n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · i dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc...

8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o P tho,n· .. ,.c,. il1 at the now barrack'i; unn\' on tho Uomm rn 1 1 ti , ctlicionc\· 111' thc,,u cor118 l>ut. 11 .• ent 1 1rom l!1ng not on\' I( : nn exec cut m 1 nngom 1 I h "' to cnelo-o tlw of Lt . gO?d Gray, tommnntling tl;c (,olonol n llbOll, (ro_voi nm • 01101 I . L' (") (C) Theso rcpoi·ts 1:1how ( B) ·mt! Lieut -Golonol Scoh c, J ... ug1nco1 ' 1 r1 :\l . C l' tf 1 '·' l i ··ti when in cnmp Wl'l'O <Inly nttonded to. :tJOL' 1ray npp thnt IC ( ut1c ... c 11 .'. . in L'(h!J' tl;nt !us Bn.ttory mn.y l>o formod into Battery fbr tho ncC'\o, ... nuth 1 ° 111 ) '.· 1 , • 0 u. 1 J.OI' Gr•l)' <iuito eqnul to command, it would add of Ilor: ... o • rt1 cry. con"H ct .u.. · much to i h dlicicncv nn1l csp1 it. . Co . d <l f . l mthl not omit.to mention thnt whon tho Engineer mpany pa.in e 01 my inspection it w:\'" pro>idod with two pontomh, a w:Lggon and tffiwo orpnpment The lonto 00 , were rn:1do undol' the in-;pcction of o ccr commiin mg . c COl'Jh, 1 uy tho men during their drill ; woll i .good i npp:aret :wnilalile fot· :-or·:ice. This Corps ii; nbo provided with .a bl material for on1rineori1w the wholo cost of which l:::> OOl 1 c. fl t Y this Oorp-.. lti-. moro th:.m can. be expected, and y re 1 ,ecffis no ordinnrv ere lit upon all conncctud. with this Corp'. In .iust1ce to .t 1e .o cer "r ., r bcu to re('ommcnil for fo\·onmhlo con-.tderatwni tho. of oommn 11 c Ill,.., o L' ' I·' Co of F r }H'Ov1ded tbi ... otliccr for the corp ... to be orbnoizccl into a J:le u mpany ,nt,1 ·, with hor:-c. ... , t!tOrc,.., &c. Hamilton Fieltl Battery. 'rhi-. Jbttcry performed it" nnnnnl drill oncampe..l in the 01·y:;tn.l Palace Grounds, llnmilton, under the command of Captnin Mc)fohon. An excellon t pluco for camp- ing tho men ; good for tho hor:;e3. . 11 ,, Corp ... was inspected l>y me, accompamed by Lt-Colonel Cotton, A Batton·, on Sawrdny. tho J unc. The general appearance of the . Mti:;factory, very fairly horsed. Field battery the d1rectton of Lt. Colonel t.A>tton. to questions br the non-comml'stonod officers,. from oilke1·: at-.o clri>ing dl'ill ,·cry fair. been untl.ol'go1ng a rl'-0rgn11izntio ·1, under ib prc-.cnl tomrnan<lmg, ottkel', which has so far proved beneticinl to tho Ihttory. Uamp in good order. Wellawl Fitlil Battery. 'l'hb Battery performed it... drill under being. ill a large ndjoining Port under tho command ot Captnm h .rng, the only officer pr -cnt on duty with the Battery; was in-.pcctcd by mo on the 1 't h Octol>cr. The mu-tor wa wit :-trong; two otliccr:- und 51 non-rommi:s:;ioned officc:1·s and gunners rctul'lled 011 the parade ,tnto, very woll h•11,.ocl: harness and good order i some deficiencic,.. Captain King pnt tho Jhttory through !ie\'ct·nl f1cl<I. movements, tlrnt tl11s officer b qui•t• e<pml to the command ot'the Battery. 'fbc Battery mnrchod in the afternoon to PorL Ddhiithio in 0t·dct· to perform i t.s and shell prnctice, u11dcr tho supcn•j,.i rn of Lt-Colonel Irwin, 1n"<pee:to1· of At'lillery. . .Maj)!' Kitt.- wa prc,cnt, hut owing to the lo-.:i of his foot :-.ustainod l>y him in 1 GG, though imxioth, i ... unequal to take a11y pal'i in the command of tlh) Batte1:y, the therefore upon C.1ptai11 King. With all the regard duo to lrfaJOl' J\ing for hi and faithful sut'\'1cc,, I consider it simply a matter of duty to Htnt · thnt it would bo more beneficial to tran:.fo1· the command to Capt:.li n King. G /J,1tfcrie$-Tol'011to 1 'I'oronto Jhtt..cry 011 tho 2 th Octoher; arms. and clothing clean untl in good order; manual and fir·ing c•xc1·ci"e:-; very tai1· ; company, gun nnd tn'>rlur d1·ill go Jd ; tho men app1 nro I to hiwe been well i11 ... t1·uctcd, :mu up to tho1r work; much plen .. c l with th1 B 1tt-Ot'.}', under tho command ol' Captain Gib on . '1,ho hell prn ·ticc w.1 ub c<ptcutly perliirme'l at tlr«' two-gu11 Ihttory, Garri on Common. 9 Colli11y1cood-)fojor Hogg, Commanding. Wai i nspottotl O)" Lieut..( 'olonol Donbor!, Brigade ·'!ajor, on tho fl th July, ,vho rcpor.ted .vel'y favorable on tho of this. Battery. Arm , accmtromcnt, and clo!hing m good ! and gun drill, good. Owing t.o tho delay ornon- url'lval of the ammun1t1on 1n time, tho annual gun pructiro wa:-; not performed. . St. Wiley, Commantlittg. Inspected this Battm·y m the drill shed on 17th October; the appearance nri.I drill of this Battery was not f'atisfactory as I could have wi hell ; their new cloth- iug which arrived had then arrive<l .i the nnnunl drill lull only <·ommenccd. Captam Wiley, though quite equal to the tnstmction and drill of tho .Battery, bad not sufficient time for the necessary instruction. In the event of any change taking place in tho Wellund Pield Battery, I would beg to suggest and recommend that these two Batterie,, be amalgamated, one &trong J<'iel<l Battery fo1·mod 1 headquarter:; at St. Cathcrincs. An addition coul<l l>e made without much co:;t to tile drill shed, ther eby giving all the accommodation rcquirotl for a Field Battery. Owing to tho of the weather tho annual gun practice was not carried uut. IN E'A.NTRY. 211d J:Jattalirn, Queen's Own Ri/les-Lt.-Colonel O ller, Commanding . Battalion paraded in fol'ce for my on the 28th :XO\·emuer. Owing to the inclemency of tho weather the Battalion wa>i obliged lo form in the drill shed ; muster 470 officerti, non-commissioned officcr:i and, men on parude; the appearance of tho Battalion was highly satisfacto1·y. Arms, uccoutremcnt.i, and clothing in excellent condition ; accoutromentr-; well fitted, ali•o clothing. )fanual and firing exorcises, under Lt-Colonel Jarvi!<, well done; bn.ttnlion mornmenL-;, owing to the cit'cumscril>ed space, wol'C l imited; showing, notwith-.tanding, that tho Battalion had been well drilled and instl'Ucted in company and battalion movements. The band mustered st1·onl!. ful'ni-.hcd with a full set of ,·alnnblo iui;tramcnt .... pro\·ide<l by the Battalion with a corp- of drnmrncrs an l fifors, l'cflccting the hig-hc,;t ere lit upon LL-Colonel Otter, comman1ling, tho i:;taft' a:id company offiC'eN, in attaining 11uch a high state of 1'ill<·ioncy. 10th lloyal11-Lt.-Colouel Stoller,r. Commanding. Thi:-; Battalion mu,..tcrcd anrl marchc lout in 0:11! weather t.o the Common, and parade l fo1· my in-.p'e ction on the 9th Xovembcr. ll is compo,crl remnrknblo fine body of lllt.llt: looked w<.'11 , arm-., aC'cont roment." nnd cloth mg clean and in .rood 01·de1· · the manual nn<l firin•r exercise.,; under Shaw, very ' -., . . fine; tho marchi 11;.r past uncl hattnli >11 movcme11t.:, notsati-.f:·1clor. r; wm1t of ('Ohe,;t0n among tho otli<"cr::i; :-;Omo c,·idcn tly not up to theil' work ; l>anil good n1.J strong. 12th Ba ttctlivll (for.{ R llt:Jers.)-Lt.-Colonl'I Gat\lcn, C0mmn111ling. Thi:; B:ittalion was inspected by mo on tho hL Juh·, at Auro•:a· rcgimont.31 hen<lquartors, n1Hlu1· call\ as, tht• comp:inie-. h:l\·in;.t assembled with tho excep- tion of 011e Company, Xo. 5. which Company w:h l>y Lt.- Colonel .Doni:-011, Brigadc-M:ijor, who ropo1·tcd ,·or.Y of , tins C(lmpany. m11:-;te1 e1l with arms, :tC't'<111trcmcnt.-. :uul l'lotlnng (tho lat.et· much worn) in VCt')' fair order; d1·i II wry I:tir; Lt.-Uolonel G:tt'(lcn In cly pro.mo'e I, wns prc::.cnt. in command; although the day w:.h intensely hot, the men stood 1t ,·ory well. . The \\r:inlt•n of the Gonnty of York. with a Committco th0 Ulune1l, uvnilctl lltcmsl'ln•:i of tlw opp u·Lunity to pn>ont tho B:1tt:tl1 11 with. :i hnnd,..omo of color:; 011 behalf of the County," which ho did with 1mc approprtnto rernarki.

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Page 1: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\


· I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 .. ,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i;

unn\' on tho b-nrr1~on Uomm rn '· 1 1 ti , ctlicionc\· 111' thc,,u cor118 l>ut.

11 .• ent 11rom l!1ng not on\' I( • : nn exec cut m 1 nngom • 1 I h "' to cnelo-o tlw rcp11·t~ of Lt . t~1orough gO?d foo~in~ l~>'l~]:ith,~;11i,cei1Jo<~1~~

1c~1~:~~:j (A)\v_\fa~joi· Gray, tommnntling tl;c (,olonol n llbOll, (ro_voi nm •01101

• ~I) I . L' • • (") )~ (C) Theso rcpoi·ts 1:1how B.'lttcr~· ( B) ·mt! Lieut -Golonol Scoh c, J ... ug1nco1 '1 r1 • :\l . C l'

tf 1 '·' l i ··ti when in cnmp Wl'l'O <Inly nttonded to. • :tJOL' 1ray npp •e~ thnt IC ( ut1c ... :~w c 11 .'. . in L'(h!J' tl;nt !us Bn.ttory mn.y l>o formod into :~ Battery fbr tho ncC'\o, ... ~1r1 J nuth1°111

) '.· 1, •0

u.1J.OI' Gr•l)' <iuito eqnul to command, it would add of Ilor: ... o • rt1 cry. con"H ct .u.. ·

much to i h dlicicncv nn1l csp1 it. . Co . d <l f . l mthl not omit.to mention thnt whon tho Engineer mpany pa.in e 01 my

inspection it w:\'" pro>idod with two pontomh, a w:Lggon and tffiwo orpnpment ;raggot~t!. The lonto00, were rn:1do undol' the in-;pcction of th~ o ccr commiin mg . c COl'Jh,

1uy tho men during their drill ; woll n~:ide i ~aterrn.~ .good i npp:aret q~•U: :wnilalile fot· :-or·:ice. This Corps ii; nbo provided with .a l.~1ge ~uan:;~"e~bc~· bl material for on1rineori1w pnrpo-.c~, the wholo cost of which l:::> OOl 0~ •

1 c. fl t Y

this Oorp-.. lti-. ccrtu~1 ty moro th:.m can. be expected, and c?r~n_in y re1

,ecffis no ordinnrv ere lit upon all conncctud. with this Corp'. In .com~on .iust1ce to .t 1e .o cer

"r ., r bcu to re('ommcnil for fo\·onmhlo con-.tderatwni tho. apphcat10~ of oommn

11c Ill,.., o L' ' I·' Co of F r nce1·~ }H'Ov1ded tbi ... otliccr for the corp ... to be orbnoizccl into a J:le u mpany ,nt,1 ·,

with hor:-c. ... , waggon~, t!tOrc,.., &c.

Hamilton Fieltl Battery. 'rhi-. Jbttcry performed it" nnnnnl drill oncampe..l in the 01·y:;tn.l Palace Grounds,

llnmilton, under the command of Captnin Mc)fohon. An excellon t pluco for camp­ing tho men ; good i;table~ for tho hor:;e3. . • •

11 ,,

Thi~ Corp ... was inspected l>y me, accompamed by Lt-Colonel Cotton, A Batton·, on Sawrdny. tho ~2nd J unc. The general appearance of the . .Ba~tory, Mti:;factory, very fairly horsed. Field battery momement..~, 1;ln~er the d1rectton of Lt. Colonel t.A>tton. An~wers to questions br the non-comml'stonod officers,. from thi~ oilke1·: at-.o clri>ing dl'ill ,·cry fair. ~his B~ttery h~s been untl.ol'go1ng a rl'-0rgn11izntio ·1, under ib prc-.cnl tomrnan<lmg, ottkel', which has so far proved beneticinl to tho Ihttory. Uamp in good order.

Wellawl Fitlil Battery. 'l'hb Battery performed it... drill under can\'a~, being. enr~~mped ill a large ~eld

ndjoining Port l~obin-.011, under tho command ot Captnm h .rng, the only officer pr -cnt on duty with the Battery; was in-.pcctcd by mo on the 1 'th Octol>cr. The mu-tor wa wit :-trong; two otliccr:- und 51 non-rommi:s:;ioned officc:1·s and gunners rctul'lled 011 the parade ,tnto, very woll h•11,.ocl: harness and gun~ ~n good order i some deficiencic,.. Captain King pnt tho Jhttory through !ie\'ct·nl f1cl<I. movements, laowin~ tlrnt tl11s officer b qui•t• e<pml to the command ot'the Battery. 'fbc Battery

mnrchod in the afternoon to PorL Ddhiithio in 0t·dct· to perform i t.s ~hot and shell prnctice, u11dcr tho supcn•j,.i rn of Lt-Colonel Irwin, 1n"<pee:to1· of At'lillery. .

.Maj)!' Kitt.- wa prc,cnt, hut owing to the lo-.:i of his foot :-.ustainod l>y him in

1 GG, though imxioth, i ... unequal to take a11y pal'i in the command of tlh) Batte1:y, the wod~ therefore dovnh·c~ upon C.1ptai11 King. With all the regard duo to lrfaJOl' J\ing for hi Ion~ and faithful sut'\'1cc,, I consider it simply a matter of duty to Htnt · thnt it would bo more beneficial to tran:.fo1· the command to Capt:.li n King.

G 1rri~o11 /J,1tfcrie$-Tol'011to1

Jn~poctod 'I'oronto Jhtt..cry 011 tho 2 th Octoher; arms. ucco11t1·orn~nt,., and clothing clean untl in good order; manual and fir·ing c•xc1·ci"e:-; very tai1· ; company, gun nnd tn'>rlur d1·ill go Jd ; tho men app1 nro I to hiwe been well i11 ... t1·uctcd, :mu up to tho1r work; much plen .. c l with th1 B 1tt-Ot'.}', under tho command ol' Captain Gib on. '1,ho hell prn ·ticc w.1 ub c<ptcutly perliirme'l at tlr«' two-gu11 Ihttory, Garri on Common.


Colli11y1cood-)fojor Hogg, Commanding.

Wai i nspottotl O)" Lieut..( 'olonol Donbor!, Brigade ·'!ajor, on tho fl th July, ,vho rcpor.ted .vel'y favorable on tho ~tate of this. Battery. Arm , accmtromcnt, and clo!hing m good ordc~· ! c~mp~my and gun drill, good. Owing t.o tho delay ornon­url'lval of the ammun1t1on 1n time, tho annual gun pructiro wa:-; not performed.

. St. Cat~rines-C~ptain Wiley, Commantlittg. Inspected this Battm·y m the drill shed on 17th October; the appearance nri.I

drill of this Battery was not a~ f'atisfactory as I could have wi hell ; their new cloth­iug which arrived .subs~quently had ~ot then arrive<l .i the nnnunl drill lull only <·ommenccd. Captam Wiley, though quite equal to the tnstmction and drill of tho .Battery, bad not sufficient time for the necessary instruction.

In the event of any change taking place in tho Wellund Pield Battery, I would beg to suggest and recommend that these two Batterie,, be amalgamated, one &trong J<'iel<l Battery fo1·mod1 headquarter:; at St. Cathcrincs. An addition coul<l l>e made without much co:;t to tile drill shed, thereby giving all the accommodation rcquirotl for a Field Battery. Owing to tho contin;encie~ of the weather tho annual gun practice was not carried uut.


211d J:Jattalirn, Queen's Own Ri/les-Lt.-Colonel O ller, Commanding.

Thi~ Battalion paraded in fol'ce for my in~pection on the 28th :XO\·emuer. Owing to the inclemency of tho weather the Battalion wa>i obliged lo form in the drill shed ; muster 1>tron~; 470 officerti, non-commissioned officcr:i and, men on parude; the appearance of tho Battalion was highly satisfacto1·y. Arms, uccoutremcnt.i, and clothing in excellent condition ; accoutromentr-; well fitted, ali•o clothing. )fanual and firing exorcises, under Lt-Colonel Jarvi!<, well done; bn.ttnlion mornmenL-;, owing to the cit'cumscril>ed space, wol'C limited; showing, notwith-.tanding, that tho Battalion had been well drilled and instl'Ucted in company and battalion movements. The band mustered st1·onl!. ful'ni-.hcd with a full set of ,·alnnblo iui;tramcnt .... pro\·ide<l by the Battalion with a corp- of drnmrncrs an l fifors, l'cflccting the hig-hc,;t ere lit upon LL-Colonel Otter, comman1ling, tho i:;taft' a:id company offiC'eN, in attaining 11uch a high state of 1'ill<·ioncy.

10th lloyal11-Lt.-Colouel Stoller,r. Commanding.

Thi:-; Battalion mu,..tcrcd :-tron~. anrl marchc lout in 0:11! weather t.o the Gnrri~on Common, and parade l fo1· my in-.p'ection on the 9th Xovembcr. ll is compo,crl ~fa remnrknblo fine body of y1>un~ lllt.llt: looked w<.'11 , arm-., aC'cont roment." nnd cloth mg clean and in .rood 01·de1· · the manual nn<l firin•r exercise.,; under )[~qor Shaw, very ~ ' -., . . fine; tho marchi 11;.r past uncl hattnli >11 movcme11t.:, notsati-.f:·1clor.r; wm1t of ('Ohe,;t0n among tho otli<"cr::i; :-;Omo c,·idcn tly not up to theil' work ; l>anil good n1.J strong.

12th Battctlivll (for.{ R llt:Jers.)-Lt.-Colonl'I Gat\lcn, C0mmn111ling.

Thi:; B:ittalion was inspected by mo on tho hL Juh·, at Auro•:a· rcgimont.31 hen<lquartors, n1Hlu1· call\ as, tht• comp:inie-. h:l\·in;.t assembled thcr~ with tho excep­tion of 011e Company, Xo. 5. which Company w:h sul>~cqucntly rn.spc~teJ~ l>y Lt.­Colonel .Doni:-011, Brigadc-M:ijor, who ropo1·tcd ,·or.Y f:~\·orably of , tins C(lmpany. Companie~ m11:-;te1 e1l with arms, :tC't'<111trcmcnt.-. :uul l'lotlnng (tho lat.et· much worn) in VCt')' fair order; d1·i II wry I:tir; Lt.-Uolonel G:tt'(lcn In cly pro.mo'e I, wns prc::.cnt. in command; although the day w:.h intensely hot, the men stood 1t ,·ory well. .

The \\r:inlt•n of the Gonnty of York. with a Committco o~· th0 ~tmnty Ulune1l, uvnilctl lltcmsl'ln•:i of tlw opp u·Lunity to pn>ont tho B:1tt:tl1 11 with. :i hnnd,..omo ~et of color:; 011 behalf of the County," which ho did with ~ 1mc approprtnto rernarki.

Page 2: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\


. · d ti, um of ~~tltl Lo h··~Ji .. tl'ibntol in pl'i;-;e-1totho 'l'hc < • un ·ii, on th1-- 0<.•cn..--ion, 'olo be:. ox ii·c-.,..,L\tl thom,..,ul\'cs VOl'J fovouralily Bnttulion. l'ho ~\rnrdon n11

1Hbl m?.111;. ~~"to; 1,..,i:it in 111.omulin~ the olhcicncy uf the

towarcl-- thl.'.I Bnttnlron ; won 1 o \\ 1 11 0 • " ~ l3nttnlion on future o ·c. ,..,jon-<.

13th Rattalion ( Jlamilto11 )-Liout..Ooloncl !;;kiuncr, l \1mmandi ng.

· l · f II tr'iwth on tho :!9th November in tho drill 'l'hi-. Bnttnhon mu,,lcnx Ill u =" ll :-. l ti , dillic. di.)· ot'tho mun louving thoir

1 I t lln l"lto11 tho ... t·lto of tho wcat ic1· nrH ic b . f .1 . 101 n n 1 ' l .l> Lt Col no l Sl-innor intlm.:o<l tho pMado 0111~ ormeu ornploymcnt, a-. ~tati: .r ·· d ~, Iii;· .... l>ody ~f young mon, on.HI .,jzod, an1l litood thl'l'l.'.lj tho Battalton 1" compo"o 0 .l e 1 1 · . ·l .. ·w nnd in µoo'l onlo1· · will ur11le1· nrm~· urm-; nccontromont" and cot u ng .vo1y c e. ll d . . •l. '

l! • I I fi .·I r • , •• ·,.., • ., under Lt .. Colonul In·ing, \'Ol'Y WO .one I. rna.1 c ung ~~::·:~·~d 1~~ttnl;~::f.-m~i~~~~~1~t~ (tho dl'ill ,;ho1l ~oin~ :-utlkie 1~t~y la1·~0 ft:i· nu. com1~a.ny 11

• 1• • • ·collcnL IJ·iml w 11oo<l or<lor .iltogetbot tho m~poct1on hattnhon) were \'OIT :111', an ex • o ' ,,.. 3t> very .. ati--foctory.

34th B1rttalion (011t11rio)-Lt.-Colonel Wallace, Commnn<ling.

ln:- 1octed thi" Rnttalion nt Port P(•1Ty, on the ~7th J nn?· ~ncampcd on a. hill· side· H·'uh well pitched· ration~ rrood, :!3 cents; 7 Compan10::. 111 c~mp j tho g1ound .. o)o~tcd fol' the p:iradl! 1;ot \'Ory s~ital.ile; n.nn" an~l accontrt;mon~':I rn .. tin? o~·~l~l'.~the latter appeared old; clothing much wo1·n will require.a ncw1bsue, tlt1ll.\:~1·~.fa11: . ln the afternoon tho B:tttalion "a~ dl\·id~l into half l>attahons,on? under. ~tlJOI 1.Hter i-;on pn-.-.e<l m·l'r to tho J..lunil of Sc.ngog aud took up a clefe1.1:-.1 \'e ~os1t10'.1;. th~ other, under Uajor Douarnn, followe<l 10 orJcl' of nttuck. Tho halt b.attallo.ns w CL o extended in 1<kirrnbh line:;; oponod tire, udYancod and rctire<l YCl'J fa11·lr; fire.very .. ~tend~'. goo l tll'ill practice; the men appeal'cd well under conlt·?I. Tho force w.t!'! fe1 t ic<l o~ ~r to 111111 fmm tho bland in large llat-liottomcd l>oub~, w1 th out any trouble j very fair baud tu whil'h -.c\·cral now i11,.,t1·umonls have been a<ltlod. ,

33th Battalion (.''imcol! }iJresters)-Lt.-Oolonel )fcKenzic, Commanding.

Tlii,; Battnlion a-.-.cmblc l (10 compu11ic,,) at Barrie, Rcgi1~ental hcn<lqti:l.itcr:i.-­TCl'Y ~trong. ·1Uotliccrs,n11H.:ornrni ,,ione l 01fi · •1·,; an l me11-111 ot·dol' tu po1:fonn its an1111nl drill under f•a11,·1i... . 'fhc 13th day of . \'ptoml>or wa:i the day appo1nto1l l>y me for the i11-.pection of tJii,., lhttalion. r f.111111! it wa-. quite impo.;,,julc for me to proceed thcl'e · all comrnunication both bv rail nnd othcrwbo ha.vi11~ been dt•::;tmycd by the incc .. ,a


nt 1·nin-. whith occnrn~ I at· that time. I l>eir to fonvard the cnclo-cd rep 1rt (D) which I rcC'cin .. '«l frorn Lt.-Coloucl :\fcKonzic, ~nman li11~ the lhttali~>n, rclnth·c t-0 hi.: pcrfm111111 ·c of the annual drill. l>y which it appear-. 1 hat t.hc .B:llt:ihon i iu a vcn· olli ·i •nt c 111 liti >11, Much Cl'u JiL b d1to t-0 Lhi,, olficur for l11s energy :mil attcnti<;n to thi-. B 1tlnlion.

3Sth 811ttalion ( [) 1(fcrin R[174S.)-Lt.·Colo11ol Dickie, Commamling.

111 pcctcd X "'· 1. ~.~mid ~ G<>rnp:wic,; at B1·a11tf'rml on the :~l~t OcLobol'. 'rho nppcarancc <if those l).:1rnp:1111c-. wa . ., \'u1·y .. 11ldierlikca111l-.:tti,.J:tclory; arm"', accont10-mcnt"l an I cl<1th111g IJ<'in~ clc:rn nud in good order. B tllalion 111()\'llllH.:nt"' 1111dc1· ~he Company ofliecr" \'01y f'tirly porforrncil. Xo"'. :; and r; Gomp:rnie:i of' tlui B.ittnlt in 11crf11 me I the an u 11 d1'11l tl their n.:,..,poutivc U.m1p.1ny hoa lq11:utc1·s; wern i11-;pocted by l1t.-Coloncl \ 1 lit•1 >1, B1 ig.1 lo.~faj ir, wh<i inn lo a fiworable 1·eport of' the. :u·m:;, accout1cmc11to,cl•> hill~ au Id ill of the c C:Hnp·t11ie-.. Thi-. lhttalion w:i" lim1tud.lo the uumbcr of offi c1 , no c· 1111mi,.., ... i1>ncd oOiccr,, anil rnon, who pcrti11·11wd clr11l, wL c 1 uc ·>ml foc· tho Uc>mpnuic~ not being t 011••01-. )[ul'h cro lit i:; duu to T1t:· Go:) lei D c ie, c Ill n Ill Ii ~ h. B 'lt.tlion, for t•io ~11ch impro\'C l f'Olldi tion c)f th1~ l3nttulro111 to which a go ii IJL J, \\' .. II clo h I, with g > )t) 111 .. t 1·c11nont-i, 110w b ·lonJ ·



77t/I B11tt11lion-Lt.-Ooloncl Bt·own, Comma11ding.

ln<1poc'lo<l .thi~ Battalion 011 tlto ~1--t June, enc-nrnycd 011 tho Cry tnl J>,\bcc Groun<Jq, Tiamtlto11; vc1y gootl plac•c; mu~tt·r good; d1111 "'r.r fi1ir· hatt;11i•1n and 11kirmi~hiug drill 11ndo1· .Major <;wyn; ann"',a<·cc•utromer1ts atuJ t·lotlii;1g in \1~ry fnir ordol' ; tamps well 1u 1·nngt·d and laid out; ration:; ~2 t'Cnt:;; Ycry f:1ir !wend. :No. l Uo111pa11y, (J.Wagara) l!Jt!t Battt1lion-Under tho cornrnu11ll of ~l ajor 'l'homp~on.

In:"Pl'<'lcd 0U}' .Lt.-

1Uolo11cl Villiers, 13ri~ade ~fajor, ~Gth No\'cmhor, who i·cports

n ry lughly of tlrn~ ( ompa11y; mu~ter vc1·y good; 1111.:11 1ncady n11d i,oldiorliko · arms, accou t1·ornc11 t.~, awl c-lothing Yery clean ; d1 ill good. 1

Ro. 1 C'ompany, 4-!th Battalion-Captain Bender, Clifton.

ln1>pcctccl by IA. C11lo11cl Villier~, Brigade Major, flth I>cccmhor, by my order, hnvi11g pl'Oviously inl{poc·te<l thiA Company on the :-30th Xovcrnhi.:r, wl;ich Wll'- uot sat isfocto1-y. 1'hii; offi<-cr now roplll'bi a great impro>c11w11t. i11 lite nppcarnn<'c <•f the Compn11y; Ul'rn", ace:outrnmcnt1o> anti clothing clcnu; <lrill rnul'h impro>cd; phy .. iquu of the men \'cry gou<l.

