night 5: burton goldberg with survivors ......different that the others, all right, of course we had...


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Page 1: NIGHT 5: BURTON GOLDBERG WITH SURVIVORS ......different that the others, all right, of course we had to switch it up on night five. We had to make it a little bit different, to spice


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The information in this program is for educational purposes only. It is meant to as a

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Welcome to the Healing Cancer world Summit. This event is a showcase of some of the most cutting edge natural and integrative Cancer therapies from experts who are using them in their clinics as well as nutritionists and advocates who are researching their effectiveness as well. Due to the nature of the information contained in this program, please listen to this important disclaimer. The information contained in this program is not to be considered nor intended as medical advice. Please see a qualified healthcare practitioner if you are experiencing health issues including if you have cancer or suspect you have cancer. The opinions expressed in this program are opinions and should not be interpreted as methods to prevent or treat cancer without the assistance of a qualified medical professional. The opinions expressed by the experts and speakers in the program do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of Renegade Health, Kevin Gianni, KMG associates LLC, or any of its affiliates. Again, please see a qualified healthcare practitioner to assist you in the care of any disease or illness. If you’re interested in getting the recordings of these calls to listen to and to have for your own reference please visit That’s

KEVIN: Welcome everyone to the Healing Cancer World Summit. This is night number five, the grand finale, el fin. I hope you’ve enjoyed this so far. I’ve been reading your comments from the blog, and the ones that you’ve sent in by email. And ones you posted on Facebook and I’m thrilled that you’ve been participating. I’m speaking to you, you listening right now. I appreciate every single one of you, who’s come on to be a part of this program to listen, to further your education about some of these natural integrative approaches. So as we know tonight, well, is the last night. I do hope that this doesn’t end the discussion. The reason I’ve created this program is to give you options, options that I want everyone to know about, no matter what you, or they choose for their health, options are the start, having the knowledge is the start. Whatever happens afterwards is up to the individual. My mission was just to introduce the concepts that most people don’t know about, something that I didn’t even know about until I started this project, which is powerful. So I hope that I succeeded with this mission for you as well. So you’ve gotten some information that you can take, and that you can share with others. And maybe you can open up their minds to a possibility, possibility that there are other things that they can do, when they are faced with a very serious challenge. Tonight’s a little different that the others, all right, of course we had to switch it up on night five. We had to make it a little bit different, to spice it up a bit. So the first call is going to be like the rest, with Burton Goldberg, but the ones after are going to be completely different. We’ll no longer talk to the experts, but we’re going to talk to two different cancer survivors who will give you insight into what they did, when they were diagnosed with cancer. It’s going to be a very powerful evening. I promise you that. I wanted to make sure that I had survivors on the program, so you could get the viewpoint of people, who actually have been through it. I hope that you find that valuable. So let’s get into today, a quick recap of instructions, calls start at 8 Eastern, 5 Pacific, you can get the call on Second, each call will be available for 24 hours. Third if you missed a call and want to access the call at a later time, we have an upgrade package at Finally, the information contained in this program is not intended to be medical advice. It’s a sharing of options of the experts, and if you’re sick, diagnosed with disease, have cancer, want to prevent cancer, seek the care from a medical, qualified medical practitioner. Right now that we got that out of the way, I want to get going on night five, to close it out. It’s going to be powerful. My first guest is another advocate for health freedom. He’s going to be covering some of the research he’s found over the last 30 years of personal cancer study. If you want to know what’s on the forefront of alternative medicine, just ask publisher Burton Goldberg. If you want to know which therapy’s worked best and what’s politically urgent, he’s your man. He spent over 30 years carefully researching every aspect of holistic medicine from California, to Israel, Mexico to Russia, but has taken only a few years for this self-made businessman, to emerge as the voice of alternative medicine. What put Burton Goldberg, on the fast track to national prominence, with

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the 1994 publication of his now bestselling Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. With over 750,000 copies in print, this 1200 page reference work on how to treat over 200 health conditions with alternative medicine has been hailed as the bible of alternative medicine. Burton Goldberg, is passionate about alternative medicine, has committed to help afford profound positive changes in health care and medical awareness. To further this pursuit, he has published a series of Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide in various health conditions. The series included a landmark, 1100 page publication of Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide to Cancer in which 37 top alternative medicine physicians explain they’re proven safe, non-toxic, and successful treatment for reversing cancer today. So let’s get started. Burton Goldberg, I want to welcome you to the Healing Cancer World Summit.

BURTON: Thank you, and of course recently I’ve done a film called Cancer Conquest. Cancer Conquest is an hour and a half which updates all of that work. Its current and I constantly update it. It’s an hour and a half DVD that can be seen on the internet.

KEVIN: Great and we’ll get to where someone can find that in about 10 minutes or so please hang on to the call and listen in. So Burton first I want to get an idea of a 2 minute introduction on how you got into natural healing, and how you got into the topic of cancer as well.

BURTON: Well natural healing came about 30 years ago. You see, I’m 85 years old, and I’ve been studying alternative medicine for 30 years. It turns out that the woman I lived with, the woman that I loved at the time, had a daughter who at the age of 18, slit her wrist. She was going to a psychiatrist. And when she slit her wrist, she said to the mother. “I give up. Did you ever hear of vitamin therapy?” I had never heard of it. Mother asked me. And I asked a psychic friend of mine. And she said her son practiced it in California. And we called him, flew the young girl out to California, where he did a 5-hour glucose tolerance test. And low and behold, she started shaking like a leaf. And when treated with diet and nutrients, this beautiful young lady got over mental illness. That was my signal to start studying this world of alternative medicine. I was a successful businessman at the time. I was a builder, developer, restaurateur in Miami, Florida, had a night club restaurant hotel, had no concept of medicine. The more I got involved, the more I realized that there was a school that was being discriminated against. Why? Because it was against Big Pharma. That’s when I learned that until we take back our government from the corporations, nothing will change. We’re being poisoned to death, and we’re being starved to death in a land of plenty, because of politicians, right up to the president, including the current president, they all run the FDA with members of the big pharmaceutical industry. And it’s all done because of financial contributions and political appointees and so forth. So the bottom line to medicine, and why alternative medicine is not being practiced more in this country, after all our medicine system is failing, financially bankrupting this country, and if we put the world of integrative and alternative medicine to work, we could save ourselves financially. So after studying medicine for 35 years or more, I’ve come to the conclusion that we must change the politics of this country. And until we do, until we have campaign reform, where a politician can’t take a quarter, nothing will change.

KEVIN: In your view what is cancer? Through your research what have you found?

BURTON: Of course it’s aberrant running of cells. They don’t act normally. They just continually to multiply. And what causes cancer, for instance, if you ask conventional medicine, and I want to first start off with, anyone listening to this program, if you were told by your doctor to go home and settle your affairs, “nothing more can happen to you, we’re finished with you,” don’t believe them. Study

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alternative and integrative medicine. It is totally different, and the causes of cancer are ignored by our government – pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, plastics. It’s astounding what happens. We know that an ingredient, a constituent of plastics called Bisphenol A, is one of the major causes of prostate and breast cancer. And yet medical profession ignores it. You don’t hear doctors calling for a cleanup of the toxic environment that we’re living in, our air, our food, and our water. We must change our government to wake up the public, and because the agencies that are supposed to protect us are protecting the industry they are supposed to protect us from. You ask a conventional physician, an oncologist, that’s a cancer doctor, what causes cancer? And they say, “Well cigarette smoking, and the sun, and then we don’t know.” Can you imagine in an era where we can go to the moon, we have cell phones, we have music playing through the cell phones, it’s unbelievable what goes on in this world today, as compared to where it was in 1926 when I was born. We didn’t have television then, we didn’t have cell phones, you’d pick up the phone, and you would call an operator, and the operator would connect you with a plug. The world is totally different today. We have helicopters. It’s amazing – jet planes. And we don’t know what causes cancer? Because today, cancer is the number one killer in this country, in disease, it used to be heart disease. Cancer now has surpassed it after the trillions of dollars that are spent by this government to find a cure, they don’t have it. Oh maybe for testicular cancer or childhood leukemia, they got lucky and they found something. But otherwise, they’re no further along today than they ever were. One of the major cases of cancer is cell phones. The rate of brain cancer on the side of the head where the person holds the cell phone is outrageous and yet nobody talks about this.

KEVIN: In your book and recent DVD, what were some of the things that you uncovered that were shocking in terms of how things are being suppressed?

