
Things about the Niger Seed You Ought to Know Niger seeds are one of the things that bird lovers feed their winged friends. However, the seeds are unlike others that are fed to birds, for example, sunflower seeds. The following are some of the things that every bird lover ought to know about the niger seed. The first thing you need to know is that when niger seeds dry out, birds will not touch them. Niger seeds are oily in nature. As such, they make an excellent energy food for the bird. However, because of their oily nature, they are prone to dryness. Dry niger seeds are not appealing to birds hence they turn their backs on them. Another thing you ought to know is that they are not thistle seeds. A majority of people think that niger seeds come from the thistle weeds that grow on road sides. They could not be more wrong. Niger seeds are obtained from the niger plant that grows in countries in Africa and Asia. The third thing you must know about niger seeds is that they have shells. It is true that they are very small but they do actually have shells. Birds remove the hulls of the seeds so as to get to softer inner parts. Niger seeds are often affected by mold. It is very important that you do not feed them to the birds when they get moldy as they could kill them. To ensure that the seeds remain dry when placed on feeders, make use of some weather guard. The final thing you ought to know is that lots of birds feed on the seeds. There is a popular misconception that only goldfinches are fond of niger seeds. You may be surprised to know that birds such as the common redpolls, pine siskins, woodpeckers, nuthatches and even doves also love to eat the niger seed. Reviewed websites: http :// www . ebirdseed . com / nyjer _ niger _ thistle _ birdseed . html http :// www . nigerthistle . com / http :// www . vinehousefarm . co . uk / our - shop / Straight - Foods / Niger - Seed /46 http :// www . nigerseedindia . com / niger - seeds . html

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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Niger-Seed

Things about the Niger Seed You Ought to Know

Niger seeds are one of the things that bird lovers feed their winged friends. However, the seeds are unlike others that are fed to birds, for example, sunflower seeds. The following are some of the things that every bird lover ought to know about the niger seed. The first thing you need to know is that when niger seeds dry out, birds will not touch them. Niger seeds are oily in nature. As such, they make an excellent energy food for the bird. However, because of their oily nature, they are prone to dryness. Dry niger seeds are not appealing to birds hence they turn their backs on them. Another thing you ought to know is that they are not thistle seeds. A majority of people think that niger seeds come from the thistle weeds that grow on road sides. They could not be more wrong. Niger seeds are obtained from the niger plant that grows in countries in Africa and Asia. The third thing you must know about niger seeds is that they have shells. It is true that they are very small but they do actually have shells. Birds remove the hulls of the seeds so as to get to softer inner parts. Niger seeds are often affected by mold. It is very important that you do not feed them to the birds when they get moldy as they could kill them. To ensure that the seeds remain dry when placed on feeders, make use of some weather guard. The final thing you ought to know is that lots of birds feed on the seeds. There is a popular misconception that only goldfinches are fond of niger seeds. You may be surprised to know that birds such as the common redpolls, pine siskins, woodpeckers, nuthatches and even doves also love to eat the niger seed. Reviewed websites: