n.i.j.c. cardinal review vol 21 no 11 mar 8, 1967

Four Candidates Step Up Campaigns As Election Approaches B Th• " · • rnor 1 we •C uon or wont body presld 111 and -. · Pr dcnl pro::ilscs 1o ("' lttr. a. "'"II as Inter· t:!&lln.,. A 1t1t' e&n:pal'1)a becomto mor ln\"olved and lnl•nsf". lhe candidlltcs will alee sides and 1ir 111 late lec1ually sllmulDllDI Dttll· mcnLS a11cmptlnt:: to appeal to lhc \'OINS. VOLUllE X1, ======:::======= =======COE Q D' A '<£, l l)AMQ D W - -_ - ormzrory omen Have Op·en How e 10S Make Dean's Ou Id Pnano, o:rn or lb l eading contend rs tor slud 111 body prcs1dcn1. stands on a platform or more s1uoen1 oor · lrol. H4' advocal<'5 &sRmblics lba1 m•'&ll som•lhlni: to the st udents. Pr1ano fol'ls lhal lhe s1udcn1 vote on commli· lees should be a mivortiy 0 lbal II can nol br O\·cr-rlddrn by the !acui ty "Olr. Jell cox vouched f or oav1•'" quallflc:a· li ons by " Oa\'e hu n professional a tt llud' iowa:d his camp al11n and his omc:e He doesn't lei amateur menw ac1 In hls.vQ.l-. althou&h 1 have no doubl he le slnc•·rc about the office or presldenl.' ' Helt'n Holland backed cox' s1a1eml'nl by "l' n known Oavt• for lhe last tour yeaza and I lhlnk he Is a qua!· ID••d lead ·r. lhe kind NIJC need:-. . .. Chesler Spel!d) > Reill) , lh olbcr top preatdenllal candt· SAC lnvi "tes odaie. Is lnlerc111cd In a rern!"ed ln1eres1 b) lht »tuden1s 1n 111uden1 1 o\'em· TWO Speakers men1 to lamlllarlz" lht:!m wuh he duties and runcllons or the studrnl board. "I "ould like IO 11ee lnc:omln,i: b<'llcr acqualn1ed "Hh I JC clubs, social acm !ties and lacllllle- ." Reilly »aid: Toey Tra\\ct'k, ont of !"IJC'a Stal baskNbaJI pl&)etS, MDI "On record as S!lllDI, " SPffd Is n dJll1tent and hard \\'Orklnc exampll" or what this school nel'ds." Bui Tru1et'k \\U alone In hie commendaUons or Reilly . Claudia McO..rmld recommendl'd RrlllY o "A atrted and lnl<'lllcl'nt Ind!· vldual who hM natural ll'ltdl"r- Shlp obllllles." \ 'lcc-pruldcnllal candldll1es .,rnus1 nol be Ol'crlooked. -iliou"" Jack £meri;on was no1 a1...Uable ror commen1, he has several backers . one of . whom Is John O'Neill. "I endorse Jacll Emerson ror bod) •lce· prnsl· drnl. Ht' has 1he lnltlall\-e .,aeeded ror the Job, " O' !"eUI said, and added, "This has no1 been a paid pol11lcal ad· ve11lscmcn1." Cral' Thacp- <son ali;o endor J as a •-P candldsl• "Ir m,y con· sldrl('d oplnl•>n. Jack T. EmNSOn 11'0Jld a cood tudtnl bod.1 1. c n•, In fact , lhe be · cllo I has Cl r had." Dennis Rlin;s. . . " "'""dto• 4'>r the lroshma11 cla .• eoumber or the student board • .nd can- didate for s1udcn1 bod) , le< . J>resld,.n1, reels b., can do a good Job all lhe s1u<1->n1s. He promises to l)Gck tho Pit and 11111'- <J>Orl lhe S1uden1 mJorlty vole. t..lnda t..ani"n had this 1o u.y DIJ>ut Rlai:s: "l '"' known Dennis lhrouah lhc atud•nt c.bmrd . nnd lbrou&h this assoc1auon, and du.-, 1 0 his I 11m '•I) with hla s1ncNll.l and aood Jud1P11tn1. .. Elae., llllmmcd-up his Oop in1on or Rlus: " ll llh as CUii) \1 ••II IU 01 nnla hnB he wlll " 11cr-pr 0 111 · dent." Gloninr. C .;r ri= lbe l:nh r 1 01 , hu been asked by Ille Sude:it Acli\11les Coc:nl;tce io spoil 10 lhe bOcb'. "He II H'I) !lbe:tl. blchlJ coa1ro1't'r:.!al. and ldenrJ.ties •llh collcce s1uden1S. Mr. Co1>11gen 111 an and ln1eres1lnc speakt'r.'" said Peg Dohrman. SAC member. Father L.!·ons from lhl' OOn· zai:a Unl\ets1tY !s bt-ln asked 10 speak her<! as " He will balance !h• topic •·lemen1s ot dlscu1< ton . .. Ml1>s Dohrman. CIJ?lpus Due Is comlnc along 1plendldly and will be fabulous .' ' Miss Dohrman added. John O'Ne!ll, Jan Bull, and Kathy Frost ronn lhe commltlee 1ba1 ha.a been worklnc bard to promote tl>e most escll.lni; Campus Daze possible." The gro• In 1 conies: and lhe "UDde<- cround mot'le" •Ul be ne addlUOOll IO "C=pus Daze". SAC Is nlso lbi:iki.ac about $()0D90t1DC ll JIZZ dlrec1ed bj th cariat:e Jaces Bums chmng a bon- ".r • " o.;d :.a . o; rman. No Primary For ASB Election 1'. ·u 117 pn::w)' .,, 11 D mltl.ed Ibis year because onl1 two pcor· eons seek o!Clce. ac- cordln; to Palsy Browti. SIUdcn1 Board secrruuv. Speed< R<'Ul.Y and Oa'e PrlallO art runntnc rcr tiocb pre11lden1, and Jack E:r·,,"011 and Dennis RI art cam· Palsnlng for •·I• · Pr• ld<>ncl' . Camp1t1;n ILi• 1Pn· 1a11\ l'h schtduled !or \larch 13, and lhP el• ct1on I" . ·l f or u. A con111llullonal amendment rllmlnullnc lacull) vote from lhi!' bo1&rd wlll also tie pr .. sented lo it. bodv !or BPPtDYlll. ,,... E"° 0-. or• . _., :.1.:>t<' than 135 Pal\'DI facull)' and board member , cuests ••sited Siu::ui. Hall al the Olltn House spot . sc.1ed by Ille woocn resident smdet11e ol !"UC. lilarcb 1. The •JestS i;uided !Oars or the clrls' rooms 011 both !loo rs and of th• rPt: , • · Uon azl'L Rl'l:eat.'ll r;ia w ser--ed lll Ille fiOWt! • IPCQtal od lobb.: PuscUla HOtl'80ll Sharon RJr.r:rr collet> :ind punch, and Oona Bouchard .an!I So!IAJI t..askey In cbari:e or refreshments. Joy Culp "H lo char&c or lhe cuea1 bodt. Az.allas donat.ed by Mrs. Gale Dahlman and tor5)thlu and PUHY wti- Jows ...-ere pr:nld d b) Or. E>a Ogg. '.Ira. Mazie Dahlman housemo:h r. aman,cd ra!lons. t..lnds l\Jse , dorm president. e1pressed her a p>rec!aUon tor :.be efforts or all the alrl• Ir cialdnc: tht' don:i's nr t opo • I _. SADIE HAWKINS DANCE MARCH 17 ,.,.. Hawldcs da DC ...; • ' 17. 9:30 p. . to In thC' SCB. The dance wUI be spcoSQ: Q1' Sber::ian Hall. IJarrylll' Sam •II! be on band. &Aid PallJ 1,. 11nor:, dn::::.to!) reside!:!. . school "111 lake plc:a 11!8 nnd cld r anll •lll be ISef\t'd. P nus will be riven for Ute lr t . vnur -ub :." , 1. t..n!IOll. LIBRARY WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Tb• t.bnuy ...-1 :. r - aJ· pen siuurda.ya 1ru - I 1 4 p.-: .. , bt'S tnnlDr :.11rch •· )l ate!> •Ill be a ulal period. and 111au1111cs abOul palrona' and use or taclllllu ..-u1 br compll••d . rrponed Rus11ell SOderllni;. hnd librarian. "IC US&I<' " DrtanlS II . lhl' sdl<'dule will be con1lnued un11I May :?O. lh" Salurda.i pr...:edlnc commmcemPnl, •• concluded J List For First Semester Work Tilt're "Nr e\rn full•llme " llh " &1ra1c111 A" n.) Cllldt' polnl a\Mall'B IJllt'nC tho •· un the for the 111111 IM'mUIN Of lhe 1911H17 C'hool ,...,, Tbe 51Udents were Jan A. Bull, Rando.II F. llonltoy, Kenneth A. M DJc ure, Jacqu11llnt.' Ros11 Mllrjorlr I,., Rubow, Bohby Sht" ldon, Shuan Ann Smllh. OlhMll alAO mad tt IM D" llD'A Llat, which or all aludcnls corr;1n g 12 or more credll ho urs and rgrnln1 aradr po 1n1 llV<'rtl&N• or 3. CB> 01 c arrylna 12 or more c rrdlt and ••arnlnc irad" poln1 av•·ra1es or 3. CBl or hl,hPr. Those wllh avttra1111 or 3.5 •Id ,, •• IO were Carol Sua Ander- son, Cathryn Joan Andrews 788 Are Enrolled For Spring Term A . " r• .1 .1111llon on Fo:u. 7bll ,. re nrolled ti! :;1 JC ror 1he apr1n1 semu· ler. a yrur ago ror llle second aemes1e r was 736. r:111k1nc thl& yPar' a ll &Urc llJI Increase or $2. or 1 P<' r etn!. 1'.nrollmuit lhl11 &prlnc 111 dO'lr.l $3 from 8 41 of IU I tau . or 6.3 per cen1. or 1h" 788 enrolll'd this aprtnr. 128 vocall on al ou111um bcr womm to 2 61. Slatlstlcs 11how 1here are In lhn freshman cl ua; ar..: lull time a nd 296 111e Tbe 11oph0mor• class nurn· ber& 3 19 : 21 0 arc - n and 299 are luli llrt iudeD tl . 'lb r st udl' nts r• ..:: '. · rt d a p• •dL ENGINEERS BALL IS MARCH ll T'- ., .• En.In< rs Ball. · · ! - .i dlnn r-dance, bas been 11cheduled ror J.l a r::b II (:l>Cl 7•30 p.m. IO I :!:30 lo the SUB. Pr1Cl' of ad:!llsSIOtl •Ill PU piste. and all :>UC at.udeclS 8l<' lnvl led, acro:d DC 10 Bill Oablbc! rf . p:t>ald'111 or Enclne rs Club. A cr.i n aod '"o prlnceSRs wtll be chosen troo 11CJC1lr.ees lncludln; lrece Tll:nbow. Holland. Caro!Jin and Shannon Carl son. The 1hem or the dance Ill be " F'llr.;asy In t..JghlS" Wi th pink aml lavend r d.-corsllons . Tb• E' . • o..nrBand .. 111 P" \ ld ! a.nc• :;. ul\ IC". CALENDAR &l u •· h 10 - \l u1I• - "TM Arr or Emily" Mar h 11 - F .nCl nt'et S Ball M11rth 16 - A•aembh ·- "Oon Puqual•" Man:h 111 - Spqhc lll F eed In SUB \! Arch :!l - '"'A crid or H mln1way" by Rl t ha.ra H1· neman Sheryl J. Berptrom, l>t'nnl; \\. Burr. Arthur J. Cooper, t.. l nda Finl ey, Ronald K. Fisher. Candy Ann Fuller, JaC'k D. Hammond, Jo Ann Ha.,.ks , She ryl o. Leonard Kt.Y l.ind11en, Robella Mceoi Ros ann,. .Mc:Coy. Be•rrly MC!lf'nzy, Gary O'Connell. K ""'' Ann Valorl" P l! trrs on , Janice I,., Purdy, JoAno" Ric hmond, t..udle John Ruebelman, Robin :;el v a1e. Clair" A. Slmmooa. J OIM' Ph Sloa&e r. KenMlh l\al iers . Kar<'n \\alts, Rol>rrt l\llbur. Carol Worlhlnl\On. OthcrR avcraalna 3. and above wore Elaine Adkins Sally Ann Arney. Sharon Kay Bartel. (:;vel('lt Ballon, ClaylOn £. Bec k. RJcha id c. Benn ell Krl 111y Belio. oona Bouchard: Paul Brellhtwpl, Shannon Carls on, Gary Dean casey, J oy CUJp, Candace E. Oabl. J ohn Dean Deeder. Ricard L. Di eme rt. Roberl Olt'IZ, • .,. ren Ellen Durfee, l..YM Durand. Em51 Ecklund. Jo AM Fo rd. Walter Gilman. Kalblt>en Givens. Georae Goetzrnan. KJrby 0111.Y. )farlyo He lne::i e:r .. r. ca111ert11• )I. Ht nza. Greeo11 H1.1enca. Carol Y. Howard, Ja.oe Harri 1. C. Janssoo. Juli• w. Jensen. Jo5<>pb M. Jobnscon. Barbara a. Kalstad. WatYtn M. Kirchner. KJelb Ueo. Pearl £. L.onc:. DeDDl• C• t..ut'&S. Irene McCord. Janice Ks.:r )fc £uen. William Mc Farland. Ellzallelb Mead. S\t'pben J. worcan. KatllY Aon Moser. Bruce t... Wounl· Joy, Robert Nell Pt>tcnon. AolhollJ' t... Popp. En L. Recd. Chester t... Reilly 11. Jeny J. Riebe. Dennis S. RIUS. Tboalall s. Ros•ra. t... ROllllnt, Rlcbard t... Scbwlnll'k. ooroclu' H. secaur. K-.v Y. SIOddard, Cbarle• I,.. Taylor. Jobn c. Thomas. Michael c. Thomas. Jeanne 'IbornP-· Ph:rllla N. Van Hus, L&rr7 Verhel. BelU' AAn Walker, Earl E. WOl!to. Lealle E. WOllPni. M•r tlee A. YOllllS. Rober! Roland. Barblra MM- m1111.