No. +Company. (.Fort Erie) !~th Battntion-r.aptain ~'"ewbigging.

In"pcc·tocl by LL.·Colo11cl Viii icr..;, B1·1::!:tde ~f:ljor, at Fort Eric on the 41 h October. This o1ll<"or rcporh that 1 he gc11cral condition, ,,[ate of arm", acc(lutromenL", cltJthing. drill, i.kirmi:-;hing Yu1·y fait".

81 1tlt Ste . .Jiarie R ifle Co1' pa11y-~faj<>r Wil..:on.

Thi ... Company is now in rather an nnQmalou-. po ... ition. :\fo.inr W il 011 h!t.., I l'Cll supplier! with two mountain rifle l gun~, caniagc-., ammunition, :uirl a 11111 1• p1ipmeut

1 &c. ; h:i-. liui It at Jii,.., own l'Xpcn,..e a ,!!Un sht!li nncl ma!{ahine; al.,o a t'ull t• p1ip111<'nt n ... a Rifle ('ornpany. Ui::; application, th·1t n part of hi~ Co111pa11y muy lie 1:.mw•l into a dcmi-Bauory of Arttllc1·y. ancl clothed as !'llCh, I now 1·c·per·tf11lly ·nhmit. nnd reeomm(1 11<l m:iy l>c :-;a11etionctl, and that the r<'main«lcr of tlH' Comp:11 y, with a -mall numc1·ir:il incrcat-t', mny ,.,till ho retaiucd u~ a Rifle Company.


.A" p1·nyio11-.Jy snhrnittcd nnd reported, tl!l're j,.., n ~rent. do ... frc 011 tho p:n t Qf all rank!< in the fonc to m·1iui1c knowled~c in drill and 1·1tlc prat·lwe, 11111 tltl' •1 lh• ulty lie~ in tho want of "Ood i11 ... t1·uc;tor.; es11ccinlh· when i11 the 11cr or nnurc of tho

t-> ' • 1· I ann11:1l d1·ill · thi. \\":tilt i., much Jclt. .b tl10 law uow -.t:111d . no 011e • 11 ,wo-mot d 1111lt'-i; qualith•d; that i,;, he mtht have a 1 ... t or ~nd l'l:1 ;; l'•'r'iti · t~~. J k 1ow· many cl<' .. en·i1w otliecr~ in Ill\' Distriet who arc p'.l .. ~(':cl O\'CI' i-1mply het· u 11 n· :ire not IJ11aliticd, a7id h:t\'C 110 lllC:\ll" within tht.>ir rcat:l1 ill lll"<IC1' to ac<p1ir k dCllge suilicirnt, to quali(r. l :ulmil that ofiiecr" of the fmt·o hn\'1• np,1)(;n11.•d ~rfo•n' ". ·1, a mc111ht•1·of a Board of l•>-::1mi11c1sdulyappoi.11 tcd, :1111l l~wog1n~n w11tt•111···ph• ... to a Rcncs of qnc,;tions on eompany and lmtt:d1on dnll with 111111·\ l'll1111 .. <'O ·i. nt1 ••11>1

1 but I ::-11l1111il tha1 t ltl•111.r i ... 111u tl,i11,..{ a111l pt·aclice i~ mother. \lo l'" • " 1 )\'O

rcfl'l'fl llllll'O to t·il\' B 1lt·1l i 11)'1 than the l'O illllT 011c.;, r \\'ml I the· ( " •<tin rcspl'l'tl11lly 111·go die nt'('('""ityofthcc-.tal•J i,.Jimontof ~lilitnry.'cho1,I~. ''h re hc{•ry and practit·o go hand in hand.

It rrin~ me 11lc1 .. 11rt.1 to ... tntL' th:it thort.' doe" not nppc~I' fo h .nny fi lli.1 ' o t in the 'lfr~lg'I h Of t) •I' ll'(h t 1•qt1ir1•d to drill. hy the 0 ICIO,CJ j l j> • 10.l ,n. ) I '• ill appear, although tho 1111111l>L•I' Ht1tli1JrizL•d to d1 di (nil 1:11.t,s) \\n.-. lrm1t I t 3,l O,

Page 3: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\


h t I ti nil ., 43" who rcnll.)· die! pcrlbrrn :rnnu:il cl rill. The officer t oro wcro 110 c-.-. l •'• u • fi I • 11 fi I •

d. i · 11•1 °att·tlion to tb,,l'tnble 111 cnmp or < 1·1 , me -. Home commnn 111rr, 011 cring .. n. • I 1 • ~t.,,. "r tl1•111 others When all :iro Jn!.>· roportc1 , t 101·0 appears to com1)a010" s i .. n~1.: • · · · · 1· I l'ffi i.~ • ·>5. . ••o 1 ien O\'Cr tho rcrruhito<l stronirth; it b a very lll\'ll tOllli nnl t 1 cult

UY • UlO • Ol •> I O b d t) t ' rct~ tho bo fit f w f· t !"ct the men roquirod to return home, nn 10 couo _r.) /:, ne o tht:o

0 ~~c~'s scr\'ieo". 'l'hc goncrnl appcarnnco ·uHI the figure of the n~on nre dcr.idodly !hgoo l a~ c\'cr it wa.'i; tho ~nrno gcnQrnl good conduct and 0Lo<l1onco Lo

onion;. · l · J I D' t . t '-'t tl' I I nm very glad to r~port t~u otlicient manner tn w uc.: 1 t. 10 1:1 r1c o a rnve performed their re..,pcchvo duties.

I have tho honour to be, Sir,

Your most obedient servant,

,Y. S. DURIE, Lieut.Colonol,

Deputy Adjutant Gonoml

Military District X0. ~. The Adjutant Gcueral of )lili tin,

Iloudquartcr:<, Ottawa.


TORONTO, 1st July, 1878.

Srn,-1 have tho honor to report that the Governor Ge.neral'~ Body Guar~ went into quarter:; at the New Fort Camp on the 25th June last J:or tho1r annual dnll, 1~& Toronto Fielcl Battery and the 2nd District Engineer Corps having already been in cnmp 11ince the 22nd of tho ,;:une month. . . . . . ..

During thi,.. period tho force bus been engaged steadily m dnlhng and in ora1-1111· y routim.• (Jf camp dutie". The :-.tiength of the several Corp" were as fotlows :-

Officers. Rank and File. Horses.

The Body" Guanl .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .... .. .. . . . .. 5 'I'he Fit ld Batter•; .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. ... 4 Tho Engineer.'···~····· ........ ...... ........... 5

Total................................. 14

77 70 85


73 28 12


The Gonrnor Gcncral'd Body Guard have be<'n instructed carefully in cfo~mount­ing nnd actin~ a-. :--kirmi..,her:-> on fo<>t, with carbine,.., tbe horse" being holcl under <:o\·cr iu tho rca1· by So. ;3 of each four. Thb system of u~ing hori;ornon could not foil to be of great :-crvico in active operations in tho field. In additi on tho cundry have al-.o boon in:-.tructed in the ordinary parade and field movomont.s and in target 1>racti1·c. The c·ornmamling officer:; of tho two Troops attended to their duties with much encr~y :rnd c111·0.

'fhe Torouto Field Battery we1·c in~tn1<:tod it! tho ordinary movomonts of a Battery, as well as in the routine or tamp lifo, and b:ivo acqnire<l a high ttlate of' efficiency in parado and ficl<l mo\'emont.-.. .Major Grey, who i~ a most cfliciont ollicor, laboured un<le1 the di~a<lvuntago of ha\·ing only ono bubaltcrn to w1·.i:.L him.

Tho Rittory wus inspected hy f1t.-Coloncl Cotton on tho 27Lh J unc, pel'fi)l'mcd its annual ball practice on tho 23th .I unc, and at n0on to-day tired a t-<nluto in tho <lucon' Park i11 honour of Dominil)n 1Jay.

'fhc ~rul Di t1ict Engineer Vorp, m addition to infant1·y <lrill, wnH can•fully in tructl."1 by i~ energetic cornrnnndi1w olliccr in all tho!;o <luti c8 wliich pertain specially to tho engineer cr\·i<'«'.


] ., ..

S ._\1 \~hi_te in c·a~np t\


1 po1nt1>011~ wern <:<m trnctcd by tlio men, under Lt. Colonel

cou c .s 1.11i..truct1?1, w 11 e t 1c.r. wcrn :.il ... o practi ... 1!41 in making lmrrcl piers and otltei· works of that kmtl. . .At tho rn-.poction the l'01·p:1 p:u·~ldod wit Ii Lwt1 pon loo11., · waggons anti two cc1 u1 pmc11t wa~gon:-. m

·~" ):ou ,:tl'c awurc, 110 material" a1·e "upplirnl hy the ~\filitia D'p:ii·Lmcnt for tho uisc ot tl11t; Corps, a11<l no pay allowed for hor"os, arul Lite fact that tho Umi pan h exp~11<l~d ~uch larg-c ~um~ of lrl?ncy in prn\'iding lhc uccc ary Jurnbci· 1.ifrrc~ ... l'Opos, &c., 111 ordor to acq_u11·c then· technical drill, ictlccl'! the higlio~t c·rcilit on hot!~ offi<:eris awl men.

IInd }L not be.cu /01'. this cx1~euditurc the <'CJrp:s wonlcl ha,·c been imply an Infantl'y Compa11y m hngmcor't' urnform.

I be~ louvo to u.1·1?~ upon you lhat yon would 1·ec·ornmc11d to the <TCllcral OAicor c?mmantlrng. the Mtl1tia, the Ol'ganization of tho '1'01·onto Engineer i11to a Fitihl Company, with the J!rop.er c?mplcmc.nt ?f.hor:-c ... , w:i~l.!on ..

1 ·tore:-., .·c. J\., there is

no other Corps of t.hrs ~md .m Ont:mo, 1t !ti nctc~-.u1·y that oth' cllic·icnL Field Com­pany should he m:untarncd in 'I'oronto, :h the mo,_t c·c11t1·al a111l ~011,·onic11t plate.

f ha,·e tho honor to he, .'ii·,

You1· 0'1c<lic11t "Crvant,

<TEORG.E T. J>EXI~OX, Uout.-Coloul'I,

To the Deputy Adjutant-General,

.Military District :X o. 2.

Old Fort, T oronto.

( 'ornmanding Camp.


Report oj Officer cu111,,ia11ding Toronto Pitld Battery.

'fllRo~r1>, 3rd Jul~·. 1 i2.

Srn,-I have tho honor to l'epol't, for tho intonnation of tho liouer:.ll Offioor com· .1 · ~ numumg :-bt. Tho 'J',n·onto Fick! Batten· went into C.'lmp for annunl lh ill ou tho 1 ;:irri-.on

Common 1w111· the ... -cw Fort. Toror{to: on tbo :22nd day of June, h7 . 2nd . .A fl:w ho111·~ ,,nffit·ud to plaeo the camp in pcrfot•t working <11'llor, the mun

cntoring upo11 the daily rontiuc with a rcgulr,rity ncqnirod only by con-.t.ant uth.'11· d:Hltc al dl'ill clm·in~ the \ Cllt'.

' .I rr ~ .; .'fru. he ho1·sc:-. OCl'upiL'd stables, anti wore watered, fed :ind groornod propcl'ly

a11d at l'C_gulal' hou1·,, No 1·ornplainb. 4th. 'l'ho Battery wa~ drilled three time' daily. :>th. 'l'hc Battc1-y wa~ in:-pccte<l by Lt.-Goloncl Cotton,·'.\" Battel'y, nctiug for tho

I~spcctor ?f .. htill~ry. ' l'hL' 111>-pocting Olliccr cxpro,..-.u I to tho rnon hi" "ati-.fhction with the highly ctlll'ient stale of the corp~.

6th. 'l'ho In pectin~ Oflko1· appomed 1111 pnrndc in n. white und1c. ...... jncket. l ha,·c the honor lo l'Cquo t the privilege tor tho officers of tho 'l'oronto J~icld Rlttcry to appear on pamdc at iu pection in whttl Ru-.-.iu duck pntr(JI j.1ckot.... 1t will gh·o n more uniform nppt•:u·111H·o, and not 1:rcate in tho mind" of tho gurmer,. n. doubt ns to tho k11owlcdg1.1 thP oflker nt' tho Battt•i·y j)Q-.-.c-.s fib to 1110 proper uniform to \\"ear on i;nch oc1·a~io11 ....

7th. 'rite mmu:il pr11etic.(• w:h carried Qui 11ndc1· the rule of th Dominion A1tillery A -.ocintion, 28th of .Tunl1, the Bat cry marclll' I -.i.· miles to practice :ml -.i:-c:

Page 4: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

--I fa'r dn ' wol'k uudor a uurning- t11111. 1 had m:tcl<>

in r?turn to c:imp ame .< _3J;1 n


11 <liu~cr nt ono o'clock, buf the• umpi1·0 dnt•iclo<l

prov1011"' nrr:.111lgcn,lCnt h>gt." on l~l t'on' ... oqutintl.}·"tho men had to remain oigh t hout·d to go on wit• t io prnc ico, • II l I t · I r: I ·"th th~ thermometer ut 9U". I obcyol nn< ropor .

w1t 1out 10()(, WI lJ t···I I . th s '"'Oil. th Sovern! cn-.c" of "un :--troke rcpor vu uy l' UJ t-c 1 •

• ""'o • rd tJ '")ti tli" Bnttor.}' wns inspoctod by tho l>eputy Acl.1utant,. 9th. n :::;atu ay, 10 -· 1, ... • . .. I . • ... t Gonornl .. 1 1lary 1-. r1c.., ... ,t. -, · \1 ·1· ])" t · •• , .,. , ·> ·111d i>et·lormeu thl' Yllnous pu1.u u mo\omeu~ n tht' milk trot arnl gallop. In n faultlc-.-. 111111111or; . . .· ,


The thoroiwh disl.:ipli110 and e.sprit de corps ox1::1trng,con\tnCOH mo tlrn~ w~~o tho lhttdr . ch:rntrt>cl i 1~10 a 'l'roop of Hor:-o A1·ti llu1-y,i l would be fou11<l :.i mos


t vu un ,e adjun~t. to ~be -.plondid S<tuadrou ofUamlry now undor command of LL Uulouol G. 'r Demson nt Toronto. r· 11 B b

· t ltii [ Jrn.•e7 therefore. tho honor to request that the To1·onlo '10 <. :ttlor·y ~ k ·d ttcd i ·•c" Butl<'tT IIor"u Artillon·. Tho chnngo writ not. cnt.ml nown nn ~azo : " • · · J · • • I cxtrn co-.t on tho ~Iilitin Dtlpartmcnt for_ llll<l<llcl'y, u~ ~ hu~·? .tm~ 1·1o;~t. ?'l ~ 1nrge. Ei.,ht nddition:il hor-.e-. will he all l rn'lurrc aL annual dnll. lhrs \\Ill c;l\c L\\o lead ho~,.0,, to each gun, and permit the cnn-yin.~ of a full gun <let..'lchmcnt. By tho present arrnn~ernent this object cnnuot be olituined. . . .

l~th. In the ovc11t of war. cn•alry coulJ not be fully ut1hzod.if unsupported by hor:-e nrtillen·. f H A ·11 .,.

Jn the e~ent ot bein~ callocl upon to quell a Iiot, a tro?p o .orso rtr Ol'J, 11

properly handled, wou~1l mnko a cloar swee~ of tho :;trnet:,. without 0fil'll1.~ a :liot. 13th. I wi,.h to 1efcr to the vulu:ible a . .;,.,i-.tanco rende1cd the Battc1.} b_\ tho 2nd

District Engint>er Co1ps,dnl'inl-{ tho whole of the c~mp! and to remark upo~ the b~ne­tit tha~ mu.,t, rc-<ult to tho en·ice from mutual actwn rn peace as well a~ rn tho time of wnr.

.A.II of which is rc:.pectfully snbmi'ted.

I buV"c the honor lo be, Sir,

'fo the Deputy Adjutant General, Militarv Di .. trict .Xo. 2.

• Toronto.

Your most obedient servant,

JOH~ GRAY, Captain and Brcvct-~IajM,

Commanding Toronto Ficl<l Bat cry.

0AKP ToRO!'fTo. 10th .July, 18i8.

SJR,-1 commenced my dutie at C~unp 'roronto, on the 22nd June, lSiS, and in conjunction with .A.,.,~istant-Snrgeon Kennedy, of the 2nd Di tl'ict Corp:; of 1£ngi11ccrw, Hhared tho dutie.-. appropriate lO our po ition.

The Cavalry Corps ha,·in~ 110 tiurgcon, we al o. at tho request of Lt.-Colonol Deni on, commandim~, attended his troopers.

1'hc di-.eu. e>l prevailing were principally dianhrea, cold , cramp~, l'hc11111ati1-1m, cc·.zcma, solare, :;ore thmat, intcr111ittcnt fovcr,plcm·isy, f-iUnstrokc, injuries by ho1'."C~, (mo tly :unong the cavalry). While on duty wo h•u.l a con idcml>lo 11umhcr or c:L~c11 of un .. trokc which is to be attributed to the oxt1·cmc heat of tho we 11 hc1·; a hot

u11 \Vitlt but little wind. Tho nights however were c:ool and plcn ant. DI' ing the firing praetice tho 1foy wns inten«cly warm, and the men had a 1011 ' fo t, goi11g without food for eight hour"

Tho mo<licine chest furni hod me was inr·ornplcto in a Imo t c\ cry p.1rticular, although I wont through about half a do?.011 other medicine chc"t." i 11 the t.o1·0 to mnke up dcficicncicQ. In fact f had to supply u lul'ge proportion from rny own e,.. tnblishmcnt. A -.j tant-Surgeon Kennedy u~c<l my me licine che t, not being ubl~ t<> get ouc complete from tho store.

Further, J would nggnst that tlic <:he t bo condcrnno.1 a 11 clc tho mo t of tho m04licinos boing old am! imu:tive. 'l'he pill land t.o lio bl'okon hetw~cn tones to gh·o thom nny particul:u· vi1'Luc, ha,·ing hce11 i11 lock incc tho chc.'lt were fir· t is-,uod.

In Ul'gent 1u1d CV<!ll da11gc1·ou~ c·1 .. es r ltnd JI() ir11meJiuto means at <:.<lmroand to t1·ent actively exceptill~ lho ... o fnl'11i.;hccl liy my:-ult: 'lhc chc."t.s should I he" to t>ll!:f· f;Ciil, bo ovu1'11a11lctl completely hcfo1·c going into camp aurl new tock i;-.nod~

lam, Sir,

You1·:1 obediently,


Surgeon, Toront" Field Bntlc1-y. To Major J01IN GuAY,

Captain, Commanding 'l'oronto .Fiolcl Battery.



IlEADQUAR1'ERs, 2xo D1.sTRicr ENOI:SEER ConPs, Tou0Nro1 July 1Gth1 187 ....

1. Having been authorized to perform the annual drill of the corp' undc1· my command upon the same terms us the Field Butterie.,, I have the honor to inform you that the corps marched into ea.mp on the Garri::;on Common, ou tho 22nd June, and performed twelve clnyi; dl'ill.

2. The :iutho1 izcd l:ltrength of the corps being 5 officers, nnd 'iO non-comm is ionod officers and privates, thel'e wc1·0 present at inspection 5 officer~, ancl 80 non-commis­sioned officeris nnd men, 01· 10 over the authorized ::.-trengtb, for whom l could not draw pay.

3. 1'hc daily routine eompri~wd th1·ee drills of l~ hours ench, and two fotiL,'lles of two hour:i each. During the drills, the corps was inslructc<l in. company and skirmi8hing drill. Dul'ing the fatigue~ two pontoon.; (new rogulutwn) wero con­structed, nnd many other ll!-Cfol adjuncts to the technical in::.truction of tho COl')Js were made, barrel pier . nd spur bt·idges were erected, au<l the men were instructed in knotting an<l oplicing.

4. 'fho cost of building tho pontoons (il'l'espectiV'o of lnhour) wns ahout SIO_O, which has been defrayed by tho corps. Tho total amount cxpc11de.I uy the COl'/h UJ

providing material for technical inslrnction ha", :--o for, been Sl,3 6·i0. 'fhc property OWnc<l by tho ('Ol'p~, CUil not he vnlued at lc:;s than $~1000. .

5. Owing to tho unserviceable character of tho :-ergo trom-ors 1~"n.o.l to the corp-., some of tho men wcro obli.,ed to parade with civilian trousers. or rnrlitury lt'C>u-.cr:. purchaE>cd by themsoh-cs, fts the trou-.ers i!'!-iUt'd had uel·ome un:--cn·iceablt.>. I V'Cnture to recommend that lwncoforwnr<l cloth trout'en; m~ty Ix• i:-snc<I to tho 1•orp". .

6. Muc•h mntuul benefit J'C.~nltcd from the tbsocia ion or tho Artillery with the Engineers in camp. \Ve wcrn orwblod to suppl.r a Farrit>r, wh.o in nd 1~itio11 to ~ther work, .·hod tho hor.,es of tho Carnli·y u111l A1·tillcry when l'e11111n'd, ll:>lll~ tho for~o Wag-on belonging to tho Battery. Om· collar and harue-.s 11111kcr:. could al~o lm\·o repaired the h:u·nc:;::; hnd tools been supplied. Ou1· c:irpcnlers made rl'pa11·,., ~ud constructed tho tar,•ot fot· tho .Artillon'. and our wt11ron ... wcro u-.1,.-.I for ch·awmg 0

• 0

·11 C · 1 . I ~toros, nnd for general purposes hy both Cnrnlry and Art1 cry. 011:-11 cr111~ t_10

vnluo of tlrc~<>n·i<'o" thus rendered, I ha\·o tho h.rnor t-0 sug~c..,t lh:1l._ wlicn•,·cr P!':lllC· nblo, the Artille1·~· aucl I·~ngincors may UC urig:lllt.-.l to~othcr lor their :u1n11nl drill.

7. In 01·dt•r that full ctfoet may uc ~h·cn to the corp ... 1111dcr my.l' llllll~n11d :.1' a technical coq1s, I han.! the honor to :rng~cst thnt we n111.\· be i;upplwtl with eight 11etti of whoo! hnt·nol!s, uni\'or:-.al pntorn, for. our wa~on:i and pontoon .. , four :ioh of

Page 5: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

• ·::i icd o0icor;l ·11 Hi rnounted mcn,:111d 0110 "OLc:u.:li oflil'icklnyer·., mldlery for 11?n:co1~ 1•11~ .. ~c,;lni· m:il,ci·ti· :me! ~addlcr-., whoclw1·i~hts1 and hmith?-; tools,

:md m~-ons, <:llt pcln r: t'o11 "t'L forth in tho A1·rn,· Ci1·c11lar of ht Dct•cmber 1 77. ~~~~rdm~ t~n t~c\~t>~~'~',t,>,' tho rn1·ps t·ould pcl'forn; :irtitil'l'r:-. w01·k for a l>_i·iguclo,. or

I I :-I~~ l:. CC) '• ,. 1' 1 • ml with tho h·tl'llC!>:-0. fo1· lhl! \\':lg'Olli'>, ('1>tild ho llllllled1at-e\'Cll a ul\ i:-.1011 111 t to lc i , .1 . I f' th' F •11 P·ttt •. . h I I ·1· I II.ti • ·t-' ,,.I! hu\"o bor1·01,·od the wr1101->:-. rmn c c < ,, ct.}, w o 0 y mo >• 1zc1 • 1 1c1 v, .

1 1 .· 11 F ..

1 ·t' ·o . .- ,

fll'l' not nlkm cc! to hor-e their w:wo11s during :111111111 l 11 . 01 • c 1v . :-01' 1cc1

h h .0 Iii lJ. 1- •11111•1 •• '<I ·rnd the hnrucss wonld not b • obtn111nble. OWO\'l'I' t Cl W:l"tln!'! \\ II ll l ' • • L' c I 1' UC'' to ~ofor to tho n•port-.. of the l'Omm:md::nt of t~10 c1m11:~ ron_t. .. o onol

(' ·r 0

J) . "' I lf' tl1 • J)•1111t\' AdJ0

1llhnt c:cuoral COlJ1IDt\ll(lirl~ lho ... 11tl l)1:-;tnct, U!! "f. • e111:-.011 . am l c c • · to tho etficicrwy of tho (•orp:-;.

l hn,·c the ho1101·, to be, Sir,

To Dcpnty-Adjnt:rnt,

Ynnr 1111)-..t ouPdicnt son·anl,

'flfO~lAS .A. ::-;COBLE, Liont.-Colonel,

Commantli ng 2nd Di~ti·i<-t l·~nginc01·:-..

• \lililnry Pbtricl .X o. ::?.

rn .J BARlm~, 2 th Septombcr, 1878.

~m -T Jmve tho }1(1nor to inform you that the 35th Bnttaliou, under my com­mnnd ~mpletetl tho :1111111111 <I rill fo1· the p1·e,cnt year on the 14th Scptomber.

'i\110 He 'imcnt rnti-.tcred thirty-nino men over the ::.trength allowed by General Ord1•r, ct111-.oqucntly thal number, a~ yet. h:n:e received no pay.

'1'11o drill w:t-. porformed in camp al regimental hc~d q°:arler):l1 tho tra.m,port of tho outlying compunie:-, Lein!? p:ti~I by the Uo11~1ty Council. Six full clays wore spent in 1·ump including the march111g rn u111! rotnming. By 2 p.m., on Monday, 9th, the wholo we1c in camp and unuor canv1~'i, uud I. hatl arrange<l for 0\'ery Compan,r to_ be 11nid :it it.'-< own armoury ~.r tho e\'~mng u.f ~atu~-clay the 14th, but nil commumcat10n bein" cut Liy the crre::i.t rain ,,torm, it wa::. un put1:-,1 blo to carry out thc;-;o arrangements, nnd ~omo of tho gompanic!' di1l uot nrri,·o home until Sunday.

... Totwith--tnndm:; the :-evority of the weather, tho camp grouu<l being literally 1loodcd for throo -.ncce"'ivo nights, the mcu wcrn cheerful and contonh·<l, always turning out clean on pamdc. althou~h largo firc:s had to be lighted to dry the bol~, clothing and blanket><.

When the weather permitted wo had quad (•ompany a11d battalion th-ill in tho park, nt other timos we bnll riile oxcrei ci iu the shc<l.

I never commanded n finer looking body of nwn, all young aud of .tvcragc ;-;ize, nnd regret very much thntyou wore uot able to iu!-!pcct them on Friday tho 13th.

'I'ho nrrnn .. cmenl for ration-. woro complete, tho wholo, including c·nrnp kettles, field O\'en~, me~t tin , wood for cooking, uud nil other c;amp oxpen:s<''<

1 co:st ~5 contt-1

per m1U1 por day; ofticoris' mos ouc dollar per dny; crgcants' mes :;o 1·P11ts poi· man, extra, for the six day:;.

'fhe band numbers tl1i1·ty pcrformen1, and i:-; in good order. <'lothi11g new.

Lt.·Colonol 1Ju111E,

I havo tlto honor to be, Si1·,

Your mo t obedient son·aut,

A Ll~X . .\fcl\ E. 'ZIE, Lieut. < '0!01101,

C'ommnncling 3.)t h Battalicm,

AC'tiw \Jil itin.

Deputy Adj11ttmt-Gc11oral of 'if iii ti 1'or(Jnto. -



--. .:\IJLI'I'.\Jff l>l:)'! I:IC'I' 'O. ::.

l>Ert ·1 Y A 11.1cTAN1' O•:s1m.u.'s 0• rloE.

Kiso TON", Jrd D ·< <'rnbc ·, 187

Srn,_-1 h:wo ~ h.e. h011or to submit, fo1· tho informutio11 of tlio (,0110r.il Officer C?m:~ndmg the ~Iil1t1a, my annual report 011 tlio tato r.f' tho ~lilitia i

11 \Iilitllr.}r D1 ... t 1·1<'l .No :-t

'J'lw 11ndc:nno11tio11cd ('orp:i wcro ordc1·0,I t(I perform drill f;,r I 7~·'1:J. :frd Uaval1-y, 'l'wo Troops. •ll h ·' 'l'h r~o " King,.ton Field Battery. l>u r·hnm " '' Cobourg c;ani:-on Battery. Port llopc " " T1·on 1011 '' ·' 1 !th Hattalio11. 15th ••

40th " ~ix- Compnni<'-.. 43th " •!7th " Two Companie .... -!8th " 4 9th "

All tho above Corps have performed d1·ill with lhc cxc ption of' 011c com1

ny 4'1th Battalion, one company ·1Bth Battalion and one company l!hh Bnttnlion.

