ng-op 67 user manual

 NG OP-67 Finge rprint Module User Manu al V1.1 NG OP-67 Fingerprint Module User Manual System Summarize System Characteristic  NG OP-67 Blue backlight Fingerprint Sensor Module adopts the optic fingerprint sensor, which consi sts of high-performanc e DSP a nd Flash. NG OP-67 is abl e to condu ct fingerprint image  process ing, template generation, template matching, fingerprint searching, template storage, et c. Compared with similar products from other suppliers, NG OP-67 proudly boasts of following features:  Immense Improved Algorithm  NG OP-67 algorithm is specially written acco rding to optic imaging th eory . The algorithm is good for de-shaped or low-quality fingers due to its excellent correction and tolerance features.  Flexible Application User can easily set NG OP-67 Module to different working modes depending on complexit y of applicati on syste ms. User can conduct secondar y development with high efficiency and reliability.  Easy to Use and Expand It is not necessary for user to have professional knowledge in the field of fingerprint verification. User can develop powerful finge rprint verification a pplication sys tems with the command set provided by NG OP-67.

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NG OP-67 Fingerprint Module User Manual V1.1

NG OP-67 Fingerprint Module

User Manual

System Summarize

System Characteristic

NG OP-67 Blue backlight Fingerprint Sensor Module adopts the optic fingerprint sensor, which

consists of high-performance DSP and Flash. NG OP-67 is able to conduct fingerprint image

processing, template generation, template matching, fingerprint searching, template storage, etc.

Compared with similar products from other suppliers, NG OP-67 proudly boasts of followingfeatures:

Immense Improved Algorithm

NG OP-67 algorithm is specially written according to optic imaging theory. The

algorithm is good for de-shaped or low-quality fingers due to its excellent correction andtolerance features.

Flexible Application

User can easily set NG OP-67 Module to different working modes depending on

complexity of application systems. User can conduct secondary development withhigh efficiency and reliability.

Easy to Use and Expand

It is not necessary for user to have professional knowledge in the field of fingerprint

verification. User can develop powerful fingerprint verification application systems

with the command set provided by NG OP-67.

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Low Power Consumption

Sleep/awake control interface makes NG OP-67 suitable for occasions that require low

power consumption.

Different Security Levels

User can set different security level according to different application environment.

Concepts in Fingerprint System

● Fingerprint Feature

Fingerprint algorithmic means capturing features from fingerprint image, it represents the

fingerprint information. The saving, matching and capturing of fingerprint templates are all

manipulated through fingerprint features.● 1:1

Comparing 2 fingerprint templates, return info: matching or not matching.● 1:N Searching

Search the matching fingerprint from numbers of fingerprint features. Return info: No matchingfeatures or having matching features and returning the matching feature’s ID simultaneity.

System parameter and interfaceserial number Index Parameter Condition

1 Power supply 5V

2 Working current 170mA

3 Peak value current 200mA

4 Fingerprint input time 250ms

5 1:1 matching time 600ms Matching features + matching fingerprint

6 1:900 searching time 2s

7 Fingerprint capacity Max. 960

8 FAR(False

Acceptance Rate)0. 001 %


(False Rejection Rate)1.5 %

10 Fingerprint template


11 Outer interface UART

Default baud rate 9600bps, could change to other standard baud rate, refer to the parameter in this


Outer Interface Standard

UART Interface

Outer interface 6 chip FPC (Under wire), pins details as below:

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Pins Name Define Type Function

1 VIN Power P DC:3.6V-7V

2 VIN Power P DC:3.6V-7V

3 TD Data transfer O Open-drain output

4 RD Data receive I TTL 3.3V or 5V



PINs from left to right 6--------1


Communicate with PC by USB. Capturing images, input template, searching, and interface defines

as below:


UART Communication format detail

NG OP-67 is a complete fingerprint sensor module. No need to connect to other outer terminal, it

is a Slave mode, Host could fulfill every functioning by different commands. Host command,

module respond and data exchange are all operated according to specified format. Host should

comply to the following format encapsulate.

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Commands / Datasheet format

Commands / datasheet:

Pack mark =01 Command

Pack mark=02 Data, and has Follow-up package

Pack mark=08 the last data pack, over

All data packets have to add: 0xEF01

Command packs format:

Byte 2bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1byte … … 2 bytes








lengthcommand Parameter1 …





Content 0xEF01 xxxx 01 N=

Data pack format:

Byte 2bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes N bytes… … 2 bytes

Name Pack head Chip add.Pack

markPack length Data Check sum

Content 0xEF01 Xxxx 02

Over Pack format:

Byte 2bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes N bytes… … 2 bytes

name Pack head Chip add.Pack

markPack length data Check sum

content 0xEF01 Xxxx 08

Data packs can not ingress into executive flow alone, it has to follow behind the command pack or

respond pack.

