects them from pesticide contamination.

For example, the first one is strawberries. If you can’t find organic strawberries, you can

have kiwis, oranges, or cantaloupe. Peppers, the size of bell peppers, the green, red, any type of

pepper, if you can’t find them in their organic form, you can also eat nonorganic green peas,

broccoli, and asparagus. Spinach should be avoided if you can’t find it in its organic form and

swap it with Brussels sprouts and Romaine lettuce. Cherries can be swapped with grapefruit and

oranges, celery with carrots and radishes, apples with bananas, tangerines and raspberries with

palms, oranges, and tangerines, and that’s seven foods.

Now we’re going to move on to fertility super foods. The first fertility super food we’re

going to look at is alfalfa. Alfalfa sprouts are very tasty. You can grow them yourself. You can

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buy them in your health food shop. Make sure they’re organic and get sprouts or the seeds in

their organic form and grow them yourself. They’re great source of beta-carotene and vitamins

C, E, and K, and essential minerals for fertility such as magnesium, phosphorous, and essential

fatty acids and antioxidants. They’re also great source of fiber and great protein source. They

regulate blood sugar levels, therefore, they’re very good to help you lose weight and also if you

have PCOS or other hormonal imbalances. Let’s take a look at the next super food.

The next super food is green tea. The good news is if you can’t have coffee, you can have

some green tea. California studies show that drinking a cup of tea a day can double the odds of

conception, and the tea contains a substance called hypoxanthine, which is found in tea, and it is

necessary for optimum health of follicular fluid. This is the fluid that surrounds your follicles,

your eggs, and it helps the egg mature properly. Therefore, you can have some tea and in

particular green tea because green tea has ten times more polyphenols than black tea and half as

much caffeine. We recommend that you drink organic green tea. It’s a very good choice, and you

can have one, two, three cups a day, but just make sure it’s organic because the tea comes from

India or China. If it’s not organic, it tends to be sprayed with a lot of pesticides, and in those

countries, some pesticides are still used being despite being banned in the States and in Europe.

That’s why you want to make sure your green tea is organic.

The next super food to eat is Goji berries. Okay, these are very, very amazing because

they are one of the only foods known to help stimulate human growth hormone, and human

growth hormone is the master hormone which influences a lot of all other hormones in your

body. By ensuring that your human growth hormone levels are high or that your body is still

producing adequate amounts of human growth hormone, other hormones such as testosterone,

estrogen, and progesterone will also be in optimal levels. Just to give you an idea of how quickly

we lose our ability to secrete and produce human growth hormone naturally, a 70-year-old

produces one-tenth of human growth hormone of a 20-year-old. Not only is this very good for

fertility and great news for fertility, but it will also keep you younger and fertile for longer. Goji

berries should be eaten daily. You should have a handful of Goji berries a day. Again, try to find

organic ones if you can because most of Goji berries come from China. They have been found to

also increase sperm counts in men and promote follicle growth in women. They boost

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testosterone, and they also protect the DNA from damage, a very important super food, not just

for fertility but also for general health and longevity.

Okay so, let’s take a look at some pharmaceutical drugs. A lot of people from time to

time has to take pharmaceutical drugs. Some people have certain conditions and they have to

take prescription drugs to manage their condition. First step is if you are taking any

pharmaceutical drugs is to let your doctor know you’re trying to get pregnant. This is both for

men and women because some pharmaceutical drugs can interfere with egg health, sperm health,

with ovulation, with fertile mucus production, and hormone levels in the body. It’s important to

let your doctor know that you are trying to get pregnant. Certain things like antibiotics,

antidepressants, antihistamines, anti-inflammatories also for period pain. Climate for fertility

needs to be controlled during this time period of 120 days.

If you have to take them, always tell your doctor that you are trying to get pregnant

because like I said, they can interfere with male and female infertility. They can stop you from

ovulating. For example, antiinflammatories can stop you from ovulating and predispose to

formation of cyst. Climate can actually lower your estrogen levels and decrease the amount of

fertile mucus. High blood pressure medications can lower sperm counts and can predispose to

erectile and ejaculatory, and in women, suppress ovulation. Also, migraine medication and ulcer

medication are on this list of drugs that you should be mindful of. Always speak to your doctor

and let them know you’re trying to get pregnant, so that you can get an alternative drug or you

can use a natural alternative, which will not have these negative side effects. I guess one of the

most common medications people take are antibiotics, and they can interfere with sperm

production and predispose to yeast infection and interfere with mucus production. If you have to

take antibiotics, always make sure that you take probiotics a few hours later to maintain your

intestinal health, but try not to rely on antibiotics too much. Instead, just make sure that you get

lots of garlic in your diet because that’s going to help to boost your natural immunity, as well as

zinc and selenium.