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 11 Mar 8, 1967

Four Candidates Step Up Campaigns As Election Approaches


Th• " · • rnor 1 we •C uon or wo• nt body presld 111 and ' · -. ·Pr dcnl pro::ilscs 1o

("' lttr. a. "'"II as Inter· t:!&lln.,. A 1t1t' e&n:pal'1)a becomto mor ln\"olved and lnl•nsf". lhe candidlltcs will alee sides and 1ir 111 late •

lec1ually sllmulDllDI Dttll· mcnLS a11cmptlnt:: to appeal to lhc \'OINS.

VOLUllE X1, ======:::==============COE Q D'Al£'<£, l l)AMQ

D • W - -_ - =:~:==;.~==========~'IWE~ON~E~SOA~Y~,~Mt.~ll~Ol~l~.~l~'6~7

ormzrory omen Have Op·en Howe 10S Make Dean's

Ou Id Pnano, o:rn or lb leading contend rs tor slud 111 body prcs1dcn1. stands on a platform or more s1uoen1 oor· lrol. H4' advocal<'5 &sRmblics lba1 m•'&ll som•lhlni: to the studen ts . Pr1ano fol'ls lhal lhe s1udcn1 vote on commli· lees should be a mivortiy 0 lba l II can nol br O\·cr-rlddrn by the !acui ty "Olr. Jell cox vouched for oav1• '" quallflc:a· lions by ~lnlln~. " Oa\'e hu n professional a ttllud' iowa:d his camp al11n and his omc:e He doesn't le i amateu r s~nu~ menw ac1 In hls.vQ.l-. althou&h 1 have no doubl he le slnc•·rc about the office or presldenl.' ' Helt'n Holland backed cox' s1a1eml'nl by drclarln~. "l'n known Oavt• for lhe last tour yeaza and I lhlnk he Is a qua!· ID••d lead ·r. lhe kind NIJC need:-. . ..

Chesler Spel!d) > Reill) , lh olbcr top preatdenllal candt· SAC lnvi"tes

odaie . Is lnlerc111cd In &P~ln

a rern!"ed ln1eres1 b) lht »tuden1s 1n 111uden1 1o\'em· TWO Speakers men1 to lamlllarlz" lht:!m wuh he duties and runcllons or

the studrnl board. " I "ould like IO 11ee lnc:omln,i: a1uden~ b<'llcr acqualn1ed "Hh 1b~

IJC clubs, social acm !ties and lacllllle- ." Reilly »aid: Toey Tra\\ct'k, ont of !"IJC'a Stal baskNbaJI pl&)etS, MDI

"On record as S!lllDI, " SPffd Is n dJll1tent and hard \\'Orklnc exampll" or what this school nel'ds." Bui Tru1et'k \\U ~01 alone In hie commendaUons or Reilly. Claudia McO..rmld recommendl'd RrlllY o " A

• atrted and lnl<'lllcl'nt Ind!· vldual who hM natural ll'ltdl"r­Shlp obllllles."