BURTON: Well I think the most important aspect of this DVD, is that we show you chapter and verse on how cancer should be reversed. The number one factor is we do not feed the body in conventional medicine. We ignore intravenous and all feeding of nutrients. We say, the oncologists say that it’s counterproductive and it makes the chemotherapy less efficient. Nothing could be further than the truth. That’s the number one thing. Because when a person has cancer, and they get chemotherapy and radiation, not only does the cancer kill the cells, but the chemotherapy and the radiation kill the cells. They get a double whammy. Where in alternative and integrative, I like the term integrative today, because using the best of both worlds, and in the film Cancer Conquest, we show you a test in Europe, in Germany, where they take the patient’s blood, and it can be shipped from this country or anywhere in the world, ship it to Germany, and since the genome project in 2001, we are now able to tell the physician, which chemotherapeutic agent, whether natural, like vitamin C, or vitamin K, or vitamin D, or whatever the nutrient is, or chemotherapy, will work on that patient’s cancer, what will target the floating cells in the body, and that’s another aspect. It isn’t the primary tumor that’s the killer. It’s the metastasized cells that float in the body, and go wherever there’s a weakness, and go to the brain, and the lung, and the pancreas, and they kill the patient. This is not available in this country. With the trillions of dollars, the oncologists pay no attention to this extremely valuable test that has taken cancer from an 80% failure to an 80% success rate, basically. And then, being able to use low dose chemo, targeted chemo because the chemo may be an ovarian cancer or a prostate cancer, that’s what the test could show or a breast cancer for a colorectal cancer. In other words, targeting the cells that are floating in the body because those are the killers and then the ability to use quantum physics devices, like Electro Dermal screening. The ability to tap into the body with resonance, and know which chemotherapeutic agent will work on the primary. Now very few doctors do this. And I do this for a living. I guide people with cancer. I line them up with the physicians that can help them, which physician for which type of cancer, state of cancer, geographic

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location, and the financial ability of the patient to pay for it because the sad thing is that the insurance companies who are tutored by their doctors, their doctors are ignorant. The doctors have no concept of what we’re talking about. And that is the magic of integrative medicine. By using the right chemotherapy and never the cookbook, never what conventional medicine uses, and then using low dose 10% so you’re not killing the cells, you’re killing the cancer, and then by having techniques of bringing in that chemotherapeutic agent, whether it’s natural or chemical, pharmaceutical, now there’s a case for... when I did my first book Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide to Cancer in 1997, this wasn’t available. And at that time I did not recommend chemotherapy, because chemotherapy works after five years. These are medical tests in the United States, and then Australia, 2.5%, five years. When you target it with end-stage cancers you can have an 80% success rate. Now this is unbelievable and yet conventional medicine ignores this. They’re living in the dark ages. Why? Because Big Pharma, and the American Cancer Society, and the National Cancer Institute of the Federal Government, does not want to cure cancer. I’m in the new book of Suzanne Somers called Knockout. I have a chapter. Suzanne Somers read my book Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide to Cancer when she had her first cancer, and it guided her. How do I know? Because she went on Larry King, and he said, “Why did you have liposuction in your breast?” She said, “Because I had cancer.” He said, “What are you doing?” She said, “I’m reading a book Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide by another nice Jewish boy, by the name of Burton Goldberg.” Every book in the country sold out at that time. This goes way back. The conventional use of chemotherapy is truly near to evil. But you can use chemotherapy, and I learned this probably about six years ago when I went to Germany and my mentor was Albert Scheller, an M.D. from Bavaria and he took me by the hand, and took me on a tour of Germany, and showed me his remarkable system. And that’s where I first learned about using chemotherapy properly. On the floating cells in the body, the one that metastasize this is major. We went to Germany. We went to one clinic that was injecting chemotherapy into the brain, particularly using iron oxide into the tumors in the brain. They stopped doing it. They’re not doing it anymore. Anytime something works, the powers that are in cancer tries to shut it down. That’s the purpose of Suzanne Somers’ book. She says “wake up”, it’s an incredible book. Anyone with cancer must get that book, and particularly the people who think that once they have the operation, and they remove the cancer, that they’re cured. Nothing could be further than the truth. Those cells are floating in the body. And it is the use of the German test, Bio Focus. And you can read all about that test by going to Go to research, cancer blood test, and you’ll be shunted over to the German site and learn how important this test is, and yet none of the oncologists in this country practicing conventional medicine use it. Now Johnson & Johnson is coming up with a test similar, and they’re having Harvard do the study, and that won’t be out for years. This is out already. Bio Focus in Germany it is essential for anyone with cancer, to know whether there’s anything floating in the blood, otherwise it can come back. Look at John Wayne. John Wayne died of cancer 10 years after his first cancer operation. It came back and came back with vengeance. Now most people don’t understand this, and that’s why this broadcast or this telephone conversation is so important. This information can save lives. The use of chemotherapy in low dose targeted is a major achievement and the ability to feed the body so that it’s ultimately the person’s immune system that’s going to save them. The conventional medicine ignores the immune system. And another thing I learned that is so vital is diet. Most people are feeding their cancer. What feeds cancer? Sugar, anything that turns to sugar, bread, pasta, fruit. There’s some fruit you can have, like berries and Granny Smith apples because they’re not sweet. Alcohol. When you go to the chemotherapy center in an oncology center, they have candy bowls. They’re absolutely feeding the cancer, and the patient is killing themselves as they sit there, dripping in this poison, and eating it. It’s a double whammy. And yet conventional medicine says you can eat anything you want. They

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give you Jell-O, 80% sugar, ketchup - 70% sugar. It goes on and on and on and on. So when I guide my people, I have them on special diets. It’s essential to starve the viruses, bacteria, and the cancer cells. They can’t live in an alkalinity. This is vital. And another thing you learn in this DVD of mine called Cancer Conquest is dentistry. People say, “Dentistry? What does the mouth cavity have to do with cancer?” As much as 50% in the reversal of cancer is in the mouth. In the case of breast cancer, 95% of females, this is a German University study, have a dental involvement. And that’s multiple. It’s not only the mercury silver filling, which is a disaster, shedding mercury 24/7 into your body, and accumulating and gumming up your system. When I was a boy in the 30’s, cancer was the 10th cause of death in children. Cancer now is the second cause of death in children, always behind accidents. We have far more cancer today than we have ever had, because we are putting ourselves, and starving ourselves in a land of plenty. Our food supply is denuded. That’s why it is so essential to have organic food with nutrients in the soil. So that the plants can pick up that nutrient, and bring you minerals, because as important as vitamins are, minerals are equally as important. It has to be in the balance. So we’re being poisoned by our air, by our food, by our water, and by microwaves, Wi-Fi, cell phones. There’s nothing more disastrous than a microwave oven. They did a study in Germany, in Switzerland, and you can look it up where they did cooked food, raw food, and microwaved food, and almost every family in America has a microwave oven. They cost $99. It kills the enzymes in the food, destroys them, and creates a monster food. What they did is they took the competency for the person’s immune system in a hospital. They drew the blood before, during, and after eating. Cooked food, raw food, and then microwaved food. The cooked food came out the best after 2 or 3 months, the raw food came out slightly below the cooked food. That’s a shocker, isn’t it? And the microwaved food came in disastrously low. So if you put in raw food, cooked food, and microwave oven in Switzerland, this study will come up on Google. It’s astounding. And yet nobody talks about it. Not only that, here’s something you can do at home. Put your cell phone on, open your microwave oven, put it in, and close the door, and call it, most of the time it will ring, which means that your microwave oven impervious. That means when you’re running it, and you’re in the kitchen, you’re getting sprayed. I’m giving you reasons why we have so much cancer. And nobody’s paying attention to the cause of the cancer. Yes, I can tell you how to reverse even end-stage cancers. But nobody’s talking about what causes it in the first place.

KEVIN: I have a couple questions here based on some of the things that you said. I want to get some clarification if that’s okay. So one thing that, about the raw food, the cooked food, and the microwaved food, what were they measuring in terms of creating that...

BURTON: The competency of the immune system in the blood. I mean nothing could be better in other words what we have done in a hospital. Now let me tell you about this story. The Swiss government forbid the publication of this information, disseminating it in Switzerland, because it interfered with the commerce of the Microwave industry. And the men were shut down. They had enough money. They went to the court in Europe, and they were awarded 50,000 Euros although it cost them a hundred thousand Euros to defend it. That’s what goes on. That’s why I say that the most important thing in medicine is politics, being allowed to tell the truth. In this country, you can’t tell the truth about vitamins and minerals, what it does for you. If the FDA says it’s a drug, if you make claims.

KEVIN: You mentioned chemotherapy. Some alternative health practitioners will say, “Absolutely not. It’s totally a poison.” What made you come around, this type of testing made you come around to that? It’s interesting to kind of hear the different sides because as we explore this more, or get deeper into what works or what doesn’t. What made you kind of think that maybe this is the fact or in some ways can be?