Okay so, let’s have a quick overview of the NFP Fertility Blueprint. These are eighth

steps, and each of these steps in great detail over the coming weeks, and the first and there’s lots

of information about this in the NFP Program, so take a look at that in your own time. The first

step is tests. Tests are very important because without knowing what we’re dealing with, we

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don’t know what to address. While a lot of people get their blood tests, and they get the basic

hormones tests done, there are still many who ignore to do a semen analysis and also the blood

work for men. It’s very important men get their testosterone, free testosterone levels, tested, as

well as their FSH and LH. We will look at all of this in great detail next week, but tests are very

important. Also, tests for food intolerances for heavy metals, your thyroid function, and also for

MTHFR gene polymorphism. Just be prepared to invest some time and money to get some tests

done because this is known to be of great help when determining your treatment plan and enable

you to know which areas you need to focus on. It also helps us to see which systems need more

balancing or are functioning suboptimally.

The detox, we looked at some sections of the detox today, and what you should start with

such as making sure that most of your diet is organic, getting rid of all the toxic personal care

products and cleaning products, replacing them with natural products, avoiding coffee and

gluten. There is a very good detox diet in the program, and I suggest that you start with the detox

as soon as possible. Aim for one to three weeks of detoxing. If you don’t need to lose weight, do

it for one week. If you would like to lose some weight, then you can extend it to two to three


Also, one thing I have to mention is microwaved food, although not many people use

microwaved food, there are still quite a few who do. Microwaved food, if ingested regularly can

shut down female hormone production which impacts eggs and sperm and predisposes to

miscarriages. It’s very important that you do not eat microwaved food and that you check if

you’re eating at restaurant if your food will be microwaved. If they say that it will, then you

shouldn’t either not eat there or ask them to heat it up some other way because also ingestion of

microwaved food has been linked to stomach and intestinal cancer, tumors, loss of memory,

concentration, decreased intelligence, and emotional instability and infertility. You really want to

make sure that you don’t eat any microwaved food.

Another thing to bear in mind, so these are the key areas you can be mindful of now is

fluoride in tap water. Investing in a double-carbon water filter such as Aquasana is very

important. Avoiding plastics and also anything with artificial sweeteners because they can

predispose to infertility, breast defects, and cancer. Aspartame or any other artificial sweeteners

can be avoided. Stevia is okay. It’s a palm-based sweeter, so you can have that. The EM

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radiation, which we looked at earlier, so electromagnetic radiation that comes from your mobile

phones and computers.

The third step in the NFP blueprint is the diet. Diet is very crucial and very important in

fertility because it provides your body with the building blocks, not just of every cell in the body

but also for and sperm. We’re going to look at the diet in great detail over the coming weeks.

We’ll look at the recipes. You’ll see how some certain recipes are made, and we’re going to

discuss your shopping lists, where to get certain ingredients, how to prepare food, so this is going

to be a very fun part of this coaching program because I love food, I love cooking, so I really

look forward to sharing my recipes with you.

Supplements. Supplements are something that should definitely be considered because

they provide a safety net. If you are not getting enough nutrients because you can’t digest or

absorb your food properly because you have a food intolerance or because you’re stressed or

because you’re not eating adequate diet, supplements just always make sure that you’re getting

all the nutrients, so the basics are covered. You can get supplements in a lot of pharmacies, also

in a lot of health food shops. They’re also practitioner-grade supplements, which are of very

good quality, and they tend to be more bioavailable than a lot of the other brands because they

are made according to pharmaceutical standards, but intake of supplements has been

scientifically proven to prevent and reduce risk of chronic disease. Infertility is considered to be

one of those diseases or conditions, but it’s important that you do take a good quality

supplement, and we’re going to look at this in great detail over the coming weeks and the

individual nutrients as well. This week, we looked at zinc, omega-3s, and vitamin D, so they are

the three. You may want to look at supplementing or finding a good multivitamin, which

contains those three, although zinc should be taken on its own because it competes with other

nutrients for absorption.

We also looked at timing briefly today. We’re going to look at it in greater detail in the

coming weeks, and like we said, if you can start by printing out the charts and start taking your

temperature even if you’re in the middle of your cycle, it doesn’t matter. If you haven’t already,

tomorrow can be your first day of charting or whenever you get the digital thermometer and can

start charting.