\ 'lcc-pruldcnllal candldll1es .,rnus1 nol be Ol'crlooked. -iliou"" Jack £meri;on was no1 a1...Uable ror commen1, he has several backers . one of

. whom Is John O'Neill. "I heanll~ endorse Jacll Emerson ror stud~nl bod) •lce·prnsl· drnl. Ht' has 1he lnltlall\-e

.,aeeded ror the Job, " O' !"eUI said, and added, "This has no1 been a paid pol11lcal ad· ve11lscmcn1." Cral' Thacp­

<son ali;o endor ~d J ~k as a •-P candldsl• • "Ir m,y con· sldrl('d oplnl•>n. Jack T. EmNSOn 11'0Jld ~""'" a cood

tudtnl bod.1 1 . c -pr~'$ld n•, In fact , lhe be · cllo I has Cl r had."

Dennis Rlin;s. . . ""'""dto• 4'>r the lroshma11 cla .• eoumber or the student board • .nd can­didate for s1udcn1 bod) , le< .

J>resld,.n1, reels b., can do a good Job repro~nun1 all lhe s1u<1->n1s. He promises to l)Gck tho Pit Sld~nl, and 11111'­

<J>Orl lhe S1uden1 mJorlty vole . t..lnda t..ani"n had this 1o u.y DIJ>ut Rlai:s: "l'"' known Dennis lhrouah lhc atud•nt

c.bmrd . nnd lbrou&h this asso• c1auon , and du.-, 10 his ..rrori~. I 11m '•I) lmprc~scd with hla s1ncNll.l and aood Jud1P11tn1. .. ~llkc Elae., llllmmcd-up his

Oop in1on or Rlus: " ll llh as CUii) \1 ••II IU 01 nnla hnB he wlll mak~ " ~Od 11cr-pr


111 · dent."

Gloninr. C .;r ri= lbe l:nh r 1 01 , ~~=. hu been asked by Ille Sude:it Acli\11les Coc:nl;tce io spoil 10 lhe slud~t bOcb'. "He II H'I) !lbe:tl. blchlJ coa1ro1't'r:.!al. and ldenrJ.ties •llh collcce s1uden1S. Mr. Co1>11gen 111 an uaun~ and ln1eres1lnc speakt'r.'" said Peg Dohrman. SAC member.

Father L.!·ons from lhl' OOn· zai:a Unl\ets1tY !s bt-ln asked 10 speak her<! as ~·eU. " He will balance !h• topic •·lemen1s ot dlscu1< ton . .. ll~d Ml1>s Dohrman.

CIJ?lpus Due Is comlnc along 1plendldly and will be fabulous.' ' Miss Dohrman added. John O'Ne!ll, Jan Bull , and Kathy Frost ronn lhe commltlee 1ba1 ha.a been worklnc bard to promote tl>e most escll.lni; Campus Daze possible." The be~ gro• In 1 conies: and lhe "UDde<­cround mot'le" •Ul be ne addlUOOll IO "C=pus Daze". SAC Is nlso lbi:iki.ac about $()0D90t1DC ll JIZZ con~r. dlrec1ed bj th cariat:e Jaces Bums chmng a bon­".r • " o.;d :.a. o; rman.

No Primary For ASB Election 1'. ·u 117 pn::w)' I~ .,, ~ 11 D mltl.ed Ibis

year because onl1 two pcor· eons seek ~ell o!Clce. ac­cordln; to Palsy Browti. SIU• dcn1 Board secrruuv. Speed< R<'Ul.Y and Oa'e PrlallO art runntnc rcr a1ud~n1 tiocb pre11lden1, and Jack E:r·,,"011 and Dennis RI • art cam· Palsnlng for •·I• · Pr• ld<>ncl' . Camp1t1;n ~P•~ch" ILi• 1Pn· 1a11\ l'h schtduled !or \larch 13, and lhP el• ct1on I" . ·l for ~larch u .

A con111llullonal amendment rllmlnullnc lacull) vote from lhi!' bo1&rd wlll also tie pr .. sented lo it. tud~nl bodv !or BPPtDYlll.

,,... E"° 0-. or• . ~ _., :.1.:>t<' than 135 Pal\'DI

facull)' and board member , an~ cuests ••sited Siu::ui. Hall al the Olltn House spot . sc.1ed by Ille woocn resident smdet11e ol !"UC. lilarcb 1. The •JestS •~re ~hen i;uided !Oars or the clrls' rooms 011 both !loo rs and of th• rPt: , • · Uon azl'L Rl'l:eat.'ll r;ia w ~ ser--ed lll Ille fiOWt!• IPCQtal od lobb.:

PuscUla HOtl'80ll L~d Sharon RJr.r:rr ~ncd collet> :ind punch, and Oona Bouchard .an!I So!IAJI t..askey we~ In cbari:e or refreshments. Joy Culp "H lo char&c or lhe cuea1 bodt. Az.allas ~em donat.ed by Mrs. Gale Dahlman and tor5)thlu and PUHY wti­Jows ...-ere pr:nld d b) Or. E>a Ogg. '.Ira. Mazie Dahlman housemo:h r. aman,cd d•~ ra!lons.

t..lnds l\Jse , dorm president. e1pressed her a p>rec!aUon tor :.be efforts or all the alrl• Ir cialdnc: tht' don:i's nr t opo •

I _. • -~"

SADIE HAWKINS DANCE MARCH 17 ,.,.. a.~ni.... ~.. Hawldcs da DC ...; • ' )>~J.!Cb 17. 9:30 p. . to 1~:30 In thC' SCB. The dance wUI be spcoSQ: ~ Q1' Sber::ian Hall.

IJarrylll' Sam •II! be on band. &Aid PallJ 1,. 11nor:, dn::::.to!) reside!:!.

. ~ school photo~apbtr "111 lake plc:a 11!8 nnd cld r anll ~es •lll be ISef\t'd. P nus will be riven for Ute lr t ros~u"",. . · · or~ . vnur -ub :." ""~ ,1. t..n!IOll.


Tb• t.bnuy ...-1 :. r - aJ· pen siuurda.ya 1ru- I 1 4 p.-: .. , bt'S tnnlDr :.11rch • ·

) late!> •Ill be a ulal period. and 111au1111cs abOul palrona ' and use or taclllllu ..-u1 br compll••d . rrponed Rus11ell SOderllni;. hnd librarian.

"IC US&I<' " DrtanlS II. lhl' sdl<'du le will be con1lnued un11I May :?O. lh" Salurda.i pr...:edlnc commmcemPnl, •• concluded Sodtr ll~.


List For First Semester Work

Tilt're "Nr e\rn full•llme t<lud~nu " llh " &1ra1c111 A" n.) Cllldt' polnl a\Mall'B IJllt'nC tho •· un the o~n·a L.l ~t for the 111111 IM'mUIN Of lhe 1911H17 C'hool ,...,, Tbe ~. 51Udents were Jan A. Bull, Rando.II F. llonltoy, Kenneth A. MDJc ure, Jacqu11llnt.' Ros11 Mllrjorlr I,., Rubow, Bohby J~ Sht"ldon, Shuan Ann Smllh. Nlno~lllhl OlhMll alAO

mad tt IM D" llD'A Llat, which con s ist~ or all aludcnls corr;1n g 12 o r more c redll hours and rgrnln1 aradr po1n1 llV<'rtl&N• or 3. CB> 01 carrylna 12 or more c rrdlt ho ur~ and ••arnlnc irad" poln1 av•·ra1es or 3. CBl or hl,hPr.

Those wllh avttra1111 or 3.5 •Id °""~ ,, •• IO ~. were Carol Sua Ander-

son, Cathryn J oan Andrews

788 Are Enrolled For Spring Term

A . " o~ r• .1 .1111llon on Fo:u. I~ . 7bll ,. re nrolled ti! :;1JC ror 1he apr1n1 semu· ler. RA!~atrallon a yrur ago ror llle second aemes1e r was 736. r:111k1nc thl& yPar' a ll &Urc• llJI Increase or $2. or 1 P<'r etn!.

