nine frame analysis

Of Mice and Men - Second and Sebring

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Nine frame analysis

Of Mice and Men - Second and Sebring

Page 2: Nine frame analysis

Shot One – In this shot we see three screens, the one’s to the left and the right are blurry but the one in the middle shows a clear image what is represented in all of them, we assume that the feet and legs and also what looks to be a cape are that

of the storyline’s main character withing the narrative. The two side screens have a close up of the cape’s where as the middle one is a middle shot. The

images on the side are put into the corner of the frame, but they are positioned in the corner that is opposite to the actual position that they are in. For example

one is in the right hand corner, but is on the elft of the actual image. The shots in this sequence are all medium shots, when not divided into seperate parts. The images are presented on what looks to be an old movie stand, or scafholding.

Shot Two – This shot is take a few seconds after the first one,and is basically the same shot wise, when look at seperate, however these shots are introducing a

couple of members of the band, or the meat. The only other difference is that the camera has shot these clsoe up than the previous shot.

Shot Three – A close up shot is used to show us what the main character looks like, and our suspicion which we may had about the person in the first few

seconds being the ain character is confirmed here, because the mise en scene gives it to us with that red cape. A shallow focus has been used in this shtot to

direct our attention to the character. From the characters facial display, it looks as though he/ she is upset.

Shot Four – This shot is a long shot which indicates to us what the band looks like, and if they actually fit the conventions of a typical rock group which they do becaus eof their hair and the way they portray themselves, also the attire gives it away as well. This also seperates the band so we can clearly tell who the meat is.

Shot Five – From this shot we can establish that someone is looking for some object, this is done through a close up shot with shallow focus this could indicate

that they want us to focus on the hectic movement of the hands.

Shot Six – The person we assume to be the main character, finds what they were looking for which way the red cape, this is a signifier that he is the main

character so we know longer need to assume, this shot is done in shallow focus with a cented frame as well as a medium shot.

Shot Seven – We see a grown man, looking at an object, we assume this is the main character because of the growth in the main character seems to be the

narrative. Again we see the close up shot, used for when he finds the red cape but also the shallow focus, to keep us focusing on the model in that scene.

Shot Eight - This shot was take a few seconds after the last shot, and the only thing that is really different here is the facial expression on the models face, anf

the cape he is wearing, the facial expression shows that of joy we can tell this from the dimples and the way his body language has been represented.

Shot Nine – This shot is the only time we see another model in the frame, here we can guess that the old man dying with the cape in his hand is the main

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character of this music video. Also we can see the representation and emotion of sadness and death portrayed by the womens posture body language and how she

is holding onto her husband, this type of scene is used quite a bit in American productions, yet again the camera is cented to the middle of the frame, and the

way this was taken was a mediaum shot and a shallow focus to draw attetion to the sadness portrayed by both models.

Conclusion – I have came to this conclusion after analysing parts of the video which didn’t fit into my Nine Fram Analysis, also by gathering the narrative and

story as i watched the video but one of the main contributors was the songs meaning. The songs meaning relates to one of the singers because his mother died when he was 17, on Sebring Court and 2nd Street, and she meant a lot to

him. It’s about how he wants to make her proud. This in my opinion links to the video because of how he either wanted his mother to see him grow as a person

and have a wife and maybe kids. However this video could also mean that he still has that 17 year old boy within him which is represented by the model

continuously going back to the cape, this could remind the band member that his mother will always be with him even if he grows.