Tho following Corps were relieved from d1 ill fo1· 1 ;a.;!J :-3rd Cavalry, Ono Troop 4th " " Napnncc Garrison Battery. 10th Battalion Three Companies. 4Gth " 47th " Five Companies. 5'1th "

Tho drill has boon carried out nccol'ding to tho instructiori:-. 1 cc •i,·o I from ho f!. {]Ullrter:;.

CM.\' AT.RY.

3rd Provisional llegime11t.

Two Troops of this Regiment performed drill at t hoi 1· rospcdi\'o hl•adq 11a l'tl'1 s the Cobourg Troop mnrching to Port Hope fo1· int.pcction.

Tho in~pection took place on the 25th of June, I.1ieut.-Coloncl Houlto11 <'<•mn1n11d­ing the pn.rado. They mnrched past and performed a fow field mo,·cmcnh mid tl10 sword .oxorciso vory fairly. Tho \Cobourg Troop looked rcm:11·k:1bly "ell in their new u01form and woro bot tor mountce Uurn la.><t .ron1·. Tho men of tho J>o1·t I Lopo Troop nro a lino body and well horsed, but owing to dellcicmcics in their o<pripmt•nt thoy <lid not present ns fine nn nppoanmce n thu Cobonrrr •rroop. I con,.icleroo tl10 inspection satisfactory. ~

4th Prori~ion ti Regiment.

'l'l11·oc 'I'roops of this Jfogiment ns-.cmhlc·I for training i11 <'amp, pt·Ilnnni11g tlwi1· th-ill in nine day::-:, and wcro inspccto I hy me 0·1 the :?11d .Jul.'-. 'rl1c J:c~imen marched pa.st and performed tho sword cxcl'C-isc

1 tho Ki11g,ton Troop 'cry well, tho

5- 2

Page 6: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

... ,


Picton Tl'oop nwy fairly :u1cl tho Loughboro' 'l'roop i11ditfo1e11tly. TtH; 111011. turned out cle. n nnd -.oldiCl'·like, nnd were bettor mounted than la t .rcnr. '.l Ito dnll wns T"ory 3fr,foctory on tho whole, tho1wh hnrdly :h g.oo<l a~ l:1:st yom·'. aml I 1·:u1 only t'ltlributo tho falling off to the eloction of ground ior cnmpmg. Tlus ye:u· t ht'.}' wore oncnmpC\l on tho Cry:-tnl PAiace Ground:-. clo--c to the. City, .whoro tt.10 1110.n hnd more temptation:. to ~o out at night unfitting them f?r tho.11· duti.e-. the fullow111g day. r L-Olio\"o Licul-Coloncl I>nff nntl hi" otlit·o1·:< tl1tl ull 111 th\)11' powor to keep tho mon in their lino"', but with men brought together for only a fo~\· dnys the?· fo1111il it to bo :rn impo:.:-ibility. I wonl<l ncn>r rec·ommo1Hl tho e:-;tnblt..;hmcnt of :i Voluntcert:i' t'nmp in or near a city.


Kingston Battery.

'.l'ho Ki1)1t:-.ton Fioltl Battcl'y performed their drill in camp and were inspected Li; Lieut-Colonel Strange. ln:.poctcr of Artillery, tho Brigade l\Iajo1· :icc·ompnnying him. 1l'he in-,pocting otlkcr c.xp1·c.,,c l himself "'atisfied with their lappcaranco and drill.

Durham Battery.

The Durham Held Ifatto1-y wa." in~pcctcd by Bt. Jjeut.-Colonel Cotton, "A'' Battery, in the ab,ence of Licut.-Uolonel Irwin on special 1;e1Tice. This Battery clitl not turn out for in,,pection n-.. elcnn a:s it ought to hnTe done, and there wore l\oYoral men dcticicnt in article::. of uniform. Thi:; :-;hould not have been as 11ow clothing wu~ i:-:.ued to tho Battery in 1 7G. Tho l'nmp was formed on tho Agricultural Ground~, Port Hope, and di,.,ciplino was better enforced than last yonr. Tho men were -.uppliod with a good mtion,co::.ting 2G con ts, und tho forage ration co~t 32 cents. Tho gun"' were much better hor:;e<l than last yoar, and the field mO'\"omcnb~ better execute 1, though the otliccr in command appeared to be >ory ru:,ty anrl had to ask hi:i Lieutenant. to tako the command of the Battery. I tl'm;t tbut by r.cxt yea1· ho may be better up in his drill. The medical officer complained that the metlicino cho,L wu-. insufficienth· i-upplied, and that tho instrumont:s were 1·usty and quit(} 11 n"•'r'"iccablc. • •


r!oLour!J Battery.

Thi .. B.attery wu ... in,.pcct~d by me 011 the ~:frd .July, Lieut. l>l'U1·y of"· A" Battery nccompauyrng me. Tho clothrng, urni--, &c .. were very clean and tho men worked re~nn~knlily '~oil and soldier1iko ()U purade. They performed company and gun ~rill m n cred1tablo manner, nlr;o tho manual oxorciso, and I wuR perfectly sat.i:-<fied m every rc ... pect.

Port If ope Battery. ThiFl ~attcry was in~pected on the 13th September, Rt. Lt.-Colonol Cotton

accompm1ymg me. _Tho clothing, :mn<1, &c., wcru very clean. Tho ma1·chi11g of the Batte?' was very f:ur but t_ho manual and ~ring e::rorci~o wns indifferently p erformed. The '~ e~thcr was so -.tormJ on the clay of inspection that I coulrl not !'!CO the mon at gun drill.

Trenton Battery.

~his Battel'y wn inspccte<l on the 2Gth June, Bt. Lieut-Colonel Colton accom­J any1.ng me. The men turrtC(I out c·le:m. 'I'hey performed tho manual anrl firin•• exc1 c1 o Y~ry ':ell, al o company aud gu11 drill. There arc so,·ernl 8chool of (; 111~ ucry men Ill tlus Battery which will uC<!ount for its general state of <:1llciency.

rn :;.._ - -~---_ ----- ---- -- -----=-~ ------- --- =-~ -J . ..--.--- -=--~ ----:-~


14th Battal'o1t.

'rhis Battalior~ was i~l'lpccto<l by me ~n tho IGth .July, nnd I am happy kJ bo nblo to report that th~ int-.pcct~o_n was mo:.t sat1:-.factory. 'l'hc 111annal aud fil'llig oxorci es wer~ executed with proc1s100, aud Battalion mo,·omcnts un<l ... fdrmi hin" drill iu ,. cro<l1tahlo manner. o

. The. marching of.No., 1 Company wa~ e:;pecially good as also tho bayonet excr· c1so 1~orfol'll1.ed by .th18 .Co1.npanr under tho command of Captain IIor .. cy, who hn been m~ofat1gable 1n b~·mgwg his Company into a high state of efficicnq·.

This. C~mpany ~n!lo<l regularly during la:-l winter which \viii in a mca uro ac?ount for its s11penor1ty. The other Companie~ wcl'O al::;o ,·ery well up in their dr1!1 , and my thanks aro due to Lieut-Colonel J(orr and the officers for the trouble tho~ ha,:e taken ~o p~t the ~Ol'J?t:I into good order. I~ tlteJ: continue to improve as theJ lul\ e done h1the1 to thoJ will soon he as well up in their work and pre cnt as fine an appearance as any Corps in the Dominion.

J T tru:.t that tho other Co?1pani~1> may fol~ow the good example of Captain Horsey and ?\o. l, and ~rran~~ to dnll ~urrng t~e wmtor month,, !-O a~ to keep up what they have learned tl~1s tr~rnrng. T~is ~attahon wa.s the onl~· Corp,, practi:-od in tho new attack formnt10n rn my D1.str1ct. The General Officer Cornmandinrr having expres;e<l a wish that. the Corps ~ho~l<I be .chan~C1l to Garrbon .Artillery, I biwe, for some tun~ past, been m commumc;ataon with L1out..<'olonol Kerr on tho 1mhjcct, and although 1t has not yet been tle6.n1tely ~ettled to make the change still I ha•o overy roa1:1~n to belie,·e that the office1·s are prepared to cany out th~ General's wishe.~ }ll'Ov1ded an allowance is ma<lo to procure a new outfit. I think it but rirrht t~ mention that the officers purchased ne~v belb and helmets \'orr recently, ~nd it would be u.nreasonable to expect them.~ incur fm·thor expen:.e at prei:cnt, I therefore trust that m the event of tbo change oerng made tho Government will aid them as far a:; po~:;ible, either by a money grant or with new uniforms. The condition of tho Battalion at p1·esent is most satisfacto.ry, the utmo~t harmony existing among1:1t all rank1:1, and 1t would therefore be a m11:;take to mnko tho chnngo unle~s it were tho unanimous wbh of all the officers .

15th Battalion

I inspected this Battalion on the 15th .Tuly. Tho marchin•• pac.t battnlion movement", nnd skinni ... hing w ere all much better porformod than t~ ... t ye~r. aJ-:o tho manna! exerci!<C. Tho clothing, arm", and accoutrement... wero clean :\Ild tho men present.eel a soldiorlike ap~carnnce, an~l I wa,.; qu~to !-nti-.fiod with the inspedion. T!10 drill wa..; pcr~ormod 1~ th? evenrng , extondm~ over a con~iderable period. L1eut.-Colonel Lnzier and his officers appear to tako great inte1·o:>l in tho welfare of tbe Corp,;, :md tht'Y intend to as~emble the men fo1· drill occa'lionally durin1r tho winter month..;, ~o n:-< to keop tho Batt.'llion in n -.;talt' of etlir.icncy. 0

40th Battalion.

I ini-;poctcd live comprmios of thi.s Battalion in eamp at Colliornc. on tho '.?!Hh June. Licut.-Colonel Smith commanded the camp; tho Stntfof lheBnttnlion boi11g- nJ .. o pre:;cnt. Thu Uomp:rnics tnrned out clem1, and all in uniform, Captain Ilnlborf ... Company being the cleanest. ~!ajor "\\ obb put tho men through tho manual und tirin"' exorcii;oH, which they performed very fairly; Bt. I1icut.-Oolonols Rogor>l and Grnnile;' anti Cuptuin Butler in turn drilled the Battalion. Thc.-;e officers were rnther ru't)! and I rocommen<lod them to rend up their drill hefore next in pection. Tho cnmp g1:011nd wa~ r·nther confined and the tent'> too cJo..;e to~othcr. '!'Ito men were :-.upplio I with an cx<'cllent ration , for 21 <'cnt~, and 011 the whole the in-.pcction Wlb :-atisfa ·· tory. Bt. Lic11t .. Colonel nitl'or<l'::; Com pan.'· wn-i :1gni11 dotnilod for drill, but foilc l to


Page 7: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\


J 11 d I therefore 1cq11cstc l I,ieut..l 'olonol Smith to ord?r out lnjor Cuillet's a.. 1n ' • • 'I'I · ( • cct •l I> I · t c tp:rny nt 'obour" lo tnkc 1 heir pince. "" omp:1ny wn" '.n"'J> _c, Y •tell .-

lo lei \\ Ot""ley, on t'tic ~2n l X l\ ember, hut I hH\'O not yet rocc1 \"Cl h111 report.

!5th l/attalio11 .

~'hrec ompnnie::. or tltb Batt:1lio11 }'l'rfOl'lllCd drill at their re pc~ t\·o ~ll0 :1<l­qun1 te""' nrn l tho 10m:tindcr in c:im p at.1,imh-ay, under the c·~mman1_1 ol Ht. L1~·11t. • J mcl De.ti.loll. l wn" 11ot aw:u·e of tho intention of thc:-<c Comp:m1cs to go rnl?

e :imp, until :1 few day ... bcforu they hnd 111Tang~d to fi"'"clllblc and when I w 1H.11ot1-fic<l of their intention, thoi c wtb not -;uflk1cnt tune to forward tho camp <•quqmgo d cm~ndt ct, provided tho i:-<:-uo had been !':met ioncd at .hcndguart~' r:-. ~on!>!cq 11cn~ly, \\ hi:n tho men a .... emblcd, al J,ind:-ay, they \\'l'rc :-uqn·1i,ed nnd d1~appn111tccl 1<> Und that 110 nrran~om<'ll t had bCl' n mado for their rec:cpt1on, and they ~i:td t~> crc\t tem­p n y hc<b nt their own expense. I h~ul 1H'C\' 1?11sl}~ arran,gcd with l11011t.-Coloncl (' l.n t thnt nil tho Companie .... wero to portorm then· dr1_ll at U?mpan~· head~1u:.u·ters; nnd thi-. l c 11dca,·ourcd to explain to the men nt tho time of 10spcl'l1on, po111ting out thnt it wa not c<mtemplatcd by the general order ~~ i:-;sue c~mp cq uipment. to onl.Y a portion of n Bnttalion. I :-hon Id, howc\'c;. be glad Ii some ::,lig ht 1:cmuncra~1011 <'Oniel oo m:ide to thom to C'ompon-.ntc lioth oth<.cr:- and m~n for .the 111co11Yoll!l'nc~ m.1d expense they were put to, n11d I h:,vc mu.ch plcn: .. urc. ii;i btattng th?Y. bore thc11· tlis­.nppointmcnt in >cry good ::.pirit: perfonnmg theu·dnll in a >cry sat1 .... fo<"lory manner.

4ith Battalion.

'fwo Companies of this J3attnlion we1:c detailed for. drill, but o~iI,\: ono has performed d1 i II, the Captain in commnn~l of tho other havmg lefr .the limit::-, and :IH yet tho officer in command of t~ie Battalion ha,., not b~en a?lo to. fill the va(':rncy. I ha,·c con .. ulti:d him on the ~mb1out, :rnd we both consider it dos1rabl o to remove tho hcnd<iuartcrs of this Company 'from llarrow,.,mith either to Cataraq ui vi llage or to We throok where it would ho 11car01· to the headquarters of the Corp" nntl more under "npl·;·vi::.ion. I tru:-t the r·hungc may bo .;auctioned, if Licnt.-Coloncl Kirk­patdck j.; able lO find a gentlcrn:lll willing to t:tke the command who re..,ir{c~ at -either of those village .....

1 'tit Battalion.

Five Companies of thio Battalion pcl'fol'mc<l drill at Company headr1muter:-1

hut. they did not look as well a:; ... omo or the other Battalions, owing partly to their uniform being old and ma11y dclicicncic..... The Battalion was entitled to 11cw t"lothing but failed to make the demand in time for drill. The Companiet:1 at Ode~<. a were decidedly the clcane:;t and l>c"t drilled. Tho Company at Clark's Mills did not l l cmblo for drill, tho officer 1::11pp:>,.c1l to be in command having left tho limit-..

-!!Ith Battalion.

I inspected thi~ Battalion for the fii':-.t time since my ~~ppoinlmcnt, and I h:we -every reac;on to be ba•i8ficd with tho inH/>cction. 'rho Bolleviflo Compunios turned out remarkably clean and were \'CJ'}' we I up in their drill ; the other Companies wc1·c also very fairly dril!t.:d con::.idcring the short time for training. Short riflc8 and now clothing have been r o<·cntly i oucd to tho Battalion, an1 I sincerely tru1;t that all tho officcrri will henceforth do their bo8t to look after and keep their equipment in good and serviceable order. I obt;~rvcd in nil tho Companies a number of tnnice too small, Allfl tbe Captains complain that tho dimension!! sent to headquarters had not been followed; tho cloth of tho tunic wa .... al,,o of different shade::1. Captnin Vnndol'vort reported that ho ha~ rotu1·ucd. into s tore all hi~ bclt.'i with tho long rifle~, and in con-cq 111mco of no new issue havmg been made, bis Company had to parade for im:11)0C-


-======:;.. lion witltuuL belts. 'l'hcl'C wore al,.o <luficiencie" in 1>0111 ·of tho oth er Comp 1 • • l hope that licforo ucxt in"'p(·ction nil thci.e Cornpa111c.: ma) ho roinplote in equipment. I am ~lad to roport that tlw c1111ipme11t of Xo. I Comp:u1y b in plot did 01 der, and Captain llal'l'i"on <lc ... e rvos groat crc<li\ fur h:l\'ing tho lie t kl·pt nrmoury iu tbc Dii;trict. It w11~ conlcmplato<l to organize anolhc1· Company in .Bclloville for thi Battaliou, l>ut ow' 11g to tho departure of tho gentleman who had 1·on"onlcd to take 1.ho command the fo1 mation ha~ not yot taken place. Licut.-Coloucl Brown howc,·er, hO}JC:i to mak~ other arrangemenl!i ohortly, ~"':ts to have three Companie" <>f hi Battalion in tho city. llo ha.'l cha1·go of and is rcsponbiblo for tho eq ui pmcnt ::.cnt from. hcadqual'tOrt; for this Company some months ago.


1 have nothing bpccial to note respe~tiug the IWlo Alisocintion., in my Di .. trict. All baYo hold mcr.tingb und appear to be in a flourishing condition.


I am happy to ue ahlo to ropo:·t that tho money dcmande1l for the Rifle Rnnge at P ort Hope last year ha~ been granted, and aJ ... o that land ha ... hccn lca-;cd for a new range al Bowmnm·ille, and tho sum or tifty dollar:. ~ranted t-0 put the "tu no in order . Thi ., money ha!'\ been expended by Liout.-Colonel Cuuitt, who reporL" lhaL tho rungo i~ now in good order.


With the exception of a small outlny on the Kingston Drill She'l no money h~q been expended thib year in my I lit>tric::t, although many of the sheds nrc muc~ Ill

want of repairs. Som o time U<1'0 I submitted an estimate of urgent repairb roqmrcd to the :-;hod at Port llopo, but~ ... yet no action has been taken. I , therefore, again beg t o u1·gc the necessity of these rnpai1:; being msdo without delay. Both at Belleville and Cobour<,. tho want of drill shed is much fl·lt. :.tnd T tru:-t that hcfc•re long tho Go,·ornment ~n:iy be able to furni-.h a portion of tho t'unds required for tho erection of' thu~c building:-<, the municipalitie:- 11:-:-i:-ting.

C.A.llP EQUIPAGt.: •

Camp equipage wa~ issued to the 4th P!'o\'i,.,ional R giment o~ Ca,·alry, the two Field B:it!crit;~ and to the -!0th Battalion, :\nd T 1·c~ret to say that rn three out of tho fOUI' ('orps !o:-:-C~ hfiYO taken place-partly owin~ to W:lllt of .... y,.tcm. and in :-Ome instam·c~ through negligence on tho part of tho:-<e in charge.


'l'ht' t:u·gct practice is not as i:;nti.,facto1·ily pol'formod n" I would wi .... h. ~~'.lrl)- all the Corp~ hrn·o demanded their ammnnit ion and but fo'': h:\\-~ rendered. their rdur1~-., notwi thstnnd ing o,·ory efl'o1·L hnx ing been made by thou· Br1~:1tlo )foJ.or t? oht:uu them in time for thi:-1 ropol'l. The limited tinH' 1tllowc~I for. a_nnunl dnll n_lford-< but little timo for C:'ll'l')'ill~ out both tar~et practice and dnll ottic1cntly, nrnl either 0~1e or the othu1· must be 11egloctcd. If the p<'l"io<l for drill was oxtenrl!ld to :n or, ,..tJ!I betta1" to :B days, I nm ~uro n. sn~ing would l>o otfocto1i by the :~ppo1ntment of a quali­fied in,.,tructOI' to e:tl'h tli,;tril'L to suporintornl the t:u·gct prnct1<'0 :u11l to -..oc th~t all ammun ition i,;suc1l to corp:- wa-. prnpel'I,\· oxpcn1k1l. 'fhor~ are many good otliccr" in tho Fm·t·c who \Voulcl willingly qunli(\' a~ in .. tr~1ct.<>r" _if the .<;o,·ernmcnt wcN pn•p:\rc1l to rcmuncrato them :.i.,kquatol,\· tor thcu· scn·1cc..... nrlcr tho pro,cnt t>)'•Hcrn it i~ 011ly w:htc of monc.'· i,.,11i11~ am1111111itit111 t? .... ~me of_ tho corp..:, an I each yc•:u· many men join the force who ha Ye nc,·cr hnd a rdlo 111 tlw11· h:111d, bcfon•, and

Page 8: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

tho.) c·:innot be exp ctod to lc:11 n both tho us of thnir wcnpon and sonH' knowlt•dgc of their drill in :~6 hou1 .. -the pc1·iotl allowed for lminin~ at pr~N·nl. 'l'hc general -0rdcr roecntly i -ued prohibiti1w n further i 110 of anun1111itio11 to all corp:-; which huh not rcndc1c I their 1ct11rn °mny po "ihly h:wc a good oll'cct so fa1· as tho rct111·M .me conccr11ccl.

J1ll[LI ..

For three yc:uog in suCC'l ""ion the drill hns been nt Company hend<prnrto1·r1, nnd I tru t thnt n chango mny bo mado for tho ensuing .Yl'n1·, nnd thnt Uorps mn.y bo ordered to drill in Bnttnlion t".'llllJl" at their own hcadqunrtci·r1 fo1· a longer po1·iod. 1'Jhc pre cnt -ystcm htt:i worked Yery well in City Corps wh_cro tho men l'llll ll:-ll>Omblo for d1 ill in tho C\'Cnin~::; without lo"s of labou1', but not so tn Hural Corps where tho majority ofrncu rc,,ido on farm-.. some tlistancc from their Company hcadgu:irto1·1', :uul when putting in their drill they h:wc to giYe up, not only thoir own labour but tbnt of their hor:;cs, rccoiYing 50 cent:; n day for the samo. )fou cun hardly bo e.·pcct :d to make :-tl"h a -.acdti~c for tweh·o dap, nnd they usunlly arrange to per­form tho drill in :,ix con,..ccutiYo day,,, pel'iorming two days drill in one, which is more than any man can do properly, consequently the drills aro ~lurred over in most i11-.tancc-.. I nm tn11·0 it would be bettor to drill only half the number each year, and that for ~1 or 28 day:-, nt Battnlion hcaclqnnrtcrs, the drill to be divided into throe period .. , 7 day:- c;cttiug up drill, 7 clnyt> company drill. nnd the remainder in battalion. .lly thi" meant; both officers and men won Id be taught tho dutio · of soldiers, which they could learn when pC1rforming drill nt Company headquarters. AccordinO' to my cxpel'icnce Rural Corps ordered out for annual training are invari:tbly comp~sed or at lc~-.t one .half ~ecruits, thc_reby bhowing that mun.y men join for one train mg only, with uo mtcntion of carryrng out the terms of thou· en listment, unlef'l~ it suits their con\·enicncC\ to do :,o. Officor:i commanding Companies nro to a certain extent to blumc ~or this: t,hoy .ought not to engage men unlc:i~ they know something about ~hem, the.1r place ot rea1denco, and whothe1· they ~re likely to carry out the provis­ion of th1~ net. They are are also by for too lenient with Lheir men and in some i11"umcu., t.o ::.av~ them .. clvc::. trouble, enrol, now hands sooner than c~mpel the old onc,,.to fulfil th01r engagement. 11 all officer~ wore more ob:;ervant of tho Militia . Act 1t would Im well for the force. I al"o thmk that some inducement Rhould be held ou~ to men _who fo~thfully perform the three year:,' drill, ~uch ns giving thorn s bonu ot ~ay Sla on discharge. I would not however recommend this unlciss the :mnuul drill. w~.., for a lon.~cr period than at pre:.ent. I regret that only one officer from m \. J>ts.tl'lct ha.; attended the School of Gunnery thib year, and I have not had m1y :1pphc.~t1on: for Board:' of Extuninati?n. I believe the young officers would be much rnoro ::mx1ous to qunhfy :mu to obtnm ccrtiticates if they bad to perform drill at B:i~t.alion. he~J,1u.artcr,, or in nrigado c·amp::1.

:1 he D1 .. tr1<:! S~:sff h:n-~ bco~1 attentive to their dutie:::, and my thanks aro sp.cc1~1ly duo. to Br1ga le ~faJor Ti1e11L·Oolo11el Wor::.loy, who had command of tho l>btr1ct durrng my ub .. encc on lcaYc.

I ha-;c the honor to be, Sir,

You1· mo;:it obedient iscn·ant I

BOWl~X VAS STHAUBE~Zl~E, Licut.-Colonel,

1>cpnty Adjutant-General, ~filit:u·y Dibtrict No. 3.

Brig(ule J/ajor Worscley' Report.

D1t11,.\l)}, 0J'l'ICE KINOSTO:-<,

13th Dcccmhcr, 1878. Sm,-Jn accor<lnnC'o with in tructi~ns ro oh·od from you, I inspected on tho 10th

Xovcmbc1·, No. 1 Com1lany, 4 th Battalion, at Amhcri;t I~lnwl, an<l i·cgrot thaL I nrn

unahlo to report favorauly of them. 'rhoir accoutrcrncnt '"cro badly put on, the -clothi11!; c1·gc, ha,·iog been more than three yom in wonr, wn olrl nnd oiled, nnd tho Company in c:o11i;oc111cn<'o making a poor appc:1111nco on pnrn le; tho Company drill only fair, man uni nwl firing oxcrci c inditforent; skinni hing had not been attempted. 'l'ho Company Wai full strougth in 1Jllicc1 and men, and tho m.1tc1 inl ironcrally good. Tho ofilcor.s were Yory 1·11sty in imparting drill. On tho 22nd November, in. pectcd No. 2 Company, 40th Battalion, at Col>ourg, nnd I h:wc plc:i uro in saying, thoy WOl'O excellent in e~cry wny, and a credit to the Volunteer J<~orce. Tho ofiiccrs arc well up in their drill and Captain Guillet take: g1 cat intero::.t m his Company. 'l,he appearnnco of the men exccllont and tho drill mo t i;ati-factory. I was all:'O proHont at tho imipoction on tho 29th June, of the Kir~g ton Fie~d ;Batto;y, by Liout.-Colonol Strange, Royal Artillery, and ho cxprc c<l him-elf tmt1shcd "rlh them. Tho men ancl hor1>es were n.ft.erwards mu tercd by tho l'ayma tor aucl fonrnl correct. Tho horsc:i being sen·iccablo ar.imal:; an<l tlltod for Fiol<l Battery work.

The Deputy Adjuumt-Genoral,

Military District No. 3, Kingston.

I have tho honor to uc, Sir,

Your oh()(lient :-on·ant,

P. W. WORSLEY, Liont-Colonol.

Brigade )fajor.



BaocKYILLE. Hr<l December, 18i8.

Srn,-I have the honor to submit, for tho info1·matio~1 of ~l~e. C.~cnc~a.l ?~k~r commanding this my annual report on the istato of tho Active ~11ht1a rn :.'.ll1hta1) T)L .... trict No. 4, for the yea:. 1878-19,-togcther with "~\.u~tl'!lct fo .. pcclion Hcport.' '

The stron"th of tho force in the Di-;lrict, a.; originally organized i-:-o .) -... s Officers nnd men, all arms ............................... · ...... · ....... -· ' ... Ilor:;cs ............................................ · · ·· .. · · .... · · · · .. · · · ~40

.And is composed of tho following corp":- ... f 0 ., o. 0 <.'fJli-

Prcscott 'l'roop of Cnvah·y... . . .......... .. ............... .................. 1 Drniroon G nanls ...... . ... . ............ ... ................... · .. · · .......... · 1 ou;'wa Pickl Battery of Artillery.. ..................................... l C:ananoqno ·' " ........ . ........ · · ..... .... ......... 1 Prcgl'ott lhttc1·y of G nrrison Artillcr.Y ........ · · ·· ·· · ............... · ~ ht Battalion (fovernor Gcncr!ll',i Fool (:uaril~ ................. .... ·

6 18th re Jnthntry .................................................... . l lst c: Rifle~ .. ~.................... .. ........... ....................... ~ 4.!1al '• Infantry ............ .. ........ . .. ........... ....... ........... · ~

56th " " Tho Li:<gar Hi fies.'' . . ....... .... ......... · · ·· ... · ....... ·· ~ f>!Hh " lnf .. ntry ......................... ....... ........... · ........ · 1

~ktl'alfo Infantry Company .... ........................ · .............. · 1 1;011lhnrn '' •' ·-····· ........... .. .............. ....... 1

1 \Tcrnon " ........................... · ····· .......... _. __ _

'fotnl Corps ....................... 46

Page 9: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

• t1cngtJ1 nuth ri7.c I 1o I <'rf r111 the d1ill fo1· l''i -i!:l. n:; per c:cnoml 01'dCl'l'\ dated. 16th l.1y, 1 7 :

Oftlccr;; nncl rn<>n :tll m·nh ... ......................... ............... l,:iflO I 1•>' J[or e.................................... .......... ...................... .... .. -U

'Iho "election of compnuic-.. to 11orform tho drill wn~ m:ido pursn:111t to the abova Ocucml Or<lm· ... , which l'~ulteci as follow..:. Thl• 11umbel's HhO\Vll nflcr each <·orp~ It itt..,. tho ~h·l ll"'th of otlieor-.. and moR who actually performed the drill. 0 •

Pres('ott 'L'roop of C:wnlry .................................... ~5 J)rng11on <; uar<I~................... .... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .... 33 Ottawa 1''icld Battery or Artill<'ry.... .. .. ..... ... ........ 28 (;1111anoq110 ·' 1

• ......................... 28 Pre .. lOLt Batll'ry ofl1url'i-.on Artillery ......... .. ........ .. btHattnlion Governor Gcneml':- Foot Ounrds-G Com-

panie ... , with ... faff .......................................... .. 18th B:1twlion-Xo~. ~. 3 nnd l Companie!" .......... .. .n ... t lbttalion-Xo:-. 1,:? nm! 3 Comp:111ies .............. . 42n I Battalion-No .... ~. :l, fl nnd ti Companie~ ....... . .. .. '11pplonw11tary to 4~nd Bnttalion .......................... ..

