night christmas by nell wtt ukmffi v jb castleton, · movie calendar llljon.i.oti tfllrcrn, in...

Movie Calendar llljon.I.oti Tfllrcrn, In "Plume of thr Dciuti," and Harold l.loj d coin¬ ed y. lllucMrd..'Clicckcrw." Urond«Dj~.\«rmaii Kerry, In "Soldier* of Kortimr." t olonlal.Mnrisiiorltc i lurk, in "A Girl .\«m»d )l»r.v." lulu.Allcf .lojrr, In "The Win- chrMcr Woman." Oilfon.Miry Plckford. in "Itnc*." "Hound nnd (incKftl." "The llrtiirn of lIHinrj" and nml Sqnithblrsi." Victor...The l.ari.r of the Runout" and t'hnrlie ( huplln, In ..Tlic l-'irc- mnn." Week's Picture Shows OKFKKIM.S AT I.OCAI. IIOIM;* I.ou Tellcjirn Star*. L.ou Tellcgcii. (Joldwyii star. who play;* the loading role opposite his wife. Geraldine, in "Klanic of the Deport." :»t the Bijou this week. iy no ordinary Nlrnrod, for he has hunted tVrocious beast.? in has tracked ! ir- tiger to his lair and lias indulged in a!! sorts of big game hunts in lH«'cen scenes in this latest produc¬ tion Mr. Tollepcri went into the Cali- lorrii.i mountains with the intention of .bringing home a buck. hut lie way sad¬ ly dis.tppohH- <1. lie r<'turned with a Kit full of shells and luncheon and tsys hi? tramp through the mosquito and chaparral" was harder work than break ing through the jungles of South A merica. ..Chc-ckerw" at the 111uohird. ..I'otriP on, Remorse!" How well one remembers the cry in "'"heckers. ' tlio famous racing play, which held the stage so iiianv years, playing the coun- trv from end to end over and over ura.'i. nnd made Trillions for its own- c--*. n. :nbr>e wins the rich stakes in the play, although unknown ur> to that time. Remorse. Checkers. Push diiirr. Pert Barlow and the rest. they all come to life again in the mammoth I*ox production of "Checkers." which . ha- b-*en entertaining large crowds at .the B'uebird Theater since Monday. II*nd«omr«l Han. Walla en MaePonald. who is playing . Tiposite Marguerite Clark in her new photoplay. "A Girl Named Mary," at the Colonial Theater again today, sr- urcd his first motion picture engage¬ ment as the resitl* of "handsome ma t .ontes-t" conducted bv .1 prominent --r«on publication. The result of tl.o voting was something of a surprise. as MaeDonald was <it that time an tin- known and outstripped several popular favorites in the contest. This brought Jtirn to the attention of a film pro- I ducer and he became a leading man, making good from the start. lint Urnntlful locations. One of the prettiest locations for motion pictures hsa been discovered by .Vitagraph in the surroundings at Nvaek' .N. V. This is the setting for "The "Winchester Woman." Vitagraph's latest tilt.i. with Alice Joyce as star. This production will be shown at the Isi? Theatir for the last time today. The ..iilm is an adaptation of magazino ^ .-story by Charles Stokes Wayne. It was rewritten for the screen by Rdwin Krows. "The P.ack to Nature , Girls" will remain all week. t Jlarj Pirkford In "naKn." '. At the Odeon today and tomorrow * Mary Pickford will be shown in .'Rags." a particularly appealing pro- duction. and one that is especially: appropriate at this season, when the thoughts of humanity turn to those' whom fortune has not smiled upon so | abundantly. It is a picture full of heart sentiment and pathos, as well as* humor and love. I I'h-tnrr Canne* Talk. Everybody is talking about "The Lady of the Dugout." the picture now being shown at the Victor Theater. It is the first photoplay ever seen in this town which is a plcturization of J n real occurrence, an incident in tlioi life of the famous ex-bandit., A1 Jen¬ nings. And Jennings is: playing h;.s nirn role in the story. It is a romance. a Wild West adventure and a lesson j in human kindness, all in one. it seems to be fascinating the patrons of the1 Victor Theater, judging from reports Charlie Chaplin in "The Fireman" Ms t he added featur- Innnlrlea regarding nlraont any topic, rtcrptlBR ou legal nnd medical autv* JretK. are anintrcd free. Aa !l In- <iulrim ure ananrrrd directly by prr- ¦ onal letter, a arlf-nddreancd ttampri rnvrlopr la rnjnlrrd. Addrean 'I'iia \ 1 imra-Diipatrk In forma tlou Utirrnu, iMrhmood, Va. >pi»nl«ih-Amrriean War >lednls. C. 1". 11.. Roydton..livery guards-! man who served more than ninety' days in the .Spanish-American War is entitled to a medal i:i recognition of : his services. ,4 i ShnkeVpcria n Actors. Miss T. C. 11. Petersburg..Those who deserve to ;.p inentione<i as hav- '*ig achieved greatest distinction as Shakespcrian a tors have proaabi;. b<»en Junius'us Booth. hi.-* son. Kdwin Booth, and in ;* lesser dei'rer, .lor,n Wilkes Booth, Udwin Forrest, John McC'Jlloug'i. hawrcuct P.arrett. 1 i. I. V'avenpor!. Richard Manstieid. i:. II. Potliern and Robert Mantell. < lirmlcnl Warfare *>ervlrr. G. W. A., fries..The chemical war- :.«re service of tin" American arinv ' created on June 25. 1 ;.»I'.y No- vemb' r 1 t lie pi rsonncl inel ideil l.»;.'.< (orr.iiil-si'jiicd of^t-ers and 1^.".7 en- ' s*e(1 riien. Tlo- produ'-tlon of c.i1 masks for the army began 1 > July. "T'l*.. To Noveniher f>. I'.MS, the total production of all 'ypes was over ¦> 1-f .iiil'iions. of which over 1 '.-2 millions were suitable tor overseas us* and lira-'y i.000.000 I ..I be.-*i - lipped to the American < \\f iitionary forces. v ii n »a rest In ItnTmhrr. . Reader. Richmond. .Tin earth i? 1 r.eaV' St - 1:1 in 1 >. *e*nber Tii. orbit the e n r t Vj j. <M ,,.. k,it r.iiin 1- .in < .ipse. lience it is ; r»t ef|tt.i:lj di**.a:r. from the - ati '.n . " parts of the ; !">¦ ins aVn>ut .000 .nlier nearer at one: !i*'ie than :moth< r. In **-'.¦"¦- 000.of>r. \;;a;,7r* .inter . in winter, in the Nor I hern Hemisphere, the earth Is nearest th< run and In summer fart.i-.