1'.nrollmuit lhl11 &prlnc 111

dO'lr.l $3 from lb~ 841 of IU I tau . or 6.3 pe r cen1.

or 1h" 788 enrolll'd this aprtnr. 128 ar~ vocallonal ll1Ud~nu1. M~n ou111um bcr womm 52~ to 261.

Slatlstlcs 11how 1here are ~00 In lhn freshman clua; ~37 a r..: lull time a nd 296 111e m~.

Tbe 11oph0mor• class nurn· ber& 319 : 210 arc - n and 299 are luli llrt• iudeDtl.

'lb r ~r• tnr~· studl'nts r• ..:: '. · rt d a p ••dL ~tud~ts.


T'- ., .• ~ . En.In< rs Ball. · · ! - .i dlnn r-dance,

bas been 11cheduled ror J.l a r::b II (:l>Cl 7•30 p.m. IO I :!:30 lo the SUB. Pr1Cl' of ad:!llsSIOtl •Ill ~ 12.~ PU piste. and all :>UC at.udeclS 8l<' lnvlled, acro:d DC 10 Bill Oablbc! rf . p:t>ald'111 or Enclne rs Club.

A cr.i n aod '"o prlnceSRs wtll be chosen troo 11CJC1lr.ees lncludln; ~11tm Ro•~. lrece Tll:nbow. Hele~ Holland. Caro!Jin ~.rk . and Shannon Carlson.

The 1hem or the dance • Ill be " F'llr.;asy In t..JghlS" Wi th pink aml lavend r d.-corsllons . Tb• E' . • o..nr• Band .. 111 P" \ ld !a.nc• :;. ul\ IC".

CALENDAR &l u •· h 10 - \lu1I• - "TM

Arr rr:canl~allon or Emily" Mar h 11 - F.nClnt'etS Ball M11rth 16 - A•aembh·-"Oon

Puqual•" Man:h 111 - Spqhclll F eed

In SUB \!Arch :!l - '"'Acrid or Ern~s1

H mln1way" by Rl t ha.ra H1· neman

Sheryl J. Berptrom, l>t'nnl; \\. Burr. Arthur J. Cooper, t..lnda Finley, Ronald K. Fisher. Candy Ann Fuller, JaC'k D. Hammond, Jo Ann Ha.,.ks , She ryl o. Leonard Kt.Y l.ind11en, Robella Mceoi Rosann,. .Mc:Coy. Be•rrly MC!lf'nzy, Gary O'Connell. K ""'' Ann Olkon~n. Valorl" P l!trrson , Janice I,., Purdy, J oAno" Ric hmond, t..udle ~11s. J ohn Ruebelman, Robin :;elva1e. Clair" A. Slmmooa. JOIM'Ph Sloa&e r. KenMlh l\aliers . Kar<'n \\alts, Rol>rrt l\llbur. Carol Worlhlnl\On.

OthcrR avcraalna 3. and above wore Elaine Adkins Sally Ann Arney. Sus~ ~m~. Sharon Kay Bartel. (:;vel('lt Ballon, ClaylOn £. Bec k. RJcha id c. Benn ell Krl111y Belio. oona Bouchard: Paul Brellhtwpl, Shannon Carlson, Gary Dean casey, J oy CUJp, Candace E. Oabl. J ohn Dean Deeder. Ricard L. Dieme rt. Roberl Olt'IZ, • .,. ren ouco~. Ellen Durfee, l..YM Durand. Em51 Ecklund. Jo AM Fo rd. Walter Gilman. Kalblt>en Givens. Georae Goe tzrnan. KJrby 0111.Y. )farlyo He lne::ie:r .. r. ca111ert11• )I. Ht nza. Greeo11 H1.1enca. Carol Y. Howard, Ja.oe Harri 1. Ro~r C. Janssoo. Juli• w. Jensen. Jo5<>pb M. Jobnscon. Barbara a. Kalstad. WatYtn M. Kirchner. KJelb Ueo. Pearl £. L.onc:. DeDDl• C • t..ut'&S. Irene McCord. Janice Ks.:r )fc£uen. William Mc Farland. Ellzallelb Mead. S\t'pben J. worcan. KatllY Aon Moser. Bruce t... Wounl· Joy, Robert Nell Pt>tcnon. AolhollJ' t... Popp. En L. Recd. Chester t... Reilly 11. Jeny J. Riebe. Dennis S. RIUS. Tboalall s. Ros•ra. Ren~ t... ROllllnt, Rlcbard t... Scbwlnll'k. ooroclu' H. secaur. K-.v Y. SIOddard, Cbarle• I,.. Taylor. Jobn c. Thomas. Michael c. Thomas. Jeanne 'IbornP-· Ph:rllla N. Van Hus, L&rr7 Verhel. BelU' AAn Walker, Earl E. WOl!to. Lealle E. WOllPni. M• rtlee A. YOllllS. Rober! Roland. Barblra MM­m1111.

Page 2: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 11 Mar 8, 1967

'Mod•• Concepts' WIS Speec• Topic

Dal<' Trtll<'D, malll lnattu .. car •PDk• on "Mod•m Con­eeirts" Fob. 16. Tll<' """"ch _,. IM fourtb In Ill• ''Queal of Mod m Man" ll<'rl<'•.

Trtnen Mpll bl• lt'CIUrP wllll Ill• r•cord. " Tll• TlmeR Are A Chancln'" by Bob o,tan. Trlu<'n Ulen s1a1ed Ula! 111., rt'al u1le of hi• le .. cure sbould M " 1be nm• Arr Ch&n,ln(' &II hr W!Sbt'd co aprak aboul Ill• &1udrn1s.

ffe aaJd Chai lhNC Wt'rP uiree drnnu .. etrecLS pruenl In our conc~porazr aoctecy: (I l popula1lon e1ploa lon, (21 knowl<'dlr e;rplos loo. and 13> matrrtallllm. On,...half or lb wortd'a populal!on la 2S ,..a:s old or undt'r. OnM>alf or 1b" 101&1 knowledc!! accum­ula1,.d sin~ ume t>eaan bas bet'n revral.,d since 196S. Y>ulb la not 1i::a1•rtalJ uc. II• said. II doea oot b ,111N lb• colleJl' a1ud'1lt 1.o " 1 0 wtlb· out" . II la hi• 1>ar~n1" who are miuertallsUc . Student• bave aln15 lived with a!­rlutnce. bul in~hav" re <'Cl...:! II.

Contl'mporary a1udrnU1 are tilt! ti.-At l'ducatrd peopl• who bu" lived, TrlU<'n went on. Th• UN&C• •lihth cra.d•r know• aa much u SOcret"• or Arl91otlr. Youth. however, ta akepuc:al. Tritten QUoted a Harvard frrahrr.an: .. The last tlm~ w~ bcllrv~d y ou. •• 'll•rr drcl"lvrd. Adul11 pr,._ t•nd tb~ r1>al wotld doean' t nlst-l<ld" can' t."

"ffypocrlay Is 1M ralh cry .,1 youth; 11ypoc r1 sy 111 a moral sin, " Trtllen contlnurd. Thia on• ·ball ot IM population

In, " TrllH·n conllnu•!<l. Thia nn..-ball Of lhr l><JPUllltJon un<l<'r 2~ la the bNI< r edu­c-utrd halt; lhPY ur• lht " n<'" nrla1ocrac1". ~:u.-h oollrcr o r unh <rah) I• a ' olony or au~ultur In l h• \Jnll<'d Slut• a. Thru al" thine ~ i:r•lnll on In th••s• 1<ubcultu1rs thot hD'"' nrvN ~onr nn b•· ton , h• l'Ulld.

Coll•,, ~tud• nt loda.\ a:c u<thlfit , 11m11111•t1 "111; th•) uu• ontl-ld1·11ll111lc. Th••rt• la a lol or talk or communism 5,..., pin• the Am•·rl cun c am• pu , but acoortlln~ 10 Trl l· t•n. "NnhodJi \\llh an - IAn1 11u u rhllncr ." Th fl com mu· n1a1 arouv tnflu• nrr la nlmo~t nil, br sal<I.

Th" btlUnlk& "" no Iona• r • conMllurnt o t tb• conto·m1>· oruQ world. Br•tnlka 1111s11•rl In lhl' ~O'a: th•} "'e rt thr ~alb• 11 c cenNallon. Kids

r IOrlll.\ arr not 11pathe tlt ­lh•·> a••' a~ll \'lst 11. Th• nhlnk, and th• l 'Aunt 10 be lnHil\'t d, Trlllrn condud• d.