!lGch J3att:tlio11, ·1 Li ... gar !Wk"' "-Xo . I, ~, :l, 4 and ,} Cow panic-. ................................. . ......... . ...... .

5!Hh Rattnlion-~-o ... I, 2, :l nm! .J. Com1 anic~ .......... .. Tho .Mct<:>alfo infantry Company .......................... .

" \'ornon 11 ·' ··········· · ················ 1lolal. .................................................... 121i

Without Pay. Ba11J ... men, 4~nd BatUilion ........ ........................... . Hank and file, l\o. 5 Company. :)11th Batt!tlion ......... ..

(;rnncl Total. ......................................... 126

Pres ott Troop of t~w<1lr11-Captnin John Raney.

Ofliccu and mt•n.


35 77 7ll ;j;}

.. 278 1:-:3 12~ 173

1 ;~

2l!l ISO 45 45


'.? 1


'fhi Troop pcrfo1 mc<l tho drill iu con-.ocufo·c <lays at Prc:;c•>tt. The oftirc1·:-t mid tr r1e1'S being quartered in " Fort Wellington." and were inspC<'torl by me on !lth f uga t. The <Jlliccr commnndiug a~nin an\ilo<l himself of' tho i>erv ices of Lt-~Jonel I..ol'elnce Tn-tructo1· of< ':w.nlry .. \Iontl'cal. to a"sbt <luring tho truinin~. Tho} roop pre cntcd n .mart nntl c·rc.:d!tablc appca1-.l11ce, physique good, liorsos fair, app >11 tment~ nn i clollung clenn; rlnll a~ dcta1lod in "Jn5pection l{eport" fairly oxccut?<l. ~I ho l'J'(H'fltt J~nttcr}: of CTm:ri on Ar~iller.r ~Jaruded for inspectio~ at th~ saru time, tn c-011-:oqucncc ofwh1ch qmtc u. c1·cchlable hold <lt\y wa~ carried out.

Dragoo" (:11 mls-Captain John Stewart.

(Hcatlqu:irtc1·s at Ottawa.)

'Phis Col'ps ~ns been organi,.eJ by the prc•ent Captain, an<l authm·i,.c·l to tako tlto pince of th? ' Ot.tn wa 'l'roop of G:n-:ili·y." 'I'hc <lri II has jn:c.t beon c·om plete<l a.ad tlte troop wa in poctc I l>y me on the ~nd December; phy:-i1111c goo l, hor·s<':'! goo<l, :ippc:u :mcc VCl',V goo~l. nwn. and horse~ tead.r 011 parade. 0 wi u ~ to tho i nclemoncy ~ i.110 .went.her, hut httlo <ll'lll c.ould ho g<!uo through; efficiency, however, wn,; sniJi. c1cntlJ rna1 ~ed ~o w:u rant me rn rcport111g mo t fovorabhr nncl thoro appon1·13 to bo t~n~ detcrrn11rntw11 011 th1•.1m1·t of' both ollicor aod trooper,,: ~vhich will in~uro to tho (;ap1tal ~ corps (Jf th~ l11ghc t <mlc1· of' mcdt. J>1·ill, a-; dotailc<l in "fn~pcction JtOport, ' all well done.

-Ottmrn /t'iel<l Battery of .trtillery-Cnptnin John Stew rt.

Thi..; Corp:; performed the drill in camp ahont two mile e· t ofOttnwn, nnd wn'I inspected by mo on tho :~rel July, on which <lny t]lt' firing wn 1·nr1 i01I out under Lhl' supervision of tho In pcclo1· of Artillery, for d1•tail of which 1 l>eg to rcli>r to hi report.

1'ho Battery paraded <:loan and .. oJ<licrly, ~·d performed l ho clt·ill a dotuilod i11 11 Inspection Hcport." with smartness and efHc·ieney. , 'c,·cral <>f the non-com mi ioncd officort:1 nnd gnnner:-1 hnvo ptl8fied through the School of Guunu1-y. 'J'ho horse- arc 01 that elai·i!:i Ulicd by good farmcr·s, aro active, and Rlcady undc1· lire.

This corp!-! proceeded to .Montreal by rail on tho night of tho 2~r1l )fay, and took })art in tho review in honor of Her Majesty'!'! birthday, which wa.'i held in pre cnce of IIis Exc·elleney tho Governor General on \he 24th .\fay, rclul'lling to Ottaw:\ 011 tho ~amo night, particular1:1 of which havo been l'l'ported.

Tho band of twent.y musicians is efficiently maintained. 1'hc Captain is zealou and painstaking, and continues to inspire t.ho men with thaL cnthn in rn o ueccs­sary to SUCC:l'~S.

Cianrmoque Field Battery of Artillery-)fajor Wm . .)fcKcnzie.

This Corp!:! performed the drill in camp nbout two mile w•• L of <T1manoque, u11d wa ... inspected by me on tho 4th July. The tiring w:t .... c·:m'iocl out dnrin:r the morni11g of tho same da.'·, nnd wmi superintended by a snbaltel'll from tho .'chool ot <";nnnery.

The Battery paraded clean all(l ~mart; hor:-e" large but low in flo..,h, ::inti m1111.> wore unsteady under Jire; guns and harnc~"' clean. l>rill a~ 1lotnilcd in " [n .. pecLion Repo1·t ,. creditably done, except chang-es of front, which w1•r1• i11tliffore11t. .Uccnch­monts well up in their work. Major McKenzie and tho whole 1)f hi .... olliccr-- :no now graduates of the I 'chool of Gunu"o1-y, and :u·e l:>lll:U't atl(! clli<'i~nt. .\ ban<l or l•~ll musicians has been organ i/.cd in connection '·:ith thi:-. corp . · mform ... mu<'h worn; somo men without for:t!.{O cap~.

On lho l~t July (Dominion D:l)-) this Battery rniu·<'hcd to Kin!!-,tOn (eighteen mileR); took p:trl in a tiol<l day ::in l rotume l lo camp lho "'ame ui~hl. which mu,,t have been a Yery heayy tlay'i> wo1·k fo1· Loth mo11 a11 l hor ... e-..

Prescott Battery of Garrison ~1rtiUery-Gaptain P. Caughlin.

Thi" Corp:- was organized during the early part. of the ~ummcr. alHI Gn~otto<l .on the 5th July Jn,..,t. In :icldition lo tht! s11rn1t :mn ~r:l'1 1J>1.nent, 1t. hn uccn prondod '''!th fom· nine ponndor llll!Z7.h' load ill'' brnnzo fiol I "'llll , with cm·t"rngl! :11,cl l1111})r'rs, wh ch arc moved with dr·ag'-ropc", nnd ~~mid be 11tilizcl for the dote. 1<·0 of" F~rt \\'<'lliu~ o •·"

'rhe Battery b well equip pc L :uul drill ha~ been C'arr1 • l on clm·m" the umm r. I macle the in-<podion on tho !Ith ~\..n;.{n,,t: in co111tttction wi~h tho .c.w:ll1T: 'fho '!'en paraded clc:m arnl :soldicdy a11d -..howe 1 co11..:iclc1·:\Ule profi ·1e~t·y Ill hnndl,1111~ .the tield guns as w1'll as at <·omp:1ny drill, a.; per " \.~i.... r ct l~hp<•ctron .Hcp<ll't. ~ •rge_nnt R:ini;om, tlw in~tructol', is a gr:Hlmllo of th' h.m~..;tDn :-;dw >.1 of (ru111101·y._ 'Iho J,1011-tooant is now croitw thro1wh a conrso of i1i..;trnet1on at th' ::-dw 11, :m<I l"lX mm-com­miHsionod ofti~or·,; ~Ulll g-u7rnei·s h:LYO nppliud for· :1tlm:-. .. io11 and will jrJi11 011 fir,,,t of January. The C:lpl:tin 'expect~ to ho able l\) join in the ~p1·i11.;, for a ":-hurt cour c."

'rbe i-;mall-nrrn tnrgct pmctico h:ts been c:1rriod vut.

1. t Battllliori Goremor General's /-~)Ot Gu 1rds (ll Companies strong)­Lt.-Colonel Tho~. Ho ...... .

(IIeadquarto1:- nt Ottawn.)

The whole ~ix Comp:rnil.'s of thi:- Coi P"' (~:n . flit-01 ,mid men) lrn\'e J erformcd tho drill, but wero not inspected by the I qmty AdJtttant General.

Page 10: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

1 th Battalion of Jnfa try (t; <Jvmpan ·es stro11g)-Lt.-Coloncl A. Ur11uhn1·t.

(l[crnlqnnrto1':' nt V:1nklcek Hill.) . ~o 2 a nml 4 Comp:mio.'< pcrformo I tho 1lrill in con ... ocnt1n) dayt1 at _local

h 1· · t 1 d vere in pcct-Od b\· mo '£ho wholo p:u·ad1'•l clean nnd . old1erly, end qn~1· or ... ,dntnl '1 ·11 \ c ... lotn"1l l 1n· '' ln:·)oction l~oport."' .No.~ Unmp:tny irHlitfo-nn 1>or1ormo 10 c r1 : ... • 1 • ,,

1 •

" '3 oocl "'tlrl '~o 1 uo~l 'l'hc u::rncl which wns org:nuzou n~t year tti rent ·' l • very g , ·• n • t> • ' • l . l •t t" • thirteen tron~. ,)low ... con idurablo profi~ioncy. ~mt rcqu11·~s rcgu ni nnt ni. on irn practice, with good inslru('.tion, to mnko 1t whnt 1t ::,hould be.

11,)t Battalion of Rift ~ (3 Companie~ strony)-Lt.-Coloncl W. II. Colo.

(lll':ttlq11artc1·,., at Brocln-illo.) ?fo~. 1, 2 nml j Companie,, porformccl the d1·ill-Xo1>. 1 nnd 5 ~ompnnics on differ­

ent dnv ... during tho snmmc1-, arnl .No. ~ Comp:iny in_ consccuL1~·c d!lY~; All w~ro in-..pec.tod uy me and parmlell \'Ul'Y clt:u~ nn1l ~mtu~t. Dnll as dotn1lod rn Inspection Rep irt.'' ... To. 1 Compt~ny vel',r ~t~ I 'l_o ... 2 nncl .> good: . . . . , .

'l'he hand i:; not 1mpt'onng c1tlwr rn appcnranco 01 . mu::.1c 1 thot o i<coms to b~ a want of , 0mu 1)\!r--on to keep it up to ih work, an1l pl'onilo now and mo,lern music.

t!nd Battalion of infantry (i Ccnnpanies strony)-Lt.-Coloncl J. D. Buoll.

(lleadq unl'ler,, at Brock"Ville.)

No:i. 2, 4,;) and 6 Companie,; porfonne l the udll-No. 2 Company throug~out t~o ,.,mnmer, .... TI) .... 4 and 5 Com punie:-1 in consecutive day;., and wc!·e quartered •.n thou· rc ... pocti,·o drill :-hed~, No. 6 Company in camp. The tents ha\111~ ~een prov1~ed ~y Cnptnin Gould. .A.II were inspci.:ted by me, and parndetl clean. Dr:ill as deta.~lcd m "Jn,.pection Repot't." l\o. 2 Compnny particularly g~od. and h1ghl.Y cred1tabl?1

No. l indifferent, but compo,,oJ of good men who aro prmc1pally rccl'lnts, No. 5 fair und 1>howed marked improvement since last inspection; No. 6 is composed of good men nnd gonernl improvement noticeable; but latest authorized dri_ll not a~bero<l to, The accoutrements of this Cottqlnny a1·0 vory old un<l not fit for active scrv1cc, many of the lnr"e poncho .... bein"' "0 rotten \hat the leather i,. falling to piece:;; but hoping thnt a m ;e modern putt~·n of accoutrements will . hortly be provided, Lt.-Colonel Buell think"' it Letter not to exchange for the oltl pattern.

Tuo eflicieut band, twenty-one (:! l) stl'Ong, i::i located at Perth, and is composed of fir t-l'la.-..~ men who tnke much intcre.'t in it:j welfare. To Captain Douglas com­rnun Jin~ Xo. -! Ovmp:my, much ere lit i::. clue for the efficiency and thorough org rn zation exhibited. There is ulso a bnnd vf thirteen (rn) mn,..ician::. connc<'Lecl wit11 N'o. 2 Company at l3rocln·illc, who, w·ith the united nid of Lt.-~nlonol Buell nncl U1e officer', :ml the men of No. 2 Campany, h:ffc, at con~i<lemule cxpcrn;c, pro­, ·ide I uniform. Thi:o band is al,o efficient ancl a cro iit to the i,:ervi<'c.

.f>Gth Battalion, "Tlie Lisgar Rifles," ('i Companies strony)-Lt.-Coloncl A. D . Jessup.

( llea<l'} t1arte1·!l at Prescott.)

~o . 1, 2, :l. 1 nnu 5 Companies J>Cl formc I the drill. Tho tir ... t four in conRCCU­th·o day at local hea lqnartcr~; all wore in~pected by me. Drill as detailed in " fn ... pect ion He11(1rt.'' .\.11 pnrndod clean .

.,. I. 1 Company fair, !Jut phyRi<!'IC of nbcmt 0110 quarter Of iho men ]1001'. :N°O. 2 Comp:my fi ir, three men under size. Xo. :3 Company phy..,i rp10 above avc1·agc a.n<l drill good . .. yo. 1 Company rnuch i rn prO\"O l in O\'e1-y way, is n•iw highly c:1·cditablo. • "o 5 Company performed tho drill in fonrlcen <lay::1 in l'arnp at Ottawa, ramp oqn·p ~o having been supplied by tho Department. Captain IJ:tng and olliccrs m:iy be c:.:o JI ntulncc<l on tbQ efliciency to which this C0mpany has again been rui:-cd. 'l'ho ca1 ip w. n model of ncntnc uud n ere lit to the men, who appu:u·ed to \'ic with -0:1~, o her in a desire to perform their dutio c·o1rN.:tly and acrpiiro a kno\vlodgn of ~tnl.



:wth '' Stor111out aud (; lenyarry" Battalio1t of hcfautry, (i Ovmpa11 ·es strong)­Lt.-Coloncl V. Bergin.

(lfoarlquartc1·:; at Cornwall.)

Nofl. 1, ~. :3 and 1 Co111panio,, pcrformc l tho 1.kill in camp at Cornwall. 'l.'ho LraH::.porL of 'Xo. 4 Company to nn<l from, hn\lliJ been pnitl by the

olficcn; 01· mun. 'l'hc c·amp cquipago wns :;upplied hy the Do1iartment. Mnjor Bredin in comman L Tho <lt·ill a8 <letailod in "All.,,trnct ln::.pe·tfon Hepo1t." Phyaiquo of 'Xo~. 1 ancl :J Companie~ fai1·1 No,.. 2 and ·1 good. tho latter boin ... compo~cd of liuperior men. The wholo pamdc<l ,·cry clunn nnd oldiorly, but O\\ in~ to the large number or rccrni ts and i:ihort pcriocl of training the drill was in<litfcrently performed. The camp was well located, clean and orderly.

In consoquonco of tho <lilliculty in procuring a ra11ge1 tho tn1·gct practice could not b" carried out. 'l'he band of fourteen musician:; ii; efficient.

,.1fctcnlfe lnftmfry Company-Captain Ira )!organ.

(llea<lqual'tcr:; at ~Ictcnlfc.)

Thi"' Company performed the training in eumv at local hea<lquarter~. Drill a detailed in" Ab,,tract Inspection Report," \cry fair. Phy-.iqne good, rnen intelligent, and appear to take much intere::.t in the welfare of the Company.

Arms and accoutrements fairly clean; but many accoutrement" dcfticient. Target pmctico was carried out. A. hand of ten mu:;ician-; performed very well.

The men compo::!ing it doing duty in the rank:'! throughout the whole period ol d1·ill. Improvement vory marked in this Company.

Vernon TJ~fantry Company-Captain Hobert )fcGrcgor.

(Headquarters at Vernon.)

This Company po!'fcll'lned the t1ainin~ in con-:ecuiive clays at I Jl'al hoaciquartcr,i. Drill llHlutn i loci in " fo..,pection Tiepo1·t." Men clear. :incl :-mart, phy-.iq uo .~ood. ono­thil'd recruit~, arms an i nccont1·oment-; clean. .:\.good company; hut rerp1iro more dril I. '!'argot practil-o wa,; canietl out,

aoulbum ll~fa11try Company-Captain Wm. Gt1r\"in.

(Uc:ulquarter" at ~Iuu-.ter.) •

Thi:-. Company was not authorize l to perform tho drill; ouL cnn alway ... bo mndo .anlilnulc wbon required.


This year tho ranks of tho ::;c,·eral Companie,; have heen kept full without <litli.­culty, and the men appen1· to belong to a. gootl class of~ ci~izcn.... !::>cver:1I now Compa11ic::1 ha,·o boon otfon•d, and tho ::.trongth crnld bo rcndtly merea,e<l should that be tho dc:>i1·0 of tho Go\·ornment.

Tho authorizotl target practice of L\Nnty rotut<l ... pe1· man .has beo_n cnl'l'ic1~ ~ut "iicrn i-;tn!{Us coulcl bo pro~urcd, but thc1·0 i~ littlo private practice ?ut>-1~0. tho c1hc~. As tho ollicionc.r of a 1>0IJic1· uopends in a ~roat 1no:l"lll'O 01~ l!I" ab1hty IA>. firo accnratoly, it appo:u·s that cori...ide1·ation ::,honltl be ~ivcn to t.h'"' .•m1~ortant :-11bJcCt, and the quc tion naturally m·i..,e-1, 1 1 ls tho pro,,ent :-;y:-.lom o.f cltslnbutrng tho .monoy voto l b\· Parli:unont for tho uncou1·:1;emont ot' ritlo ... hootrn~, 1°:\lc11lat-0d to m luco tho grc:1t mas-1 of' thu Yolnntuor:-. to prncLisu ?" or is tho ''lion's :-hnru ". won year aflc1· yc·Lr by almost tho same fow otliccr:. an l mun who rnay h? co11'Hlorod pro­foi<-;ional Ill ll'k:-;nhlll ? 'fliis i ·, 1 tru"l, ... utliciont to call tho . tcnt10n of tho proper ~1uthori tici; to :i l'Ul.ijcct of Yitai import:inco to tho co1mtry.

Page 11: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

,, '

During tho -.ummcr (ns pro\·iou ly roportud) the forco hn.s bcc11 l'.llllod out in nid of tl1c ch ii m1lhoritie-. :-it Otta'':\ nnd (1nnnnoq uc. and :is u hko sc•n·tc•c ha~ been rondurcd in mnny other pnrh of tht• D1nninion, thi.; pro~·c:; tho Active 11Iilitia to I.Jo nu importnut factor in onfo1· ·ing obctliom·~ ti> tho laws of th~ co.unl1-y. . . .

It i nrntifyin!! to !-now thnt tho applicants from tins D1-.tnct for ad1nuuo11 mto the ·• HO)~I .Militni·y Go liege of Cnnndn," lut\·c thu~ far hcen in cxcc:-!i of tho authorized

quotn. 1·' · t' fl' f \ t' ~1·1·t· -' Tho difliculty of kccpiug up the qua 1hcnt1on o o iccr:i o 1 (• 1\·.e .'' 1 1 1a, :\~• ~upplying -.uitahlu drill instruttions still oxish, and the (n·ontunl oilicurnt-y of tho forco require~ a remedy, com1cq ucntly l vcnluro to cnll nttont10n to my romnrks on t hi~ :;ubjcct Inst year, pn~o :!3 of tho Ann uni Report.

On tho whole, con:sidc~ing the i:;ystem of training, tho condition of tho force lh1'01whout tho district may bo looked upon us ~nti~factory; but tho general opinion pro,·ni'r ... , particularly nmong the rurnl corp:,;, of which this <lblrict is principally com­po-od, that camps would bo moro ath·nntngcous. in which I fully concur. As "Camps of Jn .... tmction" bnvo not been formed since 187», I :1m of opinion thn.t Battalion cnmp,; will bo found most beneticinl at present. The Compnnies having <lrille<l for thrco con:-ocuti>o year..; nt their isolnte1l bcadqunrtor:;, know but littlc,-practicnlly • pcakiug,-of battalion mo,·oment ... , con:-;cqucHtly they could not bo p1·0Jitably em1>loyed in hri~atlc (•amp at prc ... cut.

1'ho lkignde Major hn:-. mado tho u ... ual half.yearly inspections of ,;tores, arnl dis­charged tho other du tic:-. rcquirecl of him in a i;afo.factory manner. 'l'he Di::,trict Pay­mn .... tcr Jin,., mn:>turcd the :-ovcrul corps which porformod drill in c·amp, and promptly nttonded to tho >nriou ... payments throughout the District.

I hn>o tho honor to be, Sir,

Your mo:st obedient servant,

'\V. II. JACKSOX, Licut.-Colonel,

Deputy Adjutant-General, :Military District Xo . .J.

'Phc A<ljntnnt-General of :.\Ii Ii tin.



IIE,\l) QUAllTEllS,

.-\lo:-;rnr.AL, ::ith Dcccmhor, 1"7".

. Flrit,--I have tho honor to forward, for tho consideration of tho Cicncral Officer 111 command, tiio Annual He port of the stale of tho .Military District No. 5, under my comm1111rl.

'1'lio nominal Ol1l'Olkd s trength of the forco of Activo .\1ilitin in tho District is as follows:--



Provisional Regiment (4 Troops)...... lG Vivo Jndopcntlent 11'roo1,~.... .... .. .. . ... .. l;)



'J'hcco l'ieil<l Hatlcrie~... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. . 18 Ono Bl'ibaclc Ganison Artillery (6

Bntto•·ies) . .. . ..... ... •. .... . ... ... .. . . . . 2li One Independent Battery....... ... . . .... 3


E ngitleers.

'l wo Companies ............. .......... .... . 6


'l'wo Battalions.................. ... . ......... 52


'l'wl'lvo llallalions ........................... 330 Thn:e llldcpcwlcnt Conpnnie,,. .... .. ... 9



140 175


335 ;,;;




.J,612 165





>-i)l) .......


'l'otal of all arm:-. and ranks............ ....................... 6,962

By l ho G cncr:il Order of tho 16th M ny, a quota of 3,000 of all rnnk'l was allowocl for the !>i:;lrict, to tlt·ill fo1· 187~-79. According to tho Or<lor, Field Bn.tterie,, woro to be ~:1·..;t taken; :!n<l, Garrison Batteries h:wing gun in po'lition, of which there wcro no'lo; 3rd, corps in dlics; 1th, corps not drilled Inst year; 5th, corps which can a:;scmblc most companies al Ba.tlalion head quarters without oxpenso for trnnsport.

ln ~olccting corp:; for drill, 1st, Field Batt-0rios, 2nd, corps in cities, and 3rd, corp:i nut clrillcrl Inst yoal' were tnl<en; but although 4 comp.'lnios of tho'lo not drilled last year were lcfL out without d1·;11 ng-ain thid yem·, the quot3 of 3,000 Wt\8 excoedod by 336. 'l'hc otiil'Cb c·omm:incling h: tt:1lionson tho fronticratato that it i~ notJ>o:;~iblo to keep tlH•ir compa11i1•s tiL and rc:1 ly fot· son·icc, unlo""' they :wo nllowod to rill 011co in two yc:u·s :tl lc<i:-.1 .

Page 12: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

= 'rho following corp porformod the nnnual drill :-

Corps. All ranks. I Horses.

I ------------[---!----

' City Cavalr!f. I

Montreal Troop ........... .. ................................ . ..... ........ .. ... ....... . Sherbrooke do .................... ........ .. ............ ... .......................... .

Rural Cuvalrg.

:St. And row's Troop ..............•... ................................... ... ............ llissisquoi do .... .......... .... ................... ....... ........ . .


Montreal Field Battery ......... .. ......................... ................ ...... .... . S heffo rd do do .... ....•..............••........................ ..... ......... • Richmond do do ........... .. ...................... .... .. .............. ..... . l!on trea! Brii:adc Garrison • .\.rtillery ...................... ............. . .... . :SI.John s Battery do do .........• _ .. , ... ....... .. ..... . ......... .


So. I Company, Montreal.. ..... ............................... ..... ... . No. 2 do do ······················· .................... ............... ,

R~flea and 111/antry. I

:la 34

35 35

73 80 55

263 45

38 43

Isl Battalion Prince of Wales' Rifles ......................................


1 272 3rd do \'ictorio. Rifle,.. ............ .. .... ...... .. ..... .. .. .. . .. .. . ..... .. 273 5th do Royal Pusilierd..... ...... ..... .. ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. .... 318 6th do Fusilierg . ... ... ..... ...... ...... ...... ....... .. ...... ...... ..... ..... 271 11th do Argt!n teuil Rangers .......... .. .............. ... ... ........ ... ........ ,· 132 21 l do Richelieu Ligh\ Infantry........... ............... ..... ...... .. ... . 84 6-0th do Hnntingfon Borderer& ... .. .... . ·········-····················· ···1 171 6let do Uemmingford Rangers. ... ................. ............. ... ........ 178 52nd do Brome Li~ht Infantrv ........ ...... .. ....... ...... ......... .... ..... 93 53rd do ... herbroo e Light In'fantry...... ............. ............ ......... 182 5.fth do Richmond Light lnfantrJ ••.••.... ......... ......... ...... ... . .. .


175 • gg:~ ~o p~m.pton _Liitht Infantry..... . ...... ... ...•.... ........ ... ..... !82 'r

o .h831oquo1 Borderers...... . .. . ............... ......... ... .... .. .. . 139

35 34

35 35

28 21 27

i9th do Sheffo~d Ilighlanders........ . .. ...... ... ... . ............. .. ······I 137

Total drilled ........ .... ........... ..... ........................ ,---3,3361--22:;-C'AV.\LRY.

'fh? Jloutrcal Troop <ld lied at h cad q u:u·t crs. D1·i II is kept 11 p by t IH· tl"l)op at slated l1mc.':l t_hronghout th~ ynar, in addition lo the 12 days paid fol". 'l'hi tl'Oop i>i full 11.o:v and 111 a very cffic1c11t state, and when wnntc<l fo1· c,,ccn·t dnty, 01· in aid of tho ~1~·11 powe1 ~, has :~lwnys bc_cn promptly on pamdc at tho hour named. • J ?e St. An(~rowq Troop dnlle<l 12 day,; at hcoo quarters unrler their commnnd­rng olticer, Lt.-~,,olonel Burwash. 'fhe troop wai in;;pected by JJL-Colonol Bacon, wh? reports th111 fine old troop to be in a rno t efficient state undc1· the i n,;trnc:t ion of 1t8 ahlo commander. '

'I'ho • ~eruroo~c Troop (~o. 2 of tho Provi ionnl fl"giment.) drill"<l at Sh,.,rhrook1'. under the instruction of Lt.-Colonel J.o\·clacc. Lieut. Head coinmands tlto troop, anti

is the only ollil'er, tlic troop ulfer:o in c<rnr,c<Lllence; thr o ofl1cor nrc roquirnd to k a troop up to the murk. 'I'h e froop wa" in pee led hy tho J>oputy .A rljutnnt Gcne1 Lieut. Reid put tho troop through the sword excrci c, and troop movcmen inn vc y crcditahlo manner. 'l'hc men wcro well mouutcd.

The :Mi i:;.-l i quoi Tr1)op performed the annual <!rill in camp at fllarcncovillc, tout and l>lunkets wen· i,upplicd by tho Dcpnrtmc11t, m•<l oiliccl'R a11d men fnrni hcd their own rntiorn•, and foraµo for their hor:-c.... 'l'he camp wus a succc • Cnptuiu Bn h wnll in command, anti had tho ns:;istance of J.it .-Coloncl Lovelace a drill in,tn1clor. 'l'h o troop and camp were im~pected l>y the Deputy Adjutant General on the ~I t Septcmbo1·. The troop marched past, went through :-word cxcrci c, troop mm·ernenu , and extended order on foot, with carbine, firing blank, under the command of Caprnin Bush, in a vory creditublo mnnner. The camp wn<; clcuTi and in good order.