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Sleep is a very important component of the NFP blueprint. Sleep, benefits of sleep are so

many. It helps repair cells. You repair cells while you are sleeping. You regulate your hormones

in your sleep. We looked at the importance of making sure that you go to bed before midnight

and that you are getting your seven to eight hours of sleep, but also getting out of bed at 7:00, so

you’re not oversleeping, which again can have a lot of issues and problems in itself. Also, it’s

important not to eat too close to bedtime because if you do, you’re digesting your food while you

are sleeping and that’s not what you want because you’re taking away the energy from cellular

repair and hormone regulation to digest your food. Also, it’s very important to bear in mind not

to have any electromagnetic devices in your bedroom. TV and mobile phones should not be kept

in your bedroom, or if you do have your mobile phones in your bedroom, you want to put them

on flight mode to minimize the exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Again, we’re going to

look at sleep in great detail in the coming weeks, and I’ll be giving you sleep tips every week as

we go along.

Exercise is so important. It’s got so many benefits for you. It boosts your mood. It

improves your immunity, improves fertility, regulates hormones, helps your body to detox. It’s

just so important also for weight loss, for fat burn, and for fertility. Mothers who exercise

throughout the pregnancy have easier birth and are happier during their pregnancy than mothers

who don’t. Exercise is something you should be doing now, and you should be aiming for at

least three times a week and if you can’t get proper exercise done, then at least 20 minutes of fast

walking a day is the bare minimum that you need to include on a daily basis. We’re going to look

at this area also in great detail.

Lastly, the mind-body. The mind-body connection is very well known. There is a saying

mind over matter, which means that the mind can be so powerful that it can influence our body.

It can influence ourselves. If you can just visualize it, when you watch a movie or see something

scary, you can get sweaty palms. If you visualize the person about to cliff dive, and there is

standing on the edge of a big cliff, you feel certain sensations in your body if you try to picture

this clearly in your mind. This is how quickly your mind can generate certain reactions in the

body, which is why it’s important to control your mind because your mind is a great tool and can

help you get pregnant and improve your overall health. We’re going to look at some great

strategies over this course that you can use to help you deal with your stress levels and improve

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your fertility, all of these steps are explained in great detail in the program, so take a look at that

in your own time. You may want to start using some of the meditation and visualization methods


Now talking about mind, moving on to the next point is managing stress, anxiety, and

negative emotions, and the emotions today. They are so important, so the way you feel everyday

very much contributes to your overall health and fertility. Thoughts trigger certain biochemical

processes in your body, and these can then trigger your hormones, and they can adjust the

hormones levels, which means that these hormones then in turn can either help you with your

fertility or can work against you. They can also improve your digestive system or they can

suppress it. If you think of something bad or sad, then you tend to lose your appetite and your

whole immunity drops. A lot of people tend to get cold and flu when they feel sad, when they

feel down, or when they’re under stress.

As an example, back in the prehistoric times, our bodies have not evolved in terms of

genetics and biochemistry since then. Back then, the only stressors we had were looking for

food, looking for shelter, and getting away from predators. Our bodies are still the same. It’s just

today, the stressors are a little bit different. When you are stressed, what happens in your body,

when you see a danger or back then, when you saw a stampede of mammoths coming after you,

first reaction was we have pupils to dilate because adrenalin was released. What adrenalin does it

stops the supply of nutrients to your digestive system and to other organs such as your ovaries

and to testis and diverts all the energy and nutrients to your brain and to your heart and to your

muscles because these are the only three things, which are going to keep you alive. The first

reaction is to either to fight or flee, to run away. The same thing happens even today when you

get stressed, but now you’re sitting in your office chair at work, and you can’t run. It would

actually be good if you would run it off, and run off all the stress hormones, and you will still be

good again when you’re out of danger. But these days, we can’t do that, so this is again where

exercise becomes important to help get rid of all the stress hormones that build up in our body.

Managing stress is very important for fertility because when you’re stressed, the stress hormones

suppress testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.

Another way to manage negative emotions, if you feel slightly anxious or depressed, then

you can take high-level omega-3 fish oil. We looked at a dose of 3,000 mg per day. You can

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even go up in that dose if you feel particularly stressed or anxious or even a little bit depressed.

That’s going to help, but again, remember what I said earlier. It takes time, so even to get

benefits from fish oils, you need to wait for a couple of weeks before you notice their beneficial

effects on your mood.

Also, another thing to bear in mind is when we talk about negative emotions is for

women, since young age, since they started menstruating that’s when they were still children,

menstruation was always associated with negative emotions with things like inconvenience or

nuisance, pain, not being to participate in certain sports, so you couldn’t swim or you couldn’t be

part of other fun activities. Then later, we’re worried as teenagers, we worry about not getting

pregnant, make sure you don’t get pregnant, using contraceptives. All of these negative emotions

and feelings that we associate with our reproductive system and with our cycles take their toll. If

you start to deal with infertility, then you need to look at these emotions and what they were for

you, but like I said, we’re going to look at all of these in great detail in the coming weeks.