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BURTON: Those doctors who say that the… now listen it is true that the conventional use of chemotherapy is near to evil. It doesn’t work in most cases. Occasionally you’ll get… When I learned about this test in Germany, I did research. I went to the doctors who used it. And I spoke to the patients. I mean I used clinics all over the world. And I’ve done due diligence on it and I know that this test is extremely valuable. So the doctors who say never use chemotherapy, sometimes they have some success. But there are cases where you may need chemotherapy. I have doctors that sometimes don’t use it, and sometimes do use chemotherapy, depending on the patient, depending on the tests, depending on the severity. And then there are techniques of using low dose chemo, or natural substances, like full body hypothermia, the ability to open up the arteries to allow the chemotherapy to get in. They use low dose, because they use sugar. Here’s a great disconnect. When they want to do a PET scan, what do they do? They load you up with sugar. And then you wait an hour, and then they give you the radiologic material. And then the sugar carries the radiologic material into the cancer cell, and then it shows up on the film as cancer. That’s how they do it. And yet, they don’t tell their patients not to eat sugar. Cancer craves sugar. It feeds on sugar. A good alternative doctor will use an anti-angiogenesis, that means stops the blood supply to the tumour. Oh and here’s another thing on blood supply. Women, never do mammograms unless you need surgery. Because most of the time, you don’t need surgery. Mammograms cause cancer. Shocked? We know from medical studies, I learned this from John Gofman at Berkeley, many, many years ago. Dear John died. He was very much into nuclear energy, and nuclear energy is another cause of cancer. The area of Philadelphia has 13 nuclear power plants feeding it. And it has one of the highest cancer rates in this country. There are higher cancer rates around every nuclear power plant in the United States, in the world, downwind from every nuclear power plant. How do we know this? You can Google this: tooth fairy project. They took children who had cancer. Now the government did this study originally. And when they found the results, they shut the study down. They took the deciduous teeth – the teeth that fall out of children and they kept them and then they tested those teeth for Strontium 90. Strontium 90 is a toxic element that only comes from nuclear bombs, and nuclear power plants all over the world. And they found that the children who had... see, there’s an affinity for strontium 90 of calcium. So what happens is, downwind from a nuclear power plant, it falls on the grasses, the cows eat the grasses, and then we drink the milk of the cows. And we end up with strontium 90. And they find it in the deciduous teeth. You can’t do it in an adult. You’re not going to pull their tooth out. But you can with children, because their teeth fall out. And they found that those children who had cancer, had higher rates of Strontium 90. Called the tooth fairy project, this is the proof. Because everything I tell you, I can give you the proof. That’s what I do. I do due diligence. I travel the world, finding these new things, and then study them to make sure that they do work.

KEVIN: We’re talking with Burton Goldberg from And if you go to research, and you search out, there’s a bio, blood tests, research, if you want to find that particular.

BURTON: Go to research on my website. There’s a button up on top, and then go to cancer blood test, and then the name of the company is, and your doctor… By the way, I had cancer twice. I do this test twice a year. It’s an inexpensive test if you just want to know if you’re going in the right direction. If you want to know specifically which chemotherapeutic agents, and natural substances to use, then that’s a more expensive test. It runs 1,850 Euros. That’s pretty expensive. But the results are astounding. But you know oncologists will not pay attention to this. They don’t understand it, and they don’t believe it. And very few doctors in this country use it. There are some, but very few.

KEVIN: Now would I have to go through a doctor in order to get that test or could I…?

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BURTON: No, you call them. They’ll send you a kit. Call them and the numbers on the website. And, and if there’s any problem, you can call me. I can give you my cell phone. I mean anybody can call me if they want. I talk to everybody. I devote my life to that service. My cell phone is 415-725-3555.

KEVIN: You mentioned you’ve been around the country and around the world, in many different clinics. What are some of the clinics that you think are really. What are they doing? And what are the ones that are doing a very good and effective job?

BURTON: There’s many, Suzanne Somers book covers quite a few. I like Dr. Buttar in North Carolina. I like Dr. Munoz in Mexico.

KEVIN: And what do they do that makes you feel that they’re doing good work?

BURTON: They keep people near death alive. That’s how, in other words. Let me say this. No one does the same thing for every patient. You treat the patient who has cancer. In other words, you don’t treat the cancer. You treat the patient who has it. For instance, we want to know what caused your cancer. Is it dental, is it mental? Mental plays an enormous role, because mental affects your immune system, the function of your immune system. You must get rid of those toxins – mental toxins. And so it depends on the patient. Each patient is handled uniquely. Some do full-body hypothermia, some do hyperbaric oxygen. Paying attention to the oxygen content in the person’s blood is extremely important. They feed the body intravenously. Most alternative cancer clinics do it. Some use quantum physics, some don’t. I believe that any doctor, who doesn’t use a quantum physics device like electro dermal screening, is guilty of malpractice. You can tap into the body non-invasively and know what poisons are there, know which organs or systems. I mean if you don’t want to come down with cancer, it’s really important to see disease before it manifests. And that’s one of the big subjects here, Kevin. We are not looking for cancer early enough. When you’re diagnosed with cancer, you’ve had that cancer 7, 8, 9, 10 years, and we’re not looking for it. Sometimes it’s too late. But with integrative medicine, you have a chance. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to get everyone but you can get most of them. But it’s a totally different technique. And the pity is that it’s not paid for by the insurance companies because they’re ignorant of this system. And they’re kept ignorant by their doctors, because their doctors are ignorant. You know I’m going to tell you something that I have learned in these years. Doctors are doctors because they have good memories. It doesn’t mean they’re intelligent. They keep doing the same stupid thing over and over again in cancer, not only in cancer, in autism, and everything else. I’m here to tell you just about everything can be reversed using the system of alternative medicine, whether it’s addiction, depression, and so forth. Conventional medicine pays no attention to the use of nutrients. They are legalized drug pushers. And you want to know what these drugs do? Just listen to Ambien on television commercials. Abilify, listen to them, they give you death. It’s unbelievable what goes on. Just listen to those commercials, and you realize how serious, seriously toxic they are. They’re not paying attention to what causes it. And even in alternative medicine, most doctors pay no attention to what caused their cancer in the first place. Most of them pay no attention to dentistry, whereas 50% of the reversal of cancer is in the mouth. It could be 10%, it could be nothing. But most of the time, there’s something in the mouth, because every tooth in the mouth is connected to every organ, and system in the body. Part of the meridian system of the Chinese discovered 5,000 years ago, and not taught in medical school. Another thing that’s not taught in medical school is the use of the lymph system. What is that all about? It’s about your immune system. Lymphocytes, they come from the lymph system. They’re garbage removers. And they pay no attention to it. There are

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marvellous devices that can fractionalize the molecules in the lymph system, and open them up to drain the body, to drain the tub of the toxins. I mean people laugh at the use of coffee enemas but coffee enemas help you drain the liver. It’s toxic load in the liver. The liver is like the spoke in the wheel in your body. It’s essential. And that’s why some doctors use caffeine in the coffee. Let the coffee cool down, and it becomes room temperature, and then insert it in the rectum, goes into the liver, flushes it, and then remove those toxins to allow the body’s own immune system to function.

KEVIN: You talked about electro dermal screening. I have a feeling there are people on the call who might not know what that is. Can you explain that in a little more detail?

BURTON: Yeah. Why don’t you Google quantum physics? It’s a quantum physics device called electro dermal screening. One of the best I know of is the EIS, it’s out of France. The ASYRA is made in this country, ASYRA. These are devices that you hook the patient up to, and it tells you which part of the body is malfunctioning. And very few physicians use it. But it will tell you which product will work for you, which vitamins and minerals are better than the other, and even dosage and give you the proper dosage because if you’re not taking enough, it won’t work. If you’re taking too much, you’re wasting things, and you’re wasting the energy on a sick person who has limited energy. So you want to give them absolutely spot on what dosage of a substance, so you know in advance, by resonance and because every poison and toxin has a resonance. This is part of quantum physics, and incidentally right now, I’m praying for a young girl going through an operation up in New York, and prayer does work. Prayer is quantum physics, healing at a distance, intention. That’s why the mind-body is so important.

KEVIN: Is this machine something that doctors can use in the, but in a like sanction with the FDA, or is some kind of a tool that...

BURTON: Yeah the FDA gives a 501 10(k). Yeah, I mean the FDA is one of the most corrupt organizations. The woman that runs the FDA today for the Obama administration is a corrupt woman. Her name is Hamburger. And she really represents the dental industry because she works for one of the largest suppliers of mercury silver filling and masks all information, holding up the tests of Bisphenol A and how disastrous it is in cancer. Electro dermal screening, there are many, many, many different devices, and in my book The Definitive Guide, I cover it. It’s like beaming them up, Scotty. For instance, the most serious things in an operation is the anaesthesia. If the doctors use this, he wouldn’t have any deaths from the wrong anaesthesia. He would know in advance if it would work or not for that patient. I rely on it. I am 85 years old. I look about 65, got lots of energy, been doing stem cells for 30 years, and I’m slowing the aging process as best I can. I can bend with no aches or pains and because I’ve been using and doing these things all these years.