The .:\fonll'eul Field Battery under the C'omrnand of Lit•ut.-Goloncl 'teveu on wont into camp for tweh-c dnys in .July. The camp was pitched io a field •m the oulbkirts of th e City, lmt on the 13th the L•alt!'ry had to morn it-- camp Lo tl1 e L ucro-..:;e Ground~, by order of the General Officer in command, 011 account of nu alarm. The C'!Hnp duties woro well performed. The battery wa inspected hy the In:::>pcctor of Artillery; tho in ... pection wa-.. a very thorough 01101 a11d mo ... t -.nti-..factory. The men of' this battery arc all able-bodied, i11tclligent and efticicnt nrtillcrymcn, most of them harn served in the battery for a nnml.icr of ~·cai·. A dctnchment pt·occc<le<l to the bland of Orlean~ for gun pra~ticc ; a report 1)f the prar·tice will 110

doubt lie given l>y tho In~pector of .Artillery. The Shctt'ord Field Battery under tho command of Licnt.-Colonol Amyrnuld,

went into calllp at C.+ranby in August. Tho camp wn-; well pitched, clean :md rnnin­tainc<l in good order . Tho battery was in:-pccted by the Deputy Adj11L;111t <: cncrnl, and again most thoroughly by the Inspettor of Artille1-y. l'ho battery pa-.,ed hoth in:;pection .. with credit to oflicers and men. The non-commi ... -.iunU<-1 olllcer~ and men Hl'e all of tho right c lass for artillery, able-bodied antl intdligent. ~\ large number of them h ave passed through the Sehool of Gunnery. For a roportot' g1111 prnct ice, i-ce report of' the Inspector of Artillery. Tho Grnnby Battery fired a -.aluto for Hi-. Excellency L oI"tl Dutl'c1·in on his aI"1·i,·al at. ·watcdoo during Hi-.. trip tlu·ou_;h Lho 'rown ... hip'. aIJ<l again next morning at Gramby, 20 mile,, otl~ another :-a lute.

Riclimond Fit'l;.l Battery.

This battery wont. into camp at :llelhournc, under the command of )fojor H on. JI. Aylmer. This wa-. the fir,,t yearly drill performe<I hy the Liat tory. and of c.our-.c could not be expected to be a<> efficient a" the other battcrie .... but under the able instruction of the commanding officer, the battery at i11 ... 1wction nt the ond of Lho perio<l oi' tho t.lrill, ::,howotl it wa::. well up in gun drill mul a knowledgll of camp duties . The baltc1-y tired a salute at Hichmond Oil nominion day. and :' }{oyal ... a(utc at Richmon<l for lliH Excellency the Go,·emor Cencral and 11. H. II. tho Pl'inco~ ... on tho morning of tho 29th November, on the arri~al of the Royal Pnrty at thnt plnco. Tho battery was in ·poctcd by tho Inspector of Artillery and the Dcput;r AilJut:mt Gcncml. Tho non.commisHioncd officer:'! and mon arc all strong nnd intoll1gent. some few have "one throur•h the School of Gunnery. This uatlet·y h:is four '.! 1-poun ler h owitY.cr.•. i:-The horse~ of thi-. butt ery, and of the .Montreal nwi Shotford Battoric-. [ll'C

stron •T sound and well fitted for artillery work. ~hell practice \\':ti h oill under tho :-Ol c . Sl ( R II B 1mpcrinlc11dcnco of aptnm lOrt, • ) , nttcry.


J,nst ycnr thi:s arm of tho sen·ico _wn :si~cnt. but I am happy ~o report it is now able both in Montrc•nl nud at St. Johns to g1,·e a good account of1t:-olf.

Tho Mont real Bri'-'ado of six battoril'" ha:; hccn roorgn11izC1l under the oomrnn.n I of LL-Colonel 'l'otTm1cc Fraser, arnl is now in a mo-..t dlicient ..,tnle. 'l'h<' b.1•tc 1c

Page 13: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

- · 'l'I · 1· mcut wuo!,ly for l'ill, tho lll'igwlo • 1 o tillc I up "ith your~g iict ~' e,

111~ 1~·tho 11;:s{~~Jt~r of J\ 1 dllcry and 1 >cputr .. .\djutant-\\ llS in pcctcd on. tho -3rd'"~ ·fi J b t ·tlio 1 tlril., nttor inspcC'tion, it man:ltcd J>a l, (,enl!rnl. Tho bng:1Jc prm d or

0 , m \'en· ci·odi al.ii,.. 'rho manua nntl

tmd \\Ont throu~h ll lllll~UOb 0•1

P·,1 l~,0,m ~~rche l to ti10 D1·ill s1:cd, :tnd tho1·0 wont,

tiring was ''oil dono. '1. ho id·1ga1 f1~n ~ )l~1111:rndit1!! C•fliccr, gnn, gin, tiling <·a1·t, ttntl throurrh under the sul or111tcn ou~e o r •t : {"' r · 11 t • r foctron 0 th, I n,..pc< or.

i·opo, ltOI'.)~ )rr ~o i10 .... 1 ~J d t drilled fo1· tWt> yc:i1-..... Jfojor D~·11111m, comma~1d. l'ho :"'t. John" Jm~ter~ rn n? . 1 it i:; now i·cm·uilud up to 1l:; t.trcngth with

in,~, ha .lnkly rcorgn~uzeo t~·~ ~~11'.\t:~lothiiw hn:; been made to the lmtte1-y. 'l'ho good iu~t1voyo111~g 11~: 1 i,,n Ill\\~ 1;1~ rnt\ \.diu~ml f:cnor.il in,,pected tho battt•ry aL lnspcutor ot .\1·t1llci.t }/1': tl~l ,

0~hjoi· lOmmandiiw pnt, tho J.mttcry thrnugh the ::>t. ,John's on. t_ho flt 1 J. O\ ·,

10, \; rn.wcmcnlt> a" inlhutry, which wa::; fairly do110

manual nnd hnng. :tml ... ofmcl cornp.u) o l'"C111' ts One dct·whmon L was lol<l off for . I .· ti at mo"t o t io men \\'t'r ,, . • , S I ' cons~ ~IJ°~n i. l . iect-0t· of Artillery will repo1·L ltow tha. was l~el'fonncd. l. .Toms ~1111 .11 . io n:s) t f' .... •· ... ttcr•· to ho ke11t 11}> cflicicntl -, a11 ltl t1·11C'tor llihouh.l be 1 nn 1mportnnt pom 01 •• u.. .J

out thcl'O from H. Batt<'ry.

-'loxTRE.\I, ExmxEEH:;.

~o 1 Comp·rny 1111 Ier c.:apt. D. "i', w.1s in-;pe tcd in .\.ugu:st, md ~o. 2 C'Gmpanr undo; ~in·or K·e~nci!y. wn in ... pectod in October, by tho Dcpnty Ad.1utant enera. B ~ · I ·11 "1 n 1 'nf"iiti .)· ann llt ir1'1>ecl ion mare he· I past. an1l pcrforn1ccl oLn compnme.-. ' n c, • t> " 1 • d · bl Th the mnnunl and firin~. and company movement" '·"ry ere, it~ Y· e non-

. . l offic· .. ~1111 IllCD ~re. I or the right cla"' fol' an },11g1nccr Corp~. No. comm1 ... 1oncc ..... ·• · • . . . ,-'..! ('ompnny under .)fajo1· Kennedy is 110.,· "' clhc1cnt at C\'cr it was.

Hrn.E:> A:-II> bPAYI'RY.

Three bnttnlions only in the [)i,..trict perfot·n~cd the annual d_rill in camp, viz: tho ,, I -ti ... cl ->31·d The other Cit'-· co1·1)s dl'lllcd by battal1011s throughout tho ul'I 1 ,) 1, ,.JJ • • J

summer and the i·nml corp::; at Company head cprnrtc1·s.

DRrr.r, rx U.\\IP,

1'hc first to <lrill in cnmp was the jth Hoynl Fu:,ilicr:,. Thb Latlalion untl?r Licnt.·Ooloncl Cr:m-ford went into ('Hill p on ~t. Helen':-> r sland in tho !'CCOllll wc~k lll July, tent: and blanket:; \\'e1·c fnrni:sitcd O) tho Dcp:u·u~1e1!l, ~ntl th~ c~>rp~ furnu;~cd it own ration .... Camp du tic,, anrl c mpuny and lmttahon,dnll w~re fa1thf~lly can 10d out. 'fho l.iattnl!on ":i.-; in peeled by Licut.-Coloncl Bacon, Br1ga<le .MaJOr~ on the I!lth July who rcporb thnt the mm·r".i11g }J!l::it, the manufd a11d firing and battalion ~\·ere ~ory well done. Thi reg~mcnt ~·:l:-s a<l.?ptc<l the tarlu!1 tro~v:" .of the Lorne pattcrn,und tho liigliland tum<:, which will add to thou· m.utrnl

~ppcarnncc.. •. . . f L " C l l 'fhe ::frd Battalion \ 1ctor1n P1tlc , under tho command '! 1out- o one

IInndYsiJe, was the next buttnliou to go in~J camp. 'fhc .comm~n1.hng officer took over fhc c·amp equipage from the 5tft f3attalio11, and o.:1tal.ilrnbcd h1,, cu.mp on tho samo spot on the ~.:lr<l .July. 'I'ho b:.ttalion n11Hcrcd full, and ofllccr1> a!1<l mon seemed to cnjo)· camp life. Great altcntiol! wus p. id to d1·il I, and tho camp dut1c·, \\~Oro performed regularly. '11he camp and battalio11 were in pcctc1l by tho Deputy J\dJutan~ <tonora.l on tho ~:i1'tl August. 'l'hc batt:tlion pasqc<l a good inspection; the rnarchrng pa.t>t, manual :ind firing, and battalion movcmm1ta were Ycry well done; tho doploymont.s, wheelings and dtc sing could not be l:cttcr.

'J'he ;)'.-$rd Battalion, Sherbrooke fnfantry. 11111lerthc command <>f IJicut.-Colon~l Ibbot.son, form1•rl a <'amp of hi.s four head<111:u·tcr CrHnpnnic,, :lt Sl.10r brooke 1~1. J\ngust. 'J'hc Jntie:> of this camp wc1c well c~1r11ed out, :mu th~ drill f:uthfully .J>Ol· formed. 'fhc camp awl. battalion were in<:pcclcJ liy the Deputy AdJ11t:111t G oncrnl U881stod

,.. by Dri!•:ulo Mlljor IJic11t.·Colonel Hon. ~f. Aylmer. .After in pcetion tho b!\ttalion march~d p:t:it, fonno1l, a11<l were put thro!igh tho rnanunl and firing b.t .\1ajor Willi . 'l'ho battalion wus thon put through battal10n movements, and formation for attack, Ly tho comm:inding officer, all very crcdit.ahly performed, howinK that otlicers and men hnd improved Lhc tirno they Wero togothcr. In connection wilh tho in .. poction

.n vory ploa:;aut O\'Ont took place; in tho evening, a meotirig Wai hold itJ the Oity Hall for the p1·0Hcntlltion of /iriz?:; won at the A~nual 1Whdlatch _of _t}10.Shcrbl'oo~e Rillo A~!iociatio11, f:. T. Broo '" hsq., i\f. P., Pre.,1<lont of tho As':locu1.t ion 111 the ch:ur. Tho Hall wi.H fill<'<l with ladies and gcntleme11 of the town, and officc1·s nud rnen of tho fol'cc. '1'110 Prositlont in opening tbo meeting, m~do a mQ .. t patriotic Apeech cnco11-rn1ri11<r the officors and men to po1·.sovcro in their laud11bl!> olfort.i:i to qualify tbom­;;e1'-·o.st> as <lcfondOl'l'l of their count1·y. Tho Deputy Adjutnnt General antl Brigade J\fajo1·1 an<l other gen ti omen on the platform made appropriate remark~, the pre.,eoce of so ninny Judie" shewed that the &ervice::; of the Sherbrooke force 1uo duly appreciated .


Jst Battalion, "Prince of Wa!es' R1jles''-Lie11t.-Colonol BonJ, commnnding.

ThiH battalion ifi tho oldest in tho Dominion, and still maintains it;; pre3tige mHI efficiency. 'I'hc bnttalion drills weekly throughout the year, nut.I in October .:ind Xovcmbor, tri-weekly drills were holti in the Skating Rink-lca~e<l Ly the officers .at their own oxponso.

'l'he battalion was inspected by tho Deputy Adjutant Gonoral on the Ch nm p de )fa rs on the morning of tho 29Lh November. The weather being cold, the men paraded in great coats, (tho Lattalion was up to itH stren~th) Lio11t ·Uoloncl Bon<l commanded . After inspection the battalion mai·ched past in column, qunrtor column, nod nt tho <loublo in splcntlid style; line was formed, anrl manual and firing was gone through unde1· .Major Bond, with groat precision. Tho C',olonel then put them through a number of battalion moYcmentn all well performed. (Tho state of the clothing of this battalion, and of tho other City corps will be noted in another part of this roport.) Tho battalion then ma.relied off to tnko part in the reception of His Excellency tho l~!n-ernor-Generul, and II. R. II. the l'rmcc:ss.

Gth Batf(1Tion "Fusiliers "-IJieutonant-Coloncl )fnrtin, commnntling.

'This bnttnlion likowiso kept up weekly drills during the year, nnd in Augu t ui d ~eptcmbcr tho line wc:tt1101· was taken adrnntage of by drilling more fn•quently on the Cl.amp do .\far:;. Tho battalion wa' inspected by tho Deputy Adjntnnt General on tho 14th t>cptemb<·1·, the ranks 'vcre full, the mon were all ablo-Lodio<l, active sml i ntclligcn t, just tho righ L kinJ for oldior~. The in-;pecting otlicer \T!ls rocei_veJ in tho usual wny, nnd then mado a careful inspection of men, arms :incl clotl11ng. Aftc1· inspection the battalion marched past in column. qu:irter col11mu, and llt tho double, all l'ery well performed. 'l'bo mnnual and firing under Major Gardner was done with prccioion, and cxcitotl tho applause of tho crowd of spectators ou tho grnua<l. Lieut.­Oolonel ~forlin then took command and put tho corps through pal'ado nnd field :1110,·omo11ts, and Jino of attack, all well done.

11th Battalt'oti " Ar!/Cllfeuil Rangers. "-Liout.-Colonol Hon . .T. C. Abbott.

Throe companio'I of this bnttalion drilled this y('ar, Noil. 2, 3, nnd ~. and woro 10. peeled in Octol>or by liicutcnant·Coloncl B:i<'on, Bl'igndo ~fojor, nt Company hon l qua1·tcr8. No. 2 Company, Captain nnd Rre\-ct Mnjor Smith, nnd Xo. 3 Company, ()aptnin .\fcKnight, rnu to1·cd f'ull, fino men, elothini; now, l'itlo. and nccoutreml)nt.:> in ~n'> t ordor. N0. 2 w.H drilled by thoir commnn<ling ollicer, and p:tctsoil t\ \"Or}· ~ood 1n~1wction. tho manual and firing nnJ <o:npany wore \Tell done, and rctfoctcd groat c·1·cdit on )lajQr Smith. No. 3 Company ,v.ts nndcr tho instruction of. crgcant Jekyl, a11<l h:d irnp1·0\"c I H'tT much thi.,; year. The company went. throu~h many company mo\·eme11l~. u~ well n~ the manual nod firing t'xcrci!'>e Yery crc<litnbly.


Page 14: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

:1 !

> k · )( rto(I by f ioutcn:rnt.-Coloncl Bacon to oo in ·o. G Compnny, Cnpt. 1 o~loc ·, 1"t~c1 '. 1 l!C"t m:mp·inY movcrncnt<1 th<l Captain

:\ v ry Im I tnt? n rcgnrd-. drill i for cl -.111•}1 omen or'iho cornp:rny :u·c goo(! enough wn unnblo tog•.' o tho w~1'1"' 1°1 . cornm~:

1 • "il ~ h ·ui in ... tructor. 'l'ho clothing i8 won~

M rc.i:rn1"1.l .. ph v ... 1quo :ind into 1gcn<'c, 10 " 11 • • • • 1 out, tho now clothing uot hrwin~ Leon nt tho llllHl l'CCCl\C( .

~lst llatta lion .: Rirhelieu JAglit Infantry "-Lient.-Colonl'l lfon. F. U. )farch:tn1l, commanding.

· · ' . r I .·11, I ti·,.. yenr: Xo. 2 nnJ 3. Xo. 2, Capt. 'rwo compnmc" of th1" l>att.1 ion l i ' · ~( .1L il . "lie and woro m"pccll'd Ly

Mongeon, drill.c<l at Comp:rny hlnd .:V~iu·LNt<~·em'~~~.1 •riio company was full, b11t tho l>opnty .Adjutant Gcnornl on t 10 :·> i. .· . ho men wcro ablo bodied and ncnrly nil wc1·0 rccruil,, nnd wcro ,~·nnf;t1_ng in ~~~.ill, t Moro drill is ncodcJ lo mnko nctive the nrm'< nnJ clothing- wero Ill nt1·C('Onl '1~on. -. d 'llcJ a~ head quarter:-. 8t

' ffi . t ·o ·., Com1>nn.r npt )oauvtus, rt , • ' . tho co1npnny e c1en · - · - .' '. · b . J' r inspection by tho Deputy Adjn-John' ... nm! mustered t~ero on tho 1.f L_hf :::>l~pt~on~·l e;ct~ve \Otlll<>' men. Tho mn11ual nml tnnt Goncrn~. The ran,;:~ wero n~ar ~ n fl f..

1 ; do

10 The u~·m8 and clothing woro

f~i~~~~1'.J~~e nT~~~e~~~i.o:~~~~moe/\\~is.lb~~tnli~n .are very olJ, Md ma.ny art,icl~ un[t for :-ct>i~e. The battalion i;uffors f~r want of an Adjntunt, and tho F1clJ Ofhcers gi\"e very little attention to the wants ot the corps.

50th Battalion "Hu11tingdon Bordaers "--;-Lieut.-Coloncl 1IcEnchem, C.M.G., commnndrng.

Four com nnies drilled and wcro ini:;pccteJ nt Compnny h?ad. quarterA, by th~ Deputy .Adjutfi1t General, in tbe latter onJ of October an~ ~~nn~ng ~r eNC~~~~~~: No 1 Company Capt. Henderison mustered at llerdman s 1nei s . l .

\Va~ full fine ab'le-bodiel men, actl\"O and intelligent. , The mdaBual ~n~ ~n·nB'. ~n~ com an' drill was fairly done. No. 4 Company, Un.pt. an rove ~ aJOl au n · mra~e,lfor in~pection at Ormstown. The company was full, a good cl.a:s8 ot men,

Lut' 1-o me of them ovidontly were recruib. The drill and manual and finng was n?t what it usod to bo in tbi:; fine olJ compnny, when the gallant Colonel ~va8 C~ptarn of ·t No 5 Company Cupt. anJ Brevet ~Iujor .M:ncLaren, mustered for rnspcct1on ~t Ro~kb;rn: This company showed w<'ll, tall strnpping active men, and. well UJTht.'} drill. Tho mnnunl anJ firing w:1:3 good. No. 8 Company, Capt. McKrnnon. •~ Company drilled and mn,,tered for inspection at Dundee. The ranks wero .not full, :-omo of the men were away boating. 'fhe Captain of th.is compa~y had the mbf?rtun.o to Jo .. e hi-. ri.,ht arm by the accidental dischar!{e of a nflc, on his way homo wdl~1r1~ com any fro~ the flCr\"icc in ~fontreal on the 12th Jnly. Tho company '~a!\ n . e Ly tLo. ~eri~eant-llajor. and the appearance and dt illing of the comp~ny at 1.nspc<: llon certainly did crc<lit to their in::;tructor, tho corn pan? pttsse~ ~good !nnp~ct10~. ;ho nrms aurl accoutrements of tho 1.iattalion aro in fair cond1t1on. Clothmg in bood order.

51st Battallion "IIwm1i119fcrJ Ra11gcrs "-Licnt.·Colonol Hogcrs, commanding.

Fonr cowpanies drilled al their rcRpcctivo hoaJ quartcr1', and wero inspc.ctcd by tho Deputy Adjutant General on the ~5th. Oc.tobor. So. 1 Coi:npany, Cn~t. Milne) mu~tercd nt Huvelock. The band of tho battalion 11> taken from tl~1s con;i pany, on If 2"' foll in with rifieB · thc:-e men wore wolf drilled, arms clean. :No. 3 Company, Capt. Howe mustered dt .Franklin, full, good actirn men. 'l'he Captain put the~ through comp~ny drill; manual and firing vory efficiently. No.~ Company'. Cu.pt. ~[c~ aughtor~'. and ~o. 6 Company, Capt. llaye~, mu,.tcrud nt llo!Ilmingford. L1out:·Colonol ~fo~ot:; wa pre ent, and the two cornpar.io.'I wore fo1·mc.d into n bmall b:~ttahon, after rn1-1pcc· tion, and manual and tiring was got through with, a fo~v battalion movemontli, n~1d tho new line of attack were tric<l, and porfol'mcd very fa1rl r. Tho a1·m~ ~nd nccout1 C·

men wero in goo<l order, the clothing is very much worn. The b:itlnlton kcop8 up its efficiency.

., . ,,,,

===:=========================-============- ===~-=-~~~---52nd " Brome" 1Jattalio11, h1fa11try-Lieut.-Oolo11c! Hall, NHnmardi11


Two comp1111ic drilled this year, nrul wcro in pected ut their hond quarter: hj the Deputy Adj11tunt c;cncral, on 2uth September. No. l Company, f'nptnin Allnir, lllU'ltoro.l at, 1\ be1·col'lt, IUI l ~o. a Company, L ieut. H ilJcrtson, nt, Sutt.on both companies were fitll, the men were able-bodied an l uoti\'O men, lint they wcro' h:lck­wm·<l in drill. 'I'hc~c companies <lid uot drill la t .rear, one 11ot for two years, and tho 12 Jay" thi~ year <lid not b1-in~ them np to what they wcro in foi-rr1er year~, 11111:. they will imp1·ovc. The arms and clothing a1·0 in fair order, fon1· companic:. of thi~ D:ittulio11, ltnvo ol<l wom out accoutrements, many articles unfit for e1·\•iee, and :-omo lost; n boa1·J :-hould lie appointed lo examine them.

5·Jth Battalion "Richmond" I nfautry-Licut.-Colonel ni~ht Hon. L ord .Aylmer tommanding. '

Fou1· companies drilled and were in<1pected at Company head quarter.i; .Xo~, 1 and 2 by Licut.-Colonol lion. ~L Aylmer, Brigade ~foj0r, Xo. 1, Captain, McKouzio. at Danville on tho 20th November. The company w~ not quite full, but tbe men were splonJiJ ablo young men, an:.l drilled well. .Xo. ~. Capt. Crombie, at lrelbonrnl• on tho 21st Soptombcr; the Company, wa!3 a few mon short, but tho.eon parade were all that could be dc!ii1·ed, fine strong young men, manual, firing and company, vory fair Nos. 3 and J Companies were inspected by the Deputy Adjutant General on tho 22nd Octobo1·; ~o. 3, Captain Aylmer, at Richmond. A fine company, mon nil fit for duty, active and intelligent; the drill was fairly gone through with, this being tbo nr::it year's drill for many of the men. No. 4 Company, Captain Boyd, at Windbor, full up to its allowed st1·ongth, and in appearance, material, nnd efficiency in drill wn .. one of the best companies inspected this year; tho manual, firing, and extended ~rder >cry good.

'l'he clothing of this battalion is new, tho arms and accoutrements aro in fair order. rrho battalion gm·e a Guard of Ilonour on the 29th Xo,·embcr, '"hen Jii .. Excellency and JI. R. II. the Princess passed through Richmond.

58th Battalion " Cumpton" I1ifantry.-Liout.-Colonel Cook, commanding.

Four compnnios d1·ille<l nnd wcro in::;pectod at thei1· re ... pecti\·o heaJ quarter,.. ; :No. 4 Company, Captain Wayland, mu~tcred at Marbleton and wa-. inspected by th o Deputy Adjutant Gonci-al on tho ijrJ October. The company was f tll, .~ood ~ctivo young men, and the C1iplain drilled them thoroui,rhly nnJ l'fnciently. Xo. I Company, Captnin Wyatt. was in~pccteil on tho 23th October. at Bury, hy the Hrirradc Major. Liout.-Colonol .Aylmer, who nbo i nspeetod X o. !J, Ca ptai 11 and llrc,·et Major )fo. Auloy, at, Win~low, and Xo. 10, Captain Riiley, al Cookshiro on tho ~4th October. J.Jieut.·Colonol Aylmo1· reports nil these companies in nn efficient Mate, foll •o the allowed Htn•ngth, a11d pa .. sed fhil'ly in drill. Tho arm:-1 nnd nccout1emcnls arc ingood order, tho clothing i:s well worn.

GOth Battalion " ... 1[issisquoi" I1ifa11try-Liout.-C1llonel Rowa.

Three compnnies cfrillod at their r espccth·o head qnartcril, viz: :So. 3, Caplaiu Robinson, Durhnm, No. 5, Lieut. Boclrnil, Stanlwid~e. nnd Xo. 6, \Ia.1or '\t.>stofcr, .Freligh ... burg, hnt the throe coinpnnics mn .. tcrcd :1t "itanbrid~o under Lient.-Colonol Rowe for inspection by tho Ooputy Adjulant-Ge11oraf, on the :!lith ~cptcmbcr, tho band nntl colon1·11 wui-c on p111·ade, a :;mall battalion wa·i formed, nncl arter in"fll~clio11 1 tho corp; rn:u· .. hod p:t"t in column nnd qnnrlcr column. The mnnunl nnd firi11g- wns well done, and b Ltu,lion rn l\"Cmonts and lino of :lltack ve1T fair. 'fhe stnff officers of tho battalion we1·0 nil pn~"ont, nod a great number or" '<pcctnlor~ woro on th1' ground, shewrn.~ by tho appltuHo gi,·en, tho hc1rty intorc~t taken l.iy tlu pcoplo of tho frontier in their well tried defender~.


Page 15: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

7'lfh Bailalion " Shefford lliglilanders."-Licut. Colonol ) 1illo1·, commnuding.

'l'hrco companh: drilled nt their hciul q 11:1rto1 :;, nn<i wo1·c i nspcctc<l by the Doputy .Adjutnnt(;cnornl nccompnniod hy tho 13rign~io Major~ on tho ~8th a.n<l 30th Augu t. No. 3 Company, Cnpt. Hell, mu tcrcd nt \\ e:<t Shollor<l, full nntl n tino body of mo11, (this compnny is con1pnrutin'J.r n new one, Capt. Bell has b?on ln.toly nppoint~l, the comp:rnv hn,., been allowed to run down under tho Jato Captain.) 'l'ho dnll wth vory fail·, m:innnl nnd tiring good . :\o. 7 Compnny, Captain Bl'own, must­orc<l nt Lnwroncovillo, up to ih :-trcn~th, good mon, willing nnd nctiYo, manual and fo ing, nnd company drill fair. Ko. Comp:my, Captnin Brook~, paradocl at Waterloo; the ('Ompnny wns full, good nblo-bodiNI mon, but mnny of them WOL'O 1'0cruittt, and tl1e compnny did not ::-hew ~o well in <lrill ns tlw other,;; it takos moro thnn :w hour:i drill lo mnko n 1:-oldicr fit for in!->pcction in comp:iny drill. Tho nrms and nccoutro­monb of tho compnnic,., inspected were in good order.


All tho corp-. that ha\·e tnr~cb nnd mnges near thoir head quarters, hn.vo had p111ctiee, but nil the return" hnn} not yot been rocei\·cd, somo cornpanios hnvo no t:ir~et, and omo no safe range". llnttalion Camps are tho be::.t fur prope1· tnrirot

. b prnct1cc.

RrnE AssocrATro;s:;.

Thero a1·c ::.ix teen Rifle Associations in the Di-.tric:t, all working efficiently, viz:­

Pro>inee of Quebec Rifle A$socintion. .Frontio1·, County of lluntingdon, Rifle Association. District of Bedford " " , ·110rbrooko " " Richmond, County " Wellington, Cook::-birr, ' · County of Ottawa "


" "

.:\lontrenl Rifle Club '' .:\fontreal Gnrri,..on Artillery '· \[ontreal Field Battery '· J..t Battalion P1·ince of Wales' Hifle-. c:

'· ,, "

.'h'l'l '· Victoria Rifle ... , " 5th c: noyal Fu:-iliCI'", " Gth '' Fu-.iliorq "

" '· ~ ,

<.rand Trunk Railway, ·• )fonteal Engineer~, " c:

All the,,e A-,;ociation~ !if.t\'O had succc,,~ful competitions this year, and they <' ·ntiuuo to prove to Le of real benefit lo tho Force.