" l•'llKthY dlacunlon lo!· I ,.~d lhl' 111•r.rc h. II "aa finally IJ(>bltlOnrol uulll ncth· ll• P• rlool lh• folio., In« mom•

97" Of STUDENTS IDAHO RESIDENTS A Dr~ak.do•n of &ttCOnd

IM'CH'lller fnSl&IMUIOn 111&U~­tlCS r~vl'alll that 76• Of lhl' 788 studt'nts at SIJC lbl sprtnc are Idaho : esld•·nt,, 0r 97 per ceni.. 'Tbl' Junl r ~.­lrJe di s tri ct lla etr (K »t• oal eountyl provides SOS atu­dl'nlll, or 64.1 Pt'' cent.

Juolor QJ!!•ce ... :t " Ont . emtne1n' the the nc,.h m eoW>Ue~. fumU1hes 7 30 tu• drnts, or 92.6 per Ct'ftt. En· rollmeo1 fro'"' the other tour Area counu • a: Sho:;o:; JO•

101. &"-Mt 85. BoondlLQ ZO. lkp .. nb 13.

Enrollment rrom Ol ht r Junior ('ull.,C• ar<'a~. by c::ouni., ·'11: t..al&b 20; 1•0 each l:.>m ea,.,. node . Bonnrvllle. L<,.«I aa.S Clearwa t•r; c.ne t11ch !r= Ada, Blaine . c:amu . Custe r. Idaho. J erome and S tz. Pe re.-.

Enrollcent ll'I c 1Unlie11 1111d c lUts:

Koot.enal-Coeur d'Ale ne 363. POlll Falla 50. Ra,idt n I..all e 37. Ratbdru::. 22. Cataldo 7, vtc,:l~.J 6. ffa:rt son 4. SV. : It I..alLl' 7, Alhol 2. BaJ\1e>r ~. SI. Ma:IU (Route 2> 3.

Sboshon•-Ke llo u •3. Vial· lac:" 14, o-bum 12. :Julian 12. Plnclulrs t 8. Sd .- rton 3, Klnr.;t0n 5, Ena'111• 2, Pap I, Smelterville 5. •.1urrt.Y I. Calder I.

Bonne r- Sandpoint H. S&cl" 6. Prl .,,1 RIVPt 14, Hope 3, Samuel> 2. Athol (Rllut• ll 2. Clark Fork 2, Cocolalla I, Do-. r 3. Kootenl\l I, La· clede 2, s .. wport (Idaho ldt 3. Oldtu wr. ~.

Boundan- Bonn• ra f'e rry 18 • Cop~land 2. SaplPll 2 .

Bt·nrwah- Plumm.., i. St . Ma:l•s 5. Cls rkla I.

Latah- \1·'8cow l ·, P•>llatcb 2, Kt>ndrtc k I. T ro • • Genr-

'' t I. So.nnock-Po cau:llo :?, Bon· nc ,·111•- ldah r Falls:?. Camas· ~alrOeld I, Cl,.ar•alt'r--Oro­nno 2. Cutttrr-C'hallls I. ldaho- Orana•vl ll r I. I..~wll­Kumlab I, S•ZPNct I. J~ romt­Jc romt I, Ada- 8'11 ~ I. S •z. P•' rC('-Sotltb,.l<k I , Blatn -llall"l I.

Enrollm1•nl lrom out ol SUit< , b1· 11tat• and c ltl"s;

AJab<imn-Oadsd"n I, Al .. • k11- Falt t1anks I, Cllh!omla­Lo' Anwrl u11 l , lowa-Pnulllna 1. Montana-\Uasoula :?. Al· hrrton I.

St'b1n1'a-S..n1ricl! I, !\en· da- Elko ~.St\\ J"""'> (Ocean Oro\'l l I. Okl•homn··Tulsa I. Or.·~on--."4lrm I, M:ilnP <Bao· 1orl I, South c arollna (Col· umblal I," 116111n1ton-s e~1111 l.ak•· l. !'('nne.,.. lck l. ChP'o\ C­lnh I. i;i1okMt1 3. "°'~hlncton . o.c. I, BrtU h

Columbla-S Ison I. Stat~· l<'S.'i I.

Ina. 0<'11.n Rn.) sionn otfr : d th• c lo ms: ccm:ntnt~.

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW P..,bJ, 1~4 ~·~ntt.I, ()..''"9 't\• Cetl•p '°"'

8t "'"-• Auo ~·•• 5M•'" Bo4t at


E•• ' .................. . .. . ... .. Sorto•• C. M.OtU"tl Qi

44•••' • n; Neno;.r •••• •• • ••• •••• • • •• • • J• on MotM''l P ••oroptler ••• • •••••••••• • ••••• • ••• °'"°"• B 1chci 1f

P•pOtt•••' J1"' "'""°' Jud. Kn1 "l)e'• Ron Gro•th. ~a,., c Po"' ••. Cet~.., ~4"·•· Roat'"'• Al.(c..._ Mn . Conn ir Von He u . ..... ., c p. JM &.., • Qo,, a.,.,. D 9'\0 ~.... • • v.

SUBoen ion Qt' ES TIO.\ Should card plair 11111 b<. clloi.. • d tn lk< Sil 8 '

JEFF COX. SOPllOCCt•'. 0 MU1011&Pb7: "C~r:alnl..Y . I parUaularh •DJ~ a C'llrd 1amec:alled "Flt<b", In which I ba vc •on a whale of a IOI or money. Ca.id t>l~la;: Is , ooc1 c..-alnln~ f : lh<' memo:y a nd ror :naihemaucal JU11i· mc:H-t.n 1roporun1 ar a !or tbose perched or. lhe hor~:s "'f a C'l.I~~r: •

MIKE THCN.>.S. Frcllbmun. F'.'1 ucallon· " "''r<.' bis: ho.JS ~nd cl rl s now and 11hould b<! able :o WUI our llr. ·b• war "e Set' fil."

JO H:\ ATCHISOS. S.'9!'..r mo:~. Cl!eml:sll}-: " 0 &"' a ce all : Ir.hi If rnu·a '.\bat

, coc:e to collec rc~to

.. .. ":\ to play cazdS." 110\\ARD FRISTOE. Sollb0-

mc.1e, A~rlculturc: "\ u . It tbe s:ud nts ue coiac to play car.! • DO!hinc '11'111 i;:op lbe:n. lt' :s cheaper r : tb -to play ca.-ds l:i •be SUB thB!I a t Ch:l r!J~ Bra111l ' a c:.r Ute Red On1oc:·

JOH:' R. o·~;EJLL. Sop!:cr cc:e, Anl::utl ffusband.7 (Zoo!~: "I don ' t :eally Me .. ·hat' s Ille blc deal about all tbl&. l'ie a re a ieoeratlon brat1d~ as drt:t· talter1. beat· ntu. L'ld acltawrs. So caid

playlnc. tM teas: of our teodenclH, should certrunl) be allowed."

BOB OAOE. Sopbomor • Bi:slncS!I Ad~nl11traUoc . "Yes , card playlD& should be allo'.\ IX! in lh" SUB. The SUB bt'lOnP to the atud,nts. •nd If lhe.J >rl!.tlt to pis) ..atds th~ &bould b" able :o.

1'0:i.I ~!ORRIS, FrcrJimun. Hla1.ory; "SUr~. I think tb~ m..iorll\ or stud,nt=> are amazt cnoui;h to ketp ll it: hand.''

SASDY BALDV.IS. Sopho­mor• • "I am !or and ai:alnst. Vic &bould be able 10 pla:r casd> because o! tllr lll!!llliar phras~ " V.e PAY ow money :• Oo lb~ oth~r hand. th~ &H· uatlon can gel out or control wit n 11•udm1s tiecomc l~­" lnd It: a i:ood t;rldi; p.::a• 11nd a11aa clas>: of coar~. 1bt11 Is th Ir business It lb~'

hoOS(' 10 cl<> ISO. l'\C bfo.l(! sitld thlll card playing In

SUB rroJeC:U a poor ai;e :o lllt! public. I ba.-en·1

n an 1111111 vet lbat ob ec:ts 10 a cood cl('8!1 i;aol! of bride r plnodll" ba:nn' rt'llatoua b ec+Jonsl. JU I li&ld. I CllO &et' both sld S Of 11."