Okay so, the new fertility promoting habit to acquire this week is to switch off your

wireless at night and to not leave your phone in your pockets of your pants unless it’s in flight

mode. If you can do that for this week, that is going to help you a lot, and try to remember to do

this for the rest of the 120 days and also beyond that because the same will apply for general

health and once you are pregnant.

Now, let’s take a look at where you can source alternatives, so we looked at a food that

you need to change supplements, personal care products, cleaning products. Where do you get

the alternatives and where do you get the supplements and fertility promoting foods from. First

of all, big good quality supermarkets will have organic oranges and will have some natural

products for the personal care and for cleaning, so you can take a look at big, good quality

supermarket or you can also go to organic market for local growers. You can take a look there

and their health food shops. You can go to health food shop to buy your supplements, to look for

personal care products, and cosmetics, and even cleaning products.

If you can’t find things or you can’t find everything, you can always look online. Internet

is full of great resources. You can take a look at what you can order online and have it shipped to

your home. Also, alternative to cleaning products, which are really cheap and anyone can get

anywhere are white wine, vinegar, bicarb soda, and lemon juice. You can also make a lot of this

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yourself. Actually, in the NFP program, there is this section on how to make your own cleaning

products that you want to maybe take a look at those.

We’re going to finish this first week’s webinar with your first affirmation for fertility,

and you can say this affirmation first thing in the morning, last thing at night, or whenever you

feel doubtful, or whenever life becomes a little bit stressful or you feel bad about your condition

or just in general, even when you’re happy. This is something to feed your subconscious mind

with and your mind because just remember we said mind over matter, the mind is very powerful.

The affirmation for this week is, “I’ll return my body to optimum fertility by giving my mind and

body what it needs on every level.” Something to bear in mind, and you can write and repeat it or

keep it somewhere on a note, somewhere where you can see it and be reminded of it regularly.

We’re going to have different affirmations each week, and there’s a lot more affirmations in the

program, NFP Program itself.

Now, you can send me your questions, and I will try to answer as many as I can during

this webinar; otherwise, you can also email me your question. If you got any questions, please

send them through now. Okay, no questions coming through. All right. So, if there are no

questions for this webinar, I’d like to thank you for joining me today, and I will send you an

email with details to access the recording of this and future webinars, as well as the coaching

videos. Like I said, if you have any questions, actually we do have some, okay just came

through. Let me take a look. Question is about wireless. Is that only at night? Well, when you

sleep, you’re stationary for eight hours at least, you’re in bed for that period of time. Yes, if you

can switch it off at night, that’s would be really good. At work, you can obviously switch off

your wireless. If you work from home, you may want to invest in of those cables that connect to

your modem to your computer. That way, you don’t have to have wireless on.

The second question is how can the recording of the webinar be accessed? You will

receive an email, and you’ll have the links and log-in details to a portal where you will be able to

access these webinar recording and all the other webinars, including the videos, which are part of

the coaching program. I’m just waiting to see if there are any more questions coming through.

Okay. I think I might have one more question coming through. The question is why some people

have gray hair from young age. This is due to first of all genetics, but also due to certain nutrient

deficiencies. For fertility, this is I guess important in that sense that you need to look at your

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general nutrient status and to make sure that you’re getting adequate nutrients, but gray hair,

unfortunately we cannot make go away naturally, but I hope that answers your question.

The next question is when Day 1 of 120 days start? Day 1 is the day when you start

detoxing, so that’s your Day 1. When you start making the detox recipes, and when you start

applying the natural products on your skin and clearing the toxic products from your house,

that’s your Day 1. Also, with certain supplements and nutrients when you start taking them, they

should also be taken for 120 days.

I think we got one more question coming through, so please bear with me. Okay, it’s not

coming through. Okay so, we are going to – Okay, the question came through. Can I chart my

temperature at 7:00 AM? Yes, you can. You can chart your temperatures. You need to start to

take your temperature at the same time of the day. Yes, you can go back to sleep after that, but if

you set your alarm for one particular time, say 7:00 AM, then you chart your temperature always

at 7:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. You can

always go back to sleep if you want. Just make sure that you do record your temperature.

Okay, one more question. Can we see the list of foods, the organic and nonorganic foods?

Yes, you will receive the recording of this webinar, so you will be able to go back to this

presentation and get all this information at your own time.

Okay, we are going to conclude it here because of the time, and if you’ve got any more

questions, feel free to email me at anytime, and I will answer them and get back to you within 24

hours. Thank you so much for joining me today, and I look forward to seeing you at the next


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