I11\'i-.10.'i.\.L Axo B1uG.\.DE PAn.\t>Es, Gtr.\RI>s OE' llo;soua, .t:-w GuAnDs, nY TUJo: AGTI\'E .MrLLTIA or .Mn,ITARY D1sTR1CT No. 5.

Divi. ional Parade ~4th lf[ay.

II.or )It~~ ~y· B~rth-da.>: wn,-. cclobraled at Montrnal by the pa1·ndo of n 1livi:-iion Actn·e Militia on .fletcher~ held, under the comrn~111cl of tho noncral Officci· iu

~ •rnrn:111d of tho D0minion Militia, Sir E1lwartl Selby Smyth. Tho Divi~ion w· s mpo el?fth?,Mony·c:il Brigade of .~~ilitar_yDi trictNo. 5, and numberir.g of ~~'1'1 nks, l ,fi"~. l he C1 ty Corp of ,\f 1 h t:uy Di:-.trict :N' o. 6 285 · B. Jhttci·y 14:~ .

(Ht 1w:1 Field B.1ttery 'jfj i GO\'Cl'l\01' (;cneral'"I Foot ({n~rd~ o' tt"\'"'l "0" . 2n J1

(\ . 0 H'fl 'I' 8 I •••• , ,, ' 1 • ( , H~on n wn 1 c .. , oronto, 4:J4; th !{oyal IWlc~, <iucbec, 215 ; totul, 3,088 of

1.1111{, IO guns :u11l 1:33 horse . 111 :Hldition to the aborn, a Compnny of




Light Infantry " Tho Barlow Groys " from St. A than , l ni lod tnte", woro proi;ent nnd took part in the pamde. ~'he force wn formed intJ four brigndc • There wore O\'cr 50,000 spectatot·"I on the grouncl.

. A Hoyal. "alnto nnd je11 de joie wa fired, tl1c troop thon mnrched Jl!'I t , nftor which a po1·twn of the Jorco told off under tho command of Lieut.. Colonel J•'lctclior Dopnty A~ljutaut ,C?onoral! to tako up a po. it ion on tho fide of tho mount."lin to net on tho .'ll'fcn~c; l ho mum b~y of the force under tho Gonoral Comm:m1ling, formed tho att~tck. lhe movomonts m attack wero well planned and well carried 0111, but t.he rc><1>iumco mn.do by tho defenco, proved that they could hold their own arrain:;t a front attack; a flunk attack Wll.'i then ordered, but the prci;,..uro of the immon::.o crowd wat:1 HO great, that in order to prevent accident~, tho Gooernl con ... iclo!"cd it a!h·i:-nlilc to cout:10 opornLion~, nnd gave tbe or<lor a.ccor<ling-ly. The troops then marched ort:

At the reception nnd entertainment of lliH Excellency tho GoYenor General Lol'd Dulforin by the City of Mo11treul in February la.,t Guards of Honour wero voluntnr~ly given by tho ll:lt .I31'1gade, .llilitary Di,.,tr.ict .,.o.' 5. The fullowin" Bri raoo Order will t-hew how nil tho corps willingly pal'ti('ipatod i11 the duty.



MtLITC.\ BRIGADE OrFICF, I ·t BarnAuE D1n:;roN, Qu1rnli:c

)fo:-1TREAL, 9th February, 1 S'i

His Excelloncy tho Governor Genoral is plcnsecl to accept the l'ervice., oo eoui·­teou'lly offered by tho officers commanding Corps in Militt11T Dbtrict Xo. 5 in ~ont1·eal, to fnrni!ih volu ntarily tho extra Guards of Ilonom· at{d c~cort:; mentio


rn a letter addresHed by tho Deputy Adjutant Gonornl commandinrr tho J)j.._trict to the Adjutant Goneral dnted 7th instant.


The Guards abo\·e referred to wi II bo fumbhcd a::. under : Monday.-Gnard of Honour at 5.30 p.m. at Wi11cl-.01· Hotel. by tho J .. t Battnlion

"Prince of Walott' Riflo Regiment" . 'fuo~duy.-l<};cort at 2 p.m for openin~ of :\kKny fn.,tituto by :X ). 1 1'l'OOJ>

Cavalry. Guard of Honour at 9 p.m. for Ball at Wint! ... ol' Hotel, by Gth ' Fu ... ilicr .... ' Wedne:;day.-Gu:ml of llonour at Acndemy of Mn-iic nt ~ p.m. bY 3rd Bntt:1lion

"Yi<'toria Volunteer U ifle"." ~ Friday.-Gunrd of Honour nt 8 p.m. for con•er:::iziono of .\.rt A""Ocintion at

Windsol' Hotel, by 5th Battalion "Royal .Fn"ilicrs.'' Gnanl of H•mour nt :J p.m. for Lovec at Wind ... or llotol by 3rd B:itt:.ilion "Victorin Yolnntccr lfolc .... " . 011icc1·s of tho ActiYc )filiti:i :1ltcnding ttny of the nbo\·c. aro rcqnc~tcd to nppcar in full <lres~ unifol'ln.

Ily order

Tno~t.\~ B.\co~. Lt.-Colom•l, BrignJe .Mujor.

Bosides tho ah)YC voluntnr_y gu:u-.k n gnnrd w.1-. ol',lerc I from heal qnar!cr", and givon by tho ~Iont1·cnl Garrison .\.1·tiller.\· at the Dcp >t, nnil :;nlutc,, were firld on tho arrival :11vl dopal'luro of His Excellency, by the )fontroal Field Battery.

auards Oil f Ae . lrmouries.

On 1ho 1st Jnly la . .,t, gunr<l<1 wcr1• 111 lllnlc I on tho n1·rnonl'ie~ at tho Oltl Drill Shed, antl the Ohl City Hall, of an :l\·,•1-.1~J -. t1-..m~th at c.>·1o!i plnoo, of 10; thc.;c gnnr ... were kept up by tho 1st Brigade for 15 Jay-..., uud w:b a go) t trinl an l proof of tho efficiency of tho soyorul corp in guard duty.

Page 16: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

Parade n11d Guard,, of Jloncur an tJ,e, arrival 1111d rcc'.'Jlfic11 of !lis H.rcellency the Uorernor General and JI. H. JI. t/,e Pm1cess Louise.

'1 ho )fontn·nl lkigntlo pnrntlcil in full !Oreo on the m?rning ~f tho 2~lh X '>vcmber. • l;unn.t of llonom· ot' 100 ''':h fur ni hcd Liv the J:...t Pn1H.:e ot Walc!'l Hille~, nt tho Bonan111luro Depot for tho arl'i\'ul of His l~x~cllener nn~ Pri ~cc:<~, nn<l a U 1~1~r<l of 110110111· wns furnbhL'tl In• tho :Jr<l Battnhon V1cton:1 Hrtle:;, at tho \\ 111<.lsor Hotel. Tho Gnrnlry furni!'-hed an c ... l·ort, the Field Battery formed on l>ominwn Squa1·0 to firo n Hoyal ... nJt1tc. '!'he otlu.'r corps took up poi:;itiom:1 on the lino of routo to tho 1 lot cl :h follow:-. : tho Engineer:; in front of the BonM·cnturo Station, tho Gnrrison .Artill~ry 1\l the junction or'Crnig and Bon:. Yon lure Street~, .tho Princo of Wales'. Hiil~s :it Wi11k':; Bnildin~:-1. tho 65th Hifles and St. Jenn Baptiste Company nt V1ctorui ~ iunro tho 3th Boy:il Fusiliers c·orner of H:ulogon<le nnd Belmont Sti·eot~, tho 6th Battnli~u Fn:.iliers at Philip':i S<1u:u·o1 tho anl Battalion, Yictori1i Rifles, Don·hc,,ter 'trcet near the Windsor. After tho arl'ivnl of the Royal Pu1-ty nt tho Windsor, the troops form~i in St. Cathol'ine Street, and under the Ho11ernl Officor· in comm:unl, mnrchc<l pa~t the Windsor Hotel by Dorchester Street. His Ji;xcolloncy and Iler Roynl llighnc..;s woro stntioned on n balcony and ro>i~we<l tho troops as they marched pn:<l; Lu t the crowd or ~pcctnto1-:;1 in nn<l out of carnages wn;i so dens~, that when the rear battalion came up tho ~treot wns blocked, and tho Gonorul wisely stopped tho parade.

.\. \"'Oluntary Gunrd of Honour was furni::.bod by tho 5th Royal Fusiliers for tho .!fall on the c\·coing of tho ~!.llh, nnd one by tho lith Fusiliers for the Drawing Hoom. 'fho Cavalry gave escorts on tho 30th No\·. and 2nd Dec. On tho departure of His gxcolloncy anJ tho Pl'inco~s on the morning of tho 2nd December, tho 5th Royal l'usilior . .;, and 65tL Rifles furnished Guards of Honour, and tho Field Battery fired a Hoy1tl -<nlutc under a drenching ralll.


On tho 12th June, at 5.43 p.m., I received a requisition signed by threo Magistrates of tho City of Qucber, calling for the services of three battalions of tho Montre1l Brigade in aid of the civil power at Quobec. I at onre ordered tho 1st, 3rd and 5th Balltllions to muster and bo ready to leave by the Grand)Trunk Railway at9.30 same evening. I made rcqui~ition for a special train; by the hour named, the train wa" ready, aml the throe battalions embarked and loft the station at 10 p.m. Liout.-Colonel llncon was with mo as Bri~a<io Major. Tbo Brigade arrived safe nt Quebec at '1 a.m. next morning, mal'{:hofl to tho Citadel. Ou1· brigade at once took over tho duties of the gnrri ... on. The City remaino.l quiet after our arrival. Tho strength of tho brigade was 59 officer" and 6-!!l nou.commi~sioned officer8 and rank and tilo. Tho boha,·iour of tho men was excellent. On tho evoning of the 14th, nt tho rcq nesL of tlio .Adjutant.General I returned to Montreal, lca,·ing tho brigade in char!:{O of Lieut. Colonel Bacon. I brought 100 oft ho force with me,and on tho 15th I1ieut. .. Colonel Bacon brought the rem:iind~r back to .Montreal. Tho services of the .\1onu·eal Force was July appreciated by the Provincial authorities, ancl by tbo City Council of Quebec, as will be :,,eon by tho Jotter attached mnrke<l (A) from tho lloo. II. G. Joly Premier, and an ad<lre~s from tho City Council on boh:11f'of the Citizens, presented on

1 tho g!:!planndo

at a parade of the troop:-1, to Liout.·Colonel Bacon in command of thoMon troal 1~01·eo. Tho u<ldrcss is marked (B) and is herewith enclosed. Tho Brigade was also thnnkcd in <:eneml 01'1.iel': of tho 18th June.

12th July Seri:i1·e.

'l'ho brigade, l?~e.tbo1· with the Cit~ c.orps. of Military District :N"o. Ii, woro called out by a r~,~~HHlton orved on tho 8?n101: Staff Officer in ~fonL1·c1d, an<l by a uhser1ucnt roqu1 1t1on a fol'co from tho I• mnt1e1· corp .. wa.." rullc<l for mnking tho vholc strength 3,000, or the1·l•ubouts; the rcqui-.itions were <lated 5th :u1il Gth July.




'!'he 11th, !;Ot h, ;; bt, :,:~1·d ttn1l 51th Jhttalion ,.,·ere ordered to ~fontrn I. aml nrafrc<l on tho 1 lth .July. '!'he Ii Ith Battalion Beanhnrnoi 1 wore nl o reqnost.00 to fnmi b JOO men, which tlH•y <lid.".\." anil "B" Battol'io were nl o onlercd to .\lontroal to trongtbcn tho Fon'l'. Thi~ Foi·co wa .. deemed necos,:u·y by the magi tral-0::

1 for tho proper

mainte11a11co of the peace in the City on tho Uth. 'I'ho c;o1101·al cnrnc from t Hlnwa and took com rn:rnd of tho Di vi:-.ion. 'I'ho pro once of' such n I•'orce nndcr a licnernl Otlicer of Hor .Majcsty':1 .Al'lny, had tho ell'oc.:t of kee ping the Cily rp1iot, the troop w1'ro <l il'll'iLnted at i111 portan t po in th, but wore not cal led on to act. The .\font real f•'orco was di:·nni~:-.cd 011 tho night of tho l~lh , and tho Country corp~ wcr~ "Cnt to their head q11arto1·0 on tho J:~th. Loaving a .. irlo the cau .. c of their :-:en·ico bei1w rcq_nirc<l, tho p1·omptitudo which tho battnlion:.from the co1111l1'Y r-;hewcJ, in re-.po111f ing to tho call upon them to mu.:;ter, reflect:; great c1·odit upon tho ofiicer-. and mou of tho several co1·ps.

Tho Gonernl Ollicer in comman<l, rublisho<l in ((enornl Order.., of the l!l th Jul·.-, hii'i thanks to lhe oflicol's an<l me11 of th.! l"ol'C:O as:<eml,lc1l in .\fontreal on the 12th .July.

r~oRCE I~ AID OJ:' cn·rr, POWER o~ TUE "Mo:-.-TRE.u., 0TT • .\.W.\ A:-i!I Oco IDE~T;\f, Rur.w.\Y, 0:-l TUE 3 l T AUGUST.

I receiV"o1l a requisition !'ignod by fou1· mugi t1·atcs of )fontroal und or11• ~ign d by three magistrate:; of Ste. Therese, calling for a Force of Acti\'e )filitia to aid tbo Ci vi I Power, ti.:! a riot was appreheode<l at he,·oral i:,tations on tho rond, on tho occn!Sion of tho i:;eizuro liy the Provincial Government, of tbe station!'! and rolling i,tock of the 1·ond. 1 acted at once and ordered out a force viz·

"B." Batto1·y...................... .......................................... !.! Montreal Garrison artillery............................... ....... ...... 50 6th Fusiliers.. ............ ...... ........ .. .... .... .. ..... .... ..... . .. . ... 60 6.)th l{ifles .................................................................. 120

'.?39 Detachments wore sout to the <liffo1·ont station:<, and the main body unde1· my

i::Ommand proceeded to Ste. Therese on tho l::.t September. On tho 2nd, the Sherill' and Civil Authoiitios mnJo n seizure of all tho prope1·t.r on tho Road, tho pr1.;,en1.. ... of tho troop p1·e,·ented any opposition to tho CiV"il Power. Afle1· the seizure, small <letachment:1 wero t-ent to every istation along the rond. All being quiet the troop, with the exception of tho ~mall detachment of "B'' Battery wore relieved from duty on the 4th September. Tho behaviour of the men wns exccllont, an<l tho <luty was per .. formed to the t<atisfaclion of tho Civil and Provincial Authoritios.

On tho 12th September, I received another requbition from four magistrate~, for fnr·thcr aid lo tho civil power for tho same R:tilway. I ordered 50 of tho bl Princo <lf\Yalos' Ritlo.~ un<lo1· 0110 0a.ptain and two :<ubalte1·ns. 'l'his <lotud1111ent was ... tutionc·l at diffcl'ont i:;tations nlong tho line under tho di1·ection of ti.Jo magi~trate~. Ono half wa-; takon off on tho 2Gth Soptomber, arnl the rcmn10<le1· on tho 10th October. Tho :;01Tit•o wns porfol'lnc<l tot.he ontiro atit'faction of tho l>rovincinl Go'"'ornmcnt, tho present owners of tho roaJ.

.A lottor of thanks was sont by the Pro'"'incial Socrctary, for tho cilic:icnL aid ron<lcro<l by the Montreal troops.

I bog to montion, that tho Force called to Quebec, and that calle<l oul for :en·icc on the railwny woro promptly paid by tho Pro,·iucial Go,·crnmcnt. for tho ~er~ico rcndel'ed, contra~ting mo:;t fovournbl.\·with tho City Council of Montreal in the matter of payi:-ient of the Aelivo Militia for the l:!th July.

\YE.\.R .urn T.t:.\R o•· C1.0TI11::rn.

Tho oxka duty po1·fo1 med by tho ).fontrenl corps, iservin~ on Gu:mh of Honour, ~uar<lH on m·mourie~, sorvico in :\id of Ci,·il Power, and weekly <lrill, wc:t1·:; out. tho uniforms much -.ooner, thun if they we1·0 only dl'illing I::? <lay in tho .rur.

Page 17: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\


I would tbercforn rc .. pcctfnlly rcrommc•1ul thnt tho limit fol' the weal' of l1111ic :m<l trow:-or' for th )Iontrc:d forco I.lo'" o ycnr.:l in~tl'~ld of three.

.Mi 11trcal Dn i ~/;. /.

Tho Dl'ill • bed :-till rl'mnin:. in rnin . 'fho «entro :;pace, formerly tl10 drill J,:ronnd, j, u-cd by the City Cor porntiou :is :l depot fo1· hunLcr, i;tono :mt! 1·11Lbish. Some of tho ::,idc roon~, i-till left ... tnndir g, nn.1 t1Hltl by tho ~\.rtilkry urn! 3nl lhttulion 11-'l gun :iheds and armouric-.., lmt the ... c rooms nro not :;afo, tho window1:1 tno l>rokcn, tho rooflenks and the tlooring is roltc'n. Tho 13rigado 1rntfors for· want of a p1·01•or cl rill :;hed. Tho u'o of tho old City llnll, grunted by tho Corpornt ion, docs nor., by 11

long wny, rompcn ... nto for tho Io's 0f tho drill 1Shcd, tho ball i1:1 not largo enough for a full bnttulion to drill properly, nnd is n long way from .,;Omo of the nrmour·ie~, l>esidc~, it rno1 o thnn triplet> the expen:;c of guarding tho armouries when an alarm n1·ii,;c!l. Four guard~ nro rcquiroo to gunnl tho nrmouriL's, H·ntterc1l a1:1 they nro nt present, whcrt.>as, if the old :,hcd wus rebuilt. ono guard would snftico. . Tho City nutho1·itic~ have no right to U!-C tho old t>hctl for city ]HH'posc8. I nm rnformcd nn AcL of Parliament mts pa ... ~c<l for tho erection of thi1:1 sbo<l Jor military JIU.l'po~cs only, nnd Government gnve n graut of$12,000 towal'dl:I tho building of it~ this ~ui:n, wit.h the interc,..t on it ~inco tho roof foll, wnul<l go a long wny towa1·<ls tho rcburld111~ of the ohod. The root need not be n~ co~lly as the old one. By u ing one or two row:-; of~npport;;i, the form of roof would bo cheaper and safer too tho pillars woul1l not interfere with drill. '

.• \ det.ermin~ etfort i:-h?ulu bc.m~<lc, by all interested in the keeping up of our efficient q1ty Br1g~d~1 to brmg thcll' 1~1lucnco to bear upon tho City authorities to. havo a ::-111tablo building erected for dnll plll'poscs before tho close of another yenr.


I \VOulc.l n~p1in _stnto a,; I ditl Ia!'jt year, "that an excellent spirit prevails through­" out the chstr1et, m favour of tho Active Militia and that a truly loyal and willing "spirit exii-t.s in tho Force it~elf." ' . .1 beg to nl'knowlcdgo with thank~, tho •ory cordial support, and most efficient

nu.I. rn tho w.ork of the Di:.tr·ict, rccci,·c·l from Lieut-Colonels Bacon nnd Aylmo1., B~·1g~de ~foJOr~, and the willin~ a ... :-;i~tanco rendered by _I,icut.-Coloncl Amyraultl, D1 .. tr1ct Paymasrc1·, and )fajor Pope, i-tol'Okcepe1'.

I hnrn the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,

~'Lo .Adju t :rn t G enc1·al of }lilitia,


.TOTI~ FLETCHER, Lieut.-Colonel .Deputy Adjutant Gcncwal,

)lilitnry Di,,trict 'Xo. 5.

[A.] Qu.EBE<', lDlh June, 1878.

i\f y D1:.rn ('OLOXf;(, FLJ,Trmm,- I was \'Cry i:orry not to be nl,lc to take leave or 1110 )fontreal troops wl1en they left.

We l1ave pa ... c;oo an Order in Council, lo exprcs!:i our thanks to them. It will Lo eent to you through the oflicial cbnn nel.

Excu~c great hru,tc: and once more accept my best thank~ for )-ourself ofllccr,, and men. 1

Yours 1-inccrcly,





rB.] '.l'o Liculouant Colonel BACO-"',

'l'he otliccr<i, non-corn mi-.1<ioned offi<'er~ and men, comp:> ing 'l'ho detachment, of Montreal \·01u11tocr~, now 1pmdcrcd in Quebec :

Tho CitizcnR of Qucl.lcc gratefully acknowledge tho chce1·ru1 alncrity with which you responded to tho urgent «nll made on you when <>lir Cit\• w:b s11fh:1·in" from the ovil offcl'l:i of tumult and violence. • 0

On tho twelfth of J nno, a di turban«<! whi«h :l!!f·nmcd a mo,,t forrnirlalilu n pcet had been pl'Omptly checked, and, for tho time r111dlu•l by the i;mall thou•,.h ctlicicnt force 1:1tu~io11cd he1·0; and late on that day tho Givi l authol'itic: npprchon<lin~ a renewal of tho riotous con luct of tho mob a-kcd for ynur a----istnncc whic:h wn:; at once nccordcd'. and your pro;~~nco be.r~ wa~ .the m~ans of preventing tllo po-~ibility of any further J1:stu1·l>nnccs. Ibo rap1d1ty w1lb which your forces worn mu-.tered and th rem~1·~al>lo fact th~t, within about _twch·o hour:i aftc1· the tlc,~patch of the 'tcloJrnrn rcqull'lng Y?Ul' ecrv1ccs, your .battalion~ wel'O marching th1·011gh our ... trcct~, aro tho ~reatc:;t ev1denco of the effic1.e~cy of the .\1o11trcal \"Oluntcers and mui,t gi,·o con­fidence throughout tho Dom101on that our forces arc nvailnblc to bo quickh· concentrated in tho event of any emergency. •

They trust that should, unfortunately, mi li tary p1'0tcction he required in any other part of Canada, tho voluntccr1:1 tbrou,,hout the Dominion will emulate your military promptness and zeal. 0

The Citizens of Quebec will Lear in mind the deep obliirations under which you have placed the?1 a~d their familiei,; and beg yon will ca~ry away with you the assurance of thou· srncore acknowledgoment8 fo1 the vnlw1blo ~en·ice.; which yon have rendore<l thorn. •



H. CIIA)IBEilS, ~foyor.

Quebec, 15th June, 1878.


1fEADQ1.AHTER~, )lo:\TRl:.\I, ·Jth DcC\:lllUCJ", l v i~.

8m,-In conformity with your in ... trnction', 1 ha\·o tho honou r to report, for the information of tho Gcncnil Otliccr commandinµ-, that tho foll:.>wing Corp,, h:l\·e becm )';elected for t wch·o day:--' drill at thci1· own hoad1p1Urtcr:-:, :ind Imm accordingly drilled for lS'i'S-1 i!J, aucl ucen duly in ... pcctoo by me.

Oilicl.'r>, X.C.O.

Cl !th Battalion .................................................. . ..... . G5th ............... ......... ......... ....... ... ............ · 7tHh •• ..................................................... .. . 'rhrco Rh·cri; Provi,ion:il Bnttnlion ..................... .... .. l::)l. liyacintbo Provit>ional Battulion ............................ . St. Jean Bnpti:--to Company ...................................... . W0tto11 Independent Company (thh; Company ~n\"o up iH

t imc to tho Lnprniric Uornp:u1y who drilled in its i;tcad)

11nd Af~u.

270 270 2i0 2~0 I 0

Page 18: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

65th Battulion-Liout.-Coloncl I,:dm111chc.

On the :!nth .Tune I inspocted thi tino B1ttniion . . . • l'rc .. ent on pnrn lo-stntt~ 5; company olliecrs1 11; non-comro1s~10ncd othccrs urn!

men, ~16. . .After tho rn:i1111:1l nnd tirin~. whiuh wn.:; well 1lono, the lbttnlwn wunL lhrough

e\'ernl 1110\'crnont--, both as n n!,..{irncnt in line anu in column, doploymont.-<1

&c.1 nd\"nncing in echelon. &c. .

'rho whole w:h tlono in "uch a mnnnc1· as to convtnco mo thnt it uudo1·stood its work thoi-ou~hh·.

011 tltc 4th ·,July I proccctlod to llcnuh:u·nois in order to in~pcct tho

G!th B 1ttali01l-Lic11t.-G>lonel Prudhomme.

Prasent at in,;;pection-7 fiol<l and stnff offieor::i. .Xo. 1 f"ompnny-~ ofliccr:-;, l~ non-commissioned offi~erd nml mon. . .Mnnunl nnd tiring, wheeling, formntion of fours, mnrchrng, counto1·mnrchmg

1 &c.,

wero ~ood. ~\rm-; nml nC'coutromcnts in good Dl'licr. Xo. 2 Company, Capt. llnzinet-2 officers and -12 non-commis~ioncd officers an.I

meu. )fanunl antl firin~. formation of fotu'!l, wheeling, marching and countormnrching

were good. Arm-< and accoutrement!'\ in gooJ order. Xo. 3 Company, Liont. Cadieux-1 ofliccr n~d 42 men.. . Mnnunl and firing,formntion offour:.1 wheelrng, marcbtng and conntormarch1ng

were good. Arms and accoutrements in fair order. No. 4 Oompnny, Capt. Pl'Udhomme. Present oo pnradc-2 officer:'! and 42 non-com missioned officers and mon. Manual and firing, formation of four.,, wheeling, marching nml countermarch-

iog wero well done. Arms and accoutrements ia good order.

No. 5 Company, Capt. Bergevin dit Langevin, Prc,cnt on parn<lo-2 officers and 42 men. S:ime remnrks as for tho other Companie~. Xo 1; Company. Pre-ent on parade-1 ofllcer aml ·12 mP.n. S:1me remark;; a" for the other Companies ..

16th JJ.1ttalion.-Lt.-Coloncl Rodie1·. :-:5t.nft', 4. On tho 4th July. Xo. 2 Company. G:q,t. Darocht>r, was inspected. Present on parade-2 officors and 42 mun. )fanunl and firing, formation ot' four:-, wheeling, marching and connlcl'mnrch-

ing well dono. ,\rm~ a1H..I nccoutromcnt!l in good order. Same day ?:\o. 4 Company, Sto . .Mu1'li1101 C.~pt. Beaudre:rn, was inspected. Prc~cnt on paradc-2 officcr.'i and -12 men. :Manual and tiring, formation of four.'i, wheeling, marching and counlcrmarching

well done. Arm anrl accoutrement..; in ~oo<l order. .... 'lmc <lay Ko 3 Company. St. Urbain, Capt. Legault, was inspected. l'rnsent on parado-1 ofiicor a11tl 12 tncn. )fonual :mil tfring, formation of four., wheeling, marching an<l countormarching

well 1fonC'. ~\rm and :i<·coutremenb in good ordcl'.

On tho 5th July I in-.pc<:lef! Xo. l Compnny, CapL. J>'Amour. Prc,e11t on pnru<lc-:~ officer;-. an<l 12 mon. Manual and iidng, fo1·mntion of four-., wheeling, mnrchi11g nnd co1111tc1·mnrchin •

·well do11c. Ann,., an<l ac:toutl'ernent:; in fair or<lor. Sumo day I inspcc·tC'd No. 5 Compa11y

1 Capt. 'fnrcot.

Sarno re111nrk!<!. l'rcf;on t, 011 parado-3 offic·er . ., and 42 men. On tiU1 July l inspo!"lcd Xo. G Company, Capt. Roborl. Present on JHll'ade-2 officers ancl ..J2 men. , 'amo remal'lci; llf; ma<lo with regard tu tho other Companie, of lhb Battalion.

1'/irce Rivers Prvt:isio11al Battalion-)fojor Lnml>crt.

• On tho 1ith July I inspected Xo. 1 Company . Present on paraJe-Statf, 5; com11any officer~, 3; men, I~­At tho sumo time I im;pectcd Xo. 3 Ccm1pa11y. Prcsont on pal'Uclo-2 officers and 41 mcu. I must hero l>e allowed to remark that I hwo not l>een able to iu•pect lhc~e tw 1

('Ompanics ns fully af; I should ha>e de:-.ire<l. It was raining ,·ory hard-mud evorywhon~-mud ur to the nnklo-tho two

<'Ompunies wero obliged to take position on tho step:; of the Pnrbh Church of Bcrthier, for tho manual.