Upload or upload data pack are the same format.Pack length = the total bytes of pack length to check sum (command, parameter or data) including

check sum, but excludes the bytes of pack length itself.

Check sum includes all the bytes of the pack mark to check sum, in excess of 2-byte binary are


Chip address are default as 0xFFFFFFFF before created, once the host computer through the

command to generate the chip address, all packets must be generated in accordance with the

address to send and receive. Chip will refuse to address the wrong packet.

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Command response

Response is to report for the implementation of the orders and results execution. Response

includes all the parameter and the follow-up data packets, PC only confirm by receiving the SOC

response and order execution.

Response packet format:

2bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte N bytes 2 bytes

0xEF01 Chip add.Pack mark

07Pack length




parameterCheck sum

Confirm code define:

1. 00h Command execution over or OK;

2. 01h Error in receiving data pack;

3. 02h No fingerprint on sensor;

4. 03h Fail in capturing fingerprint image;5. 04h Fingerprint images are too dry or too weak to generate the features;

6. 05h Fingerprint images are too wet or unclear to generate the features;

7. 06h Fingerprint images are too mess to generate the features;

8. 07h Fingerprint images are normal but with few size to generate the features;

9. 08h Fingerprint not match;

10. 09h No fingerprints were found;11. 0ah Fail in matching fingerprint features;

12. 0bh The address serial number on visiting the fingerprint database out of the range;

13. 0ch Reading template from fingerprint database fail or invalid;

14. 0dh Upload features failed;15. 0eh Module can not accept follow-up data pack;

16. 0fh Upload image failed;

17. 10h Delete template failed;

18. 11h Empty fingerprint data failed;

19. 12h Can no enter low consumption state;

20. 13h Command incorrect;

21. 14h System reposition failed ;

22. 15H Can not generate image due to invalid original image in buffer;

23. 16H On line upgrade failed;

24. 17H Remnant fingerprint or No movement on second scan;

25. 18H Reading FLASH error;

26. 0xf0 Having follow-up data pack command, respond with 0xf0 after receiving;27. 0xf1 Having follow-up data pack command, respond with 0xf1;

28. 0xf2 Check sum error on writing inner FLASH;

29. 0xf3 Pack mark error on writing inner FLASH;

30. 0xf4 Pack length error on writing inner FLASH;

31. 0xf5 Code length too long on writing inner FLASH;

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32. 0xf6 Failed on writing inner FLASH;

33. 0x19 Not define error;

34. 0x1a Invalid register number;

35. 0x1b Register enactment error number;

36. 0x1c WordPad page define error;

37. 0x1d Terminal operation failed;38. 0x1e Enroll failed;

39. 0x1f Fingerprint data full;

40. 0x20—0xefh Reserved Command could only download from PC to module, module responds to PC.

When system electrify reposition, first to check if the default equipment handshake command has

been modified, if not, system thinks the PC doesn’t have demand to verify the command, SOC

begins to work. If it has been modified, first have to verify equipment handshake command, when

the command passed, SOC begins to work.

Command and addressSystem default command is 0, if the default command hasn’t been modified, the system doesn’t

require for command, PC could communicate directly to chip. If the command has been modified,

the first command on PC and chip communication must be the verify command, only if the verify

command passed, the chip begins to receive other commands.

The default address for chip is 0Xffffffff, it can be modified by command, the data pack address

field must match to this address then the command/data pack can be received by system.

Communicate baud rate

a) UART default baud rate 57.6kbps;

b) UART default baud rate can be modified by loaded configuration list;c) UART baud rate can be set by command, range from 9600bps to 921600bps;

d) If the PC is MCU, then connect to TD and RD , if it is the PC, then should connect with RS232Chip-level conversion.

e ) Module support standard USB port, could communicate with PC by converter.


1. PS_GetImage

Command code 01H

Function Capture fingerprint image from sensor and save on image buffer.2. PS_GenChar

Command code 02H

Function Generate fingerprint features according to original image and save on CharBuffer1 or

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3. PS_Match

Command code 03H

Function Accurately matching features in CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2

4. PS_Search

Command code 04HFunction Searching features in CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2 in fingerprint data5. PS_RegModel

Command code 05H

Function Combine features in CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2, generate template and save inCharBuffer2

6. PS_StoreChar

Command code 06H

Function Save documents to flash

7. PS_LoadChar

Command code 07H

Function Reading template to feature buffer from8. PS_UpChar

Command code 08HFunction Upload document to PC from feature buffer9. PS_DownChar

Command code 09H

Function Download feature document from PC to feature buffer

10. PS_UpImage

Command code 0AH

Function Upload origin image

11. PS_DownImageCommand code 0BH

Function Download origin image12. PS_DeletChar

Command code 0CH

Function Delete feature document from flash13. PS_Empty

Command code 0DH

Function Empty flash14. PS_WriteReg

Command code 0EH

Function Writing SOC15. PS_ReadSysPara

Command code 0FH

Function Reading system parameter16. PS_Enroll

Command code 10H

Function Enrolling template

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17. PS_ Identify

Command code 11H

Function Identifying fingerprint

18. PS_SetPwd

Command code 12H

Function Set up password19. PS_VfyPwd

Command code 13H

Function Validate equipment hand-shake command20. PS_GetRandomCode

Command code 14H

Function Sampling Random Number21. PS_SetChipAddr

Command code 15H

Function Set up chip address22. PS_ReadINFpage

Command code 16H

Function Reading FLASH Information Page23. PS_Port_Control

Command code 17H

Function Communication port UART/USB on / off control24. PS_WriteNotepad

Command code 18H

Function Writing notepad

25. PS_ReadNotepad

Command code 19H

Function Reading notepad26. PS_BurnCode PS1802 SOC burning FLASH code

Command code 1AH

Function Programming FLASH27. PS_HighSpeedSearch

Command code 1BH

Function High speed search FLASH

28. PS_GenBinImage

Command code 1CH

Function Generate Binarization fingerprint image29. PS_ValidTempleteNum

Command code 1dH

Function Reading Valid template numbers

User Notepad

There’s a 512 byte memory as user notepad in FLASH, total 16 pages and 32 byte on every page,

PC could visit any page with PS_WriteNotepad and PS_ReadNotepad command.

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Note: when writing one of the pages, the 32 byte concept would be fully writing in to cover the

original concept.

Feature and template

The size for fingerprint feature document is 256 byte, include character info. And general info.

Template size is 512 byte are the sum of 2 different fingerprint features.

Command Details

Entry image PS_GetImage

Function detecting finger, entry image and save on ImageBuffer, return confirm code meansentry success, no finger etc.

Input parameter none

Return parameter confirm

command code 01H

command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 01H 05H

Respond format 2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Remark confirm code=00H means input success

Confirm code=01H means receive error

Confirm code=02H means no finger on sensor Confirm code=03H means input not success sum check sum

Generate features PS_GenCharFunction Generate original fingerprint feature as fingerpr int feature document and save on

CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2

Input parameter BufferID

Return parameter confirm

Command code 02H

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Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip addressPack





codeBuffer ID Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 04H 02H BufferID sum

Note: CharBuffer1, CharBuffer2’s BufferID are 1h and 2h, if appointing to other value, dealingfollowing CharBuffer2.

Respond format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means generate feature success;Confirm code=01H means receiving error:

Confirm code=06H means fingerprint image are too mess to generate feature;

Confirm code=07H means fingerprint image normal but having very little characteristics togenerate feature

Confirm code=15H means no valid original image in buffer to generate image;

sum means check sum

Precisely matching 2 fingerprint fatures PS_Match

Function Precisely matching feature documents in CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2

Input parameter none

Return parameter confirm, matching score

Command code 03H

Command pack format 2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack markPack



codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 03H 07H

Responding format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 05H xxH xxH

Note Confirm code=00H means fingerprint match

Confirm code=01H means receiving error

Confirm code=08H means fingerprint not match sum means check sum

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Searching fingerprint PS_Search

Function searching the whole data with CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2 feature documents,return to page if found out

Input parameter BufferID StartPage PageNum

Return parameter confirm, page (matching fingerprint template

Command code 04H

Command code format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes

Pack headChip







codeBuffer parameter parameter



0xEF01 xxxx 01H 08H 04H BufferID StartPage PageNum sum

Note CharBuffer1 CharBuffer2 and BufferID are 1h and 2h

Respond format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip addressPack





codePage score Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 07H xxH PageID MatchScore sum

Note Confirm code=00H mean searching out

Confirm code=01H means receiving error

Confirm code=09H means no searching out page score 0sum means check sum

Combine features generate template PS_RegModel

Function Combine the CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2’s feature documents and generatetemplate, save in CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2.