-: from it. fr.r the d.fT- ren e *n the >;ti:nnn'i and winter t'-mperature i«< no' occasioned >v the srea.ter or less distance from th» F'jn. but by the 'no: or oi>- iiquc direction >«f tin s'.in's ra;. foal *>trlkr of 19flS. f: P Suifo i<..T anthraoit" C«a» rtri'-p *o:»imii;.-ion u »s appointed.! i-d 0:1 Mar '.*. 'Jl. 11'OJt. granted the miners ; inf r«*a-*c of *>i p«-r cent in vagf" ar.d 1 :'.di*iu L-a'.e t'» increase r aves accord t « output, shorter lours of work, the opuonal employ¬ ment ot cht-cW wi.i-*htnen. t concilia¬ tion eomm.ssion to set'.'.e disputes and no dlscrimitia t ion again?* - -non against in.011 work¬ men. The miners f i led to have ;,«.r union re o; n :z< I to have pavmen* b* for coal ivi,m : 1'.tide f'ne definite f.xaic of .1 standard tor.. 1'epprr Nut». Mr- T S.. C: ty... Pepper nuts are a favorite »mail *. a k + may be made in quantity and l;«>pt 0:1 hand. Cream together one <tij. , . bat- ter. one of lard and two ot br^-rn Sugar. Add thre.. eg s. otic n tt-i e. ?.eating thoroughly after . h addi¬ tion. Now add the ¦. .«»< ) nutmeg, two teafpo'i:,1 o: Mo*ia:non and two of anise seed, on' tea-poon of ground cloves, four spoon- ot cririander. on» cup of chopped ^1- j:onds and an eighth chor»j.< ,1 citron. >'»xt add our cups of molas.>.-. -a ,th t hich has been mixed two (anit poon> «|f soda dissolved In a little warm ^at^r and tour with which tour tea- spoons of cream of tart *r ha- h-e> sifted, using flour to make a stiff plough. Knead with the iiands until well mixed ar.d smooth, then roil out on a floured board Ions rolls about an inch In diameter. With a sharp knife <Jut into s.llcts a quarter of an inch ihlck. Rake In a quick oven to tight brown and when cold put Into .< tin cake box, whore th'*y wi * long time. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS T* _ By Nell Brinkley T»f. mc.nT ttrone cmimSYHAS - ukMFFi \ ~ wtt v i Jb -<-M &WSBm -Mwpy ¦ ' , V-"0\\RV-X ^vf - .. ...; '$&%H .V . ;- MOW Yet Y OO «*«» nen*T Tf- I"51U» # C(oot> %«nt*T ;'v v. -f^ ° .\ Yok-v-~^~L~~ f i T V 7 IT1I°UT the door let Sorrow lie, . . \ / and >'.f for cold It hap to die-. yy We'll bury it in a Christmas pic, and evermore bo merry!" ''loar the lula, for father Christmas and hit helpers are on the slide! Down the track of star-dust and hoar frost, heralded by th«2 wind minions, powdered w.'tli diamond snow; shaking: silver out of th?ir thousand bells, lnticrhinp. clutching', carnation of nose and check with a tine gloss to nn'sl. off, waking the coin in a miser's pocket ami a trliitt of mirth in l\is hunt little knot of a 11* h rt, loaded down w'th "Christinas gif " for everybody in the world (1 wish every single ISUL'V!) dolled in cranberries and popcorn and frail, bright Christmas tree jewels, whisi;ins nr'stleloe ami holly, crylntf "good fortune" and "merry da.v.s" to tin; earth peo¬ ple. comes Father Christmas, my Santa Clans and yours, in the rnerrie rabble of h!a Kay, i pink elver, his helpers.the many little loved in the world. For Love Is Kris Krlngle's aldo | and wings hi.s yood gifts over the earth. Whut has he got for you? 1 hope it is what you pushed your nose flat against a glistening shop window for days to look at. and couldn't say "J want that." lror only when you arc the Mother.the little Mother of a big family.have you tin: rieli rinht to Fay, "Now listen, everybody.TIMS Is what 1 want for Christmas 1 hope you set that. Th'a is tho night before Christmas.thu thrilliest, most breathless night in all the year. Can you hear smothered laughter in the wind and snow, and a jinglu of silver bells'.' NELL BRINKL1SY. With the Film Folks ! sTonitts of scni-;ii.\ actohs I Speaking of Athletes. Mario Majcroni, who is taking the part of old Joe in Leroy Scott's "Part¬ ners of i lift .Vight." which is being screened here for Imminent Authors Pic¬ tures. having been "fed up" on stories of the a till* tic prowess of other play¬ er.®. comes forward with a story of his own. Years ago when he lived in Aus¬ tralia lie was a great bicyclist, How many years ago deponent saith not. but .is the bicycle was one of the old kind with a big wheel in front and one like a pie pan behind, it may safely be said it was a Ions; time ago. On his bicycle he rode tron> Sidney to Melbourne in record-breaking time. It is still a rccord, as it has never been equalled by any rider 0:1 a modern bicycle. Keep on 1'l^htins- Will Rogers is sure t.u-y "have it in for him" out at the studio. "Little. they carl." he muttered the other day, "what becomes of toe. just these pictures look the way tliey want Vtn to. llcrc am I. still limping around because .»f that light in 'JubiVo' and now. what do you think? They tell me casual like that there is to lift i tight in 'The Strange Hoarder' on which we've Just begun work. I tried to be philosophical at first and figured it out that I watt getting pretty used to being hit and bruised tip. when they volunteered the information that in ih. new picture I have to stand up against a whole po¬ lice force! Pretty soon they'll be stag¬ ing some war picture.- and casting me fur an entire division'." Iln« Pick ford Mi.sxcd > nllinc' Jack Picki'ord is \tond« rfing !f he has missed hit .ailing. This despite the fact that everybody around the ftu- dio in Culver City iv "certain sure" tiiat "The Lilt1e Shepherd of Kingdom Come" on which he is now working, i:. going t'i be the best, picture he !.*s ever made, which saying quite a lot. I * u t aii of a sudden, young l'ickford has proved to his own satisfaction at l< ast he would huve inpdo a won¬ derful property man. llis first proof came. when everybody was in despair l«, . atise a gour<l dipper was needed for a scene in ;i mountain cabin, and no gourd dipper (or so "props" said) was to be .found in all California. Then the very next day. Jack went ;nto a little ranch house to ask for a drink of water, and there he found just such a dipper as he wanted. The next despair of the property man was an old coltee mill. He could find nov ones, but they wouldn't do Jack passed a tiny, tumble-down house, had an in- tuition or something of the kind and went In and tyou've guessed it i there .. as a coffee :iiill made hack in 1&T.0. That is why Jack says: "There are plenty of good youcg actors, but are there ever enough property men to go around'.' I'.vt ry dire tor will tell you there aren't So I think I'm unique a juvinile r.o is also a good 'prop.'" ll> HrippicM Summer, Sbjh <»eralditir 1 'n rra r. ijeraldir.e l-'arrar, resplendent in evening drc.-.s. came out of the ball¬ room on the arm of her tall and hand- s."»me hu:l»and. Lou Tellegen. It was the famous Victory ball, staged at the tjoldwyn studios for Miss Karrar's latest picture, "Khune of I lie Desert," showing at the Bijou Thursday, 111 av ti loll J..OU Tel legen plays the: lead¬ ing male rolo. The .star and her hus¬ band wore smiling at each otlior in a way that embarrassed tin* interviewer. They didn't pay I!,o slightest attention to liim as they carried on an animated i.'onv.ii sai lull 11 Krenoh. "A-hem. all1.Alias l-'arrar." said the .latter. cautiously. Not a sicn of roo- '.ignition, Then lie cropped boldly be¬ fore her and wavt-d .1 notebook. She smiled. ' I've seen those so often that I know just what \ on w ant." "Then you know 1 mus: Ret a story." parried the interviewer. "l.ook at us- isn't that a story'.'" she replied, smiling up at l,ou Tellogen. The poor reporter's embarrassment, g row. "I never saw any one with whom hard work agreed so well," he said, for want of anything more spontane- ous. "Vou're right. I've never enjoyed :i .summer's work so much as this on*-. 1 You see. I've had my husbuml with me more than two whole months.and he has been my leading man in m\ last t'.vo pictures. And that is longer than we have been together on a jstretch since w e wore inarr.efl." She nndged l.ou Telleuen's arm to draw him away. "There's a story in that, von know." she > ailed to the reporter "and what is more, it is true." An swers to Film Fans nv thr movi!-: r.uiTOK. Dolly Dimples.Billy .Mason will send you lus pj.-:ure upon receipt ot cents. Address h.'ii 1 iPeS North Alexandria Avenue, Hollywood, »'al. M..Vou must have personality and ability to become an actress. Ap¬ ply at one of the studios ami you may ! l'<: taken on as an extra. Angelo.Sam Tolo i- and is live feei. nitio inches tall and weighs 1 If.- was born 111 San l-'t a"ie isco. Ad 1 dress Warren Kerrigan, J 713 Changa Avenue, Hollywood. Ca!. ' Chief Operator.I'earl White is not married She is now with 1'ux Kiltns. Texas Ouinan is married. She is ills. Marie Waleamp i.< married. She is about 20. They will send you theit pictures upon receipt of cents. Mar.v.Constance Talniadge was born in I'.rooklyn. N. Y., in l!»0n. She is five 'feet nix inches and '.vi-iaiis 120 Site j has golden hair and brow n eyes. She ; ha«i iier own company and answers all mail sent to her. Her father arid mother are living. She lias no brothers. Norma Taln.adgi; was born in Niagara Falls. Y. She is live feet two inches land weighs? llf» and has dark hair and brown eyes. She has her own company land answers all her own mail. Her latest play is *'By Itight of Countiest " jfot,stance Talmadge's latent picture ' "A Virtuous Vamp." Anita Stewai 'was born in Brooklyn, N. V., in isjifi. 'She has lit;ht hair and brown eye:-. She answers all her own mail. She now has her own company. WALTER. D. MOSES &. CO., Ifcadquort'Ts for Kvorything Known ist Music." Last Minute Gift Buyers Give Vietrola ltecords to your friends who have a. Vic- 1 rolii. We will suggest the most desirable selections. Records, s;»c, $1.00, $1.50 and upward. Walter D. Moses & Co. 10ft East Itrninl Street. Oldest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina. Li:ile Eobbie and His Pa IIV \\ IIjIjIAM r. KIRK 1 asked Pa. last nitc if there was any Anark-ists on the Ark wen it >-;t!in oavi;r to this country. Not one. Pa. Noah wanted to bring a pair of them, but the anitniles wuddeut cum iany Anark-ists cairn, sed J "a, so lhay was ai! drowned, sod J'a. Then I asked I'a ware the new ones caini from that i.s hunting around the ..ilys now. & I'a sed Most of them ex- I kaiped from lainyiiek Sylems. The rest of iht-m ought to bo in the Sy- Inns. too. >ed [»a. They are the Skit in of the linh. Pa sed. Th»*n why aim thay in Jail, I sed to I'a. A lot of them is. sed Pa, & moar "ill follow from time to time. I may have to run down a few of them iny- self, aod Pa. You are sitting too fat to run any- tiling down, sed .Ma, too old. Tharo you an; mistaken, sed Pa. 1 am as Ximbel as a Tarrier. Pa sed, & oni't I have the Cent, sed i'a, nothing van .sluiik me off the Cent. 1 wild like nothing better than to go out & nail a brace o:' Anark-ists this very j ee vn in jr. This vary eeving you will stay rite ware you are. sed Ma. If you luv Law Ai Order so much, sed Ma, you ean obay yuri» littel witie. Well. then. sod Pa, I beleeve T will start in tomorrow & see if I eant find a rim of these Romb Throwers. Of 1 course, sed Pa, I wud work rite in with our Seekret Servis. Of course, sscfl Ma. You think I am boast-ing, >ed Pa. hut 1 am ded'.y ernest. It is tim.^ to free our glorus country of these Hats, red I'a. 1 agree with you. sed Ma. but we .'hud it-f our big l>e-teck-tivs do it. f rrad about, n man that tried to run .sum of these Herts down last week & )!<¦> got shot, srrl Ma. lie left a deer littel wife to Morn his Loss, sed Ma. I wiiddont think of leeving you & Kobbif to |ite this crule tfnrld alone, sod I'a. You are rite, sed Pa; I must not in-dangcr my life wen you need 1 ine_ j=u much. No, sed Ma. you must not. Why. se<i Ma. you wud be tile eeesiest kind of a mark for llic.'o mvful men. It wud a clevver bullet to miss vou. ted] Ma. ' 1 beeRin to see it yure way, sed Pa; you wud lusc yuro mind if you lost me. J I am afrade I wud. sed Ma. & you wuil lose any Anark-ist you was look- inc for. sid Ma. Wen I grow up I will find sum of these An-ark-ist < & fix shots will ring out & six of them will bite the snow. SCREEN BREVITIES Reginald Parker. eminent picture di¬ rector. wrote and directed his first stage play at the age of 10. Catherine Calvert, former Lasky photo player, is now one of the star^ of Film?-. Inc., a new concern. Heli^ri Holme* is on the way to R03 Angeles from Xew York to film serials relating to railroad subjects. I jew Collins, a former Klaw fc Kr- langcr star. \(-ill play an important part in Uessie Rarriscale's next pro- duct ion. Universal olTiciais assert that pic- ture fans of the world soon will be praising "The Peddler." from the story by Henry <;. Rowland, which recently appeared in the Saturday Evening Post. FranK Mayo and Ora Curew play the principal roles. "Tiie Dream Cheater" is the title of J. Warren Kerr.gan's forthcoming P.ruriton picture. It will be dift'ertnt from anything he has attempted in | his photoplay career. Wedgewood N'owell, former loading man for Blanche Pates and Henrietta Cross- man. has been engaged to play the heavy pari. A new luminary of the screen is promised in .the person of Ruth Renick. whom the. Jesse D. Hampton Company found in a Western stock v I GREATEST MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON. jj I IliMTMIf I i mem ope® i I COMPANY WAnKJMJ"- NEW YORK | !Strand Theater! 0 fl q MONDAY AM) TUESDAY.MATINEE TUESDAY. 5 5 S k MONDAY EVENING."CARMEN." Sj s s k TUESDAY MATINEE."RIGOLETTO." S 8 1 {! TUESDAY NIGHT."PAGLIACCI" and "CAV- S k ELLERIA RUSTICANA." § I 1 * {.{ Symphony Orchestra of 35.25 Principals. 6 Chorus of 30 and Ballet of 15. PIUCES: Matinee, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50; Night, $1.00, J $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. (j Loo^oooccosossoosooccoooosoeooeoeooseoososcososcoJ company, and for whom it Is said that she has an exceptional appeal in act- inc ability anil personal charm. Miss Reniek has had several years' stage experience as an Ingenue. For her first screen appearance Mr. Hampton plact-n her in the hands of Henry King. whose picture, "23 1-2 Hours' l<eave," has boon one of tMo turn sensations of t|| year. She will appear in 11. L5. War¬ ner's next picture. Clarissa Selwynne. one of the most capably screen actresses in the South¬ ern California picture colony, lias a very strong part in the forthcoming "Dangerous Pays" ov .Mary Robert: Kliinchart. Others In the east an Itarbaru Castleton, Ann Forrest am Florence DeShon. Thelma Percy, sister of Klleei Percy. Is supporting Fddlc Polo it the Universal serial lieretoforc knowi as "The Thirteenth llour." and wbici will k<> to the public as "The Vanish iriK Dagger." other players support- ing Polo aro l<;iur.i Oakley. Texas Watts, C. Norman Hammond and Ituth Hoyce. One of the Hrst things done by; Madge Kennedy on her return at thii Cloldwyn studios In California, afteit an eastern visit was an urgent re-| quest that she might again have Clarence Badger as her director. Great was her disappointment to t>e told that the cowboy Mar. Will Itogers. had "beaten her to it." For comedy drama on the screen l>adv;er has few peers anions the directors. A duplicate r>f the Cn fo Mnntmartre. a feature of the niKht life of New York, built at the Fifty-sixth Street stu¬ dio of the Famous 1'layers-La sky Cor¬ poration for the Heorne Fitiemaurlco production. "On With the Dance," star¬ ring Mae Murray and Have Powell. The art department, built the set froinjj photographs taken of the cabaret an<f with the co-opr-ratioii of the drapery! department make it exact in every de-J tail. B ¦ H H Q I H I I I .STRAND XmnM, Krldny nnd Snlnrdny. H ® Mnllnee Chrlntmnx nnd Snturdny. jjj ¦ Walter Hast Presents ^ g Cosmo Hamilton's Daring Comedy, H I "SCANDAL" ¦ _ with P EMMA BINTISO. ¦ ® Prices: Matinees, 00c J1.S0 m H Nicht. 50c to *2.00. ¦ K i; B'-i'ii"-!' b ¦urniB REX-Today "BOUND and GAGGED" 'TIIE KETURN OF O'GARRY' >EI) FIX LEY "SQUABS AM) SQUABBLES" Comedy. BLUEBIRD Only Tho More Dnya "CHECKERS" The tireatest Racing Drama in the World. Today nnd Tomorrotv BIJOU Showing. At II, JUJ-I.-5, i!s:u>, 1115, y, 7i45 CERALDINE FARRAR WITH LOU TELLEGEN IN 'Flames of ttie Desert' HAROLD LLOYD "Capt. Kidd's Kids" A Peppy 5100,000 Comedy. COLONIAL Again Today Marguerite Clark IX "A Girl Namsd Mary" Tomorrow nnd Urmnindrr Wffk BtLLIE BURKE IN "Wanted.A Husband" One of llir nrlRblcAt Faroe Conifilv IIIIh lOvcr ISIS ALICE JOYCE Last Times. IX "The Winchester Woman" HrRlnnlnR: Tomorrow, "A HOUSE: DIVIDED'* Produced by J. STUAUT I1LACKTOX With a Great All-Star Cast. Added Entire Week, .Tllli BACK TO XATLIIK .UIHL.S" VICTOR Two Hits All Week AL JENNINGS Ex-King of the Outlaws, IN "The Lady of the Dug Out" AND CHARLIE CHAPLIN King of Laugh-Makers, IN "TUB Fill KM AX" Tomor. O D E O N Seals, 13c. Tax, 2e. MARY PICKFORD in "RAGS See It Today.Be Happier Tomorrow. jj Next Week. IJO New Year Special. Most Amazing Stage Hit Ever Screened. PASSION Knocks at the Boor of EVERYWOMAN.

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Page 1: NIGHT CHRISTMAS By Nell wtt ukMFFi v Jb Castleton, · Movie Calendar llljon.I.oti Tfllrcrn, In "Plume of thr Dciuti," and Harold l.loj d coin¬ edy. lllucMrd..'Clicckcrw." Urond«Dj~.\«rmaii

Movie Calendarllljon.I.oti Tfllrcrn, In "Plume of

thr Dciuti," and Harold l.loj d coin¬ed y.

lllucMrd..'Clicckcrw."Urond«Dj~.\«rmaii Kerry, In

"Soldier* of Kortimr."t olonlal.Mnrisiiorltc i lurk, in "A

Girl .\«m»d )l»r.v."lulu.Allcf .lojrr, In "The Win-

chrMcr Woman."Oilfon.Miry Plckford. in "Itnc*."

"Hound nnd (incKftl." "Thellrtiirn of lIHinrj" and nmlSqnithblrsi."

Victor...The l.ari.r of the Runout"and t'hnrlie ( huplln, In ..Tlic l-'irc-mnn."

Week's Picture ShowsOKFKKIM.S AT I.OCAI. IIOIM;*

I.ou Tellcjirn Star*.L.ou Tellcgcii. (Joldwyii star. who

play;* the loading role opposite hiswife. Geraldine, in "Klanic ofthe Deport." :»t the Bijou this week. iyno ordinary Nlrnrod, for he has huntedtVrocious beast.? in has tracked! ir- tiger to his lair and lias indulgedin a!! sorts of big game hunts in Afr.calH«'cen scenes in this latest produc¬tion Mr. Tollepcri went into the Cali-lorrii.i mountains with the intention of.bringing home a buck. hut lie way sad¬ly dis.tppohH- <1. lie r<'turned with aKit full of shells and luncheon andtsys hi? tramp through the mosquitoand chaparral" was harder work thanbreak ing through the jungles of SouthAmerica.

..Chc-ckerw" at the 111uohird...I'otriP on, Remorse!" How well one

remembers the cry in "'"heckers. ' tliofamous racing play, which held thestage so iiianv years, playing the coun-trv from end to end over and overura.'i. nnd made Trillions for its own-c--*. n. :nbr>e wins the rich stakes inthe play, although unknown ur> tothat time. Remorse. Checkers. Pushdiiirr. Pert Barlow and the rest. theyall come to life again in the mammothI*ox production of "Checkers." which

. ha- b-*en entertaining large crowds at.the B'uebird Theater since Monday.I« II*nd«omr«l Han.Walla en MaePonald. who is playing

. Tiposite Marguerite Clark in her newphotoplay. "A Girl Named Mary," atthe Colonial Theater again today, sr-urcd his first motion picture engage¬ment as the resitl* of "handsome ma t.ontes-t" conducted bv .1 prominent--r«on publication. The result of tl.ovoting was something of a surprise. asMaeDonald was <it that time an tin-known and outstripped several popularfavorites in the contest. This broughtJtirn to the attention of a film pro- Iducer and he became a leading man,making good from the start.

lint Urnntlful locations.One of the prettiest locations for

motion pictures hsa been discovered by.Vitagraph in the surroundings at Nvaek'.N. V. This is the setting for "The"Winchester Woman." Vitagraph's latesttilt.i. with Alice Joyce as star. Thisproduction will be shown at the Isi?Theatir for the last time today. The

..iilm is an adaptation of magazino^ .-story by Charles Stokes Wayne. Itwas rewritten for the screen byRdwin Krows. "The P.ack to Nature

, Girls" will remain all week.t Jlarj Pirkford In "naKn."'. At the Odeon today and tomorrow* Mary Pickford will be shown in.'Rags." a particularly appealing pro-duction. and one that is especially:appropriate at this season, when thethoughts of humanity turn to those'whom fortune has not smiled upon so |abundantly. It is a picture full ofheart sentiment and pathos, as well as*humor and love.

II'h-tnrr Canne* Talk.Everybody is talking about "TheLady of the Dugout." the picture nowbeing shown at the Victor Theater. Itis the first photoplay ever seen inthis town which is a plcturization of Jn real occurrence, an incident in tlioilife of the famous ex-bandit., A1 Jen¬nings. And Jennings is: playing h;.snirn role in the story. It is a romance.a Wild West adventure and a lesson jin human kindness, all in one. it seemsto be fascinating the patrons of the1Victor Theater, judging from reportsCharlie Chaplin in "The Fireman" Mst he added featur-

Innnlrlea regarding nlraont any topic,rtcrptlBR ou legal nnd medical autv*JretK. are anintrcd free. Aa !l In-<iulrim ure ananrrrd directly by prr-¦onal letter, a arlf-nddreancd ttamprirnvrlopr la rnjnlrrd. Addrean 'I'iia \1 imra-Diipatrk In forma tlou Utirrnu,iMrhmood, Va.

>pi»nl«ih-Amrriean War >lednls.C. 1". 11.. Roydton..livery guards-!man who served more than ninety'days in the .Spanish-American War isentitled to a medal i:i recognition of :his services. ,4 i

ShnkeVpcria n Actors.Miss T. C. 11. Petersburg..Thosewho deserve to ;.p inentione<i as hav-'*ig achieved greatest distinction asShakespcrian a tors have proaabi;.b<»en Junius'us Booth. hi.-* son.Kdwin Booth, and in ;* lesser dei'rer,.lor,n Wilkes Booth, Udwin Forrest,John McC'Jlloug'i. hawrcuct P.arrett.1 i. I. V'avenpor!. Richard Manstieid.i:. II. Potliern and Robert Mantell.< lirmlcnl Warfare *>ervlrr.G. W. A., fries..The chemical war-:.«re service of tin" American arinv' created on June 25. 1 ;.»I'.y No-vemb' r 1 t lie pi rsonncl inel ideil l.»;.'.<(orr.iiil-si'jiicd of^t-ers and 1^.".7 en-' s*e(1 riien. Tlo- produ'-tlon of c.i1masks for the army began 1 > July."T'l*.. To Noveniher f>. I'.MS, the totalproduction of all 'ypes was over ¦> 1-f.iiil'iions. of which over 1 '.-2 millionswere suitable tor overseas us* andlira-'y i.000.000 I ..I be.-*i - lippedto the American < \\f iitionary forces.v ii n »a rest In ItnTmhrr.

. Reader. Richmond. .Tin earth i? 1r.eaV' St - 1:1 in 1 >. *e*nber Tii. orbitthe e n r t Vj j. <M ,,..k,it r.iiin 1- .in < .ipse. lience it is; r»t ef|tt.i:lj di**.a:r. from the - ati '.n. " parts of the ; !">¦ ins aVn>ut ?¦.000 .nlier nearer at one: !i*'ie than:moth< r. In **-'.¦"¦-

000.of>r. \;;a;,7r*.inter. in winter, in the Nor I hernHemisphere, the earth Is nearest th<run and In summer fart.i-.-: from the d.fT- ren e *n the >;ti:nnn'i andwinter t'-mperature i«< no' occasioned>v the srea.ter or less distance fromth» F'jn. but by the 'no: or oi>-iiquc direction >«f tin s'.in's ra;.

foal *>trlkr of 19flS.f: P Suifo i<..T '¦ anthraoit"C«a» rtri'-p *o:»imii;.-ion u »s appointed.!i-d 0:1 Mar '.*. 'Jl. 11'OJt. granted theminers ; inf r«*a-*c of *>i p«-r cent invagf" ar.d 1 :'.di*iu L-a'.e t'» increaser aves accord t « output, shorterlours of work, the opuonal employ¬ment ot cht-cW wi.i-*htnen. t concilia¬tion eomm.ssion to set'.'.e disputes andno dlscrimitia t ion again?*- -non against in.011 work¬men. The miners f i led to have ;,«.runion re o; n :z< I to have pavmen* b*for coal ivi,m : 1'.tidef'ne definite f.xaic of .1 standard tor..

1'epprr Nut».Mr- T r» S.. C: ty... Peppernuts are a favorite »mail *. a k +may be made in quantity and l;«>pt 0:1hand. Cream together one <tij. , . bat-ter. one of lard and two ot br^-rnSugar. Add thre.. eg s. otic n tt-i e.?.eating thoroughly after . h addi¬tion. Now add the ¦. .«»< )nutmeg, two teafpo'i:,1 o: Mo*ia:nonand two of anise seed, on' tea-poonof ground cloves, four spoon- otcririander. on» cup of chopped ^1-j:onds and an eighth chor»j.< ,1 citron.>'»xt add our cups of molas.>.-. -a ,tht hich has been mixed two (anit poon>«|f soda dissolved In a little warm^at^r and tour with which tour tea-spoons of cream of tart*r ha- h-e>sifted, using flour to make a stiffplough. Knead with the iiands untilwell mixed ar.d smooth, then roil outon a floured board Ions rolls about aninch In diameter. With a sharp knife<Jut into s.llcts a quarter of an inchihlck. Rake In a quick oven to .«tight brown and when cold put Into .<

tin cake box, whore th'*y wi* long time.

THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS T* _ By Nell BrinkleyT»f. mc.nT ttrone cmimSYHAS -

ukMFFi \ ~

wtt v iJb-<-M&WSBm

-Mwpy ¦

' , V-"0\\RV-X^vf - .. ...; .¦'$&%H

.V . ;-

MOWYet Y OO«*«» nen*T

Tf- I"51U»> %«nt*T ;'v v. -f^ °

.\Yok-v-~^~L~~f i TV 7 IT1I°UT the door let Sorrow lie,. . \ / and >'.f for cold It hap to die-.

yy We'll bury it in a Christmas pic,and evermore bo merry!"

''loar the lula, for father Christmas andhit helpers are on the slide! Down thetrack of star-dust and hoar frost, heralded byth«2 wind minions, powdered w.'tli diamondsnow; shaking: silver out of th?ir thousandbells, lnticrhinp. clutching', carnation of nose

and check with a tine gloss to nn'sl. off,waking the coin in a miser's pocket ami atrliitt of mirth in l\is hunt little knot of a11* h rt, loaded down w'th "Christinas gif " foreverybody in the world (1 wish every singleISUL'V!) dolled in cranberries and popcornand frail, bright Christmas tree jewels,whisi;ins nr'stleloe ami holly, crylntf "goodfortune" and "merry da.v.s" to tin; earth peo¬ple. comes Father Christmas, my Santa Clans

and yours, in the rnerrie rabble of h!a Kay, i

pink elver, his helpers.the many little lovedin the world. For Love Is Kris Krlngle's aldo |and wings hi.s yood gifts over the earth.Whut has he got for you? 1 hope it is

what you pushed your nose flat against aglistening shop window for days to look at.and couldn't say "J want that." lror onlywhen you arc the Mother.the little Motherof a big family.have you tin: rieli rinht to

Fay, "Now listen, everybody.TIMS Is what1 want for Christmas 1 hopeyou set that.

Th'a is tho night before Christmas.thuthrilliest, most breathless night in all theyear. Can you hear smothered laughter inthe wind and snow, and a jinglu of silverbells'.'


With the Film Folks !sTonitts of scni-;ii.\ actohs I

Speaking of Athletes.Mario Majcroni, who is taking thepart of old Joe in Leroy Scott's "Part¬ners of i lift .Vight." which is beingscreened here for Imminent Authors Pic¬tures. having been "fed up" on storiesof the a till* tic prowess of other play¬er.®. comes forward with a story of hisown. Years ago when he lived in Aus¬tralia lie was a great bicyclist, Howmany years ago deponent saith not. the bicycle was one of the old kindwith a big wheel in front and one likea pie pan behind, it may safely be saidit was a Ions; time ago. On his bicyclehe rode tron> Sidney to Melbourne inrecord-breaking time. It is still arccord, as it has never been equalledby any rider 0:1 a modern bicycle.

Keep on 1'l^htins-Will Rogers is sure t.u-y "have it infor him" out at the studio. "Little. theycarl." he muttered the other day, "whatbecomes of toe. just these pictureslook the way tliey want Vtn to. llcrcam I. still limping around because .»fthat light in 'JubiVo' and now. what doyou think? They tell me casual likethat there is to lift i tight in 'TheStrange Hoarder' on which we've Justbegun work. I tried to be philosophicalat first and figured it out that I wattgetting pretty used to being hit andbruised tip. when they volunteered theinformation that in ih. new picture Ihave to stand up against a whole po¬lice force! Pretty soon they'll be stag¬ing some war picture.- and casting mefur an entire division'."Iln« Pick ford Mi.sxcd > nllinc'Jack Picki'ord is \tond« rfing !f he hasmissed hit .ailing. This despite thefact that everybody around the ftu-dio in Culver City iv "certain sure"tiiat "The Lilt1e Shepherd of KingdomCome" on which he is now working,i:. going t'i be the best, picture he !.*sever made, which i« saying quite a lot.I * u t aii of a sudden, young l'ickfordhas proved to his own satisfaction atl< ast he would huve inpdo a won¬derful property man. llis first proofcame. when everybody was in despairl«, . atise a gour<l dipper was neededfor a scene in ;i mountain cabin, andno gourd dipper (or so "props" said)was to be .found in all California.Then the very next day. Jack went;nto a little ranch house to ask fora drink of water, and there he foundjust such a dipper as he wanted. Thenext despair of the property man wasan old coltee mill. He could find novones, but they wouldn't do Jack passeda tiny, tumble-down house, had an in-tuition or something of the kind andwent In and tyou've guessed it i there.. as a coffee :iiill made hack in 1&T.0.That is why Jack says: "There areplenty of good youcg actors, but arethere ever enough property men to goaround'.' I'.vt ry dire tor will tell youthere aren't So I think I'm uniquea juvinile r.o is also a good 'prop.'"ll> HrippicM Summer, Sbjh <»eralditir1 'n rra r.

ijeraldir.e l-'arrar, resplendent inevening drc.-.s. came out of the ball¬room on the arm of her tall and hand-s."»me hu:l»and. Lou Tellegen. It wasthe famous Victory ball, staged at the

tjoldwyn studios for Miss Karrar'slatest picture, "Khune of I lie Desert,"showing at the Bijou Thursday, 111av ti loll J..OU Tel legen plays the: lead¬ing male rolo. The .star and her hus¬band wore smiling at each otlior in away that embarrassed tin* interviewer.They didn't pay I!,o slightest attentionto liim as they carried on an animatedi.'onv.ii sai lull 11 Krenoh."A-hem. all1.Alias l-'arrar." said the.latter. cautiously. Not a sicn of roo-

'.ignition, Then lie cropped boldly be¬fore her and wavt-d .1 notebook. Shesmiled.

' I've seen those so often that I knowjust what \ on w ant.""Then you know 1 mus: Ret a story."parried the interviewer."l.ook at us- isn't that a story'.'" she

replied, smiling up at l,ou Tellogen.The poor reporter's embarrassment,g row.

"I never saw any one with whomhard work agreed so well," he said,for want of anything more spontane-ous."Vou're right. I've never enjoyed :i

.summer's work so much as this on*-.1 You see. I've had my husbuml withme more than two whole months.andhe has been my leading man in m\last t'.vo pictures. And that is longerthan we have been together on ajstretch since w e wore inarr.efl." Shenndged l.ou Telleuen's arm to drawhim away. "There's a story in that,von know." she > ailed to the reporter"and what is more, it is true."

Answers to Film Fansnv thr movi!-: r.uiTOK.

Dolly Dimples.Billy .Mason will sendyou lus pj.-:ure upon receipt ot cents.Address h.'ii 1 iPeS North AlexandriaAvenue, Hollywood, »'al.

M..Vou must have personalityand ability to become an actress. Ap¬ply at one of the studios ami you may! l'<: taken on as an extra.

Angelo.Sam Tolo i- and is livefeei. nitio inches tall and weighs 1If.- was born 111 San l-'t a"ie isco. Ad

1 dress Warren Kerrigan, J 713 ChangaAvenue, Hollywood. Ca!.' Chief Operator.I'earl White is notmarried She is now with 1'ux Kiltns.Texas Ouinan is married. She isills. Marie Waleamp i.< married. Sheis about 20. They will send you theitpictures upon receipt of cents.

Mar.v.Constance Talniadge was bornin I'.rooklyn. N. Y., in l!»0n. She is five

'feet nix inches and '.vi-iaiis 120 Sitej has golden hair and brow n eyes. She; ha«i iier own company and answers allmail sent to her. Her father arid motherare living. She lias no brothers. NormaTaln.adgi; was born in Niagara Falls.

Y. She is live feet two inchesland weighs? llf» and has dark hair andbrown eyes. She has her own companyland answers all her own mail. Herlatest play is *'By Itight of Countiest "

jfot,stance Talmadge's latent picture' "A Virtuous Vamp." Anita Stewai'was born in Brooklyn, N. V., in isjifi.'She has lit;ht hair and brown eye:-.She answers all her own mail. She nowhas her own company.

WALTER. D. MOSES &. CO.,Ifcadquort'Ts for Kvorything Known

ist Music."

Last MinuteGift BuyersGive Vietrola ltecords to

your friends who have a. Vic-1 rolii.We will suggest the most

desirable selections. Records,s;»c, $1.00, $1.50 and upward.

Walter D. Moses & Co.10ft East Itrninl Street.

Oldest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina.

Li:ile Eobbie and His PaIIV \\ IIjIjIAM r. KIRK

1 asked Pa. last nitc if there wasany Anark-ists on the Ark wen it>-;t!in oavi;r to this country.Not one. Pa. Noah wanted to

bring a pair of them, but the anitnileswuddeut cum iany Anark-ists cairn,sed J "a, so lhay was ai! drowned, sodJ'a.Then I asked I'a ware the new ones

caini from that i.s hunting around the..ilys now. & I'a sed Most of them ex-I kaiped from lainyiiek Sylems. Therest of iht-m ought to bo in the Sy-Inns. too. >ed [»a. They are the Skit inof the linh. Pa sed.Th»*n why aim thay in Jail, I sedto I'a.A lot of them is. sed Pa, & moar

"ill follow from time to time. I mayhave to run down a few of them iny-self, aod Pa.You are sitting too fat to run any-tiling down, sed .Ma, too old.Tharo you an; mistaken, sed Pa. 1

am as Ximbel as a Tarrier. Pa sed, &oni't I have the Cent, sed i'a, nothingvan .sluiik me off the Cent. 1 wildlike nothing better than to go out &nail a brace o:' Anark-ists this very

j ee vn in jr.This vary eeving you will stay rite

ware you are. sed Ma. If you luvLaw Ai Order so much, sed Ma, you eanobay yuri» littel witie.Well. then. sod Pa, I beleeve T willstart in tomorrow & see if I eant find

a rim of these Romb Throwers. Of1 course, sed Pa, I wud work rite inwith our Seekret Servis.Of course, sscfl Ma.You think I am boast-ing, >ed Pa.hut 1 am ded'.y ernest. It is tim.^ tofree our glorus country of these Hats,red I'a.1 agree with you. sed Ma. but we.'hud it-f our big l>e-teck-tivs do it.f rrad about, n man that tried to run

.sum of these Herts down last week &)!<¦> got shot, srrl Ma. lie left a deerlittel wife to Morn his Loss, sed Ma.I wiiddont think of leeving you &Kobbif to |ite this crule tfnrld alone,

sod I'a. You are rite, sed Pa; I must

not in-dangcr my life wen you need 1ine_ j=u much.No, sed Ma. you must not. Why. se<i

Ma. you wud be tile eeesiest kind ofa mark for llic.'o mvful men. It a clevver bullet to miss vou. ted]Ma. '

1 beeRin to see it yure way, sed Pa;you wud lusc yuro mind if you lostme.

J I am afrade I wud. sed Ma. & youwuil lose any Anark-ist you was look-inc for. sid Ma.Wen I grow up I will find sum of

these An-ark-ist < & fix shots willring out & six of them will bite thesnow.

SCREEN BREVITIESReginald Parker. eminent picture di¬

rector. wrote and directed his firststage play at the age of 10.

Catherine Calvert, former Laskyphoto player, is now one of the star^of Film?-. Inc., a new concern.

Heli^ri Holme* is on the way to R03Angeles from Xew York to film serialsrelating to railroad subjects.

Ijew Collins, a former Klaw fc Kr-langcr star. \(-ill play an importantpart in Uessie Rarriscale's next pro-duct ion.

Universal olTiciais assert that pic-ture fans of the world soon will bepraising "The Peddler." from the storyby Henry <;. Rowland, which recentlyappeared in the Saturday EveningPost. FranK Mayo and Ora Curewplay the principal roles.

"Tiie Dream Cheater" is the title ofJ. Warren Kerr.gan's forthcomingP.ruriton picture. It will be dift'ertntfrom anything he has attempted in| his photoplay career. WedgewoodN'owell, former loading man forBlanche Pates and Henrietta Cross-man. has been engaged to play theheavy pari.A new luminary of the screen is

promised in .the person of RuthRenick. whom the. Jesse D. HamptonCompany found in a Western stock



{.{ Symphony Orchestra of 35.25 Principals.6 Chorus of 30 and Ballet of 15.

PIUCES: Matinee, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50; Night, $1.00, J$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. (jLoo^oooccosossoosooccoooosoeooeoeooseoososcososcoJ

company, and for whom it Is said thatshe has an exceptional appeal in act-inc ability anil personal charm. MissReniek has had several years' stageexperience as an Ingenue. For her firstscreen appearance Mr. Hampton plact-nher in the hands of Henry King. whosepicture, "23 1-2 Hours' l<eave," has

boon one of tMo turn sensations of t||year. She will appear in 11. L5. War¬ner's next picture.Clarissa Selwynne. one of the mostcapably screen actresses in the South¬ern California picture colony, lias avery strong part in the forthcoming"Dangerous Pays" ov .Mary Robert:Kliinchart. Others In the east anItarbaru Castleton, Ann Forrest amFlorence DeShon.Thelma Percy, sister of KlleeiPercy. Is supporting Fddlc Polo itthe Universal serial lieretoforc knowias "The Thirteenth llour." and wbiciwill k<> to the public as "The VanishiriK Dagger." other players support-ing Polo aro l<;iur.i Oakley. TexasWatts, C. Norman Hammond and ItuthHoyce.One of the Hrst things done by;Madge Kennedy on her return at thiiCloldwyn studios In California, afteitan eastern visit was an urgent re-|quest that she might again haveClarence Badger as her director.Great was her disappointment to t>etold that the cowboy Mar. Will Itogers.had "beaten her to it." For comedydrama on the screen l>adv;er has few

peers anions the directors.A duplicate r>f the Cn fo Mnntmartre.

a feature of the niKht life of New York, built at the Fifty-sixth Street stu¬dio of the Famous 1'layers-Lasky Cor¬poration for the Heorne Fitiemaurlcoproduction. "On With the Dance," star¬ring Mae Murray and Have Powell.The art department, built the set froinjjphotographs taken of the cabaret an<fwith the co-opr-ratioii of the drapery!department make it exact in every de-Jtail.

B ¦ H H Q I H I I I

.STRANDXmnM, Krldny nnd Snlnrdny. H® Mnllnee Chrlntmnx nnd Snturdny. jjj¦ Walter Hast Presents

^g Cosmo Hamilton's DaringComedy, H

I "SCANDAL" ¦_ with P

EMMA BINTISO. ¦® Prices: Matinees, 00c t® J1.S0 mH Nicht. 50c to *2.00.¦

Ki; B'-i'ii"-!'b ¦urniB

REX-Today"BOUND and




BLUEBIRDOnly Tho More Dnya

"CHECKERS"The tireatest Racing Drama in

the World.Today nnd Tomorrotv

BIJOU Showing.At II, JUJ-I.-5, i!s:u>, 1115, y, 7i45



'Flames of ttie Desert'HAROLD LLOYD

"Capt. Kidd's Kids"A Peppy 5100,000 Comedy.


Marguerite ClarkIX

"A Girl Namsd Mary"Tomorrow nnd Urmnindrr Wffk


"Wanted.A Husband"One of llir nrlRblcAt Faroe

Conifilv IIIIh lOvcr




"The WinchesterWoman"

HrRlnnlnR: Tomorrow,"A HOUSE: DIVIDED'*


With a Great All-Star Cast.Added Entire Week,


VICTOR Two HitsAll Week

AL JENNINGSEx-King of the Outlaws,


"The Lady of theDug Out"


CHARLIE CHAPLINKing of Laugh-Makers,


Tomor. O D E O N Seals, 13c.Tax, 2e.

MARY PICKFORD in "RAGSSee It Today.Be Happier Tomorrow.


NextWeek. IJO New Year

Special.Most Amazing Stage Hit Ever Screened.

PASSION Knocks at the Boor of EVERYWOMAN.