At my last inRpeclion those two compnnies were woll up in their drill. 011 the isamo day I inspected .... To. ~ C.Jmpany, m,·iore du Lonp (en haitf) C.1pt.

Pichette. Preson t on parade-2 office1·s and 41 men . . Manual and firing, wheeling, fol'mation of four~, marching and countermarcl11ng

fairly done; arms and accoutrements in fai1 order. On tho 18th July I inspected No. 4 Company, Capt. Ilcnnult. Present on pal'aclc-2 officers and 42 mon. . . This is a fine company of men, they hn,·e n good instructor; I.mt the Cnptnrn. 1~

not up in his work, and docs not seem to givo tho Comp:tny nil the caro and nttenl10n he should; nrms and accoutrements aro not well looked nfler.

On the samo day I inspected So. 5 Compauy (Hawdon). C:npt ~harpc. Present on para<le-2 officers nnd 42 men. . Manual and tiring, wheelings, formation of four~. mnrching, and counterm:trchmg

all very well done; urms and nccou rremcnts in good order. This is a very fine Company; men all well up in drill; mon all t:ill, ~trong nnl


St. l!yacintlu? Prori:,ional Battalion.-\fajor Doherty.

3 Slnfl officer~. On tho 24th ,l nly I inspected Xo. 1 Comp:rny. Capt. Chaput. Present on parndc-3 officon; anu 42 men. . .Man uni and tiring, whcelingil, formation offou1·.~ , m•irchinf!, antl couutcrmnrch!ni;,

hayonot oxcrcbe, Rkirmii,;hing, &c., &c.; the whole was well pcrfo~·mo 1. This 1'

really a good Company, thoroughly <lrillod; armoi ancl aet·outrcmcnt:• 111 ~ood or lcr. On tho 23th July No. 2. Company, St. Pie, wa .. , inspected. l>resent on pnrado-2 otlicol'"l and;{ men . . Manual und firin~. wheeling, formation of four:-<, marching, co11nlcrmnrch10g. • c.,

..\c .. foirlv done; n1·n1s an<l nccoutromonts in n fair corH.lition . On t°ho 20th .Tuly tho ~o. 4 ( orol) Company wa~ inspocto I. }>resent on pnrado-3 oflicerb and 4~ men. Same 1 cm ark~ th above. On tho I th October Xo. :J Company, St 'imon, Capt yh-c,,lcr, W:t'l i11-,peclc I.

Page 19: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

Thi Comp:'l.ny requires !l go l in-.trur•tor; tho :11·111'! and :ict:o itrorncnt:; roqnire more looking aftur.

Pre cnt on pnrn(lo-~ oflicor :md .1'2 men. . 1

• ,

On tho :!ith July I in-.pcctod th0 :-St. Jean Bapt1:;te Compn.n5, Cnpt. Kinvin. Prc-.cnt on pnrndc-:l otliccrs nnd -1 men. . Of tho~c ! men, 4J only h:wo claimed pny. The. six men O\"er tho nllowd

stren~th of tho Comp:my h:wo furnishe<l t!1ci1· 01\'n clothing. . . .\lnnunl :uul tiring, wheeling~, formation of fours, mnrch1ng, conntormn1·<:lung,

;"Lnd nil tho Compnny mo\·cmcnt:; in extended order wore Yory well done; arms an <l nrcoulr<.'ments in ~ood order. .

This is a really mn~niticent Compnny nnd n creJ1t to nny force. 'l'ho men arc very tall, wcll·sLr.od, nnd up to their work.

On tho 7th No\·emlor tho Lnprnirio Compni1y, (No. 5 Compnny, 2li:1t Batlnlion) ( 'npt. Brou-. ... l'nu, was inspected.

Prc .... cnt. on pnrn le-a officers nnd 4~ mon. . . ~fonunl :.ml firing, wbcelin~:-, fonnntion of four~, marching, countormarclun(!,

, ·c &c. were well done: arms nn<l accoutrements in good order. ' This i" a remnrknble fine Company-well up in thoir <lrill nnd tmining.


Thero nrc four Rifle Associations in tho Di8trict under my command. 'Ibc Rifle .Ai-~ocintioo for tho 5th 13rigndo Di•bion, Lieut.-Colonel D'Orso n ncn.:,

Rrignde )fojor, I>ro::.ident. Tho 'l'hl'eo Rivers Battalion Hille Association, ~Iajor Lambert, President.. The Joliette Bn.ttnlion nifl.<} Assoc:intion, Lieut-Colonel Sheppard, President Thll Ci5tb bnttnlion :'.fount Royal Hiflo Association, Liout.-Coloncl La.branch ",



On the 12th of July last, it became again ncccssnry that the troops "taliono<l al . Montreal, bo called out in niu of tho ci\·i l power.

Tho G5th turned out 2:-l oflic,m; and 2i7 men. The St. J can Bapti,,tc Company. - 3 officers and 45 men . .Moreot"er, 100 men from tho Ci4th Voltigours <le Beauharnois were ah;o or<lercll

to procet.'tl to Montreal on thi:; duty. 'l'hey re .. pondcd to tho call with tho ntmo~t ;>romptitudc. . , On tho fir~t of ~cptombcr l:L't. the ti5Lh B:\ttalion was cnllod to Ste. Th1H·u ... er

together with troops of :\lilitary Dbtl'ict Xo. :;, n~ain in aid of the civil power. 'I'ho G5th returned to \Iontl'cal tho 11cxt, day, all tho con tom platcrl trouWe., :it

• 'te. 'l hero:ie havin~ rnni:-hcd. I c.annotconcludo thi,; Hcport without tlt:wkin~ lJieut.-CcJlonol IJ'01'~0nncll'1, lh-i­

gndc .Mojo1·, for hb cor1lial effort in ai<lin!{ mu to c.ll'IT tlironcrh an1l po1·form tlw v:11fousdutic- of tho Di trict under my command· ~

I h:ffc the honor to uo Sir, Your~ C\'e1· truly,

A. c '. D~LOTBLN"If<:RE-IL\ RWOOD, Deputy _,\djntnnt.-Gcncral, .Milita1·y Oi:-itrict ::\o. Ii.

'I'hc J\ tlju t:m t-< ;cncral, 0 ttn wa.

.'fILITAHY Dl ~THIC'l' Xo. i .

Q E11Ec, 3rJ Doc., 1 i . Sm,-I have the honor to fonnu·<l for tlio i11formatio11 of tho Gc11crul Officer Com.

mandiug, thiti my Hcport, with A ppc11<lix attac:he<l, for tbc war 1~78·79 nf tho Corp of tbe Active Militi:i in my 1Ji~tri<:t, which ha\·c poi-formcd~ tlioi1· :m11ua1l training in :iccordan<:o with tho Gc11ernl Or<le1· of the lGth of .May la t. '

Ac·cordin~ to the abovo 01·<le1., tho t-tro11gth of tho Force to drill fvr the yea!' 1878 7!l, waH limited to 2,000 ofiicerl', non c:omrni «ioned officol's and men.

J have entered in thi8 year's report, the Sth Hoyal H.illes, who<lrille<l Inst winter · ·md were in~pecled tltii; i;pring. '

'l'ho following i:; the detail, viz:

For 1 77-i~.

Office re.

8th Royal Rifle-., G companies ......... .. .)

For IS'i - 'i!I.


(~11obcc S11ua<lrnn of Carnlry, 2 troop-.. ........... . do F1cl<l Battery ................................ ..

Xo. 1 Buttel'}' Qucucc Gnrri:.on Arlillcry ........ . .J.'\o. 1 <lo Lc\'i-1 <lo do ........ .

8 (j

2 1

(1a1-.pc Battery Ganison Artill ery ................ . !Ith .Bnllalion Hiflcs, 8 <:ompanic:; .................. In 17th do Infantry, ;) do ................. . 23rd <lo do 3 do ................. . :i.)t h do do :1 do ................ . 1; bt do do '' do 'iOIJ1 do do :~ do Sbt tlo do ::; do

·················· ··················

Count\· of Qncbcc Dattalion. 1 J)orchc::.-ter <lo 9

I\ umou rnska do ., '.l'cmi:scouuta do :1 J~imouski do l

company ........ . t·om panics ..... ..

do dc1 do

Charlcnii x do ., do

., ,, Ii (i

Total ......... !I


l\".C.O. and meo.


N C.O and meo.

66 G 4~ 42 :-w

331; ] :~fi llCi 11 l

j (j

114 llS


'J'hc .'quudron of' Ga\·alry, commnn<lt'<l by l,t.-Col. For.-.yth, porformod d1·ill nt Ill':td Quanors, bul tho two troop,; WCl'O in~pccted ut dilft•rcnt <late.-.; No. 1 Trnop nndcr the comrnnn<l of .\fajo1· )fcDonnlrJ, on the •1th of No\'ombo1· 1 7 .... ; anti Nt). :! ~'rMp. un<lc1· the command of IA .. Col. Turnbull , on the HJth of the ·.:1mc month.

Xo. 1 Troop Q11~l" Cava'ry.

:'\ o. l 'fro >p wa,, in peeto l by Gcnenl "1 r P.1trick i\lac DJ:r ":tll, K .C M.r. .• who \\"a,. highly gratrlicrJ :it the tine :1ppe:1ran ···of I >th rnon ~1111 hor:-o ... , :11111 nlso nt tho Yol'y Cl'cdilahlc 111:111ncr in which the -.c'l'\~:·al mo\·emcnl' had hecn pc: fvrn1c I.

Page 20: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\


~:-.;:::==- ..:...;===-===:-=:.==-;:--. So. '.! Troop Qutb c (}1.11.:alry.

.... ·o. '.! 'l'roop wn" in pectod Ly me, and J luwu much plca~~ro in l'cporti ng funll'­noly upon thi troop, wluch is compo-.p~J of' t'dnl·atcd and 111tt•l11gcnl young men, we! mocmtc<l1 nnd owni11g in grcnt part thc11· ow1t hor:-t•s.

It wonl<I be i11\"1diou on m.r part, to rcpol't more ra.,·ornLly upon any one of. the two troop ... ; th 011 thi" oce11sion, both ha,·o !:ihown good will and zeal, and ha Ye ac~1111rcd n -.tnto ofcllicicncy which mnkt•.., lhi::i s11uadron of Cantll'y ~ccond to nono m thu I >om i 11io11.

'l'hc mon:ments gone thl'ough nt tho inspections wero, ranking pas~ in ~·olu.mn (if four::. and by ::.i11glc files. 'l'rnop formation.; each of them 1111~ n1h·'.1nung ~11 line, !'>\\'Ord oxorci"o at tho halL and on tho moYe, and pursuing practice, d1smountmg and mountin(l' and linkir)!l' hor:;cs, nnd l'ki rmii:;}1in~ with carbine,.;.

-=-• 0

' J 1 1. ti 'l' The ground upon which tho Hiding :;chool was former y crc~tc~ uy 10 01 iccr" of tho :;qundron, hnving Ul'Cll soltl by tho Government, tho Building w3:" romovod at <io\'ernmcut expen,.o to tho Dinmond Ditch Citndel, and it is now u·.-aduble both for the Cn rnlry and '· B" Rittcry, School of Gunnery.


The Quebec Field Battery under the Command of Lt.-Colonol Baby, wns mustc1·c1l uy me at their camping ground nt f:t. Jo ·eph , J,e"Vis; and also in~pocted by me at (~uehcc in presence of Hor Excellency Lnd.r Dutrerin.

Tho battery wnlkod and trotted pa t, after which the following- man~uvros we1·c "Ono tbrou(l'h "Viz· Chan(l'inrr front, forminrr divii;ions in rear of a tlank, forming line~ b ,:-, ' . ~ 0 0 .

chnnginrr front on tho centre, corning into nclion to tho front, rear right nnd loft and liml>oring up, mounting nnd dismounting guns, the whole boing done \vi th stoadi­no::i-. nml in a manner wbic:h i:.howed that no pains had been spared by the officers to mako this Lnttery one of tho fir?:Jt. for efficiency in tho Dominion.

The battery was encamped at St. Joseph, Levi::i, and I can testify to tho fl.no physi1p10 of tho battery. The camp wns well pitched and regular. The hor·scs wc1·0 very go0<l 11nd a temporary shed had Leen constructed at the officer's expont-:o, to protect tho hor~es from tho inclcmcn('y of tho weather. The uniform~, guns, hnrn ossc~. Nidlcry &c., were in good condition, although that it bad been rnining hca\'ily du1·ing three conf;ecuti'o clays prior to rny inspcl'tion.

The drill of the bnltery wns ,·cry J'ati-.foc:to1y, and tbc dl'h·ing elicited ~c11or:1l remark,, of up probation.

'fhc oflkcr-. compo-.ing this corp~ ha\"c been in<lcfutigaLle in theil' efforts to p1·,1. rnoto the eificicnc'Y or the batter,\·. o,·cr thirty men have received instrnc:tion twi<·e­a week dul'ing tho past year and attended lcetures. 'I'hc efficiency of this c01·p-.. rcllcet.; credit upon t11e commaucling ofli,·er and hi,, 1:-ubaltel'O,.., who u1·0 ull \\'ell up I«> their work, and arcqu::Iified officer-<, cac:h holding a bt cla-;s Gunnery School Cc1·titicatc. On tho departure of Loni Dutforin from Canada, the Quebec .Field Battery lnl'lled out ~rntuitou ... I~·, to fire a la~t c:omplimontm·y salute to that highly e:-tcomcd Govcrno1· (;eneral.

.J.Yo. 1 Battery Quebec Garrism Artillery.

This battery wa-i mnste1·o<l nt the completion of its annual training by IA-Colonel L'.lmontngnc, Brigade )fajor.

1Yo. 1 Battery Levis Garrison Artillery.

Thi IJattcry commanded by ~fajor I1. Ham el wns mu-,toi·cd o.r me at No. 2 Fort Lcvif3 011 this 14th of August lust. I found )H'osont ono officer and 42 men. Thi~ battery i newly organized and has not yet. undergone any artillor.r trai11ing. A number of men, I think ten, wero taken from tho battery and tmincd to compete fo1· the prize gh·en by tho Dominion ~\r:illery A'isociation for tho Lc:.t «hi:>oting with th (} 11mooth bore gan·i~on gun<>.

'l'lte C:aspl. Battery of (/arrisrm Artillery .

'l'hi~ b:it!cry wns in pect.Jd by Lioul-Colonel L'lrnont:ign e, IMg u1lc :M:ijor, in thc­ab enco of tho I>ominion ln:ijlector of Artillery; and hercnutu anne xed will bo lbuu l l1i:; report of lho in .. pec:tion, marked (A.)

hf' .\:\'l'll l'.

th Royal Rifles.

This lino bnttalion having Loon allo,ve<l to put in their cfril11> during tho (\"illtl.' I' month:; was not in!'lpoc:Led unlil tho !Jth of April la~t. I pononally ma lo tho iu:>­poction'. antl reported mo~t fn\'orauly to the tieneral commanding u.Pon tl~o etlic:icncy of tho uut.lulion. The new regulation helmcL'i WCl'O purcha'l('U !ht:; spring by the battalion, greatly adding to t~~o appea1·anco and comfort of tho !11en. They hnn~

· ~ been worn upon 1>e,01·al occ:tt-;1ons bmce and fouud to IJe u very c1•,·1ceablo hc:id-dra:-"'.

9th Battalion •1 Voltigeurs" Rifles.

On tho 31st ofOctol>er last, tbio battalion, commnndcd hy Liout.-Coloncl Yob!, nnd compo~od of 8 ('Ornpanies, wel'e in:-<pected by General Sir Patrick Macl>ougnll, K. C. M. G., commanding Hor Majesty'o Forces at IIalifax. At 10 o'clock a.m., tho General wal:!on tho ground, and was received by tho Battalion with ~ho u~u.nl &alutc. .After going through tho ra~ks, tho Ge~eral. p1·oceod~<l to tho 1>aluhng. po111.t, when the battalion marched past rn column rn qmck, and tn quartc1· column m quick and double time. It then reformed line and the !:iOnior majo1· wa-i cnlle<l out to put the battalion through the manual and firing exe1·ciscs, both of whi~h woro woll exe~utcd. Afterwards all the battalion movomoCJts wero gone through with smnrtnc. nn11 pre­cision. At tho conclusion, the Goneml oxpresl-led his 1>atisfaction to Iiiout.-Colonol "V oh! at the appoaranco and creditable manner in which the i-cveral manc:euvres hnd been performed, and stated that ho would have grca~ ploaquro in mnking a fuvoraltle ropo1:t. of the inHpoction to IIis Excellency the Mnrq u1s of Lorne, who would be then the11· Commander-in.Chief.

Tho ba.Ltnlion wore for lho fir-;t time their new busbic:> which they had purcha~L>< I in En11:land.


As lae.t year, tho rnrnl companies were detnil~ to perfoi:m thl'ir twt•.h·? d~1y-..' ). <lrill at their own head-q11artc1·s. The genenil efficiency acquire i \\'3 '-tllblacLory, but 'r rnu'lt arrain urge tho nccc<isity of Cotabli-.hing Sl'hoob of Infantry, to qualit)· offi~ors prov~ionally appointed, nnd to enable others de ... i1·ous of ol>taining irht.rnc­tion to qualify fo1· commis!'oions in tho lliliti11 Force. During tho ~o\·cml in:,pcct1ons I in tho Di:-.trict, tho want of proper instruction in CYeral in:,tancc." on ~ho pn1:t ot officers hns been b1·ought to ou1· notice, and in o\·ory ca::-o, they olatcd thcu· rend111cs-; to join military schools to perfocL them~oh·cs in tho now drill.

I would recommend t.hat a dopot of Drill Books of tho lntc:st edition should bo ostablil:!hcd uL Otta,vn. or olsowhoro, to enable offit:cr::i and men to purch:t.-;o them at cost prico. A groat. di~c·ulty has horctoforo buen oxporiencod, in procuring tho • proper books nt tho slat1oncrs bore.


In Juno Inst, tho following corps vi.i: The Quebec Squ:ldron ofCan\lry ; Xo: ~ Quebec Battery llarrison Artillery, and tho 8th llattnlion, turnc~d out at tho rcqu11;1-tion of mnrrit1trntes to q noll riots by otri kers in <tut•bcc. J .. ator Ill Ju I.>:• thrco compn-, nies of th;Dth Battalion, gnrrisonod tho Citadel during tho nb,;cnco Ill Montrc~I ol "B " Buttery, on account of apprehended troubles at that place. On both occa~1on?'.

Page 21: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\


--tho For('o turned out with al:1crit.r, anil during t~c time of. tl.'oi1· service


bchnvod ·ith dbcipli110 and merited genernl pmi-.c. 'l'he 1-.:u·l of Dullc.r1n, our Into (111vernor

Gcncrnl, ilbpectcd the volunteers e:~llctl out,. on c:~ch. occns1on1

bcforo th~y. W?ro di mi~,..e<I; :111 l cxprc:--.cd lib .. utbfactwn nt thcll' ::.oltl1crl1kc boaring an<l d1~c1plino ''hen on duty.

. .\R)t:\ G G.'\S • .Accot·rn•:ltE'.\ rs, II \H~o::-:-a:s, SADDl.ERY A:-.c1> 01.0T111:-w.

I ha,·o much plc:M11 o in rcport!n:; n marked .impmvcmont .gcnorully in the <mrctnkin!.{ of arms, u111l otlH'l' sto1·cs rn chnrg-o of offico1·,; commanthng co1·ps. With ,·ery fo,\; cxct•ption:-, cn•r.r :Ht1dc deficient ha8 been mado goo,i u11d storei; COlll J•fct t'1i. . . . . .

'!'ho lot•al arrno:-y is well kcpL and can hear in-.pcclwn nt any t11110 1t 1:; required, h.r the proper ollici:tls or oth~n~·ise. The _ha~·110,.,ses :rn<l l'lad~lcwy :l.l'e in very go01l order not a ::..trap or buckle m1ss1ng, und tlu::i, Ill ~rent pa1·t, I:i duo to tho ht•:ttl tnretnker who is n r;addlc1· by trndc, nm! a Yer.'· <leso1·nng man.

Tl1c rcpuiring- of arm~ by tho nrmourer attached to'' B'' B:tttery, has begun since .Tunuary la"t, nr.d already cloven eompaniPs 1111vc had theil· ann.s thoroughly examined , rcpnired uml returned to their proper nrmoul'ics.


The Ritlc A.~soci:ition,, hn,·c still shewn handsomely, eight hn,·ing held compoti­tl Hb this year, ,·jz :-

President. The County of QuebLe Rifle A11socintion .. Lt. Col. Laurin, Rcsorvo Militia.

.. 8t:1dneonn do .. ... . .. ... ..... do Turnbull, Cavnli·y. th "Royal'' Rifles do . ... .. . . ... .. . .. do Alleyn, 8th Batt.

17th Rutt. do .. .. ........... . do Blnnchot, l 'nh Hatt. County of Megan tic do ........... . .. . . Hon . George Irvine.

Temi:-conaln.do . .. . . ... .. .... . . LL. Col. Hudon, Tem. 13atL Riroou,.,ki do ..... . . .... . . . .. l>r. F1.t;ot.

I( " .. '· Champlain do ....... ... .. .. . I,t. Col. .Massicotte, ';0th Dat.

f would ng:ii11 l'CCOmmend a largo!' incrcni;o in the granl!i, as these Q!'>~OCiations have done a great deal of good where tLey exist. and creatl!d an emulation, which Jin been tor.ducive to the better cflicienl!y of tho Force.

llattalion and Company prizti.'1 might, nbo be granted for best :-hooting.

QUEE~'s lllltTH 1,.-\ Y IlE\.lEW AT llO~TREAT,,

Four companiei; of the 8th '' noynl" lWJcg, under the command of J_,t. Col. ,\ llcyn, travelled from Quebec to ~fontrcal to tnke part in the Review hotel thoro on the occa,,ion of Her Mo::it Graeio11 ,,fajcsty'!i Birth-d:iy, and ai which Ilid Excolloncy the J~nrl of Dufferin Wth present. 'fhe Lieutena.t General commanding, Si1· Ed ward ''el by Smyth, K.C."lI.G., was plcasc<l to state in bi!i General Order thaL tho 8th "' Hoyal" Rifle:; paradc<l most cn·clitalJly and looked extremely well. '


. I t nffor~:i me m~ch pleasure in concluding my Report, to offer my thanks to tho Br1,:;ado .MaJor and Staff generally, who havo por1ormeJ. theit· several duties to my -entire .-,afofa<>tion.

I ha,·e tho hono1· to be, Sil·, Your obedient i:;ervant,

The Adjnta11t Gener.ti of Militia, T. J. DUCUESX A. Y, J;il!ut. Colonel.

Deputy Adjutnnt General, l!ilitary l>ii;trict No. 7.

Hct.d Qu:u·tc1· , Oltawn.

[A .]

7n1 A.'\I> 8Tir BnwAI>E J>1v1 10.s •

i'fll .:\111.ITARY f)1 , l'lllOI'.

HEAi> Q1 ARTJms,

Qu1rn1:c1 ~~nd .Xovcmbc1· 1878 . Srn,-I lwn· the hon our to report. that i11 compli:t1wc with your in,tructions I

ha\'e inspected tho Gasp6 J3at.tory of Artillery 011 tho Hl1 of October lrt':lt anil hav., mueh ple:tsnre in reporting the battc1'Y \'cry efficient, the 21·po1111dcr IJ:\IJ practice was Yo1·y rrnod, tho BiLLtcry making a mueh larger average i11 point tl1:111 la.,t yllar, whcu they l'CCurcd the Governor General tho l~arl of Dulforin's mod d, offered in competitio11 to the Artillc1·y of tho Dominirm armed with gu11., of lho Mme nu.tnre. Tho riflo hall pl'Uctice was ah;o very good. ·

The a1·111s1 accoutrements and clothing woro in good ordor and clean, bat .~hort,

rifle:i and artillery accoutrements i;hould be i uod to this battery mstead of tbo Jong rifle und infontry accoutrements now in it-- po.,-c "ion. _\f:~or Slon , tho com­mandi1w officer, deserves a great deal of credit for Lho efficiency of thi battery.

I b~rr al o to report that at my inspccti•m of Infantry companic. T found tho greatest ]m1·t of them in want of In:.tructor-., several otlicers being gazetted provision­ally ha,·in~ no Infant1'}' military sc:hool to qualify.

I would most respectfully beg to ro<:ommond that tho Iufantry School, clo,..od in 1872, bo re-ope11cd in Quebec every winter , where abo otlicers ot the )!ilitia Forco holding C'ertificatcs could join candidates an<l practi,.,c tho lute:.t drill.

I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,

E. LA)fOXTAGXE, I;ientcnant-Colonel. Brigade Major 7th an<l . th Brigade Divisionc.

To tho Deputy Adjutant General, Commanding Military District No. 7,

Quebec .


Page 22: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\



FR l:DF.RICT0:-.'1 5th Dccom l>cr, 1, 7S.

• m,-In compli:tnce with tho 111 ... trnctions eontained in Gonol'nl Onlol'il (11) of tho 1Gtl1 .Mny, 1 'i , I htt\'O tho honor to ~uhmit this, my report on tho st:dt) or t110

f iliti:l of tho I>i.,triet ttn1lor my command, for the military year 1878-79. '!'he .,ttcn~th of tho force :18 org:mizetl is, 3,170 officers, non·commi.-;sio ncd

oflh or nrul !l\L'll.

Tho tro11gth nuthorize1l to perform the dl'ill for 1878-79, :is p\Jr (;enernl 01·dor1; 16th Mny, 1 i ', i ... , offiter:-<, 11011-eommi!> i01rc•d oflkors and men 1 550 · 2~ offic·or1/ '>fl , j • • l .l! I f 'T B ' ' ' ' -· :t no11-com m1~:-wnet OUJCer:. am men, o the .,cw runswi ck gnginoeri; and G.fod Battah n hn,·o yut to perform their an nun I drill, :.nd nro permitted to tlo :;o 011 l'Om­plet ion 'f tho drill .,heel n· St. Jol111.

1,20 i otlicor"', non-com11, "' 'onotl olllccr,. and m on of the following corp ,, h:n-o completed the annunl drill:-


"th Regiment of Cnvnlry, Lt.-Coloncl :::aun-ders (7 Troops.) . .... ...... .. . ......... .. .

.. ~ cwcn tic Field Battery, Hrevot :ifajor Call, (1 H:1ttery) .................... .. .. .

Woodstock F reid Battery, Capt. Dibblee, (1 Battery) ... . ... .. .. .. .. . ............. ... .

N ew .LJrun"wi1·k Brigade <.lnni!'Oll Artil­lery, Lt.-C:ulonel Fosler (7 Buttl•ric:.) .

Now Brnrll'wick Engineer:;, Capt. J>odcy, (1 Company) ...... .. .. . ..... ......... . .. .

G7th Bnttnlion, L r!jht T11t:mt1-,v, Lt-< 'olonel Upton ( 10 Compani~ ) ............. ... . ..

71 t Bnttnlion York Infantry, Lt.·Colonel .Mtu'!!h ( 5 Companie,..) ................. .

'i3rd D·1ttnho11, Major jJcCulloy (5 Com. I :n1io,.,) ........... .. .. .. .......... ..... ... .. ..

i th Bn.ttnlion, Lt.-Colouel Beer (1; Com-pnn1c~) ............ . ......... . ... .. . ..... .. . .

Independent Company, Cnpt Lloyd ( 1 Company) .. . ... ... ........... . .. . ........ .

I nd<'pcndent Company, Cnpt. BarlJci'ic ( I Go1npa11y ) ........................ .. ....... .

1ndepemle11t Gompnuy, f,icnt. :-;tew:u-t ( 1 Company) .... . . . ....... .. ...... .. ....... .

Indehen<lcnt Oompany, Brevet .\fojo1• )fo-rce ( 1 Company) .......... . . . ......... . .

lj2n<l BR~talion, Lt.-Colonel Blaine lli Cow-pan1c;;) ... . . .. .. . . . ........................ .

No. organized. Officers. N. C.O.

and Men.

:?S 355

7 74

I 74

28 385

3 55

3S 550

~2 2i5

'">~) _..., 275 •) --·> ~30

3 55 .,

55 •.)

" ., 55

3 55

•> -_,) 330

No. performed drill. Officers. X.O.O.

nod .\!en.

9 8 !