Input parameter None

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 05H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack markPack



code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 05H 09H

Respond format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack markPack


codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

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Note Confirm code=00H means combine success

Confirm code=01H means receiving error

Confirm code=0aH means combine failed ( the 2 fingerprint are not for the same finger)

sum means check sum

Store templates PS_StoreChar

Function save template documents in CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2 to PageID flash.

Input parameter BufferID, PageID

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 06H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes










codeBuffer ID



0xEF01 xxxx 01H 06H 06H BufferID PageID sum Note CharBuffer1, CharBuffer2 and BufferID are 1h and 2h

Respond format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack markPack



codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means store success

Confirm code=01H means receiving error

Confirm code=0bH means PageID not in database Confirm code=18H means FLASH error sum means check sum

Reading template PS_LoadChar

Function Reading pointed ID in database to CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2

Input parameter BufferID, PageID

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 07H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes










code buffer page



0xEF01 xxxx 01H 06H 07H BufferID PageID sum

Note CharBuffer1 CharBuffer2 ‘s BufferID are 1h and 2h

Respond format

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2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack markPack



codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means reading success

Confirm code=01H means receiving error Confirm code=0cH means reading error or invalid template Confirm code=0BH means PageID not in data

sum means check sum

Upload characteristics or template PS_UpChar

Function Uploading buffer characteristics document to PC

Input parameter BufferID

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 08HCommand pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length


buffer Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 04H 08H BufferID sum

Note CharBuffer1 CharBuffer2 ‘s BufferID are 1h and 2h

Respond format 2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Packlength


Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means following pack

Confirm code=01H receiving error

Confirm code=0dH executive command failed sum means check sum

sending following data pack after respond

Download characteristic or template PS_DownChar

Function PC download characteristic document to module buffer

Input parameter BufferID

Return parameter confirm

Command code 09H

Command pack format

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2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length


code buffer Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 04H 09H BufferID sum

Note CharBuffer1 CharBuffer2’s BufferID are 1h and 2h

Respond pack format 2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack




Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means could accept following data pack

Confirm code=01H receiving error

Confirm code=0eH means can not accept following data pack Sum means check sum

Receiving following data pack after respond

Image PS_UpImage

Function Upload buffer image to PC

Input parameter None

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 0aH

command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 0aH 000eH

Respond format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthConfirm

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means following data pack Confirm code=01H means receiving error.

Confirm code=0fH means can not send following data pack sum means check sum

Sending following data pack after respond

1 byte with 2 Pixels, every Pixel with 4bits

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Download image PS_DownImage

Function PC downloads image data to module

Input parameter None

Return parameter ConfirmCommand code 0bH

command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Command


Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 0bH 000fH

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means could receive following data pack

Confirm code=01H means receiving error

Confirm code=0eH means can not receive following data pack sum means check sum

receiving following data pack after respond, data pack length 64 128 or 256

1 byte include 2 pixels, every pixel with 4bits

Delete template PS_DeletChar

Function Delete pointed fingerprint template ID starts with N in flash

Input parameter PageID delete template number N

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 0cH

command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 2bytes 2 bytes










code page





0xEF01xxxx 01H 07H 0cH PageID N sum

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means delete template success

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Confirm code=01H means receiving error;

Confirm code=10H means delete template fail;

sum means check sum

Empty fingerprint data PS_Empty

Function Delete all fingerprint templates in data flash

Input parameter NoneReturn parameter Confirm

Command code 0dH

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 0dH 0011H

Respond pack format 2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means empty success;

Confirm code =01H means receive error;

Confirm code=11H means empty fail;

sum means check sum

Writing system Register PS_WriteReg

Function Writing module register

Input parameter Register series number

Return parameter ConfirmCommand code 0eH

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1byte 1byte 2 bytes















0xEF01 xxxx 01H 05H 0eH 4/5/6 xx sum

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

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Register number Register name details

4 Baud rate controls register 9600 ‘s multiple N

5 Matching threshold register 1 level1

2 level2

3 level3

4 level45 level5

6 Pack size register 0 32bytes

1 64bytes

2 128bytes

3 256bytes

Note 1 : Confirm code=00H means OK

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error

Confirm code=1aH means register series number error sum means check sum

Note 2 Writing system register PS_WriteReg executing command, respond with originalconfigure, modify system setup after respond and configure record in FLASH, when system being

restarted, it will work with new configure.