KEVIN: Is there any relationship between stem cells and cancer, do you know?

BURTON: Yes. You want to knock off the cancer stem cells. That’s one of the tricks. But there’s a way, there’s a study. Dr. Neham in Switzerland did stem cells 50 years ago. What he did is, he took a sheep, a black mountain sheep out of Switzerland, and he would take the pregnant animal and get the fetus and then they would go into the fetus at a certain age, and take the various organs of the body and then pass them onto humans and it works. And he found that those patients, who had his stem cells on specific organs, had far less cancer. So it appears to be, and there are doctors in certain countries where they can do this, and you can do it in this country. I have a woman, who uses pig cells out of France, and you can take them orally, and they work. And of course if you don’t

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want to come with cancer by taking some of these cells, it boosts the immune system because the immune system is constantly being attacked by cancer cells. It’s your immune system that goes after them. And when your immune system gets overpowered, and stressed, cancer takes over. So it’s a deprecated immune system that allows cancer to grab hold. Everyone has cancer all the time. It comes and goes, comes and goes, comes and goes. And it’s up to your immune system. That’s why it is so essential to eat properly and not have junk food consistently. Occasionally you can have some, but it’s really important to watch your diet.

KEVIN: We’re talking with Burton Goldberg here from There are some great resources on his website, including some information about his new DVD, which is interesting. I think you guys should check that out. You mentioned preventative medicine for cancer, and the fact that people do have cancer in their bodies every once in a while. What are some of the things, die hard things that, maybe die hard is the wrong word, but sure fire things that you can do on a regular basis, that will increase or decrease your chances of getting cancer?

BURTON: I think number one is water. I think that the use of chlorine in water has been beneficial, but at the same time, it kills the organic matter in the water, and creates trihalomethanes. So it’s important to remove that, so a reverse osmosis filter with a carbon before reverse osmosis on your water supply. You get eight times more toxins in your body through showers and baths, than you do from drinking. Drinking water out of plastic bottles is a no-no because you don’t know whether that plastic bottle was in the sun, and that does produce all kinds of chemicals, and of course the number on the plastic bottle is important. You just stay away from plastic it’s really important, even touching it. So water is important. I think a multivitamin and mineral is strictly important. Using minerals, one of the best things you can do is detoxify. Sherry Rogers did a wonderful book “Detoxify or Die”. So what I do occasionally is I have a sauna in my house, specifically I sit in that far infrared sauna to help to detoxify. But if you really want to do something right, I have a place up in the state of Washington, where they take your hair, and they have a hair analysis, and then they can tell from that what poisons and toxins are in you so you can remove them with natural substances. And they have a website called Her name is Rogers, Mrs. Rogers for, and they do hair analysis. And that is really important to understand what your load is. And if you have heavy metals, they’re able to remove them with natural substances. And they’ll show you the substances once they know, truly important.

KEVIN: In your research for your first book on cancer as well as your new DVD, what are two or three of the most shocking things you encountered, that kind of blew your mind?

BURTON: Well the inefficiency of radiation, the inefficiency and the detrimental aspects of chemotherapy, the politics, and when you go through this, you realize that the government is your enemy. I was in the Second World War. I was in the navy. I never thought that the government was my enemy. But as I get into medicine, I realize that they are killing the population, by allowing the corporations to get away with murder. Pretty strong words, but you see, I’m 85 years old, and I have to tell the truth. My job is to get people to stay alive. And these people will not listen to the new science that’s available. There was a product called hydrazine sulfate. It’s used for cachexia, wasting away in cancer. They did studies, and they purposely scuttled the studies. The doctor who gave it to humanity free of charge, no patent, the use of hydrazine for wasting away, cachexia in cancer. And by the way, there’s a study on my website for brain cancer. In Russia they call it Sanhedrin, number 16 in my research. Go to research, news and research, hit number 16 you’ll read about Sanhedrin, hydrazine sulfate. Inexpensive, stops the wasting away in cancer, but it also kills brain cancer, goes

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through the brain blood barrier. But if you use sedatives and alcohol, it makes it ineffective. And Sloan Kettering did that study. And that’s outrageous, isn’t it? That Sloan Kettering purposely killed people by scuttling hydrazine sulfate, because it interfered with the use of chemotherapy, which is billions of dollars from the drug industry, whereas cancer can be treated for a fraction of that money. And this was done by Penthouse magazine. They did a story on it, and nobody ever sued them, years ago when Penthouse magazine, did a story on this, and told that story nobody ever sued them. Joe Gold called them and said you’re doing it wrong, you got to do it my way. They wouldn’t listen to him. This is what goes on. The politics of medicine is the most important thing folks have to understand, that you can’t trust conventional medicine, because all they want to do is drug you. They are not out to help you. Now most of these doctors don’t realize they’re in this thing. But they haven’t seen the other side because they’re kept and the M.D, medical deities, they’re pumped up by Big Parma, because they have all the money, they have all the money to buy the politicians who sell you down a river. They put aluminium in the water supply, right in the water, and other chemicals and copper, all kinds of crazy things. They’ve used fluoride. Fluoride is a rat poison. It causes fluorosis, you ever see kids with model teeth from being over fluoridated. It breaks bones. It affects emotions. Fluoride is a terrible rat poison. And yet it’s medically mandated by some certain cities in the state of California. It takes a good city like Santa Cruz, to withstand that, and not allow their population to be poisoned by that chemical. It’s severe. So after studying medicine for 35 years, my conclusion is: corruption. You have a government that is not out to save you. You have a government that is in collusion. It is not those scientists, it’s the politicians that run those offices, and hide the truth from the public. And until we take back our government from corporations, you have greed. It’s not only financial, but it’s your health. There are tests on everything we talk about. In my definitive guide, I have maybe 40 pages of research and notes reciting these studies, and yet it is still not practiced. And the reason? Greed.

KEVIN: Thank you so much for being a part of this program and sharing.

BURTON: You’re welcome. I’m delighted. God bless you, and everyone out there.

KEVIN: All right what did you think about that? Burton at his age is not afraid to speak what he feels. I wish everyone could do that even if you don’t agree with everything he says, there a lot of nuggets that everyone can take from this important call. So now to kind of switch things up a bit we’re talking to survivors. I hope that you guys appreciate this addition to the program. Our second guest of the night is a lung and breast cancer survivor. She’s got a fantastic story. And I hope that you take the time to listen to what she did, how she felt, and where she is now. Karolyn Kloepping is a cancer survivor turned health coach. Her story will take you through what treatments she received, what worked and the emotions involved when you deal with cancer in a family? It’s going to be an amazing 30 minutes. And I promise you that. So we’re going to get started right away. Karolyn thanks for being on the call.

KAROLYN: Thank you. I appreciate you inviting me.

KEVIN: Well, this is going to be a lot of fun, because we’re talking about, in this whole program we’re talking about cancer and options. And so your experience is different than maybe the normal experience that most people go through. So why don’t we start by you giving us a little bit about your story, your health before, how you found out you had cancer, what type, and what stage, and then we’ll kind of move into the rest of the information.

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KAROLYN: Sure. I had started out my life as a sick 2 years old. I had asthma for all of my childhood, and allergies. My mom had tried to help my situation when I was 8 by changing the food that the whole family ate, but apparently for me, it was a little more than that. I was healthy whenever I was on a very strict anti-Candida diet and if I wasn’t, then I got symptoms. When I was, I guess, I just had my son, he was about two, and I had a lot of upper respiratory infections, actually it started a little before he was two. And I would go to the doctor. I would have a cold that would last for six weeks. There was no getting over it. So finally I was like, and they ended up putting me on antibiotics, and prednisone, and things I didn’t want to be on but it got that bad. And I will be healthy for two weeks, and then I’d have something again, and this cycle kept on for quite a long time, about a year. And I was like, I need a chest x-ray. Something is abnormal here. Well I got a chest x-ray, but the radiologist read it incorrectly, and said I was fine. Fast forward to four years later, and I changed doctors, and moved to a new town. So my doctor at that time decided that she would do a whole physical, with x-rays etcetera. And when I got the x-rays done, and a CAT scan, there was a tumour in my left lung. And I went, and they asked me to get my old x-rays, and I went, and got that old one from 1998, and this was 2002 and there was a tumour in my left lung on the old x-ray. Then I got surgery. I had a left, upper left lung lobectomy, and I was diagnosed with stage II-b adenoid carcinoma of the lung. And in 1999, I actually had a DCIS stage 0, which is ductal carcinoma in the tissue of my left breast, and I had a lumpectomy. At that time, I did not do anything, but what I was doing, which was eating whole organic foods, being on the supplement program, that has never come back. And then with the lung cancer, what I did was, you know the surgeon said that there was still a 50/50 chance of it coming back. He said he thinks he got it all. Okay, well, as we know, cancer courses through our bloodstream, so getting it all in a tumor fashion doesn’t mean you really got it all. And then in 2003 it recurred. And it was in a lymph node outside of my lung. And I went and got vitamin C IVs and laetrile IVs. I was told by an oncologist that was following me, that if they could give me chemo but it was just palliative, which means there is no cure. So that was 2003, here we are in 2011, and apparently I’m still alive and kicking.

KEVIN: Well let me ask you some questions about your situation. So you said you got surgery. So you didn’t choose an all-natural approach. What’s the normal treatment, is it surgery and radiation, surgery and chemotherapy, what’s the normal treatment for lung cancer like that?

KAROLYN: The normal treatment would’ve been, at the stage I was at which was II-b, would’ve been surgery, and then chemo. The original oncologist that I had, told me if I didn’t do the chemo that I would die. And when I read the write-up he gave me on the chemo he was going to give me, it said that that, that could make me die. So I chose to keep death in my own hands.

KEVIN: Do you have any idea what the survival rate is for someone who would have that same type of stage II lung cancer with treatment? Do you have any idea what that is?

KAROLYN: For regular treatment, you know chemo, and radiation, there’s usually no cure. They can extend your life a certain amount of time but I recently looked at the Cancer Centers of America, which is somewhat an integrative approach, and there survival time at one and a half years was 22%. So I mean at one and a half years, I was still alive, so I’d say I survived a hundred percent.

KEVIN: Sure, sure. So you came back, and then so you went to see a natural doctor to do by yourself?

KAROLYN: Yes. I had known about this doctor for years. He runs the chapter center for complementary medicine in New York. His name is Michael B.Chapter. And I had already put together a nutrient program, a

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supplement program, and again was eating a whole food diet, and I went to him to basically have him run through the supplements I was on, and see what else I could do if there was something I didn’t know about. He added two things and took away two things. And then I also did vitamin C IV followed by a laetrile IV, which I knew was something I wanted to do in the first place. It was just finding a doctor in my area that would do that. And he was in New York, and I was in Massachusetts at the time, but I did find somebody that could administer that, who has since retired.

KEVIN: All right and so what were, when you say whole foods, nutritional diets, as well as supplements, can you name some of those that you were using?

KAROLYN: Sure. Some of the supplements that I used was modified citrus pectin, the brand name is PectaSol C. I also was using frozen shark cartilage. I used high doses of vitamins C orally, up to about 10 grams a day, a multivitamin; something called BroccoMax, which is a sulforaphane compound from broccoli seed sprouts. I also used calcium gluconate, which is a safe detoxifier for your liver. You name it, I was taking it. Maitake D-fraction mushrooms. I was juicing 3 times a day, 16 ounce glass of clean juice. I did not put carrots, or beets, or fruit in there because cancer lives on sugar, and I did not want to aid it in living. And the juices are essential because they provide live enzymes, and also minerals and vitamins that are untouched by the heat of cooking, and they’re high in chlorophyll, and a lot of phytonutrients that we haven’t even discovered yet. And you know I was doing about an 80% raw type of diet, and it was vegan, and I followed that really strictly for about 6 months.

KEVIN: And then you said in 19 sorry, in 2009 you had a stage 0 breast cancer. That’s been resolved, right?

KAROLYN: Actually that was 1999 I’m sorry, and that was resolved yes.

KEVIN: Okay. Sorry I got the time mixed up. So let me ask you a couple – maybe a little bit more personal questions. So we kind of established that you did get integrative treatment, and you don’t have any lung cancer now, which is fantastic. I want to know about when you first were diagnosed, just to kind of give people who may be listening today, when you were first diagnosed, I mean were you scared? I mean you must have been.

KAROLYN: When I was first diagnosed, I cried for a week. I had a 4 year old son at the time and I was devastated because, you look online at the prognosis for lung cancer, and it’s never good. Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in our country. So I cried for a week but at the end of that week, I felt much worse than I did, then when I just found out. And I’m like, “Why is that?” And in my mind, I put together the fact that I let the word cancer actually mentally get to me, which in this country, it’s been purported to be such a death sentence that, that’s what you normally would do. So when I realized that I played right into that, I just pulled myself up by my boot straps and said I’m going to kick this thing. And I started feeling better right away. A lot of it is your mental mindset how you’re going to deal with it. Are you going to be proactive and positive, or negative and just let the word eat you up?

KEVIN: Did you take any break from your work, or did you do meditation or anything like that during your own protocol?

KAROLYN: Well I wasn’t working at the time. I was a stay-at-home mom. I mean you don’t take a break from that. But I was not working a traditional job. Anyway I did include meditation, prayer, exercise, gardening. I mean for somebody to go out and run 10 miles a day, that’s not the exercise that’s

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needed for everyone. I was in a weakened state. I was getting over the surgery. I mean so walking for half an hour to an hour a day, gardening, all that, you’re moving your lymph system, and detoxing but you’re not overdoing it. I got enough sleep. I said affirmations, anything that I could add into my program that was going to be positive, I added in.

KEVIN: Was there a point during the initial surgery, and then the second, you know recurrence, and then right afterwards, was there any point where you kind of questioned your decision to choose a natural approach, or an approach that didn’t include chemotherapy?

KAROLYN: Well you’re always questioning that because when you’re having doctors that were trained in this country, following you, and they’re telling you left and right that what you’re doing will not help you, and now I just tell them that it’s something that you don’t approve of but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t help me, yeah I questioned it, but when I went to surgery for the year that, I did not do the vitamin C IV’s, I was just doing things based on food, and exercise, and things like that. But then when it had come back, then that’s when I had got more aggressive. And at that point, 6 months after I started a real aggressive approach and I felt like I was 20 again and I was 46, I did not question anything.

KEVIN: What did your family members think?

KAROLYN: Well as I said before, my mother changed our diet when I was 8, so she had been one of those cooks in 70s that was into health food, natural food, natural healing. So my parents were all for what I was doing. My husband backed me a 100%. And he had since had family members that have gone on chemo and radiation and I have too, that did not survive. Not that that’s a bad thing, but my survival rate at this point is much better than, and success rate is much better than what they had happen. So I was backed a 100%, which made it a lot easier.

KEVIN: That’s great. A lot of people don’t have that type of support and so that’s a blessing. I wanted to ask you about what your protocol is now. Are you doing any of the vitamin C treatments still, or have you, are you okay to stop those now?

KAROLYN: The maintenance is once a month for the rest of your life. And as far as I’m concerned that’s fine. I mean I’m willing to do that. Because 2 hours, 2-3 hours once a month for you to sit in a chair and talk to some other people who are doing the same thing, is not a lot out of my life to live a full life. And I still try to eat seasonally. So in the summer I eat a lot of raw foods, and then in the winters I go more towards a macrobiotic kind of thing. And I do eat meat now, but eat only grass-fed meat that’s raised on a local farm. I know my farmers. I buy local and organic. I still follow all those rules and I still take supplements that help my body, I feel that help my body. And I also take laetrile tablets 3 times a day. They are not as good as the IV’s supposedly because they have to go through the digestive tract, but they still, I believe, help to manage cancer as a chronic illness, instead of a death sentence.

KEVIN: I wanted to ask you about this because you said that your family was willing to help. Were you surprised that you had cancer, thinking that you had been eating healthy when you were younger that you actually would come down with a disease like this?

KAROLYN: Not really, well, I mean my health was always tentative unless I was so, so strict, in this society, it’s really hard to be that strict, especially if you want to go out, and have a drink with people. And

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before the no smoking in public spaces laws, I mean there was smoking in restaurants, and I waitressed for 10 years. And there was also – I worked in a place that used trichloroethylene as a cleaning solvent. It was a computer manufacturing place. And they have sands to clear the air but the trichloroethylene was above waist level and the sand was above my head, so I think it probably helped it go right through my respiratory system. There were serious environmental factors that had a role in this also. And then genetics wise, my mother had six siblings, and five of those had cancer, including herself. And then on my father’s side, he had colorectal cancer. So I mean genetically, behind the eight ball.

KEVIN: Let me ask you this. What advice would you give someone who is faced with a diagnosis? What could you say to someone, well if they came to you, or someone who is a family member or something like that, what would you say to them? How would you kind of explain your experience?