PEGOY BRU~L-:OA. Pres~ rn:ui . ~n rat "\tbll.1 dlffc -eoc does II m~ "

J • .\~ s. CR011'F. fflstorr ao I ~ n~ll>ll ln!.uuct 1. '1n my Judim nt .. 11a1 11 11tud!':llt d s wllh blS O• Um ID the SUB la bis businus. Pla,r1n c bride • ,1.1:, or e.- n •·h• ss is menlAll.r 11tlmulaun; and relulni:. If stcd o:s at :0.1JC coald cot . It ...,c.d bl' one of tile te• colle•~ ..,.. cJr. Iba \ did nol allo a:d pl..,, .ni;. On! · n.


"'• • P•• •••Oft, Coro ••If·


N.1J .C.. REVI E"a. ~' a' AI""''• d:i.,.,o, • • •• ""'" '

Ta Th• Edi "Jr \\by la II ur . r S<nl

&OC1ecy a::d e&peclalb ln ou: sehOOI ' rrone 1141 ,. B to crtllc!U "'illloul dolo an.• · thine mo re? Anyon~ nn be a critic. Anyone can scr thlU the 5ltu11Uon tn \'let :-011111 la not rreclselr >rbat an ldenllst mlcllt 111 b lor. the "llt t•n po•rrt) Is ftllhnr. JohnliOn's Oreat SOcl lJ' li.n'I so "eat. SIJC .s Just D lo:lfied bli;h

·bool. i;;: f csso:s u:u: toe, 1t:e isn't any &ell I spirit

at SIJC. tc. etc. etc. ad , •1nl1um.

A:e you or: or tbe pcopl" irtio tblr.I: ;<;IJC ls a i;lc.:i!led hli;h school? ffa•e you said so? Ra,-tna bad your r.ru . ar JOU satlslird that It tc 1esi1 Iba: ny• na: sl)l'cl· ficaU:r makes Ille colle ac~m :bl s Wal to YCMJ' Do Others 91re•• Iba! 7ou r 'ripe does miuenalls a:iect the &llllU'< QUO? \\'bat can .JOU and your supporters .jQ to effect a cbonKe In the scene? \\hill hue you done•

Tbese a:e nlld qul'Stlons because lb"7 au mull\ bl' answered b.:: tore anr lroprove­mf'Dt can bt' e!!ecteod in am· area under fire tn· the c ritics.

It .-ou ire one of the crtucs ,.hO· baS never i;ollen be.) ood the l>~e of vto:ent!Y expres· 111nc your 1t1pe, don't reel lone.some. That pu111 you with tbe ma,lo:lcy on campus and all ac:oss !be nauoo. Don't , bo•ettr. salve yow conscience 100 <moolhly with thb thoui;llt because It puts you In the ~amc cla..s wllh tb lcnc.:ant and the r us.'1.

A5 colle11• students "" we SuPIXlSed 1 be le ~min~ ho" 10 thin -bo..- to use our brains sohe problems• Pr- bl<=· 1.-11u.· ·q1e lblokln£ leads to con:itrucllH' crlll· cl and acllon. not nrjlllttve c•lll Is=.

L<-1'• al Pl to answer lb(!

queslio:ia poslX! and come up "1th a pla.'1 ol aeuon. Let' s ..rork the Ion · teGlf'ctnd bra.lo

tlScles and i:I ~e the Jaw muse.es • •<"ll~j!'~r--ed :es:. \\ clcbl surpr.se our· St'h.-s. It we gH lDlet••s!HI la ..-ordnc on our pr.lblf'm" we !gilt sud:! nl.J find Iba: w ia.-e a sdlool splnll

Heney J. !\ace!

To The Editor: I bav oc q"estlon to a.st

the stl11 I bCA.'t! a.lid SAC. 11~ I "" pay beat mttslc lrtl n we bave llterslly b"rdt ' •· ..


·· 0oc P 'UU1 • D 1>vm ,tl. \\ 11

1 '' •ntcd on \tnrch 16 :\I 8.00 p,m, In the SIJC lt)m. Th llt'rform1111cC! ,.. ill be 11un1: 1r, Enrl sh and tlS beaut) to ti enhanced by "colorrul rt an~ 1m1ulnall•e C06·

tum es," uecor<l1ng to ll C.0 .C. broc-hure.

There wlll b no admission char"' 10 :0.1JC students ..-ho presmt a1ud~nt bod~ ca"1s . Adults •Ill be rba:c.,.i $1.SO 11nd s1adcnts SO centa.

TbeCan:odlan Opena Co>mi>IUIY also pre~tntt'd " 01 Fle•for­m:i.u&" In \Huch , 196S. and WllS ruonably acceptl'd bJ lhe meob<r:s of Utr community a.s wel I as the stud•nt bodJ. i;aJd Louis Keib·. bead of the music departm nt.


Stud• nt" h ,.. co iplaln~ th11t they do not know who Is on the Stud nt Boa:d or Siu· den1 Ac:I' :; Co:nmlltee.

Stud ... nt Boa:d c..,..,b "' are Pea Dohnn•n. Denni:; Rius. lrrnt Turnbo\\ , D11,·e Prlano, wink AndNeon . Linda I..a~n. Patsy Brown, !\ell P etccson (presldenl). John o·se111. Advisors are J ames Bums . Dale T ritten, Clo.re nee Haucbt and \l~ston Hatch.

Student ActhlUes O;mm!I· te mei:1brr" are Jan Bull. Peg Dohrman. Kalhy f' rOSt, John O' Neill Cchalnnan). and \\1 !.On Hatch ad,·lso rl.

In roo~ S 2 ol lb•· SUB Last ,iear .,.b('n I "11s a

rrestuno.n . ....o bnd conunuBl music bt?lnK piped Into the main room or the. Studen1 Unloo. II .,. • ., 11ood nuslc. and there wnB varlet,>. 111\y hllS It bft•n tak~n out. and "!\>' do "e bave 10 p~ 10 hrar th · same music that was amunuous and free last )\'llr' Ari' "" so rich that \\ e c11n let Ibis equtpmo•n t rust lallnc tbl'te' I think that 1111" &let~ equlpr:irnt should be reactt\atf'd ror s 1ude-nt en· 10~ ment. Since the Purpl..­Aveni;er ha" paved the way , no" let' s h11ve some action on Ibis •,,~ue.

Howard FrlSIO

Po1roolu Your Ad•ertlu11



Woodcock's Drug Store Q O N' ,, .. St•Ctt

Cocu • o·A\.CNC. loa "o C o"'d ,. - ~ ... ~d -

Prtscr :t' '°" an ti1 is:._..... St Co .. • 4 A.• '""-


V ...._."It> '9'"S

r-es · S'S--? ..... c~ Irr ..,.oNn


RE"T IAlES :!EP4 l ll D•ef• •; & Tr;. ,.., SwtP1i••

,,..~t•~r • ·c T1PC• 1tarc• Co . ' ~"··- · · ... , ...... . ,,,,

Coeur d'Alene Launer,

& Dry Cle1ners

G.,.c•. C o..r:eous s,..,,,,ce

S#>'C 'J/, Q,,..-Ooy ~'"'e

;::;i:::::: C· ? ~. CE-. P ·

JOI Ft0" '

Page 3: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 11 Mar 8, 1967

AN Mori•~ry. •10. ~. ,.,o..._es O IJ,....P v.or.

f • oho-¥• p Ct1o.f'9 A'VI •a .. en d.• g C ny ~..,9U., plor.

City League Action

Page 4: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 11 Mar 8, 1967



• l .~ . for o •~or 0...rJng til-iei WSU Frosh O°'"•·

A t1-p1co sce,.,c- Our "9 1.-c.ond s•mes,.r "'9'11'fltl0fl fr. rh• 9>1mno­sl1.1f!I a.s 1ft.ldo1Ht. consult w1~ odtt11ors Qj"I Moir schetdOJles.

Page 5: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 11 Mar 8, 1967

CARDINAL SERVICE CLUB CllldJnal li '"'"' ClllL r .. .. .

nn 1n!>lallat.on banquet al the ~Orth Shori• C''" ''<'DUon Con· tc r on f eb. ~7.

lnstollatlon ol omcer tot · lo~d lhl' rltnn r. Sl'W oU • CCIS IU Pl sldent Unda Am~ll . \ I~ Prcaldent M rsha M11nn. S<!crrtary Linda SdtZ'. and Tr 1111ur r Linda Thi •

m1 ""· \!rs . Lu,.11• Lani was 1>: •

~ent ·•d with 11 COrsac Of re<! 11nd ,. lute r()ll("a , 11.Dd SI :rl Rowe, fonnN \"Ice-pr !dent, p r,sented K11thy Fro • out· going pr1'3tdenr. a i;ln tro th~ CSC m~b<'r. . On wh lte ro~n bud \\&:. ch en o t he Incoming prcsldrnt and

on? red ro5e bud "&S l:IH• .. lO each or thf' other lncomlnc OfnCt'rs. Thi' ne• oftlcen took cbarg on ~larch :?. 11t their rccular mcctloi;.