Reading system parameter PS_ReadSysPara

Function Reading module parameter (baud rate, pack size etc.).the first 16 bytes on parameter list store basic communication and configure info., this is t he

module basic parameter

Input parameter NoneReturn parameter confirm code + basic parameter 16bytes

Command code 0fH

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 0fH 0013H

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 16 bytes 2 bytes




address Pack markPack



code Basic parameter list Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 3+16 xxH Configure as below sum

Note Confirm code=00H means OK Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error sum means check sum

Name Description Offset (Byte) Size


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Status Register System Concepts of the

Status Register

0 1

Sensor type Sensor type code

0 fpc1011c

2 c500

3 s500 strip 7 strip

9 User-defined sensor

Others reserved

1 1

Fingerprint data size Fingerprint data capacity 2 1

Security level Security level code


3 1

Equipment address 32 byte equipment address 4 2

Data pack size Data pack size code 0 32bytes

1 62bytes

2 128bytes

3 256bytes

6 1

Baud rate setup N (baud rate 9600*N bps) 7 1

Auto register template PS_Enroll

Function First enroll fingerprint register template, searching space and store in database, returnstore ID

Input parameter NoneReturn parameter confirm, page matching fingerprint template

Command code 10H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Command code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 0003H 10H 0014H

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthConfirm

codePage Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 5 xxH PageID sum

Note Confirm code=00H means register success

Confirm code=01H means receiving error Confirm code=1eH means register fail.

sum means check sum

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Auto identify fingerprint PS_Identify

Function Auto collect fingerprint, searching target template in data and return with searching result.

If the target template with the current collection of fingerprint matching score is higher than the

maximum threshold, and the target template with incomplete collected characteristics, then

upgrade the target template’ s blank space with collected characteristics.

Input parameter none

Return parameter confirm, page matching fingerprint template

Command code 11H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Command code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 0003H 11H 0015H

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes










codePage Score



0xEF01 xxxx 07H 7 xxH PageID MatchScore sum

Note Confirm code=00H means searching out

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error Confirm code=09H means no searching result, page and score 0

sum means check sum

Setting password PS_SetPwd

Function Setting module hand-shake password

Input parameter PassWord

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 12H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 4 byte 2 bytes

Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length


codePassword Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 07H 12H PassWord sum

Note Module address default 0

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack length Confirm code Check sum

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0xEF01 xxxx 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means OK

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error sum means check sum

Verifying password PS_VfyPwd

Function Verifying module hand-shake password

Input parameter PassWordReturn parameter Confirm

Command code 13H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 4 byte 2 bytes

Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length


codePassword Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 07H 13H PassWord sumRespond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means password correct;

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error

Confirm code=13H means password incorrect sum means check sum

Sampling random number PS_GetRandomCode

Function chip generates a random number and return to PC

Input parameter none

Return parameter confirm

Command code 14H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 14H 0018H

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 4 bytes 2 bytes

Pack head Chip Pack mark Pack length Confirm Random Check sum

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address code number

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 07H xxH xxxx sum

Note Confirm code=00H means generate success

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error

sum means check sum

Setting chip address PS_SetChipAddr

Function Setting chip address

Input parameter noneReturn parameter confirm

Command code 15H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 4 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chipaddress

Pack mark Pack length Commandcode


Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 07H 15H xxxx sum

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means generate address success

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error

sum means check sum

Using default address when PC sending command pack 0xffffffff, responding pack address usingnew generated address. Chip address stays unchanged by executing the command. To change the

chip address only with emptying FLASH.

Reading flash Info. Page PS_ReadINFpage

Function Reading FLASH Information Page (512bytes)

Input parameter none

Return parameter confirm

Command code 16H

Command pack format 2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Command code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 03H 16H 001aH

Responding pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

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0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means sending data pack by following

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error

Confirm code=0dH means executing command fail sum means check sum

Sending following data pack after respond

Port control PS_Port_Control

Function For UART protocol, the command controls USB communication port.