KAROLYN: Well the first thing I’d tell them to do is cut out sugar. And it is amazing how many people in America say, “Oh, I have such a hard time giving that up.” I’ve been talking to people that are stage IV cancer survivor, or diagnosed with stage IV cancer, and they don’t want to give up sugar. That to me is amazing. But anyway I tell them to give up sugar, eat as many plant foods as you can, green vegetables, a rainbow of vegetables, and minimum fruit. But if you eat it in the whole form, it’s okay. And then add supplementation. I usually also tell people do what you believe in. I mean I believed in this wholeheartedly. And I’ve been studying it a long time that, I didn’t want to do chemo and radiation. But for somebody who feels that that’s going to help them, then just add the proper nutrition and supplementation into your program, and you should feel much better. I say do what you believe in because another thing that helps people is the placebo effect. If you feel you’re doing the right thing, your brain is going to feel you’re doing the right thing, too.

KEVIN: In suggesting things, how valuable is it to have a mentor or a practitioner to help you? Do you think that that’s a valuable tool?

KAROLYN: Definitely. Yes. You need somebody. I mean I had a lot of knowledge, but there were still things as I said, they took away two things and added two things. There were still things that I didn’t know about, like frozen shark cartilage. I mean, and then there were things that people can put into your program, that you can say, ”Yes, it makes sense,” and then when you do research on it, you can find out why you’re using that. It definitely helps to have somebody guide you. I’ve had so many people say oh I got on the internet, and this, that and the other thing. I’m like, “Do you know anybody who used that to survive?”, and “No, I don’t.” Well they can just be selling you something. I really feel to have a mentor is very, very helpful.

KEVIN: Well, great. What else do you want to share before we go? Are there last things you’d like to say about your own experience or about someone who’s listening who may one day, down the line, have an experience like this?

KAROLYN: Well, I thank God that I’m here, still. That’s one thing, having some kind of spiritual practice, whatever you believe in. And also make sure you’re doing your 5-9 vegetables and fruits a day, 5-9 servings, it’s really important. And cut out the sugars. I again, make sure you’re eating right. Make sure you’re eating whole foods. You want to shop the perimeter of the store, not the aisles in the middle where all the processed food is. You want to go to the refrigerated section. And find somebody that can tell you what supplements to take, to help you treat yourself, or work with the doctors I mean, there are people that can work with doctors to help you get the best survival.

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KEVIN: Great. And you have a website and you do some of your own counselling. Can you share what link that is, and where people can find out more information about you?

KAROLYN: Yeah, sure. My website is, and I also have another website, and all my contact information is there, and information about my story and my education.

KEVIN: I want to thank you so much for sharing. I think this has been really helpful. So I appreciate your contribution.

KAROLYN: Thanks a lot, Kevin. I am glad that you asked me to speak to everyone. And I hope everyone never has to deal with this. But if you do, there are answers out there.

KEVIN: That was great. What a powerful story. If you have comment on the blog, you go right ahead and post a comment on the blog, what you thought about the first two calls tonight. We still have one more, another 30 minute call. Our third guest is another cancer survivor. She survived lymphoma, and now has a pacemaker because of the damage done by her conventional treatments. Now she’s taking a natural integrative approach, and is doing well with no signs of recurrence. Kelly Gallagher is a 5-time cancer survivor, is on this planet to shift the paradigm of health and wellness. Now she’s an international health activist, a documentary filmmaker, and a professional survivor. Kelly likes to be referred to as a goddess in progress, not only helping others but also aiding us in changing environmental and governmental policy. Kelly’s been around the globe, shooting a feature documentary about mercury for 10 years, navigating the world of alternative and conventional medicine for 20. So Kelly thanks for being on the call.

KELLY: Hi. Thank you so much for having me on, Kevin.

KEVIN: This is going to be awesome. You have a lot of energy. I’m excited about that. It’s always good to have energetic people on the call.

KELLY: First off, I want to say to you, when you’ve survived as long as I have, you have to become an expert. And the survivor word, I like to call me a survivor.

KEVIN: Yeah, so why don’t you start, why don’t you tell us a little bit about your story?

KELLY: Okay well, basically I’m a 5 time cancer survivor, and I’ve had 5 pacemakers and a heart valve so at this point I feel like, I had to professionally navigate this at a lot of levels. But you know I was a swimmer, and I swam for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week for years. And so I grew up in chlorine, and then I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma when I was 20 years old. And I frankly think that a lot of that has something to do with the environmental factors. But I was 20 and I went through radiation and I had surgery, I didn’t really know anything other than that at that time, and I kind of went on with my life. Although at 20 years old, this was in 1983, there weren’t a lot of people like me that had cancer. It affected me emotionally. I was in my 3rd year of engineering school. And you know I wanted to be an astronaut. And consequently, I had to drop out of school, and kind of take a different direction for a minute. And it kind of afforded those efforts, and I ended up going into the rock and roll business. And one day I woke up, and I said well I didn’t die from that and I didn’t die from cancer. I went back to school, and I got my degree in communication, health communication. And I went off to Alaska to work at NBC and then became an affiliate and you know I kind of went

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on with my life. And I really didn’t think much about it, and I didn’t really change my lifestyle or anything. At 29 years old, after I was moving to Los Angeles, I was re-diagnosed with cancer, after I had been here about 8 months. And I had moved down to LA to work for NBC, and hadn’t been there long enough to get health insurance. So my wake up wasn’t because I was smart and I knew how to take care of my body but I hadn’t had no other choice. And I was 29 years old, and I felt like I hadn’t done anything good yet. I wasn’t ready to die and I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma coming back with a bit of a vengeance. And I tried macrobiotic food and my boyfriend at the time was a drummer, and we were reading books, and trying to figure out what to do. We didn’t have a lot of money. So with macrobiotic, I gained 20 lbs. I think he lost 20lbs, but that was not for me. I went to the Optimal Health Institute, and did the raw food diet and cleansing, and I ended up going there on and off for about five weeks, and I felt a lot better but I was sort of turning green. And my boyfriend heard about this guy on the radio named Dr. Nicholas Gonzales. And he called up the radio station, World health organization, and they sent us a tape, and we listened to this cassette tape. And with my last 1,500 bucks, I wanted to go see Dr. Gonzales in New York. And I did. And it was really hard to get an appointment because he didn’t want to work with people who had already had chemo and radiation but since that wasn’t really an option for me at that point. When you don’t have insurance, they’re not running after you to get you to take chemotherapy. And I didn’t have the money to do chemotherapy. So I did this. I went off to see Dr Gonzales. He body types you. You’re a moderate carnivore and for me he said, “Red meat with the fat, no leafy green things, no citrus, no salads, no sugar, no coffee, unless it’s in the form of an enema, and you need to eat whole butter, whole cream, if you’re going to have dairy, and if you need to eat root vegetables.” And I, at this point in my life, Kevin, was like, “What?!” I was, I had been bulimic on and off for years, hiding this. I had been a swimmer, worked out so many hours a day I think when I quit, I just fell out of balance. And I thought, “You want me to eat meat with butter.” I’m not thinking this is a good idea. But within one month, this was 1992, on this diet; according to my metabolic body type I have no longer been bulimic since 1992. And it, not only that, but for three years, I managed this cancer. I had a tumour in my stomach the size of a grapefruit. I knew when I cheated. I knew when I didn’t cheat, by the size of the tumour, and how well I was doing. And I was sort of like a rebellious young lass, and my boyfriend is now the drummer for the band Foreigner, and he’s off being a rock star, and I’m like doing coffee enemas and drinking carrot juice twice a day, and taking pancreatic enzymes six times a day, and I fell off the wagon a little bit in there, I became a little self destructive, and I ended up getting chemotherapy in 1994 because my first husband got me health insurance again. And I did the chemotherapy for 14 months with no break. And after 14 months of chemotherapy, I was well for a nano second, and again I got re-diagnosed with cancer. So it kind of went back and forth. And I ended up having stem cell transplant, and doing all mainstream medicine for a minute, and then going back to alternative medicine back and forth, back and forth. Until in 1996, when I was diagnosed with cancer for the 4th time, my father died and the same day I was re-diagnosed with cancer for the 4th time. My dad was military, and we went to Virginia to bury him at Arlington. And after the service that day, my husband said, “What do you want to do today, honey?” And he’s thinking the Smithsonian and I wanted to go to the FDA because at this point I hadn’t had a bone marrow transplant yet. I wasn’t eligible for any more mainstream treatment at that point. And I didn’t really know – I knew about food and nutrition, but I didn’t know of any other protocols other than this Burzynski treatment in Texas. And when I went into FDA to talk to them about the Burzynski treatment, with my poster board and magic markers they were so anti-Burzynski I had never seen anything like it. And I didn’t really know the politics about it. They ended up getting me cleared to have a bone marrow transplant, and I went down that path. I only found out recently that the whole time that they were mad at Burzynski, they were stealing his patent. His film just came out, the Burzynski movie, it was amazing. So I went off, I did this bone marrow transplant, and again, I went

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through all of this stuff and for a year prior to the transplant, when I had them take out my platelets, you know they did this apheresis collection of your stem cell. And I asked them how long they would stay in the freezer, and they looked at me like, “You’re crazy woman, what are you taking about?” and I said “how long will it stay in the freezer?” And they said probably a year. So I went off detective to work with a guy named Dr. Lee Cowden, and I was introduced to Burton Goldberg, who had written a definitive guide to alternative medicine. Burton said to me, “You got to get rid of those breast implants and you got to get rid of the rest of that mercury in your mouth.” I knew mercury’s bad, and I wanted the breast implants out and I got them out and I went through silicone detox and I went through mercury detox, and I went through every type of detox I could go through for a year prior to my bone marrow transplant. I was hoping that I could get well enough I wouldn’t need a bone marrow transplant. But I had, at this point, stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma with, it was in my spine, I had a tumor in my spine. It was in my bone marrow. And I was given, I think, 40 something; maybe 50% chance to live if I made it through the bone marrow transplant. This is in 1997. So I had the bone marrow transplant. I had all these healers coming into the hospital while I was in there adjusting my bite plates, and doing green. I bought turmeric and you know I was eating walnuts and dates and pomegranate, and I had my Iranian healer bring, you know I call them persa power pomegranate pineapple, and pistachios for your blood, and your hormones, and it cleanses your blood and builds your blood. So I was doing everything I could do from my side. But I did go through a lot of mainstream treatment. And that’s kind of you know, I’m well today. I’m totally cancer free. I’ve now had to deal with a lot of heart issues, because I had high dose radiation at 20 years old, don’t anybody hurt themselves, I’m 48 years old. I’m happy to be 48 today. It affected my heart and my vascularity. And so I’m now on my 5th pacemaker as of July 25th of this summer. And I had a new heart valve in 2008, so I am the bionic woman. Most people think I’m like la cucaracha because nothing’s going to stop me.

KEVIN: So the whole, the Hodgkin’s lymphoma was where it started and that seems to be the ongoing theme.

KELLY: When you have Hodgkin’s, and if it comes back as something else, I think when you have any kind of cancer and it comes back as a different kind of cancer, it can be more virulent. It’s harder, and if you can keep your, I mean, for me It would have been great if I would of not had cancer but there’s a step in between A and B. And I kept getting re-diagnosed with the same cancer, which is in cancer world, that’s a good thing. If it got re-diagnosed as brain cancer or breast cancer, I might not be here to talk to you today.

KEVIN: Okay, and then, and so the tumour in your stomach was connected to the lymphoma. Is that correct?

KELLY: eah. I had lymphoma, I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It started in my neck, and my sternum, and it moved down into my pelvic and stomach, and eventually went into my blood and my bones.

KEVIN: Okay. And when was the last time you, so you were last diagnosed, your bone marrow transplant was when?

KELLY: 1997.

KEVIN: Okay. So it’s been a pretty decent amount of years now. So what’s that 13 years, 14 years?

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KELLY: Yeah. And I’ll tell you that in mainstream medicine, I work with a lot of integrative physicians, now that they test me. I call it are you on the highway to hell or health test. So that they can actually see way ahead of time how your body’s doing. Are you acidic? Do you have too many proteins in your blood? You know, there’s so many ways to know that you’re on your way to poor health. I wanted to understand that. I want you to understand your body. And I think what happened with us is, we’ve gotten so just contaminated and so sick and so clogged up with fast food and pre-packaged food and convenient food and genetically modified food, that we don’t really even know how clogged up our internal pipes are. So like I said, I had been bulimic, well I was bulimic partially because I was depleted of enzymes and amino acids that my brain needed to function, so I never could really… my body was getting the wrong signals. Like I said, I had been bulimic since 1992. But I was eating tuna fish, and cottage cheese, and dry toast, and Hershey syrup. My mother was on weight watchers as a kid. She was kind of a bipolar weight watcher person. In the morning, it was dry toast, and at night, it was cool whip with Hershey syrup. And I grew up with that. I’m not even supposed to have citrus for my body type. And I grew up in Florida. Not that we always had citrus, we were also the Tang generation, so even with the beautiful citrus outside we’re drinking orange sugar. So I just think it’s an education. That’s what we need to be teaching in school, in kindergarten is like what we should eat, what fuels our body, because watermelons sticks and sweet tarts, and the things that I know that I was eating when I was really little, are not so much for the body. And sugar feeds cancer, so you know.

KEVIN: Let me ask you this. Over the last 14 years, what have you been doing integrative? What have you been doing naturally and conventionally?

KELLY: I am on a pretty, well, first of all, I still eat the way that I was taught to eat by Dr. Gonzales. However, I don’t eat as much meat as I used to, because I’m a little bit more towards vegan, and more raw food. I still make sure that I don’t eat sugar, I never, almost never, have sugar, and I think that’s the most important thing. And I think that’s the most important thing for any cancer survivor, any cancer patient, any cancer thriver, is sugar feeds cancers. Sugar is alcohol. Sugar is candy. Sugar is carrots, I mean, if you want to get down to it. But how we get that sugar, and how our body metabolizes it is the difference. So I still stay on my protocol for food. I work with my integrative physicians to monitor like what toxins that I come in contact with. They use some machines that are quantum machine that can measure every kind of toxin, or virus, or mold, or bacteria or whatever that I come in contact with. And I do a lot of laser energetic detox to get rid of those things on my body. I’m on a heart protocol, which is five foods for the heart. Its metabolic cardiology with Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and the five things that you need to take for the heart which are magnesium, CoQ10, L carnitine, D-ribose and K-2. And that’s just like giving your heart food. And anybody and everybody should be on it. You don’t need to have a heart problem to take that stuff. You know magnesium; we all need magnesium because every time your body is under any kind of stress, our bodies waste magnesium. So these are five things that I make sure that I take all the time. And if I don’t, I know the difference. You know I have a pacemaker. There was a time when if I took the five things for the heart, I didn’t even need my pacemaker. And when I would go in to get it checked, all the doctors all come running in the room, and the techs, and they would be looking at the machine and thinking, “What’s going on in here, her heart got better.” They don’t normally see that and that’s kind of and I’m young for having a pacemaker. I got a pacemaker at like 42 years old. Another emotional breakdown, my best friend died, and she died of cancer. And I couldn’t save her. And I couldn’t save her partially because she had everything. Her family was wealthy. She was married to a lawyer. They had great connections with great hospitals. Her father was a state legislator. She had a lot of people telling her what to do, and getting her to the best

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people. And I, we were best friends since we were six. But I, my parents are dead. My husband and I, my husband was a touring musician, so he was gone. He wasn’t there to tell me yes or no for everything I did. And I didn’t really have anybody to tell me what to do. And consequently, when I had alternative medicine doctors guiding me, I did, if my gut said yes, I did it, and I did it and I do what they told me to do. I spent money on things that my family or most people were like well that’s not covered by insurance. Well neither is your tombstone. So I just spent money on things to get well. And that’s what I did. I’m broke but I’m happy, broke but I’m healthy.

KEVIN: And you’re here.

KELLY: And I’m here and what’s the price for that. And it’s hard to monetize. It’s hard to explain it to people. A lot of people may think, “Oh yes she’s lucky.” No, I’m not lucky. I work really hard. And I’ve been back out there. I’ve been power boarding all summer. And I power boarded up until the day I had my heart surgery. And I power boarded three days after I had my heart surgery. And I’m going to continue to do that. In the past, I’ve been in the hospital every time I had to go in – I was in there for 60 days. I mean 60 days for a 3-day pacemaker operation, 60 days for a 30 day stem cell transplant, 60 days for a 10 day heart valve replacement. And this summer, I made up my mind. And I think this is it. Sometimes the power of our minds is huge. And I made up my mind this summer before I went into get this pacemaker operation done. I’m going to be out in three days. And they would have had me out in one day according to the insurance rules. But like I said, the last time I had a pacemaker, I was in there for 60 days because my heart rejected it. It kind of attacked it. They had to keep taking them out. It was a really horrible process for me, because of my prior radiation. And I didn’t know that there was something called radiation-induced cardiac disease. I’m also part of something called Women Heart. I went to the leadership program at the Mayo Clinic, and I was then their legislative program in Washington DC and they have big “boots on the ground” campaign to wake up women, and let them know that are, this is a huge carer of women too. So I met a bunch of people who had had cancer, and now have heart problems because of their treatment. So you know nothing goes in a straight line.