EntNtatnmt nt "llS p:o\idoed by GWf'n Swli; and Kattc>O SChoolM. 11lnKcrs. Thf' Sorop· tomlst Club. 11hlch sponsors CSC, \Ills prr.ent al the din · ncr. Tht·)· ln,·H.-d the CSC w"Omrn to thn SoropUmls1 lun· cheon a the \lllllor Hou Ftb. :?8. DECA

The DlstrlbutlVI' Educntlon Club o r America at the NIJC ts now taktn• a communlt.,· · :wide su rvr)· to rtnd out " hy the rrsldent& of co .. ur d ' Alt·n· shop In Spakanr. Each sru· dt'llt Is rcspanslble for 35 to ~o 1n1en·1ews. After th

bUr\ CY Is completed, OE:CA wUI entN th< rtc>sults In ll contest 111 the suue con,·en·

Ft ton. The stat~ con venUon tor

colleal' OECA will ht llrld

. c- · t tb cor· trsts will be nt:le to compet on tbe national I Y I Ir. Chlell '° !1t ' (Tll, 11 cordlnr: ' C 'OI \ I . DEC.A repottCJ. NEWMAN CLUB

'· c


0. .. Ka; C" li!r of Pill 'I': · - 11. -i. !\1JC &e· noocced thAt ~WC• I b th boat scbool r r o :th•est r eoonl PTI\ cm ct1oc lo 1968. The me • 11 c cay ::· elude delep.t s t: ~5 leo~cs.

On the "ttkend of f<ob. 2~ . 25. ~. a delei;nuoa o: ll\"e ~ember.. traHlt'CI to Gr~ Harbor Colle-'" In Abt.:Jeea. lla.sllloito11. fo: lhP 196• :~ ¥1 :ial connntlon. Tiie cro::r> In eluded Oat.'\) A:d: • . K•:: Mar<"u:e. ~lr.c Ross. JL-i Bul1. and ~1155 \'lrclnla Tt11sl•'"· " The group culnrd •aluabl' kno•·lt'Clge In the concer;· Jal plamlllll or ::ie•t 1 111' coc· ' ntlon and eac • look DE r •P ard •o 1. . 1d Bull. SKI CLUB

Th• Sill C!ut p;;.115 a t: p 811 Mouniatr al \\bll fi • \lonlllnn, durtn' Eut r \ n~­tlon . llccordln1 to 'Rlebatcl Champou1, ad\lsor.

Membr'rs tncludlns: Linda Stock t II , Dar:tl P15\C: -~. Dou; Dionne. am! Bob \'L'l

Kleeck sold son 11:inks a:id p0pcom at thr :cc n: blib 11ehool basketball tOume; s 10 ralse man~) for lhf trip.

Speaker Eiplains ACT Program EDUCATION CLASS HAS



'"' D•.

5' i;. . : n 1.oac-n Al:ru1 1 C. •I I r th· month or February b) the ASllOC la.tod \\om n S1udPn1.B nt thr h b. ~8 mectln1.

~t lbla sam m~tll nc. thtt A\!i:; alao ltlacu"ed plana :or lb ~I th r· DauilJte r Tu

,.. sdledaled r r Apn l :?3. The A \\ S Wiii a leo 8PollSOr

a fuhlon how In \lllY !o r 1 he In com ln K hi Ill school studtnt . accordtn ~ IO Putty


R r1 ' • _J o• l'iU:: • u i;...ra::dl I .. •b :>crib Idaho Junior Colle;e. and K :i 'l"alters. a.n enalneer· In; atu-:1 at, attended a lee · ture by Or. ~losabautr of .\lunlch. G.'tm81l1. Feb. 21 at

Lennon. pr aldeo t. Th abo ll! h " 6 ld '>n 01 about 0 11 nr · o

LOOK AHEAD \\h " turn a man'.s

h ad n I far In . lallur· . J. Gusta\ White

Avenger Finds Little Change

Jrrl, H1\:, tr \\ ha& • r~ your f •!Jn. t "•Id th" S~hOol now?

Prrpl "t •11 r Sothlnc ha~ hlln' d : I ~' 11 tn th• No-

Of cban1Unc. So. 1 .. 1 m .. orrect tbnt. I muM &he r rllt "'h re Cr dll IR du

Th T"~lv" Prot1a111tn1s oi l"rld ha\• succe• dcd In uoh In~ >n 1>roblf'1D thal at I Ul both I I m • Th~ II brary will now l:w! op n on Saturda• rt moons. But bta'1calb lb

Pr<Jbl :ns ar s ull th aam ... fat.rue <"• \\hat do .rou

think th" m.1Jor tuoblt m I•' f'vrpl• .l t>t'nou. Too m1111v

I' o~I· 111 JuM lolklnc at.Jut 111 .. 11 probl mn and noc dolnc al\Yllllnc aboul thl!lll. Th 1 fall to that th 1 •1< th• on!) nP that ""ti <lo any• thtn1 uboul th nuuauon. Aa I ~"" II, th<! aludent baud IR th• moot lu ~ICh I to ~o to vole your ~rtr 111n ce,

Into 111~ 1u1 \\hat la your 0111nlon or compulaon att~n· Janee

f'arplc: .IJCM<"I I lhlnk I nm a lt.I enouah to lt!cldr "h•lh r or not I con artor<l 10 mlu 11 ch•H. If I fall tho c lo BB no <in" la puntah•d bur my atoll.

lnl<'tt lt' tftl IJo )'OU think the SUB l\bou Id be controllPd b' the &tudtnll or lacullJ'•

P arpl<" A1.,•gcr, Th" SUB llhnuld •l•llnll"h bf controlled by rb~ 111u<1 .. nt1. I ha.v•• h~ard mrailcal rumors or 11 Student UnlC>n Commltt<"e, m) only qu .. r.Uon u ,.hat ar th~1.

Wh< r art the1. •ho arP thPy? The stud•nta r•ln and aocla· ll1e In thttlr SUB, alttr all It Is the Stud• n1 ~nlon Bulldln1 ISl' B> no t the f"a-:ulty Union Bulldln11 !FUB1.

•Ill Twin Fal I & • :Ja reb 30 to A irtl I. Studtnts will par­Uclp11te in a ,prec:h contest, managemmt decisions. Job

atntcrv lc \\ s , radio ~pots. and sales demonbtratloos. Th..,. "IU abo compete "ilb olll~r DEC.A m< :nber. from 801

\lasblnctoc State Unu r $5.00 ren:d for return of Or. !osabau~r spok

ID b12ct-le1 ln5Ctlbed " 1be JEFFRIES' TV ~d T\\10 Fa.lh. The ftra:· Clla:nbl'r:llf!o". Lost al toum- s~!°lll s11 Resomance

w.. or G&:!:!:la Rad! Ill" ""11' nm • • ".n c -ant. t'

Stt us tor . \\..!nu. 6·i9i9 sr anr.


!_ad er • -YMH1M++g

~16 N •I.II Sin.et


MODERN DRUG CENTER SDt"C10lu1nq .,, Co11.-qrO'P •..:~s

'"' ~.,.,,.,, c"<i Hcpemrss

Ov< Plo: o l?e,•o"o'" P "o.es Polo•to crCl Purse

I )07 H f..,,,~ MO • 1 .. m COEu ll O'Al fHf, IOAHO

Se1vin9 Your Stutlenr Union

,ASTIUllZED MILK MEANS l 00°~ SAFE MILK P10,.01t c,,,wdi - Cood Htoltlo - Eno191



......... ,.

.a S.. us f., JOH 'S BARBER SHOP


132 I! ... .... ..a ,.,coo orEN ''°° A. lol. TO 5 JO ' · lol c-.. , .• , ...........

1-UP. •• R/111 AIJA/111 TH/111!

lad first t• utistr '"· 7-Up is nt, lliW, ..... cllllli•I. llolll, llr•cl11, llriPt- Sltilfitll?

Page 6: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 11 Mar 8, 1967

Broder ick HiU

Cards Lose In Tourney Finals

Th Cardinal- lta•·· led to tb R '1 :&. On• Sub-R~i:to:ial Uask lball Tournament held In Ontatlo. Orego:1 Feb. :?3 and :u. Tb" Cards delratt'tl South l\e rem Orecon Col!l· munl11 Colle~o In th<' OPf'nlnr came 78 to 69. Th• ll11bt1ni Cardinals lost tbe champion· ahtp lo Tt•!llllure Vall•» Com· muntty ev11~11: or Ontatlo by ono poJ nl. 68 ro 67.

II \\AB th•• !lr~t di·rcat In SUl>-H JlonAI aam1•s for rhe Qards In lout .)"lllS. Thr. chaaptonshlP itamr· "-as close throu &:houl •Ith thl' scoring cl DI All tlmf!'A. 1l1• Carda loat Don Barnes and Olin Trndwell uJy In thl" attend hall on routs. Tony Tra•u k fouled out with I :~7 I ft In lh<' 11am• • 11.. led Wl!h JG llOlnta.

Danny Ttt ad••·ll and Tony Traw .. rk wrt• dl'Ct••d lu th• All· lnurnamrnt T<'um. 'nll'rr wn11 onn 1•la.><•r ~rlt•cl<•d rtom ••ach nl tho otbrr lhr< r 11•orn11 lo rnund uul tht All·Tournn· ni nl 1f8m.

T,,...,, on yovr i..,..,-f. ' ~rt)' ,., f,,,.nd, o• , .. e-

IAll & CUE 4 '] s ................. ,l'lv•

c .. . --. - . .. - .. 4



--, ,., Pool A• Co•• 80. I Ro••• 60c Pt• Howr

Three Losses End Regal• Season P..b. 17. th• Car'1 :ra,eleJ

to i.co .. cow and went down In defnl :o ch .. Unlvt:.sl::y o! Idaho Frosh 89 co i5. Tbe Frosh led 37 to 31 a: ball· tlmr. and silo: a hot 5:! polnca from tbl" field I.be 11econd hair to beat lhl' Cards. St<•vc Sro,.n or tbl' ldahO f"roah waa hlcb with 29 points. Don Sames ll'd the Card11 with 22 poJots.

\\Ith th~!'.' or th• Ca:d atart~rs and two rt. • :V\i fouled out, Ille Ca:<.llnal !ell tO 'he Gonzaia FT05h F"eb. 18. 80 :o 72. The Calds CrallNI 8 pol~ts at hal!·Ume and raJlled :o as cloac as 2 polnca but cou:d oot p:eu aey dour. Dan T r8d•f'll wltb 17 l>OIDIJ! and Don Barne• and Bill Schue:z •lib 18 polnta ll'd the cards.

The Catda we~ hosts to th" un~1Uen \\UJhlngU>n St.ate Frosh at the !'nJC C)"lll

Feb. 21. The Cardinals werP named out by a a"v"ni>Olnt •lccory, lh<> oppon .. nt wlnnlnl! •Ith a score or 75 to 68 ta lhl'll favor. Tony Traweek paced the Cazds with 19 polr.:... Jaclt Coc.i>"r led tll~ f°YGsh "11.b 18 paints.

The al'&llO:J recc.:d :or th~ Cal'1• wa 10 '"''n and 16 lo • .


\Ir \Iara.rel C:>l•" oral lnlNpr••tatton 1 .. am brouaht back honor~ from llu• Idaho 6Pl'ech Conrt'l .. nc" at Boise which lhPV antnd,.d on Feb. 24 and Z5. Cathy Henza placed flrM In oral lnl"l'l>rt·ta· tlon and ae-cond In oratory. V'fn Prl vllt look an lndh"idual achl .. •·ement award ror ex· c• ptlonal l'Nformanc ...

Th SIJC dPbal tuzr. coachPd by Rlch11.1d Kyne:::an. alllO came home "l:h awa.-ds. ·111., t• am or Pat y Bt.)•n 11.:1d Kri sty Bello plnc<'d second .n lhe dtbate &ecllon of ch tournam• nt. Mlai. Brown ali o 11lorPd third In• •lemporaneou spealdni;.

Do yuur 011n lhlnkln1. twen n cnbbq1• hll a h .. d.




MISSOURI LUNCH . ~· ;.. ~ ...


For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 1414 N. ,_. St .• C.... 4'Alo..

Bowling Leagues Elect Officers

Th !~. ·' I r Ill bo•l· Inc a11eya ware e1rc1ed last ..-e<'lt. Ftlr tllt Lllltr City l.ane.s \\llJ'tle Tn: II •as elrc:ed 111 sld nr. Jim Youni; sec-ret:tr:;. a.ad Pbll Mer~dllh. ltt'Uurrr. Al tbt' CoTe 80•1 Rowatd Fristoe was cbO~n president. \!Ike And rscn wu c lected secretary. and Ollln" James was made lt~lllSurcr.

Formal team competlllon •HI bei;ln this y;erk bel•" n the teams. ;-;ames aad tf'lll!I Ck!>latna w!ll be Picked this •eelt also. All or th~ tea::ia a:• coe.poaed or at lea.st one fe:ul~ bo•ltt. Hand.leaps •Ul be aub:nc:ed != the IOW Of UJe llTN8&:e5 Of tile four ::i~bens en a tea:::. This cauus each bo•!u :.o bowl bis &vt'r&CC e•C:Y weelt In o!11e· to obtain ~lcta:tea.

In a non--:ompetlllve pl.I.;· ort. th" F.T.11.'s ove:came lb~ S.0.S.'s .. 1 tit onlY three or thl'lr ptarris ~er~ to tb,. other u-11.111 ·a four. Pat )le Co:rlllck '111tb 11 spectacular Pl•> 111~k, ;1 rr · b ~1-10 wa. ~out CA RD'""E-:-TT:-:E::-:S-:P::--:E"'R-:-F o="RM,..,,-­A T T'lro CAM ES

Tb Cwdl. ·· -t ~ a: .._._ ·-~1. Feb.

J 7 In Moscow and Feb. 21 he:e. They perrn~ed thel: dnll to "£• 11thln,·11 Coauni: Up P.011es". "'Put On A Happy Face". and "S10r:211 'r'tl.'ather'". Tb" Card~ues •Ole Whltl' COStu:ne5 Wllb yellow, pun>lc. Pink. 11.nd blue 11lf!a•·t•8: the} canlPd umbrellas ro match. "II '"•s one or th~ prtlllP&t drtlls er c.h ;"ar.•• 1r11 ~ R~. a Cud t·

PARKlllC REQUEST S'Jd n~ pwl. • I!:

nor.h la o • •• 1u-bul.ldln1t and the south sid or the llbrarr bulldlnc are asked to pe.r1t ~hind the vrllo • llnt ; o1v 10 th• ~hrul» and n

A11> o o Hnr. E« .ty-M


Jos sa.-.,,...,. ""'• .. trr.itO"'•"'' 4..5111


month for lb< A Coppell• choir members. Tht rnaJor. task planned lhl month Is the annual spo.i;hettl dinner "hlch "ill be held In the Studtnt Union Building \larch JS. Tbe membe:s plan 10 can\1155 the cl!J on ldarct. a:id 9 :;'!lllni; tickets. "Sl"'r· so:ed bl"the Commun Uy Sin~. I", lbl~ food lest b tht.' ch I•" chld me:hod o! nnanclnc th!.'I: :our planned !o: ,o\prll." sa1d A Cappclla Choir member Cathryn Andrews.

Food ror the dlnM r 111 belnc donated by tho dltleren1, store:, and a le\\ prl\111" In· dl\iduals tn the community. Ticket» will cost o dollar ror aduJls, end 50 cent- ro children I'.? and unMr. A •oon as tlckMs ore ,.,·alloblr. lhf')· mR.,): hf' purehft I'd ln ~tr ·h r roori t rr<>m lln\ or M. h lU ir-""Pr.Jbi r


Swim•ing - Recrwotioft

Sovno Sre<>m 801~'

f ~ .vim St s ... 10C'~ •••••• SO; C<:I.. <"'' scnodule for 11mos)

Now there's a






Co~o-Colo oddc ulro fun to doting---.in;le or double. That's because Coke hoc lhe lo•le you never ;et tired of ••• olwoy1 refreshing. Thol's why things go better with Coke . • . ofter Colee .•• after Coke. •·~