For USB protocol, the command controls UART port

Input parameter Control codeControl code 0 means closing port

Control code 1 means opening port

Return parameter ConfirmCommand code 17H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length




codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 04H 17H 0/1 sum

Responding pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum Note Confirm code=00H means port operation success

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error

Confirm code=1dH means port operation fail Sum means check sum

Writing notepad PS_WriteNotepad

Function Internal module creates a 256bytes FLASH for users to store data, this is User Notepad, it has 16 pages. Writing notepad command uses to write user’s 32bytes

data to pointed notepad.Input parameter NotePageNum,user content

Return parameter confirmCommand code 18H

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1byte 32 bytes 2 bytes

Pack Chip Pack Pack Command Page User info. Check

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head address mark length code sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 36 18H 0~15 content sum

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum Note Confirm code=00H means OK

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error sum means check sum

Reading notepad PS_ReadNotepad

Function Reading FLASH User space 128bytes dataInput parameter none

Return 7169 parameter Confused + user info.

Command code 19HCommand pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1byte 2 bytes

Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length


codePage Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 04H 19H 0~15 xxH

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 32 bytes 2 bytes

Pack head Chipaddress

Pack mark Pack length Confirmcode

User info. Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 35 xxHUser


Note Confirm code=00H means OK

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error sum means check sum

Burnning FLASH PS_ BurnCode

Function PC downloads code data and write to FLASH

Input parameter none

Return parameter confirm

Command code 01AH

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 bytes 2 bytes

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Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length




modeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 04H 1AH 0/1 sum

Upgrade mode 0 only upgrade info. pages

Upgrade mode 1 fully upgradeOther error

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=00H means could accept follow-by data pack

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error

Confirm code=0eH means can not accept following data pack sum means check sum

Accepting following data pack after respond, data pack length 64, 128 or 256

High speed search PS_HighSpeedSearch

Function Searching data with CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2’s characteristic document. Return with

searching result

This command will give a fast search result for fingerprint in good condition.

Input parameter BufferID StartPage PageNum

Return parameter Confirm, page(matching fingerprint template Command code 1bH

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes










codeBuffer Parameter Parameter



0xEF01 xxxx 01H 08H 1bH BufferID StartPage PageNum sum

Note Buffer CharBuffer1 CharBuffer2’s BufferID are 1h and 2h

Respond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes










codePage Score



0xEF01 xxxx 07H 7 xxH PageID MatchScore sum

Note Confirm code=00H means searching out

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error Confirm code=09H means no searching result; page and score 0

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sum means check sum

Generate fingerprint image PS_GenBinImage

Function Processing with fingerprint image in buffer, precising and generate fingerprint image

Input parameter BinImgTpye0 Image binarization

1 Not including characteristics mark binarization image

2 or others with characteristic mark binarization image

Return parameter Confirm

Command code 1cH

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 bytes 2 bytes

Pack headChip

addressPack mark Pack length


codeTarget type Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 04H 1cH 0/1/2 sumRespond pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack length Confirm code Check sum

0xEF01 xxxx 07H 03H xxH sum

Note Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error Confirm code=15H means invalid fingerprint image

Confirm code= 07 H means no enough characteristic info.

Confirm code=06 H means image in poor quality

sum means check sum

Reading valid template number PS_ValidTempleteNum

Function Reading valid template numbers

Input parameter none

Return parameter confirm valid template number ValidNCommand code 1dH

Command pack format

2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes

Pack head Chip address Pack mark Pack lengthCommand

codeCheck sum

0xEF01 xxxx 01H 0003H 1dH 0021H

Respond pack format

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2 bytes 4bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

Pack head Chip addressPack

markPack length



Valid template

numberCheck sum

0xEF01xxxx 07H 5 xxH ValidN sum

Note confirm code=00H means reading success

Confirm code=01H means receiving pack error sum means check sum

Function realization sample

a) Press twice the fingerprint and enroll a template, save in flash


Sending capturing

image command:


Wait for respond

Reading image

Generate characteristic

command: PS_GenChar

Parameter: BufferID=1

Green light flash


Sending get image



Read image

Generate characteristic

command: PS_ GenChar

Parameter: BufferID=2


Green light flash

(Optional, depend on PC)


Generate characteristic


PS_ StoreChar

Parameter BufferID=2

Flash shows



Waiting respond

Wait for respond

Waiting respond

Waiting respond

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b fingerprint data space from sensor to searching fingerprint 10—100

Send register template

command: PS_ RegModle

Waiting respond

Flash shows

failed register


Send command: PS_GetImage

Waiting respond


Send command: PS_GetChar

Waiting respond

Send command: PS_Search

Parameter: StartPage , PageNum ,


Waiting respond

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