KEVIN: You mentioned money, and you mentioned the treatment being expensive. We’ve come in contact with people before and I’m sure you have too who just say well the natural stuff is too expensive. I’m just going to do what insurance covers. What are your thoughts? Obviously we know a little bit of your thoughts but can you go a little deeper into that?

KELLY: I just got cancelled by Blue Cross. And I was paying $820.00 a month for my California high risk PPL graduate program that they kept onto me, and right at the eve of Obama care they managed to bounce me. So just before I did anything every month, I was spending $800.00, $800.00 for my insurance. I don’t spend $800.00 a month on alternative medicine, so the expense there, and then I still owe money on my insurance after they pay their part. So that’s expensive too. And the thing about the insurance was my pills, my prescription, which I’m only on two, are wildly expensive when you don’t have insurance. So I don’t know how the mainstream medicine they’re always attacking the vitamin industry over how expensive it is, and getting people, that’s a propaganda campaign. Remember how I told you I was in promotion? That’s a propaganda campaign that they’ve got everybody’s convinced that this alternative medicine is so expensive. Well when you look at the price of mainstream medicine, I think it’s just as expensive to participate in that. But it is expensive to buy vitamins. And it is expensive to keep up with our nutrition but it’s more expensive to get sick. I think that that’s what I would say. It is expensive. The whole situation is expensive. But while we’re subsidizing, and I say we, the government subsidizing sugar industry and you know

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fruit loops should be illegal instead of vitamins. I just think that the whole system is flawed. And I don’t know if you can isolate it into like just the cost of alternative medicine. Yeah, I spent money. I spent money. When my dad died, he left me some money. I spent it on getting well but I wanted to live. So I don’t have any security. I mean I don’t have any money in the bank. It’s got me in a very precarious position now where I just have to have faith, and believe that I’m okay, and that I’m going to be taken care of. I could have been dead with an IRA account I guess and giving it to my nieces and nephews, or I can be here to hang out and play with my nieces and nephews.

KEVIN: Now knowing what you know what advice would you give someone who is faced with a cancer diagnosis? Just from your personal experience.

KELLY: I would recommend that everybody and this machine isn’t everywhere yet, but there is a diagnostic machine called Azido. And you put your hand in a cradle, and this thing measures everything you’ve ever come in contact with, kind of like everything that’s affecting your immune system, everything that’s affecting your body. And before, if I got a mainstream diagnosis with cancer, before I would run out and have my breast removed, or have surgery, or do any of that, I would want to go have these tests too. And that’s what I still do. I mean I have a pit crew, and I have mainstream guides, and I’ve got integrative guides, and I kind of use them all, or check in with all of them, and then I make my decisions. But when you have these other tests, you might have, you might be living next to a pile of toxic waste, and you don’t even know it. And it’s affecting your immune system. There might be something running underground that’s bothering your geo-pathic stress, or you know, there might be so much EMS in your bedroom that you’re not sleeping properly. And these machines pick up these things that you don’t know to even call the doctor. I mean there’s so many stresses on our bodies right now, that mainstream medicine doesn’t address, or even take into consideration. And I think those are things like you know from allergens to geo-pathic stress, to the bad water that we’re taking a shower with, and you get your fluorocarbons, you gas yourself while you’re taking a shower in the morning, and people don’t know this. I mean they really don’t understand that their shampoo, and the cream they put all over their body is, you know why don’t you just take motor oil and put it all over your body? If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your body. And if you can’t pronounce it, don’t buy it. That’s my motto. Everybody needs to read labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it, don’t rub it on yourself. There’s so much garbage in sparkly little packages that entertain our ADD that we’ve gotten from being so mercury poisoned, and heavy metal toxicity. And I think that’s the most important thing right there. Open your mouth. If you have any silver so-called silver fillings in your mouth, they’re not silver. They’re 48 to 54% mercury. They leak mercury vapor at 43 micrograms per day. And mercury is more toxic than lead. So that’s the work I do now and that’s what in all of my journey of what I’ve found out is, I had 17 mercury fillings. I had them taken out wrong. I had them taken them out because I had great dental insurance. And essentially had them jackhammered out of my head when I lived in Alaska, because I wanted the white ones. It had nothing to do with health. It had to do with vanity. And that, unknowingly, made me sick. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with bronchitis and pneumonia and I had no idea that this had anything to do with me getting my dental fillings removed in 1991. I didn’t learn, I knew about mercury for 10 years before I knew that there was a battle going on about it on the political side. And that yes they are still putting this into people’s mouths today. And yes it is still toxic. And it causes everything from ADD to fibromyalgia, to brain fogs, to chronic fatigue, to cancer, to ALS, to MS, and on and on and on, from autism to Aspergers, and this heavy metal toxicity I think from all of my discovery that it is the root cause of immune disruption. And once you disrupt your immune system, where it goes haywire in your body, really just has to do maybe with your genetics, maybe your luck, maybe your exposures to plastics to metals, and how it all combines and blows up but whether you get arthritis,

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or you’ve got Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis. You know you put heavy metal in your stomach it burns up your ability to digest. So where does this blow up in your body? It’s a perfect storm for the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a perfect storm for the medical community because they’re fighting something nobody can find. And its mercurial and they don’t fight it because they don’t want to, but it’s in our mouths. It’s been put there. We are not aging. We are oxidizing.

KEVIN: Kelly, I want to thank you so much for sharing today. Can you tell everyone where they can find more information about you, and what you do?

KELLY: Yes. My website is

KEVIN: Oh, so can you spell that out?

KELLY: because I believe that you got to want to before you can just do it and that kind of came from me being a swimmer. So and, which is committed to the integration of medicine and dentistry, because that, if I were to leave you with one message today, that your doctors and your dentists need to be talking to each other. If your dentist doesn’t think that mercury is toxic, then you need a new dentist. And if your doctor won’t listen to you about this, point them to our website, and we’ll start to educate them. Because it’s a huge problem, and it’s making people sick and they go from doctor to doctor looking for all of these answers when in fact it might be right there in our mouth.

KEVIN: Great. I want to thank you so much for being on the call.

KELLY: Thank you Kevin. And have a great day. And thank you for doing what you’re doing

KEVIN: All right. What a great way to end this program, don’t you think? It was my mission to get survivors on this program, because I knew that they would inspire you and others with their stories. They are regular people. I mean they started off with doing, stay at home mom, engineer. You know this mission kind of called to them. And now they’re out there telling their personal story, I think that’s really inspiring, I think this is something that really added some depth to this program. Thanks for listening guys. Well this is it for night five in healing cancer world summit. My gosh wow. It’s been quite a ride. It’s been definitely quite a ride. Well since it’s over, what I’d like for you to do, I’d love for you to tell us what you thought of the program on the blog here in the comments below. Tell us what you, your feedback, what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you think is viable, what you think is not viable, who you would talk to on the subway, or who you wouldn’t, or whatever. Just post your comments below, any sort of testimonials, about you know what you gained from the program, anything just go ahead and post them down below. I’d love to hear what you think. But I’d also like to tell you this is not the complete end. We’re going to have a very special announcement tomorrow, one that you might be pretty interested in hearing. We actually put something together for you that we think is very, very special. I can’t tell you what it is now because I’ll make the announcement tomorrow. But for those of you who are listening now you know that it’s coming so you can be ready for it. I’ll be in touch with you tomorrow by email to tell you about what this is but until then. If you want to listen to these calls again they are available for 22 hours from now so stay tuned. Again since this is the end of the program, I want to thank you again so much for being part of tens of thousands of people who registered for this program. We appreciate your interests, your care, and we’re thrilled that you spent the last five days with us. With that said, you have a little bit of responsibility now. Now that you have this knowledge, you have the responsibility to

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share it. So what I’ll ask you to do, I ask you to come onto the blog, and wait until tomorrow for the announcement. But really what I want you to do is to tell people about what you’ve learned. Plant a seed. Let it grow. We need this information to get out there because as you can hear, and as you can tell from this program, there are options, options that you can have, options that you can share with others, regardless of what you choose, it’s nice to know the options that are available. So with that said, be sure to check your inbox tomorrow for the message. I’m sure you’re going to want to hear but again, for all my guests who’ve been on this program, everyone, to you, and myself Kevin Gianni, I want to thank you so much for co-creating this program together. This has been the Healing Cancer World Summit. We’ll talk to you soon. Have a great night. Thank you for listening. If you’d like to have a copy of tonight’s program, as all the other 4 nights, please visit

Thank you for listening to this evening’s presentation from the Healing Cancer World Summit if you’d like to have a copy of tonight’s program as well as all the other four nights please visit that website again is

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