4 72

21 202

18 210

12 110

10 84

:i 84

3 :n

3 42

Totuls....... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ~ 17 ~,!>53 90 1 11 G )

. Tho m~nncr of pe1fo1 ming :tho annual dr·ill of tho Active Militia for 18T8-79 h a\'"ing ,·urr~ lmt.. lit.~e from tl~at of the thrc~ preceding years, nnd of the nornin :: q~~tn fo,.. th1~ D1!!tr1ct, CJf 3,21i4 offi<>r.r·", non-<<>mmiRsione<l officc1~ and men, lmt l,.~.10 ha\lng l)ccu olcr·ted to Jl• 'r lor Ill "llCh drill Ill" l"Cf>Ol't must 11ccc :i11'1.>· I ' brief. I J ' IC

c·uu howcvor, ,. mfi I ·ntly atlirm thnt tlwrol hns been no luck of onthn ia:.111 nor 'rnnt <;f loyalty nml patl'iotiislll . or tlicsc, tho force 11ndc1· my <'..Omm·111cl hn n r•1i11 gi\·011 wilunlilc proofis, -ww hus there !;ccn, I consider, any fulling ofl in cffi ·icncy in~ ~on·1' so frequently m!d .ill th· commend(~) hy itFi in pccting Ollie ·r... .\.ltho 1gl; lhe t11no of tho an1111:1l dr rll 1,; h •rt, nnd drill at lO<':tl hondq111u tor:. 1111 ler e:d,.,ting c:in·ur11 la• ccis for he\• 1"d yea. s 111 r.m·c·c~sion, a., di tingui he I from th.1 pcrio Ii ·.illy p01'fo lllCd in C':\ffi}I I j l :1l1t1itted It) all tO he 1111 llli ruc•tory .

Of <'OH 'l'><l it could noL l'•':I!> >11ably be expected <l11d11g tirnth -;11el1 as tht•" ·, of 1mirnrl'lnl finnrwial dc)'l'C <oio11, LhaL u. costly l')'!:itcrn of' 11nn ml drill fb,· the wholo <pwtn 0Cq10 1\ di,·c Militi:1 of the Dominion coul<l bonuthorLwd,bosiclos 111uintainilw tlto .Ro,r:il .)lilit:u·y Oollcgc and the Schools ofcruunel'y, importn11t Ll1011gh ii m:iv licbcon­sidered thnt we shoulJ l1nvc an efficient for<·e up •ll which t) rel~·. when(n-cr and wlioreV<'r its Fervite 111ny lie requirc,"<l, a forc·o cmhrnc:ing Lho th1·cc nrrns of tho "Crvic•c-Cn\'nll'.}'1 UI tiilcl'}' nnd infantry, drawn in fair proportinn from all }l:ll'l or tho i;ountry, nll'l from <.'\1•1T C'la s of tlio community-tl1c lll'li .. nn :ind mochanic w~ well :1~ tho;:;c who ow11 their· fo1·m:s nnd cultfrnto them, IJCiu" i11 it ran!· . '•ro mnintnin oflicicnty anti to 1·o~ai11 the service of 1epl'csenl"lth·; ruen 1mch tL-; tho~o <lho,·c r.cfo1Tcd to, 01ticer1> commancling corps hnvo c<rn1Stantl.r istrh·en for rnnm· \'Car::; pa,t, with oxccllont rosult:s n .. the :mnunl reports ha\·o ~hown, Ou n1, occn.-.iorr hn the fo1·co hccn fou11d wuutiug in diiscipli111' or in pl'ompt obodicn"c of order.- whe11-cvcl" r equired for as~cmLly in camps of oxerr+•o. or und1•1· mo t Lr.ring circum.,t:rnce in aid of tl.o civil power, 01· in dofonco of' the l'rrwincc from ntt.·wk., of rnn1·audeN (n~ in 18Gu); tho force ha!'l i1wa1-iably given practi1·nl J>1vof' ofit utilitynntl of it .. rcadi­ne<:ti for tho cmorgcnr.y.

E\·ery mombor of tlu::i force, howe,·01· (in .Military 1 li'-trict x.,. " at, lea"' I), look-. forwanl wilh chgor11c='s to being again nnthorizcrl to pcrfi)l'm drill in eamp. and to beirw there all'onlccl an op1,ortnnity t1J Leco111e profieicnt i11 the 1111mc1'(111::1 dcwil"I of dutv whi<'h it i!; impO$siblo to acquire at Company hoa lr1u~11·ter-.. And here, permit me to 1·evcrt to my sugge:.tions embodied in pre,·iou .. ~\nnunl ltcl>ort~, a, to a scltletl principle (not n ca::il-iron mlo for any particulnr p.1rt of tire )om inion) for pel'fo1·ming annual ti rill at no grcnt Cotit to tho p11l1lic:, u:nnoly. the tl'icnnial \} "tcm :

ht yonr-Orill nt local headquarter-.; ~ncl ycar-l>rill in bnttnlion camp; :~ni :vcnr-IJl'ill in bri~:ulc camp . I am happy to know thnt the lieneral Otlicor in cornm·md con idc1 ~ .. omo of the

isuggc•stions contninrnl in my H<'pnrt for 1871 clP«er\·iw~of 1'on-.id<'1-nt1011 \\'hatc,·cr !Jo the futnrc :;y,.tcm of performing the .mnunl drill, nnd with tho (H'c!'lCnco in tho dif· forcnt corp::1, and in difion·nt grades, of men of the cla ~cs nl>O\"O referred to, who now fill ou r r.mk:'l, men who prize a-, highly an aclequato recognition of their .. orvica" as they do tho amount of daily pay they rcecivc, there al'O two point which I further respcr.tfully submit.

( 1). That oOiecr·l', non-comrni:-sinnc I ol1iccr' a11il men l'l'Coh·o p·1y for tho per­formance of tho a111111al drill rclntiYcl.r accordin!/ to rank, iw-tc:ul 01' :tit otliccrs, from the lioutcnant-colonol downwnrd,.;, receiving one dollar per di<'m, aml all non-com mi"· :-;ionc1l oillcers nntl men from the i;cr·gennt-major downwards fifty cent per diem.

(2.). TbaL distinguishing bndgcil ho authorized to lie i ... sucu to every "oldior who Rhall perform rcgulnrly, throughout tho year, n ccrtai11 nnml>cr or ndditionnl (wilnn· t~u'Y) dnlls; 1meh drill::; to bo certified to hy oflil•cr-. in commnnd, i11 a . ..;onwwh:it t:1imilar manner to the !;ystom adopted 11.\' the 1>1.Hninio11 \1·tillcr.r .\"<><·i:11i11n h grn111ing: badges for volnnt.'l.ry drills.

~'bu beneficial ro:mlts of such a. system would be, l co11••ch·1·. 1no1·0 and 11101·0 :lpparcnt a~ time goe8 on.

•.t.AHJh 01· 11o·wHt.

' !'Ire 111Hk·1··11amod c · 1·p": \,• \'l' :t. ... t!l - l'W ht:· Fi1.•ltl B Ht 11·\ ,.f Art ill•'n·-ll1·cyoL·111aj1•r Cnll. Chatham .I unt"tiou-\ 1. 7 ll 11 r \'. ~1 \\ Br 1i'"''' · ·'~ l; 11·1 ; .. 011 . \ rtillcry-Broyot Liout.-Colo11ol Gillc:-pic. "\ m•:1~llo-i:ird )):}ll :1ljo1)-,.\fajol'


Page 23: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

le 1llcy; No ... :.! • n<l 3 'ornpnni~ -C.1pt:1i11 Fenton nn I )[co Knight. • Jo11cto11-.Xo'' Brumm ick Gm rison A1·tillcrr, no. ;~ llntlcry-Captai11 Ewing, formed \•oluntnry Gunrd of Honomn I fired tho mithorizcd nlu te:; •)ll tlw :1rrirnl of' l1i gx1·cllcrn..:y tho GoYcruor·Gcneral nnd Hor Hoyal Higl 111 0"~ the Prince Iioui"e aL the plnces muncd on the lino ofl11tercolonial l~ailway, whil.t tho Yicc'-Hcgal p:1rty wero rn route from Halifax to Ottnwn on tho ~uth ult.

OFlERS or 1:n\0

!0E" I:\ TU•: 1:Y1::-;T CH' tlRf:A'l' HIU1'Al~ T.\ K I:-\ (; P\RT 1:-i 'I'll~: l.:\'l'li:

"Et ltol't~,\X W.\It.

During tho cnrl.r part of thb :0 l'ar the pl'Obability ?f l~rent l}ritain t:1ki1!g pa1·t n tlw European wnr was rumored, and l am proud to llnnk that 1\ew Tirnnsw1t·k ha!;

not becu a whit behind auy otho1· Di>< trid in <Jana In, in tho good :;pirit dbplaycd by oflicor~, 11011-co111111i-.-.ioned oflfrcr,., and men in Yoluntooring for thb service. their ~lforl:i ltadn~ been forwai-dcd Ly tho (ron1rnmcnt of the Dominion. lt is 11ecdfot;:; o o..xprc ~the opinion a ... to tho ,·aluc to any nrmy of a contingent Ct>mpo-c<l of

.lardy Canallinn yeomen, and of ..,]oiled mechanic-., de:<cendnnh of tho'· IJ•>yalii,;t,.," or of the cnr ly} rench '· habitant-.," or of moru recent -.ottlo1·s fr<1111 GJ'Ont. H1·itai11, nccu tomed to vnriou-. imlti...trial pur:<nih, who seem already by instim:L titted for the i;oldior':. lifo in camp, and wlro nc1p1iro with remarkable aptitude the know­ledge nncl practice of drill and di,,cipline.

I think it due to tho difl'crcnt corp:- to girn tho eu~joino<l list in tho ordur in which their ofli_.r,.. of :-ol'\'ice wcro recoi,·ed by mo n11d tmnsmitto<l to Hea<l Quarter:-:

:i\"o. Comp:.my. G7th lbttnlion-B1~c\·et Major Yincc. Gith Battallon-Lt.-Colo11ol Upton-S Companie:-;. X cw Brun,_ wick Gard:-on Artilh.~1·y--Brcn~tLt.-Colonel Underhill-~ 13atteries.

I mny a1ld thnt the otlicers commnnding the following corp~, 01> learning thnt l hnrl o:xpre.,;:;etl my willingne::i::i to 01·ganizo a brigade for tho service above refoncd to, reque .. tod mo fo include their corps, or a part thereof, amongst others in the event of their .. ervicc.., bL•ing requircd-

Sth Regiment Cm·:1lry-Lt.-Coloncl Saunders. li2nd Battalion-IA.-Colonel Blnine. 7h<t I~attalion-Lt.-Colouel )far:-h. 'i.fth Buttalion-Lt.-Colonel Bec1"


When oficr:-. to .:ervo in any lJHI"l of the world, at home or abroad, we1·e being freely rondo on the part of a large portion of tho actiYe force of this Di-.tnct, it. was deemed advi .. nblo to i.., ... uc order,.. to all corps to hold themseh·es in reacline:--s for any scn·ice, and while, in e,·ery in .. t:ince. the"e order .... were obeyed with :olacrity, 1 must adrnrt. to the s.r· temntic way in which tl10 Garrison Artillery at St. J ohn (Lt.-Colo11e l Fo-.ter-;; llattcrie:>) were detailed for duty at the forb> and batteries, with tho vi ow to every oilicer, non-commissioned ofilccr and man, knowing the post he woulcl have to oceupy for the defence of tLe important harbour of St. John.

Tho ordnance mounted a t that Station ha\'ing been previously placed in ns i>erviceable a condition as practic·able under tho circumstances, and shot and sholl practice lnwing been carefully carried out for many years in succession, I cannot doubt that our "gunners," would not only "know their dutv," but <lo it in any emergency. They would, moreover, be well :;upported by tho En"inee1·1-1, Captain Perley, (oneUompany) and the Infantry, Lt.-Coloncl Blaine, (62nd ~fatt.alion) nt St. J obn, and could bo speedily reinforced by corps from different parts of N cw Bmnswic:k.

l submit tho opinion as to tho d&irablcness of having the New Brnn~wick Engineors and tho infantry (62nd Batt..'llion) at St. John, instructed in n. "!:ihorf," courso of gunnery (including shot and sholl practice) in addition to their usnal military dutie .. in 01-der to cnablo them to support tho artillery at tho guni:1 in an emergency.

.. , ;,,,

l'URTIIl:R OFFERS 0.1: S:&IWJ('}; •

On the 0th lt'obruary last, I submitted :m offer of en i ·o on the part of Capt.1in <Jroploy, 7 lst lfatlaliorr, an acti\·e anti energetic oflicer, to~otlier with I. .-Col nol )fort.h's l'Cmarks, Oil the subje<·t of organiidng a sh:-compauy Batt:1lio11 :it Fretlcrictott and its ucighliourhood.

Capwin Cropley add uco<l good arguments in f:n·onr of the acceptnnco of this corps, i I' pr:tl.:licablc, viz: Fre<! orictou, being tho headq unrtcra of th iii Di trict, nnd owin~r to it:; geographical po,,ition, and ib ea~y monns of trnn I' irt with lhP. en.­bo:ml lO\\'llS ~u1d tho frontier i;aliont points, I.Join~ a placu from wli1•rwc reini'orccmonts could l.Je Hpecdily i,onL to any part of tho Province.

,\t the snmo limo Liout.-Colonol Mar.'ih tran milted an offer w incron~o tho numorieal ~trcngth of the 71 :-1t Battalion from fivo 1.o :,ix Corn panics, and tho offer omana.ting from Uaptaiu McKenzie i:; a snfficient guamntoc that the p1·0p 1: I Company would bo well drilled and effidcut in other rcspectB .

Tito above ollicor:> have been duly notified that tho {orc:o i not l) be inere. eel for tho prei,cnt.

Dil.l'ROVJ:)fENTS TO THE FORTS, &c., ST . . JOH!\" AND .ST. A:"\J)RE\\·-..

I Le" to refer to the Repo1·tof the Board of Survey (c:opy enclo ad herewith A) that a~se~blod in thi.s D btrict in October la,,t, a:; woll a" to tlie Report of tho lnt>pectors of .A.rtillory, showing the isatbfactury manner in which the work wa­donc, nnd the repair::i have been carried out unde1· the anthori ty oft he Gcncml Officer in Command, both at tho for~ and works for tho defonce of St. J oh n am! tho~c at St. Androwt', and it it:i my plell.l:!::nt duty to b1·ing to tho notice of tLo G1me1-:tl i11 command the valuable gratuitous services, bC.!:lides their 01·di nary du tic . ..,, ren<len'tl liy the undermentioned officers in superintending the ropafr.s and in seeiug that nil details of work anthoriKed 'vere done in an economicnl and satisfactory mnn11er, without any aid from officers of the Royal Artille ry or Engincerr-.

Captain Perley commanding Now Brun:,wick En~inecr", Brigarlo Lt-Colonel Underhill, Now Brunswick Garri:son Artillery. C:iptniu Poll;:-y;,, abo rendered valuable sorvico in superintending the repair~, &c., at. St. Andrew..:.

To tho above names may be added those of tbo following officcr.4 o~ tho District Staff, for who:>e impport and a!<si:-tance chcorfully afforded me :it all trn.e . I beg to tlwnk them-Lt.-Colonel .Mac::.hane, Brigade Major, and LL-Colonel Cuunrd, Di:strict Storekeeper.

I must lltatc, too, that the work carried out under tho per:-onal . uper\'i:,iou of Captain Ring, New Bl'Unswick .Artillery. wa..i of a most, ati-..f:u .. :tory chnrtetcr.

.And l think it, very creditable to )fo:-..,1':>. Hillya1d & Uo .. and to 31e,. ... r,... l,ni Young & Co., that :-ueh work as the con,;tructic111 of carriage" on trnn~r:-iu~ pl:ufo1 m-. for tho u4th rifled gnns, in the one case and tho iron work conr1octcd the1ewith, rcquil'ing great accnrnc,,-, in tho otber-c:1nied out by tl1c ... e fi1·m" rc-.pectiYcl.r­shonld p1·0,·e mo1>t l'tttisliwto1·y when tc ... tc<l :it the annual pmdi<'c of till' X cw Bru11 .... wick .Artill ery.

It i!:l hopell thnL tho steps taken to protect tho harbour or 8 .. John-the fourth harbour in tho world iu point of i111porttmcc, as 1·egnnls tho '.tluc 1 I it-. :-hipJ1i11~­\Vill 11of, stop hen" A fo1·thcr tmpply of ritlcd g111h is, in tho opinion of tho Ueucr·al in command, nl'CC~sary. 'Ye cou ld not expect, 11<1r should wo rely ~ldy upo11 tho con:itanL immedia te protection of tho lltl\'Y of Gn•al Britain in tho ovont •)f WM.

The q uo:--tion n:- to the use of tor pc io" ti.H· the defcnco oft he Harbour < I !:it. Jol11: will probably bo t>ubmittod by the .A:-... istant 111:-.pcctor of A1·tillc1·y, :rnd " 1111c. I think, do,,en•ing of 1<Crious cunsidcratio11.

ROY.\ J, )l(f,ITARY COJ.1,ElH:1

KIXth l"O"-"·

\Yh:lc it i!'.I gr:\t1fyin0 to know that )!:. ll. M. ,ampbell (to whom I rcfo11cd in my report foi· 1877, a~ att:tinini; tho hi,_,.hc-..t. po..,ition on the ~11c<·c..,,ful lbt of

Page 24: n~:ide ~aterrn.~ bl...8 · I dri ti ull to.,ct ho1· otliccr-. :uvl 11w11, undox· 'l'hc .. o Cori~~ P .dhrm~l tho,n· _n•~r~\0 ..,.c,. il1 th~ ~tuhio,, at the now barrack'i; unn\

('nmii1lnte") :mrl othol's f1 om .Sew Brun wick :1 iutdloctuull.r worthy i·cp1·c~1·11tati,·e~ of their Pt'O\'inrc1 1L nppoal"b that tho physil'~d traiuin~ of the ca<lol , i11dinduully. i not hoing 11o~lcc·tc<l. !'ho thm~ lo hl· do ired lx.•ing lo prc.01 YO tho ::00111tcl min<l in tho ... oun<l oo ly, and not to do\ elop lhu intdlcct at tho oxpen~o of tho l1ody, and l ob ... on·c, with plC[l'-Urc, that nt a l'O\'Cllt athll·tic compolition, Mossr.-.. l>uuiul, SoarK and J~c~'4 1 won prize. ... , and ,\Ir. E. II azen 1>1·111-y was tho " bc,..t turned out i·adot in marching order,''\\ hilo )fr. G. Porlcy wo11 tho ht prize in gu11no1-y-:;hoL :w<l aholl pmeticc.~

The Ile:id )hLstcr of tho G<_1lll·~intp School at Frodoriclou, <fco. Parkin, 11:sq., (to whom mut'h t·1·udit i:i duo fur tire early intollcl·tual tmining of ~\fr. C:unpboll an1l others) i" :--en1ling thrco cnudidntc:; for ndmi:<sio11 to tho Collogo fo1· oxnmination 011 the 17th in::.tnnt. nil of whom urny, [ hopo. be tiUCCOf;~ful.

l:SfA:S'l'R\. SCHOOL OP )IILil'.Ul.\' I!'i:Sl'ltUOTION.

This :::chool of In:;frnction nt Fro lc1·icton, has beon carried out for tho half ycnr1 ended ~l.,t )fay Ja..,t, with its u,.;ual good re,.,ults ol'the ..:;nme staff a:; horctoforo.

Commandant-Lt..Coloncl ..\faunscll. Deputy A1ljutant General. .Adjntant-Lt.-Coloncl ..\fac~hnne, Brigade ..\fajor. Examining Ot1icer-IJt.·01lond f:aundors, Sth Hegimont Ca,·ali-y. ~fo ltC'al Offico1·-As,.i,..t:mt-:-."1·gcon Brown, ibt B:ittalio11. l11"trncto1~-0aptain ..\ft Kt•n;de, )filitia Staff, a1 <l Rllt'goanl Daniel.

Sixt~·-ei$ht cantl1dntt• ... obtninud)n<l-c]a,,, tortificute .... , all of whom belong to the .Active )lilit1:1. nnd ::-eveml :u o officer,., u11<l non-commiti ione<l oJJicors in the force.

I mny repeat what I ba\·l· moro than 01icc stated, that tho "past candi<latos " of thj,, :-;chool arc to bo foun<l in ::ilmo,..t O\"CJT corps in the .Province, and their iscn·ices hnve been iiwalnable. Ju ::-hort, whcrcYor a m:u·ked improvement in efliciency is ob orvod thc1·c a past cnn<lidato (himself, as a nile, the captni11 of the <·ompan1·) hui­l1con bu ... y nrniling himself of cvory moment at his <lispo::-al in C:tl'ryiug on i;)·:;tom­atically tho courso of drill nud practice.

I r~grct cxtl'Cmcly that this :.chool of in:structio11 is noL to hl' rc-op<•11c1l-fo1· cconom1c:d rea:-;ous, I prc:)nrnc-dnring tho approachin~ w111lc1·-o\·on fol' a limitotl n11111bor of ca lob. bo1ul 7He offic:e1·,.. a111! non-commis:siL'neJ ottker::. of the activo force. I carne,.Uy hope that ih clo ... in~ i,. lmt :\temporary meu,,urc, th withoub11c:h menu~ of in:;truction-or tho .... c recommonded u.v the hcncral in com11uu1cl, on tho hasi.:. an<l '~it h -..imilnr ?lijech, .to ~ho two I; 11n~ic.ry S_chools-lhc an,, we I'.-. to thl• fullowi ng 11110~­tton ... oftho <1 oncrnl 111 oommmul, ot ntal 1mpo1'l.anco to thu foi·t:e, will bo 1·a~cdy ~xpcctcd .• whore shnll We in the fut Ill"(! go to :-eek company ollitc1·... :tlld .;c1·~c:lTl L 111st1·nctol',, 1~nlc ... ,, wo lia,·o the 111cn1b of making them qualified? How :;liall wu bo lJy·nncl-hye, 1f a ::.udtlen call for .-.e1Tito a1·i.;es, and our yonn.., men are fimn•I qnh· clothed nutl :Irmcd, but without disc:iJJlino ?" h •

. T~e ~{~yal Milita1-y College !lt King,.,ton will, without doubt, accompli~h that wluch 1t"' 1ntcmled to accomplt~lt, Yi;r.., "tho education of cadets u.rnl ofliccr-i of militia in militmT knowk'<lge and ~ti on ti fie p111·snits connected with the militury pro­fc iou."

. Xo _word,., of n.inc arc nocc,,~ai·.ri_n bearing tc.-.lirnony to tho ability in imparting m tl'llction of tho~e wlw ha.,·c olilatnc1l cor·tificalc$ of nualification either in tho " I t ,. " I " t I". ' "1. ' wr 1

>1·. On){ cou~·.,c,, :i. \ 111gs~on _01· <,ucbcc School:; of Gunnery ; wo bn.vo valuabl~ cndc1f!'c of tli~11· abil1 ty 111 th1,;. 1>1:.trict. Uoth cu.vo.lry ond artillc1·y oflicorM c:rn avatl thc111-,clvc'l of the .. e ~c!1ool of 1n»truction. Tho infttntrr u1·m ,,f the bOtTice ulonc-tltc buck-hone of un army-1·cm•lin~ without a :-ichool of !rlstrnction.


• ~Yith tho ,·fuw., to the C:overnrnont allowance of ammunition I.Join~ oxpondcd with rncr~a od a lvanttlgo, I ha\·o more than once rccommoude<l in rny annual roport:; the ru.lophon of a system of c 1111lncting t:u·gct practice, ba~o<l upon tho Mu:ikotry

Rc.,ulntio11 f111· the Impcrinl troop , by which n •t. only cnn the hootin.,: tntu of ov~y cornp:my 110 bcttt•r a.;c:•wtainod than it t·an ho 11ndc1· our pre cnt rule, hit tho men i11divi<lunlly can bo t·Ja .. ~ificd.

All thoso who foil to o!Jtain tho roqui1·cd numhcr of point ~t the Rhortd''!tnnco -200 yards- houl<l ugain practice at that dibtancc, while tho uccc:;sful rnnrk,,mcn Rhouh!'be permitted to tire at 400 and GOO yard.,.

On no account, E.ltould pObition and aiming dl'ill ho neglected. Judging di:;tu.ncc d~·ill should a],.~ be .curried out. . . . . By c:u·ryiug out.thu~ i;ystorn and 11>suing a tmµply of ~fllrt1rtt-1Ion1·1 r~tl~ to c\•e1·y

corps for use by tho solocted marksman thoroof, the number of such rn~rk:imen and of competitors at our different Rifle A'<sociations would he largely incron cd, and tho selection of tbo Wiml>ledon Team, under tho rulo'l of the Dominion Rifle Association, coul<l be racilitato<l.

l may !ld<l that I com;ider the i1<suo of a proportion of Martini-llenri litlo., to eYery corps, as above rccommcnde<l, to bo alJ,;olutely nccc,,sitry in ordo1: to place Canadianb on the :;amc footing as competitor,, from oLhor part.., of the ctnp1ro at tho anuuul W'imbleton mutchcil.

It is, I Jun c oft.on stated in my annual report ... , a Rubject of regret that it wnc; decided to discontinue tho S5 company prize which hn•l been grnnt.ocl h,r the Govern­ment for many ycar.-i with good rebults. Io compot1ng for this prize, which wn-< much !"Ought after, the education of some of our skillod marksmen wu-; accompli hcd.

r'ailing t() obtain authority for this money prize, I recommend the i ..... ue of com­pany and bat talion diotinguishing badges for good shooting .


'rh o H1·i~11do )fajor ancl myself were present durin.!? the whole mnwhc~ c:u·ried out by tho ProvinC'ial Hifio Association at ~uc;qex. Commencing on the 2.0Ll1 of AurruHL Inst, nud whilo the number of competitors wa:-i not so largo as u-.ual, 1t w111:1

app~rcnt that thcl'O wrn:i no falli~g off in good ishooting, nor, I con,,ide1:1

in o~ber 1)arti<'ulars tlint 'lo largely contributed to tho 'lucco;;H of all on~ annual l!l~ctmg<i srnco tho formn.tion of tho Association-on the contrary, as ~hown In tho sn b.101ncd extract from the report of the Council, there were many important improvemon ~.thank:; to the indctatignhlc energy and per;o;c>erence of the President. Captain Perley, and tho--o who ably :bsh•tcd him in this matter. The Council :<late-..:

"The annna.I mntc:he;i were -.hot at Sussex, and though the t·ompctition mny be "clas-<od as one oftho most succe.;sful of any that have been held ..:inco the i11 ... titution "ofthe.,\.;;;ociation in 18Gi yet only 72 m:·u·k-.men wel'o 111·0 ... eut, I.icing l~ 1e ..... than "la::it yea!', and 2!l le":; thm; i 'i6. A;; ono rc:i-.on fiw this f,tllin~ ott i!1 :H~ndancc! it "is but fni1· to st.ato that owing to the system adopted for the nnnual dnll 01 the .\ ctl"\o "Mil iti11 dnrin"' the p,.csont and past few year:; le~.; than onc-hallof the q uotn to "which ~cw· Brun::1wick is entitled is brough.tinto .;er\"icc, and of cour~e tho ... o of the "remainder who heretofore took apart in our nrnkhc ... , and local ouo.; :h. wcll. b!'''O thu "boen retired, and therefore cannot be ex:peetc I to nttou1l or to cxh1b1t nny mtcre ... t.

The range aL Sussex hns, in acco,.dnnce witb th~ 1·csolution pa ... -<1.'ll_ at th? ln."t "annual mcclirw, boon socurotl for a further term of thrco ycnr,.;. An rnspect1on of "the blltls this :ill'ing showed that, with tho exception of the pool bntt.-, built Ja-.~yenr, "they wore much.decayed :ind required rebuilding. A.d·rnntagc wns taken ot'lh1;;; the "old butts were entirely renewed and ten new one:; wore constructed, n1vl tho tnrgetQ "changed t-0 tho plnn known .a~' "Liout.-Col.. Beer':; pntcnt. ri:--ing ;1y,.t~m.'' and tho "tiUCcos;1 ot thi~ )·ear's compot1t1on wa~ duo m a groat moa-;ul'c to theu· u ... o .. Th.o "Association ha!i now olcveu butts complete, with one extra sot of 11\rgot~, wluch 1t;

"wns deemed advisable lo procu1·e, ~0 ha\'C in l'Oadines:< in tho e\·~ut of. one io II:,~ "bocomirw dama,,cd and thus a,,·01d delay. .A now ~yotem of s1gnnllmg, a( ... o ot

,.., "' ' • · bl A . b I "Liout.-Col. Bee1·'s invention, was adopted and worked udm1r:1 y. npl\11' utt 1ru; "been co11"t1·uct1.:d, which fully answored tho purpo~o inton•ied, of nftimli~n~ n pl~co "wberoin tho tnr~ots can be repaired, kc., <luring tho mutche~, nnd nlso tor :.toring " them and tho :;ignalling discs <luring tho ~cn .. on when not nxp1irc.f."